Bulletin of Entomological Research (2003) 93, 335–342 DOI: 10.1079/BER2003250
Response of female Cydia molesta
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to plant
derived volatiles
D. Natale
, L. Mattiacci
, A. Hern
, E. Pasqualini
S. Dorn
Institute of Plant Sciences, Applied Entomology, Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology (ETH), Clausiusstrasse 25/NW, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland:
DiSTA, University of Bologna, Via Filippo Re 6, I-40126 Bologna, Italy
Peach shoot volatiles were attractive to mated female oriental fruit moth, Cydia
molesta (Busck), in a dual choice arena. No preference was observed between leaf
odours from the principle host plant, peach, and the secondary host plant, apple.
Twenty-two compounds were identified in headspace volatiles of peach shoots
using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Green leaf volatiles accounted for
more than 50% of the total emitted volatiles. A bioassay-assisted fractionation
using different sorbent polymers indicated an attractant effect of compounds with
a chain length of 6–8 carbon atoms. The major compounds of this fraction were
tested either singly or in combinations for behavioural response of females.
Significant bioactivity was found for a three-component mixture of (Z)-3-hexen-1-
yl acetate, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and benzaldehyde in a 4:1:1 ratio. This synthetic
mixture elicited a similar attractant effect as the full natural blend from peach
shoots as well as the bioactive fraction.
The primary sensory modality involved in host plant
finding of female lepidopteran insects is considered to be
chemical (reviewed by Honda, 1995; Hern & Dorn, 2002). A
possible strategy for monitoring female herbivores could
thus rely on chemical stimuli derived from host plant (Dorn
et al., 2001). The semiochemicals mediating the host location
behaviour of the oriental fruit moth, Cydia molesta (Busck)
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), are unknown (e.g. Natale et al.,
1999; Dorn et al., 2001). This species is an important pest of
stone fruits, particularly peach, where it infests the growing
shoots at the beginning of the season (Rothschild & Vickers,
1991). As the season progresses, it also damages fruits and is
also found in apple orchards (Pollini & Bariselli, 1993). This
is surprising as this species was considered to be
oligophagous, and damage to apples was considered rare in
western Europe until the late 1970s (Bovey, 1979). In recent
years, however, considerable levels of C. molesta damage to
apple orchards have been widely observed in several fruit
growing regions including Latin America, Asia and Europe
(Popovich, 1982; Reis et al., 1988; Zhao et al., 1989; Hickel &
Ducroquet, 1998; Bradlwarter et al., 1999).
Monitoring of C. molesta predominantly relies on
pheromone trapping of male moths (Vickers et al., 1985).
However, the flight performance of this species exhibits
marked sexual differences, and gravid females can be
considered to be the main colonists (Dorn et al., 2001;
Hughes & Dorn, 2002). In the field, female C. molesta are
capable of making inter-orchard flights (Yetter & Steiner,
1932; Steiner & Yetter, 1933). This can pose a serious threat to
apple cultivation in orchards in the vicinity of peach crops.
Development of a semiochemical-based monitoring strategy
is thus desirable (Dorn et al., 2001). In addition, host plant
odours which are attractive to female C. molesta could also
be used in an attract and kill deployment.
The goal of this study was to identify compounds
derived from host plant or mixtures of compounds which
are attractive to C. molesta females. First, the response of
females to peach and apple shoots was characterized. As
*Author for correspondence
Fax: +41 1 632 11 71
E-mail: silvia.dorn@ipw.agrl.ethz.ch
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both odour sources were similarly attractive, the study
focused on peach as the main host plant. The headspace
volatiles of peach shoots were analysed using combined gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry. Subsequently, they
were fractionated using different sorbent polymers which
are able to trap compounds based on their volatility range.
As bioassays indicated an attractant effect of compounds of
a distinct range of carbon atoms, the hypothesis was tested
that the major compounds of this chain length, either singly
or in combination, would elicit the desired behavioural
effect in C. molesta females.
