Ice-Albedo Feedback
Setting the Stage
The ice-albedo feedback is an example of a
positive feedback loop. A feedback loop is a
cycle within a system that increases (positive)
or decreases (negative) the effects on that
system. In the Arctic, melting sea ice exposes
more dark ocean (lower albedo), which in turn
absorbs more heat and causes more ice to
melt...the cycle continues. In this lesson,
students will use maps to calculate and
compare changes in albedo.
Photo Credit: CIRES
Lesson Overview
Part 1 – (15 minutes) Albedo Feedbacks Video
In this video, scientists explain positive and negative feedbacks in the Arctic.
Part 2 – (35 minutes) Calculating Albedo
Students will calculate the albedo for Maps A and B.
Part 3 – (10 minutes) Exit Ticket/Update Summary Table
Students reflect on their learning by completing an exit ticket and updating the whole
class summary table.
The materials were developed by CIRES Education and Outreach at CU Boulder
Instructional Overview
Grade Level
Middle/High School
Instructional Time
60 minutes
Standards Alignment
NGSS Scientific Knowledge is based on Empirical Evidence:
Science knowledge is based upon logical and conceptual
connections between evidence and explanations.
NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas:
ESS2.D: Weather and Climate
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices:
Using Math and Computational Thinking
Developing and Using Models
NGSS Crosscutting Concepts:
Cause and Effect
Energy and Matter
Systems and System Models
Stability and Change
Unit Driving Question
How have scientific questions, methods, technologies, and our
knowledge of the Artcie changed over time?
Driving Question(s)
For This Lesson
What is a feedback loop?
Why does a decline in Arctic sea ice lead to further melting of sea ice?
Learning Goals
Describe the ice-albedo feedback loop
Ice-Albedo Feedback PPT
Middle School Student Worksheet (1 per student)
High School Student Worksheet (1 per student)
Exit Ticket Rubric
Answer Key
Arctic Feedbacks video
Ice-albedo - Global View video
Summary Table- if using entire unit
(large butcher paper or digital copy,
1 per class)
Material Preparation
Print student handouts
Cue and test web links
Review presenter notes from the Ice-Albedo Feedback PPT
Display summary table - if using entire unit
Feedback Loop: a cycle within a system that increases (positive) or
decreases (negative) the effects on that system.
The materials were developed by CIRES Education and Outreach at CU Boulder
Part 1 - “Arctic Feedbacks” Video (15 minutes)
Driving Question: What is a feedback loop?
Refer to Part 1 slides included in the Ice-Albedo Feedback PPT. See PPT presenter notes for
additional information.
1. Introduce the term “feedback loop” in the context of the ice-albedo feedback (see PPT).
Teacher Tip:
Use the following example to reinforce the concept of a feedback loop. The climate
system is warming. In this case, a positive feedback occurs when factors further
increase that warming (melting sea ice), while a negative feedback occurs when factors
reduce the warming (increased cloud cover).
2. Watch the “Arctic Feedbacks” video.
a. Students record factors that increase or decrease warming in the Arctic on their
student worksheet (see Answer Key)
b. Review student-generated lists as a whole class
Part 2 - Calculating Albedo - Map A (35 minutes)
Driving Question: Why does a decline in Arctic sea ice lead to further melting of sea
Refer to Part 2 slides included in the Ice-Albedo Feedback PPT. See PPT presenter notes for
additional information.
1. Read through background information found on the student worksheet. Refer to the
“Ice-Albedo Feedback” PPT to discuss the different sea ice albedos.
2. Calculate the albedo of Map A as a whole class following the steps below:
a. Let students know that each box represents 1 km
, and that the total map area is
100 km
. The land cover shown in white represents sea ice and the land cover
shown in gray represents ocean.
b. Instruct students to estimate how many total boxes are covered by ice and to
record this number in Column A.
c. Instruct students to estimate how many total boxes are covered by the ocean and
to record this number in Column A.
d. Complete the Map A Table together as a whole class (see Answer Key).
3. Students follow the same procedure above to estimate the albedo for Map B (done
individually or in pairs).
The materials were developed by CIRES Education and Outreach at CU Boulder
4. Show this 20 second, Ice Albedo - Global View video to reinforce the ice-albedo
feedback concept.
Part 3 - Exit Ticket/Update Summary Table (10 minutes)
Driving Question: Why does a decline in Arctic sea ice lead to further melting of sea
Refer to Part 3 slides included in the Ice-Albedo Feedback PPT. See PPT presenter notes for
additional information.
1. Exit Ticket - Students create an explanation and annotated sketch to answer the driving
question, “How does a decline in Arctic sea ice lead to further melting of sea ice?”.
a. Project and describe the Exit Ticket Rubric to the class before they begin the
assessment as this is what you will use to grade their exit tickets.
2. Update Summary Table (if using entire unit)
- Gather student ideas to update the
MOSAiC Investigation box in the summary table (see Answer Key).
a. Students record new summary table entries onto their own summary tables.
The materials were developed by CIRES Education and Outreach at CU Boulder