Wonderful THANK YOU notes from our troops - Christmas 2018 (Page 1 of 26)
Dear Stockings For Soldiers Friends, Please enjoy these wonderful letters from our troops and Thank
You, all, for helping us to send over 10,000 Christmas stockings to our deployed troops.
wow! Thank you and your whole crew for the incredibly generous gift boxes. Everything was gleefully snatched up by soldiers
working not only in my clinic, but across all of the various shops supporting the Special Operations Task Force. From all of us here in
Afghanistan, happy holidays and thank you to everyone working with you for the support!
Take care, Ben
I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for sending us Christmas care packages. Please relay my
appreciation to the many organizations who have participated in putting the packages together. It is a reminder
to me that there all still so many who have not forgotten the true meaning of Christmas and our responsibility to
serve others.
Merry Christmas, Will P. A Co. 5-101 FOB Fenty Jalalabad, Afghanistan
Christmas picture of
AID Station
From, Sean M.
To the Stockings for Soldiers Team, Thank you so much for our personalized
stockings! You lifted the spirits of all of my medics and staff here at the aid
station and we will be sharing the extras with ill or injured soldiers less fortunate than us this Christmas! The socks and
goodies were all a big hit!
Thank you again, LTC Jacqueline O.
Judy and Team,
Thanks so much for thinking of us over the Holidays! The stockings were a big hit and were a very nice
surprise being so far from home for our Airman/Troops.
You have the deepest appreciation from the men and women of the 380
Air Expeditionary wing this holiday
Sincerely, Brig Gen A. S., Commander
“… Any little act of kindness goes a long way and we all greatly appreciate you (all) and all of the time and effort you put into
making these packages. I personally had grown up in Foster Care and I have never had a stocking before let alone one with my
name on it. My appreciation to you (all) can not be explained in words. My wife had sent a package but it will not be here before
Christmas. I am excited now that I have something that I can open on Christmas. Thank you…” Joshua G.
Hi Judy,
Thank you and your team of wonderful volunteers for putting together our stockings and getting them over to
us! The stockings are absolutely beautiful. I know they will put a smile on every Airmen's face when we hand
them out. We can see that a lot of love went into making the stockings for us. Give me a week or so and I will
have pictures for you all.
V/r, Ken S.
I want to thank you and your elves for all the hard work that went into delivering the boxed goods. We can't say thank
you enough and how appreciative we are for individuals as yourselves. May not seem like much but to us the small things
seem like a bright light in our darkness here. We hope that you have a wonderful holiday as well as those who helped and
a safe and happy new year.
Sgt Alvarez and troops
My name is SSG Brian C. and I am the S6 NCOIC for Task Force No Mercy, stationed in Jalalabad,
Afghanistan. I wanted to thank you and your team of selfless volunteers that delivered stockings
to the members of Task Force No Mercy. There is nothing bigger than the heart of a
volunteer. The team at Stockings for Soldiers have shown unbelievable and unimaginable care for
my brothers and sisters in arms, to which we are beyond grateful for the generosity that you have
shown. I will work with my compatriots to try to get you more pictures for your team.
I sincerely wish you and you team of volunteers and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. SSG
Brian C.
Hello Judy Travis,
I’m Specialist Ayres with the 142nd Military Police Company. I just wanted to thank you for the Christmas stocking. It really meant a
lot to me & my battles. Especially me being that I’m from Delaware, it felt good having support from my home state. Thanks again &
Happy Holidays. S. Ayres
Good day Ma'am,
I want to say thank you for the care package with the personalized stocking. I was happy to see that you're
based out of Delaware. I am a Reservist who is stationed at Dover AFB, but I reside in Wilmington, DE. I work
at Capital One for my civilian job.
When I saw where the package came from, I felt proud, happy and even felt like I had a taste of home because
it came from Wilmington. Thank you for everything, it is greatly appreciated.
Very Respectfully, SSgt. Ellis R., 380 AEW/FM, Al Dhafra, UAE
Just wanted to say thanks for everything. I was one of the recipients of the Stockings For Soldiers.
Thanks for everything you all do. The box came to Daniel D. and he shared it. Ms. Fludd
Ms. Travis,
Thank you for all of the boxes. I will be working with the NCOs this afternoon to get them separated and figure
out who gets what.
We will be taking some pictures and get them pushed back to you as we get these wonderful gifts distributed.
Thank you to you and your team.
You will never know how much you have blessed our lives. May you and your team be blessed in return this
holiday season.
Respectfully, MAJ King 1-158 IN
We wanted to say Thank You from the
of our hearts. We are so thankful for
like yours doing so much for the military.
We are a CH-47 Helicopter unit from
Savannah, GA.
Again, thank you! God Bless...
Clifton M.
Thank you.
I just wanted to let you know, I received a stocking for soldier this year. It made an otherwise
difficult season, a little bit brighter. It meant a lot to me to know that people care. Keep doing
what you are doing and making the world a better place. Thank you again.
Cory S.
Judy, thank you very much for sending all of these boxes. We will pass them out to our guys in the following
days. We really appreciate what you do for all us here …... Again, thank you so much for thinking about us.
Thank you for the care packages! They are very much appreciated by all of the soldiers. Wishing you a happy
holiday! Eleanor J. CPL, MI Task Force Spartan-Jordan
Thank you for the making the holidays away from home
and family a little warmer and festive! We really appreciate
the love and support. We have a mini Christmas tree at the
Medical Clinic that we also put a few Stockings under. We
will be cheering up some sick/injured Soldiers with them in
the coming days. Thank you again for your kindness
Brian K.
Hello Ms. Travis,
Thank you for the stocking and all the treats it was filled with. It's not easy being away from friends and family
during the holidays and receiving this helped to bridge that gap. I hope you have a wonderful and safe
holiday season!
