Paragon Acve Assurance Operaons
Table of Contents
Finding Out Your Paragon Acve Assurance Soware Version
Backing Up Product Data
Restoring Product Data from Backup
Updang Databases with New User Passwords
Conguring PostgreSQL
Conguring Control Center Security Headers
Managing Control Center and NETCONF Users
Imporng and Exporng Test and Monitor Templates
Monitoring the System
Tuning the System
Deleng Licenses from the System
Deleng Paragon Acve Assurance Accounts
Uninstalling Paragon Acve Assurance
The Operaons Guide covers various aspects of operang and maintaining an on-premise installaon of
Paragon Acve Assurance. Among the topics in this guide are the following:
Data backup and restore
Updang user passwords
Managing authencaon
Monitoring the system
Tuning the system
Please note that troubleshoong is covered in the
Installaon Guide
Finding Out Your Paragon Acve Assurance
Soware Version
To nd out what version of Paragon Acve Assurance you currently have installed, you can use this
dpkg -l | grep paa
Backing Up Product Data
Automated Backup: Using the ncc backup Command | 2
Troubleshoong: Manual Backup | 3
Automated Backup: Using the ncc backup Command
To make a complete backup of your Paragon Acve Assurance system, rst stop services as follows:
sudo ncc services stop --with-kafka --with-zookeeper --without-timescaledb
Then run the command
sudo ncc backup
Finally, restart services:
sudo ncc services start --with-kafka --with-zookeeper --without-timescaledb
The backup command takes backups of all the following:
Main PostgreSQL database
Plugin service PostgreSQL database
Plugin service les
RRD lescons
TimescaleDB database
TimescaleDB conguraon les
OpenVPN keys
SSL cercates and keys
Control Center conguraon les
--without-rrd creates a backup without the RRD les (paa_cc_rrd.tar.gz)
--without-timescaledb creates a backup without the TimescaleDB database (paa_cc_timescaledb.tar.gz)
--without-configs creates a backup without the Control Center conguraon les (paa_cc_configs.tar.gz)
--without-db creates a backup without the main and plugin service databases (paa_cc_postgres.sql and
The output le is a tarball named according to the paern paa_backup-version-yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.tar.gz.
These les serve as input to restoring the system with the ncc restore command; see the chapter
"Restoring Product Data from Backup" on page 8 .
Troubleshoong: Manual Backup
Should the ncc backup command fail for some reason, you can achieve the same result manually by
following the steps in this secon.
To make a consistent backup of your Paragon Acve Assurance data, you need to stop all services
accessing the database before starng the backup procedure. It is possible to make backups of a live
system, but data consistency cannot then be guaranteed.
Proceed as follows:
Stop Paragon Acve Assurance services:
sudo ncc services stop --with-kafka --with-zookeeper --without-timescaledb
Make backups according to the subsecons below.
Start Paragon Acve Assurance services:
sudo ncc services start --with-kafka --with-zookeeper --without-timescaledb
Backing Up the Main PostgreSQL Database and Plugin Database
The plugin database is created along with the main PostgreSQL database, but it needs to be backed up
Run these commands:
pg_dump -h localhost -U netrounds netrounds > cc_postgres.sql
pg_dump -h localhost -U netrounds paa-plugins > paa_plugins.sql
NOTE: The pg_dump command will ask for a password which can be found in /etc/netrounds/
netrounds.conf under "postgres database". The default password is "netrounds".
To learn about advanced opons of pg_dump, such as compression, type
pg_dump --help
NOTE: Alternavely, you may want to back up the database in binary format. If so, use this
pg_dump -h localhost -U netrounds -Fc netrounds > cc_postgres.binary
pg_dump -h localhost -U netrounds -Fc paa-plugins > paa_plugins.binary
Backing Up the RRD Files
The RRD (round-robin database) les contain the Paragon Acve Assurance measurement data.
For a small-scale setup (< 50 GB), use this backup command:
sudo tar -czf cc_rrd.tar.gz /var/lib/netrounds/rrd
For a large-scale setup (> 50 GB), making a tarball of the RRD les might take too long, and taking a
snapshot of the volume can be a beer idea. Possible soluons for doing this include: using a le
system that supports snapshots, or taking a snapshot of the virtual volume if the server is running in
a virtual environment.
