Ramadan 101
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is one of the 12 months of the Islamic calendar, special to Muslims
because the Quran was first revealed during this month. As a celebration of
this momentous event when we believe God revealed His word, Muslims fast
during this month from dawn to dusk. This doesn’t mean we fast for 30 days
(this is a common, although weird assumption) but rather that we fast every
day for 30 days. We wake up before sunrise and eat a meal called suhoor,
and then fast the entire day until sunset, when the fast is broken by a meal
called iftar. Repeat for the entire month.
So it’s a complete fast? Not even water?
Yes. It is a complete fast, unlike Lent but
not unlike Yom Kippur. And yes, not even
water may pass our lips during the hours of
the fast. This is in no way unhealthy for our
bodies. However, fasting is only mandatory
for healthy adults whose bodies are able to
endure the strenuous nature of the fast
without negative consequences.
Why do Muslims fast, really?
The real reason for the month of Ramadan is
explained beautifully and succinctly in the
Quran thus: “O ye who believe, fasting has
been prescribed for you even as it was
prescribed to those before you, so that you may
become righteous (Quran 2:183). During
Ramadan one doesn’t only abstain from food
and drink, but more importantly from bad habits
and behaviors. The hunger and thirst one feels
is supposed to develop patience, self-restraint
and gratitude. Also, while fasting one prays
more, gives to charity and otherwise tries to
become closer to God through good works.
Ramadan move up 10
days every year
Fasting is actually
beneficial to your health
After the last day of Ramadan, there is a big celebration with family and friends called “Eid-al-Fitr”
The greeting changes to “Eid Mubarak”
What can you do?
Just be considerate
You can even participate in interfaith iftar events that may be held at mosques
or community centers during this month. These are great opportunities to
meet like-minded people and learn about different traditions.