list essential macronutrients and micronutrients
and their food sources
explain and discuss functions of nutrients
analyze a personal diet record
evaluate the validity of nutrition/health claims
identify nutritive and non-nutritive components
of food that may protect from disease
develop a life-long interest in nutrition
FSHN 120 leads to the development of a general
understanding of human nutrition. By the end of
the semester, students should be able to:
SPRING 2023 FSHN 120
Syllabus for Toni Gist's Class
About FSHN 120 / Resources - 2
Class Set Up - 4
University Policies - 5
Course Assignments - 6
Semester Exam Process - 7
Methods of Assessment - 8
Make-Up / Missed Work - 8
Schedule - 9
A L O O K A T W H A T ' S I N S I D E
T H E S Y L L A B U S :
Before we dive into FSHN 120, meet our mascot.
Her name is Oskee Bow Wow. She is a little bit
goofy, but full of love. She (and her sister Vegas)
will be popping up throughout the semester in
course announcements and reminders.
(section A) In-person students will meet Toni Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30-1:50p in person
(section ONL) Online students will work asynchronously on lecture materials
(section BLC) BLLC students' experiential learning section will meet Wednesdays 3-4:50pm in person
All materials submitted in Canvas at
Required -- UPDATED FSHN 120 Contemporary Nutrition Students Notes Packet: Spring 2023
Updated lectures, video quizzes, mini assignments, semester project guidelines, case study
information, PPT outlines, and exam study guides are all provided. It can be either:
Picked up from Illini Union Bookstore 809 S Wright St, Champaign
Or ordered direct from the publisher at Stipes Publishing
Learning management system (Canvas):
Course website:
UIUC student e-mail:
End of semester final grades:
Class Location/Time: All lecture material found in Canvas (the learning management platform)
Reminders for the Class: Review course announcements and subscribe to the "remind text messages"
General Course Related Questions Online: – if
your question is not answered on the FAQ link above, visit the Tutoring Center or post in our Help
Discussion Board in Canvas. We are here for you!
Course Materials
Useful Websites:
Meet Your Professor
Toni Marie Gist has a passion for the sciences and education. She
holds two Master's degrees from UIUC and has taught classes that
focus on the effects of exercise and nutrition on the body as well as
food processing for over 2 decades. She has won local and national
teaching and advising awards. Toni is always looking to improve
herself and the classroom experience for her students through
responding to student needs. She enjoys the outdoors with her
husband, traveling with friends, hosting gatherings at her house,
bonding with her kids, and hiking with her dogs Oskee and Vegas.
Please, e-mail from your UIUC e-mail
The subject line should begin with FSHN 120 followed by the topic in a few words
Clearly address the concern, propose possible solutions, and a date for resolution
Close your e-mail with your full name, UIN, and contact information
General Course Related Questions: FSHN 120 has "help" discussion boards in Canvas where
general questions get quickly answered by members of our teaching team (as well as other
students). If you have a general question that others in the class may also have, post in the
"help" discussion boards. We are in this together.
Personal/Specific Questions: Visit Toni and other FSHN 120 Teaching Team members in the
FSHN 120 Virtual Tutoring Center during select times throughout the week. If you have
course-related questions you want clarification on or you want to discuss healthful living,
make time to stop by as student-specific questions are best addressed synchronously.
Urgent Matters: If students have a question during Tutoring Center Hours, it is expected
that students first visit the Virtual Tutoring Center to get the matter resolved. If you have an
urgent matter outside of Tutoring Center hours, e-mail[email protected].
With respect to e-mail expectations:
IMPORTANT: E-mails that do not follow this format can easily get lost in cyberspace and/or
are very difficult to find for reference. They may take much longer for a reply.
Who is on the teaching team for FSHN 120?
We have a Teaching Team consisting of
Graduate Students majoring in the field as
well as undergraduates who successfully
completed FSHN 120 with an "A" or "A+".
Many of our team members have been a
part of the class for almost four years with
majors from all over campus. Our robust
and diverse teaching team can help you
succeed in FSHN 120 with guidance, advice,
and a listening ear. Almost all of the
teaching team have been in your shoes.
Purchase and skim through the student notes packet prior to the first day of class
Work from top to bottom within the module folders:
Complete the video quiz multiple times while using the video and other resources
Take notes using the online or in-person lecture options
Complete the mini assignment prior to the module deadline
Complete the semester project "step" prior to the module deadline
Prior to each scheduled exam, there is a pre-exam case study
Be sure to stay on top of due dates and deadlines using the course schedule
If you want text reminders, sign up for "remind" text messages (see announcements)
Most graded modules have the same assessment format and are specifically designed to
be predictable while allowing multiple student learning styles to succeed. 
Refrain from using "slang" terms or vulgar language in person or online
Check course announcements and other resources prior to emailing the instructor
with a question. The FAQ web-page, HELP discussion boards, syllabus,
announcements, assessment guidelines and schedule can all keep you on track.
Be respectful in ALL spaces online or in person. Let's create an amazing learning
environment for every student and teaching team member. We are in this together!
The instructor reserves the right to report or remove you from the class
It is very important that all students maintain themselves in a polite and courteous
manner in all sections of this course.
In-person students (section A and BLC) will earn 1.5 points of extra credit for every class
period they are present and participating. Students must remain for the duration of class
and complete a short attendance quiz at the end to earn the extra credit. In-person
attendance extra credit will be posted every two weeks.
Online students (section ONL) will earn extra credit by participating in a difficult online
discussion in modules 5-12 earning a max of 5 points per successful module discussion.
Be sure to follow any and all instructions noting that WHO, NIH, .gov, .edu, and peer
reviewed journal articles will be the most reputable sources to reference in your postings.
Each posting should have a unique reputable source for grading consideration.
Section ONL extra credit discussions are graded following the final exam (not before).
To obtain disability-related academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids, students with disabilities must contact
the course instructor and the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) as soon as possible. To
contact DRES, you may visit 1207 S. Oak St., Champaign, call 333-4603, e-mail[email protected] or go to the
DRES website. If you are concerned you have a disability-related condition that is impacting your academic
progress, there are academic screening appointments available on campus that can help diagnosis a previously
undiagnosed disability by visiting the DRES website and selecting “Sign-Up for an Academic Screening” at the
bottom of the page. If you have a disability, be sure to submit your documentation in Canvas for
accommodations. For more information visit:
Students with Disabilities
Any student who has suppressed their directory information pursuant to Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA) should self-identify to the instructor to ensure protection of the privacy of their attendance in this
course. See for more information on FERPA.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Emergency response recommendations can be found at the following
I encourage you to review this website and the campus building floor plans website within the first 10 days of
Emergency Response Recommendations
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Student Code should also be considered as a part of this syllabus.
Students should pay particular attention to Article 1, Part 4: Academic Integrity. Read the Code at the following
URL: It is expected that students adhere to the outlined guidelines for each
assessment in FSHN 120. Students may discuss module assessment concepts with friends, but should not share
answers as this is a violation of academic integrity. Students should not discuss pre-exam case study questions,
exam questions, or comprehensive review questions until those assessments are graded and released.
Academic Integrity
Online Module Video Quizzes (10 points each)
Each of the 12 graded modules will contain a video and other reputable sources to introduce the
topic. You will be tested using a video quiz with unlimited takes and the highest score
recorded.Although you will be able to see the questions and points earned upon review, you will
not be permitted to see the correct answer until the deadline passes.The lowest two video quiz
scores will be dropped.Thus, only the top 10 video quiz scores are included in the total points.
Most, if not all, are
submitted via Canvas
(the course LMS)
Online Mini Assignments (10 points each)
Each of the 12 graded modules has a mini
assignment.Mini assignments are graded on
accuracy, not merely completion. All mini
assignments are completed in Canvas.The
lowest two mini assignment scores will be
dropped with the top 10 mini assignment
scores included in the total points.
Online Case Studies (33 points each)
Prior to each exam, students will review an
engaging case study discussing key nutrition
concepts and discern what is "true" or "false"
regarding the case information presented .
The lowest case study grade will be dropped.
Thus, only the the top three case study scores
are included in the total points.
200 point 12-step Semester Project - (20 points each with 10 steps counting towards grade)
Each of the 12 modules expects students to complete a semester project "step" towards a
healthier you. The traditional semester project is a dietary analysis project that will cover several
modules with specific guidelines for each of the 12 "steps". Although late steps cannot be
accepted, the two lowest/missed steps are dropped with the top 10 steps included in the total
points. As this is a science class, it is required to show work and include proper units in each step
for full consideration. It is important to note that we are focused on health. Thus, there is an
alternate project for students which the traditional project would be a trigger.
Required 51 point Comprehensive Review
A comprehensive review assessment will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of all course
materials as you earn 51 points at the conclusion of the semester adding to your overall point total.
Four exams are administered in FSHN 120 with three of the exams counting towards the overall points. Each
exam is a 150-point non-proctored online exam consisting of 50 multiple choice questions with an average of one
minute per question (DRES students will receive appropriate accommodations). Exams begin at a specific
time/day and students entering the exam late will forgo time on their exam. Late students will not be permitted
to begin the exam once the first student submits. Students will receive a point total, but no letter grade.
