A Music Recommendation System Based on logistic
regression and eXtreme Gradient Boosting
Haoye Tian
School of Big Data and Software
Chongqing, China
Haini Cai
School of Big Data and Software
Chongqing, China
Junhao Wen
School of Big Data and Software
Chongqing, China
Shun Li
School of Big Data and Software
Chongqing, China
Yingqiao Li
School of Big Data and Software
Chongqing, China
Abstract—With the rapid growth of music industry data, it is
difficult for people to find their favorite songs in the music
library. Therefore, people urgently need an efficient music
recommendation system to help them retrieve music. Traditional
collaborative filtering algorithms are applied to the field of music
recommendation. However, collaborative filtering does not
handle data sparse problems very well when new items are
introduced. To solve this problem, some people use the logistic
regression method as a classifier to predict the user’s music
preferences to recommend songs. Logistic regression is a linear
model that does not handle complex non-linear data features. In
this paper, we propose a hybrid LX recommendation algorithm
by integrating logistic regression and eXtreme Gradient
Boosting(xgboost). A series of experiments are conducted on a
real music dataset to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed
LX model. Our results show that the error and AUC of our LX
model are better than other methods.
Keywords—recommendation system, logistic regress, xgboost,
music preferences
With the rapid development of big data on the Internet, the
problem of information overload has become increasingly
serious. For example, the Spotify music library already has 30
million songs and the number of songs grows at a rate of
20,000 songs per day. Therefore, it is difficult for people to
find their favorite songs from such a rich library. In order to
solve this problem, a personalized music recommendation is
designed to discover suitable music for users.
Traditional collaborative filtering algorithm is widely used
in music recommendation [1]. For example, Last.fm, a
professional music site, uses collaborative filtering to
recommend songs to their users. In the music field, a large
amount of new music is added to the music library every day.
Therefore, cold start problems can occur frequently. However,
collaborative filtering is not good at handling cold start issues.
To address this problem, some content-based recommendation
methods are proposed by extracting music content features [2],
[3]. Although these methods solve the cold start problem to
some extent, they still fail to make full use of these high-
dimensional data.
In order to extract powerful features from high-dimensional
data, some advanced recommendation models are designed by
exploiting the user and item information. Bartz et al. applied
logistic regression(LR) to recommend a sponsored search term
[4]. Their work shows that the comprehensive performance of
LR is slightly better than traditional collaborative filtering. LR
model is a simple linear model and does not handle non-linear
features very well. To solve this problem, the tree model was
introduced because of its non-linear property. For example, the
eXtreme Gradient Boosting(xgboost) proposed by Chen and
Guestrin is widely used [5]. Xu and Liu et al. improved Chen’s
work to recommend products to users on the shopping site.
Their results have a better performance with higher f1-score
than the baseline and have a high time efficiency [6]. However,
this tree model is easy to overfit if there are few samples or too
many features.
In this paper, we design an improved tree and LR fusion
model to avoid the above problems. Our approach enhances
LR expression capabilities by extracting non-linear features
with a tree model. In the tree structure, we choose xgboost
model because of its low complexity. In addition, in order to
reduce over-fitting of xgboost and improve the generalization
ability of the fusion model, we optimize the fusion part of the
model structure by shrinking the dimensions of output data of
xgboost. At the feature level, we construct the user profile from
his/her historical listening behavior and cross the profile with
song features to learn more potential information. Finally, we
use these features to train the xgboost and LR fusion model to
predict the user’s music preferences.
A. Logistic regression
Since the LR method was proposed, it has been applied to
many fields. Bender et. employed LR models to analyze real
IJCNN 2019. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. Budapest, Hungary. 14-19 July 2019
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retinal lesion data in medical research [7]. The work in [8]
reduces the empirical risk of SVM output by using the results
of logistic regression analysis and successfully predicts
corporate financial distress in the financial domain. Maranzato
et al. exercised logistic regression and step-by-step
optimization for fraud detection in reputation systems [9].
In the field of the recommendation system, LR is also one
of the most popular models. Quevedo et al. proposed a tag
candidate set ranking method based on LR model. The results
illustrate that it performs significantly better than previous
methods [10]. Wang et al. merged LR and another model to
increase f1-score by 2%-36% on the dataset provided by
Alibaba's mobile shopping department [11].
B. Xgboost
The Tree models are often applied to overcome weaknesses
in linear models. Some people solved some predictive
problems by building a model with the decision tree [12], [13].
In 2001, a gradient boosting decision tree(GBDT) proposed by
Friedman caused widespread interest [14]. After that, some
people have achieved good results in many areas by using or
improving GBDT. For example, Xie and Coggeshall made
GBDT as a classifier in data mining competition to predict
hospital transfer and mortality, and finally, his team ranked
second in two tasks [15]. Zhang et al. proposed a two-set
gradient-enhanced decision tree model to predict the gap
between taxi demand and supply [16]. Experiments on real
large-scale dataset prove that this method is effective on sparse
data and superior to other state-of-the-art methods.
Tianqi Chen made some improvements based on GBDT. In
terms of algorithms, xgboost improves the generalization
ability of the model by optimizing the loss function and
regularization. In engineering, xgboost supports parallel
computing, which improves the speed of the model. These
advantages made xgboost shine in many recent competitions.
n this paper, our dataset is provided in The Million Song
Dataset(MSD) [17]. In the field of music recommendation,
MSD is a very professional data website created by the
National Science Foundation. It collects a lot of audio features
and metadata of the million contemporary popular music
tracks. Moreover, it also includes some supplementary
datasets, such as Last.fm dataset, Taste Profile subset, etc.
Therefore, this dataset has rich music data, such as audio,
lyrics, tag, user behavior and so on.
Because of the copyright issues related to music, we can't
directly get the original audio of music. So MSD provided a
releasable version by extracting the relevant features from
audio. And, Some other contributors also extracted some of the
more plentiful features as a compliment. For example, the
musiXmatch dataset has a feature mapping on lyrics so that we
can get important information about the song text. Because of
the contributions of these researchers, we can do a lot of
interesting experiments on MSD. The datasets used in this
paper is as follows:
The Echo Nest Taste Profile Subset: 1 million users,
380,000 songs, 1.4 million user play record.
The Last.fm Dataset: 500,000 song tags
he Millionsongsubset_full: 20,000 audio features
In order to reduce the impact of the lack of audio features on
the model, we use more than 20,000 samples containing audio
features to train.
A. L
R model
As mentioned earlier, LR was widely used as a classic
classifier in the field of recommendation system. In this article,
we first preprocess the data to get a sample format that can be
trained by our method. Then, we extract the user and song
features from the dataset and perform feature engineering such
as transformation and intersection on these features. Finally,
we use LR model to predict the user’s music preferences and
compare results with our method.
The LR model is a generalized linear model. The
continuous random variable X is subject to the logistic
distribution, i.e. the distribution function F(x) and density
function f(x) are as follows:
() ( )
Fx PX x
() ()
(1 )
fx Fx
where μ is the positional parameter and γ > 0 is the shape
parameter. The F(x) and f(x) are shown in Figure 1 and Figure
Fig. 1. The density function of LR
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Fig. 2. The distribution function of LR
We define a vector with n user or song features
(, , , )
xxx x=
. Let the conditional probability
Py x==
be the probability of an event(y=1) occurring
under x condition. Then the LR model can be expressed as
xwwx wx=+ +
, w is the weight of x. Now,
suppose there are m samples, the labels are
yy y
. The
probability that the user like the song (
y =
) under given
conditions is defined as
Py x==
Similarly, the probability that the user does not like the song
y =
) is
, So the label probability of the sample can be
defined as
() (1 )
ii i
Py p p
Because each sample is independent each other, their joint
distribution is the product of the distribution of the edges,
which is defined as
() (1 )
Lw p p
Then we apply the maximum likelihood estimation method to
estimate the model parameters. We redefine (7) by employ
logarithm and get
() (1 ) (1 )
ii i i
nL w y Inp y In p
The opposite of the above formula is our objective
function. The derivation process also demonstrates that the LR
model is a linear expression of the data. In the next section, we
try to use our method to improve the non-linear expression
ability of the LR model.
B. LX model
In order to exploit non-linear features in the data, people
often use more complex model such as decision tree. However,
only one decision tree cannot reach a very high level. So, some
tree-based boosting algorithms were developed. Although these
algorithms can learn the non-linear characteristics of the data,
they are also subject to the over-fitting problem of the tree
model. To take advantage of both the tree model and the LR
model, a fusion model was proposed [18]. This fusion model
utilizes tree-based boosting algorithms to extract non-linear
features and then feeds these features to the LR model for
training. The fusion structure is shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 3. Fusion model structure
There are two trees in Figure 3. S is an input sample. After
traversing two trees, sample s falls in the leaf nodes of two
trees. Each leaf node corresponds to the LR one-dimensional
feature. The new vector value of the structure is 0 or 1. For
example: for input s, suppose it falls in the second node of the
left tree, coded as [0,1,0], and the first node in the right tree
encodes [1,0], so the overall encoding is [0,1,0,1,0].
In this structure, the author uses the gradient boosting
decision tree (GBDT) to extract non-linear features. However,
in the tree-based boosting algorithms, Tianqi Chen's xgboost
model is considered to be more effective. The main
improvements of xgboost to GBDT are as follows:
Xgboost adds an explicit regularization to the objective
function to avoid over-fitting. In the following formula,
is the objective function of xgboost, which is defined
(,) ( )
ii k
ly y f=+Ω
ly y
is the loss of the model.
is the
regularization term and is defined as
where T is the number of trees and w is the weight of
the leaf nodes. When we minimize the objective
reduces the complexity of the model by
A Music Recommendation System Based on logistic regression and eXtreme Gradient Boosting
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reducing the number of trees T and weakening the
weight of the leaf nodes w.
The first derivative of the objective function is used in
the GBDT to calculate the pseudo-residue for
generating the next tree model. Xgboost uses not only
the first derivative but also the second derivative on the
objective function by Taylor expansion. This allows the
model to optimize the objective more quickly.
The metric for finding the best segmentation point in
the CART regression tree is to minimize the mean
square error. The criterion for xgboost is to maximize
the information gain. Xgboost will split the leaf nodes if
information gain is greater than a certain threshold,
which further reduces the over-fitting problem.
We propose the LX model by integrating LR and xgboost.
And the framework of LX model is as follows. First of all,
based on the advantages of xgboost mentioned before, we
choose xgboost instead of GBDT to extract the non-linear
features of the data. Salgado et al. proposed Logistic regression
and Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models, which use the method of
separating binary from numerical features in the modeling
process to increase the performance of a single model using
both types of features together [19]. So we use a similar
approach when training the model. The decision tree in
xgboost is the regression tree and it is more suitable for
processing continuous data. So we input the continuous
features of the data into xgboost, and then splice the output of
xgboost with the discrete features of the original data. Then,
the output layer of xgboost is a sparse matrix, which is not
conducive to the training of the LR model. Therefore, after
splicing the data features, we discard the dimension with
coverage below 90%. At the same time, in order to learn the
information obtained by xgboost from the data, we add the
predicted probability score of xgboost to the feature set. Finally,
we use the feature set as the input of the LR model. The
process is shown in Figure 4.
V. E
In this section, we conduct some experiments on the MSD
dataset to evaluate our method. We compare our LX model
with the LR and xgboost models. In section A and B, in order
to show the best performance of these models, we do some
feature engineering and study the hyper parameters. In the last
section, we compare the experimental results of the three
models and draw our conclusions.
A. Feature engineering
In order to extract the non-linear feature in the data, we
construct the user’s preference profile which contains some
important features. First, we obtain the user's profile that
represents the user's preference for the artist and the genre of
songs. For example, we define user
u 'preference for rock as
(, ) (, ) ( , )
Preference u rock T u s C g rock
is the
th song of the song set S,
is the genre of
the song
, (, )
Tu s is the times that
listens to
, and
(, )
Cg rock is the confidence of
g rock=
. Then, the user
profile feature is crossed with the artist or genre of the current
song. In this way, we get the user's artist and genre preference
features for the current song: prefer_artist, prefer_genre.
We analyze all the features using the feature importance
tool in xgboost. The result proves that the features we construct
play an important role in the model. The result is shown in
Figure 5. The y-axis is the feature name and the x-axis is the
feature importance score. In the future, we will try to dig more
user personalized features, such as user age, gender, and user
preference for rhythm.
Fig. 4. The framework of LX model
Fig. 5. Xgboost feature importance
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B. Model hyper parameter
The setting of the hyper parameter may have a relatively
large impact on the performance of the model, so we apply the
grid-search method to search the optimal hyper parameter. In
the logistic regression model, the hyper parameter C is the
reciprocal of the regularization coefficient that is used to
control the complexity of the model. We first observe the
impact of the inverse of regularization strength C on the LR
model. As shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 6. Hyper parameter C on AUC of the LR
It can be seen that with the change of the hyper parameters
C, the AUC of the LR model does not change significantly.
Therefore, we can infer that the impact of the hyper parameters
C on the LR model is small. We also observe the effect of
other hyper parameters on LR, and the results are similar.
Therefore, the performance of the LR model cannot be greatly
improved by adjusting the hyper parameters.
In addition, we view the impact of the maximum depth of
the tree on the xgboost model. As shown in Figure 7.
Fig. 7. The maximum depth of the tree on AUC of the xgboost
From the figure, we can clearly see that when the
maximum depth of the tree is less than 5, as the maximum
depth of the tree increases, the AUC of the model increases as
well. However, when the tree depth is greater than 5, the AUC
starts to drop very quickly. This proves that the grid-search
method is helpful for the xgboost model. We employ this
method to traverse the various hyper parameters of the model
in the open source xgboost package of the Chen Tianqi team
and find the optimal set. Some important hyper parameters
results are shown in Table I.
Parameters Value
objective binary:logistic
n_estimators 140
learning_rate 0.1
max_depth 5
gamma 0.3
After that, we compare the error rate of xgboost on the
training and test set. As shown in Figure 8.
Fig. 8. The error of xgboost on the training and test set
As the iterations (the number of trees) increase, the error
rate of xgboost on training and testing steadily decline. When
the iterations reach around 140, the model converges and the
test error no longer drops. Xgboost's error rate achieves good
results by applying the early-stopping method. In addition, the
gap between the training set and the test set error is small at the
beginning of the training. However, as the iterations increase,
the gap becomes very large. This proves that the xgboost is
over-fitting and its generalization ability is weak.
C. Model evaluation
Our experimental metrics are error and AUC. The results
are shown in the following Table II.
A Music Recommendation System Based on logistic regression and eXtreme Gradient Boosting
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Model Error AUC
LR 0.3062 0.7268
xgboost 0.2723 0.7663
LX 0.2376 0.8087
From the table, we can see that the AUC score of LR is
lower than the scores of the other two models, which means the
LR model achieve a poor prediction result. The reason behind
this phenomenon is that it’s difficult for LR to extract non-
linear features without manual construction of large-scale
feature engineering. The error and AUC of xgboost are
obviously better than the LR model, which shows that xgboost
has good performance under the current simple feature
engineering. This proves that xgboost can handle non-linear
data very well. However, as shown in Figure 7, xgboost is
over-fitting, and the generalization ability on the test set does
not perform well. Among these three models, the performance
of the LX model is optimal, and the AUC even reaches a high
score of 0.80. This demonstrates that the LX model not only
extracts the non-linear features of the data but also overcomes
the over-fitting problem of xgboost. Therefore, our LX model
combines the advantages of the xgboost and LR models and is
a high-level classifier.
This paper studies the prediction of users' music
preferences in the music recommendation field. We adopt the
fusion model of xgboost and LR as our classifier and optimize
the fusion part. In terms of features, we do some feature
engineering on the user's profile and proved effective by
xgboost. Comparing the comprehensive performance of
different models on the test set, we find that our LX model has
the best results, which proves that our method has strong
practicability in the field of music recommendation.
This article only studies the user's behavior information and
does not combine the user's social network information.
Currently, social network-based methods have proven to be
effective to improve prediction accuracy in recommendation
systems. So, In the future, we will try to mine the user's social
relationships and combine it with our LX model to recommend
music to users.
This work was supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant 6167060382,
61602070, in part by the New Academic Seedling Cultivation
and Exploration Innovation Project under Grant [2017]5789-
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