2024–2025 HKS Faculty
Aldy, Joseph Teresa and John Heinz Professor of the Practice of Environmental Policy
Allen, Danielle Professor of Public Policy, HKS; James Bryant Conant University Professor, FAS
Allison, Graham Douglas Dillon Professor of Government
Alsan, Marcella Angelopoulos Professor of Public Policy
Andrews, Matthew Edward S. Mason Senior Lecturer in International Development
Applbaum, Arthur Adams Professor of Political Leadership and Democratic Values
Avery, Christopher Norio Roy E. Larsen Professor of Public Policy
Battilana, Julie Alan L. Gleitsman Professor of Social Innovation, HKS; Joseph C. Wilson Professor
of Business Administration, HBS
Baum, Matthew Marvin Kalb Professor of Global Communications
Bilmes, Linda Daniel Patrick Moynihan Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Bloome, Deirdre Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy, HKS; Professor of Sociology,
Bohnet, Iris Albert Pratt Professor of Business and Government
Bowles, Hannah Riley Roy E. Larsen Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Management
Brooks, Arthur Parker Gilbert Montgomery Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership
Brooks, Cornell William Hauser Professor of the Practice of Nonprofit Organizations; Professor of the
Practice of Public Leadership and Social Justice
Bunn, Matthew James R. Schlesinger Professor of the Practice of Energy, National Security, and
Foreign Policy
Chandra, Amitabh Ethel Zimmerman Wiener Professor of Public Policy, HKS;
Henry and Allison McCance Professor of Business Administration, HBS
Chenoweth, Erica Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment
Cohen, Dara Kay Professor of Public Policy
Cooper, Suzanne Edith M. Stokey Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Dafny, Leemore S. Professor of Public Policy, HKS; Bruce V. Rauner Professor of Business
Administration, HBS
de Jong, Jorrit Emma Bloomberg Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Management
Deep, Akash Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Deming, David Isabelle and Scott Black Professor of Political Economy, HKS;
Professor of Education and Economics, HGSE
Dobbie, Will Professor of Public Policy
Doğan, Pinar Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Donahue, John Raymond Vernon Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Senior Faculty
2024–2025 HKS Faculty
Dynan, Karen Professor of the Practice of Public Policy, HKS; Professor of the Practice of
Economics, FAS
Elmendorf, Douglas Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Public Policy; Harvard University Distinguished
Service Professor
Foxx, Anthony Emma Bloomberg Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership
Frankel, Jerey James W. Harpel Professor of Capital Formation and Growth
Fung, Archon Winthrop Laflin McCormack Professor of Citizenship and Self-Government
Furman, Jason Aetna Professor of the Practice of Economic Policy
Ganz, Marshall Rita E. Hauser Senior Lecturer in Leadership, Organizing, and Civil Society
Garber, Alan President of Harvard University; Professor of Public Policy, HKS;
Mallinckrodt Professor of Health Care Policy, HMS; Professor of Economics, FAS;
Professor of Health Policy and Management, HSPH
Gibbs, Nancy Edward R. Murrow Professor of the Practice of Press, Politics and Public Policy
Goel, Sharad Professor of Public Policy
Goldsmith, Stephen Derek Bok Professor of the Practice of Urban Policy
Hanna, Rema Jerey Cheah Professor of South-East Asia Studies
Hanson, Gordon Peter Wertheim Professor in Urban Policy
Hausmann, Ricardo Rafik Hariri Professor of the Practice of International Political Economy
Heifetz, Ronald King Hussein Bin Talal Senior Lecturer in Public Leadership
Hochschild, Jennifer Professor of Public Policy, HKS; Henry LaBarre Jayne Professor of Government
and Professor of African and African American Studies, FAS
Hong, Kessely Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Jasano, Sheila Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies
Kayyem, Juliette Belfer Senior Lecturer in International Security
Keyssar, Alex Matthew W. Stirling, Jr. Professor of History and Social Policy
Khwaja, Asim Sumitomo-FASID Professor of International Finance and Development
King, David Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
La Ferrara, Eliana Professor of Public Policy
Lawrence, Robert Albert L. Williams Professor of International Trade and Investment
Lee, Henry Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Leonard, Herman B. (Dutch) George F. Baker, Jr. Professor of Public Management, HKS; Eliot I. Snider and
Family Professor of Business Administration, HBS
Lerner, Jennifer Thornton F. Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy, Decision Science, and
Levy, Dan Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Senior Faculty
2024–2025 HKS Faculty
Liebman, Jerey Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Social Policy
Logevall, Fredrik Laurence D. Belfer Professor of International Aairs
Mandell, Brian Mohamed Kamal Senior Lecturer in Negotiation and Public Policy
Masoud, Tarek Ford Foundation Professor of Democracy and Governance
Mitter, Rana S.T. Lee Professor of U.S.-Asia Relations
Muhammad, Khalil Gibran Ford Foundation Professor of History, Race, and Public Policy
O’Sullivan, Meghan Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Aairs
Patrick, Deval David R. Gergen Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership
Patterson, Thomas Bradlee Professor of Government and the Press
Pedulla, David Professor of Public Policy, HKS; Professor of Sociology, FAS
Peterson, Paul Professor of Public Policy, HKS; Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of Government,
Porter, Roger IBM Professor of Business and Government
Reinhart, Carmen Minos A. Zombanakis Professor of the International Financial System
Risse, Mathias Berthold Beitz Professor in Human Rights, Global Aairs and Philosophy
Robichaud, Christopher Senior Lecturer in Ethics and Public Policy
Rodrik, Dani Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy
Rogers, Todd Weatherhead Professor of Public Policy
Rosenbach, Eric Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Saich, Anthony Daewoo Professor of International Aairs
Schlenker, Wolfram Ray A. Goldberg Professor of the Global Food System
Schneider, Daniel Malcolm Wiener Professor of Social Policy, HKS; Professor of Sociology, FAS
Schrag, Daniel Professor of Public Policy, HKS; Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology and
Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering, FAS
Sen, Maya Professor of Public Policy
Sikkink, Kathryn Ryan Family Professor of Human Rights Policy
Smith, Sandra Susan Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Professor of Criminal Justice, HKS;
Professor of Sociology, FAS; Carol K. Pforzheimer Professor, Radclie
Sparrow, Malcolm Professor of the Practice of Public Management
Stavins, Robert A.J. Meyer Professor of Energy and Economic Development
Stock, James H. Professor of Public Policy, HKS; Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of
Political Economy, FAS
Summers, Lawrence H. Charles W. Eliot University Professor
Svoronos, Teddy Senior Lecturer in Public Policy
Senior Faculty
2024–2025 HKS Faculty
Sweeney, Latanya Daniel Paul Professor of the Practice of Government and Technology,
Tingley, Dustin Thomas D. Cabot Professor of Public Policy, HKS and FAS
Waldo, James Professor of the Practice of Public Policy, HKS; Gordon McKay Professor of the
Practice of Computer Science, SEAS
Walt, Stephen Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Aairs
Weinstein, Jeremy Dean and Don K. Price Professor of Public Policy
Wilkinson, Robert Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Leadership
Williams, Michelle Professor of Public Policy, HKS; Professor of Epidemiology, HSPH
Zeckhauser, Richard Frank Plumpton Ramsey Professor of Political Economy
Zittrain, Jonathan Professor of Public Policy, HKS; George Bemis Professor of International Law,
HLS; Professor of Computer Science, SEAS
Senior Faculty
2024–2025 HKS Faculty
Ang, Desmond Associate Professor of Public Policy
Armona, Luis Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Bai, Jie Associate Professor of Public Policy
Bassan-Nygate, Lotem Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Brodsky, Lauren Lecturer in Public Policy
Carlana, Michela Associate Professor of Public Policy
de Benedictis-Kessner, Justin Associate Professor of Public Policy
Fagan, Mark Lecturer in Public Policy
González, Yanilda Ford Foundation Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Haigh, John Lecturer in Public Policy
Jensen, Anders Associate Professor of Public Policy
Jimenez, Juan Lecturer in Public Policy
Johnson, Douglas A. Lecturer in Public Policy
Lee, Matthew Associate Professor of Public Policy and Management
Linos, Elizabeth Emma Bloomberg Associate Professor of Public Policy and Management
Livingston, Robert Lecturer in Public Policy
Marks, Zoe Lecturer in Public Policy
McKenna, Liz Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Minson, Julia Associate Professor of Public Policy
Nair, Gautam Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Norris, Pippa Paul F. McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics
O’Brien, Timothy Lecturer in Public Policy
Saavedra, Juan Lecturer in Public Policy
Saghafian, Soroush Associate Professor of Public Policy
Schneer, Benjamin Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Shepard, Mark Associate Professor of Public Policy
Talibova, Roya Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman Assistant Professor of International Relations
Taylor, Charles Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Junior Faculty
2024–2025 HKS Faculty
Emeritus and Emerita Faculty
Altshuler, Alan Ruth and Frank Stanton Professor in Urban Policy and Planning, Emeritus
Bacow, Lawrence Professor of Public Policy, Emeritus
Bane, Mary Jo Thornton Bradshaw Professor of Public Policy and Management, Emerita
Behn, Robert Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Emeritus
Bok, Derek Three Hundredth Anniversary University Research Professor
Borjas, George Robert W. Scrivner Research Professor of Economics and Social Policy
Carnesale, Albert Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Public Policy and Administration, Emeritus
Clark, William Harvey Brooks Research Professor of International Science, Public Policy
and Human Development
Ellwood, David Isabelle and Scott Black Professor of Political Economy, Emeritus
Gergen, David Public Service Professor of Public Leadership, Emeritus
mez-Ibáñez, José A. Derek C. Bok Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy, Emeritus
