Customer service software:
7 enterprise challenges and
ways to overcome them
many businesses struggle with. It's important to find software that benefits your
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With this in mind, many companies have turned their focus to enhancing customer
Every business in the market understands the value of customer satisfaction. Poor
customer service has been identified as the main reason for customers ending their
journey with a business, increasing churn rate.
Research shows it costs five times1 more to acquire a new customer than to retain an
existing one. But one negative experience can have a big impact on a customer's
journey, even causing them to end their relationship with your business. That's why
customer satisfaction is essential for business success, potentially increasing
revenue 4-8% above your market2.
The demand for a high-quality customer experience has drastically increased over
the years, particularly since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. With increased use of
digital platforms, the CX industry has become vital for business success. According
to data from Genesys Cloud CX™, the use of voice, email, and live web chat channels
has doubled since 20203.
many businesses struggle with. It's important to find software that benefits your
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Customer service software has empowered businesses to foster these enhanced
experiences, providing employees with a platform to connect with customers
effectively and efficiently. The right customer service software increases employee
productivity and improves customer satisfaction, further increasing revenue. With
the many customer service software solutions on the market, it has become essential
for businesses to identify and invest in the right software for their needs.
Unfortunately, implementing and utilizing a suitable customer service software
solution is something many businesses struggle with. It's important to find software
that benefits your business from the beginning of your journey and beyond. That
means it should be easy to use and should include features to meet your unique
needs, even as your company grows and expands.
of business leaders
consider customer experience to be the
engine driving growth for their companies4
Table of contents
Challenges faced by large enterprises
Security concerns
Market Opportunities
Employee satisfaction
Contract management
Cost management
Hidden costs
Deployment time
How to choose the right customer service software
The evolution of technology has changed the expectations of customers. Efficient
and personalized service is the need of the hour. Customer service software caters
to these needs by leaving customers happy, while making the lives of your
employees easier. Importantly, customer service software helps agents adapt to
the expectations of your customers.
In the age of social media, convenience has become essential to the customer
experience. Customers want the option to be heard on any platform they choose.
Of course, It would be impossible for any agent to monitor all the available
platforms at once. But with omni-channel support, customer service software
makes it possible to connect with customers on any platform, at any time.
Similarly, many pain points of customers, agents, and leaders can be addressed by
various features of customer service software.
With customer service addressing a vast range of needs across several platforms,
it is essential to have the right customer service software for your business. Here
are the essential questions you should consider before making your selection:
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What are the challenges faced by enterprises using customer service software?
How to choose the right customer service software?
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Challenges faced by enterprises
What is integration?
Why is integration essential?
To excel in the area of customer service, it is important to evolve in terms of productivity and
efficiency. The needs of your business will continue to increase and change over time; your
customer service software solution must adapt accordingly. Most customer service software
providers offer third-party integrations, which provide solutions to a variety of challenges.
However, these tools can be expensive, and in some cases, can leave your business
vulnerable to security breaches. Though they are intended to reduce the work of your
employees, they can end up causing additional stress instead.
Integration is the process wherein software subsystems work together to present a unified
solution to a given challenge.
Subsystems of a customer service software work together like a team of experts, bringing
knowledge from each of their fields to guide a project toward success. In the case of
customer service software, the goal is to enhance customer experience. One tool might
provide service agents with reports and insights, while another could empower them to
provide remote assistance to customers, and so on. With specialization in each area, different
applications come together to make the customer's journey smooth and easy.
But what if the experts working on a project all speak different languages? If there are
language barriers, it will probably become difficult for every individual to contribute
effectively. Similarly, when software cannot integrate, the outcome is usually disappointing.
Any two software applications you are trying to integrate could have different data or even
different formats, which could slow down the integration process or result in a faulty
integration. Even if the initial integration is successful, there are other possible issues that
could affect business operations.
Security concerns
With the transition to the SAAS-based delivery model, there has been a noticeable
increase in security concerns
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of businesses relying on
third-party vendors have experienced
security breaches6
Security breaches can tarnish the reputation of a company and erode the trust of
customers. They can also result in financial losses and legal battles.
Further complicating matters, it has become essential for SAAS providers to meet data
privacy mandates including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR), Brazil’s General Data Protection Law, and the California Consumer Privacy Act.
To stay compliant, providers must monitor the continuous changes taking place in data
privacy laws.
Will a customer service software provider who relies on third-party vendors be able to
provide your business with a tightly integrated and fully compliant security system?
Unfortunately, that's usually not the case.
When there are several joints in a pipe, most of the water spills out before reaching its
desired destination. These potentially leaking joints in a pipe are similar to third-party
vendors, which can cause security concerns and affect the trust of your customers.
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Can a provider remain compliant with data privacy policies when relying on multiple
third-party vendors?
It's certainly difficult. And as a business, you'll have to ensure that all your third-party
vendors are complaint with the latest policies. This calls for an additional investment
of time and administrative efforts.
On the other hand, maintaining a single pipe reduces the likelihood of spillage.
Similarly, a unified platform to serve your business needs can improve your
customer experience and save your business from any potential security threats.
Scalability refers to the ability of software to be accommodative to the changing
demands of a business to serve the needs of their customers.
The needs of a business increase as it grows. As your customer base expands, it
becomes more challenging to provide a personalized customer experience. In most
cases, it's only possible if your customer service software provider grows with you to
accommodate your changing needs.
Consider what happens to your phone when it reaches its maximum storage capacity.
It slows down. That's frustrating when you have to make important calls or read
important emails, or even prepare for an approaching presentation.
When customer service software reaches maximum capacity for requests, it results in
slowness. That means your customers experience a delay in reaching you. Will this get
you a good CSAT score? Definitely not. Your customers will give you a poor rating.
Daniel Wright, Admission Counselor
A single vendor who can readily accommodate your growing business will make your
growth process smoother and more efficient. But if you're working with several
third-party vendors, you'll experience limitations. Often, this means your employees
have to shift to a different software solution and learn everything from scratch.
Customer service software that grows with your company is essential. It's especially
helpful when your software solution has in-house capabilities to grow without
significantly impacting your budget.
Market opportunities
In business, seizing the right opportunity at the right time helps you stand out from
the crowd. But this can only be done when you have the right resources on hand.
Without a scalable customer service software product, it's difficult for businesses to
stay ahead of the competition. Slow software results in employee frustration,
impacting customer experience. The resulting customer frustration negatively
impacts your opportunities to widen the scope of your business in the market.
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Employee satisfaction
It is necessary to ensure that your employees embrace new technology when it's
introduced. If implementation of your customer service software is too difficult, or the
product is too complicated to understand, your employees will not be able to provide an
ideal customer experience.
What if your agents have to manually create workflows even to receive simple
notifications instead of just turning on the toggle? This would mean spending additional
time not only on creating workflows but also on figuring out ways of doing it.
This is just one scenario. When using customer service software, there will be many
instances where the included features will either simplify, or drastically complicate, an
agent's job.
Dissatisfied employees result in dissatisfied customers. A simplified user interface
increases employee satisfaction, which ultimately results in customer satisfaction.
Contract management
When your customer service software provider relies on various vendors, you're usually
bogged down by numerous contracts. Tracking renewal dates with multiple vendors
can become difficult—and it leads to a 9% loss of revenue each year7.
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Tracking renewal dates with
multiple vendors
9% loss of revenue each year=
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Vendors can introduce frequent and unexpected contract changes, requiring
administrative efforts from your agents. Loss of time spent on contract renewal is
directly related to the productivity of your employees.
Cost management
Having to pay additional costs for additional features can become an accounting
nightmare. Add-ons are meant to boost the productivity of your agents and increase
customer satisfaction. But in many cases, they only increase workload.
Calculating software costs is not the end of the accounting cycle. Continuous upgrades,
new features, and maintenance have a great impact on the final cost of your software
solution. Investing in customer experience is essential for the goodwill and revenue of
your business—but you must evaluate the costs before investing.
contract changes
admin efforts
of time
Hidden costs
Chuck Phillips, a JP Morgan analyst, cites a US Department of Commerce study
which indicates that only
The rest covers labor and implementation. Having to pay for add-ons on top of this
not only increases your expenses, but calls for additional work and time contribution
towards contract management and policy changes.
Spending effectively on your customer service software ensures an increase in ROI.
It is essential to consider the costs of investment and adopt a balanced approach
towards investment.
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IDC reports9, “Many companies underestimate the cost of managing
applications. When you consider the annual costs of administering the
applications and the cost of managing issues around performance,
changes, and availability, it is likely to be significantly greater than the
application purchase price.”
of total costs invested
in software can be attributed to the
software license8
Deployment time
Now that we are aware of the challenges, let's find ways to overcome them.
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On average, software implementation takes around two years. Deployment time
is essential for an organization, but a long deployment period leaves employees
working within a half-baked system.
This can directly impact the customer experience.
The amount of time spent on research for a business usually takes up to one
, while getting comfortable with software takes around two years. This
further necessitates businesses to save time as much as possible to concentrate
on other things. Productivity of an agent can only be increased if they have suffi-
cient exposure to the software and time to learn it.
Imagine working in a store that is under construction. Employees would be run-
ning around, trying to navigate the mess to find products requested by custom-
ers. It would take twice as long to bring the product to the customer. Will the
customer return to this store? Probably not.
How to choose the right customer
service software
Is it easy to use?
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When you browse online for a customer service software, the results can be
overwhelming. You will find tons of vendors offering their own solutions. With so
many options available, choosing the best for your business can be a challenge. Now
that you are aware of the challenges using a customer service software, here are 10
questions you should ask before choosing one.
Does it adapt well with
every business type?
Software with a shallow learning
curve ensures faster agent
onboarding. Essentially, software
should simplify agents' work, and
the agents and software should
complement each other. Ease of
use will vary according to your
requirements (such as number of
users, process complexity, and
customization needs).
Irrespective of the size and nature
of your business, the best software
can be molded to fit your unique
business needs. Your service
process reflects your business;
similarly, your customer service
software should reflect your
service process. It should have
enough customization options to
suit a variety of conditions.
Does it provide flexibility?
Is it scalable?
Does it increase agent
productivity and efficiency?
Does it integrate effortlessly?
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Flexible software runs anywhere, in
any situation. Your software
shouldn't hold your company back
from shifting to a new platform,
device, or database. It must be able
to work on whatever new system
you deploy, and should function on
all smartphones, tablets, and PCs.
You often need multiple apps to run
your operations. Your service solution
must be able to integrate with these
apps to ensure the seamless flow of
data. This allows for agents to provide
more personalized service. Your
service provider must offer a wide
selection of integration options that
connect with your unique setup.
Switching platforms as your business
grows is an extensive project
altogether. It's important to find
software that scales along with your
business. Consider costs, features,
and user limits for each edition to
better forecast your future needs.
Easily scalable software should
flawlessly accommodate increases in
your workforce and workload.
Collaboration and productivity
capabilities can reduce agent burnout,
improve internal communication,
prevent agent collision, and decrease
response time. Productivity tools equip
agents with the right context to handle
tickets efficiently, and facilitate
collaboration with other teams to
resolve complex issues.
Is the pricing transparent?
Does it require minimal training?
Does it adhere to the d
and privacy policies?
Does it offer high-quality support?
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Take time to compare options and find
the solution with the greatest return on
investment, based on your budget.
Consider costs above the basic license
fee, like add-ons and future upgrade
costs. Choose vendors who are
transparent from the outset. Watch out
for any hidden costs (such as data
migration, training, and support costs)
and binding contracts.
Adopting your new platform should
require minimal training, which
should be free or low-cost. Establish
what is required for training, and
whether the basic level of training
comes at an additional cost. The
provider's website should have clear
onboarding and advanced guides,
tutorial videos, articles, FAQs, and
community help forums.
Customer service software also needs
customer service. No matter how easy
the software is to use, you will need
support at some point. Consider the
hours and channels of support offered.
Basic support should be available free
of cost. You can check the quality and
time of responses by sending a simple
email to the support team.
Often overlooked, a crucial factor when
considering any customer-facing software
is whether it is designed to keep your
customer data safe. If you deal with
customers from different countries, pay
attention to compliance with local
regulations. Take into account everything
from basic security settings and access
controls to GDPR compliance features.
Ensure that your business data is in safe
hands. Ask about vendor's data center
locations and compliance certificates.
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