Application for observer status at International Seabed Authority
The Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority,
International Seabed Authority.
Subject: For application for observer status at International Seabed Authority by Gujarat National
Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
A. Information about the organization
1. Name of organization- Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, INDIA.
2. Address of headquarters- Attalika Avenue, Knowledge Corridor, Koba (Sub P. O.),
Gandhinagar-382426, Gujarat, INDIA
3. Addresses of all branches and/or regional headquarters- Not Applicable
4. Telephone number- 91- 7923276611/12
5. Fax number- Not available.
6. Email address-; [email protected].in
7. Name, title and contact details of focal point- Prof. (Dr.) S. Shanthakumar, Director, Gujarat
National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, email: [email protected].
8. Background information on the organization-
Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) is a statutory university established by the
Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003. The
University is recognized by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and the University Grants
Commission (UGC) (2f & 12B). The University is also a member of the Association of
Indian Universities (AIU), United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), International
Association of Law Schools (IALS), Asian Law Institute (ASLI) and Shastri Indo-
Canadian Institute. The GNLU Act 2003 proclaims that GNLU, "shall be established to
advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of law and legal processes and their role
in national development: to develop in the students and the research scholars sense of
responsibility to serve society in the field of law by developing skills in regard to advocacy,
legal services, legislation, parliamentary practice, law reforms and such other matters; to
make law and legal processes efficient instruments of social development; and to promote
interdisciplinary study of law in relation to management, technology, international
cooperation and development."
9. Is the organization a member of, affiliated to or otherwise associated with another
organization that has been granted observer status with the Authority? - No.
10. Is the organization affiliated to consultants of the Authority, contractors with the
Authority, entities in connection with the law of the sea, the offshore and deep -sea mining
industry, research institutes or the mineral marketing and processing industry?- No.
11. Relationships with intergovernmental organizations- No
12. List of publications and/or other relevant documentation
Gujarat National Law University is having developed a rich culture of publications. More
than 500 publication including papers, articles, books and book chapters are there. There
are numerous publications in reputed publication houses and journals. (List is enclosed
with the document with prominent publications as Annexure I for reference).
B. Interest in matters under consideration by the Assembly
13. Briefly outline how your organization intends to demonstrate its interest in matters under
consideration by the Assembly, including by answering questions 14 to 17 and by providing
any other relevant information related to the application for observer status.
During the visit of His Excellency Michael W. Lodge Secretary-General, ISA and his
delegation at Gujarat National Law University from 13 to 15 February 2023 as mentioned
by His Excellency Mr. Lodge that the association between the ISA and GNLU can be
extended to the observer status; the University is willing to contribute to the research and
analysis activities of the matters related to seabed mining, proposing suggestions based
upon the research activities and academic activities in the concerned domain. The faculty
and research staff, scholars and the students of Gujarat National Law University can
actively participate in the activities and deliberations of the ISA.
Being a Research Based Teaching University the Gujarat National Law University has
broad spectrum of legal and multidisciplinary research, teaching and extension in relevant
The Government of India is dedicated towards ensuring lasting peace and Security and
Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) and is committed towards upgrading the skills of
its nationals in support of the effective implementation of UNCLOS and associated legal
instruments. As one of the three institutions established by UNCLOS, ISA recognises the
importance of rule of law in ocean affairs as well as the importance of strengthened
multilateralism as well as the need to design and implement dedicated capacity
development activities that address the needs of its members, particularly developing
GNLU by virtue of its focus in the field of law and legal research provides teaching and
research infrastructure and capacities which could serve the strategic objectives of good
ocean governance, respect of rule of law in ocean affairs and capacity development. Within
the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the ISA’s Strategic Plan and
High-level Action Plan for 2019-2023, adopted by the Assembly of ISA in 2018 and 2019
respectively, as well as the ISA’s Capacity Development Strategy adopted in 2022, the ISA
Secretariat and GNLU intends to foster activities related to capacity development in the
field of Part XI of UNCLOS and the 1994 Agreement as well as other relevant deep-sea
related discipline with direct connection with the mandate and functions of ISA.
After granting of observatory status, GNLU can undertake organization of interactions,
including lectures, studies, projects, dialogues, workshops, conferences, seminars, study
courses, symposia, programmes and publications that support collaborative research,
dialogue among relevant stakeholders and dissemination of information; promote specific
activities and initiatives that recognize and facilitate the role and participation of women
in the law of the sea; invite each other to attend meetings, conferences, and committees,
share relevant information, best practices, networks, knowledge, and expertise; and
establish such other forms of cooperation as they may mutually decide upon in writing.
