begins January 2, 2023
terminates January 4, 2026
Table of Contents
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(A) Agreement ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 1
(B) Purpose -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 1
(C) Equity ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 1
(D) Second City --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 1
(E) Application of Clauses -------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 1
(F) Paragraph Headings ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 1
3:01 Equity Members in Good Standing --------------------------------- BOTH --------- 2
3:02 Equity Constitution and Bylaws -------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 2
3:03 Discipline of Members -------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 2
5:01 Provincial Jurisdiction --------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 2
5:02 Statutory Conflicts ------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 2
5:03 Canadian Statutes ------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 2
5:04 Provisions Affected ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH --------- 2
7:01 Benefit Performances -------------------------------------------------- MAIN ---------- 3
7:02 Membership Meetings - Privilege of Artists to Attend --------- BOTH --------- 3
7:03 Special Power to Act for Artist ---------------------------------------- ------------------ 4
(A) Authority ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
(B) Consent ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
(C) Representation -------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
7:04 Company Meetings ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ 4
(A) Secret Ballot ----------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
(B) Attendance ------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
8:01 Apprentice Stage Manager -------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
8:02 Artist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
8:03 Callback Audition -------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
8:04 Choreographer ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
8:05 Contractual Fee ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 4
8:06 Creative Compensation ------------------------------------------------ BOTH --------- 5
8:07 Company ------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 5
8:08 Cover ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH --------- 5
8:09 Director --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 5
8:10 Emergency Rehearsal -------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 5
8:11 Engagement Week ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH --------- 5
8:12 Fight Director ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 5
8:13 Filing Fee ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH --------- 5
8:14 Free Day ------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 5
8:15 Half-Hour Call ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 5
8:16 Harassment --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 5
8:17 Intimacy -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 5
8:18 Intimacy Director --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 5
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Living Allowance --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN ---------- 5
8:20 Original Artist -------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN ---------- 6
8:21 Out-of-Town Artist ------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 6
8:22 Performance Day -------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 6
8:23 Performer ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH --------- 6
8:24 Place of Residence ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH --------- 6
8:25 Point of Origin ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 6
8:26 Press Opening ------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN ---------- 6
8:27 Process --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 6
8:28 Production ----------------------------------------------------------------- TourCo -------- 6
8:29 Recording ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH --------- 6
8:30 Rehearsals ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 6
8:31 Revue ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN ---------- 6
8:32 Role -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 6
8:33 Stage Manager ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 6
8:34 Theatre --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 6
8:35 Theatricals ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 6
8:36 Touring ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TourCo -------- 6
Preamble ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 7
9:01 Not In OUR Space! Program ----------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 7
9:02 Harassment ---------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 7
9:03 Reporting Harassment and Resolution Process ----------------- BOTH --------- 7
9:04 Requirement to Report ------------------------------------------------ BOTH --------- 8
9:05 Relief of Termination Payment --------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 8
9:06 Dispute Between Equity and the Theatre ------------------------- BOTH --------- 8
9:07 Discrimination -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ 8
(A) Discrimination Prohibition ------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 8
(B) Termination Due to Discrimination is Prohibited -------- BOTH --------- 8
(C) Artist Not Required to Render Services ------------------- BOTH --------- 8
(D) Discrimination Due to Pregnancy or Parental Status -- BOTH --------- 8
(E) Discrimination for Association Activity --------------------- BOTH --------- 9
(i) Prohibition of Discrimination -------------------------- ------------------ 9
(ii) Claims ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ 9
10:00 BREACHES 9
10:01 By the Theatre ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ 9
(A) Conditions -------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 9
(B) Procedure --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 9
(C) Payment ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH --------- 9
(D) Punitive Damages ------------------------------------------------ ------------------ 9
(i) Mainstage ------------------------------------------------- MAIN ---------- 9
(ii) Touring Company --------------------------------------- TourCo ------ 10
(E) No Waiver of Rights -------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 10
(F) Without Prejudice ----------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 10
10:02 By the Artist ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 10
(A) Absences ------------------------------------------------- BOTH ------- 10
(B) Equity’s Right to Dispute ------------------------------ BOTH ------- 10
(C) Penalties for Other Claims --------------------------- BOTH ------- 10
11:00 CLAIMS 11
11:01 Waiver or Release Not Permissible -------------------------------- BOTH -------- 11
11:02 Time Limit in Lodging Claims ---------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 11
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Preamble --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 11
12:01 Disagreement over Interpretation ----------------------------------- BOTH -------- 11
12:02 Equity to Act for Members -------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 11
12:03 Demand -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 11
12:04 Notice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 11
12:05 Appointment of Arbitrator --------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 12
12:06 Hearings ------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 12
12:07 Binding Nature of Arbitration ----------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 12
12:08 No Recourse to Court of Law ----------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 12
12:09 No Modification of Agreement --------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 12
12:10 Theatre's Failure --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 12
12:11 Artist's Failure to Comply --------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 12
12:12 Expenses ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 12
13:00 AUDITIONS 12
Preamble --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 12
13:01 Notice of Auditions to Equity ------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 12
13:02 Audition Submission Prohibition ------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 12
13:03 Annual Auditions --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 13
13:04 Priority Scheduling ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 13
13:05 Attendance and Suitable Space ------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 13
13:06 Audition Spaces ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 13
13:07 Audition Spaces Accessibility for Performer with a Disability BOTH --------- 13
13:08 Audition Venue Inspection -------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 13
13:09 Scheduling of Auditions ------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 13
13:10 Group Auditions ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 13
13:11 Requirement for Performers to Sign-in ----------------------------- BOTH -------- 13
13:12 Casting Authority Present ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 13
13:13 Assignment of Casting Prohibited ---------------------------------- BOTH -------- 14
13:14 Maximum Number of Calls ------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 14
13:15 Recording of Auditions Prohibited ----------------------------------- BOTH -------- 14
13:16 Auditions with Requested Prepared Material --------------------- BOTH -------- 14
13:17 Availability of Requested Audition Material ----------------------- BOTH -------- 14
13:18 Nudity in Auditions ------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 14
13:19 Callback Auditions -------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 14
14:01 Equal Engagement Opportunities ------------------------------------ ----------------- 14
(A) Inclusive Casting ------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 14
(B) Specific Casting Requirements ----------------------------- TourCo ------- 14
(C) Inclusive Hiring --------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 15
(D) Reporting ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 15
16:00 NON-MEMBERS 15
16:01 Non-Members ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 15
(A) Requirement for an ESCA Engagement Contract ------ BOTH -------- 15
(B) Requirement to Remit Filing Fees -------------------------- BOTH -------- 15
16:02 Touring Into the USA --------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 15
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20:01 Maintenance of Satisfactory Security-------------------------------- ----------------- 16
(A) Requirement ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 16
(B) Liability ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 16
20:02 Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 16
20:03 Release --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 16
20:04 Cash Deposits ------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 16
20:05 Theatres in Arrears ------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 16
20:06 Drawing Upon Security ------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 17
21:00 CONTRACTS 17
21:01 Equity Contracts ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 17
21:02 Effective Date ------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 17
(A) Press Opening --------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 17
21:03 Issuing of -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 17
(A) Mainstage Contracts -------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 17
(B) Touring Company ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 17
21:04 Signing of ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 17
21:05 Changes, Alterations and Concessions ---------------------------- BOTH -------- 18
21:06 Triplicate Copy ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 18
21:07 Deadlines for Filing ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 18
21:08 Confidentiality ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 18
21:09 Electronic Contract Template Forms ------------------------------ BOTH -------- 18
22:01 Rights in Future Productions ------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 18
23:00 FEES 19
23:01 Legal Tender -------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 19
23:02 Payment by Direct Deposit -------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 19
23:03 Payment on Tour -------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 19
23:04 Time of Payment --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 19
23:05 Taxes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 19
23:06 Itemized Deductions and Payments -------------------------------- BOTH -------- 19
23:07 Agency Commission ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 19
23:08 Additional Services Payments ---------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 19
23:09 Unpaid Fees --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 19
23:10 Partial Weeks of Engagement ---------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 20
(A) Timing -------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 20
(B) Consecutive ------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 20
(C) Payment for Prorated Days ----------------------------------- MAIN --------- 20
(D) Insurance Top-Up ----------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 20
(E) Number of Prorated Days -------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 20
(F) Inclusion of Free Day ------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 20
(G) Reporting ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 20
(H) Failure of the Artist to Rehearse ----------------------------- MAIN --------- 20
23:11 Additional Duties --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 21
23:12 Fee Schedule -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 21
(A) Current ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 21
(B) Contracts Spanning Two Fee Schedules ----------------- BOTH -------- 21
(C) Contracts beyond the Current ESCA ---------------------- BOTH -------- 21
23:13 Mainstage Minimum Fees 2023-2025 ------------------------------ MAIN --------- 21
23:14 Touring Company Minimum Fees 2023-2025 ------------------- TourCo ------- 22
23:15 Choreographer Fees 2023-2025 ------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 23
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Long-Term Run Bonus ------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 23
23:17 Extended Process ------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 23
25:01 Deductions ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 23
(A) Payments of Equity Dues ------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 23
(B) Equity Member Benefits -------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 23
(C) Non-Member Deductions ------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 24
(D) Artists on Tour --------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 24
(E) Additional Services --------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 24
25:02 Remittances -------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 24
26:01 Obligations When Contract is Three or More Months ---------- BOTH -------- 24
(A) Transportation --------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 24
(B) Luggage ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 25
(C) Relocation Fee --------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 25
26:02 Obligation When Contract is Less Than Three Months ------- BOTH -------- 25
(A) Transportation ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 25
(B) Luggage ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 25
(C) Living Allowance ------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 25
26:03 Housing -------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 26
(A) Clean and Sanitary --------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 26
(B) Relatives and Pets --------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 26
27:01 Sex Acts -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 26
27:02 Notification to the Actor ------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 26
(A) Prior to Signing -------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 26
(B) Notice --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 26
27:03 Rider to the ESCA Engagement Contract ------------------------ TourCo ------- 26
Preamble --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 27
28:01 Minimum Requirements ------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 27
28:02 Temperature -------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 27
28:03 Drinking Water ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- 27
28:04 Dressing Rooms ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 27
(A) Supplies and Cleaning ---------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 27
(B) Upkeep ------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 27
(C) Ventilation --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 27
28:05 Equity Cot ------------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 27
28:06 First Aid --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 28
(A) First Aid Certification ------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 28
(B) First Aid Kits ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 28
28:07 Lavatory and Toilet Facilities ----------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 28
28:08 Deep Cleaning ------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 28
28:09 Fire Safety Procedure -------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 28
(A) Tour Location ---------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 28
28:10 Equity’s Discretion ------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 28
29:01 Responsibility of the Theatre ----------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 29
29:02 Rider ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 29
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Dangerous Conditions -------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 29
29:04 Production Elements ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 29
29:05 Smoke and Haze --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 29
29:06 Firearms -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 29
29:07 Pyrotechnics --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 29
29:08 Determination ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 29
31:01 Equity Liaison -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 30
(A) Mainstage --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 30
(B) Touring Company ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 30
31:02 Equity Representatives -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 30
(A) Authorized Representatives ---------------------------------- BOTH -------- 30
(B) Equity Company Meetings ----------------------------------- BOTH -------- 30
32:01 Mainstage ------------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 30
32:02 Touring Company ------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 31
33:01 Duties ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 31
33:02 Infractions ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 31
33:03 Intoxication or Impairment --------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 31
34:01 Comp Policy --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 31
34:02 Complimentary Tickets on Tour -------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 31
34:03 Equity Members ---------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 32
Preamble ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 32
35:01 Timeline – Start of Process ------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 32
35:02 Mainstage Hours --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 32
35:03 TourCo Hours ------------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 32
35:04 Additional Services ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 32
35:05 Breaks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 32
(A) Meal Break ------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 32
(B) During Rehearsal ------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 32
(C) Between Rehearsal and Performance ---------------------- ----------------- 33
(i) Mainstage -------------------------------------------------- MAIN -------- 33
(ii) Touring Company -------------------------------------- TourCo ------ 33
(D) Rehearsals After a Performance --------------------------- BOTH -------- 33
(E) Between Travel and Rehearsal or Performance ------- TourCo ------- 33
35:06 Note Sessions ------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 34
35:07 Notice of Calls ------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 34
35:08 Press Opening and Revue Identity ---------------------------------- MAIN --------- 34
35:09 Rehearsal of Current Production After Press Opening -------- MAIN --------- 34
35:11 Workshops and Classes ----------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 34
35:12 Rehearsals Lost ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 34
35:13 Span of Day ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 34
(A) Performers -------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 34
(B) Stage Management --------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 35
35:14 Emergency Rehearsal -------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 35
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36:00 FREE DAY 35
36:01 Requirement -------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 35
36:02 Period Between Days Off ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 35
36:03 Notice of Change -------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 35
36:04 Christmas Day ------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 35
37:01 Method ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 35
37:02 Front of House Entrances or Exits ---------------------------------- BOTH -------- 35
38:00 BILLING 36
38:01 Billing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 36
38:02 Promotion of the Artist --------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 36
(A) Billing --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 36
(B) Billing Provisions ------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 36
(C) Media Releases ------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 36
38:03 Breaches ------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 36
(A) Mainstage --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 36
(B) Touring Company ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 36
(C) Directors and Choreographers ------------------------------ BOTH -------- 36
38:04 Stage Management ----------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 37
(A) Photographs and Biographies ------------------------------- MAIN --------- 37
(B) Billing Page ------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 37
38:05 Website Billing ------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 37
39:01 Houseboards/Digital Screens ----------------------------------------- ----------------- 37
(A) Mainstage --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 37
(B) Touring Company ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 37
39:02 Free Program ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 37
39:03 Artist Photographs ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 37
39:04 Biographies----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 38
(A) Biographical Material ------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 38
(B) Biographies Not In Program ---------------------------------- MAIN --------- 38
39:05 Cast List ------------------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 38
39:06 Errors or Omissions ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 38
(A) Breach ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 38
(B) Directors and Choreographers ------------------------------ BOTH -------- 38
39:07 Artist Leaving a Company ---------------------------------------------- ----------------- 38
(A) Houseboards, Cast Lists and Frames --------------------- BOTH -------- 38
(B) Programs ---------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 39
40:01 Creative Compensation ------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 39
40:02 Touring Company Writing -------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 39
40:03 Ownership of Material -------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 39
41:01 Standard ------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 40
41:02 Stage Management ----------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 40
41:03 Return to Point of Origin ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 41
42:01 Costumes ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 41
42:02 Declared Value ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 41
42:03 Cleaning and Upkeep --------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 41
(A) Mainstage --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 41
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Touring Company ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 41
(C) Skin Parts ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 41
42:04 Kneepads ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 41
42:05 Make-up -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 41
42:06 Change of Hair Colour or Style -------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 42
43:01 Limits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 42
43:02 Valuables Lockup --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 42
(A) Mainstage --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 42
(B) Touring Company ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 42
43:03 Liability ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 42
43:04 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 42
Preamble -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 43
44:01 Number of Performances ----------------------------------------------- ----------------- 43
(A) Mainstage ---------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 43
(B) Touring Company ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 43
44:02 Span of Day: Two-Performance Day ------------------------------ MAIN --------- 43
44:03 Extra Performances ---------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 43
(A) Notice -------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 43
(B) Payment ----------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 43
(C) Cancellation ------------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 43
(D) Performances on the Artist’s Free Day -------------------- MAIN --------- 43
44:04 Half-Hour Call ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 43
44:05 Breaks Between Performances --------------------------------------- ----------------- 44
(A) Requirement ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 44
(i) Additional Services Provided During the
First Half Hour ------------------------------------------- BOTH ------- 44
(ii) Additional Services Provided During the
Second Half Hour --------------------------------------- BOTH ------- 44
44:06 Notice of Changes -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 44
(A) Mainstage --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 44
(B) Touring Company ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 44
44:07 New Year’s Eve ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 44
45:01 Clear Aisles ---------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 44
45:02 Management Duty ------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 44
46:01 Per Diem -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 45
(A) Local Touring ---------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 45
(B) Run-Out Less than Five Hours ------------------------------ TourCo ------- 45
(C) Run-Out Five Hours or More -------------------------------- TourCo ------- 45
(D) Overnight Touring ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 45
46:02 Accommodations -------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 45
(A) Clean and Sanitary --------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 45
(B) Single Occupancy ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 45
(C) Interior Doors ---------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 45
(D) Distance to Venue ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 45
46:03 Self-Obtained Accommodations ------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 46
47:01 Transportation of Artist by Theatre ----------------------------------- ----------------- 46
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Theatre’s Expense --------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 46
(B) Use of Personal Vehicle --------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 46
(C) Modes of Transportation and Routing -------------------- TourCo ------- 46
(D) Tickets of Cash Equivalent Three Days in Advance TourCo ---------- 46
47:02 Equity Travel Insurance ------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 47
(A) Requirement ----------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 47
(B) Plan ----------------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 47
(C) Payment Of -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 47
(i) Premiums ------------------------------------------------ TourCo ------ 47
(ii) Late Payments ------------------------------------------ TourCo ------ 47
(D) Monthly Billing Reminder ------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 47
47:03 Health Insurance --------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 47
47:04 Air Travel ------------------------------------------------------------------ TourCo ------- 47
(A) Delay en Route ------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 47
(B) Excess Luggage ------------------------------------------------ TourCo ------- 47
(C) Scheduling ------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 48
47:05 Automobile, Train, and Bus Transportation ---------------------- TourCo ------- 48
47:06 Automobile/Company Vehicle Transportation on Tour --------- ----------------- 48
(A) Travel Call -------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 48
(B) Delay by Artist --------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 48
(C) End of Day ------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 48
(D) Travel After Midnight ------------------------------------------ TourCo ------- 48
47:07 Company Vehicle ------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 48
(A) Number of Seats ------------------------------------------------ TourCo ------- 48
(B) Blankets ----------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 48
(C) Safety Devices -------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 48
(D) Scenery and Luggage ----------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 49
(E) Routing ------------------------------------------------------------ TourCo ------- 49
(F) Van Conduct Policy -------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 49
(G) Driving Company Vehicle ------------------------------------ TourCo ------- 49
47:08 Coach Train Transportation -------------------------------------------- ----------------- 49
(A) Calculation of Travel Time ----------------------------------- TourCo ------- 49
47:09 Luggage --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 49
(A) Hand Luggage -------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 49
(B) Trunk/Luggage -------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 50
48:01 Sick Leave ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 50
48:02 Bereavement Leave ----------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 50
48:03 Personal Days ----------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 50
48:04 Pregnancy & Parental Leave ---------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 50
49:00 VACATION 50
49:01 Vacation Allotment ------------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 50
49:02 Notice of Vacation ------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 51
49:03 Stage Management Vacation Pay ----------------------------------- BOTH -------- 51
50:01 Permitted Absences ----------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 51
50:02 Notice to the Theatre --------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 51
(i) One to Two Days ------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 51
(ii) Three to Four Days ---------------------------------------------- ----------------- 51
(iii) Five or More Days ----------------------------------------------- ----------------- 51
50:03 Reasons for Denial ------------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 51
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Reduction of Weekly Fee ---------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 51
51:01 Requirement --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 52
(A) Mainstage --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 52
(B) Touring Company ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 52
51:02 Rehearsal Conditions ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 52
(A) Rehearsal Time -------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 52
(B) Put-In Rehearsal ------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 52
(C) Payment ----------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 52
51:03 Precondition to Perform ------------------------------------------------ TourCo ------- 52
51:04 Payment -------------------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 52
51:05 Insurance Premium ------------------------------------------------------ TourCo ------- 52
51:06 Emergency Replacement ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 52
51:07 Understudy Not Available ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 53
52:01 Replacement or Understudy ------------------------------------------- ----------------- 53
(A) Mainstage --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 53
(B) Touring Company ----------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 53
52:02 Announcement ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 53
52:03 Breach ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 53
Preamble ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 54
53:01 Promotional Appearances --------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 54
(A) Notice --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 54
(B) Breaks -------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 54
(C) Time Limits -------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 54
(D) Stage Management Requirement --------------------------- BOTH -------- 54
(E) Outside of Point of Origin ------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 54
(F) In Excess of Limits ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 55
53:02 Touring Company Appearances ------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 55
53:03 Reimbursement of Expenses ----------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 55
Preamble ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 55
54:01 General Provisions ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 55
54:02 Social Media --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 55
54:03 Notice of Recording and Declared Use ----------------------------- ----------------- 56
(A) Notice of Calls ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 56
(B) Initial Declared Use --------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 56
54:04 Scheduling of Calls ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 56
(A) Calls for Recordings -------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 56
(B) Non-Rehearsal Calls for Touring Company -------------- TourCo ------- 56
(C) Calls During a Rest Period ------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 56
(D) Calls Prior to Engagement Period -------------------------- MAIN --------- 56
54:05 Other Conditions ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 57
(A) Nude Recordings ------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 57
(B) Alteration of Images or Footage ----------------------------- BOTH -------- 57
(C) Copy to Equity ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 57
(D) Use of Recorded Material for Promotion
of Canadian Theatre -------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 57
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Capture of Material in Rehearsal or Backstage ------------------ ----------------- 57
(A) Capture During Rehearsal and Process ------------------ BOTH -------- 57
(B) Capture Backstage Mainstage ------------------------------- MAIN --------- 57
(C) Capture Backstage Touring Company -------------------- TourCo ------- 57
54:07 Use of Recordings by the Artist -------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 58
55:01 Photo Calls ---------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 58
(A) Additional Call ---------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 58
(B) Two-Show Day --------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 58
55:02 Use of Photos in Publicity Material ---------------------------------- BOTH -------- 58
55:03 Identification of Photographs ----------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 58
55:04 Use of Production Photographs - Special Provisions ---------- BOTH -------- 58
(i) Books and Publications ---------------------------------------- ----------------- 59
(ii) Academic and Training Institutions -------------------------- ----------------- 59
(iii) Study Guides ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- 59
55:05 Use of Production Photographs for Merchandise ---------------- ----------------- 59
(A) Written Authorization ------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 59
(B) Payment for Use of Image for Merchandise ------------- BOTH -------- 59
(C) Payment for Use of Image in “Coffee Table Book” ----- BOTH -------- 59
56:01 Declared Use ------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 60
(A) Reference and Maintenance -------------------------------- BOTH -------- 60
(B) Publicity & Promotion for Current Productions ---------- BOTH -------- 60
(C) Archival Recording ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 60
(D) Other ---------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 60
56:02 Credit and Billing for Audio and/or Visual Recordings --------- BOTH -------- 61
56:03 Current Affairs ------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 61
56:04 Stipulations ---------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 61
57:01 Conditions For ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 61
(A) Artists’ Agreement ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 61
(B) Recording Sessions -------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 61
57:02 Artist Leaving a Production ------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 61
(A) Mainstage ---------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 61
(B) Touring Company ----------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 61
57:03 Artist Engaged for Recording ----------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 62
58:01 Scope ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- 62
(A) Preservation ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 62
(B) Broadcast ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 62
58:02 Recording Rates --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 62
(i) Performers --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 62
(ii) Choreographers & Directors ---------------------------------- ----------------- 62
(iii) Stage Management ---------------------------------------------- ----------------- 62
58:03 Notification ---------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 63
58:04 Additional Rehearsals -------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 63
58:05 Maximum Call ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 63
58:06 Recording on a Day with No Performance ------------------------ BOTH -------- 63
58:07 Two-Show Day ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 63
58:08 Recording After Production Closed/Artist Leaves Production ----------------- 63
(A) Original Artist ----------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 63
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Artist Dismissed ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 63
59:01 Notice Period -------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 64
59:02 Delivery of Notice --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 64
(A) Written -------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 64
(B) Methods ------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 64
(C) Call Board --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 64
(D) Timing -------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 64
59:03 Deductions ----------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 64
59:04 Termination Before Engagement ------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 64
(A) Notice By Artist --------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 64
(i) Mainstage ------------------------------------------------- MAIN -------- 64
(ii) Touring Company --------------------------------------- TourCo ------ 64
(B) Notice By Theatre ------------------------------------------------ ----------------- 64
(i) Mainstage ------------------------------------------------- MAIN -------- 64
(ii) Touring Company --------------------------------------- TourCo ------ 65
59:05 After Beginning of Engagement -------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 65
59:06 During Process or Rehearsals ---------------------------------------- ----------------- 65
(A) By Artist ------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 65
(B) By Theatre --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 65
(C) Special Conditions ---------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 65
59:07 Termination After Press Opening ------------------------------------- ----------------- 65
(A) Notice --------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 65
59:08 Company Termination Before Press Opening ------------------- MAIN --------- 65
59:09 Extension of ESCA Engagement Contract ------------------------- ----------------- 65
(A) Absence of Option ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 65
(B) Written Agreement ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 65
(C) Right to Negotiate ----------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 65
59:10 Absence due to Accidents Involving Extraordinary Risk ------ BOTH -------- 66
59:11 Absence Due to Illness or Accident ---------------------------------- ----------------- 66
(A) Termination For -------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 66
(B) Payment ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 66
(C) Replacement ------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 66
59:12 Payment When Artist is Not Allowed to Work Out Notice ----- BOTH -------- 66
59:13 Rights After Giving Notice When Artist Secures New Engagement BOTH - 66
59:14 Return Transportation Costs ------------------------------------------- ----------------- 66
(A) Termination by Theatre ---------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 66
(B) Termination by Artist -------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 66
59:15 Filing of Notice ------------------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 66
59:16 Growth or Physical Appearance ------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 67
59:17 Termination Due to Impairment -------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 67
59:18 Unauthorized Absence ------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 67
Preamble ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 67
61:01 Equity Stage Management -------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 67
61:02 Script Changes ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 67
61:03 Contractual Obligations Requiring
Stage Manager's Assistance ------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 67
61:04 Consultation on Selection of Stage Management Personnel MAIN --------- 67
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Stage Management Staffing Formulae ---------------------------- BOTH -------- 68
(A) Requirements ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 68
(B) Assistant Stage Managers ------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 68
(C) Apprentice Stage Managers ---------------------------------- MAIN --------- 68
61:06 Pre-Production Preparation -------------------------------------------- ----------------- 68
(A) Term of Engagement – Mainstage ------------------------- MAIN --------- 68
(B) Term of Engagement – Touring Company --------------- TourCo ------- 68
(C) Replacement Stage Management Personnel ------------ MAIN --------- 68
(D) Apprentice Stage Managers ---------------------------------- MAIN --------- 68
61:07 Additional Benefits ------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 68
61:08 Apprentice Stage Managers ----------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 68
(A) Registration ------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 69
(B) Maximum Number ---------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 69
(C) Fee Paid to Apprentice Stage Manager ------------------- MAIN --------- 69
(D) Hours of Work --------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 69
(E) Length of Engagement ---------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 69
61:09 Prohibited Duties --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 69
(A) Fulfilling Duties of Union Members ------------------------- BOTH -------- 69
(B) Fulfilling Duties of Theatre Management ----------------- BOTH -------- 69
(C) Signing Closing Notices --------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 69
(D) Building Maintenance ------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 69
(E) Payroll -------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 69
(F) Serving Meals ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 69
61:10 Understudying and Performing --------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 70
61:11 Duties and Responsibilities of Stage Management ------------- BOTH -------- 70
(A) Discretion in Organization of Work ------------------------- BOTH -------- 70
(B) Organization of Rehearsals and Performances --------- BOTH -------- 70
(C) Scheduling Rehearsal Calls ---------------------------------- MAIN --------- 70
(D) Scheduling Set-Ups, Strikes, Load-Ins and Load-Outs TourCo ------- 70
(E) Co-ordination and Communication ------------------------- BOTH -------- 70
(F) Scene Change Rehearsals and Cueing Sessions ----- BOTH -------- 70
(G) Running Order and Cue Sheets ----------------------------- BOTH -------- 70
(H) Maintenance of Artistic and Technical Intentions ------- BOTH -------- 71
(I) Show Reports ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 71
(J) Record-Keeping ------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 71
(K) Health and Safety ----------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 71
(L) Physical Welfare of Company Members ------------------ BOTH -------- 71
(M) Dressing Area ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 71
(N) Backstage Area -------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 71
(O) Collection of Valuables ---------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 71
61:12 Other Duties --------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 72
(A) Laundry Duties --------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 72
(B) Wig Maintenance ------------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 72
(C) Props Repair and Purchasing -------------------------------- BOTH -------- 72
(D) Running Props/Purchase and Preparation --------------- BOTH -------- 72
(E) Operating and/or Maintaining Pyrotechnics
and Practical Guns ---------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 72
(F) Typing Scripts ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 72
61:13 Lights and Sound Operation ------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 72
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Production Meetings ---------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 72
(A) Outside Rehearsal/Preparation Time ---------------------- MAIN --------- 73
(B) After an On-Stage Rehearsal -------------------------------- MAIN --------- 73
61:15 Stage Management Working Day ----------------------------------- BOTH -------- 73
61:16 Preparation Time --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 73
(i) Rehearsal Only Day -------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 73
(ii) Performance Only Day (One and Two-Show Days) --- MAIN --------- 73
(iii) Rehearsal then Performance Day -------------------------- MAIN --------- 73
(iv) Performance then Rehearsal Day -------------------------- MAIN --------- 74
61:17 Stage Management Overtime ----------------------------------------- ----------------- 74
(A) Approval ----------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 74
(B) Reporting ---------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 74
(C) Regular Overtime Rates --------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 74
61:18 Vehicle Use ---------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 74
61:19 Stage Management Email Addresses and Use of
Personal Computers and Phones ------------------------------------ ----------------- 75
(A) Email ---------------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 75
(B) Computer Access ----------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 75
(C) Cell Phone --------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 75
61:20 Emergency Replacement ----------------------------------------------- ----------------- 75
(A) Mainstage --------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 75
(B) Touring Company ----------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 75
61:21 Stage Management Understudy Assignment -------------------- TourCo ------- 75
(A) Payment ----------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 75
(B) Insurance Premium --------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 76
62:01 Contract Requirements -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 76
(A) Terms and Conditions ------------------------------------------ BOTH -------- 76
(B) Non-Member Other Affiliation -------------------------------- BOTH -------- 76
(C) Choreographer Requirement --------------------------------- BOTH -------- 76
62:02 Completion of Contract ------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 76
62:03 Giving Notes During the Performance Run ----------------------- BOTH -------- 76
62:04 Direction or Choreography Altered --------------------------------- BOTH -------- 76
62:05 Duties of a Director ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 76
(A) Rehearsals -------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 76
(B) Meetings and Consultations ---------------------------------- BOTH -------- 76
(i) Before Signing ------------------------------------------- BOTH ------- 77
(ii) After Signing --------------------------------------------- BOTH ------- 77
(iii) After Opening -------------------------------------------- MAIN -------- 77
(C) Promotion of Production --------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 77
62:06 Duties of a Choreographer --------------------------------------------- ----------------- 77
(A) Rehearsals -------------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 77
(B) Meetings and Consultations ---------------------------------- BOTH -------- 77
(C) Promotion of Production --------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 77
62:07 Royalties -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 78
(A) Requirement For Royalty - Mainstage --------------------- MAIN --------- 78
(B) Amount of Royalty ----------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 78
(C) Deductions -------------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 78
(D) Choreographers ------------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 78
62:08 Custom of the Trade ---------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 78
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Multiple Assignments ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 78
(A) Stage Managing ------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 78
(B) Choreographing ------------------------------------------------- BOTH -------- 78
62:10 Assistant Directors and Assistant Choreographers ------------- ----------------- 78
(A) Requirement for Engagement Contract ------------------- MAIN --------- 78
(B) Emergency Replacement of Director
or Choreographer ----------------------------------------------- MAIN --------- 78
62:11 Training and Professional Development --------------------------- MAIN --------- 79
63:01 Mainstage ------------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN --------- 79
63:02 Touring Company -------------------------------------------------------- TourCo ------- 79
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 1
(A) Agreement BOTH
The Equity Second City Agreement (hereinafter called "ESCA") is made between
Canadian Actors' Equity Association (hereinafter called "Equity") and The Second City
Canada, Inc. (hereinafter called the “Theatre”).
(B) Purpose BOTH
The general purpose of this Agreement is to secure for the members of Equity who
are independent contractors, the full benefits of orderly collective bargaining
(including but not limited to hours of work, minimum fees and working conditions) and
the administration of matters within the purview of this Agreement.
(C) Equity BOTH
Equity is the professional association of Performers, Directors, Choreographers, Fight
Directors, and Stage Managers in English Canada who are engaged in live
performance in theatre, opera and dance.
Recognizing that the arts are vital to life and artists make an invaluable contribution
to our society, the Association supports the creative efforts of its members by seeking
to improve their working conditions and opportunities.
The business of Equity is to negotiate and administer collective agreements, provide
benefit plans, information and support, and act as an advocate for its membership.
Equity strives for fairness, integrity and compassion in all its endeavours.
(D) Second City BOTH
The Second City Canada, Inc. operates a sketch and improv comedy theatre, located
in Toronto, Ontario. The Second City Artists create original works for the Resident
Stages, tour archive materials, and present theatrical offerings in Toronto and beyond.
(E) Application of Clauses BOTH
For the purposes of this Agreement, clauses denoted “Main” shall apply to the
Mainstage Company, clauses denoted “TourCo” shall apply to the Touring Company
and clauses denoted “BOTH” shall apply to both the Mainstage Company and the
Touring Company.
(F) Paragraph Headings BOTH
The paragraph headings used herein are inserted for convenience only and are not
part of the ESCA.
The Second City Theatre, Inc. Toronto agrees to recognize Canadian Actors’ Equity
Association as the exclusive bargaining representative of the Artists (Performers,
Directors, Choreographers, Fight Directors Stage Managers, and Assistant Stage
Managers) engaged by it for the purpose of collective bargaining and the
administration of matters within the scope of this Agreement.
When the Theatre wishes to engage in the mounting of Theatricals as defined in
Clause 8:34, the Theatre shall adhere to and follow all terms and conditions of the
Independent Theatre Agreement specifically for such a production.
Nothing contained in any engagement contract signed by an Artist shall interfere with
the carrying out of any obligation which an Artist owes to Equity by virtue of the Artist’s
signing the contract. The Theatre shall not request or require any Artist to do any act
or thing forbidden by the Constitution and Bylaws of Equity or by the rules or
regulations of the Council of Equity, of its authorized representatives. The Theatre will
require the Artist to do and/or assent to the Artist doing any and all acts required by
the foregoing.
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3:01 Equity Members in Good Standing BOTH
As a condition of engagement, an Equity member shall be a member in good standing
during the entire term of their engagement. The Equity member has authorized Equity
to act on their behalf with reference to the specific matters set out in the ESCA.
Up to fourteen (14) days prior to the intended start date of an ESCA Engagement
Contract, the Theatre may inquire in writing, as to the status of an Artist’s membership
directly from Equity. Upon confirmation from Equity that a member is in good standing,
for the purposes and duration of the ESCA Engagement Contract, the member shall
be deemed to be in good standing. Should the member fall into arrears between
confirmation from Equity and the end of the ESCA Engagement Contract, it is the
member’s sole responsibility to rectify the situation directly with Equity.
At the time of the Theatre’s inquiry, should the member be found to be not in good
standing, or should Equity be unable to confirm that a member is in good standing,
the Theatre may withdraw any contract offer without recourse by the member or
3:02 Equity Constitution and Bylaws BOTH
If the Constitution, Bylaws, rules and regulations of Equity as they now exist or as
they may hereafter be amended, are in conflict with the fulfilment of the provisions of
the ESCA, then the provisions of the ESCA shall prevail.
3:03 Discipline of Members BOTH
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein contained shall be deemed to limit the right
of Equity to suspend, expel or otherwise discipline any member or refuse to admit any
non-member pursuant to the Constitution, Bylaws, rules and regulations of Equity.
Agreements between the Theatre and so-called “packagers”, casting consultants,
agents, Theatre’s representatives, or Artist’s representatives shall in no way limit or
reduce the Theatre’s liability or responsibility to fulfil all terms and conditions of the
ESCA Engagement Contracts to which the Theatre is a signatory.
All ESCA Engagement Contracts signed pursuant to this Equity Second City
Agreement are binding not only upon the signers on the face thereof, but upon any
and all corporations, co-partnerships, enterprises, and/or groups, which either signer
directs, controls or is interested in, and are hereby agreed to be adopted as their
contract by each of them.
5:01 Provincial Jurisdiction BOTH
Except as provided hereinafter, the ESCA shall be subject to and construed by the
laws of the province in which the Theatre has its point of origin.
5:02 Statutory Conflicts BOTH
If the provisions of any statute applicable to the contract of engagement are in conflict
with the contract, then the contract of engagement shall be deemed to be modified so
as to comply with the statute.
5:03 Canadian Statutes BOTH
Any clauses contained herein illegal in Canada, or any province, territory or
municipality thereof shall not be binding therein. Any illegality in any clause of the
ESCA shall not affect any other clause of the ESCA.
5:04 Provisions Affected BOTH
If any provision of the ESCA shall be held invalid or unlawful by any tribunal of
competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby, but
shall remain severally valid, binding and in full force and effect.
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Should the production in which the Artist is engaged be complained of as being in
violation of any statute, ordinance, or law of Canada, or any province or any
municipality in any province, and should a claim or charge be made against the Artist
on account of being engaged in such production, either civil or criminal, the Theatre
shall defend the Artist at the Theatre’s own expense, or shall pay any and all
reasonable charges laid out or incurred by the Artist in the Theatre’s defense, and
indemnify the Artist against any loss or damage which the Artist may suffer on account
of being engaged in any such production.
It is specifically agreed and understood between the Artist and the Theatre that the
language, business, and costuming of the play are under the control and direction of
the Theatre and author who, according to custom, can at any time delete or amend
the scenes and lines, and that consequently the Artist has no certain method of
knowing during rehearsals, whether in its final presentation the play is susceptible of
being considered immoral or indecent. Therefore, the Theatre expresses to the Artist
that the production as produced shall not violate any law or give offense which is
punishable by any law, and expressly agrees that should the Theatre or the author be
arrested or summoned on such charges, that (Equity consenting) the Artist may end
and terminate the engagement forthwith. Upon such termination, the Theatre shall
pay to the Artist forthwith all sums due under the ESCA plus one week’s fee, as
compensation for the termination of the engagement without notice, but in no event
shall the Artist receive less than a total of two weeks’ fees.
This Clause shall not apply to any case or any set of conditions where its enforcement
would be illegal or against public policy. In the case of an arrest on account of the
nature of the play or its production, the Theatre shall forthwith furnish bail for the Artist
and, in the event of the Theatre’s failure to do so or for any breach of this Clause, the
Theatre shall pay to the Artist (Equity consenting) the sum of one thousand dollars
($1,000.00). After an arrest, the Artist may demand a suspension of performance
pending a determination, and such suspension shall not terminate or otherwise affect
the terms of the ESCA unless Equity shall otherwise order.
7:01 Benefit Performances MAIN
Artists may rehearse for and play in benefits without remuneration only for the AFC.
There shall be at least one (1) AFC benefit performance per calendar year.
Alternatively, the Theatre may organize another activity (such as curtain speeches
designed to solicit individual donations from the audience) to benefit the AFC.
A benefit performance is a regularly scheduled performance, or one in addition to the
regular schedule of performances, for which the proceeds are donated to the AFC. A
Theatre may, with a minimum of two (2) weeks' notice to the Artists which shall be
copied to Equity, schedule an extra performance, that is to say a ninth performance
in a regular engagement week, or a performance on a normal free day, as a benefit
performance for the AFC. In such performances, Artists will take part without
additional remuneration. Provided that an AFC benefit performance has been
scheduled for that season, the Theatre may schedule other benefit performances with
the prior written approval of Equity.
7:02 Membership Meetings - Privilege of Artists to Attend BOTH
Provided that Equity shall have given the Theatre two (2) weeks' notice in writing, the
Theatre shall not require the services of the Artist for rehearsals (except in cases of
rehearsals on an opening date or on the seven (7) consecutive day rehearsal period
after opening) at any time when a regularly called meeting of Equity is being held
within a reasonable distance of the city where the Artist is being engaged. Time off
for this purpose shall not be counted as part of that day's rehearsal period. Such time
off shall only be made up during the seven (7) days preceding and/or following the
meeting, but not more than two (2) extra hours per day.
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7:03 Special Power to Act for Artist
(A) Authority BOTH
Whenever it is provided in the ESCA or in any ESCA Engagement Contract
that something may be done by an Artist:
(i) at the option of, or with the consent of, or at the request of Equity;
(ii) on the demand of, or with the consent of such Artist, then:
Equity, representing the Artist, has, and is given, authority to act for, and in
the place of, the Artist, and to assert their position, or make the Artist’s request
or demand, as the case may be, with all of the power and authority of the Artist
without liability to itself.
(B) Consent BOTH
In all cases where the consent or approval by Equity is required to modify or
limit the rights of any of its members said action will be taken on behalf of
Equity in writing by the Executive Director or an authorized delegate only.
Such consent or approval will be at Equity's sole discretion.
(C) Representation BOTH
Equity may represent Artists in any dispute which may arise with the Theatre,
and Equity may, at all times, represent its Artists in relation to any matter
arising out of the ESCA or any ESCA Engagement Contract. When any act or
request or consent of any such Artist is provided for in such contract, the
request, consent, or approval of Equity shall, for all purposes, be deemed the
consent, request, approval or act of the Artist.
7:04 Company Meetings
(A) Secret Ballot BOTH
At all meetings of the Equity company called by the Liaison, voting shall be by
secret ballot.
(B) Attendance BOTH
Attendance at meetings of the Equity company shall be restricted to the Artists
contracted for that production.
The following terms, wherever used in the ESCA unless otherwise provided shall be defined as
8:01 Apprentice Stage Manager BOTH
An "Apprentice Stage Manager" is a person who intends to make a career in the
professional theatre as a Stage Manager, and who is not a member of any
professional performing artists' association or union.
8:02 Artist BOTH
The term "Artist" shall refer to and include all persons who are engaged by the Theatre
under ESCA Engagement Contracts including: Performers; Stage Managers;
Directors; Choreographers; Intimacy Directors and Fight Directors.
8:03 Callback Audition BOTH
A “Callback Audition” shall be any audition that occurs following the initial audition of
the Artist for the Theatre.
8:04 Choreographer BOTH
A “Choreographer” is an Artist engaged for the purpose of devising and setting
recognizable and accepted techniques of dance and repeated specialized movement
in a play or musical.
8:05 Contractual Fee BOTH
The "Contractual Fee" comprises the fee negotiated between the Artist and Theatre
for an engagement (which shall not be less than the applicable minimum fee) specified
on the face of the contract and all benefits arising from the ESCA, as well as Additional
Duty Fees and any other amounts so defined.
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8:06 Creative Compensation BOTH
“Creative Compensation” is a separate lump sum paid to the Performer to
compensate the Performer for creating new material for a Revue or TourCo
Production and shall be subject to standard deductions.
8:07 Company BOTH
The term “Company” shall refer to the group of Artists engaged for one Revue or
8:08 Cover BOTH
"Cover" shall mean to understudy.
8:09 Director BOTH
A "Director" is an Artist who has been engaged by the Theatre to oversee the
mounting of a production (or activity) by unifying the various aspects of the production.
8:10 Emergency Rehearsal BOTH
An "emergency rehearsal" shall mean a rehearsal necessitated by the inability of an
Artist to perform their full duties due to sickness or injury or other cause when the
Theatre did not have adequate prior knowledge of the emergency in order to schedule
a regular replacement rehearsal.
8:11 Engagement Week BOTH
An "engagement week" shall be defined as being from Monday through Sunday
8:12 Fight Director BOTH
A “Fight Director” is the person engaged for the purpose of choreographing a fight
sequence(s) in a production. A Fight Director must have valid certification at the time
of contracting for the production.
8:13 Filing Fee BOTH
A “filing fee” is a deduction made from a Non-Member equal to deductions made from
a Member plus an amount for the weekly insurance premium. This amount may
increase as directed by Equity.
8:14 Free Day BOTH
A "free day" shall mean a period of time during which the Artist shall not be required
to travel or perform any services or obligations for the Theatre whatsoever.
8:15 Half-Hour Call BOTH
A “Half-hour Call” is a thirty (30) minute period of time immediately prior to the
beginning of the performance to be used solely for the Performer to prepare for the
8:16 Harassment BOTH
“Harassment” is engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a
person in a workplace that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be
unwelcome or offensive.
8:17 Intimacy BOTH
“Intimacy” may include but is not limited to: prolonged kissing, heavy petting, implied
genital contact, acts of a sexual nature, instances or direction where an Artist feels
that additional consideration is required and may also be an element in scenes of
sexual violence.
8:18 Intimacy Director BOTH
An “Intimacy Director” is the person engaged for the purpose of choreographing a
scene(s) and/or moment(s) of intimacy in a production.
8:19 Living Allowance MAIN
A “living allowance” is an amount paid by the Theatre to assist an Artist with expenses
incurred when an Artist temporarily relocates to the Theatre’s Point of Origin for a
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8:20 Original Artist MAIN
An “Original Artist” is a member of the Company who wrote and created a Revue for
the Mainstage and who was in the Company on the day of the Press Opening of a
8:21 Out-of-Town Artist BOTH
An “Out-of-Town Artist” is an Artist whose regular Place of Residence is not Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
8:22 Performance Day BOTH
A "performance day" shall be a day on which at least one (1) performance is given.
8:23 Performer BOTH
“Performer” shall refer to an Artist who participates in the presentation of movement
and/or dialogue onstage during a Revue or Production.
8:24 Place of Residence BOTH
The term "place of residence" shall mean the Artist's home or usual place of residence
which shall be stipulated on the Artist's ESCA Engagement Contract.
8:25 Point of Origin BOTH
A Theatre’s “point of origin” shall be defined as Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
8:26 Press Opening MAIN
The “Press Opening” of a production shall be assigned by the Theatre and shall be
the performance that marks the end of Process on a Revue.
8:27 Process BOTH
“Process” is the rehearsal period during which a new Revue or Production is being
created by the Company.
8:28 Production TourCo
The sketches and/or improvised set performed by the Touring Company shall be
deemed to be a “Production”.
8:29 Recording BOTH
A “recording” is the preservation of the audio and/or visual aspects of a Revue or
Production in whole or in part through the use of any and all devices now in existence
and yet to be developed.
8:30 Rehearsals BOTH
The term "rehearsal" shall include, but not be limited to, such related activities as
Process, giving notes, blocking, music and dance rehearsals, the staging of concerted
movements, and shall be regarded as rehearsal time.
8:31 Revue MAIN
A “Revue” shall be any production mounted on the Mainstage at the Theatre.
8:32 Role BOTH
The term "Role" shall mean the part or parts a Performer plays in a performance, or
the "track" that an Artist follows in performance.
8:33 Stage Manager BOTH
"Stage Managers" shall work under the direction of the Director and be responsible
for duties as outlined in Article 61:00.
8:34 Theatre BOTH
The term "Theatre" shall mean The Second City Canada, Inc.
8:35 Theatricals BOTH
A “Theatrical” shall be any Revue or Production that occurs away from the Theatre’s
regular place of performance other than a TourCo Production.
8:36 Touring TourCo
An Artist shall be “Touring” when they are rehearsing and/or performing for the
Theatre outside of the Theatre’s regular place of performance.
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Preamble BOTH
The Second City, Inc. (Theatre) and Canadian Actors’ Equity Association (Equity) are
committed to the pursuit of respectful workspaces and support for those who have
experienced or witnessed toxic behaviours and as such have adopted the Not In OUR
Space! Program. Therefore, the Theatre agrees to participate in the joint anti-
harassment campaign “Not in OUR Space! as outlined below.
9:01 Not In OUR Space! Program BOTH
Participation in Not In OUR Space! requires the Theatre to make available “Not In
OUR Space!” materials in all of their rehearsal spaces and any performance spaces
they own or use, for the duration of the production. This includes, but is not limited to
Equity’s “Member Guide to Respectful Workplaces”.
Further, the Theatre shall have and shall make available in an easily accessible place,
their own processes and procedures for filing a complaint and this information shall
be communicated to all Artists no later than the first day of their engagement.
A representative from the Theatre and a representative from Equity shall present the
“Respectful Workplace Statement” at the beginning of the first day of rehearsals when
a new process begins.
9:02 Harassment BOTH
“Harassment” is engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a
person in a workplace that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be
unwelcome or offensive.
Harassment is prohibited on the grounds as defined by legislation in the jurisdiction
in which the Theatre has its point of origin. However, harassment is generally
understood to be:
Sexual Harassment: Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct because
of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of
comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome or
making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the advance is in a
position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement and that person knows or
ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.
Harassment: Harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or
conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. For the
purpose of this policy, harassment includes comment or conduct initiated by one
person towards another, which causes humiliation, offence or embarrassment, or
which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the person’s work
and/or creating an intimidating, humiliating, hostile or offensive environment.
Ordinarily, repeated comment or conduct is required to demonstrate harassment,
however single acts of sufficient severity may also constitute harassment.
Bullying is a distinct form of personal harassment and may include, but is not restricted
to, some of the following: loud, abusive behaviour, unjustified criticism, shunning
behaviours (including withholding information, ganging up, and deliberate isolation
from colleagues or exclusion from joint activities), and repeated delegation of
demeaning tasks.
9:03 Reporting Harassment and Resolution Process BOTH
The Theatre and Equity acknowledge that there are a number of possible methods by
which a complaint of harassment or discrimination can be made including:
(i) directly addressing the alleged harasser and advising that the behaviour is
unwelcome and must cease;
(ii) the complaint policy set out in the Theatre’s policy; or
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(iii) the complaint process provided for in Equity’s policies.
The parties agree that a complaint made to the Theatre is to be investigated. Equity
agrees that it shall advise the Theatre of any complaint made to Equity that involves
a member of management. Equity and the Theatre agree that it is the responsibility
of the Theatre to conduct an investigation into any complaint made to the Theatre or
a complaint made that involves a member of management.
The Theatre and Equity support the principles of human rights legislation including
the principle that a complainant cannot be subject to a reprisal for the filing of a good
faith complaint.
The Theatre and Equity agree that an investigation should be conducted in a
confidential manner.
9:04 Requirement to Report BOTH
If a complaint is brought forward by an Equity member at the specific request of a
non-member, or if a complaint is made against an Equity member, the Theatre shall
immediately advise Equity that an investigation is under way. Upon written consent of
the Equity member, the Theatre shall share with Equity a summary report of the
actions and findings.
9:05 Relief of Termination Payment BOTH
When the results of an appropriately conducted investigation have determined that
harassment has taken place and the Theatre wishes to terminate the Artist’s ESCA
Engagement Contract, the Theatre may request relief from the provisions of Article
59:00, Termination, in order to terminate the contract without further remuneration.
Equity may grant such relief, provided it is satisfied that such termination of the Artist's
ESCA Engagement Contract is the appropriate resolution.
9:06 Dispute Between Equity and the Theatre BOTH
If the Theatre and Equity are in dispute with respect to any matter arising from the
application of this Article, either party may refer the dispute to the dispute resolution
procedures 12:00.
9:07 Discrimination
(A) Discrimination Prohibition BOTH
There shall be no discrimination against any Artist or applicant for a role or
position by reason of ethno-cultural origin or identity, colour, gender identity
and/or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, political or religious
affiliation, citizenship, marital status, or any other basis prohibited by law. Any
breach of this Clause by the parties to the ESCA may be submitted to the
appropriate human rights authority.
(B) Termination Due to Discrimination is Prohibited BOTH
When it is alleged that an Artist's engagement has been terminated due to
discrimination as described above, the matter may be submitted to the dispute
resolution provisions of Article 12:00.
(C) Artist Not Required to Render Services BOTH
An Artist shall not be required to render any services to the Theatre in any
theatre or any place where it has been determined that discrimination as
described in this Article is practised against any person. Where there is a
dispute as to whether such discrimination has taken place, the Artist will
continue to render their services until final determination has been made
under the provisions of Article 12:00.
(D) Discrimination Due to Pregnancy or Parental Status BOTH
An Artist's pregnancy or parental status shall not prevent the Artist from
enjoying full and equal audition and engagement opportunities. Under no
circumstances shall an Artist's pregnancy be considered grounds for
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 9
(E) Discrimination for Association Activity BOTH
(i) Prohibition of Discrimination
The Theatre shall not dismiss or otherwise penalize any Equity
member for fulfilling their duties or obligations as a Liaison, elected
officer, or member of Equity.
(ii) Claims
Any Equity member who claims that the Theatre has given them notice
or otherwise penalized them for fulfilling their duties as an Equity
member, may present their case to the Executive Director of Equity
who shall give the Theatre the opportunity to be heard. If the Executive
Director of Equity is satisfied that such activities are the real cause of
dismissal or of any penalty, it shall have the power to determine the
character and the amount of a penalty to be assessed against the
Theatre. Should the Theatre disagree with the Executive Director's
decision or with the assessed penalty, it may appeal through
arbitration according to the further provisions of Article 12:00.
10:01 By the Theatre
(A) Conditions BOTH
Should Equity and/or any Artist claim that the Theatre:
(i) has breached the ESCA; or
(ii) has breached any ESCA Engagement Contract; or
(iii) has made any false statement in connection with any engagement
agreement or standard ESCA Engagement Contract form tendered to
the Artist; or
(iv) has engaged any Artist for duties which fall within the scope of the
ESCA under any form of contract other than a standard form; or
(v) is in default under any ESCA Engagement Contract, or is in breach of
any such ESCA Engagement Contract; or
(vi) has knowingly engaged or continued to engage subsequent to notice
by Equity any Equity member who is not a fully paid-up member in
good standing of Equity; or
(vii) has failed to give or deposit security at the time and in the form and
amount required by the ESCA; then:
(B) Procedure BOTH
Equity will, within thirty (30) days of a breach occurring, or within thirty (30)
days in which Equity ought reasonably to have known of the breach, but in
any event no later than ninety (90) days of the occurrence, provide the Theatre
with full details of the complaint in writing. Upon final determination that such
breach has occurred, the Artist may with the consent of Equity terminate their
engagement immediately.
(C) Payment BOTH
In addition, the Theatre agrees that it will pay the Artist forthwith in full for all
services rendered by the Artist not already paid for, plus any other sum to
which the Artist may be entitled by the ESCA or their ESCA Engagement
(D) Punitive Damages
(i) Mainstage MAIN
Should Equity claim punitive damages for a Mainstage Artist, Equity
will use the standards of the ESCA and penalty payments for similar
infractions in determining the amount of punitive damages. In no case
may the damages exceed two (2) weeks' contractual fees.
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(ii) Touring Company TourCo
Should Equity claim punitive damages for a TourCo Artist, Equity will
use the standards of the ESCA and penalty payments for similar
infractions in determining the amount of punitive damages. In no case
may the damages exceed two (2) weeks' minimum weekly contractual
fees for the Mainstage.
(E) No Waiver of Rights BOTH
Should any breach be claimed, neither the giving of any performance by the
Artist nor any omission of any act by the Artist or Equity shall be or act as a
waiver of any of the rights of either the Artist or Equity.
Should it finally be determined that a breach has occurred, Equity is hereby
given authority without prejudice, and without penalty to itself, to intervene
and require the Artist to provide service or refrain from providing service and
not to take advantage of any such breach, said requirements to be made by
Equity under such terms and conditions as it may in its sole discretion
consider just and equitable.
(F) Without Prejudice BOTH
All of the foregoing is without prejudice to any other or any further rights given
to the Artist or Equity by the ESCA or the Artist’s ESCA Engagement Contract.
10:02 By the Artist
(A) Absences BOTH
If the Theatre alleges an Artist has breached the ESCA Engagement
Contract during the engagement period due to any of the following,
and that the Artist does not provide a reasonable explanation, such as
illness or injury, the Theatre may impose the following penalties, upon
written notification to the Artist (copied to Equity).
(i) for each rehearsal call missed, an amount equivalent to the
sum of the applicable rate stipulated for overtime per hour of
the missed call, to a maximum of one-sixth (1/6) of the
contractual fee; and/or
(ii) leaving town without permission or each performance missed,
one-sixth (1/6) of the contractual fee (this permission will not
be unreasonably withheld); and/or
(iii) where the Artist has received a prior written warning regarding
late arrival to a call:
$29.33 $29.92 $30.52
(B) Equity’s Right to Dispute BOTH
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Equity has the right to dispute the
alleged breach and the Theatre agrees to reimburse the Artist should
the dispute be settled in the Artist's favour. If the dispute can be settled
prior to the termination of the Artist's contract, no deduction shall take
place until a determination is reached.
(C) Penalties for Other Claims BOTH
Furthermore, should a Theatre claim that an Artist:
(i) has breached the ESCA in any other way;
(ii) is in breach of any part of their ESCA Engagement Contract;
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 11
(iii) has made any false statement in connection with any
engagement agreement, the Theatre will, within thirty (30)
days of a breach occurring, or within thirty (30) days in which
the Theatre ought reasonably to have known of the breach,
but in any event no later than ninety (90) days of the
occurrence, provide Equity with full details of the complaint in
writing, after which Equity's hearing procedures, as outlined in
Equity's Constitution and Bylaws, will be followed. If the matter
is not resolved to the satisfaction of the Theatre, including
appropriate compensation, the Theatre shall have recourse to
the dispute resolution procedures of the ESCA, Article 12:00.
