L.A. Noire
Unofficial Case Guides
By SLee
L.A.$Noire:$Unofficial$Case$Guides$ ! ©2011 WithSLee Blog Network!
Thank you for choosing L.A. Noire: Unofficial Case Guides. As
the title says, these guides are unofficial and are not licensed
by the makers of the game in any way. However, they will lead
you through each case in the game, helping you find every clue,
handle every question correctly, and get five stars on every
case. Each case guide has been tested for accuracy multiple
times to ensure your success. Guides for all the DLC cases are
also included.
Getting the Most Out of These Case Guides
If you follow these guides carefully, they will lead you to
every clue, help you respond correctly in every question, show
you where to go, and help you charge the right suspect. These
are the most important steps in achieving a five star rating at
the end of each case. Keep in mind, though, that your behavior
during the case can also have an effect on your rating. For
instance, if you rack up a lot of vehicle, personal, or city
damage (statistics that can be seen on the case summary at the
end of the case), your rating will be
negatively affected, preventing you from
getting five stars even if you have done
everything else correctly.
The Newsletter
If you got these guides by signing up for
the newsletter, keep an eye on your inbox
for more tips for L.A. Noire and other info
from SLee.
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Table of Contents
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L.A.$Noire:$Unofficial$Case$Guides$ ! ©2011 WithSLee Blog Network!
Patrol Desk
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Upon Reflection
The main purpose of Upon Reflection, your first case in L.A.
Noire is to teach you how to move about in the game and complete
a case. The case starts as you are on the way to the Alleyway
Crime Scene.
Alleyway Crime Scene
Your objective at the Alleyway Crime Scene is to locate the
murder weapon. When you first start investigating the crime
scene, you can find the first newspaper on a stack of crates by
the stairs on the right side of the alleyway.
After the newspaper cut-scene, go to the end of the alley to the
bloodstained door and investigate it using the A button when the
controller vibrates (this is how you investigate any clues in
L.A. Noire). Back out of your investigation of the door with the
B button. Next, look up and investigate the open window. Phelps
sees the location of the gun you are looking for in the
reflection of the window.
To get to the gun, walk past the window you just investigated,
and turn left. There is a drainpipe that you can climb up to get
on top of the building. When you’re on top of the building, walk
towards the open window that showed you the gun. When you
approach the gun, your controller vibrates. Press A to
investigate the gun. Use the joystick to manipulate it into the
correct position and press A to investigate it further. After
you are done investigating the gun, you and your partner Ralph
decide to research the gun at the gun store.
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Gun Store
Go back in your car and head to the Gun Store. (The store will
be a marked with a yellow flag on your mini-map; if it’s not,
you can set it as your current destination from the locations
section of your notebook.)
When you enter the Gun Store, the owner tells you about the gun
that you found. Find the owner in the ledger the owner provides.
Click on the name Errol Schroeder and then head over to
Schroeder’s apartment.
Schroeder’s Apartment
When you arrive at Schroeder’s Apartment, head inside using the
door next to the Moxley’s. Investigate the mailboxes by the
entrance to find Schroeder’s apartment number.
Head upstairs to the apartment. There is a brief cut-scene, and
then you learn to “brawl.” (This will give you practice in
brawling, which you’ll need to get the Keep a Lid On
Achievement.) After subduing Schroeder, investigate his chest of
drawers to find the clue: Schroeder’s Notebook. There is another
cut-scene, and the case ends.
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Warrants Outstanding
Your second case in L.A. Noire has no questions or clues. It
starts as your partner Ralph spots a parole violator walking
down the street. You have to chase the suspect on foot as Ralph
tries to cut him off in the car. He fails to cut him off, and
you must chase him up ladders and drain pipes and across
rooftops until the suspect clothes lines you. Here you have your
second brawl of the game, and then the case is over.
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Buyer Beware
Buyer Beware starts out with Phelps as the first responder to a
murder on the street close to his beat. This is your first
opportunity to investigate a crime scene with an actual body
(don’t worry; there will be many more).
Crime Scene at Nunn Bush Shoes
After the cut-scene, look around the crime scene at Nunn Bush
Shoes for clues. The first clue is on the body of the victim.
Press A when you are close to the body to crouch down over it.
You are then able to move Phelps’ hand around to decide which
part of the victim you want to investigate. Investigate his
jacket pocket to find the clue: Layaway voucher. You can
investigate his arms and head like the game suggestion says, but
there aren’t any clues to be earned from it. Press B when you
are done with the body to continue searching the rest of the
crime scene.
The next clue is in the trashcan by the street. Walk over to it
and investigate it to find the clue: FN Browning handgun. This
also adds the location: Eagleson’s Gun Store.
About halfway between the body and the trashcan, you can find
the third clue: .32 shell casings. To find them, keep your eyes
open for the casings glistening in the sunlight and wait for
your controller to shake.
After you find the three clues, your partner Ralph tells you to
talk to an eyewitness. The eyewitness refers you to a woman in
the store. Go talk to her, and then it’s time to get some
practice with questions. When you first start speaking, you get
two new people of interest: the victim Everett Gage and the
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witness Clovis Galletta.
Question Clovis like this:
Eyewitness account >> Choose “Lie” and use the clue
“Layaway voucher” as evidence.
Possible murder suspects >> Choose “Doubt.”
Details of shooting >> Choose “Truth.”
After this interview, you should have these clues: Shooting,
Layaway voucher, FN Browning handgun, .32 shell casings, Suspect
positively identified, and Possible religious motive. You should
have these People of Interest: Everett Gage, Clovis Galletta,
and Edgar Kalou. You should have these locations: Nunn Bush
Shoes, Eagleson’s Gun Store, and Hartfield’s Jewelry Store.
It’s time to move on. Set Eagleson’s Gun Store as your
destination by using your notebook. Go there to find out more
about the murder weapon.
Eagleson’s Gun Store
Enter the store, and the owner greets you. In the cut-scene, the
owner gives you information about the murder weapon and the
owner. He also tells you that Kalou recently came in to have the
gun serviced, giving you the clue: Murder Weapon Serviced.
That’s all here. Go look for Kalou at the Jewelry Store.
Jewelry Store
When you enter the store, the owner greets you. When Phelps asks
if he is the owner, he says he’s not and then tries to escape
out the back. Chase after him and you have a choice of how to
subdue him.
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1st option: When you pull out your gun, aim at Kalou and hold
the Left Trigger until the circle fills up to fire a warning
shot. This stops Kalou in his tracks. This is the same method
used later to get the Not So Hasty Achievement. You won’t get
the Achievement at this time in the game because for the
achievement, you have to be a detective.
2nd option: Chase after Kalou until the game suggests that you
tackle Kalou. Tap the A button as fast as you can to sprint and
tackle Kalou. This is the method used later to get the Asphalt
Jungle Achievement. You have to be a detective for this
achievement also.
3rd option: Neither fire a warning shot nor tackle Kalou; just
keep chasing him, and eventually he stops.
Wilshire Police Station
After Kalou is taken in, there is a cut-scene where you are
asked to interrogate him. Time to practice some more
Argument with Gage >> Choose “Lie” and use “Suspect
positively identified” as evidence.
Possible religious motive >> Choose “Doubt.”
There is then another cut-scene, and that’s it for this case.
You are promoted and get the Police Academy Achievement.
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Traffic Desk
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The Driver’s Seat
After your introduction to the Traffic Desk, your boss sends you
to investigate the P.E. Freight Depot.
P.E. Freight Depot
When you arrive at the P.E. Freight Depot, head over to the
crime scene to be greeted and briefed by an officer. He gives
you the name Adrian Black and then tells you to take a look
around the crime scene. Before you talk to the witness, start
looking for clues.
The center of the crime scene is the car. Walk over to the trunk
and open it to take a look around. In the trunk you find the
clue: Receipt for live hog. Back out of the trunk and walk
around to the driver’s side of the car. You can look at the
gore, but there’s no clue there. Walk in front of the car to
marker A to find the clues: Glasses and Wallet. To the left is
marker B, where you can find the clue: Bloody pipe.
After finding all the clues, it’s time to question the witness
Nate Wilkey:
Purpose at scene >> Choose “Truth.”
Knowledge of Adrian Black >> Choose “Truth.”
Contents of Wallet >> Choose “Doubt.”
Bloodstained pipe found >> Choose “Truth.”
There’s nothing else to see at the Freight Depot, so it’s time
to go talk to the wife.
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Black Residence
Go up to the house, and Mrs. Margaret Black invites you in.
There is a cut-scene as you first talk with Black. After you are
done talking, look around the house for clues.
On the table in the dining room is a collectible newspaper;
watch the cut-scene if you wish and then get back to your search
for clues. Next to the newspaper is a book of matches;
investigate it for the clue: Cavanagh’s matchbook (use the phone
to get the address for Cavanagh’s).
Toward the back of the house, there are two bedrooms. There is a
picture of Margaret in one and a picture of Adrian in the other.
There’s nothing to learn from Margaret’s picture, but when you
are investigating Adrian’s picture, press A to investigate it
further. This finds you the clue: Concealed message. Next to the
picture of Adrian is a case. Investigate it for the clue:
Glasses case. In Adrian’s wardrobe, you can find the clue: Train
Move onto the kitchen, and on the table is the clue: InstaHeat
receipt and InstaHeat flyer. To get the InstaHeat flyer clue,
you have to pick up the flyer, scroll to the bottom, press A to
investigate further, and scroll to the bottom on the second
side. Also in the kitchen is another matchbook, but you won’t
get a clue from it if you got the one in the dining room.
After finding the clues inside the house, your partner will tell
you to take a look outside. Outside you will have your first
L.A. Noire puzzle, which if completed correctly will unlock the
Plot Thickens Achievement. In this puzzle, you have 4 pieces of
pipe to put into place. When you put the pieces in place, the
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achievement will unlock, and you will discover that there is a
piece missingthe piece that you found at the crime scene.
After you have found all the clues, go back into the house to
question Margaret.
Slaughterhouse receipt >> Choose “Truth.”
Cavanagh’s Bar matchbook >> Choose “Truth.”
Location of Adrian Black >> Choose “Truth.”
Photograph signed ‘Nicole’ >> Choose “Lie” and use the
clue Concealed message as evidence.
Stenzel glasses case >> Choose “Truth.”
Alibi for Mrs. Black >> Choose “Truth.”
After this unusually long series of questions, you have found
all you can at the Black residence. Continue your investigation
at Cavanagh’s Bar
Cavanagh’s Bar
When you get to Cavanagh’s Bar, walk in and talk to the
bartender. He will direct you to Frank, who is sitting in the
back room. Go question Frank:
Link to abandoned vehicle >> Choose “Lie” and use the
clue Receipt for live hog as evidence.
Location of Adrian Black >> Choose “Doubt.”
At this point you can choose to arrest Morgan or let him go.
Either way, head over to his apartment to continue the case. If
you are in a police car when you are on your way over, you hear
a message over the radio, giving you a new clue: Swine blood
although if you’ve been paying attention, you should already be
aware of that information.
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Morgan’s Apartment
When you arrive at Morgan’s Apartment, go inside and head to
Morgan’s apartment. You can check the mailboxes inside if you
want to or if you forgot what Morgan said. Then head upstairs to
the apartment. Adrian answers the door, says he’s going to pack
his things, but decides to run instead. Chase him down to finish
the case.
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A Marriage Made in Heaven
Your second Traffic Desk case starts off with a hit-and-run cut-
scene, and you are quickly told to go investigate.
Ray’s Cafe
Head over to Ray’s Cafe, the scene of the crime, to get started.
When you arrive at Ray’s Cafe, walk up to the crime scene, and
the officer gives you two people of interest: Lester Pattison
and Shannon Perry. Before you talk to them, investigate the
crime scene for clues.
Go check the body for your first clue. In one of his jacket
pockets you find the clue: Insurance letter. In the other pocket
you find clue: Wallet. Those are the only clues you can find on
his body, but when you back out of the investigation, the
coroner talks to you, and you get the clue: Coroner’s report.
The only other clue outside the café is the Bloody knife. This
clue is located in the trashcan in the alley beside Ray’s Cafe
(you need this to unlock the Stab-Rite Achievement). You can
take a look at the yellow markers close to the body, but they
don’t give you any clues.
After finding the clues you need, it’s time to start questioning
witnesses. Go talk to Shannon Perry in front of Ray’s Cafe:
Eyewitness report >> This gives you the clue: Argument
overheard. Choose “Truth.”
Suspect vehicle description >> Choose “Truth.” This
updates your clue: Hit-and-run vehicle.
Argument overheard >> Choose “Doubt.” This gives you
new POI: victim’s wife.
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That’s all for Shannon Perry. Head inside the café to talk to
the bartender:
Hit and run incident >> Choose “Doubt.”
Association with victim >> Choose “Truth.”
Argument overheard in bar >> Choose “Doubt” and he
gives you the clue: Lynch’s statement.
Joint business venture >> Choose “Doubt.”
After questioning the bartender, make sure to grab the newspaper
of the bar if you haven’t already. Watch the cut-scene if you’d
like and then get back to your investigation.
When you’re finished at the bar, go to the back of the cafe to
use the telephone. You run a trace on the description of the
hit-and-run vehicle and come up with the new person of interest
William Shelton. Go to Shelton’s Residence to continue the case.
Shelton Residence
When you pull up, Shelton is leaving home, bags in hand. You
tell him to stop, but he tries to escape. In your chase, try to
stop his car by ramming the wheel wells when you are close. If
you are unable to stop him on the road, it’s okay because you
can get him once he stops at Union Station. (If you are trying
to get the five-star rating on this case, be careful during your
car chase; running over pedestrians is one of the fastest ways
to ruin your star rating.) After apprehending Shelton, head over
to the Pattison residence to talk to the widow.
Pattison Residence
At the Pattison Residence, you find not only Mrs. Pattison, but
her lover Leroy Sabo as well. After the cut-scene, start your
questioning of Mrs. Pattison:
L.A.$Noire:$Unofficial$Case$Guides$ ! ©2011 WithSLee Blog Network!
Hit and run incident >> Choose “Doubt.”
Nature of argument >> Choose “Doubt.”
Partnership with Leroy Sabo >> Choose “Lie” and use
the clue Insurance letter as evidence.
After you’re done with your questions, Mrs. Pattison asks you to
leave, but oddly enough, you are supposed to go use her phone.
Follow the icon on your mini-map to find the telephone in the
room behind where Mrs. Pattison was sitting. The coroner is
asking for you to go see him.
Central Morgue
Head over to the Central Morgue to talk with the coroner. Go
into the morgue and find the coroner in the room that says
“Staff Only.” There is a cut-scene where the coroner tells you
the victim was stabbed.
Pattison residence (again)
With your new revelations, head back to the Pattison residence.
After a cut-scene, Leroy tries to escape out the back, and you
get to chase him down on foot. You can try to fire a warning
shot, just flat-out shoot him, or continue to pursue until he
grabs a hostage. If he has grabbed a hostage, carefully put one
in his head without hitting the hostage. This ends the case.
