© 2021 Bombora
The Intentional
Lead Scoring
© 2021 Bombora
Leads are a
double-edged sword.
Yep. You read that right.
While most blogs, articles, and consultants tell you
that lead collection is critical for your business to
survive (and it is), theres also a dark side to collecting
leads that’s not often discussed:
Leads can be an incredible waste of time if they’re not
genuinely qualied or in-market for your product or service.
Despite our best hopes, not everyone who downloads an
eBook or registers for a webinar is fully interested or able to
buy your product or service, and passing all of these leads
through to sales can easily overwhelm them, leading to
burnout or distrust of future leads.
At its worst, all of this extra activity can distract sales from
the accounts and leads who are most likely to convert, which
can directly impact your bottom line.
© 2021 Bombora
All leads arent created equal.
It’s clear that we need a method to determine which leads
are most likely to buy, so we dont spend all of our time
on customers who are just window shopping. Thats where
lead scoring comes in.
At its most basic level, lead scoring is the practice of
assigning a score to each lead to help dene its priority over
other leads and to determine when the lead is ready to be
contacted by sales. While it may sound overly simplistic, lead
scoring can oer huge benets to sales teams.
With a quality lead scoring process, sales can:
l Tell at a glance which leads have the highest level of interest
(without having to compile dozens of data points from
dierent sources).
l Get a more informed view of how a particular lead has
interacted with the business and the actions that they’ve taken
so far.
l Align better with marketing on a clear denition of when a lead
is qualied and ready to be passed o from marketing to sales.
l Better personalize and meet customers where they are based
on their demonstrated level of interest.
Despite the many benets for sales, lead scoring is often
seen as purely a marketing function (after all, its built into
most major marketing automation platforms like HubSpot and
Marketo), but developing your lead scoring rubric in a vacuum
apart from sales can be a recipe for failure.
Sales will have to work with the output of the lead scoring
model, so its important that they contribute to the logic that
makes the model work eectively.
© 2021 Bombora
© 2021 Bombora
Your salespeople have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience from seeing
deals close rsthand; therefore, their participation in helping you set up your
lead scoring model will ensure its accounting for all of those sales insights and
best practices you can only learn from the eld.
To encourage cooperation and reduce friction, you need to ask good questions
and frame them in a way that sales will understand and see the benet in
Here are a few examples of eective, sales-focused questions:
1. From your experience, which actions taken by
prospects lead to the best meetings?
2. Have you noticed any trends in specic prospect
activity that often lead to less productive/“Im not
ready yet” conversations?
3. Have you found that prospects from specic
industries or company structures are quicker to hop
on a call than others?
Lack of budget
Misplaced authority
Uncertain timeline for transaction urgency
Unsure of product/service needs
Not enough information to respond
Open your
worksheet to
get started!
Fill in your
How to use Sales for
ecient lead ltering
© 2021 Bombora
Lets build an eective lead
scoring system!
This workbook will walk you through the four critical steps
you need to build a comprehensive lead scoring model that
will keep your sales team happy and your pipeline full of
engaged leads!
Let’s go!
Ready to get started with your
lead scoring program?
Use this worksheet template
© 2021 Bombora
Lead Scoring Step 1:
Explicit scoring with demographic
and rmographic data
Your product or service isnt a perfect t for everyone—
and this is a good thing.
This means, without much eort, you can easily categorize
leads based on how well they align with your ideal customers
demographic and rmographic attributes.
For this rst step, work with sales to determine the most
critical demographic and rmographic data that coincides
with your ideal customer prole (ICP) and then assign scoring
related to the magnitude of each of those key attributes.
Working at the account level? No sweat! Lead scoring is also
eective in account-based strategies.
With this data in hand, youre already one big step closer to
sparing sales from unqualied leads and delivering leads with
a higher probability of conversion!
Demographic data
includes personal customer
attributes such as title, role,
purchasing authority, number
of direct reports, and years in
current position.
Firmographic data
consists of business attributes
such as geographic region,
type of organization, industry,
technologies used, number of
employees, and revenue.
© 2021 Bombora
Key individual—specic
demographic data
Purchasing authority
Level of seniority
Industry of expertise
Public recommendations
Career interests
Years at current position
Social network participation
and associations
Personal interests
Key company—specic
rmographic data
Number of employees
Revenue growth
(growing declining)
Company revenue
Number of products sold or
Headquarters or satellite
Year founded
Geographic market served
Web trac
Organizational structure
Fiscal year end
Explicit data checklist
Heres a great starting point
to begin your explicit scoring
Do you have all the right pieces?
© 2021 Bombora
Your explicit lead scoring worksheet
Check out the example in the sheet.
Now its your turn!
Your explicit scoring list
Attribute Score Example
© 2021 Bombora
Lead Scoring Step 2: Implicit scoring
with rst-party Intent data
Ok, now we can rank our leads based on how well they t
the right demographic and rmographic attributes, but this
doesnt tell us anything about their actual level of interest.
This is where your Implicit (or rst-party Intent)
data comes in.
First-party Intent data includes the actions that your lead
takes that you can directly measure from your own MAP
and integrations.
Examples of these actions include:
Content conversions (e.g. eBook and
industry report downloads)
Webinar/event registrations
Free trial registrations
Email opens and clicks
Page views
Chatbot conversations
Social media engagement
Hand raisers (e.g. contact us and demo
request form submissions)
Use dierent scoring tiers to award more points to eBooks,
webinars, and other content directly relevant to your
business/product, and fewer points to more generic or
“industry-related” content.
3 Don’t award singular email opens and clicks too heavily.
Someone may open an email or two but still not be
highly interested—Wait until a lead has reached a higher
frequency of opens and clicks (i.e. 5+) before assigning a
slightly higher score.
Opens are more passive than clicks, so weigh each
action accordingly.
© 2021 Bombora
Passively looking at a webpage shows less interest than
watching a webinar or signing up for a product demo, so its
important that you weigh your scoring relative to the level of
interest each action demonstrates.
As an example, the table below compares actions with lower,
passive interest to those with higher, active interest for several
content types:
l Not all page views are created equally, so dont rate every page view
the same. Assign more points for views of specic product or pricing
pages and for the number of page views per lead.
l Dont forget social media! Award points to leads if they follow your
organization on social (especially if they’re following on multiple
channels) and if theyre actively engaging with your posts and content
(e.g. comments, likes, shares).
l The greatest amount of points should be applied for direct requests
for contact and demos.
© 2021 Bombora
Check out this pre-lled example
of key implicit attributes
Now its your turn!
Your implicit lead scoring worksheet
Your implicit scoring list
Activity Score Example
© 2021 Bombora
Lead Scoring Step 3:
Comprehensive scoring with
third-party Intent data
Rarely does one person make an important corporate
purchase by him or herself. In fact, Gartner research has
found that “the typical buying group for a complex B2B
solution involves 6 to 10 decision-makers, and this number
has been increasing year over year.
While there will most likely be several people on the buying
committee, with each role needing their own individual
messaging, only one of them may score high enough to break
through the MQL barrier—leaving the rest to be ignored.
Incorporating Intent data into your lead scoring model will
help ensure that you capture all of the members of the buying
committee at any particular account, and you can implement
it in 2 easy steps:
1. Note which accounts are most
actively researching your
organization, product, competitors,
and/or topic clusters on your
Bombora Company Surge
2. Boost leads from the above
accounts with enough points
to surface them to sales.
© 2021 Bombora
Scoring attribute Score Examples
Combined research activity across an entire account is
something you can’t aord to miss, as a spike in research
activity from a potential prospect is a very solid buying sign.
Curious about how Bomboras Co-op is lled with only
privacy-compliant Intent data? Here’s how:
Fill in who your
main competitors are
Check out this
Name 3 topics,
verticals, industries or
categories your best
customers are in
Active intent signals
Bombora’s Intent data is gathered from the B2B ecosystem across multiple content sources
Real world B2B activity
Making the scale of this Intent data unparalleled—globally
Company Surge
data identifies when businesses are actively
researching products or services signaling buying intent.
Listening to an average
of 3.2M unique domains
Across an average of
694 B2B devices
Researching on
9,000+ B2B topics
White papers Case studies Search Registration
Ethically-sourced Intent data
It is used to produce Company Surge® data
*Figures for Q2 2021 (average of monthly figures from April to June)
© 2021 Bombora
Lead Scoring Step 4:
Implement score decay and
negative scoring
Un-qualify leads? Are you serious?
Yep. Situations change, buying windows close, and even the
best leads can become ineective over time. When it comes
to keeping your leads clean, maintaining a pile of stale leads
in the system can be just as bad as if you didnt score them at
In addition to deducting points for leads who dont meet
the demographic and rmographic data, implementing score
decay over time can help ensure youre delivering your MQLs
to sales while theyre still fresh.
Here are a few situations for which you should score
negatively or implement score decay:
Deduct points for any prospects who dont
align with the rmographic or demographic
data of your Ideal Customer Prole (e.g.
remove points if the account is in an industry
you can’t or don’t want to sell to)
Remove the associated points for attending a
webinar or downloading an eBook after 30-60
days, as this lead has probably cooled down
If individuals opt out of outreach/sales
enablement sequences, this is a denite sign
to remove signicant points (You may also
want to deduct some points if leads opt-out
of marketing emails)
If sales are able to disqualify a lead in your
system, ensure that this is reected with a
large point deduction as well
Remove points for entry-level job titles if
they’re not part of your ICP
Deduct points for associated leads 20-30 days
after their account stops showing high intent
© 2021 Bombora
Check out
this pre-lled
Now its your
Point Deductions
© 2021 Bombora
The bottom line is that the level of interest of your leads
changes over time, so your lead scoring system needs to
reect this as well.
Removing stale leads is the best way to ensure your sales
teams are spending their limited time most eectively—
approaching the leads who are most active and most likely
to convert.
Regardless of how much data you have access to, its great to be
proactive in building your lead scoring model! If you’re only set
up to reach step 1 or step 2 with your current stack, no worries!
Revisiting your lead scoring model is essential to building and
optimizing your program. Working your way through each stage
is essential to an eective lead scoring model, and the best of us
havent started at stage 4!
first-party data:
and firmographic
data only
Using third-party
Intent data, one
tight Intent topic
cluster, applying to
your lead or account
scoring model
Using multiple
topic clusters or
third-party sources
that signal different
buying stages or
levels of interest
and score them
(for example,
G2’s data)
Deploying a
sophisticated, predictive
scoring system that
includes both lead and
account scores and
activity, as well as more
advanced predictive
(or start using a
platform like 6sense
or Demandbase
that does this work
for you)
The lead scoring maturity curve
© 2021 Bombora
Curious about proven lead
scoring results with Intent data?
Turtl needed to create
and expand their SDR call
lists based on data-backed
insights versus anecdotal
sales feedback.
Booking a meeting
with the SDR team
After only four months of using
Company Surge
for HubSpot, Turtl
booked over 40 sales meetings and
increased its meeting creation rate by
more than 300%.
Snowake identied the
need for Intent-backed
insights to prioritize high
t accounts with the right
value propositions to
execute its personalized
ABM plan.
Increase in research
activity for several
Intent topics identied
for further analysis by
an internal ABM pod
The ABM pod identied a target
account that showed a signicant
increase in research activity and
through coordinated marketing and
sales outreach, the prospect engaged
with Snowakes AE team which led to
a new deal closing in 3 months.
Kazoos legacy proprietary
t model, failed to show
an increase in conversion
rates for high scoring
accounts compared to
lower scoring accounts.
Qualied email
When Kazoo used Company Surge
scores as a prioritization mechanism,
they saw 2–3x reply rates compared to
not using the data.
Learn more
Get results like this
Read the full story
© 2021 Bombora
BONUS Lead Scoring Step 5:
Periodic auditing and optimization
Following the previous four steps will ensure you have a solid starting
point for your lead scoring model, but its nearly impossible to get your
model 100% tuned on the rst try. Wed be remiss if we didnt mention the
importance of periodic audits and optimization of your model.
Maybe you get access to new or more sophisticated data?
Maybe you want to add new content buckets or your ICP has changed?
Or maybe sales has just noticed that the leads just arent up to snu?
You should proactively set up meetings at regular intervals to assess the
output of your model so you can make any necessary changes to ensure its
still delivering the quality leads you expect.
© 2021 Bombora
Bringing it all together
Weve come a long way from where we started—
In this workbook, weve helped demonstrate the
importance of and methods for:
1. Vetting leads against the rmographic and demographic
data of our target customers
2. Implementing weighted scoring from the direct actions
our customers are taking with our content
3. Surfacing whole buying committee by cross-referencing
Intent data with our raw lead data, and
4. Removing stale leads after their window of interest has
5. Given you a lead scoring worksheet to get started on
your lead scoring journey!
...but now the real work of talking to sales and
determining the right scores for each
action begins.
Bombora tells businesses which accounts are researching their products and services. With this
understanding, sales and marketing teams can be more relevant and consistent and improve
performance across all activities. This Intent-driven approach revolutionizes the way businesses
market and sell to other businesses through transparent data built on an ecosystem of quality,
collaboration and innovation. With direct integrations with dozens of leading data and media-
buying platforms, Bombora is building a world in which business buyers value sales and
marketing for its relevance, timeliness and accuracy. To learn more, visit bombora.com.