SUBJECT: Truck Driver Died After Being Thrown Back by Air Release from
a Pressurized Tire Sidewall Failure
A 61-year-old male truck driver died in the winter of early 2017 when he was thrown onto a
concrete floor as a result of air released from a pressurized tire sidewall failure. The decedent
was a contract driver for an owner/operator; the owner operator’s trucks were leased by the
company where the incident occurred. The decedent’s truck had a flat inside left tire on the rear
axle of his truck; the tire was off bead.
After several unsuccessful attempts to
inflate the tire, the two mechanics
working on the tire used a jack to raise
the rear of the truck to take the pressure
off of the tire. After several more
unsuccessful attempts to inflate the tire,
the mechanics removed the outside tire.
After the outside tire was removed, the
mechanics again attempted to inflate the
tire; this time it was successful (they
were able to get the bead) using a TSI
Cheetah bead seating tool, but they could
hear air leakage from the tire. Mechanic
#1 asked the decedent to release the
cheetah’s air brake. The tire was rotated
and a piece of metal was found.
Mechanic #2 left the scene to retrieve a
tire plug kit. Mechanic #1 was positioned
to the right of the tire. The decedent
walked up to the left of Mechanic #1 (the
decedent was standing directly in front
of the tire) presumably to point out the
metal. Mechanic #1 warned the decedent
to move away while he removed the air
chuck. The sidewall of the pressurized
tire failed releasing the pressurized air.
The force of air from the “explosion”
launched the decedent backward. He landed approximately 12 feet away on his back and struck
his head on the concrete floor. Emergency response was called and the decedent was transported
to a local hospital where he died.
MIFACE identified the following key and possibly contributing factors:
Figure 1: Incident scene
The decedent was not trained on truck maintenance safety, including safe practices
during tire maintenance.
The company’s program to ensure that only trained and authorized personnel were
allowed entry to the maintenance area was not enforced.
A tire cage was not used during the attempted inflation and maintenance of a tire.
Ensure that only properly trained and authorized employees are able to gain access to the
maintenance area.
Use best safety practices, such as a tire cage, when performing tire maintenance, and
provide training on the procedures.
Perform routine inspections of tire integrity.
A 61-year-old male truck driver died in the winter of early 2017 when he was thrown onto a
concrete floor as a result of air released from a pressurized tire sidewall failure. MIFACE
researchers were made aware of the fatality through the MIOSHA 24-hour ASAP reporting
system. MIFACE contacted the safety representative from the truck driver’s employer, who
agreed to be interviewed by MIFACE researchers. During the writing of this report, the death
certificate, medical examiner and police reports, and the MIOSHA compliance file were
reviewed. The pictures used in this report were courtesy of the MIOSHA compliance file, and
have been altered to maintain confidentiality.
The decedent was a full-time truck driver for an owner/operator, who was in turn contracted to a
larger transportation contractor. At the time of the incident, this contractor employed
approximately 175 such drivers via contracts with owner/operators, as well as an additional 225
drivers employed directly by the firm. The decedent had been driving for the contractor through
the owner/operator for 2 years, and held irregular hours depending on his assigned schedule.
The firm trained its drivers in general safety rules and practices, as well as in pre- and post-trip
vehicle inspection, in accordance with federal Department of Transportation requirements. The
employer conducted maintenance on the trucks as needed, and drivers were generally only
responsible for the pre- and post-trip walk-around inspections. Company rules stated that drivers
were not allowed in the maintenance area at the time of the incident; however, drivers would
sometimes accompany the truck during maintenance and observe or assist.
Company Remediation
Since the incident, the company has implemented training and controls to ensure that only
maintenance personnel have access to the maintenance area. The MIOSHA investigation noted
that the employer installed combination locks on the doors to the maintenance bay, and provided
training and posted signs stating that drivers are not to enter the area.
MIOSHA Citations
MIOSHA General Industry Safety and Health Division issued the following Serious citation
to the company at the conclusion of its investigation:
An employer shall provide training to an employee as to the hazards, safe operations of the
assigned job, and applicable rules of this part.
