Techno-Economic Renewable
Energy Potential on
Tribal Lands
Anelia Milbrandt
, Donna Heimiller,
Paul Schwabe
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
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Technical Report
July 2018
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
15013 Denver West Parkway
Golden, CO 80401
303-275-3000 •
Techno-Economic Renewable
Energy Potential on
Tribal Lands
Anelia Milbrandt, Donna Heimiller,
and Paul Schwabe
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Suggested Citation
Milbrandt, Anelia, Donna Heimiller, and Paul Schwabe. 2018. Techno-
Economic Renewable Energy Potential on Tribal Lands. Golden, CO:
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-6A20-70807.
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) at
Technical Report
July 2018
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
This work was authored by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable
Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding
provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs. The views expressed in
the article do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S. Government.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
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Cover Photos by Dennis Schroeder: (left to right) NREL 26173, NREL 18302, NREL 19758, NREL 29642, NREL 19795.
NREL prints on paper that contains recycled content.
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This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy and
Programs. We especially thank Lizana Pierce, Project Officer and Deployment Supervisor, for
her support and direction throughout this project. We thank Elizabeth Doris and Sherry Stout
from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for their leadership, guidance, and
feedback on this work. We acknowledge the geospatial support provided by Meghan Mooney,
Galen Maclaurin, and Evan Rosenlieb from NREL. We also thank our external and internal
reviewers: Austin Brown, Executive Director, University of California, Davis, Policy Institute
for Energy, Environment, and the Economy; Jana Ganion, Sustainability and Government
Affairs Director, Blue Lake Rancheria, California; and Anthony Lopez, David Hurlbut, and
Philipp Beiter from NREL.
This study serves as a reference for the renewable energy resource potential data used in the
Tribal Energy Atlas available at The Atlas is an
interactive geospatial application that allows users to view resources, infrastructure,
demographic, and other information relevant to energy resources on tribal lands, as well as query
the data and perform simple analyses. Although this report is specific to renewable energy data,
the Atlas also includes conventional infrastructure and market information. Additional
information about the Atlas is available in Appendix B of this report.
The views and opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those
of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Neither the United States Government
nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied,
or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of
any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not
infringe privately owned rights.
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Nomenclature and List of Acronyms
ATB Annual Technology Baseline
CSP concentrating solar power
EIA U.S. Energy Information Administration
GW gigawatt
GWh gigawatt-hour
h hour
km kilometer
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
LACE levelized avoided cost of energy
LCOE levelized cost of electricity
m meter
MW megawatt
MWh megawatt-hour
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
OTSA Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area
POR period of record
PV photovoltaic
SDTSA State Designated Tribal Statistical Area
TSA Tribal Statistical Area
TW terawatt
TWh terawatt-hour
ton short ton
tonne metric ton
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Executive Summary
Renewable energy technologies provide opportunities for diversification, energy independence,
environmental sustainability, and new revenue streams for Native American tribes, Alaska
Native villages, and Alaska Native Corporations. Many of these lands are in areas that have
abundant renewable energy, such as wind, solar, and biomass.
This study estimates the technical and economic potential for renewable energy development on
tribal lands. Renewable energy technical potentialrepresents the achievable energy generation
of a particular technology given system performance, topographic limitations, environmental,
and land-use constraints” (Lopez et al. 2012). The primary benefit of assessing technical
potential is that it establishes an upper boundary estimate of development potential and is not
meant to imply market potential. Renewable energy economic potential represents the
economically viable renewable generation that is available in an area. Economic potential is “the
subset of available resource technical potential where the cost required to generate the electricity
(which determines the minimum revenue requirements for development of the resource) is below
the revenue available in terms of displaced energy and displaced capacity” (Brown et al. 2016).
This study was developed to support American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives in decision-
making as they evaluate technologies, potential scales of development, and economic viability.
The resources analyzed here include wind, solar photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar
power (CSP), woody biomass, biogas, geothermal, and hydropower. This study provides updated
information to a previous renewable energy technical potential analysis on tribal lands,
Geospatial Analysis of Renewable Energy Technical Potential on Tribal Lands by Elizabeth
Doris, Anthony Lopez, and Daniel Beckley. It includes current information, refined data,
additional locations (for distributed generation in Alaska), and an expanded scope that includes
an economic evaluation of the renewable energy potential.
Table ES-1 and Table ES-2 illustrate the results of the utility-scale technical potential on tribal
lands within the noted boundaries plus an extended area of 10 miles, respectively; economic
potential is presented separately. The utility-scale technical potential results are presented in
terms of capacity (maximum power output measured in kilowatts [kW], megawatts [MW], etc.)
and generation (the total amount of electricity generated by a power plant over a specific period
of time, e.g., kilowatt-hours [kWh], megawatt-hours [MWh], etc.). The analysis shows that the
utility-scale technical potential on tribal lands is approximately 6.5% of the total national
technical potential. (The tribal lands compose approximately 5.8% of the land area in the
contiguous United States.
) The technical potential doubles when we consider tribal lands plus
an extended area of 10 miles, which encompasses approximately 16.3% of the contiguous U.S.
land area.
These estimates are for tribal lands in the contiguous 48 states. Alaska Native villages
are included only in the distributed generation results.
This analysis includes some of the state reservation and statistical areas as part of the tribal boundaries geospatial
data set provided by the US Census Bureau. These locations were not included in the previous tribal technical
potential analysis (Doris, Lopez, and Beckley 2013); thus, the land estimate in the previous report was lower.
The expanded area of tribal lands plus the adjacent 10 miles is for illustrative purposes to better understand the
implications of land purchases.
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Table ES-1. Utility-Scale Technical Potential on Tribal Lands in the Contiguous 48 States
6,035 118,918 5% 10,689 197,087 5.4%
CSP 2,114 26,318 8% 7,701 92,994 8.3%
Wind 891 10,119 8.8% 2,394 30,781 7.8%
0.033 5.7 0.6% 0.228 39 0.6%
0.542 34 1.6% 2 156 1.6%
Hydropower 21 62 34.4% 124 342 36.4%
9,063 155,457 5.8% 20,912 321,401 6.5%
Each technology is evaluated separately; the same land area might be available for many technologies.
Table ES-2. Utility-Scale Extended (Tribal Land Base Plus Adjacent 10 Miles) Technical Potential
on Tribal Lands in the Contiguous 48 States
Tribal Area
13,281 118,918 11.2% 22,736 197,087 11.5%
CSP 4,012 26,318 15% 14,703 92,994 15.8%
Wind 1,816 10,119 18% 4,940 30,781 16%
0.508 5.7 9% 3.5 39 9%
3.7 34 10.7% 16.8 156 10.7%
Hydropower 39 62 63% 225 342 65.8%
19,153 155,457 12.3% 42,625 321,401 13.3%
Each technology is evaluated separately; the same land area might be available for many technologies.
This report also provides an economic assessment of the utility-scale renewable energy
technologies by comparing the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) to the regional wholesale market
price of electricity based on 2017 price estimates. Inputs to the model include renewable energy
cost and generation attributes, regional market electricity prices, and energy-support policies,
among other factors. The results of this assessment indicate a sizeable but variable potential for
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land-based wind and utility-scale PV. Under this analysis, the economic potential for tribal land-
based wind exceeds 1 GW, which could produce more than 3 TWh annually. For utility-scale
PV, it is more than 61 GW, which could produce nearly 116 TWh of electricity annually.
Assuming an average installed price of $1,219/kW and $1,573/kW for solar and wind
respectively, this economic potential represents over $75 billion in project investment. The
economic potential is highly sensitive to the input assumptions used; thus, the results of this
analysis should be considered case-specific and illustrative only.
Technical potential estimates for distributed generation are provided for biogas only. For the
remaining technologies, we provide a discussion on siting considerations due to the nature of
these technologies and data availability. Biogas potential is defined by the resource availability at
existing facilities, but technologies such as wind and PV can be placed almost anywhere within
the tribal area based on need. We have site-specific information for biogas, but for the other
technologies this information is unknown. Regarding economic potential (giving the varying
performance and LCOE that systems could have), we provide estimates of the lowest LCOE that
could occur in tribal areas as a guidepost for further investigation. Distributed wind and PV
potential exists for every tribal area; however, in low-resource areas the resulting LCOE is high
and might not be competitive with grid electricity prices. Many tribal lands have good biogas
potential from the sources examined here (animal manure, wastewater sludge, and landfill
material); it is likely that many locations might have good biogas potential from food waste
given the number of casinos on tribal lands, especially casinos that have large food services on-
site. On a site-specific basis, distributed hydropower systems are feasible on tribal lands.
Future research may include procuring higher resolution data for solar, detailed data for
hydropower, and complete biomass data for Alaska. A biogas potential analysis for food waste at
casinos would provide additional understanding of this technology development potential on
tribal lands and support tribes’ decisions regarding alternative uses of these waste materials.
Future work in the economic potential assessment may include incorporating both in-region and
out-of-region transmission costs; environmental benefits; policy drivers, such as renewable
portfolio standards; and any sensitivities to tax-oriented policies. It is also important to
understand how economic competitiveness can change when considering future modifications to
renewable energy costs and projections for the broader market, prices of energy, and other
related factors. This constantly changing cost profile is particularly important in determining the
relative value of renewable energy compared to other replacement sources of energy.
