New York State Teacher
Certification Examinations
Multi-Subject: Teachers of Early
Childhood (Birth-Grade 2):
Mathematics (246)
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All Test Materials and Related Content, including but not limited to preparation materials, study guides, and full-length practice tests: Copyright
© 2023 New York State Education Department. NYSTCE, New York State Teacher Certification Examinations, and the NYSTCE logo are trademarks
of the New York State Education Department. Pearson and its logo are trademarks, in the U.S. and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc. or
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Videos and Tutorials, Software and Systems, and Format of Website: Copyright © 2023 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s). All rights reserved.
Evaluation Systems, Pearson, 300 Venture Way, Hadley, MA 01035. Used with permission by the New York State Education Department.
This webinar is dedicated to the overview of Multi-Subject Teachers of
Early Childhood Birth-Grade 2 Mathematics 246 assessment.
Overview of the NYSTCE website
Preparing for the Test
Test Framework
Study Guide
Additional Preparation Resources
Registering for a NYSTCE test
Day of the Test
How to Read Your Score Report
This webinar is designed to focus candidate testing preparation using the
resources found on the NYSTCE website—we will provide a QR code to that
site on the first slide of the overview. The anticipated audience for this
webinar are candidates preparing to take the assessment and faculty and
instructors who support candidates through coursework. We will be
keeping both perspectives in mind throughout the webinar. We will be
covering an overview of the NYSTCE website
Preparing for the
est Framework
Study Guide
Additional Preparation Resources
Registering for a NYSTCE test
Day of the Test
How to Read Your Score Report, and
We will begin with an overview of the NYSTCE website.
NYSTCE Homepage
New York
State Teacher
This QR code will take you to the NYSTCE homepage, as shown here. You can
see a number of tabs across the top of the homepage. We will spend a bit of
time familiarizing you with these and the assessment supports located here
for the Multi-Subject: Teachers of Early Childhood: Mathematics (246)
assessment, but the information in this webinar can be generalized to other
assessments as well.
NYSTCE Homepage
Important Links:
Preparation Materials
The Important Announcements section can be found by scrolling to the
bottom of the Homepage. You will want to check in here regularly for updates.
There is a column in the middle for Prospective Candidates providing easy
access to essential materials. From here, candidates can access test dates and
test center sites, preparation materials, and policies, among other things. A
direct link to Preparation Materials can be found here as well. All of these
headings provide direct links to various locations on the website.
Tests Webpage
There are four Multi-
Subject Assessments;
all four use the same
“Part Three”
Under the next tab over, you can locate Tests; for this test you will scroll
down to Content Specialty Tests. There are currently two versions of the
Multi-Subject (Birth-Grade 2) assessment. The one using Mathematics
version 212 is available through May 21, 2023 and the one using
Mathematics version 246 is available May 22, 2023 and after.
Note that there are four Multi-Subject tests available for four different grade
level bands. Each Multi-Subject test has three parts. Part Three is shared by
all four Multi-Subject tests; therefore, if you are seeking more than one
Multi-Subject certificate, you need to pass Part Three only once.
Multi-Subject Test Webpage
This test will replace
the Multi-Subject:
Teachers of Early
d (Birth-
Grade 2) with Part
Two: Mathematics
This is the test page for the Multi-Subject: Teachers of Early Childhood (Birth–
Grade 2) test with the redeveloped Part Two: Mathematics (246).
Registration for this test opens April 25, 2023 for testing starting May 22,
2023. This test will replace the Multi-Subject: Teachers of Early Childhood
(Birth-Grade2) with Part Two: Mathematics (212), which will retire on May
21, 2023.
The Format is computer-based test (CBT)
Part One: Literacy and English Language Arts (211): 40 selected-response
items and 1 constructed-response item
Part Two: Mathematics (246): 40 selected-response items and 1
constructed-response item
Part Three: Arts and Sciences (245): 40 selected-response items
constructed-response item, designed to measure candidates' pedagogical
content knowledge, is scenario-based and requires an extended written
response based on the analysis of multiple samples of student-based
evidence that will be provided through artifacts.
Time: Part Two: The selected-response items are designed with the
expectation of a response time of up to 75 minutes, and the constructed-
response item is designed with the expectation of a response time of up to 60
minutes. This is a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes for this part.
Passing Score: a passing score of 520 is required, and as a reminder, all three parts
are required for certification
Test Features are listed, such as the use of calculators
The Prepare section includes the Test Framework, the Content Correlation Table,
Study Guides, and testing site and administration tutorials; the link to Preparation
Materials is also located in the right-hand menu on this page
We will spend a bit more time preparing for the Mathematics 246 assessment
by going to that linked Preparation Materials page.
Available Preparation Materials
The knowledge and skills that are assessed on the test are outlined on the test
framework and the correlation table
indicates the section or sections of State,
National, and other Professional Standards that are addressed fully or in part
by each test competency. These are found under Test Content
Under the Study Guide section, there are sample multiple-choice questions
for each test and two samples of the constructed response items for each.
Under Test Features, available reference materials such as formula sheets or
calculator information are listed as well.
We encourage candidates to utilize the short tutorials before testing. These
tutorials will provide guidance on what to expect on the day of the test. We’ll
take a closer look at each of these sections.
Test Design
NYSTCE FIELDS 211/246/245
The test design
remains the same as
the Mu
Teachers of Early
Childhood (Birth-
Grade 2) with Part
Two: Mathematics
The QR code will lead directly to the framework. This is the foundation of this
webinar. The fir
st section of the Framework is the test design. The design for
Mathematics 246 is shown here and has not changed in its design from
Mathematics 212; it has five competencies that describe the content
knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge and skills being assessed.
New York State educators and faculty are involved in every step of the
development process. The knowledge and skills to be measured on the
assessment and outlined on the assessment framework along with the test
items were reviewed, revised, and validated by New York State educators. The
passing standard was established by New York State educators and faculty
that prepare candidates to be New York State educators.
Test Framework
Performance Expectations The New York State Birth–Grade 2 Multi-Subject
teacher demonstrates deep knowledge of the base-ten system and fractions,
decimals, and
percents and applies understanding of place value and
properties of operations to justify algorithms. The teacher applies number
properties and operations to interpret arithmetic as a coherent and logical
subject that makes sense and recognizes how number and operations form
the basis for further work in algebra. The teacher demonstrates knowledge of
number systems, including how number systems are extended, and uses
rational numbers to model and solve mathematical and real-world problems.
This is a section of the assessment framework showing the first Mathematics
competency and its associated performance expectations.
Below the performance expectations are the performance indicators as
wn on the next slide. The content knowledge and pedagogical content
knowledge and skills being assessed are outlined in the framework, and more
specifically, in the performance indicators.
As indicated on the table from the previous slide, this competency is designed
to be approx. 20% of the assessment with approximately 10 questions.
Test 212 246 Framework
1 Numbers and Operations Performance Indicators
a. demonstrates knowledge of prenumeracy concepts and characteristics of the
mathematical development of children
b. applies understanding of place value and properties of operations to round, add,
subtract, multiply, and divide multidigit numbers
c. analyzes decimal notation and compares decimals, decimal fractions, and fractions
d. justifies computational algorithms
e. analyzes and performs operations with decimals
f. applies number theory concepts (e.g., primes, divisibility, factors, least common
multiple, greatest common factor)
extends number operations to fractions and performs operations on fractions
h. applies properties of signed rational numbers, ordering, and the absolute value of
rational numbers
. applies and extends understanding of operations with fractions to add, subtract,
multiply, and divide rational numbers
j. solves mathematical and real-world problems involving the four basic operations with
rational numbers, including the use of the distributive law to justify properties of
rational numbers
k. applies knowledge of numbers that are not rational and finds rational approximations of
irrational numbers
l. applies properties of repeating decimal expansions and converts between repeating
decimal expansions and rational numbers
m. analyzes and applies properties of integer exponents
n. uses square roots and cube roots to represent solutions to problems and equations
o. performs operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation
no longer
in test 246
The framework outlines the knowledge and skills to be assessed. There are no
items on the test measuring content outside of the framework. The
Performance Indicators demonstrate the specific content to be assessed. In
fact, our test-item writers use these Performance indicators to inform item
These are the performance indicators for Competency 1 to which test items
closely align. This image shows that performance indicators “i” though “o”
are no longer tested in Mathematics 246. Since this deck is being viewed by
those who prepare candidates for certification through coursework, it is
important for them to know these differences. Mathematics 246 does not
contain performance indicators assessing grades 7 and 8 math standards, so
these Performance Indicators are being removed.
Test Framework
Performance Expectations
The New York State Birth–Grade 2 Multi-Subject teacher demonstrates deep
knowledge of operations and algebraic thinking. The teacher makes connections
between numbers, operations, and algebraic thinking. The teacher applies operations
and algebraic thinking to model and solve problems, and works accurately with
operations, algebraic expressions, equations, and functions. The teacher makes
connections between multiplication and division and between ratios and rates. The
teacher analyzes and solves problems involving ratios and proportional reasoning.
Competency 2, Operations and Algebraic Thinking is designed to be approx.
30% of the Mathematics 246 assessment with approximately 15 questions as
shown in the test design.
Test 212 246 Framework
2.1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Performance Indicators
applies operations and relationships between operations (e.g., division as an
wn f
actor problem)
b. analyzes properties of factors and multiples
c. applies strategies for writing and interpreting numerical expressions
d. generates and analyzes patterns and relationships and identifies apparent
features of patterns that are not explicit in the rule used to generate them
e. applies and extends properties of arithmetic to algebraic expressions, equations,
and inequalities
f. uses properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions
g. analyzes and solves linear equations and inequalities and pairs of simultaneous
linear equations
h. solves mathematical and real-world problems, using numerical and algebraic
expressions and equations
i. defines, evaluates, and compares functions and uses functions to model
relationships between quantities
no longer
in test 246
This Competency has two subsections—Operations and Algebraic Thinking
and Ratios and Proportional Relationships.
Two of the Operations and Algebraic Thinking Performance Indicators from
Mathematics 212 , “f” and “g”, are not tested in Mathematics 246 as these
were grades 7 and 8 standards and are no longer part of Mathematics 246.
Test 212 246 Framework
2.2 Ratios and Proportional Relationships Performance Indicators
a. solves unit rate problems, including those involving unit pricing; constant speed;
ratios of lengths, areas, and other quantities measured in like or unlike units
b. interprets percents of
a quantity as a rate per 100 and solves mathematical and
real-world problems involving percents
c. identifies the constant of proportionality in tables, graphs, equations, diagrams,
and verbal descriptions of proportional relationships
d. represents proportional relationships by equations
e. uses proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems
(e.g., simple interest rates, commissions, percent increase or decrease, percent
f. analyzes the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear
g. uses similar triangles to explain why the slope is the same between any two
distinct points on a nonvertical line in the coordinate plane and graphs and
analyzes linear equations
no longer
in test 246
2.2 Ratios and Proportional Relationships are shown here. This image
shows that performance indicators “c” though “g” are no longer tested in
Mathematics 246.
Test Framework
Performance Expectations
The New York State Birth–Grade 2 Multi-Subject teacher demonstrates deep
knowledge of measurement and geometry. The teacher applies measurement
concepts and standard units and interprets geometry as a system based on
precise definitions and mathematical reasoning. The teacher models and solves
mathematical and real-world problems, including problems involving angle
measure, perimeter, area, surface area, and volume. The teacher works with and
interprets data, uses measures of center and variability, and draws inferences
from data distributions. The teacher applies knowledge of probability and
understands how statistics and chance events are used to make inferences.
Competency 3, Measurement, Geometry, and Data, is designed to be 20% of
Mathematics 246 with approximately 10 questions as shown in the test
Test 212 246 Framework
3.1 Measurement and Geometry Performance Indicators
analyzes attributes of shapes, including symmetry and properties of their lines and
. so
es problems involving measurement and conversions of measurement units
c. solves mathematical and real-world problems involving angle measure, perimeter,
area, surface area, and volume
d. solves problems involving congruence and similarity and describes congruence in
terms of a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations and similarity in
terms of a sequence of rotations, reflections, translations, and dilations
e. graphs points and shapes on the coordinate plane to solve mathematical and real-
world problems
f. applies the Pythagorean theorem to solve a variety of problems, including distance
problems in the coordinate plane
no longer
in test 246
This Competency also has two sub-sections. The Measurement and Geometry
section is shown here with the removal of two Performance Indicators,
letters “d” and “f”.
Test 212 246 Framework
no longer
in test 246
addition to
test 246
3.2 Data, Statistics, and Probability Performance Indicators
a. represents, analyzes, and solves problems with data presented in various forms
(e.g., line plots, bar graphs, picture graphs)
b. demonstrates knowledge of statistical variability and measures and summarizes
and describes data distributions (e.g., number lines, dot plots, histograms, box
c. demonstrates knowledge of the use of random sampling to draw inferences about
a population and identifies sources of bias in sampling methods
d. draws informal or comparative inferences about two populations using data
distributions and measures of center (e.g., mean, median) and variability (e.g.,
interquartile range, mean absolute deviation, standard deviation)
e. investigates chance processes and develops, uses, and evaluates probability
models (e.g., independent and dependent events)
f. investigates patterns of association in bivariate data using scatter plots, linear
models, and two-way tables
d. uses measures of center (e.g., mean, median) and range to describe patterns in a
data set and to identify outliers
3.2 is Data, Statistics, and Probability. This sub-section has several indicators
no longer tested in Mathematics 246. It also has addition of Performance
Indicators unique to Mathematics 246.
Performance Indicator “b” has a partial elimination. This Performance
Indicator states that it demonstrates knowledge of statistical variability and
measures and summarizes and describes data distributions. It is under the
examples where there is a change in this Performance Indicator. “Box plots” is
no longer tested as that concept is introduced in grade seven.
erformance Indicator c” indicates a partial removal as well as an addition.
Performance Indicator demonstrates knowledge of the use of random
sampling and (this is new) identifies sources of bias in sampling methods, no
longer to “draw inferences about a population.
Performance Indicators from Mathematics 212 “d” through “f” are no longer
tested in Mathematics 246.
There is a new “d” for this subsection; this Performance Indicator uses
measures of center (e.g., mean, median) and range to describe patterns in a
data set and to identify outliers. Please review these carefully.
Test Framework
Performance Expectations
The New York State Birth–Grade 2 Multi-Subject teacher integrates
knowledge of the mathematics learning that occurs prior to schooling
with understanding of how children learn number and operations,
measurement and spatial reasoning, and data collection and
interpretation to promote student learning. The teacher provides a
rich variety of focused strategies (e.g., moving from concrete to
abstract; using multiple representations; explaining, connecting, and
critiquing ideas) for promoting children's understanding, confidence,
perseverance, and fluency in these areas. The focused strategies
include explicitly teaching mathematical language that students need
for mathematical practice, performance, and success. The teacher
uses assessment to differentiate instruction.
Competency 4, Instruction in Mathematics, is designed to be 10% of
Mathematics 246 with approximately 5 questions as shown in the test design.
Test 212 246 Framework
Tests 212
and 246 are
the same
4.1 Instruction in Number and Operations Performance Indicators
applies strategies for teaching counting and cardinality, ordinal numbers, and
for comparing numbers
b. applies strategies for teaching properties of whole numbers, counting, methods for
composing and decomposing numbers, and multiple ways of representing numbers
c. demonstrates knowledge of strategies that build understanding of the equal sign and
the meaning of equations
d. demonstrates knowledge of strategies for teaching place value concepts
e. applies strategies for teaching the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division
f. applies strategies for teaching the relationships between operations
g. applies strategies for developing children's fluency with number operations
h. applies methods for teaching how to represent and solve one- and two-step
problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
i. applies strategies for teaching computational algorithms
j. applies methods for teaching understanding of fractions as numbers
k. applies methods for teaching fraction equivalence and ordering and the use of
equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions
This Competency also has two subsections. One is shown here, the other on
the next slide. This one is 4.1, Instruction in Number and Operations. There
are no differences between the two tests, no changes were necessary for this
Test 212 246 Framework
4.2 Instruction in Measurement and Data and Geometry Performance Indicators
applies strategies for teaching concepts related to measurable attributes, including
of objects that have measurable attributes in common
b. demonstrates knowledge of strategies for teaching how to measure indirectly by
iterating length units and how to measure and estimate lengths in standard units
c. applies strategies for relating addition and subtraction to length and for relating
multiplication and addition to area
d. demonstrates knowledge of methods for teaching how to analyze, compare, and
sort objects in different sizes and to describe similarities, differences, and other
attributes (e.g., color, size, shape)
e. demonstrates knowledge of age-appropriate methods for describing relative
f. applies strategies for helping children compare, create, and compose shapes
g. selects strategies for teaching how to tell time and work with money
h. applies strategies for guiding children to classify objects and generate and
represent measurement data
no longer
in test 246
In the second sub-section of this competency, Instruction in Measurement
and Data and Geometry, two indicators have been removed, “g” and “h”, as
these are introduced in grades 7 and 8.
Test Framework
Performance Expectations
The New York State Birth–Grade 2 Multi-Subject teacher accurately and effectively
applies relevant content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in
number and operations, operations and algebraic thinking, and measurement and
data to analyze and synthesize assessment data about an individual student,
identify conceptual or procedural errors, and provide a well-reasoned and
accurate analysis of the student's mathematical knowledge. The teacher uses the
assessment results and knowledge of how students learn to present an
appropriate instructional approach that meets the needs of the student.
Competency 5, Analysis, Synthesis, and Application is the Constructed
response. There is just one constructed response item with 20% of overall
score as shown in the test design.
Test 212 246 Framework
Tests 212
and 246 are
the same
5 Analysis, Synthesis, and Application Performance Indicators
a. analyzes and interprets samples of a student's work and other assessment data to
monitor student progress and determine a student's strengths and areas of need in
b. demonstrates knowledge of the content by identifying and analyzing any errors or
misconceptions in work samples
c. selects appropriate and effective content-specific instructional strategies, activities,
or interventions to address a student's identified needs
d. demonstrates the ability to generate real-world scenarios that illustrate specific
mathematical concepts
e. demonstrates the ability to justify the effectiveness of selected instructional
strategies, activities, or interventions in promoting a student's mathematical
There are no differences between the two tests, no changes were necessary
for this Competency. Constructed response items have not changed. The same
ems validated for use in 212 will appear in 246.
How to Use the Test Framework
Carefully review the competencies to become familiar with the
structure and content of the test or subtest.
For each performance expectation and set of performance indicators,
candidates should ask:
o Am I fully prepared to answer questions about this subject?
o Is this an area I know something about, but need to review?
o Is this content that I am not familiar with at all?
The Test Framework is a guide to the content knowledge and pedagogical
content knowledge and skills being assessed on the test. Carefully review the
competencies to become familiar with the structure and content of the test
or subtest.
As candidates review the competencies and the associated performance
indicators, they should consider what they already know, how well they know
it, and if this is an area that requires further study.
Preparation programs should use the Test Framework and test design to
ensure their candidates have opportunities to master the content knowledge
and pedagogical content knowledge and skills that are assessed on the test.
Study Guide|Webpage
Use side bar to navigate
through the study guide.
Continuing on with Preparation Materials page you will see the study guide
section. This section contains:
The test design and framework
Sample Selected-Response Items with answers
Sample Constructed-Response Items includes:
o Exhibits
o Sample Strong Responses,
o Rubric containing Performance Characteristics and Score Scale for
Constructed-Response Items
Toggle through the study guide by clicking on the menu on the left of the
study guide, there are chapters for each competency and sections to move
forward through the guide.
Study Guide | Sample Questions
The preparation guide is
designed to provide
information about the
content and format of a
test and it illustrates
some o
the pot
types of questions that
appear on a test
The preparation guide is designed to provide information about the content
and format of a test and it illustrates some of the potential types of questions
that appear on a test; both candidates and faculty are encouraged to take
antage of the study guide resources. These provide a great opportunity to
see what Performance Indicators look like in assessment form. Spend some
time reviewing the question, looking at all available graphics, and reading the
question and all possible answers thoroughly. The plus sign next to “Answer
opens the correct response and rationale.
Study Guide | Sample Questions
Background Information,
Classroom Activity, Excerpt of
Group Discussion, and Sample
Strong Response follows
The Constructed Response section offers two sample questions Strong Response
for each.
The menu on the left of this page allows you to easily navigate between the
parts of the section including Background Information, Classroom Activity,
Excerpt of Group Discussion, Performance characteristics, and Score Scale.
Preparation Reminders
Read the test framework for the test/subtest(s) you are
preparing to take.
Read the sample questions in the study guide, attempt to
answer them, and review the correct response provided.
Develop a plan to focus your studies. Use the study guide as a
Utilize the short tutorials that provide guidance on what to
expect at the test center on the day of the test.
These are some useful reminders for candidates before they
take this, or any,
assessment. Use test preparation materials to uncover areas where additional
support or study may be needed. When
these areas have been identified,
develop a plan of study prior to taking the test.
Videos and Tutorials
Pearson Professional Centers Tour
Computer-Based Testing Tutorials – Find out what to expect when you take a
computer-based test.
At the bottom of the Test Preparation page you can find tutorials. The Pearson
Professional Centers tutorial provides a photo tour of Pearson Testing Centers
so that you will be familiar with your surroundings and expectations once you
arrive at the test center. The other tutorials are for computer-based testing.
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of these resources because it is
always good to “know before you go.You will be given the opportunity right
before testing to learn how to navigate the test, but when we are in stressful
environments, we tend to not attend as well as we might otherwise.
Watching these tutorials outside of a test environment allows you to learn
how to navigate display features, flag items, use the on-screen calculator, and
review your responses, among other things. Please note, there is a specific
section for tests that have math features.
In this next section we will review some registration guidance—this may be
geared a bit more toward candidates but is good general guidance for those
who support candidates as well.
Create an Account
Create an account or sign-in to
an already existing account. If
you know that you have an
existing account, but have
forgotten your password, click on
the “forgot password” link
Going back to the NYSTCE homepage, the next tab on bar at the top of
page is “Register. Once here, candidates will need to create an account or
-in to an already existing account. If you know that you have an existing
account, but have forgotten your password, click on the “forgot password”
and you will be sent an email to reset. Candidates can register for the Multi-
Subject: Teachers of Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2) with Mathematics 246
beginning April 25, 2023. Candidates who have scheduled for the Multi-
Subject: Teachers of Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2) with Mathematics 212
after May 21, 2023 will be contacted by a customer service representative to
reschedule. Candidates who have already scheduled for Mathematics 212,
but now wish to wait for Mathematics 246, can withdraw for a full refund
from Mathematics 212 and register for Mathematics 246 on or after April
, 2023.
Create an Account
This information is required when setting up an account.
Create an Account
Reminder: Your name must be
entered exactly as it appears
Provide personal information to create an account that replicates what
appears on government issued identification. This is important, because you
will be asked to show your ID at the testing facility and this must match your
Scheduling the Test
From the Test landing page:
Computer-Based Testing
By appointment year-round, Monday through Saturday (excluding
some holidays)
Located in New York and nationwide
At the time of this webinar, the Multi-Subject: Teachers of Early Childhood
(Birth-Grade 2) with Mathematics 246 does not have the “test dates” or
“test sites” sections available. These will become available on April 25,
2023. Once they do become available, you will be able to click on links to
check appointment availability and testing locations.
Computer-Based Testing:
y appointment year-round, Monday through Saturday (excluding some
Located in New York and nationwide, and internationally
Tips & Reminders
Schedule your test as soon as you are able.
Use the “seat search” tool to explore surrounding locations.
Test appointments can be changed with no fee, multiple times, provided
the change is made at least 24 hours in advance of your current
appointment and before your registration expires.
Additional appointments may become available as test centers adjust their
calendars. If you were unable to initially schedule your preferred date and
time, check seat availability frequently and change your appointment to
meet your preferences.
If you have not yet scheduled a test, you may withdraw your registration for
a full refund at any time. If you’ve scheduled your test, you may cancel the
test up to 24 hours before the scheduled testing time and will be eligible for
a full refund.
Use the seat search tool to find the closest test center.
Candidates may reschedule and be eligible for a
full refund provided they
dule at least 24 hours before the actual test date and time. There is no
penalty for withdrawing registration prior to scheduling to test.
The Day of the Test
When registration opens for this assessment, options will be populated in the
menu on the right of the page. Among these options are details for the day of
the t
est. (Description) The tutorials can be found on this page once again.
Read these details carefully so that you are prepared with the required
Day of Test Reminders
Be sure to report to the test center 15
minutes before your scheduled testing
Don’t forget to bring proper
government-issued identification with
you to the test site.
Review what materials and items are
allowed and prohibited in the test
Get to the test center early.
Bring proper identification.
eview what materials are allowed at the test center and what is prohibited.
Test-Taking Tips
Read and follow all directions carefully.
Read each question carefully.
Determine the best answer to each
Pace your work.
During the test, read and follow all directions and questions carefully.
For each multiple-choice question there are four options. There is only one
ect response. The incorrect responses are meant to be plausible. Take
time to read through the questions and responses carefully to understand
what the question is asking in order to determine the best answer.
Pace yourself. There is a clock on the screen to see the time remaining in the
test session.
Flag difficult items and return to them later. Flagging items is explained in the
computer-based testing tutorial.
In this last section, we will show you how to read your score report.
Score Reports
On the homepage, on the bar at the top of the page, you will find “Scores”
to locate useful resources both before and after score reports are released.
Score Report Dates
The Score Report Dates page provides information on when scores are
released. Click on the assessment schedule you wish to view. The Test Dates
column on the left of the page lists the windows for testing. The column on
the right provides the score report release date for the test date windows.
For example, on this sample, scores were released on March 15, 2023 for
candidates who tested any time between January 30 and February 26, 2023.
Please note that not all tests are offered in the same test windows. Check the
Score Report Date release schedule for your specific test. In the menu on the
right, you can click the link to Understanding Your Test Results. Scores will be
reported two weeks after the close of the testing window. The two-week
period of time after testing is used to look at the data to ensure the items
are performing correctly. Two independent scorers review the constructed
response items.
Understanding Your Score Report
A table is provided on this page to show the test score range and the passing
score. Test scores will be reported to the candidate, NYSED, and, if applicable,
the institution(s) that were indicated during registration. Scores are reported
tly to the NYSED using the social security number that was entered
during registration and are automatically added to the candidate’s
certification application file. (Drop down links to PDF) Under Score Report
Explanations, select the test and click Go.
Understanding Your Score Report
Score reports provide feedback on performance at the competency level.
Performance by competency is indicated using a performance index. When
one + is showing, the performance for the competency is well below the level
represented by the state benchmark. This is an area where the test taker may
want to focus additional study. If two ++ are showing, the performance is just
below the state benchmark. If three +++ are shown, the performance is just
at or above the state benchmark. And if four ++++ are shown, performance is
well above the state benchmark.
Use the performance indices on score reports to plan a strategy for
emediation if retesting.
Contact Us
Email Form
Find Info
Answers to commonly asked
(800) 309-5225 (toll free, US and Canada only)
MonFri: 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. eastern time, excluding holidays
Sat: 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. eastern time, excluding holidays
(Automated Information System available 24 hours daily)
For certification questions, please contact the New York State
Education Department (NYSED) Office of Teaching Initiatives
If you find that you require assistance, there is a “find info” tab on the bar at
the top of the homepage. You are able to type in search queries here to
commonly asked questions. If you need to reach out to someone, in the upper
right-hand corner of the page is a “Contact Us” link. Under this link are email
forms and contact numbers. For certification questions, please contact the
New York State Education Department (NYSED) Office of Teaching Initiatives