Gujarat National Law University would promote and facilitate research, teaching and other
knowledge building activities promoted by International Seabed Authority such as
Environmental Impact Assessments and activities related to such initiatives through
research, promoting dissemination, exchange and sharing of scientific data and deep-sea
research outputs and increasing deep-sea literacy, policy suggestions for addressing the
issues and needs of Indian industry through research and panel discussions, capacity
building initiative of ISA can be supported through certificate courses in Seabed Mining
14. Briefly outline whether and how the purposes or activities of the organization relate to
the work of the Authority.
Gujarat National Law University offers subjects like Private and Public International law,
Law of the Sea and research activities related to the field of Law of the Sea addressing the
issues of Marine Pollution, Marine Biodiversity, Seabed Mining and related aspects of deep
sea mining, ocean governance and laws related to maritime, marine protected areas etc.
The University intends to conduct teaching, training, capacity building activities along with
research activities in the field of maritime. Policy research on Deep Sea Mining, legal
roadmap for exploration and exploitation of Polymetallic nodules in the Indian Ocean,
research projects in the areas like IMO’s Sulphur cap mandate and its implications in
Gujarat, Reviewing multiple Acts related to maritime, conduction of GNLU International
Maritime Academy on the theme of Blue Economy, IUU Fishing and other aspects in
different editions are a few activities in related domains of maritime.
GNLU through its different activities and initiatives always promotes, protects and nurture
the gender equality and has a Centre for Women and Child Rights and a Gender
Sensitization Committee fully dedicated for such initiative. The university is appreciative
of the S.H.E. (See Her Excel) initiative of ISA.
15. Briefly outline whether and how your organization intends to contribute to the work of
the Authority, for example by providing specialized information, advice or expertise, or by
identifying or helping to procure the services of experts or consultants.
The GNLU by virtue of its focus in the field of law and legal research provides teaching
and research infrastructure and capacities which could serve the strategic objectives of
good ocean governance, respect of rule of law in ocean affairs and capacity development.
GNLU is well connected and respected in different Government bodies, academic
institutions and industries hence the specialized information, advice or expertise, or by
identifying or helping to procure the services of experts or consultants can effectively be
done through GNLU. GNLU also intends to organize certificate courses and introduce
modules based upon Seabed Mining to spread awareness and build knowledge in the
16. Briefly outline whether and how your organization has the expertise and the capacity to
contribute, within its field of competence, to the work of the Authority, in particular in
connection with the law of the sea, the protection of the marine environment, the offshore
and deep-sea mining industry, technology, minerals processing and marketing, activities in
the Area and marine scientific research in the Area.
The Gujarat National Law University is having a well-established research environment
and rich experience in capacity building, training and teaching. University is having a
robust research teaching training and extension infrastructure and trained human resources.
The Gujarat National Law University is directly working with Government Departments,
academic institutions and the industry.
The institution is having a rich experience in working with the Government of India’s
Ministry of Earth and Sciences, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Law and Justice
and other ministries along with different academic and research institutes.
GNLU has signed MoUs with many foreign institutions for student exchange, research and
other co-operative and collaborative programmes such as
United Nation Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR, Geneva,
World Trade Institute (WTI, Bern, Switzerland),
University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),
University of Barcelona (Barelona, Spain)
University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
University of Rome, La Sapienza (Italy)
Being situated at the state of Gujarat which is a coastal state with maximum number of
ports in India is also an advantageous position for conducting research related to marine
biodiversity and marine environment (many marine protected areas are situated in Gujarat)
and seabed mining activities.
A list of few activities of the university is enclosed herewith for reference as Annexure II.
17. Briefly outline whether and how your organization intends to contribute to the capacity-
building programmes and initiatives of the Authority (e.g., Secretary General’s award,
voluntary commitments of the Authority).
With an aim to become a Research Based Teaching University, GNLU has started a variety
of initiatives for faculty, students and research professionals such as research projects,
research publications, group publications, in-house publications, fellowships, student
research development council, collaboration with national & international institutes and
industries and centres of excellence etc.
Through the unique Research and Development Cell of Gujarat National Law University
constituted with the Head Research and Development Cell, Research Council and Research
Cadre having 19 Centres of Excellence and 12 Endowed Research Programmes/ Chairs the
university works to promote the interest and reputation of research activities among the
faculty members and students and to ensure that the research activities of the division
support the university's objective to be a research based teaching university, to develop
consistent divisional research strategies to deliver high quality research.
