G:\Wastewater\Wastewater Policy\Ordinances and Policies\Current Policy & Policy
Sections\Current Guide to Wastewater Utility Policies.docx
City of Elkhart
Public Works and Utilities
1201 S. Nappanee St.
Elkhart, IN 46516
574 293-2572
December 2011
Elkhart Public Works and Utilities
Guide to Wastewater Utility Policies
Table of Contents
Section 1.0 Definitions ............................................................................................. 1-1
Section 2.0 General ................................................................................................. 2-1
Section 3.0 Unauthorized Use of Utility Services ..................................................... 3-1
Section 4.0 Staff Access to Utility Property.............................................................. 4-1
Section 5.0 Establishing Service ............................................................................. 5-1
Section 6.0 Billing .................................................................................................... 6-1
Section 7.0 Meters ................................................................................................... 7-1
Section 8.0 Discontinuance of Service .................................................................... 8-1
Section 9.0 Permanent Disconnection ..................................................................... 9-1
Section 10.0 Sewer Construction Standards ........................................................... 10-1
Section 11.0 Sewer Assessment Charges .............................................................. 11-1
Section 12.0 Residential Sewer Insurance and Backwater Valve Program ............. 12-1
Section 13.0 Discharge of Special Wastes .............................................................. 13-1
Section 14.0 Inter-local Agreement Wastewater Discharge Permits ....................... 14-1
Section 15.0 Food Service Establishment Fats, Oil and Grease Program .............. 15-1
Section 16.0 Sewer Laterals .................................................................................... 16-1
Section 17.0 Autodialed Phone Calls and Automatic Text Messages to Customers 17-1
Revised September 2021
Section 1.0 Definitions
Unless otherwise defined, the following terms, as used in these procedures, have
the following meaning:
1.1 Act or the Act means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the
Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251, et. seq.
1.2 Approved means accepted by the Elkhart Water Utility or Board of Public Works
as meeting an applicable specification stated or cited in the regulation or as
suitable for the proposed use.
1.3 Backwater Valve means a check/flapper valve installed in the Sewer Lateral to
prevent the backflow of Wastewater into a building.
1.4 Board means the Board of Public Works of the City of Elkhart. It is the governing
body of the Publicly Owned Treatment Works.
1.5 Building Drain means, in plumbing, that part of the lowest horizontal piping within
a building or house that conducts water, Wastewater or Storm Water to a Sewer
1.6 City means the City of Elkhart, Indiana.
1.7 Commercial User means a source of Wastewater discharging to the POTW from
business establishments including, but not limited to, stores, markets, office
buildings, restaurants, shopping centers, and which is not an Industrial User as
defined in this Ordinance.
1.8 User, Consumer, Developer or Owner is the person, firm, company, corporation,
governmental unit, charitable or not-for-profit organization or association having
interest, whether legal or equitable, sole or only partial, either as tenant or owner,
in any property which is, or is to be, supplied with wastewater service, either
temporarily or permanently.
1.9 Director means the person responsible for supervising the operation of the
POTW, or that person’s duly authorized representatives. For purposes of these
policies, the Director is also the Control Authority.
1.10 Downspout means an exterior vertical drainage pipe for conveying Storm Water
from roof or gutter drains to either a Building Drain of Sewer Lateral
1.11 Easement means any rights to access land not owned or controlled by the City of
Elkhart that is established, acquired, dedicated or devoted to public utility
purposes, including the area above and below such easement.
Revised September 2021
1.12 Industrial User means a source of Industrial Waste discharging to the POTW.
1.13 Inspector means a person authorized by the Director to perform inspection and
monitoring duties to determine compliance with these policies.
1.14 May means that the act referred to is both permissible and approved.
1.15 Meter is a mechanical device used to measure and record the quantity of water
consumed or wastewater discharged by the User.
1.16 Person means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, trust, estate,
governmental entity, any other legal entity, or its legal representative, or assign.
1.17 Private Collector Sewer means a sewer that receives Wastewater from several
Sewer Laterals or other collector Sewers and conveys the Wastewater to a Public
1.18 Property Owner means the Person that is listed on the recorded deed.
1.19 Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) means the treatment works owned by
the City of Elkhart. This definition includes any Sewers, pipes, and other
conveyances transporting Wastewater to the POTW treatment plant from within
and outside of the City limits.
1.20 Public Right of Way means any public street, way, place, alley, sidewalk, park,
square, median, parkway, boulevard or plaza that is dedicated to public use or is
maintained by the City.
1.21 Public Sewer means a Sewer owned and maintained by the City for the collection
of Wastewater.
1.22 Residential Property means a single-family dwelling unit or duplex dwelling unit
used primarily as a domicile for one or more persons.
1.23 Residential User means a source of Wastewater discharged to the POTW from a
premises used primarily as a domicile such as, a single-family dwelling, mobile
home, apartment or permanent multi-family dwelling.
1.24 Sewer Assessment means the charge to a property owner to enable the City of
Elkhart to recover the actual system-wide average current cost of construction of
the sanitary Sewer.
1.25 Sewer means a pipe or conduit, which carries Wastewater or drainage water.
1.26 Sewer Lateral means the horizontal piping that extends from the end of the
Building Drain to the Public Sewer or other place of disposal.
Revised September 2021
1.27 Sewer Lateral Stub means a connection to the sewer main and a short portion of
Sewer Lateral typically installed as part of a Public Sewer installation.
1.28 Shall means the act referred to is mandatory.
1.29 Storm Sewer means a Sewer designed to transport only storm or surface water
and that does not lead to a Treatment Plant.
1.30 Storm Water means water resulting from rain, melting or melted snow, hail or
1.31 Storm Water Conveyance means any structural process used for transferring
Storm Water between at least two points including, but not limited to, Storm
Sewers, piping, ditches, swales, curbs, gutters, catch basins, channels, storm
drains and roadways.
1.32 User means a Person who discharges any pollutant, Wastewater or any other
substance into the POTW or storm water conveyance. The term User includes
both the owner and occupant of real estate that is the source of a discharge into
the POTW or Storm Water Conveyance.
1.33 Utility means the City of Elkhart’s Wastewater Utility.
1.34 Utility Easement means a right to land for public Utility purposes.
1.35 Wastewater means liquid or water-carried wastes from residential, industrial,
commercial, agricultural, or other sources.
1.36 Wet Weather Event means a period of rainfall or snowmelt.
Section 2.0 General
2.1 Jurisdiction
The Common Council, in conformance with the requirements of State
statute, has granted jurisdiction to the Board of Public Works to establish
reasonable rules, regulations, specifications and standards of Utility service.
The following rules, regulations, specifications, and standards shall
supersede any previous policies and are for the use of the Elkhart Wastewater
Utility when conducting business with Users of the Utility.
2.2 Conditions of Service
Prior to use of any service offered by the Utility, the User shall be
responsible for ensuring all past and present debt with the Water or Wastewater
Utility is paid in full.