SSgt Dan B. 1st Expeditionary Civil Engineer Group/A7
Today I received a wonderful surprise in the form of a full stocking for Christmas. Thank you for thinking of all
of us and sending us Christmas Cheer. All the best from the Republic of Korea; Merry Christmas.
Regards, Marc J., MAJ, AR 1-67AR, 1AD Forward Deployed to Korea with 2ID, "Second to None!"
From Djibouti, Africa - To The Stockings For Soldiers Crew,
The soldiers of Crockett Company Thank You All for the stockings this holiday season. The holidays
are always the hardest time of the year for soldiers and you all gave them a small piece of the Home
Merry Christmas to you All.
1SG Paul B.
Ms. Travis,
I wanted to reach out to you to say thank you to you and your volunteers for the wonderful stockings.
The smiles that appeared on their faces when they received them were phenomenal. Words can't
describe how happy you made them. Even our senior leaders looked like little kids on Christmas
morning when they saw their stockings with their names sparkling at the top. These individuals are so
use to taking care of their airmen that they forget about themselves. Please continue to do what you
do...it truly makes a difference.
Thanks Again,
MSgt, Lynnette V., 380 EFSS/WSA/EMSG, Staff First Sergeant
Dear Judy Travis / Team & P.S DuPont Middle School Music Dept,I’m
contacting you today to let you know how much of blessing these hand-
made stockings have been to my unit and I. We received them
just a few hours ago and I would have to say everything that were put
in the stockings are AMAZING!! I just recently finished working for the
day (4:10PM). I will be hanging this stocking up right beside the one I
received from my mother the other day!! I had to send this email hoping
you receive this because this gift means so much to me and my fellow
soldiers, especially during the holidays! We are able to do this each and
every day because of all the support we receive from around the country!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Little about myself, my name is Michael and I’m 23 years old, I’ve been
enlisted in the Army National Guard since I was 17 years old (Nov 27,
2012). I’m from the northern part of the state of Mississippi and I’ve lived
there my whole life. I’m a transportation operator in the military. This is
currently my very first deployment and it been awesome so far, thanks to
everyone with the amount of support I receive daily!
P.s I’ve also attached a few photos below for you guys to check out! :)
Merry Christmas & Happy New Years, Michael R.
Thank you so much for the wonderful stocking! It came in time for Christmas and I have it hanging up!
We all appreciate the effort and thoughts from your organization. The stockings have raised spirits here and we
are ready for Christmas.
Please pass along our thanks to: West Point Parents club of Delaware, Delaware Area Rotarians and
Girl Scouts of Chesapeake Bay Council
Wishing you a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Maj Hubert T.
Season's greetings to you and the wonderful people of Delaware (and
surrounding areas) who dedicated time and money so we can have stockings
on Christmas. I just wanted to let you know that we have received all the
boxes with all the stocking and goodies and to express our immense
gratitude. I put on the Santa Hat and some Christmas music as I started to
divvy up all the stocking and get them ready for delivery (see picture). Please
pass along our most sincere gratitude to all the wonderful volunteers that
made this possible, we are so thankful and blessed for your love and support.
I will make sure to take photos as we deliver all the stockings so you and your
volunteer can see the joy you brought to us as we celebrate Christmas here
in Afghanistan. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Alpha
Company "Spectres".
v/r, 1SG Gustavo C. A Co, 1-101st AVN REGT
Dear Judy:
I want to thank you and your organization for your generous donation of “Stockings” that we received within the last week. The
time and care that went into this effort is sincerely appreciated. As these packages started to arrive, we were overwhelmed by the
amount of stockings and the thought that went into the items purchased for each care package. The contents could not have been
more perfect!
I want to let you know a little bit about who your generous gifts were shared with on this deployment. I am a Behavioral Health
officer with the Delaware Army National Guard but am on a deployment with the 155 Armored Brigade Combat Team - Mississippi
Army National Guard, about 4, 000 soldiers. We also have one other soldier from Delaware, SGT Jonathan C., who is also serving in
the same unit. We belong to the Charlie Medical Company of the 155. The soldiers in this unit are mostly medical personnel
(medics and auxiliary medical personnel) who provide medical, dental, physical therapy and Behavioral Health care to our 155
soldiers. These soldiers are dedicated to helping other soldiers heal during this deployment. The donated packages are being
received well. I have to tell you, it literally puts a smile on the soldier’s face!
As our county now faces over 17 years of War in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is truly gratifying and uplifting to see the continued
generosity and support of the American people back home for soldiers that continue to be deployed. This means a lot to us and it
lets us know we are not forgotten.
Thank you again for your kind donation and gesture, it will live within our hearts.
Sincerely, MAJ Dale W., OIC, 155 Behavioral Health Clinic, Camp Buehring, Kuwait
Good Afternoon Judy,
I wanted to thank everyone that sent all of us stockings for the Holidays! They were well received, and everyone enjoyed
all the goodies in there!
Everything y'all do makes our service members feel a bit more at home this holiday season while they're away from their
families. Happy Holidays from all of us on the Border Mission!
Jacob G. 1LT, TC, TXARNG
Ms. Travis,
Thank you so much for sending the Christmas stockings! We really appreciate everyone from the West Point Parents
Club of Delaware, the Area Rotary Clubs, the Area Girls Scouts, and anyone else from Wilmington that contributed. We
used the stockings to decorate our headquarters building, so it really feels like Christmas around here.
Thank you! Jason
I want to thank yall for your
support and spending the time
to put together stockings for us
here at D Co 3-141 IN.
This means a lot to us here
over in Africa currently.
Andrew S.
Readiness NCO
D Co 3-141 IN
Ms. Travis,
I wanted to let you know that the Stockings have arrived for Chris (Capt Chris B.) and his soldiers with the HHC
155 ABCT currently in Kuwait. Chris is going to have his XO put on a Santa hat and take a big mail bag and go
around the deliver them. I told him to be sure and get some video of that to send back to me.
Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate it, and I know that the soldiers do, as well.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Karen W. (Chris’ Mother)
Ms. Travis,
I would like to reach out and thank you and your organization for the awesome gifts and support of personalized bags and stockings
for each of the soldiers in my organization. We appreciate the thoughtfulness and the time it must have taken to do all that work for
us. It was greatly appreciated and brought a lot of smiles to the soldiers.
Again thank you for your prayers, love and support through the holiday season. May all of you have a blessed Holiday Season.
Thank You! Duane S. CW4 CH-47 MTP 935th ASB
Ms. Russo, Ms. Travis Good morning from the Middle East.
COL Doug O., myself and the entire team of the 398th FMSC would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for
your knitted offerings along with the stocking and many boxes of goodies that your afforded us. The team you
have their taking care of our troops, by dedicating their time, efforts, donations and such is truly overwhelming.
The gift of Love and Appreciation that your organization has shown to us during this Holiday season is
unmatched. We cannot say thank you enough! Please thank your entire team of Stocking for Soldiers, West
Point Parents Club of Delaware, all the Rotary Clubs, the Girl Scouts, and the friends and neighbors that were a
part of this.
We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a blessed New Year!
V/r Barry B. SGM, 1st TSC-OCP/398th FMSC Camp As Saliyah, Qatar
Thank you, ma'am for supporting my organization.
v/r, CPT ALIG OIC / 201 RSG
Dear Judy and the Delaware Stockings Team,
Just wanted to send you all a warm and heartfelt THANK
YOU!!!! for all the personalized stockings and goodies we
received from you and all the generous organizations
involved! With Christmas and New Year just around the corner,
it was a HUGE morale boost (and sugar high!) for all of us at the
67th Forward Surgical Team stationed here in
Afghanistan. While our group is small in size, we have been
able to share all your wonderful snacks and goodies with the
patients and other soldiers we treat both on the Forward
Operating Base and returning from combat missions. Because
we are in such a forward deployed location, everything you sent
us goes a long way and is deeply appreciated! The snowman
soup was a hit with everyone :) Half of our team is currently
away on a mission, so I am attaching a picture earlier this week
of everyone as we decorated the aid station here. I will try and
grab a photo with everyone and their stocking when the other half returns from their mission. Once again, thank you all
so very much for your love, thoughts, and prayers this holiday season.
Happy holidays! 67th Forward Surgical Team MAJ Joseph L. General Surgeon/61J MSS-TK, Afghanistan
I want to thank you and your team for sending us the stockings. We truly appreciate it. I am the First Sergeant
here for the C-130 unit and our Airman loved the stockings. They are hanging them up in their rooms and
outside their doors. We appreciate it as it helps keep the holiday spirit here and let us know that we have
support at home. I also want to let you know that we tied some of the stocking to bundles that were air
dropped out of a C-130 to special force units. We can't thank you and your team enough for all your support
and dedication. I hope the holidays treat you well and you enjoy the New Year. Please let us know if there is
anything else we can do to help.
Shawn M., MSgt, USAF First Sergeant, 746 EAS Al Udeid AB, Qatar
Dear Ms. Travis,
On behalf of myself and many other soldiers, I would like to send a quick thank you to you and your elves for the stocking care
The treats as well as basic essentials are not only helpful, but a morale boost, a distraction, as well as a reminder. They are a
reminder that there are other people besides our friends and families who think of us and remember that we are out here.
Thanks again, and I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.
SPC Marcus D. G Co. 3/126 Medevac Maine Army National Guard
Dear Judy, aka Chief Elf-in-Charge,
On behalf of myself, my Sergeant Major, and all of the Soldiers of the 201st Regional Support Group currently
deployed to Iraq, Thank you and your elves for the extremely thoughtful hand-made stockings! As I write they
adorn our offices bringing some much-welcomed Christmas cheer and as a constant reminder of our purpose
while we are here - safeguarding the American people.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
LTC Andrew H. BOS-I Commander, Al Asad Air Base, Iraq
Ms. Travis,
On-behalf of the personnel assigned to Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan Fire Department, thank you and your team members for the
Christmas Gift Bags. Due to crew rest all members are not in photo. Leslie K. shared the bags with my department members and as
supporter of the Coalition Forces we are forever grateful.
Respectfully, Roy N., Chief Master Sergeant Retired USAF, Fire Chief Tarin Kwot Air Field
I just wanted to reach out to you and say thank you for the awesome Christmas Stockings! For some, this was
a Soldiers first time away from home/deployment. You made it special and it was wonderful to see all the
stockings around our area. We appreciate your efforts and kind thoughts. I have pictures unfortunately the
internet is limited where we are at. I went to the University of Delaware for civil engineering and commissioned.
……Thanks again for making Christmas special! LT Major and LT Nocella in Afghanistan
Thank you ALL for the absolutely lovely Christmas present. I love my stocking, and have it hanging up in my office now. Will bring it
home with me as a memento when I get to return home next year. I loved the candy (too much candy!). Guess that just means I
need to hit the gym extra hard and do a few more PT runs. Loved the Christmas card, the deck of cards, and look forward to reading
a new book!
You all are amazing to put these together and send them to our squadron. They are definitely received with as much love and care
as ya'll used putting them together for us. Thank you SO much!
All the best, Sonja H
Good Afternoon!
I am AM3 Sanders and I am in the US Navy. My squadron is currently stationed in Bahrain.
We received the stockings your crew put together for all of us and they were fantastic! Thank you for taking so much time out of
your lives to put these together for myself and my military family!
We are VP-46, an aviation squadron, stationed in Whidbey Island, Washington but currently on a six month deployment. We fly and
maintain the P-3 Orion aircraft.
The VP-46 Grey Knights thank you all! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Very Respectfully, AM3 Sanders VP-46 US Navy
Judy Travis,
First of all, thank you so much for the packages. Please convey our appreciation
to all the groups who donated the goodies to us. It means a lot to all of us that
there are so many organizations out there who support the troops. Attached is a
couple of pictures of our team. Thank you again for everything. Please have a
safe and happy holiday.
v/r Charles S. SGT, MP US CENTCOM CUSTOMS, Qatar, 28th Military
Police Co.
Thank you Guys from +7,000 miles away! Merry Christmas!
Students & Judy, Sally, Donna, John, Katelynn, Robert, and Delethia:
Thank you for the warm well wishes!!!! We are away from our families this holiday season so you can be safely
with yours. I received MY bag of goodies! You brought a smile to my face today. Thank you for taking the time!
V/r JAMES T., MSgt, USAF Superintendent, 379th AEW IG/IGQ, Al Udeid AB, Qatar
Ms. Travis,
Just wanted to drop you a quick note and say thanks to you, the West Point Parents Club, the Rotarians and
the Girl Scouts of Chesapeake Bay for the amazing care packages. They arrived just in time for Christmas, and
having them personalized to each individual is very special touch.
For those of us in uniform, it's an honor and a privilege to serve our citizenry and we're very thankful that are
sacrifices are appreciated and supported back home.
Many blessing to you, your family and your team during this holiday season!
Merry Christmas to all! WILLIAM M., Lt Col, USAF Chief, 379 AEW/XP, Al Udied AB, Qatar
Mrs. Travis,
Wow! You would have thought it was Christmas or something! Lol. These soldiers have been extremely happy
since the shipment of "Stockings for Soldiers" has come in! I wish to thank you and all the volunteers that
continue to make moments like these happen for our soldiers. I will of course follow up with pictures once all
has been distributed. Also, we are scheduling a picture of Chester, our Brigade Mascot to receive his goodies.
I just wanted to send a note that we have received the packages and are ever grateful for the work you do and
the kindness of volunteers! STEEL VICTORY!
CH (CPT) Michael B. 1-67AR, 3D ABCT, 1AD
Just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the care package that our Battalion recently received from you.
It really means a lot to know that we are loved and supported from our friends and families back home. Please
extend our thank you to all the children that wrote us a letter. I will be writing back to them over the next few
days. Thank you again and Happy Holidays.
v/r, NEIL R., MSG, Battalion Sergeant Major, 831st Transportation Battalion, Naval Support Activity – Bahrain
Good morning Judy
Thank you again for all your support my soldiers received the stockings
and snacks and are elated! Thank you and your organization for all your
support and everything you do for our soldiers. I hope you enjoy the
Respectfully, CPT Diego H.
Wilmington Delaware Elves, Thank You so much for the Stockings! The personalization
meant so much. It’s such a small thing, but it really made us happy seeing our names on
the stockings. And thank you for the blankets and knit hats. They will be nice on the
plane rides, as military flights are always so cold! We enjoyed everything and are so
grateful to you all for your time and generosity. It made out Christmas really nice! All of
our stockings are hung in our offices.
Sgt Kirsten H.
Chief Elf-in-Charge,
I just received my stocking here in S. Korea. I just want to say thank you so much for sending some Christmas cheer! I
have hung my stocking in my room and it is nice to be reminded that people back home have us in their thoughts and
prayers. I hope that you and everyone involved has an amazing holiday season!
Thank you, Dan S., CPT, FA Fire Support Officer, 2-13 CAV, 3/1 AD, ROK
Mrs. Travis,
Thank you for the Christmas stocking that I received yesterday in Afghanistan. It makes me happy and proud to
have the support of our Nation and people during this time away from family and friends.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours.
CW3 Lance M. Aviation Safety Officer 1-101st AVN.
Dear Judy,
Please pass on my sincere gratitude to everyone (stockings for soldiers, West Point parents club, Delaware
area Rotarians, Girl Scouts of Chesapeake bag council) involved in making my stocking, that was sent to me at
Al Udeid Air Base. It truly touched my heart. It is currently hanging up in my room and I will be enjoying the
treats for weeks to come. I also appreciated the toiletries and lotion.
People like you make it so great to be an American.
Thank you again, Abigail
Ms. Travis,
I just wanted to let you know that our squadron appreciates the stockings your organization has sent over!!!
Being away from home is tough on young airmen and this makes that time away just a bit better.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and thank you again for taking the time to send these out!!!
v/r CHRIS A., Lt Col, USAF Commander, 379th Expeditionary Contracting Squadron
Thank you so much for your love and support. These blankets will bring warmth and comfort to a few guys I
know here. Thank you all. Merry Christmas
Judy, I would like to thank you
and all the young ladies that
took their time in sending us
troops Christmas gifts. With
all of us deployed and away
from our families, this brought
a lot of happiness. I have
provided a picture as well.
Thanks again and Merry
Sgt. John F., C CO 1-108th
Assault Helicopter Battalion
Here at TK we opened and passed out the stockings yesterday. All of the resident units participated. We will
be sending some pictures in the near future. One challenge we have is that the open WiFi network is very
limited and so moving the pictures from the phone to the network is currently a bit of a challenge, but everyone
was surprised that someone would go to all the work of putting people's names on stockings. The gesture and
the time requirement were recognized and appreciated.
