Title stata.com
shell Temporarily invoke operating system
Description Syntax Remarks and examples Reference
Also see
shell (synonym: !”) allows you to send commands to your operating system or to enter your oper-
ating system for interactive use. Stata will wait for the shell to close or the operating system command
to complete before continuing.
winexec allows you to start other programs (such as browsers) from Stata’s command line. Stata
will continue without waiting for the program to complete.
xshell (Stata for Mac and Unix(GUI) only) brings up an xterm window in which the command
is to be executed.
shell | !
operating system command
winexec program name
program args
xshell | !!
operating system command
Command availability:
Stata for . . .
Command Windows Mac Unix(GUI) Unix(console)
shell X X X X
winexec X X X
xshell X X
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Stata for Windows
Stata for Mac
Stata for Unix(GUI)
Stata for Unix(console)
2 shell Temporarily invoke operating system
Stata for Windows
shell, without arguments, preserves your session and invokes the operating system. Stata’s
Command window will disappear, and a Windows command prompt will appear, indicating that you
may not continue in Stata until you exit the Windows command prompt. To reenter Stata, type exit
at your operating system’s prompt. Your Stata session is reestablished just as if you had never left.
Say that you are using Stata for Windows and you suddenly realize you need to do two things.
You need to enter your operating system for a few minutes. Rather than exiting Stata, doing what
you have to do, and then restarting Stata, you type shell in the Command window. A Windows
command prompt appears:
You can now do whatever you need to do in Windows, and Stata will wait until you exit the Windows
command prompt before continuing.
Experienced Stata users seldom type out the word shell. They type !”. Also you do not have
to enter your operating system, issue a command, and then exit back to Stata. If you want to execute
one command, you can type the command right after the word shell or the exclamation point:
. !rename try15.dta final.dta
If you do this, the Windows command prompt will open and close as the command is executed.
Stata for Windows users can also use the winexec command, which allows you to launch any
Windows application from within Stata. You can think of it as a shortcut for clicking on the Windows
Start button, choosing Run..., and typing a command.
Assume that you are working in Stata and decide that you want to run a text editor:
. winexec notepad
( The Windows application Notepad will start and run at the same time as Stata )
You could even pass a filename to your text editor:
. winexec notepad c:\docs\myfile.txt
You may need to specify a complete path to the executable that you wish to launch:
. winexec c:\windows\notepad c:\docs\myfile.txt
The important difference between winexec and shell is that Stata does not wait for whatever
program winexec launches to complete before continuing. Stata will wait for the program shell
launches to complete before performing any further commands.
Stata for Mac
shell, with arguments, invokes your operating system, executes one command, and redirects the
output to the Results window. The command must complete before you can enter another command
in the Command window.
Say that you are using Stata for Mac and suddenly realize that there are two things you have to
do. You need to switch to the Finder or enter commands from a terminal for a few minutes. Rather
than exiting Stata, doing what you have to do, and then switching back to Stata, you type shell and
the command in the Command window to execute one command. You then repeat this step for each
command that you want to execute from the shell.
shell Temporarily invoke operating system 3
Experienced Stata users seldom type out the word shell. They type !”.
. !mv try15.dta final.dta
Be careful not to execute commands, such as vi, that require interaction from you. Because all output
is redirected to Stata’s Results window, you will not be able to interact with the command from Stata.
This will effectively lock up Stata because the command will never complete.
When you type xshell vi myfile.do, Stata invokes an xterm window (which in turn invokes
a shell) and executes the command there. Typing !!vi myfile.do is equivalent to typing xshell
vi myfile.do.
Technical note
On macOS, xterm is available when X11 is installed. To install X11, you must first download
XQuartz from https://www.xquartz.org/.
Stata for Mac users can also use the winexec command, which allows you to launch any native
application from within Stata. You may, however, have to specify the absolute path to the application.
If the application you wish to launch is a macOS application bundle, you must specify an absolute
path to the executable in the bundle.
Assume that you are working in Stata and decide that you want to run a text editor:
. winexec /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit
( The macOS application TextEdit will start and run at the same time as Stata )
You could even pass a filename to your text editor:
. winexec /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit
> /Users/cnguyen/myfile.do
If you specify a file path as an argument to the program to be launched, you must specify an absolute
path. Also using
in the path will not resolve to a home directory. If an application cannot be
launched from a terminal window, it cannot be launched by winexec.
The important difference between winexec and shell is that Stata does not wait for whatever
program winexec launches to complete before continuing. Stata will wait for the program shell
launches to complete before performing any further commands. shell is appropriate for executing
shell commands; winexec is appropriate for launching applications.
