© 2022 EMCORE Corporation | REV 2022.01
Information contained herein is deemed to be reliable and accurate as of the issue date. EMCORE reserves the right to change the design or specications at any time without notice.
EMCORE is a registered trademark of EMCORE Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
RF & Microwave Fiber Optic Delay Line System
[email protected] www.emcore.com
+1 626-293-3400
EMCORE’s variable (progressive) Fiber Optic Delay Line System
(DLS) oer superior performance for radar range calibration, ground-
based system tests, radar warning receivers, timing control, path delay
simulation, clutter canceller and phase shift discriminators. Delay
lengths of up to 2,000 µsec are available along with a wide range of RF
and optical performance options and packages.
The DLS provides convenient RF input / outputs that connect to an internal F/O
transmitter, optical ber, optical ampliers (EDFAs), optical switches and F/O receiver.
Internally, the RF signal is converted to an optical signal and transmitted over a ber
optic link to the receiver and provides the required signal delay time. Frequency range,
delay length, and link performance requirements can be tailored over a wide range of
performance levels to meet specic requirements. These options include RF amplica-
tion in the transmitter and receiver, as well as optical amplication for longer delays.
The DLS can be designed with either standard single mode or dispersion shifted
bers. Dispersion compensation bers are also available.
EMCORE’s DLS oers compelling size, weight and performance advantages over
traditional coax or waveguide solutions with the technical advantage of EMCORE’s
DLS delivering extremely low signal phase shift over temperature and time. This very
important feature has been achieved by using special mechanical design and ber
spools packaging. The system is supplied as a complete solution with all modules
mounted in 19” racks that use standard AC power. Packaging options include various
rack congurations and temperature stabilized optical ber.
Radar Calibration and Testing
Phase Shift Discriminators
Signal Processing
Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems
Radar Warning Receivers
Clutter Canceller
Parameter Value Unit Comments
RF Frequency Range 0.05 - 60 GHz TBD*
Time Delay Range 0 to 2000 msec > 2000 msec is possible
Time Delay Tolerance < +/-2 % TBD* (depends on time delay)
Time Delay Adjustment Step 4 msec TBD*
Phase Stability vs. Time
rφ < 1
per 10 sec
Degrees (°) Typical for 400 msec DLS, 10 GHz
Phase Stability vs Temperature <0.0005 mrad / m /
RF Input Level 0 to +14 dBm Typical (up to 18 GHz)
Deviation from Linear Phase < Degrees (°)
Amplitude Linearity < +/-0.5 dB
Link Gain (@ RF in = 0 dBM) -16 to -10 dB
VSRW (@ 9 GHz) < 1.22 dB
Spur Level < -60 dBc
Input 1 dB Compression Point > +14 dBm
2nd Harmonic (@ RF
= 0 dBm) < -45 dBc
Input Third Order Intercept > +25 dBm
Noise Figure < 70 dB
RF Connectors (Depending on Frequency) 2.92 / 1.85 mm Typical (TBD)*
Up to 2000 µsec Delays
Extremely Low Signal Phase Shift vs. Time &
0.05 - 60 GHz Bandwidth
Flat RF Frequency Response
Minimal Triple-Transit Echoes
Modular Design Supports Different Time Delay
Adjustments and RF Requirements
Low Link Losses
Very Low Temperature Sensitivity
RF Amplied and Unamplied Versions Available
Time Delay can be Congured/Controlled and
Monitored Remotely via SNMP
Proprietary Application Programmable Interface
(API software) Allows Automatic (via Computer)
Time Delays Setting
AC Surge Protector
Actual Product May Vary from Demo Picture
*Typical Values can be tailored to meet specic customer requirements.
Specications (Guaranteed @ +25
C +/- 5
Typical RF Characteristics (measured with Optiva OTS-2 Series Tx, Rx and EDFAs)
[email protected] www.emcore.com
+1 626-293-3400
© 2022 EMCORE Corporation | REV 2022.01
Information contained herein is deemed to be reliable and accurate as of the issue date. EMCORE reserves the right to change the design or specications at any time without notice.
EMCORE is a registered trademark of EMCORE Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
RF & Microwave Fiber Optic Delay Line System
General Characteristics
Parameter Value Unit Comments
Weight TBD (depends on ber
spools quantity)
Lbs. (> 25)*
Size TBD (depends on ber
spools quantity)
19”, >12U rack Height depends on number of
spools (delay time)*
AC Input 110 or 220 VAC
Operating Temperature Range +20 to +30
Storage Temperature Range 0 to +50
*Typical Values can be tailored to meet specic customer requirements.
EMCORE designs and builds ber optic delay lines to address a wide range of applica-
tions, performance levels and packaging congurations. Our extensive experience in high
performance RF and microwave phonics provides EMCORE with a breadth of capabilities
unmatched in the industry. For a comprehensive review of your specications and application,
please contact EMCORE directly.
Laser Safety
Class IIIb Laser Product
FDA/CDRH Class IIIB laser product. All transmitter versions are Class IIIB laser products per CDRH, 21 CFR 2040 Laser Safety Re-
quirements. All versions are Class 3B laser products IEC*60825-1:1993.
Maximum Output Optical Power = 14 dBm
*Caution - Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specied herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
*IEC is a registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission.