Dual Credit
Policy and Procedures proposed by Dual Credit Council on 10/17/2016; rev. 6/1/17; 11/1/17; 4/1/18.
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Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
College and Career Pathways ......................................................................................................................... 7
1. Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Student Eligibility ........................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Provisional Enrollment One Dual Credit Course per Semester .................................................................. 8
4. Ongoing Eligibility Two Dual Credit Courses per Semester ........................................................................ 8
5. Enrollment Appeal ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Operating Procedures .................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Student Application Procedures .................................................................................................................... 9
2. Tuition and Fees .......................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Placement .................................................................................................................................................... 10
4. Pathways and Eligible Coursework at the HEI ............................................................................................. 10
5. Dual Credit Course Requirements ............................................................................................................... 11
6. Assessment of Student Performance .......................................................................................................... 11
7. Faculty/Instructor Qualifications ................................................................................................................. 12
8. Faculty/Instructor Support .......................................................................................................................... 12
9. Transfer and Articulation ............................................................................................................................. 13
10. Geographic Area of Responsibility .............................................................................................................. 13
Annual Dual Credit Report ........................................................................................................................... 13
References ................................................................................................................................................... 13
VI. Glossary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….14
VII. Next Step Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….16
VIII. Dual Credit Request Form……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….22
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Dual Credit Program
21-1-1.2 NMSA 1978, further codified in 6.30.7 NMAC, authorized the Public Education Department
(PED) and the Higher Education Department (HED) to establish a Dual Credit Program in the State of
New Mexico, effective June 30, 2008. The purpose of the Dual Credit Program is to offer structured
opportunities for qualified high school students to obtain credit for college coursework at a public or
tribal higher education institution (HEI) while simultaneously completing high school electives and
graduation requirements.
The Dual Credit Program is also a starting point to pathways that lead to credentials and/or degrees
that provide entry-level job skills, thereby offering New Mexico high school students an accelerated
path to success in college or a career.
The Dual Credit Program, as provided in New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC), waives college
tuition for all students who meet eligibility requirements. Through a partnership of the PED, HED, local
educational agencies (LEA), and HEIs, New Mexico is facilitating a jump start on college and career
preparation for eligible high school students.
Students begin the process of selecting dual credit coursework by taking a career interest inventory and
participating in career discussions with advisors and parents. After these discussions, students indicate
a pathway on their Next Step Plan. When enrolling in dual credit coursework, students must pursue
courses that are aligned with their pathway. Coursework proceeds using the sequencing plan specified
for their pathway. Pathways are available in multiple academic subjects and in career technical
education (CTE). All pathway coursework follows a sequenced plan.
An early college high school (ECHS), by contrast, is a specific school model that uses dual credit to
support accelerated learning, with the goal of students earning a college degree while still in high
school. Students enrolled in an ECHS also have a Next Step Plan (NSP) that guides their dual credit course
selection. Other aspects of dual credit enrollment for ECHS programs are specified in agreements
between the high school and partner HEI.
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Does student meet
First Semester Enrollment: Students
demonstrating readiness for their college
coursework may enroll in any one first-term
course in the pathway.
Provisional Enrollment: Students not
demonstrating readiness for their college
coursework may enroll provisionally in one
dual credit course per semester, as
determined by the HEI. (Provisional
students must enroll in a partnered support
mechanism at the LEA or HEI, such as
tutoring or grade checks.)
Students with provisional dual credit eligibility may
register and enroll in one course (different from one
already taken) in their pathway (one course per
(See HEI provisional enrollment policy for more
To obtain/maintain
full dual credit
eligibility, students
1. Demonstrate
readiness for
college coursework;
2. Progress towards
high school
graduation; (AND)
3. Maintain half-time,
high school
enrollment until
requirements are
completed; (AND)
4. Obtain a course
grade of C or better
for each course
taken; (AND)
5. Not obtain
withdrawals (WP &
WF) for transcribed
dual credit courses.
● Complete a career interest inventory; and,
● Choose a high school pathway; and,
● Choose a corresponding postsecondary pathway; and,
● Complete a Next Step Plan that includes a selected dual credit course.
Students retain provisional status
until meeting the full academic
requirements of the pathway.
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New Mexico Dual Credit Program access is described in greater detail in the following table:
Dual Credit
Tuition-free college courses that count toward a credential or postsecondary degree
Students use career interest inventories and their Next Step Plan to determine a pathway.
Students take courses in their chosen pathway. Pathways may lead to a credential or
degree. Course sequencing is specified by the HEI.
Complete a career interest inventory and choose a pathway.
Submit PARCC or AccuPlacer scores for evaluation of college readiness with
secondary and postsecondary dual credit coordinators, in accordance with formal,
HEI dual credit placement policy.
Enroll in dual credit courses aligned to the chosen pathway as defined in the Next
Step Plan.
For students who demonstrate
readiness for the college coursework in
their pathway:
For students who do NOT demonstrate
readiness for the college coursework in their
First Semester
One Dual Credit
Course per
Students may
1. enroll in one dual credit course;
2. register and enroll in any first-term
course of the pathway (identified in
the HEI term-by-term sequence plan).
1. may enroll in one dual credit course;
2. may register and enroll in a course in
their pathway that does not require
college mathematics and/or college
English courses as prerequisites; and
3. must continue to pursue readiness for
college coursework by completing high
school ELA and mathematics courses
with a grade of C or higher.
First Semester,
In order to transition from First Semester and Provisional status to Ongoing Enrollment
status, students must
1. demonstrate readiness for college coursework; (and)
2. progress towards high school graduation; (and)
3. maintain half-time, high school enrollment until graduation requirements are
completed; (and)
4. obtain a course grade of C or better for each dual credit course taken; (and)
5. not obtain withdrawals (W, WP, WF) for transcribed dual credit courses; (and)
6. not obtain incompletes (I, INC) for transcribed dual credit courses; (and)
7. not enroll in a dual credit course to audit or for Pass/Fail credit.
Each higher education institution shall have proficiency benchmarks and a placement policy for dual credit students on
file with the Higher Education Department. Policies shall be included in the Dual Credit memorandum of understanding.
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Two or More
Dual Credit
Courses per
Students who earn a grade of C or higher
1. may register and enroll in college courses aligned with their chosen pathway; and
2. must complete all first-term courses (identified in the HEI term-by-term sequence plan)
before enrolling in second term courses.
Students who earn a grade of D, F, or W, (withdrawing after the add/drop period) in any
one course are subject to provisional dual credit status and
1. may register and enroll in a different course in their pathway (one course per
semester); (and)
2. must enroll in a partnered support mechanism available at the LEA or HEI, such as
tutoring or grade checks; (and)
3. if not yet proficient in both ELA and mathematics, must continue to pursue
readiness for college coursework by completing high school ELA and mathematics
courses with a grade of C or higher; (and)
4. may transition out of dual credit provisional status after meeting the HEIs formal dual
credit placement policy.
1. Studentswho meet HEI formal dual credit placement policy enrollment
standards and maintain a college GPA of 2.5
may take a maximum of two
courses per semester (first semester dual credit students are limited to one dual
credit course) until all high school graduation requirements (other than elective
requirements) are complete.
2. After completing all high school graduation requirement credits, students may
enroll in a maximum of four courses per semester, subject to restrictions within
the Statewide Dual Credit Master Agreement.
3. Home school and private school students are limited to two courses per semester.
In order to maintain eligibility for the dual credit program and courses, students must
1. continue to make progress
toward high school graduation; (and)
2. maintain half-time enrollment in high school until graduation requirements are
completed; (and)
3. Earn a C or higher in dual credit courses.
1. Students completing a credential pathway may continue taking courses towards a
degree pathway.
2. Students may be
awarded a credential prior to high school graduation.
3. Associate degrees may be awarded in the same semester as high school graduation
only after high school graduation is verified.
