Financial reporting developments
A comprehensive guide
June 2023
To our clients and other friends
Companies that engage in business combinations face various financial reporting issues, including
determining whether a transaction represents a business combination or an asset acquisition, accounting
for consideration transferred in the transaction and measuring and recognizing the fair value of assets
acquired and liabilities assumed.
We have updated this Financial reporting developments (FRD) publication to provide further clarifications and
enhancements to our interpretive guidance. Refer to Appendix G for further detail on the updates provided.
We hope this publication will help you understand and apply the accounting for business combinations.
We are also available to answer your questions and discuss any concerns you may have.
June 2023
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | i
1 Overview of accounting for business combinations ....................................................... 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 The overall principle in ASC 805: obtaining control results in a new basis .................................. 2
1.4 Scope: identifying business combination transactions .............................................................. 2
1.4.1 Definition of a business .................................................................................................. 2
1.4.2 Control assessment ....................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Recognizing and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities
assumed and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree ......................................................... 3
1.6 Consideration transferred ...................................................................................................... 3
1.7 Recognizing and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase .................................... 4
1.7.1 Bargain purchases ........................................................................................................ 4
1.7.2 A business combination achieved in stages ..................................................................... 4
1.7.3 Measurement period ..................................................................................................... 4
1.7.4 Assessing what is part of the exchange for the acquiree .................................................. 4
1.8 Disclosure requirements ......................................................................................................... 5
2 Identifying business combination transactions ............................................................. 6
2.1 What is a business combination? ............................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Control obtained without transferring consideration ....................................................... 8 Lapse of participating rights held by minority shareholders .................................... 8 Investee share repurchase transactions ................................................................ 8 Control obtained by contract alone ....................................................................... 9 Control by contract ..................................................................................... 9 Dual-listed corporation and stapling arrangements ....................................... 9 Multiple transactions that result in obtaining control ........................................... 10
2.1.2 Variable interest entities .............................................................................................. 10
2.1.3 Definition of a business ................................................................................................ 11 Applying thesubstantially all‘ threshold.............................................................. 11 Determining what is part of the set ............................................................ 12 Single identifiable assets............................................................................ 12 Exceptions to the principle for determining single identifiable assets .. 13 Group of similar identifiable assets ............................................................. 14 Gross assets acquired (updated June 2023) ............................................... 15 The elements of a business ................................................................................. 15 Minimum requirements to be a business ..................................................... 17 Determining whether inputs and a substantive process exist ................................ 17 When the set is not generating outputs ...................................................... 18 When the set is generating outputs ............................................................ 19 Groups of processes .................................................................................. 20 Presence of goodwill ................................................................................. 21 Application of the definition of a business ........................................................... 21
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | ii
2.1.4 Effect of the definition of a business on other US GAAP ................................................. 26
2.2 Limitations in the scope of ASC 805 ..................................................................................... 26
2.2.1 Joint ventures (updated June 2023) ............................................................................ 27
2.2.2 The acquisition of an asset or group of assets that does not constitute
a business or a nonprofit activity .................................................................................. 27
2.2.3 A combination between entities, businesses or nonprofit activities under
common control .......................................................................................................... 28
2.2.4 Change of accounting basis in master limited partnerships ............................................ 28
2.2.5 Not-for-profit organizations ......................................................................................... 29
2.2.6 Mutual entities ............................................................................................................ 29
2.2.7 Other scope considerations ......................................................................................... 30
3 The acquisition method ............................................................................................ 31
3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 31
3.2 Identifying the acquirer (updated June 2022) ....................................................................... 32
3.2.1 Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a VIE .............................................................. 33
3.2.2 Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity .................................... 33 Identifying the acquirer when the acquirer is not ‘obvious ................................... 35 Relative voting rights ................................................................................. 35 Size of single minority voting interest ......................................................... 36 Composition of the governing body ............................................................ 36 Composition of management ..................................................................... 37 Terms of the exchange of equity interests .................................................. 37 Size .......................................................................................................... 37 Reverse acquisitions .......................................................................................... 38 Measuring the consideration transferred in a reverse acquisition ................ 40 Share-based payments in a reverse acquisition ........................................... 41 Noncontrolling interests in a reverse acquisition ......................................... 41 Financial statement presentation ............................................................... 42 Earnings per share (EPS) .................................................................. 44 Transactions involving public shell companies ............................................ 48 Special purpose acquisition companies (updated June 2023) ............. 48 Combinations of more than two entities .............................................................. 49 Combinations involving a ‘Newco’ ....................................................................... 50 Examples: combinations involving a Newco ................................................ 52 Recapitalizations (updated June 2022) ............................................................... 53 Transaction costs in a recapitalization ........................................................ 53
3.3 Determining the acquisition date .......................................................................................... 54
3.4 Recognizing and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities
assumed and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree ....................................................... 55
3.4.1 Recognition principles ................................................................................................. 55 Meaning ofan asset or liability at the acquisition date(updated June 2022) ....... 55 Meaning ofpart of the business combination ..................................................... 56 Allocating the consideration transferred to a transaction to
be accounted for separate from the business combination .......................... 59 Classification or designation of assets acquired and liabilities assumed ................ 59
3.4.2 Measurement principles .............................................................................................. 60
3.4.3 Exceptions to the recognition and measurement principles (updated June 2022) ............ 61
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | iii
3.5 Recognizing and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase .................................. 63
3.5.1 Goodwill ..................................................................................................................... 63
3.5.2 Bargain purchase ........................................................................................................ 65
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest ........... 66
4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 66
4.2 Assets acquired ................................................................................................................... 66
4.2.1 Assets the acquirer does not intend to use to their highest and best use ........................ 66 Subsequent accounting for assets the acquirer does not intend to
use to their highest and best use......................................................................... 67
4.2.2 Assets with uncertain cash flows (valuation allowances) (updated June 2023) ............... 67
4.2.3 Inventories ................................................................................................................. 70 Finished goods ................................................................................................... 70 Work-in-process ................................................................................................. 71 Raw materials .................................................................................................... 71 Supply inventories ............................................................................................. 71 Acquired LIFO inventories .................................................................................. 72 Effect on purchase accounting of LIFO election for income tax purposes ..... 72 Subsequent measurement considerations ........................................................... 72
4.2.4 Plant and equipment ................................................................................................... 73 Plant and equipment to be used .......................................................................... 73 Property and equipment to be sold ..................................................................... 74 Spare parts inventories ...................................................................................... 75 Mineral rights ..................................................................................................... 75 Acquired assets to be abandoned ....................................................................... 75 Plant and equipment subject to retirement obligations ........................................ 75
4.2.5 Intangible assets ......................................................................................................... 76 Recognition of identifiable intangible assets ........................................................ 76 Contractual-legal criterion ......................................................................... 76 Examples: contractual-legal criterion ................................................. 77 Separability criterion ................................................................................. 78 Intangible assets accounting alternative .............................................................. 80 Examples of intangible assets that meet the recognition criteria .......................... 80 Marketing-related intangible assets ............................................................ 82 Noncompetition agreements ............................................................. 82 Internet domain names ..................................................................... 82 Customer-related intangible assets ............................................................ 83 Customer relationships ..................................................................... 83 Examples of customer relationships .......................................... 84 Customer lists .................................................................................. 85 Customer base ................................................................................. 85 Exclusivity arrangements .................................................................. 86 Artistic-related intangible assets ................................................................ 87 Contract-based intangible assets ............................................................... 87 Servicing rights ................................................................................ 87 Leases ............................................................................................. 88
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | iv Technology-based intangible assets ........................................................... 88 Computer software and mask works .................................................. 88 Databases, including title plants ........................................................ 88 Trade secrets such as secret formulas, processes and recipes ............ 89 Assembled workforce ................................................................................ 89 Assembled workforce in an asset acquisition ..................................... 89 Reacquired rights ...................................................................................... 90 Subsequent accounting for reacquired rights ..................................... 91 Other examples of intangible assets ........................................................... 91 Measurement of identifiable intangible assets ..................................................... 92 Acquired intangible assets to be sold .................................................................. 92 SEC observations on the recognition and measurement of
intangible assets in a business combination ......................................................... 92
4.2.6 Research and development (R&D) assets ...................................................................... 93 R&D definitions and scope .................................................................................. 93 Research .................................................................................................. 93 Development ............................................................................................. 93 Examples of research and development costs ............................................. 94 Application of AICPA Accounting & Valuation Guide, Assets Acquired to
Be Used in Research and Development Activities (the Guide) ............................... 95 Attributes of an acquired IPR&D project ..................................................... 96 Substance ........................................................................................ 96 Incompleteness ................................................................................ 96 Distinguishing between assets used in R&D activities and
assets resulting from R&D activities ........................................................... 97 Measurement ............................................................................................ 98 Unit of account .......................................................................................... 98 Recognition of an IPR&D asset acquired in a business combination
with associated milestone and royalty obligations ....................................... 99 Defensive IPR&D assets ........................................................................... 101 Subsequent accounting for IPR&D acquired in a business combination ...... 102 IPR&D acquired in an asset acquisition ..................................................... 102 Acquired IPR&D assets to be sold ............................................................. 102
4.2.7 Indemnification assets ............................................................................................... 103 Subsequent accounting for indemnification assets (updated June 2023) ........... 105 Subsequent accounting for an indemnification asset recognized at
the acquisition date as a result of a government-assisted acquisition
of a financial institution ........................................................................... 107
4.2.8 Equity method investments ....................................................................................... 108
4.2.9 Financial assets ......................................................................................................... 108
4.3 Liabilities assumed ............................................................................................................. 108
4.3.1 Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses (updated June 2022) ....................... 108 Modifications to pension and OPEB obligations in connection with a
business combination ....................................................................................... 111 Effect of employee terminations on obligations for pension benefits,
other postretirement benefits and postemployment benefits ............................. 111 Multiemployer pension plans ............................................................................ 112
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | v Accrued bonus ................................................................................................. 112
4.3.2 Cost of restructuring an acquired company ................................................................ 112 Cost of restructuring initiated by the acquiree ................................................... 113
4.3.3 Guarantees ............................................................................................................... 114
4.3.4 Instruments indexed to or settled in shares and classified as liabilities .......................... 114
4.3.5 Measuring the fair value of debt assumed ................................................................... 114 Debt issuance costs (updated June 2022) ......................................................... 115
4.4 Amounts that might be assets or liabilities ........................................................................... 115
4.4.1 Preacquisition contingencies ..................................................................................... 115 What is considered a preacquisition contingency? ............................................. 116 Initial recognition and measurement guidance ................................................... 117 Fair value can be determined ................................................................... 117 Measuring the fair value of preacquisition contingencies .................. 118 Fair value cannot be determined .............................................................. 118 Subsequent accounting for preacquisition contingencies ................................... 118 Preacquisition contingencies recognized at fair value ............................... 119 Preacquisition contingencies recognized pursuant to the
guidance in ASC 450 ............................................................................... 119 Adjustment to preacquisition contingencies during the measurement period ...... 119 Preacquisition contingencies that are not recognized in a business combination ... 120 Contingencies that are not considered preacquisition contingencies .......... 120 Settlement of litigation arising from the business combination ......... 121 Escrow payments ............................................................................................. 121 Working capital adjustments ............................................................................. 122
4.4.2 Income taxes ............................................................................................................ 122
4.4.3 Contracts with customers (before the adoption of ASU 2021-08)
(updated June 2022) ................................................................................................ 122 Determining the unit of account for an acquired contract with a customer ......... 123 Valuation considerations for an acquired contract with a customer ..................... 124 Assets acquired from contracts with customers (updated June 2022) ............... 125 Deferred costs under ASC 340-40 incurred by a target
(updated June 2022) .............................................................................. 126 Assumed liabilities for performance obligations of an acquired company ............ 126 Contract liabilities of an acquired company (updated June 2022).............. 126 Accounting for contracts with customers in a business combination
that have performance obligations that are satisfied over time .......................... 127
4.4.3A Contracts with customers (after the adoption of ASU 2021-08) (added June 2022) ..... 131
4.4.3A.1 Scope of ASU 2021-08 (added June 2022) ........................................................ 132
4.4.3A.2 Components of acquired revenue contracts (added June 2022) .......................... 133
4.4.3A.3 Contract assets (added June 2022) ................................................................... 134
4.4.3A.4 Contract liabilities (added June 2022) ................................................................ 135
4.4.3A.5 Acquirer’s assessment of the target’s ASC 606 accounting (added June 2022) ... 138
4.4.3A.5.1 Reevaluating target estimates (added June 2022) ................................... 139
4.4.3A.5.2 Accounting for contracts with customers in a business combination
that have performance obligations that are satisfied over time
(added June 2022) ................................................................................. 141
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | vi
4.4.3A.6 Out-of-scope components (added June 2022) .................................................... 142
4.4.3A.6.1 Refund liabilities (added June 2022) ........................................................ 143
4.4.3A.6.2 Deferred costs under ASC 340-40 incurred by a target
(added June 2022) ................................................................................. 143
4.4.3A.6.3 Contract-based intangible assets and liabilities (added June 2022) ........... 143
4.4.3A.6.4 Up-front payments to customers (added June 2022) ................................ 144
4.4.3A.7 Significant financing component considerations (added June 2022) .................. 144
4.4.3A.8 Measurement period considerations (added June 2022) ................................... 145
4.4.3A.9 Practical expedients for ASU 2021-08 (added June 2022) ................................ 145
4.4.3A.10 Disclosure considerations (added June 2022) ................................................... 147
4.4.3A.11 Effective date and transition for ASU 2021-08 (added June 2022) .................... 148
4.4.3A.11.1 Application of ASU 2021-08 to a target’s prior business combinations
(added June 2022) ................................................................................. 149
4.4.4 Executory contracts .................................................................................................. 150 Off-market element of fair value in executory contracts .................................... 150 Inherent fair value in executory contracts ......................................................... 151 Leases (before the adoption of ASC 842) .......................................................... 152 Lessee accounting ................................................................................... 155 Measurement of property under capital lease .................................. 155 Lessor accounting ................................................................................... 156 Considerations for valuing in-place leases ................................................ 156 Lease modifications in connection with a business combination ................ 157 Acquired leasehold improvement ............................................................. 158 Lease of property from a third party entered into as part of a
business combination .............................................................................. 158 Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an
acquisition by a not-for-profit entity .......................................................... 158 Sale-leaseback transactions of the acquiree ............................................. 162 Leases (after the adoption of ASC 842) ............................................................ 162 Classification of acquired leases ............................................................... 163 Recognition and measurement of acquired leases .................................... 164 Acquiree in a business combination is a lessee in a
finance or operating lease ............................................................... 166 Acquiree in a business combination is a lessor in a
sales-type or direct financing lease .................................................. 167 Acquiree in a business combination is a lessor in an
operating lease ............................................................................... 168 Considerations for valuing in-place leases ................................................ 168 Acquired leasehold improvement ............................................................. 169 Lease of property from a third party entered into as part of a
business combination .............................................................................. 170 Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an
acquisition by a not-for-profit entity .......................................................... 170 Sale and leaseback transactions of the acquiree ....................................... 174 Derivatives ...................................................................................................... 174 Employment contracts ..................................................................................... 174
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | vii
4.5 Preexisting relationships between parties to a business combination .................................... 175
4.5.1 Settlements of contractual relationships in a business combination.............................. 176 Examples of settlements of contractual relationships in a business combination .... 176 Settlement provisions that are available only in the future ................................. 178 Settlements of preexisting relationships for which an acquirer had
previously recognized assets or liabilities .......................................................... 178
4.5.2 Settlement of debt .................................................................................................... 179
4.5.3 Settlement of a noncontractual relationship (e.g., a lawsuit) in a business combination .... 180
4.5.4 Reacquired rights in a business combination ............................................................... 180
4.6 Noncontrolling interests ..................................................................................................... 182
4.6.1 What is noncontrolling interest? ................................................................................. 183
4.6.2 Estimating the fair value of a noncontrolling interest ................................................... 183 Noncontrolling interest’s share of goodwill ........................................................ 185
4.6.3 Accounting for put options, call options or forward contracts entered over
NCI in a business combination .................................................................................... 185
4.6.4 Accounting for noncontrolling interest after the business combination ......................... 185 Acquisition of noncontrolling interest in connection with a business combination .... 186
4.7 Subsequent accounting for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination ... 188
5 Income tax considerations ...................................................................................... 190
6 Consideration transferred ...................................................................................... 191
6.1 Measurement of consideration transferred .......................................................................... 191
6.1.1 Items included in consideration transferred ................................................................ 191
6.1.2 Equity instruments issued (including measurement date) ............................................ 192 Issuance of preferred shares as consideration (updated June 2022) .................. 192 Issuance of subsidiary shares as consideration .................................................. 193
6.1.3 Debt instruments issued ............................................................................................ 195 Issuance of convertible debt and debt issued with warrants (updated June 2022) . 195
6.1.4 Recognizing gains or losses on noncash assets transferred ......................................... 196 Recognizing gains or losses on transfers of assets that remain
under the acquirer’s control .............................................................................. 197
6.1.5 Consideration transferred in a business combination achieved without the
transfer of consideration ........................................................................................... 197 Mutual entities ................................................................................................. 198 Applying the acquisition method to combinations of mutual entities .......... 198
6.2 Acquisition-related costs .................................................................................................... 199
6.2.1 Allocating transaction costs to the business combination and financing transactions .... 201
6.2.2 Equity issuance costs ................................................................................................ 201
6.2.3 Costs incurred by the sellers of an acquired company ................................................. 202 Costs incurred by the sellers of an acquired company on behalf of the acquirer .. 202
6.2.4 Success fee related to a business combination ............................................................ 203
6.2.5 Costs incurred in connection with asset acquisitions.................................................... 203
6.3 Exchange of share-based payment awards in a business combination ................................... 204
6.3.1 Measurement of share-based payment awards ........................................................... 204
6.3.2 Replacement of share-based payment awards (updated June 2022) ........................... 204 Acquirer is obligated to replace acquiree’s share-based payment
awards issued to employees (updated June 2022) ............................................ 205
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | viii Graded vesting ........................................................................................ 208 Accounting for forfeitures (updated June 2022) ...................................... 209 Acquiree awards with change-in-control provisions ................................... 211 Preexisting change-in-control provision results in
automatic acceleration of vesting .................................................... 211 Change-in-control provisions added to acquiree awards
in contemplation of a business combination ...................................... 212 Discretionary change-in-control provisions ...................................... 213 Acquirer accelerates vesting after the acquisition date ............................. 214 Exchange of awards with performance conditions..................................... 214 Exchange of awards with market conditions ............................................. 215 Acquirer is obligated to replace acquiree’s share-based payment
awards issued to nonemployees (updated June 2022) ...................................... 215 Acquirer does not replace acquiree’s share-based payment awards
(i.e., acquiree awards remain outstanding) ........................................................ 216 Acquiree share-based payment awards expire as a result of the
business combination ....................................................................................... 217 Income tax effects of replacement awards classified as equity
(updated June 2022) ....................................................................................... 218 Cash settlement of acquiree share-based payment awards .................................. 218 Share-based payments issued to employees that include last-man-
standing arrangements .................................................................................... 219 Recognition of payroll taxes on options exchanged in a business combination .... 220
6.3.3 Examples: accounting for share-based payments issued to employees in a
business combination ................................................................................................ 220 No required post-combination service, all requisite service for acquiree
awards rendered as of acquisition date (updated June 2022) ............................ 221 Post-combination service required, all requisite service for acquiree
awards rendered as of acquisition date (updated June 2022) ............................ 221 Post-combination service required, all requisite service for acquiree
awards not rendered as of acquisition date (updated June 2022) ...................... 222 No required post-combination service, all requisite service for acquiree
awards not rendered as of acquisition date (updated June 2022) ...................... 222
6.3.4 Examples: accounting for share-based payments issued to nonemployees in a
business combination (updated June 2022) ............................................................... 223 No required post-combination vesting, vesting condition for acquiree awards
has been met as of acquisition date (updated June 2022) ................................. 223 Post-combination vesting required, vesting condition for acquiree awards
has been met as of acquisition date (updated June 2022) ................................. 224 Post-combination vesting required, vesting condition for acquiree awards
has not been met as of acquisition date (updated June 2022) ............................ 224 No required post-combination vesting, vesting condition for acquiree awards
has not been met as of acquisition date (updated June 2022) ............................ 225
6.4 Contingent consideration ................................................................................................... 226
6.4.1 Recognition and measurement of contingent consideration ......................................... 226 Consideration held in escrow for general representations and warranties ........... 228
6.4.2 Determining the unit of account of a contingent consideration arrangement ................ 228
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | ix
6.4.3 Classification of contingent consideration ................................................................... 229 The roadmap of applicable sections of the Codification to consider in
determining the appropriate classification of contingent consideration .............. 231 Application of ASC 480 to classification of contingent consideration .................. 232 Application of ASC 815 to classification of contingent consideration .................. 233 Determining if a contingent consideration arrangement is
indexed to the acquirer’s own stock ......................................................... 233 Determining if a contingent consideration arrangement indexed to
the acquirer’s own stock should be classified in equity .............................. 234 Examples illustrating principles when evaluating classification ........................... 235
6.4.4 Determining the fair value of contingent consideration ................................................ 236
6.4.5 Contingent payments to employees or selling shareholders ......................................... 236 Continuing employment ................................................................................... 237 Evaluating whether there is an in-substance service period ....................... 238 Duration of continuing employment .................................................................. 239 Level of compensation ..................................................................................... 239 Incremental payments to employees ................................................................. 239 Relative stock ownership .................................................................................. 240 Linkage to the valuation ................................................................................... 240 Formula for determining contingent consideration ............................................ 241 Other agreements and issues ........................................................................... 241 Examples of arrangements with contingent payments to employees
or selling shareholders ...................................................................................... 242
6.4.6 Accounting for contingent consideration after initial recognition ................................. 246 Contingent consideration classified as equity .................................................... 246 Continuous analysis of contingent consideration classified as equity ......... 247 Contingent consideration classified as liabilities ................................................. 247 Changes to contingent consideration arrangements .......................................... 248 Dispute over the terms of a contingent consideration arrangement ........... 248 Modification to a contingent consideration arrangement ........................... 249
6.4.7 Effect of contingent consideration classified as equity on earnings per
share computations................................................................................................... 249 Basic earnings per share .................................................................................. 249 Diluted earnings per share ................................................................................ 249
6.4.8 Assumed contingent consideration arrangements ....................................................... 250
6.4.9 Seller accounting for contingent consideration in deconsolidation ................................ 251
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions
achieved in stages) ................................................................................................ 252
7.1 Recognizing and measuring goodwill ................................................................................... 252
7.1.1 Recognition .............................................................................................................. 252
7.1.2 Measurement............................................................................................................ 253
7.2 Recognizing and measuring a gain from a bargain purchase ................................................. 254
7.2.1 Required reassessment of identification and measurement of all aspects
of the transaction ...................................................................................................... 255
7.2.2 Bargain purchase example ......................................................................................... 257
7.2.3 Bargain purchase in an acquisition of less than 100% controlling interest ..................... 257
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | x
7.3 Measurement period .......................................................................................................... 258
7.3.1 Measurement period defined ..................................................................................... 258
7.3.2 Provisional amounts recognized................................................................................. 259
7.3.3 Adjustments to provisional amounts during the measurement period........................... 260 Recognition of measurement period adjustments .............................................. 262
7.3.4 Acquisition accounting subsequent to the measurement period ................................... 262
7.4 Business combinations achieved in stages ........................................................................... 263
7.4.1 Accounting prior to obtaining control ......................................................................... 263
7.4.2 Accounting for a preexisting investment when control is obtained ............................... 263 Remeasurement of previously held interest (updated June 2023) ..................... 264
8 Presentation and disclosure ................................................................................... 267
8.1 Gain recognized in a bargain purchase ................................................................................ 267
8.2 Cash paid to acquire a business .......................................................................................... 267
8.3 Other presentation matters ................................................................................................ 267
8.3.1 Transaction costs ...................................................................................................... 267 Classification in the statement of operations ..................................................... 268 Classification in the statement of cash flows...................................................... 268
8.3.2 Contingent consideration .......................................................................................... 268 Contingent consideration classified as equity .................................................... 268 Remeasurement of contingent consideration classified as a liability or an asset ... 268 Statement of cash flows classification ...................................................... 268
8.4 General disclosure requirements ......................................................................................... 269
8.4.1 Overview .................................................................................................................. 271
8.4.2 When to disclose a business combination .................................................................... 271
8.4.3 Aggregation of immaterial business combinations ...................................................... 272
8.5 Specific disclosure requirements......................................................................................... 272
8.5.1 Disclosure requirements for specific assets acquired, liabilities assumed
and noncontrolling interest ........................................................................................ 272
8.5.2 Disclosure requirements for goodwill, bargain purchase gains and
consideration transferred .......................................................................................... 274
8.5.3 Intangible assets disclosures in period of acquisition ................................................... 275
8.5.4 Additional pro forma disclosures required for public entities ........................................ 276 Definition of a public entity for purposes of evaluating the requirement to
provide pro forma disclosures ........................................................................... 277 Effect of measurement period adjustments on the pro forma disclosures ........... 278 Presentation of pro forma information for a business combination ..................... 278 Computation and presentation in MD&A ................................................... 278 Pro forma periods to be presented for a business combination
(added June 2023) ................................................................................. 279
8.5.5 SEC reporting requirements for business combinations ................................................... 280 Financial statements of businesses acquired or to be acquired ........................... 280 Pro forma financial information ........................................................................ 280
8.5.6 Business combinations after the balance sheet date .................................................... 280
8.5.7 In what periods are the disclosures required? ............................................................. 281
8.5.8 Initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete .......................................... 281
8.5.9 ASC 820 disclosure considerations ............................................................................ 282
8.5.10 Retention of an investment banker............................................................................. 283
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | xi
8.5.11 Disclosures related to acquired IPR&D assets .............................................................. 283
8.5.12 Disclosure related to the measurement of previously held equity interests ................... 283
8.5.13 Practical expedients elected for contract assets and contract liabilities
acquired after the adoption of ASU 2021-08 (added June 2022) ................................ 283
8.6 Conforming accounting policies .......................................................................................... 283
9 Effective date and transition ................................................................................... 284
9.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 284
9.2 Transition considerations for prior business combinations .................................................... 284
9.2.1 Liabilities for certain restructuring activities ............................................................... 284
9.2.2 Resolution of contingent consideration....................................................................... 284
A Accounting for asset acquisitions ............................................................................ A-1
A.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................. A-1
A.1.1 Initial consolidation of a VIE that is not a business (updated June 2022) ....................... A-2
A.1.1.1 Subsequent accounting for IPR&D and contingent consideration
(updated June 2022) ........................................................................................ A-3
A.1.2 Summary of key differences between accounting for a business
combination and an asset acquisition .......................................................................... A-3
A.2 Measure the cost of the asset acquisition (updated June 2022) ............................................. A-5
A.2.1 Noncash consideration ............................................................................................... A-6
A.2.1.1 Nonmonetary exchanges ................................................................................... A-6
A.2.1.2 Transfer of nonfinancial assets .......................................................................... A-6
A.2.1.3 Equity interests issued in exchange for goods or services (updated June 2022) .... A-7
A.2.2 Direct transaction costs .............................................................................................. A-7
A.2.3 Contingent consideration ........................................................................................... A-8
A.2.3.1 Contingent consideration paid in cash and not settled in or indexed
to equity shares ................................................................................................ A-9
A.2.3.2 Contingent consideration arrangements settled in or indexed to equity shares
(updated June 2022) ......................................................................................A-11
A. Application of ASC 480 to classification of contingent consideration ........A-13
A. Application of ASC 815 to classification of contingent consideration ........A-13
A.2.4 Acquisition of a controlling interest of less than 100% in an entity that is
not a business .......................................................................................................... A-16
A.2.5 Previously held interests........................................................................................... A-16
A.2.6 Transactions that are separate from an asset acquisition ........................................... A-16
A.2.6.1 Settlement of preexisting relationships ............................................................A-17
A.2.6.2 R&D assets .....................................................................................................A-18
A.3 Allocate the cost of the asset acquisition ............................................................................ A-18
A.3.1 Cost assignment in asset acquisitions ........................................................................ A-19
A.3.1.1 Intangible assets .............................................................................................A-19
A. Assembled workforce .............................................................................A-19
A. IPR&D ....................................................................................................A-20
A. Defensive intangible assets .....................................................................A-20
A. Reacquired rights ...................................................................................A-20
A.3.1.2 Indemnification assets .....................................................................................A-21
A.3.1.3 Leases ............................................................................................................A-21
A. Accounting for leases in asset acquisitions ..............................................A-21
A.3.1.4 Exchange of share-based payments in an asset acquisition ...............................A-22
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | xii
A.3.1.5 Acquired contingencies ...................................................................................A-22
A.3.1.6 Deferred income taxes ....................................................................................A-22
A.4 Evaluate the difference between cost and fair value ............................................................ A-23
A.4.1 Cost of the acquisition exceeds the fair value of acquired assets ................................. A-23
A.4.2 Cost of the acquisition is less than the fair value of acquired assets ............................. A-25
A.4.2.1 Contingent consideration arrangements with IPR&D .........................................A-26
A.5 Present and disclose the asset acquisition .......................................................................... A-27
A.5.1 Statement of cash flows ........................................................................................... A-28
A.6 Subsequent accounting ..................................................................................................... A-28
A.6.1 Assets recognized based on the settlement of a contingent
consideration arrangement ...................................................................................... A-28
A.7 Other considerations ......................................................................................................... A-30
A.7.1 Application of a measurement period ........................................................................ A-31
A.7.2 Common control transactions ................................................................................... A-31
A.7.2.1 Transfer of financial assets ..............................................................................A-31
A.7.2.2 Transfer of inventory ......................................................................................A-32
A.7.3 Pushdown accounting .............................................................................................. A-32
A.8 SEC reporting considerations ............................................................................................ A-32
A.9 Internal control over asset acquisitions .............................................................................. A-34
B Pushdown accounting ............................................................................................. B-1
B.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ B-1
B.1.1 Differences between ASU 2014-17 and the rescinded SEC staff guidance ..................... B-1
B.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................. B-2
B.3 Recognition ........................................................................................................................ B-4
B.4 Measurement ..................................................................................................................... B-7
B.4.1 Bargain gain .............................................................................................................. B-8
B.4.2 Acquisition-related liabilities incurred by acquirer ........................................................ B-9
B.4.3 Treatment of a contingent consideration asset or liability ............................................. B-9
B.4.4 Treatment of a parent’s fair value option election in acquiree’s financial statements .... B-10
B.4.5 Acquisition-related costs .......................................................................................... B-11
B.4.6 Measurement period (added June 2022) ................................................................... B-11
B.4.7 Subsequent accounting ............................................................................................ B-11
B.4.7.1 Pushdown of goodwill and testing for impairment ............................................. B-11
B.5 Disclosure ........................................................................................................................ B-12
B.6 Transition ......................................................................................................................... B-13
B.7 Financial reporting considerations ..................................................................................... B-13
B.7.1 Financial statement presentation and disclosure ........................................................ B-13
B.7.1.1 Expenses related to the business combination (updated June 2023) ................. B-13
B.7.2 Effect on new registration statements when pushdown accounting is applied in
an interim period ...................................................................................................... B-14
C Accounting for common control transactions ............................................................ C-1
C.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... C-1
C.2 Defining common control .................................................................................................... C-2
C.2.1 Determining whether common control exists ............................................................... C-4
C.3 Nature of common control transactions ............................................................................... C-4
C.3.1 Transfer of financial assets ......................................................................................... C-6
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | xiii
C.3.2 Transfer of inventory ................................................................................................. C-6
C.3.3 Common control lease arrangements (after adoption of ASU 2023-01)
(added June 2023) .................................................................................................... C-6
C.4 Accounting and reporting by the receiving entity .................................................................. C-7
C.4.1 VIE and primary beneficiary are under common control ............................................... C-8
C.4.2 Financial statement presentation by the receiving entity .............................................. C-9
C.4.2.1 Considerations for applying pooling-of-interests ................................................. C-9
C.4.2.2 Determining the predecessor entity in certain common control transactions ..... C-12
C.4.3 Noncontrolling interests in a common control transaction .......................................... C-13
C.5 Accounting and reporting by the transferring entity ............................................................ C-15
C.5.1 Impairment considerations ....................................................................................... C-16
C.5.2 Financial statement presentation by the transferring entity ........................................ C-17
C.6 Transactions involving common ownership ........................................................................ C-19
C.6.1 Transactions not involving identical common ownership ............................................. C-20
C.7 Income taxes .................................................................................................................... C-20
C.7.1 Deferred taxes ......................................................................................................... C-20
C.7.2 Tax basis differences ................................................................................................ C-21
C.8 Disclosures ....................................................................................................................... C-21
C.9 Reporting unit and goodwill impairment ............................................................................. C-22
C.10 IFRS considerations .......................................................................................................... C-22
D Accounting alternatives .......................................................................................... D-1
D.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ D-1
D.2 Definition of a private company, a public business entity and a not-for-profit entity ................ D-1
D.3 Goodwill amortization accounting alternative ....................................................................... D-3
D.4 Intangible assets accounting alternative ............................................................................... D-3
D.4.1 Overview and scope ................................................................................................... D-3
D.4.1.1 Interaction with the goodwill amortization accounting alternative ....................... D-4
D.4.2 Recognition ............................................................................................................... D-4
D.4.2.1 Application of the intangible assets accounting alternative to
customer-related intangible assets .................................................................... D-5
D. Off-market components ............................................................................ D-6
D. Contract assets and leases ....................................................................... D-7
D.4.2.2 Application of the intangible assets accounting alternative to
noncompetition agreements .............................................................................. D-7
D.4.3 Transition requirements ............................................................................................. D-8
E Internal control over financial reporting in a business combination ............................. E-1
E.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... E-1
E.2 Management review controls ............................................................................................... E-1
E.2.1 Assessing design effectiveness ................................................................................... E-2
E.3 Steps in a business combination .......................................................................................... E-3
E.4 Internal control considerations for valuation analyses ........................................................... E-5
E.5 Controls to consider that may be within other processes ....................................................... E-7
F Illustrative disclosure for ASC 805 ........................................................................... F-1
F.1 Comprehensive ASC 805 disclosure ..................................................................................... F-1
F.2 Adjustment to provisional amount disclosure ....................................................................... F-4
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | xiv
G Summary of important changes ............................................................................... G-1
H Differences between ASC 805 and IFRS 3(R) (updated June 2022) ............................ H-1
I Abbreviations used in this publication ....................................................................... I-1
J Glossary ................................................................................................................. J-1
K Index of ASC references in this publication ............................................................... K-1
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | xv
Notice to readers:
This publication includes excerpts from and references to the Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB or Board) Accounting Standards Codification (Codification or ASC). The Codification uses a
hierarchy that includes Topics, Subtopics, Sections and Paragraphs. Each Topic includes an Overall
Subtopic that generally includes pervasive guidance for the Topic and additional Subtopics, as needed,
with incremental or unique guidance. Each Subtopic includes Sections that in turn include numbered
Paragraphs. Thus, a Codification reference includes the Topic (XXX), Subtopic (YY), Section (ZZ) and
Paragraph (PP).
Throughout this publication references to guidance in the Codification are shown using these reference
numbers. References are also made to certain pre-Codification standards (and specific sections or
paragraphs of pre-Codification standards) in situations in which the content being discussed is excluded
from the Codification.
This publication has been carefully prepared, but it necessarily contains information in summary form
and is therefore intended for general guidance only; it is not intended to be a substitute for detailed
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Portions of FASB publications reprinted with permission. Copyright Financial Accounting Standards Board, 801 Main Avenue,
P.O. Box 5116, Norwalk, CT 06856-5116, USA. Portions of AICPA Statements of Position, Technical Practice Aids and other AICPA
publications reprinted with permission. Copyright American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1345 Avenue of the Americas,
Floor, New York, NY 10105, USA. Copies of complete documents are available from the FASB and the AICPA.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 1
1 Overview of accounting for business
1.1 Overview
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
The Business Combinations Topic provides guidance on the accounting and reporting for transactions
that represent business combinations to be accounted for under the acquisition method (as described
in paragraph 805-10-05-4). In addition, the Topic includes Subtopic 805-50, which provides guidance on
transactions sometimes associated with business combinations but that do not meet the requirements
to be accounted for as business combinations under the acquisition method. The Business Combinations
Topic includes the following Subtopics:
a. Overall
b. Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
c. Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
d. Reverse Acquisitions
e. Related Issues
f. Income Taxes.
This FRD publication provides guidance and our observations on the application of the guidance in
ASC 805.
1.2 Background
After the issuance of Statements 141 and 142, the FASB began deliberating the second phase of its
business combinations project. The objectives of the second phase of the project were to reconsider
the guidance on applying the purchase method of accounting that Statement 141 carried forward from
APB 16 and Statement 38, and to address other related issues that were not considered in the first
phase of the project, including business combinations that are achieved through means other than
purchasing the net assets or equity interests in a business, acquisitions of less than 100% of the equity
ownership interests in an acquiree (i.e., partial acquisitions) and the accounting for business combinations
achieved in stages (commonly referred to as step acquisitions).
The FASB partnered with the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) on the second phase of
the project to promote the international convergence of accounting and reporting standards for business
combinations. The FASB and IASB developed common exposure drafts that incorporated the decisions
reached in their joint project. The FASB and IASB concurrently deliberated and reached the same conclusions
on the fundamental issues that were considered in the second phase of the project, with only limited
exceptions. As a result, the final FASB and IASB standards on business combinations are substantially the
same. Appendix H of this FRD summarizes the differences that remain between ASC 805 and IFRS 3(R).
1 Overview of accounting for business combinations
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1.3 The overall principle in ASC 805: obtaining control results in a new basis
ASC 805 reflects the overall principle that when an entity (the acquirer) takes control of another entity
(the target), the fair value of the underlying exchange transaction is used to establish a new accounting
basis of the acquired entity. Furthermore, because obtaining control leaves the acquirer responsible and
accountable for all of the acquirees assets, liabilities and operations, the acquirer recognizes and
measures the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at their full fair values
as of the date control is
obtained, regardless of the percentage ownership in the acquiree or how the acquisition was achieved
(e.g., a business combination achieved in stages, a single purchase resulting in control, or a change in
control without a purchase of equity interests). ASC 805 refers to this method as the acquisition method.
1.4 Scope: identifying business combination transactions
Under ASC 805, a business combination occurs when an entity obtains control of a business by acquiring its net
assets, or some or all of its equity interests. The FASB believes that all transactions or events in which an entity
obtains control of a business are economically similar and, therefore, the accounting for a change in control
should not differ based on the means by which control is obtained. Thus, although a business combination
typically occurs through the purchase of the net assets or equity interests of a business, a business
combination could also occur without the transfer of consideration (e.g., through a contractual arrangement).
1.4.1 Definition of a business
As noted above, under ASC 805 a business combination occurs when an entity obtains control of a
business. The determination of whether the acquired set of assets and activities constitute a business
is critical because the accounting for a business combination differs significantly from that of an asset
acquisition. See Appendix A for guidance on the accounting for asset acquisitions. Because significant
judgments are required to conclude whether an acquired set of assets and activities is a business, companies
should carefully evaluate their specific facts and circumstances when applying the guidance in ASC 805.
See section 2.1.3 for additional information on the definition of a business.
1.4.2 Control assessment
An acquirer in a business combination is the entity that obtains control over a business. When an acquirer
obtains its interest through the acquisition of a legal entity (rather than through the acquisition of a
group of assets and liabilities) it should consider the following guidance, as well as other applicable
literature, to determine whether its interests represent a controlling financial interest that requires the
investor to consolidate the entity under ASC 810:
The investor assesses whether the entity should be consolidated under the provisions of ASC 810.
This assessment would first include an evaluation to determine whether the investee is a variable
interest entity (VIE), and if so, whether the investor is the VIE’s primary beneficiary.
If the investor determines that the entity is not a VIE, it should evaluate whether it controls the entity
pursuant to consolidation guidance for voting interest entities within ASC 810 (including control by
contract). See our FRD, Consolidation, for guidance on this assessment.
The investor should consider industry-specific guidance, such as the real estate industry accounting
provisions of ASC 970-810, which address consolidation.
The term fair value as used in ASC 805 has the same meaning as in ASC 820.
As discussed in section 3.4 of this FRD, ASC 805 provides certain exceptions to the fair value measurement principle.
1 Overview of accounting for business combinations
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1.5 Recognizing and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities
assumed and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree
ASC 805 requires that identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest (NCI)
in the acquiree be recognized and measured as of the acquisition date at fair value (with certain limited
exceptions). The FASB observed that to fairly represent economic circumstances at the acquisition date,
in principle, all assets acquired and liabilities assumed should be recognized at the acquisition date and
measured at fair value. In addition, although the objectives of the business combinations project were not
directly related to day 2 accounting
for assets acquired and liabilities assumed, ASC 805 provides
guidance on accounting for certain acquired assets and assumed liabilities after the business combination.
Some of the most significant recognition and measurement exceptions included in ASC 805 are as follows:
Income taxes are recognized and measured in accordance with ASC 740. Under ASC 740,
(a) changes that result from a business combination transaction in an acquirers existing deferred
income tax asset valuation allowances and (b) changes in an acquired companys deferred income
tax asset valuation allowances and income tax uncertainties that occur subsequent to the business
combination, in most cases, are recognized as adjustments to income tax expense.
If the fair value of a preacquisition contingency is not determinable during the measurement period,
the preacquisition contingency still must be recognized if it meets the probable and reasonably
estimable criteria in ASC 450.
Assumed pension and postretirement benefit obligations are measured and recognized in
accordance with the guidance in ASC 715. The effects of expected terminations, curtailments or
amendments of an assumed acquiree benefit plan are not included in purchase accounting.
Indemnification assets relating to liabilities recognized in the business combination are recognized
and measured using assumptions consistent with those used to measure the liabilities to which they
relate, subject to any contractual limitations as to the indemnification amount and managements
assessment of collectibility.
A liability or equity instrument issued to replace the acquirees share-based payment awards is
measured in accordance with the guidance in ASC 718, which is a fair value-based measure.
1.6 Consideration transferred
ASC 805 requires that all consideration transferred (i.e., the purchase price) be measured at its acquisition-
date fair value. Under ASC 805, consideration transferred is comprised of the acquisition-date fair values of:
Assets transferred
Liabilities incurred,
including contingent consideration obligations
Equity interests issued by the acquirer
Consideration transferred may take many forms, including cash, tangible and intangible assets, a business
or subsidiary of the acquiring entity, securities of the acquiring entity (e.g., common stock, preferred
stock, options, warrants and debt instruments) or other promised future payments of the acquiring entity,
including contingent payments. Irrespective of the form, the fair value of all consideration transferred is
recognized at the acquisition date. ASC 805 also provides guidance on the day 2 accounting for
contingent consideration that is recognized as consideration transferred in the business combination.
“Day 2” accounting refers to the accounting for the acquired entity as part of the combined operations subsequent to the
acquisition date of the business combination.
Liabilities incurred refers to obligations of the acquirer to former owners of a target company and not to liabilities of the acquiree
assumed in a business combination by an acquirer. Liabilities assumed are not considered an element of consideration transferred.
1 Overview of accounting for business combinations
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1.7 Recognizing and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase
Under ASC 805, an acquirer in a business combination recognizes 100% of the fair value of the business
acquired (i.e., the full fair value of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling
interests) as of the acquisition date. This is referred to as the full-goodwill approach and is applicable
without regard to the actual controlling ownership interest acquired.
This principle applies whether
control is obtained by purchasing an acquirees net assets, purchasing some (or all) of the acquirees
equity interests, by contract alone or by other means. The result under ASC 805 is that recognized
goodwill will represent all of the goodwill of the acquired business, as opposed to just the acquirers share.
1.7.1 Bargain purchases
In rare circumstances, the acquirers interest in the acquiree (i.e., the fair value of consideration transferred,
the fair value of any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree and the fair value of any previously held equity
interest in the acquiree) is less than the fair value (or other recognized value for the exceptions to fair value
recognition) of the identifiable net assets acquired. Such a transaction results in an economic gain to the
acquiring entity. Any such gain is recognized in earnings only after a thorough reassessment of all elements
of the accounting for the acquisition.
1.7.2 A business combination achieved in stages
An acquirer may obtain control of an acquiree through a series of acquisitions of two or more different
investments, which ASC 805 refers to as a business combination achieved in stages. If the acquirer
holds a noncontrolling equity investment in the acquiree immediately before obtaining control, the acquirer
remeasures that investment to fair value as of the acquisition date and recognizes any remeasurement
gains or losses in earnings.
After taking control of a target company, further acquisitions of ownership interests (i.e., acquisitions of
noncontrolling ownership interests) are accounted for as transactions among shareholders pursuant to
the guidance in ASC 810.
1.7.3 Measurement period
ASC 805 provides for a period of time during which the acquirer may adjust provisional amounts
recognized at the acquisition date to their subsequently determined acquisition-date fair values, referred
to as the measurement period. Adjustments during the measurement period are not limited to just
those relating to assets acquired and liabilities assumed but apply to all aspects of business combination
accounting (e.g., the consideration transferred).
Acquirers must recognize measurement period adjustments during the period in which they determine
the amounts, including the effect on earnings of any amounts they would have recorded in previous
periods if the accounting had been completed at the acquisition date.
1.7.4 Assessing what is part of the exchange for the acquiree
To distinguish elements that should be accounted for as part of the business combination from elements
that should be accounted for outside of the business combination, ASC 805 requires an acquirer to assess
if any assets acquired, liabilities assumed or portion of the transaction price are not part of the exchange
for the acquiree. Exchanged values of any portion of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed or transaction
price that is not part of the exchange for the acquiree are accounted for separately from the business
combination and may increase or decrease the consideration transferred in the business combination.
Under IFRS 3(R), the IASB permits an alternative to the recognition of 100% of residual goodwill, allowing the acquirer to
recognize components of noncontrolling interest that are present ownership interests and entitle their holders to a proportionate
share of the acquiree’s net assets in the event of liquidation at either full fair value or its proportionate share of the fair value of
the identifiable net assets.
1 Overview of accounting for business combinations
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Examples of payments or other arrangements that would not be considered part of the exchange for
the acquiree, and thus not part of the accounting for the business combination, include payments that
effectively settle preexisting relationships between the acquirer and acquiree, payments to compensate
employees or former owners of the acquiree for future services, acquirer share-based payments
exchanged for acquiree awards that are determined not to be part of the consideration transferred,
and costs incurred in connection with a business combination (i.e., transaction costs).
1.8 Disclosure requirements
The FASB, like the IASB, developed overall objectives for disclosure of information related to a business
combination. ASC 805 provides specific, detailed disclosure requirements that are intended to facilitate
meeting these disclosure objectives. However, ASC 805-10-50-7 states that if these specific disclosure
requirements and those required by other GAAP do not meet the overall disclosure objectives of the
standard, an acquirer should disclose any additional information necessary to meet those objectives.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 6
2 Identifying business combination
2.1 What is a business combination?
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
An entity shall determine whether a transaction or other event is a business combination by applying
the definition in this Subtopic, which requires that the assets acquired and liabilities assumed
constitute a business. If the assets acquired are not a business, the reporting entity shall account for
the transaction or other event as an asset acquisition. An entity shall account for each business
combination by applying the acquisition method.
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Paragraph 805-10-25-1 requires an entity to determine whether a transaction or event is a business
combination. In a business combination, an acquirer might obtain control of an acquiree in a variety of
ways, including any of the following:
a. By transferring cash, cash equivalents, or other assets (including net assets that constitute a
b. By incurring liabilities
c. By issuing equity interests
d. By providing more than one type of consideration
e. Without transferring consideration, including by contract alone (see paragraph 805-10-25-11).
A business combination may be structured in a variety of ways for legal, taxation, or other reasons,
which include but are not limited to, the following:
a. One or more businesses become subsidiaries of an acquirer or the net assets of one or more
businesses are legally merged into the acquirer.
b. One combining entity transfers its net assets or its owners transfer their equity interests to
another combining entity or its owners.
c. All of the combining entities transfer their net assets or the owners of those entities transfer
their equity interests to a newly formed entity (sometimes referred to as a roll-up or put-together
d. A group of former owners of one of the combining entities obtains control of the combined entity.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 7
A glossary of key terms, which are bolded throughout ASC 805, is included at Appendix J of this publication.
These key terms include definitions of a business combination and a business (see section 2.1.3 for a
discussion of the definition of a business). The Master Glossary in ASC 805 defines a business
combination as a transaction or other event in which an acquirer obtains control of one or more businesses.
Transactions sometimes referred to as true mergers or mergers of equals also are business combinations.”
In ASC 805, the FASB concluded that all transactions in which an entity obtains control of a business are
economically similar and, therefore, the accounting for a change in control should not differ based on the
means in which control
is obtained. The result of the FASBs conclusion is that ASC 805 broadened the
definition of a business combination to include all transactions or other events in which control of one or
more businesses is obtained. Therefore, although a business combination typically occurs through the
purchase of the net assets or equity interests of a business, a business combination could also occur
without the transfer of consideration. Examples of such circumstances, which are discussed in greater
detail in the following sections, include:
The lapse of minority participating rights that previously prevented a majority owner from controlling
(and therefore consolidating) a business (section
An investees purchase of its shares that results in an existing investor obtaining control of the
investees business (section
Control of a business is obtained pursuant to a contractual arrangement (e.g., the type
of arrangements described in ASC 810-10 (portions of this subtopic was codified from Emerging
Issues Task Force (EITF or Task Force) Issue No. 97-2), dual-listed corporations and stapling
arrangements) (section
The initial consolidation of a VIE pursuant to ASC 810 (section 2.1.2)
Under ASC 805, an acquirer accounts for each of the preceding examples, as well as any other
transaction that results in obtaining control of a business, using the acquisition method.
During the Statement 141(R) comment letter process, several respondents indicated that they did not
believe the definition of a business combination included the merger of equals (or true mergers) in
which there is no clear acquirer. While the FASB did not conclude whether or not true mergers actually
exist, they did clarify that in the rare circumstances in which one of the combining entities does not
obtain control of another or there is no clear acquirer, the application of the acquisition method in
ASC 805 is nonetheless required. In such situations, an accounting acquirer must be identified pursuant
to the guidance in ASC 805-10-25-4 and 25-5 and ASC 805-10-55-11 through 55-15 and as discussed
in section 3.
The determination of whether or not a transaction is considered a business combination is important
because (1) goodwill can arise only in a business combination and (2) the guidance in ASC 805 does not
apply to transactions that are not business combinations. See Appendix A for further discussion of the
accounting for asset acquisitions.
The term control is defined in ASC 805 as having the meaning of controlling financial interest in paragraph ASC 810-10-15-8.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 8
2.1.1 Control obtained without transferring consideration
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
An acquirer sometimes obtains control of an acquiree without transferring consideration. The acquisition
method of accounting for a business combination applies to those combinations. Such circumstances
include any of the following:
a. The acquiree repurchases a sufficient number of its own shares for an existing investor (the
acquirer) to obtain control.
b. Minority veto rights lapse that previously kept the acquirer from controlling an acquiree in which
the acquirer held the majority voting interest.
c. The acquirer and acquiree agree to combine their businesses by contract alone. The acquirer
transfers no consideration in exchange for control of an acquiree and holds no equity interests in
the acquiree, either on the acquisition date or previously. Examples of business combinations
achieved by contract alone include bringing two businesses together in a stapling arrangement or
forming a dual-listed corporation.
In a business combination achieved by contract alone, the acquirer shall attribute to the equity holders
of the acquiree the amount of the acquirees net assets recognized in accordance with the requirements
of this Topic. In other words, the equity interests in the acquiree held by parties other than the acquirer
are a noncontrolling interest in the acquirers postcombination financial statements even if the result is
that all of the equity interests in the acquiree are attributed to the noncontrolling interest. Lapse of participating rights held by minority shareholders
There is a presumption in ASC 810 that all majority-owned entities should be consolidated. However, this
presumption may be overcome if noncontrolling interest holders have substantive participation rights. In
such situations, the majority investor would not consolidate the majority-owned entity and would account
for its investment under the equity method of accounting. Pursuant to ASC 805, the lapse of minority
veto rights (i.e., voting control is thus attained by the majority investor) is considered a business
combination and requires the recognition of a full new basis (generally fair value) in the underlying assets
and liabilities of the newly-controlled entity upon initial consolidation (i.e., the date control initially is
obtained). See section 7.4.2 for a discussion of the acquisition-date accounting for an investment held in
a newly-controlled entity prior to obtaining control. Investee share repurchase transactions
Control might also be obtained without the transfer of any consideration or without involving the
acquirer when an investee repurchases its shares. For example, in a voting interest entity, assume the
ownership interests in Investee were held 51% by Investor A and 49% by Investor B, resulting in Investor A
controlling and consolidating Investee. If Investee repurchased a sufficient number of shares from Investor A
such that Investor B now controlled Investee (i.e., Investor B owns shares greater than 50% of Investee),
Investor B would account for its newly-obtained controlling interest in Investee as a business combination,
which requires the underlying assets and liabilities to be recorded at their full new basis (generally fair value)
on the date control initially is obtained. See section 7.4.2 for a discussion of the acquisition-date accounting
for an investment held in a newly-controlled entity prior to obtaining control.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 9 Control obtained by contract alone Control by contract
In the guidance in ASC 805, the FASB explicitly included transactions in which control is obtained by
contract alone in the definition of a business combination. When Statement 141(R) was issued, it nullified
most of the consensuses reached in EITF 97-2. However, Issue 1 of EITF 97-2, which provided guidance
in assessing whether a physician practice management entity (PPM) has a controlling financial interest in
a physician practice entity, was not nullified (codified primarily in ASC 954-810). While that guidance was
specific to PPMs, those concepts should be evaluated when assessing whether control has been obtained
by contract in other industries as well.
In EITF 97-2 the Task Force concluded that if the PPM is required to consolidate the physician practice, and
that practice meets the definition of a business, then the transaction represents a business combination.
While the scope of EITF 97-2 was limited to PPMs, the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) indicated that the conclusions reached in EITF 97-2 might apply to similar arrangements in other
industries and that guidance should be considered when evaluating the accounting for arrangements in
other industries.
As a result, the execution of management contracts that grant one entity a controlling
financial interest (based on the requirements outlined in EITF 97-2) in another business generally were
and continue to be accounted for as business combinations under ASC 805. Dual-listed corporation and stapling arrangements
Dual-listed corporations (DLC) (also referred to as dual-holding companies), are sometimes used in
combinations of US and foreign companies or in the combination of foreign companies to achieve the
substance of a business combination while retaining certain tax benefits to the shareholders (i.e., to
defer taxable gains on the disposal of the shares). In a business combination involving a DLC, neither of
the combining companies exchange shares or issue consideration to the other companys shareholders.
Rather, the companies execute contracts that equalize voting and dividend rights of the two companies
shareholders, establish common governance and executive management policies and provide for equal
sharing of economic interests in liquidation. This results in the activities of the two entities being
managed as a single economic entity under contractual arrangements while retaining their separate legal
identities. The structure achieves the same substantive result as if a new entity had been formed to issue
shares to the shareholders of the two combining companies. Because of the mutual and proportionate
sharing by the two shareholder groups of control and the economic risks and rewards of the two
companies, a DLC transaction is considered a business combination and an accounting acquirer among
the two companies must be identified. We understand the SEC staff historically has required that these
transactions be accounted for as business combinations.
A stapling arrangement is a situation in which a legal entity has issued equity securities that are
combined with (stapled to) the securities issued by another legal entity by virtue of a contractual
arrangement between the entities. Stapled securities generally are quoted at a single price and cannot be
traded or transferred independently. The stapling of two entities is considered a business combination
and one of the entities must be identified as the acquirer pursuant to the guidance included in ASC 805.
Stapling arrangements often occur between a company and a trust. In that case, an operating company
normally would obtain control of the trust and, therefore, the operating company would be identified as
the acquirer.
Comments by Jane B. Adams, Deputy Chief Accountant in the Office of the Chief Accountant at the SEC, at the 1997 National
Conference on Current SEC Developments.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 10 Multiple transactions that result in obtaining control
An acquirer may obtain control of a business through a series of two or more steps or transactions
(e.g., acquisition of 45% of a business and a subsequent purchase of 15% of the same business shortly
thereafter). This also may occur when obtaining control of a business includes delays due to regulatory
requirements or when assets and processes are transferred over time in transactions that don’t
individually meet the definition of a business. If an acquirer determines that each transfer should be
accounted for as a separate transaction, assets acquired or liabilities assumed would be accounted for
separate from the business combination in accordance with their nature and the applicable GAAP. If an
acquirer determines that multiple transactions should be accounted for as a single transaction that
results in an acquirer obtaining control of a business, the transaction would be accounted for under the
acquisition method in ASC 805.
We believe the following factors listed in ASC 810-10-40-6 (related to deconsolidation) may be considered
to determine whether the multiple transactions should be accounted for as a single transaction:
They are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of one another.
They form a single transaction designed to achieve an overall commercial effect.
The occurrence of one arrangement is dependent on the occurrence of at least one other arrangement.
One arrangement considered on its own is not economically justified, but they are economically
justified when considered together. An example is when one disposal is priced below market,
compensated for by a subsequent disposal priced above market.
An acquirer also may consider the timing between transactions and whether any subsequent transactions
contemplated at the time of the initial transaction are considered perfunctory (which might indicate that
the transfers should be accounted for as a single arrangement) or whether certain conditions must be
met prior to each transaction (which may indicate that each transaction should be accounted for
separately). Determining whether multiple transactions represent a single transaction for accounting
purposes depends on the facts and circumstances and requires the use of professional judgment.
Once an entity determines it has obtained control of a business, it must then evaluate whether any part
of the transaction must be accounted for separately (i.e., not part of what is included in the exchange for
the business combination) in accordance with the guidance in ASC 805-10-25-20 through 25-22. See
section for further discussion on what is part of a business combination.
2.1.2 Variable interest entities
The initial consolidation of a VIE that is a business is considered to be a business combination and is
subject to the provisions of ASC 805. The transaction is measured based on the requirements provided in
the consolidation of variable interest entities guidance in ASC 810 for the initial consolidation of a VIE
that was determined to be a business. As described in ASC 810-10-30-4 through 30-6, the accounting
for the initial consolidation of a VIE that is not a business remains different than the accounting for a
group of assets that is not a business. In the acquisition of a group of assets not considered to be a
business and not subject to the requirements of the guidance in ASC 810, the difference between the
fair value of the consideration paid and the fair value of the net assets acquired is assigned to the net
assets acquired based on their relative fair values, as described in Appendix A. However, in the initial
consolidation of a VIE that is not considered a business, the difference between (1) the sum of the total
fair value of the consideration plus the reported amount of previously held interests and (2) the sum of
the individual fair values of the net assets is recognized as a gain or loss. See our FRD, Consolidation, for
further discussion of the initial consolidation of a VIE.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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2.1.3 Definition of a business
Determining whether an entity has acquired a business or an asset (or a group of assets) is critical because
the accounting for a business combination differs significantly from that of an asset acquisition.
The graphic below summarizes the steps to evaluate whether an acquired set of assets and activities
meets the definition of a business:
The guidance requires an entity to first evaluate whether substantially all of the fair value of the gross
assets acquired is concentrated in a single identifiable asset or a group of similar identifiable assets
(Step 1). If that threshold is met, the set of assets and activities is not a business. If it’s not met, the
entity evaluates whether the set meets the definition of a business (Step 2). The guidance also requires a
business to include at least one substantive process in addition to an input. Applying the ‘substantially allthreshold
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
If substantially all of the fair value of the gross assets acquired is concentrated in a single identifiable
asset or group of similar identifiable assets, the set is not considered a business. Gross assets acquired
should exclude cash and cash equivalents, deferred tax assets, and goodwill resulting from the effects
of deferred tax liabilities. However, the gross assets acquired should include any consideration
transferred (plus the fair value of any noncontrolling interest and previously held interest, if any) in
excess of the fair value of net identifiable assets acquired.
The graphic below summarizes how to apply the “substantially allthreshold (Step 1):
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 12
The guidance requires an entity to first evaluate whether substantially all of the fair value of the gross
assets acquired is concentrated in a single identifiable asset or a group of similar identifiable assets. If
that threshold is met, the set is not a business and does not require further evaluation. We believe
entities would apply ASC 805 to measure the assets in the set (including the measurement exceptions)
for the purpose of applying the threshold.
The term substantially all” is intended to be applied consistently with how it is used in other areas of
US GAAP (e.g., ASC 606, ASC 810) and entities should consider how substantially all” is applied in its
existing accounting policies in such areas. Entities will need to apply judgment to determine what is
consideredsubstantially allbecause the standard does not provide a bright line for making this assessment.
An entity also should consider how the inherent estimation uncertainty of its valuations of assets acquired
and consideration transferred affects the evaluation of what is consideredsubstantially all.” That is, an
entity may conclude there is a range of fair value measurements for an asset in a set because of inherent
estimation uncertainty that exists in fair value measurements. An entity should consider whether
different measurements in that range affect whether the “substantially all” threshold is met.
The guidance does not require a quantitative evaluation of whether the threshold is met. For example,
the assessment could be qualitative if an entity concludes that all of the fair value will be assigned to one
element of the set. In contrast, if an entity concludes that there is clearly significant value in assets that
are not similar, the entity may be able to qualitatively determine that the threshold is not met.
In many acquisitions, an entity may not need additional information to evaluate whether the threshold is
met because it would need most of the information required for such an analysis, regardless of whether
the acquired set is a business or a group of assets. That is, in an acquisition of a group of assets that does
not constitute a business, an entity must determine the fair value of all the assets acquired to allocate
consideration transferred to those assets on a relative fair value basis in accordance with ASC 805-50-30-3.
In other situations, such as dispositions, quantitatively evaluating whether the threshold is met may be more
challenging because an entity wouldn’t otherwise be required to determine the fair value of all of the assets. Determining what is part of the set
To apply the definition of a business, an entity must determine which elements are part of the set and
which are part of a separate transaction. For example, if an acquirer does not assume an outsourcing
arrangement from a seller but enters into a new outsourcing arrangement at the same time as the
acquisition, the acquirer would have to evaluate whether the new arrangement is an element of the
acquired set. Any inputs or processes provided through separate transactions are excluded from the
threshold evaluation and the analysis of whether the set meets the definition of a business. That is, an
entity needs to evaluate what is in the set before it evaluates whether that set is a business. Refer to
section for further information on evaluating what is part of the set. Single identifiable assets
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
A single identifiable asset includes any individual asset or group of assets that could be recognized and
measured as a single identifiable asset in a business combination. However, for purposes of this
evaluation, the following should be considered a single asset:
a. A tangible asset that is attached to and cannot be physically removed and used separately from
another tangible asset (or an intangible asset representing the right to use a tangible asset)
without incurring significant cost or significant diminution in utility or fair value to either asset
(for example, land and building)
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 13
b. In-place lease intangibles, including favorable and unfavorable intangible assets or liabilities, and
the related leased assets.
To evaluate whether the threshold is met, an entity must first determine the identifiable assets in the set.
In doing so, an entity will identify assets or groups of assets that could be recognized and measured as a
single identifiable asset in a business combination accounted for under ASC 805.
Some single identifiable assets in a business combination may include more than one asset. For example,
ASC 805-20-55-18 provides that a group of complementary assets such as a trademark and its related
trade name, formulas, recipes and technological expertise may be recognized as a single brand intangible
asset if those assets have similar useful lives.
It is important to remember that the threshold is used only to determine whether further evaluation of
the definition of a business is necessary and does not affect recognition and measurement of the assets
and liabilities in the set. Therefore, although entities must identify single identifiable assets by applying
the guidance in ASC 805, they won’t apply the recognition and measurement principles in that guidance if
the set is determined not to be a business.
For example, assume an acquired set includes value attributed to an assembled workforce. Because an
assembled workforce is not an identifiable asset in a business combination (it is subsumed into goodwill),
the value attributed to it is not included in the numerator of the threshold equation. However, this value
would be captured in the gross assets acquired (i.e., the denominator of the equation). If the entity
concludes that the set is not a business, it would separately recognize value attributed to the assembled
workforce in an asset acquisition. See section A.1.2 and section A.4.1 for considerations of other assets
that may be recognized separately in an asset acquisition but not in a business combination. Exceptions to the principle for determining single identifiable assets
The guidance also requires entities to combine the following assets that wouldn’t be combined into a
single identifiable asset in a business combination:
Two tangible assets such as land and a building that are attached and cannot be used separately
without incurring significant cost or significant diminution in utility or fair value to either asset (or an
intangible asset representing the right to use a tangible asset that cannot be used separately from
the tangible asset such as leased land and a building)
In-place lease intangibles, including favorable and unfavorable intangible assets or liabilities (i.e., an
off-market component), and the related leased assets
The FASB provided the first exception so that real estate entities and other entities that transfer assets
that are effectively inseparable could practically apply the threshold. The second exception is intended to
enhance consistency of conclusions reached when applying the threshold to leased assets and lease-
related intangibles.
We believe that the concepts underlying the exceptions may not be applied by analogy to other
circumstances. For example, leased assets and unfavorable lease intangible liabilities are explicitly
addressed within the second exception and are considered a single identifiable asset when applying the
threshold. It would not be appropriate to consider other assets and related liabilities a single identifiable
asset, such as a fixed asset and related asset retirement obligation.
Also, it only is appropriate to combine assets and consider them a single identifiable asset under the
exceptions when applying the threshold. That is, any combination of these assets would not affect
recognition in either a business combination or an asset acquisition (e.g., land and building would still be
recognized separately).
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 14 Group of similar identifiable assets
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
A group of similar assets includes multiple assets identified in accordance with paragraph 805-10-55-5B.
When evaluating whether assets are similar, an entity should consider the nature of each single
identifiable asset and the risks associated with managing and creating outputs from the assets (that is,
the risk characteristics). However, the following should not be considered similar assets:
a. A tangible asset and an intangible asset
b. Identifiable intangible assets in different major intangible asset classes (for example, customer-
related intangibles, trademarks, and in-process research and development)
c. A financial asset and a nonfinancial asset
d. Different major classes of financial assets (for example, accounts receivable and marketable securities)
e. Different major classes of tangible assets (for example, inventory, manufacturing equipment,
and automobiles)
f. Identifiable assets within the same major asset class that have significantly different risk characteristics.
In evaluating whether the threshold is met, an entity also must determine whether any single identifiable
assets identified by applying the guidance described in section are similar. When evaluating whether
assets are similar, an entity should consider the nature of each single identifiable asset and the risks associated
with managing and creating outputs from the assets. This evaluation will require significant judgment.
While the guidance provides a framework for evaluating whether assets are similar, the guidance states
that the following assets cannot be considered similar:
A tangible asset and an intangible asset
Identifiable intangible assets in different major intangible asset classes (e.g., customer-related
intangibles, trademarks, in-process research and development (IPR&D))
A financial asset and a nonfinancial asset
Different major classes of financial assets (e.g., accounts receivable and marketable securities)
Different major classes of tangible assets (e.g., inventory, manufacturing equipment, automobiles)
Identifiable assets within the same major asset class that have significantly different risk characteristics
While many of these terms are clear, applying the guidance on assets in different major classes may
require judgment because this term is not defined. The Master Glossary in ASC 805 defines intangible
asset class as “a group of intangible assets that are similar, either by their nature or by their use in the
operations of an entityand is used in the context of required financial statement disclosures under
ASC 350, Intangibles Goodwill and Other. However, we believe that this definition also could be used in
evaluating whether intangible, tangible or financial assets are in different “major classes” when applying
the threshold. For example, tangible assets may be in different major classes if either their nature or use
in the operations of an entity differ. Moreover, identifiable assets within the same major asset class
cannot be considered similar if they have significantly different risk characteristics (e.g., a commercial
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 15
warehouse and a single-family home). Although the standard prohibits combining tangible and intangible
assets into a group of similar assets, an entity applies this exception after combining certain tangible and
intangible assets (e.g., lease-related intangibles and leased assets) into single identifiable assets as
described in section above. Gross assets acquired (updated June 2023)
Gross assets acquired include any consideration transferred (plus the fair value of any noncontrolling
interest and previously held interest, if any) in excess of the fair value of the net identifiable assets
acquired (e.g., goodwill in a business combination). In determining consideration transferred for the
purpose of applying the threshold, entities must include all forms of consideration (e.g., cash, contingent
consideration) that would be recognized in a business combination. Consideration transferred would not be
affected by elements that are part of a separate transaction (e.g., equity awards that represent
compensation for future services).
However, any amount by which the fair value of the net identifiable assets acquired exceeds the
consideration transferred (i.e., bargain purchase gain in a business combination) should be excluded
from the gross assets acquired for the purpose of evaluating whether substantially all of the fair value is
concentrated in a single identifiable asset or a group of similar identifiable assets. That’s because a
bargain purchase gain is not an asset, and including it as an adjustment to the gross assets acquired
would distort the analysis and would be similar to the effect of including liabilities in the analysis.
Gross assets acquired exclude cash and cash equivalents, deferred tax assets and any goodwill that would
be created in a business combination from the recognition of deferred tax liabilities.
The following illustration summarizes the example in ASC 805-10-55-65 through 55-66:
Illustration 2-1: Application of the threshold life sciences
Pharma Co. purchases a legal entity that holds a Phase 3 (clinical research phase) compound
developed to treat diabetes, an at-market clinical research organization (CRO) contract and an at-
market clinical manufacturing organization (CMO) contract. No other assets or activities are
transferred. No employees are transferred.
Application of the ‘substantially all’ threshold
Pharma Co. concludes that the IPR&D related to the compound (including the historical know-how,
formula protocols, designs and related procedures) is a single identifiable intangible asset. Pharma Co.
concludes there is no value to assign to the at-market CRO and CMO contracts and that all of the fair
value of the gross assets acquired is concentrated in the IPR&D asset. Therefore, the acquired set is
not a business, and no further analysis is required. The elements of a business
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
A business is an integrated set of activities and assets that is capable of being conducted and managed
for the purpose of providing a return in the form of dividends, lower costs, or other economic benefits
directly to investors or other owners, members, or participants. To be considered a business, an integrated
set must meet the requirements in paragraphs 805-10-55-4 through 55-6 and 805-10-55-8 through 55-9.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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A business consists of inputs and processes applied to those inputs that have the ability to contribute
to the creation of outputs. Although businesses usually have outputs, outputs are not required for an
integrated set to qualify as a business. The three elements of a business are defined as follows:
a. Input. Any economic resource that creates, or has the ability to contribute to the creation of,
outputs when one or more processes are applied to it. Examples include long-lived assets
(including intangible assets or rights to use long-lived assets), intellectual property, the ability to
obtain access to necessary materials or rights, and employees.
b. Process. Any system, standard, protocol, convention, or rule that when applied to an input or
inputs, creates or has the ability to contribute to the creation of outputs. Examples include strategic
management processes, operational processes, and resource management processes. These
processes typically are documented, but the intellectual capacity of an organized workforce having
the necessary skills and experience following rules and conventions may provide the necessary
processes that are capable of being applied to inputs to create outputs. Accounting, billing, payroll,
and other administrative systems typically are not processes used to create outputs.
c. Output. The result of inputs and processes applied to those inputs that provide goods or services
to customers, investment income (such as dividends or interest), or other revenues.
The nature of the elements of a business varies by industry and by the structure of an entity’s
operations (activities), including the entity’s stage of development. Established businesses often have
many different types of inputs, processes, and outputs, whereas new businesses often have few inputs
and processes and sometimes only a single output (product). Nearly all businesses also have liabilities,
but a business need not have liabilities. In addition, some transferred sets of assets and activities that
are not a business may have liabilities.
A business is an integrated set of assets and activities that is capable of being conducted and managed
for the purpose of providing a return to investors or other owners, members or participants. A business
typically has inputs, processes applied to those inputs and outputs that are used to generate a return to
investors, but outputs are not required for a set to be a business.
While processes are typically documented, that isnt a requirement. In fact, the guidance clarifies that a process
can be provided by the intellectual capacity of an organized workforce with the necessary skills and experience
to use inputs to create outputs. For example, a group of software engineers may be capable of performing
the necessary process to develop acquired technology into a product that can be sold to customers.
The guidance defines an output as “the result of inputs and processes applied to those inputs that
provide goods or services to customers, investment income (such as dividends or interest), or other
revenues.” The focus is on revenue-generating activities, which is closely aligned with how outputs are
described in the revenue guidance in ASC 606.
However, a set that does not generate revenue could still contain outputs. For example, a set could
provide goods or services that are used internally and don’t generate revenue (or intercompany
revenue). The goods or services provided, in this case, would be considered outputs.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 17 Minimum requirements to be a business
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
To be capable of being conducted and managed for the purposes described in paragraph 805-10-55-3A,
an integrated set of activities and assets requires two essential elementsinputs and processes applied
to those inputs. A business need not include all the inputs or processes that the seller used in operating
that business. However, to be considered a business, the set must include, at a minimum, an input and
a substantive process that together significantly contribute to the ability to create output. Paragraphs
805-10-55-5A through 55-5C provide a practical screen to determine when a set would not be considered
a business. If the screen is not met, further assessment is necessary to determine whether the set is a
business. Paragraphs 805-10-55-5D through 55-6 and 805-10-55-8 through 55-9 provide a framework
to assist an entity in evaluating whether the set includes both an input and a substantive process.
Determining whether a particular set of assets and activities is a business should be based on whether
the integrated set is capable of being conducted and managed as a business by a market participant.
Thus, in evaluating whether a particular set is a business, it is not relevant whether a seller operated
the set as a business or whether the acquirer intends to operate the set as a business.
The guidance establishes minimum requirements for what is considered a business and focuses the
analysis on the substance of what is acquired (in contrast to the legacy guidance, which included an
evaluation of whether a market participant could replace any missing elements). A business must include,
at a minimum, an input and a substantive process that together significantly contribute to the ability to
create outputs. Therefore, a business need not include all the inputs and processes that the seller used in
operating the set. Judgment will be required to evaluate when an input and substantive process together
significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs.
The overall evaluation of whether a set is a business is performed from the perspective of a market
participant. That is, how a seller operated the set or how the buyer intends to operate the set does not
affect the analysis. Determining whether inputs and a substantive process exist
If thesubstantially all” threshold is not met, entities must evaluate whether the set is a business (Step 2),
which is summarized in the graphic below:
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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The guidance requires that, to be a business, a set must include, at a minimum, an input and a substantive
process that together significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs. Because all asset acquisitions
include inputs, the existence of a substantive process is what distinguishes an asset or group of assets from
a business. Entities cannot presume that a set contains a process if the set generates revenues before and
after the transaction. Further analysis is required to determine whether the set contains a substantive process.
The guidance provides different criteria for determining whether sets with outputs and those without
outputs include a substantive process. Because outputs are a key element of a business, entities have to
meet a higher standard to conclude that a substantive process is present when outputs are missing. When the set is not generating outputs
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
When a set does not have outputs (for example, an early stage company that has not generated
revenues), the set will have both an input and a substantive process that together significantly
contribute to the ability to create outputs only if it includes employees that form an organized
workforce and an input that the workforce could develop or convert into output. The organized
workforce must have the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience to perform an acquired process
(or group of processes) that when applied to another acquired input or inputs is critical to the ability to
develop or convert that acquired input or inputs into outputs. An entity should consider the following
in evaluating whether the acquired workforce is performing a substantive process:
a. A process (or group of processes) is not critical if, for example, it is considered ancillary or minor
in the context of all the processes required to create outputs.
b. Inputs that employees who form an organized workforce could develop (or are developing) or
convert into outputs could include the following:
1. Intellectual property that could be used to develop a good or service
2. Resources that could be developed to create outputs
3. Access to necessary materials or rights that enable the creation of future outputs.
Examples of inputs that could be developed include technology, mineral interests, real estate, and in-
process research and development.
When there are no outputs, an acquired process (or group of processes) will be considered substantive if
the set includes employees with the necessary skills, knowledge or experience to perform an acquired
process that is critical to the ability to develop or convert an acquired input or inputs into outputs.
Entities must consider the facts and circumstances to determine whether employees perform or are
capable of performing a substantive process.
If there are no outputs, an entity cannot consider an organized workforce provided by an acquired
contract (i.e., an outsourced workforce) in its assessment of whether the set includes a substantive
process. The Board concluded that a contractual arrangement that is not directly involved in creating
outputs is not considered substantive enough for the set to be considered a business. Rather, the Board
concluded that the acquired set needs to include a workforce that is actively contributing to the
development of outputs. Without an employee to manage the performance of a vendor, there are
inherent limitations on the processes that can be performed in a development capacity without further
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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decision making or actions from an employee. If a set without outputs includes both employees and an
outsourced workforce, entities will have to apply judgment to determine whether the employees are an
organized workforce that provides a substantive process.
Entities also must evaluate the nature of inputs included in a set that is not generating outputs. The
guidance defines an input as “any economic resource that creates, or has the ability to contribute to the
creation of, outputs when one or more processes are applied to it.” A set might include elements that
don’t create or have the ability to contribute to the creation of outputs. For example, while office
furniture may be acquired as part of a set, it would likely not be considered an input in the analysis of
whether a set that focuses on the development of technology is a business.
Question 2.1 How should an entity determine which set of criteria to apply (i.e., guidance for set with outputs or
without outputs) if the acquired set produces an insignificant amount of outputs?
It depends. Determining which set of criteria to apply may require judgment. In certain cases, a set may
produce an insignificant amount of outputs relative to the fair value of the gross assets acquired in the
set. We believe that, depending on the facts and circumstances, entities could conclude that, because the
outputs are so insignificant, it would be appropriate to evaluate whether a substantive process exists
using the guidance for sets not generating outputs. When the set is generating outputs
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
When the set has outputs (that is, there is a continuation of revenue before and after the transaction),
the set will have both an input and a substantive process that together significantly contribute to the
ability to create outputs when any of the following are present:
a. Employees that form an organized workforce that has the necessary skills, knowledge, or
experience to perform an acquired process (or group of processes) that when applied to an
acquired input or inputs is critical to the ability to continue producing outputs. A process (or
group of processes) is not critical if, for example, it is considered ancillary or minor in the context
of all of the processes required to continue producing outputs.
b. An acquired contract that provides access to an organized workforce that has the necessary
skills, knowledge, or experience to perform an acquired process (or group of processes) that
when applied to an acquired input or inputs is critical to the ability to continue producing outputs.
An entity should assess the substance of an acquired contract and whether it has effectively
acquired an organized workforce that performs a substantive process (for example, considering
the duration and the renewal terms of the contract).
c. The acquired process (or group of processes) when applied to an acquired input or inputs
significantly contributes to the ability to continue producing outputs and cannot be replaced
without significant cost, effort, or delay in the ability to continue producing outputs.
d. The acquired process (or group of processes) when applied to an acquired input or inputs significantly
contributes to the ability to continue producing outputs and is considered unique or scarce.
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If a set has outputs, continuation of revenues does not on its own indicate that both an input and a
substantive process have been acquired. Accordingly, assumed contractual arrangements that provide
for the continuation of revenues (for example, customer contracts, customer lists, and leases [when
the set is the lessor]) should be excluded from the analysis in paragraph 805-10-55-5E of whether a
process has been acquired.
An acquired process (or group of processes) will be considered substantive when the set has outputs and
includes any of the following:
Employees that form an organized workforce or an acquired contract that provides access to an
organized workforce that has the necessary skills, knowledge or experience to perform an acquired
process (or group of processes) that, when applied to an acquired input, is critical to the ability to
continue producing outputs
A process (or group of processes) that, when applied to an acquired input, significantly contributes to
the ability to continue producing outputs and cannot be replaced without significant cost, effort or
delay in the ability to continue producing outputs
A process (or group of processes) that, when applied to an acquired input, significantly contributes to
the ability to continue producing outputs and is considered unique or scarce
The Board concluded that a set that generates outputs before and after a transaction is more likely to
include an input and substantive process than a set that is not generating outputs. Therefore, the criteria
are less stringent than those for a set that isn’t producing outputs, and a substantive process can exist if
any one of the above criteria are met. For example, a set that includes an automated production line
could have a substantive process, even if it doesn’t include an organized workforce.
An organized workforce provided by an acquired contract also may perform a substantive process, which
differs significantly from the criteria for sets without outputs. Determining whether an organized
workforce provided by an acquired contract (i.e., an outsourced workforce) performs a substantive
process will require judgment. Entities should consider the substance of the arrangement, including the
nature and terms of the activities performed by the outsourced workforce (i.e., whether it is performing
a critical process).
Assumed contractual arrangements that are part of the set and provide for the continuation of revenue
cannot provide a substantive process. The Board made this determination to emphasize that a set is not
a business solely because there is a continuation of revenues. Groups of processes
The criteria entities must apply to determine whether a substantive process exists refer to “groups of
processes.” This reference emphasizes that a group of processes could be a substantive process. That is,
a set could include numerous processes that are insignificant (i.e., not substantive) individually but are
substantive in the aggregate.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 21 Presence of goodwill
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
When evaluating whether a set meets the criteria in paragraphs 805-10-55-5D through 55-5E, the
presence of more than an insignificant amount of goodwill may be an indicator that the acquired
process is substantive and, therefore, the acquired set is a business. However, a business need not
have goodwill.
The guidance states that the existence of more than an insignificant amount of goodwill may indicate
that a process included in the set is substantive. For example, the presence of more than an insignificant
amount of goodwill in a set that includes scientists and a drug compound may help an entity conclude
that the process performed by those scientists is critical to the ability to create outputs. Application of the definition of a business
The following examples illustrate the application of the “substantially all” threshold and the evaluation of
whether a set is a business. The following illustration summarizes the example in ASC 805-10-55-67
through 55-69:
Illustration 2-2: Application of the definition of a business life sciences
Pharma Co. purchases a legal entity that holds a Phase 3 compound (i.e., a compound in the clinical
research phase) developed to treat diabetes, a Phase 3 compound to treat Alzheimer’s disease and the
related at-market CRO and CMO contracts for each compound. Included with each project are the
historical know-how, formula protocols, designs and procedures expected to be needed to complete
the related phase of testing. No employees, other assets or other activities are transferred. Assume
both Phase 3 compounds have equal fair value.
Application of ‘substantially all’ threshold
Pharma Co. concludes that, while the compounds are separate IPR&D assets in the same major asset
class, the assets are not similar because the risks associated with creating outputs from each asset
differ significantly. This is because the compounds (1) are intended to treat significantly different
medical conditions, (2) have significantly different potential customer bases and (3) have significantly
different expected markets and regulatory risks. Therefore, substantially all of the fair value of the
gross assets acquired is not concentrated in a single identifiable asset or group of similar identifiable
assets. Pharma Co. must then evaluate whether the set includes an input and a substantive process
that together significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs.
Determination of whether an input and substantive process exist
Pharma Co. concludes the set does not contain a substantive process because the set is not generating
outputs and does not include employees that form an organized workforce. Therefore, the set does
not include a substantive process and is not a business.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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The following illustration summarizes the example in ASC 805-10-55-70 through 55-72:
Illustration 2-3: Application of the definition of a business life sciences
Pharma Co. buys 100% of Biotech. Biotech’s operations include IPR&D on several drug compounds that
are in different stages of development and would treat significantly different diseases, scientists and
long-lived tangible assets, such as a corporate headquarters, a research lab and testing equipment.
Biotech does not yet generate revenues. Each IPR&D asset has a significant amount of fair value.
There is fair value associated with the acquired workforce because of the scientistsknowledge of and
experience with Biotech’s ongoing development projects and their potential to develop new products.
Application of the ‘substantially all’ threshold
Pharma Co. concludes that, while the IPR&D assets are in the same major asset class, the assets are
not similar because the risks associated with creating outputs from each asset differ significantly. This
is because the compounds (1) have significantly different development risks, (2) have significantly
different potential customer bases and (3) have significantly different potential markets. Pharma Co.
applies the threshold and determines that substantially all of the fair value of the gross assets acquired
is not concentrated in a single identifiable asset or a group of similar identifiable assets. Pharma Co.
must then evaluate whether the set includes an input and a substantive process that together
significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs.
Determination of whether an input and substantive process exist
Pharma Co. concludes that the scientists make up an organized workforce that has the necessary
skills, knowledge or experience to perform a process that is critical to the ability to develop the
acquired IPR&D into products that can be sold to customers. Pharma Co. also concludes that there is a
more-than-insignificant amount of goodwill (including the fair value associated with the workforce),
which is another indicator that the workforce is performing a critical process. Therefore, the acquired
set includes inputs and a substantive process and is a business.
Note that even if Pharma Co. had concluded that the IPR&D assets were similar in the example above, the
fair value associated with the other assets acquired may have prevented substantially all of the fair value
from being concentrated in a single identifiable asset or group of similar identifiable assets.
The following illustration summarizes the example in in ASC 805-10-55-52 through 55-54:
Illustration 2-4: Application of the definition of a business real estate
ABC acquires a portfolio of 10 single-family homes that all have in-place leases. Each single-family home
includes the land, building and other property improvements. The homes have different floor plans,
square footage, lot sizes and interior design, but they have a similar class of customers. No other
elements (e.g., assets, employees) are included in the acquired set.
Application of the ‘substantially all’ threshold
ABC concludes that the land, building, property improvements and in-place lease at each property can
be considered a single identifiable asset because the building and property improvements are attached
to the land and cannot be removed without significant cost. Additionally, the in-place lease is an intangible
asset that should be combined with the related real estate and considered a single identifiable asset.
ABC also concludes that the 10 single identifiable assets (i.e., the combined land, building, property
improvements and in-place lease intangibles) are a group of similar identifiable assets. While the
location and dimensions of each home are different, the nature of the assets (i.e., income-producing,
single-family homes) is similar. ABC also concludes that the risks associated with operating the
properties are not significantly different because the properties have a similar class of customers and
the risks associated with operating in the same real estate market are similar.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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ABC concludes that substantially all of the fair value of the gross assets acquired is concentrated in
the group of similar identifiable assets (i.e., the real estate assets comprise substantially all of the
gross assets acquired). Therefore, the acquired portfolio of 10 single-family homes is not a business,
and no further analysis is required.
The following illustration summarizes the example in ASC 805-10-55-55 through 55-61:
Illustration 2-5: Application of the definition of a business real estate
Assume the same facts as in Illustration 2-4 except that ABC also acquires an office park with six 10-story
office buildings leased to maximum occupancy that all have significant fair value. ABC also assumes
the existing outsourced cleaning, security and maintenance contracts for the properties. Seller’s
employees who perform leasing (e.g., sales, underwriting), tenant management, financing and other
management processes are not included in the set. ABC plans to replace the property management
and employees with its own internal resources.
Application of the ‘substantially all’ threshold
ABC concludes that the single-family homes and the office park are not similar identifiable assets. ABC
considers that the single-family homes and the office buildings have significantly different risks
associated with operating the assets, obtaining tenants and tenant management because the scale of
operations and risks associated with the class of customers are significantly different. Therefore,
substantially all of the fair value of the gross assets acquired is not concentrated in a single identifiable
asset or group of similar identifiable assets. ABC must then evaluate whether the set includes an input
and a substantive process that together significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs.
Determination of whether an input and substantive process exist
ABC determines that the processes performed through the cleaning and security contracts are not
critical in the context of all of the processes required to create outputs. ABC also determines that the
cleaning and security processes could be easily replaced with little cost, effort or delay in the set’s
ability to continue producing outputs and are not unique or scarce. Therefore, ABC concludes that the
set does not include a substantive process (individually or in the aggregate) and is not a business.
Conversely, consider the following illustration:
Illustration 2-6: Application of the definition of a business real estate
Assume the same facts as in Illustration 2-5 except ABC acquires the employees responsible for
leasing, tenant management, and managing and supervising all operational processes.
Application of the ‘substantially all’ threshold
For the same reasons described in Illustration 2-5, ABC concludes that substantially all of the fair value
of the gross assets acquired is not concentrated in a single identifiable asset or group of similar
identifiable assets. ABC must then evaluate whether the set includes an input and a substantive
process that together significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs.
Determination of whether an input and substantive process exist
ABC concludes that the leasing, tenant management and operational supervision personnel represent
an organized workforce that has the skills, knowledge or experience to perform processes that when
applied to the acquired inputs in the set are critical to the ability to continue to produce outputs.
Therefore, ABC has acquired a substantive process, and the set is considered a business.
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The following illustration summarizes the example in ASC 805-10-55-88 through 55-89:
Illustration 2-7: Application of the definition of a business asset management
Bank A purchases a loan portfolio from Bank Z. The portfolio of loans consists of residential
mortgages with terms, sizes and risk ratings that are not significantly different. No other elements
(e.g., assets, employees) are included in the acquired set. The loan portfolio is generating interest
income before and after the transaction.
Application of the ‘substantially all’ threshold
Bank A concludes that the nature of the assets (residential mortgage loans) is similar. Bank A also
concludes that the risks associated with managing those loans and creating outputs are not
significantly different. Bank A concludes that substantially all of the fair value of the gross assets
acquired is concentrated in the portfolio of loans. Therefore, the acquired set is not a business, and no
further analysis is required.
The following illustration summarizes the example in ASC 805-10-55-90 through 55-92:
Illustration 2-8: Application of the definition of a business asset management
Assume the same facts as in Illustration 2-7 except that the portfolio of loans consists of commercial
loans with terms, sizes and risk ratings that are significantly different.
Application of the ‘substantially all’ threshold
Bank A concludes that the nature of the assets (commercial loans) is similar; however, because the
terms, sizes and risk ratings of the loans are significantly different, Bank A concludes that the risks
associated with managing and creating outputs are significantly different. Therefore, substantially all
of the fair value of the gross assets acquired is not concentrated in a single identifiable asset or group
of similar identifiable assets. Bank A must then evaluate whether the set includes an input and a
substantive process that together significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs.
Determination of whether an input and substantive process exist
Bank A concludes that the set does not contain employees who form an organized workforce, an
organized workforce provided through an acquired contract or an acquired process. Therefore, the set
does not include a substantive process and is not a business.
The following illustration summarizes the example in ASC 805-10-55-93 through 55-96:
Illustration 2-9: Application of the definition of a business asset management
Assume the same facts as in Illustration 2-8 except that the acquisition includes employees of Bank Z
who manage the credit risk of the portfolio and the relationship with the borrowers (such as brokers
and risk managers). The consideration transferred is significantly higher than Bank A’s estimate of the
fair value of the loan portfolio.
Application of the ‘substantially all’ threshold
Bank A concludes that the nature of the assets (commercial loans) is similar; however, because the
terms, sizes and risk ratings of the loans are significantly different, Bank A concludes that the risks
associated with managing and creating outputs are significantly different. Therefore, substantially all
of the fair value of the gross assets acquired is not concentrated in a single identifiable asset or group
of similar identifiable assets. Bank A must then evaluate whether the set includes an input and a
substantive process that together significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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Determination of whether an input and substantive process exist
Bank A determines the employees are an organized workforce that performs processes critical to the
ability to continue producing outputs (customer relationships management and credit risk management).
Therefore, the set includes inputs and a substantive process and is considered a business.
Note that the presence of more than an insignificant amount of goodwill in the example above also
indicates that the process performed by the organized workforce is a substantive process.
The following example illustrates how to apply the definition of a business in the oil and gas industry:
Illustration 2-10: Application of the definition of a business oil and gas
Upstream Co. acquires a set of assets, and the fair value of these assets is allocated as follows:
60% proved developed producing (PDP) properties
10% proved undeveloped (PUD) properties
10% probable properties
20% possible properties
All properties are located in a single onshore geological formation. However, the formation is
considered higher risk, and unproved development in the area has a high rate of exploratory dry holes.
Application of the ‘substantially all’ threshold
Upstream Co. concludes that each property represents a single identifiable asset and that each of the
PDP and PUD properties is similar because they are proved oil and gas properties in the same major
asset class and have similar risk characteristics.
Upstream Co. then evaluates whether the risk characteristics of the unproved (probable and possible)
properties differ significantly from the risk characteristics of the proved properties. Due to the high rate
of dry holes in the formation for probable and possible properties, there is significantly greater risk
associated with successfully extracting hydrocarbons from these properties than from the proved
properties. In addition, because the rate of dry holes is higher for the possible properties than for the
probable properties, these two categories of properties have significantly different risk characteristics too.
However, Upstream Co. concludes that each of the probable properties is similar and each of the
possible properties is similar because they are in the same major asset class and have similar risk
characteristics (i.e., they are in the same reserve category, the likelihood of successfully extracting
hydrocarbons is the same and the development risk is the same). As a result, Upstream Co. concludes
that there are three groups of similar assets: (1) the PDP and PUD properties, (2) the probable
properties and (3) the possible properties.
Upstream Co. concludes that substantially all of the fair value of the gross assets acquired is not
concentrated in a single identifiable asset or group of similar assets.
Determination of whether an input and substantive process exist
Because 60% of the set includes PDPs, the set is generating outputs. Therefore, Upstream Co.
evaluates whether the set includes an input and substantive process by applying the guidance for sets
generating outputs.
Upstream Co. determines that the set includes inputs (the properties, which include well equipment) and
substantive processes. The equipment associated with the PDPs, while an input, also performs an automated
process that significantly contributes to the production of outputs and cannot be replaced without significant
cost, effort and delay in the ability to continue producing outputs. Therefore, the set is a business.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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2.1.4 Effect of the definition of a business on other US GAAP
The definition of a business in ASC 805 affects several areas of US GAAP, including:
As described in ASC 810-10-15-17(d), certain qualifying businesses are excluded from the scope of
ASC 810, which provides guidance on the consolidation of variable interest entities. If an entity
meets the definition of a business under ASC 805, it may not be subject to the guidance on variable
interest entities in ASC 810 when certain other conditions are met. See section 4.4 of our FRD,
Consolidation, for further discussion.
As described in ASC 810-10-40-3A, an entity should deconsolidate a subsidiary or derecognize a
group of assets that meets the definition of a business under ASC 805 if it loses control of that
subsidiary or group of assets. See section 19.1 of our FRD, Consolidation, for further discussion.
A component of an operating segment is a reporting unit (as defined in ASC 350) if, among other
things, the component meets the definition of a business under ASC 805. See section 3.8 before the
adoption of Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2017-04 and section 3A.8 after the adoption of
ASU 2017-04 of our FRD, Intangibles goodwill and other, for further discussion.
When a portion of a reporting unit that meets the definition of a business under ASC 805 is disposed
of, some of the goodwill of the reporting unit should be assigned to the portion of the reporting unit
being disposed. See section 3.14 before the adoption of ASU 2017-04 and section 3A.14 after the
adoption of ASU 2017-04 of our FRD, Intangibles goodwill and other, for further discussion.
2.2 Limitations in the scope of ASC 805
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Scope and Scope Exceptions
The guidance in the Business Combinations Topic applies to all entities, with specific qualifications and
exceptions in paragraph 805-10-15-4.
The guidance in the Business Combinations Topic applies to all transactions or other events that meet
the definition of a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity.
The guidance in the Business Combinations Topic does not apply to any of the following:
a. The formation of a joint venture
b. The acquisition of an asset or a group of assets that does not constitute a business or a nonprofit
c. A combination between entities, businesses, or nonprofit activities under common control (see
paragraph 805-50-15-6 for examples)
d. An acquisition by a not-for-profit entity for which the acquisition date is before December 15, 2009
or a merger of not-for-profit entities (NFPs)
e. A transaction or other event in which an NFP obtains control of a not-for-profit entity but does not
consolidate that entity, as described in paragraph 958-810-25-4. The Business Combinations Topic
also does not apply if an NFP that obtained control in a transaction or other event in which
consolidation was permitted but not required decides in a subsequent annual reporting period to
begin consolidating a controlled entity that it initially chose not to consolidate.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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f. Financial assets and financial liabilities of a consolidated variable interest entity that is a
collateralized financing entity within the scope of the guidance on collateralized financing
entities in Subtopic 810-10.
The guidance in ASC 805 applies to all transactions in which control is obtained over a business, without
regard to the legal form of the acquirer or the acquired entity. Accordingly, the guidance in ASC 805
applies to acquisitions of or by corporate and non-corporate entities such as partnerships, limited
partnerships, limited liability partnerships and limited liability corporations. However, as discussed in
section 2.2.5, mergers of not-for-profit entities are not within the scope of ASC 805. Further, financial
assets and financial liabilities of a consolidated variable interest entity that is a collateralized financing
entity within the scope of the guidance on collateralized financing entities in ASC 810-10 are not within
the scope of ASC 805. However, the acquisition of a collection of assets without the acquisition of a legal
entity is within the scope of ASC 805 if the collection of assets meets the definition of a business
discussed in section 2.1.3.
2.2.1 Joint ventures (updated June 2023)
Proposed amendment to the standard
In October 2022, the FASB issued an exposure draft that would require a joint venture to apply a new
basis of accounting upon formation. By applying a new basis of accounting, a joint venture, upon
formation, would recognize and initially measure its assets and liabilities at fair value (with certain
exceptions that are consistent with ASC 805). The scope of this project focuses on joint ventures that
meet the definition in ASC 323, as discussed in section 4.2 of our FRD, Equity method investments and
joint ventures. The proposed guidance is expected to be codified in ASC 805.
Readers should monitor developments.
The formation of a joint venture is not considered a business combination. A joint venture is defined by
ASC 323 as a corporation owned and operated by a small group of entities (the joint venturers) as a
separate and specific business or project for the mutual benefit of the members of the group. A government
may also be a member of the group. The purpose of a corporate joint venture frequently is to share risks
and rewards in developing a new market, product or technology; to combine complementary technological
knowledge; or to pool resources in developing production or other facilities. A corporate joint venture
also usually provides an arrangement under which each joint venturer may participate, directly or indirectly,
in the overall management of the joint venture. Joint venturers thus have an interest or relationship
other than as passive investors. An entity that is a subsidiary of one of the joint venturers is not a
corporate joint venture. The ownership of a corporate joint venture seldom changes, and its stock is
usually not traded publicly. However, a noncontrolling interest held by public ownership does not preclude
a corporation from being a corporate joint venture.
2.2.2 The acquisition of an asset or group of assets that does not constitute
a business or a nonprofit activity
Acquisitions of an asset or group of activities and assets (referred to as asset acquisitions) that do not
meet the definition of a business or a nonprofit activity, as defined in ASC 805 and discussed in sections
2.1.3 and 2.2.5, respectively, are not within the scope of ASC 805. There are significant differences in
the accounting for business combinations and the accounting for asset acquisitions. A more detailed
discussion of the accounting for asset acquisitions, including how the accounting for an asset acquisition
differs from that of a business combination, is included in Appendix A.
2 Identifying business combination transactions
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2.2.3 A combination between entities, businesses or nonprofit activities under
common control
Combinations between entities that are under common control are excluded from the scope of the
guidance in ASC 805. However, guidance on the accounting for common control transactions is included
in the subsections of ASC 805-50. A more detailed discussion of the accounting for combinations between
entities under common control is included in Appendix C. Note that the guidance on the accounting for
combinations between entities under common control included in ASC 805 and described in Appendix C
is not included in IFRS 3(R). Accordingly, the accounting for combinations of entities under common
control may differ under IFRS from that described in Appendix C.
2.2.4 Change of accounting basis in master limited partnerships
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Overview and Background
Master limited partnerships are partnerships in which interests are publicly traded. Most master limited
partnerships are formed from assets in existing businesses. Typically, the general partner of the master
limited partnership is affiliated with the existing business (that is, the master limited partnership is
usually operated as an extension of or complementary to the business of the general partner). The
purposes for forming a master limited partnership vary. They can be formed to realize the value of
undervalued assets, to pass income and tax-deductible losses directly through to owners, to raise
capital, to combine several existing partnerships, or as a vehicle to enable entities to sell, spin off, or
liquidate existing operations. A master limited partnership may be created in a variety of ways.
Whether a particular transaction is a business combination that should be accounted for using the
acquisition method or a transaction between entities under common control can be determined only
after a careful analysis of all facts and circumstances. The Formation of a Master Limited Partnership
Subsections identify specific transactions involving master limited partnerships and provide guidance
on whether a new basis of accounting is appropriate.
Scope and Scope Exceptions
The guidance in the Formation of a Master Limited Partnership Subsections applies to a publicly traded
master limited partnership formed from assets of existing businesses. Paragraph 805-50-05-7 explains
that, typically, the general partner of the master limited partnership is affiliated with the existing business.
Initial Measurement
Because of such factors as the consideration of common ownership and changes in control, a new basis of
accounting is not appropriate for any of the following transactions that create a master limited partnership:
a. A rollup in which the general partner of the new master limited partnership was also the general
partner in some or all of the predecessor limited partnerships and no cash is involved in the
transaction. Transaction costs in a rollup shall be charged to expense.
b. A dropdown in which the sponsor receives 1 percent of the units in the master limited partnership
as the general partner and 24 percent of the units as a limited partner, the remaining 75 percent
of the units are sold to the public, and a two-thirds vote of the limited partners is required to
replace the general partner.
c. A rollout.
d. A reorganization.
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In other situations, it is possible that a new basis of accounting would be appropriate.
The issuance of master limited partnership units to a general partner of a predecessor limited
partnership who will not be the general partner of the new master limited partnership in settlement of
management contracts or for other services that will not carry over to the new master limited
partnership has characteristics of compensation rather than of equity and shall be accounted for
accordingly by the new master limited partnership.
Transactions involving master limited partnerships, in which entities transfer net assets or the owners of
those entities transfer their equity interests to a newly formed entity (some of which are referred to as
roll-up or put-together transactions), are in the scope of ASC 805. However, as noted previously,
transactions between entities under common control (including transfers of net assets or exchanges of
equity interests) are excluded from the scope of ASC 805. Whether a particular transaction involving a
master limited partnership is a business combination that should be accounted for under the guidance in
ASC 805 or a transaction between entities under common control can be determined only after a careful
analysis of all facts and circumstances, particularly the timing of when the entity is created and when the
net assets are transferred.
2.2.5 Not-for-profit organizations
ASC 958-805 provides guidance for acquisitions by a not-for-profit entity that is incremental to the
guidance in ASC 805. ASC 958-805 also provides guidance for transactions or other events that meet
the definition of a merger of not-for-profit entities. The guidance in ASC 958-805 establishes principles
and requirements for how a not-for-profit entity:
Determines whether a combination is a merger or an acquisition
Applies the carryover method in accounting for a merger
Applies the acquisition method in accounting for an acquisition, including determining which of the
combining entities is the acquirer
Determines what information to disclose to enable users of financial statements to evaluate the
nature and financial effects of a merger or an acquisition
The accounting for a for-profit enterprises acquisition of a not-for-profit entity is within the scope of
ASC 805.
Further, a transaction or other event in which a not-for-profit entity obtains control of another not-for-
profit entity but does not consolidate that entity, as described in paragraph 958-810-25-4, is not within the
scope of ASC 805 or ASC 958-805. That guidance also does not apply if a not-for-profit entity that
obtained control in a transaction or other event in which consolidation was permitted but not required
decides in a subsequent annual reporting period to begin consolidating a controlled entity that it initially
chose not to consolidate.
2.2.6 Mutual entities
Combinations involving only mutual entities (e.g., credit unions, cooperatives, etc.) should be accounted
for using the acquisition method of accounting.
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2.2.7 Other scope considerations
Pursuant to the guidance in ASC 805, the acquisition of a consolidated business in exchange for
nonmonetary assets, including equity method investments, is considered a business combination.
In addition, the acquisition of noncontrolling interests, subsequent to obtaining control, will be accounted
for as an equity transaction and will not result in the application of the acquisition method of accounting.
See our FRD, Consolidation, for additional guidance on the day 2 accounting for noncontrolling interests.
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3 The acquisition method
3.1 Overview
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Overview and Background
Paragraph 805-10-25-1 requires that a business combination be accounted for by applying what is
referred to as the acquisition method. The acquisition method requires all of the following steps:
a. Identifying the acquirer
b. Determining the acquisition date
c. Recognizing and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, and any
noncontrolling interest in the acquiree
d. Recognizing and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase.
An entity shall determine whether a transaction or other event is a business combination by applying
the definition in this Subtopic, which requires that the assets acquired and liabilities assumed constitute
a business. If the assets acquired are not a business, the reporting entity shall account for the
transaction or other event as an asset acquisition. An entity shall account for each business combination
by applying the acquisition method.
The FASB replaced the term purchase method, which previously was used to describe the method of
accounting for business combinations, with the term acquisition method. This change resulted from the
FASBs conclusion that a business combination could occur in the absence of a purchase of net assets or
equity interests. It also is consistent with the FASBs conclusion that a change in control triggers a new
basis in all of the acquired net assets.
The FASB concluded that all acquisitions include four steps:
Identifying the acquirer (section 3.2)
Determining the acquisition date (section 3.3)
Recognizing and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed and any
noncontrolling interest in the acquiree (section 3.4)
Recognizing and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase (section 3.5)
3 The acquisition method
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3.2 Identifying the acquirer (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
For each business combination, one of the combining entities shall be identified as the acquirer.
The guidance in the General Subsections of Subtopic 810-10 related to determining the existence of a
controlling financial interest shall be used to identify the acquirerthe entity that obtains control of the
acquiree. If a business combination has occurred but applying that guidance does not clearly indicate
which of the combining entities is the acquirer, the factors in paragraphs 805-10-55-11 through 55-
15 shall be considered in making that determination. However, in a business combination in which a
variable interest entity (VIE) is acquired, the primary beneficiary of that entity always is the acquirer.
The determination of which party, if any, is the primary beneficiary of a VIE shall be made in
accordance with the guidance in the Variable Interest Entities Subsections of Subtopic 810-10, not by
applying either the guidance in the General Subsections of that Subtopic, relating to a controlling
financial interest, or in paragraphs 805-10-55-11 through 55-15.
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Paragraph 805-10-25-5 provides that the guidance in the General Subsections of Subtopic 810-10
related to determining the existence of a controlling financial interest should be used to identify the
acquirer in a business combination, except when a variable interest entity (VIE) is acquired. If a business
combination has occurred but applying that guidance does not clearly indicate which of the combining
entities is the acquirer, paragraph 805-10-25-5 requires the factors in paragraphs 805-10-55-11
through 55-15 to be considered in making that determination.
All business combinations require the identification of the acquiring entity, which is the entity that obtains
control of the acquiree. As control is a prerequisite to determining the accounting acquirer, the first step
in determining if a business combination has occurred is to determine if control of another entity has
been obtained.
Although focused on the determination of whether or not another entity should be consolidated,
ASC 810-10 contains guidance on the concept of control that should be applied in determining if one
entity has obtained control of another entity and, thus, consummated a business combination. However,
the FASB stated that if the determination of the acquiring entity (the controlling entity) is not clearly
indicated (i.e., the acquirer is not obvious) then the guidance in ASC 805-10-55-11 through 55-15
must be considered in order to determine the accounting acquirer.
3 The acquisition method
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The flowchart below provides a roadmap for entities to follow as they determine the accounting acquirer.
3.2.1 Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a VIE
The determination of whether control has been obtained begins with the evaluation of whether or not
control should be evaluated based on variable interests or voting interests. Accordingly, it must first be
determined whether the entity is a VIE pursuant to the guidance in the variable interest entities subsections
of ASC 810-10. If the entity is a VIE, the primary beneficiary is always considered the acquirer. The
determination of the primary beneficiary is solely based on the guidance provided in the variable interest
entities subsections of ASC 810-10. See our FRD, Consolidation, for guidance on the determination of the
primary beneficiary. ASC 805-10-25-5 states that the guidance in the general subsections of ASC 810-10
related to determining the existence of a controlling financial interest is used to identify the acquirer in a
business combination, except when a VIE is acquired.
3.2.2 Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
In a business combination effected primarily by transferring cash or other assets or by incurring
liabilities, the acquirer usually is the entity that transfers the cash or other assets or incurs the liabilities.
In a business combination effected primarily by exchanging equity interests, the acquirer usually is the
entity that issues its equity interests. However, in some business combinations, commonly called
reverse acquisitions, the issuing entity is the acquiree. Subtopic 805-40 provides guidance on
accounting for reverse acquisitions. Other pertinent facts and circumstances also shall be considered
in identifying the acquirer in a business combination effected by exchanging equity interests
Accounting acquirer is
determined via ASC 805-10-55-
10 through 55-15.
is an asset
Start here
is a business
Is the accounting acquiree a
Legal acquirer obtains control of
a business.
Control is obtained through
application of the voting model.
Primary beneficiary is the
accounting acquirer.
Control is obtained through
application of the variable
interest entity model.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 34
If the acquiree is determined to be a voting interest entity, determining the acquirer starts with an
evaluation of the consideration transferred in the exchange. In business combinations that involve
consideration other than common stock, the company that pays cash, distributes assets or incurs debt is
likely the acquirer. In a business combination involving the exchange of equity interests, the entity that
issues the equity interests generally is the acquirer. However, ASC 805 provides that in a business
combination involving the exchange of equity interests all pertinent facts and circumstances should be
considered. In particular, consideration should be given to which combining companys shareholders
obtain, in the aggregate, a controlling interest in the combined company.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Consolidation Overall
Scope and Scope Exceptions
For legal entities other than limited partnerships, the usual condition for a controlling financial interest
is ownership of a majority voting interest, and, therefore, as a general rule ownership by one reporting
entity, directly or indirectly, of more than 50 percent of the outstanding voting shares of another
entity is a condition pointing toward consolidation. The power to control may also exist with a lesser
percentage of ownership, for example, by contract, lease, agreement with other stockholders, or by
court decree.
Given the purpose and design of limited partnerships, kick-out rights through voting interests are
analogous to voting rights held by shareholders of a corporation. For limited partnerships, the usual
condition for a controlling financial interest, as a general rule, is ownership by one limited partner,
directly or indirectly, of more than 50 percent of the limited partnership’s kick-out rights through
voting interests. The power to control also may exist with a lesser percentage of ownership, for
example, by contract, lease, agreement with partners, or by court decree.
As a general rule, ownership by one entity, directly or indirectly, of over 50% of the outstanding voting
shares (or kick-out rights) of another entity is a condition indicating control and, in a business
combination, towards the identity of the accounting acquirer. However, in any case, ownership of more
than 50% of the voting rights in the combined entity should not be considered a presumptive factor in
determining the accounting acquirer.
Determining the accounting acquirer can be difficult when the combining entities are of nearly equal
value or the shareholders of one entity do not clearly control the combined entity based on voting
interests. In these circumstances, judgment will be required.
Illustration 3-1: Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity
Company A and Company B enter into a merger agreement. Company A issues shares to the shareholders
of Company B in exchange for all of the outstanding shares of Company B. The original shareholders
of Company A will have 51% of the voting interests of the combined entity and the original shareholders
of Company B will have 49% of the voting interests of the combined entity.
Because the voting interests of each shareholder group in the combined company are so similar, we do
not believe that the difference in voting interests necessarily leads to a presumption that Company A
is the acquirer and, as a result, all the pertinent factors discussed in ASC 805-10-55-11 through 55-15
should be considered.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 35 Identifying the acquirer when the acquirer is not obvious
The guidance in ASC 805 states that if an acquirer cannot be identified based solely on the outstanding
voting interests, the guidance in ASC 805-10-55-11 through 55-13 is considered in determining the
acquirer, unless the business combination involves more than two entities (see section or the
formation of a new entity to issue equity interests (see section, in which cases the additional
guidance in ASC 805-10-55-14 and 55-15 is considered.
The FASB did not provide a hierarchy to explain how to assess factors that influence the identification of
the acquirer in a business combination, effectively concluding that no single criterion is more significant
than any other. Therefore, the determination of the accounting acquirer will require the exercise of
professional judgment based on an evaluation of all factors in aggregate. This may be particularly
challenging in situations where the factors are mixed (that is, some of the factors may point to one of the
combining entities as the accounting acquirer whereas other factors may point to the other combining
entity as the accounting acquirer).
In addition to the factors from ASC 805 discussed below, we believe that a company may consider other
relevant factors (e.g., the combined entity’s name, the location of the combined entity’s corporate
headquarters or the combined entity’s ticker symbol) that would influence the determination of the
accounting acquirer.
We also believe companies should be cautious about approaching the factors as a checklist. For example,
the combining entity with the most checks (or factors) may not necessarily be the accounting acquirer. Relative voting rights
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The relative voting rights in the combined entity after the business combination. The acquirer usually
is the combining entity whose owners as a group retain or receive the largest portion of the voting
rights in the combined entity. In determining which group of owners retains or receives the largest
portion of the voting rights, an entity shall consider the existence of any unusual or special voting
arrangements and options, warrants, or convertible securities.
All else being equal (that is, when all other relevant factors are neutral and do not favor either party as
the accounting acquirer), the acquirer usually is the combining entity whose owners as a group retain or
receive the largest portion of the voting rights in the combined entity. We generally believe the more
significant the differential in the voting interest of the combining entities, the more difficult it is to
conclude that the entity with the largest voting interest is not the acquirer absent other compelling
evidence from the other relevant factors.
Based on an assessment of all relevant facts and circumstances, judgment must be applied when
evaluating how options, warrants, or convertible instruments, including convertible debt with attributes
similar to common stock, are considered. For example, entities should consider the extent to which the
instruments are in-the-money, vested and exercisable or convertible. We believe that in-the-money
options, warrants and convertible instruments that are vested and exercisable or convertible into voting
shares as of the date of consummation (or become so as a result of consummation) generally are
considered outstanding shares for purposes of this test.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 36
Greater judgment must be applied when assessing whether options, convertible instruments and other
similar instruments that are out-of-the-money and exercisable or convertible into voting shares are
considered to represent outstanding shares for the relative voting rights assessment. Factors to consider
include the extent by which the instruments are out-of-the-money, the volatility of the underlying shares,
expectations that the instruments will become in-the-money before the exercisability or conversion
features expire, and the attributes of the holders of the instruments (e.g., board members, executive
management or a large minority voting interest holder in one of the combining companies).
We believe that instruments that are not vested or exercisable or convertible until after the
consummation date generally should not be considered outstanding shares for purposes of the voting
rights assessment unless it is apparent that a sufficient number of instruments will be vested or
exercisable or convertible in the near-term, and it can be reasonably concluded that those instruments
would be exercised or converted. Size of single minority voting interest
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The existence of a large minority voting interest in the combined entity if no other owner or organized
group of owners has a significant voting interest. The acquirer usually is the combining entity whose single
owner or organized group of owners holds the largest minority voting interest in the combined entity.
All else being equal (that is, when all other relevant factors are neutral and do not favor either party as
the accounting acquirer), the combining entity with a large minority voting interest concentrated in one
individual or entity, or a group of individuals or entities considered under common control, as described
in Appendix C, that has an ability to significantly influence the combined entity would be the accounting
acquirer. For example, assume Company A and Company B merge, resulting in the former shareholders
of each combining company owning approximately 50% of the outstanding shares of the combined
company. If a former shareholder of Company A received 30% of the outstanding shares of the combined
company (with no other shareholders owning a significant interest), then that would favor Company A as
the accounting acquirer. Composition of the governing body
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The composition of the governing body of the combined entity. The acquirer usually is the combining
entity whose owners have the ability to elect or appoint or to remove a majority of the members of the
governing body of the combined entity.
All else being equal (that is, when all other relevant factors are neutral and do not favor either party as
the accounting acquirer), the combining entity whose continuing shareholders have the ability to elect or
appoint a voting majority of the governing body generally would be the accounting acquirer. We believe
that when applying this criterion, entities should consider the election schedule of directors and whether
the ability to elect or appoint a voting majority of the governing body could change in the near-term. For
example, entities should consider the effect of scheduled member retirements or elections over the year
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 37
or two following the combination when assessing the governing body of the combined entity. In addition,
entities should consider whether the governing body has the ability to make significant decisions
affecting the operations of the combined entity for a sufficient period of time. Composition of management
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The composition of the senior management of the combined entity. The acquirer usually is the
combining entity whose former management dominates the management of the combined entity.
All else being equal (that is, when all other relevant factors are neutral and do not favor either party as
the accounting acquirer), the entity whose management is able to dominate the management of the
combined entity generally is the accounting acquirer. Mandatory retirement dates that could shift
management domination in the near-term should be considered. The SEC staff has stated that
consideration should be given to the relative number of executive positions taken by the combining
entities former management teams and to the roles, responsibilities, and seniority of those positions. Terms of the exchange of equity interests
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The terms of the exchange of equity interests. The acquirer usually is the combining entity that pays a
premium over the precombination fair value of the equity interests of the other combining entity or entities.
All else being equal (that is, when all other relevant factors are neutral and do not favor either party as
the accounting acquirer), the acquirer is the combining entity that pays a premium over the precombination
fair value of the equity securities of the other combining entity or entities. This factor is considered in
any circumstance in which equity instruments are exchanged. However, the reliability of the fair value
measurement should be taken into consideration in establishing whether a premium has been paid for
equity securities exchanged in a business combination. For example, this factor may be considered less
significant in a situation in which the combining companies are not public entities and the fair value of the
equity instruments is less objectively determinable. Size
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The acquirer usually is the combining entity whose relative size (measured in, for example, assets,
revenues, or earnings), is significantly larger than that of the other combining entity or entities.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 38
All else being equal (that is, when all other relevant factors are neutral and do not favor either party as
the accounting acquirer), if one of the combining companies is significantly larger than the other, that
entity generally is the acquirer. The relative size is measured in terms of assets, revenues, earnings,
market capitalization, etc.
Illustration 3-2: Identifying the accounting acquirer when the acquirer is not obvious
Company A issues shares to the shareholders of Company B in exchange for all of the outstanding
shares of Company B. The original shareholders of Company A will have 51% of the voting interests of
the combined entity (there are no other equity instruments outstanding at Company A or B).
The Board of Directors will consist of 5 directors from Company B and 4 from Company A, all with
5-year terms. A two-thirds vote of the ownership interests is required for removal of Board members.
Senior management will consist of one member from Company A (Chairman) and two members from
Company B (CEO and CFO).
All other relevant factors to consider in the transaction are neutral (i.e., they do not favor either party
as the accounting acquirer).
In this transaction, although Company A shareholders will have the largest portion of the voting rights,
Company B shareholders appear to have the most influence over the combined entity, dominating the
Board of Directors and senior management. As such, Company B would be considered the accounting
acquirer. Note that as Company A is the legal acquirer (i.e., the issuer of shares), this transaction
would be considered a reverse acquisition. See section for a further discussion of the
accounting for reverse acquisitions.
Illustration 3-3: Identifying the accounting acquirer when the acquirer is not obvious
Assume the same facts as Illustration 3-2, except that:
One preexisting Company A shareholder owns 30% of the outstanding shares of the combined
entity. This shareholder was given veto rights over the composition of the combined entitys Board
of Directors.
In this transaction, a Company A shareholder owns a significant minority voting interest. Although
Company B dominates the Board of Directors and senior management, the shareholder has direct veto
rights over the composition of the Board and effectively over the appointment of senior management.
As such, Company A shareholders would appear to have the most influence over the combined entity
and Company A would be considered the accounting acquirer. Reverse acquisitions
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Reverse Acquisitions
Overview and Background
As one example of a reverse acquisition, a private operating entity may want to become a public entity
but not want to register its equity shares. To become a public entity, the private entity will arrange for
a public entity to acquire its equity interests in exchange for the equity interests of the public entity. In
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 39
this situation, the public entity is the legal acquirer because it issued its equity interests, and the
private entity is the legal acquiree because its equity interests were acquired. However, application of
the guidance in paragraphs 805-10-55-11 through 55-15 results in identifying:
a. The public entity as the acquiree for accounting purposes (the accounting acquiree)
b. The private entity as the acquirer for accounting purposes (the accounting acquirer).
For a business combination transaction to be accounted for as a reverse acquisition, the accounting
acquiree must meet the definition of a business. All of the recognition principles in Subtopics 805-10,
805-20, and 805-30, including the requirement to recognize goodwill, apply to a reverse acquisition.
Initial Measurement
All of the measurement principles applicable to business combinations in Subtopics 805-10, 805-20,
and 805-30 apply to a reverse acquisition.
In a business combination, the legal acquirer is the entity that issues shares or shares and cash or shares
and other consideration. Based on an evaluation of the relevant factors, including those described in
section, if it is determined that the acquiring company for accounting purposes is not the legal
acquirer, then reverse acquisition accounting principles apply. That is, the accounting acquirer is the
legal acquiree and the legal acquirer is the accounting acquiree. For example, assume that Company A,
a legal acquirer, acquires Company B for stock or stock and cash. Based on an evaluation of all relevant
factors, Company B is identified as the acquiring company for financial reporting purposes although for
legal purposes, Company B is a subsidiary of Company A. Reverse acquisition accounting principles result
in the recognition of the fair values (with limited exceptions) of Company As assets acquired and
liabilities assumed in the consolidated financial statements of Company A and Company B on the date of
acquisition. Company Bs assets and liabilities would continue to be recognized at their historical basis.
Mergers of public companies and relatively larger or more valuable private companies are often executed
as reverse acquisitions so that the merged companies can retain public entity status. If the public
company involved is determined to have significant precombination activities and elements, and these
activities and elements meet the definition of a business, the reverse acquisition transaction constitutes
a business combination. If the public company, just prior to the combination does not meet the definition
of a business, the transaction is accounted for as the acquisition of an asset or group of assets (see
section for a discussion of public shell companies).
Question 3.1 Can a business combination be a reverse acquisition if the legal acquirer pays cash consideration for
the legal acquiree?
Yes. Business combination effected only with cash consideration may still qualify as a reverse
acquisition if the facts support this conclusion. Normally the entity issuing cash consideration is
considered the accounting acquirer. However, despite the form of the consideration, the key determinant
in identifying an accounting acquirer remains the power of one party to control the other. Therefore,
if there is clear evidence demonstrating that the legal acquiree has obtained control over the legal
acquirer, this will overcome the presumption that the legal acquirer is the accounting acquirer and the
combination is accounted for as a reverse acquisition.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 40 Measuring the consideration transferred in a reverse acquisition
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Reverse Acquisitions
Initial Measurement
In a reverse acquisition, the accounting acquirer usually issues no consideration for the acquiree. Instead,
the accounting acquiree usually issues its equity shares to the owners of the accounting acquirer.
Accordingly, the acquisition-date fair value of the consideration transferred by the accounting acquirer for
its interest in the accounting acquiree is based on the number of equity interests the legal subsidiary would
have had to issue to give the owners of the legal parent the same percentage equity interest in the
combined entity that results from the reverse acquisition. Example 1, Case A (see paragraph 805-40-55-8)
illustrates that calculation. The fair value of the number of equity interests calculated in that way can
be used as the fair value of consideration transferred in exchange for the acquiree.
In a reverse acquisition, generally the legal acquirer (accounting acquiree) issues consideration in the
transaction. As such, the fair value of the consideration transferred is determined based on the number
of equity interests the accounting acquirer (legal acquiree) would have had to issue to the owners of the
legal acquirer (accounting acquiree) in order to provide the same ratio of ownership of equity interests in
the combined entity as a result of the reverse acquisition. This amount (i.e., the fair value of the
consideration transferred) generally will be equal to the fair value of the legal acquirer.
For reverse acquisitions that occur between a public company (as the legal acquirer) and a private company
(as the accounting acquirer), the fair value of the legal acquirers public stock generally is more reliably
determinable than the fair value of the accounting acquirers private stock. As such, the determination of
the consideration transferred might be based on the fair value of the legal acquirers stock rather than
the fair value of the accounting acquirers stock.
If, prior to a reverse acquisition, an accounting acquirer (legal acquiree) owns shares of legal acquirer
(accounting acquiree), the acquisition-date fair value of the accounting acquirer’s noncontrolling interest
in the legal acquirer (accounting acquiree) should be remeasured at fair value and added to the
consideration transferred in the exchange. See section 7.4.2 for a discussion of the acquisition-date
accounting for an investment held in a newly-controlled entity prior to obtaining control.
Illustration 3-4: Measuring the consideration transferred in a reverse acquisition
Legal Acquirer (accounting acquiree) is a public company with 100 shares outstanding and a fair value of
$1,000 per share (total fair value of $100,000). Accounting Acquirer (legal acquiree) is a public company
with 500 shares outstanding and a fair value of $800 per share (total fair value of $400,000). Legal
Acquirer (accounting acquiree) issues 400 shares of common stock to acquire all of the outstanding
common shares of Accounting Acquirer (legal acquiree). After the consummation of the transaction, former
Accounting Acquirer (legal acquiree) shareholders will own 80% of the combined entity (400 shares
issued/500 shares outstanding) and the shareholders of Legal Acquirer will own 20% of the combined entity.
As both entities are public, there is a market value for the stock of both entities. At the acquisition date,
the fair value of the consideration transferred is determined based on the number of shares the
Accounting Acquirer would have had to issue to the shareholders of the Legal Acquirer for the ownership
ratio in the combined entity to be the same. If Accounting Acquirer issued 125 shares to the Legal
Acquirer, the shareholders of the Legal Acquirer would own 125 shares out of a total of 625 shares
(20%), which is the same ratio the shareholders of Legal Acquirer own after the reverse acquisition.
As such, the fair value of the consideration transferred is $100,000 (125 shares x $800 per share).
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 41
If Accounting Acquirer were a private company, the fair value of Legal Acquirer (100 shares x $1,000
per share) would be used to determine the consideration transferred as it is likely this amount would
be the most reliably determinable fair value. Share-based payments in a reverse acquisition
In a business combination the acquirer often exchanges its share-based payment awards for awards held
by grantees of the target entity. Reverse acquisitions are no different, except that the accounting for
such exchanges might appear counterintuitive because of the legal form of the transaction. From a legal
perspective, the form of an outstanding share-based payment award held by the grantees of the legal
acquirer has not changed; however, from an accounting perspective, the award has been exchanged for
a share-based payment award of the accounting acquirer. As such, all or a portion of the acquisition-date
fair value of the legal acquirers (accounting acquirees) share-based payment awards are included as
part of the consideration transferred by the accounting acquirer. Section 6.3 discusses how to determine
which portion of the fair value of the share-based payment awards are included in consideration transferred
and which portion, if any, should be considered compensation cost recognized in the financial statements
of the accounting acquirer. Generally, the portion of the award that is part of the consideration transferred
is determined by multiplying the fair value of the award by the portion of the requisite service period that
elapsed prior to the business combination divided by the total service period.
