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The Parable of the Lost
Luke 15:1-7
Family Worship @ Home
The Lost Sheep
Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
Text: Luke 15:1-7
Memory Verse: Luke 19:10
The parable of the lost sheep
15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all
gathering round to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and
the teachers of the law muttered, ‘This man welcomes
sinners, and eats with them.’
3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 Suppose one of
you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.
Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country
and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And
when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6
and goes home. Then he calls his friends and
neighbours together and says, “Rejoice with me; I have
found my lost sheep.” 7 I tell you that in the same way
there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner
who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people
who do not need to repent.
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What was missing in our story? Who found it? Why did Jesus tell
this story?
Just like the shepherd in the parable, Jesus is the one who came to
seek and save people. Such was His love for the sheep, He left
everything behind to go and find the lost sheep.
We are like the lost sheep who had wondered. We wonder away
from God, because of sin and we need God to come and rescue us.
Jesus loves the world so much that He left the glory of heaven to
come and rescue us by His death on the cross. We all need a rescuer!
Jesus is our rescuer. All we need to do is put our trust in Jesus. And
when we do that, there is great joy in heaven.
Lets pray
Heavenly Father. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you that He left the glory of Heaven to come and
rescue us by His death on the cross. Help us to trust in Jesus more and more each day. And help us
to share Jesus with others. Amen
Write or draw something that you want to thank God for
Who do you want to pray for to become a Christian?
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Cotton Ball Sheep Mask. Each child will need: cotton wool balls, paper plate, string,
memory verse.
Prior to the lesson cut eye holes into the paper plate and two holes at ear level to attach the string.
Stick the wool onto the using pva glue. Attach the memory verse.
Cotton Ball Sheep. See Below. What you will need: Sheep template; sheep head;
cotton wool; glue; foam; pipe cleaners; memory verse.
Colour in the background of the sheep.
Stick cotton wool onto the sheep to cover it.
Stick the sheep head on.
Cut out some flowers using the foam and stick them to the picture using pipe cleaners as stems.
Stick on the memory verse.
Lost Sheep Box.
1. Make sure each child has the following: Box Bottom Pattern; Box Top Pattern; Bible Verse
Pattern; Sheep Head Pattern
2. To make the bottom of the box fold all the dotted lines up. Glue Flap A over the other Flap A on
the same side. Fold down Flap C over Flap A and Flap B on both sides and glue them down.
3. Fold down Flap E over the F on both sides and glue.
4. To make the sliding top, place glue on the side indicated and stick it over the opposite side.
3. Cut the pipe cleaners into one-inch lengths and glue them to the pompom for legs. Glue a
sheep head to each body.
4. In class have your children write their names on the box top and color the picture with coloured
pencils. Fold the top and glue it together.
5. Have your children place the green Bible verse pattern inside the bottom of the box and then
place the pompom sheep on the green paper. Slide the bottom of the box inside the top of the
6. Tell your students that every time they open the box they should say the Bible verse.
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