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The Fallen Idol
The Fallen Idol is your third and last Traffic Desk case. After
the introduction, head over to the Crash Site to get started.
Crash Site
At the Crash Site, the attending officer tells you what
happened. Then it’s time to find some clues. Go down to the
actual crash site, which is located below the cliff where you
talk to the first officer. To get down there, you just have to
follow the path on the east side of the cliff.
The coroner has some evidence presented for you on the trunk of
the car. Investigate the evidence to find the clue: Underwear,
and the clue: Letter from mother is in the purse next to
underwear. You can take a look inside the car and at the license
plate on the ground, but they don’t give you any clues. Go talk
to the coroner, and he gives you the clue: Prop shrunken head.
That’s all down here; it’s time to get some more information
from the victim.
Head back up the hill and find victim June Ballard sitting in
the back of an ambulance. Approach her to start your questions:
Doping allegation >> Choose “Doubt.” She drops the
name Mark Bishop.
Injured female passenger >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Underwear as evidence.
Fake shrunken head >> Choose “Doubt.”
Suspect ‘Mark Bishop’ >> Choose “Doubt.”
After finishing your questions, there’s not anything else to be
found or learned at the Crash Site. Head over to the hospital to
visit the other victim.
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Central Receiving Hospital
Walk up to the receptionist at the Central Receiving Hospital,
and she tells you which room the Jessica is in. Before you go
into the room, you can talk to the doctor in the hall to get the
clue: Evidence of abuse. Then go into the girl’s room. You can
update the clue: Evidence of abuse by looking at her chart at
the foot of her bed. Then question her:
Crash incident report >> Choose “Lie” and use the
clue: Underwear as evidence.
Contact with parents >> Choose “Lie” and use the clue:
Letter from mother as evidence.
Association with Bishop >> Choose “Doubt.”
Evidence of criminal abuse >> Choose “Truth.” This
gives you the clue: Mermaid.
After you question Jessica, walk out of the room, and after the
cut-scene you have to tail June Ballard. Follow her car from a
distance; if you get too close, you’ll blow your cover. Her car
pulls up at a cafe. Use cover (by pressing the right bumper, RB)
to hide by the door until she’s not looking around anymore. Then
go sit at the booth with the newspaper to eavesdrop on her phone
conversation. (If you successfully avoid detection during this
part, you will unlock the Shadow Achievement.) !Listening to
Ballard gives you the address to Bishop’s apartment. When she
leaves, head out of the cafe and over to Bishop’s apartment.
Bishop’s Apartment
When you arrive at the apartment building, go inside and the
receptionist tells you where the apartment is. Take the elevator
up and go to the apartment. Mrs. Bishop greets you, and then
it’s time to search for clues. There are a lot of objects that
L.A.$Noire:$Unofficial$Case$Guides$ ! ©2011 WithSLee Blog Network!
you can investigate in this apartment, but only some of them are
In the first bedroom, on the floor by the foot of the bed is the
clue: $20,000 check. Just outside of that room, by the door, you
find the clue: Saddle. It’s hard to miss that one. Go into the
next room, and on the left of the counter there is a photograph.
Investigate it for the clue: Movie set photograph. To the right
of that is another clue: Movie set replica. Go to the room that
Mrs. Bishop is in, and on the furniture by the window to the
room that you just came from is a photograph of two men;
investigate it to update the clue: Mermaid, and Mrs. Bishop
speaks up to give you a new person of interest: Marlon Hopgood.
After finding the clues, walk towards Mrs. Bishop and press X to
start questioning her:
Domestic disturbance >> Choose “Doubt.”
Whereabouts of Bishop >> Choose “Truth.”
Check for $20,000 >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
$20,000 check as evidence.
Abuse of Jessica Hamilton >> Choose “Doubt.”
After you question Mrs. Bishop, use the telephone to get
information on the prop store. After you get the address, head
to the prop store to continue the case.
Silver Screen Props
When you arrive, enter Silver Screen Props to talk to Marlon
Hopgood. He leads you through the store to the sound stage
behind Silver Screen Props. Then start looking for clues.
L.A.$Noire:$Unofficial$Case$Guides$ ! ©2011 WithSLee Blog Network!
On the shelves on the right side of the stage, find the clue:
Chloral hydrate. On the opposite side of the stage, go
investigate the mirror to discover a room on the other side. Go
out of the sound stage building and around to the left. There
are some worktables there. A newspaper is on one of the tables.
The table to the left of the table with the newspaper on it has
another clue: Prop shrunken head molds.
To your left when you are facing the worktable with the prop
shrunken head molds, there is a life-sized painting of an
alleyway. Investigate it to kick it open, and then go through
the door that is revealed. This is the secret camera room. In
the secret camera room, investigate the shelves to find the
clue: Film reel. On the table to the right of the shelves, there
is another clue: Empty film canister. If you turn around and
investigate a little bit, you see that there is another one-way
mirror that views the restroom; this doesn’t give you a clue,
After finding these clues, go back into the other side of the
sound stage building. It’s time to question Hopgood:
Association with Bishop >> Choose “Lie,” and use clue:
Chloral hydrate as evidence.
Whereabouts of Bishop >> Choose “Truth.”
Relationship with Ballard >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Empty film canister as evidence.
Evidence of blackmail >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: $20,000 check as evidence.
After you question Hopgood, there are a couple cut-scenes. Then
there is a car chase. Your objective is to evade or subdue the
mobsters. It’s not too difficult to subdue them. Your partner
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will try to shoot out their tires, and you can ram their cars
into things to make them wreck. After the chase, head over to
the ‘Jungle Drums’ Set.
‘Jungle Drums’ Set
At the ‘Jungle Drums’ Set, you find Bishop. You have to chase
him to the top of the movie set, but when you catch him, a bunch
of gunmen show up. You have to escort Bishop out of the set
without getting him or you killed. Kill all the bad guys, and
get Bishop out of the set. This ends the case, and you are
promoted to the Homicide Desk, which unlocks the Paved with Good
Intentions Achievement.
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Homicide Desk
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The Red Lipstick Murder
The Red Lipstick Murder is Phelps’ first case on the Homicide
Desk, and things are about to get heavy. After a brief
introduction, the captain sends you to investigate the crime
Crime Scene
When you arrive, a brief cut-scene introduces you to the crime
scene. Go talk to the coroner to get more information. Then
investigate the body to get clues. Investigate the head to get
the clue: Blunt force trauma. Investigate the victim’s left hand
to get the clue: Missing jewelry. You can look at the victim’s
torso. You won’t get a clue from it, but the coroner talks a bit
about it once you are done investigating the body.
Next, look around the crime scene for other clues. Behind the
body, at marker C, you find the clue: Size 8 shoe prints.
Leaving marker C, to the right of the victim at marker A, you
find the victim’s purse and the clue: Lipstick. Moving counter-
clockwise to marker B, you find an object that looks like a
globe. Investigate it further, and align the shapes so that the
continents of the globe are in place. The object opens, and you
get the clue: Bamba Club lighter. This is the last clue at the
crime scene and the only lead you have. Go to the Bamba Club to
continue the case.
The Bamba Club
When you arrive at the Bamba Club, head inside and talk to the
bartender. He sends you over to the owner. Go question the owner
Mr. McColl to see what you can find out about the case:
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Suspect seen with victim >> Choose “Truth.” McColl
gives you the clue: License Plate 2B 8899. This
unlocks the Round Heels Achievement.
Ring stolen from victim >> Choose “Doubt.”
Knowledge of husband >> Choose “Doubt,” and you get
the clue: Husband’s alibi.
When you’re done questioning McColl, go use the telephone. Then
head over to the Henry Residence to continue the case.
The Henry Residence
When you arrive at the Henry residence, you discover that no one
is home and it looks like someone has “creeped the joint.” After
the cut-scene, go inside and start looking for clues.
Almost as soon as you walk in the door there is a newspaper on
the floor. In the dining room you by the window you find the
clue: Female shoe. From there, walk to the back of the house to
the broken window to find the clue: Forced entry. Behind you on
the refrigerator is a note. It won’t give you a clue, but it
gives you a new objective to investigate Jacob Henry’s
After you share some words with your partner, you get the
objective to canvas the neighbors, but you need to investigate
the bedroom first. The bedroom is on the opposite side of the
house from the kitchen. Look on the dresser to find an empty
ring box, which updates the clue: Missing jewelry. That’s all
there is to find inside the house.
Head outside to talk to the neighbor. She should be close to the
stone fence between the Henry Residence and the neighbor’s
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house, kind of towards the back. Talk with her for a minute, and
she gives you the clue: Marital problems. That’s the last clue
at the Henry Residence. Now head over to Jacob Henry’s
Jacob Henry’s Apartment
When you arrive at Jacob Henry’s Apartment, follow your partner
to his residence to start a short cut-scene. After the cut-
scene, start looking around for clues. Close to the front door
on the counter is a blank notepad. Click to investigate it, and
Phelps picks up a pencil. Use the pencil to shade over the blank
piece of paper and reveal the clue: Death threat note. From
there, head through the door to your left into Henry’s bedroom.
In the suitcase on the bed, you find the clue: Size eleven
shoes. Those are the only clues to find in the apartment.
Head back to the living room to question Henry:
Movements of victim >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Husband’s alibi as evidence.
Last contact with victim >> Choose “Truth.”
Motive for murder >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Death threat note as evidence.
After your questions, things get a little heated, and you get
into a brawl with Henry. If you don’t have it already, this is a
good place to unlock the Keep a Lid On Achievement. After your
bout, go use the phone. After your phone conversation, head over
to the Central Police Station to continue question Jacob Henry.
Central Police Station
When you arrive at the station, the Captain instructs you to get
a confession out of Henry, even though you try to tell him you
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have a better lead. Go into the interview room and question
Access to murder weapon >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Husband’s alibi as evidence.
Lipstick markings >> Choose “Truth.”
Deterioration of marriage >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Marital problems as evidence.
Missing jewelry >> Choose “Truth.”
Those are all the questions for Henry. You head out of the
interview room, despite the Captain’s disappointment, and head
over to Mendez’s Apartment.
Mendez’s Apartment
When you arrive at the apartment building, check the mailboxes
to find Mendez’s apartment number. When you go inside, you can
use a sign by the stairs to discover that the apartment is on
the top floor of the building. Head up the stairs to the
When you get to the apartment, kick down the door and start
looking for clues. Go down the hallway to Mendez‘s bedroom to
find all the clues in the apartment. It’s important to find the
clues in this room in the correct order because if you don’t, a
cut-scene will play and prevent you from getting the other
clues. On the floor by the bed, you find a shoe. Investigate it
for the clue: Size eight shoes. Next, investigate the box on the
floor by the window. In the left side of the box, you will find
the clue: Used lipstick. On the right side of the box, you will
find the clue: Socket wrench.
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When you are done investigating the box, the cut-scene plays,
showing Mendez coming home and trying to escape out the window.
Chase Mendez out the window, across the roof, and down to the
street. The chase then continues by car. Again, be careful about
pedestrian casualties so as not to hurt your rating at the end
of the case. While you are chasing Mendez, your partner shoots
out his tires. Ram his car to cause Mendez to wreck. After you
capture Mendez, there are some cut-scenes, and then the case is
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The Golden Butterfly
Phelps’ second case on the Homicide Desk is the Golden
Butterfly. After a very short introduction, it’s time to go to
the crime scene to get started on the case.
Crime Scene
When you arrive at the crime scene, there is a brief cut-scene
with the Captain filling you in on some details of the case.
After the cut-scene walk over to the officer standing by the
police barrier. He walks you up to the crime scene, where you
can talk to the coroner for more information about the murder.
Then it’s time to start looking around for clues.
First, investigate the body. Look at the head, and move it to
the left to show the victims neck, giving you the clue: Rope
pattern. Investigate the victim’s left hand to see another piece
of missing jewelry, but this doesn’t give you a clue.
Investigate her other arm to find out that her watch was torn
off; this gets you the clue: Missing jewelry. Investigate her
torso to find the clue: Small men’s footprint.
After you are done investigating the body, look around the crime
scene for other clues. At marker B, next to the tree, you can
look at the ground, but this doesn’t give you a clue. Go over to
marker C to look in the victims purse. On the left side of the
purse, you find the victim’s name: Deidre Moller. On the right
side of the purse, you can look at her folding money, but this
doesn’t give you a clue. When you are done looking at the purse,
you get a response back from R. & I. letting you know the
address of the victim. It’s your only lead, so head over to the
Moller Residence to continue your investigation.
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Moller Residence
When you arrive at the Moller Residence, a girl answers the
door. After the cut-scene, look around the house for clues
before you question the girl. In Mr. and Mrs. Moller‘s bedroom
on the floor by the window, find the clue: Size eight work
boots. On the dresser in the same room, you find an empty
watchcase and an empty ring box, which updates your clue:
Missing jewelry. These are all the clues for now.
Head back into the living room to talk to the girl:
Missing watch and rings >> Choose “Truth.”
Last contact with victim >> Choose “Doubt.” This gives
you the clue: Husband’s alibi.
State of parents’ marriage >> Choose “Doubt.” This
gives you the clue: Butterfly brooch.
As soon as you are done with your questions, Mr. Moller comes
home and is very upset to find you there. He sits down and you
start to question him:
Footprints at crime scene >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Size eight work boots as evidence.
Missing persons report >> Choose “Doubt.”
Albi for Hugo Moller >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Husband’s alibi as evidence.
History of violence >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Butterfly brooch as evidence.
After your questions, there is a brief cut-scene. Your next
objective is to go talk to the neighbor across the street. While
you are talking, she spots Moller by his incinerator. You go
over to stop him burning whatever he is burning, and he tries to
flee. Chase him down. If you are quick enough, you can tackle
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him and unlock the Asphalt Jungle Achievement, if you don’t have
it already.
After you have apprehended Moller, investigate the incinerator
to find the clue: Bloody shoes. Some officers show up to take
Moller down town. Before leaving the Moller Residence, go use
the phone by the street to trace the address for the Belmont
High School. Head there to continue the case.
Belmont High School
When you arrive at the school, there is a brief cut-scene and
then another chase sequence. This is another chance to unlock
the Asphalt Jungle Achievement. After catching the suspect,
there is a cut-scene where he identifies himself as Eli Rooney.
You make him turn out his pockets, and he gives you the missing
butterfly brooch. Rooney is then taken into custody.
There is then another cut-scene as you talk to the High School
After the cut-scene, check the trunk of the car for clues. On
the right, find the clue: Rope. On the bottom is the clue:
Bloody tire iron. On the left, you find the clue: Overalls.
Those are all the clues. Go use the phone by the street to
schedule interviews with your suspects (a little odd that you
have to schedule interviews), and then head to the Central
Morgue to continue the case.