The hand warmers were especially appreciated. We have a couple of units that go out at night and just sit and
pull security and it gets very cold (last night the low hovered around freezing). Of course, they can't move
around to stay warm and can't take electric or gas heaters with them, so for the next couple months those hand
warmers will be gold…. Last night it dropped down to 0 degrees F. We have good heaters in the barracks and
we will be getting some additional heaters for the guard towers. Everyone has decent cold weather gear, but I
know how cold my hands used to get growing up in Alaska. I do not like the cold
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
The candy and snacks were also a welcome treat. We have received several boxes in the past of toiletries so
our USO has quite a bit of that stuff available, but the Top Ramon, cans/packets of Tuna, and Slim Jims (along
with the candy) were much enjoyed by all. We do not have a AAFES here so those types of treats only come
with care packages.
The love and appreciation from your group and from your community to our soldiers, Ms. Travis, was felt by all.
Thank you.
And please pass on our appreciation to all of your volunteers and participating organizations.
Thank you again for making Christmas away from family and friends a little more bearable.
Respectfully, Leslie K., MAJ (OF-3) TK-XO, S1, S6, HHC/1-158 IN BN
Hello Mrs.Travis,
My name is SPC Jose J. I have received one of the amazing stocking that were made for us. I just wanted to
tell you how much we appreciate what you and your group have done for us. This is always a hard time of the
year for soldiers that are away from home, our families, and small things like this really does brighten our spirits.
Please thank everyone that was involved in making this happen. I hope this email finds you well and please
send me a mailing address, I’d love to send you our unique medical platoon patch as appreciation.
Warm regards, SPC Jose J. 1-141 IN BN, Combat Medic, Operation Enduring Freedom - Horn Of Africa, Camp
Lemonier, Djibouti
Ms. Travis,
Good morning. I just wanted to take a moment and say, "Thank you!" for the stockings that you sent to our
soldiers. The 1173rd DDSB is extremely grateful for the Holiday Cheer that you have brought to us. I heard that
most of the east coast is covered in beautiful white fluffy flakes of snow. We will not be seeing that here in the
desert. However, you have definitely brought the Christmas Spirit into our hearts. I know that you do so much
for Troops, and I hope that they feel as we do....truly loved and grateful. I am sending a couple of pics to show
the smiling faces of the group and a picture of the Unit in Uniform for our appreciation to you.
V/R 1SG Joseph B., HHD 1SG 1173rd DDSB
Hello Judy,
My squadron was one of the fortunate ones to receive stocking bags from "Stockings for Soldiers" with
everyone's personal name. That was quite an amazing surprise.
As a commander and an USAF airman who has deployed 4 times and missed 3 Christmas', whenever we
receive packages it brings a little bit of home to where we are, so far away from actual home, I always make it a
point to say thank you. Because what you do for us does matter and we appreciate it more than you can
I hope you and all of your elves have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Please share my note
with all of those who donate and volunteer their time to prepare the packages. You all are what makes America
great and your support for us and what we do is unbelievable.
God Bless. Lt Col Michael R., Commander 577th Expeditionary, Al Udeid AB, Qatar
Dearest Judy, Chief Elf-in-Charge,
I received the hand-made Christmas stocking -- with my name on it, filled with wonderful goodies!
Thank you to you and the team of folks who no doubt helped put all these together.
I'm in Qatar, and though we have it good here, it's not easy to be away from family around the holidays.
I have a wife and four boys -- actually two sets of twins, no joke -- my wife probably needs a care
package, haha...but I've digressed...Your care packages spread joy; but more importantly they let us
know that the sacrifices our families make are appreciated. To me, that's priceless.
I've had a good Christmas here. I hope and trust that you and yours have had a good Christmas back in
Delaware. Thanks again, Chris
My name is Private First-Class Pucci, am a U.S. Army
Military Police Officer, stationed at Camp Humphreys,
South Korea! I'd just like to take the time to thank you all
for sending us your gifts, it warms our hearts hearing your
support and holiday blessings from the U.S! My unit was
very thrilled to receive these stockings in the mail.
A little bit about me, I am from Maryville, TN. I enlisted into
the Army right out of high school at 18 years old with self-
driven motivation to explore the world and pursue a career
in Law Enforcement. I guess you could say I knocked two
birds out with one stone, getting sent to Korea! I joined out
of family tradition as well, most of my family enlisted in the
Army at young ages too.
Even if my unit gets a little homesick sometimes, we the
make the most of it by being one big family
here in Korea. Getting to know fellow R.O.K.
Army soldiers and learning about their
culture so far has been a very rewarding
experience for me. At age 19 I'm still learning
new things, and to be here in a whole new
country, I'm learning a whole lot about this
world that I didn't know much about previously!
From several thousands of miles away, I wish you all a happy holidays, and a big
thank you for your support. We gladly volunteered and do this for you! These gift
bags really do feel like home for us.
Here are some pictures! Thank you again, -PFC Pucci
I received a stocking with stuff in it and I wanted to say thank you to everyone for it. It was actually pretty cool that it came from
Delaware because that’s where my parents live and so do my sisters. It’s one of the states that I call home since I move around a lot
so I wanted to extend my thank you.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.
Thank you. Very Respectfully, SW1(SW) FrancesMarie C.
Dear Judy Travis,
I received my stocking today. It was a pleasant surprise which made my whole day!
I am so thankful for the generosity and thoughtfulness of your group of people for taking care of us during the
I retired from the Air Force in 2012 and have been a contractor here in Qatar for 7 years and I have never seen
so many stockings arrive. We have about 350 people here that all received stockings I appreciate your
I hope you have Happy Holidays
God Bless
SHANNON P., CTR Manager, 379 ESFS Armory
Mrs. Travis,
Good afternoon, my name is Gilbert G. I am
a Platoon Sergeant in the flight company, Bravo
Company, of the 1st Battalion, 108th Assault
Helicopter Battalion (AHB), of the Kansas Army
National Guard. Bravo Company is made up of
elements form our sister companies in Texas and
Kansas, Alpha and Bravo Companies were
combined in Kansas and linked up with our other
company, Charlie Company, from Texas. We
affectionately call ourselves "CharVo Company"
and are now Headquartered here in Kuwait. Many
of my troops are scattered around this area of the
world from here in Kuwait, throughout Iraq and up
into Syria.