Materials and methods
Insects and plants
Pupae of C. molesta were purchased from a commercial
station in Italy (BioTechnologie B.T., Todi-Perugia, Italy). The
colony originated from individuals collected in peach
orchards in Emilia-Romagna (northern Italy). Moths were
bred in culture for approximately 68 generations. Larvae
were reared on an artificial diet based on corn semolina,
wheat germ and brewers yeast as described by Ivaldi-Sender
(1974). On arrival, pupae were placed inside a plastic box (30
× 30 × 30 cm) and supplied with a honey solution. Pupae
and emerging adults were maintained at 24 ± 1°C, 60 ± 10%
relative humidity, and a photoperiod of 16L: 8D. A previous
study indicated that mated females responded better than
virgins when exposed to peach shoots in a dual choice arena
(Natale et al., in press). For the bioassays, 3- to 5-day-old
mated females were chosen without a conscious bias from
the cage. Before the test started, adults of the two sexes were
singled out based on the slight sexual dimorphism, the
females being larger-sized. The mated status of female
moths was checked by dissection of the bursa copulatrix for
the presence of a spermatophore at the end of each test. All
female individuals used in the tests were found to have
successfully mated. Moths were used only once and were
not exposed to odour sources before the bioassay.
Three-year-old potted plants of peach Prunus persica L.
Batsch cv. Redhaven and apple Malus domestica L. Borkh
cv. Golden Delicious were used for bioassays and
collection of volatiles. Plants were maintained outdoors at
20 ± 5°C.
Chemical analysis
Volatile collection
Volatiles from excised shoots of peach were sampled
using a dynamic headspace sampling system similar to that
described by Boevé et al. (1996). A dilated glass cylinder with
a glass joint (500-ml) was used as a collection chamber in
which airflow was generated using a vacuum pump.
Incoming air was filtered with an activated-charcoal filter
(Supelco, Mounting Clip for S-Trap, Buchs SG Switzerland)
connected by Teflon tubing. A cylindrical trap (Supelco)
filled with 300 mg of Tenax-GR 60/80 was plugged to the
chamber by means of a PTFE-lined cap. The sorbent trap
was connected to the vacuum using Teflon tubing. The flow
rate was set at 100 ml min
by a flow meter connected
between the pump and the trap. The flow meter was set and
adjusted during the early phase of the collections to ensure
that the correct flow was obtained. A moisture-removing
filter (Supelco, 400 cc 1/4 ) for the adsorption of
condensation, observed to form within the tubing, was
connected between the Tenax trap and the flow meter.
Headspace collections lasted 3 h and were performed at
22°C, 60 ± 10% relative humidity.
Identification with coupled gas chromatography–mass
Samples were analysed using a Hewlett Packard GC-MS
instrument (GC 6890 mass selective 5973) equipped with a
HP1, polydimethyl siloxane column with nominal film
thickness 1 µm, diameter 0.25 mm, and length 30 m. The
initial oven temperature was 40°C. The oven was heated up
to 220°C at a rate of 8°C min
. A post run of 10 min at 300°C
was applied to remove impurities from the column.
Analyses were carried out using a thermal-desorption
system (Unity, Markes Int. Ltd
, Rhondda Cynon Taff, UK),
in which the desorbed headspace volatiles were transferred
to the GC-column without use of a solvent. Volatiles were
desorbed from the Tenax trap with helium (99.99%) for 5
min, starting at 50°C and then up to 300°C at approx. 20°C
, and transferred to the cold trap (10°C) which was
packed with a bed of Tenax GR and Carbopak B of 4 cm and
2 cm in length, respectively. The cold trap was subsequently
heated up to 300°C at approx. 60°C s
for 3 min. The
desorption flow was kept at 30 ml min
for all analyses.
The thermal desorber was operated with a double split, i.e.
the split was operational during both the sample tube and
the cold trap desorption, and the GC was operated splitless.
As the desorption flow was kept at 30 ml min
for all
analyses and the split flow was 10 ml min
, the total split
flow ratio during the thermal desorption was 7.7:1. This split
operation was used to prevent overloading of the GC
column. It enhances the chromatographic separation of the
components. A second Tenax trap recollected part of the
sample. The transfer line to the GC was kept at 200°C. The
identification of chromatographically separated compounds
was carried out using a NIST98 spectral library, a user
created library, and matching GC retention time and mass
spectra with authentic standards. Quantification of volatiles
was based on the response factors of the MS detector to the
components, and carried out using a calibration standard
containing 50 µl of each component and 50 µl of internal
standard (hexylbenzene, Fluka, purity > 99.8%) (Raffa &
Steffeck, 1988). Fifteen headspace collections of peach shoot
volatiles were carried out.
