The pdfpages Package
Andreas Matthias
This package simplifies the insertion of external multi-page PDF or PS doc-
uments. It supports pdfTeX, VTeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX, and pTeX.
1 Introduction 1
2 Usage 2
2.1 Package Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.3 The Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Hints for Users of platex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5 Pitfalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3 Required Packages 12
4 Acknowledgment 13
1 Introduction
When creating PDF documents, it is sometimes useful to insert pages of external
PDF documents. This can be done with the \includegraphics command from
the graphics package. But a simple \includegraphics{doc.pdf} normally pro-
duces Overfull \hbox and Overfull \vbox warnings, because the size of the
inserted pages does not match the print space.
The pdfpages package makes it easy to insert pages of external PDF documents
without worrying about the print space. Here are some features of the pdfpages
package: Several logical pages can be arranged onto each sheet of paper and the
layout can be changed individually. A lot of hypertext operations are supported,
This file has version number v0.6b, last revised 2024/08/20.
like links to the inserted pages, links to the original PDF document, threads,
etc. When working with VTeX the same is possible with PostScript documents,
too. Note that PostScript documents are only supported by VTeX and not by
When producing DVI output pdfpages cannot insert pages of a PDF docu-
ments. But instead of interrupting execution pdfpages will insert empty pages.
This feature is important when using packages like pst-pdf, which need to pro-
duce DVI output at the first run.
Links and other interactive features of PDF documents When includ-
ing pages of a PDF only the so called content stream of these pages is copied
but no links. Up to now there are no TeX-engines (pdfTeX, XeTeX, . . . ) avail-
able that can copy links or other interactive features of a PDF document, too.
Thus, all kinds of links
will get lost during inclusion. (Using \includepdf,
\includegraphics, or other low-level commands.)
However, there’s a glimmer of hope. Some links may be extracted and later
reinserted by a package called pax which can be downloaded from CTAN [3]. Have
a look at it!
2 Usage
2.1 Package Options
option final: Inserts pages. This is the default.
draft: Does not insert pages, but prints a box and the
filename instead.
demo: Inserts empty pages instead of the actual PDFs.
nodemo: Disables ‘demo’.
enable-survey: Activates survey functionalities. (ex-
perimental, subject to change)
2.2 Commands
Inserts pages of an external PDF document.\includepdf
key=val A comma separated list of options using the
key=value syntax.
filename Filename of the PDF document. (The filename must
not contain any blanks!)
Actually not only links but all kinds of PDF annotations will get lost.
The following list describes all possible options of \includepdf. All options are
using the key=value syntax.
Main options:
pages Selects pages to insert. The argument is a comma separated list,
containing page numbers (pages={3,5,6,8}), ranges of page numbers
(pages={4-9}) or any combination. To insert empty pages use {}.
E.g.: pages={3,{},8-11,15} will insert page 3, an empty page, and
pages 8, 9, 10, 11, and 15.
Page ranges are specified by the following syntax: m-n. This selects
all pages from m to n. Omitting m defaults to the first page; omit-
ting n defaults to the last page of the document. Another way to select
the last page of the document, is to use the keyword last. (This is only
permitted in a page range.)
E.g.: pages=- will insert all pages of the document, and pages=last-1
will insert all pages in reverse order.
(Default: pages=1)
nup Puts multiple logical pages onto each sheet of paper. The syntax of
this option is: nup=xnupxynup. Where xnup and ynup specify the
number of logical pages in horizontal and vertical direction, which are
arranged on each sheet of paper. (Default: nup=1x1)
landscape Specifies the format of the sheet of paper, which is rotated by
90 degrees. This does not affect the logical pages, which will not be
rotated by the ‘landscape’ option. To rotate the logical pages use the
‘angle’ option (e.g. ‘angle=90’). Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which
is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default: landscape=false)
Layout options:
delta Puts some horizontal and vertical space between the logical pages. The
argument should be two dimensions, separated by space. See Chapter 2.3
and Figure 1. (Default: delta=0 0).
