Planning an office move can be almost as
difficult as the move itself. Read on to learn
how to create an office relocation checklist
so nothing goes wrong.
Planning and executing an office move can be a daunting process — especially if you’ve never tackled one
before. Here, we show you how to stay organized, manage stress, and ensure a successful team transition
to your new space.
An office move checklist is exactly what it sounds
like: a manifesto for managing the relocation of
your business from one property to another. As you
might imagine, there are a lot of moving parts to
this process, especially for a mid- to large-sized
business with a substantial number of team
members (and all of their belongings!).
If you think of your office relocation checklist as
more of a high-level strategic plan rather than a
simple scratched list of “to do” items, it’ll be far
more likely to meet your needs for the smooth
execution of a complex process.
The Office Move
Planning an Office
Move 101
How to Create the Ultimate Office
Relocation Checklist
What Is an Office Move Checklist?
Your checklist should consist of a master
timeline, broken down into major milestones
— along with any related secondary or
subtasks — listed by date in descending order
leading up to the day of your move. You’ll
want to include notes on key team members
that should be looped into specific steps,
along with their roles and responsibilities for
the move. Consider using a shared document
system like Google Sheets or Microsoft
OneDrive so the members of your moving
team can collaborate on the document.
Review the existing lease at your current property.
It’s probably been some time since you’ve reviewed your contract; now is a great time to refamiliarize
yourself with its terms. For example, are you required to give a set amount of notice before cancellation?
And what happens if you’re ending your lease early? Understand what steps you need to take now, and
determine whether an early exit will result in the loss of a security deposit.
Before the Move
Do a preliminary check of your existing office space to find and
document/photograph any damage that might have occurred during your
Be aware that your organization will be financially responsible for those damages, as well
as any new issues that arise during the move.
Get quotes from a wide variety of moving companies. Just as you would with any big-ticket
purchase, you’ll want to understand the high and low end of the cost range for hiring a moving company
and ensure that you’re getting a fair price and quality service from a reputable vendor
Assemble a planning team. The team members you select should be qualified to manage and
delegate a variety of both large-scale and detailed tasks in preparation for the moving project. Anyone who
has prior experience with the process will be an asset.
Obtain moving insurance coverage. This is especially important to keep in mind if you have
high-value machinery or expensive equipment. Again, do your research and obtain multiple quotes. You’ll
want to ensure that you’re not under-insuring your assets, while at the same time not paying for excess
coverage that you don’t need.
Set a reasonable master budget. Understanding your costs ahead of time and allocating the
proper funds can help you save in the long run. You’ll avoid making last-minute decisions and impulse
purchases that cost more than they would have if you had planned ahead.
Finalize your move date. Contact your landlord to officially confirm your move date (Note: Ensure
that the date you selected doesn’t conflict with other important company events or projects.)
Before the Move
Get the lay of the land at your new space. Obtain a floorplan and map out the configuration of
desks, shared spaces, and office equipment. Address any discrepancies now while you have plenty of time
remaining. For help, consult our primer on office space planning.
Consider any additional specialized services you might need. Does any of your furniture
or equipment require special handling before the move? Will you need short- or long-term supplemental
storage space? Are you transporting any hazardous materials? Do you want to hire an interior designer for
your next office space? Do you need to order any specialized equipment? If so, make these arrangements
now to ensure everything is available and in place when you need it.
Ensure technology infrastructure is in place. Arrange for all telephone, internet services, and
IT systems to be ready on Day 1.
Before the Move
Prepare new keys and passes. Making a spreadsheet to keep track of who can access what will
streamline this process.
Keep internal communication open. To avoid stress-inducing surprises on moving day, make
sure you’ve shared a comprehensive move overview with all team members and that everyone is aware of
the overall logistics as well as their individual responsibilities during the move.
Take a full inventory — and consider storage and new purchase needs. Take note of all
furniture, equipment, and office supplies and label everything clearly so it doesn’t get misplaced in transit.
Make sure to take photographs through the process so that everything is properly catalogued. When
finished, determine whether you need to make any furniture or equipment purges or purchases to fit your
new space. Do you also need office storage for supplies that aren’t used on a regular basis?
Spread the word to your network. Make sure you’ve also contacted all relevant parties so they
have your new address and phone number, and understand when they become effective. Be sure to
• Clients (including their accounting departments);
• Banks and financial institutions;
• Your local post office;
• Utility and internet service providers;
• Maintenance specialists for items like photocopiers or printers;
• Insurance companies;
• Professional organizations;
• Any additional services or vendors your company uses.
You should also post a general moving notice on all of your social media channels.
Distribute moving supplies to team members. Provide ample supplies of boxes, labels,
Sharpies, and packing tape. Make sure to consult our list of packing tips.
Before the Move
Schedule cancellation date for current utilities. Ensure that your services will be transferred to
your new location. (Now is the time to shop around if you’ve been dissatisfied with your current providers!)
Confirm with your moving team that everyone understands the agenda.
Before the Move
Pick up and distribute new keycards and passes.
Back up all important documents and data.
Ensure that internet and phone services are on schedule for activation at
the new location.
Inspect your new office space. Double check measurements in the new office space; will
everything fit as planned? If any discrepancies exist, now is the time to make any final adjustments.
Office Move
Review the floorplan and moving schedule with the movers and your team so
everyone understands their roles and where they will go once they arrive.
Confirm with your employees that they have carefully packed all personal belongings.
Purchase reserved parking spaces, if required.
Gather a list of emergency contact numbers for everyone helping with the move.
Make any important last-minute purchases to ensure your move goes as smoothly
as possible.
Necessary items might include surface protectors, moving blankets, or any other
safeguards to protect your goods against chips, dents, and damages.
Finalize packing and labeling.
the Move
Make sure that old keys have been deactivated and disposed of.
Most importantly: keep calm
Arrive at least one hour early to meet movers and oversee team arrival. Check to see
that all utilities are working correctly.
Unpack and set up your new space. Using your blueprint, direct your team set up your new office
Do a final review of your vacated office space and document/photograph any final
or new damages.
Confirm that your old lease has been properly terminated.
Please contact us if you would like to learn more about the office moving process or
check out our Commercial Moving Blog for more moving tips and tricks!
Document/photograph any pre-existing issues or damages in your new space left
by the previous tenants.
Communicate them promptly to the agent/owner.
While it’s a fact of life — and business — that a
move is a difficult process even under the best
circumstances, having a comprehensive office
relocation checklist in hand will go a long way
Office Moving Checklist - Summary
toward minimizing unexpected stress risers.
Rest assured that creating and executing a
proper plan like the one described above is
half the battle when it comes to managing this
complex undertaking.