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Technical Potential ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Wind (Land-Based) ................................................................................................................................ 4
Data Information ........................................................................................................................... 4
Analysis Methodology .................................................................................................................. 4
Results .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Distributed-Scale Discussion and Results ..................................................................................... 7
Solar ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Photovoltaics ................................................................................................................................. 7
Concentrating Solar Power .......................................................................................................... 11
Biomass ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Woody Biomass .......................................................................................................................... 16
Biogas ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Food Waste Discussion ............................................................................................................... 25
Geothermal (Hydrothermal) ................................................................................................................. 26
Data Information ......................................................................................................................... 27
Analysis Methodology ................................................................................................................ 27
Results ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Hydropower .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Data Information ......................................................................................................................... 29
Analysis Methodology ................................................................................................................ 30
Results ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Distributed-Scale Discussion and Results ................................................................................... 33
Utility-Scale Economic Potential ............................................................................................................. 34
Data Information .................................................................................................................................. 34
Analysis Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 37
Caveats ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Results .................................................................................................................................................. 38
Distributed Generation Economic Indicators ......................................................................................... 40
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................... 44
References ................................................................................................................................................. 47
Appendix A: Technology-Specific Exclusions and Constraints .......................................................... 51
Appendix B: Tribal Energy Atlas ............................................................................................................. 53
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List of Figures
Figure 1. Levels of renewable energy potential ............................................................................................ 1
Figure 2. Wind generation potential by reservation ...................................................................................... 6
Figure 3. Wind generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles adjacent to the
tribal land boundaries) ............................................................................................................. 6
Figure 4. Photovoltaic generation potential by reservation .......................................................................... 9
Figure 5. Photovoltaic generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles adjacent
to the tribal land boundaries) .................................................................................................. 10
Figure 6. Concentrating solar power generation potential by reservation .................................................. 13
Figure 7. Concentrating solar power generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10
miles adjacent to the tribal land boundaries) .......................................................................... 14
Figure 8. Biopower generation potential by reservation ............................................................................. 18
Figure 9. Biopower generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles adjacent to
the tribal land boundaries) ...................................................................................................... 19
Figure 10. Biogas power generation potential by reservation ..................................................................... 23
Figure 11. Biogas power generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles
adjacent to the tribal land boundaries) ................................................................................... 24
Figure 12. Casinos with restaurants on tribal lands .................................................................................... 26
Figure 13. Geothermal generation potential by reservation ........................................................................ 28
Figure 14. Geothermal generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles adjacent
to the tribal land boundaries) .................................................................................................. 29
Figure 15. Hydropower generation potential by reservation ...................................................................... 31
Figure 16. Hydropower generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles adjacent
to the tribal land boundaries) .................................................................................................. 32
Figure 17. Market price estimate with projected price changes from 20142034 and levelized to an
effective current price ............................................................................................................ 36
Figure 18. Potential distributed wind levelized cost of energy in tribal areas ............................................ 41
Figure 19. Potential distributed photovoltaic levelized cost of energy in tribal areas ................................ 42
Figure 20. Potential biogas levelized cost of energy in tribal areas ............................................................ 42
Figure 21. Potential small-scale hydropower levelized cost of energy in tribal areas ................................ 43
Screenshot of the interactive Tribal Energy Atlas tool. .............................................................................. 53
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List of Tables
Table ES-1. Utility-Scale Technical Potential on Tribal Lands in the Contiguous 48 States ...................... vi
Table ES-2. Utility-Scale Extended (Tribal Land Base Plus Adjacent 10 Miles) Technical Potential on
Tribal Lands in the Contiguous 48 States ............................................................................... vi
Table 1. Technical Potential Exclusions for Wind........................................................................................ 4
Table 2. Wind Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands ............................................................. 5
Table 3. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Wind Electricity Generation ......... 7
Table 4. Technical Potential Exclusions for Utility-Scale Photovoltaics ..................................................... 8
Table 5. Photovoltaic Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands .................................................. 9
Table 6. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Photovoltaic Electricity Generation
................................................................................................................................................ 11
Table 7. Technical Potential Exclusions for Utility-Scale Concentrating Solar Power .............................. 12
Table 8. Concentrating Solar Power Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands ......................... 13
Table 9. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Concentrating Solar Power
Electricity Generation ............................................................................................................ 15
Table 10. Biomass Resource and Land Cover Pairings .............................................................................. 17
Table 11. Woody Biomass Power Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands............................. 18
Table 12. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Biopower Generation from
Woody Biomass Sources ....................................................................................................... 20
Table 13. Biogas Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands ....................................................... 23
Table 14. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Biogas Power Generation ......... 25
Table 15. Geothermal Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands ............................................... 27
Table 16. Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Geothermal Electricity Generation ....... 29
Table 17. Hydropower Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands .............................................. 30
Table 18. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Hydropower Generation ........... 33
Table 19. Overview of Renewable Energy Technology Cost Assumptions ............................................... 35
Table 20. Estimated Tribal Economic Potential for the 48 Contiguous States at Utility Scale Based on Site
Levelized Cost of Energy ....................................................................................................... 39
Table 21. Overview of Renewable Energy Technology Cost Assumptions (2015 U.S. Dollars) ............... 40
Table 22. Distributed Generation Range of Levelized Cost of Energy
..................................................... 41
Table 23. Utility-Scale Technical Potential on Tribal Lands in the Contiguous 48 States by Capacity and
Generation .............................................................................................................................. 44
Table 24. Utility-Scale Extended (Tribal Land Base Plus Adjacent 10 Miles) Technical Potential on
Tribal Lands in the Contiguous 48 States by Capacity and Generation ................................. 45
Table A-1. Utility-Scale Wind (Land-Based Only) .................................................................................... 51
Table A-2. Utility-Scale Photovoltaics ....................................................................................................... 51
Table A-3. Concentrating Solar Power ....................................................................................................... 52
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Renewable energy technologies could provide an opportunity for diversification, energy
independence, environmental sustainability, and new revenue streams for Native American
tribes, Alaska Native villages, and Alaska Native Corporations. Many of these lands are in areas
that have abundant renewable energy resources, such as wind, solar, and biomass.
The purpose of this study is to estimate the technical and economic potential for renewable
energy development on tribal lands. It aims to support tribes in decision-making as they evaluate
technologies, the potential scale of development, and economic viability. The resources analyzed
here include wind, solar photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP), woody
biomass, biogas, geothermal, and hydropower. This study provides updated information to a
previous renewable energy technical potential analysis on tribal lands (Doris, Lopez, and
Beckley 2013). It includes current information, refined data, additional locations (in Alaska), and
an expanded scope to include an economic evaluation of the renewable energy potential.
Note that there are several different levels of renewable energy potential, as illustrated in Figure
1, including resource, technical, economic, and market potential. This study focuses on technical
and economic potential estimates. Renewable energy technical potentialrepresents the
achievable energy generation of a particular technology given system performance, topographic
limitations, environmental, and land-use constraints” (Lopez et al. 2012). The primary benefit of
assessing technical potential is that it establishes an upper boundary estimate of development
Source: Doris, Lopez, and Beckley 2013
Figure 1. Levels of renewable energy potential
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Renewable energy economic potential represents the economically viable renewable generation
that is available in an area. Economic potential is “the subset of available resource technical
potential where the cost required to generate the electricity (which determines the minimum
revenue requirements for development of the resource) is below the revenue available in terms of
displaced energy and displaced capacity” (Brown et al. 2016).
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Technical Potential
Technical potential is an evaluation of the resource potential that theoretically could be
developed by considering the siting requirements for a given technology and incorporating the
technology-specific performance characteristics. This analysis uses a previously published
methodology (Lopez et. al. 2012; Doris, Lopez, and Beckley et al. 2013; Saur and Milbrandt
2014) that has been updated to reflect more recent modeled resource data sets and an improved
representation of the tribal land boundaries. It also expands the lands under consideration to
include areas near reservations that might be candidates for future acquisitions, for illustrative
purposes. The areas considered are within 10 miles of the tribal boundaries. Most of the results
discussed in this report focus on utility-scale development potential, but a summary of
distributed generation technology considerations is also included. Alaska Native villages are
included only in the distributed generation results and discussion.
The methodology for determining the technical potential on tribal lands is to:
1. Identify the resource areas associated with the tribal land boundaries and within 10 miles
of those lands.
2. Apply exclusions representing the technical feasibility limits for siting or implementing
that technology as appropriate (e.g., slopes, incompatible land use areas, etc.).
3. Estimate the available land area remaining that may be suitable for each technology’s
4. Apply technology-specific performance characteristics to estimate the potential installed
capacity and net generation.
Note that the technical potential estimate should be considered a maximum potential estimate.
Many considerations must be factored into a decision to develop a site (e.g., cost of
development, demand, alternative uses for the site). This analysis does not exclude culturally
sensitive areas or areas already in use that would not be appropriate for development that are not
part of national, publicly available data sets.
The boundaries for the Native American tribes, Alaska Native villages, and Alaska Native
Corporations were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau (2016). This is the most recent and
comprehensive database of tribal lands, and it includes federally recognized tribes, state
reservation lands, off-reservation trust lands, and tribal statistical areas (TSAs, e.g., Oklahoma
[OTSA] and State Designated [SDTSA] in tables of results).
Results are reported separately for
the U.S. Census boundaries and the areas including 10 miles surrounding the tribal land. Where
multiple tribal areas exist within 10 miles, the extended area was allocated to only the nearest
tribal boundary area.
In January 2018, six Virginia tribes received federal recognition: the Chickahominy, Eastern Chickahominy, Upper
Mattaponi, Rappahannock, Monacan, and Nansemond. Two of the tribes, Chickahominy and Eastern
Chickahominy, are included in this analysis, as we have information on their boundaries. At the time of publication,
we do not have geospatial data for the remaining four tribes; thus, they are not included in this study.
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The detailed methodologies for determining the available resource, as well as the technology
assumptions to convert the resource area to installed capacity and net generation, are described
for each resource type as follows.