For share-based payment awards held by the grantees of the accounting acquirer (legal acquiree),
the legal exchange of accounting acquirer awards for legal acquirer awards is considered, from an
accounting perspective, to be a modification of the accounting acquirers outstanding awards. This
modification should be accounted for pursuant to ASC 718. See section 8 of our FRD, Share-based
payment, for further guidance on the accounting for modifications. Noncontrolling interests in a reverse acquisition
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Reverse Acquisitions
In a reverse acquisition, some of the owners of the legal acquiree (the accounting acquirer) might not
exchange their equity interests for equity interests of the legal parent (the accounting acquiree).
Those owners are treated as a noncontrolling interest in the consolidated financial statements after
the reverse acquisition. That is because the owners of the legal acquiree that do not exchange their
equity interests for equity interests of the legal acquirer have an interest in only the results and net
assets of the legal acquireenot in the results and net assets of the combined entity. Conversely, even
though the legal acquirer is the acquiree for accounting purposes, the owners of the legal acquirer
have an interest in the results and net assets of the combined entity.
Initial Measurement
The assets and liabilities of the legal acquiree are measured and recognized in the consolidated financial
statements at their precombination carrying amounts (see paragraph 805-40-45-2(a)). Therefore, in a
reverse acquisition the noncontrolling interest reflects the noncontrolling shareholders proportionate
interest in the precombination carrying amounts of the legal acquirees net assets even though the
noncontrolling interests in other acquisitions are measured at their fair values at the acquisition date.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 42
Because of the nature of a reverse acquisition, all shareholders of the legal acquirer/accounting acquiree
participate in the transactions and, therefore, there are no noncontrolling interests in the legal acquirer/
accounting acquiree after consummation of the reverse acquisition.
Shareholders of the accounting acquirer that do not participate in the reverse acquisition would continue
to have a legal interest in the accounting acquirer; however, such shareholders would not have a legal
interest in the legal acquirer. Thus, in a legal sense, noncontrolling interests might exist in the accounting
acquirer/legal acquiree after a reverse acquisition is executed. In the consolidated financial statements of
the combined entity after the acquisition, that legal noncontrolling interest is presented as such. As
illustrated in section, the assets and liabilities of the accounting acquirer/legal acquiree are
recognized at their precombination historical carrying value. Consequently, any remaining noncontrolling
interest in the accounting acquirer/legal acquiree is recognized based on its legal status as noncontrolling
interest in the net assets of the accounting acquirer/legal acquiree. Any such noncontrolling interest is
effectively reclassified within the historical capital accounts of the accounting acquirer/legal acquiree
upon consummation of the reverse acquisition and measured based on its proportionate interest in the
carrying value of the predecessors (now legal subsidiarys) net assets. Generally, in a business combination
that is not a reverse acquisition, noncontrolling interests in the acquired company are recognized at fair
value under ASC 805; thus, the recognition of noncontrolling interests in the legal acquiree at historical
cost is unique to reverse acquisition accounting.
Any changes to the outstanding noncontrolling interests after the acquisition date are accounted for
pursuant to the guidance in ASC 810. See our FRD, Consolidation, for additional guidance on the day 2
accounting for noncontrolling interests. Financial statement presentation
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Reverse Acquisitions
Other Presentation Matters
Consolidated financial statements prepared following a reverse acquisition are issued under the name
of the legal parent (accounting acquiree) but described in the notes as a continuation of the financial
statements of the legal subsidiary (accounting acquirer), with one adjustment, which is to retroactively
adjust the accounting acquirers legal capital to reflect the legal capital of the accounting acquiree.
That adjustment is required to reflect the capital of the legal parent (the accounting acquiree).
Comparative information presented in those consolidated financial statements also is retroactively
adjusted to reflect the legal capital of the legal parent (accounting acquiree).
Because the consolidated financial statements represent the continuation of the financial statements
of the legal subsidiary except for its capital structure, the consolidated financial statements reflect all
of the following:
a. The assets and liabilities of the legal subsidiary (the accounting acquirer) recognized and
measured at their precombination carrying amounts.
b. The assets and liabilities of the legal parent (the accounting acquiree) recognized and measured
in accordance with the guidance in this Topic applicable to business combinations.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 43
c. The retained earnings and other equity balances of the legal subsidiary (accounting acquirer)
before the business combination.
d. The amount recognized as issued equity interests in the consolidated financial statements
determined by adding the issued equity interest of the legal subsidiary (the accounting acquirer)
outstanding immediately before the business combination to the fair value of the legal parent
(accounting acquiree) determined in accordance with the guidance in this Topic applicable to
business combinations. However, the equity structure (that is, the number and type of equity
interests issued) reflects the equity structure of the legal parent (the accounting acquiree),
including the equity interests the legal parent issued to effect the combination. Accordingly, the
equity structure of the legal subsidiary (the accounting acquirer) is restated using the exchange
ratio established in the acquisition agreement to reflect the number of shares of the legal parent
(the accounting acquiree) issued in the reverse acquisition.
e. The noncontrolling interests proportionate share of the legal subsidiarys (accounting acquirers)
precombination carrying amounts of retained earnings and other equity interests as discussed in
paragraphs 805-40-25-2 and 805-40-30-3 and illustrated in Example 1, Case B (see paragraph
In a business combination, the fair value (with limited exceptions) of the assets acquired and liabilities
assumed are recognized by the acquirer on the acquisition date. That guidance also applies to the
accounting for a reverse acquisition. From an accounting perspective, the financial statements of the
combined entity represent a continuation of the financial statements of the accounting acquirer/legal
acquiree. As such, the historical cost bases of assets and liabilities of the acquiring entity (the accounting
acquirer/legal acquiree) are maintained in the consolidated financial statements of the merged company
and the assets and liabilities of the acquired entity (the legal acquirer) are accounted for under the
acquisition method. Results of operations of the acquired entity (the legal acquirer) are included in the
financial statements of the combined company only from the acquisition date.
Stockholders equity of the accounting acquirer is presented as the equity of the combined company
as follows:
Capital Stock: The historical capital stock account of the accounting acquirer immediately prior to the
reverse acquisition is carried forward. However, the balance is adjusted to reflect the par value of the
outstanding stock of the legal acquirer, including the number of shares issued in the business
combination as the legal acquirer is the surviving legal entity. Any necessary, corresponding offset is
added to the additional paid-in capital account.
Additional paid-in capital (APIC): The historical APIC account of the accounting acquirer immediately
prior to the acquisition is carried forward and is increased to reflect the additional fair value of the legal
acquirer less the par value of the shares held by the legal acquirers preacquisition shareholders.
Retained Earnings: Retained earnings of the accounting acquirer are carried forward after the acquisition.
Prior Period Presentation: For periods prior to the business combination, shareholders equity of the
combined enterprise is presented based on the historical equity of the accounting acquirer prior to
the merger retroactively restated to reflect the number of shares received in the business combination.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 44 Earnings per share (EPS)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Reverse Acquisitions
Other Presentation Matters
As noted in (d) in the preceding paragraph, the equity structure in the consolidated financial statements
following a reverse acquisition reflects the equity structure of the legal acquirer (the accounting
acquiree), including the equity interests issued by the legal acquirer to effect the business combination.
In calculating the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding (the denominator of the
earnings-per-share [EPS] calculation) during the period in which the reverse acquisition occurs:
a. The number of common shares outstanding from the beginning of that period to the acquisition
date shall be computed on the basis of the weighted-average number of common shares of the
legal acquiree (accounting acquirer) outstanding during the period multiplied by the exchange
ratio established in the merger agreement.
b. The number of common shares outstanding from the acquisition date to the end of that period
shall be the actual number of common shares of the legal acquirer (the accounting acquiree)
outstanding during that period.
The basic EPS for each comparative period before the acquisition date presented in the consolidated
financial statements following a reverse acquisition shall be calculated by dividing (a) by (b):
a. The income of the legal acquiree attributable to common shareholders in each of those periods
b. The legal acquirees historical weighted-average number of common shares outstanding
multiplied by the exchange ratio established in the acquisition agreement.
As discussed above, EPS for periods prior to the acquisition date for a reverse acquisition is restated. The
retroactive restatement is based on the same number of weighted-average shares outstanding that the
accounting acquirer presents as outstanding in each historic period pursuant to the guidance in the
preceding section. The denominator of the historical, restated EPS calculation is adjusted by multiplying
(or possibly dividing) the weighted-average shares used in each historically reported EPS calculation by
the agreed-upon exchange ratio. For reverse acquisitions that result in accounting acquirer noncontrolling
interest as described in section, the historical EPS would not consider any noncontrolling
shares that remained outstanding but, rather, would be presented in the same manner as if all the shares
of the accounting acquirer were exchanged (i.e., including noncontrolling shares).
3 The acquisition method
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Illustration 3-5: Reverse acquisition accounting
Balance sheets of Legal Acquirer and Accounting Acquirer just prior to a reverse acquisition are as follows:
Legal Acquirer
(Accounting Acquiree)
Accounting Acquirer
(Legal Acquiree)
Net current assets
$ 20,000
$ 50,000
Common shares outstanding
Capital stock (par value)
$ 10
$ 100
Retained earnings
Total shareholders equity
$ 20,000
$ 50,000
Legal Acquirer is a public company with a fair value of $1,000 per share (total fair value of $100,000).
Accounting Acquirer is a public company with a fair value of $800 per share (total fair value of $400,000).
Legal Acquirer issues 400 shares of common stock to acquire all of the outstanding 500 common
shares of Accounting Acquirer. After the consummation of the transaction, former Accounting
Acquirer shareholders will own 80% of the combined entity. All factors (i.e., the criteria discussed in
ASC 805-10-55-11 through 55-15) indicate that for accounting purposes, Accounting Acquirer is the
acquiring entity. As such, under the acquisition method, the assets acquired and liabilities assumed
from Legal Acquirer will be recognized at 100% of their fair values (with limited exceptions) and
consolidated with the historical carrying values of Accounting Acquirers net assets.
At the acquisition date, the fair value of the consideration transferred is determined based on the
number of shares Accounting Acquirer would have had to issue to the shareholders of Legal Acquirer for
the ownership ratio in the combined entity to be the same. If Accounting Acquirer issued 125 shares to
the shareholders of Legal Acquirer, the shareholders of Legal Acquirer would own 125 shares out of a
total of 625 shares (20%), which is the same ratio the shareholders of Legal Acquirer own after the
reverse acquisition. As such, the fair value of the consideration transferred is $100,000 (125 shares x
$800 per share), which is also the fair value of Legal Acquirer (100 shares x $1,000 per share).
For purposes of simplicity, this example assumes that Legal Acquirer has no identifiable intangible
assets and that the fair value of its net current assets equals $20,000 (the historical cost basis of the
net current assets). As such, the fair value assigned to Legal Acquirer’s net assets is as follows:
Fair value of consideration transferred $ 100,000
Fair value of net current assets (20,000)
Goodwill $ 80,000
Note that ASC 805-40-55-3 through 55-23 also include a comprehensive example of the accounting for a reverse acquisition.
3 The acquisition method
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The accounting required to effect the reverse acquisition is summarized below:
Legal Acquirer
Fair Value
Net current assets
$ 50,000
$ 20,000
$ 70,000
Total assets
$ 50,000
$ 100,000
$ 150,000
Capital stock
$ 100
$ 50
Retained earnings
Total shareholders equity
$ 50,000
$ 100,000
$ 150 ,000
After the reverse acquisition, there are 500 shares outstanding (100 initially outstanding plus 400
issued in the business combination) of Legal Acquirer at a par value of $0.10, or $50. As such,
Accounting Acquirer reduces its historical capital stock account to reflect the par value of Legal
Acquirers outstanding capital stock.
Historical Capital Accounts and Earnings per Share
Assume that the reverse acquisition was completed on 30 June 20X8. For the six-month period from
1 January 20X8 through 30 June 20X8 (the Pre-acquisition Period), Accounting Acquirer (Legal
Acquiree) had net income of $1,000 and for the six-month period from 1 July 20X8 through 31
December 20X8 (the Post-acquisition Period), the combined entity had net income of $1,000. In the
Pre-acquisition Period, Accounting Acquirer had 300 shares outstanding for three months and 500
shares outstanding for three months, resulting in weighted-average shares outstanding of Accounting
Acquirer prior to the reverse acquisition of 400 shares [(300 shares x (3 months/6 months)) plus (500
shares x (3 months/6 months))]. In the Post-acquisition Period, Legal Acquirer had no changes to the
number of outstanding shares.
The combined entitys EPS for 20X8 is $4.88 (net income of $2,000/410 weighted-average shares).
The weighted-average shares are calculated as follows:
Accounting Acquirer weighted-average shares
Exchange ratio (% of ownership)
x 0.8
Accounting Acquirer Pre-acquisition Period weighted average shares
x 6/12
Legal Acquirer Post-acquisition Period weighted average shares
x 6/12
Total weighted-average shares
In Accounting Acquirers 31 December 20X7 statement of financial position (presented comparatively
in the 31 December 20X8 financial statements), its capital accounts will reflect 240 outstanding
shares (300 shares outstanding as of 31 December 20X7 multiplied by the exchange ratio of 0.8).
3 The acquisition method
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Illustration 3-6: Reverse acquisition accounting with noncontrolling interest
Assume the same facts as in Illustration 3-5, except that instead of purchasing all of Accounting
Acquirers outstanding common stock, Legal Acquirer purchases only 80% or 400 shares of Accounting
Acquirer, leaving a legal minority interest in Accounting Acquirer of 100 shares outstanding. To acquire
the 400 shares of Accounting Acquirer, Legal Acquirer issues 320 shares, which results in the former
shareholders of Accounting Acquirer owning 76% of the merged entity.
At the acquisition date, the fair value of the consideration transferred is the same as Illustration 3-5.
This is determined based on the number of shares Accounting Acquirer would have had to issue to the
shareholders of Legal Acquirer for the ownership ratio in the combined entity to be the same. This
calculation ignores the noncontrolling interest because they have an interest only in Accounting
Acquirer and not the combined entity. Ignoring the noncontrolling interests (100 shares), if
Accounting Acquirer issued 125 shares to Legal Acquirer, the shareholders of Legal Acquirer would
own 125 shares out of a total of 525 shares (24%), which is the same ratio the shareholders of Legal
Acquirer own after the reverse acquisition. As such, the fair value of the consideration transferred is
$100,000 (125 shares x $800 per share), which is also the fair value of Legal Acquirer (100 shares x
$1,000 per share). The fact that the noncontrolling interest remains in the accounting acquirer after
the business combination should not affect the determination of the consideration transferred.
The accounting required to effect Accounting Acquirer’s reverse acquisition is summarized below:
historical value
Legal Acquirer
fair value
Net current assets
$ 50,000
$ 20,000
$ 70,000
Total assets
$ 50,00 0
$ 150,00 0
Noncontrolling interest
$ 10,000
Capital stock
Retained earnings
4 5,0 00
Total liabilities and
shareholders equity
$ 50,000
$ 100,00 0
$ 150, 000
The noncontrolling interest is measured at the historical carrying value of Accounting Acquirer’s
remaining outstanding shares (100 x ($50,000/500 shares) or $10,000) with the corresponding
offsetting entry reducing the combined entity’s APIC. Further, as the number of shares issued by Legal
Acquirer is less than if all Accounting Acquirer’s shareholders participated in the exchange, the
adjusted capital stock account is lower than in Illustration 3-5. After the reverse acquisition, there are
420 shares outstanding (100 initially outstanding plus 320 issued in the business combination) of
Legal Acquirer at a par value of $0.10, or $42. As such, Accounting Acquirer reduces its historical
capital stock account to reflect the par value of Legal Acquirer’s outstanding capital stock.
3 The acquisition method
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The calculation of the pre-acquisition period weighted-average shares for EPS purposes would be as
described in the preceding illustration. The calculation of post-acquisition shares will exclude the
shares characterized as noncontrolling interest in Accounting Acquirer. Accordingly, the weighted-
average shares are calculated as follows:
Accounting Acquirer weighted-average shares
Exchange ratio (% of ownership)
x 0.8
Pre-acquisition Period weighted average shares
x 6/12
Post-acquisition Period weighted average shares
x 6/12
Total weighted-average shares
The earnings attributable to the noncontrolling interest would be deducted from the consolidated net
income for the year and divided by 370 to derive basic EPS. Transactions involving public shell companies
One way for a private company to gain access to the public markets and increase liquidity is through the
acquisition of a public shell company. A shell company is a dormant, non-operating entity. A public shell
company might exist as the result of the failure or liquidation of a public company for which the legal
entity has not been dissolved. A public shell company would not meet the definition of a business under
ASC 805. The SEC staff believes that the merger of a private operating company into a public shell
corporation with nominal net assets typically results in the owners and management of the private
company having actual or effective operating control of the combined company after the transaction,
with shareholders of the former public shell continuing only as passive investors. As such, for accounting
purposes, mergers of operating private companies into public shell companies are considered to be
capital transactions rather than business combinations. These transactions are equivalent to the
issuance of stock by the private company for the net monetary assets, if any, of the shell corporation,
accompanied by a recapitalization. The accounting for the transaction is identical to that resulting from
a reverse acquisition, except that goodwill or other intangibles should not be recognized.
In addition, a transaction where a private company merges into a public company that has net assets that
are not assessed as nominal may be accounted for as a recapitalization. For this to be the case, in
addition to the former private company owners having actual or effective control of the merged entities
after the transaction, with shareholders of the former public shell continuing only as passive investors,
the pre-transaction net assets of the public company should be non-operating assets. Refer to section for additional information on recapitalizations. Special purpose acquisition companies (updated June 2023)
A special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) has no operations but is established as a public investment
vehicle that has the expressed purpose of making an investment in an operating company. These operating
companies are usually privately held companies that use the SPAC merger to become publicly traded
companies. Generally, a SPAC is initially capitalized by sponsors, who contribute nominal capital or fund
formation and offering costs in exchange for founder shares and warrants, which become exercisable shortly
after the SPAC acquires an operating company. The warrants are issued with a strike price that is out-of-the-
money and are intended to compensate holders for investing their capital in the SPAC before it acquires an
operating company. Proceeds from the initial public offering (IPO) are placed in a trust account for use in an
acquisition. A SPAC has a defined term (generally 18 to 24 months from the date of its IPO) during which
it must identify a target and consummate an acquisition; otherwise, the SPAC is liquidated, and the IPO
proceeds are returned to investors. A SPAC also may be referred to as a blank check company.
3 The acquisition method
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In contrast, as described above, a public shell company is a dormant, non-operating entity that typically
exists as the result of the failure or liquidation of a public company for which the legal entity has not been
dissolved. A SPAC is not a public shell; a SPAC has significant precombination activities in that it has a
strategy of pursuing investment opportunities. Therefore, the merger of an operating company into a SPAC
is not automatically considered a reverse merger of the operating company into a public shell company.
Entities in a SPAC transaction, like entities involved in a business combination, need to first consider the
variable interest model in ASC 810-10, which requires the primary beneficiary of a VIE to consolidate the
VIE in all instances. That is, if the acquiree is a VIE, the primary beneficiary will be the accounting acquirer.
The factors in ASC 805-10-55-11 through 55-15 are not considered when applying the VIE model to
determine the accounting acquirer. If the VIE model doesn’t apply, an accounting acquirer must be
identified pursuant to the criteria in ASC 805-10-55-11 through 55-15, and the SPAC may be considered the
accounting acquirer. When a SPAC acquires a business for all cash consideration, the SPAC is usually the
accounting acquirer. If the consideration is equity or a mix of cash and equity, determining the accounting
acquirer will require further evaluation and may involve significant judgment. See our Technical Line,
Navigating the requirements for merging with a special purpose acquisition company, for further information.
If an operating company is determined to be the accounting acquirer in a merger with a SPAC, the accounting
for the transaction will be similar to that of a capital infusion as it is likely that the only precombination asset
of the SPAC is cash obtained from the SPACs investors. If a SPAC is determined to be the accounting
acquirer in a merger with an operating company, the fair value of the operating company and, with
limited exceptions, its assets acquired and liabilities assumed, are recognized in accordance with the
guidance in ASC 805. Combinations of more than two entities
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
In a business combination involving more than two entities, determining the acquirer shall include a
consideration of, among other things, which of the combining entities initiated the combination, as well
as the relative size of the combining entities, as discussed in the preceding paragraph.
The transactions described in ASC 805-10-55-14 often are referred to as roll-up or put-together
transactions. These transactions are business combinations and one of the combining companies should
be identified as the acquirer. In addition to the criteria established in paragraphs ASC 805-10-55-11 and
55-12, identifying the entity that initiated the combination, the relative size of the combining enterprises,
and other pertinent information might indicate the party that ultimately will have the most influence on
the combined enterprise. When considering whether one of the combining companies assets, revenues,
and earnings significantly exceed those of the others, the relative asset sizes should be assessed on the
basis of precombination carrying amounts. In some situations, evaluating the combining entitiesrelative
asset sizes on the basis of their fair values may be appropriate (e.g., if that analysis would provide more
meaningful information).
3 The acquisition method
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Illustration 3-7: Roll-up transaction
Company A, Company B and Company C are distributors operating in a competitive, low margin industry.
Company A initiates discussions that result in the three entities merging their operations into a new
entity to reduce their operating costs and generate economies of scale through increased purchasing
volume. Companies B and C are of similar size, but Company As net assets (at fair value), revenues,
and earnings significantly exceed those of Companies B and C. Ownership of the combined entity will
be as follows: Company A-44%, Company B-28% and Company C-28%. The Board of Directors and senior
management are equally divided among the three entities and a majority vote is required to remove
members from the Board. No other factors are present that would be relevant to determining the acquirer.
Company A initiated the merger discussions and has assets, revenues, and earnings that significantly exceed
those of either Company B or C. Thus, Company A would be considered the acquirer in this roll-up transaction. Combinations involving a Newco
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
A new entity formed to effect a business combination is not necessarily the acquirer. If a new entity is
formed to issue equity interests to effect a business combination, one of the combining entities that
existed before the business combination shall be identified as the acquirer by applying the guidance in
paragraphs 805-10-55-10 through 55-14. In contrast, a new entity that transfers cash or other assets
or incurs liabilities as consideration may be the acquirer.
A business combination may be consummated by forming a new entity (commonly characterized as a
Newco) that has no significant precombination activities other than to issue shares to the shareholders
of the combining companies. In such situations, regardless of the number of entities involved in the
combination, ASC 805-10-55-15 precludes Newco from being identified as the acquirer. For example,
Company A and Company B agree to merge and form a new entity in order to accomplish the merger of
the two companies (assume the new entity is not a joint venture as defined in ASC 323). In this case,
either Company A or Company B should be identified as the acquirer in a purchase business combination
based on application of the guidance in section 3.2. This is consistent with paragraph B100 of the Basis
for Conclusions to Statement 141(R), which states:
The IASB also considered whether treating a new entity formed to issue equity instruments to effect
a business combination as the acquirer would place the form of the transaction over its substance,
because the new entity may have no economic substance. The formation of such entities is often
related to legal, tax, or other business considerations that do not affect the identification of the
acquirer. For example, a combination between two entities that is structured so that one entity
directs the formation of a new entity to issue equity instruments to the owners of both of the
combining entities is, in substance, no different from a transaction in which one of the combining
entities directly acquires the other. Therefore, the transaction should be accounted for in the same
way as a transaction in which one of the combining entities directly acquires the other. To do
otherwise would impair both the comparability and the reliability of the information.
However, the Newco may be the accounting acquirer if it is determined to be substantive. If the new entity
has been involved in significant precombination activities (e.g., raising capital, identifying acquisition
targets, negotiating transactions, and promoting the business combination) then it would be considered
substantive and could be the accounting acquirer. In a 16 August 2001 letter to the FASB, the SEC staff
3 The acquisition method
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described its continued belief that a newly-formed entity with significant precombination activities cannot
be viewed as an entity formed solely to issue equity interests to effect a business combination. In such
cases, Newco would be considered substantive and therefore could be deemed the accounting acquirer.
This view is consistent with views previously expressed in SEC staff speeches.
The FASB staff has
previously indicated that the SEC staffs interpretation was not inconsistent with the guidance in ASC 805.
Whether a newly-formed entity is involved in significant precombination activities is a matter of
judgment. We believe that the establishment of and capitalization of a new entity by equity investment
would not, in and of itself, be considered a significant precombination activity. However, if the new
company raises debt financing for use as consideration in an acquisition transaction, that financing
activity would qualify as a significant precombination activity. Significant precombination activities might
also be indicated by the newly-formed entity having assets other than cash related to the initial equity
investment, including previous stock ownership in the target. Generally, it should not matter which entity
formed the Newco (i.e., the buyer or the seller) in the analysis of whether or not Newco is substantive.
In addition, if a Newco survives the transaction (i.e., the Newco is not transitory), we believe that is an
indicator that a Newco may be substantive (and therefore the accounting acquirer). All facts and
circumstances should be considered in the analysis, and significant judgment will be required.
Illustration 3-8 below summarizes the circumstances that entities may consider when evaluating whether
a Newco is substantive for purposes of identifying an accounting acquirer. The indicators should be
evaluated holistically when making this determination.
Illustration 3-8: Identifying the accounting acquirer when an acquisition involves a Newco
Newco is transitory and does not survive the transaction.
Newco survives the transaction.
No changes in control when considering the
ownership structure of Newco compared to the
ownership structure of the target prior to the merger.
Changes in control when considering the ownership
structure of Newco compared to the ownership
structure of the target prior to the merger.
Newco only issues equity in exchange for its interest
in the target.
Newco issues debt and/or pays cash in exchange for
its interest in the target.
The reason a Newco was used to effect the business
combination lacks substance.
The reason a Newco was used to effect the business
combination has substance.
Newco is not involved in significant precombination
activities, such as:
Raising capital
Identifying acquisition targets
Negotiating transactions
Promoting the business combination
Newco is involved in significant precombination
activities, such as:
Raising capital
Identifying acquisition targets
Negotiating transactions
Promoting the business combination
No change in the governance structure (e.g., board
composition) and/or composition of management of
Newco (compared to that of the target).
Significant change in governance structure
(e.g., board composition) and/or composition of
management of Newco (compared to that of the target).
Douglas T. Parker, Professional Accounting Fellow, Office of the Chief Accountant, Remarks before the 2009 AICPA National
Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments, 7 December 2009.
Pamela R. Schlosser, Professional Accounting Fellow, Office of the Chief Accountant, Remarks before the 2005 AICPA National
Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments, December 5, 2005.
Indicators that Newco does not have substance
Indicators that Newco has substance
3 The acquisition method
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If the newly formed entity is determined to be the acquiring entity, each entity that merges into the newly
formed entity would be considered an acquiree in a business combination. Accordingly, the acquisition
method would apply to each of the entities merged into the newly-formed entity. That is, a new basis
would be measured and recognized for the assets and liabilities of each entity merged into Newco.
Because the accounting for a business combination involving a Newco is largely based on SEC interpretations,
greater diversity in practice may exist when this guidance is applied by private companies. Examples: combinations involving a Newco
Illustration 3-9: Combination involving a non-substantive Newco example 1
Company A forms a Newco to facilitate a merger between Company A and Company B. Newco issues
100% of its equity interests to the owners of Company A and Company B in exchange for their ownership
interests. Newco has not performed any other activities.
In substance, the transaction is no different from a transaction in which one of the combining entities
(i.e., Company A or Company B) directly acquires the other. Accordingly, Newco is not considered
substantive in this situation and the transaction should be accounted for in the same way as a
transaction in which one of the combining entities directly acquires the other. Company A and
Company B must be evaluated to determine which entity is the accounting acquirer.
Illustration 3-10: Combination involving a non-substantive Newco example 2
A private equity firm (PE) has been negotiating to acquire Target and to raise the necessary capital from
financial institutions to complete the transaction. PE forms Newco, which is capitalized with cash from
PE. The purpose of forming Newco is to force all the shareholders of Target to participate in the exchange
rather than completing a tender offer, through which PE cannot compel complete participation.
Target is owned 90% by the public and 10% by management (who will continue with Newco). Target
issues debt prior to the combination, which equates to 20% of the total expected financing of the
combination. Newco merges with Target and Target is the surviving entity. Targets shareholders
receive cash in exchange for all outstanding Target shares. PE controls the combined entity.
Because Newco was formed only as a transitory entity to effect the merger with Target and has no
substantive precombination activities, it is not substantive and therefore is not the accounting
acquirer. In this case, PE is the accounting acquirer. Assuming that Target does not elect to apply
pushdown accounting, Targets net assets in its separate financial statements would remain at its
historical cost basis.
If PE issued financial statements in which Target was consolidated, the assets acquired and liabilities
assumed would be recognized at their acquisition-date fair values (with limited exceptions).
3 The acquisition method
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Illustration 3-11: Combination involving a substantive Newco
Assume the same facts as Illustration 3-10, except that in addition to being capitalized with cash from PE,
Newco (instead of Target) raises the debt financing and survives the transaction as a parent of Target.
In this case, Newco would be considered to have significant precombination activities and would be
considered the accounting acquirer. As a result, Newco’s post-combination financial statements would
reflect a new basis in Targets net assets. Target would have the option to elect to apply pushdown
accounting (i.e., reflect Newco’s new basis) in its separate financial statements. Recapitalizations (updated June 2022)
Recapitalizations are designed to change the capitalization (between debt and equity) or change an
investor’s voting interest in an entity. Typically, these transactions involve debt financing, the issuance of
new shares and/or the repurchase of outstanding common shares. While these transactions may result in
a change in control of an entity, they may or may not result in a new basis of accounting at the entity
level. Consider the following illustration.
Illustration 3-12: Recapitalization
Company A contributes cash to Company B, an SEC registrant, for newly issued voting common shares
giving Company A a 35% interest in Company B. Simultaneously, Company B incurs debt. Company B
then uses the new equity and debt proceeds to redeem common shares held by parties other than
Company A, resulting in Company A owning 80% of the outstanding common shares of Company B.
Company A has indirectly obtained control of Company B and thus accounts for the transaction as a
business combination. Absent the election by Company B to apply pushdown accounting, a new basis
of accounting is not recognized in the separate financial statements of Company B. ASC 805 defines a
business combination as a transaction or other event in which an acquirer obtains control of one or
more businesses. When a transaction results in a change of control of just one business and there is
no new reporting entity, there can be no new basis at the acquiree level other than via pushdown
accounting. Therefore, unless Company B elects to apply pushdown accounting, the separate financial
statements of Company B are presented on a historical basis. Refer to Appendix B for information on
pushdown accounting. Transaction costs in a recapitalization
In connection with a recapitalization, the target frequently incurs fees and expenses associated with the
transaction. The accounting for those fees depends on the activities to which the fees relate and the
structure of the transaction. Refer to section 6.2 for guidance on the accounting for acquisition-related
costs in a business combination.
3 The acquisition method
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3.3 Determining the acquisition date
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
The acquirer shall identify the acquisition date, which is the date on which it obtains control of the acquiree.
The date on which the acquirer obtains control of the acquiree generally is the date on which the
acquirer legally transfers the consideration, acquires the assets, and assumes the liabilities of the
acquireethe closing date. However, the acquirer might obtain control on a date that is either earlier
or later than the closing date. For example, the acquisition date precedes the closing date if a written
agreement provides that the acquirer obtains control of the acquiree on a date before the closing date.
An acquirer shall consider all pertinent facts and circumstances in identifying the acquisition date.
The acquisition date is the date control is obtained and is ordinarily the date that assets are received and
other assets are given, liabilities are assumed or incurred, or equity interests are issued (i.e., the closing
date or consummation date). For business combinations that do not have a consummation date
(i.e., business combinations that occur without the transfer of consideration, as discussed in section 2.1.1),
the acquisition date is the date on which control is first obtained. For example, if control is obtained by
contract, the acquisition date would be the date the contract is executed or, if control is obtained by an
investor as a result of an investee share buyback, the acquisition date is the date the investor obtains a
majority voting interest. However, the acquisition date may precede the closing or consummation date if
control of the target has been obtained by the acquirer prior to the consummation of the acquisition.
We believe the acquisition date can precede the closing date only if a written agreement is in place as of
the designated date that provides for transfer of control of the acquired entity to the acquirer on that
date. The written agreement should provide the acquirer with the ability to make decisions about the
operations and financing of the acquired entity without impediment. That is, the selling shareholders
should not have continuing rights, as it relates to the operation of the target, other than protective rights
or blocking actions. If the acquisition date occurs prior to the consummation date, a liability is recognized,
at fair value, for the consideration to be transferred to the selling shareholders. That liability is accreted to
the date that the consideration is transferred to an amount equal to the consideration transferred.
If the business combination requires regulatory or shareholder approval (or shareholder approval is sought)
by either the acquirer or the acquiree, we do not believe that control transfers until such approval is obtained.
However, in the case of shareholder approval and after considering all the relevant facts, if management
and the board of directors control sufficient votes to approve the transaction, and thus shareholder approval
is considered perfunctory, a transfer of control might be deemed to occur prior to the date of shareholder
approval and prior to the closing date, but only if a written agreement as described above exists.
Although the convenience exception (i.e., the ability to designate an effective acquisition date) is no
longer included in ASC 805, we believe that an acquirer may designate a date other than the date control
of the target is obtained as the acquisition date in order to align the date of acquisition for accounting
purposes to an accounting close date. However, the difference between the designated acquisition date
and the actual acquisition date should be no more than a few days and the results of operations and change
in financial position of the target during the intervening period must not be material to the acquirer.
3 The acquisition method
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3.4 Recognizing and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities
assumed and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree
This section discusses general concepts related to the recognition and measurement of the net assets
acquired, including any noncontrolling interests. See section 4 for further discussion of the recognition
and measurement of specific assets, liabilities and any noncontrolling interests.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
As of the acquisition date, the acquirer shall recognize, separately from goodwill, the identifiable
assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree. Recognition
of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed is subject to the conditions specified in
paragraphs 805-20-25-2 through 25-3
As noted in section 1.3, one of the primary principles of ASC 805 is that obtaining control is a new basis
recognition event. That is, the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, including any noncontrolling
interests, are recognized at 100% of their fair value, with limited exceptions, regardless of the percentage
of the equity interests acquired. As such, the next step in the acquisition method under ASC 805, after
the identification of the acquirer and determination of the acquisition date, is the recognition and
measurement of 100% of the acquired net assets, including any noncontrolling interests. The acquirers
cost of the acquisition is relevant only in the determination of the acquirers share of the full goodwill, as
discussed further in sections 3.5 and 7.1.
3.4.1 Recognition principles
In order to ensure consistency and resolve inconsistencies that existed in practice, the FASB concluded
that the guidance in ASC 805 should provide guidance for applying its recognition principle. This
guidance emphasizes two fundamental conditions. To recognize an asset or liability when applying the
acquisition method, the item acquired or assumed must:
Meet the definition of an asset or liability at the acquisition date
Be part of the business combination rather than the result of a separate transaction Meaning of ‘an asset or liability at the acquisition date (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
To qualify for recognition as part of applying the acquisition method, the identifiable assets acquired
and liabilities assumed must meet the definitions of assets and liabilities in FASB Concepts Statement
No. 6, Elements of Financial Statements, at the acquisition date. For example, costs the acquirer
expects but is not obligated to incur in the future to effect its plan to exit an activity of an acquiree or
to terminate the employment of or relocate an acquirees employees are not liabilities at the
acquisition date. Therefore, the acquirer does not recognize those costs as part of applying the
acquisition method. Instead, the acquirer recognizes those costs in its postcombination financial
statements in accordance with other applicable generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 56
The acquirers application of the recognition principle and conditions may result in recognizing some
assets and liabilities that the acquiree had not previously recognized as assets and liabilities in its
financial statements. For example, the acquirer recognizes the acquired identifiable intangible assets,
such as a brand name, a patent, or a customer relationship, that the acquiree did not recognize as assets
in its financial statements because it developed them internally and charged the related costs to expense.
The FASB issued CON 8.4 to replace CON 6 in December 2021. CON 8.4 includes the following
definitions of assets and liabilities:
Assets A present right of an entity to an economic benefit.
Liabilities A present obligation of an entity to transfer an economic benefit.
In a business combination accounted for under the guidance in ASC 805, the entity referred to in the
definition of both assets and liabilities from CON 8.4 should be interpreted as the target entity. As such,
when determining what assets and liabilities should be recognized in a business combination, the CON
8.4 definitions should be applied to the target entity (i.e., recognition is based solely on what exists
within the target entity at the acquisition date). However, the definitions should not be interpreted to
mean that assets or liabilities recognized in the business combination are required to have been
recognized previously in the target entity. Often, a target will have assets (e.g., internally developed
intangibles) and liabilities (e.g., contingent liabilities) that are not recognized in the predecessor financial
statements, even though they meet the CON 8.4 definitions, as a result of the application of authoritative
literature that applies outside of a business combination (e.g., ASC 730, ASC 450). Meaning of ‘part of the business combination
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
In addition, to qualify for recognition as part of applying the acquisition method, the identifiable assets
acquired and liabilities assumed must be part of what the acquirer and the acquiree (or its former
owners) exchanged in the business combination transaction rather than the result of separate
transactions. The acquirer shall apply the guidance in paragraphs 805-10-25-20 through 25-23 to
determine which assets acquired or liabilities assumed are part of the exchange for the acquiree and
which, if any, are the result of separate transactions to be accounted for in accordance with their
nature and the applicable GAAP.
Business Combinations Overall
The acquirer and the acquiree may have a preexisting relationship or other arrangement before
negotiations for the business combination began, or they may enter into an arrangement during the
negotiations that is separate from the business combination. In either situation, the acquirer shall
identify any amounts that are not part of what the acquirer and the acquiree (or its former owners)
exchanged in the business combination, that is, amounts that are not part of the exchange for the
acquiree. The acquirer shall recognize as part of applying the acquisition method only the
consideration transferred for the acquiree and the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the
exchange for the acquiree. Separate transactions shall be accounted for in accordance with the
relevant generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 57
A transaction entered into by or on behalf of the acquirer or primarily for the benefit of the acquirer or
the combined entity, rather than primarily for the benefit of the acquiree (or its former owners) before
the combination, is likely to be a separate transaction. The following are examples of separate
transactions that are not to be included in applying the acquisition method:
a. A transaction that in effect settles preexisting relationships between the acquirer and acquiree
(see paragraphs 805-10-55-20 through 55-23)
b. A transaction that compensates employees or former owners of the acquiree for future services
(see paragraphs 805-10-55-24 through 55-26)
c. A transaction that reimburses the acquiree or its former owners for paying the acquirers
acquisition-related costs (see paragraph 805-10-25-23).
Paragraphs 805-10-55-18 through 55-26, 805-30-55-6 through 55-13, 805-740-25-10 through 25-11,
805-740-45-5 through 45-6, and Example 2 (see paragraph 805-10-55-30) provide additional guidance
for determining whether a transaction is separate from the business combination transaction.
Parties directly involved in the negotiations of an impending business combination may take on the
characteristics of related parties. Therefore, they may be willing to enter into other agreements or include
as part of the business combination agreement some arrangements that are designed primarily for the
benefit of the acquirer or the combined entity; for example, to achieve more favorable financial reporting
outcomes after the business combination. Because of concerns that such arrangements might be
accounted for as part of the business combination, the FASB developed a principle to ensure each
component of the transaction is accounted for in accordance with its economic substance; that is, to
determine whether a particular transaction or arrangement entered into by the parties to the combination
is part of what the acquirer and acquiree exchange in the business combination or is a separate transaction.
The ASC 805 principle is based on the concept of who receives the primary benefits from the
transaction. If the transaction is entered into by or on behalf of the acquirer or primarily for the benefit
of the acquirer or the combined entity, rather than primarily for the benefit of the acquiree (or its former
owners) before the combination, the transaction is likely a separate transaction that should be accounted
for apart from the business combination based on its economic substance. As the identification of these
transactions often requires judgment, ASC 805-10-55-18 provides factors that should be considered in
assessing whether a transaction is part of a business combination or should be accounted for separately.
There is no hierarchy to the following factors. They should not be considered all-inclusive and should be
considered holistically.
The reasons for the transaction Understanding the reasons why the parties to the combination (the
acquirer, the acquiree, and their owners, directors, managers, and their agents) entered into a
particular transaction or arrangement may provide insight into whether it is part of the consideration
transferred and the assets acquired or liabilities assumed.
For example, assume Acquirer includes as part of the consideration transferred to Targets shareholders
a contingent consideration arrangement. The former shareholders of Target become employees of the
combined entity and will receive a payout of the contingent consideration if certain earnings thresholds
are met and they continue to be employed by Acquirer at a specified future date. In this scenario,
although the contingent consideration arrangement was negotiated in connection with the business
combination, the Acquirer likely entered into the arrangement for its own benefit; that is, in order to
provide incentive to the former shareholders to remain as employees of the combined entity. As such,
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 58
this contingent consideration arrangement would be accounted for separately from the business
combination as a compensatory arrangement. See section 6.4 for further discussion of contingent
consideration arrangements.
Who initiated the transaction Understanding who initiated the transaction may also provide insight
into whether it is part of the exchange for the acquiree.
For example, assume Acquirer, in its evaluation of a potential business combination with Target, has
identified numerous facilities that would be redundant in the combined entity after the transaction.
During the negotiations, Acquirer requests that Target initiate certain restructuring activities in order to
eliminate the redundancy. Target agrees to restructure certain activities before the consummation date,
but only after receiving shareholder approval for the business combination. In this scenario, Acquirer
initiated the transaction and is the recipient of the future economic benefits of the restructuring
activities. The fact that Target initiated the restructuring is not substantive because it was done at the
acquirers request and after the business combination was essentially assured of completion. As such,
the restructuring activities should be accounted for separately from the business combination and will
result in an expense to Acquirer pursuant to the guidance in ASC 420. See section 4.3.2 for further
discussion on restructuring activities in a business combination.
In another example, assume that Acquirer enters into a noncompetition arrangement with the target
company shareholders (who typically would have been employed by or involved in the management of
the target but will not be employed by Acquirer). Because the noncompetition agreement was initiated by
Acquirer to protect Acquirer’s interests, the noncompetition agreement generally will be accounted for
as a transaction separate from the business combination. See section for additional
discussion of noncompetition arrangements.
The timing of the transaction The timing of the transaction may also provide insight into whether it
is part of the exchange for the acquiree.
For example, assume concurrent with the execution of the business combination agreement, Acquirer
enters into a supply agreement with Target. Target agrees to supply Acquirer with the raw materials
necessary for Acquirers manufacturing process after the transaction is complete. As this supply
arrangement was agreed to concurrent with the business combination, the terms of the arrangement
should be evaluated to determine if they are at market value, if the consideration transferred in the
business combination was affected by the terms of the future supply arrangement, and if Acquirer is
receiving future economic benefits as a result.
ASC 805-10-25-21 includes examples of transactions that require accounting apart from the business
combination; however, the following examples should not be considered all inclusive:
A transaction that in effect settles preexisting relationships between the acquirer and acquiree
(see section 4.5)
A transaction that compensates employees or former owners of the acquiree for future services
(see section 6.4.5)
A transaction that reimburses the acquiree or its former owners for paying the acquirer’s acquisition-
related costs (see section 6.2)
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 59 Allocating the consideration transferred to a transaction to be accounted for separate from
the business combination
As discussed above, an acquirer must determine which assets acquired or liabilities assumed are part of
the exchange for the acquiree and which, if any, are the result of separate transactions. However,
ASC 805 does not provide guidance on how to allocate the consideration transferred between the various
components (i.e., the business combination and the separate transaction(s)). Absent specific guidance, we
believe that using a relative fair value approach to allocate the consideration transferred between the two
(or more) components would be reasonable and acceptable. Other alternatives may also be acceptable. Classification or designation of assets acquired and liabilities assumed
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
At the acquisition date, the acquirer shall classify or designate the identifiable assets acquired and
liabilities assumed as necessary to subsequently apply other GAAP. The acquirer shall make those
classifications or designations on the basis of the contractual terms, economic conditions, its operating
or accounting policies, and other pertinent conditions as they exist at the acquisition date.
In some situations, GAAP provides for different accounting depending on how an entity classifies or
designates a particular asset or liability. Examples of classifications or designations that the acquirer
shall make on the basis of the pertinent conditions as they exist at the acquisition date include but are
not limited to the following:
a. Classification of particular investments in securities as trading, available for sale, or held to
maturity in accordance with Section 320-10-25
b. Designation of a derivative instrument as a hedging instrument in accordance with paragraph
c. Assessment of whether an embedded derivative should be separated from the host contract in
accordance with Section 815-15-25 (which is a matter of classification as this Subtopic uses
that term).
This Section provides the following two exceptions to the principle in paragraph 805-20-25-6:
a. Classification of a lease contract as either an operating lease or a capital lease in accordance with
the guidance in paragraph 840-10-25-27
b. Classification of a contract written by an entity that is in the scope of Subtopic 944-10 as an
insurance or reinsurance contract or a deposit contract.
The acquirer shall classify those contracts on the basis of the contractual terms and other factors at
the inception of the contract (or, if the terms of the contract have been modified in a manner that
would change its classification, at the date of that modification, which might be the acquisition date).
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 60
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
This Section provides the following two exceptions to the principle in paragraph 805-20-25-6:
a. Classification of a lease of an acquiree shall be in accordance with the guidance in paragraph
b. Classification of a contract written by an entity that is in the scope of Subtopic 944-10 as an
insurance or reinsurance contract or a deposit contract. The acquirer shall classify that contract
on the basis of the contractual terms and other factors at the inception of the contract (or, if the
terms of the contract have been modified in a manner that would change its classification, at the
date of that modification, which might be the acquisition date).
In a business combination, the target entitys carrying value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed
are not relevant in the measurement that results from the application of the acquisition method of
accounting by the acquiring entity. Similarly, except as noted in ASC 805-20-25-8, any prior classifications
or designations of assets acquired and liabilities assumed are reconsidered in connection with their
remeasurement. In addition to the examples listed in ASC 805-20-25-7, classification and designation
should also be reconsidered for assets held for sale. The acquirers classification and designation should be
based on all relevant factors at the acquisition date, including contractual terms, economic conditions,
accounting policies of the acquirer, and any other relevant factors. See section 4 for further discussion of
the recognition and measurement of specific assets, liabilities and any noncontrolling interests.
3.4.2 Measurement principles
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Initial Measurement
The acquirer shall measure the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, and any
noncontrolling interest in the acquiree at their acquisition-date fair values.
During its deliberations leading to the guidance in ASC 805, the FASB concluded fair value is the most
relevant attribute for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination and provides
information that is more complete, relevant and understandable to financial statement users. As such,
the guidance in ASC 805 requires all assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interests
to be recorded at their acquisition-date fair values, with the limited exceptions discussed in ASC 805-20-
25-16. As defined in the Glossary at Appendix J, fair value is the price that would be received to sell an
asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the
measurement date. That is, fair value is a market-participant concept and not an entity-specific concept.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 61
3.4.3 Exceptions to the recognition and measurement principles (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
This Topic provides limited exceptions to the recognition and measurement principles applicable to
business combinations. Paragraphs 805-20-25-17 through 25-28 specify the types of identifiable assets
and liabilities that include items for which this Subtopic provides limited exceptions to the recognition
principle in paragraph 805-20-25-1. The acquirer shall apply the specified GAAP or the specified
requirements rather than that recognition principle to determine when to recognize the assets or
liabilities identified in paragraphs 805-20-25-17 through 25-28. That will result in some items being
recognized either by applying recognition conditions in addition to those in paragraphs 805-20-25-2
through 25-3 or by applying the requirements of other GAAP, with results that differ from applying the
recognition principle and conditions in paragraphs 805-20-25-1 through 25-3.
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
This Topic provides limited exceptions to the recognition and measurement principles applicable to
business combinations. Paragraphs 805-20-25-17 through 25-28B specify the types of identifiable
assets and liabilities that include items for which this Subtopic provides limited exceptions to the
recognition principle in paragraph 805-20-25-1. The acquirer shall apply the specified GAAP or the
specified requirements rather than that recognition principle to determine when to recognize the
assets or liabilities identified in paragraphs 805-20-25-17 through 25-28B. That will result in some
items being recognized either by applying recognition conditions in addition to those in paragraphs
805-20-25-2 through 25-3 or by applying the requirements of other GAAP, with results that differ
from applying the recognition principle and conditions in paragraphs 805-20-25-1 through 25-3.
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2022; (N) December 16, 2023 | Transition Guidance: 805-20-65-3
This Topic provides limited exceptions to the recognition and measurement principles applicable to
business combinations. Paragraphs 805-20-25-17 through 25-28C specify the types of identifiable
assets and liabilities that include items for which this Subtopic provides limited exceptions to the
recognition principle in paragraph 805-20-25-1. The acquirer shall apply the specified GAAP or the
specified requirements rather than that recognition principle to determine when to recognize the
assets or liabilities identified in paragraphs 805-20-25-17 through 25-28C. That will result in some
items being recognized either by applying recognition conditions in addition to those in paragraphs
805-20-25-2 through 25-3 or by applying the requirements of other GAAP, with results that differ
from applying the recognition principle and conditions in paragraphs 805-20-25-1 through 25-3.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 62
Initial Measurement
Paragraph 805-20-25-16 notes that the Business Combinations Topic provides limited exceptions to the
recognition and measurement principles applicable to business combinations. Paragraphs 805-20-30-12
through 30-23 specify the types of identifiable assets and liabilities that include items for which this
Subtopic provides limited exceptions to the paragraph 805-20-30-1 measurement principle. The acquirer
shall apply the specified GAAP or the specified requirements rather than that measurement principle to
determine how to measure the assets or liabilities identified in paragraphs 805-20-30-12 through 30-23.
That will result in some items being measured at an amount other than their acquisition-date fair values.
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Paragraph 805-20-25-16 notes that the Business Combinations Topic provides limited exceptions to the
recognition and measurement principles applicable to business combinations. Paragraphs 805-20-30-12
through 30-25 specify the types of identifiable assets and liabilities that include items for which this
Subtopic provides limited exceptions to the paragraph 805-20-30-1 measurement principle. The acquirer
shall apply the specified GAAP or the specified requirements rather than that measurement principle to
determine how to measure the assets or liabilities identified in paragraphs 805-20-30-12 through 30-25.
That will result in some items being measured at an amount other than their acquisition-date fair values.
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2019; (N) December 16, 2022 | Transition Guidance: 326-10-65-1
Paragraph 805-20-25-16 notes that the Business Combinations Topic provides limited exceptions to the
recognition and measurement principles applicable to business combinations. Paragraphs 805-20-30-12
through 30-26 specify the types of identifiable assets and liabilities that include items for which this
Subtopic provides limited exceptions to the paragraph 805-20-30-1 measurement principle. The acquirer
shall apply the specified GAAP or the specified requirements rather than that measurement principle to
determine how to measure the assets or liabilities identified in paragraphs 805-20-30-12 through 30-26.
That will result in some items being measured at an amount other than their acquisition-date fair values.
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2022; (N) December 16, 2023 | Transition Guidance: 805-20-65-3
Paragraph 805-20-25-16 notes that the Business Combinations Topic provides limited exceptions to
the recognition and measurement principles applicable to business combinations. Paragraphs 805-20-
30-12 through 30-30 specify the types of identifiable assets and liabilities that include items for which
this Subtopic provides limited exceptions to the paragraph 805-20-30-1 measurement principle. The
acquirer shall apply the specified GAAP or the specified requirements rather than that measurement
principle to determine how to measure the assets or liabilities identified in paragraphs 805-20-30-12
through 30-30. That will result in some items being measured at an amount other than their
acquisition-date fair values.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 63
As discussed above, the guidance in ASC 805 includes certain recognition and measurement exceptions.
The exceptions are discussed in the respective sections noted below and include the following:
Section of FRD
Preacquisition contingencies
ASC 450, 805
Income taxes
ASC 740
FRD, Income taxes
Employee benefit obligations
ASC 710, 712, 715
Indemnification assets
ASC 805
ASC 842, 805
Contract assets and contract
ASC 606, 805
Assets held for sale
ASC 360
Reacquired rights
ASC 805
Share-based payment awards
ASC 718
Purchased financial assets with
credit deterioration
ASC 326
Goodwill/bargain purchase
ASC 805
3.5, 7.1 and 7.2
3.5 Recognizing and measuring goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase
3.5.1 Goodwill
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Initial Measurement
The acquirer shall recognize goodwill as of the acquisition date, measured as the excess of (a) over (b):
a. The aggregate of the following:
1. The consideration transferred measured in accordance with this Section, which generally
requires acquisition-date fair value (see paragraph 805-30-30-7)
2. The fair value of any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree
3. In a business combination achieved in stages, the acquisition-date fair value of the
acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree.
b. The net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities
assumed measured in accordance with this Topic.
Accounting for leases in a business combination is an exception to the recognition and measurement principles of ASC 805 only
following the adoption of ASU 2016-02. Refer to section for further discussion.
Accounting for contract assets and contract liabilities in a business combination is an exception to the recognition and
measurement principles of ASC 805 only following the adoption of ASU 2021-08. Refer to section 4.4.3A for further discussion.
Accounting for purchased financial assets with credit deterioration is an exception to the measurement principle of ASC 805 only
after the adoption of ASU 2016-13. Refer to section 4.2.2 for further discussion.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 64
In a business combination in which the acquirer and the acquiree (or its former owners) exchange only
equity interests, the acquisition-date fair value of the acquirees equity interests may be more reliably
measurable than the acquisition-date fair value of the acquirers equity interests. If so, the acquirer
shall determine the amount of goodwill by using the acquisition-date fair value of the acquirees equity
interests instead of the acquisition-date fair value of the equity interests transferred.
To determine the amount of goodwill in a business combination in which no consideration is transferred,
the acquirer shall use the acquisition-date fair value of the acquirers interest in the acquiree determined
using a valuation technique in place of the acquisition-date fair value of the consideration transferred
(see paragraph 805-30-30-1(a)(1)). Paragraphs 805-30-55-3 through 55-5 provide additional
guidance on applying the acquisition method to combinations of mutual entities, including measuring
the acquisition-date fair value of the acquirees equity interests using a valuation technique.
Goodwill is an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a
business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognized. Goodwill is also
affected by assets and liabilities that are not recognized at their fair values (e.g., deferred income taxes).
Under ASC 805, an acquirer in a business combination recognizes 100% of the fair value of the business
acquired (i.e., the full fair value of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interests,
with certain exceptions) as of the acquisition date. This is referred to as the full-goodwill approach and
is applicable without regard to the actual controlling ownership interest acquired. This principle applies
whether control is obtained by purchasing an acquirees net assets, purchasing some (or all) of the
acquirees equity interests, by contract alone, or by other means. The result is that recognized goodwill
will represent all of the goodwill of the acquired business, not just the acquirers share.
While the full goodwill of an acquired business is recognized under the acquisition method of accounting,
goodwill is the residual amount (i.e., the leftover after the recognition and measurement of all assets
acquired, liabilities assumed, and any noncontrolling interests). Because limited exceptions to fair value
recognition exist, goodwill is affected by these measurement differences and will not reflect the true
goodwill of the acquired entity. Under ASC 805, goodwill is calculated as the difference between the
aggregate of the following:
The acquisition-date fair value of the consideration transferred
(i.e., the purchase price)
The acquisition-date fair value of any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree
In a business combination achieved in stages, the acquisition-date fair value of the acquirers
previously held equity interest in the acquiree
The amount of acquisition-date identifiable assets acquired net of liabilities assumed, both measured
in accordance with the guidance in ASC 805
In other words, goodwill is the difference between the full fair value of the acquiree and the recognized
bases of the identifiable net assets acquired. See section 7.1 for further discussion of the accounting for
goodwill in a business combination.
See section 6.1 for a discussion of measuring consideration transferred in a business combination.
See section 7.4.2 for a discussion of the acquisition-date accounting for a noncontrolling investment in the acquiree immediately
before obtaining control.
3 The acquisition method
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 65
3.5.2 Bargain purchase
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Occasionally, an acquirer will make a bargain purchase, which is a business combination in which the
amount in paragraph 805-30-30-1(b) exceeds the aggregate of the amounts specified in (a) in that
paragraph. If that excess remains after applying the requirements in paragraph 805-30-25-4, the
acquirer shall recognize the resulting gain in earnings on the acquisition date. The gain shall be attributed
to the acquirer. Example 1 (see paragraph 805-30-55-14) provides an illustration of this guidance.
In rare circumstances (e.g., distress sales), the acquirers interest in the acquiree (i.e., the fair value of
consideration transferred, the fair value of any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree and the fair value
of any previously held equity interest in the acquiree) is less than the fair value (or other recognized value
for the exceptions to fair value recognition) of the identifiable net assets acquired. Such a transaction
results in an economic gain to the acquiring entity and is referred to as a bargain purchase. Any such
gain is recognized in earnings only after a thorough reassessment of all elements of the accounting for
the acquisition.
See section 7.2 for further discussion of the accounting for a bargain purchase in a business combination.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 66
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities
assumed and any noncontrolling interest
4.1 Overview
As stated in section 3.4.1, generally, an asset or liability is recognized in a business combination if the
applicable definition in CON 8.4 is met as of the acquisition date, and the asset or liability is determined
to be part of the business combination, as discussed in section Once it has been determined that
recognition in the business combination is appropriate, the asset or liability generally is measured at fair
value in accordance with the principles of ASC 820. As such, any references in this section to fair value
mean the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Additional guidance about measuring
fair value is included in our FRD, Fair value measurement.
This section discusses the specific exceptions to the ASC 805 recognition and fair value measurement
criteria, subsequent accounting for certain assets and liabilities recognized in a business combination,
and certain other recognition and measurement issues.
4.2 Assets acquired
4.2.1 Assets the acquirer does not intend to use to their highest and best use
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Initial Measurement
To protect its competitive position, or for other reasons, the acquirer may intend not to use an
acquired nonfinancial asset actively, or it may not intend to use the asset according to its highest and
best use. For example, that might be the case for an acquired research and development intangible
asset that the acquirer plans to use defensively by preventing others from using it. Nevertheless, the
acquirer shall measure the fair value of the nonfinancial asset in accordance with Subtopic 820-10
assuming its highest and best use by market participants in accordance with the appropriate valuation
premise, both initially and for purposes of subsequent impairment testing.
The guidance in ASC 805 requires all tangible and intangible assets for which the guidance does not
otherwise provide a specific exception to be measured at fair value, as defined in ASC 820, even if the
acquirer does not intend to use the asset to its highest and best use (e.g., defensive assets).
For example, assume that an acquiree has a trademark that the acquirer does not intend to support and
utilize after acquisition, as the acquirers primary intention in the acquisition was to remove a competitor
from the marketplace. Under the guidance in ASC 805, the acquirer would determine the fair value of the
trademark based on the highest and best use by a market participant, both initially and for purposes of
subsequent impairment testing. The requirement to apply the concepts of ASC 820 to assets that an
acquirer does not intend to fully utilize raises questions regarding the day 2 accounting for the assets,
including the determination of the useful life of the asset and, for intangible assets, whether or not the
intangible asset is an indefinite-lived intangible asset. See section below and our FRD, Intangibles
goodwill and other, for further discussion of the day 2 accounting.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 67 Subsequent accounting for assets the acquirer does not intend to use to their highest and
best use
An issue arises in determining the appropriate unit of account and the appropriate useful life for defensive
intangible assets. ASC 350-30 provides guidance on the subsequent accounting for defensive intangible
assets and requires an entity to assign a useful life in accordance with ASC 350-30-35-1 through 35-5.
In reaching a consensus on EITF 08-7 (codified primarily in ASC 350-30), the EITF concluded that
intangible assets that an acquirer intends to use as defensive assets are a separate unit of account from
the existing intangible assets of the acquirer. The EITF also concluded that a defensive intangible asset
should be amortized over the period it is expected to contribute directly or indirectly to the entitys
future cash flows. That period is the period that the asset provides significant value to the reporting
entity but would not extend beyond the date the reporting entity effectively waives its rights to the
intangible asset (i.e., is not using the asset either directly or defensively). This does not preclude the
acquirer from assigning an indefinite life to the defensive intangible asset (see section;
however, the EITF concluded that the assignment of an indefinite life to a defensive intangible asset likely
would be rare. In reaching this conclusion, the EITF stated that the acquirers intention to not actively use
the intangible asset, but instead to maintain it for defensive purposes, is a form of use of the intangible
asset. Additionally, if an acquired intangible asset meets the definition of a defensive intangible asset, it
cannot be considered immediately abandoned.
We believe that, in practice, it may prove difficult to estimate not only the initial fair value of the asset
(because of the indirect nature of the benefit arising from the defensive asset) but also the period over
which the fair value of the defensive intangible asset diminishes. The process of estimating the useful life
of defensive intangible assets will require close collaboration with valuation professionals.
4.2.2 Assets with uncertain cash flows (valuation allowances) (updated June 2023)
FASB update
As part of the post-implementation review of ASC 326, the FASB added a project to its technical
agenda on expanding the scope of the PCD model in ASC 326 to include all assets acquired in a
business combination and renaming it the purchased financial assets model.
We encourage readers to monitor developments.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Initial Measurement
The acquirer shall not recognize a separate valuation allowance as of the acquisition date for assets
acquired in a business combination that are measured at their acquisition-date fair values because the
effects of uncertainty about future cash flows are included in the fair value measure. For example,
because this Subtopic requires the acquirer to measure acquired receivables, including loans, at their
acquisition-date fair values, the acquirer does not recognize a separate valuation allowance for the
contractual cash flows that are deemed to be uncollectible at that date.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 68
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2019; (N) December 16, 2022 | Transition Guidance: 326-10-65-1
The acquirer shall not recognize a separate valuation allowance as of the acquisition date for assets
acquired in a business combination that are measured at their acquisition-date fair values because the
effects of uncertainty about future cash flows are included in the fair value measure, unless the assets
acquired are financial assets for which the acquirer shall refer to the guidance in paragraphs 805-20-
30-4A through 30-4B.
For acquired financial assets that are not purchased financial assets with credit deterioration, the
acquirer shall record the purchased financial assets at the acquisition-date fair value. Additionally, for
these financial assets within the scope of Topic 326, an allowance shall be recorded with a
corresponding charge to credit loss expense as of the reporting date.
For assets accounted for as purchased financial assets with credit deterioration (which includes
beneficial interests that meet the criteria in paragraph 325-40-30-1A), an acquirer shall recognize an
allowance in accordance with Topic 326 with a corresponding increase to the amortized cost basis of
the financial asset(s) as of the acquisition date.
An acquirer shall recognize purchased financial assets with credit deterioration (including beneficial
interests meeting the conditions in paragraph 325-40-30-1A) in accordance with Section 326-20-30
for financial instruments measured at amortized cost or Section 326-30-30 for available-for-sale debt
securities. Paragraphs 326-20-55-57 through 55-78 illustrate how the guidance is applied for
purchased financial assets with credit deterioration measured at amortized cost. Paragraphs 326-30-
55-5 through 55-7 illustrate how the guidance is applied to available-for-sale debt securities. An
acquirer shall not accrete into interest income the credit losses embedded in the purchase price for
purchased financial assets with credit deterioration.
Under ASC 805, an acquirer that has not yet adopted ASU 2016-13 may not recognize a valuation
allowance as of the acquisition date for assets acquired in a business combination that are initially
recognized at fair value. For example, since contract assets (before the adoption of ASU 2021-08),
accounts and loans receivable acquired in a business combination are recognized and measured at fair
value at the acquisition date, any uncertainty about collections and future cash flows is included in the fair
value measure. Accordingly, the acquiring entity does not recognize a valuation allowance for estimated
uncollectible amounts at the acquisition date. We believe that the subsequent accounting for loans and
receivables acquired in a business combination can be similar to the accounting for acquired loans and
receivables that are required to be accounted for under the guidance in ASC 310-30. That is, the loans or
other receivables will be recognized at fair value and, assuming they are not measured at fair value through
earnings pursuant to ASC 825, accreted to the amount of expected cash flows to be received as interest
income on a level-yield basis over the estimated life of the loan. If the loan is not accounted for as a debt
security, subsequent reductions in the estimated cash flows would be assessed under the loss contingency
guidance in ASC 450, or, if applicable, the impairment guidance in ASC 310-10, which may result in the
recognition of an allowance for loan losses.
Separate valuation allowances are permitted to be recognized for assets that are not required to be
measured at their acquisition-date fair values. For example, valuation allowances are permitted for
certain indemnification assets (section 4.2.7) and deferred income tax assets (section 5).
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-13 to amend the guidance on recognizing credit losses on
financial assets held at amortized cost and available-for-sale debt securities. After an entity adopts this
new guidance, the way it measures financial assets in the scope of ASC 326 acquired in a business
combination will depend on whether the assets have experienced more-than-insignificant deterioration in
credit quality since origination.
Financial assets that have experienced more-than-insignificant deterioration in credit quality since origination
are subject to special accounting at initial recognition that is intended to make their subsequent measurement
consistent with other purchased financial assets and with financial assets the entity originates. The
standard refers to these assets as “purchased credit deteriorated” (PCD) financial assets (PCD assets).
An entity initially measures the amortized cost of a PCD asset by determining the acquisition date
estimate of expected credit losses under the applicable impairment model (e.g., ASC 326-20) and adding
that amount to the asset’s fair value. Because a valuation allowance for expected credit losses is
recognized separate and apart from the PCD asset to establish its amortized cost on the acquisition date,
there is no credit loss expense recognized upon acquisition. If the contractual amount due (i.e., the face
or stated principal amount of the loan or accounts receivable) is more (or less) than the asset’s amortized
cost, the acquirer will also recognize a noncredit discount (or premium) on the acquisition date equal to
that difference. The sum of the amortized cost of the PCD asset (inclusive of any noncredit discount or
premium) and the allowance for expected credit losses will be equal to its acquisition date fair value.
PCD accounting is commonly referred to as a “gross-up” approach. See section 5 of our FRD, Credit
impairment under ASC 326, for further guidance, including how to determine whether purchased
financial assets have experienced more-than-insignificant deterioration in credit quality.
Conversely, under the new guidance, purchased financial assets that have not experienced more-than-
insignificant deterioration in credit quality since origination (i.e., non-PCD assets) are initially recognized
at their acquisition date fair value and a separate valuation allowance is not recognized under business
combination accounting. Rather, expected credit losses are measured under the credit impairment model
that applies to that type of financial asset with a corresponding credit loss expense recognized in the
income statement.
Before the adoption of ASU 2021-08, entities account for contract assets acquired in a business
combination similar to how they account for acquired non-PCD assets because contract assets do not
meet the definition of a financial asset under ASC 860 and, therefore, are not subject to the initial
measurement requirements in ASC 805-20-30-4A and ASC 805-20-30-4B. An entity measures an
acquired contract asset at fair value (before the adoption of ASU 2021-08) and does not recognize a
separate valuation allowance on the acquisition date.
While ASU 2021-08 provides an exception to fair value measurement, we believe that an entity would
continue to not recognize a separate valuation allowance on the acquisition date related to an acquired
contract asset after the adoption of ASU 2021-08. Rather, expected credit losses are measured under
the credit impairment model with a corresponding credit loss expense recognized in the income statement.
Refer to section 2.11.2 of our FRD, Credit impairment under ASC 326, for further guidance on applying
the new credit impairment standard to acquired contract assets after the business combination.
In November 2019, the FASB issued ASU 2019-10 to amend the effective dates of the credit impairment
standard for all entities except SEC filers that are not smaller reporting companies (SRCs). This standard
is currently effective for public business entities (PBEs) that meet the definition of an SEC filer that are not
SRCs. For all other entities, the standard is effective for annual periods beginning after 15 December 2022,
and interim periods therein. Early adoption is permitted. See our FRD, Credit impairment under ASC 326,
for further information.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 70
4.2.3 Inventories
The guidance in ASC 805 requires that inventories be recognized at fair value pursuant to the guidance
in ASC 820. Because of ASC 820s exit price and highest and best use concepts for determining fair value,
there was some concern that an acquirer would not recognize any profit on acquired finished goods
inventories. The FASBs Valuation Resource Group
deliberated the issue and concluded that the fair value
of acquired finished goods inventory results in the acquirer recognizing a profit from the selling effort.
The VRG believes this conclusion is supported by the guidance in ASC 820-10-55-21(f), which states:
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Finished goods inventory at a retail outlet. For finished goods inventory that is acquired in a business
combination, a Level 2 input would be either a price to customers in a retail market or a price to
retailers in a wholesale market, adjusted for differences between the condition and location of the
inventory item and the comparable (that is, similar) inventory items so that the fair value
measurement reflects the price that would be received in a transaction to sell the inventory to another
retailer that would complete the requisite selling efforts. Conceptually, the fair value measurement will
be the same, whether adjustments are made to a retail price (downward) or to a wholesale price
(upward). Generally, the price that requires the least amount of subjective adjustments should be used
for the fair value measurement.
Based on the VRGs observation and the above guidance from ASC 820, the fair value of acquired inventory
is a function of its stage of production. Inventory values are established separately for finished goods, work-
in-process, and raw materials such that the acquirer should not be expected to generate a profit or loss on
the ultimate disposition of the inventory based on value-added in manufacturing processes completed by
the acquired company before its acquisition. Also, as the objective of accounting for acquired inventories
in a business combination is to recognize the acquired inventories at their fair values on the date of
acquisition, the inventory accounting method (first-in, first-out (FIFO), last-in, first-out (LIFO), weighted-
average cost, etc.) of the acquired company is not relevant to the determination of the fair value of
inventory of an acquired company.
The principles for valuing inventory acquired in a business combination should be followed even if the
target companys inventories include amounts purchased from the acquirer; however, consideration
should also be given as to whether the transaction involves the settlement of a preexisting relationship as
discussed in section 4.5. Finished goods
Acquired finished goods inventories should be recognized at their fair value, which we believe in many
cases approximates a market participants estimated selling price (as discussed above, either a retail or
wholesale price) adjusted for (1) costs of the selling effort and (2) a reasonable profit allowance for the
selling effort of the acquiring entity, both estimated from the viewpoint of a market participant. The
acquiring entitys results of operations after the acquisition should reflect the costs and outcome of the
selling activities that occur after the date of acquisition.
The Valuation Resource Group (VRG) was established by the FASB staff to assist in the evaluation of fair value measurement
implementation issues. Any decisions made by the VRG are not authoritative and are the opinions of only the VRG members.
However, in certain instances, the recommendation of the VRG may result in additional standard setting by the FASB.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Costs of the selling effort should be incremental and directly related to the product and based on the
assumptions of a market participant. Such costs might include packaging, transportation, and direct
selling costs such as sales commissions or bonuses based directly on the sale of the particular inventory.
Costs of the selling effort should not include general costs incurred by a market participant that are
allocated across all products, such as costs incurred to maintain a sales office, although indirect costs
may affect the required profit margin discussed in the following paragraph.
A reasonable profit allowance for the selling effort (selling profit) should be based on the assumptions
of a market participant. That margin on finished goods should be less than the normal profit margin
achieved on products manufactured and sold in the ordinary course of business, as it relates only to the
selling effort after the acquisition. Essentially, valued added from the manufacturing activities of the
acquired company is already included in the fair value of the finished goods inventory. While the
determination of a reasonable profit allowance ultimately might require judgment, it might be useful in
some cases to reference profit margin information of companies that only distribute comparable
products as an indication of a normal profit margin related to the selling effort. Work-in-process
Work-in-process inventories are recognized at fair value, which we believe in most cases will approximate
a market participants estimated selling price of the eventual finished inventories adjusted for a market
participants expected (1) costs to complete the manufacturing process, (2) costs of the selling effort and
(3) a reasonable profit allowance for the remaining manufacturing and selling effort. We believe that the
value best approximates the price a market participant would pay to purchase unfinished inventory.
Estimated costs to complete the manufacture of work-in-process inventories should consider all
inventoriable costs, as discussed in ASC 330, and should be reconcilable with manufacturing cost
estimates that would be incurred by a market participant. Costs of the selling effort should be estimated
as discussed in section above. A market participants reasonable profit allowance for acquired
work-in-process inventories should be greater than the profit allowance associated with comparable
acquired finished inventories since the profit allowance for work-in-process inventories includes the
value-added portion of manufacturing profit related to the effort to complete the inventory production,
in addition to the selling profit allowance associated with acquired finished inventories. Raw materials
Acquired raw material inventories should be recognized at fair value, which we believe generally would
be the price a market participant could achieve in a current sale, without regard to whether that sale
price is greater or less than a targets historical carrying cost.
Illustration 4-1: Recognition of raw materials
Assume that Acquirer acquires Target. Target has raw material inventories that include 100 pounds of
aluminum used in the production process with an historical cost of $1.00 per pound ($100). At the
date of acquisition, the current fair value of 100 pounds of raw material aluminum is $1.10 per pound,
which is based on the price that a market participant could sell the aluminum in its most advantageous
market. Acquirer would recognize the acquired aluminum inventories at $1.10 per pound ($110).
Similarly, if at the date of acquisition the current fair value for aluminum is $0.90 per pound, Acquirer
would recognize the acquired aluminum inventories at $0.90 per pound ($90). Supply inventories
Acquired supplies or stores inventories, generally consisting of miscellaneous items used or consumed in
a companys manufacturing process, should be valued in a manner similar to raw materials, at fair value,
which we generally believe would approximate current replacement cost.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 72 Acquired LIFO inventories
As with most other acquired identifiable assets, acquired inventories that were accounted for by the
acquiree under the LIFO method and will be accounted for by the acquirer under the LIFO method by the
acquiring company are recognized in a business combination at fair value (which, as it relates to acquired
inventory, generally will consider a market participants estimate of the costs of the selling and/or
manufacturing effort and reasonable profit on any remaining selling or manufacturing effort). Generally,
this will result in a significant increase to the carrying value of the acquired inventories compared with
their predecessor basis in the financial statements of the acquired company.
ASC 330-10-S99-1 (codified primarily from SAB Topic 5.L) supports the conclusions reached in the
AICPA Issues Paper, Identification and Discussion of Certain Financial Accounting and Reporting Issues
Concerning LIFO Inventories (LIFO Issues Paper), and indicates that the LIFO Issues Paper should be
considered as the primary guidance in determining what constitutes acceptable LIFO accounting
practice. The LIFO Issues Paper states that when an acquiring entity has an existing LIFO pool and the
acquired inventory is combined into this pool, the fair value of the acquired inventory is included in the
current periods purchases for purposes of the acquirers calculations of inventory increments or
decrements in the period. If the acquiring entity establishes a new pool, or the LIFO method is initially
adopted for the acquired inventory, the fair value of the acquired inventory should be considered the
LIFO base period inventory layer. Effect on purchase accounting of LIFO election for income tax purposes
Some business combinations are executed as nontaxable transactions (e.g., a stock acquisition versus an
asset acquisition). In these transactions, the acquired companys tax basis in inventory generally is carried
over. If the acquired entity accounted for inventories using the LIFO method for tax purposes, and the
acquirer continues to apply the LIFO method for income tax reporting purposes, amounts recognized for
those LIFO inventories in purchase accounting likely will differ from the acquired inventorys tax basis
both in the period of the acquisition and in subsequent periods. These differences are temporary differences
for which deferred income taxes should be calculated by the acquiring entity in accordance with ASC 740.
Some business combinations are executed as taxable transactions. In these transactions, the financial
reporting and tax bases of acquired LIFO inventories generally are equivalent on the date of acquisition. As
such, deferred income taxes would not be recognized at the acquisition date for these LIFO inventories.
Differences in the bases of LIFO inventories for financial and tax reporting purposes could indicate LIFO
conformity issues, which are beyond the scope of this publication. We recommend discussing the
implications of the LIFO conformity rules with a tax specialist. Subsequent measurement considerations
Inventory measured using any method other than LIFO or the retail inventory method (RIM) (e.g., FIFO,
average cost) is subsequently measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value. The Master Glossary
in ASC 330 defines net realizable value as “estimated selling prices in the ordinary course of business,
less reasonably predictable costs of completion, disposal and transportation.
Finished goods and work-in-process inventories acquired in a business combination are measured at fair
value. The lower of cost or net realizable value test is applied in periods after the acquisition date. We
would expect the fair value of these inventories at the acquisition date to be lower than the net realizable
value because the determination of both the fair value and net realizable value of inventory generally is
based on the estimated selling price less costs to sell, but the fair value of inventory is further reduced to
allow for a profit on those selling efforts as described above.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 73
Inventory measured using LIFO and RIM is measured at the lower of cost or market in periods after the
acquisition date. ASC 330 equates current market price with current replacement cost (by purchase or
by reproduction, as the case may be) with the following exceptions:
1. Market should not exceed the net realizable value (i.e., estimated selling price in the ordinary course
of business, less reasonably predictable costs of completion, disposal and transportation).
2. Market should not be less than net realizable value reduced by an allowance for an approximately
normal profit margin.
Generally, upon measurement of finished goods and work-in-process inventories in a business
combination, the fair value will exceed current replacement cost at the acquisition date, as the market
participants estimated selling price (as discussed in section 4.2.3) used to determine the fair value would
include the acquired entity’s manufacturing profit associated with acquired inventories.
As discussed in
the subsequent measurement guidance in ASC 330, when evidence indicates that carrying value will be
recovered with an approximately normal profit margin upon sale in the ordinary course of business,
inventory write-downs should not be recognized even when replacement or reproduction costs are lower.
The term “normal profit marginas applied to acquired inventories should include only the profit that
was considered in the acquisition method. For finished goods, this would be the selling profit and for
work-in-process this would include the selling profit plus the portion of the manufacturing profit
associated with converting the work-in-process to finished goods.
Raw materials acquired in a business combination are measured at fair value as of the acquisition date,
typically at current replacement cost. We would generally expect the fair value of the raw materials to
approximate net realizable value after the acquisition date.
4.2.4 Plant and equipment
The measurement of plant and equipment depends on whether the acquired entity intends to use or sell
the acquired assets. Acquired plant and equipment to be used by the acquirer is recognized at fair value,
which would represent the estimated price that would be realized upon sale to a market participant.
Acquired plant and equipment to be sold by the acquirer is valued at fair value less costs to sell, as
discussed in section Plant and equipment to be used
The determination of fair value of plant and equipment to be used is based on the value that a market
participant would ascribe for comparable used plant and equipment. If a comparable used asset market is
not available, an estimate of fair value could be based on the value of comparable new plant and
equipment, less depreciation and obsolescence (i.e., decreases in value due to physical depreciation or
functional or economic obsolescence). The recorded carrying amount of the asset is the net value. Thus,
neither the accumulated depreciation of the acquired entity that existed prior to the acquisition nor, as
applicable, the economic depreciation used to estimate replacement value is carried forward or recorded.
For depreciation purposes, estimated useful lives of acquired plant and equipment should be established
based on the expected remaining useful life to the acquiring entity. This useful life is an entity-specific
estimate that would not necessarily be consistent with the useful life of other market participants or the
life previously assigned by the acquired entity.
Although the inventories initially are recognized under the acquisition method at fair value as defined in ASC 820, the application of
the subsequent measurement guidance in ASC 330 is not in the scope of ASC 820.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Illustration 4-2: Plant and equipment to be used
Acquirer purchases Target in a business combination. At the acquisition date, Acquirer determines
that a market participant would pay $1,500,000 for similar capacity new equipment and depreciation
and obsolescence is estimated to be $750,000. The asset would be recognized at $750,000, which
represents the $1,500,000 new replacement cost of the equipment less $750,000 of depreciation
and obsolescence.
Acquirer assigns new useful lives to the equipment based on its intended use. Neither the useful lives
previously assigned by Target nor a market participants assumptions regarding the useful lives of the
equipment are determinative. Property and equipment to be sold
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Initial Measurement
The acquirer shall measure an acquired long-lived asset (or disposal group) that is classified as held for
sale at the acquisition date in accordance with Subtopic 360-10, at fair value less cost to sell in
accordance with paragraphs 360-10-35-38 and 360-10-35-43.
An acquirer might buy a company with an intention of selling one or more of the underlying acquired
assets, asset groups or acquired businesses. The guidance in ASC 805 requires that acquired assets to
be sold be measured at fair value less costs to sell, pursuant to ASC 360. The principles in ASC 360
relating to recognition and measurement of acquired assets held for sale should be applied to assets
acquired in a business combination that are intended to be disposed of. Therefore, if the held for sale
criteria of ASC 360 are not met, the acquired asset should be measured and recognized at fair value as
described in section
ASC 360-10-45-12 requires that a newly acquired long-lived asset or disposal group to be sold be
classified as held-for-sale at the acquisition date if the sale of the asset or disposal group is probable
and expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year and the other held-for-sale
criteria outlined in ASC 360-10-45-9 that are not met at the acquisition date are probable of being met
within a short time following the acquisition (usually within three months). To classify an acquired long-
lived asset or disposal group as held for sale as of the acquisition date, we would expect that entities
would have commenced the formulation of a plan to sell the asset or group on the acquisition date and
that it would be probable that the held-for-sale criteria other than ASC 360-10-45-9(d) will be met
within three months. The criteria to classify an acquired long-lived asset or disposal group as held-for-
sale are discussed further in our FRD, Impairment or disposal of long-lived assets.
ASC 360-10 defines costs to sell as the incremental direct costs to transact a sale, that is, the costs that
result directly from and are essential to a sale transaction and that would not have been incurred by the
entity had the decision to sell not been made. Examples of costs to sell include broker commissions,
legal fees, title transfer fees and closing costs that must be incurred before legal title can be transferred.
Examples of costs that generally do not qualify as selling costs include insurance, security services, utility
expenses and other costs of protecting or maintaining the assets during the holding period.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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See our FRD, Impairment or disposal of long-lived assets, for further discussion and illustrative
examples of accounting for newly acquired long-lived assets to be sold. Spare parts inventories
Acquired companies might own an inventory of spare or replacement parts, generally parts that are
critical to the continuing operation of manufacturing machinery and equipment. Practice supports the
consistent application of a policy to classify spare parts inventories either in property and equipment or
other assets. Whether the spare parts relate to property and equipment to be used or sold affects the
method of measuring and recognizing the assets value in the acquisition method. See sections
and above for further discussion of measuring property and equipment to be held and property
and equipment to be sold, respectively. Mineral rights
ASC 805 states that mineral rights, which are defined as the legal right to explore, extract and retain at
least a portion of the benefits from mineral deposits, are tangible assets that should be recognized as a
separate component of property, plant, and equipment.
Mining assets
acquired in a business combination are recognized at fair value pursuant to ASC 820. In
practice, questions had arisen as to the appropriateness of including in the estimate of fair value (a) cash
flows for a mining rights potential reserves beyond proven and probable reserves and (b) estimates of
future market price changes. The guidance in ASC 930 states that in estimating the fair value of mineral
assets, an entity includes both the cash flows for a mining assets potential reserves beyond proven and
probable reserves and estimates of future market price changes. Anticipated fluctuations in market prices
should be consistent with those contemplated by market participants and should be estimated based on all
available information including current prices, historical averages, and forward pricing curves. Acquired assets to be abandoned
As a result of the requirement to apply the ASC 820 definition of fair value, the use of entity-specific
assumptions in valuing acquired assets that will not be fully utilized is no longer acceptable after the
guidance in ASC 805 is adopted. See section 4.2.1 for further guidance. Plant and equipment subject to retirement obligations
Acquired tangible long-lived assets may be subject to legal obligations associated with their retirement, as
defined in ASC 410-20, resulting from the acquisition, construction, development, and/or normal operation
of a long-lived asset. For example, upon retirement, a long-lived asset may have to be dismantled or
removed and the location of the asset restored. If an asset retirement obligation (ARO) exists, pursuant to
ASC 410-20, the obligation should be recognized as a separate liability and measured at its acquisition-
date fair value. That is, the long-lived asset and ARO are considered to be separate units of account.
Further information on establishing and accounting for ARO liabilities is included in our FRD, Asset
retirement obligations.
Mining assets include mineral properties and rights.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 76
4.2.5 Intangible assets
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
The acquirer shall recognize separately from goodwill the identifiable intangible assets acquired in a
business combination. An intangible asset is identifiable if it meets either the separability criterion or
the contractual-legal criterion described in the definition of identifiable. Additional guidance on applying
that definition is provided in paragraphs 805-20-25-14 through 25-15, 805-20-55-2 through 55-45,
and Example 1 (see paragraph 805-20-55-52). For guidance on the recognition and subsequent
measurement of a defensive intangible asset, see Subtopic 350-30.
ASC 805 requires acquired identifiable intangible assets to be recognized separately from goodwill if the
subject intangible asset is either contractual or separable.
Intangible assets are assets, other than financial instruments, that lack physical substance. The guidance
in ASC 805 provides specific criteria to apply in recognizing intangible assets separately from goodwill in
a business combination. Because of the different accounting treatment after the completion of purchase
accounting between (1) goodwill and other indefinite-lived identifiable intangible assets, which under the
provisions of ASC 350 are not amortized and (2) finite-lived identifiable intangible assets, which under
the provisions of ASC 350 are amortized over their estimated useful lives (in each case subject to unique
impairment recognition requirements), the FASB and the SEC staff expect companies to undertake
complete and thorough efforts to identify, appropriately value and recognize intangible assets acquired
in a business combination.
In contrast, financial assets include contracts that convey to one entity a right to receive cash from a
second entity. An entity should carefully consider the nature of an acquired asset to determine whether
to recognize a financial asset or an intangible asset. See section 4.2.9 for additional guidance. Recognition of identifiable intangible assets
An identified intangible asset must be recognized as a separate asset from goodwill if either or both of
the following criteria are met:
The intangible asset arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of whether those rights
are in fact transferable or separable from the acquired entity or from other rights and obligations.
The intangible asset is separable; that is, it is capable of being separated or divided from the acquired
entity and sold, transferred, licensed, rented or exchanged (regardless of whether there is an intent
to do so). An intangible asset that cannot be sold, transferred, licensed, rented or exchanged
individually is considered separable if it can be sold, transferred, licensed, rented, or exchanged in
combination with a related contract, asset or liability (e.g., core deposit intangibles and the related
deposit base of a financial institution). Contractual-legal criterion
In deliberating the recognition criteria, the FASB noted that in contrast to goodwill, the value of many
intangible assets arise from rights conveyed by contract, statute or other means. For example, (i) franchises
are granted to auto dealers, fast food outlets, and professional sports teams, (ii) trademarks and service
marks may be registered with a government, (iii) contracts are negotiated with customers or suppliers and
(iv) technological innovations are often protected by patents. On the other hand, goodwill arises from the
collection of assembled assets that make up an acquired entity or the value created by assembling a
collection of assets through a business combination, such as synergies that are expected to result from
combining one or more businesses. The FASB therefore decided that the fact that an intangible asset arises
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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from a contractual or other legal right is an important characteristic that distinguishes it from goodwill. If an
intangible asset arises from legal or contractual rights, the asset must be recognized separately from
goodwill even if the acquirer is legally or contractually restricted from transferring or otherwise
exchanging the asset. Accordingly, separate recognition of intangible assets that arise from legal or
contractual rights is required even if they are never exchanged, and therefore may be difficult to value. Examples: contractual-legal criterion
ASC 805-20-55-2 provides the following examples of intangible assets that meet the contractual-legal criterion:
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Paragraph 805-20-25-10 establishes that an intangible asset is identifiable if it meets either the
separability criterion or the contractual-legal criterion described in the definition of identifiable. An
intangible asset that meets the contractual-legal criterion is identifiable even if the asset is not
transferable or separable from the acquiree or from other rights and obligations. For example:
a. An acquiree leases a manufacturing facility under an operating lease that has terms that are favorable
relative to market terms. The lease terms explicitly prohibit transfer of the lease (through either sale
or sublease). The amount by which the lease terms are favorable compared with the pricing of current
market transactions for the same or similar items is an intangible asset that meets the contractual-
legal criterion for recognition separately from goodwill, even though the acquirer cannot sell or
otherwise transfer the lease contract. See also paragraphs 805-20-25-12 through 25-13.
b. An acquiree owns and operates a nuclear power plant. The license to operate that power plant is an
intangible asset that meets the contractual-legal criterion for recognition separately from goodwill,
even if the acquirer cannot sell or transfer it separately from the acquired power plant. An acquirer
may recognize the fair value of the operating license and the fair value of the power plant as a
single asset for financial reporting purposes if the useful lives of those assets are similar.
c. An acquiree owns a technology patent. It has licensed that patent to others for their exclusive use
outside the domestic market, receiving a specified percentage of future foreign revenue in
exchange. Both the technology patent and the related license agreement meet the contractual-
legal criterion for recognition separately from goodwill even if selling or exchanging the patent
and the related license agreement separately from one another would not be practical.
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Paragraph 805-20-25-10 establishes that an intangible asset is identifiable if it meets either the
separability criterion or the contractual-legal criterion described in the definition of identifiable. An
intangible asset that meets the contractual-legal criterion is identifiable even if the asset is not
transferable or separable from the acquiree or from other rights and obligations. For example:
a. An acquiree leases a manufacturing facility to a lessee under an operating lease that has terms that
are favorable relative to market terms. The lease terms explicitly prohibit transfer of the lease
(through either sale or sublease). The amount by which the lease terms are favorable compared with
the pricing of current market transactions for the same or similar items is an intangible asset that
meets the contractual-legal criterion for recognition separately from goodwill, even though the
acquirer cannot sell or otherwise transfer the lease contract. See also paragraph 805-20-25-12.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 78
b. An acquiree owns and operates a nuclear power plant. The license to operate that power plant is an
intangible asset that meets the contractual-legal criterion for recognition separately from goodwill,
even if the acquirer cannot sell or transfer it separately from the acquired power plant. An acquirer
may recognize the fair value of the operating license and the fair value of the power plant as a
single asset for financial reporting purposes if the useful lives of those assets are similar.
c. An acquiree owns a technology patent. It has licensed that patent to others for their exclusive
use outside the domestic market, receiving a specified percentage of future foreign revenue in
exchange. Both the technology patent and the related license agreement meet the contractual-
legal criterion for recognition separately from goodwill even if selling or exchanging the patent
and the related license agreement separately from one another would not be practical.
The separability criterion means that an acquired intangible asset is capable of being separated or
divided from the acquiree and sold, transferred, licensed, rented, or exchanged, either individually or
together with a related contract, identifiable asset, or liability. An intangible asset that the acquirer
would be able to sell, license, or otherwise exchange for something else of value meets the separability
criterion even if the acquirer does not intend to sell, license, or otherwise exchange it. Separability criterion
Although some intangible assets do not arise from contractual or other legal rights, they are capable of
being separated from the acquired company and sold or exchanged for value. Goodwill cannot be
separated from a business and sold or otherwise transferred. The FASB therefore decided that separability
is another characteristic distinguishing identifiable intangible assets from goodwill. Exchange transactions
provide evidence of separability and might provide information for determining fair value. An acquired
intangible asset meets the separability criterion if there is evidence of exchange transactions for that
type of asset or an asset of a similar type, even if those exchanges are infrequent and regardless of
whether the acquiring company has been involved in them. Further, if the acquired intangible asset is
capable of being separated from the acquired business, the intangible asset still meets the criterion for
separate recognition regardless of whether management has the intent to separate it. Even if the
acquiring company believes that separating the intangible asset would be uneconomical, it is the
capability of being separated, rather than the probability of being separated, that is determinative.
If agreements (e.g., confidentiality agreements) or laws or statutes (e.g., privacy laws) legally prohibit
the sale, transfer, license, rent or exchange of an intangible asset, then that asset would not meet the
separability criterion. To conclude that such transfer prohibitions preclude the separate recognition of
the intangible asset, we believe that the transfer prohibitions must be in effect for the full useful life of
the intangible asset and, of course, that the intangible asset does not otherwise meet the contractual-
legal criterion. If this is not the case, the intangible asset is separately recognized. In such cases, transfer
prohibitions would be expected to adversely affect the intangible assets fair value. (See section
for further discussion of measuring the value of identifiable intangible assets).
ASC 805-20-55-4 provides the following example illustrating customer-related intangible assets that meet
the separability criterion (see further discussion of customer-related intangible assets in section
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 79
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
An acquired intangible asset meets the separability criterion if there is evidence of exchange transactions for
that type of asset or an asset of a similar type, even if those transactions are infrequent and regardless of
whether the acquirer is involved in them. For example, customer and subscriber lists are frequently licensed
and thus meet the separability criterion. Even if an acquiree believes its customer lists have characteristics
different from other customer lists, the fact that customer lists are frequently licensed generally means that
the acquired customer list meets the separability criterion. However, a customer list acquired in a business
combination would not meet the separability criterion if the terms of confidentiality or other agreements
prohibit an entity from selling, leasing, or otherwise exchanging information about its customers.
Some intangible assets that might not be separable on their own are so closely related to another asset or
liability that they are usually sold as a package. Citing concerns that if the value of those intangible
assets were included in the balance of goodwill, gains might be inappropriately recognized if the related
asset or liability was later sold or extinguished, the FASB concluded that the separability criterion is met
even if the asset can be separated only with a group of related assets. As such, an intangible asset that is
not separable individually still meets the separability criterion if it can be separated or divided and sold,
transferred, licensed, rented, or exchanged in combination with a related contract or other asset or liability.
However, the intangible asset being evaluated for separability must otherwise meet the definition of an
intangible asset. For example, if the intangible asset is not capable of being sold, transferred, licensed,
rented or exchanged independent of the related contract, asset or liability, then the separability criterion
would not be met. In this situation, any value associated with the intangible asset is embedded in the
related contract, asset or liability.
The following examples illustrate intangible assets that, while not individually separable, are separable
when segregated with other assets or liabilities:
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
An intangible asset that is not individually separable from the acquiree or combined entity meets the
separability criterion if it is separable in combination with a related contract, identifiable asset, or
liability. For example:
a. Market participants exchange deposit liabilities and related depositor relationship intangible
assets in observable exchange transactions. Therefore, the acquirer should recognize the
depositor relationship intangible asset separately from goodwill.
b. An acquiree owns a registered trademark and documented but unpatented technical expertise
used to manufacture the trademarked product. To transfer ownership of a trademark, the owner
is also required to transfer everything else necessary for the new owner to produce a product or
service indistinguishable from that produced by the former owner. Because the unpatented
technical expertise must be separated from the acquiree or combined entity and sold if the
related trademark is sold, it meets the separability criterion.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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The guidance in ASC 805 does not preclude accounting for acquired complimentary assets together if the
assets have similar useful lives. Therefore, the value of acquired unpatented technical expertise may be
aggregated with the value recognized for an associated trademark if both are acquired in the business
combination. However, if technological or other expertise is separable only when grouped and transferred
in conjunction with an assembled workforce, it would not be considered separable for purposes of
recognition in a business combination as an identifiable intangible asset. This is because, as discussed in
section, an assembled workforce is not in and of itself considered to be an identifiable asset in
business combination accounting. Thus, in this case, the value attributed to technological expertise and
assembled workforce would be subsumed into goodwill in a business combination.
The guidance in ASC 805 provides that the contractual-legal and separable criteria are not applicable to
recognition of intangible assets in accounting for an asset acquisition. We believe, therefore, that in
circumstances where technological expertise is embedded in an assembled workforce that is acquired in an
asset acquisition (i.e., an acquisition that does not constitute a business combination), the value attributed
to an assembled workforce intangible asset includes the value of the embedded technological expertise. Intangible assets accounting alternative
US GAAP includes an accounting alternative (the intangible assets accounting alternative) that allows a
private company or an NFP to limit the customer-related intangibles it recognizes in a business
combination or acquisition by an NFP to those that are capable of being sold or licensed independently
from the other assets of the business. As a result, private companies and NFPs that elect the alternative
will subsume many of the types of customer-related intangible assets that they recognize separately
under ASC 805 into goodwill. Under this alternative, private companies and NFPs also wouldn’t separately
recognize noncompetition agreements acquired as part of the transaction. See Appendix D for further
discussion of this accounting alternative. Examples of intangible assets that meet the recognition criteria
The implementation guidance in ASC 805 includes a listing of examples of intangible assets that the
FASB believes meet the criteria for recognition apart from goodwill and provides guidance in applying the
recognition criteria; the listing is reprinted below. We understand that the FASB and the SEC staff expect
this list to be used effectively as a checklist such that, if an intangible asset that appears on the list exists
among the assets acquired in a business combination and is material, it is measured and recognized apart
from goodwill. We believe that the list is useful in identifying intangible assets of acquired entities.
However, the list is not intended to be all-inclusive.
Assets designated by the symbol # are those that would be recognized apart from goodwill because
they meet the contractual-legal criterion. Assets designated by the symbol
do not arise from
contractual or other legal rights, but nonetheless are recognized apart from goodwill because they meet
the separability criterion. Note also that intangible assets designated by the symbol # meet the contractual-
legal criterion but also might meet the separability criterion; however, separability is not a necessary
condition for an asset to meet the contractual-legal criterion. The determination of whether or not a
specific acquired intangible asset meets the criteria in ASC 805 for recognition apart from goodwill is
based on the facts and circumstances of each individual business combination.
Marketing-related intangible assets
Trademarks, trade names, service marks, collective marks, certification marks #
Trade dress (unique color, shape, or package design) #
Newspaper mastheads #
Internet domain names #
Noncompetition agreements #
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 81
Customer-related intangible assets
Customer lists
Order or production backlog #
Customer contracts and related customer relationships #
Noncontractual customer relationships
Artistic-related intangible assets
Plays, operas, ballets #
Books, magazines, newspapers, other literary works #
Musical works such as compositions, song lyrics, advertising jingles #
Pictures, photographs #
Video and audiovisual material, including motion pictures, music videos, television programs #
Contract-based intangible assets
Licensing, royalty, standstill agreements #
Advertising, construction, management, service, or supply contracts #
Lease agreements #
Construction permits #
Franchise agreements #
Operating and broadcast rights #
Servicing contracts such as mortgage servicing contracts #
Employment contracts #
Use rights such as drilling, water, air, timber cutting, and route authorities #
Technology-based intangible assets
Patented technology #
Computer software and mask works #
Unpatented technology
Databases, including title plants
Trade secrets, such as secret formulas, processes, recipes #
A discussion of each category of intangible assets is included in the following sections through
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 82 Marketing-related intangible assets
Marketing-related intangible assets provide value to the marketing or promotion of products or services.
Trademarks, service marks, collective marks and certification marks might be protected legally through
registration, continuous use in commerce or other means. If they are registered or are otherwise
providing legal protection, those assets meet the contractual-legal criterion for recognition apart from
goodwill. Otherwise, a trademark or other mark is recognized apart from goodwill if the separability
criterion is met, which the FASB believes normally would be the case.
The terms brand and brand name are general marketing terms that typically refer to a group of
complimentary assets such as a trademark and its related trade name, formulas, recipes, and
technological expertise, which might or might not be patented. The guidance in ASC 805 does not preclude
recognition, as a single asset apart from goodwill, of the value of a group of complimentary intangible
assets, commonly referred to as a brand, if the assets that make up the group have similar useful lives. Noncompetition agreements
Noncompetition agreements are legal arrangements that limit a persons or entity’s ability to compete with
another entity in a specific market for a period of time. If a target in a business combination has preexisting
noncompetition arrangements in place at the acquisition date, these typically would meet the contractual-
legal criterion for recognition as intangible assets in a business combination. Such a noncompetition
agreement is recognized as an intangible asset as of the acquisition date at its fair value, which might or
might not be equal to a value assigned to the noncompetition agreement in the purchase agreement. The
recognized asset is amortized over the useful life of the noncompetition agreement under a method that
reflects the economic benefits to the acquirer or based on a straight-line method if another method is not
reliably determinable. This accounting contrasts with accounting for noncompetition agreements included
in employee compensation arrangements, which generally are not recognized as separate assets but are
considered in the accounting for the compensation arrangement. As discussed further in section,
we generally believe that a noncompetition agreement with continuing employees would not have
significant value in a business combination, as the employee’s decision on whether or not to compete is
influenced by the terms of the existing employment agreement and many other factors. A discussion of
noncompetition agreements in employee equity-based compensation arrangements is included in our FRD,
Share-based payment.
In contrast, an acquirer may enter a noncompetition agreement with the target company shareholders
(who typically would have been employed by or involved in the management of the target but will not
be employed by the acquirer) in connection with a business combination. Because noncompetition
agreements typically are initiated by the acquirer to protect the acquirer’s interests, they generally will
be accounted for as transactions separate from the business combination. See section for
additional consideration of determining what is a part of the business combination. Internet domain names
An Internet domain name is a unique alphanumeric name that is used to identify a particular numeric
Internet address. Registration of a domain name creates an association between that name and a
designated computer on the Internet for the period of the registration. Those registrations are
renewable. A registered domain name acquired in a business combination meets the contractual-legal
criterion and is measured at fair value.
An acquirer may purchase internet domain names that are similar to a primary domain name that the
acquirer is already using with the intention to redirect traffic to the primary domain name rather than use
the acquired name. For example, an acquirer many own a particular domain name ending in .com but
there may also be a similar domain name ending in .net. In such a situation, and as discussed in section
4.2.1, the acquired internet domain name must be recognized at fair value (as defined in ASC 820) to a
market participant even though the acquirer may not use the asset to the extent of its highest and best use.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 83 Customer-related intangible assets Customer relationships
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
A customer relationship exists between an entity and its customer if the entity has information about
the customer and has regular contact with the customer, and the customer has the ability to make
direct contact with the entity. Customer relationships meet the contractual-legal criterion if an entity
has a practice of establishing contracts with its customers, regardless of whether a contract exists at
the acquisition date. Customer relationships also may arise through means other than contracts, such
as through regular contact by sales or service representatives. As noted in paragraph 805-20-55-22,
an order or a production backlog arises from contracts such as purchase or sales orders and therefore
is considered a contractual right. Consequently, if an entity has relationships with its customers
through these types of contracts, the customer relationships also arise from contractual rights and
therefore meet the contractual-legal criterion.
Customer relationships can be both contractual and non-contractual. If a company has a practice of
establishing customer relationships through contracts, those relationships would meet the contractual-
legal criterion and would be recognized apart from goodwill regardless of whether a contract is (1) in
existence at the acquisition date or (2) is cancelable. The entitys business practice of establishing
relationships through contracts is determinative when evaluating whether or not a customer relationship
is contractual. Thus, an intangible customer relationship asset is recognized in a business combination to
the extent that the acquired business is expected to benefit from future contracts which, at the date of
acquisition, do not exist but which are reasonably anticipated given the history and operating practices of
the acquired business. Examples of customer relationships established by contract
include, without
limitation, supply agreements, service contracts, purchase or sales orders, and order or production
backlogs that arise from contracts. An intangible customer relationship asset that meets the contractual-
legal criterion is recognized apart from goodwill even if confidentiality or other contractual terms prohibit
the sale or transfer of the contract separately from the acquired company. As discussed earlier,
separability is not a necessary condition for an asset to meet the contractual-legal criterion.
If a customer relationship does not arise from a contract, an intangible customer relationship asset is
recognized apart from goodwill only if it meets the separability criterion. Because most non-contractual
customer relationships are not separable by themselves, companies need to consider if those relationships
are capable of being sold, leased, licensed, transferred or exchanged with another asset, liability or
contract. Even though not separable individually, these relationships may be separable along with
another asset, liability, or contract, such as with a sales representatives contract, with a brand or
trademark, or with a product line, even if management has no intention of doing so. An example of such
an intangible asset would be a depositor relationship, as discussed in section above.
Customer relationships (both contractual and non-contractual) are recognized separately from goodwill
only to the extent that they exist at the acquisition date (although as discussed above a contract need not
be in place at the acquisition date for a contractual customer relationship to exist). Customer relationships
that arise after the consummation date would not be recognized separately as an acquired asset.
Note that contractual customer relationship intangible assets are distinct from contract intangible assets. Further, both the useful life
and the pattern in which the economic benefits of the two assets are consumed may differ. For example, the acquisition of a contract
with a customer might result in the recognition of both an in-progress contract that would be accounted for by the acquirer under
ASC 606 and a separate customer relationship intangible asset that would be amortized over its expected useful life.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 84 Examples of customer relationships
The following examples illustrate the establishment of customer relationships:
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Example 1: Customer Contract and Customer Relationship Intangible Assets Acquired in a
Business Combination
The following Cases illustrate the guidance in paragraphs 805-20-55-23 through 55-27 on recognition
of customer contract and customer relationship intangible assets acquired in a business combination:
a. Five-year supply agreement (Case A)
b. One customer, contract in one of two lines of business (Case B)
c. Purchase and sales orders (Case C)
d. Cancelable contracts (Case D).
In each of the Cases, the Acquirer acquires Target in a business combination on December 31, 20X5.
Case A: Five-Year Supply Agreement
Target has a five-year agreement to supply goods to Customer. Both Target and Acquirer believe that
Customer will renew the agreement at the end of the current contract. The agreement is not separable.
The agreement, whether cancelable or not, meets the contractual-legal criterion. Additionally, because
Target establishes its relationship with Customer through a contract, not only the agreement itself but
also Targets customer relationship with Customer meet the contractual-legal criterion.
Case B: One Customer, Contract in One of Two Lines of Business
Target manufactures goods in two distinct lines of business: sporting goods and electronics. Customer
purchases both sporting goods and electronics from Target. Target has a contract with Customer to be
its exclusive provider of sporting goods but has no contract for the supply of electronics to Customer.
Both Target and Acquirer believe that only one overall customer relationship exists between Target
and Customer. The contract to be Customers exclusive supplier of sporting goods, whether cancelable
or not, meets the contractual-legal criterion. Additionally, because Target establishes its relationship
with Customer through a contract, the customer relationship with Customer meets the contractual-
legal criterion. Because Target has only one customer relationship with Customer, the fair value of
that relationship incorporates assumptions about Targets relationship with Customer related to both
sporting goods and electronics. However, if Acquirer determines that the customer relationships with
Customer for sporting goods and for electronics are separate from each other, Acquirer would assess
whether the customer relationship for electronics meets the separability criterion for identification as
an intangible asset.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Case C: Purchase and Sales Orders
Target does business with its customers solely through purchase and sales orders. At December 31,
20X5, Target has a backlog of customer purchase orders from 60 percent of its customers, all of
whom are recurring customers. The other 40 percent of Targets customers also are recurring
customers. However, as of December 31, 20X5, Target has no open purchase orders or other
contracts with those customers. Regardless of whether they are cancelable or not, the purchase
orders from 60 percent of Targets customers meet the contractual-legal criterion. Additionally,
because Target has established its relationship with 60 percent of its customers through contracts,
not only the purchase orders but also Targets customer relationships meet the contractual-legal
criterion. Because Target has a practice of establishing contracts with the remaining 40 percent of its
customers, its relationship with those customers also arises through contractual rights and therefore
meets the contractual-legal criterion even though Target does not have contracts with those
customers at December 31, 20X5.
Case D: Cancelable Contracts
Target has a portfolio of one-year motor insurance contracts that are cancelable by policyholders.
Because Target establishes its relationships with policyholders through insurance contracts, the
customer relationship with policyholders meets the contractual-legal criterion. The guidance in
Subtopic 350-30 applies to the customer relationship intangible asset. Customer lists
A customer list consists of information about customers, such as their name and contact information.
A customer list can also be in the form of a database that includes other information about a customer,
such as order history and demographic information. Customer lists generally do not arise from contractual
or other legal rights, but they are valuable and frequently leased or exchanged. Therefore, an acquired
customer list meets the separability criterion for recognition apart from goodwill. A customer list meets
the separability criterion even if the acquiring company has never sold or leased a customer list and has
no intentions of doing so in the future provided that the list is capable of being sold, leased, or otherwise
exchanged. However, if terms of confidentiality or other agreements prohibit a company from selling,
leasing, or otherwise exchanging a non-contractual customer list, the separability criterion would not be
met and an intangible asset would not be recognized apart from goodwill. See section for
further discussion of separability. Customer base
A customer base does not meet the criteria for recognition apart from goodwill. The term customer
base refers to a group of customers that are not known or identifiable to the company. For example,
customers of fast-food franchises or movie theatres may be loyal and repeat customers; however, rarely
would specific demographic data on customers be maintained such that it would meet the separability
criterion. Because of the inability to separate a customer base, and the fact that the customer base
relationship is not contractual, a customer base is not considered to be an asset separable from goodwill.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 86 Exclusivity arrangements
Exclusivity arrangements, while not listed as an example of an intangible asset in ASC 805, are considered
intangible assets that meet the contractual-legal criterion and thus are recognized separately in a
business combination. The EITF reached a consensus in EITF 01-3
that the amortization of an intangible
asset recognized in a business combination for an exclusivity arrangement under which the target of a
business combination will be the exclusive supplier of a product or service to a third party, is recognized
as a reduction to revenue in the acquirer’s income statement if the exclusivity arrangement is negotiated
in conjunction with the business combination. The EITF’s consensus was based on the accounting for cash
consideration given by a vendor to a customer and is similar to the guidance for consideration payable to
a customer in the revenue recognition standard (see ASC 606-10-32). If the exclusivity arrangement was
in place before the business combination and negotiated independently of the acquirer, amortization of
the intangible asset recognized in the business combination is recognized as an expense in the acquirer’s
income statement. Consider the following example:
Illustration 4-3: Exclusivity arrangement
Supplier A is willing to pay an up-front fee to Company B in return for the right to be the exclusive
supplier of Product A. If that arrangement were entered into directly, Supplier A would be required to
recognize the up-front fee as a reduction of revenue. Supplier A has agreed to acquire Supplier Z, a
much smaller entity in the same line of business that also sells Product A. Shortly before the acquisition
date, Supplier Z pays an up-front fee to serve as the sole supplier of Product A to Company B on terms
similar to those that would have been offered by Supplier A. As a result of its acquisition of Supplier Z,
Supplier A, in effect, will become the exclusive supplier of Product A to Company B. Supplier A would
recognize the fair value of that exclusivity arrangement as an intangible asset when the business
combination is recorded.
In this fact pattern, the exclusivity arrangement was not negotiated independently by the acquiree,
presumably because Supplier A had an influence on the terms offered by Supplier Z, who, because of its
small stature, would not have been capable of agreeing to such terms on its own. Thus, the arrangement
was not negotiated independently of the business combination (even though it was negotiated prior to
the acquisition date) and the exclusivity arrangement is recognized as an intangible asset separate from
the business combination, with the related amortization presented as a reduction of revenue in the
acquirers consolidated income statement. If Supplier Z had entered into the exclusivity arrangement on
terms that were not similar to those that would have been offered by Supplier A, and the arrangement
was completed prior to the acquisition date, the arrangement might be determined to have been
negotiated independently of the business combination and the amortization would be presented as an
expense in the acquirers post-acquisition income statement. See section for additional
information on identifying what is part of the business combination.
Contractual exclusivity intangible assets are distinct from the fair value of customer relationships.
Further, both the useful life and the pattern in which the economic benefits of the two assets are
consumed may differ.
EITF 01-3 was nullified by Statement 141(R). Now codified in ASC 805, Statement 141(R) does not specifically address whether
the amortization of the related intangible asset should be an expense or a reduction of revenue. As such, we believe the consensus
reached in EITF 01-3 should continue to be followed in practice as it is consistent with the guidance in ASC 606-10-32.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 87
Question 4.1 How should the acquirer account for overlapping customers (i.e., the acquirer and target have an
existing relationship with the same customer)?
The SEC staff discussed this topic at the 2005 AICPA National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB
The SEC staff believes that in many cases it would be difficult to support a conclusion
that no value should be attributed to the acquired intangible customer relationship asset as a result of
the acquirers pre-established relationship with the targets customer. In the SEC staffs view, an acquired
customer relationship that overlaps an existing customer relationship has value because the acquirer, as
a result of the acquisition, has the ability to generate incremental cash flows, such as the ability to sell
new products to the customer and/or to increase its shelf space with the customer. However, as
described in a speech at the 2006 AICPA National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB
that value may appropriately be reflected in the recognition of other intangible assets,
such as trade names or proprietary technologies that drive customer loyalty. Artistic-related intangible assets
A copyright is an example of a contractual or legal right that would meet the criteria for recognition of an
artistic-related asset apart from goodwill. In the US, copyrights are granted by the federal government
for the life of the creator plus 50 years and can be transferred either in their entirety through assignment
or in part through licensing agreements. The existence of any assignments or licensing agreements is
considered in determining the fair value of a copyright intangible asset. The guidance in ASC 805 does
not preclude an acquiring company from recognizing an intangible copyright asset and any related
assignments or licensing agreements as a single intangible asset if their useful lives are similar. In
general, intangible artistic-related assets might arise from any rights of the acquired entity pertaining to
books, musical works, plays, pictures, video materials, movies, television programs, etc. Contract-based intangible assets
A contract-based intangible asset represents the value of rights that arise from an executory contract
arrangement. The value of the rights may relate to either off-market terms or the inherent value in an
at market (or at-the-money) contract, as discussed in sections and, respectively.
The fact that a contract is cancelable does not affect the recognition of an intangible asset; however,
the ability of the counterparty to cancel the contract would affect the measurement of the asset. Servicing rights
An intangible asset representing an acquired servicing asset
is recognized apart from goodwill if the
servicing right qualifies to be recognized separately from the underlying acquired financial asset pursuant
to the guidance in ASC 860-50. If a servicing right does not qualify for separate recognition, the value of
that servicing right is considered in measuring the fair value of the underlying acquired financial assets.
Pamela R. Schlosser, Professional Accounting Fellow, Office of the Chief Accountant, Remarks before the 2005 AICPA National
Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments, December 5, 2005.
Joseph B. Ucuzoglu, Professional Accounting Fellow, Office of the Chief Accountant, Remarks before the 2006 AICPA National
Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments, December 11, 2006.
The Master Glossary in ASC 860 defines a servicing asset as “a contract to service financial assets under which the benefits of
servicing are expected to more than adequately compensate the servicer for performing the servicing. A servicing contract is either:
Undertaken in conjunction with selling or securitizing the financial assets being serviced
Purchased or assumed separately.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 88
If mortgage loans, credit card receivables or other financial assets are acquired in a business combination
with embedded servicing rights, the inherent servicing rights associated with those assets are not a
separate intangible asset because the fair value of those servicing rights is included in the measurement
of the fair value of the acquired financial asset. Leases
An acquired in-the-money lease arrangement meets the intangible asset recognition criteria under
ASC 805. In-the-money leases might include arrangements where either (1) the target company is an
owner-lessor of a leased asset or (2) the target company is a lessee. When the target company is an
owner-lessor, the value of an in-place lease must be recognized apart from the acquired leased property.
As the useful life of an in-place lease is normally shorter than the remaining life of the leased asset,
separate recognition and amortization will affect the net earnings of the acquiring entity. See
sections and for a further discussion of acquired leases.
Similar concepts apply to assumed lease obligations where terms of the lease arrangement are favorable
or unfavorable relative to current market terms on the acquisition date. See sections and
for a further discussion of the recognition of assumed leases. Technology-based intangible assets
Many innovations and technological advances are protected by contractual or other legal rights, such as
patents and copyrights, and therefore meet the criteria for recognition apart from goodwill. Computer software and mask works
Computer software and program formats that are legally protected by patent or copyright meet the
contractual-legal criterion. Even if not protected by patent or copyright, if the software and program
formats can be separated or divided from the acquired business (individually or combined with a related
asset, liability or contract) and sold, transferred, licensed, rented or exchanged, then the software and
program formats meet the separability criterion.
Mask works are software permanently stored on a read-only memory chip as a series of stencils or
integrated circuitry. In the US, mask works qualify for protection under the Semiconductor Chip
Protection Act of 1984. Acquired mask works protected under the provision of the Act or other similar
laws or regulations meet the contractual-legal criterion. Databases, including title plants
A database that includes original works of authorship might be protected under copyright laws. If the
database is protected by copyright, it meets the contractual-legal criterion. A database might also be
comprised of information created as a consequence of normal operations, such as customer lists, a title
plant, scientific data or credit information. Such databases might not be protected by copyright but might
be exchanged in their entirety, or in part, and licensed or leased to others. Thus, even if the future
economic benefit of a database does not arise from legal rights, it might meet the separability criterion
for recognition as an intangible asset apart from goodwill.
Title plant assets are bought and sold in exchange transactions (either in whole or in part) or are leased.
Title plant assets therefore meet the separability criterion. ASC 950-350 states that a title plant
consists of all of the following: (a) indexed and catalogued information for a period concerning the
ownership of, and encumbrances on, parcels of land in a particular geographic area; (b) information
relating to persons having an interest in real estate; (c) maps and plats; (d) copies of prior title insurance
contracts and reports; and (e) other documents and records. A title plant constitutes a historical record
of all matters affecting title to parcels of land in a particular geographic area.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 89 Trade secrets such as secret formulas, processes and recipes
A trade secret is information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method,
technique or process, that (1) drives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being
generally known and (2) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to
maintain its secrecy.
If the future economic benefit of an acquired trade secret is protected legally,
such as by the Uniform Trade Secrets Act or other laws or regulations, that asset meets the contractual-
legal criterion. Anti-piracy laws or regulations frequently exist to protect trade secrets and other
intellectual property. Even if laws or regulations do not protect a trade secret, a trade secret generally
would be recognized as an intangible asset apart from goodwill if the separability criterion is met, which
the FASB believes likely would be the case. However, the value of such a trade secret might be adversely
affected by the lack of legal or regulatory protection. Assembled workforce
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The acquirer subsumes into goodwill the value of an acquired intangible asset that is not identifiable as
of the acquisition date. For example, an acquirer may attribute value to the existence of an assembled
workforce, which is an existing collection of employees that permits the acquirer to continue to
operate an acquired business from the acquisition date. An assembled workforce does not represent
the intellectual capital of the skilled workforcethe (often specialized) knowledge and experience that
employees of an acquiree bring to their jobs. Because the assembled workforce is not an identifiable
asset to be recognized separately from goodwill, any value attributed to it is subsumed into goodwill.
An assembled workforce is a collection of employees that allows the acquirer to continue to operate.
That is, the acquirer does not need to go through the process of finding, hiring and training the
employees because they are already in place and performing. ASC 805 precludes recognition of an
assembled workforce as a separate acquired asset in a business combination. The FASB believes that
because an assembled workforce is (1) not an individual employee but rather a collection of employees
and (2) generally not able to be sold or transferred, it does not meet either the contractual or separable
criteria required for intangible asset recognition in a business combination. However, employment
contracts, including collective bargaining agreements and those between individual employees and
employers, generally meet the contractual-legal criterion and are recognized and valued apart from
goodwill as an intangible asset (or potentially as a liability). See section for further discussion on
employment contracts in a business combination. Assembled workforce in an asset acquisition
In ASC 350-30-25-4, the FASB observed that while the contractual-legal and separable criteria constitute
a useful basis for the recognition of intangible assets, these criteria are not applicable in transactions that
are not business combinations (i.e., asset acquisitions). Therefore, intangible assets that do not qualify for
separate recognition in a business combination (i.e., are subsumed into goodwill), such as an assembled
workforce, are separately valued and recognized in an asset acquisition, for which no goodwill is recognized.
See Appendix A for further discussion of the accounting for asset acquisitions.
M. Simensky and B. Lanning, The New Role of Intellectual Property in Commercial Transactions (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998),
page 293.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 90 Reacquired rights
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
As part of a business combination, an acquirer may reacquire a right that it had previously granted to
the acquiree to use one or more of the acquirers recognized or unrecognized assets. Examples of such
rights include a right to use the acquirers trade name under a franchise agreement or a right to use
the acquirers technology under a technology licensing agreement. A reacquired right is an identifiable
intangible asset that the acquirer recognizes separately from goodwill. Paragraph 805-20-30-20
provides guidance on measuring a reacquired right, and paragraph 805-20-35-2 provides guidance on
the subsequent accounting for a reacquired right.
If the terms of the contract giving rise to a reacquired right are favorable or unfavorable relative to the
terms of current market transactions for the same or similar items, the acquirer shall recognize a
settlement gain or loss. Paragraph 805-10-55-21 provides guidance for measuring that settlement
gain or loss.
Initial Measurement
The acquirer shall measure the value of a reacquired right recognized as an intangible asset in
accordance with paragraph 805-20-25-14 on the basis of the remaining contractual term of the
related contract regardless of whether market participants would consider potential contractual
renewals in determining its fair value.
As part of a business combination, an acquirer may reacquire a right that it previously had granted to the
acquiree to use one or more of the acquirers recognized or unrecognized assets. Examples of such rights
include a right to use the acquirers trade name under a franchise agreement or a right to use the acquirers
technology under a technology licensing agreement. The guidance in ASC 805 requires (1) a reacquired
right to be recognized as an identifiable intangible asset separate from goodwill, and (2) a settlement
gain or loss to be recognized to the extent the terms of the contract are favorable or unfavorable,
respectively, compared to current market terms. See section 4.5.4 for a further discussion on measuring
a settlement gain or loss in connection with the acquisition of a reacquired right.
From a measurement perspective, the guidance in ASC 805 precludes including the value of any renewal
rights (both explicit and implicit renewal rights) in determining the fair value of the intangible reacquired
right asset. While market participants generally would reflect expected renewals of the term of a
contractual right in their estimate of the fair value of a right traded in the market, the FASB observed
that an acquirer who controls a reacquired right could assume indefinite renewals of its contractual term,
effectively making the reacquired right an indefinite-lived intangible asset. The FASB therefore concluded
that a right reacquired from an acquiree is no longer a contract with a third party and in substance has a
finite life (i.e., a renewal of the contractual term after the business combination is not part of what was
acquired in the business combination). Accordingly, the FASB decided to measure reacquired rights
based solely on the remaining contractual term, which constitutes one of the exceptions to the fair value
recognition requirement of ASC 805.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 91 Subsequent accounting for reacquired rights
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Subsequent Measurement
A reacquired right recognized as an intangible asset in accordance with paragraph 805-20-25-14
shall be amortized over the remaining contractual period of the contract in which the right was
granted. An acquirer that subsequently sells a reacquired right to a third party shall include the
carrying amount of the intangible asset in determining the gain or loss on the sale.
For the same reasons discussed in section regarding the determination of the fair value of a
reacquired right, the guidance in ASC 350 limits the period over which the intangible asset is amortized
(i.e., its useful life) to the remaining contractual term (i.e., excluding renewal periods) of the contract
from which the reacquired right arises. If a reacquired right is subsequently sold to a third party, the
acquirer recognizes a gain or loss on the sale based on the difference between the sales price and any
remaining carrying value of the reacquired right. Other examples of intangible assets
The implementation guidance in ASC 805 is a useful tool in identifying intangible assets that may arise
from business combinations, but it is not intended to be all-inclusive. The determination of whether a
specific acquired intangible asset meets the criteria in ASC 805 for recognition apart from goodwill is
based on the facts and circumstances of each acquisition, including relevant industry considerations.
Because the implementation guidance in ASC 805 is not intended to be all-inclusive, many industry-
specific intangible assets may not be included in that list. Examples of intangible assets that might arise
in certain industries and qualify for recognition in a business combination include:
Intangible assets
Core deposit intangibles
Distribution channels
Mortgage servicing rights
Trust department relationships
Distribution channels (agents/agencies)
Insurance in-force, renewal rights, value of business acquired
Licenses, product approvals, registrations
Reinsurance contracts
Account relationships
Proprietary products
Credit card issuers
Agent bank agreements
Cardholder relationships
Merchant relationships
Recourse rights
Servicing rights
Asset management
Account relationships
Broker relationships
Investment management contracts
Licenses and permits
Seismic data
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 92
Intangible assets
Product distribution
Distribution agreements
Exclusivity arrangements
Sales representative agreements
Sales representative employment contracts
Supply contracts
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licenses
Real estate
Agency agreements
Listing agreements
Advertising contracts
Broadcast (FCC) licenses
Franchise rights
Network affiliation agreements
Health care/health sciences
Certificates of need
Contracts with insurers
Operating licenses
Physician/provider contracts Measurement of identifiable intangible assets
The guidance in ASC 805 requires intangible assets acquired in a business combination to be measured
at their acquisition-date fair value pursuant to the guidance in ASC 820 unless the intangible asset
qualifies for a measurement exception (e.g., reacquired rights). Acquired intangible assets to be sold
If an acquired intangible asset meets the criteria in ASC 360 to be classified as held for sale, the asset
initially is recognized at fair value less cost to sell. See section above and the FRD, Impairment or
disposal of long-lived assets, for further discussion.
If an acquired intangible asset does not meet the held-for-sale criteria, the asset initially is recognized at
its acquisition-date fair value in accordance with the guidance in ASC 805. SEC observations on the recognition and measurement of intangible assets in a business
The SEC staff has challenged whether additional intangible assets should have been recognized in a
business combination. The SEC staff’s comments have focused on the values assigned to specific
identifiable intangible assets, as well as the significant estimates and assumptions used in calculating fair
value measurements and the subsequent accounting for such recognized intangibles. Specifically, the
SEC staff has requested that registrants discuss in MD&A the valuation method and principal
assumptions they used to determine the fair value of each major class of intangible assets acquired.
The SEC staff also challenges whether registrants have recognized all identifiable intangible assets when
other public disclosures or information about an acquisition (e.g., press releases) indicate that there
potentially could be value included in goodwill that should be accounted for separately. When the
goodwill resulting from a business combination represents a significant portion of the consideration
transferred, the SEC staff often challenges whether all identifiable intangible assets acquired were
appropriately identified and measured.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 93
4.2.6 Research and development (R&D) assets
Under ASC 805, acquired IPR&D assets are not permitted to be written-off upon acquisition. The FASB
believed that IPR&D acquired in a business combination generally satisfied the CON 6, as it existed during
Statement 141(R) deliberations, definition of an asset because the observable exchange at the
acquisition date provides evidence that the parties to the exchange expect future economic benefits to
result from that research and development. Further, the FASB concluded that if an intangible asset is
identifiable, its fair value can be measured reliably.
The guidance in ASC 805 requires the recognition of tangible and intangible assets that result from or
are to be used in research and development activities as assets, irrespective of whether the acquired
assets have an alternative future use. Acquired IPR&D assets are required to be measured at their
acquisition-date fair value. Uncertainty about the outcome of an individual project does not affect the
recognition of an IPR&D asset but is reflected in its fair value.
Examples of IPR&D assets include patents, blueprints, formulae and designs associated with a specific
IPR&D project in process and the associated values derived from productive results of target company
R&D activities conducted before the acquisition. R&D definitions and scope
Even though the principles of accounting for R&D are described and applied collectively, ASC 730 defines
the terms research and development separately. Activities that are not covered by the definitions of
research or development in ASC 730 are not included in the scope of ASC 730, and accordingly, would
not qualify as IPR&D assets. The distinctions and definitions are consistent with how businesses that
conduct R&D typically delineate the activities.
Sections through below include a discussion of activities that qualify as R&D activities. Research
The Master Glossary in ASC 730 defines research as the planned search or critical investigation aimed
at discovery of new knowledge with the hope that such knowledge will be useful in developing a new
product or service (referred to as product) or a new process or technique (referred to as process) or in
bringing about a significant improvement to an existing product or process. Development
The Master Glossary in ASC 730 defines development as the translation of research findings or other
knowledge into a plan or design for a new product or process or for a significant improvement to an
existing product or process whether intended for sale or use. It includes the conceptual formulation,
design, and testing of product alternatives, construction of prototypes, and operation of pilot plants.
Development does not include routine or periodic alterations to existing products, production lines,
manufacturing processes, and other ongoing operations even though those alterations may represent
improvements and it does not include market research or market testing activities.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 94 Examples of research and development costs
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Research and Development Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Examples of Activities Typically Included in Research and Development
The following activities typically would be considered research and development within the scope of this
Topic (unless conducted for others under a contractual arrangementsee paragraph 730-10-15-4[a]):
a. Laboratory research aimed at discovery of new knowledge
b. Searching for applications of new research findings or other knowledge
c. Conceptual formulation and design of possible product or process alternatives
d. Testing in search for or evaluation of product or process alternatives
e. Modification of the formulation or design of a product or process
f. Design, construction, and testing of preproduction prototypes and models
g. Design of tools, jigs, molds, and dies involving new technology
h. Design, construction, and operation of a pilot plant that is not of a scale economically feasible to
the entity for commercial production
i. Engineering activity required to advance the design of a product to the point that it meets specific
functional and economic requirements and is ready for manufacture
j. Design and development of tools used to facilitate research and development or components of a
product or process that are undergoing research and development activities.
Examples of Activities Typically Excluded from Research and Development
The following activities typically would not be considered research and development within the scope
of this Topic:
a. Engineering follow-through in an early phase of commercial production
b. Quality control during commercial production including routine testing of products
c. Trouble-shooting in connection with break-downs during commercial production
d. Routine, ongoing efforts to refine, enrich, or otherwise improve upon the qualities of an existing
e. Adaptation of an existing capability to a particular requirement or customer’s need as part of a
continuing commercial activity
f. Seasonal or other periodic design changes to existing products
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 95
g. Routine design of tools, jigs, molds, and dies
h. Activity, including design and construction engineering, related to the construction, relocation,
rearrangement, or start-up of facilities or equipment other than the following:
1. Pilot plants (see [h] in the preceding paragraph)
2. Facilities or equipment whose sole use is for a particular research and development project
(see paragraph 730-10-25-2[a]).
i. Legal work in connection with patent applications or litigation, and the sale or licensing of patents.
Accounting for costs associated with conducting R&D activities on behalf of another entity under a
contractual arrangement is not within the scope of ASC 805s guidance on IPR&D. These arrangements
are considered executory contracts and are covered by the relevant guidance in ASC 730. In a business
combination, these arrangements would be accounted for as executory contracts (intangible assets or
liabilities) at fair value. See section 4.4.4 for a discussion of executory contracts.
ASC 350-40 provides that costs related to the development of internal use software are not R&D costs
(unless it is a pilot project or the software will be used in a R&D project). Therefore, the acquisition of an
internal use software project in a business combination is initially recognized and measured at fair value
(provided the asset meets the criteria of being identifiable) and subsequently measured in accordance with
the provisions of ASC 350-40. As a result, such assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives.
In addition, we believe an acquired out-licensing arrangement will be considered an IPR&D asset only if
the acquirer intends to play an active role in the development of the out-licensed asset. Otherwise, the
acquired out-licensing arrangement would be considered a contract-based intangible asset. For purposes
of determining whether the acquirer will play an active role in the development of the out-licensed asset,
we believe companies should look to the guidance in ASC 808-10-15-8 through 15-9. Application of AICPA Accounting & Valuation Guide, Assets Acquired to Be Used in
Research and Development Activities (the Guide)
The Guide provides best practices regarding the initial and subsequent measurement for, valuation of
and disclosures related to the acquisition of IPR&D assets in a business combination or an asset
acquisition. While the Guide focuses primarily on the software, electronic devices, and life sciences
industries, it is a useful reference for recognizing and measuring acquired IPR&D assets in all industries.
Although the Guide is not authoritative GAAP, there is little other guidance regarding the recognition and
measurement of IPR&D. In general, practice has looked to the methodologies included in the Guide for
recognizing and measuring IPR&D.
The Guide concludes that for IPR&D assets to be recognized in a business combination:
The acquired asset (whether tangible or intangible) must satisfy the recognition criteria in
ASC 805-20-25-1 through 25-3 (i.e., meet the definition of an asset as of the acquisition date and
be part of what the acquirer and acquiree exchanged in the business combination, as discussed in
section 3.4.1).
There is persuasive evidence that the specific IPR&D project has substance and is incomplete (see
If the acquired IPR&D asset does not possess each of the above characteristics, the IPR&D asset is not
recognized in the business combination. However, the fact that the acquired assets do not qualify as IPR&D
does not mean they are not recognized in the business combination. For example, if the project has substance
but is complete or the acquired assets will be used in a future R&D project that has not been commenced,
the acquired assets generally would be considered identifiable intangible assets that result from R&D
activities and are recognized in the business combinations at their acquisition-date fair value.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 96 Attributes of an acquired IPR&D project
In addition to satisfying the general recognition criteria ASC 805-20-25-1 through 25-3, in order to
qualify as IPR&D, there must be persuasive evidence that the project has substance and is incomplete. Substance
For a specific IPR&D project to have substance, an acquired company must have performed R&D
activities before the date of acquisition that constituted more than an insignificant effort and that (a)
meets the definition of R&D in ASC 730-10 and (b) result in the creation of value. If an acquired IPR&D
project does not have substance, it is not recognized as an asset apart from goodwill.
The Guide describes the life cycle of an R&D project as having four phases (more than one of which might
occur simultaneously): conceptualization, applied research, development and pre-production. A future
product, service, or process is defined, and its potential economic benefits are identified at some point
within the life cycle after the project’s conceptualization. After the time that a future product, service, or
process has been defined and its potential economic benefits have been identified, a specific IPR&D
project begins to demonstrate substance. This generally occurs when more than insignificant R&D efforts
have been expended after the characteristics of the future product, service, or process have been
defined. In contrast, if the acquired company has only articulated a concept, this does not constitute
substantive activities.
Factors that may demonstrate that a specific IPR&D project has substance include whether management has:
Acquired the business to obtain the project, or the project constituted a significant part of the
business acquired
Considered the impact of potential competition and other factors (that is, existing patents that would
block plans for further development and commercialization) on the potential economic benefits of
the project
Approved continued project funding
Been able to make reasonably reliable estimates of the project’s completion date
Been able to make reasonably reliable estimates of costs to complete
In addition, contemporaneous documentation of project attributes increases the likelihood that a project
has substance as of the acquisition date. Incompleteness
Incompleteness means there are remaining significant costs, engineering/technical risks or certain
remaining regulatory approvals at the date of acquisition. Both of the following factors should be
considered in evaluating whether a specific IPR&D project is incomplete:
Whether the combined enterprise expects to incur more than de minimis future costs related to the
acquired project that would qualify as R&D costs under ASC 730-10
Whether additional steps or milestones in a specific R&D project remain for the combined enterprise,
such as successfully overcoming the remaining engineering/technical risks or obtaining regulatory
approvals related to the results of the R&D
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 97
The following are examples of circumstances in which a specific R&D project is incomplete as of the
acquisition date:
Tangible products that are not subject to governmental regulations. The acquired company’s project
has not reached a level of completion such that first customer acceptance (or a similar
demonstration of completion for those products not subject to first customer acceptance) of the
product has occurred.
Software to be sold, licensed, or otherwise marketed. The software product is not available for
general release to customers, even if it has reached technological feasibility. However, if a software
product has reached technological feasibility and requires only minor, routine modifications prior to
general release to customers (which is considered to be imminent), that software product generally
would be viewed as a completed R&D project. If the acquirer is assessing whether a software product
is complete based technological feasibility, an issue may arise if the acquirer and the target have
different accounting policies defining when technological feasibility is achieved. For example, the
acquirer may define the achievement of technological feasibility upon the completion of a detailed
program design, while the target may view the achievement of technological feasibility as the
completion of a working model. In such cases, the acquirer determines technological feasibility based
on the consistent application of its own accounting policy.
Pharmaceutical products and processes related to right to market or use that are subject to
governmental regulations. The acquired company’s product or process has not been approved for
marketing or production by the appropriate regulatory body. For example, in the United States, only
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of a product is sufficient for a project to be complete
(FDA approval of a product for marketing also includes approval of the manufacturing process).
There may be circumstances in which a specific IPR&D project comprises a number of subprojects that,
individually, could be used by the reporting entity in a manner that would create an anticipated economic
benefit. If any of those subprojects are complete and it is anticipated that the reporting entity will derive
incremental economic benefit from the discrete exploitation of those subprojects, then the fair values of
the completed subprojects would not represent an IPR&D asset. Instead, it would represent an asset
resulting from R&D activities. Distinguishing between assets used in R&D activities and assets resulting from R&D activities
The Guide distinguishes between acquired assets used in R&D activities and acquired assets resulting
from R&D activities. This distinction is important because the subsequent accounting for assets used in
R&D activities (classified as indefinite-lived intangible assets) differs significantly from the accounting for
assets resulting from R&D activities (classified as finite-lived intangible assets).
The following table distinguishes between assets used in R&D activities and assets resulting from
R&D activities.
Category of asset
Used in R&D activities
Resulting from R&D activities
R&D efforts
Assets that will continue to be pursued by
the acquirer in its ongoing R&D activities.
Assets generated from R&D activities that
are complete.
The acquired defensive IPR&D asset will
defend other ongoing R&D projects of the
acquirer (see section
The acquired defensive IPR&D asset will
defend a developed product of the acquirer
(see section
The acquirer intends to play an active role
in the development of the out-licensed
asset (see section
The acquirer does not intend to play an
active role in the development of the out-
licensed asset (see section
Assets temporarily idled.
Assets indefinitely idled.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 98 Measurement
The fair value measurement concepts of in ASC 820 are applied to all acquired IPR&D assets. Although
not to be considered an all-inclusive list, some of the factors that are considered in the measurement of
acquired IPR&D include the:
Size and duration of the market for the product
Time and costs to commercialize and market
Potential customers
Share of the market
Selling price
Production and related costs for the product
The Guide contains a chapter discussing fair value measurement in further detail and a comprehensive
example. The following sections are included in that valuation chapter:
Considerations related to ASC 820
The use of prospective financial information (PFI)
Application of the multi-period excess earnings method
Application of the relief from royalty method
Application of decision tree analysis
Other methods
Valuation report considerations
Comprehensive example
See our FRD, Fair value measurement, for further discussion of fair value measurement. Unit of account
When IPR&D assets are acquired in a business combination, questions arise as to whether it is appropriate
to combine such assets into a single unit of account. The Guide indicates that companies may combine
IPR&D assets that are classified as indefinite-lived into a single unit of account if they are “substantially
the same.” The unit of account determination will require the exercise of professional judgment based on
the particular facts and circumstances of each acquisition. To help companies determine whether assets
aresubstantially the same,” the Guide provides the following factors to consider (none of the factors
taken individually is determinative nor is this list all-inclusive):
The phase of development of the related IPR&D project
The nature of the activities and costs necessary to further develop the related IPR&D project
The risks associated with the further development of the related IPR&D project
The amount and timing of benefits expected to be derived in the future from the developed asset(s)
The expected economic life of the developed asset(s)
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 99
Whether there is an intent to manage costs for the developed asset(s) separately or on a combined
basis in areas such as strategy, manufacturing, advertising and selling
Whether the asset, whether an incomplete IPR&D project or when ultimately completed, would be
transferred by itself or with other separately identifiable assets
The table below discusses how a company might consider each of the factors above in its determination
of the unit of account for an acquired IPR&D project in which the acquirer is planning to seek regulatory
approval in more than one jurisdiction.
Indicative of a single unit of account
Indicative of multiple units of account
Phase of
The IPR&D project is in an early phase of
The IPR&D project is in a later phase of
development and development risks
associated with each jurisdiction are known.
Nature of
The costs and activities to further develop
the compound are substantially the same
regardless of jurisdiction (for example, the
development of the project will occur centrally,
and the company intends to incur only a small
amount of development costs to obtain
approval within each regulatory jurisdiction
towards the later stages of testing).
Different activities and costs will be required
to complete the compound in each
jurisdiction (for example, the development
of the project will occur centrally for a
portion of the process, but the extent of
separate regulatory approval costs is
expected to be a significant portion of the
overall development cost).
Associated risks
The risks of further development (i.e., risk of
patent not being approved) are substantially
the same in each jurisdiction. For example, the
acquirer believes it will likely result in approval
in each jurisdiction or no jurisdiction, although
the timing of approval may differ.
The risks of further development vary widely
based on jurisdiction. For example, the
acquirer believes the risks of obtaining
approval in each jurisdiction is different and
they do not believe approval in one jurisdiction
has relevance to the other jurisdictions.
economic life
The amount and timing of benefits expected
to be derived in the future from the developed
assets and the expected economic life of the
developed assets are substantially the same
(for example, if approved, the patent is
expected to have approximately the same life
in each jurisdiction).
The amount and timing of benefits expected
to be derived in the future from the
developed assets and the expected
economic life of the developed assets are
not substantially the same. For example, if
approved, the patent life is expected to be
different for each jurisdiction.
advertising and
selling costs
The acquirer intends to manage strategy,
manufacturing, advertising and selling costs
from the perspective of the global brand, not the
individual jurisdictions where the product is sold.
The acquirer intends to manage strategy,
manufacturing, advertising and selling costs
separately in each jurisdiction the compound
is sold.
separately or
with other assets
The compound (if ever transferred) would be
transferred in one worldwide arrangement.
The compounds (if ever transferred) would
not be transferred as a single asset.
See section for a further discussion of subsequent accounting for IPR&D assets. Recognition of an IPR&D asset acquired in a business combination with associated milestone
and royalty obligations
In some business combinations, the acquiree may have previously licensed the rights to a product
candidate from a third party in exchange for an up-front payment, additional payments if certain
substantive milestones are achieved and royalties for any resulting product sales. Questions arise in
practice regarding whether the future milestone and royalty obligations should be considered elements
of the acquired IPR&D asset (net presentation) or a separate unit of account (gross presentation).
Provided that separation is not required by other accounting literature, we believe that the future
milestone and royalty obligations should be considered elements of the acquired IPR&D asset (net
presentation). We believe this view is consistent with the fact that the license generally could not be sold
or sub-licensed to another party without the related milestone and royalty obligations.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 100
This is illustrated in the following example.
Illustration 4-4: Recognition of an IPR&D asset acquired in a business combination with
associated milestone and royalty obligations
Company A acquired Company B in a business combination. Prior to the date of acquisition, Company B
had entered into a licensing arrangement with Company C. Pursuant to the terms of the license,
Company B acquired the worldwide exclusive right to develop, make, distribute, and sell a drug candidate
that had been patented by Company C. At the time of Company B’s license, the drug candidate had not
yet been approved for marketing. In exchange for these rights, Company B made a payment at the
inception of the agreement and is obligated to make additional payments if certain substantive milestones
are achieved (e.g., initiation of Phase 3 clinical trials), as well as royalties based on a percentage of
sales of the drug if it is approved for marketing. Company A will continue pursuing this project.
Provided that separation is not required by other accounting literature, we believe that the milestone
and royalty obligations should be considered elements of the acquired IPR&D asset. In determining the
fair value of this IPR&D asset, Company A will most likely use an income approach, such as a discounted
cash flow method, that will consider all of the anticipated cash flows associated with this contract that
a market participant would consider. Accordingly, in addition to the anticipated development costs,
revenues, cost of product, commercialization costs, and other cash flows, Company A would also
consider the anticipated milestones and royalties and, if necessary, would adjust the cash flows to
reflect market participant assumptions. Therefore, the milestone and royalty obligations would reduce
the fair value of the licensed IPR&D asset.
In some cases, an acquiree may have consummated a prior business combination that included contingent
consideration payable (e.g., future cash payments contingent on the achievement of certain development
milestones associated with an acquired drug candidate). When an acquirer assumes an obligation
associated with a prior business combination by the acquiree, it should account for that arrangement as
a liability assumed in the business combination. That is, it should consider the contingent consideration
arrangement separate from any acquired IPR&D and measure it at fair value. See section 6.4.8 for
additional information.
This is illustrated in the following example.
Illustration 4-5: Recognition of an IPR&D asset acquired in a business combination with
associated milestone obligations
Company Z acquired Company Y in a business combination. At the acquisition date, Company Y was
developing a patented drug candidate, which Company Z recorded as an IPR&D asset. The terms of the
acquisition agreement required Company Z to make a cash payment at the acquisition date, as well as
additional cash payments to the former shareholders of Company Y if certain substantive milestones
were achieved in the future relating to the acquired drug candidate (e.g., initiation of Phase 3 clinical
trials). Company Z accounted for the contingent milestone payments as contingent consideration and,
therefore, recorded a contingent consideration liability at fair value at the acquisition date. Company X
subsequently acquired Company Z in a business combination. At the time of the acquisition, none of the
milestones related to the drug candidate had been achieved. Company X recorded the IPR&D asset
relating to the patented drug candidate that was previously recorded by Company Z at fair value at the
acquisition date.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 101
Because ASC 805 generally requires assumed liabilities to be recognized at fair value, contingent
consideration arrangements of an acquiree that have been assumed by the acquirer in a business
combination would be separately recognized. Company X should treat the preexisting contingent
consideration arrangement as a separate unit of account. Thus, when determining the fair value of the
IPR&D asset, Company X should not include the future milestone payments in the discounted cash flow
analysis to avoid double-counting. Defensive IPR&D assets
Defensive IPR&D assets represent intangible assets, such as technology, that an acquirer does not intend
to actively use (i.e., develop). Instead, the acquirer intends to lock up the intangible assets and prevent
competitors from gaining access to them. See section 4.2.1 for further discussion on defensive assets.
The Guide indicates that the accounting for a defensive IPR&D asset will depend on the underlying asset that
the acquired asset is intended to defend. If the acquired defensive IPR&D asset will defend other ongoing
research and development projects of the acquirer, the acquired asset would be consideredused in R&D
activities. Therefore, the acquired defensive IPR&D asset would be assigned an indefinite life until the
defended IPR&D project is completed or abandoned. While the IPR&D asset is considered an indefinite-lived
asset, it would be tested for impairment annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances
indicate that the asset might be impaired. Upon completion or abandonment of the acquirer’s existing research
and development project, the IPR&D asset’s useful life would be determined based on the guidance in ASC 350.
On the other hand, if the acquired defensive IPR&D asset will defend a developed product of the acquirer,
the acquired asset would not be consideredused in R&D activities” because it will not be associated with
R&D. Therefore, the defensive IPR&D asset would be amortized over its useful life, as determined based
on the guidance in ASC 350. In that situation, the useful life generally would be based on the time period
over which the defensive IPR&D asset would provide defensive value as it relates to the existing product.
The following example illustrates the concept of acquired defensive IPR&D assets:
Illustration 4-6: Acquisition of IPR&D assets in a business combination for defensive purposes
Company A acquires an IPR&D asset in a business combination. The reporting entity does not intend to
complete the acquired R&D project because if the project was completed, the technology developed
would compete with one of Company A’s existing products. Instead, Company A intends to hold the
project to prevent its competitors from obtaining access to the technology. Company A believes that
holding the project will delay the development of a competing product, allowing Company A to keep its
current market share for a longer period than it would if the competing project was completed.
Because the acquired defensive IPR&D asset will defend one of Company As developed products, the
acquired asset would not be considered “used in R&D activities.” Therefore, Company A would amortize
the defensive IPR&D asset over its estimated useful life.
The fair value measurement of defensive IPR&D assets is based on a market participant perspective,
which requires the exercise of professional judgment. For example, if an acquirer would use IPR&D assets
in a defensive manner, but market participants would actively use the assets, then the acquirer generally
should estimate the fair value of the assets based on market participant assumptions of actively using
and developing the assets. On the other hand, if market participants also would use the IPR&D assets in
defense, then the acquirer generally should estimate the fair value of the assets based on market
participant assumptions of using the assets defensively.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 102 Subsequent accounting for IPR&D acquired in a business combination
After capitalizing acquired IPR&D in a business combination, the provisions of ASC 350 are applied to
those recognized IPR&D assets. The guidance in ASC 350 specifies that intangible assets acquired in a
business combination for use in a particular R&D project are considered indefinite-lived intangible assets
until the completion or abandonment of the associated R&D efforts. Accordingly, during the development
period after the acquisition, these assets are not amortized but, instead, are subject to the impairment
review and testing provisions of ASC 350-30-35-18 for indefinite-lived intangibles.
These requirements make it necessary for companies to track capitalized R&D project costs for impairment
testing purposes. As projects evolve or multiple projects are combined, such tracking is necessary for
companies to properly test assets for impairment and determine the point of project completion or
abandonment. Impairment of acquired IPR&D assets immediately after acquisition would not be expected.
Upon completion of the development process for the acquired R&D project, an acquirer will need to
determine the useful life of the asset resulting from R&D activities pursuant to the guidance in ASC 350.
However, prior to changing its life from indefinite to finite, the asset is tested for impairment under
ASC 350-30 as if it were still indefinite-lived. Note that the guidance in ASC 350 provides that R&D
projects that have been temporarily idled are not written-off as abandoned. See our FRD, Intangibles
goodwill and other, for further discussion.
Question 4.2 How should the acquirer account for R&D costs incurred on acquired IPR&D subsequent to the
business combination?
Research and development costs incurred after the acquisition date related to IPR&D assets acquired in a
business combination should be accounted for in accordance with the guidance in ASC 730. Accordingly,
those costs are charged to expense when incurred unless they have an alternative future use. IPR&D acquired in an asset acquisition
The FASB considered whether to extend the changes related to IPR&D assets acquired in a business
combination to acquisitions of IPR&D assets that are acquired outside of a business combination; that is,
to IPR&D assets acquired individually or in a group that do not constitute a business. Assets acquired
outside a business combination that are to be used in a particular research and development project and
have no alternative future use should continue to be charged to expense at the acquisition date in
accordance with ASC 730, considering the guidelines included in the Guide. See Appendix A for a further
discussion on the accounting for asset acquisitions. Acquired IPR&D assets to be sold
If acquired IPR&D assets are expected to be sold and the criteria included in ASC 360 are met at the
acquisition date or within a reasonable period of time subsequent to the acquisition date, they are initially
recognized at fair value less cost to sell. See section and our FRD, Impairment or disposal of
long-lived assets.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 103
4.2.7 Indemnification assets
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
The seller in a business combination may contractually indemnify the acquirer for the outcome of a
contingency or uncertainty related to all or part of a specific asset or liability. For example, the seller
may indemnify the acquirer against losses above a specified amount on a liability arising from a
particular contingency; in other words, the seller will guarantee that the acquirers liability will not
exceed a specified amount. As a result, the acquirer obtains an indemnification asset. The acquirer
shall recognize an indemnification asset at the same time that it recognizes the indemnified item,
measured on the same basis as the indemnified item, subject to the need for a valuation allowance for
uncollectible amounts. Therefore, if the indemnification relates to an asset or a liability that is
recognized at the acquisition date and measured at its acquisition-date fair value, the acquirer shall
recognize the indemnification asset at the acquisition date measured at its acquisition-date fair value.
In some circumstances, the indemnification may relate to an asset or a liability that is an exception to
the recognition or measurement principles. For example, an indemnification may relate to a
contingency that is not recognized at the acquisition date because it does not satisfy the criteria for
recognition in paragraphs 805-20-25-18A through 25-19 at that date. In those circumstances, the
indemnification asset shall be recognized and measured using assumptions consistent with those used
to measure the indemnified item, subject to managements assessment of the collectibility of the
indemnification asset and any contractual limitations on the indemnified amount.
Initial Measurement
Paragraph 805-20-25-27 requires that the acquirer recognize an indemnification asset at the same
time that it recognizes the indemnified item, measured on the same basis as the indemnified item,
subject to the need for a valuation allowance for uncollectible amounts. That paragraph also requires
that, if the indemnification relates to an asset or a liability that is recognized at the acquisition date
and measured at its acquisition-date fair value, the acquirer recognize the indemnification asset at the
acquisition date measured at its acquisition-date fair value. For an indemnification asset measured at
fair value, the effects of uncertainty about future cash flows because of collectibility considerations
are included in the fair value measure and a separate valuation allowance is not necessary, as noted in
paragraph 805-20-30-4.
Paragraph 805-20-25-28 states that in some circumstances, the indemnification may relate to an asset
or a liability that is an exception to the recognition or measurement principles, and provides an example
of an indemnification that may relate to a contingency that is not recognized at the acquisition date
because it does not satisfy the criteria for recognition in paragraphs 805-20-25-18A through 25-19 at
that date. Alternatively, an indemnification may relate to an asset or a liability, for example, one that
results from an uncertain tax position that is measured on a basis other than acquisition-date fair value.
(Paragraph 805-20-30-13 identifies the business-combination-related measurement requirements for
income taxes.) Paragraph 805-20-25-28 establishes that in those circumstances, the indemnification
asset shall be recognized and measured using assumptions consistent with those used to measure the
indemnified item, subject to management’s assessment of the collectibility of the indemnification asset
and any contractual limitations on the indemnified amount.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 104
An acquirees selling shareholders might provide an indemnification to an acquirer for uncertainties
about the settlement amounts of acquired assets or liabilities assumed by the acquirer (e.g., uncertain
tax positions, environmental liabilities or other legal matters). Indemnifications often require the
acquirees selling shareholders to reimburse the acquirer for some or all of the costs incurred by the
acquirer in connection with an assumed preacquisition contingency. From the acquirers perspective, this
indemnification arrangement is an acquired asset that is recognized. The guidance in ASC 805 provides
that an indemnification asset is recognized on the same basis as is the indemnified item. For example, if
the indemnification relates to a preacquisition contingent liability initially measured at fair value, the
indemnification asset is recognized and measured at its acquisition-date fair value, which considers any
contractual limitations and would reflect credit risk of the indemnifying party. As such, no separate
valuation allowance would be recognized at the acquisition-date related to collectibility concerns for
indemnification assets measured at fair value. The illustration below reflects this concept:
Illustration 4-7: Initial accounting for indemnification asset when corresponding contingency
is measured at fair value
Acquirer acquires Target in a business combination. Target is subject to a product defect claim at the
acquisition date and Seller agrees to indemnify Acquirer for any losses that result from the claim after
the acquisition date. Acquirer determines that the fair value of the potential liability could be determined
and records that amount as part of the business combination. Because the product defect claim meets
the definition of a liability and is recognized, a corresponding indemnification asset would be recognized
in the business combination at its acquisition-date fair value. Absent any contractual limitations or
collectibility issues, the fair value of the indemnification asset would be equal to the fair value of the
contingent liability.
For indemnifications related to liabilities that are not required to be measured at fair value in business
combination accounting under ASC 805 (e.g., uncertain tax positions or preacquisition contingencies where
fair value cannot be determined), the asset is recognized and measured using assumptions consistent
with those used to measure the liabilities to which they relate, subject to any contractual limitations as to
the indemnification amount and managements assessment of collectibility. Accordingly, an indemnification
for an uncertain tax position would be recognized at the amount of the liability, reduced for the effect of any
contractual limitations (i.e., indemnification is limited to a specific amount) or assessment of collectibility.
As discussed in section 4.4.1, if a preacquisition contingency is not recognized because its fair value
cannot be determined,
the guidance in ASC 450 applies to the recognition and measurement of the
assumed contingent liability. As such, if at the acquisition date, the recognition criteria in ASC 450 are not
met for the preacquisition contingency, no liability is recognized, and no amount would be recorded for
any related indemnification asset. The illustration below reflects this concept:
Illustration 4-8: Initial accounting for indemnification asset when fair value of corresponding
contingency cannot be determined
Acquirer acquires Target in a business combination. Target is subject to a product defect claim at the
acquisition date and Seller agrees to indemnify Acquirer for any losses that result from the claim after
the acquisition date. Acquirer determines that the fair value of the potential liability cannot be
determined. After analyzing the potential liability based on the recognition criteria in ASC 450,
Acquirer concludes that such criteria have not been met. At the acquisition date, no contingent liability
or indemnification asset would be recognized in the business combination.
While indemnification arrangements are often included in the acquisition agreement, they can also exist as a
result of a separate agreement. In such instances, indemnification accounting would apply provided that the
separate indemnification arrangement is an agreement between the acquirer and seller that was entered
into on the acquisition date and relates to a specific contingency or uncertainty of the acquiree. Whether
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 105
such an arrangement should be accounted for as part of the business combination or as a separate
transaction will require evaluation of all facts and circumstances of the particular arrangement. See
section for further details on determining what is considered part of the business combination. Subsequent accounting for indemnification assets (updated June 2023)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Subsequent Measurement
At each subsequent reporting date, the acquirer shall measure an indemnification asset that was
recognized in accordance with paragraphs 805-20-25-27 through 25-28 at the acquisition date on the
same basis as the indemnified liability or asset, subject to any contractual limitations on its amount,
except as noted in paragraph 805-20-35-4B, and, for an indemnification asset that is not subsequently
measured at its fair value, managements assessment of the collectibility of the indemnification asset.
The acquirer shall derecognize an indemnification asset recognized in accordance with paragraphs
805-20-25-27 through 25-28 only when it collects the asset, sells it, or otherwise loses the right to it.
After acquisition, indemnification assets (whether or not measured at fair value in business combination
accounting under ASC 805) are measured using assumptions consistent with those used to measure the
indemnified contingency after the acquisition date, subject to any contractual limitations as to the
indemnification amount and managements updated assessment of collectibility. The change in the value
of the indemnification asset would generally be recorded as a charge or credit to operating results.
However, in limited circumstances, the indemnification may relate to costs incurred by the acquirer in
the post-combination period for a capital asset (e.g., capitalized improvements to property and
equipment). In those situations, we believe it would be acceptable to recognize changes in the
measurement of the indemnification asset as a change in the cost of the capital asset.
Illustration 4-9: Subsequent accounting for indemnification assets
Assume the same facts as in Illustration 4-7 above. Subsequent to the acquisition date, Acquirer
determines there is new information related to the product defect claim indicating that the amount is
higher than initially recognized. The new information results in an increase to both the liability and the
indemnification asset and both increases are recognized in current earnings. The increase to the
indemnification asset should equal the increase to the liability, assuming no contractual limitations or
collectibility issues.
Alternatively, assume the same facts as in Illustration 4-8 above. Subsequent to the acquisition date,
Acquirer determines that it is probable a loss will result from the product defect claim and records a
liability pursuant to ASC 450, through current earnings. We believe that the indemnification asset, to
the extent it would not exceed the recognized loss, would also be recognized under ASC 450 if
collection of the amount is deemed probable. To the extent that the indemnification asset exceeds the
recognized loss (which normally would not be the case), the excess would represent a gain
contingency and would be recognized only when realized.
See related guidance in ASC 610-30 and ASC 410-30.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Illustration 4-10: Subsequent accounting for indemnification assets
Acquirer acquires Target from Seller in a business combination on 1 January 20X0. Target owns
pipeline assets that are subject to oversight by a local government that has mandated certain safety
improvements. Seller agrees to indemnify Acquirer for the cost of improvements Acquirer is required
to make as a result of the local mandate during the first two years after the business combination (up
to $3 million).
At the acquisition date, no contingent liability was recognized associated with the cost of
improvements. Accordingly, no indemnification asset was recognized in the business combination.
On 1 February 20X1, Acquirer incurred $4 million for safety improvements related to the acquired
pipeline assets and requested reimbursement of $3 million from Seller in accordance with the terms of
the indemnification. Acquirer capitalizes the $4 million cost of improvements to its acquired pipeline
assets. Acquirer also recognizes an indemnification asset of $3 million and reduces the pipeline asset
by $3 million, resulting in a net increase of $1 million to the pipeline asset.
As discussed in section 4.2.7, an acquirer recognizes an indemnification asset at the same time that it
recognizes an obligation. However, if for example, a preacquisition contingency is not recognized
because its fair value cannot be determined and it does not meet the recognition criteria in ASC 450, the
acquirer would not recognize an indemnification asset. If, subsequent to the acquisition date (whether
within or outside the measurement period), the recognition criteria in ASC 450 are met and the acquirer
recognizes the preacquisition contingency, the acquirer would be required to also recognize the
indemnification asset. However, the indemnification asset would be subjected to any contractual
limitations as well as an evaluation of collectibility.
If an indemnified item is recognized outside of the measurement period and there is a difference between
the amounts recognized for the indemnified item and the indemnification asset, that difference is
recognized in the statement of operations. That is, if a contractual arrangement or the indemnifying
partys credit risk results in the indemnification asset being less than the indemnified item, that
difference is recognized in the statement of operations and not as part of the accounting for the business
combination. The example below illustrates this concept:
Illustration 4-11: Indemnification asset that does not meet the recognition criteria as of the
acquisition date
Company A acquires all of the outstanding common stock of Company B on 1 April 20X0. Company B is
subject to an outstanding lawsuit at the acquisition date and the previous owners of Company B agree to
indemnify Company A for any losses up to $10 million from the lawsuit. Company A does not recognize
a liability as of the acquisition date because the fair value of the preacquisition contingency cannot be
determined during the measurement period and the recognition criteria in ASC 450 are not met as of
the acquisition date. Subsequent to the acquisition date and after the end of the measurement period,
Company A determines that it is probable a loss will result from the lawsuit and recognizes a liability of
$15 million pursuant to ASC 450, through current earnings. We believe that the indemnification asset of
$10 million (maximum amount Company B agreed to indemnify Company A) would also be recognized
under ASC 450 if collection of the amount is deemed probable resulting in an offset to the $15 million
in expense. As such, there would be a net pretax impact on current earnings of $5 million.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 107 Subsequent accounting for an indemnification asset recognized at the acquisition date as a
result of a government-assisted acquisition of a financial institution
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Subsequent Measurement
An indemnification asset recognized at the acquisition date in accordance with paragraphs 805-20-25-27
through 25-28 as a result of a government-assisted acquisition of a financial institution involving an
indemnification agreement shall be subsequently measured on the same basis as the indemnified item. In
certain circumstances, the effect of the change in expected cash flows of the indemnification agreement
shall be amortized. Any amortization of changes in value shall be limited to the lesser of the contractual
term of the indemnification agreement and the remaining life of the indemnified assets. For example, for
indemnified assets accounted for under paragraph 310-30-35-10, if the expected cash flows on the
indemnified assets increase (and there is no previously recorded valuation allowance), an entity shall
account for the associated decrease in the indemnification asset by amortizing the change over the
lesser of the contractual term of the indemnification agreement and the remaining life of the indemnified
assets. Alternatively, if the expected cash flows on the indemnified assets increase such that a previously
recorded valuation allowance is reversed, an entity shall account for the associated decrease in the
indemnification asset immediately in earnings. Any remaining decrease in the indemnification asset shall
be amortized over the lesser of the contractual term of the indemnification agreement and the remaining
life of the indemnified assets.
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2019; (N) December 16, 2022 | Transition Guidance: 326-10-65-1
An indemnification asset recognized at the acquisition date in accordance with paragraphs 805-20-25-27
through 25-28 as a result of a government-assisted acquisition of a financial institution involving an
indemnification agreement shall be subsequently measured on the same basis as the indemnified item.
For example, if the expected cash flows on indemnified assets increase such that a previously recorded
valuation allowance is reversed, an entity shall account for the associated decrease in the indemnification
assets immediately in earnings.
In October 2012, the FASB issued ASU 2012-06 to address how to subsequently measure an indemnification
asset recognized at the acquisition date as a result of a government-assisted acquisition of a financial
institution that includes a loss-sharing agreement. Prior to the issuance of ASU 2012-06, there was diversity
in practice on how to subsequently measure the indemnification asset when there was an increase in the
expected cash flows on the indemnified item (i.e., the underlying loans). In particular there were differing
views on what was meant by the terms on the same basis and contractual limitations in ASC 805-20-35-4.
ASU 2012-06 added paragraph ASC 805-20-35-4B to ASC 805, which requires any changes in the expected
cash flows of an indemnification asset to be measured on the same basis as the underlying loans. Any
amortization period for the changes in value is limited to the lesser of the contractual term of the
indemnification agreement and the remaining life of the underlying loans. For example, for indemnified assets
accounted for under ASC 310-30-35-10, if the expected cash flows increase (and there is no previously
recorded valuation allowance), an entity accounts for the associated decrease in the indemnification asset by
amortizing the change over the lesser of the contractual term of the indemnification agreement and the
remaining life of the underlying loans. In addition, when the unit of account is a pool of loans that is accounted
for pursuant to ASC 310-30, any amortization of changes in value of the indemnification asset may be limited
to the lesser of the contractual term of the indemnification agreement and the remaining life of the
indemnified loan pool (instead of the individual loan).
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 108
In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-13. ASU 2016-13 amends the guidance on recognizing credit
losses on financial assets held at amortized cost and available-for-sale debt securities. It also changes
how an entity subsequently accounts for any changes in the expected cash flows for an indemnification
asset initially recognized as a result of a government-assisted acquisition of a financial institution. If there
is an increase in the expected cash flows on the indemnified item (i.e., underlying loan), entities will no
longer be able to amortize the associated decrease in the indemnification asset over time when a
previous valuation allowance had not been established. Instead, the change in the indemnification asset’s
value will be immediately recognized as expense in the financial statements.
We believe the guidance in ASC 805-20-35-4B is limited to indemnification assets recognized at the
acquisition date as a result of a government-assisted acquisition of a financial institution and should not
necessarily be analogized to in other situations.
4.2.8 Equity method investments
The amount assigned to an acquired companys investment accounted for by the equity method is the
investments fair value on the date of acquisition pursuant to the guidance in ASC 820. After acquisition,
any embedded basis differences between the ASC 805 acquisition-date value of the acquired investment
and the carrying amounts of the underlying net assets as of the acquisition date would be subsequently reflected
in the determination of the acquirer’s equity in the earnings of the investee. That is, an acquirer is required to
complete a one-line business combination accounting pursuant to the guidance in ASC 323, on the acquisition
date, effectively recognizing a pro-rata share of the fair value of the investees net assets. See our FRD, Equity
method investments and joint ventures, for further discussion of the accounting for equity method investments.
4.2.9 Financial assets
Entities should recognize and measure financial assets acquired in a business combination at fair value.
The Master Glossary in ASC 805 defines a financial asset as “cash, evidence of an ownership interest in
an entity, or a contract that conveys to one entity a right to do either of the following:
Receive cash or another financial instrument from a second entity
Exchange other financial instruments on potentially favorable terms with the second entity.
Examples of financial assets may include receivables, investments in equity securities and investments in
debt securities. An entity should carefully consider the nature of an acquired asset to determine whether
it is a financial asset. For example, an entity would recognize a financial asset for a contractual right to
receive future payments that may be contingent on the occurrence of specified events provided it has no
ongoing obligation associated with its right to receive those payments.
4.3 Liabilities assumed
4.3.1 Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Employee Benefits
The acquirer shall recognize a liability (or asset, if any) related to the acquiree’s employee benefit
arrangements in accordance with other GAAP. For example, employee benefits in the scope of the
guidance identified in paragraphs 805-20-25-23 through 25-26 would be recognized in accordance
with that guidance and as specified in those paragraphs.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 109
Guidance on defined benefit pension plans is presented in Subtopic 715-30. If an acquiree sponsors
a single-employer defined benefit pension plan, the acquirer shall recognize as part of the business
combination an asset or a liability representing the funded status of the plan (see paragraph 715-30-25-1).
Paragraph 805-20-30-15 provides guidance on determining that funded status. If an acquiree participates
in a multiemployer plan, and it is probable as of the acquisition date that the acquirer will withdraw
from that plan, the acquirer shall recognize as part of the business combination a withdrawal liability in
accordance with Subtopic 450-20.
The Settlements, Curtailments, and Certain Termination Benefits Subsections of Sections 715-30-25
and 715-30-35 establish the recognition guidance related to accounting for settlements and curtailments
of defined benefit pension plans and certain termination benefits.
Guidance on defined benefit other postretirement plans is presented in Subtopic 715-60. If an
acquiree sponsors a single-employer defined benefit postretirement plan, the acquirer shall recognize
as part of the business combination an asset or a liability representing the funded status of the plan
(see paragraph 715-60-25-1). Paragraph 805-20-30-15 provides guidance on determining that
funded status. If an acquiree participates in a multiemployer plan and it is probable as of the acquisition
date that the acquirer will withdraw from that plan, the acquirer shall recognize as part of the business
combination a withdrawal liability in accordance with Subtopic 450-20.
Other Employee Benefit Arrangements
See also the recognition-related guidance for the following other employee benefit arrangements:
a. One-time termination benefits in connection with exit or disposal activities. See Section 420-10-25.
b. Compensated absences. See Section 710-10-25.
c. Deferred compensation contracts. See Section 710-10-25.
d. Nonretirement postemployment benefits. See Section 712-10-25.
Initial Measurement
Employee Benefits
The acquirer shall measure a liability (or asset, if any) related to the acquirees employee benefit
arrangements in accordance with other GAAP. For example, employee benefits in the scope of the
guidance identified in paragraphs 805-20-30-15 through 30-17 would be measured in accordance
with that guidance and as specified in those paragraphs.
Pension and Postretirement Benefits Other than Pensions
Guidance on defined benefit pension plans is presented in Subtopic 715-30. Guidance on defined
benefit other postretirement plans is presented in Subtopic 715-60. Paragraphs 805-20-25-23 and
805-20-25-25 require an acquirer to recognize as part of a business combination an asset or a liability
representing the funded status of a single-employer defined benefit pension or postretirement plan. In
determining that funded status, the acquirer shall exclude the effects of expected plan amendments,
terminations, or curtailments that at the acquisition date it has no obligation to make. The projected
benefit obligation assumed shall reflect any other necessary changes in assumptions based on the
acquirers assessment of relevant future events.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 110
The Settlements, Curtailments, and Certain Termination Benefits Subsection of Section 715-30-35
establishes the measurement guidance related to accounting for settlements and curtailments of
defined benefit pension plans and certain termination benefits.
Other Employee Benefit Arrangements
See also measurement-related guidance for the following other employee benefit arrangements:
a. One-time termination benefits in connection with exit or disposal activities. See Section 420-10-30.
b. Compensated absences. See Section 710-10-25.
c. Deferred compensation contracts. See Section 710-10-30.
d. Nonretirement postemployment benefits. See Section 712-10-25.
Employee benefit arrangements that are within the scope of ASC 710, 712 and 715 are exceptions to
the recognition and measurement criteria of ASC 805 and, in a business combination, are accounted for
in accordance with the applicable standards. The FASB concluded that it was not feasible to require all
employee benefit obligations assumed in a business combination to be measured at their acquisition-date
fair values as to do so would effectively require the FASB to comprehensively reconsider the relevant
standards for those employee benefits as a part of the business combinations project. Given the
complexities in accounting for employee benefit obligations in accordance with existing requirements,
the FASB decided that the only practicable alternative is to require those obligations, and any related
assets, to be measured in accordance with their applicable standards.
A liability for the projected benefit obligation (PBO) in excess of the fair value of the plan assets (or an
asset for the fair value of plan assets in excess of the PBO) of a single-employer defined benefit pension
plan obligation, including supplemental executive retirement plans, assumed in an acquisition is measured
and recognized in accordance with ASC 805-20-25-23 and 30-15. Likewise, a liability for the accumulated
postretirement benefit obligation (APBO) in excess of the fair value of plan assets (or an asset for the fair
value of plan assets in excess of the APBO) of a postretirement benefit plan other than a pension plan (OPEB)
assumed in an acquisition is measured and recognized in accordance with ASC 805-20-25-25. Thus, in
connection with the business combination, any previously unrecognized prior service cost, gains or
losses and transition amounts of the acquired company related to the assumed plan, including amounts
previously recognized in other comprehensive income, are eliminated for financial reporting purposes.
The following example represents a reconciliation of an acquired pension plan’s funded status
immediately before and after a business combination:
Acquired plan before
Acquired plan after
$ (10,000)
$ (10,000)
Plan assets at fair value
Net gain included in other comprehensive income
Prior service cost included in other comprehensive income
Prepaid pension cost per balance sheet
$ 2,000
$ 2,000
After the acquisition, the eliminated items in other comprehensive income will have no effect on the
acquiring company’s net periodic benefit cost. However, those types of items might have to be
considered for subsequent funding purposes.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 111
Pension and OPEB plans are measured for purposes of a business combination based on benefits attributed
to acquiree employee service prior to the date of the business combination and on the acquirers
assumptions and assessments of relevant future expectations. However, significant differences between a
target companys pension and OPEB plan assumptions and future expectations and the assumptions and
future expectations used by an acquiring company in measuring the obligation (or asset) in a business
combination should be explainable and the assumptions of both entities should fall within a range of
acceptability. Generally, we would expect such differences, if any, to be immaterial to the acquirer. Modifications to pension and OPEB obligations in connection with a business combination
As noted in section, an underlying principle in ASC 805 is that to qualify as assets acquired and
liabilities assumed in a business combination, the CON 8.4 definition of an asset or liability must be met
at the acquisition date. That is, an asset must be acquired and a liability must be assumed from the target
and not created or modified by actions undertaken by the acquirer.
Consistent with this underlying principle, modifications (e.g., terminations, curtailments, and plan
amendments) by an acquirer to an assumed acquiree pension or OPEB plan are not accounted for as part
of the business combination unless the acquirer is obligated to make the modification as of the acquisition
date and as a result of the acquisition. Generally, we believe that in order for the modification to be
accounted for as part of the business combination, the obligation to modify a plan would need to be
substantive and the result of legal, regulatory or contractual requirements (e.g., the modification is
required by the pension or OPEB plan document of the acquiree). In negotiating the terms of the
acquisition agreement, an acquirer may agree to modify an existing pension or OPEB plan that would not
otherwise have required modification. While an acquirer would be obligated, based on the terms of the
acquisition agreement, to modify the assumed pension or OPEB plan, in such a situation we believe the
modifications should be carefully assessed to determine whether it is truly part of the business
combination (e.g., the modification benefits the selling shareholders) or whether it is simply part of the
acquirers compensation strategy and should be accounted for outside of the business combination.
The effect of modifications that the acquirer is not obligated to make (i.e., not a part of the business
combination) is recognized in current operations or other comprehensive income in the post-combination
financial statements of the combined entity based on the requirements of ASC 715. See section
for further discussion of the accounting for transactions apart from the business combination. Effect of employee terminations on obligations for pension benefits, other postretirement
benefits and postemployment benefits
An entity that has agreed to a business combination may develop a plan to terminate certain employees.
The plan will be implemented only if the combination is consummated, but the entity assesses the
likelihood of the combination to be probable. In this circumstance, when terminated, the employees
might be entitled to termination benefits under a preexisting plan or contractual relationship. The
termination of the employees also may affect the entitys assumptions in estimating its obligations for
pension benefits, other postretirement benefits, and postemployment benefits; that is, the termination
of the employees may trigger curtailment losses or the recording of a contractual termination benefit.
In accordance with the guidance in ASC 805-20-55-50 and 55-51, the liability for the contractual
termination benefits and the curtailment losses under employee benefit plans that will be triggered by
the consummation of the business combination is not recognized when it is probable that the business
combination will be consummated; rather it is recognized when the business combination is consummated.
In other words, the liabilities are recognized as part of the business combination.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 112 Multiemployer pension plans
Liabilities recognized in a business combination for multiemployer pension plans are measured in accordance
with the provisions of ASC 715. Multiemployer pension plans are accounted for differently than single
employer plans, as discussed in ASC 715-80. Liabilities for multiemployer plans generally are recognized
only for due and unpaid contributions as of the acquisition date. Liabilities for unfunded benefit obligations
are not required to be recognized unless withdrawal from the multiemployer plan is probable and the liability
can be reasonably estimated in accordance with the provisions of ASC 450. Accrued bonus
An acquired company may have recorded a liability as of the acquisition date relating to a bonus plan for
its employees. The acquirer recognizes an assumed liability in the business combination if the acquired
company had a present or an unavoidable obligation to pay the employees for their past services. Bonuses to
be settled in cash are measured in accordance with the provisions of ASC 710 whereas bonuses to be settled
in shares would be subject to the provisions of ASC 718. See our FRD, Share-based payment, for further
discussion of bonuses settled partly or entirely in shares.
In some situations, employment agreements or other arrangements with executives may provide the
executive with a bonus or other payment upon a change in control. Further, some arrangements (such as
stay bonus arrangements) may be negotiated contemporaneously with the business combination to make
sure that certain executives or employees remain employed at the acquired company for a period of time.
When an arrangement is negotiated contemporaneously with the business combination (e.g., a stay bonus
arrangement, an employee transaction bonus), an acquirer begins the analysis of determining whether
the transaction is part of the business combination by evaluating the factors in ASC 805-10-55-18.
Careful consideration should be given to the facts and circumstances to determine whether such
arrangements should be accounted for as part of the business combination or as a separate transaction.
See section for further information.
4.3.2 Cost of restructuring an acquired company
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
To qualify for recognition as part of applying the acquisition method, the identifiable assets acquired
and liabilities assumed must meet the definitions of assets and liabilities in FASB Concepts Statement
No. 6, Elements of Financial Statements, at the acquisition date. For example, costs the acquirer
expects but is not obligated to incur in the future to effect its plan to exit an activity of an acquiree or
to terminate the employment of or relocate an acquirees employees are not liabilities at the
acquisition date. Therefore, the acquirer does not recognize those costs as part of applying the
acquisition method. Instead, the acquirer recognizes those costs in its postcombination financial
statements in accordance with other applicable generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
The guidance in ASC 805 specifies that an acquirer would recognize a liability for restructuring or exit
activities associated with the target company in a business combination only if the recognition criteria in
ASC 420 are met by the target as of the acquisition date:
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations Overall
A liability for a cost associated with an exit or disposal activity is incurred when the definition of a liability
included in FASB Concepts Statement No. 6, Elements of Financial Statements, is met. Only present
obligations to others are liabilities under the definition. An obligation becomes a present obligation when
a transaction or event occurs that leaves an entity little or no discretion to avoid the future transfer or
use of assets to settle the liability. An exit or disposal plan, by itself, does not create a present obligation
to others for costs expected to be incurred under the plan; thus, an entitys commitment to an exit or
disposal plan, by itself, is not the requisite past transaction or event for recognition of a liability.
As noted in section, an underlying principle of ASC 805 is that to qualify as acquired assets and
assumed liabilities in a business combination, the CON 8.4 definition of an asset or liability must be met
at the acquisition date.
As such, the guidance in ASC 805 limits the recognition of restructuring costs in
a business combination to restructuring obligations assumed from the target as of the acquisition date
and does not permit the recognition of liabilities that result from actions taken by the acquirer, even if
the restructuring plan is in place and completed on the acquisition date. Costs associated with restructuring
or exit activities that are not obligations of the target would be accounted for separately from the business
combination, generally as post-combination expenses of the combined entity when incurred.
We expect that it will be rare for an acquirer to recognize an assumed restructuring cost obligation in a
business combination unless the obligation was incurred and recognized under ASC 420 by the acquiree
before the business combination. However, the acquirer must, in any event, continue to meet the
ASC 420 criteria as of the acquisition date. The following example illustrates this concept:
Illustration 4-12: Cost of restructuring an acquired company
On 1 June 20X9, Acquirer enters into a business combination agreement to acquire Target. Acquirer
will take control of target on the closing date of the transaction, 1 January 20X0. During the time
between 1 June 20X9 and 1 January 20X0, Acquirer completes a restructuring plan to close certain
of Targets facilities and terminate the employees of those facilities at a total cost of $5 million. On the
acquisition date, 1 January, all of the ASC 420 criteria are met, for the recognition of the restructuring
liability. Additionally, on the closing date, Target has an existing restructuring liability related to an
operating lease that it terminated before the end of its term of $1 million that was recognized pursuant
to the guidance in ASC 420 on 1 April 20X8, prior to the contemplation of the business combination.
Acquirer has elected to continue the restructuring initiated by Target in 20X8.
In this example, Acquirer would recognize a liability of $1 million in the business combination, representing
the assumed restructuring liability. Acquirer would also recognize a restructuring liability of $5 million on
the acquisition date; however, since Acquirer initiated the restructuring, it is not considered a liability
assumed in the business combination and it is recognized by Acquirer in its post-acquisition earnings. Cost of restructuring initiated by the acquiree
As noted in the above section, restructuring liabilities that are assumed from the acquiree might be
recognized by the acquirer in a business combination. However, the recognition in business combination
accounting of any liability for a restructuring plan initiated by the acquiree in conjunction with or near the
time of a business combination (or an agreement to enter into a business combination) should be subject to
The FASB issued CON 8.4 to replace CON 6 in December 2021, but we do not believe the FASB intended to change how a liability
for costs associated with an exit or disposal activity should be recognized and initially measured.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 114
significant scrutiny. As discussed in section, the guidance in ASC 805 includes a requirement to
assess what transactions are part of the business combination. We believe that any assumed restructuring
liability should be substantive, leave an acquiree little or no discretion to avoid the future transfer or use of
assets to settle the liability, and generally, meet the ASC 420 criteria prior to the contemplation of a business
combination. If the restructuring plan was implemented at the request of the acquirer, or would not make
strategic sense absent the business combination, we believe that the restructuring activities likely would
be accounted for outside of the business combination in the acquirers post-acquisition operating results.
4.3.3 Guarantees
The requirement in ASC 805 to recognize and measure liabilities assumed in a business combination
includes guarantees made by the acquired entity that are assumed by the acquiring entity. Assumed
guarantees are recognized in accordance with the guidance in ASC 460 and measured at fair value (as
defined in ASC 820) on the acquisition date.
4.3.4 Instruments indexed to or settled in shares and classified as liabilities
An acquired entity may have issued securities that are equity in legal form, but classified and accounted for
as a liability, as discussed in ASC 480 and ASC 715. Regardless of the legal form or accounting classification,
if the instruments remain outstanding after the business combination, they are required to be recognized on
the acquisition date as part of the business combination and measured at their fair value. As discussed in
section 4.6.1 and ASC 810, equity instruments classified as liabilities are not considered noncontrolling
interests. The subsequent accounting for such liabilities is addressed in the literature described above.
4.3.5 Measuring the fair value of debt assumed
When an acquirer assumes the outstanding debt of an acquiree in a business combination, the acquirer
measures the assumed debt at fair value as of the acquisition date. When an income approach is used to
estimate the fair value of the debt obligation, the risk associated with the uncertainty in the cash flows
can be captured either solely through the discount rate (i.e., discount rate adjustment technique) or in
the expected cash flows (i.e., expected present value technique).
If the discount rate adjustment technique is used, typically the contractual cash flows of the debt
obligation would be discounted using a market rate of return for such cash flows. In determining what
would constitute an appropriate market discount rate, we believe the valuation should consider whether
the acquirer guarantees or becomes obligated (directly or indirectly) for the assumed debt.
When the acquirer guarantees or becomes directly obligated for the assumed debt, we believe a market
participant would base the discount rate on the credit standing of the combined entity because the debt
has become an obligation of the acquirer. However, when the debt remains the obligation of the acquiree
only, it is important to assess the extent to which a market participant would assume that the acquirer
would allow (or not allow) the acquiree to default on the debt. In such circumstances, judgment is required
to understand whether the discount rate should be primarily based on the credit standing of the combined
entity (thereby inferring that market participants assume that the acquirer has indirectly guaranteed the
debt) or based on the acquiree’s stand-alone creditworthiness at the date of acquisition (thereby inferring
that market participants assume that the acquirer would allow the acquiree to default on the debt). We
would expect the acquirer to have evidence to support its assertion that market participants would expect
it to effectively guarantee the acquired debt even though it has not legally agreed to do so.
It should be noted that the discount rate adjustment technique is utilized more commonly in measuring the fair value of debt
given the nature of a debt obligation and the subjectivity and uncertainty of adjusting the cash flows in the expected present
value technique. See section 21 of our FRD, Fair value measurement, for additional discussion on the discount rate adjustment
technique and the expected present value technique.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 115 Debt issuance costs (updated June 2022)
Companies frequently incur debt issuance costs that are reported in the balance sheet as a direct deduction
from the face amount of the debt (i.e., a discount) and amortized over the term of the debt. Similar to
virtually all assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination, outstanding debt assumed in
the business combination is recognized at fair value. Further, debt issuance costs do not meet the
definition of an asset in CON 8.4. As such, unamortized debt issuance costs of an acquired entity are not
recognized in a business combination and do not affect the estimate of fair value of the recognized debt.
However, there are additional considerations that are relevant in the pre-acquisition financial statements
of the acquiree or when an acquiree continues to issue separate financial statements and has not elected
to apply pushdown accounting. Pursuant to ASC 470-50, debt issuance costs may be written-off only
when debt is extinguished. Therefore, unamortized debt issuance costs may be written-off in the financial
statements of the acquiree only when debt has been extinguished as of the acquisition date. See sections 2.5.1
in our FRDs, Issuers accounting for debt and equity financings (before the adoption of ASU 2020-06,
Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity) and Issuer’s accounting
for debt and equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments
and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), for further discussion on evaluating whether debt has been
extinguished before and after the adoption of ASU 2020-06,
4.4 Amounts that might be assets or liabilities
4.4.1 Preacquisition contingencies
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
The following recognition guidance in paragraphs 805-20-25-19 through 25-20B applies to assets and
liabilities meeting both of the following conditions:
a. Assets acquired and liabilities assumed that would be within the scope of Topic 450 if not
acquired or assumed in a business combination
b. Assets or liabilities arising from contingencies that are not otherwise subject to specific guidance
in this Subtopic.
If the acquisition-date fair value of the asset or liability arising from a contingency can be determined
during the measurement period, that asset or liability shall be recognized at the acquisition date. For
example, the acquisition-date fair value of a warranty obligation often can be determined.
For PBEs other than smaller reporting companies as defined by the SEC, ASU 2020-06 is effective for annual periods beginning
after 15 December 2021, and interim periods therein. For all other entities, it is effective for annual periods beginning after
15 December 2023, and interim periods therein. Early adoption is permitted for fiscal years beginning after 15 December 2020,
but an entity must adopt the new guidance as of the beginning of a fiscal year.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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If the acquisition-date fair value of the asset or liability arising from a contingency cannot be
determined during the measurement period, an asset or a liability shall be recognized at the
acquisition date if both of the following criteria are met:
a. Information available before the end of the measurement period indicates that it is probable that
an asset existed or that a liability had been incurred at the acquisition date. It is implicit in this
condition that it must be probable at the acquisition date that one or more future events
confirming the existence of the asset or liability will occur.
b. The amount of the asset or liability can be reasonably estimated.
The criteria in paragraph 805-20-25-20 shall be applied using the guidance in Topic 450 for
application of similar criteria in paragraph 450-20-25-2.
If the recognition criteria in paragraphs 805-20-25-19 through 25-20A are not met at the acquisition
date using information that is available during the measurement period about facts and circumstances
that existed as of the acquisition date, the acquirer shall not recognize an asset or liability as of the
acquisition date. In periods after the acquisition date, the acquirer shall account for an asset or a
liability arising from a contingency that does not meet the recognition criteria at the acquisition date in
accordance with other applicable GAAP, including Topic 450, as appropriate.
Initial Measurement
Paragraphs 805-20-25-18A through 25-20B establish the requirements related to recognition of
certain assets and liabilities arising from contingencies. Initial measurement of assets and liabilities
meeting the recognition criteria in paragraph 805-20-25-19 shall be at acquisition-date fair value.
Guidance on the initial measurement of other assets and liabilities from contingencies not meeting the
recognition criteria of that paragraph, but meeting the criteria in paragraph 805-20-25-20 is at
paragraph 805-20-30-23.
Initial measurement of assets and liabilities meeting the recognition criteria in paragraph 805-20-25-20
shall be at the amount that can be reasonably estimated by applying the guidance in Topic 450 for
application of similar criteria in paragraph 450-20-25-2.
ASC 805 requires that assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination that arise from
contingencies be recognized at fair value, in accordance with the guidance in ASC 820, if the fair value
can be determined during the measurement period. If the fair value of a preacquisition contingency
cannot be determined during the measurement period, ASC 805 requires that the contingency be
recognized at the acquisition date in accordance with the guidance in ASC 450, if it meets the criteria for
recognition in that guidance. What is considered a preacquisition contingency?
The Master Glossary in ASC 805 defines a contingency as an existing condition, situation, or set
of circumstances involving uncertainty as to possible gain (hereinafter a gain contingency) or loss
(hereinafter a loss contingency) to an entity that will ultimately be resolved when one or more future
events occur or fail to occur. A preacquisition contingency of an acquired entity is a gain or loss contingency
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 117
that is in existence before the consummation of the combination. A preacquisition contingency can be a
contingent asset or a contingent liability. Potential environmental liabilities, litigation losses, insurance
claims or warranty obligations that exist and are associated with an acquired entity before and as of the
date of acquisition are examples of preacquisition contingencies.
Although a preacquisition contingency must have existed at or resulted from events that occurred prior to
the acquisition date, the FASB did not intend to limit the recognition of preacquisition contingencies only to
items known as of the acquisition date. Thus, it is required only that the preacquisition contingency existed
as of the acquisition date and be identified within the measurement period (see section 7.3 for a discussion
of the measurement period in which new information about facts that existed as of the acquisition date
would be considered in adjusting the acquisition date measurement of a preacquisition contingency).
Illustration 4-13: Business combination with preacquisition contingencies
In January 20X9, Acquirer obtains control of Target. Target owns an industrial site and is responsible
for any environmental contamination that is caused by operations undertaken at the site. During the
due diligence process, Acquirer did not identify any environmental issues at the site that would require
remediation and did not recognize a liability for an environmental obligation related to the site in the
preliminary business combination accounting.
In June 20X9, Acquirer was notified by the EPA of remediation requirements at a nearby river that the
agency has attributed to contaminated run-off from the industrial site that occurred during periods
prior to the acquisition. At the end of June 20X9, Acquirer is still assessing the magnitude of
contamination and the cost of the cleanup effort. Accordingly, pursuant to ASC 805-20-50-4A, the
acquirer discloses that the initial accounting for the contingent liability is incomplete in its June 20X9
interim financial statements.
Because Acquirer becomes aware of new information during the measurement period about the
contamination that existed as of the acquisition date for which it may be responsible, Acquirer
determines in July 20X9 that a preacquisition contingency exists as of the acquisition date.
Due to uncertainties associated with the environmental obligation, Acquirer determines that it cannot
estimate the fair value of the assumed contingency as of the acquisition date. Accordingly, Acquirer
applies ASC 450 and determines that it must recognize a liability because the preacquisition
contingency is probable and reasonably estimable.
Acquirer’s best estimate of the liability is $20 million based on information available during the
measurement period about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date. This
amount is recognized as an adjustment to the initial amounts recognized in the business combination.
Although not identified at the acquisition date, the remediation requirement existed as of the acquisition
date, and the amount of the associated obligation is probable and can be reasonably estimated. Initial recognition and measurement guidance Fair value can be determined
The guidance in ASC 805 requires that preacquisition contingencies be recognized at fair value, if fair
value can be determined. In practice, relatively few preacquisition liabilities are measured at fair value,
with most contingent liabilities being recognized based on the guidance in ASC 450. In particular, we
believe this is because it is uncommon that the fair value of contingencies for litigation can be determined
given the inherent uncertainties in the litigation process.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 118
While the fair value of most preacquisition contingencies will not be able to be determined, the FASB
believes that the acquisition-date fair value of a warranty obligation often can be determined. We believe
that acquirers will often be able to determine the fair value of warranty obligations associated with products
or services that have been offered for an extended period and for which there is significant warranty
claim history. If the acquirer concludes that fair value can be determined, it will be required to initially
recognize warranty obligations at fair value. If the fair value of the warranty obligation cannot be
determined, it would be accounted for as described in section Measuring the fair value of preacquisition contingencies
Because most acquirers conclude that the fair value of preacquisition contingencies cannot be determined
and default to the ASC 450 recognition and measurement criteria, estimating the fair value of preacquisition
contingent assets and liabilities in a business combination is an area for which there is little guidance or
practical experience. The process of estimating the fair value of preacquisition contingencies is highly
subjective and judgmental and should consider all the relevant facts and circumstances that a market
participant would consider. Generally, we believe a discounted cash flow technique, in which the objective
is to develop probability-weighted cash flow estimates of the various outcomes, would be used to measure
preacquisition contingencies in a business combination. Fair value cannot be determined
If the fair value of a preacquisition contingency cannot be reasonably determined during the measurement
period, the guidance in ASC 805 requires the entity to recognize that asset or liability as of the acquisition
date if the following two criteria are met:
Information available before the end of the measurement period indicates that it is probable that an
asset existed or that a liability had been incurred at the acquisition date.
The amount of the asset or liability (determined pursuant to the guidance in ASC 450) can be
reasonably estimated.
It is implicit in the first criterion above that it must be probable at the acquisition date that one or more
future events confirming the existence of the asset or liability will occur. ASC 805 specifies that these
criteria are to be applied using the guidance provided in ASC 450.
Contingent assets are recognized using the guidance in ASC 450 applicable to contingent liabilities (i.e., a
contingent asset would be recognized if the probable and reasonably estimable criteria are met). As
noted in ASC 450-10-15-2A, the guidance for contingent assets in ASC 450 would not be applied upon
initial recognition.
The guidance in ASC 410 permits discounting of contingent liabilities if the aggregate amount of the
obligation and the amount and timing of the cash payments are fixed or reliably determinable. However,
if payments are fixed or reliably determinable, we believe that fair value is generally able to be
determined and the asset or liability initially would be recognized at fair value. Subsequent accounting for preacquisition contingencies
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Subsequent Measurement
An acquirer shall develop a systematic and rational basis for subsequently measuring and accounting
for assets and liabilities arising from contingencies depending on their nature.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 119
ASC 805 does not provide subsequent accounting guidance, other than to state that subsequent
accounting should be applied on a systematic and rational basis. We believe that subsequent accounting
for preacquisition contingencies should be influenced by the initial recognition and measurement of the
contingent liability or asset. Preacquisition contingencies recognized at fair value
Preacquisition contingencies that initially are recognized at fair value are subsequently measured using a
systematic and rational method. For example, the FASB believes that a subsequent accounting model
similar to that for guarantees initially recognized at fair value in accordance with ASC 460 may be
appropriate for warranty obligations initially measured at fair value.
For other contingent obligations initially recognized at fair value, we believe that the systematic and
rational approach considers accretion of the liability as well as changes in estimates of the cash flows. For
example, we believe that a subsequent accounting model similar to that prescribed by ASC 410 for asset
retirement obligations likely would be an acceptable method to account for preacquisition contingencies
initially measured at fair value. Other approaches that result in remeasurement of the asset or liability using
the original discount rate for both increases and decreases in expected cash flows also may be acceptable.
However, we believe that the approaches to subsequently measuring contingent assets and liabilities previously
provided in Statement 141(R) (e.g., higher of fair value or ASC 450 amount for liabilities) would not be
appropriate because of the implementation issues and inconsistencies associated with those measurements.
We would expect any systematic and rational model to be consistently applied among similar assets or
similar liabilities. Preacquisition contingencies recognized pursuant to the guidance in ASC 450
We believe that contingent liabilities initially recognized and measured in accordance with the guidance in
ASC 450 should subsequently be accounted for in accordance with that guidance. Adjustment to preacquisition contingencies during the measurement period
An adjustment to a preliminary amount recognized for a preacquisition contingency is recognized as an
adjustment to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the business combination if the adjustment
results from a change in estimate based on facts that existed as of the acquisition date and is made
within the measurement period (as discussed in section 7.3). That is, the subsequent accounting
discussed in section does not apply to qualifying measurement period adjustments. Adjustments
resulting from facts that were not in existence as of the acquisition date or that are obtained after the
measurement period is closed are recognized in operations subject to the guidance in section
Illustration 4-14: Adjustment to preacquisition contingencies during the measurement period
Information that existed as of the acquisition date
Acquirer purchases Target in a business combination in June 20X9. Targets historical financial
statements include a contingent liability of $5 million. As part of the initial accounting for the business
combination, Acquirer preliminarily estimates the fair value of the assumed contingency to be $3 million
and records that amount as of the acquisition date. Acquirer is waiting for further information in order
to finalize its preliminary estimate.
The referenced approaches previously provided in Statement 141(R) were amended by the issuance of FSP FAS 141(R)-1 in April 2009.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Acquirer discloses in the notes to its financial statements as of and for the interim periods ended
30 June 20X9 and 30 September 20X9, that it is awaiting additional information on the assumed
contingent obligation. In December 20X9, Acquirer receives information from third parties hired to assist
in the valuation indicating that the fair value of the obligation at the acquisition date was $4 million. As
such, the Acquirer increases the assumed liability to $4 million by an adjustment to its initial business
combination accounting and does not repeat the disclosure that additional information is forthcoming
that will be used to adjust the initial business combination accounting. The adjustment is recorded in
the period ended December 20X9.
Illustration 4-15: Adjustment to preacquisition contingencies during the measurement period
information obtained subsequent to the acquisition date
Acquirer purchases Target in a business combination in March 20X9 and recognizes a $10 million
liability as a provisional amount in its March 20X9 interim financial statements (based on information
that is available related to a legal contingency of Target that existed on the acquisition date). Acquirer
discloses that the initial accounting for the contingent liability is incomplete.
In August 20X9, Acquirer becomes aware of similar and unrelated litigation that was resolved in favor
of the plaintiff. Based on this information, Acquirer determines that its best estimate of the
preacquisition contingency is $12 million. Further evaluation of the reasons for the Acquirer’s change in
estimate is required, including whether the change is the result of new information about facts and
circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date, to determine whether the $2 million over the
provisional amount recognized should be recorded in the Acquirer’s income statement or recognized
as a measurement period adjustment (i.e., as an adjustment to goodwill). Preacquisition contingencies that are not recognized in a business combination
If an assumed preacquisition contingency does not meet the recognition requirements described in
section 4.4.1, no amounts are recognized in the business combination. Accounting for contingencies
after the acquisition date is based on the guidance in ASC 450. That is, for preacquisition loss contingencies
that, when assessed on the acquisition date, did not meet the probable and reasonably estimable recognition
criteria in ASC 450, subsequent recognition is based on the guidance in ASC 450. Subsequent recognition
of preacquisition gain contingencies that are not recognized in the business combination occurs only
when the contingency is resolved; that is, when the acquired gain contingency is no longer contingent.
All subsequent accounting is recognized by charges or credits to results of operations pursuant to the
guidance in ASC 450. Contingencies that are not considered preacquisition contingencies
Contingencies that arise from the acquisition (e.g., litigation over the acquisition transaction itself) are
not considered to be preacquisition contingencies of the acquired entity. Therefore, such contingencies
are accounted for by the acquirer in accordance with the guidance in ASC 450 and recognized in the
acquirers income statement. Also, contingencies that did not exist as of the acquisition date whether
or not they arose before the end of the measurement period (see section 7.3 for a discussion of the
measurement period), are not preacquisition contingencies. Income tax uncertainties or temporary
differences, including loss carryforwards, are not considered preacquisition contingencies and are
accounted for in a business combination pursuant to the guidance in ASC 740. Section
below describes the accounting for the settlement of litigation arising from the business combination.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 121 Settlement of litigation arising from the business combination
After a business combination, disputes may arise between the acquirer and the former shareholders of
the acquired entity such as disputes over the value of consideration transferred or representations of fact
underlying the acquisition. If the parties transfer amounts to settle the dispute, questions may arise about
whether the acquirer should reflect any amounts paid or received as an adjustment to the consideration
transferred or whether the amounts paid or received should be recognized in the post-combination
income statement. At the 2003 AICPA Conference on Current SEC Developments, the SEC staff
indicated that the acquirers cost to settle litigation with the acquirees former shareholders generally are
not preacquisition contingencies and, therefore, should be recorded as an expense when incurred unless
there is a clear and direct link to the consideration transferred. If the acquirer is able to establish a clear
and direct link to the consideration transferred, we believe that any adjustment to the consideration
transferred would be appropriate only in those circumstances in which the measurement period is open.
If the measurement period is closed, we believe that any settlement amount should be recorded as an
expense. While the SEC staff speech was issued prior to the issuance of Statement 141(R), we believe the
views of the SEC staff continue to apply under ASC 805.
Litigation seeking enforcement of an escrow or escrow-like arrangement, such as specifying a minimum
amount of working capital in the acquired business, may establish a clear and direct link to the consideration
transferred. On the other hand, claims asserted that one party misled the other or that a provision of the
purchase agreement is unclear are not unique to business combination agreements and do not generally
establish a clear and direct link to the consideration transferred. Therefore, the settlement of such claims
is recognized as a charge to earnings.
With respect to establishing a clear link, the SEC staff provided an example of a dispute between the
acquirer and the former shareholders of the acquired entity whereby the purchase agreement is explicit
that each acquired customer is worth $1,000 and that not less than 1,000 customers will be
transferred as of the consummation date. Subsequent litigation determined that the actual number of
acquired customers was only 900. In this case, the effects of a litigation settlement should properly be
reflected as part of the consideration transferred (in this case, a reduction of the consideration
transferred). In contrast, if the purchase agreement obligates the seller to put forth its best efforts to
retain customers through the consummation date and litigation subsequently determines that the seller
failed to do so, the effects are not clearly and directly linked to the consideration transferred and,
accordingly, should be recognized as a charge to earnings.
Frequently, claims seeking enforcement of an escrow or escrow-like arrangement also include claims of
misrepresentation or otherwise constitute a mixed claim (i.e., a claim with attributes of both consideration
transferred and ongoing expense). Similarly, the SEC staff believes that to reflect all or some of the
settlement cost of such a claim as an adjustment to the consideration transferred of an acquired business,
the acquirer should be able to persuasively demonstrate that all or a specifically identified portion of the
mixed claim is clearly and directly linked to the consideration transferred.
Costs incurred to settle litigation brought by the acquirers shareholders should always be reflected in the
acquirers income statement. Escrow payments
Many acquisition agreements require that proceeds from the sale be placed in escrow to secure the sellers
performance for certain indemnifications. For example, assume that $1 million is placed in escrow by the
acquirer pending the outcome of certain litigation against the target that has been assumed by the acquirer.
If the litigation is lost, the escrowed funds are used to pay damages to the plaintiff and the seller has no
Comments by Randolph P. Green, Professional Accounting Fellow at the SEC, at the 2003 Thirty-First AICPA National Conference
on Current SEC Developments.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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further obligation to indemnify the acquirer. If the defendant prevails, the escrowed funds are released to
the seller. Because any release of the escrowed funds is based on facts and circumstances that existed as of
the acquisition date, the escrow amount is treated as consideration transferred (i.e., there is no future event
or condition that must occur). See section 6.4.1 for additional guidance about determining whether
consideration held in escrow represents contingent consideration. Escrowing part of the purchase price is
a way of protecting the buyer against risk for the sellers indemnification. The fact that proceeds were
escrowed does not change the accounting for the buyers contingent liability or its indemnification asset,
although it does affect the measurement of the indemnification asset. Accordingly, the acquirer accounts
for the preacquisition contingency associated with the litigation in accordance with the guidance described in
section 4.4.1. If a liability is recognized at fair value pursuant to that guidance, an indemnification asset
would be recognized on the same fair value basis in accordance with the guidance described in section 4.2.7.
The measurement of the fair value of the indemnification would reflect the fact that the indemnification is
limited to $1 million and that the sellers performance is secured by the escrowed proceeds. Working capital adjustments
A working capital adjustment provision is often included in a purchase and sale agreement when one
company acquires a portion of another company and some uncertainty exists about the working capital
that existed on the acquisition date. For example, a purchase and sale agreement might provide that the
consideration will be adjusted based on the difference between (1) the actual balance of working capital
at the closing date and (2) the balance of working capital at the date the agreement is signed or a stated
amount in the agreement.
Question 4.4 How should the acquirer account for consideration that will be transferred or received subsequent to
the acquisition date based on changes in working capital?
Because working capital is determined at the acquisition date and, subsequent adjustments are not
determined by events occurring in the future or conditions being met after the acquisition date, changes in
working capital requiring subsequent payments or receipts should adjust the consideration transferred by the
acquirer if the adjustment is made after the acquisition date but before the end of the measurement period
(see section 7.3 for more discussion about the measurement period). Working capital adjustments paid or
received after the end of the measurement period should be recognized as a charge or credit to income.
4.4.2 Income taxes
See section 5.
4.4.3 Contracts with customers (before the adoption of ASU 2021-08)
(updated June 2022)
Before adoption of ASU 2021-08, an acquired contract with a customer that is in progress as of the acquisition
date is recognized at fair value under ASC 820 based on an exit price that would be paid or received to transfer
all of the rights and obligations of the contract to a market participant. Under the guidance in ASU 2021-08,
entities are required to apply ASC 606 to recognize and measure contract assets and contract liabilities from
contracts with customers acquired in a business combination. This ASU created another exception to the
general recognition and measurement principle of ASC 805.
Refer to section 4.4.3A for guidance on the
accounting for an acquired contract with a customer after adoption of ASU 2021-08.
ASU 2021-08 is effective for fiscal years beginning after 15 December 2022, and interim periods therein for PBEs. For all other
entities, it is effective for fiscal years beginning after 15 December 2023, and interim periods therein.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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The following sections provide guidance on the accounting for an acquired contract with a customer before
adoption of ASU 2021-08:
Section discusses considerations for determining the appropriate unit of account for an acquired
contract with a customer.
Section discusses valuation considerations for an acquired contract with a customer.
Section discusses considerations for assets acquired from an acquired contract with a customer.
Section discusses considerations for liabilities assumed from an acquired contract with a customer.
Section discusses additional considerations on accounting for an acquired contract with a
customer with performance obligations that are satisfied over time. Determining the unit of account for an acquired contract with a customer
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
If an entity establishes relationships with its customers through contracts, those customer relationships
arise from contractual rights. Therefore, customer contracts and the related customer relationships
acquired in a business combination meet the contractual-legal criterion, even if confidentiality or other
contractual terms prohibit the sale or transfer of a contract separately from the acquiree.
A customer contract and the related customer relationship may represent two distinct intangible
assets. Both the useful lives and the pattern in which the economic benefits of the two assets are
consumed may differ.
A customer relationship exists between an entity and its customer if the entity has information about
the customer and has regular contact with the customer, and the customer has the ability to make
direct contact with the entity. Customer relationships meet the contractual-legal criterion if an entity
has a practice of establishing contracts with its customers, regardless of whether a contract exists at
the acquisition date. Customer relationships also may arise through means other than contracts, such
as through regular contact by sales or service representatives. As noted in paragraph 805-20-55-22,
an order or a production backlog arises from contracts such as purchase or sales orders and therefore
is considered a contractual right. Consequently, if an entity has relationships with its customers
through these types of contracts, the customer relationships also arise from contractual rights and
therefore meet the contractual-legal criterion.
An acquired contract with a customer may consist of the following components (which also represent the
elements of value):
A customer relationship intangible asset (see section
An intangible asset for the inherent or in-place value of the contract (i.e., the price a market
participant is willing to pay for an at-market contract, often referred to in practice as “contract
backlog”) (see section
An intangible asset or liability to the extent that the terms of the contract are not “at market” at the
acquisition date (generally referred to as theoff-market component”) (see section
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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An asset (i.e., a receivable or contract asset under ASC 606) for the target’s right to consideration
for transferring a promised good or service to a customer before the business combination
(see section
A liability (i.e., a contract liability under ASC 606, which may include deferred revenue) for a target’s
obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the target has received consideration
(or an amount of consideration is due) from the customer prior to the business combination
(see section
The first three components are acquired intangible assets and liabilities and generally would meet the
contractual-legal or separability criterion to be recognized separately from goodwill at the acquisition date.
The fourth and fifth components generally would represent assets acquired or liabilities assumed.
The interrelationship of the first three components may pose challenges in determining the appropriate
unit of account. ASC 805-20-55-24 indicates that it may be necessary to separately recognize intangible
assets that relate to a single customer relationship (i.e., the customer relationship and contract backlog) if the
useful lives and the pattern in which the economic benefits of the assets are consumed differ. In addition to
the guidance in ASC 805-20-55-24, we believe the determination of whether a customer relationship intangible
asset and contract backlog intangible asset should be combined into a single unit account will depend on
other factors such as the nature of the customer and the interdependency of the related cash flows.
An acquirer should carefully consider the nature of an acquired asset to determine whether to recognize
a financial asset (e.g., a receivable), a contract asset or a separately identifiable intangible asset. Valuation considerations for an acquired contract with a customer
Under ASC 805, intangible assets acquired in a business combination in connection with the acquisition
of contracts with customers are required to be measured at fair value. The fair value of the acquired
intangible assets is not affected by the method of accounting (e.g., the method used to measure progress
under ASC 606) to be used by the acquirer after the acquisition nor is it affected by the method of
accounting used by the target before the acquisition.
Economically, the recognition and fair value measurement of an intangible asset represents the benefit
that the acquirer is expected to realize by acquiring an already existing intangible asset as compared to
creating the intangible asset organically. Thismake” versus “buy” decision affects the price that buyers
and sellers would pay to acquire a business that includes this intangible asset.
Under ASC 820, the following three valuation techniques may be considered to value an acquired intangible
asset: (1) the income approach, (2) the market approach and (3) the cost approach. Intangible assets,
including contracts with customers, are rarely valued utilizing a market approach given the lack of
transactions for similar assets individually. The fair value of intangible assets that are unique and not easily
replaced typically is determined using an income approach. That is, the fair value would be estimated as the
risk-adjusted, present value of expected future cash flows that could be generated by the subject asset.
Conversely, if an asset is easily replaceable or fungible, fair value typically is based on a cost approach. That
is, the fair value would be estimated based on the replacement cost of a like-kind asset. However, the use of
a cost approach generally is appropriate only when the principle of substitution is valid for the intangible
asset. Under this principle, a ready substitute for the asset can be reconstructed, rebuilt or replaced
because the asset is not proprietary, novel or one-of-a-kind. In some industries, an acquired contract with
a customer often is unique and not easily replaced. In such situations, we believe an income approach
generally would provide a more appropriate representation of fair value than a cost approach.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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The components of value of an acquired contract with a customer (as described in section
generally are measured as follows:
Customer relationship intangible asset This component is commonly measured as the expected
present value of future cash flows available from future contracts with that customer.
Contract backlog intangible asset This component is commonly measured as the value derived
under the income approach based on the present value of expected future cash flows available from
the existing contract.
Off-market component intangible asset (or liability) This component is commonly measured as the
present value of the amount by which the current contract terms deviate from what a market
participant could achieve on the acquisition date.
Contract-related asset This component is commonly measured as the present value of expected
future cash flows. Such an asset may be characterized as a receivable or contract asset. See sections
4.2.2 and for additional guidance on measuring receivables and contract assets, respectively.
Contract-related liability This component is measured at fair value, which may be less than the
amount recognized by the acquired entity in its preacquisition financial statements. This type of
liability may be characterized as a contract liability or deferred revenue. See section for
additional guidance on measuring assumed liabilities for performance obligations.
Regardless of the unit of account conclusions reached, an important aspect of valuing an acquired contract
with a customer is to verify that all components of value have been considered (that is, none of the
components of value have been omitted or double counted) and appropriately reflected in the fair value
measurement. No matter the unit of account conclusion, we believe companies should verify that all cash flow
components identified above are being considered in the valuation of each contract. Assets acquired from contracts with customers (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Contract Asset
An entity’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the entity has transferred to a
customer when that right is conditioned on something other than the passage of time (for example,
the entitys future performance).
When an entity transfers a promised good or service to a customer, the entity has earned a right to
consideration from the customer and, therefore, has an asset. Such assets may represent conditional or
unconditional rights to consideration. If an entity must transfer other goods or services in the contract
before it is entitled to payment from the customer, the right is conditional and presented as a contract
asset. Conversely, a right to consideration is unconditional if nothing other than the passage of time is
required before payment of that consideration is due. An entity that has an unconditional right to receive
consideration from the customer accounts for that right as a receivable and presents it separately from
its contract assets. Refer to section 10.1 of our FRD, Revenue from contracts with customers (ASC 606),
for additional guidance on distinguishing between a contract asset and a receivable. See section 4.2.2 for
additional guidance on measuring receivables and contract assets acquired in a business combination.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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The components of value of acquired contracts with customers may include contract assets and
receivables. When measuring the fair value of acquired contracts with customers, an acquirer should
verify that all of the components of value have been considered (that is, an acquirer should verify that
none of the components of value have been omitted or double counted). An acquirer also should verify
that all of the components are appropriately reflected in the fair value measurement. See section
for additional guidance on valuing acquired contracts with customers. Deferred costs under ASC 340-40 incurred by a target (updated June 2022)
An acquired company may have recognized an asset in its preacquisition financial statements for the
costs it incurred (and expects to recover) to obtain or fulfill a contract with a customer in accordance
with ASC 340-40. Because the acquirer has not obtained an economic benefit, we do not believe these
costs qualify for separate asset recognition by the acquirer in a business combination. The cash flows
that the acquirer expects to receive in the future to recover these costs may affect the valuation of other
assets recognized as part of the related acquired customer contract (e.g., a customer-related intangible
asset, contract backlog asset, inventory, or property, plant and equipment). Assumed liabilities for performance obligations of an acquired company
An acquired company may have recognized a liability in its preacquisition financial statements for a
future obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which it has received consideration
from the customer. For example, a liability could represent up-front payments for services or products
that have yet to be delivered. See section for additional guidance on accounting for these
assumed liabilities. Contract liabilities of an acquired company (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Contract Liability
An entity’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the entity has received
consideration (or the amount is due) from the customer.
Performance Obligation
A promise in a contract with a customer to transfer to the customer either:
a. A good or service (or a bundle of goods or services) that is distinct
b. A series of distinct goods or services that are substantially the same and that have the same
pattern of transfer to the customer.
In a business combination, the acquiring entity recognizes a contract liability (e.g., deferred revenue)
related to the performance obligations that it assumes if the acquired entity has received consideration
(or the amount is due) from the customer.
We believe that an acquiring entity should consistently apply the definition of a performance obligation.
That is, we believe an acquirer should apply the definition of a performance obligation in ASC 606 to
determine whether it has assumed a performance obligation. Our view is consistent with the FASB’s
conclusions in ASU 2021-08.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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When applying the definition of a performance obligation under ASC 606 as of the acquisition date, the
acquiring entity identifies the remaining promised goods and services in a contract with a customer and
evaluates whether the goods and services it must provide to a customer in the future are an assumed
performance obligation for which the acquired entity has received consideration (or the amount is due).
A promised good or service is a performance obligation if it is both capable of being distinct and is
distinct in the context of the contract. Under ASC 606, a performance obligation may be created based
on a customer’s reasonable expectations and may include promises that are implied by an entity’s customary
business practices or industry norms. See section 4 of our FRD, Revenue from contracts with customers
(ASC 606), for additional guidance on identifying performance obligations in a contract with a customer.
If a contract liability for an assumed performance obligation is recognized, the acquirer derecognizes the
contract liability and recognizes revenue in the statement of operations as it provides those goods or
services after the acquisition date.
An assumed performance obligation is measured at fair value at the date of acquisition, pursuant to the
guidance in ASC 820. There generally are two acceptable methods for measuring the fair value of the
assumed performance obligation. The first method is a cost buildup approach. The cost buildup approach
is based on a market participant’s estimate of the costs that will be incurred to fulfill the obligation plus a
“normal” profit margin for the level of effort or assumption of risk by the acquirer after the acquisition
date. The normal profit margin also should be from the perspective of a market participant and should
not include any profit related to selling or other efforts completed prior to the acquisition date. The
second and less frequently used method for measuring the fair value of an assumed performance
obligation is by obtaining evidence from market information about the amount of revenues an entity
would earn in a transaction to provide the remaining obligation under the contract, less the cost of the
selling effort (which has already been performed by the acquiree prior to the acquisition date) and the
profit margin on that selling effort. As noted previously, the normal profit margin should be from the
perspective of a market participant. Accounting for contracts with customers in a business combination that have
performance obligations that are satisfied over time
The revenue recognition guidance provides accounting methods that entities may apply to account for
long-term contracts with customers, including the methods that may be used to measure progress
toward completion over time. As described in section, the fair value of acquired intangible assets
associated with a long-term contract is not affected by the method of accounting to be used by the
acquirer after the acquisition nor is it affected by the method of accounting used by the target before the
acquisition (e.g., the method used to measure progress under ASC 606).
Before adoption of ASU 2021-08, for a performance obligation satisfied over time, an entity should
measure progress toward completion solely based on the remaining effort of the acquirer after the
acquisition date (i.e., the measure of progress as of the acquisition date should not include effort
expended by the acquired entity before the acquisition). For example, a vendor (acquirer) would use as
the denominator the estimate of costs it will incur to complete the remaining work required under the
contract rather than the estimated cost of the entire project. Also, any contract-related intangible asset
or liability recognized at the acquisition date relating to the off-market or contract backlog components
would be amortized over the remaining term of the contract. Any customer relationship intangible asset
would be amortized separately over its remaining useful life.
The revenue recognition conclusions and account descriptions in the illustrations below were determined
by applying ASC 606.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Illustration 4-16: Contract with a customer with a single performance obligation that is
satisfied over time contract isat market’
Acquirer acquires the outstanding shares of Target in a business combination on 1 January 20X9.
Target has a long-term contract to construct a building that Target appropriately accounted for as a
single performance obligation satisfied over time. Both Target and Acquirer use the cost-to-cost method
(i.e., costs incurred to date divided by the total amount of costs expected to be incurred for the performance
obligation) to measure progress towards satisfying the performance obligation and, therefore, recognize
revenues and costs of goods sold based on that measure of progress. At 1 January 20X9, the status
of the contract is as follows:
Stated amount of contract
$ 1,000
Target’s expected costs to complete the contract
Target’s costs incurred through 1 January 20X9
Target’s amount billed through 1 January 20X9
Progress toward completion as of 1 January 20X9
25% (200 / 800)
After reviewing the contract as part of its accounting for the business combination, Acquirer
determines that the expected profit margin of 20% to complete the remaining work under the terms of
the contract is consistent with the profit margin a market participant would achieve at the acquisition
date (i.e., the contract is “at market”). Acquirer identifies the following relevant aspects of the contract:
Amount remaining to be billed under the contract
Acquirer estimated costs to complete the contract
Contract backlog intangible asset
Customer relationship intangible asset
Acquirer completes the contract in 20X9 and there are no changes to Acquirer’s cost estimates.
Acquirer determines that the useful life of the acquired customer relationship intangible asset is four
years. Based on its facts and circumstances, Acquirer determines that the contract backlog and
customer relationship intangible assets should be recorded as separate units of account.
At the acquisition date, Acquirer would recognize an intangible asset relating to the contract backlog of
$24 and a customer relationship intangible asset of $100 representing the expected cash flows from
new contracts. Subsequent to the acquisition date, Acquirer would record the following entries in 20X9.
Contract costs
$ 600
$ 600
To capitalize contract costs incurred.
Cost of goods sold
$ 600
Contract costs
$ 600
To recognize cost of goods sold relating to the progress towards completion [$600 = ($600 * 100%)].
Contract asset
$ 750
$ 750
To recognize revenue relating to the progress towards completion [$750 = ($750 * 100%)].
Accounts receivable
$ 750
Contract asset
$ 750
To recognize a receivable for work billed pursuant to the terms of the contract.
$ 750
Accounts receivable
$ 750
To recognize cash received pursuant to the terms of the contract.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 129
Amortization expense contract-related
$ 24
Contract backlog intangible asset
$ 24
To amortize the intangible asset relating to the contract backlog of the acquired contract.
Amortization expense
$ 25
Customer relationship intangible asset
$ 25
To amortize the customer relationship intangible asset over its estimated useful life of 4 years
[$25 = ($100 / 4 years)].
Notwithstanding the fact that the contract was “at market” at the acquisition date, Acquirer’s ultimate
operating profit likely will be lower than that of an organically-generated contract due to the additional
amortization expense associated with the acquired intangible assets.
Generally, the amortization of the contract-related intangible asset is recognized as either a reduction in revenue or as
additional cost of goods sold. However, other alternatives may exist in practice.
The straight-line amortization method was used for illustrative purposes. In practice, the pattern of consumption of a customer-
related intangible asset may indicate that a different amortization method is appropriate. See section 2.2.1 of our FRD, Intangibles
goodwill and other, for a discussion of determining the appropriate amortization method for a customer-related intangible asset.
Illustration 4-17: Contract with a customer with a single performance obligation that is
satisfied over time contract isoff market’
Acquirer acquires the outstanding shares of Target in a business combination on 1 January 20X9.
Target has a long-term contract to construct a building that Target appropriately accounted for as a single
performance obligation satisfied over time. Both Target and Acquirer use the cost-to-cost method (i.e., costs
incurred to date divided by the total amount of costs expected to be incurred for the performance obligation)
to measure progress towards satisfying the performance obligation and, therefore, recognize revenues
and costs of goods sold based on that measure of progress. At 1 January 20X9, the status of the
contract is as follows:
Stated amount of contract
$ 1,000
Target’s expected costs to complete the contract
Target’s costs incurred through 1 January 20X9
Targets amount billed through 1 January 20X9
Target’s costs in excess of billings (i.e., contract asset) as of 1 January
Progress towards completion as of 1 January 20X9
25% (200/800)
After reviewing the contract as part of its accounting for the business combination, Acquirer determines
that the expected profit margin of 20% to complete the remaining work under the terms of the
contract is favorable relative to market (i.e., a market participant would achieve a profit margin of
only 15%). Acquirer identifies the following relevant aspects of the contract:
Amount remaining to be billed under the contract
Acquirer’s estimated costs to complete
Off-market component intangible asset
Contract backlog intangible asset
Customer relationship intangible asset
Acquirer completes the contract in 20X9, and there are no changes to Acquirer’s cost estimates. Acquirer
determines that the useful life of the acquired customer relationship intangible asset is four years. Based
on its facts and circumstances, Acquirer determines that the off-market component, contract backlog
and customer relationship intangible assets should be recorded as separate units of account.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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At the acquisition date, Acquirer would recognize a contract asset relating to its conditional right to
receive consideration from the customer of $250,
an intangible asset relating to the favorable off-
market component of $6, an intangible asset relating to the contract backlog of $18 and a customer
relationship intangible asset of $100 representing the expected cash flows from new contracts.
Subsequent to the acquisition date, Acquirer would record the following entries in 20X9.
Contract costs
$ 600
$ 600
To capitalize contract costs incurred.
Cost of goods sold
$ 600
Contract costs
$ 600
To recognize cost of goods sold relating to the progress towards completion [$600 = ($600 * 100%)].
Contract asset
$ 750
$ 750
To recognize revenue relating to the progress towards completion [$750 = ($750 * 100%)].
Accounts receivable
$ 1,000
Contract asset
$ 1,000
To recognize a receivable for work billed pursuant to the terms of the contract. Because Target did not
previously invoice the customer, Acquirer is entitled to bill the contractual amount of the contract of
$1,000. This entry also reclassifies the contract asset of $250 that was recorded at the acquisition date.
$ 1,000
Accounts receivable
$ 1,000
To recognize cash received pursuant to the terms of the contract.
Amortization expense contract-related
$ 6
Off-market intangible asset
$ 6
To amortize the intangible asset relating to the off-market component of the acquired contract.
Amortization expense contract-related
$ 18
Contract backlog intangible asset
$ 18
To amortize the intangible asset relating to the contract backlog of the acquired contract.
Amortization expense
$ 25
Customer relationship intangible asset
$ 25
To amortize the customer relationship intangible asset over its estimated useful life of 4 years
[$25 = ($100 / 4 years)].
Although the amortization of the favorable off-market component intangible asset reduces Acquirer’s
profit margin to make it more in line with an “at marketcontract, Acquirer’s ultimate operating profit
likely will be lower than that of an organically generated contract due to the additional amortization
expense associated with the acquired intangible assets.
Depending on the type of arrangement, Acquirer may not have a contractual right to receive cash for the contract asset of
Target. If that were the case, Acquirer would not recognize an asset for the contract asset. Rather, it would include those
expected cash flows in the valuation of the off-market component of the acquired contract.
Note that in Illustration 4-16 the contract was at market and the value of the backlog was $24. In this Illustration, the value of
the contract remains at $24, but the contract value consists of the contract backlog of $18 and an off-market component of
$6. These illustrations describe the accounting for the various components associated with a long-term construction contract
and do not describe the valuation assumptions required to determine the value of these components. Refer to our FRD, Fair
value measurement, for further guidance on determining fair value under ASC 820.
Generally, the amortization of the contract-related intangible asset is recognized as either a reduction in revenue or as
additional cost of goods sold. However, other alternatives may exist in practice.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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4.4.3A Contracts with customers (after the adoption of ASU 2021-08)
(added June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2022; (N) December 16, 2023 | Transition Guidance: 805-20-65-3
Business combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
The acquirer shall recognize a contract asset or contract liability in accordance with Topic 606 on revenue
from contracts with customers. This includes a contract asset or contract liability from the following:
a. Contracts with customers
b. Other contracts to which the provisions of Topic 606 apply.
Initial Measurement
An acquirer shall measure a contract asset or contract liability in accordance with Topic 606 on revenue
from contracts with customers. This includes a contract asset or contract liability from the following:
a. Contracts with customers
b. Other contracts to which the provisions of Topic 606 apply.
An acquirer shall measure the contract assets and contract liabilities of the acquired contract as if the
acquirer had originated the acquired contract. Topic 606 specifies when certain assessments and
estimates should be made, for example, as of contract inception or on a recurring basis. At the
acquisition date, the acquirer shall make those assessments as of the dates required by Topic 606.
ASU 2021-08 changes how an entity accounts for revenue contracts it acquires in a business
combination. The changes require entities to apply ASC 606 to recognize and measure contract assets
and contract liabilities from contracts with customers in a business combination, creating another
exception to the general recognition and measurement principle of ASC 805.
The FASB issued the guidance in response to questions raised by stakeholders about whether an acquirer
in a business combination should apply the concept of a performance obligation introduced by ASC 606
when determining whether to recognize a contract liability for the target’s revenue contracts.
Stakeholders had also raised questions about how an acquirer should measure a target’s contract assets
and liabilities from revenue contracts. They noted that applying the subsequent measurement provisions
of ASC 606 could be challenging if a revenue contract that contains variable consideration or contingent
payment terms (e.g., sales-based royalties) is measured at fair value on the acquisition date. Measuring
contract liabilities in a business combination at fair value often results in total revenue that is lower than
would have been recognized under that contract had it not been acquired in a business combination.
The Board also observed that the measurement of acquired revenue contracts at fair value can result in
acquirers recognizing different amounts of post-combination revenue for two contracts with the same
performance obligations, depending on the contractual timing of payments.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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ASU 2021-08 improves the comparability for the recognition and measurement of revenue contracts
acquired in a business combination by addressing when an acquirer should recognize a contract asset or
contract liability and how the contract asset and contract liability should be measured. ASU 2021-08 also
improves the comparability between revenue contracts acquired in a business combination and those
originated by an acquirer.
4.4.3A.1 Scope of ASU 2021-08 (added June 2022)
ASU 2021-08 applies to all contract assets and contract liabilities (as defined by ASC 606) in a business
combination that result from (1) contracts with customers accounted for under ASC 606 and (2) other
contracts to which the provisions of ASC 606 apply. For further discussions on contract assets and
contract liabilities, see sections 4.4.3A.3 and 4.4.3A.4, respectively.
The FASB said in the Background Information and Basis for Conclusions that the guidance does not apply
to contract-based intangible assets and liabilities, deferred costs under ASC 340-40, or other assets and
liabilities that may be recognized under ASC 606. That is because the Board believed that the scope of
the ASU as issued addresses the objective of providing consistency in revenue for acquired revenue
contracts between the pre- and post-acquisition periods.
The out-of-scope components continue to be accounted for at fair value at the acquisition date unless
another recognition and measurement exception applies. Entities will need to consider any possible
effects of the measurement exception for contract assets and liabilities on their fair value measurement
of other intangible assets (e.g., cash flows for which a contract asset is not recognized in accordance
with ASC 606 at the acquisition date will likely be captured in the fair value measurement of another
intangible asset).
Scope includes:
Scope excludes:
Contract assets as defined by ASC 606
Contract liabilities as defined by ASC 606
Contract assets and liabilities that arise from
other contracts to which the provisions of
ASC 606 apply (e.g., contract liabilities that
arise from the sale of nonfinancial assets that
are in scope of ASC 610-20
and contract
liabilities that may arise from certain
collaborative arrangements that are in the
scope of ASC 808
Receivables under ASC 310 and ASC 326-20
Contract-based intangible assets and
liabilities, such as customer relationships and
contracts with off-market terms
Deferred costs under ASC 340-40
Other assets and liabilities that may be
recognized under ASC 606, such as refund
liabilities and up-front payments
to customers
Basis for Conclusions (BC) 52 from ASU 2021-08.
BC51 from ASU 2021-08.
We believe this also applies to instances where entities are in the scope of ASC 808 and apply ASC 606 by analogy.
BC38 from ASU 2021-08.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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4.4.3A.2 Components of acquired revenue contracts (added June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
If an entity establishes relationships with its customers through contracts, those customer relationships
arise from contractual rights. Therefore, customer contracts and the related customer relationships
acquired in a business combination meet the contractual-legal criterion, even if confidentiality or other
contractual terms prohibit the sale or transfer of a contract separately from the acquiree.
A customer contract and the related customer relationship may represent two distinct intangible
assets. Both the useful lives and the pattern in which the economic benefits of the two assets are
consumed may differ.
A customer relationship exists between an entity and its customer if the entity has information about
the customer and has regular contact with the customer, and the customer has the ability to make
direct contact with the entity. Customer relationships meet the contractual-legal criterion if an entity
has a practice of establishing contracts with its customers, regardless of whether a contract exists at
the acquisition date. Customer relationships also may arise through means other than contracts, such
as through regular contact by sales or service representatives. As noted in paragraph 805-20-55-22,
an order or a production backlog arises from contracts such as purchase or sales orders and therefore
is considered a contractual right. Consequently, if an entity has relationships with its customers
through these types of contracts, the customer relationships also arise from contractual rights and
therefore meet the contractual-legal criterion.
An acquired contract with a customer may consist of the following components (which also represent the
elements of value):
An asset (e.g., a receivable or contract asset under ASC 606) for the target’s right to consideration
for transferring a promised good or service to a customer before the business combination (see
section 4.4.3A.3)
A liability (e.g., a contract liability under ASC 606) for a target’s obligation to transfer goods or
services to a customer for which the target has received consideration (or an amount of
consideration is due) from the customer before the business combination (see section 4.4.3A.4)
A customer relationship intangible asset (see section
An intangible asset for the inherent or in-place value of the contract (i.e., the price a market
participant is willing to pay for an at-market contract, often referred to in practice as contract
backlog) (see section
An intangible asset or liability to the extent that the terms of the contract are notat market at the
acquisition date (generally referred to as the off-market component) (see section
The first and second components generally would represent assets acquired or liabilities assumed. The
last three components are acquired intangible assets and liabilities and generally would meet the contractual-
legal or separability criterion to be recognized separately from goodwill at the acquisition date.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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The interrelationship of the last three components may pose challenges in determining the appropriate
unit of account. ASC 805-20-55-24 indicates that it may be necessary to separately recognize intangible
assets that relate to a single customer relationship (i.e., the customer relationship and contract backlog)
if the useful lives and the pattern in which the economic benefits of the assets are consumed differ. In
addition to the guidance in ASC 805-20-55-24, we believe the determination of whether a customer
relationship intangible asset and contract backlog intangible asset should be combined into a single unit
account will depend on other factors, such as the nature of the customer and the interdependency of the
related cash flows. Regardless of the unit of account conclusion, we believe companies should verify that
all cash flow components identified are being considered in the valuation of each contract.
An acquirer should carefully consider the nature of an acquired asset to determine whether to recognize
a financial asset (e.g., a receivable), a contract asset or a separately identifiable intangible asset. Refer to
section 4.4.3A.6.3 for additional information about contract-based intangible assets and liabilities.
4.4.3A.3 Contract assets (added June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Contract Asset
An entity’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the entity has transferred to a
customer when that right is conditioned on something other than the passage of time (for example,
the entitys future performance).
When an entity transfers a promised good or service to a customer, it has earned a right to consideration
from the customer and, therefore, has an asset. This asset may represent a conditional or unconditional
right to consideration.
If an entity must transfer other goods or services in the contract before it is entitled to payment from the
customer, the right is conditional and presented as a contract asset. In contrast, if nothing other than the
passage of time is required before payment of consideration is due, the right to consideration is
unconditional. An entity that has an unconditional right to receive consideration from the customer
accounts for it as a receivable and presents it separately from its contract assets. Refer to section 10.1
of our FRD publication, Revenue from contracts with customers (ASC 606), for more guidance on
distinguishing between a contract asset and a receivable.
Upon adoption of ASU 2021-08, an acquired contract asset is measured in accordance with ASC 606 at
the acquisition date. When the contract consideration is fixed, the amount an acquirer recognizes as a
contract asset at the acquisition date is more likely to approximate the amount it would recognize at fair
value under ASC 805 before adoption of ASU 2021-08.
However, when the contract consideration is variable and has been constrained or the sales- and usage-
based exception for licenses of intellectual property (IP) is applied, the amount an acquirer recognizes as
a contract asset at the acquisition date is generally lower than the amount it would recognize at fair value
under ASC 805 before adoption of ASU 2021-08. This results in an acquirer recognizing more revenue
post-acquisition than it would before it adopted ASU 2021-08. Consider the following example:
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Illustration 4-18: Sales-based royalty exception
Target enters into a 15-year arrangement with a customer for a perpetual, exclusive license to
commercialize a compound on 1 January 20X2. This compound is approved by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). The license requires the customer to pay a sales-based royalty of 5% of its gross
sales associated with the compound. The contract does not contain any additional performance
obligations. Target transfers the compound to the customer on 1 January 20X2.
The customer’s estimated gross sales associated with the compound are $200 million a year. Target
applies the sales-based royalty exception and recognizes revenue when sales occur.
Acquirer purchases Target, which is a business, on 2 January 20X2.
Acquirer does not recognize a contract asset on the acquisition date because it continues to apply the
sales-based royalty exception. Acquirer recognizes revenue when the customer’s sales occur. The
cash flows from the estimated sales associated with the compound are included in the measurement of
the acquired intangible asset. Acquirer estimates the fair value of the cash flows associated with the
remaining royalties to be $150 million and recognizes an intangible asset in that amount. Acquirer
subsequently amortizes the intangible asset on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the asset,
unless the pattern in which the asset is consumed can be reliably determined.
The requirement to measure acquired contract assets in accordance with ASC 606 may not affect the
amount of goodwill recognized in a business combination. That is because the acquirer continues to verify
that all cash flows related to the contract have been appropriately considered (i.e., not omitted or double
counted) when determining the fair value of intangible assets recognized in the business combination.
4.4.3A.4 Contract liabilities (added June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Contract Liability
An entity’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the entity has received
consideration (or the amount is due) from the customer.
Performance Obligation
A promise in a contract with a customer to transfer to the customer either:
a. A good or service (or a bundle of goods or services) that is distinct
b. A series of distinct goods or services that are substantially the same and that have the same
pattern of transfer to the customer.
ASC 350-30-35-6.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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A target may have recognized a liability in its preacquisition financial statements for a future obligation
to transfer goods or services to a customer for which it has received consideration (or the amount is due)
from the customer. For example, a liability could represent up-front payments for goods and services
that have yet to be delivered.
The acquirer recognizes a contract liability (e.g., deferred revenue) related to the performance
obligations, as defined under ASC 606, that it assumes if the target has received consideration (or the
amount is due) from the customer.
When applying the definition of a performance obligation under ASC 606 as of the acquisition date, the
acquirer identifies the remaining promised goods and services in a contract with a customer and
evaluates whether the goods and services it must provide to a customer in the future are an assumed
performance obligation for which the target has received consideration (or for which the customer is
required to remit consideration). A promised good or service is a performance obligation if it is both
capable of being distinct and is distinct in the context of the contract. A performance obligation may be
created based on a customer’s reasonable expectations and may include promises that are implied by an
entitys customary business practices or industry norms. See section 4 of our FRD, Revenue from
contracts with customers (ASC 606), for additional guidance on identifying performance obligations in a
contract with a customer.
Remaining performance obligations as of the acquisition date are measured by applying ASC 606.
Measuring a contract liability under ASC 606 will likely result in the recognition of an amount higher than
what would have been recognized before the adoption of ASU 2021-08. A primary reason for this
difference is that the fair value measurement of a contract liability is often based on the remaining costs
to be incurred by the combined company to satisfy the remaining performance obligations in the
arrangement plus a reasonable profit margin. The fair value measurement excludes any profit that would
otherwise be included in the transaction price related to the target’s selling effort.
Any contract liability recognized at the acquisition date is derecognized as the combined company
performs and satisfies the remaining performance obligation(s). Higher contract liability amounts
recognized at the acquisition date result in increased revenue in the post-combination period(s).
The following example illustrates how an acquirer recognizes and measures a contract liability in a
software arrangement after adoption.
Illustration 4-19: Contract liability acquired PCS
Target enters into a two-year arrangement on 1 January 20X2 to provide a term-based software
license and two years of post-contract customer support (PCS) to a customer in exchange for an up-
front fee of $300,000. Target has determined that the contract contains two performance
obligations: (1) the software license and (2) the PCS. Based on the standalone selling prices (SSP),
Target allocates $240,000 (80%) of the total transaction price to the license and $60,000 (20%) to
the PCS.
Target recognizes $240,000 in revenue on 1 January 20X2 related to the software license. Target
determines that time elapsed is an appropriate measure of progress and recognizes $60,000 in
revenue from PCS ratably over the two-year contract period.
Acquirer purchases Target, which meets the definition of a business, on 1 January 20X3. Acquirer and
Target use the same method for estimating SSP.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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After the Acquirer performs an assessment of the Target’s ASC 606 accounting (discussed below),
Acquirer recognizes a contract liability of $30,000 ($60,000/two-year contract period) related to the
partially satisfied performance obligation for the PCS on the acquisition date. Revenue related to the
PCS is recognized ratably over the remaining contractual term of one year. A contract liability related
to the term-based software license is not recognized because that performance obligation was
satisfied before the acquisition. Any customer-related intangible asset would be recognized at fair
value in accordance with ASC 805 and amortized over the useful life of the asset.
The following example illustrates how an acquirer recognizes and measures a contract liability related to
symbolic IP after adoption of ASU 2021-08.
Illustration 4-20: Contract liability acquired symbolic IP
Target enters into a 20-year arrangement with a customer to market and sell consumer packaged
goods using the Target’s brand on 1 January 20X2. The license arrangement requires the customer to
pay an up-front fee of $10 million on 1 January 20X2.
The license to use the Target’s brand represents symbolic IP because it does not have significant
standalone functionality since its utility is derived from the Target’s ongoing or past support (e.g.,
activities that support the value of a brand name). Target determines that time elapsed is an
appropriate measure of progress, and therefore, the initial up-front payment is recognized ratably
under ASC 606 as the Target satisfies the performance obligation over the 20-year term.
Acquirer purchases Target, which is a business, on 1 January 20X5.
While the Target may have no legal obligation other than to allow for the continued use of its brand
over the license term, the Acquirer records a contract liability of $8.5 million based on the remaining
performance obligation at acquisition date as if it had originated the license arrangement. Acquirer
recognizes revenue related to the symbolic IP ratably over the remaining contractual term of 17
years. There are no future cash flows associated with the license arrangement, and the contract
liability recorded will result in more goodwill being recognized in the business combination than would
have been recognized before adoption of the new guidance. This is because a substantially smaller
contract liability would have been recognized using a fair value measurement given the lack of future
cash outflows associated with the contract.
ASU 2021-08 eliminates the complexity of determining the fair value of contract liabilities and may result
in higher balances for contract liabilities acquired in a business combination. The FASB acknowledged
that an increase in contract liabilities under the guidance will result in a higher amount of goodwill
recognized in a business combination.
Adoption of ASU 2021-08 may also result in more post-combination revenue being recognized by the
acquirer. However, the amount of revenue should generally be consistent with the amount the target
would have recognized if it hadn’t been acquired. During the FASB’s outreach, investors stated that making
the post-acquisition reporting of cash flows and revenue comparable to the pre-acquisition reporting
would provide information that is more decision-useful about the combined company after the acquisition.
BC41 from ASU 2021-08.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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4.4.3A.5 Acquirer’s assessment of the target’s ASC 606 accounting (added June 2022)
While ASU 2021-08 requires that an acquirer account for the acquired contract under ASC 606 as if it
had originated the acquired contract, the FASB said in the Basis for Conclusions in ASU 2021-08 that the
“acquirer would assess the acquiree’s accounting” under ASC 606. If, based on this assessment, an
acquirer determines that the target’s ASC 606 accounting is well documented and supported, it may
recognize the acquired contract assets and contract liabilities in the business combination at amounts
that are consistent with those reported by the target immediately before the acquisition date (i.e., it
carries over the target’s accounting related to those revenue contracts). For purposes of section 4.4.3A,
“carry overmeans the acquirer recognizes and measures amounts that are consistent with the target’s
ASC 606 accounting.
While the acquirer may carry over the target’s ASC 606 accounting, the acquirer is ultimately responsible for
the contract asset and liability amounts reported under ASC 606 in connection with the business combination.
The Board also acknowledged that there may be circumstances in which the acquirer cannot carry over
the target’s ASC 606 accounting. The flowchart below provides a roadmap for entities to follow as they
determine whether they are able to recognize and measure the acquired contract assets and liabilities
that are consistent with the target’s ASC 606 accounting.
Did the acquirer identify errors in
the target’s ASC 606 accounting?
The acquirer recognizes and
measures amounts that are
consistent with the target’s
ASC 606 accounting.
Did the acquirer identify
differences between estimates in
the target’s ASC 606 accounting
and those in the acquirer’s
ASC 606 accounting?
ASC 606 amounts recognized by the
acquirer will differ from those previously
recognized by the target.
Does the target apply a basis of
accounting other than US GAAP
(i.e., ASC 606)?
Did the acquirer identify changes
needed to conform the target’s
ASC 606 accounting policies with its
own ASC 606 accounting policies?
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Making this assessment will require judgment and will likely require changes to an acquirer’s business
combination processes. These changes include additional or revised internal controls to execute the
assessment of the target’s ASC 606 accounting and may also include additional or revised internal
controls to address the risks of material misstatement related to the recognition and measurement of
contract assets and contract liabilities as of the acquisition date. The nature, extent and precision of the
additional or expanded controls will depend on the acquirer’s evaluation of risks related to both the
performance of the assessment and the ASC 606 accounting for the acquired contract assets and liabilities.
Considerations for the acquirer in performing the assessment of the target’s ASC 606 accounting may include:
Financial reporting framework of the target (e.g., US GAAP, IFRS, local statutory framework)
How the target applied ASC 606 to the acquired contracts (e.g., the target’s accounting policies and
how those policies were applied to the in-process acquired revenue contracts)
The nature of the target’s revenue contracts (e.g., long-term contracts, including variable
consideration and the application of the constraint)
Understanding the target’s internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) may help an acquirer
determine the nature and extent of both the processes it needs to have in place for the assessment and
the procedures it needs to perform in the assessment. An acquirer that determines, based on its
assessment, that it cannot carry over the target’s ASC 606 accounting for some or all of the target’s
contracts with customers must reevaluate the target’s ASC 606 accounting at the acquisition date. This
will require the acquirer to have the appropriate processes and procedures to implement ASC 606
accounting as of the acquisition date as if the acquirer was applying ASC 606 to the acquired contracts as
of contract inception.
The acquirer will also have to retain reasonable support for its internal control assessment, when
applicable, and documentation of the design of the controls is an integral part of reasonable support.
Generally, we would expect management’s support and documentation to be more robust as the
assessed risk of material misstatement increases.
Acquirers will need to carefully assess the target’s ASC 606 accounting to determine whether it can
carry over the target’s ASC 606 accounting. This will impact the acquirer’s processes and procedures
related to business combinations. See Appendix E for additional information.
4.4.3A.5.1 Reevaluating target estimates (added June 2022)
ASC 606 provides guidance about judgments and estimates that an entity must make when accounting
for revenue contracts with customers. ASC 606 requires an entity to make certain of those judgments
and estimates at the contract inception date, such as identifying performance obligations and estimating
SSP. Other estimates must be made on a recurring basis, such as estimates of variable consideration and
an entity’s measure of progress toward satisfying its performance obligations.
When the acquirer determines that it cannot carry over a target’s ASC 606 accounting because of
differences in estimates, the acquirer will reevaluate one or more of a target’s estimates, including those
determined at contract inception and those updated on a recurring basis. The acquirer could elect one or
both of the available practical expedients discussed in section 4.4.3A.9.
The following example illustrates a difference between the target and the acquirer’s estimation of SSP
for a contract.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Illustration 4-21: Difference in measuring SSP estimates
Target enters into a two-year arrangement on 1 January 20X2 to provide a perpetual software license
and two years of PCS to a customer in exchange for an up-front fee of $300,000. Target has
determined that the contract contains two performance obligations: (1) the software license and (2)
the PCS. Based on the SSP, Target allocates $240,000 (80%) of the total transaction price to the
license and $60,000 (20%) to the PCS.
Target recognizes $240,000 in revenue on 1 January 20X2 related to the software license. Target
determines that time elapsed is an appropriate measure of progress and recognizes $60,000 in
revenue from PCS ratably over the two-year contract period.
Acquirer purchases Target, which meets the definition of a business, on 1 January 20X3. Acquirer and
Target use different acceptable methods to estimate SSP. Acquirer assesses the Target’s ASC 606
accounting and determines that the Acquirer’s estimation of SSP is more reasonable because it
believes certain observable inputs should be weighted differently. Instead of allocating 80% ($240,000)
of the total transaction price to the license and 20% ($60,000) to the PCS, Acquirer allocates 70%
($210,000) of the transaction price to the license and the remaining 30% ($90,000) to PCS.
Acquirer recognizes a contract liability of $45,000 ($90,000/two-year contract period) on the
acquisition date. The $30,000 decrease to the transaction price allocated to the software license
would not be recognized at the acquisition date because that performance obligation was satisfied
before the acquisition. Revenue related to the PCS is recognized ratably over the remaining
contractual term of one year. Any customer-related intangible asset is recognized at fair value in
accordance with ASC 805 and amortized over the useful life of the asset.
The following example illustrates when the estimated revenue from the acquired revenue contract is
updated on a recurring basis by both the target before acquisition and the acquirer after acquisition.
Illustration 4-22: Target acquired with trailing commissions
Target, an insurance broker, executes a contract with Company A, a health insurance provider, on 1
January 20X0. Target receives an initial fee of $100 when a consumer buys an insurance policy from
Company A. In addition, Target receives “trailing commissions” from Company A of $50 whenever one
of those consumers renews a policy.
Target has a large pool of historical data about consumer renewal patterns, given its significant
experience with similar contracts. Target noted that the amount of consideration is highly susceptible
to factors outside its influence, and the uncertainty could stretch out over multiple years. However, it
also has significant experience with similar types of contracts, and its experience has predictive value.
Even though most of the consideration Target will be entitled to is uncertain and depends on the
actions of third parties (i.e., whether consumers renew), Target determined it can estimate a minimum
amount of variable consideration for which it is probable that a significant reversal of cumulative
revenue will not occur. Assuming that the Target’s performance was complete for brokering the health
insurance policy upon a consumer’s initial signing of the policy on 1 January 20X0, Target recognized
the initial $100 fee that was received from Company A plus $150 (the minimum amount related to
future renewals that is not constrained).
Acquirer acquires Target, which is a business, on 2 January 20X0.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Target recognized an estimated amount of revenue ($250) upon the execution of the consumer’s
health insurance policy with Company A that includes the amount it expects to be entitled to receive
for renewals of that policy. Before the acquisition date, Target received the initial fee of $100 but
none of the “trailing commissions” of $150 from Company A. Accordingly, Target had a $150
contract asset recorded immediately before the acquisition date.
At the acquisition date, Acquirer assesses the Target’s ASC 606 accounting for the contract with
Company A as if it originated the contract. Acquirer considers (1) the expected revenue of $250
recognized by Target from contract inception through the acquisition date and (2) its best estimate of
expected revenue based on its experience with similar types of contracts. Acquirer determines that
the total expected revenue of $250 is consistent with what it would have recorded if it had originated
the contract. Acquirer determines it can carry over Target’s accounting and recognizes a contract
asset in the amount of $150, consistent with Target.
At each future reporting period, Acquirer will reassess its estimate of expected revenue from future
policy renewals in accordance with ASC 606, including the variable consideration constraint. It will
recognize increases or decreases to revenue from any changes to the estimate of policy renewals. In
addition, Acquirer will recognize amortization expense related to the customer-related intangible asset
that was recorded at the acquisition date.
An acquirer may determine that it cannot carry over the target’s ASC 606 accounting based on differences
between estimates of the target and acquirer. Determining under which circumstances an acquirer
cannot carry over the target’s accounting based on differences in estimates will require significant
judgment. The acquirer’s assessment of the target’s accounting will need to consider the reasonableness
of prior estimates made by the target. Differences in estimation between the acquirer and target may
occur more often in circumstances where the acquirer has significant experience in the target’s industry
and the acquired contracts require more estimation (e.g., long-term, significant variable consideration).
4.4.3A.5.2 Accounting for contracts with customers in a business combination that have performance
obligations that are satisfied over time (added June 2022)
Revenue for some contracts may be recognized over time as the entity transfers control of the promised
goods or services to the customer. ASC 606 requires the use of measures of progress that focus solely
on the entity’s performance in transferring control of the goods or services. When a performance
obligation is satisfied over time, two types of methods can be used to measure progress under the
contract: an input method and an output method. An entity should select a single measure of progress
for each performance obligation that depicts the entity’s performance in transferring control of goods or
services promised to a customer.
Before the adoption of ASU 2021-08, acquired contracts with performance obligations satisfied over
time are recognized at fair value based on the amount of effort remaining for the combined company to
satisfy the remaining performance obligations. This results in a reset of the measure of progress as of
the acquisition date, and the arrangement is effectively considered to be a new contract for the
remaining performance obligations as of the acquisition date.
After the adoption of ASU 2021-08, an acquirer should measure progress toward completion as if it
originated the contract. The measure of progress as of the acquisition date should include effort
expended by the target before the acquisition. For example, an acquirer would use the actual costs the
target incurred before the acquisition date plus the estimate of costs it will incur to complete the
remaining work required under the contract to measure progress toward completion as of the acquisition
date. Any difference in the measure of progress will be reflected as an adjustment to the contract asset
or liability balance under purchase accounting.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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In the post-combination period, the acquirer would continue to update the measure of progress for the
acquired contract under ASC 606. We believe the acquirer would use the measure of progress
established in the business combination updated for any post-combination effort expended on that
contract and adjusted for any changes in the estimate of costs to complete under ASC 606.
The following example illustrates an entity’s considerations when acquiring a long-term construction
contract in a business combination after adoption of ASU 2021-08.
Illustration 4-23: Acquisition of long-term construction contract
Target enters into a contract with a municipality to construct a tunnel on 1 January 20X1 for total
consideration of $1,000,000. The construction is expected to take five years to complete and is
considered a single performance obligation satisfied over time. Target determines that the contract
does not include a significant financing component, and the municipality pays for the contract as
certain milestones are achieved. Target uses an input method to determine the measure of progress
based on costs incurred compared with total estimated costs to complete construction of the tunnel.
Acquirer acquires Target, which is a business, on 1 January 20X3. Target estimates the contract to be
40% complete at the acquisition date based on the input-method measure of progress (total cost
incurred as of 1 January 20X3 by Target of $320,000 over total estimated cost to complete of
$800,000). Target recognizes $400,000 (40% x $1,000,000) in revenue and received $200,000 in
payments from the municipality as of the acquisition date.
Target recognizes a contract asset of $200,000 ($400,000 - $200,000) at the acquisition date (and
not a receivable) since all future payments to Target are conditioned upon achieving a future
milestone in the project. Target determined it was appropriate to include the $200,000 estimate of
variable consideration associated with the milestone payment in the transaction price (i.e., the
variable consideration was not constrained).
Acquirer determines that its estimate of the costs to complete the construction of the tunnel is
$700,000 ($320,000 of costs incurred through 1 January 20X3 and Acquirer’s estimate of $380,000
to complete the tunnel), which is lower than Target’s total estimated cost to complete. Acquirer has a
more favorable cost structure than Target due to Acquirer’s purchasing power. Acquirer estimates
that the construction of the tunnel is 46% complete as of 1 January 20X3.
Acquirer recognizes a contract asset of $260,000 (46% x $1,000,000, less $200,000 in payments
received as of the acquisition date) at the acquisition date. This is $60,000 greater than the contract asset
previously recognized by Target and will result in $60,000 less revenue in the post-combination period.
Also, any contract-related intangible asset or liability recognized at the acquisition date relating to the
off-market or contract backlog components is amortized over the remaining term of the contract. Any
customer relationship intangible asset is amortized separately over its remaining useful life. As previously
stated, these components are not in the scope of ASU 2021-08 and continue to be recognized at fair value.
4.4.3A.6 Out-of-scope components (added June 2022)
The components of acquired revenue contracts discussed below are examples of components not in the
scope of ASU 2021-08.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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4.4.3A.6.1 Refund liabilities (added June 2022)
A target may have received consideration that it will need to refund to the customer in the future
because the consideration is not an amount to which the target will ultimately be entitled to under the
contract. A refund liability generally does not represent an obligation to transfer goods or services in the
future. We believe that a refund liability does not typically meet the definition of a contract liability.
When an acquirer concludes that a refund liability is not a contract liability, it recognizes the acquired
refund liability as of the acquisition date at fair value in accordance with the principles of ASC 820.
4.4.3A.6.2 Deferred costs under ASC 340-40 incurred by a target (added June 2022)
A target may have recognized an asset in its preacquisition financial statements for the costs it incurred
(and expects to recover) to obtain or fulfill a contract with a customer in accordance with ASC 340-40.