Grindle, Merilee Edward S. Mason Professor of International Development, Emerita
Hogan, William Raymond Plank Research Professor of Global Energy Policy
Holdren, John Teresa and John Heinz Research Professor of Environmental Policy
Jencks, Christopher Malcolm Wiener Professor of Social Policy, Emeritus
Kalb, Marvin Edward R. Murrow Professor of Practice, Emeritus
Kalt, Joseph Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy, Emeritus
Kamm, Frances Littauer Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy, Emerita
Kelman, Steven Albert J. Weatherhead III and Richard W. Weatherhead Professor of
Public Management, Emeritus
Mansbridge, Jenny Adams Professor of Political Leadership and Democratic Values, Emerita
Moore, Mark Research Professor of Public Management
Newhouse, Joseph John D. MacArthur Research Professor of Health Policy and Management
Nye, Joseph Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor, Emeritus
Orren, Gary V.O. Key, Jr. Professor of Politics and Leadership, Emeritus
Putnam, Robert D. Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy, Emeritus
Scherer, F. M. Professor of Public Policy and Corporate Management in the Aetna Chair,
Seglin, Jerey Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Emeritus
Thompson, Dennis Alfred North Whitehead Professor of Political Philosophy, Emeritus
Walton, Michael Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Emeritus
Wilson, Julie Boatright Harry S. Kahn Senior Lecturer in Social Policy, Emeritus
2024–2025 HKS Faculty
Emeritus and Emerita Faculty
Wilson, William Julius Lewis P. and Linda L. Geyser University Professor, Emeritus
Wise, David John F. Stambaugh Professor of Political Economy, Emeritus
2024–2025 HKS Faculty
Abdur-Rashid, Khalil Lecturer on Muslim Studies, HDS
Bazerman, Max Jesse Isidor Straus Professor of Business Administration, HBS
Bhabha, Jacqueline Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights, HSPH; Jeremiah Smith Jr.
Lecturer in Law, HLS
Bleich, Sara Professor of Public Health Policy, HSPH; Carol K. Pforzheimer Professor, Radclie
Cole, Shawn John G. McClean Professor of Business Administration, HBS
Cutler, David Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics, FAS
Glaeser, Edward Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics, FAS
Henrich, Joseph Ruth Moore Professor of Biological Anthropology; Professor of Human
Evolutionary Biology, FAS
Herbert, Christopher Lecturer in Urban Planning and Design, HGSD
Honan, James Senior Lecturer on Education, HGSE
Kane, Thomas Walter H. Gale Professor of Education and Economics, HGSE
Koh, Howard Harvey V. Fineberg Professor of the Practice of Public Health Leadership, HSPH
Layton, Timothy 30th Anniversary Associate Professor of Health Care Policy, HMS
Light, Richard Carl H. Pforzheimer, Jr. Research Professor of Teaching and Learning, HGSE
McCarthy, Timothy Lecturer on Education, HGSE
Stantcheva, Stefanie Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Political Economy, FAS
Stein, Michael Visiting Professor of Law, HLS
Sunstein, Cass Robert Walmsley University Professor, HLS
Winship, Christopher Diker-Tishman Professor of Sociology, FAS
2024–2025 HKS Faculty
Adjunct and Visiting Faculty
Arora, Anil Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Ascencio Pastora, Salvador Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Ayee, Gloria Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Baum, Jeeyang Rhee Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Beriont, Carleigh Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Borck, Jonathan Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Bruich, Gregory Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Carras, James Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Cavanagh, Richard Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Cels, Sanderijn Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Chipungu, Farayi Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Duzgit, Senem Aydin Pierre Keller Visiting Professor of Public Policy
Freeland, Grant Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Geary, James Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Green, Alex Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Hughes Hallett, Deborah Adjunct Professor of Public Policy
Iammartino, Brian Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
King, Alison Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Krupin, Stephen Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Le Brun, Anne Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Mazzola, MaryRose Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Qu, Hong Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Quartana, Lawrence Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Sanger, David Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Schneier, Bruce Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Scott, Hal Adjunct Professor of Public Policy
Seamster, Louise Visiting Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Sumar, Fatema Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Wald, Sarah Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Warren, Setti Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy
Weil, David Visiting Professor of Public Policy
Wood, David Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy