Oracle Utilities Network Management
Security Guide
December 2020
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Security Guide
, Release
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Preface .......................................................................................................................................... i-i
Audience.............................................................................................................................................................. i-i
Conventions....................................................................................................................................................... i-ii
Chapter 1
Security ....................................................................................................................................... 1-1
NMS Security..................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Oracle Network Management System Data Sensitivity ................................................................................. 1-2
Oracle Network Management System Security Philosophy........................................................................... 1-3
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier ................................................................................................ 1-5
Tier 1 - UNIX Files and Oracle RDBMS - Data/Config Tier......................................................................... 1-6
Tier 2 - Oracle Network Management System Services - Business Tier.................................................. 1-7
Tier 3 - Oracle WebLogic Java Application Server - Data Access Tier ..................................................... 1-9
Tier 4 - Oracle NMS Java clients - Presentation Tier.............................................................................. 1-12
Tier 5 - Oracle NMS Mobile Clients - Mobile Presentation Tier .............................................................. 1-13
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components.................................................................... 1-14
Oracle Relational Database Management System ................................................................................ 1-14
Network Management System Services................................................................................................. 1-17
Oracle WebLogic Server .......................................................................................................................... 1-18
Common Object Request Broker Architecture - Object Request Broker.............................................. 1-19
HTTP Server ............................................................................................................................................. 1-20
LDAP Server ............................................................................................................................................. 1-21
Network Management System Java Client Applications ...................................................................... 1-21
Security Certificates in Oracle Utilities Network Management System....................................................... 1-22
SSL Certificate ......................................................................................................................................... 1-22
Defining Encryption Parameters ............................................................................................................ 1-22
Validating Encryption Suite .................................................................................................................... 1-23
Trusting Certificates ................................................................................................................................ 1-23
Signing Certificates ................................................................................................................................. 1-23
Creating the Client Keystore................................................................................................................... 1-24
Creating the Certificate for SwService ................................................................................................... 1-24
Open Ports ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-24
Client/Server Security .................................................................................................................................... 1-25
Attachment Security....................................................................................................................................... 1-25
General Data Protection Regulation.............................................................................................................. 1-26
Welcome to Oracle Utilities Network Management System Security Guide. This guide
describes how you can configure security for Oracle Utilities by using the default features.
This preface contains these topics:
Related Documents
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Security Guide is intended for product
administrators, security administrators, application developers, and others tasked with
performing the following operations securely and efficiently:
Designing and implementing security policies to protect the data of an organization,
users, and applications from accidental, inappropriate, or unauthorized actions
Creating and enforcing policies and practices of auditing and accountability for
inappropriate or unauthorized actions
Creating, maintaining, and terminating user accounts, passwords, roles, and privileges
Developing interfaces that provide desired services securely in a variety of
computational models, leveraging product and directory services to maximize both
efficiency and ease of use
To use this document, you need a basic understanding of how the product works, and basic
familiarity with the security aspects of the Oracle WebLogic and Database security.
Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Utilities Network
Management System Release documentation set:
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Adapters Guide
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Advanced Distribution Management
System Implementation Guide
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
Oracle Utilities Network Management System for Water User’s Guide
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Installation Guide
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Licensing Information User Manual
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Operations Mobile Application Installation
and Deployment Guide
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Quick Install Guide
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Release Notes
Oracle Utilities Network Management System User’s Guide
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements
associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables
for which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs,
code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you
Security 1-1
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an overview of a standard implementation of Oracle Utilities
Network Management System, including:
NMS Security
Oracle Network Management System Data Sensitivity
Oracle Network Management System Security Philosophy
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
Security Certificates in Oracle Utilities Network Management System
Open Ports
Client/Server Security
Attachment Security
NMS Security
The Oracle Utilities Network Management System (NMS) is comprised of several technology
components that necessarily interact to provide a fully functional system. This document is
intended to provide an overview of those components along with some of the options
available to either enhance or ease security for each of the key components. By default
Oracle attempts to configure each component as secure as practically possible by default.
In some cases additional security can be provided beyond the default configuration. In
other cases (maybe an internal development or test environment for example) it may be
desirable to reduce security for certain components - to simplify support and/or interaction
with the system.
Oracle Network Management System Data Sensitivity
1-2 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
Oracle Network Management System Data Sensitivity
The Oracle Utilities Network Management System minimally combines data from
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Customer Information Systems (CIS) to form the
operational electrical network model. Beyond GIS and CIS, NMS production deployments
often include at least some data from one or more of the following:
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems
Mobile Workforce Management systems
Oracle internal. For example, the NMS Operations Mobile Application (OMA),
Oracle Field Service Cloud (OFSC), and so forth.
Oracle external. For example, CGI, Ventyx, and so forth.
Work and Asset Management systems (WAM)
Engineering Planning systems
Other more utility specific enterprise systems are also often integrated to Oracle NMS to
help maintain the real-time operational NMS Electrical Network Data model (NMS model).
A typical Network Management System implementation has very little truly sensitive
personal (utility customer data) involved in the construction or maintenance of the NMS
model. The required personal information that is periodically extracted from the
appropriate Customer Information System is generally used to identify or categorize utility
customers. The required information typically includes customer name, address, phone
and utility account number. Optional fields like "life support equipment," critical customer
classification information and power usage data can also be used to help categorize
customers for routine analysis. The majority of NMS Electrical Network Data model
information is publicly available and as a whole is generally not considered highly sensitive.
Because the persistent data behind the Oracle Network Management System is not
generally considered highly sensitive and because NMS systems typically reside behind
multiple firewalls, NMS customers do not typically encrypt "data at rest" (on disk) or "on-
the-wire/in-flight" (between core NMS components like the RDBMS and WebLogic).
Specifically the vast majority of relevant Network Management System data is stored in an
Oracle RDBMS. The NMS data that resides in the RDBMS is typically not encrypted on disk
nor in-transit between the RDBMS and WebLogic - but can be.
Oracle Network Management System Security Philosophy
Security 1-3
Oracle Network Management System Security Philosophy
A major mission of the NMS electrical model is to allow efficient capture and sharing of
static and real-time field updates that allow for more informed and coordinated
operational decisions. As such primary security measures typically involve minimizing the
possibility of unauthorized (end-user) access or manipulation of the production Network
Management System model. The most secure data cannot be accessed by anyone. A
system that anyone can openly access and update may perform well but is certainly not
secure. We have to find an acceptable balance of accessibility and security while providing
a sufficiently performant system. The right balance generally depends on available
infrastructure, cost as well as the needs and priorities of your organization.
At a high-level, a typical NMS installation can typically be thought of as two major
components. A front-end user interface and back-end (black box) services to support the
user interface. These two primary components are expected to be separated by an internal
firewall for a production NMS deployment.
1. The NMS front end provides NMS Java end-user clients access to the NMS electrical
NMS end users are typically all within the corporate intranet behind a corporate
Internet access (without VPN) is generally not allowed within an NMS production
The optional NMS Operations Mobile Application (OMA) can be an exception to
this rule. OMA can be configured to support foreign crews and (if configured to
do so) must (typically) allow some form of Internet access. OMA has its own
security section later in this document.
