Guidelines for the Professional
Practice of On-Site Wastewater
Treatment System Design
Summer 2003
On-Site Wastewater Treatment System
Designer Licensing/Inspector Certification Advisory Committee of the
Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
Acknowledgments ..................................................................... ii
Introduction ............................................................................. iii
Designer Licensing Law and Related Statute References ............ v
Revised Code of Washington ............................................... v
Washington Administrative Code ........................................ v
Professional Certification of Documents .................................... 1
Legal Definitions ....................................................................... 3
1. The On-site Wastewater Treatment System Designer ...... 3
2. On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Design ............... 3
3. Professional Engineer .................................................... 3
Roles & Responsibilities ............................................................ 4
1. Statement of Purpose - The Design Professional: ............ 4
2. Statement of Purpose - The Local Health
Jurisdiction Regulator: .................................................. 5
Areas of Responsibility for the Design Professional .................... 6
1. Gathering Existing Information ...................................... 7
2. Site Evaluation .............................................................. 8
3. Soil Evaluation ............................................................ 10
4. Preliminary/Conceptual Design Documentation or Site
Evaluation Report ....................................................... 12
5. Design ......................................................................... 13
6. Construction Management ........................................... 15
7. Post Construction Activities ......................................... 17
Guidelines for The Professional Practice of
On-site Wastewater Treatment System Design
Table of Contents
The Department of Licensing has a policy
of providing equal access to its services. If
you need special accomodiation, please call
360-664-1564 or TTY at 360-586-2788.
The Board wishes to thank the following volunteers and
Board staff for their contributions to the creation of this
Standards of Practice Work Group Members:
Dean Bannister, Able Development Company
Bob Wright, PE, Tryck, Nyman, Hayes, Inc.
Paul Gruver, Soiltech Inc.
Jerry Stonebridge, Stonebridge Construction
Larry Fay, Jefferson County Health & Human Services
Richard Benson, PE, State of Washington, Department
of Health
David Jensen, PE, D.R. Strong Consulting Engineers
Kenneth Mitchell, PE, Irrigation & Hydraulics Unlimited,
Consulting Engineers
Michael Vinatieri, Clark County Health Department
Board Staff:
George Twiss, LS, Executive Director
Joe Vincent Jr., On-Site Program Manager
In establishing the statewide program for licensure and
regulation of on-site Designers (chapter 18.210 RCW) the
Washington Legislature was addressing the need to have
uniform standards which all practitioners, regulators and
members of the public could rely upon.
The Department of Health, State Board of Health, Local
Health Districts, Department of Licensing and the Board of
Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
(Board) each have a shared responsibility to protect the
public against the design and installation of inadequate or
unsafe on-site wastewater treatments systems. On-site
sewage codes and professional licensing laws exist to meet
a common goal. Where state and local health officials
promulgate and enforce codes intended to protect public
health and environment, the Board has established a
rigorous process that is intended to assure that
practitioners in this profession, whether licensed Designers
or Professional Engineers, can accurately and competently
apply the necessary knowledge to meet those codes. All
design practitioners are obligated to be familiar with and
comply with local ordinances and policies regulating the
design of on-site systems for the jurisdiction in which they
are practicing.
These guidelines are intended to provide design
professionals and health officials with a basic framework of
conduct and practice that illustrates the expected
professionalism and technical skill befitting of those that
hold a license to practice in this profession. They have
been prepared in the spirit of service to the public and to
assist health officials and on-site design professionals to
better understand the requirements of our state laws and
codes. They are not intended to affect or limit the trade or
business of individuals or firms that provide support
services to the on-site wastewater treatment professions.
While these guidelines can be used as a resource, it should
be understood that: design submittal criteria, application
submittal requirements, construction drawing requirements
and code compliance review remain under the jurisdiction
of the local health permitting authority.
If any portion of these guidelines is determined to
conflict with or contradicts Washington State law or
rules, or those local ordinances governing on-site waste-
water treatment systems, those publications and source
documents will prevail.
Designer Licensing
Law and Related
Statute References
Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 18.210 RCW..... On-Site Wastewater Treatment
Systems Designer Licensing/Inspector Certification
Chapter 18.43 RCW ...... Engineers and Land Surveyors
Chapter 43.20 RCW ...... State Board of Health
Chapter 70.05 RCW ...... Local Boards of Health
Chapter 43.70 RCW ...... Department of Health
Washington Administrative Code
Chapter 246-272 WAC ... On-Site Sewage Systems
Chapter 196-30 through 33 WAC.......Licensing and
Practice Rules for On-Site Wastewater Treatment
Systems Design Professionals
of Documents
On-site wastewater treatment system Designers and
Professional Engineers are responsible for their professional
design services. The public, health officials, and their
clients rely on their professional expertise. As a result,
professional submissions such as plans, specifications,
calculations and designs must conform to the applicable
regulations and show the identity of the professional that
prepared them.
