Hoverfly Documentation
Release v1.10.4
Sep 05, 2024
1 Source 3
2 Contents 5
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Key Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Native language bindings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.4 Tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.5 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.6 Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.7 Contributing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.8 Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Hoverfly is a lightweight, open source API simulation tool. Using Hoverfly, you can create realistic simulations of the
APIs your application depends on.
Replace slow, flaky API dependencies with realistic, re-usable simulations
Simulate network latency, random failures or rate limits to test edge-cases
Extend and customize with any programming language
Export, share, edit and import API simulations
CLI and native language bindings for Java and Python
Lightweight, high-performance, run anywhere
Apache 2 license
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
The Hoverfly source code is available on GitHub.
Hoverfly is developed and maintained by SpectoLabs.
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4 Chapter 1. Source
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Motivation
Developing and testing interdependent applications is difficult. Maybe you’re working on a mobile application that
needs to talk to a legacy API. Or a microservice that relies on two other services that are still in development.
The problem is the same: how do you develop and test against external dependencies which you cannot control?
You could use mocking libraries as substitutes for external dependencies. But mocks are intrusive, and do not allow
you to test all the way to the architectural boundary of your application.
Stubbed services are better, but they often involve too much configuration or may not be transparent to your application.
Then there is the problem of managing test data. Often, to write proper tests, you need fine-grained control over the
data in your mocks or stubs. Managing test data across large projects with multiple teams introduces bottlenecks that
impact delivery times.
Integration testing “over the wire” is problematic too. When stubs or mocks are swapped out for real services (in a
continuous integration environment for example) new variables are introduced. Network latency and random outages
can cause integration tests to fail unexpectedly.
Hoverfly was designed to provide you with the means to create your own “dependency sandbox”: a simulated devel-
opment and test environment that you control.
Hoverfly grew out of an effort to build “the smallest service virtualization tool possible”.
2.1.2 Download and installation
Hoverfly comes with a command line interface called hoverctl. Archives containing the Hoverfly and hoverctl binaries
are available for the major operating systems and architectures.
MacOS 64bit
Linux 32bit
Linux 64bit
Windows 32bit
Windows 64bit
Download the correct archive, extract the binaries and place them in a directory on your PATH.
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Homebrew (MacOS)
If you have homebrew, you can install Hoverfly using the brew command.
brew install SpectoLabs/tap/hoverfly
To upgrade your existing hoverfly to the latest release:
brew upgrade hoverfly
To show which versions are installed in your machine:
brew list --versions hoverfly
You can switch to a previously installed version as well:
brew switch hoverfly <version>
To remove old versions :
brew cleanup hoverfly
If you have Docker, you can run Hoverfly using the docker command.
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 -p 8500:8500 spectolabs/hoverfly:latest
This will run the latest version of the Hoverfly Docker image.
You can also pass Hoverfly configuration flags when starting with Docker. For example if you need to run Hoverfly in
webserver mode:
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 -p 8500:8500 spectolabs/hoverfly:latest -webserver
This Docker image does not contain hoverctl. Our recommendation is to have hoverctl on your host machine and then
configure hoverctl to use the newly started Hoverfly Docker instance as a new target.
See also:
For a tutorial of creating a new target in hoverctl, see Controlling a remote Hoverfly instance with hoverctl.
You can use Helm to install Hoverfly directly to your Kubernetes cluster. Hoverfly chart is available from the official
Helm incubator repo.
Use helm repo add to add the incubator repo if you havent done so:
helm repo add incubator https://kubernetes-charts-incubator.storage.googleapis.com/
Here is the command for a basic Hoverfly installation with the default settings:
helm install incubator/hoverfly
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The default installation create a ClusterIP type service, which makes it only reachable from within the cluster.
After the installation, you can use port forwarding to access the application on localhost:
kubectl port-forward $HOVERFLY_POD_NAME 8888 8500
You can find the HOVERFLY_POD_NAME by doing kubectl get pod
See more details on Helm Charts project.
2.1.3 Getting Started
It is recommended that you keep Hoverfly and hoverctl in the same directory. However if they are not in the same
directory, hoverctl will look in the current directory for Hoverfly, then in other directories on the PATH.
Hoverfly is composed of two binaries: Hoverfly and hoverctl.
hoverctl is a command line tool that can be used to configure and control Hoverfly. It allows you to run Hoverfly as a
Hoverfly is the application that does the bulk of the work. It provides the proxy server or webserver, and the API
Once you have extracted both Hoverfly and hoverctl into a directory on your PATH, you can run hoverctl and Hoverfly.
hoverctl version
hoverfly -version
Both of these commands should return a version number. Now you can run an instance of Hoverfly:
hoverctl start
Check whether Hoverfly is running with the following command:
hoverctl logs
The logs should contain the string serving proxy. This indicates that Hoverfly is running.
Finally, stop Hoverfly with:
hoverctl stop
2.2 Key Concepts
Hoverfly’s functionality is quite broad. You are encouraged to take the time to understand these key concepts before
jumping into the Tutorials.
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2.2.1 Hoverfly as a proxy server
A proxy server passes requests between a client and server.
It is sometimes necessary to use a proxy server to reach a network (as a security measure, for example). Because of
this, all network-enabled software can be configured to use a proxy server.
The relationship between clients and servers via a proxy server can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-
By default Hoverfly starts as a proxy server.
Using a proxy server
Applications can usually be configured to use a proxy server by setting environment variables:
export HTTP_PROXY="http://proxy-address:port"
export HTTPS_PROXY="https://proxy-address:port"
Launching network-enabled software within an environment containing these variables should make the application
use the specified proxy server. The term should is used as not all software respects these environment variables for
security reasons.
Alternatively, applications themselves can usually be configured to use a proxy. Curl can be configured to use a proxy
via flags.
curl http://hoverfly.io --proxy http://proxy-ip:port
Note: The proxy configuration methods described here are intended to help you use the code examples in this doc-
umentation. The method of configuring an application or operating system to use a proxy varies depending on the
Windows Proxy Settings Explained
Firefox Proxy Settings
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2.2. Key Concepts 9
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The difference between a proxy server and a webserver
A proxy server is a type of webserver. The main difference is that when a webserver receives a request from a client,
it is expected to respond with whatever the intended response is (an HTML page, for example). The data it responds
with is generally expected to reside on that server, or within the same network.
A proxy server is expected to pass the incoming request on to another server (the “destination”). It is also expected to
set some appropriate headers along the way, such as X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-IP, X-Forwarded-Proto etc. Once the
proxy server receives a response from the destination, it is expected to pass it back to the client.
2.2.2 Hoverfly as a webserver
Sometimes you may not be able to configure your client to use a proxy, or you may want to explicitly point your
application at Hoverfly. For this reason, Hoverfly can run as a webserver.
Note: When running as a webserver, Hoverfly cannot capture traffic (see Capture mode) - it can only be used to
simulate and synthesize APIs (see Simulate mode and Synthesize mode). For this reason, when you use Hoverfly as a
webserver, you should have Hoverfly simulations ready to be loaded.
When running as a webserver, Hoverfly strips the domain from the endpoint URL. For example, if you made requests
to the following URL while capturing traffic with Hoverfly running as a proxy:
And Hoverfly is running in simulate mode as a webserver on:
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Then the URL you would use to retrieve the data from Hoverfly would be:
See also:
Please refer to the Running Hoverfly as a webserver tutorial for a step-by-step example.
2.2.3 Hoverfly modes
Hoverfly has six different modes. It can only run in one mode at any one time.
Capture mode
Capture mode is used for creating API simulations.
Note: Hoverfly cannot be set to Capture mode when running as a webserver (see Hoverfly as a webserver).
In Capture mode, Hoverfly (running as a proxy server - see Hoverfly as a proxy server) intercepts communication
between the client application and the external service. It transparently records outgoing requests from the client and
the incoming responses from the service API.
Most commonly, requests to the external service API are triggered by running automated tests against the applica-
tion that consumes the API. During subsequent test runs, Hoverfly can be set to run in Simulate mode, removing the
dependency on the real external service API. Alternatively, requests can be generated using a manual process.
Usually, Capture mode is used as the starting point in the process of creating an API simulation. Captured data is then
exported and modified before being re-imported into Hoverfly for use as a simulation.
By default, Hoverfly will ignore duplicate requests if the request has not changed. This can be a problem when trying
to capture a stateful endpoint that may return a different response each time you make a request.
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Using the stateful mode argument when setting Hoverfly to capture mode will disable the duplicate request
enabling you to capture sequences of responses and play them back in Simulate mode in order.
See also:
This functionality is best understood via a practical example: see Capturing a stateful sequence of responses in the
Tutorials section.
Simulate mode
In this mode, Hoverfly uses its simulation data in order to simulate external APIs. Each time Hoverfly receives a request,
rather than forwarding it on to the real API, it will respond instead. No network traffic will ever reach the real external
The simulation can be produced automatically via by running Hoverfly in Capture mode, or created manually. See
Simulations for information.
Spy mode
In this mode, Hoverfly simulates external APIs if a request match is found in simulation data (See Simulate mode),
otherwise, the request will be passed through to the real API.
Synthesize mode
This mode is similar to Simulate mode, but instead of looking for a response in stored simulation data, the request is
passed directly to a user-supplied executable file. These files are known as Middleware.
In Synthesize mode, the middleware executable is expected to generate a response to the incoming request “on the
fly”. Hoverfly will then return the generated response to the application. For Hoverfly to operate in Synthesize mode,
a middleware executable must be specified.
Note: You might use this mode to simulate an API that may be too difficult to record correctly via Capture mode. An
example would be an API that uses state to change the responses. You could create middleware that manages this state
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2.2. Key Concepts 13
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and produces the desired response based on the data in the request.
Modify mode
Note: Hoverfly cannot be set to Modify mode when running as a webserver (see Hoverfly as a webserver).
Modify mode is similar to Capture mode, except it does not save the requests and responses. In Modify mode,
Hoverfly will pass each request to a Middleware executable before forwarding it to the destination. Responses will also
be passed to middleware before being returned to the client.
You could use this mode to “man in the middle” your own requests and responses. For example, you could change the
API key you are using to authenticate against a third-party API.
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Diff mode
In this mode, Hoverfly forwards a request to an external service and compares a response with currently stored sim-
ulation. With both the stored simulation response and the real response from the external service, Hoverfly is able to
detect differences between the two. When Hoverfly has finished comparing the two responses, the difference is stored
and the incoming request is served the real response from the external service.
The differences can be retrieved from Hoverfly using the API (GET /api/v2/diff ). The response contains a list of
differences, containing the request and the differences of the response.
"diff": [{
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"host": "time.jsontest.com",
"path": "/",
"query": ""
"diffReports": [{
"timestamp": "2018-03-16T17:45:40Z",
"diffEntries": [{
"field": "header/X-Cloud-Trace-Context",
"expected": "[ec6c455330b682c3038ba365ade6652a]",
"actual": "[043c9bb2eafa1974bc09af654ef15dc3]"
}, {
"field": "header/Date",
"expected": "[Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:45:34 GMT]",
"actual": "[Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:45:41 GMT]"
}, {
"field": "body/time",
"expected": "05:45:34 PM",
"actual": "05:45:41 PM"
}, {
"field": "body/milliseconds_since_epoch",
"expected": "1.521222334104e+12",
"actual": "1.521222341017e+12"
This data is stored and kept until the Hoverfly instance is stopped or the the storage is cleaned by calling the API
(DELETE /api/v2/diff ).
See also:
For more information on the API to retrieve differences, see REST API.
2.2. Key Concepts 15
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2.2.4 Simulations
The core functionality of Hoverfly is to capture HTTP(S) traffic to create API simulations which can be used in testing.
Hoverfly stores captured traffic as simulations.
Simulation JSON can be exported, edited and imported in and out of Hoverfly, and can be shared among Hoverfly users
or instances. Simulation JSON files must adhere to the Hoverfly Simulation schema.
Simulations consist of Request Matchers and Responses, Delays and Metadata (“Meta”).
Request Responses Pairs
Hoverfly simulates APIs by matching incoming requests from the client to stored requests. Stored requests have an
associated stored response which is returned to the client if the match is successful.
The matching logic that Hoverfly uses to compare incoming requests with stored requests can be configured using
Request Matchers.
Request Matchers
When Hoverfly captures a request, it creates a Request Matcher for each field in the request. A Request Matcher consists
of the request field name, the type of match which will be used to compare the field in the incoming request to the field
in the stored request, and the request field value.
By default, Hoverfly will set the type of match to exact for each field.
See also:
There are many types of Request Matcher. Please refer to Request matchers for a list of the types available, and examples
of how to use them.
There alse are two different matching strategies: strongest match (default) and first match (legacy). Please refer to
Matching strategies for more information.
An example Request Matcher Set might look like this:
Field Matcher Type Value
scheme exact “https”
method exact “GET”
destination exact “docs.hoverfly.io”
path exact “/pages/keyconcepts/templates.html”
query exact “query=true”
body exact “”
headers exact
In the Hoverfly simulation JSON file, this Request Matcher Set would be represented like this:
1 "request": {
2 "path": [
3 {
4 "matcher": "exact",
5 "value": "/pages/keyconcepts/templates.html"
6 }
7 ],
8 "method": [
(continues on next page)
16 Chapter 2. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
9 {
10 "matcher": "exact",
11 "value": "GET"
12 }
13 ],
14 "destination": [
15 {
16 "matcher": "exact",
17 "value": "docs.hoverfly.io"
18 }
19 ],
20 "scheme": [
21 {
22 "matcher": "exact",
23 "value": "http"
24 }
25 ],
26 "body": [
27 {
28 "matcher": "exact",
29 "value": ""
30 }
31 ],
32 "query": {
33 "query": [
34 {
35 "matcher": "exact",
36 "value": "true"
37 }
38 ]
39 }
40 },
View entire simulation file
The matching logic that Hoverfly uses to compare an incoming request to a stored request can be changed by editing
the Request Matchers in the simulation JSON file.
