Lesson: Multistep Word Problems
Practice Set: Estimate products
Question 1:
Estimate by rounding both numbers to tens and then multiplying.
61 x 29 is approximately
Question 2:
Estimate by rounding the largest number to tens and then multiplying.
311 × 5 is approximately
Question 3:
Estimate by rounding both numbers to tens and then multiplying.
64 x 32 is approximately
Question 4:
Estimate by rounding both numbers to hundreds and then multiplying.
281 x 391 is approximately
Question 5:
Estimate by rounding the largest number to hundreds and then multiplying.
691 x 4 is approximately
Practice Set: Estimate quotients
Question 1:
Estimate by rounding both numbers to tens and then divide.
61 ÷ 29 is approximately
Question 2:
Estimate by rounding both numbers to tens and then divide.
88 ÷ 29 is approximately
Question 3:
Estimate by rounding both numbers to hundreds and then divide.
76 ÷ 57 is approximately
Question 4:
Estimate by rounding both numbers to hundreds and then divide.
997 ÷ 122 is approximately
Question 5:
Estimate by rounding both numbers to hundreds and then divide.
178 ÷ 121 is approximately
Practice Set: Estimate products word problems
Question 1:
Tina's Beauty Salon charges $10 per haircut. If the salon has 52 visitors seeking haircuts per day, estimate
how much Tina would make in a day by rounding the number of visitors to the nearest ten.
Question 2:
There are 8 soccer matches per day at Greenville's annual soccer tournament, which lasts 17 days.
Estimate the number of soccer matches during the tournament by rounding the larger number to the
nearest ten.
soccer matches
Question 3:
All four members of the Jones family want to take a cruise with Luxury Starline. Estimate how much the
family would spend if a cruise costs $3,220 per person by rounding the cost per person to the nearest
Question 4:
Anna pays $120 per month for piano lessons. Estimate how much Anna pays each year for piano lessons
by rounding the amount paid to the nearest hundred.
Question 5:
Tony's Pizza made 36 pizzas today. If each pizza contains 12 slices, estimate how many slices of pizza
Tony's Pizza Place made by rounding both numbers to the nearest ten.
Practice Set: Estimate quotients word problems
Question 1:
The fourth grade class is taking a field trip. If there are 391 fourth graders and each bus seats 100 people,
estimate the number of buses needed. Round the number of students to the nearest hundred.
Question 2:
Ms. Keith's class has 21 students. If four people can work together on a group project, estimate the number
of groups that there will be by rounding the larger number.
Question 3:
Keith's bookshelf has 5 shelves. If he has 262 books, estimate the number of books he can put on each
shelf by rounding the larger number to the nearest hundred.
Question 4:
There are 39 people on a kayaking trip. If each kayak holds 2 people, estimate how many kayaks are
needed by rounding the larger number to the nearest ten.
Question 5:
Kate has $60. If shirts cost $18.99, estimate the maximum number of shirts she can buy by rounding the
price to the nearest ten.
Practice Set: Solve one-step word problems review
Question 1:
A bread recipe calls for 10 cups of flour. If a bowl already has 4 cups of flour, how many more cups need to
be added to the bowl?
c = cups
Question 2:
Arthur wrote five pieces of piano music that each last 3 minutes. If Arthur wants to play all 5 pieces in a row,
how long will he play for?
m = minutes
Question 3:
If you have $45 in 5 dollar bills in your pocket, how many 5 dollar bills are in your pocket?
d = five dollar bills
Question 4:
Francine walked a total distance of 15 miles in two days. If she walked a distance of 8 miles the first day,
how many miles did she walk on the second day?
m = 15 miles
m = 7 miles
m = 8 miles
m = 6 miles
Question 5:
There are 30 Halloween masks being displayed in a store window. If people buy 12 of the masks, how
many masks are left?
m = masks
Practice Set: Solve two-step word problems review
Question 1:
If there are 6 egg cartons that are filled with eggs and there is an 7th egg carton that has 7 eggs, how
many eggs are there in total, if each egg carton holds 12 eggs?
e = eggs
Question 2:
Two classes are combining to do a singing performance. The first class has 26 students and the second
class has 22 students. If the students will then be split into four singing groups, how many students will be
in each of the groups?