The applicable law and rules governing stamping are RCW
18.210.130 and WAC 196-33-400 & 500.
While these laws detail the requirements of stamp use, a
good general rule is that professional stamping and signing
of designs, plans or documents should occur whenever the
documents are submitted for review or approval. This
would include all documents in which your professional
judgments and decisions are offered. The following are
provided as examples:
Site/Soil reports
Final designs, including calculations, drawings and
Construction Reports
As-builts when required of the licensee
Preliminary documents, designated
as such, must be stamped but are
the only documents that do not
need a signature.
To the left is a copy of the approved
design for On-Site Wastewater
Treatment System Designer
Licensing stamp:
1. The On-site Wastewater Treatment System Designer
The Washington statute (RCW 18.210.010 (3)) defines
the professional Designer as:
“Designer,” “licensee,” or “permit holder” means an
individual authorized under this chapter to perform design
services for on-site wastewater treatment systems.”
2. On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Design
The Washington statute (RCW 18.210.010 (8)) defines
the practice of On-site wastewater design as:
“the development of plans, details, specifications,
instructions, or inspections by application of specialized
knowledge in analysis of soils, on-site wastewater treatment
systems, disposal methods, and technologies to create an
integrated system of collection, transport, distribution,
treatment, and disposal of on-site wastewater.”
3. Professional Engineer
The Washington statute (RCW 18.43.020 (2)) defines
Professional Engineer as:
“...a person who, by reason of his or her special knowledge
of the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles
and methods of engineering analysis and design, acquired
by professional education and practical experience, is
qualified to practice engineering...”
Roles &
1. Statement of Purpose - The Design Professional:
An on-site wastewater treatment system Designer, whether
a licensed Designer under RCW 18.210 or a licensed
Professional Engineer under RCW 18.43, is engaged in
creating an onsite wastewater treatment system design to
ensure that the systems they design:
are capable of performing to treatment standards
appropriate for the locations where they are used,
have been developed in consideration for the needs of
the client for reliability and durability,
conform with applicable regulations and codes as well
as to the standard of care of the industry, and
are designed ethically, competently and with due
A Designer is responsible for correctly characterizing the
site conditions and wastewater. He or she must be able to
intelligently apply professional judgment in order to prepare
a design that addresses the limitations of the property in
consultation with the client and with consideration of the
ability to install the system. The design must also be
consistent with adopted regulatory standards and prepared
in a manner understandable by others. The Designer must
be able to observe the construction of the onsite sewage
system and verify that it is consistent with the approved
design, evaluate the significance of any deviations from the
design, and document in a clear format his or her findings.
The Designer must have a good understanding of the
standards and workings of the system being designed and
have the ability to trouble shoot malfunctioning systems.
2. Statement of Purpose - The Local Health
Jurisdiction Regulator:
The role of the health jurisdiction, with respect to the
practice of on-site sewage system design is to apply and
enforce standards that provide basic public health
protection. Standards may be proscriptive or performance
based, but must be sufficient to assure that surface and
ground water will not become contaminated at the density
that on-site sewage systems will be used.
It is the regulator’s responsibility to ensure that adopted
standards are being followed in practice. This may involve
the review of site conditions and plan review to ensure that
the system technology or treatment standards selected in
the design are appropriate for the limitations presented on
the site. It also involves fact finding and reporting to
appropriate authorities when practitioners are not
performing to industry or regulatory standards. The
decision to issue a permit is an affirmation that the design
conforms to or meets the intent of adopted regulatory
Areas of
for the Design
Following is an outline of design considerations and general
areas of responsibility for licensed professionals designing
on-site wastewater treatment systems. It is formatted to
follow a step-by-step process a design professional might use
for a typical on-site design project. However, it is recognized
that in practice the design professional may approach
different projects from a different order than presented in
this document. The subjects listed represent general areas
and are not all-inclusive. Local requirements and processes
will not necessarily be consistent with this information, and
may require more from the design professional than is
indicated here. Successfully obtaining a permit for design is
not the sole measure of determining whether the licensed
professional has met their obligation, rather the true
measure is whether due consideration was given to
influences affecting the design and success of the project.
While not all projects will require the same depth of work,
the design professional should be able to justify any and all
decisions or omissions when called upon to do so.