Bioassay arena
All behavioural tests were performed in a dual choice
arena (Natale et al., 2003). The arena consisted of a test-
chamber, where insects were released, and two odour
chambers, where insects were captured. Based on
preliminary observations, the test chamber was a bottomless
cylindrical glass bottle (10 l volume; 41 cm long; 22 cm
diameter) covered at the two ends with fine nylon mesh. The
mesh at the large-sized end was pierced with two 2 cm
diameter holes, 18 cm apart. The two odour chambers,
300 ml flasks each with a tubing at the top, were connected
to the test chamber by the two holes described above. Air
was filtered through an activated-charcoal filter, regulated
by a float flow meter and moistened through a glass
chamber containing water. The airflow was pumped into the
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odour chambers connected to the olfactometers at a rate of
700 ± 10 ml min
at the entrance. The arena was placed on a
workbench, 130 cm below 7 Lux line plus 36W ‘cool white’
, Mississauga, Ontario Canada) lamps which
provided a uniform light intensity of 2400 lux. Bioassays
were conducted at 24 ± 1°C, 60 ± 5% relative humidity. For
each replicate, the position of the odour chambers was
exchanged in order to avoid positional bias. The arena was
cleaned before every trial session using a laboratory
glassware liquid cleaner (Sigmaclean®, Buchs SG
Switzerland), acetone (purity > 90%), hexane (purity > 90%)
and heat treatment (250°C, approx. 8 h). The bioassays were
carried out over a number of days. They started always 3 h
before the onset of the scotophase. A group of 30 females per
replicate was released into the test chamber from the smaller
end of the arena and allowed to move upwards and to
choose one odour source. After 15 ± 1 h, moths captured in
the two odour chambers were recorded as responders. All
other moths were removed and classed as non-responders.
A pilot study using a fruit volatile ester in small disposable
capillary pipettes, showed a positive olfactory response of
females, as the chamber containing the odour was entered
statistically more frequently compared to the blank (D.
Natale et al., unpublished).
Female response to plant volatiles
Peach and apple shoots were used as odour sources in
experiments investigating a possible preference of female C.
molesta for one of the two host plants. Female C. molesta lay
eggs on the foliage of top shoots, on the lower leaf surface in
peaches and on the upper surface in apples (Rothschild &
Vickers 1991). Top shoots of both peach and apple with 6 ± 1
leaves were used for the bioassay. The shoots were excised
within 10 min before experiments, at the phenological stage
defined as full leaf unfolding (Dierschke, 1970). The
response of mated females to host plant volatiles was tested
in three experiments in order to elucidate possible
preference for: (i) peach shoot volatiles tested versus blank;
(ii) apple shoot volatiles versus blank; and (iii) apple shoot
volatiles versus peach shoot volatiles.
Female response to fractions
Fractions of volatiles emitted by excised peach shoots
were used as odour sources in experiments investigating the
attraction of mated female C. molesta to candidate active
compounds. For this purpose, a bioassay-assisted
fractionation was developed. Fractions were obtained from
volatiles of excised peach shoots using selective tube
sorbents. Based on previous observations, stainless steel
cylinders (1/4 × 30 cm), c. 10 ml volume, filled with sorbent
polymers of differing adsorbing strength were used as tubes.
The range adsorbed by each sorbent depends upon the
volatility of compounds and therefore their number of
carbons in length (in ‘Guidelines for sorbent selection’,
Markes Int. Ltd
). A tube sorbent was plugged between a
‘plant chamber’ and an ‘odour chamber’ of a dual choice
arena. The plant chamber was a flask with the same size as
the odour chamber defined above. The goal was to adsorb
all the volatiles in the range of a given sorbent from the
headspace of the peach shoot in the ‘plant chamber’, and
only allow the remaining fraction to enter the ‘odour
chamber’. Four fractions of volatiles were tested using the
following selective sorbents:
1. Porapak N
, 190 mg/tube, of medium sorbent strength
with an approximate compound volatility range of n-C5 to
n-C8, thus eluting compounds with more than 8 carbons;
2. Carboxen
, 250 mg/tube, of strong sorbent strength with
an approximate compound volatility range of n-C5 to n-C30,
eluting compounds with more than 30 carbons;
3. Carbopak F
, 40 mg/tube, of medium / weak sorbent
strength with an approximate compound volatility range of
n-C9 to n-C30, eluting compounds with 5–8 carbons.
