Edited by Martyn Rady
With an Introduction by János M. Bak
Centre for European Legal Studies
Occasional Paper no 6
Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
© Contributors 2003
Published by
Centre for European Legal Studies
Occasional Paper No. 6
Faculty of Law, University of Cambndge
ISBN: 0-95468690X
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Cambridge University and contributors.
Copies of this publication and others in the CELS series may be obtained on application to the Centre for European
Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, 10 West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9DZ, United Kingdom
Front Cover: from the original 1517 edition of Werbőczy's Tripartitum
Typeset and Printed by Q3 Print Project Management Ltd, Loughborough, Leics.
Stephen Werbőczy's account of Hungary's laws and customs, the Tripar-titum Opus Juris Consuetudinarii
Inclyti Regni Hungariae, was presented to the Hungarian diet in 1514 and printed three years later in
Vienna. Although it never received the royal seal, the Tripartitum rapidly acquired authority and was
republished in more than fifty editions. Until 1848, it retained a largely unimpaired influence in respect of
Hungarian law and legal procedures.
The present volume is a collection of essays drawn from papers delivered at a conference held in
Cambridge in April 2003 under the title, 'Werbőczy, Custom and Hungarian Law'. The conference
formed part of a much larger and continuing project, led by Professor János M. Bak of the Department of
Medieval Studies of the Central European University in Budapest, which is aimed (among much else) at
publishing an English-language translation and critical edition of Werbőczy's Tripartitum. The conference
was supported by most generous funding from the British Academy and the Central European University.
The organizers also gratefully acknowledge the help and support provided by the Faculty of Law of
Cambridge University, Corpus Christi College, the Centre for the Study of Central Europe of the School
of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, and the Faculty of Laws of
University College London.
This collection of essays, all of which have been substantially rewritten since they were first delivered
as conference-papers, brings together much of the latest research on law and legal institutions in the
kingdom of Hungary and in its sister-kingdom, the triune monarchy of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia.
Some of the contributions aim to bring to scholarly attention the legal sources, principal institutions and
procedural developments relating to the history of this part of Central Europe. Others touch upon the nature
and meaning of custom and of the relationship between custom, law and statute. All are, however, bound
together by their recognition of the lasting importance of Werbőczy's Tripartitum for the legal history of
Hungary and Croatia. The contributions offer a variety of different perspectives and, sometimes,
contradictory assessments. The aim of the volume is not, however, to present a 'common front' but instead
to offer new insights on the work, context and legacy of Hungary's 'Tribonian and Bracton'.
Publication of this volume has been made possible by a generous grant from the Maitland Fund of the
Faculty of Law, Cambridge University.
Martyn Rady
Introduction 1
János M. Bak
Custom in the Tripartitum 13
David Ibbetson
Administering the Law: Hungary's Loca Credibilia 25
Zsolt Hunyadi
Hungarian and Croatian Customary Law: Some
Contrasts and Comparisons 37
Damir Karbić
Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum 47
Martyn Rady
Pergošić' s Translation of the Tripartitum into Slavonian 71
Nataša Štefanec
Werbőczy's Reception in Hungarian Legal Culture 87
Katalin Gönczi
The Primacy of Consuetudo in Hungarian Law 101
szló Péter
Contributors 113
Index 115
János M. Bak
1. The DRMH and the Tripartitum
The present collection of papers has its origins in the series Decreta
Regni Mediaevalis Hungariae / The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of
Hungary (DRMH), which is a Hungarian and Croatian project led by
the Central European University and supported by British, German and
North American colleagues, friends and foundations.
DRMH is itself part of a much larger project, which was originally
conceived by the publisher of Slavonic and East European literature
and of a number of journals, Charles Schlacks, Jr (now located, after
several moves, in Idyllwild, California). Almost twenty years ago,
Schlacks set in motion an ambitious publishing enterprise, the aim of
which was to bring into print the laws of Central and Eastern Europe,
both historical and contemporary.
For Hungary, he won the
cooperation of Peter Hidas of Montreal, a historian of nineteenth-
century Hungary, who agreed to serve as editor. In turn, Peter Hidas
found the best person to start the series off with the laws of medieval
Hungary. This was György Bónis, the most distinguished historian of
law and institutions, and pupil of Ferenc Eckhart. Bónis had the
additional advantage of being able to utilize the notes and readings of
the late Ferenc Dory, who had long before planned a new edition and
Hungarian translation of the medieval laws. In turn, György Bónis
turned for help to James Ross Sweeney (of Pennsylvania State
University), whom he knew from Sweeney's work on the Hungarian
implications of the decretal Intellecto. Having surveyed the material
prepared by Bónis, Sweeney decided that yet more help was required,
and it was through this route that the present author was enlisted to the
task. (He, in turn, knew Sweeney from their time in Germany, when
the latter,
1 Besides DRMH, two volumes of Russian laws (incorporating the early laws of Kievan
Rus' and the Ulozhenie of 1649) were published.
2 Introduction
a Tierney-pupil, was working on his dissertation as a Humboldt-
Stipen-diat). To make an already long story short, we realized that a
volume of the 'laws' (the quotation marks will be explained below) of
the first historical period of the kingdom, the so-called Árpádian Age
(1000-1301) needed further refinements over and above what Bónis
had been able to achieve. The first volume of DRMH appeared, after
several years of work by the original Bak-B6nis-Sweeney
'triumvirate', in 1989 but sadly a few months after Bónis's own death.
For DMRH 1, we tried to sort out what was traditionally regarded
as 'law', legal norm and practice in the first three centuries of the
kingdom. Had we been purists, we would have had to make a very
slim volume and to content ourselves with the decrees passed by king
and noble assemblies in the late thirteenth century (under Andrew III,
1290-1301). For, by the rigorous definition of, for example, Armin
Wolf, earlier texts could not be termed 'legislation' in the strict sense.
Nevertheless, a part of the collections (libri) of legal texts attributed to
the founder king, St Stephen (1000-1038), survive in a late twelfth-
century manuscript; others from thirteenth-century collections.
Moreover, references to the 'laws of the holy king' were frequent from
the late eleventh century. So, we finally included the collections of St
Stephen, as also of Ladislas I (1077-95) and Coloman (1095-1116), as
well as the 'privileges' of Andrew II (1205-35), the so-called 'Golden
Bulls' (1222, 1231, and their addition in 1267). In the Appendix, we
edited synodal statutes of the eleventh and early twelfth centuries
which contained both spiritual and secular matters, a charter issued for
the nomadic Cumans even though we suspected it to be a forgery,
and a text that was dated by Döry and Bónis (although known only
from a later formulary) to 'c. 1300'.
Whether the relegation of the
synodal statutes under King Ladislas I and Coloman into the
Appendix was well founded is debatable. (György Györffy, a leading
medievalist of Hungary in the last decades of the twentieth century
queried this decision of ours in a review which he planned to write,
but which was not, as far as we know, published.) Annotations,
glossary and
2 The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary/Decreta Regni Medicevalis
Hungarian, vol. 1 (1000-1301) with an essay on previous editions by Andor
Csizmadia, (ed. and trans.) János M. Bak, György Bónis and James Ross Sweeney,
Salt Lake City, 1989.
3 See thus Armin Wolf, Gesetzgebung in Europa 1100-1500. Zur Entstehung der
Territorialstaaten, Munich, 1996, p. 266.
4 As since convincingly argued by Nora Berend, At the Gate of Christendom: Jews,
Muslims and Pagans in Medieval Hungary, c. 1000 - c. 1300, Cambridge, 2001,
pp. 89-92.
János M. Bak
whatever else belonged to a scholarly edition were included.
And, while the contents were praised, the format, the typos and
layout were criticized and rightly so. To set the record
straight, however, this was one of the earliest attempts at
computerized typesetting, printing, and production, and under
these circumstances glitches were bound to occur. (We were
ten years later fortunate enough to obtain financial assistance
for a corrected and revised edition, which we offered gratis to
all owners of the first).
The subsequent volumes followed in due course: one for
the 'Age of Kings of Diverse Houses' (as the old category ran),
that is from 1301 to 1457, and one for the reign of Matthias I
Corvinus, 1458-90.
These were initially supported by the
National Endowment for the Humanities Translation Projects
(in the USA), and some other grants. They were much less
problematic than the first as they could be based on the critical
edition previously published by nis and others in two
In the meantime, we had also acquired some
additional expertise in editing and publishing matters. The
editors changed from volume to volume, involving experts on
the given period. Thus did we arrive at the threshold of the 'age
of tumultuous diets' (my own term), under the Jagiello rulers,
which ran from the death of Matthias Corvinus in 1490 to the
end of the independent kingdom after the battle of Mohács in
August 1526. During these less than three decades, kings and
diets passed more laws than those of the entire 500 years
preceding them while and this is significant little of what
they passed actually went over into practice. Diets
5 This dating has now been I feel successfully challenged by Pál Engel ('Az
"1300 körüli" tanácsi határozat keltezéséhez', in Magyarország a nagyhatalmak
erőterében. Tanulmányok Ormos Mária 70. születésénapjára, ed. Ferenc Fischer
et al, Pécs, 2000, pp. 12532) who suggests that it originates from the second
half of the fourteenth century. Admittedly, we also had some doubts (some of
the same that were discussed by Engel), but bowed to the expertise of Bónis.
Thus it should by rights be in the second volume of DRMH, most probably in
the Appendix.
6 DRMH 1 (10001301), Second revised edition in collaboration with Leslie S.
Domonkos, Idyllwild, CA, 1999.
7 DRMH 2 (13011457), ed. and trans. János M. Bak, Pál Engel, James Ross
Sweeney, in collaboration with Paul B. Harvey, Salt Lake City, 1992; DRMH 3,
ed. and trans. János M. Bak, Leslie S. Domonkos, Paul B. Harvey, Jr, in
collaboration with Katalin Garay, Los Angeles, 1996.
8 Decreta Regni Hungariae. Gesetze und Verordnungen Ungarns, vol. 1
(13011457), eds Franciscus Döry, Georgius nis, Vera cskai, Budapest,
1976 (Publicationes Archivi Nationalis Hungarici II, Fontes 11), and vol. 2
(14581490), eds Franciscus Dory, Georgius Bonis, Geisa Erszegi, Susanna
Teke, Budapest, 1989 (Publicationes Archivi Nationalis Hungarici II, Fontes
4 Introduction
met occasionally twice a year, one cancelling the decrees of the other,
but all of them repeating innumerable articuli, very often of a merely
temporary and 'political', rather than legal value. How should we
publish this vast body of material? One solution discussed was to
make a radical selection. But this would necessarily contradict the
unquestionably good principle of presenting the entire extant corpus
of legal acts of a medieval kingdom, a claim that we had made at the
outset. In order to give ourselves some time to think and gather
support for such a fourth volume, which could run into many
hundreds of pages we decided to 'jump', and to prepare instead the
annotated bi-lingual edition of the 'summary' of medieval law, i.e. the
famous Tripartitum opus iuris consuetudinarii inclyti regni
Hungariae of the lawyer and politician Stephen (Istvan) Werbőczy,
compiled in 1514.
This choice was not as subjective as it may sound. Surveying the
'legislation' between 1490 and 1526, we realized that the most
valuable parts of it refer to procedure and these found their way, often
verbatim, into Werbőczy's collection of the custom of the realm. Thus,
once we have Deo propitiente a new edition of the Tripartitum
(based on the 1517 printing and properly translated and annotated), as
volume five of DRMH, we should be able to cut the bulk of the
decreta by cross-referencing (or small-printing) repetitions without
breaking the principle of completeness. Moreover, the Tripartitum
was for the subsequent centuries also highly important; it may thus
count on the interest of a readership wider than just medievalists.
Being, as it more or less is, a 'final' summing up of medieval
Hungarian legal development, this volume may also be useful for those
who do not wish to scrutinize in detail the preceding centuries' legal
9 The first edition was printed by Singrenius in Vienna in 1517. Subsequently, the
Tripartitum was reprinted more than 50 times, usually as part of the Corpus Juris
Hungarici. A facsimile edition of the 1517 book has been published in the series
Mittelalterliche Gesetzbücher in Faksimile, with a preface by György Bónis, in 1969
(Frankfurt/M). For a list of the editions of the Tripartitum, see István Csekey, 'A
Tripartitum bibliográfiája', in (eds) Elemér P. Balás, István Csekey, Istn Szasz,
György nis, Werbőczy István, Acta Juridico-Politica 2, Kolozsvár, 1942, pp. 14194.
Csekey's bibliography was more widely circulated as an offprint of the Kolozsvár
publication under the title Werbőczy és a magyar alkotmányjog... a Tripartitum
János M. Bak
2. The Tripartitum: Text and Translation
The Tripartitum is an account of Hungarian customary law
arranged in three books of respectively 134, 80 and 36
chapters. The volumes are preceded by a prologue and other
introductory materials. The most recent edition of the
Tripartitum runs in its Latin text to over 200 closely-printed
pages. As Martyn Rady discusses (below, p. 47) the
Tripartitum was compiled by order of the Hungarian diet and is
the work of the Hungarian lawyer and judge of the royal curia,
Stephen Werbőczy. Within only a short time of its
presentation to the diet in 1514, Werbőczy's law book was
regarded as the definitive law of the Hungarian nobility. It
remained until 1848 the first resort of lawyers and judges in
the kingdom of Hungary and in the principality of
Transylvania. A Hungarian translation was published as early
as 1565, a Croatian (by Ivan Pergošić, for which see the article
by Nataša Štefanec below, pp. 7185) in 1574, and a German
version (by August Wagner) in 1599.
Court manuals
other guides to customary practices published in the
intervening centuries are without exception summaries or
clarifications of the text of the Tripartitum. As Katalin Gönczi
discusses below (pp. 87-89), the Tripartitum remained both at
the centre of Hungarian legal scholarship and also an
insurmountable block to Hungarian legal development until
well into the last century.
In his preface to the Tripartitum, Werbőczy attempted to
rest Hungarian customary on Roman Law principles and
promised to divide his work according to the civilian
distinctions of personae, res and actiones. However, he
proved unable to keep to this scheme and to the other
theoretical distinctions he had lifted from legal scholarship,
mainly from Bartolus (or an intermediary text), as
demonstrated by David Ibbetson (pp. 16-20, below). He
instead divided his text according, first, to the law of noble
landholding; secondly, to the procedures followed in the
courts; and, thirdly, to all that failed to fit into the
10 Several partial Greek translations of the Tripartitum are also known from the
eighteenth century, apparently intended for the use of merchants. See Tamás
csey, 'Werbőczyrögül', Századok, 28, 1894, pp. 4859.
11 As for instance, Joannes Kitonich, Directio Methodica Processus Judiciarii,
Nagyszombat, 1619.
6 Introduction
preceding categories. It has been established,
that Werbőczy
frequently used formularies of the courts, often unchanged, thus
basing his collection more on actual practice than any type of legal
theory. It was for this reason that Bónis called the lawyers of
Werbőczy's type 'practical jurists.'
Werbőczy always claimed that his text merely replicated the
customs of the Hungarian nobles as they had developed over the
course of the previous centuries. Evidently, however, he impressed
his own interpretation on the law as he found it. In some cases he
sought to iron out inconsistencies; in others to improve upon
matters as he found them. Despite these shortcomings, the
Tripartitum is the most important legal document to come out of
East-Central Europe in the medieval and early modern period. It is
thus substantially fuller than the sixteenth-century Lithuanian
Statutes and the Moravian 'Law of Fiefs' published in 1538. Poland
produced no comparable volume, relying instead mainly on
collections of
decrees of the diet.
The principal modern edition of the Tripartitum was published
in a Latin-Hungarian parallel text in 1897 and is defective.
edition has yet been published which attempts to explain the terms
Werbőczy used, to relate them to usage elsewhere, or to elucidate
the procedures he describes. It is this, in particular, which renders
translation difficult but which also makes it uniquely important. By
obliging consideration of individual terms and of the best way of
translating them, their meaning is teased out and opportunities for
comparative study presented. The work of translation undertaken so
far has highlighted many such examples in
12 György Bónis, Kozepkori jogunk elemei. Romai jog, kdnonjog, szokdsjog,
Budapest, 1972, esp. pp. 23763. There Bónis also discusses the most often
assumed 'source' of Werbőczy, the Summa Legum (see Die Summa Legum brevis, levis
et utilis des sog. Doctor Raymundus von Wiener-Neustadt, ed. A. Gal, 2 vols, Weimar,
1926). Bonis suggested that a printed version of this legal text (Cracow, 1506) may
have been known to Werczy, but points to many other textbooks and formularies
that may have been used by him. See thus György Bónis, 'Der Zusammenhang der
Summa Legum mit dem Tripartitum', Studia Slavica Acad. Scient. Hung., 11, 1965,
pp. 37985. We have not yet explored this avenue in any detail, but will plainly have
to do so before completing our work.
13 See György Bónis, A jogtudó értelmiség a Mohács előtti Magyarorsgon,
Budapest, 1971, a summary of which appeared as 'Men Learned in the Law in
Medieval Hungary', East Central Europe/L'Europe de centre-est, 4, 1977,
pp. 18191.
14 The so-called 'Millennium' edition, published in Budapest, 1897, in the series
Corpus Juris Hungarici 10001895, edited by ndor Kolosvari, Kelemen Óvári
and Dezső Márkus.
János M. Bak
respect, for instance, of the rules governing female inheritance,
warranties on sales of land, and institution to estates. And
there are clearly other matters of the same kind. How should,
for example, we describe and explain the procedure of
repulsio (see below, p. 68) which involved the physical
obstruction of a court bailiff but which was entirely legal?
Was this a uniquely Hungarian custom, born of conditions of
lawlessness, or does it have parallels elsewhere in Europe?
How also should we translate and interpret Werbőczy's use of
the term impetrare (apply for) in respect of a royal donation?
Werbőczy clearly implies that once an estate was requested
from the king, it was automatically granted to the applicant.
Only later, so it appears, was it sorted out whether the
property was indeed the king's to give away.
It seems that we succeeded in convincing a good number of
eminent legal historians that Werbőczy's Tripartitum was
worthy of their interest. With the support of the research
committee of the Central European University, Budapest, and
the Hungarian National Research Fund OTKA, we were in
December 2001 able to hold a workshop in a hunting-lodge
near the western Hungarian town, rvár, on the former estate
of the Nádasdy family. Besides the 'Budapest team' (János
Bak, Péter Banyó, Zsolt Hunyadi, Damir Karbić, Tamás
Pálosfalvi and Frank Schaer), David Ibbetson (Cambridge),
Andrew Lewis and Martyn Rady (both of University College,
London), Katalin Gönczi and Armin Wolf (both of the Max
Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt),
Richard Helmholz (Chicago), DeLloyd Guth (Winnipeg) and
the publisher attended and spent three and a half days (and
evenings) poring over the intricacies of Hungarian legal Latin
and the peculiarities of Werbőczy's text.
Even though we started out with the 'minimalist' aim of
consulting our colleagues for the most appropriate English
words for institutio (the act of introducing a new owner into a
holding), fassio (a legally-binding declaration), fratres
condivisionales (kinsmen with the right to inheritance of joint
property) and so on we ended up discussing the legal and
theoretical sources and implications of Werbőczy's work. We
were able to establish that the traditional assessment of the
'Romanist' element in the Tripartitum was not entirely correct.
Although the passages of the Prologue extensively citing
Justinian and his predecessors do, indeed, have little to do with
the rest of the work, the author regularly borrows civilian
terms, often to describe matters entirely different from their
original meaning. We also learned that we should be even
more careful than we had been with applying English and
Anglo-Norman legal terms (such as seizin) to acts and
institutions that were in fact peculiar to the kingdom
8 Introduction
of Hungary-Croatia. Sometimes they have their parallels in the British Isles,
but never (or rarely) are these close enough to be given the same name.
Finally, in discussing procedures and concepts if only at the outset to find the
right word for them we all learned much about medieval Hungarian legal
practice, or at least what Werbőczy thought it was or ought to be.
Having done all this and more with Pars Prima of the Tripartitum, it
became clear that it was worth pressing on in the same manner with the Partes
Secunda and Tertia. As Martyn Rady had been able to obtain additional support
besides the last portion of the CEU grant from the British Academy, we
met in April 2003 in London and Cambridge for our second workshop. Of the
original rvár group, Helmholz, Wolf, Schaer and Pálosfalvi were unable to
attend, but we were joined by Nataša Štefanec (Zagreb), László Péter
(University College), Magnus Ryan (Warburg Institute), Chris McNall
(Cardiff) and Toshiya Kikuchi (Cambridge). This time we combined work on
the translation of the text with a conference on matters related to customary
law. The present work reflects the results of this conference, which was
generously hosted by the Faculty of Law of Cambridge University and Corpus
Christi College.
3. The Tripartitum: 'Norm' and Reality
One of the major subjects that we wanted to clarify was the relation between
'law' and 'custom' in the context of the medieval kingdom of Hungary. In a
fifteenth-century formulary recovered from one of those convents that served
as 'place of authentication' (about which we can read in Zsolt Hunyadi's
contribution, pp. 2535, below), namely the Benedictine monastery of
Somogyvár in south-western Hungary (although the text was most probably
compiled in one of the royal courts of justice), there is a gloss on law and
The gloss suggests much about medieval perceptions of the
relationship between statute and usage. In essence, the gloss prescribes that the
judge should apply either local custom or lex, according to the plea of the
plaintiff. Lex here does not mean positive law, but general custom based on
'ancient legislation'. Statute law, it continues, cannot be expected to be familiar
to all; hence, it may not be applied unless so requested, and no penalty is to be
15 See György Bónis, 'A Somogyvári Formuláskönyv', in Emkkönyv Kelemen Lajos születésének
80. évfordura, Bucharest, 1957, pp. 11733. The manuscript is now in the Bolyai-Library,
Ttrgu Mureş, MS 374.
János M. Bak 9
for the lack of its knowledge. The gloss continues to explain that the
plaintiff has the right to request judgment according to received
custom, local usage, royal decretum or 'general justice'. (In the
preceding sentence the plaintiff was given only two choices; apparently
the last two depended on the judge's consent being obtained). Royal
decisions, if called upon, have to be applied because of the obligatory
submission to secular authority, even if, so it seems, they contradict
'good old' custom. Finally, ius, divine or natural law, has to be followed
above any other prescription, for it expresses those higher values which
no medieval person would challenge.
Thus, both the hierarchy and the
competition of sources of law were notions familiar to Hungarian
practitioners of the administration of justice. That custom (at least in
one of its meaning, as Ibbetson explains below, pp. 1323) remained
supreme in Hungary well beyond the Middle Ages is fully
demonstrated here by László Péter (see below, pp. 10111).
Nevertheless, in Hungary no record of customary law other than the
Tripartitum has survived. To be sure, there is frequently reference in
charters and judgments to the consuetudo regni, which seems to have
been comprehended as 'self-evident'. (Just as the author of the above-
quoted gloss infers.) Beyond this, however, we have no opportunity of
comparing the 'real' customary tradition with the one summarized (and,
as we said above, adjusted) by Werbőczy. In the other constituent part
of the medieval kingdom, Croatia, the situation was different. As
Damir Karbić has shown (below, pp. 3745), several customary law-
codes were written down there at different times and for different
reasons. Naturally, as soon as it is put into writing, custom by
definition based on oral tradition and collective memory changes its
character. Still, it is very valuable to have a few of these records, which
in general support the usage recorded by Werbőczy with relatively little
local variation.
Another comparison that suggests itself is between the norm as
formulated by Werbőczy and actual legal and administrative practices.
This has been done in respect of medieval Hungarian noble society by
both Erik gedi
and Martyn Rady.
Elsewhere, Pál Engel, Marija
Karbić, and Péter Banyó have addressed the questions about the filial
quarter and the
16 The gloss is published in Decreta Regni Hungariae (see above, n. 8), pp. 245. Bónis
additionally argued in zépkori jogunk elemei (pp. 240ff) that the formulary was
extensively used, although altered and augmented, by Werbőczy.
17 See Erik Fügedi, The Elefánthy: The Hungarian Nobleman and His Kindred, ed. Damir
Karbić, Budapest, 1999, esp. pp. 2064.
18 Martyn Rady, Nobility, Land and Service in Medieval Hungary, London and Basingstoke,
10 Introduction
division of estates.
There are several points where Werbőczy clearly tried to avoid
matters of social and legal reality in favour of the 'ideology' of the noble estate. The
tenet that all nobleman enjoyed the self-same liberty (una eademque libertas) typical
for both Hungary and Poland had been written into law much earlier, but became
through the Tripartitum the 'cornerstone' of the estates' collective privileges. (It has
been convincingly argued that the first formulation in 1351 was not meant to be a
'constitutional foundation', but emerged in the context of a redefinition in the status of
several categories of nobleman. While it may have been increasingly understood in
Werbőczy's sense, it was he who 'carved it in stone'). It is, for example, in the sense of
this tenet that the Tripartitum almost entirely overlooks a very widespread practice (if
not institution) of medieval and early modern Hungarian social practice: the
dependence of lesser nobles on their more wealthy and powerful fellows.
Usually referred to as the familiares (sometimes simply homines, later also servitores)
of a magnate or a locally mighty lord, these nobles did not lose their noble status, and
their own (or their kindred's) property was not touched by these arrangements. In this
respect, Werbőczy was correct not to spend time discussing the legal implications of
familiaritas, for these implications were few. Nevertheless, a significant segment of the
nobility earned their living not from their own (usually fairly small) holding, but from
serving in the household of a royal official, commander of a private army, or other kind
of office-holder, mostly for a reward in cash or kind. They were the vicecomites of the
counties, the judicial personnel of higher and lesser courts, the bailiffs and
administrators of the great estates, commanders and fighters in the greater lord's
banderia ('private' armies in the service of the king or a magnate). Social mobility
through these channels proved significant, and many a later well-known family's
ancestor started out as the servitor of a magnate. On the other hand, accepting service
voluntarily (and sometimes, in the case of more aggressive lords, not so voluntarily)
was an important strategy against impoverishment and helped compensate for the
declining incomes produced by the system of partible inheritance. In spite of all this,
the Tripartitum does not treat this arrangement anywhere explicitly, and only once or
19 l Engel, 'Erbteilung und Familienbildung', in ...The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways...
Festschrift in Honor of János M. Bak, eds Balázs Nagy and Marcell Sebők, Budapest, 1999, pp. 41121; Martyn
Rady, 'The Filial Quarter and Female Inheritance in Medieval Hungarian Law', in ibid., pp. 42231; ter
Banyó, The Female Quarter in Medieval Hungary: Inheritance of Noblewomen in the Medieval Kingdom of
Hungary, unpublished MA thesis, CEU, Budapest, 1999.
János M. Bak 11
does a remark slip from Werbőczy's pen, as for instance when he refers to a
nobleman who carelessly loses his lord's castle, or to a noblewoman who is
married off 'from a lord's household'.
In similar fashion, Werbőczy insists on the principle that the so-called filial
quarter (the inheritance of female descendants from an estate otherwise
inherited only by men) should be paid out in cash, except in the case when a
noble woman marries a non-noble. In this event, she receives a piece of land, so
that her status (as landowner) be sustained. Her husband, so Werbőczy avers,
will not become noble by this. In this way, the borders of the noble estate were
guarded against intruders. In fact, as the extant manuscript material
demonstrates, it was a quite widespread practice to give out the filial quarter in
land. In the noble community of the campus Zagrabiensis (in Slavonia), for
example, it was the de facto rule.
And, as Fügedi has shown, there were a good
number of commoners who acquired noble status (if not for themselves, for their
sons) and were even referred to (for a while) as nobiles quartales. Their
acceptance into the nobility seems to have entirely depended on the judgement
of their fellows in the county and not on statute law or consuetudo regni.
Closer scrutiny of Werbőczy's teachings reveals several inconsistencies of this
type, where Werbőczy is quite clearly making rules in accordance not with
actual practice but with how he thought things ought to be.
To be sure, neither the present volume of essays nor the larger project from
which it derives can comprehensively examine details of this sort, for such
would amount to nothing less than a re-writing of the history of law and legal
procedure in the medieval kingdom of Hungary-Croatia. Nevertheless, future
workshops and conferences will so we hope address some questions of
legal norm versus legal reality, if only to help us decide on the annotations in
the planned edition of the Tripartitum. The contributions in the present
publication are valuable Vorarbeiten for these tasks.
20 See thus Marija Karbć, 'Heiratsstrategien des Kleinadels von Turopolje (Slawonien) im späten
Mittelalter', East Central Europe /L 'Europe du Centre-Est: Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, 29,
2002, pp. 16776.
21 See thus for the assumptio oneris, Martyn Rady, 'Warranty and Surety in Medieval Hungarian Land
Law', Journal of Legal History, 23, 2002, pp. 2336 (p. 33).
Custom in the Tripartitum
David Ibbetson
Custom can be a troublesome notion for a lawyer. The recognition that
law is a reflection of social practice, which is what the granting of legal
status to custom amounts to, is a very obvious threat to the lawyer's claim
to have arcane knowledge. A claim to expertise in the identification of
everyday practice is something of a hollow one, hardly justifying the
enhanced social status and financial rewards typically demanded by the
It is not always problematic, of course. The legal practitioner whose
expertise lies in the manipulation of legal processes rather than the identi-
fication of normative rules, has nothing to fear from it. The scholar taking
a disinterested standpoint may unconcernedly identify social practice as
lying at the root of legal rules without feeling professionally threatened by
the revelation. The lawyer operating in a highly developed system can
nod in the direction of custom having a marginal role to play as a formal
source of legal rules, without undermining his claim to expertise in identi-
fying the other rules of the system and in co-ordinating the operation of
customary rules, which are presumptively generally known, with those
derived from other authoritative sources.
The difficulty is felt most acutely by those articulating the rules of a
legal system for the first time. How are they to justify their statements as
to what the law is? How are they to demonstrate their truth? Some of the
rules of the system may be legislative in origin, and an authoritative
source for those can easily be given (so long, that is, as the legislator can
be regarded as having the requisite degree of authority). Some of the rules
of the system may be explicitly derived from books treated as valid
sources in themselves: for example, the Bible or some other religious text,
the Canon law, or Justinian's Corpus Iuris Civilis. Most of the rules of the
system, though, cannot be attributed to any such authoritative source.
From an external point of view we may say that they are rules whose only
base lies in custom, but for the lawyer writing from inside the system it is
14 Custom in the Tripartitum
not so easy. He can say that the rules are the rules because they represent
the way in which things are done; but this leaves him open to a denial that
things are in fact done this way, and hence that his statement of the rule is
There are a number of possible alternatives. The classical Roman
lawyers simply did not acknowledge custom as a source of law; in the
Institutes of Gaius, the first pedagogic overview of the Roman legal
system that has survived, the opinions of jurists, provided they are in
agreement, are explicitly treated as having authoritative status in them-
We would ourselves say that all that the jurists were doing was
giving verbal form to customary rules, but by the time that their verbaliza-
tions get into the books the underlying customary basis of the rules has
been etched away and made irrelevant. A second approach is that of the
classical Common law in England, giving authoritative weight to judicial
pronouncements. At heart we may recognize that this is in reality little
more than a mask; in reality what lies behind these judicial utterances is
the articulation of social practices, but as with the Roman lawyers'
analysis this is concealed by their refraction through some body with
the power to transmute descriptive statements into normative rules.
There is a third alternative, simply to ignore the problem. This is
essentially the strategy of Werbőczy. Though he pays lip service to
custom as a source of law in the Prologue to the Tripartitum, in the
substantial core of the work there is almost no reference to it whatsoever.
The rules are, in the main, simply described as law, without any attempt
being made to show their source. There are occasional references to
formal legislative acts or other sources, but the vast preponderance of the
law described in the text is unsourced. It is simply a description of the
way in which the system works, or is said to work.
1. The Idea of Custom
Before embarking on a discussion of Werbőczy's treatment of custom, a
general observation might usefully be made. Custom is a slippery notion,
and in the early modern sources we may distinguish three different senses
in which it is used.
First of all, it expresses the way in which things are done. This is the
central meaning of the word today, and was probably equally the central
meaning in the early sixteenth century. In itself it says nothing about the
1 Gaius, Institutes, 1.7.
David Ibbetson 15
way in which things were in fact done in the past, but it implicitly or
explicitly calls upon past practice as evidence of what the custom is if the
matter is in doubt; and the more long-standing the practice can be shown
or asserted to be, the more conclusive it is. The operation of this form of
argument from custom can be illustrated by a homely example which
recently arose in my Cambridge College. It is the custom for Fellows of
the College to wear scarlet gowns on the Sunday after Candlemas; that is
to say, they habitually do so in the belief that they ought to do so. What,
though, if Candlemas falls on a Sunday? Is scarlet to be worn on
Candlemas itself or on the Sunday following? When the question arose,
nobody could remember for certain what had happened on the previous
occasion that this had occurred, some six years earlier. Recourse was had
to the oldest Fellow, who 'recalled' what he had been told some sixty
years previously by an elderly Fellow. No attempt was made to verify
whether or not this was true, nor even to find out what had happened on
the last occasion. The appeal to past practice, or statements of what prac-
tice was said to have been around a century ago, is in this sense little more
than a rhetorical device to provide an authoritative answer to a question
whose answer would otherwise be ambiguous.
Secondly, custom may be offset against law, consuetudo against lex.
Typically, although not necessarily, lex will be written, a formal legisla-
tive act, while consuetudo will be oral, not enshrined in any formal legal
source, and inherently less sharply defined than lex. Any legal system
substantially made up of formally identified rules can allow interstitial
force to custom: modern English law does so, for example, at least to a
limited extent. Sometimes, custom can stand against law, as where legal
force is given to the custom of particular groups (the custom of
merchants, for example) or to particular places (as where non-standard
local inheritance rules are given legal force). An important example of
this usage found in the early modern period occurs in the opposition
between the formal written texts of the learned laws (that is, the Canon
law and the developed Roman Civil law) and the informal customary laws
of particular places.
Thirdly, more specifically, custom or consuetudo may describe local
laws, whatever the origin, in contradistinction to the European ius
commune derived out of the learned laws. Custom in this sense does not
necessarily refer to norms derived out of social practice at all. The rules
2 Perhaps the best example of this in late medieval and early-modern legal practice is
provided by the German Schöffen, whose pronouncements on custom had authoritative
16 Custom in the Tripartitum
might have been legislated in the most formal way possible, but against
the background of a pan-European common law they could none the less
be described as customary because they were of purely local application.
All of these senses can be found in Werbőczy, as in other legal writers of
the time. To some extent it is the slippage between them, as well as the
difficulties of articulating that rules are only social practices, that makes
custom such a difficult concept to grasp hold of.
2. Custom in the Tripartitum: the Prologue
It is only in the Prologue to the Tripartitum that Werbőczy provides the
reader with any reflections on the nature of custom. In its first sentence he
announces that he is going to describe the laws and approved customs,
leges et consuetudines approbatas, of Hungary, apparently setting custom
up as one of the two sources of the rules which go to make up Hungarian
References to custom abound throughout the Prologue, and it is
discussed specifically in three sections, one entitled Quid sit consuetudo:
et quae sunt necessaria ad consuetudinem firmandam? one Quomodo
differt lex a consuetudine: et de triplici virtute consuetudinis,
and one De
lege et statuto: ac consuetudine contraria quid sit sentiendum.
Werbőczy's treatment of custom is nothing if not unoriginal. It is
substantially derived from Bartolus,
whether directly or through some
intermediate source, and probably bears no relation at all to any specifi-
cally Hungarian rules relating to the subject. Werbőczy's definition of
custom, for example, borrows from Bartolus: Consuetudo est ius
quoddam moribus institutum, quod pro lege suscipitur, cum deficit lex.
Central aspects of Werbőczy's description of custom are equally
Bartolist, whether or not they quote him directly. Its legal force stems
3 It seems here to be used in the second of the three senses just described.
4 Prologue, [10]. For the text of the Tripartitum, I have used the 1517 edition, published in
facsimile in 1969, while retaining the numbering given in the 'customary' (i.e. Corpus
Juris Hungarici) version.
5 Prologue, [11].
6 Prologue, [12].
7 On the use of custom in Bartolus, see W. Ullmann, 'Bartolus on Customary Law', Juridical
Review, 52, 1940, p. 265.
8 Prologue, [10], cf. Bartolus, Commentarius ad Digestum Vetus, (hereafter, Bartolus),
Repetitio ad D.1.3.31 (32 in modern editions of the Digest), no. 6. 1 have used the edition of
1577, and followed the numeration used by Bartolus.
David Ibbetson 17
from the tacit consent of the people, but this can only be discerned by
looking at continuous or repeated usage:
Actus frequens de se non est necessarius ad consuetudinem inducendam, sed quia
per usum colligitur consensus populi, qui plerumque non potest ex uno solo actu
colligi, igitur frequentia actuum est ut causa, consuetudo vero ut causatum?
The same idea is found in Bartolus, although more precisely expressed:
use (usus) is the causa remota; the tacit consent of the people the causa
proxima of the recognition of custom as law.
A lapidary statement of
Werbőczy distinguishing consuetudo from lex tanquam tacitum et
as tacit and express makes little sense on its own, but can
be understood against the backőnd of Bartolus' position that both
legislation and custom derive their authority from the will of the people,
the difference between them being that the consent was tacit in the case of
custom and express in the case of lex.
Some lawyers had said that the
difference between lex and custom was that the former was written
whereas the latter was oral; Bartolus (among others) had denied this, for
the so-called Libri Feudorum was customary law, but had been reduced to
writing and added on to Justinian's Corpus Iuris.
Werbőczy refers to the
distinction between written and unwritten, but says that it is not the
essence of the difference between lex and custom, taking also as his
counter-example the Libri Feudorum, which was customary but which
had come to be written down.
Custom for Bartolus (and, indeed, gener-
ally in the writings of the glossators) might accord with the law, go
beyond the law, or contradict the law;
so too Werbőczy.
And so on.
The core sense of consuetudo used by Werbőczy in the Prologue
appears clearly from his section Quid sit consuetude.
In essence it is the
first definition given above:
the recognition of legal force in some social
practice, justified by reference to past usage. Along with lex, it was a
9 Prologue, [10. 7]. Werbőczy attributes this to the communis sententia doctorum.
10 Bartolus, Repetitio ad D.1.3.31, nos. 11, 12. As Ullmann shows, the idea can be traced
back well before Bartolus. See 'Bartolus on Custom', pp. 268269.
11 Prologue [11].
12 Bartolus, Repetitio ad D. 1.3.31, no. 7.
13 Bartolus, Ad D.l.3.31, no. 4; Repetitio ad D.l.3.31, nos. 7, 8.
14 Prologue, [11. 1].
15 Bartolus, Ad D.l.3.31, no. 5; Repetitio ad D.l.3.31, no. 5.
16 Prologue, [11.35].
17 Prologue [10].
18 Above, pp. 1415.
18 Custom in the Tripartitum
source of ius. Three conditions are given for its recognition. First of all,
defmitionally, it must be capable of being law: something that could not
be made ius by an act of legislation could not be made ius by customary
In Werbőczy's language, it must be rational, in the sense that
it must tend to further the true end of ius. If the true purpose of Canon law
or Divine law was the well-being of the soul, then a custom which led
towards this end would hence be rational; if the true end of human law
was the public good, then equally a custom which tended towards that
would share in its rationality. Though important to an understanding of
the nature of the legal force of custom, such a definition did not mean a
great deal in practice. There was no need to demonstrate a custom's
rationality in one of these ways; so long as it did not go against the ius
naturale, the ius gentium, or the ius positivum
it would be presumed to
be rational. The operation of such a presumption meant that a potentially
wide scope could be allowed to custom. There was no need to show in
every case that a practice was rational in one of the senses defined above;
unless it was demonstrably irrational it could be upheld.
The second requirement which had to be satisfied before a custom
could count as law was that it should have been established by a suffi-
ciently long usage.
There is an ambiguity in Werbőczy's analysis here,
an ambiguity shared with Bartolus and other medieval lawyers. The
period of usage which might be relied upon was, in normal circumstances,
fixed at ten years dating from the time that the act was first performed.
Custom became law by prescription, in the same way as a person might
become owner of property prescriptively by long possession. This was a
simple mechanistic test, operative as a matter of law purely because the
requisite period of time had passed. On the other hand, the reason for the
requirement of long usage was to enable the tacit consent of the people to
be discerned.
Werbőczy recognized that there was no need for
19 Prologue, [10. 34]. The same idea appears in Bartolus, Repetitio ad D.l.3.31, no. 11.
20 This is essentially the trichotomy of laws given by Justinian in Institutes 1.2.1: ius naturale is
that which nature teaches to all animals; ius gentium those precepts which are observed to be
common to legal systems; ius positivum (ius civile in the Institutes) the particular laws of any
state. The same division is found at the start of the Prologue to the Tripartitum.
21 Prologue, [10. 57], Werbőczy sees two separate points: the length of usage and the
discernment of tacit consent.
22 Prologue, [10. 56]; Bartolus, Repetitio ad D.l.3.31, nos. 14,15 (note that Bartolus says that
one counts from the second performance of the act rather than the first).
23 Prologue, [10. 7].
David Ibbetson 19
frequency of use if the tacit consent could none the less be identified.
Normally (jplerumque) he says that it cannot be identified from a single
act and there must be some degree of repetition. A continuous state of
affairs might suffice he gives the example of a bridge being constructed
over a public road, which might simply be there, without objection, for
the required period but there is no consideration of the possibility that a
single act might be enough in itself, provided that the circumstances were
such that popular consent could be inferred. The ambiguity inherent in the
combination of these two positions is in essence the corollary of the
flexibility that lies within this notion of custom as a backward-looking
justification for the adoption of some particular practice as a rule.
Werbőczy's second discussion of custom in the Prologue relates to its
relationship with lex.
Mention has already been made of his reproduc-
tion of the commonplace distinctions between the express or tacit nature
of the underlying consent and the written or unwritten form.
interesting though no less commonplace is his explication of the
qualities of custom in relation to lex. All of this is pure Bartolus, but it
brings out a different aspect of the nature of custom than that which has
just been examined. First of all, custom is the best interpreter of lex: if
the words of the law are of uncertain application, then recourse should be
had to custom in order to interpret them.
Secondly, a customary practice
contrary to the requirement of a lex might have the effect of abrogating,
or removing legal validity from, the lex.
Thirdly, a custom operating in
the absence of any relevant lex would be an imitatio legis, acting exactly
as if it were a lex.
No longer are law and custom, lex and consuetudo,
being treated as two independent sources of ius. Instead they form a
single organic whole capable of supplementing and interacting with each
other. The force of this becomes clear if we take account of Bartolus's
view that the underlying basis for the force of both lex and consuetudo
was the consent of the people; the only difference was whether that
consent was express or tacit. Given this basic unity, the complementary
relationship between them followed automatically. Werbőczy does not
himself make explicit that both forms derive from the consent of the
24 Above, p. 15.
25 Prologue, [1112].
26 Above, p. 17.
27 Prologue, [11. 3]; Bartolus, Ad. D.l.3.9 no.2; Repetitio ad D.l.3.31, no. 5; ad D. 1.3.32.
28 Prologue, [11. 4]; Bartolus, Repetitio ad D.l.3.31, no. 2.
29 Prologue, [11. 5]; Bartolus, Repetitio ad D.l.3.31, no. 5.
20 Custom in the Tripartitum
but if his approach in the Prologue is to be treated as a coherent whole
the only way to make sense of his position here would be to adopt the
theoretical starting point of Bartolus.
Werbőczy's third discussion of consuetudo follows on from this. In the
section De lege et statuto: ac consuetudine contraria quid sit sentiendum he
touches on the resolution of conflicts between custom and law. This he reduces
to two straightforward rules: a custom will be abrogated by a subsequent lex of
general application; and, by parity of reasoning, a lex will be abrogated by a
subsequent custom.
Throughout this section a careful balance is maintained
between the two different sources of law. Neither is given automatic
precedence over the other, either absolute or provisional; each has exactly the
same weight as the other. Again, this is straightforwardly Bartolist;
again it
brings into play Bartolus's approach to the relationship between custom and law,
and it seemingly commits Werbőczy to an acceptance of that position (if, that
is, we are to take the material in the Prologue at all seriously).
3. Custom in the Tripartitum: the Main Text
Turning from the Prologue to the main text of the Tripartitum, two features are
at once visible. The first is that there is now remarkably little reference to
custom at all, and certainly no hint of any theoretical consideration of its
operation. Secondly, in so far as there is any explicit reference to it, the word
seems to be used in a different sense from that in which it has been used in the
The theoretical slippage is signalled right at the beginning of Part One. The
title (found also heading the second and third parts) half picks up on the
division between law and custom found in the Prologue: De Tripartita Divisione
Iurium et Consuetudinum inclyti Regni Hungarie in Generali. But it is only
half picked up: in the Prologue ius forms an overarching
30 He says that this was once the case, but that now power is vested in the prince:
Tripartitum, II. 3. 311 should say that I am not at all convinced that we should treat the
Prologue as coherent in this way; it might easily be read as no more than a ragbag of pieces lifted
from Bartolus (or some other source) without any real thought as to how they
fitted together.
32 Prologue, [12]. A lex of special application would abrogate the custom within its own range of
application (eg within the place where it applied), but the custom would continue to operate outside
this range.
33 Bartolus, Ad D.l.3.31, nos. 4, 5; Repetitio ad D.l.3.31, no. 5.
David Ibbetson 21
category of 'law' made up of lex on the one hand and consuetudo on the
other, whereas here ius is set in opposition to consuetudo.
The theoret-
ical register has shifted; though the main shift is in the meaning of ius
rather than of consuetudo, the sense in which the latter is used is wholly
uncertain. Matters are made less opaque in the first sentence of the
opening section: having dealt with the general reflections in the Prologue,
now is the time to turn to a particular study of the customs of Hungary
(consuetudines inclyti Regni Hungariae). The same usage is found in the
second sentence: borrowing the standard trichotomy made familiar by the
Roman institutional structure, Werbőczy says that every Hungarian legal
custom (omnis consuetudo iuris qua utimur) relates either to persons, to
things, or to actions. Clearly, the meaning of consuetudines here has
changed considerably from that found in the Prologue: it is now being
used in the third sense noted above, designating the particular law of the
Kingdom of Hungary in contradistinction to the learned ius commune.
Legislation, lex, is now part of consuetudo, not something to be set in
opposition to it or complemented by it. A few paragraphs later, usage has
slipped again. At the beginning of the third title, Werbőczy apologizes for
a brief excursus into history: his real subject is not this, but the consuetu-
dines et peculiares approbatasque huius regni leges, the customs and the
particular and approved laws of this Kingdom.
Consuetudo is now, as at
the start of the Prologue, set in opposition to lex, and apparently used in
the second of the three senses earlier described. It is simply that part of
the law which is not legislative in origin.
There is only one other place in the Tripartitum where Werbőczy
provides any treatment of custom, in chapter six of the second part, Unde
Traxit Originem Consuetudo Nostra in Iudiciis Observanda.
this must refer to the third sense of consuetudo, the law of Hungary as
distinguished from the ius commune, for the first source given is official
legislation, the constitutiones and decreta publica of the Kingdom.
34 Contrast Werbőczy's reference to the consuetudinarium ius of Slavonia and
Transylvania: Tripartitum, III. 3.
35 Tripartitum, 1, 3. Compare the same dichotomy, though in a slightly different form, at
the start of Part III: the leges et dudum approbatae consuetudines of Dalmatia, Croatia,
Slavonia, and Transylvania differ in certain details from the leges et consuetudines of
Hungary (Tripartitum, III. 2).
36 Tripartitum, II. 6.
37 And see too Tripartitum, II. 44 [8], explaining the circumstances in which a capital
sentence can be passed on an ecclesiastic person: 'Et haec constitutio ex generali
maxime decreto ... excerpta est atque processit. Quae etiam in generali modemo
decreto nostra roborata habetur, et confirmata.'
22 Custom in the Tnpartitum
second source, privileges granted by rulers, is on the face of it no less
formal, though there is greater hesitation about its legitimacy and
Werbőczy goes on to place limits on its effectiveness.
Thirdly, there is
legal practice, which derived only in small part from legislation or other
formal sources. Beneath the surface of this threefold division, though,
Werbőczy seems to be making use of the duality which lies behind the
Prologue, the distinction between authority stemming from the written
text and authority stemming from long usage. Constitutiones and decreta,
in the main, get their force from the legislated text; but there is a problem
with those that are so old that they have been repealed or varied by subse-
quent decrees. Some part of these provisions has none the less remained
in use for a hundred years and more: that part has taken its place in
consuetudo nostra our law by long usage. In the same way, when
dealing with the slightly awkward case of privileges, Werbőczy justifies
their position by reference to the fact that they have been treated as part of
the law by the long usage of judicial practice. Somewhat paradoxically,
when treating of the third of his sources the practice whereby lawsuits
are begun, prosecuted, considered, and determined he does not refer
expressly to long usage as the source of legal validity. He does, though,
attribute the origins of the system within which this practice operates to
the fourteenth-century Angevin kings, Charles Robert and Louis the
Great. Two hundred years, we might suppose, would be long enough for a
custom to be established, but the fact that the system has been in opera-
tion for such a time in no way entails that any particular practice has been.
There is no hint that this might matter. On the contrary, it is said that the
rights of the nobility depend on the continuity of this system; in a later
age, we would simply say that due process and respect for the Rule of
Law were essential to the protection of the rights of the individual.
4. Werbőczy and Custom
Werbőczy is not consistent in his use of custom throughout the Tripar-
titum. In so far as he could be said to have a theory, it is to be found in the
substantially Bartolist treatment given to the topic in the Prologue, where
custom is seen as that set of legal rules which are derived from long
usage, getting their force from the tacit consent of the populace. It would
be misguided to put too much weight on this, though. However Bartolist
the individual pieces of Werbőczy's argument are, he never locks them
38 Tripartitum, II. 618.
David Ibbetson 23
together in the way that Bartolus does, and never sets in place the essen-
tial foundation principle on which Bartolus builds, the idea that all law
stems from the consent of the people. Quite the contrary: though it might
once have been the case that legislative power was vested in the people,
he says, now it belongs to the prince. Werbőczy would not have been the
first or last legal scholar to pepper his preface with learned allusions
without thinking through the theoretical implications of what he is saying.
Moreover, whatever the theoretical slant of the Prologue, when we
come to the (sparse) references to custom in the text of the Tripartitum we
find that, although his meaning is not quite stable, the thrust of his anal-
ysis is very different from that of the Prologue. In the text, custom refers
substantially to national law: the law of Hungary in the first and second
parts; the law of Dalmatia, Croatia etc in the third. While this might be
customary in the sense of the Prologue, it might equally be legislative in
origin. We cannot therefore conclude that when he describes the law of
Slavonia and Transylvania as customary law {consuetudinarium ius) he is
meaning to say that the laws of those places derive purely from the usage
of the people.
Perhaps the most interesting feature of custom in the Tripartitum is
just how little use is made of it. Practically everything that is described in
the work is customary in all of the senses described at the beginning of the
present essay. It is an articulation of social practice which derives its legal
force from usage, and probably long usage; it takes the form of law which
has no legislated base; and it is local law rather than the learned law of the
ius commune. It was given royal approval as consuetudines approbatae.
It is hard not to draw the comparison with the Institutes of Gaius, which
similarly conceal the customary origin of most of their contents, or with
the Doctor and Student of Werbőczy's English near-contemporary Chris-
topher St German, for whom custom did have some part to play in the
foundation of the law but who seems none the less to have been at pains
not to undermine too heavily the special learning of the lawyers.
39 Tripartitum, Regis Consensus.
40 T. F. T. Plucknett and J. L. Bartons, eds., Doctor and Student (Selden Society, vol. 91),
London 1974, pp. 4447, 5659.
Administering the Law: Hungary's Loca Credibilia
Zsolt Hunyadi
'The notary's function was essentially that of witness: he had been
present, and had written down what happened; or he had seen a document
and drawn up a copy of it' so wrote Robert Swanson on the role of
England's public notaries in the thirteenth century.
He could have written
almost the same words in respect of the uniquely Hungarian institution of
the loca credibilia: an institution which for several centuries co-existed in
Hungary with that of the public notaries.
The loca credibilia were,
however, rather more than scriptoria, 'copying shops', or institutions of
witness. Besides their role in recording and verifying transactions and in
drawing up deeds, the loca credibilia performed a vital function in
discharging the tasks of royal government and in undertaking judicial and
administrative duties on behalf of the ruler and of his principal agents.
The aim of the following brief survey is to indicate the principal char-
acteristics of this particular vehicle of 'private' legal literacy. The so-
called 'places of authentication' (loca credibilia) were institutions which
witnessed legal transactions mainly by issuing upon request charters
under their own authentic seal.
The background to this activity may most
immediately be linked to a decree of Pope Alexander III in 1166. This
1 Robert Swanson, 'The Church and its Records', in (ed.) Richard Britnell, Pragmatic
Literacy, East and West, 1200-1330, Woodbridge, 1997, pp. 14764 (p. 160).
2 For the most recent summary (with a survey of the relevant literature), see Tamás
Kőfalvi, 'Places of Authentication (loca credibilia)', Chronica, 2, 2002, pp. 2738. For
a detailed overview, see also Martyn Rady, Nobility, Land and Service in Medieval
Hungary, Basingstoke and London, 2000, pp. 6278.
3 Cf. Győrgy Bónis, 'A közhitelűség szervei Magyarországon és a magyar hiteleshelyi
levéltárak', Levéltári Szemle, 14, 1964, pp. 11842 (p. 125). See also by the same
author, 'Les auctorités de "foi publique" et les archives des "loci credibiles" en
Hongrie', Archivum, 12 (1962), pp. 97104; Imre Szentpétery, Magyar oklevéltan,
Budapest, 1930, pp. 11820; János Bak, Győrgy Bónis, Pál Engel, James Ross
Sweeney, Paul B. Harvey, Leslie S. Domokos (eds), The Laws of the Medieval
Kingdom of Hungary, 10001490. Decreta Regni Mediaevalis
26 Administering the Law: Hungary's Loca Credibilia
decree laid down that, after the death of witnesses, only those documents might be considered valid which had
been drawn up by public notaries (manu publica), or else which carried an authentic seal.
Studies of legal literacy indicate that sealed charters had acquired in large parts of Europe a legal character even
as early as the second half of the eleventh century and that a fundamental distinction arose around this time
between sealed and unsealed instruments.
In contrast to the Mediterranean region, in England and northern
France new vehicles of legal literacy were pressed into existence which were in several respects similar to the
Hungarian one. There were, thus, no public notaries in England before the late 1250s.
Consequently, at the
Council of London in 1237, Otto, the papal legate, increased the number of institutions (among others, chapter
houses and convents) whose seals might henceforward be deemed authentic.
This development should, of
course, be viewed as part of a much longer process during which 'the use of seals extended down the social scale
from princes and barons through the gentry to smallholders and even serfs'.
In accordance with the precepts of canon law, in France the seals of the pope, of the king, and of the
various religious houses as well as of persons having jurisdictional competence, were considered authentic.
Contrastingly, in Germany, all sealed documents retained a fides plenaria.
Despite the apparent
congruence between French and
Hungariae 10001526, Series I, 3 vols (in progress), Salt Lake City-Los Angeles-Idyllwild, 1992-1999, (hereafter: DRMH), 2, p. 250;
Ferenc Eckhart, Magyar alkotmány és jogtörténet, Budapest, 1946, pp. 17683. The best concise work on this topic remains Franz
(Ferenc) Eckhart, 'Die glaubwürdigen Orte Ungarns im Mittelalter', Mitteilungen des Instituts für osterreichische
Geschichtsforschung (hereafter MIÖG), Ergbd. 9 (1915), pp. 395558.
4 Cf. L. Bernát Kumorovitz, A magyar pecséthaszlat története a középkorban,
Budapest, 1993, p. 14; Scripta vero authentica, si testes inscripti decesserint, nisi forte per manum publicam facta fuerint, ita quod
appareant publica, aut
authenticum sigillum habuerint, per quod possint probari, non videntur nobis
alicuius firmitatis robur habere: Wilhelm Ewald, Siegelkunde, Munich, 1914.
p. 42.
5 George Declercq, 'Originals and Cartularies: The Organization of Archival Memory (Ninth-Eleventh Centuries)', in (ed) Karl
Heidecker, Charters and the Use of the Written Word in Medieval Society, Turnhout, 2000, pp. 14770 (p. 166).
6 Christopher Cheney, Notaries Public in England in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth
Centuries, Oxford, 1972, p. 15.
7 L. Bert Kumorovitz, 'Az authentikus pect', Turul, 50,1936, pp. 4568 (p. 47).
8 Michael T. Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307, London, 1979, p. 245.
9 Kumorovitz,' Authentikus pecsét’, p. 49.
t Hunyadi 27
Hungarian practices, a critical difference existed. As László Mezey has shown, officiates in France issued
documents in their own names. In Hungary, by contrast, chapter houses and religious institutions always
published documents as corporations.
We may infer from this that the ecclesiastical character of Hungary's
loca credibilia lent these institutions their credibility as well as, perhaps, providing some sort of financial
guarantee for the parties concerned. Moreover (and as we will see), while the French officiales exclusively
administered private legal affairs, the Hungarian loca credibilia also acted at the behest of the royal curia.
The origins of Hungarian legal literacy can be traced back to the beginning of the eleventh century. Although
most charters attributed to St. Stephen are of dubious provenance,
it is widely accepted that the royal court
attracted learned and erudite men from Germany. The number of charters issued by the royal court scarcely
rose over the course of the eleventh century. Nevertheless, a respect for the written record is evident during the
reign of King Ladislas I (107795). Evidence of legal literacy is suggested by surviving or reconstructed
charters (although at this time they were issued without seals).
The canons of the Council of Esztergom,
published around 1100, provide further evidence of a wider reception of literacy.
The next step was the appearance of sealed private charters at the turn of the twelfth century, which partly
originated from the statutes of Ladislas I and of Coloman (10951116).
Although only one (reconstructed)
cartula sigillata is so far known, it has been shown that such documents were used in commercial transactions
between Jews and Hungarians as proof of purchase or of a loan.
During the late eleventh
10 László Mezey, 'A pécsi egyetemalapítás elözmenyei (A deákság és a hiteleshely kezdeteihez)', in (ed) Ándor Csizmadia, Jubileumi
Tanulmányok, Pécs, 1967, p. 68. See also Mezey, 'Anfänge der Privaturkunde in Ungarn und der glaubwürdigen Orte', Archiv r
Diplomatik, 18, 1972, pp. 290302. See, for instance, the charter issued by an episcopal officialis of Paris in 1254: Imre Szentpétery,
Középkori oklevélszövegek, Budapest, 1927, pp. 3738.
11 Six of the ten charters analysed proved to be forgeries while the rest have been interpolated or reformulated in the course of time.
12 From the years 1051, 1061, 1067, 1079 given in György Györffy (ed.) Diplomata Hungariae Antiquissima ab anno 1000 ad annum
1131, Budapest, 1992, pp. 169, 18285, 22526.
13 Arts. 20, 21, 32: DRMH, 1, pp. 634.
14 Art. 7. (1077): ibid, p. 14; De Judeis, Art. 3: ibid, p. 66.
15 See L. Bernát Kumorovitz, 'Die erste Epoche der ungarischen privatrechtlichen Schriftlichkeit', Studia Historica Academiae
Scientiarum Hungaricae, 21, 1960, pp. 25390.
28 Administering the Law: Hungary's Loca Credibilia
and twelfth centuries, the majority of sealed charters were issued at the request of the
beneficiaries involved. Doubtless they felt it important to have their rights and obligations
recorded in writing. In this respect, Hungarian usage conformed to wider European norms.
The other significant category of record consisted of charters drawn up by royal scribes.
characteristic feature of documents of this type was that their authenticity was based on the
attached royal seal which symbolized the king himself.
The final impulse which brought the places of authentication into existence was the
reform of the royal chancellery introduced by King Bela III (11731196). During Béla's
reign, beneficiaries ceased to be responsible for drawing up charters recording transactions;
this task was instead apportioned to the clerks of the royal chancellery. According to a widely
received opinion, Béla III was most probably influenced by Western European models, partly
French and, to a certain extent, English, but there is no agreement on this point. László Mezey,
for instance, has pointed out that French private legal literacy flourished only after 1220
1230 and, thus, could not have influenced Béla Ill's reforms.
Instead, Mezey and others trace
the origin of Béla's reforms to the Byzantine court.
It may well be that the 'pragmatic
literacy' introduced by Béla's uncle, Manuel I, served as an inspiration, especially in respect
of the formal establishment in Byzantium at this time of defined vehicles and instruments of
authenticity (demosiosis).