Central Morgue
When you arrive at the Central Morgue, go inside and through the
door marked Staff Onlyto talk to the coroner. He presents you
with a rope puzzle. Choose the bottom rope sample and hold it up
to the picture to complete the puzzle. On the counter to the
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right of the rope puzzle, you can investigate the footprints
from the crime scene to update your clue: Small men’s
footprints. While you are there, you can also take a look at the
body, but this doesn’t give you a clue. When you have done those
things, head to the Central Police Station to question your
Central Police Station
When you arrive at the station, go inside to start questioning
your suspects. Start off with Moller in Interview Room 2:
Disposal of evidence >> Choose “Truth.”
Access to braided rope >> Choose “Doubt.”
Access to tire iron >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue
Bloody tire iron as evidence.
Victim’s vehicle recovered >> Choose “Lie,” and use
the clue Overalls as evidence.
You have asked all your questions, and you are given the option
to charge him, but remember you have another suspect to
question. Leave the interrogation by pressing B and head to
Interview Room 1 to question Rooney. At the door, the Captain
greets you and expresses a personal grudge against Rooney. Head
inside to start your questions:
Place of employment >> Choose “Doubt.”
Access to braided rope >> Choose “Truth.”
Motive for Moller murder >> Choose “Doubt.”
Footprints at crime scene >> Choose “Doubt.”
After questioning both Rooney and Moller, you have to make a
decision on who to charge. If you charge Moller, you won’t be
able to get more than three stars. Charge Rooney to get the
five-star rating, and that closes the case.
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The Silk Stocking Murder
The Silk Stocking Murder is Phelps’ third case on the Homicide
Desk. After a very short introduction with your partner and the
Captain at a diner, it’s time to go to the Downtown crime scene
to get started on the case.
Downtown Crime Scene
When you arrive at the crime scene, there’s a brief cut-scene,
and then your start looking for clues. Start off by
investigating the body. Investigate the head and move it to the
right to notice the lacerations, but you don’t get a clue with
this information. Investigate the victim’s left hand to see
another ring is missing, but this doesn’t give you a clue
either. Investigate the right hand to find half of a library
card; you’ll need this to get a clue later on. Investigate the
torso to see the message on this body, but that doesn’t get you
a clue either. When you are done looking at the body, there is
another brief cut-scene.
Look around the Downtown crime scene for some more clues. At
marker A, you will find the clue: Bloodied stocking. Walk to the
bloodstain between the tree and the victim to find the clue:
Blood trail. You have to follow this trail for quite some
The Silk Stocking Murder Blood Trail
Follow the blood trail towards the door to find the clue: Ladies
hat. Follow the blood trail back towards your car, and you find
some trashcans. Investigate the shoe in the trashcan to find the
clue: Personal effects. Continue to follow the blood trail, and
you see some red pipes in the shadows. Investigate them to find
the clue: Key. Continue on the trail to the left, and in about
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the middle of the alley, there is a piece of paper; investigate
it to find the clue: Dot pattern note. Walk towards the ladder
and go up it. When you’re on the roof, follow the blood trail
into the birdhouse to find an empty envelope, but this doesn’t
give you a clue. Follow the blood trail across the roof to find
a makeup case, but again this doesn’t give you a clue. Follow
the trail further to a drainpipe. Climb the drainpipe, and when
you get to the top, follow the trail to find a ring hanging on a
stringagain, no clue. Keep following the trail up to the next
level, and you find a bucket and paint brush, which updates your
clue: Blood trail. Put the brush down and walk ahead to find the
victim’s purse in the corner of the roof. You find the other
half of the library card, giving you the clue: Library card. You
also get the victim’s address from this.
After following the blood trail, you have found all of the clues
at the Downtown crime scene. The address of the victim Antonia
that you got off the library card is the only lead you have at
this point. Go over to her residence to continue the case.
Antonia’s Residence
When you arrive at Antonia’s Residence, the Land Lady Barbara
Lapenti greets you. There will be a brief cut-scene, and then
you will need to investigate Antonia’s room. Go upstairs to the
last room on the left to find Antonia’s room. Investigate the
broken window for the clue: Broken window. In her chest of
drawers, investigate the photograph to get the clue: Charm
bracelet photograph. Next, look in the suitcase on the bed for
the clue: Attorney’s letter.
You have found all the clues in Antonia’s room, so head back
downstairs to question the Land Lady:
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Possible suspects >> Choose “Truth.”
Movements of victim >> Choose “Doubt.” This gets you
the Location: El Dorado Bar.
Evidence of break-in >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue
Broken window as evidence.
Breakdown of marriage >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue Charm bracelet photograph as evidence.
After you question the Land Lady, head over to the El Dorado Bar
to continue the case.
El Dorado Bar
When you arrive at the bar, there is a brief cut-scene. The
bartender gives you a letter that the victim left at the bar,
updating the clue: Attorney’s letter. After the cut-scene, it’s
time to ask the bartender some questions:
Missing jewelry >> Choose “Doubt.”
Movements of victim >> Choose “Truth.”
After you question the bartender, walk out the back of the bar
to meet a man pushing a dolly around. This will be important
later. Go back in the bar and investigate the telephone. It
doesn’t give you a clue, but it shows you that the phone was out
of order at the time of the murder. Head over to the Maldonado
Residence to continue the case.
Maldonado Residence
When you arrive at the Maldonado Residence, check the mailboxes
to find the correct apartment. Head up to the apartment on the
third floor. When you kick in the door, you will get into a
brawl with Maldonado and his friend. If you don’t have it
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already, this is a good place to unlock the Keep a Lid On
After you subdue the suspects, it’s time to search the apartment
for clues. On the kitchen counter, there is a matchbook for the
El Dorado bar. (If you’ve been following this case guide from
the beginning, this won’t give you a clue or location, because
you would have already gotten that from the Land Lady.) On the
wall opposite the sink, there is a shirt hanging up; investigate
it for the clue: Bloodied shirt. Next, investigate the box on
the kitchen floor. Again, you should already have this location
if you’ve been following this case guide. You should have all
the clues from the apartment now.
Your next objective is to canvas the neighbors. (One of them
really gave me a jump.) The only neighbor of interest is in 302,
which is on the far end of the hallway. The resident Ms. Aranda
gives you the clue: Husband’s alibi. The other neighbors don’t
have anything important to add, but in order for the location to
be marked out in your notebook, you have to check every door on
the third floor. After you finish canvassing the neighbors, go
back to the Maldonado apartment to use the phone. You will have
a new objective to go back to Central Station.
Central Police Station
Head inside and downstairs to start a cut-scene. After the cut-
scene, you are presented with two pieces of evidence.
Investigate them both.
Then head upstairs to question Maldonado:
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Last contact with victim >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Husband’s alibi as evidence. He gives you the
clue: Brown Ford coupe.
Jewelry taken from body >> Choose “Truth.”
Divorce proceedings >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Divorce papers as evidence.
Bloodstained shirt found >> Choose “Doubt.”
After you finish questioning Maldonado, it’s time to check out
your last location: Just Picked Fruit Market.
Just Picked Fruit Market
When you arrive at the Just Picked Fruit Market, follow the man
(Clem Feeney) into the store and talk to him at the counter.
Question Feeney at the counter:
Distinctive necklace >> Choose “Doubt.”
Contact with victim >> Choose “Doubt.”
Movements of victim >> Choose “Truth.”
After you question Feeney, look around for some clues. Walk
through the green doors directly in front of you to go into the
back room. On the desk by the door, you find the clue: Scalpel.
Next, investigate the open file cabinet. You pull out a box that
requires a combination. Open your notebook and look at the clue
Dot pattern note for the combination. The box opens and reveals
the victim’s religious necklace. When you are done investigating
the box, Feeney tries to flee. Chase him down in your car to
finish the case.
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The White Shoe Slaying
Another brief introduction to this Homicide Desk case and then
you’re off to the crime scene to get started.
Crime Scene
When you arrive at the crime scene, there is a cut-scene
describing the case. During the cut-scene, you get the clue:
Time of death. Then you need to start looking for clues on your
own. Investigate the body. Look at the head and move it to the
right to find the clue: Laundry label. You can check the arms,
but there are no other clues on the body. Move on to marker B to
find the clue: Boot prints. Look at marker C to find the clue:
Tire tracks.
After you have found these clues, head over to use the
telephone. Another cut-scene starts. After the cut-scene, it’s
time to question a neighbor Catherine Barton:
Suspicious person >> Choose “Truth.” This gives you a
new person of interest: disfigured man, and a new
location to investigate: Hobo camp.
After you question Barton, go use the telephone to find the
location of the laundry and the hobo camp. After you get your
locations updated, head over to Superior Laundry Services to
continue the case.
Superior Laundry Services
When you arrive at Superior Laundry Services, head to the back
to talk to the man at the desk. The man produces the register
for you to look through. This gives you the clue: Laundry
ledger. You are looking for Ticket # F1363 1 Green Silk Dress.
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This updates your information for the victim. Head to the
victim’s house at 43 Emerald Street.
43 Emerald Street
When you arrive at the house, head up to the house to continue
the case. You meet the victim’s husband Lars Taraldsen. When the
cut-scene is over, it’s time to start searching the house for
Head to the bedroom to start your search. On the dresser in the
first bedroom you find the clue: Matchbook, which also gives you
a new location. (You can also find the matchbook clue by the
chess table in the living room). To the left of the matchbook is
a picture that is facing down. That’s useful information about
the status of their relationship, but it doesn’t give you a
Head through the kitchen to the mudroom in the back. To your
right as you enter from the kitchen, find the clue: Wet jacket.
After you get that clue, find the victim’s purse on the counter
behind you. Search it to find two objects: her driver’s license
and lipstick. Neither object gives you a clue. By the door
opposite the door to the kitchen you can find the clue: Muddy
After you have found these clues inside the house, go outside to
continue your search. Head around to the right to the boat. At
the bow of the boat, you find the clue: Bow rope. You have found
all the available clues at this point. Now it’s time to question
Possible suspects >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Bow rope as evidence.
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Alibi for Lars Taraldsen >> Choose “Doubt.”
Victim’s state of mind >> Choose “Doubt.”
Last contact with victim >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Wet jacket as evidence.
After you are done questioning Taraldsen, use the telephone to
have Bobby Ross checked out to confirm Taraldsen‘s alibi. Next,
head over to Baron’s Bar to continue the case.
Baron’s Bar
When you get to the bar, head over to the bartender, and
question him:
Last contact with victim >> Choose “Truth.” He gives
you the clue: Yellow Cab 3591.
Vagrant male suspect >> Choose “Doubt.” This gives you
two new POI: Richard Bates and Sailor.
Yellow Cab 3591 >> Choose “Truth.”
After you are done questioning the bartender, make your way
towards Richard Bates, who flees out the back of the bar. Start
pursuing him on foot, and then by car. When you get Bates to
stop, you have some questions for him:
Contact with victim >> Choose “Doubt.”
Account of movements >> Choose “Doubt.”
After you question Bates, some police come to take him away.
Then use the telephone to get information about the taxicab. You
also find out that the Sailor has turned himself in for
questioning at the police station. He can wait. The next part of
the case is to find the taxicab.
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Finding the Taxi Cab
As soon as you get back in your police car, you get a radio
broadcast giving you an update on the location of the Taxi Cab
you are looking for. As you are making your way there, you
receive a couple different reports of the Taxi Cab‘s location.
Head to whichever one the game tells you to. If too much time
passes, the game glitches and the driver gets stuck at 7th
Street and Garland Avenue, so if you have been driving around a
while and can’t find the Taxi Cab, go look for it there. When
you find the Taxi Cab, the driver gives you the clue: Victim’s
Central Police Station
Head to the Central Police Station. When you arrive, go to
Interview Room 2 to question the Sailor:
Contact with victim >> Choose “Doubt.”
Incident with Bates >> Choose “Doubt.”
Movements prior to murder >> Choose “Doubt.” This
gives you the clue: All American 249.
Cab ride with victim >> Choose “Doubt.”
After you are done questioning the Sailor, head over to the Bus
Depot to continue the case.
Bus Depot
When you arrive at the Bus Depot, head inside for a cut-scene.
You get the clue: Bus route map. Then you have to go out and
find the bus. It’s not very hard. Just follow the highlighted
path on your mini-map until you find the bus. When you find the
bus, make sure your siren is on so that the bus driver knows to
pull over. Get out and talk to the bus driver. He gives you the
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clue: Victim last seen. When you’re done talking to the bus
driver, head over to the hobo camp.
Hobo Camp
When you get to the Hobo Camp, there is a brief cut-scene. Then
there’s a brawl with the disfigured man. If you don’t have it
already, this is a good place to get the Keep a Lid On
Achievement. After the brawl, head into Ackerman‘s shack to look
for clues.
There is a newspaper as soon as you walk in to the shack on top
of some crates. On the table next to the bed, find a photograph
(which doesn’t give you a clue) and a green bag, which gives you
the clue: Purse. Open the purse to find a dance hall ticket. On
the nightstand behind you, you can find the clue: Bloodstained
rope piece. That’s all the clues here. Head back to the Central
Police Station to question Ackerman.
Central Police Station
When you arrive at the station, head in to Interview Room 1 to
question Ackerman:
Motive for murder >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Bloodstained rope piece as evidence.
Contact with victim >> Choose “Doubt.”
Alibi for Stuart Ackerman >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Purse as evidence.
After you question Ackerman, the cut-scene shows Phelps charging
Ackerman with the murder. The case is over.
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The Studio Secretary Murder
After the introductory cut-scene, you get the clue: Pawned rings
automatically. Then head over to the Pawnbroker to start The
Studio Secretary Murder case.
When you arrive, head into the Pawnbroker shop and talk to the
shopkeeper. The keeper produces two rings. Investigate them
both, though they don’t give you any clues. The keeper then
gives you some information about the person who brought the
rings in. There’s nothing else to do at the Pawnbroker, so head
over to the crime scene at the Railyard.
Upon your arrival to the Railyard, you are instructed to follow
a car back to the crime scene. At the crime scene, an officer
fills you in on the case. Go talk to the coroner for some more
information. Then proceed to investigate the body. Look at the
head, and you get the clue: Vagrancy. Look at the victim’s right
hand for the clue: Missing jewelry and the clue: Time of death.
After finding all the clues on the body, look around the crime
scene for the remaining clues. There is a blanket with some
evidence laid out. On the right side of the blanket is the clue:
Handbag. Inside the handbag on the right side, you find the
clue: Upper half of torn letter. On the left side of the
handbag, you find the clue: Movie lot job. That’s it for the
handbag. In the middle of the blanket, you find a matchbook,
which gives you a new location. On the left side of the blanket,
you find a receipt that gives you the location of Levine’s
Liquor store. Those are all the clues.
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After finding the clues, you can talk to the man standing by
your partner, but he just tells you to talk to the other guy.
Head over to the man (Jamison) by the police officer to question
him. Before you start questioning him, though, he gives you the
clue: Lipstick. Then you start to ask the questions:
Interference with evidence >> Choose “Truth.”
Discovery of victim’s body >> Choose “Doubt.”
After you are done questioning Jamison, he gets carted off, and
you need to go use the telephone to find the address for
Levine’s Liquor. Head over to the store to continue the case.
Levine’s Liquor
When you arrive at Levine’s Liquor, head inside and talk to the
owner. He leads you back to the victim Evelyn Summer‘s bed.
Search the area for clues. On the floor next to the bed you find
a photograph and a book. There’s no clue with the photograph,
but the book gives you the clue: Book. Investigate it further to
find the person of interest: Grosvenor McCaffrey. Close to the
entrance to the Evelyn’s room is a trophy and a bowling pin.
Once again, there’s no clue with the trophy, but the bowling pin
gives you a new location. Between the pin and the trophy is
Evelyn’s nameplate. No clue here either.
After you have found these clues, it’s time to question the
storeowner Robbins:
Contact with victim >> Choose “Truth.” This gives you
the clue: Liquor purchase.
Relationship with victim >> Choose “Truth.”
Knowledge of McCaffrey >> Choose “Doubt.”
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After you are done questioning Robbins, move on to your next
location: Mensch’s Bar.
Mensch’s Bar
You walk into the bar and start talking to the bartender. The
bartender refers you to the patrons of the bar. Go to the man
sitting directly in front of you, who just happens to be
Grosvenor McCaffrey. Question McCaffrey:
Criminal history >> Choose “Doubt.”
Relationship with victim >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Book as evidence. This gives you the clue:
Victim last seen.
After you are done questioning McCaffrey, go back to your police
car. You are then summoned back to the police station. Go there
to continue the case.
Central Police Station
Head into the station and follow your partner to the basement.
There is a cut-scene where the Captain expresses some doubts he
has about the recent series of murders. That’s all. Head back
upstairs and use the phone to find McCaffrey‘s address. Save the
address for later and head over to Rawling’s Bowling Alley.
Rawling’s Bowling Alley
At the bowling alley, the lady at the counter tells you to go
talk to James Tiernan, A.K.A. Jimmy. Walk through the door on
the side of the alley, the same side that the desk where you
talked to the lady is on. When Tiernan sees you, he tries to
flee. There’s a brief car chase, and Tiernan is taken into
custody. Now, head over to McCaffrey’s Apartment.
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McCaffrey’s Apartment
When you arrive at McCaffrey’s Apartment, check the mailboxes
for his apartment number. He’s in apartment 6, so head up the
stairs and to the left to McCaffrey’s apartment. You knock on
the door, but no one is there, so kick in the door and start
looking for clues.
On the floor next to the sofa you find the clue: Tire iron.
After you’re done looking at the tire iron, a lady comes in and
tells you where McCaffrey is. Before you go look for him, check
the desk for the bottom of half of the letter that you found
earlier. This updates the clue: Torn letter. Then head upstairs
to find McCaffrey. He flees, and you pursue on foot. You have a
chance to tackle him to unlock the Asphalt Jungle Achievement if
you don’t already have it. Head back to the station to question
your suspects.
Central Police Station
When you get back to the station, head to Interview Room 1 to
question James Tiernan:
Relationship with victim >> Choose “Lie,” and use
clue: Victim last seen as evidence.
Victim’s book found >> Choose “Doubt.”
Alibi for James Tiernan >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Liquor purchase as evidence.
Access to murder weapon >> Choose “Doubt.” This gives
you the clue: Tiernan’s accusation.
Those are all the questions for Tiernan for now. You have the
option to charge him at this point, but don’t do it because you
haven’t even talked to McCaffrey yet.
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Go over to Interview Room 2 to question McCaffrey:
Alibi for McCaffrey >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Torn letter as evidence.
Access to tire iron >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Tiernan’s accusation as evidence. This gives you the
clue: McCaffrey’s accusation.
You take a break from questioning McCaffrey to do some more
research. Go use the telephone to check McCaffrey‘s background.
This gives you the clue: McCaffrey‘s criminal record.
Go back to Interview Room 1 to question Tiernan again:
Events prior to murder >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue McCaffrey‘s accusation as evidence.
This time you are really finished questioning Tiernan. Head back
to Interview Room 2 to question McCaffrey for the last time:
Military service >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
McCaffrey‘s criminal record as evidence.
You are now done with the questions. Charge McCaffrey to finish
the case and collect your five-star rating.
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The Quarter Moon Murders
Phelps’ last case on the Homicide Desk (and one of the most
difficult in the game) starts off with the Captain
congratulating you on your success on the last case, but there
is a problem. You are presented with some items to investigate.
On the right, you find the clue: Black Dahlia letter. Above that
is the clue: Shelley excerpt. On the left is a red book of
Shelley poems; it doesn’t give you a clue, but you need to look
at it to proceed in the Quarter Moon Murders case. After the
cut-scene, you follow the clue from the Shelley poem to the
fountain in Pershing Square.
Pershing Square
When you arrive at Pershing Square, go into the fountain to look
for clues. Climb on top of the fountain. On the left is the
clue: Second excerpt. On the right is the clue: Social Security
card. The second excerpt is referring to the Hall of Records. It
is located on Broadway, two blocks north of 1st Street.
Hall of Records
When you get to the Hall of Records, head inside and talk to the
officer at the desk. After you talk to the officer, head up the
stairs all the way to the top. Your partner is waiting for you
at the top of the stairs, and you can follow him into a room
with a ladder. Climb up the ladder, go through the door, and
carefully traverse the cable to the chandelier. When you get to
the chandelier, you find some more clues. On the left is the
clue: Third excerpt. On the right is the clue: Deidre Moller’s
watch. The cables holding the chandelier break and you have to
swing it back and forth in order to jump off it to safety. The
third excerpt is referring to the Public Library. The Public
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Library is located on 5th Street between Flower Street and Grand
The Public Library
When you get to the Public Library, you have to get all the way
to the top. Climb up a drainpipe and some scaffolding to get to
the roof. Then climb up some more scaffolding in a mostly
counter-clockwise direction to get around to the top of the
tower. When you get to the top, the clues are in the north
corner of the tower. On the left is the clue: Antonia’s
medallion. On the right is the clue: Fourth excerpt. This
excerpt is referring to the Westlake Tar Pits. They are located
on the far west side of the map, south of 9th and San Marino
The Westlake Tar Pits
When you arrive, head towards the Tar Pits, and you get some
cool boots. You need to get to the island in the middle of the
pits to find the clues here. There are platforms in the pits,
connected with walkways that sink as you walk on them, so you
have to make it quickly from one platform to the next. Look
carefully where you are walking, and you should be able to make
it without much trouble. When you get to the island, walk
straight back and look by the tree for the clues. On the top,
you find the clue: Theresa Taraldsen’s Shoe. On the bottom, you
find the clue: Fifth excerpt. This excerpt is leading you to the
L.A. County Art Museum. It is located directly north of the
Westlake Tar Pits, on Hoover Street between 8th Street and 9th
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L.A. County Art Museum
At the Art Museum, the clues are located in the garden maze.
When you first arrive, there is a sign directly in front of you
pointing to the maze. Follow the path and the signs to get to
the maze. To get to the center of the maze, follow the path
until you can take a right. Follow the path that way until you
are at a four-way intersection. Take a right there and follow
the path around to the center of the maze.
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In the center of the maze is a globe-shaped, spinning sculpture
with the clues placed on it. On the right you will find the
clue: Celine Henry’s garnet ring. On the left is the clue: Sixth
excerpt. This excerpt is telling you to go to the Intolerance
Set. It is located on 8th Street between Bixel Street and
Francisco Street.
Intolerance Set
At the Intolerance Set, you have to get to the top of the
throne. Follow your partner into the set to a set of stairs in
the back. Climb the stairs all the way to the top until you get
to a platform. The supports for the platform give out, and you
have to balance the platform until your partner tells you to
advance. Walk forward on the platform to make it lean the way
you want it to go, and it collapses away as you jump over to the
next platform. Walk to the ladder in front of you and take it
down to the level that the throne is on. Go over to the throne
to find the clues. On the right is the clue: Evelyn Summers’
ring. On the left is the clue: Seventh excerpt. When you are
done investigating these clues, the set starts to collapse. Just
keep running, and you should be able to escape the collapsing
set easily. The seventh and last excerpt is leading you to the
suspects home, Christ Crown of Thorns (A.K.A. the Church),
which is located south-west of the Intolerance Set, south of 9th
Street and a couple blocks west of Francisco Street.
Abandoned Church
When you arrive at the Church, head in through the doors
directly in front of you. A cut-scene starts showing your
introduction to the suspect. After the cut-scene, go up to the
altar to see that the suspect isn’t there anymore. Head out the
door, stage left, to the house. There are a lot of things in the
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house that you can look at, but not any clues. You need to find
your way into the catacombs. Go through the door in the back of
the kitchen to find all kinds of gory things. The entrance to
the catacombs is the ladder to the left when you enter this back
After you look at whatever you want to in the house, head down
the ladder to the catacombs. Be careful down here. There are
lots of corners, and your suspect is armed with a shotgun, which
he fires at you frequently. If you can shoot him in the
catacombs, do it. If you don’t get him down there, he climbs up
a ladder into the cemetery, and you can shoot him out there.
Once you put him down, there is a cut-scene and the case is
over. This unlocks the Simple Art of Murder Achievement, and you
are promoted to the Vice Desk.
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Vice Desk
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The Black Caesar
Welcome to the Vice Desk. To get started on your first case
The Black Caesargo investigate the crime scene at the
Junkies’ Apartment.
Junkies’ Apartment
When you arrive at the apartment building, head upstairs, turn
right, and go to the last apartment. When you enter, there is a
cut-scene, and then it’s time to look for clues. You
automatically get the clue: Army surplus morphine. Then you have
to search the apartment for the other clues.
There are two bodies in the apartment: one in the chair in front
of you and one on the floor behind you. The body in the chair
doesn’t give you any clues, but the one on the floor does. His
wallet is in his left shirt pocket. On the right side of the
wallet is the clue: Radio station note. You can look at his
license, but you already know who he is so you won’t learn
anything new. You can also look at the victim’s left arm to see
needle marks, but there isn’t any clue there either.
After you investigate the bodies, look around the apartment for
the other clues. On the table close to the wall in the living
room, there are two things to look at. On the left is some sheet
music that doesn’t give you a clue. To the right is a piece of
paper that gives you the clue: Strange doodle. Behind you on the
floor in front of the couch there is a wallet and a cup for
popcorn. In the wallet you find the other victim’s license and
the clue: Numbers slip. Investigate the cup for the clue:
Popcorn cups.
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After you have found the clues in the living room, check for
clues in the bedroom and the kitchen. There is another popcorn
cup on the floor in the bedroom, but it won’t give you any more
clues. Head to the kitchen to look around. Just before you enter
the kitchen to the right of the door is another clue. Stop to
investigate, and on the left is the clue: Morphine syrettes. In
the middle is another popcorn cup, and to the right of that is
another syrette, but these don’t give you clues. Proceed into
the kitchen. There is another popcorn cup on the counter, but
Cole says this one is heavy for an empty cup. Press A to
investigate it further and you find a morphine syrette taped to
the bottom, which updates your clue: Popcorn cups with morphine.
Those are all the clues at the apartment. Head over to the Black
Caesar Food Hut to continue the case.
Black Caesar Food Hut
When you arrive at the Black Caesar Food Hut, there is a brief
cut-scene, and then a foot chase. At a certain point in the
chase, your suspect clotheslines you, and then you have to beat
him in a brawl.
After the brief cut-scene, it’s time to search the Black Caesar
Food Hut for clues. Directly in front of you on the floor when
you walk into the Food Hut is a case; open the case and
investigate the contents to get the clues: Numbers racket and
Blue Room pass and person of interest: Jermaine Jones. (If you
didn’t get all this information from the case, you missed
something. Make sure to thoroughly investigate every object.) On
the opposite side of the Food Hut, on the floor by the counter
is a large cardboard box. Investigate it for the clue: Morphine
for distribution.
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After you have found the clues in the Food Hut, head outside to
question Fleetwood:
Morphine overdose victims >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Popcorn cups with morphine as evidence. This
will give you the clue: Distributor identified.
Numbers slips recovered >> Choose “Doubt.” He gives
you a name.
After questioning Fleetwood, use the telephone to get the
address for Jermaine Jones’ Booking Agency. Head over to Jones’
Booking Agency to continue the case.
Jones’ Booking Agency
Head up the stairs and check the sign for the office number. Go
inside to Jones‘ office and talk to Jones. Then start looking
around for clues. Opposite Jones‘ desk, is a large radio. Check
your notebook and review the clue Radio station note to find the
station to tune the radio: 275 FM. Turn the volume all the way
to the right, turn the knob to FM, and change the band to 275.
The top of the radio opens, and Jones calls his goons on you.
This is a good place to get the Keep a Lid On Achievement.
After the brawl, you are back at the radio investigating the
clues. On the top right is a stack of cash, but no clue. Below
that is a morphine syrette, which updates your clue: Morphine
syrettes. To the left of that is another numbers slip, but no
clue. There is a bag of marijuana to the left of that but no
clue. Above the marijuana on the lid of the radio is a sticker,
which gives you a new objective and a new location.
When you are done looking at the radio, go back to Jones‘ desk
to question him:
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Army surplus morphine >> Choose “Doubt.” This gives
you a new POI.
Involvement of ‘Ottie’ >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Distributor identified as evidence. This gives
you the clue: Finkelstein identified.
Link to Ramez Removals >> Choose “Doubt.”
After you question Jones, you find yourself outside. Use the
telephone to get information on Ramez Removals. You get the
information you need, but save that for later. In the meantime,
head over to the Numbers Operation to continue the case.
Numbers Operation
Go inside and up the stairs. The cut-scene introduces Ottie, and
then you need to look for clues. In the back of the room is a
red, illuminated object that looks like a slot machine. Refer to
your notebook to review the clue: Strange doodle. This is what
you are trying to get the slot machine to show: Cherry, Bell,
WIN. Pull the lever to spin the wheels. If one of the pictures
matches, press the button under the picture to hold it and pull
the lever again. Keep doing this until the pictures match up
with the doodle. When the pictures match up, the slot machine
opens. Investigate the contents: morphine syrettes, numbers
slips, and a Ramez Removals sticker.
After you are done looking at the slot machine, Ottie tries to
escape. Chase him down. This is a good place to get the Asphalt
Jungle Achievement. After the chase, you are back in the Numbers
Operation. Investigate the cane your partner hands you to find
the clue: IOU note. Then it’s time to question Ottie:
Army surplus morphine >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue Finkelstein identified as evidence.
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IOU note from Jose Ramez >> Choose “Truth.”
Questioning Ottie doesn’t give you any more clues, but it does
get him a ride downtown. Head over to Ramez Removals to continue
the case.
Ramez Removals
When you arrive, you find out Ramez just left in a truck. Chase
him down, and he’ll be arrested. Afterwards, you are back at the
warehouse to look for clues.
There is a newspaper in the warehouse. To find it, go to the
tables directly in front of you when you are first inside the
warehouse. It is on the second row of tables.
After you collect the newspaper, turn around to look at the
ledger. Click on Polar Bear Ice Company and Merlon Ottie. Cole
then closes the ledger for you.
Navigate your way through the maze of furniture to the back of
the warehouse. When you get to the back, climb the ladder to the
walkway the wraps around the building. Go over to the crane
controls, which have a spot light on them. Use the crane to move
the boxes out of the way of the door close to the center of the
screen. After clearing the doorway, go back down the ladder into
the room. You find a block of ice with something in it.
Investigate the block, and then shoot it to make it break. With
the block broken, investigate the contents: morphine syrettes.
Some men show up from the Polar Bear Ice Company, and Ramez
escapes from the police into the warehouse. (Why he was there
and not in jail, I have no idea.) Follow Ramez into the
furniture maze and shoot him. The best way to do this is to
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locate him (the red dot) on your mini-map and look for gaps in
the furniture when you are close to him. Try to look for him and
shoot him through the gaps. After dealing with Ramez, continue
the case at the Polar Bear Ice Company.
Polar Bear Ice Company
When you arrive, the security guard will greet you and try to
tell you that the company is closed. You notice that he’s
packing heat, and your partner puts him down. Then you have a
firefight with Finkelstein‘s men while chasing Finkelstein
through the building. When you get through the room with all the
ice, go upstairs to the room in the back. Finkelstein refuses to
go quietly, and you have to gun him down.
With Finkelstein out of the way, look around to see what you can
find. There is a large green crate full of morphine that you
need to investigate, and that ends the case.
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The Set-Up
!The Set-Up, your second case on the Vice Desk, starts at a
boxing match. After the match, you need to look for clues about
the boxer who fled. Check the boxer’s locker to find the clue:
Bookmakers’ odds. Behind the locker on the bench is a newspaper.
After viewing the newspaper story, use the telephone highlighted
on your mini-map. On the way there, a short cut-scene plays.
After the cut-scene, continue towards the telephone to get the
address for the phone number you found. Go to that address to
continue the case.
Hotel El Mar
When you arrive at the Hotel El Mar, go inside and talk to the
man at the desk. He tells you that nobody uses their real names
at that hotel and produces a register for you to see for
yourself. The name you’re looking for is Winston Churchill.
Click on that name to get the room number: 207. Go upstairs, and
it’s the room directly in front of you.
Once inside the room, it’s time to look for some more clues. On
the floor between the chair and the dresser, you find the clue:
Telegram. Investigate the dresser to find another. On the left
is the clue: Movie ticket stub. To the right of that is a heart-
shaped box of chocolatesnot a clue but interesting nonetheless.
On the table to the right of the dresser, there is a newspaper
on the table (but not the collectible kind of newspaper).
Investigate it and scroll to the bottom right to find the clue:
Magazine coupon. This also gives you the name Candy Edwards.
Behind you on the nightstand on the left side of the bed is
another clue: Bookmakers’ payouts.
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Those are all the clues at the Hotel El Mar. Next you need to go
to the address you found for Candy Edwards.
Candy Edwards Address (Aleve Motel)
Upon arrival at Candy Edwards Address, go inside and talk to the
lady behind the desk to find her apartment number: 7. To get to
the apartment, go back outside the door you came in and down the
sidewalk to the stairs. Go up the stairs and to the left to get
to number 7. (If you get lost, you can follow your partner.)
When you get inside, you have to brawl with the man in the room;
this is another good place to get the Keep a Lid On Achievement
if you don’t have it yet.
With Candy sulking and the man unconscious, it’s time to look
for clues. You can investigate the man on the floor to find a
book with a list of names in his right jacket pocket and a
switchblade in his left jacket pocket, but these don’t give you
any clues. You can look at the suitcase on the bed, but that
doesn’t give you a clue either.
To start finding actual clues, go to the dresser. On the left is
a postcard, which gives you the clue: Cunard Ascania. To the
right of that is the clue: Bus ticket. After you find these
clues, there is a brief cut-scene, and then you get to question
Candy Edwards:
Whereabouts of Hammond >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Magazine coupon as evidence.
List of odds recovered >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Bookmakers’ odds as evidence.
Plans to leave town >> Choose “Doubt.”
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Tailing Candy Edwards
After you question Candy Edwards, there is another cut-scene.
After the cut-scene, you have to tail Candy Edwards. If you do
this carefully (follow Candy without being spotted and without
going incognito), you can unlock The Moose Achievement.
After you finish tailing Candy Edwards on foot, you need to
investigate her stops. The first location is Thrifty Liquor.
There’s a cut-scene when you enter. Then go look at the notepad
by the telephone. This will give you the clue: Bookie’s notepad.
Afterwards, you need to go to the address you discovered:
Examiner Drugstore.
When you arrive, head inside Examiner Drugstore. There is a
brief cut-scene, then look next to the phone to find the clue:
Yellow Cab co. card. Use the telephone to get information on the
cab that picked up Candy Edwards. When you’re done on the phone,
go back to the man at the desk to get the address for Ray’s
Bookmakersyou’re next stop.
At Ray’s Bookmakers, you spot the cab Candy Edwards is in. It’s
time to do some more tailing. Tail the cab, making sure to leave
enough distance so as to not be spotted. The cab leads you to
the Interstate Bus Depot.
Interstate Bus Depot
When you arrive at the Interstate Bus Depot, you have to keep
hiding from Candy Edwards. After she checks a few things, she
goes to the ladies’ room. Head towards the door and you hear
some screaming. Then there’s a cut-scene.
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After the cut-scene, look around for clues. Directly in front of
you on the floor on the left you find the clue: Revolver. On the
right, you find her purse, which gives you the clue: Movie
ticket. Those are all the clues here. (At this point, I like to
exit through the window.) Head to the Egyptian Theater to
continue the case.
Egyptian Theater
There’s not much detective work at the Egyptian Theater. Go
inside and there are some cut-scenes and some gunfights. After
you kill everyone, there is another cut-scene and the case is
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Manifest Destiny
After a brief introductory cut-scene, it’s time to get started
on your last Vice Desk case. Go to the crime scene at the 111
The 111 Club
When you arrive at the 111 Club, go inside for brief cut-scene.
You get a few people of interest, and then you need to start
looking for clues. You can take a look at the body by the bar,
which updates your POI but does not give you a clue. Turn around
and turn left out the door to go into another room with a body.
There’s no clue here either, though. Go back into the room where
you looked at the first body. Go to the right past the bar and
into the room with the stage.
In the middle of the room on the floor there is a trumpet case.
Investigate the trumpet case carefully; pick up each mouthpiece
and put it back down to reveal a secret compartment in the case.
In the secret compartment on the left is the clue: Blue Room
pass. To the right of that is a syringe, which updates your
clue: Morphine.
When you are finished with the trumpet case, investigate the
body on the floor behind you. In the right jacket pocket, you
find a syrette, again updating your clue: Morphine. Continue
through the door to the right of the stage.
In this room there are some very interesting clues. Directly in
front of you when you walk in the room is a large crate of
cigarettes. Investigate them to get the clue: Valor cigarettes.
To the right of that, investigate the gun rack to find the clue:
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BARs. After some conversation with your partner, you also get
the clue: Coolridge Heist.
After finding all the clues, head back into the room where you
investigated the first body, the room with the circular bar.
It’s time to question the hostess:
111 Club shooting incident >> Choose “Doubt.”
Knowledge of McGoldrick >> Choose “Truth.”
That’s it for the 111 Club. Remember you found the Blue Room
pass in the trumpet case. Head over there to continue the case.
The Blue Room
When you arrive at the Blue Room, head inside to start another
cut-scene. Your partner Earle then goes over to the bar while
you question Elsa Lichtman:
Army surplus morphine >> Choose “Doubt.”
Morphine overdose victims >> Choose “Doubt.”
This is your last question for Elsa, and there is another cut-
scene. After the cut-scene, you have to tail Elsa. Like any
other tailing objective, keep a safe distance and don’t get
spotted. There is another cut-scene, and the case continues the
next morning at the Mocambo Club.
The Mocambo Club
The cut-scene continues when you arrive at the Mocambo Club.
When the cut-scene ends, you have to follow the maître d’ to the
table where the Meyer Cohen is seated. Then another cut-scene
and it’s time to question Meyer Cohen:
Finkelstein drug operation >> Choose “Doubt.”
111 Club shooting incident >> Choose “Doubt.”
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It turns out Meyer Cohen isn’t very helpful. After you are done
with your questions, there is another cut-scene and the case
continues at the Hollywood Police Station.
Hollywood Police Station
The location changes, but once again you are still in a cut-
scene. After the cut-scene, follow your partner Earle to Harold
Caldwell’s office. Then there is yet another cut-scene. At the
end of that cut-scene, Caldwell produces a copy of the manifest.
Investigate the right side of the manifest. Click on each line
that is circled in red. Click on line number 3 to update the
clue: Stolen BARs. Next, click on line number 5. Then choose
line number 9 to update clue: Stolen Valors. Then choose line
number 11; this won’t give you a clue, but you need to click it
to start another cut-scene. During this cut-scene you hear a
report of a shooting. Make your way to the Bus Shooting to
continue the case.
Bus Shooting
At the Bus Shooting, you have to subdue (i.e. kill) the sniper.
He’s armed with a BAR, so you need to stay out of sight as much
as possible. The best way to do this is to run as fast as you
can up the sidewalk towards the building that the sniper is on.
He will shoot you a couple times, but you should make it alive
if you are running. When you are at the base of the building, he
won’t be able to shoot at you anymore, so you can easily go
around the back of the building.
Climb up the fire escape on the back of the building. When you
get to the roof, you have to kill the sniper. He will be aware
of your presence, so be careful because he is still holding a
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BAR. When you kill him, head over to his body to search for
clues. You can investigate his gun, but it won’t give you a
clue. Go to the sniper’s body. In the right jacket pocket, you
find the clue: Sniper’s pocketbook.
After you investigate the sniper’s body, a brief cut-scene puts
you back on the ground, and it’s time to question Felix Alvarro
(handling these questions correctly will unlock The Fighting
Sixth Achievement):
Informed of Coolridge heist >> Choose “Doubt.”
Motive for shooting >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Sniper’s pocketbook as evidence. This gives you the
clue: 6th Marines.
After questioning Alvarro, go use the telephone by the ambulance
and get Jack Kelso‘s address. Head there to continue the case.
Kelso‘s Apartment
There’s another cut-scene upon arrival at Kelso‘s apartment. You
don’t actually do anything here. The cut-scene just shows you
taking Kelso into the Hollywood Police Station for questioning.
Hollywood Police Station
When the cut-scene is over, you are immediately questioning Jack
Army surplus morphine >> Choose “Doubt.”
Ex-Marine McGoldrick >> Choose “Truth.”
Arms stolen from Coolridge >> Choose “Truth.”
SS Coolridge robbery >> Choose “Doubt.”
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After you are done questioning Jack Kelso, there is another
brief cut-scene informing you of another shooting, this time at
Robert’s Diner. Go there and continue the case.
Robert’s Diner
You arrive at the diner just in time to chase the suspects.
Chase them in your car until the ditch their car in an alley.
Shoot them down to finish the chase.
After the chase is over, search around the bodies for clues.
Between the bodies and behind your partner Earle, there is a
newspaper on the ground. After the newspaper story, search the
body to your left. In his right jacket pocket, you find the
clue: Shooter’s notebook. In his left jacket pocket, you find
the clue: Copy of manifest. Those are all the clues. Head over
to the Hollywood Post Office to continue the case.
Hollywood Post Office
There’s yet another firefight going on at the Hollywood Post
Office. Shoot them down. After the gunfight, you are placed next
to a body. Investigate the body for clues. While you are
searching, the body murmurs some things, giving you the clue:
Beckett’s confession. In his left hand you find the clue:
Business card. Before you leave, walk past the front desk and
you see a lot of papers on the floor. In a little room on the
right there is another body. Search the left jacket pocket for
the clue: Note. After you find all the clues, go to Grauman’s
Chinese Theater.
Grauman’s Chinese Theater
There’s a cut-scene when you arrive and then you have to chase
down some masked gunmen. After the chase, they still want to
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fight. Shoot them down to end this section of the case. Then go
to the Meeting Place.
The Meeting Place
There is another gunfight at the Meeting Place. Kill the bad
guys, and then go back to the station.
Hollywood Police Station
When you arrive at the station, there is another brief cut-scene
as the Captain summons Earle to his office. After the cut-scene,
head to Interview Room 2 to question Sheldon:
6th Marines being targeted >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Note as evidence.
SS Coolridge robbery >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Beckett’s confession as evidence.
There are some more cut-scenes, and that ends your last Vice
case, unlocking the No Rest for the Wicked Achievement.
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Arson Desk
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The Gas Man
After Phelps’ behavior on the Vice desk, he has been reassigned
to Arson, the last Desk in L.A. Noire. In the introductory cut-
scene, you are instructed to investigate two locations: Steffens
House Fire and Sawyer House Fire.
Steffens House Fire
When you arrive at the Steffens House Fire, there is a cut-scene
and then it’s investigation time. Your first objective is to
interview Don Steffens. When you first go up to speak to him, he
gives you the clue: Competition ticket. Then proceed with your
Travel competition >> Choose “Truth.”
Suburban redevelopment >> Choose “Doubt.”
After the questions, go to the left side of the house (the side
that the fire truck is parked on) to find the last clue: Heater
serviced by Ryan. Go use the phone to find the address for
Suburban Redevelopment fund. That will be useful later. In the
meantime, go check out Gulliver’s Travel Agency.
Gulliver’s Travel Agency
When you arrive at Gulliver’s Travel Agency, there is another
cut-scene. The man working there John Cunningham produces a
ledger. Click on the line for Steffen and Sawyer. Then it’s time
to question Cunningham:
Suburban redevelopment >> Choose “Truth.”
Promotional travel contest >> Choose “Doubt.”
Time to move on to our next stop: the Sawyer House Fire.
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Sawyer House Fire
Pull up to the Sawyer House Fire, and you are greeted with
another cut-scene. After the first cut-scene, walk in to the
crime scene, and there’s yet another cut-scene. After the cut-
scene, start your investigation. You can investigate the
deceased, but there is no clue there. Walk towards the fire
truck to find the only clue here: Regulator valve. There is
another cut-scene, and then a chase sequence. If you are fast
enough to catch him, you can tackle the suspect to get the
Asphalt Jungle Achievement if you don’t have it already. If you
aren’t fast enough, he will clothesline you, and you’ll have to
beat him into submission. There are some more cut-scenes, and
then move on to Suburban Redevelopment.
Suburban Redevelopment
When you get here, you learn that Elysian Fields is involved,
and you get a new location: Fire Station No. 32. Head there to
continue the case.
Fire Station No. 32
When you pull up, it will put you inside the station, but you
have to walk towards the fire chief to get things going. He
shows you another heater to give you the clues: InstaHeat Model
70 and Heater serviced by Varley. Then he explains how the
explosion works and asks you to figure out the puzzle.
