Indian Prairie Education Association
Indian Prairie Unit School District 204
School Years
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 2
ARTICLE I .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
RECOGNITION AND SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 8
1.01 Recognition ................................................................................................................................... 8
1.02 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 8
ARTICLE 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
BOARD RIGHTS ................................................................................................................................................ 8
ARTICLE 3 ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
EMPLOYEE AND ASSOCIATION RIGHTS .................................................................................................................. 9
3.01 Association Representation ........................................................................................................... 9
3.02 Placement of Items in Teacher's Permanent Personnel File .......................................................... 9
3.02.01 Rectification ..................................................................................................................................... 9
3.02.02 Right to Review .............................................................................................................................. 10
3.02.03 Access to Personnel File ................................................................................................................. 10
3.03 Association Dues Deduction ........................................................................................................ 10
3.03.01 Authorization ................................................................................................................................. 10
3.03.02 Dues Deduction ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.03.03 Remittance ..................................................................................................................................... 10
3.03.04 Indemnification .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.04 Association Rights ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.04.01 Association Meetings ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.04.02 Use of Mailboxes and Bulletin Boards ........................................................................................... 11
3.04.03 Use of Equipment .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.05 Teacher Obligations and Discipline ............................................................................................. 12
3.06 Information to Association .......................................................................................................... 12
3.07 Student Discipline ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.07.01 Process for Maintaining a Safe Learning Environment .................................................................. 12
3.08 Parent Complaints ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.08.01 Written Complaint ......................................................................................................................... 12
3.08.02 Parent Conference ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.08.03 Extension of Timeline .................................................................................................................... 13
ARTICLE 4 ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 13
4.01 Workday ...................................................................................................................................... 13
4.01.01 Work Week .................................................................................................................................... 13
4.01.02 Workday Starting and Ending Time ............................................................................................... 14
4.01.03 Non Student Attendance Work Hours ........................................................................................... 14
4.01.04 Professional Development Activities ............................................................................................. 15
4.01.05 Options for Elementary Teacher Hours ......................................................................................... 17
4.01.06 Time - Before Student Day Organization/Utilization for Elementary Classroom Teachers ........ 17
4.01.07 Supervision and Student Support .................................................................................................. 17
4.01.08 Additional Hours ............................................................................................................................ 18
4.01.09 Emergencies ................................................................................................................................... 18
4.01.10 Limitation ....................................................................................................................................... 18
4.01.11 Technology ..................................................................................................................................... 18
4.01.12 Part-time Teachers ........................................................................................................................ 18
4.01.13 Tenured Teachers Working Part-time ............................................................................................ 19
4.02 Assignments ................................................................................................................................ 20
4.02.01 A. Notification: Tentative Assignment or Tentative Reassignment ............................................. 20
4.02.02 Qualifications ................................................................................................................................. 21
4.02.03 Special Education ........................................................................................................................... 21
4.02.04 Planning ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 3
4.02.05 Special Education Assignment of Students ................................................................................. 24
4.02.06 Workload Review Licensed Staff ................................................................................................. 24
Licensed staff may initiate requests for review of their current workload and/or the appropriateness of existing
student services support structures to the immediate supervising administrator. .................................... 24
Workload Review Special Education ......................................................................................................... 24
4.02.07 Assignment to Different Buildings or Building Levels .................................................................... 24
4.02.08 Internal Substitution ...................................................................................................................... 24
4.03 Lunch Period ................................................................................................................................ 24
4.04 Travel Time .................................................................................................................................. 24
4.04.01 Traveling Teachers ......................................................................................................................... 24
4.04.02 Elementary Specials Teachers ........................................................................................................ 25
4.05 High School Faculty & Department Meetings ............................................................................. 25
4.05.01 Faculty Meetings ............................................................................................................................ 25
4.05.02 Department Meetings ................................................................................................................... 26
4.05.03 Suggested Use of Earned Flex Time ............................................................................................... 26
4.06 School Calendar ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.06.01 Calendar Development Process ..................................................................................................... 26
4.06.02 Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 27
4.06.03 Adjustment to Calendar ................................................................................................................. 27
4.06.04 Teacher Workday ........................................................................................................................... 27
4.07 Flexible Schedule ......................................................................................................................... 27
4.08 IPEA and Administration Communications Links ......................................................................... 28
4.08.01 Building Communication Links ....................................................................................................... 28
4.08.02 IPEA and Administration Communication Links ............................................................................. 28
4.08.03 Teacher Administrator Communications Team (TACT) ................................................................. 28
4.08.04 Interest-Based Communications Process ...................................................................................... 28
4.08.05 Initiative Implementation Committee ........................................................................................... 29
4.09 Professional Dress Guidelines ...................................................................................................... 29
ARTICLE 5 ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
CLASS SIZE/WORKLOAD GUIDELINES .................................................................................................................. 30
5.01 Class Size Guidelines .................................................................................................................... 30
5.01.01 Early Childhood and Elementary .................................................................................................... 30
5.01.02 Middle School ................................................................................................................................ 30
5.01.03 High School .................................................................................................................................... 31
5.01.04 Classroom Support ......................................................................................................................... 31
5.01.05 Changes in Class Size Guidelines .................................................................................................... 31
5.01.06 TACT ............................................................................................................................................... 31
5.02 Workload Guidelines ................................................................................................................... 31
5.02.01 Early Childhood .............................................................................................................................. 31
5.02.02 Elementary ..................................................................................................................................... 32
5.02.03 Middle School ................................................................................................................................ 32
5.02.04 High School .................................................................................................................................... 33
5.02.05 Overload Assignment Guidelines ................................................................................................... 35
5.02.06 Period/Internal Substitution .......................................................................................................... 36
5.02.07 Changes to Workload Guidelines ................................................................................................... 36
ARTICLE 6 ........................................................................................................................................................... 36
TEACHER EVALUATION PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................... 36
6.01 The Teacher Evaluation Plan ....................................................................................................... 36
6.02 Notification ................................................................................................................................. 37
6.03 Multiple Building Assignments .................................................................................................... 37
6.04 Formal Observations ................................................................................................................... 37
6.05 Informal Observations ................................................................................................................. 37
6.06 Artifacts ....................................................................................................................................... 37
6.07 Frequency .................................................................................................................................... 38
6.07.01 Probationary Teacher .................................................................................................................... 38
6.07.02 Tenured Teacher ............................................................................................................................ 38
6.07.03 Part-time Teacher .......................................................................................................................... 38
6.07.04 Date to be Completed .................................................................................................................... 38
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 4
6.07.05 Mid-cycle Changes ......................................................................................................................... 38
6.08 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 38
6.08.01 Administrative Responsibility ........................................................................................................ 38
6.08.02 Summative Evaluation ................................................................................................................... 39
6.08.03 Summative Conference.................................................................................................................. 39
6.08.04 Right to Respond ............................................................................................................................ 39
6.09 Tenured Teacher Assistance Program ......................................................................................... 39
6.10 Continuing Responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 39
6.11 Procedures for Remediation ........................................................................................................ 40
6.11.01 Remediation Plan ........................................................................................................................... 40
6.11.02 Consulting Teacher ........................................................................................................................ 40
6.12 Transition Assistance Plan ........................................................................................................... 42
6.13 Dismissal of Remediating Teacher .............................................................................................. 42
6.14 Payment of Consulting Teacher .................................................................................................. 42
6.15 Statutory and Regulatory Changes ............................................................................................. 42
6.16 Changes ....................................................................................................................................... 42
6.17 Notification of Adverse Evaluation .............................................................................................. 43
6.18 Evaluation Committee ................................................................................................................. 43
ARTICLE 7 ........................................................................................................................................................... 43
STAFF REDUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 43
7.01 Notice .......................................................................................................................................... 43
7.02 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 43
7.02.01 Honorable Dismissal List ................................................................................................................ 43
7.02.02 Grouping of Teachers within Honorable Dismissal List .................................................................. 44
7.02.03 Order of Dismissal .......................................................................................................................... 44
7.02.04 Seniority ......................................................................................................................................... 45
7.02.05 Tie Breaker ..................................................................................................................................... 45
7.02.06 Break in Service .............................................................................................................................. 45
7.03 Teacher on Leave of Absence ...................................................................................................... 45
7.04 Recall ........................................................................................................................................... 45
7.04.01 Vacancies ....................................................................................................................................... 45
7.04.02 Reverse Order ................................................................................................................................ 46
7.04.03 Current Status and Address ........................................................................................................... 46
7.04.04 Response Deadline ........................................................................................................................ 46
7.04.05 Failure to Respond ......................................................................................................................... 46
7.04.06 Temporary Positions ...................................................................................................................... 46
7.04.07 Rights Upon Recall ......................................................................................................................... 46
7.05 Honorable Dismissal Joint Committee ......................................................................................... 47
ARTICLE 8 ........................................................................................................................................................... 47
COMPENSATION AND FRINGE BENEFITS .............................................................................................................. 47
8.01 Experience and Education Credit ................................................................................................. 47
8.01.01 Previous Teaching Experience ....................................................................................................... 47
8.01.02 District Teaching Experience .......................................................................................................... 47
8.01.03 Vocational Education ..................................................................................................................... 47
8.01.04 Military Experience ........................................................................................................................ 47
8.01.05 Certified School Nurse Experience ................................................................................................. 48
8.01.06 School Psychologist, Speech Language Pathologist, and Social Worker Education ....................... 48
8.02 Salary Schedules .......................................................................................................................... 48
8.02.01 Movement Off the Salary Schedule ............................................................................................... 48
8.02.02 Frozen Lane Change ....................................................................................................................... 48
8.02.03 Lane Change Movement ................................................................................................................ 48
8.02.04 20222023, 2023-2024 2024-2025, and 20252026 Salary Schedules ............................................. 49
8.03 Extra Duty Assignments .............................................................................................................. 50
8.04 Medical and Dental Insurance .................................................................................................... 50
8.05 Term Life Insurance ..................................................................................................................... 51
8.06 Long-Term Disability Insurance ................................................................................................... 51
8.07 Selection of Carriers .................................................................................................................... 51
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 5
8.08 Insurance Committee .................................................................................................................. 52
8.09 Payroll Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 53
8.09.01 Pay Dates ....................................................................................................................................... 53
8.09.02 Paycheck Correction Procedures ................................................................................................... 53
8.09.03 Error in Pay and/or Benefits Calculation ....................................................................................... 54
8.10 Payroll Installments ..................................................................................................................... 54
8.10.01 Payments ....................................................................................................................................... 54
8.10.02 Per Diem ........................................................................................................................................ 54
8.11 Payroll Deductions ...................................................................................................................... 54
8.11.01 Tax Shelters/Payroll Deductions .................................................................................................... 54
8.11.02 Authorization ................................................................................................................................. 55
8.11.03 Itemized Deductions ...................................................................................................................... 55
8.12 Regular Reports ........................................................................................................................... 55
8.13 Sick Leave Bank ........................................................................................................................... 55
8.13.01 Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................... 55
ARTICLE 9 ........................................................................................................................................................... 58
LEAVES ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
9.01 Sick Leave .................................................................................................................................... 58
9.01.01 Accumulated Sick Leave Statement ............................................................................................... 58
9.01.02 Worker’s Compensation ................................................................................................................ 58
9.01.03 Bonding Time with a New Child ..................................................................................................... 59
9.01.04 Bereavement Leave ..................................................................................................................... 59
9.02 Religious Leave ............................................................................................................................ 59
9.03 Business Leave Days .................................................................................................................... 60
9.04 Disaster Days ............................................................................................................................... 60
9.05 Jury Duty ..................................................................................................................................... 60
9.06 General Leaves ............................................................................................................................ 61
9.07 Parental Leave ............................................................................................................................ 61
9.08 General Conditions for Approved Leaves .................................................................................... 62
9.08.01 Benefits .......................................................................................................................................... 62
9.08.02 Notice of Intent to Return ............................................................................................................. 63
9.08.03 Extension ....................................................................................................................................... 63
9.08.04 Reinstatement ............................................................................................................................... 63
9.08.05 Termination or Cancellation .......................................................................................................... 63
9.09 Sabbatical Leave ......................................................................................................................... 63
9.09.01 Limitations ..................................................................................................................................... 63
9.09.02 Budget ............................................................................................................................................ 63
9.09.03 Qualifications ................................................................................................................................. 64
9.09.04 Application ..................................................................................................................................... 64
9.09.05 Criteria ........................................................................................................................................... 64
9.09.06 Compensation ................................................................................................................................ 64
9.10 Association Leave ........................................................................................................................ 64
9.10.01 Annual Leave .................................................................................................................................. 65
9.10.02 Executive Board Release ................................................................................................................ 65
9.10.03 Bargaining Team Release ............................................................................................................... 65
9.10.04 Association Honorariums ............................................................................................................... 65
9.10.05 Use of Association Release ............................................................................................................ 65
ARTICLE 10 ......................................................................................................................................................... 65
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................. 65
10.01 Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 65
10.01.01 Grievance .............................................................................................................................. 65
10.01.02 Days ....................................................................................................................................... 66
10.02 Rights to Representation ............................................................................................................. 66
10.03 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 66
10.03.01 Initiation ................................................................................................................................ 66
10.03.02 Step One ................................................................................................................................ 66
10.03.03 Step Two ................................................................................................................................ 66
10.03.04 Step Three ............................................................................................................................. 67
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 6
10.04 Other Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 67
10.04.01 Bypass ................................................................................................................................... 67
10.04.02 Class Grievance ..................................................................................................................... 67
10.04.03 Grievant and Association Cooperation ................................................................................. 67
10.04.04 Released Time ....................................................................................................................... 68
10.04.05 Timelines ............................................................................................................................... 68
10.04.06 Extension of Time Limits ....................................................................................................... 68
10.04.07 Settlement ............................................................................................................................. 68
10.04.08 Exhausting Remedies ............................................................................................................ 68
10.04.09 No Reprisals ........................................................................................................................... 68
ARTICLE 11 ......................................................................................................................................................... 69
PROMOTIONS, VACANCIES AND TRANSFERS ......................................................................................................... 69
11.01 Promotions .................................................................................................................................. 69
11.02 Vacancies .................................................................................................................................... 69
11.03 Transfers ..................................................................................................................................... 69
11.03.01 Voluntary Internal Transfer ................................................................................................... 70
11.03.02 Involuntary Transfer .............................................................................................................. 70
11.03.03 New Building Staffing ............................................................................................................ 70
11.04 Kathryn J. Birkett Center ............................................................................................................. 70
11.05 Job Sharing .................................................................................................................................. 70
ARTICLE 12 ......................................................................................................................................................... 72
NEGOTIATIONS PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................ 72
12.01 Commencement of Negotiations ................................................................................................ 72
12.02 Mediation .................................................................................................................................... 72
12.03 Representatives ........................................................................................................................... 72
12.03.01 Authority ............................................................................................................................... 73
12.04 Ratification .................................................................................................................................. 73
12.05 Copies of Agreement ................................................................................................................... 73
ARTICLE 13 ......................................................................................................................................................... 73
ACADEMIC FREEDOM ...................................................................................................................................... 73
13.01 Definition ..................................................................................................................................... 73
13.02 Procedure for Alleged Violations ................................................................................................. 73
13.03 Implications ................................................................................................................................. 74
ARTICLE 14 ......................................................................................................................................................... 74
NON-INTERRUPTION OF WORK ......................................................................................................................... 74
14.01 No Strike ...................................................................................................................................... 74
ARTICLE 15 ......................................................................................................................................................... 74
RETIREMENT ................................................................................................................................................. 74
15.01 Eligibility ...................................................................................................................................... 74
15.02 Notice .......................................................................................................................................... 74
15.03 Program Benefits ........................................................................................................................ 74
15.04 General Provisions and Limitations ............................................................................................. 75
15.05 Sick Leave Cash-in ..................................................................................................................... 75
ARTICLE 16 ......................................................................................................................................................... 75
EFFECT AND DURATION OF AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................. 75
16.01 Period Covered
Terms of Agreement ...................................................................................... 75
16.02 Complete Understanding ............................................................................................................ 76
16.03 Individual Contracts .................................................................................................................... 76
16.04 Savings Clause ............................................................................................................................. 76
16.05 Non-Discrimination ..................................................................................................................... 76
APPENDIX B ....................................................................................................................................................... 80
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 7
EXTRA DUTY AND STIPENDS .............................................................................................................................. 80
B1. Teachers’ Summer School Pay ..................................................................................................... 80
B2. Summer School Supervision ........................................................................................................ 80
B3. Internal Substitutions .................................................................................................................. 80
B4. Lunchroom Supervision ............................................................................................................... 80
B5. Extended Contracts ..................................................................................................................... 80
B6. Mileage Reimbursement ............................................................................................................. 81
B7. Change in Activity ....................................................................................................................... 81
B8. Lump Sum Payments ................................................................................................................... 81
B9. Full-time Release Positions .......................................................................................................... 82
B10. Stipends ....................................................................................................................................... 82
B11. Stipend Review Process ............................................................................................................... 83
B12. Stipend Proposal Process ............................................................................................................ 83
B13. Experience Credit for Stipend Activities ....................................................................................... 83
B14. Filling Stipend Positions ............................................................................................................... 84
B15. National Board Certification Stipend .......................................................................................... 84
B16. Leadership Stipends .................................................................................................................... 84
STIPEND SCHEDULE 2022-2023 ....................................................................................................................... 86
STIPEND SCHEDULE 2023-2024 .............................................................................................................. 87
STIPEND CATEGORIES ...................................................................................................................................... 88
APPENDIX C: ...................................................................................................................................................... 92
PROFESSIONAL GROWTH ................................................................................................................................. 92
C1. Philosophy ................................................................................................................................... 92
C2. Salary Schedule Credit College/University Credit .................................................................... 92
C3. Appeal Process ............................................................................................................................ 93
C4. Salary Schedule Credit for District Professional Development Experience .................................. 93
C5. Teachers New to District 204 ...................................................................................................... 94
C6. Visitation and Professional Days ................................................................................................. 95
C7. Professional Presentations .......................................................................................................... 95
LETTER OF AGREEMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 96
ELEMENTARY PLANNING TIME .......................................................................................................................... 96
MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................................. 97
MIDDLE SCHOOL INSTRUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 98
ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM .............................................................................................................................. 99
CLASS SIZE COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................................. 100
LETTER OF AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 101
LETTER OF AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 102
SIGNATURE PAGE ............................................................................................................................................. 103
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................................... 104
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 8
Recognition and Scope
1.01 Recognition
The Board of Education of School District No. 204, DuPage and Will Counties,
Naperville, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," recognizes the Illinois
Education Association-NEA, by its local affiliate the Indian Prairie Education
Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Association,” as the sole and
exclusive agent for all full and part-time (five-tenths time or more) teachers
(those persons employed in positions requiring licensure) but excluding the
central office administrative personnel, Athletic Directors, Principals, Assistant
Principals, Associate Principals, temporary employees, other part-time
teachers, and any other employee hired hereinafter as a supervisor or a
managerial employee as defined in the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act,
hereinafter referred to as "administrator."
The term "teacher," when used hereafter in this Agreement, shall refer to all
employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as
determined above.
Part-time teachers are considered part of the bargaining unit if they are employed
by contract to teach five-tenths time or more (minimum of .5 in Teachers' Service
1.02 Purpose
The purpose of this recognition is a mutual agreement between the parties to
negotiate in a good faith effort with regard to all matters as set forth in the Illinois
Educational Labor Relations Act. "Good faith effort" is defined as the mutual
responsibility of the Association and the Board to deal with each other openly
and fairly and endeavor to reach agreement on items being negotiated. It does
not imply that either party will agree with, or accept, the other party's proposals,
or be compelled to reach agreement on specific topics.
Board Rights
The Board, on behalf of the electors of the District, retains and reserves the
ultimate responsibilities for proper management of the Indian Prairie Community
Unit District 204 conferred upon and vested in it by the Statutes and the
Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the United States, including but not
limited to, the responsibilities for and the right:
1. To maintain executive management and administrative control of the District
and its properties and facilities and the work of its employees as related to the
conduct of District affairs.
2. To hire all employees and to determine their qualifications, or their dismissal
or demotion, and to evaluate, promote and transfer all such employees.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 9
3. To establish grade levels, courses of instruction and curriculum including
special programs, athletic, recreational, or social events for students, all as
deemed necessary or advisable by the Board.
4. To determine class schedules, the student attendance day, and the
responsibilities and assignments of those in the bargaining unit.
The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authorities, duties and
responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and
practices in furtherance thereof, shall be limited only by law and the specific and
express terms of this Agreement.
Employee and Association Rights
3.01 Association Representation
Any teacher charged with misconduct, neglect or violations which may lead to his
suspension, demotion or discharge, shall have the right to be represented by a
representative of the Association in any meeting conducted by the Board or a
representative of the Board. Any teacher required to appear before the Board or a
committee thereof concerning any of the above shall be given reasonable prior
written notice of the meeting.
3.02 Placement of Items in Teacher's Permanent Personnel File
A copy of any permanent material, except confidential material such as
evaluations by colleges or previous employers, or routine personnel processing
forms, shall not be placed in a teacher's permanent personnel file without a copy
also being supplied to the teacher. Such material must be noted with a
photocopy to the personnel file. Documents lacking such a notice cannot be
placed in a teacher's personnel file. Documents of a disciplinary nature must
include the teacher's signature, with said signature indicating the teacher's
receipt of the document(s) or a notation that the teacher has refused to sign.
Refusal on the part of the teacher to sign the document(s) will not prevent
placement in his/her personnel file. After 1984, all material placed in the file shall
bear an entry date. The teacher has the right to answer in writing, and his/her
answer will be attached to the file copy. The teacher must respond within ten
(10) work days of becoming knowledgeable of the material.
3.02.01 Rectification
If the material asserts the commission or omission of any act which is
susceptible of rectification, it shall not be placed in the file until a ten (10)
work day period has elapsed. If such rectification has occurred within
the ten (10) work days period and is acceptable to the Administration,
such material shall not be placed in the file unless the Superintendent or
his/her designee shall characterize the material as evidencing conduct
which requires future remediation or as part of a course of conduct which
might affect subsequent disciplinary considerations.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 10
3.02.02 Right to Review
Each teacher shall have the right, upon reasonable advance notice, to
review the contents of his/her permanent personnel file. However, such
review shall not be inconsistent with the performance of his/her duties or
inconsistent with regular business hours. Such inspection shall take
place only in the presence of an Administrator or administrative
designee. The teacher may be accompanied at such review by a
representative of the Association. Nothing shall be permanently
removed from the personnel file except with the mutual consent of the
teacher and of the Board. The teacher will be notified in advance of
such removal of item(s) from his/her personnel file.
3.02.03 Access to Personnel File
Access to personnel files shall be limited to the teacher, to authorized
administrative personnel, and authorized representatives of the Board.
This does not preclude Board use of material from personnel files when
the material is pertinent to any action taken or contemplated by the
Board as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
3.03 Association Dues Deduction
3.03.01 Authorization
Any teacher who is a member of the Association may sign and deliver
to the Board office authorization to deduct Association dues. The
Association shall notify the Chief School Business Official in writing of
the total amount of annual and monthly dues. Such written
authorization shall continue in effect unless canceled. The
authorization may be canceled by written notice to the Chief School
Business Official.
3.03.02 Dues Deduction
The Board will deduct dues from each paycheck beginning on October
15 and continuing through May 30, provided that the teacher’s
authorization has been received no later than September 20 of each
year by the District's Business Office. Teachers hired beyond the
deadline date have an additional thirty (30) school days from their date
of employment to submit authorization for payroll dues deduction.
Should any teacher on payroll deduction resign from employment or
otherwise indicate a desire to terminate payroll deduction of
Association dues, the balance of such dues to the end of the current
school year shall be deducted from the next paycheck (if sufficient
funds are available for all other legally obligatory deductions) unless
the terms of the authorization shall otherwise provide.
3.03.03 Remittance
The Board shall remit at each pay period October 15 through May 31
to the Treasurer of the Association the total amount of money
deducted for the month. Such remittance will be accompanied by a
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 11
listing of the names of teachers from whose salary the dues were
3.03.04 Indemnification
The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Board harmless
against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability that
shall arise out of or by reason of action taken or not taken by the Board
for the purpose of complying with any of the provisions of this Article or
in compliance with any assignment furnished under the provisions of this
3.04 Association Rights
3.04.01 Association Meetings
The Board agrees that the Association has the right to use school
buildings for meetings after duty hours subject to reasonable advance
notice to the affected School Principal. The Principal shall respond to
any request within five (5) working days.
Such use shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations
or conflict with previously scheduled activities.
When special custodial service is required, the Board may charge the
Association for this service.
3.04.02 Use of Mailboxes and Bulletin Boards
For purposes of internal communications with its members, the
Association may use teacher mailboxes, inter-school mail, electronic
media, public e-mails with approval, and a bulletin board in the
designated teacher lounge in each building. Copies of general flyers
and general announcements shall be given to the Building Principals at
the time of the distribution. Nothing herein shall preclude the right of
the Board to give direct access to teacher mailboxes and inter-school
mail to other organizations as approved by the Superintendent or
his/her designee.
3.04.03 Use of Equipment
The Association may use school equipment on school premises only,
e.g., audio-visual equipment, personal computers, word processors
and photocopy machines (excluding heavy volume items), providing
such use shall be contingent upon the absence of any concurrent
need to use such equipment for any aspect of the school program.
Written requests covering additional equipment shall be made to the
Administrator in charge, with the Administrator retaining the
prerogative to approve or disapprove. The Board shall be promptly
reimbursed for the cost of paper and supplies used for Association
business and for any damages occasioned by such use.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 12
This provision shall not apply to equipment in the District’s central
administrative office.
3.05 Teacher Obligations and Discipline
Nothing contained in the Agreement shall be construed as rescinding the obligation
of the teacher to exercise the maturity, restraint, patience and judgment which are
normally required in the guidance, training and education of youth; however,
enforcement of teacher discipline shall be in accordance with a just cause
statement which shall be endorsed by the Board upon recommendation of the
Superintendent and subsequently distributed to the teachers. Teachers are
responsible for, and will be held accountable to, the Performance Responsibilities
found in the Teacher Evaluation Plan.
3.06 Information to Association
Upon written request from the Association President or his/her designee, the
Board shall make available to the Association information and reports which are
prepared for public distribution. Nothing herein shall require the Board and/or
the Administration to conduct any research and/or assemble special documents
for the Association. In addition, the Board shall provide the Association
President with on-line access and/or electronic copies of the tentative and the
approved minutes of all Board meetings as soon as they are posted (except
minutes of closed meetings which have not been cleared for public display).
The Board also agrees to furnish to the Association available information
concerning the financial resources of the District.
3.07 Student Discipline
Each teacher has the responsibility for developing and implementing a classroom
behavior plan that contributes to a positive classroom environment, aligns with
Board policy, and complies with appropriate state laws. The Board will provide
support and assistance, where feasible and appropriate, as determined by the
Administration, to the teachers in support of the plan. Such support and
assistance may include opportunities for professional development and
consultation on behavior prevention and intervention strategies.
3.07.01 Process for Maintaining a Safe Learning Environment
In case of a threat to school safety or a substantial disruption to the
learning environment of other students, the teacher may temporarily
remove a student from the classroom in accordance with established
procedures in the building.
3.08 Parent Complaints
3.08.01 Written Complaint
When any Administrator deems a parental complaint is serious enough
to warrant possible disciplinary action against a teacher, the
Administrator shall require the parent to put the complaint in writing.
The teacher shall be informed of any such written complaint as soon
as possible, in an interval normally not exceeding ten (10) working
days after the receipt of the complaint.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 13
3.08.02 Parent Conference
No action, except as necessary, in the judgment of the Administrator, to
protect the welfare of students, is to be taken pursuant to such a
complaint until the teacher has been informed and has had an
opportunity to respond. If the teacher who has been complained of shall
so request, within five (5) working days of notification of the complaint, a
conference will be held between the appropriate Administrator and the
teacher. At the request of either the teacher or administrator in charge,
the appropriate Administrator will request the complainant to be present
at the conference. The teacher and appropriate Administrator may
include such other persons in the conference as they deem helpful to
resolution of the alleged problem which gave rise to the complaint.
3.08.03 Extension of Timeline
The timelines in this section will be extended for days the teacher is
absent or unavailable, or by an emergency as verified by the
Employment Conditions
4.01 Workday
Workday will be 7 hours and 35 minutes (including duty free lunch) except as
provided in 4.01.02. The student day is: elementary — up to 6 and 1/2 hours
including lunch; middle — up to 7 hours including lunch; and high — up to 7 hours
including lunch.
4.01.01 Work Week
The teacher work week shall consist of thirty-eight (38) hours. In
addition to teacher preparation time and required student contact time,
the regular teacher work week may include training and staff
development time, curriculum development time, supervisory time, and
common team or department time. Participation in building level
meetings (including but not limited to faculty, student service,
leadership, technology, curriculum, etc.) within the teacher work week
is a performance responsibility.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 14
4.01.02 Workday Starting and Ending Time
Teacher workday starting and ending times will be determined on a
yearly basis not later than June 1 prior to the next school year. The
hours for the school year are as follows, except as otherwise provided
for in Article 4:
Elementary Mon., Tues., Thurs. 8:15 AM – 3:50 PM
Wed. 8:00 AM – 3:50 PM
Fri. 8:30 AM – 3:50 PM
Middle 7:30 AM – 3:05 PM
High Mon., Tues., Thurs. 7:10 AM – 2:45 PM
Wed. 7:10 AM – 2:55 PM
Fri. 7:10 AM – 2:35 PM
Indian Plains 7:25 AM – 3:00 PM
Early Childhood 7:50 AM – 3:25 PM
4.01.03 Non Student Attendance Work Hours
A. Institute Days. . . . . . . . . 8:00 a.m. – 3:35 p.m.
County Institute and District-wide Institute
Employees going “Out of District,” follow the hours for the Out of
District activity.
B. Building Institute Days, School Improvement Days, and Teacher
WorkdaysRegular Level Hours (as defined in 4.01.02)
C. Parent Teacher Conferences
A Joint Task Force comprised of equal number of Association
members and District Administration shall be formed to make
recommendations to the parties on the following areas:
1. Investigate and evaluate current scheduling software for parent
2. Teacher access to schedule and coordination of available time
slots for parent conferences via email.
3. Allow time for non-computer scheduling.
4. Discuss expectations for teachers if there is a parent “walk-in”
during conferences.
5. Continue high school bell schedule for conferences.
1st Semester Conference:
1 - Fall Evening: 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm (includes one convenience break);
To be scheduled on the Thursday the week prior to
1 - Fall Day/Evening: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm (includes one duty free
lunch); 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm (one convenience break);
To be scheduled on the Monday of Thanksgiving week. The
school calendar will include no teacher attendance days for
the remainder of the Thanksgiving week, but shall meet all
legal requirements.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 15
Semester Conference: 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (includes one duty
free lunch and one convenience break)
For purposes of this subsection, a convenience break shall be
equal to one scheduled parent conference time slot.
D. Absences Related to Approved Student Trips
If a teacher is assigned or has agreed to supervise/chaperone a student
field trip, approved by the Board or Administration, whether local or out of
town, and the teacher is unable to return to his/her regular teaching duties
as scheduled due to inclement weather or other travel related issues, the
teacher should advise the Assistant Superintendent for HR of the
circumstances and request that any such absence be excused without
loss of pay or benefit day(s).
4.01.04 Professional Development Activities
A. Purpose For the purpose of this Article, Professional Development
activities should:
1. Focus on the school classroom and research-based strategies
that improve student learning;
2. Provide opportunities for teachers to practice and improve their
instructional skills over time;
3. Provide opportunities for teachers to use student data as part of
their daily work to increase student achievement;
4. Enhance teacher content knowledge, instructional skills, and
training in the use of technology to aid in the learning process;
5. Align with state and local academic standards;
6. Provide opportunities to build professional relationships, foster
collaboration among principals and staff who provide instruction,
and provide opportunities for teacher-to-teacher mentoring.
B. Professional Development Activities
Professional Development activities may include curriculum
development and curriculum training programs, and activities that
provide teachers and other members of site-based teams training to
enhance team performance. Activities may be district, building, or
team-sponsored, provided by an outside agency, or individually
designed. Each school year, seven (7) professional development
activities will be teacher driven activities with a focus on district goals
and will be scheduled by the building principal and Instructional
Leadership Team.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 16
Excluded Activities:
Independent tasks not associated with enhancing the
teacher’s knowledge and instructional skills, such as preparing
reports cards, calculating grades, or organizing classroom
materials, will not be considered as Professional Development
time. Professional Development shall not include work for
which the employee will be paid from another source; work for
which the employee reasonably may expect to profit
financially; or district-approved credit for lane change which
will apply toward salary schedule lane changes.
C. Implementation
1. The Professional Development department will maintain a
schedule of professional development activities and establish best
practice for the embedded professional development time.
2. The building schedule of Professional Development activities shall
be developed by the principal and the Instructional Leadership
Team with faculty input. Disputes about the use of Professional
Development time will be resolved by the building principals.
When resolution does not occur, the dispute may go to the
appropriate Deputy or Assistant Superintendent and the
Association President or designee at any time. A report will be
made to the Teacher Administrator Communications Team
(TACT) about any disputes which occur.
3. The use of the Professional Development time incorporated into
the teacher workday will be evaluated at least annually by a joint
committee of the District Administration and the Indian Prairie
Education Association.
4. Each semester, the Association shall report to TACT the results
of a teacher survey on professional development activities in
the district and buildings. The survey will focus on the process,
not content, of professional development. The Association
report will be advisory in nature. The Association and
Administration will develop a plan to communicate the survey
results and action items, if any, to all building administrators,
ILT members and teachers.
5. Traveling teachers will be assigned a home school for the
purpose of Professional Development.
6. The Professional Development may include teacher
collaboration across buildings.
7. Transition time from Professional Development to the beginning
of the student day will be built into the schedule for all levels.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 17
8. At the elementary level, the morning Professional Development
time of 55 minutes counts as one of the two (2) administratively
scheduled weekly morning meetings (4.01.06).
9. At the middle school and high school levels Professional
Development time will be 40 minutes in length.
4.01.05 Options for Elementary Teacher Hours
The flexibility with elementary teacher hours is to be determined by
Instructional Leadership Teams with faculty consensus on an annual
basis. If a building has difficulty reaching consensus, the TACT will
facilitate this process.
4.01.06 Time - Before Student Day – Organization/Utilization for Elementary
Classroom Teachers
The Instructional Leadership team (ILT) and administrator will set the
morning schedule for each school year. Each classroom teacher may
be required to attend a maximum of two (2) administratively scheduled
meetings per week. The first meeting shall be a faculty, team or
committee meeting and the second meeting shall be the Professional
Development time before the student day. This restriction does not apply
to special education teachers or specials teachers (i.e., music, art and
physical education), but special education teachers shall be required to
attend no more than three (3) administratively scheduled morning
meetings per week.
Each quarter one (1) professional development time shall be designated
by the ILT and administrator as individual professional development
time. If the ILT and administrator are not able to set a weekly schedule
that meets these parameters, the appropriate Superintendent’s designee
will assist in determining the morning schedule for the school year.
The appropriate Superintendent’s designee shall provide quarterly
reports to TACT on the implementation and use of the morning time at
the elementary buildings.
4.01.07 Supervision and Student Support
Supervision (bus duty, hall duty, lunch duty, in-school suspension duty,
academic resource duty) or student support is a performance
responsibility at all levels. Self-contained special education teachers are
excluded from supervision. Supervision and student support duties are
defined as activities which do not require preparing lesson plans or
evaluating student performance. Any duty which requires preparing
lesson plans or evaluating student performance is considered an
instructional period. Internal substitution is not a supervision duty.
In the event of an emergency situation, the principal may assign
teachers supervision beyond the regular workday.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 18
4.01.08 Additional Hours
Attendance at no more than three (3) scheduled activities outside the
regular school day may be required. Attendance at a reasonable
number of such activities beyond that number is encouraged but not
required. Attendance at the high school graduation shall count as two
(2) activities. The Administration will publish a schedule on or before the
first teacher workday. In addition, three (3) parent-teacher evening
conferences may be scheduled which meet state guidelines. When two
evening parent-teacher conferences are scheduled in the first semester,
the day before Thanksgiving will be a non-attendance day for teachers.
The second semester parent-teacher conference day may be scheduled
from 1-8 p.m. with no student attendance that day.
4.01.09 Emergencies
Hours may be extended in emergency situations involving the health and
welfare of the students.
4.01.10 Limitation
Limitations on the length of the workday shall in no way limit the
Board's right to establish different starting and ending times for
different school buildings in the District based upon unique needs of
each building such as, but not limited to, busing schedules.
4.01.11 Technology
The Board and the Association recognize the potential inherent in the
use of technology to aid in the learning process. To that end, teachers
are expected to use technology resources to enhance classroom
management, curriculum delivery, parent communication and in other
areas of their professional responsibilities. At the same time,
administrators are expected to take into consideration staff training
needs, new teacher induction, access to and availability of technology
resources, building deadlines, and competing demands on teacher
personal and professional time. This section is not subject to the
grievance/arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
4.01.12 Part-time Teachers
A. Part-time teachers shall normally work beyond their regular
workday on curriculum nights and evening open houses.
Attendance on early dismissal days, teacher record days (teacher
workdays), institute days, and at parent teacher conferences will be
adjusted to reflect the teacher’s FTE and professional
responsibilities and will be planned and coordinated with the
immediate supervisor taking into account the personal needs of the
teacher and the requirements of the position. The final decision
regarding the scheduling of FTE adjusted attendance shall lie with
the building administrator and may be different from building to
The prorated workday obligations for part-time teachers are
itemized on the Weekly Minutes by FTE – Licensed Staff Work
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 19
Schedule Chart which can be found on the District website under
the Human Resource (HR) section.
B. Professional Development Wednesday (PDW). Part-time teachers
are required to attend professional development on PDWs if the
activities occur within the normal workday of the teacher or are
scheduled immediately prior to or immediately after their normal
workday. An alternative professional development activity will be
developed with the immediate supervisor and the part-time teacher
at the teacher’s primary building, when the above conditions are not
4.01.13 Tenured Teachers Working Part-time
Tenured teachers who have completed their fifth year of employment
may be reduced to part-time by mutual agreement with the Board and
will retain their tenure for one school year. After one school year, the
teacher will return to full-time employment, apply for a one-year
extension of part-time employment, or resign. Employment of a tenured
teacher as a part-time teacher will be subject to the following:
A. The Board’s contribution toward insurance premiums will be pro-
rated for part-time teachers provided they work at least 0.4 FTE. All
other benefits will be pro-rated based upon FTE equivalent.
B. The Board reserves the right to terminate any part-time assignment
at the close of each school year.
C. In the event that lay-offs become necessary, personnel assigned
part-time will be subject to lay-off in accordance with the same rules
and guidelines as applied to those in full-time assignment.
D. Any teacher choosing not to return to full-time teaching at the
conclusion of the part-time assignment, will be considered voluntarily
terminated from employment. Teachers returning to full-time
employment will be placed in accordance with the overall staffing
needs of the District. Teachers not returning to their previous full-time
position will not be considered to be involuntarily transferred.
E. Any teacher desiring to continue a part-time assignment beyond one
full school year, must provide written notice to the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources no later than March 1 of the
part-time year.
F. A part-time assignment during any given school year in no way
guarantees priority consideration or placement into a part-time
assignment in future school years.
G. The decision to permit a reduction to part-time or an extension of
such assignment, rests solely with the Superintendent or his/her
designee and shall not be precedent setting with respect to granting
or denying such request. Additionally, the decision to grant or deny
or extend a part-time assignment will not be subject to the grievance
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 20
H. Teachers working 0.5 FTE or more will be moved one step on the
salary schedule after two (2) years of part-time employment. Those
teachers working less than 0.5 FTE or working only one (1) year shall
not advance on the salary schedule.
4.02 Assignments
4.02.01 A. Notification: Tentative Assignment or Tentative Reassignment
The Board will inform teachers of their tentative classroom
assignment or reassignment for the following school year by the last
teacher workday or June 1, whichever occurs first.
A “tentative assignment” is defined as an assignment to the same
building and same grade-level and/or department(s).
A “tentative reassignment” is defined as an assignment to a
different building and/or grade level and/or department(s).
An “involuntary transfer” is defined in Article 11.03.02 as any
reassignment that occurs after June 1 and/or during the school
B. Change in Assignment or Reassignment
Should changes in tentative assignment or tentative reassignment be
necessary after June 1 or during the current school year, the teacher
will be notified in writing as promptly as circumstances permit in order
that the teacher may prepare for such assignment or reassignment.
No changes in tentative assignment or tentative reassignment after
June 1 shall be made unless it is by teacher request, or such a
change is necessitated by an unforeseen vacancy or unexpected
changes in student enrollment.
C. Involuntary Transfer Due to Change in Student Enrollment
After June 1
Any teacher, who is involuntarily transferred after June 1 per
11.03.02 to another building due solely to changes in student
enrollment, shall have the right to return to the previous building for
the following vacancies which become available between June 1 and
no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the new teacher
1. Elementary: An involuntarily transferred teacher shall have the
right to return to the same position and/or plus or minus one
grade level without an interview for the next two (2) school years.
The District shall notify the affected teacher of any qualifying
vacancies and the teacher shall have forty-eight (48) hours to
accept or decline the position.
2. Middle School and High School: An involuntarily transferred
teacher shall have the right to return to the same department at
the original building without an interview for the next two (2)
school years. The District shall notify the affected teacher of any
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 21
qualifying vacancies and the teacher shall have forty-eight (48)
hours to accept or decline the position.
D. Any Other Involuntary Change After June 1
In the case of any other involuntary change after June 1 or during the
school year, upon request by the teacher involved, the
Superintendent or his/her representative, the affected teacher and a
representative of the Association shall meet promptly to discuss the
proposed changes. In such event, the employee may be allowed to
resign if such change is not acceptable to him/her. The final
decision-making covering all such assignments shall remain within
the Administration.
E. Assignment Exceptions:
The Board and the Association recognize that certain assignments
(e.g., ELL, Speech and Language, Adaptive P.E., Bi-Lingual,
Reading Improvement, Licensed School Nurses) are connected to
specific student populations. These assignments may not be
finalized until student enrollment is confirmed. Reassignments in
these positions after June 1 and when enrollments are confirmed in
the Fall are not considered involuntary transfers.
4.02.02 Qualifications
Teachers shall not be permanently assigned to teach subjects or grade
levels for which they are not licensed. Evaluators may perform
evaluations in classes for which the teacher may not be licensed; such
evaluations may not address content concerns but may address all other
teaching behaviors.
4.02.03 Special Education
A. Inclusion Model of Instruction
It is hereby recognized that the Board of Education embraces and
supports inclusive instructional practices to best address the
individual needs of students with disabilities. This philosophy serves
as the foundation for special education programming and services
and requires the collaborative efforts of general educators and
special educators. A spirit of trust, professionalism, and open
communication is inherent in the process. All individuals involved
must respectfully strive to fulfill mutual objectives while maintaining
individual standards and expectations with the given constraints of
the inclusive system.
B. District Service Delivery Team
In support of this commitment, the district will establish a District
Service Delivery Team, composed of administrators and licensed
staff, which will provide systemic direction and support to the district
and building level teams on the structure of these services. This
team will meet a minimum of once each semester, or more frequently
as needed.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 22
C. IEP and Collaborative Team
The Board and the Association recognize that students who receive
supports and services through an Individual Education Plan (IEP)
benefit from ongoing communication and collaboration between team
members in order to facilitate access to the curriculum. As learning
needs become more significant and complex, regular planning by the
student’s team is essential. The needs of the student as dictated by
the IEP determine the make-up of the collaborative student team.
The team may include, but is not limited to, the general education
teacher(s), the special education teacher, and related service staff
(as needed). This team will meet to discuss the appropriate
adaptations and modifications of the specific services provided and
the essential training needed to implement the IEP services and
D. Collaborative Team Meetings/Planning
The frequency of the collaborative team meetings and co-teaching
meetings should remain flexible and responsive to individual
student needs. For example, these meetings may occur with
greater frequency at the beginning and the end of the school year
to facilitate transition. In an effort to maintain the effectiveness of
this collaborative time, the following factors will receive careful
The amount of time necessary for collaborative planning of the
daily classroom implementation as defined by the IEP
§ The impact of this extra time on affected individuals' current
schedules and existing planning time needs
§ The development of specific and scheduled times when the
collaborative planning will occur. At the K-5 grade
levels, common collaboration time for Special Education
teachers and general education teachers is to be scheduled by
administration throughout the school year at their building. To
assist in the above collaboration, administration will
allot substitutes for one hundred twenty (120) district-wide
release days per year (60 days for special education and 60
days for general education). At the secondary level, common
collaboration time for Special Education teachers and general
education teachers is to be scheduled by administration.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 23
To provide adequate time, the administration will attempt to
schedule through one of the following options:
§ During instructional student/teacher contact time using internal or
external substitutes
§ During team, grade, or departmental planning time
§ During non-instructional or on-call supervisory time
§ During individual planning time
§ Outside the student hours
If licensed staff have difficulty in coordinating schedules for a
mutual time to discuss student needs, they can request
assistance from the building administrator(s) and/or department
chair. The administrator will then work with the student team in
an effort to address the expressed concerns. If the student team
cannot reach a solution with the administrator, then the final
decision will be determined by the administration. Issues related
to collaborative time and coordination will be referred to TACT in
accordance with Article 4.08.
In addition, general education teachers shall be paid in
accordance with Appendix B3 for required attendance at IEP and
Section 504 meetings for which parental notice is mandated,
when such attendance results in any reduction of the teacher's
individual weekly preparation time, provided that all scheduled
weekly collaborative time (High School) is used. Special
education teachers with Extended School Year (ESY) registered
students shall be given one-half day release time for ESY lesson
planning. Special Education teachers shall be paid for work
performed outside the workday up to two (2) hours at the internal
substitute rate for each ESY registered student in excess of two
(2) students. Any mandatory training for licensed staff, for
example, Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI), shall be provided
during the teacher attendance day. Any licensed staff member not
able to attend the mandatory training, may be required to attend
and unpaid after-school scheduled makeup session if an alternate
teacher attendance day session is not available.
Special Education Teachers and Social Emotional Learning
Providers shall have the option of working up to two (2) teacher-
driven days prior to the start of the school year which shall be
paid at the extended contract hourly rate defined in Appendix B
4.02.04 Planning
A licensed staff member who misses their duty-free lunch or individual
plan time due to an IEP meeting or crisis will be paid at the internal
substitute rate.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 24
4.02.05 Special Education – Assignment of Students
Prior to the conclusion of each school year, general education
teachers, appropriate student services licensed staff and building
administrators will collaboratively discuss the assignment of students
to particular teachers for the following school term, with the final
decision to be determined by the administration.
4.02.06 Workload Review – Licensed Staff
Licensed staff may initiate requests for review of their current workload
and/or the appropriateness of existing student services support
structures to the immediate supervising administrator.
Workload Review – Special Education
Special education staff may initiate a request for review of their
workload based on the District’s Workload Plan for Special Education
Educators, which can be found on the District website under the
Student Services section. The review process is not intended to
provide for evaluation of special education teachers by staff not
normally involved in such evaluation. The Assistant Superintendent
for Student Services or designee shall report two times per school
year during the first and third quarter to TACT on the implementation
of this review process.
4.02.07 Assignment to Different Buildings or Building Levels
Teachers who are assigned to two (2) or more buildings or building
levels will meet with their respective primary administrator to
coordinate their work time at each building that fulfills their assignment.
This meeting will address student contact time, preparation time, lunch,
travel time, supervisory time as defined in 4.01.07 and scheduled
activities outside the school day.
4.02.08 Internal Substitution
Internal substitution is paid at the rate determined in Schedule B of
this Agreement. Assignments will be made by Administration from
teacher's assigned preparation time.
4.03 Lunch Period
Each teacher is entitled to a Duty Free Lunch Period equal to the regular school
lunch period in his/her building but not less than thirty (30) minutes in each school
day. Teachers forfeiting a portion of their lunch period to assume extra duties
shall be compensated as provided in Appendix B of the Agreement.
4.04 Travel Time
Issues related to the master schedule, not specific to an individual assignment,
and the implementation of sections 4.04.01 and 4.04.02 shall be reviewed by
TACT in accordance with Article 4.08.
4.04.01 Traveling Teachers
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 25
Travel time required to commute between two (2) or more
buildings/campuses within the same day shall be in lieu of supervisory
time as defined in 4.01.07, except for pre-school. In the event that the
Administration deems it necessary to require a teacher to travel in
excess of his/her normal teaching and supervisory assignment load,
the teacher will be compensated as provided in Appendix B6 of the
Agreement. The District will:
designate parking places for travelling teachers at schools
wherever possible;
designate minutes for travel, and where appropriate, setup and
designate space at each building for the personal items;
assist in expediting and consolidating the purchase order process
for instructional materials;
solicit volunteers for travelling assignments; and
consider stability of assignment when making decisions based on
student enrollment.
4.04.02 Elementary Specials Teachers
For elementary specials teachers assigned to two (2) or more
buildings, the District will:
assist with expediting and consolidating the purchase order
process for instructional materials and supplies;
solicit volunteers for traveling assignments; and
consider stability of assignment when making decisions based
on student enrollment.
4.05 High School Faculty & Department Meetings
Friday after school is excluded as a meeting day requiring teacher attendance
unless an emergency situation occurs as determined by a Building Principal or
department chairperson. The Administration is encouraged to give sufficient
notice of all general staff meetings. An effort will be made to schedule general
staff meetings on a day other than the day prior to a holiday.
4.05.01 Faculty Meetings
The number of high school faculty meetings that may extend beyond
the workday is limited to no more than one (1) per quarter. If a faculty
meeting extends beyond the workday, it must end no later than 3:30
p.m. All teachers attending the meeting will be given flex time equal to
the amount of time the meeting lasted prior to or beyond the workday.
The flex time earned from attending the faculty meeting cannot be
bundled or carried over from one school year to the next nor can it
impact or interfere with the teacher’s assignment including supervision,
student contact or other meetings within a student attendance day. In
order to be eligible for flex time, each teacher has the responsibility to
affirm his or her attendance at a faculty meeting with his/her
department chair within a week of the meeting. Attendance at high
school faculty meetings is a performance responsibility.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 26
4.05.02 Department Meetings
The Board and IPEA encourage department chairs and administrators
to conduct department meetings within the workday as defined in
Article 4.01 and acknowledge that there may be times when
department meetings may extend beyond the workday. The parties
agree that no department meeting will extend beyond 3:30 p.m.
The parties affirm that a teacher’s work week consists of thirty-eight
(38) hours. Any teacher who attends a department meeting that runs
prior to or beyond the end of the workday will be given flex time equal
to the amount of time the meeting lasted outside the workday. The
department chair shall keep track of any department meeting that runs
beyond the workday, the teachers in attendance, and the flex time
each teacher has earned. The flex time earned from attending the
department meeting cannot be bundled or carried over from one
school year to the next nor can it impact or interfere with the teacher’s
assignment including supervision, student contact or other meetings
within a student attendance day. Attendance at department meetings
is a performance responsibility.
4.05.03 Suggested Use of Earned Flex Time
A. For flex time under 20 minutes in length, it may be used to:
1. come in after the start of the teacher but in time for the student
2. leave immediately after the student day;
3. schedule breaks during parent conferences or extend lunch or
dinner times;
4. leave early during finals weeks;
5. come in late or leave early on the teacher workdays; or
6. extend the allotted lunch time on teacher workdays.
B. For flex time from faculty meetings or dept. meetings that last until
3:30 pm, it may be used to:
1. if without a 1st period or 8th period, come in late or leave early;
2. schedule breaks during parent conferences or extend lunch or
dinner times;
3. leave early during finals weeks;
4. come in late or leave early on teacher workdays; or
5. extend the allotted lunch time on teacher workdays.
C. Teachers may find more creative ways to use the flex time and
must work with their department chair and/or administrator when
necessary to approve a different use of flex time.
4.06 School Calendar
4.06.01 Calendar Development Process
The calendar of any given year shall be developed by a joint
committee of three (3) association representatives appointed by the
Association President and three (3) administrative representatives
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 27
appointed by the Superintendent. The committee is to be chaired by
an administrative representative. Members of the calendar committee
will seek input into the development of the calendar from their
respective constituent groups. The committee will consider the input
gained and by consensus develop at least two calendar options for the
Board to review. The committee may be asked by the Board to
develop additional options and/or an optional multi-year calendar
process. An advisory vote on the options approved by the Board shall
be conducted by the Association. The final decision shall remain with
the Board.
4.06.02 Requirements
In preparing the calendar options the committee shall use the following
as their guideline. The school year for teachers will consist of 188
days, of which two and a half (2.5) are teacher workdays, five (5) may
be institute days, and five (5) are emergency days; days in session and
days of institute, not to exceed five (5), must be equal to 181 days.
One of the five (5) institute days will be planned by the principal, in
conjunction with the building leadership, and scheduled at the
beginning of the school term after three (3) or more days of student
First-year teachers shall have an obligation of five (5) additional days as
scheduled by the Administration. If by April 30, the District has not had
to close school for emergency reasons, the Superintendent will request
the Board to consider closing the school year earlier as per the amount
of days remaining in the emergency category. The final decision shall
remain with the Board of Education.
4.06.03 Adjustment to Calendar
The Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, may adjust
the above guideline in an emergency situation, energy situation and/or
impact from mandated changes as required by Federal, State and/or
local laws and/or regulations. Written notification will be given to the
President of the Association under such circumstances.
Days in excess of 183 (188 for first-year teachers) will be compensated
at per diem rates on the basis of 1/183 of scheduled salary.
4.06.04 Teacher Workday
Activities for the teacher workdays referenced in Article 4.06.02 are
determined and scheduled by individual teachers. No mandatory
meetings will be scheduled, but teachers may consult/collaborate with
other teachers.
4.07 Flexible Schedule
On occasion, teachers may need to work at times outside the regular workday to
conduct their professional business. By mutual agreement between the affected
teacher and the building administrator, scheduling can be independent of regular
school hours.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 28
4.08 IPEA and Administration Communications Links
4.08.01 Building Communication Links
The Board of Education and the Indian Prairie Education Association
recognize the value of collaborative problem solving and communication.
The forum for this communication will be determined by mutual consent
of the teachers and administration at each building and will be
established from among the models currently in place in each building
(i.e., Instructional Leadership teams, school improvement teams,
leadership councils, monthly meetings with ARs, team leader meetings).
These meetings are not meant to replace the expected communication
between teacher and principal as detailed in the Performance
4.08.02 IPEA and Administration Communication Links
Regular communications between the IPEA and administration will be
established utilizing the following models:
a. Building principals will be encouraged to meet at least monthly
with the IPEA Senator(s) and Association Representatives.
b. Labor-management meetings as necessary will occur with the
IPEA president and/or officers and the appropriate District
administration, typically Human Resources. Semi-monthly
meetings will occur between the IPEA president and the
Superintendent and/or designee.
c. Teacher Administrator Communications Team (TACT) described
4.08.03 Teacher Administrator Communications Team (TACT)
As an extension of the communications links above, the Teacher
Administrator Communications Team (TACT) will be established and will
meet at least quarterly to discuss items of mutual concern in a
collaborative setting. Each party will determine the make-up of its
representation not to exceed seven (7) members. At least two (2)
members of each of the previous bargaining teams will be included.
Resource people may be included by invitation from either party.
4.08.04 Interest-Based Communications Process
Either party may bring issues to the TACT. The initial discussion of the
issue will include a description of the issue and the interests of both
Input and feedback on the issue at hand will be sought from the
membership of the IPEA through the Senate. The Association will
present the issue along with the interests at a regular monthly Senate
meeting. The Senate will be charged with the responsibility of
responding to the issue with feedback and input derived from the
membership. If necessary, the Senators will solicit input from their
respective members and report the results at the next regular monthly
Senate meeting.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 29
The administration members of TACT will seek input and feedback
from appropriate administrative groups in a manner similar to the
Senate process described above.
Either party may invite the other party to make presentations to their
respective groups - Senate or administrative.
The members of TACT will report the results of the input gathered from
respective groups at the next scheduled TACT meeting. Options will be
generated, and resolution will be sought utilizing the interest-based
Agreements reached by TACT, which modify or add to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement will be reduced to writing and must be
approved by the parties.
4.08.05 Initiative Implementation Committee
The Initiative Implementation Committee (IIC) is a joint IPEA/District
advisory committee to articulate effective implementation of new
initiatives in the District.
The committee will meet as determined jointly by the IPEA and
District Leadership Team at least two times per school year. On-
going members of the committee shall be the IPEA President, Level
Vice Presidents, Chief Academic Officer, and the Assistant
Superintendents of the District or their designees.
One or more Representative(s) from the committee regarding a new
initiative will present a tentative plan (including but not limited to the
rationale, vision and/or goals, scope and sequence, timetable, training
schedule, and training needed for the initiative) to the IIC. The
parameters of the new initiative will be considered in terms of current
programs. The IIC will serve as an advisory committee relative to
implementation of the initiative.
Should a major issue occur with a new initiative, it will be brought to the
attention of TACT by either the leadership of the IPEA or the District.
4.09 Professional Dress Guidelines
The purpose of employee guidelines regarding proper attire is to establish
expectations for projecting a professional appearance. Appropriate attire in the
workplace has a positive impact on all staff and students.
District 204 respects all of its employees and expects them to be respected by
the student and parent community. Physical appearance and professional attire
helps give tangible evidence of professionalism, aiding in a staff member’s
All staff must present a professional appearance, be able to move freely, and be
able to be physically active as duties may require. It is inappropriate and
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 30
unacceptable to wear clothing that is torn, frayed, has revealing midriff/neckline
areas, shows underwear, has holes in it, has offensive content, or is not clean.
It is recommended that all employees wear business casual (classic, smart, or
relaxed) attire. Business casual, in general, means dressing professionally, yet
looking relaxed and neat. This does not require the wearing of a formal suit,
sport coat, or dress shirt with tie for men; a formal suit, jacket, or dress/blouse for
women; or closed shoes (toe and/or heel) for both men and women. Business
casual does not preclude the wearing of denim, sleeveless shirts – tops for
women only, collarless shirts, shorts and skirts that come at least to the mid-
thigh, jewelry, perfume, or sandals. Clothing should be tidy and look appropriate.
District 204 encourages every administrator and staff member to present a
professional appearance at work. It is understood that one standard cannot be
applied to each work environment. However, the expectation is for every District
204 employee to be professional in whatever position he or she is working.
Class Size/Workload Guidelines
5.01 Class Size Guidelines
The Board has established a targeted class size to be between 25 and 30
students. Whenever feasible, lab classes should not exceed the designated lab
stations. Each high school shall be assigned a full-time Lab Technician. The job
description, duties and decision to hire the lab technicians shall remain with the
5.01.01 Early Childhood and Elementary
If an early childhood or elementary class other than physical education
and music exceeds the guidelines listed below, consideration will be
given to adding the appropriate level of support.
Grades Class Size
Early Childhood 15-20
K-2 27-29
3-5 29-31
5.01.02 Middle School
In order to determine the targeted class size, divide the total number of
sections in the building (exclusive of those exempt from class size
guidelines) that exceed 30 students by ten (the number of instructional
periods). A core team (i.e. language arts, reading) with three sections
in excess of 30 students will be considered relative to class size
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 31
5.01.03 High School
In order to determine the targeted class size, divide the number of
sections in the building (exclusive of those exempt from class size
guidelines) that exceed 30 students by eight (the number of instructional
periods). A department (i.e., science, math) with a minimum of three
sections in excess of 30 students will be considered relative to class size
supports. An additional section will be considered when all sections of a
specific class (i.e., earth and space science) average 33 students.
5.01.04 Classroom Support
One support to be considered is the hiring, utilization, and deployment
of a teacher assistant(s). If an enrollment assistant is assigned to
provide classroom support, the assistant will be shared by no more
than two (2) elementary classroom teachers at any given time. This
decision and the final authority to hire or not to hire an enrollment
assistant are retained by the Board of Education. Classroom teachers
whose classroom is assigned an enrollment assistant shall not be
assigned a supervision. When an enrollment assistant is to be hired,
daily substitutes shall be used until the enrollment assistant is
available. Upon the assignment of an enrollment assistant, affected
teachers shall receive one-half (1/2) day release to discuss utilization
of the enrollment assistant. Alternatively, in lieu of meeting during the
workday, if all teachers agree to meet after school, the district will pay
each teacher for two (2) hours at the applicable internal substation rate
as listed in Appendix B3 to discuss the utilization of the enrollment
5.01.05 Changes in Class Size Guidelines
It is recognized that the above grade and/or assignment guidelines may
have to be changed by mandated State and/or Federal programs or new
instructional patterns that may benefit the students as determined by the
5.01.06 TACT
Issues related to class size supports will be referred to the Teacher
Administrator Communications Team (TACT) in accordance with Article
5.02 Workload Guidelines
5.02.01 Early Childhood
Early Childhood teachers are responsible for general education
curriculum and also serve as special education teachers in an inclusive
early childhood model. Based on the existing five-day student week,
Early Childhood teachers are responsible for a maximum of 1350
minutes of instruction per week and are entitled to a minimum of 160
minutes per week of preparation time within the student day each week.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 32
5.02.02 Elementary
A. Elementary Buildings - Kindergarten teachers who teach ½ day
kindergarten are responsible for a maximum of 1340 minutes of
instruction per week and are entitled to a minimum 160 minutes of
preparation time within the student day each week. Except under
unusual circumstances, teachers will have 25 continuous minutes of
preparation time.
Elementary teachers are responsible for a maximum of 1600 minutes
of instruction per week and are entitled to a minimum of 175 minutes
of preparation time during the student day each week. Except under
unusual circumstances, teachers will have 25 continuous minutes of
preparation time.
In the event no art or music room exists, adjustments to time will
include "travel time" of five minutes for each fifty-minute section(s)
between consecutive classes.
No more than two (2) double PE classes per day will be scheduled
for any PE staff member. A double is defined as two (2) PE classes
taught as one with less than two (2) licensed PE teachers.
The week prior to quarterly student grades being due, there shall be
no team plan for all elementary teachers.
5.02.03 Middle School
A. Middle School Schedule
Teachers are responsible for a maximum of 249 minutes of
instruction per day. All middle school teachers will have one (1) team
plan time per day, one (1) individual plan time per day, one (1) duty
free lunch period of 30 minutes per day, and one (1) student support
responsibility per day. Special education teachers are excluded from
the student support requirement. Team plan time, individual plan time
and student support responsibility will each equal the minutes of an
Encore instructional period. The number of different courses
(preparations) will not exceed three (3). When it is necessary or
desirable to assign a teacher more than three (3) different
preparations, the teacher will be given an additional individual plan
time in lieu of a student support responsibility for the affected
quarter(s). A teacher may voluntarily accept an additional
instructional period (beyond the maximum of 249 minutes of
instruction); such period shall replace one (1) student support
responsibility, and the teacher will be compensated one-sixth of the
salary listed on the salary schedule at MA Step 6. Overload
assignments will be made according to the overload assignment
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 33
B. Middle School Student Support
Student Support duties are defined as activities which do not
require preparing lesson plans or evaluating student performance.
Any duty which requires preparing lesson plans or evaluating
student performance is considered an instructional period. Internal
substitution is not student support.
The Student Support period will be replacing the supervision period
from the former middle school schedule. Student Support is defined
as providing assistance to improve student performance. The two
main areas are Team-Based and Site-Based Student Support.
1. Team-Based Student Support consists of: skill building,
interventions and support components, and instructional
2. Site-Based Student Support consists of: supervising and
processing with students who have been assigned In-School
Suspension (ISS), supervising in the cafeteria and in the
transition to and/or from the cafeteria, and supporting students
in a small group with organizational issues (homework
completion, test prep, goal setting).
5.02.04 High School
A. High School Schedule— Except under unusual circumstances,
teachers will have an eight (8) period day plus advisory. Within the
student day, a teacher will have five (5) instructional periods, one (1)
preparation period, one (1) supervision period, and one (1) duty free
lunch period.
B. Frontier Campus or Similar Program —The Frontier Program
will be discontinued after June 1, 2012.
Should the District re-establish the Frontier Campus, or similar
program, every effort will be made to maintain a consistent level of
instructional minutes for all high school teachers through a
collaborative effort of administration, association leadership, and
C. Preparations—The number of different courses of instruction
(preparations) shall not exceed three (3) for any one teacher.
Combined level classes such as foreign language, etc., equal two (2)
preparations. When it is necessary or desirable to assign a teacher
to more than three (3) different courses of instruction, the teacher
shall be given an additional preparation period in lieu of a supervision
Secondary physical education teachers are excluded from the above
guidelines regarding the number of preparations. Band, chorus, and
orchestra are exempt from class size guidelines.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 34
D. AdvisoryAdvisory is a supervisory program designed to support
and foster a climate that encourages personal growth within smaller
learning communities. Advisory will not be an additional teaching
preparation. In addition, the advisory period will be used for
homerooms and routine announcements.
Advisory will be counted as one half (1/2) of a supervision period
provided that the Advisory period remains at one half (1/2) period or
Advisory will replace either one (1) full period of supervision for a
semester or one half (1/2) period of supervision for the year.
Prior to the selection of advisors, the program leaders will ask for
volunteers. Should there not be an adequate number of advisors
after placing the volunteers, teachers will be assigned advisory.
E. Exclusions from Supervision—school counselors, special
education teachers, Department Chairpersons, and department
liaisons are generally excluded from regular supervision
F. Department/Division Chairperson and Liaisons— Department
Chairs remain responsible for their individual high school grades 9
– 12. Freshman-level liaisons will assist the Department Chairs in
coordinating the instructional program.
Department/Division Chairpersons will be assigned teaching and
departmental responsibilities as determined by the number of
licensed staff they supervise, including part-time staff.
Number of Teachers
Periods Teaching/Department/
Division Chairperson Periods
1 / 4
1 / 4
1 / 4
1 / 4
1 / 4
2 / 3
3 / 2
*Department Chairperson for Special Education will be placed
here and will have zero (0) teaching periods.
Each high school will be assigned clerical assistance for the
school’s Department Chairs (equivalent of 1 FTE for each school).
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 35
Department/Division Liaisons
All liaison positions will be determined/assigned at the discretion of
the building administration based on the following allocations:
Neuqua Valley (2 buildings): 1.8 FTE allocation
Waubonsie Valley/Metea Valley: 1.2 FTE allocation per high
Additional Liaisons
1.0 in each high school – Special Education
0.4 in each high school – Athletic/Aquatics Directors
Current release periods for instructional coaching will remain.
The decision to fill a liaison position rests solely with the Board.
G. Student Academic Guidance—Student Academic Guidance is a
program to offer students additional academic and social emotional
learning support. The District-Level Oversight Committee shall
determine the schedule, and the Committee shall include the
Assistant Superintendent Teaching and Learning-High School, the
Principal from each of the high schools, the appropriate Assistant
Principal, no more than fourteen (14) total Department Chairs
representing each department split between all three high schools,
the IPEA High School Vice-President and the IPEA President. A
building-level committee at each high school will develop and
collect data to assess the program. Teachers at each building will
communicate the academic and SEL support schedule to students.
Each building-level committee shall include the building principal,
the appropriate assistant principal, and from each department, the
department chair and two full-time teachers. Volunteer teacher
members shall be selected first, then any remaining teacher
members shall be selected by the association. The program will
not be considered an additional teaching preparation. Any issues
related to itinerant or travelling licensed staff shall be addressed by
the appropriate department chair and building principal.
5.02.05 Overload Assignment Guidelines
Overloads will not be assigned to a tenured teacher who is under
Notice to Remedy or under remediation. The following guidelines will
be applicable for the duration of the overload:
A. Middle School
When it is necessary to assign beyond the maximum of
249 minutes of instruction per day, the following factors will be
considered: student needs, certification, qualifications including
curricular expertise (current or recent teaching experience), merit and
ability (including performance evaluations, if available), availability,
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 36
teacher request, and seniority when all other factors are judged to be
equal. Such instructional period shall replace the one (1) student
support period, and the teacher will be compensated one-sixth of the
salary listed on the salary schedule at MA Step 6.
B. High School
When it is necessary to assign a sixth instructional period, the
following factors will be considered: student needs, certification,
qualifications including curricular expertise (current or recent
teaching experience), merit and ability (including performance
evaluations, if available), availability, teacher request, and seniority
when all other factors are judged to be equal. Such instructional
period shall replace the one (1) supervision period, and the teacher
will be compensated one-fifth of the salary listed on the salary
schedule at MA Step 6 at the high school. Typically, overloads will
not be assigned to a department chair.
5.02.06 Period/Internal Substitution
Internal substitution is paid at the rate determined in Appendix B of the
negotiated agreement. Assignments will be made by Administration
from the teacher's assigned preparation time.
5.02.07 Changes to Workload Guidelines
Alternative workload guidelines at individual buildings may be developed
jointly at the building level. The building administrator, senator, and the
appropriate Association vice-president shall jointly appoint a committee
to develop the alternative workload guidelines.
Mutual consent of the committee will be required prior to the
implementation of any changes.
These alternative guidelines shall be for the purpose of innovative
scheduling, will be piloted for one school year, and will require annual
renewal by a majority of the staff in the affected building. This vote shall
be taken by secret ballot, to be tallied jointly by the building administrator
and the senator or Association designee.
Teacher Evaluation Program
6.01 The Teacher Evaluation Plan
The Evaluation Plan will generally follow the subscription as described in Article
24A of the School Code of Illinois, and the rules and regulations of the State
Board of Education, all as amended from time to time, and the additions shown
in this Article. Teachers are responsible for, and will be held accountable to, the
Performance Responsibilities found in the Teacher Evaluation Plan.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 37
6.02 Notification
At the start of the school term (i.e., the first day of student attendance), each
teacher shall be advised by his/her administrator, department chairperson, or
curriculum coordinator of placement on the evaluation cycle. For any teacher
hired after the start of the school term, notification will occur no later than thirdy
(30) days after the contract is executed. The notification will occur in writing, to
be followed by an explanation of the evaluation process and standards of
performance. No evaluation shall take place until such orientation has been
6.03 Multiple Building Assignments
Teachers who have floating or multiple building locations or work locations shall
be assigned no less than two (2) administrators for the purpose of evaluation.
Such teachers shall receive the notification described in Article 6.02 and will
meet with their primary building administrator to be informed of which
administrator will have primary responsibility for the summative evaluation in
accordance with the Evaluation Plan in this Article.
6.04 Formal Observations
One (1) workday notice will be given prior to the formal observation process; the
process includes the pre-observation conference, observation and post-
observation conference. At the Pre-Observation Conference, the evaluator shall
discuss with the teacher the objectives of the observation, the planned teaching
activity, and the time of the observation. Formal observations shall conform to
the requirements as set forth in the Evaluation Plan, and must be no less than
forty-five (45) continuous minutes in length; or an observation during a complete
lesson; or an observation during an entire class period. All formal observations
of the work performance of a teacher shall be conducted with the full knowledge
of the teacher. The post conference will be scheduled no sooner than one (1)
workday after the teacher receives the narrative report, unless the narrative is
prepared in a collaborative setting or the teacher and evaluator mutually agree
to another format. No more than ten (10) workdays will elapse between the
formal observation and the post conference. The teacher shall complete the
reflection portion of the evaluation within five (5) workdays of receiving the
narrative report, and in no case shall failure to complete the reflection delay the
post conference and/or domain ratings.
6.05 Informal Observations
All informal observations which are to be used to evaluate the teacher will be
reduced to writing and shall conform to the requirements as set forth in the
Evaluation Plan. A copy of the written compilation will be given to the teacher
no less than one (1) workday prior to any conference. The written compilation
will be discussed with the teacher within ten (10) workdays of the occurrence of
the informal observation.
6.06 Artifacts
In addition to information gained through formal and informal observations
consistent with the Evaluation Plan, the administrator may, from time to time,
ask the teacher to provide sample materials for student use (worksheets, plans,
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 38
tests, homework, etc.). Discussion of these kinds of materials may be helpful to
the teacher and administrator in better understanding the instructional program.
6.07 Frequency
6.07.01 Probationary Teacher
A probationary teacher shall have a summative evaluation at least
one (1) time during each probationary year and shall meet the
requirements as set forth in the Evaluation Plan. Normally, there shall
be a twenty (20) workday period between observations when more
than one is done in any school year.
6.07.02 Tenured Teacher
A tenured teacher whose performance is rated as either “excellent” or
“proficient” shall be evaluated at least once in the course of three (3)
school years and shall be informally observed at least once in the
course of the two (2) school years after receipt of the rating. A
tenured teacher shall also meet the requirements as set forth in the
Evaluation Plan. Normally, there shall be a twenty (20) workday
period between observations when more than one is done in any
school year. Any tenured teacher who receives either “needs
improvement” or “unsatisfactory” must be evaluated at least once in
the school year following the receipt of such rating on a summative
6.07.03 Part-time Teacher
Teachers working less than full-time will be evaluated at least once
each year for the first four years of employment and at least once
every two years thereafter.
6.07.04 Date to be Completed
The written summative evaluation and summative evaluation
conference shall be completed no later than March 1 for probationary
teachers unless the Association and the District mutually agree to a
later date, no later than March 15 for tenured teachers, and no later
than May 15 for part-time teachers.
6.07.05 Mid-cycle Changes
Tenured teachers who are not scheduled for an annual evaluation
(“off-cycle”) may, at the determination of the responsible evaluator(s),
be scheduled for evaluation at any time. The teacher will be provided
a written notice of such determination including a brief statement of
the reason(s) for the decision.
6.08 Procedure
6.08.01 Administrative Responsibility
The appropriate administrator or designee who is pre-qualified via a
program provided or approved by the State Board of Education will
observe and write formative evaluations. It is appropriate for
specifically identified staff including, but not limited to, department
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 39
chairpersons, department liaisons, deans, student service
coordinators, and district curriculum coordinators to observe and write
formative evaluations if they are pre-qualified. In as much as
summative evaluations are unilateral in nature, only pre-qualified
administrators will write summative evaluations.
6.08.02 Summative Evaluation
Each summative evaluation will be preceded by formative
observations as determined by the administrator and consistent with
the Evaluation Plan.
6.08.03 Summative Conference
A copy of each summative evaluation report shall be given to the
teacher no less than one (1) workday prior to a scheduled conference,
and a conference shall be held between the teacher and the
administrator within ten (10) work days following the receipt of the
summative evaluation. A copy signed by both parties shall be given
to the teacher at the end of the conference, with the teacher's
signature indicating receipt of the evaluation.
6.08.04 Right to Respond
If the teacher feels the summative evaluation report needs
elaboration, said teacher may put any comments in writing and have
them attached to the evaluation report to be placed in the teacher's
personnel file within ten (10) workdays after the summative evaluation
6.09 Tenured Teacher Assistance Program
Within thirty (30) school days after the completion of a summative evaluation
rating a tenured teacher’s performance as “needs improvement,” the
administrator, in consultation with the teacher, shall develop a professional
development plan (PDP). The PDP will address the areas that need
improvement taking into account the teacher’s on-going professional
responsibilities, including the teacher’s regular teaching assignment(s). In
addition, the PDP will specify any supports the district will provide to address the
areas identified as needing improvement.
6.10 Continuing Responsibilities
An integral but separate part of evaluation of both tenured and non-tenured
teachers is the continuous appraisal of their ability to meet the Performance
Responsibilities. The evaluation of these standards will typically be made
through routine informal contact and interaction between teachers and
administrators. When problems are observed in these areas, the teacher will be
contacted within ten (10) workdays by the administrator to advise the teacher of
the observed problem. If the problem continues or reoccurs, the administrator
may prepare and issue written notice setting forth the specific deficiency with a
copy to the teacher's personnel file.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 40
The teacher has the right, upon request, to a conference regarding such notice
and to attach comments to the notice to be placed in the personnel file. In the
unlikely event of serious intentional or flagrant violations of these standards, the
administrator may make a direct recommendation of more formal and immediate
Documents placed in the teacher’s permanent personnel file will comply with
Section 3.02 of this agreement.
6.11 Procedures for Remediation
At the summative evaluation conference, a teacher who receives an
unsatisfactory rating will be informed in writing of his/her need of remediation.
Such tenured teacher rated as unsatisfactory will undergo a remediation plan
subject to the following (from School Code 24A):
6.11.01 Remediation Plan
Within thirty (30) school days after summative evaluation has been
reduced to writing resulting in a rating of unsatisfactory, the District will
develop and commence the remediation plan designed to correct the
areas identified as unsatisfactory, provided the deficiencies are
deemed remediable.
1. The remediation plan will provide for evaluations and ratings once
every forty-five (45) school days for ninety (90) school days
immediately following the teacher's receipt of a remediation plan.
2. The evaluations and ratings shall be conducted by a qualified
participating administrator.
3. The qualified participating administrator shall issue the final
evaluation at the conclusion of the period specified in subsection
(1) of this Section within ten (10) school days after the conclusion
of the plan.
4. Any teacher who successfully completes the remediation plan by
receiving a proficient or better rating at the conclusion of the
remediation process shall be evaluated at least once during the
school term following the receipt of the unsatisfactory rating that
triggered the remediation plan and thereafter be reinstated to a
schedule of biennial evaluations so long as the teacher is rated
proficient or better.
6.11.02 Consulting Teacher
In order to expedite the formulation of the remediation plan, a
consulting teacher will be selected within thirty (30) school days of
receipt of an unsatisfactory rating. Consulting teachers from within
the district will receive orientation and released time in accordance
with the remediation plan. A consulting teacher will be chosen and
involved in the remediation plan as follows (from School Code 24A
and Administrative Code Title 23, Section 1.320):
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 41
A. Participants in the remediation plan will include the teacher
deemed unsatisfactory, qualified administrator(s) and a consulting
teacher selected in accordance with the following procedures. The
remediation plan may include the participation of other personnel
to assist in correcting areas identified as unsatisfactory.
1. The consulting teacher shall participate in developing the
remediation plan but the final decision as to the evaluation shall
be done solely by the administrator.
2. The participation of the consulting teacher will be voluntary.
3. The qualified consulting teacher will be one who has received a
rating of excellent on his or her most recent evaluation, has a
minimum of five years experience in teaching, and has
knowledge relevant to and reasonable familiarity with the
assignment of the teacher under remediation.
4. The consulting teacher will be mutually chosen from a list
developed by the district or, the Association, if it chooses, may
supply a roster of at least five (5) qualified teachers from which
the consulting teacher is to be selected, or the names of all
teachers so qualified if that number is less than five (5). The
teacher being remediated and the participating administrator or
principal of the teacher being remediated will cooperatively
select the consulting teacher. In the unlikely event that the
cooperative effort to select a consulting teacher should fail, the
participating administrator and/or principal who rated the
teacher unsatisfactory shall assign a consulting teacher.
5. If the District is unable to identify a qualified consulting teacher
from among district employees, the District will contact the
Regional Office of Education (ROE) for assistance in identifying
a qualified consulting teacher.
6. If the consulting teacher becomes unavailable during the
course of a remediation plan, a new consulting teacher will be
selected in the same manner as the initial consulting teacher.
The remediation plan will be amended as necessary upon
consultation with the new consulting teacher for the balance of
the remediation period.
7. The consulting teacher will provide advice to the teacher rated
as unsatisfactory on how to improve teaching skills and to
successfully complete the remediation plan.
8. The consulting teacher will not be engaged to evaluate the
performance of the teacher under remediation.
9. The consulting teacher will be informed, through conference
with the qualified administrator and the teacher under
remediation, of the results of the mid-point evaluation in order
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 42
to continue to provide assistance to the teacher under a
remediation plan.
10. The consulting teacher will not be called to testify at any
hearing relating to employment of the teacher under
remediation. Furthermore, in accordance with applicable
provisions of the School Code, the Board will provide
indemnification and protection for claims and suits against a
teacher as a result of his/her role as a consulting teacher.
11. If a problem develops between the remediating teacher and the
consulting teacher, the remediating and/or consulting teacher
will inform the participating administrator or principal of the
exact nature of the problem. If deemed necessary by the
participating administrator or principal, a change in the
consulting teacher shall be made. The selection of the new
consulting teacher will be done in the same manner as the
initial consulting teacher was made.
6.12 Transition Assistance Plan
A teacher who successfully completes the Remediation Plan with a proficient or
better rating shall return to the regular evaluation program with a Transition Plan
to provide assistance in maintaining the proficient or better rating achieved
during the Remediation Plan. The Transition Plan will be developed by the
participants in the Remediation Plan and may range for 30 to 90 school days.
6.13 Dismissal of Remediating Teacher
The Plan will provide that any teacher who fails to complete the remediation
plan with a proficient or better rating will be dismissed in accordance with
Section 24-12 of the School Code.
6.14 Payment of Consulting Teacher
The consulting teacher will receive $1800 (not to be funded by the stipend
schedule) for the duration of the plan or prorated based on the time engaged as
a consulting teacher. Release time may be provided if deemed necessary by
the administration.
6.15 Statutory and Regulatory Changes
The procedures outlined in Article 6 are based on both statutory and regulatory
provisions currently in force. Changes in such statutory and/or regulatory
provisions will prevail. Each time a substantive change in statute or regulations
occur, the Association President and the Superintendent or his designee shall
meet to discuss the exact nature of the change and its impact on the collective
bargaining agreement. Regardless of the outcome of such a meeting,
compliance with the statute and/or regulation will occur immediately.
6.16 Changes
Changes in the Evaluation Plan will not be made without the cooperation of the
Association. Any changes in the Evaluation Plan not otherwise changed by
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 43
statutory and/or regulatory provisions according to Article 6.15 are subject to
ratification by the Association and the Board.
6.17 Notification of Adverse Evaluation
Each building principal or immediate supervisor of non-tenured, full-time
teachers will, no later than forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the end of the
school term, notify all non-tenured, full-time teachers under his/her supervision
whether re-employment for the next school year is being recommended based
upon the teacher's performance up to the time of such notification. A written
report of such notification will be made to the Assistant Superintendent for
Human Resources, with a copy to the teacher. Notification of an adverse
evaluation for a tenured teacher will be done in accordance with the state
approved teacher evaluation plan. Procedures will follow Articles 6.09-6.16.
6.18 Evaluation Committee
The Evaluation Committee will include a minimum of five (5) representatives
from the Association, as appointed by the Association President, and a
minimum of five (5) administrators appointed by the Superintendent. Any
changes in the Evaluation Plan are subject to ratification by the Association and
the Board.
Staff Reduction
7.01 Notice
The Board shall notify the Association prior to when a reduction is to be made in
the number of total licensed teaching personnel employed. "Teacher" as used
in this Article means both tenured and non-tenured teachers.
7.02 Procedure
If removal or dismissal results from a decision of the Board to decrease the
number of teachers employed by the Board or discontinuance of some particular
type of teaching service, such removals or dismissals will be accomplished in
accordance with Section 24-12, including other applicable sections of the School
7.02.01 Honorable Dismissal List
Annually, the District shall establish an Honorable Dismissal List
based on a categorization of each teacher into one or more positions
for which the teacher is qualified to hold, based upon legal
qualifications, certifications, endorsements, and any other qualification
established in a district job description, on or before May 10
prior to
the school year during which the sequence of dismissal is determined.
Copies of the List shall be distributed to the Association at least
seventy-five (75) days before the end of the school term.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 44
7.02.02 Grouping of Teachers within Honorable Dismissal List
Within each position of the Honorable Dismissal List, the District shall
establish four (4) groupings of teachers qualified to hold the position
as follows:
Group 1. Group 1 shall consist of each non-tenured teacher who
has not received a summative performance evaluation rating;
Group 2. Group 2 shall consist of both tenured and non-tenured
teachers with a “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory”
summative performance evaluation rating on either of the
teacher’s last two (2) summative performance evaluation ratings;
Group 3. Group 3 shall consist of each teacher with a summative
performance evaluation rating of at least “Satisfactory” or
“Proficient” on both of the teacher’s last two (2) summative
performance evaluation ratings, if two (2) ratings are available, or
on the teacher’s last summative performance evaluation rating, if
only one rating is available, unless the teacher qualifies for
placement into Group 4;
Group 4. Group 4 shall consist of each teacher whose last two
summative performance evaluation ratings are “Excellent” as well
as each teacher with two “Excellent” summative performance
evaluation ratings out of the teacher’s last three summative
performance evaluation ratings with a third rating of “Satisfactory”
or “Proficient.”
7.02.03 Order of Dismissal
Among teachers qualified to hold a position, teachers must be
dismissed in the order of their groupings, with teachers in Group 1
dismissed first and teachers in Group 4 dismissed last.
a. Within Group 1, the sequence of dismissal is at the sole discretion
of the District.
b. Within Group 2, the sequence of dismissal is based on the
average of the last two summative performance evaluation ratings,
if two ratings are available, or the teacher’s last summative
performance evaluation rating if only one rating is available.
The average is calculated using the following numeric values:
4 for “Excellent”; 3 for “Proficient” or “Satisfactory”; 2 for “Needs
Improvement”; and 1 for “Unsatisfactory”. Teachers with the
lowest average summative performance rating shall be dismissed
first. Teachers with the same average summative performance
evaluation rating shall be dismissed based on seniority, with
teachers that have shorter length of continuing service with the
District dismissed first.
c. Within Groups 3 and 4, the sequence of dismissal is based on
certification, qualifications, and seniority, with teachers that have
shorter length of continuing service with the District dismissed first.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 45
7.02.04 Seniority
Seniority (length of continuing service) means the total period of
continuous full-time employment from the date of hire in a position
which is within the bargaining unit (as defined in Article 1 herein) or an
Administrator in the District provided the first two (2) years of
employment as an Administrator in the District shall not be computed
as part of seniority. Less than full-time service shall be counted pro
7.02.05 Tie Breaker
If two or more teachers otherwise have equal seniority and one or
more is to be honorably dismissed, seniority order shall be determined
by, in order:
a. Highest earned degree:
b. Most credit hours beyond the degree;
c. Total teaching experience as indicated on the teacher's service
d. Decision of the Superintendent.
7.02.06 Break in Service
The following employment, when it interrupts full-time employment
status, shall not constitute a break in service for seniority purposes,
but time spent in such status will not be counted toward seniority:
a. Non-bargaining unit employment, except as otherwise provided in
Section 7.02.04.
b. Non-paid leave of absence.
c. Employment for summer school, evening school, or other
temporary positions (this does not mean temporary assignment to
a position which is in the bargaining unit).
7.03 Teacher on Leave of Absence
Teachers who have entered upon contractual continued service and who are on
an approved leave of absence shall be subject to the foregoing reduction in
force policy.
7.04 Recall
Any teacher whose active employment has been terminated pursuant to 7.02
and 7.03 above shall have recall rights as follows:
7.04.01 Vacancies
If the Board has any vacancies for the following school term or within
two calendar years from the beginning of the following school term,
the positions thereby becoming available shall be tendered to the
teachers so removed or dismissed who were in Groups 2, 3 or 4 and
are qualified to hold such position, based upon legal qualifications and
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 46
any other qualifications established in a District job description on or
before May 10
prior to the date of the position becoming available.
Additionally, only dismissed Group 2 teachers who had one “needs
improvement” rating on either of the teacher’s last 2 performance
evaluation ratings, provided that, if 2 ratings are available, the other
performance evaluation rating used for grouping purposes must be
“satisfactory”, “proficient”, or “excellent” shall have recall rights. Such
recall rights for Group 2 teachers shall extend only to vacancies which
occur within the period from the beginning of the following school term
through February 1 of the following school term.
7.04.02 Reverse Order
Teachers from Groups 2, 3 or 4 shall be eligible for recall in reverse
order of termination.
7.04.03 Current Status and Address
All teachers removed or dismissed according to the intent of this
Article have the responsibility of keeping the Superintendent's office
informed as to their current status and address.
7.04.04 Response Deadline
If a decision is made to recall a teacher, the affected teacher shall
have ten (10) business days in which to respond, with the timeline
beginning on the date the notification was sent by certified mail to the
7.04.05 Failure to Respond
Any teacher who fails to respond to a position by a proper notice will
be placed at the bottom of the recall list as it exists at the time of such
failure to respond. However, a teacher may elect to be passed over
once in which case the teacher retains his/her position on the recall
list, and the Board will offer the position to the next most senior
qualified teacher. Teachers are required to inform the office of the
Superintendent of any changes in their qualifications after the date of
their termination along with any changes in their official resident
7.04.06 Temporary Positions
Temporary positions will be first offered to teachers with recall rights in
the same order as for permanent positions. Acceptance of a
temporary position will not affect the recall rights of a teacher.
7.04.07 Rights Upon Recall
A recalled teacher shall be reinstated with no loss of seniority, tenure
rights, accumulated sick leave, or salary schedule position.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 47
7.05 Honorable Dismissal Joint Committee
The Honorable Dismissal Joint Committee, as defined in Section 24-12 of the
School Code, shall include an equal number of Association and Administrative
members not less than five (5) representatives from the Association as
appointed by the Association President, and not less than five (5) administrators
appointed by the Superintendent.
Compensation and Fringe Benefits
8.01 Experience and Education Credit
Teachers shall be placed on the salary schedule as follows:
8.01.01 Previous Teaching Experience
New hires shall be given credit for acceptable previous teaching
experience. Not more than one year of credit may be given for each
year (nine to ten months) of prior teaching. Substitute teaching shall
not be considered acceptable previous teaching experience.
8.01.02 District Teaching Experience
Credit for all teaching experience in District #204 will be given except
as expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement. When transferring
from part-time to full-time within this district pro rata credit will be given.
Returning part-time teachers (0.6 FTE and above) will receive pro rata
salary credit. Two years of 0.5 FTE will advance the employee one
year on the salary schedule.
8.01.03 Vocational Education
Prior related work experience will be credited for teachers hired to teach
vocational education (i.e. courses for which state reimbursement is
received as vocational education) as follows:
Years’ Experience Step Placement
1-3 2
4-5 3
6-7 4
8-9 5
10+ 6
This provision does not establish a precedent for any other educational
program. All years of prior experience must be verified for step
placement credit.
8.01.04 Military Experience
Teaching credit will be given for military experience as follows: up to two
(2) years of credit will be given for active United States military service
that interrupted the teaching service within this District.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 48
8.01.05 Certified School Nurse Experience
Upon hire, new Certified School Nurses shall receive credit for prior
experience as a registered nurse.
8.01.06 School Psychologist, Speech Language Pathologist, and Social
Worker Education
Upon hire, School Psychologists, Speech Language Pathologists, and
Social Workers shall receive credit for education lane placement on the
salary schedule for completion of a master’s program requiring more
than thirty (30) credits. For example, a newly hired employee that
submits a transcript indicating the master’s program required forty-five
(45) credits for completion of the program will be placed in the MA+15
lane on the salary schedule. The maximum placement on the salary
schedule based on such credit shall be MA+30. A transcript indicating
the master’s program requirements and conferral of the master’s degree
shall be required to receive the appropriate education placement on the
salary schedule.
8.02 Salary Schedules
Teachers shall normally be paid in accordance with the salary schedules attached
as Appendix “A.” District notification will be sent to all staff each year by November
15 with directions on how to confirm salary schedule placement. However, the
Board may hold a teacher on a step for the succeeding year in accordance with the
District's just cause statement. Whenever a teacher has successfully remediated
such cause, he/she will be returned to his/her normal step on the schedule.
However, he/she will not be entitled to restoration of lost salary unless the Board
deems such restoration is appropriate.
8.02.01 Movement Off the Salary Schedule
No teacher paid on the salary schedule will move off the salary
schedule and once the maximum step of a lane is achieved will remain
at that step.
8.02.02 Frozen Lane Change
Teachers frozen at the maximum step of a lane and who achieve a lane
change will be moved across one lane and down one step on the new
lane, provided the teacher does not move off the salary schedule.
8.02.03 Lane Change Movement
Teachers who receive approval for, complete, and submit official
transcripts for college/university course work will receive one (1) lane
change credit per contract year when the number of completed
semester hours/conferred degree corresponds to movement on the
salary schedule. See Appendix C for specific course and approval
requirements. An official transcript for each course must be hand-
delivered and receipt received to the Human Resources Department
by October 1 in order to obtain salary schedule credit on the year for
which credit is to be awarded. For movement into the MA lane and
PhD Lane, the official transcript must include the degree conferred by
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 49
October 1. Failure to secure prior approval or submit official
transcripts by October 1 may delay salary schedule credit to the next
school year. Payment for lane change credit will be made following
the second Board meeting in November. Payment will be retroactive
to the beginning of the year.
8.02.04 20222023, 2023-2024 2024-2025, and 20252026 Salary Schedules
A. For 2022-23 and 2023-24, all employees shall be paid in accordance
with the salary schedules included in Appendix A, except as provided
in subsection B or C below. For 2022-23, all returning employees shall
advance one step on the salary schedule beginning with the 13
paycheck. For 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26, all returning
employees shall advance one step on the salary schedule beginning
with the 1
paycheck. For 2024-25 and 2025-26, BA Step 1 shall
increase each year by the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) as defined in
the chart below but shall be a minimum of 1.5% and a maximum of
5%. The 2024-25 and 2025-26 salary schedules shall be published on
the district website no later than thirty (30) days after the CPI-U has
been published by the Illinois Department of Revenue.
FY 2024-25 Salary Schedule
FY 2025-26 Salary Schedule
B. If the District's allocation of Evidence-Based Funding and mandated
Categoricals exceeds $56,586,288 in any contract year, monies
received in excess of that amount will be utilized for categories
including Core FTE, Per Student, Central Services and Diverse
Learners, in accordance with the statutory Evidence-Based Elements
identified in Section 18- 8.15 of the School Code, as determined by the
Board of Education in compliance with State law after discussion and
advisory recommendations by TACT; or
C. If the District's allocation of Evidence-Based Funding and mandated
Categoricals is reduced below $56,586,288, property tax freezes are
imposed and/or there are increases in the District's pension costs, all
or any of which cumulatively exceed $3,850,000 annually, either party
may terminate the contract after the 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 contract
year by notifying the other party no later than August 1, 2024 or August
1, 2025 as the case may be. If neither party terminates the contract,
employees shall continue to be paid as provided in this Agreement, but
employees electing to participate in the District Medical Insurance will
be enrolled in the Value HSA Health Plan effective January 1
of the
calendar year following the school year when revenue losses/cost
increases exceed $3,850,000.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 50
8.03 Extra Duty Assignments
Teachers shall be paid in accordance with the extra duty schedules attached
hereto as Appendix “B.”
8.04 Medical and Dental Insurance
The Board will continue to provide a medical, vision, prescription drug, dental,
life and long-term disability insurance plan, which will be in effect for the 2022-
2026 school years.
A. Premium Contributions 2022-2026
For the 2022-2026 school years, the total projected cost of the
comprehensive medical, vision, prescription drug and dental plan, including
anticipated claims, third-party administrative expenses, stop-loss premiums,
hospital/physician network administration, life insurance premiums, long-term
disability premiums, accidental death and disability premiums, anticipated
employee assistance and wellness costs, shall be divided between the
Board and the employee bargaining unit, with the Board paying 83% and the
employee paying 17%. Insurance contributions are based on twenty-four
(24) pay periods.
The specific allocation between the participant categories and the estimate
of projected/anticipated claims and other cost items for which actual
premiums are not then available, shall be determined by the Administration
based upon recommendation from the Insurance Committee (8.08) as soon
after October 30 as the prior year data is available.
After the Insurance Committee has met and any plan changes approved by
the Association and the Board have been incorporated, employee premium
contributions shall be established by the Administration based on projected
B. An employee must be enrolled in the plan on January 1 to be considered at
Step 1 for that year; if enrolled after January 1, the employee will remain at
Step 1 in the following year.
Insurance coverage is optional. New employees may elect to not participate
in the insurance plans upon written notice to the Human Resources
Department during the enrollment period. District married couples will
receive one family plan coverage at the cost of two single contributions
based on the most senior employee’s year of service. To participate in the
District insurance plan employees must be at least 0.9 FTE or a lower FTE
as required by law, or fit into one of the exceptions stated in 4.01.12 and
C. New hires to the district start on Step 1 of the annual Employee Contribution
Schedule. New hires and any employees hired after ratification of the 2015-
2018 Agreement, who elect insurance coverage, will be enrolled in the Value
Health Savings Account (VHSA) for the duration of the Contract.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 51
D. Insurance coverage is optional. New employees may elect to not participate in
the insurance plans upon written notice to the Human Resources Department
during the enrollment period. District married couples will receive one family
plan coverage at the cost of two single contributions based on the most senior
employee’s year of service. To participate in the District insurance plan
employees must be at least 0.9 FTE, or a lower FTE as required by law, or fit
into one of the exceptions stated in 4.01.12 and 11.05.
E. There will be no change in employee coverage – single to family or vice versa –
unless there has been a change in status, i.e., marital, employment, birth,
F. For the duration of the Contract, employees who elect and maintain insurance
coverage will have the annual option of selecting to participate in either a Value
Health Savings Account (VHSA) or a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
G. Employees who elect to continue coverage while on an unpaid leave of
absence through COBRA do not interrupt membership in the plan.
H. The District’s Business Office will continue flexible spending accounts for
employees interested in using such an account. The accounts will be
administered by a third party as selected by the Business Office.
I. Except for the start of the school year, all employees eligible to participate in
the insurance program will have insurance coverage on the first day of the
first month following their date of hire. For example, an eligible employee
hired on 9/7 will have insurance coverage on 10/1; an employee hired on 9/26
will have insurance coverage on 10/1.
8.05 Term Life Insurance
The Board shall provide, for each employee who works a minimum of thirty (30)
hours per week, a term life insurance policy in the amount of $50,000. The Board
reserves the right to select the insurance carrier.
8.06 Long-Term Disability Insurance
The Board shall continue to provide, for each employee who works a minimum of
thirty (30) hours per week, a long-term disability plan. The specifications of the
plan shall be distributed to all employees. The Board reserves the right to select
the insurance carrier. This plan shall become effective after ninety (90) days of the
onset of the approved disability, or the total use of available sick leave ¾ including
Sick Leave Bank, if participating ¾ whichever comes last.
8.07 Selection of Carriers
Selection of carriers for insurance plans required by this Agreement is a Board
right. However, the Board shall notify the Association of any contemplated change
in carriers.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 52
8.08 Insurance Committee
A. An Insurance Committee will be established with representation as follows:
When cost data is available for the prior year, and the Administration has
received projected premiums for purchased coverages, the Insurance
Committee will be convened to discuss:
1. Estimates of projected/anticipated claims and other cost items for which
actual premiums are not then available;
2. The adjustment of employee contributions as provided in 8.04;
3. Potential adjustments in coverages/benefits which would reduce costs for
the Board and for employees;
4. The allocation of premiums among the four participant categories
(Employee, EE+1, EE+2, and EE+3).
The committee is advisory and will operate using the consensus model.
The Association will have full and complete access to all school district policies,
contracts, and provisions of those insurance plans affecting the Association.
The Administration retains the right to limit access to regularly produced
reports/records which may compromise or otherwise violate the confidentiality
of the individuals covered under the plans.
The Association will be permitted to be in attendance at meetings regarding
the renewal process and premium adjustments each year.
After the Insurance Committee has met, employee contributions will then be
adjusted in accordance with 8.04 and any coverage/benefit changes
approved in writing by the Association and the District. Any premium
changes will be implemented for the first payroll in January.
B. Reserve Insurance Fund
The Reserve Insurance Fund (Reserve) will be used for rate control and/or
benefit enhancements in the insurance plan. Any benefit changes will be
addressed as part of the collective bargaining process.
Reserve Formula The Reserve should be seventeen (17%) percent of
projected annual claims with a built in margin of ±25%. This margin will provide
a safeguard against the reserve becoming too small or large depending on
actual claims experience, shifts in enrollment, and inflationary trends.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 53
Reserve Calculation and Adjustment The actual dollar balance as of
August 31 in the Reserve will be compared to the amount required by the
Reserve Formula. The difference will be used to determine if an adjustment
(increase or decrease) in the premium contribution funding rates for the new
plan year starting January 1 is required, per the following guidelines:
1. If the actual balance of the Reserve is less than 80% of the formula amount,
an adjustment (increase) will be applied to the premium contribution funding
rates for the upcoming plan year based on the district/employee proportion
currently in effect (83/17).
2. If the actual balance of the Reserve is between 80% and 120% of the
formula amount, no adjustment shall be made to the premium contribution
funding rates.
3. If the actual balance of the Reserve is more than 120% of the formula
amount, a release of funds (decrease) may be applied to the premium
contribution funding rates for the upcoming plan year based on the
district/employee proportion currently in effect (83/17).
8.09 Payroll Procedures
8.09.01 Pay Dates
Teachers shall be paid on the 15th and last day of each month. The
only exceptions to the schedule are as follows: if the 15
or last day of
the month falls on a weekend day, the pay date will be the last
business day the CEC is open during that week. If the 15
or last day
of the month falls on a holiday, the pay date will be the last business
day the CEC is open prior to the holiday.
If the 31
falls on a Sunday, the pay day will be on the 29
, the
Friday immediately preceding the pay date; or
If the 31
is a holiday and falls on a Monday, the pay date will be the
, the Friday immediately preceding the pay date.
8.09.02 Paycheck Correction Procedures
If a staff member does not receive a paycheck because no check was
generated by the business office, then the department will produce a
check within twenty-four (24) hours of being informed by the
employee of this problem.
If a staff member reports an error in his/her paycheck that is more
than fifty ($50) dollars, a new check to replace or correct the error will
be issued within the next three business days of the business office
being notified. For example, if the payday is on a Monday, checks will
be run to correct mistakes on Wednesday, which allows for correction
to be made by the business department on Monday and Tuesday.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 54
When paychecks are sent via U.S. Mail (summer checks) the district
will mail the paychecks two business days before payday.
If a staff member reports a lost paycheck, a new check will be issued
within five business days of business department being notified. A
new check will be issued within ten business days from the day of
notification if the employee has not notified the Human Resources
Department of an address change.
Note: The bank needs to be notified as to whether the check has
been cleared or cashed. In addition, a stop payment must be
executed with the district's banking institution.
8.09.03 Error in Pay and/or Benefits Calculation
If a staff member or the district identifies an error in a paycheck, no
matter how long-standing and no matter whether the error is an
underpayment or overpayment, arrangements will be made to correct
the error for a maximum of eighteen (18) months prior to the error
being reported. For example, if a staff member was overpaid over a
period of three months, the district will make the correction over a
period of three months.
8.10 Payroll Installments
8.10.01 Payments
All teachers shall be paid in twenty-four (24) payments. All payroll
payments shall be made by direct deposit.
Teachers have the obligation to give the payroll office notice of their
summer address two weeks prior to the final day of school.
8.10.02 Per Diem
For purposes of the Agreement, a teacher’s per diem will be based on
1/183 of scheduled salary.
8.11 Payroll Deductions
8.11.01 Tax Shelters/Payroll Deductions
Fifteen (15) or more teachers must request that a company be added
to the list of vendors. As part of that request, each employee must
submit a copy of the contract executed between the employee and the
potential vendor used to create a tax sheltered annuity account. That
vendor must then sign an Information Sharing Agreement with the
third-party administrator (TPA) charged with administration of the tax
sheltered annuity plans. When the Information Sharing Agreement is
executed by both the vendor and District 204, that vendor then joins
the list of eligible vendors. The Board will make the necessary
deductions from each employee’s paycheck. Under normal
circumstances, the TPA will receive the employee payroll deductions
via wire transfer on the same day employee paychecks are issued.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 55
8.11.02 Authorization
Authorization for payroll deductions other than dues or those required
legally may be authorized by written consent of the teacher on a form
supplied by the District with final approval being made by the Business
Office. Such deductions shall continue from year to year unless the
teacher informs the District Business Office in writing of the change.
8.11.03 Itemized Deductions
The Board shall provide information regarding itemized deductions on
each paycheck whenever possible.
8.12 Regular Reports
The Business Office will provide regularly published reports of the contributions to
the insurance trust as currently generated upon written request by the President of
the Association. This provision is not intended to have the Business Office
research and/or develop special reports that are not normally published.
8.13 Sick Leave Bank
The Board, in cooperation with the Association, shall maintain a Sick Leave Bank.
The Association shall administer the Sick Leave Bank and establish rules for the
implementation of the Bank. A copy of these rules shall be on file in the Human
Resources Office, as well as in each building by request of each building
representative. By November 1 of each year, the Association shall provide to the
Human Resources Office the names of participating members. The Association
will also update the Human Resources Office of subsequent charges against the
Bank. The Association agrees to hold harmless the Board for any claim, damages,
or other legal actions initiated pursuant to this section.
8.13.01 Guidelines
A. The term day in the following guidelines refers to the teacher's actual
workday. For full-time teachers the day is a full workday. For part-
time teachers the day is the length of their workday.
B. Any teacher who is employed at least 0.5 or more and who is at least
a second-year teacher shall participate in the Sick Leave Bank.
Teachers shall deposit two (2) days into the Sick Leave Bank. A
teacher may elect to not participate in the Bank by notifying the
Association in writing by October 15 of the year in which they are first
eligible for the Sick Leave Bank.
C. If the number of days in the bank on November 1 falls below 800, an
automatic deduction of one (1) day shall be made from all
participants in the Bank. If a participant does not have a sick day to
contribute during the current school year, the sick leave day will be
contributed at the beginning of the next school year without any lapse
in Sick Leave Bank eligibility.
D. A participant may cancel membership by so indicating in writing
directed to the attention of the chairperson of the Sick Leave Bank
Committee. Cancellation of membership, regardless of reason, shall
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 56
mean forfeiture of any claim to contributed days and benefits of
membership. A teacher who has elected not to participate in the Sick
Leave Bank as a second-year teacher may never join the Sick Leave
E. The intent of the Bank is to provide additional financial protection for
those teachers who have exhausted their accumulated sick leave
and who incur a period of personal illness or hospitalization, as
verified in writing by a physician. The Sick Leave Bank shall be
applicable only to teacher (not family) illness or accident and shall not
be applicable to any teacher during any unpaid leave of absence,
sabbatical leave, or parental leave as per the agreement between
Indian Prairie Education Association and Indian Prairie Community
Unit School District 204. It remains the intent of both parties to strive
to retain good attendance in the District. It is not the purpose of this
Bank to provide additional days to teachers who have exhausted
their accumulated sick leave and are applying for days because of
common colds or some other temporary, commonplace illness.
F. Authorized withdrawals by participating teachers from the Sick Leave
Bank shall be made only upon approval of the majority members of
the Sick Leave Bank Committee, and their decision shall be final.
The teacher must first use all accumulated sick days, be without
salary for ten (10) school days, submit to the Sick Leave Bank
Committee a doctor's certificate of illness (certifying inability to work
and that the situation is a prolonged illness or hospitalization), and fill
out the Association's application to use the Sick Leave Bank. The
dock days shall be deducted from the teacher's paycheck over two
pay periods. Recurring absences due to the same illness or disability
indicated by a doctor's written verification do not have to be
consecutive. Each withdrawal may not be less than five (5) school
Withdrawals from the Bank will not be permitted if a teacher is
utilizing the benefits available under the District's disability plan. The
Sick Leave Bank Committee may consider an additional request in
the event of a catastrophic illness.
In addition, an eligible second through fourth year teacher may utilize
Bank days for the maximum listed below:
Second year teachers: Maximum of thirty (30) days
Third year teachers: Maximum of sixty (60) days
Fourth year teachers: Maximum of ninety (90) days
Once this maximum usage in a school year is reached, a teacher
must return to employment in a position (full or part-time) approved
by the Administration for a period of two (2) consecutive school years
with absences not exceeding allowable benefit levels before
becoming eligible for use of the Bank again. An eligible fifth year and
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 57
beyond teacher may utilize Bank days for a maximum of one hundred
twenty (120) school days or two (2) consecutive school years,
whichever occurs first. Once this maximum usage is reached, a
teacher must return to employment in a position (full or part-time)
approved by the Administration for a period of two (2) consecutive
school years with absences not exceeding allowable benefit levels
before becoming eligible for use of the Bank again. All teachers who
were members of the Sick Leave Bank on November 15, 2009, will
have the same number of usage days as eligible fifth year and
beyond teachers in this contract.
Non-tenured teachers who are on Family Medical Leave and who
have exhausted their allowable regular sick leave may apply to utilize
the Sick Leave Bank in accordance with the above procedures. If
upon completion of FMLA the non-tenured teacher is still in need of
sick leave days from the Sick Leave Bank, he/she must be eligible
(under Section 9.01) for and apply to the Board of Education for an
extended medical leave of absence. Continued use of the SLB is
contingent upon Board approval of the extended medical leave of
absence. Continued use of the SLB will be in conformance with the
SLB use provisions contained in this article.
G. Committee which shall act in all matters that concern the policies and
decisions of the Sick Leave Bank. The Association shall appoint the
members of the Sick Leave Bank committee shall write its own
regulations of operation covering procedures to review all requests
and make such regulations available to all members of the Bank,
Administration and Board. If such regulations violate school policies
and/or are not practical to carry out, as determined by the Business
Office, such regulations will have to be changed by the Committee.
H. A representative of the Committee shall compile and submit a list of
those teachers who elect to not participate in the bank to Human
Resources no later than November 1 each year. They shall also
report the specifics of any withdrawals to the Human Resources
Office prior to the end of each school year and shall prepare and
present such other reports and information that the Human
Resources Office may require from time to time.
I. The Association agrees to indemnify, and save and hold harmless,
the Board of Education, its employees, and agents from any and all
liability, costs, claims, attorneys' fees or damages suffered by the
Board as a result of any litigation, arbitration, or administrative
agency proceeding which might arise as a result of this Section.
J. Any dispute which arises as to the administration of this Section will
not be subject to the grievance process.
K. Any member who is receiving disability benefits from the Teachers'
Retirement System, the Social Security Administration, the Veteran's
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 58
Administration, or is absent for illness or injury due to a work-related
accident (which is compensable under the Illinois Workers'
Compensation Act), may not avail himself/herself of any benefits of
the Bank.
L. Any costs or labor necessary for the operation of the Bank shall be
the exclusive responsibility of the Association.
M. In June of each year, the Human Resources Department will provide
the Association with an accounting of the number of days in the Sick
Leave Bank and the number of days utilized from the Bank.
9.01 Sick Leave
Sick leave is used only for personal illness, quarantine at home, or serious illness
or death in the immediate family (Illinois School Code, Section 24-6).
Each teacher will receive sick leave benefits to a maximum of thirteen (13) days per
year at full pay. Any teacher who ends the prior school year with an accumulation
of two hundred fifteen (215) or more sick leave days will receive a maximum of
twenty seven (27) sick leave days at the beginning of the next school year. For
purpose of calculating the accumulation, there shall be no deduction for up to thirty
(30) sick days used for each birth or adoption. For purposes of calculating the
accumulation, teachers will be limited to a maximum of three (3) births and or
adoptions. The District shall provide confirmation of paperwork submitted by the
teacher. Unused days shall accumulate without limitation. Teachers who begin
regular employment after the beginning of the school year will be credited with pro
rata sick leave benefits based on one and one-half (1-1/2) days for each month or
major fraction of a month between the day of employment and the end of the school
year. Teachers on other approved leaves are not eligible for sick leave.
9.01.01 Accumulated Sick Leave Statement
Staff members have access to their accumulated sick leave credit on-line.
Instructions about how to access this information will be provided to all
new staff members at the time of hire. A district notification will be sent
out to all staff by November 15 each year with instructions on how to
access on-line information about accumulated sick leave credit.
9.01.02 Worker’s Compensation
Any teacher who suffers a job-related illness or injury that results in
temporary total disability under applicable Worker's Compensation
statutes, may use accumulated sick leave days during the period he/she
is absent from work, according to the following provisions:
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 59
For each day the staff member is unable to work, but receives no
total temporary disability compensation, he/she may use a full sick
leave day;
For each day the staff member is unable to work, and receives
temporary total disability compensation, he/she may use one-third
(1/3) of a sick leave day, providing that such fractional sick leave
days must be taken in groups of three (3) so that the amount of sick
leave available to staff members is always calculable in full-day
Staff members may not use a full sick leave day if temporary total
disability is paid, because no more than 100% of regular
compensation will be paid.
9.01.03 Bonding Time with a New Child
If the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is used for the purpose of
birth/adoption of a child, teachers may use up to two (2) weeks of sick
leave concurrently with FMLA for purposes of bonding time with the new
9.01.04 Bereavement Leave
Bereavement leave with pay, not to exceed two (2) days per loss, will be
granted with no deduction made from sick leave or business leave for
the death of a family member as defined in the paragraph below. A total
of five (5) days absence may be allowed at full pay in case of a death in
the family of all full-time personnel. The employee may choose the type
of leave to be used for the remaining approved bereavement leave
(business or sick). If the employee does not have any remaining sick or
business leave available, the employee will not be paid for the days.
“Family”, in these cases, will include parents, spouse, brothers, sisters,
children, grandparents, grandchildren, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law,
sisters-in-law, legal guardians and legal wards. Other interpretations of
"family" may be made at the discretion of the Superintendent. All
requests for bereavement leave shall be made in writing to the
employee's immediate supervisor. The District retains the right to
request verification covering any approved request.
For bereavement travel of more than 250 miles away from home, an
additional two (2) benefit days may be granted by the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources. If the employee does not have
any remaining sick or business leave available, the employee will not be
paid for the days.
9.02 Religious Leave
Leave with pay, not to exceed two (2) days per school year, will be granted in
accordance with Board Policy 5.70. No deduction will be made from sick leave
or business leave.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 60
9.03 Business Leave Days
The Board recognizes that from time-to-time certain situations occur which require
the teacher's attention during the regular school day. In order to accommodate
such situations, each teacher may have three (3) business leave days per year.
The use of these days is intended for situations which arise that are beyond the
teacher's direct control. Business leave days are not intended for vacation and or
leisure purposes. Arrangements for business leave must be made with the
building principal or designee, at least five (5) days in advance. Unused business
leave days shall accumulate as sick leave as of June 30 of each school year.
Restricted Days
Business leave may not be used, during the first or last five (5) days of student
attendance, immediately prior to or following vacation periods or holidays, on
teacher institute/in-service days, standardized state testing days when tests are
scheduled for that teacher, or on parent-teacher conference days. The teacher
workdays are eligible for business leave use unless the day falls on the day
immediately before or following vacation periods or holidays. The Building
Articulation Day is a district institute day and is a restricted day for business leave
Family Business Day
Two (2) of the three (3) business leave days may be used for family business on a
restricted day except for parent teacher conferences, curriculum nights and open
houses. The teacher must submit written documentation to the assistant
superintendent for human resources that the family business cannot be scheduled
on any non-restricted day. In addition, the family business day cannot be used for
recreation, shopping, and/or vacation.
Excused Without Pay
A teacher may request that his/her principal approve a day as excused without pay
if he/she needs to be absent on a day restricted for business leave use. In the
case of an extenuating circumstance, the teacher may request use of a business
leave day during the restricted time only from the Assistant Superintendent of
Human Resources. An extenuating circumstance will be considered as an
extraordinary, unusual, and unplanned situation.
9.04 Disaster Days
The Superintendent or his/her designee may grant a teacher up to five (5)
disaster days with pay for catastrophic events which result in the teacher’s
absence. Each instance will be dealt with on a case by case basis and the
decision to grant such days rests solely with the administration.
9.05 Jury Duty
Any teacher called for jury duty during working hours or who is subpoenaed to
testify during working hours in work related judicial matters shall be paid his/her
full salary for such time and shall suffer no loss of benefits or contractual
advantage. Daily rates received for such duties shall be reimbursed to the
District only for those working days when the teacher was absent and do not
include any compensation received for food or travel. The teacher is responsible
for giving reasonable advance notice of the need to be absent for any such
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 61
duties. Usually, notice will be given ten (10) days in advance provided the
teacher has that much notice.
9.06 General Leaves
The Board of Education may grant teachers who have completed two years of
continuous teaching full time in the District a leave of absence for other purposes
as specified herein. If said teacher has not yet attained tenure, upon return to
the District said teacher shall be required to complete four consecutive years of
service teaching full time within the District prior to attaining tenure as per section
5/24-11 of the Illinois School Code. Such leave shall be for one (1) full school
year and shall be without pay and benefits, unless otherwise specified. Salary
placement will be equivalent to that which the teacher was entitled at the time the
leave began. All requests for leaves shall be made on or before March 1
covering the subsequent school year. Reasons for the Board considering such
leaves may be as follows:
A. Professional Duty – Teachers elected or otherwise selected to serve on the
Governing Board of an area teacher center, State Board of Education
Committee or Task Force, North Central Association visitation, and/or similar
professional advisory/policy-making body, shall be allowed adequate paid leave
time to attend related meetings and activities. Approval is contingent upon
mutual agreement on a plan for such leave.
B. Exchange Teacher Programs in Other States – Territories and Countries –
Teachers shall be compensated in accord with the agreement covering the
C. Campaigning for a Public Office – To the extent necessary for such activities.
D. Health and Hardship – Advance notice may be waived by the Board in the
event of an emergency.
E. Serving in a Public Office.
F. Formal Approved Education Programs – Designed to acquire additional course
credit that is related to a teacher's current assignment.
G. Foreign, Military or Government Sponsored Programs.
H. Cultural Travel or Work Programs –Related to professional activities.
I. Other Good Reasons – As determined solely by the Board, upon
recommendation of the Superintendent.
9.07 Parental Leave
A teacher who has completed two (2) years of continuous, full-time teaching in the
District may apply for a parental leave, without pay or benefits immediately following
the use of sick leave for a pregnancy-related disability, or in the event of an
adoption, immediately following the arrival of a child. Any non-tenured teacher
approved for parental leave shall be required to complete four (4) consecutive years
of service teaching full time within the District prior to attaining tenure as per section
5/24-11 of the Illinois School Code. The use of sick leave immediately before or
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 62
during a parental leave will only be permitted where the teacher is physically or
medically unable, as defined by a physician, to perform her duties as an employee.
Such time is deemed a pregnancy-related disability. Time off for parental leave not
deemed as a pregnancy-related disability will not be paid as sick leave. The
following provisions will apply:
A. No parental leave shall be less than the remainder of the school grading
quarter during which the parental leave began.
B. The parental leave must conclude on the first day of the following school
grading quarter or the first day of the following school term.
C. Any parental leave which concludes on the first day of the following school term
may be extended for no longer than one additional school term.
D. The teacher must inform the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
as to the duration of the parental leave requested prior to the onset of such
E. Requests for parental leave must be received by the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources within thirty (30) calendar days prior to
the requested leave date, unless the parental leave request is for adoption,
whereby the timeline will remain flexible, with the teacher informing the
Human Resources Office immediately upon becoming knowledgeable of the
approximate arrival date. All requests for parental leave are to be sent
certified return receipt U.S. Mail or hand-delivered to and receipted in the
Human Resources Office.
F. Any teacher will, upon return from parental leave, be entitled to advancement
on the salary schedule for the full school year during which the parental leave
began if the teacher has been paid for at least one hundred twenty (120) days
during that school year.
G. It is recognized that adoptive procedures are often lengthy and that the date of
the arrival of the child frequently cannot be accurately determined.
Consequently, an adoptive parental leave will begin on the first day of the
arrival of the child. At the onset, an employee on adoptive parental leave will
be afforded the same benefits as an employee on leave due to a pregnancy-
related disability. Upon submitting notice from the adoption agency (or lawyer
in the case of a private adoption) indicating the minimum required time the
adoptive parent must stay home on leave with the child, sick leave days may be
used until, or if, they run out. At the end of the agency-mandated leave, the
teacher may return to work immediately, or opt to go on parental leave, without
pay or benefits, with all other provisions of parental leave now applying.
9.08 General Conditions for Approved Leaves
9.08.01 Benefits
Teachers on approved leaves may participate in the District's
available insurance programs but at each teacher’s own expense.
The full monthly premium is payable to the District by the teacher
except for the first month of participation. The first month of
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 63
participation shall require a teacher to pay two (2) full months'
premiums. It will be the responsibility of the employee to deliver to the
payroll office, on or before the 15th day of the month preceding the
onset of the leave, a check payable to the District in the full amount of
two (2) months' premium, for the following month. Thereafter, on or
before the 15th of each month a check must be hand delivered and
receipted, or sent U.S. Mail certified return receipt, postmarked on or
before the 15th. Subsequent failure to pay the required monthly
premium shall constitute a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation of
insurance coverage. No premium shall be due from the teacher for
his/her final month of insurance prior to return to work.
Teachers on leave shall retain previously accumulated sick leave and
salary schedule position. Any teacher who is employed one hundred
twenty (120) or more days of a school year during which he/she is on
an unpaid leave shall be entitled to such advancement on the
compensation schedule for that school year as if the leave had not
been granted.
9.08.02 Notice of Intent to Return
On or before March 1 of the year the leave is in effect, the teacher shall
give written notice of intent to return. Notice shall be sent to the
Superintendent. Failure to advise the Superintendent by said date of the
intent to return as required herein shall be conclusively treated as an
election not to return to employment and as an absolute resignation from
the District, and no action shall lie against the Board therefore.
9.08.03 Extension
The Board may extend a leave for a period of one (1) school year,
upon request of the teacher.
9.08.04 Reinstatement
Reinstatement shall be to a position for which the teacher is licensed
and qualified.
9.08.05 Termination or Cancellation
The teacher may request to terminate or cancel an approved leave for
good cause upon documentation to the Superintendent with the final
decision remaining with the Board.
9.09 Sabbatical Leave
9.09.01 Limitations
Provided teachers apply and are qualified and approved as detailed
below, the Board shall grant sabbatical leaves not to exceed the
maximum of one (1%) percent of the faculty or the accumulated funds
in the Sabbatical Leave Account.
9.09.02 Budget
The Board shall budget a maximum of $10,000 per year to be placed
in the Sabbatical Leave Account.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 64
9.09.03 Qualifications
To qualify for a sabbatical leave a teacher must meet the following:
a. The requirements of Section 24-6.1 of the School Code.
b. Have a Master's degree.
9.09.04 Application
Applications for sabbatical leave will be submitted to the Professional
Growth Committee at least six months prior to the proposed beginning of
the leave. The application will contain a detailed plan for the leave which
will meet the requirements of Section 24-6.1 of the School Code. The
Professional Growth Committee will either approve the application, reject
the application, or return the application to the applicant for clarification
and/or revision. Approved applications will be forwarded to the Board at
least five months prior to the scheduled beginning of the leave. The
Board shall act on the application at least three months prior to the
scheduled beginning of the leave. Should the number of applicants
approved by the Committee exceed the limits of Section 9.08.01 above,
the Board has the final non-reviewable right to select from the approved
applications in order to meet the limits of Section 9.08.01.
9.09.05 Criteria
The Professional Growth Committee shall use the following criteria for
deciding approval of applications:
a. Eligibility of applicant.
b. Potential for contributing to professional growth of the applicant.
c. Benefit to the District.
d. Other factors as established by the Committee provided such
criteria are uniformly applied.
9.09.06 Compensation
Compensation, benefits and rights of a teacher on sabbatical leave
shall be in accordance with Section 24-6.1 of the School Code.
9.10 Association Leave
The Board recognizes the need of the Association to have a reasonable amount of
release time for conducting various types of Association business. To that end, the
Association shall be granted up to a total of eighty-five (85) release days each
school year during which Association members will be released to conduct
Association business. The Association shall reimburse the district for the cost of the
substitute teacher(s) for the release time at the then current substitute rate of pay.
The identity of the employee(s) so designated shall be communicated in writing to
the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel at least ten (10) calendar days in
advance of the leave date.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 65
9.10.01 Annual Leave
An annual leave of absence, without pay of benefits shall be granted
upon written application for the purpose of serving as an elected officer
of either the Illinois Education Association, or the National Education
Association. Applications covering the subsequent year, if appropriate,
must be filed with the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
on or before April 1.
9.10.02 Executive Board Release
The Association President and one (1) member of the Executive Board
may be released for Association business up to a total of one (1.0) full-
time equivalent (FTE) of the workday each year. Every reasonable effort
will be made to schedule such release from instructional time and at the
end of the student day. If used, the Association will fund proportionally
at the BA step 1 rate for one (1.0) FTE for the year of release. Such
payment is to be made by the Association to the School District in two
(2) lump sums: 50% by February 15 and 50% by June 15 of the year of
the Association release.
9.10.03 Bargaining Team Release
In May of the school year prior to a collective bargaining year, the
President of the Association and Assistant Superintendent for Human
Resources will discuss bargaining team release options which may
include up to one-half (0.5) of additional FTE for the bargaining team to
be funded and paid as defined in 9.10.02.
9.10.04 Association Honorariums
Association Honorariums will be paid through the district payroll in the
same manner as an annual stipend for yearly activities (see Appendix B,
B8 1.). The Association will fund an equal amount to the Board
immediately following the applicable pay periods.
9.10.05 Use of Association Release
All Association release as outlined in the Agreement will occur at the
sole discretion of the Association. The Association will submit a release
usage report with substitute reimbursement to the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources at the end of each month during
the school year.
Grievance Procedure
10.01 Definitions
10.01.01 Grievance
Grievance means any claim by a teacher or the Association that there
has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the terms
of the Agreement.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 66
10.01.02 Days
School days for the purpose of the grievance procedure shall mean
teacher employment days. Days means school days except that
when an alleged grievance is submitted fewer than ten (10) days
before the close of the school year, time limits shall consist of
business days.
10.02 Rights to Representation
An Association representative may be present at any meeting, hearing, appeal or
other proceeding relating to a grievance which has been formally presented
beyond Step One. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting the
right of any teacher having a grievance to discuss the matter informally with
his/her supervisor and having the grievance adjusted without intervention of the
Association, provided the Association has a right to be present at such
adjustment, receive a copy of the grievance(s) and decision(s), and that such
adjustment cannot be inconsistent with this Agreement.
The Administration shall have the right to have another Administrator and/or
representative present for any meetings, hearings, appeals or other proceedings
relating to a grievance which has been formally presented.
10.03 Procedure
The parties hereto acknowledge that it is usually most desirable for a grievant
and the immediately involved supervisor to resolve problems through free and
informal communications. If, however, such informal processes fail to satisfy the
grievant, a grievance may be processed as follows:
10.03.01 Initiation
A grievance may be filed in writing within fifteen (15) days of the
occurrence of the event which initiated the grievance or when the
grievant reasonably would have had knowledge thereof. Failure to file
within the time limits prescribed herein constitutes a waiver of the right
to file for that particular occurrence. The written grievance shall state
the clause or clauses of the contract allegedly violated and the
proposed remedy requested.
10.03.02 Step One
The grievant shall present the grievance in writing to the supervisor
immediately involved who shall arrange for a meeting to take place
within ten (10) days after receipt of the grievance. The supervisor
shall provide the grievant and the Association with a written answer to
the grievance within ten (10) days of the meeting.
10.03.03 Step Two
If the grievance is not resolved in Step One, the Association may
appeal the grievance to the Superintendent. Such appeal must be
filed within ten (10) days after receipt of the Step One answer. The
Superintendent or his/her official designee shall arrange for a meeting
to take place within ten (10) days of receipt of the appeal. Each party
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 67
shall have the right to include in its representation such witnesses and
counselors as it deems necessary to develop facts pertinent to the
grievance. Upon conclusion of the hearing the Superintendent shall
have ten (10) days in which to provide his written decision to the
10.03.04 Step Three
If the grievance is not resolved at Step Two, the Association may
appeal the grievance to binding arbitration. Such appeal must be filed
within fifteen (15) days of the Step Two response. If the parties
cannot agree on an arbitrator or an arbitration procedure within ten
(10) days of the appeal, the American Arbitration Association shall be
requested to act as administrator of the proceedings according to its
Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules.
a. Each party shall bear the full costs for its representation in the
arbitration. The costs of the arbitrator and the AAA shall be
divided equally between the parties.
b. If either party requests a transcript of the proceedings, that party
shall bear full costs for the transcript. If both parties order a
transcript, the cost of two (2) transcripts shall be divided equally
between the parties. If the arbitrator requests a copy of the
transcript, the cost shall be divided equally between the parties.
c. Neither the Board nor the Association shall be permitted to assert
any grounds or evidence before the arbitrator which had not
previously been disclosed to the other party during the previous
d. The arbitrator shall have no power to nullify, alter, amend, ignore,
add to or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement. The
arbitrator's decision must be based solely upon his/her
interpretation of the meaning or application of the express relevant
provision of this Agreement.
10.04 Other Conditions
10.04.01 Bypass
By mutual agreement of the Association and the District any step of
the grievance procedure may be bypassed and the grievance brought
directly to the next step.
10.04.02 Class Grievance
Class grievances involving two (2) or more teachers or one or more
supervisors and grievances involving an Administrator above the
building level may be initially filed by the Association at Step Two.
10.04.03 Grievant and Association Cooperation
The grievant and Association shall not interrupt the instructional and
regular duties of the teachers within the District in the investigation of
any alleged grievance. However, this does not restrict the right of
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 68
Association representatives to otherwise investigate and prepare
10.04.04 Released Time
Should attendance at a grievance hearing require that a teacher or an
Association representative be released from his/her regular
assignment, she/he shall be released without loss of pay or benefits.
However, the cost of any necessary internal substituting or hiring of a
substitute shall be reimbursed to the District by the Association.
10.04.05 Timelines
Failure of any grievant to act on a grievance within the prescribed time
limits will act as a bar to any further appeal. Failure of an
Administrator to so respond will permit the grievant to move to the
next step.
10.04.06 Extension of Time Limits
An extension of time limits may be made by mutual consent.
10.04.07 Settlement
A grievance may be settled or withdrawn at any time without
establishing precedent.
10.04.08 Exhausting Remedies
The Association will make every reasonable effort to encourage
teachers to exhaust this grievance procedure before commencing any
proceeding in any state or federal court or administrative agency
when charging the Board and/or Administration with an act which
reasonably could also be claimed to be a violation of this Agreement.
In the event a member and/or the Association commences a
proceeding in any state or federal court or administrative agency
against the Board and/or Administration, such remedy shall be
exclusive and the member and/or the Association shall be barred from
any remedy of the grievance procedure. Any grievance previously
filed shall be considered withdrawn permanently upon the
commencement of such a proceeding.
10.04.09 No Reprisals
No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by the grievant and/or the
Association against any teacher because of his/her participation or
lack of participation in a grievance.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 69
Promotions, Vacancies and Transfers
11.01 Promotions
Opportunities for promotion to full-time permanent vacancies in administrative or
supervisory positions will be posted via email to each building prior to the formal
screening of any applications. The notice for such administrative or supervisory
positions will include minimum qualifications, building location, and job
description. Nothing herein shall be construed to require the Board to fill any
such positions. Teachers may apply in writing for promotional positions and will
be informed in writing of the receipt and disposition of their applications.
Unsuccessful applicants shall, upon request, be granted a conference covering
the disposition of their applications.
11.02 Vacancies
The Human Resources Office will give notice via email all known and anticipated
full-time and part-time vacancies for the forthcoming academic year, including
vacancies which have been temporarily filled during the current academic year,
and will update the list from time to time thereafter. Notification of all vacancies
occurring during the school year and covered by this agreement will be posted
and distributed via email. No permanent appointment will be made until such
vacancy has been posted for at least five (5) school days. Notices for positions
covered by this agreement will include the job title and the building location. The
Association recognizes the right of the Board not to fill vacancies.
The five-day posting period will be waived for vacancies that first occur five days
before new teacher orientation through and including the fifth day of student
11.03 Transfers
Teachers who desire a transfer to another building shall apply in writing via hard
copy or e-mail to the Superintendent or his/her designee. In order to be
considered for a transfer, the teacher must have received at least a proficient
evaluation for each of the last two (2) summative evaluations. All requests for a
transfer for the next school year must be submitted on or before March 1. The
Superintendent or designee shall create and maintain a centralized database for
all transfer requests and will notify all applicants in writing if the transfer has been
granted or denied. When the certification(s), qualifications, merit and ability
(including performance evaluations, if available) are judged to be equal, only then
will seniority be the determining factor for the position. At the request of the
teacher, a conference with the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
will be arranged to appeal the transfer decision and the reason(s) for denial. It is
the responsibility of the teacher to withdraw his/her request in writing if he/she
does not wish to be considered for a transfer. The final decision to grant or deny
a transfer request shall remain with the Administration and is not subject to the
grievance procedure.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 70
11.03.01 Voluntary Internal Transfer
Teachers desiring a transfer to a different grade level within the
building in which they are teaching shall apply to the principal of that
building. When the certification(s), qualifications, merit and ability
(including performance evaluations, if available) are judged to be
equal, only then will seniority be the determining factor for the
position. The final decision shall remain with the Administration.
11.03.02 Involuntary Transfer
An involuntary transfer is any assignment that occurs after June 1
and/or during the school year. Every reasonable attempt will be made
not to involuntarily transfer a teacher when another teacher has a
valid request on file to make a voluntary transfer to that position.
Involuntary transfers will be used only when other means have not
provided adequate staffing to meet the needs of the District or related
to change in student enrollment as referenced in Article 4.02.01.
When the Administration notifies a teacher of an involuntary transfer,
the teacher shall be released immediately from his/her contract if
he/she so requests in writing.
For the next two (2) full academic years, any teacher who has been
involuntarily transferred will receive priority consideration for a
voluntary transfer including priority over more senior teachers who
have not been involuntarily transferred. The final decision shall
remain with the Administration. Unsuccessful applicants and
transferred teachers shall, upon request, be granted a conference
covering the reasons for the decision.
11.03.03 New Building Staffing
In the event of initial staffing of a new building, the Administration shall
have the sole discretion to assign at will to that building by first, filling
as many positions as possible by voluntary requests and second, by
filling all remaining positions by assignment or new hires.
11.04 Kathryn J. Birkett Center
The Kathryn J. Birkett Center will be considered part of the related high school
for purposes of Article 11 (transfers) of this Agreement, i.e. such Center will not
be considered another "building" or "new" building for purposes of Section 11.03
of this Agreement.
11.05 Job Sharing
Job sharing will be defined as two tenured teachers sharing the responsibility of
a single teaching position. The maximum length for any job-sharing
arrangement will be one (1) full school year. Initial requests for job sharing will
be given to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources by March 15 of
the preceding school year. Job sharing will be subject to the following
A. Participants in the job share assignments will share a given assignment on an
equal, or approximately equal, basis from day to day and/or sharing an equal,
or approximately equal (minimum 0.4 F.T.E.), basis of the total instructional
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 71
time for a given week of instruction or from some other period of time as may
be appropriate and approved by the Administration.
B. Teachers participating in a job share arrangement will retain their tenure
C. Seniority accrued in a job share arrangement will be credited on a pro rata
basis in accordance with 7.02.01.
D. Teacher responsibilities for each assignment will be distributed as scheduling
allows. However, teachers will perform the duties that fall in their portion of
the assignment.
E. In the event of an absence of one of the job share participants, it is the other
participant's responsibility to substitute for his/her job share partner. In the
event of a long-term absence (in excess of five (5) consecutive workdays) or
resignation, arrangements will be made by the mutual agreement among the
job share partners and building principal to hire a long-term, outside substitute
or the remaining job share participant will assume the position with full pay
and benefits. The building principal will make the final decision if necessary.
F. Any rearranging of times, days, etc., between job share participants is subject
to the approval of the building principal who will make the final decision in all
G. No more than two (2) teachers will share one assignment.
H. It may be necessary to equate planning time by exchanging AM/PM
assignments at mid-year or by some other scheduling techniques.
I. Both teachers will attend parent conferences, open houses, holiday
programs, in-service activities, and professional development Wednesdays as
defined in 4.01.12, as if they were employed on a full-time basis and without
additional pay.
J. Teachers in a job share assignment may be voluntarily or involuntarily
transferred as a team or individually if needed.
K. The Board’s contribution toward insurance premiums will be pro-rated for a
job share participant provided they work at least 0.4 FTE. All other benefits
will be prorated based upon full time equivalency.
L. Teachers engaged in a job share arrangement shall not advance on the
salary schedule until such time as a second consecutive job share
arrangement (in a job share assignment) is completed or an ensuing year of
one-half (0.5) or greater employment has been completed.
M. The Board reserves the right to cancel any job share arrangement/position at
the close of each school year. The employees of any such canceled job
share arrangement will be guaranteed a full-time position for which they are
licensed/qualified to teach.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 72
N. In the event that lay-offs become necessary, the personnel assigned to a job
share arrangement will be subject to lay-off in accordance with the same rules
and guidelines as applied to those in full-time assignments.
O. Any teacher choosing not to return to full-time teaching at the conclusion of
the job share arrangement will be considered voluntarily terminated from
P. Any teacher desiring to continue in a job share arrangement beyond one full
school year, must provide written notice to the Assistant Superintendent for
Human Resources no later than February l of the job share year.
Q. Participation in a job share arrangement during any given school year in no
way guarantees priority consideration or placement into job share
arrangement in future school years.
R. The decision to grant, deny or extend a job share assignment rests solely with
the Superintendent or his/her designee and shall not be precedent setting
with respect to granting or denying such request. Additionally, the decision to
grant or deny or extend a job share arrangement will not be subject to the
grievance procedure.
S. The district will establish a database of tenured teachers interested in job
sharing. Those interested must notify their building principal or supervising
administrator and the Human Resources Department by February 1 of their
interest to job share for the following year. By February 15 the Human
Resources Department will provide those interested individuals with a
complete list of respondents.
Negotiations Procedures
12.01 Commencement of Negotiations
Negotiations shall begin no later than March 1st in the year in which this
Agreement terminates unless both parties agree to an alternate date.
12.02 Mediation
It is agreed that the parties will jointly request the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service (FMCS) if either party to this Agreement declares impasse.
Should FMCS be unavailable, the parties shall immediately commence
discussions as to a replacement. In the event that both parties cannot agree
upon a replacement, the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board shall be
12.03 Representatives
The parties agree that their duly designated representatives shall negotiate in a
good faith effort with respect to items negotiable under the Illinois Educational
Labor Relations Act. Each party shall select its own representatives.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 73
12.03.01 Authority
Both parties agree that it is their mutual responsibility to confer upon
their respective representatives the necessary power and authority to
make proposals in the course of negotiations.
12.04 Ratification
When the Association and Board reach final agreement on all matters being
negotiated, the items will be reduced to writing and shall be submitted to the
membership of the Association for ratification and then to the Board for official
approval. There shall be two signed copies of any final Agreement. One copy
shall be retained by the Board and one by the Association.
12.05 Copies of Agreement
Within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed, a digital copy of this
Agreement shall be posted online and copies of this Agreement shall be printed
and presented to Association Senators, Building Representatives, Executive
Board members, School Board Members, and Administrators as soon as
possible thereafter. The Board and Association shall split the cost of printing
the Agreement.
Academic Freedom
13.01 Definition
Teachers shall have reasonable freedom in the implementation of the Board
approved curriculum. This does not conflict with the right and the obligation of
the Administration to question, instruct and direct. Employees will implement
the curriculum pursuant to the directions of the Administration. Within this
framework, the employee is free to present instructional materials which are
pertinent to the subject and level taught within the appropriate course content
and within the planned instructional program as determined by normal
instructional and/or administrative procedures.
13.02 Procedure for Alleged Violations
Any allegations that there has been a violation of academic freedom or
complaint, claim, or charge by a parent or Administrator that any teacher has
exceeded his/her rights under this provision, shall not be subject to nor
processed through a grievance and arbitration procedure provided by this
Agreement, but shall instead first be discussed between the teacher and
Principal, then between the teacher and the Superintendent. Should resolution
of the problem not be effected, the allegation shall be submitted for deliberation
and advice directly to an ad hoc committee, which shall be composed of three
persons appointed by the Superintendent and three persons appointed by the
Association, which shall make a written report to the Board through the
Superintendent of its findings.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 74
13.03 Implications
Nothing herein shall be construed as to imply the negotiability of matters
relating to curriculum, textbook selection or the like.
Non-Interruption of Work
14.01 No Strike
During the term of this Agreement the Association, its officers and
representatives, and all Teachers covered by this Agreement will not instigate,
promote, or participate in any strike, sympathy strike, slowdown or other
concerted interruption of the operation of District 204 regardless of the reasons
for so doing.
It is agreed that in the event of any such unauthorized action as described
above, the Association shall, within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of notice
thereof, address a letter to the Board notifying the Board that the action of the
teacher or Association agents is unauthorized.
15.01 Eligibility
A. Teachers who have or will have fifteen (15) or more years of continuous
service in a licensed capacity with District 204 on the date of their retirement
are eligible to retire under this Article 15.
B. A teacher must notify the school district in writing of his/her intent to retire in
accordance with the timeline set forth in 15.02 below.
C. Proof of acceptance for retirement benefit by the Illinois Teachers' Retirement
System (TRS Benefit Estimate Form) must be submitted to the Human
Resources Office prior to June 1 of the year of retirement.
15.02 Notice
An eligible teacher must present the District with an irrevocable letter of
retirement no earlier than May 16 and no later than June 30 of the year prior to
the first, second or third year of retirement, depending on the number of years
notice the teacher elects to give.
15.03 Program Benefits
A. An eligible teacher will receive a maximum total increase in creditable
earnings equal to six (6%) percent of the prior year’s creditable earnings for
each of the final three (3) years of employment.. No further lane or step
change will occur regardless of experience or course work. If there is a
change in retirement legislation which either increases the cost of retirement
for the District through cost shift or reduces and/or eliminates the six (6%)
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 75
percent contribution, any eligible teacher who has not already provided notice
according to Section 15.02 above or who is grandfathered by such retirement
legislation, shall receive a post-retirement payment in lieu of the 6%
enhancement(s) as provided below.
Post-Retirement Payment: In January of the calendar (tax) year following
the year of retirement, an eligible teacher will receive a one-time, lump sum,
post-retirement payment calculated as follows: For the first fifteen years of
service to the District, measured at the time of retirement, the teacher shall
receive $18,000. For each additional year of service, the teacher shall
receive $1,000, to a total maximum benefit not to exceed $30,000.
Withholding and tax reporting will be in accordance with applicable tax law.
B. Creditable earnings shall mean all TRS creditable earnings including salary
(inclusive of step and lane movement), payment for extra curricular duties,
stipends and retirement benefits. To be eligible for continued payment for
extracurricular activities or stipends during this period, the teacher must
continue to work such activity or stipend.
15.04 General Provisions and Limitations
A. Teachers are entitled to the benefit in place when notice is given even if a
new incentive is negotiated by the time of retirement.
B. Teachers who have given notice of retirement under this Article shall have
the right to refuse a building transfer for their last two (2) years of
employment in the District.
15.05 Sick Leave Cash-in
Upon retirement, a teacher may elect to receive payment for up to thirty (30)
sick days accumulated through annual allotment and not used for TRS
creditable service. Payment per day shall be 100% of the District’s then
current short-term daily substitute rate. Payment shall be made by January
15th of the calendar year following the year of retirement. The teacher may
elect to receive the payment in cash or directly into a qualified Health Savings
Effect and Duration of Agreement
16.01 Period Covered
Terms of Agreement
This Agreement shall be in effect on the first teacher employment day of the
2022-2023 school year and shall continue in full force and effect through the
day prior to the first day of the 2026-2027 school year.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 76
16.02 Complete Understanding
The terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement represent the full and
complete understanding between the parties. The terms and conditions may
be modified only through the written mutual consent of the parties.
16.03 Individual Contracts
Individual contracts or employment agreement shall conform to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
16.04 Savings Clause
Should any article, section or clause of this Agreement be declared illegal or
rendered constitutionally unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction,
then that article, section, or clause shall not be deemed valid and subsisting.
Until all appeals are exhausted with respect to the legality, validity or
enforceability of such provision, the provision will remain in full force and
effect. Within ten (10) days of such final determination, the parties will meet to
renegotiate the terms and conditions affected. The remaining articles,
sections, and clauses shall remain in full force and effect.
16.05 Non-Discrimination
The Board shall not discriminate against an employee for reasons of race,
creed, color, marital status, age, sex, Association activity, or national origin,
except where such discrimination is a bona fide occupational qualification.
This section shall not be construed as to preclude affirmative action.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 77
Appendix A:
Teacher Salary Schedule, 2022-2023
Returning teachers shall advance one step for the 2022-2023 school year
beginning with the 13
paycheck. Lane advancement shall occur as
defined in Article 8.02.03.
$2,356 added to the base (BA1) index.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 78
Appendix A:
Teacher Salary Schedule, 2023-2024
Returning teachers shall advance one step for the 2023-2024 school year.
$2,474 added to the base (BA1) index.
The 2024-25 and 2025-26 salary schedules shall be published on the
District website no later than thirty (30) days after the CPI-U has been
published by the Illinois Department of Revenue.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 79
Index for the Salary Schedule
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 80
Appendix B
Extra Duty and Stipends
B1. Teachers’ Summer School Pay
The hourly rate of pay for licensed teaching staff for teaching summer school,
curriculum committee work (including textbook adoption) and other authorized
summer work shall be the equivalent of B.A. Step 1 divided by 1,281 hours. The
hourly rate for the 2022-23 school year shall be $39. The hourly rate for the
2023-24 school year shall be $41. The hourly rate for the 2024-25 and 2025-26
school years shall be determined upon establishment of the adjusted salary
schedules in Appendix A.
B2. Summer School Supervision
The summer school coordinator for each area shall receive a stipend based on
an index of .03 of B.A. Step 1 in addition to the teaching salary.
B3. Internal Substitutions
The hourly rate of pay for internal substitution shall be the equivalent of B.A. Step
1 divided by 1,281 hours. The hourly rate for the 2022-23 school year shall be
$39. The hourly rate for the 2023-24 school year shall be $41. The hourly rate
for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years shall be determined upon
establishment of the adjusted salary schedules in Appendix A.
B4. Lunchroom Supervision
The hourly rate of pay for lunchroom supervision shall be the equivalent of B.A.
Step 1 divided by 1,281 hours. The hourly rate for the 2022-23 school year shall
be $39. The hourly rate for the 2023-24 school year shall be $41. The hourly
rate for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years shall be determined upon
establishment of the adjusted salary schedules in Appendix A.
B5. Extended Contracts
Extended contracts are provided for positions that require work beyond the
teachers’ work year. The hourly rate of pay for extended contracts shall be the
equivalent of MA Step 1 divided by 1,281 hours. The hourly rate for the 2022-23
school year shall be $47. The hourly rate for the 2023-24 school year shall be
$49. The hourly rate for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years shall be
determined upon establishment of the adjusted salary schedules in Appendix A.
20 Days: Director of Guidance
School Nurse Coordinator
10 Days: LMC Director
HS Counselor
10 Days: Elementary and Early Childhood Student Services Coordinator
10 Days: Full time District Curriculum Coordinator
10 Days: Dean (High School)
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 81
10 Days: HS Dept. Chair (plus 5 additional days per DC may be granted at
the building administrator's discretion)
One-half of the specified days may be adjusted among staff members in the
identified category, based upon the determination of the Administration and
Department Chair, with input from the staff members. If the days (not exceeding
one-half) are not needed, as determined by the Administration, the extended
contract will be reduced.
Five (5) days will be granted to each of the following licensed staff positions.
5 Days: -Support Team** (Asst. Supt. and principal may grant additional days)
- MS Counselor and MS Student Services Coordinator
-MS Lead Teacher
**5 days is the total number available for Support Team use – it
does not mean 5 days for each member of the Support Team.
Extended contracts as described above may be waived by mutual agreement of
the licensed staff member and supervising administrator.
No more than one extended contract per staff member per year will be allowed.
An LMC Director designated as the Department Chair will follow the Department
Chair extended contract schedule.
B6. Mileage Reimbursement
Teachers required to use their own automobiles to conduct their duties shall be
reimbursed at the current rate authorized by the IRS.
B7. Change in Activity
Any coaches/sponsors changing schools retain their experience, and they should
not be placed back to Step 1 if they take the same activity. Experience will be
honored for coaches/sponsors taking a new activity, if the experience is in a
closely related activity as determined by the Assistant Superintendent for Human
B8. Lump Sum Payments
Appendix B stipends shall be paid by direct deposit in lump sum payments as follows:
1. Yearly Activities – full stipend payment in November prior to the first pay period.
2. Fall Activities – full stipend payment in November prior to the first pay period.
3. Winter Activities – full stipend payment in February prior to the first pay period.
4. Spring Activities – full stipend payment on the first pay period in May.
Should an employee receive a stipend payment and be unable to complete the
stipend activity, the District will redeem the pro-rated amount of the incomplete
stipend on the first paycheck after notification that the employee cannot complete
the activity.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 82
The District will provide to all employees receiving a stipend a listing of all
stipends the employee is to receive and the payment amount for each stipend by
the first paycheck in November.
B9. Full-time Release Positions
If a teacher has a full-time release for List A duties, the teacher is eligible to be
paid for only one (1) List A stipend. If more than one (1) List A stipend position is
assigned to the teacher, the teacher would receive the higher of the List A
stipends. The teacher is eligible to do other stipend activities not listed in “A.”
Lead Teacher District Curriculum Coordinator
Team Coordinator Aquatics Director
Science Fair/Olympiad Coordinator Head of Guidance
Department Chair Staff Development
Planetarium Director Student Services
The decision to fill a stipend position rests solely with the Board.
B10. Stipends
A. Stipend Committee
The Stipend Committee shall include six (6) representatives from the
Association who represent the, elementary, middle, and high school, as
appointed by the President of the Association, and six (6) administrators
appointed by the Superintendent or his/her designee. The chairperson of the
committee shall be the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources who
shall be one of the six (6) chosen administrators.
B. Stipend Committee Meetings
The Stipend Committee will meet two (2) times per year. The fall meeting will
take place before October 30th and the spring meeting will take place before
May 1st of each school year. Meetings may be called by the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources and/or the Association President, as
1. Stipend Committee meetings will be scheduled to review stipend
proposals or requests for a stipend to be reviewed.
2. Should the administration make reductions in the stipend
budget/allocation, the Stipend Committee will meet to review the
reductions prior to implementation.
3. Each Stipend proposal or review applicant will be notified within ten (10)
workdays of the meeting at which his/her proposal was considered as to the
status of the proposal (approved or rejected).
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 83
B11. Stipend Review Process
A request for a stipend to be re-evaluated/reviewed must be submitted to the
Stipend Committee through the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources by
using the following process:
1. Requests for re-evaluation/review of a stipend must be submitted by October
1st for the fall Stipend Committee meeting and by April 1st for the spring
Stipend Committee meeting.
2. If the expectations or job description change on any extra-curricular activity, it
becomes the responsibility of the sponsor/coach overseeing the activity to
complete a new Stipend Analysis Form and Job Description detailing the
activity and the subsequent changes. These forms are to be submitted to the
building principal and Athletic Director, if applicable, and then routed to the
appropriate Assistant Superintendent for final approval or rejection. All
coaches/sponsors of the activity at all affected schools that will be impacted
by the decision must present the request for review as a group.
3. The Stipend Committee will review the approved recommendations for possible
change in placement on the stipend schedule. The Stipend Committee will
receive a copy of all re-rated stipend proposals, regardless of their approval or
rejection by those administrators involved in the approval process.
B12. Stipend Proposal Process
1. Each stipend proposal is considered for approval after the Stipend Analysis
Form and Job Description are completed and submitted to the respective
building principal and Athletic Director, if applicable. It will then be routed to
the appropriate Assistant Superintendent for Education for final approval.
2. If the stipend recommendation has been approved by all of the
aforementioned individuals, it will then be sent to the Stipend Committee for
placement on the stipend schedule.
3. The Stipend Committee will receive a copy of all original stipend proposals,
regardless of their approval or rejection by those administrators involved in
the approval process.
4. Each new stipend recommendation is evaluated based on the criteria supplied by
the applicant on the Stipend Analysis Form and Job Description. Such
information must be substantiated (by signature) by the building principal, Athletic
Director or supervising building administrator.
5. The Stipend Committee is not empowered to override an administrative
decision to reject a stipend recommendation.
B13. Experience Credit for Stipend Activities
Teachers employed in the district shall be placed on the stipend schedule as
New hires shall be given credit for previous experience which is the same activity
being assigned (i.e. football experience to football activity, soccer experience to
soccer activity, vocal music experience to vocal music activity) for up to five (5)
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 84
years. Additional years of credit may be given at the discretion of the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources. Participation as a player in an activity
does not count in that activity.
Teachers employed in the district who for the first time begin an activity are eligible
for the same experience credit (with same conditions) as new hires and shall
receive experience credit for any previous District 204 sport activity experience.
B14. Filling Stipend Positions
The decision to fill a stipend position rests solely with the Board.
B15. National Board Certification Stipend
A. Teachers who earn National Board for Professional Teacher Standards
(NBPTS) Certification will receive a stipend of $1,000 per year for ten (10)
years of the certification. If a NBPTS teacher is hired by the District, he/she
will receive the stipend for the years remaining in the certification. If no
NBPTS program exists for an employee's specific subject area, then the
employee may submit a program to TACT to consider and forward a
recommendation to the Board. The standard of other national certification
programs must meet or exceed the NBPTS benchmarks. National licenses
do not qualify for this stipend.
B. All teachers receiving the NBPTS stipend will be required to perform
leadership activities for each year they receive the stipend. NBPTS licensed
teachers may opt out of receiving the stipend, if they choose not to
participate in the required leadership activities. The District’s Instructional
Leadership Team and/or Building Instructional Leadership Team will
determine what leadership activities teachers must perform.
C. The NBPTS stipend is limited to one ten-year term of the certification.
B16. Leadership Stipends
The leadership stipends listed below shall receive the following stipend for the
2022-2023, 2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years and shall be
increased by the consumer price index (CPI-U) which is 7% for 2022-2023. The
2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 leadership stipends to be calculated once
CPI-U is published and shall be capped at 5%:
1. Early Childhood and Elementary Student Services Coordinator: $5,030
stipend for 2022-23; the 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 stipends will be
calculated once the CPI-Uis published;
2. Early Childhood and Elementary Instructional Leadership Team: $2,850
stipend for 2022-23; the 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 stipends will be
calculated once the CPI-U is published;
(75% instructional Leadership; 25% grade level manager)
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 85
3. Middle School Team Coordinator: $2,850stipend for 2022-23; the 2023-24,
2024-25 and 2025-26 stipends will be calculated once the CPI-Uis published;
4. Middle School Lead Teacher (Size of Team not a variable): $3,145 stipend for
2022-23; the 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 stipends will be calculated once
the CPI-U is published.
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 86
Stipend Schedule 2022-2023
Stipend Base = $49,476
(2022-23 base salary BA1)
Note: For 2022-2023 school year, all staff shall advance one step.
Grade 0
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 $6,926.64 $7,297.71 $7,668.78 $8,039.85 $8,410.92 $8,806.73 $9,202.54 $9,598.34 $9,994.15 $10,389.96 $10,785.77 $11,181.58 $11,577.38 $11,973.19 $12,369.00
2 $5,937.12 $6,233.98 $6,530.83 $6,827.69 $7,124.54 $7,421.40 $7,718.26 $8,015.11 $8,311.97 $8,613.77 $8,910.63 $9,207.48 $9,504.34 $9,801.20 $10,389.96
3 $4,947.60 $5,194.98 $5,442.36 $5,689.74 $5,937.12 $6,184.50 $6,431.88 $6,679.26 $6,926.64 $7,178.97 $7,426.35 $7,673.73 $7,921.11 $8,168.49 $8,509.87
4 $3,958.08 $4,106.51 $4,254.94 $4,403.36 $4,551.79 $4,705.17 $4,848.65 $5,016.87 $5,130.66 $5,323.62 $5,382.99 $5,689.74 $5,907.43 $6,184.50 $6,580.31
5 $3,121.94 $3,433.63 $3,458.37 $3,745.33 $3,770.07 $4,057.03 $4,081.77 $4,363.78 $4,388.52 $4,675.48 $4,700.22 $4,987.18 $5,011.92 $5,298.88 $5,640.26
6 $2,463.90 $2,775.60 $2,800.34 $3,087.30 $3,112.04 $3,394.05 $3,418.79 $3,705.75 $3,730.49 $4,017.45 $4,042.19 $4,324.20 $4,348.94 $4,635.90 $4,734.85
7 $1,800.93 $2,107.68 $2,132.42 $2,419.38 $2,444.11 $2,731.08 $2,755.81 $3,037.83 $3,062.56 $3,359.42 $3,384.16 $3,671.12 $3,695.86 $4,017.45 $4,091.67
8 $1,355.64 $1,578.28 $1,603.02 $1,800.93 $1,825.66 $2,018.62 $2,043.36 $2,241.26 $2,266.00 $2,483.70 $2,508.43 $2,706.34 $2,731.08 $2,938.87 $3,112.04
9 $989.52 $1,227.00 $1,246.80 $1,444.70 $1,469.44 $1,672.29 $1,697.03 $1,885.04 $1,909.77 $2,117.57 $2,142.31 $2,340.21 $2,364.95 $2,582.65 $2,736.02
10 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81 $348.81
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 87
Stipend Schedule 2023-2024
Stipend Base = $51,950
(2023-2024 base salary BA1)
Note: For 2023-2024 school year, all staff shall advance one step.
The 2024-25 and 2025-26 stipend schedules shall be published no later than thirty (30) days after the CPI-U has been
published by the Illinois Department of Revenue.
Grade 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 $7,273.00 $7,662.63 $8,052.25 $8,441.88 $8,831.50 $9,247.10 $9,662.70 $10,078.30 $10,493.90 $10,909.50 $11,325.10 $11,740.70 $12,156.30 $12,571.90 $12,987.50
2 $6,234.00 $6,545.70 $6,857.40 $7,169.10 $7,480.80 $7,792.50 $8,104.20 $8,415.90 $8,727.60 $9,044.50 $9,356.20 $9,667.90 $9,979.60 $10,291.30 $10,909.50
3 $5,195.00 $5,454.75 $5,714.50 $5,974.25 $6,234.00 $6,493.75 $6,753.50 $7,013.25 $7,273.00 $7,537.95 $7,797.70 $8,057.45 $8,317.20 $8,576.95 $8,935.40
4 $4,156.00 $4,311.85 $4,467.70 $4,623.55 $4,779.40 $4,940.45 $5,091.10 $5,267.73 $5,387.22 $5,589.82 $5,652.16 $5,974.25 $6,202.83 $6,493.75 $6,909.35
5 $3,278.05 $3,605.33 $3,631.31 $3,932.62 $3,958.59 $4,259.90 $4,285.88 $4,581.99 $4,607.97 $4,909.28 $4,935.25 $5,236.56 $5,262.54 $5,563.85 $5,922.30
6 $2,587.11 $2,914.40 $2,940.37 $3,241.68 $3,267.66 $3,563.77 $3,589.75 $3,891.06 $3,917.03 $4,218.34 $4,244.32 $4,540.43 $4,566.41 $4,867.72 $4,971.62
7 $1,890.98 $2,213.07 $2,239.05 $2,540.36 $2,566.33 $2,867.64 $2,893.62 $3,189.73 $3,215.71 $3,527.41 $3,553.38 $3,854.69 $3,880.67 $4,218.34 $4,296.27
8 $1,423.43 $1,657.21 $1,683.18 $1,890.98 $1,916.96 $2,119.56 $2,145.54 $2,353.34 $2,379.31 $2,607.89 $2,633.87 $2,841.67 $2,867.64 $3,085.83 $3,267.66
9 $1,039.00 $1,288.36 $1,309.14 $1,516.94 $1,542.92 $1,755.91 $1,781.89 $1,979.30 $2,005.27 $2,223.46 $2,249.44 $2,457.24 $2,483.21 $2,711.79 $2,872.84
10 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25 $366.25
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 88
Stipend Categories
(Endnotes next to some stipend titles correspond to more information at the end of the list.)
Grade 1
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
HS-Head Baseball/Softball
HS-Head Basketball
HS-Dept. Chair
HS-Head Football
HS-Head Swimming
HS-Head Track and Field
HS-Head Wrestling
Grade 2
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
HS-Head Cross
HS-Head Marching
District Curriculum
HS-Head Soccer
HS-Athletic Trainer
HS-Head Volleyball
Grade 3
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
District Head Special
Olympics Alumni Team
HS-Music Ensemble
Director: Show Choir
HS- Head Speech
District PLTW/STEM
HS-Head Special
Olympics Team Coach
HS- Student Council
Head Sponsor
District Special
Olympics Coordinator
HS-Head Badminton
HS-Aquatics Director
HS-Head Bowling
HS-Athletic Director
HS-Head Cheerleading
HS - Aquatic Director
HS-Head Golf
HS-Head Gymnastics
HS-Head Poms Winter
HS-Head Tennis
HS-Head Water Polo
Grade 4
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
Cheerleading Fall
HS-Head Orchesis
HS-Indian Plains
Program Coordinator
HS-Head Poms Fall
HS-Music Ensemble
Director: Jazz Ensemble
HS-Head Chess
HS-Music Ensemble
HS-Head Math Team
HS-Music Ensemble
Director: Percussion
HS-Music Ensemble
Director: Vocal Jazz
HS-Artistic Director
HS-Artistic Director
HS-Tech Director
HS-Vocal Director Musical
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 89
Grade 5
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
District Related
Services Coordinator
MS-Cross Country
HS-Music Ensemble
Director: Multicultural
HS-STEM Coordinator
HS-Music Ensemble
Director: Chamber
HS-Music Ensemble:
Steel Drum
HS-Model UN
HS-Solo and Ensemble
HS-Science Olympiad
HS-Studio Production
HS-Yearbook Sponsor
HS-Orchestra Pit
Director Musical
HS-Youth and
HS-Variety Show
Grade 6
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
HS-Auditorium Lights
and Sound
HS-Music Ensemble
Director: String
HS-Interact/Key Club
HS-Intramural Director
HS-Freshman Play
HS-Literary Magazine
HS-Scholastic Bowl
Grade 7
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
HS-Costume Design
and Construction
Council Class
District Fine Arts Festival
Coordinator (Music/Art)
HS-Show Choir
MS- Science
MS-Music Ensemble
HS-Grade 7
General Clubs
MS-Solo and
HS-Skills USA
MS-Grade 7
General Clubs
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 90
Grade 8
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
HS-Music Ensemble
Director: Pep Band
HS-Drama Club
HS-Ticket Manager
HS-Public Performance
HS-Grade 8 General
Manager (Fine Arts)
MS-Student Council
HS-Weight Room
EC/EL/MS/Indian Plains-
Communication Liaison
EC-Lead Teacher
Grade 9
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
MS-Public Performance
HS-Grade 7 and
Grade 8 General Club
District Fine Arts
Festival Site Manager
EL-Chorus Director
HS-Cardio Room
HS-Driver Education
Grade 10
Fine Arts:
Student Activities:
Adult Roles:
EL/MS/HS Fine Arts
HS-Tutoring Club
MS-Marching Band
EL-Music Ensemble
KEY See Stipend Guidelines/Parameters for more details
All stipends must be used and assigned with the given name and job description. Stipends may
not be awarded in multiples unless specifically provided in the notes below.
Assistant to the Head Coach/Director/Sponsor positions are paid at two (2) grades below the
Head stipend unless otherwise noted.
Unless otherwise noted, each stipend is paid once per year.
All club and intramural activities must be held outside the workday in order to receive a stipend.
HS-Department Chair size of the department not a variable
HS-Athletic Trainer paid once for each season (fall, winter, spring)
District Head Special Olympics Alumni Team Coach is a yearly stipend, but the Asst. will be paid 1/3
of the full Asst. stipend for each season
HS-Head Special Olympics Team Coach is a yearly stipend, but the Asst. will be paid 1/3 of the full
Asst. stipend for each season
HS-Athletic Director Asst. and HS-Aquatic Director Asst.paid once for each season (fall, winter,
HS-Studio Production- includes: Technical Director for Studio Production, IHSA Contest Play, One
Act Advisor/One Act Minor Production, Group Interp, Monologue
HS-Intramural Director does not include supervision of Intramurals (yearly)
MS-Music Ensemble Director- includes a variety of extra curricular exploratory and honors
Vocal/Band/Orchestra ensembles
HS- Ticket Manager (Athletics) paid once for each season (fall, winter, spring)
HS- Weight Room Supervisor paid once for each season (fall, winter, spring)
Agreement between IPEA and District 204 2022-2026 91
EC/EL/MS/HS-Communication Liaison cannot be used if receiving a release from supervision or
any other assignment
HS- Cardio Room Supervisor paid once for each season (fall, winter, spring)
EL/MS/HS Intramurals assumes 10-12 student contact hours per stipend allotment, activities
determined by Administration and must be used for student driven/engaged activities. Must have a
minimum of 15 students.
EL/MS/HS Fine Arts Festival-Art stipend only, no release time provided
MS-Marching Band paid two (2) grade 10 stipends for each position
EL/MS-Club assumes 10-12 student contact hours per stipend allotment, activities determined by
Administration and must be used for student driven/engaged activities
EL-Music Ensemble includes groups such as: Choir Chimes, Drumming Ensemble, Percussion
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 92
Appendix C:
Professional Growth
C1. Philosophy
District 204 supports and encourages life-long learning. Professional growth in a
variety of learning experiences is recognized and supported by offering in-District
opportunities for professional learning. The opportunities include institute days,
school improvement planning days, staff development classes, workshops, teacher
committees, teacher leadership opportunities, as well as faculty, team, and
department meetings. Teachers are further encouraged to seek professional growth
outside the district and to share their experiences with their colleagues.
C2. Salary Schedule Credit College/University Credit
Salary Schedule Credit Guidelines
Credit on the salary schedule may only be claimed for courses:
taken from an accredited college/university
which are directly related to Board goals and that meet the education
needs of the school district:
- teacher’s current assignment or
- leadership or
- coursework for an additional endorsement or certificate.
that are part of a degree or certificate program (teacher does not have
to be enrolled in a degree or certification program); if a course is not
part of a degree or licensure program, the course must be taken at an
institution granting an education degree.
that include in the class description, a format for student-teacher
interaction and student-student interaction (synchronous)
Salary schedule credit will be given only by semester hour
Course work must be completed by August 31 of the school year in
which the course work was begun. (September 1 through August 31)
Credit on the salary schedule will only be given for those courses where the
teacher has earned a grade of “B” or higher. If no letter grade is issued for a
particular course, the teacher must provide documentation from the
college/university that the course was passed with a grade of “B” or higher.
Prior to obtaining a Master’s Degree, no more than twelve (12) hours of
transcript credit can be undergraduate credit.
After attaining the Master’s level, all undergraduate and graduate courses
taken for credit that meet the criteria will be honored.
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 93
Once the Master’s Degree is conferred, any salary credit acquired in any area
before the Master’s Degree is received is not credited on the salary schedule
beyond the Master’s level. In other words, upon earning a Master’s Degree, the
teacher would be placed on the Master’s + 0 level. All salary credit earned
subsequently then advances such teacher to the Master’s Degree + levels on the
salary schedule.
Credit shall not be given for courses which are essentially the same as those for
which credit has previously been granted. Approval for such credit is granted
only once.
All courses must have the prior written approval of the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources or his/her designee regardless of the
reason(s) for taking the course(s). Written approval, using the College Course
Approval form, is necessary to request salary schedule credit for each course.
College courses not approved at least one (1) month prior to the start of the
course may not be credited until the following school year. Provided: District
approved cohort courses may be submitted for approval up to two (2) weeks
prior to course completion.
If a course is not approved, a teacher may request an appeal, as it relates to
the appropriateness of the course – see C3 Appeal Process. That a deadline
was not met in order to satisfy the requirement to submit the course prior to
beginning the course is not subject to the appeal process.
In order to obtain salary schedule credit, an official transcript for each course
(with earned grade of “B” or higher – see above) must be submitted to the
Human Resources Department by October 1 of the year for which coursework
was completed. Failure to secure prior approval and submit official transcripts
by October 1 may delay salary schedule credit until the following school year.
These requirements are not subject to the appeal process.
C3. Appeal Process
In the event a college/university course is not approved for salary schedule credit
because of the content/subject or delivery or type of course (excluding reasons
due to timelines), the applicant may request a meeting with the Pro-Gro Appeal
Committee. The committee consists of the Assistant Superintendent for Human
Resources, the IPEA President, and the Director for Professional Learning, to
hear an appeal. The decision of the Pro-Gro Appeal Committee shall be final.
C4. Salary Schedule Credit for District Professional Development
1. Professional development experiences will be approved, coordinated, and
made available to staff through the district professional development
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 94
2. Professional development experiences will range in length from two (2) hours
to ten (10) hours with a combination of instructional time (face time) and
independent work time (outside time) counting for credit.
3. Professional development experiences will be provided by district staff
members whenever possible.
4. Approved professional development experiences will be posted on the
district’s web site and will be the only experiences for which credit will be
granted. Credit hours to be granted (face time and outside time) will be
posted on the district website with the description of the experience and
meeting times and location.
5. A database of attendees will be maintained by the district’s professional
development department and receipt of credit will be given to the staff
member at the conclusion of the experience.
6. All staff members who complete thirty-two (32) hours of district approved
professional development will receive one (1) hour credit toward salary
schedule lane movement. By October 1, teachers will notify the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources or designee when they have enough
IPSD Academy credit hours for lane movement.
7. The professional development department will give the list of hours completed
by each staff member to the human resources department at the conclusion
of each year.
8. Professional development experiences will be available for all licensed staff
members. Lane change credit will only be made available for individuals
advancing from BA – BA15 and MA – beyond. Credit will not be given toward
a Master Degree lane.
C5. Teachers New to District 204
District 204 provides an in-service (curricular and instructional) program to its
new-to-the district teachers. This program is district and level based and building
and/or district implemented. The purpose of this program is to achieve maximum
instructional potential and provide an orientation opportunity. New-to-the-district
teachers will begin the contract year with this induction program. It is three days
in length and typically will include:
District and building orientation;
Grade level, team, or department procedures, instruction, and curricular content;
Technology orientation and training;
Curriculum overview and activities; and
Topics related to instructional planning, assessment, classroom management,
school climate, and other issues regarding teaching and learning.
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 95
A portion of the program may be reserved for individual preparation. In addition,
new teachers shall complete fourteen (14) hours of in-service during the
remainder of the contract year as scheduled by administration.
Teachers hired after the first day of school will have a pro-rated induction
program developed by the Director of Professional Development.
C6. Visitation and Professional Days
Two days each year may be used for visitation purposes and/or attendance at
professional conferences. Such days should be used to gather information
needed to improve District 204 programs and instruction. Visitation/Professional
days must be approved in advance by the Supervising Administrator. The final
decision as to approval or disapproval shall remain with the Supervising
Administrator. A follow up report may be required.
C7. Professional Presentations
Philosophy — Professional presentations, by teachers, at conferences are
valuable to the entire school community and are encouraged.
Permission from the building principal or supervising administrator must be
granted prior to making a commitment to present.
Arrangements for getting release time to make a presentation during the
workday must be made well in advance of the presentation with the teacher’s
building principal or immediate supervisor.
Report by Staff Member - A final report, including itinerary/timeline and
collected material and/or information, and relevance to teaching may be
required. The staff member may be asked to provide a presentation or report to
the Board of Education and/or Administrative/Building/Department/Peer team.
With respect to paid presentations during the workday, the teacher has the option to
take time off without pay or, if the fee being paid is less than the teacher’s normal
daily rate of pay, he/she will return the fee to the district and receive his/her normal
pay. With respect to said presentations, expenses (mileage, meals,
accommodations, etc.) are the sole responsibility of the presenter.
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 96
Letter of Agreement
between the
Indian Prairie Education Association
Indian Prairie Unit School District #204
Elementary Planning Time
The 175 minutes of preparation time as referenced in 5.02.02A Elementary Buildings
will remain as is without required collaboration time.
Common plan time will continue to be created within the master schedule to aid
teachers in accessing collaboration opportunities during their daily plan time.
Collaboration between colleagues is a District and school expectation but the time when
that occurs remains the choice of the individual teacher.
Board of Education, Indian Prairie Education Association
Indian Prairie Community Unit School
District No. 204
Date: April 13, 2009
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 97
Letter of Agreement
between the
Indian Prairie Education Association
Indian Prairie Unit School District #204
Middle School Schedule
The Board of Education of Indian Prairie Community Unit School District #204 and the
Indian Prairie Education Association #204 agree to the following concepts for the Middle
School Schedule as recently constructed:
1. Teachers will have access to students during advisory for assistance.
2. Plan time minutes for Core Teachers will be consecutive.
3. Encore teachers will be provided the appropriate passing time for their schedules.
Board of Education,
Indian Prairie Community
Indian Prairie Education Association Unit School District #204
Date: May 17, 2010
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 98
Middle School Instruction
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 99
Elementary Curriculum
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 100
Class Size Committee
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 101
Letter of Agreement
between the IPEA and the Board of Education
Early Childhood Task Force
The Board of Education of Indian Prairie Community Unit School District No. 204
(“the Board”) and the Indian Prairie Education Association (“IPEA”) hereby agree as
1. The Board and IPEA have entered into a collective bargaining agreement
for the 2022-2026 school years (“the Agreement”). Article 5.01.01 of the Agreement
establishes class size and workload guidelines for early childhood classes.
2. The parties agree to establish an Early Childhood Task Force to address
the issues regarding the current Friday schedule at the Prairie Children Preschool. The
Task Force shall be composed of the principal, assistant superintendents as needed,
student services coordinator, two blended classroom teachers, two self-contained
teachers, two speech pathologists, and one ELL teacher.
3. The remaining terms and conditions of the 2022-2026 Agreement shall
remain in full force and effect, including all other terms and conditions of Article 5 of the
By:_____________________________ By:_____________________________
Dr. Adrian Talley, Superintendent Katie Popp, IPEA President
Date:____________________________ Date:________ ___________________
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 102
Letter of Agreement
between the IPEA and the Board of Education
Certified School Nurse experience credit
Social Workers and Speech Language Pathologists’ lane placement
The Board of Education of Indian Prairie Community Unit School District No. 204 (“the
Board”) and the Indian Prairie Education Association (“IPEA”) hereby agree as follows:
1. The Board and IPEA have entered into a collective bargaining agreement for the 2022-
2026 school years (“the Agreement”). Articles 8.01.05 and 8.01.06 of the Agreement
establishes for newly hired employees, placement on the salary schedule based upon
prior experience and completion of a master’s program requiring more than thirty (30)
2. The parties agree that Certified School Nurses employed during the 2021-22 school year
and earlier shall be given additional salary steps for previous RN experience received
prior to employment with District 204, adjusted at the beginning of the 2022-23 school
year as follows:
Years’ Experience Additional Steps
1-3 1
4-5 2
6-7 3
8-9 4
10+ 5
3. The parties agree that Social Workers and Speech Language Pathologists employed
during the 2021-22 school year and earlier shall receive credit for education lane
placement on the salary schedule as defined in Article 8.01.06 at the beginning of the
2022-2023 school year.
4. Any employees that are entered into a retirement agreement with the Board as defined in
Article 15 of the collective bargaining agreement are exempt from this Letter of
5. The remaining terms and conditions of the 2022-2026 Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect, including all other terms and conditions of Articles 8.01.05 and 8.01.06
of the Agreement.
By:_____________________________ By:_____________________________
Dr. Adrian Talley, Superintendent Katie Popp, IPEA President
Date:____________________________ Date:____________________________
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 103
This Agreement was ratified by the membership of the Indian Prairie Education
Association on April 11, 2022, and by the Board of Education, District 204 on April 18,
IPEA Bargaining Team
Board Bargaining Team
Dwight Nelson, Bargaining Facilitator,
Louis Lee, Asst. Sup. for Human
Kristi Laukhuf, IEA UniServ Director
Dawn Hinkle, Board Attorney
Chad Allen, NVHS
Melissa Couch, Principal, Crone
Mike DiTella, WVHS
Doug Eccarius, Deputy Superintendant
Susan Farnan, Still
Lance Fuhrer, Principal, NVHS
Nancy Fister, Steck
Brad Hillman, Asst Sup for Teaching &
Learning Middle School
Matt Johnson, White Eagle
Nicole Howard, Asst Sup for Teaching &
Learning High School
Moniko Jordan, Prairie Children
Laura Rosenblum, Asst Sup for Teaching
& Learning Elementary
Kristen Mansmith, MVHS
Kevin Schnable, Principal, McCarty
Katie Popp, IPEA President
Christina Sepiol, Asst Sup Student
Tony Wesolowski, Gregory
Matthew Shipley, Chief School Business
IPEA/District 204 2022-2026 104
Absences Related to Approved Student Trips · 15
Academic Freedom · 72
Additional Hours · 18
Advisory · 34
Copies of · 71
Duration of · 74
Artifacts · 37
Different Building · 24
Notification · 20
Qualifications · 22
Special Education · 22
Bargaining Team Release · 64
Dues Deduction · 10
Executive Board Release · 63
Honorariums · 64
Information to · 12
Leave · 63
Meetings · 11
Representation · 9
Rights · 9
Use of Equipment · 12
Use of Mailboxes and Bulletin Boards · 12
Bargaining Team Release · 64
While on Leave · 61
Bereavement Leave · 58
Board Rights · 8
School · 27
Class Size · 30
Evaluation · 43
Honorable Dismissal · 46
Initiative Implementation · 29
Insurance · 51
Stipends · 83
Interest Based · 29
Compensation · 47
Salary Schedules · 47
Course Approval · 93
Department Meetings · 26
Disaster Days · 59
Student · 13
Teacher · 12
Dismissal · 42
Dress Guidelines · 30
Association · 10
Fair Share · 11
Elementary Prep Time · 32
Employee Rights · 9
Employment Conditions · 14
Evaluation · 36
Adverse · 42
Assistance Program · 39
Committee · 43
Frequency · 38
Notification · 36
Plan · 36
Procedure · 38
Remediation · 40
Extra Duty · 81
Faculty Meetings · 26
Fair Share · 11
Flexible Schedule · 28
Gold Campus · 69
Grievance Procedure · 64
Honorable Dismissal · 46
IPEA/District 204 105
Institute Days · 14
Committee · 51
Long Term Disability · 50
Medical and Dental · 49
Premiums · 49
Reserve Fund · 51
Term Life · 50
Internal Substitution · 24, 25
Pay Rate · 81
Involuntary Transfer · 21, 68
Job Sharing · 69
Association · 63
Benefits · 61
Bereavement · 58
Business Days · 58
Disaster Days · 59
Excused Without Pay · 59
General · 61
Jury Duty · 59
Parental · 60
Religious · 58
Restricted Days · 59
Sabbatical · 62
Sick · 57
Sick Bank · 57
Letter of Agreement
Class Size Committee · 101
Elementary Curriculum · 100
Elementary Planning Time · 97
Middle School Instruction · 99
Middle School Schedule · 98
Lunch · 25
Mediation · 71
Middle School Schedule · 98
Mileage Reimbursement · 82
Military Experience · 47
Negotiations Procedures · 71
New Building Staffing · 69
Observations · 37
Overload · 35
Complaints · 13
Conference · 13
Joint Task Force · 14
Part-time Teachers · 19
Corrections · 52
Deductions · 53
Error in Pay and/or Benefits · 53
Installments · 53
Pay Dates · 52
Procedures · 52
Personnel File
Access · 10
Items Placed in · 9
Right to Review · 10
Professional Days · 96
Professional Development Activities · 16
Professional Development Plan · 39
Professional Growth · 93
Promotions · 67
Recall · 45
Recognition · 8
Remediation · 40
Representation · 64
Retirement · 73
Benefits · 73
Association · 9
Board · 8
Employee · 9
To Representation · 64
Sabbatical · 62
Salary · 47
Professional Growth Credit · 93
Schedule Index · 80, 81
School Calendar · 27
Seniority · 44
Sick Leave Bank · 54
Special Education · 22
Staff Reduction · 43
Recall · 57
Stipends · 81
Categories · 90
Experience Credit · 84
Schedule · 86, 87, 88, 89
IPEA/District 204 106
Strike · 72
Discipline · 13
Right to Exclude · 13
Supervision and Support · 18
Summer School · 81
TACT · 28
Letter of Agreement Elementary Curriculum · 100
Technology · 19
Tentative Assignment · 20
Tenured Teacher Assistance Program · 39
Transfers · 68
Involuntary · 21
Transition Assistance Plan · 42
Travel Time · 25
Vacancies · 67
Visitation Days · 96
Vocational Education · 47
Workday · 14
Non-Student Attendance · 14
Worker’s Compensation · 57
Guidelines · 32
Overload · 35