4. Tenax TA
, 120 mg/tube, of weak sorbent strength with
an approximate compound volatility range of n-C7 to n-C30,
eluting compounds with 5–6 carbons.
A fifth empty tube, eluting all compounds from the
headspace of peach shoot, was used as a control. The
response of mated females to the fractions of peach shoot
volatiles as explained above was tested with five
experiments in which the effect of each single odour source
was compared to a blank.
Female response to synthetic chemicals
As the fraction bioassays indicated the attractant effect of
compounds of n-C6 to n-C8, major compounds in this range
were used either singly or in combination as odour sources
in experiments investigating the attraction of mated female
C. molesta to artificial chemicals. Chemicals used for the
bioassay were (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol (Fluka, purity > 99.5%), (Z)-
3-hexen-1-yl acetate (Avocado, purity > 99%) and
benzaldehyde (Aldrich, purity > 99%) as potentially
attractive compounds, cis-
-ocimene (Robertet, purity >
99%) and (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl butyrate (Aldrich, purity > 99%)
as compounds representative of the behaviourally inactive
fractions. Based on preliminary observations, disposable 0.5
µl Hirschmann microcapillary pipettes (Hirschmann®,
Eberstadt, Germany) were baited with pure chemicals and
immediately placed in the odour chamber. To obtain the
required ratios between individual compounds, each
compound was applied using an appropriate number of 0.5
µl microcapillaries. Quantities released over the trial period
of 14 ± 1 h were determined gravimetrically using a
microbalance set with a readability of 1 µg (Mettler-Toledo
model MT5, San Juan, Puerto Rico). This microbalance has
the electronic control unit separated from the mechanical
components of the balances minimizing any effects on
weight. An automatic vibration damper and a built-in
calibration feature eliminate effects of unstable ambient
conditions. The response of mated females to chemicals was
tested with four experiments in which the activity of
compounds, singly or in combination, was compared to a
Data analysis
Numbers of captured moths from all bioassays were
analysed with generalized linear model using a Poisson
distribution and a log link (Crawley, 1993).
Chemical analysis
Twenty-two compounds were found in the headspace of
excised peach shoots (table 1). Compounds ranged from n-
C6 to n-C16. The major classes of compounds were
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terpenoids and esters, which accounted for more than 27%,
hydrocarbons for more than 18%, while aldehydes and
alcohols accounted for 9% of the total emitted volatiles.
From a functional point of view, the green leaf volatiles, (E)-
2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 1-hexanol, (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl
acetate and (Z)-3-hexenyl butyrate, were the major group
accounting for more than 50% of total emitted volatiles.
Major compounds identified were an acetate, (Z)-3-hexen-1-
yl acetate, an aromatic aldehyde, benzaldehyde, and an
alcohol, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol with a short-chain (n-C6 to n-C8),
as well as a monoterpene, cis-
-ocimene, and an ester, (Z)-3-
hexen-1-yl butyrate with a medium-chain (n-C10).
(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate, benzaldehyde, cis-
-ocimene, (Z)-3-
hexen-1-yl butyrate, and
-farnesene were consistently
detected in all 15 headspace samples analysed.
Female response to plant volatiles
Volatiles from peach and apple shoots attracted mated
female C. molesta in the dual choice arena (F-value = 11.77;
DF = 3, 8; P < 0.001; F-value = 25.28; DF = 3, 8; P < 0.001
respectively) (fig. 1). There was no significant preference of
female moths for peach shoot volatiles versus apple shoot
volatiles (F-value = 1.07; DF = 1, 10; P = 0.33) (fig. 1).
Movements of female C. molesta, from the test chamber to
the two odour chambers of the dual choice arena, occurred
only in the few hours before the onset of scotophase and
after the onset of photophase (fig. 2).
Female response to fractions
There was a significant difference between the four
fractions of volatiles tested (F-value = 4.28; DF = 9, 29; P <
0.05) (fig. 3). The two fractions eluted with Tenax TA
the Carbopak F
, expected to contain the short-chain
compounds n-C5 to n-C6 and n-C5 to n-C8, respectively,
attracted female C. molesta in the dual choice arena (F-value
= 4.28; DF = 9, 29; P < 0.01; F-value = 4.28; DF = 9, 29; P <
0.01). The fraction eluted with the empty tube, containing all
the peach shoot volatiles and used as a control, also attracted
female moths (F-value = 4.28; DF = 9, 29; P < 0.01). In
contrast, the two fractions eluted with Porapak N
, expected to contain medium- and long-chain
compounds with more than n-C8, and more than n-C30,
respectively, did not attract female C. molesta (F-value = 4.28;
DF = 9, 29; P < 0.01; F-value = 4.28; DF = 9, 29; P = 0.165). The
short-chain compounds identified from peach shoot volatiles
(table 1) with (1) n-C5 to n-C6: comprise (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-
hexen-1-ol, 1-hexanol, and valeric acid and (2) n-C5 to n-C8:
the same four compounds plus benzaldehyde, benzonitrile,
(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate, methyl benzoate, benzylnitrile and
methyl salicilate. The subsequent bioassays were straight-
338 D. Natale et al.
Table 1. Quantities and percentages of major volatile compounds released by peach shoots as observed in the analysis.
Peaks Compounds Carbons Rt (min) n ng ± se % ± se
1 valeric acid 5 5.90 14 0.46 ± 0.04 0.03 ± 0.1
6 5.15 12 19.8 ± 0.3
0.42 ± 0.05
6 5.30 13 128.5 ± 4
6.67 ± 0.47
4 1-hexanol
6 5.60 13 1.93 ± 0.15 0.37 ± 0.02
5 benzaldehyde 7 7.54 15 116.4 ± 3
8.08 ± 2.57
6 benzonitrile 7 8.09 10 1.29 ± 0.24 0.08 ± 0.01
7(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate
8 8.74 15 613 ± 8 40.62 ± 1.25
8 methyl benzoate 8 10.53 15 0.71 ± 0.10 0.04 ± 0.01
9 benzylnitrile 8 11.44 11 0.79 ± 0.34 0.36 ± 0.08
10 methyl salicylate 8 12.55 15 2.00 ± 0.50 0.49 ± 0.04
11 nonatriene 9 11.02 13 1.21 ± 2.13 0.8 ± 0.64
12 cis-
-ocimene 10 9.57 15 3.61 ± 1.50
1.96 ± 0.12
13 3-carene 10 10.20 10 0.16 ± 0.03 0.01 ± 0.00
14 (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl butyrate
10 12.42 15 9.93 ± 1.13
2.25 ± 0.70
15 dodecane 12 12.69 13 1.12 ± 0.14 0.08 ± 0.01
16 (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl hexanoate 12 16.03 15 0.54 ± 0.32 0.12 ± 0.01
17 (Z)-3-hexen-3-yl benzoate 13 19.16 15 1.48 ± 0.50 0.40 ± 0.03
18 tetradecane 14 16.36 15 0.78 ± 0.10 0.17 ± 0.02
19 trans-caryophyllene 15 16.78 15 1.14 ± 0.13 0.34 ± 0.04
20 (E,E)-
-farnesene 15 17.26 14 0.19 ± 0.11 0.07 ± 0.01
-farnesene 15 17.36 15 1.08 ± 0.28 0.32 ± 0.01
22 pentadecane 15 18.02 15 1.02 ± 0.64 0.20 ± 0.03
Rt, retention time;
green leaf volatile;
compounds quantified with relative response of synthetic standard in comparison to internal
standard; n, frequency of detection of the compounds in a total of 15 samples.
Mean no. of captured female moths
Fig. 1. Olfactory preference of mated female Cydia molesta
exposed in a dual choice arena to excised peach shoot ( ) vs.
blank ( ); excised apple shoot ( ) vs. blank ( ); excised peach
shoot ( ) vs. excised apple shoot ( ). N = 3, 30 moths per
replicate. (***P < 0.001; generalized linear model).
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forward, the approach based on the simple assumption that
major components of these fractions might be bioactive as
has previously been shown for a major constituent of apple
fruit volatiles, (E,E)--farnesene (Hern & Dorn, 1999). For
comparison, bioassays were carried out with the two major
constituents of the long-chain carbons (n-C10) identified
from peach shoot volatiles (table 2), cis-
-ocimene and (Z)-3-
hexen-1-yl butyrate which were assumed to be
behaviourally ineffective.
