Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
P O Box 26662, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
National Roaming Services
Version 1.0
Issue Date 30th April 2005
Regulatory Policy, Directory information, Version 2.1, Issued 14
September 2009
TRA Policy: National Roaming Services Version 1.0
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1. Legislative Background
In accordance with Federal Law by Decree 3/2003 and its Executive Order,
Federal Law:
Article 12 ‘The Authority is the competent body to oversee the telecommunica-
tions sector in the State and all Licensees in accordance with this Federal Law
by Decree, its Executive Order and the instructions of the Supreme Commit-
Article 13 ‘The Authority shall exercise its functions and powers under this
Federal Law by Decree and its Executive Order to:
(1) ensure that the Telecommunication Services provided throughout the
State are sufficient to satisfy the public demands of those who wish
to make use of such services;
(2) enhance the level of services provided by the telecommunication
sector in order to promote the interest of users…’
Article 14 ‘’…the Authority shall have the power to issue regulations, orders,
resolutions and procedures in relation to:
(2) the Interconnection of and access to Telecommunication Networks
and Telecommunication Services provided by the Licensees, and the
co-location of assets and sharing of infrastructure by such Licensees,
including the terms, conditions and prices of such Interconnection,
access, co-location and sharing, the time-scales and rules for the
negotiation and finalisation between such operators of agreements in
relation to the foregoing matters and the dispute resolution policies
between the parties to such agreements;
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(3) the terms and level of services provided by the Licensees to users,
including the standards and quality of service provided, the terms
and conditions of supply of such services, the handling and resolu-
tion of user complaints and disputes, the provision of information to
users, the use of user information and the rendering of bills to us-
1. Article 38 ‘The Authority shall take any needed action as deemed
necessary to facilitate the process of Interconnection and to monitor the
compliance of all parties to the provisions of the Interconnection Agreements.
The Authority shall have all the powers which will enable it to achieve the
2. Article 39
(1) Where there is a dispute in relation to Interconnection the parties to
the dispute may refer the dispute to the Authority for adjudication and
the issuance of binding resolutions.
(2) The Authority shall adjudicate disputes referred in accordance with
this Article as specified in the Executive Order.’
Article 41 ‘Etisalat and any of its subsidiaries shall, at the direction of the Au-
thority, satisfy in a timely, efficient and least cost manner all requests from a Li-
censee for Interconnection, co-location or sharing of sites and facilities at the
best point as determined by the Authority. In particular Etisalat shall:
(1) comply with any regulations, guidelines or licence conditions issued
pursuant to the provisions of this Federal Law by Decree or its
Executive Order relating to Interconnection, co-location or sharing of
sites and facilities;
(2) subject to the regulations issued pursuant to the provisions of this
Federal Law by Decree or its Executive Order, offer and provide
Interconnection, co-location or sharing of sites and facilities on terms
and conditions (including as to cost and quality) which are in
accordance with best international practice;
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(3) Facilitate, provide facilities and information concerning
Interconnection, co-location and sharing of sites to Licensees and
their subsidiaries under the same conditions and of the same quality
as Etisalat provides for its own services or those of its subsidiaries or
The Executive Order:
Article 49 ‘In performing its obligations under the Federal Law by Decree and
this Executive Order in relation to network Interconnection, co-location and
sharing of facilities, the Authority may do any of the following:
(5) …issue the regulations, directives, decisions and governing rules for
domestic roaming services.’
2. National Roaming Services Policy
In accordance with Federal Law by Decree 3/2003, Article 14, the TRA has deter-
mined that Etisalat is required to offer National Roaming Services on its network to the
second mobile licensee.
The obligation of Etisalat to provide National Roaming Services to the operator of the
second mobile license decreases in relationship to the rollout of the second licensee’s
mobile network, as specified in its license.
Etisalat shall be obliged to provide National Roaming Services in the geographic
and/or population coverage areas not covered by the second mobile licensee in ac-
cordance with its mobile network rollout as specified in its license.
The TRA will inform both licensees when Etisalat’s requirement to offer national roam-
ing expires.
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September 2009
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3. National Roaming Services Offering
National Roaming Services shall be offered in accordance with TRA Guidelines In-
terconnection, Version 1.1, Issued 2
, April 2005.
In accordance with Federal Law by Decree 3/2003, Article 41 (3), Etisalat shall offer
National Roaming Services at the same quality as Etisalat provides for its own ser-
vices or those of its subsidiaries or companies. For example, call handover shall be
transparent to end users, whereby end users do not experience any interruptions in
service when being transferred from one licensee’s network to another.
End users of both licensees shall be able to reach all telephone numbers in the UAE.
To the extent it is technically possible and economically feasible, GSM supplementary
services offered by Etisalat to its end users shall be offered as part of National Roam-
ing Service.
4. National Roaming Services Agreement
In accordance with Federal Law by Decree 3/2003, Article 41, Etisalat shall negotiate
with the second mobile licensee the terms, conditions and prices for National Roaming
The National Roaming Services Agreement between the licensees shall be submitted
to the TRA for review prior to signature.
In accordance with Federal Law by Decree 3/2003, Article 39, any negotiating dis-
putes may be referred to the TRA for adjudication and the issuance of binding resolu-