2.3 Fees for Photocopying Documents
Fees for photocopying documents shall be as outlined in City Ordinance
No. 4823 as amended. All fees collected shall be forwarded to the City Controller
to be deposited in the appropriate Utility fund.
2.4 Appeals
Any disputes regarding the policies herein shall be appealed to the Board
of Public Works in writing.
Section 3.0 Unauthorized Use of Utility Services
Any unauthorized use of Utility services is a violation of the Utility policies, and the
Wastewater Utility Rate Ordinance, and the Wastewater Utility Administration Ordinance.
Any Person who is found to be using Utility services without the authorization of the
Utility may be subject to any applicable fines.
3.1 Any unauthorized User that wishes to continue service shall establish an account
with the Utility provided the following conditions are met:
3.1.1 All outstanding debt owed to the Water or Wastewater Utility shall be paid
in full, including, but not limited to:
(a) Past due balances on any previous Utility accounts; and
(b) Any charges owed to the Utility for the period of time that Utility
services were received without authorization. If the User has
previously had Utility service at the same location, the average
monthly usage for a period of one year shall be used to calculate the
amount to be charged per month. If the User has not had service
with the Utility the minimum bill shall be used to calculate the
amount to be charged per month.
3.1.2 The User shall be required to pay a deposit and a turn on fee as
established the Wastewater Utility Rate Ordinance.
3.2 In addition to any penalties and fines imposed upon the User as outlined in the
Wastewater Utility Administration Ordinance, the Utility reserves the right to seek
criminal charges.
Section 4.0 Staff Access to Utility Property
The Utility recommends that all permanent objects including, but not limited to,
landscape features, fences, and mailboxes not be located within a five foot radius of any
Utility structure or appurtenances. Objects that interfere or impede Utility staff access to
any Utility property or structure may need to be removed and will not be replaced by the
Revised December 2015
Section 5.0 Establishing Service
5.1 Application for Service
5.1.1 Any residential, commercial or industrial User applying for Wastewater
service must furnish information as required by the Utility. The User shall
be required to provide a signed lease or proof of ownership document , a
valid government issued photo ID which includes, an identification number
such as a driver’s license number, taxpayer identification number or alien
identification number. A proof of ownership or lease document that has
been altered in any way will not be accepted. Property owners outside of
the City limits shall enter into a pre-annexation agreement, prior to turning
on service. A fee for the initial turn-on of service shall be applied to the
User’s first bill. (See the current Wastewater Utility Rate Ordinance.)
5.1.2 Applications shall be signed in person at the Utility Billing Office or signed
and notarized prior to submitting the application via the mail, fax, or email to
the Utility Billing Office.
5.1.3 An authorized representative of a corporation or a limited liability company
may be allowed to establish service. An authorized representative may be
the following:
(a) The president, secretary, treasurer, or a vice-president of the
corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other
person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for
the corporation; or
(b) The manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or
operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make
management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated
facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major
capital investment recommendations.
5.1.4 Payment of Outstanding Debt
(a) Owner-occupants and tenants that have any outstanding debt shall
be required to pay all accounts in full before establishing new
service or transferring service to a new location.
(b) Landlords and management companies that have outstanding debt
associated with the property where service is to be established shall
Revised December 2015
be required to pay that account in full before any Person may
establish new service at that property.
(c) Service may not be transferred to or from any landlord or
management company that has outstanding debt associated with
the property where service is to be transferred.
5.2 Deposit Required
The Utility requires a deposit for each Wastewater service in accordance
with the Wastewater Utility Rate Ordinance, except where the User has
established acceptable credit with the Utility. A portion of the Wastewater deposit
shall be paid when the User signs up for service. Any remaining balance may
appear as a charge on the User’s first two bills.
Such deposit shall remain with the Utility, without interest, for the time
service is to be supplied or until the User has established acceptable credit.
Acceptable credit shall mean timely payment of all charges for at least 10 out of
12 consecutive months.
The Utility may apply the User’s deposit to payment of water service or any
other charge. The deposit shall be applied to the final utility bill when service has
been terminated. Any outstanding balance shall be billed to the User. If the sewer
portion of the final utility bill remains unpaid, a lien may be filed against the
property. Any outstanding credit balance of $3.00 or more on User accounts that
have been finalized shall be automatically refunded via check and sent to the
most current address on file. Outstanding credit balances of $2.99 or less on User
accounts that have been finalized shall be refunded upon the request of the User.
The User shall request the refund from the Wastewater Utility within 60 days of
receipt of the final bill showing a credit.
5.3 Unclaimed Deposit
Pursuant to Indiana Code Section 36-9-23-28, a deposit becomes the
property of the Utility when it has remained unclaimed by the depositor for more
than seven years after the termination of the Sewer services for which the deposit
was made. Indiana Code Section 32-34-1, Lost or Unclaimed Personal Property,
does not apply to a deposit described in this subsection.
Revised December 2015
5.4 Transferring Deposit
When a User transfers service to a new account, the deposit on the old
account shall be applied to the final bill. A new wastewater deposit will be
charged on the first two bills for the new account. Any credit balance shall be
transferred to the new account. Any outstanding balance shall be billed to the
Revised December 2015
Section 6.0 Billing
6.1 Every parcel of real estate that is connected to the POTW shall be billed in
accordance with the rates and charges as outlined in the Wastewater Utility Rate
6.2 Payment of Bills
6.2.1 Charges for Wastewater service shall be due and payable on or before the
due dates shown on the bills. Any Wastewater charge not paid by the due
date shall be considered delinquent. The delinquent charge shall be 10%
of the current balance due and shall be added to the next billing statement.
Delinquent Wastewater charges, together with delinquent penalties, costs
and other expenses of collection, may be collected by any lawful remedy.
6.2.2 When a payment is received it is applied to the items on the bill in the
following order:
(a) All NSF fees
(b) Water service deposit - Delinquent and Current;
(c) Wastewater service deposit - Delinquent and Current;
(d) Delinquent Water usage charges;
(e) Delinquent Wastewater volume charges;
(f) Delinquent miscellaneous water charges including, but not limited to
trip charges;
(g) Delinquent water contracts including, but not limited to water main
assessments and taps and taxes;
(h) Delinquent miscellaneous Wastewater charges including, but not
limited to trip charges;
(i) Delinquent Wastewater contracts including, but not limited to Sewer
Assessments and Sewer insurance, but not including compact
(j) Delinquent Compact fees;
(k) Current water usage charges;
(l) Current miscellaneous water charges including, but not limited to trip
(m) Current Wastewater volume charges;
Revised December 2015
(n) Current miscellaneous Wastewater charges including, but not
limited to trip charges;
(o) Current water contracts including, but not limited to water main
assessments and taps and taxes;
(p) Current Wastewater contracts including, but not limited to Sewer
Assessments and Sewer insurance, but not including compact
(q) Current Compact fees.
