Beginners edition
Northern New York
Bok Choy
Brussels Sprouts
Beans, Bush and Pole
Summer Squash
Winter Squash
Beneficial Insects
Resources, Acknowledgements
This Northern NY Growing Guide is a
summary of just some of the information
available on Cornell’s Home Gardening
Web site:
For complete growing information visit
the Web site and consult the resources
listed on the last page of this booklet.
Avoid frost pockets as late killing frosts will
damage spears.
For highest yields, plant all-male hybrids,
such as the Jersey series from Rutgers Uni-
versity (Jersey Giant, Jersey King, Jersey
If using older varieties, such as Martha
Washington, you can identify the less pro-
ductive female plants at flowering and re-
place them with male plants. The flowers on
male plants are larger and longer than the
female flowers, have six stamens and a small
nonfunctional pistil. The female flowers have
six small, nonfunctional stamens and a well
developed, three-lobed pistil.
Water during dry spells during the first
year. Do not overwater as plants don’t toler-
ate water-logged soils.
Midsummer mulching with hay, straw, leaves
or grass clippings helps control weeds and
keep soil from drying out. Regular applica-
tions of compost or well-rotted manure pro-
vide a steady source of nutrients.
Family: Liliaceae
Genus/species: Asparagus officinalis
Seed Germination: 10 - 12 days @ 75°F
Lifecycle: Perennial
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 6 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 5 - 9 Feet
Spread: 2 - 2.5 Feet
Flower Color: Green
Foliage Color: Light Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Pests: Asparagus beetle
Diseases: Fusarium wilt and crown rot
When & How To Plant
Carefully consider site before planting this long-
lived perennial. Test soil and apply phosphorus,
potassium and lime as indicated before planting.
Plant crowns 4 to 6 weeks before average last
frost, 18 to 24 inches apart in trenches 8 inches
deep. Spread roots in bottom of trench and
cover with 1 to 2 inches of soil. Gradually cover
with more soil as the plants grow. You can propa-
gate by seed, division or separation - Purchase
disease-free, 1-year-old crowns for planting. Di-
vide plants in early spring, if desired. Asparagus
can also be grown from seed, but requires an ex-
tra year to establish.
From Seed To Plate
2 years
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers loose, deep soils high in organic matter.
Prefers pH near 7.0, but tolerates a wide range.
Add lime and fertilizer before establishment.
Jersey Knight and Jersey King - Widely adapted,
do well in warm climates.
Jersey Giant - Good for colder regions.
The Jersey series has good resistance to rust
and fusarium crown and root rot.
Beans require consistent and adequate mois-
ture especially when flowering and developing
If you water, avoid wetting foliage, which
encourages disease. Water early in the day
so foliage dries quickly.
Mulch after second set of leaves develop to
help retain moisture.
For a steady supply make successive plant-
ings until mid-late July.
When & How To Plant
Propagate by seed - beans do not like to be
transplanted. Plant seed one inch deep and about
2 inches apart, in rows 18 - 36 inches apart. Do
not plant until danger of frost has passed and
soil has warmed. Cold air temperatures can injure
plants and reduce yields.
From Seed To Plate
Depends upon variety: 50 –65 Days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well-drained soil, but with consistent
moisture. Only requires average
fertility. pH 6.0 to 6.8.
Green Pod: Bush Bluelake, Charon, Derby, Jade,
Provider, Tendergreen Improved, Roma II
Yellow Pod (Wax):
Golden Butterwax, Golden
Rod, Rocdor.
Green Pods ( Pole):
Blue Lake, Fortex, Kentucky
Wonder, Kentucky Blue.
Dry Beans:
Cabernet, California Red Kidney, Chi-
nook 2000, Etna, Fleetwood, Jacob’s Cattle, Mid-
French Horticultural, Romano,
Royal Purple Burgundy.
Family: Leguminosae
Genus/species: Phaseolus vulgaris
Seed Germination: 8 - 10 days @ 70°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 3 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1—3 Feet
Spread: 1—2 feet
Flower Color: White
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Bacterial Blights, Bean Common
Mosaic Virus, White Mold.
Pests: Mexican Bean Beetles, Aphids, Leafhop-
pers, Seed Corn Maggot, Spider Mites.
Beans and all members of the family Leguminosae
play an important role in the garden. They have
the ability to enrich the soil with nitrogen (N)
through bacterial relationships that promote
nitrogen fixation. To simplify, legumes are great
for the soil and even beginners should consider
rotating them with crops that require high
amounts of N. Rotate cool season crops with a
legume, plant spinach in spring, upon harvest
plant beans. Harvest the beans and plant spinach
Best color and flavor develop under cool con-
ditions and bright sun. When beets mature in
warm weather, they are lighter colored, have
less sugar and have more pronounced color
zoning in the roots.
Use floating row covers to discourage insects
early in the season.
Keep surrounding area well-weeded and con-
sistently watered. Competition and uneven
watering can make beets stringy and tough.
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Genus/species: Beta vulgaris
Seed Germination: 5 - 8 days @ 75°F
Lifecycle: Annual—(Biennial)
Planting Depth: 3/4 inch
Seed Viability: 4 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Foliage Color: Medium Green—Variegated
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Cercospora Leaf Spot, Scab,
Root Rot
Pests: Leafminer
When & How To Plant
Plant in early spring, as soon as you can work the
soil, ¾ inch deep and 1 inch apart in rows 12 to 18
inches apart. For continuous harvest, make suc-
cessive plantings every three weeks until mid-
summer. For winter storage, sow crop about 10
weeks before heavy freeze. Unlike most root
crops, beets can be started inside and trans-
planted into the garden.
From Seed To Plate
Harvest in 45 - 65 days depending upon weather
conditions and specific variety.
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well-drained sandy loam to silt loam soil,
high in organic matter, with pH between 6.5 and
7 and free of large stones. Good soil structure is
important because growth is improved by good
soil aeration.
Crosby Green Top, Detroit Dark Red, Early Won-
der, Formanova, Golden, Long Season, Lutz green,
Red Ace, Red Cloud, Ruby Queen, Warrior.
Storing Beets
In order to store beets place in layers of damp sand
in a cool, humid place such as a root cellar for two
to five months. Remove beet tops, leaving about a
half-inch of stem but keep the root end intact to
prevent bleeding. Place in layers of damp sand, saw-
dust, or peat moss in a plastic container with a tight
lid or cover. You can store beets through much of
the winter if temperature and humidity levels are
correct. You can also pickle, can, or jar beets im-
mediately after harvest. Canned beets will keep for
more than 12 months.
Spring crops may bolt prematurely if young
plants are exposed to frost or a week of
nighttime temperatures below 50 F. Wait
until after last frost date to direct seed or
transplant out.
Spring crops require good timing and careful
pest control
Direct-seeded fall crops are easier to grow.
Mulch fall crops heavily and provide adequate
moisture to avoid premature bolting.
Genus/species: Brassica rapa var. chinensis
Seed Germination: 4 - 7 days @ 50°F—80°F
Lifecycle: Biennial—grown as Annual
Planting Depth: 1/4—1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 4 years
Sunlight: Full Sun to Part Shade
Height: 1 - 2 Feet
Spread: 1 - 1.5 Feet
Foliage Color: White Petiole—Green Leaves
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Clubroot, Downy Mildew, Alternaria
Leaf Spot.
Pests: Cabbage Maggot, Flea Beetles, Cutworms,
Leafminers, Aphids, Seed corn
Bok or Pac Choy
When & How To Plant
Wait until after last frost date to direct seed or
transplant out. Start transplants inside 4 to 6
weeks before last frost date. Transplant 6 to 12
inches apart in rows 18 to 30 inches apart. Use
the closer spacings for smaller varieties. Plant
direct-seeded spring crops ¼ to ½ inch deep and
about 1 inch apart in rows 18 to 30 inches apart.
