Collect Logs from Cisco DNA Center Quick Start
Components Used
Background Information
AURA Tool to Perform Health, Scale and Upgrade Readiness Checks
Cisco DNA Center Issue Categorization
Logs to be Collected for Upgrade Issues
Logs to be Collected for Automation, Assurance or any SDA / Non-SDA Provisioning Issues
Logs to be Collected for GUI Issues
Logs to be Collected from Network Devices for Software-Defined Access Network Issues
This document describes the steps to collect necessary logs and command outputs from Cisco DNA Center.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
It is required that the user has Command Line Interface (CLI) access to the Cisco DNA Center.
To log into Cisco DNA Center using CLI, you must connect via Secure Socket Shell (SSH) to your
Cisco DNA Center's IP address using maglev as the username on port 2222.
Components Used
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
Cisco DNA Center
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the
devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure
that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Background Information
Providing this information upfront in a Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Service Request (SR) helps you
hit the ground running with respect to resolving your issue.
AURA Tool to Perform Health, Scale and Upgrade Readiness
Execute the AURA tool which is available on Github to perform Health, Scale and Upgrade Readiness
checks on the Cisco DNA Center. The tool can also capture outputs from the fabric devices, ISE & WLC to
perform multiple health, control plane, security plane, and Assurance based checks. It is extremely useful to
run prior to an upgrade to ensure a smooth and successful upgrade. The tool can be scheduled to run on a
regular basis.
More details available here.
Cisco DNA Center Issue Categorization
For any issues faced in the components mentioned in the Issue Description, refer to the corresponding Issue
Categories detailed next to collect the required information.
Issue Category Issue Description
Upgrade Any failures observed during system/application upgrade flows.
Backup and Restore
High Availability (HA)
Managed Services
Network Design
IP Pools
LAN Automation
Template Provisioning
NFV Provisioning
Smart Licensing
Access Policy(ACA)
Integration issues with ISE, CMX, Cisco DNA-Spaces, UDN, NBAPI, NB-
notifications, and so on.
Non-SDA Provisioning Any failures observed in Non-SDA Provisioning flows.
Analytics & Reports
Any other failures observed in Assurance flows.
GUI Issues
This is good to collect any errors observed in the GUI in addition to the
information requested in other area-specific buckets.
Any failures observed across the Software-Defined Access Fabric Devices.
Logs to be Collected for Upgrade Issues
Step 1. From the CLI of Cisco DNA Center, collect these command outputs:
maglev system_updater update_info
maglev catalog settings display
maglev catalog release_channel display -V
maglev catalog settings validate
etcdctl get /maglev/config/cluster/cloud
maglev catalog system_update_package display
maglev catalog package display
Step 2. Send the output of the system-updater service to a log file and use this command, and collect the file
from the /tmp folder.
magctl service logs -r system-updater > /tmp/system-updater.log
Step 3. Collect the RCA logs as instructed in this document.
Logs to be Collected for Automation, Assurance or any SDA / Non-
SDA Provisioning Issues
Step 1. Collect the RCA logs as instructed in this document.
Step 2. Run the Cisco DNA Center AURA tool
Logs to be Collected for GUI Issues
Step 1. Collect the RCA logs as instructed in this document.
Step 2. Run the Cisco DNA Center AURA tool
Step 3. Collect HAR files from the web browser. Step by Step instructions for Chrome follow:
When an error is seen in the GUI, navigate to and right-click on the page and choose Inspect.
Inspect opens the Developer Tools on the right side of the page. Navigate to and click the
Network tab, as shown:
Click the download arrow (Export HAR) as shown:
Save the HAR file locally, and be sure to upload it to your TAC Service Request.
Logs to be Collected from Network Devices for Software-Defined
Access Network Issues
Step 1. Collect (via Cisco DNA Center Command Runner / or directly from device CLI) from all control-
nodes, border-nodes, as well as affected edges for given Software-Defined Access fabric site:
terminal length 0
show tech-support
show tech-support fabric
show tech-support lisp
show tech-support cef
show tech-support isis
show tech-support platform