May 10, 2022
Dear Parents,
Minnewaska Area High School will be offering a summer school session this year for
students to make up any failed credits. It is our hope that students who are behind on
credits will attend summer school to recover any lost credit and get back on track for
The learning model for the summer credit recovery program will be in person. All
sessions will be held Monday through Thursday in June from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Summer School will be held at Minnewaska High School from: June 6-9, 13-16, 20-23,
27-30 from 8:00 AM-12:00 PM.
Students may select a semester course to recover during summer school. Attendance
is MANDATORY and in order to earn credit during this condensed session, students
must not accumulate more than two absences.
We recommend students who have failed any courses register for summer school.
Retaking failed courses during the regular school year puts students at risk of
falling behind and potentially not graduating on time. This is an excellent
opportunity for students and it is my sincere hope that you encourage your
student to register. Please complete the form if you intend to register your child and
return to the high school office no later than Wednesday, May 25, 2022.
Transportation will be provided at a Glenwood and Starbuck location for pickup and
drop off.
A registration form will be located on the school website on the High School page
under resources.
If you have any questions about the summer school program please contact our school
counselor: Jen Ring at 320-239-4820 ext. 1216 or by email at jr[email protected].org or the
high school office. Thank you for your consideration of this important academic
Nate Meissner, MAHS Principal
Students may select one class to attend summer school
All classes are for a one-semester course
Attendance & Behavior
Attendance is a MANDATORY! Any absence beyond two will not result in credit
If a student is ten minutes late for class, you will be considered absent for that
On the third absence, you will be dropped from the class with no credit.
Three tardies equal one absence.
Inappropriate behavior during summer school may lead to being dropped from
the class.
Bring your own snack: the cafeteria for High School students will not be open.
Transportation will be provided by Palmer Bus Company and a stop at Glenwood and
Starbuck will be provided. Please contact Palmer Bus Company to set up
transportation at 320-634-3272.
Registration forms due in the High School office no later than Wednesday, May 25,
Grade 2021-2022 School year 9 10 11 12
Special Education Yes/No
Parent/Guadians Name_____________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone _____________________________________
Evening Phone_____________________________________
Cell Phone_________________________________________
Emergency Contact________________________________________________________________
Please fill in the class and semester you want to take during summer school.
Example: First semester Algebra 2, Second semester World History
I have read and understand the requirements for attending summer school. I
understand the attendance and behavior policies.
Student Signature_____________________________________________ Date___________
Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________Date___________
Registration Forms are due in the high school office no later than May 27, 2022.