6.3 Responsibility for Payment
All charges follow the real estate rather than the User. If a User moves
from a premises where Wastewater service has been supplied, the User will be
held primarily responsible for the payment of all bills rendered for the service
supplied to said premises until proper notice has been given at the Billing Office
that service is to be discontinued at said premises. This attempt to collect from the
User does not waive the City’s rights to place a lien on the real estate for the
outstanding Wastewater portion of the utility bill.
6.4 Tenants may be Billed; Right of Owners to Examine Records.
The Wastewater charges shall be billed to the tenants occupying the
premises served, unless the property owner submits a written request for
alternative billing arrangements to the Director. Such billings shall in no way
relieve the property owner of liability in the event payment is not made as herein
required. The property owner may inquire and receive information as to whether
the Wastewater charges have been paid by such tenants.
6.5 Property -Owner shall be Billed
Wastewater only Utility accounts that are in the tenant’s name shall be put
into the property-owners name when the tenant moves from the Premises.
6.6 Billing Disputes
In the event there is a billing dispute, appeals must be made in writing to
the Utility Billing Office within 60 calendar days of the billing date and shall be
subject to approval by the Board of Public Works.
6.7 Delinquent Accounts
Revised December 2015
All delinquent Utility accounts may be subject to disconnection of the Water
Utility service. If the Customer has not contacted the Utility within five days after
the service disconnection, the account will be closed. Once the account is closed,
the User must pay all charges in full with cash and reapply for service. If another
Customer applies for service at the same service address, a copy of a lease and
photo identification must be provided.
6.8 Extended Payment Plans
A Customer may make arrangements with the Utility Billing Office to make
payments on delinquent balances. The User shall be required to pay his current
amount due plus a minimum of $25 each month, for a maximum of 10 months,
until his delinquent balance is paid. Payment on the delinquent balance and all
current charges is necessary to avoid disconnection.
If a Customer fails to uphold the agreement for extended payments, the
service shall be subject to disconnection. Any Customer that has failed to meet a
previous payment plan may not be eligible for future extended payment plans.
6.9 Credit on Sewer Bills
Requests for a credit on the sewer portion of the bill must be made in
writing to the Utility Billing Office within 60 calendar days of receiving notice and
shall be subject to approval by the Board of Public Works.
6.10 Unclaimed Sewer Fees
Wastewater funds that remain unclaimed by a Person for more than seven
years after the termination of Wastewater service for which the overpayment was
made becomes the property of the Utility.
6.11 Correction of User Overcharges and Undercharges
When a determination is made that a Customer’s active Utility account has
been overcharged or undercharged for Utility services by reason of inaccurate
metering, clerical errors, or other causes, the error shall be remedied as promptly
as possible. An adjustment shall be made for the dollar amount of the overcharge
or undercharge for the time period that the erroneous charges occurred. If no
determination can be made as to the exact date of the error, the adjustment shall
not exceed three years prior to the date that the Utility became aware of the error.
6.11.1 Refund for Overcharge
Revised December 2015
If the total amount of the overcharge is less than or equal to $100.00, the
Customer shall be credited for the amount of the overcharge. If the amount
of the overcharge is greater than $100.00, the overcharge amount may be
refunded directly to the User.
6.11.2 Collection of Undercharge
When a Customer has been undercharged, the Customer shall be promptly
notified of the cause and amount of the adjustment. The undercharged
amount may be added to the User's monthly Utility bill.
6.11.3 Exceptions
The previous sections shall not apply to situations in which deliberate or
intentional acts of the User, or anyone acting on behalf of or for the benefit
of the Customer, have resulted in an undercharge to the Customer for
Utility services, including but not limited to meter-tampering or illegal
connection. The Utility reserves all rights to collect the full amount of the
unpaid charges by any legal means.
6.12 Residential Sprinkler Credit
Residential Properties that have a single service with one meter are given
a six-month sprinkler credit determined in the following manner:
6.12.1 The actual volume of Wastewater discharged into the POTW during the
billing period as measured in accordance with the provisions in this Policy;
6.12.2 The highest volume of Wastewater discharged into the POTW as reflected
in the billings for the months of December in the previous year and January
and February in the current year.
6.13 Portion of Water Not Entering POTW
In the case of a Customer who can substantiate to the Utility that a portion
of water used did not and could not enter the POTW, the Board shall either
determine the portion of the measured water to be used in determining the
appropriate Wastewater charges, or approve the manner and technique of flow
measurement provided by the User for determining Wastewater discharged to the
POTW as described in Section 6.0 of the Wastewater Utility Policies. Facilities
utilized to accomplish this shall be installed and maintained in a serviceable
Revised December 2015
condition by the User at the User’s expense, but shall be under the exclusive
control of the Utility.
6.14 Private Wells or Water from Other Sources
In the event a Customer obtains water partially or wholly from sources
other than the City, the total water used shall be measured or determined as
6.14.1 The Wastewater discharged from all Residential Properties with City sewer
service, but not City water supply, shall be 900 cubic feet per month;
unless a meter is installed on the well at the request of either the User or
the Utility.
6.14.2 Industrial or Commercial Users that obtain water partially or wholly
from sources other than the City may be charged the minimum Sewer rate
which is based on 900 cubic feet per month. However, the Utility may
require the User to install a meter if any of the following criteria are met:
(a) The total number of employees at the site over a 24 hour period
exceeds 20.
(b) The process uses significant amounts of water, believed to regularly
exceed 900 cf per month.
(c) A combination of personal water use plus production water has a
reasonable potential to exceed 900 cubic feet per month.
6.14.3 Inspection of Wells
The Director, Inspector or any other Utility employee may enter upon
private property for the purpose of determining the existence of private
wells, to oversee or to direct the installation of metering or timing devices,
and to read such meters and devices.
6.15 Temporary Suspension of Billing
Billing may be temporarily suspended for sewer only accounts where
sewer service has been rendered unusable. Utility staff shall verify the status of
the service prior to suspending billing.
6.16 Other Charges
All other charges or fees assessed by the Utility will be charged in
accordance with the Wastewater Utility Rate Ordinance.
1201 S. Nappanee Street
Elkhart, IN 46516
Ph. 574-293-2572
Fax # 574-293-7658
Request for Credit on Sewer Charges
Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________
Account number: __________________________________________
Monthly bill(s) request is for: ____________________________________________________
(Do not send a copy)
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone number(s):______________________________________________________________
Reason for request: ____________________________________________________________
Please fill out this form completely.
____________________________________ ______________
Authorized by Pubic Works Date
Revised September 2019
Section 7.0 Meters
7.1 The Wastewater rates and charges shall be based on the quantity of water used
or Wastewater discharged as measured by a Utility approved meter used on or in
the premises.
7.2 Single Meter Serving More than One User
In the event two or more premises discharge Wastewater into the POTW,
and are served by a single meter, the account shall be established and remain in
the property owner’s name.