In order to qualify for lottery scholarship funding, the student’s first semester GPA of post-high school enrollment must be
2.5 or higher. Speak to a financial aid advisor for additional information.
Home school students transition out of the dual credit program after their 18
High school students participating in the dual credit program may not delay high school graduation in order to continue
participation in the program.
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College and Career Pathways
1. Guidelines
Students shall choose a pathway that leads to: 1) a credential or certification,
2) an associate
degree (AA/AS/AAS), or 3) a bachelor’s degree (BA/BS). Students enroll in classes that are
aligned with their pathway.
a. A pathway will follow the course sequence listed on the partner HEI’s website for the
selected credential or degree.
b. Students shall enroll in one pathway and may not
substitute courses between pathways.
c. Students may change their pathway with the approval of the high school principal or
his/her designee and an HEI dual credit administrator or advisor.
d. Students may take a maximum of two courses per semester until completing all high
school graduation requirements (other than high school elective requirements).
e. Students, upon completion of all high school graduation requirements, may take up to four
dual credit courses per semester.
f. Students will follow the term-by-term plan specified by the HEI for the selected credential
or degree.
g. Students, upon completion of a credential pathwaywhile still enrolled in high school, may
continue to earn credits towards a degree pathway (completion of an associate or
bachelor’s degree).
h. Degrees may not be awarded prior to high school graduation verification (but may be
awarded in the same semester, after high school graduation is confirmed).
i. HEIs are responsible for adhering to external agency guidelines that may restrict dual credit
students from enrolling in specific pathways.
j. Private school students are eligible to participate in the dual credit program. These
students are subject to the same qualification and provisional policies as are public school
k. Home school students are eligible to participate in the dual credit program until their 18
birthday. These students are subject to the same qualification and provisional policies as
are public school students and are limited to a maximum of two dual credit courses per
semester, until their last year of high school, at which time, they may take a maximum of
four courses.
2. Student Eligibility
All high school students are eligible to participate in dual credit courses that follow a pathway
leading to a credential or degree. To establish eligibility for enrollment, a high school student
must meet the following criteria:
a. Complete one or more career interest inventories and receive information about potential
See glossary for certificate and credential definition.
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b. Receive information outlining course requirements for
completion of one or more
pathways. High school counselors should consider students’ academic proficiency scores
in making recommendations.
c. Select a pathway aligned to a credential or degree and the selected career.
d. Complete a Next Step Plan that includes a selected dual credit course.
3. First Semester and Provisional EnrollmentOne Dual Credit Course per
a. Students who demonstrate readiness on standardized assessments of reading,
writing, and mathematics (such as PARCC or AccuPlacer), for the college coursework
of their pathwaymay enroll in any first-term course of the pathway (as identified in
the HEI’s term-by-term sequencing plan).
b. Students who do not demonstrate readiness for the college coursework of their pathway
(on standardized assessments of reading, writing, and mathematics) may provisionally
enroll in first-term courses that do not require college level reading, writing, and/or
mathematics. Eligibility for and availability of provisional enrollment will be determined
in the MOU agreement between the HEI and the LEA.
4. Ongoing EligibilityTwo Dual Credit Courses per Semester
a. To maintain eligibility for continued enrollment in dual credit coursework, students must
i. continue to make progress toward high school graduation;
ii. be enrolled half-time at their high school until all high school graduation requirements
(other than electives) have been met;
iii. obtain a course grade of C or better for each course taken; and
iv. not obtain withdrawals (WP and WF) for transcribed dual credit courses taken.
b. Students earning a grade lower than a C in a dual credit course may be
subject to the HEI
policy for satisfactory academic progress and will return to dual credit provisional status per
Dual Credit Policy and Procedures, Section II.4.d (below).
c. Students earning a grade of C or better in dual credit courses taken
i. may register and enroll in college mathematics (MATH/STAT) and/or college
English (ENGL) courses aligned with their chosen pathway;
ii. may take two dual credit courses each semester and two summer courses;
iii. shall complete all first-term courses before enrolling in second-term courses;
iv. and after completing all high school graduation credits, students may enroll in up
to four courses per semester, subject to restrictions, within the memorandum of
understanding (MOU).
