Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
This module should be read in conjunction with the Introduction and with the
Glossary, which contains an explanation of abbreviations and other terms
used in this Manual. If reading on-line, click on blue underlined headings to
activate hyperlinks to the relevant module.
To provide AIs with guidance on general principles which AIs are
expected to consider in managing technology-related risks
A non-statutory guideline issued by the MA as a guidance note
Previous guidelines superseded
This is a new guideline.
To all AIs
1. Introduction
1.1 Terminology
1.2 Legal obligations under the Seventh Schedule
1.3 General framework of technology risk management
2. IT governance
2.1 IT control policies
2.2 Oversight and organisation of IT functions
2.3 Technology risk management function
2.4 Technology audits
2.5 Staff competence and training
2.6 IT support provided by overseas offices
3. Security management
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
3.1 Information classification and protection
3.2 Authentication and access control
3.3 Security administration and monitoring
3.4 System security
3.5 End-user and mobile computing
3.6 Physical and personnel security
4. System development and change management
4.1 Project management
4.2 Project life cycle
4.3 Change management
5. Information processing
5.1 IT operations management and support
5.2 Performance monitoring and capacity planning
5.3 IT facilities and equipment maintenance
5.4 Disaster recovery planning
6. Communications networks
6.1 Network management
6.2 Network security and certification
6.3 Wireless local area network
7. Management of technology service providers
7.1 Management of technology outsourcing
7.2 Management of other technology service providers
1. Introduction
1.1 Terminology
1.1.1 In this module terms are used with the following
“Information technology” (IT) or “technology”
encompasses automated means of originating,
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
processing, storing and communicating
information, and covers recording devices,
communications networks, computer systems
(including hardware and software components and
data) and other electronic devices;
“IT controls” refers to internal controls over security
management, system development and change
management, information processing,
communications networks and management of
technology service providers;
“IT governance” refers to the organisational
structures and processes that align the IT mission
with the institution’s strategies and business
objectives, and ensure that IT resources are used
effectively and technology-related risks are
managed properly; and
“Technology risk management” refers to risk
management systems that enable AIs to identify,
measure, monitor and control their technology-
related risks.
1.2 Legal obligations under the Seventh Schedule
1.2.1 AIs should be aware of their legal obligations to meet the
minimum authorization criteria stipulated under the
Seventh Schedule to the Banking Ordinance in relation to
their computer systems.
1.2.2 Specially, para. 10 of the Schedule requires AIs to have
adequate accounting systems and systems of control and
para. 12
requires them to conduct their business with
integrity, competence and in a manner not detrimental to
the interests of depositors and potential depositors. In
this connection, the MA expects AIs to have in place an
effective framework of technology risk management to
ensure the adequacy of IT controls and quality of their
computer systems.
As set out in the “Guide to Authorization”, the MA will take account of the quality of an
institution’s computer systems, among other factors, in considering whether the institution
is conducting its business prudently and with competence.
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
1.2.3 The HKMA will, in the course of its on-site examinations,
off-site reviews and prudential meetings with AIs,
determine as appropriate the adequacy of their
technology risk management, having regard to the
principles set out in this module.
1.3 General framework of technology risk management
1.3.1 This module is intended to supplement IC-1 “General Risk
Management Controls” by setting out general principles
that the MA expects AIs to consider in their technology
risk management. Further detailed guidance on
managing technology-related risks of electronic banking
will be covered separately in another module TM-E-1
“Supervision of E-banking”.
1.3.2 As AIs increase their dependency on technology to deliver
banking services, inappropriate usage of AIs’ technology
resources may have significant risk implications. These
include for example:
the strategic risk resulted from poor decisions on
technology-related investments;
the operational risk caused by unauthorized access
or disruptions to technology resources that support
mission-critical banking services; and
the reputation risk and the legal risk due to material
security breaches or unavailability of computer
systems which process customer information or
1.3.3 As set out in IC-1 “General Risk Management Controls”,
the Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for
understanding the risks run by an AI and ensuring that
they are properly managed, whereas the senior
management is accountable for designing and
implementing the risk management system approved by
the Board
or its designated committee. To this end, the
senior management should establish an effective
For the purpose of this module, the responsibility of Board oversight of technology risk
management for overseas incorporated AIs in respect of the Hong Kong operation should
rest with the local senior management.
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TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
technology risk management framework
. This normally
comprises IT governance, a continuous technology risk
management process, and implementation of sound
practices in respect of IT controls.
1.3.4 The general principle is that AIs are expected to
implement the relevant technology risk management
framework that is “fit for purpose”, i.e. commensurate with
the risks associated with the types of business and
operations, the technologies adopted and the overall risk
management systems of individual AIs. An overview of a
sound framework of technology risk management is
illustrated below.
AIs may find it useful to draw other references from additional resources on technology
risk management or IT controls, e.g., ISO/IEC 17799:2000 Information Technology – Code
of Practice for Information Security Management (, Information Systems Audit
and Control Association (, IT Governance Institute (
and Information Security Forum (
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
Staff competence and training
Board and senior management oversight
IT governance
To set out the ground rules for key IT controls
IT control policies
To deliver
services and
IT controls
IT functions
To perform
assessment of
technology risk
process &
IT controls
To perform
certain IT
services or
controls to
support local
offices (if any)
To manage
technology risk
process among
business units
& IT functions
Technology risk
Technology risk management process
the impact,
likelihood and
direction of
related risks
To measure
the impact,
likelihood and
direction of
related risks
identify emerging or
existing technology-
related risks
To identify emerging or
existing technology-
related risks
control the
risks through
and contingency
To control the
risks through
and contingency
System development & change management
Security management
Information processing
Communications networks
Management of technology service providers
Sound practices for IT controls
To regularly
monitor any
technology-related issues
or incidents
To regularly monitor any
technology-related issues
or incidents
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
2. IT governance
2.1 IT control policies
2.1.1 Achieving a consistent standard of sound practices for IT
controls across an AI requires clear direction and
commitment from the Board and senior management. In
this connection, senior management, who may be
assisted by a delegated sub-committee, is responsible for
developing a set of IT control policies which establish the
ground rules for IT controls. These policies should be
formally approved by the Board or its designated
committee and properly implemented among IT functions
and business units.
2.1.2 IT control policies normally cover, at a minimum, the five
aspects of IT controls mentioned in sections 3 to 7 of this
module. They should be reviewed regularly, and where
necessary updated to accommodate changing operating
environments and technologies.
2.1.3 Senior management should ensure that processes used
to verify compliance with IT control policies and the
process for seeking appropriate approval for dispensation
from IT control policies are specified clearly. Senior
management should also define the consequences
associated with any failure to adhere to this process. In
general, the responsibility for ensuring compliance with IT
control policies and the process for seeking dispensation
rests with individual business units and IT functions, with
the assistance of the technology risk management
function (see subsection 2.3 below).
2.1.4 Senior management may put in place mechanisms (e.g.
periodic reminders for relevant staff and policy orientation
for new recruits) to promote awareness of IT control
policies among relevant personnel on a regular basis.
2.2 Oversight and organisation of IT functions
2.2.1 Senior management should establish an effective
organisation of IT functions to deliver technology services
and to provide day-to-day technology support to business
units. A clear IT organisation structure and related job
descriptions of individual IT functions should be
documented and approved by senior management.
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
2.2.2 Proper segregation of duties
within and among various
IT functions is crucial for ensuring an effective IT control
environment. In the event that an AI finds it difficult to
segregate certain IT control responsibilities, it should put
in place adequate compensating controls (e.g. peer
reviews) to mitigate the associated risk.
2.2.3 It is recommended that AIs establish an IT planning or
steering committee which oversees whether IT resources
are used effectively to support business strategies. This
committee should normally consist of representatives of
senior management, key business units and IT functions.
It should meet regularly and report to senior management,
and where appropriate to the Board or its designated
committee on the status of major technology-related
initiatives and any material IT-related issues.
2.2.4 In general, the IT planning or steering committee should
also be responsible for developing an IT strategy to cover
longer and short-term technology-related initiatives, taking
into account new business initiatives, organisational
changes, technological evolution, regulatory
requirements, staffing and control related issues. The IT
strategy should be formally documented, endorsed by the
Board or its designated committee and senior
management, as well as reviewed and updated at least
on an annual basis.
2.3 Technology risk management function
2.3.1 IC-1 “General Risk Management Controls” specifies that
AIs should have in place effective risk management
systems and that new products and services should be
subject to careful evaluation (including a detailed risk
assessment) as well as a post-launch review. The same
risk management controls apply to the technology risk
management of AIs.
2.3.2 Senior management should establish clearly which
function in the AI is responsible for implementing and
managing the technology risk management process (the
TRM function). Depending on the business and
For example, system development personnel should be prohibited from having access to
production systems. The security management function should not be assigned other
conflicting duties such as system development, computer operations or technical support.
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
operational needs of individual AIs, the TRM function may
refer to a dedicated department of an AI, or a group of
departments or support units collectively performing the
roles defined for this function.
2.3.3 The TRM function has a role to assist business units and
IT functions in performing the technology risk
management process which identifies, measures,
monitors and controls technology-related risks. In
addition, this function helps to ensure awareness of, and
compliance with, the AI’s IT control policies, and to
provide support for investigation of any technology-related
frauds and incidents.
2.3.4 The TRM function should formulate a formal technology
risk acknowledgement and acceptance process for
reviewing, evaluating and approving any major incidents
of non-compliance with IT control policies. Typical
reasons for such non-compliance are technology
limitations (e.g. certain proprietary operating systems are
only able to provide primitive password controls),
business constraints (e.g. undesirable impact on
customer services) and the costs outweighing the
associated benefits. The process includes:
a description of the risk being considered for
acknowledgement by the owner of the risk and an
assessment of the risk that is being accepted;
identification of mitigating controls;
formulation of a remedial plan to reduce the risk;
approval of the risk acknowledgement from the
owner of the risk and senior management.
2.4 Technology audits
2.4.1 IC-1 “General Risk Management Controls” sets out the
general objective and the importance of independence
and expertise of AIs’ internal audit function. As regards
technology audits, AIs are expected to assess periodically
their technology risk management process and IT
controls. To ensure adequate coverage of the IT control
environment and critical computer systems, an annual
technology audit plan should be developed. AIs should
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
also ensure that audit issues are properly tracked and, in
particular, completely recorded, adequately followed up
and satisfactorily rectified.
2.4.2 It is recognised that the internal audit function of some AIs
may find it difficult to build up in-house technology audit
expertise. In these circumstances, technology audit
support may be supplemented by external specialists or
internal technology auditors of other offices of the same
banking group.
2.5 Staff competence and training
2.5.1 Given the rapid pace of technological development, senior
management needs to ensure that staff of IT functions,
the TRM function and internal technology auditors are
competent and able to meet required levels of expertise
and experience on an ongoing basis. It is also important
to ensure that staffing levels are sufficient to handle
present and expected work demands, and to cater
reasonably for staff turnover.
2.5.2 To ensure that an adequate training programme is in
place for IT personnel, it is essential to establish a
process to identify any material skill gaps
of staff of
technology-related functions. AIs may encourage and,
where appropriate, facilitate their staff to acquire relevant
professional qualifications, such as for those who are
responsible for security management, technology risk
management and technology audits.
2.6 IT support provided by overseas offices
2.6.1 Some AIs may rely upon or work with their overseas
offices (e.g. parent banks, subsidiaries, head offices or
other regional offices of the same banking group) with
regard to certain IT controls or support activities. Senior
management should ensure that the respective
responsibilities of the local and overseas offices in these
areas are clearly set out in the relevant documents (e.g.
policies, procedures or service agreements).
Skill gaps can be identified by evaluating the skill set of personnel against a pre-defined
skill matrix which defines the required knowledge, qualifications and experience for a
particular job or position.
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
3. Security management
3.1 Information classification and protection
3.1.1 For each application system, AIs should preferably assign
an individual as the information owner
. The information
owner normally needs to work with the TRM and IT
functions to ensure confidentiality and integrity of
information, and to protect the information in accordance
with the level of risk present and envisaged.
3.1.2 Information can be classified into different categories
according to the degree of sensitivity (e.g. highly
sensitive, sensitive, internal and public) to indicate the
extent of protection required. To aid the classification
process, AIs should ideally develop guidelines and
definitions for each classification and define an
appropriate set of procedures for information protection in
accordance with the classification scheme. The level of
detail of the information classification scheme adopted
should be practicable and appropriate to AIs’
3.1.3 Protection of information confidentiality should be in place
regardless of the media (including paper and electronic
media) in which the information is maintained. AIs should
ensure that all media are adequately protected, and
establish secure processes for disposal and destruction of
sensitive information in both paper and electronic media.
3.1.4 If cryptographic technology is used to protect the
confidentiality and integrity of AIs’ information, AIs should
adopt industry-accepted cryptographic solutions and
implement sound key management practices to safeguard
the associated cryptographic keys. Sound practices of
key management generally include:
provision of a secure control environment for
generation, distribution, storage, entry, use and
archiving of cryptographic keys to safeguard
against modification and unauthorized disclosure.
In particular, the use of tamper-resistant storage is
An information owner refers to an individual who has been assigned as the business
owner of an application system and is accountable for the protection of information
processed by, and stored in, this application system.
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
recommended to prevent the disclosure of the
cryptographic keys; and
adequate off-site back-up and contingency
arrangements for cryptographic keys which are
subject to the same security controls as the
production cryptographic keys.
3.2 Authentication and access control
3.2.1 Access to the information and application systems should
be restricted by an adequate authentication mechanism
associated with access control rules. Access control rules
determine what application functions, system resources
and data a user can access. For each application system,
all users should be identified by unique user-identification
codes (e.g. user IDs) with appropriate method of
authentication (e.g. passwords) to ensure accountability
for their activities.
3.2.2 AIs should implement effective password rules to ensure
that easy-to-guess passwords are avoided and
passwords are changed on a periodic basis. Stronger
authentication methods should be adopted for
transactions/activities of higher risk (e.g. payment
transactions, financial messages and mobile computing
These usually entail multiple factors for user
authentication which combine something one knows (e.g.
passwords) and something one has (e.g. a smart card or
hardware security tokens).
3.2.3 Extra care should be exercised when controlling the use
of and access to privileged and emergency IDs
. The
necessary control procedures include:
granting of authorities that are strictly necessary to
privileged and emergency IDs;
Mobile computing includes access to AIs’ computing resources from a remote location
outside office premises (e.g. using notebook computers and other mobile devices).
Privileged and emergency IDs are system accounts which are created with special
authorities and extended access to system resources. These IDs are normally established
for system administration (i.e. system administration IDs) or for introducing emergency
solutions to system problems of the production environment.
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TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
formal approval by appropriate personnel prior to
being released for usage;
monitoring of the activities performed by privileged
and emergency IDs (e.g. peer reviews of activity
proper safeguard of privileged and emergency IDs
and passwords (e.g. kept in a sealed envelope and
locked up inside the data centre); and
change of privileged and emergency IDs’
passwords immediately upon return by the
3.3 Security administration and monitoring
3.3.1 A security administration function and a set of formal
procedures should be established for administering the
allocation of access rights to system resources and
application systems, and monitoring the use of system
resources to detect any unusual or unauthorized
activities. In particular, the function should cover the
following areas:
granting, changing and removing user access
rights subject to proper approval of the information
owners. In particular, proper procedures should be
in place to ensure that a user’s relevant access
rights are removed when he leaves the AI or when
his job responsibilities no longer require such
ensuring the performance of periodic user access
re-certification (e.g. on an annual basis) that
confirms whether user access rights remain
appropriate and obsolete user accounts have been
removed from the systems;
reviewing security logs and violation reports in a
timely manner; and
performing incident analysis, reporting and
3.3.2 Proper segregation of duties within the security
administration function or other compensating controls
(e.g. peer reviews) should be in place to mitigate the risk
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
of unauthorized activities being performed by the security
administration function.
3.3.3 AIs should establish incident response and reporting
procedures to handle information security-related
incidents during or outside office hours. The incident
response and reporting procedures should include timely
reporting to the HKMA of any confirmed IT-related fraud
cases or major security breaches.
3.4 System security
3.4.1 Control procedures and baseline security requirements
should be developed to safeguard application programs,
operating systems, system software and databases. For
access to data and programs should be controlled
by appropriate methods of identification and
authentication of users together with proper
integrity of static data (e.g. system parameters)
should be periodically checked to detect
unauthorized changes;
operating systems, system software, databases
and servers should be securely configured to meet
the intended uses with all unnecessary services
and programs disabled or removed. Use of
security tools should be considered to strengthen
the security of critical systems and servers;
clear responsibilities should be established to
ensure that the necessary patches and security
updates developed from time to time by relevant
vendors are identified, assessed, tested and
applied to the systems in a timely manner;
all configurations and settings of operating
systems, system software, databases and servers
should be adequately documented. Periodic
certifications of the security settings should be
performed (e.g. by the TRM function or the
technology audit function); and
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TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
adequate logging and monitoring of system and
user activities should be in place to detect
anomalies, and the logs should be securely
protected from manipulation.
3.5 End-user and mobile computing
3.5.1 While end-user computing
may offer advantages (e.g.
higher productivity) to an AI, it may also increase the
difficulty in controlling the quality of, and access to, the
system. AIs should where necessary, therefore, establish
control practices and responsibilities with respect to end-
user computing to cover areas such as data security,
documentation, data/file storage and back-up, system
recovery, audit responsibilities and training.
3.5.2 Controls over mobile computing are required to manage
the risks of working in an unprotected environment. In
protecting AIs’ information, AIs should establish control
procedures covering:
an approval process for user requests for mobile
authentication controls for remote access to
networks, host data and/or systems;
protection (e.g. against theft and malicious
software) of equipment and devices for mobile
use of data encryption software to protect sensitive
information and business transactions in the mobile
environment and when being transmitted; and
back-up of data and/or systems in the mobile
computing devices.
3.5.3 Software and information processing facilities are
vulnerable to attacks by computer viruses and other
malicious software. Procedures and responsibilities
should be established to detect and prevent attacks. AIs
should put in place adequate controls such as:
End-user computing is the transfer of information processing and system development
capabilities from centralised data centres onto the user’s desktop.
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
prohibiting the download and use of unauthorized
files and software, and the access to doubtful web
installation and timely update of anti-virus software
provided by reputable vendors;
disallowing the download of executable files, and
mobile codes
, especially those with known
vulnerabilities (e.g. through the use of corporate
firewalls and proper configuration of the browser
software); and
prompt and regular virus scanning of all computing
devices and mobile users’ computers, and
procedures for recovering from virus infections.
3.6 Physical and personnel security
3.6.1 Physical security measures should be in place to protect
computer facilities and equipment from damage or
unauthorized access. Critical information processing
facilities should be housed in secure areas such as data
centres and network equipment rooms with appropriate
security barriers and entry controls. Access to these
areas should be restricted to authorized personnel only
and the access rights should be reviewed and updated
regularly. Buildings should give minimum indication of
their purpose, with no obvious signs identifying the
presence of information processing facilities.
3.6.2 AIs should consider fully the environmental threats (e.g.
proximity to dangerous factories) when selecting the
locations of their data centres. Moreover, physical and
environmental controls should be implemented to monitor
environmental conditions which could affect adversely the
operation of information processing facilities (e.g. fire,
explosives, smoke, temperature, water and dust).
Equipment and facilities should be protected from power
failures and electrical supply interference by, for example,
installing uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and a back-
up generator.
Mobile codes refer to small programs automatically downloaded from web sites by
browsers for execution.
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TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
3.6.3 In controlling access by third-party personnel (e.g. service
providers) to secure areas, proper approval of access
should be required and their activities should be closely
monitored. It is also important that proper screening
procedures including verification and background checks,
especially for sensitive technology-related jobs, are
developed for recruitment of permanent and temporary
technology staff, and contractors.
4. System development and change management
4.1 Project management
4.1.1 AIs should establish a general framework for
management of major technology-related projects. This
framework should, among other things, specify the project
management methodology to be adopted and applied to
these projects. The methodology should cover, at a
minimum, allocation of responsibilities, activity
breakdown, budgeting of time and resources, milestones,
check points, key dependencies, quality assurance, risk
assessment and approvals.
4.2 Project life cycle
4.2.1 AIs should adopt and implement a full project life cycle
methodology governing the process of developing,
implementing and maintaining major computer systems.
In general, this should involve phases of project initiation,
feasibility study, requirement definition, system design,
program development, system and acceptance testing,
training, implementation, operation and maintenance.
4.2.2 The project life cycle methodology should define clearly
the roles and responsibilities for the project team and the
deliverables from each phase. It also needs to contain a
process to ensure that appropriate security requirements
are identified when formulating business requirements,
built during program development, tested and
4.2.3 An independent party (e.g. the quality assurance function,
the TRM function or the technology audit team), which is
not involved in the project development, should conduct a
quality assurance review of major technology-related
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TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
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projects, with the assistance of the legal and compliance
functions if necessary. This review is to ensure
compliance with the project life cycle methodology, other
internal policies, control requirements, regulations and
applicable laws.
4.2.4 A formal acceptance process should be established to
ensure that only properly tested and approved systems
are promoted to the production environment. System and
user acceptance testing should be carried out in an
environment separated from the production environment.
Production data should not be used in development or
acceptance testing unless the data has been de-
sensitised (i.e. not disclosing personal or sensitive
information) and prior approval from the information
owner has been obtained. Performance testing should
also be performed before newly developed systems are
promoted to the production environment.
4.2.5 Software package acquisition is an alternative to in-house
systems development and should be subject to broadly
similar controls as the project life cycle. As inappropriate
handling of software licences may expose AIs to a
significant risk of patent infringement, and financial and
reputation losses, AIs should establish a formal software
package acquisition process. In particular, the process
should involve detailed evaluation of the software
package (e.g. in terms of software licence, functionality,
system performance and security requirements) and its
supplier (e.g. its financial condition, reputation and
technical capabilities).
4.2.6 AIs should ensure that on-going maintenance and
adequate support of software packages are provided by
the software vendors and are specified in formal
contracts. For mission-critical software packages, AIs
may consider including in the contracts an escrow
agreement, which allows them to obtain access to the
source code of the software packages under certain
circumstances, such as when the software vendors cease
their business.
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TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
4.3 Change management
4.3.1 Change management is the process of planning,
scheduling, applying, distributing and tracking changes to
application systems, system software (e.g. operating
systems and utilities), hardware, network systems, and
other IT facilities and equipment. An effective change
management process helps to ensure the integrity and
reliability of the production environment. AIs should
develop a formal change management process that
classification and prioritisation of changes and
determination of the impact of changes;
roles and responsibilities of each relevant party,
including IT functions and end-user departments,
with adequate segregation of duties. This is to
ensure that no single person can effect changes to
the production environment without the review and
approval of other authorized personnel;
program version controls and audit trails;
scheduling, tracking, monitoring and
implementation of changes to minimise business
a process for rolling-back changes to re-instate the
original programs, system configuration or data in
the event of production release problems; and
a post implementation verification of the changes
made (e.g. by checking the versions of major
4.3.2 To enable unforeseen problems to be addressed in a
timely and controlled manner, AIs should establish formal
procedures to manage emergency changes. Emergency
changes should be approved by the information owner
(for application system or production data related
changes) and other relevant parties at the time of change.
If the change needs to be introduced as a matter of
urgency and it is impracticable to seek the approval of the
information owner, endorsement should be sought from
the information owner after the implementation as soon as
practicable (e.g. on the following business day).
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
4.3.3 Emergency changes should be logged and backed up
(including the previous and changed program versions
and data) so that recovery of previous program versions
and data files is possible if necessary. Emergency
changes need to be reviewed by independent personnel
to ensure that the changes are proper and do not have an
undesirable impact on the production environment. They
should be subsequently replaced by proper fixes through
the normal acceptance testing and change management
5. Information processing
5.1 IT operations management and support
5.1.1 Management of IT functions should ideally formulate a
service level agreement with business units to cover
system availability and performance requirements,
capacity for growth, and the level of support provided to
users. The responsible IT functions should ensure that
adequate procedures are in place for managing the
delivery of the agreed technology support and services.
5.1.2 Detailed operational instructions such as computer
operator tasks, and job scheduling and execution (e.g.
instructions for processing information, scheduling
requirements and system housekeeping activities) should
be documented in an IT operations manual. The IT
operations manual should also cover the procedures and
requirements for on-site and off-site back-up of data and
software in both the production and development
environments (e.g. the frequency, scope and retention
periods of back-up).
5.1.3 AIs should have in place a problem management system
to respond promptly to IT operational incidents, to
escalate reported incidents to relevant IT management
staff and to record, analyse and keep track of all these
incidents until rectification of the incidents. A helpdesk
function can be set up to provide front-line support to
users on all technology-related problems and to relay the
problems to relevant IT functions for investigation and
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TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
5.2 Performance monitoring and capacity planning
5.2.1 AIs should implement a process to ensure that the
performance of application systems is continuously
monitored and exceptions are reported in a timely and
comprehensive manner. The performance monitoring
process should include forecasting capability to enable
problems to be identified and corrected before they affect
system performance. This process should help the
preparation of workload forecasts to identify trends and to
provide information needed for the capacity plan, taking
into account planned business initiatives.
5.2.2 Capacity planning should be extended to cover back-up
systems and related facilities in addition to the production
5.3 IT facilities and equipment maintenance
5.3.1 To ensure the continued availability of AIs’ technology-
related services, AIs should maintain and service IT
facilities and equipment (e.g. computer hardware, network
devices, electrical power distribution, UPS and air-
conditioning units) in accordance with the industry
practice, and suppliers’ recommended service intervals
and specifications. Proper record keeping (including
suspected or actual faults, and preventive and corrective
maintenance records) is necessary for effective facility
and equipment maintenance. A hardware and facility
inventory should be kept to control and track all hardware
and software purchased and leased. These records can
also be used for regular inventory taking.
5.4 Disaster recovery planning
5.4.1 AIs should develop an IT disaster recovery plan to ensure
that critical application systems and technology services
can be resumed in accordance with the business recovery
requirements. Please refer to TM-G-2 “Business
Continuity Planning” on how to develop detailed recovery
procedures of application systems and technology
services, and ensure adequate insurance coverage of IT
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TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
6. Communications networks
6.1 Network management
6.1.1 Communications networks convey information and
provide a channel of access to application systems and
systems resources. Given their technical complexity,
communications networks can be highly vulnerable to
disruption and abuse. Safeguarding communications
networks requires robust network design, well-defined
network services and sound discipline to be observed in
managing networks.
6.1.2 Overall responsibility for network management should be
clearly assigned to individuals who are equipped with the
know-how, skills and resources to fulfil their duties.
Network standards, design, diagrams and operating
procedures should be formally documented, kept up-to-
date, communicated to all relevant network staff and
reviewed periodically.
6.1.3 Communications facilities that are critical to continuity of
network services should be identified. Single points of
failure should be minimised by automatic re-routing of
communications through alternate routes should critical
nodes or links fail (e.g. routing critical links to more than
one external exchange or switching centre, and pre-
arranging services with alternate telecommunications
service providers).
6.1.4 The network should be monitored on a continuous basis.
This would reduce the likelihood of network traffic
overload and detect network intrusions. Monitoring
activities include:
monitoring network services and performance
against pre-defined targets;
reviewing volumes of network traffic, utilisation of
network facilities and any potential bottlenecks or
overloads; and
detection of unusual network activities based on
common attack characteristics.
6.1.5 Powerful network analysis and monitoring tools, such as
protocol analysers, network scanning and sniffer tools,
are normally used for monitoring network performance
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
and detecting potential or actual intrusions. These
powerful network tools should be protected from
unauthorized usage (e.g. viewing of unencrypted sensitive
information). The use of network tools should also be
tightly restricted to authorized staff only and be subject to
stringent approval and review procedures.
6.2 Network security and certification
6.2.1 To prevent insecure connections to an AI’s network,
procedures concerning the use of networks and network
services need to be established and enforced. These
should cover:
the available networks and network services;
authorization procedures for determining who is
allowed to access particular networks and network
services; and
controls and procedures to protect access to
network access points, network connections and
network services.
6.2.2 AIs should consider segregating internal networks into
different segments having regard to the access control
needed for the data stored in, or systems connected to,
each segment. For instance, the production systems
should be located in dedicated network segments
separated from other segments so that production
network traffic is segregated from other traffic (e.g.
connections to the internet, extranet connections to
external parties and market data feeds). Sensitive data
traffic between different network segments should be
properly controlled and protected from being tampered
6.2.3 Regular reviews of the security parameter settings of
network devices such as routers, firewalls and network
servers are required to ensure that they remain current.
Audit trails of daily activities in critical network devices
should be maintained and reviewed regularly. Network
operational personnel should be alerted on a real-time
basis to potential security breaches.
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
6.2.4 Network certification
should be conducted when
requesting local area network (LAN)/wide area network
(WAN) additions or changes to AIs’ corporate network.
The additions or changes cover dial-in/out ports, switches,
terminal servers, gateways/servers, routers, extranets and
the public internet. The network certification process
includes gathering data about the network environment,
analysing any points of vulnerability and associated
controls, and documenting whether approval is given or
what additional controls are required for approval of
6.3 Wireless local area network
6.3.1 If wireless local area networks (WLANs) are to be
deployed, AIs should develop policies and procedures for
approval, installation, operation and administration of
WLANs. A risk assessment process for evaluating the
sensitivity of information to be accessible via a WLAN
should be formulated before a WLAN can be
implemented. AIs should also develop a standard
security configuration for WLAN products and follow the
network certification process to ensure that WLANs are
implemented in a secure manner so that they do not
expose the corporate network to unmanaged risks.
6.3.2 Additional security measures may be needed between the
wireless workstations and the wired network to provide
stronger encryption and mutual authentication. WLANs
should be segregated from the corporate network (e.g. by
firewalls) to prevent any unauthorized access to the
corporate network via WLANs.
7. Management of technology service providers
7.1 Management of technology outsourcing
7.1.1 While AIs are expected to take into account the general
guidance specified in SA-2 “Outsourcing” when managing
Network certification refers to an assessment process which aims to ensure that additions
or changes to network devices and infrastructure do not impose points of vulnerability to
other parts of the corporate network. Network certification may form part of the network
change management process.
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
technology outsourcing
, they should also have regard to
the following controls:
technology service providers should have sufficient
resources and expertise to comply with the
substance of the AIs’ IT control policies;
in case of outsourcing of critical technology
services (e.g. data centre operations), AIs are
expected to commission a detailed assessment of
the technology service provider’s IT control
environment. The assessment should ideally be
conducted by a party independent of the service
provider. The independent assessment report
should set out clearly the objectives, scope and
results of the assessment and should be provided
to the HKMA for reference;
the outsourcing agreement should specify clearly,
among other things, the performance standards
and other obligations
of the technology service
provider, and the issue of software and hardware
ownership. As technology service providers may
further sub-contract their services to other parties,
AIs should consider including a notification or an
approval requirement for significant sub-contracting
of services and a provision that the original
technology service provider is still responsible for
its sub-contracted services;
further to the regular monitoring activities set out in
SA-2 “Outsourcing”, AIs should conduct an annual
assessment to confirm the adequacy of the IT
control environment of the provider of critical
technology services;
In line with SA-2 “Outsourcing”, “technology outsourcing” refers to an arrangement under
which another party undertakes to provide to an AI a technology service previously carried
out by the AI itself or a new technology service to be launched by the AI. Technology
outsourcing can be to a service provider in Hong Kong or overseas and the service
provider may be a unit of the same AI (e.g. the head office or an overseas branch), an
affiliated company of the AI’s group or an independent third party.
These may include the obligations of the technology service provider in ensuring
confidentiality of the AI’s information obtained by the provider’s staff or agents and
complying with the AI’s relevant IT control policies and procedures.
Supervisory Policy Manual
TM-G-1 General Principles for Technology
Risk Management
V.1 – 24.06.03
AIs should try to avoid placing excessive reliance
on a single outside service provider in providing
critical technology services; and
AIs should develop a contingency plan for critical
outsourced technology services to protect them
from unavailability of services due to unexpected
problems of the technology service provider
. This
may include an exit management plan and
identification of additional or alternate technology
service providers for such support and services.
7.2 Management of other technology service providers
7.2.1 Apart from technology outsourcing, AIs may rely on some
outside technology service providers in the provision of
technology-related support and services (e.g.
telecommunications and network operators). AIs should
have in place guidelines on how to manage different kinds
of major outside technology service providers. Similar to
the general principles set out in SA-2 “Outsourcing” and
subsection 7.1 above, the guidelines may need to cover
the selection process of service providers, the process for
approving material exceptions, and the need to avoid
over-reliance upon a single technology service provider in
critical technology services.
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The service provider may become insolvent or have other difficulty to continue provision of
the services and support.