Parent / Student Handbook
Preschool Handbook Rev. 1.3 04/2019
Nampa Christian Schools
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Letter from the Director ............................................................................................................................. 5
Handbook Policies ....................................................................................................................................... 6
School Leadership ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Board of Trustees .................................................................................................................................... 6
Administration .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Staff ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Identification ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Belief Statement .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Mission Statement ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Vision Statement .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Core Values ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Academic Excellence............................................................................................................................... 9
Biblical Worldview................................................................................................................................... 9
Extra-Curricular Opportunities ............................................................................................................. 9
Church-Family-School Partnership ...................................................................................................... 9
Mission and Vision Key Characteristics .................................................................................................. 9
Non-Denominational .............................................................................................................................. 9
Biblically Based ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Learning Community ............................................................................................................................... 9
Partnering With Christian Families .................................................................................................... 10
Developing a Christian Worldview .................................................................................................... 10
Promoting Academic Growth .............................................................................................................. 10
Statement of Faith ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Gender Belief Statement .......................................................................................................................... 13
Drug-Free Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Statement of Final Authority ................................................................................................................... 13
Lifestyle Statement .................................................................................................................................... 13
Sanctity of Human Life ............................................................................................................................. 14
Board of Trustees and Administration Policies .................................................................................... 14
About Nampa Christian Preschool ............................................................................................................. 14
Preschool Mission ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Preschool Philosophy ................................................................................................................................ 15
Our Goals ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Our Teachers & Staff ................................................................................................................................ 15
Enrollment ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Termination of Enrollment by Preschool .............................................................................................. 16
Procedures....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Attendance .................................................................................................................................................. 16
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Tuition .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Admission and Inclusion ........................................................................................................................... 17
Withdrawal Notice .................................................................................................................................... 17
Birthdays ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Child Abuse Reporting .............................................................................................................................. 17
Communication .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Chain of Command for the Flow of Communication in the School ............................................ 19
Conferences ................................................................................................................................................ 19
Confidentiality Statement ........................................................................................................................ 19
Country Fair & Auction ............................................................................................................................. 20
Curriculum ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Preschool Specialty Classes ................................................................................................................. 20
Diapering and Toilet Training .................................................................................................................. 20
Diapering for Younger Children.......................................................................................................... 21
Stand-Up Diapering for Older Children ............................................................................................ 21
Toilet Training ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Dress Code .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Drug-Free Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Guidance (discipline).................................................................................................................................. 22
Fundraisers .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Hours of Operation ................................................................................................................................... 23
Full-Day Preschool Hours .................................................................................................................... 23
Half-Day Preschool Hours ................................................................................................................... 23
Summer Session ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Jog-A-Thon ................................................................................................................................................. 24
Lost and Found ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Lunches and Snacks................................................................................................................................... 24
Medical and Safety ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Allergies/Special Medical Concerns ....................................................................................................... 25
Health Immunizations ............................................................................................................................... 25
Illness ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
First-Aid and Medication .......................................................................................................................... 26
Breast Feeding Policy ................................................................................................................................ 27
Safe Infant Sleep Policy ............................................................................................................................ 27
Sleep Position ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Sleep Environment ................................................................................................................................ 28
Supervision.............................................................................................................................................. 28
Training .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Security and Safety ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Emergency Preparedness ......................................................................................................................... 29
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Security Measures ..................................................................................................................................... 29
School Closure/Delay Start .......................................................................................................................... 29
Toys from Home ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Typical Daily Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 30
Preschool Developmental Goals ................................................................................................................. 30
Two and Three Year Old Class ................................................................................................................ 30
Social Development .............................................................................................................................. 30
Cognitive Skills & Motor Skills ............................................................................................................ 31
Three and Four Year Old Class ............................................................................................................... 31
Academic Skills: Visual and Fine Motor Skills .................................................................................. 31
Language and Motor Skills ................................................................................................................... 31
Personal/Social Skills ............................................................................................................................ 32
Revision History ............................................................................................................................................. 33
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Nampa Christian Schools
Letter from the Director
Dear Nampa Christian Families,
On behalf of the Board, Administration and staff, I want to welcome you to the Nampa Christian
Preschool. We trust and pray that you will enjoy your year with us as we work and learn together.
It is an honor and a privilege to partner with your family as we provide a Christ-Centered care and
education for your children. We take this task seriously as it is our desire to glorify God while we
prayerfully care for your children and start them off in their education.
In this handbook, you will find information that I hope will encourage clear and open
communication. We have tried to be as comprehensive as possible without being overwhelming
with the information provided. Please make yourself familiar with the contents in the handbook
and if you have questions feel free to contact me.
Our intent is to provide a safe, orderly and loving Christian environment where children can grow
and learn as well as allowing our teachers to teach. We appreciate your support and prayers for
our staff throughout this coming year and thank you for your commitment to Christian education!
Shannon Asselin
Director, Nampa Christian Preschool
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Nampa Christian Schools
Handbook Policies
It is crucial that every Nampa Christian Schools parent read and clearly understand the policies and
procedures outlined in this handbook. Every student will be held accountable for the policies
indicated and will face consequences for their actions. If clarification is needed, please confer with
an Administrator.
Each student enrolled in Nampa Christian Schools is required to read the handbook and sign a
waiver indicating cooperation and understanding of the stated guidelines. The student’s parent(s)
is/are also required to sign the waiver. The waiver must be in the student’s file on the first day of
Nampa Christian Schools reserves the right to modify or make amendments to this handbook and
its content as deemed necessary.
School Leadership
Board of Trustees
Marc Taylor - President
Ryan Martin- Vice President
Mary Langdon - Secretary
Bill Savage
Norm Brown
Ryan Brown
Jeremy Kuntz
Mark Hilty
Greg Matson
Dr. Greg Wiles - Superintendent
Shannon Asselin - Preschool Director
Julie Vermillion - Elementary Principal
Jennifer Cornell- Middle School Principal
Jim Eisentrager - High School Principal
Tina Pelkey - Dean of Students / Athletic Director
Dr. Christie Jorgensen - Instructional Coach
Natalie Sferle
Faith Ihli
2 3 year class
Kristina Hutsell
Jael Kotte
2 3 year class
Linda Barnett
Debbie Savage
3 4 year class
Kaylee Gullick
Ashley Taylor
3 4 year class
Abbey Antosh
2 3 year class
Jamie Gumm
3 4 year class
Allison Gullick
2 3 year class
McKayla VanManen
3 4 year class
Stephanie VandenBosch
3 4 year class
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Nampa Christian Schools
Belief Statement
Nampa Christian School believes in a God-centered (as opposed to a man-centered) view of life.
We believe in one triune God who is personal, spiritual, sovereign, perfect, infinite, self-existent
and self-revealing in three distinct persons--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God who was born of a virgin birth,
lived as both true God and true man, died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of men, rose from
the dead, and is the advocate and intercessor for man with God. Jesus Christ is the eternal Word,
the source of all knowledge and wisdom. It is only through faith in what Jesus did that man can
receive the free gift from God of salvation and eternal life in heaven. Christ will return to earth a
second time to resurrect and translate all those who have accepted His gift of salvation. He will
judge every man, and non-believers will be cast into the final place of everlasting judgment.
We believe in the Holy Spirit who indwells the child of God to empower him to live a holy life. It
is the Holy Spirit who guides and teaches the believer in truth. He enables the believer to know
that which the non-believer can never know. Only people (in our case, teachers and support staff)
who have been empowered by the Holy Spirit can teach God's truth to man.
We believe that man is the direct creation of God and in NO way the product of an animal ancestry.
By direct disobedience to the revealed will of God, man became and is sinful and the progenitor
of a fallen race. Within himself, he has no possible means of recovery or salvation. Man is to live a
righteous life and do good works, not in any sense as the procuring cause of salvation, but as its
proper evidence and fruit. He is to have no fellowship with evil ways of unclean habits that defile
mind or body.