7.3 Meters Installed to Quantify Effluent Flow
All industrial and commercial Users may be required use a water meter,
discharge meter, or a water meter in combination with a subtract meter to
determine the flow of wastewater entering the POTW for the purpose of billing.
This may include but is not limited to:
Subtract meters Irrigation meters
Influent process meters Domestic meters
Effluent process meters Well water meters
Sewer consumption meter
7.3.1 It is the responsibility of the User, not the Utility, to ensure that the
proposed type of meter selected is appropriate to their specific application.
The Utility shall approve all new and replacement meters and their
configuration prior to installation. In the event there is a dispute regarding
meters used to quantify effluent flow, the User may appeal in writing to the
7.3.3 Industrial meters not of Utility approval shall be subject to mandatory
replacement upon failure. New meters and meter configurations not
approved by the Utility shall also be subject to mandatory replacement.
7.3.4 The User shall pay for any required metering device and it shall remain the
property and responsibility of the User. The meter shall be subject to the
same rules and regulations which govern the meters of the Utility.
7.3.5 All new meters, including replacement meters, shall be required to read in
Revised September 2019
7.4 Mandatory Meter Testing
All meter testing and calibration results and methods must be submitted to
the Utility. The costs of mandatory testing and calibration are the responsibility of
the User. All non-residential water meters greater than 2” shall be tested and
calibrated every 4 years in accordance with American Water Works Association
M6 schedule. All other meters shall be tested and calibrated according to the
manufacturer’s specifications, but not less than every four years.
7.5 Utility Request
The Utility may require that a User’s meter be tested if it suspects that the
meter is not registering accurately. If the meter is registering outside the
acceptable limits, a billing adjustment shall be made for the difference during the
time of the malfunction up to a period of one year. If a meter is found not to
register for any period, the Utility shall estimate the charge for the water used.
If a meter is found to be reading within the accuracy limits the Utility will
pay for the cost of the test.
7.6 Documentation
The User must supply the following to the Utility unless otherwise specified
by the Director:
7.6.1 Manufacturer’s specifications indicating use restrictions, operating
environment, testing tolerances, testing procedures, and testing frequency.
7.6.2 Initial testing and calibration results and all subsequent meter testing and
calibration results.
7.6.3 Maintenance and calibration records.
7.6.4 Meter Information including but not limited to make, model, serial number,
and MXU number.
Revised July 2014
Section 8.0 Discontinuance of Service
8.1 User Request
Whenever a User desires to have service turned off, they shall notify the
Utility Billing Office at least two working days prior to the date in which service is
to be turned off. If applicable, the User shall provide access to the meter so the
Utility may obtain the final meter reading. There will be no abatement of
charges in whole or in part by reason of the extended absence of the Customer or
for any other cause unless the Utility has been notified to turn off the service.
8.2 Disconnection for Non-Payment
If a bill is not paid before the due date indicated on the bill, the User will be
considered delinquent and the Utility may disconnect water service, if applicable.
Failure to receive the bill shall not affect the right of the Utility to disconnect
service for nonpayment.
Water service may be disconnected for failure to pay any water or
Wastewater bills or other charges in connection with Water or Wastewater Utility
services or installation.
The Customer may appeal, in writing, to the Board of Public Works prior to
disconnection if the Customer believes that there is an error with the account
scheduled for disconnection.
Section 9.0 Permanent Disconnection
If a property owner wishes to permanently disconnect from the Public Sewer, they
must request, in writing, permission to do so from the Board. This shall be done on forms
provided by the Utility and shall include a plan to physically disconnect from the Public
Sewer which must be approved by the City Engineer. A recorded Warranty Deed shall
be provided to the Utility when the property owner submits his request for permanent
disconnection from the Public Sewer. Once the request is approved by the City Engineer
and the Board, the property owner shall obtain a Permanent Disconnection Permit. A
permit fee shall be paid to the Utility. If the property owner has any outstanding Utility
debt associated with this property, they will be required to pay it in full in order to receive
the permit. The permit holder shall notify the Utility at least one working day prior to
starting the disconnection. Upon completion of the disconnection, the property owner
must notify the City Engineer or their designee that the work is ready for inspection and it
shall not be covered until the disconnection is approved by the Utility. Once the
disconnection is completed and approved, billing will be discontinued.
1201 S. Nappanee Street
Elkhart, IN 46516
Ph. 574-293-2572
Fax # 574-293-7658
Sewer Disconnection Request
Name: _________________________________________ Date:____________
Account number: __________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Phone number(s): __________________________________________________________
Reason for request: ________________________________________________________
Proposed method of disconnection: _____________________________________________
Please fill out this form completely.
Authorized by Public Works Date
1201 S. Nappanee Street
Elkhart, IN 46516
Ph. 574-293-2572
Fax # 574-293-7658
Permit Number: ______________
Sewer Disconnection Date: _______________________
Receipt Number: _____________
Paid: $25.00 _
Property Owner: Permit issued to:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
Account #:
Address of work to be done:
Date disconnection process is to begin: Permit will expire on:
In order to obtain a Sewer Disconnection Permit, the following is required:
(a) Sewer Disconnection Request form has been submitted to Elkhart Public
Works & Utilities including detailed information on proposed method of
disconnection. Approval has been granted by the Utility Engineer and the
request has been approved by the Board of Public Works.
(b) Any outstanding wastewater debt must be paid prior to obtaining a permit.
(c) Permit holder shall notify the Utility at least one working day prior to
starting the disconnection
(d) The disconnection permit fee is $25.00.
Signature of issuing authority Date
Revised September 2021
Section 10.0 Sewer Construction Standards
10.1 The size, shape, alignment, and materials used in construction of a Sewer Lateral
or Public Sewer shall conform to the requirements of the City’s Plumbing
Ordinance, the Standard Construction Specifications for the City of Elkhart, as
adopted by the Board, and other applicable State and City rules and regulations,
as amended.
10.2 Excavation Permits
No Person shall make an excavation of any kind in or under the surface of
any Public Right of Way without first having secured an Excavation Permit from
the Utility for each separate excavation to be made. An Excavation Permit shall
also be required for any Excavations for the installation or repair of Sewers and
water supply lines between the Public Right of Way and any building provided
with Sewer or water service.
10.3 Use of Existing Sewer Lateral for a New Building
Existing Sewer Laterals that may have been abandoned may be used in
connection with new buildings only when they are determined, upon inspection
and testing supervised by the Utility, to meet all requirements.
10.4 Elevation and Location of Sewer Lateral
Whenever reasonably possible, the Sewer Lateral shall be brought to the
building or house at an elevation below the lowest floor or as defined in the City
Construction Specification Standards. In all buildings in which any Building Drain
is too low to permit gravity flow to the appropriate Public Sewer, Wastewater
carried by such Building Drain shall be lifted by an appropriate means, at the
User’s expense, and discharged to the Sewer Lateral.
10.5 Inspection of Connection
The Utility shall be notified when a Sewer Lateral is ready for connection to
the POTW. Notification shall be made in accordance with the Utility’s standard
inspection procedures. The connection shall be made under the observation of
the Inspector using materials and techniques that conform to all applicable Utility
requirements. The applicant shall give notice before covering the Sewer Lateral
and it shall not be covered until the connection is approved by the Utility.
Revised June 2014
Section 11.0 Sewer Assessment Charges
Charges made to property owners for connections to the POTW shall be in
accordance with the current schedule of charges outlined in the Wastewater Utility Rate
Ordinance. The Common Council may amend these schedules as necessary. Sewer
assessment fees shall be calculated on the total frontage of all parcels contained within
the legal description of such address with a minimum of 50 feet. For corner lots the
frontage shall be determined by the portion of the property adjacent to the Sewer the
customer is connecting to unless otherwise approved by the Utility. To accurately
calculate the cost of such assessment the property owner must supply a recorded
Warranty Deed of the property. All Sewer assessment payments, including interest from
installment contracts, shall be deposited into the Sewer Extension Fund.
11.1 Residential Sewer Assessment Charges
Where a dedicated Public Sewer exists in a public Right of Way or
easement and the sewer was not constructed under Barrett Law, the property
owner shall pay the fees as outlined in the current Wastewater Utility Rate
Ordinance at the time of connection to the POTW.
11.2 Payment of Residential Sewer Assessment Charges
11.2.1 All residential property owners that are charged a sewer assessment fee
under this Section shall pay the assessment fee as follows:
(a) Full Payment Prior to Connection
The property owner may pay all fees in full prior to the time of
connection to the Public Sewer, or
(b) Payment Plan
Prior to the time of connection to the Public Sewer, the property
owner shall pay a down payment not less than 20% of all fees.. To
be eligible to make payments the property owner must provide a
copy of the recorded Warranty Deed showing that they are the
owner and that they are not a commercial entity or structured
business. The property owner shall then contract to pay in monthly
installments, with a minimum monthly payment of $25.00, the
remaining principal and interest according to the following:
Revised June 2014
Total Fees Less Down Payment Maximum Pay Back Period
Under $2,000 36 months
$2,000 and over 60 months
There shall be no penalty for making additional payments toward the
principal or early payoff.
11.2.2 Establishment of Interest Rate
The Board shall establish the interest rate for the upcoming year as the
prime rate published on the first day of December of the current year plus
one percent (prime rate + 1%).
11.2.3 Application of Interest Rate
During any calendar year, the interest rate set by the Board for that year
shall apply to all installment contracts entered into that year by property
owners and the Utility. The initial interest rate shall continue for the life of
each contract initiated in that year.
11.3 Payment of Commercial and Industrial Sewer Assessment Charges
11.3.1 All non-residential property owners that are charged a sewer assessment
under this Section shall pay all fees in full prior to the time of connection to
the Public Sewer.
11.3.2 Reimbursement Agreement
Pursuant to Indiana Code 36-9-22-2, the Board may enter into a
reimbursement agreement with a private, capital investor for a Public
Sewer extension.
Revised February 2018
Section 12.0 Residential Sewer Insurance and Backwater Valve Program
The Residential Sewer Insurance and Backwater Valve Program (Program) is
funded, in part by Residential Utility Users in the form of a minimal monthly charge on
the Utility bill. The Program is in place to aid Residential Property owners or occupants in
the cost of repair to their Sewer Lateral or installation of a Backwater Valve. This
Program shall not apply to commercial or non-residential users such as Industrial Users,
or bulk Sewer Users. The Board shall establish policies to administer the Program. The
Sewer Insurance fee and the use of this fund shall be in accordance with the following:
12.1 Assessment of Charges and Deposit in Fund
A Sewer insurance monthly premium as established in the Wastewater
Utility Rate Ordinance, as amended, shall be added to Wastewater service
charges for each Residential Sewer Lateral. All money collected shall be
deposited in a separate fund to be reviewed annually.
12.2 Usage of the Sewer Insurance and Backwater Valve Program
12.2.1 To be eligible for repair under the Sewer Insurance Program the Sewer
(a) Shall have been cleaned once by a professional contractor and
experienced a blockage a second time in a 12-month period; or
(b) Experienced a blockage that a professional contractor has been
unable to open.
12.2.2 To be eligible for the installation of a Backwater Valve the property must be
located in area affected by wet weather events. Each property is eligible for
assistance to install a Backwater Valve under the Program only one time.
12.2.3 The use of the Program for installation of a Backwater Valve is on a first
come first serve basis.
Revised February 2018
12.2.4 Sewer Insurance and Backwater Valve funds, less the deductible, shall be
used for the payment of all costs directly attributable to the repair of a
failing residential Sewer Lateral or the installation of a Backwater Valve
outside of the foundation of the building. For the purpose of this section a
Residential Sewer Lateral is a Sewer serving a building with two or less
residences or a private collector Sewer that serves more than one
Residential building. Each homeowner is required to pay the deductible
prior to the repair or replacement of the Residential Lateral Sewer unless
otherwise determined by the Board.
Sewer Insurance and Backwater Valve funds shall not be used for repair of
the portion of a Sewer Lateral that is located under a private permanent
structure, except a driveway, or a structure that is connected to a private
permanent structure. This includes but is not limited to covered porches,
sheds, garages, or out-buildings, and slabs. Structures such as pools,
patios, fences, or decks that block access to the Sewer Lateral must be
moved at the property owner’s expense.
12.2.5 Expenses included under the Program:
(a) The removal and replacement of public streets, curbs, driveway
approaches, and walks located in the Public Right of Way or
(b) The removal of trees on private or public property determined to be
the cause of the Sewer problem; and
(c) The removal of driveways.
Revised February 2018
12.2.6 Expenses not included under the Program:
(a) Replacement of any trees, shrubbery, plants or other landscaping
features on public or private property removed as part of the repair
or replacement of the Sewer or installation of the Backwater Valve;
(b) Any expenses incurred in tunneling under or replacing any surface
improvements located on private property such as bituminous,
concrete, or brick driveways or patios;
(c) Removal, relocation, replacement or repair to sprinkler systems, gas
grills, foundations, sheds, decks, patios, fences, and any other
surface or sub-surface improvements found on public or private
(d) Replacement of topsoil and reseeding or sodding on disturbed lawn
areas; and
(e) Replacement of driveways on private property.
12.3 Application for Utilization of the Sewer Insurance and Backwater Valve Program
12.3.1 All property owners who wish to use the Program shall complete an
application which shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(a) For Sewer Lateral repairs, documentation from professional Sewer
cleaning or repair contractors of one Sewer Lateral problem within a
12-month period. This documentation shall include a description of
the Sewer problem and the attempts made to correct the Sewer
Note: Annual Sewer Lateral cleaning by a professional contractor is
considered routine maintenance that is responsibility of the property
owner and is not a qualifying event for Sewer Insurance;
Revised February 2018
(b) For installation of a Backwater Valve, documentation describing the
Wastewater Backup problem and any attempts made to correct the
problem at the property.
(c) A recorded deed shall be provided to the Utility when applying for
the Program; and
(d) A signed release authorizing right of entry to the Utility to inspect the
Sewer and conduct repairs or replacement to the Sewer or install a
Backwater Valve in accordance with this Section.
12.4 Construction Requirements
All work performed under the Program shall be in accordance with the
provisions in the City’s Plumbing Ordinance, as amended, the Standard
Construction Specifications for the City of Elkhart, as adopted by the Board and
any other applicable regulations. Only qualified, bonded contractors that are
registered with the City of Elkhart may perform work under the Program.
12.5 Owner Occupied Residential Properties
To be eligible to utilize the Program, the property owner shall not have any
outstanding water or wastewater debt related to this property.
12.5.1 The property owner shall be responsible to pay to the Utility the deductible
as referenced in Section 12.2.1.
12.5.2 All property owners shall make payment under the Program using one of
the following options:
(a) Full Payment
The property owner may pay all charges in full prior to the initiation
of any work under the Program; or
Revised February 2018
(b) Payment Plan
The property owner may execute a payment agreement with the
Utility to pay the charges as well as submit a recorded deed.
Payments include an administrative fee which shall be made in six
equal installments. The first installment shall be due prior to the
initiation of any work under the Program. Remaining installments
shall appear on subsequent Utility billings.
12.5.3 Failure to pay as required under this section shall result in the Utility
placing a lien upon the property where the Sewer Insurance repair or
Backwater Valve installation was made in accordance with Section 12.2 of
this Policy.
12.6 Non-owner Occupied Residential Properties
To be eligible to utilize the Program, a non-owner occupied Residential
Property shall meet the following:
12.6.1 The property owner must fill out application in person at the Utility
Administration Office;
12.6.2 All charges shall be paid in full prior to the initiation of any work under the
12.6.3 The property owner shall not have any outstanding water or wastewater
debt related to this property; and
12.6.4 The current occupant shall not have any outstanding water or wastewater
debt related to this property.
12.7 Fats, Oils and Grease and Sewer Insurance
When the Utility determines that Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) is the cause
of a Sewer Lateral blockage and is the reason that work under the Sewer
Revised February 2018
Insurance Program is required, the customer shall be eligible for the Program the
first time the problem is discovered, but the customer will be notified that future
instances of FOG blockages disqualify use of the Program. If the customer has a
Sewer Lateral blockage at the same property due to FOG after the initial use of
the Program, the customer shall not be eligible for the Program. For the purposes
of this section the term customer shall mean either tenant or owner of any
property which is, or is to be, supplied with wastewater service.
12.8 Warranty for Sewer Insurance Repairs
Sewer Insurance repairs are guaranteed for a period of one year from the
date the repair is completed. Failure of the Sewer Lateral during this period will be
repaired under this program at no additional cost. The Utility shall be notified of a
failure prior to the expiration of the warranty period in order to be eligible for a
warranty repair.
12.9 Refunds for Sewer Insurance Repairs
12.9.1 The property owner or occupant shall be reimbursed the difference if the
Sewer Insurance repair costs less than the deductible amount paid. If a
warranty repair is required (see section 12.7) any reimbursement amount
shall be repaid by the property owner prior to the warranty repair.
12.9.2 Damages to the Sewer Lateral caused by a private utility (e.g. electric,
cable, gas) are the responsibility of the private utility that caused the
damage. The City shall notify the property owner if the damage to the
Sewer Lateral was caused by a private utility and make every attempt to
recover the repair costs from the responsible party. If the City is successful
in identifying the responsible party and recovering the cost of repair, the
Revised February 2018
property owner shall be reimbursed the deductible. Such reimbursement
will void any warranty.
12.10 Clear Water Sources
All clear water sources from the property owner’s building or house shall be
disconnected from the Building Drain or Sewer Lateral unless otherwise approved
by the Director prior to use of the Sewer Insurance and Backwater Valve
Program. Clear water sources include, but are not limited to downspouts and
other sources of surface water runoff such as driveway drains and parking area
drains. Any costs for disconnecting the clear water sources shall be at the
property owner’s expense and shall not be included in the cost for installation of
the Backwater Valve.
12.11 Maintenance of Backwater Valve
The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the Backwater
Valve after installation. No warranty shall be provided for Backwater Valves. The
city shall not be liable for improper usage, blockages or failures of the Backwater
June 2012
Section 13.0 Discharge of Special Wastes
Any Person that wishes to discharge special wastes, whether trucked, hauled or
discharged in place to the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) must first obtain a
temporary permit to discharge (Permit) from Elkhart Public Works and Utilities (PWU).
The application for a Permit must be completed on forms provided by PWU.
The Director will review the application and notify the applicant what type of
analysis, if any, must be conducted. If required, analytical results must be received by
the Director prior to approval or disapproval of the temporary Permit to discharge. The
Permit shall specify a location and timeframe which is acceptable to commence
discharging. No Waste shall be discharge within 48 hour after a rain event ends.
Discharges are subject to rates and charges as outlined in the Ordinance Number
5286 Wastewater Utility Rates and Charges. The Person shall have the manifest and the
Permit onsite at all times and present them when requested.
The Director shall have the right to reject and prohibit the discharge of the Waste.
Anyone discharging to the POTW without approval from the Director shall be subject to
fines as outlined in the Wastewater Utility Enforcement Response Plan. Discharge of
any septic Waste, grease trap and interceptor Waste, and Waste that would be
considered hazardous as defined in 40 CFR 261 is prohibited.
May 2014
Section 14.0 Inter-local Agreement Wastewater Discharge Permits
Any extraterritorial wastewater utility (Permittee) that enters into an inter-local
agreement to connect to the City of Elkhart’s Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW)
shall be issued an inter-local wastewater discharge permit (Permit). The Permit shall be
approved by the Elkhart Board of Public Works and shall provide a clear summary of the
Permittee’s obligations under the Permit.
Local limits and surcharges for excess strength waste shall apply to the
Permittee’s discharge entering Elkhart’s POTW.
Revised July 2019
Section 15.0 Food Service Establishment Fats, Oil and Grease Program
All Food Service Establishments (FSEs) that discharge to the POTW are subject
to the requirements of the Utility’s Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) Control Program. FSE’s
designated as “Pre-Packaged Food Store Only” with a “Limited Food Service License”
by the Elkhart County Health Department are exempt from the program.
15.1 Registration Process
15.1.1 All FSEs shall complete and submit to the Director the FOG Registration
Certificate (Certificate) application along with any associated documents.
