ABSTRACT. Teachers often comment that using manipulatives to teach mathematics is
‘fun!’ Embedded in the word ‘fun’ are important notions about how and why teachers use
manipulatives in the teaching of mathematics. Over the course of one academic year, this
study examined 10 middle grades teachers’ uses of manipulatives for teaching mathematics
using interviews and observations to explore how and why the teachers used the manipu-
latives as they did. An examination of the participants’ statements and behaviors indicated
that using manipulatives was little more than a diversion in classrooms where teachers were
not able to represent mathematics concepts themselves. The teachers communicated that
the manipulatives were fun, but not necessary, for teaching and learning mathematics.
With considerable research supporting the use of manipulative materials
(Parham, 1983; Raphael and Wahlstrom, 1989; Sowell, 1989; Suydam,
1985; Suydam and Higgins, 1977) and widely available teacher profes-
sional development workshops focusing on their use, mathematics ma-
nipulatives are common in K-8 classrooms. As attested to by frequent
references in mathematics standards, mathematics methods textbooks, in-
service course offerings, professional journals and commercial resource
catalogues, the use of manipulatives is well-situated in the mainstream of
mathematics instruction.
Why have manipulatives become popular?
In the past century, several factors contributed to the popularity of manip-
ulatives for mathematics instruction. Many researchers and theoreticians
challenged previously held beliefs about learning, based on their beliefs
that children must understand what they are learning for it to be permanent.
Zoltan Dienes’s (1969) work convinced researchers that the use of vari-
ous representations of a concept, or ‘multiple embodiments, were needed
to support students’ understanding. Piaget (1952) suggested that children
do not have the mental maturity to grasp abstract mathematical concepts
presented in words or symbols alone and need many experiences with con-
crete materials and drawings for learning to occur. Bruner (1960, 1986)
concluded that children demonstrate their understandings in three stages
of representation: enactive (suggesting the role of physical objects), iconic
Educational Studies in Mathematics 47: 175–197, 2001.
© 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
and symbolic. Skemp’s (1987) theories supported the belief that students’
early experiences and interactions with physical objects formed the basis
for later learning at the abstract level. Based on theories of cognition and
the social construction of knowledge (Vygotsky, 1978), more recent re-
search by Cobb (1995) discusses cultural tools like hundreds boards, show-
ing the complicated relationship between manipulatives and sociocultural
perspectives. Current research in mathematics education views students as
active participants who construct knowledge by reorganizing their current
ways of knowing and extracting coherence and meaning from their exper-
iences (Glover, Ronning and Bruning, 1990; Resnick, 1983; Simon, 1995;
von Glasersfeld, 1990, 1995). The impact of theories and research con-
necting students’ actions on physical objects with mathematical learning
has had an important influence on the emergence and use of manipulatives
in K-8 classrooms.
Manipulative materials are objects designed to represent explicitly and
concretely mathematical ideas that are abstract. They have both visual and
tactile appeal and can be manipulated by learners through hands-on exper-
iences. Manufacturers advertise manipulatives as materials that will make
the teaching and learning of mathematics ‘fun’ and promote their products
as catalysts for engaging students in mathematical learning. Because stu-
dents’ abstract thinking is closely anchored in their concrete perceptions of
the world (Thompson, 1992), actively manipulating these materials allows
learners to develop a repertoire of images that can be used in the mental
manipulation of abstract concepts.
Manipulatives are not magic
Yet these materials are not magic (Ball, 1992). Manipulatives are not, of
themselves, carriers of meaning or insight. Although kinesthetic experi-
ence can enhance perception and thinking, understanding does not travel
through the fingertips and up the arm” (Ball, 1992, p. 47). It is through
their use as tools that students have the opportunity to gain insight into
their experience with them. Research has shown that for children to use
concrete representations effectively without increased demands on their
processing capacity, they must know the materials well enough to use them
automatically (Boulton-Lewis, 1998). If the user is constantly aware of
the artifact then it is not a tool, for it is not serving the purpose of en-
abling some desired activity which moves one toward a desired goal state
(Winograd and Flores, 1986). Important to consider is the significance of
manipulatives as potential tools and their significance as a function of the
task for which a teacher conceives them being used.
Students sometimes learn to use manipulatives in a rote manner, with
little or no learning of the mathematical concepts behind the procedures
(Hiebert and Wearne, 1992) and the inability to link their actions with
manipulatives to abstract symbols (Thompson and Thompson, 1990). This
is because the manipulative is simply the manufacturer’s representation of
a mathematical concept that may be used for different purposes in various
contexts with varying degrees of ‘transparency. Meira (1998) defines the
concept of transparency of instructional devices as “an index of access to
knowledge and activities rather than as an inherent feature of objects... a
process mediated by unfolding activities and users’ participation in ongo-
ing sociocultural practices” (p. 121). The understanding or meaning of par-
ticular manipulatives become known to users in the process of using them
within shared environments. Manipulatives are not necessarily transparent.