1. Gathering Existing Information
The practice of design includes due consideration of
relevant information about the site and proposed project.
Thorough research is the essential “first step” that an on-
site design professional must incorporate in their service
delivery. Analyzing what information is needed, where to
obtain that information and what impact the information
has on the intended project is a process that a successful
design is based upon. Whether it comes from the client, a
neighbor, public agency, contractor or other design
professional, a Designer holds final responsibility to ensure
that the research and the reliability of the data satisfies the
standard of care.
The following are typical tasks a design professional will
consider when gathering existing information:
Information from Client
Obtain history of past submittals or proposals for new
Obtain history of system components for existing
systems (e.g., problems, inspections, type and location)
Obtain legal lot information (e.g., address, tax
Obtain relevant property historical data
Obtain a description of user’s habits and characteristics
Obtain user’s current and future plans for
improvements or site development
Obtain information on potable water sources
Obtain dwelling specifics (e.g., dimensions, room types)
Information Gathered from Other Sources
Verify plats, surveys, and legal descriptions from county
Identify potential problems regarding zoning, land use,
or other critical areas (e.g., wetlands, flood zone, steep
Identify setback requirements
Gather soil and geohydrologic information on the
subject area
Determine well locations
Investigate relevant characteristics of adjacent sites
Determine applicable regulations
Verify availability of public sewers or sewage systems
2. Site Evaluation
The practice of design includes the inspection and analysis
of the physical characteristics and limitations of the subject
site and the surrounding areas to determine the suitability
for design. The site evaluation may be general in nature,
leading to generalized conclusions about future
development, or specific to a design project.
The overall site evaluation takes place at the site usually
after other recorded information has been gathered.
For design purposes the process starts with a physical
review of the site, identifying the property lines and corners
and taking visual note of the lay of the land, i.e., slopes,
cuts or banks, surface water, drainage (on and off the
property), vegetation (type and location), open spaces,
potential building sites, existing improvements, and soil
absorption areas.
Following consultation with the client, a subsurface soil
investigation is conducted and soil logs are prepared in the
areas identified as potential soil absorption drainfields. If
the soils in these areas are not feasible for an on-site
wastewater treatment system (see 3. Soil Evaluation),
additional sites must be investigated and established.
Once the site review is completed, initial mapping may
take place.
Relative to the design, initial mapping includes
establishment of horizontal and vertical controls, locating
existing site features and collecting topographic features
and other site conditions that may affect the design and
function of the system. In the context of this document, the
term “mapping” is not intended to include work restricted
to the licensed practice of surveying. It refers to the
collection of data points within defined property boundaries
established by others.
In addition to evaluating site characteristics for new
development, site evaluation may include the process of a
designer determining the nature and probable cause of
malfunction or failure of an existing system. It should be
clear that not all systems that exhibit signs of malfunction
are actually in failure, and as a result, the designer has a
responsibility to use care in determining an action plan.
Whenever possible, diagnosis of the system malfunction
or failure should occur prior to preparing a replacement
system design. When evaluating a malfunctioning system
the designer should, at a minimum, consider soil,
hydraulic, biological and chemical factors. Establishing
the cause of a system malfunction may require the designer
to develop a detailed history of the system. If historical
information is not available, the designer may have no
option but to forego an attempt to determine the cause
of failure and simply develop a design as though for a
new system.
The following are typical tasks a design professional will
consider when conducting a site evaluation:
Identify existing structures (house and outbuildings)
Identify components of existing systems
Verify location of potable water source
Verify existing property dimensions, property lines, and
Assess quantity and type of vegetation on property
Evaluate topography of the site and adjacent properties
Identify surface waters, ground waters, and assess
drainage (geohydrology)
Identify location of utilities and easements
Identify the most appropriate location for drainfields
Identify potential construction pathways
Establish and record horizontal and vertical control
3. Soil Evaluation
The practice of design includes the inspection and analysis
of the physical characteristics and limitations of the site
soils to determine the suitability for design.
The practice of design includes gathering preliminary soil
data, field inspection, recording and testing, and sampling
for laboratory analysis of the physical characteristics and
limitations of site soils. The information is used to
determine suitability for an on-site system, and the most
appropriate type of treatment and dispersal system.
Preliminary data gathering includes collection of available
background information on the proposed drainfield site
such as soil survey maps and/or previously prepared
geotechnical reports or soil logs. Direct soil evaluation
includes visual and tactile inspection of soil profiles at the
site and may also include field tests and/or sampling for
laboratory analysis.