s = students
Question 3:
If there are 3 classrooms that each have 25 desks and there are a total of 87 students, how many more
desks need to be added to a 4th classroom, that was originally empty, so that each of the students has a
desk to sit in?
d = desks
Question 4:
A teacher offers her students 2 prizes when they get perfect scores on their spelling quizzes. If one of her
students gets a perfect score on 5 of the quizzes and already has 4 prizes, how many prizes in total does
this student have?
p = prizes
Question 5:
There are 5 strawberry boxes that are each filled with strawberries. Someone eats 5 of the strawberries. If
each box holds a total of 18 strawberries, how many strawberries are left?
s = strawberries
Practice Set: Solve multistep word problems with four operations
Question 1:
There are 30 bicycles and 10 cars parked in the parking lot. Each bicycle had two wheels and each car had
four wheels. How many wheels are there in total?
Question 2:
There are 20 bicycles and 10 cars parked in the parking lot. Each bicycle had two wheels and each car had
four wheels. How many wheels are there in total?
Question 3:
Each baseball team has nine players and each football team has eleven players. Six schools have both
baseball and football teams. Four schools have only a baseball team. How many players are there for all
ten schools?
Question 4:
Each baseball team has nine players and each football team has eleven players. Five schools have both
baseball and football teams. Three schools have only a baseball team. How many players are there for all
eight schools?
Question 5:
Robins eat 16 worms in the morning on an average sunny day. On rainy days, robins average 4 fewer
worms in a morning. Last week, there were 3 sunny days and 4 rainy days. How many worms did a robin
eat that week?
Practice Set: Represent multistep word problems with variable equations
Question 1:
A train has 6 passenger cars and each car has 4 columns of seats and each column holds 50 passengers.
If one of the cars has 25 empty seats, and the rest of the cars are full, how many passengers are on the
Which of the following sets of equations correctly represents this situation?
Number of seats per car: 4 × 50 = 200
Total number of seats: 200 − 6 = 194
Number of passengers: 194 − 25 = p
Number of seats per car: 4 × 50 = 200
Total number of seats: 200 × 6 = 1,200
Number of passengers: 1,200 − 25 = p
Number of seats per car: 6 × 50 = 300
Total number of seats: 300 ÷ 4 = 75
Number of passengers: 75 − 25 = p
Number of seats per car: 6 × 50 = 300
Total number of seats: 300 ÷ 4 = 75
Number of passengers: 75 + 25 = p
Question 2:
A train has 3 passenger cars and each car has 4 columns of seats and each column holds 40 passengers.
If one of the cars has 15 people standing in addition to all of the sitting passengers, and the rest of the cars
are full without anyone standing, how many passengers are on the train?
Which of the following sets of equations correctly represents this situation?
Number of seats per car: 40 ÷ 4 = 10
Total number of seats: 10 × 3 = 30
Number of passengers: 30 + 15 = p
Number of seats per car: 4 × 40 = 160
Total number of seats: 160 × 3 = 480
Number of passengers: 480 − 15 = p
Number of seats per car: 40 ÷ 4 = 10
Total number of seats: 10 × 3 = 30
Number of passengers: 30 − 15 = p
Number of seats per car: 4 × 40 = 160
Total number of seats: 160 × 3 = 480
Number of passengers: 480 + 15 = p
Question 3:
Pamela is building a 2 wooden decks. Each deck needs 25 pieces of wood and each piece of wood needs 8
screws. If Pamela already has 40 screws, how many more screws does she need to buy?
Which of the following sets of equations correctly represents this situation?
Number of screws for one deck: 40 × 8 = 320
Number of screws for both decks: 320 ÷ 2 = 160
Screws needed: 160 − 25 = s
Number of screws for one deck: 25 × 8 = 200
Number of screws for both decks: 200 × 2 = 400
Screws needed: 400 − 40 = s
Number of screws for one deck: 25 × 8 = 200
Number of screws for both decks: 200 ÷ 2 = 100
Screws needed: 100 − 40 = s
Number of screws for one deck: 40 × 8 = 320
Number of screws for both decks: 320 × 2 = 640
Screws needed: 640 − 40 = s
Question 4:
Which information is given in the problem?