A large NMS instance may have over 1000 authorized users (sometimes over 500 at
any given time). This user volume alone qualifies NMS end-users as a legitimate
security threat. End user tools/access needs to be closely monitored/managed to
help ensure NMS model integrity.
2. The NMS back end manages the operational NMS electrical network model.
NMS back end technology components are expected to deployed behind an
additional internal firewall. The internal firewall is expected to be deployed in
front of WebLogic - limiting NMS end user access to NMS back-end "services" via a
single WebLogic port.
Only internal authorized (admin) users should have access granted to the Oracle
NMS back-end technology/service components (RDBMS, WebLogic, NMS services,
GIS, CIS, and so on).
Care must be taken to ensure that ONLY authorized administrative users have
access to the Oracle NMS admin account.
Oracle Network Management System Security Philosophy
1-4 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
The NMS high-level architecture and major product interfaces are shown in the illustration
Figure 1: Network Management System High Level Architecture
The following are generally relevant factors when considering what level of security/
encryption is appropriate for core technology components within a given NMS deployment.
1. NMS generally does not typically contain extremely sensitive data.
2. NMS requires digital signatures to validate NMS Java clients connect to a trusted
3. NMS supports encryption of traffic between NMS Java clients and WebLogic.
4. NMS Java clients only have read access to a subset of (mostly) project configurable
NMS RDBMS tables. Oracle NMS RDBMS read-only tables used for NMS end-user access
should be screened for sensitive information before being configured for direct Oracle
NMS Java client access.
5. NMS supports installing a firewall between NMS Java clients and the NMS back-end
The focus of NMS security revolves around properly authenticating and authorizing
external integration adapters and NMS clients to minimize the possibility of unauthorized
or inappropriate updates.
Data that travels between NMS end user clients and WebLogic can be restricted (via a
firewall) to help prevent unauthorized access to NMS internal (back-end) technology
components. Traffic between WebLogic and NMS clients is also typically encrypted (via t3s
for WebLogic) to minimize the possibility of it being reverse engineered and/or tampered
with and the NMS model being inappropriately updated.
Data that travels between NMS technology components on the back end is often not
encrypted (because it is behind the corporate firewall AND often an additional internal
firewall). There are also key exceptions to this encryption philosophy on the back-end. For
example, communication of sensitive user authentication credentials to/from an LDAP
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
Security 1-5
accessible Directory Services is almost always via a secure protocol (LDAPS) - to help
minimize the possibility of identity theft.
Together these measures are often adequate to reasonably secure a typical NMS
installation - though additional measures can be taken if deemed appropriate. The
remainder of this document provides a high-level overview of some of the available NMS
security related configuration options.
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
Figure 2, below, shows a high-level overview of the primary technology components, tiers,
and ports used in a typical NMS installation.
Figure 2: Typical Network Management System: Core Technology, Protocols, and Port Overview
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
1-6 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
Tier 1 - UNIX Files and Oracle RDBMS - Data/Config Tier
1. Description/Purpose:
The RDBMS is used to persist the NMS electrical network data model along with
outage information, switch plans and analytical information.
The UNIX file system is used to hold executables, RDBMS data files, certain
electrical and customer model initialization files (generally extracted from
enterprise GIS and CIS respectively) and assorted configuration information - for
multiple tiers.
2. Common Inter-Tier Communication and Security Considerations:
The Oracle RDBMS listener process is used to service requests from NMS services,
NMS Perl, Python, and SQL*Plus scripts, as well as WebLogic JDBC connections,
and, potentially, other project specific applications.
NMS installations do not typically encrypt Oracle NMS RDBMS data "at rest" or "in
Encrypting all in-transit Oracle RDBMS data has an NMS performance impact
(roughly 5% in our internal NMS tests). Because of the internal nature of the typical
infrastructure supporting NMS environments (NMS is typically deployed behind
multiple firewalls) - in-transit Oracle RDBMS data is not encrypted by default. Still
the performance penalty for encrypting all in-transit data should not have a major
impact on overall NMS performance. If the NMS RDBMS is exposed to a difficult to
monitor/manage set of users - such as other business owners/users outside the
core NMS team/users- encrypting in-transit data should be considered as a viable
option to help protect NMS model data from unauthorized access.
Oracle RDBMS data "in flight" can be encrypted via the Oracle Enterprise Edition
RDBMS supported Native Network Encryption option. This includes any data
exchanged between Oracle RDMS instances via Data Guard.
Either a subset (specific columns within specific tables) of Oracle RDBMS data "at
rest" or entire application tablespaces can also be encrypted via the Oracle
Enterprise Edition RDBMS Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) option. If the TDE
option is deployed it is recommended to be used for entire tablespaces rather than
individual tables and columns - for efficiency. With modern hardware (with on-
chip encryption/decryption) the overhead is typically very low (low single digits).
Once configured this option is transparent to RDBMS users. The Oracle TDE option
is included with Oracle EE RDBMS.
By using the Oracle Enterprise Edition RDBMS Advanced Security option all data
"at rest" or "on-the-wire" can be encrypted and sensitive data can also be
redacted. The Advanced Security option is a separate Oracle EE RDBMS license
Oracle RDBMS "in flight" data includes data handled by Oracle Data Guard if a
backup Oracle NMS RDBMS is in play. The Oracle Data Guard Redo Transport
Authentication mechanism leverages the Oracle RDBMS listener as a redo log data
transport mechanism.
Oracle NMS executable files installed under the nmsadmin Unix user name should
never have more than "-rwxr-x---" file permission. The nmsadmin Unix user should
have a umask of at least 0027. The default Unix group id for the nmsadmin
username should only be used for Unix accounts that support NMS. For example
the Unix group for nmsadmin should NOT be the generic Unix "users" group name
(or similar). Suggest an NMS specific Unix group name of oranms (or similar) be
used for the default Unix group for any nmsadmin type accounts - and only for
those accounts.
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
Security 1-7
If other enterprise systems require access to the production NMS RDBMS
recommend the principle of least privilege be applied - via an alternate RDBMS
schema with limited privilege synonyms to the production schema. For example,
Data Manipulation Language (DML) access and not Data Definition Language (DDL)
access. If only read-only access is required - than configure accordingly. Using this
approach should minimize the damage any outside account could potentially
have on the production NMS RDBMS. Note this principle can apply to any external
integration - including CIS integration.
3. Common Deployment Options:
Single server supporting a single Oracle RDBMS instance.
Two servers in a failover cluster supporting a single Oracle RDBMS instance.
Two servers in a Real Application Cluster supporting a single Oracle RDBMS.
Disaster Recovery and/or Business Continuity requires at least one additional
RDBMS instance - in any of the above 3 configurations. Typically replicated using
Oracle Data Guard or Oracle Active Data Guard.
Tier 2 - Oracle Network Management System Services - Business Tier
1. Description/Purpose:
NMS services (written in C/C++) are used to manage the NMS real-time operational
electrical network data model.
A significant percentage of NMS project specific configuration is managed within
NMS services via a range of configuration options. The vast majority of these
configuration options are dependent on the NMS Oracle RDBMS model and
configuration tables. These options tend to dictate how the NMS model looks and
how it reacts to specific input stimuli. These options are mostly determined during
the project configuration phase of an NMS deployment but can be modified by
NMS admins after initial go-live.