offset Displaces the origin of the inserted pages. The argument should be two
dimensions, separated by space. In ‘oneside’ documents positive values
shift the pages to the right and to the top margin, respectively, whereas
in ‘twoside’ documents positive values shift the pages to the outer and
to the top margin, respectively. See Chapter 2.3 and Figure 1. (Default:
offset=0 0)
frame Puts a frame around each logical page. The frame is made of lines
of thickness \fboxrule. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is
equivalent to ‘true’). (Default: frame=false)
column Pdfpages normally uses ‘row-major’ layout, where successive pages
are placed in rows along the paper. The column option changes the out-
put into a ‘column-major’ layout, where successive pages are arranged in
columns down the paper. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is
equivalent to ‘true’). (Default: column=false)
columnstrict By default the last page is not set in a strict ‘column-major’ lay-
out, if the logical pages do not fill up the whole page. The columnstrict
option forces a strict ‘column-major’ layout for the last page. Either
‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default:
1 4
2 5
1 3 5
2 4
openright This option puts an empty page before the first logical page. In
combination with nup=2x1, nup=2x2, etc., this means that the first page is
on the right side. The same effect can be achieved with the pages option,
if an empty page is inserted in front of the first page. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’
(or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default: openright=false)
openrighteach Similar to openright but affects each file processed by
pagecommand Declares L
X commands, which are executed on each sheet
of paper. (Default: pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}})
turn By default pages in landscape format are displayed in landscape orien-
tation (if the PDF viewer supports this). With turn=false this can be
prohibited. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to
‘true’). (Default: turn=true)
noautoscale By default pages are scaled automatically. This can be sup-
pressed with the noautoscale option. In combination with the scale
option (from graphicx) the user has full control over the scaling process.
Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default:
fitpaper Adjusts the paper size to the one of the inserted document. Either
‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default:
reflect Reflects included pages. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is
equivalent to ‘true’). (Default: reflect=false)
signature Creates booklets by rearranging pages into signatures and setting
nup=1x2 or nup=2x1, respectively. This option takes one argument spec-
ifying the size of the signature, which should be a multiple of 4.
An example for documents in portrait orientation:
\includepdf[pages=-, signature=8,
An example for documents in landscape orientation:
\includepdf[pages=-, signature=8]{landscape-doc.pdf}
signature* Similar to signature, but now for right-edge binding.
booklet This option is just a shortcut of the ‘signature’ option, if you choose
a signature value so large that all pages fit into one signature. Either
‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default:
picturecommand Declares picture commands which are executed on every
page within a picture environment with the base point at the lower left
corner of the page. (The base point does not change if the page is rotated,
e.g. by the landscape option.) (Default: picturecommand={})
picturecommand* Like picturecommand, but with the restriction that
picturecommand* executes its picture commands only on the very first
page. (Default: picturecommand*={})
pagetemplate By default the first inserted page will be used as a template.
This means that all further pages are scaled such that they match within
the contour of this first page. This option allows to declare another page
to be used as a template; which is only useful if a PDF document contains
different page sizes or page orientations. The argument should be a page
number. (Default: pagetemplate=first inserted page )
templatesize This option is similar to the pagetemplate option, but its
arguments specify the size of the template directly. Its syntax is:
templatesize={width}{height} Note: The two lengths should be a
bit larger than desired, to keep away from rounding errors.
(Default: templatesize=size of the first inserted page )
rotateoversize This option allows to rotate oversized pages. E.g. pages in
landscape orientation are oversized relatively to their portrait counter-
part, because they do not match within the contour of a portrait page
without rotating them. By default oversized pages are scale and are not
rotated. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’).