It is not necessary to have a Request Matcher for every request field. By omitting Request Matchers, it is possible to
implement partial matching - meaning that Hoverfly will return one stored response for multiple incoming requests.
For example, this Request Matcher will match any incoming request to the docs.hoverfly.io destination:
1 "destination": [
2 {
3 "matcher": "exact",
4 "value": "docs.hoverfly.io"
5 }
6 ]
View entire simulation file
In the example below, the globMatch Request Matcher type is used to match any subdomain of hoverfly.io:
2.2. Key Concepts 17
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1 "destination": [
2 {
3 "matcher": "glob",
4 "value": "*.hoverfly.io"
5 }
6 ]
View entire simulation file
It is also possible to use more than one Request Matcher for each field.
In the example below, a regexMatch and a globMatch are used on the destination field.
This will match on any subdomain of hoverfly.io which begins with the letter d. This means that incoming requests
to docs.hoverfly.io and dogs.hoverfly.io will be matched, but requests to cats.hoverfly.io will not be
1 "destination": [
2 {
3 "matcher": "glob",
4 "value": "*.hoverfly.io"
5 },
6 {
7 "matcher": "regex",
8 "value": "(\\Ad)"
9 }
10 ]
View entire simulation file
See also:
There are many types of Request Matcher. Please refer to Request matchers for a list of the types available, and examples
of how to use them.
For a practical example of how to use a Request Matcher, please refer to Loose request matching using a Request
Matcher in the tutorials section.
There alse are two different matching strategies: strongest match (default) and first match (legacy). Please refer to
Matching strategies for more information.
Each Request Matcher Set has a response associated with is. If the request match is successful, Hoverfly will return
the response to the client.
1 "response": {
2 "status": 200,
3 "body": "Response from docs.hoverfly.io/pages/keyconcepts/templates.html",
4 "encodedBody": false,
5 "headers": {
6 "Hoverfly": [
7 "Was-Here"
8 ]
9 },
(continues on next page)
18 Chapter 2. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
10 "templated": false
11 }
View entire simulation file
Editing the fields in response, combined with editing the Request Matcher set, makes it possible to configure complex
request/response logic.
Binary data in responses
JSON is a text-based file format so it has no intrinsic support for binary data. Therefore if Hoverfly a response body
contains binary data (images, gzipped, etc), the response body will be base64 encoded and the encodedBody field set
to true.
1 "body": "YmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQ=",
2 "encodedBody": true,
View entire simulation file
Serving response bodies from files
Starting from version 1.3.0 hoverfly can return response body from a specific file:
"response": {
"status": 200,
"encodedBody": false,
"templated": false,
"bodyFile": "responses/200-success.json"
response/200-success.json is resolved against the directory specified in -response-body-files-path which is your
current working directory by default.
When both body and bodyFile are specified, body takes precedence.
bodyFile is read into memory only on simulation import, not in runtime.
Reading response bodies sometimes might not be comfortable. Imagine a developer team that needs a single updating
“files provider”. Syncing to this provider can be a challenge and that’s why hoverfly supports downloading response
bodies from external urls:
"response": {
"status": 200,
"encodedBody": false,
"templated": false,
"bodyFile": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpectoLabs/hoverfly/master/core/
Like local files, this feature is supported only on simulation import. To escape security issues there’s another mandatory
option to specify -response-body-files-allow-origin that lets you explicitly set the collections of urls to allow
body files to be downloaded from. For the above to work you need to run hoverfly like this:
2.2. Key Concepts 19
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hoverfly -response-body-files-allow-origin="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/"
Once you have created a simulated service by capturing traffic between your application and an external service, you
may wish to make the simulation more “realistic” by applying latency to the responses returned by Hoverfly.
Hoverfly can be configured to apply delays to responses based on URL pattern matching or HTTP method. This is done
using a regular expression to match against the URL, a delay value in milliseconds, and an optional HTTP method value.
See also:
This functionality is best understood via a practical example: see Adding delays to a simulation in the Tutorials section.
You can use Log-normal distributions of delay for realistic delay.
You can also apply delays to simulations using Middleware (see the Using middleware to simulate network latency
tutorial). Using middleware to apply delays sacrifices performance for flexibility.
The last part of the simulation schema is the meta object. Its purpose is to store metadata that is relevant to your
simulation. This includes the simulation schema version, the version of Hoverfly used to export the simulation and the
date and time at which the simulation was exported.
1 },
2 "meta": {
3 "schemaVersion": "v5.2",
4 "hoverflyVersion": "v1.2.0",
5 "timeExported": "2020-04-25T17:56:32+03:00"
See also:
For a hands-on tutorial of creating and editing simulations, see Creating and exporting a simulation.
2.2.5 Matching strategies
Hoverfly has two matching strategies. Each has advantages and trade-offs.
Note: In order to fully understand Hoverfly’s matching strategies, it is recommended that you read the Simulations
section first.
Strongest Match
This is the default matching strategy for Hoverfly. If Hoverfly finds multiple Request Response Pairs that match an
incoming request, it will return the Response from the pair which has the highest matching score.
To set “strongest” as the matching strategy, simply run:
hoverctl mode simulate
Or to be explicit run:
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hoverctl mode simulate --matching-strategy=strongest
Matching scores
This example shows how matching scores are calculated.
Lets assume Hoverfly is running in simulate mode, and the simulation data contains four Request Responses Pairs.
Each Request Response Pair contains one or more Request Matchers.
Hoverfly then receives a GET request to the destination www.destination.com. The incoming request contains the
following fields.
Field Value
method GET
destination www.destination.com
Request Response Pair 1
Field Matcher Type Value Score Total Score Matched?
method exact DELETE +0 1 false
destination exact www.destination.com +1
This pair contains two Request Matchers. The method value in the incoming request (GET) does not match the value
for the method matcher (DELETE). However the destination value does match.
This gives the Request Response Pair a total score of 1, but since one match failed, it is treated as unmatched (Matched?
= false).
Request Response Pair 2
Field Matcher Type Value Score Total Score Matched?
method exact GET +1 1 true
This pair contains one Request Matcher. The method value in the incoming request (GET) matches the value for the
method matcher. This gives the pair a total score of 1, and since no matches failed, it is treated as matched.
Request Response Pair 3
Field Matcher Type Value Score Total Score Matched?
method exact GET +1 2 true
destination exact www.destination.com +1
In this pair, the method and destination values in the incoming request both match the corresponding Request Matcher
values. This gives the pair a total score of 2, and it treated as matched.
Request Response Pair 4
Field Matcher Type Value Score Total Score Matched?
method exact GET +1 1 false
destination exact www.miss.com +0
2.2. Key Concepts 21
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This pair is treated as unmatched because the destination matcher failed.
Request Response Pair 3 has the highest score, and is therefore the strongest match.
This means that Hoverfly will return the Response contained within Request Response Pair 3.
Note: When there are multiple matches all with the same score, Hoverfly will pick the last one in the simulation.
The strongest match strategy makes it much easier to identify why Hoverfly has not returned a Response to an incoming
Request. If Hoverfly is not able to match an incoming Request to a Request Response Pair, it will return the closest
match. For more information see Troubleshooting.
However, the additional logic required to calculate matching scores does affect Hoverfly’s performance.
First Match
First match is the alternative (legacy) mechanism of matching. There is no scoring, and Hoverfly simply returns the
first match it finds in the simulation data.
To set first match as the matching strategy, run:
hoverctl mode simulate --matching-strategy=first
The main advantage of this strategy is performance - although it makes debugging matching errors harder.
2.2.6 Caching
In Simulate mode, Hoverfly uses caching in order to retain strong performance characteristics, even in the event of
complex matching. The cache is a key-value store of request hashes (hash of all the request excluding headers) to
Caching matches
When Hoverfly receives a request in simulate mode, it will first hash it and then look for it in the cache. If a cache
entry is found, it will send the cached response back to Hoverfly. If it is not found, it will look for a match in the list of
matchers. Whenever a new match is found, it will be added to the cache.
Caches misses
Hoverfly also caches misses. This means that repeating a request which was not matched will return a cached miss,
avoiding the need to perform matching. The closest miss is also cached, so Hoverfly will not lose any useful information
about which matchers came closest.
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Header caching
Currently, headers are not included in the hash for a request. This is because headers tend to change across time and
clients, impacting ordinary and eager caching respectively.
Eager caching
The cache is automatically pre-populated whenever switching to simulate mode. This only works on certain matchers
(such as matchers where every field is an “exactMatch”), but it means the initial cache population does not happen
during simulate mode.
Cache invalidation
Cache invalidation is a straightforward process in Hoverfly. It only occurs when a simulation is modified.
2.2.7 Templating
Hoverfly can build responses dynamically through templating. This is particularly useful when combined with loose
matching, as it allows a single matcher to represent an unlimited combination of responses.
Enabling Templating
By default templating is disabled. In order to enable it, set the templated field to true in the response of a simulation.
Getting data from the request
Currently, you can get the following data from request to the response via templating:
Field Example Request Result
Request scheme {{ Request.Scheme }} http://www.foo.com http
Query parameter
{{ Request.QueryParam.myParam
http://www.foo.com?myParam=bar bar
Query parameter
value (list)
{{ Request.QueryParam.
NameOfParameter.[1] }}
Path parameter
{{ Request.Path.[1] }} http://www.foo.com/zero/one/two one
Method {{ Request.Method }} http://www.foo.com/zero/one/two GET
Host {{ Request.Host }} http://www.foo.com/zero/one/two www.foo.com
jsonpath on body {{ Request.Body 'jsonpath'
'$.id' }}
{ “id”: 123, “username”: “hoverfly”
xpath on body {{ Request.Body 'xpath' '/
root/id' }}
<root><id>123</id></root> 123
From data {{ Request.FormData.email }} email=foo@bar.com foo@bar.com
Header value {{ Request.Header.X-Header-Id
{ “X-Header-Id”: [“bar”] } bar
Header value (list) {{ Request.Header.X-Header-Id.
[1] }}
{ “X-Header-Id”: [“bar1”, “bar2”] } bar2
State {{ State.basket }} State Store = {“basket”:”eggs”} eggs
2.2. Key Concepts 23
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Helper Methods
Additional data can come from helper methods. These are the ones Hoverfly currently support:
Description Example Result
The current date time with offset, in
the given format.
For example:
The current date time plus 1
day in unix timestamp
The current date time in ISO
8601 format
The current date time minus 1
day in custom format
{{ now '1d' 'unix' }}
{{ now '' '' }}
{{ now '-1d'
'2006-Jan-02' }}
A random string {{ randomString }} hGfclKjnmwcCds
A random string with a specified
{{ randomStringLength 2 }} KC
A random boolean {{ randomBoolean }} true
A random integer {{ randomInteger }} 42
A random integer within a range {{ randomIntegerRange 1 10
A random float {{ randomFloat }} 42
A random float within a range {{ randomFloatRange 1.0 10.
0 }}
A random email address {{ randomEmail }} LoriSte[email protected]
A random IPv4 address {{ randomIPv4 }}
A random IPv6 address {{ randomIPv6 }} 41d7:daa0:6e97:6fce:411e:681:f86f:e557
A random UUID {{ randomUuid }} 7b791f3d-d7f4-4635-8ea1-
Generate random data using go-
{{ faker 'Name' }} John Smith
Query CSV data source where ID =
3 and return its name
{{csv 'test-csv' 'id' '3'
John Smith
Query Journal index where index
value = 1 and return Name
from associated Response
body in journal entry.
"Request.QueryParam.id" "1"
"response" "jsonpath"
John Smith
24 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Time offset
When using template helper method now, time offset must be formatted using the following syntax.
Shorthand Type
ns Nanosecond
us/µs Microsecond
ms Millisecond
s Second
m Minute
h Hour
d Day
y Year
Prefix an offset with - to subtract the duration from the current date time.
Example time offset
5m 5 minutes
1h30m 1 hour 5 minutes
1y10d 1 year 10 days
Date time formats
When using template helper method now, date time formats must follow the Golang syntax. More can be found out
here https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Parse
Example date time formats
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST
Jan _2 15:04:05
Note: If you leave the format string empty, the default format to be used is ISO 8601 (2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00).
You can also get an UNIX timestamp by setting the format to:
unix: UNIX timestamp in seconds
epoch: UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
2.2. Key Concepts 25
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Support for go-fakeit was added in order to extend the templating capabilities of Hoverfly. Faker covers many different
test data requirements and it can be used within Hoverfly templated responses by using the faker helper followed by
the faker type (e.g. Name, Email) For example, you can generate a random name using the following expression:
"body": "{\"name\": \"{{faker 'Name'}}\"}"
Fakers that require arguments are currently not supported.
CSV Data Source
You can both query data from a CSV data source as well as manipulate data within a data source by adding to it and
deleting from it. Hoverfly supports a number of templating methods for simple read, update and delete functions. In
addition Hoverfly supports a templating function that allows simple SQL like commands for SELECT, UPDATE and
Reading from a CSV Data Source
You can read data from a CSV data source in a number of ways.
The most basic is to use the csv function to return the value of one field (selected-column) given a field name to search
(column-name) and a value to search for in that field (query-value). Of course the query-value would normally be
pulled from the request.
{{csv '(data-source-name)' '(column-name)' '(query-value)' '(selected-column)' }}
Note: The data source name is case sensitive whereas other parameters in this function are case insensitive. You can
use hoverctl or call the Admin API to upload CSV data source to a running Hoverfly instance.
Example: Start Hoverfly with a CSV data source (student-marks.csv) provided below.
hoverfly -templating-data-source "student-marks <path to below CSV file>"
ID Name | Marks
1 Test1 | 55
2 Test2 | 65
3 Test3 | 98
4 Test4 | 23
5 Test5 | 15
NA | 0
26 Chapter 2. Contents
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Description Example Re-
Search where ID = 3 and return name csv ‘student-marks ‘Id’ ‘3’
Search where ID = 4 and return its marks csv ‘student-marks ‘Id’ ‘4’
Search where Name = Test1 and return marks csv ‘student-marks ‘Name
‘Test1’ ‘Marks
Search where Id is not match and return marks (in this scenario, it
matches wildcard * and returns)
csv ‘student-marks ‘Id’ ‘Test100’
Search where Id = first path param and return marks URL looks like
- http://test.com/students/5/marks
csv ‘student-marks ‘Id’ ‘Re-
quest.Path.[1]’ ‘Marks
Additional functions are avaiable to query the CSV data source to return all or a filtered subset of its rows, as a map.
This makes it simpler to render back into the template, as you can use the {{this}} expression with the column names
to identify which fields you want to render.
To return all the data from the csv as an array of maps, you use the csvAsMap function. (Note that you would need to
wrap this in an #each block. See examples below.):
{{csvAsMap '(data-source-name)' }}
To return filtered data from the csv as an array of maps, you use the ``csvMatchingRows``function. (Note that you
would need to wrap this in an #each block. See examples below.):
{{csvMatchingRows '(data-source-name)' '(column-name)' '(query-value)' '(selected-column)
To return all the data from the csv as an array arrays, you use the csvAsArray function. (Note that you would need to
wrap this in an #each block. See examples below.):
{{csvAsArray '(data-source-name)' }}
To return filtered data from the csv as an array of maps using the SQL like dialect, you use the csvSqlCommand
function. Again this needs to be wrapped in an #each block:
{{csvSqlCommand '(sql-select-query)'}}
Example: Start Hoverfly with a CSV data source (pets.csv) provided below.
hoverfly -templating-data-source "pets <path to below CSV file>"
ID Category Name Status
1000 birds Archie available
1001 dogs Zipper available
1002 dogs Teddy sold
2.2. Key Concepts 27
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Description Example Result
Return all the results in an array
of maps and render them in JSON
*Note the use of
this.column-name as
we have map
All-The-Pets”: [ {{#each
(csvAsMap ‘pets’)}} {
{{/each}} ]
All-The-Pets”: [
“id”: 1000,
“cats”, “name”:
“Sylvester”, “sta-
tus”: “available”
}, {
“id”: 1001,
“name”: “Zip-
per”, “status”:
}, {
“id”: 1002,
“Teddy”, “sta-
tus”: “sold”
Return filtered data as an array of
maps and render them in JSON
*Note the use of
this.column-name as
we have a map
“Dogs-Only”: [ {{#each (csv-
MatchingRows ‘pets’ ‘cate-
gory’ ‘dogs’)}} {
{{/each}} ]
“Dogs-Only”: [
“id”: 1001, “cat-
egory”: “dogs”,
“name”: “Zipper”,
“status”: “avail-
}, {
“id”: 1002,
“Teddy”, “sta-
tus”: “sold”
SELECT data using a SQL like syn-
“Dogs-With-Big-Ids-Only”: [
{{#each (csvSqlCommand “SE-
category = ‘dogs’ AND id >=
“Dogs-With-Big-Ids-Only”: [
“id”:2000, “cat-
Return all the data as an array of ar-
{{#each (csvAsArray ‘pets’)}}
{{#each this}}{{this}} {{/each}}
id category name status
1000 cats Sylvester available
1001 dogs Zipper available
1002 dogs Teddy sold
28 Chapter 2. Contents
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Adding data to a CSV Data Source
While the service is running you can add new rows of data into the data source. This is not peristent, it is only manip-
ulated in memory and so it only lasts for as long as the service is running and between calls. The rows are not actually
written to the file.
You use the csvAddRow function to add a row to the data source. This is currently the only way to add rows to the
datasource. There is no support for SQL INSERT statements.
{{csvAddRow '(data-source-name)' (array-of-values)}}
To use this function you first need to construct an array containing the row of string values to store in the csv data
source. For example say you had a csv called pets with the columns id, category, name and status.
1. You would first add each of the 4 values into an array of 4 items to match the number of columns:
{{ addToArray 'newPet' '2000' false }} {{ addToArray 'newPet' 'dogs' false }} {{
addToArray 'newPet' 'Violet' false }} {{ addToArray 'newPet' 'sold' false }}
2. You then call the csvAddRow function to add the row into the csv data store:
{{csvAddRow 'pets' (getArray 'newPet') }}
Deleting data from a CSV Data Source
While the service is running you can delete rows of data from the data source. This is not peristent, it is only manipulated
in memory and so it only lasts for as long as the service is running and between calls. The rows are not actually deleted
from the file.
There are two ways to delete rows. This first simple method using csvDeleteRows will delete rows that match one
exact condition.
{{csvDeleteRows '(data-source-name)' '(column-name)' '(query-value)' (output-result)}}
To delete rows from the csv data source your specify the value that a specific column must have to be deleted.
To delete all the pets where the category is cats from the pets csv data store:
{{ csvDeleteRows 'pets' 'category' 'cats' false }}
Note that the last parameter of “output-result” is a boolean. It is not enclosed in quotes. The function will return
the number of rows affected which can either be suppressed by passing false to this parameter, or passed into another
function if you need to make logical decisions based on the number of rows affected by passing in true as the last
parameter. If csvDeleteRows is not enclosed within another function it will output the number of rows deleted to the
``{{#equal (csvDeleteRows ‘pets’ ‘category’ ‘cats’ true) ‘0’}}
{{ setStatusCode ‘404’ }} {“Message”:”Error no cats found”}
{{ setStatusCode ‘200’ }} {“Message”:”All cats deleted”}
2.2. Key Concepts 29
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Deleting data from a CSV Data Source using SQL like syntax
{{csvSqlCommand '(sql-delete-statement)'}}
Example: {{ csvSqlCommand "DELETE FROM pets WHERE id > '20'" }}
Calling the csvSqlCommand for Delete and Update commands will execute the statements without outputting anything
to the template. The rows affected will be logged for debugging purposes.
Update the data in a CSV Data Source using SQL like syntax
{{csvSqlCommand '(sql-update-statement)'}}
Example: {{ csvSqlCommand "UPDATE pets SET status = 'sold' WHERE id > '20' AND category =
'cats'" }}
Using SQL like syntax to query and manipulate data sources
You can use a simplified SQL like syntax to select, update and delete rows.
INSERT is not supported. To add data you must use the csvAddRow template function.
SELECT [column-names] FROM [data-source-name] WHERE [conditions] (* can be used to indicate all col-
UPDATE [data-source-name] SET [[column-name] = ‘[value]’,] WHERE [conditions]
DELETE FROM [data-source-name] WHERE [conditions]
Only simple conditions are supported.
You can chain conditions using AND. OR is not supported.
The following comparison operators are supported in conditions: = equals > greater than < less than >= greater than
or equal to <= less than or equal to != not equal to
Capitalisation of SQL keywords is required. Spaces between components of the SQL statement are required. Every
value provided to a condition whether a number or a string must be enclosed in quotes. Joins across different data
sources are not supported.
Counting the rows in a CSV Data Source
You can return the number of rows in a csv dataset using csvCountRows. This will be 1 less than the number of rows
as the first row contains the column names.
{{csvCountRows '(data-source-name)'}}
30 Chapter 2. Contents
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Journal Entry Data
Journal Entry can be queried using its index and its extracted value.
{{ journal "index name" "extracted value" "request/response" "xpath/jsonpath" "lookup
˓query" }}
index name should be the same key expression you have specified when you enable the journal index. extracted
value is for doing a key lookup for the journal entry from that index. request/response specifies if you want to get
data from the request or response. xpath/jsonpath specifies whether you want to extract it using xpath or json path
expression. lookup query is either jsonpath or xpath expressions to parse the request/response data.
"body": "{\"name\": \"{{ journal 'Request.QueryParam.id' '1' 'response' 'jsonpath' '
˓$.name' }}\"}"
In the above example, we are querying the name from JSON response in the journal entry where index Request.
QueryParam.id has a key value of 1.
If you only need to check if a journal contains a particular key, you can do so using the following function:
{{ hasJournalKey "index name" "key name" }}
Key Value Data Store
Sometimes you may need to store a temporary variable and retrieve it later in other part of the templated response. In
this case, you can use the internal key value data store. The following helper methods are available:
Description Example Result
Put an entry {{ putValue 'id' 123 true }} 123
Get an entry {{ getValue 'id' }} 123
Add a value to an arra {{ addToArray 'names' 'John' true }} John
Get an array {{ getArray 'names' }} []string{“John”
addToArray will create a new array if one doesnt exist. The boolean argument in putValue and addToArray is used
to control whether the set value is returned.
Note: Each templating session has its own key value store, which means all the data you set will be cleared after the
current response is rendered.
2.2. Key Concepts 31
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Maths Operations
The basic maths operations are currently supported: add, subtract, multiply and divide. These functions take three
parameters: two values it operates on and the precision. The precision is given in a string format such as '0.00'. For
example {{ add 3 2.5 '0.00' }} should give you 5.50. If no format is given, the exact value will be printed with
up to 6 decimal places.
Description Example Result
Add {{ add 10 3 '0.00' }} 13.33
Subtract {{ subtract 10 3 '' }} 7
Multiply {{ multiply 10 3 '' }} 30
Divide {{ divide 10 3 '' }} 3.333333
A math functions for summing an array of numbers is also supported; it’s usually used in conjunction with the #each
block helper. For example:
With the request payload of
"lineitems": {
"lineitem": [
"upc": "1001",
"quantity": "1",
"price": "3.50"
"upc": "1002",
"quantity": "2",
"price": "4.50"
We can get the total price of all the line items using this templating function:
{{#each (Request.Body 'jsonpath' '$.lineitems.lineitem') }} {{ addToArray 'subtotal'
(multiply (this.price) (this.quantity) '') false }} {{/each}} total: {{ sum (getArray
'subtotal') '0.00' }}
32 Chapter 2. Contents
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String Operations
You can use the following helper methods to join, split or replace string values.
Description Example Result
String concatenate {{ concat 'bee' 'hive' }} beehive
String splitting {{ split 'bee,hive' ',' }} []string{“bee”, “hive”}
Replace all occurrences of the old
value with the new
value in the target string
{{ replace (Request.Body
'jsonpath' '$.text')
'be' 'mock' }}
(where Request.Body has the value
{"text":"to be or not to
to mock or not to mock
Return a substring of a string {{substring
'thisisalongstring' 7 11}}
Return the length of a string {{length
Return the rightmost characters of a
'thisisalongstring' 3}}
Validation Operations
You can use the following helper methods to validate various types, compare value, and perform regular expression
matching on strings.
2.2. Key Concepts 33
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Description Example Result
Is the value numeric {{isNumeric '12.3'}} true
Is the value alphanumeric {{isAlphanumeric 'abc!
Is the value a boolean
{{isBool (Request.Body
Where the payload is {“paid-
Is one value greater than another
{{isGreater (Request.Body
'jsonpath' '$.age') 25}
Where the payload is
Is one value less than another
{{isLess (Request.Body
'jsonpath' '$.age') 25}
Where the payload is
Is a value between two values
{{isBetween (Request.Body
'jsonpath' '$.age') 25 35}
Where the payload is
Does a string match a regular expres-
{{matchesRegex '2022-09-27'
Conditional Templating, Looping and More
Hoverfly uses the https://github.com/aymerick/raymond library for templating, which is based on http://handlebarsjs.
To learn about more advanced templating functionality, such as looping and conditionals, read the documentation for
these projects.
34 Chapter 2. Contents
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Global Literals and Variables
You can define global literals and variables for templated response. This comes in handy when you have a lot of
templated responses that share the same constant values or helper methods.
Literals are constant values. You can declare literals as follows and then reference it in templated response as {{
Literals.<literal name> }}.
"data": {
"literals": [
"value":["value1", "value2", "value3"]
"value": {
"key": "value"
Variable lets you define a helper method that can be shared among templated responses. You can associate the helper
method with a name and then reference it in templated response as {{ Vars.<variable name> }}.
"data": {
"variables": [
"name":"<variable name>",
"function":"<helper method name>",
"arguments":["arg1", "arg2"]
"data": {
(continues on next page)
2.2. Key Concepts 35
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"variables": [
"arguments":["jsonpath", "$.id"]
"arguments":["xpath", "/root/id"]
2.2.8 State
Hoverfly contains a map of keys and values which it uses to store its internal state. Some Request matchers can be
made to only match when Hoverfly is in a certain state, and other matchers can be set to mutate Hoverfly’s state.