Because the acquirer has not obtained an economic benefit, we do not believe these costs qualify for
separate asset recognition by the acquirer in a business combination. The cash flows that the acquirer
expects to receive in the future to recover these costs may affect the valuation of other assets
recognized as part of the related acquired customer contract (e.g., a customer-related intangible asset,
contract backlog asset, inventory or property, plant and equipment).
4.4.3A.6.3 Contract-based intangible assets and liabilities (added June 2022)
Under ASC 805, intangible assets acquired in a business combination in connection with the acquisition
of contracts with customers are required to be measured at fair value. The fair value of the acquired
intangible assets is not affected by the method of accounting (e.g., the method used to measure progress
under ASC 606) to be used by the acquirer after the acquisition nor by the method of accounting used by
the target before the acquisition.
Economically, the recognition and fair value measurement of an intangible asset represent the benefit
that the acquirer is expected to realize by acquiring an already existing intangible asset as compared to
creating the intangible asset organically. Thismake” versus “buy” decision affects the price that buyers
and sellers would pay to acquire a business that includes this intangible asset.
Under ASC 820, the following three valuation techniques may be considered to value an acquired
intangible asset: (1) the income approach, (2) the market approach and (3) the cost approach.
Intangible assets, including contracts with customers, are rarely valued utilizing a market approach given
the lack of transactions for similar assets individually. The fair value of intangible assets that are unique
and not easily replaced typically is determined using an income approach. That is, the fair value would be
estimated as the risk-adjusted, present value of expected future cash flows that could be generated by
the subject asset.
Conversely, if an asset is easily replaceable or fungible, fair value typically is based on a cost approach.
That is, the fair value would be estimated based on the replacement cost of a like-kind asset. However,
the use of a cost approach generally is appropriate only when the principle of substitution is valid for the
intangible asset. Under this principle, a ready substitute for the asset can be reconstructed, rebuilt or
replaced because the asset is not proprietary, novel or one-of-a-kind.
In some industries, an acquired contract with a customer often is unique and not easily replaced. In such
situations, we believe an income approach generally would provide a more appropriate representation of
fair value than a cost approach.
The intangible components of value of an acquired contract with a customer are commonly measured
as follows:
Customer relationship intangible asset measured as the expected present value of future cash
flows available from future contracts with that customer
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Contract backlog intangible asset measured as the value derived under the income approach based
on the present value of expected future cash flows available from the existing contract, net of cash
flows associated with contract assets and receivables
Off-market component intangible asset (or liability) measured as the present value of the amount
by which the current contract terms deviate from what a market participant could achieve on the
acquisition date
An important aspect of valuing an acquired contract with a customer is to verify that all components of
value have been considered (that is, none of the components of value have been omitted or double
counted) and appropriately reflected in the measurement.
4.4.3A.6.4 Up-front payments to customers (added June 2022)
A target may have made an up-front payment to a customer in anticipation of future purchases. At the
time of payment, the target accounts for the consideration paid or payable to a customer as a reduction
of the transaction price and, therefore, of revenue unless the payment to the customer is in exchange for
a distinct good or service that the customer transfers to the target.
When payments to customers are
not in exchange for a distinct good or service and the target expects to generate future revenue
associated with the payment, a target generally defers the up-front payment by recognizing an asset,
separate from any contract asset or contract liability recorded, and reducing revenue as the related
goods or services (or as expected related goods or services) are transferred to the customer.
In an acquisition, an acquirer would not continue to recognize a separate asset under ASC 606 for the
up-front payment to the customer. However, the acquirer should carefully consider the facts and
circumstances associated with the up-front payment when determining the fair value of the customer-
related intangible asset, including whether the up-front payment results in an off-market component of
the contract. After the acquisition date, the acquirer may recognize the amortization expense for the
intangible asset as a reduction in revenue or as additional cost of goods sold, depending on the nature of
the asset.
4.4.3A.7 Significant financing component considerations (added June 2022)
For some transactions, the timing of the receipt of consideration does not match that of the transfer of
goods or services to the customer (e.g., the consideration is prepaid or is paid after the services are
provided). When the customer pays in arrears, the entity is effectively providing financing to the
customer. Conversely, when the customer pays in advance, the entity has effectively received financing
from the customer.
The Board explained in the Basis for Conclusions of ASU 2014-09 that, conceptually, a contract that
includes a financing component includes two transactions one for the sale of goods and/or services and
one for the financing. Accordingly, the Board decided to require entities to adjust the amount of
promised consideration for the effects of financing only if the timing of payments specified in the
contract provides the customer or the entity with a significant benefit of financing.
When an entity acquires a contract that includes a significant financing component, the post-combination
revenue and interest related to the significant financing component that are recognized by the combined
company should be the same as those that would have been recognized by the target if the business
combination had not occurred.
ASC 606-10-32-25.
BC229 from ASU 2014-09.
An acquirer may make other changes to contract assets and liabilities in instances where it does not carry over the target’s
accounting. Those changes could affect post-combination revenue and interest.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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4.4.3A.8 Measurement period considerations (added June 2022)
Contract assets and contract liabilities acquired in a business combination will be subject to the measurement
period provided in ASC 805. If the measurement period for an acquisition is open, the entity may report
provisional amounts for contract assets and contract liabilities acquired in a business combination as of
its financial reporting date. The acquirer discloses that the amounts recognized are provisional and
discloses the information that the acquirer has arranged to obtain but has not yet received. In this case,
the acquirer may be waiting for appropriate support to assess the target’s ASC 606 accounting before it
can say that the measurement period is complete for the contract assets and contract liabilities acquired.
If the acquirer records any adjustments to provisional amounts recognized, it must perform a careful
evaluation of those amounts to determine whether the potential adjustment is the result of information
that existed as of the acquisition date or whether the potential adjustment is the result of events
occurring after the acquisition date.
Significant judgment will be required when evaluating whether the measurement period is open for
acquired revenue contracts. Even though the measurement period is available for the recognition and
measurement of acquired contract assets and liabilities in a business combination, an acquirer is required
to apply ASC 606 to those acquired revenue contracts during the post-combination period.
It will be important for an acquirer to understand the items that it has not yet obtained for purposes of its
acquisition date recognition and measurement and how those items relate to its ongoing revenue
recognition. For example, the acquirer may be required to obtain certain information about acquired
contracts to continue applying ASC 606 during the post-combination period (e.g., total costs incurred as
of the end of the reporting period) that may also provide resolution to certain information necessary to
identify and measure contract assets and liabilities as of the acquisition date.
Refer to section 7.3 for additional measurement period considerations.
4.4.3A.9 Practical expedients for ASU 2021-08 (added June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2022; (N) December 16, 2023 | Transition Guidance: 805-20-65-3
Business combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Initial Measurement
An acquirer may use one or more of the following practical expedients when applying paragraphs
805-20-30-27 through 30-28 at the acquisition date:
a. For contracts that were modified before the acquisition date, an acquirer may reflect the
aggregate effect of all modifications that occur before the acquisition date when:
1. Identifying the satisfied and unsatisfied performance obligations
2. Determining the transaction price
3. Allocating the transaction price to the satisfied and unsatisfied performance obligations.
b. For all contracts, for purposes of allocating the transaction price, an acquirer may determine the
standalone selling price at the acquisition date (instead of the contract inception date) of each
performance obligation in the contract.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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For any of the practical expedients in paragraph 805-20-30-29 that an acquirer uses, the acquirer
shall apply that expedient on an acquisition-by-acquisition basis. Each practical expedient that is
elected shall be applied consistently to all contracts acquired in the same business combination. In
addition, the acquirer shall provide the disclosures in paragraph 805-20-50-5.
ASU 2021-08 provides two practical expedients for acquirers, and all entities can apply them.
The first practical expedient relates to contracts that were modified
before the acquisition. It allows the
acquirer to reflect the aggregate effect of all modifications that occurred before the acquisition date, as
of the acquisition date, when:
Identifying the satisfied and unsatisfied performance obligations
Determining the transaction price
Allocating the transaction price to the satisfied and unsatisfied performance obligations
This expedient is similar to a practical expedient that the FASB previously provided for entities to ease
the transition to ASC 606.
The second practical expedient relates to the determination of SSP. ASC 606 allows for any reasonable
estimation approach as long as it is consistent with the notion of an SSP, maximizes the use of
observable inputs and is applied on a consistent basis for similar goods and services and customers. SSP
is determined at contract inception under ASC 606, but the practical expedient allows the acquirer to
determine SSP at the acquisition date instead of at contract inception.
An acquirer that elects to use this practical expedient as of the acquisition date should consider the
guidance in ASC 606 for determining SSP as of the date of acquisition. This would include having the
appropriate processes and procedures over the determination of the SSP estimates that are used in the
acquirer’s ASC 606 accounting for the acquired contracts. See section 6.1 of our FRD, Revenue from
contracts with customers (ASC 606), for a discussion on determining SSP.
Consider the illustration below:
Illustration 4-24: Contract modification and SSP practical expedients
Target enters into a contract with a customer to sell equipment for $1 million and provide services for
10 years for $20,000 annually. The equipment is delivered on 1 January 20X0, and the service
commences at that time. The equipment and the service are separate performance obligations.
The contract is modified several times between contract inception and 20X5. The modifications
extended the contract by 10 years and provided an additional piece of equipment for $1 million. The
additional equipment will be delivered in 20X7 and is a separate performance obligation.
Contract modifications may occur when parties to an arrangement agree to modify the scope or price (or both) of their contract.
Once an entity determines that a contract has been modified, it needs to determine the appropriate accounting for the
modification. Certain modifications are treated as separate standalone contracts, while others are combined with the original
contract and accounted for in that manner. In addition, some modifications are accounted for on a prospective basis, and others
are accounted for on a cumulative catch-up basis. Accordingly, an acquirer will also need to consider the effect of contract
modifications when reevaluating prior estimates.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Acquirer acquires Target on 1 January 20X6. Acquirer elects to apply the practical expedient on
contracts that were modified before the acquisition and the practical expedient related to the
determination of SSP.
Acquirer’s total transaction price for the acquired modified contract at the acquisition date is
$2,400,000 [$1 million (equipment) + $1 million (equipment) + (20 years x $20,000 (service))], which
is the cumulative effect of all the contract modifications that occurred between contract inception and
the acquisition date. The total transaction price is allocated to the two products and the service based
on the SSP of each performance obligation at the acquisition date.
The transaction price allocated to the second piece of equipment and the remaining unperformed
services would be recognized when or as they are transferred to the customer.
Any entity can elect to apply the practical expedients on an acquisition-by-acquisition basis. If elected,
the expedients must be applied consistently to all acquired contracts with customers in each acquisition.
We believe the acquirer’s implementation of ASC 606 for the acquired contracts will likely be similar to
an initial adoption of ASC 606 in instances where the acquirer cannot carry over all of the target’s
accounting. The expedients provide relief in situations where the acquirer does not have appropriate
data to evaluate the historical periods since contract inception. The Board has said that it does not
expect the use of the practical expedients to be widespread.
4.4.3A.10 Disclosure considerations (added June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2022; (N) December 16, 2023 | Transition Guidance: 805-20-65-3
Business combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
For any of the practical expedients in paragraph 805-20-30-29 that an acquirer uses, the acquirer
shall disclose all of the following information:
a. The expedients that have been used
b. To the extent reasonably possible, a qualitative assessment of the estimated effect of applying
each of those expedients.
ASU 2021-08 does not require additional general or transition disclosures. The FASB determined that
the disclosures required under ASC 805 and ASC 606 provide sufficient information for users of financial
However, if the acquirer decides to elect a practical expedient in ASC 805-20-30-29, the
acquirer should disclose:
The expedients that have been used
A qualitative assessment of the estimated effect of applying each of the expedients, to the extent
reasonably possible
BC36 from ASU 2021-08.
BC54 and BC55 from ASU 2021-08.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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4.4.3A.11 Effective date and transition for ASU 2021-08 (added June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Transition and Open Effective Date Information
The following represents the transition and effective date information related to Accounting Standards
Update No. 2021-08, Business Combinations (Topic 805): Accounting for Contract Assets and
Contract Liabilities from Contracts with Customers:
a. For public business entities, the pending content that links to this paragraph shall be effective for
fiscal years, including interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2022.
b. For all other entities, the pending content that links to this paragraph shall be effective for fiscal
years, including interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2023.
c. An entity shall apply the pending content that links to this paragraph prospectively to business
combinations that occur after the effective date.
d. Early application of the pending content that links to this paragraph is permitted, including in any
interim period, for:
1. Public business entities for periods for which financial statements have not yet been issued
2. All other entities for periods for which financial statements have not yet been made available
for issuance.
e. An entity that elects early application of the pending content that links to this paragraph in an
interim period shall apply the pending content:
1. Retrospectively to all business combinations for which the acquisition date occurs on or after
the beginning of the fiscal year that includes the interim period of early application
2. Prospectively to all business combinations that occur on or after the date of initial
ASU 2021-08 is effective for fiscal years beginning after 15 December 2022, and interim periods therein
for PBEs. For all other entities, it is effective for fiscal years beginning after 15 December 2023, and
interim periods therein.
Early adoption is permitted for all entities, including adoption in an interim period. PBEs can early adopt
the amendments for periods for which financial statements have not yet been issued, and all other entities
can early adopt the amendments for periods for which the financial statements have not yet been made
available for issuance. Further, early adoption is permitted in any interim period regardless of whether a
business combination occurs in that period.
The guidance is applied prospectively. However, an entity that elects to early adopt must apply the
amendments to all business combinations that occurred during the fiscal year that includes that interim period.
Further, an entity that early adopts the guidance cannot change the accounting for acquisitions that
occurred in a prior annual period for which financial statements have already been issued.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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An entity must apply the guidance to all acquisitions in its fiscal year of adoption, even those for which
the measurement period closed before it adopted the guidance. For example, if an acquirer completed an
acquisition earlier in its fiscal year of adoption and measured the contract assets and contract liabilities
acquired at fair value, it must revise and remeasure the contract assets and contract liabilities
retrospectively as of the acquisition date in accordance with ASC 606.
In addition, the acquirer needs to consider the effect on post-combination revenue. If it recognized
revenue based on the fair value of the contract assets and contract liabilities before adopting ASU 2021-
08, it has to adjust the revenue previously recognized to reflect the amount of revenue that should have
been recognized if the contract assets and contract liabilities were recognized under ASC 606 as of the
acquisition date.
Consider the illustration below:
Illustration 4-25: Early adoption of ASU 2021-08
Company A elects to early adopt ASU 2021-08 in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 20X1. Company A
acquired Company B in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 20X0, Company C in the first quarter of fiscal
year 20X1, and Company D in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 20X1.
After adoption of ASU 2021-08:
Any contract assets and contract liabilities acquired in the acquisition of Company B continue to
be recognized at fair value at the acquisition date. Because this acquisition occurred in the fourth
quarter of fiscal year 20X0 in the fiscal year before adoption of ASU 2021-08, the provisions of
ASU 2021-08 do not apply to this acquisition.
Any contract assets and contract liabilities acquired in the acquisition of Company C are
recognized in accordance with ASC 606 as of the acquisition date. Before adopting ASU 2021-08,
Company A reflected the acquired revenue contracts at fair value at the acquisition date in its
first-, second- and third-quarter financial statements. However, because Company A adopted
ASU 2021-08 in fiscal year 20X1, it must remeasure the acquired revenue contracts in accordance
with ASC 606 at the acquisition date, which may also impact goodwill and other assets and
liabilities recognized in purchase accounting. Further, Company A adjusts the revenue previously
recognized by determining the amount of revenue that should have been recognized if the
contract assets and contract liabilities were recognized under ASC 606 as of the acquisition date.
The remeasured amounts are reflected retrospectively when presenting comparative financial
information in future periods.
Any contract assets and contract liabilities acquired in the acquisition of Company D are
recognized in accordance with ASC 606 as of the acquisition date. Company A acquired Company
D in the same quarter that Company A adopted ASU 2021-08.
4.4.3A.11.1 Application of ASU 2021-08 to a target’s prior business combinations (added June 2022)
An acquirer may acquire a target that has previously acquired other businesses for which the target
appropriately measured contract assets and liabilities at fair value before adoption of the ASU 2021-08.
In this situation, we believe the acquirer would recognize all acquired revenue contracts of the target in
accordance with ASU 2021-08. That is, any contracts previously acquired by the target in a business
combination that are still in process as of the acquisition date will be remeasured by the acquirer in
accordance with ASC 606. In this circumstance, the acquirer would be unable to carry over the target’s
contract assets and liabilities related to those previously acquired contracts.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Consider the following example:
Illustration 4-26: Revenue contracts acquired from target’s previous acquisition
Company A acquired Company B on 1 October 20X1 before adopting ASU 2021-08. Company A
acquired contract assets and contract liabilities in the acquisition of Company B. Company A recorded
the acquired contract assets and contract liabilities at fair value as of the acquisition date.
Company C adopted ASU 2021-08 on 1 January 20X2 and subsequently acquired Company A on 31
December 20X2.
Company C acquired contract assets and contract liabilities from Company A. Company A still had contract
assets and contract liabilities acquired from Company B on its balance sheet as of 31 December 20X2.
Company C measures all acquired contract assets and contract liabilities from Company A, inclusive of any
remaining contract assets and liabilities from the Company B acquisition, in accordance with ASC 606,
as if Company C had originated those acquired revenue contracts at the contract inception date.
4.4.4 Executory contracts
Although a consensus on EITF 03-17 was not reached, the EITF 03-17 abstract defined an executory
contract as a contract that remains wholly unperformed or for which there remains something to be done
by either or both parties of the contract. This definition is rather broad, and we believe it provides a
reasonable basis for considering whether a contract is an executory contract. Executory contracts include
numerous forms of arrangements for both buyers and sellers of products and services. One example is a
product purchase order in which one partys performance obligations are limited to accepting delivery and
making agreed-upon payments. Other examples include, but are not necessarily limited to, employment
contracts, lease arrangements, service contracts, certain derivative contracts, purchase and sales
commitments, insurance contracts, franchise agreements and compensation arrangements.
Unless a specific executory contract is subject to one of the measurement exceptions in ASC 805 (see
further discussion in section 3.4.3), the contract acquired or assumed in a business combination is
recognized at its fair value. The fair value of the contract may consist of one or both of the following
components: any off-market element of the contract and any inherent fair value (i.e., the price a market
participant is willing to pay for an at-market contract). Off-market element of fair value in executory contracts
To the extent that terms of acquired or assumed executory contracts contain terms that are not equivalent to
market terms (based on a current transaction with a market participant) on the date of acquisition
(i.e., the off-market element of fair value), an asset or liability is recognized in the business combination.
Assets and liabilities recognized in a business combination that relate to the off-market element of fair
value in an executory contract typically are amortized over the term of the contract. Conceptually, that
amortization, plus or minus the actual effect on the acquirer resulting from performing under the contract
after acquisition, results in a net (or aggregate) effect on results of operations in future periods during which
the contract is completed as if the executory contract were consummated at market on the acquisition date.
1 October 20X1
Company A acquired
Company B
31 December 20X2
Company C acquired
Company A
1 January 20X2
Company C adopted
ASU 2021-08
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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At the 2006 AICPA National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments, the SEC staff
specifically identified in-process revenue contracts as examples of executory contracts that should be
recognized as unfavorable contract liabilities to the extent that the terms of the contracts are less
favorable than the terms that could be realized in current market transactions. Conversely, and while not
discussed by the SEC staff, an in-process revenue contract with terms that are favorable to the acquirer
on the acquisition date should be recognized as an asset in a business combination.
The SEC staff stated that it generally would expect that in-process revenue contract terms originally
negotiated between an acquired entity and its customer would represent a market rate of return at the
date the contract was entered, because the contract would have been executed between a willing buyer
and willing seller at market terms. Accordingly, an analysis of whether a contract is unfavorable at the
acquisition date usually would focus on intervening events and changes in circumstances that occurred
during the period between contract consummation and the acquisition date. Absent intervening events
or changes in circumstances, the SEC staff can be expected to raise concerns about an assertion that an
acquired contract was in an unfavorable position (i.e., unprofitable operations of an acquired entity does
not necessarily mean that acquired contracts are unfavorable contracts). When determining the current
market rate of return for a similar contract, assumptions used should reflect those that would relate to
an actual transaction consummated in a competitive bidding environment among market participants,
not the list price that a vendor would use as a starting point in contract negotiations.
Specific aspects of measuring and recognizing the off-market element of fair value as of the acquisition date
for certain types of executory contracts are discussed in the following sections through Inherent fair value in executory contracts
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
An identifiable intangible asset may be associated with an operating lease, which may be evidenced by
market participants willingness to pay a price for the lease even if it is at market terms. For example,
a lease of gates at an airport or of retail space in a prime shopping area might provide entry into a
market or other future economic benefits that qualify as identifiable intangible assets, such as a
customer relationship. In that situation, the acquirer shall recognize the associated identifiable
intangible asset(s) in accordance with paragraph 805-20-25-10.
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
An identifiable intangible asset may be associated with a lease, which may be evidenced by market
participants’ willingness to pay a price for the lease even if it is at market terms. For example, a lease
of gates at an airport or of retail space in a prime shopping area might provide entry into a market or
other future economic benefits that qualify as identifiable intangible assets, such as a customer
relationship. In that situation, the acquirer shall recognize the associated identifiable intangible
asset(s) in accordance with paragraph 805-20-25-10.
Paragraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 152
Fair value in an acquired or assumed executory contract might also include an inherent value element
(i.e., the price a market participant is willing to pay for an at-market contract). The FASB observed that at-
market contracts are bought and sold in exchange transactions (e.g., airport gates (operating leases) in
the airline industry and customer contracts in the home security industry are bought and sold for valuable
consideration even when the terms of the underlying and respective contracts are at-market). The FASB
believes that those transactions provide evidence that a contract may have value for reasons other than its
terms relative to the current market and, therefore, concluded that the amount by which the terms of a
contract are favorable or unfavorable does not necessarily represent the full fair value of a contract.
At-market contracts generally are profitable and often costly to obtain. The at-market or inherent value
of a contract from a market participants perspective relates to the cost, time and effort required to
obtain an at-market contract that is avoided by acquiring a targets preexisting contracts in a business
combination. Further, as there is no uncertainty associated with whether a preexisting target company
contract will be executed (because by definition it already has been executed), at-market value might also
reflect avoided uncertainty.
The following sections, through, discuss unique aspects of certain common types of
executory contracts. Leases (before the adoption of ASC 842)
A lease is an agreement conveying the right to use property, plant or equipment. Under a lease, the party
obtaining the right to use the leased property is referred to as a lessee and the party conveying the right to
use the property is referred to as a lessor. Accounting guidance for lease arrangements for both lessees and
lessors under US GAAP is primarily contained in ASC 840 (before the adoption of ASC 842) and is applicable
to all entities (see ASC 840-10-15 and our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 840,
Leases, for additional guidance on evaluating whether an arrangement is or contains a lease).
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Leases Overall
In a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, the acquiring entity shall retain
the previous classification in accordance with this Subtopic for the leases of an acquired entity unless
the provisions of the lease are modified as indicated in paragraph 840-10-35-5. That paragraph
addresses the accounting for a lease modification that was planned at the time of a business
combination but made after the acquisition date.
Subsequent Measurement
If at any time the lessee and lessor agree to change the provisions of the lease, other than by renewing
the lease or extending its term, in a manner that would have resulted in a different classification of the
lease under the lease classification criteria in paragraphs 840-10-25-1 and 840-10-25-42 had the
changed terms been in effect at lease inception, the revised agreement shall be considered as a new
agreement over its term, and the lease classification criteria in paragraphs 840-10-25-1 and 840-10-
25-42 shall be applied for purposes of classifying the new lease. Likewise, except if a guarantee or
penalty is rendered inoperative as described in paragraphs 840-30-35-8 and 840-30-35-23, any
action that extends the lease beyond the expiration of the existing lease term, such as the exercise of a
lease renewal option other than those already included in the lease term, shall be considered as a new
agreement, which shall be classified according to the guidance in Section 840-10-25. Changes in
estimates (for example, changes in estimates of the economic life or of the residual value of the leased
property) or changes in circumstances (for example, default by the lessee) shall not give rise to a new
classification of a lease for accounting purposes.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 153
The classification of a lease in accordance with the criteria in this Subtopic shall not be changed as a
result of a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity unless the provisions of
the lease are modified. At the acquisition date, an acquirer may contemplate renegotiating and
modifying leases of the business or nonprofit activity acquired. Modifications made after the
acquisition date, including those that were planned at the time of the combination, are postcombination
events that shall be accounted for separately by the acquirer in accordance with the provisions of this
Topic. If in connection with a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity the
provisions of a lease are modified in a way that would require the revised agreement to be considered
a new agreement under the preceding paragraph, the new lease shall be classified by the combined
entity according to the criteria set forth in this Subtopic, based on conditions as of the date of the
modification of the lease. After the recording of the amounts called for by Subtopic 805-20, the leases
shall be accounted for in accordance with this Subtopic. Subtopic 840-30 explains the application of
this paragraph to a leveraged lease by an entity that acquires a lessor. This Subtopic does not address
the subsequent accounting for amounts recorded for favorable or unfavorable operating leases.
The classification of a lease is required to be determined at its inception. Thus, a business combination
does not result in the reconsideration of the original classification determination unless the provisions of
the lease are modified as part of a business combination in a way that would require the revised
agreement to be considered a new agreement.
ASC 805 only requires the valuation of the existing
assets and obligations of the acquired company, including assets and obligations pertaining to leases.
Subsequent to the recording of any adjustments required by the application of acquisition accounting,
the leases would be accounted for in accordance with ASC 840 (see our FRD, Lease accounting:
Accounting Standards Codification 840, Leases, for additional guidance).
According to ASC 840-10-35-4, once the classification of a lease is determined, that classification is not
changed unless either:
Both parties to the lease agree to a revision that would have resulted in a different classification had
the changed terms been in effect at the inception of the lease.
The lease is extended or renewed beyond the existing lease term.
Lease agreements that are not modified in connection with a business combination are discussed in
sections and below. Lease agreements that are modified in connection with a
business combination are discussed in section below.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
The acquirer shall recognize no assets or liabilities related to an operating lease in which the acquiree
is the lessee except as required by paragraphs 805-20-25-12 through 25-13.
In paragraph 7 of FASB Interpretation No. 21 (FIN 21), the FASB said that it does not believe that a business combination
requires reconsideration, at the time of purchase, of the classification of existing leases that are already classified in conformity
with lease classification criteria (i.e., ASC 840-10-25).
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 154
Regardless of whether the acquiree is the lessee or the lessor, the acquirer shall determine whether
the terms of each of an acquiree’s operating leases are favorable or unfavorable compared with the
market terms of leases of the same or similar items at the acquisition date. The acquirer shall
recognize an intangible asset if the terms of an operating lease are favorable relative to market terms
and a liability if the terms are unfavorable relative to market terms.
An identifiable intangible asset may be associated with an operating lease, which may be evidenced by
market participants’ willingness to pay a price for the lease even if it is at market terms. For example, a
lease of gates at an airport or of retail space in a prime shopping area might provide entry into a
market or other future economic benefits that qualify as identifiable intangible assets, such as a
customer relationship. In that situation, the acquirer shall recognize the associated identifiable
intangible asset(s) in accordance with paragraph 805-20-25-10.
Initial Measurement
The acquirer shall measure the acquisition-date fair value of an asset, such as a building or a patent or other
intangible asset, that is subject to an operating lease in which the acquiree is the lessor separately from the
lease contract. In other words, the fair value of the asset shall be the same regardless of whether it is subject
to an operating lease. In accordance with paragraph 805-20-25-12, the acquirer separately recognizes
an asset or a liability if the terms of the lease are favorable or unfavorable relative to market terms.
The principles governing the recognition of assets and liabilities in a business combination apply to acquired lease
arrangements. That is, fair value is the basis for recognition of acquired lease assets and obligations. Also, the
principles discussed below are relevant whether the acquired business is a lessor or lessee. Subsequent to
recognizing and measuring the assets acquired and liabilities assumed related to leases acquired in a business
combination in accordance with ASC 805, the leases would be accounted for in accordance with ASC 840.
See our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 840, Leases, for additional guidance.
The following table summarizes the items in an assumed lease contract that typically give rise to an asset
or liability in the business combination.
Target lease classification
Lessee in an operating lease
Favorable lease terms relative to
market (including favorable
purchase or renewal options)
Leasehold improvements
Unfavorable lease terms relative to
Lessee of a capital lease
Property under capital lease
Leasehold improvements
Capital lease obligation
Lessor in an operating lease
Favorable lease terms relative to
In-place lease value
Leased asset (including tenant
Customer relationship intangible asset
Unfavorable lease terms relative to
market (including unfavorable
purchase or renewal options)
Lessor in a sales-type or
direct finance lease
Lease receivable (including any
guaranteed residual value and the
payments that would be received
upon the exercise of any purchase
or renewal option that is reasonably
assured of exercise) and any
unguaranteed residual value
In-place lease value
Customer relationship intangible asset
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 155 Lessee accounting
Operating leases Acquired operating leases should be assessed to determine if the lease terms are favorable
or unfavorable given market conditions on the acquisition date. To the extent the lease arrangement is
favorable or unfavorable relative to market on the acquisition date or has an inherent value, an asset or
liability, respectively, is recognized at fair value in the business combination. The estimate of fair value
considers all provisions of the lease (term, purchase options, renewal options, termination penalties, residual
value guarantees, etc.) from the perspective of a market participant. An acquirer would not recognize any
deferred rent previously recognized by the acquired entity because the lease is recognized at its acquisition-
date fair value and the acquirees deferred rent does not meet the definition of an asset or liability at the
acquisition date. Generally, the recognized asset or liability is amortized to rental expense over the remaining
term of the lease to reflect a market rental cost per period based on market conditions at the acquisition date
(absent provisions that could result in fluctuating rent expense e.g., contingent rent provisions). However, if
a portion of the fair value relates to a lease purchase option, we believe the fair value attributed to the lease
purchase option, provided it is likely to be exercised, would not be amortized over the term of the lease, but
rather would affect the recognized value of the asset upon exercise of the purchase option. For example, if the
acquired purchase option on the leased asset is in-the-money on the acquisition date, the accounting basis of
the subject asset upon exercise of the purchase option would be the sum of the exercise price plus the fair
value of the acquired purchase option on the acquisition date. Additionally, if a portion of the fair value relates
to a renewal option that was not included in the original lease term, provided it is determined that it is likely
the option will be exercised (e.g., because of favorable market conditions), the value attributed to the renewal
would not be amortized over the term of the lease, but rather would be amortized over the renewal period.
Furthermore, the fair value of any leasehold improvements would be recognized the same as other plant and
equipment assets acquired. See section 4.2.4 for further discussion of accounting for plant and equipment
assets acquired in a business combination.
Capital leases Assets under capital leases and capital lease obligations of acquired companies that are
lessees are recognized at fair value as of the acquisition date in a business combination. The fair value of
a capital lease obligation is measured similar to assumed debt. Similarly, the fair value of assets acquired
under capital leases is measured and recognized based on the concepts discussed for measuring and
recognizing assets acquired, as described in section 4.2.4. In general, a separate intangible asset or
liability would not be recognized for the fair value of the lease contract. That is, any value in the lease
(e.g., favorable or unfavorable lease terms relative to market or the in-place lease value) would be
reflected in the measurement of the assets under capital lease and the capital lease obligation. Measurement of property under capital lease
In measuring the amount to recognize for an acquired asset under a capital lease, the acquirer should
consider why the lease was originally classified as a capital lease. That is, if the acquired lease was
capitalized by the acquiree because the lease met one of the first two criteria set forth in ASC 840-10-25-1
(i.e., (a) title transfers to the acquiree or (b) the lease contains a bargain purchase option at the end of the
lease term), the asset is recognized and measured by the acquirer at its acquisition-date fair value of the
underlying asset. If it is not anticipated that the acquirer will obtain ownership of the leased asset (meaning
the acquired leased asset was capitalized because (c) the lease term is equal to 75% or more of the
estimated economic life of the leased property or (d) the present value of the minimum lease payments
equals or exceeds 90% of the fair value of the leased property) or the acquirer does not intend to exercise
any in-place bargain purchase option, the asset underlying the lease would be recognized and measured
by the acquirer at the fair value of the leasehold interest (i.e., the value of the right to use the property
for the remaining lease term and other rights under the lease). Any related leasehold improvements of
the acquired entity would be recognized as tangible assets on the acquisition date at their fair value.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 156
The following example illustrates the accounting for a capital lease acquired in a business combination:
Illustration 4-27: Acquisition of a capital lease in a business combination
Assume an acquired company has a plant that it has leased since 20X0 and which it capitalized in
accordance with the provisions of ASC 840-10-25. Also, assume the fair value of the asset and interest
rates have increased since 20X0. When the acquisition occurred in 20X9, the applicable amounts were:
Lessee book value
Acquisition date fair value
Capital lease asset
$ 9,000
$ 11,000
Capital lease obligation
In consolidation, the capital lease asset and obligation would be stated at $11,000 and $8,000,
respectively. The subsequent accounting would be consistent with the requirements of ASC 840-30-35;
that is, the asset would be amortized over the remaining term of the lease (or, if a purchase option
exists, the useful life of the asset) and the obligation would be reduced (using the interest method)
using the acquirers effective rate at the date of acquisition. Lessor accounting
Operating leases In a business combination that includes assets subject to operating leases, in addition to
recognizing the assets subject to the lease at fair value, an assessment is required as to whether the underlying
operating lease has an inherent value (i.e., the price a market participant is willing to pay for an at-market
contract) and provisions that are off-market, favorable or unfavorable, given market conditions that existed on
the date of the acquisition and the terms and conditions of the existing lease. The inherent value may relate
to the economic benefit for acquiring an asset with an in-place lease, rather than an asset that is not leased.
The fair value of the assets subject to lease and any asset or liability related to the lease contract are
recognized and measured separately. In accordance with paragraph 805-20-25-12, to the extent the lease is
favorable or unfavorable, an asset or liability is recognized as part of the business combination, which is
amortized to rental income over the term of the lease so that level rental income is recognized over the lease
term. An asset recognized for the inherent value of a lease typically also is amortized over the term of the
lease. However, if a portion of the fair value adjustment relates to a renewal option that was not included in
the original lease term (e.g., a renewal option that is a bargain for the lessee as of the acquisition date) and it
is determined that it is likely the option will be exercised, we believe the value attributed to the renewal would
not be amortized over the term of the lease, but rather would be amortized over the renewal period.
An acquiring entity also may recognize a customer relationship intangible asset for its contractual
relationship with any lessees.
Sales-type or direct finance leases In a business combination that includes the acquisition of a sales-
type or direct finance lease receivable, ASC 820 requires the receivable to be recorded at fair value as of
the date of the acquisition. The adjustment to record the receivable at fair value would be based on an
adjustment of the implicit rate in the lease to market, as well as any increase in residual value based on
market information at the time of the acquisition (it is assumed that downward adjustments of residual
value and loan loss reserves were reflected previously by the acquired company). Considerations for valuing in-place leases
When assets are acquired with in-place leases, some lease contracts may have value for reasons other
than terms that are favorable relative to market prices.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 157
In valuing in-place leases, various methods may be used to determine the fair value of the lease. These
include the income method, the cost method and the market method. However, when valuing in-place
leases, the following components should be considered in the valuation.
Direct costs associated with obtaining a new lessee The value of an in-place lease would include
the direct costs that are avoided by acquiring the lease instead of originating the lease. For example,
these costs could include commissions, tenant improvements and other direct costs associated with
obtaining a new lessee.
Opportunity costs associated with lost rentals In general, obtaining a new lessee will take some
period of time, and during that period of time the asset owner may not be receiving lease payments.
This period, often referred to as the absorption period, represents an opportunity cost to the owner
that is avoided if the asset is acquired with an in-place lease.
Consideration also should be given as to whether the lease arrangements create a customer relationship
asset under ASC 805. Examples of customer relationship assets might include the value, as a result of a
current lease arrangement, associated with the expected renewal of the lease or the increased likelihood
of obtaining the lessee as a lessee for other locations owned by the lessor.
In-place leases acquired with an asset (e.g., tenant leases associated with an acquired building) would also
meet the recognition criteria under ASC 805; therefore, they must be recognized apart from the acquired
asset. As the useful life of an in-place lease is normally shorter than the remaining life of the underlying
asset, separate recognition and amortization will affect the net earnings of the acquiring entity. Lease modifications in connection with a business combination
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Leases Overall
Subsequent Measurement
The classification of a lease in accordance with the criteria in this Subtopic shall not be changed as a
result of a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity unless the provisions of the
lease are modified. At the acquisition date, an acquirer may contemplate renegotiating and modifying
leases of the business or nonprofit activity acquired. Modifications made after the acquisition date,
including those that were planned at the time of the combination, are postcombination events that
shall be accounted for separately by the acquirer in accordance with the provisions of this Topic. If in
connection with a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity the provisions of a
lease are modified in a way that would require the revised agreement to be considered a new agreement
under the preceding paragraph, the new lease shall be classified by the combined entity according to
the criteria set forth in this Subtopic, based on conditions as of the date of the modification of the
lease. After the recording of the amounts called for by Subtopic 805-20, the leases shall be accounted
for in accordance with this Subtopic. Subtopic 840-30 explains the application of this paragraph to a
leveraged lease by an entity that acquires a lessor. This Subtopic does not address the subsequent
accounting for amounts recorded for favorable or unfavorable operating leases.
If the provisions of a lease are modified in connection with a business combination such that the modified
lease qualifies as a new agreement pursuant to ASC 840-10-35-4, the lease is classified, as of the date of
the business combination, based on the terms of the modified lease. That is, for a lease modified in
connection with a business combination that qualifies as a new lease agreement, the factors and
assumptions that are relevant to determining classification of the new lease agreement are those that
exist as of the acquisition date. For example, if at the acquisition date, an operating lease of an acquired
company is modified such that the lease would have been classified as a capital lease at inception had the
modified terms been in effect, the lease is treated as a new lease agreement by the combined entity.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 158
If the provisions of a lease are modified in connection with a business combination such that the modified
lease does not qualify as a new agreement pursuant to ASC 840-10-35-4, the modified lease retains its
original classification (see section for additional guidance). For example, if the only change in a
lease as a result of the business combination consists of changing the identity of the parties because of a
business combination, this modification would not represent a new agreement between the lessee and
lessor and classification of the lease is not changed. However, the modified provisions are relevant to
determining the fair value of the acquired or assumed lease. See our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting
Standards Codification 840, Leases, for further discussion. Acquired leasehold improvement
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Subsequent Measurement
Leasehold improvements acquired in a business combination shall be amortized over the shorter of the
useful life of the assets or a term that includes required lease periods and renewals that are deemed to
be reasonably assured (as used in the definition of lease term) at the date of acquisition.
An acquirer amortizes an acquired leasehold improvement over the shorter of the assets useful life or a
term that includes required lease periods and renewals that are deemed to be reasonably assured (as
used in the definition of lease term) at the date of acquisition. Lease of property from a third party entered into as part of a business combination
In certain business combinations, a third party unrelated to the acquiree or acquirer is inserted into the
transaction to acquire a certain asset(s) of the business directly from the acquiree that will in turn be leased
by the third party to the acquirer of the business. The question has arisen as to whether such transactions
should be accounted for as the acquisition and sale-leaseback of the asset or simply as a lease transaction
by the acquirer. In our view, although the transaction may in form be a lease of an asset, it is in substance a
sale-leaseback and should be accounted for as such if the asset to be leased is acquired by the third party in
contemplation of, or contingent upon, the acquisition of a business by the acquirer-lessee. Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Leases Capital Leases
In a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, the acquiring entity shall retain
the classification of the acquired entitys investment as a lessor in a leveraged lease at the date of the
combination. The net investment of the acquired leveraged lease shall be broken down into its
component parts, namely, net rentals receivable, estimated residual value, and unearned income
including discount to adjust other components to present value.
Initial Measurement
In a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, the acquiring entity shall assign
an amount to the acquired net investment in the leveraged lease in accordance with the general
guidance in Topic 805, based on the remaining future cash flows and giving appropriate recognition to
the estimated future tax effects of those cash flows.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 159
Subsequent Measurement
In a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, the acquiring entity shall
subsequently account for its acquired investment as a lessor in a leveraged lease in accordance with the
guidance in this Subtopic as for any other leveraged lease. Example 5 (see paragraph 840-30-55-50)
illustrates an acquiring entitys accounting for its acquired investment as a lessor in a leveraged lease.
If the acquiree in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity was a lessor in a
leveraged lease, the general guidelines of ASC 805 also must be applied in assigning amounts to the net
investment in the leveraged lease. The acquirer measures the net investment based on the remaining net
future cash flows and gives appropriate recognition to the estimated future tax effects of such cash flows.
The net investment is then broken down into its component parts (net rentals receivable, estimated residual
value and unearned income, including the discount to adjust the other components to present value)
which are recognized in purchase accounting. Subsequent to the acquisition, the investment in the
leveraged lease is accounted for by the acquirer in accordance with ASC 840-30 (see section 14 of our
FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 840, Leases, for further discussion on
accounting for leveraged leases).
A detailed illustration of the accounting for a leveraged lease in a business combination, including one
way that a lessor’s investment in a leveraged lease may be valued by the acquiring entity, follows:
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Leases Capital Leases
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
This Example illustrates one way that a lessor’s investment in a leveraged lease might be valued by
the acquiring entity in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity and the
subsequent accounting for the investment in accordance with the guidance in this Subtopic. The
elements of accounting and reporting illustrated for this Example are as follows:
a. Acquiring entity’s cash flow analysis by years (see paragraph 840-30-55-52)
b. Acquiring entity’s valuation of investment in the leveraged lease (see paragraph 840-30-55-53)
c. Acquiring entity’s allocation of annual cash flow to investment and income (see paragraph
d. Journal entry for recording allocation of purchase price to net investment in the leveraged lease
(see paragraph 840-30-55-55)
e. Journal entries for the year ending December 31, 1984 (Year 10 of the lease) (see paragraph
This Example has the following terms and assumptions.
Cost of leased asset (equipment)
Lease term
15 years, dating from January 1, 1975
Lease rental payments
$90,000 per year (payable last day of each year)
Residual value
$200,000 estimated to be realized one year after lease termination
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 160
Equity investment by lessor
Long-term non-recourse debt
$600,000, bearing interest at 9% and repayable in annual
installments (on last day of each year) of $74,435.30
Depreciation allowable to lessor for income
tax purposes
Seven-year asset depreciation range life using double-declining-
balance method for the first two years (with the half-year
convention election applied in the first year) and sum-of-years
digits method for remaining life, depreciated to $100,000
salvage value
Lessor’s income tax rate (federal and state)
50.4% (assumed to continue in existence throughout the term of
the lease)
Investment tax credit
10% of equipment cost or $100,000 (realized by the lessor on
last day of first year of lease)
Initial direct costs
For simplicity, initial direct costs have not been included in the
Date of business combination
January 1, 1982
Tax status of business combination
Non-taxable transaction
Appropriate interest rate for valuing net-of-
tax return on investment
4 1/2%
Acquiring entity’s cash flow analysis by years follows.
Gross lease
rentals and
(for income
income (col.
Income tax
(col. 4 x
Annual cash
flow (col. 1-
$ 90,000
$ 37,079
$ 52,921
$ (26,672)
$ 37,357
$ (11,108)
$ 920,000
$ 100,000
$ 183,497
$ 636,503
$ (320,797)
$ 411,988
$ 3,718
Acquiring entity’s valuation of investment in the leveraged lease follows.
Cash flow
Present value at
4 1/2% net-of-tax rate
1. Rentals receivable (net of principal and interest on the nonrecourse debt)
($15,564.70 at the end of each year for 8 years)
$ 102,663
2. Estimated residual value ($200,000 realizable at the end of 9 years)
3. Future tax payments (various amounts payable over 9 years see the table in
the preceding paragraph)
Net present value
$ (16,245)
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 161
Acquiring entity’s allocation of annual cash flow to investment and income follows (see footnote [a]).
Annual cash flow
Components of income
investment at
beginning of
Total from
col. 7 of the
table in para.
Allocated to
Allocated to
Pretax income
Tax effect of
pretax income
$ (16,245)
$ (11,108)
$ (11,108)
$ 3,718
$ (16,245)
$ 19,963
$ 340,760
$ (320,797)
a Lease income is recognized as 4.233% of the unrecovered investment at the beginning of each year in which the net
investment is positive. The rate is that rate which, if applied to the net investment in the years in which the net investment is
positive, will distribute the net income (net cash flow) to those years.
b Each component is allocated among the years of positive net investment in proportion to the allocation of net income in
column 4. Journal Entry 2 in paragraph 840-30-55-56 includes an example of this computation.
Illustrative journal entry for recording allocation of purchase price to net investment in the leveraged
lease follows.
Rentals receivable (table in paragraph 840-30-55-
52, total of column 1 minus residual value, minus
totals of columns 3 and 6)
$ 124,515
Estimated residual value (paragraph 840-30-55-51)
Purchase price allocation clearing account
(paragraph 840-30-55-53, present value)
Unearned and deferred income (paragraph 840-
30-55-53, present value, minus total of rentals
receivable and estimated residual value)
$ 340,760
Illustrative journal entries for year ending December 31, 19Y4 follows.
Third year of operation after the business combination (Year 10 of the lease)
Journal Entry 1
$ 15,565
Rentals receivable (table in paragraph 840-30-55-52,
column 1 minus columns 3 and 6)
$ 15,565
Collection of year’s net rental
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 162
Journal Entry 2
Unearned and deferred income
$ 5,530
Income from leveraged leases (table in paragraph
840-30-55-54, column 5)
$ 5,530
Recognition of pretax income for the year allocated in the same proportion as the allocation
of total income, [computed as follows: ($324 ÷ $19,963 × $340,760 = $5,530)]
Journal Entry 3
Deferred taxes (table in paragraph 840-30-55-52,
column 5, minus table in paragraph 840-30-55-54,
column 6)
$ 25,008
Income tax expense (table in paragraph 840-30-55-54,
column 6)
Cash (table in paragraph 840-30-55-52, column 5)
$ 30,214
To record payment of tax for the year Sale-leaseback transactions of the acquiree
A sale-leaseback transaction involves the sale of an asset by an entity (the seller-lessee) to another entity
(the buyer-lessor) and the leaseback of the same asset by the seller-lessee (see sections 8 and 9 in our
FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 840, Leases, for additional guidance on sale-
leasebacks not involving and involving real estate). In cases where the transfer of a real estate asset is not a
sale (i.e., failed sale-leaseback), the seller-lessee accounts for the transaction as a financing transaction.
The seller-lessee retains the real estate subject to the sale-leaseback transaction on its balance sheet and
accounts for amounts received as a financing or uses the deposit method in accordance with other US GAAP.
See section 9 of our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 840, Leases, for further
guidance on subsequent accounting. If the seller-lessee is subsequently acquired in a business combination,
we believe the business combination alone is not a triggering event to reevaluate whether the accounting
for the transaction is now a sale-leaseback transaction. Rather, the acquirer should carry forward the
acquiree’s accounting as a failed-sale leaseback transaction and continue to follow ASC 840’s sale-
leaseback guidance to determine if and when a sale of the real estate may occur. Leases (after the adoption of ASC 842)
A lease agreement conveys the right to use an identified asset (i.e., property, plant or equipment) for a
period of time in exchange for consideration. Under a lease, the party obtaining the right to use the
leased property is referred to as a lessee and the party conveying the right to use the property is
referred to as a lessor. Accounting guidance for lease arrangements for both lessees and lessors under
US GAAP is primarily contained in ASC 842 (after the adoption of ASC 842) and is applicable to all
entities (see ASC 842-10-15 and our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842,
Leases, for additional guidance on evaluating whether an arrangement is or contains a lease).
In February 2016, the FASB issued a new leases standard (ASU 2016-02). ASU 2016-02 will supersede
ASC 840 on the accounting for leases. ASU 2016-02 amends the guidance in ASC 805 and changes the
accounting for acquired leases in a business combination. The new guidance requires the acquirer to
recognize and measure certain lease-related assets and lease liabilities in accordance with ASC 842 when
the acquirer is a lessee or lessor, whereas before the adoption of ASU 2016-02 all lease-related assets
and lease liabilities are recognized and measured at fair value in accordance with ASC 805.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 163
ASU 2016-02 is currently effective for PBEs and both of the following:
Not-for-profit (NFP) entities that have issued or are conduit bond obligors for securities that are
traded, listed or quoted on an exchange or an over-the-counter market (public NFPs)
Employee benefit plans that file or furnish financial statements with or to the SEC
In June 2020, the FASB issued ASU 2020-05 to defer the effective date of the new leases standard by
one year for private companies, private NFPs and certain public NFPs.
Private companies and private NFP entities are now required to adopt the new leases standard for annual
reporting periods beginning after 15 December 2021 and interim reporting periods in annual reporting
periods beginning after 15 December 2022.
Public NFPs that had not issued (or made available for issuance) financial statements that reflected
adoption of the new standard as of 3 June 2020 (e.g., a 31 March year-end public NFP that had not
issued its year-end financial statements for 2019 as of 3 June 2020) were required to adopt the
standard for annual reporting periods beginning after 15 December 2019 and interim reporting periods
within those annual reporting periods.
Early adoption, including adoption in an interim period, is permitted. Classification of acquired leases
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Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Lease of an Acquiree
In a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, the acquiring entity should
retain the previous lease classification in accordance with this Subtopic unless there is a lease
modification and that modification is not accounted for as a separate contract in accordance with
paragraph 842-10-25-8.
Under ASC 842, the acquiring entity in a business combination (or acquisition by a not-for-profit entity)
does not change the acquiree’s existing lease classification unless the lease is modified and the modification
is not accounted for as a separate contract. Refer to section 4.6, Lease modifications, and section 5.6,
Lease modifications, of our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases, for
a discussion of lessee and lessor modifications, respectively. If a lease is modified, and the modified lease
is accounted for as a separate contract, the acquirer classifies the new lease based on ASC 842’s lease
classification guidance.
If a lease is modified in connection with the business combination and is not accounted for as a separate
contract, the acquirer remeasures and reallocates the remaining consideration in the contract and
reassesses the lease classification using the modified terms and conditions and facts and circumstances
as of the effective date of the lease modification as discussed in section 4.6.3, Lessee accounting for a
modification that is not accounted for a separate contract, and section 5.6.3, Lessor accounting for a
modification that is not accounted for a separate contract, for lessees and lessors, respectively, of our
FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases. After determining the
classification of the modified lease, the acquirer accounts for the modified lease in accordance with the
guidance in ASC 805 discussed in the remainder of this section.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 164
An unmodified lease is accounted for in accordance with the guidance in the remainder of this section.
If the only change in a lease as a result of the business combination is a change in the identity of the
parties, the change would not represent a lease modification because there is no change to the terms
and conditions of the contract that results in a change in the scope of or consideration for the lease.
As such, the classification of the lease does not change.
The provisions of ASC 842-10-55-11 apply to both lessees and lessors in a business combination. The
accounting for a lease in an asset acquisition is discussed in sections A.3.1.3 and A. Recognition and measurement of acquired leases
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Business combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
An identifiable intangible asset may be associated with a lease, which may be evidenced by market
participants’ willingness to pay a price for the lease even if it is at market terms. For example, a lease
of gates at an airport or of retail space in a prime shopping area might provide entry into a market or
other future economic benefits that qualify as identifiable intangible assets, such as a customer
relationship. In that situation, the acquirer shall recognize the associated identifiable intangible
asset(s) in accordance with paragraph 805-20-25-10.
The acquirer shall recognize assets or liabilities related to an operating lease in which the acquiree is
the lessee as required by paragraphs 805-20-25-10A and 805-20-25-28A.
Regardless of whether the acquiree is the lessee or the lessor, the acquirer shall determine whether
the terms of each of an acquiree’s operating leases are favorable or unfavorable compared with the
market terms of leases of the same or similar items at the acquisition date. If the acquiree is a lessor,
the acquirer shall recognize an intangible asset if the terms of an operating lease are favorable
relative to market terms and a liability if the terms are unfavorable relative to market terms. If the
acquiree is a lessee, the acquirer shall adjust the measurement of the acquired right-of-use asset for
any favorable or unfavorable terms in accordance with paragraph 805-20-30-24.
The acquirer shall recognize assets and liabilities arising from leases of an acquiree in accordance with
Topic 842 on leases (taking into account the requirements in paragraph 805-20-25-8(a)).
For leases for which the acquiree is a lessee, the acquirer may elect, as an accounting policy election
by class of underlying asset and applicable to all of the entity’s acquisitions, not to recognize assets or
liabilities at the acquisition date for leases that, at the acquisition date, have a remaining lease term of
12 months or less. This includes not recognizing an intangible asset if the terms of an operating lease
are favorable relative to market terms or a liability if the terms are unfavorable relative to market terms.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 165
The acquirer separately recognizes identifiable intangible assets associated with the inherent value of the
lease (i.e., the price market participants are willing to pay for an at-market lease). The inherent value
may relate to the economic benefit of acquiring an asset with an in-place lease versus one that is not
leased. Refer to section for considerations for valuing in-place leases. An intangible asset is
identifiable if it meets either the separability criterion or the contractual-legal criterion as described
further in section 4.2.5.
As discussed in section 3.4.2, ASC 805 requires all assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any
noncontrolling interests to be recognized and measured at fair value on the acquisition date, with limited
exceptions. Certain lease-related assets and liabilities are an exception to the general recognition and
measurement principles under ASC 805. Instead, the acquirer in a business combination applies
ASC 842’s initial recognition and measurement provisions to recognize those lease-related assets and
lease liabilities when the acquiree is a lessee or a lessor.
The following table summarizes the items in an acquired lease that typically give rise to an asset or
liability in a business combination.
Section reference
Acquiree is
a lessee
Finance or
Right-of-use asset**
Leasehold improvements*
In-place lease value*
Lease liability**
Acquiree is
a lessor
or direct
finance lease
Net investment in lease which is
the sum of lease receivable and
unguaranteed residual asset**
In-place lease value*
Customer relationship
intangible asset*
Not applicable
Acquiree is
a lessor
Favorable lease terms relative
to market*
Leased asset (including lessor-
owned tenant improvements)*
In-place lease value*
Customer relationship
intangible asset*
Unfavorable lease
terms relative to
* Recognized and measured at fair value in accordance with the general principles of ASC 805
** Recognized and measured in accordance with ASC 842
Leases with a remaining lease term of 12 months or less
If the acquiree is a lessee, the acquirer can elect to apply the same accounting policy election by class of
underlying asset for all business combinations to not recognize assets and liabilities for leases that at the
acquisition date have a remaining lease term of 12 months or less. ASC 805-20-25-28B states that such
an election includes not recognizing an intangible asset if the terms of an operating lease are favorable
relative to market terms or a liability if the terms are unfavorable relative to market terms.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 166 Acquiree in a business combination is a lessee in a finance or operating lease
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Business combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Initial Measurement
For leases in which the acquiree is a lessee, the acquirer shall measure the lease liability at the
present value of the remaining lease payments, as if the acquired lease were a new lease of the
acquirer at the acquisition date. The acquirer shall measure the right-of-use asset at the same
amount as the lease liability as adjusted to reflect favorable or unfavorable terms of the lease when
compared with market terms.
Subsequent Measurement
Leasehold improvements acquired in a business combination shall be amortized over the shorter of
the useful life of the assets and the remaining lease term at the date of acquisition. However, if the
lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee, or the lessee is reasonably certain to
exercise an option to purchase the underlying asset, the lessee shall amortize the leasehold
improvements to the end of their useful life.
When the acquiree in a business combination is a lessee, the acquirer initially measures the lease liability
and right-of-use asset for acquired finance and operating leases as if the leases are new at the acquisition
date. That is, ASC 805’s governing principle to recognize assets and liabilities at fair value is not applied
to these assets and liabilities. As a reminder, in a business combination or acquisition by a not-for-profit,
the acquiring entity does not change the acquiree’s existing lease classification unless the lease is modified
and the modified lease is not accounted for as a separate contract as discussed in section The
FASB indicated in paragraph BC415 of the Basis for Conclusions that measuring the acquired lease as if it
were a new lease includes assessing the following:
The lease term
Any lessee options to purchase the underlying asset
Lease payments
The discount rate for the lease
The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the remaining lease payments using the
concepts described in section 2 of our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842,
Leases, to determine the lease term, lease payments and discount rate as of the acquisition date. The
right-of-use asset is initially measured at an amount equal to the lease liability, adjusted for favorable or
unfavorable terms of the lease (including favorable and unfavorable purchase or renewal options) when
compared with market terms. Therefore, the acquirer does not separately recognize an intangible asset
or liability for favorable or unfavorable lease terms relative to market terms.
As a result, an acquirer does not separately recognize any prepaid or accrued rent previously recognized
by the acquired entity for the lease payments that are uneven throughout the lease term because
the acquiree’s prepaid or accrued rent does not meet the definition of an asset or liability. Instead, an
acquirer would consider the effect of the acquiree’s prepaid or accrued rent on its measurement of the
right-of-use asset.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 167
An acquirer separately recognizes, at fair value, any other identifiable intangible assets associated with the
lease, which may be evidenced by market participantswillingness to pay for the lease even if it is at market
terms. For example, ASC 805-20-25-10A indicates that a lease of gates at an airport or a lease of retail
space in a prime shopping area might provide entry into a market or other future economic benefits that
qualify as an identifiable intangible asset. An intangible asset is identifiable if it meets either the separability
criterion or the contractual-legal criterion as described further in section 4.2.5.
The subsequent measurement of an acquired lease liability and right-of-use asset is determined using the
lessee subsequent measurement guidance under ASC 842. Refer to section 4 of our FRD, Lease accounting:
Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases.
The acquirer also recognizes leasehold improvements acquired in a business combination at fair value in
accordance with ASC 805 and amortizes the assets over the shorter of the useful life of the assets or the
remaining lease term at the date of acquisition. However, if the lease transfers ownership of the underlying
asset to the lessee, or the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise an option to purchase the underlying
asset, the lessee amortizes the leasehold improvements to the end of their useful life. Acquiree in a business combination is a lessor in a sales-type or direct financing lease
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
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Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Business combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Initial Measurement
For leases in which the acquiree is a lessor of a sales-type lease or a direct financing lease, the
acquirer shall measure its net investment in the lease as the sum of both of the following (which will
equal the fair value of the underlying asset at the acquisition date):
a. The lease receivable at the present value, discounted using the rate implicit in the lease, of the
following, as if the acquired lease were a new lease at the acquisition date:
1. The remaining lease payments
2. The amount the lessor expects to derive from the underlying asset following the end of the
lease term that is guaranteed by the lessee or any other third party unrelated to the lessor.
b. The unguaranteed residual asset as the difference between the fair value of the underlying asset
at the acquisition date and the carrying amount of the lease receivable, as determined in
accordance with (a), at that date.
The acquirer shall take into account the terms and conditions of the lease in calculating the
acquisition-date fair value of an underlying asset that is subject to a sales-type lease or a direct
financing lease by the acquiree-lessor.
When the acquiree in a business combination is a lessor in a sales-type or direct financing lease, the
acquirer recognizes and measures the net investment in the lease, which includes the lease receivable
and the unguaranteed residual asset at the acquisition date. As a reminder, in a business combination or
acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, the acquiring entity does not change the acquiree’s existing lease
classification unless the lease is modified and the modified lease is not accounted for as a separate
contract as discussed in section
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 168
The lease receivable is measured assuming the lease is a new lease at the acquisition date. This includes
assessing the lease term, any lessee options to purchase the underlying asset, lease payments and the
discount rate for the lease. The acquirer measures the lease receivable at the present value of the
remaining lease payments and any guaranteed residual asset, using the concepts described in section 2
of our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases, to determine the lease
term, lease payments and rate implicit in the lease.
The unguaranteed residual asset is initially measured as the difference between the acquisition-date fair
value of the underlying asset and the lease receivable (as determined above) on the acquisition date. The
acquirer takes into consideration the terms and conditions of the lease (e.g., off-market terms, purchase
options, renewal options, termination penalties, residual value guarantees) when calculating the
acquisition-date fair value of the underlying asset. Consequently, any lease terms that are favorable or
unfavorable relative to market terms result in adjustments to the measurement of the acquisition-date
fair value of the underlying asset that is used to measure the unguaranteed residual asset. Further, an
acquirer does not separately recognize an intangible asset for off-market terms for sales-type or direct
financing leases of a lessor.
However, an acquirer does separately recognize identifiable intangible assets associated with the
inherent value of the lease (i.e., the price market participants are willing to pay for an at-market lease).
The inherent value may relate to the economic benefit of acquiring an asset with an in-place lease versus
one that is not leased. Refer to section for considerations for valuing in-place leases.
The subsequent measurement of the net investment in a sales-type or direct financing lease is determined
using the lessor subsequent measurement guidance under ASC 842. Refer to section 5 of our FRD, Lease
accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases. Acquiree in a business combination is a lessor in an operating lease
Underlying assets subject to operating leases remain on the lessor’s balance sheet. Therefore, when an
acquiree is a lessor, an underlying asset subject to an operating lease is recognized on the acquirer’s
balance sheet and initially measured at its acquisition-date fair value in accordance with ASC 805. The
subsequent measurement of the underlying asset subject to an operating lease is determined under ASC 360.
The acquirer separately recognizes an intangible asset if the terms of an operating lease are favorable
compared with market terms and a liability if the terms are unfavorable compared with market terms. The
acquirer also separately recognizes any identifiable intangible assets, such as an identifiable intangible
asset associated with the inherent value of the lease (i.e., the price market participants are willing to pay for
an at-market lease) or a customer-related intangible asset for its contractual relationship with any lessees.
The intangible asset or liability (e.g., favorable/unfavorable lease terms relative to market) that is
recognized as part of the business combination is generally amortized to rental income over the term of
the lease so that level rental income is recorded over the lease term. An asset recognized for the inherent
value of a lease typically also is amortized over the term of the lease.
After the business combination, the acquirer follows the accounting for any operating lease as described in
section 5.4 of our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases. Considerations for valuing in-place leases
When assets are acquired with in-place leases, some lease contracts may have value for reasons other
than terms that are favorable relative to market prices.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 169
In valuing in-place leases, various methods may be used to determine the fair value of the lease. These
include the income method, the cost method and the market method. However, when valuing in-place
leases, the following components should be considered in the valuation.
Direct costs associated with obtaining a new lessee The value of an in-place lease would include
the direct costs that are avoided by acquiring the lease instead of originating the lease. For example,
these costs could include commissions, tenant improvements and other direct costs associated with
obtaining a new lessee.
Opportunity costs associated with lost rentals In general, obtaining a new lessee will take some
period of time, and during that period of time the asset owner may not be receiving lease payments.
This period, often referred to as the absorption period, represents an opportunity cost to the owner
that is avoided if the asset is acquired with an in-place lease.
Consideration also should be given as to whether the lease arrangements create a customer relationship
asset under ASC 805. Examples of customer relationship assets might include the value, as a result of a
current lease arrangement, associated with the expected renewal of the lease or the increased likelihood
of obtaining the lessee as a lessee for other locations owned by the lessor.
In-place leases acquired with an asset (e.g., tenant leases associated with an acquired building) would also
meet the recognition criteria under ASC 805; therefore, they must be recognized apart from the acquired
asset. As the useful life of an in-place lease is normally shorter than the remaining life of the underlying
asset, separate recognition and amortization will affect the net earnings of the acquiring entity. Acquired leasehold improvement
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Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Leases Lessee
Subsequent Measurement
Leasehold improvements acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit
entity shall be amortized over the shorter of the useful life of the assets and the remaining lease term
at the date of acquisition.
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Subsequent Measurement
Leasehold improvements acquired in a business combination shall be amortized over the shorter of
the useful life of the assets and the remaining lease term at the date of acquisition. However, if the
lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee, or the lessee is reasonably certain to
exercise an option to purchase the underlying asset, the lessee shall amortize the leasehold
improvements to the end of their useful life.
A leasehold improvement acquired in a business combination should be amortized over the shorter of the
useful life or the lease term (determined at the date the business combination is recorded) that includes
renewals that are reasonably certain to be exercised. However, if the lease transfers ownership of the
underlying asset to the lessee, or the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise an option to purchase the
underlying asset, the lessee will amortize the leasehold improvements to the end of their useful life.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 170 Lease of property from a third party entered into as part of a business combination
In certain business combinations, a third party unrelated to the acquiree or acquirer is inserted into the
transaction to acquire certain assets of the business directly from the acquiree that will in turn be leased
by the third party to the acquirer of the business. The question has arisen as to whether such transactions
should be accounted for as the acquisition, sale and leaseback of the assets or simply as a lease transaction
by the acquirer. In our view, although the transaction may in form be a lease of assets, it is in substance a
sale-leaseback and should be accounted for as such by both the acquirer-lessee and the third-party
buyer-lessor if the assets to be leased are acquired by the third party in contemplation of, or contingent
upon, the acquisition of a business by the acquirer-lessee. See section for further guidance. Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity
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Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
LeasesLeveraged Lease Arrangements
In a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, the acquiring entity shall retain
the classification of the acquired entity’s investment as a lessor in a leveraged lease at the date of the
combination. The net investment of the acquired leveraged lease shall be disaggregated into its
component parts, namely net rentals receivable, estimated residual value, and unearned income
including discount to adjust other components to present value.
Initial Measurement
In a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, the acquiring entity shall assign
an amount to the acquired net investment in the leveraged lease in accordance with the general
guidance in Topic 805 on business combinations, based on the remaining future cash flows and giving
appropriate recognition to the estimated future tax effects of those cash flows.
Subsequent Measurement
In a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, the acquiring entity shall
subsequently account for its acquired investment as a lessor in a leveraged lease in accordance with
the guidance in this Subtopic as it would for any other leveraged lease.
ASU 2016-02 eliminates leveraged lease accounting for new leases on its effective date. That is, after
the effective date, lessors account for all new leases, including those that would have qualified as
leveraged leases under ASC 840, using the classification guidance in ASC 842.
A leveraged lease acquired after the effective date in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity, that existed and was classified as a leveraged lease before the effective date, is
grandfathered, and the acquirer continues to follow the recognition, measurement, presentation and
disclosure guidance for leveraged leases that was carried forward to ASC 842-50. If the acquired leveraged
lease is modified by the acquirer on or after the effective date of the new guidance, the acquired leveraged
lease would be reclassified using the lease classification guidance in ASC 842. Refer to sections 3.2 and
11.4.5 of our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 171
If the only change in a leveraged lease as a result of the business combination is a change in the identity
of the lessor (i.e., change from the name of the acquiree to the name of the acquirer), the change would
not represent a lease modification because there is no change to the terms and conditions of a contract
that results in a change in the scope of or consideration for the lease. As such, the classification of the
leveraged lease would not change.
If the acquiree in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity is a lessor in a leveraged
lease that was classified and accounted for under ASC 840 prior to the effective date of ASC 842, and the
business combination occurred after the acquirer’s effective date of ASC 842, the general guidance of
ASC 805 also must be applied in assigning amounts to the net investment in the leveraged lease. The acquirer
measures the net investment based on the remaining net future cash flows and gives appropriate recognition
to the estimated future tax effects of such cash flows. The net investment is then broken down into its
component parts (net rentals receivable, estimated residual value and unearned income, including the
discount to adjust the other components to present value) which are recognized in purchase accounting.
Subsequent to the acquisition, the investment in the leveraged lease is accounted for by the acquirer in
accordance with ASC 842-50 (refer to section 10 of our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards
Codification 842, Leases, for further discussion on accounting for leveraged leases).
A detailed illustration of the accounting for a leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an
acquisition by a not-for-profit entity, including one way that a lessor’s investment in a leveraged lease may
be valued by the acquiring entity, follows:
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Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
LeasesLeveraged Lease Arrangements
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
This Example illustrates one way that a lessor’s investment in a leveraged lease might be valued by
the acquiring entity in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity and the
subsequent accounting for the investment in accordance with the guidance in this Subtopic. The
elements of accounting and reporting illustrated for this Example are as follows:
a. Acquiring entity’s cash flow analysis by years (see paragraph 842-50-55-29)
b. Acquiring entity’s valuation of investment in the leveraged lease (see paragraph 842-50-55-30)
c. Acquiring entity’s allocation of annual cash flow to investment and income (see paragraph
d. Journal entry for recording allocation of purchase price to net investment in the leveraged lease
(see paragraph 842-50-55-32)
e. Journal entries for the year ending December 31, 1984 (Year 10 of the lease) (see paragraph
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 172
This Example has the following terms and assumptions.
Cost of leased asset (equipment)
Lease term
15 years, dating from January 1, 1975
Lease rental payments
$90,000 per year (payable last day of each year)
Residual value
$200,000 estimated to be realized 1 year after lease termination
Equity investment by lessor
Long-term non-recourse debt
$600,000, bearing interest at 9% and repayable in annual
installments (on last day of each year) of $74,435.30
Depreciation allowable to lessor for income
tax purposes
7-year asset depreciation range life using double-declining-balance
method for the first 2 years (with the half-year convention election
applied in the first year) and sum-of-years digits method for
remaining life, depreciated to $100,000 salvage value
Lessor’s income tax rate (federal and state)
50.4% (assumed to continue in existence throughout the term of
the lease)
Investment tax credit
10% of equipment cost or $100,000 (realized by the lessor on
last day of first year of lease)
Initial direct costs
For simplicity, initial direct costs have not been included in the
Date of business combination
January 1, 1982
Tax status of business combination
Non-taxable transaction
Appropriate interest rate for valuing net-of-
tax return on investment
4 ½%
Acquiring entity’s cash flow analysis by years follows.
Gross Lease
Rentals and
Residual Value
(for Income
Tax Purposes)
Loan Interest
(Col. 1-2-3)
Income Tax
(Col. 4 x 50.4%)
Loan Principal
Annual Cash
(Col. 1-3+5-6)
$ 90,000
$ 37,079
$ 52,921
$ (26,672)
$ 37,357
$ (11,108)
$ 920,000
$ 100,000
$ 183,497
$ 636,503
$ (320,797)
$ 411,988
$ 3,718
Acquiring entity’s valuation of investment in the leveraged lease follows.
Cash Flow
Present Value at
4 ½% Net-of-Tax Rate
1. Rentals receivable (net of principal and interest on the nonrecourse debt) ($15,564.70 at the
end of each year for 8 years)
$ 102,663
2. Estimated residual value ($200,000 realizable at the end of 9 years)
3. Future tax payments (various amounts payable over 9 years see the table in paragraph
Net present value
$ (16,245)
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 173
Acquiring entity’s allocation of annual cash flow to investment and income follows (see footnote (a)).
Annual Cash Flow
Components of Income
Net Investment
at Beginning
of Year
Total from Col. 7
of the Table in
Allocated to
Allocated to
Pretax Income
Tax Effect of
Pretax Income
$ (16,245)
$ (11,108)
$ (11,108)
$ 3,718
$ (16,245)
$ 19,963
$ 340,760
$ (320,797)
Lease income is recognized as 4.233% of the unrecovered investment at the beginning of each year in which the net investment is positive. The
rate is that rate which, if applied to the net investment in the years in which the net investment is positive, will distribute the net income (net
cash flow) to those years.
Each component is allocated among the years of positive net investment in proportion to the allocation of net income in column 4. Journal Entry 2
in paragraph 842-50-55-33 includes an example of this computation.
Illustrative journal entry for recording allocation of purchase price to net investment in the leveraged
lease follows.
Rentals receivable (table in paragraph 842-50-55-29, total of column 1 minus
residual value, minus totals of columns 3 and 6)
$ 124,515
Estimated residual value (paragraph 842-50-55-28)
Purchase price allocation clearing account (paragraph 842-50-55-30, present value)
Unearned and deferred income (paragraph 842-50-55-30, present value,
minus total of rentals receivable and estimated residual value)
$ 340,760
Illustrative journal entries for year ending December 31,19Y4 follows.
Third Year of Operation after the Business Combination
(Year 10 of the Lease)
Journal Entry 1
$ 15,565
Rentals receivable (table in paragraph 842-50-55-29,
column 1 minus columns 3 and 6)
$ 15,565
Collection of year’s net rental
Journal Entry 2
Unearned and deferred income
$ 5,530
Income from leveraged leases (table in paragraph
842-50-55-31, column 5)
$ 5,530
Recognition of pretax income for the year allocated in the same proportion as the allocation of
total income computed as follows:
([$324 ÷ $19,963] × $340,760 = $5,530)
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 174
Journal Entry 3
Deferred taxes (table in paragraph 842-50-55-29,
column 5, minus table in paragraph 842-50-55-31,
column 6)
$ 25,008
Income tax expense (table in paragraph 842-50-55-31,
column 6)
Cash (table in paragraph 842-50-55-29, column 5)
$ 30,214
To record payment of tax for the year Sale and leaseback transactions of the acquiree
A sale and leaseback transaction involves the sale of an asset by an entity (the seller-lessee) to another
entity (the buyer-lessor) and the leaseback of the same asset by the seller-lessee. In cases where the
transfer of an asset is not a sale (i.e., sale and leaseback), the seller-lessee and the buyer-lessor account
for the transaction as a financing transaction. The seller-lessee retains the asset subject to the sale and
leaseback transaction on its balance sheet and accounts for amounts received as a financial liability in
accordance with other US GAAP. Similarly, the buyer-lessor does not recognize an asset and instead
accounts for the amounts paid as a receivable in accordance with other US GAAP. See section 7 of our
FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases, for further guidance on
subsequent accounting. If the seller-lessee or buyer-lessor is subsequently acquired in a business
combination, we believe the acquisition is not a triggering event to reevaluate whether the accounting
for the transaction is now a sale and leaseback transaction. Rather, the acquirer should carry forward the
acquiree’s accounting as a failed sale and leaseback transaction and continue to follow ASC 842’s sale
and leaseback guidance to determine if and when a sale occurs. Derivatives
Derivative contracts that are acquired or assumed in a business combination are recognized at fair value
in the business combination based on the principles and requirements outlined in ASC 815. As noted in
section, prior classifications or designations of derivative instruments are reconsidered in
connection with their remeasurement in a business combination. To qualify for hedge accounting, the
acquirer must designate those derivatives as hedges on or after the date of the business combination.
The redesignation requirement extends to all acquired derivative contracts. For example, contracts that
qualified for the normal purchases and sales exception or the short-cut method may no longer qualify for
these exceptions on the date of the acquisition.
See our FRD, Derivatives and hedging, for a discussion of hedging business combination transactions and the
ongoing accounting for derivatives. Employment contracts
Employment contracts, including collective bargaining agreements and those between individual employees
and employers, generally meet the contractual-legal criterion and are recognized apart from goodwill as an
intangible asset (or potentially as a liability). The value of acquired/assumed employment contracts should
be evaluated the same as any other acquired lease or contract agreement; however, measurement of that
value might be difficult and affected by the fact that many employees are at-will employees (even if
subject to collective bargaining arrangements or individual employment contracts). The value of an
employment contract should be considered separately from the value of noncompetition agreements, as
discussed in section However, we generally believe that a noncompetition agreement would
not have significant value for continuing employees as the employees decision on whether or not to
compete is influenced by the terms of the existing employment agreement as well as many other factors.
Further, as a matter of law noncompetition agreements may be unenforceable in certain jurisdictions.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 175
As discussed in section, ASC 805 precludes recognition of an asset for an assembled
workforce, effectively subsuming any assembled workforce value into goodwill. Accordingly, the concept
of valuing employment contracts and assigning those values in business combination accounting does
not extend to recognizing an intangible asset for an assembled workforce.
4.5 Preexisting relationships between parties to a business combination
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
The acquirer and the acquiree may have a preexisting relationship or other arrangement before
negotiations for the business combination began, or they may enter into an arrangement during the
negotiations that is separate from the business combination. In either situation, the acquirer shall
identify any amounts that are not part of what the acquirer and the acquiree (or its former owners)
exchanged in the business combination, that is, amounts that are not part of the exchange for the
acquiree. The acquirer shall recognize as part of applying the acquisition method only the
consideration transferred for the acquiree and the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the
exchange for the acquiree. Separate transactions shall be accounted for in accordance with the
relevant generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
As discussed in ASC 805-10-25-20 and 25-21, an acquirer must evaluate whether any arrangements
entered into in connection with a business combination should be accounted for as part of the combination
or outside of the business combination. As such, a business combination between parties that have a
preexisting relationship is evaluated to determine if the settlement of a preexisting relationship exists.
A business combination between two parties that have a preexisting relationship is a multiple-element
transaction with one element being the business combination and the other element being the settlement
of the preexisting relationship, as discussed in more depth in sections 4.5.1 through 4.5.4 below.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The acquirer and acquiree may have a relationship that existed before they contemplated the business
combination, referred to here as a preexisting relationship. A preexisting relationship between the
acquirer and acquiree may be contractual (for example, vendor and customer or licensor and licensee)
or noncontractual (for example, plaintiff and defendant).
If the business combination in effect settles a preexisting relationship, the acquirer recognizes a gain
or loss, measured as follows:
a. For a preexisting noncontractual relationship, such as a lawsuit, fair value
b. For a preexisting contractual relationship, the lesser of the following:
1. The amount by which the contract is favorable or unfavorable from the perspective of the
acquirer when compared with pricing for current market transactions for the same or similar
items. An unfavorable contract is a contract that is unfavorable in terms of current market
terms. It is not necessarily a loss contract in which the unavoidable costs of meeting the
obligations under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received under it.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 176
2. The amount of any stated settlement provisions in the contract available to the counterparty
to whom the contract is unfavorable. If this amount is less than the amount in (b)(1), the
difference is included as part of the business combination accounting.
As noted in paragraph ASC 805-10-55-21, the process for determining a settlement gain or loss when a
preexisting relationship exists is different for contractual and noncontractual relationships. If the
preexisting relationship was documented in a contract, it is considered a contractual relationship.
Otherwise, the relationship is considered noncontractual.
4.5.1 Settlements of contractual relationships in a business combination
A settlement gain or loss is recognized by the acquirer in conjunction with the effective settlement of an
executory contract in a business combination. The effective settlement gain or loss is measured at the
lesser of (1) the amount by which the contract is favorable or unfavorable from the perspective of the
acquirer when compared to pricing for current market transactions for the same or similar items or (2)
the amount of any stated settlement provisions in the contract available to the counterparty to whom the
contract is unfavorable. Note that an unfavorable contract is a contract that is unfavorable in terms of
current market terms. As discussed in section, it is not necessarily a loss contract in which the
unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under the contract exceed the economic benefits expected
to be received under it.
If a preexisting contract that is settled in connection with a business combination is otherwise cancelable
without penalty, the stated settlement provision amount of that contract is zero and no settlement gain
or loss would be recognized in connection with the business combination. However, if there are no stated
settlement terms and the contract is not cancelable, a settlement gain or loss would be recognized based
on the amount by which the contract is favorable or unfavorable to the acquirer (i.e., based on the
settled contracts fair value on the date of acquisition).
Because a settlement gain or loss is recognized based on the amount of the stated settlement provision
available to the counterparty to which the contract is unfavorable when that stated amount is less than
the off-market component of the contract, the amount by which the off-market element of the settled
contract exceeds the stated settlement provision effectively is ignored. Conceptually, the counterparty
against which the contract is unfavorable could have made a unilateral decision to cancel the contract by
invoking the settlement provision and then proceed with the business combination transaction based on
an exchange determined without reference to the off-market contract that, by then, would not exist. Examples of settlements of contractual relationships in a business combination
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Example 2: Effective Settlement of a Supply Contract as a Result of a Business Combination
This Example illustrates the guidance in paragraphs 805-10-55-20 through 55-21. Acquirer purchases
electronic components from Target under a five-year supply contract at fixed rates. Currently, the
fixed rates are higher than rates at which Acquirer could purchase similar electronic components from
another supplier. The supply contract allows Acquirer to terminate the contract before the end of the
initial 5-year term only by paying a $6 million penalty. With 3 years remaining under the supply
contract, Acquirer pays $50 million to acquire Target, which is the fair value of Target based on what
other market participants would be willing to pay.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 177
Included in the total fair value of Target is $8 million related to the fair value of the supply contract with
Acquirer. The $8 million represents a $3 million component that is at-market because the pricing is
comparable to pricing for current market transactions for the same or similar items (selling effort,
customer relationships, and so forth) and a $5 million component for pricing that is unfavorable to
Acquirer because it exceeds the price of current market transactions for similar items. Target has no
other identifiable assets or liabilities related to the supply contract, and Acquirer has not recognized
any assets or liabilities related to the supply contract before the business combination.
In this Example, Acquirer recognizes a loss of $5 million (the lesser of the $6 million stated settlement
amount and the amount by which the contract is unfavorable to the acquirer) separately from the
business combination. The $3 million at-market component of the contract is part of goodwill.
Example 3: Effective Settlement of a Contract Between the Acquirer and Acquiree in Which the
Acquirer Had Recognized a Liability Before the Business Combination
This Example illustrates the guidance in paragraphs 805-10-55-20 through 55-21. Whether Acquirer
had previously recognized an amount in its financial statements related to a preexisting relationship
will affect the amount recognized as a gain or loss for the effective settlement of the relationship. In
Example 2 (see paragraph 805-10-55-30), generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) might
have required Acquirer to recognize a $6 million liability for the supply contract before the business
combination. In that situation, Acquirer recognizes a $1 million settlement gain on the contract in
earnings at the acquisition date (the $5 million measured loss on the contract less the $6 million loss
previously recognized). In other words, Acquirer has in effect settled a recognized liability of $6 million
for $5 million, resulting in a gain of $1 million.
In the examples above, because the supply contract is effectively settled as part of the business
combination, it would not be appropriate for Acquirer to recognize a separate customer relationship
intangible asset for the supply contract with Target (that is, Acquirer cannot have a customer
relationship intangible asset with itself).
In addition to the examples included in ASC 805-10-55-30 through 55-33, the following example
illustrates the measurement and recognition concepts of accounting for preexisting executory contract
relationships between parties to a business combination:
Illustration 4-28: Settlement of a lease contract
Acquirer leases a building to Target under a five-year lease. Currently, market lease rates for similar
leases are less than the contractual lease rate, resulting in a lease that is favorable to the Acquirer.
The fair value of the off-market lease provisions is $2 million. The lease contract permits Target to
terminate the lease for a payment of $3 million. Acquirer purchases Target for $25 million.
The gain on settlement of the executory contract is determined based on the lesser of (1) the $2
million amount by which the lease is favorable to Acquirer, or (2) the $3 million stated settlement
provision amount available to the Target. Acquirer would recognize a $2 million gain on settlement of
the lease and the consideration transferred in the business combination is $27 million.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 178 Settlement provisions that are available only in the future
We believe that when a settlement provision is available, but not until a certain stated amount of time has
passed, the amount of the stated settlement provision is determined by adding the off-market component
for the period until the settlement provision is exercisable to the present value of the stated settlement
amount and comparing that amount to the current off-market component of the entire contract. The
lesser of those two amounts is used to recognize a gain or loss on settling the preexisting relationship.
Illustration 4-29: Settlement provisions that are available only in the future
Assume that Acquirer and Target enter an agreement under which Target markets Acquirers
telecommunication services to consumers. The agreement has a 50-year term and is cancelable by
Target after 20 years if Target pays $40 to Acquirer. Acquirer buys Target for $500 five years after
the inception of the telecommunication services marketing agreement (i.e., 45 years remain in the
term of the marketing agreement). On the acquisition date:
The fair value of the remaining 45 years of payment obligations under the marketing agreement
is $140. Of that amount, $60 relates to the 15-year period between the acquisition date and the
date at which Target can exercise its cancellation option and $80 relates to the 30-year period
after the date that the cancellation option is exercisable.
The fair value of the marketing agreement on the acquisition date, without considering payments
due in the future, is $100. Of that amount, $30 relates to the 15-year period between the
acquisition date and the date at which Target can exercise its cancellation option and $70 relates
to the 30-year period after the date that the cancellation option is exercisable.
The agreement is thus unfavorable to the Target by $40 [$140$100].
The present value of the cancellation option on the date of acquisition is $20.
On the acquisition date, Acquirer would recognize a $40 gain on the settlement of the marketing
agreement. The gain is determined as the lesser of:
a. The amount by which the settled marketing contract is either favorable or unfavorable to the
Acquirer. In this example the contract is favorable by $40, or
b. The settlement provision available to the party to which the agreement is unfavorable. In this
example, the settlement provision is the sum of the off-market amount until the date the settlement
provisions can be exercised plus the net value of the settlement provision [($60$30) + $20 = $50].
Acquirer includes $540, which equals the sum of the consideration transferred plus the settlement gain, as
the consideration transferred in the business combination. The settlement gain is added to the consideration
transferred because had the settlement not occurred Acquirer would have had to pay $40 more for Target. Settlements of preexisting relationships for which an acquirer had previously recognized
assets or liabilities
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Examples 2 and 3 (see paragraphs 805-10-55-30 through 55-33) illustrate the accounting for the
effective settlement of a preexisting relationship as a result of a business combination. As indicated in
Example 3 (see paragraph 805-10-55-33), the amount of gain or loss recognized may depend in part
on whether the acquirer had previously recognized a related asset or liability, and the reported gain or
loss therefore may differ from the amount calculated by applying paragraph 805-10-55-21.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 179
The amount recognized as a settlement gain or loss might differ from the amount measured in cases in
which an acquirer had previously recognized an amount in its financial statements related to the
preexisting relationship.
Illustration 4-30: Settlement of accounts receivable balance
Assume Company A has a $15 accounts receivable from Company B and Company B has a corresponding
$15 accounts payable to Company A. Company A acquires all the outstanding stock of Company B for $100.
As a result of the acquisition of Company B, the accounts receivable/accounts payable between Company
A and Company B is effectively settled. As a result, Company A adjusts the consideration transferred by
$15 for a total consideration of $115. Because the accounts receivable balance was settled at the
recorded amount, there is no impact on Company As income statement as a result of the settlement.
Illustration 4-31: Settlement of a supply contract
Assume Acquirer has a $9 liability relating to a supply contract with Target B. This liability was
recognized when Acquirer purchased Target A in a business combination and assumed an unfavorable
supply contract between Target A and Target B. Subsequently, Acquirer purchases Target B, the
supplier to Target A. At the date of the acquisition of Target B, the supply contract is unfavorable to
Acquirer by $10 and includes no settlement provisions. Assume that on the date the Acquirer acquires
Target B the unfavorable supply contract liability has been adjusted to $8.
As a result of the acquisition of Target B, Acquirer would recognize a $2 loss (the $10 unfavorable
measurement of the supply contract on the date of the Target B acquisition less the $8 accrual
previously recognized) in its statement of income and the consideration transferred to target Bs
shareholders would be reduced by the $10 effective settlement of the supply contract.
4.5.2 Settlement of debt
A business combination may result in the effective extinguishment of debt issued by the acquirer to the
acquiree. If the debt is settled (extinguished) as a result of the business combination, the guidance in
ASC 470 must be applied. That is, an extinguishment gain or loss could be recognized if the reacquisition
price (fair value or stated settlement amount) differs from the net carrying amount of the debt.
If the debt is issued by the acquiree to the acquirer, the acquirer would be effectively settling a receivable
and would apply the guidance in ASC 805-10-55-21.
Illustration 4-32: Settlement of debt
On 1 June 2009, Company A issues debt securities of $10 to Company B. On 1 June 2011, Company
A acquires all of the outstanding stock of Company B for $100 and there is no other separate agreement
to settle the debt. Assume that on the acquisition date, the carrying value and fair value of the debt
recorded on Company As books was $10 and $12, respectively.
As a result of the acquisition of Company B, Company A would recognize a $2 loss associated with the
extinguishment of the debt securities held by Company B. The $2 loss represents the amount by which
the fair value of the debt exceeds the net carrying amount. The consideration transferred in this
illustration would be $88, calculated as the purchase price of $100 less the fair value of the debt of $12.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 180
4.5.3 Settlement of a noncontractual relationship (e.g., a lawsuit) in a business
A settlement gain or loss is recognized in conjunction with the effective settlement of a lawsuit (including
threatened litigation) in a business combination, unless otherwise specified in existing authoritative
literature. The amount recognized as a settlement gain or loss may differ from the amount (if any) the
acquirer had previously recognized in its financial statements related to the preexisting relationship
(e.g., when the acquirer had previously recognized a liability under ASC 450 related to the matters
effectively settled by the acquirers acquisition of target). The effective settlement of a lawsuit in a
business combination is measured at fair value.
Illustration 4-33: Settlement of a noncontractual relationship (e.g., a lawsuit) in a business
Target is suing Acquirer for patent infringement. Acquirer has recognized a $60 million liability related to
the lawsuit in accordance with the provisions of ASC 450. Acquirer pays $800 million to acquire Target.
The fair value of Target includes a $100 million fair value associated with its lawsuit against Acquirer.
In a business combination, Acquirer would recognize a settlement loss of $40 million in connection with
the effective settlement of the lawsuit with Target ($100 million fair value less the previously recognized
liability of $60 million) and the remaining $700 million ($800 million of acquisition consideration less
the $100 million fair value of the lawsuit) would be included as consideration transferred in the
business combination.
4.5.4 Reacquired rights in a business combination
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
A preexisting relationship may be a contract that the acquirer recognizes as a reacquired right in
accordance with paragraph 805-20-25-14. If the contract includes terms that are favorable or
unfavorable when compared with pricing for current market transactions for the same or similar items,
the acquirer recognizes, separately from the business combination, a gain or loss for the effective
settlement of the contract, measured in accordance with paragraph 805-10-55-21.
The acquisition of a right the acquirer had previously granted to the acquired entity to use the acquirer’s
recognized or unrecognized intangible assets (e.g., rights to the acquirer’s trade name under a franchise
agreement or rights to the acquirer’s technology under a technology licensing agreement, hereinafter
referred to as a “reacquired right”) is included as part of the business combination. If the contract giving
rise to the reacquired right includes terms that are favorable or unfavorable when compared to pricing
(e.g., royalty rates) for current market transactions for the same or similar items, an entity recognizes,
a settlement gain or loss measured as the lesser of (1) the amount by which the contract is favorable
or unfavorable to market terms from the perspective of the acquirer or (2) the amount of any stated
settlement provisions of the contract available to the counterparty to whom the contract is unfavorable.
This is the same measurement approach as described in section 4.5.1 for measuring settlement gains and
losses relating to executory contracts. As noted in section, a reacquired right is recognized as an
intangible asset apart from goodwill with an assigned amortizable life limited to the remaining contractual
term (i.e., not including any renewal periods). Further, the value assigned to the reacquired right would
exclude any amounts recognized as a settlement gain or loss and would be limited to the value associated
with the remaining contractual term and current market terms. In certain circumstances, the acquirer
may have recognized deferred revenue as of the acquisition date related to a right previously granted to
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 181
the acquiree under the terms of a pre-existing arrangement. In such circumstances, the settlement gain
or loss related to the reacquired right is increased or decreased, respectively, by the amount of the
deferred revenue.
To account for a reacquired right in accordance with the guidance in ASC 805, a determination must be
made that the overall transaction is, in fact, a business combination and not simply a cancellation or
rescission of the contract under which the reacquired right was granted to the presumed acquiree. If the
transaction is substantially determined to be a cancellation or rescission of a contract and not a business
combination, the accounting is based on the principles discussed in ASC 606. See section 3.2, Contract
enforceability and termination clauses, of our FRD, Revenue from contracts with customers (ASC 606),
for guidance on how to account for a contract with a customer that includes a termination provision.
At the 2005 AICPA National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments, the SEC staff
discussed issues relating to the valuation of reacquired rights when an acquirer reacquires rights previously
granted to the acquiree (e.g., rights to a trade name pursuant to a franchise agreement or rights to
technology under a licensing agreement). The SEC staff indicated that the fair value of reacquired rights
should be estimated as if the registrant were purchasing a right that it previously did not own. Valuation of
reacquired rights is difficult as the rights often are not transacted on a standalone basis after the initial sale.
For example, assume that a restaurant franchisee develops a business using a trade name granted under a
franchise agreement. Later, the franchisor acquires the franchisee’s business, an operating restaurant. In
these cases, the SEC staff recommended that registrants consider the drivers of value in the transaction.
For example, even though a mature franchise right such as in the preceding example might intuitively seem
to be worth more than a new franchise right, the SEC staff observed that the value of the restaurant
business may be driven by other assets, such as customer relationship intangible assets related to catering
contracts, appreciated real estate, and a strong workforce, which is a component of goodwill.
The following examples illustrate the measurement and recognition concepts for the acquisition of rights
previously granted to an acquired entity by an acquirer to use the acquirer’s recognized or unrecognized
intangible assets:
Illustration 4-34: Reacquired rights in a business combination
Acquirer purchases the business of its fast food franchisee, Target. Acquirer pays $100 million to
acquire Target. Assume that included in the fair value of Target is an intangible asset with a fair value of
$40 million related to the exclusive rights previously granted to Target by Acquirer to use Acquirer’s
trade name in a specified territory. Assume that the fair value of Target’s intangible exclusive rights
asset includes a $10 millionoff-market” component that relates to a below-market revenue-based
royalty rate paid by Target to Acquirer that is therefore favorable to Target. Further, assume that the
terms of the franchise agreement state that if Acquirer terminates the arrangement without cause,
Acquirer would be required to pay a $15 million termination penalty to Target. Also assume, for
simplicity, that Target has no other identifiable assets or liabilities related to the franchise agreement
and that Acquirer has not recognized any assets or liabilities related to the franchise agreement.
Acquirer would recognize a settlement loss of $10 million, which is the lesser of (1) the amount by which the
agreement is unfavorable from the perspective of Acquirer when compared to pricing for current market
transactions for the same or similar items (i.e., the “the off-market” component) of $10 million, or (2) the
stated settlement provisions in the agreement available to Acquirer (the counterparty to which the contract
is unfavorable) of $15 million. The remaining fair value of the reacquired right ($30 million), which is limited
to the fair value associated with the remaining contractual term assuming an at-market royalty rate, would
be recognized as an intangible asset apart from goodwill and amortized over the remaining contractual term.
An acquirer may use a different term to describe deferred revenue (e.g., contract liability), but the guidance on how that liability
affects the settlement gain or loss related to the reacquired right remains the same.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 182
Illustration 4-35: Reacquired rights in a business combination
Acquirer enters into a contract with Target, a customer, and promises to grant a franchise license that
provides Target with the right to use Acquirer’s trade name and sell Acquirer’s products for five years.
In exchange for granting the license, Acquirer receives a fixed fee of $500 at inception and a sales-
based royalty of 5% of Target’s sales during the term of the license. When applying ASC 606 to the
contract, Acquirer concludes it granted a license to symbolic IP. Consequently, the license provides
Target the right to access Acquirer’s IP, and Acquirer’s performance obligation to transfer the license
is satisfied over time. Acquirer recognizes the $500 fixed payment to revenue ratably over the five-
year term of the license and recognizes the sales-based royalty as revenue as sales occur. The
arrangement between Acquirer and Target contains no settlement provisions. After the first year of
the license agreement, Acquirer purchases Target for $5,000.
On the acquisition date:
Acquirer has recognized $100 of revenue and has deferred $400 of revenue.
From a market participant’s perspective, in assessing Target’s use of the license, the fair value of
the license agreement is $2,000, which is comprised of a $1,000 “at market” component and a
$1,000 “off-market” component. That is, the license agreement is favorable to Target (and
unfavorable to Acquirer) as royalty rates in comparable current market arrangements have
increased since the inception of the arrangement with Target.
Acquirer would recognize a settlement loss on the reacquisition of the right equal to the amount by
which the agreement is unfavorable to Acquirer on the acquisition date as there are no settlement
provisions; however, the loss would be reduced to the extent the Acquirer already has an amount
recorded on its balance sheet related to the arrangement. In this example, the loss on settlement
would equal $600, which is the difference between the off-market component of the fair value of the
license agreement and the remaining contract liability [$1,000 $400 = $600]. The reacquired
license right would be recognized at its fair value, $1,000, and amortized over the remaining
contractual life (four years). The $400 of revenue that previously was deferred will never be
recognized as revenue by Acquirer, but rather reduces the amount of the settlement loss.
4.6 Noncontrolling interests
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Initial Measurement
Paragraph 805-20-30-1 requires the acquirer to measure a noncontrolling interest in the acquiree at
its fair value at the acquisition date. An acquirer sometimes will be able to measure the acquisition-
date fair value of a noncontrolling interest on the basis of a quoted price in an active market for the
equity shares (that is, those not held by the acquirer). In other situations, however, a quoted price in
an active market for the equity shares will not be available. In those situations, the acquirer would
measure the fair value of the noncontrolling interest using another valuation technique.
The fair values of the acquirers interest in the acquiree and the noncontrolling interest on a per-share
basis might differ. The main difference is likely to be the inclusion of a control premium in the per-share
fair value of the acquirers interest in the acquiree or, conversely, the inclusion of a discount for lack
of control (also referred to as a noncontrolling interest discount) in the per-share fair value of the
noncontrolling interest if market participants would take into account such a premium or discount
when pricing the noncontrolling interest.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 183
If an acquirer obtains control of a business through the acquisition (at once or in steps) of less than 100%
of the business ownership interests, noncontrolling interests remain in the acquired entity. Based on the
guidance in ASC 805, noncontrolling interests are recognized in an initial consolidation by an acquirer
and measured at acquisition-date fair value.
4.6.1 What is noncontrolling interest?
The Master Glossary in ASC 805 defines noncontrolling interest as the portion of equity (net assets) in
a subsidiary not attributable, directly or indirectly, to a parent. This might include vested interests in
common stock, options, warrants or preferred stock. The guidance in ASC 810 clarifies that only a financial
instrument issued by a subsidiary that is classified as equity in the subsidiarys financial statements can
be a noncontrolling interest in the consolidated financial statements. A financial instrument issued by a
subsidiary that is classified as a liability in the subsidiarys financial statements (based on the guidance in
other standards) is not a noncontrolling interest because it is not an equity interest. However, irrespective
of whether an outstanding interest in the subsidiary is classified as a liability or noncontrolling interest, the
interest is required to be recognized and measured at fair value on the acquisition date.
4.6.2 Estimating the fair value of a noncontrolling interest
When the target is a public company, determining the fair value of any noncontrolling interest generally
is straightforward. In these situations, the fair value of the noncontrolling interest typically is determined
directly based on the observable quoted share price of the target as of the acquisition date times the
quantity of shares that constitute the noncontrolling interest.
However, when the target is a private company, determining the fair value of the noncontrolling interest
often requires further consideration as quoted share prices generally are not available for the equity
instruments that make up the NCI. When active markets and observable prices do not exist, valuation
techniques, as described in greater depth in ASC 820 and our FRD, Fair value measurement, are needed
to estimate the fair value of the noncontrolling interest. In certain instances, companies may undertake
more than one valuation approach (e.g., both a market approach and an income approach) as ASC 820
indicates valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data is
available should be used in determining fair value. The choice as to which approach or approaches to use
should consider the availability of relevant inputs and their relative subjectivity.
While the use of valuation techniques to determine the fair value of a noncontrolling interest in a private
company involves significant judgment, the transaction price paid by the acquirer for the controlling
interest can provide information regarding the equity value of the target company as a whole, which may
be useful in estimating the fair value of the noncontrolling interest. However, in order to properly consider
the transaction price paid for the controlling interest when estimating the fair value of noncontrolling
interest in a private company, one must have a detailed understanding of the transaction, including
whether (1) the price paid for the controlling interest includes a premium, (2) the noncontrolling interest
would also benefit from the acquirer obtaining control and (3) the shares purchased by the acquirer have
additional features or rights that are not shared by the NCI.
ASC 805-20-30-8 acknowledges that “the fair values of the acquirer’s interest in the acquiree and the
noncontrolling interest on a per-share basis might differ. The main difference is likely to be the inclusion
of a control premium in the per-share fair value of the acquirer’s interest in the acquiree or, conversely,
the inclusion of a discount for lack of control (also referred to as a noncontrolling interest discount) in the
per-share fair value of the noncontrolling interest if market participants would take into account such a
premium or discount when pricing the noncontrolling interest.
As noted in Appendix H, under IFRS 3(R), the IASB permits an alternative to the recognition of 100% of residual goodwill, allowing
the acquirer to recognize components of noncontrolling interest that are present ownership interests and entitle their holders to
a proportionate share of the acquiree’s net assets in the event of liquidation at either full fair value or its proportionate share of
the fair value of the identifiable net assets. This is not permitted under US GAAP.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 184
A control premium commonly is defined as an amount or a percentage by which the pro rata value of a
controlling interest exceeds the pro rata value of a non-controlling interest in a business enterprise to
reflect the power of control.
In contrast, an acquisition premium can be thought of more broadly as the amount or percentage by
which the pro-rata value of a controlling interest under the acquirer (i.e., new controlling shareholder(s))
exceeds its value when measured with respect to the current stewardship of the enterprise.
The notion of an acquisition premium serves to highlight the following key considerations:
The ability to exercise control generally is deemed to have value only to the extent that it enhances
the economic benefits available to the owners of the enterprise.
In certain instances, it may be appropriate to conclude that the pro-rata fair value of a controlling
and noncontrolling interest are the same.
When the price paid by an acquirer for a controlling interest exceeds the value of those shares under the
stewardship of existing management, the acquirer is deemed to have paid an acquisition premium. This
might be the case when the exercise of control by the acquirer is expected to enhance the acquired
entitys cash flows or reduce its risk. Unlike a control premium, the inclusion of an acquisition premium
does not necessarily mean the fair value of the controlling interest exceeds the fair value of the
noncontrolling interest on a per-share basis. By definition, a control premium exists only when the pro-
rata fair value of the controlling interest exceeds that of the noncontrolling interest.
Synergies and other economic benefits expected from the acquirer’s exercise of control often benefit the
acquired entity as a whole and, therefore, can affect the fair value of a noncontrolling interest in the
acquiree. For example, this may be the case when the acquirer has complementary products or services
that are expected to increase the sales of the acquired entity or when operational synergies are expected
to reduce the costs of the acquired entity. If the noncontrolling interest would share ratably in all of the
benefits expected to be generated by the acquirer exercising its control (i.e., the controlling interest is
not entitled to any disproportionate return), it may be appropriate to conclude that the fair value of the
controlling and noncontrolling interests are the same on a pro-rata basis. In this example, the transaction
price paid by the acquirer would reflect an acquisition premium, but not a control premium.
In contrast, there may be situations where the noncontrolling interest would not share in any of the benefits
expected to be generated by the acquirer exercising its control. For example, this may be the case when
the synergies or economic benefits of the acquisition inure to a legacy subsidiary of the acquirer in which
the noncontrolling interest holders do not participate. When the noncontrolling interest is not expected
to share ratably in any of the benefits expected to be generated by the acquirer, the fair value of the
noncontrolling interest reflects a reduction in value from the per-share price paid for the controlling
interest. In this example, the transaction price paid by the acquirer would reflect a control premium.
It is also important to note that when the shares that constitute the controlling interest in a private company
include additional features or rights that are not available to the noncontrolling interest, the fair value of
the noncontrolling interest likely would differ from the per-share price paid by the acquirer. Due to these
differences, market participants acquiring the noncontrolling interest likely would use different assumptions
regarding expected cash flows, required rate of return, or both than the assumptions used by the acquirer.
For example, absent certain information rights, market participants acquiring the noncontrolling interest
may have a higher required rate of return when compared to the acquirer, which would result in a lower
fair value for the noncontrolling interest as compared to the per-share price paid by the acquirer.
As defined in the International Glossary of Business Valuation Terms of the AICPAs Statement on Standards for Valuation Services No.1.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 185
Given the considerations noted above, it generally is not appropriate to estimate the fair value of the
noncontrolling interest in a private company as simply the noncontrolling percentage of the equity value
determined from grossing up the consideration transferred by the percentage of the company obtained
by the acquirer. For example, if an acquirer paid $100 million for an 80% controlling stake in a private
company, it would not be appropriate to assume that the fair value of the 20% noncontrolling interest is
$25 million (i.e., 20% of an equity value calculated as $100 million divided by the 80% interest acquired).
Additional analysis and valuation procedures are required. Noncontrolling interests share of goodwill
As discussed in section 7.4, in a partial acquisition accounted for in accordance with the guidance in ASC 805,
an acquirer recognizes and consolidates assets acquired, liabilities assumed, and any noncontrolling
interest at 100% of their fair values as of that date (regardless of the acquirers percentage ownership in
the acquiree). As goodwill is calculated as a residual, all goodwill of the acquired business, not just the
acquirers share, is recognized under this full-goodwill approach.
Recognized goodwill is allocated between the controlling and noncontrolling interests. Although this
allocation is not presented separately on the acquirers balance sheet, it is necessary so that a goodwill
impairment charge recognized in a period following the business combination by an acquirer is appropriately
allocated between controlling and noncontrolling interests. The portion of goodwill initially allocated to the
controlling and noncontrolling interests may not be equal to the total recognized goodwill multiplied by the
respective ownership percentages in the acquiree (e.g., when the acquirer pays a premium to acquire the
controlling interest in the subsidiary). See our FRD, Intangibles goodwill and other, for a discussion of
the allocation of goodwill between the controlling and noncontrolling interests.
4.6.3 Accounting for put options, call options or forward contracts entered over
NCI in a business combination
See our FRDs, Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (before the adoption of ASU 2020-06,
Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity) and Issuer’s
accounting for debt and equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for
Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), for guidance on accounting for put
options, call options or forward contracts over NCI in a business combination.
4.6.4 Accounting for noncontrolling interest after the business combination
Consistent with the economic entity concept that noncontrolling interest is part of the equity of the
consolidated group, changes in a parents controlling ownership interest that do not result in a loss of
control of the subsidiary are accounted for in accordance with the guidance in ASC 810 as transactions
among shareholders in the consolidated entity.
Under ASC 810, the loss of control of a subsidiary is considered to be a significant economic event that
changes the nature of the underlying investment. The parent-subsidiary relationship ceases to exist
(as does accounting consolidation) and, if a noncontrolling equity investment is retained, a new investor/investee
relationship begins. The significance of that economic change is considered to warrant a new basis
recognition event that results in remeasurement of the retained interest and a resulting gain or loss.
See our FRD, Consolidation, for further discussion of the subsequent accounting for noncontrolling interests.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 186 Acquisition of noncontrolling interest in connection with a business combination
In some situations, a business combination will result in the indirect acquisition of a noncontrolling
interest (i.e., the acquiree is the owner of a noncontrolling interest in an acquirer’s existing subsidiary).
In such situations, we believe that the transaction consists of the following two elements that require
separate accounting: (1) the acquisition of a business under ASC 805 and (2) the acquisition of a
noncontrolling interest under ASC 810. We believe that the fair value of the consideration transferred
should be allocated to each element on a relative fair value basis. Because the acquirer retains control of
its existing subsidiary, the indirect acquisition of the noncontrolling interest is accounted for as an equity
transaction. That is, any difference between the fair value of the allocated consideration transferred and
the carrying amount of the noncontrolling interest is recognized as an adjustment to equity on the
acquirer’s consolidated financial statements.
The following illustration demonstrates this concept. See our FRD, Consolidation, for further analysis of
transactions with a noncontrolling interest holder.
Illustration 4-36: Indirect acquisition of noncontrolling interest in connection with a business
Parent owns an 80% controlling interest in Subsidiary A. Company B holds the remaining 20% noncontrolling
interest in Subsidiary A. Parent pays $600 million in cash to acquire all of the outstanding shares of
Company B.
The following diagram depicts the corporate structure before and after the transaction:
Company B
Subsidiary A
Subsidiary A
Company B
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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Relevant fair value and book value information (in millions) is as follows:
Fair value of noncontrolling interest in Subsidiary A
Book value of noncontrolling interest in Parent’s financial statements
Fair value of Company B (inclusive of goodwill)
Fair value of Company B’s net identifiable assets acquired
(excluding goodwill)
When a business combination results in the indirect acquisition of a noncontrolling interest, we believe
that the transaction consists of the following two elements that require separate accounting: (1) the
acquisition of a business under ASC 805 and (2) the acquisition of a noncontrolling interest under
ASC 810. We believe that the fair value of the consideration transferred should be allocated to each
element on a relative fair value basis. In this example, Parent would allocate $480
million of the
consideration transferred to the acquisition of Company B and $120
million of the consideration
transferred to the acquisition of the noncontrolling interest in Subsidiary A.
Calculated as follows: ($480 million / $600 million) * $600 million
Calculated as follows: ($120 million / $600 million) * $600 million
Accounting under ASC 805
Pursuant to ASC 805, Parent would calculate goodwill relating to the acquisition of Company B as
follows (amounts in millions):
Consideration transferred
$ 480
Fair value of Company B’s net identifiable assets acquired (excluding goodwill)
$ 20
Accounting under ASC 810
Pursuant to ASC 810, the increase in Parents ownership interest in Subsidiary A from 80% to 100% is
accounted for as an equity transaction. As a result, the carrying amounts of the controlling and non-
controlling interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative interests in Subsidiary A. Any
difference between the fair value of the consideration transferred and the carrying amount of the
noncontrolling interest is recognized directly in equity and attributed to Parent. Parent would calculate
the adjustment to recognize in equity for the difference between the fair value and carrying amount of
the noncontrolling interest as follows (amounts in millions):
Consideration transferred for acquisition of noncontrolling interest
$ 120
Less: book value of noncontrolling interest
Adjustment to controlling interest (Parent)
$ 40
Consolidation Entry
Parent would record the following journal entry to account for the transaction (in millions):
Net assets acquired
$ 460
Noncontrolling interest
Common stock and APIC controlling interest
$ 600
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
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4.7 Subsequent accounting for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a
business combination
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Subsequent Measurement
In general, an acquirer shall subsequently measure and account for assets acquired, liabilities assumed
or incurred, and equity instruments issued in a business combination in accordance with other applicable
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for those items, depending on their nature. However,
this Topic provides guidance on subsequently measuring and accounting for any of the following assets
acquired, liabilities assumed or incurred, and equity instruments issued in a business combination:
a. Reacquired rights (see paragraph 805-20-35-2)
b. Assets and liabilities arising from contingencies recognized as of the acquisition date (see
paragraph 805-20-35-3)
c. Indemnification assets (see paragraph 805-20-35-4)
d. Contingent consideration (see paragraph 805-30-35-1)
e. Contingent consideration arrangements of an acquiree assumed by the acquirer (see paragraph
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Subsequent Measurement
Additional guidance on subsequently measuring and accounting for assets acquired in a business
combination is addressed in Subtopic 350-30, which prescribes the accounting for identifiable
intangible assets acquired in a business combination, including recognition of intangible assets used in
research and development activities, regardless of whether those assets have an alternative future
use, and their classification as indefinite-lived until the completion or abandonment of the associated
research and development efforts.
Topic 944 on insurance provides guidance on the subsequent accounting for an insurance or
reinsurance contract acquired in a business combination.
Additional guidance on accounting for changes in a parents ownership interest in a subsidiary after
control is obtained is provided in paragraphs 810-10-45-22 through 45-24 and Example 1 (see
paragraph 810-10-55-4B).
The subsequent measurement of goodwill is addressed in Subtopic 350-20.
Topic 718 provides guidance on subsequent measurement and accounting for the portion of replacement
share-based payment awards issued by an acquirer that is attributable to future goods or services.
4 Recognizing assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 189
ASC 805 provides guidance on accounting for certain acquired assets and assumed liabilities after the
business combination. The post-acquisition accounting guidance provided in ASC 805 primarily relates to
assets acquired and liabilities assumed that are not addressed in other GAAP (e.g., contingent consideration
that does not meet the definition of a derivative), or those for which the fair value measurement model in
ASC 805 requires an exception to other GAAP. These assets and liabilities are discussed in other sections
of this document and include the following:
Reacquired rights (section
Preacquisition contingencies (section 4.4.1)
Indemnification assets (section 4.2.7)
Contingent consideration (section 6.4)
Unless specific post-acquisition accounting guidance is provided in ASC 805, other existing GAAP
prescribes the subsequent accounting for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in business combinations.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 190
5 Income tax considerations
The accounting for income taxes is described in ASC 740. The application of ASC 740 to the assets and
liabilities recognized in a business combination are described in our FRD, Income taxes.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 191
6 Consideration transferred
6.1 Measurement of consideration transferred
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Initial Measurement
The consideration transferred in a business combination shall be measured at fair value, which shall be
calculated as the sum of the acquisition-date fair values of the assets transferred by the acquirer, the
liabilities incurred by the acquirer to former owners of the acquiree, and the equity interests issued by
the acquirer. (However, any portion of the acquirer’s share-based payment awards exchanged for
awards held by the acquiree’s grantees that is included in consideration transferred in the business
combination shall be measured in accordance with paragraph 805-20-30-21 rather than at fair value.)
Examples of potential forms of consideration include the following:
a. Cash
b. Other assets
c. A business or a subsidiary of the acquirer
d. Contingent consideration (see paragraphs 805-30-25-5 through 25-7)
e. Common or preferred equity instruments
f. Options
g. Warrants
h. Member interests of mutual entities.
6.1.1 Items included in consideration transferred
Consideration transferred may take many forms, including cash, tangible and intangible assets, a
business or subsidiary of the acquiring entity, instruments of the acquiring entity (e.g., common stock,
preferred stock, options, warrants and debt instruments) or other promised future payments of the
acquiring entity, including contingent payments.
As discussed in section, an acquirer must assess whether any portion of the consideration
transferred involves a transaction separate from the business combination. In doing so, an acquirer must
consider several factors, which include (1) the reasons for the transaction, (2) who initiated the transaction
and (3) the timing of the transaction (see further discussion in section Examples of transactions
generally recognized separately from the business combination are settlements of preexisting relationships,
compensation to employees for future services and reimbursement of the acquiree for payment of
transaction costs on behalf of the acquirer.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 192
Question 6.1 Acquirer purchases Target in a business combination and enters into financial instruments
(e.g., derivatives) to hedge risks associated with the transactions (e.g., foreign currency risks
associated with the consideration that will be paid by the acquirer, risks of changes in the value of the
acquiree’s net assets, etc.). Should the acquirer account for such financial instruments as a part of
the business combination?
While these financial instruments may be used as economic hedges of various risks related to the
business combination, they generally are not eligible for hedge accounting (ASC 815-20-25-12,
ASC 815-20-25-43 and ASC 815-20-25-15(g)). Rather, these instruments are treated as freestanding
financial instruments on the acquirers books. Accordingly, the costs of and proceeds from entering into
these instruments (including subsequent gains and losses) are not part of the consideration transferred
in the business combination. Instead, the costs and proceeds are accounted for in accordance with other
applicable GAAP (e.g., ASC 815). For example, if a derivative is executed in connection with a business
combination to economically hedge the foreign currency risk associated with the consideration to be
paid, the acquirer initially recognizes the derivative at fair value, with subsequent changes in the
derivatives fair value recorded in earnings.
6.1.2 Equity instruments issued (including measurement date)
If the acquirer issues equity instruments to the acquiree in the business combination, then the acquirer
measures the fair value of the issued equity instruments on the acquisition date and includes that
amount as part of consideration transferred. The fair value of the equity instruments must be measured
in accordance with the guidance in ASC 820. If the equity instruments of the acquirer are marketable,
the fair value is determined based on quoted market prices. If the shares are not marketable
(e.g., nonpublic shares), the acquirer determines the fair value of the equity instruments based on
quoted market prices of shares with similar characteristics or by using valuation techniques (in accordance
with the provisions of ASC 820). Our FRD, Fair value measurement, provides an analysis of the
requirements of ASC 820 and further interpretive guidance.
An acquirer measures all forms of consideration transferred, including equity instruments issued, as of
the acquisition date
the same date that the assets acquired and liabilities assumed are measured.
Measuring the fair value of equity instruments issued as of a different date or over a reasonable period
of time (i.e., a few days) before and after the terms of the acquisition are agreed to and announced is
not permitted. Issuance of preferred shares as consideration (updated June 2022)
Preferred shares issued as consideration in a business combination must be measured at fair value in
accordance with the guidance in ASC 820. When there is no quoted market for preferred shares issued in a
business combination, an acquirer considers all characteristics of the preferred shares in determining their
value. Similar to debt instruments without a quoted market price, the best estimate of fair value might be
based on the quoted market price of preferred shares with similar characteristics (i.e., dividend rates,
conversion or redemption features and voting rights) or require the use of valuation techniques.
For public entities, we believe that the method used to determine the acquisition date fair value (e.g., the high, low or average
trading price on the acquisition date) is an accounting policy election pursuant to ASC 235. Irrespective of the policy elected, the
acquirer must determine the value on the acquisition date.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 193
If equity-classified preferred shares issued in a business combination are convertible into common shares
of the acquiring entity, the acquiring entity should determine whether the conversion feature needs to be
bifurcated as a derivative pursuant to ASC 815. Before the adoption of ASU 2020-06, if the conversion
feature does not require bifurcation, the acquirer should further evaluate whether it is beneficial to the
acquiree at the acquisition date and thus requires recognition of a beneficial conversion feature (a
separate component of equity). ASU 2020-06 eliminates the beneficial conversion feature accounting
model, and therefore, after adoption, this evaluation is no longer required. See section 3.2 of our FRDs,
Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (before the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for
Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity) and Issuer’s accounting for debt and
equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and
Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), for further guidance. Issuance of subsidiary shares as consideration
An acquirer could use the stock of a subsidiary as consideration in a business combination. The same
measurement principles that apply to the acquirers equity instruments also apply to the equity
instruments of a subsidiary issued in a business combination. On the acquisition date, the fair value of
the subsidiarys shares is an element (or all) of the consideration transferred. If the acquirer maintains
control of the subsidiary that issues the shares, and the transaction is in the scope of ASC 810, then the
acquirer recognizes the issuance of shares as an equity transaction in accordance with ASC 810-10-45-
23. Any difference between the carrying amount (that is, the proportionate interest in the net assets of the
subsidiary) of the shares and the fair value recognized as consideration in the business combination is
recognized as APIC in the acquirers consolidated financial statements. Refer to sections 18.3 and 18.4 of
our FRD, Consolidation, for guidance on changes in a parent’s ownership interest in a subsidiary.
Illustration 6-1 provides an example of the accounting when an acquirer issues subsidiary shares as
consideration for a controlling interest in another entity.
Illustration 6-1: Issuance of subsidiary shares as consideration for a controlling interest in
another entity
Subsidiary A and Subsidiary B are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Company A and Company B,
respectively. Subsidiary A issues 40% of its common shares to Company B in exchange for 100% of
Subsidiary B. Afterwards, Company A owns 60% of Subsidiary A and Company B owns 40% of
Subsidiary A. Company A also maintains control of Subsidiary A. For simplicity, this illustration
assumes no control premium.
The following diagram depicts the corporate structure before and after the transaction:
Company A
Subsidiary A
Subsidiary B
Company B
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 194
Relevant fair value and book value information for Subsidiary A and Subsidiary B is as follows:
Fair value of Subsidiary A (inclusive of goodwill) immediately prior to the transaction
$ 960
Book value of Subsidiary A immediately prior to the transaction
Fair value of Subsidiary A shares issued (represents 40% of the fair value of
Subsidiary A immediately prior to the transaction)
Fair value of Subsidiary B (inclusive of goodwill)
Fair value of Subsidiary B’s net identifiable assets acquired (excluding goodwill)
When an acquirer issues shares of a subsidiary to acquire a controlling financial interest in another
entity, the transaction consists of the following two elements that require separate accounting: (1) the
acquisition of a business under ASC 805 and (2) the issuance of a noncontrolling interest in a
subsidiary under ASC 810.
Accounting under ASC 805
Pursuant to ASC 805, Company A would calculate goodwill relating to the acquisition of Subsidiary B
as follows:
Consideration transferred (fair value of Subsidiary A shares issued)
$ 384
Fair value of noncontrolling interest relating to acquired Subsidiary B ($640 * 40%)
Fair value of Subsidiary B’s net identifiable assets acquired (excluding goodwill)
$ 40
Accounting under ASC 810
Pursuant to ASC 810, the decrease in Company A’s ownership interest in Subsidiary A from 100% to
60% is accounted for as an equity transaction. As a result, the carrying amounts of the controlling and
non-controlling interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative interests in Subsidiary A.
Any difference between the amount by which the noncontrolling interest is adjusted and the fair value
of the consideration received is recognized directly in equity and attributed to Company A. The
noncontrolling interest balance would be calculated as follows:
Consideration received ($640 * 60%)
$ 384
Noncontrolling interest’s (Company B’s) share of Subsidiary A’s net assets prior to
the transaction ($800 * 40%)
Adjustment to controlling interest (Company A)
$ 64
Company A
Subsidiary A
Subsidiary B
Company B
6 Consideration transferred
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Consolidation Entry
Company A would record the following entry in consolidation:
Net assets acquired
$ 600
Noncontrolling interest
$ 576*
Common stock and APIC controlling interest
* Proof of Noncontrolling Interest Balance
The following is a proof of the total noncontrolling interest balance of $576 ($256 + $320):
Subsidiary A’s book value immediately prior to the transaction
$ 800
Fair value of business (including goodwill) received by Subsidiary A
Subsidiary A’s book value immediately after the transaction
Company B's 40% interest in Subsidiary A’s net assets after the transaction
Total noncontrolling interest balance
$ 576
** Proof of APIC Balance
The following is a proof of the total APIC balance of $64:
Subsidiary A’s book value immediately prior to the transaction
$ 800
Fair value of business (including goodwill) received by Subsidiary A
Subsidiary A’s book value immediately after the transaction
Company A's 60% interest in Subsidiary A’s net assets after the transaction
Company A’s investment in Subsidiary A after the transaction
Company A’s investment in Subsidiary A immediately before the transaction
Change in Company’s investment in Subsidiary A
$ 64
6.1.3 Debt instruments issued
In determining the total measurement of the consideration transferred, the guidance in ASC 805
requires an acquirer to measure liabilities incurred at fair value on the acquisition date. However, this
guidance does not specifically discuss how to value debt instruments issued in a business combination.
If the instruments issued are publicly traded, fair value is determined based on quoted market prices.
For debt instruments issued in a business combination that are not publicly traded, the best estimate of
fair value may be the quoted market price of debt with similar characteristics or determined using
valuation techniques (e.g., the present value of estimated future cash flows). If an acquirer uses valuation
techniques to value debt issued in a business combination, the acquirer should carefully consider all the
assumptions used in the valuation. For example, the acquirer should take into account the credit rating of
the issuing entity, the existence of guarantees by other entities (e.g., a parent company), collateral and
other credit enhancements in its selection of an appropriate interest rate to discount estimated future cash
flows. Any fair value measurements must follow the principles expressed in ASC 820. Issuance of convertible debt and debt issued with warrants (updated June 2022)
If debt issued in a business combination is convertible into common shares of the acquiring entity, the
acquiring entity should determine whether the conversion feature needs to be bifurcated as a derivative
pursuant to ASC 815. Before the adoption of ASU 2020-06, if the conversion feature does not require
bifurcation, the acquirer should further evaluate whether the conversion feature should be recognized as
a separate component of equity pursuant to the cash conversion guidance or the beneficial conversion
feature guidance in ASC 470-20.
6 Consideration transferred
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ASU 2020-06 eliminates the cash conversion and beneficial conversion feature accounting models, and
therefore, after adoption, this evaluation is no longer required. The acquirer is required to consider the
substantial premium model under ASC 470-20, and if it is required to separately account for a conversion
feature under that model, the premium is recorded in additional paid-in capital.
See section 2.2 of our FRDs, Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (before the adoption of
ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity) and
Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for
Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), for further guidance.
Consistent with the concepts in ASC 470-20-30-2, if debt instruments issued in a business combination
include detachable stock warrants that are determined to befreestanding” from the convertible debt
pursuant to ASC 480’s definition of “freestanding financial instrument,” the debt and warrants are
measured separately at their respective fair values in determining the consideration transferred. See
section 1.2.1 of our FRDs, Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (before the adoption of
ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity) and
Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for
Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), for further guidance on the
identification of freestanding financial instruments.
Acquirers also should consider whether the warrants should be classified as a liability or equity, pursuant
to the guidance in ASC 480 and ASC 815. Also see section 4.2 of our FRDs, Issuer’s accounting for debt
and equity financings (before the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments
and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity) and Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (after
the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s
Own Equity), for further guidance.
6.1.4 Recognizing gains or losses on noncash assets transferred
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Initial Measurement
The consideration transferred may include assets or liabilities of the acquirer that have carrying
amounts that differ from their fair values at the acquisition date (for example, nonmonetary assets or
a business of the acquirer). If so, the acquirer shall remeasure the transferred assets or liabilities to
their fair values as of the acquisition date and recognize the resulting gains or losses, if any, in
earnings. However, sometimes the transferred assets or liabilities remain within the combined entity
after the business combination (for example, because the assets or liabilities were transferred to the
acquiree rather than to its former owners), and the acquirer therefore retains control of them. In that
situation, the acquirer shall measure those assets and liabilities at their carrying amounts immediately
before the acquisition date and shall not recognize a gain or loss in earnings on assets or liabilities it
controls both before and after the business combination.
A business combination agreement might provide that as purchase consideration the acquirer transfer
assets that it previously recognized in its financial statements at historical or amortized historical cost.
Common examples of such forms of consideration include, but are not limited to, certain financial
instruments, property, inventory and software licenses. Whenever the net carrying value of an asset
included in the consideration transferred (that does not remain with the combined company) differs from
the acquisition-date fair value of the asset, the acquirer recognizes a gain or a loss at the acquisition date
for the difference between the asset’s acquisition-date net carrying value and the acquisition-date fair
6 Consideration transferred
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value. Essentially, the accounting provides for the recognition of gain or loss in the same manner as if the
acquirer sold the asset for cash equal to the asset’s fair value and transferred the resulting cash in the
business combination. Recognizing gains or losses on transfers of assets that remain under the acquirer’s control
Under ASC 805, companies are not permitted to recognize gains or losses in the consolidated financial
statements on assets transferred as part of the consideration transferred when such assets remain in the
combined entity (i.e., those assets that remain under the acquirer’s control). This is consistent with the
underlying principle of ASC 805 that a change in control is the significant economic event that results in a
change in basis. When the assets transferred do not leave the consolidated group, no change in control
occurs and the acquirer does not recognize a gain or loss for a change in basis for those assets.