We believe in the existence of Satan who through unlawful ambition rebelled against God and
thus became utterly depraved. He is the deceiver and god of this world, but is defeated and judged
at the Cross. The child of God is able to resist and overcome him with God's armor and Christ's
We believe in the HOLY SCRIPTURES: accepting fully the writings of the Old and New Testaments
as the ONLY Word of God, verbally inspired in all parts and, therefore, wholly without error as
originally given of God, altogether sufficient as our infallible rule of faith and practice (Matthew
5:18; John 10:35; John 17:17; II Timothy 3:16). It, in conjunction with God's creation, is the basis
for all truth and reality. Its truth is eternal, not material or temporal. All knowledge and wisdom
must be based on God's Word.
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Nampa Christian Schools
We believe that the education of children is the responsibility of parents. The school exists as an
extension of the home to assist the parents with this responsibility. All instruction must have the
Bible as its base. Its main purpose is to assist parents to bring their children into conformity with
God's revealed will so that every man may be presented perfect before Christ. The child needs to
be prepared to be a productive member of society and the body of Christ.
Mission Statement
Nampa Christian School is a non-denominational, biblically based, learning community that
partners with Christian families to develop a Christian worldview, promote academic excellence,
and prepare students for a lifetime of faithfulness to Christ.
Vision Statement
Nampa Christian School exists for the purpose of providing a Christ-Centered academic
experience for Christian families in the Treasure Valley. Our goal is to develop Christian character
and leadership through purposeful work, earnest scholarship, vital participation, and Christ-
centered living.
Core Values
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Nampa Christian Schools
Academic Excellence
Academic excellence includes the general goals of high academic standards, individualized
instruction, extraordinary college placement, concurrent credit offerings, standardized test scores
well above state averages, accelerated learning and high expectations in the classroom.
Biblical Worldview
The Biblical worldview encompasses Biblical integration, development of moral principles,
encouraging outreach to others, being service minded, a value-based educational emphasis,
consistent demonstration of open prayer, and becoming a person of Christian character.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
The offering of extracurricular opportunities such as drama, interscholastic athletics, music,
community service activities, and academic bowls and science competitions allows Nampa
Christian Schools to emphasize the development of well-rounded students within a Christ-
centered focus.
Church-Family-School Partnership
This encompasses a safe learning context, staying connected with families, partnering with
churches, cultivating a sense of belonging, developing leaders, creating a supportive environment
and encouraging appropriate parental involvement.
Mission and Vision Key Characteristics
Christians from numerous denominations lay aside any denominational distinctive and agree on
the essential doctrines of the faith in order to achieve the common mission of Christian education.
At personal sacrifice, for the common good, the constituency of Nampa Christian School, including
employees, volunteers, parents and students, seeks a common unity emanating from each one’s
commitment to emulate Christ and obey His teaching (Acts 6:1-4; Romans 12, 14:1-23; I
Corinthians 3:1-9; 8:1-13, 12:1- 13:8a; Ephesians 4:1-5:21; Colossians 3:1-17; I Peter 2:17; 4:7-
Biblically Based
Nampa Christian School derives its philosophy, purpose, practice, policies, and procedures from
the Holy Bible, the infallible written revelation from God as interpreted through the Holy Spirit of
God (John 17:17; I Corinthians 2:9-16; II Timothy 3:16-17, I Peter 1:22-25; II Peter 1:19-21).
Learning Community
For a lifetime, all members of the NCS community will diligently seek after and listen for God’s
truth, earnestly endeavoring to ask and answer every question to the finest and fullest of their
ability (I Corinthians 2:9-16, 9:24-27; Philippians 3:7-14; Colossians 3:10,17; I Peter 3:15).
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Nampa Christian Schools
Partnering With Christian Families
The employees, volunteers and the families of Nampa Christian School agree to work together in
a Christian manner to fulfill their responsibilities to develop within children a Christian mind and a
Christian heart (Deuteronomy 6:1-7; Proverbs 22:6; Galatians 6:1-10).
Developing a Christian Worldview
Our goal is to produce within our community the desire to seek God’s truth, the ability to process
information from a biblical perspective, and the intention to act upon truth with integrity (Proverbs
22:6; Romans 12:1-3; I Corinthians 2:9-16; I Corinthians 13:1-8a; Colossians 3:1-17; II Timothy
1:7; I Peter 3:15).
Promoting Academic Growth
Our goal is to encourage academic growth in the lives of the students entrusted to us (I Corinthians
2:9-16, 9:24-27; Philippians 3:7-14; Colossians 3:10, 17; I Peter 3:15).
Statement of Faith
1. We believe in the HOLY SCRIPTURES: accepting fully the writings of the Old and New
Testaments as the ONLY Word of God, verbally inspired in all parts and, therefore, wholly
without error as originally given of God, altogether sufficient as our infallible rule of faith
and practice (Matt. 5:18; John 10:35; John 17:17; II Tim. 3:16).
2. We believe in THE ONE TRIUNE GOD: who is personal, spirit, and sovereign (Mark 12:29;
John 4:24; John 14:9; Psa. 135:6); perfect, infinite, and eternal in His being, holiness, love,
wisdom, and power (Psa. 18:30; Psa. 147:5; Deut. 33:27); absolutely separate and above
the world as its Creator, yet everywhere present in the world as the Upholder of all things
(Gen. 1:1; Psa. 104); self-existent and self-revealing in the three distinct persons -- the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (John 5:26; Matt. 28:19; II Cor 13:14).
3. We believe in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST: who is the second person of the Triune God, the
eternal Word and only begotten Son, our great God and Savior (John 1:1; Tit. 2:13; Rom.
9:5); that without any essential change in His divine person (Heb. 13:8), He became man
by the miracle of Virgin Birth (John 1:14; Matt. 1:23), thus to continue forever as both true
God, and true man, one person with two natures (Col. 2:9; Rev. 22:16); that as man He was
in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin, (Heb. 4:15; John 8:46); that as the
perfect Lamb of God He gave Himself in death upon the Cross, bearing there the sin of the
world, and suffering its full penalty of divine wrath in our stead (Isa. 53:5-6; Matt. 20:28;
Gal. 3:13; John 1:29); that He arose again from the dead and was glorified in the same body
in which He suffered and died (Luke 24:36-43; John 20:25-28); that as our great High
Priest He ascended into heaven, there to appear before the face of God as our Advocate
and Intercessor (Heb. 4:14; Heb. 9:24; I John 2:1).
4. We believe in THE HOLY SPIRIT: who is the third person of the Triune God (Matt. 28:19;
Acts 5:3-4), the divine agent in nature, revelation and redemption (Gen. 1:2; Psa. 104; 30;
I Cor. 2:10; II Cor. 3:18), that He convicts the world of sin (John 16:8-11), regenerates those
who believe (John 3:5), and indwells, baptizes, seals, empowers, guides, teaches, and
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sanctifies all who become children of God through Christ (I Cor. 6:19; 12:13; Eph. 4:30;
3:16; Rom. 8:14; John 14:26; I Cor. 6:11).
5. We believe in THE CREATION AND FALL OF MAN: that he was the direct creation of
God, spirit and soul and body, not in any sense the product of an animal ancestry, but made
in the divine image (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:7; 18-24; Matt. 19:4; I Thess. 5:23); that by personal
disobedience to the revealed will of God man became a sinful creature and the progenitor
of a fallen race (Gen. 3:1-24; 5:3), who are universally sinful in both nature and practice
(Eph. 2:3; Rom. 3:23; 5:12), alienated from the life and family of God (Eph. 4:18; John 8:42-
44), under the righteous judgment and wrath of God (Rom. 2:5, 1:18), and have within
themselves no possible means of recovery or salvation (Mark 7:21-23; Matt. 19:26; Rom.
6. We believe in SALVATION BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH: that salvation is the free gift of
God (Rom. 3:24; 6:23), neither merited nor secured in part or in whole by any virtue or
work of man (Tit. 3:5; Rom. 4:4), but received only by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
(John 3:16; 6:28-29; Acts 16:30-31; Eph. 2:8-9), in whom all true believers have as a
present possession the gift of eternal life, a perfect righteousness, sonship in the family of
God, deliverance and security from all condemnation, every spiritual resource needed for
life and godliness, and the divine guarantee that they shall never perish (I John 5:13; Rom.
3:22; Gal. 3:26; John 5:24; Eph. 1:3; II Pet. 1:3; John 10:27-30); that this salvation includes
the whole man, spirit and soul and body (I Thess. 5:23-24); and that apart from Christ there
is no possible salvation (John 14:6’ Acts 4:12).
7. We believe in RIGHTEOUS LIVING AND GOOD WORK: not in any sense as the procuring
cause of salvation, but as its proper evidence and fruit (I John 3:9-11; 4:19; 5:4; Eph. 2:8-
10; Tit.2:15; Matt. 7:16-18; I Cor. 15:10); and therefore as Christians we should keep the
word of our Lord (John 14:23), seek the things which are above (Col. 3:10), walk as He
walked (I John 2:6), be careful to maintain good works (Tit. 3:8), and especially accept as
our solemn responsibility the duty and privilege of hearing the Gospel to the last word in
order that we may bear much fruit (Acts 1:8; II Cor. 5:19; John 15:16); remembering that a
victorious and fruitful Christian life is possible only for those who have learned they are
not under law but under grace (Rom. 6:14), and who in gratitude for the infinite and
undeserved mercies of God have presented themselves wholly to Him for His service (Rom.
8. We believe in THE EXISTENCE OF SATAN: who originally was created a holy and perfect
being, but through pride and unlawful ambition rebelled against God (Ezek. 28:13-17; Isa.
14:13-14); thus becoming utterly depraved in character (Matt. 4:1-11; Rev. 12:10), leader
of all other evil angels and spirits (Matt. 24:41), the deceiver and god of this present word
(Rev. 12:9; II Cor. 4:4); that his powers are supernaturally great, but strictly limited by the
permissive will of God who overrules all his wicked devices for good (Job 1:1-22; Luke
22:31-32); that he was defeated and judged at the Cross, and therefore his final doom is
certain (John 12:31-32: 16:11; Rev. 20:10); that we are able to resist and overcome him,
but only in the armor of God and by the blood of the Lamb (Eph. 1:12-18; Rev. 12:11).
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Nampa Christian Schools
9. We believe in THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST: that His return from heaven will be
personal, visible, and glorious the Blessed Hope for which we should constantly watch
and pray, the time of it being unrevealed but always imminent (Acts 1:11; Rev. 1:7; Mark
13:33-37; Tit. 2:11-13; Rev. 22:20); that when He comes He will first by resurrection and
translation remove from the earth His waiting church (I Thess. 4:16-18), then pour out the
righteous judgments of God upon the unbelieving world. (Rev. 6:1-18; 24), afterward
descend with His church and establish His glorious and literal kingdom over all nations for
a thousand years (Rev. 19:1-20; 6; Matt. 13: 41-43), at the close of which He will raise and
judge the unsaved dead, and finally, as the Son of David, deliver up His Messianic Kingdom
to God the Father (I Cor. 15:24-28), in order that as the Eternal Son He may reign forever
with the Father in the new heaven and new earth (Luke 1:32-33; Rev. 21 1-22; 6).
the spirits of the saved at death go immediately to be with Christ in heaven (Phil. 1:21-23;
II Cor. 5:8), where they abide in joyful fellowship with Him until His second coming, when
their bodies shall be raised from the grave and changed into the likeness of His own
glorious body (I Thess. 4:16; Phil. 3:20-21; I Cor. 15:35-38; I John 3:2), at which time their
works shall be brought before the Judgment Seat of Christ for the determination of
rewards, a judgment which may issue in the loss of rewards, but not the loss of the soul, (I
Cor. 3:11-15); that the spirits of the unsaved at death descend immediately into Hades,
where they are kept under punishment until the final day of judgment (Luke 16: 19-31; (II
Pet. 2:9 ARV), at which time their bodies shall be raised from the grave, they shall be judged
according to their works, and cast into the place of final and everlasting punishment (Rev.
20:11-15; 21:8; Mark 9:43-48; Jude 13).
11. We believe in THE ONE TRUE CHURCH: the Body and Bride of the Lord Jesus (Eph. 4:4;
5:25-32), which He began to build on the day of Pentecost (Matt. 16:18; Acts 2:47), and
will complete at His second coming (I Thess. 4:16-17), into which all true believers of the
present age are baptized immediately by the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 12:12), that all the members
of this one spiritual Body should assemble themselves together in local churches for
worship, prayer, fellowship, teaching, united testimony, and the observance of the
ordinances of our Lord (Heb. 10:25; Acts 2:41-47; Matt. 28:19-20; I Cor. 11:23-26).
12. We believe in SEPARATION FROM THE WORLD: that since our Christian citizenship is in
heaven, we should walk in separation from this present world, having no fellowship with
its evil ways (Phil. 3:20 ARV; II Cor. 6:14-18; Rom. 12:2; Eph. 5:11), abstaining from all
worldly amusements and unclean habits which defile mind and body (Luke 8:14; I Thess.
5:22; I Tim. 5:6; I Pet. 2:11; Eph. 5:3-11, 18; I Cor. 6:19-20; Col. 3:17), from the use of
worldly courts for the settlement of disputes between Christians (I Cor. 6:1-9), and from
taking personal vengeance in carnal strife (Rom. 12:18-21; II Cor. 10:3-5).
13. We believe in educating young people according to the FOREGOING PRINCIPLES AND
TEACHINGS in a manner which shall at all times be non-denominational, and in all events
to avoid foolish controversies, contentions and strivings (Titus 3:9).
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14. We believe that GOD DESIGNED MARRIAGE to be the lifelong union of one man and one
woman, and only within the context of such a marriage does sexual intimacy have God’s
blessing (Gen. 2:20-24; Mark 10:2-9; Hebrews 13:4).
Gender Belief Statement
NCS sincerely holds to the Biblical Truth that each person is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm
139:14) and that God created us all in His own image, both male and female (Genesis 1:27)
reflecting the image and nature of God in humanity. The reality of being male or female, defined
as gender or sex, is determined biologically at birth, and is not a choice. We are called to express
ourselves consistent with our God-given gender, the image of God in us, His creation.
It is the Policy of NCS that facilities such as changing rooms, restrooms, locker rooms/showers, or
other facilities where members of the NCS community may be undressed in the presence of others
shall be designated for one sex and will be used by only members of that sex. The school will
provide separate, private areas designated for use by members of the school community based on
their sex.
Drug-Free Policy
It is the policy of Nampa Christian Schools that all campuses and facilities are to be Drug, Tobacco
and Alcohol-free. The use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol or vaping is not allowed by any person on any
school property. All school property and the locations of NCS-sponsored events are to be
designated as Drug-Free Zones. Idaho state law prohibits students from possessing, using,
distributing, or being under the influence of an illegal or controlled substance including, but not
limited to, amphetamines, barbiturates, marijuana, narcotics, tobacco, hallucinogenic drugs, vapor,
vapes, e-cigarettes, inhalants, alcohol, or intoxicants of any kind while at school. This includes while
attending a school activity or event, and/or while being transported in a contracted or school
vehicle of any kind or at any location, public or private, where Nampa Christian School students
are attending as representatives of Nampa Christian Schools or any facility that is part of Nampa
Christian Schools.
Statement of Final Authority
The statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired
and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the
proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of
Nampa Christian Schools’ faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our Board of Trustees is
Nampa Christian Schools’ final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.
Lifestyle Statement
Nampa Christian Schools, Inc. (“NCS”) is a religious, nonprofit organization representing Jesus
Christ throughout the local community. NCS desires its families to be born-again Christians, living
their lives as Christian role models (Romans 10:9-10, 1 Timothy 4:12, Luke 6:40). Families should
conduct themselves in a way that will not raise questions regarding their Christian testimonies. A
Christian lifestyle should reflect the biblical perspective of integrity and appropriate personal and
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Nampa Christian Schools
family relationships, business conduct, and moral behavior. NCS Families should demonstrate a
teachable spirit, an ability to share love for others, a willingness to live contentedly under authority,
and a commitment to follow the Matthew 18 principle when an issue arises with other NCS
families, teachers, board members or administrators.
The NCS Statement of Faith expects families to maintain a lifestyle based on biblical standards of
moral conduct. Moral misconduct includes, but is not limited to, adultery (Exodus 20:14),
promiscuity, homosexual behavior, sexual orientation, transgender identity, or any other violation
of the unique roles of male and female (Romans 1:21-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-20). NCS believes that
biblical marriage is limited to a covenant relationship between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:21-
24, Ephesians 5:22-33).
NCS families will maintain a lifestyle based on biblical standards of conduct. Failure to do so may
result in a conference or, in some cases, dismissal from enrollment. It is the goal of NCS that each
family have a lifestyle which reflects Colossians 1:18, ASV.
Sanctity of Human Life
We believe that all human life is sacred and created by God in His image. Human life is of
inestimable worth in all its dimensions, including pre-born babies, the aged, the physically or
mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition from conception through natural death.
We are therefore called to defend, protect, and value all human life (Psalm 139).
Board of Trustees and Administration Policies
NCS families agree to abide by the policies set forth by the Board of Trustees and Administration
to ensure the orderly day-to-day operation of NCS. Families hereby acknowledge the Board of
Trustees and administration may, in their sole discretion, amend the policies regarding the day-to-
day operations of NCS during the term of their enrollment.
About Nampa Christian Preschool
Nampa Christian Preschool is a high-quality half-day Preschool and full day program that is
grounded in Biblical truth and faith in Christ. We are committed to providing a fun, safe, and
dynamic learning experience for infants 6 weeks to children 4 years. We offer exceptional care
and education to young children by providing a stimulating, supportive, challenging, and
progressive learning experience that set a strong foundation for the elementary years and beyond.
A comprehensive curriculum is implemented daily by our dedicated and knowledgeable teachers
and staff that are committed to lifelong learning, professionalism, observation, and purposeful
teaching. Our classrooms are designed with each child in mind, allowing children the opportunity
to actively engage in creative play, discovery, and exploration.
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Nampa Christian Schools
Preschool Mission
To nurture and educate the whole child in a loving environment that is based on Biblical
truth and faith in Christ;
To provide support for and seek partnership with families;
To provide support, training and a Christ-Centered community for teachers and staff.
Preschool Philosophy
At Nampa Christian Preschool, we believe that learning is a lifelong process. Our responsibility to
the young learner is to provide the proper foundation from which he or she can grow and build
their cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual knowledge and skills. We recognize that
each child is a special person, created by God, to serve His purpose. As such, frequent
communication with parents, support and training for teachers, and close observations and
documentation of children’s progress allow for each child to uniquely reach their full potential.
Our Goals
To plant a seed of truth and love for the Lord in children’s hearts;
To provide a stimulating, supportive, challenging, and fun learning experience for all
children that sets a strong foundation for the elementary years and beyond;
To offer highly qualified, loving, and observant teachers and staff;
To provide a safe and stable environment;
To provide service and support for families;
To partner with local churches in their Christ-centered education of children.
Our Teachers & Staff
We believe that a child’s teacher is the most important asset in implementing and maintaining a
quality program and educational experience. As such, we take extra care and effort in hiring
experienced and well qualified teachers who have an enthusiasm for teaching young children and
research with applied knowledge in Early Childhood Education. The staff must demonstrate a
knowledge and understanding of the developmental stages and needs of young children, and our
teachers must be working towards or currently hold an early childhood degree. Nampa Christian
Schools’ Preschool staff is required to pass a thorough screening process. They go through the
health and welfare background check as well as personal reference check. All our staff are born
again believers and has provided a current pastor’s reference.
Current preschool families re-enroll in April for the following school year, at which time an annual
Registration Fee is collected. Please refer to the current Financial Information for tuition and fee
Nampa Christian Preschool enrolls from our waiting list. To be placed on the waiting list, parents
make an appointment with the Director to tour the facility. During the tour, the following
information may be discussed: explanation of our program and philosophy, explanation of policies
and procedures, and a question and answer time. This meeting is an information gathering session
for both parties to ensure a match between our program, parent expectations, and the child’s
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needs. Upon approval the Preschool director will offer enrollment of the child in our program. The
parent is given an Enrollment form to be completed, signed, and returned with a non-refundable
$50.00 Application Fee and $75.00 Registration Fee. The Enrollment Paperwork including
immunization records and birth certificate must be returned to Nampa Christian Preschool a
minimum of two weeks prior to the child’s scheduled first day of school.
Termination of Enrollment by Preschool
In certain circumstances, it may be necessary for Nampa Christian Preschool to decide to
discontinue a child’s enrollment. Such a decision would be based on whether it is in the best
interest of that child and/or safety of the other children. Every effort will be made to correct a
problematic situation before a final decision is made. Termination of enrollment may be the result
of the following:
Abuse of other children, staff, or property;
Disruptive or dangerous behavior;
The school’s inability to meet the child’s needs;
Lack of consistent and agreeable communication by the child’s family (between the
family, teachers and Director).
In most cases, a two-week notice will be given prior to termination of enrollment. However, if the
behavioral problem is severe, termination of enrollment may be immediate.
Children who are enrolled in our half-day Preschool program can be dropped off between 8:20 am
8:30 am to ensure continuity and consistency in the program and to allow the day’s activities to
get started. Please keep in mind that late arrivals cause disruption to your child’s class and they
also miss out on valuable classroom time. If your child will be absent please phone us by
9:00am. We maintain a daily attendance record of all children under our care. These attendance
records are vital in the event of an emergency and are also required by state law; please comply
with our Sign-In and Sign-Out policy by using your key fob for entry upon arrival and out upon
departure. It is very important that your child’s teacher be aware that you are dropping off or
picking up your child; please be sure to get the teacher’s attention when your child arrives and
leaves, in addition to checking in and out. If your child arrives after Preschool has started, you must
physically accompany your child to his or her classroom and make sure that the teacher is aware
of your arrival.
Accounts are delinquent after 30 days and will be charged a 1.5% per month interest fee ($10.00
minimum charge) on all portions of any accounts past due. Tuition is a pre-established, pre-paid
monthly non-refundable rate that is determined upon registration. Tuition does not fluctuate with
holidays. Monthly rates are determined by the number of days the facility is in operation each
year. Annual tuition rates are usually set in March for the following year. During the 2019 2020
school year the center is closed on the following days: In-service August 9
, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Early
Closure on February 28
, Memorial Day and the 4
of July.
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Accounts more than 60 days past due require a plan of correction to be submitted to Nampa
Christian for approval. Failure to present a plan, rejection of the plan or failure to follow the
approved plan will result in the student's) dismissal from school until the account is brought
current. The final decision for permanently removing a student from school for non-payment
and/or sending an account to collections rests with the Board of Trustees.
Admission and Inclusion
We strive to include all children, including those with special needs. We will try to accommodate
and place children to the best of our ability. If the needs are beyond our ability alternate care
arrangements will need to be made, we encourage parents to communicate with staff about their
child’s special needs and we will make every effort to have our staff trained to work effectively
with each child. Final placement of all students is made solely at the discretion of the
Withdrawal Notice
A two week written notice is required for withdrawal of your child(ren). Your account will be
billed for the two weeks from the date of withdrawal.
Every child will have an opportunity to celebrate his or her birthday. Arrange with your child’s
teacher at least one week before the celebration day. Your child’s teacher will share with you how
her class celebrates birthdays. In consideration of the feelings of our young students, please do
not send birthday invitations to school unless every classmate is invited. Since birthdays and
parties are so important to young children, please do not send birthday gifts to school or pick-up
selected students for parties. Your sensitivity in this matter will help us avoid and reduce hurt
Child Abuse Reporting
The State of Idaho requires Nampa Christian Schools to report allegations of suspected child abuse
to the proper governmental authority when there is a reasonable suspicion or reasonable basis for
believing that physical or emotional abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, inadequate supervision,
or other forms of abuse have occurred. While the school is expected to communicate with parents
regarding the wellbeing of their children, the administration is placed between the parent and the
state, acting on behalf of the child and in accordance with state law. It is the school’s policy not to
contact parents in advance of making a report to legal authorities. Designated school staff will
make such reports in the best interests of the affected child, and once reasonable suspicion is
established, have no legal alternative except to make the report to the proper authorities for their
investigation and review. The school may also undertake an inquiry prior to making a report, to
determine whether there are sufficient grounds to require reporting. Annually, all staff members
review the guidelines for recognizing child abuse.
To prevent child abuse and neglect, this program:
Trains staff to avoid one-staff-one-child situations if at all possible. If scheduling requires one adult
be alone with one child, the parent is always informed at pick-up or drop off.
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1. Design our classrooms to avoid hidden and secluded areas.
2. Makes sure interactions between children and staff can be observed and interrupted.
3. Uses proper names for body parts.
4. Never forces children to give affection.
5. Tells children that if they have questions about someone’s behavior, the best thing
they can do is ask about it.
6. Explains that secrets can be harmful.
7. Trains staff in the Strengthening Families Protective Factor Framework and Stewards
of Children Darkness to Light.
8. Requires a background check for all staff.
9. Develops positive, non-judgmental relationships with parents.
10. Is alert to signs of stress in parents and struggles in the parent-child interaction.
11. Communicates regularly with parents concerning a child’s progress.
12. Provides education including offering tips for specific challenges.
13. Provides opportunities for parents to become involved in their child’s care.
14. Provides information about community resources.
15. Models developmentally appropriate practices by allowing the parent observational
opportunities to see their child interact with child care staff.
16. Provides an atmosphere for parents to share their experiences and develop support
17. Reaches out to fathers, grandparents and other extended family members that are
involved in a child’s development.
In addition to daily dialogue between you and your child’s teachers regarding your child’s day, we
utilize various other forms of communication to keep parents informed of individual, class, and
school news.
Daily reports posted for children ages 1 year and younger highlight the activities your child
engaged in during that day.
Periodic Preschool Director Newsletters to keep the Nampa Christian Preschool
community updated and informed of the happenings in the center as well as other news
and events of particular interests to parents.
Weekly Classroom Newsletters written by teachers update parents on activities and
programs specific to a child’s classroom.
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Detailed Progress Reports are completed and distributed each month.
Open houses, and special holiday events also provide parents with the opportunity to
engage in further dialogue with teachers and interact with the Nampa Christian Preschool
In order to facilitate better understanding and agreement within our school family, we will observe
the following Biblical procedures from Matthew 18:
1. Speak first to the person most directly involved (if someone is not a part of the problem
or a part of the solution, they should not be a part of the conversation!)
2. If after consulting together a mutual agreement or reconciliation is not found, the matter
should be brought to the director;
3. If after consulting together a mutual agreement or reconciliation is not found, the matter
should be brought to the superintendent;
4. If the matter is still unresolved, it will be brought before the board.
Chain of Command for the Flow of Communication in the School
Any concerns should first be communicated directly to the teacher.
If resolution is not found with the teacher you may bring the concern to the principal.
If resolution is still not found you may bring the concern to the superintendent.
Board of Directors
If resolution is still not found you may bring the concern to the board of directors.
Nampa Christian Preschool has two formal conference times throughout the year. The first one
is held in October, at the end of the first quarter, and is mandatory for everyone. The second
conference is an optional conference held at the end of the third quarter based on request of
either parent or teacher. Information regarding conferences and times will be sent home from the
director in your child’s weekly note.
Confidentiality Statement
Nampa Christian Preschool will not share or discuss any information about your child(ren) outside
of our staff without your written consent. All information pertaining to your child(ren) and their
family is maintained in a confidential manner to ensure their privacy is protected. If you wish to
share your child’s information with other professionals, you will be required to sign a release of
information. Also, to protect your child(ren) confidentiality, staff members are required to sign a
confidentiality agreement.
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Country Fair & Auction
This is the main fundraiser each year at Nampa Christian the last weekend in February. The school
depends on this event to meet important needs and encourages all parents and families to donate
and volunteer to help make the event a success. It is also a time of fun and fellowship for parents
and children.
The event begins with a breakfast on Friday morning. The evening kicks off with a dinner and leads
into the auction and carnival. Saturday morning begins with a breakfast and is followed by a full
day of auction and carnival events. Lunch, snacks, and drinks are served throughout the day.
This is great community event that you do not want to miss!
The curriculum and study approach at Nampa Christian Preschool is based on the Exceed
Curriculum model of teaching and observing children. Based on scientific and applied research, the
Exceed Curriculum guides teachers in implementing a planned and developmentally appropriate
program in Language and Mathematics for young learners.
Bible Classes at Nampa Christian Preschool start each day by singing Bible songs, and hearing
God’s word. We use Purposeful Design curriculum and integrate a biblical worldview throughout
all activities. Every month we focus on a godly character trait that will help us to be more like
Christ in what we do and say. We will use Bible stories, puppet stories, practical living stories,
prayer, and music. Our goal is for each child to have a personal knowledge of God and the Lord
Jesus Christ. We also want them to know that God loves us and want us to love and serve Him,
that God is the Creator, that Jesus is our friend that the Bible is God’s fully inspired Word, and that
prayer is our time to talk to God.
Preschool Specialty Classes
The following Specialty Classes are incorporated in the curriculum to enhance a child’s learning
experience and provide a diverse array of learning methods. One or more specialty class is offered
Art - Creativity, fine motor skills, and self-confidence are fostered through planned art
Music - Children develop their musical interests and associate movement and learning with
fun and music.
Sign language- Exposure to different types of communication promotes cognitive flexibility
and growth.
Science - Hands-on science experiments encourage children to safely experiment with
different ingredients and this in turn fosters analytical thinking.
Diapering and Toilet Training
Parents are to provide disposable diapers, pull-ups, and wipes for all children who are not potty
trained. Diapers and other disposable soiled items will be bagged and disposed of on campus in
our trash receptacles. Please no cloth diapers.
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Diapering for Younger Children
Children should not be left unattended on the diaper-changing table. Safety belts are not used on
the diaper changing table. The diaper changing table is used only for diapering.
Stand-Up Diapering for Older Children
We do stand-up diapering as appropriate. Stand-up diaper changing takes place in the bathroom
of the center. Please note that a good portion of class time can be spent changing diapers and
using pre-potty and full potty training methods at this age. We use this time as a purposeful one-
on-one, allowing children and teachers to build trusting relationships, thereby creating a positive
environment for every child to feel safe and secure. Children are checked regularly and changed
when the diaper is wet or a bowel movement has occurred. This preliminary routine helps to begin
the potty training process in a calm and patient manner. Teachers use this time to explain the
diaper changing process, hand washing, and begin talking about using the toilet and expanding the
child’s language to communicate his or her needs.
Toilet Training
Toilet training is initiated in consultation with the family and recognition of appropriate
developmental cues suggesting that the child is ready. Potty training occurs along with diaper
changing as a consistent part of the daily classroom schedule with regular reminders and
encouragement. The teachers have an upfront and ongoing communication plan set up with the
families for potty training to be a successful and positive developmental milestone. The goal for
each child is that he/she learns to express his/her needs to the teachers and begins to learn to
take care of his/her own body. Parents will need to provide three pairs of the following: elastic-
waist pants, thick training pants or pull ups, plastic pants, socks, and one extra pair of shoes, if
possible. They must also supply diapers or pull-ups for especially difficult days and nap times.
Children should be dressed in loose-fitting clothing, no overalls, snaps, buttons, or zipping pants.
Dress Code
Philippians 4:5 “Let your moderation be known to all men…”
Comfortable, washable play clothes are necessary for school. Dress your child for an active day.
Please keep in mind that we do many fun things, and sometimes children get messy and dirty.
Children may want to “dress up” for special school events. We will attempt to minimize “messy
play or activities on these special days.
Other tips worth remembering include having your child dress in clothing that is easy for them to
remove to tend to their own toileting needs. Provide appropriate outerwear, as most days will
include outside play. We kindly request that you send mittens and not gloves. All jackets, sweaters,
and caps should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Sunday” shoes and flip-flops are
dangerous on active feet and inappropriate for school except on special days. Loose-fitting jewelry,
especially necklaces, is also a hazard for young children and, therefore, best not worn to school.
We ask that children not wear clothing representing violence, sorcery, or supernatural powers.
Since young children have difficulty distinguishing between reality and pretending, this type of
clothing can lead to unnecessary complications at school. Finally, helping your child choose clothes
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for school is a great opportunity to begin lessons in modesty (girls wearing shorts under skirts and
dresses) and the appropriateness or inappropriateness of some clothing styles. Speak to your
director if you have questions about our dress policies.
Drug-Free Policy
All school property is designated as a Drug-Free Zone. Idaho state law prohibits students from
possessing, using, distributing, or being under the influence of illegal or controlled substance
including, but not limited to, amphetamines, barbiturates, marijuana, narcotics, tobacco,
hallucinogenic drugs, vapor, vapes, e-cigarettes, inhalants, alcohol, or intoxicants of any kind while
at school. This includes while attending a school activity or event, and/or while being transported
in a contracted or school vehicle of any kind or at any location, public or private, where Nampa
Christian Schools students are attending as representatives of the Nampa Christian Schools or any
facility that is part of Nampa Christian Schools.
Guidance (discipline)
Since we see our Preschool as an extension of home, we reinforce positive attitudes and behavior
patterns that will benefit the child for his or her whole life, based on an understanding of the child’s
needs and stage of development. Our positive behavior system reinforces good behavior and
citizenship. Discipline shall be assigned to help the child develop inner control, acceptable
behavior, and respect for the rights of others. Discipline is viewed as corrective and instructional,
not merely punishment.
This Preschool uses indirect guidance techniques:
We give warnings: “You have five more minutes to play before it’s time to clean up.”
We give redirection: “You need to play over here for a while. After circle time, you may
play in the block area again.”
We give choices: “You may paint with the other children or you may read a book in a quiet
We have a regular routine: “We always wash our hands before lunch. After lunch is story
We avoid nagging: We tell the child what we expect just once, follow it by asking the child
if he or she remembers what we asked, and then offer to help the child do what was asked.
We are consistent: We do things the same way each day so the children know what to
expect and learn to trust and feel safe in their environment.
We also use direct guidance techniques:
We use affirmative: “We use walking feet indoors” rather than “Don’t run!”, or “Use your
words to tell us you’re angry” rather than “Don’t hit!”
We get the child’s attention by crouching down to his or her level, making eye contact,
speaking quietly, and asking the child to repeat the directions.
We try very hard to be fair. We examine our expectations to make sure they are age-
appropriate and we do not make rules just because an activity is too noisy or messy.
We avoid arguments by following through with solutions that address the problem by also
offering the child a way to exit gracefully from the problem: “You can choose a quiet place
to calm down or I can choose one for you.”
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If a child is unable to demonstrate self-controlling behavior, a brief time-out results for the child
to regain control. Time-out occurs only when other measures fail and is used as an opportunity for
the child to re-group, not as a punishment. By law, program philosophy and policy, the following
forms of discipline are forbidden: hitting, spanking, shaking, shaming, isolating, labeling (bad,
naughty, etc.), or any other negative reaction to the child’s behavior. All forms of corporal (physical)
punishment are strictly forbidden.
Some negative behavior is best ignored since its goal is often to get attention. This technique is
effective for some of the disruptive things children do and it minimizes mimicking activity by other
The Annual Fund, Jog-A-Thon, and Country Fair and Auction support the general budget for the
entire school.
Periodically we will have other fundraisers to raise money specifically for the Preschool needs.
Hours of Operation
Nampa Christian Preschool hours are Monday through Friday, from 7:00 AM 6:00 PM.
Full-Day Preschool Hours
Full-Day Preschool at Nampa Christian Preschool is an extended program designed to service the
growing needs of families with children between the ages of 6 weeks and 4 years of age. Nampa
Christian Preschool is open from 7:00 AM 6:00 PM. Staffing is planned according to how many
children are registered, so drop-in are not allowed. Children in Full-Day Preschool must be picked
up and out of the building by closing at 6:00 PM or a standard late fee charge of $2.00 per minute,
per child, will be added on the next monthly billing statement.
Half-Day Preschool Hours
Half-Day Preschool operates from 8:30 AM until 11:30 AM. Children attending only Preschool
may not
be dropped off prior to 8:20 AM and must be picked up no later than 11:40 AM. Additional
fees will be charged for early drop-offs and late pick-ups. The standard late fee is a $2.00 a minute
and will be added on the next monthly billing statement.
Nampa Christian Preschool is open year-round with two separate sessions, a School Year and
Summer Session.
Our School Year begins in Mid-August and ends in Late May. The traditional preschool follows the
Nampa Christian School Year Calendar (last page). If you need care on the days the traditional
school is not in session, prior arrangements will need to be made with the director.
Our Summer Session runs June through August. During the 2019 2020 academic school year,
the center is CLOSED on the following days: Teacher in-service August 9
, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, early
close on February 28
, Memorial Day and 4
of July.
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We will post sign-up sheets two weeks in advance for other holidays (including Christmas break
and Spring break) to determine the number of staff required. IF YOU DO NOT SIGN UP FOR
Summer Session
Nampa Christian Preschool Summer Session offers themed based curricula which includes Bible
with a combined academic and activity focus. We continue to engage in fun, active learning
activities while also enjoying the beautiful summer weather. We also increase the number and
frequency of extracurricular activities. Our Summer Session takes place during the months of June
through August.
This is a fun event and a time-honored tradition. All of the students contact neighbors, family
members, and friends to sponsor them in the annual Jog-A-Thon. The sponsors pledge a certain
amount of money per lap around the track in the set amount of time (Preschool classes, Pre-
Kindergarten & Kindergarten- 20 minutes, 1
- 8
grade- 60 minutes). Students may jog or walk
during this time.
The students are encouraged to participate by being offered prizes which increase with value
based upon the dollar amount raised. Parents are welcome to attend this event and even walk or
jog with their child.
Lost and Found
A lost and found bucket is located in the foyer leading into the g-wing hallway. If your child is
missing an item please check this area. Twice a year all lost and found items not claimed will be
donated to the local shelters.
Lunches and Snacks
Feeding of Young Children and Snacks: All children enrolled in Nampa Christian Preschool are
required to bring a morning snack from home. Young children entering a structured environment
often find their nutritional needs change. We cannot overemphasize the importance of a good
snack. To enhance their learning capacity, please provide a nutritious snack daily. It is helpful if
this snack is marked with an “S”. Some suggestions or possible snacks are raisins, fruit, cheese,
crackers or popcorn. Please do not send candy for snack. A sensible snack list is included in this
handbook. Please reserve cookies, cupcakes and other high-sugar foods for birthdays or special
celebrations. Birthdays are celebrated during snack times, allowing for “special” snacks.