Institute intends to promote research and certificate courses to contribute to the capacity
and knowledge building in different domains of seabed mining and law of sea through
collaborative activities of its centres and research chairs. GNLU has a pool of work done
in the field of marine environment, maritime commercial laws, blue economy, policy
research on deep sea mining and maritime security, ocean governance related domains of
law of the sea.
Annexure I
List of few publications:
Name of the Book
Students with Disabilities in Higher
Education Institutions
Red'shine Publication Pvt. Ltd,
Gujarat (2018 Edition), (ISBN:
Nageshwara Rao
Cities of India: A Legal History
Eastern Book Company,
Lucknow (2018), (ISBN:
Richa R.
International Litigation by and
against India
EBC (2018), (ISBN:
Bimal N. Patel
Acing Internships A Practical Guide
EBC (2018), (ISBN: 978-93-
Joshua Aston
Contract Law for Managers
EBC (2017), (Volume 1 -
ISBN: 987881938547205 and
Volume 2 - ISBN:
Joshua Aston
Beginner's Handbook on Corporate
Social Responsibility
Ruby Publication (2017),
(ISBN: 978-93-82395-18-8)
Viral Pandya
Microfinance and Self Help Groups:
A Non-Financial Perspective
Ruby Publication (2017),
(ISBN: 978-819-330-683-3)
Viral Pandya
State Practice of India and the
Development of International Law:
Dynamic Interplay between Foreign
Policy and Jurisprudence
Brill / Nijhoff, (ISBN:
9789004317000 E-ISBN:
Bimal N. Patel
The World Court Reference Guide -
Judgments, Advisory Opinions and
Orders of the Permanent Court of
International Justice and the
International Court of Justice (1922-
Brill / Nijhoff, (ISBN:
Bimal N. Patel
The World Court Reference Guide
and Case-Law Digest - Judgments,
Advisory Opinions and Orders of the
International Court of Justice (2001-
2010) and Case-Law Digest (1992-
Brill / Nijhoff, (ISBN:
9789004261877 E-ISBN:
Bimal N. Patel
Trafficking of Women and
Children: Article 7 of the Rome
Statute”(I Edition)
Oxford University Press (2016),
(ISBN: 978-0199468171)
Joshua Aston
Law Relating to Electronic Contracts
(II Edition)LexisNexis, Gurgaon
(2016) (ISBN 978-93-5143-713-0)
LexisNexis, Gurgaon (2016),
(ISBN: 978-93-5143-713-0)
Ravindra Kumar
Issues on Arbitration
Read Worthy, New Delhi
(2016), (ISBN: 10:93-5018-
Vikas Gandhi
Indian Economy
New Century Publications
Ranita Nagar
Political Science I
LexisNexis, Gurgaon (2016),
(ISBN: 9789351437024)
William Nunes,
Aruna Kumar Malik
& Ravi Saxena
Vikas Publications, Noida
(2015), (ISBN: 978-93-259-
Anjani Singh Tomar
Law Relating to Electronic
LexisNexis, Gurgaon (2014),
(ISBN: 978-93-5143-057-5)
Ravindra Kumar
Medical Ethics
MG University, Kottayam
(2014), (ISBN 978-3-25-7910-
Anjani Singh Tomar
and Amit Kumar
Banking Law Eazy Cases
EBC Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow
Bimal N. Patel, Dolly
Jabbal and Prachi V.
Responsibility of International
Organisations towards other
International Organisations: Law and
Practice of the United Nations, the
World Bank, the European Union
and the International Atomic Energy
Eastern Book Company, New
Delhi (2013), (ISBN: 978-
Bimal N. Patel
Security Dilemma of Sri Lanka: A
Conceptual Analysis
Ruby Press, New Delhi (2013),
(ISBN: 978-93-82395-02-7)
William Nunes
Intellectual Property Laws
MG University, Kottayam
(2013), (ISBN: 978-93-259-
Anjani Singh Tomar
Human Rights Standard for Right to
Concept Publishing Company
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2012),
(ISBN: 978-81-8069-854-5).