Illustration 6-2: Recognizing gains or losses on noncash assets transferred that do not remain
in the combined entity
Acquirer is in the business of licensing the use of the software that it develops. Acquirer purchases a
business from Seller in exchange for cash of $100, land (that has a book value of $100 and a fair
value of $500) and a software license (with a fair value of $200), none of which remains in the
acquired entity. The consideration transferred in the acquisition equals the sum of the cash, the fair
value of the land and the fair value of the software license ($800). Acquirer recognizes a gain of $400
on the transfer of the land to Seller and either revenue or a contract liability (e.g., deferred revenue)
of $200 for granting the software license.
Illustration 6-3: Recognizing gains or losses on noncash assets transferred that remain in the
combined entity
Assume the same facts as in Illustration 6-2, except that the land will remain in the combined entity.
The consideration transferred in the acquisition is now the sum of the cash, the book value of the land
and the fair value of the software license ($400). Acquirer does not recognize a gain on the transfer of
the land to Target and recognizes either revenue or a contract liability (e.g., deferred revenue) of $200
for granting the software license.
6.1.5 Consideration transferred in a business combination achieved without the
transfer of consideration
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
In a business combination achieved without the transfer of consideration, the acquirer must substitute the
acquisition-date fair value of its interest in the acquiree for the acquisition-date fair value of the consideration
transferred to measure goodwill or a gain on a bargain purchase (see paragraphs 805-30-30-1 through
30-4). Subtopic 820-10 provides guidance on using valuation techniques to measure fair value.
6 Consideration transferred
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Typically, a business combination will include the transfer of consideration (e.g., cash or other assets,
equity interests, assumption of liabilities). However, a business combination can also occur without the
transfer of consideration, such as by contract or by a lapse in participating rights of a minority
shareholder. When there is no consideration transferred, the acquirer must substitute the acquisition-
date fair value of its interest in the acquiree for the acquisition-date fair value of the consideration
transferred to measure goodwill or a gain on a bargain purchase. See our FRD, Fair value measurement,
for additional guidance on valuation techniques to measure fair value. Mutual entities
Mutual entities are organized such that the entity’s customers or members are owners of the entity; there
are typically no external shareholders. These customers or members derive their rights to profits and votes
through the customer or member relationship. Examples of mutual entities include mutual insurance
companies, savings and loan institutions and credit unions. In the case of a mutual insurance company,
policyholders of the insurance policies have certain ownership rights, including the ability to elect
management and participate in the distribution of net assets if the organization were to cease operations. Applying the acquisition method to combinations of mutual entities
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
When two mutual entities combine, the fair value of the equity or member interests in the acquiree (or
the fair value of the acquiree) may be more reliably measurable than the fair value of the member
interests transferred by the acquirer. In that situation, paragraph 805-30-30-2 through 30-3 requires
the acquirer to determine the amount of goodwill by using the acquisition-date fair value of the
acquiree’s equity interests instead of the acquisition-date fair value of the acquirer’s equity interests
transferred as consideration. In addition, the acquirer in a combination of mutual entities shall
recognize the acquiree’s net assets as a direct addition to capital or equity in its statement of financial
position, not as an addition to retained earnings, which is consistent with the way in which other types
of entities apply the acquisition method.
Although they are similar in many ways to other businesses, mutual entities have distinct
characteristics that arise primarily because their members are both customers and owners. Members
of mutual entities generally expect to receive benefits for their membership, often in the form of
reduced fees charged for goods and services or patronage dividends. The portion of patronage
dividends allocated to each member is often based on the amount of business the member did with the
mutual entity during the year.
A fair value measurement of a mutual entity should include the assumptions that market participants
would make about future member benefits as well as any other relevant assumptions market
participants would make about the mutual entity. For example, an estimated cash flow model may be
used to determine the fair value of a mutual entity. The cash flows used as inputs to the model should
be based on the expected cash flows of the mutual entity, which are likely to reflect reductions for
member benefits, such as reduced fees charged for goods and services.
6 Consideration transferred
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In applying the acquisition method to mergers between two or more mutual entities, one of the combining
entities must be identified as the acquirer. The acquirer then must determine the fair value of the member
interests in the acquiree or the fair value of the target entity as a whole. Normally, no consideration is
transferred in a combination between mutual entities. Therefore, the fair value of the target entity as
whole could be used as a proxy for the consideration transferred. The resulting fair value is added
directly to the acquirers equity (e.g., the surplus account for a mutual bank), and not its retained
earnings. In addition, the targets assets acquired, including identifiable intangible assets, and liabilities
assumed must be measured at their fair values in accordance with ASC 820. In a business combination
between mutual entities where no consideration is transferred, goodwill is determined based on the
amount by which the targets fair value as a whole exceeds the fair value of the targets net assets.
The following example illustrates how a mutual entity would consolidate another mutual entity:
Illustration 6-4: Balance Sheet of combined mutual entities at the acquisition date
Assume that Acquirer Mutual Entity acquires Target Mutual Entity in a business combination. The fair
value of Target Mutual Entity as a whole is $190.
Target mutual entity
mutual entity
mutual entity
Book value
Fair value of
net assets
Book value
(in millions)
Investments and loans
$ 300
$ 325
$ 600
$ 925
Fixed assets
Intangible assets
Total assets
$ 350
$ 435
$ 700
$ 1,210
$ 250
$ 320
$ 510
$ 830
Unappropriated memberscapital
Retained earnings
Total liabilities and equity
$ 350
$ 320
$ 700
$ 1,210
Goodwill is $75 [Fair value of Target Mutual Entity as a whole of $190 less fair value of acquired net assets of $115 ($435-$320)].
Increase in unappropriated memberscapital is $190, which is the fair value of Target Mutual Entity
6.2 Acquisition-related costs
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Acquisition-related costs are costs the acquirer incurs to effect a business combination. Those costs include
finder’s fees; advisory, legal, accounting, valuation, and other professional or consulting fees; general
administrative costs, including the costs of maintaining an internal acquisitions department; and costs of
registering and issuing debt and equity securities. The acquirer shall account for acquisition-related costs as
expenses in the periods in which the costs are incurred and the services are received, with one exception.
The costs to issue debt or equity securities shall be recognized in accordance with other applicable GAAP.
6 Consideration transferred
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An acquirer incurs various acquisition-related costs in connection with a business combination, including:
Direct costs of the transaction, such as costs for services of lawyers, investment bankers,
accountants and other third parties
Indirect costs of the transaction, such as recurring internal costs (e.g., the cost of maintaining an
acquisition department)
Financing costs, such as costs to issue debt or equity instruments used to effect the business
combination (i.e., issuance costs)
The FASB believes that acquisition-related costs are not part of the fair value exchange between the
buyer and seller for the acquired business. Rather, the FASB concluded that acquisition related costs are
separate transactions with a service provider. Therefore, the guidance in ASC 805 requires that direct
and indirect acquisition-related costs be expensed in the period that the related services are received.
An acquirer does not consider costs incurred to issue debt or equity instruments to effect a business
combination to be “costs of the acquisition.” Generally, debt issuance costs are reported in the balance
sheet as a direct deduction from the face amount of the debt and amortized over the term of the debt in
accordance with ASC 835-30-45-1A and ASC 835-30-45-3, while equity issuance costs are deducted
from the proceeds of the issuance (i.e., a reduction of equity) in accordance with SAB Topic 5.A.
See sections 2.3 and 4.3 of our FRDs, Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (before the
adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own
Equity) and Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06,
Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), for additional
guidance on debt and equity issuance costs, respectively.
Question 6.2 How should a company account for acquisition-related costs relating to the acquisition of an oil and
gas property?
It depends. If the acquired property meets the definition of a business under ASC 805, the acquisition-
related costs are expensed as incurred; otherwise, the acquisition-related costs are accounted for under
the appropriate oil and gas accounting literature. That is, such costs may be capitalizable for successful
efforts companies under ASC 932-360-25-7 and full cost companies under SEC Regulation S-X Article 4-10.
Question 6.3 How should a company account for fees paid to an investment banker for providing underwriting
services to finance a business combination (i.e., expense as acquisition-related costs or capitalize as
debt issuance costs)?
ASC 340-10-S99-2 (SAB Topic 2.A.6) provides the SEC staff’s views on the allocation of debt issuance
costs for bridge financing and/or underwriting the permanent financing of a purchase business
combination. Consistent with our views described above, the SEC staff believes that fees paid to an
investment banker for providing bridge financing and/or underwriting permanent financing in connection
with a purchase business combination are not direct costs of the acquisition and, therefore, should be
reported as debt issuance costs. When an investment banker provides advisory services in connection
with a business combination and also provides underwriting services associated with the issuance of debt
or equity securities, ASC 340-10-S99-2 requires the acquirer to allocate the total fees incurred between
the services received on a relative fair value basis.
6 Consideration transferred
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6.2.1 Allocating transaction costs to the business combination and financing
As discussed in Question 6.3, if an acquirer pays an investment banker for arranging financing and
providing advisory services for the business combination, ASC 340-10-S99-2 (SAB Topic 2.A.6) requires
the acquirer to allocate the total fees between debt issuance costs and acquisition-related costs on a
relative fair value basis. If the financing element includes both bridge and permanent financing, we
believe the acquirer should make a reasonable allocation of fees between those aspects of the acquisition
financing. The SEC staff believes that the amount allocated to debt issuance costs attributed to bridge
financing and/or permanent financing, as the case may be, normally should result in an effective interest
rate on the subject debt that is consistent with an effective market interest rate. After the date of the
financing, the acquirer should recognize interest cost using the effective interest method described in
ASC 835-30-35 and should make separate disclosure of the amount accounted for as debt issuance
costs, if material.
ASC 340-10-S99-2 does not provide specific guidance for achieving a reasonable allocation of fees paid to
investment bankers related to bridge and permanent financing. Registrants may consider an investment
bankers allocation of its fees, but the SEC staff cautions that it will challenge allocations if they do not
appear to be reasonable in relation to fees charged for similar but separately executed financing
arrangements. It is advisable to request that investment bankers provide evidence concerning any
allocations they make, including their reasonableness in comparison to similar transactions.
The SEC staff requires that debt issuance costs allocated to bridge financing be amortized over the
estimated term of the bridge financing (i.e., over the period before permanent financing is expected to
replace the bridge financing). This amortization period is required to be used even if that estimated period
is shorter than the period until maturity of the bridge financing, unless the underwriter is contractually
required to provide the permanent financing (as opposed to through an underwritten offering) and a single
commitment letter covers both the bridge and permanent financing. Separate amortization of debt
issuance costs is necessary when there are separate costs associated with a bridge loan and permanent
financing. Thus, amortization of the cost of the bridge financing and the permanent financing begins on
different dates (bridge financing cost amortization begins on the inception date of the bridge financing and
the permanent financing cost amortization commences on the date the permanent financing replaces the
bridge financing). When an underwriter bills a single amount for fees associated with bridge financing and
permanent financing, a reasonable allocation of those costs should be made.
In some situations, bridge financing may be repaid before the end of the originally estimated term used
by the registrant for bridge financing issuance cost amortization purposes. At the repayment date, the
unamortized portion of the bridge financing debt issuance costs is written off as interest cost in
accordance with ASC 340-10-S99.
When bridge financing consists of increasing rate debt and term extending debt (i.e., debt that can be
extended upon maturity at the option of the issuer with specified interest rate increases each time the
maturity is extended), acquirers should consider the guidance in ASC 470-10-35-1 through 35-2,
ASC 815-15, ASC 815-10-55-19 through 55-21, and section 3 of our FRD, Derivatives and hedging.
6.2.2 Equity issuance costs
An acquirer accounts for the cost of registering and issuing equity instruments to effect a business combination
as a reduction of the otherwise determined fair value of the equity instruments issued. The acquirer recognizes
the reduction as a charge against paid-in capital. As discussed in section 6.2.1, the acquirer makes a reasonable
allocation of fees paid to investment bankers that are involved with both completing the underlying business
combination transaction and arranging for the equity financing. The acquirer expenses any fees not associated
with arranging equity or debt financing as incurred. Question 6.4 illustrates how equity issuance costs are
accounted for in determining the consideration transferred in a business combination.
6 Consideration transferred
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Question 6.4 Acquirer issues equity instruments with a fair value of $100 to Target as consideration in a business
combination and in doing so incurs issuance costs of $10. The fair value of the acquired net assets of
Target is $60. Should the equity issuance costs of $10 be included in the consideration transferred?
No. The equity issuance costs of $10 are not included in the determination of consideration transferred
but rather are recognized as reduction to additional paid-in capital separately from the business
combination. Acquirer would record the following journal entries:
To record the business combination:
Net assets
$ 60
$ 100
To record the equity issuance costs:
$ 10
$ 10
The Board concluded that events occurring subsequent to the acquisition date should not change the
amounts recognized as consideration for the business combination. Thus, any difference between the
actual registration costs and the liability recognized on the acquisition date (that are not qualifying
measurement-period adjustments; see section 7.3.3), including imputed interest, is recognized in the
post-combination statement of operations. All imputed interest is recognized in the post-combination
statement of operations, including interest imputed during the measurement period.
6.2.3 Costs incurred by the sellers of an acquired company
In connection with a proposed business combination, the seller (or the acquiree on behalf of the seller)
might incur costs for advisory services, appraisals, legal services, accounting and auditing services,
printing, etc. Any costs incurred by the seller are expensed in the period incurred. Costs incurred by the sellers of an acquired company on behalf of the acquirer
In an attempt to avoid recognizing acquisition costs as expenses, an acquirer might ask that the seller (or the
acquiree on behalf of the seller) incur the acquisition-related expenses that would otherwise be incurred by
the acquirer. The acquirer would then increase the price paid to the seller for the acquired business to
compensate the seller for the expenses it incurred on behalf of the acquirer (and thus increasing the
consideration for the acquired business and goodwill). In order to mitigate such concerns, the guidance in
ASC 805 requires an evaluation of all consideration transferred by the acquirer to identify the inclusion
of any payments that might be related to goods and services that are separate from the business
combination (i.e., not related to the fair value of the acquired business or the assets acquired and liabilities
assumed). If the seller has incurred transaction costs on the buyers behalf, the buyer would recognize
those costs as expenses when incurred by the seller, with an offsetting liability to repay the seller. This
provision of ASC 805 is discussed further in section, and illustrated in the examples below.
Illustration 6-5: Transfer tax incurred by buyer
Acquirer purchases Target in a business combination. As part of the business combination, Acquirer
incurs $20 million of transaction costs. In addition, Acquirer is required, based on local regulation, to
pay a transfer tax of $3 million on real estate purchased from Target in the business combination.
Acquirer recognizes expense for the transaction costs of $20 million. The acquirer also recognizes
expense for the transfer tax of $3 million as a transaction cost.
6 Consideration transferred
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Illustration 6-6: Transfer tax incurred by seller
Acquirer purchases Target in a business combination. As part of the business combination, Acquirer
incurs $20 million of transaction costs. In addition, the jurisdiction where Target is located requires
the seller of real estate to pay transfer taxes. This transfer tax amounts to $3 million. Since Target is
required to pay the transfer tax, that cost likely was considered by Target in agreeing to a sales price
for the business and, implicitly, was paid by Acquirer in the business combination.
Acquirer expenses the transaction costs of $20 million. Since Target (the seller) is required to pay the
transfer tax, the tax is not considered a transaction cost of Acquirer. The payment of the transfer tax
by Target is considered a separate transaction apart from the business combination and is expensed
by Target. There is no accounting for the transfer tax required by Acquirer.
Illustration 6-7: Transfer tax reimbursed by buyer
Acquirer acquires Target in a business combination. As part of the acquisition, Acquirer incurs
$20 million of transaction costs. In addition, the jurisdiction where Target is located levies a tax on
real estate transfers. The transfer tax is a legal obligation of the buyer. The transfer tax amounts to
$3 million. Acquirer negotiates to have Target pay the transfer tax on its behalf, but Acquirer will
increase the purchase price by $3 million.
Acquirer expenses the transaction costs of $20 million. Since part of the purchase price is
reimbursement for the transfer tax paid by Target on Acquirer’s behalf, the $3 million of consideration
transferred is determined to be a separate transaction from the business combination. Acquirer
reduces the consideration transferred by the $3 million for reimbursement of the transfer tax to
Target’s shareholders and recognizes it as expense.
6.2.4 Success fee related to a business combination
In some situations, a prospective acquirer or acquiree may have to pay a “success fee” to a third party
(e.g., advisors, investment bankers) upon consummation of a business combination. In these
circumstances, no payment is due to the counterparty if the business combination is not consummated.
Because no obligation exists to pay the success fee until the transaction closes, we generally believe that
it would not be appropriate to recognize the success fee as a liability until the acquisition date.
When the success fee is the legal obligation of the acquirer, the success fee is recognized as a separate
transaction in the acquirer’s post-combination financial statements (and not as a liability assumed as part
of the business combination). See section B.7.1.1 for guidance on accounting for success fees related to a
business combination in the separate financial statements of an acquiree that applies pushdown accounting.
6.2.5 Costs incurred in connection with asset acquisitions
While an asset acquisition is similar in concept to the acquisition of a business, the ASC 805 requirement to
expense all costs of an acquisition does not extend to the acquisition of an asset or group of assets that does
not constitute a business. This is because the FASB retained the cost accumulation and allocation model for
asset acquisitions. Thus, as discussed further in Appendix A, the consideration transferred allocated to an
asset or group of assets includes all direct acquisition costs. Indirect costs are expensed in the period incurred.
6 Consideration transferred
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6.3 Exchange of share-based payment awards in a business combination
6.3.1 Measurement of share-based payment awards
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Initial Measurement
The acquirer shall measure a liability or an equity instrument related to the replacement of an
acquiree’s share-based payment awards with share-based payment awards of the acquirer in
accordance with the method in Topic 718. The Business Combinations Topic refers to the result of that
method as the fair-value-based measure of the award. Paragraphs 805-30-30-9 through 30-13 and
805-30-55-6 through 55-13 provide additional guidance.
In business combinations, share-based payments (stock, stock options and similar instruments) of the
target frequently are exchanged for equity instruments of the acquiring company. The equity or liabilities
exchanged (of both the former awards in the target and the new awards of the acquiring company) might
be vested or unvested. One of the exceptions in ASC 805 to measuring assets acquired and liabilities
assumed at fair value, as defined in ASC 820, is the measurement of share-based payment awards. A
liability or equity instrument issued to replace the acquiree’s share-based payment awards is measured in
accordance with the fair value-based measurement provisions of ASC 718. Our FRD, Share-based payment,
provides detailed analysis and interpretive guidance on the measurement of share-based payments.
6.3.2 Replacement of share-based payment awards (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Initial Measurement
An acquirer may exchange its share-based payment awards for awards held by grantees of the
acquiree. This Topic refers to such awards as replacement awards. Exchanges of share options or
other share-based payment awards in conjunction with a business combination are modifications of
share-based payment awards in accordance with Topic 718. If the acquirer is obligated to replace the
acquiree awards, either all or a portion of the fair-value-based measure of the acquirer’s replacement
awards shall be included in measuring the consideration transferred in the business combination. The
acquirer is obligated to replace the acquiree awards if the acquiree or its grantees have the ability to
enforce replacement. For example, for purposes of applying this requirement, the acquirer is obligated
to replace the acquiree’s awards if replacement is required by any of the following:
a. The terms of the acquisition agreement
b. The terms of the acquiree’s awards
c. Applicable laws or regulations.
The guidance in ASC 805 states that exchanges of share-based payments in a business combination are
accounted for as modifications in accordance with the provisions of ASC 718. ASC 805 also introduces the
concept of an “obligation in relation to the acquirer’s replacement of the acquiree’s share-based payment
awards. ASC 805-30-30-9 states that all or a portion of the fair value-based measure of the replacement
awards is included in the acquirers measurement of consideration transferred only if the acquirer was
obligated to replace the acquiree’s awards. That obligation could be required by any of the following:
The terms of the acquisition agreement
6 Consideration transferred
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The terms of the acquirees awards
Applicable laws or regulations
Therefore, an acquirer makes a determination as to whether it is obligated to replace the acquiree
awards. This determination is made based on whether the acquiree or its grantees have the ability to
enforce replacement. If there is no replacement obligation and the acquiree awards would have expired
or been terminated on the acquisition date under those awards’ original terms, any voluntary
replacement of those awards would be considered a new award and the entire fair value-based measure
of the new award would be recognized as compensation cost by the acquirer.
On the other hand, if the acquirer voluntarily replaces acquiree share-based payment awards that would
not otherwise expire or terminate on the acquisition date under those awards’ original terms, in most
cases we believe the accounting results will be similar to situations in which a replacement obligation
exists (see discussion below).
ASC 805 includes specific guidance on how to allocate replacement awards that are issued to an
acquiree’s employees and nonemployees in exchange for goods or services between consideration
transferred in a business combination and post-combination compensation cost. This guidance is
included in section for employee awards and in section for nonemployee awards. Acquirer is obligated to replace acquiree’s share-based payment awards issued to
employees (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Initial Measurement
To determine the portion of a replacement award that is part of the consideration transferred for the
acquiree, the acquirer shall measure both the replacement awards granted by the acquirer and the
acquiree awards as of the acquisition date in accordance with Topic 718. The portion of the fair-value-
based measure of the replacement award that is part of the consideration transferred in exchange for
the acquiree equals the portion of the acquiree award that is attributable to precombination vesting.
The acquirer shall attribute a portion of a replacement award to postcombination vesting if it requires
postcombination vesting, regardless of whether grantees had rendered all of the service or delivered
all of the goods required in exchange for their acquiree awards before the acquisition date. The portion
of a nonvested replacement award attributable to postcombination vesting equals the total fair-value-
based measure of the replacement award less the amount attributed to precombination vesting.
Therefore, the acquirer shall attribute any excess of the fair-value-based measure of the replacement
award over the fair value of the acquiree award to postcombination vesting.
Paragraphs 805-30-55-6 through 55-13, 805-740-25-10 through 25-11, 805-740-45-5 through 45-6,
and Example 2 (see paragraph 805-30-55-17) provide additional guidance and illustrations on
distinguishing between the portion of a replacement award that is attributable to precombination
vesting, which the acquirer includes in the consideration transferred in the business combination, and
the portion that is attributed to postcombination vesting, which the acquirer recognizes as
compensation cost in its postcombination financial statements.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 206
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The portion of an employee replacement award attributable to precombination vesting is the fair-
value-based measure of the acquiree award multiplied by the ratio of the precombination employee’s
service period to the greater of the total service period or the original service period of the acquiree
award. (Example 2, Cases C and D [see paragraphs 805-30-55-21 through 55-24] illustrate that
calculation.) The total service period is the sum of the following amounts:
a. The part of the employee’s requisite service period for the acquiree award that was completed
before the acquisition date
b. The postcombination employee’s requisite service period, if any, for the replacement award.
The employee’s requisite service period includes explicit, implicit, and derived service periods during which
employees are required to provide service in exchange for the award (consistent with the requirements of
Topic 718).
The portion of a nonvested replacement award (for employee and nonemployee) attributable to
postcombination vesting, and therefore recognized as compensation cost in the postcombination
financial statements, equals the total fair-value-based measure of the replacement award less the
amount attributed to precombination vesting. Therefore, the acquirer attributes any excess of the fair-
value-based measure of the replacement award over the fair value of the acquiree award to
postcombination vesting and recognizes that excess as compensation cost in the postcombination
financial statements.
As discussed in section 3.4.3, share-based payment awards are an exception to the fair value
measurement principle of ASC 805. Rather, they are measured using a fair value-based measure of the
awards as that term is used in ASC 718. The fair value-based measure of both the original acquiree
awards and the replacement awards are measured as of the acquisition date and, if the acquirer is
obligated to replace the acquiree’s share-based payment awards, allocated between consideration
transferred and compensation for post-combination services.
The portion of the replacement award that is included in the consideration transferred is the fair value-
based measure, determined at the acquisition date, of the acquiree award attributable to precombination
service. The difference between the fair value-based measure of the replacement award and the amount
included in consideration transferred is recognized as compensation cost in the acquirer’s post-
combination financial statements.
The approach of splitting the fair value-based measure of the replacement award into consideration
transferred and compensation cost in ASC 805 is intended to preclude recognition of any amounts in
excess of what the employees had earned as of the acquisition date as consideration transferred. That is,
any excess of the fair value-based measure of the replacement awards over the fair value-based measure
of the acquiree awards is recognized as post-combination compensation cost by the acquirer. Also, if the
requisite service (i.e., vesting) period is reduced, the effect of such a reduction in service period is
recognized as post-combination compensation cost by the acquirer.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 207
To achieve this, the measurement of the portion of the fair value-based measure of the replacement
award that is attributed to precombination service (and therefore included in consideration transferred)
is calculated based on:
The acquisition-date fair value-based measure of the acquiree award determined in accordance with
the provisions of ASC 718
The lesser of the portion of the precombination service period completed on the acquisition date
under the terms of (1) the acquiree award or (2) the replacement award
Because of the requirement in the first criterion above to measure consideration transferred based on
the fair value-based measure of the acquiree award, any excess value of the replacement award over the
value of the acquiree award is excluded from consideration transferred and, therefore, recognized as
post-combination compensation cost.
As discussed above, ASC 805 requires an allocation of the fair value-based measure of the share-based
payment to pre- and post-combination service, with the value attributable to precombination service
included in the consideration transferred and the value attributable to post-combination service
recognized as compensation cost by the acquirer.
The classification of the share-based payment award as either equity or a liability does not affect the
attribution of the fair value-based measure of the replacement award to pre- and post-combination
service. However, if the share-based payment awards of the acquiree were modified in connection with a
business combination, this may result in the reclassification of an equity award to a liability award. See
section 8.6.1 of our FRD, Share-based payment, for additional guidance on how to account for a
modification that changes the classification of an award from equity to liability.
The portion of the replacement award issued to the acquiree’s employees that is attributable to
precombination service and, therefore, included in the consideration transferred, is calculated as follows:
The total service period is calculated as follows:
Requisite service period
the acquiree’s replaced
award completed before the
acquisition date
Post-combination requisite service
period, if any, for the acquirer’s
replacement award
Total service
The portion of the fair value-based measure of the replacement award attributable to post-combination
service, and therefore included in post-combination compensation cost, is calculated as follows:
Acquisition-date fair value-based
measure of the acquirer’s replacement
Amount attributable to precombination
service (as calculated above)
ASC 805-30-55-9 states, The employee’s requisite service period includes explicit, implicit, and derived service periods during
which employees are required to provide service in exchange for the award (consistent with the requirements of Topic 718).
fair value-based
measure of
the acquiree’s
replaced award
Precombination service period
attributable to
included in
The greater of:
(1) the total service period
(2) the original service period of the acquiree’s replaced award
6 Consideration transferred
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The following example illustrates this concept:
Illustration 6-8: Allocation between pre- and post-combination services of acquiree share-
based payment exchanged in a business combination
Assume that an award was granted two years before the acquisition date with a four-year vesting
period. The acquiree award was 50% vested on the acquisition date. Assume the fair value-based
measure of the acquiree award and the replacement award each is $100 on the acquisition date. Also
assume the replacement award is fully vested on the acquisition date. The amount attributable to
precombination service and included in consideration transferred would be $50. [$100 acquisition-
date fair value-based measure of acquiree’s replaced award x (2 years precombination service / 4 years
original service period)]. The original service period is used in the attribution calculation because it is
greater than the total service period (the total service period is two years because the replacement
award is fully vested on the acquisition date). The amount attributable to post-combination service and
recorded as post-combination compensation cost by the acquirer would be $50 ($100 acquisition date
fair value-based measure of acquirer’s replacement award $50 attributable to precombination
service). Because the replacement award is fully vested, the post-combination compensation cost
would be recognized fully on the acquisition date by the acquirer.
If the acquiree’s employee is required to render service under the terms of a replacement award, the
attribution method will result in a portion of the acquisition-date fair value-based measure of the
replacement award being allocated to post-combination compensation cost, even if the employee’s
acquiree award was fully vested as of the acquisition date. The examples in sections through expand on the concepts described in this section. Graded vesting
Some share-based payments are subject to “graded vesting,” in which each tranche of the award vests
over a different requisite service period. For example, an award may be subject to graded annual vesting
over four years such that 25% of the award vests each year.
ASC 805-30-55-12 states that “if the replacement award for an employee award has a graded vesting
schedule, the acquirer shall recognize the related compensation cost in accordance with its policy
election for other awards with graded vesting in accordance with paragraph 718-10-35-8.
Under ASC 718, the cost of awards subject to graded vesting based only on a service condition may be
attributed (1) as if each vesting tranche were a separate award (often called the “accelerated method”)
or (2) on a straight-line basis. For example, if the award subject to four-year annual graded vesting were
measured at $400, expense recognition would be as follows:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Accelerated method
$100+$50+$33+$25 = $208
$50+$33+$25 = $108
$33+$25 = $58
Straight-line method
$400÷4 = $100
$400÷4 = $100
$400÷4 = $100
$400÷4 = $100
We believe that an acquirer must use its attribution policy (i.e., the accelerated or straight-line method)
for purposes of attributing the cost of a replacement award subject to graded vesting to consideration
transferred and post-combination compensation cost.
Calculated as 100% of the year 1 vesting tranche, 50% of the year 2 vesting tranche, 33% of the year three vesting tranche and 25% of
the year four vesting tranche. Note that the total of the columns under the accelerated method do not equal $400 due to rounding.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 209
For example, assume that the original share-based payment award in Illustration 6-8 above was subject
to graded vesting. If the acquisition date was at the end of year 2 and both the acquirer and the acquiree
awards were measured at $400, the split between consideration transferred and post-combination
compensation cost would be calculated based on the attribution policy of the acquirer, as follows:
Consideration transferred
compensation cost
Accelerated method
$208 + $108 = $316
$400 $316 = $84
Straight-line method
$100 + $100 = $200
$400 $200 = $200
Applying the acquirer’s accounting policy for purposes of attributing the total cost of the replacement
award to consideration transferred and post-combination compensation cost could result in some
compensation cost never being recognized by either party or some compensation cost being recognized
by both parties. Using the numbers in the above example, if the acquiree’s policy was straight-line and
the acquirer’s policy was the accelerated method then a portion of the cost of the total award (in this
case $116) is subsumed into the consideration transferred and not recognized in either the acquirer’s or
the acquiree’s income statement. Conversely, if the acquiree’s policy was the accelerated method and
the acquirer’s policy was straight-line, there would be $116 of expense recognized in both the acquiree’s
and acquirer’s income statements. Accounting for forfeitures (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Regardless of the accounting policy elected in accordance with paragraph 718-10-35-1D or 718-10-35-3,
the portion of a nonvested replacement award included in consideration transferred shall reflect the
acquirer’s estimate of the number of replacement awards for which the service is expected to be
rendered or the goods are expected to be delivered (that is, an acquirer that has elected an accounting
policy to recognize forfeitures as they occur in accordance with paragraph 718-10-35-1D or 718-10-35-3
should estimate the number of replacement awards for which the service is expected to be rendered or
the goods are expected to be delivered when determining the portion of a nonvested replacement
award included in consideration transferred). For example, if the fair-value-based measure of the
portion of a replacement award attributed to precombination vesting is $100 and the acquirer expects
that the service will be rendered for only 95 percent of the instruments awarded, the amount included
in consideration transferred in the business combination is $95. Changes in the number of replacement
awards for which the service is expected to be rendered or the goods are expected to be delivered are
reflected in compensation cost for the periods in which the changes or forfeitures occurnot as
adjustments to the consideration transferred in the business combination. If an acquirer’s accounting
policy is to account for forfeitures as they occur, the amount excluded from consideration transferred
(because the service is not expected to be rendered or the goods are not expected to be delivered)
should be attributed to the postcombination vesting and recognized in compensation cost over the
employee’s requisite service period or the nonemployee’s vesting period. Recognition of compensation
cost for nonemployees should consider the recognition guidance provided in paragraph 718-10-25-2C.
That is, recognition of the fair value of the nonemployee share-based payment award should be
recognized in the same manner as if the grantor had paid cash for the goods or services instead of
paying with or using the share-based payment awards.
6 Consideration transferred
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Similarly, the effects of other events, such as modifications or the ultimate outcome of awards with
performance conditions, that occur after the acquisition date are accounted for in accordance with Topic
718 in determining compensation cost for the period in which an event occurs. If the replacement award
for an employee award has a graded vesting schedule, the acquirer shall recognize the related
compensation cost in accordance with its policy election for other awards with graded vesting in
accordance with paragraph 718-10-35-8.
The same requirements for determining the portions of a replacement award attributable to
precombination and postcombination vesting apply regardless of whether a replacement award
is classified as a liability or an equity instrument in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs
718-10-25-6 through 25-19A. All changes in the fair-value-based measure of awards classified as
liabilities after the acquisition date and the related income tax effects are recognized in the acquirer’s
postcombination financial statements in the period(s) in which the changes occur.
An entity may elect to account for forfeitures as they occur (e.g., when an employee leaves the entity) or
to estimate expected forfeitures and adjust the estimate when it is likely to change. However, in a
business combination, consideration transferred is recognized only for replacement awards expected to
vest. For example, if consideration transferred without regard to forfeitures was measured as $100, but
only 90% of the awards were expected to vest, only $90 would be recognized as consideration transferred.
Any changes subsequent to the acquisition date in expected forfeitures, other than qualifying
measurement period adjustments (see further discussion in section 7.3), are recognized in the results of
operations as an adjustment to post-combination compensation cost recognized in the financial statements.
Such changes in estimate do not result in an adjustment to the accounting for the business combination.
Therefore, regardless of its accounting policy election for forfeitures, the acquirer will reduce the
nonvested replacement awards attributable to precombination service and included in consideration
transferred for its estimate at the acquisition date of the number of replacement awards that are
expected to be forfeited. However, the acquirer’s accounting policy election for forfeitures will affect the
accounting for post-combination compensation cost as follows:
An acquirer that elects to estimate forfeitures of awards also will reduce the number of replacement
awards attributable to post-combination service for its acquisition date estimate of the number of
replacement awards expected to be forfeited. Any changes in expected forfeitures after the
acquisition date are recognized in compensation cost for the periods in which the changes in
estimates occur rather than as an adjustment to the consideration transferred.
An acquirer that elects to recognize forfeitures of awards as they occur will attribute the amount
excluded from consideration transferred to post-combination service and recognize it in compensation
cost over the post-combination service period. Any forfeitures of replacement awards are reflected
in compensation cost for the periods in which the forfeitures occur rather than as adjustments to the
consideration transferred.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 211
Illustration 6-9: Accounting for replacement of an acquiree share-based payment award if the
acquirer elects to estimate the number of forfeitures expected to occur
Company C acquires Target Company. Company C is obligated to replace a share-based payment award
that Target Company granted to its employees three years before the acquisition date and elects to
estimate the number of forfeitures expected to occur. The original award has a four-year cliff vesting
period. As of the acquisition date, Target Company’s employees had rendered three years’ service, and
the replacement award requires those employees to provide one year of post-combination service. The
total fair value of Target Company’s awards and the replacement awards each is $200 on the
acquisition date. At the acquisition date, Company C estimates that the requisite service period will be
rendered for 90% of the awards, and 10% will be forfeited before the end of the requisite service period.
Company C estimates expected forfeitures for its share-based payments.
The amount attributable to precombination service and included in consideration transferred is $135
[$200 acquisition date fair value of Target Company’s replaced award x (1 - 10% forfeiture rate) x
(three years precombination service / four-year service period)].
The amount attributable to post-combination service and recorded as post-combination compensation
expense by Company C is $45 [$200 acquisition date fair value of Company C’s replacement award x
(1 - 10% forfeiture rate) $135 included in consideration transferred]. The post-combination
compensation cost is recognized over the remaining one-year service period. Any changes in the 10%
forfeiture estimate are reflected as an adjustment to compensation cost as those changes occur.
Illustration 6-10: Accounting for replacement of an acquiree share-based payment award if the
acquirer elects to account for forfeitures as they occur
Assume the same facts as in illustration 6-9, except that Company C has elected to account for
forfeitures as they occur.
The amount attributable to precombination service and included in consideration transferred is $135
[$200 acquisition date fair value of Target Company’s replaced award x (1 - 10% forfeiture rate) x
(three years precombination service / four-year service period)].
The amount attributable to post-combination service and recorded as post-combination compensation
expense by Company C is $65 ($200 acquisition date fair value of its replacement award $135
included in consideration transferred). The post-combination compensation cost is recognized over
the remaining one-year requisite service period. The effects of any forfeitures are reflected as a
reduction to compensation cost as they occur. Acquiree awards with change-in-control provisions Preexisting change-in-control provision results in automatic acceleration of vesting
If an acquiree’s awards contain a preexisting change-in-control provision that result in the awards
automatically fully vesting upon consummation of a business combination (i.e., the terms of the acquiree
awards contain change-in-control provisions that automatically accelerate vesting) and the replacement
award does not require future service for vesting, then the acquisition-date fair value-based measure of
the replaced acquiree awards is recognized as consideration transferred. As noted above, the portion
of replacement awards attributable to precombination service is the acquisition-date fair value-based
measure of the replaced awards multiplied by the ratio of the precombination service period to the
greater of the (1) total service period or (2) original service period of the replaced awards. Because all of
the service would have been performed in the precombination period and there would be no requirement
for future service (because the awards would be fully vested), the entire fair value-based measure of the
replaced acquiree awards would be attributable to precombination service and included in consideration
transferred. This is illustrated below.
6 Consideration transferred
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Illustration 6-11: Original share-based payment award provides for accelerated vesting upon a
change in control
Acquirer exchanges replacement awards for Targets awards (both with an acquisition-date fair value-
based measure of $200,000). No post-combination service is required for the replacement awards.
Target’s awards contained a change in control clause, which automatically accelerated vesting in the
awards upon closing of an acquisition. When originally granted, Target’s awards provided for cliff
vesting after a service period of four years. Two years of the original service period had elapsed
before the acquisition.
Because the terms of the original award provided for accelerated vesting in the event of a change in
control, the acquisition results in a reduction in the requisite service period (original service period)
from four years to two years. Additionally, because no post-combination service by Target’s
employees is required, the total service period is two years. Therefore, the entire fair value-based
measure of Acquiree’s replaced awards is attributable to precombination service and included in the
consideration transferred in the business combination [$200,000 = $200,000 x (2 / 2 years)].
If the replacement awards of Acquirer had a fair value-based measure greater than $200,000, any
excess would have been recognized immediately as compensation cost in the post-combination
financial statements of the combined company. Change-in-control provisions added to acquiree awards in contemplation of a business combination
In some situations, a modification to share-based payment awards is made that adds a change-in-control
provision in contemplation of a business combination. A careful analysis of all of the facts and
circumstances related to the terms of the acquiree awards should be performed to determine if the
modification should be accounted for separately from the business combination (i.e., as post-
combination compensation cost). Factors that may be considered include, but are not limited to, the
business purpose of the modification (i.e., who will benefit from the modification to the terms of the
award) as well as who initiated the modification (i.e., the acquiree or the acquirer). In general, we believe
a modification that is initiated by the acquirer or is subject to the approval of the acquirer is primarily for
the benefit of the combined entity and therefore should be accounted for as a separate transaction.
If the modification is initiated by the acquiree, we believe the assessment of whether the modification to
add a provision to accelerate vesting upon a change in control should be accounted for as a separate
transaction will depend on whether the modification was executed independent of the business
combination. If the modification is executed independent of the business combination, that would
indicate that the modification is primarily for the benefit of the acquiree and therefore any acceleration
of vesting upon the change in control would be accounted for as part of the business combination (see
section On the other hand, if the modification is executed in contemplation of the business
combination, we generally believe that the modification is primarily for the benefit of the combined entity
and therefore should be accounted for as a separate transaction. In such situations, we believe that
generally the acquirer is effectively approving the modification through the terms of the purchase
agreement. In addition, absent a valid business purpose for the modification, it will be rare that it will be
deemed independent of the business combination.
See further discussion on what is considered a part of the business combination in section
6 Consideration transferred
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Illustration 6-12: Original share-based payment award is modified to provide for accelerated
vesting upon a change in control
Acquirer exchanges replacement awards for Targets awards (both with an acquisition-date fair value-
based measure of $200,000). Shortly before the acquisition, Target modifies its awards to add a
change in control clause, which automatically accelerates vesting in the awards upon closing of an
acquisition and, therefore, no post-combination service is required for the replacement awards. When
originally granted, Target’s awards provided for cliff vesting after a service period of four years. Two
years of the original service period had elapsed before the acquisition. Acquirer determines that the
modification should be accounted for as a transaction separate from the business combination
considering the guidance in ASC 805-10-25-20 through 25-23. This illustration excludes the
consideration of forfeitures.
Because the modification is accounted for as a separate transaction, the amount attributable to
precombination service and included in consideration transferred would be $100,000. [$200,000
acquisition date fair value-based measure of acquiree’s replaced award x (2 years precombination
service / 4 years original service period)]. The original service period is used in the attribution calculation
because it is greater than the total service period (the total service period is two years because no post-
combination service by Target’s employees is required). The amount attributable to post-combination
service and recorded as post-combination compensation cost by the acquirer would be $100,000
($200,000 acquisition date fair value-based measure of acquirer’s replacement award $100,000
attributable to precombination service). Because vesting in the replacement award is accelerated, the
entire post-combination compensation cost would be recognized on the acquisition date by the acquirer.
If the replacement awards of Acquirer had a fair value-based measure greater than the acquisition-date
fair value-based measure of Target’s award of $200,000, any excess would have been recognized
immediately as compensation cost in the post-combination financial statements of the combined
company. Discretionary change-in-control provisions
When acquiree awards contain a discretionary change-in-control provision, we believe careful
consideration should be given to whether a portion of the fair value-based measure of the awards should
be recognized as post-combination compensation cost. A change-in-control provision can provide an
acquirer with discretion on whether to replace the acquiree awards both by requiring an action or
inaction of the acquirer. For example, if the acquiree awards contain a change-in-control provision that
accelerates vesting subject to the acquirer’s approval, the acquirer recognizes the acceleration of vesting
as a transaction separate from the business combination (e.g., post-combination compensation cost). We
believe that acquiree awards that have a provision that triggers accelerated vesting if the acquirer
doesn’t replace the awards should be treated similarly. Although the acquirer didn’t approve the
accelerated vesting, it implicitly approved the acceleration by electing not to replace the awards.
In addition, if the acquiree awards provide the acquiree with discretion on whether to replace the
acquiree awards and the acquiree accelerates vesting in contemplation of the business combination, we
believe similar considerations to those discussed in section would apply. Factors that may be
considered include, but are not limited to, the business purpose of the decision to accelerate vesting
(i.e., who will benefit from this decision) as well as who decided to accelerate the vesting (i.e., the
acquiree or the acquirer). In general, we believe a decision made by the acquirer or that is subject to the
approval of the acquirer is primarily for the benefit of the combined entity and therefore should be
accounted for as a separate transaction. If the decision is initiated by the acquiree, we believe the
assessment also may depend on whether the decision was made independent of the business combination.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 214 Acquirer accelerates vesting after the acquisition date
An acquirer’s decision to immediately vest or reduce the future service period of awards held by employees
of the acquiree does not affect the portion of the fair value-based measure of the replacement awards that
is attributable to post-combination service and therefore included in post-combination compensation cost.
Rather, it affects the timing of the recognition of post-combination compensation cost. For example, if the
acquirer decides to immediately vest the replacement awards, the portion of the fair value-based measure
of the awards attributable to post-combination service would be immediately recognized as compensation
cost in the acquirer’s post-combination financial statements. This concept is illustrated in section Exchange of awards with performance conditions
When an acquirer replaces a share-based payment award that has a performance condition with an award
that also has a performance condition, the same general guidance for awards with service conditions is
followed (as discussed above), except that the probability of the performance condition being achieved is
also considered. Consistent with that guidance, any excess value is recognized in the post-combination
financial statements. The determination of the fair value-based measure attributable to precombination and
post-combination services also is consistent with the analysis performed for awards with service conditions.
The amount attributable to precombination services is determined by multiplying the fair value-based
measure of the acquiree award by the ratio of the precombination service period completed prior to the
exchange to the greater of the total service period of the replacement award or the original service period
of the acquiree award. The amount attributable to post-combination services is then calculated by
subtracting the portion attributable to precombination services from the total fair value-based measure of
the acquirer’s replacement award. However, the determination of the total service period for the
replacement award includes consideration of the performance condition and the implicit service period in
which it is probable that the performance condition will be achieved. The acquirer will need to make a
probability assessment at the acquisition date. This concept is illustrated below.
Illustration 6-13: Exchange of an award with a performance condition
Acquirer exchanges replacement awards with a fair value-based measure of $425,000 for Target’s
awards with a fair value-based measure of $400,000. Acquirer was obligated to issue replacement
awards under the terms of the acquisition agreement. Target’s original awards cliff vest based on
Target’s product gaining a specified market share percentage (the replacement awards contain the
same performance condition). Prior to the acquisition, Target had assessed the performance condition
and concluded it was probable that it would be achieved four years from the grant date. As of the
acquisition date, one year has passed since the grant date; therefore, three years remain in the original
implicit service period. Acquirer assessed the performance condition on the acquisition date and
determined it is probable that the performance condition will be achieved three years from the grant
date (two years from the acquisition date).
Similar to an award with only a service condition, the amount of Acquirer’s replacement awards
attributable to precombination services is equal to the fair value-based measure of Targets awards at
the acquisition date, multiplied by the ratio of the precombination service period to the greater of the
total service period of the replacement award or the original service period of Target’s awards. The
original service period of Target’s awards was four years. At the acquisition date, Acquirer determined that
it is probable the performance condition will be completed in two years; therefore, the awards will have a
total service period of three years. Because the original service period (four years) is greater than the total
service period (three years), the original service period is used in the attribution calculation. The amount
attributable to precombination services is $100,000 [$400,000 acquisition-date fair value-based measure
of Targets awards x (one-year precombination service / four-year original service period)]. The amount
attributable to post-combination services of $325,000 ($425,000 acquisition-date fair value-based
measure of replacement awards $100,000 amount attributable to precombination service) would be
recognized in the post-combination financial statements over the remaining service period of two years.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 215
If, at the acquisition date, it is not probable that the performance conditions will be met for either the
acquiree’s awards or the acquirer’s replacement awards, then no amount is recognized as either pre- or
post-combination service. If, in a period subsequent to the acquisition date, it becomes probable that the
performance conditions for the replacement awards will be achieved, the acquirer recognizes the related
cumulative compensation cost in the post-combination financial statements in which such period falls. That
is, the acquirer does not make adjustments to the consideration transferred in the business combination or
the compensation cost recognized in the previously issued post-combination financial statements. Exchange of awards with market conditions
Similar to exchanges of awards with performance conditions, the accounting for awards with market
conditions follows the same guidance as awards with service conditions (as discussed above). Because a
market condition is reflected in the fair value-based measure of an award, the market condition should be
taken into consideration when calculating the fair value-based measure of the replaced acquiree award
and the acquirers replacement award. Consistent with the guidance for awards with service conditions,
any excess value (i.e., the excess of the fair value-based measure of the replacement awards over the
replaced acquiree awards) is recognized as compensation cost in the post-combination financial statements.
However, unlike awards with performance conditions, provided that the requisite service is rendered,
post-combination compensation expense is recognized even if the market condition is not achieved.
The determination of the portion of the fair value-based measure attributable to precombination and
post-combination services is consistent with the analysis performed for awards with service conditions.
However, the determination of the post-combination service period for the replacement award includes
consideration of the market condition and the related explicit or derived service period. Acquirer is obligated to replace acquiree’s share-based payment awards issued to
nonemployees (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Initial Measurement
To determine the portion of a replacement award that is part of the consideration transferred for the
acquiree, the acquirer shall measure both the replacement awards granted by the acquirer and the
acquiree awards as of the acquisition date in accordance with Topic 718. The portion of the fair-value-
based measure of the replacement award that is part of the consideration transferred in exchange for
the acquiree equals the portion of the acquiree award that is attributable to precombination vesting.
The acquirer shall attribute a portion of a replacement award to postcombination vesting if it requires
postcombination vesting, regardless of whether grantees had rendered all of the service or delivered
all of the goods required in exchange for their acquiree awards before the acquisition date. The portion
of a nonvested replacement award attributable to postcombination vesting equals the total fair-value-
based measure of the replacement award less the amount attributed to precombination vesting.
Therefore, the acquirer shall attribute any excess of the fair-value-based measure of the replacement
award over the fair value of the acquiree award to postcombination vesting.
Paragraphs 805-30-55-6 through 55-13, 805-740-25-10 through 25-11, 805-740-45-5 through 45-6,
and Example 2 (see paragraph 805-30-55-17) provide additional guidance and illustrations on
distinguishing between the portion of a replacement award that is attributable to precombination
vesting, which the acquirer includes in the consideration transferred in the business combination, and
the portion that is attributed to postcombination vesting, which the acquirer recognizes as
compensation cost in its postcombination financial statements.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 216
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The portion of a nonemployee replacement award attributable to precombination vesting is based on the
fair-value-based measure of the acquiree award multiplied by the percentage that would have been
recognized had the grantor paid cash for the goods or services instead of paying with a nonemployee
award. For this calculation, the percentage that would have been recognized is the lower of:
a. The percentage that would have been recognized calculated on the basis of the original vesting
requirements of the nonemployee award
b. The percentage that would have been recognized calculated on the basis of the effective vesting
requirements. Effective vesting requirements are equal to the services or goods provided before
the acquisition date plus any additional postcombination services or goods required by the
replacement award.
The portion of a nonvested replacement award (for employee and nonemployee) attributable to
postcombination vesting, and therefore recognized as compensation cost in the postcombination financial
statements, equals the total fair-value-based measure of the replacement award less the amount
attributed to precombination vesting. Therefore, the acquirer attributes any excess of the fair-value-
based measure of the replacement award over the fair value of the acquiree award to postcombination
vesting and recognizes that excess as compensation cost in the postcombination financial statements.
As discussed in section 6.3.1, share-based payment awards issued to nonemployees are an exception to
the fair value measurement principle of ASC 805. Rather, they are measured using a fair value-based
measure of the awards as that term is used in ASC 718. The fair value-based measure of both the
original acquiree awards and the replacement awards are measured as of the acquisition date and, if the
acquirer is obligated to replace the acquiree’s share-based payment awards, allocated between
consideration transferred in the business combination and compensation cost recognized in the post-
combination period. ASC 805-30-55-9A specifies how awards to nonemployees should be allocated
between consideration transferred and compensation cost. Illustrations for nonemployee share-based
payment awards subject to ASC 805 are included in section 6.3.4. Acquirer does not replace acquiree’s share-based payment awards (i.e., acquiree awards
remain outstanding)
We believe that if the acquiree becomes a subsidiary of the acquirer and the share-based payments
classified as equity remain outstanding (i.e., those awards remain an obligation of the new subsidiary),
those awards represent noncontrolling interests in the subsidiary. Accordingly, the acquirer remeasures
the acquirees awards, and any other noncontrolling interests, in accordance with the guidance in
ASC 805-30-30-1(a)(2) as of the acquisition date.
ASC 805 does not explicitly address the remeasurement of noncontrolling interest that is not fully
vested. We believe that, similar to the accounting for replacement awards issued in the business
combination, the portion of the acquisition-date fair value-based measure of the share-based payments
that is attributable to precombination service (or vesting) is recognized as noncontrolling interest and the
portion relating to any remaining post-combination service (or vesting) is recognized as compensation
in the post-combination financial statements. The following example illustrates the concept of
recognizing noncontrolling interests for acquiree awards that are not replaced in a business combination:
As the options vest they may be recognized as noncontrolling interest in the consolidated financial statements. Other alternatives may
also be acceptable.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 217
Illustration 6-14: Acquirer does not replace acquiree awards
Acquirer acquires 100% of the outstanding common shares of Target in a business combination.
Acquirer does not replace Target’s awards. The fair value-based measure of the Target awards on the
acquisition date is $180,000. The Target awards vest over five years, and the employees of Target
have performed only two years of service under these awards on the acquisition date. This illustration
excludes the consideration of forfeitures.
In the business combination, Acquirer recognizes noncontrolling interest for the portion of the fair
value-based measure of the Target awards that is attributable to precombination service. This
calculation results in $72,000 [$180,000 x (2 / 5 years)] being attributed to precombination services
and recognized as noncontrolling interest. The remaining fair value-based measure of the Target
awards ($108,000) is attributed to post-combination service and is recognized as compensation cost
over the remaining service period (three years) in accordance with ASC 718.
If the Acquirer replaces
the Target awards with its own awards subsequent to the acquisition date, the replacement is
accounted for as a modification in accordance with ASC 718 and the previously recognized
noncontrolling interest is reclassified within equity in accordance with ASC 810-10.
If the acquirer replaces the awards subsequent to the acquisition date, the replacement is considered a
modification in accordance with the provisions of ASC 718. Upon replacement of an award that the
acquirer was not obligated to replace, the acquirer recognizes a transaction with the noncontrolling
interest holder in accordance with ASC 810-10 and generally measures additional compensation cost
equal to the excess of the fair value-based measure of the replacement award over the fair value-based
measure of the acquiree award
as of the replacement date in accordance with the requirements of
ASC 718 as described in section 8 of our FRD, Share-based payment.
We believe that the approach described above results in similar cost recognition for the acquirer
regardless of whether or not the acquirer is obligated to replace the acquirees share-based payment
awards (except in the circumstances described in section below). Acquiree share-based payment awards expire as a result of the business combination
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Initial Measurement
In situations in which acquiree awards would expire as a consequence of a business combination and
the acquirer replaces those awards even though it is not obligated to do so, all of the fair-value-based
measure of the replacement awards shall be recognized as compensation cost in the postcombination
financial statements. That is, none of the fair-value-based measure of those awards shall be included in
measuring the consideration transferred in the business combination.
If the acquirees share-based payment awards expire as a result of the business combination, and the acquirer
chooses to replace the acquiree’s awards, the entire amount of the fair value-based measure of the
replacement award is recognized as compensation cost in the post-combination financial statements. However,
we do not believe it is common for share-based payment awards to expire as a result of a business combination.
ASC 805-30-55-9 states, “The employee’s requisite service period includes explicit, implicit, and derived service periods during
which employees are required to provide service in exchange for the award (consistent with the requirements of Topic 718).”
The portion of the acquisition-date fair value-based measure of the acquiree award that relates to post-combination vesting
continues to be recognized as compensation cost.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 218 Income tax effects of replacement awards classified as equity (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Income Taxes
Paragraph 805-30-30-9 identifies the types of awards that are referred to as replacement awards in the
Business Combinations Topic. For a replacement award classified as equity that ordinarily would result in
postcombination tax deductions under current tax law, an acquirer shall recognize a deferred tax asset
for the deductible temporary difference that relates to the portion of the fair-value-based measure
attributed to a precombination exchange of goods or services and therefore included in consideration
transferred in the business combination.
For a replacement award classified as equity that ordinarily would not result in tax deductions under
current tax law, an acquirer shall recognize no deferred tax asset for the portion of the fair-value-
based measure attributed to precombination vesting and thus included in consideration transferred in
the business combination. A future event, such as an employee’s disqualifying disposition of shares
under a tax law, may give rise to a tax deduction for instruments that ordinarily do not result in a tax
deduction. The tax effects of such an event shall be recognized only when it occurs.
Other Presentation Matters
Paragraph 805-30-30-9 identifies the types of awards that are referred to as replacement awards in this
Topic. After the acquisition date, the deduction reported on a tax return for a replacement award classified
as equity may be different from the fair-value-based measure of the award. The tax effect of that
difference shall be recognized as income tax expense or benefit in the income statement of the acquirer.
To the extent that the cost of replacement awards classified as equity in a business combination is
considered part of consideration transferred, related deferred taxes are recognized in the business
combination if the replacement award is expected to result in a future tax deduction under existing tax law.
To the extent that the cost of such replacement awards is recognized as post-combination compensation
cost, a deferred tax asset would generally be established (through income tax expense) as that
compensation cost is recognized. See section 21.7.1 of our FRD, Income taxes, for further discussion. Cash settlement of acquiree share-based payment awards
Instead of replacing acquiree awards with acquirer awards, an acquirer might settle acquiree share-based
payment awards by payment of cash or the issuance of acquirer notes. From the acquirer’s perspective,
the settlement amount should be accounted for as an element of the consideration transferred unless
(1) the fair value of cash paid or notes issued exceeds the fair value-based measure of the settled acquiree
awards or (2) the settled acquiree awards were not vested at the acquisition date (i.e., the acquirer
settles unvested awards).
If the present value of cash paid or notes issued exceeds the fair value-based measure of the settled
acquiree awards, the excess is accounted for by the acquirer as post-combination compensation cost.
If the settled acquiree awards were not fully vested, we believe that the effects of the settlement of the
awards should be segregated between consideration transferred and post-combination compensation
cost based on the guidance described in section and section above. In these
circumstances, the acquirer has effectively accelerated the vesting of the awards by eliminating the post-
combination service requirement and settling the awards for cash.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 219
If there are conditions inherent in the settlement arrangement that might result in forfeiture of the
settlement amount, those conditions will require that all or a portion of the settlement amount be
accounted for as post-combination compensation cost, based on the framework described in sections
6.3.2 and 6.4.5.
If an acquirer directly settles acquiree awards held by employees or nonemployees of the acquiree, we
generally do not believe that any resulting compensation cost should be recognized in the acquiree’s
financial statements during the reporting period that precedes or includes the date of acquisition
(i.e., predecessor financial statements). However, if pushdown accounting is applied in the acquiree’s
financial statements for reporting periods that include or follow the date of acquisition, the acquiree’s new
basis of accounting will include, in part, the portion of the payment recognized as consideration transferred
by the acquirer. Further, if the grantees receiving the consideration that results in compensation cost to
the acquirer (e.g., resulting from acceleration of vesting or incremental fair value to the employees or
nonemployees) are employed by a subsidiary that presents separate financial statements, that
compensation cost generally would be pushed down to the financial statements of the subsidiary.
If the acquiree elects to cash-settle outstanding awards, careful consideration should be given to whether the
settlement was arranged primarily for the economic benefit of the acquirer (or the combined entity) or the
acquiree. Although the form of the transaction may indicate that the acquiree initiated the cash settlement,
it may be determined that, in substance, the acquirer reimbursed the acquiree for the cash settlement
(either directly or as part of the consideration transferred for the acquiree). See section for
considerations on whether the modification of a share-based payment award that accelerates vesting upon
a change in control is primarily for the economic benefit of the acquirer or the acquiree, and to section for broader guidance on evaluating what is part of the business combination.
Illustration 6-15: Allocation between pre- and post-combination services of acquiree share-
based payment cash-settled in a business combination
Acquirer acquires Target (acquiree). Acquiree granted its employees an award two years before the
acquisition date with a four-year vesting period. The acquiree award was 50% vested on the acquisition
date. The fair value-based measure of the acquiree award is $100 on the acquisition date. Acquirer
settles the acquiree award for $102 on the acquisition date. The amount attributable to precombination
service and included in consideration transferred would be $50. [$100 acquisition date fair value-
based measure of acquiree’s settled award x (2 years precombination service / 4 years original service
period)]. The original service period is used in the attribution calculation because it is greater than the
total service period (the total service period is two years because the award is fully settled on the
acquisition date). The amount attributable to post-combination service and recorded as post-
combination compensation cost by the acquirer would be $52 ($102 cash paid on the acquisition
date $50 attributable to precombination service). The post-combination compensation cost would be
recognized fully on the acquisition date by the acquirer. Share-based payments issued to employees that include last-man-standing arrangements
In connection with a business combination, an acquirer may grant to a group of employees share-based
payment awards that are reallocated equally among the remaining employees if any of the employees
terminate employment prior to completion of the service period (i.e., prior to the awards vesting). These
arrangements often are referred to as last-man-standing awards, and the forfeiture and subsequent
redistribution of the awards are accounted for as (1) the forfeiture of the original award and (2) the grant
of a new award. That is, the acquirer would reverse any compensation cost previously recognized for the
forfeited award (based on the grant date fair value-based measure) and then recognize compensation
cost for the new award (based on the fair value-based measure on the date the award is redistributed)
over the remaining requisite service period.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 220
The following example illustrates a “last-man-standingarrangement.
Illustration 6-16: Last-man-standing arrangements
On 1 January 20X1, Acquirer acquires Target, and as part of the acquisition agreement, grants 200
new share-based payment awards to each of five key employees of Target. The awards vest at the end
of the fourth year of service (cliff-vesting) and each set of awards has a fair value of $2,000 as of the
acquisition date (which is also the grant date). The provisions of each award state that if employment
is terminated before the end of four years (i.e., the vesting date), the employee’s awards are forfeited
and redistributed among the remaining employees within the group. The total grant date fair value of
the awards as of the acquisition date is $10,000 (5 employees × $2,000 grant date fair value), which
is recognized in Acquirer’s post-combination financial statements as compensation cost over the four-
year service period ($2,500 per year). On 31 December 20X2, one of the employees within the group
terminates employment and forfeits his awards. The employee’s 200 unvested awards are then
redistributed equally to the remaining four employees within the group. At the time of the forfeiture,
the fair value of each set of awards is $3,000.
On 31 December 20X2, Acquirer would reverse $1,000 (1 employee × $2,000 grant date fair value ×
50% of the service period completed) of previously recognized compensation cost corresponding to
the forfeited awards. Acquirer would continue to recognize $2,000 in annual compensation expense
over the remaining two years of service for the original awards provided to the remaining employees
(4 employees × $2,000 grant date fair value / 4 years). In addition, Acquirer would recognize $1,500
in additional annual compensation cost over the remaining two years of service for the redistributed
awards ($3,000 grant date fair value / 2 years of remaining service). Recognition of payroll taxes on options exchanged in a business combination
An employer generally is required to pay payroll taxes on the intrinsic value of nonqualified options on
the exercise date, and on the fair value of share awards on the vesting date. In a business combination,
the acquirer should not recognize as part of purchase accounting the potential liability for employer
payroll taxes on awards exchanged in the business combination if the event that triggers measurement
and payment of the tax has not occurred as of the consummation date. For example, for a nonqualified
stock option in the United States, the obligating event generally is the exercise of the option.
Accordingly, if the stock option is not exercised as of the consummation date, a payroll tax liability is not
recognized as part of purchase accounting. Furthermore, if the triggering event occurs after the
consummation date, no adjustment should be made to purchase accounting. This guidance is consistent
with ASC 718-10-25-22 which stipulates that the liability and corresponding expense for employee
payroll taxes on employee stock compensation should not be recognized until the obligating event that
triggers measurement and payment of the payroll tax to the taxing authority occurs.
6.3.3 Examples: accounting for share-based payments issued to employees in a
business combination
The following examples illustrate the accounting for common share-based payment arrangements in
business combinations. The examples (sections through are from ASC 805. The
examples do not reflect the possible effects of forfeitures or income taxes.
These examples are in addition to (1) Illustration 6-11 included in section, which illustrates a
situation where the original share-based payment awards provided for accelerated vesting upon a
change in control; (2) Illustration 6-12 included in section, which illustrates a situation where
the original share-based payment award is modified to provide for accelerated vesting upon a change in
control; (3) Illustration 6-13 included in section, which illustrates an exchange of an award with
a performance condition; (4) Illustration 6-14 included in section, which illustrates a situation
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 221
where the acquirer does not replace the awards of the acquired company as of the acquisition date, but
replaces the acquiree awards at a later date; (5) Illustration 6-15 included in section, which illustrates
the allocation between pre- and post-combination services of acquiree share-based payment cash-settled
in a business combination; and (6) Illustration 6-16 included in section, which illustrates a situation
where the acquiree share-based payment awards contain last-man-standing provisions. No required post-combination service, all requisite service for acquiree awards rendered
as of acquisition date (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Case A: No Required Postcombination Service, All Requisite Service for Acquiree Awards
Rendered as of Acquisition Date
Acquirer issues replacement awards of $110 (fair-value-based measure) at the acquisition date for
Target awards of $100 (fair-value-based measure) at the acquisition date. No postcombination vesting
is required for the replacement awards, and Target’s employees had rendered all of the required
service for the acquiree awards as of the acquisition date.
The amount attributable to precombination vesting is the fair-value-based measure of Target’s awards
($100) at the acquisition date; that amount is included in the consideration transferred in the business
combination. The amount attributable to postcombination vesting is $10, which is the difference between
the total value of the replacement awards ($110) and the portion attributable to precombination
vesting ($100). Because no postcombination vesting is required for the replacement awards, Acquirer
immediately recognizes $10 as compensation cost in its postcombination financial statements. Post-combination service required, all requisite service for acquiree awards rendered as of
acquisition date (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Case B: Postcombination Service Required, All Requisite Service for Acquiree Awards Rendered
as of Acquisition Date
Acquirer exchanges replacement awards that require one year of postcombination vesting for share-
based payment awards of Target for which employees had completed the requisite service period
before the business combination. The fair-value-based measure of both awards is $100 at the
acquisition date. When originally granted, Target’s awards had a requisite service period of four years.
As of the acquisition date, the Target employees holding unexercised awards had rendered a total of
seven years of service since the grant date. Even though Target employees had already rendered all of
the requisite service, Acquirer attributes a portion of the replacement award to postcombination
compensation cost in accordance with paragraphs 805-30-30-12 through 30-13 because the
replacement awards require one year of postcombination vesting. The total service period is five
yearsthe requisite service period for the original acquiree award completed before the acquisition
date (four years) plus the requisite service period for the replacement award (one year). The portion
attributable to precombination vesting equals the fair-value-based measure of the acquiree award
($100) multiplied by the ratio of the precombination vesting period (4 years) to the total vesting
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 222
period (5 years). Thus, $80 ($100 × 4 ÷ 5 years) is attributed to the precombination vesting period
and therefore included in the consideration transferred in the business combination. The remaining
$20 is attributed to the postcombination vesting period and therefore is recognized as compensation
cost in Acquirer’s postcombination financial statements in accordance with Topic 718. Post-combination service required, all requisite service for acquiree awards not rendered
as of acquisition date (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Case C: Postcombination Service Required, All Requisite Service for Acquiree Awards Not
Rendered as of Acquisition Date
Acquirer exchanges replacement awards that require one year of postcombination vesting for share-
based payment awards of Target for which employees had not yet rendered all of the required services
as of the acquisition date. The fair-value-based measure of both awards is $100 at the acquisition
date. When originally granted, the awards of Target had a requisite service period of four years. As of
the acquisition date, the Target employees had rendered two years’ service, and they would have been
required to render two additional years of service after the acquisition date for their awards to vest.
Accordingly, only a portion of Target’s awards is attributable to precombination vesting.
The replacement awards require only one year of postcombination vesting. Because employees have
already rendered two years of service, the total requisite service period is three years. The portion
attributable to precombination vesting equals the fair-value-based measure of the acquiree award ($100)
multiplied by the ratio of the precombination vesting period (2 years) to the greater of the total service
period (3 years) or the original service period of Target’s award (4 years). Thus, $50 ($100 × 2 ÷ 4 years)
is attributable to precombination vesting and therefore included in the consideration transferred for the
acquiree. The remaining $50 is attributable to postcombination vesting and therefore recognized as
compensation cost in Acquirer’s postcombination financial statements in accordance with Topic 718. No required post-combination service, all requisite service for acquiree awards not
rendered as of acquisition date (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Case D: No Required Postcombination Service, All Requisite Service for Acquiree Awards Not
Rendered as of Acquisition Date
Assume the same facts as in Case C, except that Acquirer exchanges replacement awards that require
no postcombination vesting for share-based payment awards of Target for which employees had not
yet rendered all of the requisite service as of the acquisition date. The terms of the replaced Target
awards did not eliminate any remaining requisite service period upon a change in control. (If the Target
awards had included a provision that eliminated any remaining requisite service period upon a change
in control, the guidance in Case A would apply.) The fair-value-based measure of both awards is $100.
Because employees have already rendered two years of service and the replacement awards do not
require any postcombination vesting, the total service period is two years.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 223
The portion of the fair-value-based measure of the replacement awards attributable to precombination
vesting equals the fair-value-based measure of the acquiree award ($100) multiplied by the ratio of
the precombination vesting period (2 years) to the greater of the total service period (2 years) or the
original service period of Target’s award (4 years). Thus, $50 ($100 × 2 ÷ 4 years) is attributable to
precombination vesting and therefore included in the consideration transferred for the acquiree. The
remaining $50 is attributable to postcombination vesting. Because no postcombination vesting is
required to vest in the replacement award, Acquirer recognizes the entire $50 immediately as
compensation cost in the postcombination financial statements.
6.3.4 Examples: accounting for share-based payments issued to nonemployees in a
business combination (updated June 2022) No required post-combination vesting, vesting condition for acquiree awards has been met
as of acquisition date (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
The Cases assume the following:
a. All awards are classified as equity.
b. The only vesting condition included in the awards, if any, involves the delivery of engines.
c. Target and Acquirer typically pay cash as each engine is delivered to their suppliers.
Case A: No Required Postcombination Vesting and the Vesting Condition for Acquiree Awards
Has Been Met as of Acquisition Date
Acquirer issues replacement awards of $110 (fair-value-based measure) at the acquisition date for
Target awards of $100 (fair-value-based measure) at the acquisition date. No postcombination vesting
is required for the replacement awards, and Target’s grantee has delivered all the engines necessary
for the acquiree awards as of the acquisition date.
The amount attributable to precombination vesting is the fair-value-based measure of Targets awards
($100) at the acquisition date; that amount is included in the consideration transferred in the business
combination. The amount attributable to postcombination vesting is $10, which is the difference between
the total value of the replacement awards ($110) and the portion attributable to precombination vesting
($100). Because no postcombination vesting is required for the replacement awards, Acquirer
immediately recognizes $10 as compensation cost in its postcombination financial statements.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 224 Post-combination vesting required, vesting condition for acquiree awards has been met as
of acquisition date (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Case B: Postcombination Vesting Required and the Vesting Condition for Acquiree Awards Has
Been Met as of Acquisition Date
Acquirer exchanges replacement awards that require the delivery of another 10 engines
postcombination for share-based payment awards of Target for which the grantee had met the
necessary vesting condition to deliver 40 engines before the business combination. The fair-value-
based measure of both awards is $100 at the acquisition date. Even though the grantee already had
met the vesting condition for the acquiree’s award, Acquirer attributes a portion of the replacement
award to postcombination compensation cost in accordance with paragraphs 805-30-30-12 through
30-13 because the replacement awards require the delivery of an additional 10 engines.
The portion attributable to precombination vesting equals the fair-value-based measure of the
acquiree award ($100) multiplied by the percentage that would have been recognized for the award.
The percentage that would have been recognized is the lower of the calculation on the basis of the
original vesting requirements and the percentage that would have been recognized on the basis of the
effective vesting requirements as described in paragraph 805-30-55-9A. The percentage that would
have been recognized on the basis of the original vesting requirements equals 100 percent, which is
calculated as 40 engines delivered divided by 40 engines required to be delivered. The percentage that
would have been recognized on the basis of the effective vesting requirements equals 80 percent,
which is calculated as 40 engines delivered divided by 50 engines (the sum of 40 engines delivered plus
10 engines required postcombination). Thus, $80 ($100 × 80%) is attributed to the precombination
vesting period and therefore is included in the consideration transferred in the business combination.
The remaining $20 is attributed to the postcombination vesting period and therefore is recognized as
compensation cost in Acquirers postcombination financial statements in accordance with Topic 718. Post-combination vesting required, vesting condition for acquiree awards has not been
met as of acquisition date (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Case C: Postcombination Vesting Required and the Vesting Condition for Acquiree Awards Has Not
Been Met as of Acquisition Date
Acquirer exchanges replacement awards that require the delivery of 10 engines postcombination for
share-based payment awards of Target for which the grantee had not met the necessary vesting
condition to deliver 40 engines before the business combination. The fair-value-based measure of both
awards is $100 at the acquisition date. As of the acquisition date, Target grantee has delivered 20
engines, and Target grantee would have been required to deliver an additional 20 engines after the
acquisition date for its awards to vest. Accordingly, only a portion of Target’s awards is attributable to
precombination vesting.
6 Consideration transferred
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The portion attributable to precombination vesting equals the fair-value-based measure of the
acquiree award ($100) multiplied by the percentage that would have been recognized on the award.
The percentage that would have been recognized is the lower of the percentage that would have been
recognized on the basis of the original vesting requirements and the percentage that would have been
recognized on the basis of the effective vesting requirements as described in paragraph 805-30-55-
9A. The percentage that would have been recognized on the basis of the original vesting requirements
equals 50 percent, which is calculated as 20 engines delivered divided by 40 engines required to be
delivered. The percentage that would have been recognized on the basis of the effective vesting
requirements equals 66.67 percent, which is calculated as 20 engines delivered divided by 30 engines
(the sum of 20 engines delivered plus 10 engines required postcombination). Thus, $50 ($100 × 50%)
is attributed to precombination vesting and therefore is included in the consideration transferred in
the business combination. The remaining $50 is attributed to the postcombination vesting and
therefore is recognized as compensation cost in Acquirers postcombination financial statements in
accordance with Topic 718. No required post-combination vesting, vesting condition for acquiree awards has not been
met as of acquisition date (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Case D: No Postcombination Vesting Required and the Vesting Condition for Acquiree Awards Has
Not Been Met as of Acquisition Date
Assume the same facts as in Case C, except that Acquirer exchanges replacement awards that require
no postcombination vesting for share-based payment awards of Target for which the grantee had not
met the necessary vesting condition to deliver 40 engines before the business combination. The terms
of the replaced Target awards did not eliminate the vesting condition upon a change in control. (If the
Target awards had included a provision that eliminated the vesting condition upon a change in control,
the guidance in Case A [see paragraph 805-30-55-28] would apply.) The fair-value-based measure of
both awards is $100.
The portion attributable to precombination vesting equals the fair-value-based measure of the
acquiree award ($100) multiplied by the percentage that would have been recognized on the award.
The percentage that would have been recognized is the lower of the percentage that would have been
recognized on the basis of the original vesting requirements and the percentage that would have been
recognized on the basis of the effective vesting requirements as described in paragraph 805-30-55-9A.
The percentage that would have been recognized on the basis of the original vesting requirements
equals 50 percent, which is calculated as 20 engines delivered divided by 40 engines required to be
delivered. The percentage that would have been recognized on the basis of the effective vesting
requirements equals 100 percent, which is calculated as 20 engines delivered divided by 20 engines
(the sum of 20 engines delivered plus zero engines required postcombination). Thus, $50 ($100 × 50%)
is attributed to the precombination vesting and is therefore included in the consideration transferred
in the business combination. The remaining $50 is attributed to the postcombination vesting. Because
no postcombination vesting is required to vest in the replacement award, Acquirer recognizes the
entire $50 immediately as compensation cost in the postcombination financial statements.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 226
6.4 Contingent consideration
6.4.1 Recognition and measurement of contingent consideration
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
The consideration the acquirer transfers in exchange for the acquiree includes any asset or liability resulting
from a contingent consideration arrangement. The acquirer shall recognize the acquisition-date fair
value of contingent consideration as part of the consideration transferred in exchange for the acquiree.
Business combinations often contain provisions for additional consideration to be transferred to the former
shareholders in the future if certain future events occur or conditions are met. This additional consideration is
referred to as contingent consideration. It is also commonly referred to as an “earn-out provision. Buyers and
sellers commonly use these arrangements when they cannot reach agreement on the consideration for the
target business. An acquirer may promise to deliver cash, other assets or additional equity interests to former
owners of an acquired business after the acquisition date if certain specified events occur or conditions are
met in the future. These contingencies frequently are based on earnings or instrument price changes over
specified periods after the date of the acquisition; however, they might be based on other factors. Examples of
future events or conditions on which additional contingent consideration might be based are as follows:
Earnings above an agreed-upon target over a period
Components of earnings (e.g., revenue; earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA)) above an agreed-upon target over a period
The guarantee of an equity security value by a specified date or maintenance of the guaranteed
value for a stipulated period of time
The attainment of product development milestones
Approval of a patent, license, drug, etc.
Successful completion of contract negotiations
Cash flows arising from specified assets over an agreed period
Alternatively, an agreement may have any combination of the above examples or other factors.
The guidance in ASC 805 requires an acquirer to recognize contingent consideration obligations as of the
acquisition date as part of the consideration transferred in exchange for the acquired business. The FASB
concluded that the recognition event for contingent consideration in a business combination is the
agreement to make contingent payments and not the achievement of the contingency. As such, the FASB
does not believe that the delayed recognition of contingent consideration fairly represents the economic
consideration at the acquisition date. As a result, the initial measurement of contingent consideration
obligations is the fair value of the obligations, based on circumstances that exist as of the acquisition date.
ASC 805 requires an acquirer to assess whether any portion of the transaction consideration is in exchange
for elements other than the acquired business. While these payments may be negotiated as part of gaining
control of another entity, further evaluation is necessary to determine whether it would be appropriate to
account for the payments as part of the consideration transferred for the business or as a separate
transaction apart from the business combination. Accordingly, an acquirer must carefully evaluate whether
the substance of the arrangement is to provide compensation for post-acquisition employee or non-employee
services or the ongoing use of property rather than as consideration for the acquired business. For example,
in some circumstances payments are made to selling shareholders who will remain as employees of the
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 227
business after it is acquired. In this case, depending on the terms of the arrangement, the payment made may
be more appropriately accounted for as compensation expense for services provided subsequent to the
acquisition date, rather than as part of the consideration transferred for the acquired entity. See section 6.4.5
for guidance on determining whether a contingent consideration arrangement is compensatory.
As another example, a portion of the consideration negotiated between the buyer and seller may include
future payments based on product development milestones or based on a percentage of product sales in
the post-combination period. Often these payments represent contingent consideration. However,
acquirers should carefully evaluate the terms and conditions of the arrangement to determine whether
such payments are part of the consideration transferred (i.e., contingent consideration) or are separate
transactions from the business combination. In making this evaluation, acquirers should consider the
nature of the obligation and whether the seller is providing benefits to the acquirer in exchange for the
payments (e.g., the seller has a continuing obligation to provide goods or services). The acquirer
accounts for payments that are not part of consideration transferred, but rather relate to providing
goods or services subsequent to the acquisition as an executory contract under other applicable US GAAP.
In some situations, an acquirer may be obligated to deliver additional consideration to the seller after the
acquisition date that is not contingent on a future event occurring or on conditions being met (i.e., the
payment is based solely on the passage of time). In such situations, the obligation is not accounted for as
a contingent consideration obligation. Regardless, the initial measurement of this obligation is at fair value
on the acquisition date and the deferred payment is included as part of the consideration transferred.
However, the subsequent accounting for this non-contingent obligation will be different than the accounting
for a contingent consideration arrangement and the classification and subsequent measurement are based
on other applicable sections of the Codification depending on the nature of the obligation (e.g., ASC 835).
Consider the following examples:
Illustration 6-17: Deferred payment of consideration in cash
Company A acquires all of the outstanding shares of Company B for cash consideration of $3 million.
The acquisition agreement includes a provision whereby Company A must pay additional cash
consideration of $1 million to the selling shareholders of Company B on the third anniversary of the
consummation of the business combination.
Because the obligation to transfer additional cash consideration of $1 million is not contingent on a
future event occurring or condition being met, the obligation is not accounted for as contingent
consideration. The obligation is recorded as a liability and initially measured at fair value at the
acquisition date and included in the consideration transferred.
Illustration 6-18: Deferred payment of consideration in shares
Company C acquires all of the outstanding shares of Company D for cash consideration of $3 million. The
acquisition agreement includes a provision whereby Company C must transfer additional consideration
consisting of 100,000 unregistered shares to the former owners of Company D (currently valued at
$20 per share) on the third anniversary of the consummation of the business combination.
Because the obligation to transfer additional shares is not contingent on a future event or condition
being met (i.e., the payment is based solely on the passage of time), the obligation is not accounted for
as contingent consideration. The obligation is initially measured at fair value at the acquisition date
and included in the consideration transferred. Company C must then look to other GAAP to determine
the classification of (i.e., equity or liability). See section 6.4.3 for further discussion on classification of
contingent consideration.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 228 Consideration held in escrow for general representations and warranties
Business combination agreements often contain provisions under which the consideration (or a portion
thereof) is held in escrow pending the seller’s satisfaction of certain general representations and warranties.
Because in most cases general representations and warranties would be valid as of the acquisition date
(i.e., there is no future event or condition that must occur), we generally believe that the amounts held in
escrow for general representations and warranties should not be accounted for as contingent consideration.
Instead, it should be included in the consideration transferred by the acquirer. ASC 805-10-20 defines
contingent consideration as an obligation of the acquirer to transfer additional assets or equity interests to
the former owners of an acquiree as part of the exchange for control of the acquiree if specified future
events occur or conditions are met. Therefore, subsequent payments of consideration based on facts and
circumstances that existed on the acquisition date would not meet this definition.
An acquirer also should carefully evaluate the legal terms of the business combination agreement and
escrow agreement to determine whether the amounts held in escrow should be presented as an asset on
the balance sheet. If the escrowed cash qualifies as an asset of the buyer, a corresponding liability should
be recognized, if the recognition criteria is met, representing the expected payment to the seller.
6.4.2 Determining the unit of account of a contingent consideration arrangement
We believe that a contingent consideration arrangement is required to be analyzed as if it were a separate
freestanding instrument. In addition, in certain circumstances, an acquisition may appear to involve
multiple contingent consideration arrangements. They may be described in different documents, or in
different sections of the same document, or presented within the same section of a document as individual
arrangements. Careful consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances will be necessary to determine
whether the arrangement represents a single contingent consideration arrangement with multiple triggers
(or underlyings) or whether there are multiple contingent consideration arrangements. That determination
will require an evaluation of the substance of the arrangements. For example, if there are multiple
arrangements in form, but the triggering criteria are related (for example, all based on revenue) and/or the
measurement periods overlap (for example, cumulative revenue over several periods), that could be an
indication that those arrangements should be treated as a single contingent consideration arrangement.
If two or more contingent consideration arrangements were entered into in a single business combination
transaction, we believe that companies should consider the following factors (generally described in
ASC 815 and certain pre-Codification literature) to determine the appropriate unit of account:
The contingent consideration arrangements were entered into contemporaneously and in
contemplation of one another.
The contingent consideration arrangements were entered into with the same counterparty.
The contingent consideration arrangements share the same risk. That is, the arrangements share at
least one underlying, and changes in that underlying (holding the other underlyings constant) result
in at least one substantially offsetting change in fair value for the arrangements.
There is no apparent economic need or substantive business purpose for structuring the contingent
consideration arrangements separately that could not also have been accomplished in a single
contingent consideration arrangement.
The determination of whether the unit of account for a contingent consideration arrangement is a single
unit or multiple units will require significant professional judgment.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 229
Illustration 6-19: Unit of account consecutive periods with independent targets
Company A acquires all of the outstanding shares of Company B in a business combination. Included as
part of the agreement is a provision whereby if revenues are greater than X during the one-year period
following the acquisition, Company A will deliver 50 shares to the former owners of Company B. The
agreement also includes a provision whereby if revenues are greater than Y during the second one-year
period following the acquisition, Company A will deliver 100 shares to the former owners of Company B.
The payment of the 100 shares is not dependent on the outcome of the one-year period contingency.
The arrangements should be considered two separate units of account. Because the first year and
second year periods have different risks (i.e., revenues in the one-year period after the acquisition has
no bearing on the second one-year period following the acquisition), the arrangement would not be
considered one unit of account with a variable outcome. Rather, the arrangement would be treated as
two separate units of account because the performance targets are independent of each other.
Company A must then look to other GAAP to determine the classification of (i.e., equity or liability).
See section 6.4.3 for further discussion on classification of contingent consideration.
Illustration 6-20: Unit of account multi-year periods with payment dependent on the
individual outcomes
Company C acquires all of the outstanding shares of Company D in a business combination. Included
as part of the agreement is a provision whereby if revenues are greater than X during the one-year
period following the acquisition, Company C will deliver 50 shares to the former owners of Company D.
If cumulative revenues (year one and year two) are greater than Y during the two-year period
following the acquisition, Company C will deliver 150 shares to the former owners of Company D
subject to the outcome of the one-year period contingency (i.e., if the year one revenue target is
achieved, the payout at the end of year two will be 100 shares).
Because the revenue targets are not independent of one another and they share similar risks, the
contingent consideration arrangement is accounted for as a single unit of account. In this illustration,
the number of shares to be delivered is based on cumulative revenues over a two-year period, which
means that the revenues earned in year one affect the number of shares to be delivered in year two.
Company C must then look to other GAAP to determine the classification (i.e., equity or liability). See
section 6.4.3 for further discussion on classification of contingent consideration.
6.4.3 Classification of contingent consideration
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
The acquirer shall classify an obligation to pay contingent consideration as a liability or as equity in
accordance with Subtopics 480-10 and 815-40 or other applicable generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP). For example, Subtopic 480-10 provides guidance on whether to classify as a liability
a contingent consideration arrangement that is, in substance, a put option written by the acquirer on
the market price of the acquirer’s shares issued in the business combination.
The acquirer shall classify as an asset a right to the return of previously transferred consideration if
specified conditions are met.
6 Consideration transferred
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While ASC 805 specifies the measurement attribute of contingent consideration (i.e., fair value), it does not
address how to determine the appropriate classification of contingent consideration. Rather, it requires the
acquirer to look to other applicable GAAP for guidance to determine the appropriate classification. This
section does not include comprehensive guidance with respect to the accounting for distinguishing liabilities
from equity; rather, it addresses classification considerations based upon traditional business combination
transactions. The conclusions reached in this section may not always include a comprehensive analysis of
the provision of ASC 480, ASC 815, or other literature and may not be appropriate in all circumstances. All
specific facts and circumstances of a particular transaction should be evaluated when determining the
appropriate classification of a contingent consideration arrangement. If the contingent consideration
arrangement requires the transfer of equity instruments of the acquirer, the classification of the contingent
obligation is based on existing accounting standards. ASC 480 and ASC 815 and related guidance generally
are applied to contingent consideration in order to determine its classification.
Contingent consideration arrangements will be classified as liabilities (or as an asset if the arrangement
involves contingently returnable consideration) when the additional consideration transferred will be
other than the acquiring entity’s own equity securities (e.g., cash or other assets). This is illustrated in
the following examples:
Illustration 6-21: Contingent consideration settled in cash
Company A acquires all of outstanding shares of Company B for $3 million in cash. The agreement
includes a provision whereby Company A must pay additional consideration of $1 million in cash if
EBITDA exceeds $10 million in the twelve-month period subsequent to the acquisition date.
Because Company A is required to settle the contingent consideration arrangement in cash, Company
A classifies the contingent consideration arrangement as a liability and measures it at fair value.
Illustration 6-22: Contingent consideration linked to acquisition-date fair value and settled in cash
Company C acquires all of the outstanding shares of Company D for 1 million shares of Company C’s
equity securities. On the acquisition date, Company C’s share price was $50. If the share price on the
one-year anniversary of the acquisition date is below $50, the agreement includes a provision
whereby Company C must pay additional cash consideration to the former owners of Company D to
guarantee a total consideration of $50 million ($50 x 1 million shares).
Because Company C is required to settle the contingent consideration arrangement in cash, Company C
classifies the contingent consideration arrangement as a liability and measures it at acquisition-date fair value.
A contingent consideration arrangement that requires settlement in the acquirer’s shares may be classified
as a liability or as equity. Determining the classification of arrangements that require settlement in shares
can be complex and often will require the exercise of professional judgment based on the particular facts
and circumstances. The criteria that must be met for equity classification are highly restrictive.
Section below includes a flowchart that provides a roadmap for companies to follow as they
determine the appropriate classification of such contingent consideration arrangements.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 231 The roadmap of applicable sections of the Codification to consider in determining the
appropriate classification of contingent consideration
The guidance in ASC 805-30-25-6 states that an acquirer must classify an obligation to pay contingent
consideration as a liability or as equity in accordance with ASC 480 and ASC 815, or other applicable
sections of the codification. The following flowchart provides a roadmap for companies to follow as they
determine the appropriate classification of a contingent consideration arrangement:
The analysis in this flowchart determines the appropriate classification of a contingent consideration
arrangement. However, if the arrangement also meets the definition of a derivative, there would be
additional considerations regarding disclosure and potential use as a hedging instrument under ASC 815.
As noted earlier, contingent consideration arrangements settled only in cash will be classified as
liabilities. If the contingent consideration consists of an entity’s own equity securities, the guidance in
ASC 480 and ASC 815 generally applies.
Does the instrument meet
the equity classification
requirements under
ASC 815-40-25?
Is the arrangement indexed
to the entity’s own stock?
(ASC 815-40-15)
Is the arrangement
within the scope of
ASC 480?
The arrangement is classified
as equity
The arrangement is classified
as a liability
Will the arrangement be
settled only in cash?
6 Consideration transferred
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We believe that ASC 805 requires that contingent consideration be analyzed as if it were a separate
freestanding instrument and a separate unit of account (see section 6.4.2 for guidance on determining the
unit of account for a contingent consideration arrangement). ASC 805-30-25-6 requires that an entity
separately consider the classification of contingent consideration arrangements using applicable GAAP. As
such, we do not believe a contingent consideration arrangement needs to qualify as legally detachable and
separately exercisable” to qualify asfreestandingunder ASC 480. Likewise, we do not believe such an
arrangement can be deemed an embedded derivative in the underlying acquisition agreement or related
documents under ASC 815-15. Finally, we do not believe a contingent consideration arrangement needs to
qualify as a “freestanding derivative instrument” to be accounted for under ASC 815-40-25. Application of ASC 480 to classification of contingent consideration
When a contingent consideration arrangement will result in the delivery of, or is somehow related to, the
equity shares of the acquirer, companies should first consider whether the arrangement is within the
scope of ASC 480. ASC 480 addresses certain financial instruments with characteristics of both liabilities
and equity and establishes criteria for classifying and measuring, as liabilities, certain financial
instruments that embody obligations of the issuer.
Financial instruments within the scope of ASC 480 are required to be classified as liabilities. A financial
instrument is within the scope of ASC 480 if it embodies an obligation for the issuer to:
Mandatorily redeem a financial instrument
Repurchase shares by transferring assets, regardless of whether the instrument is settled on a net-
cash or gross physical basis
Issue a variable number of shares and, at inception, its monetary value is solely or predominately:
Fixed (e.g., an obligation to deliver shares with a fair value at settlement equal to $1,000),
Derived from an underlying other than the fair value of the issuer’s shares (e.g., an obligation to
deliver shares with a fair value at settlement equal to the value of one ounce of gold), or
Moves inversely to the issuer’s shares (e.g., net-share settled written put options).
In practice, contingent consideration arrangements that are settled in stock often involve instruments
most similar to those discussed in the third bullet point above (e.g., an arrangement that requires the
acquirer to deliver shares and the value of that obligation is predominantly based on whether certain
contingencies or target thresholds are met). In that case, we believe the determination of whether the
arrangement is within the scope of ASC 480 will depend on whether the arrangement’s monetary value, at
inception, is based predominately on the exercise contingency (e.g., revenue target) or share price. If the
monetary value is based predominately on the exercise contingency, then the arrangement would be
classified as a liability under ASC 480. On the other hand, if the monetary value is based predominately on
the share price, then the arrangement would be outside the scope of ASC 480 and companies would need
to apply the guidance in ASC 815. Further, we believe the determination of whether the arrangement’s
monetary value, at inception, is based predominately on the exercise contingency (e.g., revenue target)
or share price will depend on the particular facts and circumstances. Generally, we believe the more
substantive the exercise contingency (i.e., the more difficult it is to reach), the more likely the
arrangement is based predominately on the exercise contingency (resulting in liability classification).
Under ASC 480, when addressing the underlying for the contingent consideration, the FASB indicated
that instruments that solely or predominantly vary with something other than the entity’s shares would
not qualify for equity treatment.
6 Consideration transferred
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If liability classification is required under ASC 480, the guidance in section 6.4.6 should be applied for
subsequent measurement of the contingent consideration. The guidance in ASC 805 specifically
addresses the subsequent measurement of contingent consideration and, therefore, the subsequent
measurement guidance in ASC 480 does not apply. Application of ASC 815 to classification of contingent consideration
If the contingent consideration arrangement is not addressed by ASC 480, then the guidance in ASC 815
should be applied. ASC 815-40-15 provides guidance for determining whether an instrument (i.e., the
contingent consideration arrangement) is indexed to the issuer’s stock and ASC 815-40-25 provides
guidance for determining whether an instrument that is indexed to the issuer’s stock qualifies for
equity classification.
Contingent consideration arrangements that are indexed to the issuer’s own stock and qualify for equity
classification would be classified as equity at the acquisition date. The contingent consideration arrangement
should be assessed at the end of each reporting period to determine whether equity classification is still
appropriate. See section 6.4.6 for guidance on the resolution of a contingent consideration arrangement. Determining if a contingent consideration arrangement is indexed to the acquirer’s own stock
In determining whether a contingent consideration arrangement is indexed to the acquirer’s own stock,
ASC 815-40-15 requires a two-step test. The first step in ASC 815-40-15 addresses the appropriateness
of any exercise contingencies
in the instrument. The second step focuses on how the settlement
amount is calculated.
A key consideration in applying the first step of ASC 815-40-15 is whether the nature of the contingency
precludes equity classification. An exercise contingency is essentially an “on/off” switch. An exercise
contingency precludes an instrument (or embedded feature) from being considered indexed to an entitys
own stock if it is based on (1) an observable market, other than the market for the issuers stock (if
applicable), or (2) an observable index, other than an index calculated or measured solely by reference to
operations (e.g., revenues, EBITDA, net income or total equity of the entity). For example, an exercise
contingency based on the Nasdaq increasing by 300 points within a twelve-month period would not be
considered indexed to the entity’s own stock because the Nasdaq is an observable index and is not an
index calculated or measured solely by reference to the entity’s operations.
Under the second step, a settlement amount is considered indexed to the issuer’s own stock “if its
settlement amount will equal the difference between the following: (a) the fair value of a fixed number of
the entitys equity shares and (b) a fixed monetary amount or a fixed amount of a debt instrument issued
by the entity,” which is often referred to as the fixed-for-fixed notion.
The indexation literature allows for
certain exceptions to the fixed-for-fixed notion. The application of these exceptions in the indexation
literature to arrangements that are not literally fixed-for-fixed can be complex and requires careful
consideration of the particular provisions.
An exercise contingency is defined for the purposes of ASC 815-40-15 as a provision that entitles the entity (or the
counterparty) to exercise an equity-linked financial instrument (or embedded feature) based on changes in an underlying [as
further defined], including the occurrence (or nonoccurrence) of a specified event.The definition goes on to clarify that
provisions that accelerate the timing of the entitys (or the counterpartys) ability to exercise an instrument and provisions that
extend the length of time that an instrument is exercisable are examples of exercise contingencies.
ASC 815-40-15-7C.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 234
Accordingly, if a qualifying contingency (e.g., revenues, EBITDA or net income of the target) determines
whether or not a fixed number of shares will be delivered (i.e., the possible outcomes are binary, either no
shares are delivered or a single number of shares are delivered), the guidance in ASC 815-40-15 would not
preclude equity classification. However, if a qualifying contingency has the characteristics of modifying the
number of shares rather than simply a binary outcome and therefore determines the number of shares
(e.g., there are more than two possible outcomes for a settlement, such as zero, 50, 100 or 200 shares
depending on the resolution of the contingency), then that contingency now affects the settlement amount.
In this scenario, the settlement of the arrangement is not considered fixed-for-fixed, because the number of
shares that can be issued is not fixed (i.e., not an “on/off” switch). This arrangement would not be
considered indexed to the entity’s own stock and equity classification would likely be precluded. Determining if a contingent consideration arrangement indexed to the acquirer’s own stock
should be classified in equity
If the contingent consideration arrangement is deemed to be indexed to the acquirer’s own stock under
ASC 815-40-15, the arrangement should then be analyzed under ASC 815-40-25 to determine if equity
classification is appropriate. That guidance generally requires equity classification for instruments that
provide the acquirer with a choice of net-cash settlement or settlement in its own shares (physical
settlement or net-share settlement) or the arrangement requires settlement in its own shares (physical
settlement or net-share settlement). Contingent consideration arrangements with appropriate
settlement provisions should be classified as equity if all of the following conditions are met:
The arrangement permits the entity to settle in unregistered shares.
The entity has sufficient authorized and unissued shares available to settle the arrangement after
considering all other commitments that may require the issuance of stock during the maximum
period the instrument could remain outstanding.
The arrangement contains an explicit limit on the number of shares to be delivered upon settlement.
There are no required cash payments to the counterparty in the event the entity fails to make timely
filings with the SEC.
There are no cash-settled “top-off” or “make-whole” provisions.
The arrangement does not include provisions that indicate that the counterparty has rights that rank
higher than those of a shareholder of the stock underlying the arrangement.
There is no requirement in the arrangement to post collateral at any point or for any reason.
These criteria are strictly applied and often require detailed knowledge of the contract being analyzed,
the issuer’s capital structure and the underlying securities laws.
If all of the above criteria are not met, the contingent consideration arrangement must be classified as a
liability. In practice, equity classification is sometimes precluded because the company does not have
sufficient authorized and unissued shares available to settle the contingent consideration arrangement.
In determining whether a sufficient number of shares exist, companies need to consider all outstanding
potentially dilutive instruments such as options, convertible debt instruments, convertible preferred
stock, warrants, etc. Depending on an entity’s policy for allocating authorized shares to settle potentially
dilutive instruments, a contingent consideration arrangement (and other potentially dilutive instruments)
could be classified as a liability if, after considering other potentially dilutive instruments, sufficient
authorized shares are not available to settle the contingent consideration arrangement. As such, a
company’s policy for allocating authorized shares to potentially dilutive instruments is critical in
determining whether a contingent consideration arrangement is classified as equity should there be a
shortfall in available shares. ASC 815-40 provides guidance on selecting an acceptable accounting policy
for the allocation of unauthorized shares if a shortfall exists.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 235 Examples illustrating principles when evaluating classification
The following illustrations provide examples of contingent consideration arrangements and how such
arrangements typically would be evaluated under the existing classification guidance. The analysis
section in each illustration follows the flowchart depicted in section
Illustration 6-23: Contingent consideration that embodies a security price guarantee and
settled in shares
Company A acquires all of the outstanding shares of Company B for 1 million shares of Company A’s
equity securities. On the acquisition date, Company A’s share price was $50. If the share price on the
one-year anniversary of the acquisition date is below $50, the agreement includes a provision whereby
Company A must deliver additional shares to former owners of Company B to guarantee a total
consideration of $50 million ($50 x 1 million shares).
Is the arrangement within the scope of ASC 480?
Yes. The contingent consideration arrangement is a liability within the scope of ASC 480 because it
creates an obligation for Company A on the acquisition date to settle in a variable number of shares
which moves inversely to changes in the fair value of Company A’s shares (ASC 480-10-25-14(c)).
That is, as Company A’s stock price decreases, the monetary value of the variable number of shares to
settle the security price guarantee increases.
Illustration 6-24: Revenue contingency settled in a fixed number of shares
Company A acquires all of the outstanding shares of Company B for 100 shares of Company A’s equity
securities. If revenues are greater than X for the 12 months following the acquisition date, the
agreement includes a provision whereby the acquirer will deliver 50 additional shares. If revenues are
less than X, no additional shares will be delivered.
Is the arrangement within the scope of ASC 480?
When assessing whether this arrangement is considered potentially settled for a variable number of
shares (i.e., either zero or 50 shares), alternative views exist in practice. The most commonly held
view is that the arrangement is not considered to be settled for a variable number of shares.
this view, the contingency is considered merely anon-off switch” that does not affect the monetary
amount on settlement. In addition, the monetary value on settlement is neither a fixed dollar amount,
nor does it vary inversely with the fair value of the issuer’s equity shares. Therefore, the arrangement
is outside the scope of ASC 480, regardless of the probability of the trigger being achieved. As a
result, the acquirer should look to other guidance to determine the appropriate classification.
If the arrangement is not a liability under ASC 480, is the arrangement indexed to the entity’s own stock?
Yes. The arrangement would be consideredindexed to the entity’s own stock” under ASC 815-40-15
in which case equity classification is not precluded. The contingency trigger is based on revenue,
which is an observable index calculated solely by reference to the entity’s operations.
Does the arrangement meet the equity classification requirements in ASC 815-40-25?
This arrangement may qualify for equity classification if all of the criteria in ASC 815-40-25 are met.
Alternatively, the arrangement may be considered to be settled for a variable number of shares (either zero or 50 shares) and
the determinants of the monetary value of such an arrangement are (1) the likelihood of reaching the revenue threshold (zero or
50 shares) and (2) price per share at the time such shares are contingently deliverable (value of the 50 shares if that
settlement is triggered). If the monetary value is predominantly based on the likelihood of reaching the revenue threshold, the
arrangement would be classified as a liability as such value varies in relation to something other than the fair value of the
issuer’s equity shares [480-10-25-14(b)]. If, however, the value is predominantly based on the value per share (meaning the
likelihood of reaching the revenue threshold is relatively high), ASC 480 does not address the classification of this
arrangement and Company A would continue to other guidance to determine the appropriate classification.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 236
Illustration 6-25: Revenue contingency settled in shares for a particular monetary amount
Company A acquires all of the outstanding shares of Company B for 100 shares of Company A’s equity
securities. If revenues are greater than X, the agreement includes a provision whereby Company A will
deliver $100 in additional shares.
The arrangement would be classified as a liability under ASC 480 provided the monetary value of
the obligation, which is known at the inception of the arrangement, is deemed to be the predominant
Illustration 6-26: Revenue contingency settled in cash based on fixed number of shares
Company A acquires all of the outstanding shares of Company B for 100 shares of Company A’s equity
securities. If revenues are greater than X, the agreement includes a provision whereby Company A will
deliver cash equal in value to 50 additional shares.
This arrangement would be classified as a liability under ASC 815-40-25 because it requires net cash
settlement. The fact that the amount of the cash settlement is based on a fixed number of shares is
irrelevant for determining the appropriate classification.
6.4.4 Determining the fair value of contingent consideration
Because of the complexity of many contingent consideration arrangements, estimating the fair value of
such arrangements is often challenging. In most instances, a contingent consideration arrangement will be
valued using an income approach, typically using either a probability-weighted discounted cash flow
method (otherwise referred to as a scenario-based method or SBM) or an option pricing method (OPM)
to capture the uncertainty in the future payments.
These methodologies are discussed in detail in the Appraisal Foundation’s Valuations in Financial
Reporting Valuation Advisory 4: Valuation of Contingent Consideration (Contingent Consideration
Advisory) that was issued in February 2019. The Contingent Consideration Advisory provides best
practices on the methodology to use based on the nature of the contingent payout and the application of
each methodology. This includes how to determine an appropriate discount rate that considers the various
components of risk that are often present in such arrangements.
Although the Contingent Consideration Advisory is not authoritative GAAP, there is little other specific
guidance on how to determine the fair value of contingent consideration arrangements. We understand
that the valuation techniques described in the Contingent Consideration Advisory are generally recognized
by the valuation community as acceptable methods for measuring the fair value of contingent consideration.
6.4.5 Contingent payments to employees or selling shareholders
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Whether arrangements for contingent payments to employees or selling shareholders are contingent
consideration in the business combination or are separate transactions depends on the nature of the
arrangements. Understanding the reasons why the acquisition agreement includes a provision for
contingent payments, who initiated the arrangement, and when the parties entered into the
arrangement may be helpful in assessing the nature of the arrangement.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 237
An acquirer evaluates all contingent consideration arrangements to determine if the arrangements are
compensatory in nature. If the acquirer determines that a contingent consideration arrangement is
compensatory, the acquirer does not recognize a liability at the acquisition date. The acquirer recognizes
compensation expense for the arrangement based on other applicable GAAP (e.g., ASC 710-10-25-9).
Illustration 6-27 highlights the factors listed in ASC 805 to determine whether contingent payments to
employees or selling shareholders are part of the business combination or separate compensation
transactions. Further discussion of each factor is included in the sections that follow.
Illustration 6-27: Classifying payments as compensation or contingent consideration Continuing employment
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
If it is not clear whether an arrangement for payments to employees or selling shareholders is part of
the exchange for the acquiree or is a transaction separate from the business combination, the acquirer
should consider the following indicators:
a. Continuing employment. The terms of continuing employment by the selling shareholders who
become key employees may be an indicator of the substance of a contingent consideration
arrangement. The relevant terms of continuing employment may be included in an employment
Leads to conclusion that payments
are compensation
Leads to conclusion that payments
are consideration transferred
Payments forfeit on termination
Coincides with or exceeds payment
Not reasonable compared to that of
other key employees
Other non-employee selling
shareholders receive lower additional
payments (on a per-share basis)
Selling shareholders remaining as
employees own substantially all
shares (in substance profit sharing)
Payment formula consistent with
other profit-sharing arrangements
Formula is based on a percentage of
Continuing employment
Duration of continuing employment
Level of compensation
Incremental payments to employees
Number of shares owned
Linkage of payments to valuation of
Formula for determining contingent
Payments are not affected by
Shorter than the payment period
Reasonable compared to that of other
key employees
Other non-employee selling
shareholders receive similar additional
payments (on a per-share basis)
Selling shareholders remaining as
employees own only a small portion of
Payment formula linked to the
valuation approach (i.e., to bridge
valuation gap)
Formula is based on a valuation
formula, such as multiple of earnings
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 238
agreement, acquisition agreement, or some other document. A contingent consideration
arrangement in which the payments are automatically forfeited if employment terminates is
compensation for postcombination services. Arrangements in which the contingent payments are
not affected by employment termination may indicate that the contingent payments are
additional consideration rather than compensation.
The guidance in ASC 805 requires that any arrangement under which payments are forfeited if
employment is terminated be considered compensation for post-combination services.
In a speech at the 2000 AICPA Conference on Current SEC Developments, the SEC staff discussed its
views on the application of EITF 95-8 to forfeitable shares issued to employees in a business combination.
Because the guidance in ASC 805 largely carried forward the factors from EITF 95-8, we believe that the
SEC staff views expressed in the 2000 speech continue to apply.
The SEC staff presented the following example. Consider a business combination where Acquirer
purchases Target for cash and stock. All of the shareholders of Target are also Target employees.
Acquirer offers continuing employment to all former Target employee-shareholders. Of the shares issued
to the former Target employee-shareholders, a portion is held in an irrevocable trust, subject to a three-
year vesting requirement. The forfeiture provision requires that if, prior to vesting, a shareholder resigns
from employment or is terminated for cause, the shares held in trust and allocable to the employee
shareholder are forfeited by the employee. Additionally, any shares actually forfeited are reallocated to
the remaining employee-shareholders, based on their interests in the trust, such that all of the shares in
the trust ultimately will be issued (in some cases, the trust may provide that if all the employees forfeit
their shares, the proceeds of the trust will be distributed to a charitable organization). These structures
are often characterized as last-man-standing arrangements.
ASC 805 indicates that arrangements in which contingent payments are automatically forfeited if
employment terminates requires the contingent payments to be accounted for as compensation for post-
combination services. Accordingly, the arrangement must be accounted for as compensation. As
discussed further in section, in arrangements that include last-man-standing provisions, in which
share-based payments are forfeited and reallocated to other grantees, we believe that the forfeiture
should be accounted for pursuant to ASC 718. Additionally, the allocation to other employees should be
accounted for as a new grant to each employee under ASC 718. Evaluating whether there is an in-substance service period
When payments under a contingent consideration arrangement are not forfeited if employment is
terminated, we believe the acquirer also should evaluate whether the nature of the arrangement
represents an in-substance service period. This evaluation will require the exercise of professional
judgment based on the particular facts and circumstances. Factors that an acquirer may consider in
determining whether the arrangement represents an in-substance service period include the following:
The acquired business operates in a very specialized industry with limited other individuals who
possess commensurate expertise.
The employee is integral to the future success of the acquired business.
The earnings target is not achievable absent the employee’s continuing employment.
The employee has signed an employment agreement that coincides with or is longer than the
contingent payment period (see section below).
The employee has signed a noncompete agreement that coincides with or is longer than the
contingent payment period.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 239
The value of the contingent payment is disproportionately high relative to the up-front payment and,
therefore, provides an incentive for the employee to remain employed throughout the contingent
payment period. Duration of continuing employment
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Duration of continuing employment. If the period of required employment coincides with or is longer
than the contingent payment period, that fact may indicate that the contingent payments are, in
substance, compensation.
Conversely, the terms of an arrangement might be indicative of a contingent payment arrangement if,
for example, a selling shareholder-employee has an employment contract with a term of six months and
the contingent payment period is two years. The factors that determine the resolution of the contingency
might not be directly or significantly related to the services expected to be provided by the selling
shareholder-employee during the contingency period. Level of compensation
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Level of compensation. Situations in which employee compensation other than the contingent
payments is at a reasonable level in comparison to that of other key employees in the combined entity
may indicate that the contingent payments are additional consideration rather than compensation.
If a selling shareholder-employees compensation (excluding payments that might result from the
contingent payment arrangement) is approximately the same as the compensation for an employee of
the acquirer who has similar responsibilities, the contingent payment arrangement might be accounted
for as contingent consideration in a business combination. However, the usefulness of this factor is often
limited by the fact that continuing employees (and selling shareholders) often perform services that are
not comparable to or that are in addition to the responsibilities of other employees that ostensibly have
similar levels of responsibility or experience. Incremental payments to employees
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Incremental payments to employees. If selling shareholders who do not become employees receive
lower contingent payments on a per-share basis than the selling shareholders who become employees
of the combined entity, that fact may indicate that the incremental amount of contingent payments to
the selling shareholders who become employees is compensation.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 240
For example, if the only selling shareholders who are entitled to contingent consideration are those that
become employees (or maybe only those selling shareholders that become key employees), that factor is
indicative of a compensation arrangement. Further, if there are separate earnings targets such that all
selling shareholders would receive an additional payment if a certain target is achieved, but selling
shareholders who continue as employees of the combined entity might receive additional payments
based on achieving another more challenging target, the incremental payments that might be made to
the ongoing employees should be recognized as compensation cost. Relative stock ownership
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Number of shares owned. The relative number of shares owned by the selling shareholders who
remain as key employees may be an indicator of the substance of the contingent consideration
arrangement. For example, if the selling shareholders who owned substantially all of the shares in the
acquiree continue as key employees, that fact may indicate that the arrangement is, in substance, a
profit-sharing arrangement intended to provide compensation for postcombination services.
Alternatively, if selling shareholders who continue as key employees owned only a small number
of shares of the acquiree and all selling shareholders receive the same amount of contingent
consideration on a per-share basis, that fact may indicate that the contingent payments are additional
consideration. The preacquisition ownership interests held by parties related to selling shareholders
who continue as key employees, such as family members, also should be considered. Linkage to the valuation
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Linkage to the valuation. If the initial consideration transferred at the acquisition date is based on the
low end of a range established in the valuation of the acquiree and the contingent formula relates to
that valuation approach, that fact may suggest that the contingent payments are additional
consideration. Alternatively, if the contingent payment formula is consistent with prior profit-sharing
arrangements, that fact may suggest that the substance of the arrangement is to provide compensation.
For example, assume that Acquirer agrees to acquire Target. The acquisition negotiations were based, in
part, on a projected cash flow valuation of Target. Acquirer believes that the true value is at the low end
or midpoint of the range, whereas the selling Target shareholders believe that the true value of the
business is at the high end of the range. In finalizing the purchase arrangements, Acquirer agrees to pay
an unconditional amount between the low and midpoint upon closing, and to disburse an additional
contingent payment if actual cash flows of Target over the year following the date of acquisition exceed
those used as a basis for determining the unconditional consideration, for aggregate possible payments
of an amount that is in the range of the mid and high points of the valuation. This arrangement might be
an indicator that contingent payments, if any, are additional consideration. However, the contingent
payments still could be considered compensation if the continuing employees (selling shareholders) are
required to work to receive the contingent payments.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 241 Formula for determining contingent consideration
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Formula for determining consideration. The formula used to determine the contingent payment may
be helpful in assessing the substance of the arrangement. For example, if a contingent payment is
determined on the basis of a multiple of earnings, that might suggest that the obligation is contingent
consideration in the business combination and that the formula is intended to establish or verify the
fair value of the acquiree. In contrast, a contingent payment that is a specified percentage of earnings
might suggest that the obligation to employees is a profit-sharing arrangement to compensate
employees for services rendered. Other agreements and issues
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Implementation Guidance and Illustrations
Other agreements and issues. The terms of other arrangements with selling shareholders (such as
noncompete agreements, executory contracts, consulting contracts, and property lease agreements)
and the income tax treatment of contingent payments may indicate that contingent payments are
attributable to something other than consideration for the acquiree. For example, in connection with
the acquisition, the acquirer might enter into a property lease arrangement with a significant selling
shareholder. If the lease payments specified in the lease contract are significantly below market, some
or all of the contingent payments to the lessor (the selling shareholder) required by a separate
arrangement for contingent payments might be, in substance, payments for the use of the leased
property that the acquirer should recognize separately in its postcombination financial statements. In
contrast, if the lease contract specifies lease payments that are consistent with market terms for the
leased property, the arrangement for contingent payments to the selling shareholder may be
contingent consideration in the business combination.
A similar example would be a separate arrangement that requires a significant selling shareholder to
provide significant consulting services over a transition period for a nominal fee, coupled with a
contingent payment arrangement.
While the tax treatment of contingent payment arrangements generally should not affect the accounting
treatment, companies should be aware that documenting contingent payments as compensation,
perhaps in the form of an employment agreement, in support of tax deductibility of the payments as
compensation will indicate the payments represent compensation for accounting purposes.
The determination of the appropriate accounting for contingent payment arrangements described in
ASC 805 requires significant judgment in situations in which the payment is not conditional on a specified
period of employment. Companies that are involved in acquisitions involving contingent payment
arrangements should analyze and document the relevant facts and circumstances carefully before
reaching a conclusion about the appropriate accounting for the contingent consideration.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 242 Examples of arrangements with contingent payments to employees or selling shareholders
Employment agreements or other arrangements with executives often provide the executives (who also
may be shareholders) with a bonus or other payment, payable in cash or shares, if the company is
acquired. These arrangements, which commonly are referred to as change in control provisions or
golden parachute arrangements, take many forms and have a variety of terms and conditions. Some of
these arrangements require minimal or no future service after the business combination is consummated
to qualify for the payments, while others require the executive to continue as an employee to qualify for
the payment. Other arrangements, such as stay-bonus arrangements, are executed concurrently with
the business combination to motivate certain executives or other employees to remain employed at the
acquired company for a period of time. An understanding of all facts and circumstances is required to
determine the appropriate accounting treatment for these types of arrangements. That is, whether the
payments are part of the consideration transferred for the acquiree or are post-combination expense
that are accounted for outside of the business combination. The following examples illustrate the
accounting for some typical arrangements.
Illustration 6-28: Arrangement for contingent payment to employee (no future service
Target hired a chief executive officer (CEO) pursuant to a five-year employment contract. The contract
requires Target to pay $5 million to the CEO in the event Target is acquired by another company and the
CEO remains employed through the acquisition date. The CEO is not obligated to remain employed after the
acquisition date. Acquirer acquires Target two years after the employment contract is signed. The CEO was
still employed at the acquisition date and will receive the $5 million payment under the existing contract.
In this example, Target entered into the employment agreement before the negotiations of the acquisition
began, and the purpose of the agreement was to obtain the services of the CEO. Thus, there is no evidence
that the agreement was arranged primarily to provide benefits to Acquirer or the combined entity.
Additionally, the CEO is not required to provide continuing services to Acquirer to receive the payment.
Therefore, the payment is recorded as compensation expense on the acquisition date in Target’s
preacquisition financial statements and an assumed liability in the combined entitys financial statements.
Illustration 6-29: Arrangement for contingent payment to employee at suggestion of acquirer
(no future service requirement)
Assume the same facts as Illustration 6-28, except that the employment contract with the CEO was
executed at the suggestion of Acquirer during the negotiations for the business combination.
In this example, the primary purpose of the arrangement is assumed to provide severance pay to the
CEO, which primarily would benefit Acquirer or the combined company rather than Target or its
former owners. If it was determined that the arrangement was to provide severance pay to the CEO,
the Acquirer would record the payment as compensation expense in the post-acquisition financial
statements of the combined company.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 243
Illustration 6-30: Arrangement for contingent payment to employee based on double trigger (no
future service requirement)
Target, a public company, hired an executive pursuant to a five-year employment contract. The
contract requires Target to pay $250,000 to the executive in the event that (1) Target is acquired by
another entity and (2) the executive’s employment is terminated or his responsibilities or salary are
reduced significantly (as defined in the employment agreement) by the acquirer subsequent to the
acquisition. Acquirer acquires Target two years after the employment contract was signed with Target
and on the acquisition date, enters into a new employment contract with the executive which results in
his being an executive of a division of a public company (as opposed to an executive of a public
company), which is defined in the executive’s employment agreement as a significant reduction in the
executive’s responsibilities. As a result, the executive will receive the $250,000 payment.
In this example, Target entered into the employment agreement before the negotiations of the
acquisition began, and the purpose of the agreement was to obtain the services of the executive.
However, there are two events that must occur in order for the executive to receive the payment
(double trigger). In addition to Target being acquired, the executive must be terminated or have his
responsibilities or salary significantly reduced by the acquirer. Because the second event (termination
of employment or reduction of responsibility or salary)
is triggered by an action of the acquirer, we
generally believe that the arrangement would be accounted for outside of the business combination and
recorded as compensation expense in the post-acquisition financial statements of the combined entity.
In addition to termination of employment, reduction in responsibilities or authority (e.g., a change in job title) or a reduction in
salary or other employee benefits (e.g., failure to pay the executive a minimum cash bonus or a material reduction in the
executive’s ability to participate in savings or retirement plans available to other key executives), other common double-trigger
clauses include relocation of executive or office location more than a specified distance and a material reduction in office size
or office furnishings.
Illustration 6-31: Arrangement for contingent payments to shareholders/executive officers
(future service required)
Acquirer acquires Target, a small, private company. All 5 selling shareholders of Target are also
executive officers of the company. The consideration for the business combination is structured such
that Target’s shareholders will receive future payments if certain future operating results are achieved
and the shareholders/executive officers remain employees of the combined entity for a period of two
years following the acquisition. However, if a shareholder/executive officer does not remain an
employee for the two-year period, that individual’s rights to future payments are forfeited.
Because the future payments in this example are contingent on the continuing employment of the
shareholders/executive officers subsequent to the business combination, the future payments would
be recognized as compensation expense in the post-acquisition financial statements of the combined
company (over the two-year service period) (ASC 805-10-55-25(a)).
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 244
Illustration 6-32: Contingent payment linked to continuing employment unless employee is
Assume the same facts in Illustration 6-31, except that if any of the five selling shareholders who
become employees terminates employment but is considered a “good-leaver” (e.g., the employee is
terminated for medical reasons, the employee is fired due to redundancies/not for cause), the
employee is still entitled to the contingent payment. If the employee quits voluntarily or is fired for
cause, the contingent payment is forfeited. One employee’s termination of employment (irrespective
of whether the employee is considered a good-leaver) has no effect on whether the other employees
are entitled to their payments.
Although there are circumstances in which an employee could receive the contingent payments
without remaining employed, because the contingent payments are automatically forfeited if an
employee quits voluntarily, the introduction of the “good-leaver” clause would not change the
conclusion that the contingent consideration arrangement is accounted for as compensation for post-
combination services (ASC 805-10-55-25(a)) consistent with the conclusion in Illustration 6-31.
Illustration 6-33: Contingent payment to nonemployee shareholders is linked to continuing
employment of shareholders who become employees
Acquirer acquires all of the outstanding shares of Target for $10 million in cash. Before the
transaction, Target’s CEO owned 10% of Target’s outstanding shares. Investor X and Investor Y, who
are not employees of Target, each owned a 45% interest. The CEO will become an employee of
Acquirer after the transaction.
The consideration for the business combination also includes a contingent payment provision through
which each of Target’s former shareholders (i.e., the CEO, Investor X and Investor Y) will receive an
additional $5 million cash payment if Target’s net income for the first year following the acquisition
exceeds $20 million. However, each party (including Investor X and Investor Y) is entitled to the
contingent payment only if the CEO remains an employee of the combined entity for a period of one
year following the acquisition.
Because all contingent payments to the selling shareholders automatically forfeit if the employment of
the CEO terminates, careful evaluation is necessary to determine whether the contingent payments
are accounted for as compensation for post-combination services (ASC 805-10-55-25a). The
contingent payment owed to the CEO represents compensation expense that should be recognized
over the one-year service period.
Notwithstanding the fact that the two other shareholders are not required to provide any service, because
their payment is linked to the CEOs continuing future service, further evaluation of the facts and
circumstances underlying the arrangement (including the reasons for linkage to the CEO’s ongoing
employment, the CEO’s smaller ownership interest relative to that of the other shareholders and how the
amount of initial consideration paid up front is linked to the valuation of the overall business) is required
to determine whether all or a portion of the contingent payment owed to Investor X and Investor Y is
compensatory in nature or should be included as part of the consideration transferred to acquire the Target.
This evaluation will require significant judgment and should include consideration of the factors
highlighted in Illustration 6-27 above. Depending on the outcome of this evaluation, accounting for a
portion or all of the contingent payment to the remaining shareholders as consideration transferred
may be appropriate.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 245
Illustration 6-34: Deferred payment to all selling shareholders with incremental payments to
shareholders who become employees
Acquirer acquires all of the outstanding shares in Target for cash consideration of $65 million. In
addition to the cash consideration, Acquirer is required to make the following two payments on the
one-year anniversary of the acquisition date:
Payout A A $5 million cash payment to all former Target shareholders, split ratably based on the
pre-transaction ownership of Target
Payout B An incremental $3 million cash payment to former Target shareholders who become
employees of Acquirer (“employee-shareholders”), split ratably based on the pre-transaction
ownership of Target
If an employee-shareholder terminates employment prior to the one-year anniversary of the
acquisition date, that employee forfeits its share of Payout B, but is still entitled to its share of Payout A.
Because each payout operates independently of the other, we believe each payout should be
evaluated as a separate unit of account.
Because the obligation to make the $5 million payment for Payout A is not contingent on a future event
(i.e., the payment is based solely on the passage of time) and all shareholders of Target participate
equally, the obligation does not represent contingent consideration but rather deferred consideration.
The deferred consideration liability is initially measured at fair value at the acquisition date and included
in the consideration transferred. In substance, Acquirer has financed $5 million of the acquisition price.
Because the contingent payment associated with Payout B automatically forfeits if employment terminates,
Payout B is accounted for as compensation for post-combination services (ASC 805-10-55-25a). That
is, Acquirer would recognize compensation expense over the one-year service period.
Illustration 6-35: Stay bonus arrangement
In connection with Acquirer’s acquisition of Target, Acquirer agrees to provide each of the key officers
of Target with a cash payment of $250,000 if they remain with the combined company for a period of
one year following the acquisition date. If the officers resign prior to the anniversary of the acquisition
date, they forfeit their rights to the payments. A similar arrangement was not included in the officers
employment agreements prior to the acquisition.
In this example, the payments to the key officers of Target are structured primarily to benefit the combined
company, and the officers forfeit the rights to the payments if they do not provide the service to the
combined company for a period of a year. Therefore, the payments are recorded as compensation expense
in the post-acquisition financial statements of the combined company (over the one-year service period).
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 246
6.4.6 Accounting for contingent consideration after initial recognition
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Subsequent Measurement
Some changes in the fair value of contingent consideration that the acquirer recognizes after the
acquisition date may be the result of additional information about facts and circumstances that existed
at the acquisition date that the acquirer obtained after that date. Such changes are measurement period
adjustments in accordance with paragraphs 805-10-25-13 through 25-18 and Section 805-10-30.
However, changes resulting from events after the acquisition date, such as meeting an earnings target,
reaching a specified share price, or reaching a milestone on a research and development project, are not
measurement period adjustments. The acquirer shall account for changes in the fair value of contingent
consideration that are not measurement period adjustments as follows:
a. Contingent consideration classified as equity shall not be remeasured and its subsequent
settlement shall be accounted for within equity.
b. Contingent consideration classified as an asset or a liability shall be remeasured to fair value at
each reporting date until the contingency is resolved. The changes in fair value shall be
recognized in earnings unless the arrangement is a hedging instrument for which Topic 815
requires the changes to be initially recognized in other comprehensive income.
Contingent consideration arrangements of an acquiree assumed by the acquirer in a business
combination shall be measured subsequently in accordance with the guidance for contingent
consideration arrangements in the preceding paragraph. Contingent consideration classified as equity
If a contingent consideration arrangement meets the criteria to be classified as equity, as discussed in
section 6.4.3, the carrying value (i.e., the acquisition date fair value) of the contingent consideration is
not remeasured subsequent to the acquisition date unless the adjustments are made during the
measurement period to adjust provisional amounts, as discussed in section 7.3.3.
Upon resolution of the contingency, the entry to recognize the issuance of the consideration is based on
the form of the consideration ultimately issued. That is, the issuance of equity instruments results in a
reclassification among equity accounts (e.g., a reduction to the equity account in which the contingent
consideration arrangements was recorded offset by an addition to common stock, based on the par
value, with the remainder recorded as additional paid-in capital). However, if the acquirer settles the
arrangement in cash, the acquirer offsets the credit to cash with a debit to shareholder’s equity.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 247 Continuous analysis of contingent consideration classified as equity
If an entity concludes that equity classification is appropriate under the applicable guidance, this
conclusion must be reassessed at each reporting date.
Under ASC 815-40-25, an instrument could be
classified as equity only if share settlement is within the control of the entity. As such, at each reporting
date an entity must evaluate whether a sufficient number of authorized and unissued shares exist to
settle the contingent consideration arrangement. In that evaluation, an entity must compare:
(a) The number of currently authorized but unissued shares, less the maximum number of shares that
could be required to be delivered during the contingency period under existing commitments (for
example, outstanding convertible debt that is convertible during the contract period, outstanding
stock options that are or will become exercisable during the contingency period or other derivative
financial instruments indexed to, and potentially settled, in the entitys own stock) with
(b) The maximum number of shares that could be required to be delivered under share settlement
(either net-share or physical) of the contingent consideration arrangement
If the amount in (a) above exceeds the amount in (b) and the other criteria in ASC 815-40 are met, the
entity controls share settlement and the arrangement continues to be classified as a permanent equity
instrument. However, if the amount in (a) above does not exceed the amount in (b), the entity would be
required to reclassify the contingent consideration arrangement from an equity instrument to a liability
at its then current fair value as of the date of the event that caused the reclassification. The difference
between the fair value of the contingent consideration at the date of reclassification and the amount
initially recorded in equity should be accounted for as an adjustment to stockholders' equity. At each
subsequent reporting date, the acquirer would be required to remeasure the liability at fair value through
earnings, as discussed previously. See sections 4.4.5 and B.6 of our FRD, Issuer’s accounting for debt
and equity financings (before the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments
and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), and sections 4.4.4 and B.6 of our FRD, Issuer’s accounting for
debt and equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible
Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), for further details. Contingent consideration classified as liabilities
If a contingent consideration arrangement is classified as a liability, as discussed in section 6.4.3, the
carrying value of the contingent consideration must be remeasured at fair value at each reporting date.
Except for qualifying measurement period adjustments (as discussed in section 7.3.3), we believe that
subsequent changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration arrangement are most appropriately
classified as an operating item (i.e., as a component of operating income if presented) in the statement of
Refer to section for further discussion on remeasurement and subsequent accounting.
An acquirer must reassess the classification of the contingent consideration at each reporting date. If the
classification changes because of events occurring during the reporting period, the instrument is reclassified
as of the date of the event that caused the reclassification. If a contract is reclassified from a liability to
equity, it is measured at fair value at the date of reclassification and the resulting gain or loss is recorded
in earnings. All gains or losses recognized during the period that the contract was classified as a liability
shall not be reversed. See section B.6 of our FRDs, Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings
(before the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s
Own Equity) and Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06,
Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entitys Own Equity), for further details.
This evaluation must be performed for all outstanding potentially dilutive arrangements.
This is true unless the arrangement is a hedging instrument for which ASC 815 requires the changes to be initially recognized in
other comprehensive income. Our FRD, Derivatives and hedging, provides guidance on determining whether a derivative
instrument is in the scope of ASC 815.
6 Consideration transferred
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 248 Changes to contingent consideration arrangements
After a business combination, situations may arise that cause the acquirer and former shareholders of
the acquired entity to make changes to a previously established contingent consideration arrangement.
ASC 805 does not address the accounting for subsequent changes to a contingent consideration
arrangement. We believe that the accounting depends on whether the change represents a dispute over
the terms of, or a modification to, the contingent consideration arrangement. Therefore, careful
consideration should be given to determine whether the change represents a dispute over the terms of,
or a modification to, the contingent consideration arrangement. Dispute over the terms of a contingent consideration arrangement
A dispute over the terms of a contingent consideration arrangement typically will arise due to a
disagreement between the acquirer and the former shareholders of the acquired entity regarding
representations of fact underlying the acquisition or over the value of consideration transferred. If the
parties transfer amounts to settle the dispute, the acquirer must determine whether to reflect any
amounts paid or received as an adjustment to the consideration transferred or as post-combination
expense or income. The acquirer’s cost to settle litigation with the acquiree’s former shareholders over
the value of the consideration transferred is recorded as an expense when incurred unless the settlement
occurred during the measurement period and there is a clear and direct link to the consideration
transferred based on facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date. In such cases, we
believe that the acquirer may adjust the consideration transferred.
In our view, claims asserted that one party misled the other or that a provision of the contingent
consideration agreement is unclear are not unique to business combination agreements and do not
generally establish a clear and direct link to the consideration transferred. Therefore, unless there is a
clear and direct link between the dispute and the amount of consideration transferred based on facts and
circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date, we believe that the settlement of such claims
should be recognized as a charge to earnings, regardless of whether the measurement period is open.
The following Illustrations highlight these concepts.
Illustration 6-36: Dispute over the terms of contingent consideration arrangement
Company A acquired Company B in a business combination for $100,000 cash and contingent
consideration based on the number of Company B’s customers that transfer to Company A. The
purchase agreement is explicit that each “acquired customer” was worth $1,000 and that no fewer
than 1,000 customers would be transferred as of the consummation date. Subsequent to the business
combination (but while the measurement period was open), Company A successfully sued the seller of
Company B because only 900 of Company B’s customers transferred to Company A.
Because the litigation settlement occurred during the measurement period and represented a dispute
over the terms of the purchase agreement that is clearly and directly linked to the value of the
consideration transferred based on facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date,
Company A adjusts the consideration transferred (in this case, a reduction of the consideration
transferred). The adjustment to the consideration transferred would serve to reduce the contingent
consideration liability initially recorded as of the acquisition date. Had the litigation been settled
subsequent to the measurement period, the adjustment to the contingent consideration liability would
be recorded as post-combination income and would not affect the consideration transferred.
6 Consideration transferred
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Illustration 6-37: Dispute over the terms of contingent consideration arrangement
Assume the same facts as Illustration 6-36, except that the purchase agreement obligates the seller to
put forth its best efforts to retain customers through the acquisition date (rather than stipulating the
value and number of customers that will be transferred). Litigation subsequently determines that the
seller failed to do so.
Although the seller did not comply with the terms of the purchase agreement, the dispute is not clearly
and directly linked to the value of the consideration transferred based on facts and circumstances that
existed as of the acquisition date. Accordingly, the adjustment to the contingent consideration liability
would be recorded as post-combination income and would not affect the consideration transferred.
See section for further discussion on the settlement of litigation arising from a business
combination and establishing a clear and direct link to the consideration transferred. Modification to a contingent consideration arrangement
In some situations, the parties to a contingent consideration arrangement may agree to modify the terms
of the arrangement. For example, the parties may agree to modify an earnings target to increase the
likelihood of it being met. We believe that companies should consider whether the modification results in a
transaction that should be accounted for separately from the business combination (see section
for further information on what is part of the business combination).
6.4.7 Effect of contingent consideration classified as equity on earnings per share
The guidance in ASC 260 addresses the effect of contingently issuable shares on a companys earnings
per share computation. A general discussion of the effect of contingent consideration settled in shares
on earnings per share calculations follows. Basic earnings per share
Generally, contingent consideration arrangements subject to the guidance in ASC 480 or ASC 815-40
would not affect the acquirer’s basic earnings per share (EPS) calculation until the contingency is
resolved. Contingently issuable shares are considered outstanding common shares and included in basic
EPS as of the date that all necessary conditions have been satisfied (i.e., when issuance of the shares is
no longer contingent). In other words, contingently issuable shares are included in basic EPS only when
there is no circumstance under which those shares would not be issued. Diluted earnings per share
Contingent consideration arrangements settled in shares may affect the acquirer’s diluted EPS calculation
prior to resolution of the contingency and inclusion of the shares in basic earnings per share. The number
of contingently issuable shares to be included in diluted EPS is based on the number of shares, if any, that
would be issuable under the terms of the contingent consideration arrangement if the end of the reporting
period were the end of the contingency period. As the contingently issuable share agreement originated
on the date of the business combination, the contingently issuable shares are included in the denominator
of the diluted EPS calculation as of the beginning of the interim period in which the conditions are
satisfied, or as of the inception date of the contingent stock arrangement, if later.
6 Consideration transferred
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If the contingently issuable share arrangements may be settled in common shares or in cash at the election
of either the entity or the holder, the determination of whether that contract is included in the computation
of diluted EPS is made based on the facts available each period. ASC 260-10-45-45 states that it is
presumed that the contract will be settled in common shares and the resulting potential common shares are
included in diluted EPS if the effect is more dilutive. The presumption that the contract will be settled in
common shares may be overcome if past experience or a stated policy provides a reasonable basis to
believe that the contract will be paid partially or wholly in cash. If that presumption is overcome for an
instrument that is classified as equity, it may require an adjustment to the numerator for any changes in
income or loss that would have resulted if the contract had been reported as an asset or a liability. If the
presumption is not overcome and it is assumed that the contract will be settled in common shares, as noted
above, the resulting potential common shares are included in diluted EPS if the effect is more dilutive.
If the contingent consideration arrangement is reported as a liability, the calculation of earnings per
share may require an adjustment to the numerator for any changes in income or loss that would result if
the contract had been reported as an equity instrument during the period.
Additional guidance regarding the impact on earnings per share of contracts that can be settled in shares
or cash is included in ASC 260-10-55-32 through 55-36 and in our FRD, Earnings per share.
6.4.8 Assumed contingent consideration arrangements
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Contingent consideration arrangements of an acquiree assumed by the acquirer in a business
combination shall be recognized initially at fair value in accordance with the guidance for contingent
consideration arrangements in paragraph 805-30-25-5.
Initial Measurement
Contingent consideration arrangements of an acquiree assumed by the acquirer in a business
combination shall be measured initially at fair value in accordance with the guidance for contingent
consideration arrangements in paragraph 805-30-25-5.
Subsequent Measurement
Contingent consideration arrangements of an acquiree assumed by the acquirer in a business
combination shall be measured subsequently in accordance with the guidance for contingent
consideration arrangements in paragraph 805-30-35-1.
In some cases, an acquiree may have consummated a prior business combination in which it issued
contingent consideration. The FASB believes that the nature of contingent consideration does not
change on the subsequent acquisition of one entity by another entity (that is, although the amount of the
future payments the acquirer will make or receive is conditional on future events, the obligation to make
or right to receive them if the specified future events occur is unconditional). As a result, if an acquirer
assumed a preexisting contingent consideration arrangement in a business combination, the acquirer
accounts for that arrangement in the same manner as if it had entered into that arrangement with
respect to the current business combination. Accordingly, the contingent consideration arrangement of
the acquiree assumed by the acquirer in a business combination is initially measured at fair value and
classified in accordance with other accounting literature, as discussed in ASC 805-30-25-5 through 25-6
6 Consideration transferred
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and section 6.4.3 above. The guidance in ASC 805 also requires that contingent consideration arrangements
of the acquiree assumed by the acquirer in a business combination be accounted for subsequent to initial
recognition pursuant to the requirements for contingent consideration in ASC 805-30-35-1, as discussed
above. However, unlike contingent consideration agreed to between the acquirer and acquiree, which is
part of the consideration transferred, an existing contingent consideration arrangement of the acquiree
is treated as a liability assumed or asset acquired in the acquisition rather than a component of
consideration transferred.
6.4.9 Seller accounting for contingent consideration in deconsolidation
The basis for recognition and measurement of contingent consideration in deconsolidation is not addressed
in ASC 805. See our FRD, Consolidation, for guidance on the seller’s accounting for contingent consideration
in deconsolidation.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 252
7 Other matters (including goodwill,
measurement period and acquisitions
achieved in stages)
7.1 Recognizing and measuring goodwill
7.1.1 Recognition
While deliberating Statement 141(R), the FASB concluded that goodwill is an asset that should be measured
as a residual. This conclusion is consistent with the prior accounting treatment under Statement 141.
CON 6, as it existed during Statement 141(R) deliberations, defined an asset asprobable future economic
benefits obtained or controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactions or events.”
future economic benefit that goodwill provides to an entity is somewhat difficult to define, however the
FASB recognized this fact in its basis for conclusions by describing the future economic benefit associated
with goodwill as nebulous.” The FASB, nevertheless, maintained its conclusion that goodwill is an asset.
This conclusion was primarily based on paragraph 173 of CON 6, which stated that, anything that is
commonly bought and sold has future economic benefit, including the individual items that a buyer
obtains and is willing to pay for in a basket purchase of several items or in a business combination.”
While it is somewhat difficult to grasp the future economic benefit of goodwill as a standalone asset, its
future economic benefit becomes clear when goodwill is viewed as an individual asset that market
participants are willing to pay for in a basket purchase.”
The FASB made every effort, in deliberating Statement 141(R), to limit the recognition of goodwill to
“core goodwill,which is defined as both:
The fair value of the going-concern element of the acquired business
The fair value of the expected synergies to be achieved upon consummation of the business combination
To limit goodwill to the two components above, the acquirer in a business combination is required to
make every effort to (1) accurately measure the consideration transferred, (2) recognize the identifiable
assets and liabilities at fair value and (3) recognize all identifiable acquired intangible assets that meet
the criteria in the definition of “identifiable” within the Master Glossary in ASC 805. Because goodwill is
measured as a residual, if exhaustive efforts are not made to complete these three steps, then goodwill
will include components other than “core goodwill.” Nonetheless, even after an exhaustive effort to apply
the guidance in ASC 805, goodwill likely will not be limited to core goodwill because of items that are not
recognized in a business combination (e.g., contingent assets that do not more likely than not meet the
definition of an asset, intangible assets like workforce intangibles that do not meet the recognition
criteria) and items that are not recognized at fair value (e.g., deferred income taxes).
The FASB issued CON 8.4 to replace CON 6 in December 2021. CON 8.4 defines an asset asa present right of an entity to an
economic benefit.”
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
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7.1.2 Measurement
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Initial Measurement
The acquirer shall recognize goodwill as of the acquisition date, measured as the excess of (a) over (b):
a. The aggregate of the following:
1. The consideration transferred measured in accordance with this Section, which generally
requires acquisition-date fair value (see paragraph 805-30-30-7)
2. The fair value of any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree
3. In a business combination achieved in stages, the acquisition-date fair value of the
acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree.
b. The net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities
assumed measured in accordance with this Topic.
Consistent with previous accounting under Statement 141, the guidance in ASC 805 requires goodwill to
be measured as the excess of one amount over another. This results in goodwill being measured as a
residual. The measurement occurs on the acquisition-date and, other than qualifying measurement
period adjustments, no adjustments are made to goodwill recognized as of the acquisition date until and
unless it becomes impaired.
Under Statement 141, the measurement of goodwill was equal to the purchase price less the values
assigned of the net identifiable assets of the acquired entity. As discussed in section 1.2, Statement 141
utilized a cost accumulation approach in accounting for a business combination. The guidance in
ASC 805, on the other hand, utilizes a new basis approach in which the fair value of the acquired entity is
remeasured in its entirety. As a result, goodwill essentially is calculated as the fair value of the entity
(rather than the purchase price) less the values assigned to the net identifiable assets of the acquired
entity, all measured on the acquisition date. As a consequence of this change, ASC 805 requires:
The consideration transferred to be measured at fair value on the acquisition date, as discussed in
section 6.1.
Any remaining noncontrolling interest (i.e., shares of the acquired entity that are not owned by the
acquirer) to be recognized at fair value, rather than historical cost as was the case under
Statement 141. See further discussion in section 4.6.
The remeasurement of any preexisting investment in the acquired entity in an acquisition achieved in
stages. As discussed further in section 7.4, ASC 805 requires any preexisting investment in the
acquiree to be remeasured at fair value in the accounting for a business combination achieved in
stages. The measurement of goodwill in an acquisition occurring in stages occurs only once on the
date that the acquirer gains control of the acquiree. This treatment contrasts with the previous
requirement to recognize and measure goodwill at the time that each additional investment was
made based on the cost of the additional investment, and the underlying measured amounts of the
net assets acquired.
The application of ASC 805 also results in a number of changes in how assets acquired and liabilities assumed
in the business combination are measured and recognized. These differences are discussed in section 4.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 254
7.2 Recognizing and measuring a gain from a bargain purchase
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Occasionally, an acquirer will make a bargain purchase, which is a business combination in which the
amount in paragraph 805-30-30-1(b) exceeds the aggregate of the amounts specified in (a) in that
paragraph. If that excess remains after applying the requirements in paragraph 805-30-25-4, the
acquirer shall recognize the resulting gain in earnings on the acquisition date. The gain shall be attributed
to the acquirer. Example 1 (see paragraph 805-30-55-14) provides an illustration of this guidance.
A bargain purchase might happen, for example, in a business combination that is a forced sale in
which the seller is acting under compulsion. However, the recognition or measurement exceptions
for particular items identified in paragraphs 805-20-25-16, and 805-20-30-10 also may result in
recognizing a gain (or change the amount of a recognized gain) on a bargain purchase.
Occasionally, the fair value of the net assets acquired in a business combination exceeds the amount of
consideration transferred. ASC 805 refers to this situation as a bargain purchase.”
The guidance in ASC 805 requires the acquirer in a business combination resulting in a bargain purchase
to recognize a gain for the amount that the values assigned to the net assets acquired exceed the
consideration transferred. However, before recognizing a bargain gain, the acquirer must reassess
whether it has correctly identified and measured all components of the acquisition.
Because bargain purchases are rare, we believe that an important aspect of the reassessment process is for
the acquirer to be able to understand why there is a bargain purchase why the seller would be willing to
sell its business at an amount less than what a market participant would be willing to pay. Usually, a seller
acts in an economically rational manner given the fiduciary responsibility that it has to its shareholders.
Examples of factors that may individually or in aggregate justify a bargain gain include the following:
The transaction was aforced” or “distressed” sale. Bargain purchases are most common when
there is aforced or “distressedsale. The example in section 7.2.2 illustrates the accounting for a
forced sale when the seller is compelled to sell for less than current fair market value.
The seller was required to sell the business in a less than an optimal period of time.
The transaction was not subject to a competitive bidding process. Transactions subject to a
competitive bidding process generally are less likely to result in a bargain gain because the business
typically would be sold at fair value.
The purchase price was “fixed” prior to the closing date of the transaction and the fair value of
the net identifiable assets acquired increased during the intervening period thereby creating the
bargain purchase.
The buyer cannot sell the identifiable net assets acquired immediately after the acquisition at an
amount equal to or greater than the acquired set’s preliminarily estimated fair value. For example, if
the acquirer in a bargain purchase transaction records an asset for $10 because it includes
company-specific synergies in the valuation of the asset, but a market participant would pay only $8
if the acquirer were to immediately sell that asset, then that would suggest that the fair value of the
asset is really $8. On the other hand, if a market participant would pay $10 for the asset, the
acquirer’s conclusion that it had a bargain purchase may be appropriate.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 255
Companies should consider these factors as they think about how to disclose the bargain gain in the
notes to their financial statements. See section 7.2.1 for further discussion of the required reassessment.
7.2.1 Required reassessment of identification and measurement of all aspects of
the transaction
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Before recognizing a gain on a bargain purchase, the acquirer shall reassess whether it has correctly
identified all of the assets acquired and all of the liabilities assumed and shall recognize any additional
assets or liabilities that are identified in that review. See paragraphs 805-30-30-4 through 30-6 for
guidance on the review of measurement procedures in connection with a reassessment required by
this paragraph.
Initial Measurement
Paragraph 805-30-25-4 requires the acquirer to reassess whether it has correctly identified all of the
assets acquired and all of the liabilities assumed before recognizing a gain on a bargain purchase. As
part of that required reassessment, the acquirer shall then review the procedures used to measure the
amounts this Topic requires to be recognized at the acquisition date for all of the following:
a. The identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed
b. The noncontrolling interest in the acquiree, if any
c. For a business combination achieved in stages, the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in
the acquiree
d. The consideration transferred.
The objective of the review is to ensure that the measurements appropriately reflect consideration of
all available information as of the acquisition date.
Before recognizing a gain from a bargain purchase, an acquirer is required to reassess its identification
of assets acquired and liabilities assumed to validate that all assets and liabilities that the acquirer is able
to identify at the acquisition date are properly recognized. In addition, the acquirer must reconsider and
challenge all valuations to verify that the consideration paid, assets acquired, liabilities assumed and
noncontrolling interests are properly measured. The guidance in ASC 805 requires that this additional
reassessment be performed to verify that the identification and measurement of all components of the
business combination were consistent with the requirements of ASC 805.
In performing the required reassessment, the acquirer reevaluates all aspects of the transaction,
including whether:
The resulting gain represents management’s best estimate of the economic effect of the transaction
based on all information that existed as of the acquisition date
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
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There are any aspects of the transaction that should be accounted for separately from the business
combination, such as:
Preexisting relationships that were settled as a result of the business combination
Transactions (contractual or noncontractual) entered into at or near the same time as the
business combination that are primarily for the benefit of the combined entity
The payment of transaction costs by the seller on behalf of the acquirer
All assets acquired were evaluated for any contingencies that could prohibit recognition as of the
acquisition date
All identified intangible assets met either the contractual-legal or separability criterion of ASC 805
Conclusions reached with respect to assumed pension obligations were appropriate
Preacquisition contingencies (e.g., legal contingencies or potential tax exposures) of the target were
properly identified, measured and recognized
All leases and other executory contracts were evaluated for any off-market components that should
be recognized as of the acquisition date
Conclusions reached with respect to the accounting for acquired or assumed deferred taxes were
The buyer assessed the reasonableness of the fair value determinations by reviewing the procedures
performed to measure the fair value of the consideration transferred, assets acquired, liabilities
assumed and any noncontrolling interest, including whether:
The fair value measurements reflect all available information as of the acquisition date
The significant assumptions (e.g., prospective financial information, discount rate, royalty rate,
control premium, as applicable) used in the fair value calculation are reasonable and reflect the
appropriate level of risk for the transaction (e.g., if management’s estimate of the prospective
financial information was deemed to be aggressive, then the discount rate should be increased to
reflect the additional level of risk)
Any entity-specific synergies were inappropriately included in the initial valuation of any assets
acquired or liabilities assumed (e.g., could the buyer immediately sell the asset or transfer the
liability to a market participant at their recorded values)
The list above is not all-inclusive nor will all considerations in the list apply to all business combinations
that potentially could result in a bargain purchase.
If a gain is recognized from a bargain purchase, no goodwill is recognized on that purchase. The assets
acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling interest are recognized at fair value (with certain
exceptions), and there is no residual to measure because the consideration transferred is less than the
fair value of the net assets acquired.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 257
7.2.2 Bargain purchase example
Illustration 7-1: Bargain purchase example
On 1 January 20X8, Acquirer acquires 70% of the equity interests of Distressed, a private company, in
exchange for cash of $350,000. Because the former owners of Distressed were unable to maintain
operations with cash on-hand (Distressed’s balance sheet is primarily comprised of long-term, difficult
to value assets), they had limited time to complete a sale and were unable to market Distressed to
multiple potential buyers.
Acquirer measures the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed as of the acquisition date (1
January 20X8). The identifiable assets acquired are measured at $680,000, and the liabilities
assumed are measured at $90,000. Acquirer also engages a third-party valuation firm to assist in
determining the fair value of the 30% noncontrolling interest. The estimated value of the
noncontrolling interest in Distressed is $182,000.
Distressed’s identifiable net assets of $590,000 ($680,000 $90,000) exceeds the sum of the fair
value of the consideration transferred and the fair value of the noncontrolling interest in Distressed of
$532,000 ($350,000 + $182,000). Because of this, Acquirer performs a comprehensive
reassessment of the procedures it used to identify and measure the assets acquired and liabilities
assumed, value the noncontrolling interest, and measure the consideration transferred to verify that
all of those measurements are appropriate and reasonable (see section 7.2.1).
In its review, Acquirer determines that the procedures performed and resulting values remain
appropriate. Therefore, Acquirer measures the gain on its purchase of the 70% interest as follows:
Fair value of net assets acquired
$ 590,000
Fair value of consideration transferred
Fair value of noncontrolling interest
Gain on bargain purchase
$ 58,000
The journal entry to record this acquisition would be as follows:
Net assets acquired
$ 590,000
$ 350,000
Gain on bargain purchase
Noncontrolling interest
7.2.3 Bargain purchase in an acquisition of less than 100% controlling interest
As noted in 7.2, a bargain purchase is a business combination in which (a) the net of the acquisition-date
fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed exceeds (b) the aggregate of
(i) the fair value of consideration transferred; (ii) the fair value of any noncontrolling interest in the
acquiree; and (iii) the acquisition-date fair value of any previously held equity interest in the acquiree.
When an entity acquires less than a 100% controlling interest in another entity and that acquisition
results in a bargain purchase, we believe that no portion of the gain realized should be allocated to the
noncontrolling interest. We believe that this approach is consistent with the guidance in ASC 805-20-30-7
(see section 4.6), which requires the acquirer to measure a noncontrolling interest in the acquiree at its
fair value on the acquisition date.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
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7.3 Measurement period
7.3.1 Measurement period defined
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
If the initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete by the end of the reporting period in
which the combination occurs, the acquirer shall report in its financial statements provisional amounts
for the items for which the accounting is incomplete. During the measurement period, in accordance
with paragraph 805-10-25-17, the acquirer shall adjust the provisional amounts recognized at the
acquisition date to reflect new information obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of
the acquisition date that, if known, would have affected the measurement of the amounts recognized
as of that date.
During the measurement period, the acquirer also shall recognize additional assets or liabilities if new
information is obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date that, if
known, would have resulted in the recognition of those assets and liabilities as of that date. The
measurement period ends as soon as the acquirer receives the information it was seeking about facts
and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date or learns that more information is not
obtainable. However, the measurement period shall not exceed one year from the acquisition date.
The measurement period is the period after the acquisition date during which the acquirer may adjust
the provisional amounts recognized for a business combination. The measurement period provides the
acquirer with a reasonable time to obtain the information necessary to identify and measure any of the
following as of the acquisition date in accordance with the requirements of this Topic:
a. The identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed, and any noncontrolling interest in the
acquiree (see Subtopic 805-20)
b. The consideration transferred for the acquiree (or the other amount used in measuring goodwill
in accordance with paragraphs 805-30-30-1 through 30-3)
c. In a business combination achieved in stages, the equity interest in the acquiree previously held
by the acquirer (see paragraph 805-30-30-1(a)(3))
d. The resulting goodwill recognized in accordance with paragraph 805-30-30-1 or the gain on a
bargain purchase recognized in accordance with paragraph 805-30-25-2.
Initial Measurement
Paragraph 805-10-25-15 establishes that the measurement period provides the acquirer with a
reasonable time to obtain the information necessary to identify and measure various items in a
business combination.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
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The measurement period is the time after the acquisition during which the acquirer obtains information
necessary to identify and measure all aspects of the business combination in accordance with the
guidance in ASC 805. Adjustments during the measurement period are not limited to just those relating
to assets acquired and liabilities assumed, but apply to all aspects of business combination accounting
(e.g., the consideration transferred).
The measurement period is not a fixed period for all business combinations, or even for all aspects of a
particular business combination. The measurement period ends once the acquirer is able to determine
that it has obtained all necessary information that existed as of the acquisition date or has determined
that such information is unavailable. However, the measurement period cannot extend beyond one year
from the acquisition date.
We believe that the acquirer determines the information that it is seeking on an item-by-item basis. We
believe that the acquirer must document the information that it has not yet obtained, but has arranged to
obtain, for each reporting period that the measurement period remains open. The SEC staff has
challenged measurement period adjustments when prior disclosures failed to indicate that the acquirer
was waiting on the specific information that resulted in the adjustment. In those circumstances, the SEC
staff typically expects adjustments to carrying amounts to be recognized in the statement of operations
in the current period.
For some acquisitions, the measurement period is relatively short, while complex acquisitions often
require a longer period to obtain necessary information to complete the measurement process required
by the guidance in ASC 805.
Once the acquirer obtains the information it has arranged to obtain or determines that the information
does not exist, then the measurement period is closed. The measurement period is not a fixed twelve-
month period during which all changes in carrying values of assets acquired or liabilities assumed are
considered adjustments to the business combination accounting. In addition, the period may not be
extended to include the time necessary to resolve a contingency or negotiate after the acquisition date
with a counterparty to a preacquisition contingency. The one-year limit is in place to prevent the
measurement period from extending indefinitely.
7.3.2 Provisional amounts recognized
During the measurement period, the acquirer recognizes provisional amounts based on the acquirer’s best
estimates using information that it has obtained as of the reporting date. The acquirer discloses that the
amounts recognized are provisional and discloses the information that the acquirer has arranged to obtain,
but has not yet received. Section 8.5.8 describes the disclosure requirements for provisional amounts
recognized and the information that has not been received to finalize those provisional amounts.
ASC 805 does not provide specific guidance on how to determine provisional amounts but those provisional
amounts should be determined based on information available as of the acquisition date that is known at
the date the financial statements are issued. While the information may be preliminary or may not be
readily available at the acquisition date, it would not be appropriate to simply assign a nominal value or
no value to particular assets or liabilities simply because the acquirer anticipates receiving (during the
measurement period) additional information that will affect the ultimate recognition and measurement
of those items.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 260
7.3.3 Adjustments to provisional amounts during the measurement period
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
The acquirer recognizes an increase (decrease) in the provisional amount recognized for an
identifiable asset (liability) by means of a decrease (increase) in goodwill. However, new information
obtained during the measurement period sometimes may result in an adjustment to the provisional
amount of more than one asset or liability. For example, the acquirer might have assumed a liability to
pay damages related to an accident in one of the acquiree’s facilities, part or all of which are covered
by the acquiree’s liability insurance policy. If the acquirer obtains new information during the
measurement period about the acquisition-date fair value of that liability, the adjustment to goodwill
resulting from a change to the provisional amount recognized for the liability would be offset (in whole
or in part) by a corresponding adjustment to goodwill resulting from a change to the provisional
amount recognized for the claim receivable from the insurer.
Paragraphs 805-10-30-2 through 30-3 require consideration of all pertinent factors in determining
whether information obtained after the acquisition date should result in an adjustment to the
provisional amounts recognized or whether that information results from events that occurred after
the acquisition date.
Initial Measurement
The acquirer shall consider all pertinent factors in determining whether information obtained after the
acquisition date should result in an adjustment to the provisional amounts recognized or whether that
information results from events that occurred after the acquisition date. Pertinent factors include the
time at which additional information is obtained and whether the acquirer can identify a reason for a
change to provisional amounts.
Information that is obtained shortly after the acquisition date is more likely to reflect circumstances
that existed at the acquisition date than is information obtained several months later. For example,
unless an intervening event that changed its fair value can be identified, the sale of an asset to a third
party shortly after the acquisition date for an amount that differs significantly from its provisional fair
value determined at that date is likely to indicate an error in the provisional amount.
The acquirer must perform a careful evaluation of any adjustments made to provisional amounts
recognized. The acquirer performs this evaluation to determine whether the potential adjustment is the
result of information that existed as of the acquisition date or whether the potential adjustment is the
result of events occurring subsequent to the acquisition date. This evaluation includes the timing of when
the additional information is obtained and whether the acquirer can identify a reason for a change to the
provisional amounts. Information that is obtained shortly after the acquisition date is more likely to
reflect circumstances that existed at the acquisition date than information obtained several months later.
The acquirer adjusts provisional amounts only for adjustments resulting from facts and circumstances
that existed as of the acquisition date.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 261
If the acquirer becomes aware of new information or additional information comes to light during the
measurement period about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date, the provisional
amounts recognized at the acquisition date are adjusted only if the new information does one of the following:
Affects the measurement of items that were initially recognized at the acquisition date
Establishes that an additional asset was acquired or a liability was assumed that was not recognized
in the initial accounting for the acquisition
Establishes that an asset or a liability that was previously recognized at the acquisition date does not
meet the recognition requirements of ASC 805
The acquirer generally adjusts provisional amounts by increasing or decreasing goodwill. However, in
some circumstances, new information may result in adjustments to other assets and liabilities. For
example, if the acquirer completes its assessment of the fair value of a contingent liability and adjusts the
provisional amount recognized for that liability, it also likely would adjust the provisional amount
recognized for any related indemnification asset.
The acquirer recognizes changes in carrying amounts of assets and liabilities that are the result of facts
and circumstances that did not exist as of acquisition date as part of ongoing operations (generally, as
income or expense in the current statement of operations).
Illustration 7-2: New information obtained during the measurement period
On 1 January 20X9, Company A acquired all of the outstanding shares of Company B and accounted
for the transaction as a business combination under ASC 805. As of the acquisition date, Company A
determined that a potential litigation liability relating to a defective product existed and recorded a
provisional liability of $2,000. On 1 March 20X9, Company A obtained additional information from a
third-party consultant, which Company A hired to determine the nature of the damages caused by the
defective product. Based on information received from the third-party consultant, Company A
determined that the damages caused by the defective product were understated and the liability
should have been recorded at $3,000 as of the acquisition date.
Because the new information received on 1 March 20X9 about the defective product relates to facts
and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date, Company A should recognize an increase of
$1,000 to the provisional liability and a corresponding increase to goodwill.
Illustration 7-3: New information obtained during the measurement period and information
not known at the acquisition date
Assume the same facts in Illustration 7-2 except that Company A did not know about the defective
product on the acquisition date. However, on 1 April 20X9 (before the measurement period ended),
Company A becomes aware of the damages caused by the defected product that existed as of the
acquisition date. Based on this new information, Company A determines that a potentially liability of
$3,000 should have been recognized as of the acquisition date.
The contingency existed as of the acquisition date, even though Company A did not identify it until
new information became available during the measurement period. If Company A was aware of the
existence of the defective product on the acquisition date, Company A would have recognized a
liability as of that date. Therefore, Company A should adjust the acquisition-date accounting to reflect
the $3,000 estimated amount of the liability in accordance with ASC 805-10-25-16 with a
corresponding increase to goodwill.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 262
Illustration 7-4: New information obtained during the measurement period with no change to
acquisition-date accounting
Assume the same facts in Illustration 7-3 except that the damages caused by the defective product did
not exist as of the acquisition date. Based on this new information, Company A determines that a
potential liability of $3,000 should be recognized.
Because the contingency did not exist as of the acquisition date, there is no adjustment to the
acquisition-date accounting to reflect the $3,000 estimated amount of the liability. Rather, the $3,000
liability would be recorded as expense in the current period. Recognition of measurement period adjustments
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
During the measurement period, the acquirer shall recognize adjustments to the provisional amounts
with a corresponding adjustment to goodwill in the reporting period in which the adjustments to the
provisional amounts are determined. Thus, the acquirer shall adjust its financial statements as needed,
including recognizing in its current-period earnings the full effect of changes in depreciation,
amortization, or other income effects, by line item, if any, as a result of the change to the provisional
amounts calculated as if the accounting had been completed at the acquisition date. Paragraph 805-
10-55-16 and Example 1 (see paragraph 805-10-55-27) provide additional guidance.
Acquirers must recognize measurement period adjustments during the period in which they determine
the amounts, including the effect on earnings of any amounts they would have recorded in previous
periods if the accounting had been completed at the acquisition date.
The acquirer must disclose the amounts and reasons for adjustments to the provisional amounts.
The acquirer also must disclose, by line item, the amount of the adjustment reflected in the current-
period income statement that would have been recognized in previous periods if the adjustment to
provisional amounts had been recognized as of the acquisition date. Alternatively, an acquirer may
present those amounts separately on the face of the income statement.
See section F.2 for an illustration of adjustments to provisional amounts and the related disclosures and
7.3.4 Acquisition accounting subsequent to the measurement period
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
After the measurement period ends, the acquirer shall revise the accounting for a business
combination only to correct an error in accordance with Topic 250.
Adjustments to amounts recognized in a business combination that occur after the end of the measurement
period are recognized in current period operations. The acquirer does not adjust the accounting for the
business combination in such circumstances for anything other than the correction of an error that would
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 263
be accounted for in accordance with the guidance in ASC 250 (generally by restating prior periods). The
materiality of any such errors should be carefully considered. SAB 108 provides guidance for SEC registrants
regarding the assessment of materiality of errors and should also be considered by nonpublic companies.
The SEC staff has also challenged whether adjustments to provisional amounts recognized for assets
acquired or liabilities assumed in a business combination qualify as measurement period adjustments,
including whether the changes to provisional amounts recognized in the acquisition are properly
characterized as measurement period adjustments rather than error corrections.
7.4 Business combinations achieved in stages
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
An acquirer sometimes obtains control of an acquiree in which it held an equity interest immediately
before the acquisition date. For example, on December 31, 20X1, Entity A holds a 35 percent
noncontrolling equity interest in Entity B. On that date, Entity A purchases an additional 40 percent
interest in Entity B, which gives it control of Entity B. This Topic refers to such a transaction as a
business combination achieved in stages, sometimes also referred to as a step acquisition.
7.4.1 Accounting prior to obtaining control
Any ownership interest held prior to obtaining control is subject to existing accounting literature, as
appropriate. If the investor exercises significant influence over the investee, as defined in ASC 323-10-15-6,
then the investment is accounted for under the equity method. If the investor is not able to exercise
significant influence over the investee, the investment is accounted for as an equity security, generally in
accordance with the guidance in ASC 321 or using the cost model in ASC 325-20, as appropriate.
The application of the acquisition model in ASC 805 is based on the acquirer gaining control of the
acquired entity. If control is not obtained, then ASC 805 does not apply to the investment.
7.4.2 Accounting for a preexisting investment when control is obtained
An acquirer may obtain control of an acquiree through a series of acquisitions of two or more different
investments. Such a transaction is commonly referred to as a step-acquisition and in ASC 805, as a
business combination achieved in stages. The act of obtaining control triggers the application of the
acquisition model in ASC 805. Prior accounting in accordance with a step-acquisition model, under
which each additional investment was recognized in accordance with the provisions of Statement 141,
resulted in multiple measurement bases for assets acquired and liabilities assumed, no longer applies
when control is obtained. Rather, the preexisting equity interest in the acquired company is remeasured
at fair value when the acquirer obtains control (see further discussion in section and the acquired
assets and assumed liabilities are measured at their full fair value (or other specified amounts).
After the adoption of the guidance in ASC 805, step-acquisition accounting prescribed in current GAAP
continues to be applied to increases in equity investments as long as an investors interest does not
become a controlling interest. Under this accounting, an investors basis in each increased investment in
an acquiree becomes a component of the accumulated basis of the investors investment. Under
Statement 141, this cost accumulation accounting model continued beyond the point of obtaining control.
Comments by Jonathan Wiggins, Associate Chief Accountant in the Office of the Chief Accountant at the SEC, at the 2016 AICPA
Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 264 Remeasurement of previously held interest (updated June 2023)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
In a business combination achieved in stages, the acquirer shall remeasure its previously held equity
interest in the acquiree at its acquisition-date fair value and recognize the resulting gain or loss, if any,
in earnings. In prior reporting periods, with respect to its previously held equity method investment,
the acquirer may have recognized amounts in other comprehensive income in accordance with
paragraph 323-10-35-18. If so, the amount that was recognized in other comprehensive income shall
be reclassified and included in the calculation of gain or loss as of the acquisition date. If the business
combination achieved in stages relates to a previously held equity method investment that is a foreign
entity, the amount of accumulated other comprehensive income that is reclassified and included in the
calculation of gain or loss shall include any foreign currency translation adjustment related to that
previously held investment. For guidance on derecognizing foreign currency translation adjustments
recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income, see Section 830-30-40.
If the acquirer owns a noncontrolling interest in the acquiree immediately before obtaining control, the
acquirer must remeasure that investment at fair value as of the acquisition date. The acquirer recognizes
any gains or losses from the remeasurement of the previously held investment in current period earnings. In
prior reporting periods, the acquirer may have recognized amounts related to a previously held equity
method investment in other comprehensive income (e.g., because the investment is in a foreign entity
for which the acquirer has recognized a cumulative translation adjustment amount). If so, the amount
that was recognized in other comprehensive income should be reclassified and included in the calculation
of gain or loss as of the acquisition date.
The Board believes that a change from holding a noncontrolling equity investment in an entity to obtaining control
of that entity is a significant change in the nature of and economic circumstances surrounding that investment.
The acquirer exchanges its status as an owner of an investment in an entity for a controlling financial interest in
all of the underlying assets and liabilities of that entity and the right to direct how the acquiree and its
management use those assets in conducting its operations. In the FASB’s view, that exchange warrants fair
value recognition of all net assets over which control has been obtained and requires remeasurement through
earnings of any previously held noncontrolling interest. Disclosure of the gain or loss recognized in connection
with remeasuring the basis in previously held non-controlling interests is required (see Appendix F).
The guidance in ASC 805 is unclear how the preexisting equity interest should be remeasured when control
is obtained in a business combination achieved in stages. The question that arises is whether the preexisting
noncontrolling interest of the acquirer should be remeasured (1) independent of the acquisition of the controlling
interest (i.e., the moment before control is obtained) or (2) in combination with the controlling interest.
Under the first alternative (Alternative 1), the preexisting equity interest is remeasured as a noncontrolling
interest independent of the acquired controlling interest. This view is based on the guidance in paragraph
ASC 805-30-30-1, which contemplates separate measurement of the consideration transferred and the
preexisting noncontrolling interest. Accordingly, under this view, no control or acquisition premium would
be added to the value of the previously held interest, as any benefit the acquirer expects to receive from
exercising control would be captured in accounting for the business combination, not in the derecognition
of the preexisting interest.
Under the second alternative (Alternative 2), the entire ownership interest (both new and preexisting) of
the acquirer in the acquired company would be valued as a single interest. Under this alternative, any
control or acquisition premium could be included in the revaluation of the preexisting noncontrolling
interest, which would serve to increase the gain (or reduce the loss) associated with the derecognition of
the acquirer’s previously held interest in the acquired entity.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 265
We understand that members of the FASB staff and IASB staff discussed this issue at the 23 September
2008 FASB Valuation Resource Group meeting and indicated that they believed Alternative 1 above is
consistent with the intent of the respective boards. Accordingly, absent any further guidance from
standard setters or regulators, we believe Alternative 1 should be followed such that the revaluation of
the preexisting noncontrolling interest does not include any potential control or acquisition premium.
In addition, it is important to note that when a business combination is achieved in stages it may not be
appropriate to estimate the equity value of the acquired entity based on the price paid for the shares that
gave the acquirer control. Such an approach could overstate the equity value of the acquired entity (as
well as the noncontrolling interest) when the price paid by the buyer includes a control or acquisition
premium related to both the acquired shares and the buyer’s preexisting interest.
For additional information on determining a control premium, refer to the Appraisal Foundation’s Valuations
in Financial Reporting Valuation Advisory 3: The Measurement and Application of Market Participant
Acquisition Premiums (Valuation Advisory) issued in September 2017. Although this Valuation Advisory
is not authoritative guidance, we understand that the valuation techniques described in the guide are
generally recognized by the valuation community as acceptable methods for determining a control premium.
Illustration 7-5: Remeasurement of previously held interest
Company A held a 30% preexisting interest in Company B,
and on 1 January 20X0, Company A
acquired an additional 40% interest in Company B for $135 million, giving Company A a controlling
70% interest in Company B.
The fair value of the net assets of Company B was determined to be $275 million on 1 January 20X0.
It would not be appropriate to assume that the fair value of the 30% noncontrolling interest is $101.25 million
(i.e., 30% of an equity value calculated as $135 million divided by the 40% interest acquired to gain control).
In this case, if the $135 million paid for the additional 40% interest included a 20% acquisition premium
related to both the shares acquired and Company A’s preexisting interest, the equity value of Company B
would be $300 million
(not $337.5 million, which one would get by simply dividing the $135 million
consideration transferred by the 40% interest acquired to obtain control). In this case, assuming the
noncontrolling interest would share ratably in all of the benefits expected to be brought about by Company
A exercising its control, and the required rate of return for the noncontrolling interest was consistent with
that of the acquirer, the fair value of the 30% noncontrolling interest would be $90 million (30% of the
$300 million), which differs from the per-share price paid for the 40% controlling interest. However, the fair
value used in determining the gain or loss on the derecognition of Company As preexisting interest of 30%
would be $75 million,
since it would not consider the acquisition premium paid by the acquirer.
The goodwill recognized under this business combination achieved in stages would be $25 million:
Net assets
$ 275
Preexisting interest
$ 75
Noncontrolling interest
This is consistent with the goodwill that would have been recognized if Company A had acquired its
entire 70% interest in Company B for a price of $210 million in cash (or 70% of the $300 million equity
value of Company B under the new ownership).
Company B has 10,000,000 shares outstanding and no outstanding debt.
7 Other matters (including goodwill, measurement period and acquisitions achieved in stages)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 266
The $300 million equity value (X) is calculated by using the following formula: $135 million = 40%X + 30%(X X/120%), where
$135 million equals the transaction price paid for the 40% controlling interest (inclusive of a 20% acquisition premium) plus
the acquisition premium on the existing 30% interest.
The $75 million is calculated by using the following formula: 30% * ($300 million /120%).
There may be instances in which an entity holds both a current ownership interest and an option to
acquire a controlling interest in a business. In these cases, we believe that the acquirer should remeasure
its preexisting equity interest, inclusive of its previously held current ownership interest and its option to
acquire a controlling interest in the business. Consider the following illustration:
Illustration 7-6: Remeasurement of previously held interest with an option
Company A held a 20% preexisting interest in Company B. Company A also held a fixed price call
option to purchase the remaining 80% interest in Company B for $20 per share that it can exercise
between 1 January 20X2 and 31 March 20X2. Company A exercised the call option on 1 January 20X2.
On 1 January 20X2, the fair value of the preexisting 20% equity interest was $80 million, the carrying
amount of that investment was $26 million, and the fair value of the option was $160 million.
On 1 January 20X2, Company A remeasured both its preexisting 20% interest in Company B and the
option to purchase the remaining interest at fair value. On 1 January 20X2, Company A recognized a
gain of $214 million related to the remeasurement of its previously held interests.
For purposes of this illustration the option did not meet the definition of a derivative prior to exercise, and it was not probable that
Company A would exercise the option until immediately before it was exercised. This results in no measurement of the option
prior to its exercise.
Acquisition premium has been disregarded to simplify this illustration.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 267
8 Presentation and disclosure
8.1 Gain recognized in a bargain purchase
As noted in section 1.7.1, ASC 805 requires that a gain resulting from a bargain purchase be recognized
as of the acquisition date. We believe that bargain purchases will be rare and that any such gain must be
disclosed as an unusual or infrequently occurring item in accordance with ASC 220-20-45-1.
When disclosure is made of unusual or infrequently occurring items that are material, the nature and
financial effect are disclosed either on the face of the income statement or in the notes to the financial
statements. However, such items are not reported on the face of the income statement net of income
taxes or in any other manner. Similarly, the earnings per share effects of those items are not disclosed
on the face of the income statement.
The net-of-tax effects of the gain may be presented in the notes to the financial statements.
8.2 Cash paid to acquire a business
The cash paid to acquire a business, net of any cash acquired, is presented as a single line in the investing
section of the statement of cash flows pursuant to ASC 230-10-45-13. When preparing the statement of
cash flows, care should be taken to exclude the effects of the business combination on specific asset and
liability accounts from the calculation of other amounts in the statement of cash flows. For example,
companies that use the indirect method of presenting cash flows will reconcile net income to operating
income. That reconciliation includes changes in the balances of operating assets and liabilities. Those
changes must be calculated by excluding the effect of adding the assets acquired or liabilities assumed in
the business combination to specific asset or liability accounts. The cash flow statement effects of a
business combination are included in the single line in the investing activities section of the statement.
The noncash effects of a business combination, including any noncash consideration included in the
purchase consideration and the total effects on the assets and liabilities of the acquirer, also are required
to be disclosed. However, such disclosures also are required by the guidance in ASC 805 and generally
need not be repeated.
8.3 Other presentation matters
In addition to the disclosures required by ASC 805, questions often arise about the classification of other
items that may relate to a business combination including transaction costs, remeasurement of previously
held equity interest, remeasurement of contingent consideration, gain on a bargain purchase and
restructuring charges. A few of the more significant items are discussed below.
8.3.1 Transaction costs
ASC 805-10-25-23 requires transaction costs to be expensed as incurred. However, ASC 805 does not
include, and neither the FASB nor the SEC has issued any additional guidance, on how to classify, in the
financial statements, transaction costs incurred in a business combination. As such, no guidance
currently exists on the appropriate classification of such costs in either the statement of operations or
statement of cash flows.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 268 Classification in the statement of operations
Entities should exercise judgment in determining the appropriate financial statement classification of
transaction costs incurred in a business combination. Regardless of the classification, ASC 805-10-50-2(f)
requires an entity that has consummated a business combination to disclose the amount of acquisition-
related costs incurred, the amount recognized as an expense and the line item or items in the statement
of operations in which those expenses are recognized. Classification in the statement of cash flows
The cash paid for transaction costs incurred in a business combination, we believe, is most appropriately
classified in the operating section of the statement of cash flows. ASC 805 requires transaction costs
to be expensed as incurred. Classifying the cash flows as an operating activity would be consistent with
the requirement to recognize the costs as an expense. In addition, classification of these costs as an operating
activity would be consistent with the guidance that cash flows from operating activities are generally the cash
effects of transactions and other events that enter into the determination of net income (ASC 230-10-20).
8.3.2 Contingent consideration Contingent consideration classified as equity
ASC 805-30-25-6 states that an acquirer classifies an obligation to pay contingent consideration as a
liability or as equity in accordance with ASC 480 and ASC 815 or other applicable GAAP.
If the analysis indicates the contingent consideration qualifies for classification as equity, we believe
the contingent consideration should be classified as a separate line item within the statement of
shareholders equity, with a description indicating that the amount represents contingent consideration.
If contingent consideration does not qualify for equity classification, it is classified as a liability (or an
asset, if contingently returnable) that would be further segregated between current and non-current in a
classified statement of financial position. Remeasurement of contingent consideration classified as a liability or an asset
Contingent consideration arrangements will often be settled at an amount different than the amount
initially included in the measurement of the consideration transferred under ASC 805. Under ASC 805-
30-35-1, for changes in the fair value of contingent consideration that are not measurement period
adjustments, contingent consideration classified as an asset or a liability is remeasured to fair value at
each reporting date until the contingency is resolved with the changes in fair value recognized in earnings.
We believe that subsequent changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration arrangement are
most appropriately classified as an operating item (i.e., as a component of operating income if presented)
in the statement of operations. Statement of cash flows classification
Cash payments that are not made soon after (i.e., a relatively short period of time such as three months
or less) the consummation of a business combination to settle a contingent consideration liability will be
classified as cash outflows for financing and operating activities. The portion of the cash payment up to
the acquisition date fair value of the contingent consideration liability (including any measurement period
adjustments) will be classified as a financing outflow, and amounts paid in excess of the acquisition date
fair value of that liability will be classified as operating outflows. Cash payments made soon after the
consummation of a business combination generally will be classified as cash outflows for investing
activities. Refer to section of our FRD, Statement of cash flows, for additional information.
If the arrangement is a hedging instrument, ASC 815 requires the changes to be initially recognized in other comprehensive income.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 269
8.4 General disclosure requirements
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Business Combinations Occurring During a Current Reporting Period or After the Reporting Date
but Before the Financial Statements Are Issued
The acquirer shall disclose information that enables users of its financial statements to evaluate the
nature and financial effect of a business combination that occurs either:
a. During the current reporting period
b. After the reporting date but before the financial statements are issued or are available to be
issued (as discussed in Section 855-10-25).
To meet the objective in the preceding paragraph, the acquirer shall disclose the following information
for each business combination that occurs during the reporting period:
a. The name and a description of the acquiree
b. The acquisition date
c. The percentage of voting equity interests acquired
d. The primary reasons for the business combination and a description of how the acquirer obtained
control of the acquiree
e. For transactions that are recognized separately from the acquisition of assets and assumptions of
liabilities in the business combination (see paragraph 805-10-25-20), all of the following:
1. A description of each transaction
2. How the acquirer accounted for each transaction
3. The amounts recognized for each transaction and the line item in the financial statements in
which each amount is recognized
4. If the transaction is the effective settlement of a preexisting relationship, the method used to
determine the settlement amount.
f. The disclosure of separately recognized transactions required in (e) shall include the amount of
acquisition-related costs, the amount recognized as an expense, and the line item or items in the
income statement in which those expenses are recognized. The amount of any issuance costs not
recognized as an expense and how they were recognized also shall be disclosed.
g. In a business combination achieved in stages, all of the following:
1. The acquisition-date fair value of the equity interest in the acquiree held by the acquirer
immediately before the acquisition date
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 270
2. The amount of any gain or loss recognized as a result of remeasuring to fair value the equity
interest in the acquiree held by the acquirer immediately before the business combination
(see paragraph 805-10-25-10) and the line item in the income statement in which that gain
or loss is recognized
3. The valuation technique(s) used to measure the acquisition-date fair value of the equity
interest in the acquiree held by the acquirer immediately before the business combination
4. Information that enables users of the acquirer’s financial statements to assess the inputs
used to develop the fair value measurement of the equity interest in the acquiree held by the
acquirer immediately before the business combination.
h. If the acquirer is a public entity, all of the following:
1. The amounts of revenue and earnings of the acquiree since the acquisition date included in
the consolidated income statement for the reporting period.
2. If comparative financial statements are not presented, the revenue and earnings of the
combined entity for the current reporting period as though the acquisition date for all
business combinations that occurred during the year had been as of the beginning of the
annual reporting period (supplemental pro forma information).
3. If comparative financial statements are presented, the revenue and earnings of the combined
entity as though the business combination(s) that occurred during the current year had
occurred as of the beginning of the comparable prior annual reporting period (supplemental
pro forma information). For example, for a calendar year-end entity, disclosures would be
provided for a business combination that occurs in 20X2, as if it occurred on January 1, 20X1.
Such disclosures would not be revised if 20X2 is presented for comparative purposes with the
20X3 financial statements (even if 20X2 is the earliest period presented).
4. The nature and amount of any material, nonrecurring pro forma adjustments directly
attributable to the business combination(s) included in the reported pro forma revenue and
earnings (supplemental pro forma information).
If disclosure of any of the information required by (h) is impracticable, the acquirer shall disclose that
fact and explain why the disclosure is impracticable. In this context, the term impracticable has the
same meaning as in paragraph 250-10-45-9.
The Financial Effects of Adjustments that Relate to Business Combinations that Occurred in the
Current or Previous Reporting Periods
The acquirer shall disclose information that enables users of its financial statements to evaluate the
financial effects of adjustments recognized in the current reporting period that relate to business
combinations that occurred in the current or previous reporting periods.
Other Disclosures
If the specific disclosures required by this Subtopic and other generally accepted accounting principles
(GAAP) do not meet the objectives set out in paragraphs 805-10-50-1 and 805-10-50-5, the acquirer
shall disclose whatever additional information is necessary to meet those objectives.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 271
8.4.1 Overview
The FASB decided to develop overall objectives for disclosure of information related to a business
combination. The guidance in ASC 805 indicates that those objectives are for the acquirer to disclose
information that enables financial statement users to evaluate:
The nature and financial effect of business combinations that occur (1) during the current reporting
period or (2) after the balance sheet date but before the financial statements are issued
The financial effects of adjustments to the amounts recognized in a business combination that occur
in the current reporting period or in previous reporting periods
ASC 805-10-50-1 through 50-5 provides specific, detailed disclosure requirements that are intended to
facilitate meeting these disclosure objectives. However, if these specific disclosure requirements, and
those required by other GAAP, do not meet the objectives outlined above, an acquirer discloses any
additional information that may be necessary to meet those objectives.
The guidance in ASC 805 also affects the disclosure guidance in other sections of the Codification,
as follows:
ASC 944-805-50-1 extends the disclosure requirements of ASC 350-30-50-1 through 50-3 to
intangible assets arising from insurance and reinsurance contracts acquired in a business combination.
ASC 805-740-50-1 requires that the disclosure of adjustments of the beginning-of-period valuation
allowance balance to include any acquisition-date income tax benefits or expense recognized from
changes in the acquirer’s valuation allowance for its previously existing deferred tax asset as a result
of a business combination.
ASC 350-20-50-1 specifies additional items that must be disclosed in the reconciliation of beginning
to end-of-period goodwill carrying amounts.
8.4.2 When to disclose a business combination
ASC 805-10-50 requires the disclosures described in Appendix F for individually material business
combinations. Additionally, certain disclosures also are required for individually immaterial business
combinations that are collectively material (see section 8.4.3). However, the guidance in ASC 805-10-50
does not include guidance as to what is considered material. While the ultimate conclusion on the
materiality of a business combination is a matter of judgment that rests with the acquiring entity, we
believe that both quantitative and qualitative factors should be considered in the evaluation. Such
quantitative factors should include the following:
The net assets of the acquiree as a percentage of total shareholders’ equity of the acquirer as of the
end of the most recent fiscal year
The total assets of the acquiree as a percentage of total assets of the acquirer as of the end of the
most recent fiscal year
The acquirees income from continuing operations before income taxes and cumulative effect of a
change in accounting principle as a percentage of such income of the acquirer for the most recent
fiscal year
A business combination may be considered material due to qualitative factors even though it does not
meet an entity’s quantitative materiality threshold. For example, disclosure of the business combination
in an entity’s MD&A or press release, discussion of a business combination on an entity’s website or in the
CEO’s letter in an annual report, suggests that the business combination might be material and thus
subject to the disclosure requirements in ASC 805-10-50.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 272
8.4.3 Aggregation of immaterial business combinations
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
For individually immaterial business combinations occurring during the reporting period that are
material collectively, the acquirer shall disclose the information required by (e) through (h) in the
preceding paragraph in the aggregate.
Disclosure may still be required for individually immaterial business combinations if they are material in
the aggregate. In that circumstance, the disclosures are aggregated for individually immaterial business
combinations, and certain disclosures that are not easily aggregated may be omitted. However, the
disclosures required by ASC 805-10-50-2 (a)-(d) are not required for individually immaterial acquisitions
that are material in the aggregate.
As discussed in section 8.4.2, we believe the evaluation and ultimate conclusion on materiality of a
business combination rests with the acquiring entity and that both quantitative and qualitative factors
should be considered in that evaluation. Further, we believe a series of individually immaterial business
combinations would be considered material in the aggregate if, in total, they meet the threshold of
materiality as applied to a single business combination.
8.5 Specific disclosure requirements
A comprehensive illustrative example of the ASC 805-10-50 disclosure requirements is included in Appendix F.
8.5.1 Disclosure requirements for specific assets acquired, liabilities assumed and
noncontrolling interest
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Paragraph 805-10-50-1 identifies one of the objectives of disclosures about a business combination.
To meet that objective, the acquirer shall disclose all of the following information for each business
combination that occurs during the reporting period:
a. For indemnification assets, all of the following:
1. The amount recognized as of the acquisition date
2. A description of the arrangement and the basis for determining the amount of the payment
3. An estimate of the range of outcomes (undiscounted) or, if a range cannot be estimated,
that fact and the reasons why a range cannot be estimated. If the maximum amount of the
payment is unlimited, the acquirer shall disclose that fact.
b. For acquired receivables not subject to the requirements of Subtopic 310-30, all of the following:
1. The fair value of the receivables
2. The gross contractual amounts receivable
3. The best estimate at the acquisition date of the contractual cash flows not expected to be
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 273
The disclosures shall be provided by major class of receivable, such as loans, direct financing
leases in accordance with Subtopic 840-30, and any other class of receivables.
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2018; (N) December 16, 2021 | Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
b. For acquired receivables not subject to the requirements of Subtopic 310-30, all of the following:
1. The fair value of the receivables (unless those receivables arise from sales-type leases or
direct financing leases by the lessor for which the acquirer shall disclose the amounts
recognized as of the acquisition date)
2. The gross contractual amounts receivable
3. The best estimate at the acquisition date of the contractual cash flows not expected to be
The disclosures shall be provided by major class of receivable, such as loans, net investment in
sales-type or direct financing leases in accordance with Subtopic 842-30 on leaseslessor, and
any other class of receivables.
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2019; (N) December 16, 2022 | Transition Guidance: 326-10-65-4
b. For acquired receivables not subject to the requirements of Subtopic 326-20 relating to
purchased financial assets with credit deterioration, all of the following:
1. The fair value of the receivables (unless those receivables arise from sales-type leases or
direct financing leases by the lessor for which the acquirer shall disclose the amounts
recognized as of the acquisition date)
2. The gross contractual amounts receivable
3. The best estimate at the acquisition date of the contractual cash flows not expected to be
The disclosures shall be provided by major class of receivable, such as loans, net investment in
sales-type or direct financing leases in accordance with Subtopic 842-30 on leaseslessor, and
any other class of receivables.
c. The amounts recognized as of the acquisition date for each major class of assets acquired and
liabilities assumed (see Example 5 [paragraph 805-10-55-37]).
d. For contingencies, the following disclosures shall be included in the note that describes the
business combination:
1. For assets and liabilities arising from contingencies recognized at the acquisition date:
i. The amounts recognized at the acquisition date and the measurement basis applied
(that is, at fair value or at an amount recognized in accordance with Topic 450 and
Section 450-20-25)
ii. The nature of the contingencies.
An acquirer may aggregate disclosures for assets or liabilities arising from contingencies that are
similar in nature.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 274
2. For contingencies that are not recognized at the acquisition date, the disclosures required by
Topic 450 if the criteria for disclosures in that Topic are met.
An acquirer may aggregate disclosures for assets and liabilities arising from contingencies that
are similar in nature.
e. For each business combination in which the acquirer holds less than 100 percent of the equity
interests in the acquiree at the acquisition date, both of the following:
1. The fair value of the noncontrolling interest in the acquiree at the acquisition date
2. The valuation technique(s) and significant inputs used to measure the fair value of the
noncontrolling interest.
For individually immaterial business combinations occurring during the reporting period that are
material collectively, the acquirer shall disclose the information required by the preceding paragraph in
the aggregate.
8.5.2 Disclosure requirements for goodwill, bargain purchase gains and
consideration transferred
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Paragraph 805-10-50-1 identifies one of the objectives of disclosures about a business combination.
To meet that objective, the acquirer shall disclose all of the following information for each business
combination that occurs during the reporting period:
a. A qualitative description of the factors that make up the goodwill recognized, such as expected
synergies from combining operations of the acquiree and the acquirer, intangible assets that do
not qualify for separate recognition, or other factors.
b. The acquisition-date fair value of the total consideration transferred and the acquisition-date fair
value of each major class of consideration, such as the following:
1. Cash
2. Other tangible or intangible assets, including a business or subsidiary of the acquirer
3. Liabilities incurred, for example, a liability for contingent consideration
4. Equity interests of the acquirer, including the number of instruments or interests issued or
issuable and the method of determining the fair value of those instruments or interests.
c. For contingent consideration arrangements, all of the following:
1. The amount recognized as of the acquisition date
2. A description of the arrangement and the basis for determining the amount of the payment
3. An estimate of the range of outcomes (undiscounted) or, if a range cannot be estimated,
that fact and the reasons why a range cannot be estimated. If the maximum amount of the
payment is unlimited, the acquirer shall disclose that fact.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 275
d. The total amount of goodwill that is expected to be deductible for tax purposes.
e. If the acquirer is required to disclose segment information in accordance with Subtopic 280-10,
the amount of goodwill by reportable segment. If the assignment of goodwill to reporting units
required by paragraphs 350-20-35-41 through 35-44 has not been completed as of the date the
financial statements are issued or are available to be issued (as discussed in Section 855-10-25),
the acquirer shall disclose that fact.
f. In a bargain purchase (see paragraphs 805-30-25-2 through 25-4), both of the following:
1. The amount of any gain recognized in accordance with paragraph 805-30-25-2 and the line
item in the income statement in which the gain is recognized
2. A description of the reasons why the transaction resulted in a gain.
For individually immaterial business combinations occurring during the reporting period that are material
collectively, the acquirer shall disclose the information required by the preceding paragraph in the aggregate.
Paragraph 805-10-50-5 identifies the second objective of disclosures about the effects of business
combinations that occurred in the current or previous reporting periods. To meet the objective in that
paragraph, the acquirer shall disclose the following information for each material business combination
or in the aggregate for individually immaterial business combinations that are material collectively:
a. For each reporting period after the acquisition date until the entity collects, sells, or otherwise
loses the right to a contingent consideration asset, or until the entity settles a contingent
consideration liability or the liability is cancelled or expires, all of the following:
1. Any changes in the recognized amounts, including any differences arising upon settlement
2. Any changes in the range of outcomes (undiscounted) and the reasons for those changes
3. The disclosures required by Section 820-10-50.
b. A reconciliation of the carrying amount of goodwill at the beginning and end of the reporting
period as required by paragraph 350-20-50-1
8.5.3 Intangible assets disclosures in period of acquisition
The acquisition-date disclosure requirements for intangible assets acquired in a business combination are
included in ASC 350-30-50-1, as amended, rather than in the disclosure requirements of ASC 805-10-50.
These disclosure requirements are outlined below:
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Intangibles Goodwill and Other General Intangibles Other than Goodwill
For intangible assets acquired either individually or as part of a group of assets (in either an asset
acquisition, a business combination, or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity), all of the following
information shall be disclosed in the notes to financial statements in the period of acquisition:
a. For intangible assets subject to amortization, all of the following:
1. The total amount assigned and the amount assigned to any major intangible asset class
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 276
2. The amount of any significant residual value, in total and by major intangible asset class
3. The weighted-average amortization period, in total and by major intangible asset class.
b. For intangible assets not subject to amortization, the total amount assigned and the amount
assigned to any major intangible asset class.
c. The amount of research and development assets acquired in a transaction other than a business
combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity and written off in the period and the line
item in the income statement in which the amounts written off are aggregated.
d. For intangible assets with renewal or extension terms, the weighted-average period before the
next renewal or extension (both explicit and implicit), by major intangible asset class.
This information also shall be disclosed separately for each material business combination or
acquisition by a not-for-profit entity or in the aggregate for individually immaterial business
combinations or acquisitions by a not-for-profit entity that are material collectively if the aggregate
fair values of intangible assets acquired, other than goodwill, are significant.
The information relating to intangible assets must be disclosed separately for each material business
combination or in the aggregate for individually immaterial business combinations that are material
collectively if the aggregate fair values of intangible assets acquired, other than goodwill, are significant.
8.5.4 Additional pro forma disclosures required for public entities
ASC 805-10-50 requires additional disclosures for public entities:
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
If the acquirer is a public entity, all of the following:
1. The amounts of revenue and earnings of the acquiree since the acquisition date included in the
consolidated income statement for the reporting period.
2. If comparative financial statements are not presented, the revenue and earnings of the combined
entity for the current reporting period as though the acquisition date for all business
combinations that occurred during the year had been as of the beginning of the annual reporting
period (supplemental pro forma information).
3. If comparative financial statements are presented, the revenue and earnings of the combined
entity as though the business combination(s) that occurred during the current year had occurred
as of the beginning of the comparable prior annual reporting period (supplemental pro forma
information). For example, for a calendar year-end entity, disclosures would be provided for a
business combination that occurs in 20X2, as if it occurred on January 1, 20X1. Such disclosures
would not be revised if 20X2 is presented for comparative purposes with the 20X3 financial
statements (even if 20X2 is the earliest period presented).
4. The nature and amount of any material, nonrecurring pro forma adjustments directly attributable
to the business combination(s) included in the reported pro forma revenue and earnings
(supplemental pro forma information).
If disclosure of any of the information required by (h) is impracticable, the acquirer shall disclose that
fact and explain why the disclosure is impracticable. In this context, the term impracticable has the
same meaning as in paragraph 250-10-45-9.
8 Presentation and disclosure
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ASC 805 does not provide additional guidance about how entities should calculate the required pro
forma revenue and earnings disclosures. One alternative would be to add the results from the financial
statements of the acquiree to the historical financial results of the acquirer after making certain
adjustments, such as the following:
Conforming accounting policies: For example, a company would adjust the pro forma financial
statements for the effect of applying a policy of different depreciable lives for property, plant and
equipment, or for the effect of applying the acquirer’s revenue recognition policy.
The effect of fair value adjustments: For example, a company would include amortization of
intangible assets recognized as part of the business combination.
Taxation: For example, the company would need to consider the tax effects of the transaction and
related adjustments as if the acquiree had been part of the reporting entity.
Financial structure: For example, the company would need to consider adjustments reflecting the
new capital structure, including the issuance of new equity and additional financing or repayments of
debt as part of the acquisition.
Adjustments that are not factually supportable or that are not directly related to the business
combination would not be included. For example, it would generally not be appropriate to include cost
savings and other synergy benefits resulting from the business combination in the pro forma adjustments. Definition of a public entity for purposes of evaluating the requirement to provide pro forma
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
Public entity
A business entity or a not-for-profit entity that meets any of the following conditions:
a. It has issued debt or equity securities or is a conduit bond obligor for conduit debt securities that
are traded in a public market (a domestic or foreign stock exchange or an over-the-counter
market, including local or regional markets).
b. It is required to file financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
c. It provides financial statements for the purpose of issuing any class of securities in a public market.
In determining whether a combined acquirer and target is required to provide the disclosures outlined in
ASC 805-10-50-2(h), it is necessary to look only to the financial statements that will include the
disclosures. For example, assume that (1) Acquirer, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent but is not
a public registrant in-and-of itself, acquires Target and (2) Parent is a public entity as defined in ASC 805.
In the consolidated separate company financial statements of Acquirer for the period that includes the
acquisition of Target, the disclosure requirements of ASC 805-10-50-2(h) are not applicable because
Acquirer is not a public entity as defined in ASC 805. However, the disclosures outlined in ASC 805-10-50-2(h)
would be applicable to the consolidated financial statements of Parent in the period of acquisition.
Note that the term “public entityin ASC 805 differs from the termpublic entity as defined in other
accounting literature, including ASC 718 and ASC 470. There could be situations where the Acquirer
and Target (upon and after the business combination) would be considered public entities for those
standards (because they are controlled by an entity with equity securities that trade in a public
market”) but not be considered a public entity under ASC 805.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 278 Effect of measurement period adjustments on the pro forma disclosures
The primary objective of the supplemental pro forma information is to provide the revenue and earnings
of the combined entity as though the acquisition occurred as of the beginning of the period presented (or,
when comparative financial statements are presented, as of the beginning of the comparable prior period).
As discussed in section, acquirers must recognize measurement period adjustments during the
period in which the amounts are determined.
However, when pro forma financial information is presented after recording a measurement period
adjustment to provisional amounts recognized in the business combination, we believe that the pro
forma information should reflect the effects of the adjustment on a retrospective basis. That is, we
believe the pro forma information should reflect the measurement period adjustment as of the beginning
of the period presented (or, when comparative financial statements are presented, as of the beginning of
the comparable prior period) consistent with the primary objective of the pro forma information. Presentation of pro forma information for a business combination
As noted in ASC 805-10-50-2(h), when a public entity has completed a business combination, the
acquiring entity must disclose certain, pro forma information in the notes to the financial statements.
If comparable financial statements are presented, the pro forma information incorporates the business
combination as of the beginning of the comparable prior period. As a result, any acquisition adjustments
resulting from the business combination that are recognized within the first year after the business
combination (e.g., inventory recognized at fair value and sold within 12 months of the business combination)
will be reflected in the pro forma results for the comparable prior period only. When comparative
information is presented, the requirement to present pro forma information as if the business combination
occurred at the beginning of the comparable prior period is consistent with the acquisition date to be
used with the SEC’s Form 8-K pro forma disclosure requirements under Article 11 of Regulation S-X.
ASC 805-10-50-2(h) also requires the pro forma information to be accompanied by a narrative description
of the nature and amount of material, nonrecurring adjustments. For example, a public entity discloses
material nonrecurring items such as the fair value adjustment to acquisition-date inventory. Computation and presentation in MD&A
Item 303 of Regulation S-K (MD&A) generally requires the registrant to analyze periods covered by the
financial statements using year-to-year comparisons based on the financial statements included in the filing.
The SEC staff
has acknowledged that “there may be situations where comparisons other than those of the
historical financial information may provide valuable supplemental and in certain cases, more relevant
analyses, to fully discuss trends and changes.” When a registrant determines that a supplemental discussion
in MD&A based on pro forma information is appropriate and will enhance the discussion, the SEC Division of
Corporation Finance’s Financial Reporting Manual (FRM) section 9220.7 states that the pro forma financial
information generally is presented in a format consistent with S-X Article 11 but acknowledges that other
formats may be appropriate depending on the facts and circumstances.
Regulation S-X Rule 11-02(a)(6) and (a)(7).
Comments by Steven C. Jacobs, Associate Chief Accountant in the Division of Corporate Finance at the SEC, at the 2007 AICPA
National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 279 Pro forma periods to be presented for a business combination (added June 2023)
ASC 805-10-50-2(h) requires that a public entity disclose supplemental pro forma information.
If comparative financial statements are presented, the pro forma information reflects the business
combination as of the beginning of the prior annual period. That is, pro forma information is required
only for the year of acquisition and the prior year, even if an income statement is presented for more
than two years. If comparative financial statements are not presented, the pro forma information reflects
the business combination as of the beginning of the current annual reporting period.
The below examples illustrate the periods for which an entity may be required to provide supplemental pro
forma information in accordance with ASC 805 when that entity provides comparable financial statements.
Illustration 8-1: Supplemental pro forma financial statement requirements annual filing
Company A acquired Company B, which met the definition of a business, on 1 June 20X3. Company A
is a calendar-year-end entity, and the acquisition of Company B is material to its financial statements.
Company A discloses comparative financial statements. In its year-end financial statements for 20X3,
Company A would disclose the following financial information:
The revenue and earnings of the acquiree from the acquisition date through the acquirer’s
calendar year-end 20X3
Supplemental pro forma revenue and earnings of the combined entity for the year ended
31 December 20X2
Supplemental pro forma revenue and earnings of the combined entity for the year ended
31 December 20X3
Illustration 8-2: Supplemental pro forma financial statement requirements interim period
Assume the same facts as in Illustration 8-1, except Company A is filing its second-quarter financial
statements for 20X3.
In its second-quarter financial statements for 20X3, Company A would disclose the following financial
The revenue and earnings of the acquiree from the acquisition date (1 June 20X3) through
30 June 20X3
Supplemental pro forma revenue and earnings of the combined entity for the six-month period
ended 30 June 20X3 and 30 June 20X2
Supplemental pro forma revenue and earnings of the combined entity for the three-month period
ended 30 June 20X3 and 30 June 20X2
Although this is not addressed in ASC 805, Company A should consider providing supplemental pro forma
information for the period ended 31 March 20X3 when it files its first-quarter financial statements in 20X4
(the year after the acquisition) since the acquired business would not otherwise be reflected in the
comparative period.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 280
8.5.5 SEC reporting requirements for business combinations Financial statements of businesses acquired or to be acquired
Audited financial statements of significant acquired businesses and equity method investments must be
reported in 1934 Act reports on Form 8-K and in certain 1933 Act filings and proxy statements. However, the
number of years that audited financial statements must be presented generally depends on the significance of
the acquired business. Rule 3-05 (Rule 8-04 for smaller reporting companies) of Regulation S-X describes
the SECs requirements for registrants to provide audited financial statements of acquired or to be
acquired businesses. See our SEC Financial Reporting Series publication, 2021 Pro forma financial
information A guide for applying Article 11 of Regulation S-X, for additional information. Pro forma financial information
Pro forma financial information giving effect to business combinations is sometimes required in SEC
registration statements, proxy statements and Form 8-Ks as required by Article 11 (Article 8 for smaller
reporting companies) of Regulation S-X.
Pro forma information pursuant to Article 11 (Article 8 for smaller reporting companies) is not required in
Form 10-K or in the annual shareholders report. Registrants should be aware that the pro forma
presentation requirements in ASC 805-10-50-2(h) may differ from the Article 11 (Article 8 for smaller
reporting companies) requirements.
See our publication 2021 Pro forma financial information A guide for applying Article 11 of Regulation S-X
for additional information.
8.5.6 Business combinations after the balance sheet date
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
If the acquisition date of a business combination is after the reporting date but before the financial
statements are issued or are available to be issued (as discussed in Section 855-10-25), the acquirer
shall disclose the information required by paragraph 805-10-50-2 unless the initial accounting for the
business combination is incomplete at the time the financial statements are issued or are available to
be issued. In that situation, the acquirer shall describe which disclosures could not be made and the
reason why they could not be made.
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
If the acquisition date of a business combination is after the reporting date but before the financial
statements are issued or are available to be issued (as discussed in Section 855-10-25), the acquirer
shall disclose the information required by paragraph 805-20-50-1 unless the initial accounting for the
business combination is incomplete at the time the financial statements are issued or are available to
be issued. In that situation, the acquirer shall describe which disclosures could not be made and the
reason why they could not be made.
As discussed earlier, ASU 2010-29 conformed the guidance in ASC 805, as it relates to the acquisition date to be used, with that
of Regulation S-X requiring entities to disclose revenue and earnings of the combined entity as though the acquisition(s) that
occurred during the current year had occurred as of the beginning of the comparable prior annual reporting period, if presented.
However, the actual periods required to be presented under ASC 805 are different from those presented under Article 11.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 281
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
If the acquisition date of a business combination is after the reporting date but before the financial
statements are issued or are available to be issued (as discussed in Section 855-10-25), the acquirer
shall disclose the information required by paragraph 805-30-50-1 unless the initial accounting for the
business combination is incomplete at the time the financial statements are issued or are available to
be issued. In that situation, the acquirer shall describe which disclosures could not be made and the
reason why they could not be made.
If a material business combination (or individually immaterial business combinations that are material
collectively) is (are) completed after the balance sheet date, but before the financial statements are
issued or are available to be issued, the disclosures outlined in ASC 805-10-50-1 through 50-2,
ASC 805-20-50-1 and ASC 805-30-50-1 are required in those financial statements, unless the initial
accounting for the business combination is incomplete at the time the financial statements are issued or are
available to be issued. If a determination is made that some of the disclosures outlined in ASC 805-10-50-1
through 50-2, ASC 805-20-50-1 or ASC 805-30-50-1 cannot be made, disclosure is provided as to which
information has not been provided and the reasons why the required disclosures are not made.
8.5.7 In what periods are the disclosures required?
The disclosures outlined in ASC 805 are required in the period in which a material business combination
is completed. We believe that whenever financial statements are presented that include the period in
which a material business combination occurs, the disclosures outlined in ASC 805 should be provided.
For example, if a material business combination occurred in a period for which financial statements are
being presented comparatively with financial statements of the current reporting period, the disclosures
that presumably were presented previously for the comparative period should be repeated.
8.5.8 Initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
If the initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete (see paragraphs 805-10-25-13
through 25-14) for particular assets, liabilities, noncontrolling interests, or items of consideration and
the amounts recognized in the financial statements for the business combination thus have been
determined only provisionally, the acquirer shall disclose the following information for each material
business combination or in the aggregate for individually immaterial business combinations that are
material collectively to meet the objective in paragraph 805-10-50-5:
a. The reasons why the initial accounting is incomplete
b. The assets, liabilities, equity interests, or items of consideration for which the initial accounting
is incomplete
c. The nature and amount of any measurement period adjustments recognized during the reporting
period in accordance with paragraph 805-10-25-17, including separately the amount of
adjustment to current-period income statement line items relating to the income effects that
would have been recognized in previous periods if the adjustment to provisional amounts were
recognized as of the acquisition date. Alternatively, an acquirer may present those amounts
separately on the face of the income statement.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 282
As discussed in section 7.3, ASC 805 provides a measurement period in which to finalize the accounting
for all aspects of the business combination. If the accounting for the business combination is incomplete
when the financial statements are issued, ASC 805-20-50-4A requires that certain disclosures be made.
We believe that an acquirer should disclose the information required by ASC 805-20-50-4A on an item-
by-item basis. That is, the acquirer should indicate, in its disclosure, the individual assets, liabilities,
equity interests or items of consideration for which the initial accounting is incomplete. In addition, we
believe that the acquirer must document the information that it has not yet obtained for each reporting
period that the measurement period remains open.
Further, we believe that unless an acquirer has a high level of confidence that it has identified and
appropriately measured all assets acquired and liabilities assumed, the acquirer should disclose the status
of its business combination accounting and provide the required disclosures in ASC 805-20-50-4A. For
example, an acquirer might not have a high level of confidence that it has identified all liabilities associated
with tax uncertainties in all jurisdictions in which the acquiree operated, and as such, it should disclose the
status of its review as well as the potential for adjustments to the provisional amounts initially recognized.
We understand that the SEC staff believes that when a registrant is awaiting additional information that it
has arranged to obtain to finalize the accounting for the business combination, the registrant should
describe the nature of the outstanding items and furnish other available information that will enable a
reader to understand its potential effects on the final accounting for the business combination and on post-
acquisition operating results. The SEC staff has challenged measurement period adjustments when prior
disclosures failed to indicate that the acquirer was waiting on the specific information that resulted in the
adjustment. As a result, the SEC staff has asked registrants to disclose that the initial measurement of
provisional items is incomplete. We believe the SEC staff’s view is that any accounting for the business
combination that is not supplemented with disclosure about its preliminary nature will be considered final
and, as such, any subsequent adjustments should be recognized in the results of operations.
The acquirer must disclose the amounts and reasons for adjustments to the provisional amounts. The
acquirer also must present or disclose, by line item, the amount of the adjustment reflected in the
current-period income statement that would have been recognized in previous periods if the adjustment
to provisional amounts had been recognized as of the acquisition date. See section F.2 for an illustration
of adjustments to provisional amounts and the related disclosures and presentation.
8.5.9 ASC 820 disclosure considerations
The disclosure requirements outlined in ASC 820-10-50-1 through 50-2 are applicable to a contingent
consideration arrangement classified as a liability because it must be remeasured at fair value each
reporting period.
ASC 820 requires disclosures about fair value measurements that are designed to provide users of the
financial statements with additional transparency regarding (1) the extent to which fair value is used to
measure assets and liabilities, (2) the inputs and assumptions used in measuring fair value, and (3) the
effect of fair value measurements on earnings, consistent with the requirements of ASC 805-10-50-5.
The disclosure requirements in ASC 820-10-50-2 call for a reconciliation of the beginning and ending
balances of any recurring fair value measurements that utilize significant unobservable inputs (i.e., Level 3
inputs). Therefore, any asset or liability (measured at fair value on a recurring basis) that was determined
to be a Level 3 measurement at either the beginning or the end of a reporting period would need to be
considered in the Level 3 reconciliation. Because the Level 3 reconciliation focuses on changes in fair value
for the reporting period, public entities may need to provide multiple reconciliations in their Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q. For example, a public calendar year-end entity would provide separate reconciliations
for the periods 1 January to 30 June, and 1 April to 30 June in its second quarter Form 10-Q. See our FRD,
Fair value measurement, for further discussion of the disclosure requirements for assets and liabilities that
are measured at fair value on a recurring basis in periods subsequent to initial recognition.
8 Presentation and disclosure
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 283
8.5.10 Retention of an investment banker
SAB Topic 2.A.6 requires disclosure of the amount accounted for as debt issuance cost, if material, when
a company has retained an investment banker to provide both advisory and financing services to an
acquirer. See section 6.2 for further discussion of the accounting for transaction fees.
8.5.11 Disclosures related to acquired IPR&D assets
While ASC 805 does not require specific disclosures about acquired IPR&D assets, the SEC staff has
requested registrants that have completed business combinations to provide information to the SEC staff
and, in some cases, to provide additional disclosures about the acquired IPR&D assets. Registrants may be
asked to explain how IPR&D assets were recognized or why, based upon other information disclosed, no or
limited IPR&D assets were recorded.
8.5.12 Disclosure related to the measurement of previously held equity interests
On 6 January 2010, the FASB issued ASU 2010-02, which was effective for calendar-year for-profit
enterprises in the first interim or annual reporting period ending on or after 15 December 2009.
ASU 2010-02 addressed implementation issues associated with the guidance in ASC 810-10 relating
to the accounting for decreases in the ownership of a subsidiary.
Among other things, the guidance in ASU 2010-02 amended certain disclosure requirements in
ASC 805. Specifically, ASU 2010-02 required an enterprise to disclose the following for a business
combination achieved in stages:
The valuation techniques used to measure the acquisition-date fair value of the equity interest in the
acquiree held by the acquirer immediately before the business combination
Information that enables users of the acquirers financial statements to assess the inputs used to
develop the measurement
8.5.13 Practical expedients elected for contract assets and contract liabilities
acquired after the adoption of ASU 2021-08 (added June 2022)
After the adoption of ASU 2021-08, an acquirer has an option to elect certain practical expedients for
each business combination in which contract assets and contract liabilities are acquired. If the acquirer
elects one or both of the practical expedients, the acquirer should provide additional disclosures. Refer to
section 4.4.3A.9 for information about the practical expedients and section 4.4.3A.10 for the related
disclosure requirements after the adoption of ASU 2021-08.
8.6 Conforming accounting policies
US GAAP does not require that a parent and its subsidiaries (an acquirer and an acquiree) follow the
same accounting policies. Typically, in practice, acquirers conclude that it is appropriate to conform an
acquiree’s accounting policies to those of the acquirer. However, dissimilar operations, assets, or
transactions may be reasons for maintaining different accounting policies between the acquired entity
and the rest of the acquirer’s operations after a business combination. For example, Acquirer, an oil
services company, may account for inventories (primarily equipment and supplies) on a FIFO basis and
Target, an oil producer, may account for inventories (primarily oil) on a LIFO basis. Therefore, if the
acquirer and acquiree follow different acceptable alternatives under US GAAP, the acquirer would not be
required to conform the accounting policies of the acquiree in its consolidated financial statements after
a business combination. If an acquirer would like to conform its accounting policies to those of the
acquired entity it would be required to assess the preferability of any change in accordance with
ASC 250. See our FRD, Accounting changes and error corrections, for further discussion.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | 284
9 Effective date and transition
9.1 Overview
The guidance in ASC 805 is effective for business combinations for which the acquisition date is on or
after the beginning of the first annual reporting period beginning on or after 15 December 2008.
Therefore, the guidance in ASC 805 was effective 1 January 2009 for companies with calendar year-ends.
The provisions of ASC 805 are applied prospectively. Thus, business combinations with an acquisition
date before the effective date of the guidance in ASC 805 are accounted for in accordance with
Statement 141. That accounting is not modified as a result of the adoption of the guidance in ASC 805.
9.2 Transition considerations for prior business combinations
Under Statement 141 and its interpretive guidance, the allocation of the purchase price to the assets
acquired and liabilities assumed is subject to change after the acquisition date for certain items, including
(1) changes to the amounts assigned to asset acquired and liabilities assumed during the purchase price
allocation period, (2) a reduction in a liability for certain restructuring activities established under EITF 95-3,
and (3) the resolution of a contingent consideration based on earnings. While the guidance in ASC 805
changes the accounting for all of these items for business combinations with an acquisition date after its
effective date, it does not change the accounting for these items for business combinations with an
acquisition date before the effective date of the guidance in ASC 805. These items are discussed in more
detail below.
9.2.1 Liabilities for certain restructuring activities
Prior to the guidance in ASC 805, the costs of certain qualifying restructuring activities associated with
the acquired company are recognized as a liability assumed in the business combination. Any subsequent
reductions in such liabilities were recognized as a reduction of goodwill if the ultimate costs expended
were less than the liability recognized in the business combination.
Under ASC 805, any costs that an acquirer expects, but is not obligated, to incur in the future either to
exit an acquired activity or to terminate or relocate the acquiree’s employees are not accounted for as part
of the business combination. Therefore, those costs generally would be accounted for as post-combination
expenses of the combined entity when incurred. See further discussion in section 4.3.2.
After the adoption of the guidance in ASC 805, restructuring liabilities previously recognized as a liability
assumed in a business combination pursuant to EITF 95-3 will continue to be accounted for under that
guidance. For example, any subsequent reduction in those liabilities continues to be recognized as an
adjustment to goodwill.
9.2.2 Resolution of contingent consideration
Under ASC 805, contingent consideration obligations that are an element of consideration transferred
are recognized at fair value on the acquisition date. After initial recognition, contingent consideration
obligations that are classified as (1) equity are not subsequently remeasured, (2) liabilities within the
scope of ASC 815 are accounted for pursuant to that guidance and (3) liabilities that are not within the
scope of ASC 815 are remeasured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in income.
Contingent consideration resulting from acquisitions accounted for under previous GAAP and settled
after the adoption of the guidance in ASC 805 will continue to be accounted under the previous
guidance. That is, the subsequent resolution is considered an additional cost of the business acquired
resulting in additional goodwill being recognized.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-1
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
A.1 Scope
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Overview and Background
The Acquisition of Assets Rather than a Business Subsections address a transaction in which the
assets acquired and liabilities assumed do not constitute a business and require such a transaction to
be accounted for as an asset acquisition. However, these Subsections do not provide guidance for the
primary beneficiary of a variable interest entity (VIE) if the VIE does not constitute a business.
Scope and Scope Exceptions
The guidance in the Acquisition of Assets Rather than a Business Subsections applies to a transaction
or event in which assets acquired and liabilities assumed do not constitute a business.
The guidance in the Acquisition of Assets Rather than a Business Subsections does not apply to the
initial measurement and recognition by a primary beneficiary of the assets and liabilities of a variable
interest entity (VIE) when the VIE does not constitute a business. Guidance for such a VIE is provided
in Section 810-10-30.
ASC 805-50 provides only limited guidance on accounting for asset acquisitions. This Appendix
addresses questions that often arise about the accounting for these types of transactions.
Business combinations are accounted for using a fair value model under which assets acquired and
liabilities assumed are generally recognized at their fair value, with certain exceptions. In contrast, asset
acquisitions are accounted for using a cost accumulation and allocation model under which the cost of
the acquisition is allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed.
While the facts and circumstances of an asset acquisition should always be considered in evaluating the
accounting, it may be helpful for entities to consider the guidance in the context of the following
framework, starting with determining that the transaction is an asset acquisition:
Present and
disclose the
asset acquisition
Evaluate the
between cost
and fair value
Allocate the cost
of the asset
Measure the
cost of the asset
Determine that the
transaction is an
asset acquisition
Determine that
the transaction
is an asset
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-2
If an acquired asset or asset group does not meet the definition of a business,
as defined in ASC 805,
the transaction is accounted for as an asset acquisition based on the principles described in ASC 805-50
and the following sections. However, as discussed in section A.1.1, upon initial consolidation of a VIE
whose assets and liabilities do not constitute a business, the guidance in ASC 810-10-30 applies.
Therefore, companies will first need to determine whether an acquired set of assets and activities
constitutes a business by applying the guidance in ASC 805-10. Section 2.2 addresses which acquisitions
are business combinations that are within the scope of ASC 805.
In certain situations, it is possible for a transaction to be a reverse asset acquisition, which would occur
when the legal acquirer (not a business) is determined to be the acquiree for accounting purposes. The
determination of the accounting acquirer and acquiree involving the acquisition of a business is based on
an evaluation of the relevant factors, including those described in ASC 805-10-55-11 through 55-15.
For example, assume that Company A, a legal acquirer, acquires Company B (a business) for stock or
stock and cash. Further, Company A does not meet the definition of a business since substantially all of
the fair value of its gross assets is concentrated in a single identifiable asset or group of similar
identifiable assets (e.g., real estate).
Based on an evaluation of all relevant factors in ASC 805,
Company A determines that Company B is the accounting acquirer. However, since Company A does not
meet the definition of a business, the acquisition would be accounted for as a reverse asset acquisition
and would follow the model for asset acquisitions as described throughout this publication.
See section for additional information on reverse acquisitions.
A.1.1 Initial consolidation of a VIE that is not a business (updated June 2022)
Under ASC 805-50-15-4, a primary beneficiary’s initial consolidation of a VIE whose assets and liabilities
do not constitute a business is excluded from the scope of ASC 805-50. Accordingly, the primary
beneficiary applies the guidance in ASC 810-10-30 for initial measurement and recognition of the assets
acquired and liabilities assumed upon initial consolidation of the VIE.
When a primary beneficiary initially consolidates a VIE that is not a business, ASC 810-10-30-3 requires
the recognition and measurement of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at fair value in accordance
with the guidance on business combinations in ASC 805-20-25 and ASC 805-20-30 (except for goodwill).
A gain or loss is recognized for the difference between (1) the sum of the fair value of any consideration
paid, the fair value of any noncontrolling interests and the reported amount of any previously held
interests and (2) the net amount of the VIE’s identifiable assets and liabilities recognized and measured in
accordance with ASC 805.
If a reporting entity uses contingent consideration in a transaction in which it becomes the primary
beneficiary of a VIE that does not constitute a business, it should recognize the contingent consideration
arrangement at its acquisition date fair value as part of the consideration transferred, in accordance with
the guidance in ASC 805-30-25-5 through 7.
For interpretive guidance on the initial measurement and recognition by a primary beneficiary of a VIE
that does not constitute a business, see section 13.4 of our FRD, Consolidation.
See section 2.1.3 for guidance on the definition of a business.
ASC 805-10-55-5A.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-3
A.1.1.1 Subsequent accounting for IPR&D and contingent consideration (updated June 2022)
While ASC 810 provides initial recognition and measurement guidance for when a primary beneficiary
consolidates a VIE that is not a business, it does not provide guidance on the subsequent accounting for
IPR&D intangible assets and contingent consideration arrangements. The lack of guidance has led to
diversity in practice.
For example, for IPR&D initially recognized and measured at fair value pursuant to the guidance in
ASC 810, an entity may follow the subsequent accounting guidance for intangible assets acquired in a
business combination in ASC 350. Alternatively, an entity may conclude that, because the VIE is not a
business, it should subsequently account for these IPR&D intangible assets under ASC 730. That is, IPR&D
intangible assets with no alternative future use are recognized as an expense at the acquisition date.
Because ASC 810 does not provide subsequent accounting guidance for contingent consideration, we
believe that subsequent accounting should be applied on a systematic and rational basis. One acceptable
approach may be to continue to remeasure the contingent consideration at fair value at each reporting
period consistent with ASC 805. Other approaches may be acceptable, but we believe that the
systematic and rational approach considers accretion of the liability as well as changes in estimates of
the cash flows. For example, we believe that a subsequent accounting model similar to that prescribed by
ASC 410 for asset retirement obligations likely would be an acceptable method to account for contingent
consideration initially measured at fair value.
A.1.2 Summary of key differences between accounting for a business combination
and an asset acquisition
The following table summarizes the key differences between the accounting for a business combination
versus an asset acquisition:
Business combination
Asset acquisition
Transaction costs
Expensed as incurred.
Capitalized as a component of the cost of
the assets acquired.
IPR&D assets
Capitalized as an indefinite-lived
intangible asset, regardless of whether
the IPR&D asset has an alternative future
Expensed if the IPR&D has no alternative
future use.
Capitalized as an indefinite-lived
intangible asset if the IPR&D has an
alternative future use.
Measurement period
Acquirer has up to one year to obtain
information about facts and
circumstances that existed as of the
acquisition date and adjust provisional
amounts recognized.
No measurement period.
Measurement basis
of net assets
Measured at fair value with certain
Measured following a cost accumulation
and allocation model under which the cost
of the acquisition is allocated on a relative
fair value basis to the net assets acquired.
transferred is more
than the fair value
of the net assets
acquired (goodwill)
Only arises in a business combination.
Not recognized in an asset acquisition.
Any excess consideration transferred
over the fair value of the net assets
acquired is allocated on a relative fair
value basis to the identifiable net assets
(excluding non-qualifying assets).
Refer to section A.4.1 for further
discussion on non-qualifying assets.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-4
Business combination
Asset acquisition
transferred is less
than the fair value
of the net assets
acquired (bargain
Recognized as a gain in earnings on the
acquisition date.
Generally, no gain is recognized in
earnings. The excess fair value of the
acquired net assets over the
consideration transferred is allocated on a
relative fair value basis to the identifiable
net assets acquired (excluding non-
qualifying assets).
Not recognized as a separate intangible
asset but rather subsumed into goodwill.
Recognized separately as an intangible
For intangible assets that are acquired
individually or within a group of assets,
the asset recognition criteria in CON 5
may be met even though the contractual-
legal criterion or separability criterion in
ASC 805 has not been met.
contingent assets
and liabilities
Pre-acquisition contingent assets and
liabilities are recognized at the acquisition
date at fair value if the acquisition-date
fair value of the asset or liability can be
determined during the measurement
period. Otherwise, the contingent asset or
liability is accounted for in accordance
with ASC 450.
Pre-acquisition contingent assets and
liabilities are accounted for in accordance
with ASC 450.
Deferred taxes
Generally recorded on most temporary
book/tax differences of assets acquired
and liabilities assumed in accordance with
ASC 740.
Because goodwill is not recognized in an
asset acquisition, the measurement of
deferred income tax assets acquired and
liabilities assumed in an asset acquisition
will usually require an iterative approach
that affects the measurement of other
individual assets and assumed liabilities in
the net asset group. The measurement of
deferred taxes on temporary differences
in an asset acquisition is determined using
the simultaneous equations method
described in ASC 740.
Refer to section A.3.1.6 for further
discussion on deferred income tax
classification (under
both ASC 840 and
ASC 842)
ASC 840 Retain the previous classification
for the leases of an acquired entity unless
the provisions of the lease are modified as
indicated in paragraph 840-10-35-5.
ASC 842 Reassessment of lease
classification is not required unless there is a
lease modification and the modification is
not accounted for as a separate contract
in accordance with ASC 842-10-25-8.
ASC 840 Reassessment of the assumed
lease is required.
ASC 842 Analogize to the business
combinations guidance or reassess the
classification of the assumed lease in
accordance with the criteria in ASC 842-
consideration (that
does not otherwise
meet the definition
of a derivative)
Recognized at its acquisition-date fair
value as part of the consideration
Generally recognized when the
contingency is resolved (i.e., when the
contingent consideration is paid or
becomes payable) or when probable and
reasonably estimable under ASC 450.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-5
A.2 Measure the cost of the asset acquisition (updated June 2022)
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Assets commonly are acquired in exchange transactions that trigger the initial recognition of the
assets acquired and any liabilities assumed. If the consideration given in exchange for the assets (or
net assets) acquired is in the form of assets surrendered (such as cash), the assets surrendered shall
be derecognized at the date of acquisition. If the consideration given is in the form of liabilities
incurred or equity interests issued, the liabilities incurred and equity interests issued shall be initially
recognized at the date of acquisition. However, if the assets surrendered are nonfinancial assets or in
substance nonfinancial assets within the scope of Subtopic 610-20 on gains and losses from the
derecognition of nonfinancial assets, the assets surrendered shall be derecognized in accordance with
the guidance in Subtopic 610-20 and the assets acquired shall be treated as noncash consideration in
accordance with Subtopic 610-20.
Initial Measurement
Paragraph 805-50-25-1 discusses exchange transactions that trigger the initial recognition of assets
acquired and liabilities assumed. Assets are recognized based on their cost to the acquiring entity,
which generally includes the transaction costs of the asset acquisition, and no gain or loss is recognized
unless the fair value of noncash assets given as consideration differs from the assetscarrying amounts
on the acquiring entity’s books. For transactions involving nonmonetary consideration within the scope
of Topic 845, an acquirer must first determine if any of the conditions in paragraph 845-10-30-3 apply.
If the consideration given is nonfinancial assets or in substance nonfinancial assets within the scope
of Subtopic 610-20 on gains and losses from the derecognition of nonfinancial assets, the assets
acquired shall be treated as noncash consideration and any gain or loss shall be recognized in
accordance with Subtopic 610-20.
Asset acquisitions in which the consideration given is cash are measured by the amount of cash paid,
which generally includes the transaction costs of the asset acquisition. However, if the consideration
given is not in the form of cash (that is, in the form of noncash assets, liabilities incurred, or equity
interests issued) and no other generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) apply (for example,
Topic 845 on nonmonetary transactions or Subtopic 610-20), measurement is based on either the
cost which shall be measured based on the fair value of the consideration given or the fair value of the
assets (or net assets) acquired, whichever is more clearly evident and, thus, more reliably measurable.
For transactions involving nonmonetary consideration within the scope of Topic 845, an acquirer must
first determine if any of the conditions in paragraph 845-10-30-3 apply. If the consideration given is
nonfinancial assets or in substance nonfinancial assets within the scope of Subtopic 610-20, the
assets acquired shall be treated as noncash consideration and any gain or loss shall be recognized in
accordance with Subtopic 610-20.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-6
After determining that the transaction is an asset acquisition, the acquiring entity should recognize
assets acquired and liabilities assumed on the acquisition date. Assets acquired are measured based on
the cost of the acquisition, which is the consideration the acquirer transfers to the seller and generally
includes direct transaction costs related to the acquisition.
The form of consideration transferred may be cash, noncash assets, liabilities incurred or equity interests
issued by the acquirer. Assets transferred as consideration are derecognized on the acquisition date, and
liabilities incurred and equity interests issued are recognized on that date. The cost of the acquisition does
not include any amounts attributable to transactions that are separate and apart from the asset acquisition.
A.2.1 Noncash consideration
Most asset acquisitions involve exchanges of cash or other monetary assets. Some transactions,
however, include nonmonetary assets. ASC 805-50-30-2 provides general principles for measuring the
cost of an asset acquisition that involves noncash consideration. For transactions involving nonmonetary
or nonfinancial assets, an acquirer should consider the substance of an exchange transaction and the
nature of assets transferred to determine the applicable guidance to follow (e.g., ASC 845, ASC 610-20).
If the consideration given is cash, the cost of an asset acquisition is measured as the amount of cash
paid, which generally includes direct transaction costs. If the consideration is in the form of noncash
assets, liabilities incurred or equity interests issued, the cost of the noncash asset (or net assets)
received is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given, unless the fair value of the
noncash asset (or net assets) acquired is more reliably measurable. No gain or loss is recognized unless the
cost of the noncash asset recognized differs from the carrying amount of the noncash asset surrendered.
A.2.1.1 Nonmonetary exchanges
When the consideration transferred in an asset acquisition is nonmonetary, the transaction might be in
the scope of ASC 845. In general, nonmonetary transactions are measured based on the fair value of the
assets exchanged. However, there are exceptions to this principle if (1) the fair value is not reasonably
determinable, (2) the transaction is an exchange to facilitate sales to customers or (3) the transaction
lacks commercial substance. In these cases, nonmonetary transactions are measured based on the
carrying amount of the asset surrendered (after reduction for impairment, if applicable), and no gain or
loss is recognized.
A.2.1.2 Transfer of nonfinancial assets
If the consideration given consists of nonfinancial assets or in-substance nonfinancial assets, the
acquiring entity should consider whether the transaction is in the scope of ASC 610-20. If it is, the assets
acquired must be treated as noncash consideration received, and any gain or loss must be recognized in
accordance with ASC 610-20. Refer to section 2 of our FRD, Gains and losses from the derecognition of
nonfinancial assets (ASC 610-20), for guidance on this assessment.
Present and
disclose the
asset acquisition
Evaluate the
between cost
and fair value
Allocate the cost
of the asset
Measure the
cost of the asset
Determine that the
transaction is an
asset acquisition
Measure the
cost of the
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-7
A.2.1.3 Equity interests issued in exchange for goods or services (updated June 2022)
ASC 805-50-25-1 provides that equity interests issued in exchange for an asset (or a group of assets)
that are accounted for under ASC 805-50 are initially recognized and measured at the date of acquisition
(i.e., the closing date). However, we are aware of a view that may consider the issuance of shares as
consideration in an asset acquisition to be a share-based payment to nonemployees in exchange for
goods to be used or consumed in the entity’s operations. In this instance, an entity would apply ASC 718
in measuring, classifying and recognizing the equity interests issued, which may result in an earlier
measurement date than the acquisition date (i.e., the grant date) for the shares transferred as well as
differences in classification and recognition of shares. Refer to our FRD, Share-based payment, for
additional details. We believe that it may be acceptable to apply, on a consistent basis, either ASC 805-50
or ASC 718 to account for the issuance of shares in an asset acquisition as an accounting policy election.
A.2.2 Direct transaction costs
Direct transaction costs incurred by the acquirer in the acquisition of an asset or a group of assets
generally are a component of the consideration transferred and, as such, are capitalized as a component
of the cost of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed. These capitalized costs are limited to direct
costs that relate to the asset acquisition and that otherwise wouldn’t be incurred. Examples include a
finder’s fee, fees paid to outside consultants for legal services, engineering investigations and appraisals.
Internal costs, such as salaries and other period costs, related to the asset acquisition are generally
charged to expense as incurred.
This concept is illustrated below.
Illustration A-1: Including transaction costs in consideration transferred
Acquirer purchases Target in an asset acquisition, and Target’s only asset is a building used for
commercial purposes. As part of the acquisition, Acquirer has the following costs related to the acquisition:
Third-party fee to facilitate the transaction (finder’s fee): $5 million
Fee to an outside consultant to appraise the building: $3 million
Third-party legal services: $5 million
The portion of salaries of Acquirer’s accounting, finance and legal personnel to close the
transaction based on time spent: $2 million
Other general and administrative expenses: $5 million
Acquirer capitalizes $13 million of transaction costs (finder’s fee of $5 million + third-party legal
services of $5 million + appraisal fee of $3 million) which are directly related to the acquisition and
otherwise wouldn’t have been incurred. Acquirer expenses $7 million of costs as incurred (portion of
internal salaries of $2 million + other general and administrative expenses of $5 million) because these
costs are not directly attributable to the acquisition of the building.
This view is consistent with Board comments made at the 3 March 2021 FASB Board meeting.
Because no guidance is provided in ASC 805-50 on the nature of transaction costs to capitalize (i.e., indirect costs or direct costs), these
concepts are leveraged from previously existing guidance in paragraph 24 of Statement 141, which, similar to the measurement
guidance in ASC 805-50, provided for a cost accumulation and allocation model.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-8
Costs incurred by an acquirer to issue debt or equity securities to finance an asset acquisition are not
considered costs of the asset acquisition and are accounted for as debt or equity issuance costs,
respectively, in accordance with other applicable accounting guidance. Generally, debt issuance costs are
amortized and recognized as additional interest expense over the term of the debt using the effective
interest method pursuant to ASC 835-30-35-2 through 35-3 and reported on the balance sheet as a
direct deduction from the liability recognized, while equity issuance costs are deducted from the
proceeds of the issuance (i.e., a reduction of equity). Refer to our FRDs, Issuer’s accounting for debt and
equity financings (before the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and
Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity) and Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (after the
adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own
Equity), for further guidance on debt and equity issuance costs.
See section 6.2 for further discussion of the accounting for transaction costs in a business combination.
A.2.3 Contingent consideration
When a buyer and seller cannot reach consensus on the consideration to be given in exchange for the
assets acquired and liabilities assumed, the purchase agreement may contain a provision (often referred
to as an “earn-out” provision) under which typically the acquirer agrees to pay additional consideration
to the seller in the future if certain events occur or conditions are met (often referred to as contingent
consideration). These obligations may take the form of cash, other assets or additional equity interests.
ASC 805-50 requires that consideration given in an asset acquisition include liabilities incurred and
equity interests issued, but it doesn’t provide guidance on accounting for contingent consideration.
Acquirers generally account for contingent consideration in accordance with other applicable US GAAP.
All facts and circumstances of a particular transaction should be evaluated when determining the
appropriate accounting for a contingent consideration arrangement.
While contingent consideration may be negotiated as part of an asset acquisition, the arrangement needs
to be evaluated to determine whether the payments are considered part of or separate from the exchange
transaction (see section A.2.6 for further guidance on making this determination). Contingent
consideration that is not part of the exchange for the acquired assets is accounted for separately from the
asset acquisition. If the acquirer determines that the contingent consideration arrangement represents
consideration for the assets acquired, the guidance discussed below should be considered. The
discussion below addresses the accounting for contingent consideration arrangements that are
freestanding instruments.
Depending on whether a contingent consideration arrangement involves equity shares or cash (or a
combination of both), the acquirer may need to evaluate the arrangement in accordance with ASC 480
and/or ASC 815 to determine the appropriate accounting. As illustrated in this section, many contingent
consideration arrangements in asset acquisitions are not subject to ASC 480 and/or ASC 815. However,
entities should carefully evaluate the terms of the arrangement when reaching this conclusion.
ASC 805-50 doesn't provide guidance on the unit of account of a contingent consideration arrangement in an asset acquisition.
Absent specific guidance, an acquirer may evaluate the arrangement as a separate freestanding instrument similar to how contingent
consideration is evaluated in a business combination. Alternatively, an acquirer may look to the definition of freestanding contract”
in ASC 815 to determine whether such an arrangement is freestanding or embedded in the underlying purchase agreement.
Furthermore, when a contingent consideration arrangement contains multiple settlements based on different contingencies, an
acquirer will need to determine whether the arrangement represents one unit of account or multiple units of account.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-9
The discussion below addresses consideration of the relevant guidance for common forms of contingent
consideration in an asset acquisition:
Contingent consideration payable in cash and not settled in or indexed to equity shares
Contingent consideration settled in or indexed to equity shares
When the contingent consideration arrangement is not accounted for pursuant to other guidance
(e.g., ASC 815 or ASC 480), we generally believe that a contingent consideration obligation should be
recognized when the contingency is resolved and the consideration is paid or becomes payable.
However, given the lack of explicit guidance in ASC 805-50, we are aware of other acceptable
approaches in practice, such as recognizing the obligation when the contingency is probable and
reasonably estimable under ASC 450. Entities should apply a consistent accounting policy regardless of
which approach is applied.
Upon recognition, the amount would be included in the measurement of the cost of the acquired asset or
group of assets, depending on the nature of the asset or asset group acquired.
A.2.3.1 Contingent consideration paid in cash and not settled in or indexed to equity shares
If a contingent consideration arrangement requires payment of cash upon settlement and the settlement
amount is not settled in or indexed to equity shares, the acquirer should first determine whether the
contingent consideration is a derivative that should be recognized at fair value at the time of acquisition
under ASC 815.
ASC 815 defines a derivative as a financial instrument or other contract with all of the following
The contract has both (1) one or more underlyings and (2) one or more notional amounts or payment
provisions or both.
The contract requires no initial net investment or an initial net investment that is smaller than would
be required for other types of contracts that would be expected to have a similar response to
changes in market factors.
The contract has net settlement provisions through (1) implicit or explicit terms, (2) a market
mechanism outside the contract or (3) delivery of an asset that, because the delivered asset is
readily convertible to cash, puts the recipient in a position not substantially different from net
settlement (a gross settlement that is economically equivalent to a net settlement).
While contingent consideration may meet all of the characteristics of a derivative, ASC 815 may not
apply to the arrangement because of certain scope exceptions. Two common scope exceptions for
contingent consideration are provided in ASC 815-10-15-59(b) and ASC 815-10-15-59(d).
ASC 815-10-15-59(b) provides a scope exception for non-exchange traded contracts with an underlying
that is the price or value of a nonfinancial asset of one of the parties to the contract, provided that the
asset is not readily convertible to cash. This scope exception applies only if the nonfinancial asset is
unique and the nonfinancial asset is owned by the party that would not benefit under the arrangement
from an increase in the fair value of the nonfinancial asset.
Because no guidance is provided in ASC 805-50 on accounting for contingent consideration that does not require recognition
under other guidance (e.g., ASC 815, ASC 480) in an asset acquisition, our view is informed by previously existing guidance in
paragraph 27 of Statement 141, which, similar to the recognition and measurement guidance in ASC 805-50, provided for a cost
accumulation and allocation model.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-10
ASC 815-10-15-59(d) provides a scope exception for non-exchange traded contracts in which settlement
is based on a specified volume of sales or service revenues of one of the parties to the contract.
If the contingent consideration is required to be accounted for as a derivative, the fair value of contingent
consideration recognized is included in the consideration transferred and becomes part of the basis in
the asset (or assets) acquired. For example, if an entity acquires an asset for $10 million in cash and a
contingent consideration arrangement that is accounted for as a derivative with a fair value of $2 million
at the acquisition date, upon an asset acquisition, the asset would be initially measured at $12 million.
Refer to section 2 of our FRD, Derivatives and hedging, for additional guidance. The following illustration
highlights the accounting evaluation of a contingent consideration arrangement that does not involve
equity shares but requires settlement in cash:
Illustration A-2: Evaluation of initial accounting for contingent consideration in an asset
Entity A, a pharmaceutical company, acquires Entity B, a biotechnology company that is developing a
new technology (Product X) in a specific therapeutic area. Product X is expected to be a significant
source of revenue if it receives Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. Before the acquisition
date, Entity B did not have any other products or any source of revenue. Further, Entity A expects to
continue developmental work and commercialize Product X under its own brand. Total consideration
consists of $10 million paid in cash at the date of acquisition, and $25 million that will be paid in cash
upon the occurrence of specific events as follows:
Milestone payment No. 1 $5 million upon FDA approval of Product X
Milestone payment No. 2 $10 million when worldwide sales of Product X exceed $50 million
Milestone payment No. 3 $10 million when worldwide sales of Product X exceed $100 million
Entity A concludes that substantially all of the fair value of Entity B’s gross assets is concentrated in a
single identifiable asset, Product X. Therefore, Entity A concludes that Entity B does not meet the
definition of a business, and the transaction is accounted for as an asset acquisition.
Entity A determines that the three milestone payments are considered separate, freestanding financial
instruments that should be assessed for accounting individually. Entity A also determines that each
milestone payment arrangement meets the definition of a derivative under ASC 815-10-15-83
because (1) it has an underlying (the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a milestone event) and a
payment provision that determines the amount of settlement (e.g., $5 million or $10 million); (2) the
contract requires an initial net investment that is smaller, by more than a nominal amount, than would
be required for other types of contracts that would be exchanged in responding to changes in the
underlying (i.e., the occurrence or nonoccurrence of contingencies); and (3) it requires settlement
through a one-way transfer of cash.
While the milestone payment arrangements meet the definition of a derivative, they may qualify for
certain scope exceptions in ASC 815, and therefore, do not have to be accounted for as derivatives
that are subject to fair value measurement under ASC 815. Entity A evaluated each milestone
payment under the applicable scope exceptions in ASC 815 as follows:
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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Milestone payment No. 1:
ASC 815-10-15-59(b) provides a scope exception for non-exchange traded contracts with an
underlying that is the price or value of a nonfinancial asset of one of the parties to the contract,
provided that the asset is not readily convertible to cash. This scope exception applies only if the
nonfinancial asset is unique and the nonfinancial asset is owned by the party that would not benefit
under the arrangement from an increase in the fair value of the nonfinancial asset.
In this example, Product X is IPR&D (a nonfinancial asset) that Entity A expects to continue to develop
and ultimately commercialize. Entity A concludes that Product X is unique because it is a new
technology. Additionally, Entity A determines that Product X is not readily convertible to cash.
The value of Product X is most affected by the probability of commercial success and forecasted sales.
Upon achievement of FDA approval, the fair value of Product X is expected to increase since the
product would then be commercially sold. However, because Entity A is required to make milestone
payment No. 1 upon the achievement of FDA approval, Entity A (as the payor of the milestone
payment) does not benefit from the contingent consideration arrangement. Rather, Entity B is the
party that benefits under the contingent consideration arrangement (since it receives the milestone
payment) from the increase in the fair value of Product X.
Therefore, Entity A concludes that milestone payment No. 1 qualifies for the scope exception in
ASC 815-10-15-59(b).
Milestone payments Nos. 2 and 3:
ASC 815-10-15-59(d) provides a scope exception of non-exchange traded contracts with an
underlying that is based on the specified volumes of sales or service revenues of one of the parties to
the contract.
In this case, these contingent payments are based on the future sales of Product X. Accordingly, Entity A
determines that milestone payments Nos. 2 and 3 qualify for the scope exception in ASC 815-10-15-59(d).
The milestone arrangements are not accounted for as derivatives in accordance with ASC 815, and
there is no other applicable GAAP requiring the recognition of these arrangements at fair value on the
acquisition date. Accordingly, Entity A recognizes the contingent consideration obligation when the
contingency is resolved and the consideration is paid or becomes payable based on its accounting policy.
A.2.3.2 Contingent consideration arrangements settled in or indexed to equity shares
(updated June 2022)
If a contingent consideration arrangement settles through the issuance of, or is indexed to, the equity
shares of the acquirer, the acquirer will generally be required to measure the contingent consideration
arrangement at its acquisition date fair value pursuant to the guidance in ASC 480 and ASC 815. Entities
will also need to carefully consider the guidance in ASC 480 and ASC 815 to determine its classification
and subsequent measurement. This determination can be complex and often will require the exercise of
professional judgment based on the particular facts and circumstances.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-12
The flowchart below provides a roadmap for entities to follow as they determine the appropriate
classification of such contingent consideration arrangements that are freestanding instruments.
ASU 2020-06 simplifies the settlement assessment that entities are required to perform to determine whether a contract
qualifies for equity classification.
Determine whether the arrangement meets the definition of a derivative and does not meet a scope exception in ASC 815-10. If
so, it is subject to the derivative disclosure requirements.
ASU 2020-06 requires an entity that has freestanding equity contracts that do not meet the definition of a derivative (and are
not indexed to an entity’s own equity under ASC 815-40-15) to be subsequently measured at fair value through earnings. Before
the adoption of ASU 2020-06, there was no subsequent measurement guidance for freestanding equity contracts that are not
derivatives and are not indexed to an entity’s own stock.
Does the arrangement meet
the definition of a derivative
pursuant to ASC 815?
Does the arrangement meet a
scope exception in ASC 815-10?
(e.g., ASC 815-10-15-59(b)
or ASC 815-10-15-59(d))
Classified as derivative, measured
at fair value at each reporting
date under ASC 815.
Classified as a liability; measured at fair
value initially and each reporting date
under ASC 815-40.
Classified as liability,
measured at fair value initially
and each reporting date
under ASC 815-40.
Reassessment of
classification is required.
Classified as equity and
initially measured at fair value
under ASC 815-40-25.
No subsequent
remeasurement is required
if equity classification
continues to be appropriate
upon reassessment.
Is the arrangement in the
scope of ASC 480?
Classified as ASC 480 liability, measured
at fair value at inception and each
subsequent reporting date.
Is the arrangement indexed
to the acquirer’s own stock
pursuant to ASC 815-40-15?
Does the arrangement meet the
requirements for equity classification
pursuant to ASC 815-40-25?
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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A. Application of ASC 480 to classification of contingent consideration
When a contingent consideration arrangement will result in the delivery of, or its settlement amount is
based on, the equity shares of the acquirer, companies should first consider whether the arrangement is
in the scope of ASC 480.
Financial instruments in the scope of ASC 480 are required to be classified as liabilities. A financial
instrument is in the scope of ASC 480 if it embodies an obligation for the issuer to:
Mandatorily redeem a financial instrument
Repurchase shares by transferring assets, regardless of whether the instrument is settled on a net-
cash or gross physical basis
Issue a variable number of shares and, at inception, its monetary value is solely or predominately one
of the following:
Fixed (e.g., an obligation to deliver shares with a fair value at settlement equal to $1,000)
Derived from an underlying other than the fair value of the issuer’s shares (e.g., an obligation to
deliver shares with a fair value at settlement equal to the value of one ounce of gold)
Moves inversely to the fair value of the issuer’s shares (e.g., net-share settled written put options)
In practice, contingent consideration arrangements that are settled in stock often involve instruments
most similar to those discussed in the third bullet point above (e.g., an arrangement that requires the
acquirer to settle any obligation by delivering shares and the value of that obligation is predominantly
based on whether certain contingencies or target thresholds are met). In those cases, the acquirer would
need to determine whether the arrangement is in the scope of ASC 480. We believe that determination
will depend on whether the arrangement’s monetary value, at inception, is based predominately on the
occurrence of a contingency (e.g., revenue target) as opposed to share price.
If the monetary value is based predominately on the occurrence of contingencies, the arrangement
would be classified as a liability under ASC 480. If the arrangement is not a liability under ASC 480,
companies would need to apply the guidance in ASC 815 (as discussed further below). Further, we
believe the determination of whether the arrangement’s monetary value, at inception, is based
predominately on the occurrence of a contingency (e.g., revenue target) as opposed to share price will
depend on the particular facts and circumstances. Generally, we believe the more substantive the
contingency (i.e., the more difficult it is to reach), the more likely the arrangement is based
predominately on the occurrence of a contingency (resulting in liability classification).
If liability classification is required under ASC 480, the acquirer should follow the applicable guidance for
initial and subsequent measurement of the contingent consideration. Refer to our FRDs, Issuer’s
accounting for debt and equity financings (before the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for
Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity) and Issuer’s accounting for debt and
equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and
Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), for further guidance.
A. Application of ASC 815 to classification of contingent consideration
If the contingent consideration arrangement is not subject to ASC 480, the guidance in ASC 815 should
be considered to determine the classification and measurement. Specifically, ASC 815-40 provides for
equity classification if an arrangement or instrument (1) is indexed to the issuer’s stock (ASC 815-40-15)
and (2) meets the requirements of the equity classification guidance (ASC 815-40-25).
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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ASC 815-40-15 outlines a two-step evaluation to determine whether an instrument is indexed to the
issuer’s own stock. The first step is to evaluate any contingent provisions that trigger the settlement of a
contract or arrangement (i.e., exercise contingencies). As long as an exercise contingency is not based
on an observable market or index unrelated to the issuer, the instrument would not be precluded from
being considered indexed to the issuer’s own stock. The second step requires an analysis of provisions
that could change the instrument’s settlement amount. In general, the instrument must settle in an
amount based on an exchange of a fixed amount of cash (or principal amount of debt) for a fixed number
of shares. ASC 815-40-15 allows for certain exceptions to the fixed-for-fixed notion. The application of
these exceptions to arrangements that are not literally fixed-for-fixed can be complex and requires
careful consideration of the particular provisions.
Accordingly, if a qualifying contingency (e.g., revenues; earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization; net income of the target) determines whether a fixed number of shares will be delivered
(i.e., the possible outcomes are binary, either no shares are delivered or a single number of shares is
delivered), the contingent consideration arrangement would be considered indexed to the issuer’s own
stock. However, if a qualifying contingency has the characteristics of modifying the number of shares to
be delivered rather than simply acting as an on/off switch (i.e., there is more than one possible outcome
for a settlement, such as zero, 50, 100 or 200 shares, depending on the resolution of the contingency),
that contingency affects the settlement amount. In that scenario, the settlement of the arrangement is
not considered fixed-for-fixed because the number of shares that can be issued is not fixed. This
arrangement would not be considered indexed to the entity’s own stock, and therefore, would be
classified as a liability pursuant to ASC 815-40-15-8A.
If a contingent consideration arrangement is deemed to be indexed to the issuer’s (i.e., acquirer’s) own
stock under ASC 815-40-15, the arrangement should then be analyzed under ASC 815-40-25 to
determine whether equity classification is appropriate. That determination depends heavily on how the
instrument settles and whether an acceptable form of settlement is entirely within the control of the
issuing entity. The basic principle underlying the equity classification guidance is that instruments that
require net cash settlement (or such settlement is a contractual alternative not within the control of the
issuer or is presumed under the guidance) are assets or liabilities, and those that require settlement in
shares (either net-share or physical settlement) are equity instruments. Instruments that provide the
issuer with a choice of net cash settlement or settlement in shares are assumed to settle in shares, while
those that provide the counterparty with that choice are assumed to net cash settle.
ASC 815-40-25 includes other conditions that must be met for equity classification. Those conditions
focus on whether the issuer will have the ability, in all cases, to effect settlement in shares. Otherwise,
net cash settlement is presumed, and equity classification is not permitted.
Contingent consideration arrangements that are indexed to the issuer’s own stock and qualify for equity
classification would be classified as equity and measured at fair value at the acquisition date. The contingent
consideration arrangement should be assessed at the end of each reporting period to determine whether
equity classification continues to be appropriate. For those arrangements that do not qualify for equity
classification, the acquirer would recognize and measure a liability at fair value at the acquisition date pursuant
to ASC 815-40. Refer to our FRDs, Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (before the adoption
of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity) and
Issuer’s accounting for debt and equity financings (after the adoption of ASU 2020-06, Accounting for
Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity), for further guidance.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-15
The following illustration highlights the accounting evaluation of a contingent consideration arrangement
that may involve the transfer of equity shares of the acquirer:
Illustration A-3: Revenue contingency settled in a fixed number of shares
Company A acquires AssetCo for 300 shares of Company A’s equity securities and determines the
transaction should be accounted for as an asset acquisition. The agreement includes a provision under
which Company A will deliver 100 additional shares to the former owner of AssetCo if AssetCo’s assets
generate revenue greater than X for the 12 months following the acquisition date. If revenue is less
than X, no additional shares will be delivered. For purposes of this illustration, the contingent
consideration arrangement is analyzed as if it were a separate freestanding instrument from the
underlying purchase agreement.
Is the arrangement in the scope of ASC 480?
While there is diversity in practice, the most commonly held view is that the arrangement is not
considered to be settled for a variable number of shares.
Rather, there is only one settlement
outcome that is, a settlement in 100 shares. Under this view, the contingency is considered merely
an “on-off switch” that does not affect the monetary amount on settlement. In addition, the monetary
value on settlement isn’t a fixed dollar amount known at inception and doesn’t vary inversely with the
fair value of the issuer’s equity shares. Therefore, the arrangement is outside the scope of ASC 480,
regardless of the probability of the trigger being achieved. As a result, the acquirer should look to
other guidance to determine the appropriate classification.
If the arrangement is not a liability under ASC 480, is the arrangement indexed to the entity’s own stock?
Yes. The contingency trigger is based on revenue, which is an observable index calculated solely by
reference to the entity’s operations. In addition, the number of shares to be delivered are fixed. The
arrangement would be considered indexed to the entity’s own stock under ASC 815-40-15, which
means equity classification is not precluded.
Does the arrangement meet the equity classification requirements in ASC 815-40-25?
This arrangement may qualify for equity classification if all of the criteria in ASC 815-40-25 are met.
If all of the conditions in ASC 815-40-25 are met, the arrangement would be classified in equity and
initially recognized at fair value pursuant to ASC 815-40-25. The amount recognized would be
included as part of consideration transferred. Company A is required to reassess the classification at
each reporting date. If equity classification continues to be appropriate upon reassessment,
subsequent remeasurement will not be required.
Alternatively, the arrangement may be considered to be settled for a variable number of shares (either zero or 100 shares)
and the determinants of the monetary value of such an arrangement are (1) the likelihood of reaching the revenue threshold
(zero or 100 shares), and (2) price per share at the time such shares are contingently deliverable (value of the 100 shares, if
that settlement is triggered). If the monetary value is predominantly based on the likelihood of reaching the revenue threshold,
the arrangement would be classified as a liability, as such value varies in relation to something other than the fair value of the
issuer’s equity shares (480-10-25-14(b)). If, however, the value is not predominantly based on the likelihood of reaching the
revenue threshold (e.g., the likelihood of reaching the revenue threshold is relatively high), ASC 480 does not address the
classification of this arrangement, and Company A would continue to other guidance to determine the appropriate classification.
See section A.6.1 for the subsequent accounting for cost recognized as a result of a contingent
consideration arrangement.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-16
A.2.4 Acquisition of a controlling interest of less than 100% in an entity that is not
a business
A company may acquire a controlling equity interest that represents less than 100% of an entity that
does not meet the definition of a business. When this occurs, a noncontrolling interest in the acquired
entity is created. Assuming the entity holding the asset (or a group of assets) being acquired is not a VIE,
we generally believe that the acquirer should include the fair value of the noncontrolling interest as part
of the cost of the asset acquisition and recognize the noncontrolling interest based on its proportionate
share of the fair value of the net assets acquired on the acquisition date.
