Fair Work Information Statement
Employers must give this document to new employees when they start work
Last updated August 2023
1Page of 3
See fairwork.gov.au/fwis
Employees in Australia have entitlements and protections at work, under:
minimum entitlements
for all employees
includes the National
Employment Standards
set minimum pay
and conditions for an
industry or occupation
cover most employees
in Australia
set minimum pay
and conditions for a
particular workplace
negotiated and approved
through a formal process
provide additional
conditions for an
individual employee
can’t reduce or remove
minimum entitlements
Find your award at fairwork.gov.au/awards. Check if your workplace has an enterprise agreement at
Your minimum pay rates are in your award or enterprise agreement. If there is no award or agreement
for your job, you must get at least the National Minimum Wage. Minimum pay rates are usually updated yearly.
Find out what you should get at fairwork.gov.au/minimum-wages
If you are a casual employee, you also need to be given the Casual Employment Information Statement when
you start work. Visit fairwork.gov.au/ceis for more information.
FROM 1 JULY 2023
$23.23/hour or $882.80/week
(based on a 38 hour week)
for full-time employees
This is the adult minimum rate for employees with no award or enterprise agreement.
Lower rates may apply to juniors, apprentices, trainees and employees with disability whose disability
aects their productivity. Lower rates may also apply under some awards, for example rates that apply for
a limited time after an employee starts their job. You can’t agree to be paid less than the minimum pay
rates that apply for your job.
Use our free calculators to check your pay, leave and termination entitlements at:
for casual
for part-time
has information and advice about pay and entitlements
provides free calculators, templates and online courses
helps fix workplace problems
enforces workplace laws and seeks penalties
forbreaches of workplace laws.
fairwork.gov.au - 13 13 94
deals with claims about a range of issues, including
unfair dismissal, bullying, sexual harassment,
discrimination and ‘adverse action’ at work
approves, varies and terminates enterprise agreements
makes, reviews and varies awards
issues entry permits and resolves industrial disputes
regulates registered organisations.
fwc.gov.au - 1300 799 675
Fair Work Information Statement
Employers must give this document to new employees when they start work
Last updated August 2023
2Page of 3
See fairwork.gov.au/fwis
These are minimum standards for all employees. Rules and exclusions may apply. Your award or agreement
may provide more. Find more information on the National Employment Standards at fairwork.gov.au/NES
Full-time and part-time employees Casual employees
Annual leave
4 weeks paid leave per year (pro rata for part-time
employees) + 1 week for eligible shift workers
Personal leave
(sick or carer’s leave)
10 days paid leave per year
(pro rata for part-time employees)
Carer’s leave
2 days unpaid leave per permissible occasion
(if no paid personal leave left)
2 days unpaid leave per
permissible occasion
Compassionate leave 2 days paid leave per permissible occasion
2 days unpaid leave per
permissible occasion
Family and domestic
violence leave
10 days paid leave per year
Community service leave
• Jury service
Voluntary emergency
management activities
10 days paid leave with make-up pay + unpaid leave
as required for jury service
Unpaid leave to engage in other eligible community
service (such as voluntary emergency management
Unpaid leave as required
for jury service
Unpaid leave to engage in other
eligible community service
(such as voluntary emergency
management activities)
Long service leave
Full-time, part-time and casual employees may be entitled to long service leave under the
NES, an enterprise agreement or under state or territory legislation. Amount and eligibility
rules vary.
Parental leave
eligible after 12 months
12 months unpaid leave – can extend up to 24 months
with employer’s agreement
12 months unpaid leave for
regular and systematic casuals
– can extend up to 24 months
with employer’s agreement
Maximum hours of work
Full-time employees – 38 hours per week + reasonable additional hours
Part-time and casual employees – 38 hours or employee’s ordinary weekly hours
(whichever is less) + reasonable additional hours
Public holidays
A paid day o if you’d normally work. If asked to work
you can refuse, if reasonable to do so
An unpaid day o. If asked
to work you can refuse,
if reasonable to do so
Notice of termination
1–5 weeks notice (or pay instead of notice) based on
length of employment and age
Redundancy pay
eligible after 12 months
4 –16 weeks pay based on length of employment
(some exclusions apply)
Casual conversion
The right to become a full-time
or part-time employee in some
Fair Work Information Statement
Employers must give this document to new employees when they start work
Last updated August 2023
3Page of 3
See fairwork.gov.au/fwis
When your employment ends, your nal pay should
include all outstanding entitlements, such as wages
and unused annual leave and long service leave.
You may be entitled to notice of termination, or
pay instead of notice. If you’re dismissed for serious
misconduct, you’re not entitled to notice. If you resign you
may have to give your employer notice. To check if notice
is required and what should be in your nal pay visit:
If you think your dismissal was unfair or unlawful, you
have 21 calendar days to lodge a claim with the Fair Work
Commission. Rules and exceptions apply. Find out more at:
Union ocials with an entry permit can enter the
workplace to talk to workers that they’re entitled to
represent, or to investigate suspected safety issues or
breaches of workplace laws.
They must comply with certain requirements, such as
notifying the employer, and can inspect or copy certain
documents. Strict privacy rules apply to the permit
holder, their organisation and your employer to protect
your personal information. Find out more at:
Enterprise agreements are negotiated between an
employer (or one or more related employers), their
employees, and any employee representatives (for
example, a union). This process is called ‘bargaining’ and
has to follow set rules. The Fair Work Commission checks
and approves agreements. For information about making,
varying, or terminating an enterprise agreement visit:
If a transfer of business occurs, your employment with
your old employer ends. If you’re employed by the new
employer within 3 months to do the same (or similar) job,
some of your entitlements might carry over to the new
employer. This may happen if, for example, the business
is sold or work is outsourced. Find out more at:
After 12 months employment, you may have the
right to make a written request for exible working
arrangements. This includes if you’re pregnant, 55 or
over, a carer, have a disability, are experiencing family
and domestic violence, are supporting a member of your
immediate family or household who is experiencing family
and domestic violence, or are the parent of, or have caring
responsibilities for, a child of school age or younger.
Employers need to follow certain rules for responding
to a request for exible work arrangements, including
responding in writing within 21 days. Find out more about
these rules at:
All employees have protections at work. You can’t be
treated dierently or worse because you have or exercise
a workplace right, for example, the right to request exible
working arrangements, take leave or make a complaint or
enquiry about your employment.
You have the right to join a union or choose not to, and to
take part in lawful industrial activity or choose not to.
You have the right to talk about (or not talk about) your
current or past pay, and the terms and conditions of
employment that would be needed to work out your
pay (such as your hours of work). You can also ask other
employees the same thing (about their pay and terms and
conditions of employment) but they don’t have to tell you.
You also have protections when temporarily absent from
work due to illness or injury, and from discrimination,
bullying, sexual harassment, coercion, misrepresentation,
sham contracting, and undue inuence or pressure.
Find out more at:
You can create a free My account to save your
workplace information in one place:
You can nd free online courses to help you start
a new job or have dicult conversations at work:
The Record My Hours app makes it quick
and easy to record the hours you work:
You and your employer can also negotiate an individual
exibility arrangement. This would change how certain
terms in your award or enterprise agreement apply to you.
An individual exibility arrangement must be a genuine
choice – it can’t be a condition of employment – and it must
leave you better o overall.