The Principal’s Desk
Term 1 2018 Publication 2
30 April
School resumes. Powhiri for
Justin Harper
11 May
O’Shea Shield at St Catherine’s
18 May
Careers Expo Years 12 & 13
21 May
Cullinane Day
25 May
Sports Team Photos
28 - 31 May
Year 13 Geography Field Trip to
4 June
Queen’s Birthday Weekend
5 June
Teacher Only Day No School
1113 June
Year 11 Geography Field Trip
28 & 29 June
Family Days
Term end is coming on fast; time flies when you are having fun or very busy, or both. This
term certainly has been busy but also lots of fun watching the successes of the students.
We learned that three of our students from 2017 gained four scholarships in Level 3. Well
done to Macy Duxfield, Ellise Smith and Natayla Peni. This is a significant number of
scholarships considering our school size.
We also celebrate the sporting successes this term and in particular two firsts in
Cullinanes sporting history. Our Mixed Touch Team recently won the regional competition
and our boysAthletics team won the Viard Shield. The last time the Viard Shield was won
was in 2000. What an accomplishment beating our Catholic schools in the Lower North
Island. I must say, I was particularly proud of Petera Koro who broke the long held record
for the Junior Boys 5km running event.
We have also had teams representing the College at Maadi Cup in Twizel and Waka Ama in
Rotorua. Two of our netballers have made the Aotea Netball U16 team and travelled to
Gisborne during Easter. Congratulations to Molly Bullock and Te Whetu Matthews.
An update on some of our Alumni:
Brett Cameron (2010-2014) played for the Crusaders on Saturday 24
April. Brett is a very
talented sportsman who has a wonderful future ahead of him. What a fantastic
accomplishment. The commentators did mention his link to Cullinane College during the
game. Brett and another past student, Te Rangatira Waitokia (2009-2013), were also
recently selected for the New Zealand Universities Rugby side to tour Japan and Singapore
at the end of April. This would be a first for Cullinane to have two old boys representing the
New Zealand Universities Team at the same time and in the same year. A special mention
must also go to Brad Mathas (20062011), a very talented runner, who is currently
representing New Zealand in the Commonwealth Games where he has posted a Personal
Best of 1.46.32 in the 800m. We always knew Brad was destined for a great future in his
On a spiritual front, our Tuakana Student leadership team are making great strides and are
a credit to our College. The leaders participated in the Marist Youth Leaders Conference at
Hato Paora at the beginning of the year to prepare them for their leadership roles within the
College. We have also had students representing us at the recent JJAMM Conference in
Thank you to all those parents and students who participated in our recent SWEET (Student
Whanau Educational Empowering Tool) Evening designed to support the academic
progress of our senior students and help them achieve their goals. The follow up to this will
take place during Family Day at the end of Term 2. We appreciate the continued support
you give to your children and the College in support of initiatives like the Parent/Teacher
Interviews and SWEET Evening.
This is my last submission for the Newsletter as we welcome Mr Justin
Harper to the College
next term. I wish you
all a safe and happy
Page 2
Pastoral and Academic
Science News
From the DRS
Greetings from the DRS.
Religious Studies classes are continuing to work well. Junior classes should be completing their second topic by the end of the
term. Senior classes are just completing their first assessments. Year 11 students need to be finished by the end of term while
Year 12 and 13 have the holidays to finalise theirs.
Four Year 12 students have attended the first two Marist Young Neighbour Programmes and another two will go in the
holidays. Students have thoroughly enjoyed these and they have come back much more knowledgeable about social justice
with a determination to do something.
In early March, I accompanied Pikiteora Takiari-Toro and Justin Joseph to Christchurch where they represented the Tuakana
team at a gathering of Head Students from the nine Colleges that form the Marist network of schools. It was a wonderful
learning experience for the students as they reflected on what was going well and what challenges there were. While there ,we
spent time in central Christchurch, visiting the memorials to those who lost their lives in the Christchurch earthquake. It
reminded us that, for the people of Christchurch, the earthquake remains a constant living presence.
A group of Year 12 students participated in the Caritas Leadership Day run at the Diocesan Centre in Palmerston North.
Activities were very interactive and engaging and the students gained insights that will be helpful for their assessments.
In mid-March Cullinane had a team in the local Relay for Life held at Cooks Gardens. This initiative came from our Tuakana
group, in particular Ronan Shaw, who was key in organizing and following through to ensure everything went smoothly. The
team raised over $1800 for the local Cancer Society.
We were blessed with a visit by John Paul College from Rotorua who were on a pilgrimage to visit places of significance for
Suzanne Aubert. They were welcomed to Cullinane and were the first outside group to stay overnight in our new whare. A
local parishioner, Sue Seconi, showed them around places in Whanganui, including a visit to the Council chambers to see the
stained glass window. We are very appreciative of the time she gave to preparing and running this.