An appropriate number of test pits must be examined in
order to prepare a detailed description of the soil profile
(usually at least three to five pits for residential systems) in
representative locations in both the proposed primary and
reserve drainfield areas. Characteristics to be determined
include soil texture, structure, and level of consistency,
color and color patterns, root penetration, percent of gravel
and moisture content.
The evaluator must also be able to identify any restrictive
layers (clay, bedrock, hardpan, and redoximorphic features
that may indicate seasonal saturated conditions and affect
drainage or aeration). The evaluator may also conduct field
tests or collect samples for laboratory analysis as
appropriate such as sieve analyses, hydrometer tests, bulk
density test, etc. The evaluator should use commonly
accepted nomenclature to document findings and justify
decision-making for design purposes and for future use by
the regulator and installer.
The above information is analyzed to verify site feasibility,
to determine a suitable loading rate for drainfield sizing and
to select the most appropriate and long-term cost effective
system that matches owner needs to site conditions and
The following are typical tasks a design professional will
consider when evaluating site soils:
Determine the location and number of test holes needed
Excavate test holes
Visually inspect the soil
Complete logs of soil sampling
Determine soil classifications and types
Determine depth of suitable unsaturated soil
Determine and locate restrictive or impervious layers
Determine location and nature if fill material is present
Determine depth of seasonal water table
Compare soil test results to previously gathered soil and
geohydrologic information
4. Preliminary/Conceptual Design Documentation or
Site Evaluation Report
The practice of design includes the compilation,
documentation and interpretation of all the information
A site evaluation report is an accumulation of all the
information gathered to this point. A preliminary design
document is a simplified conceptual design without detailed
plans and specifications, final calculations, etc., based
upon information from the site evaluation report. The
preliminary design provides the most important information
needed to verify that a proposed on-site design meets owner
requirements, site conditions and regulations.
The purpose of a site evaluation report is twofold:
To document the cognitive process used to analyze the
data gathered and arrive at the conclusions and
intended recommendations.
As a tool to assist the Designer in preparing the most
cost effective design that meets regulations and owner
requirements by matching the right system to site and
soil conditions and help assure proper system layout
and configuration (for drainfield sizing and location,
accounting for any existing structures, landscape
features, slope, contours, elevations, setbacks, lateral
water movement (linear loading), etc.).
The purpose of the preliminary design is to provide:
a brief written report of findings or narrative describing
the design parameters, site and soil characteristics, and
the proposed treatment and disposal concept.
a dimensional or scaled drawing of the lot showing the
proposed layout/configuration of the treatment and
disposal components in relation to property lines,
easements, any existing or proposed structures, water
system components, other known utilities, vegetation,
surface water, or any other limiting site conditions.
all major system components including primary and
reserve disposal areas (for new construction) along with
any needed setbacks, separations, etc.
potential construction pathways for both drainfield
installation and related site improvements, so that the
existing or proposed on-site system area and related
setbacks can be protected from damage during
This document may also be provided to the regulator as a
preliminary check to assure the design is viable, meets
regulations and can be approved.
The following are typical tasks a design professional will
consider when forming their preliminary/conceptual design
Prepare a site sketch
Prepare a written report of findings
5. Design
The practice of design includes a deliberate process that
takes the data collected through the Information Gathering,
Site Evaluation, Soil Evaluation and the Preliminary/
Conceptual Design Documentation phases to create the
construction documents that will be used for review,
permitting, construction, record drawings and O&M.
This phase of the design practice consists of analysis of the
site data, calculations, evaluation and selection of
applicable treatment methods, preparation of the design
drawings, specifications, reports and the permitting
process. It is important to note that a complete design is
one in which drawings, narratives, forms, calculations,
catalog cuts, photos and other data, including detailed
equipment and installation specifications are logically
assembled into a cohesive unit that provides individuals
who may have never seen the site with sufficient
information to grant a construction permit and install the
design without the need for assumptions, completion of any
design tasks by the installer or additional input from the
If the site has been developed, all structures, utilities and
ingress & egress pathways should be identified. Property
lines and corners and horizontal distances from
improvements to proposed system must be verified. The
source of potable water and distribution lines must be
identified. If there is an existing on-site wastewater
treatment system, all components including the reserve
area should be flagged. The condition of each component
must be recorded and verify that all minimum setbacks can
be met.
The following are typical tasks a design professional will
consider when preparing their design:
Identify location of system components
Establish a benchmark
Establish system component elevations
Establish horizontal and vertical control
Type of System
•Determine type of treatment and disposal system
Estimate daily flow requirements
Determine wastewater strength requirements
Determine disposal component configuration (e.g.,
drainfield, mound, etc.)