15.1.2 Certificate Application Submission Time Frames
(a) New FSEs that will not be constructed or remodeled shall be
required to submit a complete (Sections A through H) FOG
Application no less than 30 calendar days prior to commencing food
preparation activities.
(b) New FSEs that will be constructed or remodeled shall be required to
submit at a minimum Sections A through F of the FOG Application
prior to applying for any construction permits. Sections G through H
must be submitted no less than 30 calendar days prior to
commencing food preparation activities.
(c) Existing FSEs who were not aware they were connected to the
POTW have 30 calendar days to submit their application once
connection is confirmed. .
(d) Transfer of ownership within 30 calendar days after notifying the
15.1.3 Signatories to Certificate Applications
The completed Certificate application requires the signature of the
Authorized Representative of the FSE (as defined in the FOG Ordinance).
15.1.4 Application Review and Approval
(a) After submission of the Certificate application the City will review the
application and schedule an initial inspection with the FSE.
(b) After initial inspection, the FSE will receive notification of applicable
requirements or deficiencies.
(c) The Certificate will be issued once all requirements have been met.
Revised July 2019
15.1.5 Certificate Duration
Every Certificate shall show the expiration date and the date on which the
renewal application is due.
(a) Certificates shall be renewed every three years.
(b) Renewal applications shall be submitted 180 calendar days prior to
the expiration of the current Certificate.
15.1.6 Continuation of Expired Certificate
An expired Certificate will continue to be effective and enforceable until the
Certificate is reissued if:
(a) The FSE has submitted a complete Certificate application at least
180 days prior to the expiration date of the FSE's existing
Certificate; and
(b) The failure to reissue the Certificate is not due to any act or failure to
act on the part of the FSE.
15.2 Categories of Food Service Establishments
All new FSEs are assigned a category based on information provided in
the Certificate application. In addition, any existing FSEs that have ongoing non-
compliance issues are assigned a category based on information provided in the
Certificate application and Utility records. The Director may assign the applicant a
category of A, B, or C. The category will be determined as follows:
15.2.1 An applicant is given the designated points in the following categories:
(a) Operating hours per week
(1) 100 hours or more - 5 points
(2) Between 50 and 99 hours - 4 points
(3) Between 25 and 49 hours - 3 points
(4) Between 15 and 24 hours - 2 points
(5) Less than 15 hours - 1 point
(b) Monthly flow by cubic feet (highest consecutive 3-month average in
the previous 12-month period)
(1) 8,021 cubic feet or more - 5 points
(2) Between 6,684 and 8,020 cubic feet - 4 points
(3) Between 5,348 and 6,683 cubic feet - 3 points
Revised July 2019
(4) Between 4,011 and 5,347 cubic feet - 2 points
(5) Less than 4,011 cubic feet - 1 point
(c) Seating capacity
(1) 150 seats or more - 5 points
(2) Between 75 and 149 seats - 4 points
(3) Between 50 and 74 seats - 3 points
(4) Between 25 and 49 seats - 2 points
(5) Less than 25 seats - 1 point
(d) Serving practices
(1) Full kitchen and serves food on dishes that are washed on site -
5 points
(2) Full kitchen and serves food on disposable dishes or dishes that
are not washed on site - 4 points
(3) Prepares prepackaged food and serves food on dishes that are
washed on site - 3 points
(4) Prepares prepackaged food and serves food on disposable
dishes - 2 points
(5) Limited use kitchen carry-in for prep and clean-up - 1 point
(e) Deep fryer used as part of daily food preparation - 5 points
(f) Deep fryer present, but not part of daily food preparation - 2 points
(g) Facility has commercial dishwasher - 4 points
(h) Facility has three basin or prep sink - 5 points
(i) Facility has food grinder - 5 points
(j) Facility has mop sink - 3 points
(k) Facility has floor drains - 3 points
(l) Facility has a drive-thru, drive-in, or carry-out service - 1 point
15.2.2 An applicant is assigned a Category based on the following point totals:
(a) An applicant receiving 24 or more points will be assigned to
Category A.
(b) An applicant receiving 6 points to 23 points will be assigned to
Category B.
(c) An applicant receiving less than 6 points will be assigned to
Category C.
Revised July 2019
15.3 Category Requirements
New FSEs that have been assigned a category and Existing FSEs that
have ongoing non-compliance issues that have been assigned a category shall
meet the requirements outlined in this section and the FOG Ordinance as
amended. If at any time, the FSE is unable to meet the requirements established
in the FOG Control Program, the installation of a new or additional FOG Control
Device(s) may be required by the Director.
15.3.1 Category A
An FSE that is designated as Category A shall be required to install a
Grease Interceptor that captures flows from all floor drains, mop sinks,
three basin sinks and other kitchen fixtures, unless the FSE has been
granted a variance (See Section 15.4). The size of the Grease Interceptor
shall be the larger of 1000 gallons or determined using the formula outlined
in the Indiana Department of Health Code (410 IAC 6-10.1-66) as
15.3.2 Category B
An FSE that is designated as Category B shall be required to install
Grease Traps that capture flow from, at minimum, kitchen sinks and
fixtures, unless the FSE has been granted a variance (See Section 15.4).
The minimum size of the Grease Trap shall be determined using the
current Indiana Plumbing Code utilizing a 1-minute drain period.
15.3.3 Category C
An FSE that is designated as Category C may not be required to install a
FOG Control Device.
15.4 Variance from FOG Control Device Installation Requirements
If the FSE is unable to meet the FOG Control Device installation
requirements as outlined in the previous section or has an existing an FOG
Control Device that is proven to be effective in preventing the release of FOG, the
FSE may apply for a variance. Upon determination by the Control Authority that
reasons are sufficient to justify a variance, the Certificate will be issued or revised
to include the variance.
Revised July 2019
15.4.1 Demonstration Requirements
An FSE may be granted a variance by demonstrating that its existing FOG
Control Device or an alternative pretreatment technology is equivalent or
better than a required FOG Control Device by:
(a) Installing a Control Manhole and meeting the 200 mg/L total FOG
Effluent Limitation; or
(b) If the installation of a Control Manhole is not possible, as verified by
the Director, a variance may be granted, but the FSE shall
demonstrate its effectiveness to control FOG discharge through
downstream visual monitoring of the sewer system. Visual
monitoring shall be conducted by the Utility, for a time period as
determined by the Control Authority, at the FSEs expense. The
variance may be revoked if accumulation of FOG is found in the
Sewer Lateral or downstream Sewer lines.
15.4.2 Terms and Conditions
A variance shall contain terms and conditions that serve as basis for its
issuance. A variance may be revoked at any time when any of the terms
and conditions for its issuance are not satisfied or if the conditions upon
which the variance was based no longer exist. The variance shall be valid
until the expiration date specified on the Certificate provided the FSE
remains in compliance with the terms and conditions of the FOG Control
Program or may be extended at the Director’s discretion.
15.5 Maintenance of FOG Pretreatment Systems
15.5.1 FOG pretreatment systems are to be properly installed and maintained in
satisfactory and effective operation at the FSE’s expense.
15.5.2 FSEs are required to maintain a copy of the “Elkhart Grease Control
Device Cleaning Report” or documentation which must include:
(a) Food service establishment name and physical location;
(b) Date of service;
(c) Time of service;
(d) Nature of the service;
Revised July 2019
(e) Name and affiliation of individual performing grease control device
(f) The individual levels or volume of: (1) floating FOG, (2) water, and
(3) solids before removal;
(g) Identification of the facility where the waste hauler will dispose of the
(h) Any maintenance issues identified during the inspection and records
of any maintenance performed on the grease control device;
(i) Dated signature of personnel confirming service completion;
(j) Any other information required by the Director.
15.6 Best Management Practices
All FSEs shall implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize the
discharge of FOG to the Sewer system. BMPs include, but are not limited to the
15.6.1 Grease and solids in grease traps and grease interceptors should not
exceed 25% of its capacity;
15.6.2 Hot water over 140˚F from cooking or cleaning operations should not be
put down a drain that is connected to a grease trap;
15.6.3 Clean and maintain grease traps and interceptors per manufacturer
15.6.4 Scrape and wipe pots, pans, and dishware into a solid waste receptacle
prior to rinsing and dishwashing;
15.6.5 Post "No Grease" signs above sinks and on the front of dishwashers;
15.6.6 Install screens on all kitchen drains;
15.6.7 Cover outdoor grease and oil storage containers; and
15.6.8 Train employees on the proper implementation of BMPs.
15.7 Record Keeping
Each FSE shall maintain all required records onsite for no less than three years
from the effective date of the Certificate. This includes, records of cleaning and
maintenance of grease control devices, grease dumpsters and training related to
Revised July 2019
15.8 Compliance
When an FSE is found to be in violation of the FOG Ordinance or the Wastewater
Utility Use Ordinance, as amended the penalty guidelines found in this Section
may apply. In addition, the Utility may notify the Elkhart County Health
Department of any situation that may pose a potential health concern.
Any violations not specifically noted below or in the Enforcement Response Plan
may be penalized an amount up to and including $2500 per offense. Unless
otherwise noted, each day of violation may constitute a new offense. The number
of offenses shall be based upon those accumulating within a rolling twelve-month
period, not each calendar year.
Revised July 2019
FSE FOG Penalty Guideline Table
Fourth and
15.9.1 Refusing Utility access
to inspect FSE
15.9.2 Discharging without a
valid FOG Certificate
$100 first
30 days of
$10 per day
for day 31 and
15.9.3 Failure to operate or
maintain FOG control
device in proper
working order (Ord. No.
5285 as amended)
15.9.4 Failure to implement
BMPs as required
15.9.5 Failure to install
required FOG Control
$500 for
first 15
days past
due date
$50 per day
for day 16 and
15.9.6 Introducing additives
into an FSE's
Wastewater system for
the purpose of
emulsifying or
chemically treating
15.9.7 Failure to submit new
or renewal application
as required
$100 for
first 15
days past
due date
$5 per day for
day 16 and
15.9.8 Failure to keep records
as required
15.9.9 Failure to provide
records upon request
15.9.10 Failure to notify utility
of a change in the
Representative as
15.9.11 Failure to notify of
remodeling or transfer
of ownership as
Section 16.0 Sewer Laterals
All Sewer Laterals, including the connection to the sewer main and the portion
installed in the Public Right-of-Way, are the property of the Customer. The Customer
shall be solely responsible for any and all costs to construct, maintain, and repair the
Sewer Lateral except as described in this section, Section 11.0 of the Wastewater Utility
Policy, or Section 12.0 of the Wastewater Utility Policy.
16.1 Sewer Lateral Stubs
The Utility may construct a Sewer Lateral Stub and later collect for the cost
of the connection as specified in Section 11.0 of the Wastewater Utility Policy.
Sewer Lateral Stubs are not present or viable at all properties, and the Utility shall
not be obligated in any way to provide a Sewer Lateral Stub. Sewer Lateral Stubs
are not guaranteed to extend to the Right of Way, and may not extend outside of
the roadway.
16.2 Identification of Existing Sewer Lateral or Sewer Lateral Stub
Information, including, but not limited to data, plans, approvals, markings
within or outside the Public Right of Way, maps, records, or employee statements,
provided by the Utility related to the location or existence of a Sewer Lateral or
Sewer Lateral Stub are based on record information and are not guaranteed to
match field conditions. Any Person who relies on said information for any purpose
whatsoever does so solely at their own risk. Neither the City, Utility, Board,
commissions, officials, or employees guaranty the accuracy, reliability, or
timeliness of any of the information provided. The information is provided “as is”
without warranty of any kind, and all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose are hereby disclaimed. The Utility reserves the right to alter,
amend or terminate at any time any and all information related to the location or
existence of Sewer Laterals or Sewer Lateral Stubs.
16.3 Sewer Lateral Locating
The Utility shall not be required to locate Sewer Laterals, although it may
locate Sewer Laterals as part of an action described in Section 12.0 of the
Wastewater Utility Policy or as otherwise necessary for the proper functioning of
the Utility.
16.4 New Sewer Connections
The Customer is responsible for all costs associated with the installation of
new Sewer Laterals and the connection to the POTW, including tees, fercos,
saddles or other material necessary to tap the sewer main. These costs include
all surface restoration, including possible costs associated with pavement
restoration in the Public Right of Way.
Section 17.0 Autodialed Phone Calls and Automatic Text Messages to Customers
The Utility may make autodialed phone calls and send automatic text messages to
Customers. The phone number will be obtained when the Customer initially signs up for
service, subsequently supplies the phone number, or updates their contact information.
The Utility shall only use these phone numbers to communicate with Customers about
matters closely related to their Wastewater service including, but not limited to:
- Calls or text messages that are necessary in any situation affecting health and
- Warnings about planned or unplanned Wastewater service interruptions;
- Updates about Wastewater service interruptions or service restoration;
- Requests for confirmation of service restoration or information about lack of
- Notifications of work that directly affects the Customer’s Wastewater service;
- Notifications to Customers informing them that they may be eligible for subsidized
or low-cost Wastewater services due to certain qualifiers such as, e.g., age, low
income or disability; and
- Warnings about the likelihood that failure to make payment will result in service
Matters closely related to Customers’ Wastewater service does not include routine
debt collection calls or text messages by the Utility to Customers after Utility service has
been terminated.
Each call or text message will include information on how the Customer can opt out
of future messages. The Utility shall not make calls or send text messages not closely
related to Utility service. The Utility shall not transfer or provide Customer phone
numbers to any group, organization, or person except where required by local, state, or
federal law.