Physical Education Scheme of Learning
Year 8 Tennis
Sequencing what prior learning does this topic build upon?
Sequencing what subsequent learning does this topic feed into?
Students will have completed the Tennis unit in Year 7 so all
should have at least a basic understanding of the game. However,
competency will still range from experienced players with a good
knowledge of the game and grasp of skills to those with poor
coordination and little control of the ball.
Year 9 Tennis, Key Stage 4 Tennis
Transfer of principles of net games in Year 9 and beyond
Use of Hand-eye coordination in other racket sports
What are the links with other subjects in the curriculum?
What are the links to SMSC, British Values and Careers?
Base the content here on what you already know but there
will be time in future to liaise further as part of our
collaborative work
Use the coded help guides to complete this section
What are the opportunities for developing literacy skills and
developing learner confidence and enjoyment in reading?
What are the opportunities for developing mathematical skills?
Please fill this in with your own suggestions alternatively the
LRC team will provide some suggested titles/links
Use of the scoring system
Intent Rationale
Students should develop their understanding of net games; improve hand-eye coordination and increase their skill level in Tennis. The
focus of this unit is for students to develop their use of the ball to create space, develop their use of the racket to control the ball, and
apply rules and scoring systems effectively.
Physical Education Scheme of Learning
Year 8 Tennis
Intent Concepts
What knowledge will students gain and what skills will they develop as a consequence of this topic?
Students will know how the racket face controls the direction of the ball; how to move to hit the ball; how to create space by controlling the
direction of the ball; the correct technique for the forehand and backhand drive; the correct technique for a serve; the correct technique for
a volley.
Students will apply their understanding to activities to promote good technique for the forehand, backhand and volley in practice and game
situations. They will apply the rules of the game, particularly the scoring system.
Students will develop their control, using effective technique to develop power in their play. They will understand how more complex shots
are performed to include topspin, particularly on the forehand.
What subject specific language will be used and developed in this
Ready position
Racket face
Scoring system Love, 15, 30, 40 Game, Deuce, Advantage
Intent Concepts
Lesson title
Learning challenge
Higher level challenge
Suggested activities and resources
Ball control & Forehand Drive
Students will know how the
racket face controls the direction
of the ball; how to move to hit
the ball; the correct technique for
the forehand
Students will apply their
understanding to activities to
promote good technique for the
forehand, backhand and volley in
practice and game situations.
Warm up activities working on
grip and racket control.
Modified games using different
skills to encourage movement
around court.
Forehand technique introduced
with paired activities.
Court games aiming to reinforce
forehand technique and keeping
the ball in the court
Backhand drive technique
Students will know the correct
technique for the forehand and
backhand drive
Students will apply their
understanding to activities to
promote good technique for the
forehand, backhand and volley in
practice and game situations.
Warm up activities recap
movement around court.
Recall forehand technique and
practice in pairs. Teacher
introduce backhand technique to
those ready to move on.
Offer differentiated practices for
more able to use backhand
technique to develop play.
Court games queen of the
court/singles service box games
to allow students to develop
technique under pressure of
competition. Using tennis scoring
Drive technique developed
Students will know how to create
space by controlling the direction
of the ball
They will understand how more
complex shots are performed to
include topspin, particularly on
the forehand.
Warm up activities recap
movement around court.
Recall techniques for forehand
and backhand for use those more
able to demonstrate.
Offer differentiated practices for
more able to be able to increase
court size, reduce target size and
play with more power.
Court games queen of the
court/singles service box games
to allow students to develop
technique under pressure of
competition, continue to use
tennis scoring.
The serve
Students will develop their ability
to apply the correct technique for
a serve
Students will develop their
control, using effective technique
to develop power in their play.
Warm up activities recap
movement around court and
forehand and backhand
technique. Activities to recall
serving technique - teacher
reinforce correct serve technique.
Practices to include
differentiation for more able to
work on power/placement in the
serve. Court games - games using
serve to start will allow students
to develop technique under
pressure of competition. Using
tennis scoring and variety of
The volley
Students will know the correct
technique for the volley
Students will develop their
control, using effective technique
to develop power in their play.
Warm up activities recap
movement around court and
forehand and backhand
technique. Teacher introduce
volley technique. Practices to
include differentiation for more
able to work on variety of shot.
Court games - games using serve
to start will allow students to
develop technique under
pressure of competition,
encouraging moving opponent
around court to use different
shots. Using tennis scoring and
variety of roles.
The game
Students will apply their
techniques and the rules of the
game, particularly the scoring
Students will apply their complex
techniques and the rules of the
game, particularly the scoring
Warm up activities to recall
techniques. Games used to allow
students to apply their skills in
competition. Using tennis scoring
system, roles of official and ball
girl to be rotated through.
Students given option of court
size and use of serve to allow for
differentiation and encourage