We must examine how they are used by students before we can judge
whether or not transparency emerges. If transparency emerges, it does so
each time a manipulative is used for mathematics instruction within the
context and the purpose of each particular lesson. It is the mediation by
students and teachers in shared and meaningful practices that determines
the utility of the manipulatives. Therefore, the physicality of concrete ma-
nipulatives does not carry the meaning of the mathematical ideas behind
them. Students must reflect on their actions with the manipulatives to build
Research on manipulatives
The findings of much research has shown that students who use manip-
ulatives during mathematics instruction outperform students who do not
(Driscoll, 1983; Greabell, 1978; Raphael and Wahlstrom, 1989; Sowell,
1989; Suydam, 1986). However, some studies have shown student achieve-
ment levels to be related to teachers’ experience in using manipulatives
(Sowell, 1989; Raphael and Wahlstrom, 1989). Other research has focused
on the effects of manipulative use on students of different ability levels
(Prigge, 1978; Threadgill-Sowder and Juilfs, 1980), on the frequency of
verbal interactions (Stigler and Baranes, 1988) and on students’ attitudes
towards mathematics (Sowell, 1989). Moreover, several studies (e.g., Gil-
bert and Bush, 1988; Scott, 1983; Weiss, 1994) have focused on practi-
cing teachers’ use of manipulatives and have documented the frequency
of manipulative use, as well as selected beliefs of the teachers. Although
meta-analyses and research reviews on manipulative use have documented
how manipulatives are used in prescribed mathematics situations (Clem-
ents, 1999; Parham, 1983; Sowell, 1989; Suydam, 1985), observations and
interviews of teachers using manipulatives in typical classrooms for their
own purposes are lacking in the literature.
Teachers play an important role in creating mathematics environments
that provide students with representations that enhance their thinking. Yet
even if teachers have learned appropriate strategies for using manipulat-
ives, their beliefs about how students learn mathematics may influence
how and why they use manipulatives as they do. Teachers must reflect
on students’ representations for mathematical ideas and help them develop
increasingly sophisticated abstract understandings (Clements, 1999). This
is a challenge in teaching mathematics because many teachers lack the
mathematics competencies to transform mathematical ideas into represent-
ations (Ball, 1990; 1992; Orton, 1988). Some teachers use manipulatives
in an effort to reform their teaching of mathematics without reflecting
on how the use of representations may change mathematics instruction
(Grant, Peterson and Shojgreen-Downer, 1996).
Although research generally supports the use of manipulatives, there
is evidence (e.g., Ball, 1992; Meira, 1998) that the mere presence of ma-
nipulatives does not guarantee the acquisition of conceptual understanding
(Baroody, 1989). Much of this earlier work, however, employed survey
techniques and failed to include direct classroom observations. This study
represents an important extension of the existing research. Namely, it em-
ploys observations, interviews and self-report data to explain how and why
teachers use manipulatives as they do.
Participants in this study were 10 of 18 middle grades mathematics teach-
ers voluntarily enrolled in a middle grades mathematics institute where
they received instruction in the use of manipulatives, measuring devices,
calculators and computers for teaching mathematics. Purposive sampling
(Patton, 1990) was used to select 10 teachers that represented a range in
teaching experience (M = 12.2 years, range 4–25). The participating teach-
ers were all female, with 3 African-Americans and 7 Euro-Americans. The
teachers were all public school teachers from four school systems in the
same state. One of the teachers held a Master’s Degree and the remain-
ing teachers held Bachelor’s Degrees. Three of the teachers possessed
a mathematics major or minor in their field of study. Six of the teach-
ers taught sixth-grade, three taught seventh-grade and one taught seventh-
and eighth-grade classes. Participants were told that they would be ob-
served, interviewed and asked to provide self-report data on their uses of
manipulative materials for mathematics instruction.
Teachers participating in the study attended a 2-week mathematics sum-
mer institute at the beginning of the project and received a Middle Grades
Mathematics Kit developed in collaboration with a commercial supplier
and the state’s department of education. The kit included: manipulatives
such as base-10 blocks, color tiles, snap cubes, geometric solids, geo-
boards, dice, pattern blocks, hundreds boards, fractions bars and tangrams
and measuring devices such as beaker sets, rocker scales, thermometers,
trundle wheels, centimeter and inch tapes, Triman protractors and Triman
compasses. Additionally, all teachers had calculators and teacher-made
mathematics materials in their classrooms, as well as access to computers
at their schools.
A year-long study was designed to investigate how the teachers used math-
ematics manipulatives under normal conditions in typical classrooms. The
study began during the summer with a teacher institute where teachers
participated in a variety of experiences and discussions on teaching math-
ematics for conceptual understanding in the middle grades. Manipulative
use was introduced as one of several useful pedagogical tools. Instruct-
ors discussed purposes and strategies for using manipulatives, modeled
classroom dialogue and interaction and emphasized the importance of cre-
ating a shared learning context when the manipulatives were used. Teach-
ers participated in interactive sessions that focused on understanding, reas-
oning, making connections, using representations and promoting discourse.
Teachers had opportunities to identify representations for many middle
grades concepts and discuss the challenge of using manipulatives to demon-
strate abstract concepts in mathematics.