d. Students earning a grade lower than a C in a dual credit course, return to provisional dual
credit status and
i. may register and enroll in a dual credit course in their pathway other than any
previously taken;
ii. shall enroll in only one course per semester; and
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iii. shall enroll in a partnered support mechanism available at the LEA or HEI, such
as tutoring or grade checks.
e. Students who graduate at the end of a spring semester are no longer eligible to participate in
dual credit for the following summer term.
f. Students who graduate at the end of a fall semester are no longer eligible to participate in
dual credit coursework for the following spring term.
g. High school students participating in the dual credit program may not delay high school
graduation in order to continue participation in the dual credit program.
5. Enrollment Appeal
a. Students, who wish to pursue a pathway but have been denied by the HEI or LEA, may
appeal to the Dual Credit Council to have their unique situation evaluated for eligibility
after they have completed the appeals process with the denying HEI or LEA.
b. Students must submit the electronic appeals form found on the dual credit webpage.
c. Students must submit their current high school transcript with the appeals form.
d. Students should include evidence to support their appeal request. Supporting evidence
must include a letter of support from one or more educators or administrators.
e. The Dual Credit Council shall review the appeal submission and issue a decision within
15 days of receiving the appeal.
Operating Procedures
1. Student Application Procedures
a. Students interested in dual credit coursework must meet with their counselor to complete
or update their Next Step Plan, determine which pathway is available at a partnering HEI,
and select a dual credit course aligned to that pathway.
b. High school staff will document students’ STARS ID, eligibility information (high school GPA
and PSAT or other assessment scores), and chosen pathway on their Dual Credit Request
Form (henceforth, Form).
c. Students must have a completed Next Step Plan. The chosen pathway should align with
student aptitudes and career interests, as recorded on the Next Step Plan.
d. The high school staff or student must provide a copy of the student’s Next Step Plan to HEI
staff for reference. The Form cannot be approved without review of the Next Step Plan.
e. Home school or private high school students must also obtain their STARS ID, submit a
transcript, and complete a Dual Credit Request Form. (STARS IDs may be obtained from HED
Administrative Services.)
f. The completed Form and accompanying Next Step Plan must be submitted to the HEI
in order to participate in dual credit coursework.
g. Students high school code must be recorded on the Form. (This is not required for
homeschool students.)
h. The HEI will keep the Form on file.
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i. The HEI is not required to keep Next Step Plan documents on file, only attest to their
having been reviewed prior to approval of course enrollment.
j. Students enrolled in dual credit classes shall adhere to the dates specified on the HEI
campus calendar for registration, drop, withdrawal, and refund.
k. New dual credit students, and those changing their pathway, must use a fully signed course
request form and may not enroll via online registration.
2. Tuition and Fees
a. The HEI shall waive tuition for all dual credit courses as per NMSA 21-1-1.2.F.
b. Textbook and other required materials costs are handled at the local level. Students high
school must provide required textbooks within one week of the beginning of the
semester. Course fees are students responsibility.
c. Public school districts and charter schools may apply for an award that provides funds to
offset the costs of dual credit instructional materials (DCIM).
d. The DCIM Fund 27103 Request for Information (RfI) is available on the PED website in the
spring prior to the next school year.
e. Private and home school students are responsible for purchasing textbooks and
f. General fees (e.g., technology and insurance fees) are waived for dual credit students.
However, New Mexico public colleges and universities may charge specific course fees that
must be paid by dual credit participants.
3. Placement
a. Each HEI shall submit their student placement procedures to HED annually by August 31.
b. The MOU shall specify the maximum percentage of dual credit students enrolled per HEI
course, which is recommended to be a cap of 15 percent per course.
c. Placement procedures can differ, based on the pathway, but should be consistent with the
placement procedures in place for non-dual credit students.
d. Placement procedures shall be applied consistently for dual credit students in the student
body of the HEI.
4. Pathways and Eligible Coursework at the HEI
a. Each year, an HEI shall submit to the HED an up-to-date list of pathways that will be
offered to dual credit students.
b. The college shall maintain up-to-date, term-by-term plans for each credential or degree
pathway offered to dual credit students. The term-by-term plan shall be given to each
student upon enrollment in a pathway.
c. Any course that is part of a pathway may be taken as dual credit, except remedial and
physical education courses. Additionally, these courses must
i. be taken for a letter grade; and
ii. not be taken for audit or for Pass/Fail credit.
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d. Students may not take CLEP tests or competency-based education as part of the dual
credit program.
5. Dual Credit Course Requirements
a. All academic standards of the HEI must apply to college level courses offered by the HEI,
whether on-campus, off-campus, or at secondary schools.
b. New Mexico common courses that are offered as dual credit shall address the common
student learning outcomes for that course.
c. Dual credit courses offered in high schools must
i. duplicate the course offering, including course content and course requirements, as
delivered on the HEI campus;
ii. employ identical or comparable assignments and grading criteria as courses delivered
iii. have the same level of academic rigor and comparable standards of evaluation as
courses delivered on-campus; and
iv. must be approved by the on-campus higher education faculty in the appropriate
academic discipline to include the syllabus, textbook(s), teaching methodology, and
student assessment strategies.
d. The HEI shall communicate with the partner high schools for dual credit courses regarding
i. scheduling of courses;
ii. compliance with statewide dual credit policy;
iii. identification and resolution of problems that occur; and
iv. evaluation of each dual credit course.
e. The HEI offering dual credit courses must publish the dual credit courses available at all sites
in their course catalog.
f. The following information shall be provided to students:
i. Course catalog
ii. Code of conduct and plagiarism policies
iii. Enrollment and admissions process including placement policies
iv. Course fees
v. Fail and repeatability policies, including provisional policies
vi. Transcript and records information
vii. Information about where credits will be accepted
viii. The HEI’s formal dual credit placement policy enrollment standards
6. Assessment of Student Performance
a. The responsibility for the development of assessment and evaluation measures to assure
quality and comparability of dual credit courses offered on and off an HEI campus resides
with the on-campus faculty in the appropriate academic discipline.
i. Comparability between dual credit courses taught in the high school and the
corresponding courses taught on-campus at the HEI shall be demonstrated by using
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the same methods of student assessment or identical student testing procedures for
ii. If different assessments are used, the HEI must demonstrate comparability between
on-campus and off-campus courses to ensure a common standard of grading for all
dual credit courses.
iii. Assessment results of courses taught on and off an HEI campus shall be compared to
determine relative consistency of course rigor.
7. Faculty/Instructor Qualifications
a. High school instructors of dual credit courses are adjunct instructors of the HEI providing
dual credit. As for any HEI course, high school instructors of dual credit courses shall meet
the faculty qualification requirements outlined by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
b. Instructors shall possess a master’s degree in the discipline or subfield in which they teach.
i. Teaching assistants enrolled in a graduate program and supervised by faculty are
excluded from this requirement.
c. Instructors with a master’s degree in a discipline or subfield, other than that in which they
are teaching, must have completed a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline
or subfield in which they are teaching.
d. Faculty members may be employed based on equivalent experience.
i. In order to qualify as faculty based on equivalent experience, the HEI must define a
minimum threshold of experience and an evaluation process that is used in the
appointment process.
e. The HEI may employ a career and technical programs instructor who has superior
knowledge and tested experience in the discipline in which he or she is teaching. The
knowledge and experience of the instructor must be measurable through documented
i. experience working in the field, via industry certification, and years of experience in
the field; (and/or)
ii. recognition of excellence in teaching in the discipline, expertise validated through
publications or wide critical and public acclaim, or through a nationally recognized
rating of proficiency.