11:00 CLAIMS
11:01 Waiver or Release Not Permissible BOTH
With regard to any claim by the Artist arising from any alleged breach of the ESCA or
any individual ESCA Engagement Contract, no receipt, waiver, release or adjustment
by the Artist is of any validity whatsoever, unless Equity consents in writing. The
Theatre, by agreeing to this Clause, agrees that it will not seek or solicit any such
waiver, release or statement, nor offer the same in an arbitration or any proceeding
in court, unless Equity specifically consents in writing. In no case shall claims of Artists
under ESCA Engagement Contracts be handled or enforced by agents or attorneys
of Artists unless same are consented to by Equity in writing.
11:02 Time Limit in Lodging Claims BOTH
Should the Artist deem that they have any claim against the Theatre under their
contract, the Artist shall present the same in writing to the Theatre, or to Equity within
four (4) weeks after the time when such claim shall have arisen unless they shall give
to Equity or to the arbitrator, or to either of them a good and sufficient reason for such
delay after such period of four (4) weeks.
Preamble BOTH
The parties hereto agree to adhere to and be bound by the following. Except as
provided hereinafter, this Article shall be subject to and construed by the laws of the
province in which the Theatre has its point of origin.
12:01 Disagreement over Interpretation BOTH
Where the Theatre and Equity are in disagreement over the interpretation and
application of this Agreement, then Equity's interpretation shall prevail. However,
either of the parties may request within five (5) business days a meeting to discuss
this disagreement. Both parties shall meet within fourteen (14) days of the request
being received, or on a mutually agreed date. At such meeting, either party may have
who they wish in attendance, provided that each party is represented by an equal
number, such number to be mutually agreed upon between the parties. At such
meeting, both parties shall endeavour to settle the disagreement amicably. Following
this, if the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of either party, then the matter may
be referred to arbitration.
12:02 Equity to Act for Members BOTH
Equity shall represent and act in the place of the members of Equity in these
arbitration proceedings.
12:03 Demand BOTH
A demand for arbitration shall be given by the party demanding arbitration to the other
party by sending notice in writing by registered mail, return receipt requested to the
other party at their last known business or residence address.
12:04 Notice BOTH
The notice of demand for arbitration shall set out the matter in dispute and the relief
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12:05 Appointment of Arbitrator BOTH
The parties shall agree on an arbitrator as soon as possible after the sending of the
demand for arbitration and if no agreement on the appointment of an arbitrator can
be reached, then they, or either of them, shall request the Minister of Labour of the
province in which the arbitration is to take place to appoint an arbitrator.
12:06 Hearings BOTH
The arbitrator shall appoint a date and time for a hearing of the matter in dispute and
both parties may appear and may call witnesses and may give such evidence as they
deem just and proper.
12:07 Binding Nature of Arbitration BOTH
The parties to this Agreement agree to be bound by and to comply forthwith with the
findings, rulings and time limits set forth by the appointed arbitrator.
12:08 No Recourse to Court of Law BOTH
The parties to this Agreement agree that no recourse shall be had to a court of law by
either party unless and until the other party has failed to comply with these arbitration
12:09 No Modification of Agreement BOTH
Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to give the arbitrator the authority, power
or right to alter, amend, change, modify, add to, or subtract from, any of the provisions
of this Agreement.
12:10 Theatre's Failure BOTH
Where the Theatre fails to comply with these arbitration procedures Equity may
declare that the Theatre has committed a breach of this Agreement and Equity may:
(i) allow no Equity member to be engaged or to continue to be engaged by the
Theatre; and/or
(ii) require the Theatre to pay forthwith all Equity members withdrawing from their
(a) all monies accrued and owing to the member; and
(b) for liquidated damages, an amount equal to all monies that would be
payable to the member if the terms of the Agreement were completed,
provided that no amount for liquidated damages is less than an
amount equal to two (2) week's fee; and or
(c) deduct forthwith from any security posted by the Theatre the monies
payable under Clause 20:05.
12:11 Artist's Failure to Comply BOTH
Where the member of Equity fails to comply with these arbitration procedures then
Equity may discipline the member in accordance with the disciplinary procedures set
out in Equity's Constitution and Bylaws.
12:12 Expenses BOTH
The arbitrator's compensation and expenses shall be borne equally by the parties.
Preamble BOTH
For the purpose of this Article, an audition may constitute readings from a given text,
presentation of prepared pieces, improvisations and callbacks. The Theatre shall
declare its inclusive casting policy in casting notices and breakdowns.
Unless otherwise provided for in the Agreement, the provisions in this Article shall
apply to all auditions.
13:01 Notice of Auditions to Equity BOTH
The Theatre will make every effort to notify Equity at least six (6) weeks in advance
of all announced general auditions.
13:02 Audition Submission Prohibition BOTH
The Theatre shall not require a Performer to disclose their age or weight on an
audition submission.
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13:03 Annual Auditions BOTH
The Theatre shall, at least once per year, hold general auditions in one (1) major
centre in Canada (e.g. Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina,
Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver). Additionally, if the Theatre produces
more than two (2) Mainstage Revues in a year, the Theatre will schedule a minimum
of two (2) days of auditions for Equity members in the Theatre’s point of origin at least
once per year. It is not necessary for the two (2) days to be consecutive and the
Theatre may schedule these days at their convenience. These auditions will be
general in nature in order to review available talent.
13:04 Priority Scheduling BOTH
Auditions must be held for Equity members in advance of auditions held for non-Equity
performers. In major city centres where a Theatre is conducting more than one (1)
day of open calls, only Equity members may be seen on the first day. In the event this
is not possible, the Theatre shall notate the reason for the alternative schedule on the
13:05 Attendance and Suitable Space BOTH
No Performer shall be auditioned unless there are at least two (2) people representing
a Theatre in the place where the auditions takes place. Additionally, a performer shall
not be auditioned in any place, such as a hotel room, that is not an accepted place of
This Clause shall not preclude one on one meetings or interviews from taking place
in a public space.
13:06 Audition Spaces BOTH
Whenever auditions and/or interviews are held the Theatre agrees to provide audition
rooms, change rooms and waiting rooms which are properly lighted, ventilated, cooled
during hot weather to not more than thirty degrees Celsius (30°C), or heated during
inclement or cold weather to at least twenty degrees Celsius (20°C). Best efforts shall
be made to ensure that the space is scent- and allergen-free.
13:07 Audition Spaces Accessibility for Performer with a Disability BOTH
For a Performer with a disability, the Theatre will, at the Performers request, make all
reasonable accommodations to facilitate access, which may include providing
interpreters, accessible facilities, and advance access to audition materials.
13:08 Audition Venue Inspection BOTH
Where Equity receives a complaint regarding an audition venue, Equity shall be given
the opportunity to inspect the venue. If deemed unsuitable, an alternative suitable
venue shall be found at the expense of the Theatre.
13:09 Scheduling of Auditions BOTH
Wherever possible, the Theatre will make provision for evening auditions as part of
its audition schedule in order to provide an opportunity for those performers who are
working during the day.
13:10 Group Auditions BOTH
Performers shall be called to audition at specific times and may be called in groups
as necessary for improvisation or callbacks.
13:11 Requirement for Performers to Sign-in BOTH
When the Theatre is auditioning more than six (6) performers in a single day, each
performer shall be required to sign in on a sheet to be provided to the Theatre by
The Theatre shall provide a copy of the completed sign-in sheet(s) to Equity within
fourteen (14) calendar days after the audition.
13:12 Casting Authority Present BOTH
The Director or an appropriate representative of the Theatre with casting authority
must be present at all auditions.
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13:13 Assignment of Casting Prohibited BOTH
The assignment of casting for a production exclusively to a single casting agent or
talent representative is strictly prohibited. Agent packaging of Artists shall not be
13:14 Maximum Number of Calls BOTH
Auditions shall be limited to two (2) calls of a maximum of three (3) hours per
performer for each production, inclusive of Callback Auditions. For each audition call
in excess of two (2), a performer shall be compensated at the rate of one-eighth (1/8)
of the minimum weekly fee of the Mainstage Company.
13:15 Recording of Auditions Prohibited BOTH
The presence of cameras or other recording devices at auditions is strictly prohibited.
With the performer’s agreement, the Theatre may take a photograph of the performer
during the audition.
13:16 Auditions with Requested Prepared Material BOTH
When a performer is requested by the Theatre to audition with prepared scenes
and/or monologues, the performer shall be given the opportunity to perform all said
prepared scenes and/or monologues. Such audition may be given in the presence of
other auditionees.
13:17 Availability of Requested Audition Material BOTH
When a performer is required to audition with specifically requested material that is
not readily available, the Theatre shall provide such material to the actor.
13:18 Nudity in Auditions BOTH
Nudity is prohibited during the entire audition process.
13:19 Callback Auditions BOTH
A Callback Audition may require the performer to present a prepared original comic
monologue, to improvise in a group and/or to read scripted sides provided by the
14:01 Equal Engagement Opportunities
(A) Inclusive Casting BOTH
Recognizing the need to expand the participation of diverse Artists, the
Theatre will conduct a flexible and imaginative casting policy known as
inclusive casting. Inclusive casting is for the purpose of increasing
engagement of racialized Artists, seniors, women and performers with
disabilities in roles where race, ethnicity, age, gender, or the presence of a
physical disability is not absolutely essential to the production. In addition, the
parties hereto encourage the creation of productions that reflect the diversity
of our society.
The Theatre agrees that casting will be conducted in a manner that provides
full and fair consideration to all Artists regardless of race, ethnicity, gender,
age, sexual orientation and disability. All parts or roles shall be open to all
Artists without prejudice and active solicitation of Artists of all races,
ethnicities, genders, ages, sexual orientations and disabilities shall be evident
in all ads, notices, calls, and cast breakdowns to agents, casting directors, E-
Drive, etc. in order to ensure participation in the casting process.
(B) Specific Casting Requirements TourCo
When a role or part in TourCo necessitates an Artist with specific casting
requirements due to the understudy track that the Artist will cover in the
Mainstage Company, the Theatre shall describe the requirements of the
character rather than the Performer in all associated postings.
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(C) Inclusive Hiring BOTH
The Theatre and Equity shall affirm their commitment to a policy of equal
engagement opportunities designed to promote a positive model of equal
engagement and multi-ethnic diversity within the Theatre’s place of business.
Consistent with the foregoing, it is the intention of the parties that the casting
of productions and the hiring of all Artists including Stage Managers and
Directors be conducted in a manner that provides fair opportunities to all
Artists regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation and
(D) Reporting BOTH
The Theatre accepts the obligation to ensure the hiring of Performers,
Directors, Choreographers, Fight Directors and Stage Managers of
marginalized groups during the term of this Agreement and to provide Equity
with all requested statistical information regarding engagement and casting
The Theatre and Equity both pledge themselves to prevent blacklisting in the industry.
Opposition to blacklisting is not a controversial issue between the Theatre and Equity.
Blacklisting for the purposes of this rule shall mean the submission by the Theatre, directly or
indirectly, to individual or group pressure and/or the use of private lists, published or
unpublished, of persons not to be employed in theatrical productions for reasons having no
direct relation to their theatrical ability.
16:01 Non-Members
(A) Requirement for an ESCA Engagement Contract BOTH
All non-members shall be signed to ESCA Engagement Contracts.
An Artist who is not a member of Equity, but who is a member of another
performing arts association or union, shall be subject to the provisions of the
applicable reciprocal agreement between Equity and said association or union
with respect to membership requirements.
(B) Requirement to Remit Filing Fees BOTH
When a non-member is engaged under an ESCA Engagement Contract, the
Theatre shall deduct and remit to Equity a filing fee as determined and
administered by Equity in accordance with Clause 25:01 (C) (Deductions).
16:02 Touring Into the USA TourCo
A non-member engaged for less than ten (10) weeks under an ESCA Engagement
Contract that includes touring into the USA, shall be offered a limited membership in
Equity that will extend for the duration of the ESCA Engagement Contract.
Non-resident Artists may not be engaged by The Second City Theatre, Inc., except through the
provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of Equity.
Continuous engagement is the essence of all Mainstage ESCA Engagement Contracts, and all
calculations of sums due or benefits accruing to the Artist shall be computed on the basis of
consecutive rehearsals and consecutive engagement.
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The Theatre will, no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first date of engagement of
a production, provide Equity with a Production Registration and Checklist Form for each new
Production, Touring Company or Revue. The checklist shall include each Artist’s contractual
fee, dates of engagement, opening date and any anticipated additional duties fees.
The information provided on the checklist must be the most up-to-date and accurate information
available at the time of filing. In the event that there are changes in the participants engaged for
the production, contractual fees, or engagement dates the Theatre will be required to file an
amended Production Checklist reflecting the changes.
20:01 Maintenance of Satisfactory Security
(A) Requirement BOTH
It is the essence of the ESCA and all ESCA Engagement Contracts, and a
condition precedent to the engagement of the Artist, that the Theatre shall file
and maintain with Equity satisfactory security as required by this Clause. Such
satisfactory security shall include agreements in the form of Letters of Credit
or an Equity approved Bond Insurance program and Security Agreements.
(B) Liability BOTH
If contracts are issued to Artists without the Theatre having posted security in
accordance with Clause 20:02, upon notification by Equity, the Theatre shall
be liable for payment of two (2) week's minimum fee for each contract so
issued, unless proper security is arranged within one (1) business day, such
monies to be payable to Equity to be used for unsatisfied judgements.
20:02 Amount BOTH
The Theatre shall deposit with Equity in cash, by Letter of Credit (using sample
wording agreed to by Equity) or an Equity approved Bond Insurance program, the
sum specified below as a security bond for all ESCA Engagement Contracts issued
by the Theatre, and this bond shall be kept in place on a year round basis.
Security Amount $50,000.00
20:03 Release BOTH
Letters of Credit or cash deposits will be released within ten (10) business days of
receipt of a written request for same, where all contractual obligations to Equity and
its members have been met. Equity agrees to contact the Equity Liaison and/or
members of the company where a confirmation of fulfillment of the Theatre's
contractual obligations has not been received from the Liaison in reference to a
request for a release, and agrees to process the release or partial release if requested
where it can satisfactorily verify the fulfillment of the contractual obligations.
20:04 Cash Deposits BOTH
Where the Theatre deposits cash with Equity, it shall receive interest payments on
such deposits as may be agreed upon in writing between the Theatre and Equity.
20:05 Theatres in Arrears BOTH
Where Equity can demonstrate that the Theatre is substantially or repeatedly in
arrears with remittances, as stipulated in the ESCA, Equity shall have the right to
increase the amount of security required. Where Equity requires an increase to the
amount of security, the Theatre shall immediately provide such an increase. However,
if the Theatre disputes the increase, it may, after having provided the increase, have
recourse to the provisions of Article 12:00 for the relief of this requirement.
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20:06 Drawing Upon Security BOTH
No Equity member shall work, or be required to work or continue in the engagement
of the Theatre, if and when the security arrangements do not meet the requirements
of this Article. Equity may draw upon the securities posted to meet payment to Artists
of unpaid fees, including payments for additional services, applicable service taxes,
deducted dues payments and joining fees, remittances to Equity, and transportation
costs of the Artist to the point of origin and return to the Artist's place of residence,
provided that it shall simultaneously inform the Theatre of its action.
21:01 Equity Contracts BOTH
All Artists, including Performers, Stage Managers, Directors and Choreographers,
regardless of membership status, shall be signed to ESCA Engagement Contracts for
the duration of their engagement with the Theatre for all Mainstage Revues and
TourCo Productions.
21:02 Effective Date BOTH
A contract between the Theatre and the Artist must be signed by both parties before
the Artist shall be permitted to rehearse or perform. The Artist must sign a separate
contract for the Artist’s engagement with each Second City Company production. The
Theatre agrees to execute a new contract form for each Artist engaged at the
beginning of each production. In no event may an Artist’s contract exceed fifty-two
(52) weeks without executing a new contract form.
(A) Press Opening MAIN
At the time of signing, the face of the Artist’s ESCA Engagement Contract
shall state the anticipated date of the Press Opening for the Revue to which
the contract pertains.
21:03 Issuing of
(A) Mainstage Contracts MAIN
An Artist must receive their ESCA Engagement Contract for a Mainstage
revue no later than five (5) business days prior to the start of their
(B) Touring Company TourCo
In all cases except unanticipated replacements, an Artist must receive their
ESCA Engagement Contract for a TourCo production no later than five (5)
business days prior to the start of their engagement.
21:04 Signing of BOTH
Unless a contract is signed concurrently, the Theatre must sign it first. If the contract
is not signed concurrently, the Theatre may notify the Artist or the Artist’s designated
representative, by e-mail with a read receipt, that unless the contract is signed and
returned to the Theatre within a specified time period which shall be not less than ten
(10) business days after receipt of the notice by the Artist or the Artist’s designated
representative, the contract is null and void. In all cases, the ESCA Engagement
Contract must be signed by both the Theatre and the Artist prior to work commencing.
The Theatre agrees that all blanks including opening date, name, role if applicable
and fee will be filled in before signing or delivery.
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21:05 Changes, Alterations and Concessions BOTH
Neither the Artist nor the Theatre has the right or power to waive any of the minimum
conditions set forth in the Agreement without the written consent of Equity. Any and
all riders, changes, alterations, waivers, or substitutions made prior to, when, or after
a contract of engagement is made shall have been consented to by Equity in writing;
otherwise, they are void. It shall be the duty of the Theatre, not the Artist, to submit
proposed changes to Equity for its written approval by a duly authorized
All concession requests shall be submitted to Equity in writing by the Theatre no less
than twenty (20) business days before the concession would take effect. Equity shall
then contact the affected Artists either by telephone or electronic means. Any action
proposed by the Artists shall not however, be binding without the written approval of
Equity. Equity shall respond to the request within fifteen (15) business days.
21:06 Triplicate Copy BOTH
ESCA Engagement Contracts must be executed in triplicate:
(i) One (1) copy retained by the Theatre;
(ii) One (1) copy filed with Equity by the Theatre; and
(iii) One (1) copy retained by the Artist.
21:07 Deadlines for Filing BOTH
The Theatre shall file with Equity, a copy of the fully executed ESCA Engagement
Contract no later than the first day of the engagement.
The Theatre may submit by electronic means, legible scans of the original contracts
to Equity to satisfy the terms of this clause. Should the scans not be acceptable to
Equity, the Theatre shall be notified via e-mail with a request for additional scans or
hard copies within five (5) business days of the original submission date.
The Theatre shall be invoiced five dollars ($5.00) for each calendar day or part thereof
that a contract filing is late.
21:08 Confidentiality BOTH
Equity and The Second City, Inc. agree that the details of the Artist’s contract will be
held in strictest confidence.
21:09 Electronic Contract Template Forms BOTH
Equity and The Second City, Inc. shall agree upon the wording of the ESCA
Engagement Contract forms.
Equity shall provide electronic contract templates to the Theatre.
22:01 Rights in Future Productions MAIN
Should the Theatre or any other entity which the Theatre controls or directs utilize
seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the original content of a Mainstage production
within a period of three (3) years after Press Opening, right-of-first-refusal shall be
offered to the production’s original Artists. An original Artist is defined as an original
member of the ensemble who wrote and created the production for the resident stage.
Offers need not be made to Artists who have not completed at least thirty (30)
performances of the original role or position. The offers may not be at a rate of less
than the original Contractual Fee of the Artist at the time of termination. The Theatre
agrees to pay any Artist, including Stage Managers, not so offered the identical role
or function a sum not less than three (3) weeks’ fees at the prevailing minimums of
the subsequent contract. This provision shall not include any Artist terminated for just
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23:00 FEES
23:01 Legal Tender BOTH
In Canada, all payments required to be made by the Theatre to the Artist shall be in
legal tender of Canada. All minimum rates of compensation set forth in the ESCA, all
other rates of compensation set forth in the ESCA, and all other rates of compensation
set forth in every individual contract between the Theatre and the Artist, must be paid
in legal tender of Canada.
23:02 Payment by Direct Deposit BOTH
The Theatre shall provide payment of fees, etc. at the point of origin by direct deposit.
The Artist, on reasonable notice, has the right to revert to payment by company
cheque at any time at the Artist’s sole discretion. The Theatre must provide the Artist
with an itemization of payments and deductions in accordance with Clause 23:06.
23:03 Payment on Tour TourCo
If different from Clause 23:02, the Theatre will advise Equity of its pay arrangements
on tour. In any case, the per diem shall be paid at least one (1) week in advance of
the week for which it is applicable.
23:04 Time of Payment BOTH
Payments made by direct deposit must be deposited into the Artist’s bank account by
the start of banking each Friday. If Friday is a bank holiday, the deposit must be made
by the start of banking on Thursday. All fees shall be paid on the week following the
week for which service was provided.
23:05 Taxes BOTH
In addition to the payments required by the ESCA, Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) or
Goods and Services Tax (GST) (where applicable) shall be paid to registered Artists.
23:06 Itemized Deductions and Payments BOTH
The Artist shall be provided with an itemized statement of their contractual fee,
outlining all deductions made from the Artist’s fee as well as any additional services
payments, GST/HST if applicable, and any other amounts, with their contractual
payment. The Theatre shall provide the itemized statement no later than 8:00 p.m. on
the day of payment. If Friday is a bank holiday, the Theatre shall provide the itemized
statement no later than 8:00 p.m. on Thursday.
23:07 Agency Commission BOTH
In no event shall agency commissions be a permitted deduction from the Artist’s
contractual fee. The Artist shall be directly responsible for the payment of such
23:08 Additional Services Payments BOTH
Whenever possible, additional services provided by the Artist shall be paid by the
Theatre within one (1) week of the additional services being rendered.
Additional services fees not disputed by the Theatre and in arrears of more than one
(1) month are subject to a one (1%) percent late charge per month.
For the purpose of ascertaining whether there is a discrepancy between the amount
invoiced and the amount paid to the Artist by the Theatre, the Theatre agrees, upon
request, to provide a detailed breakdown of its payment to the Artist and/or Equity.
23:09 Unpaid Fees BOTH
When Equity or an Artist claims that fees, including additional services fees and
overtime payments, remittances to Equity, goods and services taxes and
transportation costs of the Artist to the point of origin and return, have not been paid,
or have only partially been paid when due, Equity shall have the right to require the
Theatre to pay forthwith, on behalf of the Artist, such sums as are claimed to be
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 20
Should the Theatre dispute such claim(s) it shall have recourse to the arbitration
procedures of the ESCA. Where the Theatre does not pay the outstanding sums
claimed by Equity for non-payment or partial payment of fees as outlined above, the
Artist shall have the right to terminate forthwith their contract with the Theatre, Equity
consenting. However, upon application by the Theatre, Equity may grant a grace
period not to exceed seven (7) calendar days. Equity shall have an alternative right
to pay to the Artist their contractual fee or other monies owing to the Artist out of any
security deposited by the Theatre. The Theatre agrees to replenish the security
deposit upon receipt of a request from Equity. Should it finally be determined that the
Theatre was not liable for payments claimed by Equity or monies paid to the Artist
from the security deposit, then Equity shall be liable for the repayment of such monies
to the Theatre on behalf of its members.
23:10 Partial Weeks of Engagement BOTH
The Theatre may engage the Artist for less than a full engagement week under the
following terms:
(A) Timing MAIN
For a Mainstage Artist, partial weeks of engagement may only occur at the
beginning or end of the Artist’s engagement period.
(B) Consecutive MAIN
Such period must be consecutive.
(C) Payment for Prorated Days MAIN
Payment for a prorated day, including the Free Day, must not be less than
one-sixth (1/6) of the Artist’s weekly contractual fee for each day engaged.
(D) Insurance Top-Up BOTH
For every day not worked in an Engagement Week, the Artist shall be paid
the rate stipulated in the chart below. For the purposes of this Clause a week
shall be considered six (6) days.
(E) Number of Prorated Days BOTH
The Artist may be engaged for any number of days in the Engagement Week.
(F) Inclusion of Free Day BOTH
In any event, the Artist may not be required to work for more than nine (9)
consecutive days, including the prorated days as provided for above, without
a Free Day. Should the prorated period include a free day in the first or last
week of engagement, that day must be paid on a prorated basis.
(G) Reporting BOTH
All prorated days and unworked day payments as above must be clearly
stated on the remittance report submitted by the Theatre to Equity.
(H) Failure of the Artist to Rehearse MAIN
Should the Artist fail to appear for Process at the beginning of the engagement
through no fault of the Theatre, then said Artist’s fee may be prorated as
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 21
23:11 Additional Duties BOTH
The Artist will not perform any additional duties that are not specified in their contract
unless the Artist negotiates additional compensation to the Artist’s satisfaction which
shall not be less than as specified below. Such additional duties and compensation
shall be specified in a rider and attached to the Artist’s ESCA Engagement Contract
and shall constitute part of the Artist's contractual fee subject to Clause 25:01,
Deductions. Additional duties include, but are not limited to playing additional parts or
undertaking additional Understudy assignments not specified in the Artist's contract
at the time of its signing. An additional duty fee shall be negotiated per Role added to
the Artist’s performing or Understudy assignment(s), and shall apply to the Artist’s
engagement for the duration of that engagement beginning with the week of the added
Notwithstanding the above, the negotiated additional compensation for an additional
duty not related to a performing or Understudy assignment shall only apply for the
stipulated duration of the additional duty.
Minimum Fee
$46.59 $47.53 $48.48
23:12 Fee Schedule
(A) Current BOTH
Minimum fees and other amounts for 2023 as expressed in this Agreement
herein shall apply from January 2, 2023, to December 31, 2023; for 2024 from
January 1, 2024, to December 29, 2024; and for 2025 from December 30,
2024, to January 4, 2026.
(B) Contracts Spanning Two Fee Schedules BOTH
Where the term of an individual ESCA Engagement Contract extends into or
spans the next fee schedule, as detailed in Clause 23:12 (A), the Artist’s
ESCA Engagement Contract must bear a rider that the Artist has notice and
details of any change in the minimum fees as set forth in this Agreement
(C) Contracts beyond the Current ESCA BOTH
Where the term of an individual ESCA Engagement Contract extends beyond
the end of the current ESCA, such individual contract shall remain in force
until completed or terminated according to the provisions of the ESCA. Any
individual ESCA Engagement Contract which begins after the expiry of the
ESCA shall be considered null and void, unless a new Agreement is in place,
or Equity and the Theatre have extended the ESCA. When a new Agreement
is in place, all individual ESCA Engagement Contracts shall be subject to the
terms and conditions of the new Agreement as of the date when the new
Agreement comes into effect.
23:13 Mainstage Minimum Fees 2023-2025 MAIN
The minimum weekly fees for Performers, Directors and Stage Managers for 2023,
2024 and 2025 shall be as stipulated in the chart below:
$1,355.39 $1,382.50 $1,410.15
Stage Manager (Standard)
$1,297.07 $1,323.01 $1,349.47
Stage Manager
(Process Week 4 -11)
$1,401.84 $1,429.88 $1,458.48
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23:14 Touring Company Minimum Fees 2023-2025 TourCo
Shows and Rehearsals
During the offer period for an upcoming contract, the Theatre will determine the
number of guaranteed shows per engagement week. The applicable minimum fees
will be determined by the number of such shows per engagement week as outlined
below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Theatre may change the number of
guaranteed shows per engagement week at any time during a contract upon fourteen
(14) days’ notice, after which time the minimum fees for Artists will change accordingly
as outlined below.
Subject to the other clauses in this Agreement, Artists will be guaranteed one four-
hour rehearsal per engagement week.
Per-Performance Minimum Fees
One Show Per Engagement Week $162.50 $165.75 $169.07
Two Shows Per Engagement Week
Three Shows Per Engagement Week
Four Shows Per Engagement Week
Rehearsal Minimum Fees
$26.00/hr $26.52/hr $27.05/hr
Overtime Minimum Fees
$39.00/hr $39.78/hr $40.58/hr
Stage Manager
Per-Performance Minimum Fees
One Show Per Engagement Week
Two Shows Per Engagement Week
Three Shows Per Engagement Week $160.00 $163.20 $166.46
Four Shows Per Engagement Week $145.00 $147.90 $150.86
Rehearsal Minimum Fees $33.50/hr $34.17/hr $34.85/hr
Overtime Minimum Fees $50.25/hr $51.26/hr $52.28/hr
Minimum Weekly Fees
One performance &
one 4-hour rehearsal
$275.00 $280.50 $286.11
Rehearsal and Additional Duties
Minimum Fees
$40.00/hr $40.80/hr $41.62/hr
Overtime Minimum Fees
When a Performer, Stage Manager, or Director attends a rehearsal, they will be
compensated for a minimum of four (4) hours at the hourly rates set out above. For
clarity, this minimum will not apply to additional duties hours for Directors. The
overtime rate will apply after eight (8) consecutive hours of rehearsal.
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23:15 Choreographer Fees 2023-2025 BOTH
Choreographers will be engaged on a half (1/2) day basis for a maximum of four (4)
hours for the minimum fee in the chart below. In all cases, the minimum fees below
include royalty.
2023 2024 2025
Four-Hour Call $155.30 $158.41 $161.58
After the initial half (1/2) day call, either on the same day or on subsequent days the
Choreographer may be engaged at the minimum fees in the chart below.
2023 2024 2025
Hourly $77.65 $79.20 $80.79
Four-Hour Call $155.30 $158.41 $161.58
23:16 Long-Term Run Bonus MAIN
Any Original Artist engaged hereunder, in which engagement in one (1) production
spans a period of nine (9) months or more (that is from Press Opening to the first day
of the ninth (9th) month) shall receive in the first week of the ninth (9th) month of the
run no less than the following additional amount:
2023 2024 2025
Long-Term Run Bonus $765.00 $780.30 $795.91
This payment is subject to standard deductions. This clause shall also apply to the
Stage Management.
23:17 Extended Process MAIN
For rehearsal processes that exceed eleven (11) weeks, the Artist shall receive no
less than one hundred twelve percent (112%) of the minimum weekly fee for each
week of rehearsal after the eleventh (11th) week until the official Press Opening.
No ESCA Engagement Contract shall be entered into by the Theatre or Artist where in whole,
or in part, the compensation is contingent upon weekly gross or net receipts without the prior
written consent of Equity, which will not be unreasonably withheld. In no case shall
compensation be less than the established minimum fee in accordance with the terms of the
25:01 Deductions
(A) Payments of Equity Dues BOTH
For members, the Theatre agrees to deduct working dues of two-and-a-
quarter percent (2.25%) or a percentage as directed by Equity of the Artist’s
contractual fee and remit the same in accordance with Clause 25:02 below.
(B) Equity Member Benefits BOTH
Equity provides benefits to its members, including but not limited to the
provision of insurance and a group RRSP plan. In order to facilitate this, the
Theatre will deduct from the Artist’s contractual fee six percent (6%) for
RRSPs plus the weekly insurance premium (for weeks during which the Artist
provides service) as directed by Equity. These amounts may be modified on
not less than 120 days’ notice to the Theatre.
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(C) Non-Member Deductions BOTH
For non-members, the Theatre agrees to deduct a filing fee of eight-and-a-
quarter percent (8.25%) or a percentage as directed by Equity of the Artist’s
contractual fee plus the weekly insurance premium (for weeks during which
the Artist provides service) as directed by Equity and remit the same in
accordance with Clause 25:02 below.
Once a non-member has exceeded four (4) permit credits Equity shall inform
the Theatre within five (5) business days of receiving the fully executed ESCA
Engagement Contract to increase the filing fee to twelve-and-a-half percent
(12.5%) for the duration of the engagement.
(D) Artists on Tour TourCo
When an Artist is on tour, aforementioned deductions shall be applied to the
contractual fee only, and not to the per diem.
(E) Additional Services BOTH
Deductions shall be made on any Additional Service or Overtime fees paid
out to an Artist.
25:02 Remittances BOTH
The Theatre will remit to Equity a cheque for those amounts deducted from the Artist’s
fees in accordance with this Article for the previous month. For the purpose of
calculations, the month shall be considered to be the week starting on Monday
containing the first of the calendar month to the last Sunday of the month. The Friday
following the last Sunday of the month shall be designated the remittance day.
The remittance shall include a list of all Artists currently contracted by the Theatre and
each Artist's contractual fee. Additionally, the information provided by the Theatre to
Equity shall include any additional duties fees or additional services fees incurred by
each Artist for the remittance period. In the event that Equity is unable to reconcile
the Theatre’s remittances with the documentation previously provided by the Theatre,
the Theatre, upon request from Equity shall submit any supporting documentation.
The paperwork shall arrive on a form developed by The Second City, Inc. and
approved by Equity. This form shall include all current productions operating by the
Theatre and will have a total remittance amount for all productions. Additionally, the
form shall include a notes section in which the Theatre shall list any weeks during
which specific Artists did not provide service for the Theatre.
An image of the issued cheque shall arrive with the electronic paperwork. Remittance
cheques which do not reach the Equity office by the third Thursday of the month will
be assessed a two (2%) percent interest charge, compounded monthly. Equity will
send to the Theatre a monthly statement of outstanding balances.
26:01 Obligations When Contract is Three or More Months BOTH
When an Artist who is engaged under an ESCA Engagement Contract that is three
(3) months or longer in duration, for a location that is outside of the Artist’s Place of
Residence and when the Artist agrees to relocate in order to accept the contract, then
the terms below must be met.
(A) Transportation BOTH
The Theatre, at the Theatre’s own expense, shall transport the Artist by a
direct and expedient mode whenever the Artist is required to travel. Any Artist
engaged originally from a point outside of the area in which the theatre is
located shall be provided transportation to the new location at the beginning
of the engagement and returned to the same point at the completion of the
engagement with the theatre whenever that occurs. When available, the most
expedient mode of transportation shall be deemed to be Economy Class
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(B) Luggage BOTH
The Theatre shall be responsible for transporting the Artist's luggage, up to a
maximum of one hundred thirty-six (136) kilograms, from the Artist's Place of
Residence to the Artist's lodging in the vicinity of the theatre and returning it
to the Artist's Place of Residence after the close of the engagement.
(C) Relocation Fee MAIN
The Theatre will provide the Artist with the choice of not less than two (2)
weeks of housing at no cost to the Artist or a one-time relocation fee of not
less than:
2023 2024 2025
Relocation Fee $867.00 $884.34 $902.03
This decision will be made at the time of signing the contract. If the relocation
fee is selected, payment will be due prior to the Artist leaving for the new
location. If the Artist terminates the contract for any reason within three (3)
months after the start date of the contract, the relocation fee must be repaid
to the Theatre.
26:02 Obligation When Contract is Less Than Three Months BOTH
If Second City offers an Artist a contract of less than three (3) months at a Second
City location that is outside of the Artist’s Place of Residence, then the terms below
must be met.
(A) Transportation BOTH
The Theatre, at the Theatre’s own expense, shall transport the Artist by a
direct and expedient mode whenever the Artist is required to travel. Any Artist
engaged originally from a point outside of the area in which the theatre is
located shall be provided transportation to the new location at the beginning
of the engagement and returned to the same point at the completion of the
engagement with the theatre whenever that occurs. When available, the most
expedient mode of transportation shall be deemed to be Economy Class
(B) Luggage BOTH
The Theatre shall be responsible for transporting up to two (2) large suitcases,
up to a maximum of 90 kilograms, from the Artist’s Place of Residence to the
Artist’s lodging in the vicinity of the theatre and returning it to the Artist’s Place
of Residence after the close of the engagement.
(C) Living Allowance MAIN
A living allowance shall be provided to the Artist per week of engagement of
not less than:
2023 2024 2025
Relocation Fee $153.00 $156.06 $159.18
This allowance may be prorated in partial work weeks at the beginning or end
of the ESCA Engagement Contract. Such prorating shall be done at one
seventh (1/7) of the weekly living allowance.
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26:03 Housing MAIN
Housing for out-of-town Artists shall be provided at no cost to the Artist. The securing
of housing and transportation shall not be the responsibility of the Stage Management
staff. The Artist’s housing provisions must be stated in a rider to the Artist's contract,
and the following minimum conditions must be met:
(A) Clean and Sanitary MAIN
All housing provided by the Theatre shall be clean and sanitary upon
occupation by the Artist and shall include bedding, bed linens, and towels.
Where a kitchen is included, cooking and eating utensils shall be furnished.
The Artist shall not be required to share a bedroom. The Theatre shall make
best efforts to provide safe and secure housing.
(B) Relatives and Pets MAIN
The Theatre shall not be responsible for the room and board of relatives or
pets. Upon request, however, the Theatre shall provide the following
information to the Artist who plans to bring the Artist’s child to the place of
engagement: day care, babysitting services, pediatricians, and suitable
27:01 Sex Acts BOTH
Actual sex acts or any acts of a sexual nature which are prohibited in public by the
Criminal Code of Canada shall not be required of any Artist during rehearsals or
performances, nor of any other person in any rehearsals or performances in which an
Artist takes part.
27:02 Notification to the Actor
(A) Prior to Signing TourCo
Where nudity and/or acts of intimacy are required for a role understudied or
taken over by an Actor they must be advised in writing prior to signing the
ESCA Engagement Contract and shall be provided with archival footage upon
request for review.
Where the scene is created after the signing of a contract, the Artist
understudying the role shall be made aware of the addition within forty-eight
(48) hours and shall have twenty-four (24) hours to review the material and
inform management of any concerns.
(B) Notice BOTH
No Actor shall be required to perform a scene which they have not written with
nudity or intimacy without receiving at least twenty-four (24) hours notice. If
the Actor wishes to have intimacy coaching available during the rehearsal at
which nudity or intimacy is required, their request shall not be unreasonably
27:03 Rider to the ESCA Engagement Contract TourCo
Requirements for any nudity and/or acts of intimacy must be stipulated in a rider to
the Actor’s contract. Where these requirements arise after a contract has been signed
and the Actor involved gives their consent, the detailed requirements, which shall
include a description of the nature of nudity, shall be stipulated in a rider to the contract
to be signed by both the Actor and the Theatre and immediately filed with Equity. The
Actor is not obliged to give such consent. Should the Actor involved refuse and should
the Theatre decide to replace the Actor, then the Theatre will pay to the Actor a
penalty equal to double the applicable termination settlement or compensation for
each week to the end of the run of the production, whichever is the lesser amount.
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Preamble BOTH
The Theatre agrees to provide the Artist with safe and sanitary conditions of
engagement. No Artist shall be engaged in any theatre that fails to maintain proper
sanitary facilities as herein set forth.
28:01 Minimum Requirements BOTH
Minimum sanitary facilities shall be:
(i) At least one (1) dressing room with separate dressing areas as appropriate
for the Artists;
(ii) One (1) toilet cleaned daily with an ample supply of toilet paper; and
(iii) Wash basins with hot and cold running water with a supply of hand soap and
clean towels;
(iv) Adequate dressing table space with lighting and mirrors for the Artists; and
(v) A locker for each Artist at Second City venues or lockable storage area or
container at all other venues.
These facilities must be separate from audience facilities and easily and safely
accessible to the Artists at all times.
28:02 Temperature BOTH
All stage areas (including non-traditional stage areas) will be clean, well ventilated
and every effort will be made to keep stage areas at a comfortable and healthful
temperature said temperature to be no less than eighteen (18°C) degrees Celsius and
no more than thirty (30°C) degrees Celsius. The provisions of this Clause will have
been satisfied if the temperature at floor level measured one-half (1/2) hour before
the commencement of rehearsals and/or performance, is eighteen (18°C) degrees
Celsius to thirty (30°C) degrees Celsius. However, minimum temperature in the
dressing rooms must be achieved at least two (2) hours before curtain time. Heating
and air conditioning systems shall be properly maintained in good working condition.
Should temperatures exceed or drop below a comfortable and healthy level,
appropriate modifications will be made in order to allow Artists to perform comfortably.
Appropriate modifications may include but are not limited to costume adjustments,
fans, portable air-conditioning units, dehumidifiers, portable heaters, and ice packs.
28:03 Drinking Water
Cool and clean drinking water shall be readily available to all Artists at all times during
rehearsals and performances.
28:04 Dressing Rooms
(A) Supplies and Cleaning BOTH
All dressing rooms must be properly heated in cold weather and properly air
conditioned in warm weather. They shall have adequate lights, mirrors,
shelves, and wardrobe hooks for Artists’ make-up and dressing equipment,
and clothing racks, or their equivalent, with hangers for the Artists’ personal
clothes. Floors shall be washed or vacuumed at least once each week, and
dressing rooms cleaned at least once each working day.
(B) Upkeep MAIN
All dressing rooms shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition,
painted, and maintained as necessary. Peeling paint and loose plaster shall
be repaired.
(C) Ventilation BOTH
All dressing rooms shall be well ventilated.
28:05 Equity Cot MAIN
The Theatre shall provide a cot backstage for any performer who may become ill
during a rehearsal or performance.
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28:06 First Aid
(A) First Aid Certification BOTH
At least one (1) Artist with each Mainstage and Touring Company must have
up-to-date and valid First Aid Certification. This Artist need not be Stage
Management, though this is recommended.
(B) First Aid Kits BOTH
First aid kits, stocked with adequate supplies, shall be available and easily
accessible at all times to dressing rooms and rehearsal areas. The Theatre
shall make sure that all Artists and Stage Managers know the location of the
kits. Additionally, there shall be an adequate number of first aid kits in the
backstage area of all venues at which the Artist perform and in any vehicle in
which the Artists travel on theatre business.
28:07 Lavatory and Toilet Facilities BOTH
Minimum facilities conform to the following conditions in any venue owned or used by
the Theatre where the Theatre may make such requests as are reasonable to the
length of engagement:
(i) One private toilet which may be shared by all genders.
(ii) Adequate wash basins, with adequate hot and cold water, not custodial sinks.
(iii) In any production which has dancers, requires nudity, or requires the use of
body make-up, showers, separate from other sanitary facilities must be
(iv) Washrooms and toilets must be cleaned at least once each working day.
Floors shall be washed or vacuumed at least once each week. Showers as
specified in 28:07(iii) above shall be available for use and cleaned as
(v) Washrooms shall be painted and maintained as necessary. Peeling paint,
loose plaster, etc. shall be repaired upon written notification by Equity as soon
as possible.
(vi) The facilities listed above in 28:07(i) must be separate from audience facilities
and easily accessible to the Artists at all times.
28:08 Deep Cleaning MAIN
Dressing rooms, bathrooms, and other common areas that are frequented by the
Artists shall be deep cleaned as is practical no less than once per year.
28:09 Fire Safety Procedure BOTH
The Theatre must post fire safety procedures, which shall include the location of all
fire exits, firefighting equipment and evacuation procedures. The Theatre’s
designated representative shall give the Artists a walkthrough of the building to point
out fire exits.
(A) Tour Location TourCo
When arriving at a new location, the Artists shall be briefed on all Fire Safety
information prior to the commencement of any work.
28:10 Equity’s Discretion BOTH
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement or the individual Artist’s ESCA
Engagement Contract, Equity in its sole discretion shall determine whether the
aforementioned safe and sanitary conditions are being properly maintained.
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29:01 Responsibility of the Theatre BOTH
The Theatre accepts responsibility for the safety of the Artists in the training and
execution of Extraordinary Risks. The Theatre shall engage qualified individuals for
the purpose of instructing the Artists in the performance of the following Extraordinary
(i) The performance of acrobatic feats: suspension from trapezes, wires, or like
(ii) The use of or exposure to weapons, fire, dangerous chemicals, or
pyrotechnical devices;
(iii) Stage fighting; and
(iv) The handling of unusual live animals.
29:02 Rider BOTH
An Artist shall not be required to perform an Extraordinary Risk unless said risk is
stipulated in a rider to the ESCA Engagement Contract and filed with Equity. It is
understood that these risks may be Actor devised during process and may require
some administration time for the creation of the rider by the Theatre.
29:03 Dangerous Conditions BOTH
Inherently dangerous conditions are prohibited. No Artist shall be required to perform
any feat or act that places the Artist in imminent danger or is inherently dangerous,
nor shall any Artist be required to perform in a costume or upon a set that is inherently
29:04 Production Elements BOTH
Should the Theatre utilize any production elements other than standard lights, sound
or projections (e.g. smoke, haze, fire, pyrotechnics, snow, water, firearms, weapons,
raked stage, ramps, dirt, sand, turntable, traps, elevators, significantly raised
platforms, uneven stairs, tall ladders, aerial work, stunts, stage fighting, heavy
puppets, moving large set/prop pieces, etc.), the Theatre shall identify them in writing
to Equity as soon as the Theatre is aware of their use, but no later than Press
Opening. The Theatre shall prepare an Extraordinary Risk Rider as per Article 29:00,
as soon as the risk has been identified.
29:05 Smoke and Haze BOTH
The Theatre agrees to use only dry ice, liquid nitrogen, or substances listed in, and in
accordance with the conditions set forth in the Fog and Smoke section of the Safety
Guidelines for the Live Performance Industry in Ontario. Ventilation for the removal of
smoke and haze shall be in operation during its use.
29:06 Firearms BOTH
When firearms are used in a performance, all conditions outlined in the Stage Combat
and Weaponry section of the Safety Guidelines for the Live Performance Industry in
Ontario shall be followed.
29:07 Pyrotechnics BOTH
When pyrotechnics are used in a performance, all conditions outlined in the
Pyrotechnics Special Effects section of the Safety Guidelines for the Live
Performance Industry in Ontario shall be followed.
29:08 Determination BOTH
Equity reserves the right to determine what constitutes an Extraordinary Risk and
shall notify the Theatre in writing that such a risk exists. Upon such notification, the
Theatre may request an immediate meeting with Equity to occur within two (2)
calendar days of the request. The Theatre agrees to abide by Equity’s final
determination as to whether an Extraordinary Risk exists.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 30
An official Equity callboard shall be maintained backstage at the Second City venue on which
up-to-date information important to the Artist shall be posted, including:
(i) Rehearsal and Performance Schedules;
(ii) Scent, Social Media and Comp Policies;
(iii) Insurance Information and Forms;
(iv) Absences from Theatre’s Point of Origin Policy;
(v) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of doctors and hospitals in the
(vi) Location of first aid kits;
(vii) Member of the Theatre’s staff whom the Artist can contact in case of an
(viii) Equity contact information;
(ix) Information regarding fire exits and firefighting equipment and proper
(x) Notice of scheduled free day;
(xi) Notice of rehearsal calls after opening and other calls given by the Stage
(xii) Material related to Equity’s Not In OUR Space! Anti-harassment campaign;
(xiii) Any notices or information sent by Equity.
31:01 Equity Liaison
(A) Mainstage MAIN
A Liaison shall be elected for each Revue on the first day of Process. The
Liaison shall have the duty and obligation to report non-compliance with the
(B) Touring Company TourCo
A Liaison shall be elected for each Touring Company every six months or as
required for cast changes. The Liaison shall have the duty and obligation to
report non-compliance with the ESCA.
31:02 Equity Representatives
(A) Authorized Representatives BOTH
Duly authorized representatives of Equity shall have free access all Artists at
all times, inclusive of rehearsals and performances. There shall, however, be
no interruption of work in progress except where deemed essential in order to
meet an emergency situation.
(B) Equity Company Meetings BOTH
Sufficient time shall be set aside during the first week of Process for an Equity
Business Representative to conduct Equity business. This meeting shall not
exceed fifteen (15) minutes.
In the case of TourCo, this meeting shall be permitted once every six (6)
months as requested by Equity.
32:01 Mainstage MAIN
Up to three (3) times each contract, Second City’s Management may meet with each
Artist, either collectively or individually. Times will be selected by Second City’s
Management, but in no case may infringe upon overnight rest. The meeting will take
place at the theatre, one (1) week’s written notice to the Artist will be given, and the
meeting shall be scheduled at the Artists’ convenience whenever possible. Meetings
shall not exceed one-and-a-half (1 1/2) hours in length and shall be considered
rehearsal time and deducted from the next rehearsal call.
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32:02 Touring Company TourCo
Up to two (2) times each contract, Second City’s Management may meet with each
Artist, either collectively or individually. Times will be selected by Second City’s
Management, but in no case may infringe upon overnight rest. The meeting will take
place at the theatre, one (1) week’s written notice to the Artist will be given, and the
meeting shall be scheduled at the Artists’ convenience whenever possible. Meetings
shall not exceed one (1) hours in length and shall be considered rehearsal time and
deducted from the next Artist call.
33:01 Duties BOTH
The duties of the Artist include, but are not limited to the following:
(i) The Artist shall abide by all rules and regulations of Equity and not alter, omit,
or change them in any way.
(ii) The Artist shall be prompt at all rehearsals.
(iii) The Performer shall appear at the Theatre no later than one-half-hour (1/2)
prior to the performance.
(iv) The Performer shall perform their services as directed and as maintained by
the Stage Manager, and shall conform to the language of the script as
(v) The Performer shall pay strict regard to make-up and dress.
(vi) The Performer shall properly care for and check their costume and props in
the absence of an Equity Assistant Stage Manager or Apprentice Stage
(vii) The Artist shall respect the physical property of the production and the Theatre
and other Artists.
(viii) The Artist shall abide by all reasonable rules and regulations of the Theatre
that are not in conflict with Equity rules.
(ix) The Artist shall not appear at rehearsals or performances under the influence
of alcohol or any controlled substance.
(x) The Artist shall not agree to perform such duties as hosting, waiting tables
and/or busing for the Theatre. (Equity shall not unreasonably withhold
permission to allow an Artist to perform such duties when such duties are an
integral part of the production concept or script.)
(xi) The Artist shall ensure they do not interfere with the tidiness of common areas
such as the dressing rooms and green rooms.
33:02 Infractions BOTH
Infractions of the above-listed rules shall subject the Artist to disciplinary proceedings
in accordance with the ESCA and Equity’s Bylaws, if applicable.
33:03 Intoxication or Impairment BOTH
If an Artist is unable to rehearse or perform due to intoxication or similar impairment,
the Theatre may determine that the Artist shall not rehearse or perform. The Theatre
undertakes to report all such occurrences to Equity immediately. In the case of such
intoxication or impairment, the Theatre may terminate the Artist’s ESCA Engagement
Contract under the provisions of Article 59:00.
34:01 Comp Policy BOTH
The Theatre shall supply each Artist with at least two (2) pairs of complimentary tickets
for each Mainstage Revue to be used at any time in the run provided there are seats
available. The Artist must give no less than a 24-hour notice to the Theatre of intent
to use said tickets.
34:02 Complimentary Tickets on Tour TourCo
The Theatre shall make every effort to supply complimentary tickets as available for
performances at tour venues.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 32
34:03 Equity Members MAIN
The Theatre will offer members of Equity upon presentation of their Equity card two
(2) half-price tickets on the day of the performance to any performance where more
than twenty (20%) percent of the tickets are unsold at the opening of the venue Box
Office on that day.
Preamble BOTH
These conditions apply to both an Artist who is solely rehearsing and an Artist who is
both rehearsing and performing (i.e. an Artist who is in Process or in TourCo) unless
otherwise specified.
35:01 Timeline – Start of Process MAIN
Rehearsals of a subsequent production or Revue may not be scheduled before ten
(10) weeks following the Press Opening of the current production.
35:02 Mainstage Hours MAIN
During any week in which the Artist is rehearsing a new production in Process while
performing in the current production, the following weekly and daily limits apply:
Weekly Hours (Rehearsal and Performance): forty-two (42) hours per week per Artist
daily rehearsal hours and Performance Hours combined:
(i) Non-Performance Days: seven-out-of-eight (7-out-of-8) consecutive hours
per day
(ii) One-Performance Days: five (5) hours of rehearsal per day
(iii) Two-Performance Days: No rehearsal except as provided in Clause 35:07
Note Sessions
(iv) Free Day: one (1) day off
35:03 TourCo Hours TourCo
An Artist engaged as a company member of the TourCo shall have their weekly hours
determined by the number of guaranteed performances that they are contracted for
in an Engagement Week.
The maximum combined number of rehearsal, travel, and performance hours for a
Performer shall be eight-out-of-twelve (8-out-of-12) consecutive hours per day.
35:04 Additional Services BOTH
For any hours in excess of those above in Clauses 35:02, 35:03 and 35:04, the
Theatre shall pay the Artist at the rate stipulated in the chart below.
2023 2024 2025
Overtime – per half hour $13.72 $13.99 $14.27
35:05 Breaks
(A) Meal Break BOTH
There shall be a meal break of not less than one (1) hour after a period of not
more than five (5) consecutive hours of rehearsal. Should rehearsal extend
beyond five (5) hours without a meal break, the Artist shall be paid at the rate
stipulated in line one (1) of Schedule “A” until such a break occurs or the end
of the call, whichever is sooner.
(B) During Rehearsal BOTH
In addition to the meal break, there shall be a break of five (5) minutes for
every one (1) hour of rehearsal. Rehearsals may not continue longer than two-
and-a-half (2 1/2) hours without a break.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 33
(C) Between Rehearsal and Performance
(i) Mainstage MAIN
No more than two (2) hours or less than one (1) hour may elapse
between the end of the Artist’s first call and the beginning half-hour
call. The Theatre may with consent of the Artists by a unanimous
secret-ballot vote, extend the break by more than two (2) hours.
For any invasion of the one (1) hour break between rehearsal and
performance, the Theatre shall pay the Artist at the rate stipulated in
the chart below.
2023 2024 2025
Invasion of First Half-Hour $19.16 $19.54 $19.93
Next Half-Hour $40.64 $41.45 $42.28
(ii) Touring Company TourCo
No more than two (2) hours or less than one-half (1/2) hour may
elapse between the end of the rehearsal call and the beginning of the
half-hour call.
For any invasion of the one-half (1/2) hour break between rehearsal
and performance, the Theatre shall pay the Artist at the rate stipulated
in the chart below.
2023 2024 2025
Invasion of Half-Hour $19.16 $19.54 $19.93
(D) Rehearsals After a Performance BOTH
Rehearsals shall not be scheduled after an evening performance. Any
rehearsal scheduled following a matinee performance may commence
following a break of not less than one (1) hour after final curtain. The
performance time shall include not less than ten (10) minutes for the Artist to
get out of costume following the performance.
For any invasion of the one (1) hour break between performance and
rehearsal, the Theatre shall pay the Artist at the rate stipulated in the chart
Invasion of First Half-Hour
$19.16 $19.54 $19.93
Next Half-Hour
$40.64 $41.45 $42.28
(E) Between Travel and Rehearsal or Performance TourCo
On a day where the total travel time exceeds two (2) hours, there shall be a
break of not less than one-half (1/2) hour after arrival at a venue and rehearsal
or the half-hour call.
For any invasion of the one-half (1/2) hour break between travel and rehearsal
or performance, the Theatre shall pay the Artist at the rate stipulated in the
chart below.
2023 2024 2025
Invasion of Half-Hour $19.16 $19.54 $19.93
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 34
Equity shall consider an easement to this clause when an unexpected travel
delay caused the invasion provided there was a break of not less than fifteen
(15) minutes upon arrival at the venue and the total work hours in the day do
not exceed seven and a half (7 1/2) hours.
35:06 Note Sessions BOTH
Notes may be given after a performance for a period not to exceed one (1) hour after
curtain. Such time shall be computed as part of the allowable weekly rehearsal hours.
A note session must begin not more than twenty (20) minutes following the final
curtain inclusive of out of wardrobe time.
35:07 Notice of Calls BOTH
An Artist shall receive the call, posted or via electronic means, for their next rehearsal
or performance no less than eleven (11) hours prior to the call time. It is agreed that
the rehearsal schedule distributed by the Theatre provides notice of call times. If an
Artist is provided fewer than eleven (11) hours of notice of an earlier call than is in the
rehearsal schedule, the Artist will be provided twenty-five dollars ($25.00), which shall
constitute part of the Artist’s contractual fee subject to Clause 25:01, Deductions.
35:08 Press Opening and Revue Identity MAIN
The Press Opening date and identity of the new production shall be confirmed in a
written notice to the Artists at least two (2) weeks prior to the date set for press
opening, a copy of which shall be filed with Equity.
35:09 Rehearsal of Current Production After Press Opening MAIN
Rehearsals of the current production after Press Opening shall be limited to two (2)
four (4) hour calls for a total of eight (8) hours per week. Brush-up or topical rehearsals
may only be scheduled with forty-eight (48) hours’ written notice to the Artists. Such
a rehearsal shall not be scheduled on the day following the Free Day.
35:11 Workshops and Classes MAIN
It is agreed that attendance at workshops and/or classes shall be voluntary and not a
condition of engagement and a notice to that effect shall be posted on the callboard
and in all rehearsal and dressing rooms.
35:12 Rehearsals Lost BOTH
If the Theatre is prevented from holding rehearsals because of fire, accident, riot,
strikes, illness or death of any Artist in the Company, Act of God, or act of public
enemy, which could not reasonably be anticipated or prevented, then the time so lost
shall not be counted as part of the rehearsal period herein.
Up to the time of suspension of rehearsals, payment of fees shall be made as provided
herein, and when the said layoff on the above account shall have continued for two
weeks, the Theatre shall pay half the contracted fees for two (2) further weeks, at the
end of which time the Artist may terminate the Artist’s contract without payment or
penalty unless the Theatre continues the services of the Artist by paying the Artist full
contractual fees thereafter.
35:13 Span of Day
(A) Performers MAIN
A Performer’s span of day may not exceed twelve (12) hours. For any span
of day over this limit, the Artist shall be paid at the rate stipulated in the chart
Span of Day – per half hour
$13.72 $13.99 $14.27
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 35
(B) Stage Management MAIN
A Stage Manager’s span of day may not exceed thirteen (13) hours. For any
span of day over this limit, the Artist shall be paid the rate stipulated in the
chart below.
2023 2024 2025
Span of Day per half hour $13.72 $13.99 $14.27
35:14 Emergency Rehearsal MAIN
Emergency rehearsals shall only be allowed when the Theatre did not have adequate
prior knowledge of the emergency in order to schedule a regular replacement
rehearsal. Such emergency rehearsal may be in addition to regular rehearsals.
In no case shall an emergency rehearsal exceed four (4) hours. Should such an
Emergency Rehearsal invade overnight rest periods or occur on the Artist’s free day,
the appropriate overtime rates shall apply and the call shall be deemed to be a
minimum of four (4) hours.
36:00 FREE DAY
36:01 Requirement BOTH
In each Engagement Week, there shall be one (1) Free Day completely free of any
rehearsal and/or performance. A Free Day shall be thirty-six (36) hours inclusive of
one (1) full calendar day.
36:02 Period Between Days Off BOTH
There shall be no more than nine (9) consecutive days between Free Days. This
provision shall not negate the Theatre’s responsibility to provide the appropriate
number of Free Days in each Engagement Week.
36:03 Notice of Change BOTH
The Theatre may change the Free Day with seven (7) days’ notice to the Artist.
36:04 Christmas Day BOTH
In addition to the regular Free Day, as stipulated above, Christmas Day shall be free
of rehearsals and performances. There shall be no rehearsal after 6:00 pm on
Christmas Eve, but there may be a performance provided the final curtain is before
10:30 pm.
37:01 Method BOTH
The Theatre or the Theatre’s designated representative shall make an announcement
before the beginning of each performance to remind patrons to turn off all electronic
devices and to advise them that there shall be no texting, taking of pictures, or making
of recordings of any kind during the performance. In lieu of the foregoing, the Theatre
may place a written announcement in the free program given to each patron and
prominently display a sign in the lobby at the entrance to the theatre.
37:02 Front of House Entrances or Exits BOTH
If the aisles are used by the Artists for entrances and/or exits, the Theatre shall also
announce that the aisles must be kept clear during the performance and ensure that
Front of House staff are aware of the location and timing of all house entrances and/or
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 36
38:01 Billing BOTH
The Artist shall have the right to negotiate special billing arrangements at the time of
negotiating their ESCA Engagement Contract. All billing arrangements (including but
not limited to posters, brochures, paid advertising and all publicity material under the
direct control of the Theatre and the type size and billing position therein) are to be
specified in writing and attached as a rider to the ESCA Engagement Contract prior
to signing. The Theatre will not use the name of an Artist in an advertisement or
announcement unless an ESCA Engagement Contract has been signed, or unless
permission is given by the Artist in writing.
38:02 Promotion of the Artist
(A) Billing BOTH
At least once per production, the Theatre will publish the names of all Artists
in the production, in at least one ad or some other form of promotional
(B) Billing Provisions BOTH
All provisions pertaining to the billing of the Artist shall be specific. If billing is
contingent on the billing of any other Artist, such contingency shall be clearly
and succinctly set forth in the ESCA Engagement Contract.
(C) Media Releases MAIN
At least once per revue, the Theatre shall include the names of all contracted
Artists in the Revue in at least one (1) media release.
38:03 Breaches BOTH
Exempted from this provision below shall be posters on unpaid locations. Where it
can be clearly demonstrated that the Theatre approved a correct copy of the material
to be reproduced which did not breach the billing clause as claimed, then the Theatre
shall not be liable to a penalty, on condition that it takes whatever steps are possible
to immediately correct the breach.
(A) Mainstage MAIN
Whenever a breach is claimed of a billing clause contained in an Artist's
individual ESCA Engagement Contract, Equity shall notify the Theatre in
writing of said breach. Where it has been established that said breach has
occurred as claimed, the Theatre shall pay to the Artist a sum equal to one-
eighth (1/8) of the Artist's contractual fee for each week or part thereof that
the breach continues following notification.
(B) Touring Company TourCo
Whenever a breach is claimed of a billing clause contained in an Artist's
individual ESCA Engagement Contract, Equity shall notify the Theatre in
writing of said breach. Where it has been established that said breach has
occurred as claimed, the Theatre shall pay to the Artist a sum equal to one
performance fee for each week or part thereof that the breach continues
following notification.
(C) Directors and Choreographers BOTH
Notwithstanding the above, in the case of a Director or Choreographer, one
(1%) percent of their total fee shall be substituted for all penalty payments in
this Article.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 37
38:04 Stage Management BOTH
The word "Artist" includes all Equity Stage Managers and Apprentice Stage
(A) Photographs and Biographies MAIN
Where the Theatre elects to include the photographs and biographies of all
Equity Performers engaged in a production in the program, the Theatre will
also include the photographs and biographies of Stage Management
Stage Management Apprentices must receive a credit in the program.
Positioning of such credit would be at the discretion of the Theatre.
(B) Billing Page MAIN
When any of the technical, administrative or managerial staff, other than the
Theatre, is listed on the billing page of a program, the Stage Manager shall
also be listed.
38:05 Website Billing BOTH
Where the Theatre elects to include the names of more than two (2) Actors in the cast
of a production on the Theatre’s website, the Theatre shall also include the names of
all Artists in the production including Stage Management.
39:01 Houseboards/Digital Screens
(A) Mainstage BOTH
The names of all Performers and Stage Management shall be listed
alphabetically on a houseboard either in front of the venue, prominently
displayed inside the lobby, or clearly displayed on a digital screen. Should
there be errors or omissions in this listing, provided such errors or omissions
are not corrected within two business days after the day on which written
47:01notice is given to the Theatre, the Artist shall be paid one sixteenth
(1/16) of the Artist’s contractual fee for each day the error goes uncorrected.
(B) Touring Company TourCo
A portable houseboard shall travel with each TourCo Company which shall
list the names of all Performers and Stage Management alphabetically. The
houseboard shall be prominently displayed inside the lobby of the venue.
Should there be errors or omissions in this listing, provided such errors or
omissions are not corrected within two business days after the day on which
written notice is given to the Theatre, the Artist shall be paid one quarter (1/4)
of the performance fee for each day the error goes uncorrected.
39:02 Free Program BOTH
A free program (paper or digital) must be offered to every patron who enters the
theatre at all performances. Such program must contain the names of all Artists and
their role or function. Should the audience be required to access the free program
digitally, printed copies of the digital program must also be available upon request by
an audience member. Additionally, the program must include the following language:
“This production was created by (list of all people who wrote the production) and
opened on (date material was first performed),” “This production is being performed
by professional Artists who are members of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association
engaged under the Equity Second City Agreement.
The Theatre agrees to display the Canadian Actors’ Equity Association logo in the
39:03 Artist Photographs BOTH
A professional quality photograph of the Artist shall be provided by the Artist and
displayed by the Theatre in at least one (1) of two (2) ways as follows:
(i) Prominently displayed next to the Artist’s name in the lobby.
(ii) Reduced to an appropriate size and reproduced, properly identified, in the free
(iii) Clearly displayed on a digital screen.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 38
39:04 Biographies
(A) Biographical Material MAIN
In the event the Artist’s biographical material is printed in the free program,
the Artist shall have the right of approval of biographical material, which
approval shall be in writing and not unreasonably withheld. The Theatre shall
determine the space available for, and the placement of such material, but
may not delete or change Artist-approved material, unless it secures the
Artist’s written approval for the deletion or changes.
(B) Biographies Not In Program MAIN
If the Theatre elects not to print biographies of the Artist in the free program,
it shall provide a biography displayed adjacent to the Artist’s photograph in
the lobby.
39:05 Cast List TourCo
A free printed cast list must be offered to every patron who enters the theatre at all
performances. Such cast list must contain the names of all Artists and their role or
function. Additionally, the cast list must include the following language: “This
production is being performed by professional Artists who are members of Canadian
Actors’ Equity Association engaged under the Equity Second City Agreement.”
39:06 Errors or Omissions BOTH
In the event that there are errors or omissions in the printed cast list or program, the
Theatre agrees that upon receipt of notice of an omission or error, the Theatre will,
within forty-eight (48) hours, place in the playbill or program a printed slip correcting
the omission or error, and will also correct the omission or error in the next printing of
the cast list or program, provided such notice is given at least forty-eight (48) hours
prior to the press deadlines.
(A) Breach BOTH
For each failure to either place a correction slip in the cast list or program as
stipulated above or to correct the cast list or program at the next printing after
proper notice was given, the Theatre shall pay the Artist affected a sum equal
to one eighth (1/8) of the Artist’s weekly contractual fee for the first week that
the error continues and one sixteenth (1/16) for each day the error occurs
(B) Directors and Choreographers BOTH
Notwithstanding the above, in the case of a Director or Choreographer, one
percent (1%) of their total fee shall be substituted wherever the one-eighth
(1/8) penalty payment applies in this Article, and one-half percent (1/2%) of
their total fee shall be substituted wherever the one-sixteenth (1/16) penalty
payment applies in this Article.
39:07 Artist Leaving a Company
(A) Houseboards, Cast Lists and Frames BOTH
When an Artist leaves a Company, the Artist’s name and/or likeness (in
photographs portraying three (3) Artists or fewer) must be removed from all
houseboards and cast lists in the venue where the production is playing. The
removal shall be made prior to the first performance of the Artist’s
replacement. Should the Theatre fail to comply with this rule within three (3)
calendar days after the giving of written notice either by the Artist who is
leaving or has left, by the replacement Artist or by Equity, the Theatre shall
pay one eighth (1/8) of the weekly Mainstage fee to the Artist currently
performing and to the Artist whose name and/or likeness has not been
The Artists’ name and likeness may still appear in frames located throughout
the building, including the theatre lobby, memorializing Second City alumni
and/or the production.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 39
(B) Programs MAIN
When an Artist leaves a Company, the Artist’s photograph and/or biography
in the programs must be submitted for removal prior to the next printing
deadline. This date shall be made known to Equity within five (5) business
days of the Artist’s departure. Should the removal not occur for the next
printing, the payments outlined in Clause 39:06 (A) above shall apply.
40:01 Creative Compensation MAIN
Each Mainstage Performer shall be paid a Creative Compensation fee not less than
specified below for each Process in which they are involved. This payment shall be
made after Press Opening in two (2)
consecutive payments as outlined in a rider to the Artist’s ESCA Engagement
Contract and standard deductions shall apply.
Creative Compensation $4,000.00
40:02 Touring Company Writing TourCo
When the Company is required by the Theatre to create between forty percent (40%)
and fifty percent (50%) (inclusive) of the material for a final TourCo Production, such
as the “Holiday Show”, each Performer shall be paid a Writing Fee of not less than as
specified below. For clarity, topical adjustments to archival material do not constitute
the creation of material. The Writing Fee shall be made no later than the first regular
pay date after the first public performance of the TourCo Production and standard
deductions shall apply.
For further clarity, no more than fifty percent (50%) of any material created by the
Company for a TourCo Production will be included in the final Production.
Writing Fee $500.00
40:03 Ownership of Material BOTH
Definition of “Material”. Material as used in this Clause includes all works of
authorship, content, ideas, and work product created, developed, and/or authored, in
whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by or on behalf of the Artists during rehearsals,
performances, or otherwise (including but not limited to characters, content, scripts,
script treatments, dialogue, scenes, plots, themes, music, lyrics, choreography, stage
directions, staging and the like).
Definition of “Net Proceeds”. For the purpose of this Clause, Net Proceeds is defined
as only the license fee or purchase price actually received by the Theatre in respect
of the license or sale of rights in the Material to a third party studio, network, or
distributor (each a “Third Party”) less all direct costs incurred by or on behalf of the
Theatre in producing, distributing, developing, and otherwise exploiting the Material
and the rights therein, including but not limited to all costs incurred by the Theatre to
prepare and deliver materials to the licensee or purchaser of the Material, including
internal labour costs, a reasonable amount for overhead not to exceed 15% of the
license fee or purchase price, as well as legal and accounting costs (including such
costs payable to external advisors), agency or management fees, applicable taxes
and withholdings, and other costs (such as the costs of translations or dubbing) as
required to effect a license or sale.
For clarity, Net Proceeds do not include any form of fees or compensation payable to
the Theatre or its affiliates in connection with any services on productions based on
the Material or any elements thereof.
In exchange for the Creative Compensation and Writing Fees paid under this
Agreement and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of
which is hereby acknowledged, the Artists agree that all Material shall be the sole and
exclusive property of the Theatre, with effect immediately upon its creation.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 40
The Artists hereby transfer and assign, and agree to transfer and assign, to the
Theatre all right, title and interest in and to the Material, in any and all forms and states
of completion it may exist from time to time, in all formats and media now known or
later devised, including all copies thereof and all intellectual property and other
proprietary rights and interests of any kind whatsoever embodied therein, including
without limitation copyright. The Artists also waive, and agree to waive, any and all
moral rights in and to the Materials. Upon request by Second City, the Artists will
execute and provide to the Theatre any further documents or materials that the
Theatre may request to better evidence or give effect to the Theatre’s ownership of
the Material, including without limitation any written assignment of copyright or written
waiver of moral rights, in a form suitable to the Theatre.
Should the Theatre ever sell or license any Material for use by a Third Party, the
Theatre will pay a total of fifty percent (50%) of the Net Proceeds actually received by
the Theatre in respect of the sale or license of that Material to all the Artists collectively
who participated directly in the creation of that Material. Proceeds, in consultation with
Equity, shall be distributed on an equal basis among the applicable participating
Artists, the Theatre shall have fulfilled all its obligations hereunder by payment of the
fifty percent (50%) share to the collective applicable Artists, and the Artists shall not
be entitled to any further compensation for the exploitation of the Material, including
from the Theatre’s licensees or assigns.
For clarity, the Theatre and its affiliates, licensees and assigns shall have the right to
exploit (including, without limitation, sell, lease, or license) any Material. An Artist may
request the use of Material that the Artist has created, or in which the Artist has
participated in creating, for the purposes of a not for broadcast and non-exploitable
audition, performance showcase, or script submission for a similar sketch comedy-
based production, or for the Artist’s own personal publicity or promotion, subject to
the Theatre’s written approval in each instance. The Theatre will not unreasonably
withhold such approval provided that the requested use does not conflict with any of
the Theatre’s own uses of the Material (at the Theatre’s discretion) or the rights of any
third party.
41:01 Standard BOTH
For all Artists other than Stage Management, there shall be a minimum of twelve (12)
hours between the end of one day’s work and the first call on the next day. During the
overnight rest period the Artist shall not be required to provide any service to Theatre
without an additional payment as provided below:
2023 2024 2025
Per Half Hour
41:02 Stage Management BOTH
For Stage Management, there shall be a minimum of eleven (11) hours between the
end of a day’s work and the first call on the next day. During the overnight rest period
the Artist will not be required to provide any service to the Theatre without an
additional payment as provided below:
2023 2024 2025
Per Half Hour $27.44 $27.99 $28.55
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 41
41:03 Return to Point of Origin TourCo
When an Artist is being returned to the Point of origin following an overnight tour and
the day’s call involves only travel time, a maximum of ten (10) hours between the end
of the previous day and the travel call on the next day is required for both Performers
and Stage Managers. During the overnight rest period the Artist will not be required
to provide any service to the Theatre. The reduction of this period is prohibited.
42:01 Costumes BOTH
The Theatre shall provide the Artist with all costumes, shoes, and clothing (except
modern conventional undergarments) or rent the Artist’s personal wardrobe from the
Artist at a rate per contract of:
$5.10 $5.20 $5.30
$204.00 $208.08 $212.24
No Artist shall rent or lend any wardrobe for use in any production until the terms of
the rental are stated in a rider to the Artist’s ESCA Engagement Contract. This
payment shall be paid weekly to the Artist with the Artist’s contractual fee, but shall
not be subject to deductions. The Theatre agrees to have any wardrobe furnished by
the Artist cleaned at the close of the engagement. Such cleaning shall be by a bona
fide professional cleaning establishment.
42:02 Declared Value BOTH
The Artist and the Theatre shall set a "declared value" on any items being rented,
which shall be stated in a rider to the Artist's ESCA Engagement Contract. The Artist
shall retain ownership of any item even after it has reached its declared value as
described above. Should the item be damaged or need to be replaced for any reason,
the Theatre shall pay for such a replacement up to the declared value.
42:03 Cleaning and Upkeep
(A) Mainstage MAIN
All clothing worn by the Artist in the Mainstage Company for use in the
production, whether furnished by the Theatre or not, shall be cleaned or
laundered at the Theatre’s expense, whenever necessary, but at least once
every week. Costumes shall be aired, repaired, or replaced whenever
(B) Touring Company TourCo
All clothing worn by the Artist in the TourCo for use in the production, whether
furnished by the Theatre or not, shall be cleaned or laundered at the Theatre’s
expense whenever necessary but at least once every eight (8) performances.
Costumes shall be aired, repaired, or replaced whenever necessary.
(C) Skin Parts BOTH
“Skin parts” of clothing (e.g., stockings, tee-shirts, undergarments, bodysuits,
dress shields, bathing suits, and slips) shall be laundered by the Theatre after
no more than two uses. All “skin parts” must be laundered, thoroughly rinsed,
and dried before being given to the Artist.
42:04 Kneepads BOTH
The Theatre shall furnish kneepads when necessary for rehearsal and/or
42:05 Make-up BOTH
The Theatre shall supply all make-up, except ordinary, conventional street make-up.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 42
42:06 Change of Hair Colour or Style MAIN
Should an Artist wish to change their hair colour or style drastically during the course
of their ESCA Engagement Contract, they shall first seek permission from the Theatre
in writing. This permission will not be unreasonably withheld unless the change would
affect the artistic integrity of the current production. For the purposes of this clause,
hair shall include facial hair.
43:01 Limits BOTH
Unless the loss is due to the Artist’s negligence or lack of care (for example, leaving
property unattended in the public spaces of the Theatre), the Theatre shall reimburse
the Artist for all loss and/or damage to the Artist’s property used and/or to be used in
connection with the production(s) covered by the ESCA, the personal clothing worn
by the Artist to the theatre, and the personal effects of the Artist, including the Artist’s
luggage, while such property is wholly or partly in the possession or control or under
the supervision of the Theatre, or under that of any of the Theatre’s representatives,
or while said property is in any theatre, building, or other place in which the
production(s) covered by this Agreement has been or is being given or is to be given;
or when said property or personal effects have been in any way shipped, forwarded,
or stored by the Theatre or any of the Theatre’s representatives, agents, servants, or
employees, up to a limit of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for the Artist’s personal
effects and/or clothing; up to a total limit of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the
Artist’s jewelry.
43:02 Valuables Lockup
(A) Mainstage MAIN
If the Theatre provides facilities for the safekeeping of the Artist’s personal
valuables, jewelry, and/or cash not used in the production, while said articles
are in any theatre, the Theatre shall be liable for loss and/or damage only if
said personal valuables, jewelry, and/or cash are given to the Theatre or the
Theatre’s agent for safekeeping. In this regard, the Theatre agrees to provide
facilities for safekeeping of said articles, and to inform all Artists of it and of
the necessity for using such facilities (under the provisions of this clause) by
a written notice posted on the callboard. The Artist’s signature on this notice
shall be deemed proper notice to the Artist of the existence of these facilities.
(B) Touring Company TourCo
The Second City, Inc. TourCo Technical Rider shall stipulate that all venues
at which the Touring Company performs must have a lockable room in which
the Artists valuables may be stored during the performance. In venues where
this is not possible, the Stage Manager shall collect the Artists’ valuables and
keep them in the calling area for the duration of the performance.
43:03 Liability BOTH
The Theatre shall be liable as herein above provided whether or not the act, fault, or
negligence of the Theatre, the Theatre’s agents, servants, or representatives caused
or contributed to such loss or damage. The Theatre, however, shall not be liable for
any loss or damage to the property of the Artist while said property is under the sole
and exclusive control and supervision of the Artist.
43:04 Insurance BOTH
Except as above provided, the Theatre shall not be responsible for any loss of or
damage to the personal property of the Artist over and above the limitations herein
set forth and where, as to such property, it is the duty of the Artist, if the Artist desires
to be protected against loss, to insure the same. The Theatre may meet the foregoing
obligation by maintaining adequate and sufficient coverage, which shall provide the
same protection as the coverage that the Theatre hereby assumes. Upon direct
payment of any loss or damage to the Artist by the Theatre, the Theatre or the insurer
shall be subrogated to all rights of the Artist to the extent of such payment.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 43
All performances or rehearsals for which admission is charged are to be counted and
considered as performances for which the Artist is paid.
44:01 Number of Performances
(A) Mainstage MAIN
Up to eight (8) performances shall be permitted in any one engagement week.
A week’s compensation shall be paid even if fewer than eight (8)
performances are given in any week. There shall be not more than two (2)
performances on any one day except as may be authorized by Equity.
(B) Touring Company TourCo
Up to ten (10) performances shall be permitted in any one engagement week,
however only one (1) performance shall be permitted on any day where the
total travel and rehearsal hours are more than three (3) hours. Should a
second performance be scheduled on a day that does not meet these
conditions, each Artist shall be paid an additional amount equal to not less
than one (1) additional performance fee.
44:02 Span of Day: Two-Performance Day MAIN
If two (2) performances are given on any day, the time from the beginning of the first
call for the first performance until the end of the final curtain of the second
performance or the conclusion of the improv set, if applicable, on any one day shall
not exceed seven (7) hours.
44:03 Extra Performances MAIN
Extra performances beyond those allowed in Clause 44:01 (A) that are not on the
Artist’s Free Day shall be permitted as below.
(A) Notice MAIN
Requests for additional performances on a day when an Artist is already
scheduled to perform must be submitted to the Artist in writing at least
seventy-two (72) hours prior to the contemplated performance. If there is less
than seventy-two (72) hours’ notice, those Artists who are unavailable may be
replaced by an Understudy for the extra performance at no expense to the
unavailable Artist.
(B) Payment MAIN
Each Artist shall be paid an additional three-sixteenths (3/16) of contracted
fees for the ninth performance in a week; thereafter, two-eighths (2/8) of
contracted fees shall be paid for each additional performance over nine (9).
(C) Cancellation MAIN
Said performances may be cancelled with forty-eight (48) hours’ notice with
no financial obligation to the Artist.
(D) Performances on the Artist’s Free Day MAIN
An extra performance on the Artist’s Free Day shall not be permitted except
as provided for elsewhere in this Agreement for Benefit Performances.
44:04 Half-Hour Call BOTH
All performances must include a thirty (30) minute half-hour call.
This time is to be used exclusively for the preparation of the Artist and no notes may
be given during this time except for Health and Safety related notes which shall be
given by Stage Management.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 44
44:05 Breaks Between Performances
(A) Requirement BOTH
The break between performances shall be no less than one (1) hour between
the end of the first performance and the half-hour call of the second unless
paid for as below:
(i) Additional Services Provided During the First Half Hour BOTH
For additional services provided during the first half (1/2) hour or part
thereof, the Theatre shall provide and pay for a full dinner for the Artist
or shall pay the Artist the rate stipulated in the chart below.
2023 2024 2025
First Half-Hour
$19.16 $19.54 $19.93
(ii) Additional Services Provided During the Second Half Hour
For additional services provided during the second half (1/2) hour or
part thereof, the Theatre shall pay the Artist at the rate stipulated in
the chart below.
Second Half-Hour
$39.60 $40.39 $41.20
44:06 Notice of Changes
(A) Mainstage MAIN
The Theatre will advise the Artist, to the best of its knowledge, the anticipated
performance schedule at the time of negotiation of the Artist’s contract.
The Artist will be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of any
change in the performance schedule. However, the cancelation of a
performance with less than forty-eight (48) hours’ notice shall not constitute a
breach of this clause.
(B) Touring Company TourCo
The Theatre shall advise the Artist at least fourteen (14) days in advance of a
performance whenever possible. Within fourteen (14) days the Theatre may
add performances with the mutual consent of the Artist, but any cancelled
performances shall be paid as if they occurred.
44:07 New Year’s Eve BOTH
Should an Artist be required to perform or provide any other service to the Theatre on
New Year’s Eve past 11:00 pm the Artist shall be paid an additional one-eighth (1/8)
of the minimum weekly Mainstage fee.
45:01 Clear Aisles BOTH
The performance shall not begin until all aisles, ramps, and stairs used as entrances,
exits, or playing areas during the show have been cleared. The Theatre shall use its
best efforts to keep aisles clear during the performance.
45:02 Management Duty MAIN
The Theatre shall use its best efforts to minimize table or bar service of food or drink
during the performance and such service shall not interfere with the production values
as established by the Director.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 45
46:01 Per Diem
(A) Local Touring TourCo
If the Artist does not leave the Point of Origin while touring, they shall be
considered to be on a local tour and no per diem shall be required.
(B) Run-Out Less than Five Hours TourCo
Should an Artist be taken outside the Point of Origin for fewer than five (5)
total hours in a working day, no per diem shall apply.
(C) Run-Out Five Hours or More TourCo
Should an Artist be taken outside the Point of Origin for five (5) or more hours
in one (1) working day, the Theatre shall provide the Artist with a per diem of
not less than that stipulated below.
2023 2024 2025
Prior to 6:00 pm $32.10 $32.74 $33.40
After 6:00 pm
(D) Overnight Touring TourCo
Should an Artist be required by the Theatre to be outside the Point of Origin
for ten (10) or more hours, the Artist shall be deemed to be engaging in
Overnight Touring and the Theatre shall provide the Artist with
accommodations as per Clause 46:02 and a per diem of not less than that
stipulated below.
Per Diem $61.60 $62.83 $64.09
46:02 Accommodations TourCo
The Theatre shall provide adequate, clean, and safe commercial accommodations at
no cost to the Artist when the Artist is required to spend the night away from the Point
of Origin. At the very least, the following minimum conditions shall be met:
(A) Clean and Sanitary TourCo
All accommodations provided by the Theatre shall be clean and sanitary upon
occupation by the Artist and shall include bedding, bed linens, and towels.
Equity retains the right to inspect the Artist’s accommodations.
(B) Single Occupancy TourCo
Artists shall not be required to share a bedroom or bathroom.
(C) Interior Doors TourCo
Whenever possible, accommodations shall have doors leading to an inside
hallway, rather than directly to the outdoors, unless housing is in a
condominium or resort. If the hotel does not have interior corridors, the
Theatre will make best efforts to provide rooms that are not located on the
ground floor.
(D) Distance to Venue TourCo
Accommodations shall be within one kilometre (1 km) of the performance
venue. If this is not possible, the Theatre shall provide transportation to and
from the venue at no cost to the Artist.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 46
46:03 Self-Obtained Accommodations TourCo
When an Artist, with no less than fourteen (14) calendar days’ written notice to the
Theatre elects to secure their own accommodations when touring overnight, the
Theatre shall pay the Artist the per diem stipulated below and the Theatre shall be
absolved of all responsibility for providing transportation to and from the venue
regardless of the distance to the accommodations.
Per Diem
$61.60 $62.83 $64.09
47:01 Transportation of Artist by Theatre
(A) Theatre’s Expense TourCo
Except as specifically changed or modified herein, the Theatre shall, at the
Theatre’s own expense, transport the Artist and the Artist’s luggage when
required to travel outside the Point of Origin. The Theatre shall provide such
methods of travel to the tour venue(s) as are the most direct and available
within the public means.
(B) Use of Personal Vehicle BOTH
Should any Artist be required to use their personal vehicle for any duty for the
Theatre including initially travelling to the Point of Origin, such use shall be
paid at the rate stipulated below.