Qualitative methods were used to gather interview, observational and
self-report artifact data for a period of one year. A total of 40 classroom
observations and 30 semi-structured interviews were conducted with the
10 participants during the fall, winter and spring of the academic year. Dur-
ing the interviews, teachers were asked a variety of open-ended questions
designed to capture their points-of-view. The initial interview protocol
and major observation themes were developed from a pilot project and
modified on the basis of subsequent classroom observations and teacher
interviews using constant comparative analysis (Strauss, 1987). During
classroom observations, both fieldnotes and audio-taping provided data for
analysis including detailed descriptions of the teachers’ activities, behavi-
ors, interpersonal interactions and teacher quotations.
To serve as an indication of teachers’ instructional practices on an on-
going basis, teachers were asked to respond to the following monthly self-
report postcard requests: “Tell me about the last mathematics lesson you
taught. We realize the lesson may or may not be representative of a typical
lesson in your classroom. We realize the lesson may or may not have used
manipulatives. Please include any plans or worksheets you used with this
lesson.” During the year each teacher responded to seven postcard requests
for a total of 70 requests from the participants.
The following data were used as sources in the analyses: teachers’ inter-
views, teachers’ and students’ audio-taped verbalizations during classroom
observations, fieldnotes of teachers’ and students verbal and nonverbal
behaviors during classroom observations and the self-report postcard re-
sponses of teachers’ lessons. Interviews and observations were transcribed
and analyzed using analytic induction (see e.g. LeCompte, Preissle and
Tesch, 1993) to scan the data for themes and relationships, develop hy-
potheses and then modify these hypotheses on the basis of the data. Ob-
servation audio-tapes and fieldnotes were used to provide a holistic pic-
ture of the verbal and nonverbal classroom interactions that occurred. Al-
though the quotes within the following text are verbatim, names have been
changed to ensure confidentiality. Teacher pseudonyms used during the
study were: Ann, Betty, Catherine, Denise, Edith, Frances, Gena, Helen,
Inez and Joan.
What manipulatives are being used?
Teachers returned 67 of the 70 postcards requested, a return rate of 96%.
Of the 67 postcards returned describing recent lessons in their classrooms,
teachers reported that some type of mathematics tool was used in 53 (79%)
of the mathematics lessons. The manipulatives reported most often were
hundreds boards (13 lessons), color tiles (11 lessons), snap cubes (11 les-
sons), centimeter cubes (8 lessons) and dice (5 lessons). Other manipulat-
ives reported to be used in 1–2 lessons were tangrams, Cuisenaire rods,
two-color counters, fraction bars, geometric solids, number tiles, pattern
blocks and geoboards. Teachers also reported using calculators (7 les-
Mathematics tools used during 40 classroom observations
Teacher/ 1 2 3 4
M color
T fractions cards Z protractor
C calculator
M geoboards
M color tiles
M 100s board
C calculator
T decimal cards Z protractor NONE
C calculator C calculator
has” cards
M color tiles
M pattern
M pattern blocks
M 100s board
M color tiles
M cm cubes NONE M snap cubes
NONE Z meter stick
Z tape measure
M tangrams
M tangrams
NONE M rainbow
NONE M snap cubes
NONE M snap cubes NONE M dice
Z tape measures M color tiles M geoboards NONE
M snap cubes M pattern blocks M snap cubes
M cm cubes
M color tiles
M snap cubes
M cm cubes
C calculators NONE NONE NONE
Note. For reporting purposes, the following letters indicate the author’s interpretation of
the mathematics tools used in each lesson: M = manipulatives; Z = measuring devices;
C = calculators; T = teacher-made cards.
sons) and measuring devices such as rulers, yardsticks, tape measures,
protractors, balance scales and compasses (15 lessons).
A variety of manipulatives and other mathematics tools were used dur-
ing the 40 classroom observations. Because the definition of a manipulative
is often open for interpretation, the above table reports all of the mathem-
atics tools used by teachers during the observed lessons and leaves their
interpretation to the reader. Table I presents the mathematics tools used by
each teacher during each lesson observation.
As the Table shows, a variance in the number of times a manipulative
was used during the observed lessons ranged from no use of manipulatives
(Inez) to use of a manipulative in every lesson (Betty), with most teachers
falling somewhere in between these two extremes. The most frequently
used manipulatives were snap cubes (6 lessons) and color tiles (5), with
other manipulatives ranging from one to three lessons: pattern blocks (3
lessons), centimeter cubes (3), dice (2), geoboards (2), hundreds boards
(2), tangrams (2), color counters (1) and rainbow cubes (1).
How are manipulatives being used?
In the 53 postcard reported lessons where a mathematics tool was used,
teachers reported using the materials for the following concepts: place
value, least common multiples, prime numbers, equivalent fractions, ad-
dition and subtraction of fractions, decimals, percent, length measurement,
area, perimeter, solid geometry, congruence, symmetry, circumference,
angle measurement, statistics, probability, graphing, patterns, problem solv-
ing and positive and negative integers.
During classroom observations teachers’ uses of the manipulatives var-
ied in terms of both the purpose for their use and the amount of time they
were used. In 20 of the 40 lesson observations, teachers used a manipulat-
ive during instruction. Table II excludes other mathematics tools, such as
measuring devices and calculators and shows only the manipulatives that
were used and how they were used in each of the observed lessons.