Backing Up Plugin Files
Back up plugin les with the commands
sudo tar -czf paa_plugins.tar.gz /var/lib/netrounds/plugins
sudo tar -czf paa_plugin_keys.tar.gz /etc/netrounds/plugin_keys
Backing Up the TimescaleDB Database
To back up the TimescaleDB database, you must rst start it.
Backup of the TimescaleDB database also requires the timescaledb service related to the Streaming API to
be enabled and running:
sudo ncc services enable timescaledb
sudo ncc services start timescaledb
For more informaon on this API, see the document
Streaming API Guide
To back up the TimescaleDB database manually, run:
sudo /etc/netrounds/ --backup <backup dir>
Backups of TimescaleDB data are stored in /var/lib/netrounds/rrd/timescaledb/pgbackrest/repo/<backup dir>.
Backing Up the OpenVPN Keys
Use this command:
sudo tar -czf cc_openvpn.tar.gz /var/lib/netrounds/openvpn
Backing Up the SSL Cercates and Keys
NOTE: This procedure creates a TAR archive that might contain duplicates as the same cert/key
le may be menoned in mulple conguraon les.
1. Create a TAR archive paa_cc_certs.tar:
export TAR_ARCHIVE="paa_cc_41_certs_and_secret.tar"
sudo tar -cf "$TAR_ARCHIVE" --files-from /dev/null
2. Collect the secret key path:
Open the le etc/netrounds/netrounds.conf.
Copy the value for the SECRET_KEY_FILE seng without single/double quotes (<SECRET_KEY_FILE value>)
Paste the value you just obtained at the end of this command:
sudo tar --append --file="$TAR_ARCHIVE" -C / <SECRET_KEY_FILE value>
3. Collect the cercate from the services conguraon les:
Open the le /etc/netrounds/consolidated.yaml.
Copy the value <cert path> for both ssl-key and ssl-cert direcves, but only if they are
uncommented and have a name dierent from ssl-cert-snakeoil.
Copy this one: /etc/certs/fullchain.pem
Don't copy this one: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
Paste the value you just copied at the end of this command:
sudo tar --append --file="$TAR_ARCHIVE" -C / <cert path>
Repeat the steps above for the les /etc/netrounds/plugin.yaml and /etc/netrounds/test-agent-
4. Collect the cercates used by the Apache web server:
Open the le /etc/apache2/sites-available/netrounds-restol-standalone.conf.
Copy the value <cert path> for both SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile direcves, but only if
they are uncommented and have a name dierent from ssl-cert-snakeoil.
Paste the value you just copied at the end of this command:
sudo tar --append --file="$TAR_ARCHIVE" -C / <cert path>
Repeat the steps above for the le /etc/apache2/sites-available/netrounds-ssl.conf.
5. Compress the archive further with gzip and create the le paa_cc_certs.tar.gz:
Backing Up the Licenses
Use this command:
sudo tar -czf cc_license.tar.gz /var/lib/netrounds/license
Backing Up the Conguraon Files
Make copies of the following les:
For example:
cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/netrounds-ssl.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/netrounds-
Restoring Product Data from Backup
Automated Restore: Using the ncc restore Command | 8
Troubleshoong: Manual Restore | 10
Automated Restore: Using the
ncc restore Command
To restore a Paragon Acve Assurance system from a backup taken with the ncc backup command, rst
stop services:
sudo ncc services stop --with-kafka --with-zookeeper --without-timescaledb
Then run this command on the backup tarball:
ncc restore paa_backup-yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.tar.gz
Finally, restart services:
sudo ncc services start --with-kafka --with-zookeeper --without-timescaledb
The restore command does all of the following:
Drops, recreates, and restores the main PostgreSQL database
Drops, recreates, and restores the plugin PostgreSQL database
Restores the plugin tarballs and signing keys
Removes any exisng RRDs, and restores RRD les
Restores the TimescaleDB database and TimescaleDB data
Restores TimescaleDB conguraon les
Removes any exisng OpenVPN keys, and restores OpenVPN keys
Restores SSL cercates and keys
Restores Control Center conguraon les
Acvates licenses
--timescaledb-in-place: By default the ncc restore command assumes that you are doing the restore on a
dierent host. If you want to perform an in-place restore of the TimescaleDB database, add this
opon to the command.
Acvang a New License for the Restored System
If you are restoring the system on a new host, or on the same host but with a dierent UUID, the system
requires a new license. Please see the Installaon Guide, chapter Geng Started with Paragon Acve
Assurance, for details on how to obtain and acvate a license.
Performing a Paral Restore
You can oponally leave out certain parts of the backup from the restore operaon.
Only backup les that are not mandatory can be le out of the restore.
The following les can be omied freely:
The following les can both be le out, but one is not valid without the other:
Proceed in the following steps (the backup version and mestamp are suppressed below for readability):
List the backup tarball content in order to idenfy parts to exclude:
tar -tf paa-cc-backup-<...>.tar.gz
Unpack the backup tarball, excluding les as desired. Below is an example where the RRD les are
tar -zxvf paa-cc-backup-<...>.tar.gz --exclude "paa-cc-backup-<...>/paa_cc_rrd.tar.gz"
Rename the backup folder to match the intended nal tarball name:
mv paa-cc-backup-<...> paa-cc-backup-without-rrd-<...>
Create a new tarball from the remaining les:
tar -pczf paa-cc-backup-without-rrd-<...>.tar.gz paa-cc-backup-without-rrd-<...>/
Troubleshoong: Manual Restore
Should the ncc restore command fail for some reason, you can restore the system manually as described
in this secon.
In what follows, the backup les are assumed to be named in the same way as in the chapter "Backing
Up Product Data" on page 1 .
NOTE: The procedure that follows requires that Control Center has been installed (so that the
netrounds database exists) and that the backup les are from the same version of Control Center
as the installed version.
1. Stop all Paragon Acve Assurance services that are accessing the database:
sudo ncc services stop --with-kafka --with-zookeeper --without-timescaledb
2. Drop the main PostgreSQL database and plugin database:
sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP DATABASE netrounds;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'DROP DATABASE "paa-plugins";'
3. Recreate the main PostgreSQL database and plugin database:
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE netrounds OWNER netrounds ENCODING 'UTF8'
TEMPLATE 'template0';"
sudo -u postgres psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE "paa-plugins" OWNER netrounds ENCODING "UTF8"
TEMPLATE "template0";'
4. Restore the main PostgreSQL database and plugin database:
sudo -u postgres psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on netrounds < cc_postgres.sql
sudo -u postgres psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on paa-plugins < paa_plugins.sql
Seng ON_ERROR_STOP to on will cause psql to exit if an error occurs. For further details, see the
PostgreSQL documentaon: hps://
There are several opons for the backup format. Please refer to the psql documentaon (hps:// if you are using anything other than plain .sql.
If you backed up the databases (manually) in binary format, use these commands to restore them
(you will be prompted for a password which is by default "netrounds"):
pg_restore -Fc -h localhost -d netrounds -c --verbose --disable-triggers cc_postgres.binary
-U netrounds --password
pg_restore -Fc -h localhost -d paa-plugins -c --verbose --disable-triggers
paa_plugins.binary -U netrounds --password
5. Restore the plugin tarballs and signing keys:
sudo tar -xzf paa_plugins.tar.gz -C /
sudo tar -xzf paa_plugin_keys.tar.gz -C /
6. Restore the OpenVPN keys:
# Remove any existing OpenVPN keys
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/netrounds/openvpn
# Unpack the backed-up keys
sudo tar -xzf cc_openvpn.tar.gz -C /
7. Restore the SSL cercates and keys:
sudo tar -xzf paa_cc_certs.tar.gz -C /
8. Restore RRD les, either from a tarball or from a snapshot. Compare the chapter "Backing Up
Product Data" on page 1 . In the tarball case, the procedure is as follows:
# Remove any existing RRDs
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/netrounds/rrd
# Unpack the backed-up RRDs
sudo tar -xzf cc_rrd.tar.gz -C /
9. Restore the TimescaleDB database:
The backup directory needs to be stored under /var/lib/netrounds/rrd/timescaledb/pgbackrest/repo/.
Before doing the restore, copy the .conf les in the data directory /var/lib/netrounds/rrd/timescaledb/
data/ to a dierent locaon. This allows you to restore any conguraon changes performed aer
the last full backup.
To perform an
database restore, proceed as follows:
Create a directory /tmp/timescaledb_conf.
Copy the *.conf les in /var/lib/netrounds/rrd/timescaledb/data to /tmp/timescaledb_conf.
Run the command
sudo /etc/netrounds/ --restore <backup dir>
Copy the *.conf les from /tmp/timescaledb_conf to /var/lib/netrounds/rrd/timescaledb/data.