Aruna Kumar Malik
Law Development Socio Economic
Eastern Book Company,
Lucknow (2012), (ISBN :
Bimal N. Patel &
Mamata Biswal
Restructuring the Indian Police
System: Need for Accountability and
Lambert Academic Publishers,
Germany (2011), (ISBN: 978-
Joshua Aston
Disaster Management
APH Publishing Corporation,
New Delhi (2010) (ISBN: 788-
Ranita Nagar
Red Biotechnology
Astral International Publishers
(2019)(ISBN: 978-93-5124-
Anjani Singh Tomar,
Viralkumar B.
Green Biotechnology
Astral International Publishers
(2019)(ISBN: 978-93-5124-
Anjani Singh Tomar,
Bindu Vijay,
Viralkumar B.
Purple Biotechnology
Astral International Publishers
(2019)(ISBN: 978-93-5124-
Viralkumar B.
Mandaliya, Anjani
Singh Tomar
Law and Economics Market, Non-
market and Network Transactions
Vernon Press (2018)(ISBN:
Ranita Nagar, Panta
Murali Prasad
Sustainable Development and India
Convergence of Law, Economics,
Science, and Politics
Gujarat National Law
University Faculty Publication
Bimal N. Patel,
Ranita Nagar
The Companies Act, 2013- Key
Conceptual Transformation
LexisNexis, (2017) ISBN: 978-
Bimal N. Patel,
Dharmishta Raval,
Mamata Biswal
Indian Ocean And Maritime
Security: Competition, Cooperation
And Threat
Routledge, London & New
York, (2017) ISBN: 978-11-
Bimal N. Patel,
Aruna Kumar Malik,
William Nunes
Law and Economics in India :
Understanding and Practice
Taylor & Francis Ltd, London,
UK (2016) (ISBN
Bimal N. Patel,
Ranita Nagar, Hitesh
Law And Economics: Breaking New
Eastern Book Company (2017)
ISBN: 978-93-5145-462-5
Ranita Nagar
Indian Economy
New Century
Ranita Nagar
Science, Technology and Law
Gujarat National Law
University, Gandhinagar
(2016)(ISBN 9788191038972)
Shobhalata Udapudi,
Ranita Nagar,
Thomas Mathew,
Bindu Vijay, Heena
'Identifying and Comparing the
Trends in International Contract
Laws and Probing the Critical Issues
for Multinational Contracting
Gujarat National Law
University, Gandhinagar (2016)
(ISBN 9789384936020)
Joshua Aston
Food Security: Cross Country
Policies and Experiences
New Century Publications,
New Delhi (2016) (ISBN 978-
Ranita Nagar
MCQ on Environmental Law
Eastern Book Company (2015)
Bimal N. Patel,
Prachi Motiyani
Towards a Food Secure India
Ruby Press & Co., New Delhi
(2015) (ISBN 978-93-82395-
Ranita Nagar
Sports and Legislature
Eastern Book Company, New
Delhi (2015) (ISBN 978-81-
Bimal N. Patel, Richa
Banking Law and Negotiable
Eastern Book Company, New
Delhi (2015) (ISBN 978-93-
Bimal N. Patel, Dolly
Jabbal, Prachi
Law of the Sea: International
Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Jurisprudence: Case Commentary,
Case-Law Digest and Reference
Guide (1994-2014)
Eastern Book Company, New
Delhi (2015) (ISBN 978-93-
Bimal N. Patel
Banking Law
Eastern Book Company (2014)
(ISBN 978-93-514511-8-1
Bimal N. Patel, Dolly
Jabbal, Prachi
International Contracts,
Jurisdictional Issues and Global
Commercial and Investment
Gujarat National Law
University (2014) (ISBN 978-
Bimal N. Patel,
Mamata Biswal,
Joshua Aston
Economic Analysis of Law: An
Indian Perspective
LexisNexis (2014) (ISBN 978-
Bimal N. Patel,
Ranita Nagar, Hitesh
Food Security Law Interdisciplinary
Eastern Book Company, New
Delhi (2014) (ISBN 93-5145-
Bimal N. Patel,
Ranita Nagar
MCQ on Banking Law
Eastern Book Company, New
Delhi (2014)(ISBN 978-93-
Bimal N. Patel, Dolly
Jabbal, Prachi
Maritime Security and Piracy
(Global Issues, Challenges and
Eastern Book Company, New
Delhi (2012) (ISBN 93-5028-
Bimal N. Patel,
Hitesh Thakkar
Law, Development and Socio-
Economic Policy (Challenges in the
21st Century India)
Eastern Book Company, New
Delhi (2012) (ISBN 93-5028-
Bimal N. Patel,
Mamata Biswal
Explaining and Understanding Legal
and Interdisciplinary Research
Methodology in India
Gujarat National Law
University, Gandhinagar (2012)
(ISBN 978-81-910389-8-9)