Check all that are true.
How many cans of soda did Jimmy buy?
Jimmy bought five 12-packs of root beer.
Jimmy bought four 6-packs of cola.
A 12-pack has 6 colas.
It's Jimmy's birthday.
Question 5:
Kasey is building 5 wooden cabinets. Each cabinet needs 7 pieces of wood and each piece of wood needs
6 nails. If Kasey already has 55 nails, how many more nails does she need to buy?
Which of the following sets of equations correctly represents this situation?
Number of nails for one cabinet: 7 + 6 = 13
Number of nails for 5 cabinets: 13 × 5 = 65
Screws needed: 65 − 55 = n
Number of nails for one cabinet: 7 × 6 = 42
Number of nails for 5 cabinets: 42 × 5 = 210
Screws needed: 210 + 55 = n
Number of nails for one cabinet: 7 + 6 = 13
Number of nails for 5 cabinets: 13 × 5 = 65
Screws needed: 65 + 55 = n
Number of nails for one cabinet: 7 × 6 = 42
Number of nails for 5 cabinets: 42 × 5 = 210
Screws needed: 210 − 55 = n
Practice Set: Solve multistep word problems with variable equations
Question 1:
If there are 60 seconds in an minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, and 7 days in a week, how
many seconds are in a week? Hint: Use a calculator to solve this problem.
seconds in a week
Question 2:
Which information is given in the problem?
Check all that are true.
A pound of mangoes costs $4.
You bought 3 pounds of grapes.
A pound of grapes costs $3.
A total of $21 was spent on fruit.
You bought 3 pounds of mangoes.
Question 3:
James and Kelly have $10 to spend at a grocery store. If they get 3 avocados which cost $1 each, 4
tomatoes which cost a total of $2 for all 4, and two loaves of bread which cost $2 each, how much change
will James and Kelly receive after their purchase?
Question 4:
Candice is learning to hula hoop. She starts out with 1 hula hoop and adds another. She then adds another
3 hula hoops. She then triples the number of hula hoops she is using. She then doubles that number of
hula hoops. How many hula hoops is she now hula hooping with?
hula hoops
Question 5:
What piece of information do we want to know?
A pound of mangoes costs $4.
How many pounds of grapes you bought.
A pound of grapes costs $3.
A total of $21 was spent on fruit.
You bought 3 pounds of mangoes.
Practice Set: Assess the reasonableness of answers using rounding and mental
computation 5
Question 1:
There are 5 classes with 29 students per class and 5 teachers ordering pizza. One pizza feeds 5 people.
Which of the following is a good estimation of how many pizzas are needed?
26 pizzas
31 pizzas
36 pizzas
41 pizzas
46 pizzas
Question 2:
You have a bag of 130 strawberries. You eat 27 strawberries and then split the remaining strawberries
between 4 friends. Which of the following is a good estimation of how many strawberries each of your
friends get?
Question 3:
A bicyclist was on a three day tour around a lake. On the first day, he rode 78 miles, on the second day he
rode 54 miles, and on the third day he rode twice as far as the second day. Which of the following is a
good estimation of how far he rode in the three days?
190 miles
230 miles
270 miles
310 miles
350 miles
Question 4:
Carl wants to put up a glow-in-the-dark sticker display on his bedroom ceiling. He needs a gallon of black
paint which costs $12. The stickers cost $18 per package and he wants to buy 2 packages. Which of the
following is a good estimation of how much change Carl will get back if he gives the cashier $60?
Question 5:
Tony is making chocolate covered strawberries for his birthday party. There will be 19 friends and 18 family
members, including Tony, at the party. Each person should get 2 strawberries. Which of the following is a
good estimation of the total number of cups of chocolate needed if one cup of chocolate will cover 20
1 cup of chocolate
4 cups of chocolate
7 cups of chocolate
10 cups of chocolate
13 cups of chocolate
Practice Set: Assess the reasonableness of answers using rounding and mental
computation 6
Question 1:
You're going to the store to pick up some milk and cereal and want to know how much cash to bring. You
remember last time you went to the store, milk cost $3 and cereal cost $4. Should you estimate or find an
exact amount of money to bring to the store?
