ISSN 0254-4725
Dietary protein quality
evaluation in human
Report of an
FAO Expert Consultation
Dietary protein quality
evaluation in
human nutrition
Report of an
FAO Expert Consultation
31 March–2 April, 2011
Auckland, New Zealand
ROME, 2013
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The committee would like to thank Dr Shane Rutherfurd of the Riddet Institute, Massey
University, New Zealand for supplying data for the exemplar calculations of DIAAS and
Dr Joyce Boye of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, for providing the examples of the
calculation of DIAAS given in Section IV (2) of the report.
We also thank Mrs Terri Palmer of the Riddet Institute, Massey University, for secretarial
Table of contents
Acknowledgements iii
Acronyms ix
2.1 key findings 3
3.1 major scientific reviews of protein quality evaluation methodology 7
- Introduction 7
3.2 airlee conference (1981) 8
3.3 deliberations of the codex committee on vegetable proteins
regarding protein quality assessment (1982-1989) 8
3.4 joint fao/who expert consultation on protein quality
evaluation (1989) 9
- Amino acid analysis of foods 10
- Amino acid requirements and scoring pattern 11
- Digestibility considerations 11
- Overall recommendation of the FAO/WHO 1989 Expert
Consultation (published 1991) 12
3.5 fao/who/unu expert consultation on protein and amino acid
requirements in human nutrition (rome 2001, geneva 2002,
published as a who/fao/unu report in 2007) 12
- Overall recommendation 14
- The 2011 FAO Consultation 17
4.1 significance and appropriateness of pdcaas in practice and
truncation of pdcaas 19
- The digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) 20
- Practical application of the DIAAS 21
4.2 example calculations of diaas and the expression of digestible
amino acid contents of foods 22
- Digestible amino acid contents 22
- Calculation of DIAAS 22
- Example of calculation of DIAAS for a single food ingredient 23
- Example of calculation of DIAAS for a food mixture 23
4.3. background to the validity of the amino acid scoring patterns 23
- Definition of dietary indispensable amino acid scoring patterns
to be used in the calculation of DIAAS from immediately post
infancy to adulthood 23
- Breast milk pattern 28
- Pattern for preschool and older children and adults:
historical perspective 28
- Calculation of the scoring patterns from amino acid requirement
values 30
- Optimal amino acid requirements 31
4.4 correction for amino acid digestibility and availability in the
calculation of diaas 32
- Bioavailability of amino acids 32
- Digestibility: amino acids 33
- Chemical availability of amino acids 37
- Loss of bioavailability due to the presence of interfering substances 38
4.5 considerations regarding the use of bioassays to determine
protein quality 38
- Postprandial protein utilization (PPU) 39
- Net postprandial protein utilization (NPPU) 39
- Application of the IAAO method to determine the metabolic
availability (MA) of amino acids 40
4.6 amino acid analysis and true amino acid digestibility/
bioavailability methodologies 41
- Amino acid analysis methodology 41
- True amino acid digestibility/availability assays 41
4.7 bioactive components intrinsically associated with food proteins
including those occurring naturally or formed during processing 42
4.8 diaas regulatory issues 42
4.9 recommendations for further research 44
- Human amino acid requirements 44
- Analytical 45
- Ileal digestibility 45
- Evaluation and perfection of techniques to directly measure
the bioavailability of protein bound dietary amino acids in
humans 45
- Impact of interaction between bioactive factors and protein
quality and function 46
- Communication 46
- Animal and plant breeding, food preparation and processing effects 46
4.10 strength of evidence used in making the recommendations 46
- Preamble 46
- A hierarchy of evidence 47
- Strength of evidence pertaining to this consultation 48
appendix i: fao expert consultation on protein quality evaluation 51
appendix ii: attendance at the expert consultation on protein quality in
human nutrition 55
List of tables
Calculation of DIAAS value for whole milk powder (WMP) 24
Calculation of DIAAS value for a mixture of wheat, peas and whole milk powder 25
Amino acid scoring patterns for toddlers, children, adolescents and adults
(amended values from the 2007 WHO/FAO/UNU report) 27
Dietary indispensable amino acid profile of human milk 28
Recommended amino acid scoring patterns for infants, children and older
children, adolescents and adults 29
Example of the use of DIAAS for protein quality assessment in the context of making claims 44
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
List of figures
Model of protein metabolism in humans from WHO/FAO/UNU (2007) 7
Framework depicting short- and long-term potential protein quality related
health outcomes. This indicates the need to look beyond physiological and metabolic
responses in assessing health effects 26
Ranking of the validity of types of evidence for establishing dietary fatty acid
requirements (favourability decreasing from left to right) 47
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
WHO World Health Organisation
PDCAAS Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score
DIAAS Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score
IAA Indispensable Amino Acids
UNU United Nations University
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
PER Protein Efficiency Ratio
RNPR Relative Net Protein Ratio method
CCVP Codex Committee on Vegetable Proteins
NPR Net Protein Ratio
NPU Net Protein Utilization
BV Biological Value
INCAP Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama
HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography
CV Coefficient of Variation
PITC Phenylisothiocyanate
NSP Non-starch polysaccharide
AOAC Association of Official Analytical Communities
AA Amino Acid
DIAA Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid
IAA Indispensable Amino Acid
WMP Whole Milk Powder
Lys Lysine
SAA Sulphur Amino Acid
Thr Threonine
Trp Tryptophan
CVDs Cardiovascular diseases
His Histidine
Leu Leucine
AAA Aromatic Amino Acids
Val Valine
Met Lysine
Cys Cystine
Phe Phenylalanine
Met Methionine
Tyr Tyrosine
Ile Isoleucine
PPU Postprandial Protein Utilisation
NPPU Net Postprandial Protein Utilization
MA Metabolic Availability
IAAO Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation
IDAA Indispensable Dietary Amino Acid
EAR Estimated Average Requirement
IEX Ion Exchange chromatography
RP Reversed-phase chromatography
GCMS Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
CE Capillary Electrophoresis
CEMS Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry
UPLC Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography
LCMS Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
LC Liquid Chromatography
ANFs Antinutritional Factors
NRV Nutrient Reference Value
RCT Randomized Controlled Trials
JECFA Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives
Chapter 1:
As the world’s population increases rapidly and against the constraints of limiting land,
water and food resources, it is more important than ever to be able to define accurately
the amount and quality of protein required to meet human nutritional needs and describe
appropriately the protein supplied by food ingredients, whole foods, sole-source foods
and mixed diets. The match between dietary supply and human protein needs is vital to
support the health and well-being of human populations.
In 1989 the joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality Evaluation
recommended the use of the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)
method for evaluating protein quality. In calculating PDCAAS the limiting amino acid
score (i.e. the ratio of the first-limiting amino acid in a gram of target food protein to
that in a reference protein or requirement value) is multiplied by protein digestibility, with
the intention of assessing how well dietary protein can match the demand for amino
acids, and allowing the prediction of dietary protein utilisation. The PDCAAS method
has now been in use for some 20 years and has proved to be of considerable value in
practice. Nevertheless, limitations of PDCAAS have been recognised and debated, and
new research findings have accumulated, whereby it has become timely to review the
adequacy of PDCAAS and its application vis-à-vis other methods of estimating dietary
protein quality.
It was in this context that an FAO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality Evaluation
in Human Nutrition was held in Auckland, New Zealand, from March 31 to April 2,
2011. The Expert Consultation directly followed the 2011 International Symposium on
Dietary Protein for Human Health (Auckland, New Zealand, 27-30 March 2011) where
numerous topics relevant to the consultation were discussed. The Agenda adopted by
the Consultation is attached as Appendix I and the membership of the Consultation is
given in Appendix II.
The provisional meeting objectives were adopted. The objectives were to:
1. Review the effectiveness and use of the PDCAAS method for evaluating protein
quality since its adoption by the expert group meeting in 1989 and further
publication in 1991.
2. Review current concerns and limitations of the PDCAAS method as reported in the
Chapter 1: Introduction
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
3. Review the advantages and disadvantages of alternative methods to evaluate protein
4. Provide justifications and recommendations for accepting, rejecting and, or modifying
the PDCAAS method.
5. Establish recommendations for protein quality assessments and applications.
6. Recommend further research activities related to protein quality assessments as
needed, based on emerging needs or new scientific developments as identified by
the expert group.
7. Review the method of calculation of PDCAAS and related scores and its uses in
practice, consider the need for revisions or modifications based on the knowledge
and experience generated over the past two decades.
The Expert Committee recognised that this report builds on and extends the
comprehensive body of knowledge embedded in previous FAO/WHO reports on the
subject, and on the wider more recent scientific literature. As in previous reports, the
primary task of this Consultation has been to provide FAO with tools for addressing
practical questions on matters such as the adequacy of food supplies, targets for food
and nutrition policy and the norms to be applied in labelling and regulation of protein
quality for normal populations, as well as providing a perspective on the potential role
for protein with respect to health, well-being and clinical conditions at various stages of
the life course.
The aim of a report of this kind is to provide an objective assessment of the current
state of scientific knowledge in the area and thus advice for current best practice.
Naturally, in the process, gaps in knowledge are identified and so the report becomes
yet another important step in a process of continuous improvement. In this context, the
report provides recommendations for future research.
In presenting this report the Expert Committee was mindful of the sentiments
expressed in the work and teachings of the late Professor John C Waterlow, a pioneer in
the field, that the outcomes of this work must, first and foremost, be directed towards
combating hunger and malnutrition in all its forms. This has been the Committee’s overall
guiding principle.
The Committee records with sadness the recent death of esteemed Committee
member, Dr Malcolm Fuller. The collection of scientific papers published in 2012 as
a Special Supplement of the British Journal of Nutrition (Supplement: Dietary Protein
for Human Health) that provided the background scientific material for the Expert
Consultation, has been dedicated to the memory of Dr Malcolm F Fuller.
Paul J Moughan
Chair of Consultation
September, 2012
Chapter 2: Summary of key findings from the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality
Evaluation in Human Nutrition
Chapter 2:
Summary of key findings from the
2011 FAO Expert Consultation on
Protein Quality Evaluation in Human
In 1989 the joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality Evaluation recom-
mended the use of the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) for
evaluating protein quality in humans. In calculating PDCAAS the limiting amino acid
score is multiplied by protein digestibility, with the intention of assessing how well dietary
protein can match the demand for amino acids, and allowing the prediction of dietary
protein utilisation. The PDCAAS method has now been in use for some 20 years and has
proved to be of considerable value in practice. Nevertheless, limitations of PDCAAS have
been recognised, and new research findings have accumulated, whereby it has become
timely to review the adequacy of PDCAAS.
It was in this context that an FAO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality Evaluation in
Human Nutrition was held in Auckland, New Zealand, from 31 March to 2 April, 2011,
the key findings of which are summarised here.
• In dietary protein quality evaluation, dietary amino acids should be treated as
individual nutrients and wherever possible data for digestible or bioavailable amino
acids should be given in food tables on an individual amino acid basis.
• A new protein quality measure (digestible indispensable amino acid score; DIAAS) is
recommended to replace PDCAAS. DIAAS is defined as: DIAAS % = 100 x [(mg of
digestible dietary indispensable amino acid in 1 g of the dietary protein) / (mg of the
same dietary indispensable amino acid in 1g of the reference protein)].
Both ileal and faecal amino acid digestibility approaches can be subject to important
limitations, but it is concluded that on balance ileal protein or amino acid digestibility,
i.e. determined at the terminal ileum at the end of the small intestine, is considered
to better reflect the amounts of amino acids absorbed and should be used in
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
calculating DIAAS. Digestibility should be based on the true ileal digestibility of each
amino acid preferably determined in humans, but if this is not possible, in growing
pigs or in growing rats in that order.
It is recommended that for foods susceptible to damage from processing, ‘reactive’
rather than ‘total’ lysine contents and the true ileal digestibility of reactive lysine
(lysine availability) rather than of total lysine, be determined and used in the
calculation of DIAAS.
Recommended amino acid scoring patterns (i.e. amino acid pattern of the reference
protein) to be used for calculating DIAAS are as follows:
• Infants (birth to 6 months), pattern of breast milk (as noted in Tables 4 and 5 of
this report).
• Young children (6 months to 3 y), pattern for the 0.5 y old infant (as noted in
Table 5 of this report).
• Older children, adolescents and adults, pattern for the 3 to 10 y old child (as
noted in Table 5 of this report.
For regulatory purposes two scoring patterns are recommended: the amino acid
composition of human milk for infant formulas, and for all other foods and population groups
the pattern for young children (6 months to 3 y) as noted in Table 5 of this report.
In calculating DIAAS the ratio should be calculated for each dietary indispensable amino
acid and the lowest value designated as the DIAAS. DIAAS can have values below or in some
circumstances above 100%. Values above 100% should not be truncated except where
calculating DIAAS for protein or amino acid intakes for mixed diets or sole source foods.
• A dataset of currently available information on the true ileal amino acid digestibility
of foods for humans was collated and assessed, as part of the Expert Consultation,
for its adequacy for practical application in the calculation of DIAAS.
After assessment of the ileal amino acid digestibility dataset it was concluded that currently
available data are insufficient to support the application in practice (though its use in
principle is supported) of true ileal amino acid digestibility in the calculation of DIAAS.
More data on the true ileal amino acid digestibility of human foods are urgently
needed, determined in humans and animal models. More inter-species (human, pig,
rat) true ileal amino acid digestibility comparisons are needed.
If the data obtained from these studies convincingly support the move in practice
to ileal digestibility, assessment of the potential public health impact of this
recommendation needs to be undertaken.
Chapter 2: Summary of key findings from the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality
Evaluation in Human Nutrition
• It is recommended that the FAO convene a Working Group, as a matter of urgency,
to agree upon an experimental protocol to enable the development of a more robust
data set of the true ileal amino acid digestibility of human foods and agree upon a
method for assessment of the potential impact of the use of true ileal amino acid
digestibility data. The protocol should include recommended best practice for a pig-
based assay for true ileal amino acid digestibility determination.
• It is recommended that FAO establish a formal working party to review amino
acid analysis methodologies and provide some guidance towards international
standardization. It is recommended that the 1970 FAO Publication “Amino Acid
Contents of Foods and Biological Data on Proteins” should be updated on a
continuous basis with inclusion of values, where available, for protein (faecal and
ileal) digestibility, ileal amino acid digestibility and DIAAS.
• Until such time as an agreed dataset of true ileal amino acid digestibility for human
foods becomes available, the protein quality of human foods and diets should be
assessed using DIAAS, but values for faecal crude protein digestibility should be used.
In the interim, digestible individual dietary amino acid values should be calculated
using faecal crude protein digestibility values applied to dietary amino acid contents.