Setting State when Performing a Match
A response includes two fields, transitionsState and removesState which alter Hoverflies internal state during a match:
"request": {
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/pay"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "eggs and large bacon",
"transitionsState" : {
"payment-flow" : "complete"
"removesState" : [
In the above case, the following changes to Hoverflies internal state would be made on a match:
36 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Current State of Hoverfly New State of Hoverfly? reason
payment-flow=complete Payment value transitions, basket deleted by key
basket=full payment-flow=complete Payment value created, basket deleted by key
payment-flow=complete Payment value created, basket already absent
Requiring State in order to Match
A matcher can include a field requiresState, which dictates the state Hoverfly must be in for there to be a match:
"request": {
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/basket"
"requiresState": {
"eggs": "present",
"bacon" : "large"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "eggs and large bacon"
In the above case, the following matches results would occur when making a request to /basket:
Current State of Hoverfly matches? reason
eggs=present,bacon=large true Required and current state are equal
eggs=present,bacon=large,f=x true Additional state ‘f=x’ is not used by this matcher
eggs=present false Bacon is missing
eggs=present,bacon=small false Bacon is has the wrong value
Managing state via Hoverctl
It could be tricky to reason about the current state of Hoverfly, or to get Hoverfly in a state that you desire for testing.
This is why Hoverctl comes with commands that let you orchestrate its state. Some useful commands are:
$ hoverctl state --help
$ hoverctl state get-all
$ hoverctl state get key
$ hoverctl state set key value
$ hoverctl state delete-all
2.2. Key Concepts 37
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Using state, it is possible to recreate a sequence of different responses that may come back given a single request. This
can be useful when trying to test stateful endpoints.
When defining state for request response pairs, if you prefix your state key with the string sequence:, Hoverfly will
acknowledge the pair as being part of a stateful sequence. When simulating this sequence, Hoverfly will keep track of
the user’s position in the sequence and move them forwards.
Once Hoverfly has reached the end of the sequence, it will continue to return the final response.
"data": {
"pairs": [{
"request": {
"requiresState": {
"sequence:1": "1"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "First response",
"transitionsState": {
"sequence:1": "2"
"request": {
"requiresState": {
"sequence:1": "2"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "Second response"
"meta": {
"schemaVersion": "v5.2"
38 Chapter 2. Contents
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2.2.9 Destination filtering
By default, Hoverfly will process every request it receives. However, you may wish to control which URLs Hoverfly
This is done by filtering the destination URLs using either a string or a regular expression. The destination string or
regular expression will be compared against the host and the path of a URL.
For example, specifying hoverfly.io as the destination value will tell Hoverfly to process only URLs on the
hoverfly.io host.
hoverctl destination "hoverfly.io"
Specifying api as the destination value during Capture mode will tell Hoverfly to capture only URLs that contain the
string api. This would include both api.hoverfly.io/endpoint and hoverfly.io/api/endpoint.
See also:
This functionality is best understood via a practical example: see Capturing or simulating specific URLs in the Tutorials
Note: The destination setting applies to all Hoverfly modes. If a destination value is set while Hoverfly is running
in Simulate mode, requests that are excluded by the destination setting will be passed through to the real URLs. This
makes it possible to return both real and simulated responses.
2.2.10 Middleware
Middleware intercepts traffic between the client and the API (whether real or simulated), and allowing you to manipulate
You can use middleware to manipulate data in simulated responses, or to inject unpredictable performance character-
istics into your simulation.
Middleware works differently depending on the Hoverfly mode.
Capture mode: middleware affects only outgoing requests
Simulate/Spy mode: middleware affects only responses (cache contents remain untouched)
Synthesize mode: middleware creates responses
Modify mode: middleware affects requests and responses
Note: Middleware is applied after rendering the templating functions (see Templating) in the response body.
You can write middleware in any language. There are two different types of middleware.
2.2. Key Concepts 39
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Local Middleware
Hoverfly has the ability to invoke middleware by executing a script or binary file on a host operating system. The only
requires are that the provided middleware can be executed and sends the Middleware JSON schema to stdout when the
Middleware JSON schema is received on stdin.
HTTP Middleware
Hoverfly can also send middleware requests to a HTTP server instead of running a process locally. The benefits of this
are that Hoverfly does not initiate the process, giving more control to the user. The only requirements are that Hoverfly
can POST the Middleware JSON schema to middleware URL provided and the middleware HTTP server responses
with a 200 and the Middleware JSON schema is in the response.
Middleware Interface
When middleware is called by Hoverfly, it expects to receive and return JSON (see Simulation schema). Middleware
can be used to modify the values in the JSON but must not modify the schema itself.
Hoverfly will send the JSON object to middleware via the standard input stream. Hoverfly will then listen to the standard
output stream and wait for the JSON object to be returned.
See also:
Middleware examples are covered in the tutorials section. See Using middleware to simulate network latency and Using
middleware to modify response payload and status code.
40 Chapter 2. Contents
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2.2.11 Post Serve Action
PostServeAction allows you to execute custom code or invoke endpoint with request-response pair after a response
has been served in simulate or spy mode.
It is custom script that can be written in any language. Hoverfly has the ability to invoke a script or binary file on
a host operating system or on the remote host. Custom code is executed/remote host is invoked after a provided
delay(in ms) once simulated response is served.
We can register multiple post serve actions.
In order to register local post serve action, it takes mainly four parameters - binary to invoke script, script con-
tent/location, delay(in ms) post which it will be executed and name of that action.
In order to register remote post serve action, it takes mainly three parameters - remote host to be invoked with
request-response pair, delay(in ms) post which it will be executed and name of that action.
Ways to register a Post Serve Action
At time of startup by passing single/multiple -post-serve-action flag(s) as mentioned in the hoverfly command
Via PUT API to register new post serve action as mentioned in the API page.
Using command line hoverctl post-serve-action set command as mentioned in the hoverctl command page.
Once post serve action is registered, we can trigger particular post serve action by putting it in response part of
request-response pair in simulation JSON.
Example Simulation JSON
"response": {
"postServeAction": "<name of post serve action we want to invoke>"
2.2.12 Hoverctl
Hoverctl is a command line utility that is shipped with Hoverfly. Its purpose is to make it easier to interact with Hoverfly
APIs and your local filesystem, while also providing a way to start and stop instances of Hoverfly.
Hoverctl also has the ability to work with multiple instances of Hoverfly, through the use of the target option. Config-
uration is stored against each target meaning it is possible to start an instance of Hoverfly locally and remotely and still
be able to interact with each separately.
See also:
Please refer to hoverctl commands for more information about hoverctl.
See also:
Please refer to the Controlling a remote Hoverfly instance with hoverctl tutorial for a step by step example of using
2.2. Key Concepts 41
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2.3 Native language bindings
Native language bindings are available for Hoverfly to make it easy to integrate into different environments.
2.3.1 HoverPy
To get started:
sudo pip install hoverpy
And in Python you can simply get started with:
import hoverpy
import requests
# capture mode
with hoverpy.HoverPy(capture=True) as hp:
data = requests.get("http://time.jsontest.com/").json()
# simulation mode
with hoverpy.HoverPy() as hp:
simData = requests.get("http://time.jsontest.com/").json()
assert(data["milliseconds_since_epoch"] == simData["milliseconds_since_epoch"])
For more information, read the HoverPy documentation.
2.3.2 Hoverfly Java
Strict or loose HTTP request matching based on URL, method, body and header combinations
Fluent and expressive DSL for easy generation of simulated APIs
Automatic marshalling of objects into JSON during request/response body generation
HTTPS automatically supported, no extra configuration required
Download via Maven or Gradle
To get started, read the Hoverfly Java documentation.
2.4 Tutorials
In these examples, we will use the hoverctl (CLI tool for Hoverfly) to interact with Hoverfly.
Hoverfly can also be controlled via its REST API, or via Native language bindings.
42 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
2.4.1 Basic tutorials
Creating and exporting a simulation
Note: If you are running Hoverfly on a machine that accesses the internet via a proxy (for example if you are on a
corporate network), please follow the Using Hoverfly behind a proxy tutorial before proceeding.
Start Hoverfly and set it to Capture mode
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
Make a request with cURL, using Hoverfly as a proxy server:
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
View the Hoverfly logs
hoverctl logs
Export the simulation to a JSON file
hoverctl export simulation.json
Stop hoverfly
hoverctl stop
You’ll now see a simulation.json file in your current working directory, which contains all your simulation data.
In case you are curious, the sequence diagram for this process looks like this:
Note: By default, request headers are not captured. If you want to capture headers, you will need to specify them
when setting capture mode.
hoverctl mode capture --headers "User-Agent,Content-Type,Authorization"
hoverctl mode capture --all-headers
Note: It is possible to filter and export simulation to separate JSON files by providing a plain text or regex string to
the --url-pattern flag:
hoverctl export echo.json --url-pattern "echo.jsontest.com" // export simulations
˓for echo.jsontest.com only
hoverctl export api.json --url-pattern "(.+).jsontest.com" // export simulations
˓for all jsontest.com subdomains
2.4. Tutorials 43
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Importing and using a simulation
In this tutorial we are going to import the simulation we created in the previous tutorial.
hoverctl start
hoverctl import simulation.json
Hoverfly can also import simulation data that is stored on a remote host via HTTP:
hoverctl import https://example.com/example.json
Make a request with cURL, using Hoverfly as a proxy.
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
This outputs the time at the time the request was captured.
"time": "02:07:28 PM",
"milliseconds_since_epoch": 1482242848562,
"date": "12-20-2016"
Stop Hoverfly:
hoverctl stop
44 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Note: Importing multiple simulations:
The above example shows importing one simulation into Hoverfly. You can also import multiple simulations:
hoverctl simulation add foo.json bar.json
You can specify one or more simulations when starting Hoverfly using hoverfly or hoverctl commands:
hoverfly -import foo.json -import bar.json
hoverctl start --import foo.json --import bar.json
Hoverfly appends any unique pair to the existing simulation by comparing the equality of the request JSON objects. If
a conflict occurs, the pair is not added.
Adding delays to a simulation
Simulating API latency during development allows you to write code that will deal with it gracefully.
In Hoverfly, this is done by applying “delays” or “delaysLogNormal” to responses in a simulation.
Delays are applied by editing the Hoverfly simulation JSON file. Delays can be applied selectively according to request
URL pattern and/or HTTP method.
Applying a delay to all responses
Lets apply a 2 second delay to all responses. First, we need to create and export a simulation.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://date.jsontest.com
hoverctl export simulation.json
hoverctl stop
Take a look at the "globalActions" property within the simulation.json file you exported. It should look like
1 "globalActions": {
2 "delays": [],
3 "delaysLogNormal": []
Edit the file so the "globalActions" property looks like this:
1 "globalActions": {
2 "delays": [
3 {
4 "urlPattern": ".",
5 "httpMethod": "",
6 "delay": 2000
7 }
8 ],
9 "delaysLogNormal": []
2.4. Tutorials 45
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Hoverfly will apply a delay of 2000ms to all URLs that match the "urlPattern" value. We want the delay to be
applied to all URLs, so we set the "urlPattern" value to the regular expression ".".
Now import the edited simulation.json file, switch Hoverfly to Simulate mode and make the requests again.
hoverctl start
hoverctl import simulation.json
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://date.jsontest.com
hoverctl stop
The responses to both requests are delayed by 2 seconds.
Applying a delay to specific responses
When you want to add a delay to specific responses and global host / uri / http method matching is not the case, you can
specify fixedDelay in response. Here we apply a delay of 3000ms only to request /api/profile with X-API-Version:
v1 header:
"request": {
"path": [
{"matcher": "exact", "value": "/api/profile"}
"headers": {
"X-API-Version": [
{"matcher": "exact", "value": "v1"}
"response": {
"status": 404,
"body": "Page not found",
"fixedDelay": 3000
Its also possible to apply a logNormal delay:
"request": {
"path": [
{"matcher": "exact", "value": "/api/profile"}
"headers": {
"X-API-Version": [
{"matcher": "exact", "value": "v1"}
"response": {
"status": 404,
"body": "Page not found",
(continues on next page)
46 Chapter 2. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
"logNormalDelay": {
"min": 100,
"max": 10000,
"mean": 5000,
"median": 500
Like global delays, when both fixedDelay and logNormalDelay are provided they are applied one after another.
Applying different delays based on host
Now let’s apply a delay of 1 second on responses from time.jsontest.com and a delay of 2 seconds on responses
from date.jsontest.com.
Run the following to create and export a simulation.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://date.jsontest.com
hoverctl export simulation.json
hoverctl stop
Edit the simulation.json file so that the "globalActions" property looks like this:
1 "globalActions": {
2 "delays": [
3 {
4 "urlPattern": "time\\.jsontest\\.com",
5 "httpMethod": "",
6 "delay": 1000
7 },
8 {
9 "urlPattern": "date\\.jsontest\\.com",
10 "httpMethod": "",
11 "delay": 2000
12 }
13 ],
14 "delaysLogNormal": []
Now run the following to import the edited simulation.json file and run the simulation:
hoverctl start
hoverctl import simulation.json
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://date.jsontest.com
hoverctl stop
You should notice a 1 second delay on responses from time.jsontest.com, and a 2 second delay on responses from
2.4. Tutorials 47
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Note: You can easily get into a situation where your request URL has multiple matches. In this case, the first successful
match wins.