Here is how to complete the Fire Station Puzzle (from left to
(source) >> Pilot Light (the pipe) >> Regulator Valve (blue
knob) >> Expanding Gas (balloon)
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Turn the lever, and the Fire Station Puzzle is complete. The
fire chief then tells you to go to the InstaHeat Factory.
InstaHeat Factory
Walk inside the InstaHeat Factory, and the receptionist refers
you to Mr. Vasic. On the way, you can take a look at the
advertisement for the new heater model, but it won’t give you a
clue. Continue to the back of the room and Vasic’s office is
directly in front of you when you go through the door.
When you walk into his office, there is a cut-scene, and then
you start your questions:
InstaHeat Model 70 >> Choose “Doubt.” This gives you
the clue: Ivan Rasic’s statement.
Heater service history >> Choose “Lie,” and use
“Heater serviced by Ryan” as evidence.
After these questions, Rasic gives you the new clue: List of gas
fitters. Go to the phone to check the history of the men on this
list. This phone call gives you three new clues: Clemens’
criminal record, Ryan’s criminal record, and Varley’s criminal
record. Go back and talk to Rasic again. He then takes you to
their lockers.
Investigate the men’s lockers. To the left is Clemens’ locker,
where you find the clue: Clemens’ anarchist pamphlet. The middle
locker is Ryan’s locker where you find the clue: Ryan’s
anarchist pamphlets. The locker on the right is Varley’s locker,
where you find the clue: Mosquito coils. This is it for the
InstaHeat factory. Go to Clemens’ Worksite to continue The Gas
Man case.
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Clemens’ Worksite
Go to Clemens’ Worksite and question him:
Knowledge of Varley >> Choose “Doubt” to get the clue:
Walter Clemens’ statement.
Employment with InstaHeat >> Choose “Doubt.”
Knowledge of Ryan >> Choose “Lie” and use the clue:
Clemens’ anarchist pamphlet as evidence.
After the interview, it’s time to go talk to Ryan.
Ryan’s Worksite
When you arrive at Ryan’s Worksite, Ryan tries to escape, and
you must pursue in your car. If you are going after a five-star
rating in this case, be very careful because there are a lot of
pedestrians around, and if you run over them, it will severely
impact your rating at the end of the case. After the chase, Ryan
is arrested, and it’s time to move on to the next location:
Varley’s Worksite.
Varley’s Worksite
When you arrive at Varley’s Worksite, he immediately starts to
flee on foot. Don’t shoot him. Fire a warning shot to get him to
stop. If you don’t have it already, this will unlock the Not So
Hasty Achievement. After Varley is under arrest, head back to
the station to question your suspects.
Wilshire Police Station
When you arrive at the police station, go to interview room 2 to
question Varley:
Work at Sawyer residence >> Choose “Lie” and use the
clue: Heater serviced by Varley as evidence.
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Suburban Redevelopment >> Choose “Lie” and use the
clue: Walter Clemens’ statement as evidence.
InstaHeat Model 70 >> Choose “Lie” and use the clue:
Mosquito coils as evidence.
You are given the option to charge Varley, but leave the
interrogation instead to go talk to Ryan. Press B and go to
interview room 1.
At interview room 1, question Ryan:
Anarchist literature >> Choose “Lie” and use the clue:
Ryan’s anarchist pamphlets as evidence.
InstaHeat Model 70 >> Choose “Lie” and use the clue:
Ivan Rasic’s statement as evidence.
Suburban Redevelopment >> Choose “Doubt.” This gives
you the clue: Matthew Ryan’s statement.
Attempted murder charge >> Choose “Lie” and use the
clue: Ryan’s criminal record.
Now you have the choice to charge Ryan or Varley.
Charge Ryan, and The Gas Man case is over.
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A Walk in Elysian Fields
Start off your second case on the Arson Desk at the crime scene.
Crime Scene
After the introduction cut-scene, go the crime scene with your
partner. When you walk up to the house, the coroner greets you
and asks you to follow him in. There is then a brief cut-scene
explaining briefly what has happened and giving you the
following information:
POI: Morelli family
Clue: Bodies moved
Location: Morelli House Fire
Now it’s time to look for some clues on your own. You can
investigate the bodies, but there is no clue to be found.
Directly behind you at marker B, you find the clue: Family
photograph. After finding this clue, there is another little
cut-scene, after which Biggs runs outside. Go outside to talk to
While talking with Biggs, you decide to start canvassing the
neighbors, but before you do, go ahead and get some more clues.
In the front yard on the right is a newspaper for you to
collect. After collecting the newspaper, move along the right
side of the house to marker C to find a new clue: Water heater.
Head towards the neighbor to ask him some questions, but
investigate his yard before you get to him. There are two clues
by the tree in his front yard: Cigarette butts and Boot prints.
After collecting the clues, go over to talk to the neighbor.
When you first start talking to him, you get two pieces of
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POI: Dudley Forman
Clue: Weekend away
Then it’s time for some questions:
Morelli fire witness report >> Choose “Doubt” to get
the clue “Houses being demolished”
Suspicious activity >> Choose “Doubt” to get POI
“Smoking man”
Planned Demolitions >> Choose “Doubt” (new POI
Promotional travel contest >> Choose “Truth.”
After your questions, your partner comes up to talk to you. He
brings you the clue: Origami crane. Unfold the crane to get this
Clue: Elysian Fields flyers
Location: Elysian Fields?
Dudley comes out and shows you the same flyer.
After the cut-scene, go over to the phone to find out
information on Elysian Fields Developments. You get the address
but then have to talk to your commander who disapproves of your
investigation of Elysian Fields, so you and your partner decide
to investigate Rancho Escondido instead.
Rancho Escondido
When you arrive at Rancho Escondido, the site of another fire, a
short cut-scene plays, and you then must pacify the brawlers.
This is another good place to get the Keep a Lid On Achievement
if you don’t have it already.
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After the brawl, it’s time to start looking for clues. Approach
the burnt house directly front of you, and a little to the right
is a clue: Poor cement quality. That’s the only clue at Rancho
Escondido, and you decide to head to Elysian Fields.
Elysian Fields
When you arrive at Elysian Fields, enter the building and talk
with the receptionist at the first desk. Then head up the stairs
and speak with the second receptionist. While you are speaking
with the second receptionist, Monroe comes out and invites you
into his office. In Monroe’s office, you can look at the
displays, but there is no clue. Go to Monroe‘s desk to start
questioning him:
Elysian linked to arsons >> Choose “Doubt”
Promotional travel contest >> Choose “Lie” and use the
clueElysian Fields flyers”
Local land acquisitions >> Choose “Doubt”
Rancho Escondido fire >> Choose “Lie” and use the clue
“Poor cement quality”
This line of questioning unlocks the Huckster achievement.
After questioning Monroe, go back towards the desk in front of
you and investigate the information there. A list of names is
displayed. Choose Herbert Chapman to get a new person of
interest: Herbert Chapman and a new clue: List of contractors.
Go downstairs and use the phone. After a cut-scene, you are
alerted of Chapman’s address.
Chapman’s Apartment
Go to Chapman’s Apartment. After the neighbor tells you he’s not
there, investigate the trunk of Chapman’s car. In the trunk you
find two clues: Mosquito coils and .45 caliber ammunition.
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After you find the clues, you spot Chapman leaving the
laundromat. He sees you, too, and hijacks a trolley. Chase the
trolly down, and when it stops, get out of your car and shoot
Chapman. There are a few cut-scenes and then the case is over.
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House of Sticks
In this case, you are playing as Jack Kelso, whom you have
already met through some cut-scenes in the game and in the case
Manifest Destiny.
At the beginning of the case, you immediately get a clue:
Settlement letter. You also get two people of interest: Elsa
Lichtmann and Lou Buchwalter. After the cut-scene, you are
looking at the case file. Find the pink property details and
click the bottom right corner to flip it over and reveal the
insurance statement below. This gives you the clue: Buchwalter
case file. Close the file.
You now begin questioning Elsa Lichtmann.
Disputed claim payout >> Choose “Doubt.”
Connection to Buchwalter >> Choose “Doubt.”
Motive for dispute >> Choose “Truth.”
After your questioning there is a brief cut-scene. Then follow a
secretary to Curtis Benson’s office where there is another cut-
scene. After the cut-scene, you are on the street and headed
towards the Elysian Fields Site.
Elysian Fields Site
When you arrive at the Elysian Fields Site, enter the office and
go to the first desk. Investigate to find a clue: Cement
delivery receipt. Move on to the next desk to find two more
clues: Demolition order and Company memo. After finding these
clues, walk out of the office. A man accosts you for snooping
around. Beat him up, and he tells you where the Buchwalter
accident occurred. Continue your investigation at the demolished
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Demolished House
When you arrive at the demolished house, investigate around the
red flags until you find one that is a puzzle. You have to
select the broken piece of wood that spells out the name
“Keystone Film Studios.” This gives you the clue: Broken wood.
After solving the puzzle, a man on a bulldozer starts to chase
you. This chase sequence can be difficult because the bulldozer
moves a little bit faster than Kelso can run. You can turn
around to shoot at the driver, but doing so is tricky because if
you make a mistake, you’ll be eating a bulldozer blade. The best
way to escape the bulldozer is to turn and shoot after the
second obstacle, and then run the rest of the way. After you
escape from the bulldozer, go use a telephone to find the
address for Keystone Film Studios.
Keystone Film Studios
When you arrive at the studios, there is a cut-scene where you
bribe the guard to let you in. After the cut-scene, climb over
the gate to the studios, go straight, and enter the room on the
left under the sign that says “Screening Room.” Investigate the
case in the middle of the room. Work the three dials to make the
movie play: the top dial will be pointed straight up, the middle
dial should be towards the left, and the bottom switch should be
in the up position. Watch the movie to get the clue: Film. After
the movie, go to the table behind you to find another clue: Film
Go back towards the entrance to the studios, hop the gate you
came in at first, and then hop the gate to your left where you
see a lot of lumber piled up. Investigate the pile of lumber
immediately to your right after hopping the fence for another
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clue: Inferior quality lumber. Turn around and investigate the
stack of lumber behind you to find the clue: Lumber delivery
receipt. Hop back over the gate and go use the phone in the
security guard’s shack. After the cut-scenes, head to the
Elysian Fields Site Two.
Elysian Fields Site Two
When you arrive at the second Elysian Fields site, go into the
house in front of you with the light on the second floor. Go
upstairs and fight the three goons. After the fight and the cut-
scene, escape from the goons and evade them in the chase. Go to
Elsa’s apartment to close the case.
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A Polite Invitation
In this case, you are again playing as Jack Kelso. After the
introductory cut-scene, your first objective is to pay Curtis
Benson a visit.
Curtis Benson’s Apartment
When you arrive at the apartment building, check the mailboxes
to find Benson’s apartment number; he’s in #2. Go left at the
top of the stairs to find it. After the cut-scene, search
Benson’s apartment for clues. Go into the bedroom and another
cut-scene plays. After the cut-scene, walk around Benson’s couch
to the table to find the clue: Share certificate. Go to the desk
to the left of the table to find another clue: Insurance
agreement. Now go back and question Benson:
Motive for fraud >> Choose “Lie” and use the clue:
Share certificate as evidence.
Suburban Redevelopment >> Choose “Lie” and use the
clue: Insurance agreement as evidence.
Buchwalter case settlement >> Choose “Doubt”
After questioning Benson, return to your car and go to
California Fire & Life.
California Fire & Life
Enter the building and take the elevator. Turn right off the
elevator to go to your office. Investigate the case file on your
desk and select the address on the blue print for the clue:
Buchwalter case file. While still looking at the file,
investigate the pink piece of paper, specifically the line that
reads $3500 to find the second clue: Improved land value. Then
there is a cut-scene.
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Hall of Records
After the cut-scene, you find yourself at the Hall of Records.
Enter the Hall and talk to the guard at the desk. Then go up the
stairs to the land registry department. Talk to the man at the
desk and follow him to the Suburban Redevelopment Fund records.
While you are looking at the ledger, turn the page and click on
the name C. Sheldon for person of interest: Courtney Sheldon.
Then follow the man to a map to locate 34 degrees, 4 minutes, 29
seconds north and 118 degrees, 17 minutes, 58 seconds west. This
gives you the clue: Elysian lot number 1876988. Follow the man
to the adding machine to convert the number to a letter. A
little bit of a cryptic explanation helps you figure out to look
in row U. When you get there, pull out a ledger and find the
name Randall Jones. Click the name, and a cut-scene starts.
After the cut-scene, shoot the goons to start another cut-scene,
giving you the person of interest: Dr. Harlan Fontaine.
Kelso’s Apartment
After the cut-scene, you are back in your apartment building.
Answer the phone to start another cut-scene. You get a new
person of interest: Leland Monroe, and a new location: Leland
Monroe’s Mansion. After this cut-scene, go to Monroe’s Mansion
to continue the case.
Leland Monroe’s Mansion
When you arrive at the mansion, a cut-scene shows you meeting up
with your friends before you storm the mansion. Fight through
the men in the courtyard to get to the mansion. Once inside the
mansion fight through each room until you find Monroe. A cut-
scene plays, and then you are free to investigate his room. Find
a newspaper on the table behind his desk. Investigate the
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picture next to the newspaper as well. Look in Monroe’s safe and
investigate the three items there. Finally, look on Monroe’s
desk for a file with a list of names in it. Click the name
“Sawyer” to start another cut-scene and close the case.
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A Different Kind of War
After the introduction to the final case in L.A. Noire, you
start off again as Kelso, and you are trying to find your
suspect. Kelso has found the names of three pest control
businesses where he thinks he might find his man. Start off your
search at Rapid Exterminators.
Rapid Exterminators
When you arrive, walk in the building and talk with the man
behind the desk. He tells you that the man you’re looking for
doesn’t work there. Be sure to collect the newspaper on the
counter before you leave. Head to your next stop: Nuclear Bug &
Rodent Control.
Nuclear Bug & Rodent Control
Go in and talk to the man behind the counter. He’s not very
helpful. Move on to the next place: Westlake Pest Control.
Westlake Pest Control
Walk into the shop to start a cut-scene. Kelso gets the address,
and the gameplay shifts back to Phelps who is at the
investigation at Dr. Fontaine’s house.
Dr. Fontaine’s House
Walk in the house and keep going until you find the corpse. On
the desk, you find another newspaper to collect. After
collecting the newspaper, move to investigate the items on the
desk. Trace the blank paper and then slide the newspaper over to
get the clue: Freeway route.
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Go to the table next to the doorway to investigate a file there.
Read the first piece of paper and then flip it over to reveal a
list of names. Click on the name “Sawyer” to get the clue:
Fontaine’s blackmail papers.
Close the file and look behind you for the crystal ball.
Investigate it to get the clue: Crystal ball.
Walk through the doorway by the table where you found the
blackmail papers into a room with medical supplies. There is a
cabinet in the corner. Investigate the cabinet for the clue:
Morphine cabinet. A cut-scene plays, and we are playing as Kelso
Rancho Rincon
Kelso has gone to find his suspect at Rancho Rincon. Head into
the house to start investigating. On the right when you enter,
you find the clue: Flamethrower on the table. Walk to the back
of the house to the right, and the camera pans around to show
you the origami cranes. To the right of the door, there are
pictures on the wall. Investigate these pictures for the clue:
Photographs of Okinawa. Move over to the table to investigate
the origami and get the clue: Origami cranes. A little to the
left of the cranes, you find the clue: LA River Tunnels. When
you walk out of the room, a cut-scene starts.
Streets of L.A.
After the cut-scene, you are supposed to escort Kelso. Disable
the attacking vehicles to continue. Then there’s another cut-
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L.A. Tunnels
Fight your way through the tunnels. There aren’t any clues down
here, just a bunch of bad guys. Fight your way through all of
the goons, and eventually you find your suspect. Afterwards,
there are several cut scenes and the end of the game, unlocking
the Moth to a Flame Achievement.
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Downloadable Content:
Extra Cases
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A Slip of the Tongue
A Slip of the Tongue starts with a report of a stolen car, your
first clue. Head out of the police station and follow the yellow
flag on your mini-map to find the stolen car. When you find the
car, chase down the driver by ramming his car until you can end
the chase. (If you are successful in stopping him before backup
arrives, you’ll get the Achievement Nowhere in a Hurry). When
the chase is over, there’s a cut-scene where the suspect Cliff
Harrison produces the clue: Receipt. Then you have to question
the Harrison:
Vehicle reported as stolen >> Choose “Truth.” He gives
you the clue: Harrison’s ownership papers.
Motive for flight >> Choose “Doubt.” Vehicle purchase
details >> Choose “Truth.”
When you are done questioning Harrison, he is taken away for
grand theft auto, and you head over to where the car was
purchased: Coombs Automotive Co.
Coombs Automotive Co.
When you arrive at the Coombs Automotive Co., head into the lot
towards the owner Richard Coombs. There is a brief cut-scene,
and then you follow him into his office. He presents two items
for you to peruse. On the left is the clue: Archer’s ownership
papers. When you are investigating the pink slip, investigate it
further to find information about Marquee Printing Company. Put
the ownership papers down, and to the right you find the clue:
Bill of sale. Then it’s time to question Coombs:
Details of transaction >> Choose “Truth.” This gives
you the clue: Check.
Description of suspect >> Choose “Truth.”
Association with Marquee >> Choose “Truth.”
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Check payment details >> Choose “Doubt.”
Suspicious transaction >> Choose “Doubt.”
When you are done questioning Coombs, go use the telephone by
the street. You get the person of interest: James Belasco, who
is being held at the station for grand theft auto. Before you go
back to the station, swing by the address on Archer’s ownership
papers: 146 North Fremont Avenue. This gives you the clue: Fake
address. Then go back to the station to question Belasco.
Central Police Station
When you arrive at the station, go to Interview Room 2 to
question James Belasco. Before you get to start asking
questions, Belasco produces the clue: Belasco’s ownership
papers. Undeterred, it’s time to question Belasco:
Stolen auto courier >> Choose “Doubt.”
Association with Archer >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Archer’s ownership papers as evidence.
Auto theft racket >> Choose “Doubt.”
Stolen vehicles warehoused >> Choose “Doubt.”
Those are all the questions for Belasco. There’s a cut-scene
with another detective Ray Pinker as you are heading out of the
station. Pinker gives you an address, a person of interest:
Gordon Leitvol and the clues: Note from Ray Pinker and Pink
slips. When the cut-scene is over, a patrol man stops you as you
are walking out of the station to tell you Jean Archer has been
spotted. Go to the Western Union Office to intercept her.
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Western Union Office
When you arrive at the Western Union Office, there is a cut-
scene, and then you question Jean Archer (getting all these
questions right unlocks the Femme Imbecile Achievement):
Stolen Kaiser Frazer >> Choose “Doubt.”
Association with Belasco >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Belasco’s ownership papers as evidence. This
gives you the new clue: Known associates of Archer.
Stolen auto courier >> Choose “Doubt.” She gives you
the address for the warehouse for the stolen cars.
After the questions and the following cut-scene are over, you
can go to 58 Industrial Street to finish the case faster, but to
get all the clues and five stars, you need to go to Marquee
Printing Company first.
Marquee Printing Company
At Marquee Printing Company, head inside to talk to the owner
Gordon Leitvol. Question Leitvol:
Knowledge of theft racket >> Choose “Doubt.”
Pink slip supply >> Choose “Doubt.”
Coombs Auto deliveries >> Choose “Doubt.”
Leitvol then produces a ledger. Click on the line for S. Bigelow
at 58 Industrial Street. Head to 58 Industrial Street to
continue the case.
58 Industrial Street
When you arrive at 58 Industrial Street, there is a brief cut-
scene where you and your partner figure out a plan, and then you
have a shootout with the goons of the auto theft racket. (During
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the Industrial Street raid, kill a goon by shooting the hanging
engine block to unlock the Chop Shop Achievement.)
After all the bad guys are down, go in the door at the end of
the walkway to find Steven Bigelow waiting for you with his
hands in the air. Look around his office to get some more clues.
On the desk behind Bigelow you find the clue: Box of pink slips
(unlocking the Racing for Pinks Achievement). On the table by
the filing cabinet, there are two items to investigate. On the
left is the clue: Delivery note. On the right is the clue:
Betting slips. After you find the clues, it’s time to question
Pink slip supply >> Choose “Doubt.” This gives you the
clue: Gambling debts.
Association with Leitvol >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Note from Ray Pinker as evidence.
When the questions are over, head back over to Marquee Printing
Company to finish the case.
Marquee Printing Company
When you arrive go inside to question Leitvol again:
Deliveries to Industrial St >> Choose “Lie,” and use
the clue Betting slips as evidence.
That’s it. The case is over, and you earn The Printer’s Devil
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The Naked City
The Naked City starts with reports of a homicide with Army
morphine as the weapon. The cut-scene gives you the clue:
Morphine. Then head over to the Crime Scene to start the case.
Crime Scene
When you arrive at the crime scene, go inside and up to
apartment 6 on the second floor. After a cut-scene, investigate
the apartment for clues. Go into the first room on the left for
a cut-scene with the coroner.
There is a break in the cut-scene for you to investigate the
body. Look at the head to get some information. Look at the
victim’s right arm for some other information. Look at the left
arm for the clue: Black sapphire ring. The cut-scene continues,
and you get the clue: Two suspects.
After the cut-scene is really over, continue your investigation
of the apartment. Go out of the bathroom and into the second
room in the apartment. There is a jacket hanging close to the
wall opposite the door you just enteredinvestigate it for the
clue: Men’s smoking jacket. On the floor by the foot of the bed,
there are some pills you can look at, but no clue. On the
nightstand on the right of the bed is a pillbox. Investigate it
to get the clue: Sleeping pills. Investigate it further to get
the clue: Benzedrine prescription and a new person of interest:
Dr. Stoneman.
Go back through the hallway and into the living room. On the
other side of the couch is a cabinet with three pictures on it.
Pick up each picture and investigate each picture further. The
picture in the middle gives you the clue: Modeling job, and when
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you investigate it further, you get a new objective: Investigate
Those are all the clues in the victim’s apartment. Go out of the
apartment and downstairs to find your last clue at the crime
scene. When you get to the first floor, on the right side of
hall is a trashcan next to a potted plant. Investigate it to
find the clue: Morphine syrette. (If you’ve followed this case
guide carefully, you will have just unlocked the Good-Looking
Corpse Achievement).
After you have found all the clues, head back up to the
apartment to question the victim’s maid Virginia Reynoldson
(she’s sitting at the table behind the couch in the living
Victim’s state of mind >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Sleeping pills as evidence.
Victim’s personal life >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Men’s smoking jacket as evidence. This gives you
the clue: Housekeeper’s statement.
Relationship with victim >> Choose “Doubt.”
After your questions, head over to Dr. Stoneman’s Practice to
continue the case.
Dr. Stoneman’s Practice
When you arrive at the practice, go in the double doors in the
front of the building and look at the sign on the right side of
the hallway to find Dr. Stoneman‘s office: room 505. Take the
elevator at the end of the hall up to the fifth floor. After a
couple cut-scenes, it’s time to question Dr. Stoneman:
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Relationship with victim >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue: Benzedrine prescription as evidence.
Additional medications >> Choose “Doubt.”
After your questions, head out of the office and continue the
case at the D’Assine Dress Store.
D’Assine Dress Store
At D’Assine Dress Store, go inside and talk to the lady at the
desk, who turns out to be the owner of the store. After brief
introductions, you question the Dress Store Owner:
Victim’s employment history >> Choose “Truth.”
After you question the owner, you are introduced to the victim’s
friend Heather Swanson. A brief cut-scene gives you the clue:
Pearl ring. Afterwards, you have some questions for Swanson:
Relationship with victim >> Choose “Truth.”
Informed of ‘Mr. Henderson’ >> Choose “Truth.”
After your questions, there’s another cut-scene. After the cut-
scene, go use the telephone by the street. The coroner wishes to
see you. Head to the Hollywood Receiving Hospital to meet him.
Hollywood Receiving Hospital
Go inside and find the morgue (there are signs on the walls with
arrows pointing to the morgue). A cut-scene gives you the
coroner’s autopsy report. This gives you the clue: Murder. The
coroner asks you to take a look at something. Go to the counter
and investigate the harmonica, but it doesn’t give you a clue.
Head out the door and across the parking lot to the police
station. You need to question Henry Arnett in Interview Room 2:
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Relationship with victim >> Choose “Doubt.”
Informed of ‘Mr. Henderson’ >> Choose “Lie,” and use
the clue Housekeeper’s statement as evidence.
Burglary suspect Leblanc >> Choose “Doubt.”
After questioning him there is another cut-scene, and then you
have to tail the lying Henry Arnett (If you can tail him without
being spotted, you’ll unlock the Fakeloo Achievement). After
tailing him in your car, there will be cut-scene, and then you
have to keep tailing him on foot. Duck into doorways and beside
buildings to avoid being seen.
When you complete the tail, there is a cut-scene that gives you
the clue: Train ticket. You then meet up with your partner again
who gives you the clue: Fabergé cigarette case. When you’re done
talking with your partner, go use the telephone highlighted on
your mini-map. This conversation gives you some more
information. Then, head over Hollywood Ninth Beat to continue
The Naked City.
Hollywood Ninth Beat
When you arrive you immediately have to start chasing some bad
guys. Chase them to a construction site and shoot them down.
After the gunfight, there’s a cut-scene. After the cut-scene, go
back to the station
Hollywood Police Station
At the station, there is another cut-scene. An officer provides
the clue: Contraband list for you to investigate. Click on the
Pearl ring, Sapphire ring, Fabergé gold cigarette case, and
Silver pillbox. Then go find Mrs. Evestrom at the Evestrom
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Evestrom Residence
There is a cut-scene when you arrive, and then you question Mrs.
List of stolen items >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue
Fabergé cigarette case as evidence.
Burglary incident report >> Choose “Truth.”
After your questions, there is another cut-scene, and afterwards
you need to drive Heather Swanson to Arnett’s Apartment (escort
Heather Swanson to Arnett’s apartment without damaging your
vehicle to unlock the Chauffeur Service Achievement).
Arnett’s Apartment
When you arrive, head inside and talk to the man at the desk. He
tells you Arnett is in apartment 30. Take the elevator up. When
you get to the apartment, Arnett is on the floor, and you have
to chase a fleeing suspect. Chase the suspect as far as you can,
and then there is another cut-scene.
The cut-scene puts you back in Arnett’s apartment. Search the
apartment for clues. Directly in front of you on the floor is a
suitcase. Investigate the suitcase. On the right is the train
ticket. On the left is the clue: Vacheron Constantin watch. Then
question Arnett:
Professional burglary ring >> Choose “Lie,” and use
the clue Fabergé cigarette case again as evidence.
Motive for Randall Murder >> Choose “Lie,” and use the
clue Train ticket as evidence.
Identity of ‘Mr. Henderson’ >> Choose “Lie,” and use
the clue Contraband list as evidence.
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After questioning Arnett again, go back to Dr. Stoneman’s
Practice to continue the case.
Dr. Stoneman’s Practice
When you arrive at Dr. Stoneman’s Practice, head inside for a
cut-scene. Stoneman has a lot to share. After the cut-scene, use
the telephone on Stoneman‘s desk, which gives you a new lead.
Then head to Willy’s Apartment.
Willy’s Apartment
There’s another cut-scene when you arrive. After the cut-scene,
search around for Willy. To find Willy, find the intersection of
Vine and Hollywood. Walk north up Vine on the west side of the
street. When you go far enough there is a cut-scene, and then
you have to chase Willy to the roof.
When you get all the way to the top, you find Willy climbing a
tower. Your job is to shoot him down. (While doing this, if you
shoot every letter down from the tower at the Broadway Hotel,
you’ll unlock the Give My Regards Achievement).
After the gunfight, there’s a cut-scene and the case is over,
unlocking the Eight Million Stories Achievement.
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Nicholson Electroplating
After a brief introductory cut-scene, drive with your partner to
the explosion site to start the case.
Nicholson Electroplating
When you arrive at the explosion site at Nicholson
Electroplating, you first need to stop two fleeing looters. It’s
quite simple to just shoot them as they are fleeing.
After you stop the looters, follow your partner into the
destroyed building to find the coroner by an ambulance and some
corpses. There is a brief cut-scene, and then it’s time to look
for clues.
After taking a look at the corpses, continue further into the
rubble and turn left at the vehicles that are parked there.
There are two men talking. Walk past them on a path through the
rubble. The path forks. Head to the left, and underneath a bent
I-beam, you will find a tattered garment. Investigate it to get
the clue: Laundry tag.
Continue on the path, and an officer summons you. Investigate
the case that he is looking at. In the top left corner of the
case, check the camera to find two clues: Espionage and Spy
camera. To the right of that is an earring that doesn’t give you
a clue, but Phelps puts it in his pocket instead of back into
the case. To the right of that is a business card that gives you
the new POI: Tomoko Okamoto. Below that is a piece of paper and
a ring to decipher the message. When you click to investigate
it, it gives you the clue: Undeciphered message. You then use
the ring to decipher the message.
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Solving the Cipher Puzzle
The Cipher Puzzle in Nicholson Electroplating can easily be
solved. The key to the cipher is written on the paper: H = K.
There are two moveable parts on the tool to decipher the
message. Move the outer ring, the one with the large letters on
it, so that the letter K is at the top under the red arrow. Then
move the smaller, inner ring so that H is also at the top,
underneath the red arrow and under the large letter K. When the
rings are in this position, you can then start to decipher the
message. When you move the outer ring, the inner ring moves
along with it.