Per Kilometre
(C) Modes of Transportation and Routing TourCo
The Artist and Theatre may agree in writing as to the route and modes of
transportation. In no event, however, shall such agreement provide for a
payment to the Artist of a sum less than the cost of applicable public
transportation from the place of residence to the theatre and return. If travel
is by air, an economy class ticket is required for transportation from the city
which is the point of origin to the first city traveled to, and also from the last
city in which the Artist performs back to the point of origin. The Artist shall not
be compelled to travel by air without the Artist’s consent, and in each and
every case it shall be entirely in the determination of the Artist to decide
whether or not the Artist wishes to travel by air.
(D) Tickets of Cash Equivalent Three Days in Advance TourCo
The Theatre shall furnish the Artist with the necessary flight information or
tickets, or their cash equivalent, from the place of residence as stated in the
contract to the theatre at least three (3) days in advance of the Artist’s
departure. The Theatre shall deliver the Artist’s return transportation in cash
or tickets, at the Artist’s option, at least three (3) days before the close of the
Artist’s engagement.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 47
47:02 Equity Travel Insurance
(A) Requirement TourCo
Equity will put in place travel insurance for all Artists engaged under an ESCA
Engagement Contract. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, local,
regional, run-out and overnight tours. The premium for such a plan shall be
borne by the Theatre.
Travel insurance is not inclusive of supplemental health insurance when
required by Clause 47:03.
(B) Plan TourCo
The Artists for whom travel insurance must be placed will be insured by the
Theatre under the travel accident insurance plan administered by Equity.
(C) Payment Of
(i) Premiums TourCo
The applicable premium payments for the coverage, as established by
Equity, are to the Equity office no later than thirty (30) days after the
end of the calendar month in which the travel insurance was required.
These amounts shall be reported on the remittance paperwork.
(ii) Late Payments TourCo
Payments which do not reach an Equity office by the due date will be
assessed a two (2%) percent interest charge, compounded monthly.
(D) Monthly Billing Reminder TourCo
Equity will mail the Theatre a monthly billing reminder listing one (1) or more
of the Artists for whom Equity believes travel insurance is required. The
Theatre's remittance to Equity of the correct amounts due will be
accompanied by a complete list of the Artists to be covered and the first and
last dates of coverage.
The insurance premiums are calculated on the basis of continuous coverage
in twenty-nine (29) or ninety (90) consecutive day segments.
47:03 Health Insurance TourCo
In addition to the travel insurance provided for in Clause 47:02, the Theatre agrees to
pay for health insurance for Artists on tour outside of Canada. The Theatre and Equity
agree to meet should the interprovincial rules governing universal health insurance
coverage in Canada change.
47:04 Air Travel TourCo
Air travel shall be the preferred method of travel. Air travel, if consented to by the
Artist, must be on a first class certified scheduled airline, and not on a non-scheduled
or private airline.
(A) Delay en Route TourCo
If delay en route occurs, all expenses usually paid for or furnished by the
traveler under coach air travel and not paid to the Artist by the airlines shall
be reimbursed to the Artist by the Theatre.
(B) Excess Luggage TourCo
The Theatre may designate that the Artist’s luggage be transported either by
airfreight or excess luggage. If the Theatre designates airfreight, the Artist
shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to arrange for such
transportation. The cost of luggage transportation, not to exceed one hundred
thirty-six (136) kilograms, will be borne by the Theatre.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 48
(C) Scheduling TourCo
The Theatre shall not schedule any flights that depart prior to 8:00 am or after
8:00 pm. In no case shall an Artist’s call to travel to the airport be before 6:00
am without Additional Services compensation as stated below.
2023 2024 2025
Per Half Hour
$27.03 $27.57 $28.12
47:05 Automobile, Train, and Bus Transportation TourCo
Artists choosing to travel by automobile, train, or bus must make their own travel
arrangements and will receive a sum equivalent to the cost of the applicable method
of transportation, utilized to transport the rest of the company, and normal luggage
transportation expenses. If the Theatre requires train or bus transportation because a
flight is not available, the Theatre shall notify Equity of the proposed method of travel.
47:06 Automobile/Company Vehicle Transportation on Tour
(A) Travel Call TourCo
On travel days to place of rehearsal, performance, and/or accommodations,
travel time shall commence and be computed from the time of the first travel
call. In no event shall the first call of the day be earlier than 8:00 am without
Additional Services compensation.
(B) Delay by Artist TourCo
The Artist shall be prompt for all travel calls. If an Artist is responsible for a
delay at any time, such delay shall not be counted as part of the travel time of
the Company.
(C) End of Day TourCo
The work day will be deemed as ended at the time of return to the point of
departure, or arrival at scheduled overnight accommodations, or at the end of
rehearsal time, whichever is latest.
(D) Travel After Midnight TourCo
Travel is permitted after midnight without additional payment to the Artist
under the following conditions:
(i) No overtime has been incurred on the length of day ending at
midnight; and
(ii) The first call for the next day shall not take place until the Artists have
had their overnight rest period.
47:07 Company Vehicle TourCo
When the Company is traveling in a vehicle other than a chartered or franchised bus,
then the vehicle in which the Company is traveling shall be designated by the Theatre
as the “Company Vehicle” and said “Company Vehicle” shall be a properly insured
vehicle operated by a properly licensed driver and shall conform with all laws of the
city and province in which the vehicle is registered. Whenever there are five occupants
in a Company Vehicle, said car shall be no smaller than a standard mid-size
(A) Number of Seats TourCo
Each Artist shall be provided with the Artist’s own seat in the Company
Vehicle. The Theatre shall use best efforts to see that each Artist has a seat
facing the front or rear of the vehicle.
(B) Blankets TourCo
The Theatre shall provide each Company Vehicle with one blanket per row of
seats upon request.
(C) Safety Devices TourCo
(i) If the Artist is obliged to occupy a seat that faces any direction other
than front or rear in a vehicle provided by the Theatre, the Theatre
shall provide cushions.
(ii) There shall be a seat belt for each Artist in a Company Vehicle.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 49
(iii) All seats and seat backs shall be firmly and safely secured.
(iv) Vans and/or vehicles in which vision through the rear window is
obstructed must be equipped with a right side-view mirror as well as
a left side-view mirror.
(v) The Company Vehicle shall be in good repair with functioning heating,
cooling and ventilating facilities and shall be equipped with all legally
required safety devices. Rented passenger vehicles shall be air-
(vi) Equity reserves the right for the Equity representative to inspect any
Company Vehicle.
(vii) Each Company Vehicle shall be covered by one million dollars
($1,000,000.00) accident and one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)
liability Insurance.
(D) Scenery and Luggage TourCo
When scenery and/or luggage are traveled in the same vehicle as the Artists,
such cargo shall be loaded in a way as not to exceed the height of the back
seat and shall be safely secured.
(E) Routing TourCo
Upon request, the Theatre shall supply each Company Vehicle with the
current year’s road atlas and maps covering all routes to be traveled or supply
a GPS.
The Theatre shall provide the driver of each Company Vehicle with detailed
written driving instructions and an itinerary including estimated travel time.
(F) Van Conduct Policy TourCo
The Theatre shall provide each Artist/Stage Manager a copy of the guidelines
of “Van Conduct”.
(G) Driving Company Vehicle TourCo
No Artist shall be required to drive a Company Vehicle and shall not be
penalized for refusing to do so. If an Artist consents to drive a Company
Vehicle, it must be agreed to in a rider to the Artist’s ESCA Engagement
Contract. Any Artist driving a Company Vehicle will be paid at the daily fee
stipulated below. This fee shall be reported on the remittances paperwork and
shall be subject to standard deductions.
Daily Driving Fee $22.50
47:08 Coach Train Transportation
(A) Calculation of Travel Time TourCo
Travel time for coach and train travel shall commence and be computed from
the time the Artist is first called to report. This call may not be more than one
half-hour prior to scheduled departure. If an Artist is responsible for delay at
any time, such delay shall not be counted as part of travel time.
47:09 Luggage
(A) Hand Luggage TourCo
The Artist shall be responsible for transporting the Artist’s personal hand
luggage to and from the Artist’s place of residence, and the Theatre shall
reimburse the Artist for the actual cost, up to an amount as per the table below,
each way, as set forth and itemized by the Artist on a form provided by Equity
for this purpose. The Artist shall show proof of all such expenses by providing
the Theatre with the appropriate receipts.
2023 2024 2025
Per Half Hour
$30.60 $31.21 $31.83
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 50
(B) Trunk/Luggage TourCo
The Artist shall also be responsible for transporting the Artist’s trunk, under
the Theatre’s direction, from the Artist’s place of residence to the station,
terminal, or place of the Artist’s arrival at or near the town in which the
Theatre’s theatre is located, and back to the Artist’s place of residence. The
Theatre will pay for the entire cost of and reimburse the Artist for such
transportation of luggage up to one hundred thirty-six (136) kilograms.
Upon arrival, the Theatre shall be responsible for and pay transportation costs
of the Artist’s luggage of up to one hundred thirty-six (136) kilograms from the
station, terminal, or place of the Artists’ arrival to the theatre and/or the Artist’s
lodging place, and back to the station, terminal or place from which the Artist
departs after the close of the engagement.
48:01 Sick Leave BOTH
The Theatre may not deduct any amount from the Artist’s weekly contractual fee for
rehearsal or performance missed due to illness or injury. After seven (7) consecutive
days missed, the provisions of Clause 59:11 shall apply. It is understood that abuse
of this clause may result in termination.
48:02 Bereavement Leave BOTH
If any member of an Artist’s immediate family is critically ill, or dies (father, mother,
legal guardian, brother, sister, child, spouse or equivalent), the Theatre agrees to
arrange for the Artist to be absent for up to three (3) days without loss of fee.
Additionally, the Theatre will consider a request from an Artist for an absence for
bereavement of a non-immediate family member, and the Theatre’s permission for
the Artist’s absence will not be unreasonably withheld.
48:03 Personal Days MAIN
By permission of the Theatre, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, the Artist
shall be entitled to use one (1) paid personal day off in each six (6) month period while
under contract. The Artist must give the Theatre not less than a one (1) week’s notice
of intent to use a personal day. The personal day shall be considered approved unless
a sufficient reason exists for denial. Such reason shall be given in writing to both the
Artist and Equity within twenty-four (24) hours of the next business day after the
Artist's request.
48:04 Pregnancy & Parental Leave BOTH
The parties recognize and value the contribution that parents make to our society.
The Theatre will grant an Artist an unpaid pregnancy and/or parental leave during the
Artist’s Engagement Contract in a manner consistent with such leaves available to
employees under the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000, as amended.
However, it is understood that the Engagement Contract of an Artist who takes such
a leave will nonetheless end on the date established in the Engagement Contract,
and that exercising a right to take such a leave under this provision will not extend the
duration of the Artist’s Engagement Contract or establish a right to any future
Engagement Contract(s) with the Theatre.
49:01 Vacation Allotment MAIN
For each six (6) months of engagement and commencing thirty (30) calendar days
after Press Opening, each Artist shall be entitled to one (1) week of unpaid vacation.
Accrued vacation time must be used by the termination of the ESCA Engagement
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 51
49:02 Notice of Vacation MAIN
The Artist shall give the Theatre not less than five (5) weeks’ notice of the date of the
Artist’s intended vacation, which date shall be approved or not approved by the
Theatre on a first-come first-served basis within one (1) week of receipt of the request.
Vacation requests will only be approved if the Artist’s Understudy is available, the
performance schedule allows and no other Artist has previously requested the
vacation week. Exceptions to allow more than one (1) Artist at a time to take vacation
shall be made for special events (e.g. weddings) at the discretion of the Theatre.
Additionally, a Performer and a Stage Manager may have coinciding vacation weeks.
49:03 Stage Management Vacation Pay BOTH
All Equity Stage Management Personnel, in addition to their weekly fee, shall receive
a weekly vacation pay of four percent (4%). This payment shall not be subject to
50:01 Permitted Absences MAIN
The Theatre shall allow for an Artist to absent themselves without pay for the purpose
of accepting more remunerative employment opportunities under a professional
contract. These days shall be deemed to be “MRE Days”. The Theatre shall respond
to the request within a maximum of one (1) business day; otherwise, the request is
deemed to be approved.
An Artist may also make a request to absent themselves without pay for the purpose
of participating in a career advancement opportunity that does not constitute a MRE
Day. The Theatre will consider any such requests on a case-by-case basis and shall
make best efforts to respond to same within two (2) business days. However, in no
case will such a request be deemed to be approved without the express authorization
of the Theatre.
50:02 Notice to the Theatre MAIN
Dependent on the length of time off request, the Artist shall request MRE Days on the
following schedule:
(i) One to Two Days
For an absence of one (1) to two (2) days the Artist shall submit the request
with no less than forty-eight (48) hours’ notice.
(ii) Three to Four Days
For an absence of three (3) to four (4) consecutive days the Artist shall submit
the request with no less than seventy-two (72) hours’ notice.
(iii) Five or More Days
For an absence of five (5) or more consecutive days the Artist shall submit the
request with no less than one (1) week’s notice. If said MRE should extend
beyond fourteen (14) days, the Theatre may terminate the Artist’s ESCA
Engagement Contract upon written notice to the Artist and Equity with no
further financial obligation by the Theatre to the Artist.
50:03 Reasons for Denial MAIN
The Theatre may deny a request should the day fall within the thirty (30) calendar
days following the Press Opening, the request arrives later than the notice periods
provided for in Clause 50:02, or more than one (1) other Mainstage Performer has
previously requested the day off. Additionally, the Theatre may deny any request that
is more than five (5) consecutive days.
50:04 Reduction of Weekly Fee MAIN
When an Artist elects to use a MRE Day, the Theatre shall deduct one-sixth (1/6) for
a one (1) performance day or two-eighths (2/8) for a two (2) performance day from
the Artist’s weekly contractual fee, less the applicable Insurance Top-Up amount in
Clause 23:10 (D).
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 52
51:01 Requirement
(A) Mainstage MAIN
All Mainstage Artists shall have an understudy engaged at all times following
the Press Opening of a Revue until the start of the following Process.
Following a consultation with the Mainstage Artist, a suitable understudy,
which will include consideration of engaged TourCo Artists, will be chosen by
the Theatre. The understudy will be contracted under the terms of the TourCo.
provisions, but shall not have a guaranteed weekly show.
(B) Touring Company TourCo
There is no requirement for understudies for the TourCo, but the Theatre may
elect to engage such an understudy under the same terms and conditions as
TourCo Artists.
51:02 Rehearsal Conditions
(A) Rehearsal Time BOTH
An Artist understudying shall receive a transcribed copy of the current revue
script as well as access to the current archival recording from the Theatre not
less than five (5) business days before a put-in rehearsal.
(B) Put-In Rehearsal BOTH
An onstage put-in rehearsal for each understudy with the Director or Artistic
Director, and Intimacy Director if required, present shall be scheduled within
the twenty-one (21) calendar days following the Press Opening of each revue.
(C) Payment TourCo
Each understudy shall be paid two (2) eight (8) hour rehearsal fees and will
be required to know the material for the scheduled put-in rehearsal.
Such a put-in rehearsal shall be paid at the hourly rehearsal fee and shall not
exceed eight (8) out of ten (10) hours.
51:03 Precondition to Perform TourCo
No Artist shall be required to perform in front of a public audience prior to their onstage
put-in rehearsal. Should an Artist consent to perform a role for which they have been
engaged to understudy prior to such a rehearsal, they shall be paid not less than
three-eighths (3/8) of the minimum weekly Mainstage fee for each performance until
a put-in rehearsal occurs.
51:04 Payment TourCo
An Artist shall be paid an amount of not less than three-sixteenths (3/16) of the
minimum weekly Mainstage fee for the first three (3) times that they perform an
understudy track in an Engagement Week and not less than one-eighth (1/8) of the
minimum weekly Mainstage fee for the fourth (4th) through eighth (8th) performance
in an engagement week. These payments shall appear in the remittance paperwork
and shall be subject to standard deductions.
51:05 Insurance Premium TourCo
Any TourCo Artist who understudies a Mainstage performer for six (6) or more
performances in an engagement week shall have the Mainstage Insurance premium
deducted and remitted for that week.
51:06 Emergency Replacement BOTH
An Artist not already under an ESCA Engagement Contract with the Theatre or an
Artist not contracted to understudy said track replacing an Artist who cannot perform
because of illness, injury or some other emergency, shall be contracted, if applicable,
and paid three-eighths (3/8) of the contractual fee of the absentee Artist or double the
performance fee, whichever is higher, per performance.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 53
Any required rehearsal shall be paid at the rate stipulated in the chart below.
Per Half Hour
$13.52 $13.79 $14.07
For Artists not under contract, partial week payments shall apply. Standard
deductions shall apply to all Artists.
51:07 Understudy Not Available BOTH
When an understudy is not available and a five-person cast is required for the
performance, each Artist shall receive a total of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per
performance in addition to their contractual fee.
52:01 Replacement or Understudy
(A) Mainstage MAIN
When an understudy takes the place of an Artist in a Mainstage production,
or any Artist is replaced by another Artist, except in an emergency which
occurs within one and one-half-hours (1 1/2) before curtain (in which case an
announcement shall be made from the stage), the audience shall be informed
in two (2) of the following three (3) ways:
(i) By means of a sign conspicuously and prominently posted in the lobby
next to the Artists’ photographs, which shall say, “Appearing in
tonight’s performance.” This sign shall be at least eight (8) by ten (10)
inches in size, with letters at least one inch high;
(ii) By the inclusion of a printed slip distributed with all free programs;
(iii) By means of an announcement from the stage.
Should there be an emergency replacement within the time specified above,
then an announcement shall be made from the stage.
(B) Touring Company TourCo
When an understudy takes the place of an Artist in a TourCo production, or
any Artist is replaced by another Artist, the audience shall be informed in the
following two (2) ways:
(i) By means of a sign conspicuously and prominently posted in the lobby
next to the Artists’ photographs, which shall say, “Appearing in
tonight’s performance.” This sign shall be at least eight by ten inches
in size, with letters at least one inch high; and
(ii) By means of an announcement from the stage.
52:02 Announcement BOTH
When a cast substitution is announced (either from the stage or by program insert), it
shall be done in the following manner: “At this performance, the roles usually played
by (Artist) will be played by (Replacement Artist).”
52:03 Breach BOTH
Whenever a breach of Clause 52:01 or 52:02 above is claimed, Equity shall notify the
Theatre of the breach by e-mail, return receipt requested. If the breach occurs on two
(2) or more occasions in the same week, the Theatre shall pay to the Artist a sum
equal to one-seventh (1/7) of the weekly minimum Mainstage fee for each day on
which the breach occurred. Should the breach continue for more than seven (7)
consecutive performances, the penalty payment shall increase to three-sevenths (3/7)
of the weekly minimum Mainstage fee of the Artist for each occurrence thereafter.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 54
Preamble BOTH
Interviews and promotional appearances shall occur within the allowable rehearsal
hours. For interviews or promotional appearances that do not occur within the
allowable rehearsal hours, the Theatre shall pay the Artists involved at the rate
stipulated in the chart below.
Overtime - per half hour
$13.52 $13.79 $14.07
The Theatre will inform the Stage Manager of any publicity event concerning any Artist
in the production as far in advance as possible.
53:01 Promotional Appearances BOTH
With the agreement of the individual Artist, a publicity appearance may include a
promotional performance subject to the following conditions.
Provided that there is a minimum of three (3) full weeks of engagement, a maximum
of two (2) such promotional appearances (per Artist) may be scheduled within each
two (2) week period of the engagement. A promotional appearance may not be
scheduled during the first (1) week of rehearsal, or on any day with more than one (1)
performance at the theatre.
(A) Notice BOTH
The Theatre shall provide as much advance notice as possible of any publicity
appearance with a promotional performance, but in any event, such
appearances will be requested with no less than thirty-six (36) hours’ notice
to the Artist.
(B) Breaks BOTH
All breaks and rest periods required in the ESCA will apply to the scheduling
of promotional appearances. Should the Artist agree to a promotional
appearance on a Free Day, the Artist shall invoice the Theatre at the rate
stipulated in the chart below. The minimum call for a promotional appearance
on a Free Day shall be four (4) hours.
2023 2024 2025
Per Hour
$71.91 $73.35 $74.82
(C) Time Limits BOTH
The performance elements shall not be more than three (3) scenes per Artist,
up to a maximum of twenty (20) minutes of performance in total. The
promotional appearance may not exceed thirty (30) minutes in total, inclusive
of interviews and other appearance requirements. For broadcast purposes,
performance elements are restricted to five (5) minutes or one (1) scene,
whichever is longer.
(D) Stage Management Requirement BOTH
The Stage Manager shall attend all promotional appearances with a
performance element, and the Theatre shall consult with the Stage Manager
to determine if additional stage management staffing is necessary for the
(E) Outside of Point of Origin MAIN
Appearances will be within fifty kilometres (50 km) of the theatre in which the
production is presented unless mutually agreed otherwise.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 55
(F) In Excess of Limits BOTH
For promotional appearances with performance elements in excess of the
limits of this Clause, the Artist shall be paid not less than an additional two-
eighths (2/8) of their contractual fee or of the weekly minimum Mainstage fee,
whichever is greater, per appearance.
53:02 Touring Company Appearances TourCo
For the purposes of Clause 53:01, any Promotional Appearances with a performance
element for which the Touring Company is utilized shall be considered a performance
for the number of performances in an engagement week.
53:03 Reimbursement of Expenses BOTH
The Theatre shall reimburse the Artist for all reasonable expenses incurred in
connection with personal and publicity appearances required by the Theatre and/or
its representatives.
Preamble BOTH
Second City and Equity recognize the joint responsibility to promote a healthy, viable
and sustainable professional theatre sector in an increasingly competitive, changing
environment through the promotion of specific work and Canadian professional
theatre in general. It is hereby recognized that both the Theatre and the Artist have a
joint interest in promoting productions and the Canadian Theatre Industry. It is
understood that this will provide mutual benefit to all through audience attendance,
increased awareness, financial viability of theatre and increased future work
It is understood by both parties that any material used to publicize and promote the
Production may be unable to be removed from all digital sources beyond the timelines
outlined in this agreement. Any use of material beyond these timelines shall not be
considered a breach when the distribution of the material is beyond the control of the
54:01 General Provisions BOTH
The clauses below cover the Theatre’s non-commercial capture and distribution of
recordings of a production, including aspects of process, rehearsal, and the
preparation of a production in which Artists may be featured. This Article covers the
general terms of use for photographs, video and/or audio recordings and social
Distribution refers to the sharing or publication of recorded material, by any common
channel of dissemination by which materials may be publicly viewed or heard, e.g.
print, television broadcast, internet, digital media storage and compact devices, etc.
54:02 Social Media BOTH
Second City and Equity are committed to encouraging a respectful climate of social
media use.
The Theatre may post any policies regarding the use of the theatre’s technology and
social media sites and any parameters regarding use of logos, etc.
Artists who wish to use social media on their free time to share their experiences while
under contract to the Theatre are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the terms
of the policy of the Theatre.
All provisions with respect to notice and permissions shall apply to social media.
Any posting shall be removed at the request of the Theatre and/or an Artist. This shall
not apply to production photographs posted by the Theatre.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 56
54:03 Notice of Recording and Declared Use
(A) Notice of Calls BOTH
Wherever notice is required to be generated and given to an Artist it is the
Theatre representative, not Stage Management staff, who is required to
generate the notice.
All Artists involved must receive a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours’ written
notice prior to any recording or capture of photographs, a copy of which notice
shall be filed with Equity. The time, date and place of any recording must be
contained in the notice to the participating Artists.
(B) Initial Declared Use BOTH
Incorporated with the notice, the theatre shall declare the intended use(s) of
the recorded material, identifying the appropriate stipulations for each
Declared Use. If at any time the Theatre wishes to change the use of the
material from the Initial Declared Use, notice of the change will be submitted
(with appropriate stipulations) to the participating Artists, a copy of which shall
be subsequently filed with Equity.
54:04 Scheduling of Calls
(A) Calls for Recordings BOTH
All recordings, including still images, shall be made at the regular rehearsal
or performance venue and must take place within the regular working hours.
Any additional rehearsal hours required shall be paid at the appropriate rate
in Schedule "A".
(B) Non-Rehearsal Calls for Touring Company TourCo
When an Artist in TourCo is called specifically for a call to capture still images
or recordings, they shall be compensated at a rate not less than the
appropriate line of Schedule “A” or fifty percent (50%) of the performance fee,
whichever is greater.
(C) Calls During a Rest Period BOTH
For any call which results in the Artist providing additional services during any
rest period, the Artist shall invoice the Theatre at the rate stipulated in the
chart below.
Overtime - per half hour
$27.03 $27.57 $28.12
However, with the unanimous consent of the company, still images may be
captured for up to fifteen (15) minutes immediately prior to the half-hour call
with no additional payment required.
(D) Calls Prior to Engagement Period MAIN
Should the Artist, at the request of the Theatre, attend a call before the
engagement period for which the Artist is contracted, they shall be
compensated at a negotiated rate of not less than one-sixth (1/6) of the Artist’s
contractual fee. The Theatre will provide suitable accommodation, travel, and
meals if required.
The arrangements of the call shall be outlined in a rider to the Artist’s ESCA
Engagement Contract. Daily insurance and standard deductions shall apply.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 57
54:05 Other Conditions
(A) Nude Recordings BOTH
Except in the case of an Archival recording, no Artist may be required to
appear nude or semi-nude in any recording or image without their prior written
consent. Furthermore, any images or footage of nudity may only be in long
The Artist shall be given the opportunity to view and approve all material prior
to any use. No nude or semi-nude recordings or images of an Artist may be
used in any way without the prior written consent of the Artist. A copy of the
signed consent and approved recording shall be provided to the Artist.
(B) Alteration of Images or Footage BOTH
Outside of altering an Artist’s image for quality, resizing or video editing for
time, the Artist must approve any recorded material or image in which their
likeness has been altered or in which the Artist’s image has been placed in a
context unrelated to the original material.
(C) Copy to Equity BOTH
In order to verify any of the above conditions, Equity may request a copy of
any recorded material, raw or edited, in which case Equity warrants the
material will remain in its sole possession.
(D) Use of Recorded Material for Promotion of Canadian Theatre BOTH
The Theatre may submit recorded material to Equity for print or web
publication on its platforms. For the purpose of promoting professional
Canadian theatre, the Theatre may also permit the use of still images on the
website of a not-for-profit arts service organization of which the Theatre is a
member or on the international Second City website.
54:06 Capture of Material in Rehearsal or Backstage
(A) Capture During Rehearsal and Process BOTH
Recordings made and photographs taken in rehearsal or during process shall
be allowed with notice. However, any Artist may withdraw their consent for the
recording of material at any time by informing either Stage Management or a
representative of the Theatre.
In cases where the Theatre has hired a third party to record the material, the
Artist shall be informed as soon as possible and shall inform the Theatre within
twenty-four (24) hours of the notice being given if they do not consent to the
capture of material.
(B) Capture Backstage Mainstage MAIN
Specific permission to record any activities backstage including in or around
dressing rooms must be requested in writing. Such request must include an
outline of the material to be captured and the intended use of that material.
No Artist shall be penalized in any way for refusing to grant permission for the
capture of material in these areas.
There shall be no capture of backstage material during the half-hour call or in
the wings during a performance. To this end, no camera or cell phones shall
be permitted in the wings or on stage with the exception of those used by
Stage Management for emergencies.
Recorded Material captured by the Theatre or an Artist backstage which may
or may not include any elements of the production, requires the written
authorization from all participating Artists and/or the Theatre prior to being
used by the Theatre and/or Artists.
(C) Capture Backstage Touring Company TourCo
The capture of material backstage, during the half-hour call or from the wings
for TourCo shall be prohibited. Set up shots are permitted during allowable
rehearsal hours. To this end, no camera or cell phones shall be permitted in
the wings or on stage with the exception of those used by Stage Management
for emergencies.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 58
54:07 Use of Recordings by the Artist BOTH
Where the Theatre is empowered to do so, and at the request of the Artist, and with
the consent of all Artists who appear or whose work appears in the recorded material,
the Theatre may agree to provide a copy of the recorded material to an Artist for their
own individual souvenir or promotional use. The Theatre may levy a nominal charge
for a hardcopy of still images. If copies are available in digital format, such copies
shall be provided upon request to the Artist at no charge.
The Artist shall declare in writing the nature of the limited purposes for which the
recorded material may be used. The Theatre shall not be responsible for any
subsequent misuse of the material, either by the Artist or stemming from the use of
the material by the Artist whether such misuse arises from the use of the materials for
the purposes set forth by the Artist in their request to the Theatre, or for any other
For the purposes of this clause, “Artist” shall include other artists (such as designers)
whose artistic contribution to the production is represented in the recorded material.
The Theatre shall be responsible for securing the appropriate written permissions
from all Artists.
55:01 Photo Calls BOTH
Photo calls shall be allowed for the taking of customary and usual photographs,
together with photographs to appear in magazines, newspapers, and websites for the
sole purpose of publicizing and advertising the production.
All photo calls shall take place during allowable rehearsal hours except as provided
for in Clause 55:01 (A) below. For photo calls that do not occur within the allowable
rehearsal hours, the Artist shall invoice the Theatre in accordance with the chart
Per half hour
$27.03 $27.57 $28.12
(A) Additional Call MAIN
One (1) photo call of a maximum of three (3) hours (for each Performer) shall
be allowed for each revue at no additional remuneration.
(B) Two-Show Day BOTH
There shall be no such call on a two (2) performance day.
55:02 Use of Photos in Publicity Material BOTH
The Theatre shall not be required to obtain the Artist’s authorization or additionally
compensate the Artist for the use of production photographs from past or current
productions in publicity material for the promotion or recognition of the Theatre, its
activities, and/or the Artists.
55:03 Identification of Photographs BOTH
Where the Theatre has control over the photograph, the name(s) of the Artist(s) will
be identified when possible, but in all cases where there are three (3) or fewer Artists.
The title of the production must always be identified.
Where the Theatre does not have control over the photograph, the Theatre shall use
reasonable efforts to identify the names of all the Artists appearing in the image and
the title of the production whenever possible.
55:04 Use of Production Photographs - Special Provisions BOTH
Unless otherwise noted in this Article the Theatre shall not be required to obtain the
Artist’s authorization or additionally compensate the Artist for the distribution of
photographs from past or current productions.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 59
(i) Books and Publications
With the prior written consent of the Artist(s) appearing in the image the
Theatre may allow the use of photographs in books, such as academic texts,
or publications of plays without any compensation to the Artist. In the case of
the use of photographs in biographical or historical books about an Artist, a
theatre, or theatre in general, the Theatre may be exempt from the payment
to the Artist stipulated in Clause 55:05 (B) with the prior written consent of the
(ii) Academic and Training Institutions
With the prior written consent of the Artist(s) appearing in the image the
Theatre may extend the use of photographs to post-secondary academic
institutions which have theatre programs or theatre schools for the publication
of those images in scholarly journals and publications.
(iii) Study Guides
With the prior written consent or former approval of the Artist(s) appearing in
the image the Theatre may use photographs in study guides for schools when
the study guides are prepared by the Theatre and supplied free of charge to
The use of photographs as provided for in this Clause is subject to proper identification
as per Clause 55:03.
In Clauses 55:04(i) to (iii) above, should the Theatre not receive the prior consent of
the Artist, the Theatre shall pay the Artist not less than as specified below.
2023 2024 2025
Photo Use Fee $269.79 $275.19 $280.69
55:05 Use of Production Photographs for Merchandise
(A) Written Authorization BOTH
For merchandise use the Theatre must obtain the Artist's prior written
authorization for the use of the Artist’s image which authorization shall identify
the photograph to be used and the details of the specific usage to be made of
the photograph. The Theatre shall provide Equity with a copy of the Artist’s
written authorization upon request.
(B) Payment for Use of Image for Merchandise BOTH
If the Artist consents to the use of their image for any merchandise, other than
a “coffee table book”, the Artist shall be paid not less than as specified below
for said use for a period of not more than one hundred and four (104) weeks.
Photo Use Fee
$269.79 $275.19 $280.69
(C) Payment for Use of Image in “Coffee Table Book” BOTH
The Theatre shall pay the Artist not less than as specified below for the use
of the photographs in any book where the importance of the photographs is
equal to or greater than the importance of the text.
Photo Use Fee
$269.79 $275.19 $280.69
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 60
56:01 Declared Use BOTH
Without derogating from the rights granted to the Theatre under Clause 40:01, it is
understood that audio visual recorded material may be used by the Theatre in whole
or in part, for the purpose of:
(A) Reference and Maintenance BOTH
For the sole purpose of review by Artists, a recording of specific elements of
a production may be made by the Theatre during regularly scheduled
rehearsal hours or a regularly scheduled performance. The Theatre may
make duplicate copies of the recorded material for review by the Artists,
however no Understudy may be given a copy of such recorded material until
they have signed an ESCA Engagement Contract. In the event that an
Understudy is provided with a copy of the recorded material, and is required
by the Theatre to use the recorded material for review at home, any such
hours spent reviewing the recorded material shall be mutually agreed upon in
advance, and will be considered allowable rehearsal time and paid. All copies
of Reference and Maintenance recordings are the responsibility of the
Theatre, and shall be destroyed following the conclusion of use.
Such recordings may be used for the purpose of maintenance of understudy
tracks, during process for writing and audience reactions, script transcription,
choreography, stage fighting or special business.
Notice for this declared use may be blanket in nature and contained in a rider
to the Artist’s ESCA Engagement Contract.
(B) Publicity & Promotion for Current Productions BOTH
The Theatre may use up to five (5) minutes finished running time of recorded
material from any approved source. This recorded material may comprise
clips of edited material from rehearsal, process, backstage, and/or
performance footage. The material may be used by the Theatre for up to
twelve (12) months from the Press Opening of the current Production, or for
the duration of the run, whichever is longer. Where the Theatre is empowered
to do so, the Theatre shall grant similar rights of use to the Artists in the
production with the agreement of the other Artists for the same time frame.
The Theatre may extend its time frame of the use of the material by either
offering the Artists the same extended use beyond the initial time frame as
noted above or by compensating the Artist at no less than one-sixth (1/6) of
the minimum Mainstage weekly contractual fee. Rates for Directors,
Choreographers and Fight Directors shall be no less than two-and-a-half
percent (2-1/2%) of the applicable minimum fee.
(C) Archival Recording BOTH
An Archival recording must be captured from a regularly scheduled public
performance of the production after the Press Opening; no additional
rehearsals are permitted to facilitate the recording. The Theatre guarantees
that the recorded material, which may not be copied, will remain under its
control for archival purposes and may only be viewed in private for reference
purposes or as a teaching or rehearsal aid for the benefit of Artists or
management. Archival material that is digitally stored will be password
protected and protected from download. When necessary, Archival footage
will be given to an Understudy before rehearsal for the purposes of learning
lines or blocking. There must be no public viewing of recorded material.
(D) Other BOTH
Where the Theatre requires consent from Equity to exploit audio visual
recorded material for use(s) other than those described above (including
commercial uses) (each, a “Further Use”), Equity will not unreasonably
withhold such consent. To the extent necessary, Artists will be contracted
under, governed by and paid according to the appropriate agreement for any
Further Use.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 61
56:02 Credit and Billing for Audio and/or Visual Recordings BOTH
With the exception of Archival and Reference Recordings, the final cut of any audio
and/or visual recordings made shall include a credit list or roll. The credit roll shall not
be counted towards the allowable five (5) minutes of recorded material from an
approved source.
56:03 Current Affairs BOTH
For the purpose of promoting the Engager, its productions, and/or the Artists, a
maximum of five (5) minutes of performance and/or rehearsal of each production may
be presented on a news, current affairs arts, lifestyle, or similar program (including
website use) during the current production or for twelve (12) months following the
close of the production, provided that the Engager notifies the Artists in advance, in
writing. The written notification shall include the full particulars of the recording, and a
copy of the notification shall be filed with Equity.
56:04 Stipulations BOTH
Stipulations refers to the specific conditions pertaining to a particular use of recorded
material, including but not limited to type and amount of material captured, control and
copyright, duration of use, credits, approval, access, payment; etc.
Limited use refers to the rights the Theatre has acquired from the rights holders for
use by the Artist.
57:01 Conditions For
(A) Artists’ Agreement BOTH
Artists in a production may agree to participate in audio and/or visual
recordings solely for use in the production where the text, writing and/or
Director's interpretation requires such recordings.
(B) Recording Sessions BOTH
The recording may only be used during the period in which the Artist is
engaged in the production and only for the production for which it has been
made. Should such recording sessions take place outside regular rehearsal
hours, then the Artist shall invoice the Theatre at the rate stipulated in the
chart below.
Per half hour
$27.03 $27.57 $28.12
57:02 Artist Leaving a Production BOTH
This royalty and buyout stated below shall not apply if the Artist is recorded for the
purpose of background only or if the Artist is not recognizably featured.
(A) Mainstage MAIN
If a Mainstage Artist leaves the cast after making a visual or sound recording
the Theatre may, in lieu of making a new recording, pay the Artist a royalty for
the continued use of the recording. Such royalty shall not be less than two-
and-a-half (2-1/2%) percent of the Artist's contractual fee for each week of
(B) Touring Company TourCo
If a TourCo Artist leaves the cast after making a visual or sound recording the
Theatre may, in lieu of making a new recording, pay the Artist a buyout for the
continued use of the recording for up to twenty-six (26) weeks. Such buyout
shall not be less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the minimum performance
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 62
57:03 Artist Engaged for Recording MAIN
An Artist engaged solely for audio and/or visual recordings, not otherwise engaged
for the production, shall be paid one-sixth (1/6) of the applicable minimum fee per day
for recording sessions. For the Theatre's use of such a recording the Artist shall
receive a weekly royalty to be negotiated at the time of the Artist's engagement of no
less than two-and-a-half (2-1/2%) percent of the applicable minimum fee.
58:01 Scope
(A) Preservation BOTH
This Article covers the recording (preservation) of the audio and/or visual
aspects of a theatrical production in whole or in part through the use of any
and all devices now in existence and yet to be developed made during the run
of, or within six (6) months of the close of, the production. The resulting
product shall hereafter be referred to as a recording. The Artist may not be
required to take part in the recording or broadcast. Any recording or broadcast
of a scene involving nudity or acts of a sexual nature shall not take place
without the prior written permission of the Artist specifically agreeing to same,
such permission not to be unreasonably withheld.
(B) Broadcast BOTH
This Article also covers the broadcast or transmission of a theatrical
production whether by means of the reproduction of a recording or by means
of live broadcast. This Article shall apply whether the recording is made at or
the broadcast emanates from the theatre or elsewhere, and regardless of the
use made of same at any time thereafter.
58:02 Recording Rates BOTH
For the purposes of this Article, whenever a recording or broadcast of a production in
whole, or in part, is made, all Artists engaged in the recording or broadcast, including
radio, cast albums, simulcasts and commercials shall be paid as follows:
(i) Performers
Performers shall be contracted under, governed by, and paid according to the
appropriate ACTRA agreement.
(ii) Choreographers & Directors
For a visual recording or broadcast Choreographers and Directors shall be
paid a minimum of ten (10%) percent of the original contractual fee for the first
thirty (30) minutes of finished recording or broadcast and an additional five
(5%) percent of such original fees for each subsequent thirty (30) minutes of
finished recording or broadcast.
These payments shall be outlined in a rider to the Artist’s ESCA Engagement
Contract and standard deductions shall apply.
(iii) Stage Management
Stage Management personnel shall be paid no less than the Principal
performer rate in the appropriate ACTRA agreement. These payments shall
be outlined in a rider to the Artist’s ESCA Engagement Contract and standard
deductions shall apply.
Copies of all contracts and/or riders shall be filed with Equity.
Artists shall be free to negotiate compensation in excess of the above minimums.
All payments to the Artist stipulated above shall be in addition to and separate from
payment and fees stipulated in the Artist’s original ESCA Engagement Contract for
that period.
The Theatre agrees that the responsibility for the payments to Choreographers,
Directors and Stage Managers lies solely and exclusively with it.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 63
58:03 Notification BOTH
Whenever possible, the Theatre shall give the Artists and Equity thirty (30) days
notice of any proposed recording along with a detailed schedule. Additionally, the
Artist or any third party must obtain the written consent of the Theatre before arranging
any recording or broadcast.
The use or preparation of recorded material, except as provided for elsewhere in this
Agreement, in a format different from that for which permission was given, is
58:04 Additional Rehearsals BOTH
Whenever any member or members of a company are rehearsed for a recording or
live broadcast, such rehearsal shall be included in the rehearsal schedule for said
recording or broadcast. Equity and ACTRA shall determine whether such rehearsal
time is related to the theatrical production or the recording or broadcast.
58:05 Maximum Call
There must be an eleven (11) hour overnight rest period from the end of the recording
day to the first call for the Theatre.
After recording, there must be a rest period of not less than one and one-half (1-1/2)
hours prior to curtain time on a day on which there is one (1) performance. On a day
when there is a matinee performance only, there must be a one-and-one-half (1-1/2)
hour rest period following final curtain before recording. Infringement of these
provisions is to be paid for at the appropriate overtime rate in the chart below.
Per half hour
$13.52 $13.79 $14.07
58:06 Recording on a Day with No Performance BOTH
On a day on which there is no performance, ACTRA rehearsal clauses shall prevail.
Regardless, there shall be ten (10) hours overnight rest period between the last call
on a recording day and the first call on a performance day.
In the event that the Theatre is unable to schedule a recording or prep for recording
on a regular work day, Equity will on a case-by-case basis consider a request from a
Theatre to schedule a recording on an Artist’s Free Day.
58:07 Two-Show Day BOTH
The Artist may not be required to render their services for a recording session, live
broadcast or rehearsals for same under any circumstances on a day where two (2)
theatrical performances are to be presented.
58:08 Recording After Production Closed/Artist Leaves Production
(A) Original Artist BOTH
When a recording is made of the stage production which has closed, all the
Artists engaged in said stage production shall be engaged for the preserved
performance or broadcast. If another Artist, who did not participate in the
stage production, is engaged for the recording, then the Artist who was last
contracted for the stage production shall be paid in accordance with the fees
above, provided the original Artists was available and willing to participate in
the recording.
58:09 Artist Dismissed BOTH
Any Artist who is contracted or called for any recording or broadcast, and is
subsequently dismissed or released from such recording or broadcast, shall be paid
in full as if they had done said mechanical reproduction.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 64
59:01 Notice Period BOTH
The minimum period of notice of termination for the Artist shall be two (2) weeks.
59:02 Delivery of Notice
(A) Written BOTH
It is the essence of all ESCA Engagement Contracts that all notices
thereunder, company and individual, must be in writing. Copies of all notices
must be filed with Equity electronically forthwith by the party (Artist or Theatre)
giving notice.
(B) Methods BOTH
All notices to the Theatre may be given to it personally, or to its designated
representative in writing. Notice to the Artist must be given to them personally
in writing unless they are not at the theatre location, in which case it may be
given by registered mail to the Artist’s last known address.
(C) Call Board MAIN
All communications which refer to the company in general shall be posted on
the call board.
(D) Timing BOTH
(i) Individual notices of termination given at or before the half-hour call
on the first performance day of the engagement week and which take
effect at the end of the final day of the week following shall be deemed
two (2) weeks' notice.
(ii) Notices must be delivered at or before the commencement of the first
call of the engagement week. Any notice given later will not take effect
until the following week.
59:03 Deductions BOTH
Deductions pursuant to Clause 25:01 shall apply to termination payments. However,
when the Artist is not allowed to work out the notice period the deduction for insurance
shall not apply.
59:04 Termination Before Engagement BOTH
ESCA Engagement Contracts may, before the beginning of the engagement, be
terminated as follows:
(A) Notice By Artist
(i) Mainstage MAIN
By the Mainstage Artist giving written notice to the Theatre prior to the
first day of engagement specified in the ESCA Engagement Contract,
and paying the Theatre no less than two (2) weeks' contractual fee.
Termination payments must be paid to the Theatre within two (2)
weeks of the notice being given or by a schedule mutually agreed
upon between the Artist and Theatre.
(ii) Touring Company TourCo
By the TourCo Artist by giving written notice to the Theatre prior to the
first day of engagement specified in the ESCA Engagement Contract,
and paying the Theatre no less than an amount equal to the Artist’s
fees as scheduled for the first two (2) weeks of engagement.
Termination payments must be paid to the Theatre within two (2)
weeks of the notice being given or by a schedule mutually agreed
upon between the Artist and the Theatre.
(B) Notice By Theatre
(i) Mainstage MAIN
By the Theatre giving written notice to the Artist prior to the first day of
engagement specified in the ESCA Engagement Contract and paying
the Artist a sum equivalent to not less than two (2) weeks’ contractual
fee or two (2) weeks’ minimum Mainstage weekly fee, whichever is
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 65
(ii) Touring Company TourCo
By the Theatre giving written notice to the TourCo Artist prior to the
first day of engagement specified in the ESCA Engagement Contract,
and paying the Artist no less than an amount equal to the Artist’s fees
as scheduled for the first two (2) weeks of engagement.
59:05 After Beginning of Engagement BOTH
Individual notice of termination of a standard ESCA Engagement Contract after the
beginning of an engagement may not be less than two (2) weeks.
59:06 During Process or Rehearsals
(A) By Artist MAIN
During process, the Artist may terminate their ESCA Engagement Contract by
paying the Theatre no less than two (2) weeks’ contractual fees. However, the
termination of the Artist's services to the Theatre may not occur within the
period beginning two (2) weeks prior to and ending two (2) weeks after the
Press Opening dates specified in the ESCA Engagement Contract.
(B) By Theatre MAIN
During process, the Theatre may terminate the Artist's ESCA Engagement
Contract by paying the Artist not less than two (2) week’s contractual fees
except if the Artist's ESCA Engagement Contract is terminated during the two
(2) weeks prior to the specified Press Opening in which case the minimum
payment shall be no less than four (4) weeks' contractual fee.
(C) Special Conditions TourCo
During rehearsals for a production with a running time of ninety (90) minutes
or less, or when the rehearsal period is two (2) weeks or less, a standard two
(2) weeks' notice of termination may be given by either party as stipulated in
Clause 59:02.
59:07 Termination After Press Opening
(A) Notice MAIN
Either party may terminate the ESCA Engagement Contract at any time on or
after the date of the Press Opening by giving the other party termination notice
of not less than two (2) weeks. If the Artist gives notice, the Theatre may
determine whether or not the Artist is required to perform for the two (2) week
59:08 Company Termination Before Press Opening MAIN
If a revue for which the Artist is engaged is discontinued, abandoned or postponed,
before or during process, the Theatre shall pay the Artist two (2) weeks' contractual
fees in lieu of notice. Additionally, the Theatre shall pay any additional sums due to
the Artist, with the exception of Creative Compensation.
59:09 Extension of ESCA Engagement Contract
(A) Absence of Option BOTH
In the absence of an option to extend the ESCA Engagement Contract, should
the Theatre wish to extend beyond the originally contracted final date of
engagement for an Artist, the Artist, at their option, may upon announcement
of said extension, terminate their ESCA Engagement Contract upon written
notice, said termination to coincide with the originally contracted closing.
Written notice under the above conditions may be less than two (2) weeks.
(B) Written Agreement BOTH
Should the Artist agree to remain at the Theatre for the extension of the ESCA
Engagement Contract, a written agreement, so stating, shall be executed by
the Theatre, and a copy filed electronically with Equity.
(C) Right to Negotiate BOTH
The Artist has the right to negotiate the terms and conditions under which they
agree to the extension.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 66
59:10 Absence due to Accidents Involving Extraordinary Risk BOTH
When the Artist shall have been absent for seven (7) days by reason of accident
involving Extraordinary Risk, the Theatre may terminate the Artist’s ESCA
Engagement Contract by giving them two (2) weeks' notice. Equity may, at its
discretion, upon appeal of the Theatre, reduce this period.
59:11 Absence Due to Illness or Accident
(A) Termination For BOTH
When the Artist shall have been absent for seven (7) consecutive days by
reason of illness or accident, the Theatre may terminate the Artist’s ESCA
Engagement Contract at the end of the said seven (7) days effective
(B) Payment BOTH
This seven (7) day period shall be compensated at the contractual fee, plus
per diem if applicable. The Theatre may, at its discretion and in accordance
with legislation require the Artist to present a doctor's certificate.
(C) Replacement BOTH
In the event of an incapacitating accident or illness, the Theatre may replace
the Artist immediately, but the Theatre shall be obliged to compensate the
Artist for the full seven (7) days.
59:12 Payment When Artist is Not Allowed to Work Out Notice BOTH
Where it is provided in this Article that the Theatre may give notice of termination to
the Artist during rehearsals, the Theatre will pay the Artist for the required termination
notice period forthwith, and the Artist's contract is terminated effective immediately.
Upon notice of termination of an Artist's ESCA Engagement Contract when they are
no longer called upon to perform, the Artist shall be paid immediately and may
forthwith accept other engagements.
59:13 Rights After Giving Notice When Artist Secures New Engagement BOTH
Should either party give the other any notice permitted under their ESCA Engagement
Contract, which terminates the same, at any future date, and should the Artist have
or secure a new engagement, they shall be permitted to attend those rehearsals under
the new Equity Engagement Contract which do not conflict with the fulfilment of any
of the Artist’s obligations under their ESCA Engagement Contract or as stipulated in
writing by Theatre to Artist.
59:14 Return Transportation Costs
(A) Termination by Theatre BOTH
If individual notice of termination is given by the Theatre, it agrees to pay the
Artist, in cash, the amount of the cost of transportation of the Artist, and their
luggage back to place of residence, or to provide a ticket for same whether
the Artist returns immediately or not.
(B) Termination by Artist BOTH
If the ESCA Engagement Contract is terminated by the Artist, the Theatre
shall not be responsible for the Artist's return transportation.
If the Artist has terminated their ESCA Engagement Contract in order to
accept another Equity Engagement Contract, the Artist agrees to reimburse
the Theatre for any transportation costs the Theatre may have to pay for the
Artist's successor, if any, up to an amount not exceeding the total cost
originally incurred by the Theatre in bringing the Artist to work with the
59:15 Filing of Notice BOTH
Copies of all notices of termination and/or extension referred to above shall be filed
electronically with Equity within ten (10) business days.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 67
59:16 Growth or Physical Appearance BOTH
Under no circumstances shall an Artist's growth or change in physical appearance be
considered grounds for termination, unless it impinges on the artistic integrity of the
production, to be determined by the Theatre.
59:17 Termination Due to Impairment BOTH
In the circumstances outlined in Clause 33:03, the Theatre may request relief from
the provisions of this Article in order to terminate without further payment. Equity may
grant such relief when it has been satisfied that the Artist was intoxicated or similarly
impaired. Additionally, if a rehearsal or performance is cancelled as a result of these
circumstances, the Theatre may request the Executive Director of Equity to decide if
the Artist shall be liable for any loss incurred.
59:18 Unauthorized Absence BOTH
When an Artist has been absent for six (6) or more consecutive calls without the
Theatre’s authorization, the Theatre may terminate the Artist’s ESCA Engagement
Contract effective immediately without any further payment.
If the Artist is called to report for military service or jury duty, the Artist may terminate their ESCA
Engagement Contract without penalty by giving the Theatre as much notice as the
circumstances will permit. The Theatre agrees to pay the Artist's return transportation, and the
Artist shall not be obligated for the payment of the transportation of their successor.
Preamble BOTH
All personnel engaged to fulfil Stage Management duties shall be hired as
independent contractors of the Theatre and must be contracted under the terms of
the ESCA. Equity and The Second City, Inc. will consider it to be a breach of the
ESCA if the Theatre uses non-Equity personnel to fulfil Stage Management duties as
herein defined.
61:01 Equity Stage Management BOTH
The Theatre agrees that it will engage only existing Equity Stage Managers for all
Stage Manager positions on its staff. Equity will provide on request a current and up-
to-date list of Stage Managers who have informed Equity that they are available for
work. However, the Theatre shall not be obliged to engage a Stage Manager whom
the Theatre judges to be incompatible with its needs. A person who is not already a
member of Equity may be engaged as a Stage Manager with the written permission
of Equity provided that the Theatre has publicly advertised the job, and conducted a
search for, and considered existing Stage Manager members. Advertising will include
the Theatre’s website and/or sphere of social media pages and will also post on
Equity’s e-drive.
61:02 Script Changes BOTH
After the Press Opening, the Stage Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that
both the Director and the Theatre are made aware of any significant script changes
or proposed changes. The Stage Manager shall also provide Understudies with any
script changes as required.
61:03 Contractual Obligations Requiring Stage Manager's Assistance BOTH
The Theatre will make its best efforts to inform the Stage Manager of any contractual
obligations the Theatre has made which will directly affect the Stage Manager's
engagement or will require the Stage Manager's assistance in ensuring compliance.
Such contractual obligations may include dressing room assignments or contracted
days off.
61:04 Consultation on Selection of Stage Management Personnel MAIN
Whenever possible, the Stage Manager position shall be filled prior to the Apprentice
Stage Manager. The Stage Manager shall have input in the selection of the Apprentice
Stage Manager on a production if applicable.
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61:05 Stage Management Staffing Formulae BOTH
The Theatre will engage sufficient personnel to ensure the safe and efficient running
of a production.
(A) Requirements BOTH
There shall be at least one (1) Stage Manager for each Revue or TourCo
(B) Assistant Stage Managers BOTH
There shall be no requirement to engage an Assistant Stage Manager for any
production mounted under the ESCA.
(C) Apprentice Stage Managers MAIN
The Theatre may choose to engage an Apprentice Stage Manager for any
Mainstage Revue. The selection of an Apprentice Stage Manager shall be
made jointly by the Stage Manager for the Revue and the Theatre.
61:06 Pre-Production Preparation
(A) Term of Engagement – Mainstage MAIN
All Stage Managers shall be engaged for one (1) day prior to the
commencement of Process unless the Theatre and the Artist agree that the
period is not required or the Stage Manager is currently under contract for the
Theatre on the Mainstage Revue in performance. The daily remuneration for
a Stage Manager not already under contract shall be no less than one-quarter
(1/4) of the week's contractual fee.
(B) Term of Engagement Touring Company TourCo
The Stage Manager on a TourCo production shall be engaged for no less than
one (1) day of preparation time prior to the first company call for which they
are Stage Manager. Such a day shall be paid at one hundred twelve percent
(112%) of their performance fee. This day need not be immediately prior to
the first company call, but may not be more than seven (7) days prior.
(C) Replacement Stage Management Personnel MAIN
Where a replacement Stage Manager will be taking over during Process, the
replacement Stage Manager shall be engaged with no fewer than three (3)
days overlapping the out-going Stage Manager.
Where the replacement Stage Manager will be taking over following the official
Press Opening, the replacement Stage Manager shall be engaged for no
fewer than two (2) days overlapping the out-going Stage Manager.
(D) Apprentice Stage Managers MAIN
There shall be no requirement for pre-production preparation time for an
Apprentice Stage Manager.
61:07 Additional Benefits BOTH
Where an Artist has been engaged by the Theatre under the terms of Article 61:00,
for no less than sixteen (16) weeks in duration, or a minimum of two (2) contracts
spanning sixteen (16) weeks in total, they may be eligible for additional employee
benefits that the Theatre provides to its seasonal, or if applicable, full-time employees
who are not subject to a collective agreement. These benefits may include but are not
limited to insurance coverage, RRSP contributions in excess of a three percent (3%)
management contribution, and additional vacation increments.
61:08 Apprentice Stage Managers MAIN
It is acknowledged that an Apprentice Stage Manager position is a training position
and is not to replace the need for additional stage management staffing.
An Apprentice Stage Manager may, unless otherwise provided for in the ESCA, be
engaged under terms and conditions outside the ESCA, and may not be required to
tour. Equity agrees to consider any request from a member of a professional
performing artists' association or union for permission to register as an Apprentice.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 69
(A) Registration MAIN
For each Apprentice, the Theatre shall file an Apprentice Stage Manager
Registration Form signed by the Apprentice and stating that they are not now
and never have been a member of any performing artists' association or
union. The form shall be accompanied by a fee to be determined by Equity,
seventy-five dollars ($75.00) of which shall be paid by the Theatre, for each
revue for which the Apprentice has been hired.
(B) Maximum Number MAIN
There shall be no more than one (1) Apprentice Stage Manager engaged for
each Mainstage Revue.
(C) Fee Paid to Apprentice Stage Manager MAIN
The Theatre will endeavour to pay an Apprentice Stage Manager a fee
commensurate with the work they are responsible to undertake, but in no case
less than the applicable provincial minimum wage.
(D) Hours of Work MAIN
An Apprentice Stage Manager shall not be required to work hours in excess
to those hours worked by other Stage Management personnel.
(E) Length of Engagement MAIN
There shall be no maximum length of engagement for an Apprentice Stage
Manager, however, an Apprentice must be engaged at least two (2) weeks up
to and including the official Press Opening and may not participate in more
than one (1) Process under a single apprenticeship.