To restore a database from host A on a
dierent host
B, proceed as follows:
On host B, install and congure Control Center according to the
Installaon Guide
, and
enable the metrics service.
From host A, copy the contents of /var/lib/netrounds/rrd/timescaledb/pgbackrest to the same
directory on host B.
On host B, run the command
sudo /etc/netrounds/ --restore <backup dir>
From host A, copy the *.conf les from /var/lib/netrounds/rrd/timescaledb/data to the same
directory on host B.
10. Copy the license les into their original locaon. (Alternavely, you may download the license les
once more from the Juniper EMS Portal and apply them using the ncc license activate command, as
explained in the Installaon Guide.)
11. Start Paragon Acve Assurance services:
sudo ncc services start --with-kafka --with-zookeeper --without-timescaledb
Updang Databases with New User Passwords
Main PostgreSQL Database | 13
TimescaleDB Database | 15
Streaming API | 15
Main PostgreSQL Database
The chapter PostgreSQL Conguraon tells how to change the password for the "netrounds" user in a
conguraon le.
You also need to update the password in the following les:
Furthermore, you must update that user's role in the database. How to do that is explained below.
Log in to the database using:
sudo -u postgres psql
Inside the database, execute this command (substung the correct new password):
ALTER ROLE netrounds WITH PASSWORD 'securePassword';
The relevant PostgreSQL documentaon is found here:
Another opon is to run the following aer logging in to the database:
\password netrounds
and then provide the password twice.
Aer changing the password in the database as well as in the conguraon les, reboot the system:
sudo reboot
Using Special Characters in the Password
In the ALTER ROLE query, if the character used to surround the password string occurs in the password
itself, that character must be escaped. The escape character is a single quote (').
Suppose you want to set the password #secure. To this end, run the query
ALTER ROLE netrounds WITH PASSWORD ''#secure';
However, if you run
\password netrounds
you can enter any password characters without escaping them.
TimescaleDB Database
To change the password for the paa user, do the following:
Connect to the database as the paa user (password paa). Full details on how to do this are found in the
document Querying Metrics in TimescaleDB, chapter Preparaons.
Then run:
ALTER USER paa PASSWORD 'new_password';
In the le /etc/netrounds/metrics.yaml, enter the new password in the eld db-password. Then restart the
netrounds-metrics service:
sudo systemctl start netrounds-metrics
To change the password for the paaread user, do the following:
Connect to the database as the paaread user (password paaread) and run
ALTER USER paaread PASSWORD 'new_password';
Streaming API
Regaring authencaon for accessing Kaa via the Streaming API, see the document Streaming API
Guide, chapter Conguring the Streaming API.
Conguring PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL sengs are found in the following conguraon le:
Below is an example of le contents specifying username "user" and password "password".
DATABASES['default']['USER'] = 'user'
DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = 'password'
When updang the password in probe-connect.conf, you need to escape any characters that are idencal
to the character surrounding strings (above, this is the single quote, '). It is also best to escape any other
non-alphanumeric characters. The escape character used is the backslash.
You can verify that you have set the intended password as follows:
source /etc/netrounds/probe-connect.conf
NOTE: Aer making changes to these sengs, you must also update the PostgreSQL database
itself with the new password. How to do that is explained in the chapter "Updang the Database
with a New User Password" on page 13 .
Conguring Control Center Security Headers
HTTP responses returned by Control Center contain HTTP security headers. These security headers can
be edited in the le /etc/netrounds/netrounds.conf.
The table below shows:
the name of each security header
the name of the seng name in /etc/netrounds/netrounds.conf that stores the value assigned to that
the default value for the header.
HTTP security header Seng name in netrounds.conf Default value
("default-src 'self' https: http:
ws: data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-
" script-src 'self' 'unsafe-
inline' 'unsafe-eval' *.google-;"
" img-src 'self' *.google- data:")
NOTE: Headers with the value None will not be sent in the HTTP response.
To edit one or more of the security headers listed above, proceed as follows:
Open as root user (or using sudo) the le /etc/netrounds/netrounds.conf.
2. Uncomment the security header(s) of interest if they are commented out, removing the hashes ("#").
3. Change the security header value as desired.
4. Save and close the le.
5. Reload the Apache service:
sudo systemctl reload apache2
6. Verify that the security headers are updated by running:
$ curl -k -I <Control Center URL>
Below is an example of output from the vericaon step:
$ curl -k -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2022 11:24:40 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)
Permissions-Policy: accelerometer=(), ambient-light-sensor=(), autoplay=(), battery=(),
camera=(), display-capture=(), document-domain=(), encrypted-media=(), fullscreen=(self),
gamepad=(), geolocation=(), gyroscope=(), magnetometer=(), microphone=(), midi=(),
picture-in-picture=(), publickey-credentials-get=(), screen-wake-lock=(),
speaker-selection=(), usb=(), web-share=(), xr-spatial-tracking=()
Vary: Cookie,Accept-Encoding
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' https: http: ws: data: 'unsafe-inline'
'unsafe-eval'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *; img-
'self' * data:
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Referrer-Policy: strict-origin
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Set-Cookie: csrftoken=1IhGe7pnyifwNh0fUI5mTCTSrOTiKXM7CXE526wewr6lSBCQsfiPmmCgamikBLVb;
expires=Mon, 25-Sep-2023 11:24:42 GMT; Max-Age=31449600; Path=/; Secure
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Managing Control Center and NETCONF Users
Managing Control Center Users | 19
Managing NETCONF Users | 20
Managing Control Center Users
You can list all currently exisng users with
ncc user-list
For each user is indicated:
the user's permission for the account (read/write/admin)
whether the user is owner
You can update a user's password with
ncc user-update <user email> --password <new password>
For available opons please use --help.
You can acvate a user that was previously deleted or disabled with
ncc user-activate <user email>
There is also the following command:
ncc user-delete <user email>
By default, this command deacvates the user so that it can no longer log in. However, the user's
permissions remain, as does all data created by the user. The user can be reacvated with the ncc
user-activate command.
The user can be completely removed by adding the --force ag. This removes the user from the
along with all related database objects, including measurement results
. You are prompted to
conrm this acon.
A user that owns an account cannot be removed. The account owner must rst be changed using the
account-update command (see below).
To create a superuser, use this command:
ncc user-create <email> --password --is-superuser
A superuser has access to all accounts in the system and is the only type of user authorized to
perform certain tasks.
To change the owner of an account, run this command:
ncc account-update <account short name> --owner <user email>
Managing NETCONF Users
These commands (as given here) are all executed from the directory /opt/netrounds-confd/.
To create a user "user1" with password "pwd1" in ConfD, run:
./ncc-netconf user create --username=user1 --password=pwd1
To list all available users in ConfD:
./ncc-netconf user list
To update the password to "pwd2" for user "user1" in ConfD:
./ncc-netconf user update --username=user1 --password=pwd2
To delete the user "user1" from ConfD:
./ncc-netconf user delete --username=user1
Imporng and Exporng Test and Monitor
Lisng Templates | 21
Exporng Templates | 22
Imporng Templates | 22
Usage Examples | 22
Templates for tests and monitors can be exported from one installaon of Control Center and imported
into another (or into a dierent account on the same Control Center). The following commands are used
for this purpose:
ncc template for tests
ncc monitor-template for monitors
The syntax is idencal for these two commands and is detailed below for ncc template.
Lisng Templates
To list all templates with account name, template name and ID, give this command:
ncc template list [--account NAME]
Use the --account ag to list templates from a specic account only.
Exporng Templates
Use this command to export template conguraons in JSON format:
ncc template export [--account NAME] [--file NAME] [id ...]
Here, [id ...] is a list of IDs of the templates you want to export. If no template IDs are specied, all
templates are exported.
The --file ag species the name of the output le. If you omit this, the output will be wrien to stdout.
Use the --account ag to lter templates by account.
Imporng Templates
On exporng templates, you can import them to a specied account as follows:
ncc template import --account NAME [--force_overwrite] [export file name]
Here, export file name is an output le obtained from ncc template export. (If no le is specied, the import
command reads from stdin.)
If the force_overwrite ag is set, then any templates with the same name that already exist in the account
will be overwrien. Using this opon is not recommended in general. It is preferable to rename the
exisng template(s) before imporng.
Usage Examples
Export a single template named "template1":
ncc template export template1 --file my_template.json
Export all templates from account "demo":
ncc template export --account demo --file all_demo_templates.json
Export all templates on the server:
ncc template export --file all_templates.json
Import templates from export le to account "demo":
ncc template import --account demo all_demo_templates.json
Monitoring the System
System Parameters | 23
Applicaon Parameters | 24
Licenses | 24
Services | 24
Logs | 26
This secon points to parameters that are useful for monitoring the health of the Paragon Acve
Assurance system.
System Parameters
Standard system parameters:
CPU ulizaon
Should stay below 80%
Memory ulizaon, excluding cache and buers
Should stay below 80%
Disk ulizaon
Should stay below 80%
Network interface load
Should stay below 80%
Applicaon Parameters
For Control Center, run the command
ncc status
The following parameters are of parcular interest:
test_agent_appliance_online: This indicates how many Test Agent Appliances are currently logged in to
the server. The desirable numbers here are of course dependent on how you deploy the Test Agents.
scheduled_call_latency: This indicates how far behind schedule the background job processing is.
Among other things, this processing collects results from Test Agents and generates periodic reports.
The latency should stay below 10 s.
The expiry date for the license acvated on the server can be inspected with the command
ncc license show
In the output from this command, look for end_date.
The following Paragon Acve Assurance services should normally be running:
netrounds-callexecuter: Handles background tasks such as
Periodically polling monitors: collecng measurement results, updang Test Agent conguraons,
and evaluang alarms
Running scheduled tests
Sending periodic reports
Runs if ConfD has been installed.
ConfD is used as an intermediary between the
Paragon Acve Assurance system and the NETCONF & YANG API. An orchestrator can use this API
to congure network equipment and trigger measurements.
netrounds-consolidated: Used to proxy internal communicaon between services.
netrounds-license-daemon: From here Control Center learns what licenses to apply to the system.
The license daemon uses the Juniper License SDK which is used across all Juniper products.
Runs if Streaming API or TimescaleDB is enabled.
Receives metrics from Kaa,
ingests these metrics into TimescaleDB, and pushes them to the Streaming API.
netrounds-plugin: Plugins handles measurement tasks. This service enables plugins to be uploaded to
Control Center independently of Control Center upgrades. See the in-app help under "Plugins".
netrounds-probe-login: Server which exposes a set of funcons to Test Agent Appliances so that
they can nofy this server about state changes.
netrounds-ta3-compat: Needed to achieve full compability between Test Agent Applicaons and
Control Center.
netrounds-test-agent-gateway: Used to communicate with Test Agent Applicaons and forward
messages between these and Kaa.
Runs if Streaming API or TimescaleDB is enabled.
Time-series database
extension for PostgreSQL. Uses a dedicated PostgreSQL database which is disnct from the one
used for conguraon.
openvpn@netrounds: Used to communicate with Test Agent Appliances.
In addion, the following services related to Paragon Acve Assurance should be running:
apache2: Web server hosng the webapp and the REST API.
kaa: Message bus for sharing data asynchronously between services.
ntpd: Maintains the system me in synchronizaon with me servers using the Network Time
Protocol (NTP).
postgresql: Database for storing conguraon and state for the system: basically everything except
measurement results and OpenVPN keys.
zookeeper: Centralized service for maintaining conguraon informaon, naming, providing
distributed synchronizaon, and providing group services. Zookeeper is relied on by Kaa.
Finally, it is a good idea to monitor the following system services which are relied on by Paragon Acve
cron: Job scheduler.
irqbalance: Distributes hardware interrupts across processors on a mulprocessor system.
Webapp Logs
The le /var/log/apache/netrounds_access.log contains all HTTP requests made to the Control Center web
The le /var/log/apache/netrounds_error.log contains all errors reported by Apache for HTTP requests
towards the Control Center web GUI. Console output from the Control Center back-end is also in this
le; by default, all logging is done by the console.
The conguraon of the logging is done using the Python logging module conguraon schema
Call Executer Logs
To see the logs for this service, you can use journalctl, for example to look at the logs from the last hour
and then follow all incoming logs:
sudo journalctl -u netrounds-callexecuter.service --since "1 hour ago" --follow
Plugin Service Logs
For the plugin system you can look at the logs using:
sudo journalctl -u netrounds-plugin.service
Metrics Service Logs
NOTE: These logs are only relevant if you have this feature enabled, which is the case if you are
using the Streaming API or TimescaleDB.
sudo journalctl -u netrounds-metrics.service
To view TimescaleDB logs, run:
sudo journalctl -u netrounds-timescaledb.service
To view Kaa logs, run:
sudo journalctl -u kafka
To view Zookeeper logs, run:
sudo journalctl -u zookeeper
Custom Formaers
Paragon Acve Assurance provides two custom formaers that yield addional informaon about log
entries and thus should be favored over Python's default formaers:
The formaer netrounds.utils.loggers.ContextFormatter provides record_tags and context_tags that provide
addional informaon about the context of the log entry, for example what Test Agent the log entry
is about. Colors are also supported.
The formaer netrounds.thirdparty.logstash_formatter.ContextLogstashFormatterV1 outputs a JSON format
compable with Logstash.
The custom formaers are added by default in:
Tuning the System
CPU | 29
Memory | 29
Storage | 30
Network | 30
Apache | 32
OpenVPN | 33
PostgreSQL | 33
Unaended Soware Upgrades | 34
Control Center | 34
This chapter contains recommendaons on how to tune a Paragon Acve Assurance system for
opmum performance.
Processors typically provide sengs to enable, disable, and tune processor-level features. Today's
systems usually provide maximum performance by default and do not need to be adjusted. However, we
recommend that you ensure Turbo Boost is enabled in order to achieve slightly higher performance.
Scaling Governors
Linux supports dierent CPU scaling proles (powersave, performance) that control the CPU clock
frequencies via the kernel. Use the performance prole to achieve the best performance. To ensure that
the maximum clock frequency is always used, you need to set this for all CPUs. You can nd out the
number of CPUs with the nproc command. Then run the following for each CPU X:
echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policyX/scaling_governor
Note that seng the CPUs to run at maximum frequency is applicable to hardware systems only and
may come with added costs.
The swappiness Linux kernel parameter controls how much (and how oen) the Linux kernel will copy
RAM contents to the swap space.
We recommend seng the amount of swapping to a minimum, without disabling it enrely, so that the
memory pages are kept in physical memory:
sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=1
(The sysctl command is omied from the kernel parameter sengs that follow below.)
Parons and File Systems
This is addressed in the Installaon Guide, chapter Installing Required OS and Soware.
In addion, page cache ushing may be tuned to provide a more even behavior: background ush
earlier, aggressive ush later.
vm.dirty_ratio = 80
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5
vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 12000
Read-ahead Size
The tunable read_ahead_kb parameter for storage block devices denes the maximum number of kilobytes
that the operang system may read ahead during a sequenal read operaon. As a result, the likely-
needed informaon is already present within the kernel page cache for the next sequenal read, which
improves read I/O performance.
We recommend seng this parameter to 4096 KB for all block devices:
echo 4096 > /sys/block/sdN/queue/read_ahead_kb
Socket and TCP Buers
The maximum socket buer size (in bytes) should be set as follows for all protocol types and for both
reads and writes to support full-duplex 10GbE connecons:
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
To improve TCP throughput, set the auto-tuning parameters for the TCP read and write buers: the
minimum, default, and maximum number of bytes to use. We recommend the sengs below. Increasing
the minimum and default will consume more memory per connecon, which may not be necessary.
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 349520 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 349520 16777216
TCP Backlog
The following TCP sengs should be increased from their defaults to beer handle bursts of load.
TCP backlog queue for half-open connecons:
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 8192
TCP backlog queue for passing connecons to accept:
net.core.somaxconn = 4096
Device Backlog
The length of the network device backlog queue per CPU should be increased from the default:
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 1000
Local Port Range
Extend the range of IP ports that are allowed for TCP and UDP connecons to provide enough
ephemeral ports for the ancipated workload:
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10240 65535
The following sengs are recommended in /etc/apache2/conf-available/performance.conf:
HostnameLookups Off
KeepAlive On
KeepAliveTimeout 2
MaxKeepAliveRequests 600
Timeout 120
Event Mul-processing
The following sengs are recommended in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mpm_event.conf:
<IfModule mpm_event_module>
StartServers 3
ServerLimit 8
MinSpareThreads 8
MaxSpareThreads 75
ThreadLimit 64
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxRequestWorkers 200
MaxConnectionsPerChild 10000
The following sengs are recommended in /etc/apache2/conf-available/security.conf:
ServerTokens Prod
ServerSignature Off
TraceEnable Off
Enabling the Conguraons
Make sure that all Apache conguraons above are saved, then enable them as follows:
a2enconf performance
a2enconf security
a2enmod mpm_event
systemctl reload apache2
Transmit Queue Length
To improve OpenVPN performance and throughput, it is advisable to adjust the transmit queue length
for the tun interface:
echo "txqueuelen 2000" >> /etc/openvpn/netrounds.conf
systemctl restart [email protected]
The following sengs are recommended in /etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf for best performance:
max_connections = 100
effective_io_concurrency = 128 # between 64 and 256 based on performance of underlying storage
default_statistics_target = 100
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
random_page_cost = 1.1
max_worker_processes = 8
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1
max_parallel_workers = 8
shared_buffers = X # set to 25% of available memory
effective_cache_size =
work_mem =
maintenance_work_mem =
temp_buffers = 16MB
wal_buffers = 16MB
18wal_compression = on
Unaended Soware Upgrades
To avoid automacally installing soware packages, we advise you to disable the unattended-upgrades
service or to remove it enrely from the system:
systemctl stop unattended-upgrades
systemctl disable unattended-upgrades
Control Center
Finally, a number of Control Center parameters can be tuned according to the available resources and
the system load. These include:
CALL_EXECUTER_MAX_CHILDREN: This congures how many background jobs can run in parallel. The
default is 20. Each test and monitor (not each task) will periodically run as a background job. If
you have many tests or monitors, you might want to set this value to match the number of
running tests and monitors to prevent those jobs from queuing up and delaying the collecng of
data. The current queue length can be seen as the scheduled_call_latency parameter returned by the
ncc status command.
WSGIDaemonProcess netrounds ... processes: This congures how many HTTP requests to the Control
Center GUI can be handled at the same me. The default is 10. If you have many or slow
requests, you might need to increase this number. If no worker is available to start processing a
request, a 504 Gateway Timeout response will be returned.
More ps on troubleshoong generally are found in the Troubleshoong chapter of the Installaon
To contact Juniper technical support, le a cket atng-support. In
your cket, please include the output from the command
ncc generate-troubleshooting-report
Deleng Licenses from the System
If for some reason you need to wipe all exisng licenses from your Paragon Acve Assurance system
and start over, you can do so as follows:
sudo rm /var/lib/netrounds/license/*.lic
sudo systemctl restart netrounds-license-daemon
To acvate new licenses, follow the procedure in the Installaon Guide, chapter Geng Started with
Paragon Acve Assurance.
Deleng Paragon Acve Assurance Accounts
How to create accounts in Paragon Acve Assurance is dealt with in the Installaon Guide, chapter
Geng Started with Paragon Acve Assurance.
To delete a Paragon Acve Assurance account, use the following command.
NOTE: This command will permanently delete the specied account. You should back up your
database and be sure what you are doing before using this command.
ncc account-delete --help # Read help first!
ncc account-delete <short name of product account>
In order to delete anything, you must add the --force opon to the command. Even with this opon
added, you will be asked to conrm your acon. The conrmaon step can be suppressed by adding the
--noinput opon.
Uninstalling Paragon Acve Assurance
Oponal Steps | 37
Installaon of Paragon Acve Assurance is covered in the
Installaon Guide
To uninstall the Control Center soware, run the following command:
sudo apt-get remove "netrounds-*"
Alternavely, in order to delete the Control Center packages from the instance, you can add the --purge
sudo apt-get remove --purge "netrounds-*"
This will not remove the data or the conguraon, however. To remove all data, do the following:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/netrounds
sudo -u postgres dropdb netrounds
sudo -u postgres dropdb paa-plugins
sudo -u postgres dropdb -h localhost -p 7432 paa-metrics
where the password for the last command (for TimescaleDB) is postgres.
Oponal Steps
If you are not using PostgreSQL for anything else, you may want to uninstall the PostgreSQL database:
sudo apt-get remove --purge postgresql
Further oponal cleanup tasks are as follows:
Remove the Test Agent applicaons remaining in the stac folder:
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/netrounds
Remove logs from apache2:
sudo rm -rf /var/log/apache2/netrounds*
Remove the Paragon Acve Assurance site from apache2:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apache2/site/disabled_by_admin/netrounds*
Remove available sites for Paragon Acve Assurance:
sudo rm -rf /etc/apache2/sites-available/netrounds*
Remove the OpenVPN environment:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openvpn/netrounds.env
Remove Kaa logs:
sudo rm -rf /var/log/kafka/netrounds*
Finally, remove these directories if they are present:
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/netrounds
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/mibs/netrounds
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/netrounds
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