The goal is to match up the letter that is at the top of the
inner ring with the letter on the undeciphered message so that
you can figure out what it says. For instance, the first letter
on the undeciphered message is K. So you move the cipher rings
so that the letter K on the smaller, inner ring is at the top
under the red arrow. The letter N will then be written on the
top left corner of your screen, and you can move onto the next
letter: S. Move the inner ring so that the smaller, inner ring
has the letter S at the top. The letter V will then be written
in the top left corner of the screen, and you can move on to the
next letter.
Follow this same method until you decipher each letter in the
message, and you will spell out: N VERMONT AVE. This updates
your clue to: Deciphered message.
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Continuing the investigation at Nicholson
Head back under the I-beam where you found the first clue, and
take the other side of the fork that you passed earlier. Follow
the path around to the right, and an officer calls out for you.
Investigate the object he’s looking at for another puzzle.
The prop spinner puzzle is a lot simpler than the last one.
Simply line up the letters on the spinner. Your controller
vibrates when you are in the right position, and you have to
hold it still on the position for a few seconds to solve it. The
words spell out: P&W WASP MAJOR R-4360. This gives you the clue:
Airplane part, and it unlocks The Nose Knows Achievement.
Take the path back out to where the cars are parked, then
continue on towards the entrance of the building to find the
owner Fred Nicholson. He introduces himself, and then you have
some questions:
Nicholson plant explosion >> Choose Doubt.
Whereabouts of Okamoto >> Choose “Lie,” and use
the clue: Spy camera as evidence.
Whereabouts of McLellan >> Choose Doubt.
After you question Fred Nicholson, get in your car and go use
the telephone at the corner of Hobart Boulevard and Oakwood
Avenue to find the address of Superior Laundry Services. After
you get the address, head over to the Deciphered Address.
Deciphered Address
When you arrive at the Deciphered Address, look at the mailboxes
to find that Tomoko Okamoto is in apartment 1. Go upstairs, and
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it is your first door on the right. Enter the apartment to see
that it has been ransacked, and then start looking for clues.
Find all the clues in Okamoto’s apartment to unlock the
Skeletons In The Icebox Achievement.
Open the refrigerator to find a dead body. The body falls out on
the floor for you to investigate. Investigate the head and move
it to the right to get the new POI: John Doe. Investigate the
body’s left arm to get the clue: Wristwatch. Investigate the
right arm for the clue: ring. That’s all on the body.
Walk around to the fireplace. There is a shiny, gold object on
the hearth; investigate it to find the clue: Tie pin. Walk
towards the bedroom door, and you can investigate the bloodstain
on the wall and floor, but it doesn’t give you a clue. Continue
into the bedroom. Walk past the bed, and on a shelf you find
another earring. Phelps discovers that it matches the one he
found at the explosion site, and puts them together to give you
the clue: Microfilm. This also unlocks the Skeletons In The
Icebox Achievement. After you find all the clues, head to
Superior Laundry Services to continue the case.
Superior Laundry Services
When you arrive, head to the desk in the back to talk to the
worker. He produces a ledger for you to look at. Click on the
entry for J2620 to get the new POI: Oscar Hangstrom. Phelps puts
down the ledger. Walk towards the door to use the telephone in
the laundry (this updates your clue: Prop spinner). After your
phone call, go to Hughes Aircraft.
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Hughes Aircraft
There is a brief cut-scene when you arrive at Hughes Aircraft.
After the cut-scene, follow Vernon Mapes into the facility.
There is another brief cut-scene showing Howard Hughes “Spruce
Goose.” After the cut-scene, you question Mapes:
Nicholson plant explosion >> Choose “Doubt.”
Knowledge of Okamoto >> Choose “Doubt.”
Knowledge of McLellan >> Choose “Lie,” and use
the clue: Prop spinner as evidence.
After you question Mapes, go up the stairs behind you and enter
the office. In the back of the office, there are two photographs
on a desk. The photograph on the right gives you an Unknown
Address. The photograph on the left gives you the clue:
Photograph. Go out of the office to the hangar. When you go down
the stairs, walk straight to the three engines in front of you.
After you look at the center engine, walk to the nose of the
airplane. At the nose by the stairs, investigate the barrels to
get the clue: Linseed oil. Go up the stairs into the body of the
plane. Go up the ladder on the right when you are inside. At the
top of the ladder on a bulletin board, you find the clue:
Navigation note. The note has the coordinates:
Latitude 24° 15 N,
Longitude 76° 00 W
After you get the navigation note, walk towards the nose of the
plane and sit at the machine to the right. Put in the
coordinates you found. This gives you the clue: Bahamas. Then
it’s time to go back to the police station.
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Wilshire Police Station
When you arrive, go to the officer at the front desk. He informs
you that you are wanted in tech services. Go downstairs to meet
Pinker. (There are signs on the wall for technical services if
you need them.)
When you find Pinker, he shows you some photographs that you
need to investigate. These are the photos:
1st photo: Phelps (no information)
2nd photo: Zoom in on the watch and ring.
3rd photo: Zoom in on Mapes’ tie pin.
4th photo: Zoom in on the notes.
5th photo: Zoom in on the two walking men.
6th photo: Zoom in on the house number.
After you are done looking at the photographs, Pinker wants you
to do an experiment. Use the eyedropper to put a drop from each
bottle into the petri dish. There is a cut-scene showing Phelps
being knocked to the ground by the explosion caused by the
After the cut-scene before you leave tech services, walk around
the desk that has the photographs to the other magnifying glass.
Use it to zoom in on the document there to get the clue:
Aluminum polishing patent. Go to the House in the Photograph to
continue the case.
House in the Photograph
Head inside the house, and investigate the gas on the floor.
Walk into the area with a bed. At the foot of the bed there is a
little table that has a ticket and a passport on it. Investigate
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them both, and then you see a Molotov cocktail thrown into the
house. Your partner Biggs instructs you to shoot the gas line by
the stove (which is a large red tank). Shoot it and follow Biggs
out of the house.
There is a cut-scene, and then you have to chase Mapes by car.
Pursue him to Hughes Aircraft on your first attempt to unlock
the Out Of The Frying Pan Achievement. Mapes will lead you
through a few alleys and yards before getting onto a main road.
When you are on the main road, some opposing vehicles will try
to stop you. Give them a little nudge if you need to, and they
shouldn’t give you much trouble. When you arrive, if you were
able to apprehend Mapes in your first attempt, you will unlock
the Achievement, and then you have a shootout.
Hughes Aircraft (again)
During the shootout at Hughes Aircraft, several vehicles pull up
with bad guys in them. If you can kill the drivers of two of the
MP vehicles before they pull up, you will unlock the Bulletproof
Windshield Achievement.
This is a very difficult achievement to unlock. The first car
pulls up in front of you, coming from your left. If you fail to
get him before he gets out of the car, just get yourself killed
so you can try again. After getting the first driver, go to the
trunk of the car to pull out a machine gun. Stay in the street
while you are fighting, and another car will approach you from
the street (observe its approach on your mini-map). Stand in the
middle of the street, and the car will drive directly at you.
Shoot the second driver as he is pulling up. Once again, if you
fail, get yourself killed so you can try again. There are two
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other MP cars, but they come from a much more difficult angle
and are even harder to get. The first two are your best bet.
After the firefight outside, head into the hangar that you were
in before to continue the fight. When you kill all the bad guys
in the hangar, the case will be over, unlocking the The Big
Unfriendly Achievement.
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Reefer Madness
Back on the vice desk with your partner Roy Earle, the Reefer
Madness case starts off with a very short intro cut-scene. You
are given the POI Freddie Calhoun and the location Mike Lyman’s
Bar. Head to the bar to start the case.
Mike Lyman’s Bar
When you arrive at the bar, walk inside and straight to the back
to find Freddie Calhoun. Go up to his booth and talk with him.
There are no questions here; Calhoun just gives you some
information in exchange for cash. Among the information he gives
are: the new POI Juan Garcia Cruz and address of his residence
your next stop.
Juan Garcia Cruz’s Residence
When you arrive at Juan Garcia Cruz‘s Residence, a cut-scene
plays showing Cruz opening fire on you and Earle. Though you
could shoot the gunmen from the front, an easier way, and the
way to get your first achievement in Reefer Madness, is to sneak
around the back.
When the shootout starts, Cole is ducked on the sidewalk by a
stone fence. Follow the fence to the left and go into the
neighbor’s yard. Walk to the back of the yard and climb over the
fence behind Cruz’s residence. Go in the back door and shoot the
two gunmen. This unlocks the Forcible Rear Entry Achievement.
After a brief cut-scene, it’s time to investigate the stash
house. Directly in front of you after the cut-scene is the body
of one of the gunmen. Investigate his right jacket pocket to
find his wallet, informing you that this is the famous Juan
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Garcia Cruz. In his left jacket pocket, you find the clue:
Gunman’s silver dollar.
When you are done investigating Cruz’s body, turn around to find
a notepad on the cardboard boxes. This gives you the clue:
Masangkay, a word that at this point makes no sense.
To you right you can see the door to the kitchen. To the right
of the door to the kitchen there is a stack of cardboard boxes.
Investigate the boxes, and Cole sees that they are
from Parnell’s Soup Company. You can use the telephone to your
left to get an address for the Parnell Soup Company.
Go past the boxes and turn left into the bedroom in the back
corner of the house. In the corner of the room, there is a
newspaper opened to a page with an ad for Parnell’s Soup
Company, which gives you the address for the 20th Century
Market. You need to find this to unlock an achievement.
In the kitchen, you can find a sketchbook on the counter with
some sketches of a woman and some reefer. This doesn’t give you
any clues, though.
Go out the back door (the one you kicked in to raid the house in
the first place), and walk to the shed directly in front of you
as you exit the house.
Cole kicks in the door. There is a row of shelves on your left
as you enter the shed. In the first section, there are two cans
of no interest that you can investigate. In the second section,
there are four cans, but you can only investigate the two in the
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middle. The one on the right gives you a surprise, and the one
on the left opens a secret room.
Go into the secret room and directly in front of you there is a
can opener. Investigate it to see two highlighted cans to the
right. Open one to get the clue: Soup cans. Open the second can
to unlock your second achievement in Reefer Madness: the Soup in
the Pot Achievement.
After your done playing with cans, go to the desk to find a
ledger. Juan is dead, so you’re looking for a pattern in the
deliveries to find a new lead.
Click on any line with E.J.’s name on it. This gives you the
clue: Tijuana dope shipments. The musical signal that you have
found all the clues plays.
At this point you have a choice. To find all the clues, answer
all the questions, and get a five-star rating on Reefer Madness,
you have to go to Parnell’s Soup Factory first. This is your
only opportunity to question Mr. Parnell and Sergio Rojas and to
get the Sergio’s silver dollar. However, to unlock the High
Flyer Achievement, you have to go directly to 20th Century
Market from Cruz’s residence. The most efficient way to do this
is to go to Parnell’s Soup Factory on your first play-through of
the case to get your five-star rating and then replay this first
part of the case and go directly to the 20th Century Market to
get the achievement.
Parnell’s Soup Factory
When you arrive, go inside and speak to the receptionist. She
leads you up to Howard Parnell’s office. Parnell presents a
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ledger. Look for the name Jorge Garcia Cruz. After you find his
name, it’s time to question Parnell:
Factory sealed soup cans >> Choose “Doubt.”
Parnell’s Soup Company >> Choose “Doubt.”
Knowledge of Cruz brothers >> Choose “Doubt.”
Inside man Jorge Garcia >> Choose “Truth.”
After your questions, Parnell shows you around the factory.
During your tour, you get the new POI Sergio Rojas. Talk to him
to get the clue: Sergio’s silver dollar. Then ask Sergio
a question:
Factory sealed soup cans >> Choose “Doubt.”
After you question Sergio, look at the ledger on the desk next
to you. Click on any entry for 20th Century Market. You are done
with the ledger. Then ask Sergio another question:
20th Century Market >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Juan’s silver dollar as evidence.
After your tour of the Parnell Soup Factory, head to 20th
Century Market.
20th Century Market
When you arrive at the 20th Century Market, there is a cut-
scene. (If you skipped the soup factory and came here directly
from Cruz’s house, the High Flyer Achievement will unlock after
the cut-scene.)
Don’t be too distracted by the achievement, though, because one
of the suspects has started to flee, and you have to chase him
down. Chase the suspect out the back of the building. If you are
fast enough, you can tackle him in the parking lot. If you can’t
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tackle him, follow him up a ladder. When you catch up with him,
you have to beat him in a brawl.
After you beat him, Cole convinces him to give up any drugs that
he’s carrying. A little bit later, he also turns over a silver
dollar, giving you the clue: Shopkeeper’s silver dollar. Then he
hands over his wallet for identification. Investigate his
identification to get his name: Airto Sanchez. You then question
Knowledge of ‘E.J.’ >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue:
Juan’s silver dollar as evidence. This updates the POI
to Ernesto Juarez.
Parnell’s Soup shipments >> Choose “Doubt.”
(If you went to Parnell’s Soup Factory first, you will also have
a third question available)
Juan and Jorge Cruz >> Choose “Truth.”
Those are all the questions for Airto Sanchez. A cut-scene
plays, and you are (back) at Parnell’s Soup Factory.
Parnell’s Soup Factory
After the cut-scene you get to raid Parnell’s Soup Factory. Grab
a different gun out of your trunk if you like, then head into
the building. Inside you find other police officers positioned
for the raid. Like any other raid, just shoot all the bad guys.
Be careful not to kill any civilians.
After all the goons are dead, there is a short cut-scene. Head
into the room in front of you and investigate the body on the
floor. In the body’s left hand you find the clue: Gunman’s
silver dollar. In his shirt pocket you find his wallet,
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identifying the gunman as Juarez, but this doesn’t give
you a clue.
Go back out into the main room, and investigate the box that
Earle is standing by. This gives you the clue: Boxed marijuana
shipment. There is another brief cut-scene where an officer asks
you a question. Then follow him through the factory and up some
stairs to another body. In the corpse’s left hand is a wad of
cash. In his shirt pocket you find the clue: Jorge’s
silver dollar. Then there is another cut-scene.
After the cut-scene, Ray Pinker has laid out for you the US
Morgan silver dollars puzzle. There are some letters printed on
each silver dollar. Move the coins around so that the letters
spell out Masangkay Metals. This unlocks the Spare A Dime
Achievement and gives you the clue: Collected silver dollars. Go
to Masangkay Metals to continue the case.
Masangkay Metal Warehouse
The gate is locked at the Masangkay Metal Warehouse, so you have
to find another way in. Most of the perimeter has barbed wire
around the top, but if you follow the fence around to the left,
there is a section in the wall where the barbed wire is missing.
Climb over that section to get inside the fence.
Once inside, go around to the back of the building to find an
open door. Go inside and shoot any hostiles, making your way
back towards the front of the building. Go up the stairs you
find at the end of that room. On the next level, go with Earle
through the rooms, fighting of any gunmen that pop up. Go up
another flight of stairs and there are more gunmen to subdue.
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Find the office on that top level to find the ringleader Victor
Sanders. Another cut-scene plays, and the case is over,
unlocking the Every Herb Bearing Season Achievement.