During Holy week, Ms Foster and I took a group of students to Palmerston North to the Mass of the Oils. Our students were
actively involved by carrying in the Whanganui banner and collecting the oils for the parish.
Back at school, we had an Easter liturgy on Holy Thursday focusing on the events of Thursday and Good Friday. On
returning to school on Wednesday we celebrated the Resurrection with another liturgy.
We are currently preparing our team for OShea Shield. OShea is being hosted by St Catherines College Kilbirnie from May
It has been a long, busy, but positive term. I wish all families a restful time over the upcoming break.
God Bless
Helen Dougherty (DRS)
11DD are currently working towards their Chemistry internal achievement standard. They have been planning
the practical component of this assessment for about a week and today they had to collect the data. The photo
shows a group timing the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulfate. Their next task is to pro-
cess the data, draw a graph then write the report. We have already completed a Physics practical assessment
so they are all improving their practical skills. Well done 11DD for completing the task in an efficient and timely
Uniform Information and Reminder
Parents are reminded that Term Two is the beginning of our Winter Terms and
requires our students to be in full Winter Uniform. Term Two will begin on April
30th and all students will be expected to be at school in full Winter Uniform.
This is the long sleeve white top for Years 9-11, blue for Years 12-13. Boys are
to be in dress pants while girls should be in the official winter skirt. Ties, jerseys
or school jackets and dress shoes round out the look. Blazers are optional. If
anyone is unsure of what this all looks like please check out the relevant pages
in the Student Diary, our website or ask the friendly staff at Andersons
Uniforms. Andersons provide an excellent service for the College and would
like parents to know that they are also now handling our second hand uniforms.
Parents are encouraged to bring their unwanted good quality second hand uni-
form items into Andersons who will negotiate a fair buy back price. Please
note: they will only consider purchasing uniforms in very good, clean condition.
School Counselling
Available on Mondays - 9.00 am - 12.00 pm
Wednesdays - 9.00 am - 12.00 pm
Fridays 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm
Available on Tuesdays - 9.00 am - 12.30 pm
Thursdays - 9.00 am - 12.30 pm
There is no time in the past, nor will there be any time in the future more important than NOW to ENJOY life. If you would like to
make an appointment to speak with a Counsellor here at Cullinane College please note the following information:
How to make an Appointment:
1 Telephone - Cullinane College Main Office ... 349 0105
2 Cellphone or Text - 0 2 1 1 1 7 6 2 7 3
3 Email address: vhil[email protected]
4 Personally - Call at the Counsellors' Office and make an appointment
Mr Neil Pedley and myself belong to NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION OF
We are professionally qualified
Attend ongoing Training
Have a Supervisor (a professional person who supports us in our work)
Follow a set of rules called a 'Code of Ethics'
We are bound by confidentiality
If you require more support in the area that you seek help with we will seek
your permission to refer you to a Specialist Counsellor
The ultimate aim of counselling is to help you find the answer 'within yourself', to
help you realise your full potential and flourish in life.
Please do not hesitate to contact either Neil or myself if you require confidential
support in regard to any matter that may concern you.
Kindest regards
Virginia M Hillgrove
Sport’s DeskAn Action Packed Term
Viard Shield
50 plus students attended and competed at the Viard
Shield held in Palmerston North this year.The Viard Shield
sees us compete against St Peters, Hato Paora and
Chanel College in Athletics. Our boys worked extremely
hard to place 1st overall winning the boys Shield which
has been a long time coming. MORE THAN 10 YEARS IN
Term 1 sports has started off to a cracking year with some
great results achieved by our students.
Rylie Wright and Hamish Dodds-McIntosh started us off by
placing 1
and 2
in their respective swimming events!
Cullinane Athletics
Our school Athletics saw one of our junior students,
Tadhg OConnor, break the High Jump record and he will
now be competing at the Lower North Island Secondary
School Athletics along with Tomasi Connor and Ioane
Good Luck Boys!
Summer Tournament Week
Rowing and Waka Ama ventured out of Wanganui
to represent Cullinane College. This is a week away from
school, and for our volunteers, a week away
from their families. Thank-you to all those who were
involved and well done to our students.
Our best result came from the Boy's U18 Quad
(Donnie Thompson, Kurt Browning, Xavier Mohr,
Brennan Knopf and Milly Keenan as cox) who finished
3rd in a B Final, placing them 11th in the country.
Well done to all our rowing students who competed.
Rugby Kit 2018
Last but not least we are slowly trying to make
improvements to our sport uniforms. Rugby will have
a new kit this year and a new singlet was introduced which
highlights the maroon we have in our school uniform
jersey. Our intention is to detract us away from our
competing schools Collegiate and St Peters!
Hamish Dodds and Rylie Wright
Tadhg OConnor
Viard Winners ??
The Waka Team
Maroon added into our sports uniform
Rugby Kit 2018
Te Here Ataamai Māori Department News
Term One has been very busy and has seen our students involved in a number of events. These include the opening
of the new whare and whakairo, powhiri for Mr Shore at St. Peters College, Ki-O-Rahi regional tournament, powhiri
for John Paul College from Rotorua, Hui Aranga festival in Ohakune, and kapahaka National practices. The students
are enjoying the new whare and its wonderful facilities. During the first week of the Term 1 holidays our Ki-O-Rahi
team will be travelling to Gisborne to compete at the National Ki-O-Rahi tournament.
Key Dates:
National Secondary Schools Kapahaka Competition, 2-6th July, Palmerston North Arena. Tickets are
on sale online through Ticket Direct.
Aotea Regional Manukōrero Speech Competition will be hosted by Taranaki this year. Dates and
venue are still to be confirmed.
National Manukorero competition 18-20 September, Gisborne.
Te Wiki O Te Reo – Māori Language Week, 10 – 16 September 2018.
Drama Classes in Action
Junior Burger Challenge
The Year 9 Gourmet Burger Challenge is underway and the final cook will take place next term. These students, Nathaniel,
Connor, Ethan & Riley, have made a Thai inspired burger. Kayne, Cullen and Daniel are certainly pleased with their efforts.
Students began with a basic burger and have been exploring tastes and flavours from Russia and India. Next term they will be
able to add their own spin on things and then compete for the best burger.
Sweet Success
Feedback from The SWEET Evening:
Our SWEET evening was very successful with the majority of our families attending on the night. We would like to
say thank you to all our whanau who took time from their busy lives to come and engage in our tamarikis school
The Form Teachers have already started the process of following up the student goals and discussing the next step in
the process. However, we would like all our whanau to have the opportunity to be part of this initiative; if you were
unable to attend the SWEET evening, I would like to encourage you to please contact your child's Form teacher, who
will meet with you to go through the tool. This will support you to understand your child's education plan and for
you to share your education plan for your tamariki.
Lida Penn-Reina
Pastoral and Academic
Maadi Cup
Parent Portal
Progress reports for both Juniors and Seniors are now
available for download on the Parent Portal. If you click the
Results tab and then Reports—you will then be able to
download a PDF of the current report
Powhiri for New
The Board of Trustees warmly
invites the Cullinane College
community to attend the
powhiri to welcome our new
Principal, Justin Harper. This
will be held in the Wharenui on
Monday 30
April 2018 at
9.30am. There will be morning
tea served after the welcome.
A contribution towards the
shared morning tea would be
appreciated. Please drop off
your plate to the Wharenui
prior to the powhiri.
Gateway at Cullinane…
Term One, has been particularly busy for Gateway students. Year 12’s completed their Health and Safety standards
and their First Aid training in a two-day course earning 18 credits. First Aid training was carried out in the Chapel and
was very successful with all students gaining their First Aid Certificates. It was a superb way to start the years
collection of Level 2 credits.
Ms Englands Level Two cooking class completed their food safety course and cooked a tasty pizza to prove
themselves. This course enables these students to work with food in the future in cafes or restaurants. It also added
four Level Two credits to their collection.
A selection of students attended a Careers Day hosted by the Whanganui Hospital Board to advertise and inform
students interested in careers in Health. There were the usual doctor and nurse careers but also paramedic and
hematologists. Katie Scorange, a first year doctor, was very impressive, talking about her path to the medical
profession. She surprised us by saying that the hardest part of her training so far was the decision to not enter the
workforce after Year 13. She pointed out that all studies were designed to pass and there was plenty of help offered to
the young doctors. With young doctors like Katie serving the Whanganui public, we are well looked after here.
On May 18
Whanganui Careers Advisers are hosting a Careers Expo as they do every year. This is available for all
Year 13 students and parents are invited to attend after school. This is a great opportunity to see what options are on
offer for our school leavers. More about this next term.
The main job of Gateway students has been to secure work experience. We have to date, 15 students working all over
town in a variety of occupations. This has been a great start and many of the students are enjoying their working
experience and gaining valuable skills. However, we are still in need of several work placements for our students and
appeal to our parents to help connect students with the workforce. This is a critical aspect of the Gateway Programme,
which also provides the funding necessary to outfit students appropriately.
Anyone who can offer a work placement to a student next term is asked to contact Ms Kendrick on 027 252 7739.
Parent Contact Request:
If you have changed your cell phone number this term, please contact the College Office with some urgency with your new de-
tails. It is important that we have a reliable form of contact in event of an emergency with your child or at the College. Recently
we have been notified by the messaging service that many of the cell phone numbers provided by caregivers are no longer active,
have been reassigned to another person or that a large number of messages have not been received by our parents. We have found
that text messaging is one of our more reliable lines of communication therefore it is imperative that these details are correct and
From Behind the Front Desk