(Default: rotateoversize=false)
doublepages Inserts every page twice. This is useful for 2-up printing, if
one wants to cut the stack of paper afterwards to get two copies. Either
‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default:
doublepagestwist Whereas with doublepages the cutting edge is once on
the inner side and ones on the outer side, doublepagestwist turns the
pages such, that the cutting edge is always on the inner side. Either
‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default:
doublepagestwistodd Turns the pages such, that the cutting edge is always
on the outer side. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent
to ‘true’). (Default: doublepagestwistodd=false)
doublepagestwist* Like doublepagestwist but for double side printing. Ei-
ther ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default:
doublepagestwistodd* Like doublepagestwistodd but for double side
printing Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’).
(Default: doublepagestwistodd*=false)
duplicatepages Duplicates each page 𝑛 times, with 𝑛 being the argument to
this option. (Default: duplicatepages=2)
Miscellaneous options:
lastpage In DVI mode pdfpages cannot determine the number of pages of
the included document. So this option is suitable to specify the number
of pages. This option is only used in DVI mode and has no meaning
in any other mode. The argument should be a page number. (Default:
Hypertext options:
link Inserted pages become a target of a hyperlink. The name of the link is
filename .page number ’. The filename extension of filename must
not be stripped. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent
to ‘true’). (Default: link=false)
linkname Changes the default linkname created by the option link. Instead
of filename the value of this option is used. E.g. linkname=mylink
produces the linknames number ’.
thread Combines inserted pages to an article thread. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’
(or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default: thread=false)
threadname Several threads are distinguished by their threadnames. By
default the threadname is equal to the filename (plus filename exten-
sion), but it can be changed with this option. This is useful if the
same file is inserted twice or more times and should not be combined
to one single thread. Or the other way round if pages from differ-
ent documents should be combined to one single thread. (Default:
threadname=filename.ext )
linktodoc Lets the inserted pages be hyperlinks to the document from which
they were extracted. Note that the PDF-Viewer will not find the file, if
filename extension (.pdf) is missing in filename. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’
(or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default: linktodoc=false)
Additional hypertext options:
linkfit Specifies, how the viewer displays a linked page. This option changes
the default behavior of the option link. Possible values are: Fit, FitH
top , FitV left , FitB, FitBH top , FitBV left , and Region.
See [2] for a details description of these PDF destinations. The region
destination was added by pdfpages and is not a real PDF destinations. It
scales a page such that the included page fits exactly into the window of
the PDF viewer.
Note that not all of these options are supported by all T
X-engines or
drivers, respectively. (Default: linkfit=fit)
linktodocfit By default the option linktodoc opens the page in ‘Fit in Win-
dow’ view. Another view can be specified with this option. Possible values
are the legal PDF tokens: /FitH top, /FitV left, etc. (See [2] for more
details.) (Default: linktodocfit=/Fit)
newwindow By default option linktodoc opens a new window. This can
be changed with option newwindow. Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value,
which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default: newwindow=true)
linkfilename Sets the name (with path) of the file to be linked to by the
option linktodoc. You will hardly ever need this option. (Default:
linkfilename=filename.ext )
Experimental options: (Syntax may change in future versions!)
addtotoc Adds an entry to the table of contents. This option requires five
arguments, separated by commas:
addtotoc={⟨page number ,section ,level ,heading ,label ⟩}
page number: Page number of the inserted page.
section: L
X sectioning name e.g., section, subsection, . . .
level: Number, denoting depth of section – e.g., 1 for section level, 2 for
subsection level, . . .
heading: Title inserted in the table of contents.
label: Name of the label. This label can be referred to with \ref and
Note: The order of the five arguments must not be mixed. Otherwise you
will get very strange error messages.
The addtotoc option accepts multiple sets of the above mentioned five
arguments, all separated by commas. The sets must be sorted such that
the page numbers are in ascending order. (Strictly speaking they must
have the same order as the page numbers specified by the pages option.)