As the table indicates, the manipulatives were used for a variety of
mathematics concepts and purposes with the most common being the ex-
ploration of geometry concepts in 7 of the 20 lessons (35%) and using the
manipulatives to play a game in 6 of the 20 lessons (30%).
The amount of time spent using manipulatives during the observed les-
sons also varied. Table III indicates the amount of time in each lesson
that students in the classroom interacted with the manipulatives, with class
sessions ranging from 50 to 60 minutes.
Examining the amount of time students had their hands on manipulat-
ives during the 40 individual lessons shows that use ranged from lessons
where there was no use of manipulatives to one lesson where manipulatives
were used for 31 minutes of a 60 minute class session (Betty, observation
3). If these lessons are an indicator of teachers’ general manipulative use,
the table shows that these students used manipulatives approximately 7.38
minutes for each 57.5 minutes in mathematics classes (in 40 lessons).
We might also interpret these data in another way. If we consider only
those lessons where manipulatives were used, then teachers who used a
manipulative during a mathematics lesson used it an average of 14.75
How manipulatives were used during classroom observations
Teacher/ 1 2 3 4
M color
H fraction tic-
tac-toe game
NONE NONE M geoboards
H showing area
in square units
M color tiles,
100s board
H multiplication
sentences game
NONE NONE M color tiles,
pattern blocks
H perimeter
problems &
adding fractions
M pattern blocks
H multiplying
M 100s board,
color tiles, dice
H common
multiples game
M cm cubes
bingo game
NONE M snap cubes
H finding
fractional parts
of a figure
NONE NONE M tangrams
H perimeter
and area
M tangrams
H exploring
NONE M rainbow
H simultaneous
equations game
NONE M snap cubes
H finding
NONE M snap cubes
H exploring 3-D
NONE M dice
H probability
NONE M color tiles
H finding
fractional parts
of a figure
M geoboards
H exploring
M snap cubes
H finding
M pattern
H finding
M snap cubes,
cm cubes, color
H problem
M snap cubes,
cm cubes
H problem
Note. M = manipulatives; H = how the manipulatives were used during the lesson.
Amount of time manipulatives were used by students during observations
Teacher/ 1 2 3 4
M color
NONE NONE M geoboards
M color tiles,
100s board
NONE NONE M color tiles,
pattern blocks
M pattern
M 100s board,
color tiles, dice
M cm cubes
NONE M snap cubes
NONE NONE M tangrams
M tangrams
NONE M rainbow
NONE M snap cubes
NONE M snap cubes
NONE M dice
NONE M color tiles
M geoboards
M snap cubes
M pattern
M snap cubes,
cm cubes,
color tiles
M snap cubes,
cm cubes
Note. M = manipulatives used; T = the amount of time STUDENTS used manipulatives
during the lessons.
minutes during a 50–60 minute class session (out of the 20 lessons when a
manipulative was used).
In most cases the lessons were teacher-directed: students either used
the manipulatives following the teachers’ directives or the manipulatives
were an enrichment activity or game assigned when there was time at the
end of the class period. In two lessons, teachers used a manipulative for
demonstration only and these manipulatives do not appear in the table
(Edith, observation 3; Inez, observation 2). For example, Edith used a
circle and some one-inch square color tiles to pose a question to students
about using the tiles to measure a circle’s area, but the students did not use
the manipulatives themselves during the lesson (Edith, observation 3).
Teachers voiced different beliefs about the purposes for using manipu-
latives. Edith, Inez and Denise said they used manipulatives for problem
solving and enrichment. For example, Denise shared in an interview that
she used manipulatives “just to have a change of pace in math...instead of
lecturing every day, it gives some kind of break in the routine” (interview
1). Ann described the manipulatives as a reward and a privilege. Frances,
Catherine and Helen, talked about a variety of purposes for manipulatives
in their interviews including: to provide a visual model when introducing
concepts; for student use in solving problems; and to reinforce and provide
enrichment for concepts. Gena saw manipulative use as “another tool to
help students solve problems, it’s just like another strategy” (interview 1),
while Betty saw it as “a concrete way of showing [the students] and then
they can move on to not needing the manipulatives to see the pattern or the
rule” (interview 1). Joan’s purpose for using manipulatives in mathematics
was “to make it more fun” (interview 1).
Unexamined notions about manipulative use
During the first reading the researcher reviewed 100% of the transcribed
data to identify and code major themes within the transcriptions. The re-
searcher identified two major categories for the analysis: ‘fun math’ and
‘real math. Through their comments, teachers defined ‘fun math’ as ‘games,
‘enrichment, ‘an extra-time activity, and ‘a reward for behavior. When
they commented on ‘procedures and algorithms, ‘basic facts, ‘preparing
for tests, ‘textbooks, and ‘paper-and-pencil work, they described this as
‘real math. The data were coded for themes and relationships related to
these references.
In many instances teachers indicated that the use of manipulatives was
‘fun. Initially the term ‘fun’ seemed to indicate that teachers and students
found enjoyment in using the manipulatives during mathematics teach-
ing and learning. Further analysis of the data suggested that embedded
in teachers’ use of the word ‘fun’ were some unexamined notions that
inhibit the use of manipulatives in mathematics instruction. Teachers made
subtle distinctions between ‘real math’ and ‘fun math, using the term ‘real
math’ to refer to lesson segments where they taught rules, procedures and
algorithms using textbooks, notebooks, worksheets, and paper-and-pencil
tasks. The term ‘fun math’ was used when teachers described parts of
the lesson where students were having fun with the manipulatives. The
analysis uncovers several of these notions about manipulative use and how
these distinctions may be reflected in classroom practices.