Female response to synthetic chemicals
In the search for bioactive single constituents of peach
shoot volatiles, the prevailing short-chain compounds in the
natural blend (table 2) were tested as synthetic chemicals,
singly or in combination, and compared to the two
prevailing longer-chain compounds, (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl
butyrate and cis-
-ocimene. There was a significant
difference between the five combinations or single
constituents tested (F-value = 2.43; DF = 9, 49; P < 0.05)
(fig. 4). Neither of the two long-chain compounds attracted
female moths (EST F-value = 0.54; DF = 1, 9; P = 0.486; TRP
F-value = 0.67; DF = 1, 9; P = 0.439). In contrast, a mixture of
the two major green leaf volatiles, (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate
and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, plus benzaldehyde attracted female C.
molesta (MIX F-value = 22.75; DF = 1, 9; P < 0.01). However, a
mixture of only these two major green leaf volatiles, or the
aldehyde tested singly, did not attract female moths (GLV F-
value = 0.46; DF = 1, 9; P = 0.517; ALD F-value = 0.22; DF = 1,
9; P = 0.649).
Olfaction appears to be involved in host habitat location
behaviour of mated female C. molesta. Female moths, known
to oviposit on shoots or foliage of peach and apple trees
(Rothschild & Vickers, 1991), were attracted to volatiles from
shoots of both host plants. No discrimination between the
volatiles from peach and apple foliage was found in this
oligophagous herbivore. The significance of olfactory stimuli
in lepidopteran species is assumed to reflect their level of host
specialization. Highly specialized species are expected to be
dependent on olfaction, while this sensory modality is
considered to be of low importance in highly polyphagous
species (Ramaswamy, 1988). The host range of C. molesta is
confined to plant species in the family Rosaceae, mostly in the
genera Prunus and Pyrus, and to one shrub from the family
Myrtaceae, reflecting an intermediate level of specialization.
Analysis of the volatile blend emitted by the main host
plant, peach, revealed the presence of 22 compounds. A
previous investigation (Horvat & Chapman, 1990) on leaf
volatiles found only two compounds in sizable amounts
which is possibly due to methodological differences (see
below). In the current study the major constituents were (Z)-
3-hexen-1-yl acetate and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, accounting for 41
and 7% of the total quantity of volatiles in the shoot
Female C. molesta response to plant volatiles 339
Cumulative captures of female moths
9 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Photophase Scotophase Photophase
Time (h)
Fig. 2. Time course of cumulative captures of mated female
Cydia molesta (dual choice arena bioassay) in the odour chamber
containing a peach shoot (—
) compared to a blank ( ).
Mean no. of captured female moths
>n-C30 n-C5 to n-C8
n-C5 to n-C6
natural blend
Fig. 3. Bioactivity of fractions of compounds ( ) with a different number of carbons compared to a blank ( ). Attraction of mated
female Cydia molesta in a dual choice arena to a fraction of compounds with >8 carbons; fraction of compounds with >30 carbons;
fraction of compounds of 5–8 carbons; fraction of compounds of 5–6 carbons; total emitted peach shoot volatiles ( ). N = 3; 30 moths
per replicate. (**P < 0.01; generalized linear model.)
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headspace, respectively. Both compounds have also been
reported from volatile collection of apple foliage (Bengtsson
et al., 2001). They are categorized as green leaf volatiles and
consist of a number of compounds of saturated or mono-
unsaturated aldehydes, alcohols and acetates, which occur
in all plants, but in very varying proportions depending on
species (Hansson et al., 1999). Antennal receptors of different
lepidopteran species were stimulated in response to green
leaf volatiles which included (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate
(reviewed by Visser, 1986; Bengtsson et al., 2001). This class
of compounds, possibly in combination with further
constituents of plant odours, is assumed to be involved in
herbivore orientation to its host plant (van Tol & Visser,
An attractive effect on C. molesta females was found for
these two major green leaf volatiles in combination with
benzaldehyde. This aromatic aldehyde has also been
detected during certain periods of the season in volatile
blends from an apple tree (Bengtsson et al., 2001; A. Vallat &
S. Dorn, unpublished). This is, to our knowledge, the first
time that host-plant-derived attractants for female C. molesta
have been reported. The ratio of these three compounds
tested for the behavioural response of the moth reflects their
ratio in the natural blend. Two major compounds from a
non-bioactive fraction did not elicit any response in C.
molesta females. A combination of a minor constituent of the
green leaf volatiles, (E)-2-hexenal with (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, was
behaviourally inactive as well (data not shown). This does
not exclude that further combinations may exhibit an
attractant effect on the moths. In the apple maggot fruit fly,
Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae) a seven-
component mix was first reported to be attractive to sexually
mature adults (Fein et al., 1982), while a later study identified
an even higher effect for a five-component blend (Zhang et
al., 1999). Further studies will be needed to analyse to what
degree the bioactivity found for the mixture characterized
above is sex-specific in C. molesta.
New methods were used for the fractionation of peach
volatiles and for the bioassay. In a previous study, peach
leaves were frozen, ground to a fine powder and then
solvent extracted (Horvat & Chapman, 1990). The current
study benefited from the technology of direct thermal
desorption of headspace volatiles from intact shoots. This
yielded a larger number of quantifiable compounds without
the risk of including artefacts caused by oxidation in leaf
homogenates. The method of fractionation based on sorbent
polymers that trap different compounds within a given
volatility range proved to be appropriate for the purpose of
this study. An artificial mixture prepared to mimic
components of the bioactive fraction was behaviourally
340 D. Natale et al.
Table 2. Artificial combinations or single constituents used in bioassays with chemicals.
Constituents Ratio Release (µg)
GLV (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate : (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol 4 : 1 1750 ± 0.32 : 175 ± 0.15
ALD benzaldehyde 1 161 ± 0.07
MIX (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate : (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol : benzaldehyde 4 : 1 : 1 1750 ± 0.37: 175 ± 0.11 : 161 ± 0.08
EST (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl butyrate 1 326 ± 0.27
TRP cis-
-ocimene 1 221 ± 0.4
Ratios used reflect approximate ratios released from the peach shoots. To obtain the required initial ratios (µl : µl) between individual
compounds, an appropriate number of 0.5 µl microcapillaries was used. Quantities released over the trial period were determined
gravimetrically (mean ± standard error).
Mean no. of captured female moths
Fig. 4. Bioactivity of single or combinations of compounds ( , bioactive fractions; , inactive fractions) as compared to a blank ( ).
Attraction of mated female Cydia molesta in a dual choice arena to (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate plus (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol (GLV), benzaldehyde
(ALD), (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate plus (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol plus benzaldehyde (MIX), (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl butyrate (EST), cis-
-ocimene (TRP). N
= 5; 30 moths per replicate. (**P < 0.01; generalized linear model.)
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effective. This indicates the usefulness of this procedure. It
is related to the so-called subtractive combination method
defined as ‘subtracting fractions from the whole blend of
compounds for bioassays’ (Byers, 1992). However, the
current study started with headspace volatiles instead of
crude extracts and subtracted all but one fraction instead of
subtracting a single fraction from the total blend. The
bioassay was carried out in a dual choice arena under light
conditions simulating a diurnal cycle. Major movements of
the moths into the odour chambers were recorded before
the onset and after the termination of the period without
light. This coincides with a previous laboratory study
reporting flight activity in C. molesta during dusk and dawn,
and minimal movement during dark (Hughes & Dorn,
2002). As this photoperiodicity is identical to that observed
for this species in the field (Dustan, 1964; Roerich, 1961;
Rothschild & Minks, 1974), it is concluded that the bioassay
used offers favourable conditions for the assessment of
adult behaviour.
In addition to olfaction, vision might also be an
important sensory modality for host habitat location as it is
in other lepidopteran species (Ramaswamy, 1988). Further
work should evaluate the three-compound mixture for
trapping C. molesta females on a larger scale, paying
attention also to the design of the trap. Such investigations
might lead to an effective tool for attracting female moths,
and to a better understanding of their host plant selection
This work was supported by the Centro Ricerche
Produzioni Vegetali, CRPV, Diegaro di Cesena (FO) Italy.
The authors thank Dr Kathrin Tschudi-Rein, Dr Anja Rott
and the two anonymous referees for useful comments on
this manuscript.
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