Question 2:
You go to a store to pick up milk and cereal. You see that the milk costs $4 and the cereal costs $5. Should
you estimate or use the exact amount of money to pay at the cash register?
Question 3:
Your teacher asks your class to add the numbers 153 and 167. Should you answer with an estimate or an
exact answer?
Question 4:
You are at a restaurant and you remember the prices on the menu, but you can't quite figure out how much
everything will cost with the tax. Should you estimate or calculate the exact amount of money you need to
pay before the bill comes to the table?
Question 5:
Elizabeth went to an orchard to pick apples. She picked a total of 23 apples and wants to separate them
into 4 bags. Elizabeth wants to estimate how many apples will be in each bag. What is a good estimate for
23 to make it easily divided by 4?
Practice Set: One step word problems with remainders (left over/discard left over)
Question 1:
If it takes 5 cups of flour to make a batch of cupcakes, how many batches of cupcakes can you make with
31 cups of flour?
Number of batches of cupcakes that can be made:
Question 2:
Tina and Tracey are putting 70 things from their present lives into a few boxes, and then they are going to
bury the boxes so they can dig them up in the future. If each box can hold 30 things, how many boxes will
they fill and how many things will not make it into a box?
Number of full boxes:
Things left over:
Question 3:
There are 15 sharks that were collected for a new aquarium display. If a tank can hold no more than 4
sharks, how many tanks will be at their shark limit and how many sharks will be left over?
Number of full tanks:
Sharks left over:
Question 4:
14 ÷ 4 = R
Question 5:
There are 15 people who want to go through a corn maze. If 10 people are allowed in the corn maze at any
one time, how many people need to wait before they get to go in?
Number of people who have to wait to go in the corn maze:
Practice Set: One step word problems with remainders (round up)
Question 1:
There are 23 students that are riding in cars for a field trip. If a car can carry 4 students, how many cars are
necessary to take all of the students?
Question 2:
If a chairlift at a ski resort holds 4 people, how many chairs are necessary to carry a group of 25 people to
the top of the mountain?
Question 3:
There are 38 eggs that need to be put away in egg cartons that hold 6 eggs each. How many egg cartons
are necessary to put away all of the eggs?
egg cartons
Question 4:
There are going to be presentations at a school. If 40 people can fit in a room, how many rooms are
necessary if there are a total of 90 people going to the presentations?
Question 5:
There are going to be presentations at a school. If 30 people can fit in a room, how many rooms are
necessary if there are a total of 40 people going to the presentations?
Practice Set: One step word problems with remainders (round up and down)
Question 1:
A group of 7 friends all want to share their favorite movies with each other. If there are a total of 38 movies
brought to share, which of the following best describes how the friends can most evenly divide the movies?
4 friends will borrow 6 movies.
5 friends will borrow 5 movies.
3 friends will borrow 5 movies.
4 friends will borrow 6 movies.
4 friends will borrow 5 movies.
5 friends will borrow 6 movies.
3 friends will borrow 6 movies.
4 friends will borrow 5 movies.
Question 2:
There are 9 friends playing a card game in which all of the 52 cards in a standard deck are distributed to
the players. How many cards does each person get?
7 friends get 5 cards each
2 friends get 4 cards each
7 friends get 6 cards each
2 friends get 5 cards each
2 friends get 6 cards each
7 friends get 5 cards each
2 friends get 5 cards each
7 friends get 4 cards each
Question 3:
A school buys 23 new soccer balls and wants to split them between 3 teams. Which of the following best
describes how many soccer balls each of the teams get if they are divided as evenly as possible?
One team will get 7 soccer balls
Two teams will get 8 soccer balls each
One team will get 8 soccer balls
Two teams will get 9 soccer balls each
One team will get 9 soccer balls
Two teams will get 8 soccer balls each
One team will get 8 soccer balls
Two teams will get 7 soccer balls each
Question 4:
There are 19 kids who are dividing themselves into two teams for a kickball game. Which of the following,
best describes how many kids will be on each team?