We have recently received a package of
individually addressed stockings that you and your
organization had put together for us and I wanted
to personally thank you all for taking the time to
do so. It was a great pleasure to see all of them
with our names on them and the gifts inside were
very comforting. I cannot imagine the amount of
time that went into this project but we all do really
appreciate all of the support from you all.
I have attached a couple of photos that are not
much but a small token of our appreciation and
give you an idea of what it is we do in Army Aviation and for our great nation. Please feel free to reply with any questions
that you might have at anytime.
Thank you again for your support! The stockings got here in perfect timing and I sent them North to the Soldiers that are
in some of our out-laying FOBs, hopefully they will make it to my other troops out there by Christmas, we really
appreciate all of your hard work! I hope that you all had a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, which ever one you prefer
and a Happy and safe New Year.
Respectfully, SFC Gilbert G. 1-108th AHB Task Force Talon
I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to you and your organization. I just had the pleasure of handing out all
of the stockings you sent to my entire unit. It brought a lot of joy to the faces of Airmen that are far from home
this holiday season.
Thank you for what you do, and for your continued support of military members. We wish you the happiest of
Christmas with your family and loved ones.
V/R, KELLY H., MSgt, USAF, Superintendent, 380 EOSS, Flight Chief, 380 EOSS/OSW
Mrs. Travis,
On behalf of A CO 1-141 IN take you for the Christmas stockings. We placed each stocking on our Soldiers
beds last night and they all woke up this morning with a nice surprise waiting on them. It was truly a great
gesture on your organizations part and the Soldiers loved them. Thank you for your continued support of
Soldiers deployed overseas.
Sincerely, Ian S, 1SG, TXARNG, A CO 1-141 INF RGMT, TF Alamo, Horn of Africa
Hi Judy,
Thank you so much for all the gifts. I will absolutely share them.
This is so kind of you to think of all of us and we greatly appreciate
all the support.
Here is a picture of me so you know who you sent the package too.
I’m from Arizona and that is my States Flag behind me.
Doug R.
Happy Holidays Ma'am,
I am SSgt Untalan and I just finished opening up the care package that was sent.
I just wanted to take a moment and thank you and everyone who put together these awesome gifts, I can tell
that there is a lot of thought, time, and love that went into every single one of them. I've already devoured a
few of the snacks and I was looking for a book to pass the time with. It is appreciated.
I don't know when the last time I saw my name on a stocking, and filled with all the goodies!
A little about myself, this is my first deployment, I have been enlisted going on 6 years. I enjoy the work and the
experiences that comes along with serving. I come from Guam, a small island in the pacific, and I have a
wife and two sons, ages 6 and 7 waiting for me at home. I was raised a military brat with my father serving 20
years in the Army, and I remember him being gone during Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield and
although the times allow communication to be easier it still gets rough at times. I just keep in mind why I joined,
not only to represent my family, my island, but for all those under our flag.
This package really made my day as well as many of my troops who were just as surprised and excited.
Thank you again for all the support and Happy holidays!
SSgt Untalan
Thank you very much for taking the time to make & send the Stocking For Soldiers gifts! They made their way
out to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing in the United Arab Emirates, and definitely brought holiday cheer to
everyone who received one!
As a Delaware native myself--me and my 3 siblings went St Mary Magdalen, my father, brother and I graduated
Salesianum, my sisters graduated from Padua and Brandywine, and we all went to University of Delaware, and
most of my entire family still lives in Wilmington--it was extra special getting such a great gift from The First
State, and an awesome little piece of home!
Happy Holidays to you and yours, and once again thank you! Many of us are serving not because we hate
what is in front of is, but because we love what
is behind us.
Sincerely, JAMES H., Lt Col, USAF, Director of Staff, 380 AEW
Good Morning, We just returned from a long mission
and received your care package in the mail! It was a
great surprise and a very special treat to come back to!
We all have the stockings hung up in our rooms and all
the food will be put to good use! It's always nice to
receive something from home, especially during the
holidays. The weather here is warm during the day and
cool at night. It will probably not snow here, but that just
means we don't have to shovel. This summer will
definitely be hot, though. It will probably be over 110
degrees for weeks at a time. There are a lot of wild
camels and goats walking around outside here, and they
love apples! We are very thankful this Christmas time for
the support of people like you. Have a great holiday and
stay safe and warm!
SSG Adam I. SGT Edward S. SPC Brandon D. SPC Matthew S. 28th MP Co. US CENTCOM
Good Morning Ms. Travis,
Thank you for the hand made stockings! They were a big hit in my squadron. Please pass along our thanks to all of the other "Elves"
who helped make them and stuff them with all the goodies.
V/r, SSgt Karen G.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that took the time to send us the stockings for Christmas. It really
lifted all of our spirits up! It's the support from people like you that helps us get through missing our family
and loved ones.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday!
V/r, Troy S., SMSgt, USAF Superintendent, 380 AEW
Thank you for the stockings you sent to us. That was very meaningful, and helped make this time away from
home over Christmas a little more enjoyable.
Respectfully, Julian S., Capt, USAF, Chief of Flight Safety, 380 AEW/SE
Judy, (AKA Chief Elf-in- Charge)
I would like to take a minute to thank you and your organization for taking the time to make our holiday a little bit better.
The cards, notes, hot cocoa, and toiletries are appreciated.
It is a reminder that while we are deployed representing our country, that we have support back home- no matter the
Thank you and God bless you and the organizations that participated.
CW3 Matthew I., TF Javelin, Camp Buerhing Kuwait
My name is TSgt William S., currently deployed. I received one of the stockings that your organization sent out.
I wanted to say thank you to you and your associates. The simple fact that you took the time and energy to
send such gifts is greatly appreciated. Once again just wanted to say thank you.
TSgt William S.,
Just wanted to say
thank you for the
custom stocking and
everything in it!
Capt Rudy N.
Thank you so very much for the stocking! It is so nice to see a stocking with my name on it in my office! I also
enjoyed all of the goodies, as did everyone else I chose to share with. It is people like you who make the
holidays spent far away, so much better. Of course we all wish we could be with our family and loved ones;
however, you brought me a little closer to home with your thoughtful package. Again, thank you very much.
RICHARD B., TSgt, USAF, NCOIC, Legal Office, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing
Hi Judy!
I received your stocking this year for Christmas and I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate what you did to put
that together. It was very thoughtful of you and I thoroughly enjoyed all of the goodies you packed in
there. It's hard being away from home and family during the holidays but the work you guys do makes that a
little easier, and I would be remiss if I didn't let you know that it goes a long way.
Thank you again and I hope your holidays are warm and filled with joy!
All the best, Aaron G., TSgt, USAF 380 AEW/Advanced Programs
I want to say thank you for the stocking full of goodies your organization sent this past Christmas. It was an
excellent morale boost.
Thank you for what you do to support us, it is much appreciated.
Thank you. ZACHARY C., SMSgt, USAF, Superintendent, Occupational Safety, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing
Good morning Ma'am,
From the Soldiers of 1st Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment,
currently in Camp Humphreys, Korea, we wanted to thank you
for the wonderful stockings you sent us. We appreciate you thinking
of us while we are deployed and hope you and all of the people at
Stockings For Soldiers have a wonderful holiday season!
-1LT Howard B.
I wanted to take a minute to thank you for my stocking! It was such a wonderful surprise to have a stocking
filled with goodies with my name on it show up on Christmas. Thank you for putting all the time and effort into it
to ensure we had some JOY on Christmas. It was very special and is currently hanging in my office.
Thank you for thinking of us. Thank you for your endless support. We appreciate it more than we are able to
Aim High, Maj Amanda P., USAF, Operations Officer, 380th Expeditionary Force Support Squadron
Mrs. Travis,
I want to take a moment to thank you and the other elves for the wonderful Christmas Stocking that I received while on
deployment to the Middle East. It was a very nice surprise to receive a personalized, hand-made stocking filled with
treats during this past holiday time spent away from home. It is uplifting to receive such a blessing, and to know that
there are wonderful people back home thinking about the US service members deployed overseas. I and the others in
my unit enjoyed the gift!
Thank you very much! Lester M., Capt, USAF
John Bell (P.S. Dupont Middle School Choral Director) and Judy Travis,
I just want to convey my gratitude for your care packages sent to my team here in Al Udeid Air Base,
Qatar. - It really meant a lot to us over the holiday season as we are all away from our families.
Especially the XMAS stocking with my name - that was really very nice of you guys.
Please convey thanks from my team and myself to all of your staff, students and voluntaries who
donated, prepared and sent those care packages.
God bless you all. Ken Y., COL, US Army,
You definitely lived up to your title as Chief Elf-in Charge. Thanks for the care packages and personalized
stockings. On behalf of Sergeant Stout, Corporal Campbell, and Specialist Gageby, and myself, Happy Holidays.
SPC Scrocca
Hi Judy,
The personalized stockings that your organization, Stockings
for Soldiers, sent have brought so many smiles to our Troops
in Kuwait! Thank you so much for all that you do to support our military
overseas and for spreading some cheer to them this holiday season!
Thank you so much for the joy that you and your organization spread
during this Christmas Season! You
can see it on all of their faces! You are very much appreciated!
May God Bless You,
Melinda S.
Ms. Travis,
Thank you so much for the hard work, time and resources that went into the stocking I received from you and
your group for Christmas! It was a wonderful surprise and the stocking is something that I can take home with
me at the end of my time here and I'll be able to recall this holiday season and the support that we had 'back
home' while we were deployed!
I hope that you and your family and friends had a wonderful holiday season and that you have a very Happy
New Year.
Thank you again!
Justin W., Lt Col, USAF, 380 AEW Inspector General
Hi Judy!
We received the packages and stockings. I wanted to personally send you an email saying than you. I
particularly excited about the hot chocolate!
I hope you enjoyed your holidays and Happy New Year!
Very Respectfully, Bianca R., 1LT, QM, Camp Taji
10,000 miles away deployed.
Holidays are a bummer away from family. Less so with your holiday stockings
Ssg Patrick L.
Thank You for keeping us in your thoughts
LTC Bennett
Ms. Travis,
First let me say thank you on behalf of the 201st RSG and the GA Army National Guard. We have received the
(2) boxes and the Soldiers were very appreciative. It certainly lifted my spirits seeing a personalized stocking
with my name on it! Your email and the gifts of your supporters came as a great surprise…..
Thank you again!
Terence P., CPT, USA, Camp Taji, Iraq
Hi Judy,
I just wanted to say Thank You very much for the stockings! My guys
were very happy and appreciative of you and your organization's kind
gesture. This is my third deployment to Afghanistan and I can honestly
say that these were one of the best gifts we've received of all the
previous times we've been here. I've also attached a few pictures of us,
not all of us, but just know that everyone here thanks you! I hope you
had a Merry Christmas, have a Happy New Year, and God Bless!
Joshua K.,1LT, AV,
83rd Expeditionary
Ms. Travis,
Thank you and all of your constituents (so much) for preparing the treats and thinking of us over the Holiday
Season. I shared the delicious treats with Soldiers, Airmen, and Sailors; and they were much appreciative. Just
the thought of someone thinking of us made everyone feel very special and grateful. It is because of people like
you and your actions allow us to reflect on why we serve our country; as well, provide insight to the heart
and the spirit of the American people.