NMS services are tied together by the internal ISIS messaging bus. ISIS is a real-
time synchronous/asynchronous high-performance publication/subscription in-
memory messaging bus. NMS services use ISIS to publish relevant updates to each
other and to the NMS CORBA gateway to get the messages to WebLogic. WebLogic
provides an independent mechanism to cache messages from the NMS CORBA
gateway and provides routine updates to NMS Java clients.
2. Common Inter-Tier Communication and Security Considerations:
ISIS only runs on the node where NMS services run. By default, ISIS runs on the
loopback (localhost) network. In this mode, ISIS is only used to coordinate
messages between NMS service processes and no ISIS ports are accessible from
any external nodes. NMS ISIS messages are not encrypted.
Recommend that a minimal number of (non NMS production account related)
Unix accounts be configured on the Unix host (physical or virtual) where
production NMS services run. Ideally only required Unix accounts and
production NMS admin accounts should have access to these hosts.
Minimizing the possibility of someone other than a proper NMS admin
accessing production NMS services hosts minimizes the potential attack
NMS services talk to the Oracle NMS RDBMS listener via Oracle Call Interface APIs.
NMS run-time Perl, Python, and SQL*Plus scripts also communicate to the RDBMS
via the Oracle NMS RDBMS listener process.
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
1-8 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
The Oracle NMS admin account has access to the Oracle RDBMS (for all of the
above mechanisms) via an Oracle wallet installed on the Oracle NMS
nmsadmin Unix account. The Oracle wallet stores encrypted RDBMS
credentials for NMS daemon process access.
If NMS services and WebLogic are running on distinct nodes (or under distinct UNIX
usernames) there must be a mechanism in place to "serve" the NMS model map
(*.mad and *mac) files from where NMS services are running to where WebLogic is
running. These map files contain quasi-static coordinate and graphic symbology
information for individual NMS electrical model partitions.
Using the Network File System (NFS) is not an acceptable option for serving
the NMS model map files to WebLogic. NFS suffers from race conditions with
the NMS message bus that can yield inconsistent data for the Java clients.
The preferred method to serve the NMS model map files is to use an HTTP file
server. NMS comes with lighttpd embedded and auto-configured. The HTTP
server is generally configured to serve a single directory of unencrypted NMS
model map files to specific IP addresses where the WebLogic instances that
support this NMS instance run. The NMS system release includes lighttpd in
the 3rdparty products package and supporting scripts (nms-lighttpd and nms-
lighttpd-oem) to automatically configure, start and stop each lighttpd
Lighttpd can be configured to leverage HTTPS.
Lighttpd can be configured to limit access to specific file types.
Lighttpd can be configured to only allow access from specific hosts.
NMS services communicate to Enterprise Java Beans within WebLogic via an NMS
CORBA adapter. CORBA uses the Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP) to move data
from NMS CORBA adapter (corbagateway) to WebLogic. IIOP traffic is not
NMS services use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP to send
synchronous request messages to WebLogic that require a distinct response.
These messages are authenticated and can also be encrypted via SSL. Oracle
Wallet functionality is used to hold authentication credentials for the NMS services
that send these SOAP messages to WebLogic.
Oracle Wallet functionality is used to hold authentication credentials for the
NMS services that send SOAP messages to WebLogic.
The node that hosts NMS services is typically supplied with a daily or weekly set of
routine GIS (map) and CIS (customer model) updates. These updates are
commonly in the form of flat files and are often transported via SFTP (Secure File
Transfer Protocol) from the appropriate project specific servers to the NMS
services server.
Oracle recommends the NMS admin account pull routine external updates
(GIS, CIS, and so on) into NMS - rather than those accounts push updates into
NMS. Minimizing external account access to NMS admin accounts further
reduces the potential attack surface.
Not pictured in Fig. 2 above is a common connection from one of the NMS
corbagateway processes to a Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) server. This is
a not always but often used configuration to send utility customer interruption
notices and texts to utility internal account reps or other interested parties (via the
NMS Service Alert product component option). Outgoing SMTP traffic from CORBA
Publisher (corbagateway in publisher mode) is not encrypted.
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
Security 1-9
3. Common Deployment Options:
Typically NMS services are deployed on hardware vendor supported failover
(active/passive) clustered infrastructure.
NMS services can also be deployed on a standalone server - possibly using one or
more Disaster Recover/Business Continuity sites for backup.
For development, test, training, or model validation environments, NMS is often
deployed on a server supporting other (similar category) NMS instances. Each NMS
instance can be configured to run on a (mostly) distinct set of ports. This generally
includes NMS instance specific ports for ISIS, the CORBA Object Request Broker
(ORB), SOAP over HTTP and the NMS to WebLogic HTTP server. For a node
supporting multiple NMS instances, each NMS instance would be deployed under
a unique Unix user name (for example, nmsdev, nmstrain, nmstest). Multiple (non-
production) NMS instances are often hosted on a single Oracle RDBMS (under
separate schemas).
In a dual-environment NMS configuration, two Unix user names (for example,
nmsadmin1 and nmsadmin2) will each have an independent set of NMS
executable files for a given NMS instance.
Tier 3 - Oracle WebLogic Java Application Server - Data Access Tier
1. Description/Purpose:
WebLogic Managed Servers are used to host NMS specific Enterprise Java Beans
(EJBs) that generally cache updates from NMS services or the RDBMS. Caching
model updates to improve access for many (hundreds) of NMS clients is a primary
goal for this tier.
Note: A small but significant percentage of NMS configuration options are
also managed within these WebLogic EJBs.
Separate WebLogic Managed Servers (within the same WebLogic domain) are also
used to support Web Service based integration to external systems - typically via
the NMS MultiSpeak Adapter (AMI, AVL, SCADA).
2. Common Inter-Tier Communication and Security Considerations:
WebLogic uses CORBA to communicate to the NMS services CORBA adapter
(corbagateway). CORBA IIOP traffic to/from the NMS CORBA adapter
(corbagateway) is not encrypted.
WebLogic uses the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Thin Client driver (for a non-
RAC RDBMS) or Active Gridlink driver (for RAC RDBMS) to communicate to the NMS
Oracle RDBMS. These JDBC connections are generally not encrypted but can be via
the Oracle Enterprise Edition RDBMS Native Network Encryption option.
Note: The Oracle EE RDBMS "Advanced Security" option (separate
license) can also be configured to encrypt Oracle Net8 traffic.
WebLogic uses an NMS instance specific port to communicate to an HTTP server
on the NMS services node to pull in NMS map files to serve to NMS Java clients
(lighttpd is typically used as the HTTP server).
One WebLogic managed server (or WebLogic cluster) instance is typically used to
support NMS Java clients. If necessary it is possible to configure multiple WebLogic
managed servers (on different nodes - typically behind some type of load
balancing switch) to support a larger number or different categories of NMS Java
If you have distinct categories of NMS end users different WebLogic Managed
Servers can also be configured to support those specific categories of users.