61:09 Prohibited Duties BOTH
Equity members of the Stage Management staff are not permitted to accept
responsibility for:
(A) Fulfilling Duties of Union Members BOTH
Fulfilling the duties of union members whenever members of unions are
engaged for a production.
(B) Fulfilling Duties of Theatre Management BOTH
Negotiating contracts, having riders signed or initialled, negotiating salaries or
carrying out any other function which is normally the duty of the Theatre.
Under no circumstances shall Stage Management personnel be required to
execute the above functions on behalf of the Theatre with other Equity
members. This does not preclude delivery of contracts and/or riders in a
sealed envelope addressed to the individual Artist.
(C) Signing Closing Notices BOTH
Signing or posting the closing notice of a company or the individual notice of
an Performer or any other member of a company.
(D) Building Maintenance BOTH
Doing building maintenance, janitorial, or custodial work. This does not
preclude the usual maintenance of rehearsal halls and stages as may be
considered in some Theatres to be part of Stage Management duties to be
completed during preparation time.
(E) Payroll BOTH
Doing the payroll or distributing payments (including but not limited to fees
and expense allowances) except where such payments are delivered in a
sealed envelope addressed to the individual Artist. In matters of finances, the
Stage Manager is personally responsible only for items purchased out of their
petty cash budget. The Stage Manager should, however, keep the Theatre
informed of developments that may involve unexpected major expenses.
(F) Serving Meals BOTH
Serving meals for the Performers. At the discretion of the Stage Manager,
Stage Management personnel may order and/or obtain meals for the
Performers, but shall not assume any personal financial commitment in this
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 70
61:10 Understudying and Performing BOTH
A Stage Manager may not understudy a Performer. However, a Stage Manager may
perform in no more than one (1) scene in a production with no more than five (5) lines
of dialogue with an additional payment of not less than the fee below. The Stage
Manager shall not be required to perform as a condition of engagement and should a
replacement Stage Manager decline to perform, the scene shall be altered to
accommodate the Artist.
2023 2024 2025
Weekly Minimum $8.16 $8.32 $8.49
61:11 Duties and Responsibilities of Stage Management BOTH
In addition to those duties detailed in Article 33:00, the duties and responsibilities of
Stage Management personnel are defined within this Clause, unless other or
additional duties are agreed to by a rider at the time of contracting.
(A) Discretion in Organization of Work BOTH
The Theatre recognizes that the Stage Manager holds a position of
supervisory responsibility and, as such, may exercise discretion in arranging
their own work. Such discretion shall be exercised by the Artist, after
consultation with the Theatre's designated representative. The Artist cannot
be held responsible for any overtime which may arise through circumstances
beyond their control.
(B) Organization of Rehearsals and Performances BOTH
The Stage Manager shall organize and supervise all rehearsals and
performances, and endeavour to uphold the terms of the ESCA, the
requirements of Equity's Constitution, Bylaws and any regulations governing
its membership, and any management rules and regulations not in conflict
with the ESCA and to consult with the Liaison and the Theatre's designated
representative where necessary.
(C) Scheduling Rehearsal Calls MAIN
In accordance with the requirements of the Theatre, the Director, and the
terms of this Agreement, the Stage Manager shall be responsible for the
calling of all rehearsals, whether before or after Press Opening, and for the
scheduling of other company or individual calls related to a production.
(D) Scheduling Set-Ups, Strikes, Load-Ins and Load-Outs TourCo
The Stage Manager shall schedule and control set-ups, strikes, load-ins and
load-outs if required by the Theatre.
(E) Co-ordination and Communication BOTH
The Stage Manager shall work with the Director and co-ordinate and
communicate with the heads of all other departments during process, while
on tour and after Press Opening.
(F) Scene Change Rehearsals and Cueing Sessions BOTH
The Stage Manager shall be present at all scene change rehearsals and
cueing sessions for the production that will come under the supervision of
Stage Management during rehearsals or performances. For the purpose of
this Clause, a cueing session shall include any period of time during which
the Director and designer are building cues, “looks”, or potential cues for a
production onstage.
(G) Running Order and Cue Sheets BOTH
The Stage Manager shall create and maintain the running order of the show
to be posted backstage as well as any required cue sheets. The Stage
Manager will submit this paperwork to the Theatre at the end of the run of the
production or as requested by the Theatre.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 71
(H) Maintenance of Artistic and Technical Intentions BOTH
The Stage Manager shall maintain, to the best of their ability, the artistic and
technical intentions of the Director, Theatre and designers after Press
Opening and, upon approval of the Theatre, shall call rehearsals when
necessary, and shall prepare Understudies or replacement cast members
when or if the Director or Theatre is unavailable or declines this prerogative.
(I) Show Reports BOTH
During the rehearsal period or process, the Stage Manager shall
communicate with the Theatre's designated representative about running
times and any problems in the artistic or technical elements of the production.
During performance this communication must be written and filed with the
Theatre's representatives (up to seven (7) representatives as designated by
the Theatre, and on the request of the Theatre, the Director of the production)
in the form of a daily show report. Additionally, Equity may request, with a
reasonable cause, a copy of the daily show report. Such request will not be
unreasonably withheld.
The Stage Management show report shall be treated as confidential.
Nevertheless, when an Artist receives a reprimand or complaint from the
Theatre based on the report, the Artist has the right to access any portion of
the report which may have been the basis for the reprimand or complaint, and
the Stage Manager shall be so informed immediately.
(J) Record-Keeping BOTH
The Stage Manager shall keep such records as may be necessary to advise
the Theatre, the Liaison and/or Equity on matters of company discipline and
other business related to the rights and obligations of Artists, such as, but not
limited to, attendance, overtime, meal breaks, costume and photo calls,
working environment health and safety.
(K) Health and Safety BOTH
The Stage Manager shall keep such records as are necessary and take all
necessary precautions to see that safe and clean conditions exist both on
stage and backstage as well as in rehearsal halls, and shall immediately
advise the Theatre's designated representative and Equity if the health and
safety provisions of the ESCA are not being maintained.
(L) Physical Welfare of Company Members BOTH
In the absence of a company manager, the Stage Manager shall be prepared
to assist and advise members of the company on matters relating to their
physical welfare, and to this end shall, among other things, see that first aid
supplies, listings of emergency services and medical advisors, and insurance
and accident report forms are provided to the Artists.
(M) Dressing Area BOTH
The Stage Manager has the authority to keep the Performers' dressing area
free of all unnecessary personnel during any half-hour call or intermission.
(N) Backstage Area BOTH
During performances, the Stage Manager is in sole charge of the backstage
area. In addition, the Stage Manager is in charge of cueing the movement of
all scenic elements, technical elements, and Performers.
This Clause does not preclude the Music Director from operating sound cues
as required.
(O) Collection of Valuables BOTH
The Stage Manager shall implement provisions made by the Theatre for the
security of personal property and notify the Theatre's designated
representative when security provisions for Artist's valuables are not available
or operable.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 72
61:12 Other Duties BOTH
As the duties of Stage Management may differ from theatre to theatre, it is required
that the Theatre discuss these duties with the Stage Management personnel prior to
signing the contract. Any other duties than those previously defined herein shall be
contracted separately in writing and included as a rider to the contract. The Stage
Manager and the Theatre shall be free to negotiate additional compensation for such
other duties. This does not preclude Stage Management personnel from performing
other duties in an emergency.
The Stage Manager may, at their own discretion, use preparation time to accomplish
such other duties as long as they do not interfere with the regular preparation duties.
If these other duties cannot be accomplished within the regular work hours and/or
during the preparation hours, then regular overtime shall apply, and confirmation of
this requirement shall be included in the rider to the Artist’s contract.
Such other duties include, but may not be limited to, the following:
(A) Laundry Duties MAIN
Any situation where Equity Stage Management personnel, in the absence of
wardrobe personnel, is responsible for the collecting, washing, drying, ironing
and/or maintenance of any costumes worn by a Performer.
(B) Wig Maintenance BOTH
Any situation where Equity Stage Management personnel, in the absence of
a hair stylist, is responsible for the setting, cleaning and general maintenance
of any wig or hair piece worn by a Performer.
(C) Props Repair and Purchasing BOTH
Any situation where Equity Stage Management personnel is responsible for
the repair and purchase of properties.
(D) Running Props/Purchase and Preparation BOTH
Any situation where Equity Stage Management personnel, in the absence of
a technician or props department, is responsible for the purchase and/or
preparation of food and beverage items for a production which require
extraordinary preparation time.
(E) Operating and/or Maintaining Pyrotechnics and Practical Guns BOTH
Provided that the Artist is appropriately trained and legally certified to operate
and/or maintain pyrotechnics (pursuant to the Explosives Act), and firearms
and replicas (pursuant to the Firearms Act), the Artist may be engaged to
accept such responsibility.
(F) Typing Scripts BOTH
Any situation where Equity Stage Management personnel is responsible for
the typing of a full script or script changes on a daily basis.
61:13 Lights and Sound Operation BOTH
The Theatre may require the Stage Manager to operate lighting and/or sound boards.
It is understood that this operation is considered to be included in the Stage Manager’s
Minimum Contractual Fee. Furthermore, due to the changing nature of performances,
the Stage Manager may be required to create, amend and adjust basic lighting and/or
sound cue as required, particularly in the later part of Process for a Revue, and such
additional work is included in the Mainstage Stage Manager’s Process Week Four (4)
to Eleven (11) Minimum Contractual Fee.
When the Theatre does not engage a Lighting or Sound Designer for a Production or
Revue and these duties rest solely upon the Stage Manager, these roles shall be
remunerated at no less than fifteen-hundred dollars ($1,500) for a Mainstage
production and five hundred dollars ($500) for an in-house TourCo Production.
61:14 Production Meetings MAIN
The Stage Manager is required to attend all scheduled production meetings which
involve the discussion of elements of the production which directly affect the duties
and responsibilities of Stage Management.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 73
(A) Outside Rehearsal/Preparation Time MAIN
Production meetings requiring the attendance of Stage Management
personnel outside the regular rehearsal hours and/or preparation time limits
may not exceed a one (1) hour session within an engagement week.
Meetings in excess of these limits will require the payment of overtime where
the Theatre requires the Stage Management personnel to remain. Such
overtime must have the prior authorization from the Theatre's designated
(B) After an On-Stage Rehearsal MAIN
Any meetings held at the conclusion of an on-stage rehearsal which involve
the discussion of elements of the production which directly affect the duties
and responsibilities of the Stage Manager shall be designated a production
meeting. Such meetings must commence no later than fifteen (15) minutes
after the release of the Performers.
61:15 Stage Management Working Day BOTH
A Stage Management working day begins with the first stage management activity of
the day and ends with the completion of the final Stage Management activity of the
day. The activity may be preparation, cueing, a Performers rehearsal call, travel, a
meeting or any other Stage Management call.
The Stage Management working day comprises the allowable rehearsal hours and/or
performance hours plus preparation allowances per Clause 61:16.
The above limits are increased by the time of production meetings, as provided for by
Clause 61:14.
61:16 Preparation Time MAIN
The nature of Stage Management duties and responsibilities involves additional
preparation time before and after each rehearsal and performance. It is also
recognized that Stage Management personnel will have varied degrees of experience
and personal approaches to their work. Therefore, the length of time required for
preparation will also vary. However, it is the intention of this Clause to allow what is
considered to be a reasonable time period to accomplish the preparation work, and is
not intended to allow for overtime payments that may occur as a result of the particular
style of the Stage Management personnel.
Preparation time is separate from the half-hour call and any allowable rehearsal
hours. Preparation time is not transferable to another day.
The following are the maximum hours an Artist may be required to work:
(i) Rehearsal Only Day MAIN
On a day with only rehearsal, seven (7) out of eight-and-a-half (8-1/2) hours
of rehearsal plus a combined total of one-and-a-half (1-1/2) hours of pre- and
post-rehearsal work.
(ii) Performance Only Day (One and Two-Show Days) MAIN
On a day with only one (1) or two (2) performances:
(a) Arrive up to one (1) hour before half-hour call
(b) Performance
(c) Depart no later than thirty (30) minutes after curtain down
(d) During process, depart no later than one (1) hour after curtain down
(e) On a two (2) show day there must be a minimum of a one (1) hour
meal break between show calls
(iii) Rehearsal then Performance Day MAIN
On a day with a rehearsal followed by a performance:
(a) Arrive up to one (1) hour before rehearsal
(b) One (1) continuous rehearsal call of not more than five (5) hours
(c) Meal Break of not less than one-and-a-half (1-1/2) hours
(d) Arrive up to one (1) hour before half-hour call
(e) Performance
(f) Depart no later than thirty (30) minutes after curtain down
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 74
(g) During process, depart no later than one (1) hour after curtain down
(iv) Performance then Rehearsal Day MAIN
On a day with a performance followed by rehearsal:
(a) Arrive up to one (1) hour before half-hour call
(b) Performance
(c) Break no later than thirty (30) minutes after curtain down
(d) Meal Break of not less than one-and-a-half (1-1/2) hours
(e) Arrive up to one-half (1/2) hour prior to rehearsal
(f) One (1) continuous rehearsal call of not more than five (5) hours
(g) Depart no later than one-half (1/2) hour after rehearsal.
Where Stage Management personnel and the Theatre agree that additional
preparation time beyond these limits is necessary to affect the efficient running of the
rehearsals/performances, then the preparation time may be extended by a negotiated
rider to the contract. Any overtime incurred by extending the preparation time beyond
the above limits, or any other limit previously agreed upon, must be approved by the
Theatre's designated representative prior to being incurred.
61:17 Stage Management Overtime
(A) Approval BOTH
Any overtime incurred by extending the preparation time beyond the limits set
out in Clause 61:16 or any other limit previously agreed upon, and any
overtime which would result from other Stage Management scheduling
decisions, must be approved by the Theatre's designated representative.
If the Theatre's designated representative is not available for such approval,
and the working of such overtime is paramount to safety, travel schedule or
the efficient running of the production, such overtime may be approved at the
discretion of the Stage Manager, in which case the Stage Manager shall
inform the Theatre's designated representative of such overtime in a timely
(B) Reporting BOTH
All overtime claims shall be submitted to the Theatre for payment within one
(1) week of such overtime having been incurred.
Once the overtime claim has been received by the Theatre, payment is due
in the week following.
Overtime claims not disputed by the Theatre and in arrears of more than one
(1) month are subject to a one percent (1%) late charge per month.
Equity may request and within a reasonable timeframe receive any Stage
Management time sheets for weeks during which overtime was claimed.
(C) Regular Overtime Rates BOTH
Except as otherwise specified elsewhere in this Agreement, the regular
overtime rate shall be the amount stipulated in the chart below.
Per Half Hour
$13.52 $13.79 $14.07
Except for as provided for elsewhere in the ESCA, all overtime must be
approved in advance by the Theatre's designated representative.
61:18 Vehicle Use BOTH
If Stage Management personnel are required to use their own vehicles to transport
goods or people for the Theatre, they will be compensated for mileage in accordance
with the rate stipulated below. Stage Management personnel must obtain permission
from the Theatre's designated representative before using their own vehicle for such
Per Kilometre
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 75
61:19 Stage Management Email Addresses and Use of Personal Computers and
(A) Email BOTH
The Theatre shall provide Stage Management staff with a Second City email
account to use for the duration of an engagement.
(B) Computer Access BOTH
All Stage Managers shall have access to a reasonably new working computer
or laptop to complete stage management duties throughout the engagement
period. Should the Theatre be unable to supply the above, the Theatre may,
at the Artist’s discretion, ask the Stage Manager to use their personal
computer or laptop at a rental fee of not less than stipulated below per week,
and the item shall remain the property of the Artist for the duration of the rental.
The negotiated terms of the rental shall be included in a rider to the Artist’s
ESCA Engagement Contract.
2023 2024 2025
Weekly Minimum $20.40 $20.81 $21.23
(C) Cell Phone BOTH
The nature of any anticipated costs to the Artist for cell phone usage while on
tour or while working in locations without free Wi-Fi shall be negotiated and
agreed upon prior to the signing of the Artist’s ESCA Engagement Contract.
It is the spirit of this Clause that the Artist will not be out of pocket for cellular
expenses over and above their regular monthly bill as a result of completing
their stage management duties.
61:20 Emergency Replacement
(A) Mainstage MAIN
An Artist not under an ESCA Engagement Contract to the Theatre replacing
a Mainstage Stage Manager who is absent due to illness, injury, or some other
emergency not related to the Theatre, shall be signed to an ESCA
Engagement Contract and paid not less than two-sixths (2/6ths) of the
applicable minimum weekly fee per performance and partial week payments,
plus double overtime if any rehearsals are required or alternatively contracted
on a standard ESCA Engagement Contract - choice to be made by the
(B) Touring Company TourCo
An Artist not under an ESCA Engagement Contract to the Theatre replacing
a TourCo Stage Manager who is absent due to illness, injury, or some other
emergency not related to the Theatre, shall be signed to an ESCA
Engagement Contract and paid not less than two hundred percent (200%) of
the applicable performance fee per performance and partial week payments,
plus double overtime if any rehearsals are required or alternatively contracted
on a standard ESCA Engagement Contract - choice to be made by the
61:21 Stage Management Understudy Assignment TourCo
A Stage Manager engaged for the Touring Company may be contracted to understudy
the Mainstage Stage Manager provided this understudy assignment is negotiated in
a rider to the Artists ESCA Engagement Contract.
(A) Payment TourCo
An Artist shall be paid an amount of not less than three sixteenths (3/16) of
the minimum weekly Mainstage fee for the first three (3) times that they
perform an understudy track in an Engagement Week and not less than one
eighth (1/8) of the minimum weekly Mainstage fee for the fourth (4th) through
eighth (8th) performance in an engagement week. These payments shall
appear in the remittance paperwork and shall be subject to standard
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 76
(B) Insurance Premium TourCo
Any TourCo Artist who understudies a Mainstage Stage Manager for six (6)
or more performances in an engagement week shall have the Mainstage
Insurance premium deducted and remitted for that week.
62:01 Contract Requirements
(A) Terms and Conditions BOTH
Directors and Choreographers must be engaged according to terms and
conditions no less favourable than those set out in this Agreement. Directors
and Choreographers who are not members of Equity and not members of
another performing arts union or association shall not be required to join
Equity, but all Directors and Choreographers must sign an ESCA
Engagement Contract.
(B) Non-Member Other Affiliation BOTH
A person who is not a member of Equity, but who is a member of another
performing arts union or association, shall be signed to an ESCA Engagement
Contract and become a member of Equity for the duration of their
(C) Choreographer Requirement BOTH
The hiring of a Choreographer shall be at the sole discretion of the Theatre
except as provided for in Clause 62:09 (B).
62:02 Completion of Contract MAIN
The Director or Choreographer's contract shall be completed at the end of the day of
the official Press Opening. Should the Director or Choreographer be required for work
after this time, the rates stipulated below shall apply in addition to the applicable
Insurance Top-Up.
62:03 Giving Notes During the Performance Run BOTH
The Director or Choreographer shall, at their own choice, have the option to give notes
electronically to the Performers during the performance run provided that they copy
the Theatre and convey the notes through the Stage Manager to the Performers and
the notes are given during allowable rehearsal hours.
62:04 Direction or Choreography Altered BOTH
Given the improvisational nature of the Theatre’s work Artists may alter the direction
or choreography after Press Opening. Where the Director or Choreographer does not
agree with the changes made, they shall have the option of having their name
removed from programs and publicity materials produced subsequent to the notice to
remove the Director or Choreographer’s name.
62:05 Duties of a Director
(A) Rehearsals BOTH
The Director shall conduct rehearsals, appear promptly for all scheduled
rehearsals, respect the physical property of the production, theatre and place
of rehearsals, conduct rehearsals in a manner that does not violate of any
terms of the ESCA, abide by particular artistic policies of the Theatre, and
generally fulfil the artistic planning and production contributions commonly
within the scope of the functions of the Director.
(B) Meetings and Consultations BOTH
The Director shall be available for such meetings and consultations as are
required by the Theatre, particularly with designers and the Theatre's
production personnel. Such meetings and consultations shall be agreed to in
advance and included in the ESCA Engagement Contract, or, after signing, in
a rider thereto, and must be specific as to dates, times, locations, and
remuneration of travel and accommodation expenses.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 77
(i) Before Signing BOTH
Before agreeing to direct a production, a Director has the right to
knowledge of, but not approval of, the following production
arrangements: the name of the Stage Manager and plans for crewing
of the proposed production; the proposed production budgetary
limitations in some detail, and any change made in these limitations
as soon as they are made; planned rehearsal production schedules,
and the availability of all Performers to rehearse; the proposed length
of run of the production; and any casting and design decisions, and
any particular artistic policies of the Theatre.
(ii) After Signing BOTH
Subsequent to the engagement of the Director, decisions regarding
production and rehearsal schedules, casting, designer, scenery,
lighting and costuming will be made in consultation with the Director
in person, by email or by telephone if the Director is readily available
for such consultation.
(iii) After Opening MAIN
After the Press Opening of the production, the work of the Director
(including cast replacements) shall not be changed or deleted by the
Theatre unless:
(a) required by emergency; or
(b) the physical conditions of the theatre necessitate change
and/or deletions; or
(c) where the foregoing conditions do not apply, the Director is
first consulted with respect to the proposed changes. In the
event that the Director does not respond to the Theatre’s
request for consultation within forty-eight (48) hours the
Theatre may alter the work as required without penalty.
(C) Promotion of Production BOTH
The Director agrees to promote the production and may make reasonable
publicity appearances and participate in radio, television and press interviews
for that purpose. In addition, the Director shall be generally supportive of the
Theatre's interest during the term of their contract.
62:06 Duties of a Choreographer
(A) Rehearsals BOTH
The Choreographer shall conduct dance rehearsals, appear promptly for all
scheduled rehearsals, respect the physical property of the production, theatre,
and place of rehearsal, conduct rehearsals in a manner not in violation of any
terms of the ESCA, abide by particular artistic policies of the Theatre, and
generally fulfil the artistic planning and production contributions commonly
within the scope of the functions of the Choreographer.
(B) Meetings and Consultations BOTH
The Choreographer shall be available for such meetings and consultations as
are required by the Theatre, particularly with the Director and Music Director.
Such meetings and consultations shall be agreed to in advance, and included
in the ESCA Engagement Contract, or after signing, in a rider thereto, and
must be specific as to dates, times, locations, and remuneration of travel and
accommodation expenses.
(C) Promotion of Production BOTH
The Choreographer agrees to promote the production and may make
reasonable personal publicity appearances and participate in radio, television,
and press interviews for that purpose. In addition, the Choreographer shall be
generally supportive of the Theatre's interests during the term of their contract.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 78
62:07 Royalties
(A) Requirement For Royalty - Mainstage MAIN
Directors for Mainstage Revues shall receive royalty payments beginning with
the week of the official Press Opening and concluding the week prior to the
beginning of a new process.
(B) Amount of Royalty MAIN
The negotiated royalty shall be not less than ten percent (10%) of the Artist’s
negotiated contractual weekly fee for each week containing at least one (1)
performance. The negotiated royalty shall appear on the Director’s ESCA
Engagement Contract.
(C) Deductions MAIN
Royalty payments shall appear on the Remittance Spreadsheet and shall be
subject to standard deductions.
(D) Choreographers MAIN
Royalty payments shall not apply for Choreographers unless a royalty has
been specifically negotiated and is contained in a rider to the Artist’s ESCA
Engagement Contract.
62:08 Custom of the Trade BOTH
The Director or Choreographer's contribution to the production may be seen to be
represented in part by tangible records and recordings of the production, and
therefore the Director or Choreographer as a contributor to the production has the
right of reasonable access to such records. Any costs incurred under this
determination shall be borne by the Director, Choreographer or their representative.
62:09 Multiple Assignments
(A) Stage Managing BOTH
No Director or Choreographer shall stage manage the production which they
are directing.
(B) Choreographing BOTH
A Director who is required to choreograph a dance sequence or sequences
of a combined total of more than forty-five (45) seconds shall be paid not less
than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Choreographer minimum Daily
Engagement rate for the Touring Company for each day that choreography is
set. This shall be stated in a rider to the Artist’s ESCA Engagement Contract
and standard deductions shall apply. Royalty payments under Clause 62:07
shall not apply in this situation.
62:10 Assistant Directors and Assistant Choreographers
(A) Requirement for Engagement Contract MAIN
The execution of an insurance only ESCA Engagement Contract is required
for all Assistant Directors or Assistant Choreographers. There are no specific
minimum fee requirements in the ESCA for Assistant Directors or Assistant
Choreographers; however, insurance deductions will apply for both Equity
members and for non-members.
(B) Emergency Replacement of Director or Choreographer MAIN
It is the essence of the ESCA that the Director or Choreographer shall be
available to attend rehearsals. Except in the case of an emergency which
necessitates the Director or Choreographer’s absence of one (1) week or less,
the Assistant Director or Assistant Choreographer may not be required to
rehearse a production unless they have been contracted as a Director or
Choreographer under terms and conditions to be agreed to by Equity, such
agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 79
62:11 Training and Professional Development MAIN
In the interests of the training and professional development of Canadian Directors
and Choreographers, whenever a non-Canadian (or Permanent Resident in Canada)
is engaged as a Director or Choreographer, a Canadian member of Equity shall be
offered a position as Assistant Director or Assistant Choreographer. In the event that
a Canadian Equity member is not engaged as an Assistant Director or Assistant
Choreographer, Equity may request a list of members who were offered and declined
the position.
63:01 Mainstage MAIN
Should the Theatre at any time be required to engage a Fight Director for a Mainstage
Revue, said engagement shall be done under all terms and conditions of Article 61:00
Fight Directors of the Independent Theatre Agreement and Company Category A+ to
D rates shall be applicable.
63:02 Touring Company TourCo
Should the Theatre at any time be required to engage a Fight Director for a TourCo
production, said engagement shall be done under all terms and conditions of Article
61:00 Fight Directors of the Independent Theatre Agreement and Company Category
E to G rates shall be applicable.
A production may contain scenes with intimacy that the Theatre or Artists may determine require
special expertise to ensure the comfort, well-being and safety of those involved. If, at any time,
an Artist in a production or revue wishes to have an Intimacy Director made available to them,
the Artist and the Theatre will engage in consultation about if, when, and how an Intimacy
Director will be engaged, and the Theatre will decide how best to proceed.
Notwithstanding the above, a minimum of twice annually the Theatre will engage an Intimacy
Director to conduct a workshop with the Artists during regular rehearsal hours. It is expected
that the Artists under contract at the time of the workshop will attend.
Should the Theatre make the determination to engage an Intimacy Director for such a
production, they shall be engaged under the terms and conditions of Article 64:00 Intimacy
Directors of the Independent Theatre Agreement. For Mainstage, Company Category A+ to D
rates shall be applicable and for TourCo, Company Category E to G rates shall be applicable.
The ESCA becomes effective on January 2, 2023 and expires after 11:59 p.m. on January 4,
Equity Second City Agreement 2023 - 2025 | Page 80
The Clauses found in this Agreement designated “TourCo” shall be in effect from January 2,
2023, to January 4, 2026.
The Second City, Inc. and Equity agree to meet prior to the expiry of these clauses and fees to
reassess their effectiveness and to discuss any necessary changes to or extension of the
clauses to the end of the current agreement. This meeting need not be an in-person meeting.
This side letter shall be in effect until January 4, 2026.
The Second City, Inc. and Equity agree to meet prior to the expiry of this side letter to reassess
its use and to discuss any necessary changes to or extension of the sideletter to the end of the
current agreement. This meeting need not in person.
After the first three (3) Engagement Weeks following the Press Opening of a Mainstage Revue,
with at least three (3) weeks’ notice, the Theatre may reduce the Artists’’ weekly contractual fee
to no less than fifty percent (50%) of the negotiated fee by also reducing the number of
performances a week to no more than four (4). Should the Theatre wish to schedule additional
performances in an Engagement Week up to a total of eight (8), the Artist shall be paid an
additional one-eighth (1/8) of their original Contractual Fee for each of these performances.
For Revues which are on the Mainstage, but are programmed specifically to supplement the
Mainstage programming, the above reduction may occur any time following the Press Opening
with the approval of Equity which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
When the Theatre elects to use this Clause, any available rehearsal calls must occur on a day
on which the Artist is scheduled to perform.
No reduction in salary may be made when only one (1) Revue is running on the Mainstage.
National Office
44 Victoria Street, 12th Floor
Toronto, ON M5C 3C4
Tel: 416-867-9165
TF: 1-800-387-1856
Western Office
Tel: 604-809-1046
Toronto Mainstage
One York Street
100 Harbour St
Toronto, ON M5J 0B6
Tel: 416-343-0011