The proper recursive definition of the addtotoc option is:
toc-list page number,section,level,heading,label[,toc-list]
addtolist Adds an entry to the list of figures, the list of tables, or any other
list (e.g. from float.sty). This option requires four arguments, separated
by commas:
addtolist={⟨page number ,type ,heading ,label ⟩}
page number: Page number of the inserted page.
type: Name of a floating environment. (figure, table, etc.)
heading: Title inserted into LoF, LoT, etc.
label: Name of the label. This label can be referred to with \ref and
Like addtotoc, addtolist accepts multiple sets of the above mentioned
four arguments, all separated by commas. The proper recursive definition
lof-list page number,type,heading,label[,lof-list]
survey Creates a survey of those pages of the document, which are marked
with \AddToSurvey. (\AddToSurvey is a simple command with no argu-
ments. It just writes out labels to the .aux file.) This option may be
used when preparing slides to create a survey of only ‘finished’ pages if
pages are build up incrementally.
To use this option a special sequence of production steps must be obeyed.
Here is a small example:
--- slides.tex ---
... some text ...
... some text ...
This is the outline of a document, called slides.tex. Run it through
pdfLaTeX several times until all cross-references are solved. (L
X will
produce a warning, if cross-references are not solved, yet.) Now copy the
file slides.pdf to slides-tmp.pdf and rename draft (package option
of pdfpages) to final. The next and final run through pdfLaTeX will
actually insert the desired pages, whereas the former runs with draft did
just insert blank pages. The inserted pages are hyperlink to the orignial
Experienced users would certainly call
pdflatex ’\PassOptionsToPackage{final}{pdfpages} \input{slides}’
instead of exchanging draft for final.
Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default:
survey-nolink Same as option survey except that the inserted pages do not
become hyperlinks. This option may be used to create an external survey.
To continue the example above (slides.tex), it is now possible to create
handouts of the ‘finished’ slides as an external document.
\includepdf[survey-nolink, nup=1x2]{slides.pdf}
Either ‘true’ or ‘false’ (or no value, which is equivalent to ‘true’). (Default:
xr-prefix Adjusts a prefix to the labels \includepdf is looking for. The name
of the prefix must be the same as the name of the optional argument of
\externaldocument. (Default: xr-prefix={})
Internally the command \includepdf makes use of the \includegraphics com-
mand from the graphicx (actually graphics) package. Hence it is possible to use
all the options of \includegraphics, too. Options which are not interpreted by
\includepdf are passed directly to \includegraphics.
Especially the ‘trim’ and ‘clip’ options of \includegraphics are quite useful,
if only parts of a page should be inserted. (Maybe to cut off the header and footer
of the inserted pages.) Just use the ‘trim’ and ‘clip’ options as if they were options
of \includepdf. They will be passed to \includegraphics internally.
Inserts pages of several external PDF documents.\includepdfmerge
key=val A comma separated list of options using the
key=value syntax.
file-page-list filename[,page spec][,file-page-list]
A comma separated list of filenames and optional
page spec specifiers. A page spec can be everything
the option pages accepts.
The \includepdfmerge command uses the same options as \includepdf with
one exception. The option pages has no meaning for \includepdfmerge. Instead
the page spec specifier is used to specify which pages should be inserted. The
page spec specifier accepts the same values as the pages option. If no page spec
specifier is given, only the first page will be inserted.
Examples: To create a kind of summary of three PDF documents, it might be
nice to insert just the first page of each document and to provide links to the
original documents:
\includepdfmerge[nup=1x3, landscape, linktodoc]
{doc1.pdf, doc2.pdf, doc3.pdf}
But sometimes the title page of a document is not the first page. So it would
be more pleasant to insert the title page of each document than the first page.
This can be done with the page spec specifier. The following example inserts the
second page of doc1.pdf and the third page of doc2.pdf and doc3.pdf :
physical sheet of paper delta=delx dely
logical pages offset=offx offy
centered position
Figure 1: Layout
\includepdfmerge[nup=1x3, landscape, linktodoc]
{doc1.pdf, 2, doc2.pdf, 3, doc3.pdf, 3}
Here is an example of more complex page spec specifiers:
\includepdfmerge[nup=1x3, landscape, linktodoc]
{doc1.pdf, 1-3,
doc2.pdf, 3, 5, 9,
doc3.pdf, 3-5, 7}
If you need the same options for \includepdf all the time, it is possible to de-\includepdfset
fine global options with \includepdfset. The argument of \includepdfset is
a comma separated list of options, using the key=value syntax. These op-
tions are processed each time \includepdf is called. Local options (passed as an
optional argument directly to \includepdf) are overwriting global options:
\includepdfset{global options}
\includepdf[local options]{pdf-file}
Only options specific to this package can be made global by \includepdfset.
Options of the graphicx package are not concerned.
When using the option thread to create an article thread, it may be useful to\threadinfodict
create a thread information dictionary, too, which contains informations about the
thread, such as its title, author, and creation date. The macro \threadinfodict
is used to set these informations. It can be redefined and may contain entries of
a thread information dictionary in low-level PDF commands. (See [2] for more
{/Title (My first thread) /Author (That’s me!)}
2.3 The Layout
The default layout can be changed by the options delta and offset. Figure 1
shows the meaning of these options.
The inserted logical pages are being centered on the sheet of paper by default.
To displace them use the offset option, which argument should be two dimen-
sions. E.g. offset=10mm 14mm means that the logical pages are displaced by
10 mm in horizontal direction and by 14 mm in vertical direction. In ‘oneside’
documents positive values shift the pages to the right and to the top margin, re-
spectively, whereas in ‘twoside’ documents positive values shift the pages to the
outer and to the top margin, respectively.
By default logical pages are being arranged side by side. To put some space
between them, use the delta option, whose argument should be two dimensions.
Figure 1 shows the meaning of delta.
The layout options delta and offset always refer to a sheet of paper in
portrait orientation. No matter whether you have set the landscape option to
true, or not.
If you are confused about horizontal (x) and vertical (y) directions, just set the
option turn=false. Now your PDF viewer shows the pages in the same orientation
as in Figure 1. And the options delta and offset have the same meaning as in
Figure 1. Regardless of any other options.
2.4 Hints for Users of platex
The recommended way to tell pdfpages that you are using platex is to add
dvipdfmx as a class option, e.g.:
Pdfpages calls program extractbb to get the total number of pages of a
PDF. But if an xbb file (output of extractbb) exists, pdfpages will not call
extractbb but use this file. However, be very cautious with xbb files: Do not
use xbb files for PDFs with varying page sizes. Because an xbb file contains
only the page size of a single page.
2.5 Pitfalls
pagecolor When setting the background color with \pagecolor (a command
from color.sty), the first \pagecolor must precede \usepackage{pdfpages}.
The color is nonrelevant, it can be changed afterwards by using \pagecolor
again. Just the order (first \pagecolor before \usepackage{pdfpages}) is
important. This is not needed when using VTeX.
3 Required Packages
The pdfpages package requires the following packages:
eso-pic CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/eso-pic/
atbegshi CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/
pdflscape CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/
graphicx, ifthen, calc These packages belong to the standard L
X distribu-
Furthermore it requires a recent version of:
Since pdfT
X, Version 3.14159-1.00a-pretest-20010806, PDF import has improved
a lot. This results in much smaller file sizes, faster processing and the intuitively
correct treatment of landscape pages. The latest version of pdfT
X can be found
4 Acknowledgment
I would like to thank Rolf Niepraschk and Heiko Oberdiek for their useful
hints and suggestions. As well as Ross Moore, who encouraged me to implement
the hypertext features.
[1] H`an Thˆe
Th`anh, Sebastian Rahtz, Hans Hagen, The pdfTeX user manual,
[2] PDF Reference, Adobe Systems Incorporated,
[3] Heiko Oberdiek, pax: Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdfTeX