Tablets, 60 mg
MESTINON -SR (Slow-Release) Tablets, 180 mg
(Pyridostigmine Bromide Tablets)
Antimyasthenic - Cholinergic
Valeant Canada LP Prepared: September 28, 2004
2150 St-Elzear Blvd W Laval, Revised: September 9, 2014
Quebec H7L 4A8,
Control#: 171984
MESTINON Tablets, 60 mg
MESTINON -SR (Slow-Release) Tablets, 180 mg
(Pyridostigmine Bromide Tablets)
Antimyasthenic - Cholinergic
Pyridostigmine is a cholinergic agent which acts primarily by the inhibition of
cholinesterase. It enhances cholinergic action by facilitating the transmission of
impulses across neuromuscular junctions. It also has a direct cholinomimetic effect on
skeletal muscle and possibly on autonomic ganglion cells and neurons of the central
nervous system. Because of its quaternary ammonium structure, moderate doses of
pyridostigmine do not cross the blood-brain barrier to produce CNS effects. Extremely
high doses, however, produce CNS stimulation followed by CNS depression, in
addition to a depolarizing neuromuscular blockade.
Pyridostigmine is an analog of neostigmine. However, it differs from neostigmine in
certain clinically significant respects; for example, pyridostigmine is more effectively
absorbed from the alimentary tract than is neostigmine; with equipotent doses,
pyridostigmine has a slower onset and longer duration of action, and produces fewer
gastrointestinal side effects than neostigmine. After oral administration, Mestinon
generally has an onset of action of 20 minutes and a duration of action of
approximately 6 hours; as for Mestinon -SR, it has an onset of action of 30 to 60
minutes and a duration of action of 6 to 12 hours.
Mestinon and
Mestinon -SR are indicated for the symptomatic treatment of
myasthenia gravis. In acute myasthenic crises where difficulty in breathing and
swallowing is present, the parenteral form should be used. The patient can be
transferred to the oral form as soon as it can be tolerated.
Mestinon and Mestinon -SR are contraindicated in patients with known
hypersensitivity to anticholinesterase agents. Because of the presence of the bromide
ion, they should not be used in patients with a prior history of reaction to bromides.
They are also contraindicated in patients with peritonitis or mechanical obstruction of
the intestinal or urinary tract.
Mestinon and Mestinon -SR should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy,
bronchial asthma, bradycardia, recent coronary occlusion, vagotonia, hyperthyroidism,
cardiac arrhythmias or peptic ulcer. Large oral doses of the drug should be avoided in
patients with megacolon or decreased gastrointestinal motility. In these patients, the
drug may accumulate and result in toxicity when gastrointestinal motility is restored.
Although failure of patients to show clinical improvement may reflect underdosage, it
can also be indicative of overdosage. It is important to differentiate between
myasthenic crisis and cholinergic crisis caused by overdosage of Mestinon or
Mestinon -SR. Both conditions result in extreme muscle weakness but require
radically different treatment. (See Overdosage Section)
Information for Patients:
Complete restoration of muscle strength is rare in myasthenia gravis, and patients
should be cautioned not to increase their dose, in an attempt to relieve their symptoms,
without consulting their physician. The patient should be encouraged to keep a daily
record of his or her condition to assist the physician in determining an optimal
therapeutic regimen.
Drug Interactions:
Atropine antagonizes the muscarinic effects of pyridostigmine and this interaction may
be utilized to counteract the effects of pyridostigmine. (See Overdosage Section)
Pyridostigmine bromide does not antagonize, and in fact may prolong the phase I block
of depolarizing muscle relaxants such as succinylcholine or decamethonium.
Certain antibiotics, especially neomycin, streptomycin and kanamycin, have a mild but
definite nondepolarizing blocking action which may accentuate neuromuscular block.
These antibiotics should be used in the myasthenic patient only where definitely
indicated, and then careful adjustment should be made of adjunctive anticholinesterase
Local and some general anesthetics, antiarrhythmic agents and other drugs that
interfere with neuromuscular transmission should be used cautiously, if at all, in
patients with myasthenia gravis; the dose of pyridostigmine bromide may have to be
increased accordingly.
In severe myasthenia gravis, neostigmine has been used in combination with
pyridostigmine to provide the benefits of short and long-term activity; because of the
possibility of reduced intestinal motility and increased toxicity, this combination
should be used only under strict medical supervision.
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis and Impairment of Fertility:
Carcinogenicity and mutagenicity studies have not been performed with
pyridostigmine bromide.
A fertility and general reproductive performance study was performed in rats at
dosages of 15 and 40 mg/kg/day. There were no adverse effects on pregnancy rate,
average number of implantation sites, average number of embryos per dam, percent
resorptions, duration of gestation, litter size, pup viability or pup growth.
Teratogenic effects: Pregnancy category B
Reproductive studies have been performed in rats at dosages up to 40 mg/kg/day (2
times the maximum recommended human dose; 4.6 times the average recommended
dose). These studies have revealed no evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the
fetus due to pyridostigmine bromide. There are, however, no adequate and well
controlled studies in pregnant women. However, pyridostigmine bromide, like other
cholinesterase inhibitors, contains a quaternary ammonium and, therefore, would be
expected to cross the placenta only to a limited extent. Because animal reproductive
studies are not always predictive of human response, this drug should be used during
pregnancy only if clearly needed.
Non-teratogenic effects:
Of newborn infants whose mothers have received anticholinesterase drugs for
treatment of myasthenia gravis, 10 to 20 percent were observed to have transient
muscular weakness.
Nursing Mothers:
It is not known whether pyridostigmine bromide is excreted in human milk. Because
many drugs are excreted in human milk, and because of the potential for serious
adverse reactions from pyridostigmine in nursing infants, a decision should be made
whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug, taking into account the
importance of the drug to the mother.
Pediatric Use:
See Dosage and Administration Section.
Side effects are generally due to an exaggeration of pharmacological effects of which
increased salivation and fasciculation are the most common. Abdominal cramps and
diarrhea may also occur.
The following additional adverse reactions have been reported following the use of
Mestinon and Mestinon -SR:
Respiratory: Increased bronchial secretions.
Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, increased peristalsis.
Musculoskeletal: Muscle cramps.
Dermatologic: Urticaria, rash.
Miscellaneous: Miosis, diaphoresis, weakness, allergic reactions.
As is true of all anticholinesterase agents, overdosage of Mestinon or Mestinon -SR
can cause cholinergic crisis, which is characterized by increasing muscle weakness and
which, through involvement of the muscles of respiration, may result in death.
Myasthenic crisis, due to an increase in the severity of the disease, is also accompanied
by extreme muscle weakness, and thus may be difficult to distinguish from cholinergic
crisis on a symptomatic basis. However, such differentiation is extremely important,
because increases in the dose of pyridostigmine bromide or other drugs in this class in
the presence of cholinergic crisis or of a refractory or "insensitive" state could have
grave consequences. The two types of crises may be differentiated by the use of
Tensilon (edrophonium chloride) as well as by clinical judgment.
Treatment of the two conditions differs radically. Whereas the presence of
myasthenic crisis requires more intensive anticholinesterase therapy, cholinergic
crisis calls for the prompt withdrawal of all drugs of this type. The immediate use of
atropine in cholinergic crisis is also recommended. A syringe containing 1 mg of
atropine sulfate should be immediately available to be given in aliquots intravenously
to counteract severe cholinergic reactions.
Atropine also may be used to abolish or minimize gastrointestinal side effects or other
muscarinic reactions; but such use, by masking signs of overdosage, can lead to
inadvertent induction of cholinergic crisis.
The dosage, route and frequency of administration depend on the requirements and
clinical response of the patients. The dosage schedule should be adjusted for each
patient and changed as the need arises. Dosage requirements in patients with
myasthenia gravis may vary from day to day, according to remissions and
exacerbations of the disease and the physical and emotional stress suffered by the
patient. Larger portions of the label daily dose may be given at times when the patient
is more prone to fatigue (afternoon, mealtimes, etc.).
In the initial treatment of myasthenia gravis, oral Mestinon and Mestinon -SR should
be started at a dosage smaller than that required to produce maximum strength, and
daily dosage gradually increased at intervals of 48 hours or more. Changes in oral
dosage may take several days to show results. When a further increase in dosage
produces no corresponding increase in muscle strength, dosage should be reduced to
the previous level so that the patient receives the smallest dose necessary to produce
maximum strength.
Note: For information on a diagnostic test for myasthenia gravis, and for the
evaluation and stabilization of anticholinesterase therapy, see Product Monograph on
Tensilon (edrophonium chloride injection).
The immediate effect of a Mestinon -SR 180 mg tablet is about equal to that of a 60
mg conventional tablet; however, the duration of drug action, although varying in
individual patients, averages 2 ½ times that of a 60 mg dose. One to three 180 mg
tablets, once or twice daily (180 mg to 1.08 g a day), will usually be sufficient to
control symptoms; however, the needs of individual patients may vary markedly from
this average. For optimal control, it may be necessary to use conventional tablets or
syrup in conjunction with Mestinon -SR therapy. Mestinon -SR tablets are
particularly useful for bedtime administration in patients who are very weak upon
Mestinon and Mestinon -SR tablets should be swallowed whole. Do not crush.
However, in certain cases, Mestinon and Mestinon -SR tablets, can be cut in half; but
Mestinon -SR tablets should not be crushed or quartered since this would destroy too
much of the sustained release matrix.
Due to the slow-release mechanism of the tablet, the matrix may pass through the
intestinal system intact. However, it should be noted that the medicinal ingredient has
been released through the gastro-intestinal tract over an 8 to 12 hour passing time and
only the matrix is rejected.
Mestinon , white, flat compressed tablet, cross-scored on one side and embossed
MESTINON 60 - V on the other contains 60 mg of pyridostigmine bromide.
Nonmedicinal ingredients: lactose, silicone dioxide and stearic acid. Energy: 4.6 kJ
(1.1 kcal). Gluten-, paraben-, sodium-, sulfite- and tartrazine-free. Bottles of 100.
Mestinon -SR capsule-shaped, flattened on two sides with a single score on one face,
light straw coloured tablets, embossed MES V 180, each containing 180 mg
pyridostigmine bromide. Nonmedicinal ingredients: calcium phosphate, carnauba
wax, isopropyl alcohol and magnesium stearate. Energy: 2.3 kJ (0.5 kcal). Gluten-,
lactose-, paraben-, sodium-, sulfite-, and tartrazine-free. Bottles of 30. Store in a dry
place between 15 and 30°C (59 and 86°F), in a well-closed container with the
desiccant enclosed.
Note: Because of the hygroscopic nature of the Mestinon and Mestinon -SR tablets,
mottling may occur. This does not affect their efficacy.
Chemical Name: 3-Hydroxy-1-methylpyridinium bromide dimethylcarbamate
Structural Formula:
Molecular Formula: C
Molecular Weight: 261.12 Daltons
Description: Pyridostigmine Bromide is a hygroscopic, white or practically
white, crystalline powder having an agreeable, characteristic
odour. It is freely soluble in water, in alcohol, and in chloroform;
slightly soluble in solvent hexane; and practically insoluble in
Pyridostigmine inhibits the hydrolysis of acetylcholine by competing with
acetylcholine for attachment to acetylcholinesterase at sites of cholinergic transmission.
The pyridostigmine-enzyme complex is hydrolysed at a much slower rate than the
acetylcholine-enzyme complex, resulting in accumulation of acetylcholine at
cholinergic synapses with prolonged and exaggerated effects. The generalized
cholinergic responses produced by pyridostigmine include miosis, increased tonus of
intestinal and skeletal musculature, constriction of bronchi and ureters, bradycardia,
and stimulation of secretion by salivary and sweat glands.
Following oral administration of Mestinon -SR, the mean peak pyridostigmine plasma
concentration is reached by 2 hours. The remainder of the dose is released over 8-12
hours. When administered concomitantly with food, the time to reach mean peak
plasma concentration can be increased to about 3 hours; however, the extent of
absorption of pyridostigmine is not affected.
Pyridostigmine does not bind to plasma protein. The drug has been reported to cross
the placenta and, after large oral doses, to decrease fetal plasma cholinesterase activity.
Animals administered radioactive-labelled pyridostigmine orally showed presence of
radioactivity in most tissues except brain, fat, thymus, and intestinal wall.
In a comparative pharmacokinetic study, determined in 10 healthy subjects given
pyridostigmine bromide (4 mg i.v. over 30 minutes, and 60 mg orally), the oral
availability as measured by the AUC ratio was 11.5% to 18.9% (=14.3%). The mean
of the plasma level decline after oral dosing was 200 minutes, twice as long as the
terminal elimination t
after intravenous infusion (97 minutes), indicating that
absorption may proceed at a slower rate than elimination.
Pyridostigmine not only undergoes hydrolysis by cholinesterases but is also
metabolized by microsomal enzymes in the liver. The major metabolite of
pyridostigmine is 3-hydroxy-N-methylpyridinium. Patients with severe myasthenia
gravis appear to metabolize and excrete the drug faster than patients having a milder
form of the disease. Pyridostigmine and its metabolites are excreted in the urine by
tubular secretion. Approximately 10% of the administered dose is excreted in the urine
as intact drug in 24 hours, but a considerable individual variation in urinary excretion
patterns has been shown by patients with myasthenia gravis.
The acute toxicity of pyridostigmine bromide in mice and in rats is summarized in the
following table:
2.0 0.8 mg/kg
3.25 0.2 mg/kg
Tremors, Straub reaction,
Tremors, exophthalmia, salivation
(watery), lacrimation, respiratory
2.25 0.2 mg/kg
3.4 0.3 mg/kg
Tremors, piloerection,
lacrimation, bloody tears,
respiratory failure
Salivation, tremors, lacrimation,
bloody tears
The LD
for pyridostigmine in rats fed by the oral route is reported to be 86 mg/kg
body weight.
An assessment of the morphological changes in rats caused by pyridostigmine has
shown that respiratory failure occurred within 1 hour and resulted in death in four of
the six animals that received a single oral dose of 80 mg/kg body weight. No
spontaneous death occurred in animals given a single dose of 20 to 40 mg of
Pyridostigmine per kg of body weight, although these doses caused a marked reduction
of the acetylcholinesterase activity in the whole blood and in the erythrocytes. The
histological findings in the skeletal muscles of these animals revealed, particularly in
the diaphragm, unequivocal, severe lesions within 24 hours, characterized by
disseminated single fibre necrosis or necrosis of grouped fibres associated with
infiltrates of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes, lymphoid and histiocytic
cells. The staining of the motor endplates in areas where necrosis occurred revealed
marked changes of the nerve endings: their ramifications were mostly rarefied,
shortened, and plump.
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