• There will be a need for financial support for the research agenda described above
(interspecies true ileal amino acid digestibility comparison and the development of
a database of true ileal amino acid digestibility for human foods). It is anticipated
that the private sector along with UN technical and normative agencies, multilateral,
bilateral and national Government agencies, and public-good organisations will
provide such support, as a matter of urgency. If resources are not allocated to
fulfil the latter proposed research objectives in a timely manner, then the present
recommendation for the application of DIAAS in practice may need to be reviewed,
since DIAAS and the conclusions of this report rely upon a system of true ileal amino
acid digestibility and availability.
• DIAAS is the recommended method for dietary protein quality assessment for
regulatory purposes. The report discusses the use of DIAAS in relation to nutrition
• The report makes recommendations for further research in the area.
Chapter 3:
Background to the Consultation
Protein quality evaluation aims to determine the capacity of food protein sources
and diets to meet the protein and essential amino-nitrogen requirements, i.e. to satisfy
the metabolic needs for amino acids and nitrogen (see Figure 1). Protein requirements are
currently defined in terms of intakes required to meet metabolic needs for maintenance
as indicated by nitrogen balance in the respective age group plus those associated with
the protein needs for normal growth of infants and children, pregnancy and lactation
Model of protein metabolism in humans from WHO/FAO/UNU (2007)
Protein intake
Upper gastrointestinal
UREA salvage
Faecal nitrogen
Urinary urea
Sweat nitrogen
Urinary non-
urea nitrogen
Protein losses,
skin, hair, etc.
Free amino-acid
substrate pool
Repletion of fasting
loss and growth
Metabilic demand
Surplus or
Tissue protein
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
in women. Thus, the only truly valid measures of protein quality for humans are those
that assess directly the effectiveness of different protein sources to provide for normal
growth and, or other functions dependent on adequate protein nutrition in subjects
that represent the target population. However, notwithstanding this definition of the
ideal situation, the assessment of protein quality in human population groups over the
past decades has relied on indirect approaches involving in vitro assays, and animal and
or human metabolic studies that can be used routinely and safely to predict human
protein and amino acid utilisation. To ensure accuracy and wide applicability, the routine
methods must include all of the basic parameters that collectively determine the quality
of a protein: absolute and relative quantities of dietary indispensable amino acids (IAA),
digestibility of protein, and the bioavailability of amino acids (Harper, 1981).
Major reviews and evaluations of protein quality assessment methods, including those
based on rat growth and nitrogen balance as well as amino acid scoring techniques were
undertaken at the Airlee Conference in 1981 sponsored by Howard University, the USDA
and the US National Science Foundation (Bodwell, et al., 1981); by the Codex Committee
on Vegetable Proteins which met between 1982 and 1989 (Codex Alimentarius
Commission, 1989); by FAO/WHO (1991, 2001) and by WHO/FAO/UNU (2007). At the
Airlee conference it was generally agreed that the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) method
should be replaced by a more precise and appropriate method. Although a different
rat assay procedure (the Relative Net Protein Ratio method, RNPR) was considered as
an improvement over the PER method, a method based on comparison of the amino
acid content of food with human amino acid requirements (amino acid scoring system)
was accepted as the most suitable approach for assessing the protein quality of foods
(Harper, 1981). It was also recommended that amino acid score should be corrected for
incomplete digestibility of protein, and for the unavailability of individual amino acids,
especially those that are susceptible to damage during food processing or cooking prior
to consumption. This conference recognized the need for further research to standardize
amino acid analysis methodology, to improve methods for the determination of the
digestibility of protein and the bioavailability of amino acids, and to further investigate
human amino acid requirements with the aim of developing an accurate amino acid
scoring pattern (Bodwell, et al., 1981).
The recommendations of the Airlee Conference were taken up by the Codex
Committee on Vegetable Proteins (CCVP)
(Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1989), which
was established to develop international Codex standards (including protein quality
requirements) for vegetable protein products. An Ad Hoc Working Group on Protein
Quality Measurement was formed to conduct cooperative research to identify the most
promising methods for evaluation of the protein quality of foods. In collaborative studies
organized by the USDA (Bodwell, et al., 1989), seventeen protein products were studied
for amino acid profiles, for protein and amino acid digestibility (by in vitro and rat balance
methods), amino acid availability (by chemical methods and rat, Escherichia coli, and
Streptococcus zymogenes growth methods), and for protein quality indices based on
PER, NPR (Net Protein Ratio), RNPR, Net Protein Utilization (NPU), and Biological Value
(BV) obtained in the rapidly growing weanling rat. Inter-laboratory studies on protein
digestibility determinations were also organized by the USDA to test the appropriateness
of the in vitro methods (McDonough, et al., 1990a), and to standardize the rat balance
method (McDonough, et al., 1990b). Results of these and other related studies were
discussed at the Fifth Session of the CCVP (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1989) held
in 1989 in Ottawa, Canada.
Based on the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Protein Quality
Measurement, the CCVP at its Fifth Session agreed that, given that values for the
requirements of dietary indispensable amino acids had been identified by FAO/WHO/UNU
(1985) and that this report had suggested that the quality of a protein could be predicted
from a comparison of the pattern of its amino acid composition to the pattern of human
amino acid requirements (i.e. the amino acid score corrected for its digestibility based on
the true faecal digestibility of protein as determined using the rat balance method), then
this approach was the most suitable method for the routine assessment of the protein
quality of vegetable protein products and other food products (Codex Alimentarius
Commission, 1989). Amino acid score was based on the amount of the first limiting
amino acid, and its calculation included the use of the requirement pattern suggested by
the FAO/WHO/UNU (1985) for the preschool child based on human studies conducted
at INCAP in the 1960s and 70s (Viteri, 2010). Because the proposed protein quality
methodologies had broad implications beyond the specific purview of the CCVP, the CCVP
recognized the need for the wider scientific community to address issues such as amino
acid quantification, protein digestibility and amino acid bioavailability measurements,
and respective correlations in humans. The CCVP accordingly recommended at its Fifth
Session in 1989 that an FAO/WHO expert consultation should be held to review protein
quality methodologies. Such a consultation was requested to review the results and
recommendations of the research conducted by the Codex Ad Hoc Working Group on
Protein Quality Measurement, and to evaluate the PDCAAS method for its usefulness in
assessing protein quality in human nutrition.
A Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality Evaluation was held in Bethesda,
MD from December 4 to 8, 1989. The objectives of the meeting were: to review present
knowledge of protein quality assessment, to discuss various techniques used in assessing
protein quality of foods, and to specifically evaluate amino acid score corrected for
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
protein digestibility (PDCAAS), the method recommended by CCVP. The report of the
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation was published in 1991. The Consultation concluded
that PDCAAS was the most suitable regulatory method for assessing the protein quality
of foods and infant formulas. It was further concluded that since this method is based
on human amino acid requirements, it is inherently more appropriate than animal based
assays in predicting the protein quality of foods. Therefore the Consultation recommended
that PDCAAS be adopted as the preferred method for measuring the quality of proteins
used in human nutrition. Other conclusions and recommendations of the Consultation
(FAO/WHO, 1991) are noted below:
Amino acid analysis of foods
1. The 1989 Consultation recognized that significant advances had been made in
standardizing methodologies for the determination of amino acids.
2. It noted that methods for the determination of amino acids in foods required three
standardized hydrolyses including acid hydrolysis of unoxidized protein for the
determination of all amino acids except tryptophan, methionine and cysteine; acid
hydrolysis of oxidized protein for the determination of methionine and cysteine; and
alkaline hydrolysis of unoxidised protein for the determination of tryptophan (AOAC,
2000), followed by separation and quantitation of the released amino acids by ion
exchange chromatography (IEC) using cation exchange resins and post-column
derivatization (by a commercial amino acid analyzer or HPLC system) or by pre-
column derivatization followed by reverse phase HPLC.
3. The standardized amino acid analysis methods can provide values with a within-
laboratory coefficient of variation (CV) of about 5% and between-laboratories of
about 10% for most amino acids. This variability was considered acceptable for the
purpose of calculating amino acid score.
4. The need for further studies to standardise the hydrolytic and oxidation procedures
and to improve accuracy of the procedures for further reduction in inter-laboratory
variation was noted.
5. Collaborative testing and comparative analysis of the new HPLC methods was
6. It was recommended that amino acid results should be reported as mg amino acid/g
N or mg amino acid/g protein by using the nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor of
6.25. The use of other food-specific protein factors was not recommended.
7. It was recommended that FAO update their publication entitled “Amino Acid
Content of Foods and Biological Data on Proteins” (FAO, 1970) and commission
new amino acid analyses of local food sources for which there were insufficient data.
8. It was recommended that national tables of amino acid composition of food
products, clearly defined in terms of composition and processing, be developed.
Amino acid requirements and scoring pattern
1. The 1989 Consultation recognized that the amino acid scoring pattern proposed in
1985 (FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985) for children of preschool age was the most suitable
pattern for use in the evaluation of dietary protein quality for all age groups, except
2. It was also noted that the amino acid profile of mature human milk should be the
basis for the scoring pattern to assess protein quality in foods for infants of less than
1 year of age; considering that the growth and metabolic state of the fully breast
fed infant was set as the normative standard for both growth and human nutritional
needs 0-6 months.
3. It also noted that the recommendation for the two amino acid scoring patterns to
be used for infants and for all other ages must be considered as temporary until the
results of further research either confirmed their adequacy or demanded a revision.
4. It was recommended that further research should be carried out to confirm the
currently accepted values of protein and amino acid requirements of infants and
preschool children and to define the amino acid requirements of school-aged or
adolescent children and of adults; and that the FAO/WHO coordinate international
research programmes to determine human amino acid needs.
Digestibility considerations
1. The 1989 Consultation noted similarities in the ability of humans and rats to digest
foods, and concluded that the true digestibility of crude protein is a reasonable
approximation of the true digestibility of most amino acids (as determined by the rat
balance method) in diets based on animal protein sources, cereals, oilseeds, legumes
or mixtures of protein sources. Therefore, it was recommended that amino acid
scores be corrected for the true digestibility of protein only.
2. The Consultation agreed that the rat balance method was the most suitable practical
method for predicting protein digestibility for humans.
3. It further recommended that research should be undertaken to compare protein
digestibility values of humans and rats for identical foods.
4. It recommended that further research be carried out to perfect and evaluate the
most promising in vitro procedures for estimating protein digestibility; and when
human balance studies cannot be used, the standardized rat faecal-balance method
of Eggum (1973) or McDonough et al. (1990b) should be used.
5. Digestibility determinations must be carried out for novel products or processes.
However, established protein digestibility values of well-defined foods may be taken
from a published data base for use in the routine assessment of the protein quality of
foods by the amino acid scoring procedure, provided that all safety and toxicological
criteria have been met. Moreover, a data base for the protein digestibility of raw and
processed products should be established.
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
6. Further research was encouraged to perfect and evaluate the most promising in vitro
methods for predicting protein digestibility, such as those of Satterlee et al. (1979)
and of Pederson and Eggum (1983).
7. It was recognized that amino acid digestibility values obtained by the faecal method,
are, for most amino acids in most food products, inaccurate in comparison to those
obtained by the ileal analysis method.
some studies, net synthesis of methionine
and lysine has been reported to occur in the large intestine. Thus, depending on the
amino acid and on the food, amino acid digestibility values obtained by the faecal
analysis method are overestimated (which is usually the case) or underestimated when
compared to those obtained by the ileal analysis method. While it was recognised
that the measure of true faecal protein or amino acid digestibility has shortcomings,
it was considered that the method was still superior in practice to the ileal analysis
method. This decision was based on uncertainties concerning the contribution and
variation of endogenous protein secretions at the terminal ileum.
Overall recommendation of the FAO/WHO 1989 Expert Consultation
(published 1991)
Based on the above conclusions, the Consultation agreed that the protein digestibility-
corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) method was the most suitable approach for the
routine evaluation of overall protein quality for humans and recommended the adoption
of this method as an official method at the international level.
The primary objectives of this Consultation were: “to review, advise and update protein and
amino acid requirements for all age groups (infants, children, adolescents, adults, elderly),
and for women during pregnancy and lactation; to review and develop recommendations
on protein requirements in health and disease, including their implications for developing
countries; and to develop recommendations on protein quality and labelling, with respect
to new requirement levels, for use worldwide and in the Codex Alimentarius”.
Since its adoption by FAO/WHO in 1991, the PDCAAS method had been widely
accepted but also criticised for a number of reasons. In preparation for the Expert
Consultation on Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition, experts met
at a preliminary meeting in Rome in 2001 in working groups, one of which (working
group 5) considered, amongst other things, analytical issues regarding protein, protein
quality and food labelling.
Working group 5, in an unpublished report, assessed the validity of criticisms of the
PDCAAS method. These criticisms of the PDCAAS method included:
1. The PDCAAS method does not credit extra nutritional value to high quality proteins.
2. The PDCAAS method overestimates protein quality of products containing
antinutritional factors.
3. The PDCAAS method does not adequately take into account the bioavailability of
amino acids.
4. The PDCAAS method overestimates the quality of poorly digestible proteins
supplemented with limiting amino acids, and of proteins co-limiting in more than
one amino acid.
After addressing the above-noted criticisms of the PDCAAS method, the Working
Group made the following observations and recommendations:
1. There are two distinct uses of protein quality data: assessment of a diet’s ability to
meet human protein and amino acid requirements and assessment of the protein
adequacy for regulatory purposes of foods and food products sold to consumers.
2. Amino acids should be treated as individual nutrients, and the ultimate evaluation of
the nutritional value of proteins should be made from amino acid data in comparison
to requirements. This would require the use of adjustments for the digestibility of
protein and/or amino acids, and their availability.
3. There are sufficient data on the digestibility of proteins in foods and these data
should be compiled. However, there is insufficient information on the digestibility
and bioavailability of amino acids. Until sufficient data on digestible amino acids in
foods become available, inclusion of correction for protein digestibility would serve a
useful nutritional purpose in predicting information on the levels of digestible amino
acids. This would indicate the capacity of individual protein sources to complement
protein sources that are deficient in specific dietary indispensable amino acids.
4. Until data on digestible amino acids in foods become available, the digestibility
of protein should be considered as a good approximation of the bioavailability of
amino acids in mixed human diets based on properly processed (containing minimal
amounts of residual antinutritional factors) foods. In such cases, the PDCAAS
method would be the preferred method for the routine prediction of protein quality.
5. The PDCAAS method may be inappropriate for the routine prediction of the protein
quality of sole-source foods such as infant formulas and enteral nutritionals and
novel protein sources that contain high levels of known antinutritional factors, both
those occurring naturally and those formed during processing. Because high levels
of antinutritional factors (substances present in foods other than nutrients that can
perturb digestion or metabolism) may have an adverse impact on the digestibility
of amino acids and the utilisation of protein the use of the PDCAAS method would
overestimate the protein quality of products containing these factors. There is a need
to establish safe upper limits of antinutritional factors.
6. For regulatory uses, the PDCAAS method is also inappropriate for the prediction
of the protein quality of high quality protein food ingredients because it fails to
recognize their nutritional value as supplements to low quality proteins; therefore,
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
the PDCAAS method should be revised to permit values of more than 100 for food
7. To improve accuracy and to further reduce inter-laboratory variation in amino acid
analysis, additional studies should be undertaken to standardize the hydrolytic and
oxidation procedures. Collaborative studies should be undertaken of the extensively
used HPLC methods for the determination of amino acids such as the pre-column
derivatization with PITC (phenylisothiocyanate). Moreover, an official standardised
method for the determination of amino acids in foods and faeces and ileal digesta
should be developed.
8. Research should be undertaken to compare ileal amino acid digestibility values
derived using human-based assays and animal models for identical foods. In addition,
standardised ileal digestibility procedures should be developed and sufficient data on
foods should be generated to facilitate replacement of the faecal method by the ileal
method. Ileal digestibility is defined as the disappearance of a nutrient between the
mouth and the end of the small intestine (terminal ileum) whereas faecal digestibility
is the disappearance of a nutrient between the mouth and the end of the digestive
9. The 1970 FAO Publication, “Amino Acid Contents of Foods and Biological Data on
Proteins” should be revised with new data and additional information on nitrogen-
to-protein conversion factors and amino acid digestibility values where applicable.
10. The above-noted recommendations for revision, further compilation of data and
further research, would improve the usefulness of the PDCAAS method and suggest
new suitable in vitro or biological assays for the routine prediction of protein quality
of foods that would be applicable to the entire range of foods used in human
Overall recommendation
In view of the perceived shortcomings of the PDCAAS method noted above, it was
recommended that a new FAO/WHO expert consultation on protein quality evaluation
be convened to re-examine the validity of the PDCAAS method for the routine protein
quality assessment of foods, and to suggest appropriate revisions and, or adoption of
a biological assay that would be applicable to the entire range of foods used in human
In the final report of the Consultation, published in 2007, the PDCAAS method was
endorsed with minor modifications to the calculation method but the following concerns
were also raised about the method:
In previous reports, scoring patterns were calculated by dividing amino acid
requirement values by the safe level of protein intake. However, more recent scoring
patterns had been based on amino acid requirement values, which generally reflected
best estimates of average requirements. This approach is supported by the values derived
by Hegsted (1963) from his regression analysis of nitrogen balance data. Therefore, in the
WHO/FAO/UNU (2007) report, scoring patterns were based on amino acid requirement
values divided by the mean protein requirement.
New scoring patterns were proposed for four age groups including infants, preschool
children (1-2 y), older children and adolescents (4-18 y), and adults (> 18 y).
A second concern identified, related to correction for faecal as opposed to ileal
protein digestibility in the calculation of PDCAAS. In the introduction to the final report
digestibility of dietary proteins had been reviewed in terms of both ileal and faecal
digestibility. It was argued that because of the considerable exchange of nitrogen in
terms of protein, amino acids and urea between systemic pools and the gut lumen,
digestibility is more complex than usually assumed, a principle captured in the overall
model for human nitrogen metabolism shown in Figure 1. In this context two important
issues were raised.
Firstly because of the considerable magnitude of flow of endogenous nitrogen-
containing compounds into the lumen of the small intestine (possibly as much as 70
to 100 g protein each day) which mixes with dietary amino acids, and which are both
substantially absorbed by the time they reach the terminal ileum, “ileal digestibility” (the
difference between dietary amino acids and those appearing in the terminal ileum) is at
best a crude approximation of the handling of nitrogen-containing materials in the small
intestine. It was noted, however, that there are methodologies to allow the determination
of the ileal endogenous amino acids, and the correction of amino acid digestibility values
for this component.
Secondly tracer studies show that faecal nitrogen derives from a pool of nitrogen that
includes not only ileal effluent and any residue from the dietary consumption, but also
sloughed away cells and mucins derived within the colon, and nitrogen-containing
compounds sourced from the systemic circulation of the host, especially urea and possibly
uric acid and creatine. This nitrogen is present in faeces mainly as microbial protein in
quantities that have been shown in some cases to be much less than estimates of total
nitrogen inflo into the colon, because of considerable reuptake of nitrogen from the
colon. Furthermore, human studies have shown that faecal nitrogen is to some extent
a function of bacterial biomass in the colon, itself related to dietary resistant starch and
non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) intake which serve as energy sources for colonic bacterial
synthesis using nitrogen largely from urea salvage. Because reuptake of nitrogen from the
colon is mainly in the form of ammonia which re-enters the metabolic pool as shown in
Figure 1, its ultimate excretory fate can include urinary urea, and evidence exists to show
that with human diets with a high proportion of plant foods and NSP there can be an
inverse relationship between faecal and urinary nitrogen excretion. Taken together this
means that for human diets containing large amounts of non-digestible carbohydrate,
faecal nitrogen cannot be used as a reliable measure of digestibility. It was concluded that
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
the concepts of both ileal digestibility and faecal digestibility can be subject to important
limitations especially where there is a need to determine the critical nutritional value of
foods at the margins of satisfying dietary requirements. It was concluded that methods of
assessing the digestibility of dietary protein in human nutrition cannot be used with any
confidence in the development of policy options, unless the limitations of the underlying
assumptions have been taken into account adequately.
Against this background the question of the use of ileal as opposed to faecal
digestibility was examined noting especially literature reports (Darragh and Hodgkinson,
2000; Moughan, 2003) about practically important ileo-faecal differences in non-ruminant
animals such as pigs and rats and the general applicability of these observations to
humans, and ileo-faecal differences observed in humans (Rowan et al., 1994; Gaudichon
et al., 2002; Moughan, 2003). It was recommended that while faecal digestibility may
remain the appropriate measure of overall nitrogen digestibility, it is unlikely to be an
accurate measure of amino acid digestibility.
A third concern related to the reduced bioavailability of some amino acids, such as
lysine, that may be chemically transformed during the processing of foods. It was noted
that the correction for protein digestibility in the calculation of PDCAAS values may not
account for this reduction in bioavailability. Therefore, the need to have a specific assay
to accurately measure lysine digestibility in such cases was recognized. A specific assay
(Moughan and Rutherfurd, 1996; Rutherfurd et al., 1997a; Rutherfurd and Moughan,
1998; Moughan, 2003) for “reactive” lysine, which distinguishes it from biologically
unavailable lysine that has undergone Maillard reactions, was considered suitable in such
A fourth important and controversial concern related to truncation of the amino
acid score and consequent PDCAAS value. It was argued that truncation removes any
nutritional differences between high protein foods such as milk and soya, although
actual concentrations of important dietary indispensable amino acids, which may be
limiting in some diets, are higher in milk than in soya. This could be recognized by giving
individual protein sources an amino acid score of > 1 (or > 100). In the FAO/WHO 1991
report, truncation was not used for calculating amino acid scores but was applied to the
calculation of the PDCAAS value, and this created considerable confusion.
The PDCAAS value should predict the overall efficiency of protein utilization based
on its two components, digestibility and biological value (BV; nitrogen retained divided
by digestible nitrogen). The principle behind this approach is that the utilization of any
protein will be first limited by digestibility, which determines the overall amount of dietary
amino acid nitrogen absorbed, and BV describes the ability of the absorbed amino acids
to meet the metabolic demand. For any amount of absorbed nitrogen the best that can
be achieved is that the amino acid pattern exactly matches the requirements, so that
all amino acids are utilized. Furthermore it was noted that while score is determined
only from indispensable amino acid content, the metabolic demand is for both dietary
indispensable amino acids and dietary non-essential nitrogen. This means that when
any or all indispensable amino acids are present in excess of the demand, the absorbed
mixture could become unbalanced and limited by dispensable amino acids. Therefore, BV
can never exceed 1 or 100. In this respect, and for mixed diets or whole foods, PDCAAS
values of > 1 or 100 should never be used.
Calculation of the amino acid score for a dietary protein mixture especially when
the digestibility of individual proteins varies was also considered to require clarification.
In this case, amino acid score is calculated for the mixture from its overall amino acid
profile without identifying the score of component proteins. Based on the principle that
protein digestibility is first limiting, the amino acid score for a protein mixture should be
calculated from the weighted average digestible amino acid content. This is in contrast
to the recommendation given in the FAO/WHO 1991 report.
The final report (WHO/FAO/UNU, 2007) concluded that there were several aspects of
protein quality evaluation that required further consideration. Thus it was recommended
that a complete listing of the digestibility and amino acid scores of food proteins based
on updated data on amino acid composition, and on the new scoring patterns (derived
in the WHO/FAO/UNU 2007 report), should be the subject of a new technical report.
However it was suggested that the principles discussed in the report should be applied.
That is, protein quality should be assessed in terms of PDCAAS calculated from the best
estimate of protein digestibility and the amino acid score, based on a comparison of the
amino acid composition of digestible protein with the scoring pattern appropriate for
the age group. Also when such PDCAAS values are used to adjust the intakes of the
dietary mixture to meet the safe level, the score of the mixture should not be > 1 or 100.
However, the case for giving non-truncated amino acid scores >1 or 100 for individual
protein sources was considered to require further evaluation.
Since the FAO/WHO (1991) report, significant advances have been made in methods
for amino acid analysis of foods and for determining amino acid digestibility. Moreover,
working group 5 of the 2001 Rome consultation recommended that protein should be
measured as the sum of individual amino acid residues (the molecular weight of each
amino acid less the molecular weight of water) plus free amino acids. Since there is no
official AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists) international method for the
amino acid analysis of foods, collaborative research and scientific consensus would be
required to achieve this objective.
The 2011 FAO Consultation
Based on the deliberations of the FAO/WHO (2001) Working Group and the WHO/FAO/
UNU Expert Consultation on Protein and Amino Acid Requirements held in 2002, with
findings published in 2007, it was decided to hold a further FAO Expert Consultation
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
on dietary protein evaluation, specifically addressing key issues raised in the earlier
consultations, but remaining unresolved. To this end an FAO Consultation was held in
Auckland, New Zealand in 2011 immediately following the International Symposium on
Dietary Protein for Human Health organized by the Riddet Institute, Massey University,
New Zealand, FAO, Rome and Health Canada, Ottawa.
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
Chapter 4:
Findings and recommendations of the
2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
Increasingly there is interest in the metabolic effects of specific individual dietary amino
acids, and for this reason it is important to have accurate information on the amounts
of digestible or preferably bioavailable amino acids in foods and proteins. It is thus
recommended that dietary amino acids be treated as individual nutrients and
that wherever possible data for digestible or bioavailable amino acids be given
in food tables on an individual amino acid basis.
In the context of whole diets and the nutritional adequacy of a food protein or a
mixture of food proteins, the assessment of the nutritional value of a protein should
reflect its ability to satisfy the metabolic needs for individual amino acids and nitrogen.
Once again dietary protein should be considered as a source of amino acids as individual
nutrients. The Amino Acid Score is intended to predict protein quality in terms of the
potential capacity of the food protein to provide the appropriate pattern of dietary
indispensable amino acids. The actual capacity of the protein to satisfy the amino acid
needs will require the use of corrections for amino acid digestibility and availability.
Although the general principles inherent in the calculation of PDCAAS values are not
disputed, the use of a single value of crude protein digestibility to correct the dietary
amounts of each individual dietary indispensable amino acid for its digestibility is
considered to be a short-coming, when there are practically important quantitative
differences in digestibility between crude protein and individual dietary indispensable and
dispensable amino acids. In this case the accuracy of a calculated Amino Acid Score can
be enhanced by using appropriate digestibility or bioavailability data for each individual
dietary indispensable amino acid. This also makes full use of the information currently
available. A further inherent shortcoming of the PDCAAS approach is that correction
for digestibility is based on an estimate of crude protein digestibility determined over the
total digestive tract (i.e. faecal digestibility). Although, as discussed earlier (Section III),
both the ileal and faecal digestibility approaches can be subject to important limitations,
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
the consultation concluded that on balance protein or amino acid digestibility determined
at the end of the small intestine (i.e. terminal ileum, ileal digestibility) is considered to
better reflect the amount of amino acid absorbed. Based on both these considerations,
a new protein quality measure, (digestible indispensable amino acid score; DIAAS) is
recommended to replace PDCAAS.
The digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS)
As protein digestibility does not always reflect the digestibility of individual dietary
indispensable amino acids, using a score based on individual dietary indispensable amino
acid digestibility is preferable.
It is recommended that a revised score called the Digestible Indispensable
Amino Acid Score (DIAAS) be used and be defined as follows:
DIAAS % = 100 x [(mg of digestible dietary indispensable amino acid in 1 g of the
dietary protein) / (mg of the same dietary indispensable amino acid in 1g of the
reference protein)].
Digestibility should be based on the true ileal digestibility (i.e., determined at the end
of the small intestine) of each amino acid preferably determined in humans (Gaudichon
et al., 2002; Moughan, 2003; Fuller and Tomé, 2005), but if this is not possible, in the
growing pig (Stein et al., 2007) or in the growing rat, (Moughan et al., 1984), in that
order. When amino acid digestibility data are not available amino acid digestibility is
assumed to be equivalent to crude protein digestibility. In this case, true ileal crude
protein digestibility data are preferable, but where unavailable, true faecal crude protein
digestibility may be used. It is recognised that amino acid digestibility may vary quite
greatly between batches of food or food ingredients. It is impractical, however, to submit
all batches of a food to bioassay and thus the use of tabulated mean data is permitted.
However, where a new cultivar, food by-product or food appears, it should be subject to
an in vivo assay for true ileal amino acid digestibility.
Recommended amino acid scoring patterns (i.e. amino acid pattern of
the reference protein) to be used for calculating protein quality for dietary
assessment are as follows:
• Infants (birth to 6 months), the pattern of breast milk (as noted in Tables 4
and 5).
• Young children (6 months to 3 y), the pattern for the 0.5 y old infant (as
noted in Table 5).
• Older children, adolescents and adults, the pattern for 3 to 10 y old children
(as noted in Table 5).
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
For regulatory purposes two scoring patterns are recommended: the amino
acid composition of human milk for infant formulas, and for all other foods and
population groups the pattern for young children (6 months to 3 y) as noted in
Table 5.
The ratio should be calculated for each dietary indispensable amino acid and the
lowest value designated as the DIAAS and used as an indicator of dietary protein quality.
The DIAAS can have values below or in some circumstances above 100%. Values above
100% should not be truncated as was done for the PDCAAS value, except where
calculating DIAAS for protein or amino acid intakes for mixed diets or sole source foods
(see below) where truncated values must be used.
Examples of calculations are shown for single food and multiple ingredient dishes and
diets in Section 2 of the report.
Practical application of the DIAAS
There are three distinct uses of the DIAAS:
• Calculation of DIAAS in mixed diets for meeting the needs for quality protein, as
humans consume proteins from varied protein sources in mixed diets.
• To document the additional benefit of individual protein sources with higher scores
in complementing less nutritious proteins.
• For regulatory purposes to classify and monitor the protein adequacy of foods and
food products sold to consumers.
When examining the quality of protein in mixed diets or in sole source foods (e.g.,
infant formulas) the DIAAS is used to estimate the available protein intake and the DIAAS
can be used to adjust dietary protein intakes to meet requirements, (i.e. safe intake of any
diet in relation to protein = safe protein requirement/DIAAS value of diet).
In this case a DIAAS value >100% should never be used, since this would mean that
for “high quality” diets based on egg or milk for example, for which the DIAAS values of
the proteins individually may exceed 100%, the safe intake of that diet would be lower
than the safe requirement level even though the safe requirement level may have been
established with egg or milk in the first place.
When examining protein intakes of mixed diets or sole source foods (e.g., infant formulas)
the DIAAS and protein content can be used to estimate the available protein intake. DIAAS
can be used as a means of defining protein equivalent intake (protein adequacy), when it is
multiplied by the actual protein content or intake (i.e. measured protein intake times DIAAS).
However, protein intake can be corrected for its quality by using DIAAS only when 100 but
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
not above. The DIAAS should not be used to inflate the apparent protein content of the
food or diet.
DIAAS may be used to assess the quality of single ingredients or individual foods to take
into consideration complementation. A DIAAS over 100 indicates potential to complement
protein of lower quality provided that a suitable total N intake is maintained. For individual
foods or food ingredients, not truncating the score allows ready calculation of the protein
quality of mixed diets. The DIAAS for a mixed diet itself should be truncated.
Digestible amino acid contents
The true ileal digestible amino acid (AA) content of a food may be expressed in a number
of ways:
mg AA per gram of food (on an ‘as is’ or ‘as consumed’ basis)
mg AA per gram of food dry matter (oven dry matter)
mg AA per gram of food protein.
The latter mode of expression is required for the calculation of DIAAS (see below).
Calculation of DIAAS
The digestible (dietary) indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) for a food or food ingredient
can be obtained from the digestible indispensable amino acid (DIAA) content in 1 g protein
of food and the IAA reference ratio. These values can be calculated using the following
Digestible IAA content for each IAA in 1 g protein of food
Digestible IAA content = mg of IAA in 1 g protein of food multiplied by the true ileal digestibility
coefficient for the same dietary indispensable amino acid (the digestibility coefficient is the
percentage value divided by 100, e.g. digestibility = 90%, coefficient = 90/100 = 0.90);
Digestible IAA reference ratio for each IAA
Digestible IAA reference ratio = Digestible IAA content in 1 g protein of food (mg)/mg
of the same dietary indispensable amino acid in 1g of the reference protein (amino acid
scoring pattern);
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
Digestible IAA score (DIAAS)
For a given reference protein amino acid pattern (amino acid scoring pattern), the DIAAS
is the lowest calculated value for the DIAA reference ratio, expressed as a percentage (i.e.,
the IAA having the lowest digestible reference ratio; ratio x 100).
The DIAAS may, therefore, be expressed by the following equation:
DIAAS % = 100 x lowest value [(mg of digestible dietary indispensable amino acid in
1 g of the dietary protein)/(mg of the same dietary indispensable amino acid in 1g of
the reference protein)]
DIAAS % = 100 x lowest value [“Digestible IAA reference ratio” for a given amino
acid scoring pattern].
Note that the main difference between DIAAS and PDCAAS is that true ileal amino
acid digestibility for the dietary indispensable amino acids is used rather than a
single faecal crude protein digestibility value.
Example of calculation of DIAAS for a single food ingredient
Refer Table 1.
Example of calculation of DIAAS for a food mixture
Refer Table 2.
Definition of dietary indispensable amino acid scoring patterns to be used
in the calculation of DIAAS from immediately post infancy to adulthood
Consideration was given to the accuracy of current estimates of dietary indispensable
amino acid scoring patterns (see Millward, 2012 a,b). Discussions were held in the context
of an overall model of protein metabolism in humans (refer Figure 1) and a framework
for short- and long-term protein quality related health outcomes (refer Figure 2). The
Committee noted emerging knowledge on long-term transgenerational changes due to
dietary protein intakes during pregnancy in the F
generation in rats (Hoile et al., 2011)
and in humans (Waterland et al., 2010).
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
Calculation of DIAAS value for whole milk powder (WMP)
Composition data
True ileal IAA Digestibility
True ileal digestible IAA content
in WMP
Lys SAA Thr Trp Lys SAA
Thr Trp Lys SAA Thr Trp
(mg/g protein) (mg/g protein)
100 28 78 35 44 13 0.95 0.94 0.90 0.90 74 33 40 12
Age group (y) IAA Reference pattern: mg/g
protein (refer to Table 5 in
this report)
Digestible IAA reference ratio
Lys SAA Thr Trp Lys SAA Thr Trp
Infant (birth to 6 mths) 69 33 44 17 1.07 1.00 0.91 0.69 69 (Trp)
Child (6 months to 3 yrs) 57 27 31 8.5 1.30 1.22 1.29 1.41 122 (SAA)
Older child, adolescent, adult 48 23 25 6.6 1.54 1.43 1.60 1.82 143 (SAA)
Reference: CVB Feed Tables (2007). Chemical compositions and nutritional values of feed ingredients. Product Board Animal Feed, CVB, The Hague. True ileal indispensable amino
acid (IAA) digestibility coefficients are based on predicted human values obtained from pig data.
For the sake of example, calculation is shown for four amino acids, where possible all IAA should be included in the calculation.
Digestible IAA reference ratio (Digestible IAA in 1 g protein of whole milk powder /mg of the same dietary indispensable amino acid in 1g of the reference protein)
DIAAS for whole milk powder (Lowest value of the “digestible IAA reference ratio” expressed as % for each reference pattern; for infants WMP has a calculated DIAAS of 69; for
children 122 and for older children, adolescents and adults 143).
This is the weighted average of the digestibility coefficients for methionine and cysteine.
Lys=lysine, SAA=sulphur amino acids (methionine + cysteine), Thr = threonine, Trp = tryptophan).
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
Calculation of DIAAS value for a mixture of wheat, peas and whole milk powder
True ileal IAA
True ileal digestible IAA content in mixture
Weight Protein Lys SAA Thr Trp Lys SAA Thr Trp Protein
content in
Thr Trp
(g) (g/100g) (mg/g protein) (g) (mg)
A B C D E F G H I J AxB (AxB)xCxG (AxB)xDxH (AxB)xExI (AxB)
Wheat 400 11 28 38 29 12 0.82 0.895 0.86 0.91 44 1 010 1488 1 097 480
Pea 100 21 71 25 37 9 0.79 0.69 0.73 0.66 21 1 178 362 567 125
Milk powder 35 28 78 35 44 13 0.95 0.94 0.90 0.90 10 726 322 388 115
Totals 535 75 2 914 2 172 2052 720
Amino acids: mg/g protein (total for each amino acid/total protein) 38.9 29.0 27.4 9.6
Age group Reference pattern:
mg/g protein (Refer to
Table 5 in this report)
Digestible IAA reference ratio
mixture (%)
Lys SAA Thr Trp Lys SAA Thr Trp
Infant (birth to 6 moths) 69 33 44 17 0.56 0.88 0.62 0.56 56 (Lys)
Child (6 months to 3 yrs) 57 27 31 8.5 0.68 1.08 0.88 1.13 68 (Lys)
Older child, adolescent, adult 48 23 25 6.6 0.82 1.26 1.10 1.45 82 (Lys)
Reference: CVB Feed Tables (2007). Chemical compositions and nutritional values of feed ingredients. Product Board Animal Feed, CVB, The Hague. True ileal indispensable amino acid
(IAA) digestibility coefficients are based on the predicted human values obtained from pig data.
For the sake of example, calculation is shown for four amino acids; where possible all IAA should be included in the calculation.
Digestible IAA reference ratio (Digestible IAA in 1 g protein of mixed diet /mg of the same dietary indispensable amino acid in 1g of the reference protein)
DIAAS for mixed diet (Lowest value of the “digestible IAA reference ratio” expressed as % for each reference pattern; for infants the mixed food has a calculated DIAAS of 56; for
children 68 and for older children, adolescents and adults 82; NB: In this case as this is a mixed diet if the calculated DIAAS exceeded 100%, it would be truncated to 100%).
These are the weighted average of the digestibility coefficients for methionine and cysteine.
Lys=lysine, SAA=sulphur amino acids (methionine + cysteine), Thr = threonine, Trp = tryptophan.
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
The amino acid composition of human milk is recommended for predicting the protein
quality of foods for infants and is discussed in the following section. Scoring patterns
developed and published in the FAO/WHO/UNU (2007) report are recommended for
age groups other than infants, and values for six-months-on are given in Table 3. Small
calculation errors were found in the table given in the 2007 report for the three to 10
year age group and these have been corrected in the present table.
Inspection of the scoring patterns in relation to growth has led us to suggest that
three scoring patterns (refer Table 5) be applied. Recommended amino acid scoring
patterns for calculating protein quality for dietary assessment are as follows:
Framework depicting short- and long-term potential protein quality related health
outcomes. This indicates the need to look beyond physiological and metabolic responses in
assessing health effects
• Absorption-digestibility
• Metabolic utilization
• Nitrogen balance
• Lean mass/muscle/bone
• Tissue turnover
• Secretory proteins
• Host defences/Immunity
• Growth & maturation
• Tissue repair
• Growth and tissue repair
(wasting and stunting)
• Immune function and host
defence system (prevalence
and severity of infection)
• Muscle and skeletal mass
(capacity for physical work and
athletic performance)
• Mental performance, mood,
sleep patterns
• Detoxication of chemical
agents and anti-oxidant system
• Life course events, linear
growth, menarche, aging
• Age-related functional losses,
muscle, bone strength,
immunity, cognitive decline
• Nutrition related chronic
diseases. CVDs, cancer,
hypertension, oxidative
damage, repair systems
Physiologic/metabolic responses
Short-term outcomes Long-term outcomes
Protein quality related
health outcomes
Monogenic Polygenic
Present efforts
Future efforts
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
Amino acid scoring patterns for toddlers, children, adolescents and adults (amended values
from the 2007 WHO/FAO/UNU report)
His Ile Leu Lys SAA AAA Thr Trp Val
Tissue amino acid pattern (mg/g protein)
27 35 75 73 35 73 42 12 49
Maintenance amino acid pattern (mg/g
15 30 59 45 22 38 23 6 39
Protein requirements (g/kg/d)
Age (yr) Maintenance Growth
amino acid requirements (mg/kg/d)
0.5 0.66 0.46 22 36 73 63 31 59 35 9.5 48
1-2 0.66 0.20 15 27 54 44 22 40 24 6 36
3-10 0.66 0.07 12 22 44 35 17 30 18 4.8 29
11-14 0.66 0.07 12 22 44 35 17 30 18 4.8 29
15-18 0.66 0.04 11 21 42 33 16 28 17 4.4 28
>18 0.66 0.00 10 20 39 30 15 25 15 4.0 26
scoring pattern mg/g protein requirement
0.5 20 32 66 57 27 52 31 8.5 43
1-2 18 31 63 52 25 46 27 7 41
3-10 16 30 61 48 23 41 25 6.6 40
11-14 16 30 61 48 23 41 25 6.6 40
15-18 16 30 60 47 23 40 24 6.3 40
>18 15 30 59 45 22 38 23 6.0 39
His, histidine; Ile, isoleucine; Leu, leucine; SAA, sulphur amino acids; AAA, aromatic amino acids, Thr, threonine, Trp, tryptophan;
Val, valine
Amino acid composition of whole-body protein.
Adult maintenance pattern.
Calculated as average values for the age range: growth adjusted for protein utilization of 58%.
Sum of amino acids contained in the dietary requirement for maintenance (maintenance protein x the adult scoring pattern)
and growth (tissue deposition adjusted for a 58% dietary efficiency of utilization x the tissue pattern).
Amino acid requirements/protein requirements for the selected age groups. Note that these values, some of which are slightly
amended from the 2007 report, are the correctly calculated values. In the published report, the value for the SAA requirement
for children aged 3-10 is incorrect (18mg/kg/d) as are the SAA patterns for infants preschool and school children up to 10,
(28, 26 and 24 mg/g protein).
• Infants (birth to 6 months), pattern of breast milk.
• Young children (6 months to 3 y), pattern for the 0.5 y old infant.
• Older children, adolescents and adults, pattern for the 3 to 10 y old child.
For regulatory purposes, two scoring patterns are recommended, the amino
acid composition of human milk for infant formulas and for all other foods and
population groups the pattern for young children (6 months to 3 y); refer to
Table 5 in this report.
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
Breast milk pattern
The amino acid composition of human milk has been used as a reference pattern to
define the amino acid scores for infant foods (FAO/WHO/UNU, 2007). The metabolic
demand for amino acids of the new born infant is not known with any certainty and the
pattern of amino acids in human milk is not necessarily the same as the pattern of amino
acid requirements. In fact amino acid intakes from breast milk are likely to be in excess
of the actual demand for two reasons. Firstly as discussed in the FAO/WHO/UNU (2007)
report, various calculations of the likely demand for amino acids by the new born infant
indicate values that are lower than intakes from breast milk (Dewey et al., 1996). Indeed
the values for individual amino acids in the requirement pattern at 6 months, calculated
by FAO/WHO/UNU (2007) on the basis of a maintenance and growth factorial model,
are on average 30% lower. Secondly the true ileal digestibility of breast milk amino acids
in the human infant may be less than 100%. Actual values are not known although
studies using bottle-fed piglets as a model for the human infant have shown values for
the digestibility of amino acids in human milk ranging from 81–100 % (Darragh and
Moughan, 1998). Nevertheless, because intakes of breast milk from a healthy well-
nourished mother are considered to satisfy protein requirements for the first 6 months of
life, the amino acid content of breast milk is recommended as the current best estimate
of amino acid requirements for this age group. The amounts of amino acids in human
breast milk corrected for the true ileal digestibility of amino acids in human breast milk
may provide useful information on the pattern of amino
acids required by the infant.
The amounts of each of the dietary indispensable
amino acids in human milk, shown in table 4 are those
listed by FAO/WHO/UNU (2007) (which derive from
reports published by Heine et al., 1991, Davis et al.,
1994, and Villalpando et al., 1998.) These values are
calculated from the amino acid content of proteins in
breast milk, with protein calculated as 75% of total
nitrogen given that 25% of nitrogen in breast milk is
non-protein nitrogen. For weaned infants from the age
of six months and for older children the scoring patterns
shown in Table 5 derived for the various age groups in
Table 3 are more appropriate.
Pattern for preschool and older children and
adults: historical perspective
The use of an amino acid requirement pattern based
on values for preschool-age children to evaluate protein
quality for all age groups apart from infants derives from
Table 4.
Dietary indispensable amino
acid profile of human milk
Amino acid* (mg/g total protein)
His 21
Ile 55
Leu 96
Lys 69
Met + Cys 33
Phe + Tyr 94
Thr 44
Trp 17
Val 55
Values from FAO/WHO/UNU (2007)
* The three-letter abbreviations for amino
acids (His, histidine; Ile, isoleucine; Leu,
leucine; Lys, lysine; Met, methionine; Cys,
cystine; Phe, phenylalanine; Tyr, tyrosine;
Thr, threonine; Trp, tryptophan; Val, valine)
are used.
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
the joint 1991 FAO/WHO expert consultation on protein quality evaluation (see Millward,
2012b). At that time the available information on amino acid requirement patterns had
been summarized in the 1985 report in which values had been reported for infants,
preschool and older children and adults. In the case of both preschool children and
schoolchildren, the 1985 report commented on the limited and unsatisfactory nature of
the information available. The 1991 Consultation, which was asked to report on protein
quality evaluation, re-examined the amino acid requirement values identified in the 1985
report. That report argued that the amino acid requirement values for adults were too
low and were unsuitable for use in scoring patterns for the evaluation of protein quality
in adults. Whereas the values for schoolchildren were considered flawed, the values
reported for preschool children were adopted as the basis of a scoring pattern within the
protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score methodology for all ages, as an interim
measure until more satisfactory values could be defined.
The 2007 WHO/FAO/UNU Expert Consultation conducted a detailed critical analysis
of the reported amino acid requirement values for infants, children and adults and the
methodologies used in their derivation (see Millward, 2012a). This committee report
endorsed the 1985 report in recommending the breast milk content of amino acids as
the best estimate of infant amino acid requirements but was unable to identify reliable
requirement values for any other age groups apart from adults. In relation to the values
for preschool children, it argued that the reported values were difficult to interpret.
They had not been peer reviewed and derived from a report that gave incomplete
information about their origin. In particular, the limited details that were given (e.g. for
lysine) suggested nitrogen accretion rates that were several-fold greater than expected
for children of this age with values overall corresponding more closely to the needs of the
3–6-month-old infant than to those of a preschool child for whom growth has fallen to
much lower rates than observed in infants. It therefore adopted a factorial approach for
infants and children based on the amino acid requirements for maintenance and growth.
Maintenance was assumed to exhibit the same amino acid pattern at all ages on a mg/
kg body weight basis so that the adult requirement pattern was adopted, while growth
Table 5.
Recommended amino acid scoring patterns for infants, children and older children,
adolescents and adults
Age Group His Ile Leu Lys SAA AAA Thr Trp Val
scoring pattern mg/g protein requirement
Infant (birth to 6 months)
21 55 96 69 33 94 44 17 55
Child (6 months to 3 year)
20 32 66 57 27 52 31 8.5 43
Older child, adolescent, adult
16 30 61 48 23 41 25 6.6 40
Infant is based on the gross amino acid content of human milk from Table 4.
Child group is from the 6 month (0.5 y) values from Table 3.
Older child, adolescent, adult group is from the 3-10 y values from Table 3.
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
was assumed to reflect the amino acid pattern of human tissue protein. On this basis
amino acid requirement patterns were derived for children aged 0.5, 1–2, 3–10, 11–14,
15–18 years and for adults.
Calculation of the scoring patterns from amino acid requirement values
A scoring pattern for protein quality evaluation is calculated on the basis of the ratio
of amino acid to protein requirement (i.e. it is expressed as mg amino acid per g of
protein). Thus the magnitude of the denominator, the protein requirement, influences the
magnitude of each amino acid within the scoring pattern and consequently the extent to
which the pattern would identify a food protein as adequate or deficient in each amino
acid (Millward, 2012b). Previous reports on protein and amino acid requirements (FAO/
WHO, 1973; WHO, 1985) had defined these scoring patterns from values for amino acid
requirements expressed in relation to the safe protein requirement on the basis that the
amino acid values represented the upper range of requirement values. Although this issue
was not specifically discussed in the 2007 report in calculating a requirement pattern it
identified estimates for the dietary indispensable amino acids as mean requirement values
and therefore calculated the pattern with the mean total protein requirement, 0.66 g/kg
for the adult.
It can be argued (Millward, 2012b) that although the values for each amino acid
requirement identified in the 2007 report were selected as the best estimates from a
range of different values, some higher and some lower than the selected values, they
represented mean values so that the denominator in the pattern should be the mean
protein requirement. An alternative argument is that in all of the experimental stable
isotope studies from which amino acid requirement values have been derived the
subjects have received intakes of protein or more often purified amino acids, at higher
levels than the mean or even safe requirement levels (i.e. 1 g/kg/d). On the basis of an
adaptive metabolic demand in which the requirement varies with the intake, the values
obtained in these studies are likely to be higher than the minimum requirement and relate
more closely to a protein intake that is higher than the minimum value indicated by the
mean protein requirement value. In this case the safe protein intake would be a more
appropriate value for the denominator of the scoring pattern.
This is an important issue in that the scoring pattern calculated with the mean
protein requirement will contain values for each amino acid that are 20% higher
than those calculated with the safe protein requirement. Thus dietary proteins judged
inadequate by the former pattern may be judged adequate by the latter and vice versa.
The 2007 report evaluated the implications of the scoring patterns derived with the
mean protein requirement for the adequacy of dietary protein intakes and quality, and
identified a significant prevalence of protein deficiency in several population groups
in developing and developed countries and discussed the possibility that the scoring
patterns may contain values for important amino acids such as lysine that are too
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
high. However the 2007 report also made the point that any risk assessment aimed
at identifying prevalence of deficit should aspire to an acceptable balance between
the numbers of false positives and false negatives. Moreover, there has been no direct
experimental demonstration that the requirement for each dietary indispensable
amino acid directly varies with the total intake of protein. In this context the present
committee decided it was better to overestimate than underestimate risk and accepted
the view that the scoring pattern should be based on the mean rather than the safe
protein requirement.
Optimal amino acid requirements
Current estimates of the nutritional requirements for protein as reported by WHO/FAO/
UNU (2007) are defined as: the lowest level of dietary protein intake that will balance the
losses of nitrogen from the body, and thus maintain the body protein mass (assumed to
be at a desirable level), in persons at energy balance with modest levels of physical activity
and any special needs for growth, reproduction and lactation. That report acknowledged
that such a definition does not necessarily identify the optimal intake for health, which
is less quantifiable and would require more specific and validated biomarkers. After
reviewing the evidence base for any relationships between protein intakes and health the
report concluded: “Current knowledge of the relationship between protein intake and
health is insufficient to enable clear recommendations about either optimal intakes for
long-term health or to define a safe upper limit”. Such research is ongoing and it may
prove to be the case that there are circumstances in which benefits accrue from intakes
above the minimum protein requirements, especially given that most definitions of “the
healthy diet” involve overall protein intakes which are considerably higher than the
minimum protein requirement derived from nitrogen balance. In circumstances in which
an increased intake of protein or intake of specific amino acids may be appropriate or
recommended, the optimal profile of amino acids in the protein is important in achieving
the desired response. Further, the pattern of absorption of amino acids may affect the
response to the ingested protein. For these reasons, use of estimates of the amounts
of individual digestible amino acids in a protein is likely to be the most successful
approach to determining the optimal protein, or combinations of proteins, to be
used in any circumstance. This approach accounts for the possibility that in certain
specific circumstances a particular protein may be more or less appropriate than reflected
by the DIAAS value.
Examples of cases in which it has been suggested that benefit may accrue from protein
intakes that are greater than the minimum include older individuals who might benefit
in terms of muscle mass, strength and functional outcomes and these benefits may in
turn be reflected in improved health outcomes (Wolfe, 2012). In specific circumstances
younger as well as older individuals may benefit from increased intakes of protein. Fat
loss in overweight individuals eating a low energy diet may be greater with a relatively
high intake of protein due to both satiating effects of protein as well as the thermogenic
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
response to protein intake (Clifton, 2012; Te Morenga and Mann, 2012; Westerterp-
Plantenga et al., 2012). Gains in muscle mass and strength are greater when resistance
exercise is coupled with increased intake of protein above the minimal amount necessary
to maintain N-balance (Phillips, 2012). Individuals with chronic infection or inflammation
may benefit from higher protein intakes, and the effects of less than optimal levels of
total caloric intake may be offset to some extent by higher protein intake. It should be
noted, however, that there are circumstances whereby higher protein intakes may be
associated with risk. One example is pregnancy where it has been suggested that the
protein requirement identified in the 2007 FAO/WHO report, which represents a three-
fold increase compared with previous estimates, may be too high and represents a risk of
adverse outcomes to both mother and child (Millward, 2012a).
In addition to potential beneficial effects of a protein intake greater than the amount
necessary to maintain nitrogen balance in a variety of circumstances, there may be
specific cases in which it is desirable to increase the intake of specific amino acids. For
example, leucine is recognized as a potential regulator of protein synthesis in a variety
of circumstances (McNurlan, 2012; Millward, 2012c); a high level of leucine intake may
facilitate overcoming the normal resistance to the anabolic effect of protein intake in
clinical situations such as cancer. A number of clinical situations, such as sepsis, are
associated with an impairment of the normal rate of synthesis of arginine, and in these
circumstances an increased intake of arginine may be beneficial in terms of protein
synthesis as well as immune function (Jonker et al., 2012).
The Committee noted current research trends towards examining dietary protein
and amino acid levels that optimise certain health outcomes or organ/body functions
in people of different ages and physiological states, rather than the previous focus
on determining protein and amino acid requirements to meet body nitrogen balance.
Research in this direction is encouraged. The recommendation in this report of
treating amino acids as separate individual nutrients by stating the amounts of
each truly digestible (ileal) dietary indispensable amino acid in foods is viewed
as a useful development in this respect.
Bioavailability of amino acids
Since its adoption by FAO/WHO (1991), the PDCAAS has been widely accepted.
However, the method has been criticized because it does not adequately account for the
bioavailability of amino acids.
The term “bioavailability” encompasses three properties of foods that can alter the
proportion of an amino acid that can be utilized; these are:
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
1. Digestibility, which describes the net absorption of an amino acid.
2. Chemical integrity, which describes the proportion of the amino acid that, if
absorbed, is in a utilizable form.
3. Freedom from interference in metabolism resulting from the presence in the food of
substances that limit the utilization of the amino acid.
Of these, the greatest source of variation in bioavailability is, in most cases,
Digestibility: amino acids
It is worth emphasizing at the outset that digestibility is not a fixed attribute of a food
but reflects an interaction between the food and the person eating it and so may be
subject to individual variation. The term “amino acid digestibility” as used in this report
is the proportion of consumed amino acids that is absorbed (i.e. has disappeared from
the digestive tract).
In earlier work protein quality assessment was based on the digestibility of crude
protein determined over the total digestive tract. This approach assumes that the
digestibility of each amino acid is the same as that of total protein and that amino acid
digestibility determined over the total digestive tract is an accurate estimate of dietary
amino acid absorption. However, observations with simple-stomached animals have
raised questions about the validity of these assumptions.
As reviewed by WHO/FAO/UNU (2007) (see Section III) most faecal nitrogen is in the
form of microbial protein (Mason and Palmer, 1973). Mason et al. (1976) estimated from
the faecal excretion of diaminopimelic acid (DAPA) that some 90% of faecal N was of
bacterial origin. Subsequent studies using a variety of microbial markers have confirmed
this observation. Consequently, the amino acid composition of faeces is closer to that
of microbial protein than to that of undigested food residues, and the amino acid
composition of faeces varies little with diet, although total faecal nitrogen does vary with
faecal bulk and NSP intake. It was concluded that undigested food residues reaching
the large intestine are largely degraded by microbial activity during their relatively long
residence, when their nitrogen can be converted through microbial amino acid synthesis
into microbial biomass with an amino acid profile more or less independent of their initial
The second observation was that although nitrogen is absorbed from the large
intestine, it is mainly in the form of ammonia with only limited evidence for absorption of
intact amino acids. In pigs, infusing hydrolyzed casein into the caecum (Zebrowska, 1973;
1975; Gargallo and Zimmerman, 1981) resulted in very little increase in faecal nitrogen;
most of the additional infused N was excreted in the urine with little if any improvement in
N retention. Also infusion into the large intestine of a single dietary indispensable amino
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
acid that was deficient in the diet has been shown to be of little or no benefit (Darragh
et al., 1994; Krawielitzki et al., 1984). The results of such studies suggest that most of the
carbon skeletons of dietary indispensable amino acids entering the large intestine from
the ileum are irreversibly lost, either through microbial metabolism or excretion in the
faeces, although their nitrogen may be absorbed and used. However, as discussed earlier
(Section III), and as indicated in Figure 1, human studies have shown that the hydrolysis
of urea within the large intestine and the salvage of its urea nitrogen which is returned to
the host amino nitrogen pool, is a quantitatively important part of nitrogen metabolism
within this compartment of the digestive tract (Jackson, 1998), and the extent to which
this may be a source of nutritionally important amino acids has been investigated with
N tracer studies. Clearly the appearance of
N-labelled protein in blood plasma after
intracaecal instillation of labelled proteins (e.g. Heine et al., 1987) is not evidence for
the absorption of specific amino acids: most amino acids in the body can acquire
N by
transamination, as seen in the extensive
N labelling of body protein after giving
(Patterson et al., 1995; Metges et al., 1999). However, studies with human infants have
identified the transfer of
N from orally administered urea to not only glycine, alanine
and histidine in the circulating amino acid pool (sampled as urinary amino acids), but
also to lysine which does not gain nitrogen through transamination (Millward et al.,
2000a). Furthermore in normal healthy adults transfer of
N from oral lactose-ureide
to lysine in both faecal bacterial protein and in urine has been reported (Jackson et al.,
2004) which is significant because lactose-ureide is resistant to digestion in the upper
gastrointestinal tract but is fermented by the colonic microflora to release NH
bacterial amino acid biosynthesis from nitrogen released by urea salvage appears to be
a source of indispensable amino acids which can enter the circulating pool. Furthermore
the extent of
N transfer in these studies has been shown to indicate that this process
can be nutritionally important. Clearly the evidence base for these processes is currently
limited and the route by which colonic urea N is transferred to systemic lysine and other
indispensable amino acids is not clear. However such studies raise important questions
about nitrogen metabolism in the human large intestine, suggesting that it can not only
remove indispensable amino acids but may also in some circumstances be a source of
dietary indispensable amino acids. Fuller (2012) has concluded, albeit acknowledging
that such a conclusion is based on limited evidence, that a large proportion of the amino
acids in the protein of the upper gastrointestinal tract microbiota are incorporated directly
from the diet or from endogenous materials rather than being synthesised de novo.
Despite some remaining uncertainties with respect to microbial amino acid synthesis, it
seems that the amino acid composition of ileal digesta provides the best available basis
for estimating the proportion of dietary amino acids absorbed. “Ileal digestibility, while
not a perfect measure of net amino acid absorption, nonetheless takes us considerably
closer to that ideal than amino acid digestibility determined over the whole gut”, (Fuller,
These observations show that the process of amino acid digestibility is complex and
not entirely understood. Overall the consultation concluded that estimates of the amino
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
acids absorbed from the diet would best be derived from measurement of the flow of
amino acids leaving the small intestine; that is, ileal digestibility (Moughan and Smith,
1985). However, and as discussed earlier (Section III), some of the amino acids leaving the
ileum are not of immediate dietary origin but are the remnants of endogenous secretions
and cellular material (Skilton et al., 1988; Moughan and Rutherfurd, 2012). This loss
of endogenous protein occurs even when no protein is given in the diet and therefore
represents part of the requirement. This amount, termed the basal endogenous loss must
be deducted from the ileal amino acid flow to estimate the contribution of unabsorbed
amino acids from the diet. When apparent amino acid digestibility is corrected for the
basal endogenous loss the resulting value is termed true digestibility (Donkoh and
Moughan, 1994). When apparent amino acid digestibility is corrected by deduction of a
constant agreed basal endogenous loss value, the resulting value is termed standardized
ileal digestibility (Stein et al., 2007). The basal endogenous amino acid losses can be
measured using several methods (Moughan et al., 1998; Boisen and Moughan, 1996;
Fuller and Tomé, 2005). Endogenous and dietary amino acid losses at the terminal ileum
are 0.6–1 g/day and 0.4–0.7 g/day, respectively (Chacko and Cummings, 1988; Mahé et
al., 1992; Rowan et al., 1993; Fuller et al., 1994; Gausserès et al., 1996; Mariotti et al.,
1999; Gaudichon et al., 2002; Moughan et al., 2005).
For protein as a whole, however, because nitrogen absorbed in forms other than
amino acids can contribute to the nitrogen economy, the absorption of nitrogen over the
whole digestive tract is the more appropriate measure. This latter measure also requires
correction for endogenous losses (often referred to as metabolic faecal nitrogen).
It is therefore recommended that protein quality assessment should be based
on true ileal digestibility values of individual amino acids rather than the overall
(faecal) digestibility of protein.
This conclusion is supported by a number of recent critical reviews on the subject (Fuller,
2012; Fuller and Tomé, 2005; Hendriks et al., 2012; Levesque and Ball, 2012; Moughan,
2003). At the present time, there is a limited quantity of data on the ileal amino acid
digestibility of foods as determined in humans (Rowan et al., 1994; Gaudichon et al., 2002;
Deglaire et al., 2009). Where human data are lacking it is recommended that true ileal
amino acid digestibility values from the growing pig be used, and where these
data are not available from the growing laboratory rat. For digestibility measures
in infants the bottle-fed piglet has been a useful animal model (Moughan et al., 1990).
Although regression equations have been published (Deglaire et al., 2009) to allow the
prediction of human true ileal amino acid digestibility from corresponding pig values, it
was concluded that more work is required to improve the robustness of these equations.
When an accurate prediction equation is available, human digestibility values, predicted
on the basis of pig values, should be used. For those foods for which neither human nor
pig or rat ileal digestibility values yet exist, overall (faecal) protein digestibility values must
serve as the best available proxy.
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
It is recommended that the 1970 FAO Publication “Amino Acid Contents of
Foods and Biological Data on Proteins” should be updated on a continuous basis
with inclusion of values, where available, for protein (faecal and ileal) digestibility,
ileal amino acid digestibility and DIAAS. These tables should be available in electronic
format compatible with the proposed spreadsheet for the calculation of amino acid
requirements and DIAAS.
At the 2011 Expert Consultation, a sub-committee (consisting of Sarwar Gilani,
chair; Daniel Tomé, Paul Moughan and Barbara Burlingame, ex officio) was constituted
to collate currently available data on the true ileal amino acid digestibility of foods for
humans (refer Sub-Committee report at
en/ and http://www.fao.org/ag/human nutrition/nutrition/63158/en/). A separate sub-
committee (consisting of Ricardo Uauy, chair; Joe Millward, Paul Pencharz, Malcolm
Fuller and Barbara Burlingame, ex officio) was constituted to receive the data set
from the first sub-committee and assess its suitability for practical application in the
calculation of DIAAS values and to assess implications of these data for the final
consultation report.
After assessment of the dataset of currently available ileal amino acid digestibility
values, the sub-committee chaired by R Uauy concluded (refer Sub-Committee
report at
http://www.fao.org/ag/ humannutrition/nutrition/en/ and http://www.fao.org/ag/
1. In principle, true ileal amino acid digestibility is preferable to faecal crude protein
or amino acid digestibility for the purpose of defining dietary indispensable amino
acid digestibility and assessing the protein quality of dietary protein sources for
2. There is a fair body of evidence on ileal amino acid digestibility in rats and pigs but
there are limited data on ileal amino acid digestibility determined in humans; very
few studies have compared the ileal amino acid digestibility of the same protein
sources in animals (rats, pigs) and humans. Studies of this kind are greatly needed to
be able to support moving in practice to ileal digestibility in the assessment of dietary
protein quality for humans.
3. Future studies should include comparisons of true ileal amino acid digestibility values
across the different animal models (pig, rat) and humans using protein sources that
are representative of those consumed by human populations.
4. If the data obtained from these studies (as specified under #3) convincingly support the
move to ileal digestibility, assessment of the potential impact of this recommendation
(to be used in the assessment of individual protein sources as well as mixed diets
commonly consumed by humans) needs to be undertaken before the new evaluation
model is implemented. This should include potential gains and or losses to public
health consequent upon the implementation of the new recommendations on the
assessment of protein quality for humans.
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
The Expert Consultation Committee accepted the above conclusions of the
sub-committee and recommended: that the FAO convene a Working Group,
as a matter of urgency, to agree upon an experimental protocol to enable
the realisation of outcomes numbers 3 and 4 above to be expedited. The
implementation of studies to determine true ileal amino acid digestibility
broadly across human food types and a subsequent assessment of the potential
impact of introducing such data in the context of protein quality evaluation for
humans is strongly encouraged. Until such time as an agreed dataset of true ileal
amino acid digestibility for human foods becomes available, the protein quality
of human foods and diets should be assessed using DIAAS, but values for faecal
crude protein digestibility should be used.
There will be a need for financial support for the latter research agenda
(interspecies true ileal amino acid digestibility comparison and the development
of a database of true ileal amino acid digestibility for human foods). It is
anticipated that the private sector along with UN technical and normative
agencies, multilateral, bilateral and national Government agencies, and public-
good organisations will provide such support, as a matter of urgency. If
resources are not allocated to fulfil the latter proposed research objectives in a
timely manner, then the present recommendation for the application of DIAAS in
practice may need to be reviewed, since DIAAS and the conclusions of this report
rely upon a system of true ileal amino acid digestibility and availability.
Chemical availability of amino acids
Some amino acids present in foods may be in a structural form that is unavailable (i.e.
the amino acid may be absorbed in a form that cannot be utilized). This is most likely
to be encountered in foods that are heat-treated or subjected to other severe processes
(Rutherfurd and Moughan, 1990; Rutherfurd and Moughan, 2012). The formation of
Maillard reaction products, leading to a loss of lysine availability, is the most common
example. It is recommended that for foods susceptible to damage from processing,
‘reactive’ rather than ‘total’ lysine contents and the true ileal digestibility of
reactive lysine (lysine availability) rather than of total lysine, be determined
(Moughan and Rutherfurd, 1996; Rutherfurd et al., 1997b). Reactive lysine is lysine
whereby the epsilon amino group of the molecule has not been modified chemically and
is free to react with a test agent (e.g. fluorodinitrobenzene or o-methylisourea).
Other amino acids, especially the sulphur amino acids, tryptophan and threonine, may
be susceptible to oxidation, with loss of bioavailability, and assays such as the reactive
lysine digestibility assay (Moughan and Rutherfurd, 1996) need to be developed for these
amino acids.
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
Loss of bioavailability due to the presence of interfering substances
Many foods contain bioactive (protein or non-protein) substances that may modify amino
acid bioavailability either by affecting digestibility or postabsorptive utilisation (Gilani et
al., 2012). Many foods, including novel protein sources, may contain high levels of known
antinutritional factors, which may be naturally occurring (e.g. tannins, phytates, trypsin
inhibitors, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates), formed during processing (e.g. D-amino acids,
lysinoalanine), or formed during genetic modification of crops (e.g. lectins).
Many of these affect digestion and will be taken into account in the determination
of true ileal amino acid digestibility but others, such as glucosinolates, isothiocyanates,
etc., have more general metabolic effects and their influence on protein metabolism will
only be detected in a growth-based bioassay. Where they present a potential problem,
recommendations on proper processing to minimize their levels are required as well as
recommendations on the safe limits for their inclusion in diets.
The nutritive value of food protein sources is primarily dependent on the amounts of
bioavailable indispensable amino acids and nitrogen in food. Bioavailability refers to the
proportion of the total amount of dietary amino acids that is absorbed in a form that can
be utilized for body protein synthesis and other pathways which constitute the metabolic
demand. In some cases, such as with inadequate energy intake or when dietary protein
is in excess, absorbed amino acids may be utilized via catabolism to provide ATP, rather
than for body protein synthesis and associated anabolic pathways. This requires that
amino acid bioavailability is evaluated under standardised conditions in relation to dietary
protein and energy contents. Amino acid availability and utilization are not synonymous.
Traditionally the methods developed to determine amino acid bioavailability have focused
on intestinal absorption or digestibility, which is calculated as the proportion of amino
acid intake that does not appear in digesta or faeces. While considerable progress has
been made to arrive at the “true ileal digestibility of amino acids” and the “true ileal
digestibility of reactive lysine”, digestibility-based methods may not always fully account
for all losses associated with gut endogenous amino acid losses or absorbed amino acids
which are unavailable due to heat processing or the presence of anti-nutritional factors.
Therefore, there is a need from time to time to apply growth-based bioassays (such as the
slope-ratio assay,).In some circumstances the classical Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) can be
used when there is doubt about the protein quality of a food or diet, although it must
be recognised that in human nutrition the demand for dietary amino acids for growth is
a minor or even negligible component of the demand apart from during early life. This
is a major limitation in the use of animal growth models to assess overall protein quality
since such trials may underestimate protein quality for human nutrition. In the latter
case short term nitrogen balance trials have been used but these have generally lacked
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
discriminatory power (Millward et al., 1989) and resulted in unrealistically low efficiencies
of utilisation (shallow slopes) because of an inappropriate analytical model which fails to
take into account the adaptive nature of the metabolic demand (Millward, 2003; 2012a).
While long term feeding trials based on body composition and maintenance of fitness
have been used to assess protein quality of specific foods such as wheat (Bolourchi et
al., 1968; Edwards et al., 1971), such feeding trials are expensive and logistically difficult
to undertake and few have been reported. The diurnal nature of human feeding does
involve post-prandial net protein synthesis to replace post absorptive losses and the
efficiency of postprandial protein utilisation can be studied. This, to some extent, can be
used as a measure of protein quality in humans. Several groups have developed stable
isotope tracer studies to do this.
Postprandial protein utilization (PPU)
As discussed by Millward and Pacy (1995) postprandial protein utilisation is influenced by
both dietary energy intake and by the quality of the protein in terms of its ability to meet
the metabolic demand. This means that measurement of acute changes in
C-1 leucine
balance during the transition from a low to high protein intake during a
C-1 leucine
infusion indicates the efficiency of postprandial protein utilisation (PPU). Values obtained
in this way are more realistic than those obtained from the slope of nitrogen balance
studies which underestimate protein utilisation (Millward, 2003; Millward, 2012a). This
approach has been used to compare milk and wheat protein utilisation in normal adults
at their habitual levels of protein intake showing that the PPU of milk and wheat protein
were 1.00 and 0.68 in a multiple small meal protocol (Millward et al., 2000b) and 0.93
and 0.61 in a single large meal protocol (Millward et al., 2002). In each case the wheat
protein was better utilised than was predicted from its lysine content relative to human
tissue protein lysine content possibly through reutilisation of the lysine liberated in the
postabsorptive state for postprandial protein deposition. While such studies help to
understand utilisation of highly digestible proteins they would be less able to entirely
evaluate poorly digestible dietary protein sources.
Net postprandial protein utilization (NPPU)
N]-labelled proteins (milk, soya protein isolate, wheat and meat) have been used to
measure the metabolic fate of dietary nitrogen after its consumption in humans. NPPU is
calculated using true ileal digestibility and
N-labelled protein utilization parameters (Tomé
and Bos, 2000).
Intrinsic labelling of dietary proteins with
N allows the investigation of
postprandial N transfers into different metabolic pools. Ileal digesta, blood and urine are
sampled. The kinetics of dietary N appearance in ileal effluent, plasma proteins, plasma
free amino acids, body urea, urinary urea and urinary ammonia are calculated using a
13-compartment, 21 parameter model (Juillet et al., 2006).
NPPU values determined for
milk, soya protein isolate and wheat were 81%, 78% and 66%, respectively (Bos et al.,
1999; Tomé and Bos, 2000; Mariotti et al., 1999; Bos et al., 2005). This approach also
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
incorporates the determination of true ileal amino acid digestibility (Gaudichon et al.,
This method is a major advance in the evaluation of dietary protein quality. It is
restricted, however, to foods that can be intrinsically labelled with
N and the study
requires that ileal digesta be collected via a naso-intestinal intubation technique, and
the model calculations are fairly complex
(Juillet et al., 2006). Therefore, this method is
unlikely to be widely adopted for routine application. Furthermore the NPPU technique
cannot be readily used to estimate the bioavailability of individual amino acids.
Application of the IAAO method to determine the metabolic availability
(MA) of amino acids
The Indicator Amino Acid Oxidation (IAAO) technique is based on the concept that when
one dietary indispensable amino acid in a diet (IDAA) is deficient for protein synthesis,
then all other amino acids including the indicator amino acid (another IDAA, usually
L-[1-13C]phenylalanine) will be oxidized (Pencharz and Ball, 2003). Fundamentally, this is
because free amino acids cannot be stored and therefore must be partitioned between
incorporation into protein or oxidation. With increasing intake of the limiting amino
acid, oxidation of the indicator amino acid decreases, reflecting increasing incorporation
into protein. Once the requirement for the limiting amino acid is met, there is no further
change in the oxidation of the indicator amino acid. The inflection point, where the
oxidation of the indicator amino acid stops decreasing and reaches a plateau is referred
to as the ‘breakpoint’. The breakpoint identified with the use of bi-phase linear regression
analysis indicates the mean or Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) of the limiting (test)
amino acid (Pencharz and Ball, 2003).
This minimally invasive IAAO method has been
systematically applied to determine IDAA requirements in adult humans (Pencharz and
Ball, 2003; Elango et al., 2008(a); Elango et al., 2008(b)).
The IAAO method can also be applied to determine the bioavailability or metabolic
availability (MA) of amino acids (Moehn et al., 2005; Moehn et al., 2007).
IAAO is inversely
proportional to the rate of protein synthesis (Ball and Bayley, 1986; Rafii et al., 2008).
Therefore, at a given amino acid intake, the relative difference in the IAAO rate between test
and reference proteins will be proportional to the whole body MA of the test amino acid
for protein synthesis, and thus account for all losses of dietary amino acids during digestion,
absorption, and cellular metabolism. It would be expected, under controlled conditions and
for the often dietary first-limiting amino acid, lysine, that the predicted uptake of reactive
lysine (true ileal digestible reactive lysine) from the digestive tract would equal bioavailable
lysine determined using the IAAO method and such an experimental comparison for a range
of foods would be of interest. The IAAO approach has been used in pigs to determine the
availability of dietary protein-bound amino acids (including lysine, threonine and methionine)
and in humans for methionine and lysine. It is proving to be a practical method to determine
the utilization of protein bound limiting amino acids for net protein synthesis.
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
Amino acid analysis methodology
Considerable progress has been made over recent years in amino acid analysis (Rutherfurd
and Sarwar-Gilani, 2009; Otter, 2012) and the Committee agreed that no one method of
analysis is necessarily the best, with a variety of approaches being acceptable.
Amino acids occur in foods in either the free amino acid form or as the building
blocks of proteins. The analysis of amino acids in foods is composed of a number of
unit operations; the release of the amino acids (if they are in protein form) from the
food matrix, the separation of the individual amino acids and their quantification using
calibration standards.
Each of these steps has its own idiosyncrasies, (e.g. different hydrolysis conditions are
required for the optimal release of different amino acids and not all amino acids have
baseline separation for some chromatographic methods) and there is a diversity of food
matrices, such that most laboratories adapt methods to best suit their applications.
There is currently no official standardised method for amino acid analysis although
AOAC have a number of validated methods for individual components.
The established analytical techniques of HPLC (IEX or RP) and GCMS have recently
been supplemented by a number of new methods for the characterisation of amino
acids. These include capillary electrophoresis (CE), CEMS and UPLC, LCMS and LC with
other detectors.
The Committee agreed that it would be useful if a guide as to suitable approaches (and
attendant pitfalls and shortcomings) could be developed, and supported by an international
standardization of methods (including approaches to the hydrolysis, separation, detection
and presentation of data). The Committee recommended that the FAO establish a
formal working party to review amino acid analysis methodologies and provide
some guidance towards international standardization.
True amino acid digestibility/availability assays
A working party should review and recommend best practice for a pig-based
assay for true ileal amino acid digestibility determination. Such an assay would
replace the rat true faecal crude protein digestibility assay. Ideally a rapid in vitro protein
digestibility assay to determine amino acid digestibility in foods would be available. Many
such assays have been developed, but none has been adequately fully and independently
validated. There is an urgent need to develop a standardised, independently validated
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
in vitro protein and amino acid digestibility assay. The application of in vivo amino acid
bioavailability assays and other assays such as the slope ratio assay is relatively laborious.
Bioactive components are sometimes associated intrinsically with food proteins.
Potentially, these may have either negative effects (e.g. ANFs such as trypsin inhibitors
and glucosinolates) or a positive effect (e.g. antioxidant effects of polyphenolics or certain
effects of bioactive peptides released during the digestion of a protein). Many of the
negative effects of compounds such as plant fibre and ANFs are captured in measures
of apparent ileal amino acid digestibility and true ileal amino acid digestibility (where
correction has been made for basal endogenous amino acid losses), as their effects are
often mediated through inducing increased ileal endogenous amino acid losses above
the basal endogenous loss value. Nevertheless, there may be both positive and negative
effectors, intrinsically associated with dietary proteins, the effects of which will not be
reflected in true amino acid digestibility or DIAAS values, and this needs to be recognized.
Where such factors may be deleterious, it is recommended that upper limits of these
compounds in diets be established and it is further recommended that the Joint
Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) give due consideration to these
safety aspects. Food processors need to be aware of safe upper limits and ensure quality
control, so that in the finished product such compounds are below these set levels.
The role of bioactive peptides is a rapidly emerging area of science (Rutherfurd-
Markwick, 2012) and the myriad of potential effects of peptides released during natural
digestion cannot be, nor should be expected to be, expressed in a single value of dietary
protein quality such as DIAAS. However, their potential importance does need to be
recognized, and there is clearly still a need for the application of traditional methods of
dietary protein quality evaluation such as PER, NPPU, biological value etc, and a need to
understand physiological effects of proteins in addition to direct effects on body protein
DIAAS is the recommended method for dietary protein quality assessment for
regulatory purposes, and the use of true ileal digestible amino acid contents in
their own right for describing foods is also encouraged.
Individual countries have their own regulations, (e.g. Canada uses protein rating:
the amount of protein in a serving of reference food, multiplied by PER). The
recommendation is to use DIAAS as the measure of protein quality, rather than
measures such as PER.
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
For the purpose of Codex, a quality assessment needs to be applied to protein claims. DIAAS
is recommended for such protein quality assessment and should be given in conjunction with
the protein quantity value. Substitute foods should not have DIAAS lower than the scores
for the equivalent real food. Statement: the protein content of the food should be declared
as determined by an appropriate analytical method and the quality determined by the DIAAS.
For making a protein content claim the protein content should be determined
analytically and evaluated for quality using DIAAS. The nutrient reference value
(NRV) for protein recommended for labelling purposes in the interests of international
standardization and harmonization is 50 g.
To qualify for the nutrition claim: “source” for protein, a food must meet the following
10% of NRV per 100 g (solids);
5% of NRV per 100 ml (liquids);
or 5% of NRV per 100 kcal (12% of NRV per 1 MJ);
or 10% of NRV per serving.
To qualify for: “High” for protein, the food must contain two times the values for “source”.
When a food meets the criteria for protein quantity, then a quality measure should be
A comparison table for foods should be prepared to establish cut off values
for nutrition claims for “source” and “high”.
DIAAS cut-off values are needed to distinguish between excellent/high (e.g. 100 or
more), good/source (e.g. 75-99), and no claim.
It is recommended that no nutrition claim should be allowed to be made for
source/high protein for proteins with DIAAS less than a certain cut-off (e.g. 75).
In assessing the quality of proteins, quality cannot be substituted for quantity. An
example of how these DIAAS cut-off values may be applied is given in Table 6. The
actual values for the DIAAS cut-off points in the context of making claims requires careful
further consideration (e.g. in relation to national and local dietary patterns).
It is recommended that a “quality” statement related to protein (e.g., source
of quality protein) be allowed.
When calculating the DIAAS of new formulations of foods supplemented with
crystalline amino acids, DIAAS should be confirmed by biological testing.
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
Protein sources for which there are no previous data available must be subjected to
biological evaluation for protein quality.
The Committee recommends that a full published set of guidelines for industry
be developed (including recommendations on methods for biological testing),
along with a published set of dietary guidelines aimed at providing advice to
consumers and policy-makers.
Human amino acid requirements
1. Determine amino acid requirements for subjects fully adapted to lower than usual
protein intakes, especially the current mean protein intake of 0.66 g protein/kg/day.
A recent study has provided an estimate for the mean adult protein requirement of
0.91 g protein/kg/day. The relevance of such a finding in relation to other recent
experimental findings and to the overall data on the mean adult requirement needs
to be carefully assessed.
2. Determine amino acid requirements in different conditions and circumstances, such
as in children, pregnancy, aging and exercise, as well as gender effects.
3. Further validate existing methodologies by comparison with long-term outcomes of
body composition and possibly functional outcomes.
4. Investigate the role of specific amino acids as regulators of metabolism and other
functions in various physiological and clinical states, and how such actions of specific
amino acids would affect the amino acid profile of the reference protein for DIAAS
5. Determine the importance of dietary dispensable amino acid intake, and determine if
there are circumstances in which account should be taken of the dispensable amino
acids in calculating the DIAAS value of a protein.
Table 6.
Example of the use of DIAAS for protein quality assessment in the context of making claims.
Food Amount Protein
Eligible for
claim based
on quantity
Eligible for
claim based
on quantity
and quality
Wheat 100 g 11 40 Low Yes, high No, none
Peas 100 g 21 64 Low Yes, high No, none
Whole milk
100 g 28 122 High Yes, high Yes, High
DIAAS calculated using true ileal indispensable amino acid digestibility values and reference amino acid pattern for child (6
months to 3 years).
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
6. Explore new approaches for determining amino acid requirements, including the use
of gene expression studies (including nutrigenomics), metabolomics and/or specific
7. Explore the implications of dietary protein quality on lifetime health and longevity.
To update and expand the FAO database of amino acid contents of foods and include
true ileal amino acid digestibility data.
Ileal digestibility
1. Further determine true ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids in a wider range
of foods and determine the ileal digestible tryptophan content of human milk.
2. Develop non-invasive accurate methods to determine or predict true ileal dietary
protein and amino acid digestibility in humans based on identified biomarkers.
3. Validate the use of animal model data (including providing more robust inter-species
prediction equations for true ileal amino acid digestibility) to quantify ileal digestibility
in humans, including relating digestibility to functional outcomes.
4. Determine more fully the role of the small intestinal and colonic microflora on ileal
amino acid digestibility values.
5. Develop new bioavailability assays such as the reactive lysine assay, for other amino
6. Develop and validate in vitro methods for predicting amino acid digestibility and
bioavailability in humans.
Evaluation and perfection of techniques to directly measure the
bioavailability of protein bound dietary amino acids in humans
While DIAAS, combining ileal amino acid digestibility with predicted bioavailability
identified as the amino acid score, is a step forward it is still dependent on the score
accurately predicting the biological value of the absorbed amino acid mixture and hence
the overall protein quality. Because the actual metabolic demand and requirement for
amino acids is complex and not fully understood, any approach to predicting protein
quality will likely be imperfect to a greater or lesser extent. The stable isotope methods
outlined above offer additional useful information about dietary protein quality in
human nutrition, but each has limitations of one sort or another in their application.
Nevertheless these or other novel approaches need to be further developed. Methods
using metabolomics approaches and relating complex metabolite profiles from plasma
and urine samples to protein and amino acid true ileal digestibility and availability offer a
promising perspective for the evaluation of dietary protein quality in humans.
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
Impact of interaction between bioactive factors and protein quality and
1. Investigate bioactive factors intrinsically associated with specific proteins [such
as peptides resulting from digestion, trypsin inhibitors, lectins, isoflavones (e.g.,
genistein), etc.].
2. Assess nutrient interactive effects during or after digestion that may enhance or
depress the bioactivity of the test protein, or may have independent effects, for
example, phytic acid, plant fibre, sugars.
3. Determine the effect of the nature and amount of simultaneous non-protein energy
intake on the bioactivity of the test protein.
1. FAO to prepare a manual to provide guidance to policy makers, industry and the
public on dietary protein quality evaluation and the use of DIAAS in making protein
related claims.
2. FAO to prepare guidance on integrating aspects of dietary protein quality evaluation
into food based dietary guidelines to provide advice for consumers and policy makers.
3. Incorporation of indicators of protein quality (e.g., lysine value) into food balance
sheets for national and global applications.
Animal and plant breeding, food preparation and processing effects
1. Determine effects of food preparation and processing methods to optimize dietary
protein quality and protein utilization.
2. Generate data at the level of the genetic resource (i.e., biodiversity and biotechnology)
on amino acid composition and digestibility related to sustainability issues and to
lead to the recognition of existing and the development of new environmentally
sustainable higher protein quality foods.
The 2011 FAO Expert Consultation focused on the current state of knowledge relating
to amino acid digestibility and availability in foods, and methodologies in which these
values, together with the amino acid composition of dietary protein, are used for
predicting dietary protein quality in the human diet. Such prediction involves comparing
the dietary amino acid supply in terms of the composition, digestibility and bioavailability
of amino acids in dietary protein with estimates of protein and amino acid requirements
represented by reference amino acid scoring patterns. These latter values were the
subject of the 2007 FAO/WHO/UNU expert consultation report and the values per se
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
were not re-examined in this report apart from a careful consideration of the reference
amino acid scoring patterns (i.e. age related amino acid requirements per gram of protein
requirements), which are proposed for use in this report (see Table 5). The main work of
the presently reported consultation involved an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses
of the existing PDCAAS classification compared with the proposed replacement DIAAS
approach. It is thus important to assess the ‘strength of evidence’ underlying the
conclusions reached by the Committee in relation to the proposed eventual change to
the new approach.
In reaching their conclusions and making recommendations after assessing the
scientific evidence, the Expert Consultation Committee was mindful of discussions in
previous FAO/WHO reports of the hierarchy of strength of evidence.
A hierarchy of evidence
In the most recent FAO report (Fats and Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition, FAO 2010)
and in the context of defining dietary requirements for fatty acids, general criteria were
identified, namely:
• To prevent clinical deficiencies.
• To provide optimal health.
• To reduce the risk of developing chronic disease.
Figure 3.
Ranking of the validity of types of evidence for establishing dietary fatty acid
requirements (favourability decreasing from left to right)
Adapted from the 2010 FAO report on recommendations for Fats and Fatty Acids, FAO Food and Nutrition Paper (2010), (FAO,
trials of disease
Animal studies
trials of
case control
studies of
Case report
cohort studies
of disease
nested case-
control studies)
> >>>> >>
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
In addition physiological measures were identified in which risk factors known to
be associated with specific disease outcomes might be assessed as an indirect measure
of chronic disease risk reduction. Equilibrium maintenance is another approach and is
the balance of nutrient intake and loss, which can be determined directly or predicted
in factorial estimates of intakes that balance losses and supply additional needs. Finally
animal model studies that have evaluated disease outcomes or physiological measures
have been used as supporting evidence for recommendations.
Because intakes that prevent clinical deficiency are, for almost all nutrients, much
lower than intakes that reduce the risk of chronic disease, it has been argued that they
can be judged as sub-optimal and lower than likely recommended intakes. Thus reducing
the risk of developing chronic disease became the main criterion for setting fatty acid
requirements. This was further discussed in relation to a ranking system for the evidence
from relevant studies (i.e. studies of diet-disease outcomes, of physiological measures and
animal studies) with randomized controlled trials, (RCT) of disease outcomes most highly
rated, and case reports least important in the hierarchy (see Figure 3).
Strength of evidence pertaining to this consultation
Amino acid scoring patterns
This Consultation was only concerned with setting nutrient requirements in relation to
identifying appropriate amino acid scoring patterns. These derive from the 2007 report
on Protein and Amino Acid Requirements in Human Nutrition (WHO/FAO/UNU, 2007)
and the current Consultation has accepted the appropriate values. In that report it
was stressed that there is a paucity of long-term prospective studies examining health
outcomes. In fact no evidence of relationships between protein or amino acid intakes
and health and/or disease was found which was sufficient to identify intakes associated
with either optimal health or to reduce the risk of developing chronic disease. Indeed for
protein and amino acids, as with many individual nutrients, intake-health relationships are
mainly limited to case reports with few examples of sufficient evidence to warrant a meta
analysis or systematic review to establish the strength of any relationship, and virtually
none which include sufficient dose-response data to identify a suitable intake level.
For example dietary protein intakes have long been discussed as an influence on bone
health with evidence for both adverse and beneficial influences, but to date only one
meta analysis of the relationship has been published (Darling et al., 2009). Although this
identified some positive effects that indicate a small benefit of protein on bone health, it
is insufficient evidence to alter current estimates of protein requirements. Similarly there
is a large literature on the wide ranging influences of leucine on human physiology and
metabolism which have made it subject to special interest, but to date none of these
studies has led to revised estimates of the leucine requirement (Millward, 2012c). For
this reason it was not possible to apply strictly the hierarchy of evidence as discussed in
the ‘Fats and Fatty Acids in Human Nutrition’ report (FAO, 2010) in the evaluation of the
evidence base.
Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations of the 2011 FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition
In practice current estimates of protein requirements have been derived from nitrogen
balance studies in adults with estimates of amino acid requirements deriving from a
combination of nitrogen balance studies and various stable isotope studies in adults with
physiological or metabolic endpoints, (e.g. amino acid balance or isotope oxidation).
The outcomes of these studies have been used to predict requirements for children and
pregnant and lactating women by means of a factorial method together with descriptive,
observational data on breast milk amino acid composition used to define the amino acid
requirements of infants. In the 2007 WHO/FAO/UNU report all of these approaches were
deemed to be subject to limitations of one kind or another with none judged as ideal.
This Consultation recognises the inherent limitations in currently accepted
values of protein and amino acid requirements identified in this report as amino
acid scoring patterns. Further studies are clearly needed that include chronic
disease related outcomes and functional studies as delineated in Figure 2 of
this report. It is also noted that with very few exceptions, N-balance studies of
the protein requirement have not included measures of specific physiological
outcomes. It is recommended that future studies of the protein requirement
incorporate where possible measures of specific physiological outcomes.
Examples of physiological measures and chronic disease outcomes related to setting
criteria for dietary protein and amino acid recommendations might include pregnancy-
induced hypertension, intrauterine infections and foetal growth retardation. For young
children they would include wasting and stunting, frequency of infections, and overall
mortality. For older children they would include stunting, rates of infection and cognitive
performance. For adults, relevant outcomes might be undernutrition and frequency
of infections, muscle strength and labour productivity and in terms of excessive dietary
protein intake, bone health, hypertension, muscle strength and work capacity. For the
elderly, sarcopenia, bone health, cognitive decline, immune function and infections,
work capacity, hypertension, renal disease, obesity and diabetes would be considered.
The primary strength of using disease outcomes as an indicator of adequacy or optimal
intake is that they represent the most direct method to assess effects on health. However,
an important drawback of using disease outcomes is that because they are affected by
multiple nutrients, and their interaction with genotype, they are unlikely, to be specific
to individual amino acids.
Protein quality evaluation by DIAAS
The proposed change from protein digestibility as indicated by faecal nitrogen excretion
to ileal amino acid digestibility is based on a consideration of a current understanding of
the physiology of protein digestion and amino acid and nitrogen absorption in humans.
This understanding derives from experimental studies in humans over many years
together with experimental studies in monogastric animals especially rodents and pigs.
The nature of these studies is diverse and consequently the evaluation of the strength of
the arguments that an amino acid score calculated from ileal amino acid digestibility is
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
a better predictor of human dietary protein quality than one adjusted by faecal nitrogen
digestibility is a difficult task especially in the context of any hierarchical framework
of evidence as discussed above. This is because the experimental studies that have
generated the evidence base cannot be easily categorised and ranked by type of study
as can be done for diet-disease relationships. The experimental studies have involved a
wide range of quite different experimental approaches to the study of intestinal protein,
amino acid and nitrogen metabolism and absorption. Furthermore it is the case that these
processes are by no means fully understood, to the extent that legitimate differences of
opinion remain especially about the amino acid and nitrogen transactions in the human
colon. Because of this, the decision that the DIAAS approach is more likely to enable
accurate prediction of dietary protein quality than PDCAAS was reached on the basis of a
collective judgement of the members of the Consultation. Because the assessment of ileal
amino acid digestibility is inherently more difficult than that of faecal nitrogen digestibility
the Consultation considered the balance between the potential benefit from application
of DIAAS and the difficulty of its determination compared with that of PDCAAS. The
outcome of that deliberation is described in Section IV, under: “Correction for amino acid
digestibility and availability in the calculation of DIAAS”.
Direct evaluation of protein quality
On the basis that an evidence base relating dietary protein and amino acid intakes
with measureable short and long term health outcomes (as indicated in Figure 2 of this
report) will accumulate, the Consultation identifies an urgent need to conduct
appropriate research investigating the direct influence of the quality of dietary
protein on such dietary protein-related health outcomes in well-controlled
studies undertaken with human subjects directly.
Appendix I:
FAO Expert Consultation on Protein
Quality Evaluation
1. Review effectiveness and use of the PDCAAS method for evaluating protein quality
since its adoption in 1991.
2. Review current concerns and limitations of the PDCAAS method as reported in the
3. Review advantages and disadvantages of other methods for evaluating protein
4. Provide justifications and recommendations for accepting, rejecting or modifying the
PDCAAS method.
5. Provide list of recommendations for protein quality assessments and applications.
6. Recommend further research activities related to protein quality assessments.
DAY 1:
08:30 Welcome and introductions
Election of Chair
Election of Vice-Chair and Rapporteurs
Approval of agenda
Overview of recommendations from the last Expert Consultation
Presentation of objectives for the current Expert Consultation
31 March–2 April 2011
Auckland, New Zealand, SKYCITY Auckland Convention Centre, 88 Federal Street, Auckland
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
10:00 Health Break
10:30 Presentation of Background Information
Human amino acid requirements
Professor Joe Millward, University of Surrey, UK
Advantages/limitations of the PDCAAS as a method for evaluating protein
quality in human diets
Professor Gertjan Schaafsma, HAN University, The Netherlands
Historical overview of PDCAAS calculation
Dr Joyce Boye, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome
11:45 Presentation of specific issues to be considered by Science Experts
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Discussion Session 1
ISSUE 1: Truncation of PDCAAS scores for proteins with higher than
100% scores to 100%.
(At issue: Additional benefit of proteins with higher scores in complementing
less nutritious proteins is not captured). Discussions and Recommendation.
ISSUE 2: Validity of the use of the preschool-age child amino acid
requirement values.
(At issue: Does current knowledge support this? Also, is there a need to
consider conditionally indispensable amino acids?). Discussions and
15:30 Health Break
16:00 Discussion Session 1 (continued...)
ISSUE 3: Use of the amino acid composition of human milk in predicting
protein quality of foods for infants.
(At issue: Review of literature to assess the suitability of the FAO/WHO/UNU
(1985) reference values for amino acid composition of human milk for use in
predicting protein quality of foods for infants). Discussions and
18:00 End of Day 1
08:30 Welcome remarks
08:40 Discussion Session 2
ISSUE 4: Amino acid analysis methodology.
(At issue: Review of IEC and HPLC methods for the determination of amino
acids in foods and faeces/digesta with the objective of adopting a standardized
method for this analysis.). Discussions and Recommendations.
ISSUE 5: Use of (a) faecal vs ileal protein/amino acid digestibility
and (b) true versus apparent digestibility in calculating PDCAAS
(At issue: Faecal digestibility may overestimate digestibility due to microbial
degradation in the large intestines. Also effect of age on faecal and ileal
protein/amino acid digestibility not clarified. Is the rat still an acceptable
model? Are there any developments in in vitro digestibility measurements?).
Discussions and Recommendations.
10:00 Health Break
10:30 Discussion Session 2 continued...
ISSUE 6: Bioavailability vs digestibility of proteins.
(At issue: Is there a need to include corrections for the bioavailability of
individual amino acids and not just for digestibility of protein?). Discussions and
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Discussion Session 3
ISSUE 7: Impact of anti-nutritional factors associated with proteins,
including naturally occurring and those formed during processing.
(At issue: The effect of process modifications and the presence of anti-
nutritional components in some protein sources may impact protein quality).
Discussions and Recommendation.
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
ISSUE 8: Significance of PDCAAS values in practical terms.
(At issue: Humans consume proteins from varied protein sources. PDCAAS
values of single protein sources may not have practical significance.
Calculation of PDCAAS in mixed diets.).
15:30 Health Break
16:00 Discussion Session 3 continued...
ISSUE 9: Regulatory issues (Codex vs national guidelines)
(At issue: How can countries use recommended protein quality methodology
for regulatory purposes?). Discussions and Recommendation.
17:00-19:00 First meeting of drafting committee
8:30 Welcome remarks
8:40 Discussions and recommendations on further research work and data
(Examples of some issues requiring consideration: (a) Human sulphur amino
acid requirements (cysteine vs methionine); (b) Possible adverse effects of
proteins with disproportionate levels of amino acids; (c) Update of the FAO
amino acid content of foods data and need for national data; (d) Others).
10:00 Health Break
10:30 Review of Report and Recommendations
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Second meeting of drafting committee.
Final review and adoption of report and recommendations.
17:00 Adjournment
Appendix II
Attendance at the Expert Consultation on
Protein Quality in Human Nutrition
31 March–2 April 2011
Dr Jaime Amaya-Farfan
Department of Food and Nutrition Planning
Faculty of Food Engineering
University of Campinas
Sao Paulo
Dr G Sarwar Gilani
Senior Research Scientist
Nutrition Research Division
Health Products and Food Branch
Health Canada, Government of Canada
251 Sir Frederick Banting Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario
Dr Paul Pencharz (Rapporteur)
Professor of Paediatrics and Nutritional
Sciences (Emeritus)
Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition,
University of Toronto
The Hospital for Sick Children,
Toronto, Ontario
Dr Ricardo Uauy (Vice-Chair of the Consultation)
Universidad de Chile
Macul 5540
Santiago de Chile
Dr Daniel Tomé
Professor in Human Nutrition
AgroParis Tech
16 rue Claude Bernard
F 75005 Paris
Dr Anura V Kurpad
St. John's Research Institute
St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences
Bangalore-560 034
Prof Kyoichi Kishi
Department of Nutrition
School of Medicine
University of Tokushima
Tokushima, 770
Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition: Report of an FAO Expert Consultation
Dr Gertjan Schaafsma
Consultant and Professor
Sports Nutrition and Lifestyle Research Group
HAN University
Dr Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga
Professor of Regulation of Food Intake
Department of Human Biology
Maastricht University Medical Centre
6200 MD Maastricht
Prof Paul J Moughan (Chair of the Consultation)
Distinguished Professor and Co-Director
Riddet Institute
Massey University
Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North,
New Zealand
Prof Hettie Schonfeldt (Rapporteur)
Associate of the Institute of Food, Nutrition
and Well-being
Department of Animal and Wildlife Sciences
University of Pretoria
South Africa
Prof Joe Millward
Professor of Human Nutrition
Director, Centre for Nutrition and Food Safety,
School of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences,
University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey
United Kingdom
Dr Robert R Wolfe
Professor, Department of Geriatrics
Director, Center for Translational Research
in Aging and Longevity
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843
United States of America
Dr Malcolm Fuller (Rapporteur)
Honorary Research Professor
Department of Surgery
State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3760
United States of America
Dr Barbara Burlingame
Principal Officer
Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome,
Dr Joyce Boye (Seconded to FAO)
Senior Research Scientist
Food Research and Development Centre
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
3600 Casavant Blvd. West
St-Hyacinthe, Quebec J2S 8E3
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Foods and Food Ingredients, Rat Bioassay), section 45.4.04 (AOAC Official Method
988.15, Tryptophan in Foods and Food and Feed Ingredients), section 45.4.05 (AOAC
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ISBN 978-92-5-107417-6 ISSN 0254-4725
9 789251 074176
Protein is supplied by food ingredients, whole
foods, sole-source foods and mixed diets and
the match between dietary supply and human
protein needs is vital to support the health and
well-being of human populations. Since 1989 the
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score
(PDCAAS) method for evaluating protein quality
has been used widely. However, limitations of
PDCAAS have been recognised and new research
ndings led to a review of the adequacy of PDCAAS
and its application vis-à-vis other methods of
estimating dietary protein quality. This report of
the FAO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality
Evaluation in Human Nutrition, held in Auckland,
New Zealand, from March 31 to April 2, 2011,
considers the effectiveness and concerns about
the PDCAAS method for evaluating protein quality
and provides justications and recommendations
concerning the PDCAAS method. A new method
of dietary quality evaluation called DIAAS is
recommended for application in practice.