Nutrition Education
Nutrition Education in U.S. Medical Schools:
Latest Update of a National Survey
Kelly M. Adams, MPH, RD, Martin Kohlmeier, MD, and Steven H. Zeisel, MD, PhD
To quantify the number of required
hours of nutrition education at U.S.
medical schools and the types of courses
in which the instruction was offered, and
to compare these results with results
from previous surveys.
The authors distributed to all 127
accredited U.S. medical schools (that
were matriculating students at the time
of this study) a two-page online survey
devised by the Nutrition in Medicine
Project at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. From August
2008 through July 2009, the authors
asked their contacts, most of whom
were nutrition educators, to report the
nutrition contact hours that were
required for their medical students and
whether those actual hours of nutrition
education occurred in a designated
nutrition course, within another course,
or during clinical rotations.
Respondents from 109 (86%) of the
targeted medical schools completed
some part of the survey. Most schools
(103/109) required some form of
nutrition education. Of the 105 schools
answering questions about courses and
contact hours, only 26 (25%) required a
dedicated nutrition course; in 2004, 32
(30%) of 106 schools did. Overall,
medical students received 19.6 contact
hours of nutrition instruction during
their medical school careers (range:
0–70 hours); the average in 2004 was
22.3 hours. Only 28 (27%) of the 105
schools met the minimum 25 required
hours set by the National Academy of
Sciences; in 2004, 40 (38%) of 104
schools did so.
The amount of nutrition education that
medical students receive continues to be
Over the past three decades, numerous
professional groups, scientific
publications, and a congressional
mandate have highlighted the need to
improve the medical nutrition education
that future physicians receive.
groups have attempted to define the goals
related to incorporating essential
nutrition-related teaching into the
and a major funding
initiative by the National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute created the Nutrition
Academic Award.
There is little dispute that a patient’s
dietary habits can influence chronic
disease risk and treatment outcomes.
Consumer surveys show that physicians
are considered credible sources of
nutrition information.
However, more
than half of graduating medical students
still rate their nutrition knowledge as
and physicians report that
they have not received adequate training
to counsel their patients on appropriate
Surveys of medical
students and physicians alike have found
suboptimal knowledge with respect to
nutrition facts.
It has been nearly a quarter-century since
the National Academy of Sciences
published its groundbreaking report
highlighting the insufficiency of nutrition
education in the medical school
Our study attempted to
answer two questions about that topic in
the intervening 25 years. First, have
medical schools responded to the
challenge by improving nutrition
knowledge and practice skills of future
physicians? And, second, do most schools
meet the minimum of 25 hours of
nutrition education recommended by
this landmark report on medical
nutrition education?
Since 1995, the Nutrition in Medicine
(NIM) Project at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill has developed a
free, interactive, comprehensive nutrition
curriculum for medical students.
part of the NIM mission, the NIM team
surveys nutrition instructors at U.S.
medical schools every few years. This
effort aids the project in tracking trends
related to the provision of nutrition
instruction in medical school curricula
and gives the team feedback that will help
improve content and outreach. The
existence of the data from these surveys
provides the opportunity to compare
newly collected data with data from
previous surveys dating back to 2000.
The NIM team uses a survey
methodology that goes deeper than usual
by assessing more than the simple
existence of a nutrition course for
medical students. With the proliferation
of integrated curricula and problem-
based learning paradigms, much of the
nutrition instruction at medical schools
currently is occurring outside of
dedicated nutrition courses. The NIM
Project’s 2008 –2009 survey is designed to
capture and quantify the instruction that
occurs in different types of courses across
the four years of the undergraduate
medical curriculum. An important facet
of the methodology is that the NIM
database of medical school contacts
contains the names of the nutrition
educators themselves—those who are
actually providing the instruction—
Ms. Adams is research associate, Department of
Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Dr. Kohlmeier is professor, Department of
Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Dr. Zeisel is Kenan Distinguished University
Professor of Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, and
director, Nutrition Research Institute, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North
Correspondence should be addressed to Ms. Adams,
Department of Nutrition, CB #7461, University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
27599-7461; telephone: (919) 408-3320, ext. 22;
fax: (919) 408-0674; e-mail: [email protected].
Acad Med. 2010;85:1537–1542.
doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181eab71b
Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 9 / September 2010 1537
rather than the names of administrators,
who would be reporting secondhand
The NIM Project has administered
similar types of surveys several times
since 2000. In developing the 2008 –2009
survey, we retained the wording of key
questions from the 2000 –2001 and 2004
surveys to allow direct comparison of the
results through the years. Identical
questions had to do with the type and
total hours of nutrition education across
the medical school curriculum. New
questions pertained to the use of the
online curriculum of the NIM Project,
the ways in which it has influenced
nutrition education, and whether the
respondent is responsible for teaching
residents and other physicians.
In August and September 2008, we e-
mailed the online survey link to the NIM
database contacts at 127 of the 130 U.S.
medical schools accredited by the
Association of American Medical
Colleges (AAMC).
The three U.S.
medical schools not included in this
survey would not be matriculating
students until the fall of 2009, and thus
the survey could not include them. The
NIM database of medical school contacts
is unique in that, in most cases, NIM
Project staff members are in direct
contact with the instructor, the person
who is actually providing nutrition
education to medical students. The NIM
team continued to contact instructors via
phone, fax, and e-mail through July 2009
to encourage them to complete the
survey. Participation was voluntary.
The survey contained 13 items. As in
previous surveys, the first question asked
for the number of first-year medical
students at that school, and the second
question asked instructors to specify
whether nutrition instruction was
required, optional, or not offered at their
medical schools. The third question asked
them to estimate the total number of
required nutrition contact hours,
specifying in which years the instruction
was provided (first and second years or
third and fourth years). The fourth
question asked respondents to indicate
the type of course in which the nutrition
content was taught (e.g., nutrition,
biochemistry, or an integrated
curriculum). The fifth question asked
them to specify whether they felt that the
amount of instruction was sufficient.
Questions 6 through 9 had to do with the
use and impact of the NIM Project
curriculum at the respondent’s medical
school. The survey concluded with
questions 10 through 12, which inquired
whether the respondent’s responsibilities
included teaching preclinical students,
clinical students, or residents. The final
question, number 13, was an open field
for comments.
All but one recipient used the online
interface to fill out the survey. The
remaining survey was completed over the
telephone, and one of us (K.M.A.)
manually entered those responses into
the online form. The institutional review
board at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill made the determination
that this project was exempt.
When the data collection was complete,
an NIM staff member produced a dataset
from all of the entries, and we used a
spreadsheet software program (Excel
2003; Microsoft Corp., Seattle,
Washington) to carry out all calculations.
We calculated means and standard errors
for the current survey and for all previous
survey years by using the same categories
and procedures.
In performing computations related to
the hours of required nutrition
instruction, we coded optional hours as
zero hours of required nutrition
education. If the respondent estimated a
range of hours (e.g., 15–20 hours), we
used the midpoint of the range (e.g., 17.5
hours) in calculations. We reanalyzed all
numbers from previous years’ surveys by
using the same criteria.
We determined the total number of
hours in the four years of medical school
by adding the required hours of nutrition
instruction in the first and second years
to the hours occurring in the third and
fourth years. In nine cases, a respondent
indicated the number of hours of
required instruction in the first and
second years but was unable to estimate
the number of hours of required
instruction in the third and fourth years.
In these cases, the analysis used zero
hours for the third and fourth years.
Surveys were returned from 109 of 127
U.S. medical schools, for an 86%
response rate. Of these 109 schools, 103
(94%) reported that nutrition instruction
was required. Four schools (4%) offered
optional instruction only; one school
(1%) reported that it did not offer any
nutrition instruction, and the respondent
for one school (1%) did not know the
answer to the question.
A total of 105 schools completed the
portion of the survey regarding the
number of nutrition contact hours.
According to these responses, U.S.
medical schools provided an average of
19.6 hours of required nutrition teaching
(range: 0 –70 contact hours). Only 27%
(28/105) of U.S. medical schools
responding to this question indicated that
they provided the minimum of 25 hours
recommended by the National Academy
of Sciences in 1985.