Thin to 6- to 12-inch spacings. Use thinnings in
salads. For fall crops, sow seed in early August
or set out transplants in late August.
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well-drained, fertile soil high in organic
matter, pH 6.0 to 7.5. Can tolerate slightly alka-
line soil. Needs plentiful, consistent moisture.
Mei Qing Choi, Tropical Delight, Two Seasons,
China Pride, Jade Pagoda, Dynasty
‘Baby’ varieties grow just 6 inches tall while oth-
ers may reach 2 feet.
Some are more tolerant of cold and heat than
Preparing Bok Choy
Boiling 3 - 4 minutes for the stalks, 1 - 1 1/2
minutes for leaves.
Steaming about 6 minutes for the stalks, 2 -
3 minutes for leaves
Stir-fry about 5 minutes for stalks, 2 min-
utes for leaves - the leaves should be just
wilted and bright green.
Use low nitrogen fertilizer at planting. Too
much nitrogen fertilizer may cause hollow
Mulch to protect roots, reduce weed compe-
tition and conserve moisture.
To help reduce disease, do not plant broccoli
crops in the same location more than once
every 3 or 4 years..
For the most tender and succulent spears,
provide consistent and adequate supply of
water throughout entire season.
Space widely if you want to harvest large
central heads. Closer spacing will produce
smaller central heads. If you harvest secon-
dary heads you will get a greater total yield
from closer spaced plants. Make sure to
harvest central head on time to allow side
shoots to form—otherwise your harvest will
be small.
Family: Brassicaceae
Genus/species: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
(all Brassica olearacea are considered ‘cole crops’
including broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
and cabbage)
Seed Germination: 4 - 7 days @ 75°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/2—3/4 inch
Seed Viability: 3 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 2 - 3 Feet
Spread: 2 - 3 Feet
Flower Color: Yellow
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Clubroot
Pests: Cabbageworms, Flea Beetles, Cabbage
Root Maggot, Cabbage Aphids, Cutworms.
When & How To Plant
Sow seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before average
last spring frost. Keep soil warm (about 75 F),
until germination. Then keep plants around 60 F.
Provide direct sun so plants don’t get leggy.
When plants are 4 to 6 weeks old, transplant into
garden 12 to 20 inches apart. Can be direct-
seeded as soon as you can work the soil. Will ger-
minate at soil temps as low as 40° F. Plant ¾ inch
deep, and about 3 inches apart. Thin to 1 ft
From Seed To Plate
Seed: 100—150 Days
Transplants: 55—80 Days
Don’t expect your broccoli to look like it does in
the supermarket– you will likely get smaller
heads and many side shoots.
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well-drained, fertile soil high in organic
matter, pH 6.0 to 7.5. Can tolerate slightly alka-
line soil. Needs plentiful, consistent moisture.
Baccus, Calabrese, Goliath, Liberty, Marathon,
Packman, Premium Crop.
Plants have shallow root systems. Avoid shal-
low cultivation. Mulch to protect roots, re-
duce weed competition and conserve mois-
Use floating row covers to help protect from
early insect infestations.
To help reduce disease, do not plant Brussels
sprouts or other cole crops in the same loca-
tion more than once every three or four
Shorter plants tend to mature earlier and be
more cold tolerant.
Brussels sprouts can tolerate light shade but
this will slow maturity.
Requires good soil, timely planting and pro-
tection from pests.
Frost improves the flavor of brussel sprouts
so make sure not to pick too soon.
Brussels Sprouts
When & How To Plant
Direct seed about 4 months before expected fall
frost. Plant seed 3 to 4 inches apart, ¼ to ½ inch
deep in rows about 30 inches apart. Thin plants
to about 18 inches apart.
Start transplants in late May and transplant in
late June or early July. Space plants 18 to 24
inches apart.
From Seed To Plate
Harvest varies from about 80 to 130 days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well-drained, fertile soil high in organic
matter, pH 6.0 to 7.5. Can tolerate slightly alka-
line soil. Needs plentiful, consistent moisture.
Recommended for NY: Oliver, Rubine Red.
Genus/species: Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera
(all Brassica olearacea are considered ‘cole crops’
including broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
and cabbage)
Seed Germination: 5 - 8 days @ 45°F—85°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/4 - 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 3-4 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 2 - 3 Feet
Spread: 1.5 - 2 Feet
Foliage Color: Medium - Dark Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Clubroot
Pests: Cabbage aphids, Cabbage root maggots,
Cabbageworms, Flea Beetles, Cutworms.
For fall crop, direct seed in summer, or start
transplants in late May and transplant in late
June or early July.
Mulch to protect roots, reduce weed compe-
tition and conserve moisture.
Use floating row cover to protect crop from
early pests.
When heads are mature, they are prone to
splitting in response to any stress, especially
rain following a dry period. Avoid splitting by
choosing varieties that resist splitting and
spacing plants closer together.
To help reduce disease, do not plant cabbage
or other cole crops in the same location con-
It is important to grow cole crops in a rich
soil from the very start or else your harvest
will significantly decrease. Adding fertilizer
later does not make up for an early lack.
Excessive nitrogen can be another cause of
head splitting.
When & How To Plant
Purchase transplants from your local nursery and
transplant immediately. If starting from seed -
plant 1/2 inch deep, and about 3 inches apart and
thin to 12-24 inches. For a head start sow
seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before average last
spring frost. Keep soil about 75°F until germina-
tion and then keep plants around 60° F. Provide
direct sun so plants don’t get leggy. When plants
are 4 to 6 weeks old, transplant into garden.
From Seed To Plate
Early: 65-70 Days Mid/Late: 75-90 Days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well drained, fertile soil, high in organic
matter pH 6.0 - 7.5. Needs consistent moisture.
Chinese: Blues, Jade Pagoda
Jersey Wakefield, Heads Up, Pacifica,
Chieftain Savoy, Lennox, Market
Prize, Ruby Perfection, Savoy Ace.
: Huron
Family: Brassicaceae
Genus/species: Brassica oleracea var. capitata
(all Brassica olearacea are considered ‘cole crops’
including broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
and cabbage)
Seed Germination: 4 - 7 days @ 45°F – 85°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 3-4 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1 - 2 Feet
Spread: 1.5 - 3 Feet
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Clubroot, Purple Blotch
Pests: Cabbage Aphids, Cabbage Root Maggot,
Cabbageworms, Flea Beetles, Cutworms
Choose short-season varieties for early
planting and summer eating. Choose longer-
season varieties for fall harvest and storage.
Mulch to keep soil cool, conserve moisture
and to keep exposed "shoulders" from turn-
ing green and bitter. Another option is to hill
soil over the shoulders.
Sow radishes in the same row. They germi-
nate quickly, break the soil crust, and mark
the row. Thin and/or harvest radishes be-
fore they compete with carrots.
Make additional plantings every three weeks
through midsummer for continuous supply
and fall harvest.
Plant crops for fall harvest about 10 to 12
weeks before first frost.
Root quality is best when soil temperatures
are 60 F to 70 F. The shape of the root is
determined within the first few weeks after
germination when the new plant extends its
taproot deep into the soil. If it encounters
obstacles or is damaged, shape and quality of
the root will suffer.
When & How To Plant
Plant in spring, 2 to 3 weeks before last frost, ½
inch deep, ½ inch apart, in rows 12 to 24 inches
apart. Deeply worked soil with fine, weed-free
seedbed will greatly improve chances of success-
ful crop. Carrots are slow to germinate and often
germinate unevenly over a period of several
weeks. To speed germination, water lightly daily
if soil is dry. Thinning is critical to reduce com-
petition from neighboring plants. Thin to 1- to 4-
inch spacing before plants are 2 inches tall. Cut-
ting rather than pulling reduces disturbance of
the remaining plants.
From Seed To Plate
Depends upon variety - 55-75 days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Good quality roots require plentiful moisture and
soil that is deep, loose, free of stones, and high
in organic matter. Roots can become twisted and
forked in heavy, stony soil. Prefers pH of 6.0 to
6.8 but can tolerate 5.5 to 7.5. Requires only
moderate nitrogen.
Bolero, Cosmic Purple, Healthmaster,
Kinko, Royal Chantenay, Rumba, and many
Genus/species: Daucus carota var. sativus
Seed Germination: 7-21 days @ 45°F – 85°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 3-4 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1 - 2 Feet
Spread: 1.5 - 3 Feet
Foliage Color: Green
Major Pests
Pests: Carrot Rust Fly, Carrot Weevil
This is the fussiest of all the cole crops.
Plentiful & consistent moisture is needed
from the time the seed emerges until fruits
begin to fill out.
Mulch to protect roots, reduce weed compe-
tition and conserve moisture.
Transplant when plants have four or five true
To preserve the white color of the curd, use
string or rubber bands to secure outside
leaves over the head when it is about 2 to 3
inches in diameter. From tying to harvest
may take less than a week in summer or as
long as a month in fall.
Too much sun, heat or nitrogen fertilizer can
cause “ricey” heads where the curd sepa-
rates into small, rice-like grains.
When & How To Plant
Direct seeding is more difficult than with other
Cole crops, especially in spring. For fall crops,
plant seed in late-spring early summer ½ inch
deep and 3 inches apart. Thin to 12 inches. To
grow transplants, start seeds indoors in late
May. Keep soil about 75°F until germination and
then keep plants around 60° F. Provide direct sun
so plants don’t get leggy. Transplant into garden
in late June or early July. Space 12 to 24 inches
From Seed To Plate
Seed: 70—120 Days
Transplant: 55—80 Days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well drained, fertile soil, high in organic
matter pH 6.0 - 7.5. Needs consistent moisture.
Alert, Amazing, Candid Charm, Cheddar, Early
White, Self Blanche, Snow Crown, Graffiti.
Genus/species: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
(all Brassica olearacea are considered ‘cole crops’
including broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
and cabbage)
Seed Germination: 4 - 7 days @ 75°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 3-4 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1 - 2 Feet
Spread: 1.3 - 3 Feet
Foliage Color: Medium - Dark Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Clubroot, Purple Blotch
Pests: Cabbage Aphids, Cabbage Root Maggot,
Cabbageworms, Flea Beetles
Corn is a heavy feeder - particularly of nitro-
gen - and may require several side-dressings
of fertilizer for best yields. Look for signs
of nutrient deficiency. Purple-tinged leaves
are a sign of phosphorus deficiency. Pale
green leaves are a sign of nitrogen defi-
Some corn varieties need to be isolated from
others, especially super sweet, popcorn,
ornamental corn and field corn
Corn plants have many roots close to the sur-
face, so cultivate around them with care.
After the soil has warmed, you can mulch
corn to help suppress weeds and retain mois-
It is not necessary to remove suckers (side
sprouts growing from the base of the plant).
Studies show that removing them may actu-
ally reduce yields.
When & How To Plant
Make first planting after last frost date. Soil
should be at least 65 F for fast germination. To
speed increase in soil temperature, consider cov-
ering soil with black plastic for several weeks
before planting.
Plant in blocks of at least 4 rows of a single hy-
brid (as opposed to fewer, longer rows) for good
pollination and well-filled ears. Plant seeds 1 inch
deep and 4 to 6 inches apart in rows 30 to 36
inches apart. Thin to 8 to 12 inches apart when
plants are 3 to 4 inches tall.
From Seed To Plate
60—100 Days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Needs deep, well-drained, fertile soil, pH 6.0 to
6.8 and consistent, plentiful moisture.
Early: Fleet, Geronimo, Jester, Seneca Spring,
Sundance, Sugar Buns, Trinity, Temptation
Midseason: Jubilee, Precious Gem, Silverado,
Late: Bodacious, Delectable, Sensor, Silver
Queen, Sugar Ace
Super-sweet: Northern Extra Sweet
Popcorn: Mini Bluepopper
Genus/species: Zea mays
Seed Germination: 4 - 7 days @ 65°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1 inch
Seed Viability: 3-4 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 4 - 6 Feet
Spread: 1 - 1.5 Feet
Foliage Color: Medium - Dark Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Rust, Smut
Pests: European Corn Borer, Corn Earworms,
Seed Corn Maggots
Choose varieties based on desired use, if
planning to pickle choose a pickling variety.
To trellis, choose a vining variety.
Cucumbers are heavy feeders and will re-
quire fertilizer at some point throughout the
growing season. Plant with compost and
feed with an organic fertilizer high in nitro-
gen. Pale yellow leaves may indicate a lack of
Cucumbers are very sensitive to cold, if
starting in trays be sure to harden off prior
to transplanting.
Do not plant cucumbers in the same place
Choose disease resistant varieties.
When & How To Plant
Direct-seed 1 to 1 ½ inches deep.
: 3 to 6 seeds per hill, hills spaced 3 to 5
feet apart. Thin to 2 to 3 plants per hill.
: 2 inches apart in rows 5 to 6 feet apart -
Thin to 8 to 15 inches apart in rows.
For extra early crops, start plants inside 3 to 4
weeks before transplanting. Sow 2 seeds per 2-
inch pot. Grow above 70 F during the day and
above 60 F at night. Very sensitive to cold tem-
peratures, and be careful during transplant to
not disturb roots.
From Seed To Plate
Depends upon variety - 75 to 90 Days.
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers, Well Drained, fertile soil, high in or-
ganic matter with pH between 5.8 — 6.8.
Slicing: Burpless Hybrid II, Greensleeves, Mar-
ketmore 76, Marketmore 80, Orient Express,
Raider, Spacemaster, Sweet Slice.
Regal, National.
: Suyo Long, Tasty Jade
And many others!
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Genus/species: Cucumis sativus
Seed Germination: 3 - 10 days @ 80° - 90°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1— 1.5 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1—6 Feet
Spread: 1—6 Feet
Flower Color: Yellow
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Bacterial Wilt, Powdery Mildew, Scab,
Cucumber Mosaic Virus
Pests: Cucumber Beetles, Aphids, Squash Vine
Below: Cucumbers growing on a trellis
Growing Cucumbers Vertically
Train vining cucumbers to a trellis to save space.
This increases air circulation, reduces suscepti-
bility to fungal infections, makes harvest easier
and produces straighter fruit. Set up trellis be-
fore planting to avoid root disturbance. Space
plants about 10 inches apart. Pinch back vines
that extend beyond the trellis to encourage lat-
eral growth.
Allow garlic to cure in a well ventilated place until all the
leaves are dry and papery (below)
In New York, plant in October and harvest the
following July.
Choose the largest to produce the largest
bulbs. Plant smaller cloves at closer spacings
or in patches for harvest as garlic greens. At
harvest, save largest bulbs for your next crop.
Using cloves from the supermarket is not
recommended. They may carry diseases or
have been treated to discourage sprouting.
Most are also from varieties that are not well-
adapted to New York's climate. Purchase
bulbs from mail order suppliers, garden cen-
ter, or other local source.
Mulch heavily after planting to prevent soil
heaving - particularly with less-hardy elephant
garlic varieties. Roots will begin to grow even
though top growth may not be evident in late
fall and winter. Remove mulch in spring, leaving
only what is needed to suppress weeds.
Hardneck types produce curled scapes in
June. For larger bulbs, remove these as they
appear .
Well-drained, fertile, with plenty of organic
matter. Slightly dry sites preferable. Toler-
ates wide pH range but prefers slightly acidic
soil (6.2 to 6.8).
When & How To Plant
Plant in the fall. Break bulbs apart into cloves, keeping
papery husks on the individual cloves. Plant with tips
up, 2 inches deep and 4 to 6 inches apart in rows 15 to
24 inches apart. Plant elephant garlic varieties about 3
inches deep and 8 to 12 inches apart.
Softneck varieties (Allium sativum var. sativum): So
called because their necks stay soft at harvest time,
so they can be braided. Produces large cloves around
the outside, and smaller cloves in the middle. Strong
flavor. Stores well. Less winter-hardy than stiff-
necked varieties. Varieties found in supermarkets are
most often softnecks. Includes Silverskin and Arti-
choke types.
Stiffneck or Hardneck varieties (Allium sativum var.
ophioscorodon): A single ring of cloves surrounds a
stiff central stem that curls as it grows. Most cold-
hardy of the garlics, but doesn’t store as well as soft-
necks and has a milder flavor. Cloves are easy to peel.
Includes Rocambole, Purple-Striped and Porcelain
Elephant, or great-headed garlic (Allium ampelopra-
sum): Milder flavor, intermediate between garlic and
onions. Larger bulb with fewer larger cloves (usually
about four). Not as winter hardy as the other types.
Family: Alliaceae
Genus/species: Allium sativum
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 2 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1 - 2 Feet
Spread: 0.5 - 1 Foot
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Bulbs may rot in heavy, wet soils. Do
not plant where other onion family crops have
been grown in the past 3 years.
Pests: Leek Moth
Leeks have shallow root systems and need
consistent moisture and good weed control.
Water weekly if weather is dry, and mulch to
retain moisture and suppress weeds.
Grow early or nonhardy varieties for summer
harvest. They mature in as little as 50 days
after transplanting and will withstand some
Grow late or hardy varieties for fall and win-
ter harvest. They take can take 100 or more
days to mature, but can withstand heavy
freezes. If well-mulched in fall, they can be
harvested through winter and into spring in
many places.
Hill or mound soil around stems several times
to blanch as leeks grow.
When & How To Plant
Start transplants about 8 to 10 weeks before
last frost date. Sow seeds in flats about ¼ inch
apart and ½ inch deep. Transplant to cell-type
containers when they are about 2 inches tall. If
you skip this step and continue growing in open
flats, simply tease apart and trim roots when
transplanting into the garden.
Direct seed about 4 weeks before average last
frost ½ inch deep, 1 inch apart, in rows 20 inches
apart. Thin to 4 to 6 inches apart.
From Seed To Plate
Depends on variety : 75— 120 days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Well-drained, rich soil, high in organic matter.
Optimum pH is 6.2 to 6.8. Requires plentiful,
even moisture for good yields.
American Flag, Broad London, Electra, King Rich-
ard, Pancho
Family: Alliaceae
Genus/species: Allium ampeloprasum
Seed Germination: 5 - 7 days @ 75°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/4 - 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 3 years
Sunlight: Full Sun / Part Shade
Height: 1 - 2 Feet
Spread: 1.3 - 3 Feet
Foliage Color: Medium - Dark Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Purple Blotch, Botrytis leaf blight
Pests: Onion maggot, Leek moth, Thrips
Make succession plantings every week or two.
Grow several varieties with different matur-
ity dates for a constant supply. Cut leaf tips
at preferred stage and leave the base at-
tached to promote further growth.
Lettuce has a shallow root system. Keep soil
moist to keep plants growing continuously.
Mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds
(unless slugs are a problem).
Moisture stress and high temperatures, par-
ticularly at night, encourage bolting. Early
summer and fall crops do best.
Use row covers to protect very early plant-
ings from cold, to protect young plants from
insects, and to shade crops when warm
weather arrives.
Harvest lettuce early in the morning after
dew is evaporated to prevent rot. Loose leaf
varieties can be picked as soon as the leaves
are large enough to eat. Several varieties of
young leaves are used as gourmet garnishes.
When & How To Plant
Direct seed or transplant in early spring, as soon as
you can work the soil. To get an early start, prepare
beds the previous fall by working in manure or com-
post and raking smooth to leave a fine seedbed.
Sow seed 1/8 inch deep, 1 inch apart
in rows 12 to 18 inches apart. When plants have two or
three true leaves, thin to 12-inch spacing for crisp
head varieties, and 6 to 10 inches for other types. You
can also lightly spread seed (particularly of loose leaf
varieties) in a patch instead of a row.
Sow in 1-inch cells 3 to 4 weeks before
transplanting outside. Harden seedlings by reducing
water and temperature for 3 days before transplant-
From Seed To Plate
Baby leaf lettuce can be picked within 1-2 weeks,
full maturity 50 days. Romaine and head lettuce
will take from 60 – 80 days depending upon the
specific variety.
Desired Soil Characteristics
Tolerant of a wide range of soils, but prefers
well-drained, cool, loose soil with plentiful mois-
ture and pH 6.2 to 6.8. Sensitive to low pH so
use lime if necessary to adjust pH.
Looseleaf: Black-seeded Simpson, Lollo Rossa,
Red Sails, Salad Bowl
Butterhead: Buttercrunch, Sangria
And many
other types and varieties!
Family: Asteraceae
Genus/species: Lactuca sativa
Seed Germination: 2 days @ 70° F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1— 1.5 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 0.5—2 Feet
Spread: 0.5—2 Feet
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Damping Off, Downy Mildew, Fusarium
Pests: Aphids, Slugs
Since they need warm temperatures, it is
helpful to start plants indoors, use plastic
mulch to warm soil, and fabric row covers to
protect young transplants.
Avoid disturbing roots when transplanting or
When choosing varieties, match days to har-
vest with the length of your growing season.
Also base your variety choices on disease
resistance, fruit size , flavor, and color.
If growing melons on a trellis, support fruit
with slings made from netting, fabric, or
pantyhose. Trellising improves air circulation
around plants and can help reduce foliar dis-
ease problems. Choose small-fruited varie-
ties and reduce plant spacing.
Plants require consistent moisture until polli-
nation. Once fruits are about the size of a
tennis ball, only water if soil is dry and leaves
show signs of wilting.
Very sensitive to frost and cool tempera-
When & How To Plant
Direct-seed 1 to 2 weeks after average last frost
when soil is 70° F or warmer. For transplanting
, start
seeds indoors 1 inch deep in peat pots. Sow 3 seeds
per pot in 2-inch pots. Thin to one or two plants per
pot. Grow above 70° F during the day and above 60° F
at night. Be careful when hardening-off plants to not
expose them to cold temperatures. Wait 2 to 4 weeks
before setting out. Plants should have one or two true
leaves when transplanted.
: 3 to 6 seeds per hill, hills spaced 3 to 5 feet
apart. Thin to 2 to 3 plants per hill.
: 2 inches apart in rows 5 to 6 feet apart -Thin to
8 to 15 inches apart in rows.
From Seed To Plate
Depends upon variety - 75 to 90 days.
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers warm, well-drained, soil, high in organic mat-
ter with pH 6.5 to 7.5.
Orange Flesh:
Ambrosia, Gold Star, Athena, Bur-
pee Hybrid, Earliqueen, Fastbreak, Harper Hy-
brid, Iroquois, Pulsar, Superstar
Green Flesh:
Early Dew, Passport
Charantais, Edonis, Galia
Eel River, Jenny Lind, Rocky Ford,
Schoon's Hard shell
Genus/species: Cucumis melo
Seed Germination:
10 days @ 70° - 3 days @ 90°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1— 2 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
1 to 1.5 feet
3 to 12 feet
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Bacterial Wilt, Powdery Mildew,
Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Scab.
Pests: Cucumber Beetles, Squash Vine Borer,
aphids, flea beetles.
You can pick onions to use fresh any time.
For storage, first wait until the tops begin to
turn brown and fall over, indicating their
growing cycle is nearly over. Bend over the
remaining tops to speed up the process.
The bulbs need to cure for a couple of weeks
in a well ventilated location. Wait until the
leaves are completely dry before trimming
them off.
To grow your own transplants, start seed
inside about 8 to 10 weeks before last frost
date. Plant 4 or 5 seeds in each cell, or seed
in flats 0.5 inch deep and 0.5 inch apart. If
tops grow too tall and begin to droop, trim
back to about 3 inches tall with scissors. Af-
ter hardening off, transplant 2 to 4 weeks
before last frost date.
Sets can be planted outside in early May.
Space 4 inches apart for large bulbs, 2
inches apart for smaller bulbs, or 1 inch
apart for scallions. Plant sets about 1 inch
deep 2 to 4 weeks before last frost date.
When & How To Plant
There are 3 ways to start onions: from seed,
transplanted seedlings, or sets.
Only scallions do well when planted from seed
directly into the garden. Wait until soil tempera-
ture reaches at least 50 F and plant seed 1/2
inch deep and 3/4 inch apart.
For bulbing onions use either sets or seedling
transplants; both are available at garden centers
and by mail order. (see note under tips about
growing your own seedling transplants)
Desired Soil Characteristics
Well-drained, rich soil, high in organic matter,
neutral pH. Optimum pH is 6.2 to 6.8. Requires
plentiful, even moisture for good yields. .
Sweet, not for storage: Ailsa Craig, Bennie’s
Red Candy, Red Sweet Spanish, Walla Walla
Storage: Copra, Prince, Duration, Fortress
Green or Bunching: Evergreen , Hardy White,
He-Shi-Ko, Long White Bunching, Southport
White Bunching.
From Sets: Stuttgarter
Genus/species: Allium cepa var. cepa
Seed Germination: 3 - 10 days @ 80° - 90°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/4 to 1 inch
Sunlight: Full Sun
1 - 3 feet
Spread: 0.5 - 1 foot
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Purple blotch, Botrytis leaf blight
Pests: Leek Moth, Onion Maggot, Thrips
Peas thrive in cool temperatures and stop
growing in hot weather, so plant as early as
When planting, avoid compacting soil by
working it when it’s still too wet. To get an
early start, use raised beds if your soil is
slow to drain.
Consider adding inoculant (available from
seed catalogs) to the seeds to enhance the
roots’ ability to fix nitrogen.
Make additional plantings through early- to
mid- May, or plant varieties with different
maturity dates to increase the harvest pe-
Intercrop peas with fast-growing cool-
season crops such as spinach or radishes.
After final harvest, follow with late squash
plantings or fall-harvested cool-season crops
such as broccoli, leeks or potatoes.
Look for powdery mildew resistant varieties.,
especially for fall crops
Some varieties need a trellis to grow on, this
improves air circulation and discourages pow-
dery mildew.
When & How To Plant
Sow seed in spring as soon as you can work the
soil - as early as late March or early April de-
pending on how quickly the soil warms and dries.
Plant seeds 1 to 2 inches deep, 1 to 4 inches
apart in rows 18 inches apart. Or sow about 1
inch apart in a 3-inch-wide band. Shallow plant-
ing is best when soils are cool and wet. Plant
deeper if soil is dry.
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well-drained soil, average fertility, high
in organic matter. Widely adapted, but prefers
cool, damp weather.
Early shell: Knight, Little Marvel, Maestro, No-
vella II, Olympia, Progress No. 9, Sparkle
Late shell: Bolero, Frosty, Green Arrow, Lincoln,
Mr. Big, Wando
Snow pea: Dwarf Gray Sugar, Little Sweetie,
Mammoth Melting Sugar, Oregon Sugar Pod II
Edible pod (snap) pea: Early Snap, Sugar Ann,
Sugar Snap, Super Sugar Mel
Family: Fabaceae
Genus/species: Pisum sativum
Seed Germination: 7- 13 days @ 50° - 85°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1 - 2 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1 - 8 Feet
Spread: 0.5 - 1 Feet
Flower Color: Violet / White
Foliage Color: Light green / Blue Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Powdery Mildew
Pests: Aphids
Well-drained, light, moderately fertile soil,
high in organic matter. Needs steady supply
of water for best performance.
Requires warm temperatures. Using black
plastic and row covers can speed early
Fruiting can be temperamental. If night
temperatures drop below 50 or daytime tem-
peratures rise over 90, blossoms may drop
but plants look fine.
Too much nitrogen may promote lush vegeta-
tive growth but fewer fruits. Peppers usu-
ally respond well to the application of phos-
How Hot To Grow?
Hotness is determined by the amount of
present in the pepper. Scientists have
created a scale from 1-9 to show how hot the
most common varieties are based on the concen-
tration of capsaicinoids. Consider this when
choosing hot varieties
When & How To Plant Peppers
Peppers are best started from seeds indoors in
late winter and then transplanted into the gar-
den after the soil and air have warmed in the
spring. Or buy transplants from a garden center.
Set plants out 2-3 weeks after average last
frost. Choose sturdy plants with dark green
leaves that have not yet started to bloom.
From Seed To Plate
65—95 Days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Deep, Loose, Rich & Well Drained
70° F to 95° F (85° is optimum)
pH = 5.5 to 7.0
Note: green peppers are unripe yellow, red or
purple peppers.
Sweet Early:
Ace, Apple, Golden Bell, Gypsy,
Lipstick , New Ace, Redstart
Sweet Main:
Golden Bell, King Arthur, Lady Bell,
Sweet Banana, Sweet Chocolate, Yellow Belle II
Anaheim, Biscayne, Cayenne Long
Habanero, Hungarian Yellow Wax, Jalapeño,
Mucho Nacho, Serrano. And many others!
Family: Solanaceae
Genus/species: Capsicum annuum
Seed Germination: 7– 10 days @ 75°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 2 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1-3 Feet
Spread: 1—3 Feet
Flower Color: White
Foliage Color: Dark Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Virus, Blossom End Rot
Pests: Aphids, Borers, Tarnished Plant Bugs
When the plants are about 6 to 8 inches tall,
‘hill’ the potatoes by hoeing soil loosely
around the base of the plants to within about
an inch of the lower leaves from both sides
of the row. Repeat in about 2 to 3 weeks,
gradually building a 6- to 8-inch mound down
the row over the plant stems.
Use row covers to protect from Colorado
potato beetles, leaf hoppers and flea bee-
tles. Crush the yellow eggs of Colorado po-
tato beetles on the undersides of leaves. Re-
move adults by hand.
Potatoes require well-drained soil. If your
soil is poorly drained or a heavy clay, con-
sider using raised beds.
Adding organic matter is a good way to im-
prove soil before growing potatoes. Go easy
on organic matter sources high in nitrogen
and nitrogen fertilizer. Too much nitrogen
can encourage lush foliage at the expense of
tuber production.
When & How To Plant
One common way to plant potatoes is to dig a
shallow trench about 4 inches deep with a hoe.
Place the seed potato pieces with their eyes up
(cut sides down) about 8 to 12 inches apart in
the trench, and replace soil. Space trenches
about 2 to 3 feet apart. Stems and foliage
should emerge in about 2 to 4 weeks, depending
on soil temperature.
From Seed To Plate
Early: 65 days Mid: 80 days Late: > 90 days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well-drained, light, deep, loose soil, high
in organic matter. Unlike most vegetables, pota-
toes tolerate acid soil. Potato scab disease is
suppressed with soil pH of 4.8 - 5.5.
Early: Dark Red Norland, Superior
Mid Season: Chieftain - red, high yielding, large
Reba, Salem, Yukon Gold
Late Season: Elba, Katahdin
Specialty: Adirondack Blue, Adirondack Red,
French Fingerling, German Butterball
Genus/species: Solanum tuberosum
Start from tubers called ‘seed’ potatoes
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1— 1.5 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1—6 Feet
Spread: 1—6 Feet
Flower Color: Yellow
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Early Blight, Late Blight, Scab
Pests: Colorado Potato beetles, Aphids, Flea
Beetles, Leaf Hoppers
Grows best in cool (50 F to 65 F), moist
weather. Hot weather reduces quality and
increases pungency
Plant most winter varieties so that they ma-
ture around the first fall frost date. (Frost
improves flavor and texture of most winter
Larger winter varieties need more space than
spring varieties, so thin to about 6-inches,
depending on variety.
Radishes make a good intercrop along with
slower growing crops as they mature quickly
and keep weeds from growing.
Radish are commonly sown in the same row
with carrots, parsley, parsnips and other slow
germinating crops. The radishes help to
break soil crust for the weaker and later-
germinating crops, especially carrots.
Keep soil moist for uninterrupted growth and
best quality.
Adding nitrogen fertilizer or nitrogen rich
manure close to planting may produce lush
tops and small roots.
When & How To Plant
About 3 to 6 weeks before average last frost,
direct seed 1/2 - 1 inch deep, 1 inch apart, in
rows 12 inches apart. Thin to about 2-inch spac-
ing. Crowded plants may not produce high-quality
roots. Use thinings in salads.
For continuous harvest, make additional plantings
every 1 to 2 weeks until temperatures average in
the mid 60s F, or plant varieties with different
maturity dates in a single planting. Resume plant-
ing when weather cools in fall.
From Seed To Plate
30-60 days depending upon variety
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well-drained, loose soil, high in organic
matter, free from stones, with pH 5.8 to 6.8.
Needs plentiful, consistent moisture.
Champion, Cherry Belle, French Breakfast, Icicle,
Scarlet Knight, Sparkler.
Winter varieties grow more slowly and produce
larger roots which hold their quality much longer.
Also known as Oriental, Daikon, Japanese, Chi-
nese or Spanish radishes. Plant in summer for
fall harvest.
Family: Brassicaceae
Genus/species: Raphanus sativus
Seed Germination:
3– 4 days @ 55° F to 85°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 0.5— 1.0 inch
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 0.5 - 1.5 Feet
Spread: 0.5—0.75 Feet
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Clubroot
Pests: Cabbage Root Maggot, Flea Beetles
Spinach seedlings are difficult to transplant.
For spring crops, start inside only if your
garden stays too wet in spring to allow direct
seeding. Start transplants inside about 3 to
6 weeks before last frost.
Spinach is shallow-rooted and requires con-
sistent moisture to prevent bolting. Water
to keep soil moist.
Mulch after plants are well established to
maintain moisture and suppress weeks.
Use floating row covers to prevent insect
Do not over fertilize with nitrogen. Only ap-
ply supplemental fertilizer if leaves are pale
Use lime to adjust the pH if necessary.
Check the pH if germination is poor and leaf
tips and margins are yellow or brown.
Some gardeners have luck with planting in
the fall and mulching heavily for an early
spring crop.
When & How To Plant
As soon as you can work the soil in spring, sow
seed 1/3 inch deep, 1 inch apart in rows 12 to 18
inches apart. Thin to 2- to 6-inch spacing once
seedlings establish. Early planting is critical as
dry soil, heat and lengthening days encourage
Make successive plantings every week or two un-
til average last frost date. Use bolt-resistant
varieties for later plantings. Sow again in mid- to
late summer for fall harvest. Seeds do not ger-
minate well in warm soil, so increase seeding rate
to compensate.
From Seed To Plate
Depends on variety: 45-90 days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Well-drained, fertile soil, high in organic matter.
Plentiful, consistent moisture. pH should be at
least 6.0, but preferably in the 6.5 to 7.5 range.
Spring: America, Dark Green Bloomsdale, Indian
Summer, Melody, Space, Tyee
Fall: Melody, Tyee, Winter Bloomsdale
Genus/species: Spinacia oleracea
Seed Germination: 3 - 10 days @ 80° - 90°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1— 1.5 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun / Part Shade
Height: 0.5 - 1 Feet
Spread: 0.5 - 1 Feet
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Pests: Leaf miners
Most summer squash grow on compact vines,
in contrast to the sprawling vines of most
winter squash and pumpkins.
Consistent moisture is needed from the time
the seed emerges until fruits begin to fill
Check your squash plants almost daily when
they start to flower, the fruit will develop in
2 to 3 days.
Harvest when small, bigger is not better!
There are four groups of summer squash:
Yellow summer squash have long, thin fruits that
can be smooth or warty, straight or crooknecked.
Zucchini types are also long and cylindrical, of-
ten dark green but some varieties are lighter,
yellow or even white.
Scalloped or patty pan squash look like disc-
shaped UFOs. Their edges are scalloped and col-
ors range from greenish to yellow to white..
Mideast or Cousa varieties have fruit that is
shorter and thicker than zucchini, usually with a
pale green skin.
Summer Squash
When & How To Plant
Sow seed directly in ground 2-3 weeks after last
frost or once soil temperature reaches 70°F.
You can also start indoors in small pots, then
transplant outdoors 3 weeks after the last frost.
Do not rush in early spring for summer squash,
they are frost intolerant and need warm tem-
peratures. Row covers can be used to increase
temperature but they must be removed during
flowering to allow pollination. Sow seeds 12 – 18
inches apart in beds and 24 - 28 inches apart in
From Seed To Plate
Exact time depends upon variety.
Generally 55-70 days for summer squash.
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers, well drained, fertile soil, high in organic
matter with pH between 5.8 — 6.8.
Yellow: Fortune, Seneca, Sunburst, Sundance
Scalloped: Butter Scallop, Peter Pan, Sunburst
Zucchini: Goldrush, Midnight, Multipik, Revenue
Mideast: White Bush, Magda, Trieste white
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Genus/species: Cucurbita pepo
Seed Germination: 5 - 10 days @ 75°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 6 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1-3 Feet
Spread: 2—4 Feet
Flower Color: Yellow
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Bacterial Wilt, Powdery Mildew, Scab,
Viral Disease, Virus.
Pests: Squash Bug, Cucumber Beetle, Squash
Vine Borer.
Set tomato plants deep, burying as much of
the stem as possible. Roots will form along
buried stem. (Note: this is the only vegetable
that should have its stem buried when plant-
As plants grow, pinch out most of the sucker
shoots and cut off the lowest leaves to in-
crease air circulation.
Stake or trellis larger plants for better air
circulation to reduce disease pressure.
Determinate Vs. Indeterminate
Determinate varieties produce short
branches with flowers and fruit on the ends.
They will reach a certain size and then stop
growing. (ex., Patio, Celebrity, Rutgers)
Indeterminate varieties (the most common)
will continue to grow and produce fruits until
killed by frost. (ex., Big Boy, Beef Master)
Spacing Tomatoes
1 to 2 feet apart for determinate varieties.
2 feet apart for staked indeterminate.
2 - 3 feet apart for un-staked indeterminate.
When & How To Plant Tomatoes
Very sensitive to frost and cold temperatures.
Sow seeds indoors 6-8 weeks prior to transplant-
ing or buy transplants that are short, sturdy, and
dark green. Avoid plants that are tall, leggy, yel-
lowish, or have started flowering.
From Seed To Plate
65 -80 days or more, depending on variety
Desired Soil Characteristics
Sandy Loam - pH = 6.0 — 6.8
60° F to 75° F
Cherry: Supersweet 100, Sungold, Fruity Or-
ange, Early Cherry.
Heirloom: Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra, Bran-
dywine, Striped German.
Early: Cascade, Sunrise, Lemon Boy.
Main Season: Better Boy, Jetstar.
Paste: Roma, Nova, Classica.
Grape: Jubilee
(note: VF after the variety name indicates a re-
sistance to the diseases, Verticillium and Fusa-
Family: Solanaceae
Genus/species: Lycopersicon esculentum
Seed Germination: 5 – 14 days @ 75° F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 5 to 7 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 2 – 6 Feet
Spread: 2—6 Feet
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases/problems: Blossom End Rot, Catfacing,
Septoria Leaf Spot, Early Blight, Late Blight,
Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt.
Pests: Tomato Hornworms, Aphids, Stinkbugs,
Slugs, Colorado Potato Beetle, Cutworms.
Mulch plantings after soil has warmed to help
maintain consistent moisture and suppress
Consider using black plastic and fabric row
covers to speed soil warming.
If using fabric row covers, remove at flower-
ing to allow pollination by bees. Good pollina-
tion is critical to fruit set.
Plants require consistent moisture until polli-
nation. Once fruit are about the size of a
tennis ball, only water if soil is dry and leaves
show signs of wilting.
To prevent insect damage to developing
fruits, place watermelons on pots or pieces
of wood.
Trellising improves air circulation around
plants and can help reduce foliar disease
problems. Choose small-fruited varieties and
reduce plant spacing.
If growing melons on a trellis, support fruit
with slings made from netting or fabric.
When & How To Plant
Direct seed 1 to 2 weeks after average last
frost when soil is 70 F or warmer. Plant ½ inch
deep, 6 seeds per hill, hills 3 feet apart each way
for bush varieties, or 3 feet apart in rows 8 feet
apart for vining types. Thin to 2 to 3 plants per
hill. For transplanting, sow seeds indoors ¼ inch
deep in peat pots (2-inch square or bigger), 2 to
4 weeks before setting out. Set outside 2 weeks
after average last frost, 3 plants per hill, hills 3
feet apart each way for bush varieties, or 3 feet
apart in rows 8 feet apart for vining types.
Transplants are delicate. Keep soil intact when
From Seed To Plate
70—85 days
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers warm, well-drained, soil, high in organic
matter with pH 6.5 to 7.5. Soil temperatures
below 50 F slow growth. Sandy or light-textured
soils that warm quickly in spring are best.
Crimson Sweet, Moon & Stars, Sugar Baby,
Yellow Baby, Yellow Doll.
Seedless: Tri-X-Sunrise
Bush varieties have more compact vines.
Look for disease resistance.
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Genus/Species: Citrullus lanatus
Seed Germination: 3 - 10 days @ 70° - 95°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1 - 2 inches
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1 - 2 Feet
Spread: 3 - 20 Feet
Flower Color: Yellow
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Seed Viability: 4 years
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Powdery Mildew, Cucumber Mosaic
Virus, Scab, Fusarium Wilt,
Pests: Cucumber beetles, Squash vine borer,
Squash bugs, Flea beetles, Aphids
Plentiful & consistent moisture is needed
from the time the seed emerges until fruits
begin to fill out.
Allow winter squash to ripen fully on the vine
before picking, wait until the skin is hard and
the stem is tough and woody.
Spacing Winter Squash
Direct seed ½ to 1 inch deep into hills or
Sow 4 to 5 seeds per hill. Space hills about 4
to 8 feet apart, depending on the size of the
fruit. When the plants are 2 to 3 inches tall,
thin to 2 to 3 plants per hill.
Regular varieties produce very long running
vines and need lots of room. Bush types take
a little less space.
Storing Winter Squash
Store in a location with low humidity and a tem-
perature between 50° and 60° F. Depending upon
variety they may store for 3—8 months. Check
frequently and discard any that mold or rot.
Winter Squash
When & How To Plant
Sow seed directly in ground 2-3 weeks after last
frost or once soil temperature reaches 70°F —
or sow into trays and transplant 3 weeks after
last frost. Harden transplants off gradually by
placing them outdoors at night for a week.
Young transplants can also be purchased. Be
gentle when transplanting to avoid disturbing the
From Seed To Plate
Depends upon variety - 75 to 90 days.
Desired Soil Characteristics
Prefers well drained, fertile soil, high in organic
matter with pH between 5.8 — 6.8.
Butternut: Bugle, Harris Betternut, Ponca Baby,
Waltham Butternut, Zenith.
Acorn: Carnival, Sweet Dumpling, Table Ace, Table
King Bush, Table Queen, Tuffy.
Amber Cup, Autumn Cup, Burgess Butter-
cup, Sweet Mama, Sweet Meat, Scarlet Kabocha..
Hubbard: Blue Ballet, Hubbard, Red Kuri.
Delicata, Gold Nugget, Harlequin, Vege-
table Spaghetti, Sweet Dumpling.
Look for bush types if space is limited.
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Cucurbita pepo, C. murschata, C. maxima.
Seed Germination: 5 - 10 days @ 75°F
Lifecycle: Annual
Planting Depth: 1/2 inch
Seed Viability: 6 years
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 1.5 - 3 Feet
Spread: 3 - 5 Feet
Flower Color: Yellow
Foliage Color: Medium Green
Major Pests & Diseases
Diseases: Bacterial Wilt, Powdery Mildew, Scab,
Pests: Squash Bug, Cucumber Beetle, Squash
Vine Borer.
Control Insects
Other viruses are transmitted through in-
sects. Some insects actually carry viruses with
them and transmit them to the plants as they
feed. Other insects do not carry diseases, but
their feeding sites serve as entry sites for dis-
ease organisms. Vegetables should be checked
regularly for insects and proper control should
be enacted when insects are present.
Use proper sanitation techniques
During the growing season, if a disease is
found in the garden infected plant material or
entire plants should be removed. Removal
should occur during a dry period to help reduce
the risk of spreading the infection. If infected
tissue is being removed, the pruners should be
dipped in a 10% bleach solution between
cuts. This will help prevent disease spread to
uninfected plant tissue. Any infected plants or
plant materials should be bagged and removed
from the garden. Diseased tissue should not be
composted as the disease may continue to live
in the compost.
Many disease-causing organisms survive the
winter in plant debris. Cleaning the garden at
the end of the growing season can help prevent
issues from arising the following spring. Re-
moval of all crop debris helps destore overwin-
tering populations of diseases. Equipment that
has been used in disease-infested gardens
should be disinfected in a 10% bleach solution
before being used again.
Disease Prevention
Provide adequate spacing
Properly spacing plants within the garden also
reduces disease pressure.
Use proper watering techniques
Watering the soil, rather than the foliage re-
duces infections. This can be done by careful
hand watering or by the use of drip or trickle
irrigation systems.
Gardeners should also avoid working in the
garden when the foliage is wet. Fungal and
bacterial diseases can be readily spread on
hands and clothing when the plants are wet.
Apply mulch
Mulching will reduces splashing of soil onto
lower fruit and foliage by the rain, which re-
duces the chances of disease spreading to the
plants via rain.
Grow vines vertically
If the gardeners are growing vine crops, staking
or trellising is important. Trellising helps keep
foliage and fruit from coming in contact with
the ground. Vertical growing also increases air
circulation promoting better drying of foliage.
Properly fertilize
During the growing season, proper fertilization
will also help keep vegetable healthy. Plants
that are lacking important nutrients will be
more prone to diseases as will plants that are
excessively lush because of too much nitro-
gen. Soil testing helps gardeners determine the
correct amount of fertilizers to apply.
These actions will help reduce problems
Group A Group B Group C Group C Group D Group E
Swiss chard
Sweet potato
Sweet Corn All Beans
Crop Rotation
Finally, crop rotation should be used to help reduce disease issues. This practice helps prevent the
build up of disease-causing organisms in the soil. Some diseases affect one group of vegetables but
not another. Therefore, it is not a good practice to grow plants of the same family in rotation. The
current rotation schedule suggested is at least three years for vegetables. The table below provides
crop groupings for rotation suggestions.
While these steps may not eliminate all diseases in the garden, these steps will greatly reduce the
chances and severity of garden diseases . Learning that sometimes, like in the case of the 2009 late
blight outbreak in the Northeast, nothing can be done but to remove and destroy the infected material.
Removing the infected material and properly disposing of it at the least can keep the disease spread to a
minimum. And while it is disappointing to loose an entire crop, it always reminds us of the importance
of diversifying your plantings!
Use proper sanitation techniques
During the growing season, if a disease is found in the garden infected plant material or entire plants
should be removed. Removal should occur during a dry period to help reduce the risk of spreading
the infection. If infected tissue is being removed, the pruners should be dipped in a 10% bleach so-
lution between cuts. This will help prevent disease spread to uninfected plant tissue. Any infected
plants or plant materials should be bagged and removed from the garden. Diseased tissue should
not be composted as the disease may continue to live in the compost.
Many disease-causing organisms survive the winter in plant debris. Cleaning the garden at the end
of the growing season can help prevent issues from arising the following spring. Removal of all
crop debris helps destore overwintering populations of diseases. Equipment that has been used in
disease-infested gardens should be disinfected in a 10% bleach solution before being used again.
Disease Prevention
Keep these points in mind
Most pests are host specific. Cucumber bee-
tles don’t bother broccoli and cabbage-
worms don’t bother squash. This lets you
focus your actions on just the crop under
attack and not your whole garden
The sooner you address the problem, the
easier it will be to manage. Visit your gar-
den daily if possible and look for any
changes in leaf color, damage to leaves or
fruit, size and shape of the plants, etc.
Many pests are a problem only for certain
periods of time. Flea beetles do the most
severe damage to young seedlings. Larger
plants can tolerate much more damage, for
Even organic products can be toxic or
caustic - use them with care!
Always read the entire label, even on non
toxic products, and follow the directions
Most of the less toxic products require pre-
cise timing and methods of application to
be effective. Read up on them!
Try to buy pre-mixed products when possi-
ble. Buy small quantities that you expect to
use up this year
Good coverage of both leaf surfaces when
spraying or dusting is critical, especially
with organic or non-toxic products.
Follow these steps when pests appear
Identify the Pest
It’s essential to know your pest, and
know its life cycle so you can de-
cide the best time to take action
It’s easy to mis-identify. Coopera-
tive Extension offices are glad to
Then you can research your pest on
the Web and elsewhere.
Consider your options
There’s always more than one way
to tackle a problem
Consider the least toxic methods
Can your crop tolerate a mild infes-
tation, or do you need to take action
Your options will vary with the
crop, the pest, the time of year, etc.
Cultural controls include
Timing of planting
Excluding pests by using rowcover
(see bottom of page)
Encouraging beneficials
Pest Management
Rowcover is a lightweight spunbond
product that can either be laid right on top
of young plants, or better yet, held up over
plants on wire hoops.
To exclude pests such as cabbageworms,
leek moths, cucumber beetles and flea bee-
tles, cover young transplants right after
planting. Be sure to bury or seal up all the
edges so insects cannot get inside. Some
crops need to be pollinated (peppers,
squash, cucumbers). Others (broccoli, spin-
ach, onions) do not need pollination so the
rowcover can be left in place until harvest.
Tomato hornworm
Huge caterpillar 3-4”
long blends in well so
it’s hard to see. Devours
tomato leaves, also feeds
on potato, pepper and
eggplant, to a lesser ex-
tent. Handpick caterpil-
lars, look for large black
droppings and devoured leaves.
Cucumber beetle
Causes serious, often fatal,
damage to seedlings. After
that stage plants can toler-
ate some
damage. Feeds on
cucumbers, melons and
squash. Transmits bacterial
wilt. Look for adults inside
the large, yellow flowers.
In our region striped is
more common than spot-
Slugs are a
snail without
a shell. They
come out at
night so are
hard to find.
They rip
soft, tender,
young leaves of lettuce, onions, spinach, and dam-
age tomatoes as they’re ripening.
Cutworm caterpillars live in the soil and cut off
young seedlings at the soil line. Older plants are not
bothered. Wrap the stem of susceptible plants with
a scrap of newspaper or circle the stem with a collar
when planting.
Flea beetles
Use row covers to help
protect plants from early
damage. Put in place at
planting and remove be-
fore temperatures get too
hot in midsummer. Tiny
dark beetles hop like a
flea and make shotholes in leaves.
Cabbage root maggot
White maggots (larvae) at-
tack all plants of the cabbage
family. Larvae feed on roots
of plants. Use squares of tar-
paper around base of young
plants to prevent egg-laying.
Knock aphids off
plants with a strong
stream of water from
hose, don’t over-
fertilize your plants.
Encourage ladybugs
and other beneficials.
Colorado Potato Beetle
Also known as ‘potato bug’. Potato is its favorite
but also feeds on eggplant and tomatoes. Handpick
regularly. Look for and crush eggs. Both larvae and
adults devour leaves.
Handpick and destroy. Row covers may be useful
on small plantings to
help protect plants
from early damage. Put
in place at planting and
remove before tem-
peratures get too hot in
Common Pests
Adult left - larvae above
Syrphid or hover flies (1): The adults of
these flies look like bees since they are yel-
low and black striped. Like all flies they
have just one pair of wings, which distin-
guishes them from bees. The adults feed on
pollen while the maggots crawl on the foli-
age, searching for aphids to eat.
Praying mantids(2): These are generalist
predators that will eat anything they catch -
even other mantids! These are the largest
predatory insect in the garden, but can still
be surprisingly difficult to see. Their col-
oration and shape provide them with perfect
camouflage among the garden plants.
Green lacewings: The adults (3) feed on
pollen and nectar. The larvae (4) are vora-
cious predators that feed on soft bodied in-
sects, such as aphids.
Lady bugs: Adult lady bugs (actually they
are beetles) give you more bang for your
buck because both the adults (5) and the
larvae (6) feed on pests including aphids,
scale, thrips, mealy bugs, and mites. The
larvae look nothing like the adults. They
look more like tiny, black and red alligators.
Beneficial Insects
Ground beetles (7): Most people have seen a
ground beetle without knowing what it
was. These are the beetles that skitter away
when you lift a rock int he garden. Ground
beetle larvae live in the soil. The dark colored,
metallic beetles feed on slugs, cutworms, root
maggots, and other ground pests. Only a few
species will venture up a plant stem to hunt.
Minute pirate bugs (8): These are also a true
bug, but as their name implies they are
tiny! Adults measure about 1/16 of an inch,
but despite their size they can pack a
punch. They feed on aphids, mites, and
thrips. Adults are black with a white chevron
pattern on their back.
Assassin bugs: predatory stink bugs, damsel
bugs: These bugs use a combination of trick-
ery, disguises, and brute force to capture their
meals. Depending on the type of assassin bug,
prey ranges from beetles to caterpillars.
Parasitic wasps:
These insects range in size
from being almost too tiny to see to being the
size of a large wasp. The adults lay eggs on or
in a variety of garden pest. The smaller wasp
parasitize insect such as aphids while the lar-
ger wasps will parasitize caterpillars.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Northern NY Vegetable Growing Guide
Compiled by Alexander Scharf, Intern
As part of the
“Establishing Organic Teaching Gardens” Project
Coordinated by Anne Lenox Barlow, Horticulture Educator
Cornell Cooperative Extension Clinton County
With funding from the Towards Sustainability Foundation
Primary Resource: Cornell’s Home Vegetable Gardening Guidelines
Contact information:
Cornell Cooperative Extension Clinton County
6064 Route 22 #5 Plattsburgh, NY 12901
(518) 561-7450
Other useful resources and Web sites:
For a wide range of research-based information useful to home gardeners in New York State:
For ideas and resources for connecting youth with gardening:
Cornell’s Garden Based Learning
The Book of Garden Secrets
by Dorothy Patent and Diane Bilderback (second edition 1997)
Out of print but a very thorough coverage of cool season vegetable gardening.
Published by Firefly Books.
Cornell Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.