Bimal N. Patel
Contemporary Challenges and
prospects for Strengthening the Rule
of Law and Democracy in the Midst
of Anarchy and Chaos in the Indian
State - Separation of Powers, Judicial
Accountability and Relevant
Provisions of the Indian Constitution
Gujarat National Law
University, Gandhinagar (2012)
(ISBN 978-81-910389-3-4)
Bimal Patel, Jaya
Journey of women Empowerment:
Miles to go
Gujarat National Law
University, Gandhinagar (2012)
(ISBN 978-81-910389-5-8)
Bimal N. Patel,
Mamata Biswal,
Anand Kumar
Live-in Relationship and Surrogacy:
legal Implication and Social Issues
Gujarat National Law
University, Gandhinagar (2012)
(ISBN 978-81-910389-6-5)
Bimal N. Patel,
Mamata Biswal,
Anand Kumar
Indo-US Relations: Special reference
to Post Obama visit
Gujarat National Law
University, 2010 (ISBN 978-
Bimal N. Patel,
William Nunes,
Aruna Kumar Malik
‘Geographical Indications of Indian
Handlooms: Between Legal Right
and Real Right’,
Routledge, Taylor and Francis,
UK, ISBN 978-1-032-33247-5
Dr. Nidhi Buch
Poverty and Deprivation
Dr. Ambati
Nageswara Rao
Routledge Handbook of Poverty in
the Global South, Impact of
Globalisation on Poverty in India:
Cross-Country Comparative
Analysis with China and Indonesia
Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-032-
Ms. Dhanya.S
Book titled, “Globalisation of
Professional Legal Education:
Constitutional Conspectus” Chapter
titled “Affordability of the Maritime
Legal Education in India: A
Challenge for Indian Academics and
Maritime Field for Coping with
Globalised Professional Legal
Bloomsbury India, ISBN:978-
Ms. Pratikalpa
Sharma & Dr. Saira
Role of Authorised users in adding
efficacy to GI protection in India:
Issues and Challenges in an edited
book titled "Geographical Indication
Protection in India: The Evolving
Springer, ISBN 978-981-19-
4295-2 ISBN 978-981-19-
4296-9 (eBook)
Dr. Nidhi Buch
Work and Life of a Professional
Social Worker, Book chapter-Tryst
with Social Work: A Journey Worth
Indian Society of Professional
Social Work (ISPSW), ISBN:
Apoorva Patel
Ensuring Integrity: Lessons from
Judiciary; Landmark Judgments on
Corruption, Public Servant
Misconduct and Related Aspects.
Thomson Reuters, ISBN: 978-
Sangeeta Singh,
Tarun, Aditya R. Gor
Annexure II
List of few research, publication and other relevant activities
Research Activities and Publications
A critical analysis of preparedness for IMO’s
Sulphur Cap Mandate 2020, and its impacts with
regard to the selected Gujarat Ports: The Mundra
Port./ Government of Gujarat
Environmental law Capacity Building Project of
World Bank of executed by CEERA, National
Law School of India University, Bangalore.
Policy Research on ‘Resource Mining and Law of
the Sea Issues and Challenges for India’.
ABD- Knowledge support Technical Assistance:
Strengthening the capacity for Environment and
Climate Change Laws in Asia and Pacific.
An Empirical Analysis of Impact of Food
insecurity and Hunger on Nutrition and Right to
Health of Urban Poor Living in State of Gujarat
Funded by IGIDR-SPANDAN Grants and Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation
Draft Deep Seabed Mining Act of India
Private Maritime Security Companies
Blue Economy Road Map: Techno- Legal Policy
and Regulatory Framework
Maritime Manual of India
International Tribunal for Law of the Sea
(ITLOS) Jurisprudence 1994-214: Commentary,
Case- Law Digest and Reference Guide
(Forwarded by H.E. Former Judge Peter Tomka,
President, ICJ and H.E. Judge David Attard,
Former Judge, ITLOS )
Maritime Security and Piracy: Global Issues,
Challenges and Solutions by Bimal N. Patel and
Hitesh Thakkar, Forwarded by Admiral Nirmal
Verma, Chief of Naval Staff
GNLU International Maritime Academy 1- 8
GNLU Trilateral Legal Talks: India-USA-Japan
Training Programme on Maritime Commercial
Law and Practice