16 Cf. David Postles, 'Country clerici and the Composition of English Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Charters', in (ed)
Karl Heidecker, Charters and the Use of the Written Word in Medieval Society, Turnhout, 2000, pp. 27 42 (p. 29).
17 L. Bernat Kumorovitz, 'A pkori magyar magánjogi írásbeliség első szakasza (XI-XII. század)', Századok, 97,
1963, pp. 135 (pp. 1112); Cf. Philippe Depreux, 'The Development of Charters Confirming Exchange by the Royal
Administration', in (ed) Karl Heidecker, Charters and the Use of the Written Word, pp. 4362 (pp. 54, 56).
18 Cf. Ferdinand Lot and Robert Fawtier, Histoire des institutions françaises au moyen age, Paris, 1958, vol. 2, pp.
16465: quoted by Mezey, 'A pécsi egyetemalapítás', pp. 6364; Istvan Hajnal, 'Universities and the Development of
Writing in the 12
Century', Scriptorium, 6, 1952, pp. 17795; Lász Mezey, 'Ungarn und Europa in 12. Jahrhundert.
Kirche und Kultur zwischen Ost und West', in Probleme des 12. Jahrhunderts. Reichenau-Vorträge 19651967,
Vorträge und Forschungen 12, Stuttgart, 1968, pp. 25573.
19 For instance, Géza Érszegi and Árpád Varga.
20 Lász Mezey, 'A hiteleshely a közhiteg fejlőben és III. la szerepe', in (eds) nos Horvéth and György
Székely, pkori tfőink kritikus rdései, Budapest, 1974, pp. 31532 (pp. 32931).
Zsolt Hunyadi 29
A second group of scholars including Ferenc Eckhart, Imre Szent-
petery, L. Bernát Kumorovitz and György Bónis have argued that the
places of authentication evolved as autocthonous institutions and that they
originated out of the office of pristaldus (usually translated as bailiff)
and of the role played in the eleventh and twelfth centuries by the major
chapter-houses in administering ordeals.
The importance of the pristaldi
in acting as a living record of transactions was reduced by the aforemen-
tioned decree of Pope Alexander III which, as we have seen, emphasized
that after the death of the witnesses, all other instruments except for
sealed documents lost their validity. Moreover, these bailiffs were regu-
larly bribed (or at least said to be) by the parties involved. The renewal of
the Golden Bull in 1231 regulated and restricted the role of the pristaldi.
As Article 21 laid down, 'because many people suffer harm from false
bailiffs, their summons or testimony shall not be valid without the witness
of the diocesan bishop or the chapter'.
This provision of the Golden Bull of 1231 indisputably assisted the
development of the places of authentication. Nevertheless, an equally
important influence was the administration of ordeals. The ordeal was 'a
medieval method of legal proof based on the belief in direct divine inter-
vention in the determination of guilt; the accused was bound to carry a hot
iron for a definite distance or had to put his/her hand in hot water, and was
deemed innocent if s/he emerged unharmed'.
The business of estab-
lishing guilt or innocence was overseen by the church. As a consequence,
ecclesiastical institutions were vested with an authority in determining
proof which served as the basis for their further accumulation of a fides
plenaria. Moreover, in the course of proceedings, the injured hand of the
accused person was bandaged and closed with a seal, which demanded the
use of seals in the churches concerned. It should, however, be noted that
the earliest charters issued by the loca credibilia were unsealed: that is to
say, sealing was not regarded as an indispensable element of the private
legal documents ab ovo.
Still, in the thirteenth century, the witnesses
21 Cf. DRMH, 1, p. 141; ibid, 2, p. 249.
22 Cf. ibid, 1, p. 148. The expression derives from the Slavonic 'pristav' 'to be present'.
23 Ibid, l,p. 38.
24 Ibid, 1, p. 148. See also Rady, Nobility, pp. 6566; Cf. R. C. van Caenegem, The
Birth of the English Common Law, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 1989, pp. 6274.
25 Ferenc Eckhart, 'Hiteles helyeink eredete és jelentősége', Századok, 41 (1913), pp.
64055 (p. 650); see also I. Borsa, 'Zur Beurkundstätigkeit der glaubwürdigen Orte in
Ungarn', in (eds) lmán Benda, Tamás Bogyay, Horst Glassl, Forschungen über
Siebenbürgen und seine Nachbarn. Festschrift für Attila T. Szabó und Zsigmond Jakó,
2 vols., Munich, 1988, 2, pp. 14347.
30 Administering the Law: Hungary's Loca Credibilia
(testes) to a transaction acted as the principal means of evidence and they
might subsequently be called upon to tell what they recalled. As such, the
witnesses were separately named and listed as presente or presentibus in
the eschatocols of charters.
In short, the origin of the places of authentication may be attributed to
(1) the activity of the royal chancellery which served as a model, (2) the
development of customary practices most notably in respect of the ordeal,
and later (3) the use of the authentic seal. Documents sealed with an
authentic seal (sigillum authenticum) had complete authenticity (fides
plenaria): that is, they were to be given full credit by all parties
Certainly, in respect of (3), Hungarian practice diverged
from West European norms. In Hungary, no one's seal was considered
authentic in respect of his own affairs. Indeed, even the places of authenti-
cation turned to each other to record their own legal transactions. Never-
theless, the conventions governing Hungarian practice served to confirm
and reinforce the authority and weight given to the seals of the principal
religious houses.
Which religious houses constituted places of authentication and when
did they acquire this role? The earliest were the leading chapter houses:
Veszprém in 1181, Székesfehérvár in 1184, Buda (subsequently known as
Óbuda) in 1211, and Arad in 1221; and soon thereafter, from the mid-thir-
teenth century, the Benedictine abbey of Pannonhalma, the Premonstrat-
ensian priory of Jászó, the Stephanite commandery of Esztergom, and the
Hospitaller commandery of Székesfehérvár. These constituted along
with the other religious houses belonging to these orders an embrionic
institutional structure.
According to recent studies, there were almost seventy places of
authentication in the medieval kingdom of Hungary and by the beginning
of the fourteenth century these institutions covered the entire realm.
Besides the cathedral and collegiate chapters,
one may also find the
convents of the Benedictines,
the Premonstratensians,
26 Cf. Eckhart, 'Hiteles helyeink eredete', pp. 654-55; Eckhart, Magyar alkotmány és
gtorténet, p. 181; Kumorovitz, A magyar pecséthasználat, p. 13, p. 69; Ferenc Szakály, 'A
szekszárdi konvent hiteleshelyi és oklevéla műkóse 1526-ig', Tanulmányok Tolna megye
rténetéből, 1, 1968, pp. 960 (p. 13).
27 According to Eckhart (Magyar alkotmány- és jogtörténet, p. 182) fifteen cathedral and nine
collegiate chapters acted as places of authentication before 1526. By contrast, Zoltán
Miklósy has detected 28 chapters: Miklósy, 'Hiteles hely és iskola a középkorban', Leltári
Közlemények, 1819, 194041, pp. 170-78.
28 Thirteen convents: see Bónis 'A közhitelűg szervei', p. 132.
29 Six convents: ibid.
Zsolt Hunyadi 31
and the Canons Regular of St. Stephen. There is,
however, no sign of similar activity among either the Cistercians or the
mendicant orders. Some scholars have pointed out that the lack of a
conventual seal hindered such activities.
It is known, however, that the
Cistercians played an important role in charter production in Poland.
As a result of the development and consolidation of these institutions,
the 'written record' had superseded 'memory' by no later than the last
third of the thirteenth century. In respect of church affairs, however,
ecclesiastical courts did not accord full recognition to charters issued by
the loca credibilia?
This fact paved the way for the first public notaries
appearing in Hungary at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centu-
ries. In contrast to the places of authentication, the public notaries had a
much reduced role and their competence was largely confined to the field
of canon law.
Certainly, there was much trespassing across legal
spheres. For instance, suits concerning filial quarters and dowers were
often raised before an ecclesiastical court but, inasmuch as they also
concerned landed property, cases of this type were usually 're-routed' to
the secular courts.
Since the owners of proprietary churches and monasteries were able (or
so it was alleged) to influence the business of record-keeping, King Louis I
(1342-1382) ordered in 1351 that the seals of the smaller religious houses
(conventus minuti) be withdrawn and broken.
The process of 'down-
sizing' was completed by 1353. As a direct consequence, from the mid-
fourteenth century, several ecclesiastical establishments ceased activity as
loca credibilia while several chapter houses and convents most notably,
the chapters of Székesfehérvár and Óbuda, the Bosnian chapter, and the
30 Zsolt Hunyadi, 'The Locus Credibilis in Hungarian Hospitaller Coramanderies', in
(eds) Anthony Luttrell and Léon Pressouyre, La Commanderie: institution des ordres
militaires dans I'Occident médiéval, Paris, 2002, pp. 28596.
31 E.g. szló Solymosi, 'Észrevetelék a Ciszterci Rend magyarországi repertóriumáról',
Levéltári Közlemények, 55, 1984, pp. 23751 (pp. 242, 24850).
32 Anna Adamska, 'From Memory to Written Record in the Periphery of Medieval
Latinitas: the Case of Poland in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries', in (ed.)
Heidecker, Charters and the Use of the Written Word, pp. 83100 (p. 91).
33 Eckhart, Magyar alkotmány és jogtörténet, pp. 17683; Bónis, 'A közhitelűg
szervei', p. 127; Kálmán Juhász, A csanádi székeskáptalan a középkorban (1030
1552), Makó, 1941, p. 101. See also Kálmán Juhász, 'Das Kapitel von Arad als
glaubwürdiger Ort', MIÖG, 62, 1954, pp. 40624.
34 István Barta, 'Középkori közjegyzőségeink rténetéhez', in (eds) L. Bemát
Kumorovitz and Loránd Szilágyi, Emlékkönyv Szentpétery Imre születése hatvanadik
évfordulójának ünnepére, Budapest, 1938, pp. 3146.
35 11 December 1351 (Art. 3): DRMH, 2, p. 10.
32 Administering the Law: Hungary's Loca Credibilia
Székesfehérvár Hospitaller commandery were given a country-wide
authority to issue charters in respect of private transactions.
The activities of the places of authentication can be categorized as either
'internal' or 'external'. Internal activities included (1) the issue of litterae
fassionales recording private legal transactions (e.g. the conveyance of
estates, divisions of property, pledges); (2) the publication of litterae rela-
tionales which were reports sent to the curia concerning the administra-
tion of out-of-court procedures; and (3) the transcribing of letters of
record (litterae transcriptionales), usually for the purpose of their safe-
keeping. As to their formal characteristics, three types of charters can be
distinguished: litterae privilegiales, patentes, and clausae. According to
the type (or content) of the given document, different set phrases in
fixed order can be found.
relatio address
relatio salutatio
(datum or actum)
(datum or actum)
(datum or actum)
series dignitatum
sor testes
The general structure of the formulaic set of the charters issued by the places of authentication
36 Recorded by Werbőczy in the Tripartitum, II. 21 [2]: Tripartitum opus iuris
consuetudinarii inclyti regni Hungariae, Corpus Juris Hungarici, 1000-1895, (trans,
and ed.) Sándor Kolosvári, Kelemen Óvári, Dezsó Márkus, Budapest, 1897, (reprint:
Budapest, 1990) p. 282.
37 Cf. Zsolt Hunyadi, 'Regularities and Irregularities in the Formulae of the Charters
issued by the Székesfehérvar Convent of the Knights of St. John (12431400)', in (ed.)
Michael Gervers, Dating Undated Medieval Charters, Woodbridge, 2000, pp. 13749.
Zsolt Hunyadi 33
Other characteristics of the charters published by the loca credibilia
include the use of either parchment or paper, handwriting, graphic
symbols and ornamentation, the seal itself and whether the deed was
recorded in the manner of a chirograph. The scribes (notarii), headed by
the lector of the chapter, and the custodes (or the priors)
of the religious
houses ensured that on each occasion the type of charter which was issued
befitted its content. Their work was aided by the use of model charters
and, later, formularies which contained set patterns for many types of
The 'external' activity of the places of authentication included (1) the
perambulation of boundaries (reambulatio), (2) the institution of new
owners to estates (statutio, introductio), (3) the recording of last wills in
homes, and (4) the performance of inquests (either the inquisitio simplex
or the inquisitio communis'). The procedure in respect of this 'out-of-
court' business started either in the immediate vicinity of the place of
authentication or before one or more of its members and was performed
for the most part orally. In the case of mandates received from the curia
or a royal judge ordering a reambulatio, statutio or inquisitio, the compe-
tent official of the house opened the letter of instruction and read it aloud
in front of the canons or brethren. In most cases, a canon or brother was
then sent to the property or place named in the mandate to accomplish the
job on the spot (he was usually accompanied there by a royal bailiff or
homo regius). From the mid-fourteenth century, it became general prac-
tice for the scribes who wrote up the charters to name the cleric who was
appointed to perform these external services and to give an indication of
his rank. As recent studies have shown, in many instances the clerics
appointed were senior clergy and not simply choir priests. Receivers of
substantial prebends were supposed to be better equipped to resist temp-
tation and to be less open to bribery. The members of the loca credibilia
sent to perform these external tasks were supposedly also familiar with
both local custom (consuetudo terrae) and custom of the realm (consue-
tudo regni), notwithstanding their origin or mother-tongue. Having
completed the task in hand, the canon(s) or brother(s) returned to the
chapter-house or the convent and delivered an oral report. This was
subsequently included in the letter of relation which was sent back to the
curia or judge. The letter of relation reported that a statutio or reambu-
latio had been undertaken or, if it was contested, gave details of whom
had opposed it. In the case of an inquest, the letter of relation would
summarize the evidence which had been taken there. Sometimes, the
38 Zoltán Miklósy, 'Hiteles hely és iskola', p. 171.
34 Administering the Law: Hungary's Loca Credibilia
places of authentication also issued on request copies of the letter to the
parties concerned. The letter of relation, once received by the curia or
judge, served as evidence in ongoing legal actions. It might be used,
therefore, to demonstrate that a property was held unlawfully, that a
boundary was incorrectly laid, that a violent trespass had taken place, or
that an owner's claim to his estate was not certain. If further evidence was
needed, the curia or judge might instruct the place of authentication to
perform additional tasks or to summon the parties to court.
Places of authentication were very similar to each other with regard to
the revenue they obtained from their work (especially the fees received
for issuing a charter, performing an inquest and so on). It is difficult to
estimate accurately the overall income of these houses, for there is no reli-
able information available on the number of matters transacted by any
single locus credibilis. Fortunately, there are several articles in decrees
enacted during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries which fixed the fees
for procuring charters and for performing other services.
many of these passages refer to the fees which were due to the royal chan-
cellery, they still provide some indirect evidence as to the costs charged
by the loca credibilia. It is apparent, for instance, that ornate or painted
initials increased the price of a privilege. Even on relatively simple char-
ters a gap (sigla) can sometimes be found which was left for the (missing)
initials. This suggests that the writing and the decoration of the charters
represented different phases in their production. In respect of the Székes-
fehérvár Hospitaller commandery, for instance, all evidence of spectac-
ular ornamentation disappears after 1280. This was presumably due either
to the relative poverty of the parties who turned to this particular place of
authentication, or to the increased number of charters issued by its
scriptorium. From the middle of the fourteenth century the decorative
initials reappeared but never reached the previous level. Another factor
was the appearance in the first half of the fourteenth century of paper
which replaced parchment at least in the case of letters close and patent. It
certainly made charter production cheaper.
It is, however, difficult to calculate the exact proportion of income
received by those members of a chapter or convent who played a role in
39 1290 (Art. 16): DRMH, 1, p. 44; circa 1300 (Art. 19): ibid, pp. 74-75; circa 1300 (Art. 20):
ibid. p. 7475. These fees remained valid until at least 1435. See DRMH, 1, p. 138; 1351
(Art. 21): ibid, 2, pp. 1213.
40 Zsolt Hunyadi, 'The Knights of St. John and the Hungarian Private Legal Literacy up to the
Mid-Fourteenth Century', in (eds) Bazs Nagy and Marcell Sebők, ...The Man of Many
Devices Who Wandered Full Many Ways... Festschrift in Honor of János M. Bak, Budapest,
1999, pp. 50719 (p. 514).
solt Hunyadi 35
the business of authentication. It is unlikely that the analogy of the chap-
ters can be applied to the monastic sites, since the leaders of the chapter's
chancellery, the lector and his deputy, the sublector, as well as the choir
priests, received their fees as part of their prebends. In respect of the
monastic orders it seems that the custos and/or prior, even though they
had a clear role in the authentication,
did not derive any separate
revenue from this activity. Additionally, with respect to the Hospitaller
commanderies, it should be noted that only a few commanderies profited
from this type "of legal business most notably Sopron, Újudvar, and
Szekesfehervar. In this respect, the status of Szekesfehervar was signifi-
cant, since it was the only Hospitaller place of authentication which was
allowed to continue its activity after the reforms of King Louis I in the
early 1350s.
The Székesfehérvar commandery was one of the four most
important places of authentication and it continued its activity up to the
mid-sixteenth century, until the Turkish occupation of this part of the
Hungarian kingdom.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that the non-Hungarian reader may
find the loca credibilia less unique as an institution than Hungarian schol-
arship has traditionally allowed. Despite the many differences, there are
numerous similarities to be found in the activity of other European medi-
eval institutions which had a role in charter production and in adminis-
tering the law. Much new information has been unearthed since the
publication of Ferenc Eckhart's seminal work in 1915. Not only his
students but also a new generation of medievalists have contributed to our
understanding of the institutional history of the places of authentication.
The important task now is to couple the work of Hungarian scholars with
the wider European literature on charters, scriptoria and procedural law,
and to achieve thereby a truly comparative perspective.
41 Mezey, 'A pécsi egyetemalapitás', p. 77.
42 In the case of the commandery of Dubica, matters were arranged differently. See
Hunyadi, 'Locus Credibilis', p. 292.
Hungarian and Croatian Customary Law:
Some Contrasts and Comparisons
Damir Karbić
The relevance of the laws of the medieval kingdom of Croatia to medieval
Hungarian law should be obvious. After all, both Hungarian and Croatian
law originate from within very much the same historical milieu and from
within the same 'state complex'. At the very least, the Croatian codes of
law might be expected to provide some interesting analogies and addi-
tions. Nevertheless, the Croatian codes have been largely neglected by
legal historians. For the most part, scholars have preferred to analyse
them either from a philological point of view
or by reference not to
Hungarian practices but instead to the idea of a common Slavonic legal
Only very recently have the Croatian legal codes been given
the attention and context which they deserve.
In the first part of this essay
1 See, for example, Eduard Hercigonja, 'Neke jezično-stilske značajke Vinodolskog
zakona (1288) i Krčkoga (Vrbanskoga) statute (1388)', Slovo, 3940 (Zagreb), 1990,
pp. 87125.
2 Russian historians have invested particular effort in the study of some of these law
codes, but their interest has mostly been directed towards comparisons of Croatian law
codes with Russian and Slavonic codes in general. See, for example, the works of the
Russian scholar Boris Dimitrijevič Grekov: Vinodol'skij statu! ob obščestvenom i
političeskom stroe Vinodola, Moscow-Leningrad, 1948; and Polica, Moscow, 1951
(includes a Russian translation of the law code of Poljica). For a German version of the
latter, see Grekov, Die altkroatische Republik Poljica: Studien zur Geschichte der
gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse der Poljica vom 15. bis 17. Jahrhundert, Berlin, 1961.
3 The first contributions in that direction are recent articles by Maurizio Levak and
myself. See Levak, 'Podrijetlo i uloga kmetâ u vinodolskom društvu XIII. Stoljeća',
Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti
Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosli, 19, 2001, pp. 3581 (with English-language
summary); Damir Karbič, 'Hrvatski plemićki rod i običajno pravo', Zbornik Odsjeka za
povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije
znanosti i umjetnosti, 16 1998, pp. 73117 (with English-language summary). The
latter is a slightly amended version and translation of my MA thesis, The Croatian
Noble Kindred, Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University,
Budapest, 1994.
38 Hungarian and Croatian Customary Law
I shall give some brief information on the Croatian codes and on Croatian
customary law in general, while in the second I shall comment on some
particular issues regarding the character both of this material and of its
relationship to medieval Hungarian customary law.
There are in all six codes of customary law from medieval Croatia
dating from the end of the thirteenth century to the middle of the fifteenth.
Two of these, the law codes of Poljica and Novigrad, have a more general
character, while the remaining four, the law codes of Vinodol and Vrana
and the statutes of the ligae (i.e. allied districts) of Nin and Zadar, are
specific to particular social groups. Three (those of Vinodol, Poljica and
the ligae of Nin) are extant in the Croatian vernacular, two (those of
Novigrad and Vrana) are composed in Italian, while the remaining single
instance (that of the ligae of Zadar) is written in Latin.
The oldest of the six codes is from Vinodol and was drawn up at the
end of the thirteenth century.
As has been demonstrated by the recent
research of Mauricio Levak, the code of Vinodol was in the first place the
customary law of the castle-warriors (iobagiones castri)
of Vinodol,
which was a frontier area characterized by the existence of numerous
castles manned by members of this particular military group.
The code
was composed in 1288 following the transfer of the area from the authority
of the king to that of magnates, the counts of Krk. Since no other code of
customary law relating to castle-warriors within the kingdoms of Croatia
and Hungary is extant (or indeed ever probably existed), close study of the
law code of Vinodol sheds new light on their condition in general.
4 The law code of Novigrad was apparently written in Latin and translated into Italian in the
sixteenth century, approximately one hundred years after its original composition. In respect
of the statute of the ligae of Nin, it is hard to establish the original language as it survives
only in an eighteenth-century copy. Other law codes survive in their original form and
5 Because of its importance for Croatian legal history, this law code has been edited several
times. For the most recent critical edition of the law code of Vinodol, see (ed) Josip
Bratulić, Vinodolski zakon 1288, Zagreb, 1988. For an English translation of this text, see
(ed) Lujo Margetić, Vinodolski zakon La legge del Vinodol Das Gesetz von Vinodol
The Vinodol Law, Rijeka, 1998.
6 For the institution of castle-warriors in Hungary, see Attila Zsoldos, A szent kily szabadjai.
Fejezetek a várjobbágysag rténetéből, Budapest, 1999; Martyn Rady, Nobility, Land and
Service in Medieval Hungary, London and Basingstoke, 2000, pp. 2022, 7982; l Engel,
The Realm of St. Stephen: A History of Medieval Hungary, 8951526, London, 2001, pp.
7 Levak, 'Podrijetlo'.
8 For further details on the law code of Vinodol, see Lujo Margetić, Iz Vinodolske prošlosti,
Rijeka, 1980, and Tomislav Raukar, Hrvatsko srednjovjekovlje, Zagreb, 1997, p. 193 (with
literature cited).
Damir Karbić 39
The law code of Vrana was intended for another group of privileged
warriors, the so-called feudatarii of the castle of Vrana. These consisted of
lesser noblemen of varying origin (Croatian, Italian, some even
who served as the garrison of Vrana and were recompensed
for their service with landed estates in the district.
The statutes of the
ligae of the districts of Nin
and Zadar
differ from the other codes
because they do not relate to some particular privileged group, but to village
communities (universitates villarum) in the districts belonging to the cities
of Nin and Zadar.'
The laws of Vrana and of the ligae of Zadar were
compiled in the mid-1450s as part of a greater wave of legislative
codification initiated by the Venetian government in the Croatian
territories under their control (which at that time consisted of the districts of
Dalmatian cities and parts of Croatian counties in the hinterland of Zadar).
The exact dating of the statute of the ligae of Nin cannot be established with
any certainty. Nevertheless, scholars are mostly agreed that it (or at least its
substance) belongs to the same period or a little later: that is the late 1460s or
early 1470s.
9 Among these, the de Fiorenzo family were of Hungarian origin. The family descended
from ser Ferençus, filius domini Petri. Peter was the son of Martin of Szentmárton and
in the 1370s a vicebanus of Croatia. For the de Fiorenzo family, see Albert genealogici
Zaratini, unpublished MS, Biblioteca Marciana, Venice (It. CI. VI Cod. 530 [12324]).
The MS was acquired through the bequest of the Zaratin historian, Giuseppe Praga.
10 The best edition of the law code of Vrana is provided by Stjepan Antoljak, 'Vransko
običajno pravo', Radovi Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru, 18, 1979, pp. 167219. See also
Miren Marevič Frejdenberg, '"Vranski zakonik". Novi spomenik hrvatskog običajnog
prava', Radovi Instituta JAZU u Zadru, 18, 1971, pp. 323341, and Tomislav Raukar,
'Marginalije uz novootkriveni "Vranski zbomik" iz godine 1454', Historijski zbornik,
2526, 19721973, pp. 369375.
11 The statute is edited by Petar Karlič, 'Statut lige kotara ninskog', Vjesnik Hrvatskog
arheološkog društva, N. S., 12, 1912, pp. 287298. The text of the statute was re-edited
by Karlič with corrections (but without the introductory study) under the same title in
the journal Mjesečnik pravničkoga društva u Zagrebu, 39, no. 1, 1913, pp. 394402.
12 The statute is inserted in the sixteenth-century edition of the statute of Zadar as a
'reformation' (Ref. 137). For the text, see Statuta Iadertina cum omnibus
reformationibus in hunc usque diem factis, Venice, 1564, pp. 121129. Modern
edition: (eds) Josip Kolanovič and Mate Križman, Zadarski statut, Zadar, 1997, pp.
13 For further details on these statutes and local organizations, see: Đuro Ljubić, 'Lige i
posobe u starom hrvatskom pravu i njihov odnos prema Poljičkom statutu', Rad JAZU,
Zagreb, 1931, pp. 1104 (pp. 13, 4269); Marko Šunjić, Dalmacija u XV. Stoljeću,
Sarajevo, 1967, pp. 178183; Raukar, Hrvatsko srednjovjekovlje, pp. 192, 218.
14 For the ligae of the district of Nin in this period, see Sunjić, Dalmacija, p. 181. The
code may, however, be dated even a little later, to the end of the fifteenth century or the
very beginning of the sixteenth, since the Ottomans are mentioned several times, but
the chronology needs further investigation.
40 Hungarian and Croatian Customary Law
On the evidence of the earliest extant copy, the date of the law code of
Novigrad has usually been ascribed to the early 1550s.
The recent
research of Nikola Jakšić shows, however, that the code originated in the
early 1450s, and thus in the same period as two of the three law codes
previously discussed.
The code was composed by members of the lesser
nobility of the district of Novigrad, a part of the county of Luka which
came under Venetian rule together with the cities of Zadar and Nin and
the castle of Vrana in 1409. According to the text of the law code, it
sought to record the customary law of Croatia and, in particular, of the
area between Nin and Knin.
The last extant law code of Croatian customary law is that of Poljica, a
region (a district or a county dependant on chronology) situated south-
east of Split.
The law of Poljica was apparently codified in the second
15 For an edition of the law code of Novigrad and an introductory study, see Miho Barada,
Starohrvatska seoska zajednica, Zagreb, 1957, pp. 149177. A monograph with a more
modern discussion is still missing. For some comments on the law code of Novigrad, see
Lujo Margetić, Hrvatsko srednjovjekovno obiteljsko i nasljedno pravo, Zagreb, 1996, p.
245; by the same author, Srednjovjekovno hrvatsko pravo obvezno pravo, Rijeka, 1997,
p. 287. Mladen Ančić is currently working on a study of this law code. Discussion with
him helped me clarify some ideas on the codification of the law codes mentioned in
this article, for which I owe him my sincere gratitude.
16 Nikola Jakšić, 'Nastanak novigradskog zbornika hrvatskog običajnog prava', in Jakšić,
Hrvatski srednjovjekovni krajobrazi, Split, 2000, pp. 170180.
17 ... Qui de sotto scriveremo le consuetudini che sono state net paese di Croatia, cominciando
da Tnin afin a Nona ...: Barada, Starohrvatska, p. 158.
18 Some elements of Croatian customary law may also be found in the statutes of certain
Dalmatian and Croatian communes (for example, in those of Krk, Senj, Skradin, Šibenik,
Brač and Hvar), but in this paper I shall concentrate only on the law codes mentioned
above, which express Croatian customary law more directly. Among the codes of
Croatian customary law might also be included the law code of the Vlachs of the Cetina
county (Vlaški zakon), confirmed in 1436 by Count John (Anž) Frankapan, who was at that
time the count of Cetina. This law code relates, however, to a population living in a rather
different social system (the society of transhumants within the borders of a great estate)
as opposed to the law codes discussed in this paper. For an edition of this code (with an
introductory study), see Radoslav Lopašić, Hrvatski urbari. Urbaria lingua Croatica
conscripta, Monumenta historico-juridica Slavorum Meridionalium 5, Zagreb, 1894, pp. 1
12. For the Vlachs in Croatia generally, see Nada Klaić, Povijest Hrvata u razvijenom
srednjem vijeku, Zagreb, 1976, pp. 607610, and Raukar, Hrvatsko srednjovjekovlje, pp.
Damir Karbic 41
half of the fourteenth century,
but the extant version is 'the new statute' of
the 1440s, which was recorded only shortly before the submission of the
county to Venice.
The code was promulgated by the organs of local
noble autonomy, most probably in order to stress their autonomous legis-
lative status. Until the fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797, the law code
of Poljica remained the principal legislative document of the area and it
acquired, albeit on a more limited and local level, a position and reputa-
tion similar to that enjoyed by Werbőczy's Tripartitum in Hungary and
northern Croatia.
In respect of the brief survey given here, it is worth noting several
points. The first is connected with the manner and timing of codification.
Historians generally agree that the Croatian codes were compiled at signal
political moments.
In the case of the law code of Vinodol, codification
was certainly influenced by the fact that the area passed from royal
authority to the rule of the counts of Krk.
In the case of the 'new statute'
of Poljica, codification was followed hard upon by the transfer of the
region from royal to Venetian authority and was undertaken during the
conflict between the supporters of King Wladislas I and those of Queen
Elisabeth, the Duke Stephen Kosača of Hum/Herzegovina, and Venice.
19 On this matter, see Ante Nazor, 'Granica izmeĎu Splita i Poljica i splitsko-poljički
sukobi u XIV. i XV. stoljeću (Dio prvi Izdvajanje Poljica u zasebnu jedinicu i
pitanje pripadnosti Primorja tijekom srednjeg vijeka)', Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne
znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i
umjetnosti, 20, 2002, pp. 2957 (pp. 4244).
20 For an edition of the law code of Poljica, see Miroslav Pera, Poljički statut, Split, 1988.
There is an English translation of the text by Edo Pivčević ('The Statute of Poljica'
published for the British-Croatian Society in BC Review, 1112, Bristol, 1978), but this
was unavailable to me at the time of writing. For more information on the law code of
Poljica, see the bibliography published in Pera, Poljički statut, pp. 555581.
21 Because of this, the law code of Poljica was continually revised until the eighteenth
century, but sometimes in such a manner as to obscure the original version of its text.
However, most of the additions are dated, which facilitates its use.
22 Thus for instance, Josip Kolanović, 'Hrvatsko običajno pravo prema ispravama XIV. i
XV. Stoljeća', Arhivski vjesnik, 36, 1993, pp. 8598 (p. 87).
23 The exact dating of the transfer of authority is still debated. See Nada Klaić, 'Kako i
kada su knezovi krčki stekli Modruš i Vinodol?', Vjesnik Historijskih arhiva u Rijeci i
Pazinu, 16, 1971, pp. 129168; Margeti6, Iz vinodolske proslosti, pp. 1526; Levak,
'Podrijetlo', pp. 3940.
24 On the establishment of Venetian authority over Poljica, see Šunjić, Dalmacija, pp.
6769; Ante Laušić, Postanak i razvitak Poljičke kneževine (do kraja XV stoljeća),
Split, 1991, 105107. For the broader political context, see Engel, 77ie Realm, pp.
280288; and Elemér Mályusz, 'The four Tallóci brothers', Quaestiones Medii
Aevi Novae, 3 (Warsaw), 1998, pp. 137175 (pp. 155-157, 165169).
42 Hungarian and Croatian Customary Law
In respect of the other law codes, it has usually been argued that they were
drawn up as a result of the transfer to Venetian rule of the territories to
which they applied. Closer examination suggests, however, that they were
in fact composed at a time of relative political and social stability, having
already been for about forty years under Venetian rule.
It is, neverthe-
less, undeniable that they were recorded at a time when Venice was
actively promoting legislative and administrative reform both within
Venice itself and in some of the Dalmatian cities which lay under its sway
(most notably Zadar, the statute of which achieved its final form at this
To an extent, therefore, codification resulted from efforts by the
central authority to introduce order and coherence to existing legal prac-
tices by putting the law into writing.
Another issue relates to the manner in which these law codes were
recorded. Only those of Vinodol and Poljica were formally promulgated
by their respective local magistracies (although, of course, with the subse-
quent approval of their superiors). The remaining four were essentially
'private' compilations which were put together by well-informed
members of the local establishment. In the case of the law code of Vrana
and the statutes of the ligae, these were then promulgated by representa-
tives of the Venetian authorities. We do not know, however, what
happened in the case of the law code of Novigrad. We may infer,
however, that it received general acceptance from the fact that its content
was officially transcribed a century later by the count of Zadar. At the
time when the transcript was made, the Novigrad area was already threat-
ened by the Ottomans and, indeed, a part of Novigrad's territory lay under
Turkish occupation.
The interest shown by the Croatian lesser nobility of the Littoral in
writing down their customs was probably influenced by the more devel-
oped legislative practices of the neighbouring Dalmatian cities. The
legally literate culture of the Littoral contrasted with the predominantly
25 Zadar, Nin, Vrana and Novigrad came under Venetian authority in 1409. For further
details, see Šunjić, Dalmacija, pp. 4047; Engel, The Realm, pp. 234235.
26 For further details, see Tomislav Raukar, Ivo Petricioli, Franjo Svelec, Sime Pericic,
Zadar pod mletackom upravom 14091797, vol 3 of the series Proslost Zadra, Zadar,
1987, pp. 4647.
27 For further details on the political situation in the mid-sixteenth century as it affected
Novigrad and its district, see Ivna Anzulovic, 'Razgranicenje izmedu mletacke i turske vlasti
na zadarskom prostoru 1576. godine, nakon Ciparskog rata', Zadarska smotra, 47, no. 13,
Zadar, 1998, pp. 53148 (esp. pp. 57, 98). It is possible that the copy was made because the
Venetian authorities still entertained hopes in the early 1550s of repopulating the area.
Damir Karbić 43
oral culture of the hinterland. Moreover, the reason often given by histo-
rians that the codes were drawn up as a way of informing Venice as to
what local customs and practices were followed is unconvincing. First,
the Venetian authorities were cautious about involving themselves in the
local affairs of their subject territories.
Secondly, the laws with which
we are dealing here were applied not by the Venetian authorities but
instead by local courts that were administered by local judges and asses-
sors. In short, there was simply no need to inform or to be informed.
Nevertheless, whatever the motives behind codification, the fact remains
that the Croatian codes have provided historians with abundant material,
which enables comparisons with the customary law of Hungary.
In respect of Hungarian customary law, Werbőczy did his best to
provide a distillation of what he knew and to make such revisions and
adjustments as he thought appropriate. The compilers of Croatian
customary law were less educated than Werbőczy and consequently less
ambitious, but the codes which they drew up cannot be considered as
simple renditions of local custom as it really was. Legal historians have
demonstrated that the Croatian authors also drew on such authorities as
Justinian's Digest,
the acts of ecclesiastical councils (in the first place
that of Lateran IV of 1215 and of Lyons of 1245), the Decretum of
Gratian, the Sextae of 1298, and so on.
Sometimes they even quote (or
translate) these sources verbatim, but they seldom refer explicitly to their
sources. Unlike Werbőczy, it does not seem, therefore, that they were
trying to impress their readers by showing off their knowledge. Of course,
it may be that they trusted their readers to recognize the sources for them-
selves and thus to give them the credit anyway. It is more likely, however,
that the passages involved had by this time worked their way into
common legal thinking and that they had acquired a customary character.
The penetration of Croatian customs by elements of the European ius
commune carries important implications not just for this region but also
for our understanding of how Hungarian law itself may have developed.
Croatian and Hungarian customary law did not differ much from one
another at least in respect of property and family law (with which the
present author is most familiar). The congruence between the two is not
surprising given that the social systems of both countries were practically
28 On this matter, see Šunjić, Dalmacija, pp. 8081, 178184.
29 See, for example, art. 49c of the law code of Poljica, which is almost a direct
translation of Novella 115 (from 542 AD). For further details, see Margetić, Hrvatsko
srednjovjekovno obiteljsko, pp. 269271.
30 For further details, see Pera, Poljički statut, pp. 392394.
44 HungarianandCroatian Customary Law
parts of one more or less unified structure. This was particularly the case
in respect of the Croatian and Hungarian nobilities in whose rights both
Werbőczy and the Croatian law codes were primarily interested. Never-
theless, there were some slight differences. For instance, Croatia did not
recognize the institution of the filial quarter and it preferred the dowry to
the dower.
On the other hand, the differences between the customs of
Croatia and other regions (including Hungary) were frequently empha-
sized at the time.
Despite this apparent congruence, differences between the customs of
Croatia and those of other regions (including Hungary) were frequently
remarked upon during the course of the later Middle Ages.
The most
famous example of this arose in 1361 in the context of a law suit between
the Zaratin nobleman James de Cesamis (by origin a member of Croatian
nobility) and the Glamočani kindred. During the course of the suit, King
Louis transferred the case to the court of the Croatian ban, Nicholas
Szécsi, instructing the ban to proceed according to Hungarian and not
according to Dalmatian or Croatian custom.
Louis's decision has
provoked astonishment among historians, since both King Louis and Ban
Nicholas usually acted to promote Croatian customs, as indeed did the
royal Angevin officials in Croatia.
Moreover, it does not seem that in
this particular issue there was any significant difference between
Hungarian, Croatian and Dalmatian customary arrangements. Almost
certainly, Louis's decision was taken on pragmatic grounds and had
nothing to do with any supposed primacy of Hungarian law. Since James
was a Dalmatian who might reasonably expect to be judged by his own
law, and since the Glamočani counted as Croatian, Hungarian customs
might be seen as a neutral set of principles which favoured neither side.
A comparable instance was recorded in 1375, although on this occa-
sion it worked to the advantage of Croatian customs. In that year, Charles
of Durazzo, duke of Croatia-Dalmatia, set aside a judgement previously
31 For further details, see Karbić, 'Hrvatski plemićki rod'.
32 For further details, see Kolanović, 'Hrvatsko običajno pravo', pp. 9095. See also the case
regarding differences of customary law of Croatia and Slavonia in an inheritance dispute in
1499 (Karbić, 'Hrvatski plemicki rod', p. 101, esp. note 121).
33 Tadija Smičiklas, Diplomatički zbornik Kraljevine Hrvatske, Dalmacije i Slavonije.
Codex diplomatics Regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae, 13, Zagreb, 1915, no 127,
pp. 185190 (p. 188).
34 As an example, see Stjepan Antoljak, 'Izumiranje i nestanak hrvatskog plemstva u
okolici Zadra', Radovi Instituta Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zadru, 9,
1962, pp. 55115 (p. 55).
Damir Karbić 45
passed in his court on the basis of Sicilian law and returned the case to
the ban's court in Knin to be adjudicated according to Croatian
Sicilian customs and procedures were plainly at odds with
Croatian practice: hence the decision to rehear the case according to
Croatian legal norms. Moreover, in this case Sicilian customs had been
followed almost coincidentally as the duke, being himself a South Italian
Angevin prince, relied in his chancellery on legal experts drawn from his
Italian dominions.
There are several additional cases of this type where actions were
moved from one sphere of customary law to another, including one which
contrasted the custom of Poljica to that of the whole of the kingdom of
It seems, however, that in all these cases just as in the two
outlined above the reasons for moving the case were pragmatic and
were not bound up with any such notion as there being a hierarchy of
customary laws in which local codes assumed an inferior or subsidiary
position. Cases were moved on grounds of expediency and suitability.
Thus, even this brief survey suggests that we should consider customary
provisions as they were followed in the different kingdoms and parts of
Hungary and Croatia not in terms of a hierarchy or of a competition for
priority but instead in terms of the coexistence of complementary legal
35 See for example Kolanovic, 'Hrvatsko običajno pravo', pp. 9597.
36 For further details, see Nazor, 'Granica', pp. AlA'i.
37 For further details on the acceptance of this principle in the fourteenth- and early
fifteenth-century kingdom of Hungary in general, see: János M. Bak, Pál Engel, James
Ross Sweeney, 'Statute Law and Custom', in (eds) Bak, Engel, Sweeney, The Laws of
the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, vol. 2, Salt Lake City, 1992, pp. xlvxlviii.
Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the
Martyn Rady
1. Introduction
The Tripartitum was presented to the Hungarian diet in 1514 and
published in 1517. Although some alterations were made in the course of
the intervening period (most notably in respect of III. 25 [2], on the legal
condition of the peasantry), the vast bulk of the work as well as its
internal organization remained unchanged. The Tripartitum is, as its name
suggests, arranged in three principal parts, to which are attached a
Prologue and a number of smaller items: a preface, dedication to the
reader, the text of the royal approbatio, several poems, and so on.
Werbőczy explained in the opening chapter of Part One, he had originally
sought to arrange the main body of the text in three parts according to the
civilian distinctions of personae, res and actiones, but had been unable
for practical reasons to keep to this scheme. Thus, Part One is concerned
with both personae and res, Part Two with procedures and sources of
legal authority, and Part Three with those subordinate jurisdictions (coun-
ties, cities, Transylvania, Croatia, Slavonia, and so on) from which a case
might be moved to the royal courts. In what follows, we are principally
concerned with Part Two of the Tripartitum and with what it conveys in
respect of Hungarian procedural law.
The second part of the Tripartitum is formally divided into two
sections of unequal length. The first of these extends from chapters two to
seventeen and treats primarily upon the sources of legal authority. The
second section, which is entitled the 'Continuation' (Prosecutio), deals
1 Although it received the royal approval, the Tripartitum never obtained the royal seal
and was not formally communicated to the counties. Although later referred to as 'the
Decretum', the Tripartitum lacked the legal character of a decretum. Its authority
rested instead on use and custom.
48 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
exclusively with procedure and extends from chapter eighteen to the end
of Part Two almost seventy chapters in all. The opening chapter of Part
Two serves an introductory purpose and announces the ordering of the
text which follows. In this first chapter, Werbőczy explains that, with Part
One of the book now complete, he will remark on 'the procedures used in
actions and suits, the execution of judgements and the order in which
sentences are to be passed in these matters' (de causarum, et litium
processibus, et executionibus, ac sententiarum super his ferendarum
serie). He goes on to indicate, however, that before embarking upon this
task, he will discuss not only how a 'constitution or general decree of the
prince should be understood' but also the origin of the custom and
unwritten law 'which at this time all of us use'. This prefatory account
occupies the first section of Part Two, while 'the procedures used in
actions and suits' and their accompaniments make up the Continuation.
2. Sources of Legal Authority
Werbőczy gives no explanation for his decision to include at the begin-
ning of Part Two a lengthy discussion on the origins of Hungarian
customary law, on the rights of the ruler in respect of legislation, and on
the relationship between privilege and statute {decretum)} At first sight,
these chapters might be thought to belong more properly within either the
Prologue or the opening chapters of Part One.
This would seem to be
particularly the case in respect of Werbőczy's tortured account of the
translation of authority from the populus to the rex under St Stephen
(100038) a translation which apparently did not deprive the populus
of its law-making capacity (II. 3).
There was, however, some logic
2 A decretum was a law passed by the diet which received the royal assent.
3 Indeed, such a rearrangement was subsequently undertaken in the early eighteenth-
century Novum Tripartitum. See National Széchényi Library, Budapest (hereafter
OSzK), Fol. hat., 559. The mid-sixteenth century Quadripartitum, by contrast,
dispensed with a Prologue. Some of Werczy's own Prologue was, however,
retained and conjoined with the discussion of custom given in Part Two of the
Tripartitum. This combined account formed the opening chapters of Part Three of
the Quadripartitum. See Quadripartitum Opus Juris Consuetudinarii Regni
Hungariae, Zagreb, 1798.
4 Apologists of Habsburg absolutism were swift to identify the contradictions in
Werbőczy's account. See Izdenczy's 'Etwas von Verböcz', discussed in Ferenc
Strada, 'Izdenczy zsef. Az államtacs első magyar tagja', A Gróf Klebelsberg
Kuno Magyar rténetkutató Intézet Évkonyve, 10, 1940, pp. 54149 (pp. 6970);
László Kövesdy, Examen Verböczyanum, Pest, 1785, p. 58.
Martyn Rady 49
behind Werbőczy's broad arrangement. The rights and obligations which
were tested in the courtroom rested on legal instruments which included
decreta, customary provisions, royal privileges and other types of deed.
The weight attaching to these, their validity, and the correct priority to be
accorded to the one over the other were vital matters in assessing any
individual legal claim.
Werbőczy's interest in establishing a hierarchy of legal authority, by
reference to which claims might be assessed, compelled him to tackle
anew the relationship of statute to custom. In the Prologue, Werbőczy had
presented custom and statute as being separate, equal and competing
repositories of law. In Part Two, by contrast, he achieved a formulation
which comported more with contemporary Hungarian notions of legal
As he asserted, the provisions of statute law were only good in
so far as they were approved by use; indeed, statute might be invalidated
by contrary practice 'for actual and continuous use often overturns a
law' (II. 2 [9]). In contrast to the Prologue, where he had declared that a
later statute might unconditionally overturn an earlier custom, in this part
of the work Werbőczy suggests that only the most recently-enacted
statute might do so, for it was not yet possible to determine whether it was
framed for good or for bad and thus, by implication, whether it carried the
sanction of custom (II. 2 [10]). As Werbőczy argued, however, the rela-
tionship between statute and custom was reflexive. The efficacy of a
statute rested on use, but at the same time statutes might themselves
mould and shape custom. Accordingly, even elements of the oldest laws
of the kingdom had 'flowed down and been carried over into our custom'
(II. 6 [9]). Likewise the procedural innovations of the fourteenth-century
Angevin kings had by use acquired a customary character sufficient to
make them inviolable, impervious to any subsequent alteration by statute,
and indeed the bedrock of the nobility's privileges (II. 6 [1213]).
Nevertheless, custom was more than statute confirmed by use. To
demonstrate this point, Werbőczy turned his attention to those other
sources which shaped and determined Hungarian customary law. To
begin with, Werbőczy asserted that the broad principles of Hungarian law
rested almost entirely on Roman and canonical legal sources: ex pontificii,
caesareique juris fontibus (II. 6). He did not, however, dwell upon this
observation. Instead, he moved smartly on to identify two sources of
5 See in particular the important discussion by the editors of The Laws of The Medieval
Kingdom of Hungary ISO 11457 {Decreta Regni Mediaevalis Hungariae, vol 2), eds
János M. Bak, Pál Engel, James Ross Sweeney, Salt Lake City, 1992, pp. xlv xlviii.
50 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
custom which were additional to statute but which, by his arrangement of
the text, seem to be imbued with an almost equal efficacy. The first of
these was royal privilege. As Werbőczy explained, rights extended by the
ruler and upheld repeatedly in court acquired a customary character (II. 6
[10]). They thus ceased to rest on the sanction of privilege but aquired
efficacy through use. By the same token, rights given in a privilege, but
not exercised, lost over time their validity (II. 12 [6]).
The second source of authority comprised in Werbőczy's account the
decisions of judges. As Werbőczy put it, 'custom has come out
[emanavit] of the verdicts of the judges ordinary of the kingdom and
from repeated letters of adjudication passed and delivered and composed
in one and the same order, manner and process on many occasions, and
confirmed by their lawful execution' (II. 6 [11]). Werbőczy gives no
indication as to whether he understands by this anything akin to a declar-
atory theory of the law.
Nor does he suggest how many judicial deci-
sions might be needed to make a custom this would be left to later
It is certainly the case that, in the earliest years of the
sixteenth century, the diet retained an interest in the content of judicial
decisions and in their relationship to the customs and laws of the realm.
Indeed, it is from this time that we have the earliest evidence of the
compilation of something resembling a court report the so-called
Decisiones Tabulae tempore Wladislai R. in Curia Regiae Majestatis,
6 A common enough civilian view. See Peter Stein, 'The Civil Law Doctrine of
Custom and the Growth of Case Law', in Scintillae Iuris. Studi in memoria di Gino
Gorla, 3 vols, Milan, 1994, i, pp 37181 (p. 373).
7 On the declaratory theory of the law, see Rupert Cross and J.W. Harris, Precedent
in English Law, 4
edition, Oxford, 1991, pp. 258.
8 Stephen Huszty, Jurisprudentia practica seu Commentarius novus in Jus
Hungaricum, Nagyszombat, 1766, p. 27 (ad I. 4);nos Szegedi, Tripartitum Juris
Hungarici Tyrocinium, Kassa, 1764 (first published in 1734), pp. 53 (ad pro. 11),
237 (ad II. 2), 276 (ad II. 6); Andreas Huszti, Iurisprudentia Hungarico
Transilvanica, Szeben, 1742, p. 60; Commissio Systematica. Observationes in
Tripartitum, OSzK, Qu. Lat., 2378, fol 57v. We do not wish to enter here into the
issue of judge-made law in Hungary. Plainly, as Szegedi pointed out (ibid, pp.
134, Ad lectorem), the absence of anything resembling the reports of the Roman
Rota or of the scabini of Leipzig must qualify all arguments in this direction.
Szegedi preferred to see the law as deriving from praxis and learned by wrangling
in patvariis: i.e. that the law was made by lawyers and not by judges. Cf. the
fourteenth-century Ars Notarialis which similarly noted that the law was learned
ex auditu iuvenes a senioribus et compares a comparibus, cited by György
nis, Középkori jogunk elemei. mai jog, kánonjog, szokásjog, Budapest, 1972,
p. 161.
9 1505: 10 (5). Discussed by József Illés, Bevezetés a magyar jog rténetébe.
Aforrások története, Budapest, 1910, pp. 845.
Martyn Rady 51
judicialiter per sententiamfactae.
In contrast, however, to later writers
(most notably Kitonich), Werbőczy does not cite specific decisiones to
make a point. At the very most, all he gives us are reminiscences and
reflections derived from his own experience as a judge.
Having addressed the three sources of legal and customary provision
namely, decreta, privileges and judicial decisions Werbőczy turned
to more practical matters and, specifically, to the question of the content
and context of privileges, for in these were recorded those rights
belonging to individual noblemen which were most likely to be contested
in court (II. 712). Werbőczy listed the ways in which privileges could be
rendered invalid namely, by statute; by their formal revocation; by
their repeated repudiation by judges; by their harming the rights of others;
by not conforming in their content to the principles of law and custom;
and by failure on the part of the recipient to exercise the rights included in
the privilege. Thereafter, Werbőczy's account logically passed to a brief
of seals which led in turn to a list of the kings of Hungary
whose privileges might be deemed authentic, as well as to the types of
seal which might be expected to be found on charters issued by individual
rulers. In several cases, extensive extracts are given in the text, taken from
surviving charters, as further tests against which an individual instru-
ment's validity might be judged. The whole point of this exercise was to
communicate the formal marks of proof by reference to which the authen-
ticity of a privilege could be established. Hereafter ensued a discussion of
forgeries. Werbőczy indicates the very large number of forgeries which
had been produced in the middle decades of the fifteenth century, and he
reproduces in its entirety a letter of judgement issued by the royal council
in 1448. This document condemned to death the notorious forger, Gabriel
Litteratus, and listed several dozen of his most conspicuous forgeries with
reference to the purported issuing agency, the recipient and the contents
of the forged deed (II. 134).
Even documents which were not forged might, however, lack legal
authority in a court of law. In respect of these, Werbőczy discusses two
categories (II. 15). The first consisted of transcripts of privileges, in
respect of which Werbőczy repeated the provisions of article 96 of the
decretum of 1492., According to this enactment, transcripts were not
10 OSzlC, Fol. Lat., 4023, Codex Ilosvay, fols 122r124v. A garbled version of this text
is given in J.N. Kovachich, Notitiae Praeliminares, Pest, 1820, pp. 4006. See also
György Bónis, Közepkóri jogunk elemei. Római jog, kánonjog, szokásjog, Budapest,
1972, pp. 21822.
11 II. 14. [49]; II. 27 [45]; II. 83 [9].
52 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
considered valid instruments unless they had been copied from the orig-
inal document either in the presence of an ordinary of the realm or, upon
the mandate of a judge, in any one of the kingdom's places of authentica-
tion (loca credibilia). Werbőczy permitted, however, copies of original
charters which were retained in the depositories of loca credibilia, to
retain a fully legal authority (II. 15. [3]). This more fully conformed to
customary practice, although in several other respects both Werbőczy's
account and the law of 1492 diverged both from custom and subsequent
The second category of legally dubious deeds, as identified by
Werbőczy, consisted of charters drawn up in loca credibilia on behalf of
someone of whose identity the authenticating agency had no firm knowl-
edge. Privileges of this type, which were conspicuous by the formula, de
cujus, vel quorum notitia nos talis homo certificavit, aut assecuravit (II.
16), were automatically invalid unless the chapter or convent was satis-
fied that the person on whose behalf the deed was issued actually existed
and was known to have given their consent to its publication. Impersona-
tion and 'ghosting' (larva) were evidently recurrent problems in cases
proceeding before Hungarian courts, particularly those affecting the alien-
ation of land where the consent of relatives was required, and stiff penal-
ties were threatened in the event of any chapter or convent colluding in
this crime.
The final chapter (II. 17) of the first section of Part Two is addressed
obliquely to judges of the realm and it reviews the methods and type of
investigation which they should undertake in order to establish the
veracity of deeds brought before them. Judges are specifically enjoined to
pay heed to the language of the document, to its seal (but not worry over-
much if its broken), to specific references contained within the document,
and to pursue any suggestion of falsification or fabrication. Noblemen of
the realm are similarly told to disclose attempts to impersonate them or to
have false deeds issued in their name.
12 Imre Hajnik, Okirati bizonyitás a középkori magyar perjogban, Budapest, 1886
rtekezések a társadalmi tudományok köréből, viii/5), p. 39.
13 My colleague, Zsolt Hunyadi, tells me that in all five cases of larva which he has
uncovered, the culprits are women. This would coincide with my own finding in
respect of the ghosting of an alienam mulierem Hungarian National Archive,
Collectio Antemohácsiana (hereafter, Dl), Dl 17171. The explanation must surely
be that women were less likely to be recognized in court on account of their
seclusion and so their impersonation was easier. See also 1492:97.
Martyn Rady 53
3. The 'Continuation' and its Limits
The Continuation of Part Two is strictly dedicated to matters of proce-
dure, as followed in the central curia courts of the realm.
It is, however,
unusual in its arrangement. Because of its chronological treatment of the
stages of an action, the Continuation resembles at first glance any one of
the many ordines judiciariae which were published widely in Europe as
guides to procedure in ecclesiastical courts.
Whereas, however, the
ordines judiciariae usually aimed at a comprehensive review of proce-
dures, Werbőczy's account is selective and it leaves out large chunks of
the judicial process. Instead, therefore, of taking us through the various
stages of an action, Werbőczy moves briskly from the summons to the
proof, and thence to the sentence and remedies. Although there are indica-
tions in the text with respect to the procedures to be followed in the court-
room, these are not discussed by Werbőczy in any detail but are only
alluded to. At no point in the text does Werbőczy fulfil the promise given
in the first chapter to explain the series sententiarum (that is, the passage
of interlocutory judgements) which moved the case within the courtroom.
Moreover, unlike later commentators, Werbőczy discusses neither the
personnel who might be present in the court, nor even which of the
several courts in the curia were the most appropriate for specific types of
action. In respect of the last point, all we are given is a short account of
the relationship between secular and ecclesiastical courts, the purpose of
which is to explain that actions involving debt or land should not be
brought before church tribunals (II. 52). Elsewhere, as for instance in his
14 Several courts functioned in the curia. The most important was the court of the
personalis who represented the king's 'personal presence'. The court of the personalis
was a collegiate court on whose bench or tabula sat the other principal judges of the
realm together with assorted dignitaries and noblemen. The justiciar, palatine and
tavernicus had their own courts, the competences of which partly overlapped with the
personalis court. Unscrupulous litigants might accordingly start the same case in
several courts to run concomitantly (see 1.70 [10]). In the late sixteenth century, the
palatine as locumtenens substituted for the king's propria persona, i.e. his 'real' self.
The court which he headed was later renamed the Septemviralis, and counted as the
kingdom's supreme court of appeal. Since, however, the palatine was usually too busy
to attend, the Septemviralis court was in reality most often presided over by the justiciar
15 See thus, A-M. Stickler, 'Ordines Judiciarii', in Dictionnaire de droit canonique, vi,
Paris, 1957, cols 113243; also, Ludwig Wahrmund, Quellen zur Geschichte des
Römisch-kanonischen Processes im Mittelalter, 5 vols, Innsbruck and Heidelberg,
54 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tnpartitum
discussion of inquests, Werbőczy presumes his audience to be already
familiar with the differences between the institutions which he describes.
The explanation for Werbőczy's abbreviated treatment of procedure
lies in respect of his audience. From the fourteenth century onwards, legal
actions in Hungary were not only largely determined by written instru-
ments but also conducted in the main by attorneys acting on behalf of the
individual litigants. As elsewhere in Europe, in Hungary also, 'the parties
disappeared behind their advocates and lawyers'.
In many cases, there
was no longer any need for the parties to attend court at all indeed, the
whole business might be wrapped up in private discussions between the
lawyers and the judge in the inn.
Under these circumstances, Werbőczy
evidently saw little point in discussing procedural matters which would
normally be handled on a nobleman's behalf by his agents. Instead, he
confined his account to what he regarded as the most important parts of
the action where the noble litigant was most likely to be directly involved.
Indeed, towards the end of Part Two, Werbőczy provided his noble audi-
ence with a 'check list' which itemized those particular matters which
should be attended to in order to prevent a suit from failing (II: 82). In
short, the Continuation is addressed to noblemen who are presumed to
understand the broad outlines and vocabulary of procedure but not the
details in which they might be personally involved, and less so to the
attorneys who actually managed their suits in court.
In order, thus, to reconstruct Hungarian procedure as followed in the
early years of the sixteenth century, we must look beyond Werbőczy's
account. Fortunately, there are other sources on which we may rely. The
most important of these are surviving formularies and the various types
of record issued during the course and at the conclusion of cases passing
through the courts. Although the litterae judiciales and sententionales
issued by the courts are themselves also terse and abbreviated, the
16 John Gilissen, 'La preuve en Europe du XVIe au début du XIXe siècle', Recueils
de la Société Jean Bodin, 19, 1965 {La Preuve, vol 2), pp. 755833 (p. 762).
17 By the eighteenth century, the collegiate structure of the courts had become so akin
to a private committee that it was exceptional for the parties even to be called to
give oral evidence. The entire proceedings were handled on the basis of the
documents submitted, even in the case of criminal suits. In the 1790s, therefore,
Ferenc Kazinczy did not attend the sessions of the Tabula Regia which handed
down the death penalty to him for high treason, but he seems to have peeked into
the evidently shambolic meeting of the Septemviralis court which upheld the
judgement. See Kalman Benda, A magyar jakobinusok. Iratok, levelek, naplók,
Budapest, 1957, esp. pp. 2612. (Kazinczy's sentence was later commuted by
Francis II.)
Martyn Rady 55
signaturae or notes which often accompany them yield important clues
with regard to the stages of an action.
Additionally, we may work back-
wards from later records and court manuals which survive in large quan-
tities from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as also from the
mid-sixteenth century Quadripartitum which was intended (in vain, as it
turned out) to replace the Tripartitum. Obviously, this material should be
treated with caution, for additional procedures later entered Hungarian
court practice, particularly in respect of remedies in law. The reconstruc-
tion which folldws is intended to supplement and explicate Werbőczy's
own abbreviated account of procedure. It will, however, be clear from
the start that an action in Hungarian law broadly adhered to practices
followed in ecclesiastical courts in Catholic Europe. Certainly, some
local peculiarities will be evident. These should not, however, obscure
Hungary's general conformity to Romano-canonical procedural law and
the extent to which, as Werbőczy explained, Hungarian practice drew its
inspiration ex pontificii, caesareique juris fontibus.
4. Commencing an Action
Despite the wealth of material on which we may rely, the precise method
of commencing a suit remains far from certain. The surviving charters
imply that the action was begun by verbal petition to the ruler or to one of
his principal judges: hence the formulae in letters introducing an action,
exponitur nobis [id est: regi, iudici], expositum est nobis, dicitur nobis,
and so on. Seventeenth-century materials suggest the use of oral supplica-
tiones which were subsequently written up in the vernacular.
right up until the nineteenth century, oral (szóbeli) petitioning was consid-
ered normal in respect of minor pleas brought before county courts.
In view of the importance attaching to the written record, it is,
however, implausible that most petitions brought before the central courts
of the realm were delivered orally. Surprisingly, an oblique clue to the
commencement of an action is given by Werbőczy. In his discussion of
18 These were most commonly entered on the dorse of charters issued by the court. See
Dl 63239, Dl 204245 and, most notably, Dl 10008, fol 18r-v. Discussed by Imre
Hajnik, A magyar birósági szervezet és perjog az Árpad- és a vegyes-házi királyok
alatt, Budapest, 1899, pp. 2278.
19 Hungarian National Archive, Section O (hereafter, MOLO), Birósági Levéltár, 3,
Mandala Judiciaria, Bundle 1, file for 1652.
20 Discussed at length in the invaluable manual of Ignácz Zsoldos, A szolgabirói hivatal.
rvénykezési resz, 2
edition, Papa, 1844, esp. p. 44.
56 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
how suits might fail, Werbőczy drew attention to the importance of
framing letters of summons accurately. The examples which he provides,
however, are not framed in the fashion of a letter of summons at all, but
instead in the form of a petition: for example, that the plaintiff s adversary
'sent out and forth X and Y, his men, to this place or village of mine and
he did and caused there this and that damage to my peasants'; or that, at
the adversary's behest, 'X and Y, his servants and peasants, having found
or come across such and such a servant of mine in such and such a place
beat him sorely and severely' (II. 82).
It would seem that what Werbőczy is describing here is not a summons
at all but instead a libellus or Klageschrift.
These were clearly being
used in Hungarian ecclesiastical courts by no later than the fifteenth
In respect of secular suits, however, they only survive, in any
significant quantity from the seventeenth century. Nevertheless, the
earliest extant Hungarian case-file, dating from 1588, refers unmistake-
ably to information, now lost, which had been previously entered in
papiro in modum libelli.
In later Hungarian practice, the libellus was
indeed a 'little book', being a folio folded lengthways, on the first side of
which was written the names of the plaintiff and defendant, the charge,
the circumstances of the dispute, as well as any relevant dates and places:
in short, all those matters which Werbőczy urged should be most care-
fully entered on the 'summons'. We will, moreover, occasionally find the
libellus appearing in the text of the Tripartitum under quite different
names: most notably as the actio, declaratio actionis, series actionis or
acquisitio (II. 26 [pr]; II. 82 [1] & [4]), although these terms are not
consistently applied.
Nevertheless, the question must arise: why should Werbőczy conflate
the petition with the summons? The answer must surely be that the peti-
tion once it had been received, read and approved by the protonotaries of
the curia, was recast in the fashion of a letter of summons.
Possibly, as
in the eighteenth century, agents working on behalf of the plaintiff were
responsible for this recasting, with officials of the court simply giving
approval to the draft. We may guess, however, that, as in later centuries,
the libellus was at this point filed and served no further legal purpose. It
21 Generally, on this subject, see Willibald M. Plöchl, Geschichte des Kirchenrechts,
edition, 5 vols, Vienna and Munich, 19609, 2, pp. 3556.
22 M.G. Kovachich, Formulae Solennes Styli, Pest, 1799, pp. 4046.
23 MOLO, Birósági Leltár, 1, Processus Octavales, Bundle 4, no 183.
24 The point is also made by Alajos Degre in respect of the Quadripartitum. See
Degre, A Négyeskönyv perjogi anyaga, Budapest, 1935, p. 119.
25 See thus Hajnik, A magyar birósági szervezet és per jog, p. 413.
Martyn Rady
was certainly not passed on to the defendant. Instead, the defendant
responded to the information and charges which were communicated to
him in the letter of summons. Accordingly, when the suit eventually came
to court, the charges and circumstances laid in the letter of summons
provided the substance of the claim. They could not be emended or added
to without the case collapsing. Additionally, the summons determined,
according to its date of issue, the relative position of the case on the court
list. This list was, however, subject to change as more pressing cases
might be moved to the top.
The importance attaching to the summons explains Werbőczy's
insistent advice that it must be drawn up carefully. If composed ambigu-
ously, then it could all too easily result in the action being lost. Indeed, in
order to ensure that the right vocabulary and information was included,
one mid-sixteenth century Transylvanian formulary included for the
benefit of clerks no less than 34 different versions of a summons:
summons by reason of the non-fulfilment of an obligation, summons on
account of the kidnapping of a nobleman, summons for beating a royal
bailiff, and so on.
Moreover, the plaintiff had to take care that the
defendant named was legally capable, for a summons addressed to a dead
man or minor misjoined the action and automatically rendered it void.
The letter of summons did more, however, than just serve to give notice to
the defendant that a suit had being brought against him. It also determined
the speed with which the case would be heard for it laid down when the
matter in hand might be expected to come to court. Cases involving
violence or where an urgent solution was thought expedient were essen-
tially hurried through the courts, to be commenced within a matter of
Other litigation proceeded at a more leisurely pace and it might,
indeed, take several years before a less urgent case was heard at one of the
standard octave sessions of the courts.
26 Degré, A Negyeskönyv perjogi anyaga, pp. 1346. See also II. 3 on the priority which
should be given to retrials.
27 Anna Pécsy, 'Az erdélyi fejedelmi kancellária elso formulariumos kézirata',
Emlékkönyv Szentpétery Imre, Budapest, 1938, pp. 38595.
28 Thus matters concerning debt and pledge, the rights of widows and daughters, division
of property among heirs and retrials, even if opened by an evocatio simplex were
concluded brevi termino (II. 18 [3]).
29 Several years or four octave terms by the early sixteenth century, the principal
courts of the realm only operated two octave courts annually. Each octave term lasted
approximately fifty to seventy days. See Hajnik, A magyar birósági szervezet és
perjog, p. 255.
58 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
By the second half of the fifteenth century there were two principal
types of summons employed in Hungary: the evocatio simplex and the
insinuatio. The evocatio simplex was usually delivered in respect of prop-
erty actions where the ownership of the estate or the lie of its boundaries
was contested (II. 18 [4]). Normally, three summonses, each setting a
time to appear in court, were issued, the last of which involved the
summons being read aloud at three markets. For every occasion on which
the defendant failed to attend court he would be fined and, eventually, the
case would be heard in his absence. After 1486, the 'proclamation at three
markets' was replaced by the insinuatio ('terminal summons'), which
formally notified the defendant in writing that the case would proceed
irrespective of his own attendance (II. 18 [7]). Cases introduced by the
evocatio simplex were usually 'protracted' and several years might elapse
before they were concluded. They were invariably heard at the standard
octave sessions of the curia courts. Plainly, their resolution was not
considered pressing.
In cases where violence was involved or where a speedy resolution of
property claims was thought appropriate, an insinuatio might be issued on
the first occasion of summons. This would usually be combined with the
setting of a date for a hearing which was only a fortnight or month distant:
the so-called evocatio brevis or sine procrastione. Indeed, Werbőczy and,
subsequently, Kitonich, understand the insinuatio automatically to involve
a brevis date (II. 18 [3]).
The use of the brevis necessitated the curia
courts sitting in virtually permanent session, i.e. outside the standard
octave terms. Almost certainly, the speed with which the brevis forced
actions to court explains why litigants should often allege minor acts of
violence the slaughter of a sheep or the theft of a beehive in their
plaint. For a claim that violence had been done had the automatic conse-
quence of hurrying the matter to trial. By the same token, those
summoned at short notice were often obliged to attend court unprepared
and at great personal inconvenience. Indeed, they might not receive the
summons until it was too late. Unsurprisingly, therefore, several attempts
were made to restrict the use of the brevis. Clearly though, its benefits
were thought to outweigh its disadvantages and it continued in practice to
be widely used.
30 Kitonich, ii. 3 (1619 edition, p. 40). For full reference, see back, p. 5, note 11.
31 1464: 4; 1486: 7. See also Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary 14.581490
(Decreta Regni Mediaevalis Hungariae, vol 3), eds János M. Bak, Leslie S.
Domonkos and Paul B. Harvey, Jr, Los Angeles, 1996, pp. 91, 107, 133.
Martyn Rady
A further and quite different procedure for summoning lay in regard to
the 'personal summons, notice and prohibition' (personali citatione,
admonitione, et prohibitione). This dispensed with all legal formalities
and was principally intended to be used when both parties were able by
prior arrangement to come to court and have their case heard on the spot.
It appears principally to have been used in cases of debt (II. 20).
5. The Summons and Out-of-Court Procedures
The letter of summons might not be delivered personally by the plaintiff
to his adversary. Instead, the plaintiff was obliged to convey it to the place
of authentication, chapter or convent, named in the letter (II. 21). The
chapter or convent appointed one of the handful of royal bailiffs, usually
noblemen of the relevant county, specified in the letter of summons as
well as one of its own number who was charged with overseeing the
bailiff and completing the relevant paperwork. It was the bailiffs respon-
sibility to have the summons delivered properly to the defendant a
procedure which Werbőczy discusses in detail since failure to present the
summons properly carried the automatic consequence of halting the suit
(II. 19). The letter of summons might be read by the defendant, but he
could not retain it. He was, however, permitted to make a copy.
In the majority of cases, the letter of summons also instructed the
bailiff and cleric to perform additional, 'out-of-court' tasks which were
related to the business of the summons.
The two most common instruc-
tions of this type were to hold an inquest or to deliver notice. The first of
these (litterae inquisitoriae) ordered the bailiff and cleric to hold an
inquest which would determine whether the plaint had any substance and
thus whether a summons should be delivered at all. This type of investiga-
tion was most usually employed in cases of violent trespass. The inqui-
sitio simplex took evidence of neighbours, abutters and local noblemen. If
the inquest found the plaint justified, then it followed this up by commu-
nicating the relevant summonses and specifying a date for the hearing.
Should it establish that other parties were involved in the dispute who had
not been named in the original letter, the bailiff and cleric were empow-
ered to issue out additional summonses. Upon completing the inquest, the
32 See also Kitonich, ii. 4 (1619 edition, p. 44). The Quadripartilum regards this procedure
as being, however, discontinued: Quadripartitum, pp. 2613 (111. 15).
33 Degré, A Négyeskönyv perjogi anyaga, pp. 1245.
34 Hajnik, A magyar birósági szervezet és perjog, p. 194.
60 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
cleric who had performed the inquest reported back in writing to the court
which had delivered the mandate, commenting briefly on the outcome of
the inquiry and stating whom had been summoned (cum nominibus
The report of the inquest would constitute evidence
which might be relied upon in court. On account, however, of the cursory
nature of the investigation, often two, three or even more inquests might
be separately sent to take evidence and command attendance at court.
Letters of notice (litterae ammonitoriae) served largely as a catch-all for
almost all other business as a form of notice and warning in respect of
impending legal business or as an injunction.
The plaintiff would explain in his
libellus that he wished to engage in a transaction or to prevent parties infringing
his legal rights. His libellus was accordingly recast in the form of litterae which
mandated a bailiff and cleric to notify all parties affected. These most typically
included neighbours and relatives of the plaintiff who considered themselves to
have concurrent rights in respect of the business under transaction. It was the task
of the bailiff and cleric to hunt these out. If they indeed objected to the
transaction, then they were subsequently summoned to court to explain their
position. Likewise, those served with an injunction, most typically to vacate a
property or to hand over deeds in their possession, but who objected that this was
unjust were also summoned to court to explain their position (II. 24).
procedures accompanied institutions to properties and review of boundaries. If the
institution or boundaries were contested, then summonses were duly issued by the
bailiff and cleric. Summonses involving institutions and boundaries were
invariably simple evocationes rather than insinuationes as the matters arising were
considered insufficiently pressing to justify an early hearing.
These out-of-court procedures allowed exceptional discretionary powers
to the bailiff and cleric. Not only were they responsible for investigating the facts
of the case but they were also charged with establishing the identity of all parties
who might have an interest in any subsequent
35 Relationes of this type are invariably formulaic. They record the charges laid in the mandate of
instruction, report that the bailiff and cleric took evidence palam et occulte, and that they omnia
premissa et quevis premissorum singula sic et suo modo facta et patrata fuisse rescivissent sicuti et
quemadmodum eidem vestre serenitati [id est recte, iudici] expositum extitissent.
36 Hajnik, A magyar birósági szervezet és perjog, pp. 2912.
37 For the ammonitioladmonitio as a notitia, see Commissio Systematica. Observationes in
Tripartitum, fol 27v.
38 The instruction to hand over deeds was usually given in litterae ammonitoriae et exhibitorae.
Martyn Rady
transaction or litigation. Moreover, they were expected to decide whom to
summon and to ensure that the summons so issued was both accurately
phrased, correctly delivered and returned in time to them. In view of these
functions and responsibilities, it is not surprising that Werbőczy should
consider the bailiff to be tanquam iudex (II. 22 [2]). By the same token, it
was perhaps inevitable that bailiffs and their supervising clerics should on
occasions be violently attacked by aggrieved parties and even murdered.
6. The Trial
Let us imagine that the defendant, having received the summons, actually
attended the court. (We say 'actually' because all too frequently the
summons was ignored or not received in time). In advance of the case
opening, there would be much time spent waiting for the other party actu-
ally to attend. In the event of an evocatio simplex, the summons specified
only the octave term at which the case would be heard. It was thus
entirely possible to spend several weeks or even months waiting for one's
opponent or his lawyer actually to turn up.
Quite how court listings
operated under such uncertainties must remain a mystery.
With both parties eventually in attendance, the text of the summons
was entered into the court record and the case formally levata or 'taken
up'. At this point, however, proceedings were frequently adjourned to
permit the defendant to recover documents relevant to his case, to have
copies made of those in the plaintiffs possession (the so-called petitio
parum), or to summon warrantors. It was often only much later that the
case was formally resumed and the proclamatio which called the parties
to order read out.
The proceedings which followed were conventionally
divided into two parts. The first of these, the pars exceptiva, usually
involved the defendant's lawyer delivering reasons as to why the action
should be abandoned.
Doubtless many of these were, as Werbőczy
39 József Vagner, Adalékok a nyitrai Székes-káptalan történetéhez, Nyitra, 1896, pp. 120
3 (recording the murder of a canon in 1544).
40 Dl 66970; Dl 124705; Dl 172171; Dl 84907 (recording a wait of no less than 70 days).
41 In the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the delay between the levata and
proclamatio might amount to several or more years.
42 Exceptiones were later divided into two categories dilatoriae which forced a delay
in proceedings, most typically to recover deeds, and peremptoriae which, if proven,
had the effect of collapsing the case. See Szegedi, Tyrocinium (Kassa 1764 edition), pp.
6112 (ad II. 82).
62 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
indicates, exceptiones frivolae (II. 83 [6]) and might include many tiresome claims all of which had to be
disproved by the plaintiff for instance, that the plaintiff was a minor or not a nobleman, that his descent and
thus property-rights were uncertain, and so on. One fifteenth-century formulary suggests additional ruses which
good lawyers were expected to use that the incorrect seal was impressed on the summons, that a scribe had
made a mistake, or even that the judge himself was suspectus.
On each of these points, the judge was expected
to rule, delivering decisiones interlocutoriae. During this part of the proceedings, other parties might enter the
action as co-plaintiffs (ingerentes), and be subject to the same barrage of exceptiones. Ingerentes of this type
were usually kinsmen of the plaintiff who had a concurrent interest in the property to which the plaintiff laid
claim (II. 84).
Once the case had moved beyond the phase of exceptiones, it entered the pars allegativa or litis contestatio.
At this point, the instruments of proof were submitted. In property cases, these usually involved the deeds
belonging to one or both parties. Invariably, the authenticity of the instruments became the object of scrutiny and
debate, and might involve the examination of deeds which were several centuries old in one case a charter
issued by King Coloman at the beginning of the twelfth century, which was almost certainly a fake.
that the originals be submitted and not just transcripts were a frequent cause of delay. During this part of the
trial, evidence and arguments would be exchanged. In the early eighteenth century, the trial record of this part of
the proceedings might run to several hundred pages.
In cases of violent assault or seizure, however, documentary evidence often played only a secondary role and
much depended instead on the evidence of witnesses and on the taking of oaths. Under these circumstances the
report of any previous inquisitio simplex was important but was often judged to need corroboration. Moreover,
there might be matters which had arisen in the course of the trial which needed clarification. With the consent of
the parties, the case would then be adjourned and a 'common inquest' (inquisitio communis) held under the
supervision of a bailiff and cleric in the locality where the alleged crime had taken place. The inquest took
evidence of witnesses under oath, recording their individual testimonies in detail together with their names and
status. Normally, the inquest was held at the county seat and the ispán (county sheriff) and his deputy made
responsible for enforcing attendance. As an
43 Kovachich, Formulae Solennes Styli, pp. 4089.
44 D/3852.
Martyn Rady
alternative, an inquest might be appointed to hold a view (oculata
revisio), the primary purpose of which was to ascertain who was in phys-
ical occupation of a contested estate. Under these circumstances, the
inquest was held near the site of the property (II. 41). Once the record of
the inquest was submitted to the court, it was possible there to challenge
its findings, particularly by disputing the status of witnesses and thus the
value of their evidence. If the challenge was upheld, then depending on
whether the challenge had been made by the defendant or plaintiff
either a fine was payable or the case lost (II. 36). In subsequent centuries,
challenges of this type might prompt the inquest to be reheard.
With the inquest complete, the litigants were expected to take oaths of
their own and to enlist a sufficient number of local noblemen in support of
their claim. The number of oath-helpers varied according to the quality of
the evidence previously submitted. If the evidence favoured one party
more than another, then he was expected to deliver a decisory oath, being
supported by forty-nine noblemen. If, however, the common inquest was
inconclusive, then the evidence of the earlier simplex inquest was brought.
This by its very nature favoured the plaintiff, for had it not then the case
could hardly have come to court in the first place. The defendant, however,
was entitled to summon oath-helpers of his own in order to overturn the
findings of a simplex inquest. Their number depended on how many
inquests had been held. It is clear from Werbőczy's account, moreover,
that on occasions oath-helping took place independently of a common
inquest. This would appear to be the case when one of the parties refused
to give his consent to the holding of a common inquest (II. 32). Clearly, the
business of gathering oath-helpers and have them attend the church where
this solemn business was conducted might occupy several or more days.
The record of the common inquest and of the oaths submitted, once
they had been delivered to the court, usually provided ample evidence of
guilt or otherwise. It should, however, be noted that many of the internal
workings of the court at the time of trial remain obscure. The litterae judi-
ciales and sententionales composed by the court at the close of the case
seldom give details of the exceptiones and allegationes and the terms of
their rebuttal. Instead they simply list the instruments brought to the
court's attention and the outcome of the inquest. Moreover, because
proceedings in both the pars exceptiva and litis contestatio were
conducted orally, they are neglected in the formularies.
45 MOLO, Birósági Levéltár, 18, Processus Tabulares, Bundle 4, no 19 (dated 1732).
46 A nagykárolyi gróf Károlyi-család oklevélr, ed. (Kálmán Géresi, 5 vols, Budapest,
188297, (hereafter Károlyi), vol 3, pp. 57, 62.
64 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
7. The Sentence
In many cases, the action never reached the stage of the judge delivering a
final sentence. Instead, the parties, having asked for an adjournment, put
together a compromise arrangement which the court formally recorded.
Although frequently described as amicabilis, compromises of this sort
invariably included a vinculum, usually in the form of a money payment
that had to be discharged by whichever party failed to abide by the terms of
the compromise. Alternatively, the parties might consent to the
appointment of arbitrators. As we will argue, a negotiated settlement was
indeed the preferred outcome in disputes and, in many cases the aim of the
sentence itself.
If the suit indeed reached the stage of a final sentence, this would
be pronounced by the judge. The judge was expected to base his decision
on the exchanges and arguments of the parties and with reference to the
documents and other evidence produced during the course of the trial (II. 75
[8]). In the case of the principal curia courts, the judge would take advice of
those other judges who were in attendance and of the growing number of
noble assessors whose presence in the courtroom was demanded by the
The judge's decision was subsequently written up in the form of a
privilege with hanging seal. The privilege recorded the names of the parties,
the nature of the dispute, the various sittings of the court, the principal
elements of proof, and the judge's decision. In cases where violence or
wrongful seizure had been proven, and this was frequently the case in
disputes over property, very severe sentences were imposed. At the very
least, the penalty would be a fine of 200 florins, by payment of which the
defendant 'redeemed his head', combined with the confiscation of his entire
estate. More usually, however, full sentence of execution was laid and the
maldoer's property ordered to be seized. Estates so seized were then either
divided between the judge and plaintiff, or handed over to the crown.
guilty party was then delivered to the plaintiff who was responsible for
carrying out sentence of death.
47 The principal courts of the realm sat as collegiate bodies. Indeed, in respect of personnel,
there appears to have existed in the curia but a single tabula, the presidency of which determined
the court's formal designation. 48 Werbőczy alleges the former which may be demonstrated by
Oklevéltdr a Tomaj nemzetségbeli losonczi Bánffy család rténetéhez, eds Elemér Varjú and
Béla lványi, vol 2, Budapest, 1928, p. 376; Dl 143923. See, however, Károlyi, vol 3, p. 67
where the property of the defendant passed to the royal fisc, secundum antiquam et approbatam
consuetudinem atque legem (1510).
Martyn Rady
The capital penalty was, however, never enforced. For if the plaintiff
actually killed his adversary, the estate of the defendant was saved and
passed on to his heirs. There was clearly, therefore, a strong disincentive to
carrying out the sentence. Instead, and Werbőczy describes this alternative
procedure in detail, the plaintiff was recommended to take hold of the
defendant and bring him before the judge. The judge might sequester the
nobleman for up to three days, and within this time the defendant was
expected to agree to a solution. Thereafter, he might be detained by the
plaintiff until agreement was reached, with sentence of death and full
confiscation of his property still hanging over him. A final remedy lay with
the king. Quite frequently the king commuted the death sentence and order of
confiscation on condition that the defendant come to terms with the plaintiff
and reach an amicable arrangement. Should it come to the worst, and the
estate of the defendant be confiscated, then his heirs had the right to redeem
it at an artificially low price.
Similar procedures aimed at forcing a compromise attended the
payment of fines imposed for lesser acts of violence. If the defendant was
unable or unwilling to pay, he was first taken before the judge and then
held in the home of the plaintiff until his relatives could produce the
necessary cash. During this period, however, the nobleman was not to be
harmed but had, indeed, to be treated like anyone else in the plaintiffs
household (II. 68).
It might well be, however, that the plaintiff simply
seized the property of the defendant holding it in pledge until the money
was paid, or that a compromise was worked out whereby the defendant
paid only a lesser sum.
8. Legal Remedies
Hungarian procedural law allowed a variety of legal remedies, all of which
had the consequence of prolonging the legal process. The number of
remedies available in Hungarian law was a consequence of three factors. In
the first place, Hungarian procedural law rested to a large degree on practices
followed in the ecclesiastical courts where legal delays were seen as 'an
essential device to protect all concerned'.
Secondly, there was the sheer
problem of enforcement which meant that
49 Lower courts might, however, choose to keep the nobleman in gaol. See Dl 26948.
50 Dl 107151;Dl 67061.
51 Jane E. Sayers, Papal Judges Delegate in the Province of Canterbury, 11981254,
London, 1971, p. 99.
66 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
methods of obstruction became institutionalized and accommodated
within procedural law. This was particularly the case, as we will see, in
respect of the legal device known as the repulsio. Finally, in Hungarian
law, procedures for appeal were underdeveloped and still depended at the
time of the Tripartitum upon a mandate being obtained from the king.
As a consequence, additional remedies had to be built into procedure in
the court of the first instance, particularly in relation to having the case
reheard at the same venue. By the mid-sixteenth century, the capacity of
Hungarian law to accommodate the retrial or novum was considered one
of its most signal marks.
The principal instrument used to force a retrial was the prohibitio. The
term prohibitio was, however, a broad one and covered a whole range of
legal devices.
By the early seventeenth century, the prohibitio had been
broken down into the separate remedies of the prohibitio proper, the
prohibita and the inhibition In respect of rehearings, the first and most
obvious use of the prohibitio lay in relation to the summons. Defendants
frequently failed to receive these in good time or else were delayed in
their journey to the court. In their absence, they might be found guilty of
contumacy and the case go against them. Under these circumstances, the
unlucky defendant was allowed to protest the litterae judiciales issued by
the judge and, if his prohibitio (Jnhibitio) was accepted by the court, the
case would be retried with him in attendance. A prohibitio (prohibita)
might additionally be made after a full trial by either party if they disa-
greed with the judge's verdict. The party making the prohibitio was
expected to provide a reason for this either in the court or in the inn, and
52 Werbőczy deals with appeals in Part Three of the Tripartitum (III. 67, 10) only in the
context of the movement of cases from cities and counties to the central courts. The
extant records of appeals moved to the curia in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
reflect the continuing underdevelopment of appeal procedures. The surviving case notes
are thin and usually record only the decisio. The principal appeal court of the realm, the
Septemviralis, only started to record its deliberations and sentences in 1791. The appeal
in Old Hungarian law constituted a revisio causae and not (as partly today) a cassation.
53 Quadripartitum, p. iv.
54 The prohibitio might also be used to launch a legal action see II. 20 [4].
55 Kitonich, chapter 5 (1619 edition, pp. 10327). By the early 17
century, the prohibitio
was used exclusively to launch an action. The inhibitio was used to quash litterae
judiciales issued on grounds of non-attendance and the prohibita to overturn a verdict
delivered after a full trial. Evidently, though, the terms lacked consistent application
and were even a bone of contention among lawyers. See Kitonich, chapter 8 (1619
edition, p. 200). Transylvanian terminology differed: see György Bónis, Erdélyi perjogi
emlékek, Kolozsvár, 1942, p. xx.
Martyn Rady
to do so promptly. If a retrial was refused, then the aggrieved party might
personally appeal to the king and he enforce a novum.
The aggrieved
party was, however, expected in the mean time to comply with the initial
verdict, even to the extent of vacating a property (II. 77).
We know that few cases proceeding before the courts were actually
handled by the judges ordinary of the realm. The palatine, judge royal
(országbiró) and tavernicus (judge of the towns) were for the most part
illiterate thugs who were appointed to office on account of their martial
qualities and loyalty to the ruler. Although the extant judicial records hardly
ever betray the fact, cases were handled almost in their entirety by
protonotaries of the court the so-called itélőmesterek or 'masters of
In similar fashion, we may suspect that the vast majority of cases
proceeding before the courts were managed exclusively by lawyers and that
the parties were only seldom present in person.
It was, however, the case
that his own attendance benefited the litigant, for it permitted use of a device
borrowed from ecclesiastical law known as the revocatio procuratorum.
The revocatio worked in two ways. It might be used either to countermand a
statement made by the lawyer, even to the extent of revoking an entire legal
argument if this appeared to be going against the litigant's interest.
Secondly, in cases which were brought brevi termino to the court, it was
possible to dismiss the lawyer after the delivery of the verdict and thus
reopen the case anew. Depending upon the stage which the action had
reached, revocatio carried either no penalty at all, a six florin fine or a two-
hundred florin fine. The last of these was reserved for cases of revocatio
which involved reopening the case well after it had been concluded, or else
forced the abandonment of an inquisitio communis, oath-taking or search
for documents. As an alternative, the plaintiff, if he felt the case to be going
badly, could simply demand that it be abandoned and recommence the
action at a later date (II. 82 [22]).
The execution of judgements also provided an opportunity for further
remedy. Where the defendant in an action was proved in court to be holding
a property unlawfully, the procedure for enforcement always involved a
(re)statutio or (re-) institution. A cleric and bailiff were instructed by the
court to visit the property and to see that the new owner took up his rightful
possession. The cleric and bailiff might also record protests to the institution
made by those who considered that they had a
56 M.G. Kovachich, Formulae Solennes Styli, Pest, 1799, pp. 1756; see also, pp.
57 The term first arises in the sixteenth century.
58 This is implied in II. 20 [1]. See also above, note 17.
68 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
superior claim to the property. The defendant was usually forbidden from
making a protest at his own eviction and thus from launching an action
against the new owner. Instead, though, he had the option of simply
refusing to leave. In this case, the defendant had to follow a quite specific
procedure, brandishing a drawn sword before the cleric and bailiff and
refusing them leave to enter the property. From Werbőczy's own account,
it is clear that the repulsio by sword was intended to proceduralize more
casual acts of violence aimed at impeding the legal process. The act of
repulsio had the consequence of forcing the plaintiff once again to
summon the defendant to court and of reopening the case from the begin-
ning. According to Werbőczy and to several royal decrees, the repulsio
could only be used once. If it was repeated, the defendant incurred the
charge of nota infidelitatis or treason, and was liable to lose all his estate
(II. 734). It is plain, however, that in the succeeding centuries defendants
often performed the repulsio on several occasions, forcing apparently
without penalty the case to be reopened.
Of course, it might well be that, with all remedies exhausted, the
defendant still refused to leave the property. In this case, he had to be
physically ejected by a posse of the local nobility or by military force.
Even so, he might subsequently descend upon the property and reoccupy
it. For this he would, according to the decretum of 1507, be summoned to
court on charges of treason.
Over the course of the succeeding centuries,
however, the reoccupatio was increasingly proceduralized. Although for
its performance a fine of 200 florins was payable as well as compensation
for any damage done, the reoccupatio had, nevertheless, the consequence
of forcing a retrial.
The examples of the repulsio and reoccupatio indicate the practical
difficulties accompanying enforcement which provided a spur to negoti-
ating a compromise rather than imposing a court judgement. Werbőczy
knew this only too well from personal experience. In 1511, Werbőczy had
been granted by King Wladislas II lands in Bihar county which had previ-
ously belonged to Francis Jako, but which had been confiscated by royal
59 Endre Varga, 'Polgari peres eljarasa a kiralyi curián 1724 1848/49',
Lévéltari Közlemények, 1968, pp. 269309 (pp. 288300).
60 1507 (Wladislas II: Decretum VII): 2.
61 Varga, 'Polgari peres eljarasa', pp. 3034. The 200 florin penalty remained
despite inflation MOLO, Birósági Levéltár, 8, Protocolla Tabulae
Septemviralis, vol 10, fol 5 (dated 1800). Also by this time exemptions might
be made for reoccupationes which were considered as done legali ratione
ibid., 116, Protocollum Inclytae Tabulae Districtualis Judiciariae
Transdanubianae, vol 15, fol 6 (1799).
Martyn Rady
order on account of Francis's bigamous marriage. Werbőczy was never
able, however, to take up secure occupation of Francis's properties, for
his entry to the estate was consistently obstructed by Francis's kinsmen,
who were members of the powerful Thordai and Bajoni families of Bihar
county. After six years, during the course of which Francis died,
Werbőczy was obliged to strike a deal. He resigned his immediate rights
to Francis's estate, accepting instead only the right of reversion in the
event of the (improbable) expiry of the Bajoni and Thordai lines. In
return, he asked simply that the kinsmen accept that Francis had
contracted an illegal marriage and, thus, by implication, that they
accepted the terms of the estate's original confiscation.
couched about in the language of the law, the arrangement which
Werbőczy made with Francis's relatives spells out only too clearly the
limits of the law and the limits of enforceability. Unable to make good his
rights to the estate, Werbőczy was obliged to conclude a much inferior
9. Conclusion
The extent of legal remedies available had the consequence of prolonging
cases, sometimes over many decades. We know of one case from the later
fifteenth century that dragged on for more than sixty years and Werbőczy
himself remarked that some suits might be protracted for 'more than a
human lifetime' (II. 71 [5]).
By the eighteenth century, individual cases
might take years to come to court and decades finally to resolve. Change
was slow in coming. The royal commission established in 1827 to reform
the law noted that procedures in Hungary 'were easily the longest in
Europe' and that 'the entire procedural order was corrupt'.
bility for this state of affairs was variously apportioned. The royal govern-
ment accused the nobility of hiding behind its entrenched privileges and
of resisting initiatives for reform. The nobility for its part blamed the
government for meddling and for confusing the established order. Both
sides, however, were in agreement that the lawyers served justice ill by
62 Károlyi, iii, pp. 7882, 91, 1059; DezCsánki, Magyarország rténelmi ldrajza a
Hunyadiak korában, i, Budapest, 1890, pp. 629, 641.
63 Kovachich, Formulae Solennes, p. 158. And yet Werbőczy notes with disapproval that
a whole year may be spent in litigation (II. 76 [1]). The present author is not convinced
that litigation in the late medieval period was especially slow and will seek to
demonstrate this in a separate article.
64 Varga, 'Polgári peres eljárása', p. 308.
70 Hungarian Procedural Law and Part Two of the Tripartitum
deliberately prolonging cases so that they might pocket more fees. In this
respect, the Josephinist Izdenczy proposed that the best way to speed up
justice was simply to abolish the class of lawyers.
These criticisms, however, largely miss the point. As far as Werbőczy
was concerned, the problem was not that cases might take a long time to
reach any conclusion but that the verdicts reached should be fair and just.
Without there being a sufficient raft of remedies then it was all too easy
for just cases to fail and for guilty parties to prosper, even at the expense
of their own salvation. In Werbőczy's words, justice denied 'is the two-
edged sword which pierces the hearts of orphans and widows and of other
poor people. This is the grief which robs the spirits of the oppressed. This
is the snare which drags many into the pit of eternal damnation. Many are
the reasons for suits failing unjustly which, as the tinderbox of sin, are
always to be avoided' (11.83 [8]).
65 Dénes Jánossy, 'Reformtörekvések a polri peres els terán a xviii. szadban'
Századok, 77, 1943, pp. 4177 (p. 75).
Pergošić’s Translation of the Tripartitum into Slavonian
Reliable information on Ivan Pergošić and on the printing house at
Nedelišće is scarce. For the most part, it comes 'second hand' from
sources which have long since vanished. What survives in respect of the
extant material has been 'recycled' by historians for decades and new
documentary evidence is difficult to uncover. Accordingly, one has
frequently to make do with assumptions and inferences. The aims of this
essay are: to outline the circumstances in which there first appeared the
Slavonian translation of the Tripartitum, or, as Pergošić called it, the
Decretum; to review its possible purpose; and to establish the identity of
who it was that inspired its translation.
In the course of what follows, we
will explore the principal hypotheses while presenting, albeit tentatively,
several explanations of our own.
With the death of Ivan Ungnad in 1564 the printing house in Urach near
Tubingen came to an end. Its demise brought to an end the earliest phase
in the publication of works in the Slavonic languages. By this time, the
1 Pergošić uses the term szlouienski in respect of the kajkavian spoken in Slavonia
(Windischland) and distinguishes it from horuatzki, that is chakavian. In this
context, I will use the term 'Slavonian' as distinct from 'Croatian'.
2 The exact title of the translation is 'DECRETVM KOTEROGAIE VERBEWCZI
1STVAN DIACHKI POPISZAL A POTERdilghaie Laβlou katerie za
Mathiassem Kral bil zeuβe Ghoβpode i Plemenitih hotieniem koteri pod
Wugherβke Corune ladanie βlisse. OD IVANVSSA PERGOSSIcha na
Szlouienβki iezik obernien. ... STAMPAN V Nedelischu Leto nassegha
zuelichenia 1574'. So far, two critical editions of the Decretum have appeared:
Karlo Kadlec, Stefana Verbecija Tripartitum (Srpska kraljevska akademija.
Zbornik za istoriju, jezik i književnost srpskog naroda. Knjiga 5), Belgrade,
1909, and a more recent edition by Zvonimir Bartolić, which was printed in
Čakovec in 2003 by Matica Hrvatska.
72 Pergoš 's Translation of the Tripartitum into Slavonian
printing house in Ljubljana was on account of its Protestant
sympathies under constant surveillance by the Catholic authorities.
The printing houses in Senj, Zagreb and Rijeka had already been
banned during the earliest decades of the sixteenth century, namely
in 1508, 1527 and 1531. In particular, the Catholic authorities feared
that the use of Glagolitic letters, of Old Church Slavonic or, even
worse, of the vernacular and printing of Protestant works in
Glagolitic letters would assist the spread of the Reformation.
Croatian historians have pointed out, with the end of the Ungnad
printing house, it was only the travelling presses of Rudolf Hofhalter
in Nedelišće and Johannes Manlius in Ljubljana and Varaždin
which, despite their Protestant inclinations, prevented the complete
disappearance of printing and literary activity in the Croatian-
Slavonian kingdom. Moreover, this activity was for decades
threatened by the unfavourable military and political situation that
transformed what was left of Hungarian-Croatian Kingdom into the
Military Border.
In respect of these printing houses and the authors whose work
they attracted, the achievements of several writers of the 'Northern' or
'Varaždin Literary Circle' have been examined by a number of linguists
and historians of literature. The Varaždin circle consisted of a group of
educated men and office-holders living in Varaždin, including, for
instance, Antun Vramec, Blaž Škrinjar, Blaž Antolovic, Ivan Pergošić,
Mihajlo Bučić (about whom otherwise little is known), and so on. Some
of these were accused of flirting with Protestantism.
Research on the
3 Krešimir Georgijević, Hrvatska književnost od XVI. do XVII. stoljeća u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj
i Bosni, Zagreb, 1969, pp. 1236; Josip Bratulić, 'Glagoljaštvo i protestantizam', in Rad
Zavoda za slavensku filolologiju, 27, 1992, pp. 231235. See also numerous works on Stjepan
Konzul Istranin and Antun Dalmatin (both glagolitic priests/popovi glagoljaši and
4 A map of the military border in the second half of the sixteenth century is given in Drago
Roksandić and Nataša Štefanec (eds), Constructing Border Societies on the Triplex Confinium,
Budapest, 2000, p. 92.
5 Bučić's parents were Catholic, and two of his cousins were priests in Zagreb. To begin with,
around 1565, he held a parish in Stenjevec, near Zagreb, and from 1567 to 1571 he was parish priest
in Belica, in MeĎimurje. See Vjekoslav Klaić, Povijest Hrvata, 5, Zagreb, 1973 (reprint), p. 666.
Bučić probably published three Calvinist books in Nedelišće, none of which have survived. These
were: Contra praesentiam corporis et sangvinis Christi in Sacramento Eucharistiae,
Nedelće , 1573; Kerstjanski nauk (Catechismus), Nedelišće, 1573; Novi Zakon, Nedelišće,
1573, which was dedicated to Maximilian 11; roly Sza (ed.), Régi Magyar nyvtár, 2,
Budapest, 1885, nos 133135. Szabó here relies on Kukuljević, Agramer Zeitung (1881) as his
source. Bučić was convicted of heresy and excommunicated in March 1574 by the synod of
Zagreb diocese, which was convened and presided over by Juraj Draškovič, bishop and ban.
Rumour has it that, after his excommunication,
Nataša Štefanec 73
Varaždin circle and its members remains to a large extent both incomplete
and not comprehensive.
The lack of information on this period is to a
large part due to the destruction of the fruits of these printing houses
during the Counter-Reformation.
Nedelišće, the small market town where the Tripartitum was printed,
was one of the main customs offices in the Hungarian-Croatian
kingdom, collecting the tricesima customs due (tridesetnica, Dreissigst,
harmincad). As such, it was also one of the most frequented places in the
Croatian-Slavonian kingdom. The town was situated in the MeĎimurje
(Muraköz) region, which belonged at that time to the Zrinski (Zrinyi)
family and lay midway between Varaždin and Lendava (Alsólendva).
The first printer to appear in Nedelišće was the well-known Protestant
printer, Rudolf Hofhalter.
It is still not yet clear when exactly and why
he came to these parts from Nagyvárad, whence he was expelled on 17
September, 1571, by order of the emperor.
What is
Bučić found shelter on the estate of Juraj Zrinski in MeĎimurje. According to Klaić,
Drašković even wrote a Constitutio against Calvinist doctrine and, more specifically,
against Bučić's teaching. During a synod in 1570 he ordered that in addition to the
Latin liturgy, there should every morning be a mass in the 'Croatian language'
{croatica lingua). See Kla, Povijest Hrvata, 5, pp. 666667.
6 See the works cited here by Zvonimir Bartolić, Gedeon Borsa, Franjo Bučar, Neven
Budak, Franjo Fancev, Krešimir Georgijević, Alojz Jembrih, Ivan Kostrenčić, Mijo
Mirković, Valentin Putanec, Károly Szabó.
7 Rudolf's father was a famous Viennese printer, Rafael Hofhalter, a Polish nobleman,
previously known as Skrzeutsky. He lived in Zurich and the Netherlands, where he
worked in various printing houses. Rudolf was born in Zurich. In 1555/56 father and
son moved to Vienna, where Rafael founded his own printing house. In 1562 they had
to flee Vienna on account of their religious beliefs. They settled in Debrecen and,
thereafter, in Nagyvárad (Oradea). In 1566/67 Rafael moved to Gyulafehervar (Alba
Iulia) after which all trace of him is lost. See Josef Benzing, Die Buchdrucker des 16.
und 17. Jahrhunderts im deutschen Sprachgebiet, Wiesbaden, 1963, pp. 455456; Pál
Gyulás, 'Die Wiener Buchdrucker Rafael Hoffhalter und sein Sohn in Ungam',
Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1930, pp. 198204. Rudolf worked in Nagyvárad from 1567 until
1570. In September 1571 he left the Partium. According to Borsa, he came to Lendava
only in 1573. His activity between 1571 and 1573 and between the end of 1574 and
1577 is still not known. See Gedeon Borsa, 'Rudolphus Hoffhalters Typographie in der
Gegend von Mur und Drau (15731574)', in Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, Vols 12,
Zagreb, 1968, pp. 2634 (p. 28).
8 Zvonimir Bartolić, 'Nedelišće staro hrvatsko književno središte', in (ed.) Josip
Buturac, Nedelišće, Nedelišće, 1993, pp. 210227. See also Bartolić, 'Hrvatski
književni i neknjiževni tekstovi na tlu MeĎimurja do 1918', in Hrvatski dijalekoloski
zbornik, 6, Zagreb, 1982, pp. 2353; Bartolić, 'Hrvatska tiskara u Nedeišću u doba
Zrinskih', in Bartol, Sjevernohrvatske teme, Čakovec, 1980, pp. 524;
74 Pergošić 's Translation of the Tripartitum into Slavonian
known, however, is that he was active in printing both in Bánffy's
Lendava and Zrinski's Nedelišće.
Miklos Bánffy was married to Ursula Zrinski, sister of Juraj Zrinski
(IV). At the time he was ispán (župan) of Zala County. Since their proper-
ties were adjacent, the Zrinski and Bánffy families often visited each
Both families owned extensive properties in south-western
Hungary and Slavonia, and, being Protestant, both also welcomed
Hofhalter. In Lendava there was a strong Protestant community led by
Juraj Kulčar (György Kulcsár) which was supported by Miklos Bánffy.
During Hofhalter's stay in Lendava, Kulčar published three religious
books in Hungarian: the first in August 1573, the second two months
later, and the third in May 1574.
He dedicated two of these works to
Miklos Bánffy, and the other to the brothers Juraj, Nikola and Krsto
Zrinski. One may conclude from this third dedication that the Zrinski
family also encouraged and supported Kulčar.
Building on the recent work of Zvonimir Bartolić, we may make
several more educated guesses.
The earliest surviving book coming
from Hofhalter's workshop was published in Lendava. We have,
however, indirect evidence of at least three Calvinist works written by
Mihajlo Bučić which were printed by Hofhalter in Nedelišće in 1573.
This suggests that Hofhalter may have gone to Nedelišće first, at the invi-
tation of Juraj Zrinski. On the basis of a rather long and convoluted argu-
ment, Gedeon Borsa has sought to demonstrate that Hofhalter may have
printed two further books in Nedeli§ce in 1573 before departing for
Lendava later that year.
Since none of Bučić's works survive, Borsa's
speculation must, however, remain just that.
A few stray words written by Ivan Pergošić additionally suggest that it
was Juraj Zrinski who invited Hofhalter from Nagyvarad. In the preface
to his Slavonian translation of the Tripartitum, Pergošić writes, referring
9 For Juraj Zrinski's life, see Nata Štefanec, Heretik njegova Veličanstva. Povijest o Jurju IV.
Zrinskom i njegovu rodu, 15491603, Zagreb, 2001, p. 316.
10 Hungarian National Archive (Budapest), Section P (Archive of Families, Corporations
and Institutions), 1314/ 535712.
11 Az halálra valo keszöletröl rövid tanossag, Lendava, 1573; Az ördögnec a penitencia
tarto bünössel való vetekedéseröl, Lendava, 1573; Postilla az az evangeliomoknac, mellieket
esztenáltal a keresztyénec gyöleközetibe szoktac oluasni es hirdetni, Lendava, 1574.
See Borsa, 'Rudolphus Hoffhalters Typographic', p. 27; Bartolić, 'Nedelišće', p. 194.
12 Bartolić, 'Nedelišće', pp. 203204.
13 These were a Herbarium of Peter Melius Jusz and a song of Ferenc ke on the siege of
Sziget, written in 1566 in Lendava. See Borsa, 'Rudolphus Hoffhalters Typographic', p. 32.
Nataša Štefanec
here to Juraj Zrinski, that he, Pergošić, wanted his work, 'to be printed by
the printer of His Lordship [i.e. respectively Hofhalter and Zrinski], who
was brought by His Lordship to the benefit and dignity of these few
remnants of land [i.e. Croatia-Slavonia]'.
Pergossic's statement permits
the following sequence of events. First, Juraj Zrinski invited Hofhalter
from Nagyvárad to this area, that is to MeĎimurje and to Nedelišće. Next,
Hofhalter moved on to Lendava where he printed Kulčar's books. Finally
(and as we will see), he returned to Nedelišće to print the Decretum.
In respect of the Decretum, it can hardly be coincidental that Rudolf
Hofhalter's father, Rafael, had eight years earlier, in 1565, printed in
Debrecen a Hungarian translation of Werbőczy's Tripartitum. The trans-
lation was done by Balázs Veres. Having arrived in Nedelišće, Rudolf
printed a similar edition a Slavonian translation of the Tripartitum in
the kajkavian dialect. Rudolf inherited his father's printing works, which
meant that the same letters and the same woodcut on the title page might
be used in the Slavonian version as in the 1565 Hungarian edition.
though settled on the Zrinski estates, the Hofhalter press retained its itin-
erant character, printing manuscripts in a variety of separate locations.
Having briefly described the circumstances in the region and the back-
ground of the Hofhalter press, we will now turn to Ivan Pergošić, notary
of Varaždin and translator of the Tripartitum. According to Pergošić's
own words, 'Encouraged by some good people who seek the integrity and
good reputation of their motherland, I took on this little task of translating
the Decretum written by Istuan Verböczy ... into the Slavonian language
as best as 1 understood it, to benefit those wishing to read these books in
14 Koiegha iaaz hotech vchiniti stampati Vassegha Ghoβpocztua Stamparem koiega Vasse
Ghoβpocztuo dopelia na koriβt i na odychenie oueh neuolinih zauersenih tankou
orβagha.. Da od togha nye tottu potrebno ghouoriti, Ier to vβaki koi ima kakou razum
vydi daby to byl praui fundamentum praue plemenite i ghoβpoczke nature noβiti paβku
na odychenie riechi Bosie, i na obrambu od nepriatelieu βuoie domouine: kotero chiny
vasse ghoβpocztuo gledaiuchi stoβu dobra perua kerβtianβka ghoβpoda chinyla. A
akobi i na nikogha vasse ghoβpocztuo ne ghledalo ima naasto doma ghledati na
pokoinogha i βrechnogha βpomeneniáa i dobra ghlaβa ghoβpodina i occza βuoiegha
Zrinβkogha Miklouussa, koi tern orβaghom i u Banβtue poβlussi, i u kraissniem
Szigheczkom ghradu zeunoghimi kerscheniki i vitezi teh orβaghou polagh vere
kerβtianβke i Czeβaroue βuelloβti kakoie Boghu bylo vghodno vmre.
15 Borsa, 'Rudolphus Hoffhalters Typographic', p. 33; Georgijević, Hrvatska
književnost, pp. 4547.
16 The notion of a travelling printing house was introduced by Franjo Fancev in 1922
(Franjo Fancev, 'Počeci kajkavske književnosti i štampanje prvih kajkavskih
knjiga', in Jugoslavenska njiva, VI, knj. 1, Zagreb, 1922).
76 Pergoš 's Translation of the Tnpartitum into Slavonian
At the end of the book, in his address to the reader (Lectori
bono) Pergošić also stated that ' some places you will find some
abbreviations in chapters, especially in those in which there was no need
to translate from Latin into Slavonian, where I partly followed Balas
Veres who translated this Decretum into Hungarian'.
The Decretum was dedicated to Juraj Zrinski, and from the dedication
it is plain that Pergošić and Zrinski knew each other well. Pergošić was
highly appreciative of Zrinski, his deeds and his patronage. The book
starts thus 'To a great and powerful gentlemen, Lord Juraj Zrinski,
Perpetual Count of Zrin, Tavernicus, Counsellor and Captain of the Illus-
trious Emperor and King in the Hungarian Land, he [ie Pergošić] wishes
all the goodness of God to his merciful lord'.
Pergošić's words may of
course be taken at face value. He and his lord were engaged in a joint-
activity the aim of which was to render the Tripartitum available in a
language which might be understood by Zrinyi's Slavonian subjects.
Nevertheless, a few issues remain which require clarification.
At the time of Hofhalter's arrival, Juraj Zrinski was only 24 years old. As
Pergošić remarked, his father had died a hero's death before Sziget in
1566, when Juraj was only 17-years old. Juraj immediately had to take
over the management of the family estates. By 1574, he had already spent
eight years looking after a swathe of properties which stretched in an
unbroken line from the Adriatic coast to Kőszeg in western Hungary.
Moreover, in the same year, 1574, Juraj was appointed Supreme Captain
of the Lower Hungarian Border and Captain of Kanizsa. Living up to his
father's international reputation cannot have been easy. Juraj also held the
17 Po opomeneny nekih dobrih liuudi koiβe βuoie domouine pochteniu i dobru ghlaβu
raduiu: prieh ta mal truud, da od Verbevczi fstuana popyβan Decretom (koteroghaie
Llou krali otecz Laiussa kralia koterie na muhachu poghinul ghdabiβe pyβalo od
Bosiegha poroda 1514 leto zeuβe ghoβpode i obchine volium poterdil) na βlouienβki
iezik kolikoβamgha moghal razmeti iβpyssem, onem na haβan koteribi radi βlouenβki
te khnighe chtali.
18 Neghde ter neghde naides Titulusse okraachene, poimene v oneh poβleh koterih nie
bilo potriebno zdiachkogha na βlouenβko preobrachati, vkomβarn v nekih malih
meβteh Veres Balasa koterie na Wgherβki iezik te Decretom pretumachil naβledoual.
19 Velikomv i Zmosnomv Ghoszpodinv Ghoszpodinv luriu Zrinβkomu vekouechnomu
knezu od Zrinia Czeβaroue i Kralieue βuetlosti na Wgherβkom orβaghu Tarnikmestru,
Tolnachniku i Capitanu yβe dobro od Bogha βuomu miloβtiuomu ghoβpodinu selye.
Nataša Štefanec 11
hereditary title of Tavernicus, which by now served a purely honorific
purpose. He did not know Latin.
Indeed, it is probable that his schooling
was rudimentary. So far, I have not been able to trace any evidence of
regular education, although his younger brother, Nikola, was registered in
the Law School in Padua in 1584, at the age of 25.
Doubtless, the family
needed a lawyer.
Juraj was not able to survey all his huge possessions by himself, let
alone settle the many legal disputes that arose on properties that stretched
along the contested Ottoman-Christian border from the Adriatic Sea to the
Burgenland. He had to rely almost entirely on managers, although he did
so reluctantly. In judicial matters, he often authorized his noble retainers
to judge in his name acting in the capacity of his locumtenentes.
In the course of managing the Zrinski estates, both Juraj and his father
resettled numerous subjects and familiares from their lost possessions in
Pounje to Vas and Zala counties in western Hungary, where different
customary provisions prevailed. At this time, moreover, the remnant of
the Croatian-Slavonian kingdom was subject to large population inflows
from the south-east. The Zrinski estates and MeĎimurje did not escape
this immigration, as may be demonstrated by the large number of alien
surnames, including the ethnonym ' Vlach' .
Often the newcomers were
awarded privileges by noble landowners (for instance, tax exemption over
a period of 12 years or more); others were removed entirely from seigneu-
rial jurisdiction and permitted to retain their own customary law and insti-
tutions. Vinodol, a substantial maritime property of the Zrinski family,
had for centuries had its own legal codes. The Vinodol law code
20 Croatian State Archives, Arhiv obitelji Čikulini Sermage, Kutija 79. 1.2. The letter is
incorrectly dated in Emil Laszowski, Izbor isprava velikih feuda Zrinskih i Frankopana,
Zagreb, 1951, pp. 1516.
21 1584. 16. 8-bris. Insani ferians scire cursus secundus dabit. Nicolaus Comes de Zrinio supr.
Dedit coronatum: Endre Veress, A paduai egyetem magyarországi tanuinak anyakönyve és
iratai (12641864). Matricula et acta Hungarorum in universitatibus Italiae studentium,
Volume 1 (Padua: 12641864), Kolozsvár, 1915, p. 92.
22 In Krašić, on November 30, 1581. Wa toy Prawdy zydyly zw w kipw (my emphasis).
G[ospo]d[i]na m[ilostivog] knez my Herendych I knez Jwray Hrelyacz; at the bottom,
Herendić signed with Glagolitic and Hreljac with Latin letters. See Ivan Kukuljević
Sakcinski, Acta Croatica - Listine hrvatske, Zagreb, 1863, pp. 283284.
23 See thus Drago Roksandić's paper delivered at the 'Triplex Confmium' international
conference (given at Krizevci, June 2628, 2002): 'Ethno-confessional changes in the
Križevci County and the Varaždin Generalate, 14501750' (forthcoming).
78 Pergošić 's Translation of the Tripartitum into Slavonian
(Vinodolski zakonik) was first compiled in 1288. Urburaria, recording the
obligations of the urban communities of Vinodol were revised and
rewritten several times between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries
always, so it would appear, at the instigation of the counts of Vinodol,
respectively the Frankopan family and, after 1550, the Zrinskis.
legal codes were all characterized by strong elements of Croatian
customary law.
Throughout the Zrinski's numerous properties, migra-
tion had the consequence of spreading a complex mosaic of different legal
practices and customary laws. Juraj, who spent most of his time fighting
the Ottomans, surely felt himself obliged to sort out this situation. In this
respect, he probably welcomed the Tripartitum as a way of bringing order
and legal homogeneity to his far-flung possessions and their diverse
While Juraj Zrinski may not have been able to read the original Latin
text of the Tripartitum, he did know Hungarian and thus it is quite possible
that he was aware of the text through Veres's Hungarian translation. As a
consequence, he invited Rudolf, the son of the man who had originally put
Veres into print, to come to Nedelišće to print Pergošić's Slavonian
translation. As we have seen, Pergošić's own words demonstrate this point.
Moreover, we know that the Slavonian translation of the Tripartitum was
not without legal consequence, but acquired as indeed we have
suggested was Juraj Zrinski's intention a wider currency. The judicial
protocols of Krapina, which were also written in the kajkavian dialect,
include on at least two separate occasions statements taken from
Pergošić's Decretum. Further research will doubtless yield other
We should, however, note one signal curiosity. Juraj Zrinski and his
brother-in-law, Boldizsár Batthyány a distinguished Hungarian
nobleman, humanist, patron of the arts, and an old friend of Juraj's father
corresponded for decades, discussing a broad range of topics and
everyday events and problems. Yet nowhere .in their correspondence is
there any reference to the translation and printing of books, of either a
24 In 1574 the Zrinski brothers and Stjepan Frankopan sent commissioners to survey all
possessions and towns in Vinodol. Thereafter, they issued their demand that dijak Mihalj
Grandić should transcribe the decisions (odredbe) of Bemardin Frankopan as recorded in
stare i razdrte hartije in order thus to preserve the laws of Bakar and Grobnik (bakarske i
grobničke zakone). See Laszowski, Izbor isprava velikih feuda Zrinskih, p. 4. In 1605 a
number of urburarial registers were transcribed once again (those of Grobnik, Hreljin,
Drivenik, Grižane i Bribir): ibid.
25 See thus the studies of Miho Barada, Nada Kla and Lujo Margetić.
26 Franjo Fancev, 'Beitrage zur historischen serbokroatischen Dialektologie', in Archiv r
Slavische Philologie, 31, 1910, pp. 367381 (p. 375).
Nataša Štefanec
secular or religious type. This is indeed odd, especially in view of the
difficulties which Juraj encountered on account of the activity of the
Tridentine bishop of Zagreb, Juraj Drašković, upon which he often
In view of the above, it must still remain an open question whether
Juraj had any larger plans for Pergošić's Decretum, beyond using this
edition for his own purposes on the family estates in a vernacular version.
Perhaps Pergošić's translation just came fortuitously to him. Perhaps he
simply wanted to emulate the rich literary activity of Batthyány's court.
In view of his life, it is quite reasonable to assume that he was simply too
occupied with military affairs to plan anything more serious or long term
in respect of the Decretum.
The history of Pergošić's Decretum suggests that our last observation
may not be too far from the mark. Difficulties of language and text were
evident even at the time of its printing. Of the five remaining copies of
Pergošić's Decretum (one in Zagreb, four in Budapest),
there were three
different editions. Each was composed using different dialectal versions
27 On Juraj Drašković, see Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski, Poviest porodice Draškovića
Trakošćanskih, Zagreb, 1887, p. 14; Klaić, Povijest Hrvata, 5, pp 665667.
28 Manlius first worked in Ungnad's print-shop in Urach. In 1562 he moved to Ljubljana
and established his own printing house with the encouragement of Juraj Dalmatin.
Although at first opposed by the Carniolan Estates, with Dalmatin's help he managed to
print his first book in 1575. In 1580, the Counter-Reformation started in earnest in
Carniola and Carinthia and the Archduke Charles began attacking Protestant printers.
Nevertheless, having one of the few printing houses in the region, Manlius did not print
only Protestant books. With the support of the bishop of Zagreb, Juraj Drašković, in
1578 Antun Vramec printed with Manlius his Chronicle in the Slavonian language,
dedicating it to Slavonian Estates. In 1582 Manlius was expelled from Carniola and
was invited to the court of Boldizsár Batthyány. In Németújvar (Güssing), he printed
sixteen books. In 1585, Juraj Zrinski invited him to his court in Monyorókerék. Over
the next two years, Manlius also travelled to Varaždin where he printed four books: the
Postilla in two parts of Antun Vramec in kajkavian (1586), Pergošić's Praefationes et
epistolae dedicatoriae (1587), and a book by Blaž Škrinjarić, De agno paschali (1587).
In 1587 he moved to the Zrinski estates. He worked until 1592/93 in Monyorókerék
(14 books) and Deutsch Schützen / Njemačke Šice (12 books). These books were
mostly in Hungarian. Thereafter he returned to Németujvár, and in 1597 he finally
moved to the Nádasdy estates, at rvár and Deutschkreutz, where he died. See Alojz
Jembrih, Antun Vramec i njegovo djelo. Prilog proučavanju starije hmatske
književnosti i povijesne dijalektologije, Čakovec, 1981, pp. 7084, 242245; Jembrih, 0
Vramcevoj kronici, Zagreb-Varaždin, 1992; Karl Semmelweis, Der Buchdruck auf dem
Gebiete des Burgenlandes bis zu Beginn des 19, Jahrhunderts (15821823), Eisenstadt,
1972, pp. 715.
29 See the comprehensive study by Karlo Kadlec (1909), above, note 2.
80 Pergoš's Translation of the Tripartitum into Slavonian
of the same text: one more kajkavijan part, an ikavian part, and a second
or koine kajkavian part.
Linguistic analysis has offered some possible
answers in regard to the origins of these dialectical forms and mixtures
and I will briefly give the basic results of this research. According to the
latest scholarship, the text in all three editions is the same after the 51
chapter. It is a kajkavian dialect taken from Moslavina region rather than
from MeĎimurje. As Pergošić said in his Preface, he translated the text
into Slavonian, not into the Croatian language, 'as best he understood it'.