The Preschool will provide afternoon snack and lunch to all children enrolled in the full day
Program. Monthly lunch menus will be given to parents at the end of each month to inform parents
of the meals that will be served for the upcoming month. All meals are served by teachers using
gloves or utensils to eliminate any direct contact with food. The food will be placed on a plate or
napkin and the children will be encouraged to eat with utensils. Teachers support and work with
toddlers towards the mastery of eating with utensils as a part of the learning process. Teachers
use this time to engage in positive social interactions with the children. The children will be seated
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at a table with chairs appropriate for their age and size. Meal time is used as an opportunity to
teach children self-help skills, independence, and appropriate communication techniques.
Medical and Safety
Allergies/Special Medical Concerns
If your child has allergies, please alert the Preschool to what your child’s needs are so we can make
the necessary arrangements to protect your child. We need to record this information on your
child’s enrollment form. All allergies and special medical concerns require an Individual Health Care
Plan. We are a peanut sensitive center, so please refrain from bringing any peanut items for snacks
or lunches.
Health Immunizations
State law requires that each child be up-to-date with his/her immunizations upon enrollment. With
the exception of religious exemptions, no child will be admitted without a current and up-to-date
Immunization Record. If your child is not vaccinated due to religious reasons, we will need a written
and signed statement of your decision. In the event of an outbreak, you will be notified and asked
to keep your child at home until the outbreak has been eradicated.
To ensure (as best we can) that illnesses do not spread, please keep your child at home when he
or she is ill. We are concerned with the well-being of all children in our care, as well as the staff,
and we request that everyone take precautions to prevent the spread of germs and contagious
illnesses. Please do not send your child to the school if your child is unable to participate in daily
class routines or unable to play outside (as our goal is to go outside every day).
Certain symptoms in children may suggest a communicable disease. Children who have the
following symptoms should be kept home until a doctor has decided that the symptoms do not
indicate a communicable disease, the child is no longer contagious, or the symptoms have
disappeared. We may request a doctor’s note indicating that your child is no longer contagious
and may return to school.
FEVER oral temperature of 100 degrees or higher, especially when accompanied by
other symptoms such as vomiting, sore throat, diarrhea, headache and stiff neck or
undiagnosed rash. If your child has a fever, they will be allowed to return 24 hours after
the fever has broken and are otherwise symptom-free.
RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS difficult or rapid breathing or severe coughing…child makes
high pitched croup or whooping sound after they cough…child is unable to lie down
comfortably due to continuous cough.
DIARRHEA an increased number of abnormally loose stools in the previous 24 hours.
Observe the child for other symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain or vomiting.
VOMITING two or more episodes of vomiting within the previous 24 hours.
EYE/NOSE DRAINAGE thick mucus or pus draining from the eye or nose.
PINK EYE eyes are red and are secreting thick mucus or pus. The child may return 24
hours after the treatment has begun.
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SORE THROAT sore throat, especially when fever or swollen glands in the neck are
STREP THROAT red and irritated along the esophagus. The child may return 24 hours
after treatment has begun.
SKIN PROBLEMS RASH skin rashes, undiagnosed or contagious.
INFECTED SORES sores with crusty, yellow or green drainage which cannot be covered
by clothing or bandages.
PERSISTENT ITCHING or scratching of body or scalp.
CHICKEN POX pimple like blisters filled with pus spread out throughout the entire body.
All pox must be crusted over and no fever present before the child returns to class.
LICE small milky-white flea-sized bugs that attach themselves to hair follicles. The child
may attend after treatment and when all nits have been removed.
RINGWORM, SCABIES raised red rashes or hives, may be in a circular shape. The child
may attend when treatment has begun.
If your child becomes ill at the center, we will move him or her to a quiet supervised area away
from the other children. We will notify you or someone on your contact list and request that you
make necessary arrangements to pick up your child immediately. Please make sure you have at
least two local emergency contacts on the Emergency Information car who will be available to pick
up your child. We DO NOT release children to persons not listed on the Emergency Information
card, and we may require photo identification to confirm the identity of your emergency contacts.
Please inform the staff within 24 hours if your child is diagnosed with any communicable or
childhood diseases. This will enable us to alert other parents to be on the lookout for possible
symptoms in their children. Parents will be notified if their child has been exposed to an infectious
or communicable disease and of what symptoms to be aware. We will also sanitize the affected
child’s classroom. Nampa Christian Preschool reserves the right to determine when a child who
has been sick can return to school.
Because our staffing can’t change on a day to day basis, if your child is ill or absent, tuition will still
apply for that day. Extended illnesses (5 or more consecutive days) will be evaluated on a case by
case basis by the director.
First-Aid and Medication
Nampa Christian Preschool utilizes the expertise of local health nurses on a consultant basis to
develop our health policies and procedures. We require all teachers and staff to be trained in infant
and child CPR and First-Aid.
If your child incurs any type of injury (major or minor), becomes ill, or has had an incident, you will
be notified in writing via the Incident and Injury Report form. No child will be given prescribed
oral or surface medication without physician permission. Non-prescribed (over the- counter)
medication, diapering products, sunscreen lotions, insect repellents, etc. will be given with parental
permission and administered in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions unless there are
written instructions for their use provided by a licensed physician. The center has
Tylenol/Ibuprofen and Benadryl on hand for children who may need it for various reasons. This
will only be available for the children whose parents marked it would be okay to give these
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medications on the emergency form. Any other over the counter medication needs to be provided
with dosage amounts from the parents.
Over-the-counter medication must be in the original container, bear the child’s name, and have an
expiration date on the bottle. The instructions on the non-prescription medication must have the
recommended dosages for the child’s age; otherwise a written and signed notice from a licensed
physician or dentist with the correct dosage is needed. Any expired or unused portion will be
returned to the child’s parents or destroyed. Any time medication needs to be administered, we
require parents or guardians to fill out the Medical Release form. This form needs to be filled out
weekly if the medication is to be continued. Please notify both your child’s teacher and the school
office of medication to be administered. To regulate dispensing of medication, we ask that families
try to plan out medication distribution so that it can be given at home outside of preschool hours.
Breast Feeding Policy
Breastfeeding mothers shall be provided a place to breastfeed or express their milk. Breastfeeding
mothers, including employees, shall be provided a private and sanitary place (other than a
bathroom) to breastfeed their babies or express milk. This area has an electric outlet, comfortable
chair. Mothers are also welcome to breastfeed in front of others if they wish. A refrigerator will
be made available for storage of expressed breast milk. Breastfeeding mothers and employees
may store their expressed breast milk in the center refrigerator. Mothers should provide their own
containers, clearly labeled with name and date. Sensitivity will be shown to breastfeeding mothers
and their babies. The center is committed to providing ongoing support to breastfeeding mothers,
including providing an opportunity to breastfeed their baby in the morning and evening, and
holding off giving a bottle, if possible, when mom is due to arrive. Infant formula and solid foods
will not be provided unless requested by the mother. Babies will be held closely when feeding.
Staff shall be trained in handling breast milk. All center staff will be trained in the proper storage
and handling of breast milk, as well as ways to support breastfeeding mothers. The center will
follow human milk storage guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention to avoid waste and prevent food borne illness. Breastfeeding
employees shall be provided flexible breaks to accommodate breastfeeding or milk expression.
Breastfeeding employees shall be provided a flexible schedule for breastfeeding or pumping to
provide breast milk for their children. The time allowed would not exceed the normal time allowed
to other employees for lunch and breaks. For time above and beyond normal lunch and breaks,
sick/annual leave may be used, or the employee can come in earlier or leave later to make up the
time. Breastfeeding promotion information will be displayed. The center will provide information
on breastfeeding, including the names of area resources should questions or problems arise. In
addition, positive promotion of breastfeeding will be on display in the center.
Safe Infant Sleep Policy
Providing infants with a safe place to grow and learn is very important. For this reason, Nampa
Christian Preschool has created a policy on safe sleep practices for infants up to 1-year-old. We
follow the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Consumer
Product Safety Commission to provide a safe sleep environment and reduce the risk of sudden
infant death syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is “the sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age, which
remains unexplained after a thorough investigation.” The staff follows the AAP safe sleep policy.
Preschool Handbook Rev. 1.3 04/2019
Nampa Christian Schools
Sleep Position
Infants will be placed flat on their backs to sleep every time unless there is a physician,
practitioner or clinician signed sleep position medical waiver up to date on file. In the case
of a waiver, a waiver notice will be posted at the infant’s crib without identifying medical
information. The full waiver will be kept in the infant’s file.
Infants will not be placed on their side for sleep.
Devices such as wedges or infant positioners will not be used since such devices are not
proven to reduce the risk of SIDS.
Infants who use pacifiers will be offered their pacifier when they are placed to sleep, and
it will not be put back in should the pacifier fall out once they fall asleep.
Pacifiers will be cleaned between each use, checked for tears, and will not be coated in any
sweet or other solution.
Parents are asked to provide replacement pacifiers on a regular basis.
While infants will always be placed on their backs to sleep, when an infant can easily turn
over from back to front and front to back, they can remain in whatever position they prefer
to sleep.
Sleep Environment
Our program will use Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines for safety-
approved cribs and firm mattresses.
Crib slats will be less than 2 3/8” apart.
Infants will not be left in bed with drop side down.
Playpen weave will be less than ¼”.
Consumer Product Safety Commission safety-approved cradles and bassinets may also be
used for sleeping if the infant meets the weight and height requirements.
Infants will not be placed to sleep on any standard bed, water beds, couches, air mattresses,
or on other soft surfaces.
Only one infant will be placed to sleep in each crib. Siblings, including twins and triplets,
will be placed in separate cribs.
The crib will have a firm tight-fitting mattress covered by a fitted sheet and will be free
from blankets, loose bedding, toys, and other soft objects (i.e., pillows, quilts, comforters,
sheepskins, stuffed toys, etc.).
To avoid overheating, the temperature of the rooms where infants sleep will be checked
and will be kept at a level that is comfortable for a lightly clothed adult.
Sleep clothing, such as sleepers, sleep sacks, and wearable blankets, may be used as
alternatives to blankets.
Bibs and pacifiers will not be tied around an infant’s neck or clipped onto an infant’s
clothing during sleep.
When infants are in their cribs, they will be within sight and hearing of staff at all times.
A staff member will visibly check on the sleeping infants frequently
When an infant is awake, they will have supervised tummy time.” This will help babies
strengthen their muscles and develop normally.
Infants will spend limited time in car seats, swings, and bouncer/infant seats when they are
Preschool Handbook Rev. 1.3 04/2019
Nampa Christian Schools
All staff will be trained on safe sleep policies and practices.
Safe sleep practices will be reviewed with all staff and parents each year. In addition,
training specific to these policies will be given before any individual is allowed to care for
Documentation that staff and parents have read and understand these policies will be kept
in each individual's file.
All staff is trained on first aid for unresponsive infants as well as what to do when they
have a question or need assistance before they are allowed to care for infants.
Security and Safety
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency/disaster plan is available in the office and in each classroom for your review. For the
protection of the children, we conduct regular emergency drills, including periodic fire drills. If
your child is seriously injured while at school, you will be notified immediately. Depending upon
the severity of the injury, we may contact emergency medical services (911) to provide immediate
medical attention prior to contacting you. Please make sure we have a signed Authorization and
Consent for Treatment of a Minor for your child. This is a part of your child’s Emergency Form. By
signing the Authorization and Consent for Treatment of a Minor Form, you grant permission for
the staff of Nampa Christian Preschool to take whatever steps necessary to obtain emergency
medical and dental care for the protection of your child. In an event that requires emergency aid
transportation, we will make every effort to accompany your child to the emergency room/
Security Measures
Each family will be given one key fob at the time of enrollment which you entrance to the center.
Additional fobs can be purchased for $5.00. If your key fob is lost please report this to the director
immediately. All persons who pick up your child must be on the approved list of people on your
enrollment form. We ask for identification of all people we do not personally know. Parents have
the responsibility of notifying the Preschool in writing of any changes in the approved list of people
who may pick up the child.
The Preschool needs a copy of any served court orders. We must have a certified court order on
file regarding parental custody matters. We cannot refuse a parent pick-up rights unless we have
a court order on file about those rights. Please notify us immediately of any changes in custody
School Closure/Delay Start
The administration of Nampa Christian Schools is responsible for posting snow delays or closure
announcements to the NCS website, local news/radio and RenWeb. Additionally, parents will
receive an email communication with details. School will be on *delayed start or cancelled by 5:30
Preschool Handbook Rev. 1.3 04/2019
Nampa Christian Schools
If a delayed start is announced for Nampa Christian Schools, there will be no morning preschool
and the full day care will open at 10:00 am.
Toys from Home
Except for toys that are needed on the opening days of school to help ease your child’s transition
from home to school, or for those special “show and tell” toys, we ask that toys not be brought to
school. Please send “show and tell” toys in a brown paper bag, clearly labeled with the child’s name.
Typical Daily Schedule
Morning seatwork
Circle time/Story time
Language/Centers including Art
Math/ Science/Centers
Clean-up/ morning review (Half-Day Preschool Dismissal 11:30)
Lunch recess
Rest time
Learning centers
Combined classes
Preschool Developmental Goals
Two and Three Year Old Class
Social Development
Attends to own needs
Plays well with others
Follows routines
Transitions well
Helps put things away
Waits for turn
Preschool Handbook Rev. 1.3 04/2019
Nampa Christian Schools
Tells own name, gender and age
Follows two-step directions
Listens during three-to five-minute circle time
Uses words to express needs and feelings
Understands concepts: big/little, empty/full, first/last
Identifies colors: red, yellow, blue, green
Cognitive Skills & Motor Skills
Counts to 5
Counts 5 objects
Copies circle
Points to shapes: circle, square, triangle
Draws self with four body parts
Cuts paper in two parts
Balances on one foot for five seconds
Puts coat on
Three and Four Year Old Class
Academic Skills: Visual and Fine Motor Skills
Knows eight basic colors
Can point and count ten objects
Recognizes numerals 1 to 10
Knows basic shapes
Prints first name
Recognizes printed first name
Can sing the alphabet
Counts five objects
Cuts on a wide line
Can copy basic shapes
Draws person with seven parts
Grips crayon with correct three-finger grasp
Can draw between parallel lines
Language and Motor Skills
Listens without interrupting
Interacts well with other children
Can follow two-step directions
Has 10- to 15-minute attention span
Uses full sentences
Alternates feet going up and downstairs
Hops on one foot four to six times
Stands on one foot for ten seconds
Hops five to seven two-foot hops
Can skip
Preschool Handbook Rev. 1.3 04/2019
Nampa Christian Schools
Can zip and unzip
Can catch a tennis ball
Uses scissors correctly
Holds pencil with a three-finger grasp
Cuts on a continuous line
Personal/Social Skills
Knows birthday
Expresses own ideas and opinions
Attempts to solve own problems
Can recite telephone number
Adjusts to school routines
Is sensitive to feelings of others
Plays cooperatively with other children
Preschool Handbook Rev. 1.3 04/2019
Nampa Christian Schools
Revision History
Jeff A
Initial conversion of 2017 ECC Handbook for
2018. Updated all formats, headers, footers.
Jeff A
Updated Board Members names
Added new gender belief statement
Jeff A
Re-sequenced front sections for cross
handbook alignment.
Jeff A
Submitting for board approval for 18/19
school year.
Jeff A
18/19 YEAR
Jeff A
Added Drug-Free Policy per September Board
of Directors meeting and approved verbiage.
Jeff A
Cover - Removed school year reference
Pg 6 - Updated teacher information
Pg 21 - Updated dress code to request mittens
and not gloves be sent for students
Pg 25 Updated wording on fever to include
24h waiting period before returning to school
Pg 30 - Updated daily schedule to reflect rest
time from 12:30 pm 2 pm
Multiple - Renamed to full-day and half-day
preschool throughout handbook
Multiple - Updated dates and info for 19/20
school year
Ready for Board Approval