Enjoyment in learning. Many of the teachers explained that teaching
mathematics with the manipulatives made learning more fun in the sense
that there was intrinsic enjoyment for students. As Catherine and Joan
reported, “My personal goals for teaching mathematics are to make math
fun” (Catherine, interview 1) and “It’s more fun to do fun activities... I’ve
always loved to plan fun activities” (Joan, interview 2). They described
students’ responses when manipulatives were used “The students love
it. They think it’s fun stuff (Inez, interview 1) and explained that the
fun generated by using the manipulatives was promoting learning. “I think
they’re really learning by having fun” (Helen, interview 2).
During lessons where manipulatives were used, students appeared to be
interested, active and involved. One of the teachers noted, “Anytime we do
group work or anything having to do with manipulatives, they think it’s
fun time” (Catherine, interview 1). As students entered classrooms, they
occasionally asked their teachers if they would be using the math textbook
that day; during one observation, the teacher replied, “No, we’re going to
have fun today” (Joan, observation 2).
Students also made comments during mathematics classes about par-
ticular lessons being ‘fun’ or like ‘playing a game. One teacher men-
tioned that her students “ask me about every day Are we going to play
a game today? Are we going to play with the blocks?’ (Denise, inter-
view 2). Teachers often described games that reinforced the mathematics
concepts they were teaching (“We played a game using 3 tiles and getting
15 markers.... It was to review their multiplication and division facts and
equations” [Helen, interview 2]) and students saw mathematics as fun in
an activity-based sense.
Rewarding experiences. Because the use of the manipulatives was so of-
ten considered enjoyable by teachers and students, many of the teachers
used the manipulatives as a reward for appropriate student behaviors. Ann
reported that manipulatives were a privilege and a reward for appropriate
behavior. “If anything, it’s a reward for them because there have been times
when I have taken them away” (Ann, interview 1). She explained that beha-
vior determined whether or not students would use the manipulatives or the
textbook. “If they’re not working or they do not follow my instructions...I
would have to let them work on something else with the same concept but
not being able to use the manipulatives. They may do book work” (Ann,
interview 1). Inez shared this belief: “The first time a child misuses or
abuses, it’s taken from them and they are separated from the class. They
are not allowed to continue the activity using the manipulative for that day”
(Inez, interview 1). While using the pattern blocks, Catherine communic-
ated the message that using manipulatives was a privilege remarking to
students, “I’m waiting for quiet to happen so we don’t have to go back to
our textbooks” (observation 3).
For a number of the teachers, decisions to use manipulatives with cer-
tain groups of students were based not on the appropriateness of a rep-
resentation for a particular mathematics concept but on whether or not
students had behaved appropriately during previous lessons where ma-
nipulatives were used. If appropriate behavior had been displayed, then
students were permitted to have ‘fun’ with the manipulatives. Catherine
indicated that behavior played a crucial role in her decisions about us-
ing the manipulatives: “Last year I didn’t do much at all [with manipu-
latives] because of the kids I had. I tried a lot the first nine weeks and
they just couldn’t work together, so we cut out some of it” (interview 1).
Teachers’ comments indicated concern about maintaining control while
the manipulatives were being used.
Emerging distinctions
‘Fun math’ versus ‘real math’. As classroom observations and teacher
interviews continued, it seemed that teachers described their use of ma-
nipulatives as fun and distinct from their regular teaching of mathematics.
Although these distinctions emerged subtly, a very clear indication of this
occurred halfway through the year. Describing a lesson with manipulat-
ives, Joan said, “Sometimes I think that they are just having fun, but I
don’t mind because eventually we’ll get to the real math part [italics ad-
ded]” (interview 2). Later in the same interview Joan stated, “When we’re
doing hands-on stuff they’re having more fun, so they really don’t think
about it as being math” (interview 2). These comments were striking to
the observer at the time and seemed to capture the emerging phenomenon
of teachers using the term ‘fun’ whenever they described lessons using
the manipulatives and distinguishing these from their ‘real math’ instruc-
tion. Not only did teachers appear to distinguish between ‘fun math’ les-
sons where manipulatives were used and ‘real math’ lessons where tra-
ditional paper-and-pencil methods were used, but they also made distinc-
tions between parts of individual lessons. For example, the manipulatives
may be used for exploration at the beginning or ‘fun math’ part of a les-
son, or they may be used in an activity or a game after the mathematics
content was taught; but during the teaching of specific skills or content,
paper-and-pencil methods were used to teach and practice the ‘real math.
Other teachers communicated these artificial distinctions. Denise re-
ported that she was able to teach ‘real math’ every day, but that she could
not teach ‘fun math’ every day: “I can’t do manipulatives every day...