Again, thanks for being a part of the team and putting smiles on faces. Please let Ms. Brenda and P.S. DuPont
Middle School Music Department (Donna Bell, John Bell, Katelynn Bedell, Robert Wilson, and Delethia
McIntire) know that we are thankful for their prayers, support, and treats.
Harry M., PhD, MS (MT), SBB, LTC, MS Director, CENTCOM Blood Program
Good afternoon Judy,
I was unable to take a lot of pictures for you. However, I did have a
group that took a picture. We all enjoyed our stockings and
appreciate the effort and thought put into them.
Happy New Year, and many thanks from all of Alpha Company 1-
141 Infantry!
Respectfully, Amy M., SPC, 1-141 IN BN
Thank you so much for the amazing Christmas care packages for our troops. I am
their OIC at our location, and all of our men and women were thrilled to open
them. It was definitely hard being away for Christmas, but your stockings helped
ease a lot of the sadness that some of us were facing. Please know that the
gesture was greatly appreciated and will be a memory that none of us will ever
forget. The day before Christmas Eve, I set up one of our conference rooms and
placed all of the stockings and blankets out. I called a meeting, and everyone face
lit up with a big smile seeing their names and gifts for them as they entered the
room. Please see some of the attached pictures of us opening the stockings!
Thank you again, and may God Bless!
Very Respectfully,
Timothy S., 1LT, AV
Ms. Travis, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the Christmas Stocking and care package that was
provided by The Girl Scout Organization.
It truly is a blessing to receive such wonderful things from people and it makes a world of difference to know we
have your support back home.
The holidays are a difficult time for most of us while we are away from our friends and family. The service does
its best to make it special by preparing a nice holiday meal for us. The mail and gifts we receive are extra
special, especially those from organizations like the Girl Scouts.
I along with other soldiers appreciate your support.
The card I received in the care package was signed by Caitlin with a special note. I'm assuming she is the one
who prepared my stocking and package. I wanted to personally thank her for my gifts. I have a Niece with the
same name who achieved the GOLD Star Award. Her mother, has been a Girl Scout leader for over 20 years.
I am proud of both of them.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Very Respectfully, Staff Sergeant Frederick H., U. S. Army Reserve,
Currently serving 10 month deployment in the Middle East.
Ms. Judy Travis and all those who supported “Stockings For Soldiers,”
Thank you for the wonderful stockings and heart felt letters of gratitude. It makes a difference to know we have
support back home, especially during the holidays when separated from friends and family. My squadron
appreciated the personalized gift. For some, it was their only “present” to open on Christmas. We
appreciate your time in organizing everything.
‘Sincerely, Lt Col Marietta S., Commander, 380
Expeditionary Force Support Squadron
Judy and Team,
Thank You! Thank you so very
much for sending stockings for
each of my soldiers. I was at a
Forward site with half of my
Team for Christmas and was
able to surprise them with all the
great gifts. I know it gave them a
small piece of home and it was
very appreciated.
Deepest thanks from your
friends at G. Co., 3/126 Medevac,
Kandahar, Afghanistan
Capt. Robert R.
To Stockings For Soldiers-Delaware,
On behalf of the soldiers in A-3-116 FA BN (HINARS), I want to say thank you so much for the
personalized Christmas stockings, blankets and other Goodies that you sent to the Soldiers forward
deployed here in Afghanistan. Your generous gifts lifted the spirits of the Soldiers who are so many
miles away from family, friends and loved ones this holidays season.
It is always great to see the support of the American people and to get a little taste of our homeland.
Knowing that the American people stand behind us and support us makes our mission over here much
easier. I received many positive comments about the contents of the stockings from my Soldiers and
they really enjoyed the items in the stockings, sharing and trading different items. The blankets were a
really big hit too as they will be used on our flight home and are nice and soft. We placed the stockings
around our Operations Center and other Soldiers placed them in their rooms. It was like Christmas
came early for the Soldiers...
…We are all doing well over here. The temperature has really cooled off over the last few weeks. It
even snowed in the higher elevations of the mountains all around the base. Soon it will be very cold
over here with snow permanently in the mountains until late spring.
I hope all is well on the home front and that your plans for the holidays are going according to plan. I
am very proud of our Soldiers over here and you can rest easy at night knowing we are at the front of
the battle against global terrorism.
Again, thank you so much for the Christmas stockings, blankets and the other Goodies. Hold things
down on the home front and we will take care of business over here.
Very Respectfully, 1SG Patrick M., FL National Guard
Thank You to all our troops for sending us so many wonderful and great
messages of their appreciation. These emails serve as an inspiration for
Stockings For Soldiers to continue to try to “make a positive difference” in their
Our main Mission is to make sure our troops know that they have not been
forgotten by the American people.
Thank You, again, to all the Members of the Military who have volunteered to
Serve our great Country and we Thank their families.
"They also serve who only stand and wait." **
Thank You to our many amazing volunteers who work with us each year to
make our project possible.
Judy Travis
Project Founder & Coordinator
** From John Milton’s "When I Consider How My Light is Spent."
Here is a fabulous photo of just one of the many wonderful groups who love and support our
troops and who are Stockings For Soldiers Elves.
These children are from the MOT Charter School in Middletown, Delaware. (MOT stands for
three towns in Delaware. They are Middletown, Odessa, and Townsend, DE)
These students worked so hard to make sure that our troops knew that America was thinking of them
while they are far away from their families and to make sure that they knew that America has NOT
forgotten about deployed troops.
We are so very grateful to the following teachers and all their Kindergarten students for all their great
Ms. Killingsworth, Ms. Fish, Ms. Goodwin, Ms. Andrews, Ms. Stevenson & Ms. Cain.