Determine treatment component configuration (e.g.,
septic tank, sand filter, ATU etc.)
Final Design Preparation and Application Submittal
Consult with property owner regarding final design
Produce a detailed drawing for the site, including
property lines, structures, easements, topographical
features, vegetation, etc.
Produce detailed drawing for system components.
Establish site preparation requirements
Document decisions made regarding system location
and features
Determine total dynamic head pressure requirements,
as required
Prepare specifications for equipment/materials based on
Prepare and submit permit application package
6. Construction Management
The practice of design includes pre-construction site status
verification, pre-installation site preparation and
component/material verification, and final inspection.
Construction management can be divided into three basic
phases. Each phase is meant to offer assurance that what
has been designed and installed will meet the Designer’s
intentions, specific codes/environmental concerns and user
The first phase has been defined as the “Preparation” phase
and includes functions such as conducting a pre-
construction conference, assessing post design site
character changes that might impact the system
installation and final use, and the act of design modification
based on that assessment.
The second phase is defined as the “Project Execution”
phase. This phase generally involves Designer verification of
system components, area of component placement,
component elevation, quality of materials and system
hydraulic performance. Verification of cover soil depth,
landscaping and finished drainage characteristics are the
final function of this process and can be one of the most
important considerations of this phase.
The third phase of construction management is defined as
the “Final Inspection” phase. During this phase the
Designer makes the final determination of how well the
design and the installation match. The amount and value of
variations in the installation from the approved plan and
how that might influence or modify the overall function and
performance of the system is evaluated. A final report
detailing those changes, if determined to be significant, is
generated by the Designer and passed on to the appropriate
The following are typical tasks a design professional will
consider when performing construction management:
Conduct on-site pre-construction conference
Assess changes in conditions (e.g., soil, topography,
vegetation) that may have occurred since design work
was completed
Modify design components, if appropriate
Project Execution
Verify designed treatment components and materials
(e.g., tanks, ATU’s, floats, filter, etc.)
Verify designed disposal site preparation (e.g., location,
orientation, elevations, soil,)
Verify designed component construction and materials
(e.g., drain rock, squirt height, etc.)
Functional test of system
Verify designed component finished conditions (e.g.,
cover, elevations, drainage, landscaping)
Final Inspection
Determine consistency between design and installation
Report inconsistencies
7. Post Construction Activities
The practice of design includes the successful transfer of
system responsibilities to the system operator and the
attainment of closure of the permit and occupancy process.
Post construction activities include accurate documentation
of all of the system components and the system location.
The post construction activities phase includes creating as-
built drawings, providing the owner with operations and
maintenance manuals and fulfilling the requirements of the
permit as issued by the local health jurisdiction.
Upon completion of construction of an onsite sewage
system the Designer should prepare a scaled and
dimensioned as-built drawing. This drawing is intended to
record in detail the system as it was actually built including
where appropriate such operational data that may be
necessary to facilitate future O&M.
As part of or attached to the as-built drawing, the Designer
should record that the materials and equipment meet the
specifications that were established in the design. Where
changes were made the Designer should verify that those
changes are consistent with the design intent and are of
similar or equivalent specification. When pumps, electronic
controllers, hydraulic controllers and other devices with
operating parameters that are determined and set by the
Designer, the Designer should record those settings.
In addition, an operational test should be conducted to
assure system is operating within the design parameters.
The Designer should prepare an O&M manual intended to
provide the user/operator and the O&M technician with
information about the system necessary to operate and
maintain it. The O&M technician and user/operator should
be able to follow the line of reasoning used when the system
was designed.
The O&M manual should include design and measured
performance data for equipment installed, timer settings,
draw-down depths, gallons per inch of tank and actual
pump delivery (gpm).
An operation and maintenance manual should explain the
assumptions made to establish the design parameters and
should include at least the following:
A list of system “Do’s & Don’ts”.
A list of relevant contacts related to system components
and ongoing operations.
An emergency number to call.
A discussion listing the responsibilities of the user/
The Designer should walk the user/operator through the
entire system and provide the manual.
The following are typical tasks a design professional will
consider when conducting post construction activities:
Develop a detailed as-built drawing
Document all system components (e.g., equipment type
and model, system settings)
Operations and Maintenance
Prepare owners operations and maintenance manual
Provide training on ongoing operations for the owner
Provide contact information for follow up, if needed
Perform operational assessment (e.g., troubleshooting)
for an existing system
Document system operating parameters
Identify frequency and type of monitoring (e.g., providing