Applying different delays based on URI
Now lets apply different delays based on location. Run the following to create and export a simulation.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/a/b
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/c/d
hoverctl export simulation.json
hoverctl stop
Edit the simulation.json file so that the "globalActions" property looks like this:
1 "globalActions": {
2 "delays": [
3 {
4 "urlPattern": "echo\\.jsontest\\.com\\/a\\/b",
5 "httpMethod": "",
6 "delay": 2000
7 },
8 {
9 "urlPattern": "echo\\.jsontest\\.com\\/b\\/c",
10 "httpMethod": "",
11 "delay": 2000
12 },
13 {
14 "urlPattern": "echo\\.jsontest\\.com\\/c\\/d",
15 "httpMethod": "",
16 "delay": 3000
17 }
18 ],
19 "delaysLogNormal": []
Now run the following to import the edited simulation.json file and run the simulation:
hoverctl start
hoverctl import simulation.json
hoverctl mode simulate
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/a/b
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/c/d
hoverctl stop
You should notice a 2 second delay on responses from echo.jsontest.com/a/b and echo.jsontest.com/b/c,
and a 3 second delay on the response from echo.jsontest.com/c/d.
Note: When you use Hoverfly as a webserver, you should replace or remove any original host pattern
48 Chapter 2. Contents
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in the urlPattern filter, because the endpoint URL is based on Hoverfly webserver address (eg. http://
Applying different delays based on HTTP method
Lets apply a delay of 2 seconds on responses to GET requests only made to echo.jsontest.com/b/c.
Run the following to create and export a simulation.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
curl --proxy localhost:8500 -X POST http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
hoverctl export simulation.json
hoverctl stop
Edit the simulation.json file so that the "globalActions" property looks like this:
1 "globalActions": {
2 "delays": [
3 {
4 "urlPattern": "echo\\.jsontest\\.com\\/b\\/c",
5 "httpMethod": "GET",
6 "delay": 2000
7 }
8 ],
9 "delaysLogNormal": []
Now run the following to import the edited simulation.json file and run the simulation:
hoverctl start
hoverctl import simulation.json
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
curl -X POST --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
hoverctl stop
You should notice a 2 second delay on the response to the GET request and no delay on the response to the POST
Log-normal distributions of delay
The Log-normal distribution is a pretty accurate description of a server latency. The Log-normal distribution defines
by 2 parameters and . We will compute these parameters from mean and median of a server response time. These
values you can see in your monitoring of the production server. If need you can adjust response time by min and max
Lets apply a random log-normal distributed delay to all responses. First, we need to create and export a simulation.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
curl --proxy localhost:8500 -X POST http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
(continues on next page)
2.4. Tutorials 49
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(continued from previous page)
hoverctl export simulation.json
hoverctl stop
Take a look at the "globalActions" property within the simulation.json file you exported. It should look like
1 "globalActions": {
2 "delays": [],
3 "delaysLogNormal": []
Edit the file so the "globalActions" property looks like this:
1 "globalActions": {
2 "delaysLogNormal": [
3 {
4 "urlPattern": ".",
5 "httpMethod": "",
6 "min": 100,
7 "max": 10000,
8 "mean": 5000,
9 "median": 500
10 }
11 ]
12 }
Hoverfly will apply a delay to all URLs that match the "urlPattern" value. We want the delay to be applied to all
URLs, so we set the "urlPattern" value to the regular expression ".".
Now import the edited simulation.json file, switch Hoverfly to Simulate mode and make the requests again.
hoverctl start
hoverctl import simulation.json
curl --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
curl -X POST --proxy localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/b/c
hoverctl stop
Loose request matching using a Request Matcher
See also:
Please carefully read through Request Responses Pairs alongside this tutorial to gain a high-level understanding of what
we are about to cover.
In some cases you may want Hoverfly to return the same stored response for more than one incoming request. This can
be done using Request Matchers.
Lets begin by capturing some traffic and exporting a simulation. This step saves us having to manually create a
simulation ourselves and gives us a request to work with.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/foo/baz/bar/spam
hoverctl export simulation.json
hoverctl stop
50 Chapter 2. Contents
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If you take a look at your simulation.json you should notice these lines in your request.
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/foo/baz/bar/spam"
Modify them to:
"path": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "/foo/*/bar/spam"
Save the file as simulationimport.json and run the following command to import it and cURL the simulated
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode simulate
hoverctl import simulationimport.json
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/foo/QUX/bar/spam
hoverctl stop
The same response is returned, even though we created our simulation with a request to http://echo.jsontest.
com/foo/baz/bar/spam in Capture mode and then sent a request to http://echo.jsontest.com/foo/QUX/bar/
spam in Simulate mode.
See also:
In this example we used the globMatch Request Matcher type. For a list of other Request Matcher types and examples
of how to use them, please see the Request matchers section.
Note: Key points:
To change how incoming requests are matched to stored responses, capture a simulation, export it, edit it
While editing, choose a request field to match on, select a Request Matcher type and a matcher value
Re-import the simulation
Requests can be manually added without capturing the request
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Using middleware to simulate network latency
See also:
Please carefully read through Middleware alongside these tutorials to gain a high-level understanding of what we are
about to cover.
We will use a Python script to apply a random delay of less than one second to every response in a simulation.
Before you proceed, please ensure that you have Python installed.
Lets begin by writing our middleware. Save the following as middleware.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import logging
import random
from time import sleep
logging.basicConfig(filename='random_delay_middleware.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.debug('Random delay middleware is called')
# set delay to random value less than one second
SLEEP_SECS = random.random()
def main():
data = sys.stdin.readlines()
# this is a json string in one line so we are interested in that one line
payload = data[0]
logging.debug("sleeping for %s seconds" % SLEEP_SECS)
# do not modifying payload, returning same one
if __name__ == "__main__":
The middleware script delays each response by a random value of less than one second.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
hoverctl mode simulate
hoverctl middleware --binary python --script middleware.py
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
hoverctl stop
Middleware gives you control over the behaviour of a simulation, as well as the data.
Note: Middleware gives you flexibility when simulating network latency - allowing you to randomize the delay value
for example - but a new process is spawned every time the middleware script is executed. This can impact Hoverfly’s
performance under load.
52 Chapter 2. Contents
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If you need to simulate latency during a load test, it is recommended that you use Hoverfly’s native Delays functionality
to simulate network latency (see Adding delays to a simulation) instead of writing middleware. The delays functionality
sacrifices flexibility for performance.
Using middleware to modify response payload and status code
See also:
Please carefully read through Middleware alongside these tutorials to gain a high-level understanding of what we are
about to cover.
We will use a python script to modify the body of a response and randomly change the status code.
Lets begin by writing our middleware. Save the following as middleware.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import json
import logging
import random
logging.basicConfig(filename='middleware.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.debug('Middleware "modify_request" called')
def main():
payload = sys.stdin.readlines()[0]
payload_dict = json.loads(payload)
payload_dict['response']['status'] = random.choice([200, 201])
if "response" in payload_dict and "body" in payload_dict["response"]:
payload_dict["response"]["body"] = "{'foo': 'baz'}\n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
The middleware script randomly toggles the status code between 200 and 201, and changes the response body to a
dictionary containing {'foo':'baz'}.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
hoverctl mode simulate
hoverctl middleware --binary python --script middleware.py
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
hoverctl stop
As you can see, middleware allows you to completely modify the content of a simulated HTTP response.
2.4. Tutorials 53
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Simulating HTTPS APIs
To capture HTTPS traffic, you need to use Hoverfly’s SSL certificate.
First, download the certificate:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpectoLabs/hoverfly/master/core/cert.pem
We can now run Hoverfly with the standard capture then simulate workflow.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy localhost:8500 https://example.com --cacert cert.pem
hoverctl mode simulate
curl --proxy localhost:8500 https://example.com --cacert cert.pem
hoverctl stop
Curl makes the HTTPS request by first establishing a TLS tunnel to the destination with Hoverfly using the HTTP
CONNECT method. As curl has supplied Hoverfly’s SSL certificate, Hoverfly is then able to intercept and capture the
traffic. Effectively SSL-encrypted communication (HTTPS) is established through an unencrypted HTTP proxy.
Note: This example uses cURL. If you are using Hoverfly in another environment, you will need to add the certificate
to your trust store. This is done automatically by the Hoverfly Java library (see Hoverfly Java).
See also:
This example uses Hoverfly’s default SSL certificate. Alternatively, you can use Hoverfly to generate a new certificate.
For more information, see Configuring SSL in Hoverfly.
Running Hoverfly as a webserver
See also:
Please carefully read through Hoverfly as a webserver alongside this tutorial to gain a high-level understanding of what
we are about to cover.
Below is a complete example how to capture data with Hoverfly running as a proxy, and how to save it in a simulation
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://echo.jsontest.com/a/b
hoverctl export simulation.json
hoverctl stop
Now we can use Hoverfly as a webserver in Simulate mode.
hoverctl start webserver
hoverctl import simulation.json
curl http://localhost:8500/a/b
hoverctl stop
Hoverfly returned a response to our request while running as a webserver, not as a proxy.
54 Chapter 2. Contents
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Notice that we issued a cURL command to http://localhost:8500/a/b instead of http://echo.jsontest.
com/a/b. This is because when running as a webserver, Hoverfly strips the domain from the endpoint URL in the
This is explained in more detail in the Hoverfly as a webserver section.
Note: Hoverfly starts in Simulate mode by default.
Enable CORS support on Hoverfly
By enabling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) support, your web application running on the browser can make
requests to Hoverfly even it’s not on the same domain.
Starting Hoverfly with CORS enabled is simple:
hoverfly -cors
Or using hoverctl:
hoverctl start --cors
You can check if CORS is enabled on the Hoverfly by querying the status:
hoverctl status
When CORS is enabled, Hoverfly intercepts any pre-flight request, and returns an empty 200 response with the follow-
ing default CORS headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: (same value as the Origin header from the request)
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: (same value as the Access-Control-Request-Headers header from the re-
Access-Control-Max-Age: 1800
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Hoverfly also intercepts the actual CORS requests, and add the following default CORS headers to the response:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: (same value as the Origin header from the request)
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Support for customizing the CORS headers will be added in the future release.
Note: Two points to notice when Hoverfly is in capture mode and CORS is enabled: 1. Pre-flight requests handling
and CORS headers provided by Hoverfly are not recorded in the simulation. 2. Hoverfly preserves the CORS headers
from the remote server if they are present.
2.4. Tutorials 55
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Capturing or simulating specific URLs
We can use the hoverctl destination command to specify which URLs to capture or simulate. The destination
setting can be tested using the --dry-run flag. This makes it easy to check whether the destination setting will filter
out URLs as required.
hoverctl start
hoverctl destination "ip" --dry-run http://ip.jsontest.com
hoverctl destination "ip" --dry-run http://time.jsontest.com
hoverctl stop
This tells us that setting the destination to ip will allow the URL http://ip.jsontest.com to be captured or sim-
ulated, while the URL http://time.jsontest.com will be ignored.
Now we have checked the destination setting, we can apply it to filter out the URLs we don’t want to capture.
hoverctl start
hoverctl destination "ip"
hoverctl mode capture
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://ip.jsontest.com
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
hoverctl logs
hoverctl export simulation.json
hoverctl stop
If we examine the logs and the simulation.json file, we can see that only a request response pair to the http://
ip.jsontest.com URL has been captured.
The destination setting can be either a string or a regular expression.
hoverctl start
hoverctl destination "^.*api.*com" --dry-run https://api.github.com
hoverctl destination "^.*api.*com" --dry-run https://api.slack.com
hoverctl destination "^.*api.*com" --dry-run https://github.com
hoverctl stop
Here, we can see that setting the destination to ^.*api.*com will allow the https://api.github.com and https:/
/api.slack.com URLs to be captured or simulated, while the https://github.com URL will be ignored.
Capturing a stateful sequence of responses
By default Hoverfly will store a given request/response pair once only. If the same request returns different responses
you may want capture the sequence of changing request/response pairs. You may want to do this because the API is
stateful rather than stateless.
A simple example of this is an API that returns the time.
To record a sequence of request/responses where the request is the same but the response is different, we need to enable
stateful recording in capture mode.
hoverctl start
hoverctl mode capture --stateful
Now that we have enabled stateful recording, we can capture several request/response pairs.
56 Chapter 2. Contents
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curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://time.jsontest.com
Once we have finished capturing requests, we can switch Hoverfly back to simulate mode.
hoverctl mode simulate
Now we are in simulate, we can make the same requests again, and we will see the time update each request we make
until we reach the end of our recorded sequence.
"time": "01:59:21 PM",
"milliseconds_since_epoch": 1528120761743,
"date": "06-04-2018"
"time": "01:59:23 PM",
"milliseconds_since_epoch": 1528120763647,
"date": "06-04-2018"
If we look at the simulation captured, can see that the requests have the requiresState fields set. You will see
Hoverfly has added a state variable called sequence:1 that acts as a counter.
"requiresState": {
"sequence:1": "1"
"requiresState": {
"sequence:1": "2"
We can also see that the first response has transitionsState` field set.
"transitionsState": {
"sequence:1": "2"
Note that Hoverfly will automatically set the state for any “sequence:” key to “1” on import. If you want to use a more
meaningful key name you will need to initialise the state as follows:
hoverctl state set shopping-basket empty
See also:
For a more detailed explaination of how sequences work in hoverfly: see Sequences in the Key Concepts section.
2.4. Tutorials 57
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Adding Post Serve Action to particular response
See also:
Please carefully read through Post Serve Action alongside this tutorial to gain a high-level understanding of what we
are about to cover.
PostServeAction allows you to execute custom code after a response has been served in simulate or spy mode.
In this tutorial, we will help you to setup post serve action and execute it after particular response is served.
Lets begin by writing our post serve action. The following python script makes an HTTP call to http://ip.jsontest.com
and prints out your IP address.
We can make a call to any other URL as well in order to send webhook or initiate some processing once response is
served. Although the example script is written in python, you can also write an action using any other language as long
as you have provided a binary in your local environment to execute the code.
Save the following as post_serve_action.py:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import requests
def get_ip_info():
url = "http://ip.jsontest.com/"
response = requests.get(url)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception if the request was not
˓successful (HTTP status code >= 400)
data = response.json() # Parse the JSON response
return data
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
def main():
data = sys.stdin.readlines()
# this is a request-response pair json string. We can use this pair to make outbound
˓call or do any operations
payload = data[0]
ip_info = get_ip_info()
if ip_info:
print(f"HTTP call invoked from IP Address: {ip_info['ip']}")
print("Failed to retrieve IP information.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Start Hoverfly and register a post serve action:
58 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
hoverctl start
hoverctl post-serve-action set --binary python3 --name callback-script --script <path to
˓script directory>/post_serve_action.py --delay 3000
Once the post serve action is registered, you can confirm using below hoverctl command.
hoverctl post-serve-action get-all
Sample output
| callback-script | python3 | #!/usr/bin/env python import | 3000 |
| | | sys import logging import | |
| | | random from time import sleep | |
| | | ... | |
Copy this simulation JSON content to a file called simulation.json:
"data": {
"pairs": [
"request": {
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/"
"method": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "GET"
"destination": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "date.jsontest.com"
"scheme": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "http"
"body": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": ""
(continues on next page)
2.4. Tutorials 59
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "01-01-1111",
"encodedBody": false,
"templated": false,
"postServeAction": "callback-script"
"meta": {
"schemaVersion": "v5.2",
"hoverflyVersion": "v1.5.3",
"timeExported": "2023-09-04T11:50:40+05:30"
Run this hoverctl command to import the simulation file.
hoverctl import <path-to-simulation-file>
The simulation sets hoverfly to return a successful response and 3 seconds after that invokes the “callback-script” action.
You can try it out by making the following request to http://date.jsontest.com using cURL.
curl --proxy http://localhost:8500 http://date.jsontest.com
You should see the message in the hoverfly logs - Output from post serve action HTTP call invoked from IP Address.
hoverctl logs
2.4.2 Advanced tutorials
Using Hoverfly behind a proxy
In some environments, you may only be able to access the internet via a proxy. For example, your organization may
route all traffic through a proxy for security reasons.
If this is the case, you will need to configure Hoverfly to work with the ‘upstream’ proxy.
This configuration value can be easily set when starting an instance of Hoverfly.
For example, if the ‘upstream’ proxy is running on port 8080 on host corp.proxy:
hoverctl start --upstream-proxy http://corp.proxy:8080
60 Chapter 2. Contents
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Configuring Hoverfly with a PAC file
If you have a PAC file for configuring clients with the proxy set up in your environment, you can use this to configure
For example:
hoverctl start --pac-file path/to/file.pac
Upstream proxy authentication
If the proxy you are using uses HTTP basic authentication, you can provide the authentication credentials as part of the
upstream proxy configuration setting.
For example:
hoverctl start --upstream-proxy http://my-user:[email protected]:8080
Currently, HTTP basic authentication is the only supported authentication method for an authenticated proxy.
Controlling a remote Hoverfly instance with hoverctl
So far, the tutorials have shown how hoverctl can be used to control an instance of Hoverfly running on the same
In some cases, you may wish to use hoverctl to control an instance of Hoverfly running on a remote host. With hoverctl,
you can do this using the targets feature.
In this example, we assume that the remote host is reachable at hoverfly.example.com, and that ports 8880 and
8555 are available. We will also assume that the Hoverfly binary is installed on the remote host.
On the remote host, start Hoverfly using flags to override the default admin port (-ap) and proxy port (-pp).
hoverfly -ap 8880 -pp 8555
See also:
For a full list of all Hoverfly flags, please refer to Hoverfly commands in the Reference section.
On your local machine, you can create a target named remote using hoverctl. This target will be configured to
communicate with Hoverfly.
hoverctl targets create remote \
--host hoverfly.example.com \
--admin-port 8880 \
--proxy-port 8555
Now that hoverctl knows the location of the remote Hoverfly instance, run the following commands on your local
machine to capture and simulate a URL using this instance:
hoverctl -t remote mode capture
curl --proxy http://hoverfly.example.com:8555 http://ip.jsontest.com
hoverctl -t remote mode simulate
curl --proxy http://hoverfly.example.com:8555 http://ip.jsontest.com
2.4. Tutorials 61
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
You will now need to specify the remote target every time you want to interact with this Hoverfly instance. If you are
only working with this remote instance, you can set it to be the default target instance for hoverctl.
hoverctl targets default remote
Note: The --host value of the hoverctl target allows hoverctl to interact with the admin API of the remote Hoverfly
The application that is making the request (in this case, cURL), also needs to be configured to use the remote Hoverfly
instance as a proxy. In this example, it is done using cURL’s --proxy flag.
If you are running Hoverfly on a remote host, you may wish to enable authentication on the Hoverfly proxy and admin
API. This is described in the Enabling authentication for the Hoverfly proxy and API tutorial.
Enabling authentication for the Hoverfly proxy and API
Sometimes, you may need authentication on Hoverfly. An example use case would be when running Hoverfly on a
remote host.
Hoverfly can provide authentication for both the admin API (using a JWT token) and the proxy (using HTTP basic
Setting Hoverfly authentication credentials
To start a Hoverfly instance with authentication enabled, you need to run the hoverctl start command with the
authentication (--auth) flag.
hoverctl start --auth
Running this command will prompt you to set a username and password for the Hoverfly instance.
This can be bypassed by providing the --username and --password flags, although this will leave credentials in
your terminal history.
Warning: By default, hoverctl will start Hoverfly with authentication disabled. If you require authentication you
must make sure the --auth flag are supplied every time Hoverfly is started.
Logging in to a Hoverfly instance with hoverctl
Now that a Hoverfly instance has started with authentication enabled, you will need to login to the instance using
hoverctl login
Running this command will prompt you to enter the username and password you set for the Hoverfly instance. Again,
this can be bypassed by providing the --username and --password flags.
There may be situations in which you need to log into to a Hoverfly instance that is already running. In this case, it is
best practice to create a new target for the instance (please see Controlling a remote Hoverfly instance with hoverctl
for more information on targets). You can do this using the --new-target flag.
62 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
In this example, a remote Hoverfly instance is already running on the host `hoverfly.example.com`, with the
ports set to 8880 and 8555 and authentication enabled (the example from Controlling a remote Hoverfly instance with
hoverctl). You will need to create a new target (named remote) for the instance and log in with it.
hoverctl login --new-target remote \
--host hoverfly.example.io \
--admin-port 8880 \
--proxy-port 8550
You will be prompted to enter the username and password for the instance.
Now run the following commands to capture and simulate a URL using the remote Hoverfly:
hoverctl -t remote mode capture
curl --proxy http://my-user:[email protected]:8555 http://ip.jsontest.com
hoverctl -t remote mode simulate
curl --proxy http://my-user:[email protected]:8555 http://ip.jsontest.com
Configuring SSL in Hoverfly
Hoverfly supports both one-way and two-way SSL authentication.
Hoverfly uses default certificate which you should add to your HTTPS clients trust store for one-way SSL authentica-
tion. You have options to provide your own certificate, please see below.
Override default certificate for one-way SSL authentication
In some cases, you may not wish to use Hoverfly’s default SSL certificate. Hoverfly allows you to generate a new
certificate and key.
The following command will start a Hoverfly process and create new cert.pem and key.pem files in the current
working directory. These newly-created files will be loaded into the running Hoverfly instance.
hoverfly -generate-ca-cert
Optionally, you can provide a custom certificate name and authority:
hoverfly -generate-ca-cert -cert-name tutorial.cert -cert-org "Tutorial Certificate
Once you have generated cert.pem and key.pem files with Hoverfly, you can use hoverctl to start an instance of
Hoverfly using these files.
hoverctl start --certificate cert.pem --key key.pem
Note: Both a certificate and a key file must be supplied. The files must be in unencrypted PEM format.
2.4. Tutorials 63
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Configure Hoverfly for two-way SSL authentication
For two-way or mutual SSL authentication, you should provide Hoverfly with a client certificate and a certificate key
that you use to authenticate with the remote server.
Two-way SSL authentication is only enabled for request hosts that match the value you provided to the
--client-authentication-destination flag. You can also pass a regex pattern if you need to match multiple
hoverctl start --client-authentication-client-cert cert.pem --client-authentication-
˓client-key key.pem --client-authentication-destination <host name of the remote server>
If you need to provide a CA cert, you can do so using the --client-authentication-ca-cert flag.
2.5 Troubleshooting
2.5.1 Why isn’t Hoverfly matching my request?
When Hoverfly cannot match a response to an incoming request, it will return information on the closest match:
Hoverfly Error!
There was an error when matching
Got error: Could not find a match for request, create or record a valid matcher first!
The following request was made, but was not matched by Hoverfly:
"Path": "/closest-miss",
"Method": "GET",
"Destination": "destination.com",
"Scheme": "http",
"Query": "",
"Body": "",
"Headers": {
"Accept-Encoding": [
"User-Agent": [
The matcher which came closest was:
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/closest-miss"
(continues on next page)
64 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"destination": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "destination.com"
"body": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "body"
But it did not match on the following fields:
Which if hit would have given the following response:
"status": 200,
"body": "",
"encodedBody": false,
"headers": null
Here, you can see which fields did not match. In this case, it was the body. You can also view this information by
running hoverctl logs.
2.5.2 Why isn’t Hoverfly returning the closest match when it cannot match a re-
Hoverfly will only provide this information when the matching strategy is set to strongest match (the default). If you
are using the first match matching strategy, the closet match information will not be returned.
2.5. Troubleshooting 65
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
2.5.3 How can I view the Hoverfly logs?
hoverctl logs
2.5.4 Why does my simulation have a deprecatedQuery field?
Older simulations that have been upgraded through newer versions of Hoverfly may now contain a field on requests
called deprecatedQuery. With the v5 simulation schema, the request query field was updated to more fully represent
request query paramters. This involves storing queries based on query keys, similarly to how headers are stored in a
Currently the deprecatedQuery field will work and works alongside the query field and support for this field will
eventually be dropped.
If you have deprecatedQuery field, you should remove it by splitting it by query keys.
"deprecatedQuery": "page=20&pageSize=15"
"query": {
"page": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "20"
"pageSize": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "15"
If you cannot update your deprecatedQuery from your simulation for a technical reason, feel free to raise an issue
on Hoverfly.
2.5.5 Why am I not able to access my Hoverfly remotely?
Thats because Hoverfly is bind to loopback interface by default, meaning that you can only access to it on localhost.
To access it remotely, you can specify the IP address it listens on. For example, setting to listen on all network
hoverfly -listen-on-host
66 Chapter 2. Contents
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2.5.6 My simulation file is very large because of response bodies, what can I do
with that?
You can move those response bodies into separate files and specify bodyFile in the response instead of body. Please
refer to Request Responses Pairs.
2.6 Reference
These reference documents contain information regarding invoking the hoverctl command, hoverfly command, and
interacting with the APIs.
2.6.1 hoverctl commands
This page contains the output of:
hoverctl --help
The command’s help content has been placed here for convenience.
hoverctl is the command line tool for Hoverfly
hoverctl [command]
Available Commands:
completion Create Bash completion file for hoverctl
config Show hoverctl configuration information
delete Delete Hoverfly simulation
destination Get and set Hoverfly destination
diff Manage the diffs for Hoverfly
export Export a simulation from Hoverfly
flush Flush the internal cache in Hoverfly
import Import a simulation into Hoverfly
journal-index Manage the journal index for Hoverfly
login Login to Hoverfly
logs Get the logs from Hoverfly
middleware Get and set Hoverfly middleware
mode Get and set the Hoverfly mode
post-serve-action Manage the post-serve-action for Hoverfly
simulation Manage the simulation for Hoverfly
start Start Hoverfly
state Manage the state for Hoverfly
status Get the current status of Hoverfly
stop Stop Hoverfly
targets Get the current targets registered with hoverctl
templating-data-source Manage the templating data source for Hoverfly
version Get the version of hoverctl
-f, --force Bypass any confirmation when using hoverctl
-h, --help help for hoverctl
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 67
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
--set-default Sets the current target as the default target for hoverctl
-t, --target string A name for an instance of Hoverfly you are trying to communicate
˓with. Overrides the default target (default)
-v, --verbose Verbose logging from hoverctl
Use "hoverctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
hoverctl auto completion
hoverctl supplies auto completion for Bash. Run the following command to install the completions.
hoverctl completion
This will create the completion file in your hoverfly directory and create a symbolic link in your bash_completion.d
Optionally you can supply a location for the symbolic link as an argument to the completion command.
hoverctl completion /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/hoverctl
2.6.2 Hoverfly commands
This page contains the output of:
hoverfly --help
The command’s help content has been placed here for convenience.
Usage of hoverfly:
Add new user '-add -username hfadmin -password hfpass'
Supply '-admin=false' to make this non admin user (default true)
-ap string
Admin port - run admin interface on another port (i.e. '-ap 1234' to run admin
˓UI on port 1234)
Enable authentication
-cache-size int
Set the size of request/response cache (default 1000)
Start Hoverfly in capture mode - transparently intercepts and saves requests/
-cert string
CA certificate used to sign MITM certificates
-cert-name string
Cert name (default "hoverfly.proxy")
-cert-org string
Organisation name for new cert (default "Hoverfly Authority")
-client-authentication-ca-cert string
Path to the ca cert file used for authentication
(continues on next page)
68 Chapter 2. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
-client-authentication-client-cert string
Path to the client certification file used for authentication
-client-authentication-client-key string
Path to the client key file used for authentication
-client-authentication-destination string
Regular expression of destination with client authentication
Enable CORS support
-db string
Storage to use - 'boltdb' or 'memory' which will not write anything to disk
˓(DEPRECATED) (default "memory")
-db-path string
A path to a BoltDB file with persisted user and token data for authentication
-dest value
Specify which hosts to process (i.e. '-dest fooservice.org -dest barservice.org -
˓dest catservice.org') - other hosts will be ignored will passthrough'
-destination string
Control which URLs Hoverfly should intercept and process, it can be string or
˓regex (default ".")
Enable CORS headers to allow Hoverfly Admin UI development
-dev-cors-origin string
Custom CORS origin for dev mode (default "http://localhost:4200")
Start Hoverfly in diff mode - calls real server and compares the actual response
˓with the expected simulation config if present
Disable the request/response cache (the cache that sits in front of matching)
Generate CA certificate and private key for MITM
-import value
Import from file or from URL (i.e. '-import my_service.json' or '-import http://
-journal-size int
Set the size of request/response journal (default 1000)
-journal-indexing-key string
Specify the index key using which you want to index journal. Index shares same
˓syntax as the one for templating, such as Request.QueryParam.myParam or Request.Header.
It is used for extracting the data from the journal entry to use as a key for
˓that entry.
-key string
Private key of the CA used to sign MITM certificates
-listen-on-host string
Specify which network interface to bind to, eg. will bind to all
˓interfaces. By default hoverfly will only bind ports to loopback interface
-log-level string
Set log level (panic, fatal, error, warn, info or debug) (default "info")
Disable colors for logging
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 69
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
Disable quoting and escaping of logged fields
-logs string
Specify format for logs, options are "plaintext" and "json" (default "plaintext")
-logs-file string
Specify log file name for output logs (default "hoverfly.log")
-logs-output value
Specify locations for output logs, options are "console" and "file" (default
-logs-size int
Set the amount of logs to be stored in memory (default 1000)
Enable metrics logging to stdout
-post-serve-action string
Set local post serve action by passing the action name, binary and the path of
˓the action script and delay in Ms separated by space.
(i.e. -post-serve-action "<action name> python3 <script path to load> 1000" -
˓post-serve-action "<action name> python3 <script path to load> 3000")
Set remote post serve action by passing the action name, remote host and delay
˓in Ms separated by space.
(i.e. -post-serve-action "<action name> <http/https remote host> 1000" -post-
˓serve-action "<action name> <http/https remote host> 3000")
We can set multiple post serve actions and use in our simulation schema file.
-middleware string
Set middleware by passing the name of the binary and the path of the middleware
˓script separated by space. (i.e. '-middleware "python script.py"')
Start Hoverfly in modify mode - applies middleware (required) to both outgoing
˓and incoming HTTP traffic
Skip duplicate request check when importing simulations
-password string
Password for new user
-password-hash string
Password hash for new user instead of password
Use plain http tunneling to host with non-443 port
-pp string
Proxy port - run proxy on another port (i.e. '-pp 9999' to run proxy on port
-response-body-files-allow-origin value
When a response contains a url in bodyFile, it will be loaded only if the origin
˓is allowed
-response-body-files-path string
When a response contains a relative bodyFile, it will be resolved against this
˓path (default is CWD)
Start Hoverfly in spy mode, similar to simulate but calls real server when cache
Start Hoverfly in synthesize mode (middleware is required)
Set templating CSV data source by passing data source name and CSV data file
(continues on next page)
70 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
˓path separated by space.
(i.e. -templating-data-source "<data source name> <file path>")
We can set multiple template CSV data source and then we can query data by using
˓templating csv helper method
Turn on/off tls verification for outgoing requests (will not try to verify
˓certificates) (default true)
-upstream-proxy string
Specify an upstream proxy for hoverfly to route traffic through
-username string
Username for new user
-v Should every proxy request be logged to stdout
Get the version of hoverfly
Start Hoverfly in webserver mode (simulate mode)
2.6.3 Request matchers
A Request Matcher is used to define the desired value for a specific request field when matching against incoming
requests. Given a matcher value and string to match, each matcher will transform and compare the values in a
different way.
Exact matcher
Evaluates the equality of the matcher value and the string to match. There are no transformations. This is the default
Request Matcher type which is set by Hoverfly when requests and responses are captured.
"matcher": "exact"
"value": "?"
Negation matcher
The opposite of the Exact matcher. This matcher will evaluate to true if the values being compared are not the same.
2.6. Reference 71
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
"matcher": "negate"
"value": "?"
Glob matcher
Allows wildcard matching (similar to BASH) using the * character.
"matcher": "glob"
"value": "?"
Regex matcher
Parses the matcher value as a regular expression which is then executed against the string to match. This will pass only
if the regular expression successfully returns a result.
"matcher": "regex"
"value": "?"
XML matcher
Transforms both the matcher value and string to match into XML objects and then evaluates their equality.
72 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
"matcher": "xml"
"value": "?"
XPath matcher
Parses the matcher value as an XPath expression, transforms the string to match into an XML object and then executes
the expression against it. This will pass only if the expression successfully returns a result.
"matcher": "xpath"
"value": "?"
JSON matcher
Transforms both the matcher value and string to match into JSON objects and then evaluates their equality.
"matcher": "json"
"value": "?"
JSON partial matcher
Unlike a JSON matcher which does the full matching of two JSON documents, this matcher evaluates if the matcher
value is a subset of the incoming JSON document. The matcher ignores any absent fields and lets you match only the
part of JSON document you care about.
2.6. Reference 73
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
"matcher": "jsonPartial"
"value": "?"
JSONPath matcher
Parses the matcher value as a JSONPath expression, transforms the string to match into a JSON object and then executes
the expression against it. This will pass only if the expression successfully returns a result.
"matcher": "jsonpath"
"value": "?"
Form matcher
Matches form data posted in the request payload with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. You
can match only the form params you are interested in regardless of the order. You can also leverage jwt or jsonpath
matchers if your form params contains JWT tokens or JSON document.
Please note that this matcher only works for body field.
"matcher": "form",
"value": {
"grant_type": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "authorization_code"
"client_assertion": [
"matcher": "jwt",
"value": "{\"header\":{\"alg\":\"HS256\"},\"payload\":{\"sub\":\"1234567890\",\
˓"name\":\"John Doe\"}}"
74 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
Array matcher
Matches an array contains exactly the given values and nothing else. This can be used to match multi-value query
param or header in the request data.
The following configuration options are available to change the behaviour of the matcher:
ignoreOrder - ignore the order of the values.
ignoreUnknown - ignore any extra values.
ignoreOccurrences - ignore any duplicated values.
"matcher": "array",
"config": {
"ignoreUnknown": "<true/false>",
"ignoreOrder": "<true/false>",
"ignoreOccurrences": "<true/false>"
"value": [
JWT matcher
This matcher is primarily used for matching JWT tokens. This matcher converts base64 encoded JWT to JSON docu-
ment {"header": {}, "payload": ""} and does JSON partial match with the matcher value.
Matcher value contains only keys that they want to match in JWT.
"matcher": "jwt"
"value": "{\"header\":{\"alg\":\"HS256\"},\"payload\":{\"sub\":\"1234567890\",\"name\":\
˓"John Doe\"}}"
Matcher chaining
Matcher chaining allows you to pass a matched value into another matcher to do further matching.
It typically removes the stress of composing and testing complex expressions and make matchers more readable.
For example, one can use JSONPath to get a JSON node, then use another matcher to match the JSON node value as
2.6. Reference 75
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
"matcher": "jsonpath",
"value": "$.user.id",
"doMatch": {
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "1"
2.6.4 REST API
GET /api/v2/simulation
Gets all simulation data. The simulation JSON contains all the information Hoverfly can hold; this includes recordings,
templates, delays and metadata.
Example response body
"data": {
"pairs": [
"request": {
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/"
"method": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "GET"
"destination": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "myhost.io"
"scheme": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "https"
"body": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": ""
(continues on next page)
76 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"headers": {
"Accept": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/
"Content-Type": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
"User-Agent": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/
˓537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36"
"query": {
"status": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "available"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "<h1>Matched on recording</h1>",
"encodedBody": false,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": [
"text/html; charset=utf-8"
"templated": false
"request": {
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/template"
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 77
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "<h1>Matched on template</h1>",
"encodedBody": false,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": [
"text/html; charset=utf-8"
"templated": false
"globalActions": {
"delays": [],
"delaysLogNormal": []
"meta": {
"schemaVersion": "v5",
"hoverflyVersion": "v1.0.0",
"timeExported": "2019-05-30T22:14:24+01:00"
PUT /api/v2/simulation
This puts the supplied simulation JSON into Hoverfly, overwriting any existing simulation data.
Example request body
"data": {
"pairs": [
"request": {
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/"
"method": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "GET"
"destination": [
(continues on next page)
78 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "myhost.io"
"scheme": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "https"
"body": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": ""
"headers": {
"Accept": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/
"Content-Type": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
"User-Agent": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/
˓537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36"
"query": {
"status": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "available"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "<h1>Matched on recording</h1>",
"encodedBody": false,
"headers": {
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 79
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"Content-Type": [
"text/html; charset=utf-8"
"templated": false
"request": {
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/template"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "<h1>Matched on template</h1>",
"encodedBody": false,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": [
"text/html; charset=utf-8"
"templated": false
"globalActions": {
"delays": [],
"delaysLogNormal": []
"meta": {
"schemaVersion": "v5",
"hoverflyVersion": "v1.0.0",
"timeExported": "2019-05-30T22:14:24+01:00"
POST /api/v2/simulation
This appends the supplied simulation JSON to the existing simulation data in Hoverfly. Any pair that has request data
identical to the existing ones will not be added.
Example request body
"data": {
"pairs": [
(continues on next page)
80 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"request": {
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/"
"method": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "GET"
"destination": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "myhost.io"
"scheme": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "https"
"body": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": ""
"headers": {
"Accept": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/
"Content-Type": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
"User-Agent": [
"matcher": "glob",
"value": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/
˓537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36"
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 81
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"query": {
"status": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "available"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "<h1>Matched on recording</h1>",
"encodedBody": false,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": [
"text/html; charset=utf-8"
"templated": false
"request": {
"path": [
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "/template"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "<h1>Matched on template</h1>",
"encodedBody": false,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": [
"text/html; charset=utf-8"
"templated": false
"globalActions": {
"delays": [],
"delaysLogNormal": []
"meta": {
"schemaVersion": "v5",
(continues on next page)
82 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"hoverflyVersion": "v1.0.0",
"timeExported": "2019-05-30T22:14:24+01:00"
DELETE /api/v2/simulation
Unsets the simulation data for Hoverfly.
GET /api/v2/simulation/schema
Gets the JSON Schema used to validate the simulation JSON.
GET /api/v2/hoverfly
Gets configuration information from the running instance of Hoverfly.
Example response body
"cors": {
"enabled": true,
"allowOrigin": "*",
"allowHeaders": "Content-Type,Origin,Accept,Authorization,Content-Length,X-
"preflightMaxAge": 1800,
"allowCredentials": true
"destination": ".",
"middleware": {
"binary": "python",
"script": "# a python script would go here",
"remote": ""
"mode": "simulate",
"arguments": {
"matchingStrategy": "strongest"
"isWebServer": false,
"usage": {
"counters": {
"capture": 0,
"modify": 0,
"simulate": 0,
"synthesize": 0
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 83
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"version": "v1.3.3",
"upstreamProxy": ""
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/cors
Gets CORS configuration information from the running instance of Hoverfly.
Example response body
"enabled": true,
"allowOrigin": "*",
"allowHeaders": "Content-Type, Origin, Accept, Authorization, Content-Length, X-
"preflightMaxAge": 1800,
"allowCredentials": true
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/destination
Gets the current destination setting for the running instance of Hoverfly.
Example response body
destination: "."
PUT /api/v2/hoverfly/destination
Sets a new destination for the running instance of Hoverfly, overwriting the existing destination setting.
Example request body
destination: "new-destination"
84 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/middleware
Gets the middleware settings for the running instance of Hoverfly. This could be either an executable binary, a script
that can be executed with a binary or a URL to remote middleware.
Example response body
"binary": "python",
"script": "#python code goes here",
"remote": ""
PUT /api/v2/hoverfly/middleware
Sets new middleware, overwriting the existing middleware for the running instance of Hoverfly. The middleware being
set can be either an executable binary located on the host, a script and the binary to execute it or the URL to a remote
Example request body
"binary": "python",
"script": "#python code goes here",
"remote": ""
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/post-serve-action
Get all the post serve actions for the running instance of Hoverfly. It will return list of scripts that can be executed with
a binary after response is served back.
Example response body
"actions": [
"actionName": "<post serve action name>",
"binary": "python",
"script": "#python code goes here",
"delayInMs":"#delay(in ms) post which script will be executed after serving
˓the request",
"remote": "<url of the remote action webserver if set>"
2.6. Reference 85
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
PUT /api/v2/hoverfly/post-serve-action
Sets new post serve action, overwriting the existing post serve action for the running instance of Hoverfly. The post
serve action being set is an executable binary located on the host. We can set multiple post serve actions. It returns all
the post serve actions.
Example request body
"actionName": "#post serve action names goes here",
"binary": "python",
"script": "#python code goes here",
"delayInMs": "#delay(in ms) post which script will be executed after serving the
"remote": "<url of the remote action webserver>"
DELETE /api/v2/hoverfly/post-serve-action/:actionName
Delete a particular post serve action for the running instance of Hoverfly. It returns all the remaining post serve actions.
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/mode
Gets the mode for the running instance of Hoverfly.
Example response body
"mode": "capture",
"arguments": {
"headersWhitelist": [
"stateful": true,
"overwriteDuplicate": true
PUT /api/v2/hoverfly/mode
Changes the mode of the running instance of Hoverfly. Pass additional arguments to set the mode options.
Example request body
"mode": "capture",
"arguments": {
"headersWhitelist": [
(continues on next page)
86 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"stateful": true,
"overwriteDuplicate": true
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/usage
Gets metrics information for the running instance of Hoverfly.
Example response body
"metrics": {
"counters": {
"capture": 0,
"modify": 0,
"simulate": 0,
"synthesize": 0
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/version
Gets the version of Hoverfly.
Example response body
"version": "v0.10.1"
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/upstream-proxy
Gets the upstream proxy configured for Hoverfly.
Example response body
"upstreamProxy": "proxy.corp.big-it-company.org:8080"
2.6. Reference 87
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/pac
Gets the PAC file configured for Hoverfly. The response contains plain text with PAC file. If no PAC was provided
before, the response is 404 with contents:
"error": "Not found"
PUT /api/v2/hoverfly/pac
Sets the PAC file for Hoverfly.
DELETE /api/v2/hoverfly/pac
Unsets the PAC file configured for Hoverfly.
GET /api/v2/cache
Gets the requests and responses stored in the cache.
Example response body
"cache": [
"key": "2fc8afceec1b6bcf99ff1f547c1f5b11",
"matchingPair": {
"request": {
"path": [{
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "hoverfly.io"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"body": "response body",
"encodedBody": false,
"headers": {
"Hoverfly": [
"headerMatch": false,
(continues on next page)
88 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"closestMiss": null
DELETE /api/v2/cache
Delete all requests and responses stored in the cache.
GET /api/v2/logs
Gets the logs from Hoverfly.
It supports multiple parameters to limit the amount of entries returned:
limit - Maximum amount of entries. 500 by default;
from - Timestamp to start filtering from.
Running hoverfly with -logs-size=0 disables logging and 500 response is returned with body:
"error": "Logs disabled"
Example response body
"logs": [
"level": "info",
"msg": "serving proxy",
"time": "2017-03-13T12:22:39Z"
"destination": ".",
"level": "info",
"mode": "simulate",
"msg": "current proxy configuration",
"port": "8500",
"time": "2017-03-13T12:22:39Z"
"destination": ".",
"Mode": "simulate",
"ProxyPort": "8500",
"level": "info",
"msg": "Proxy prepared...",
"time": "2017-03-13T12:22:39Z"
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 89
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
GET /api/v2/journal
Gets the journal from Hoverfly. Each journal entry contains both the request Hoverfly received and the response it
served along with the mode Hoverfly was in, the time the request was received and the time taken for Hoverfly to
process the request. Latency is in milliseconds. It also returns its corresponding indexes.
It supports paging using the offset and limit query parameters.
It supports multiple parameters to limit the amount of entries returned:
limit - Maximum amount of entries. 500 by default;
offset - Offset of the first element;
to - Timestamp to start filtering to;
from - Timestamp to start filtering from;
sort - Sort results in format “field:order”. Supported fields: timestarted and latency. Supported orders:
asc and desc.
It also returns post serve action details containing action name, when it was invoked, completed, correlation ID and
HTTP status.
Running hoverfly with -journal-size=0 disables logging and 500 response is returned with body:
"error": "Journal disabled"
Example response body
"journal": [
"request": {
"path": "/",
"method": "GET",
"destination": "hoverfly.io",
"scheme": "http",
"query": "",
"body": "",
"headers": {
"Accept": [
"Proxy-Connection": [
"User-Agent": [
(continues on next page)
90 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"response": {
"status": 502,
"body": "Hoverfly Error!\n\nThere was an error when matching\n\nGot error: Could
˓not find a match for request, create or record a valid matcher first!",
"encodedBody": false,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": [
"postServeAction": {
"name": "test-callback",
"invoked": "2024-04-09T00:56:11.606+00:30",
"completed": "2024-04-09T00:56:12.619+00:30",
"correlationId": "9a935ec9-fe65-40d8-9ae6-d9d43dabf679",
"status": 200
"mode": "simulate",
"timeStarted": "2017-07-17T10:41:59.168+01:00",
"latency": 0.61334
"indexes": [
"name": "Request.destination",
"entries": [
"key": "hoverfly.io",
"journalEntryId": "mOBdPSIIBbjNqBvpZ8H-"
"offset": 0,
"limit": 25,
"total": 1
2.6. Reference 91
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
DELETE /api/v2/journal
Delete all entries stored in the journal.
POST /api/v2/journal
Filter and search entries stored in the journal.
Example request body
"request": {
"destination": [{
"matcher": "exact",
"value": "hoverfly.io"
GET /api/v2/journal/index
Gets all the journal indexes from Hoverfly. Each Index contains key, extracted value for that particular key and journal
index id to which it is pointing to.
Example response body
"name": "Request.QueryParam.id",
"entries": [
"key": "100",
"journalEntryId": "ZCyiQtamEtwi-NNU9RT1"
"key": "101",
"journalEntryId": "YFU5dm2uDZ4UStX3ldkX"
"name": "Request.QueryParam.name",
"entries": [
"key": "Test1",
"journalEntryId": "ZCyiQtamEtwi-NNU9RT1"
"key": "Test2",
(continues on next page)
92 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"journalEntryId": "YFU5dm2uDZ4UStX3ldkX"
POST /api/v2/journal/index
Allow a user to set journal indexing by specifying index key/name. Index name is “request-query” shares the same
syntax as the one for templating, such as Request.QueryParam.myParam or Request.Header.X-Header-Id.[1] It’s used
for extracting the data from the journal entry to use as a key for that entry. It returns all the journal indexes that have
been set. It indexes pre-existing or new journal entries.
Example request body
DELETE /api/v2/journal/index/:index-name
Deletes journal index from hoverfly.
GET /api/v2/state
Gets the state from Hoverfly. State is represented as a set of key value pairs.
Example response body
"state": {
"page_state": "CHECKOUT"
DELETE /api/v2/state
Deletes all state from Hoverfly.
2.6. Reference 93
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
PUT /api/v2/state
Deletes all state from Hoverfly and then sets the state to match the state in the request body.
Example request body
"state": {
"page_state": "CHECKOUT"
PATCH /api/v2/state
Updates state in Hoverfly. Will update each state key referenced in the request body.
Example request body
"state": {
"page_state": "CHECKOUT"
GET /api/v2/diff
Gets all reports containing response differences from Hoverfly. The diffs are represented as lists of strings grouped by
the same requests.
Example response body
"diff": [{
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"host": "time.jsontest.com",
"path": "/",
"query": ""
"diffReports": [{
"timestamp": "2018-03-16T17:45:40Z",
"diffEntries": [{
"field": "header/X-Cloud-Trace-Context",
"expected": "[ec6c455330b682c3038ba365ade6652a]",
"actual": "[043c9bb2eafa1974bc09af654ef15dc3]"
}, {
"field": "header/Date",
"expected": "[Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:45:34 GMT]",
"actual": "[Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:45:41 GMT]"
}, {
(continues on next page)
94 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"field": "body/time",
"expected": "05:45:34 PM",
"actual": "05:45:41 PM"
}, {
"field": "body/milliseconds_since_epoch",
"expected": "1.521222334104e+12",
"actual": "1.521222341017e+12"
POST /api/v2/diff
Gets reports containing response differences from Hoverfly filtered on basis of excluded criteria provided(i.e. headers
and response keys in jsonpath format to exclude). The diffs are in same format as we receive in GET request.
Example request body
DELETE /api/v2/diff
Deletes all reports containing differences from Hoverfly.
GET /api/v2/hoverfly/templating-data-source/csv
Get all the templating data source for the running instance of Hoverfly. It will return list of data sources that has been
uploaded by the user to be queried by the template function in the response.
Example response body
"csvDataSources": [
"name": "student-marks",
"data": "id,name,marks\n1,Test1,300\n2,Test2,600\n"
2.6. Reference 95
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
PUT /api/v2/hoverfly/templating-data-source/csv
Sets new template data source, overwriting the existing template data source for the running instance of Hoverfly. The
template CSV data source being set is being queried via template function to generate the response. This API call
returns back all the templating data source that have been set.
Example request body
DELETE /api/v2/hoverfly/templating-data-source/csv/:data-source-name
Delete a particular data source for the running instance of Hoverfly. It returns all the remaining template data sources.
DELETE /api/v2/shutdown
Shuts down the hoverfly instance.
2.6.5 Simulation schema
This is the JSON schema for v5 Hoverfly simulations.
"additionalProperties": false,
"definitions": {
"delay": {
"properties": {
"delay": {
"type": "integer"
"httpMethod": {
"type": "string"
"urlPattern": {
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"delay-log-normal": {
"properties": {
"httpMethod": {
"type": "string"
"max": {
"type": "integer"
(continues on next page)
96 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"mean": {
"type": "integer"
"median": {
"type": "integer"
"min": {
"type": "integer"
"urlPattern": {
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"field-matchers": {
"properties": {
"matcher": {
"type": "string"
"value": {},
"config": {
"properties": {
"ignoreUnknown": {
"type": "boolean"
"ignoreOrder": {
"type": "boolean"
"ignoreOccurrences": {
"type": "boolean"
"type": "object"
"doMatch": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/field-matchers"
"type": "object"
"headers": {
"additionalProperties": {
"items": {
"type": "string"
"type": "array"
"type": "object"
"literals": {
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 97
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"value": {}
"required": ["name", "value"],
"type": "object"
"meta": {
"properties": {
"hoverflyVersion": {
"type": "string"
"schemaVersion": {
"type": "string"
"timeExported": {
"type": "string"
"required": ["schemaVersion"],
"type": "object"
"request": {
"properties": {
"body": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/field-matchers"
"type": "array"
"destination": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/field-matchers"
"type": "array"
"headers": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/request-headers"
"path": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/field-matchers"
"type": "array"
"query": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/request-queries"
"requiresState": {
"patternProperties": {
(continues on next page)
98 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
".{1,}": {
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
"scheme": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/field-matchers"
"type": "array"
"type": "object"
"request-headers": {
"additionalProperties": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/field-matchers"
"type": "array"
"type": "object"
"request-queries": {
"additionalProperties": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/field-matchers"
"type": "array"
"type": "object"
"request-response-pair": {
"properties": {
"labels": {
"items": {
"type": "string"
"type": "array"
"request": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/request"
"response": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/response"
"required": ["request", "response"],
"type": "object"
"response": {
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 99
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"properties": {
"body": {
"type": "string"
"bodyFile": {
"type": "string"
"encodedBody": {
"type": "boolean"
"fixedDelay": {
"type": "integer"
"headers": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/headers"
"logNormalDelay": {
"properties": {
"max": {
"type": "integer"
"mean": {
"type": "integer"
"median": {
"type": "integer"
"min": {
"type": "integer"
"postServeAction": {
"type": "string"
"removesState": {
"type": "array"
"status": {
"type": "integer"
"templated": {
"type": "boolean"
"transitionsState": {
"patternProperties": {
".{1,}": {
"type": "string"
"type": "object"
(continues on next page)
100 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"type": "object"
"variables": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"function": {
"type": "string"
"arguments": {
"type": "array"
"required": ["name", "function"],
"type": "object"
"description": "Hoverfly simulation schema",
"properties": {
"data": {
"properties": {
"globalActions": {
"properties": {
"delays": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/delay"
"type": "array"
"delaysLogNormal": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/delay-log-normal"
"type": "array"
"type": "object"
"literals": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/literals"
"type": "array"
"pairs": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/request-response-pair"
"type": "array"
(continues on next page)
2.6. Reference 101
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
(continued from previous page)
"variables": {
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/variables"
"type": "array"
"type": "object"
"meta": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/meta"
"required": ["data", "meta"],
"type": "object"
2.7 Contributing
Contributions are welcome! To contribute, please:
1. Fork the repository
2. Create a feature branch on your fork
3. Commit your changes, and create a pull request against Hoverfly’s master branch
In your pull request, please include details regarding your change (why you made the change, how to test it etc).
Learn more about the forking workflow here.
2.7.1 Building, running & testing
You will need Go 1.22.4 . Instructions on how to set up your Go environment can be found here.
git clone https://github.com/SpectoLabs/hoverfly.git
# or: git clone https://github.com/<your_username>/hoverfly.git
cd hoverfly
make build
Notice the binaries are in the target directory.
Finally, to test your build:
make test
102 Chapter 2. Contents
Hoverfly Documentation, Release v1.10.4
2.8 Community
Chat on the Hoverfly Gitter channel
Join the Hoverfly mailing list
Raise a GitHub Issue
Get in touch with SpectoLabs on Twitter
2.8. Community 103