A Service Adaptation Middleware for Delay Tolerant Network based on
HTTP Simple Queue Service
Hao Zhuang
, Herv
e Ntareme
, Zhonghong Ou
, Bj
orn Pehrson
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden;
Aalto University, Finland
An increasing number of web-based Delay Tolerant Net-
work (DTN) applications are being developed by re-
searchers, ranging from monitoring the environment to
supplementing other network infrastructure located or in-
stalled in harsh environments like wireless sensor net-
works. These applications need to communicate with the
DTN daemon to facilitate data transmission. Hence, it is
necessary to provide a middleware layer that allows the
communication between applications based on different
platforms and DTN service daemons. In this paper, a
DTN Service Adaptation Middleware (DSAM) is pro-
posed to provide a communication layer between DTN
service daemons and different applications based on dif-
ferent platforms (e.g., Java, Python, C/C++, PHP). Fur-
thermore, we delineate the architecture of DSAM and
describe two supporting applications based on our mid-
dleware, namely DTN2 network management tool and
WSN environmental monitoring application. Finally, we
present our findings grounded on performance evalua-
tions in terms of throughput and power consumption.
1 Introduction
Even though the mobile telephony and Internet access
have experienced rapid improvements over recent years
in many developing countries around the world, there are
still some rural and remote regions, especially in African
countries, which are not equipped with ICT infrastruc-
ture. These places are defined as the communication-
challenged area [9] where demand for communication
services exceeds supply. Moreover, traditional telecom-
munication operators hesitate to invest in such areas
since they only regard them as low-yielding, high-cost
and high-risk. In 2003, Demmer et al. [6] proposes the
concept of DTN which provides a good solution of com-
munication connectivity for those environment. Later on,
DTN2 [7], a reference implementation of the DTN proto-
cols based on Linux C/C++ platform, is developed by the
DTN research group whilst Bytewalla [14], developed by
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, makes it possi-
ble for Android phone to become a data carrier for DTN
bundles. Android mobile platform is one of the front run-
ners as the DTN mobile router because of its portability
and growing popularity.
Meanwhile, an increasing number of DTN applica-
tions have been developed to provide a wide range of ser-
vices for those communication-challenged areas. For ex-
ample,in [9], DTN network management tool facilitates
users to control and manage the DTN2 software while
Sentinel Surveillance application improves the health
conditions in rural areas. However, these applications are
based on different programming languages, such as PHP,
Java, C/C++, and are even deployed on different operat-
ing systems (e.g. Linux, Android) and hardware. Fur-
thermore, in order to send or receive messages over the
DTN, all the applications have to encapsulate their appli-
cation data units (ADUs) [10] into bundles. It is, in fact,
unfeasible to provide different implementations of DTN
bundle protocol for different platforms or operating sys-
tems, which highlights the necessity of communication
between DTN service daemons and various applications.
Therefore, in this paper, we propose a DTN service
adaptation middleware (DSAM) to solve this problem.
The main contributions of this paper can be summarized
in two-fold: i) We propose a DSAM which provides
a communication layer between DTN service daemons
and different applications. It not only allows applica-
tion modules to be distributed over heterogeneous plat-
forms (e.g. Java, PHP, and Python), but also reduces
the complexity of developing DTN applications that span
multiple operating systems and network protocols; ii)
Two supporting applications are developed to validate
the flexibility, extensibility and reliability of our middle-
ware. On the basis of our performance evaluation, we
optimize our system in terms of throughput and power
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In next
section,we give background information on both hard-
ware and software. Section 3 illustrates the architecture
design of DSAM while section 4 introduces two support-
ing applications for our middleware. Performance eval-
uations are presented in section 5. Section 6 gives the
related work and section 7 draws our conclusions and
puts forward some suggestions for future work.
2 Background
2.1 Hardware
ALIX board computer, designed by PC Engines in
Switzerland, is highly power efficient, small, and ca-
pable of running operating systems [1] like Linux and
FreeBSD unmodified thanks to its x86 compatible pro-
cessor. Routers, firewalls, mail servers, and network at-
tached storage are all common roles for the Alix. In
this paper, Alix boards with Voyage Linux [13] are used
as the DTN gateways while Alix boards with Bifrost
Linux [5] as DTN routers. The reason why we adopt
two different Linux distributions is that Bifrost, a small
Linux distribution which follows the principle of KISS
(keep it simple and straightforward), provides a robust
routing while Voyage Linux offers great convenience for
installing and deploying applications on the DTN gate-
Sun SPOTs (Sun Small Programmable Object Tech-
nology) [3] are Java programmable embedded de-
vices designed for flexibility. The basic unit includes
application-specific sensors like accelerometer, temper-
ature and light sensors, radio transmitter, eight multicol-
ored LEDs, 2 push-button control switches, 5 digital I/O
pins, 6 analog inputs, 4 digital outputs, and a recharge-
able battery. Sun SPOTs are powered by a specially
designed small-footprint Java virtual machine, called
Squawk, which can host multiple applications concur-
rently, and requires no underlying operating system. It
collects light level and temperature data from the envi-
ronment. Sun SPOT can be tethered to a DTN gateway
via a USB cable, which enables them to act as base sta-
tions through which other SPOTs can access resources
on the gateways such as databases or Web applications.
2.2 Software
DTN2 and Bytewalla are both open source DTN imple-
mentation that is compatible with Bundle Protocol Spec-
ification (RFC 5050). The goal of DTN2 is not only
to embody the components of the DTN architecture, but
also to provide a robust and flexible software framework
for experimentation, extension, and real-world deploy-
ment. In fact, Bytewalla DTN implementation on An-
droid phone is porting from DTN2. It has supported
static and PRoPHET routing. The dynamic discovery of
the neighbouring nodes enables new nodes to enter and
leave the network in a dynamic manner. It eliminates the
requirement for a static allocation of host IP addresses
and Endpoint Identifiers (EID) to the network nodes as
required in the earlier versions of Bytewalla. In this pa-
per, we deploy DTN2 on ALIX board and adopt Byte-
walla on Android phones as DTN mobile routers.
HTTPSQS is a lightweight implementation which
provides simple queue services based on HTTP protocol
[8]. It is very fast and supports ten thousands of concur-
rent connections. Also, it supports multiple queues, and
the maximum length of every single queue is one billion.
It takes less than 100MB of physical memory buffer to
store dozens of GB data. More importantly, it has only
less than 900 lines source code, which makes the deploy-
ment and second development become easy. Consider-
ing our implementation will be deployed in ALIX Board
with limited memory and storage, we choose HTTPSQS
as our solution for DSAM.
3 Architecture Design
The middleware we propose is based on the DTN-
specific physic, link, network, transport and bundle pro-
tocols. Figure 1 shows the architecture of DSAM. As
can be seen from the figure, DSAM provides a com-
munication layer that insulates the application develop-
ers from the details of DTN bundle protocol, operat-
ing system and network interface. The middleware has
three distinct parts: (1) HTTPSQS that provides sim-
ple queue service based on HTTP GET/POST proto-
col; (2) Client APIs which enable applications to send
and receive different HTTPSQS messages to the HTTP-
SQS; (3)HTTPSQS Message Processor which processes
HTTPSQS messages asynchronously.
HTTPSQS is the core of our middleware which pro-
Figure 1: Architecture of DSAM
vides the simple message queue service based on HTTP
for the applications. Messages are stored by Tokyo Cab-
inet [4], as a simple data file containing records, each of
which is a pair of a key and a value. Records are orga-
nized in hash table, B+ tree, or fixed-length array. It only
takes 0.7 seconds to store 1 million records in the regular
hash table and 1.6 seconds for the B-Tree engine [2].
Client APIs enable applications to send and receive
HTTPSQS messages. It is implemented in different lan-
guages according to various applications. At present, we
provide PHP, JAVA, Python and C/C++ cross language
client APIs for HTTPSQS. It supports two different for-
mats of HTTPSQS Message: text and XML message.
(1)Text message is an ordinary sequential file as tex-
tual material without much processing, which is appro-
priate to run on the ALIX board. The text message
is fully compatible with all the commands used in the
DTN2 TCL console. For example, the text message
to get the DTN bundle statistical information is bundle
(2)XML message is stored in plain text format which
provides a software- and hardware-independent way of
storing data. This makes it much easier to exchange data
that can be shared by different applications. However,
it is a costly way to analyze the XML string which con-
sumes more CPU time as well as power. In DSAM, XML
message is designed to improve the quality of service
(QoS). The detailed elements in XML based message are
listed in the table 1.
Table 1: XML Elements
Elements Description
messageId identity number for message
destqueue the queue which the message will send
expiration in seconds, which indicates the expira-
tion time, default 60s
priority range from 1-9, default 4, which indi-
cates the priority of message
timestamp the timestamp of creating the message
redelivered the number of message is expected to
deliveryMode persistent or non-persistent, which in-
dicates whether the message is stored
in the database or not
type text request reply request-without-
relpy. It indicates the type of message
correlationID provides provider specific or applica-
tion specific string help identify filter
classify the message
replyTo The queue which message will reply to
mesg body the content of message
HTTPSQS Message Processor (HMP) is main dae-
mon to process HTTPSQS Message asynchronously. All
the messages are stored in queues maintained by HTTP-
SQS. HTTPSQS Message is an object which indicates a
specific task. HPM analyzes the messages and dispatches
the messages to different applications with different pro-
cess logic. There are two main components in the HMP.
(1)HTTPSQS Message Serialize/Deserialize HTTP
Message is a local representation within a specific ap-
plication. When it is transferred among different kinds
of applications implemented on different platforms, it
should be converted from local representation to exter-
nal representation which is called serialize. The reverse
process of converting from external presentation to the
local is called deserialize. In our middleware, we sup-
port two kinds of external presentation, namely text and
XML, while local representation of HTTPSQS Message
uses class in an object-oriented design.
(2) Request-Reply Processor Our middleware pro-
vides a communication layer for different applications.
There are four different kinds of queues created, namely
request, reply, retry and dead queue. Under normal con-
ditions, one client application sends a request to request
queue and awaits a reply getting from reply queue. If the
reply is not sent before expiration of a timeout period,
the request will be put in a retry queue and the number of
redelivered time is decreased by 1. In other words, un-
der abnormal conditions, the request is not fully finished.
If redelivered time decreases to zero, the request will be
put in a dead queue for manual process. Meanwhile, a
status reply message will automatically generate and be
put into the reply queue.
4 Supporting Applications
4.1 DTN2 Network Management Tool
DTN2 starts the DTN daemon service with dtnd com-
mand on the ALIX boards, which acts as DTN nodes.
After startup, dtnd creates and initializes a TCL inter-
preter, listening on the port 5050, which provides a com-
mand line interface and an event loop for configuring the
DTN2. Through interacting with TCL interpreter, users
can monitor the status of DTN2 and also change the set-
ting in a DTN configuration file. For example, bundle
stats gives the statistical information of bundles while
route dump lists all of the static routes. For developers,
the command line based console is useful for debugging
and testing. However, for application users, it is difficult
for them to understand all the commands to obtain the
status and configuration information of DTN2.
The goal of DTN2 network management tool (DNMT)
is to provide a user-friendly management tool for the ap-
plication end-users, which helps them configure the route
Figure 2: Architecture of DNMT
information and checks the status of bundles and links.
Figure 2 shows the architecture of DNMT. In the fore-
ground, users submit their requests through web interface
based on PHP and the requests will be sent to the request
queue in the form of HTTPSQS message. Meanwhile, in
the background, DNMT implemented with Python runs
as a service daemon to monitor the request queue. Once
there is a message in a request queue, DNMT will get,
deserialize and further analyze the messages to under-
stand what kind of task should be executed. The process
logic of task is provided by DTN2 service daemon. After
that, reply messages will be serialzed and put into reply
queue maintained in DSAM. Finally, the reply messages
will be refreshed asynchronously to Web interface by
using AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) tech-
nologies. In this application, DSAM provides a commu-
nication layer between PHP web interface and Python
DNMT to process the messages asynchronously. How-
ever, since DTN2 TCL console has already served on the
port 5050, we adopt Telnet socket communication be-
tween DNMT and DTN2 to minimize the response la-
4.2 WSN Environmental Monitoring Ap-
Based on DSAM, we also design and implement WSN
(Wireless Sensor Network) environmental monitoring
application (WEMA), which provides environmental
monitoring services for communication-challenged ar-
eas. Figure 3 illustrates the architecture design of
WEMA. There are four distributed application modules
running around the DSAM.
1) PHP web client deployed on DTN gateway is de-
signed to serve as web interface for application users to
control the WEMA and DTN services. Through the Web
interface, users can send their requests and receive the
replies, which make the other applications transparent to
the end-users.
2) Java client on SunSPOT deployed on the Sun
SPOTs continuously broadcast the environment data
(e.g. light level, temperature) on a specific port. The
communication between Sun SPOTs and base station is
via radio connections following IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
3) Java client on DTN Gateway connecting with a
basestation is responsible for receiving the data that is
broadcasted by the Sun SPOTs. It analyzes, filters and
finally stores the data into the MYSQL database. More-
over, the process logic, which manages the setup and
teardown of the connections with Sun SPOTs as well as
the allocation of specific sample duration, port numbers
and connection timeout, is also included in the client,
thereby fulfilling the requests received from the request
queue in DSAM.
Figure 3: Architecture of WEMA
4) C/C++ DTN2 Services Client is to handle the
user requests on messages and to filter transmission over
DTN regions. There are two pairs of DTN services:
httpdtnsend/httpdtnrecv and httpdtncp/httpdtncpd. The
httpdtnsend is used to get the messages from DSAM and
to encapsulate the messages into bundles while httpdt-
nrecv receives the bundles and puts the messages ex-
tracted from bundles into DSAM. With regard to httpdt-
ncp/httpdtncpd, httpdtncp is used to get file paths from
DSAM and to send files as bundles whilst httpdtncpd re-
ceives the files and returns file paths to DSAM.
We can see that all the application modules only inter-
act with DSAM, which decouples each software com-
ponent. For each module, they should not know the
details of others because they are not depend on each
other. Thus, DSAM enables the system continue opera-
tion when some part of the system fails, thereby improv-
ing the reliability and fault-tolerant of the system. Fur-
thermore, the system has a high level of code reusability
and extensibility. For new services such as Healthcare
applications, the developers merely need to learn how to
use client API to interact with DSAM. Our design frees
them from learning the DTN related knowledge.
Figure 4: Network Architecture
5 Evaluation
5.1 Network Setup
The figure 4 shows the network architecture of our test
network which is used to assess the performance of our
DSAM. There are two DTN regions, namely village and
city network. Within village network, there is a DTN
gateway and two DTN routers. Ten Sun SPOTs are de-
ployed, which are responsible for collecting environmen-
tal data. A base station connecting to the DTN gate-
way with an USB cable receives data from Sun SPOTs.
Within every single DTN region, the data are transferred
based on the HTTP protocol and are encapsulated into
bundles on the DTN gateway, which makes it possible
to transmit the data over DTN. Between village and city
DTN region, Bytewalla, running on the Android phone
as DTN mobile routers, will carry and forward data.
Based on this test network, we evaluate the throughput
and power consumption respectively from both DTN and
DSAM points of view.
5.2 DTN2 Send/Recv Bundles
Figure 5: Power of DTN Send/Recv bundles in 60s
We evaluate the throughput between DTN router and
DTN gateway. We send/receive bundles of a total 1 Gi-
gabyte data with different file sizes. The size of files are
100MB, 70MB, 50MB, 30MB,20MB,10MB and 1MB.
Meanwhile, we record the duration time of the whole
transmission. We use Watt’s Up Meter to get the power
during the transmission. Figure 5 depicts that, during a
period of 60 seconds,the power ranges from 4.4 watts to
5.3 watts and the average power is 4.89 watts. Due to
the limitation of meter, we consider the power remains
constant during the process of file transmission. Thus, it
follows immediately that the energy consumption is de-
cided by throughput. The higher the throughput is, the
less time and energy transmitting the data requires.
The detailed results of different test cases are shown
in the Table 2. As can be seen from the table, it only
takes 154 seconds for 20MB to finish the file transmis-
sion while 1MB needs 338s. From our test cases, the
most suitable size of file is 20MB when the throughput
is the highest at 6.65 MB/s. That means that we can save
half of energy (about 899.8 Joules) if we choose a suit-
able file size to send data. Therefore, we can divide large
files into small ones with the file size of 20MB, which
make large savings in energy.
File size(MB) Duration(s) Throughput(MB/s)
1 338 3.03
10 194 5.28
20 154 6.65
30 159 6.44
50 177 5.79
70 199 5.14
100 199 5.14
Table 2: Throughput of sending 1GB data in different file
5.3 DSAM Put/Get Httpsqs Message
For DSAM, we design the test cases to put/get 10,000
HTTPSQS messages with different sizes, namely 32
bytes, 64 bytes,128 bytes, 256 bytes and 512 bytes.
Whenever we put or get message we find the power re-
mains constant at 4.6 watts. Figure 6 shows the through-
put of DSAM putting and getting messages. It is clear
that the throughput of getting messages is larger than that
of putting operation. Furthermore, when the message
size is 512 bytes, there is a sharp decrease in the through-
put of both putting and getting operations. That means
the optimal size of HTTPSQS message is 256 bytes to
achieve better throughputs, thereby reducing energy con-
sumptions largely.
Figure 6: DSAM throughput
6 Related Work
Several studies have conducted on the DTN applications.
[9] has integrated Email services and a Sentinel Surveil-
lance health-care application (SSA) for DTN which try to
improve the health conditions in village areas of Africa.
[11] presents protocol mechanisms for running HTTP-
over-DTN as well as a system architecture for incremen-
tal deployment. Our design inspiration of DSAM comes
from [12] which Agoston et al. propose an adaptive
middleware for DTN. However, their middleware pro-
vides adaptive connections to seamlessly migrate from
one style to another in response to changing network
or application conditions while our DSAM focuses on
providing adaptation to different applications and ser-
vices. To our knowledge, there is no other implemen-
tation which focuses on the service adaptation between
different applications and DTN service daemons.
7 Conclusion
In this paper, we present the design and implementation
of DSAM. The unique contribution of DSAM is to cre-
ate a communication layer between different applications
and DTN service daemons, which brings many benefits.
Firstly, the application developers are free to choose their
development platforms. DSAM provides cross language
client APIs for diverse platforms and operating systems,
which allows the communication among different appli-
cations. Secondly, it is unnecessary for the application
developers to understand the details of DTN service dae-
mons. Instead, what they should do is to learn how to
communicate with DSAM. Their requests will be pro-
cessed asynchronously and the reply will be returned to
DSAM. Thirdly, the distributed applications based on
DSAM can share information and synchronize activity
by the HTTPSQS message queuing service, which can
achieve better performance, fault tolerance and flexibil-
ity. Two supporting applications are also demonstrated
the validity and effectiveness of DSAM. Finally, through
experiments and evaluation, we optimize the size of files
and HTTPSQS messages to improve the throughput as
well as power consumption of the system.
Future work can be conducted in following directions.
For DSAM, we will add new features such as queue
management and event-driven mechanisms to improve
the queuing latency. With regard to the applications, we
could develop more DTN specific applications based on
DSAM. For example, we will design an application that
how to connect the DTN region with the social network
such as Twitter for DTN based on our middleware. Fi-
nally, we would like to conduct more evaluation on the
tradeoffs brought by the extra middleware layer.
8 Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank the Telecommunication
Systems Laboratory, KTH for providing research facili-
ties and Bytewalla 5 team for their great contributions.
This work was supported by the Academy of Finland,
grant number 253860.
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