Training in the hazards and safe operations of automotive tire servicing had not been
provided to an employee that was assisting and located in the vicinity where
automotive service mechanics were engaged in repairs to a semi-truck tire. The
training did not cover the hazard of explosive air decompression from damaged tires,
troubleshooting and repair of damaged tires and bead seating and inflation practices.
The decedent was starting his shift in the evening, having finished approximately 12 hours
previously. The driver brought his Freightliner truck in to the maintenance department because
of a flat tire on the inside wheel of the third axel on the driver’s side. The decedent’s truck was
the only one present in the maintenance area that evening. The tire was a General Tire Model
ST250, and had previously been retreaded. The driver accompanied the truck in the maintenance
area (Figure 1), and was assisting two mechanics by setting and releasing the air brake as needed.
The mechanics initially tried inflating the tire with an air chuck and, when this failed, jacked up
the truck to relieve pressure on the tire and attempted to inflate it again. After a further lack of
success, the mechanics removed the outer tire, and used a TSI Cheetah bead seating tool to get
the tire to take its bead. Following further attempts to inflate the now-seated tire using a clip-on
air chuck, it was noticed that the tire had a leak. While one of the mechanics left to retrieve a tire
plug kit, the decedent released the air brake and approached the tire to inspect it. He noticed a
small piece of metal sticking out of the tread of the tire (Figure 2), and pointed this out to the
remaining mechanic. According to the interview, the mechanic began letting air out of the tire in
order to remove the piece of metal.
The mechanic warned the decedent about standing directly in front of the tire. At this time, the
sidewall of the tire ruptured (Figure 3). The decedent was standing directly in front of the tire
sidewall, approximately three feet away according to the MIOSHA investigation. The tire model
had an inflation pressure of 105 pounds per square
inch; however, as the tire was flat and in the process
of being repaired, it is unknown what the pressure
of the tire was at the time of rupture. The driver was
knocked back by the force of the pressurized air
release, striking his head on the concrete floor,
according to the mechanic present at the time. The
decedent landed on his back with his head
approximately 12 feet away from the tire.
The maintenance area was a closed bay area where
drivers were not authorized to enter, and drivers
were not generally responsible for the maintenance
of their trucks. However, due in part to some of the
trucks being owned by independent
owner/operators who wanted their drivers to be able
to observe and assist in maintenance and repair of
their trucks, drivers oftentimes entered the
maintenance area while their trucks were under
Mechanics at the company received yearly and quarterly training on safety and health issues
related to truck maintenance. The mechanic present at the time of the rupture stood next to the
tire instead of in front of it. This, in addition to him being located on the opposite end of the tire
from where the sidewall failed, led to him being
unharmed by the pressurized air release following
the rupture. Blown tires were not uncommon, per the
interviewee. The mechanic who had left to get the
plug kit noted in the MIOSHA investigation that he
had seen sidewall failures before on retreaded tires.
The training the mechanics received and their
experience with tire failures likely contributed to the
mechanic present surviving the incident unharmed,
and might have helped prevent the driver’s death
should he have been similarly trained.
Following the tire rupture, the mechanic who had
left to retrieve the plug kit contacted emergency
services. The decedent was transported to a local
hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
After the incident, the employer instituted new
policies regarding drivers’ access to the maintenance
bay. Combination locks were installed on the
entrances to the service area, while training was
Figure 3: Ruptured tire sidewall
Figure 2: Metal debris stuck in tire
provided to drivers instructing them not to enter the service area. This message was reinforced
with signs posted near the maintenance bay.
The cause of death as listed by the medical examiner on the death certificate was massive blood
loss as a consequence of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm complicating the concussive
force of a tire rupture. It is not known if drug/toxicology testing was performed.
Ensure that only properly trained and authorized employees are able to gain access to
maintenance areas.
Both the MIFACE and MIOSHA investigations found that, while the employer’s rules did forbid
drivers from being in the maintenance area, the employer was aware of, and permitted, drivers
frequently observing, or assisting in, maintenance and repair tasks. The maintenance area should
be an authorized work area, entry to which should be limited to employees who have received
training in safety and health issues surrounding truck maintenance and repair. Such training
should be documented, and a list of employees authorized to access the area should be updated
regularly, contingent upon ongoing training. Employees who are not authorized should not have
access to the area, and this limitation should be strictly enforced by both management as well as
other employees, including maintenance personnel. If a truck driver or owner/operator requests
that the driver be present in the maintenance area with the truck during repair services, the driver
should undergo safety training and become an authorized employee. In this instance, the
decedent should have been required to be trained and authorized to be in the maintenance area,
or kept out of the area entirely. In either case, his death would likely have been prevented. The
company now uses training and posted signs to inform drivers that they are not allowed into the
maintenance area, and combination locks on the doors to ensure unauthorized personnel do not
Use best safety practices, such as a tire cage, when performing tire maintenance, and
provide training on the procedures.
Maintenance personnel, alongside any other employees or
drivers authorized to be present during truck maintenance,
should be trained in in best safety practices regarding tire
maintenance and repair, including methods to prevent, or
minimize the effects of, a tire explosion. The inflation of a
tire should be performed while the tire is restrained within a
device such as a tire safety cage. Cages absorb some of the
impact of a tire explosion, and shield employees from
components of the tire or rim that may be projected during
the explosion. During this incident, the tire was being inflated
and worked on while it was still mounted on the truck. The
use of a cage or other restraint might have weakened the
effect of the explosion and better communicated the
hazards present to unaware employees, including the
Perform routine inspections of tire integrity.
During their training for pre- and post-trip inspections, drivers should be instructed on how to
look for signs of wear or damage on their tires, such as extensive or uneven tread wear or cracks
or breaks in the rubber of the tire, including in the sidewall. Care should be taken to inspect
inside dual tires, such as the one involved in this incident, as signs of damage might more easily
be missed on inside tires due to their location. If a tire has been found to be underinflated (or, as
in this instance, flat), the integrity of the sidewall should be carefully inspected, as this is a
known contributor to the weakening of tire sidewalls.
KEY WORDS: Struck By, Transportation and Warehousing, Truck Driver, Automotive Service,
More information regarding the hazards associated with tire ruptures, as well as guidelines for
performing pre-trip tire inspections, can be found within the following resources:
OSHA: Servicing Single-Piece and Multi-Piece Rim Wheels
Rubber Manufacturers Association Bulletin: “Inspection procedures to identify potential
sidewall “zipper ruptures” in steel cord radial truck, bus and light truck tires”
Bridgestone Tires “Tire Pre-Trip Inspection Guidelines”
Michelin Tires “Pre-trip inspection”
Figure 4: Illustration of a tire cage (source:
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration guidance on regulations pertinent to this report:
Section § 393.75: Tires.
Section § 396.11: Driver vehicle inspection report(s).
Section § 396.13: Driver inspection.
MIFACE summaries of MIOSHA inspections involving similar fatalities:
Case 282: 29-year-old certified mechanic died when he was struck by an exploding rim
of a tractor-trailer tire.
Case 308: 27-year-old service technician for a tire company died when the manure
spreader tire he was servicing at a farm exploded.
MIOSHA standards cited in this report may be found at and downloaded from the MIOSHA,
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) website at:
http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-11407_15368---,00.html. MIOSHA standards are
available by writing to: Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA),
MIOSHA Regulatory Services Section, Stevens T. Mason Building, 530 W. Allegan Street,
Lansing, Michigan 48933, calling (517) 284-7740, or by FAX (517) 284-7735.
MIOSHA General Industry Safety Standards, Part 72. Automotive Service Operations:
MIFACE (Michigan Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation), Michigan State University
(MSU) Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 909 Fee Road, 117 West Fee Hall, East
Lansing, Michigan 48824-1315; http://www.oem.msu.edu. This information is for educational
purposes only. This MIFACE report becomes public property upon publication and may be
printed verbatim with credit to MSU. Reprinting cannot be used to endorse or advertise a
commercial product or company. All rights reserved. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal
opportunity employer.