Thirty medical
schools (29%) reported requiring 12 or
fewer hours of nutrition instruction
(Figure 1). Most of these contact hours
took place during the first two years of
medical training when students received
an average (standard error of the mean
[SEM]) of 15.4 (1.0) hours of required
nutrition instruction. The third and
fourth years provided an average (SEM)
of only 4.2 (0.6) additional hours.
Twenty-six schools specified that they
had a course dedicated to nutrition. In 10
Figure 1 Distribution of the total hours of
required nutrition instruction at U.S. medical
schools. Representatives from 109 U.S.
medical schools responded to the 2008–2009
Nutrition in Medicine survey (105 schools
provided data in response to this question; 4
schools did not). The graph compares the
number of schools meeting the recommended
minimum of 25 hours of required nutrition
education (white bars) with the number of
schools providing less than the minimum
number of required hours (black bars). The
number of schools at each level of required
nutrition instruction is indicated above each bar.
Nutrition Education
Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 9 / September 20101538
of those institutions, this course
represented all of the available nutrition
instruction. These dedicated nutrition
courses provided an average of 16.4
nutrition contact hours (Table 1). Fifty-five
schools provided some nutrition
instruction within basic science courses
(physiology or biochemistry); on average,
each of these courses accounted for 6.2
hours or less.
At U.S. medical schools, 80% of the
nutrition instruction took place outside
of designated nutrition courses (Figure
2). During the third and fourth years, 35
(33%) of the 105 schools answering this
question offered five or more hours of
nutrition instruction.
More than three-quarters of the medical
school instructors (84/107, or 79%)
surveyed indicated that students at their
institution need more nutrition
instruction, whereas 16 (15%) of them
said that the students did not need more
nutrition instruction. Only 8 of these 16
instructors were at schools offering more
than the national average number of
hours of nutrition instruction. The
remaining 7% of instructors said that
they did not know whether their students
needed more nutrition education. (The
total percentage exceeds 100% because of
rounding of individual percentages.)
Table 2 more clearly illustrates the
current situation by presenting a
comparison of key data points from this
survey and of those from surveys of
previous years
; all three surveys used
the same methodology and (with one
exception in the 2000 –2001 survey)
asked the same core questions. Of the
three national surveys, the most recent
survey found the lowest number of
schools that require a nutrition course,
the lowest percentage of schools that
provide a total of at least 25 hours of
nutrition education, and the lowest
average number of required nutrition
contact hours. None of these differences
reached statistical significance, however.
Our study shows that nutrition education
continues to be very limited in most
medical schools, a situation that casts
doubt on the readiness of future
physicians to effectively counsel their
patients about appropriate nutrition.
How did we determine that the current
amount of nutrition education is
“inadequate?” There are two major
recommendations in the literature about
this topic. One is the 1985 National
Academy of Sciences report that suggests
25 hours of nutrition instruction as a
and the other is the 1989
American Society of Clinical Nutrition
recommendation that 37 to 44 hours be
dedicated to nutrition instruction during
medical school.
By either standard,
medical schools are falling far short of
providing adequate training.
There are many medical schools,
however, that manage to incorporate at
least 25 hours of nutrition education into
their curricula in any given year. We
examined the 86 medical schools from
which we had data for all three NIM
Project surveys over the past 10 years. In
each survey, a total of 28 of those schools
met or exceeded this minimum standard,
but they were not the same 28
institutions in every survey. Only nine
Figure 2 Distribution of the required nutrition contact hours (i.e., the actual number of hours of
nutrition education) among the various types of medical school courses. Representatives from 109
U.S. medical schools responded to the 2008–2009 Nutrition in Medicine survey (100 schools
provided data in response to this question; 9 schools did not). The chart shows the distribution of
required nutrition instruction throughout medical school curricula, whether in a designated
nutrition course (20%) or integrated into other courses or learning environments (80%).
Table 1
Course Distribution of Required Nutrition Contact Hours in U.S. Medical Schools
During 2008 –2009
Type of course
Schools providing part of their
required nutrition instruction
in this format, no.
No. of hours of nutrition
teaching provided in this
format, mean (SEM)
Nutrition 26 16.4 (1.7)
Physiology, pathophysiology, or pathology 36 5.7 (0.6)
Biochemistry 48 6.2 (0.6)
Integrated curriculum 62 11.9 (1.1)
Clinical practice 49 6.4 (0.7)
11 10.0 (3.1)
* One hundred nine U.S. medical schools responded to a survey conducted in 2008 –2009; 100 schools responded
to the question about the course distribution of their required nutrition education (three schools requiring
nutrition education did not indicate the number of hours). Note that schools could offer nutrition education in
more than one type of course. SEM indicates standard error of the mean.
Includes clerkships and clinical rotation lectures, clinical foundations, problem-based learning, nutrition selective,
and organ-based modules.
Nutrition Education
Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 9 / September 2010 1539
schools provided at least 25 hours of
nutrition instruction in all three surveys,
which attests to the persistently tenuous
state of nutrition education at most
medical schools. There seems to be a
great deal of flux from year to year in the
number of hours of nutrition instruction
offered, as indicated by the periodic NIM
Project surveys.
According to the 2008 –2009 survey, most
instructors still believe that the amount
of nutrition education in the curriculum
is inadequate. A small majority of
students share this view. AAMC last
included a nutrition question in its
graduation questionnaire in 2005. At that
time, 51.1% of all U.S. medical students
reported that the time devoted to
nutrition in the curriculum was
So it seems that, overall,
graduating medical students and
instructors alike continue to be
dissatisfied with the amount of nutrition
education in U.S. medical schools.
It is important to note that 80% of the
nutrition instruction in medical schools
is not specifically identified as such in the
curriculum. Nutrition instruction
provided outside of designated courses
could be considered diluted in
importance—presented as an aside,
instead of being given the emphasis it
deserves as a core component of modern
medical practice.
In addition, it still appears that most of
the nutrition instruction that does occur
in medical schools takes place during the
preclinical years—the first two years of
medical training. It may be more
beneficial, however, to emphasize
nutrition during the later clinical years,
when the student can see the direct
correlation between nutrition principles
and medical treatment.
Several reports suggest that recent
medical school graduates feel unprepared
to intervene in their patients’ care with
regard to nutrition.
Recent surveys
of residents and practicing physicians
support this view,
especially with
regard to the growing problem of
This deficit in preparation is
rather alarming, considering the
importance of nutrition in obesity
prevention and the critical role of diet in
the energy balance equation.
There are many challenges to bringing
more nutrition education into medical
schools’ curricula. In the past, its absence
or scarcity seemed to be a consequence of
a lack of expert nutrition faculty who
could advocate for incorporating
nutrition into the undergraduate and
residency curricula and who could serve
as role models in demonstrating how
nutrition can be applied to modern
medical practice.
Another, more
recent barrier is the lack of time for new
courses or additional lectures.
Project has developed an online
curriculum that addresses both of these
Through this online
resource, fully developed content is
available to supplement the curriculum
when a faculty member trained in
nutrition is not available, and the
individual online modules contain units
that can be customized for the amount of
time available to any instructor. Even
though this resource can be used at no
cost by any medical school instructor
wishing to incorporate nutrition into
existing courses or clerkships, the
amount of nutrition instruction at
medical schools is still not where it
should be.
Some strengths of the current survey
administration must be noted. One of
these strengths is that identical
questions have been used for three
consecutive survey administrations, a
practice that allows direct comparisons
across time. Before 2000, the NIM
Project administered several similar
surveys, so there were multiple chances
to improve and refine the wording of
the questions. We obtained response
rates of 86% in the 2008 –2009 survey,
84% in the 2004 survey, and 89% in the
2000 –2001 survey—rates much higher
than those in many surveys reported in
the literature. Another of these
strengths is that the method we used
targets the person at each medical
school who is likely to be the most
knowledgeable about the nutrition
curriculum. All but eight respondents
are actually involved in nutrition
teaching of first- and second-year
medical students at their schools (and
six of those eight teach more advanced
students, which leaves only two
respondents who claimed to be
knowledgeable about the curriculum
but were not actually teaching
nutrition). Thus, the responses to this
survey came from faculty who are
contributing directly to nutrition
Table 2
Comparisons Over Time of Selected Survey Data From U.S. Medical Schools With
Respect to Nutrition Education
Item 2000–2001 survey 2004 survey 2008–2009 survey
Average required nutrition contact hours, no.
20.4 22.3 19.6
Schools with required nutrition course, %
35 (39/112) 30 (32/106) 25 (26/105)
Schools requiring 25 hours of nutrition
education, % (no./total)
32 (36/112) 38 (40/104)
27 (28/105)
Instructors who think more nutrition
education is needed, %
—88 79
* All U.S. medical schools were surveyed at three distinct times: 2000 –2001, 2004, and 2008–2009 (the current
survey). The surveys used identically worded core questions (the only exception is that the question reflected in
the bottom row was not asked on the 2000–2001 survey). The response rates from the three surveys were
89%, 84%, and 86% from 2000–2001, 2004, and 2008–2009, respectively.
The averages represent data from all schools providing quantifiable responses. Schools reporting only optional
nutrition instruction were coded as having zero hours of required nutrition instruction.
Two schools did not provide a response to this survey question.
Nutrition Education
Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 9 / September 20101540
education, and we did not rely on
reports from administrators or other
faculty. Despite the difficulties in
quantifying an entity as diverse as
nutrition instruction across a four-year
curriculum, we present these results
with confidence.
The survey methodology had some
limitations. Respondent self-selection
bias was possible, because the survey was
voluntary. If anything, however, we feel
that this bias might overestimate the
amount of nutrition education, because
nutrition educators, with whom we have
an established relationship, may feel
more compelled to answer the survey.
With a response rate of 86%, however,
this bias should not be so pronounced.
There is an inherent uncertainty about
how different instructors estimated the
hours of nutrition, given that nutrition is
a broad topic that is not always clearly
defined. It is possible that different
instructors at the same institution would
use different definitions and, thus, give
different answers.
The amount of nutrition education
required during the third and fourth
years of medical school is difficult to
estimate, given that much of this
instruction occurs during clerkships
under different instructors. Because
many more instructors in medical
schools are involved in clinical teaching
than are involved in basic sciences
curricula, it is plausible that an instructor
familiar with the basic sciences
curriculum may underestimate the
amount of instruction provided in the
second half of the medical curriculum.
To further examine this possibility, we
conducted a separate analysis comparing
responses of clinicians with those of basic
science instructors. The schools of
respondents who self-identified as
“clinical” instructors provide a similar
number of nutrition education hours as
do the schools of instructors with basic
science orientation.
Future surveys of this type, with
additional resources, could include
multiple instructors at the same
institution in an attempt to confirm and
complete the responses provided. In
addition, if attempts were made to
systematically survey clinical instructors,
the information gained would add to the
understanding of the depth and breadth
of nutrition instruction during the third
and fourth years of medical school.
The teaching of nutrition in U.S. medical
schools still appears to be in a precarious
position, lacking a firm, secure place in
the medical curriculum of most medical
schools. Concerns remain that many
future physicians will lack adequate
preparation in this essential component
of modern medical practice. Despite
these challenges, a minority of medical
schools still manage to provide
substantial nutrition training for their
students. Medical school faculty should
encourage administrators to retain the
nutrition education currently offered and
expand it to provide, at a minimum, the
25 nutrition education hours needed to
properly train physicians.
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully
acknowledge all of the medical school faculty
members who completed surveys and express
appreciation to the Nutrition in Medicine Project
advisory board.
Funding/Support: The Nutrition in Medicine
Project was supported in part by grant no. R25
CA65474 from the National Cancer Institute and
the Office of Dietary Supplements, National
Institutes of Health, and by grant no. DK56350
from the University of North Carolina Clinical
Nutrition Research Unit.
Other disclosures: None.
Ethical approval: The institutional review board at
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill made
the determination that this project was exempt.
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Academic Medicine, Vol. 85, No. 9 / September 20101542