The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
Uganda Communications Act of 2013 (the Act) seeks to develop a modern
Communications sector, which includes Telecommunications,
broadcasting, radio communications, postal communications, data
communication and infrastructure by, among others:
(b) enhancing national coverage of Communications services; and
(f) introducing, encouraging and enabling competition in the
Communications sector through regulation and licensing of
competitive Operators to achieve rapid network expansion,
standardisation as well as operation of competitively priced and
quality services.
Mobile Communications services have today become an integral part of
everyday life and increasingly critical to various aspects and services of
the economy. Uganda Communications Commission (the Commission)
has, therefore, determined it necessary to require Operators to offer
National Roaming Services on their respective networks to the other
licensees engaged in the provision of mobile communication services in
These guidelines seek to ensure that National Roaming between the
Operators in Uganda takes place on a fair, transparent and economically
efficient basis, for the benefit of consumers, Operators and the overall
The objectives of these guidelines are to:
a) improve the resilience of Mobile Communications networks and
services for improvement in the quality of Communications services
in Uganda;
b) promote fair competition among Operators;
c) encourage infrastructure sharing
d) promote the availability and seamless nationwide access by
consumers to mobile services in Uganda; and
e) promote innovation and investment to facilitate the development of
related Communications markets.
Act” means the Uganda Communications Act of 2013;
The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
Commission means the Uganda Communications Commission
established under section 4 of the Act;
Communications servicesmeans services performed consisting of the
dissemination or interchange of audio, visual or data content using postal,
radio, or telecommunications media, data communication, and includes
Hosted Operator means the Operator with which a subscriber has a
direct contractual relationship for access to and use of mobile services;
Host Operatoris an Operator on whose system or network a subscriber
roams by means of roaming arrangements by the hosted Operator.
Mobile Communications services” means Communications services
provided to end-users by licensed Operators that are interconnected with
the public switched network which enables the Operator to reuse
frequencies and accomplish seamless handoff of end-user calls. This
includes making and receiving voice calls, sending and receiving SMS
messages, sending and receiving data, or access to other electronic
communications services;
National roaming means the ability of a customer to automatically make
and receive voice calls, send and receive data, or access other services,
even when travelling outside the geographical coverage area of his service
provider, by means of using the service of the other service provider’s
network in Uganda.
Operator means a person licensed to provide a communication or
broadcasting service;
Public switched network means collection of interconnected public
telecommunication networks that deliver switched telecommunication
services, whether by wire or radio, to the public.
SMS” means short messaging service;
Telecommunication means the emission, transmission or reception
through the agency of electricity or electromagnetism of any sounds,
signals, signs, writing, images or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio,
optical or other electromagnetic systems whether or not such signs,
signals, writing, images, sounds or intelligence have been subjected to
rearrangement, computation or other processes by any means in the
course of their transmission, emission or reception;
Telecommunications service means a service consisting of the
conveyance or reception of any sounds, signs, signals, writing or images
by wire, optical or other electronically guided media systems whether or
not the signs, signals, writing, images, sounds or intelligence have been
subjected to rearrangement, computation or other processes by any means
in the course of their transmission, emission or reception;
The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
Would-be host Operator” is an Operator to whom a request is made for
roaming arrangements.
The legal and regulatory provisions taken into consideration and which
shall govern the implementation of these guidelines:
Section 5(a), (k), (m), (n), (o), and (y) of the Uganda Communications Act of
Section 58 of the Act on Interconnection of network facilities.
The Uganda Communications (Licensing) Regulations, 2019.
The Uganda Communications (Competition) Regulations, 2019.
The Telecommunications (Interconnection and Access) Regulations, 2019
The Telecommunications (Pricing and Accounting) Regulations, 2019
The Telecommunications (Consumer Protection) Regulations, 2019
These guidelines stipulate the obligations with respect to national roaming
and the associated regulatory oversight.
This guideline shall apply to all Operators licensed in Uganda that are
engaged in the provision of Mobile Communications services.
The application of these guidelines shall not include any service that is not
interconnected with the public switched network.
7.1. Roaming arrangements
a) An Operator that seeks to have national roaming arrangement with
another Operator must send the other Operator a written request for
roaming. This request should be copied to the Commission.
b) Upon receipt of a request, an Operator is obliged to provide roaming to
any technologically compatible Operator, on terms and conditions
contained in a roaming agreement that are mutually agreed upon, just,
commercially viable and non-discriminatory.
c) Both the Would-be Host and the Host operators shall be obliged to
uphold the principles of good faith in negotiating national roaming
The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
agreements. Both parties shall not intentionally mislead each other or
coerce the other into making national roaming agreements or
intentionally obstructing the negotiation process.
d) A Would-be Host or Host operators who breach the duty or obligation
to negotiate in good faith shall be considered to have engaged in unfair
completion and to have committed an anti-competitive act or a breach
of fair completion under the Act.
e) The negotiations of such roaming arrangements shall be completed
within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of a request for
roaming by the Would-be host Operator.
f) This roaming obligation shall apply to each of its currently deployed
networks and any future networks (all spectrum bands and
generations of technologies used by the Would-be Host Operator to
provide Mobile Communications services to its own subscribers/end
users). This obligation shall also apply to all the geographic areas (in
any specified area or location in Uganda) where the Would-be Host
Operator has a cellular mobile network footprint or coverage or if the
Would-be Host Operator does provide international roaming services
in the specified area or location.
g) Requests for roaming arrangements shall be dealt with by each
Operator according to a non-discriminatory process. The roaming
arrangements and the conclusion of an associated agreement shall not
be conditioned on reciprocity or exclusivity.
h) National Roaming services shall be limited to the network and/or
services of the Would-be Host or Host operators.
i) National roaming agreements shall contain all the terms and
conditions that affect the provision of National Roaming services to be
provided to the Hosted Operator, including but not limited to:
the legal provisions, including commencement, termination,
breach and suspension, force majeure, review of national roaming
agreement, confidentiality of information, and governing law
a description of the National Roaming services to be provided by
the Hosting Operator
a description of the technical arrangements for providing National
Roaming services, including a definition of the areas in which
National Roaming services are to be provided,
operational and maintenance responsibilities and processes,
including testing arrangements
billing, including billing procedures and processes for resolving
billing disputes
The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
processes for resolving disputes between operators, including a
process for the referral of disputes to the Commission
prices for National Roaming services.
Support for licence obligations of Hosted Operator such as lawful
interception, emergency services and quality of service
j) The Commission shall produce, maintain and update a reference
national roaming agreement that may be used by the Operators in
negotiating a roaming agreement and which shall be used by the
Commission in addressing a dispute.
7.2. Information for consideration of a request
a) Effective the date of these guidelines, each Operator shall maintain a
compendium that shall be availed to any other Operator that expresses
an interest for roaming arrangements. This compendium shall
i. the information required by the Operator for consideration of a
request for roaming arrangements, including but not limited to,
technical data, engineering information, network requirements,
and other information relevant to formulate a roaming
ii. information to facilitate the potential Hosted Operator in
preparing a request for roaming arrangements including, but not
limited to:
a. information on areas covered;
b. technical characteristics of voice, data, and SMS
services, including the technologies available in each
c. security requirements and confidentiality of proprietary
information, including, among others, standards and
measures that must be complied with by both parties to
ensure network integrity and safety standards;
b) Information required by the Operator towards the consideration and
implementation of roaming arrangements shall be limited to the
minimum necessary to allow the Host Operator to provide an efficient
roaming service.
c) The Would-be Host Operator shall not, during consideration of the
request, seek information on the commercial nature of the services
which the Operator that has made a request for roaming or plans to
offer other than to verify that the roaming requested shall not be used
SMS short messaging service/text messaging
The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
for purposes other than the provision of Mobile Communications
d) A Would-be Host Operator shall inform the Operator that has
requested roaming of any additional information required in respect of
the request promptly and in a timely manner (in not more than fifteen
(15) calendar days from receipt of a request).
7.3. Pricing of national roaming
a) All prices shall be filed with the Commission at all times for approval.
b) The Operators shall negotiate the prices of national roaming. If the
Operators fail to agree on the prices to be charged, either Operator may
refer the dispute to the Commission for resolution.
c) The prices for national roaming shall be cost-oriented, non-
discriminatory below retail levels.
d) Roaming rates should be openly available to all Operators as reference
7.4. Billing of National Roaming
a) The generation of Call Data Records (CDRs) shall be in accordance with
the internationally accepted GSM
Association format to facilitate the
billing of National Roaming services. The CDRs shall be collected and
rated by the Host Operator and forwarded to the Hosted Operator
within the file transfer timelines stipulated by GSMA to enable monthly
billing of usage, fraud detection and usage monitoring. However,
operators may agree on an appropriate file format.
b) The operators shall share such information as signalling protocol(s)
used in their Intelligent Networks (IN) to enable real-time billing
services, and fraud control.
7.5. Refusal of a request for roaming arrangements
a) A refusal of a request for roaming arrangements shall be made in
writing to the Operator that requested within thirty (30) calendar days
of the receipt of the request by the Would-be host Operator. The refusal
shall be copied to the Commission.
b) Such refusal shall include objectively justified reasons, backed up by
evidence, as applicable, to support the reasons put forth for the
c) Reasons for which a Would-be Host Operator may decline a request for
roaming arrangements may include the following:
GSM means Global System for Mobile Communications and GSMA means GSM Association
The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
i. the network of the Operator requesting roaming arrangement is
not technologically compatible;
ii. it is not technically feasible to provide roaming for the particular
mobile service for which roaming is requested, and any changes
to the Host Operator’s network necessitated to accommodate
roaming for such mobile service are not economically
iii. the Would-be Host Operator does not offer the mobile services for
which roaming is sought to its end-users
d) An unfounded suspicion of a particular behaviour or outcome of the
roaming arrangements shall not be a justifiable reason to warrant a
decline of a request for roaming arrangements.
e) If the Commission reviews the reasons for refusal and finds that these
are not justified, then the Would-be Host Operator shall respond to the
request for roaming with an offer to enter into a roaming agreement.
7.6. Regulatory supervision of roaming arrangements
a) The parties to a roaming agreement shall file the agreement with the
Commission within fifteen (15) calendar days from signing the
agreement, for the review to ensure compliance with the law,
regulations, these national roaming guidelines and other regulatory
requirements. The Commission may require the Operators to amend
any terms and conditions in the roaming agreement.
b) Review and approval by the Commission shall also seek to prevent
anti-competitive practices or consequences and protect interests of
consumers in respect of matters such as quality of service, access to
services and tariffs.
c) The Operators may amend their roaming agreements from time to time
but must submit the changes to the Commission for approval within
fourteen (14) calendar days of their signature.
d) The Commission may itself require the Operators to amend their
roaming agreement to accommodate any changes in the regulatory or
legal environment, Government policy, technology, markets and
competition, national security requirements, or for any other reason.
e) Neither Operator shall terminate or suspend the approved roaming
agreement for whatever reason without prior approval of the
Commission unless both parties mutually agree to this. In case of
Economically reasonable is deemed to apply where the investment costs cannot be recovered
in a reasonable period and consideration shall be limited to terms of the current agreement or
The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
mutual agreement to terminate or suspend, the Operators shall inform
the Commission within seven (7) days of this decision.
f) A Hosting Operator may not interrupt, block, discontinue or otherwise
impair any national roaming service it provides to any other Operator
without the prior written consent of the Commission.
g) Where the Hosting Operator encounters an unexpected failure/break
down on its network which results in interrupting, blocking, or
otherwise impairing any of the roaming arrangements/agreement and
is unable to obtain prior consent from the Commission, the Hosting
Operator shall immediately inform the Commission on the occurrence
and update the Commission on action to be taken and undertaken to
restore service.
h) The Commission may inspect the facilities of or request any
information from the Operators from time to time that it deems
relevant for the purposes of monitoring and ensuring compliance with
the Act, the regulations, license terms and conditions, and these
i) Each Operator shall be obliged to comply with such inspections or
requests by the Commission for information in the manner set out by
the Commission.
7.7. Obligations associated with the provision of mobile services
a) Although service provision obligations such as legal interception, and
quality of service shall be supported under such roaming agreements,
these obligations shall at all times remain the responsibility of the
Hosted Operator.
b) Consideration shall be done of evidence of inadequate service
performance by a Host Operator to a Hosted Operator under the
roaming arrangements before determining sanctions and remedial
action for shortfalls in associated licence obligations.
7.8. Dispute resolution
a) The Commission shall adjudicate all National Roaming disputes
referred on a case by case basis.
b) Where there is a dispute in relation to national roaming, either party
to the dispute may refer the dispute to the Commission for
adjudication mediation or resolution and the issuance of binding
c) If after the stipulated period of forty five (45) calendar days for
negotiation of a roaming agreement, the Operators have not entered
into a roaming agreement or have not agreed to any interim
The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
arrangement. In that case, the matter shall be submitted to the
Commission for arbitration.
d) Where the failure to agree a roaming agreement is referred to the
Commission as a dispute, or if the Commission on its own volition
decides to intervene at any time, the decision of the Commission or
results of the arbitration shall be final and binding. This may include
imposing a roaming agreement between the Operators, or imposing
particular terms and conditions on them, or requiring the Operators to
undertake specific steps in order to conclude a roaming agreement.
8.1. Host Operator and the Would-be host Operator
a) When a roaming request is made, the Operator to whom the request is
made has a duty to respond to the request and avoid actions that
unduly delay or block the negotiations regarding that request.
b) The Host Operator shall not alter the technical characteristics of
mobile services in such a way as to make them differ from the technical
characteristics of the same services provided to its own end-users
unless otherwise agreed under the roaming agreement.
8.2. Hosted Operator
The Hosted Operator shall:
a) Promptly honour all payment dues prescribed in the roaming
b) Ensure its Roaming Agreements are in conformity with its licence
scope of services and geographical area
c) Ensure transparency to and safeguards for roaming consumers.
8.3. Host and Hosted Operators
The Operators shall:
a) ensure the storage, treatment and transfer of personal data of end
users is in conformity with the national laws and regulations on data
b) avoid duplication of costs that will ultimately be passed on to the
end-users of the roaming services
The Uganda Communications Commission Guidelines on National Roaming
a) Any Operator who fails to comply with the requirements and obligations
contained in these guidelines or fails to submit information as required
to be submitted by these guidelines shall be deemed guilty of
contravening the Act.
b) Remedial action by the Commission in respect of such contravention
may include:
i. issuance of a written warning with a deadline for compliance by
the respective Operator;
ii. imposing fine in accordance with the Act;
iii. take any other measure the Commission deems as reasonable in
the circumstances in accordance with the Act.
These guidelines shall be reviewed regularly to ensure continued relevance
and revised to accommodate developments in the industry.