8. Faculty/Instructor Support
a. New instructors must participate in orientation activities provided by the HEI and/or
academic department offering the dual credit course.
b. In order to assure the comparability of a dual credit course offered at a high school by a
high school instructor with the corresponding HEI on-campus course, academic
departments at the HEI shall provide instructors of dual credit courses with
i. opportunities to discuss concerns and share information with other faculty and the
HEI administration and staff;
ii. access to appropriate professional development opportunities; and
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iii. mentoring offered either exclusively to dual credit instructors or to both campus-
based faculty and dual credit instructors.
c. Instructors teaching off of HEI campuses shall be evaluated regularly in accordance with
established institutional policies and procedures.
i. Regular on-site course evaluations at the high school shall be conducted once a year
for the first two years for new instructors.
ii. All instructor evaluations shall be conducted at a minimum of once every two years.
iii. Annual reports of student performance and feedback shall also be utilized and
analyzed in evaluating dual credit instructor performance.
9. Transfer and Articulation
a. New Mexico commonly numbered courses that are taken as dual credit courses will transfer
as the commonly numbered course between all public New Mexico HEIs, pursuant to the
Post-Secondary Articulation Act.
b. Educational core courses that meet graduation requirements for English IV or specific
mathematics courses will be established by the PED and HED.
c. Common core standards will be matched to the most appropriate postsecondary courses
for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics.
d. Courses taken as part of an approved statewide degree pathway will transfer as fulfilling the
core requirements for that pathway.
e. All parties’ rights and responsibilities, as outlined in NMAC 5.55.3, shall apply.
10. Geographic Area of Responsibility
a. Public HEIs may enter into dual credit partnerships in their geographic area of responsibility
as delineated in NMAC 5.2.4.
b. Online courses are exempt from the provisions of NMAC 5.2.4.
Annual Dual Credit Report
a. HED reporting details to be announced
b. PED reporting details to be announced
1. 5.2.4 NMAC
2. 5.55.4 NMAC
3. 6.30.7 NMAC
4. SB 158Dual Credit Program Parity
5. NM PED Dual Credit Webpage:
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AA/AS/AAS Associate of arts, associate of science, and associate of applied science
degree abbreviations, respectively. An associate degree is the first level
of college degree typically recognized by employers as college
BA/BS Bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degree abbreviations,
respectively. A bachelor’s degree is the most common level of college
degree, and the degree most widely recognized by employers as college
Career Clusters Groups of occupations that require a common knowledge base and
the use of similar skills. New Mexico secondary educators utilize the
O*NET Online 16 Career Clusters as the basis of occupational
organization. New Mexico postsecondary educators utilize O*NET
Course Industry Program (CIP) codes as the basis of occupational
Credential/Certification A non-degree program that provides credentials that indicate mastery
and competency in specific knowledge, skills, or processes. Credentials
prepare a student to earn industry-recognized certifications that utilize
a set of nationally accepted standards. Certifications are typically
awarded through assessment and validation of skills in cooperation with
a business, trade association, or other industry group.
Early College High School (ECHS) A specific school model that allows students to earn a high school
diploma and simultaneously pursue a postsecondary program. For more
information follow this link: http://www.echs-nm.com/
Higher Education Institution (HEI) A public, postsecondary, educational institution, including community
colleges, branch community colleges, technical vocational institutes,
four-year educational institutions, and tribal colleges.
Local Educational Agency (LEA) A district, as defined in NMAC (a public school district, a state-
chartered charter school, or a state educational institution), or a bureau
of Indian education-funded high school.
Major A subject area or field of study chosen by a postsecondary student to
represent his or her principal interest and, upon which, a large share of
his or her academic efforts are concentrated in a college or university.
Meta-Major A subject area or field of study chosen by a high school student to
represent his or her broad career interest and upon which dual credit
coursework can be selected at the student’s dual credit HEI partner.
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Memorandum of A formal agreement between a high school and a higher education
Understanding (MOU) institution that spells out the policies for dual credit. Referred to as the
Statewide Master Agreement in 21-1-1.2 NMSA 1978 and simply
Agreement or Uniform Master Agreement in 6.30.7 NMAC. The MOU
shall include 1) placement policies, 2) available pathways in which dual
credit students may enroll, 3) reading, writing, and mathematics
proficiency cut-scores for all pathways, and 4) maximum dual credit
enrollee percentages per course.
Next Step Plan (NSP) An annual personal written plan of studies developed by a student, in
consultation with the student's parent and school counselor or other
school official. The NSP spells out student interests and career
ambitions and the academic and social achievements needed to achieve
those goals. Next Step Plans are mandatory, per 22-13-1.1(M)(3) NMSA
Pathway A set of connected educational experiences within a single career
cluster or industry. A pathway leads to a credential or a degree that
represents entry-level qualifications for employment. A pathway
includes coherent and rigorous content in a coordinated, non-
duplicative progression of courses. Pathways are designed to
adequately prepare students to succeed in their selected career or
industry. A pathway will follow the progression listed on the partner
HEI’s website for the selected credential or degree.
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State of New Mexico
Dual Credit Request Form
School Year
Fall Spring
Changing Program of Study?
Student Information
Last Name First Name MI Date of Birth STARS Student ID# Social Security Number *
Mailing Address City State ZIP Code Residency County High School Name
Gender Ethnicity * Telephone (NEW) Program of Study HS ACT Code ** High School GPA/Graduation Year
*Social Security number and/or ethnicity are not required for dual credit participation. **HS ACT Code is not required for homeschool students.
Course Listing and Secondary/Postsecondary Approval
The above-named student has been given permission to enroll as a dual credit student. Based on this students Next Step Plan, academic record and overall maturity, I
feel he/she will be successful in college level courses. Therefore, as high school representative, I recommend the student take the following course(s):
Schedule #
e.g. CRN #
Course #,
e.g. MATH
Section #
Course Title, e.g.
College Algebra
Course Code
Time, e.g.
Location of Course
FERPA Release Information
We, the student and parent/guardian, agree for the above-named student to enroll in the Dual Credit Program offered in coordination with the above named
high school and postsecondary institutions. We understand the high school representative will authorize course selection for each term. We understand
that all prerequisite requirements, including assessment and course placement must be met.
We agree to abide by the guidelines in the Dual Credit Memorandum of Agreement, and in high school and postsecondary policies and codes of conduct.
We will cooperate with both the high school and postsecondary institution in fulfilling student responsibilities. We understand that any courses registered for,
or grades earned, become a permanent part of the students high school and college record. At the end of each quarter and/or semester, we authorize the
postsecondary institution to send all grades to the high school, including those for courses that are not a part of this agreement.
We understand that it is the student’s responsibility to receive approval from the high school representative for permission to drop or withdraw from the
course(s) listed above.
According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), all rights of access to student educational
records transfer from parent to student when the student is enrolled in a postsecondary institution. Accordingly, dual credit students still enrolled in high
school have rights of access to their postsecondary dual credit records. In order for the student to receive credit, transcripts of dual credit courses will be
shared among the secondary and postsecondary institution, the New Mexico Public Education and Higher Education Departments (NMPED/NMHED).
All data will be used and maintained in accordance with all federal and state statutes, regulations, and policies.
By signing below, I, the student, authorize the postsecondary institution listed above, to release all information concerning my academic records to my high
school, the NMPED, and the NMHED. I understand that information may be released orally, electronically, or on paper. I have the right to inspect any
written records released pursuant to this consent and understand that I may revoke this consent at any time.
We, the student and parent/guardian, certify that all the information furnished in this application is true to the best of our knowledge. We understand that
any misrepresentation of the facts may result in the immediate cancellation of the student application or registration.
High School Representative Signature Date High School Representative Name (print/type)
Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Curriculum Procedures Reference ManualDual Credit Program | 23
Postsecondary Representative Signature Date Postsecondary Representative Name (print/type)
Curriculum Procedures Reference ManualDual Credit Program | 24
For Higher Education Institution Administrative Use
Dual Credit Form Received by (print/type name) Date Entered by (print/type name) Date
Completed/Signed Next Step Plan Reviewed Student Meets Course(s) Prerequisites Student High School Transcript Received
PARCC Scores (Circle)
Reading Writing ELA Geometry Algebra2 Math
PSAT Scores
g Math
Accuplacer or Other Scores (Circle)
Math English Essay ESL
Agreement of Parties
A. STUDENT & PARENT. Endorsement of the Dual Credit Form by the STUDENT and PARENT, unless the STUDENT is 18 years old, shall be evidence that they possess an
awareness of, and agree with the following provisions. For purposes of this agreement, Local Education Agency (LEA) means public school districts, state chartered charter
schools, state-supported schools and Bureau of Indian Education-funded high schools; Higher Education Institution (HEI) means public two-year colleges and four-year
1. Admission and Enrollment of Students. For a student to be accepted and enrolled into the dual credit program, the STUDENT shall:
a. Discuss potential dual credit courses with the appropriate LEA and HEI staff. This discussion shall include HEI admission and registration requirements, course
requirements, credits to be attempted, congruence with student Next Step Plan, credits to be awarded, scheduling under dual credit, and implications for failure to
successfully complete the course;
b. Obtain course requirements for each course, including course prerequisites, course content, grading policy, attendance requirements, course completion
requirements, performance standards, and other related course information;
c. Meet the prerequisites and requirements of the course(s) to be taken;
d. Complete this Dual Credit Request Form available online or in hard copy from the LEA or HEI;
e. Return this Dual Credit Request Form with the specific courses requested, required signatures and, if applicable, a current high school transcript, and copies of
either Compass or Accuplacer assessment results to an LEA representative;
f. Obtain approval for enrolling in the dual credit program each semester by acquiring all necessary signatures on the Dual Credit Request Form and submitting this
form to an HEI representative;
g. Register for courses during standard registration periods of the partner HEI (NOTE: enrollments shall not be permitted after the close of posted late registration);
h. Discuss any request for a change in registration (add, drop, withdrawal), recognizing that “audit is not allowed for a dual credit course, and complete all necessary
forms and procedures with appropriate LEA and HEI staff; and
i. Comply with HEI and LEA student codes of conduct and other institutional policies.
2. Rights and Privileges of Student. The right and privileges of STUDENTS participating in the dual credit program include:
a. The rights and privileges equal to those extended to LEA and HEI students, unless otherwise excluded by any section of this Agreement;
b. The use of HEI library, course related labs and other instructional facilities, use of HEI programs and services such as counseling, tutoring, advising, and special
services for students with disabilities, and access to HEI personnel and resources as required; and
c. The right to appeal, in writing to the LEA or HEI, as applicable, any decision pertaining to enrollment in the dual credit program.
3. Financial Responsibility for Funding Dual Credit. The STUDENT shall:
a. Return the textbooks and unused course supplies to the LEA when the student completes the course or withdraws from the course;
b. Arrange transportation to the site of the dual credit course. Depending upon the time and course location, the student may have access to transportation through
the LEA if the dual credit course is offered during the school day; and
c. Be responsible for course-specific (e.g. lab, computer) fees.
4. Confidentiality of Student Records.
a. Student educational records created as a result of this Agreement shall be retained and disseminated in accordance with FERPA requirements;
b. Participation in the dual credit program requires STUDENT and/or PARENT/GUARDIAN signatures on this Dual Credit Request Form to comply with FERPA
5. High School and Higher Education Institution Calendars.
The regular operating institutional calendar and schedule of HEI shall be observed by STUDENTS earning dual credit. Dual credit STUDENTS are required to comply with
the requirements of both the LEA and HEI official calendars. In instances in which the calendars are incongruent, the dual credit STUDENT is required to independently
satisfy both calendar requirements and may consult with school counselors for assistance.
B. LEA. Endorsement of this Dual Credit Request Form shall be evidence the LEA has and will comply with the provisions outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement
between the HEI and the LEA.
C. HEI. Endorsement of this Dual Credit Request Form shall be evidence that the HEI has and will comply with the provisions outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement
between the LEA and the HEI.