The kids sometimes need that kind of structure where I’m in the front of
the class and where they’re sitting there working” (interview 2). Denise
seems to be making several powerful statements about the manipulatives:
they are not essential to real math instruction; they mean playing and not
working; and they do not lend themselves to being a part of the structure
of a mathematics class. Inez made the distinction by using activities with
manipulatives to give the students and herself a break. “I look for enrich-
ment activities and manipulative type activities that can go well with the
concepts.... It’s a nice break for the children and it’s a nice break for me.
Yesterday we used the hundreds boards.... That was a nice break from the
daily things we do in the classroom” (Inez, interview 2).
Are manipulatives really important? These teachers viewed their use of
manipulatives for mathematics instruction as playing, exploring, or a change
of pace. With this view, manipulatives may function as part of teachers’ re-
wards system for classroom management. By aligning manipulatives with
‘fun math’ teachers were, in essence, distinguishing manipulative use from
their regular mathematics teaching. Manipulative use was often relegated
to the end of the class period, the end of the week on Fridays, or the end of
the school year when district objectives were completed. Denise taught the
‘real math’ first during her lessons and then made time for using manipu-
latives later. “Most of the time I’ll teach the concept and then we’ll play a
game or do an activity.... When they finish their activity, if one group is
ahead of the other groups, I let them sit there and play and build towers or
whatever” (Denise, interview 2). Her description shows the distinction she
makes during class sessions where ‘teaching the concept’ is the real math
part and ‘playing and building towers’ is the fun math part.
Other teachers taught the ‘real math’ during the first part of the week
and then allowed time for the ‘fun math’ with manipulatives on Fridays.
“We try to always use our manipulatives on Fridays because we take our
math tests on Thursdays” (Frances, interview 2). Joan explained that “Fri-
day is free time... that’s the time they can just explore whatever they can
do with the blocks. I make it available for them to use... when we have
free time on Fridays, or the last 15 minutes of class, if they’ve kept up
with their work. It’s their incentive to work” (interview 1). One teacher
was concerned about the coverage of content students would be tested on
during their criterion tests. “If I didn’t have the pressure of the criterion
tests, I could truly enjoy the use of the manipulatives more.... Hopefully
the second half of the year things will slow down and we can do more fun
things” (Edith, interview 2). The manipulatives seemed to be used only if
there was extra time.
By allotting specific days and times to use manipulatives, teachers sent
a clear message to their students about the importance of manipulatives in
mathematics instruction. During observations, several comments indicated
teachers’ dissatisfaction with using the manipulatives. During one obser-
vation where color tiles were being used, Denise commented, “You can
tell by looking at the blocks, but you need to get a common denominator”
(observation 1). In another classroom, a student asked if she could use the
fraction bars to help her complete a task and Inez responded, “If you think
it would help, go ahead. It’s quicker doing it mathematically. Solve it first
without them” (observation 4). To another student the teacher said, “If your
parent has to measure a board, they don’t carry these things [fraction bars]
around. Knowing to add the tops [of fractions] is much easier” (Inez, obser-
vation 4). During an interview Ann explained that even though her students
“would rather do the hands-on stuff, instead of having to do the paper-and-
pencil, she must use pencil-and-paper methods because “I feel they have
to get the concept” (Ann, interview 1). Observations in Inez’s classroom
and her comments clearly reflect her beliefs: “My goal for teaching math
is to have each and every child that I work with master the basic facts....
One of the skills that they need rst is rote memorization. There are just
some things in math that you can’t teach any other way” (Inez, interview
1). Inez went on to explain, “I really don’t like using manipulatives that
much, but I know I need to” (interview 1). Such statements imply that
in order to understand mathematics concepts, students must use textbook
algorithms, thereby ignoring the possibility that through meaningful ex-
periences with representations, such as manipulatives, students may invent
their own algorithms. Even though the summer institute provided many ex-
periences in using representations for mathematical concept construction,
many teachers did not internalize this idea.
Following the script
Mathematics instruction in these classrooms followed the typical United
States script or lesson ‘pattern’: (1) review previous material, (2) demon-
strate how to solve problems for the day, (3) practice problems, and (4)
correct seatwork and assign homework (Stigler and Hiebert, 1999, p. 81).
Homework was collected or reviewed in the first 5–30 minutes of the class
period; sometimes students wrote these problems and solutions on the
board. Teachers told students to turn to a particular page in the textbook or
distributed a worksheet and the lesson was introduced. Teachers demon-
strated procedures for solving problems with little or no opportunity for
student discussion. Problems that are part of the introduction adhere to the
same general pattern. Students have class time for practice solving selected
problems from textbooks and worksheets and are then given an assignment
in which similar problems are completed independently. These scripts re-
flect the cultural activity of American mathematics teaching, where stu-
dents spend most of their time acquiring isolated skills through repeated
practice (Stigler and Hiebert, 1999). These cultural scripts are learned
implicitly, through observation and participation.
Adherence to the coverage of state curriculum objectives was an im-
portant goal for the teachers in this study and they did not clearly see
how manipulatives could be used to teach these objectives as efficiently as
they had taught the objectives using paper-and-pencil approaches. Many
teachers in the US are influenced by the pressures of testing to prepare
procedurally competent students to be successful on largely procedural
standardized tests. There is not much room for manipulatives in these
procedure-driven scripts; therefore, teachers t the use of manipulatives
into existing routines for mathematics instruction. The pressure teachers
feel to cover material during mathematics instruction may encourage ma-
nipulative use for ‘fun math’ activities such as games and enrichment,
rather than supporting classroom contexts in which students make meaning
from their experiences with these materials.
The preference for following the typical mathematics teaching script in
the United States may also be an illustration of Elbow’s (1986) observation
that “much teaching behavior really stems from an unwarranted fear of
things falling apart” (pp. 71–72). Using manipulatives deviates from the
US teaching script, perhaps so much so that it incites student discussion
and interaction with peers and materials, causing a disruptive environment
as opposed to one in which students are working paper-and-pencil prob-
lems in an orderly routine. Although teachers gave verbal assent to the no-
tion that manipulatives could be used to teach mathematics concepts, their
actual lessons reflected traditional teaching routines with manipulatives
used primarily to supplement the lesson script.
The summer institute was useful in the sense that the teachers made
more use of the manipulatives than teachers in general might have done.
However, the inservice failed to go beyond increasing use of the materials.
Teachers were unsuccessful in using the manipulatives to engage students
in making sense of mathematics; rather the use of the manipulatives fo-
cused more on reinforcement of previously learned content or activities
that were ‘fun.’ These data give concrete meaning to Smith’s (1996) ideas
that teachers do not embrace a more constructivist approach because they
might sense a loss of efficacy in doing so. Perhaps the teachers resist a
constructivist epistemology and misinterpret the role of manipulatives in
mathematics, or perhaps they do not see the potential of manipulatives for
creating experiences in which students construct their own mathematical
representations when used appropriately.
Teachers conceptions of mathematics and manipulatives
A central construct of this study is the relationship between teachers’ con-
ceptions of mathematics, teachers’ conceptions of manipulatives and of
purposes for using the manipulatives (Khoury and Zazkis, 1994; Thompson,
1985; Tirosh, 2000). A teacher’s beliefs are intertwined with her/his ac-
tions. There is not simply some correlation; beliefs orient action and ac-
tions condition beliefs on an on-going basis. To alter the lesson script
requires reflection on one’s own teaching of mathematics as a cultural
practice (Stigler and Hiebert, 1999) and the willingness to adopt practices
that encourage conceptual, as opposed to merely mechanical understand-
ings of mathematics. Yet this is a challenging goal because, as Stigler and
Hiebert (1999) note, “Compared with other countries, the United States
clearly lacks a system for developing professional knowledge and for giv-
ing teachers the opportunity to learn about teaching” (p. 12–13).
The teachers in this study communicate many underlying assumptions
about how and why they use manipulatives in their classrooms. As this
study shows, we must acknowledge these assumptions and examine the
how and why of manipulative use that may inhibit teachers from using
these concrete representations effectively. Purchase of these materials by
teachers and their school systems and professional development work-
shops on their use are of little value if we do not take into account teachers’
beliefs about manipulative use and its effects on their use in classroom
Some teachers buy in to the notion that the main purpose for using
manipulatives is ‘fun math.’ By using manipulatives for ‘fun math, teach-
ers artificially set up a classroom situation in which materials may not be
used effectively. If “teachers act as if student interest will be generated
only by diversions outside of mathematics” (Stigler and Hiebert, 1999,
p. 89), they send a message to students that explorations and conjectures
with representations are not connected to real mathematical learning. Com-
ments to students that trivialize manipulative use in both subtle and overt
ways devalue the potential of these materials as representations for learn-
ing mathematics concepts. Focusing their use on fun limits the possibilities
for students’ explorations of meaningful mathematical content in engaging
and interesting ways.
Teachers’ conceptions of mathematics are grounded in their understand-
ing of the content of mathematics. Research emphasizes the important
and significant impact of teachers’ understandings of mathematics on the
mathematical thinking that takes place in the classroom (Ma, 1999). Ma’s
(1999) international study demonstrated that although American element-
ary school teachers showed correct procedural knowledge of problems in
whole-number subtraction and multiplication, they were less skilled than
the Chinese teachers in more advanced topics. For example, only one of the
23 American teachers provided a conceptually correct but pedagogically
problematic representation for a problem involving division by fractions
). This research highlights the importance of teachers
having depth, breadth and thoroughness in their understanding of math-
ematics. “Teachers with this deep, vast and thorough understanding do not
invent connections between and among mathematical ideas, but reveal and
represent them in terms of mathematics teaching and learning” (Ma, 1999,
p. 122). It is not clear that the teachers in this study were able to make con-
nections or represent mathematics ideas in meaningful ways while using
the manipulatives.
Using representations effectively
The effective use of manipulatives for mathematics instruction is more
complicated than it might appear. Mathematical relationships must be im-
posed on the materials. The student’s own internal representation of ideas
must somehow connect with the external representation or manipulative.
However, manipulatives are externally generated as manufacturers’ rep-
resentations of mathematical ideas; therefore, meaning attached to the ma-
nipulatives by manufacturers is not necessarily transparent to teachers and
students (Meira, 1998). For example, fraction tiles are the designer’s at-
tempt to represent her/his idea of fractions by using concrete objects. It is
a false assumption to believe that mathematical relationships are abstracted
from empirical objects.
Goldin and Shteingold (2001) define a representation as a “sign or a
configuration of signs, characters, or objects” that can “stand for (sym-
bolize, depict, encode, or represent) something other than itself (p. 3).
Although individuals may share the tools used for representation sym-
bols (such as pictures or tally marks) and signs (such as spoken words
or written numerals) (Kamii, Kirkland and Lewis, 2001; Piaget, 1951),
to Piaget (1951), representation is what each individual does. In other
words, an individual’s knowledge is based on the making of relationships
and comes from the learner’s own mental actions. Mathematical reason-
ing is fostered when teachers focus on children’s constructive abstraction
(children’s thinking) rather than on representation (Kamii, Kirkland and
Lewis, 2001). For example, to a young child the numeral ‘8’ may repres-
ent nothing and to an adult it represents a number of things. Therefore,
individuals may represent the same or different ideas about the numeral
8. This process is not empirically observable: it comes from the indi-
vidual’s own thinking and understanding of connections formed through
mental actions (Kamii and Warrington, 1999; Piaget, Inhelder and Szem-
inska, 1948/1960). Although using representations may support the know-
ledge construction process, much of the representation must come from
the student.
Studies investigating teachers’ knowledge of representations have demon-
strated that many teachers lack the knowledge of how mathematical ideas
are transformed into representations (Ball, 1990; Orton, 1988). To fur-
ther complicate the issue of using manipulatives to represent abstract re-
lationships, students’ interpretations of a representation may also be dif-
ferent from the one introduced by the teacher (Ball, 1992). In one report
(Baroody, 1989) a teacher was using Cuisenaire rods to represent one
concept and the students constructed a model for the colored rods that
made sense to them but was different from the concept the teacher intended
them to learn. Students had constructed their own mathematical meaning
from the activity but had not learned the target concept of the lesson. In
another study, when students were given free access to manipulatives, they
spontaneously and selectively used these materials to mediate their own
learning (Moyer, 1998). However, some of the teachers in the study had
difficulty following the students’ thinking and their uses of the represent-
ations. The use of manipulatives for games on Fridays does not provide
mathematical experiences that support students’ constructive abstraction.
Further, teachers should be aware that some manipulatives may be use-
less. Although the colorful design of these materials makes them aesthet-
ically pleasing, some of these devices have little relationship to mathem-
atical concepts. When using materials whose design is not based on sound
mathematical ideas, it is easy to understand why teachers have difficulty
connecting the manipulatives with the mathematics.
How and why manipulatives are used by teachers is a complex question.
In previous studies where manipulatives were used, we viewed mere use
itself as a positive sign. But simply using manipulatives is not enough if
we do not consider how classroom teachers are using them. “If teaching is
a system, then each feature, by itself, doesn’t say much about the kind of
teaching that is going on. What is important is how the features fit together
to form a whole” (Stigler and Hiebert, 1999, p. 75). Individual features of a
lesson, such as the use of manipulatives, can only be evaluated as effective
in terms of how they connect and relate with other features and fit into the
overall lesson. Teachers’ use of manipulatives in this study is intertwined
with issues of mathematical content knowledge, teachers’ awareness of
the conceptual structure of mathematics and the ability to teach this con-
tent to students by pulling from a wide variety of concept areas to help
students understand new ideas. This includes the ability to use a variety of
representations and to encourage students’ uses of representations as well.
The development of the student’s internal representation of ideas, tested
on the external representations or manipulatives, is at the heart of what
it means to learn mathematics. Connecting the learner’s own mental ac-
tions with the shared tools used for representation is the challenge for
mathematics teachers. Although using representation supports knowledge
construction, the internal representation of ideas comes from the learner.
Manipulatives may serve as tools for teachers to translate abstractions into
a form that enables learners to relate new knowledge to existing know-
ledge. This requires teachers to guide students to translate between rep-
resentations in the form of mathematical objects, actions and abstract con-
cepts so that students can see the relationship between their knowledge
and new knowledge. Although one may assume that this is an easy thing
for teachers to do, in fact, it is not. It is a challenge for teachers to (1)
interpret students’ representations of their mathematical thinking, (2) re-
veal and represent connections among mathematical ideas and, (3) develop
appropriate concrete contexts for learning mathematics.
This study highlights the underlying beliefs teachers utilize as filters
to interpret information about the use of manipulatives and to make value
judgments about the utility of these materials for teaching mathematics.
For example, research clearly shows that certain kinds of material uses aid
learning (or at least measured achievement), yet teachers often ignore this
research. Perhaps we are not clear about the results; or perhaps we do not
systematically build on them to provide ways of practice which are useful
and become part of our program of teacher education. This study also
provides important feedback about the effectiveness of professional devel-
opment efforts in using manipulatives for teaching mathematics. For these
teachers, the manipulatives served a limited, but useful, purpose. Perhaps
in the design of professional development we do not take into account the
contingencies under which teachers practice and children learn; or perhaps
it is too great a challenge to insert manipulatives into the American ‘script.
Designing professional development that provides teachers with deeper
understandings of concepts such as representation and its role in math-
ematics teaching and learning may shape not only how the manipulatives
are used but also what beliefs motivate teachers to use them.
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Milewicz for their feedback on this paper.
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