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
1-10 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
For example, you may have one set of NMS end users that are allowed to send
outbound SCADA control (open/close) SCADA requests. A specific WebLogic
server (or WebLogic cluster) can be configured to specifically allow outbound
controls. Other (less privileged) NMS end users can be forced to login via an
alternate WebLogic server (or WebLogic cluster) that does not allow outbound
This type of configuration typically requires some form of network
segmentation. This is to ensure that ONLY qualified/privileged/
appropriate NMS end users with physical access to a given control room
(for example) – are allowed to initiate outbound controls. This also
requires very NMS specific corba-gw and WebLogic configuration – to
ensure that non-privileged NMS users cannot initiate outbound controls.
NMS end users can also use this scheme for other reasons. One WebLogic
sever to support primary control center users and another to support
“non-control-center” users – for example. This can be a mitigation
strategy to provide more consistent (dedicated) resources for core
(control room) NMS end user access. It also provides an additional access
option for at least some NMS end-users. Even if one WebLogic server is not
available (being maintained or reset), at least some NMS end users can
continue to access NMS via the other – for example.
NMS Java clients are authenticated and authorized via WebLogic. WebLogic
typically maintains a connection to an enterprise (or operations specific)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) accessible set of Directory Services -
for NMS end user authentication. LDAPv3 traffic should be configured to be
A typical production NMS installation serves a broad spectrum of utility users -
often too many to put them all behind an internal firewall. For a more secure NMS
implementation it is recommended that WebLogic managed servers (along with
the RDBMS and NMS services that support their NMS Java clients) be separated
from their NMS Java clients by an additional internal firewall. The firewall ensures
the WebLogic Managed Servers supporting NMS Java clients are minimally
accessible outside of the internal firewall. The only port that is required to be
opened is the port configured for SSL access in WebLogic.
A separate (additional) WebLogic Managed Server instance (or cluster) can also be
used to communicate to other (external) systems. For external integration, NMS
specific EJBs generally communicate to external systems via a Web Service layer
on top of the NMS EJBs.
This additional WebLogic managed server generally runs on the same node
and WebLogic domain but on a different port than the WebLogic managed
server that supports NMS Java clients. Running the WebLogic Managed Server
used for external NMS integration on a separate port also hides this port from
the general user population (if the recommended firewall between NMS end
users and WebLogic is in place).
Generally only one WebLogic managed server at a time can be used to
integrate to a given external system - generally via some type of Web Service
interface. The default Oracle NMS WebLogic managed server (supporting a
MultiSpeak-based integration, for example) can be configured to utilize a
WebLogic cluster.
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
Security 1-11
3. Common Deployment Options:
WebLogic is typically deployed on hardware vendor supported failover (active/
passive) Unix cluster infrastructure. Using a Unix cluster is not necessary but
provides protection against local hardware failure as well as a mechanism to
support "rolling" infrastructure upgrades (upgrade one node of the Unix cluster at
a time - within reason). Keep in mind that Unix clusters and WebLogic clusters are
independent and have no direct dependency on each other.
Unix clusters are also generally convenient if/when a WebLogic managed
server is configured to integrate to other (project specific) EJB servers. Since
only one WebLogic managed server at a time can be configured to integrate to
external EJB servers - a Unix failover cluster provides a useful platform to host
the "active" WebLogic managed server (floating IP addresses managed by the
cluster - for example).
If multiple concurrent WebLogic Servers are desired to support
integration with an external system (typically a MultiSpeak integration),
then the WebLogic Servers must be configured in a WebLogic cluster since
the adapter uses an EJB singleton service to support external integration.
A WebLogic singleton service requires either a single WebLogic instance
or a WebLogic cluster.
If the Oracle NMS Web Switching module is in play along with multiple
concurrent WebLogic Managed Servers (for whatever reason), WebLogic
Clustering must be used. This is because Oracle NMS also requires an EJB
Singleton to support the Web Switching module.
The WebLogic managed server(s) used to support NMS Java clients can be hosted
on one or more (non-Unix-clustered) nodes. This is true even if/when WebLogic
Enterprise Edition (or SOA Suite) is used in a WebLogic clustered configuration.
WebLogic clusters do not have a dependency on hardware clusters - they do not
need to share a common set of configuration or data files.
If two or more WebLogic managed servers are used to support NMS Java clients
some form of load balancer is generally required to route incoming traffic to the
available WebLogic managed servers.
In dual-environment configuration (for reduced downtime for NMS patching), each
environment will use a different WebLogic managed server.
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
1-12 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
Tier 4 - Oracle NMS Java clients - Presentation Tier
1. Description/Purpose:
NMS Java clients connect to the NMS WebLogic managed server and provide end
users NMS electrical network model access and update options.
The NMS Java clients support a very wide range of user interface configuration
options to accommodate project specific business practices. Configuration
options include Java files, RDBMS tables, NMS specific XML (jbot) files and
property files.
2. Common Inter-Tier Communication and Security Considerations:
NMS Java clients only communicate to the NMS WebLogic Managed Server. Any
subsequent communication to the RDBMS or NMS services is managed within
The RDBMS access that an NMS Java client can configure is accomplished within
WebLogic using a dedicated JDBC connection pool using a specific read-only
RDBMS user/schema name. The read-only RDBMS user/schema has project
defined private synonyms that reference a configurable subset of the primary NMS
RDBMS schema.
NMS Java clients receive updates from WebLogic by periodically polling the
WebLogic managed server. The NMS Java clients use Remote Method Invocation
(RMI) calls to facilitate this communication. The RMI calls between NMS Java
clients and WebLogic should be configured as encrypted for a production NMS
NMS Java clients are authenticated via Weblogic. Typically, WebLogic uses a
Secure LDAP connection to some form of Enterprise Directory Server (like Active
Directory) for authentication, but any authentication mechanism supported by
WebLogic can be used.
NMS Java clients can also be configured to support two-factor authentication.
Two-factor authentication requires project specific configuration.
It is recommended that a firewall be placed in front of the WebLogic server that
provides access for NMS Java clients. Only a single port needs to be kept open in
the firewall to allow Java clients access to WebLogic. Note that this firewall should
also block all direct end-user access to the RDBMS and NMS services tiers that NMS
WebLogic instance leverages.
For a production NMS instance only HTTPS access for the NMS Java clients should
be allowed. Note that HTTPS equates to the t3s protocol on WebLogic.
3. Common Deployment Options:
NMS Java clients are typically accessed via Java Web Start. This scheme requires a
web page (hosted by the NMS WebLogic managed server) that lists project
configured NMS end user environments. Each link references a Java Network
Launch Protocol (JNLP) file. Each JNLP file contains commands to download,
cache and execute the appropriate Java application. Each time Java Web Start
initiates a Java client application it automatically validates that the most current
version of the Java client application is being used - making this a convenient
option for administration. To avoid man-in-the-middle attacks customers are
asked to use JNLP over an HTTPS connection to WebLogic when they download
the NMS Java client.
If a project wants more control over which workstations have NMS access the NMS
Configuration Assistant application can be used to generate project specific NMS
Java client installers. It is then up to local NMS administrators to distribute and
manage these installers for the appropriate NMS end user workstations. This
Oracle NMS Technology Components By Tier
Security 1-13
includes ensuring the appropriate version of the various NMS Java clients are
installed. Changes to the project configuration will automatically be picked up the
next time a client starts (NMS Java client configuration is handled separately from
client versions). However, if there is a new product version of NMS installed, new
installers will need to be generated, distributed, and installed.
If NMS Java clients need to run over high-latency, low-bandwidth or even an
external connection (typically via a WAN or VPN) NMS Java clients can also be
deployed using Windows Remote Desktop Services (or similar) technology.
This type of configuration allows the CPU, memory and network resources
needed to run NMS Java clients to be more centralized - and possibly more
This type of configuration also provides a more secure deployment option as
no NMS Java client software executes on the end-user hardware. Only the
technology specific remote viewer client executes on the NMS end user
workstation - generally over an encrypted protocol. For this type of
deployment no NMS specific software need ever be installed on the end user
Tier 5 - Oracle NMS Mobile Clients - Mobile Presentation Tier
1. Description/Purpose:
The Oracle NMS Operations Mobile Application (OMA) is an (optional) NMS product
that provides mobile (tablet) access to the real-time NMS electrical network
model. OMA includes a Javacript based template that a given NMS customer can
update/configure to match business processes. The Oracle NMS provided OMA
template is also updated on a regular basis in an effort to minimize any project
specific effort required to deploy and maintain for a given customer.
The Oracle NMS OMA application has access to an (expanding) subset of NMS
model data and functionality. OMA access typically includes the ability to integrate
with the NMS Switching application to allow control room operators to more
reliably coordinate field activity. This coordination allows an OMA user to update
at least certain aspects of the NMS model directly (confirm a field switching
operation as part of an existing NMS switch plan, for example). OMA can also be
configured to directly manipulate the NMS model (open/close fuses, for example).
2. Common Inter-Tier Communication and Security Considerations:
OMA often uses standard cellular data technology to route mobile requests/
responses via the Internet through an Oracle NMS WebLogic "Mobile Gateway".
Since OMA users are typically "in-the-wild" (not on any kind of internal network
behind a corporate firewall) special care must be taken to ensure only properly
authorized OMA users get meaningful access to the NMS Mobile Gateway. OMA
users communicate to the NMS Mobile Gateway using an encrypted RESTful
protocol (over HTTPS).
Once OMA client requests have landed in the NMS WebLogic Mobile Gateway they
are placed on a JMS request queue. A (separate) properly configured Oracle NMS
WebLogic Managed Server will monitor the JMS request queue and download
validated OMA requests. If the request is valid it will be processed and a response
will be placed on a matching JMS response queue back on the WebLogic Mobile
Gateway and back to the OMA client.
Both the OMA request and response JMS queues are managed on the NMS
WebLogic Mobile Gateway and are always accessed from the (separate) internal
NMS WebLogic Managed Server. This scheme eliminates the need to open up ports
from the outside in. The only ports that are open are from the inside out. This is
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
1-14 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
typically a more secure deployment model and also easier to shutdown if/when
To shutdown OMA entirely an NMS admin can simply stop the internal
WebLogic server from accessing the external JMS queues in the NMS
WebLogic Mobile Gateway. No firewall changes (or network admin privileges)
are required.
3. Common Deployment Options:
The outward facing Oracle NMS WebLogic Mobile Gateway should be deployed on
a separate (physical) server in a separate security zone from the (internal) Oracle
NMS WebLogic Managed Server - with at least one firewall between them.
The firewall in front of the internal NMS WebLogic Managed Server should have NO
ports open from the outside in - only from the inside out.
It is recommended to have some form of reverse proxy server and firewall between
the NMS WebLogic Mobile Gateway and the OMA end users coming in from the
Internet - to further isolate the WL Mobile Gateway.
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
Oracle Relational Database Management System
The vast majority of Oracle Network Management System static and dynamic model data is
stored in an Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). All updates to a
single NMS RDBMS instance are managed through at least one pair of Oracle RDBMS
username/schema. This Oracle RDBMS user name is used by NMS C++ services, WebLogic
JDBC connections, the Oracle SQL Plus utility along with Perl and Python scripts to update/
maintain the NMS instance. Actual NMS end users are generally authenticated outside of
the Oracle RDBMS (via LDAP accessible Directory Services). For security purposes - it is
recommended that access to the production NMS RDBMS be managed appropriately.
For a typical installation NMS updates the RDBMS using the following access mechanisms:
Required: NMS C++ Service daemons - via Oracle Call Interface.
Required: WebLogic - via Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) connections.
Required: Oracle SQL Plus - used for Oracle NMS schema creation/configuration
Required: Perl (from the Oracle RDBMS installation) - used by NMS scripts to update/
access RDBMS.
Required: Python - used by NMS scripts to update/access RDBMS.
Optional: BI Publisher via JDBC - used by Oracle NMS Switching to print switch plans.
Optional: Project specific Oracle RDBMS query/update/monitor tools. SQL access/
update tools like Oracle SQL Developer, OEM Grid/Cloud Control and/or similar may
also be used to help monitor the NMS RDBMS but are not required to install or run NMS.
The NMS C++ Service daemons manage the vast majority of updates to the NMS RDBMS
schema. NMS services perform RDBMS updates via calls to the various NMS *DBService
daemon processes. The *DBService daemon processes use the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) to
update/query the Oracle RDBMS. The Oracle Call Interface is an Application Programming
Interface (API) that uses the Oracle Net8 (SQL*Net V2) protocol to communicate to the
Oracle RDBMS "listener" process. The Oracle listener runs on the same node as the Oracle
RDBMS and allows remote network nodes to access the Oracle RDBMS.
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
Security 1-15
General RDBMS Security Options:
1. Ports: The Oracle RDBMS listener process uses port 1521 by default for Net8 (SQL*Net
V2) communication. The Oracle RDBMS listener port can be configured via the
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora configuration file. Any change to the
Oracle RDBMS listener port must be matched by the relevant $TNS_ADMIN/
tnsnames.ora configuration file - which is used for Oracle RDBMS client access by
Oracle NMS services.
2. Standard: Use independent Oracle RDBMS instances to manage production NMS data
versus non-production NMS data.
Depending on RDBMS capability/capacity a single RDBMS instance can often
support multiple production (or non-production) Oracle NMS instances
concurrently. It is recommended that each NMS instance (Oracle RDBMS schema/
user for a given NMS instance) have a dedicated Oracle RDBMS tablespace to hold
NMS instance specific data - but is not required.
3. Standard: Secure NMS Oracle username credentials.
Use Oracle Wallet to secure credentials for NMS daemon processes.
NMS *DBService processes are "daemon" components that generally operate
24x7. As such these processes must be able to stop/start without human
intervention. NMS uses Oracle Wallet technology to store and better secure
user credentials needed to access/update the Oracle NMS RDBMS. This allows
the NMS Unix admin account to stop/start the NMS *DBService processes
without direct access to actual Oracle RDBMS schema/username credentials.
The NMS Unix admin account uses the Oracle SQL Plus utility to help create
and manage the Oracle NMS RDBMS schema. The Oracle SQL Plus utility uses
the same Oracle Wallet as NMS services to more securely access the Oracle
The NMS nms-env-config script is generally used to setup the Oracle Wallet to hold
Oracle NMS RDBMS username and password credentials for a given Oracle NMS
admin (Unix) user account. In this manner access to the NMS admin Unix user
account provides access to the Oracle NMS RDBMS username. These credentials
are used to allow NMS OCI based processes to access the appropriate Oracle
RDBMS instance and schema.
NMS *DBService processes, Perl, Python, and SQL Plus scripts that run under
the NMS admin account can all leverage the same Oracle wallet username/
password credentials for access to the Oracle NMS RDBMS user/schema.
4. Standard: Minimize the Oracle RDBMS privileges granted to the Oracle username used
to support the Oracle RDBMS instance (table read/write privilege but not schema
change privileges). An Oracle NMS instance requires at least two Oracle RDBMS
The Oracle NMS RDBMS admin schema/user has Data Definition Language (DDL)
and Data Control Language (DCL) access and can update the schema as required.
The Oracle NMS RDBMS admin user owns the schema (all NMS specific tables and
views). It is used for initial NMS installs and for applying routine NMS patches (so
NMS schema can be modified).
The Oracle NMS RDBMS operational schema/user contains only synonyms with
restricted Data Manipulation Language (DML) access to the Oracle RDBMS admin
schema - no tables or views. This (restricted) Oracle RDBMS schema/user is for
normal/daily NMS operations.
Note in a dual NMS environment there will be two separate Oracle NMS
RDBMS user/schemas for production use. Support for dual NMS
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
1-16 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
environments is an NMS option that supports two separate (blue/
green type) NMS admin accounts to support reduced downtime for
incremental NMS patching.
See the $NMS_BASE/templates/nms_role.sql.template for example
Oracle Data Control Language (DCL) statements to create the required
Oracle RDBMS roles and privileges necessary to support an NMS
See the $NMS_BASE/templates/nms.sql.template for example Oracle
Data Definition Language (DDL) statements to create required Oracle
RDBMS tablespaces and user names - based on the roles and privileges
defined in the nms_role.sql.template file.
5. Relaxed: For a test/train RDBMS environment you might grant the ability for a given
Oracle user to import/export RDBMS data. With Oracle 11gR2 or higher, you must use
the Oracle datapump utility to export/import RDBMS data. The older imp/exp
mechanism is not adequate and will not work. Example statements to grant an Oracle
user named nms_admin datapump export/import privileges (from the
nms.sql.template file noted above).
6. Enhanced: If a given NMS customer/installation wants or needs to encrypt Oracle NMS
RDBMS data "on-the-wire" the Oracle EE RDBMS Native Network Encryption (NNE)
option can be configured. Some high-level information on how to setup NNE for NMS is
noted below. Reference Oracle RDBMS documentation on Native Network Encryption
for more details.
Native Network Encryption(NNE)
The NNE option is built into the database itself and does not require SSL or a separate
listener port and has relatively low overhead. The data is encrypted, but transported
over regular tcp instead of SSL.
In the NMS RDBMS server-side sqlnet.ora file, set the options below:
# SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_SERVER = required|requested|accepted|rejected
In the NMS services RDBMS client side sqlnet.ora file, set the options below:
# SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_CLIENT = required|requested|accepted|rejected
You can verify connections are encrypted via the Oracle NMS ISQL utility (a wrapper
around sqlplus) as follows:
SQL> select network_service_banner from v$session_connect_info
where sid in (select distinct sid from v$mystat);
TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for Linux: Version -
Encryption service for Linux: Version - Production
AES256 Encryption service adapter for Linux: Version -
Crypto-checksumming service for Linux: Version -
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
Security 1-17
In WebLogic data source, in the properties box:
7. Enhanced: If a given NMS customer/installation wants or needs more security for
Oracle RDBMS "data-at-rest" encryption they can consider the Oracle "Advanced
Security" option to the Oracle Enterprise Edition RDBMS. The Oracle Advanced
Security option allows virtually all RDBMS data to be encrypted both on-disk and/or
on-the-wire as it moves between the required technology components - such as
between the Oracle RDBMS and WebLogic.
The Oracle "Advanced Security" option is a separately licensed Oracle EE RDBMS
option. Configuration for the Oracle "Advanced Security" option should be
generally transparent to the Oracle Network Management System application.
Configuration for Oracle Advanced Security is not covered in this document.
8. Enhanced: Run the production Oracle NMS RDBMS instance on a dedicated server - not
on the same server as might be used for a non-production NMS (or other) RDBMS
dependent applications. This approach reduces potential attack vectors for the critical
RDBMS component.
9. Relaxed: Support more than one NMS instance on a single RDBMS instance.
Note it is generally acceptable (and common) to host multiple NMS instances on a
single RDBMS instance - for production and non-production. It is generally
recommended to keep all production NMS instances on separate RDBMS instances
from non-production NMS-instances.
Each NMS instance must have its own set of dedicated Oracle RDBMS schema/user
names. For easier management it is recommended that each NMS instance RDBMS
user/schema have a dedicated RDBMS tablespace.
Network Management System Services
Oracle NMS services are a set of C++ daemon processes that manage the majority of the
processing and coordination required to manage the operational NMS Electrical Network
model. These NMS C++ service processes coordinate with each other using the ISIS
message bus.
ISIS runs on the node where NMS services run. By default, ISIS runs on the loopback
(localhost) network. In this mode ISIS is only used to coordinate messages between NMS
service processes and no ISIS ports are accessible from any external nodes. NMS ISIS
messages are not encrypted. ISIS uses the configuration file pointed to by the
$ISIS_PARAMETERS environment variable. In general, $ISIS_PARAMETERS should not be
changed unless specifically instructed by Oracle NMS support.
The NMS SwService (Switching Service) uses Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over
HTTPS to send synchronous request messages to WebLogic that require a distinct
response. These messages are authenticated and can also be encrypted via SSL. Oracle
Wallet functionality is used to hold authentication credentials for the NMS services that
send these SOAP messages to WebLogic. In order to use a secure connection, SwService
needs to connect to the SSL port of the WebLogic server and provide an SSL certificate file,
which is used to confirm identity of the WebLogic server. See Creating the Certificate for
SwService on page 1-24 for information on creating an appropriate certificate file to use
with the commands below.
SwService Command-line Options for Secure Connection to WebLogic Server
-outgoingURL https://
/ExternalSwmanServiceImpl -sslCert ${NMS_SSL_CERT}
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
1-18 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
Oracle WebLogic Server
Oracle WebLogic provides NMS with a Java Enterprise Edition (EE) Application Server and
general purpose integration platform. Oracle NMS utilizes a collection of Enterprise Java
Beans (EJBs) that execute within WebLogic to:
Authenticate and authorize NMS end users and adapters.
Efficiently cache and provide updates for NMS Java end user client applications.
Integrate to internal NMS applications (Switching)
Integrate to external systems (AMI, SCADA, Mobile, etc).
A given WebLogic Managed Server communicates via a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
pool to the Oracle listener process on the Oracle RDBMS host. WebLogic must be
configured to use the JDBC Thin Drivers (not the OCI based JDBC drivers) for connection to
a non-RAC RDBMS and Active GridLink drivers for a RAC RDBMS. WebLogic manages Oracle
RDBMS user name and password credentials inside WebLogic. The user and password
credentials must be specified when you configure the JDBC Data Source for given WebLogic
Managed Server instance.
WebLogic can be configured to open up both a standard and secure port to support in-
bound communication for each WebLogic Managed Server. The specific ports are
configured within WebLogic. The WebLogic standard port supports HTTP, SOAP, EJB RMI
calls and anything else that uses JNDI. In general WebLogic supports:
Standard: T3, HTTP, SOAP over HTTP, RMI-IIOP.
For a more secure implementation WebLogic should be placed behind an additional
internal firewall (in addition to the corporate firewall - see Figure 1). In this case the only
port that would need to be opened to NMS end users is the SSL (secure) port, and
optionally the standard port. Specifically, the database and the NMS services including the
corba gateway and publisher do not need to be directly accessible to the NMS Java client.
Note it is highly recommended that NMS Java clients be configured to run on the latest
supported Java Runtime Environment (JRE). To help ensure the latest JRE versions is being
used older JREs should also normally be uninstalled. In a similar fashion it is also generally
recommended that the latest Java Development Kit (JDK) - which includes a JRE - be
installed on the WebLogic host. Note WebLogic must also be properly configured to ensure
the WebLogic JVM is actually using the latest JDK.
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
Security 1-19
Common Object Request Broker Architecture - Object Request Broker
CORBA is used to allow back end NMS C++ services to support front end NMS Java clients.
The NMS corbagateway (service process) speaks ISIS on the NMS service side and CORBA
IIOP on the WebLogic side. The NMS corbagateway uses "The Ace Orb" (TAO) ORB and
Weblogic uses the WebLogic ORB to coordinate communication via the TAO Naming
Service (tao_cosnaming) process.
The port and host that WebLogic uses to find the tao_cosnaming process are defined in the
NMS RDBMS, in the ces_parameters.value table.column where
For example:
The port and host that the NMS corbagateway process uses to find the tao_cosnaming
(ORB) process is defined in the project specific NMS system.dat configuration file. A typical
entry for a given corbagateway process might start something like the following:
program corbagateway corbagateway -ORBInitRef NameService=iioploc://
The port used to communicate to the naming service can be modified but must be
coordinated. CORBA message traffic between NMS C++ services and WebLogic is not
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
1-20 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
HTTP Server
The HTTP server, lighttpd, is a lightweight third party HTTP server shipped with Oracle
NMS. It is used by Oracle NMS to serve NMS map files to WebLogic. The lighttpd daemon is
auto-configured and started using the nms-lighttpd script:
Usage: nms-lighttpd [start [port] [host] | stop | status]
host - host the httpd server will serve files on.
If not specified, will use value from
ces_parameters where attrib=WEB_mapHttpdHost
Default if not specified or in RDBMS:
port - port the httpd server will serve files on.
If not specified, will use value from
ces_parameters where attrib=WEB_mapHttpdPort
Default if not specified or in RDBMS: 8888
start - will start the httpd server on the given port
stop - will stop the httpd server
status - will echo 0 if not running, 1 if running
exit value is 0 if running, 1 if not running.
Notes: ces_parameters attib=WEB_mapHttpdAllowedIPs
restricts access by IP
The lighttpd HTTP server is configured and monitored by SMService by default in the
template system.dat files.
The HTTP server is generally configured to serve a single directory of unencrypted NMS
model map files to specific IP addresses (where the WebLogic instances that support this
NMS instance run). The HTTP server is typically not configured to serve encrypted NMS map
files to WebLogic, however HTTPS is supported if desired. More information on
configuration options for the nms-lighttpd script can also be found under
[project]_parameters.sql in the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Installation
The lighttpd HTTP server is also used to serve up log files to the Oracle Utilities Network
Management System Application Management Pack (AMP) for Oracle Enterprise Manager
(OEM). The server logs can be downloaded from the NMS AMP plug-in and/or viewed
without having to log into the server where the NMS services are running.
The nms-lighttpd-oem script is used to start this auto-configured instance of lighttpd.
Usage: nms-lighttpd-oem [start [port] [host] | stop | status]
host - host the httpd server will serve files on.
If not specified, will use value from
ces_parameters where attrib=WEB_oemHttpdHost
Default if not specified or in RDBMS:
port - port the httpd server will serve files on.
If not specified, will use value from
ces_parameters where attrib=WEB_oemHttpdPort
Default if not specified or in RDBMS: 8888
start - will start the httpd server on the given port
stop - will stop the httpd server
status - will echo 0 if not running, 1 if running
exit value is 0 if running, 1 if not running.
Notes: ces_parameters attib=WEB_oemHttpdAllowedIPs restricts access by
This nms-lighttpd-oem instance has the same monitoring and configurable options as what
was described for the nms-lighttpd instance.
Additional Security Options for Key Technology Components
Security 1-21
LDAP Server
Oracle NMS generally uses LDAP accessible enterprise Directory Services to authenticate
NMS end users. This is accomplished by routing authentication requests from NMS Java
clients through WebLogic - which must in turn be configured to connect to the appropriate
LDAP accessible Directory Service. In practice (especially production) LDAPS (LDAP over
TLS) should be used to encrypt LDAP traffic. See the
Oracle Utilities Network Management
System Installation Guide
for details on configuring LDAP within WebLogic.
Network Management System Java Client Applications
Oracle NMS uses Java (Swing) clients to allow NMS end users access to the operational NMS
Electrical Network data model. Once initiated these clients are in near-constant
communication with WebLogic in an effort to remain synchronized with the real-time
operational model.
The NMS Java clients generally use two forms of digital signing certificates:
1. SSL certificate: This is used to authenticate the WebLogic server to the client,
as well as to encrypt communication to and from WebLogic.
2. Signing certificate: This is used to sign the NMS Java client jar files so that the
client machine recognizes the application is from a trusted source and will
allow the application to run on the client.
For both of these certificates, Oracle recommends using a certificate generated by a trusted
Certificate Authority (CA). However for testing purposes, self-signed certificates are
supported. Please see Security Certificates in Oracle Utilities Network Management System
on page 1-22 for details on using security certificates.
Security Certificates in Oracle Utilities Network Management System
1-22 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
Security Certificates in Oracle Utilities Network Management
Oracle Utilities Network Management System ships with a dummy SSL and signing
certificates as part of the OPAL NMS demonstration model. However, for production use
these certificates should be replaced by third party certificates. It is also possible to use an
internal certificate authority if one is available.
SSL Certificate
Oracle NMS uses an SSL certificate to secure network traffic between the Java client and
the WebLogic server. To create this certificate, run the following commands from the NMS
cd $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig
keytool -genkeypair -alias nms-key -keyalg RSA -keystore nms-
ssl.keystore -validity 365
Choose a keystore password.
Then fill out the information about your server.
For "first and last name" choose the hostname of the server you wish to deploy. It should
match the url that the end user will be using. For example, if the user accesses the site by, you would choose "". It is not
critical what you put in the other fields. If a field doesn't apply (such as organizational unit)
it may be left blank. State should be the full name and not an abbreviation.
When you are prompted to enter the key password, press Enter.
This certificate can be used as-is, as a self-signed certificate. That means this certificate can
be used to help encrypt traffic but for the browser to trust the certificate it will be necessary
for the end user to accept the certificate before continuing. Note that self-signed
certificates generally need to be accepted each time the application is launched.
To avoid the issue of having to accept self signed certificates each time an application is
launched Oracle recommends using a third party certificate. To request a third party
certificate, follow these steps:
cd $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig
keytool -certreq -alias nms-key -keyalg RSA -keystore nms-ssl.keystore
-file nms-ssl.csr
This creates the nms-ssl.csr which should be sent to the Certificate Authority (CA) you are
using. They will respond back with the certificate
To import the certificate do the following (replacing nms-ssl.pem with the name of the
certificate you received):
cd $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig
keytool -importcert -keystore nms-ssl.keystore -alias nms-key -file
Defining Encryption Parameters
NMS will use the most secure cipher suite that is available to both the client and server. If
there are specific requirements that certain ciphers be allowed or disabled, it may be done
by adding the appropriate configuration options to the WebLogic managed server. See
JSSERefGuide.html#DisabledAlgorithms for more information.
Security Certificates in Oracle Utilities Network Management System
Security 1-23
Validating Encryption Suite
The encryption used to secure the application is negotiated by the server and client. If you
wish to see which cipher suite was chosen, add this parameter to either the client or server:
Trusting Certificates
If it is desired to automatically start the application without the validation screen when it is
first installed, it is possible to configure a deployment rule to indicate that a certain
application or location should always be considered trusted and run without further
security prompts.
For more details, see:
Signing Certificates
Signing certificates are used to help generate digital signatures. Digital signatures can in
turn be used to validate that an application is legitimate and can be trusted for download.
Because of the security restrictions that Oracle places on Java Web Start applications, it is
recommended that applications be signed with a third party certificate. Future versions of
Java will not permit the running of self-signed applications by default.
The steps to acquire a 3rd party certificate are similar to creating an SSL certificate:
cd $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig
keytool -genkeypair -alias nms-key -keyalg RSA -keystore nms-
signing.keystore -validity 365
For the "first and last name", enter the name of the application: Oracle NMS
The remainder is filled out the same as for SSL certificates (above0)
Next, request a 3rd party certificate:
cd $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig
keytool -certreq -alias nms-key -keyalg RSA -keystore nms-
signing.keystore -file nms-signing.csr
Send the nms-signing.csr to the desired third party Certificate Authority (CA), and they will
respond back with the certificate.
Next, import the certificate (replacing nms-signing.pem with the name of the certificate
you received)
cd $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig
keytool -importcert -keystore nms-signing.keystore -alias nms-key -
file nms-signing.pem
Next run this command to update with an obfuscated copy of the pass
nms-keystore-password $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/
Your CA might also provide an intermediate certificate along with your SSL (server)
certificate. You must import that certificate before you import the SSL certificate.
To import the certificate do the following (replacing IntermediateCA.cer with the name of
the certificate you received):
keytool -importcert -keystore nms-ssl.keystore -alias intermediateCA -
file IntermediateCA.cer
Open Ports
1-24 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
After importing the certificates into nms-ssl.keystore, you may need to copy the file to your
WebLogic server. (See also the "Configure the Identity and Trust Keystore" section of the
Oracle Utilities Network Management System Installation Guide
Creating the Client Keystore
After creating the server certificate, regardless if it is a 3rd party or self-signed, the next step
is to create the client keystore. It is recommended to use a different password than was
used for the server keystore:
cd $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig
keytool -export -keystore nms-ssl.keystore -alias nms-key -file
keytool -importcert -keystore global/nms-client.keystore -alias
nms-key -file nms_public.pem
Creating the Certificate for SwService
SwService needs a certificate in order to communicate with WebLogic Server securely. This
certificate can be created using the following command:
keytool -exportcert -keystore $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/nms-ssl.keystore -
alias nms-key | openssl x509 -inform der -out $NMS_SSL_CERT
Open Ports
The following table lists the default ports that might be open for a typical NMS installation -
by supporting node. See Figure 1 above for how typical NMS technology components tie
together and communicate - including default ports.
Node Port Protocol Service
Open by
RDBMS 1521 TCP Net8 Yes Yes
NMS Services 17820 TCP IIOP Yes Yes
NMS Services 8888 TCP HTTP Yes Yes
NMS Services 22 TCP SSH Yes Yes
WebLogic 7001 TCP T3 Yes Yes
Attachment Security
Security 1-25
Client/Server Security
NMS works with a rich client that allows the best user experience. That rich client in turn
calls various APIs on the server to accomplish the user request. JBot configuration will
allow various different applications or user types to configure different options for different
users. However, that configuration does not address securing the underlying security of the
API calls. A technically savvy user could bypass the configuration by changing the tool
configuration on their own copy of NMS or by using a debugger to modify the existing Java
runtime. Therefore, it is important to use WebLogic roles and groups to limit the security
exposure; this is used to protect the actual API calls made to the server.
It is strongly recommended to use different groups for each type of user, as using the same
group will allow a user to do API calls for any of the groups. For example, if a standard user
is in the service_users group, (or has access to the NMSService role, that would give them
the ability to make a model change under someone else's name). Likewise, if a view only
user has standard access, then they would be able to call any of the APIs that a standard
user has access to. If an application is not used, such as Call Entry or Service Alert, then the
group does not have to be assigned.
Please see the Configuring NMS Security Roles section in the
Oracle Utilities Network
Management System Installation Guide
for information on configuring security roles and
Another option, especially for an occasional user is to use a remote desktop technology
such as Oracle Secure Global Desktop or Citrix. Users that only have access to NMS through
Citrix only can access the options that are configured for their environment, and would not
have any direct API access.
Attachment Security
NMS supports performing various validations on attachments (such as for switch plans and
damage assessments). The validations are controlled by the following setting in
# This is the validator that should be used to validate attachments.
Multiple validators can be configured.
# Custom validators can be used to integrate with an external malware
# All scanners must implement
# To disable the whitelist, comment or remove the following line:
attachment_validator =
The default validator will compare the attachments against a list of valid extensions. The
extensions are defined in
# This is a list of file types that are allowed to be uploaded to NMS
allowed_extensions = jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, txt, doc, docx, xls,
xlsx, mp4, avi, odt, ott, oth, odm, ods, ots, odp, odg, otp
Project specific validators can also be configured, such as for virus scanning. They should
implement com.splwg.oms.common.ejbaccess.AttachmentValidator.
General Data Protection Regulation
1-26 Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide
General Data Protection Regulation
The Oracle NMS obfuscate program is a command line utility that allows an NMS
administrator to obscure specific sensitive customer and/or crew member data for inactive
records in the Oracle NMS RDBMS. Records that may be obfuscated include names,
addresses, phone numbers, customer comments and messages.
The obfuscate utility uses the following options:
obfuscate -days <number of days>
-crew <crew key>
-customer <account number>
[-replaceString <replacement word(s)>]
At least one of [-crew, -customer, -days] must be specified.
The AuditLog application works with the scripts and applications defined above to keep a
persistent record in the database of the data manipulation activities that have been going
on when a customer uses any of these scripts or applications. The information is stored in
the MODEL_AUDIT_LOG database table and can be useful when trying to help support a
customer with corrupted data by helping to provide a better scenario of the activities that
might reproduce the problem.
Option Description
-replaceString Optional. The replacement word(s). The string should be
short enough to fit in all fields. Default: Obscured
-crew The crews.crew_key to obfuscate
-customer The ces_customers.account_number to obscure
-days Obscure all crew and customer records that are at least this
number of days old
-debug Print the SQL statements that will ultimately be executed.