As noted, the four exams include three semester exams and one final exam. If students are happy with their
course points/grade, the final exam is optional. Traditionally, over half of the class opts out of the final exam.
Although students are permitted to use their student notes packet, a 4-function calculator, and one sheet of
scratch paper that will be destroyed following the exam, no other resources are to be utilized during the exams.
Thus friends, phones, other smart devices should be away the entirety of the exam window (take exam in a room
alone). International students with a digital notes packet will be required to transcribe or print any needed pages
prior to the exam as students are not permitted to navigate out of the exam once it has begun. On the computer
you are testing, no other browser windows should be open and all notifications need to be silenced . To help
maintain testing security, we track keystrokes. The above allows for flexibility while maintaining integrity.
If you miss 1 exam, you will receive a score of “0”.This will become your drop exam for the semester.
If you miss 2 documented/approved exams, 1 will be made up with an alternate assessment after the final.
If you miss 3 exams for any reason, you will receive an “F” in the course.It is in your best interest to withdraw.
Exam Conflict or Missed Exam:
If a student has a conflict, they must submit documentation in Canvas including all required details a
minimum of a week prior to the exam. Approval will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Conflict exams will be
completed early AM following the scheduled exam and may be proctored. If a student cannot take the
traditionally scheduled or conflict exam, approved makeup exams will follow the final exam.
If a student misses an approved/documented exam and its corresponding conflict option, exceptions are
considered on a case-by-case basis with an option of completing one alternate exam following the final.
What if you miss an exam but have documentation for the missed work? What is the policy/procedure?
Three Semester Exams + One Final Exam
Optional Online Final Exam -- Points Replace a Low or Missed Semester Exam Score:
UIUC requires that we offer a final exam at the Provost-approved final exam time during the final exam window.
However, in past semesters, ~half of the class earned an “A” prior to the final and thus did not need to take the
final.The final exam is created to demonstrate knowledge of all course materials while allowing students one
last opportunity to bring up their grade. If a student scores higher on the final exam than a missed or low
semester exam, the final exam will replace the lowest/missed semester exam score.If the score is lower on the
final compared to all other semester exams, no change in course points/grade will occur. Additionally, if a
student is satisfied with their pre-final exam grade, they can opt out of the final without penalty. There is no
need to inform the FSHN 120 staff if you choose to opt out of the final.
Extra Credit for Finding Coding/Typing Error
Rounding Scores at the End of the Semester
Because we are revising the course materials, we may have a coding/other error. If you are the first student to
respectfully post on the correct Extra Credit Discussion Board letting us know about the coding error or
misinformation, you can earn +1 extra credit point for each error you find. Again, we are in this together.
The lowest one of the four exam scores (three semester and one final exam), lowest two video quiz scores,
lowest two mini assignments, lowest two semester project "steps", and lowest pre-exam case study are
dropped to allow for student success. If an item is not completed for any reason, it is entered as a "0" in the
gradebook. Even if documented and approved, makeup work for the first two module assignments in each
category (ex: video quiz) is not offered.  But, if there is approved documentation for a third+ in a module
category, two in each module category will be dropped. If there is a third+ missed and approved category
assessment will be made up with alternate proctored and timed materials administered in person beginning at
11:30AM and ending at 1PM the day following the final exam. Any and all makeup work will be permitted if
approved documentation is provided and it can be demonstrated to have a positive impact on a student's
grade. Makeup work will not be offered during the regularly scheduled semester. Assessments can only be
made up following the final exam if it makes a positive impact on a student's overall course grade.
For a variety of reasons, grades will not be curved/rounded up.Though it seems to be a 90, 80, 70, 60 percent
breakdown, grades are based on points, not percentages. Except the A+, there will not be any other +/- grades.
Points will be posted on the class Canvas website in the GRADES tab. POINT TOTALS CAN NEVER GO DOWN.
Grading Scale Based on Points Remaining After All Drop Grades at the End of the Semester
Video Quizzes (10 pts each x 10)
Mini Assignments (10 pts each x 10)
Semester Project Steps (20 pts each x 10)
Pre-Exam Case Study (33 pts each x 3)
3 Exams and Final (150 pts each x 3 counting)
Required Comprehensive Review
100 points
100 points
200 points
99 points
450 points
51 points
1,000 points
Grade Point Total - We Are a Points-Based Class
A = 900-1,000 points/ B =800-899.9 points/C = 700-799.9 points /D =600-699.9 points/F <600 points
Students earning over 1,000 points will have an A+ on their transcripts.
However, all other grades are transcribed by a solid letter grade earning an A, B, C, D, or F as noted above.
Makeup Work or Alternate Assignments