Illustration A-4 provides an example that may be helpful when determining how to account for such a
Illustration A-4: Acquisition of a controlling interest of less than 100% in another entity that
is not a business
Acquirer enters into an agreement to purchase 80% of the outstanding shares of Target for cash
consideration of $320. Target owns a single asset and doesn’t meet the definition of a business. The
remaining 20% of Target is held by Company A, an unrelated third party. The fair value of the asset is
$400, which equals the fair value of Target.
Acquirer has obtained control of Target and therefore applies the guidance in ASC 810-10, which
results in Acquirer consolidating Target and recognizing a noncontrolling interest for the portion of
Target that was not acquired. Acquirer would recognize 100% of the fair value of the asset ($400) in
the consolidated financial statements. Acquirer would record the following journal entry:
$ 400
Noncontrolling interests
$ 80
Acquirer would recognize the noncontrolling interest at its proportionate share of the fair value of the asset acquired ($400 x 20%).
A.2.5 Previously held interests
A company may obtain control of an asset or group of assets from an entity in which the company holds
a noncontrolling equity interest immediately before consummation of the acquisition. ASC 805-50 does
not provide guidance on how to account for previously held equity interests. We believe that, because the
guidance prescribes a cost accumulation approach, the acquiring company should include both the carrying
value of the preexisting ownership interest and the cost of the additional ownership interest acquired in the
total cost of the asset acquisition. We are aware of an alternate view in practice that would result in the
remeasurement of the previously held interest at its fair value as of the date of the transaction.
A.2.6 Transactions that are separate from an asset acquisition
An acquirer may enter into other arrangements with the seller at or near the same time as the asset
acquisition. Such arrangements may be contained in a separate agreement or they may be included as a
provision in the asset purchase agreement itself. We believe that the consideration transferred in an
asset acquisition, like the consideration transferred in a business combination, should only include
amounts that the parties agreed would be transferred in exchange for the assets acquired and liabilities
assumed. Exchanged values of any portion of the assets acquired, liabilities assumed or consideration
given that are not part of the exchange for the acquired assets are accounted for separately from the
asset acquisition and may increase or decrease the measurement of the cost that is allocated to the
assets acquired and liabilities assumed.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-17
To determine whether an arrangement is part of or separate from the asset acquisition, we believe the
acquirer should apply the same principle in ASC 805 that it applies in business combinations. That is, a
transaction is likely a separate transaction that should be accounted for apart from the asset acquisition
if it is entered into by or on behalf of the acquirer or is primarily for the benefit of the acquirer. Because
this determination requires judgment, an acquirer should consider the following factors provided in
ASC 805-10-55-18:
The reasons for the transaction
Who initiated the transaction
The timing of the transaction
These factors should be considered holistically; no one factor is determinative. Refer to section
for further discussion on how an acquirer should determine which elements of a transaction to account
for as part of an asset acquisition.
After the acquirer determines which assets acquired or liabilities assumed are part of the exchange for
the acquiree’s assets, it must determine how to allocate the consideration transferred between the
various components (i.e., the asset acquisition and the separate transaction(s)). Because there is no
guidance on this point, we believe that using a relative fair value approach to allocate the consideration
transferred between the two (or more) components would be reasonable and acceptable. Other
alternatives may also be acceptable.
Some of the more common types of arrangements that are entered into at or near the same time as an
asset acquisition and are generally recognized as separate transactions are discussed below.
A.2.6.1 Settlement of preexisting relationships
The buyer and seller may have previously entered into a relationship before contemplating an asset
acquisition. As part of or contemporaneously with acquisition negotiations, the parties may agree to
effectively settle the preexisting relationship. When this occurs, a question arises about how to account
for the settlement.
While there is no guidance on the settlement of a preexisting relationship in an asset acquisition, we
believe that a settlement gain or loss should be recognized consistent with the ASC 805 principles
relating to the settlement of preexisting relationships in a business combination. In addition, the amount
recognized as a gain or loss will depend on whether the relationship is contractual or noncontractual in
nature. If the preexisting relationship was documented in a contract, it is considered a contractual
relationship. Otherwise, the relationship is considered noncontractual.
ASC 805-10-55-21 provides that the settlement of a noncontractual relationship is measured at fair value.
In contrast, the settlement of a contractual relationship is measured at the lesser of the following items:
The amount by which the contract is favorable or unfavorable from the perspective of the buyer
relative to market terms for the same or similar items
The amount of any stated settlement provisions in the contract available to the counterparty to
whom the contract is unfavorable
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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Illustration A-5: Settlement of a contractual relationship in an asset acquisition
Acquirer purchases raw materials from Acquiree under a five-year supply contract at fixed rates.
Because the fixed rates are lower than the rates at which Acquirer could purchase similar raw
materials from another supplier, Acquirer considers the contract an executory contract that is
unfavorable to the Acquiree and determines that the fair value of the off-market component of the
contract is $5 million. The supply agreement permits either party to cancel the contract for a payment
of $3 million. Acquirer purchases the manufacturing equipment that produces the raw materials from
Acquiree for $100 million.
The gain Acquirer recognizes upon settlement of the executory contract is determined based on the
lesser of (1) the $5 million amount by which the supply contract is unfavorable to Acquiree or (2) the
$3 million stated settlement provision amount available to Acquiree (i.e., the counterparty to whom
the contract is unfavorable). Accordingly, Acquirer recognizes a $3 million gain upon termination of
the supply contract, and the consideration transferred in the asset acquisition is $103 million, which
represents the cost of the acquired equipment.
If a preexisting contract is otherwise cancelable without penalty, the stated settlement provision amount of
that contract is zero and no settlement gain or loss would be recognized. If the settlement of a preexisting
relationship involves a lease, refer to sections 4.2.4 and 4.3.9 in our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting
Standards Codification 840, Leases, or section 4.8.2 in our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards
Codification 842, Leases, for additional guidance.
A.2.6.2 R&D assets
Payments to the former owners of an asset or asset group for future services are generally considered a
separate transaction and not accounted for as part of the asset acquisition. When an acquiring entity will
make future payments to the former owners of the acquired assets, the entity must carefully evaluate
whether these payments are for future services to be performed by the seller or whether they represent
contingent consideration for the asset(s) acquired. This evaluation requires significant judgment.
As an example, assume that an acquirer obtains a license to a drug compound from the seller and
simultaneously engages the former owners to perform research and development (R&D) services in
exchange for payments in the future. If the acquirer determines that payments for services performed by
the seller in connection with the R&D activities are not part of the asset acquired, these payments should
be expensed as R&D costs in accordance with ASC 730.
A.3 Allocate the cost of the asset acquisition
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Initial Measurement
Acquiring assets in groups requires not only ascertaining the cost of the asset (or net asset) group but
also allocating that cost to the individual assets (or individual assets and liabilities) that make up the
group. The cost of such a group is determined using the concepts described in the preceding two
paragraphs. The cost of a group of assets acquired in an asset acquisition shall be allocated to the
individual assets acquired or liabilities assumed based on their relative fair values and shall not give rise
to goodwill. The allocated cost of an asset that the entity does not intend to use or intends to use in a
way that is not its highest and best use, such as a brand name, shall be determined based on its relative
fair value. See paragraph 805-50-55-1 for an illustration of the relative fair value method to assets
acquired outside a business combination.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-19
A.3.1 Cost assignment in asset acquisitions
After the cost of an asset acquisition is determined, the acquiring entity is required to allocate the cost to
the individual assets acquired or liabilities assumed, based on their relative fair values as discussed in
ASC 805-50-30-3. Fair value is measured in accordance with ASC 820. No goodwill should be recognized
in an asset acquisition.
Similarly, when the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired (or assets acquired and liabilities
assumed) in an asset acquisition is greater than the cost, a bargain purchase gain is not recognized. This
differs from the approach for business combinations, under which the acquired assets and assumed
liabilities, including any previously existing ownership interests and noncontrolling interests, are
generally measured at fair value. That is, the business combination model is a “new basis” approach,
while the asset acquisition model is a “cost accumulation” approach.
Some of the more important measurement and recognition differences between accounting for asset
acquisitions and accounting for business combinations are discussed below.
A.3.1.1 Intangible assets
When an acquisition of a group of assets includes intangible assets, those intangible assets are
recognized at their relative fair values in accordance with ASC 350-30-25. Goodwill is not recognized in
an asset acquisition and, as such, any consideration transferred that exceeds the fair value of the net
assets acquired is allocated to the identifiable assets based on relative fair values as discussed in section
A.4.1. Section 4.2.5 discusses the determination of the fair value of certain intangible assets acquired in
a business combination.
A. Assembled workforce
An assembled workforce is a collection of employees that allows the acquirer to continue to operate the
acquired asset(s). That is, the acquirer does not need to go through the process of finding, hiring and
training employees because they are already in place and performing. An assembled workforce is not
recognized as a separate acquired asset in a business combination under the contractual-legal and
separable criteria in ASC 805 for business combinations. Because that guidance does not apply to asset
acquisitions, intangible assets such as an assembled workforce may meet the asset recognition criteria in
CON 5 and, therefore, may be separately recognized in an asset acquisition, as described in ASC 350-30-
25-4. However, the existence of an assembled workforce may suggest that the acquired set is a business
(i.e., if an entity determines that the employees perform or are capable of performing a substantive process)
and should be accounted for as a business combination. As a result, careful consideration is required before a
conclusion is reached that the acquired set is not a business.
Further, we believe that if unique skills (e.g., technological expertise, skilled craftsmanship) are embedded
in an assembled workforce acquired in an asset acquisition, the value attributed to the assembled workforce
intangible asset should include the value of the skills of that workforce.
Present and
disclose the
asset acquisition
Evaluate the
between cost
and fair value
Allocate the cost
of the asset
Measure the
cost of the asset
Determine that the
transaction is an
asset acquisition
Allocate the
cost of the
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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An entity that acquires IPR&D assets in an asset acquisition follows the guidance in ASC 730, which
requires that both tangible and intangible identifiable research and development assets with no
alternative future use be allocated a portion of the consideration transferred and charged to expense at
the acquisition date. Conversely, tangible and intangible identifiable IPR&D assets with an alternative
future use be allocated a portion of the consideration transferred and capitalized.
This accounting differs significantly from the accounting for IPR&D acquired in a business combination,
which must be recognized at fair value and initially characterized as an indefinite-lived intangible asset,
regardless of whether the IPR&D has an alternative future use.
See section 4.2.6 for a discussion of
IPR&D acquired in a business combination.
A. Defensive intangible assets
Defensive intangible assets (also referred to as “locked-up assets”) are those that an acquirer purchases
in a business combination or an asset acquisition that it does not intend to actively use, develop or exploit
but intends to retain to prevent competitors from obtaining them. While these assets are not being actively
used, they are likely contributing to an increase in the value of other assets owned by the acquirer.
As described in ASC 805-50-30-3, assets that an entity does not intend to use are measured at relative
fair value, and therefore are allocated a portion of the consideration transferred. ASC 350-30 provides
guidance on the subsequent accounting for defensive intangible assets and requires an entity to assign a
useful life in accordance with ASC 350-30-35-1 through 35-5. Refer to section for further
discussions of the subsequent accounting.
A. Reacquired rights
As part of an asset acquisition, an acquirer may reacquire a right that it previously had granted to the
acquiree to use one or more of the acquirer’s recognized or unrecognized assets. Examples of such rights
include a right to use the acquirer’s trade name under a franchise agreement or a right to use the
acquirer’s technology under a technology licensing agreement.
To account for a reacquired right, a determination must be made that the overall transaction is, in fact,
an asset acquisition (that is, a reacquired right) and not simply a cancellation or rescission of the contract
under which the reacquired right was granted to the presumed acquiree. If the transaction is
substantially determined to be a cancellation or rescission of a contract and not an asset acquisition, the
accounting is based on the principles discussed in ASC 606. See section 3.2, Contract enforceability and
termination clauses, of our FRD, Revenue from contracts with customers (ASC 606), for guidance on
how to account for a contract with a customer that includes a termination provision.
ASC 805-50 doesn’t provide guidance on accounting for reacquired rights in an asset acquisition. If a
reacquired right satisfies the recognition criteria in CON 5, including the definition of an asset, and the
acquirer expects to receive a probable future economic benefit, we believe the reacquired right may be
recognized as an intangible asset. Because there is no specific measurement guidance in ASC 805-50 for
reacquired rights in an asset acquisition, analogizing to the measurement guidance in ASC 805-20-30-20
for reacquired rights in a business combination may be appropriate. Accordingly, an acquirer would
measure a reacquired right (recognized as an intangible asset) based solely on the remaining contractual
term of the related contract. Refer to section for further details on the accounting for
reacquired rights in a business combination.
During its deliberations on Statement 141(R), the FASB considered extending the recognition provisions to include research and
development assets acquired outside of a business combination, but ultimately decided not to do so. The FASB did not want to
spend additional time deliberating the related issues because this would have unduly delayed the issuance of Statement 141(R).
The EITF ultimately addressed the issue but did not come to a consensus.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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A.3.1.2 Indemnification assets
A seller may provide an indemnification to an acquirer for uncertainties about the settlement amounts of
acquired assets or liabilities assumed by the acquirer (e.g., uncertain tax positions, environmental liabilities
or other legal matters). Indemnification arrangements often require the acquiree to reimburse the
acquirer for some or all of the costs incurred by the acquirer.
Indemnification arrangements are acquired assets that are recognized in business combinations. The
guidance in ASC 805 provides that an indemnification asset is recognized on the same basis as is the
indemnified item. That is, the acquirer recognizes an indemnification asset at the same time that it
recognizes the indemnified item, measured on the same basis as the indemnified item, subject to the
need for a valuation allowance for uncollectible amounts. In the absence of specific guidance, we believe
that it is appropriate for an acquirer to apply this guidance by analogy to account for indemnification
assets in an asset acquisition.
Refer to section 4.2.7 for further discussion on the accounting for indemnification assets in a business
A.3.1.3 Leases
A lease agreement conveys the right to use an identified asset (i.e., property, plant or equipment) for a
period of time in exchange for consideration. Under a lease, the party obtaining the right to use the
leased property is referred to as a lessee, and the party conveying the right to use the property is
referred to as a lessor. In an asset acquisition, the acquirer may assume the role of the lessor (e.g., it
purchases a tenant-occupied commercial property) or the role of a lessee (e.g., it acquires an entity that
is not a business that has leased office space).
Accounting guidance for lease arrangements for both lessees and lessors under US GAAP is primarily
contained in ASC 842 (or ASC 840 before an entity adopts ASU 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842)) and applies
to all entities. Refer to section 1.1 in our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 840,
Leases, or section 1.2 in our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases, for
additional guidance on evaluating whether an arrangement is or contains a lease.
A. Accounting for leases in asset acquisitions
In an asset acquisition, a lessor should follow the guidance in ASC 350-30-25 to recognize lease-related
intangibles, if any, and the related leased assets by allocating the cost of acquisition based on their relative
fair values. An entity that becomes a lessor as a result of an asset acquisition must reassess the assumed
lease and classify the lease as an operating or a sales-type or direct finance lease in accordance with
ASC 842-10-25-3 (refer to section 3.2 of our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification
842, Leases). That is, an entity that acquires a lessor interest in a lease in an asset acquisition does not
automatically retain the prior lease classification as is generally the case in a business combination.
ASC 805-50 does not address classification of leases acquired in an asset acquisition. We are aware of
some diversity in practice in this area. We believe either of the following approaches are acceptable:
(1) an entity could analogize to the business combinations guidance (i.e., the classification of a lease should
not be reassessed unless the transaction results in a lease modification under ASC 842) or (2) an acquirer
that becomes a lessor or lessee as a result of an asset acquisition could reassess the classification of the
assumed lease in accordance with the criteria in ASC 842-10-25.
(Refer to section 3 of our FRD, Lease
accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842, Leases, for further discussion.)
An acquirer that becomes a lessor or lessee as a result of an asset acquisition must reassess the classification of the assumed
lease in accordance with ASC 840.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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If an entity acquires an asset and leases it back to the seller, the entity will apply the sale and leaseback
guidance discussed in section 7 of our FRD, Lease accounting: Accounting Standards Codification 842,
Leases, to determine whether the transaction is a purchase or a financing of the asset.
A.3.1.4 Exchange of share-based payments in an asset acquisition
In an asset acquisition, the acquirer may exchange its share-based payment awards for awards held by
grantees of the target entity. ASC 805-50 does not provide measurement guidance related to the
replacement of an acquiree’s share-based payment awards. Absent such guidance, we believe an
acquirer may analogize to the business combinations guidance, which provides an exception for the
measurement of share-based payment awards. That is, a liability or equity instrument issued to replace
the acquiree’s share-based payment awards is measured on the acquisition date based upon the fair
value-based measurement provisions of ASC 718.
Under the business combinations guidance, if the acquirer is obligated to replace the acquirees share-
based payment awards, either all or a portion of the fair value-based measure of the acquirer’s
replacement awards would be included in measuring the consideration transferred in the asset
acquisition as of the date of acquisition. The acquirer is obligated to replace the acquiree awards if the
acquiree or its grantees have the ability to enforce replacement.
If there is no replacement obligation and the acquiree’s share-based payment awards would have expired
or been terminated on the acquisition date under those awards’ original terms, any voluntary
replacement of those awards would be considered a new award, and the entire fair value-based measure
of the new award would be recognized as compensation cost by the acquirer.
On the other hand, if the acquirer voluntarily replaces the acquiree’s share-based payment awards that
would not otherwise expire or terminate on the acquisition date under those awards’ original terms, in
most cases we believe the accounting results would be similar to situations in which a replacement
obligation exists.
See section 6.3 for further guidance on the exchange of share-based payment awards in a business
A.3.1.5 Acquired contingencies
Contingent assets and liabilities acquired in an asset acquisition are accounted for in accordance with the
guidance in ASC 450. As such, an acquired loss contingency is recognized if it is both probable that a loss
will occur, and the loss can be reasonably estimated. Gain contingencies are not recognized in an asset
acquisition. That is, gain contingencies only occur once the contingency is resolved.
A.3.1.6 Deferred income taxes
Because goodwill is not recognized in an asset acquisition, the measurement of deferred income tax
assets acquired and liabilities assumed in an asset acquisition will often require an iterative approach that
in many cases affects the measurement of acquired assets. The measurement of deferred taxes on
temporary differences in an asset acquisition is determined using the simultaneous equations method
described in ASC 740. See section 13 in our FRD, Income taxes, for further discussion of the
requirements of ASC 740 for asset acquisitions.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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A.4 Evaluate the difference between cost and fair value
Upon allocating the cost of the asset acquisition to the individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed
based on their relative fair values under ASC 805-50-30-3, an acquiring entity may determine that the
total cost of the acquisition exceeds the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. Conversely, the
acquiring entity may determine that the total cost of the acquisition may be less than the fair value of the
identifiable net assets acquired. The accounting depends on this determination (i.e., the acquisition cost
exceeds or is less than the fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed).
A.4.1 Cost of the acquisition exceeds the fair value of acquired assets
When the acquisition cost exceeds the fair value of the set of assets acquired and liabilities assumed in an
asset acquisition, this may indicate that synergies exist among the assets. However, the guidance in
ASC 350 prohibits the recognition of goodwill in an asset acquisition. If more than an insignificant
amount of potential goodwill exists in a transaction, this may indicate that a process included in the set is
substantive, and thus, the set may be a business.
An acquirer that believes the cost of an asset acquisition exceeds the fair value of the identifiable net
assets should first confirm that it has appropriately determined the fair value of the net assets acquired.
The acquirers should also carefully evaluate whether the premium paid (i.e., the excess cost) relates to
prior commitments, contingencies or disputes with the seller that are being settled and should result in a
reduction of a recognized liability or a charge to expense.
In addition, an acquirer should confirm that all identifiable assets, including intangible assets, have been
appropriately identified and recognized under the asset recognition criteria in CON 5, regardless of
whether they meet the recognition criteria applied in business combinations. The guidance in ASC 350
states that acquired intangible assets that do not otherwise meet the contractual-legal or separability
criteria required in ASC 805 but still meet the asset recognition criteria, as defined in CON 5, should be
recognized. These intangible assets may include the following:
An assembled workforce
Employees with unique skills, knowledge or relationships
Unique manufacturing process
Customer service capability
Nonunion status or strong labor relations
Presence in geographic markets or locations
A customer base
Present and
disclose the
asset acquisition
Evaluate the
between cost
and fair value
Allocate the cost of
the asset
Measure the
cost of the asset
Determine that the
transaction is an
asset acquisition
Evaluate the
cost and fair
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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Once each acquired asset, including those listed above, has been identified and appropriately measured,
the excess cost over fair value is allocated to these assets based on the ASC 350 relative fair value
requirement. However, because this means that identified assets would be recognized at amounts that
are greater than their fair values, we believe companies should not allocate any excess cost over fair
value to non-qualifying assets (as detailed below). This is because, loss recognition generally would
result when those assets are remeasured or settled after the acquisition date.
ASC 805-50 doesn’t provide guidance on circumstances in which there is an excess of cost over the fair
value of net assets acquired. We believe it is appropriate to leverage the legacy guidance in paragraph 44
of Statement 141, which, similar to the measurement guidance in ASC 805-50, provided for a cost
accumulation and allocation model. That guidance said that non-qualifying assets include:
Financial assets (other than investments accounted for by the equity method), as defined in
ASC 860, which include:
Evidence of an ownership interest in an entity
A contract that conveys to a second entity a contractual right (1) to receive cash or another
financial instrument from the first entity or (2) to exchange other financial instruments on
potentially favorable terms with the first entity
Assets to be disposed of by sale
Deferred tax assets
Prepaid assets related to pension or other postretirement benefit plans
Other current assets (ASC 210 provides guidance on identifying current assets).
After excluding non-qualifying assets from the relative fair value allocation, the allocation of excess cost
to qualifying assets might result in an immediate impairment charge, which is precluded by the guidance
in ASC 350. However, we do not believe an immediate impairment would result because acquired long-
lived assets, except for indefinite-lived intangible assets, are subject to impairment testing pursuant to
the guidance in ASC 360. That is, the acquired long-lived assets are included in asset groups in which
recoverability is determined based on undiscounted cash flows. Thus, even if the acquired long-lived
assets are the only assets in the asset group, the use of undiscounted cash flows makes it unlikely that
the asset group would fail the recoverability test, especially if synergies exist among the newly acquired
assets or with preexisting assets.
Indefinite-lived intangible assets are subject to a fair value impairment test under the guidance in
ASC 350. As a result, if indefinite-lived intangible assets are recognized at amounts that exceed fair
value, an immediate impairment will result. Therefore, companies cannot assign an amount greater than
fair value to indefinite-lived intangible assets, unless these intangible assets are combined with
previously owned indefinite-lived intangible assets as a single unit of account for impairment testing
under the guidance in ASC 350-30-35.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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Illustration A-6: The cost of an acquisition exceeds the fair value of acquired assets
Acquirer purchases acquired assets and assumed liabilities for $500,000. The acquisition of these assets
and assumed liabilities does not meet the definition of a business under ASC 805. Acquirer incurred
$50,000 in direct costs to effect the transaction. The fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities
assumed at the acquisition date are illustrated in the table below.
ASC 805-50 does not address how to allocate the cost of an asset acquisition that exceeds the fair
value of an acquired set that includes both assets acquired and liabilities assumed. Given the lack of
guidance, we believe a reasonable approach is to treat the assumed liabilities similar to non-qualifying
assets (as discussed above). In this situation, Acquirer allocates the excess cost over the fair value of
the acquired assets as follows:
* Excludes the cost of non-qualifyingassets (e.g., prepaid rent of $80,000) and assumed liabilities (e.g., debt of $40,000).
While the cost of the acquisition ($550,000) is greater than the fair value of the net assets acquired
($500,000), the excess is not recorded as goodwill. Instead, the excess cost of $50,000 (acquisition
cost of $550,000 fair value of net assets of $500,000) is allocated across the qualifying assets on a
relative fair value basis.
A.4.2 Cost of the acquisition is less than the fair value of acquired assets
While ASC 805 doesn’t address the accounting for an acquisition when the cost is less than the fair value
of the identifiable net assets acquired, this situation may indicate that a transaction is a bargain
purchase. However, as opposed to accounting in a business combination, a bargain purchase gain is not
recorded in an asset acquisition.
An acquirer that believes the cost of an acquisition is less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets
should first confirm that it has appropriately determined the fair value of the net assets acquired. The
acquirer should also evaluate whether it has identified and recognized all liabilities assumed from the
seller at fair value, including commitments or contingent liabilities. Additionally, the acquirer needs to
evaluate whether there are elements of the arrangement that should be accounted for separately from
the asset acquisition, which could also eliminate or reduce the difference between the cost and the fair
value of the net assets acquired.
If the fair value of the identifiable net assets still exceeds the cost of the acquisition, the allocation of cost
on a relative fair value basis to all qualifying assets results in the recognition of initial asset bases at less
than the assetsfair value. This could result in gain recognition when certain assets are realized shortly
after the acquisition date.
Accordingly, we believe that the excess of fair value over cost should be allocated on a relative fair value
basis to all qualifying assets, including IPR&D and identifiable intangible assets. That is, the acquirer will
identify and recognize non-qualifying assets and the assumed liabilities at fair value (unless other GAAP
prescribes another measurement basis, e.g., ASC 450), with the remaining acquired assets recognized at
Fair value
Cost of the
= Allocated cost
Building 276,000$ 60.0% 510,000$ 306,000$
Land 138,000 30.0% 510,000 153,000
Finite-lived intangible asset 46,000 10.0% 510,000 51,000
Collateralized debt (40,000) (40,000)
Prepaid rent 80,000 80,000
500,000$ 550,000$
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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amounts determined by allocating the remaining cost of the acquisition to those assets based on their
relative fair value to the total fair value of all qualifying assets (which, as described above, will result in
recognizing qualifying assets at less than fair value).
Illustration A-7: The cost of an acquisition is less than the fair value of acquired assets
Company A acquires Machine A, Machine B and associated inventory from Company B in exchange
for $50,000. The fair values of Machine A, Machine B and associated inventory were determined
to be $35,000, $15,000 and $8,000, respectively. After thorough due diligence, Company A has
determined that no commitments or contingent liabilities were assumed. Company A incurred $4,000
in direct costs to effect the transaction.
Because the measurement principle for asset acquisitions continues to be based on cost, Company A
does not recognize a gain for the bargain purchase. Therefore, Company A would recognize the
acquisition of Machine A, Machine B and associated inventory at $54,000 (the cash paid, plus the
transactions costs). The estimated fair value of the qualifying assets would be reduced on a relative
fair value basis. The transaction would be recorded as follows:
Machine A
$ 32,200
Machine B
$ 54,000
Machine A is measured at relative fair value less allocated excess (($35,000/$50,000) × ($54,000 $8,000) = $32,200).
Machine B is measured at relative fair value less allocated excess (($15,000/$50,000) × ($54,000 $8,000) = $13,800).
The value of the inventory is not adjusted because it is a non-qualifying asset.
Cash paid as consideration of $50,000, plus transaction costs of $4,000.
A.4.2.1 Contingent consideration arrangements with IPR&D
When an asset acquisition is, in substance, the acquisition of IPR&D, the fair value of the acquired assets
may exceed the cost of the acquisition. IPR&D acquisitions typically call for an initial payment and
ongoing milestone and/or royalty payments, all of which are contingent on future successful R&D
outcomes and/or product sales. They may include one or more IPR&D projects. If a group of assets is
acquired, the acquirer may be required to allocate the cost of acquisition to assets acquired on a relative
fair value basis as discussed above.
The initial payment related to the IPR&D is expensed on the day of acquisition in accordance with
ASC 730 because the project typically has no future alternative use. The ongoing milestone and/or
royalty payments are accounted for under other applicable guidance (e.g., ASC 815). If an instrument
meets the definition of a derivative and does not meet one of the scope exceptions in ASC 815, the
guidance in ASC 815 requires that the derivative be recognized at fair value. In this case, the fair value
amount becomes part of the acquisition cost.
If the applicable US GAAP guidance does not require recognition of the contingent payment arrangement
at the acquisition date, we believe the subsequent payments would be recognized when the contingencies
are resolved and the consideration is paid or becomes payable. However, given the lack of explicit
guidance in ASC 805-50, we are aware of other acceptable approaches in practice, such as recognizing
the obligation when the contingency is probable and reasonably estimable under ASC 450.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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Depending on the status of the IPR&D project at the time a contingent payment is recognized (e.g., in
development or complete and commercially available), the acquirer may determine that the payment
should be expensed or capitalized as an intangible asset. This determination should be based on the facts
and circumstances for each IPR&D project.
Illustration A-8: The fair value of acquired assets exceeds the cost, which includes contingent
consideration and IPR&D
An acquirer enters into an agreement to license worldwide exclusive development and commercialization
rights to an early stage drug candidate that does not meet the definition of a business. The acquirer pays
$20 million at closing and agrees to pay up to an additional $30 million, with $10 million increments
due upon the achievement of each of three separate revenue-based milestones paid subsequent to FDA
approval. The asset acquired has been determined to be solely IPR&D with a fair value of $35 million.
Several months after the transaction closes, the FDA approves the drug candidate for commercial sales.
As of the acquisition date, the acquirer recognizes and immediately charges $20 million to R&D expense.
The acquirer also determines that the arrangement is comprised of the three contingent payments (i.e., the
revenue-based milestone payments) meets the definition of a derivative under ASC 815; however, the
arrangement qualifies for the scope exception in ASC 815-10-15-59(d) because the underlying is based
on the acquirer’s revenues from sales when the project is commercialized. As a result, the arrangement
is not accounted for as a derivative pursuant to ASC 815. There is also no other applicable US GAAP
requiring the recognition of the arrangement at fair value on the acquisition date.
Accordingly, when a milestone is achieved and $10 million is paid or payable, the acquirer would account
for the milestone payment depending on the nature of the milestone and whether the IPR&D was still in
development or completed at the time the milestone was achieved. In this case, because all three payments
are contingent on achievement of revenue milestones once the R&D project is complete (i.e., after FDA
approval) and the drug candidate is marketable, the cost of these payments would be capitalized.
A.5 Present and disclose the asset acquisition
ASC 805-50 does not provide guidance on how acquiring entities should present and disclose asset
acquisition transactions. In some cases, other US GAAP topics provide specific presentation and/or
disclosure requirements, depending on the nature of the assets acquired or the liabilities assumed.
For example:
Intangible assets acquired either individually or as part of a group of assets in an asset acquisition
are disclosed in accordance with ASC 350-30-50-1.
Nonmonetary assets transferred are disclosed during the period in which a company enters into a
nonmonetary transaction in accordance with ASC 845-10-50-1. The nature of the transaction, the
basis of accounting for the assets transferred, and any gains or losses recognized on the transfer
should be disclosed.
Present and
disclose the
asset acquisition
Evaluate the
between cost
and fair value
Allocate the cost
of the asset
Measure the
cost of the asset
Determine that the
transaction is an
asset acquisition
Present and
disclose the
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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Contingent consideration arrangements should be disclosed in accordance with other applicable US
GAAP (e.g., ASC 815, ASC 450). Entities also should disclose how they intend to account for the
contingent consideration (e.g., when the related contingency is resolved and the consideration is
paid or becomes payable).
In addition, Rule 5-02.13(a) of Regulation S-X provides presentation and disclosure requirements for
tangible assets, including the requirement that registrants must disclose the basis used to determine the
amounts of depreciable assets. As a result, registrants with a significant acquisition of tangible assets
should disclose the basis used to determine the value of the acquired asset(s) in the period of acquisition.
Absent other specific guidance, we believe it would be appropriate to make these disclosures for all
significant assets acquired and liabilities assumed in an asset acquisition.
A.5.1 Statement of cash flows
ASC 805-50 does not provide guidance on how acquiring entities should classify cash payments made to
acquire an asset or group of assets. Accordingly, entities apply the guidance in ASC 230 to classify cash
flows pertaining to the assets acquired as either operating, investing or financing activities, based on the
nature of the cash flows (i.e., the assets being acquired).
Because ASC 230 is principles based, cash flow classification often requires significant judgment,
particularly when a transaction might result in reporting cash flows in more than one major classification
category. Reasonable conclusions about classifying cash flows might differ depending on how one
assesses the substance of a particular transaction. We encourage entities to provide appropriate
disclosures about their policies and judgments and to consistently apply their policies. Refer to our FRD,
Statement of cash flows, for additional information.
A.6 Subsequent accounting
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Subsequent Measurement
After the acquisition, the acquiring entity accounts for the asset or liability in accordance with the
appropriate generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The basis for measuring the asset
acquired or liability assumed has no effect on the subsequent accounting for the asset or liability.
After an asset acquisition, the assets acquired and liabilities assumed should be accounted for in
accordance with applicable US GAAP guidance. That is, the initial measurement basis of the assets
acquired or liabilities assumed does not affect the subsequent accounting.
A.6.1 Assets recognized based on the settlement of a contingent consideration
If contingent consideration arrangement meets the definition of a derivative in ASC 815 and does not
qualify for a scope exception, the acquirer initially records and recognizes the obligation at fair value at
the date of acquisition. The contingent consideration would be subject to derivative accounting (i.e., it
would be measured at fair value each reporting period) under ASC 815. In addition, contingent
considerations may be subject to fair value measurement under other applicable guidance (e.g., ASC 480,
ASC 815-40). As a result, any changes made in the carrying value of the obligation after the acquisition
date would not adjust the cost basis of the acquired asset or group of assets. Such amounts would be
accounted for in accordance with ASC 815 or other applicable guidance.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
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For contingent consideration that does not meet the definition of a derivative in ASC 815, and is not
otherwise recognized on the acquisition date under other applicable US GAAP, we believe that any
payment made after the acquisition date should increase the cost basis of the acquired asset, or group of
assets, and should be accounted for in a manner (capitalized or expensed) that is consistent with the
nature of the asset. Additionally, if an entity acquires a group of assets, the additional cost should be
allocated to the group of assets based on their relative fair values at the acquisition date, consistent with
the requirement in ASC 805-50-30-3. For those payments that are capitalized, entities should consider
the economics of the underlying asset, or group of assets, to determine the expense recognition pattern
associated with any related depreciation and amortization.
Illustration A-9: Subsequent accounting for assets recognized based on the settlement of a
contingent consideration arrangement
On 1 January 20X1, Company A acquires Machine X from Company B for $100,000 and a contingent
consideration arrangement to pay an additional $40,000 if the company A’s sales from products
manufactured by the machine exceed a certain threshold over the next year. Machine X has a
remaining useful life of five years at the time of acquisition and is being depreciated on a straight-line
basis. Assume that Company A concludes that the contingent consideration arrangement is not
subject to the derivative accounting requirements in ASC 815 and that no other applicable GAAP
would require Company A to recognize the contingent consideration at the acquisition date. As a
result, Company A will recognize the additional payment when the contingency is resolved and the
consideration is paid or becomes payable based on its accounting policy.
On 1 January 20X2, one year after the acquisition, the $40,000 contingent payment to Company B is
now payable. As a result, Company A recognizes a liability for the entire amount.
Because the measurement principle for asset acquisitions is based on cost, Company A would
recognize an increase to the asset of $40,000 on 1 January 20X2 (when the contingent payment is
resolved and payable). Company A would account for the additional cost basis consistent with the
accounting for the asset recognized on 1 January 20X1. That is, the asset would be presumed to have
a remaining useful life of four years on 1 January 20X2. Therefore, Company A would recognize the
following depreciation expense:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Asset recognized on
1 January 20X1
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
$ 20,000
Incremental amount of
asset recognized on
1 January 20X2
Annual depreciation
$ 20,000
$ 30,000
$ 30,000
$ 30,000
$ 30,000
$20,000 is derived as follows: [$100,000 / 5 years (the remaining useful life of the asset on 1 January 20X1)]
$10,000 is derived as follows: [$40,000 / 4 years (the remaining useful life of the asset on 1 January 20X2)]
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-30
A.7 Other considerations
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Scope and Scope Exceptions
The guidance in the Pushdown Accounting Subsections does not apply to transactions in paragraph
When accounting for a transfer of assets or exchange of shares between entities under common
control, the entity that receives the net assets or the equity interests shall initially recognize the
assets and liabilities transferred at the date of transfer. See the Transactions Between Entities Under
Common Control Subsection of Section 805-50-45 for guidance on the presentation of financial
statements for the period of transfer and comparative financial statements for prior years.
Initial Measurement
When accounting for a transfer of assets or exchange of shares between entities under common
control, the entity that receives the net assets or the equity interests shall initially measure the
recognized assets and liabilities transferred at their carrying amounts in the accounts of the
transferring entity at the date of transfer. If the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities
transferred differ from the historical cost of the parent of the entities under common control, for
example, because pushdown accounting had not been applied, then the financial statements of the
receiving entity shall reflect the transferred assets and liabilities at the historical cost of the parent of
the entities under common control.
In some instances, the entity that receives the net assets or equity interests (the receiving entity) and
the entity that transferred the net assets or equity interests (the transferring entity) may account for
similar assets and liabilities using different accounting methods. In such circumstances, the carrying
amounts of the assets and liabilities transferred may be adjusted to the basis of accounting used by
the receiving entity if the change would be preferable. Any such change in accounting method shall be
applied retrospectively, and financial statements presented for prior periods shall be adjusted unless it is
impracticable to do so. Section 250-10-45 provides guidance if retrospective application is impracticable.
SEC materials
The following is the text of the SEC Observer Comment: Measurement of Certain Transfers Between
Entities Under Common Control in the Separate Financial Statements of Each Entity.
The SEC staff's views on carrying over historical cost to record, in the separate financial statements of
each entity, transfers between companies under common control or between a parent and its
subsidiary are focused on transfers of net assets (as in a business combination) or long-lived assets.
Those views would not normally apply to recurring transactions for which valuation is not in question
(such as routine transfers of inventory) in the separate financial statements of each entity that is a
party to the transaction.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-31
A.7.1 Application of a measurement period
The business combinations guidance in ASC 805-10 allows the acquiring entity to report provisional
amounts and adjust them for a period of time up to one year after the acquisition date (referred to as the
“measurement period”) while it obtains information about the facts and circumstances that existed as of
the acquisition date. Refer to section 1.7.3 for guidance on the accounting for measurement period
adjustments in a business combination.
There is no measurement period for an asset acquisition, and companies should not analogize to the
measurement period guidance in ASC 805-10 when they are accounting for an asset acquisition.
A.7.2 Common control transactions
ASC 805-50 addresses the accounting for common control transactions from the perspective of the
entity that receives the net assets or equity interests (receiving entity) and generally requires the
receiving entity to recognize the assets and liabilities transferred at their carrying amounts in the
financial statements of the entity that transfers the net assets (transferring entity or transferor) on the
date of transfer. When the transferring entity is required to report standalone financial statements, we
believe the same concepts (e.g., carrying amount) generally apply.
Unlike common control transactions that involve the transfer of a business, the transfer of net assets
that are not a business between entities under common control generally does not constitute a change in
the reporting entity. As such, the transfer of net assets that are not a business is accounted for
prospectively in the period in which the transfer occurs, and prior periods are not restated.
Gains on transfers of assets (i.e., by the transferor) and asset write-ups (i.e., by the transferee) generally
are not permitted between entities under common control. However, there are certain exceptions, such
as the transfer of financial assets and certain inventory transfers.
Refer to Appendix C for a comprehensive discussion of accounting for common control transactions.
A.7.2.1 Transfer of financial assets
ASC 860-10-55-78 indicates that transfers of financial assets from one subsidiary to another subsidiary
of a common parent would be accounted for as a sale, and therefore recognized and measured at fair
value in each subsidiary’s standalone financial statements if all the conditions in ASC 860-10-40-5 have
been met and the transferee is not consolidated by the transferor. Any gains or losses and asset
revaluations recognized in separate financial statements are eliminated in consolidation or combination
by the parent. This guidance only applies to transfers of financial assets between subsidiaries of a
common parent.
ASC 606 and ASC 610-20 changed the scope of ASC 860 for transfers of equity method investments.
That is, before the adoption of ASC 606, transfers of equity method investments deemed to be in-
substance real estate were accounted for in accordance with ASC 360-20. To determine whether a
transfer of an equity method investment is in substance a sale of real estate, an entity was required to
“look throughto the underlying assets and liabilities of the investee.
After the adoption of ASC 606, entities that previously applied the look-through guidance to determine
whether equity method investments are in-substance real estate will no longer be able to do so, since
these equity method investments are now in the scope of ASC 860. Accordingly, the guidance in
ASC 860-10-55-78 related to transfers of financial assets between subsidiaries of a common parent
would apply to transfers of equity method investments that were previously in the scope of ASC 360-20.
See our FRD, Transfers and servicing of financial assets, for further details.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-32
A.7.2.2 Transfer of inventory
Gain recognition by the transferor (and step-up in value by the transferee) on routine transfers of inventory
in the ordinary course of business is generally acceptable in the presentation of standalone financial
statements. The following items should be considered when evaluating whether a transaction is in the
ordinary course of business:
The form and substance of the transaction
Whether the parties to the transaction lack economic substance (e.g., if an entity would not be able
to make payment for goods purchased from a related party without funds borrowed from the related
party, the related party should generally not recognize a sale)
Whether other accounting literature requires a different treatment
Any gain recognized on the transfer of inventory is eliminated in consolidation unless the inventory transfer
is from a non-regulated subsidiary to a regulated subsidiary, as discussed in ASC 980-810-45.
A.7.3 Pushdown accounting
Business combination transactions result in a new basis of accounting, at fair value, being established in
the acquirer’s consolidated financial statements for the assets acquired and liabilities assumed. When the
acquired entity remains a separate reporting entity after the acquisition, guidance in ASC 805 provides
the acquired entity with the option to reflect the new accounting basis at fair value in its separate financial
statements (generally referred to aspushdown accounting”). The guidance explicitly states that
pushdown accounting does not apply to the acquisition of an asset or a group of assets, including an
acquisition of equity interests in the acquired entity, that does not constitute a business.
A.8 SEC reporting considerations
When an SEC registrant acquires an asset or a group of assets, it needs to determine whether the
acquired set is a business under the SEC’s definition of a business in Rule 11-01(d) of Regulation S-X and,
therefore, whether it is subject to the SEC’s reporting requirements related to acquired businesses.
Because the definition of a business under Rule 11-01(d) of Regulation S-X differs from the US GAAP
definition in many respects, it is possible for an acquisition to be considered a business for SEC reporting
purposes but not for accounting purposes. The definition of a business for SEC reporting purposes focuses
primarily on whether the nature of the revenue-producing activity will remain generally the same after
the acquisition; however, an acquisition of a separate entity, subsidiary or division is presumed to be a
business. It would be unusual for an acquisition to meet the definition of a business for accounting
purposes but not for SEC reporting purposes. Refer to our SEC Financial Reporting Series publication,
2021 Pro forma financial information A guide for applying Article 11 of Regulation S-X, for guidance
on the SEC’s definition of a business.
Rule 3-05 (Rule 8-04 for smaller reporting companies) of Regulation S-X describes the SEC’s requirements
for registrants to provide audited financial statements of acquired or to-be-acquired businesses. Special
considerations apply to acquisitions of businesses determined to be real estate operations under Rule 3-14
of Regulation S-X. The registrant is not required to furnish separate pre-acquisition financial statements
of the acquired set or pro forma financial information if it concludes that the acquisition does not meet
the SEC’s definition of a business under Rule 11-01(d) of Regulation S-X. The registrant may still be
required to report certain information related to an acquisition of assets in a registration statement or
current report on Item 2.01 of Form 8-K, depending on the nature of the assets acquired and how
significant they are relative to the registrant’s total consolidated assets. An asset acquisition is deemed
significant if the registrant’s equity in the net book value of such assets or the amount paid for the assets
upon such acquisition exceeded 10% of the total assets of the registrant on a consolidated basis.
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-33
In May 2020, the SEC amended its requirements for registrants to provide information about significant
business acquisitions and disposals. The amendments change the significance tests used to determine
whether registrants need to file audited financial statements of the acquired business and related pro
forma financial information, the periods those financial statements must cover, and the form and content
of the pro forma financial information.
The rules were effective 1 January 2021. See our SEC Financial Reporting Series publication, 2021 Pro forma
financial information A guide for applying Article 11 of Regulation S-X, for more information.
The following decision tree may be helpful in determining the SEC reporting requirements for a registrant
that acquires an asset or group of assets that do not meet the SEC’s definition of a business:
Illustration A-10: Determining the SEC reporting requirements when a domestic SEC registrant
acquires an asset or group of assets
Different reporting requirements under the SEC rules may have to be applied for acquisitions of investment funds and
securitization vehicles.
See our Technical Line, How to apply the amended S-X Rule 3-14 to real estate acquisitions. In addition, certain thresholds
under Rule 3-14 have recently changed due to changes to Rule 3-05; see our To the Point, SEC streamlines disclosure
requirements for acquisitions and disposals of businesses, for more details.
Instruction 4 of Item 2.01, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets, on Form 8-K defines what constitutes a
“significant amount of assetsthat does not involve a business.
See Item 2.01, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets, on Form 8-K for a description of the information to be disclosed.
Apply reporting requirements for acquisitions
of businesses under Rule 3-05 (Rule 8-04 for
smaller reporting companies) and Article 11 related to
pro forma information
Do the assets acquired meet the
definition of a business under Rule 11-
01(d) of Regulation S-X?
Does the registrant’s equity in the net
book value of the assets acquired or
the amount paid to acquire the assets
exceed 10% of the registrants total
consolidated assets, and is the
transaction not in the ordinary course
of business?
The registrant should disclose the
transaction on a current report on Form
8-K if deemed of importance to investors
(under Item 8.01)
Apply special reporting requirements for
acquisitions of real estate operations under Rules 3-14
(Rule 8-06 for smaller reporting companies)
Article 11 related to pro forma information
The acquisition of assets is considered “significant,
and the registrant must disclose information about
the asset acquisition on a current report on Form 8-K
within four business days of closing (under Item 2.01)
Do the assets acquired constitute the
acquisition of real estate operations?
A Accounting for asset acquisitions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | A-34
A.9 Internal control over asset acquisitions
Internal controls over the accounting for an asset acquisition should be designed and implemented to
address risks of material misstatement to the financial statements. Entities should assess the risks of
material misstatement for each asset acquisition transaction to effectively design responsive internal
controls. These risks may be similar, but not identical, to those in a business combination. Management
needs to consider the complexity of the transaction and the significance and nature of the assets
acquired in order to evaluate whether the individuals implementing and performing the controls have the
right skills to effectively prevent or detect a material misstatement in the financial statements.
Refer to Appendix E for guidance on internal control over business combinations, which can be applied
similarly to asset acquisitions.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-1
B Pushdown accounting
B.1 Overview
For transactions accounted for under ASC 805, a new basis of accounting at fair value is established in
the acquirer’s consolidated financial statements for the assets acquired and liabilities assumed. When the
acquired entity remains a separate reporting entity subsequent to the acquisition, US GAAP historically
provided limited guidance as to whether the acquirer’s new accounting basis at fair value should be reflected
in the separate financial statements of the acquired entity (generally referred to as “pushdown accounting).
In November 2014, the FASB issued ASU 2014-17, which gives all acquired entities that are businesses
or nonprofit activities the option to apply pushdown accounting in their separate financial statements
when an acquirer obtains control of them. The SEC staff responded to the issuance of the ASU by
rescinding its guidance on pushdown accounting.
As a result, the US GAAP guidance now applies to both
SEC registrants and non-registrants.
The US GAAP guidance was developed by the EITF, which acknowledged during deliberations that making
pushdown accounting optional may reduce comparability among entitiesfinancial statements. The EITF
nevertheless decided to make the guidance optional to allow entities to make a choice based on their
facts and circumstances, including the needs of the users of their financial statements. In doing so, the
EITF noted that comparisons have long been difficult because SEC registrants in certain circumstances
had the option to apply pushdown accounting.
Further, although recapitalizations as well as the creation of a Newco to facilitate a merger may result in
a change in control of an entity, they may not result in a new basis of accounting at the entity level.
B.1.1 Differences between ASU 2014-17 and the rescinded SEC staff guidance
ASU 2014-17 significantly changes practice for SEC registrants. The rescinded SEC staff guidance
required SEC registrants to apply pushdown accounting when they became “substantially wholly owned.
The SEC staff viewed an acquired entity to be “substantially wholly owned” when an acquirer acquired
95% or more of the outstanding voting securities of the entity in a single or a series of transactions. The
SEC staff considered ownership interests between 80% and 95% to be substantial and therefore encouraged
(but did not require) the application of pushdown accounting at those levels. The SEC staff prohibited
pushdown accounting at ownership levels of less than 80%. The threshold of an acquirer obtaining control
under the new US GAAP guidance is lower than the threshold of “substantially wholly owned under the
rescinded SEC staff guidance. The EITF concluded that a threshold of obtaining control is the most
appropriate trigger for applying pushdown accounting because it is consistent with the thresholds of
obtaining control in ASC 810 and ASC 805. We believe that this lower threshold generally will increase
the number of instances in which an acquiree is eligible to apply pushdown accounting.
The rescinded SEC staff guidance also applied to situations in which an acquired entity became
substantially wholly owned as a result of a single or a series of transactions by a group of investors
who act together effectively as one investor (referred to as a “collaborative group”). If the investors both
“mutually promoted” the acquisition and collaborated on the subsequent control of the investee, then
aggregation of those investors’ outstanding voting securities was required for purposes of determining
whether pushdown accounting was required (at the 95% or above ownership level) or permitted (between
80% and 95%). The EITF believed that the threshold of obtaining control under the new US GAAP
guidance eliminated the need for a collaborative group concept.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-2
Finally, the rescinded SEC staff guidance also required an acquired entity to reflect debt incurred by the
acquirer to finance the acquisition of substantially all of the common stock of the acquiree in the acquiree’s
separate financial statements if (1) the acquiree were to assume the debt of the acquirer either presently or
in a planned transaction in the future, (2) the proceeds of a debt or equity offering of the acquiree will be
used to retire all or part of the acquirer’s debt or (3) the acquiree guarantees or pledges its assets as
collateral for the acquirer’s debt. Under the new US GAAP guidance, any debt incurred by the acquirer to
finance the acquisition of the acquiree will be recognized in the acquiree’s separate financial statements
only if it represents an obligation of the acquiree. Therefore, there will be fewer circumstances in which
acquisition-related debt of the acquirer will be reflected in the financial statements of the acquiree.
A summary of the changes discussed above is shown in the following table:
ASU 2014-17
Prior SEC staff guidance
All acquirees
SEC registrants only
Pushdown accounting threshold
When an acquirer does not
obtain control of acquiree
Less than 80% acquired
When an acquirer obtains
control of acquiree
80%-95% acquired
When becomes substantially
wholly owned (≥95%)
Collaborative group
Acquirer debt to finance
Recognized by acquiree only if
it represents an obligation of
Recognized by acquiree if (1) the
acquiree were to assume the debt
either presently or in a planned
transaction in the future, (2) the
proceeds of a debt or equity
offering of the acquiree will be
used to retire all or part of the
acquirer’s debt or (3) the acquiree
guarantees or pledges its assets as
collateral for the acquirer’s debt
We believe these changes will reduce some of the complexity that previously existed in practice.
B.2 Scope
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Overview and Background
The guidance in the Pushdown Accounting Subsections addresses whether and at what threshold an
acquiree that is a business or nonprofit activity can apply pushdown accounting in its separate
financial statements.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-3
Scope and Scope Exceptions
The guidance in the Pushdown Accounting Subsections applies to the separate financial statements of
an acquiree and its subsidiaries.
The guidance in the Pushdown Accounting Subsections does not apply to transactions in paragraph
Business Combinations Overall
Scope and Scope Exceptions
The guidance in the Business Combinations Topic does not apply to any of the following:
a. The formation of a joint venture
b. The acquisition of an asset or a group of assets that does not constitute a business or a nonprofit
c. A combination between entities, businesses, or nonprofit activities under common control
(see paragraph 805-50-15-6 for examples)
d. An acquisition by a not-for-profit entity for which the acquisition date is before December 15, 2009
or a merger of not-for-profit entities (NFPs)
e. A transaction or other event in which an NFP obtains control of a not-for-profit entity but does not
consolidate that entity, as described in paragraph 958-810-25-4. The Business Combinations Topic
also does not apply if an NFP that obtained control in a transaction or other event in which
consolidation was permitted but not required decides in a subsequent annual reporting period to
begin consolidating a controlled entity that it initially chose not to consolidate.
f. Financial assets and financial liabilities of a consolidated variable interest entity that is a
collateralized financing entity within the scope of the guidance on collateralized financing
entities in Subtopic 810-10.
The above guidance addresses whether and at what threshold an acquiree that is a business
nonprofit activity can elect to apply pushdown accounting in its separate financial statements. However,
the guidance does not apply to the following transactions:
The formation of a joint venture (see section 2.2.1)
The acquisition of an asset or a group of assets that does not constitute a business or nonprofit
activity (see Appendix A)
A combination between entities, businesses or nonprofit activities under common control (see Appendix C)
An acquisition by a not-for-profit entity for which the acquisition date is before 15 December 2009
or a merger of not-for-profit entities
A transaction or other event in which a not-for-profit entity obtains control of another not-for-profit
entity but does not consolidate that entity as described in paragraph 958-810-25-4
See section 2.1.3 for guidance on the definition of a business.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-4
Financial assets and financial liabilities of a consolidated variable interest entity that is a collateralized
financing entity within the scope of the guidance on collateralized financing entities in ASC 810-10
Finally, the guidance does not apply to transactions in which there is a loss of control of an
acquiree but no party obtains control of the acquiree.
B.3 Recognition
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
An acquiree shall have the option to apply pushdown accounting in its separate financial statements
when an acquireran entity or individualobtains control of the acquiree. An acquirer might obtain
control of an acquiree in a variety of ways, including any of the following:
a. By transferring cash or other assets
b. By incurring liabilities
c. By issuing equity interests
d. By providing more than one type of consideration
e. Without transferring consideration, including by contract alone as discussed in paragraph 805-10-25-11.
The guidance in the General Subsections of Subtopic 810-10 on consolidation, related to determining the
existence of a controlling financial interest shall be used to identify the acquirer. If a business combination
has occurred but applying that guidance does not clearly indicate which of the combining entities is the
acquirer, the factors in paragraphs 805-10-55-11 through 55-15 shall be considered in identifying the
acquirer. However, if the acquiree is a variable interest entity (VIE), the primary beneficiary of the
acquiree always is the acquirer. The determination of which party, if any, is the primary beneficiary of a
VIE shall be made in accordance with the guidance in the Variable Interest Entities Subsections of Subtopic
810-10, not by applying the guidance in the General Subsections of that Subtopic relating to a controlling
financial interest or the guidance in paragraphs 805-10-55-11 through 55-15.
The option to apply pushdown accounting may be elected each time there is a change-in-control event
in which an acquirer obtains control of the acquiree. An acquiree shall make an election to apply
pushdown accounting before the financial statements are issued (for a Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) filer and a conduit bond obligor for conduit debt securities that are traded in a
public market) or the financial statements are available to be issued (for all other entities) for the
reporting period in which the change-in-control event occurred. If the acquiree elects the option to
apply pushdown accounting, it must apply the accounting as of the acquisition date.
If the acquiree does not elect to apply pushdown accounting upon a change-in-control event, it can
elect to apply pushdown accounting to its most recent change-in-control event in a subsequent
reporting period as a change in accounting principle in accordance with Topic 250 on accounting
changes and error corrections. Pushdown accounting shall be applied as of the acquisition date of the
change-in-control event.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-5
Any subsidiary of an acquiree also is eligible to make an election to apply pushdown accounting to its
separate financial statements in accordance with the guidance in paragraphs 805-50-25-4 through
25-7 irrespective of whether the acquiree elects to apply pushdown accounting.
The decision to apply pushdown accounting to a specific change-in-control event if elected by an
acquiree is irrevocable.
An acquiree has an option to apply pushdown accounting in its separate financial statements when an
acquirer (an entity or individual) obtains control of the acquiree, regardless of the manner in which
control is obtained (e.g., acquisition of a majority of voting rights or a change in the primary beneficiary
of a variable interest entity). Paragraph ASC 805-50-25-4 provides examples of ways in which an
acquirer might obtain control of an acquiree. However, the guidance does not apply to transactions that
result in a loss of control of the acquiree but no party obtains control of the acquiree.
The EITF concluded that a threshold of obtaining control is the most appropriate trigger for applying
pushdown accounting because it is consistent with the thresholds of obtaining control in ASC 810 and
ASC 805. The EITF believed using this threshold for the application of pushdown accounting would
reduce the complexity that some believe existed under the prior SEC staff guidance.
The determination of whether control has been obtained begins with an assessment of whether control is
based on the variable interest or voting interest model in the consolidation guidance. Accordingly, the
first step is assessing whether the acquired entity is a variable interest entity based on the guidance in
ASC 810-10. If the acquired entity is a VIE, the primary beneficiary of the acquiree is always the acquirer.
If the acquiree is not a VIE, then the evaluation will be based on the voting interest model. ASC 810-10-
15-8 states, “For legal entities other than limited partnerships, the usual condition for a controlling
financial interest is ownership of a majority voting interest, and, therefore, as a general rule ownership
by one reporting entity, directly or indirectly, of more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of
another entity is a condition pointing toward consolidation. The power to control may also exist with a
lesser percentage of ownership, for example, by contract, lease, agreement with other stockholders, or
by court decree. In addition, ASC 810-10-15-8A states, “Given the purpose and design of limited
partnerships, kick-out rights through voting interests are analogous to voting rights held by shareholders
of a corporation. For limited partnerships, the usual condition for a controlling financial interest, as a
general rule, is ownership by one limited partner, directly or indirectly, of more than 50% of the limited
partnership’s kick-out rights through voting interests. The power to control also may exist with a lesser
percentage of ownership, for example, by contract, lease, agreement with partners, or by court decree.
Therefore, as a general rule, the party that holds directly or indirectly more than 50% of the voting
shares (or kick-out rights) of the acquiree will be the acquirer. If a business combination has occurred but
applying the consolidation guidance does not clearly indicate which of the combining entities is the
acquirer, the factors in paragraphs ASC 805-10-55-11 through 55-15 are considered in identifying the
acquirer. See section 3.2.2 for a discussion of these factors.
An acquired entity can elect to apply pushdown accounting upon each event in which an acquirer obtains
control of it. For example, an acquiree may elect to apply pushdown accounting upon an event in which
an acquirer obtains control of it, but elect not to apply pushdown accounting upon the next event. In
other words, the decision by an acquiree to apply pushdown accounting is not an accounting policy
choice that would be required to be applied to future transactions. The EITF concluded that every event
is distinct and, therefore, an acquiree should make its pushdown accounting election on the basis of the
facts and circumstances and the needs of its users at the time of the event.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-6
If the acquiree elects not to apply pushdown accounting at the time an acquirer obtains control of it, the
acquiree later can elect to apply pushdown accounting retrospectively to the most recent event in which
an acquirer obtained control of the acquiree. For example, assume that Company B acquired 100% of
Company A on 1 January 20X5. Further assume that Company X acquired 100% of Company A from
Company B on 30 June 20X6. If Company A elects to apply pushdown accounting in the first quarter of
20X7, it would be required to apply pushdown accounting to the most recent event in which an acquirer
obtained control of it, which would be the 30 June 20X6 acquisition as opposed to the 1 January 20X5
acquisition. Such an election would be treated as a change in accounting principle in accordance with
ASC 250. See our FRD, Accounting changes and error corrections, for further guidance. In reaching this
decision, the EITF concluded that if the acquiree’s circumstances change (e.g., if there is a significant
change in the investor mix that would make pushdown accounting more relevant to current investors),
the acquiree should not be prohibited from applying pushdown accounting to the most recent event in
which an acquirer obtained control of the acquiree. However, once an entity elects to apply pushdown
accounting, its decision is irrevocable.
The following illustration provides an example of an acquiree electing to apply pushdown accounting in a
subsequent reporting period.
Illustration B-1: Acquirer obtains control of an acquiree and the acquiree elects to apply
pushdown accounting in a subsequent reporting period
On 1 January 20X5, Company A acquires 90% of the outstanding voting shares of Company B and
accounts for the business combination under ASC 805. Company B elects not to apply pushdown
accounting at the time Company A obtains control of it. Company B, which has a calendar year end,
issues its 20X5 financial statements in February 20X6. Therefore, the 20X5 financial statements
reflect the net assets of Company B at their historical carrying amounts.
In October 20X6, there is a significant change in Company B’s investor mix such that pushdown
accounting is more relevant to the new investors. Therefore, Company B elects to apply pushdown
accounting to the most recent event in which an acquirer obtained control of it (i.e., the 1 January
20X5 acquisition by Company A) in its 20X6 financial statements.
Company B’s decision to subsequently apply pushdown accounting is accounted for retrospectively as
a change in accounting principle pursuant to ASC 250. Accordingly, Company B will restate the 20X5
financial information included in its 20X6 financial statements to retrospectively apply pushdown
accounting from the acquisition date (1 January 20X5). Therefore, the 20X6 financial statements
(which include the 20X5 comparative period) reflect the net assets of Company B at the basis of
accounting established by Company A.
The guidance also allows any subsidiary of an acquired entity to apply pushdown accounting to its
separate financial statements, regardless of whether the acquired entity elects to apply pushdown
accounting. The EITF considered that each entity may have a different set of users whose perspectives
may differ from one another. Therefore, the EITF believed that each entity within the group of entities
acquired by the acquirer should be allowed to separately evaluate whether pushdown accounting applies
to their separate financial statements.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-7
B.4 Measurement
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Initial Measurement
If an acquiree elects the option in this Subtopic to apply pushdown accounting, the acquiree shall
reflect in its separate financial statements the new basis of accounting established by the acquirer for
the individual assets and liabilities of the acquiree by applying the guidance in other Subtopics of Topic
805. If the acquirer did not establish a new basis of accounting for the individual assets and liabilities
of the acquiree because it was not required to apply Topic 805 (for example, if the acquirer was an
individual or an investment companysee Topic 946 on investment companies), the acquiree shall
reflect in its separate financial statements the new basis of accounting that would have been
established by the acquirer had the acquirer applied the guidance in other Subtopics of Topic 805.
An acquiree shall recognize goodwill that arises because of the application of pushdown accounting in
its separate financial statements. However, bargain purchase gains recognized by the acquirer, if any,
shall not be recognized in the acquiree’s income statement. The acquiree shall recognize the bargain
purchase gains recognized by the acquirer as an adjustment to additional paid-in capital (or net assets
of a not-for-profit acquiree).
An acquiree shall recognize in its separate financial statements any acquisition-related liability
incurred by the acquirer only if the liability represents an obligation of the acquiree in accordance with
other applicable Topics.
Subsequent Measurement
An acquiree shall follow the subsequent measurement guidance in other Subtopics of Topic 805 and
other applicable Topics to subsequently measure and account for its assets, liabilities, and equity
instruments, as applicable.
An acquiree that elects to apply pushdown accounting will reflect the new basis of accounting established
by the acquirer through its application of ASC 805 to the individual assets and liabilities of the acquiree.
If an acquiree is acquired by an acquirer that does not apply ASC 805 (e.g., an investment company that
accounts for the acquiree at fair value), and it elects to apply pushdown accounting, the acquiree will
reflect in its financial statements the new basis that would have been hypothetically established if the
acquirer had applied ASC 805.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-8
The following illustration shows the determination of the accounting basis to be pushed down to an
acquiree’s separate financial statements.
Illustration B-2: Determination of the accounting basis to be pushed down when an acquiree
elects to apply pushdown accounting
On 1 January 20X5, Company A acquires 90% of the outstanding voting shares of Company B for cash
consideration of $400. Company A accounts for the business combination under ASC 805. The fair
value of the noncontrolling interest of Company B is $40
and the fair value of the identifiable net
assets acquired is $300. Accordingly, Company A records goodwill of $140 ($400 + $40 $300).
Company B elects to apply pushdown accounting.
Company B records in its separate financial statements the new basis of accounting recorded by
Company A on the acquisition date (1 January 20X5). Therefore, the amount of net assets (including
goodwill) to be pushed downin Company B’s separate financial statements is $440 ($300 + $140).
B.4.1 Bargain gain
If applying ASC 805 (whether by the acquirer or hypothetically by the acquiree) results in a bargain gain,
the guidance precludes the acquiree from recognizing the gain in its income statement. Instead, the
acquiree will recognize any such gain as an adjustment to additional paid-in capital (or net assets of a not-
for-profit acquiree). As illustrated in the following example, the adjustment to additional paid-in capital
(or net assets of a not-for-profit acquiree) may not coincide with the bargain gain recorded by the acquirer.
Illustration B-3: Acquiree elects to apply pushdown accounting when acquirer recognizes a
bargain gain
On 1 January 20X5, Company A acquires 100% of the outstanding voting shares of Company B for cash
consideration of $600. Company A accounts for the business combination under ASC 805. The carrying
amount and fair value of Company B’s identifiable net assets as of 1 January 20X5 is as follows:
Company B
(carrying amount)
Company B
(fair value)
$ 500
$ 800
Net assets
$ 400
$ 700
Common stock
$ 150
Additional paid-in capital
Retained earnings
Total equity
$ 400
As a result, Company A records a bargain gain of $100 ($600 cash consideration - $700 Company B’s
fair value). Company B elects to apply pushdown accounting.
The valuation of the noncontrolling interest excludes a control premium.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-9
Company B would reflect in its separate financial statements the new basis of accounting recorded by
Company A on the acquisition date (1 January 20X5) as follows:
Company B
(before pushdown)
Company B
(after pushdown)
$ 500
$ 300
$ 800
Net assets
$ 400
$ 300
$ 700
Common stock
$ 150
$ 150
Additional paid-in capital
Retained earnings
Total equity
$ 400
$ 300
$ 700
The adjustment to additional paid-in capital of $300 as a result of the application of pushdown
accounting does not coincide with the bargain gain recorded by Company A of $100. This is the case
because the adjustment to additional paid-in capital is simply the difference between the carrying
amount and the fair value of Company B’s net identifiable assets.
Retained earnings is reduced to zero (debit of $200), with an offsetting entry to APIC (credit of $200).
B.4.2 Acquisition-related liabilities incurred by acquirer
ASC 805-50-30-12 indicates that any acquisition-related liability incurred by the acquirer is recognized in
the acquiree’s separate financial statements only if it represents an obligation of the acquiree, and it must
be recognized in accordance with other applicable GAAP (e.g., joint and several debt arrangement under
ASC 405-40). For example, if an acquirer incurred debt or issued mandatorily redeemable preferred stock
to finance the acquisition of an acquiree, that debt or mandatorily redeemable preferred stock would not
be recognized in the financial statements of the acquiree unless the acquiree were to assume the debt or
the mandatorily redeemable preferred stock such that it became an obligation of the acquiree.
B.4.3 Treatment of a contingent consideration asset or liability
Often the consideration transferred in a business combination may include a contingent consideration
arrangement. ASC 805 states that an acquirer recognizes the acquisition-date fair value of the contingent
consideration as part of the consideration transferred in exchange for the acquiree. That arrangement
may represent an asset or liability.
Questions may arise about whether the contingent consideration asset or liability should be pushed down
to the acquiree. Consistent with the guidance for acquisition-related liabilities incurred by an acquirer in
paragraph ASC 805-50-30-12, we believe that unless the acquiree (or a subsidiary of the acquiree) has an
obligation to pay or has the right to receive the contingent consideration, then the contingent consideration
liability or asset would not be pushed down to the acquiree. In most situations, the contingent consideration
liability or asset will not be an obligation or right of the acquiree.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-10
B.4.4 Treatment of a parent’s fair value option election in acquiree’s financial
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Financial Instruments Overall
An entity may choose to elect the fair value option for an eligible item only on the date that one of the
following occurs:
a. The entity first recognizes the eligible item.
b. The entity enters into an eligible firm commitment.
c. Financial assets that have been reported at fair value with unrealized gains and losses included in
earnings because of specialized accounting principles cease to qualify for that specialized accounting
(for example, a transfer of assets from a subsidiary subject to Subtopic 946-10 to another entity
within the consolidated reporting entity not subject to that Subtopic).
d. The accounting treatment for an investment in another entity changes because the investment
becomes subject to the equity method of accounting.
1. Subparagraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-01.
2. Subparagraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-01.
e. An event that requires an eligible item to be measured at fair value at the time of the event but does
not require fair value measurement at each reporting date after that, excluding the recognition of
impairment under lower-of-cost-or-market accounting or other-than-temporary impairment or
accounting for equity securities in accordance with Topic 321.
Pending Content:
Transition Date: (P) December 16, 2019; (N) December 16, 2022 | Transition Guidance: 326-10-65-1
e. An event that requires an eligible item to be measured at fair value at the time of the event but does
not require fair value measurement at each reporting date after that, excluding the recognition of
impairment under lower-of-cost-or-market accounting or accounting for securities in accordance with
either Topic 321 on investmentsequity securities or Topic 326 on measurement of credit losses.
Some of the events that require remeasurement of eligible items at fair value, initial recognition of
eligible items, or both, and thereby create an election date for the fair value option as discussed in
paragraph 825-10-25-4(e) are:
a. Business combinations, as defined in Subtopic 805-10
b. Consolidation or deconsolidation of a subsidiary or VIE
c. Significant modifications of debt, as defined in Subtopic 470-50.
The fair value option may be elected by an acquirer for eligible instruments of an acquiree upon initial
consolidation. However, the standalone financial statements of the acquiree reflect that entity’s prior fair
value elections. If the acquiree elects to apply pushdown accounting, it also has the opportunity, at the
same date, to elect the fair value option for any of its eligible financial instruments.
B Pushdown accounting
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B.4.5 Acquisition-related costs
As discussed in section 6.2, acquisition-related costs do not form part of the basis of accounting recorded
by the acquirer. As such, consistent with the guidance in ASC 805, these costs are expensed by the
acquirer when incurred.
B.4.6 Measurement period (added June 2022)
The measurement period is the time after the acquisition during which the acquirer obtains information
necessary to identify and measure all aspects of the business combination in accordance with ASC 805.
If a target elects pushdown accounting, we believe that the acquirer’s measurement period would also
apply to the target. Since the target is electing to pushdown the acquirer’s basis, we believe that the
target should reflect the changes the acquirer makes to provisional amounts during the measurement
period and any of the acquirer’s related measurement period disclosures. For example, we believe the
target should disclose if the amounts the acquirer recognized are provisional and the information the
acquirer has arranged to obtain but has not yet received. See section 7.3 for additional information
about the measurement period, including information about measurement period adjustments.
B.4.7 Subsequent accounting
ASC 805-50-35-2 requires an acquiree to subsequently measure its assets and liabilities in accordance
with ASC 805-10-35-1 or other applicable GAAP. For example, ASC 805 provides subsequent accounting
guidance for reacquired rights, assets and liabilities arising from preacquisition contingencies,
indemnification assets, contingent consideration and contingent consideration arrangements of an
acquiree assumed by the acquirer. Assets and liabilities not covered by ASC 805 would be subsequently
accounted for pursuant to other applicable GAAP. For example, intangible assets and goodwill would be
subsequently accounted for pursuant to ASC 350. See section 4.7 for further information on the
subsequent accounting for assets and liabilities acquired in a business combination.
B.4.7.1 Pushdown of goodwill and testing for impairment
If an acquired entity elects to apply pushdown accounting, then any goodwill recorded by the acquirer
from the acquisition of the acquiree is pushed down into the acquiree’s separate financial statements.
Notwithstanding the fact that the acquiree’s separate financial statements will reflect the full amount of
goodwill, the acquirer must follow the guidance in ASC 350 and assign the goodwill to its reporting units
for purposes of testing the goodwill for impairment in its consolidated financial statements. Because
goodwill is assigned to the reporting units that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the
combination, it is possible that the acquirer may assign a portion of the goodwill to reporting units other
than those of the acquired entity. This means that the amount of goodwill that is reflected in the acquiree’s
separate financial statements may differ from the amount of goodwill that is assigned to the acquiree for
purposes of the acquirer’s goodwill impairment test. This is illustrated in the following example.
Illustration B-4: Amount of goodwill “pushed down” to the acquiree differs from the amount of
goodwillassignedto the acquiree
On 1 January 20X5, Company A acquires 100% of the outstanding voting shares of Company B and
records goodwill of $140. On that date, Company B elects to apply pushdown accounting, and the amount
of goodwill that is reflected in Company B’s separate financial statements is $140. For purposes of testing
the goodwill for impairment in its consolidated financial statements, Company A must assign the goodwill of
$140 to those reporting units that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination. Pursuant
to ASC 350, Company A assigns goodwill of $100 to Company B, a new reporting unit, and $40 to other
reporting units. Thus, while Company B will reflect goodwill of $140 in its separate financial statements, it
will be assigned goodwill of only $100 in Company A’s consolidated financial statements.
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-12
When an acquiree tests its goodwill for impairment, it must follow the guidance in ASC 350 and test the amount
of goodwill that is reflected in its separate financial statements for impairment. That is, the acquiree goodwill is
tested for impairment at the subsidiary level using the acquiree’s reporting units. If the acquiree is required to
recognize a goodwill impairment loss in its separate financial statements, that impairment is not recognized in
the acquirer’s consolidated financial statements (i.e., the impairment is notpushed up to the higher level of
consolidation). Continuing with Illustration B-4 above, Company B is required to test goodwill of $140 for
impairment (i.e., the amount of goodwill that is reflected in Company Bs separate financial statements). See
our FRD, Intangibles goodwill and other, for a further discussion on assigning goodwill to reporting units.
B.5 Disclosure
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
If an acquiree elects the option to apply pushdown accounting in its separate financial statements, it
shall disclose information in the period in which the pushdown accounting was applied (or in the current
reporting period if the acquiree recognizes adjustments that relate to pushdown accounting) that enables
users of financial statements to evaluate the effect of pushdown accounting. To meet this disclosure
objective, the acquiree shall consider the disclosure requirements in other subtopics of Topic 805.
Information to evaluate the effect of pushdown accounting may include the following:
a. The name and a description of the acquirer and a description of how the acquirer obtained
control of the acquiree.
b. The acquisition date.
c. The acquisition-date fair value of the total consideration transferred by the acquirer.
d. The amounts recognized by the acquiree as of the acquisition date for each major class of assets
and liabilities as a result of applying pushdown accounting. If the initial accounting for pushdown
accounting is incomplete for any amounts recognized by the acquiree, the reasons why the initial
accounting is incomplete.
e. A qualitative description of the factors that make up the goodwill recognized, such as expected
synergies from combining operations of the acquiree and the acquirer, or intangible assets that
do not qualify for separate recognition, or other factors. In a bargain purchase (see paragraphs
805-30-25-2 through 25-4), the amount of the bargain purchase recognized in additional paid-in
capital (or net assets of a not-for-profit acquiree) and a description of the reasons why the
transaction resulted in a gain.
f. Information to evaluate the financial effects of adjustments recognized in the current reporting
period that relate to pushdown accounting that occurred in the current or previous reporting
periods (including those adjustments made as a result of the initial accounting for pushdown
accounting being incomplete [see paragraphs 805-10-25-13 through 25-14]).
The information in this paragraph is not an exhaustive list of disclosure requirements. The acquiree
shall disclose whatever additional information is necessary to meet the disclosure objective set out in
paragraph 805-50-50-5.
Acquirees that elect to apply pushdown accounting are required to provide disclosures that enable users of
their financial statement to evaluate the effect of pushdown accounting. ASC 805-50-50-6 provides a list of
example disclosures for companies to consider, including how the acquirer obtained control of the acquiree,
the acquisition date fair value of the total consideration transferred by the acquirer, and a qualitative
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-13
description of the factors that make up goodwill. This list is not meant to be exhaustive. In addition, acquirees
should consider the disclosure requirements in the other subtopics of ASC 805. When an acquiree considers
the disclosure requirements in the other subtopics of ASC 805, it may determine that certain disclosures
are not applicable such as the disclosures relating to pro forma information or noncontrolling interests.
If the initial accounting is incomplete for any amounts recognized by the acquiree, the acquiree should disclose
the reasons why. If adjustments are made to provisional amounts recognized by the acquirer that are also
recognized by the acquiree (e.g., final valuation of an intangible asset), the acquiree is required to consider
similar disclosures that enable users of the financial statements to evaluate the effect of these adjustments.
In addition, an acquiree is not required to disclose that it did not elect to apply pushdown accounting
when an acquirer obtained control of it.
B.6 Transition
The guidance in ASU 2014-17 was effective immediately upon issuance (18 November 2014). An acquiree
can apply pushdown accounting to any future event or to its most recent event in which an acquirer
obtains or obtained control of the acquired entity, including prior to the effective date of the ASU. If the
financial statements for the period encompassing the most recent event in which an acquirer obtained
control of the acquired entity have already been issued or made available to be issued, the application of
the pushdown guidance is accounted for retrospectively as a change in accounting principle in accordance
with ASC 250. See Illustration B-1 in section B.3 for an example of the application of the guidance in ASC 250.
An acquired entity may not revoke the application of pushdown accounting that was applied by an
acquiree prior to the effective date of ASU 2014-17.
B.7 Financial reporting considerations
B.7.1 Financial statement presentation and disclosure
The application of pushdown accounting will result in a change to an acquired entity’s separate financial
statement presentation. Because the application of pushdown accounting results in a new basis of
accounting to be reflected in an acquired entity’s separate financial statements, it’s as if the old reporting
entity has been terminated and a new one has been created. Therefore, it would not be appropriate to
combine the periods prior to and subsequent to the date that pushdown accounting is applied, generally
referred to as the “predecessor” and “successor” periods.
To emphasize this change in reporting entity, the successor and predecessor periods would be separated
by a black line in the acquiree’s standalone financial statements. For example, if an entity was acquired
on 30 September and the acquiree elected to apply pushdown accounting as of that date, then the
acquirees 31 December statements of income, comprehensive income, cash flows and changes in
shareholders’ equity would include a nine-month predecessor period and a three-month successor
period, separated by a black line. The columns associated with each of these periods generally would be
labeled “Predecessor Entity and “Successor Entity” or something similar. In addition, the notes to the
financial statements would reflect the relevant information for the predecessor and successor periods.
The financial statements also would clearly describe the basis of presentation as a consequence of applying
pushdown accounting.
B.7.1.1 Expenses related to the business combination (updated June 2023)
When financial statements reflecting the application of pushdown accounting are presented, companies
should carefully evaluate the specific facts and circumstances to assess whether expenses related to the
business combination should be presented in either the predecessor period, the successor period or “on
the line(i.e., no expense is recognized in the predecessor or the successor period).
B Pushdown accounting
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | B-14
If a target incurs expenses that are contingent on the consummation of the business combination, the
target may present them as expenses incurred in the predecessor period. That’s because the
predecessor financial statements cover the period up to immediately before the closing date of the
transaction, when there is no longer a risk that the business combination will not occur.
Alternatively, when a target incurs expenses contingent on the consummation of a business combination,
it may present those costs “on the line.” At the 2014 AICPA National Conference on Current SEC and
PCAOB Developments, the SEC staff
indicated that it is aware that in certain circumstances the
expenses are not presented in either period. The SEC staff indicated that it has not objected to this
presentation when the expenses are clearly contingent upon the consummation of the business combination
(e.g., a success feedue to an adviser or investment banker) but expects robust disclosure of the nature
and amount of such expenses as well as the basis for their classification.
Determining whether expenses are fully contingent upon the business combination will require the use of
professional judgment and should be based on the facts and circumstances.
If an acquirer incurs costs that are contingent on the execution of a business combination, the acquirer
should recognize those costs in its financial statements in the period of the acquisition. Refer to section
6.2 for additional information on an acquirer’s accounting for acquisition-related costs.
B.7.2 Effect on new registration statements when pushdown accounting is applied
in an interim period
Registration statements (e.g., Form S-3) and proxy statements (excluding Form S-8)
require reissuance
of recast financial statements when there has been a change in an accounting principle that requires
retrospective application if the registration statement also includes (or incorporates by reference)
financial statements that reflect the period in which the accounting change occurred (i.e., post-event
financial statements).
As discussed in section B.3, if an acquiree elects not to apply pushdown accounting at the time an acquirer
obtains control of it, the acquiree later can elect to apply pushdown accounting retrospectively to the
most recent event in which an acquirer obtained control of the acquiree. Such an election will be treated
as a change in accounting principle in accordance with ASC 250. If an acquiree subsequently elects to
apply pushdown accounting in an interim period after it has filed its Form 10-K, which did not reflect
pushdown accounting at the time it was filed, and the acquiree subsequently files a new registration
statement on Form S-3, the acquiree would be required to revise its annual financial statements included
or incorporated by reference in the registration statement. This is illustrated in the following example.
Comments by Carlton E. Tartar, Associate Chief Accountant, Office of the Chief Accountant, at the 2014 Conference on Current
SEC and PCAOB Developments, 8 December 2014.
Form S-8 does not contain express language requiring the retrospective revision of financial statements to reflect specified
events. Rather, Form S-8 requires a registrant to consider whether there are “material changes in the registrant’s affairs” that
would require the financial statements incorporated by reference to be revised.
B Pushdown accounting
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Illustration B-5: Effect on a new registration statement when the acquiree elects to apply
pushdown accounting at a later date
On 1 January 20X5, Company A acquired 85% of the outstanding shares of Company B. Company B
elected not to apply pushdown accounting in its separate financial statements included in its 20X5 and
20X6 Forms 10-K and in its first and second quarter Forms 10-Q for 20X7. During the third quarter of
20X7, Company B elects to apply pushdown accounting, which is reflected as a retrospective change
in accounting principle in its third quarter Form 10-Q filed on 5 November 20X7. Company B expects
to file a 1933 Act registration statement on Form S-3 with the SEC on 20 November 20X7.
Company B’s decision to subsequently apply pushdown accounting during the third quarter of 20X7 is
accounted for retrospectively as a change in accounting principle pursuant to ASC 250. As a result,
the Form S-3 that Company B expects to file on 20 November 20X7 must include, or incorporate by
reference, Company B’s revised financial statements as of 31 December 20X6 and 20X5 and for each
of the three years in the period ended 31 December 20X6. The revised financial statements may be
(1) included in an Item 8.01 Form 8-K that is incorporated by reference into the registration statement
or (2) included in the actual registration statement.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-1
C Accounting for common control
C.1 Introduction
Common control transactions include a transfer of net assets or an exchange of equity interests between
entities under common control. An example includes a parent that exchanges its ownership interests or
the net assets of a wholly owned subsidiary for additional shares of another subsidiary.
Common control transactions have characteristics that are similar to a business combination but do not
meet the requirements to be accounted for as a business combination. As such, the accounting and
reporting for a combination between entities or businesses under common control are included in a
separate subtopic (ASC 805-50, Business Combinations Related Issues) within ASC 805.
ASC 805 defines a business combination as a transaction or other event in which an acquirer obtains
control of one or more businesses. One of the overall principles of ASC 805 is that obtaining control is
a recognition event that results in a 100% new basis (i.e., the full goodwill method) in the acquired entity.
While combinations among entities or businesses under common control may result in a change in
control from the perspective of a standalone reporting entity, common control transactions do not result
in a change in control at the ultimate parent or the controlling shareholder level. Therefore, unlike
accounting for business combinations, common control transactions are not accounted for at fair value.
Rather, common control transactions are generally accounted for at the carrying amount of the net
assets or equity interests transferred.
Because transactions among entities under common control do not result in a change in control at the
ultimate parent level, the ultimate parent’s consolidated financial statements will not be affected by a
common control transaction. Any differences between the proceeds received or transferred and the
carrying amounts of the net assets are considered equity transactions that would be eliminated in
consolidation, and no gain or loss would be recognized in the consolidated financial statements of the
ultimate parent. The accounting and reporting for common control transactions in standalone subsidiary
financial statements is the focus of this appendix.
When common control transactions include transactions with noncontrolling interest holders, changes in
noncontrolling interests are accounted for as equity transactions.
ASC 805-50 only addresses the accounting for common control transactions from the perspective of the
entity that receives the net assets or equity interests (receiving entity). However, when the entity that
transfers the net assets (transferring entity or transferor) is required to report standalone financial
statements, we believe the same concepts (e.g., carrying amount) generally apply.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-2
C.2 Defining common control
US GAAP does not define the term “common control.” The Emerging Issues Task Force in EITF Issue
No. 02-5, Definition of Common Control” in Relation to FASB Statement No. 141 (EITF 02-5), discussed,
but did not reach a consensus, on the issue of how to determine whether separate entities are under
common control. EITF 02-5 summarizes the criteria for determining whether common control exists
based on a 1997 speech by the SEC staff.
Although EITF 02-5 was not codified, the guidance from this
speech has been applied in practice by SEC registrants and the SEC observer to the EITF noted that SEC
registrants would be expected to continue to apply that guidance. Specifically, EITF 02-5 indicates that
common control exists only in the following situations:
An individual or entity holds more than 50% of the voting ownership interest of each entity.
Immediate family members hold more than 50% of the voting ownership interest of each entity
(with no evidence that those family members will vote their shares in any way other than in concert).
Immediate family members include a married couple and their children, but not the married couples
grandchildren. Entities might be owned in varying combinations among living siblings and their
children. Those situations would require careful consideration of the substance of the ownership and
voting relationships.
A group of shareholders holds more than 50% of the voting ownership interest of each entity, and
contemporaneous written evidence of an agreement to vote a majority of the entities shares in
concert exists.
With respect to immediate family member relationships in the second bullet above, we understand that
this set of relationships should be construed literally and should not be expanded. For example, shares
held by in-laws should not be considered by analogy as held under common control. Due to the lack of
other authoritative guidance, the SECs guidance is widely applied by public and nonpublic companies.
Judgment is required to determine whether common control exists in situations other than those
described above.
Illustration C-1: Identifying entities under common control
A brother and a sister each own a 35% interest in Company A. Their parents own a 100% interest in
Company B. If Company A and Company B merged into a single entity (an SEC registrant), would the
two companies be considered under common control by the parents and their children as a group and,
therefore, account for the merger at the carrying amounts of the net assets transferred?
The SEC staff indicated that, absent evidence to the contrary, it would not object to the assertion that
the immediate family members vote their shares in concert as a group. Therefore, the merger of
Company A and Company B into a new entity is a transaction of entities under common control, which
would be accounted for at the carrying amounts of the net assets transferred.
ASC 805-50 also provides examples of the types of transactions that qualify as common control transactions.
Comments by Donna L. Coallier, Professional Accounting Fellow at the SEC, 1997 Speeches by Commission Staff, 9 December 1997.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-3
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Scope and Scope Exceptions
The guidance in the Transactions between Entities under Common Control Subsections applies to
combinations between entities or businesses under common control. The following are examples of
those types of transactions:
a. An entity charters a newly formed entity and then transfers some or all of its net assets to that
newly chartered entity.
b. A parent transfers the net assets of a wholly owned subsidiary into the parent and liquidates the
subsidiary. That transaction is a change in legal organization but not a change in the reporting entity.
c. A parent transfers its controlling interest in several partially owned subsidiaries to a new wholly
owned subsidiary. That also is a change in legal organization but not in the reporting entity.
d. A parent exchanges its ownership interests or the net assets of a wholly owned subsidiary for
additional shares issued by the parents less-than-wholly-owned subsidiary, thereby increasing
the parents percentage of ownership in the less-than-wholly-owned subsidiary but leaving all of
the existing noncontrolling interest outstanding.
e. A parents less-than-wholly-owned subsidiary issues its shares in exchange for shares of another
subsidiary previously owned by the same parent, and the noncontrolling shareholders are not
party to the exchange. That is not a business combination from the perspective of the parent.
f. A limited liability company is formed by combining entities under common control.
g. Two or more not-for-profit entities (NFPs) that are effectively controlled by the same board
members transfer their net assets to a new entity, dissolve the former entities, and appoint the
same board members to the newly combined entity.
Mergers and acquisitions between or among two or more NFPs, all of which benefit a particular group
of citizens, shall not be considered common control transactions solely because those entities benefit
a particular group. The mission, operations, and historical sources of support of two or more NFPs
may be closely linked to benefiting a particular group of citizens. However, that group neither owns
nor controls the NFPs.
The list of examples above is not all-inclusive. Although the examples above are primarily parent-
subsidiary transactions, common control transactions also include transfers or exchanges between
subsidiaries directly or indirectly controlled by the same parent or controlling shareholder.
Transfers among entities with a high degree of common ownership are not necessarily common control
transactions. When two or more entities have shareholders in common but no one shareholder (after
taking into account immediate family member relationships and the existence of contemporaneous
written agreements) controls the entities, the entities have common ownership but not common control.
Transactions involving common ownership are discussed in section C.6.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-4
C.2.1 Determining whether common control exists
In ASC 805, “control” has the same meaning as a controlling financial interest as described in ASC 810-10.
ASC 810-10-15-8 states, “For legal entities other than limited partnerships, the usual condition for a
controlling financial interest is ownership of a majority voting interest, and, therefore, as a general rule
ownership by one reporting entity, directly or indirectly, of more than 50% of the outstanding voting
shares of another entity is a condition pointing toward consolidation. The power to control may also exist
with a lesser percentage of ownership, for example, by contract, lease, agreement with other
stockholders, or by court decree. In addition, ASC 810-10-15-8A states,Given the purpose and design
of limited partnerships, kick-out rights through voting interests are analogous to voting rights held by
shareholders of a corporation. For limited partnerships, the usual condition for a controlling financial
interest, as a general rule, is ownership by one limited partner, directly or indirectly, of more than 50% of
the limited partnership’s kick-out rights through voting interests. The power to control also may exist
with a lesser percentage of ownership, for example, by contract, lease, agreement with partners, or by
court decree.” As such, the determination of whether entities are under common control is not limited to
the consideration of voting interests.
Determining whether a reporting entity has a controlling financial interest in a VIE requires an assessment
of the characteristics of the reporting entity’s variable interests and other involvements (including
involvement of related parties and de facto agents) in a VIE. A reporting entity is deemed to have a
controlling financial interest in a VIE if it has both (a) the power to direct the activities of the VIE that most
significantly affect the VIE’s economic performance and (b) the obligation to absorb losses of the VIE or
receive benefits from the VIE that could potentially be significant to the VIE. See our FRD, Consolidation,
for additional guidance.
All forms of control are considered in determining if entities are under common control. Entities that are
consolidated by the same parent are considered to be under common control. For example, if Company A
owns a 60% voting interest in Subsidiary X and is the primary beneficiary of Company Y (a VIE), all three
entities (Company A, Subsidiary X and Company Y) are considered to be under common control even if
Company A does not have a controlling voting interest in Company Y.
See our FRD, Consolidation, for more information.
C.3 Nature of common control transactions
Common control transactions generally are accounted for by the receiving entity based on the nature of
what is transferred or exchanged a business or an asset.
The transfer of a business
among entities under common control is accounted for at carrying amount
with retrospective adjustment of prior period financial statements similar to the manner in which a
pooling-of-interest was accounted for under APB 16, Business Combinations. Considerations for applying
the pooling-of-interests method are discussed further in section C.4.2.1. The retrospective adjustment of
prior period financial statements is based on the concept that there has been a change in the reporting
entity as defined below. That is, the financial statements are that of a different reporting entity and are
retrospectively adjusted to present the new reporting entity.
ASC 250 defines a change in the reporting entity as a change that results in financial statements that, in
effect, are those of a different reporting entity. ASC 250 generally limits a change in the reporting entity
to the following:
Presenting consolidated or combined financial statements in place of financial statements of
individual entities
See section 2.1.3 for guidance on the definition of a business.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-5
Changing specific subsidiaries that make up the group of entities for which consolidated financial
statements are presented
Changing the entities included in combined financial statements
Accounting for the transfer of net assets or an exchange of equity interests among entities under
common control requires the use of judgment in determining whether or not the net assets transferred
or shares exchanged constitutes a business. Generally, we believe that the transfer of a business, will
represent a change in reporting entity for the receiving entity, and in limited circumstances the
transferring entity, requiring retrospective adjustment of the consolidated financial statements.
The transfer of net assets that are not a business generally does not constitute a change in the reporting
entity. As such, the transfer of net assets that are not a business is accounted for prospectively in the
period in which the transfer occurs, and prior periods are not restated.
Gains on transfers of assets (i.e., by the transferor) and asset write-ups (i.e., by the transferee) generally
are not permitted between entities under common control. However, there are certain exceptions such
as the transfer of financial assets and certain inventory transfers.
The following decision tree helps illustrate how to account for transactions among entities under
common control.
Illustration C-2: Determining how a receiving entity accounts for common control transactions
Gains on transfers of assets (i.e., by the transferor) and asset write-ups (i.e., by the transferee) generally are not permitted
between entities under common control. However, there are certain exceptions such as the transfer of financial assets and
certain inventory transfers.
Account for the transaction as a Business
Combination under ASC 805 or as an
Asset Acquisition under ASC 805-50
What was
transferred an
asset or a business?
Does common
control exist?
Account for the transaction at carrying
value prospectively
Account for the transaction at
carrying value, generally requiring
retrospective adjustment
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-6
C.3.1 Transfer of financial assets
ASC 860-10-55-78 indicates that transfers of financial assets from one subsidiary to another subsidiary
of a common parent would be accounted for as a sale, and therefore recognized and measured at fair
value, in each subsidiarys standalone financial statements if all the conditions in ASC 860-10-40-5 have
been met and the transferee is not consolidated by the transferor. Any gains or losses and asset revaluations
recognized in separate financial statements are eliminated in consolidation or combination by the parent.
This guidance only applies to transfers of financial assets between subsidiaries of a common parent.
ASC 606 and ASC 610-20 changed the scope of ASC 860 for transfers of equity method investments.
That is, before the adoption of ASC 606, transfers of equity method investments deemed to be in-
substance real estate were accounted for in accordance with ASC 360-20. To determine whether a
transfer of an equity method investment is in substance a sale of real estate, an entity was required to
“look throughto the underlying assets and liabilities of the investee.
After the adoption of ASC 606, entities that previously applied the look-through guidance to determine
whether equity method investments are in-substance real estate will no longer be able to do so, since
these equity method investments are now in the scope of ASC 860. Accordingly, the guidance in
ASC 860-10-55-78 related to transfers of financial assets between subsidiaries of a common parent
would apply to transfers of equity method investments that were previously in the scope of ASC 360-20.
See our FRD, Transfers and servicing of financial assets, for further details.
C.3.2 Transfer of inventory
Gain recognition by the transferor (and step-up in value by the transferee) on routine transfers of inventory
in the ordinary course of business is generally acceptable in the presentation of standalone financial
statements. The following items should be considered when evaluating the ordinary course of business:
The form and substance of the transaction
Whether the parties to the transaction lack economic substance (e.g., if an entity would not be able
to make payment for goods purchased from a related party without funds borrowed from the related
party, the related party should generally not recognize a sale)
Specific accounting literature directs otherwise
Any gain recognized on the transfer of inventory is eliminated in consolidation unless the inventory transfer
is from a non-regulated subsidiary to a regulated subsidiary, as discussed in ASC 980-810-45.
C.3.3 Common control lease arrangements (after adoption of ASU 2023-01)
(added June 2023)
Entities under common control may enter into arrangements with one another. After adoption of
ASU 2023-01,
private companies and certain not-for-profit entities may elect to use the written
terms and conditions of a common control arrangement, rather than the legally enforceable terms, to
determine whether a lease exists and to classify and account for the lease. The practical expedient can
be elected on an arrangement-by-arrangement basis. However, if no written terms and conditions exist
(or the practical expedient is not elected), an entity is required to determine the legally enforceable
terms and conditions of the common control arrangement and use them to evaluate whether a lease
exists and to classify and account for the lease.
ASU 2023-01 is effective for all entities for fiscal years beginning after 15 December 2023, including interim periods within those
fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted for financial statements that have not been made available for issuance in any interim or
annual period as of the beginning of the related fiscal year.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-7
In addition, ASU 2023-01 amended ASC 842 to require all lessees, including public business entities, to
amortize leasehold improvements associated with common control leases over their useful life to the
common control group. At the end of the lease, a lessee is required to account for the leasehold
improvements as a transfer of assets between entities under common control through an adjustment to
equity (or net assets for not-for-profit entities).
C.4 Accounting and reporting by the receiving entity
The guidance in ASC 805-50 addresses the determination of the basis at which the receiving entity in a
common control transaction will record the net assets or business transferred.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Initial Measurement
When accounting for a transfer of assets or exchange of shares between entities under common control,
the entity that receives the net assets or the equity interests shall initially measure the recognized
assets and liabilities transferred at their carrying amounts in the accounts of the transferring entity at
the date of transfer. If the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities transferred differ from the
historical cost of the parent of the entities under common control, for example, because pushdown
accounting had not been applied, then the financial statements of the receiving entity shall reflect the
transferred assets and liabilities at the historical cost of the parent of the entities under common control.
In some instances, the entity that receives the net assets or equity interests (the receiving entity) and
the entity that transferred the net assets or equity interests (the transferring entity) may account for
similar assets and liabilities using different accounting methods. In such circumstances, the carrying
amounts of the assets and liabilities transferred may be adjusted to the basis of accounting used by the
receiving entity if the change would be preferable. Any such change in accounting method shall be
applied retrospectively, and financial statements presented for prior periods shall be adjusted unless it is
impracticable to do so. Section 250-10-45 provides guidance if retrospective application is impracticable.
In a transfer between entities under common control, the receiving entity recognizes the assets and
liabilities transferred at their carrying amounts in the financial statements of the transferring entity on
the date of the transfer (unless the carrying amounts differ from the historical cost of the parent of the
entities under common control as discussed below). The use of these carrying amounts is required even
if the fair value of the transferred amounts is reliably determinable.
If the receiving entity transfers cash in the exchange, any cash transferred in excess of the carrying
amount of the assets and liabilities transferred is treated as an equity transaction (i.e., a dividend). If the
receiving entity issues equity interests in the exchange, the equity interests issued are recorded at an
amount equal to the carrying amount of the net assets transferred, even if the fair value of the equity
interests issued is reliably determinable.
In certain situations, such as when pushdown accounting was not applied in the transferring entity’s
financial statements, the carrying amounts of the net assets of a subsidiary (the transferring entity) may
differ from the historical cost of the subsidiary in the ultimate parent or controlling shareholders’
consolidated financial statements. In such a scenario, the carrying amount of the transferred net assets
is recorded by the receiving entity at the ultimate parents historical cost.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-8
Illustration C-3: Differences in carrying amount between parent and subsidiary
Assume Parent has an 80% ownership in Subsidiary A and a 100% ownership in Subsidiary B. Parent
transfers its 100% ownership interest in Subsidiary B to Subsidiary A. Further assume that the
carrying amount of the net assets of Subsidiary B is $750 while Parent’s basis in Subsidiary B is
reflected at $1,000 in its consolidated financial statements.
After the common control transaction, the standalone consolidated financial statements of Subsidiary
A reflects the historical cost of Subsidiary B’s net assets as it is reflected in the consolidated financial
statements of Parent, or $1,000.
In other situations, the receiving entity and the transferring entity may account for similar assets and
liabilities using different accounting methods (e.g., FIFO versus LIFO accounting for inventory). In such
situations, following the guidance in ASC 805-50-30-6, the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities
transferred may be adjusted to the basis of accounting used by the receiving entity if that change would
be preferable. The change is made by retrospective adjustment of the combined financial statements.
C.4.1 VIE and primary beneficiary are under common control
The Variable Interest Entities Subsections of ASC 810-10 incorporate the general principles governing
common control transactions in ASC 805-50 and other guidance contained in US GAAP.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Consolidation Overall
Initial Measurement
If the primary beneficiary of a variable interest entity (VIE) and the VIE are under common control,
the primary beneficiary shall initially measure the assets, liabilities, and noncontrolling interests of the
VIE at amounts at which they are carried in the accounts of the reporting entity that controls the VIE
(or would be carried if the reporting entity issued financial statements prepared in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles [GAAP]).
This paragraph requires that there be no remeasurement of a VIEs assets and liabilities if the primary
beneficiary and VIE are under common control.
Illustration C-4: VIE and primary beneficiary are under common control
Company X and Company Y are under the common control of Company ABC. Company X and
Company Y enter into an agreement in which Company X guarantees the debt of Company Y. The
guarantee represents a variable interest in Company Y. After performing an analysis under the
Variable Interest Entities Subsections of ASC 810-10, Company Y is determined to be a VIE for which
Company X is the primary beneficiary.
Company X would record the net assets of Company Y at the amounts at which they are carried in
Company ABC’s financial statements.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-9
C.4.2 Financial statement presentation by the receiving entity
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Other Presentation Matters
The financial statements of the receiving entity shall report results of operations for the period in
which the transfer occurs as though the transfer of net assets or exchange of equity interests had
occurred at the beginning of the period. Results of operations for that period will thus comprise those
of the previously separate entities combined from the beginning of the period to the date the transfer
is completed and those of the combined operations from that date to the end of the period. By
eliminating the effects of intra-entity transactions in determining the results of operations for the
period before the combination, those results will be on substantially the same basis as the results of
operations for the period after the date of combination. The effects of intra-entity transactions on
current assets, current liabilities, revenue, and cost of sales for periods presented and on retained
earnings at the beginning of the periods presented shall be eliminated to the extent possible.
The nature of and effects on earnings per share (EPS) of nonrecurring intra-entity transactions
involving long-term assets and liabilities need not be eliminated. However, paragraph 805-50-50-2
requires disclosure.
Similarly, the receiving entity shall present the statement of financial position and other financial information
as of the beginning of the period as though the assets and liabilities had been transferred at that date.
Financial statements and financial information presented for prior years also shall be retrospectively
adjusted to furnish comparative information. All adjusted financial statements and financial summaries
shall indicate clearly that financial data of previously separate entities are combined. However, the
comparative information in prior years shall only be adjusted for periods during which the entities were
under common control.
As described previously, generally a common control transaction involving the transfer of a business
represents a change in reporting entity requiring retrospective adjustment of the combined financial
statements. Conversely, a common control transaction involving the transfer of net assets that does not
constitute a business or a noncontrolling interest (e.g., equity method investment) is not accounted for as a
change in reporting entity and is therefore, accounted for prospectively. The Subsections of ASC 805-50
provide guidance on financial statement presentation when there has been a change in reporting entity
and is similar to the pooling-of-interests method under APB 16.
C.4.2.1 Considerations for applying pooling-of-interests
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
Overview and Background
Some transfers of net assets or exchanges of shares between entities under common control result in
a change in the reporting entity. In practice, the method that many entities have used to account for
those transactions is similar to the pooling-of-interests method. The Transactions Between Entities
Under Common Control Subsections provide guidance on preparing financial statements and related
disclosures for the entity that receives the net assets.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-10
Statement 141, Business Combinations, eliminated the application of pooling-of-interest method for
business combinations, except as it related to common control transactions. While the pooling-of-
interests method was not codified, ASC 805-50 refers to the application of the pooling-of-interests
method for common control transactions that result in a change in reporting entity (i.e., the transfer of a
business). The guidance below on the pooling-of-interests method is based on the guidance previously
found in APB 16 and should be considered for common control transactions that result in a change in
reporting entity requiring retrospective adjustment to the financial statements. The guidance is not
applicable for a transfer of net assets or an exchange of equity interests that does not result in a change
in reporting entity, which is accounted for prospectively at their carrying amounts.
The pooling-of-interests method accounts for the combination between two businesses under common
control as the uniting of the ownership interests of the two entities. Procedures applied under the
pooling-of-interests method are summarized in the following steps:
a. The assets and liabilities of the net assets or business transferred are carried forward at the carrying
amounts of the ultimate parent or controlling shareholder. No adjustments are made to reflect fair
values or recognize any new assets or liabilities for the periods presented that would otherwise be
done under the acquisition method.
b. The equity accounts of the combining entities are combined.
The par value of the common stock issued by the receiving (issuing) entity to effect the
combination is credited to the common stock account of the receiving entity. Adjustments may
be required to reflect the par value of the receiving entity.
The retained earnings of the transferring entity are added to the retained earnings of the
receiving entity.
Any difference between the consideration paid or transferred and the net assets acquired is
reflected as an equity transaction (i.e., dividend or capital transaction).
c. Revenues and expenses of the combining entities (after eliminating intercompany transactions)
are combined from the beginning of the period in which the combination occurs to the date the
combination is completed. Income of the combined entity is reported subsequent to the combination
date. The income statement reflects the results of the combining entities for the full year (provided the
entities were under common control the full year), irrespective of when the combination took place.
d. Intercompany balances and transactions between the combining entities (and the related profits)
prior to the combination are eliminated from the combined financial statements.
e. Comparatives are presented as if the entities had always been combined for periods when the
combining entities were under common control.
f. No new goodwill is recognized as a result of the combination. The only goodwill that is
recognized is any existing goodwill relating to either of the combining entities.
See section C.4.2.2 for additional considerations regarding identifying the ongoing reporting entity in
common control transactions.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-11
Illustration C-5: Pooling-of-interests equity consideration
Assume Company A and Company B are businesses under common control. On 30 June 20X9,
Company A issued 100 shares of its $1 par value common stock in exchange for all outstanding
shares of common stock of Company B. Further assume Company A is considered the ongoing
reporting entity.
Financial information of Company A and Company B as of 30 June 20X9 (immediately prior to the
transaction) is as follows:
Company A
Company B
$ 1,000
$ 500
Net assets
$ 600
$ 400
Common stock
$ 200
$ 150
Additional paid-in capital
Retained earnings
Total equity
$ 600
$ 400
On 30 June 20X9, Company A would need to record an entry for the $100 par value of equity shares
issued. As the total amount of common stock and APIC accounts of Company B ($200) exceeds the
par value of the common stock issued by Company A ($100), in consolidation Company A records the
excess to APIC.
Common stock Company B
$ 150
APIC Company B
Common stock Company A
$ 100
APIC Company A
The adjusted financial information of Company A on 30 June 20X9 would be shown as follows:
Company A
Company A
30 June 20X9
$ 1,000
$ 500
$ 1,500
Net assets
$ 600
$ 400
$ 1,000
Common stock
$ 200
$ 100
$ 300
Additional paid-in capital
Retained earnings
Total equity
$ 600
$ 400
$ 1,000
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-12
Illustration C-6: Pooling-of-interests cash consideration
Assume the same facts as illustrated at C-5 except that instead of Company A issuing 100 shares of
common stock, assume Company A pays the shareholders of Company B cash of $100 in exchange for
all outstanding shares of common stock of Company B. Company A would record the cash consideration
and the difference between the historical cost of Company B as an equity transaction with its parent,
as follows:
Historical cost of Company B
$ 400
Less: cash consideration
Equity transaction with its parent
$ 300
The adjusted financial information of Company A on 30 June 20X9 would be shown as follows:
Combined financial
information of
companies A and B
30 June 20X9
Payment of
Adjustments to
reflect the par
value of Company
A stock
Company A
30 June 20X9
$ 1,500
$ (100)
$ 1,400
Net assets
$ 1,000
$ (100)
$ 900
Common stock
$ 350
$ (150)
$ 200
paid-in capital
200 *
500 *
Total equity
$ 1,000
$ (100)
$ 900
* The equity transaction with parent recorded by Company A of $ 300 is reflected by an increase in additional paid-in-capital of
$100 (ending balance of $200 less beginning balance of $100), and an increase to retained earnings of $200 (ending balance
of $500 less beginning balance of $300).
C.4.2.2 Determining the predecessor entity in certain common control transactions
The guidance in ASC 805-50, which addresses the procedural guidance for retrospectively adjusting the
prior period financial statements, applies only to the periods in which the entities were under common
control. Therefore, for periods in which the combining entities were not under common control, the
financial statements presented are those of the entity that is determined to be the predecessor up to the
date at which the entities became under common control.
If both entities were under common control during the entire period, it is not necessary to determine
which entity is the predecessor entity because it has no effect on the retrospectively adjusted financial
statements. However, careful consideration should be made when both entities were not under common
control during the entire period presented in the retrospectively adjusted financial statements. At the 2006
AICPA National Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments,
the SEC staff stated that the
predecessor entity in a common control transaction generally is the entity that was first controlled by the
parent. Therefore, for common control transactions, the predecessor entity is determined from the
perspective of the ultimate parent or controlling shareholder. Because the parent controls the form of the
transaction, different accounting should not result solely based on the legal form of the transaction.
Leslie A. Overton, Associate Chief Accountant, Division of Corporate Finance, Remarks before the 2006 AICPA National
Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments, 12 December 2006.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-13
Illustration C-7: Periods when the combining entities were not under common control
Parent owns 100% of the ownership interests of two voting interest entities Subsidiary A, which
was acquired in May 20X6, and Subsidiary B, which was acquired in July 20X7. In January 20X8,
Subsidiary B issued additional shares to Parent in exchange for all of Parent’s ownership interest in
Subsidiary A.
The merger of Subsidiary A and Subsidiary B is a common control transaction, and the prior periods
financial statements are retrospectively adjusted to reflect the transaction as if it occurred at the
beginning of the period Subsidiary A and Subsidiary B were under common control. Because the
entities were not under common control for the entire period in which financial statements are
required (three-year presentation), a predecessor entity must be identified. In this case, and despite
the legal form of the transaction (i.e., Subsidiary B acquires Subsidiary A), the predecessor entity
is Subsidiary A because it was controlled by Parent prior to Subsidiary B. As such, the financial
statements for the period prior to July 20X7 (when Subsidiary A and Subsidiary B became under
common control) reflect only Subsidiary A.
C.4.3 Noncontrolling interests in a common control transaction
In a common control transaction, any interests outstanding that are not held by the parties considered
to be under common control are recognized in the consolidated financial statements as noncontrolling
interests at their carrying amounts. The guidance in ASC 810-10 states that transactions with noncontrolling
shareholders that do not involve the controlling shareholder losing control of the entity are recognized as
equity transactions. As such, any changes in noncontrolling interests that result from the combination of
entities under common control that does not result in a loss of control are accounted for as equity
transactions. The carrying amount of the noncontrolling interest is adjusted to reflect the change in its
ownership interest in the subsidiary. For further details on accounting for changes in noncontrolling
interests see our FRD, Consolidation.
Illustration C-8: Changes in noncontrolling interests in a common control transaction
Assume Parent owns 100% of Subsidiary A and 70% of Subsidiary B. Company X owns the 30%
noncontrolling interest in Subsidiary B.
The Parent’s consolidated financial statements reflect the following (assumes no fair value adjustments):
Net assets
$ 700
NCI equity Sub B ($200 NBV of Sub B * 30%)
Parent equity
$ 640
Company X
Subsidiary A
(NBV = $500)
Subsidiary B
(NBV = $200)
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-14
Transaction 1:
Assume Parent transfers its 70% investment in Subsidiary B to Subsidiary A for cash equal to the
carrying amount of Subsidiary B.
The transfer by Parent of its 70% investment in Subsidiary B to Subsidiary A is a common control
transaction. The transaction would not affect Parent’s consolidated financial statements. Subsidiary A
would record the following journal entry in its standalone (consolidated) financial statements:
Net assets
$ 200
$ 140
NCI equity Sub B
Subsidiary A would account for the transaction similar to the pooling-of-interest method in its
standalone (consolidated) financial statements and combine the results of operations of Subsidiary A
and Subsidiary B as though the transfer had occurred at the beginning of the period. Comparative
information in prior years would also be retrospectively adjusted for periods during which the entities
were under common control.
Transaction 2:
Now assume that, as part of an integrated transaction as described above, Company X also exchanges
its 30% interest in Subsidiary B for a 10% interest in Subsidiary A.
Subsidiary A
Subsidiary B
Company X
Subsidiary A
Subsidiary B
Company X
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-15
The exchange with Company X, a noncontrolling shareholder, does not result in Parent losing control.
Therefore, the exchange is accounted for as an equity transaction.
The Parent would debit equity for $60 to eliminate its noncontrolling interest in Subsidiary B at its
carrying amount. The Parent also would credit equity for $70 to record the noncontrolling interest in
Subsidiary A at its carrying amount (calculated below). The change in noncontrolling interests is
recorded to parent equity, as follows:
NCI equity Sub B
$ 60
Parent equity
NCI equity Sub A
$ 70
The $70 noncontrolling interest in Subsidiary A is calculated as follows:
10% of the $500 carrying amount of Subsidiary A’s net assets
$ 50
10% of the $200 carrying amount of Subsidiary B’s net assets
$ 70
In summary, the Parent’s consolidated financial statements reflect the following:
Net assets
$ 700
NCI equity Consolidated Sub A
Parent equity
$ 630
Subsidiary A would record the following journal entry in its standalone (consolidated) financial
statements to eliminate its noncontrolling interest in Entity B at its carrying amount:
NCI equity Sub B
$ 60
$ 60
The exchange of the noncontrolling interest is accounted for on the date the transaction occurs.
We do not believe Subsidiary A would retrospectively adjust its standalone (consolidated) financial
statements for Transaction 2.
C.5 Accounting and reporting by the transferring entity
The procedural guidance on the combination of entities under common control included in ASC 805-50
addresses the accounting only from the perspective of the receiving entity. There is no specific guidance
on how the transferring entity accounts for transactions between entities under common control.
As a transaction between entities under common control does not result in a change in control at the
ultimate parent level, a new basis of accounting is not recognized by the receiving entity. It is for similar
reasons that we generally would expect that the transferring entity would not recognize a gain or loss on
the transaction. Any difference between the proceeds received by the transferring entity and the book
value of the asset group (after impairment, if any) would be recognized as an equity transaction
(i.e., dividend or capital transaction) and no gain or loss would be recorded.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-16
Illustration C-9: Differences between proceeds received and carrying amount of net assets
Parent has two wholly owned subsidiaries Subsidiary A and Subsidiary B. Subsidiary A has a 100%
ownership interest in Subsidiary C and prepares standalone (consolidated) financial statements.
Subsidiary C meets the definition of a business, and the carrying amount of its net assets is $10
million. On 1 January 20X9, Subsidiary A transfers its 100% ownership interest in Subsidiary C to
Subsidiary B for $12 million in cash. Assume there is no difference in the carrying amounts of the net
assets of Subsidiary C as recorded by Subsidiary A and by Parent.
The transaction represents a transfer of a business between entities under common control.
Subsidiary B (the receiving entity) would record the assets and liabilities received at the carrying
amounts recorded by Subsidiary A with the excess paid over the carrying amount of $2 million
recorded to equity as a deemed dividend. Subsidiary A would record the assets transferred as a
disposal, with the excess proceeds of $2 million recorded as an equity transaction.
If Subsidiary A (the transferring entity) had transferred its interest in Subsidiary C to Subsidiary B for
$8 million in cash, the difference between the proceeds received and the carrying amount of $2 million
would be recorded as an equity transaction (i.e., a dividend) to Parent in Subsidiary A’s standalone
financial statements. This accounting assumes the asset group was not impaired.
C.5.1 Impairment considerations
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Property, Plant, and Equipment Overall
For purposes of this Subtopic, a long-lived asset to be disposed of in an exchange measured based on
the recorded amount of the nonmonetary asset relinquished or to be distributed to owners in a spinoff
is disposed of when it is exchanged or distributed. If the asset (asset group) is tested for recoverability
while it is classified as held and used, the estimates of future cash flows used in that test shall be based
on the use of the asset for its remaining useful life, assuming that the disposal transaction will not
occur. In such a case, an undiscounted cash flows recoverability test shall apply prior to the disposal
date. In addition to any impairment losses required to be recognized while the asset is classified as
held and used, an impairment loss, if any, shall be recognized when the asset is disposed of if the
carrying amount of the asset (disposal group) exceeds its fair value. The provisions of this Section
apply to nonmonetary exchanges that are not recorded at fair value under the provisions of Topic 845.
Subsidiary B
Subsidiary A
Subsidiary C
Subsidiary C
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-17
While the sale of net assets between entities under common control does not represent a nonreciprocal
transfer with owners, given the lack of guidance for the accounting by the transferor, some have
considered that guidance by analogy in determining the transferor’s accounting in its standalone
financial statements.
Some believe the transferring entity may account for the transfer of net assets as an asset disposal other
than by sale, pursuant to ASC 360. Consistent with the guidance described in ASC 360-10-40-4, an asset
(asset group) that constitutes a business that is distributed to owners in a spin-off
is to be measured
based on the recorded amount of the nonmonetary asset relinquished or to be distributed when it is
exchanged. The asset (asset group) that constitutes a business being disposed would be tested for
recoverability as held and used (estimate of future cash flows based on the use of the asset for its
remaining useful life, assuming that the disposal transaction will not occur). A loss on disposal would be
recorded if the carrying amount of the asset (asset group) that constitutes a business exceeded its fair
value. A pro rata distribution to owners of an investee accounted for under the equity method is to be
considered to be equivalent to a spin-off.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Nonmonetary Transactions Overall
Initial Measurement
Accounting for the distribution of nonmonetary assets to owners of an entity in a spinoff or other form
of reorganization or liquidation or in a plan that is in substance the rescission of a prior business
combination shall be based on the recorded amount (after reduction, if appropriate, for an indicated
impairment of value) (see paragraph 360-10-40-4) of the nonmonetary assets distributed.
Subtopic 505-60 provides additional guidance on the distribution of nonmonetary assets that
constitute a business to owners of an entity in transactions commonly referred to as spinoffs. A pro
rata distribution to owners of an entity of shares of a subsidiary or other investee entity that has been
or is being consolidated or that has been or is being accounted for under the equity method is to be
considered to be equivalent to a spinoff. Other nonreciprocal transfers of nonmonetary assets to
owners shall be accounted for at fair value if the fair value of the nonmonetary asset distributed is
objectively measurable and would be clearly realizable to the distributing entity in an outright sale at
or near the time of the distribution.
Based on the guidance provided in ASC 845-10-30-10, a distribution to owners in a spin-off that does not
meet the definition of a business is to be measured at fair value if the fair value of the nonmonetary asset
distributed is objectively measurable and would be clearly realizable to the distributing entity in an
outright sale at or near the time of the distribution.
C.5.2 Financial statement presentation by the transferring entity
When accounting for a transfer of net assets under common control as a disposal of long-lived assets,
a transferring entity should also consider whether that disposal should be reported as discontinued
operations in accordance with the Discontinued Operations subtopic of ASC 205 in its standalone financial
statements. Such an evaluation will require the use of judgment to determine whether the criteria for
discontinued operations have been met. See our FRD, Discontinued operations: Accounting Standards
Codification 205-20, for further guidance.
A spin-off is defined in US GAAP as “the transfer of assets that constitute a business by an entity (the spinnor) into a new legal
spun off entity (the spinnee), followed by a distribution of the shares of the spinnee to its shareholders, without the surrender by
the shareholders of any stock of the spinnor.ASC 505-60 provides further considerations regarding the accounting for spin-offs.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-18
The requirement of the receiving entity to restate prior period financial statements is based on the concept
that there has been a change in the reporting entity. Generally, we do not believe that the transfer of net
assets or the exchange of equity interests between entities under common control results in a change
in the reporting entity of the transferring entity (even if the assets transferred or shares exchanged
constitute a business). As such, we do not believe that retrospective adjustment of the prior period
financial statements (in the standalone financial statements of the transferring entity) to reflect the
removal of the transferred net assets at their carrying amount is appropriate in most circumstances.
While not directly addressing common control transactions, the SEC staff expressed a similar view in
SAB Topic 5.Z.7, in which the staff responded to the question of whether a company that disposes of
a subsidiary in a spin-off may elect to characterize the spin-off as a change in the reporting entity and
restate its historical financial statements as if the company never had an investment in the subsidiary.
SAB Topic 5.Z.7 states:
Facts: A Company disposes of a business through the distribution of a subsidiary’s stock to the
Company’s shareholders on a pro rata basis in a transaction that is referred to as a spin-off.
Question: May the Company elect to characterize the spin-off transaction as resulting in a change in
the reporting entity and restate its historical financial statements as if the Company never had an
investment in the subsidiary, in the manner specified by paragraph 34 of APB 20?
Interpretive response: Not ordinarily. If the Company was required to file periodic reports under the
Exchange Act within one year prior to the spin-off, the staff believes the Company should reflect the
disposition in conformity with ASC 360. This presentation most fairly and completely depicts for
investors the effects of the previous and current organization of the Company. However, in limited
circumstances involving the initial registration of a company under the Exchange Act or Securities
Act, the staff has not objected to financial statements that retroactively reflect the reorganization of
the business as a change in the reporting entity if the spin-off transaction occurs prior to
effectiveness of the registration statement. This presentation may be acceptable in an initial
registration if the Company and the subsidiary are in dissimilar businesses, have been managed and
financed historically as if they were autonomous, have no more than incidental common facilities and
costs, will be operated and financed autonomously after the spin-off, and will not have material
financial commitments, guarantees, or contingent liabilities to each other after the spin-off. This
exception to the prohibition against retroactive omission of the subsidiary is intended for companies
that have not distributed widely financial statements that include the spun-off subsidiary. Also,
dissimilarity contemplates substantially greater differences in the nature of the businesses than
those that would ordinarily distinguish reportable segments as defined by ASC 280.
While this topic does not directly address a change in reporting entity in a common control transaction,
we believe the criteria presented are analogous to those that should be carefully considered when
evaluating whether, from the transferring entity’s perspective, there has been a change in reporting
entity in a common control transaction. All criteria in the topic must be met for the transferring entity
to conclude that it has a change in reporting entity, and the SEC staff often challenges a company’s
assertion that it has met all requirements. Therefore, it is more common for the transferring entity to
conclude that the criteria are not met and account for the transfer as a disposal pursuant to ASC 360-10
and assess for discontinued operations reporting pursuant to ASC 205-20.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-19
C.6 Transactions involving common ownership
When two or more entities have shareholders in common but no one shareholder controls the entities,
the entities are said to have common ownership. Entities may have common ownership but not be under
common control.
Illustration C-10: Identifying entities under common ownership
Assume Company A is owned 80% by Shareholder X and 20% by Shareholder Y. Company B is owned
40% by Shareholder X and 60% by Shareholder Y. Both Company A and Company B are voting interest
entities (i.e., control is established through voting rights). Further assume Shareholders X and Y are
not immediate family members nor do they have a written agreement to vote their shares in concert.
Ownership Interests
Company A
Company B
Shareholder X
Shareholder Y
Company A and Company B are under common ownership but are not under common control because
they are not controlled by the same shareholder or group. Shareholder X controls Company A and
Shareholder Y controls Company B.
The accounting for a transaction between entities with common ownership is the same as the accounting
for common control transactions (i.e., at carrying amounts) when shareholders would have exactly the
same interest in the underlying businesses before and after the combination. Transactions in which
shareholders have identical ownership interests before and after the transfer are accounted for in a
manner similar to common control transactions because such transactions are considered to lack
economic substance. For example, if the same two shareholders each owned 50% of both Company A and
Company B, the combination of Companies A and B would reflect the combined assets and liabilities at
their carrying amounts.
Illustration C-11: Transactions involving identical common ownership
Assume that Company A and Company B are owned 40% by Shareholder X and 30% by each of
Shareholders Y and Z.
Assuming no other exchanges of consideration or changes in relative ownership interests, a
combination of Company A and Company B would result in the combined entity’s assets and liabilities
being recorded at their carrying amounts.
See section 20 of our FRD, Consolidation, for further information on when combined financial
statements may be appropriate for entities under common ownership.
Shareholder X
Shareholder Y
Company A
Company B
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-20
C.6.1 Transactions not involving identical common ownership
When entities are under common ownership that is not identical, accounting for a transfer of net assets
or exchange of equity interests between such entities will follow the guidance for asset acquisitions and
business combinations in ASC 805. FTB 85-5 provided guidance for accounting for exchanges that lack
commercial substance at their carrying amounts. While FTB 85-5 was nullified by Statement 141(R),
Business Combinations, the SEC staff’s historical position has been that a combination of entities under
identical common ownership lacks economic substance. However, the SEC staff generally has not
accepted accounting for combinations of entities that have almost identical common ownership at their
carrying amounts. The SEC staff has permitted some exceptions to this general proposition when the
relative ownership differences were clearly insignificant.
Illustration C-12: Transactions not involving identical common ownership
Company X enters into a transaction to acquire target Company Z and issues shares to purchase all of
the outstanding stock of Company Z, which is a business. The ownership of Company X and Company Z
is as follows:
Ownership Interests
Company X
Company Z
Shareholder A
Shareholder B
Shareholder C
Shareholder D
Assume the shareholders are not immediate family members and do not have a written agreement to
vote their shares in concert. Further assume that upon completion of the transaction, Shareholder A
controls both Company X and Company Z.
Prior to the transaction, Shareholder A controlled Company X and no shareholder controlled Company
Z. Subsequent to the transaction, Shareholder A controls both Company X and Company Z. Under
ASC 805, Company X (the accounting acquirer) would recognize the assets acquired, liabilities assumed
and noncontrolling interests of Company Z (the accounting acquiree) as a business combination in
accordance with the acquisition method as prescribed in ASC 805.
In situations involving transfers among entities with common ownership that is not identical but for which
there is a change in control, the accounting would follow the guidance in ASC 805.
C.7 Income taxes
C.7.1 Deferred taxes
The guidance in ASC 805-50 does not specifically address the accounting for the deferred tax consequences
that may result from a transfer of net assets or exchange of equity interests between entities under common
control. Although Statement 141 eliminated the pooling-of-interest accounting alternative for business
combinations, we believe that companies should apply the historical guidance in paragraphs 270-272 of
Statement 109 (which was not codified), which addressed the income tax accounting effects of a pooling-of-
interests transaction. For periods prior to the transfer or exchange date, deductible temporary differences
and operating loss and tax credit carryforwards of one of the combining entities cannot offset taxable
income of another combining entity because a consolidated tax return could not be filed for those periods.
However, if the combining entities expect to file consolidated tax returns subsequent to the combination,
the realizability of a deferred tax asset related to either of the combining entity’s carryforwards and
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-21
deductible temporary differences in the restated period should be assessed presuming a consolidated tax
return will be filed subsequent to the combination date. A valuation allowance would be recognized if it is
more likely than not that a tax benefit will not be realized through offset of either (1) the other entity’s
deferred tax liability for taxable temporary differences that will reverse subsequent to the combination date
or (2) combined taxable income subsequent to the combination date.
In this regard the valuation allowance recognized may be different than the sum of the valuation allowances
in the separate financial statements of the combining entities prior to the combination date. The combining
entities should evaluate deferred tax assets for realizability in each reporting period (including the restated
periods prior to the combination date) and consider the facts and circumstances in existence at each balance
sheet date. The general rule for a reduction in valuation allowances is the benefit is recognized as a
component of income tax expense from continuing operations unless an exception applies.
This general
rule is applicable to reductions in the valuation allowance of the combined entity in historical periods.
C.7.2 Tax basis differences
In a taxable transfer of net assets or exchange, the tax basis of the acquired company’s assets and liabilities
may be adjusted to fair value. Because a new basis is not established for book purposes, a change in tax basis
results in temporary differences for which deferred taxes must be recognized. Based on the guidance in
Statement 109, paragraph 272, we believe that as of the combination date, tax expense or benefit (including
the effects of a valuation allowance, if necessary) resulting from changes in the tax basis are allocated to
contributed capital. This allocation to contributed capital is consistent with accounting for the tax effects of
transactions among or with shareholders. See section 15.3.6 in our FRD, Income taxes, for further guidance.
C.8 Disclosures
The following disclosures are required in the standalone (consolidated) financial statements of the
receiving entity in common control transactions under ASC 805-50.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Related Issues
The nature of and effects on earnings per share (EPS) of nonrecurring intra-entity transactions
involving long-term assets and liabilities is not required to be eliminated under the guidance in
paragraph 805-50-45-3 but shall be disclosed.
The notes to financial statements of the receiving entity shall disclose the following for the period in
which the transfer of assets and liabilities or exchange of equity interests occurred:
a. The name and brief description of the entity included in the reporting entity as a result of the net
asset transfer or exchange of equity interests
b. The method of accounting for the transfer of net assets or exchange of equity interests.
The receiving entity also shall consider whether additional disclosures are required in accordance with
Section 850-10-50, which provides guidance on related party transactions and certain common
control relationships.
Section 15, Intraperiod tax allocation, of our FRD, Income taxes, discusses exceptions to this general rule.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-22
While the guidance on the combination of entities under common control included in ASC 805-50
addresses only the disclosures from the perspective of the receiving entity, we believe the transferring
entity should consider similar disclosures.
C.9 Reporting unit and goodwill impairment
There is no specific guidance on the accounting by the transferring entity when a contribution of net
assets or equity interests is made that constitute a business and is part of a larger reporting unit at a
consolidated entity level. Pre-existing goodwill may have not been assigned at the transferring entity
level; therefore, an appropriate method to allocate goodwill to the transferring entity needs to be made
by the parent. For additional guidance on allocation of goodwill in a common control transaction, see
section 3.14.2 before the adoption of ASU 2017-04 and section 3A.14.2 after the adoption of ASU
2017-04 of our FRD, Intangibles goodwill and other.
C.10 IFRS considerations
Like ASC 805, IFRS 3(R) provides a scope exemption for business combinations between entities under
common control. However, unlike ASC 805, IFRS 3(R) does not go on to describe what method of
accounting is appropriate when a business combination involves entities under common control.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations
IFRS 3(R) Appendix B
B1 This IFRS does not apply to a business combination of entities or businesses under common
control. A business combination involving entities or businesses under common control is a
business combination in which all of the combining entities or businesses are ultimately controlled
by the same party or parties both before and after the business combination, and that control is
not transitory.
B2 A group of individuals shall be regarded as controlling an entity when, as a result of contractual
arrangements, they collectively have the power to govern its financial and operating policies so as
to obtain benefits from its activities. Therefore, a business combination is outside the scope of this
IFRS when the same group of individuals has, as a result of contractual arrangements, ultimate
collective power to govern the financial and operating policies of each of the combining entities so
as to obtain benefits from their activities, and that ultimate collective power is not transitory.
B3 An entity may be controlled by an individual or by a group of individuals acting together under a
contractual arrangement, and that individual or group of individuals may not be subject to the
financial reporting requirements of IFRSs. Therefore, it is not necessary for combining entities to
be included as part of the same consolidated financial statements for a business combination to
be regarded as one involving entities under common control.
B4 The extent of non-controlling interests in each of the combining entities before and after the
business combination is not relevant to determining whether the combination involves entities
under common control. Similarly, the fact that one of the combining entities is a subsidiary that
has been excluded from the consolidated financial statements is not relevant to determining
whether a combination involves entities under common control.
C Accounting for common control transactions
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | C-23
IAS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, requires that, in the absence of
specific guidance in IFRS, management use its judgment in developing and applying an accounting policy
that is relevant and reliable. In making that judgment, IAS 8 also states that in the absence of IFRS dealing
with similar or related issues or guidance within the Framework,
management may also consider the
most recent pronouncements of other standard-setting bodies that use a similar conceptual framework
to develop accounting standards, to the extent that these do not conflict with the Framework or any
other IFRS or Interpretation.
Accordingly, until the IASB prescribes an accounting method for common control transactions, we believe
that entities should apply either the acquisition method (in accordance with IFRS 3(R)) or the pooling-of-
interests method. We do not believe “fresh start accounting, whereby all combining businesses are
restated to fair value, is an appropriate method for combinations between entities under common control.
In our view, when an entity selects the acquisition method of accounting, the transaction must have
substance from the perspective of the reporting entity. Careful consideration is required of all of the
facts and circumstances from the perspective of each entity before an entity concludes that a transaction
has substance. If there is no substance to the transaction, the pooling-of-interests method is the only
method that an entity may apply to that transaction.
For additional guidance on how to apply the acquisition method under IFRS 3(R) or how to apply the
pooling-of-interests method, see chapter 10 of our International GAA (IGAAP) on common control
business combinations. The IGAAP also provides guidance on evaluating whether a transaction has
substance, whether control exists between family members and the meaning of transitory.
If the transaction is not a business combination because the entity or assets being acquired do not meet
the definition of a business, it should be accounted for as an acquisition of assets in accordance with IFRS.
Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | D-1
D Accounting alternatives
D.1 Overview
US GAAP allows private companies and NFPs to make several accounting policy elections (referred to as
accounting alternatives) to simplify their accounting. Unless specified, references to business
combinations throughout this appendix also include acquisitions by not-for-profit entities.
D.2 Definition of a private company, a public business entity and a not-for-profit
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 350-20-65-2
Private Company
An entity other than a public business entity, a not-for-profit entity, or an employee benefit plan
within the scope of Topics 960 through 965 on plan accounting.
Public Business Entity
A public business entity is a business entity meeting any one of the criteria below. Neither a not-for-
profit entity nor an employee benefit plan is a business entity.
a. It is required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to file or furnish financial
statements, or does file or furnish financial statements (including voluntary filers), with the SEC
(including other entities whose financial statements or financial information are required to be or
are included in a filing).
b. It is required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Act), as amended, or rules or
regulations promulgated under the Act, to file or furnish financial statements with a regulatory
agency other than the SEC.
c. It is required to file or furnish financial statements with a foreign or domestic regulatory agency in
preparation for the sale of or for purposes of issuing securities that are not subject to contractual
restrictions on transfer.
d. It has issued, or is a conduit bond obligor for, securities that are traded, listed, or quoted on an
exchange or an over-the-counter market.
e. It has one or more securities that are not subject to contractual restrictions on transfer, and it is
required by law, contract, or regulation to prepare U.S. GAAP financial statements (including
notes) and make them publicly available on a periodic basis (for example, interim or annual
periods). An entity must meet both of these conditions to meet this criterion.
D Accounting alternatives
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | D-2
An entity may meet the definition of a public business entity solely because its financial statements or
financial information is included in another entity’s filing with the SEC. In that case, the entity is only a
public business entity for purposes of financial statements that are filed or furnished with the SEC.
Not-for-Profit Entity
An entity that possesses the following characteristics, in varying degrees, that distinguish it from a
business entity:
a. Contributions of significant amounts of resources from resource providers who do not expect
commensurate or proportionate pecuniary return
b. Operating purposes other than to provide goods or services at a profit
c. Absence of ownership interests like those of business entities.
Entities that clearly fall outside this definition include the following:
a. All investor-owned entities
b. Entities that provide dividends, lower costs, or other economic benefits directly and
proportionately to their owners, members, or participants, such as mutual insurance entities, credit
unions, farm and rural electric cooperatives, and employee benefit plans.
The FASB defined a private company as “an entity other than a public business entity, a not-for-profit
entity, or an employee benefit plan within the scope of Topics 960 through 965 on plan accounting.”
Therefore, entities that are considering adopting an accounting alternative should carefully review the
definition of a PBE because the definition includes several types of entities that would not be considered
public under other definitions of a public company (or similar terms) in US GAAP. For example, the
following entities would be considered PBEs and cannot use the accounting alternatives because their
financial statements are included in a registrant’s SEC filing:
Significant acquirees under Rule 3-05 of Regulation S-X
Significant equity method investees under Rule 3-09 of Regulation S-X
Equity method investees whose summarized financial information is included in a registrant’s SEC
filing under Rule 4-08(g) of Regulation S-X
If an entity meets the definition of a PBE solely because its financial statements (or financial information)
are included in another entity’s SEC filing, the entity is a PBE for purposes of filing or furnishing information
with the SEC (and therefore must adhere to PBE GAAP requirements in filings with the SEC). However, it
can still elect the accounting alternatives in its standalone financial statements.
Because the definition of a PBE is broader than other definitions of a public entity (or similar terms) in
GAAP, private companies should carefully evaluate whether they meet the definition of a private
company, and whether they expect to continue to meet it for the foreseeable future. For example, if a
company meets the definition of a private company (and therefore is currently eligible to apply the
accounting alternatives) but later goes public, it would be required to retrospectively adjust its historical
financial statements to comply with PBE GAAP, which could be costly and complex. For example, assume
a private company adopts the goodwill amortization accounting alternative, as discussed in section D.3,
and amortizes its goodwill over 10 years. If the private company were to later become a public business
entity, it would be required to retrospectively adjust its financial statements to reverse the goodwill
amortization that was recognized under the accounting alternative. It also would be required to test (or
retest) its goodwill for impairment during each of the historical periods.
D Accounting alternatives
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | D-3
D.3 Goodwill amortization accounting alternative
US GAAP includes an accounting alternative (the goodwill amortization accounting alternative) that allows
private companies and NFPs (as defined, and as further discussed in section D.2) to amortize goodwill
and use a simplified one-step impairment test. See Appendix A of our FRD, Intangibles goodwill and other,
for additional guidance on applying the goodwill amortization accounting alternative.
D.4 Intangible assets accounting alternative
D.4.1 Overview and scope
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Overview and Background
The Accounting Alternative Subsections of this Subtopic provide guidance for an entity within the
scope of paragraph 805-20-15-2 that elects the accounting alternative for the recognition of
identifiable intangible assets acquired in a business combination.
Scope and Scope Exceptions
Paragraphs 805-20-15-2 through 15-4 and 805-20-25-29 through 25-33 provide guidance for an
entity electing the accounting alternative in this Subtopic. See paragraph 805-20-65-2 for transition
guidance for private companies and not-for-profit entities on applying the accounting alternative in
this Subtopic.
A private company or not-for-profit entity may make an accounting policy election to apply the
accounting alternative in this Subtopic. The guidance in the Accounting Alternative Subsections of this
Subtopic applies when a private company or not-for-profit entity is required to recognize or otherwise
consider the fair value of intangible assets as a result of any one of the following transactions:
a. Applying the acquisition method (as described in paragraph 805-10-05-4 for all entities and
Subtopic 958-805 for additional guidance for not-for-profit entities)
b. Assessing the nature of the difference between the carrying amount of an investment and the
amount of underlying equity in net assets of an investee when applying the equity method of
accounting in accordance with Topic 323 on investmentsequity method and joint ventures
c. Adopting fresh-start reporting in accordance with Topic 852 on reorganizations.
An entity that elects the accounting alternative shall apply all of the related recognition requirements
upon election. The accounting alternative, once elected, shall be applied to all future transactions that
are identified in paragraph 805-20-15-2.
US GAAP includes an accounting alternative (the intangible assets accounting alternative) that allows a
private company or an NFP to limit the customer-related intangibles it recognizes to those that are capable
of being sold or licensed independently from the other assets of the business. As a result, private companies
and not-for-profit entities that elect the accounting alternative will subsume many of the types of customer-
related intangible assets that they recognize separately under ASC 805 into goodwill. Under this accounting
alternative, private companies and not-for-profit entities also wouldn’t separately recognize noncompetition
agreements acquired as part of the transaction.
D Accounting alternatives
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | D-4
Once elected, the intangible assets accounting alternative applies to (1) all future business combinations,
(2) all future equity method investments for identifying basis differences, as discussed in section 5.4 of our
FRD, Equity method investments and joint ventures, and (3) any transactions in which fresh-start
accounting is applied. That is, the intangible assets accounting alternative is an accounting policy choice
that must be applied consistently to all future qualifying transactions.
D.4.1.1 Interaction with the goodwill amortization accounting alternative
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Scope and Scope Exceptions
An entity that elects this accounting alternative must adopt the accounting alternative for amortizing
goodwill in the Accounting Alternatives Subsections of Topic 350-20 on intangiblesgoodwill and
other. If the accounting alternative for amortizing goodwill was not adopted previously, it should be
adopted on a prospective basis as of the adoption of the accounting alternative in this Subtopic. For
example, upon adoption, existing goodwill should be amortized on a straight-line basis over 10 years,
or less than 10 years if the entity demonstrates that another useful life is more appropriate. However,
an entity that elects the accounting alternative for amortizing goodwill is not required to adopt the
accounting alternative in this Subtopic.
Private companies and not-for-profit entities that elect the intangible assets accounting alternative also are
required to elect the goodwill amortization accounting alternative, which requires goodwill to be amortized
over a period of 10 years or less (further discussed in section D.3). However, private companies and not-
for-profit entities that elect the goodwill amortization accounting alternative are not required to elect the
intangible assets accounting alternative.
The election of the intangible assets accounting alternative is linked to the election of the goodwill
amortization accounting alternative to avoid subsuming intangible assets that are finite-lived in nature into
indefinite-lived goodwill, because doing so would make financial reporting less meaningful and increase the
risk of goodwill impairment.
D.4.2 Recognition
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
As of the acquisition date, the acquirer shall recognize, separately from goodwill, the identifiable assets
acquired, the liabilities assumed, and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree. Recognition of
identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed is subject to the conditions specified in paragraphs
805-20-25-2 through 25-3. However, an entity (the acquirer) within the scope of paragraph 805-20-15-
2 may elect to apply the accounting alternative for the recognition of identifiable intangible assets
acquired in a business combination as described in paragraphs 805-20-25-29 through 25-33.
D Accounting alternatives
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | D-5
An intangible asset is identifiable if it meets either the separability criterion or the contractual-legal
criterion described in the definition of identifiable. However, under the accounting alternative, an
acquirer shall not recognize separately from goodwill the following intangible assets:
a. Customer-related intangible assets unless they are capable of being sold or licensed
independently from other assets of a business
b. Noncompetition agreements.
If an entity elects the intangible assets accounting alternative, it would limit customer-related intangibles
that are recognized separately to those that are capable of being sold or licensed independently from the
other assets of the business. As such, companies that elect the alternative will subsume into goodwill many
of the types of customer-related intangible assets that would otherwise be recognizable under ASC 805.
See section D.4.2.1. In addition, an entity that elects the intangible assets accounting alternative would not
separately recognize noncompetition agreements that are acquired as part of the business combination.
See section D.4.2.2.
D.4.2.1 Application of the intangible assets accounting alternative to customer-related intangible
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Customer-related intangible assets often would not meet criterion (a) in paragraph 805-20-25-30 for
recognition. Customer-related intangible assets that would meet that criterion for recognition under this
accounting alternative are those that are capable of being sold or licensed independently from the other
assets of a business. Examples of customer-related intangible assets are listed in paragraph 805-20-55-20.
Many of the customer-related intangible assets that would meet criterion (a) for recognition also would be
considered contract-based intangible assets as described in paragraph 805-20-55-31. Customer-related
intangible assets that may meet that criterion for recognition include but are not limited to:
a. Mortgage servicing rights
b. Commodity supply contracts
c. Core deposits
d. Customer information (for example, names and contact information).
The intangible assets accounting alternative includes a presumption that customer-related intangibles
would not meet the criterion for separate recognition because they typically aren’t capable of being sold or
licensed separately from other assets. However, the guidance lists mortgage servicing rights, commodity
supply contracts, core deposits and customer information (e.g., names and contact information) as
examples of customer-related intangible assets that may meet this criterion.
D Accounting alternatives
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | D-6
Illustration D-1: Application of the intangible assets accounting alternative to customer-
related intangible asset
Company A acquires Target. Target has a practice of establishing customer relationships through
contracts. In addition, Target operates in jurisdiction with confidentiality rules that prohibits the sale
or transfer of these contracts. Company A is not a PBE and applies the intangible assets and goodwill
amortization accounting alternatives.
The customer relationships meet the contractual-legal criterion and therefore, would be recognized
separately from goodwill under PBE GAAP. However, under the intangible assets accounting
alternative, because the customer relationships aren’t capable of being sold or licensed separately from
other assets, Company A would not recognize them separately from goodwill. Therefore, Company A
would subsume the customer relationships into goodwill, which would be amortized over 10 years or less
under the goodwill amortization accounting alternative.
D. Off-market components
In some cases, a customer contract may include terms that are either favorable or unfavorable relative to
market terms (generally referred to in practice as the off-market component). The off-market component
of a favorable customer contract would be eligible to be subsumed into goodwill because it is an intangible
asset. However, the off-market component of an unfavorable customer contract would not be eligible to be
subsumed into goodwill because it is a liability and the scope of the intangible assets accounting alternative
only includes items that would otherwise be recorded as an intangible asset.
Illustration D-2: Application of the intangible assets accounting alternative to customer-
related intangible asset to off-market components
Assume same facts as illustration D-1. In addition, Target had numerous long-term supply and service
contracts with its customers in place as of the acquisition date. The contracts were entered into in
different points in time and, therefore, as of the acquisition date, some are favorable and some are
unfavorable to Target.
The supply and service contracts meet the contractual-legal criterion and therefore, the off-market
components would have been recognized separately from goodwill under PBE GAAP. However, under
the intangible assets accounting alternative, because the contracts aren’t capable of being sold or
licensed separately from other assets, Company A would not recognize intangible assets for off-market
components of favorable contracts separately from goodwill. Therefore, Acquirer would subsume those
customer relationships into goodwill, which would be amortized over 10 years or less under the goodwill
accounting alternative. Liabilities for off-market components of unfavorable contracts are not subject to
the intangible assets accounting alternative and would be recognized separately from goodwill.
D Accounting alternatives
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | D-7
D. Contract assets and leases
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Contract assets, as used in Topic 606 on revenue from contracts with customers, are not considered
to be customer-related intangible assets for purposes of applying this accounting alternative. Therefore,
contract assets are not eligible to be subsumed into goodwill and shall be recognized separately.
A lease is not considered to be a customer-related intangible asset for purposes of applying this
accounting alternative. Therefore, favorable and unfavorable leases are not eligible to be subsumed
into goodwill and shall be recognized separately.
Contract assets, as defined in ASC 606, and leases are not considered customer-related intangible assets
and therefore would not be eligible to be subsumed into goodwill. Instead, any contract asset or favorable
or unfavorable component of the lease would be separately recognized. A contract asset is not a customer-
related intangible asset because the contract asset will be reclassified as a receivable when all performance
obligations are satisfied.
D.4.2.2 Application of the intangible assets accounting alternative to noncompetition agreements
The intangible assets accounting alternative applies only to noncompetition agreements acquired as part of
a business combination. In some cases, a noncompetition agreement may be entered into between the
buyer and seller contemporaneously with the business combination. If a noncompetition agreement is
deemed not to be a part of the business combination (which is often the conclusion when it is entered into
contemporaneously with the transaction), it would not be subject to the accounting alternative and the
private company or not-for-profit entity would account for the noncompetition agreement as a transaction
separate from the business combination. See section, for further guidance on when a
noncompetition agreement is part of or separate from the business combination.
Illustration D-3: Application of the intangible assets accounting alternative to noncompetition
Company A acquires Target. In connection with a business combination, Company A enters into a
noncompetition agreement (agreement A) with one of Target’s shareholders who is the CFO of the
Target but will not be employed by Company A after the acquisition. In addition, Target has a pre-
existing noncompetition agreement with a former CEO of its subsidiary which it acquired a year before
the acquisition by Company A (agreement B). Company A is not a PBE and applies the intangible
assets and goodwill amortization accounting alternatives.
Company A first determines whether the noncompetition agreements should be considered part of or
separate from the business combination. Agreement A was entered into contemporaneously with the
business combination and considered primarily for the benefit of Company A. Therefore, agreement A
is accounted for as a transaction separate from the business combination. Agreement B was a pre-
existing agreement related to a past acquisition by Target and is therefore considered an assumed
contract as part of the business combination.
D Accounting alternatives
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | D-8
Because agreement A is accounted for as a transaction separate from the business combination, it is
not subject to the intangible assets accounting alternative and consideration would be given to
recognition as an intangible asset separate from the business combination.
Agreement B would have been recognized separately from goodwill under PBE GAAP, because it meets the
contractual-legal criterion. However, under the intangible assets accounting alternative, Company A would
not recognize agreement B separately from goodwill. Therefore, Company A would subsume agreement B
into goodwill, which would be amortized over 10 years or less under the goodwill amortization
accounting alternative.
D.4.3 Transition requirements
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Transition Related to Accounting Standards Update No. 2014-18, Business Combinations
(Topic 805): Accounting for Identifiable Intangible Assets in a Business Combination, and
No. 2019-06, IntangiblesGoodwill and Other (Topic 350), Business Combinations (Topic 805),
and Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958): Extending the Private Company Accounting Alternatives
on Goodwill and Certain Identifiable Intangible Assets to Not-for-Profit Entities
The following represents the transition information related to Accounting Standards Updates
No. 2014-18, Business Combinations (Topic 805): Accounting for Identifiable Intangible Assets in a
Business Combination, and No. 2019-06, IntangiblesGoodwill and Other (Topic 350), Business
Combinations (Topic 805), and Not-for-Profit Entities (Topic 958): Extending the Private Company
Accounting Alternatives on Goodwill and Certain Identifiable Intangible Assets to Not-for-Profit Entities,
referenced in paragraph 805-20-15-1A:
a. Upon adoption of the Accounting Alternative Subsections of this Subtopic, that guidance shall be
effective prospectively to the first transaction that is identified in paragraph 805-20-15-2 after
the adoption of the accounting alternative.
b. Customer-related intangible assets and noncompetition agreements that exist as of the beginning
of the period of adoption shall continue to be subsequently measured in accordance with Topic
350 on intangiblesgoodwill and other. That is, existing customer-related intangible assets and
noncompetition agreements should not be subsumed into goodwill upon adoption of the
Accounting Alternative Subsections of this Subtopic.
c. Subparagraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-03.
d. A private company or not-for-profit entity that makes an accounting policy election to apply the
guidance in the Accounting Alternative Subsections of this Subtopic for the first time need not justify
that the use of the accounting alternative is preferable as described in paragraph 250-10-45-2.
Once elected, the intangible assets accounting alternative applies to all subsequent business combinations
under ASC 805 and when applying fresh-start accounting under ASC 852. It also applies to allocation of
basis differences when an equity method investment is acquired subsequent to the election (see section 5.4
of our FRD, Equity method investments and joint ventures).
An entity would apply the intangible assets accounting alternative prospectively to the first qualifying
transaction after the alternative is elected.
D Accounting alternatives
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | D-9
A private company or not-for-profit entity would not change its accounting for intangible assets that
exist prior to adopting the intangible assets accounting alternative. That is, existing customer-related
intangible assets and noncompetition agreements should not be subsumed into goodwill upon adoption
of the accounting alternative.
A private company or not-for-profit entity that makes an accounting policy election to apply the intangible
assets accounting alternative for the first time (and, if not previously adopted, also adopts the goodwill
amortization accounting alternative) may forgo a preferability assessment (i.e., the company need not
justify that the use of the accounting alternative is preferable as described in ASC 250-10-45-2). However,
any change in accounting policy after an entity initially elects the accounting alternative will require a
preferability assessment. Refer to our FRD, Accounting changes and error corrections, for further
discussion on preferability assessments.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | E-1
E Internal control over financial reporting
in a business combination
E.1 Introduction
Accounting for business combinations can be complex. An entity may infrequently enter into business
combinations, and each acquisition may include different elements that must be accounted for depending
on the nature of the business acquired. Thus, business combinations inherently represent a greater risk
to financial reporting. Entities need to consider internal controls over business combinations in
management’s evaluation of the effectiveness of ICFR.
Controls with respect to accounting for a business combination should be designed and implemented to
address risks of material misstatement to the financial statements at both a financial statement account
and assertion
level. Management should assess the risk of a material misstatement for each transaction
and may need to reassess the design of their ICFR for each business combination, including whether policies
and procedures are sufficiently robust and well-defined, and the corresponding controls sufficiently
address the risks of material misstatement.
Management of an acquirer must assess the effectiveness of controls and procedures related to the
accounting for a business combination as part of its overall assessment of the effectiveness of ICFR.
However, SEC registrants may exclude controls related to the acquired processes of the business from
management’s evaluation of the effectiveness of ICFR for the first year after an acquisition when it is not
possible to conduct an assessment in the period between the consummation date and the date of
management’s assessment.
E.2 Management review controls
Entities often identify controls to address the risks of material misstatement in a business combination
that rely on reviews performed by management (management review controls). Those controls must be
designed with sufficient precision to address the risks of material misstatement associated with a
business combination. A single identified control may not be designed to address all of the risks of
material misstatement for a business combination. Therefore, it may be necessary to identify and
evaluate a broader suite of management review and other controls.
For example, senior management might review the classification and measurement of the consideration
transferred in a business combination as part of its review of the overall accounting treatment. However,
other members of management might analyze specific elements of the consideration transferred to
determine whether a portion of the consideration represents a transaction separate from the business
combination (e.g., compensation for future services). In this case, the second set of management review
controls directly addresses the risk that consideration transferred by the acquirer is not properly
classified and measured and together with the reviews performed by senior management addresses risks
associated with the identification and classification of consideration.
Some jurisdictions may describe financial statement assertions using such terms such as existence or occurrence,completeness,
valuation or allocation,” “rights and obligations,” and presentation and disclosure. The 2013 Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Internal Control Integrated Framework, Chapter 6 Risk Assessment, Footnote 12.
SEC Division of Corporation Finance, Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations, Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 404 and Related
Rules, Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and Certification of Disclosure in Exchange Act Periodic
Reports, Frequently Asked Questions (revised September 24, 2007), Question 3.
E Internal control over financial reporting in a business combination
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | E-2
In another example, senior management’s review of an internal or third-party valuation report will also
include consideration of the design and operating effectiveness of controls over the determination of
significant assumptions the entity used to develop the PFI used in the valuation. However, it is likely that
other management review controls address the reasonableness of each key assumption and the
completeness and accuracy of the information used to develop the PFI. When other controls are
important to the effective functioning of a management review control at a sufficient level of precision to
address the risks of material misstatement, these controls also should be evaluated as a part of
management’s evaluation of ICFR.
Guidance on the evaluation of ICFR is included in:
The 2013 Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) Internal
Control Integrated Framework (the COSO Framework) This document is recognized as a leading
framework for designing, implementing and conducting internal control and assessing its effectiveness.
Commission Guidance Regarding Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Commission’s guidance)
(SEC Release No. 33-8810) Published by the SEC in June 2007, this document provides guidance
for management on evaluating ICFR.
Both resources contain guidance for management on topics including applying a risk-based approach when
identifying relevant controls and gathering appropriate evidence of control effectiveness (i.e., determining
the sufficiency of evidence based on ICFR risk). These concepts apply broadly to all controls, and as such,
should be also applied to management review controls. In addition, both the Commission’s guidance and the
COSO Framework contain specific guidance for management review controls.
E.2.1 Assessing design effectiveness
As part of assessing the design and operating effectiveness of its controls over business combinations,
management should assess the precision of the management review controls (i.e., their ability to individually,
or in combination with other controls, detect and correct errors that could result in material misstatement of
the financial statements). Evaluating precision includes understanding how the reviewer develops expectations
to guide his or her review and understanding and evaluating the criteria used by the control owners to identify
items for investigation and determine that errors and other identified matters are ultimately resolved. If
control descriptions use qualitative criteria to identify items for investigation, such as analyses are reviewed
for “significant and unusual items” or “for reasonableness, management should evaluate whether such
criteria are sufficient and able to support the consistent and effective operation of the control.
SEC guidance states that management must maintain reasonable support for its internal control
assessment, and documentation of the design of the controls is an integral part of reasonable support.
Management should make sure it has a thorough understanding of the SEC guidance (referenced in
section E.2) and the level of documentation necessary to support its controls.
Further, Principle 12 of the COSO Framework says that while unwritten policies can be effective in
certain circumstances, such as when the policy is long-standing and well understood, policies and
procedures subject to external party review would be expected to be formally documented. Therefore, a
lack of written documentation or other readily available evidence may be a design deficiency.
Management also should understand what data and reports are used in the control (e.g., reports,
information downloaded from a system into Excel), the systems that information is generated from and
how the reviewer knows that the information is complete and accurate.
When evaluating the design of a management review control, management should consider whether it
addresses all of the underlying risks. Management generally identifies multiple management review
controls that collectively address the various risks of material misstatement associated with each step in
E Internal control over financial reporting in a business combination
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | E-3
a business combination. Alternatively, management may design a single management review control that
addresses the various WCGWs associated with each step in a business combination. For example, senior
management might review an accounting memorandum that details the basis for the entity’s conclusions
regarding its accounting for a business combination. If this management review control is intended to
address the various risks of material misstatement associated with the entire business combination, the
control should be designed to ensure that each step of the business combination has been properly
accounted for in accordance with the applicable accounting guidance.
E.3 Steps in a business combination
The risks of misstatement in a business combination primarily arise when an entity (1) approves the
transaction; (2) determines whether the transaction is a business combination; (3) identifies the acquirer;
(4) determines the acquisition date; (5) identifies, classifies and measures the consideration transferred;
(6) recognizes and measures the identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed and any noncontrolling
interests in the acquiree; (7) recognizes and measures goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase; and
(8) recognizes any subsequent adjustments.
The following table lays out potential risks and considerations in the design of controls that could mitigate
those risks for each step of a business combination. The considerations we discuss are examples. In
practice, the considerations should be customized based on the facts and circumstances, including the
design of controls, specific to the entity. While it is necessary to consider the entire process when designing
controls, it is important that management specifically identifies where the control occurs within the
process rather than defining the entire process as the control itself.
Control design considerations
Approve the
The transaction is not presented
to the Board of Directors (BOD)
or others with appropriate levels
of authority for approval.
What is the approval process and who has the
authority to approve acquisition transactions?
Determine whether
the transaction is a
(see section 2)
The acquisition is accounted for
as a business combination, but
does not meet the definition of a
business combination in
ASC 805.
What is the process for determining whether the
acquisition should be accounted for as a business
combination (rather than as an asset acquisition,
common control transaction, transaction under
common ownership)?
Identify the
(see section 3.2)
The accounting acquirer is not
properly identified.
What is the process for determining whether the
acquisition should be accounted for as a business
combination (rather than as an asset acquisition,
common control transaction, transaction under
common ownership)?
Determine the
acquisition date
(see section 3.3)
The acquisition is not accounted
for on the appropriate date.
What is the process to determine the date in which
the acquiring entity obtained control of the business?
Recognize and
measure the
identifiable assets
acquired, liabilities
assumed and any
interests in the
(see section 4)
Assets acquired and liabilities
assumed are not properly
Assets acquired and liabilities
assumed are not properly
recognized and measured.
The valuation of assets acquired
and liabilities assumed is
performed by an internal or
third-party valuation specialist
who does not have the
appropriate skills and expertise.
What is the process to ensure all assets acquired
and liabilities assumed have been identified
(e.g., intangibles, contingencies) and exist
(e.g., inventory)?
After the adoption of ASU 2021-08, what is the
acquirer’s process to assess the targets accounting
under ASC 606? When the acquirer cannot
recognize the acquired contract assets and
contract liabilities in the business combination at
amounts consistent with those reported by the
target immediately before the acquisition date, what
is the acquirer’s process to reevaluate the target’s
ASC 606 accounting for contract assets acquired
and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date?
E Internal control over financial reporting in a business combination
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | E-4
Control design considerations
Key assumptions used in the
valuation and development of
PFI are unreasonable or not
supported by the facts and
See section E.4 for further
discussion of internal control
considerations for valuation
What is the process to determine the fair value of
assets acquired and liabilities assumed (including
the reasonableness of assumptions and estimates
used in the valuation, such as PFI)?
Who performs the fair value measurement and do
these individuals have the appropriate skills and
What procedures are performed to evaluate the
reasonableness of the fair value measurement?
Do the individuals performing the evaluation have
the appropriate skills and expertise and is there
segregation of incompatible duties?
When valuations are based on PFI, who develops
this information and who reviews it? Who
determines that the PFI is consistent with the PFI
used for other purposes (e.g., board model
created during due diligence procedures)?
Who evaluates the methods and assumptions used
by the specialist for reasonableness and what is
involved in that review?
When external specialists are used, what is the
process to ensure the information provided by the
specialist is accurate and complete?
See section E.4 for further discussion of internal
control considerations for valuation analyses.
Identify, classify
and measure the
(see section 6)
The consideration transferred by
the acquirer is not properly
The consideration transferred by
the acquirer is not properly
measured. See section E.4 for
further discussion of internal
control considerations for
valuation analyses.
The consideration transferred by
the acquirer is not properly
The value of share-based
payment replacement awards is
not properly attributed to
consideration transferred and
post-combination compensation
The consideration transferred
includes items that should be
accounted for as separate
transactions (e.g., transaction
costs or compensation to
employees or former owners for
future services).
The contingent consideration is
not properly classified as a
liability or equity.
What is the approval process and who has the
authority to approve the various forms of
consideration transferred?
What is the process to identify and evaluate
transactions that should be accounted for
separately from the business combination
(e.g., settlements of preexisting relationships,
compensation to employees or former owners for
future services, reimbursement to acquiree for
acquisition-related costs)?
What is the process to identify and evaluate the
accounting for share-based payment replacement
awards including the implications of any change in
control provisions either in the acquiree award or
purchase agreement?
What is the process to verify that the
consideration transferred (including any
contingent consideration and share-based
payment replacement awards) is accurately
measured (including the reasonableness of
assumptions and estimates used in the valuation,
such as PFI) as of the acquisition date? See
section E.4 for further discussion of internal
control considerations for valuation analyses.
What is the process to determine the appropriate
classification of contingent consideration as either
a liability or equity?
E Internal control over financial reporting in a business combination
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | E-5
Control design considerations
Recognize and
measure goodwill
or a gain from a
bargain purchase
(see sections 7.1
and 7.2)
Recognized goodwill or a bargain
purchase does not agree with
underlying support or is not
calculated correctly.
Noncontrolling interest is not
properly measured and
Previously held equity interests
in the acquired entity and any
related gain or loss are not
properly measured or recorded.
What is the process to verify that any goodwill or
a gain from a bargain purchase is properly
measured and recorded?
What is the process to determine the fair value of
any noncontrolling interest in the acquired entity?
What is the process to determine the fair value of
any previously held equity interest in the acquired
If the transaction results in a gain from a bargain
purchase, is a thorough reassessment performed
of all elements of the accounting for the
acquisition? How is that reassessment
If after the thorough reassessment a bargain
purchase gain still exists, what are the reasons
that would justify the bargain purchase gain?
Recognize any
(see section 7.3)
Subsequent adjustments to the
provisional amounts recorded at
the acquisition date are not valid
measurement period
Subsequent adjustments to the
provisional amounts recorded at
the acquisition date are not
properly recorded.
What is the process to verify that subsequent
adjustments to the provisional amounts recorded
at the acquisition date represent valid
measurement period adjustments?
What is the process to determine whether the
measurement of an individual asset or liability is
still provisional?
E.4 Internal control considerations for valuation analyses
Fair value measurement
requires significant judgment. Internal controls over valuation in a business
combination (e.g., relating to valuing individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed, consideration
transferred) should consider the appropriateness of the methods, assumptions and data used. When PFI
is used to value a business combination (i.e., estimates of future cash flows of a business, operating unit
or asset group and discounting those cash flows to develop a valuation at a particular date), controls over
the development of the PFI also should be identified.
Many entities engage a specialist to determine valuations in a business combination because they do not
have personnel with the valuation expertise. However, management is ultimately responsible for the
appropriateness of the accounting and reporting of the valuation, including the underlying assumptions.
Management also is responsible for implementing effective controls over the completeness and accuracy
of the data provided to and received from specialists. Management should identify a valuation approach
that is appropriate in the context (e.g., scope, specific facts and circumstances, standard of value,
premise of value).
The guidance in ASC 805 includes certain recognition and measurement exceptions to the general principle that assets acquired
and liabilities assumed are measured at their acquisition date fair value. The exceptions are discussed in detail in section 4.
The identification of the type of value being used in a specific engagement (e.g., fair market value, fair value, investment value).
An assumption regarding the most likely set of transactional circumstances that may be applicable to the subject valuation
(e.g., going concern, liquidation).
E Internal control over financial reporting in a business combination
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | E-6
When the income approach is used in a valuation analysis, entities should consider the risks and the design
of controls for the following (as applicable and where these areas represent a risk of material misstatement):
Developing key assumptions applied to specific components of financial forecast. The table below
lists typical components of a financial forecast and examples of assumptions applied to the
Example assumptions
Annual revenue growth rates
Gross margin
Annual gross margins as a percentage of revenue
Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expense
Annual SG&A as a percentage of revenue
Annual EBITDA margins
Depreciation and amortization expense
Annual depreciation and amortization as
percentage of revenues
Income taxes
Annual effective tax rate
Capital expenditures
Annual effective tax rate
Capital expenditures
Annual capital expenditures as a percentage of
Debt-free net working capital requirements
Annual debt-free net working capital
requirements as a percentage of revenues
Developing assumptions applied to the overall financial forecast or applied to specific components of
the financial forecast, such as:
Discount rate
Weighted average cost of capital
Terminal growth rate
Customer attrition rate
Probability of technical success (e.g., for in-process research and development)
Royalty rate (e.g., for use of a trade name)
Contributory asset charges
The process for evaluating revenue and cost synergies and challenging whether those synergies
would be available to a market participant
The process for reconciling the internal rate of return, weighted average cost of capital and weighted
average return on assets
The process for ensuring the clerical accuracy of the calculation
The process for ensuring that the data used in the valuation is complete and accurate
When the market approach is used in a valuation analysis, entities should consider the risks and the design
of controls for the following (as applicable and where these areas represent a risk of material misstatement):
The selection of guideline entities and/or transactions
The selection of comparable public entity data
The multiples selected for the valuation
E Internal control over financial reporting in a business combination
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | E-7
Many underlying assumptions are interrelated. As part of the design of its controls over valuation,
management should consider procedures to evaluate whether assumptions supporting key components
are consistent with other assumptions supporting PFI. For example, a slowdown in economic activity
typically will not only cause a slowdown in sales volume but may also affect sales prices and the
availability and cost of resources. The conditions assumed in arriving at the prospective revenue data
should be consistent with conditions assumed in developing the prospective financial data for the cost of
operations. Furthermore, the assumptions supporting the PFI should be consistent with other
assumptions within the model used to develop the fair value measurement. For example, to avoid double
counting or omitting the effects of risk factors, discount rates should reflect assumptions that are
consistent with those inherent in the cash flows.
In addition, the PFI used in the valuation generally should be the same as PFI used in other analyses
throughout the organization (e.g., forecasts shared with the board of directors or the analyst community).
Management should consider designing procedures as part of its controls over valuation to verify that PFI
is used consistently.
E.5 Controls to consider that may be within other processes
Accounting for a business combination and assessing the related internal controls over financial reporting
may cross a number of different departments and processes within an organization. Thus, controls that
may be relevant to other processes (e.g., financial statement close process, accounting for income taxes)
also frequently mitigate risks associated with a business combination. Examples of those controls include:
Reviewing an analysis of assigning assets acquired, liabilities assumed and goodwill to reporting units
After the adoption of ASU 2021-08, reviewing contracts with customers to identify and recognize
contract assets acquired and liabilities assumed in accordance with ASC 606
Reviewing an analysis of the tax implications of the acquisition
Reviewing and approving journal entries (including journal entries related to the tax implications of
the acquisition) to reflect the accounting for the business combination
Reviewing an analysis assigning the useful lives of acquired assets
Reviewing and approving the completed disclosure checklist
Reviewing an analysis of the segment reporting implications of the acquisition
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | F-1
F Illustrative disclosure for ASC 805
F.1 Comprehensive ASC 805 disclosure
(all numbers in $000s)
On 30 June 20X9 (the acquisition date), Alpha (a calendar year-end entity) acquired 100% of the
outstanding common shares and voting interest of Beta. The results of Betas operations have been
included in the consolidated financial statements since that date. Beta is a provider of data networking
products and services in Canada and Mexico. As a result of the acquisition, the Company will be the
leading provider of data networking products and services in Canada and Mexico. The Company expects
to achieve significant synergies and cost reductions by eliminating redundant processes and facilities.
The acquisition-date fair value of the consideration transferred totaled $9,400, which consisted of the following:
Fair value of consideration transferred
Common stock (100,000 shares)
Contingent consideration
The fair value of the 100,000 common shares issued was determined based on the closing market price
of the Companys common shares on the acquisition date.
The contingent consideration arrangement requires the Company to pay $2,000 of additional consideration
to Beta’s former shareholders, if Betas revenues increase by a compound annual growth rate of 30% over a
three-year period. The fair value of the contingent consideration arrangement at the acquisition date was
$1,000. We estimated the fair value of the contingent consideration using a probability-weighted discounted
cash flow model. This fair value measurement is based on significant inputs not observable in the market
and thus represents a Level 3 measurement as defined in ASC 820. The key assumptions in applying the
income approach are as follows: 22.5% discount rate and probability adjusted revenues in Beta between
$10,050 and $15,100. As of 31 December 20X9, there were no significant changes in the range of
outcomes for the contingent consideration recognized as a result of the acquisition of Beta, although the
recognized amount increased to $1,100 as a result of minor changes in estimates and the passage of time
(reduced impact of discounting).
The following table summarizes the estimated fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the
acquisition date. Alpha is in the process of obtaining third-party valuations of certain intangible assets; thus, the
provisional measurements of intangible assets, goodwill and deferred income tax assets are subject to change.
At 30 June 20X9
Accounts receivables
Property, plant and equipment
Intangible assets
Total identifiable assets acquired
Current liabilities
Long-term debt
Total liabilities assumed
Net identifiable assets acquired
Net assets acquired
F Illustrative disclosure for ASC 805
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | F-2
Of the $4,900 of acquired intangible assets, $1,400 was provisionally assigned to registered trademarks
that are not subject to amortization and $1,000 was provisionally assigned to in-process research and
development assets that were both recognized at fair value on the acquisition date. The remaining
$2,500 of acquired intangible assets is subject to a weighted-average useful life of approximately
four years. Those definite-lived intangible assets include acquired licenses of $1,500 (three-year useful
life), patents of $800 (seven-year useful life), and other assets of $200 (five-year weighted-average
useful life). As noted earlier, the fair value of the acquired identifiable intangible assets is provisional
pending receipt of the final valuations for these assets.
Acquired contingencies relate to pending patent infringement lawsuits in which Beta is the defendant.
The Company has determined that the range of the potential loss on such contingencies is $0 to $500
and the acquisition date fair value of the contingencies is $100, based on a probability-weighted
discounted cash flow valuation technique. Immediately before the acquisition, Beta was named as a
defendant in a second patent infringement lawsuit that is still in the discovery phase. The Company
believes there is a reasonable possibility that a loss has been incurred, however, cannot estimate the fair
value of the potential loss or a range of the possible loss due to the lack of information on the asserted
claims available at this time.
The $2,200 of goodwill was assigned to the technology and communications segments in the amounts of
$1,300 and $900, respectively. The goodwill recognized is attributable primarily to expected synergies
and the assembled workforce of Beta. None of the goodwill is expected to be deductible for income tax
purposes. As of 31 December 20X9, there were no changes in the recognized amounts of goodwill
resulting from the acquisition of Beta.
The fair value of accounts receivables acquired is $1,300, with the gross contractual amount being
$1,375. The Company expects $75 to be uncollectible.
The Company recognized $105 of acquisition related costs that were expensed in the current period.
These costs are included in the consolidated income statement in the line item entitled Acquisition
related costs. The Company also recognized $100 in costs associated with issuing and registering the
shares issued as consideration in the business combination. Those costs were deducted from the
recognized proceeds of issuance within stockholders equity.
The amounts of revenue and earnings of Beta included in the Company’s consolidated income statement
from the acquisition date to the period ending 31 December 20X9 are as follows:
Revenue and earnings included in the
consolidated income statement from
1 July 20X9 to 31 December 20X9
The following represents the pro forma consolidated income statement as if Beta had been included
in the consolidated results of the Company for the entire years ending 31 December 20X9 and
31 December 20X8:
Pro forma consolidated income statement
Year ended
31 December 20X8
31 December 20X9
These amounts have been calculated after applying the Companys accounting policies and adjusting the
results of Beta to reflect the additional depreciation and amortization that would have been charged
assuming the fair value adjustments to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets had been
applied on 1 January 2008, together with the consequential tax effects.
F Illustrative disclosure for ASC 805
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | F-3
Prior to the acquisition, the Company had a preexisting relationship with Beta. Beta provided the
Companys customers in Mexico with data networking services under a five-year supply contract. At the
date of the acquisition, the Company had amounts payable to Beta of $200 for services provided prior to
the acquisition. The Company disputed Betas claim of the ultimate amount payable and believed the
amount was $160. As a result of the acquisition, the disputed amount was effectively settled for its fair
value, which the Company has estimated to be $180 on the acquisition date, based on a probability-
weighted projection of potential outcomes of the dispute. As a result of the effective settlement, the
Company recognized a gain of $20. The gain was recognized separately from the business combination
and included in Other gains (losses) in the consolidated income statement.
Acquisition of less than 100% of the stock of the acquired company (includes noncontrolling interest)
Assume that Alpha only acquired 80% of Beta. Include all of the same disclosures as above in addition to
the following:
The fair value of the 20% noncontrolling interest in Beta is estimated to be $1,880. The fair value of the
noncontrolling interest was estimated using a combination of the income approach and a market
approach. As Beta is a private company, the fair value measurement is based on significant inputs that
are not observable in the market and thus represents a Level 3 measurement as defined in ASC 820.
The fair value estimates are based on (a) a discount rate range of 18% to 22%, (b) a terminal value
based on a range of terminal EBITDA multiples between 2.5 and 5 times (or long-term sustainable
growth rates ranging between two and five percent), (c) financial multiples of companies in the same
industry as Beta and (d) adjustments because of the lack of control or lack of marketability that market
participants would consider when estimating the fair value of the noncontrolling interest in Beta.
Business combination achieved in stages
Assume that prior to the acquisition, Alpha owned 30% of Beta and after the acquisition, Alpha owns 80%
of Beta. Include all of the same disclosures as above in addition to the following:
Prior to the acquisition date, the Company accounted for its 30% interest in Beta as an equity-method
investment. The acquisition-date fair value of the previous equity interest was $3,050 and is included in
the measurement of the consideration transferred. The Company recognized a gain of $410 as a result
of remeasuring its prior equity interest in Beta held before the business combination. The gain is
included in the line itemOther gains (losses)in the consolidated income statement.
Bargain purchase
Although we believe bargain purchases are rare, we have expanded the example to consider such disclosures
for completeness. Assume that Alpha acquired 100% of Beta and that the fair value of identifiable assets
acquired and liabilities assumed exceeds the consideration transferred by $640. Include all of the same
disclosures as above with the exception of the goodwill disclosure, in addition to the following:
Because the Company purchased 100% of Beta in a forced liquidation from its previous owners,
the fair value of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed exceeded the fair value of the
consideration transferred. Consequently, the Company reassessed the recognition and measurement
of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed and concluded that all acquired assets and
assumed liabilities were recognized and that the valuation procedures and resulting measures were
appropriate. As a result, the Company recognized a gain of $640. The gain is included in the line item
Gain on acquisition of business in the consolidated income statement.
F Illustrative disclosure for ASC 805
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | F-4
F.2 Adjustment to provisional amount disclosure
Acquirer completes its merger with Target on 1 October 20X9. As part of its measurement process,
Acquirer hires a third-party valuation firm to assist it in estimating the fair value of the intangible assets
acquired in the merger. The valuation of customer related intangible asset is not complete by the time
the financial statements are issued for the year ended 31 December 20X9. In the financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 20X9, Acquirer recognizes a provisional amount for the customer
related intangible asset of $120,000 based on a draft report from the valuation firm.
The customer-related intangible assets are determined to have a remaining useful life of seven years. On
1 March 20X0, Acquirer receives the final valuation report, which indicated that the estimated fair value
of the customer relationship intangible assets is $141,000.
Acquirer must adjust the provisional amounts recorded and the related effects on earnings in its interim
financial statements for the quarter ended March 31, 20X0.
The carrying amount of the customer-related intangible assets is increased by $19,500. This amount
represents the $21,000 fair value adjustment, less the additional amortization on the fair value
adjustment of $1,500 ($21,000 / 7-year useful life x 6/12 of a year). Amortization expense for the
period ended 31 March 20X0 is increased by $1,500 to reflect the effect on earnings as a result of the
change to the provisional amount recognized. The carrying amount of goodwill is decreased by $21,000
as of 31 March 20X0.
Acquirer must present or disclose, by line item, the amount of the adjustment reflected in the current-
period income statement that would have been recognized in previous periods if the adjustment to
provisional amounts had been recognized as of the acquisition date. This amount is $750 ($21,000/7-year
useful life x 3/12 of a year) relating to the period ended 31 December 20X9.
Acquirer also must disclose the following in its notes to the financial statements in the 20X9 and 20X0
financial statements, in accordance with the disclosure requirements of ASC 805:
31 December 20X9 Financial Statements
The accounting for our merger with Target has not been completed because we have not finalized the
valuation of acquired customer-related intangible assets.
Presentation in the 31 March 20X0 Financial Statements
After the 31 December 20X9 financial statements were issued, we received a final valuation report from a
third-party valuation firm. After considering the results of that valuation report, we have estimated that
the fair value of the customer-related intangible assets acquired as part of the merger with Target to be
$141,000. As a result, the fair value of the customer-related intangible assets was increased by $21,000
on 31 March 20X0, due to this new information, with a corresponding decrease to goodwill. In addition,
the change to the provisional amount resulted in an increase in amortization expense and accumulated
amortization of $1,500, of which $750 relates to a previous reporting period.
This adjustment represents additional amortization expense from the acquisition date through 31 March
20X0 based on the revised measurement of the customer-related intangible assets.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | G-1
G Summary of important changes
The following highlights important changes to this FRD publication since the June 2022 edition:
Section was updated to clarify that gross assets acquired should not include a bargain
purchase gain when evaluating the definition of a business.
Section 2.2.1 was updated to highlight the FASB’s project on joint venture formations.
Section was updated to include accounting acquirer considerations when a SPAC merger
transaction is consummated as a result of the SPAC obtaining control via the consolidation of a VIE.
Section 4.2.2 was updated to highlight the FASB’s project on accounting for acquired financial assets
under ASC 326.
Section was updated to clarify how an acquirer subsequently accounts for an indemnification
asset when the indemnified costs are accounted for as a capital asset.
Section was updated to include additional guidance on calculating a control premium.
Section was added to include guidance on pro forma periods to be presented under ASC
805 for a business combination.
Section B.7.1.1 was updated to discuss the target’s and the acquirers accounting for costs contingent
on the consummation of a business combination.
Section C.3.3 was added to discuss the impact of ASU 2023-01 on common control lease
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | H-1
H Differences between ASC 805 and
IFRS 3(R) (updated June 2022)
ASC 805
Scope exception for
The guidance in ASC 805 does not apply to
mergers of not-for-profit entities. Those
transactions are addressed in ASC 958-805.
ASC 958-805 also provides incremental
guidance on the accounting for acquisitions by
not-for-profit entities. [ASC 805-10-15-4(d)]
IFRSs generally do not have scope limitations
for not-for-profit activities in the private or
public sector. Therefore, this scope exception
is not necessary for IFRS 3(R).
Definition of acquirer
and identifying the
The guidance in ASC 810-10 related to
determining the existence of a controlling
financial interest is used to identify the
acquirer, or the entity that obtains control
of the acquiree. If a business combination
has occurred but applying that guidance
does not clearly indicate which of the
combining entities is the acquirer, the
factors in ASC 805-10-55-11 through
55-15 are considered in making that
determination. However, in a business
combination in which a VIE is acquired
(consolidated), the primary beneficiary of
that entity always is the acquirer. The
determination of which party, if any, is the
primary beneficiary of a VIE is made in
accordance with the guidance on VIEs in
810-10. [805-10-25-5]
The guidance on control in IFRS 10 is used to
identify the acquirer. IFRS 3(R) does not have
guidance for primary beneficiaries because it
does not have consolidation guidance
equivalent to ASC 810.
[Appendix A and paragraph 7]
Definition of control
Control has the meaning of controlling
financial interest in ASC 810-10-15-8.
[Master Glossary in ASC 805]
Control is defined as the power to govern the
financial and operating policies of an entity
so as to obtain benefits from its activities.
[Appendix A]
Definition of a
Mandatory threshold test
An entity must first evaluate whether
substantially all of the fair value of the gross
assets acquired is concentrated in a single
identifiable asset or group of similar
identifiable assets. If that threshold is met,
the set is not a business and does not
require further evaluation. Gross assets
acquired should exclude cash and cash
equivalents, deferred tax assets and any
goodwill that would be created in a business
combination from the recognition of
deferred tax liabilities.
If that threshold is not met, the entity must
further evaluate whether it meets the
definition of a business.
Optional threshold test
An entity may elect to apply the threshold
test on a transaction-by-transaction basis.
If an entity elects to apply the threshold test,
it first evaluates whether substantially all of
the fair value of the gross assets acquired is
concentrated in a single identifiable asset or
group of similar identifiable assets. If that
threshold is met, the set is not a business and
does not require further evaluation. Gross
assets acquired should exclude cash and cash
equivalents, deferred tax assets and any
goodwill that would be created in a business
combination from the recognition of deferred
tax liabilities.
If that threshold is not met or if the entity elects
to not apply the test, the entity must evaluate
whether it meets the definition of a business.
H Differences between ASC 805 and IFRS 3(R) (updated June 2022)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | H-2
ASC 805
Since the threshold test is optional under
IFRS, an entity may reach a different
conclusion about whether an acquired set
meets the definition of a business under IFRS
and US GAAP.
Operating leases
(before the adoption
of ASU 2016-02)
Regardless of whether the acquiree is the
lessee or the lessor, the guidance in
ASC 805 requires the acquirer to recognize
separately from the leased asset an
intangible asset if the terms of an operating
lease are favorable relative to market terms
or a liability if the terms are unfavorable
relative to market terms. Accordingly, an
acquirer measures the acquisition-date fair
value of an asset that is subject to an
operating lease in which the acquiree is the
lessor separately from the lease contract.
[ASC 805-20-25-12 and 20-30-5]
IFRS 3(R) requires the acquirer to consider the
terms of a lease in measuring the acquisition-
date fair value of an asset that is subject to an
operating lease in which the acquiree is the
lessor. This is consistent with the guidance in
IAS 40. Accordingly, IFRS 3(R) does not
require the acquirer of an operating lease in
which the acquiree is the lessor to recognize a
separate asset or liability if the terms of an
operating lease are favorable or unfavorable
compared to market terms as is required for
leases in which the acquiree is the lessee.
[paragraphs B29 and B42]
Operating leases
(after the adoption of
ASU 2016-02)
If the acquiree is the lessor, the guidance in
ASC 805 requires the acquirer to recognize
separately from the leased asset an
intangible asset if the terms of an operating
lease are favorable relative to market terms
or a liability if the terms are unfavorable
relative to market terms. Accordingly, an
acquirer measures the acquisition-date fair
value of an asset that is subject to an
operating lease in which the acquiree is the
lessor separately from the lease contract.
[ASC 805-20-25-12]
IFRS 3(R) requires the acquirer to consider
the terms of a lease in measuring the
acquisition-date fair value of an asset that is
subject to an operating lease in which the
acquiree is the lessor. This is consistent with
the guidance in IAS 40. Accordingly, IFRS
3(R) does not require the acquirer of an
operating lease in which the acquiree is the
lessor to recognize a separate asset or
liability if the terms of an operating lease are
favorable or unfavorable compared to
market terms. [paragraph B42]
Contract assets and
contract liabilities
(after the adoption of
ASU 2021-08)
Initial recognition
ASC 805 requires entities to apply ASC 606
to recognize and measure contract assets
and contract liabilities from contracts with
customers in a business combination. This
also applies to other acquired contracts in
which the provisions of ASC 606 apply.
[ASC 805-20-25-28C and 20-30-27]
Initial recognition
IFRS 3(R) requires the acquirer to measure
contract assets and contract liabilities
acquired at fair value.
interest in an
Initial recognition
ASC 805 requires the noncontrolling
interest in an acquiree to be measured at
fair value. [ASC 805-20-30-1]
Initial recognition
IFRS 3(R) permits an acquirer to measure the
noncontrolling interest components that are
present ownership interests and entitle their
holders to a proportionate share of the
acquirees net assets in the event of
liquidation either at fair value, including
goodwill, or at the noncontrolling interests
proportionate share of the fair value of the
acquirees identifiable net assets, exclusive of
goodwill. All other components of
noncontrolling interest are measured at fair
value unless another measurement basis is
required by IFRS. [paragraph 19]
H Differences between ASC 805 and IFRS 3(R) (updated June 2022)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | H-3
ASC 805
ASC 805 requires an acquirer to disclose
the valuation technique(s) and significant
inputs used to measure fair value.
[ASC 805-20-50-1(e)]
Because an acquirer is permitted to choose
between two measurement bases for the
noncontrolling interest in an acquiree, IFRS
3(R) requires an acquirer to disclose the
measurement basis used. If the
noncontrolling interest is measured at fair
value, the acquirer must disclose the
valuation techniques and key model inputs
used. [paragraph B64(o)]
Assets and liabilities
arising from
Initial recognition
Preacquisition contingent assets and
liabilities are recognized at the acquisition
date at fair value if the acquisition-date fair
value of the asset or liability can be
determined during the measurement period.
If the acquisition-date fair value of a
preacquisition contingent asset or liability
cannot be determined at the acquisition
date or during the measurement period,
that contingent asset or liability is
recognized if (1) information prior to the
end of the measurement period indicates
that it is probable that an asset existed or a
liability had been incurred at the acquisition
date and (2) the amount of the asset or
liability can be reasonably estimated. The
recognition and measurement guidance in
ASC 450 should be used to determine
whether criteria (1) and (2) have been met.
[ASC 805-20-25-19 through 25-20a]
Initial recognition
IFRS 3(R) generally requires the acquirer to
recognize a contingent liability assumed in a
business combination if it is a present obligation
that arises from past events and its fair value
can be measured reliably, even if it is not
probable that an outflow of resources will be
required to settle the obligation.
IFRS 3(R) has an exception to the recognition
principle that requires an acquirer to apply
IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets, and International
Financial Reporting Interpretations
Committee (IFRIC) 21, Levies, to identify the
contingent liabilities it has assumed in a
business combination (if those contingent
liabilities would be in the scope of IAS 37 or
IFRIC 21 if incurred separately).
If the fair value cannot be measured reliably,
the contingent liability is not recognized.
Contingent assets are not recognized.
[paragraphs 21A through 23A]
Subsequent measurement
If amounts are initially recognized at fair value,
an acquirer should develop a systematic and
rational basis for subsequently measuring and
accounting for assets and liabilities arising
from contingencies depending on their nature.
[ASC 805-20-35-3]
If amounts are initially recognized and
measured under ASC 450, the subsequent
accounting and measurement should be
based on ASC 450.
Subsequent measurement
IFRS 3(R) carries forward the existing
requirements that a contingent liability
recognized in a business combination must
be measured subsequently at the higher of
(1) the amount that would be recognized in
accordance with IAS 37 or (2) the amount
initially recognized less, if appropriate, the
cumulative amount of income recognized in
accordance with IFRS 15. [paragraph 56]
ASC 805s disclosures related to assets and liabilities arising from contingencies are slightly
different from those required by IFRS 3(R) because the IASBs disclosures are based on the
requirements in IAS 37. [ASC 805-20-50-1(d); IFRS 3(R), paragraph B64(j) and B67(c)]
Assets and liabilities
for which the
acquirer applied
other US GAAP or
IFRSs rather than the
recognition and
The guidance in ASC 805 and IFRS 3(R) provide exceptions to the recognition and measurement
principles for particular assets and liabilities that the acquirer accounts for in accordance with
other US GAAP or IFRSs. For example, income taxes and employee benefit arrangements are
accounted for in accordance with existing US GAAP or IFRSs. Differences in the existing
guidance might result in differences in the amounts recognized in a business combination. For
example, differences between the recognition and measurement guidance in ASC 740 and IAS
12 might result in differences in the amounts recognized in a business combination related to
income taxes. [ASC 805-740-30-1 and ASC 805-20-25-22; IFRS 3(R), paragraphs 24-26]
H Differences between ASC 805 and IFRS 3(R) (updated June 2022)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | H-4
ASC 805
Replacement share-
based payment
The guidance in ASC 805 requires an acquirer to account for share-based payment awards
that it exchanges for awards held by employees of the acquiree in accordance with the
guidance in ASC 718 and IFRS 3(R) requires the acquirer to account for those awards in
accordance with IFRS 2. Differences between ASC 718 and IFRS 2 might cause differences
in the accounting for share-based payment awards entered into as part of the business
combination. For example, if the share-based payment awards exchanged were subject to
graded vesting requirements, the company’s US GAAP accounting policy for such awards
may cause differences in the allocation of the cost of the replacement award to the
consideration transferred and post-combination compensation cost. For awards subject to
graded vesting ASC 718 permits the use of the “accelerated” approach or the “straight-
line” approach whereas IFRS 2 requires the use of the “accelerated” approach. In addition,
the implementation guidance differs because of the differences in ASC 718 and IFRS 2.
[ASC 805-20-30-21, ASC 805-30-30-9 through 30-13, ASC 805-30-55-6 through 55-13
and ASC 805-30-55-17 through 55-24; IFRS 3(R), paragraphs 30 and B56-B62B]
The guidance in ASC 805 and IFRS 3(R) require an acquirer to classify contingent
consideration as an asset, a liability, or equity on the basis of other US GAAP or IFRSs,
respectively. Differences in the related US GAAP or IFRSs might cause differences in the
initial classification and, therefore, might cause differences in the subsequent accounting.
[ASC 805-30-25-6; IFRS 3(R), paragraph 40]
measurement and
accounting for
assets, liabilities or
equity instruments
In general, after a business combination, an acquirer measures and accounts for assets
acquired, liabilities assumed or incurred, and equity instruments issued in accordance with other
applicable US GAAP or IFRSs, depending on their nature. Differences in the other applicable
guidance might cause differences in the subsequent measurement and accounting for those
assets, liabilities and equity instruments. [ASC 805-10-35-1, ASC 805-20-35-5 through 35-7
and ASC 805-30-35-1 through 35-3; IFRS 3(R), paragraphs 54 and B63]
Goodwill by
reportable segment
The guidance in ASC 805 requires that the
acquirer disclose for each business combination
that occurs during the period or in the aggregate
for individually immaterial business combinations
that are material collectively and that occur
during the period, the amount of goodwill by
reportable segment, if the combined entity is
required to disclose segment information in
accordance with the guidance in ASC 280,
unless such disclosure is impracticable. Similar
to IAS 36, ASC 350-30-50-1 requires
disclosure of this information in the aggregate
by each reportable segment. There is no
requirement to disclose this information for
each material business combination that
occurs during the period, nor in the aggregate
for individually immaterial business
combinations that occur during the period and
are material collectively. [ASC 805-30-50-1(e)]
The disclosure by reportable segment is not
required by IFRS 3(R). Paragraph 134 of IAS
36 requires an entity to disclose the
aggregate carrying amount of goodwill
allocated to each cash-generating unit
(group of units) for which the carrying
amount of goodwill allocated to that unit
(group of units) is significant in comparison
with the entitys total carrying amount of
goodwill. This information is not required to
be disclosed for each material business
combination that occurs during the period or
in the aggregate for individually immaterial
business combination that are material
collectively and occur during the period.
Pro forma
The disclosures required by this paragraph
apply only to acquirers that are public
entities, as defined in the Master Glossary
section ASC 805-10-20.
If comparative financial statements are
presented, the guidance in ASC 805 requires
disclosure of revenue and earnings of the
combined entity for the comparable prior
reporting period as if the acquisition date for
all business combinations occurred as of the
beginning of the comparable prior annual
reporting period (supplemental pro forma
information). [ASC 805-10-50-2(h)]
The disclosures required by this paragraph
apply to all acquirers.
IFRS 3(R) does not require the disclosure of
revenue and profit or loss of the combined
entity for the comparable prior period even
if comparative financial statements are
presented. [paragraph B64(q)]
H Differences between ASC 805 and IFRS 3(R) (updated June 2022)
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | H-5
ASC 805
Disclosures of the
financial effects of
adjustments to the
amounts recognized
in a business
ASC 805 does not require this disclosure.
IFRS 3(R) requires the acquirer to disclose the
amount and an explanation of any gain or loss
recognized in the current period that
(1) relates to the identifiable assets acquired or
liabilities assumed in a business combination
that was effected in the current or previous
reporting period and (2) is of such a size,
nature, or incidence that disclosure is relevant
to understanding the combined entity’s
financial statements. [paragraph B67(e)]
Income taxes
The guidance in ASC 805 and IFRS 3(R) require the subsequent recognition of acquired
deferred tax benefits in accordance with the guidance in ASC 740 or IAS 12, respectively.
Differences between ASC 740 and IAS 12 might cause differences in the subsequent
recognition. Also, in accordance with US GAAP, the acquirer is required to recognize
changes in the acquired income tax positions in accordance with ASC 740. [ASC 805-10-65-1;
IFRS 3(R), paragraph 67]
An acquired entity can choose to apply
pushdown accounting in its separate
financial statements when an acquirer
obtains control of it or later. However, an
entity’s election to apply pushdown
accounting is irrevocable.
No guidance exists and, therefore, it is
unclear whether pushdown accounting is
acceptable under IFRS. However, the
general view is that entities may not use the
hierarchy in IAS 8 to refer to US GAAP and
apply pushdown accounting in the separate
financial statements of an acquired
subsidiary because the application of
pushdown accounting will result in the
recognition and measurement of assets and
liabilities in a manner that conflicts with
certain IFRS standards and interpretations.
For example, the application of pushdown
accounting generally will result in the
recognition of internally generated goodwill
and other internally generated intangible
assets at the subsidiary level, which conflicts
with the guidance in IAS 38.
Adjustments to
provisional amounts
within the
measurement period
Acquirers must recognize measurement
period adjustments during the period in
which they determine the amounts, including
the effect on earnings of any amounts they
would have recorded in previous periods if
the accounting had been completed at the
acquisition date.
IFRS 3(R) requires an acquirer to recognize
adjustments to provisional amounts during
the measurement period on a retrospective
basis. The acquirer must then revise
comparative information for any prior
periods presented, including revisions for any
effects on the prior-period income statement.
Combination of
entities under
common control
The receiving entity records the net assets
at their carrying amounts in the accounts of
the transferor (historical cost).
Outside the scope of IFRS 3(R), Business
In practice, either follow an
approach similar to US GAAP (historical
cost) or apply the acquisition method (fair
value) if there is substance to the transaction
(policy election).
The IASB issued a Discussion Paper, Business Combinations under Common Control, in November 2020. The comment period for
this Discussion Paper ended in September 2021, and the IASB began considering the feedback received. The IASB will continue its
redeliberations and decide on the project’s direction at a future meeting. Readers should monitor this project for developments.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | I-1
I Abbreviations used in this publication
FASB Accounting Standards Codification
ASC 205
FASB ASC Topic 205, Presentation of the Financial Statements
ASC 210
FASB ASC Topic 210, Balance Sheet
ASC 220
FASB ASC Topic 220, Income Statement Reporting Comprehensive Income
ASC 230
FASB ASC Topic 230, Statement of Cash Flows
ASC 235
FASB ASC Topic 235, Notes to Financial Statements
ASC 250
FASB ASC Topic 250, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections
ASC 260
FASB ASC Topic 260, Earnings Per Share
ASC 280
FASB ASC Topic 280, Segment Reporting
ASC 310
FASB ASC Topic 310, Receivables
ASC 321
FASB ASC Topic 321, Investments Equity Securities
ASC 323
FASB ASC Topic 323, Investments Equity Method and Joint Ventures
ASC 325
FASB ASC Topic 325, Investments Other
ASC 326
FASB ASC Topic 326, Financial Instruments Credit Losses
ASC 330
FASB ASC Topic 330, Inventory
ASC 340
FASB ASC Topic 340, Other Assets and Deferred Costs
ASC 350
FASB ASC Topic 350, Intangibles Goodwill and Other
ASC 360
FASB ASC Topic 360, Property, Plant, and Equipment
ASC 405
FASB ASC Topic 405, Liabilities
ASC 410
FASB ASC Topic 410, Asset Retirement and Environmental Obligations
ASC 420
FASB ASC Topic 420, Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations
ASC 450
FASB ASC Topic 450, Contingencies
ASC 460
FASB ASC Topic 460, Guarantees
ASC 470
FASB ASC Topic 470, Debt
ASC 480
FASB ASC Topic 480, Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity
ASC 505
FASB ASC Topic 505, Equity
ASC 606
FASB ASC Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers
ASC 610
FASB ASC Topic 610, Other Income
ASC 710
FASB ASC Topic 710, Compensation General
ASC 712
FASB ASC Topic 712, Compensation Nonretirement Postemployment Benefits
ASC 715
FASB ASC Topic 715, Compensation Retirement Benefits
ASC 718
FASB ASC Topic 718, Compensation Stock Compensation
ASC 730
FASB ASC Topic 730, Research and Development
ASC 740
FASB ASC Topic 740, Income Taxes
ASC 805
FASB ASC Topic 805, Business Combinations
ASC 808
FASB ASC Topic 808, Collaborative Arrangements
ASC 810
FASB ASC Topic 810, Consolidation
ASC 815
FASB ASC Topic 815, Derivatives and Hedging
ASC 820
FASB ASC Topic 820, Fair Value Measurement
ASC 825
FASB ASC Topic 825, Financial Instruments
ASC 835
FASB ASC Topic 835, Interest
ASC 840
FASB ASC Topic 840, Leases
ASC 842
FASB ASC Topic 842, Leases
ASC 845
FASB ASC Topic 845, Nonmonetary Transactions
ASC 852
FASB ASC Topic 852, Reorganizations
ASC 860
FASB ASC Topic 860, Transfers and Servicing
ASC 930
FASB ASC Topic 930, Extractive Activities Mining
I Abbreviations used in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | I-2
FASB Accounting Standards Codification
ASC 932
FASB ASC Topic 932, Extractive Activities Oil and Gas
ASC 944
FASB ASC Topic 944, Financial Services Insurance
ASC 950
FASB ASC Topic 950, Financial Services Title Plant
ASC 954
FASB ASC Topic 954, Health Care Entities
ASC 958
FASB ASC Topic 958, Not-for-Profit Entities
ASC 960
FASB ASC Topic 960, Plan Accounting Defined Benefit Pension Plans
ASC 962
FASB ASC Topic 962, Plan Accounting Defined Contribution Pension Plans
ASC 965
FASB ASC Topic 965, Plan Accounting Health and Welfare Benefit Plans
ASC 970
FASB ASC Topic 970, Real Estate General
ASC 980
FASB ASC Topic 980, Regulated Operations
Other Authoritative Standards
FASB Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 5, Recognition and
Measurement in Financial Statements of Business Enterprises
FASB Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 6, Elements of Financial Statements
CON 8.4
Chapter 4, Elements of Financial Statements, of FASB Statement of Financial Accounting
Concepts No. 8, Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
ASU 2010-02
Accounting Standards Update No. 2010-02, Consolidation (Topic 810): Accounting and
Reporting for Decreases in Ownership of a Subsidiary a Scope Clarification
ASU 2010-29
Accounting Standards Update No. 2010-29, Business Combinations (Topic 805):
Disclosure of Supplementary Pro Forma Information for Business Combinations (a
consensus of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force)
ASU 2012-06
Accounting Standards Update No. 2012-06, Business Combinations (Topic 805):
Subsequent Accounting for an Indemnification Asset Recognized at the Acquisition Date
as a Result of a Government-Assisted Acquisition of a Financial Institution (a consensus
of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force)
ASU 2014-09
Accounting Standards Update No. 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers
(Topic 606)
ASU 2014-17
Accounting Standards Update No. 2014-17, Business Combinations (Topic 805):
Pushdown Accounting (a consensus of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force)
ASU 2016-02
Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842)
ASU 2016-13
Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-13, Financial Instruments Credit Losses
(Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments
ASU 2017-04
Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-04, Intangibles Goodwill and Other
(Topic 350): Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment
ASU 2019-10
Accounting Standards Update No. 2019-10, Financial Instruments Credit Losses
(Topic 326), Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815), and Leases (Topic 842): Effective Dates
ASU 2020-05
Accounting Standards Update No. 2020-05, Revenue from Contracts with Customers
(Topic 606) and Leases (Topic 842): Effective Dates for Certain Entities
ASU 2020-06
Accounting Standards Update No. 2020-06, Debt Debt with Conversion and Other
Options (Subtopic 470-20) and Derivatives and Hedging Contracts in Entity’s Own
Equity (Subtopic 815-40): Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an
Entity’s Own Equity
ASU 2021-08
Accounting Standards Update No. 2021-08, Business Combinations (Topic 805):
Accounting for Contract Assets and Contract Liabilities from Contracts with Customers
ASU 2023-01
Accounting Standards Update No. 2023-01, Leases (Topic 842): Common Control
International Accounting Standard No. 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
Estimates and Errors
IAS 12
International Accounting Standard No. 12, Income Taxes
IAS 36
International Accounting Standard No. 36, Impairment of Assets
IAS 37
International Accounting Standard No. 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets
IAS 38
International Accounting Standard No. 38, Intangible Assets
IAS 40
International Accounting Standard No. 40, Investment Property
I Abbreviations used in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | I-3
Other Authoritative Standards
International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee 21, Levies
International Financial Reporting Standard No. 2, Share-Based Payment
International Financial Reporting Standard No. 3(R), Business Combinations
International Financial Reporting Standard No. 10, Consolidated Financial Statements
International Financial Reporting Standard No. 15, Revenue from Contracts with
Regulation S-X
SEC Regulation S-X, Form and content of and requirements for financial statements
Rule 3-05
Financial statements of businesses acquired or to be acquired
Rule 3-09
Separate financial statements of subsidiaries not consolidated and 50 percent or less
owned persons
Rule 3-14
Special instructions for real estate operations to be acquired
Rule 4-08
General notes to financial statements
Rule 4-08(g)
Summarized financial information of subsidiaries not consolidated and 50 percent or less
owned persons
Rule 5-02
Balance Sheets
Rule 8-04
Financial statements of businesses acquired or to be acquired
Rule 8-06
Real estate operations acquired or to be acquired
Rule 11-01
Presentation requirements
Rule 11-02
Preparation requirements
SAB 108
SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 108, Considering the Effects of Prior Year
Misstatements when Quantifying Misstatements in Current Year Financial Statements
SAB Topic 2.A.6
SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin Topic 2.A.6, Debt issue costs
SAB Topic 5.A
SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin Topic 5.A, Expenses of Offering
SAB Topic 5.L
SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin Topic 5.L, LIFO Inventory Practices
SAB Topic 5.Z.7
SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin Topic 5.Z.7, Accounting for the spin-off of a subsidiary
Non-Authoritative Standards
APB 16
APB Opinion No. 16, Business Combinations
APB 20
APB Opinion No. 20, Accounting Changes
EITF 95-3
EITF Issue No. 95-3, Recognition of Liabilities in Connection with a Purchase Business
EITF 95-8
EITF Issue No. 95-8, Accounting for Contingent Consideration Paid to the Shareholders
of an Acquired Enterprise in a Purchase Business Combination
EITF 97-2
EITF Issue No. 97-2, Application of FASB Statement No. 94 and APB Opinion No. 16 to
Physician Practice Management Entities and Certain Other Entities with Contractual
Management Arrangements
EITF 01-3
EITF Issue No. 01-3, Accounting in a Business Combination for Deferred Revenue of an
EITF 02-5
EITF Issue No. 02-5, Definition of “Common Control” in Relation to FASB Statement
No. 141
EITF 03-17
EITF Issue No. 03-17, Subsequent Accounting for Executory Contracts That Have Been
Recognized on an Entity’s Balance Sheet
EITF 08-7
EITF Issue No. 08-7, Accounting for Defensive Intangible Assets
FIN 21
FASB Interpretation No. 21, Accounting for Leases in a Business Combination
FSP FAS 141(R)
FASB Staff Position No. 141(R)-1, Accounting for Assets Acquired and Liabilities
Assumed in a Business Combination That Arise from Contingencies
FTB 85-5
FASB Technical Bulletin No. 85-5, Issues Relating to Accounting for Business Combinations
Statement 38
FASB Statement No. 38, Accounting for Preacquisition Contingencies
of Purchased Enterprises
Statement 109
FASB Statement No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes
Statement 141
FASB Statement No. 141, Business Combinations
Statement 141(R)
FASB Statement No. 141(R), Business Combinations
Statement 142
FASB Statement No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-1
J Glossary
This Appendix includes a list of terms defined in the Master Glossary of ASC 805 (shown as an excerpt
from the ASC), followed by a list of additional terms defined in other sections of the ASC Master Glossary
and used in this publication. Note that if a defined term is repeated in more than one Subtopic of
ASC 805, it is listed below only in the first Subtopic in which it appears as a defined term. For example,
“Acquiree” is included in the Glossary section of Subtopics 805-10, 805-20 and 805-30, but is listed only
in the 805-10-20 section below.
Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
Business Combinations Overall
The business or businesses that the acquirer obtains control of in a business combination. This term
also includes a nonprofit activity or business that a not-for-profit acquirer obtains control of in
an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity.
The entity that obtains control of the acquiree. However, in a business combination in which a variable
interest entity (VIE) is acquired, the primary beneficiary of that entity always is the acquirer.
Acquisition by a Not-for-Profit Entity
A transaction or other event in which a not-for-profit acquirer obtains control of one or more nonprofit
activities or businesses and initially recognizes their assets and liabilities in the acquirer’s financial
statements. When applicable guidance in Topic 805 is applied by a not-for-profit entity, the term
business combination has the same meaning as this term has for a for-profit entity. Likewise, a
reference to business combinations in guidance that links to Topic 805 has the same meaning as a
reference to acquisitions by not-for-profit entities.
Acquisition Date
The date on which the acquirer obtains control of the acquiree.
Paragraphs 805-10-55-3A through 55-6 and 805-10-55-8 through 55-9 define what is considered
a business.
Business Combination
A transaction or other event in which an acquirer obtains control of one or more businesses.
Transactions sometimes referred to as true mergers or mergers of equals also are business
combinations. See also Acquisition by a Not-for-Profit Entity.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-2
Collateralized Financing Entity
A variable interest entity that holds financial assets, issues beneficial interests in those financial
assets, and has no more than nominal equity. The beneficial interests have contractual recourse only
to the related assets of the collateralized financing entity and are classified as financial liabilities. A
collateralized financing entity may hold nonfinancial assets temporarily as a result of default by the
debtor on the underlying debt instruments held as assets by the collateralized financing entity or in an
effort to restructure the debt instruments held as assets by the collateralized financing entity. A
collateralized financing entity also may hold other financial assets and financial liabilities that are
incidental to the operations of the collateralized financing entity and have carrying values that
approximate fair value (for example, cash, broker receivables, or broker payables).
Conduit Debt Securities
Certain limited-obligation revenue bonds, certificates of participation, or similar debt instruments
issued by a state or local governmental entity for the express purpose of providing financing for a
specific third party (the conduit bond obligor) that is not a part of the state or local government’s
financial reporting entity. Although conduit debt securities bear the name of the governmental entity
that issues them, the governmental entity often has no obligation for such debt beyond the resources
provided by a lease or loan agreement with the third party on whose behalf the securities are issued.
Further, the conduit bond obligor is responsible for any future financial reporting requirements.
Contingent Consideration
Usually an obligation of the acquirer to transfer additional assets or equity interests to the
former owners of an acquiree as part of the exchange for control of the acquiree if specified future
events occur or conditions are met. However, contingent consideration also may give the acquirer the
right to the return of previously transferred consideration if specified conditions are met.
An agreement between two or more parties that creates enforceable rights and obligations.
The same as the meaning of controlling financial interest in paragraph 810-10-15-8.
The direct or indirect ability to determine the direction of management and policies through
ownership, contract, or otherwise.
Control of a Not-for-Profit Entity
See Control.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Direct Financing Lease
From the perspective of a lessor, a lease that meets none of the criteria in paragraph 842-10-25-2
but meets the criteria in paragraph 842-10-25-3(b).
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-5
Direct Financing Lease
From the perspective of a lessor, a lease that meets none of the criteria in paragraph 842-10-25-2
but meets the criteria in paragraph 842-10-25-3(b) and is not an operating lease in accordance with
paragraph 842-10-25-3A.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-3
Equity Interests
Used broadly to mean ownership interests of investor-owned entities; owner, member, or participant
interests of mutual entities; and owner or member interests in the net assets of not-for-profit entities.
Fair Value
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction
between market participants at the measurement date.
Financial Asset
Cash, evidence of an ownership interest in an entity, or a contract that conveys to one entity a right to
do either of the following:
a. Receive cash or another financial instrument from a second entity
b. Exchange other financial instruments on potentially favorable terms with the second entity.
Foreign Entity
An operation (for example, subsidiary, division, branch, joint venture, and so forth) whose financial
statements are both:
a. Prepared in a currency other than the reporting currency of the reporting entity
b. Combined or consolidated with or accounted for on the equity basis in the financial statements of
the reporting entity.
An asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business
combination or an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity that are not individually identified and
separately recognized. For ease of reference, this term also includes the immediate charge recognized
by not-for-profit entities in accordance with paragraph 958-805-25-29.
An asset is identifiable if it meets either of the following criteria:
a. It is separable, that is, capable of being separated or divided from the entity and sold, transferred,
licensed, rented, or exchanged, either individually or together with a related contract, identifiable
asset, or liability, regardless of whether the entity intends to do so.
b. It arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of whether those rights are transferable
or separable from the entity or from other rights and obligations.
Intangible Asset Class
A group of intangible assets that are similar, either by their nature or by their use in the operations of
an entity.
Intangible Assets
Assets (not including financial assets) that lack physical substance. (The term intangible assets is used
to refer to intangible assets other than goodwill.)
An agreement conveying the right to use property, plant, or equipment (land and/or depreciable
assets) usually for a stated period of time.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
A contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to control the use of identified property, plant,
or equipment (an identified asset) for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-4
Legal Entity
Any legal structure used to conduct activities or to hold assets. Some examples of such structures are
corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, grantor trusts, and other trusts.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
An entity that enters into a contract to obtain the right to use an underlying asset for a period of time
in exchange for consideration.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
An entity that enters into a contract to provide the right to use an underlying asset for a period of
time in exchange for consideration.
Market Participants
Buyers and sellers in the principal (or most advantageous) market for the asset or liability that have all
of the following characteristics:
a. They are independent of each other, that is, they are not related parties, although the price in a
related-party transaction may be used as an input to a fair value measurement if the reporting
entity has evidence that the transaction was entered into at market terms
b. They are knowledgeable, having a reasonable understanding about the asset or liability and the
transaction using all available information, including information that might be obtained through
due diligence efforts that are usual and customary
c. They are able to enter into a transaction for the asset or liability
d. They are willing to enter into a transaction for the asset or liability, that is, they are motivated but
not forced or otherwise compelled to do so.
Merger of Not-for-Profit Entities
A transaction or other event in which the governing bodies of two or more not-for-profit entities cede
control of those entities to create a new not-for-profit entity.
Noncontrolling Interest
The portion of equity (net assets) in a subsidiary not attributable, directly or indirectly, to a parent. A
noncontrolling interest is sometimes called a minority interest.
Nonfinancial Asset
An asset that is not a financial asset. Nonfinancial assets include land, buildings, use of facilities or
utilities, materials and supplies, intangible assets, or services.
Nonprofit Activity
An integrated set of activities and assets that is capable of being conducted and managed for the
purpose of providing benefits, other than goods or services at a profit or profit equivalent, as a
fulfillment of an entity’s purpose or mission (for example, goods or services to beneficiaries,
customers, or members). As with a not-for-profit entity, a nonprofit activity possesses characteristics
that distinguish it from a business or a for-profit business entity.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-5
Not-for-Profit Entity
An entity that possesses the following characteristics, in varying degrees, that distinguish it from a
business entity:
a. Contributions of significant amounts of resources from resource providers who do not expect
commensurate or proportionate pecuniary return
b. Operating purposes other than to provide goods or services at a profit
c. Absence of ownership interests like those of business entities.
Entities that clearly fall outside this definition include the following:
a. All investor-owned entities
b. Entities that provide dividends, lower costs, or other economic benefits directly and
proportionately to their owners, members, or participants, such as mutual insurance entities,
credit unions, farm and rural electric cooperatives, and employee benefit plans.
Orderly Transaction
A transaction that assumes exposure to the market for a period before the measurement date to allow
for marketing activities that are usual and customary for transactions involving such assets or
liabilities; it is not a forced transaction (for example, a forced liquidation or distress sale).
Used broadly to include holders of ownership interests (equity interests) of investor-owned entities,
mutual entities, or not-for-profit entities. Owners include shareholders, partners, proprietors, or
members or participants of mutual entities. Owners also include owner and member interests in the
net assets of not-for-profit entities.
Public Business Entity
A public business entity is a business entity meeting any one of the criteria below. Neither a not-for-
profit entity nor an employee benefit plan is a business entity.
a. It is required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to file or furnish financial
statements, or does file or furnish financial statements (including voluntary filers), with the SEC
(including other entities whose financial statements or financial information are required to be or
are included in a filing).
b. It is required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Act), as amended, or rules or
regulations promulgated under the Act, to file or furnish financial statements with a regulatory
agency other than the SEC.
c. It is required to file or furnish financial statements with a foreign or domestic regulatory agency in
preparation for the sale of or for purposes of issuing securities that are not subject to contractual
restrictions on transfer.
d. It has issued, or is a conduit bond obligor for, securities that are traded, listed, or quoted on an
exchange or an over-the-counter market.
e. It has one or more securities that are not subject to contractual restrictions on transfer, and it is
required by law, contract, or regulation to prepare U.S. GAAP financial statements (including
notes) and make them publicly available on a periodic basis (for example, interim or annual
periods). An entity must meet both of these conditions to meet this criterion.
An entity may meet the definition of a public business entity solely because its financial statements or
financial information is included in another entity’s filing with the SEC. In that case, the entity is only a
public business entity for purposes of financial statements that are filed or furnished with the SEC.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-6
Public Entity
A business entity or a not-for-profit entity that meets any of the following conditions:
a. It has issued debt or equity securities or is a conduit bond obligor for conduit debt securities that
are traded in a public market (a domestic or foreign stock exchange or an over-the-counter
market, including local or regional markets).
b. It is required to file financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
c. It provides financial statements for the purpose of issuing any class of securities in a public market.
Related Parties
Related parties include:
a. Affiliates of the entity
b. Entities for which investments in their equity securities would be required, absent the election of
the fair value option under the Fair Value Option Subsection of Section 825-10-15, to be
accounted for by the equity method by the investing entity
c. Trusts for the benefit of employees, such as pension and profit-sharing trusts that are managed
by or under the trusteeship of management
d. Principal owners of the entity and members of their immediate families
e. Management of the entity and members of their immediate families
f. Other parties with which the entity may deal if one party controls or can significantly influence
the management or operating policies of the other to an extent that one of the transacting parties
might be prevented from fully pursuing its own separate interests
g. Other parties that can significantly influence the management or operating policies of the
transacting parties or that have an ownership interest in one of the transacting parties and can
significantly influence the other to an extent that one or more of the transacting parties might be
prevented from fully pursuing its own separate interests.
Reverse Acquisition
An acquisition in which the entity that issues securities (the legal acquirer) is identified as the acquiree
for accounting purposes based on the guidance in paragraphs 805-10-55-11 through 55-15. The
entity whose equity interests are acquired (the legal acquiree) must be the acquirer for accounting
purposes for the transaction to be considered a reverse acquisition.
Sales-Type Lease
From the perspective of a lessor, a lease that meets either of the conditions in paragraph 840-10-25-43(a).
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Sales-Type Lease
From the perspective of a lessor, a lease that meets one or more of the criteria in paragraph 842-10-25-2.
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-5
Sales-Type Lease
From the perspective of a lessor, a lease that meets one or more of the criteria in paragraph 842-10-25-2
and is not an operating lease in accordance with paragraph 842-10-25-3A.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-7
A share, participation, or other interest in property or in an entity of the issuer or an obligation of the
issuer that has all of the following characteristics:
a. It is either represented by an instrument issued in bearer or registered form or, if not represented
by an instrument, is registered in books maintained to record transfers by or on behalf of the
b. It is of a type commonly dealt in on securities exchanges or markets or, when represented by an
instrument, is commonly recognized in any area in which it is issued or dealt in as a medium for
c. It either is one of a class or series or by its terms is divisible into a class or series of shares,
participations, interests, or obligations.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Underlying Asset
An asset that is the subject of a lease for which a right to use that asset has been conveyed to a
lessee. The underlying asset could be a physically distinct portion of a single asset.
Variable Interest Entity
A legal entity subject to consolidation according to the provisions of the Variable Interest Entities
Subsections of Subtopic 810-10.
Business Combinations Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Noncontrolling Interest
Bargain Purchase Option
A provision allowing the lessee, at his option, to purchase the leased property for a price that is
sufficiently lower than the expected fair value of the property at the date the option becomes
exercisable that exercise of the option appears, at lease inception, to be reasonably assured.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Bargain Purchase Option
Glossary term superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02
Bargain Renewal Option
A provision allowing the lessee, at his option, to renew the lease for a rental sufficiently lower than the
fair rental of the property at the date the option becomes exercisable that exercise of the option
appears, at lease inception, to be reasonably assured. Fair rental of a property in this context shall
mean the expected rental for equivalent property under similar terms and conditions.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Bargain Renewal Option
Glossary term superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-8
Capital Lease
From the perspective of a lessee, a lease that meets any of the four lease classification criteria in
paragraph 840-10-25-1.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Capital Lease
Glossary term superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02
An existing condition, situation, or set of circumstances involving uncertainty as to possible gain (gain
contingency) or loss (loss contingency) to an entity that will ultimately be resolved when one or more
future events occur or fail to occur.
Contract Asset
An entity’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the entity has transferred to a
customer when that right is conditioned on something other than the passage of time (for example,
the entity’s future performance).
Contract Liability
An entity’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the entity has received
consideration (or the amount is due) from the customer.
A party that has contracted with an entity to obtain goods or services that are an output of the entity’s
ordinary activities in exchange for consideration.
Defensive Intangible Asset
An acquired intangible asset in a situation in which an entity does not intend to actively use the asset
but intends to hold (lock up) the asset to prevent others from obtaining access to the asset.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Finance Lease
From the perspective of a lessee, a lease that meets one or more of the criteria in paragraph 842-10-25-2.
Financial Statements Are Available to Be Issued
Financial statements are considered available to be issued when they are complete in a form and
format that complies with GAAP and all approvals necessary for issuance have been obtained, for
example, from management, the board of directors, and/or significant shareholders. The process
involved in creating and distributing the financial statements will vary depending on an entity’s
management and corporate governance structure as well as statutory and regulatory requirements.
Gain Contingency
An existing condition, situation, or set of circumstances involving uncertainty as to possible gain to an
entity that will ultimately be resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-9
Indirectly Related to the Leased Property
The provisions or conditions that in substance are guarantees of the lessor's debt or loans to the lessor
by the lessee that are related to the leased property but are structured in such a manner that they do
not represent a direct guarantee or loan. Examples include a party related to the lessee guaranteeing
the lessor's debt on behalf of the lessee, or the lessee financing the lessor's purchase of the leased
asset using collateral other than the leased property.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Indirectly Related to the Leased Property
Glossary term superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Lease Liability
A lessee’s obligation to make the lease payments arising from a lease, measured on a discounted basis.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Lease Payments
See paragraph 842-10-30-5 for what constitutes lease payments from the perspective of a lessee and
a lessor.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Lease Receivable
A lessor’s right to receive lease payments arising from a sales-type lease or a direct financing lease
plus any amount that a lessor expects to derive from the underlying asset following the end of the
lease term to the extent that it is guaranteed by the lessee or any other third party unrelated to the
lessor, measured on a discounted basis.
Lease Term
The fixed noncancelable lease term plus all of the following, except as noted in the following paragraph:
a. All periods, if any, covered by bargain renewal options.
b. All periods, if any, for which failure to renew the lease imposes a penalty on the lessee in such
amount that a renewal appears, at lease inception, to be reasonably assured.
c. All periods, if any, covered by ordinary renewal options during which any of the following
conditions exist:
1. A guarantee by the lessee of the lessor's debt directly or indirectly related to the leased
property is expected to be in effect.
2. A loan from the lessee to the lessor directly or indirectly related to the leased property is
expected to be outstanding.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-10
d. All periods, if any, covered by ordinary renewal options preceding the date as of which a bargain
purchase option is exercisable.
e. All periods, if any, representing renewals or extensions of the lease at the lessor's option.
The lease term shall not be assumed to extend beyond the date a bargain purchase option becomes
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Lease Term
The noncancellable period for which a lessee has the right to use an underlying asset, together with all
of the following:
a. Periods covered by an option to extend the lease if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise
that option
b. Periods covered by an option to terminate the lease if the lessee is reasonably certain not to
exercise that option
c. Periods covered by an option to extend (or not to terminate) the lease in which exercise of the
option is controlled by the lessor.
Loss Contingency
An existing condition, situation, or set of circumstances involving uncertainty as to possible loss to an
entity that will ultimately be resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur. The term
loss is used for convenience to include many charges against income that are commonly referred to as
expenses and others that are commonly referred to as losses.
Mineral Rights
The legal right to explore, extract, and retain at least a portion of the benefits from mineral deposits.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Net Investment in the Lease
For a sales-type lease, the sum of the lease receivable and the unguaranteed residual asset.
For a direct financing lease, the sum of the lease receivable and the unguaranteed residual asset, net
of any deferred selling profit.
Noncancelable Lease Term
That portion of the lease term that is cancelable only under any of the following conditions:
a. Upon the occurrence of some remote contingency
b. With the permission of the lessor
c. If the lessee enters into a new lease with the same lessor
d. If the lessee incurs a penalty in such amount that continuation of the lease appears, at inception,
reasonably assured.
J Glossary
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Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Noncancelable Lease Term
Glossary term superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-02
Operating Lease
From the perspective of a lessee, any lease other than a capital lease.
From the perspective of a lessor, a lease that meets the conditions in paragraph 840-10-25-43(d).
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Operating Lease
From the perspective of a lessee, any lease other than a finance lease.
From the perspective of a lessor, any lease other than a sales-type lease or a direct financing lease.
Any requirement that is imposed or can be imposed on the lessee by the lease agreement or by factors
outside the lease agreement to do any of the following:
a. Disburse cash
b. Incur or assume a liability
c. Perform services
d. Surrender or transfer an asset or rights to an asset or otherwise forego an economic benefit, or
suffer an economic detriment. Factors to consider in determining whether an economic detriment
may be incurred include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
1. The uniqueness of purpose or location of the property
2. The availability of a comparable replacement property
3. The relative importance or significance of the property to the continuation of the lessee's
line of business or service to its customers
4. The existence of leasehold improvements or other assets whose value would be impaired by
the lessee vacating or discontinuing use of the leased property
5. Adverse tax consequences
6. The ability or willingness of the lessee to bear the cost associated with relocation or replacement
of the leased property at market rental rates or to tolerate other parties using the leased property.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Any requirement that is imposed or can be imposed on the lessee by the lease agreement or by
factors outside the lease agreement to do any of the following:
a. Disburse cash
J Glossary
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b. Incur or assume a liability
c. Perform services
d. Surrender or transfer an asset or rights to an asset or otherwise forego an economic benefit, or
suffer an economic detriment. Factors to consider in determining whether an economic
detriment may be incurred include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
1. The uniqueness of purpose or location of the underlying asset
2. The availability of a comparable replacement asset
3. The relative importance or significance of the underlying asset to the continuation of the
lessee's line of business or service to its customers
4. The existence of leasehold improvements or other assets whose value would be impaired by
the lessee vacating or discontinuing use of the underlying asset
5. Adverse tax consequences
6. The ability or willingness of the lessee to bear the cost associated with relocation or replacement
of the underlying asset at market rental rates or to tolerate other parties using the underlying asset.
Performance Obligation
A promise in a contract with a customer to transfer to the customer either:
a. A good or service (or a bundle of goods or services) that is distinct
b. A series of distinct goods or services that are substantially the same and that have the same
pattern of transfer to the customer.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 350-20-65-2
Private Company
An entity other than a public business entity, a not-for-profit entity, or an employee benefit plan
within the scope of Topics 960 through 965 on plan accounting.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 326-10-65-1
Purchased Financial Assets with Credit Deterioration
Acquired individual financial assets (or acquired groups of financial assets with similar risk
characteristics) that as of the date of acquisition have experienced a more-than-insignificant
deterioration in credit quality since origination, as determined by an acquirer’s assessment. See
paragraph 326-20-55-5 for more information on the meaning of similar risk characteristics for assets
measured on an amortized cost basis.
A transaction in which a reinsurer (assuming entity), for a consideration (premium), assumes all or
part of a risk undertaken originally by another insurer (ceding entity). For indemnity reinsurance, the
legal rights of the insured are not affected by the reinsurance transaction and the insurance entity
issuing the insurance contract remains liable to the insured for payment of policy benefits. Assumption
or novation reinsurance contracts that are legal replacements of one insurer by another extinguish the
ceding entity’s liability to the policyholder.
J Glossary
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Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Right-of-Use Asset
An asset that represents a lessee’s right to use an underlying asset for the lease term.
Standalone Selling Price
The price at which an entity would sell a promised good or service separately to a customer.
A transaction in which a leased property is re-leased by the original lessee to a third party, and the
lease agreement between the two original parties remains in effect.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
A transaction in which an underlying asset is re-leased by the lessee (or intermediate lessor) to a third
party (the sublessee) and the original (or head) lease between the lessor and the lessee remains in effect.
Transaction Price
The amount of consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring
promised goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties.
Pending Content:
Transition Guidance: 842-10-65-1
Unguaranteed Residual Asset
The amount that a lessor expects to derive from the underlying asset following the end of the lease
term that is not guaranteed by the lessee or any other third party unrelated to the lessor, measured
on a discounted basis.
Business Combinations Goodwill or Gain from Bargain Purchase, Including Consideration Transferred
Mutual Entity
An entity other than an investor-owned entity that provides dividends, lower costs, or other economic
benefits directly and proportionately to its owners, members, or participants. Mutual insurance
entities, credit unions, and farm and rural electric cooperatives are examples of mutual entities.
Requisite Service Period
The period or periods during which an employee is required to provide service in exchange for an
award under a share-based payment arrangement. The service that an employee is required to render
during that period is referred to as the requisite service. The requisite service period for an award that
has only a service condition is presumed to be the vesting period, unless there is clear evidence to the
contrary. If an award requires future service for vesting, the entity cannot define a prior period as the
requisite service period. Requisite service periods may be explicit, implicit, or derived, depending on
the terms of the share-based payment award.
J Glossary
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Business Combinations Related Issues
Change in Accounting Principle
A change from one generally accepted accounting principle to another generally accepted accounting
principle when there are two or more generally accepted accounting principles that apply or when the
accounting principle formerly used is no longer generally accepted. A change in the method of
applying an accounting principle also is considered a change in accounting principle.
A transfer of certain net assets from a sponsor or general partner to a master limited partnership in
exchange for consideration.
Financial Statements Are Issued
Financial statements are considered issued when they are widely distributed to shareholders and other
financial statement users for general use and reliance in a form and format that complies with GAAP.
(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC] registrants also are required to consider the
guidance in paragraph 855-10-S99-2.)
In Substance Nonfinancial Asset
Paragraphs 610-20-15-5 through 15-8 define an in substance nonfinancial asset.
Pushdown Accounting
Use of the acquirer’s basis in the preparation of the acquiree’s separate financial statements.
A way to create a master limited partnership in which all of the assets of an entity are placed into a
master limited partnership and that entity ceases to exist.
A way to create a master limited partnership in which certain assets of a sponsor are placed into a
limited partnership and units are distributed to the shareholders.
A way to create a master limited partnership in which two or more legally separate limited
partnerships are combined into one master limited partnership.
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Filer
An entity that is required to file or furnish its financial statements with either of the following:
a. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
b. With respect to an entity subject to Section 12(i) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, the appropriate agency under that Section.
Financial statements for other entities that are not otherwise SEC filers whose financial statements are
included in a submission by another SEC filer are not included within this definition.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-15
In addition to the terms defined in the Master Glossary of ASC 805, the following terms are defined
elsewhere in the ASC Master Glossary:
Asset Group An asset group is the unit of accounting for a long-lived asset or assets to be held and
used, which represents the lowest level for which identifiable cash flows are largely independent of
the cash flows of other groups of assets and liabilities.
Change in the Reporting Entity A change that results in financial statements that, in effect, are
those of a different reporting entity. A change in the reporting entity is limited mainly to the following:
a. Presenting consolidated or combined financial statements in place of financial statements of
individual entities
b. Changing specific subsidiaries that make up the group of entities for which consolidated financial
statements are presented
c. Changing the entities included in combined financial statements.
Neither a business combination accounted for by the acquisition method nor the consolidation of a
VIE pursuant to Topic 810 is a change in reporting entity.
Deferred Tax Asset The deferred tax consequences attributable to deductible temporary
differences and carryforwards. A deferred tax asset is measured using the applicable enacted tax
rate and provisions of the enacted tax law. A deferred tax asset is reduced by a valuation allowance
if, based on the weight of evidence available, it is more likely than not that some portion or all of a
deferred tax asset will not be realized.
Deferred Tax Liability The deferred tax consequences attributable to taxable temporary
differences. A deferred tax liability is measured using the applicable enacted tax rate and provisions
of the enacted tax law.
Disposal Group A disposal group for a long-lived asset or assets to be disposed of by sale or
otherwise represents assets to be disposed of together as a group in a single transaction and
liabilities directly associated with those assets that will be transferred in the transaction. A disposal
group may include a discontinued operation along with other assets and liabilities that are not part of
the discontinued operation.
Entry Price The price paid to acquire an asset or received to assume a liability in an exchange
Estimated Residual Value The estimated fair value of the leased property at the end of the lease term.
Event A happening of consequence to an entity. The term encompasses both transactions and
other events affecting an entity.
Exit Price The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability.
Firm Commitment An agreement with an unrelated party, binding on both parties and usually
legally enforceable, with the following characteristics:
a. The agreement specifies all significant terms, including the quantity to be exchanged, the fixed
price and the timing of the transaction. The fixed price may be expressed as a specified amount
of an entity’s functional currency or of a foreign currency. It may also be expressed as a specified
interest rate or specified effective yield. The binding provisions of an agreement are regarded to
include those legal rights and obligations codified in the laws to which such an agreement is
subject. A price that varies with the market price of the item that is the subject of the firm
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-16
commitment cannot qualify as a fixed price. For example, a price that is specified in terms of
ounces of gold would not be a fixed price if the market price of the item to be purchased or sold
under the firm commitment varied with the price of gold.
b. The agreement includes a disincentive for nonperformance that is sufficiently large to make
performance probable. In the legal jurisdiction that governs the agreement, the existence of
statutory rights to pursue remedies for default equivalent to the damages suffered by the
nondefaulting party, in and of itself, represents a sufficiently large disincentive for nonperformance
to make performance probable for purposes of applying the definition of a firm commitment.
Highest and Best Use The use of a nonfinancial asset by market participants that would maximize
the value of the asset or the group of assets and liabilities (for example, a business) within which the
asset would be used.
Impairment Impairment is the condition that exists when the carrying amount of a long-lived asset
(asset group) exceeds its fair value.
Kick-Out Rights (voting interest entity definition) The rights underlying the limited partners or
partners ability to dissolve (liquidate) the limited partnership or otherwise remove the general
partners without cause.
Lease Inception The date of the lease agreement or commitment, if earlier. For purposes of this
definition, a commitment shall be in writing, signed by the parties in interest to the transaction and
shall specifically set forth the principal provisions of the transaction. If any of the principal provisions
are yet to be negotiated, such a preliminary agreement or commitment does not qualify for purposes
of this definition.
Lease Modification (after adoption of ASC 842) A change to the terms and conditions of a
contract that results in a change in the scope of or the consideration for a lease (for example, a
change to the terms and conditions of the contract that adds or terminates the right to use one or
more underlying assets or extends or shortens the contractual lease term).
Leveraged Lease (after adoption of ASC 842) From the perspective of a lessor, a lease that was
classified as a leveraged lease in accordance with leases guidance in effect before the effective date
and for which the commencement date is before the effective date.
Primary Beneficiary An entity that consolidates a VIE. See paragraphs 810-10-25-38 through 25-
38J for guidance on determining the primary beneficiary.
Replacement Award An award of share-based compensation that is granted (or offered to grant)
concurrently with the cancellation of another award.
Reporting Unit The level of reporting at which goodwill is tested for impairment. A reporting unit is
an operating segment or one level below an operating segment (also known as a component).
Research and Development Research is planned search or critical investigation aimed at discovery
of new knowledge with the hope that such knowledge will be useful in developing a new product or
service (referred to as product) or a new process or technique (referred to as process) or in bringing
about a significant improvement to an existing product or process. Development is the translation of
research findings or other knowledge into a plan or design for a new product or process or for a
significant improvement to an existing product or process whether intended for sale or use. It
includes the conceptual formulation, design, and testing of product alternatives, construction of
prototypes, and operation of pilot plants.
J Glossary
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | J-17
Residual Value The estimated fair value of an intangible asset at the end of its useful life to an
entity, less any disposal costs.
Subsidiary An entity, including an unincorporated entity such as a partnership or trust, in which
another entity, known as its parent, holds a controlling financial interest. (Also, a VIE that is
consolidated by a primary beneficiary.)
Temporary Difference A difference between the tax basis of an asset or liability computed pursuant
to the requirements in Subtopic 740-10 for tax positions, and its reported amount in the financial
statements that will result in taxable or deductible amounts in future years when the reported amount
of the asset or liability is recovered or settled, respectively. Paragraph 740-10-25-20 cites examples
of temporary differences. Some temporary differences cannot be identified with a particular asset or
liability for financial reporting (see paragraphs 740-10-05-10 and 740-10-25-24 through 25-25),
but those temporary differences do meet both of the following conditions:
a. Result from events that have been recognized in the financial statements
b. Will result in taxable or deductible amounts in future years based on provisions of the tax law.
Some events recognized in financial statements do not have tax consequences. Certain revenues are
exempt from taxation and certain expenses are not deductible. Events that do not have tax
consequences do not give rise to temporary differences.
Unit of Account The level at which an asset or a liability is aggregated or disaggregated in a Topic
for recognition purposes.
Useful Life The period over which an asset is expected to contribute directly or indirectly to future
cash flows.
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-1
K Index of ASC references in this
ASC Paragraph
Gain recognized in a bargain purchase
Cash paid to acquire a business
Transition requirements
Diluted earnings per share
Diluted earnings per share
Diluted earnings per share
Diluted earnings per share
Diluted earnings per share
Diluted earnings per share
Subsequent accounting for an indemnification asset recognized at the
acquisition date as a result of a government-assisted acquisition of a financial
Accounting prior to obtaining control
Acquired LIFO inventories
Acquisition-related costs
Allocating transaction costs to the business combination and financing
Assembled workforce in an asset acquisition
Assembled workforce
Subsequent accounting for assets the acquirer does not intend to use to their
highest and best use
Defensive intangible assets
Subsequent accounting for assets the acquirer does not intend to use to their
highest and best use
Defensive intangible assets
Subsequent accounting for assets the acquirer does not intend to use to their
highest and best use
Defensive intangible assets
Subsequent accounting for assets the acquirer does not intend to use to their
highest and best use
Defensive intangible assets
Subsequent accounting for assets the acquirer does not intend to use to their
highest and best use
Defensive intangible assets
Contract assets
Subsequent accounting for IPR&D acquired in a business combination
Intangible assets disclosures in period of acquisition
Present and disclose the asset acquisition
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-2
ASC Paragraph
Impairment considerations
Property and equipment to be sold
Property and equipment to be sold
Property and equipment to be sold
Cost of restructuring an acquired company
Fair value cannot be determined
Allocating transaction costs to the business combination and financing
Allocating transaction costs to the business combination and financing
Issuance of convertible debt and debt issued with warrants
Examples illustrating principles when evaluating classification
Application of ASC 815 to classification of contingent consideration
Examples illustrating principles when evaluating classification
Up-front payments to customers
Contingent payments to employees or selling shareholders
Recognition of payroll taxes on options exchanged in a business combination
Graded vesting
Examples of research and development costs
Examples of research and development costs
Limitations in the scope of ASC 805
Limitations in the scope of ASC 805
Limitations in the scope of ASC 805
What is a business combination?
What is a business combination?
Identifying the acquirer
What is a business combination?
Identifying the acquirer
Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a VIE
Determining the acquisition date
Determining the acquisition date
Business combinations achieved in stages
Remeasurement of previously held interest
Control obtained without transferring consideration
Control obtained without transferring consideration
Measurement period defined
Measurement period defined
Measurement period defined
Adjustments to provisional amounts during the measurement period
Recognition of measurement period adjustments
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-3
ASC Paragraph
Adjustments to provisional amounts during the measurement period
Acquisition accounting subsequent to the measurement period
Multiple transactions that result in obtaining control
Meaning of ‘part of the business combination
Preexisting relationships between parties to a business combination
Change-in-control provisions added to acquiree awards in contemplation of a
business combination
Multiple transactions that result in obtaining control
Meaning of ‘part of the business combination
Preexisting relationships between parties to a business combination
Change-in-control provisions added to acquiree awards in contemplation of a
business combination
Multiple transactions that result in obtaining control
Meaning of ‘part of the business combination
Change-in-control provisions added to acquiree awards in contemplation of a
business combination
Acquisition-related costs
Transaction costs
Change-in-control provisions added to acquiree awards in contemplation of a
business combination
Measurement period defined
Adjustments to provisional amounts during the measurement period
Adjustments to provisional amounts during the measurement period
Subsequent accounting for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a
business combination
Subsequent accounting
General disclosure requirements
Business combinations after the balance sheet date
Classification in the statement of operations
General disclosure requirements
Business combinations after the balance sheet date
Aggregation of immaterial business combinations
Aggregation of immaterial business combinations
Aggregation of immaterial business combinations
Aggregation of immaterial business combinations
Additional pro forma disclosures required for public entities
Definition of a public entity for purposes of evaluating the requirement to
provide pro forma disclosures
Presentation of pro forma information for a business combination
Pro forma financial information
Aggregation of immaterial business combinations
Business combinations after the balance sheet date
General disclosure requirements
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-4
ASC Paragraph
ASC 820 disclosure considerations
Disclosure requirements
General disclosure requirements
What is a business combination?
What is a business combination?
The elements of a business
The elements of a business
Minimum requirements to be a business
Applying the ‘substantially all’ threshold
Single identifiable assets
Group of similar identifiable assets
When the set is not generating outputs
When the set is generating outputs
When the set is generating outputs
The elements of a business
Minimum requirements to be a business
Presence of goodwill
Identifying the acquirer
What is a business combination?
Identifying the acquirer
Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity
Identifying the acquirer when the acquirer is not obvious
Earnings per share (EPS)
Special purpose acquisition companies
Combinations of more than two entities
What is a business combination?
Identifying the acquirer
Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity
Identifying the acquirer when the acquirer is not obvious
Earnings per share (EPS)
Special purpose acquisition companies
Combinations of more than two entities
Relative voting rights
Size of single minority voting interest
Composition of the governing body
Composition of management
Terms of the exchange of equity interests
What is a business combination?
Identifying the acquirer
Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-5
ASC Paragraph
Identifying the acquirer when the acquirer is not obvious
Earnings per share (EPS)
Special purpose acquisition companies
What is a business combination?
Identifying the acquirer
Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity
Identifying the acquirer when the acquirer is not obvious
Earnings per share (EPS)
Special purpose acquisition companies
Combinations of more than two entities
What is a business combination?
Identifying the acquirer
Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity
Identifying the acquirer when the acquirer is not obvious
Earnings per share (EPS)
Special purpose acquisition companies
Combinations involving a Newco
Meaning of ‘part of the business combination
Accrued bonus
Transactions that are separate from an asset acquisition
Preexisting relationships between parties to a business combination
Preexisting relationships between parties to a business combination
Settlement of debt
Settlement of preexisting relationships
Settlements of preexisting relationships for which an acquirer had previously
recognized assets or liabilities
Reacquired rights in a business combination
Contingent payments to employees or selling shareholders
Continuing employment
Examples of arrangements with contingent payments to employees or selling
Duration of continuing employment
Level of compensation
Incremental payments to employees
Relative stock ownership
Linkage to the valuation
Formula for determining contingent consideration
Other agreements and issues
Examples of settlements of contractual relationships in a business combination
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-6
ASC Paragraph
Examples of settlements of contractual relationships in a business combination
Examples of settlements of contractual relationships in a business combination
Examples of settlements of contractual relationships in a business combination
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Gross assets acquired
Gross assets acquired
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Application of the definition of a business
Overview and scope
Overview and scope
Overview and scope
Overview and scope
Interaction with the goodwill amortization accounting alternative
Recognizing and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities
assumed and any noncontrolling interest in the acquiree
Application of AICPA Accounting & Valuation Guide, Asset Acquired to Be
Used in Research and Development Activities (the Guide)
Attributes of an acquired IPR&D project
Meaning of ‘an asset or liability at the acquisition date
Application of AICPA Accounting & Valuation Guide, Asset Acquired to Be
Used in Research and Development Activities (the Guide)
Attributes of an acquired IPR&D project
Cost of restructuring an acquired company
Meaning of ‘part of the business combination
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-7
ASC Paragraph
Application of AICPA Accounting & Valuation Guide, Asset Acquired to Be
Used in Research and Development Activities (the Guide)
Attributes of an acquired IPR&D project
Meaning of ‘an asset or liability at the acquisition date
Classification or designation of assets acquired and liabilities assumed
Classification or designation of assets acquired and liabilities assumed
Classification or designation of assets acquired and liabilities assumed
Intangible assets
Inherent fair value in executory contracts
Recognition and measurement of acquired leases
Acquiree in a business combination is a lessee in a finance or operating lease
Leases (before to the adoption of ASC 842)
Recognition and measurement of acquired leases
Leases (before to the adoption of ASC 842)
Lessor accounting
Recognition and measurement of acquired leases
Inherent fair value in executory contracts
Leases (before to the adoption of ASC 842)
Reacquired rights
Reacquired rights
Assumed contingent consideration arrangements
Measurement principles
Exceptions to the recognition and measurement principles
Preacquisition contingencies
Preacquisition contingencies
Preacquisition contingencies
Preacquisition contingencies
Preacquisition contingencies
Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses
Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses
Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses
Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses
Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses
Indemnification assets
Indemnification assets
Recognition and measurement of acquired leases
Recognition and measurement of acquired leases
Contracts with customers (after the adoption of ASU 2021-08)
Application of the intangible assets accounting alternative to customer-
related intangible assets
Contract assets and leases
Contract assets and leases
Measurement principles
Assets with uncertain cash flows (valuation allowances)
Assets with uncertain cash flows (valuation allowances)
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-8
ASC Paragraph
Assets with uncertain cash flows (valuation allowances)
Leases (before to the adoption of ASC 842)
Assets the acquirer does not intend to use to their highest and best use
Noncontrolling interests
Bargain purchase in an acquisition of less than 100% controlling interest
Noncontrolling interests
Estimating the fair value of a noncontrolling interest
Preacquisition contingencies
Assumed contingent consideration arrangements
Exceptions to the recognition and measurement principles
Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses
Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses
Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses
Pension, postretirement obligations and bonuses
Indemnification assets
Indemnification assets
Reacquired rights
Reacquired rights
Measurement of share-based payment awards
Property and equipment to be sold
Preacquisition contingencies
Acquiree in a business combination is a lessee in a finance or operating lease
Acquiree in a business combination is a lessor in a sales-type or direct
financing lease
Assets with uncertain cash flows (valuation allowances)
Contracts with customers (after the adoption of ASU 2021-08)
Contracts with customers (after the adoption of ASU 2021-08)
Practical expedients for ASU 2021-08
Disclosure considerations
Practical expedients for ASU 2021-08
Subsequent accounting for reacquired rights
Subsequent accounting for preacquisition contingencies
Subsequent accounting for indemnification assets
Subsequent accounting for an indemnification asset recognized at the
acquisition date as a result of a government-assisted acquisition of a financial
Subsequent accounting for an indemnification asset recognized at the
acquisition date as a result of a government-assisted acquisition of a financial
Assumed contingent consideration arrangements
Subsequent accounting for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a
business combination
Acquired leasehold improvement
Acquiree in a business combination is a lessee in a finance or operating lease
Acquired leasehold improvement
Subsequent accounting for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a
business combination
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-9
ASC Paragraph
Subsequent accounting for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a
business combination
Subsequent accounting for indemnification assets
Disclosure requirements for specific assets acquired, liabilities assumed and
noncontrolling interest
Business combinations after the balance sheet date
Disclosure requirements for specific assets acquired, liabilities assumed and
noncontrolling interest
Business combinations after the balance sheet date
What is considered a preacquisition contingency?
Initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete
Disclosure considerations
Examples: contractual-legal criterion
Examples: contractual-legal criterion
Separability criterion
Separability criterion
Assembled workforce
Single identifiable assets
Determining the unit of account for an acquired contract with a customer
Components of acquired revenue contracts
Determining the unit of account for an acquired contract with a customer
Components of acquired revenue contracts
Customer relationships
Determining the unit of account for an acquired contract with a customer
Components of acquired revenue contracts
Effect of employee terminations on obligations for pension benefits, other
postretirement benefits and postemployment benefits
Effect of employee terminations on obligations for pension benefits, other
postretirement benefits and postemployment benefits
Examples of customer relationships
Examples of customer relationships
Examples of customer relationships
Examples of customer relationships
Examples of customer relationships
Examples of customer relationships
Transition requirements
Effective date and transition for ASU 2021-08
Bargain purchase
Recognizing and measuring a gain from a bargain purchase
Recognizing and measuring a gain from a bargain purchase
Required reassessment of identification and measurement of all aspects of
the transaction
Recognition and measurement of contingent consideration
Assumed contingent consideration arrangements
Initial consolidation of a VIE that is not a business
Classification of contingent consideration
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-10
ASC Paragraph
The roadmap of applicable sections of the Codification to consider in
determining the appropriate classification of contingent consideration
Assumed contingent consideration arrangements
Contingent consideration classified as equity
Initial consolidation of a VIE that is not a business
Classification of contingent consideration
Contingent consideration classified as equity
Initial consolidation of a VIE that is not a business
Remeasurement of previously held interest
Acquirer does not replace acquiree’s share-based payment awards
(i.e., acquiree awards remain outstanding)
Required reassessment of identification and measurement of all aspects of the
Required reassessment of identification and measurement of all aspects of the
Measurement of consideration transferred
Recognizing gains or losses on noncash assets transferred
Replacement of share-based payment awards
Acquiree share-based payment awards expire as a result of the business
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to employees
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to nonemployees
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to employees
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to nonemployees
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to employees
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to nonemployees
Accounting for contingent consideration after initial recognition
Assumed contingent consideration arrangements
Remeasurement of contingent consideration classified as a liability or an asset
Accounting for contingent consideration after initial recognition
Subsequent accounting for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a
business combination
Subsequent accounting for assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a
business combination
Disclosure requirements for goodwill, bargain purchase gains and
consideration transferred
Business combinations after the balance sheet date
Disclosure requirements for goodwill, bargain purchase gains and
consideration transferred
Business combinations after the balance sheet date
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-11
ASC Paragraph
Disclosure requirements for goodwill, bargain purchase gains and
consideration transferred
Consideration transferred in a business combination achieved without the
transfer of consideration
Applying the acquisition method to combinations of mutual entities
Applying the acquisition method to combinations of mutual entities
Applying the acquisition method to combinations of mutual entities
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to employees
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to employees
Acquirer does not replace acquiree’s share-based payment awards (i.e.,
acquiree awards remain outstanding)
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to nonemployees
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to employees
Acquirer is obligated to replace acquirees share-based payment awards issued
to nonemployees
Accounting for forfeitures
Graded vesting
Accounting for forfeitures
Accounting for forfeitures
No required post-combination service, all requisite service for acquiree
awards rendered as of acquisition date
No required post-combination service, all requisite service for acquiree
awards rendered as of acquisition date
Post-combination service required, all requisite service for acquiree awards
rendered as of acquisition date
Post-combination service required, all requisite service for acquiree awards
not rendered as of acquisition date
Post-combination service required, all requisite service for acquiree awards
not rendered as of acquisition date
No required post-combination service, all requisite service for acquiree
awards not rendered as of acquisition date
No required post-combination service, all requisite service for acquiree
awards not rendered as of acquisition date
No required post-combination vesting, vesting condition for acquiree awards
has been met as of acquisition date
No required post-combination vesting, vesting condition for acquiree awards
has been met as of acquisition date
No required post-combination vesting, vesting condition for acquiree awards
has been met as of acquisition date
Post-combination vesting required, vesting condition for acquiree awards has
been met as of acquisition date
Post-combination vesting required, vesting condition for acquiree awards has
been met as of acquisition date
Post-combination vesting required, vesting condition for acquiree awards has
not been met as of acquisition date
Post-combination vesting required, vesting condition for acquiree awards has
not been met as of acquisition date
No required post-combination vesting, vesting condition for acquiree awards
has not been met as of acquisition date
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-12
ASC Paragraph
No required post-combination vesting, vesting condition for acquiree awards
has not been met as of acquisition date
Reverse acquisitions
Reverse acquisitions
Noncontrolling interests in a reverse acquisition
Reverse acquisitions
Measuring the consideration transferred in a reverse acquisition
Noncontrolling interests in a reverse acquisition
Financial statement presentation
Financial statement presentation
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS)
Considerations for applying pooling-of-interests
Change of accounting basis in master limited partnerships
Initial consolidation of a VIE that is not a business
Defining common control
Defining common control
Change of accounting basis in master limited partnerships
Other considerations
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-13
ASC Paragraph
Measure the cost of the asset acquisition
Equity interests issued in exchange for goods or services
Other considerations
Measure the cost of the asset acquisition
Measure the cost of the asset acquisition
Noncash consideration
Applying the ‘substantially all’ threshold
Allocate the cost of the asset acquisition
Cost assignment in asset acquisitions
Defensive intangible assets
Evaluate the difference between cost and fair value
Assets recognized based on the settlement of a contingent consideration
Other considerations
Accounting and reporting by the receiving entity
Other considerations
Accounting and reporting by the receiving entity
Change of accounting basis in master limited partnerships
Change of accounting basis in master limited partnerships
Change of accounting basis in master limited partnerships
Acquisition-related liabilities incurred by acquirer
Treatment of a contingent consideration asset or liability
Subsequent accounting
Subsequent accounting
Financial statement presentation by the receiving entity
Financial statement presentation by the receiving entity
Financial statement presentation by the receiving entity
Financial statement presentation by the receiving entity
Other considerations
Income tax effects of replacement awards classified as equity
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-14
ASC Paragraph
Income tax effects of replacement awards classified as equity
Income tax effects of replacement awards classified as equity
Examples of research and development costs
Examples of research and development costs
What is a business combination?
Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity
Determining whether common control exists
Identifying the acquirer if the acquiree is a voting interest entity
Determining whether common control exists
Effect of the definition of a business on other US GAAP
VIE and primary beneficiary are under common control
Initial consolidation of a VIE that is not a business
Variable interest entities
Variable interest entities
Variable interest entities
Effect of the definition of a business on other US GAAP
Multiple transactions that result in obtaining control
Issuance of subsidiary shares as consideration
Contingent consideration paid in cash and not settled in or indexed to equity
Contingent consideration arrangements settled in or indexed to equity shares
Contingent consideration paid in cash and not settled in or indexed to equity
Contingent consideration arrangements settled in or indexed to equity shares
Contingent consideration arrangements with IPR&D
Contingent consideration paid in cash and not settled in or indexed to equity
Allocating transaction costs to the business combination and financing
Allocating transaction costs to the business combination and financing
Allocating transaction costs to the business combination and financing
Items included in consideration transferred
Items included in consideration transferred
Items included in consideration transferred
Determining if a contingent consideration arrangement is indexed to the
acquirer’s own stock
Application of ASC 815 to classification of contingent consideration
ASC 820 disclosure considerations
ASC 820 disclosure considerations
Treatment of a parent’s fair value option election in acquiree’s financial
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-15
ASC Paragraph
Treatment of a parent’s fair value option election in acquiree’s financial
Direct transaction costs
Direct transaction costs
Acquisition-related costs
Acquisition-related costs
Measurement of property under capital lease
Leases (before the adoption of ASC 842)
Leases (before the adoption of ASC 842)
Lease modifications in connection with a business combination
Leases (before the adoption of ASC 842)
Lease modifications in connection with a business combination
Summary of key differences between accounting for a business combination
and an asset acquisition
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Accounting for leases in asset acquisitions
Summary of key differences between accounting for a business combination
and an asset acquisition
Classification of acquired leases
Acquired leasehold improvement
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
K Index of ASC references in this publication
Financial reporting developments Business combinations | K-16
ASC Paragraph
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Leveraged lease acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a not-
for-profit entity
Impairment considerations
Present and disclose the asset acquisition
Transfer of financial assets
Transfer of financial assets
Transfer of financial assets
Transfer of financial assets
Acquisition-related costs
Not-for-profit organizations
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