One team will have 9 kids
One team will have 10 kids
One team will have 7 kids
One team will have 8 kids
One team will have 8 kids
One team will have 9 kids
One team will have 10 kids
One team will have 11 kids
Question 5:
There is a pie eating contest with 9 participants. There are 46 pies that are all eaten. Which of the following
best describes how many pies each person ate if they are very evenly matched?
8 contestants ate 3 pies
1 contestant ate 4 pies
8 contestants ate 4 pies
1 contestant ate 5 pies
8 contestants ate 5 pies
1 contestant ate 6 pies
8 contestants ate 6 pies
1 contestant ate 7 pies
Practice Set: One step word problems with remainders (fractions)
Question 1:
There are 12 pieces of pie that are going to be split between 5 people. How many slices of pie does each
person get? Choose the correct answer from the choices below.
pieces of pie per person
pieces of pie per person
pieces of pie per person
pieces of pie per person
pieces of pie per person
Question 2:
There are 25 gummy worms that 3 friends are going to split. How many gummy worms does each friend
get? Choose the correct answer from the choices below.
gummy worms per friend
gummy worms per friend
gummy worms per friend
gummy worms per friend
gummy worms per friend
Question 3:
Two people bought a 13-inch sandwich to share. How many inches of sandwich does each person get if
they split it evenly? Choose the correct answer from the choices below.
inches of sandwich per person
inches of sandwich per person
inches of sandwich per person
inches of sandwich per person
inches of sandwich per person
Question 4:
Joseph has 3 hours to do his 2 homework assignments. How many hours does he have to do each
assignment? Choose the correct answer from the choices below.
hours per homework assignment
1 hour per homework assignment
hours per homework assignment
hours per homework assignment
hours per homework assignment
Question 5:
There are 16 apples that will be cut and divided evenly between 3 pies. How many apples go into each pie?
Choose the correct answer from the choices below.
apples per pie
apples per pie
6 apples per pie
5 apples per pie
apples per pie
Practice Set: Two-step word problems with remainders
Question 1:
There are 4 pizzas which each have 12 slices. These pizzas will be divided between 15 people. How many
slices does each person get if they are split evenly? Choose the correct answer from the choices below.
Question 2:
There are 5 kids who want to start a game of Red Rover. Then 12 more kids come to play. If there are 2
teams in Red Rover, which of the following best describes how many kids will be on each team?
One team will have 10 kids
One team will have 11 kids
One team will have 7 kids
One team will have 8 kids
One team will have 8 kids
One team will have 9 kids
One team will have 9 kids
One team will have 10 kids
Question 3:
If it takes 10 lemons to make a batch of lemonade and 5 lemons to make lemon bars, how many batches of
both the lemonade and the bars can you make with 50 lemons.
Number of batches of both lemonade and lemon bars:
Question 4:
There are two boxes of Lego pieces. One box has 200 pieces and the other box has 115 pieces. Which of
the following best describes how 4 people will divide the Lego pieces as evenly as possible?
Three people will get 78 pieces
One person will get 77 pieces
Three people will get 77 pieces
One person will get 76 pieces
Three people will get 79 pieces
One person will get 78 pieces
Three people will get 76 pieces
One person will get 75 pieces
Question 5:
Victoria searched her house for quarters. She started with 17 quarters and found 6 more quarters. She
then goes to the arcade. If a game costs 2 quarters to play, how many games can she play and how many
quarters are left over?
Victoria can play times and there will be quarters left over.
Correct Answers
Lesson: Multistep Word Problems
Practice Set: Estimate products
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Estimate quotients
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Estimate products word problems
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Estimate quotients word problems
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Solve one-step word problems review
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Solve two-step word problems review
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Solve multistep word problems with four operations
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Represent multistep word problems with variable equations
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
MC2 | MC3
Question 5:
Practice Set: Solve multistep word problems with variable equations
Question 1:
Question 2:
MC1 | MC3 | MC4 | MC5
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Assess the reasonableness of answers using rounding and mental
computation 5
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Assess the reasonableness of answers using rounding and mental
computation 6
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: One step word problems with remainders (left over/discard left over)
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
3 |2
Question 5:
Practice Set: One step word problems with remainders (round up)
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: One step word problems with remainders (round up and down)
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: One step word problems with remainders (fractions)
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5:
Practice Set: Two-step word problems with remainders
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Question 5: