Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 1 Introduction
Section 59
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Part 2-2—The National Employment Standards
Division 1—Introduction
59 Guide to this Part
This Part contains the National Employment Standards.
Division 2 identifies the National Employment Standards, the
detail of which is set out in Divisions 3 to 12.
Division 13 contains miscellaneous provisions relating to the
National Employment Standards.
The National Employment Standards are minimum standards that
apply to the employment of national system employees. Part 2-1
(which deals with the core provisions for this Chapter) contains the
obligation for employers to comply with the National Employment
Standards (see section 44).
The National Employment Standards also underpin what can be
included in modern awards and enterprise agreements. Part 2-1
provides that the National Employment Standards cannot be
excluded by modern awards or enterprise agreements, and contains
other provisions about the interaction between the National
Employment Standards and modern awards or enterprise
agreements (see sections 55 and 56).
Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 6-3 extend the operation of the parental
leave and notice of termination provisions of the National
Employment Standards to employees who are not national system
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Introduction Division 1
Section 60
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
60 Meanings of employee and employer
In this Part, employee means a national system employee, and
employer means a national system employer.
Note: See also Division 2 of Part 6-4A (TCF contract outworkers taken to be
employees in certain circumstances).
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 2 The National Employment Standards
Section 61
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
Division 2—The National Employment Standards
61 The National Employment Standards are minimum standards
applying to employment of employees
(1) This Part sets minimum standards that apply to the employment of
employees which cannot be displaced, even if an enterprise
agreement includes terms of the kind referred to in
subsection 55(5).
Note: Subsection 55(5) allows enterprise agreements to include terms that
have the same (or substantially the same) effect as provisions of the
National Employment Standards.
(2) The minimum standards relate to the following matters:
(a) maximum weekly hours (Division 3);
(b) requests for flexible working arrangements (Division 4);
(ba) offers and requests for casual conversion (Division 4A);
(c) parental leave and related entitlements (Division 5);
(d) annual leave (Division 6);
(e) personal/carer’s leave, compassionate leave and paid family
and domestic violence leave (Division 7);
(f) community service leave (Division 8);
(g) long service leave (Division 9);
(h) public holidays (Division 10);
(ha) superannuation contributions (Division 10A);
(i) notice of termination and redundancy pay (Division 11);
(j) Fair Work Information Statement (Division 12).
(3) Divisions 3 to 12 constitute the National Employment Standards.
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Maximum weekly hours Division 3
Section 62
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Division 3—Maximum weekly hours
62 Maximum weekly hours
Maximum weekly hours of work
(1) An employer must not request or require an employee to work
more than the following number of hours in a week unless the
additional hours are reasonable:
(a) for a full-time employee—38 hours; or
(b) for an employee who is not a full-time employee—the lesser
(i) 38 hours; and
(ii) the employee’s ordinary hours of work in a week.
Employee may refuse to work unreasonable additional hours
(2) The employee may refuse to work additional hours (beyond those
referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (b)) if they are unreasonable.
Determining whether additional hours are reasonable
(3) In determining whether additional hours are reasonable or
unreasonable for the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), the
following must be taken into account:
(a) any risk to employee health and safety from working the
additional hours;
(b) the employee’s personal circumstances, including family
(c) the needs of the workplace or enterprise in which the
employee is employed;
(d) whether the employee is entitled to receive overtime
payments, penalty rates or other compensation for, or a level
of remuneration that reflects an expectation of, working
additional hours;
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 3 Maximum weekly hours
Section 63
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(e) any notice given by the employer of any request or
requirement to work the additional hours;
(f) any notice given by the employee of his or her intention to
refuse to work the additional hours;
(g) the usual patterns of work in the industry, or the part of an
industry, in which the employee works;
(h) the nature of the employee’s role, and the employee’s level of
(i) whether the additional hours are in accordance with
averaging terms included under section 63 in a modern award
or enterprise agreement that applies to the employee, or with
an averaging arrangement agreed to by the employer and
employee under section 64;
(j) any other relevant matter.
Authorised leave or absence treated as hours worked
(4) For the purposes of subsection (1), the hours an employee works in
a week are taken to include any hours of leave, or absence, whether
paid or unpaid, that the employee takes in the week and that are
(a) by the employee’s employer; or
(b) by or under a term or condition of the employee’s
employment; or
(c) by or under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a
Territory, or an instrument in force under such a law.
63 Modern awards and enterprise agreements may provide for
averaging of hours of work
(1) A modern award or enterprise agreement may include terms
providing for the averaging of hours of work over a specified
period. The average weekly hours over the period must not exceed:
(a) for a full-time employee—38 hours; or
(b) for an employee who is not a full-time employee—the lesser
(i) 38 hours; and
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Maximum weekly hours Division 3
Section 64
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(ii) the employee’s ordinary hours of work in a week.
(2) The terms of a modern award or enterprise agreement may provide
for average weekly hours that exceed the hours referred to in
paragraph (1)(a) or (b) if the excess hours are reasonable for the
purposes of subsection 62(1).
Note: Hours in excess of the hours referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) that
are worked in a week in accordance with averaging terms in a modern
award or enterprise agreement (whether the terms comply with
subsection (1) or (2)) will be treated as additional hours for the
purposes of section 62. The averaging terms will be relevant in
determining whether the additional hours are reasonable (see
paragraph 62(3)(i)).
64 Averaging of hours of work for award/agreement free employees
(1) An employer and an award/agreement free employee may agree in
writing to an averaging arrangement under which hours of work
over a specified period of not more than 26 weeks are averaged.
The average weekly hours over the specified period must not
(a) for a full-time employee—38 hours; or
(b) for an employee who is not a full-time employee—the lesser
(i) 38 hours; and
(ii) the employee’s ordinary hours of work in a week.
(2) The agreed averaging arrangement may provide for average
weekly hours that exceed the hours referred to in paragraph (1)(a)
or (b) if the excess hours are reasonable for the purposes of
subsection 62(1).
Note: Hours in excess of the hours referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) that
are worked in a week in accordance with an agreed averaging
arrangement (whether the arrangement complies with subsection (1)
or (2)) will be treated as additional hours for the purposes of
section 62. The averaging arrangement will be relevant in determining
whether the additional hours are reasonable (see paragraph 62(3)(i)).
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4 Requests for flexible working arrangements
Section 65
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
Division 4—Requests for flexible working arrangements
65 Requests for flexible working arrangements
Employee may request change in working arrangements
(1) If:
(a) any of the circumstances referred to in subsection (1A) apply
to an employee; and
(b) the employee would like to change his or her working
arrangements because of those circumstances;
then the employee may request the employer for a change in
working arrangements relating to those circumstances.
Note: Examples of changes in working arrangements include changes in
hours of work, changes in patterns of work and changes in location of
(1A) The following are the circumstances:
(aa) the employee is pregnant;
(a) the employee is the parent, or has responsibility for the care,
of a child who is of school age or younger;
(b) the employee is a carer (within the meaning of the Carer
Recognition Act 2010);
(c) the employee has a disability;
(d) the employee is 55 or older;
(e) the employee is experiencing family and domestic violence;
(f) the employee provides care or support to a member of the
employee’s immediate family, or a member of the
employee’s household, who requires care or support because
the member is experiencing family and domestic violence.
(1B) To avoid doubt, and without limiting subsection (1), an employee
(a) is a parent, or has responsibility for the care, of a child; and
(b) is returning to work after taking leave in relation to the birth
or adoption of the child;
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Requests for flexible working arrangements Division 4
Section 65A
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
may request to work part-time to assist the employee to care for the
(2) The employee is not entitled to make the request unless:
(a) for an employee other than a casual employee—the employee
has completed at least 12 months of continuous service with
the employer immediately before making the request; or
(b) for a casual employee—the employee:
(i) is, immediately before making the request, a regular
casual employee of the employer who has been
employed on that basis for a sequence of periods of
employment during a period of at least 12 months; and
(ii) has a reasonable expectation of continuing employment
by the employer on a regular and systematic basis.
(2A) For the purposes of applying paragraph (2)(a) in relation to an
employee who has had their employment converted under
Division 4A of Part 2-2, any period for which the employee was a
regular casual employee of the employer is taken to be continuous
service for the purposes of that paragraph.
Formal requirements
(3) The request must:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) set out details of the change sought and of the reasons for the
Agreeing to the request
65A Responding to requests for flexible working arrangements
Responding to the request
(1) If, under subsection 65(1), an employee requests an employer for a
change in working arrangements relating to circumstances that
apply to the employee, the employer must give the employee a
written response to the request within 21 days.
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4 Requests for flexible working arrangements
Section 65A
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(2) The response must:
(a) state that the employer grants the request; or
(b) if, following discussion between the employer and the
employee, the employer and the employee agree to a change
to the employee’s working arrangements that differs from
that set out in the request—set out the agreed change; or
(c) subject to subsection (3)—state that the employer refuses the
request and include the matters required by subsection (6).
(3) The employer may refuse the request only if:
(a) the employer has:
(i) discussed the request with the employee; and
(ii) genuinely tried to reach an agreement with the
employee about making changes to the employee’s
working arrangements to accommodate the
circumstances mentioned in subsection (1); and
(b) the employer and the employee have not reached such an
agreement; and
(c) the employer has had regard to the consequences of the
refusal for the employee; and
(d) the refusal is on reasonable business grounds.
Note: An employer’s grounds for refusing a request may be taken to be
reasonable business grounds, or not to be reasonable business
grounds, in certain circumstances: see subsection 65C(5).
(4) To avoid doubt, subparagraph (3)(a)(ii) does not require the
employer to agree to a change to the employee’s working
arrangements if the employer would have reasonable business
grounds for refusing a request for the change.
Reasonable business grounds for refusing requests
(5) Without limiting what are reasonable business grounds for the
purposes of paragraph (3)(d) and subsection (4), reasonable
business grounds for refusing a request include the following:
(a) that the new working arrangements requested would be too
costly for the employer;
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Requests for flexible working arrangements Division 4
Section 65A
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(b) that there is no capacity to change the working arrangements
of other employees to accommodate the new working
arrangements requested;
(c) that it would be impractical to change the working
arrangements of other employees, or recruit new employees,
to accommodate the new working arrangements requested;
(d) that the new working arrangements requested would be likely
to result in a significant loss in efficiency or productivity;
(e) that the new working arrangements requested would be likely
to have a significant negative impact on customer service.
Note: The specific circumstances of the employer, including the nature and
size of the enterprise carried on by the employer, are relevant to
whether the employer has reasonable business grounds for refusing a
request for the purposes of paragraph (3)(d) and subsection (4). For
example, if the employer has only a small number of employees, there
may be no capacity to change the working arrangements of other
employees to accommodate the request (see paragraph (5)(b)).
Employer must explain grounds for refusal
(6) If the employer refuses the request, the written response under
subsection (1) must:
(a) include details of the reasons for the refusal; and
(b) without limiting paragraph (a) of this subsection:
(i) set out the employer’s particular business grounds for
refusing the request; and
(ii) explain how those grounds apply to the request; and
(c) either:
(i) set out the changes (other than the requested change) in
the employee’s working arrangements that would
accommodate, to any extent, the circumstances
mentioned in subsection (1) and that the employer
would be willing to make; or
(ii) state that there are no such changes; and
(d) set out the effect of sections 65B and 65C.
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4 Requests for flexible working arrangements
Section 65B
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Genuinely trying to reach an agreement
(7) This section does not affect, and is not affected by, the meaning of
the expression “genuinely trying to reach an agreement”, or any
variant of the expression, as used elsewhere in this Act.
65B Disputes about the operation of this Division
Application of this section
(1) This section applies to a dispute between an employer and an
employee about the operation of this Division if:
(a) the dispute relates to a request by the employee to the
employer under subsection 65(1) for a change in working
arrangements relating to circumstances that apply to the
employee; and
(b) either:
(i) the employer has refused the request; or
(ii) 21 days have passed since the employee made the
request, and the employer has not given the employee a
written response to the request under section 65A.
Note 1: Modern awards and enterprise agreements must include a term that
provides a procedure for settling disputes in relation to the National
Employment Standards (see paragraph 146(b) and subsection 186(6)).
Note 2: Subsection 55(4) permits inclusion of terms that are ancillary or
incidental to, or that supplement, the National Employment Standards.
However, a term of a modern award or an enterprise agreement has no
effect to the extent it contravenes section 55 (see section 56).
Resolving disputes
(2) In the first instance, the parties to the dispute must attempt to
resolve the dispute at the workplace level, by discussions between
the parties.
FWC may deal with disputes
(3) If discussions at the workplace level do not resolve the dispute, a
party to the dispute may refer the dispute to the FWC.
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Requests for flexible working arrangements Division 4
Section 65C
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
(4) If a dispute is referred under subsection (3):
(a) the FWC must first deal with the dispute by means other than
arbitration, unless there are exceptional circumstances; and
(b) the FWC may deal with the dispute by arbitration in
accordance with section 65C.
Note: For the purposes of paragraph (a), the FWC may deal with the dispute
as it considers appropriate. The FWC commonly deals with disputes
by conciliation. The FWC may also deal with the dispute by
mediation, making a recommendation or expressing an opinion (see
subsection 595(2)).
(5) The employer or employee may appoint a person or industrial
association to provide the employer or employee (as the case may
be) with support or representation for the purposes of:
(a) resolving the dispute; or
(b) the FWC dealing with the dispute.
Note: A person may be represented by a lawyer or paid agent in a matter
before the FWC only with the permission of the FWC (see
section 596).
65C Arbitration
(1) For the purposes of paragraph 65B(4)(b), the FWC may deal with
the dispute by arbitration by making any of the following orders:
(a) if the employer has not given the employee a written
response to the request under section 65A—an order that the
employer be taken to have refused the request;
(b) if the employer refused the request:
(i) an order that it would be appropriate for the grounds on
which the employer refused the request to be taken to
have been reasonable business grounds; or
(ii) an order that it would be appropriate for the grounds on
which the employer refused the request to be taken not
to have been reasonable business grounds;
(e) if the FWC is satisfied that the employer has not responded,
or has not responded adequately, to the employee’s request
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4 Requests for flexible working arrangements
Section 65C
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
under section 65A—an order that the employer take such
further steps as the FWC considers appropriate, having
regard to the matters in section 65A;
(f) subject to subsection (3) of this section:
(i) an order that the employer grant the request; or
(ii) an order that the employer make specified changes
(other than the requested changes) in the employee’s
working arrangements to accommodate, to any extent,
the circumstances mentioned in paragraph 65B(1)(a).
Note: An order by the FWC under paragraph (e) could, for example, require
the employer to give a response, or further response, to the
employee’s request, and could set out matters that must be included in
the response or further response.
(2) In making an order under subsection (1), the FWC must take into
account fairness between the employer and the employee.
(2A) The FWC must not make an order under paragraph (1)(e) or (f) that
would be inconsistent with:
(a) a provision of this Act; or
(b) a term of a fair work instrument (other than an order made
under that paragraph) that, immediately before the order is
made, applies to the employer and employee.
(3) The FWC may make an order under paragraph (1)(f) only if the
FWC is satisfied that there is no reasonable prospect of the dispute
being resolved without the making of such an order.
(4) If the FWC makes an order under paragraph (1)(a), the employer is
taken to have refused the request.
(5) If the FWC makes an order under paragraph (1)(b), the grounds on
which the employer refuses the request are taken:
(a) for an order made under subparagraph (1)(b)(i)—to be
reasonable business grounds; or
(b) for an order made under subparagraph (1)(b)(ii)—not to be
reasonable business grounds.
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Requests for flexible working arrangements Division 4
Section 66
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Contravening an order under subsection (1)
(6) A person must not contravene a term of an order made under
subsection (1).
Note: This subsection is a civil remedy provision (see Part 4-1).
66 State and Territory laws that are not excluded
This Act is not intended to apply to the exclusion of laws of a State
or Territory that provide employee entitlements in relation to
flexible working arrangements, to the extent that those entitlements
are more beneficial to employees than the entitlements under this
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4A Offers and requests for casual conversion
Section 66A
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
Division 4A—Offers and requests for casual conversion
Subdivision A—Application of Division
66A Division applies to casual employees etc.
(1) This Division applies in relation to an employee who is a casual
(2) A reference in this Division to full-time employment or part-time
employment is taken not to include employment for a specified
period of time, for a specified task or for the duration of a specified
Subdivision B—Employer offers for casual conversion
66AA Subdivision does not apply to small business employers
This Subdivision does not apply in relation to an employer that is a
small business employer.
66B Employer offers
(1) Subject to section 66C, an employer must make an offer to a casual
employee under this section if:
(a) the employee has been employed by the employer for a
period of 12 months beginning the day the employment
started; and
(b) during at least the last 6 months of that period, the employee
has worked a regular pattern of hours on an ongoing basis
which, without significant adjustment, the employee could
continue to work as a full-time employee or a part-time
employee (as the case may be).
Note: An employee who meets the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b)
would also be a regular casual employee because the employee has
been employed by the employer on a regular and systematic basis.
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Offers and requests for casual conversion Division 4A
Section 66C
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
(2) The offer must:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) be an offer for the employee to convert:
(i) for an employee that has worked the equivalent of
full-time hours during the period referred to in
paragraph (1)(b)—to full-time employment; or
(ii) for an employee that has worked less than the
equivalent of full-time hours during the period referred
to in paragraph (1)(b)—to part-time employment that is
consistent with the regular pattern of hours worked
during that period; and
(c) be given to the employee within the period of 21 days after
the end of the 12 month period referred to in
paragraph (1)(a).
Note: If an offer is accepted, the conversion to full-time employment or
part-time employment has effect for all purposes (see section 66K).
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(b), in determining whether an
award/agreement free employee has worked the equivalent of
full-time hours, regard may be had to the hours of work of any
other full-time employees of the employer employed in the same
position as (or in a position that is comparable to) the position of
the employee.
66C When employer offers not required
(1) Despite section 66B, an employer is not required to make an offer
under that section to a casual employee if:
(a) there are reasonable grounds not to make the offer; and
(b) the reasonable grounds are based on facts that are known, or
reasonably foreseeable, at the time of deciding not to make
the offer.
(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(a), reasonable grounds for deciding
not to make an offer include the following:
(a) the employee’s position will cease to exist in the period of 12
months after the time of deciding not to make the offer;
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4A Offers and requests for casual conversion
Section 66C
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(b) the hours of work which the employee is required to perform
will be significantly reduced in that period;
(c) there will be a significant change in either or both of the
following in that period:
(i) the days on which the employee’s hours of work are
required to be performed;
(ii) the times at which the employee’s hours of work are
required to be performed;
which cannot be accommodated within the days or times the
employee is available to work during that period;
(d) making the offer would not comply with a recruitment or
selection process required by or under a law of the
Commonwealth or a State or a Territory.
(3) An employer must give written notice to a casual employee in
accordance with subsection (4) if:
(a) the employer decides under subsection (1) not to make an
offer to the employee; or
(b) the employee has been employed by the employer for the 12
month period referred to in paragraph 66B(1)(a) but does not
meet the requirement referred to in paragraph 66B(1)(b).
Note: If an employer fails to give notice to a casual employee, the employee
has a residual right to request conversion to full-time or part-time
employment in certain circumstances: see Subdivision C.
(4) The notice must:
(a) advise the employee that the employer is not making an offer
under section 66B; and
(b) include details of the reasons for not making the offer
(including any grounds on which the employer has decided to
not make the offer); and
(c) be given to the employee within 21 days after the end of the
12 month period referred to in paragraph 66B(1)(a).
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Offers and requests for casual conversion Division 4A
Section 66D
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
66D Employee must give a response
(1) The employee must give the employer a written response to the
offer within 21 days after the offer is given to the employee, stating
whether the employee accepts or declines the offer.
(2) If the employee fails to give the employer a written response in
accordance with subsection (1), the employee is taken to have
declined the offer.
66E Acceptances of offers
(1) If the employee accepts the offer, the employer must, within 21
days after the day the acceptance is given to the employer, give
written notice to the employee of the following:
(a) whether the employee is converting to full-time employment
or part-time employment;
(b) the employee’s hours of work after the conversion takes
(c) the day the employee’s conversion to full-time employment
or part-time employment takes effect.
(2) However, the employer must discuss with the employee the matters
the employer intends to specify for the purposes of
paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c) before giving the notice.
(3) The day specified for the purposes of paragraph (1)(c) must be the
first day of the employee’s first full pay period that starts after the
day the notice is given, unless the employee and employer agree to
another day.
Subdivision C—Residual right to request casual conversion
66F Employee requests
(1) A casual employee may make a request of an employer under this
section if:
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4A Offers and requests for casual conversion
Section 66F
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(a) the employee has been employed by the employer for a
period of at least 12 months beginning the day the
employment started; and
(b) the employee has, in the period of 6 months ending the day
the request is given, worked a regular pattern of hours on an
ongoing basis which, without significant adjustment, the
employee could continue to work as a full-time employee or
a part-time employee (as the case may be); and
(c) all of the following apply:
(i) the employee has not, at any time during the period
referred to in paragraph (b), refused an offer made to the
employee under section 66B;
(ii) the employer has not, at any time during that period,
given the employee a notice in accordance with
paragraph 66C(3)(a) (which deals with notice of
employer decisions not to make offers on reasonable
(iii) the employer has not, at any time during that period,
given a response to the employee under section 66G
refusing a previous request made under this section;
(iv) if the employer is not a small business employer—the
request is not made during the period of 21 days after
the period referred to in paragraph 66B(1)(a).
Note: Nothing in this Subdivision prevents an employee from requesting to
convert to full-time or part-time employment outside the provisions of
this Division, or prevents an employer from granting such a request.
(2) The request must:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) be a request for the employee to convert:
(i) for an employee that has worked the equivalent of
full-time hours during the period referred to in
paragraph (1)(b)—to full-time employment; or
(ii) for an employee that has worked less than the
equivalent of full-time hours during the period referred
to in paragraph (1)(b)—to part-time employment that is
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The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Offers and requests for casual conversion Division 4A
Section 66G
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Compilation No. 57
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consistent with the regular pattern of hours worked
during that period; and
(c) be given to the employer.
Note: If a request is accepted, the conversion to full-time employment or
part-time employment has effect for all purposes (see section 66K).
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), in determining whether an
award/agreement free employee has worked the equivalent of
full-time hours, regard may be had to the hours of work of any
other full-time employees of the employer employed in the same
position as (or in a position that is comparable to) the position of
the employee.
66G Employer must give a response
The employer must give the employee a written response to the
request within 21 days after the request is given to the employer,
stating whether the employer grants or refuses the request.
66H Refusals of requests
(1) The employer must not refuse the request unless:
(a) the employer has consulted the employee; and
(b) there are reasonable grounds to refuse the request; and
(c) the reasonable grounds are based on facts that are known, or
reasonably foreseeable, at the time of refusing the request.
(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(b), reasonable grounds for refusing
the request include the following:
(a) it would require a significant adjustment to the employee’s
hours of work in order for the employee to be employed as a
full-time employee or part-time employee;
(b) the employee’s position will cease to exist in the period of 12
months after giving the request;
(c) the hours of work which the employee is required to perform
will be significantly reduced in the period of 12 months after
giving the request;
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4A Offers and requests for casual conversion
Section 66A
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Compilation No. 57
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Division 4A—Offers and requests for casual conversion
Subdivision A—Application of Division
66A Division applies to casual employees etc.
(1) This Division applies in relation to an employee who is a casual
(2) A reference in this Division to full-time employment or part-time
employment is taken not to include employment for a specified
period of time, for a specified task or for the duration of a specified
Subdivision B—Employer offers for casual conversion
66AA Subdivision does not apply to small business employers
This Subdivision does not apply in relation to an employer that is a
small business employer.
66B Employer offers
(1) Subject to section 66C, an employer must make an offer to a casual
employee under this section if:
(a) the employee has been employed by the employer for a
period of 12 months beginning the day the employment
started; and
(b) during at least the last 6 months of that period, the employee
has worked a regular pattern of hours on an ongoing basis
which, without significant adjustment, the employee could
continue to work as a full-time employee or a part-time
employee (as the case may be).
Note: An employee who meets the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b)
would also be a regular casual employee because the employee has
been employed by the employer on a regular and systematic basis.
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Offers and requests for casual conversion Division 4A
Section 66C
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Compilation No. 57
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(2) The offer must:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) be an offer for the employee to convert:
(i) for an employee that has worked the equivalent of
full-time hours during the period referred to in
paragraph (1)(b)—to full-time employment; or
(ii) for an employee that has worked less than the
equivalent of full-time hours during the period referred
to in paragraph (1)(b)—to part-time employment that is
consistent with the regular pattern of hours worked
during that period; and
(c) be given to the employee within the period of 21 days after
the end of the 12 month period referred to in
paragraph (1)(a).
Note: If an offer is accepted, the conversion to full-time employment or
part-time employment has effect for all purposes (see section 66K).
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(b), in determining whether an
award/agreement free employee has worked the equivalent of
full-time hours, regard may be had to the hours of work of any
other full-time employees of the employer employed in the same
position as (or in a position that is comparable to) the position of
the employee.
66C When employer offers not required
(1) Despite section 66B, an employer is not required to make an offer
under that section to a casual employee if:
(a) there are reasonable grounds not to make the offer; and
(b) the reasonable grounds are based on facts that are known, or
reasonably foreseeable, at the time of deciding not to make
the offer.
(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(a), reasonable grounds for deciding
not to make an offer include the following:
(a) the employee’s position will cease to exist in the period of 12
months after the time of deciding not to make the offer;
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Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4A Offers and requests for casual conversion
Section 66C
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(b) the hours of work which the employee is required to perform
will be significantly reduced in that period;
(c) there will be a significant change in either or both of the
following in that period:
(i) the days on which the employee’s hours of work are
required to be performed;
(ii) the times at which the employee’s hours of work are
required to be performed;
which cannot be accommodated within the days or times the
employee is available to work during that period;
(d) making the offer would not comply with a recruitment or
selection process required by or under a law of the
Commonwealth or a State or a Territory.
(3) An employer must give written notice to a casual employee in
accordance with subsection (4) if:
(a) the employer decides under subsection (1) not to make an
offer to the employee; or
(b) the employee has been employed by the employer for the 12
month period referred to in paragraph 66B(1)(a) but does not
meet the requirement referred to in paragraph 66B(1)(b).
Note: If an employer fails to give notice to a casual employee, the employee
has a residual right to request conversion to full-time or part-time
employment in certain circumstances: see Subdivision C.
(4) The notice must:
(a) advise the employee that the employer is not making an offer
under section 66B; and
(b) include details of the reasons for not making the offer
(including any grounds on which the employer has decided to
not make the offer); and
(c) be given to the employee within 21 days after the end of the
12 month period referred to in paragraph 66B(1)(a).
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The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Offers and requests for casual conversion Division 4A
Section 66D
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66D Employee must give a response
(1) The employee must give the employer a written response to the
offer within 21 days after the offer is given to the employee, stating
whether the employee accepts or declines the offer.
(2) If the employee fails to give the employer a written response in
accordance with subsection (1), the employee is taken to have
declined the offer.
66E Acceptances of offers
(1) If the employee accepts the offer, the employer must, within 21
days after the day the acceptance is given to the employer, give
written notice to the employee of the following:
(a) whether the employee is converting to full-time employment
or part-time employment;
(b) the employee’s hours of work after the conversion takes
(c) the day the employee’s conversion to full-time employment
or part-time employment takes effect.
(2) However, the employer must discuss with the employee the matters
the employer intends to specify for the purposes of
paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c) before giving the notice.
(3) The day specified for the purposes of paragraph (1)(c) must be the
first day of the employee’s first full pay period that starts after the
day the notice is given, unless the employee and employer agree to
another day.
Subdivision C—Residual right to request casual conversion
66F Employee requests
(1) A casual employee may make a request of an employer under this
section if:
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4A Offers and requests for casual conversion
Section 66F
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Compilation No. 57
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(a) the employee has been employed by the employer for a
period of at least 12 months beginning the day the
employment started; and
(b) the employee has, in the period of 6 months ending the day
the request is given, worked a regular pattern of hours on an
ongoing basis which, without significant adjustment, the
employee could continue to work as a full-time employee or
a part-time employee (as the case may be); and
(c) all of the following apply:
(i) the employee has not, at any time during the period
referred to in paragraph (b), refused an offer made to the
employee under section 66B;
(ii) the employer has not, at any time during that period,
given the employee a notice in accordance with
paragraph 66C(3)(a) (which deals with notice of
employer decisions not to make offers on reasonable
(iii) the employer has not, at any time during that period,
given a response to the employee under section 66G
refusing a previous request made under this section;
(iv) if the employer is not a small business employer—the
request is not made during the period of 21 days after
the period referred to in paragraph 66B(1)(a).
Note: Nothing in this Subdivision prevents an employee from requesting to
convert to full-time or part-time employment outside the provisions of
this Division, or prevents an employer from granting such a request.
(2) The request must:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) be a request for the employee to convert:
(i) for an employee that has worked the equivalent of
full-time hours during the period referred to in
paragraph (1)(b)—to full-time employment; or
(ii) for an employee that has worked less than the
equivalent of full-time hours during the period referred
to in paragraph (1)(b)—to part-time employment that is
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The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Offers and requests for casual conversion Division 4A
Section 66G
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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consistent with the regular pattern of hours worked
during that period; and
(c) be given to the employer.
Note: If a request is accepted, the conversion to full-time employment or
part-time employment has effect for all purposes (see section 66K).
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(b), in determining whether an
award/agreement free employee has worked the equivalent of
full-time hours, regard may be had to the hours of work of any
other full-time employees of the employer employed in the same
position as (or in a position that is comparable to) the position of
the employee.
66G Employer must give a response
The employer must give the employee a written response to the
request within 21 days after the request is given to the employer,
stating whether the employer grants or refuses the request.
66H Refusals of requests
(1) The employer must not refuse the request unless:
(a) the employer has consulted the employee; and
(b) there are reasonable grounds to refuse the request; and
(c) the reasonable grounds are based on facts that are known, or
reasonably foreseeable, at the time of refusing the request.
(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(b), reasonable grounds for refusing
the request include the following:
(a) it would require a significant adjustment to the employee’s
hours of work in order for the employee to be employed as a
full-time employee or part-time employee;
(b) the employee’s position will cease to exist in the period of 12
months after giving the request;
(c) the hours of work which the employee is required to perform
will be significantly reduced in the period of 12 months after
giving the request;
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4A Offers and requests for casual conversion
Section 66J
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Compilation No. 57
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(d) there will be a significant change in either or both of the
following in the period of 12 months after giving the request:
(i) the days on which the employee’s hours of work are
required to be performed;
(ii) the times at which the employee’s hours of work are
required to be performed;
which cannot be accommodated within the days or times the
employee is available to work during that period;
(e) granting the request would not comply with a recruitment or
selection process required by or under a law of the
Commonwealth or a State or a Territory.
(3) If the employer refuses the request, the written response under
section 66G must include details of the reasons for the refusal.
66J Grants of requests
(1) If the employer grants the request, the employer must, within 21
days after the day the request is given to the employer, give written
notice to the employee of the following:
(a) whether the employee is converting to full-time employment
or part-time employment;
(b) the employee’s hours of work after the conversion takes
(c) the day the employee’s conversion to full-time employment
or part-time employment takes effect.
(2) However, the employer must discuss with the employee the matters
the employer intends to specify for the purposes of
paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c) before giving the notice.
(3) The day specified for the purposes of paragraph (1)(c) must be the
first day of the employee’s first full pay period that starts after the
day the notice is given, unless the employee and employer agree to
another day.
(4) To avoid doubt, the notice may be included in the written response
under section 66G.
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The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Offers and requests for casual conversion Division 4A
Section 66K
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Subdivision D—Other provisions
66K Effect of conversion
To avoid doubt, an employee is taken, on and after the day
specified in a notice for the purposes of paragraph 66E(1)(c) or
66J(1)(c), to be a full-time employee or part-time employee of the
employer for the purposes of the following:
(a) this Act and any other law of the Commonwealth;
(b) a law of a State or Territory;
(c) any fair work instrument that applies to the employee;
(d) the employee’s contract of employment.
66L Other rights and obligations
(1) An employer must not reduce or vary an employee’s hours of
work, or terminate an employee’s employment, in order to avoid
any right or obligation under this Division.
Note: The general protections provisions in Part 3-1 also prohibit the taking
of adverse action by an employer against an employee (which includes
a casual employee) because of a workplace right of the employee
under this Division.
(2) Nothing in this Division:
(a) requires an employee to convert to full-time employment or
part-time employment; or
(b) permits an employer to require an employee to convert to
full-time employment or part-time employment; or
(c) requires an employer to increase the hours of work of an
employee who requests conversion to full-time employment
or part-time employment under this Division.
66M Disputes about the operation of this Division
Application of this section
(1) This section applies to a dispute between an employer and
employee about the operation of this Division.
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 4A Offers and requests for casual conversion
Section 66M
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Compilation No. 57
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(2) However, this section does not apply in relation to the dispute if
any of the following includes a term that provides a procedure for
dealing with the dispute:
(a) a fair work instrument that applies to the employee;
(b) the employee’s contract of employment;
(c) another written agreement between the employer and
Note: Modern awards and enterprise agreements must include a term that
provides a procedure for settling disputes in relation to the National
Employment Standards (see paragraph 146(b) and subsection 186(6)).
Resolving disputes
(3) In the first instance, the parties to the dispute must attempt to
resolve the dispute at the workplace level, by discussions between
the parties.
FWC may deal with disputes
(4) If discussions at the workplace level do not resolve the dispute, a
party to the dispute may refer the dispute to the FWC.
(5) If a dispute is referred under subsection (4):
(a) the FWC must deal with the dispute; and
(b) if the parties notify the FWC that they agree to the FWC
arbitrating the dispute—the FWC may deal with the dispute
by arbitration.
Note: For the purposes of paragraph (a), the FWC may deal with the dispute
as it considers appropriate, including by mediation, conciliation,
making a recommendation or expressing an opinion (see
subsection 595(2)).
(6) The employer or employee to the dispute may appoint a person or
industrial association to provide the employer or employee (as the
case may be) with support or representation for the purposes of
resolving, or the FWC dealing with, the dispute.
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The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Offers and requests for casual conversion Division 4A
Section 66M
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Compilation No. 57
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Note: A person may be represented by a lawyer or paid agent in a matter
before the FWC only with the permission of the FWC (see
section 596).
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 67
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
Division 5—Parental leave and related entitlements
Subdivision A—General
67 General rule—employee must have completed at least 12 months
of service
Employees other than casual employees
(1) An employee, other than a casual employee, is not entitled to leave
under this Division (other than unpaid pre-adoption leave or unpaid
no safe job leave) unless the employee has, or will have, completed
at least 12 months of continuous service with the employer
immediately before the date that applies under subsection (3).
(1A) For the purposes of applying subsection (1) in relation to an
employee who has had their employment converted under
Division 4A of Part 2-2, any period for which the employee was a
regular casual employee of the employer is taken to be continuous
service for the purposes of that subsection.
Casual employees
(2) A casual employee, is not entitled to leave (other than unpaid
pre-adoption leave or unpaid no safe job leave) under this Division
(a) the employee is, or will be, immediately before the date that
applies under subsection (3), a regular casual employee of the
employer who has been employed on that basis for a
sequence of periods of employment during a period of at
least 12 months; and
(b) but for:
(i) the birth or expected birth of the child; or
(ii) the placement or the expected placement of the child;
the employee would have a reasonable expectation of
continuing employment by the employer on a regular and
systematic basis.
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The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Parental leave and related entitlements Division 5
Section 67
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Compilation No. 57
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Date at which employee must have completed 12 months of service
(3) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), the date that applies is:
(a) if the leave is:
(i) birth-related leave starting before the birth of the child;
(ii) unpaid special parental leave;
the expected date of birth of the child; or
(b) in any other case—the date on which the employee’s period
of leave is to start.
Meaning of birth-related leave
(4) Birth-related leave means leave of either of the following kinds:
(a) unpaid parental leave taken in association with the birth of a
child (see section 70);
(b) unpaid special parental leave (see section 80).
Meaning of adoption-related leave
(5) Adoption-related leave means leave of either of the following
(a) unpaid parental leave taken in association with the placement
of a child for adoption (see section 70);
(b) unpaid pre-adoption leave (see section 85).
Meaning of day of placement
(6) The day of placement, in relation to the adoption of a child by an
employee, means the earlier of the following days:
(a) the day on which the employee first takes custody of the
child for the adoption;
(b) the day on which the employee starts any travel that is
reasonably necessary to take custody of the child for the
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 68
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Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
68 General rule for adoption-related leave—child must be under 16
An employee is not entitled to adoption-related leave unless the
child that is, or is to be, placed with the employee for adoption:
(a) is, or will be, under 16 as at the day of placement, or the
expected day of placement, of the child; and
(b) has not, or will not have, lived continuously with the
employee for a period of 6 months or more as at the day of
placement, or the expected day of placement, of the child;
(c) is not (otherwise than because of the adoption) a child of the
employee or the employee’s spouse or de facto partner.
69 Transfer of employment situations in which employee is entitled
to continue on leave etc.
(1) If:
(a) there is a transfer of employment in relation to an employee;
(b) the employee has already started a period of leave under this
Division when the employee’s employment with the first
employer ends;
the employee is entitled to continue on that leave for the rest of that
(2) If:
(a) there is a transfer of employment in relation to an employee;
(b) the employee has, in relation to the first employer, already
taken a step that is required or permitted by a provision of
this Division in relation to taking a period of leave;
the employee is taken to have taken the step in relation to the
second employer.
Note: Steps covered by this subsection include (for example) complying
with a notice or evidence requirement of section 74 in relation to the
first employer.
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The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Parental leave and related entitlements Division 5
Section 70
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Subdivision B—Parental leave
70 Entitlement to unpaid parental leave
An employee is entitled to 12 months of unpaid parental leave if:
(a) the leave is associated with:
(i) the birth of a child of the employee or the employee’s
spouse or de facto partner; or
(ii) the placement of a child with the employee for
adoption; and
(b) the employee has or will have a responsibility for the care of
the child.
Note: The employee’s entitlement under this section may be affected by
other provisions of this Division.
71 The period of leave
Application of this section
(1) This section applies to an employee who intends to take unpaid
parental leave.
Leave must be taken in single continuous period
(2) The employee must take the leave in a single continuous period.
Note 1: An employee may take a form of paid leave at the same time as the
employee is on unpaid parental leave (see section 79).
Note 2: For provisions affecting the rule in this subsection, see:
(a) subsection 72A(11) (flexible unpaid parental leave); and
(b) subsection 73(4) (pregnant employee may be required to take
unpaid parental leave within 6 weeks before the birth); and
(c) paragraph 78A(2)(b) (permitted work periods while child is
hospitalised); and
(d) subsection 79A(1) (keeping in touch days).
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 71
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Registered: 28/02/2024
When birth-related leave must start and end
(3) If the leave is birth-related leave for an employee who is pregnant
with, or gives birth to, the child, the period of leave may start:
(a) up to 6 weeks before the expected date of birth of the child;
(b) earlier, if the employer and employee so agree; or
(c) during the 24-month period starting on the date of birth of the
but must end during the 24-month period starting on the date of
birth of the child.
Note 1: If the employee is not fit for work, the employee may be entitled to:
(a) paid personal leave under Subdivision A of Division 7; or
(b) unpaid special parental leave under section 80.
Note 2: If it is inadvisable for the employee to continue in the employee’s
present position, the employee may be entitled:
(a) to be transferred to an appropriate safe job under section 81; or
(b) to paid no safe job leave under section 81A; or
(c) to unpaid no safe job leave under section 82A.
Note 3: Section 344 prohibits the exertion of undue influence or undue
pressure on the employee in relation to a decision by the employee
whether to agree as mentioned in paragraph (3)(b) of this section.
(4) If the leave is birth-related leave but subsection (3) does not apply,
the period of leave must start and end during the 24-month period
starting on the date of birth of the child.
When adoption-related leave must start and end
(5) If the leave is adoption-related leave, the period of leave must start
and end during the 24-month period starting on the day of
placement of the child.
Limit on amount of leave
(6) The employee may take unpaid parental leave under this section
only if the period of leave is no longer than 12 months, less the
employee’s notional flexible period.
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Parental leave and related entitlements Division 5
Section 72A
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Note: An employee is entitled under section 76 to request an extension of
the period of leave beyond the employee’s available parental leave
period. However, the period of leave may not be extended beyond 24
months after the date of birth or day of placement of the child (see
subsection 76(7)).
72A Flexible unpaid parental leave
Taking leave during 24 months starting on date of birth or day of
(1) An employee may take up to 100 days (or, if a higher number of
days is prescribed by the regulations, that higher number of days)
of unpaid parental leave (flexible unpaid parental leave) during
the 24-month period starting on the date of birth or day of
placement of the child if the requirements of this section are
satisfied in relation to the leave.
Note 1: The flexible unpaid parental leave is unpaid parental leave and so
comes out of the employee’s entitlement to 12 months of unpaid
parental leave under section 70.
Note 2: The number of days of flexible unpaid parental leave that the
employee takes must not be more than the number of flexible days
notified to the employer under subsection 74(3C) (subject to any
agreement under subsection 74(3D)).
(2) Flexible unpaid parental leave under subsection (1) is available in
full to part-time and casual employees.
Taking leave that starts up to 6 weeks before the expected date of
birth of the child
(2A) A pregnant employee may take unpaid parental leave (flexible
unpaid parental leave) during the period that starts 6 weeks before
the expected date of birth of the child if the requirements of this
section are satisfied in relation to the leave.
Note 1: The flexible unpaid parental leave is unpaid parental leave and so
comes out of the employee’s entitlement to 12 months of unpaid
parental leave under section 70.
Note 2: The number of days of flexible unpaid parental leave that the
employee takes must not be more than the number of flexible days
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Section 72A
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notified to the employer under subsection 74(3C) (subject to any
agreement under subsection 74(3D)).
(2B) Flexible unpaid parental leave under subsection (2A) is available in
full to pregnant part-time employees and pregnant casual
(2C) The amount of flexible unpaid parental leave to which an employee
is entitled under subsection (1) in relation to the child is reduced by
the number of days of flexible unpaid parental leave taken by the
employee under subsection (2A) in relation to the child.
How flexible unpaid parental leave may be taken
(3) The employee must take the flexible unpaid parental leave as:
(a) a single continuous period of one or more days; or
(b) separate periods of one or more days each.
Effect of taking unpaid parental leave under other provisions
(4) The employee may take the flexible unpaid parental leave whether
or not the employee has taken unpaid parental leave under another
provision of this Division in relation to the child.
(5) However, the employee may take flexible unpaid parental leave
after taking one or more periods of unpaid parental leave under
another provision of this Division only if the total of those periods
(disregarding any extension under section 76A) is no longer than
12 months, less the employee’s notional flexible period.
Meaning of notional flexible period
(6) An employee’s notional flexible period is the period during which
the employee would be on flexible unpaid parental leave if the
employee took leave for all the employee’s flexible days in a single
continuous period. For this purpose, the employee’s flexible days
are the flexible days notified to the employer under
subsection 74(3C) (subject to any agreement under
subsection 74(3D)).
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Section 73
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(7) For the purposes of subsection (6), assume that:
(a) the employee ordinarily works each day that is not a Saturday
or a Sunday; and
(b) there are no public holidays during the period.
Multiple births
(10) An employee is not entitled to take flexible unpaid parental leave
in relation to a child if:
(a) the child and another child:
(i) are born during the same multiple birth; or
(ii) are both placed with the employee for adoption and
have the same day of placement; and
(b) the employee takes flexible unpaid parental leave in relation
to the other child.
Interaction with section 71
(11) Flexible unpaid parental leave taken by an employee is an
exception to the rules in section 71 about:
(a) taking the employee’s unpaid parental leave in a single
continuous period; and
(b) when the employee’s period of unpaid parental leave must
(12) Despite anything in subsection (11), flexible unpaid parental leave
cannot be used to break up a period of unpaid parental leave taken
under section 71.
73 Pregnant employee may be required to take unpaid parental
leave within 6 weeks before the birth
Employer may ask employee to provide a medical certificate
(1) If a pregnant employee who is entitled to unpaid parental leave
(whether or not the employee has complied with section 74)
continues to work during the 6 week period before the expected
date of birth of the child, the employer may ask the employee to
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Section 73
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give the employer a medical certificate containing the following
statements (as applicable):
(a) a statement of whether the employee is fit for work;
(b) if the employee is fit for work—a statement of whether it is
inadvisable for the employee to continue in the employee’s
present position during a stated period because of:
(i) illness, or risks, arising out of the employee’s
pregnancy; or
(ii) hazards connected with the position.
Note: Personal information given to an employer under this subsection may
be regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
Employer may require employee to take unpaid parental leave
(2) The employer may require the employee to take a period of unpaid
parental leave other than flexible unpaid parental leave (the period
of leave) as soon as practicable if:
(a) the employee does not give the employer the requested
certificate within 7 days after the request; or
(b) within 7 days after the request, the employee gives the
employer a medical certificate stating that the employee is
not fit for work; or
(c) the following subparagraphs are satisfied:
(i) within 7 days after the request, the employee gives the
employer a medical certificate stating that the employee
is fit for work, but that it is inadvisable for the employee
to continue in the employee’s present position for a
stated period for a reason referred to in
subparagraph (1)(b)(i) or (ii);
(ii) the employee has not complied with the notice and
evidence requirements of section 74 for taking unpaid
parental leave.
Note: If the medical certificate contains a statement as referred to in
subparagraph (c)(i) and the employee has complied with the notice
and evidence requirements of section 74, then the employee is entitled
to be transferred to a safe job (see section 81) or to paid no safe job
leave (see section 81A).
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Section 74
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When the period of leave must end
(3) The period of leave must not end later than the earlier of the
(a) the end of the pregnancy;
(b) if the employee has given the employer notice of the taking
of a period of leave connected with the birth of the child
(whether it is unpaid parental leave or some other kind of
leave)—the start date of that leave.
Special rules about the period of leave
(4) The period of leave is an exception to the rules in section 71 about:
(a) taking the employee’s unpaid parental leave in a single
continuous period; and
(b) when the employee’s period of unpaid parental leave must
Note: The period of leave is unpaid parental leave and so comes out of the
employee’s entitlement to 12 months of unpaid parental leave under
section 70.
(5) The employee is not required to comply with section 74 in relation
to the period of leave.
74 Notice and evidence requirements
General requirement to give notice of taking leave
(1) An employee must give the employee’s employer written notice of
the taking of unpaid parental leave under section 71, or flexible
unpaid parental leave, or both, by the employee.
Notice requirements
(2) The employee must give the notice to the employer:
(a) at least 10 weeks before starting any of the leave covered by
the notice; or
(b) if that is not practicable, and:
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Section 74
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(i) the first or only period of leave covered by the notice is
leave to be taken under section 71; or
(ii) any of the leave covered by the notice starts before the
child’s date of birth or expected date of birth;
as soon as practicable (which may be a time after any of the
leave covered by the notice has started).
(2A) However, if the first or only period of leave covered by the notice
is leave to be taken under section 72A, the notice may be given at
any later time if the employer agrees.
(3) If any of the leave covered by the notice is to be taken under
section 71, the notice must specify the intended start and end dates
of the leave to be taken under section 71.
(3C) If any of the leave covered by the notice is to be taken under
section 72A, the notice must specify the total number of days
(flexible days) of flexible unpaid parental leave that the employee
intends to take in relation to the child.
(3D) If the employer agrees, the employee may:
(a) reduce the number of flexible days, including by reducing the
number of flexible days to zero; or
(b) increase the number of flexible days, but not so as to increase
the number of flexible days above 100 (or, if a higher number
of days is prescribed by regulations made for the purposes of
subsection 72A(1), that higher number).
Taking leave under section 71—confirming or changing intended
start and end dates
(4) If any of the leave covered by the notice is to be taken under
section 71, then at least 4 weeks before the intended start date
specified in the notice given under subsection (1), the employee
(a) confirm the intended start and end dates of the leave to be
taken under section 71; or
(b) advise the employer of any changes to the intended start and
end dates of the leave to be taken under section 71;
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Section 74
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unless it is not practicable to do so.
Taking flexible unpaid parental leave—notifying days on which
employee will take leave
(4B) The employee must give the employer written notice of a flexible
day on which the employee will take flexible unpaid parental
(a) at least 4 weeks before that day; or
(b) if that is not practicable—as soon as practicable (which may
be a time after the leave has started).
Note: Whether or not it is practicable for the employee to give notice at least
4 weeks before that day will depend on the employee’s personal and
family circumstances. For example, it may not be practicable for the
employee to give notice at least 4 weeks before that day where the
employee experiences a health issue, a pregnancy complication or an
unexpected change in the employee’s child care arrangements.
(4C) If the employer agrees, the employee may change a day on which
the employee takes flexible unpaid parental leave from a day
specified in a notice under subsection (4B).
Evidence requirements
(5) An employee who has given the employee’s employer notice of the
taking of unpaid parental leave must, if required by the employer,
give the employer evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person:
(a) if the leave is birth-related leave:
(i) of the date of birth, or the expected date of birth, of the
child; and
(ii) that paragraph 77A(1)(a) (which deals with the stillbirth
of a child) applies in relation to the employee, if
relevant; or
(b) if the leave is adoption-related leave:
(i) of the day of placement, or the expected day of
placement, of the child; and
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Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 75
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(ii) that the child is, or will be, under 16 as at the day of
placement, or the expected day of placement, of the
(6) Without limiting subsection (5), an employer may require the
evidence referred to in paragraph (5)(a) to be a medical certificate.
Example: If the application of paragraph 77A(1)(a) (which deals with the
stillbirth of a child) is relevant—certification by a medical practitioner
of the child as having been delivered.
(7) An employee is not entitled to take unpaid parental leave under
section 71, or flexible unpaid parental leave, unless the employee
complies with this section.
Note: Personal information given to an employer under this section may be
regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
75 Extending period of unpaid parental leave—extending to use
more of available parental leave period
Application of this section
(1) This section applies if:
(a) an employee has, in accordance with section 74, given notice
of the taking of a period of unpaid parental leave (the
original leave period) under section 71; and
(b) the original leave period is less than the employee’s available
parental leave period; and
(c) the original leave period has started.
(2) The employee’s available parental leave period is 12 months, less
any periods of the following kinds:
(b) a period of unpaid parental leave that the employee has been
required to take under subsection 73(2) or 82(2);
(d) if the employee has given notice in accordance with
subsection 74(2) or (2A) of the taking of flexible unpaid
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Section 76
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parental leave—a period equal to the employee’s notional
flexible period.
First extension by giving notice to employer
(3) The employee may extend the period of unpaid parental leave
taken under section 71 by giving the employee’s employer written
notice of the extension at least 4 weeks before the end date of the
original leave period. The notice must specify the new end date for
the leave.
(4) Only one extension is permitted under subsection (3).
Further extensions by agreement with employer
(5) If the employer agrees, the employee may further extend the period
of unpaid parental leave one or more times.
No entitlement to extension beyond available parental leave period
(6) The employee is not entitled under this section to extend the period
of unpaid parental leave beyond the employee’s available parental
leave period.
76 Extending period of unpaid parental leave—extending for up to
12 months beyond available parental leave period
Employee may request further period of leave
(1) An employee who takes unpaid parental leave under section 71 for
the employee’s available parental leave period may request the
employee’s employer to agree to an extension of unpaid parental
leave for the employee for a further period of up to 12 months
immediately following the end of the available parental leave
Note: Extended periods of unpaid parental leave can include keeping in
touch days on which an employee performs work (see section 79A).
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Section 76A
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Making the request
(2) The request must be in writing, and must be given to the employer
at least 4 weeks before the end of the available parental leave
Note: The request must be made when the employee is taking unpaid
parental leave under section 71.
No extension beyond 24 months after birth or placement
(7) Despite any other provision of this Division, the employee is not
entitled to extend the period of unpaid parental leave beyond 24
months after the date of birth or day of placement of the child.
76A Responding to requests for extension of unpaid parental leave
Responding to the request
(1) If, under subsection 76(1), an employee requests an employer to
agree to an extension of unpaid parental leave for the employee for
a further period of up to 12 months immediately following the end
of the available parental leave period, the employer must give the
employee a written response to the request within 21 days.
(2) The response must:
(a) state that the employer grants the request; or
(b) if, following discussion between the employer and the
employee, the employer and the employee agree to an
extension of unpaid parental leave for the employee for a
period that differs from the period requested—set out the
agreed extended period; or
(c) subject to subsection (3)—state that the employer refuses the
request and include the matters required by subsection (6).
(3) The employer may refuse the request only if:
(a) the employer has:
(i) discussed the request with the employee; and
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Section 76A
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(ii) genuinely tried to reach an agreement with the
employee about an extension of the period of unpaid
parental leave for the employee; and
(b) the employer and the employee have not reached such an
agreement; and
(c) the employer has had regard to the consequences of the
refusal for the employee; and
(d) the refusal is on reasonable business grounds.
Note: An employer’s grounds for refusing a request may be taken to be
reasonable business grounds, or not to be reasonable business
grounds, in certain circumstances (see subsection 76C(6)).
(4) To avoid doubt, subparagraph (3)(a)(ii) does not require the
employer to agree to an extension of the period of unpaid parental
leave for the employee if the employer would have reasonable
business grounds for refusing a request for the extension.
Reasonable business grounds for refusing requests
(5) Without limiting what are reasonable business grounds for the
purposes of paragraph (3)(d) and subsection (4), reasonable
business grounds for refusing a request include the following:
(a) that the extension of the period of unpaid parental leave
requested by the employee would be too costly for the
(b) that there is no capacity to change the working arrangements
of other employees to accommodate the extension of the
period of unpaid parental leave requested by the employee;
(c) that it would be impractical to change the working
arrangements of other employees, or recruit new employees,
to accommodate the extension of the period of unpaid
parental leave requested by the employee;
(d) that the extension of the period of unpaid parental leave
requested by the employee would be likely to result in a
significant loss in efficiency or productivity;
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Section 76A
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(e) that the extension of the period of unpaid parental leave
requested by the employee would be likely to have a
significant negative impact on customer service.
Note: The specific circumstances of the employer, including the nature and
size of the enterprise carried on by the employer, are relevant to
whether the employer has reasonable business grounds for refusing a
request for the purposes of paragraph (3)(d) and subsection (4). For
example, if the employer has only a small number of employees, there
may be no capacity to change the working arrangements of other
employees to accommodate the request (see paragraph (5)(b)).
Employer must explain grounds for refusal
(6) If the employer refuses the request, the written response under
subsection (1) must:
(a) include details of the reasons for the refusal; and
(b) without limiting paragraph (a) of this subsection:
(i) set out the employer’s particular business grounds for
refusing the request; and
(ii) explain how those grounds apply to the request; and
(c) either:
(i) set out the extension of the period of unpaid parental
leave for the employee (other than the period requested
by the employee) that the employer would be willing to
agree to; or
(ii) state that there is no extension of the period that the
employer would be willing to agree to; and
(d) set out the effect of sections 76B and 76C.
Genuinely trying to reach an agreement
(7) This section does not affect, and is not affected by, the meaning of
the expression “genuinely trying to reach an agreement”, or any
variant of the expression, as used elsewhere in this Act.
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Section 76B
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76B Disputes about extension of period of unpaid parental leave
Application of this section
(1) This section applies to a dispute between an employer and an
employee that relates to a request by the employee to the employer
under subsection 76(1) to agree to an extension of unpaid parental
leave for the employee for a further period of up to 12 months
immediately following the end of the available parental leave
period if:
(a) the employer has refused the request; or
(b) 21 days have passed since the employee made the request,
and the employer has not given the employee a written
response to the request under section 76A.
Note 1: Modern awards and enterprise agreements must include a term that
provides a procedure for settling disputes in relation to the National
Employment Standards (see paragraph 146(b) and subsection 186(6)).
Note 2: Subsection 55(4) permits inclusion of terms that are ancillary or
incidental to, or that supplement, the National Employment Standards.
However, a term of a modern award or an enterprise agreement has no
effect to the extent it contravenes section 55 (see section 56).
Resolving disputes
(2) In the first instance, the parties to the dispute must attempt to
resolve the dispute at the workplace level, by discussions between
the parties.
FWC may deal with disputes
(3) If discussions at the workplace level do not resolve the dispute, a
party to the dispute may refer the dispute to the FWC.
(4) If a dispute is referred under subsection (3):
(a) the FWC must first deal with the dispute by means other than
arbitration, unless there are exceptional circumstances; and
(b) the FWC may deal with the dispute by arbitration in
accordance with section 76C.
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Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 76C
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Note: For the purposes of paragraph (a), the FWC may deal with the dispute
as it considers appropriate. The FWC commonly deals with disputes
by conciliation. The FWC may also deal with the dispute by
mediation, making a recommendation or expressing an opinion (see
subsection 595(2)).
(5) The employer or employee may appoint a person or industrial
association to provide the employer or employee (as the case may
be) with support or representation for the purposes of:
(a) resolving the dispute; or
(b) the FWC dealing with the dispute.
Note: A person may be represented by a lawyer or paid agent in a matter
before the FWC only with the permission of the FWC (see
section 596).
76C Arbitration
(1) For the purposes of paragraph 76B(4)(b), the FWC may deal with
the dispute by arbitration by making any of the following orders:
(a) if the employer has not given the employee a written
response to the request under section 76A—an order that the
employer be taken to have refused the request;
(b) if the employer refused the request:
(i) an order that it would be appropriate for the grounds on
which the employer refused the request to be taken to
have been reasonable business grounds; or
(ii) an order that it would be appropriate for the grounds on
which the employer refused the request to be taken not
to have been reasonable business grounds;
(c) if the FWC is satisfied that the employer has not responded,
or has not responded adequately, to the employee’s request
under section 76A—an order that the employer take such
further steps as the FWC considers appropriate, having
regard to the matters in section 76A;
(d) subject to subsection (4) of this section:
(i) an order that the employer grant the request; or
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Section 76C
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(ii) an order that the employer agree to an extension of
unpaid parental leave for the employee for a further
period of up to 12 months (other than the period
requested by the employee) immediately following the
end of the available parental leave period.
Note: An order by the FWC under paragraph (c) could, for example, require
the employer to give a response, or further response, to the
employee’s request, and could set out matters that must be included in
the response or further response.
(2) In making an order under subsection (1), the FWC must take into
account fairness between the employer and the employee.
(3) The FWC must not make an order under paragraph (1)(c) or (d)
that would be inconsistent with:
(a) a provision of this Act; or
(b) a term of a fair work instrument (other than an order made
under that paragraph) that, immediately before the order is
made, applies to the employer and employee.
(4) The FWC may make an order under paragraph (1)(d) only if the
FWC is satisfied that there is no reasonable prospect of the dispute
being resolved without the making of such an order.
(5) If the FWC makes an order under paragraph (1)(a), the employer is
taken to have refused the request.
(6) If the FWC makes an order under paragraph (1)(b), the grounds on
which the employer refuses the request are taken:
(a) for an order made under subparagraph (1)(b)(i)—to be
reasonable business grounds; or
(b) for an order made under subparagraph (1)(b)(ii)—not to be
reasonable business grounds.
Contravening an order under subsection (1)
(7) A person must not contravene a term of an order made under
subsection (1).
Note: This subsection is a civil remedy provision (see Part 4-1).
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Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 77
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77 Reducing period of unpaid parental leave
If the employer agrees, an employee whose period of unpaid
parental leave has started may reduce the period of unpaid parental
leave the employee takes.
77A Effect of stillbirth or death of child on unpaid parental leave
Stillbirth—preserving entitlement to birth-related leave
(1) If:
(a) a child is stillborn; and
(b) an employee would have been entitled to unpaid parental
leave that is birth-related leave, if the child had been born
then the employee is taken to be entitled to the unpaid parental
leave, despite the stillbirth of the child.
(2) A stillborn child is a child:
(a) who weighs at least 400 grams at delivery or whose period of
gestation was at least 20 weeks; and
(b) who has not breathed since delivery; and
(c) whose heart has not beaten since delivery.
(3) The provisions of this Division have effect in relation to the
employee as if the birth of a child included the stillbirth of a child.
Note: One effect of this subsection is that if the employee has not given
notice in accordance with section 74 before the stillbirth of the child,
the employee can do so as soon as practicable (which may be a time
after the leave has started).
Stillbirth or death of child—cancelling leave or returning to work
(4) If a child is stillborn, or dies during the 24-month period starting
on the child’s date of birth, then an employee who is entitled to a
period of unpaid parental leave in relation to the child may:
(a) before the period of leave starts, give the employee’s
employer written notice cancelling the leave; or
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Section 78
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(b) if the period of leave has started, give the employee’s
employer written notice that the employee wishes to return to
work on a specified day.
(5) For the purposes of paragraph (4)(b), the specified day must be at
least 4 weeks after the employer receives the notice.
(6) If the employee takes action under subsection (4), the employee’s
entitlement to unpaid parental leave in relation to the child ends:
(a) if the action is taken under paragraph (4)(a)—immediately
after the cancellation of the leave; or
(b) if the action is taken under paragraph (4)(b)—immediately
before the specified day.
Interaction with section 77
(7) Subsections (4) to (6) do not limit section 77 (which deals with the
employee reducing the period of unpaid parental leave with the
agreement of the employer).
78 Employee who ceases to have responsibility for care of child
(1) This section applies to an employee who has taken unpaid parental
leave in relation to a child if the employee ceases to have any
responsibility for the care of the child for a reason other than
because the child:
(a) is stillborn; or
(b) dies during the 24-month period starting on the child’s date
of birth.
(2) The employer may give the employee written notice requiring the
employee to return to work on a specified day.
(3) The specified day:
(a) must be at least 4 weeks after the notice is given to the
employee; and
(b) if the leave is birth-related leave taken by an employee who
has given birth—must not be earlier than 6 weeks after the
date of birth of the child.
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Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 78A
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(4) The employee’s entitlement to unpaid parental leave in relation to
the child ends immediately before the specified day.
78A Hospitalised children
Agreeing to not take unpaid parental leave for a period while child
remains in hospital
(1) If:
(a) a child is required to remain in hospital after the child’s birth,
or is hospitalised immediately after the child’s birth,
including because:
(i) the child was born prematurely; or
(ii) the child developed a complication or contracted an
illness during the child’s period of gestation or at birth;
(iii) the child developed a complication or contracted an
illness following the child’s birth; and
(b) an employee, whether before or after the birth of the child,
gives notice in accordance with section 74 of the taking of a
period of unpaid parental leave (the original leave period) in
relation to the child;
then the employee may agree with the employee’s employer that
the employee will not take unpaid parental leave for a period (the
permitted work period) while the child remains in hospital.
Note: Section 344 prohibits the exertion of undue influence or undue
pressure on the employee in relation to a decision by the employee
whether to agree.
(2) If the employee and employer so agree, then the following rules
have effect:
(a) the employee is taken to not be taking unpaid parental leave
during the permitted work period;
(b) the permitted work period does not break the continuity of
the original leave period;
(c) the employee is taken to have advised the employer, for the
purposes of subsection 74(4), of an end date for the original
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Parental leave and related entitlements Division 5
Section 78A
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leave period that is the date on which that period would end
if it were extended by a period equal to the permitted work
Note: One effect of paragraph (b) is that, if the employee takes periods of
unpaid parental leave either side of the permitted work period, the
periods are still treated as a single continuous period for the purposes
of section 71.
When permitted work period must start
(3) The permitted work period must start after the birth of the child.
When permitted work period ends
(4) The permitted work period ends at the earliest of the following:
(a) the time agreed by the employee and employer;
(b) the end of the day of the child’s first discharge from hospital
after birth;
(c) if the child dies before being discharged—the end of the day
the child dies.
Only one permitted work period allowed
(5) Only one period may be agreed to under subsection (1) for which
the employee will not take unpaid parental leave in relation to the
(6) The employee must, if required by the employer, give the employer
evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person of either or both of
the following:
(a) that paragraph (1)(a) applies in relation to the child;
(b) that the employee is fit for work.
(7) Without limiting subsection (6), an employer may require the
evidence referred to in that subsection to be a medical certificate.
Note: Personal information given to an employer under this section may be
regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
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Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 79
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79 Interaction with paid leave
(1) This Subdivision (except for subsections (2) and (3)) does not
prevent an employee from taking any other kind of paid leave
while the employee is taking unpaid parental leave. If the
employee does so, the taking of that other paid leave does not
break the continuity of the period of unpaid parental leave.
Note: For example, if the employee has paid annual leave available, the
employee may (with the employer’s agreement) take some or all of
that paid annual leave at the same time as the unpaid parental leave.
(2) While an employee is taking unpaid parental leave, the employee is
not entitled to take:
(a) paid personal/carer’s leave; or
(b) compassionate leave, unless the permissible occasion is the
stillbirth or death of the child in relation to whom the
employee is taking unpaid parental leave.
(3) An employee is not entitled to any payment under Division 8
(which deals with community service leave) in relation to activities
the employee engages in while taking unpaid parental leave.
79A Keeping in touch days
(1) This Subdivision does not prevent an employee from performing
work for the employee’s employer on a keeping in touch day while
the employee is taking unpaid parental leave. If the employee does
so, the performance of that work does not break the continuity of
the period of unpaid parental leave.
(2) A day on which the employee performs work for the employer
during the period of leave is a keeping in touch day if:
(a) the purpose of performing the work is to enable the employee
to keep in touch with the employee’s employment in order to
facilitate a return to that employment after the end of the
period of leave; and
(b) both the employee and the employer consent to the employee
performing work for the employer on that day; and
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Parental leave and related entitlements Division 5
Section 79A
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(c) the day is not within:
(i) if the employee suggested or requested that the
employee perform work for the employer on that day—
14 days after the date of birth, or day of placement, of
the child to which the period of leave relates; or
(ii) otherwise—42 days after the date of birth, or day of
placement, of the child; and
(d) the employee has not already performed work for the
employer or another entity on 10 days during the period of
leave that were keeping in touch days.
The duration of the work the employee performs on that day is not
relevant for the purposes of this subsection.
Note: The employer will be obliged, under the relevant contract of
employment or industrial instrument, to pay the employee for
performing work on a keeping in touch day.
(3) The employee’s decision whether to give the consent mentioned in
paragraph (2)(b) is taken, for the purposes of section 344 (which
deals with undue influence or pressure), to be a decision to make,
or not make, an arrangement under the National Employment
(4) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(d), treat as 2 separate periods of
unpaid parental leave:
(a) a period of unpaid parental leave taken during the employee’s
available parental leave period; and
(b) a period of unpaid parental leave taken as an extension of the
leave referred to in paragraph (a) for a further period
immediately following the end of the available parental leave
(5) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to the employee on and
after the first day on which the employee takes flexible unpaid
parental leave in relation to the child.
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Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 79B
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79B Unpaid parental leave not extended by paid leave or keeping in
touch days
If, during a period of unpaid parental leave, an employee:
(a) takes paid leave; or
(b) performs work for the employee’s employer on a keeping in
touch day;
taking that leave or performing that work does not have the effect
of extending the period of unpaid parental leave.
Subdivision C—Other entitlements
80 Unpaid special parental leave
Entitlement to unpaid special parental leave
(1) An employee is entitled to a period of unpaid special parental leave
if the employee is not fit for work during that period because:
(a) the employee is pregnant and has a pregnancy-related illness;
(b) all of the following apply:
(i) the employee has been pregnant;
(ii) the pregnancy ends after a period of gestation of at least
12 weeks otherwise than by the birth of a living child;
(iii) the child is not stillborn.
Note 1: Entitlement is also affected by section 67 (which deals with the length
of the employee’s service).
Note 1A: If the child is stillborn, the employee may be entitled to unpaid
parental leave (see section 77A).
Note 2: If an employee has an entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave (see
section 96), the employee may take that leave instead of taking unpaid
special parental leave under this section.
Notice and evidence
(2) An employee must give the employee’s employer notice of the
taking of unpaid special parental leave by the employee.
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Section 81
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(3) The notice:
(a) must be given to the employer as soon as practicable (which
may be a time after the leave has started); and
(b) must advise the employer of the period, or expected period,
of the leave.
(4) An employee who has given the employee’s employer notice of the
taking of unpaid special parental leave must, if required by the
employer, give the employer evidence that would satisfy a
reasonable person that the leave is taken for a reason specified in
subsection (1).
(5) Without limiting subsection (4), an employer may require the
evidence referred to in that subsection to be a medical certificate.
(6) An employee is not entitled to take unpaid special parental leave
unless the employee complies with subsections (2) to (4).
(7) Subdivision B does not apply to unpaid special parental leave.
Note: Personal information given to an employer under this section may be
regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
81 Transfer to a safe job
(1) This section applies to a pregnant employee if the employee gives
the employee’s employer evidence that would satisfy a reasonable
person that the employee is fit for work, but that it is inadvisable
for the employee to continue in the employee’s present position
during a stated period (the risk period) because of:
(a) illness, or risks, arising out of the employee’s pregnancy; or
(b) hazards connected with that position.
Note: Personal information given to an employer under this subsection may
be regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
(2) If there is an appropriate safe job available, then the employer must
transfer the employee to that job for the risk period, with no other
change to the employee’s terms and conditions of employment.
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Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 81A
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Note: If there is no appropriate safe job available, then the employee may be
entitled to paid no safe job leave under section 81A or unpaid no safe
job leave under 82A.
(3) An appropriate safe job is a safe job that has:
(a) the same ordinary hours of work as the employee’s present
position; or
(b) a different number of ordinary hours agreed to by the
(4) If the employee is transferred to an appropriate safe job for the risk
period, the employer must pay the employee for the safe job at the
employee’s full rate of pay (for the position the employee was in
before the transfer) for the hours that the employee works in the
risk period.
(5) If the employee’s pregnancy ends before the end of the risk period,
the risk period ends when the pregnancy ends.
(6) Without limiting subsection (1), an employer may require the
evidence to be a medical certificate.
81A Paid no safe job leave
(1) If:
(a) section 81 applies to a pregnant employee but there is no
appropriate safe job available; and
(b) the employee is entitled to unpaid parental leave; and
(c) the employee has complied with the notice and evidence
requirements of section 74 for taking unpaid parental leave;
then the employee is entitled to paid no safe job leave for the risk
(2) If the employee takes paid no safe job leave for the risk period, the
employer must pay the employee at the employee’s base rate of
pay for the employee’s ordinary hours of work in the risk period.
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Parental leave and related entitlements Division 5
Section 82
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82 Employee on paid no safe job leave may be asked to provide a
further medical certificate
Employer may ask employee to provide a medical certificate
(1) If an employee is on paid no safe job leave during the 6 week
period before the expected date of birth of the child, the employer
may ask the employee to give the employer a medical certificate
stating whether the employee is fit for work.
Note: Personal information given to an employer under this subsection may
be regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
Employer may require employee to take unpaid parental leave
(2) The employer may require the employee to take a period of unpaid
parental leave (the period of leave) as soon as practicable if:
(a) the employee does not give the employer the requested
certificate within 7 days after the request; or
(b) within 7 days after the request, the employee gives the
employer a certificate stating that the employee is not fit for
Entitlement to paid no safe job leave ends
(3) When the period of leave starts, the employee’s entitlement to paid
no safe job leave ends.
When the period of leave must end etc.
(4) Subsections 73(3), (4) and (5) apply to the period of leave.
82A Unpaid no safe job leave
(1) If:
(a) section 81 applies to a pregnant employee but there is no
appropriate safe job available; and
(b) the employee is not entitled to unpaid parental leave; and
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Section 83
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(c) if required by the employer—the employee has given the
employer evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person of
the pregnancy;
then the employee is entitled to unpaid no safe job leave for the
risk period.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), an employer may require the
evidence referred to in paragraph (1)(c) to be a medical certificate.
83 Consultation with employee on unpaid parental leave
(a) an employee is taking a period of unpaid parental leave, other
than flexible unpaid parental leave; and
(b) the employee’s employer makes a decision that will have a
significant effect on the status, pay or location of the
employee’s pre-parental leave position;
the employer must take all reasonable steps to give the employee
information about, and an opportunity to discuss, the effect of the
decision on that position.
84 Return to work guarantee
On ending a period of unpaid parental leave, an employee is
entitled to return to:
(a) the employee’s pre-parental leave position; or
(b) if that position no longer exists—an available position for
which the employee is qualified and suited nearest in status
and pay to the pre-parental leave position.
84A Replacement employees
(1) Before an employer engages an employee to perform the work of
another employee who is going to take, or is taking, unpaid
parental leave, the employer must notify the replacement
(a) that the engagement to perform that work is temporary; and
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Section 85
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(b) of the rights the employee taking unpaid parental leave has
(i) subsections 77A(4) and (5) (which provide a right to
cancel the leave or end the leave early if the child is
stillborn or dies within 24 months); and
(ii) section 84 (which deals with the return to work
guarantee); and
(d) of the effect of section 78 (which provides the employer with
a right to require the employee taking unpaid parental leave
to return to work if the employee ceases to have any
responsibility for the care of the child).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to the taking of flexible
unpaid parental leave.
85 Unpaid pre-adoption leave
Entitlement to unpaid pre-adoption leave
(1) An employee is entitled to up to 2 days of unpaid pre-adoption
leave to attend any interviews or examinations required in order to
obtain approval for the employee’s adoption of a child.
Note: Entitlement is also affected by section 68 (which deals with the age
etc. of the adopted child).
(2) However, an employee is not entitled to take a period of unpaid
pre-adoption leave if:
(a) the employee could instead take some other form of leave;
(b) the employer directs the employee to take that other form of
(3) An employee who is entitled to a period of unpaid pre-adoption
leave is entitled to take the leave as:
(a) a single continuous period of up to 2 days; or
(b) any separate periods to which the employee and the employer
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Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 5 Parental leave and related entitlements
Section 85
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Compilation No. 57
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Notice and evidence
(4) An employee must give the employee’s employer notice of the
taking of unpaid pre-adoption leave by the employee.
(5) The notice:
(a) must be given to the employer as soon as practicable (which
may be a time after the leave has started); and
(b) must advise the employer of the period, or expected period,
of the leave.
(6) An employee who has given the employee’s employer notice of the
taking of unpaid pre-adoption leave must, if required by the
employer, give the employer evidence that would satisfy a
reasonable person that the leave is taken to attend an interview or
examination as referred to in subsection (1).
(7) An employee is not entitled to take unpaid pre-adoption leave
unless the employee complies with subsections (4) to (6).
Note: Personal information given to an employer under this section may be
regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
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Annual leave Division 6
Section 86
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Division 6—Annual leave
86 Division applies to employees other than casual employees
This Division applies to employees, other than casual employees.
87 Entitlement to annual leave
Amount of leave
(1) For each year of service with an employer (other than periods of
employment as a casual employee of the employer), an employee
is entitled to:
(a) 4 weeks of paid annual leave; or
(b) 5 weeks of paid annual leave, if:
(i) a modern award applies to the employee and defines or
describes the employee as a shiftworker for the purposes
of the National Employment Standards; or
(ii) an enterprise agreement applies to the employee and
defines or describes the employee as a shiftworker for
the purposes of the National Employment Standards; or
(iii) the employee qualifies for the shiftworker annual leave
entitlement under subsection (3) (this relates to
award/agreement free employees).
Note: Section 196 affects whether the FWC may approve an enterprise
agreement covering an employee, if the employee is covered by a
modern award that is in operation and defines or describes the
employee as a shiftworker for the purposes of the National
Employment Standards.
Accrual of leave
(2) An employee’s entitlement to paid annual leave accrues
progressively during a year of service (other than periods of
employment as a casual employee of the employer) according to
the employee’s ordinary hours of work, and accumulates from year
to year.
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Division 6 Annual leave
Section 88
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Note: If an employee’s employment ends during what would otherwise have
been a year of service, the employee accrues paid annual leave up to
when the employment ends.
Award/agreement free employees who qualify for the shiftworker
(3) An award/agreement free employee qualifies for the shiftworker
annual leave entitlement if:
(a) the employee:
(i) is employed in an enterprise in which shifts are
continuously rostered 24 hours a day for 7 days a week;
(ii) is regularly rostered to work those shifts; and
(iii) regularly works on Sundays and public holidays; or
(b) the employee is in a class of employees prescribed by the
regulations as shiftworkers for the purposes of the National
Employment Standards.
(4) However, an employee referred to in subsection (3) does not
qualify for the shiftworker annual leave entitlement if the
employee is in a class of employees prescribed by the regulations
as not being qualified for that entitlement.
(5) Without limiting the way in which a class may be described for the
purposes of paragraph (3)(b) or subsection (4), the class may be
described by reference to one or more of the following:
(a) a particular industry or part of an industry;
(b) a particular kind of work;
(c) a particular type of employment.
88 Taking paid annual leave
(1) Paid annual leave may be taken for a period agreed between an
employee and his or her employer.
(2) The employer must not unreasonably refuse to agree to a request
by the employee to take paid annual leave.
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Annual leave Division 6
Section 89
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89 Employee not taken to be on paid annual leave at certain times
Public holidays
(1) If the period during which an employee takes paid annual leave
includes a day or part-day that is a public holiday in the place
where the employee is based for work purposes, the employee is
taken not to be on paid annual leave on that public holiday.
Other periods of leave
(2) If the period during which an employee takes paid annual leave
includes a period of any other leave (other than unpaid parental
leave) under this Part, or a period of absence from employment
under Division 8 (which deals with community service leave), the
employee is taken not to be on paid annual leave for the period of
that other leave or absence.
90 Payment for annual leave
(1) If, in accordance with this Division, an employee takes a period of
paid annual leave, the employer must pay the employee at the
employee’s base rate of pay for the employee’s ordinary hours of
work in the period.
(2) If, when the employment of an employee ends, the employee has a
period of untaken paid annual leave, the employer must pay the
employee the amount that would have been payable to the
employee had the employee taken that period of leave.
91 Transfer of employment situations that affect entitlement to
payment for period of untaken paid annual leave
Transfer of employment situation in which employer may decide
not to recognise employee’s service with first employer
(1) Subsection 22(5) does not apply (for the purpose of this Division)
to a transfer of employment between non-associated entities in
relation to an employee, if the second employer decides not to
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Division 6 Annual leave
Section 92
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recognise the employee’s service with the first employer (for the
purpose of this Division).
Employee is not entitled to payment for untaken annual leave if
service with first employer counts as service with second employer
(2) If subsection 22(5) applies (for the purpose of this Division) to a
transfer of employment in relation to an employee, the employee is
not entitled to be paid an amount under subsection 90(2) for a
period of untaken paid annual leave.
Note: Subsection 22(5) provides that, generally, if there is a transfer of
employment, service with the first employer counts as service with the
second employer.
92 Paid annual leave must not be cashed out except in accordance
with permitted cashing out terms
Paid annual leave must not be cashed out, except in accordance
(a) cashing out terms included in a modern award or enterprise
agreement under section 93, or
(b) an agreement between an employer and an award/agreement
free employee under subsection 94(1).
93 Modern awards and enterprise agreements may include terms
relating to cashing out and taking paid annual leave
Terms about cashing out paid annual leave
(1) A modern award or enterprise agreement may include terms
providing for the cashing out of paid annual leave by an employee.
(2) The terms must require that:
(a) paid annual leave must not be cashed out if the cashing out
would result in the employee’s remaining accrued
entitlement to paid annual leave being less than 4 weeks; and
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Section 94
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(b) each cashing out of a particular amount of paid annual leave
must be by a separate agreement in writing between the
employer and the employee; and
(c) the employee must be paid at least the full amount that would
have been payable to the employee had the employee taken
the leave that the employee has forgone.
Terms about requirements to take paid annual leave
(3) A modern award or enterprise agreement may include terms
requiring an employee, or allowing for an employee to be required,
to take paid annual leave in particular circumstances, but only if
the requirement is reasonable.
Terms about taking paid annual leave
(4) A modern award or enterprise agreement may include terms
otherwise dealing with the taking of paid annual leave.
94 Cashing out and taking paid annual leave for award/agreement
free employees
Agreements to cash out paid annual leave
(1) An employer and an award/agreement free employee may agree to
the employee cashing out a particular amount of the employee’s
accrued paid annual leave.
(2) The employer and the employee must not agree to the employee
cashing out an amount of paid annual leave if the agreement would
result in the employee’s remaining accrued entitlement to paid
annual leave being less than 4 weeks.
(3) Each agreement to cash out a particular amount of paid annual
leave must be a separate agreement in writing.
(4) The employer must pay the employee at least the full amount that
would have been payable to the employee had the employee taken
the leave that the employee has forgone.
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Section 94
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Requirements to take paid annual leave
(5) An employer may require an award/agreement free employee to
take a period of paid annual leave, but only if the requirement is
Note: A requirement to take paid annual leave may be reasonable if, for
(a) the employee has accrued an excessive amount of paid annual
leave; or
(b) the employer’s enterprise is being shut down for a period (for
example, between Christmas and New Year).
Agreements about taking paid annual leave
(6) An employer and an award/agreement free employee may agree on
when and how paid annual leave may be taken by the employee.
Note: Matters that could be agreed include, for example, the following:
(a) that paid annual leave may be taken in advance of accrual;
(b) that paid annual leave must be taken within a fixed period of time
after it is accrued;
(c) the form of application for paid annual leave;
(d) that a specified period of notice must be given before taking paid
annual leave.
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Personal/carer’s leave, compassionate leave and paid family and domestic violence
leave Division 7
Section 95
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Division 7—Personal/carer’s leave, compassionate leave
and paid family and domestic violence leave
Subdivision A—Paid personal/carer’s leave
95 Subdivision applies to employees other than casual employees
This Subdivision applies to employees, other than casual
96 Entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave
Amount of leave
(1) For each year of service with an employer (other than periods of
employment as a casual employee of the employer), an employee
is entitled to 10 days of paid personal/carer’s leave.
Accrual of leave
(2) An employee’s entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave accrues
progressively during a year of service (other than periods of
employment as a casual employee of the employer) according to
the employee’s ordinary hours of work, and accumulates from year
to year.
97 Taking paid personal/carer’s leave
An employee may take paid personal/carer’s leave if the leave is
(a) because the employee is not fit for work because of a
personal illness, or personal injury, affecting the employee;
(b) to provide care or support to a member of the employee’s
immediate family, or a member of the employee’s household,
who requires care or support because of:
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Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 7 Personal/carer’s leave, compassionate leave and paid family and domestic
violence leave
Section 98
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(i) a personal illness, or personal injury, affecting the
member; or
(ii) an unexpected emergency affecting the member.
Note 1: The notice and evidence requirements of section 107 must be
complied with.
Note 2: If an employee has an entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave, the
employee may take that leave instead of taking unpaid special parental
leave under section 80.
98 Employee taken not to be on paid personal/carer’s leave at
certain times
Public holidays
(1) If the period during which an employee takes paid personal/carer’s
leave includes a day or part-day that is a public holiday in the place
where the employee is based for work purposes, the employee is
taken not to be on paid personal/carer’s leave on that public
Period of paid family and domestic violence leave
(2) If the period during which an employee takes paid personal/carer’s
leave includes a period of paid family and domestic violence leave,
the employee is taken not to be on paid personal/carer’s leave for
the period of that paid family and domestic violence leave.
99 Payment for paid personal/carer’s leave
If, in accordance with this Subdivision, an employee takes a period
of paid personal/carer’s leave, the employer must pay the employee
at the employee’s base rate of pay for the employee’s ordinary
hours of work in the period.
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Section 100
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100 Paid personal/carer’s leave must not be cashed out except in
accordance with permitted cashing out terms
Paid personal/carer’s leave must not be cashed out, except in
accordance with cashing out terms included in a modern award or
enterprise agreement under section 101.
101 Modern awards and enterprise agreements may include terms
relating to cashing out paid personal/carer’s leave
(1) A modern award or enterprise agreement may include terms
providing for the cashing out of paid personal/carer’s leave by an
(2) The terms must require that:
(a) paid personal/carer’s leave must not be cashed out if the
cashing out would result in the employee’s remaining
accrued entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave being less
than 15 days; and
(b) each cashing out of a particular amount of paid
personal/carer’s leave must be by a separate agreement in
writing between the employer and the employee; and
(c) the employee must be paid at least the full amount that would
have been payable to the employee had the employee taken
the leave that the employee has forgone.
Subdivision B—Unpaid carer’s leave
102 Entitlement to unpaid carer’s leave
An employee is entitled to 2 days of unpaid carer’s leave for each
occasion (a permissible occasion) when a member of the
employee’s immediate family, or a member of the employee’s
household, requires care or support because of:
(a) a personal illness, or personal injury, affecting the member;
(b) an unexpected emergency affecting the member.
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Section 103
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103 Taking unpaid carer’s leave
(1) An employee may take unpaid carer’s leave for a particular
permissible occasion if the leave is taken to provide care or support
as referred to in section 102.
(2) An employee may take unpaid carer’s leave for a particular
permissible occasion as:
(a) a single continuous period of up to 2 days; or
(b) any separate periods to which the employee and his or her
employer agree.
(3) An employee cannot take unpaid carer’s leave during a particular
period if the employee could instead take paid personal/carer’s
Note: The notice and evidence requirements of section 107 must be
complied with.
Subdivision C—Compassionate leave
104 Entitlement to compassionate leave
(1) An employee is entitled to 2 days of compassionate leave for each
occasion (a permissible occasion) when:
(a) a member of the employee’s immediate family or a member
of the employee’s household:
(i) contracts or develops a personal illness that poses a
serious threat to his or her life; or
(ii) sustains a personal injury that poses a serious threat to
his or her life; or
(iii) dies; or
(b) a child is stillborn, where the child would have been a
member of the employee’s immediate family, or a member of
the employee’s household, if the child had been born alive;
(c) the employee, or the employee’s spouse or de facto partner,
has a miscarriage.
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Section 105
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(2) Paragraph (1)(c) does not apply:
(a) if the miscarriage results in a stillborn child; or
(b) to a former spouse, or former de facto partner, of the
Note: For the definition of a stillborn child, see subsection 77A(2).
105 Taking compassionate leave
(1) An employee may take compassionate leave for a particular
permissible occasion if the leave is taken:
(a) to spend time with the member of the employee’s immediate
family or household who has contracted or developed the
personal illness, or sustained the personal injury, referred to
in section 104; or
(b) after the death of the member of the employee’s immediate
family or household, or the stillbirth of the child, referred to
in section 104; or
(c) after the employee, or the employee’s spouse or de facto
partner, has the miscarriage referred to in section 104.
(2) An employee may take compassionate leave for a particular
permissible occasion as:
(a) a single continuous 2 day period; or
(b) 2 separate periods of 1 day each; or
(c) any separate periods to which the employee and his or her
employer agree.
(3) If the permissible occasion is the contraction or development of a
personal illness, or the sustaining of a personal injury, the
employee may take the compassionate leave for that occasion at
any time while the illness or injury persists.
Note: The notice and evidence requirements of section 107 must be
complied with.
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Section 106
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106 Payment for compassionate leave (other than for casual
If, in accordance with this Subdivision, an employee, other than a
casual employee, takes a period of compassionate leave, the
employer must pay the employee at the employee’s base rate of
pay for the employee’s ordinary hours of work in the period.
Note: For casual employees, compassionate leave is unpaid leave.
Subdivision CA—Paid family and domestic violence leave
106A Entitlement to paid family and domestic violence leave
(1) An employee is entitled to 10 days of paid family and domestic
violence leave in a 12 month period.
(2) Paid family and domestic violence leave:
(a) is available in full at the start of each 12 month period of the
employee’s employment; and
(b) does not accumulate from year to year; and
(c) is available in full to part-time and casual employees.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), if an employee is employed by
a particular employer:
(a) as a casual employee; or
(b) for a specified period of time, for a specified task or for the
duration of a specified season;
the start of the employee’s employment is taken to be the start of
the employee’s first employment with that employer.
(4) The employee may take paid family and domestic violence leave
(a) a single continuous 10 day period; or
(b) separate periods of one or more days each; or
(c) any separate periods to which the employee and the employer
agree, including periods of less than one day.
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leave Division 7
Section 106B
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(5) To avoid doubt, this section does not prevent the employee and the
employer agreeing that the employee may take paid or unpaid
leave in addition to the entitlement in subsection (1) to deal with
the impact of family and domestic violence.
106B Taking paid family and domestic violence leave
(1) The employee may take paid family and domestic violence leave
(a) the employee is experiencing family and domestic violence;
(b) the employee needs to do something to deal with the impact
of the family and domestic violence; and
(c) it is impractical for the employee to do that thing outside the
employee’s work hours.
Note 1: Examples of actions, by an employee who is experiencing family and
domestic violence, that could be covered by paragraph (b) include
arranging for the safety of the employee or a close relative (including
relocation), attending court hearings, accessing police services,
attending counselling and attending appointments with medical,
financial or legal professionals.
Note 2: The notice and evidence requirements of section 107 must be
complied with.
(2) Family and domestic violence is violent, threatening or other
abusive behaviour by a close relative of a person, a member of a
person’s household, or a current or former intimate partner of a
person, that:
(a) seeks to coerce or control the person; and
(b) causes the person harm or to be fearful.
(3) A close relative of a person is another person who:
(a) is a member of the first person’s immediate family; or
(b) is related to the first person according to Aboriginal or Torres
Strait Islander kinship rules.
Note: Immediate family is defined in section 12.
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violence leave
Section 106BA
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106BA Payment for paid family and domestic violence leave
(1) If, in accordance with this Subdivision, an employee takes a period
of paid family and domestic violence leave, the employer must pay
the employee, in relation to the period:
(a) for an employee other than a casual employee—at the
employee’s full rate of pay, worked out as if the employee
had not taken the period of leave; or
(b) for a casual employee—at the employee’s full rate of pay,
worked out as if the employee had worked the hours in the
period for which the employee was rostered.
(2) Without limiting paragraph (1)(b), an employee is taken to have
been rostered to work hours in a period if the employee has
accepted an offer by the employer of work for those hours.
(3) Paragraph (1)(b) does not prevent a casual employee from taking a
period of paid family and domestic violence leave that does not
include hours for which the employee is rostered to work.
However, the employer is not required to pay the employee in
relation to such a period.
106C Confidentiality
(1) Employers must take steps to ensure information concerning any
notice or evidence an employee has given under section 107 of the
employee taking leave under this Subdivision is treated
confidentially, as far as it is reasonably practicable to do so.
(2) An employer must not, other than with the consent of the
employee, use such information for a purpose other than satisfying
itself in relation to the employee’s entitlement to leave under this
Subdivision. In particular, an employer must not use such
information to take adverse action against an employee.
(3) Subsection (2) has effect subject to subsection (4).
(4) Nothing in this Subdivision prevents an employer from dealing
with information provided by an employee if doing so is required
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Section 106D
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by an Australian law or is necessary to protect the life, health or
safety of the employee or another person.
Note: Information covered by this section that is personal information may
also be regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
106D Operation of paid family and domestic violence leave and
leave for victims of crime
(1) This Subdivision does not exclude or limit the operation of a law of
a State or Territory to the extent that it provides for leave for
victims of crime.
(2) If an employee who is entitled, under a law of a State or Territory,
to leave for victims of crime is also entitled to leave under this
Subdivision, that law applies in addition to this Subdivision.
(3) A person who is a national system employee only because of
section 30C or 30M is entitled to leave under this Subdivision only
to the extent that the leave would not constitute leave for victims of
Note: Leave for victims of crime is a non-excluded matter under
paragraph 27(2)(h).
106E Entitlement to days of leave
What constitutes a day of leave for the purposes of this Subdivision
is taken to be the same as what constitutes a day of leave for the
purposes of sections 72A and 85 and Subdivisions B and C.
Subdivision D—Notice and evidence requirements
107 Notice and evidence requirements
(1) An employee must give his or her employer notice of the taking of
leave under this Division by the employee.
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(2) The notice:
(a) must be given to the employer as soon as practicable (which
may be a time after the leave has started); and
(b) must advise the employer of the period, or expected period,
of the leave.
(3) An employee who has given his or her employer notice of the
taking of leave under this Division must, if required by the
employer, give the employer evidence that would satisfy a
reasonable person that:
(a) if it is paid personal/carer’s leave—the leave is taken for a
reason specified in section 97; or
(b) if it is unpaid carer’s leave—the leave is taken for a
permissible occasion in circumstances specified in
subsection 103(1); or
(c) if it is compassionate leave—the leave is taken for a
permissible occasion in circumstances specified in
subsection 105(1); or
(d) if it is paid family and domestic violence leave, and the
employee has met the requirement specified in
paragraph 106B(1)(a)—the leave is taken for the purpose
specified in paragraph 106B(1)(b), and the requirement
specified in paragraph 106B(1)(c) is met.
(4) An employee is not entitled to take leave under this Division unless
the employee complies with this section.
Modern awards and enterprise agreements may include evidence
(5) A modern award or enterprise agreement may include terms
relating to the kind of evidence that an employee must provide in
order to be entitled to paid personal/carer’s leave, unpaid carer’s
leave or compassionate leave.
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Section 107
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Note: Personal information given to an employer under this section may be
regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
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Division 8 Community service leave
Section 108
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Division 8—Community service leave
108 Entitlement to be absent from employment for engaging in
eligible community service activity
An employee who engages in an eligible community service
activity is entitled to be absent from his or her employment for a
period if:
(a) the period consists of one or more of the following:
(i) time when the employee engages in the activity;
(ii) reasonable travelling time associated with the activity;
(iii) reasonable rest time immediately following the activity;
(b) unless the activity is jury service—the employee’s absence is
reasonable in all the circumstances.
109 Meaning of eligible community service activity
(1) Each of the following is an eligible community service activity:
(a) jury service (including attendance for jury selection) that is
required by or under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or
a Territory; or
(b) a voluntary emergency management activity (see
subsection (2)); or
(c) an activity prescribed in regulations made for the purpose of
subsection (4).
Voluntary emergency management activities
(2) An employee engages in a voluntary emergency management
activity if, and only if:
(a) the employee engages in an activity that involves dealing
with an emergency or natural disaster; and
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(b) the employee engages in the activity on a voluntary basis
(whether or not the employee directly or indirectly takes or
agrees to take an honorarium, gratuity or similar payment
wholly or partly for engaging in the activity); and
(c) the employee is a member of, or has a member-like
association with, a recognised emergency management body;
(d) either:
(i) the employee was requested by or on behalf of the body
to engage in the activity; or
(ii) no such request was made, but it would be reasonable to
expect that, if the circumstances had permitted the
making of such a request, it is likely that such a request
would have been made.
(3) A recognised emergency management body is:
(a) a body, or part of a body, that has a role or function under a
plan that:
(i) is for coping with emergencies and/or disasters; and
(ii) is prepared by the Commonwealth, a State or a
Territory; or
(b) a fire-fighting, civil defence or rescue body, or part of such a
body; or
(c) any other body, or part of a body, a substantial purpose of
which involves:
(i) securing the safety of persons or animals in an
emergency or natural disaster; or
(ii) protecting property in an emergency or natural disaster;
(iii) otherwise responding to an emergency or natural
disaster; or
(d) a body, or part of a body, prescribed by the regulations;
but does not include a body that was established, or is continued in
existence, for the purpose, or for purposes that include the purpose,
of entitling one or more employees to be absent from their
employment under this Division.
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Section 110
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Regulations may prescribe other activities
(4) The regulations may prescribe an activity that is of a community
service nature as an eligible community service activity.
110 Notice and evidence requirements
(1) An employee who wants an absence from his or her employment to
be covered by this Division must give his or her employer notice of
the absence.
(2) The notice:
(a) must be given to the employer as soon as practicable (which
may be a time after the absence has started); and
(b) must advise the employer of the period, or expected period,
of the absence.
(3) An employee who has given his or her employer notice of an
absence under subsection (1) must, if required by the employer,
give the employer evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person
that the absence is because the employee has been or will be
engaging in an eligible community service activity.
(4) An employee’s absence from his or her employment is not covered
by this Division unless the employee complies with this section.
Note: Personal information given to an employer under this section may be
regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
111 Payment to employees (other than casuals) on jury service
Application of this section
(1) This section applies if:
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(a) in accordance with this Division, an employee is absent from
his or her employment for a period because of jury service;
(b) the employee is not a casual employee.
Employee to be paid base rate of pay
(2) Subject to subsections (3), (4) and (5), the employer must pay the
employee at the employee’s base rate of pay for the employee’s
ordinary hours of work in the period.
(3) The employer may require the employee to give the employer
evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person:
(a) that the employee has taken all necessary steps to obtain any
amount of jury service pay to which the employee is entitled;
(b) of the total amount (even if it is a nil amount) of jury service
pay that has been paid, or is payable, to the employee for the
Note: Personal information given to an employer under this subsection may
be regulated under the Privacy Act 1988.
(4) If, in accordance with subsection (3), the employer requires the
employee to give the employer the evidence referred to in that
(a) the employee is not entitled to payment under subsection (2)
unless the employee provides the evidence; and
(b) if the employee provides the evidence—the amount payable
to the employee under subsection (2) is reduced by the total
amount of jury service pay that has been paid, or is payable,
to the employee, as disclosed in the evidence.
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Payment only required for first 10 days of absence
(5) If an employee is absent because of jury service in relation to a
particular jury service summons for a period, or a number of
periods, of more than 10 days in total:
(a) the employer is only required to pay the employee for the
first 10 days of absence; and
(b) the evidence provided in response to a requirement under
subsection (3) need only relate to the first 10 days of
absence; and
(c) the reference in subsection (4) to the total amount of jury
service pay as disclosed in evidence is a reference to the total
amount so disclosed for the first 10 days of absence.
Meaning of jury service pay
(6) Jury service pay means an amount paid in relation to jury service
under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory, other
than an amount that is, or that is in the nature of, an
expense-related allowance.
Meaning of jury service summons
(7) Jury service summons means a summons or other instruction
(however described) that requires a person to attend for, or
perform, jury service.
112 State and Territory laws that are not excluded
(1) This Act is not intended to apply to the exclusion of laws of a State
or Territory that provide employee entitlements in relation to
engaging in eligible community service activities, to the extent that
those entitlements are more beneficial to employees than the
entitlements under this Division.
Note: For example, this Act would not apply to the exclusion of a State or
Territory law providing for a casual employee to be paid jury service
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(2) If the community service activity is an activity prescribed in
regulations made for the purpose of subsection 109(4),
subsection (1) of this section has effect subject to any provision to
the contrary in the regulations.
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Division 9—Long service leave
113 Entitlement to long service leave
Entitlement in accordance with applicable award-derived long
service leave terms
(1) If there are applicable award-derived long service leave terms (see
subsection (3)) in relation to an employee, the employee is entitled
to long service leave in accordance with those terms.
Note: This Act does not exclude State and Territory laws that deal with long
service leave, except in relation to employees who are entitled to long
service leave under this Division (see paragraph 27(2)(g)), and except
as provided in subsection 113A(3).
(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) a workplace agreement, or an AWA, that came into operation
before the commencement of this Part applies to the
employee; or
(b) one of the following kinds of instrument that came into
operation before the commencement of this Part applies to
the employee and expressly deals with long service leave:
(i) an enterprise agreement;
(ii) a preserved State agreement;
(iii) a workplace determination;
(iv) a pre-reform certified agreement;
(v) a pre-reform AWA;
(vi) a section 170MX award;
(vii) an old IR agreement.
Note: If there ceases to be any agreement or instrument of a kind referred to
in paragraph (a) or (b) that applies to the employee, the employee will,
at that time, become entitled under subsection (1) to long service leave
in accordance with applicable award-derived long service leave terms.
(3) Applicable award-derived long service leave terms, in relation to
an employee, are:
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Section 113
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(a) terms of an award, or a State reference transitional award,
that (disregarding the effect of any instrument of a kind
referred to in subsection (2)):
(i) would have applied to the employee at the test time (see
subsection (3A)) if the employee had, at that time, been
in his or her current circumstances of employment; and
(ii) would have entitled the employee to long service leave;
(b) any terms of the award, or the State reference transitional
award, that are ancillary or incidental to the terms referred to
in paragraph (a).
(3A) For the purpose of subparagraph (3)(a)(i), the test time is:
(a) immediately before the commencement of this Part; or
(b) if the employee is a Division 2B State reference employee (as
defined in Schedule 2 to the Transitional Act)—immediately
before the Division 2B referral commencement (as defined in
that Schedule).
Entitlement in accordance with applicable agreement-derived long
service leave terms
(4) If there are applicable agreement-derived long service leave terms
(see subsection (5)) in relation to an employee, the employee is
entitled to long service leave in accordance with those terms.
(5) There are applicable agreement-derived long service leave terms,
in relation to an employee if:
(a) an order under subsection (6) is in operation in relation to
terms of an instrument; and
(b) those terms of the instrument would have applied to the
employee immediately before the commencement of this
Part if the employee had, at that time, been in his or her
current circumstances of employment; and
(c) there are no applicable award-derived long service leave
terms in relation to the employee.
(6) If the FWC is satisfied that:
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Section 113A
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(a) any of the following instruments that was in operation
immediately before the commencement of this Part contained
terms entitling employees to long service leave:
(i) an enterprise agreement;
(ii) a collective agreement;
(iii) a pre-reform certified agreement;
(iv) an old IR agreement; and
(b) those terms constituted a long service leave scheme that was
applying in more than one State or Territory; and
(c) the scheme, considered on an overall basis, is no less
beneficial to the employees than the long service leave
entitlements that would otherwise apply in relation to the
employees under State and Territory laws;
the FWC may, on application by, or on behalf of, a person to
whom the instrument applies, make an order that those terms of the
instrument (and any terms that are ancillary or incidental to those
terms) are applicable agreement-derived long service leave terms.
References to instruments
(7) References in this section to a kind of instrument (other than an
enterprise agreement) are references to a transitional instrument of
that kind, as continued in existence by Schedule 3 to the
Transitional Act.
113A Enterprise agreements may contain terms discounting service
under prior agreements etc. in certain circumstances
(1) This section applies if:
(a) an instrument (the first instrument) of one of the following
kinds that came into operation before the commencement of
this Part applies to an employee on or after the
commencement of this Part:
(i) an enterprise agreement;
(ii) a workplace agreement;
(iii) a workplace determination;
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Long service leave Division 9
Section 113A
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(iv) a preserved State agreement;
(v) an AWA;
(vi) a pre-reform certified agreement;
(vii) a pre-reform AWA;
(viii) an old IR agreement;
(ix) a section 170MX award; and
(b) the instrument states that the employee is not entitled to long
service leave; and
(c) the instrument ceases, for whatever reason, to apply to the
employee; and
(d) immediately after the first instrument ceases to apply, an
enterprise agreement (the replacement agreement) starts to
apply to the employee.
(2) The replacement agreement may include terms to the effect that an
employee’s service with the employer during a specified period
(the excluded period) (being some or all of the period when the
first instrument applied to the employee) does not count as service
for the purpose of determining whether the employee is qualified
for long service leave, or the amount of long service leave to which
the employee is entitled, under this Division or under a law of a
State or Territory.
(3) If the replacement agreement includes terms as permitted by
subsection (2), the excluded period does not count, and never again
counts, as service for the purpose of determining whether the
employee is qualified for long service leave, or the amount of long
service leave to which the employee is entitled, under this Division
or under a law of a State or Territory, unless a later agreement
provides otherwise. This subsection has effect despite sections 27
and 29.
(4) References in this section to a kind of instrument (other than an
enterprise agreement) are references to a transitional instrument of
that kind, as continued in existence by Schedule 3 to the
Transitional Act.
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 10 Public holidays
Section 114
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Division 10—Public holidays
114 Entitlement to be absent from employment on public holiday
Employee entitled to be absent on public holiday
(1) An employee is entitled to be absent from his or her employment
on a day or part-day that is a public holiday in the place where the
employee is based for work purposes.
Reasonable requests to work on public holidays
(2) However, an employer may request an employee to work on a
public holiday if the request is reasonable.
(3) If an employer requests an employee to work on a public holiday,
the employee may refuse the request if:
(a) the request is not reasonable; or
(b) the refusal is reasonable.
(4) In determining whether a request, or a refusal of a request, to work
on a public holiday is reasonable, the following must be taken into
(a) the nature of the employer’s workplace or enterprise
(including its operational requirements), and the nature of the
work performed by the employee;
(b) the employee’s personal circumstances, including family
(c) whether the employee could reasonably expect that the
employer might request work on the public holiday;
(d) whether the employee is entitled to receive overtime
payments, penalty rates or other compensation for, or a level
of remuneration that reflects an expectation of, work on the
public holiday;
(e) the type of employment of the employee (for example,
whether full-time, part-time, casual or shiftwork);
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Public holidays Division 10
Section 115
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(f) the amount of notice in advance of the public holiday given
by the employer when making the request;
(g) in relation to the refusal of a request—the amount of notice
in advance of the public holiday given by the employee when
refusing the request;
(h) any other relevant matter.
115 Meaning of public holiday
The public holidays
(1) The following are public holidays:
(a) each of these days:
(i) 1 January (New Year’s Day);
(ii) 26 January (Australia Day);
(iii) Good Friday;
(iv) Easter Monday;
(v) 25 April (Anzac Day);
(vi) the Queen’s birthday holiday (on the day on which it is
celebrated in a State or Territory or a region of a State
or Territory);
(vii) 25 December (Christmas Day);
(viii) 26 December (Boxing Day);
(b) any other day, or part-day, declared or prescribed by or under
a law of a State or Territory to be observed generally within
the State or Territory, or a region of the State or Territory, as
a public holiday, other than a day or part-day, or a kind of
day or part-day, that is excluded by the regulations from
counting as a public holiday.
Substituted public holidays under State or Territory laws
(2) If, under (or in accordance with a procedure under) a law of a State
or Territory, a day or part-day is substituted for a day or part-day
that would otherwise be a public holiday because of subsection (1),
then the substituted day or part-day is the public holiday.
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 10 Public holidays
Section 116
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Substituted public holidays under modern awards and enterprise
(3) A modern award or enterprise agreement may include terms
providing for an employer and employee to agree on the
substitution of a day or part-day for a day or part-day that would
otherwise be a public holiday because of subsection (1) or (2).
Substituted public holidays for award/agreement free employees
(4) An employer and an award/agreement free employee may agree on
the substitution of a day or part-day for a day or part-day that
would otherwise be a public holiday because of subsection (1) or
Note: This Act does not exclude State and Territory laws that deal with the
declaration, prescription or substitution of public holidays, but it does
exclude State and Territory laws that relate to the rights and
obligations of an employee or employer in relation to public holidays
(see paragraph 27(2)(j)).
116 Payment for absence on public holiday
If, in accordance with this Division, an employee is absent from his
or her employment on a day or part-day that is a public holiday, the
employer must pay the employee at the employee’s base rate of
pay for the employee’s ordinary hours of work on the day or
Note: If the employee does not have ordinary hours of work on the public
holiday, the employee is not entitled to payment under this section.
For example, the employee is not entitled to payment if the employee
is a casual employee who is not rostered on for the public holiday, or
is a part-time employee whose part-time hours do not include the day
of the week on which the public holiday occurs.
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Superannuation contributions Division 10A
Section 116A
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Division 10A—Superannuation contributions
116A Division does not apply to certain employees or employers in
referring States
This Division does not apply in relation to:
(a) an employee who is a national system employee only
because of section 30C or 30M (which extend the meaning of
national system employee); or
(b) an employer that is a national system employer only because
of section 30D or 30N (which extend the meaning of
national system employer).
116B Employer’s obligation to make superannuation contributions
An employer must make contributions to a superannuation fund for
the benefit of an employee so as to avoid liability to pay
superannuation guarantee charge under the Superannuation
Guarantee Charge Act 1992 in relation to the employee.
116C Reduction of employer’s liability to the extent of
superannuation charge payments
The obligation to make contributions for an employee under
section 116B does not apply to an employer to the extent that:
(a) the employer has made a charge payment (within the
meaning of section 63A of the Superannuation Guarantee
(Administration) Act 1992) in respect of the employee under
Part 8 of that Act; and
(b) the employee is a benefiting employee (within the meaning
of that Part); and
(c) the Commissioner of Taxation is required to pay, or
otherwise deal with, a shortfall component (within the
meaning of that Part) for the benefit of the employee under
that Part.
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 10A Superannuation contributions
Section 116D
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
116D Preventing multiple actions
(1) This section applies if:
(a) an employer has contravened, or allegedly contravened, a
civil remedy provision that relates to a contravention of this
Division; and
(b) the contravention, or alleged contravention, relates wholly or
partly to an employee; and
(c) the employee or another person referred to in an item in
column 2 of the table in subsection 539(2) would be entitled
to apply for an order under Division 2 of Part 4-1 in relation
to the contravention, or alleged contravention.
No application for orders in certain circumstances
(2) An application for such an order may not be made if:
(a) the Commissioner of Taxation has commenced proceedings
against the employer to recover an amount of superannuation
guarantee charge; and
(b) either:
(i) the Commissioner has obtained an order for recovery of
the charge; or
(ii) if the proceedings have not been finally disposed of—
the Commissioner has not discontinued the proceedings;
(c) the employer’s superannuation guarantee shortfall in respect
of which the charge is imposed includes an individual
superannuation guarantee shortfall for the employee.
(3) Terms (apart from employee and employer) used in this section
that are defined in the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration)
Act 1992 have the same meaning in this section as they have in that
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Superannuation contributions Division 10A
Section 116E
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
116E Orders for compensation
(1) This section applies if a court makes an order under section 545
awarding compensation to an employee for a contravention of a
civil remedy provision that relates to a contravention of this
(2) The court must have regard to the principle that any component of
the compensation payable on account of unpaid superannuation
contributions should usually be paid to a superannuation fund for
the benefit of the employee.
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 11 Notice of termination and redundancy pay
Section 117
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Division 11—Notice of termination and redundancy pay
Subdivision A—Notice of termination or payment in lieu of
117 Requirement for notice of termination or payment in lieu
Notice specifying day of termination
(1) An employer must not terminate an employee’s employment unless
the employer has given the employee written notice of the day of
the termination (which cannot be before the day the notice is
Note 1: Section 123 describes situations in which this section does not apply.
Note 2: Sections 28A and 29 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 provide how
a notice may be given. In particular, the notice may be given to an
employee by:
(a) delivering it personally; or
(b) leaving it at the employee’s last known address; or
(c) sending it by pre-paid post to the employee’s last known address.
Amount of notice or payment in lieu of notice
(2) The employer must not terminate the employee’s employment
(a) the time between giving the notice and the day of the
termination is at least the period (the minimum period of
notice) worked out under subsection (3); or
(b) the employer has paid to the employee (or to another person
on the employee’s behalf) payment in lieu of notice of at
least the amount the employer would have been liable to pay
to the employee (or to another person on the employee’s
behalf) at the full rate of pay for the hours the employee
would have worked had the employment continued until the
end of the minimum period of notice.
(3) Work out the minimum period of notice as follows:
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Notice of termination and redundancy pay Division 11
Section 118
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(a) first, work out the period using the following table:
Employee’s period of continuous service with
the employer at the end of the day the notice
is given
Not more than 1 year
1 week
More than 1 year but not more than 3 years
2 weeks
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years
3 weeks
More than 5 years
4 weeks
(b) then increase the period by 1 week if the employee is over 45
years old and has completed at least 2 years of continuous
service with the employer at the end of the day the notice is
(4) A reference in this section to continuous service with the employer
does not include periods of employment as a casual employee of
the employer.
118 Modern awards and enterprise agreements may provide for
notice of termination by employees
A modern award or enterprise agreement may include terms
specifying the period of notice an employee must give in order to
terminate his or her employment.
Subdivision B—Redundancy pay
119 Redundancy pay
Entitlement to redundancy pay
(1) An employee is entitled to be paid redundancy pay by the
employer if the employee’s employment is terminated:
(a) at the employer’s initiative because the employer no longer
requires the job done by the employee to be done by anyone,
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 11 Notice of termination and redundancy pay
Section 120
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
except where this is due to the ordinary and customary
turnover of labour; or
(b) because of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the employer.
Note: Sections 121, 122 and 123 describe situations in which the employee
does not have this entitlement.
Amount of redundancy pay
(2) The amount of the redundancy pay equals the total amount payable
to the employee for the redundancy pay period worked out using
the following table at the employee’s base rate of pay for his or her
ordinary hours of work:
Redundancy pay period
Employee’s period of continuous service
with the employer on termination
pay period
At least 1 year but less than 2 years
4 weeks
At least 2 years but less than 3 years
6 weeks
At least 3 years but less than 4 years
7 weeks
At least 4 years but less than 5 years
8 weeks
At least 5 years but less than 6 years
10 weeks
At least 6 years but less than 7 years
11 weeks
At least 7 years but less than 8 years
13 weeks
At least 8 years but less than 9 years
14 weeks
At least 9 years but less than 10 years
16 weeks
At least 10 years
12 weeks
(3) A reference in this section to continuous service with the employer
does not include periods of employment as a casual employee of
the employer.
120 Variation of redundancy pay for other employment or
incapacity to pay
(1) This section applies if:
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Notice of termination and redundancy pay Division 11
Section 121
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(a) an employee is entitled to be paid an amount of redundancy
pay by the employer because of section 119; and
(b) the employer:
(i) obtains other acceptable employment for the employee;
(ii) cannot pay the amount.
(2) On application by the employer, the FWC may determine that the
amount of redundancy pay is reduced to a specified amount (which
may be nil) that the FWC considers appropriate.
(3) The amount of redundancy pay to which the employee is entitled
under section 119 is the reduced amount specified in the
121 Exclusions from obligation to pay redundancy pay
(1) Section 119 does not apply to the termination of an employee’s
employment if, immediately before the time of the termination, or
at the time when the person was given notice of the termination as
described in subsection 117(1) (whichever happened first):
(a) the employee’s period of continuous service with the
employer (other than periods of employment as a casual
employee of the employer) is less than 12 months; or
(b) the employer is a small business employer.
(2) A modern award may include a term specifying other situations in
which section 119 does not apply to the termination of an
employee’s employment.
(3) If a modern award that is in operation includes such a term (the
award term), an enterprise agreement may:
(a) incorporate the award term by reference (and as in force from
time to time) into the enterprise agreement; and
(b) provide that the incorporated term covers some or all of the
employees who are also covered by the award term.
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 11 Notice of termination and redundancy pay
Section 121
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Certain small businesses to pay redundancy pay
(4) Despite subsection (1), an employee whose employment is
terminated is entitled to be paid redundancy pay in accordance with
this Division if:
(a) at the time of the termination, section 119 did not apply to
the termination because the employer was a small business
employer; and
(b) the employer is bankrupt or in liquidation (other than only
because of a members’ voluntary winding up); and
(c) the employer is a small business employer because the
employment of one or more employees was terminated; and
(d) those terminations occurred:
(i) on or after the day that is 6 months before the employer
became bankrupt or went into liquidation; or
(ii) if there was an insolvency practitioner (the last
insolvency practitioner) for the employer on the
business day before the employer became bankrupt or
went into liquidation—on or after the day that is 6
months before the insolvency practitioner was
appointed; or
(iii) if, before the last insolvency practitioner was appointed,
other insolvency practitioners for the employer were
appointed without any intervening business days
between any of those appointments—on or after the day
that is 6 months before the first of those insolvency
practitioners was appointed; or
(iv) due to the insolvency of the employer.
(5) A members’ voluntary winding up is a winding up under
section 495 of the Corporations Act 2001.
Time of liquidation—members’ voluntary winding up where
company turns out to be insolvent
(6) If a liquidator takes action under section 496 of the Corporations
Act 2001 (company turns out to be insolvent) in relation to a small
business employer whose liquidation began as a members’
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Notice of termination and redundancy pay Division 11
Section 122
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
voluntary winding up, then, for the purposes of
subparagraph (4)(d)(i), the time the employer goes into liquidation
is the time the employer goes into liquidation because of the
members’ voluntary winding up.
Application to partnerships
(7) For the purposes of subsection (4), a small business employer that
is a partnership is not bankrupt or in liquidation unless each partner
of the partnership is bankrupt or in liquidation, as the case requires.
122 Transfer of employment situations that affect the obligation to
pay redundancy pay
Transfer of employment situation in which employer may decide
not to recognise employee’s service with first employer
(1) Subsection 22(5) does not apply (for the purpose of this
Subdivision) to a transfer of employment between non-associated
entities in relation to an employee if the second employer decides
not to recognise the employee’s service with the first employer (for
the purpose of this Subdivision).
Employee is not entitled to redundancy pay if service with first
employer counts as service with second employer
(2) If subsection 22(5) applies (for the purpose of this Subdivision) to
a transfer of employment in relation to an employee, the employee
is not entitled to redundancy pay under section 119 in relation to
the termination of his or her employment with the first employer.
Note: Subsection 22(5) provides that, generally, if there is a transfer of
employment, service with the first employer counts as service with the
second employer.
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Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 11 Notice of termination and redundancy pay
Section 123
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Employee not entitled to redundancy pay if refuses employment in
certain circumstances
(3) An employee is not entitled to redundancy pay under section 119
in relation to the termination of his or her employment with an
employer (the first employer) if:
(a) the employee rejects an offer of employment made by
another employer (the second employer) that:
(i) is on terms and conditions substantially similar to, and,
considered on an overall basis, no less favourable than,
the employee’s terms and conditions of employment
with the first employer immediately before the
termination; and
(ii) recognises the employee’s service with the first
employer, for the purpose of this Subdivision; and
(b) had the employee accepted the offer, there would have been a
transfer of employment in relation to the employee.
(4) If the FWC is satisfied that subsection (3) operates unfairly to the
employee, the FWC may order the first employer to pay the
employee a specified amount of redundancy pay (not exceeding the
amount that would be payable but for subsection (3)) that the FWC
considers appropriate. The first employer must pay the employee
that amount of redundancy pay.
Subdivision C—Limits on scope of this Division
123 Limits on scope of this Division
Employees not covered by this Division
(1) This Division does not apply to any of the following employees:
(a) an employee employed for a specified period of time, for a
specified task, or for the duration of a specified season;
(b) an employee whose employment is terminated because of
serious misconduct;
(c) a casual employee;
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Notice of termination and redundancy pay Division 11
Section 123
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
(d) an employee (other than an apprentice) to whom a training
arrangement applies and whose employment is for a specified
period of time or is, for any reason, limited to the duration of
the training arrangement;
(e) an employee prescribed by the regulations as an employee to
whom this Division does not apply.
(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not prevent this Division from applying to an
employee if a substantial reason for employing the employee as
described in that paragraph was to avoid the application of this
Other employees not covered by notice of termination provisions
(3) Subdivision A does not apply to:
(b) a daily hire employee working in the building and
construction industry (including working in connection with
the erection, repair, renovation, maintenance, ornamentation
or demolition of buildings or structures); or
(c) a daily hire employee working in the meat industry in
connection with the slaughter of livestock; or
(d) a weekly hire employee working in connection with the meat
industry and whose termination of employment is determined
solely by seasonal factors; or
(e) an employee prescribed by the regulations as an employee to
whom that Subdivision does not apply.
Other employees not covered by redundancy pay provisions
(4) Subdivision B does not apply to:
(a) an employee who is an apprentice; or
(b) an employee to whom an industry-specific redundancy
scheme in a modern award applies; or
(c) an employee to whom a redundancy scheme in an enterprise
agreement applies if:
(i) the scheme is an industry-specific redundancy scheme
that is incorporated by reference (and as in force from
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 11 Notice of termination and redundancy pay
Section 123
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
time to time) into the enterprise agreement from a
modern award that is in operation; and
(ii) the employee is covered by the industry-specific
redundancy scheme in the modern award; or
(d) an employee prescribed by the regulations as an employee to
whom that Subdivision does not apply.
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Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Fair Work Ombudsman to prepare and publish statements Division 12
Section 124
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
Division 12—Fair Work Ombudsman to prepare and
publish statements
124 Fair Work Ombudsman to prepare and publish Fair Work
Information Statement
(1) The Fair Work Ombudsman must prepare a Fair Work
Information Statement. The Fair Work Ombudsman must publish
the Statement in the Gazette.
Note: If the Fair Work Ombudsman changes the Statement, the Fair Work
Ombudsman must publish the new version of the Statement in the
(2) The Statement must contain information about the following:
(a) the National Employment Standards;
(b) modern awards;
(c) agreement-making under this Act;
(d) the right to freedom of association;
(e) the role of the FWC and the Fair Work Ombudsman;
(f) termination of employment;
(g) individual flexibility arrangements;
(h) right of entry (including the protection of personal
information by privacy laws).
(3) The Fair Work Information Statement is not a legislative
(4) The regulations may prescribe other matters relating to the content
or form of the Statement, or the manner in which employers may
give the Statement to employees.
125 Giving new employees the Fair Work Information Statement
(1) An employer must give each employee the Fair Work Information
Statement before, or as soon as practicable after, the employee
starts employment.
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 12 Fair Work Ombudsman to prepare and publish statements
Section 125A
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
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Registered: 28/02/2024
(2) Subsection (1) does not require the employer to give the employee
the Statement more than once in any 12 months.
Note: This is relevant if the employer employs the employee more than once
in the 12 months.
125A Fair Work Ombudsman to prepare and publish Casual
Employment Information Statement
(1) The Fair Work Ombudsman must prepare a Casual Employment
Information Statement. The Fair Work Ombudsman must publish
the Statement in the Gazette.
Note: If the Fair Work Ombudsman changes the Statement, the Fair Work
Ombudsman must publish the new version of the Statement in the
(2) The Statement must contain information about casual employment
and offers and requests for casual conversion under Division 4A of
Part 2-2, including the following:
(a) the meaning of casual employee under section 15A;
(b) an employer offer for casual conversion must generally be
made to certain casual employees within 21 days after the
employee has completed 12 months of employment;
(c) an employer can decide not to make an offer for casual
conversion if there are reasonable grounds to do so, but the
employer must notify the employee of these grounds;
(d) certain casual employees will also have a residual right to
request casual conversion;
(da) casual conversion entitlements of casual employees
employed by small business employers;
(e) the FWC may deal with disputes about the operation of that
(3) The Casual Employment Information Statement is not a legislative
(4) The regulations may prescribe other matters relating to the content
or form of the Statement, or the manner in which employers may
give the Statement to employees.
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Fair Work Ombudsman to prepare and publish statements Division 12
Section 125B
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
125B Giving new employees the Casual Employment Information
(1) An employer must give each casual employee the Casual
Employment Information Statement before, or as soon as
practicable after, the employee starts employment as a casual
employee with the employer.
(2) Subsection (1) does not require the employer to give the employee
the Statement more than once in any 12 months.
Note: This is relevant if the employer employs the employee more than once
in the 12 months.
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 13 Miscellaneous
Section 126
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
Division 13—Miscellaneous
126 Modern awards and enterprise agreements may provide for
school-based apprentices and trainees to be paid loadings
in lieu
A modern award or enterprise agreement may provide for
school-based apprentices or school-based trainees to be paid
loadings in lieu of any of the following:
(a) paid annual leave;
(b) paid personal/carer’s leave;
(c) paid absence under Division 10 (which deals with public
Note: Section 199 affects whether the FWC may approve an enterprise
agreement covering an employee who is a school-based
apprentice or school-based trainee, if the employee is covered by
a modern award that is in operation and provides for the
employee to be paid loadings in lieu of paid annual leave, paid
personal/carer’s leave or paid absence under Division 10.
127 Regulations about what modern awards and enterprise
agreements can do
The regulations may:
(a) permit modern awards or enterprise agreements or both to
include terms that would or might otherwise be contrary to
this Part or section 55 (which deals with the interaction
between the National Employment Standards and a modern
award or enterprise agreement); or
(b) prohibit modern awards or enterprise agreements or both
from including terms that would or might otherwise be
permitted by a provision of this Part or section 55.
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Terms and conditions of employment Chapter 2
The National Employment Standards Part 2-2
Miscellaneous Division 13
Section 128
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
128 Relationship between National Employment Standards and
agreements etc. permitted by this Part for
award/agreement free employees
The National Employment Standards have effect subject to:
(a) an agreement between an employer and an award/agreement
free employee or a requirement made by an employer of an
award/agreement free employee, that is expressly permitted
by a provision of this Part; or
(b) an agreement between an employer and an award/agreement
free employee that is expressly permitted by regulations
made for the purpose of section 129.
Note 1: In determining what matters are permitted to be agreed or required
under paragraph (a), any regulations made for the purpose of
section 129 that expressly prohibit certain agreements or requirements
must be taken into account.
Note 2: See also the note to section 64 (which deals with the effect of
averaging arrangements).
129 Regulations about what can be agreed to etc. in relation to
award/agreement free employees
The regulations may:
(a) permit employers, and award/agreement free employees, to
agree on matters that would or might otherwise be contrary to
this Part; or
(b) prohibit employers and award/agreement free employees
from agreeing on matters, or prohibit employers from making
requirements of such employees, that would or might
otherwise be permitted by a provision of this Part.
130 Restriction on taking or accruing leave or absence while
receiving workers’ compensation
(1) An employee is not entitled to take or accrue any leave or absence
(whether paid or unpaid) under this Part during a period (a
compensation period) when the employee is absent from work
because of a personal illness, or a personal injury, for which the
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024
Chapter 2 Terms and conditions of employment
Part 2-2 The National Employment Standards
Division 13 Miscellaneous
Section 131
Fair Work Act 2009
Compilation No. 57
Compilation date: 27/02/2024
Registered: 28/02/2024
employee is receiving compensation payable under a law (a
compensation law) of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory
that is about workers’ compensation.
(2) Subsection (1) does not prevent an employee from taking or
accruing leave during a compensation period if the taking or
accruing of the leave is permitted by a compensation law.
(3) Subsection (1) does not prevent an employee from taking unpaid
parental leave during a compensation period.
131 Relationship with other Commonwealth laws
This Part establishes minimum standards and so is intended to
supplement, and not to override, entitlements under other laws of
the Commonwealth.
Authorised Version C2024C00062 registered 28/02/2024