Stata for Unix(GUI)
shell, without arguments, preserves your session and invokes the operating system. The Command
window will disappear, and an xterm window will appear, indicating that you may not do anything
in Stata until you exit the xterm window. To reenter Stata, type exit at the Unix prompt. Your Stata
session is reestablished just as if you had never left.
Say that you are using Stata for Unix(GUI) and suddenly realize that you need to do two things.
You need to enter your operating system for a few minutes. Rather than exiting Stata, doing what you
have to do, and then restarting Stata, you type shell in the Command window. An xterm window
will appear:
4 shell Temporarily invoke operating system
You can now do whatever you need to do, and Stata will wait until you exit the window before
Experienced Stata users seldom type out the word shell. They type !”. Also you do not have
to enter your operating system, issue a command, and then exit back to Stata. If you want to execute
one command, you can type the command right after the word shell or the exclamation point:
. !mv try15.dta final.dta
Be careful because sometimes you will want to type
. !!vi myfile.do
and in other cases,
. winexec xedit myfile.do
!! is a synonym for xshella command different from, but related to, shelland winexec is a
different and related command, too.
Before we get into this, understand that if all you want is a shell from which you can issue Unix
commands, type shell or !:
. !
When you are through, type exit to the Unix prompt, and you will return to Stata:
mycomputer$ exit
If, on the other hand, you want to specify in Stata the Unix command that you want to execute,
you need to decide whether you want to use shell, xshell, or winexec. The answer depends on
whether the command you want to execute requires a terminal window or is an X application:
. . . does not need a terminal window: use shell . . . (synonym: !. . . )
. . . needs a terminal window: use xshell . . . (synonym: !!. . . )
. . . is an X application: use winexec . . . (no synonym)
When you type shell mv try15.dta final.dta, Stata invokes your shell (/bin/sh, /bin/csh,
etc.) and executes the specified command (mv here), routing the standard output and standard error
back to Stata. Typing !mv try15.dta final.dta is the same as typing shell mv try15.dta
When you type xshell vi myfile.do, Stata invokes an xterm window (which in turn invokes
a shell) and executes the command there. Typing !!vi myfile.do is equivalent to typing xshell
vi myfile.do.
When you type winexec xedit myfile.do, Stata directly invokes the command specified (xedit
here). No xterm window is brought up nor is a shell invoked because, here, xterm does not need
it. xterm is an X application that will create its own window in which to run. You could have
typed !!xedit myfile.do. That would have brought up an unnecessary xterm window from which
xedit would have been executed, and that would not matter. You could even have typed !xedit
myfile.do. That would have invoked an unnecessary shell from which xedit would have been
executed, and that would not matter, either. The important difference, however, is that shell and
xshell wait until the process completes before allowing Stata to continue, and winexec does not.
shell Temporarily invoke operating system 5
Technical note
You can set Stata global macros to control the behavior of shell and xshell. The macros are
$S SHELL defines the shell to be used by shell when
you type a command following shell.
The default is something like /bin/sh -c”, although this can vary,
depending on how your Unix environment variables are set.
$S XSHELL defines shell to be used by shell and xshell
when they are typed without arguments.
The default is xterm”.
$S XSHELL2 defines shell to be used by xshell when it is
typed with arguments.
The default is xterm -e”.
For instance, if you type in Stata
. global S_XSHELL2 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e"
and then later type
. !!vi myfile.do
then Stata would issue the command /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e vi myfile.do to Unix.
If you do make changes, we recommend that you record the changes in your profile.do file.
Stata for Unix(console)
shell, without arguments, preserves your session and then invokes your operating system. Your
Stata session will be suspended until you exit the shell, at which point your Stata session is
reestablished just as if you had never left.
Say that you are using Stata and you suddenly realize that you need to do two things. You need
to enter your operating system for a few minutes. Rather than exiting Stata, doing what you have to
do, and then restarting Stata, you type shell. A Unix prompt appears:
. shell
(Type exit to return to Stata)
You can now do whatever you need to do and type exit when you finish. You will return to Stata
just as if you had never left.
Experienced Stata users seldom type out the word shell. They type !’. Also you do not have
to enter your operating system, issue a command, and then exit back to Stata. If you want to execute
one command, you can type the command right after the word shell or the exclamation point. If
you want to edit the file myfile.do, and if vi is the name of your favorite editor, you could type
. !vi myfile.do
Stata opens your editor.
When you exit your editor:
6 shell Temporarily invoke operating system
Huber, C. 2014. How to create animated graphics using Stata. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere Classified.
Also see
[D] cd Change directory
[D] copy Copy file from disk or URL
[D] dir Display filenames
[D] erase Erase a disk file
[D] mkdir Create directory
[D] rmdir Remove directory
[D] type Display contents of a file
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