AmeriCorps National Service and Civic Engagement
These AmeriCorps (AmeriCorps is the operating name for the Corporation for
National and Community Service) Program Specific Terms and Conditions and the
2022 AmeriCorps General Terms and Conditions, are binding on the recipient.
Table of Contents
I. STATUTORY AUTHORITY ................................................................................................. 2
TERMS AND CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................... 2
A. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................ 2
B. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE RECIPIENT ............................................... 3
C. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF AMERICORPS ................................................. 4
E. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 6
This award is authorized by and subject to Subtitle H Investment for Quality and
Innovation, Part III – National Service and Civic Engagement Research Competitions
Pilot Program, Section 198K (Funds) of the National and Community Service Act of
1990, as amended by the Serve America Act (the “NCSA”), 42 U.S.C. §12653(d) and by
the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act (FGCAA), 31 U.S.C. §§6301-6308.
Other authorities are outlined in the General Terms and Conditions.
For this Cooperative Agreement the following definitions apply:
1. Application means all information and materials (including all assurances and
certifications, the proposed budget as approved by AmeriCorps, or any
information incorporated by reference) submitted by the Awardee in
AmeriCorps’ eGrants system in response to the Notice of Federal Funds
Availability, including any amendments or modifications to the information and
materials made in response to any AmeriCorps request for clarification. Copies
of the assurances and certifications agreed to in the eGrants system are included
for reference as appendices to these Terms and Conditions.
2. Awardee means the direct recipient of this award under section 198k of the
NCSA (42U.S.C. 12653k).
3. Civic infrastructure is defined as the “invisible structures and processes through
which the social contract is written and rewritten in communities,” “the formal
and informal processes and networks through which communities make
decisions and solve problems”, or “the network that exists among local groups
such as community development corporations (CDCs), foundations, other
nonprofits, local governments, public housing authorities, businesses, and
voluntary associations”.
4. Civic engagement is defined as a cluster of individual efforts and activities
oriented toward making “a difference in the civic life of … communities and
developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make
that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through
both political and non-political processes” and through informal or formal
5. Volunteering is unpaid, noncompulsory work, specifically, time one gives
without pay to activities performed either through organizations such as schools,
nonprofits, churches, civic, or political organizations (e.g., formal) or directly for
others outside one’s own household (e.g., informal).
6. National service is defined as a structured opportunity for individuals to serve
their communities for an extended period of time through volunteering with or
without a stipend. AmeriCorps is the largest supporter of national service,
though other avenues for national service exist and this competition is not
exclusive to opportunities funded by AmeriCorps.
7. Social capital can be understood as the “shared norms or values that promote
social cooperation, instantiated in actual social relationships” (Fukuyama 2002)
or as the facilitating agent for social cohesion and civic engagement.
1. General
The Awardee must perform the activities supported by this Cooperative
Agreement in compliance with the statutes, regulations and administrative
authorities cited or referred to in these Terms and Conditions, in conformance
with its approved Application (including the approved budget), and consistent
with any approvals or directions provided by AmeriCorps in the course of
carrying out the Cooperative Agreement. The Awardee is legally accountable to
AmeriCorps for the use of award funds and is bound by the provisions of the
2. National Service Criminal History Check Requirements
AmeriCorps has determined that the National Service Criminal History Check
Requirements as set forth under the General Terms and Conditions, paragraph
3. E., are not applicable to this Research grant competition and that awardees
need not fulfill that requirement to be in compliance with the responsibilities
under this Cooperative Agreement.
3. Affiliation with AmeriCorps and with the National Service and Civic
Engagement Research Competition
a. Sharing Award Products. Awardees will make their products available to
others in the field, including posting to relevant websites (i.e., the
grantee’s university website, community partners), to facilitate
AmeriCorps linking to our website to increase public access.
b. Acknowledgement of support. All publications, conference presentations,
posters, or other dissemination activities related to the project funded by
the National Service and Civic Engagement Research Competition must
explicitly state that the project is funded by AmeriCorps.
c. The awardee is responsible for assuring that the following
acknowledgement and disclaimer appears in any external report or
publication of material based upon work supported by this award:
“This material is based upon work funded by the Office of Research and
Evaluation at AmeriCorps under Grant No. ____ through the National
Service and Civic Engagement research grant competition. Opinions or
points of view expressed in this document are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the official position of, or a position that is
endorsed by, AmeriCorps.”
d. The Awardee will include the appropriate AmeriCorps logo on documents
and presentation materials.
e. The Awardee may not use or display the AmeriCorps name or logo in
connection with any activity prohibited in these provisions, or if the activity
is not funded by this grant or is not prohibited in these provisions, the
Awardee may not use or display the AmeriCorps name or logo unless they
have received written permission to do so from the AmeriCorps Office of
External Affairs.
4. Approval from Institutional Review Board
Awardees must submit protocols and receive approval from their institution’s
Institutional Review Board.
Performance under this Cooperative Agreement is subject to the general oversight and
monitoring of AmeriCorps. Additional substantial involvement of AmeriCorps will
1. Research Plans
Reviewing and approving the Awardee’s work plan and final research plan for
carrying out the research project.
2. Convening of Awardees
Convening awardees to discuss projects and share feedback with one another.
These convenings may include awardees attending and presenting at the
AmeriCorps Research Summit, Grantee meetings, AmeriCorps program
convenings, webinars, etc. The convenings may also include AmeriCorps staff
and external experts identified by AmeriCorps and the awardees.
3. Access to AmeriCorps data and Program Staff
a. Facilitating access to AmeriCorps data sources that are publicly available
and reasonable to obtain as well as facilitating restricted use data with
additional data sharing agreements.
b. Facilitating access to AmeriCorps program staff relevant to the awardees’
research projects, in a manner that is reasonable and not overly
burdensome on AmeriCorps staff.
c. AmeriCorps is under no obligation to provide access to data or staff if
such access is not feasible or deemed overly costly by AmeriCorps.
4. Dissemination of Research Project Results
a. AmeriCorps may decide to disseminate the results of awardee research
projects, either in a report produced by awardees, or material produced
by AmeriCorps based on the report.
b. AmeriCorps will provide feedback for final product.
1. Within 5 business days, the Awardee must notify the AmeriCorps Portfolio
Manager of any change in the staffing of any key position included (in whole or
in part) as a cost in the award budget. This requirement applies regardless of
whether the position is included in the federal or matching cost portions of the
budget. The Awardee must also notify AmeriCorps of any changes in any
positions which are not included in the approved budget, but which involve
leadership oversight of the activity under this award. The Awardee must also
notify AmeriCorps of any change in the senior leadership of the Awardee.
2. The recipient must first obtain the prior written approval of the AmeriCorps
Portfolio Manager before changes in the scope, objectives or goals of the
program, and whether they involve budgetary changes.
3. The recipient must obtain the prior written approval of AmeriCorps’ Portfolio
Manager before deviating from the approved budget in any of the following
a. Specific Costs Requiring Prior Approval before Incurrence under the
uniform administrative requirement, cost principles, and audit
requirements for Federal awards at 2 CFR Parts 200 and 2205. Certain
cost items in 2 CFR Parts 200 and 2205 require approval of the award
agency for the cost to be incurred as allowable. Please consult the
regulations and/or your Portfolio Manager prior to incurring costs to
ensure allowability.
b. Purchases of Equipment over $5,000 using award funds, unless specified
in the approved application and budget.
c. Unless the AmeriCorps award is $50,000 or less, changes to cumulative
and/or aggregate budget line items that amount to 10 percent or more of
the total budget must be approved in writing in advance by AmeriCorps.
Recipients may transfer funds among approved direct cost categories
when the cumulative amount of such transfers does not exceed 10
percent of the total budget.
4. Approvals of Budget, Staff, and Management Changes. AmeriCorps
Portfolio Managers are the only officials who have the authority to alter or change the
terms and conditions or requirements of the award. Portfolio Managers will execute
written amendments and recipients should not assume approvals have been granted
unless documentation from AmeriCorps’ Office of Grant Administration (OGA) has
been received. Programmatic changes also require final approval of OGA after written
recommendation for approval is received from the Portfolio Manager.
a. Each awardee will deliver to the AmeriCorps Portfolio Manager a final research
workplan for Year 1 by November 15, 2022. The workplan will set forth the
process including activities and timeline, to be used to fulfill the grant
b. In Year 1, each awardee shall participate in phone and/or virtual meetings with
other awardees as requested and with staff from the Office of Research and
Evaluation (ORE) on a regular schedule to be determined to discuss topics on
civic engagement and volunteering, their workplan, research projects, paper
presentations, and publications.
c. In Year 1, each awardee shall work with ORE to prepare documents which can
lead to papers and other materials to be used publicly regarding the research
completed during Year 1.
d. In Year 1, a progress report shall constitute findings from Year 1. The first draft of
this progress report (labeled as a semiannual report in eGrants) will be due for
the period ending June 30, 2023 by July 30, 2023, and will be reviewed by
AmeriCorps within 45 days. A revised draft of this progress report incorporating
information subsequently gathered will serve as a year-end progress report
(labeled as a semiannual report in eGrants). This progress report will be due for
the period ending September 30, 2023 by October 30, 2023 and will address
any comments offered by AmeriCorps in the review of the first draft.
e. If available and applicable, the Awardee understands and agrees that in
subsequent continuation years of the grant, there will be reporting requirements
that will be similar to, but may not match exactly, the reporting requirements set
forth in paragraphs D. An Awardee receiving a continuation grant in Year 2 or 3
agrees to comply with the current reporting requirements.
f. By the end of project period, each awardee shall submit a comprehensive
technical report, summarizing their annual progress reports. Organization of this
final technical report will be provided by AmeriCorps 90 days in advance of the
due date and will include relevant datasets, instruments, interview questions, etc.
g. By the end of the project period, each awardee is expected to submit a scholarly
manuscript for publication as “open access” to be reviewed and approved by the
Program Officer prior to submission. Please see “Section B.3.” in this document
that specifies how grantees should share grant products and acknowledge
AmeriCorps support in publications and other material.
h. Progress Reports. The Awardee shall complete and submit progress reports in
eGrants to report on progress toward achievement of its approved performance
targets according to the following schedule:
Due Date Reporting Period Covered
July 30 Start of award through June 30
October 30 July 1September 30
i. Federal Financial Reports (AmeriCorps. The Awardee shall complete and
submit financial reports in eGrants (Financial Status Reports on the menu tree) to
report the status of all funds. For year 1, the Awardee must submit timely
cumulative financial reports in accordance with AmeriCorps guidelines
according to the following schedule:
Due Date Reporting Period Covered
April 30 Start of award through March 31
October 30 April 1 – September 30
All Awardees must also submit an FFR - Cash Transactions Report on a quarterly
basis to the Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management
System per the Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement.
j. Final Financial Reports. Awardees completing the final year of their award must
submit, in lieu of the last semi-annual financial report, a final financial report in
eGrants. This final financial report is due no later than 120 days after the end of
the project period. Additionally, grantees must submit a quarterly FFR/Federal
Cash Transaction Report to PMS no later than 120 days after the end of the
period of performance.
k. Final Progress Reports. Awardees must submit, in addition to the last annual
progress report, a final progress report. This final report is due no later than 120
days after the end of the period of performance.
For the purpose of National Service and Civic Engagement Cooperative Agreements, a
project period is the complete length of time an Awardee is funded to complete
approved activities under the agreement. A project period may contain one or more
budget periods. A budget period is a specific interval of time for which Federal funds
are being provided to fund an Awardee's approved activities and budget.
Unless otherwise specified, the Awardee’s Cooperative Agreement covers a three-year
project period. In approving a multiyear project period, AmeriCorps generally makes
an initial award for the first year of operation. Additional funding is contingent upon
satisfactory performance, a recipient’s demonstrated capacity to manage the
Cooperative Agreement and comply with the requirements, and the availability of
funds. AmeriCorps reserves the right to adjust the amount of a Cooperative Agreement
or elect not to continue funding for subsequent years. The project period and the
budget period are noted on the award document.
All recipients need to be prepared for potential breaches of Personally Identified
Information, PII. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) defines PII as any
information about an individual, including, but not limited to, education, financial
transactions, medical history, and criminal or employment history and information
which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as their name,
social security number, date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, biometric
records, etc., including any other personal information which is linked or linkable to an
individual. All recipients must ensure they have procedures in place to prepare for and
respond to breaches of PII, and notify the federal awarding agency in the event of a
If your AmeriCorps grant-funded program or project creates, collects, uses, processes,
stores, maintains, disseminates, discloses or disposes of PII within the scope of that
Federal grant award, or uses or operates a Federal information system, you must
establish procedures to prepare for and respond to a potential breach of PII, including
notice of a breach of PII to AmeriCorps. Grantees experiencing a breach should notify
AmeriCorps’ Office of Information Technology, your AmeriCorps Program Officer, and
AmeriCorps’ Office of Inspector General.