Wind (Land-Based)
Wind power harvests energy by converting the kinetic energy of wind into electricity through
spinning wind turbine blades as the wind moves through an area. Wind is a variable generator,
and modeled hourly wind resource data are used in conjunction with specific wind turbine power
curves to estimate potential energy production. Utility-scale applications typically use wind
speeds at wind turbine hub heights of 80 m above the surface, as demonstrated in the 2016 Wind
Technologies Market Report (Wiser and Bolinger 2017).
Data Information
This analysis uses modeled wind resource data from the Wind Integration National Dataset
Toolkit (Draxl et al. 2015). This data set was developed as a high spatial (2 km x 2 km) and high
temporal (5-min) resolution data set for wind energy applications. It differs from wind resource
data used previously because the model’s period of record (POR) (2007–2013) is long enough to
capture some interannual variability but not long enough to be representative of the long-term
average resource, and because the coarser spatial resolution (2 km instead of 200 m–1 km) might
miss some wind-force features in complex terrain. Since the data are accessible free of charge to
the public, they can be used directly by tribal analysts for more detailed investigation.
Analysis Methodology
An annual average resource data set was created by summarizing the full POR of the data set for
a hub height of 80 m above ground and hourly wind speed values for the full POR processed
against a wind turbine power curve that was selected based on the annual average wind speed.
Technical Potential Exclusions
Wind power facilities comprise one or more individually placed wind turbines, often organized
in one or more rows oriented toward the prevailing wind direction. The individual placement of
wind turbines allows some flexibility in siting. This analysis did not use a minimum wind
resource threshold, but used the technical exclusions summarized in Table 1, which are listed in
detail in Appendix A. The exclusions are modified from those used in Lopez et al. (2012).
Table 1. Technical Potential Exclusions for Wind
Slopes > 20%
Incompatible land use areas (wetland, water, urban areas, non-ridgecrest forest)
Protected areas (parks, wilderness, wildlife refuges, etc.)
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Technology Characterization
A variety of wind turbine models are available that can be customized to optimize output from
specific wind climates. Three primary classes of turbines represent broad wind climates based on
the modeled annual average wind speed:
International Electrotechnical Commission Class 1: annual average wind speed > 9 m/s
International Electrotechnical Commission Class II: annual average wind speed between
8 m/s and 9 m/s
International Electrotechnical Commission Class III: annual average wind speed 8 m/s.
The installation density for a wind power facility is assumed to be 3 MW/km
. This reflects a
very open turbine spacing in a wind power facility and can be taken as a conservative estimate of
potential capacity. The hourly wind profiles for each modeled site were processed against the
selected wind turbine power curve using the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s)
System Advisor Model, a performance and financial model designed to facilitate decision-
making in the renewable energy industry.
Table 2 illustrates the results of this analysis and summarizes the wind generation and capacity
potential on tribal lands. The base resource potential is shown for comparative purposes. The
base potential represents the wind resource potential if all the land within the tribal boundary
were used for wind development. The table shows that approximately 40% of tribal land areas
(200,762 km
out of 497,942 km
) are excluded by the technical potential criteria. In the
expanded tribal area (within 10 miles of a reservation), approximately 57% of land areas
(806,329 km
out of 1,411,749 km
) are excluded.
Table 2. Wind Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands
Tribal lands (base potential) 3,991,272,885 1,493,825 497,942
Tribal lands (technical exclusions) 2,394,384,664 891,540 297,180
Expanded tribal lands (base potential) 11,202,177,751 4,235,247 1,411,749
Expanded tribal lands (technical potential) 4,940,289,138 1,816,261 605,420
Figure 2 and Figure 3 illustrate the wind generation potential by reservation and within the
extended areas, and Table 3 shows the 15 tribal lands with the highest technical potential for
wind electricity generation.
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Figure 2. Wind generation potential by reservation
Figure 3. Wind generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles adjacent
to the tribal land boundaries)
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Table 3. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Wind Electricity Generation
Tribal Area State
Navajo Arizona 329,108,277 162,427 54,142
Cheyenne-Arapaho Oklahoma
Tribal Statistical Area (OTSA) Oklahoma 192,695,076 53,715 17,905
Sill Apache OTSA Oklahoma 141,282,876 42,340 14,113
Chickasaw OTSA Oklahoma 129,052,128 40,094 13,365
Cheyenne River South Dakota 102,704,890 29,249 9,750
Cherokee OTSA Oklahoma 92,356,954 29,132 9,711
Choctaw OTSA Oklahoma 90,662,537 35,085 11,695
Pine Ridge South Dakota 87,626,718 24,273 8,091
Standing Rock North Dakota 84,382,346 23,324 7,775
Fort Peck Montana 77,546,643 21,523 7,174
Tohono O'odham Arizona 77,026,972 43,457 14,486
Creek OTSA Oklahoma 59,235,489 18,194 6,065
Blackfeet Montana 52,991,185 14,415 4,805
Uintah and Ouray Utah 52,474,520 30,159 10,053
Crow Montana 46,250,649 17,472 5,824
Distributed-Scale Discussion
Distributed-scale wind development typically consists of a single turbine or a few turbines, and
the turbines are smaller in size than those used for utility-scale development. Hub heights of 30
m–50 m are common, but they are also reported to range between 6 m and 100 m (Orrell et. al.
2017). In general, the wind resource is reduced as the hub height is lowered. The wind resource
at lower hub heights can be dramatically influenced by the surrounding topography and
vegetation, and extra care must be taken to site the turbines appropriately. Depending on the
wind climate, exposed topographic features, such as cleared ridge crests, could be more attractive
for development.
Broadly, tribal lands in Alaska, the western United States, and the Great Plains contain high-
quality resource potential for wind, even at lower hub heights. In the eastern and southeastern
United States, wind opportunities are more limited.
PV technologies directly convert the energy of the sun to electricity. Utility-scale PV links
multiple individual solar panels to a solar power facility. The solar panels can be set up simply as
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fixed flat-plate systems, or they can be designed to track the movement of the sun to increase
system performance.
Data Information
This analysis uses the latest update of the National Solar Radiation Database produced by NREL
in 2016 (Habte, Sengupta, and Lopez 2017). This data set has a higher spatial resolution than that
used in previous analyses (4 km instead of 10 km). Half-hourly resolution time-series data are
publicly available for the entire POR. Hourly summarized global solar horizontal irradiance for
the period from 2000–2014 was used to characterize system performance.
Analysis Methodology
Technical Potential Exclusions
Solar power facilities comprise multiple solar collectors that are physically connected in a
concentrated area. This analysis did not use a minimum solar resource threshold, but used the
technical exclusions summarized in Table 4, which are listed in detail in Appendix A. The
exclusions are modified from those in Lopez et al. (2012).
Table 4. Technical Potential Exclusions for Utility-Scale Photovoltaics
Slopes > 5%
Minimum contiguous area of 1 km
Incompatible land use areas (wetland, water, urban areas, forested areas)
Protected areas (parks, wilderness, wildlife refuges, etc.)
Technology Characterization
PV systems can be customized to individual solar site characteristics and project needs. For this
analysis, a single-axis tracking system was used to represent a typical utility-scale system as
described in the Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) developed by NREL (NREL 2017). Hourly
solar resource data for the POR 20002014 for each modeled site were used with this system
configuration to estimate long-term average system performance, with an assumption of 14%
system losses. The installation density for this type of solar power facility is assumed to be 32
Table 5 illustrates the results of this analysis and summarizes the PV generation and capacity
potential on tribal lands. The base resource potential is shown for comparative purposes. The
base potential represents the utility-scale PV resource potential if all the land within the tribal
boundary were to be used for PV development. This table shows that approximately 57% of
tribal land areas are excluded by the technical potential criteria used in the analysis. In the
expanded tribal area, approximately 67% of land areas are excluded.
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Table 5. Photovoltaic Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands
Tribal lands (base potential) 24,526,365,637 14,111,101 361,823
Tribal lands (technical exclusions) 10,689,346,455 6,035,850 154,765
Expanded tribal lands (base potential) 66,712,060,544 39,862,842 1,022,124
Expanded tribal lands (technical potential) 22,736,684,931 13,281,491 340,551
Figure 4 and Figure 5 illustrate the PV generation potential by reservation and within the
extended areas, and Table 6 shows the 15 tribal lands with the highest technical potential for PV
electricity generation.
Figure 4. Photovoltaic generation potential by reservation
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Figure 5. Photovoltaic generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles
adjacent to the tribal land boundaries)
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Table 6. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Photovoltaic Electricity
Tribal Area State
Land Area
Navajo Arizona 1,829,621,623 902,154 18,987
Cheyenne-Arapaho OTSA Oklahoma 908,307,892 498,444 10,188
Sill Apache OTSA Oklahoma 769,386,990 421,026 10,470
Chickasaw OTSA Oklahoma 618,421,613 354,212 12,525
Tohono O'odham Arizona 587,704,601 281,190 6,205
Cherokee OTSA Oklahoma 405,493,464 246,585 5,450
Choctaw OTSA Oklahoma 387,527,056 236,164 9,570
Cheyenne River
Dakota 327,094,263 209,098 4,207
Standing Rock
Dakota 311,995,049 203,589 8,069
Pine Ridge
Dakota 303,651,295 185,258 6,282
Fort Peck Montana 293,095,619 205,564 3,369
Hopi Arizona 267,273,652 130,149 1,541
Creek OTSA Oklahoma 248,846,869 149,093 3,505
Uintah and Ouray Utah 188,782,415 104,363 1,919
Wind River Wyoming 171,578,016 98,232 3,253
Distributed-Scale Discussion
Distributed-scale PV development typically consists of smaller roof- or ground-mounted panels
with a fixed tilt. Suitability for roof- and/or ground-mounted system installation might be
impacted by site characteristics, such as roof orientation, pitch, age, and shading from
surrounding buildings and vegetation. Battery storage systems paired with solar PV (and wind)
are increasingly common to achieve baseload power at all times and to better control power use
relative to peak demand charges and other energy rates. Although the increased solar resource
availability makes distributed PV more productive for tribes in the southern United States,
technical potential exists for every tribal area in the United States.
Concentrating Solar Power
CSP technologies use trough or tower systems that concentrate the heat energy of the sun into a
small area. Collected thermal energy is then transferred to high-temperature fluids (HTF),
commonly molten salt, which provides thermal energy capable of transferring water to steam,
which is applied to a turbine and produces electricity. This process enables a CSP system to store
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energy in HTF for a period of time or immediately transfer the thermal energy to power,
providing more flexibility in utilizing an intermittent solar resource.
Data Information
This analysis uses previously developed CSP technical potential data sets and the 2015 version
of the National Solar Radiation Database. This is a direct normal irradiation data set, and it has a
10-km spatial resolution.
Analysis Methodology
Technical Potential Exclusions
CSP facilities comprise multiple solar collectors focused on a central point, either a centrally
located tower or the center of a parabolic trough array. This characteristic necessitates that the
collectors are placed precisely to ensure that the collectors function correctly. The collectors
move to track the sun, so they use direct normal irradiance fully. A minimum solar resource
threshold was used in this analysis as an annual direct normal resource of 5 kWh/m
/d. Table 7
summarizes the technical exclusions, which are listed in detail in Appendix A. The exclusions
are modified from those in Lopez et al. (2012).
Table 7. Technical Potential Exclusions for Utility-Scale Concentrating Solar Power
Slopes > 3%
Minimum contiguous area of 1 km
Incompatible land use areas (wetland, water, urban areas)
Protected areas (parks, wilderness, wildlife refuges, etc.)
Technology Characterization
The system modeled consists of a solar power tower with a solar multiple of 2.4 and 10 h of
storage. System performance was modeled using NREL’s Solar Advisor Model and the typical
meteorological hourly profile data for each region. The installation density is assumed to be 19.4
Table 8 illustrates the results of this analysis and summarizes the CSP generation and capacity
potential on tribal lands. Figure 6 and Figure 7 illustrate the CSP generation potential by
reservation and within the extended areas, and Table 9 shows the 15 tribal lands with the highest
technical potential for CSP electricity generation. The resource threshold applied to the technical
potential effectively limits the results to the western United States, with some limited viable
areas in Florida.
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Table 8. Concentrating Solar Power Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands
Tribal lands (technical exclusions) 7,701,328,141 2,114,570 108,750
Expanded tribal lands (technical potential) 1,470,311,455 4,011,578 206,310
Note: This project is leveraging an existing analysis that was already filtered, thus we are unable to
calculate a base generation value.
Figure 6. Concentrating solar power generation potential by reservation
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Figure 7. Concentrating solar power generation potential by reservation (including extended areas
of 10 miles adjacent to the tribal land boundaries)
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Table 9. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Concentrating Solar Power
Electricity Generation
Tribal Area State
Land Area
Navajo Arizona 1,953,959,322 462,886 23,806
Sill Apache OTSA Oklahoma 830,492,318 262,618 13,506
Cheyenne-Arapaho OTSA Oklahoma 807,778,806 255,435 13,137
Tohono O'odham Arizona 686,027,362 161,827 8,323
Chickasaw OTSA Oklahoma 559,018,460 176,773 9,091
Hopi Arizona 259,499,142 60,227 3,097
Pine Ridge South Dakota 235,508,182 74,472 3,830
Uintah and Ouray Utah 199,351,312 52,982 2,725
Navajo Off-Reservation Trust
Land Arizona 175,386,888 42,047 2,162
Wind River Wyoming 132,807,983 41,268 2,122
Cheyenne River South Dakota 129,875,385 41,069 2,112
Rosebud South Dakota 109,666,172 34,679 1,783
Gila River Arizona 97,322,280 23,332 1,200
OTSA Oklahoma 77,964,977 24,654 1,268
Citizen Potawatomi-Absentee
Shawnee OTSA Oklahoma 72,205,787 22,833 1,174
Various biomass resources are available in the United States that are processed into electricity,
heat, fuels, and chemicals. These resources include (1) lignocellulosic material (plant biomass
that is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) such as woody biomass and crop
residues; (2) lipids such as vegetable oils, waste oils, and animal fats; (3) sugar or starch-based
crops; and (4) wet organic waste such as wastewater sludge, food waste, and animal manure.
This study focuses on estimating the power generation potential from woody biomass and biogas
(from wet organic waste) on tribal lands. Woody biomass is the main resource used for biopower
generation in the United States, while the use of agricultural crop residues is insignificant
(Warner et al. 2017). Biogas potential is examined because of its rising capacity in recent years:
landfill gas supplied approximately 18% of total U.S. biopower generation in 2015, an increase
from 9.5% in 2003 (Warner et al. 2017).
The focus of this analysis is on dedicated, utility-scale biopower potential from woody biomass
and distributed biogas potential. For additional analysis, future work may estimate the heat
generation potential from biomass (e.g., pellets production) because those applications are better
suited for on-site feasibility studies in which local resources and market conditions can be
examined in more detail. Future work may also investigate the combined heat and power
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potential from biomass sources, the potential for alternative transportation fuels production, or
biochar for applications such as soil amendment and remediation.
Woody Biomass
Data Information
The woody biomass material considered in this study includes the following types.
Forest Residues
Forest residues include logging residues and other removable material left after silviculture
operations and site conversions. Logging residue comprises unused portions of trees that were
cut or killed by logging and left in the woods. Other removable materials are the unused trees cut
or killed during logging operations. The database used in this analysis illustrates 65% of logging
residues and 50% of other removals, which is the portion that could be collected as biomass. The
remaining portion is to be left on the field to maintain ecological functions. Data were gathered
from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Timber Product Output Database for
Primary Mill Residues
Primary mill residues include wood materials (coarse and fine) and bark generated at
manufacturing facilities (primary wood-using mills) when round wood products are processed
into primary wood products, such as slabs, edgings, trimmings, sawdust, veneer clippings and
cores, and pulp screenings. Note that most of this resource is currently used on site to offset
facilities’ energy consumption. Data were gathered from the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Forest Service Timber Product Output Database for 2012.
Secondary Mill Residues
Secondary mill residues include wood scraps and sawdust from woodworking shops—furniture
factories, wood container and pallet mills, and wholesale lumberyards. Data on the number of
businesses by county were gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2012 County Business
Patterns and further processed to estimate the amount of secondary mill residues by county.
Urban Wood Waste
Urban wood waste includes wood material from municipal solid waste (such as wood chips and
pallets), utility tree trimming and/or private tree companies, and construction and demolition
sites. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau (2012 population data and County Business Patterns)
and BioCycle (2010) were used and further processed to estimate the amount of urban wood
waste by county.
Note that woody biomass data for Alaska are very limited. The state has vast forest resources,
and information on the total forest biomass is available (Alaska Energy Authority 2016; U.S.
Forest Service 2011); however, limited data exist on the amount of resources that could be
sustainably harvested, such as forest and primary mill residues, which are the focus of this study.
Therefore, the estimates for biopower potential in Alaska villages should be considered partial. It
is reasonable to assume that the biopower potential in those locations is larger than estimated
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Analysis Methodology
The U.S. Geological Survey 2011 National Land Cover Database 30-meter land use and land
cover data set was used to disaggregate the county-level woody biomass resource estimates to
the subcounty level. The 2011 National Land Cover Database is the most recent national and
spatially resolved land cover data set created by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics
Consortium (Homer et al. 2015). Using the National Land Cover Database as the disaggregation
unit, we identified and paired each biomass resource type with its most appropriate
corresponding land cover value (Table 10). Biomass resource values were then proportionally
allocated to the tribal lands based on the total percentage area of resource (land cover type)
intersecting the tribal lands within a given county. Final tribal estimates are the summation of
their intersecting county estimates.
Table 10. Biomass Resource and Land Cover Pairings
Land Cover
Woody Biomass Resource
National Land Cover Database Multi-
Resolution Land Characteristics
Consortium Raster Values
Forest Forest residues
Primary mill residues
Deciduous forest
Evergreen forest
Mixed forest
Urban Urban wood waste
Secondary mill residues
Developed, low intensity
Developed, medium intensity
Developed, high intensity
The technical potential for bioenergy generation is calculated by assuming 1.1 MWh per dry
tonne, which represents an average solid biomass system output with an industry-average
conversion efficiency of 20% and a high heating value of 8,500 Btu/lb (Lopez et al. 2012). Also,
this analysis assumes that all biomass resources considered were available for biopower, and it
did not evaluate competing uses such as heat applications or biofuels production.
Table 11 illustrates the results of this analysis and summarizes the woody biomass power
generation and capacity potential on tribal lands. Significantly more woody biomass is available
within the extended areas. The 10-mile radius is illustrativein general, biomass resources could
be collected within a 50-mile radius to keep the transportation cost reasonable; thus, the
biopower potential under the extended scenario could be even higher. Figure 8 and Figure 9
illustrate the woody biomass power generation potential by reservation and within the extended
areas, and Table 12 shows the 15 tribal lands with the highest technical potential for biopower
According to the Alaska Energy Authority, more than 999,800 tons of wood are burned in the
form of cordwood, chips, and pellets annually (Alaska Energy Authority 2016). Our limited
database for woody biomass (which would be the equivalent of chips) indicates that
approximately 365,000 dry tons are produced in the state annually.
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Table 11. Woody Biomass Power Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands
Tribal lands 2,472,201 542
Expanded tribal lands 16,786,866 3,678
Figure 8. Biopower generation potential by reservation
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Figure 9. Biopower generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles
adjacent to the tribal land boundaries)
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Table 12. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Biopower Generation from
Woody Biomass Sources
Tribal Area State
Choctaw OTSA Oklahoma 446,235 98
Coeur d'Alene Reservation Idaho 140,250 31
Lumbee SDTSA North Carolina 121,055 27
Nez Perce Reservation Idaho 118,971 26
Cherokee OTSA Oklahoma 111,857 25
Creek OTSA Oklahoma 97,611 21
Quinault Reservation Washington 96,688 21
Yakama Nation Reservation Washington 89,925 20
Haliwa-Saponi SDTSA North Carolina 83,507 18
Menominee Reservation Wisconsin 60,221 13
Echota Cherokee SDTSA Alabama 59,539 13
Leech Lake Reservation Minnesota 56,873 12
Chickasaw OTSA Oklahoma 41,745 9
Adais Caddo SDTSA Louisiana 41,030 9
Warm Springs Reservation Oregon 38,573 8
Distributed-Scale Discussion
Distributed biomass power generation systems can range from less than 1 MW50 MW,
depending on the amount of available biomass resources (Patel 2012). The most common
biomass generators at the distributed scale make use of the power plants’ waste heat to provide
needed thermal energy, which allows projects to be economically viable (NREL 2016). In the
United States, most combined heat and power systems are installed in large industrial facilities
that have significant electrical and thermal loads as well as significant waste streams (such as
lumber or paper mills) that serve as free fuels that would otherwise incur a disposal cost (NREL
Gasification is another conversion technology well suited for small-scale biopower applications.
It is a thermo-chemical process that converts organic material through partial oxidation into an
energy-rich gas (syngas) that can fuel steam generators, combustion turbines, combined-cycle
technologies, or fuel cells. There are, however, technical challenges regarding gas cleanup and
ash problems that limit the development of this technology. More research is needed to
overcome the technical barriers of biomass gasification for further commercialization.
Biogas is the gaseous product of anaerobic digestion, a biological process in which
microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. Biogas is
comprised of primarily methane and carbon dioxide and might have some amounts of other
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elements, such as water, nitrogen, hydrogen, and ammonia. Biogas via anaerobic digestion is
produced from various sources, such as organic landfill waste, animal manure, wastewater
sludge, and waste from food-processing industries. Biogas can also be produced from
lignocellulosic material through thermochemical conversions, such as gasification, but most
biogas in the United States and globally is produced via anaerobic digestion of organic waste.
With minor cleanup (e.g., siloxane removal), biogas is used to generate electricity and heat. To
fuel vehicles, biogas must be processed to a higher purity standard. This process is called
conditioning or upgrading, and it involves the removal of water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulfide, and other trace elements. The resulting gas, also called biomethane or renewable natural
gas, has a higher content of methane than raw biogas, which makes it comparable to
conventional natural gas and, thus, a suitable energy source in applications that require pipeline-
quality gas. This study focuses on evaluating the biogas potential via anaerobic digestion from
organic waste for electricity generation.
Data Information
This study includes the following biogas sources.
Wastewater is rich in organic matter, and anaerobic digestion is often used to reduce sludge (the
untreated solids that remain after wastewater processing) as part of sludge management at
wastewater treatment facilities. In recent years, more treatment facilities use the produced biogas
on-site in heat and power applications. Data on the volume of wastewater flow at each treatment
facility (approximately 15,000 across the United States) were gathered from the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s 2012 Clean Watersheds Needs Survey (2017a).
Animal Manure
Manure is an organic material containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other nutrients.
Land application is the most common disposal pathway for this material, but more livestock
operations are implementing on-site power plant energy recovery via anaerobic digestion. Data
on the number of heads and volume of manure produced at dairy, beef, and swine concentrated
feeding operations across the United States (more than 32,000 locations) were provided by
Timothy Seiple (Personal communication, March 2017) and Milbrandt et al. (2018).
Organic Landfill Waste
The organic portion of solid waste disposed in landfills (e.g., food and yard waste) decomposes
to form biogas. The biogas from landfills is generally called landfill gas because of the digestion
process taking place in the ground rather than in an anaerobic digester. Data on the landfill
locations and amount of waste were gathered from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s
Landfill Methane Outreach Program (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2017b). Note that
only “candidate” landfills are included in this study, not existing landfill gas projects. The
outreach program defines a candidate landfill as one that is accepting waste or has been closed
for 5 years or less; has at least 1 million tons of waste; and does not have an operational, under-
construction, or planned project. Candidate landfills can also be designated based on actual
interest in the site. Note that as of March 2017, there were 407 candidate landfills in the country;
however, only 250 of those locations had the detailed data necessary for our analysis. Therefore,
the landfill gas estimate should be considered partial.
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Analysis Methodology
The analysis methodology for estimating the biogas potential from wastewater and organic
landfill waste is adopted from Saur and Milbrandt (2014), and the methodology for estimating
biogas potential from animal manure is derived from Fulhage, Sievers, and Fischer et al. (2017)
and briefly described here. Given that methane is the usable portion of biogas, estimates are
shown as methane potential and subsequently converted to electricity generation potential.
The biogas potential from wastewater is estimated to be approximately 1 cubic foot per 100
gallons of wastewater, and methane is assumed to be 65% by volume. The annual methane
potential is calculated as shown in Equation 1: Annual methane potential for wastewater:
 ℎ  (/)
1 
100  
. 662  
where q is the wastewater flow in gallons per year.
The biogas potential from organic landfill waste is estimated to be approximately 300 standard
cubic feet per minute of landfill gas per 1 million tons of waste-in-place, and methane is assumed
to be 50% by volume. The landfill gas generation is affected by whether the site is closed or if
new waste is being acceptedit is not a steady quantity over time. For open candidate landfills,
the waste-in-place data are normalized to the year 2016 by taking the waste-in-place in the
recorded year, different for each record, and adding additional years of waste based on the
annual waste acceptance rate of the site up to the year 2016. For closed candidate landfills, the
waste-in-place was calculated similarly to the open landfills, but additional years of waste are
added only up to the year the site closed. Only landfills that closed within the last 5 years were
included in this analysis. The annual methane potential is then calculated as shown in Equation
2: Annual methane potential equation for organic landfill waste:
 ℎ  (/)
= 
300  
1   
50% 
0.0423 
1 
525,600 
2204.62 
where WIP is waste-in-place in million tons of waste in 2016 for open landfills and for the year
closed for closed landfills.
The biogas potential from manure is estimated for each animal type, and it assumes that methane
is 60% by volume. The annual methane potential is calculated as shown in Equation 3: Annual
methane potential equation for animal manure:
 ℎ  (/) = K 365
60% 
2204.62 
where N = head count, K = potential biogas production in cubic feet per animal unit per day
(dairy: 22.7, beef: 31, and swine: 4.1), and p = density of methane [0.0413 lb/ft
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The technical potential for electricity generation from biogas sources is calculated by assuming
4.7 MWh/tonne of methane, which represents a typical gaseous biomass system output with an
industry-average conversion efficiency of 30% and a high heating value of 24,250 Btu/lb (Lopez
et al. 2012).
Table 13 illustrates the results of this analysis and summarizes the power generation and capacity
potential from biogas on tribal lands. Figure 10 and Figure 11 illustrate the power generation
potential from biogas by reservation and within the extended areas, and Table 14 shows the 15
tribal lands with the highest technical potential for biogas electricity generation. Many
reservations have good biogas potential from the sources examined here, but this potential is
significantly higher if tribes consider expanding their lands to surrounding areas. Note that
biogas estimates are site-specific and were aggregated to reservation level for mapping purposes.
Table 13. Biogas Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands
Technical Potential
Net Generation
Tribal area 391,591
Expanded tribal area 2,701,106
Figure 10. Biogas power generation potential by reservation
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Figure 11. Biogas power generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles
adjacent to the tribal land boundaries)
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Table 14. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Biogas Power Generation
Tribal Area State Net Generation (MWh)
Chickasaw OTSA Oklahoma 61,217
Kiowa-Comanche-Apache-Fort Sill Apache
OTSA Oklahoma 43,699
Cher-O-Creek SDTSA Alabama 38,104
Lumbee SDTSA North Carolina 33,742
Cheyenne-Arapaho OTSA Oklahoma 29,608
Omaha Nebraska 23,417
MaChis Lower Creek State Designated Tribal
Statistical Area (SDTSA) Alabama 22,997
Creek OTSA Oklahoma 17,961
Yankton South Dakota 16,872
Cherokee OTSA Oklahoma 15,157
Osage Oklahoma 14,536
Puyallup Washington 13,533
Coharie SDTSA North Carolina 11,549
Choctaw OTSA Oklahoma 6,756
Winnebago Nebraska 4,610
Food Waste Discussion
Food waste refers to food that is fit for human consumption but is not consumed because it is left
to spoil or discarded by retailers or consumers (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations 2017). Food waste is another resource for biogas production, usually co-digested with
other material, such as wastewater sludge, but it could be digested separately as well. Food waste
comes from various sources: industrial (e.g., food processors), institutional (e.g., hotels,
hospitals), commercial (e.g., restaurants and supermarkets) and residential, as well as at point of
production (power plants).
The main food waste generation sources on tribal lands are casinos. There are approximately 486
Indian gaming operations in the United States (500 Nations 2017; Indian Gaming 2017; National
Indian Gaming Commission 2017); however, not all have restaurants on-site—our research
indicates that approximately 394 locations have at least one restaurant on-site (Figure 12). The
rest of the operations might have some limited food services on-site, but they are too small to be
considered candidates for biogas generation.
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Figure 12. Casinos with restaurants on tribal lands
A single restaurant can produce approximately 25,000–75,000 lb (12.5–37.5 tons) of food waste
in 1 year (Business Insider 2016). Our research indicates that there are approximately 1,077
restaurants at tribal casinos; thus, the amount of food waste that is generated annually could be
between 13,500 tons and 40,000 tons. This amount corresponds to approximately 756–2,300
tonnes of methane, or 3.6–11 GWh of electricity. Because of a lack of data, we are unable to
estimate the biogas potential from food waste at each casino. Without detailed on-site
information, estimates would be misleading because each location varies in terms of restaurant
size, number of seats, number of employees, hours of operation, etc. For reference, almost half of
the casinos (48%) have one restaurant on-site (some could be small or very large), approximately
19% have more than five restaurants, and less than 3% have more than 10 restaurants. Casinos
with a small amount of food waste can provide it to nearby larger casinos, or tribes can collect
the food waste from all casinos on their lands to achieve optimum biogas generation potential
and minimize waste disposal.
Geothermal (Hydrothermal)
Geothermal energy harnesses the heat content of the earth and converts it to electricity. There are
several ways to access this heat content. This analysis considers only hydrothermal resources.
These geothermal reservoirs of steam or hot water occur naturally where magma comes close
enough to the surface to heat ground water trapped in fractured or porous rocks or where water
circulates deep along faults (University of Colorado Boulder 2017). Hydrothermal resources are
used for different energy purposes depending on their temperature and depth. Previous technical
potential analyses for tribal lands also included estimates for enhanced geothermal systems
(engineered geothermal systems, as an alternative to natural convective hydrothermal resources,
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that recover geothermal heat from dry hot rocks), but this technology is not included here
because it is still developing and unlikely to be feasible for near-term development opportunities.
Data Information
The sites used in this analysis have been characterized by the United States Geological Survey
(Williams et al. 2008), and development of the data set included an evaluation of nearby
potential exclusionary conditions. Additionally, the nature of geothermal energy extraction
allows broad flexibility in siting the geothermal facility; it can be located outside of protected
areas, and energy can be extracted laterally through the hot water reservoirs. Given these
considerations, no additional technical exclusions were applied to the identified geothermal sites.
Analysis Methodology
The published U.S. Geological Survey data set includes characterization of the temperature
resource, potential installed capacity, and a representative location for the identified resource
site. This information was used in this analysis, but it was modified to account for geothermal
capacity that has already been developed at a site.
Table 15 illustrates the results of this analysis and summarizes the hydrothermal generation and
capacity potential on tribal lands. Figure 13 and Figure 14 illustrate the geothermal generation
potential by reservation and within the extended areas. Only three identified geothermal sites fall
within the tribal boundaries directly (Table 16), and an additional 23 sites are identified within
the expanded tribal area.
Table 15. Geothermal Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands
Tribal lands 228,251 33
Expanded tribal lands 3,558,943 508
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Figure 13. Geothermal generation potential by reservation
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Figure 14. Geothermal generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles
adjacent to the tribal land boundaries)
Table 16. Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Geothermal Electricity Generation
Tribal Area State
Net Generation
Pyramid Lake Paiute Nevada 121,729 17
Fort Bidwell California 64,053 9
Warm Springs Oregon 42,468 6
Hydropower energy is extracted from the kinetic energy of flowing water. In many cases, natural
systems are enhanced or manipulated by creating impoundments (dams) to increase the amount
of water flow or water drop height. Hydropower is one of the oldest sources of energy for
producing mechanical and electrical energy (U.S. Energy Information Administration [EIA]
2017a). Because the source of hydroelectric power is water, hydroelectric power facilities are
located on or near a water source (EIA 2017a).
Data Information
This analysis uses modeled hydropower resource data created by Oak Ridge National Laboratory
for new stream-reach potential (Kao et al. 2014), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory published
an analysis of the potential that could be extracted from existing nonpowered dams (Hadjerioua,
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Wei, and Kao 2012). The nonpowered dams are represented by a point location; the new stream-
reach data are represented as a polygonal area containing a stream segment being modeled.
Analysis Methodology
Technical Potential Exclusions
The analysis was completed separately for each hydro resource data set. No technical potential
exclusions were applied to the nonpowered dams because these are existing hydropower
installations to which energy extraction is being added. For the new stream-reach resource data
set, the analysis excluded areas that fell completely within environmental areas that would be
limited to development (i.e., parks and wilderness areas). However, many of the stream-reach
polygons that intersected excluded areas intersected only in part and would need further
evaluation to determine if there is usable potential within the unexcluded area and if the usable
potential falls within the tribal areas.
Technology Characterization
The technology characterization was included in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s published
resource data sets. Our analysis directly used their values for potential site capacity and system
Table 17 illustrates the results of this analysis and summarizes the hydropower generation and
capacity potential on tribal lands. Figure 15 and Figure 16 illustrate the hydropower generation
potential by reservation and within the extended areas, and Table 18 shows the 15 tribal lands
with the highest technical potential for hydropower electricity generation.
Regionally there is significant hydropower potential on tribal lands throughout the country,
except for the dry portions of the Southwest and parts of the Great Plains.
Table 17. Hydropower Generation and Capacity Potential on Tribal Lands
Tribal lands 124,511,610 21,420
Expanded tribal lands 225,331,062 39,280
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Figure 15. Hydropower generation potential by reservation
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Figure 16. Hydropower generation potential by reservation (including extended areas of 10 miles
adjacent to the tribal land boundaries)
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Table 18. Fifteen Tribal Lands with the Highest Technical Potential for Hydropower Generation
Tribal Area State
Net Generation
Hualapai Arizona 8,528,986 1,357
Warm Springs Off-
Reservation Trust Land Oregon 7,519,818 1,027
Warm Springs Oregon 7,126,821 968
Navajo Arizona 5,593,783 920
Karuk Off-Reservation Trust
Land California 4,389,193 831
Nez Perce Idaho 4,180,255 776
Flathead Montana 3,550,559 580
Uintah and Ouray Utah 3,066,532 537
Crow Off-Reservation Trust
Land Montana 2,827,420 471
Havasupai Arizona 2,553,209 407
Yurok California 2,356,901 461
Hoopa Valley California 2,348,371 459
Osage Oklahoma 2,115,399 409
Cherokee OTSA Oklahoma 2,057,204 492
Choctaw OTSA Oklahoma 2,013,322 415
Distributed-Scale Discussion
Smaller hydropower systems typically do not involve any impoundments or diversions of the
natural stream but instead rely on run-of-the-river systems to extract energy. Systems can be
quite small, < 1 MW in size. The resource data sets used in this analysis do not resolve these
smaller potential systems.
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Utility-Scale Economic Potential
As shown in the preceding analysis, there is a vast amount of renewable energy technical
potential on tribal lands in the United States. Technical potential does not factor economic
criteria for developing renewable energy. Most decisions regarding energy strategies, however,
are made not only on what is technically possible but also according to what is economically
favorable. This chapter applies a basic economic screen to analyze the subset of total technical
potential for tribal lands that might be of actual commercial interest.
Data Information
Two principal data sets are used in this analysis: NREL’s ATB (2017) and regional electricity
market price estimates compiled in Brown et al. (2016). These data sources are discussed below
with a brief listing of other assumptions used.
Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is a critical metric in this analysis to represent the all-in cost of
an energy technology.
The LCOE for a given technology is estimated from capital, operations
and maintenance, and financing costs reported in the ATB (NREL 2017). The mid-cost case
values are used. Capital and operation and maintenance cost estimates for hydropower and
geothermal, however, are derived from the U.S. Department of Energy Hydropower Vision Study
and forthcoming Geothermal Vision Study (DOE 2016; DOE forthcoming). Table 19 presents the
assumptions for the capital costs, operation and maintenance expenditures, and financing rates.
The energy generation estimates required to calculate LCOE are based on the results of the
technical potential analysis.
The LCOE incorporates all the estimated costs during a project’s lifetimeincluding upfront costs, ongoing
maintenance expenditures, financing charges, and fuel costs (if any)which are then divided by the total amount of
energy generation estimate. The resulting LCOE estimate provides a levelized cost per unit of energy and is
typically reported in either cents per kilowatt-hour or dollars per megawatt-hour.
The capital cost estimates for utility-scale PV are based on a one-axis tracking system, which is assumed to be
representative of most types of utility-scale PV applications. Similarly, for biopower the capital cost assumptions
reflect a fuel source specifically harvested and designed for electricity generation purposes. A range of capital cost
estimates are used for land-based wind and hydropower, however, to account for technology design variations such
as wind speed or head height, and given the relatively small number of the geothermal projects identified on tribal
land, the capital cost estimates are based on a site-specific estimate from the Geothermal Vision Study (DOE
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Table 19. Overview of Renewable Energy Technology Cost Assumptions
Capital Costs
Operation and
($/kW/year) Financing Rate
Biopower $3,701 $108 9.02%
Geothermal $11,981$16,422 $341$461 9.02%
Hydropower $3,895$6,567 $13 9.02%
Land-based Wind $1,573$1,713 $50 9.02%
Utility-scale PV $1,219 $12 9.02%
Source: NREL 2017
The second critical input is the levelized avoided cost of energy (LACE) based on regional
wholesale market electricity prices.
LACE is an important input variable because it represents a
project’s estimated revenue from electricity sales. Projects with higher LACE tend to draw more
commercial interest than projects with lower LACE values.
Currently, no centralized data source captures the market price of electricity on a uniform basis
across the United States. Brown et al. (2016) used a patchwork of sources to determine
wholesale electricity price data across the United States. The market price estimates used to
estimate LACE are illustrated in Figure 17. Brown et al. (2016) account for possible future
electric market price increases through the year 2034 by applying an annual energy price
escalator from the EIA’s 2014 Annual Energy Outlook Reference Case Price Projections and
“levelized to an effective present price.” Brown et al. (2016) prices are converted to 2015 U.S.
dollars to be consistent with the 2017 ATB data.
This analysis also adjusts the Brown et al. (2016) market price estimate downward to reflect
lower natural gas and wholesale power prices since the 2014 data year. EIA (2017b) reports that
natural gas prices for electricity production declined from $5.29/MMbtu in 2014 to $3.59/Mmbtu
through August 2017. The change in natural gas prices is then converted to changes in wholesale
electricity prices. Hurlbut et al. (2016) use a statistical analysis to compare natural gas prices to
wholesale electricity prices and report that every dollar change in natural gas price was estimated
to impact wholesale power prices by $6.73/MWh–$8.77/MWh in the same direction.
the national price decline in natural gas for power production reported by the EIA in 2017 with
the wholesale power price conversion from Hurlbut et al. (2016) results in a reduction to the base
wholesale power price of approximately $13/MWh. The $13/MWh reduction is applied to the
LACE price estimates reported in Brown et al. (2016).
In this analysis, LACE represents the available revenue to a project in $/MWh. The EIA developed the LACE
metric, and Brown et al. (2016) describes it as follows: “The LACE metric captures available revenue to a
renewable energy project at a specific location in terms of displaced energy and displaced capacity.”
Hurlbut et al. (2016) conducted this statistical analysis specific to the Mead Hub in the southwestern United States.
This relationship is extended to the rest of the United States for this simplified analysis; however, each trading hub
and market is likely to have a unique interplay between natural gas prices and wholesale power prices. Another
simplifying assumption made here is adopting a simple average between off-peak and on-peak power prices.
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Figure 17. Market price estimate with projected price changes from 20142034 and levelized to an
effective current price
Source: Brown et al. 2016
This analysis also incorporates the following other assumptions and considerations:
A 10% investment tax credit is assumed for utility-scale PV and geothermal technologies.
Unlike other tax incentives, they currently do not have a stated expiration date and
therefore are used to represent the long-term federal tax credit policy.
Accelerated depreciation
is assumed for all technologies that do not have currently a
stated expiration date.
Tribes are able to partner with a taxable entity to efficiently use and benefit from tax-
based incentives.
Other state policies (e.g., state renewable portfolio standards), environmental
considerations (e.g., carbon dioxide emissions), and tribal preferences are not factored
into the analysis.
Brown et al. (2016) note higher than average wholesale market prices in Nevada and Texas that persist in this
analysis. These higher than average prices might prove to be relative outliers over the long term and should be
revisited with future analyses.
This analysis was conducted prior to the passage of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 that among other changes
lowered the corporate tax rate. The impact of the legislation on renewable energy and tribal developed is not settled
and is thus identified as an area of future analysis refinement.
Note that the 5-year Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System is assumed for accelerated depreciation.
This generally refers to a tribal entity that benefits from the renewable energy tax incentives, which can be
difficult and costly for smaller projects with limited tax appetite.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Analysis Methodology
The basic framework for estimating economic potential for a given energy technology compares
the estimated cost of renewable energy to the reported LACE prices in the regional electricity
markets. Projects are considered as showing economic potential when the LACE (i.e., the
revenue) is more than the LCOE (i.e., the costs). For example, in the illustrative Scenario 1
below, the renewable energy shows economic potential because the LACE is more than the
LCOE. Conversely, in Scenario 2, tribal renewable energy for a specific technology does not
show economic potential because the LACE is less than the LCOE.
Scenario 1: Regional LACE > tribal LCOE = economic potential identified
Scenario 2: Regional LACE < tribal LCOE = no economic potential identified.
The approach to estimating economic potential by comparing the LCOE of renewable energy to
the LACE is described thoroughly in Brown et al. (2016). The methodology used herein to
calculate the economic potential on tribal lands generally follows the methodology established in
Brown et al. (2016), although several simplifying assumptions are made.
Calculating the tribal
economic potential methodology follows the following conceptual steps.
1. The technical potential for renewable energy is calculated for each reservation following
the methodology described in this report.
2. For each reservation, the LCOE is estimated for the identified available renewable energy
technologies, including biopower, geothermal, hydropower, land-based wind, and solar
3. The LACE is calculated for each reservation based on the data shown in Figure 17.
4. The economic potential is determined for each reservation by comparing the estimated
LACE and LCOE components.
The economic potential analysis is limited to the renewable energy technologies typically
developed at the utility scale. Typically, utility-scale generation projects sell output in regional
electricity markets instead of using it on-site or locally. Technologies that are primarily used to
offset local load—such as distributed PV, biogas, and certain hydroelectric facilities—are not
included here because of data and scope limitations; however, they are discussed briefly in the
next section.
It is important to qualify this analytical approach. There are many specific inputs for estimating
the economic potential of a technology in a location and the actual project values might differ
substantially from the assumptions used here. In the Results section, a limited scenario analysis
For more information on economic potential including how the methodology was established, a description of the
underlying data sources and calculations and a comprehensive set of instructions and caveats are available in Brown
et al. (2016).
Some data requirements for this analysis include load profiles for generalized tribal building types (administration
building, casinos, etc.) and utility-specific rate structures including tier and seasonal factors, demand charges, and
time-of-use schedules. These data and more would be needed to estimate energy savings as a measure of economic
potential. Distributed solar PV, for example, typically offsets only energy-based charges, not demand-based charges;
therefore, a basic rate structure is required to delineate between the two.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
illustrates the high sensitivity of the economic potential to different input assumptions. Some
caveats to this approach include:
Energy projects on tribal lands very likely have different cost profiles than the national
benchmarks used in the 2017 ATB.
Inherent site-specific cost factors might not be fully captured, including infrastructure
access and suitability (roads, transmissions, etc.), local labor laws, unusual site
challenges, deal-specific lease and royalty terms, and uncertain or changing tribal,
federal, state, and local energy policies.
Federal tax credits targeted to renewable energy may possibly be changed, modified, or
Environmental attributes and the value they might capture during the life of the project
are not considered.
This analysis focuses on the site LCOE and does not include estimates for intra-regional
transmission costs.
This assumes that tribal projects and nearby nontribal projects
experience the same transmission access and costs.
The capacity value of each energy generation technology is not included here. This
possible revenue stream is not considered for this analysis because capacity markets are
not universally available across the United States, and because of analysis scope
Similarly, the declining value of variable renewable energies as their overall penetration
on the grid increases is also not considered here, although it was a parameter in Brown et
al. (2016).
The actual future trajectory of renewable energy costs as well as the overall market prices
of electricity might vary significantly from the assumptions used here.
Because of these limitations and caveats, along with many other factors, these economic
potential estimates should be considered as case-specific rather than precise.
Table 20 presents the results of the renewable energy economic potential on tribal lands in the 48
contiguous states for the set of utility-scale technologies considered here. The results illustrate
the economic potential in total capacity (GW) and annual generation (TWh). The results indicate
a sizeable amount of tribal economic potential for land-based wind and utility-scale PV. Other
As described later, the inclusion of intra-regional transmission is a noted area for follow-on activities. Brown et al.
(2016) note an average cost of approximately $7$8/MWh for intra-regional transmission, but they acknowledge
that this is likely a high-cost estimate because in many cases existing transmission might be used, shared with other
regions, or provided by the energy purchaser. This busbar-based LCOE provides an initial economic assessment,
and sites with economic potential would be further analyzed to evaluate the likely transmission costs. These costs
are generally location-, technology- and project-specific.
For more information on why renewable energy sources might decrease in value with increased penetration levels,
see Mills and Wiser (2012).
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
renewable technologies did not show positive economic potential on tribal lands based on the set
of assumptions used here.
Consistent with the technical potential findings, utility-scale PV shows the greatest economic
potential—approximately 61 GW, which equates to approximately 116 TWh of electricity
generation annually. The economic potential for land-based wind exceeds 1 GW and 3 TWh
annually. Most of the economic potential in this analysis is concentrated in high LACE areas,
such as Nevada (see note 10). Assuming an average installed price of $1,219/kW and $1,573/kW
for solar and wind, respectively, this economic potential would represent more than $75 billion
in project investment.
Table 20. Estimated Tribal Economic Potential for the 48 Contiguous States at Utility Scale Based
on Site Levelized Cost of Energy
Biopower Geothermal Hydropower Land-Based Wind Utility-Scale PV
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 3 61 116
The economic potential is then examined under different natural gas price scenarios. The
analysis examined 2014–2017 natural gas prices for electricity production, which ranged from a
high price of $7.18/Mmbtu to a low price of $2.45/Mmbtu.
The conversion ratio to wholesale
prices as described in the Data Information section is similarly applied here. For the high price
sensitivity, the economic potential for utility-scale PV rose to approximately 266 GW (523 TWh
annually), and land-based wind rose to more than 142 GW (506 TWh annually). For the recent
low natural gas price sensitivity, utility-scale PV stayed nearly the same, at 61 GW (115 TWh
annually); whereas land-based wind fell to 0.2 GW (0.6 TWh annually). These variations
demonstrate the importance of determining economic competitiveness under a range of future
electricity cost scenarios that can also be extended to future renewable energy costs.
The results illustrate that of all the technical potentials identified, a subset of sites would likely
hold enough economic potential to be examined in more depth for additional inputs such as
transmission cost and interest of potential energy buyers. Conversely, projects that do not show
economic potential initially will likely be revisited as the relative costs of renewable energy and
market prices change.
Based on a three-month average price.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Distributed Generation Economic Indicators
An evaluation of the LCOE for distributed wind, residential PV, biogas, and small-scale
hydropower is presented here. The technology cost assumptions are presented in Table 21, and
they are taken from NREL’s 2017 ATB. No regional cost adjustments are included, which can be
a significant component of total costs for distributed generation projects.
Distributed wind and PV potential exists for every tribal area; however, in low-resource areas,
the resulting LCOE is high and unlikely to be competitive with grid electricity prices (Figure 18
and Figure 19). Wind performance was determined for a 50 m hub height. Costs used are for a
100-kW–1-MW wind turbine, and they are summarized to show the best LCOE for each tribal
area. PV performance for a fixed flat-plate collector with tilt equal to the latitude was used,
modeled with PVWatts, and LCOE results are shown for the best sites in each tribal area. The
LCOE maps show the best LCOE results estimated for each tribal area. Actual LCOEs will be
determined by the resource at the site being developed, and site-specific costs are not captured in
this simplified calculation.
Not all tribal areas will have biogas or small hydropower potential. The LCOE for biogas was
assumed to be equal to the regional natural gas price (Daniel Inman, personal communication,
June 2017). A small hydropower resource was extracted from the utility-scale hydropower
analysis, limited to systems with a capacity of 15 MW. Smaller systems are likely for
distributed hydropower, but they are not included in this assessment. In Alaska, a hydropower
resource data set showing previously published information by Idaho National Laboratory was
used to assess whether potential existed near tribal areas, but LCOE was not calculated because
the data lacked capacity factor estimates. The spatial distribution of the LCOEs for biogas and
hydropower are shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21, and they are summarized for all technologies
in Table 22.
Table 21. Overview of Renewable Energy Technology Cost Assumptions (2015 U.S. Dollars)
Capital Costs
Operation and
($/kW/year) Financing Rate
$5,614$7,269 $31$112 9.02%
Distributed wind
($3,751 in results)
$3140 9.02%
Residential PV
$2,800 $21 9.02%
Source: NREL 2017; NREL 2016.
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Table 22. Distributed Generation Range of Levelized Cost of Energy
Technology LCOE ($/kWh)
Distributed wind $0.40$41.70
Residential PV $0.11$0.33
LCOE is based on the closest natural gas price hub.
Biogas is assumed to be at parity with natural gas prices.
High LCOE value represents a very low wind resource site, estimated to have <1% annual capacity
Figure 18. Potential distributed wind levelized cost of energy in tribal areas
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Figure 19. Potential distributed photovoltaic levelized cost of energy in tribal areas
Figure 20. Potential biogas levelized cost of energy in tribal areas
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Figure 21. Potential small-scale hydropower levelized cost of energy in tribal areas
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This study estimates the technical and economic potential of renewable energy technologies on
tribal lands. Table 23 and Table 24 summarize the results of the utility-scale technical potential
on tribal lands within their boundaries as well as within an extended area of 10 miles,
respectively. The utility-scale technical potential results are presented in terms of capacity
(maximum power output measured in kW, MW, etc.) and generation (the total amount of
electricity generated by a power plant over a specific period of time, e.g. kWh, MWh, etc.). The
analysis shows that the utility-scale technical generation potential on tribal lands is
approximately 6.5% of the total national technical generation potential. (The tribal lands
compose approximately 5.8% of the land area in the contiguous United States.) The potential
doubles within the expanded area considered in our model. (The expanded area is approximately
16.3% of the contiguous U.S. land area.) These estimates are for tribal lands in the contiguous 48
states; Alaska Native villages are included only in the distributed generation results.
Table 23. Utility-Scale Technical Potential on Tribal Lands in the Contiguous 48 States by Capacity
and Generation
6,035 118,918 5% 10,689 197,087 5.4%
CSP 2,114 26,318 8% 7,701 92,994 8.3%
Wind 891 10,119 8.8% 2,394 30,781 7.8%
0.033 5.7 0.6% 0.228 39 0.6%
0.542 34 1.6% 2 156 1.6%
Hydropower 21 62 34.4% 124 342 36.4%
9,063 155,457 5.8% 20,912 321,401 6.5%
Each technology is evaluated separately; the same land area might be available for many technologies.
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Table 24. Utility-Scale Extended (Tribal Land Base Plus Adjacent 10 Miles) Technical Potential on
Tribal Lands in the Contiguous 48 States by Capacity and Generation
Tribal Area
13,281 118,918 11.2% 22,736 197,087 11.5%
CSP 4,012 26,318 15% 14,703 92,994 15.8%
Wind 1,816 10,119 18% 4,940 30,781 16%
0.508 5.7 9% 3.5 39 9%
3.7 34 10.7% 16.8 156 10.7%
Hydropower 39 62 63% 225 342 65.8%
19,153 155,457 12.3% 42,625 321,401 13.3%
Each technology is evaluated separately; the same land area might be available for many technologies.
The results of the utility-scale economic assessment indicate a sizeable but variable potential for
land-based wind and utility-scale PV. Under this analysis, the tribal economic potential for land-
based wind exceeds 1 GW, which could produce more than 3 TWh annually. For utility-scale
PV, it is more than 61 GW, which could produce nearly 116 TWh of electricity annually. The
economic potential can vary based on the input assumptions used; thus, the results of this
analysis should be considered case-specific and illustrative only.
Distributed wind and PV potential exists for every tribal area, but in low-resource areas the
resulting LCOE is high and might not be competitive with grid electricity prices. Many tribal
lands have good biogas potential from the sources examined here (animal manure, wastewater
sludge, and landfill material), and it is likely that many locations might also have high biogas
potential from food waste given the number of casinos on tribal lands, especially those with large
food services on-site. On a site-specific basis, distributed hydropower systems are feasible on
tribal lands.
Several areas of focus for future research are worth noting here. Future technical potential
analysis could benefit from higher resolution data for solar, more detailed data for hydropower,
and complete biomass data for Alaska. A biogas potential analysis for food waste at casinos and
other restaurant facilities would improve our understanding of this technology development
potential on tribal lands and support tribes’ decisions regarding alternative uses of these waste
Future improvements to the economic potential assessment include incorporating both in-region
and out-of-region transmission costs, environmental benefits, other policy drivers such as
renewable portfolio standards, and any sensitivities to tax-oriented policies. Future work could
also examine how economic competitiveness can change when future modifications to renewable
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
energy costs and projections for the broader market, prices of energy, and other related factors
are considered. This constantly changing cost profile is particularly important in determining the
relative value of renewable energy compared to other replacement sources of energy.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
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Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Appendix A: Technology-Specific Exclusions and
Table A-1. Utility-Scale Wind (Land-Based Only)
Data Source
Exclude 100% of land areas with slope
U.S. Geological Survey Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission 90 m (2016)
Exclude 100% of federal lands designated
as a park, wilderness, wilderness study
area, national monument, national
battlefield, recreation area, national
conservation area, wildlife refuge, wildlife
area, wild and scenic river, or inventoried
roadless area
U.S. Geological Survey Federal Lands (2015)
U.S. Forest Service Inventoried Roadless Areas (2014)
U.S. Bureau of Land Management Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern (2014)
Exclude 100% of incompatible land use
areas: urban areas, airports, wetlands,
and water bodies
U.S. Geological Survey National Land Cover Database
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Homeland
Security Infrastructure Program GoldAirports (2012)
ESRI/U.S. Geological Survey USA Urban Extents (2012)
Exclude 50% of areas characterized as
non-ridgecrest forested land
U.S. Geological Survey Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission 90 m (2016)
U.S. Geological Survey National Land Cover Database
Table A-2. Utility-Scale Photovoltaics
Exclusion/Constraint Data Source
Exclude 100% of land areas with slope
U.S. Geological Survey Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission 90 m (2016)
Exclude 100% of federal lands designated
as a park, wilderness, wilderness study
area, national monument, national
battlefield, recreation area, national
conservation area, wildlife refuge, wildlife
area, wild and scenic river, or inventoried
roadless area
U.S. Geological Survey Federal Lands (2015)
U.S. Forest Service Inventoried Roadless Areas (2014)
U.S. Bureau of Land Management Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern (2014)
Exclude 100% of incompatible land use
areas: wetlands and water bodies
U.S. Geological Survey National Land Cover Database
Exclude remaining areas with <1 km
contiguous area
NREL Analysis
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Table A-3. Concentrating Solar Power
Exclusion/Constraint Data Source
Exclude 100% of land areas with slope
U.S. Geological Survey Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission 90 m (2016)
Exclude 100% of federal lands designated
as a park, wilderness, wilderness study
area, national monument, national
battlefield, recreation area, national
conservation area, wildlife refuge, wildlife
area, wild and scenic river, or inventoried
roadless area
U.S. Geological Survey Federal Lands (2015)
U.S. Forest Service Inventoried Roadless Areas (2014)
U.S. Bureau of Land Management Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern (2014)
Exclude 100% of incompatible land use
areas: urban, wetlands, and water bodies
U.S. Geological Survey National Land Cover Database
ESRI/U.S. Geological Survey USA Urban Extents (2009)
Exclude remaining areas with <1 km
contiguous area
NREL Analysis
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Appendix B: Tribal Energy Atlas
This study serves as a reference for the renewable energy resource potential data used in the
Tribal Energy Atlas available at The Atlas is an
interactive geospatial application that allows users to view resource, infrastructure, demographic,
and other relevant information, as well as query the data and perform simple analyses.
NREL used the data collected and modeled in this study, along with other relevant information
on infrastructure (e.g., conventional and renewable energy facilities, transmission lines,
railroads), environment (e.g., water availability, protected areas), energy efficiency, electricity
and natural gas prices, and more, to populate the Tribal Energy Atlas. The data is not limited to
renewable energy, and also includes natural gas, petroleum, and other conventional energy
Screenshot of the interactive Tribal Energy Atlas tool.
The Atlas incorporates functionality that enables users to view resource, infrastructure, and other
relevant data about specific tribal lands. It was designed to be highly intuitive, so users do not
need prior geospatial experience to use it. The tool also incorporates functionality that enables
users to query data, conduct simple analyses that provide demographic, installed capacity, and
utility-scale renewable energy technical potential summaries, and download data.