Up to the 51
Chapter of Book One, what we are actually reading is a
mechanical ikavization of the text. This conforms to the language of the
so-called 'Ozalj Literary Circle', which was that used both in the Protes-
tant literature of central Croatia (also supported by the Zrinski family) and
which was spoken by the people living south of Zagreb and the River
Sava. This ikavization of the text was probably undertaken by someone
from the area of Ozalj who knew the language, and not by Pergošić
himself. According to Putanec's hypothesis, someone probably saw the
kajkavian translation as a first draft and told Pergošić that people living
south of the Sava would not understand it. Pergošić accordingly rewrote
this part of the text.
At the same time, however, Pergošić was probably aware that even his
kajkavian was not 'standard' enough. He originated from Moslavina, had
lived in Zagreb, and then moved to Varaždin. Each place differed in
respect of its form of the kajkavian dialect. In a small part of the text,
Pergošić even began to employ some sort of koine kajkavian redaction,
although it is still not clear how the redaction actually worked.
As there
exist today only five preserved copies of Pergošić's Decretum, repre-
senting no less than three separate editions, we may conclude that the
work was incomplete and tentative in respect of the forms in which it
survives today.
Perhaps the work of editing and refining the text was never completed.
Mihajlo Bučić, probably the first person to have been printed in
"Nedelišce, was excommunicated in 1574. A fierce post-Tridentine perse-
cution of Protestants loomed, and Rudolf Hofhalter had to leave the area
30 Valentin Putanec, 'Jezik "Decretuma" (1574) Ivana Perga', Hrvatski
dijalektološki zbornik, 6, 1982, pp. 269277.
31 Ibid, pp. 269277.
32 Ibid, pp. 274276; Kadlec, 1909 (analysis of Juraj Polivka see above: note 2); Putanec,
1983, pp. 333334.
Nataša Štefanec 81
as soon as possible.
A letter of Maximilian II to Ladislas Bánffy, brother of
Miklos, in February 1574 testifies to the intensification of religious conflict.
Maximilian wrote that he had learned that there was a printer on Ladislas's
estate in Lendava, who had been expelled from Transylvania for embracing the
Arian heresy, but who persisted in printing and selling Hungarian heretical
Under this sort of pressure, Pergošić was probably obliged to finish his
own work quickly and to submit his text to the printing house. If so, his haste
was not unwarranted, for it would be thirteen years before the next printer,
Manlius, came to Varaždin.
While it is certain that it was Juraj Zrinski and not the Bánffy family who
invited Hofhalter and supported the printing of the Tripartitum, it is less sure
who actually promoted the work of translation. Could it have been Juraj
Zrinski or was Ivan Pergošić acting alone? In his foreword to the Decretum,
Pergošić initially said that 'there were several good people' who urged him to
translate the Tripartitum. In the next sentence he mentions Juraj, but solely in
the context of bringing a printer to the area. If Juraj Zrinski had been behind
the translation and had invited the printer, would Pergošić not have connected
these two actions and attributed them both to Juraj? On the contrary, he clearly
distinguished between the 'several good people' and Juraj Zrinski. It should be
recalled that Juraj was a young gentleman with no established educational
record at the time when the translation started, which might have even been
begun several years before 1574.
So, who could those 'several good people'
be? Was it Pergošić himself, modest enough not to mention himself as the
initiator, but vain enough not to credit it to some other person by name? Or
were they the people from Pergošić's immediate surroundings, the so-called
'Varaždin literary circle'?
33 Putanec, 'Jezik "Decretuma"', pp. 274276. Mihael Bučić is mentioned as a priest
(plebanus) without an office in the list of priests who participated in a synod of the
Zagreb diocese held on 8 March, 1574. In addition to him, eleven priests from
MeĎimurje were mentioned, and Belica and Turnišće parishes recorded as vacant. See
the Archives of the Archbishopric of Zagreb (Nadbiskupski arhiv u Zagrebu), Acta
Ecclesiastica, 8/25.
34 Bartolić, 'Nedelišće', p. 194.
35 1 agree with Bartolić that Perg most probably began his translation before Hofhalter's
arrival, possibly even several years earlier: Bartolić, 'Nedelišće', p. 196.
82 Pergoš's Translation of the Tripartitum into Slavonian
And who actually was Ivan Pergošić? Valentin Putanec
and Franjo Fancev have indicated
some aspects of Pergošić's life and career. Basing his research on two charters from the Academy
Archives in Zagreb, Putanec partially reconstructed Pergošić's family tree from the fifteenth
century onwards. He established that Ivan Pergošić's predecessors were praediales of the bishop of
Zagreb in Mikulinci.
They remained praediales until at least 1586 when we have the last written
confirmation of their status by the bishop of Zagreb, Juraj Drašković. Putanec also pointed out that
the language of the Decretum might be a version of the kajkavian dialect from Moslavina region
and not from MeĎimurje or Varaždin.
According to Putanec's calculations, Ivan Pergošić was probably born some time after 1521 as a
sixth child in one of the branches of the Pergošić family. Due to major Ottoman offensives in the
second half of the sixteenth century, the village of Mikulinci and indeed the whole area was
plundered and the Pergošić family was obliged to flee. It is not known where Pergoš acquired his
education, but he became a diak or litteratus. We find him first in Zagreb, than in Varaždin. For a
short time Pergošić was rector of the lyceum in Zagreb,
and some time after 1564 he came to
Varaždin with his sister Agata. In Varaždin he began a judicial career and was connected to
members of the 'Varaždin literary circle' such as Antun Vramec, Blaž Skrinójarić, Blaž Antilović and
others. Many small clues, though mainly from the 1580s onwards, indicate that he was an influential
member of this group.
Antun Vramec (15381588),
who was perhaps the most famous member of the Varaždin
circle, published his Chronicle in 1578, which he dedicated to the Slavonian estates, and his two-
part Postilla in 1586. Both
36 Valentin Putanec, 'Porijeklo moslavačkih Pergošića i povezano s tim porijeklo
kajkavskog pisca Ivana Pergošića', in Čazma u prošslosti i danas, Čazma, 1979,
37 A praedialis belonged to a category of vassal retained on the estates of church
dignitaries who held a praedium (arable land, pastures, buildings). A praedium was
awarded to free men, as an inheritable right in the male line. The vassal had a duty
to serve under the flag of his benefactor. The right to award a praedium belonged
to prelates in Hungary and Croatia. See Vladimir Mažuranić, Pravno-povijesni
rječnik, 2, Zagreb, 19081922, p. 1089. Mikulinci is a now vanished village in the
district of Ivanić in Moslavina, which used to lie between Božjakovina and Ivanić.
38 In Monumenta historica liberae regiae civitatis Zagrabiae, ed. Emilij Laszowski (vol. 16, Zagreb, 1939, p. 184),
we find the following entry. 1564. Solutio rectoris s(chole). Feria secunda proximo post Quasimodo magistro
Ioanni Pergwssych, qui seruiuit in officio rectoratus afesto Blasii, vsque festum Ascensionis domini, cui dedi flor.
3. den.
39 He was born in Styria, studied in Rome and Vienna, and having made a successful church career as a canon of the
chapter of Zagreb, married. On Vramec, see Jembrih, Antun Vramec i njegovo djelo; Jembrih, O Vramčevoj
kronici; Vjekoslav Klaić, Antonii Vramecz. Kronika, Zagreb, 1908.
Nataša Štefanec 83
were composed in Slavonian. Vramec was generously supported by
Bishop Juraj Drašković, who encouraged use of the vernacular and fought
at the Council of Trent for the abolition of celibacy. After Trent, however,
all printing in the vernacular was considered problematic and Vramec was
attacked on account of his writing in Slavonian. He was even suspected of
heresy. In the preface to his book, De agno Paschali, printed in 1587 by
Manlius, Blaž Škrinjarić expressed fears for the reception of his own,
anti-Calvinist writings in a situation where everything was viewed with
suspicion, where even Vramec's work had run into disapproval, and
where there were so many envious and malevolent people around.
situation was such that any literary activity which was connected to
Manlius or which set store on the use of the vernacular might be the
subject of malicious tittle-tattle and even of the accusation of heresy.
Pergošić also found himself in trouble on this account. In 'his'
book, Praefationes et epistolae dedicatoriae, a commentary on the epis-
tles of Erasmus of Rotterdam printed in 1587, Pergošić confessed that, 'he
did not want to translate it into the vernacular as he did not want to have
to experience the same ingratitude again'. For all this though, he again
had it printed in the Protestant printing house of Joannes Manlius,
although this was probably because Manlius's was the only press avail-
It is not known whether Perg held office in Varaždin at the time
when he was making his translation of the Tripartitum. Apart from the
Decretum, where he is mentioned by date and name as the translator,
information on him only starts to appear in 1581. In that year, Pergošić
40 Franjo Fancev, 'Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Schrifttums in Kroatien', Archiv r
Slavische Philologie, 34, 1913, pp. 464483 (p. 469); Olga Šojat, 'Pregled starije
hrvatskokajkavske književnosti', in Kaj, Nos. 910, Zagreb, 1975; Georgijević,
Hrvatska književnost, p. 50; Kukuljević Sakcinski, Poviest porodice Draškovića
Trakošćanskih, p. 14.
41 One should recall that at the Council of Trent even the highest members of the Catholic
clergy (such as Andrija Dudić and Drašković) fought for the abolition of celibacy. Antun
Vramec was married, and Dudić married later on in life. The relationship between the
vernacular and heresy was only clarified at the Second Vatican Council.
42 Fancev, 'Ein Beitrag', pp. 468469. According to Fancev, Pergošić should not be
considered the author of the Praefationes, as this work is actually a compilation. See
Fancev, 'Ein Beitrag', pp. 470ff.
43 Putanec, 'Jezik "Decretuma"', pp. 275276. Pergošić in his Praefationes says, in qua a
Translatione in linguam domesticam ob id abstinere volui, ne similem gratiam, quae
mihi in versione Decreti Trypartiti ab aemulis olim accidit, consequerer. See Fancev,
'Ein Beitrag', p. 469.
84 Pergoš 's Translation of the Tripartitum into
signed a charter as a notary {notarius civitatis warasdiensis) but it is not
known when exactly he assumed this role.
In 1587, Škrinjarić occupied
the position of a judge and Pergošić was referred to asjuratus civis like
Blaž Antilović and several others (Georgius Flaijsman, Lucas Jakopch-
ijch, Leonardus Pethrowijch Pileator, Franciscus Barber Zwerssijch).
During that period he was always referred to as a testis judicis et auditor
causarum. In 1587 he participated in the distribution of Christmas gifts.
In 1587/1588 Pergošić went to Pozsony as nuntius of Varaždin with
'Zwerssijch'. Zveršić was judge of Varaždin in 1592, 1594, 1596 and
again in 1600, the year of his death. (During his office, in 1592, he
produced oath formulas in kajkavian). While Škrinjarić was judex civi-
tatis from 1586, Antilović acted as his notary. Antilović became a judge
in 1588/89
Already in 1561 Blaž Antilović had translated the Rules of
the Weavers' Guild from Latin into kajkavian.
After 1588, Pergošić
was involved as a witness in a trial against Škrinjarić on grounds of his
adultery. He died in 1591/92 as notarius comitatus ex civitatis
Varasdiensis. Although married, he left no heirs and his property passed
to his nephew, Tomo Siprak, who was the son of his sister, Agata.
The biographical information given here indicates the people with
whom Pergošić communicated.
In this circle of writers, lawyers and
judges, Pergošić was prompted to publish something on his own. Perhaps
he thought his Decretum might be widely used and thus would further
his career. Possibly he even started to translate the Tripartitum as a way
of launching his career in the Varaždin magistracy. A translation of, the
Tripartitum would in this respect serve to secure his reputation, which
was exactly what he, as a newcomer to Varaždin, needed.
In respect of what we have seen, I would not connect the translation of
the Tripartitum to Juraj Zrinski but instead, albeit tentatively, to
Pergošić's own circle and to the particular circumstances prevailing
among the intellectual elite in the city of Varaždin.
44 Putanec, 1983, p. 334; Putanec, 'Porijeklo moslavackih Pergošića', p. 124.
45 Fancev, 'Ein Beitrag', pp. 472475.
46 Putanec, 'Porijeklo moslavackih Pergošića', p. 123.
47 Fancev, 'Ein Beitrag', pp. 472475.
48 Valent Putanec has also drawn attention to the relationship between Perg and the
leading Hungarian lawyer, Ivan Kitonić, who at one time owned one of the five extant copies of
Perg's Decretum. See Valent Putanec, 'Kajkavski pisac Ivan Perg kao Varaždinac (novi
prilozi za njegovu aktivnost u gradu Vardinu i za njegove veze s pravnikom Ivanom
Kitonićem', in Vardinski zbornik, Varaždin, 1983, pp. 333337.
Nataša Štefanec
In Croatian historiography, the genesis of the Pergošić Slavonian trans-
lation of the Tripartitum has been the subject of much debate. It has not
yet been possible to find sufficiently reliable sources to enable us to
resolve some outstanding questions concerning this text. By utilizing the
results of other researchers as well as my own, I have sought to bring
together what information we have, to present some of my own conclu-
sions relating to the historical context in which the translation appeared,
and to outline-some of the possible motives of the main players. In
summary, I consider that the translation owed its inspiration to Pergošić
himself and to the immediate circle of Varaždin office-holders among
whom he moved. Juraj Zrinski, owner of the huge MeĎimurje estate set
beside the free royal city of Varaždin and patron of Protestant printers,
only created the background against which the Decretum, as well as many
other works, might be printed.
Werbőczy's Reception in Hungarian Legal Culture
Katalin Gönczi
Werbőczy aimed to create a law that would last, and he did so. His
achievement came about not through statute (for the Tripartitum failed to
acquire the necessary royal seal) but instead through customary use,
through its role in the burgeoning legal literature, and as a part of
Hungarian national mythology. Werbőczy's law code dominated
Hungarian legal culture for centuries. First, the courts applied his rules as
if they were law and thus they acquired authority from jurisprudence.
Secondly, his scheme and categorization of the law dominated legal
writing, to such an extent indeed that even nineteenth-century commen-
taries adopted his approach and borrowed his language. In the age of
nation-building, the Hungarian translation of the Tripartitum provided the
first step towards establishing a national legal language. Thirdly, in
respect of national identity, Werbőczy was instrumentalized. His name
not only became a synonym for the law of the nation, but also served as a
symbol and source of patriotic emotion.
1. Social and Political Background
The house of Habsburg acquired the royal dignity in Hungary in the
sixteenth century. In 1687, after the Habsburg rulers had liberated the
territories hitherto controlled by the Ottomans, the Hungarian nobility
gratefully recognized the hereditary right of the Habsburgs to the
Hungarian throne.
This right was extended to the female line in 1723 in
1 Peter F. Sugar, Peter Hanák, Tibor Frank (eds), A History of Hungary, Bloomington,
1990, p. 117; Andras Gergely, Gábor Máthé (eds), The Hungarian State 10002000,
Budapest, 2000, pp. 6667.
88 Werbőczy s Reception in Hungarian Legal Culture
exchange for a guarantee of the Hungarian nobility's continued freedom
from taxation.
The so-called 'Pragmatic Sanction' created an indissoluble
constitutional connection between Austria and Hungary as an inse-
parabilis et indivisihilis unio.
The Pragmatic Sanction of 1723 constituted a high point in the age of
royal absolutism during which time Austria established its supremacy in
the economic organization, trade and commerce of the Hungarian
kingdom. In respect of politics, the Habsburg rulers governed the land on
their own, and no other power influenced their decisions. The Hungarian
diet might be called upon to accept new forms of taxation, but otherwise
no discussion of national needs took place at this supposedly 'national'
forum. The nobility was effectively bought off by promises to conserve
its privileges. What debate there was took place in the county assemblies.
Austria's political dominance was reflected in cultural geography.
Hungary did not have a proper capital city. Although the diet customarily
met in Bratislava (Pozsony), the city lacked such national cultural institu-
tions as a theatre, opera house, museum or library. There was only one
national university in Trnava (Nagyszombat), which had been established
in the seventeenth century as an episcopal foundation, and which lay
under the control of the Catholic church.
The intellectual centre of the
Monarchy remained, therefore, Vienna. The premier Hungarian noble
families thus maintained their own palaces in the centre of the imperial
city, usually next to each other on the Herrengasse.
Although Buda Castle constituted the royal residence, the Habsburg
rulers preferred to govern Hungary from Vienna, and they were not really
interested in showing up on Buda's Castle Hill, even though it was the
traditional residence of the Hungarian kings. Indeed, when Maria
Theresa transferred the university from Nagyszombat to Buda and put it
under state control, she offered the royal castle to the university because
as she saw it Vienna was the true centre of Habsburg government
and Buda Castle a royal irrelevance. The offices of the absolutist govern-
ment resided in Buda. These included the principal administrative organ,
the Lieutenancy Council (Consilium Regium Locumtenentiale
Hungaricum) which had been appointed for Hungarian affairs by King
Charles IV (Emperor Charles VI). The Lieutenancy Council was headed
2 This right was originally derived from the Tripartitum: István Werbőczy,
Tripartitum opus juris consuetudinarii regni Hungariae, I, 9 [5].
3 Ferenc Eckhart, A Jog- és Államtudományi Karrténete 16671935, Budapest,
1936, pp. 4344.
Katalin Gönczi
by the palatine and was responsible for all matters relating to Hungary.
Between meetings of the diet, it functioned as the sole institution of
government. The official language was Latin.
In order to counter-balance Viennese cultural supremacy, some princes
sought to establish their own cultural institutions in Hungary. Prince Miklós
Esterházy, for instance, brought Joseph Haydn to his palace at Fertod. For his
part, Count György Festetich established a kind of private academy for
literature and the arts (Helicon) and a college for higher studies (Georgicon) in
Unlike in Prussia, England and France, where royal government
took the lead in the cultural construction of the nation, the development of
national culture in Hungary had to do without royal support.
2. Legal Culture in the Eighteenth Century
In the eighteenth century, Hungarian legal culture was based on
Werbőczy's Tripartitum. The Tripartitum governed Hungarian civil law,
particularly in respect of the terms of landownership and succession.
Austrian codes had an additional impact in respect of the criminal law and
procedure. The Praxis Criminalis, an Austrian collection of customary law
from the late seventeenth century, was applied by the county courts in
Hungary. It was the courts, however, which determined what the law
actually was. As a consequence, jurisprudence played an outstanding role in
shaping the Hungarian legal system.
Hungarian legal scholarship in the eighteenth and even in the early
nineteenth century was characterized by its descriptive methodology. The
legal works of this period generally gave an overview of the institutions
of Hungarian law in the form of glosses and commentaries.
These books
sought to elucidate what laws, procedures and practices retained validity
through use an approach typical in a system where customary law
prevailed. They were composed for practical purposes, for use in court
4 Sugar et al., A History of Hungary, p. 140; Holger Fischer, Eine Heine Geschichte
Ungarns, Frankfurt/M. 1999, pp. 8081. Gergely and Máthé's The Hungarian State
10002000, written for general use by the current leading legal historians of Hungary,
unfortunately overlooks the constitutional changes which took place in
the age of absolutism.
5 Andrew C. Janos, The Politics of Backwardness in Hungary, Princeton, 1982,
p. 36.
6 Imre Kelemen, Institutiones juris privati Hungarici, 4 vols, Pest, 1814, and Pál
Szlemenits, Elementa Juris Hungarici Civilis Privati, 2 vols, Pozsony, 1819.
90 Werbőczy's Reception in Hungarian Legal Culture
and in legal training. Partly on account of the strict censorship maintained
during the absolutist period, they eschewed both critical analysis and
theoretical expositions.
The preeminent institution for study of the law was the Hungarian
University, which was attended by the sons of Catholic families. Legal
education was until 1844 conducted exclusively in Latin and consisted of
Hungarian, Canon and Roman law. The content and programme of
studies at the University was dominated by the methods and views of
Maria Theresa's adviser, Carl Anton Martini. Legal education thus came
under state control and the ruler determined both the curriculum and all
teaching appointments. Under these circumstances, it is not surprising
that the Hungarian University was little influenced by the ideas of the
Maria Theresa founded several Schools of Administration, which
sought to give a practical legal training suitable for state officials. To
balance the Catholic hegemony at the state university, the Protestant
church also founded its own institutions of legal education. Contacts with
the Protestant universities in northern Germany, the Netherlands and
Switzerland were close and many graduates attended courses abroad.
Jena, Halle, Wittenberg, Göttingen, Leipzig and Leiden were the universi-
ties most frequently attended by Hungarian students. Students also trav-
elled abroad to take advantage of courses in philosophy and theology as
well as to receive the type of systematic training in jurisprudence which
was otherwise unavailable in Hungary.
As a consequence of these contacts, Hungarian students became
familiar with new intellectual trends, particularly in respect of statistics,
cameral science and political economy. These ideas fed into legal educa-
tion and contributed to the development of a more scientific approach
towards the law, and to a keener apprehension of its nature and purpose.
The development of public legal science during the last decades of the
eighteenth century is particularly associated with the University of
Göttingen. New approaches towards the law and its study were trans-
ferred through the peregrinatio academica into Hungarian legal culture
and contributed to the development of modem legal science in Hungary.
The new generation of Hungarian legal historians and scholars
concentrated in the first place on hunting down, collecting and
publishing legal material preserved in family archives. Theirs was a
movement similar to the Monumenta Germaniae Historica school in
Germany. Martin Kovachich and his son, Joseph, were in this regard the
most distinguished and prolific scholars. Martin Kovachich, supported
by the palatine and a committee of the diet, travelled around Hungary
Katalin Gönczi
and Transylvania, searching for and publishing manuscript sources
which bore on Hungarian legal history.
Martin Kovachich was also in
contact with the German historians, Christoph Friedrich Nicolai,
Johannes von Müller and Georg Heinrich Pertz, who initiated the Monu-
menta Germaniae Historical A further critical collection of charters was
edited by György Fejer.
3. Werbőczy's Reception in the Age of Reform (18251848)
Meanwhile the Hungarian nobility had been aroused by the harsh central-
ization and Germanization undertaken by Joseph II (178090). Joseph's
administrative reforms alarmed the Hungarian nobles, and provoked
widespread opposition. Nevertheless, the spirit of Enlightenment
persisted during the short reign of his successor, Leopold II (179092),
together with the notion of modernization through legal reform. In 1790,
nine separate commissions were established with the consent of the diet
and enjoined with the task of elaborating new legal codes to regulate
commerce, the criminal law, the laws of contract and property, and so on.
Constitutional law was not included, lest it upset the delicate balance of
ambiguities enshrined in the Pragmatic Sanction. The movement for
reform faltered, however, with Leopold's premature death and with the
unmasking by his successor of the so-called 'Jacobin conspiracies'.
Reform gave way to a period of conservative reaction. As a consequence,
the customary framework embodied in Werbőczy's Tripartitum received
a second wind.
In 1825 the Hungarian Diet met for the first time in thirteen years, and
debate was renewed over the issue of reform. On this occasion, the ruler
proved more tractable. Over the preceding years the movement for
national liberation in Italy had gathered pace and, under these circum-
stances, the ruler had no wish to put Vienna on a collision course with
7 Martinus Georgius Kovachich, Vestigia Comitiorum apud Hungaros ab exordio regni
eorum in Pannonia usque ad hodiernum diem celebratorum, 3 vols, Buda, 17981801;
by the same author, Formulae solennes styli, Pest, 1799; and Josephus Nicolaus
Kovachich, Sylloge decretorum comitialium inclyti regni Hungariae, quae in vulgaio
corpore juris Hungarici erepta sunt, 2 vols, Pest, 1818.
8 Gusztáv Wenzel, Kovachich Márton György, Horváth István és Fejér György mint
magyar rténetmíivelök, re-published and edited by István Soós, Fons, 3, no 1, 1996,
pp. 5171 (p. 58).
9 Georgius Fejér, Codex diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, 8 vols in 42
parts, Buda 18291832.
92 Werbőczy 's Reception in Hungarian Legal Culture
Hungary. Accordingly, the political attitude of the Austrian government
towards Hungary took on a new direction and the reform of the legal
system was put once more on the agenda of the Diet. Discussion of the
drafts of 1790 recommenced.
As a consequence of the movement for reform, the prevailing legal
literature in Hungary had already changed its character. Although the
descriptive method was maintained in the state-contolled, conservative
environment of the University, elsewhere a critical legal literature had
emerged which sought to contribute to the debates of the Diet. The legal
literature drew on the latest ideas abroad and championed reform of the
law as an instrument of modernization.
In addition to the University and Schools of Administration, several
new institutions were founded in which discussion of the law was
promoted. The most important of these was the Hungarian Learned
Society (Magyar Tudós Társaság known after 1845 as the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences), in respect of which the Royal Society in Britain
served as a model.
The Academy's most important activity was to
develop a national vocabulary of science and scholarship which would
serve to establish the cultural community of the nation.
The commission
for legal sciences, which commenced work in the 1830s,
sought to
compile a lexicon of Hungarian legal terms. Among its first activities was
the translation of the most important Latin legal works, amongst which
was Werbőczy's Tripartitum. The assembly of the Academy also decided
to compile a law dictionary, and in 1843 the first vocabulary of 20,000
Latin legal terms was published together with their Hungarian equiva-
The first translation of Werbőczy in the Age of Reform was
completed in 1830 by János Perger.
Although the work of a single
scholar, Perger's translation was inspired by the larger endeavour of foun-
ding a national scientific language. Additionally, Perger wanted to make
10 György Fejér published a paper on this topic in 1809. See Sándor Kónya (et. al.), A
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia másfél évszázada 18251975, Budapest 1975, p. 22.
11 The language law was passed in 1844 and affected the rights of the non-Hungarian
speaking minorities in the kingdom of Hungary. See János Varga, A Hungarian Quo
Vadis. Political Trends and Theories of the Early 1840s, Budapest, 1993, pp. 174175.
12 Geza Magyary, 'A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia es a magyar jogtudomany', in A
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia első evszázada, Budapest, 1926, vol. 1, pp. 5580 (pp.
13 rvénytudományi müszótár, (ed.) Magyar Tudós Társaság, Buda, 1843.
14 János Perger, Werbőczy István magyar forditása némely jegyzetekkel megvilágositva,
Pest 1830.
Katalin Gönczi
Werbőczy accessible in a modern edition, which might be read and under-
stood by all.
The most important developments in respect of the Tripartitum in the
Age of Reform are indissolubly linked with the person and programme of
Count Istvan Széchenyi.
Széchenyi had been inspired by the economic
theories of Adam Smith, and he sought ways of adapting Smith to
Hungarian circumstances.
Accordingly, he questioned the special privi-
leges which Werbőczy accorded to the nobility and, in particular, their
relevance to a modern industrial society. Werbőczy had affirmed the
nobleman's freedom from taxation
and he had put all sorts of obstacles
in the way of his being taken to court. Additionally, the system of avitic-
itas, and of the collective rights to land vested in the family, made it hard
to sell or mortgage property in order to obtain working capital for invest-
ment. Széchenyi questioned the rationale behind these privileges and
customs, and he demonstrated that they were inimical to commerce and to
the economic development of the country.
Széchenyi's comment that, as the first step in creating a new legal
order, nine-tenths of the Tripartitum should be burnt
is often cited in
Hungarian historical literature.
This was, however, an age given to
romantic exaggeration and to word-play. What Széchenyi actually
meant here was that the 'ninth' and the 'tenth' should be abolished: the
'ninth' or nona being the service-rent due to the landowner from his peas-
ants, and the 'tenth' being the tithe payable to the Church. In short, he
15 Sugar et al, A History of Hungary, pp. 190193.
16 See istvan Széchenyi's three leading works on social, political and economic affairs:
Hitel, Pest, 1830; Világ, Pest, 1832; and Stádium, Leipzig, 1833. For further details,
see Katalin Gönczi and Thomas Henne, 'Leipziger Verlage, liaisonmen und die
Anfänge der modemen Rechtswissenschaft in Ungarn', Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung
für Rechtsgeschichte, Germanistische Abteilung, 118, 2001, pp. 247272 (p. 258).
17 Martyn Rady, Nobility, Land and Service in Medieval Hungary, Basingstoke and
London, 2000, pp. 144146.
18 István Széchenyi, Hitel, Pest 1830, pp. 188192.
19 Széchenyi, Hunnia, Pest, 1858, pp. 7879.
20 Tamas Vecsey, Széchenyi és a magyar magánjog, Budapest, 1895, p. 2 (cited by
Ferenc Mádl, 'Das erste Ungarische Zivilgesetzbuch das Gesetz vom Jahre 1959
im Spiegel der Geschichte der zivilrechtlichen Kodifikation', in Gyula Eörsi (ed.), Das
ungarische Zivilgesetzbuch in fünf Studien, Budapest 1963, pp. 9112 (p. 96, fh. 99)
and János Zlinszky, 'Ungarn', in Helmut Coing (ed.), Handbuch der Quellen und
Literatur der neueren europäischen Privatrechtsgeschichte, München 1986, vol 3, part
2 (Gesetzgebung zum Allgemeinen Privatrecht und zum Verfahrensrecht im 19.
Jahrhundert), pp. 21412213 (p. 2160).
Werbőczy’s Reception in Hungarian Legal Culture
advocated that the nexus subditelae and ecclesiastical privilege should be abolished and not that the
Tripartitum be literally consigned to the flames. Indeed, Széchenyi stood for gradual, organic change. In
his work On Credit, Széchenyi railed against those who would seek to have the entire Hungarian Corpus
Juris torn up.
It was Széchenyi's conviction that a reformed Hungarian legal system should be built
upon the Tripartitum, but with the elements relating to manorial service and noble privilege stripped
from it. Accordingly, he pressed at meetings of the Hungarian Learned Society for a modern scholarly
translation of the Tripartitum.
In 1840 the process of legal codification reached an intensive phase. New laws on commerce had
been passed, and a committee was set up to draft a reform of the criminal law.
This burst of legislative
activity rested, however, on the conviction that historical and customary provision might be set aside and
entirely new regulations imposed through statute. Consequently, the relationship between these two
separate repositories of law came to the forefront of scholarly enquiry. As the preeminent source of
customary provision, Werbőczy's Tripartitum accordingly became a subject of particular interest.
Several legal studies dealt with the author of the Tripartitum. A biography of Werbőczy was, for
instance, published in 1842,
and, in the yearbook of the Academy, the leading legal historian, Pál
Szlemenits, published a paper on the Tripartitum.
At the same time as the language laws became a leading topic of debate at the diet, Jozsef Ponori
Thewrewk compiled in 1844 a dictionary which translated into Hungarian Werbőczy's Latin
The list he produced showed that legal terms were elastic and that the Hungarian
language was insufficiently nuanced. Thewrewk was unable, for instance, to distinguish between ius and
iustitia, both of which terms he rendered in Hungarian as igazság. Legislative acts were described by
another term, rvény. Precisely the same difficulty was encountered by Ignac Frank in the title of his
famous commentary, 'The Law determining the Law [Justice] in Hungary' (Az osztó igazság törvénye
Magyarhonban the
21 Széchenyi, Hitel, p. 48.
22 Mádl, 'Das erste Ungarische Zivilgesetzbuch', p. 96.
23 Katalin nczi, 'Wissenstransfer bei den Kodifikationsarbeiten im ungarischen Vorrz', Ius Commune.
Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, 25, 1998, pp. 261290 (pp. 273278).
24 Imre Palugyay (the younger), Werbőczy István rövid életrajza, Buda 1842.
25 Pál Szlemenits, 'Werbőczy István hármas könyvérol', Magyar Tudományos Akademia Evkönyvei, 7,
Buda, 1846.
26 József Ponori Thewrewk, Werbőczy István dk műszavai régi magyarisokkal, Pozsony, 1844.
Katalin Gönczi
title is almost incomprehensible in English translation; in respect of legal
terminology the English language is even less subtle than Hungarian!).
At the behest of the diet, the Academy resolved in 1840 to translate the
Corpus Juris Hungarici into Hungarian. A committee of lawyers was
accordingly set up, among whose members were two leading figures in the
legal developments of the 1840s, László Szalay and Lőrinc th. Both were
members of the Academy and former students of law, although after
graduation neither had had any contact with the University typically, the
law faculty of the University had no part in these discussions. Having
completed their own work, the translators discussed the terminology which
they had used from the vantage-point of the 'history of Hungarian law', 'the
linguistic comprehension of the medieval laws', and 'the rules and spirit of the
Hungarian language' .
The final draft was supervised by the lawyers Antal
Sztrókay and Pál Szlemenits, while the poet Mihály Vörösmarty was appointed
responsible for matters of linguistic coherence. The first fruit was a new
translation of the Tripartitum, published in 1844.
In 184447 the Latin text of
the Tripartitum was included in a new three-volume edition of the Hungarian
The purpose of this edition was to provide a definitive Latin version of
the laws and customs of Hungary, resting on the thorough and critical reading
of the extant manuscript sources, from which a translation might subsequently
be made. At this time, the laws of the kingdom (including the Tripartitum)
existed in several versions the 'historically authentic' account, as determined
by Martin and Joseph Kovachich, and the 'customary recension' which,
although at odds with the historical version and inaccurate in its transcription,
had at least been sanctified by use.
A second edition of the Tripartitum was published in 1864. The
extremely short preface to the second edition was written by László Szalay
in May 1864,
at that time General Secretary of the Academy. A third
edition was completed in 1894, translated by Sándor Kolosvári and Kelemen
Óvári, and introduced by the General Secretary of the Academy, lmán
The Kolosvári- Óvári translation was subsequently
27 Ignac Frank, Az oszto igazsdg torvenye Magyarhonban, Buda, 1845.
28 Ferenc Schedel, 'Eloszo az elso kiadashoz', in Werbőczy Istvdn Hdrmaskonyve, 2nd
edition, Pest 1864, unpaginated.
29 Werbőczy Istvdn Hdrmaskonyve, Pest 1844.
30 Decretum generate inclyti regni Hungariae partiumque eidem annexarum. Tomus
primus continens opus Tripartitum juris consuetudinarii ejusdem regni auctore
Stephano de Werbocz [...], Buda 18441847.
31 Werbőczy Ish'dn Hdrmaskonyve, 2
ed., Pest 1864.
32 Werbőczy Ist\>dn Hdrmaskonyve, 3
ed., Budapest 1894.
96 Werbőczy s Reception in Hungarian Legal Culture
included in the 'Millennium' edition of the Hungarian laws, where it was
reproduced under the editorship of Dezső Markus in 1897.
4. Instrumentalizing the Tripartitum
In the period following the War of Independence in 184849, Hungary
laboured under the Bach regime and, thereafter, under the rule of the
Austrian Civil Code. During this time, Werbőczy became a symbol of
national identity, and his work was considered to embody those
Hungarian values which 'neo-absolutism' and the 'illegal' rule of Franz
Joseph sought to excise.
Werbőczy became a symbol of national inde-
pendence and the Tripartitum a codeword for anti-Habsburg sentiment.
The Tripartitum thus symbolized the common desire for 'our old
Hungarian law', while Werbőczy himself joined Kossuth as one of the
leading embodiments of the national will. In a portrait painted in the
second half of the nineteenth century, we may thus see Werbőczy wearing
a traditional Hungarian military costume and bedecked with fur, but with
facial features uncannily close to Kossuth's own.
The re-moulding of Werbőczy as a national hero necessarily involved
the downplaying of his obligation to a larger, European legal literature.
His formulation after the peasant uprising of 1514 concerning the origins
and noble character of the Hungarian nation was reinterpreted in such a
way as to give the Magyar nation exclusive national hegemony within the
otherwise multi-national Hungarian state. Likewise, Werbőczy's 'doctrine
of the Holy Crown' was recast in terms of public law and of the rights of
the Hungarian state to complete independence within the Habsburg
Monarchy. The Tripartitum was thus re-worked so as to suit the pseudo-
democracy and pseudo-statehood of Ausgleich Hungary.
The Tripartitum was incorporated in the millennial edition of the
Corpus Juris Hungarici, and is usually considered the last volume of this
series. But, as it turned out, the 'last' volume was in fact published first,
for the Tripartitum left the printing house earlier (1897) than the first
volume of the decrees (1899), which published the earliest laws of
Hungary from 1000 to 1526. The publication of the CJH was timed to
33 György Szabad, Hungarian political trends between the Revolution and the
Compromise (18491867), Budapest, 1977, p. 34.
34 László Szalay, 'Werbőczy és Verancsics Antal', Budapesti Szemle, 1857, pp.
35 See thus the very first page of the 1864 Hungarian edition of the Tripartitum: Werbőczy
István Hérmaskönyve, 2
edition, Pest, 1864.
Katalin Gönczi
coincide with the Millennium and the dazzling celebration of the thou-
sand-year anniversary of the 'home-taking' (honfoglalás). (The year of
the invasion was, incidentally, decided by an act of parliament which
overrode the opinion of historians.) In the introduction to the millennial
edition of the Tripartitum, Werbőczy's achievements were described in
passionate terms. The reader was told that Werbőczy had 'signed his
name in the book of fate', that he had a 'burning love for his home-land'
and 'enormous power as an orator', and that 'he noticed every beat of the
heart in the body of the nobility'.
These tendencies persisted in the interwar period. Following the break-
up of the historic kingdom, which left large Hungarian minorities living
outside the boundaries of the new state, nation and territory no longer
coincided. Accordingly, the idea of the nation had to be refashioned in
terms of a cultural and linguistic community which transcended political
borders. The search for a new identity drew scholars to re-examine
Hungary's legal inheritance. On the one hand, the relationship between
Hungarian law and the English common law tradition was investigated
and parallels between the Magna Carta of 1215 and the Hungarian Golden
Bull of 1222 drawn. Béni Grosschmid, in particular, stressed the close
similarity between English civil and public law as it had developed in the
Middle Ages and the provisions of Hungarian customary law as contained
in the Tripartitum.
On the other hand, Hungarian historians extolled the
uniqueness of Hungarian customary law as the embodiment of the
national character and spirit of the Volk. This second trend comported
with contemporary approaches in German legal thinking and contributed
to the increasingly nationalist content of discourse in the social sciences.
As Werbőczy was ever more intrumentralized for political purposes,
his dress turned increasingly 'red, white and green'. His reputation and
legacy were accordingly refashioned to fit in with a nationalist agenda.
During the interwar period, he was most often cited in connection with
the doctrine of the Holy Crown, and his work was used to buttress the
national-conservative myth of the 'Thousand-Year-Old-State of St.
During the Second World War, the 400th anniversary of
István Werbőczy's death was celebrated by a conference at the University
36 Sándor Kolosvári and Kelemen Óvári, Preface of the translators, in Werbőczy István
Hármaskönyve, Corpus Juris Hungarici /Magyar rvénytár 10001895, Budapest,
1897, pp. xixxxii (p. xvii).
37 Beni Grosschmid, Werbőczy és az angoljog, Budapest, 1928.
38 István Csekey, 'Werbőczy és a magyar alkotmányjog', in (eds) Elemér P. Balás, István
Csekey, Istváan Szászy, György Bónis , Werbőczy István, Acta Juridico-Politica 2,
Kolozsvár 1942, pp. 4381. Also published as an offprint.
98 Werczy's Reception in Hungarian Legal Culture
of Kolozsvar (Cluj). The 1941 conference took place only a year after
Hitler had given southern Transylvania to Hungary and was intended to
legitimize the Hungarian presence at the former University of Cluj, which
had by this time worked under Romanian sovereignty for more than
twenty years. The Law Faculty of the University of Kolozsvár had started
in 1940 a new series of publications, and the papers given at the 1941
conference were reproduced in the second volume of the series.
The legend of Werbőczy retained sufficient efficacy to provoke a fierce
reaction by communist historians. In 1947, even before the takeover, the
Marxist ideologist and historian, Erik Molnar, reinterpreted Werbőczy's role
in accordance with the mechanical Marxist adaptation of history.
was accordingly consigned to a closed chapter of Hungarian history. He was
held to have no relevance in Hungarian history, except as a persecutor of the
peasantry, and his Tripartitum was treated as an antique curiosity. In
western scholarly circles, however, Werbőczy was considered differently. In
1969, the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt
initiated a facsimile edition of the Tripartitum.^ The medievalist, György
Bónis, who had helped organize the 1941 conference, wrote the preface.
After 1989, Werbőczy made his latest renaissance. It is surely no wonder
that in the turbulent years of the Hungarian transition two new editions of
the Tripartitum should have appeared.
A preface by the director of a Pécs
printing factory, Imre Bodnár, encapsulates precisely the prevailing views
on Hungarian national culture in 1989. In patronizing fashion, Bodnár
criticizes the new media for their destructive effect on the cultural
aspirations of young people. Bodnár explains that by publishing the
Tripartitum he aimed to reassert Hungarian values for the intellectual
benefit of Hungarian youth. Bodnár's private initiative was followed by a
new scholarly edition in 1990 which was published under the supervision
of György Bónis . From then on, Werbőczy was rediscovered by legal
Nevertheless, as János Zlinszky has
39 Elemér P. Balás, István Csekey, István Szászy, György Bónis (eds), Werbőczy
Islván, Kolozsvár, 1942 (see note immediately above).
40 Erik Molnár, 'Werbőczy és a rendi jog', rsadalmi Szemle, 1947, pp. 109114.
41 Tripartitum opus iuris consuetudinarii inclyti regni Hungariae per Stephanum de
Werbewcz editum Wien 1517, (Faksimiledruck mit einer Einleitung von György
nis), Frankfurt/M, 1969.
42 Tripartitum, Pécs, 1989, and Tripartitum, Budapest, 1990.
43 bor Hamza (ed.), Tanulmányok Werbőczy Istvánról, Budapest, 2001.
Katalin Gönczi 99
pointed out, our understanding of the full complexity of Werbőczy's work is
still far from complete.
The history of the Tripartitum and of its editions over the last two centuries
indicates the close correlation between its publication and the decisive
stages of Hungarian legal history. In the 1840s, the Tripartitum contributed
to Jhe formation of a national legal culture; in the 1860s, it was used as a
tool against 'foreign' Austrian legal supremacy; in the 1890s, the
Tripartitum acquired its special place in national mythology, a role which it
held until the communist take-over, after which it was pushed to the
sidelines. In 1989, the Tripartitum was rediscovered. The period after 2004,
the year of Hungary's accession to the European Union, will be a
challenging one. National individuality in respect of legal traditions will
have to sit within the framework of the European Union. In this respect, the
need for a modern edition of the Tripartitum, just as of other important legal
is beyond question.
44 nos Zlinszky, 'Werbőczy jogforrástana', Jogtudományi zlöny, 48, 1993, pp.
374376 (p. 374).
45 See thus the new edition of Buda's medieval Stadtrecht: Lász Blazovich and
zsef Schmidt (eds), Buda város jogkönyve, 2 vols, Szeged, 2001.
The Primacy of Consuetudo in Hungarian Law
László Péter
Hungary's ancient constitution, as elsewhere in medieval Europe, was
generated by custom. However, the Middle Ages lasted longer in some
parts of Europe than in others; in Hungary they lasted well into the nine-
teenth century when, in sharp contrast to Austria,
custom was still the
dominant source of law. Consuetudo regni, as a legal source, possessed
greater vitality than royal decree, decretum enacted by the king with the
consent of the estates at the diet, royal privilege, or the judgement of a law
The single work which lent shape to Hungarian law more than any
enactment for over three centuries was a customary,
which did not
explicitly include the decreta, the statutes. Werbőczy, a sixteenth-century
Hungarian Bracton, in the Prologue of the Tripartitum, treats consuetudo
and decretum as having the same force of law. He argues, not unlike
Bartolus and many before him, that if statute law is subsequent to
contrary custom, then the statute should annul the custom. If, however,
1 In nineteenth-century Cisleithania, custom even in civil law was not a recognized
source of law (except when the law expressly referred to it which it hardly ever
did): Allgemeines bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, Vienna, 1811, para. 10. The 1811 code
refers to custom and use on two occasions only in respect of local pasturing rights
and of procedure for reporting 'lost and found' property.
2 István Werbőczy, Tripartitum opus juris consuetudinarii inclyti regni Hungariae
(hereafter Trip.), Syngrenius, Wien, 1517. I have used the 'Márkus edition', Budapest,
1897, which is the 'customary' rather than the 'historically authentic edition' (the two
differ in respect of several thousand minor particulars). The diet commissioned
Werbőczy, protonotary of the High Court, to collect the country's laws. The draft,
approved by a committee, attained royal approbatio, but the work was never
promulgated by the king in a decretum. The Tripartitum was to become the book in
Hungary which, apart from the Bible, attained the highest number of editions (fifty-
four to date).
102 The Primacy of Consuetudo in Hungarian Law
the statute precedes established custom, the latter prevails over the
former. Approved general custom cancels the statute everywhere; local
custom sets aside the statute only locally.
Custom interprets, comple-
ments and may supplant statute law.
We need not follow the large litera-
ture on Werbőczy's foreign sources: what he took from Roman Law
(passages from the Digests) and from Canon Law. These influences were
secondary. Hungarian law was overwhelmingly vernacular in form and
content. Indeed, after the Prologue Werbőczy abandons the learned
distinctions he has made.
He does not maintain the view that custom and
statute are different and equal sources of law. Consuetudo lies behind and
is paramount over all other forms of law. royal edicts, letters of privilege,
judgements of the court and decreta regni.
Law is not made or created; it
is not an expression of will not even the will of the community. Law is
ius, right, which exists as the approved habits and usages of the commu-
The statutes only record and promulgate customary rights recog-
nized as already binding.
Ius, for Werbőczy, is not unchanging: it adapts to varying circum-
stances. But the adaptation is not judicial. Ius is not judge-made law:
judicial practice is merely evidence rather than the cause which generates
3 Tripartitum, Prologue, 12.
4 Ibid, 2 [35].
5 On the conflict between the Prologue and the rest of the work, seezsef Illés, Bevezetés a
magyar jog rtéhetébe, Budapest 1910, p. 144 f. passim; György Bónis, Középkori
jogunk elemei, Budapest 1972, pp. 237 ff. In the past the Prologue was seen as the
foundation of the work; Bonis, by contrast, emphasized that the 'true Werbőczy' could be
found in the three parts, ibid., p. 261.
6 E.g. Trip. II, 6. Werbőczy used consuetudo in the title in a generic sense for law: cf. paras
13 and esp. 9 (consuetudo accepted some of the decreta). The Hungarian equivalent of
consuetudo used to be rvény (lex) as well as szokás; see further examples in Grosschmid,
Magánjogi előadások, Budapest, 1905, pp. 405, 410, 543; also see György Bónis, Törny
és szokás a Hármaskönyvben, Kolozsr, 1942, esp. p. 8.
7 zsef Ils held that until 1848 customary law was 'the most powerful source of law',
Bevezes, p. 213. The Tripartitum itself was the best example: a private publication (cf.
note 2 above), it became 'law' and was frequently republished together with the decreta
regni, which sometimes referred to it, as Werbőczy's work had acquired general approval
even before its publication in 1517. Yet, notwithstanding its authority, the Tripartitum,
being a private publication, allowed open debate on the law. nos Kitonich's work, for
instance, from 1619 generated a literature well before the nineteenth century, giving a good
start to the growth of Hungarian jurisprudence.
László Peter
ius .
For Werbőczy and for his successors over three centuries, the authority
behind ius non scriptum as much as written law is the approval of the
community, tacitus consensus populi which the 'lawmaker' is to discover and
and the judge merely to apply.
Political authority, as much as all the
other concerns of law, was founded on ius. It could not have been otherwise
because 'public law' was not even a distinct branch of the legal system before
the nineteenth century.
Succession in the royal office,
the coronation, the
royal oath, the Inaugural Diploma, the constitution of the diet and also the
ambit of the diet's authority were largely regulated by custom.
And so were
the rights of the king to rule and govern as much as the rights of the nobles,
of the other privileged groups, of the counties and sedes of the districts.
After the Habsburg dynasty had acquired the throne in 1526 the
authority of the diet and that of the decretum increased without, however,
leading to a statutory system of law. The decreta regni, the statute laws,
which had accumulated in manuscript collections for centuries, were
published for the first time by two bishops in 1584 in Nagyszombat
Like the Tripartitum, this was a private edition, although
8 Judges took decisions without reference to statute law juxta antiquam et approbatam
consuetudinem. See Ferenc Eckhart, 'Jog- és alkotmánytörtenet' in (ed.) Bálint Höman,
A magyar történetirás új utjai, Budapest, 1931, p. 283.
9 On this view consuetudo may or may not maintain a decretum after the death of its
10 Art. X of 1492 ordains the judges to administer justice juxta regni antiquam et
approbatam consuetudinem. As the royal courts were dependent on the king, the
estates were most reluctant to accept judicial decisions as a source of consuetudo.
11 A learned man, Werbőczy distinguished in the Prologue jus publicum from jus
privatum (2 [3]), only to disregard the distinction in the rest of his work.
12 Despite the introduction of agnatic succession in 1687 and that of cognatic
succession in 1723, the Hungarian Pragmatic Sanction limited by decreta the
acceptance of the rules of succession to specified branches of the dynasty. The
estates, however, preserved 'the approved customary right' to elect the king should
these branches become extinct. See Art. Ill of 1687 and Art. II of 1723, para. 11.
13 Cf. Eckhart, 'Jog- és alkotmanytörtenet', p. 279
14 Zakariás Mossóczy and Miklós Telegdi, Decreta, Constitutiones et Articuli Regum
Inclyti Regni Ungariae. The work was based on codex collections and the appendix of a
published historical work by Bonfini. See la Iványi, Mossóczy Zakariás és a magyar
Corpus Juris keletkezése, Budapest, 1926 (on the background, the sources of the work
and on Mossóczy), esp. pp. 62 f; Mihály Pámiczky and János Bátyka, A magyar corpus
juris, Budapest, 1936, esp. p. 42 ff; Zoltán Kérészy, A Corpus Juris Hungarici mint irott
jogi tfő, Budapest, 1935, pp. 5, 30, 35; Ándor Csizmadia, 'Previous editions of the
laws of Hungary', in János M. Bak, György Bónis, James Ross Sweeney, The Laws of
the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, vol. I (10001301), Salt Lake City, 1989, pp. xxiv f.
104 The Primacy of Consuetudo in Hungarian Law
issued under royal licence as were all the many other editions that
followed. The Jesuit rton Szentiványi's edition of 1696 fitted the title
Corpus Juris Hungarici to the collection.
The principle that the diet and the king make and unmake laws was not
yet accepted for at least another century. The nobility stubbornly fought
against the so-called Revisions-clausel which the court had inserted in
Joseph's coronation oath and the text of the Inaugural Diploma in 1687.
The neo-rex promised to observe the nobility's 'immunities, liberties,
rights, privileges and approved customs as the king and the assembled
estates will agree on the interpretation and application thereof.
clause was left out of Maria Theresa's coronation oath, albeit not from her
Inaugural Diploma. Art. VIII of 1741 expressly exempted, however, the
cardinal privileges of the nobility from the implication of the 'revision
clause' so that fundamental rights could not even be brought before the
diet for discussion. Basic customary rights were subject neither to revi-
sion nor even to interpretation by the diet. The decreta did not set out the
recognized rights and obligations: they presumed their existence; they
alluded to, referred to and frequently plainly borrowed their legal
authority from rights held in consuetudo. Béla Grünwald shrewdly
observed that in the eighteenth century both the king and the nobility had
vested interests against much statute-making. Statutes created duties for
someone; they restricted power.
It would, however, be a grave error to conclude from all this that rights
in Hungary were set in stone and that politics drifted towards stagnation.
The dominant role of a set of hypothetically unchangeable customary
15 Future editions of the CJH added the new decreta to the corpus without, however,
deleting those which were no longer regarded as being in force. In this sense the CJH
soon became a 'corpus clausum'. The Tripartitum was usually published together with
the decreta, and most editions contained various supplementary legal material:
Párniczky and Bátyka, op. cit., pp. 6667."I have used the Markus or 'Millennium'
edition of Magyar rvénytár, Budapest, 1897, without giving reference.
16 The contended passage ran: prout super eorum intellectu, et usu, regio a communi
statuum consensu diaetaliter conventum fuerit; in Art. 1 of 1687, para. 2 (the text of the
oath), the word diaetaliter was added after the coronation. See Gustav Turba, Die
Grundlagen der pragmatischen Sanktion, Vienna, 1911,1, pp. 4863, 24950, 25859;
István Ereky, Jogtörténelmi és közigazgatási jogi tanulmányok, Eperjes, 1917,1, p. 184
n 2; Béla Baranyai, 'Hogyan rtént az 1687/88, évi 14, tc. szerinti rvényszöveg
becikkelyezése', A gróf Klebelsberg Kuno Magyar Történetkutató Intézet évkönyve, (ed.
Dávid Angyal) Budapest, 1933, esp. p. 70 and n 16.
17 Béla Grünwald, A régi Magyarország, Budapest, 1910, p. 373. Indeed both sides were
primarily interested in preserving the system of free bargaining.
Lászlo Peter
rights did not lead to political immobility. On the contrary the immutability of custom went
hand in hand with a high degree of volatility in the relationship between the two possessors of
iura: the crown, representing the royal office, and the nobility, organized in the ország. For
mixed constitutions, like the Hungarian, were unstable affairs.
Although the influence of the Enlightenment, and in particular that of Montesquieu, was
considerable among educated Hungarian nobles in the late eighteenth century,
even Art. XII
of 1790 de legislativae et execu-tivae potestatis did not change the position of statutory to
customary law.
In the renowned Art. X of 1790, Leopold II recognized (benigne agnoscere
dignita est) that Hungary is 'to be ruled and governed' by its king propriis legibus et
consuetudinibus. The immutability of basic rights was reaffirmed in Art. Ill of 1827 and in
Ferdinand's Diploma of 1830. The decisive change came in 1848 when most of the
fundamental rights of the nobility were abolished and the country's constitution was trans-
formed by the April Laws.
1. Legislation and Consuetudo
Between 1790 and 1848 a major shift occurred: the principle of legislation, that laws might
be made and unmade by the diet, acquired general acceptance. It could be argued, by
reference to Werbőczy's work, that Hungarian law now moved from the assumptions of the
main text of the Tripartitum to the declared principles of the Prologue: statute became an
independent source of law which existed alongside custom. The emergence of liberal
nationalism was the political background of this change. Legislation became the central
concern of the diet in the 1830s. Széchenyi, Kölcsey, Deak and their associates, later
Kossuth, aimed to
18 Lász Péter, 'Die Verfassungsentwicklung in Ungarn', in (eds) Helmut Rumpler and Peter Urbanitsch, Die
Habsburgermonarchie 18481918, 7, Vienna, 2000 (hereafter, 'Verfassungsentwicklung'), pp. 239540 (p. 257).
19 Cf. László Péter, 'Montesquieu's Paradox on Freedom and Hungary's Constitutions, 17901990', History of
Political Thought, 16, 1995, pp. 77104 (p. 80).
20 The import of Art. XII of 1790, a widely misunderstood law, was that those royal decrees which the Court feared
would in Hungary be deemed to be in conflict with ország rights and were enacted as patents rather than being sent to
the counties for promulgation, had no legal force; patents could not replace decreta. The executive power had to be
exercised nonnisi in sensu legum.
106 The Primacy of Consuetudo in Hungarian Law
reform Hungarian society by making statute laws.
None, however, asserted
a dogmatic statutory view of the law. Deak, for instance, repeatedly and
consistently held the view that 'our national rights' {nemzeti jussaink) were
partly based on customs and partly on written laws and that 'we have always
respected the lawful customs maintained unimpaired as laws' (törvények).
Deák did not change his view after 1848. He used customary as well as
statutory arguments in demanding that the constitutional settlement with the
monarch should be founded on the 1848 Laws rather than on the basis of the
'1847 constitution', the March Constitution of 1849 or the October Diploma.
Likewise, in the prologue to Law XLIV of 1868 Deák inferred the claim to an
'indivisible unitary Hungarian nation' from 'the basic principles of the
constitution': essentially a customary concept. The most authoritative
enactments on the constitution right up to the end of the Monarchy
maintained a two-track view of Hungary's laws. It was not lipservice paid to
the past that prompted Francis Joseph, in his coronation oath and in the
Diploma, to promise to maintain Hungary's and its associated Lands'
'exemptions, privileges, lawful customs ... and statutes'.
The continuity of Hungarian law was broken in 1849, creating uncer-
tainties for decades to come. Imperial patents, issued in 1852 and later,
introduced the Austrian Penal Code and the Civil Code. Although these
enactments unified Hungarian law and established legal equality,
validity became uncertain in 1860 and again in 1867 because they had been
instituted by 'octroyed' alien laws. The Lord Chief Justice Conference
21 A great achievement of Count István Schenyi's Hitel was that it created a public opinion which
rejected the notion of immutable laws. See Béla Iványi-Grünwald (ed.), Gróf Széchenyi István
összes munkái, Budapest, 1930, pp. 422 ff
22 On 25 May 1833 in the Lower House on the religious issue, which also involved the position of
the House as regards the Upper House: Manyi, Deák Ferencz beszédei (hereafter DFB),
Budapest, 1903, I, p. 14. On occasions, Deák even suggested that the source of every right of
the nation, including the right to legislate at the diet, was the county (which provided the
deputies with instructions): on 16 June 1835 at a circularis sitting; ibid., p. 163. In 1842 Deák
(influenced by a review which had appeared in the Athenäum on his report to County Zala)
began to use the more abstract and flexible new word 'jog' instead of 'jus', DFB, I, p. 553.
Leading jurists were reluctant to accept the word 'jog': see Ferenc Eckhart, A jog- és
államtudományi kar rténete, 16671935, Budapest 1936, pp. 362364 (Ignácz Frank's
23 See Peter, 'Verfassungsentwicklung', pp. 3013.
24 Law II of 1867, para 1.
25 Cf. László ter, 'The Aristocracy, the Gentry and their Parliamentary Tradition in Nineteenth-
Century Hungary', Slavonic and East European Review, 70, 1992, p. 82 n 20.
szlo Péter
restored parts of Hungarian customary law by the composition of the
Provisional Judicial Rules in 1861,
The enactment itself had force of law
on a customary basis because the king, not yet crowned, could not lawfully
promulgate statute law. Statute law came into its own after 1867.
sudden increase in legislation was made possible by a procedural reform.
The decretum system, the joint promulgation of all statutes agreed at a diet,
was, on the basis of the enabling Law IV of 1848 (para. 2), abandoned after
1867. A statute was promulgated as soon as parliament and the king
concurred on its text. Politics was the crucial factor in the swell of legisla-
tion that followed. The Andrássy government, backed by a large liberal
majority in the House of Representatives (hereafter the House), had a clear
programme: the creation of a single Hungarian society of citizens out of the
disparate segments of the old order. Codification became the new canon.
Impressively large areas of law were brought under statutory control in
property, contract, commerce, credit and in industrial laws. The Penal
Code, enacted as Law V of 1878, established the twin principles of nullum
crimen sine lege and nulla poena sine lege?
Civil marriage was intro-
duced by Law XXXI of 1894. The underside of this development was,
however, that ideiglenes, provisional, became the legislator's most
frequently used qualifier. Moreover, much was left outside statutory provi-
sions, like the whole gamut of civil rights, the police, the position of civil
servants and even a part of the penal law. And this was how consuetudo in
the liberal age, after 1867, obtained a second wind. The government motu
et potestate proprio regulated by decree, rendelet, wide swathes of social
life and ministers issued orders to settle specific cases. For instance, the
Interior Ministry, in supervising associations, exercised customary rights of
the State praeter legem or, so to say, outside statute law. Also, statute law
could even widen the orbit of ministerial power. Law XL of 1879, an
adjunct of the Penal Law, authorized ministers to establish by rendelet new
offences at their discretion. This summary jurisdiction was largely admin-
istered by ministry and local officials rather than by the law courts.
legislation rarely embellished the Corpus Juris Hungarici. Labour laws,
26 Károly Szladits, Az osztrák polgári törvénykönyv hatásában a magyar magánjogra,
Budapest, 1933, pp. 2435.
27 Whereas all the decreta promulgated between 1740 and 1835 made up a single volume
of 511 pages and those between 1836 and 1868 another one of 600 pages, the Laws of
186971 produced a volume of 508 pages and the next one, for 187274, contained
390 pages.
28 These principles were weakened, however, by the passing of Law XL of 1879 on
Offences which enabled the government to institute offences by rendelet.
29 See Peter, 'Verfassungsentwicklung', pp. 37082.
The Primacy of Consuetudo in Hungarian Law
laws on the press and on church-state relations were inadequate. In general,
laws lacked proper procedural rules: the customary rules of office practice
were enough. The Civil Code, on which scores of jurists and civil servants
worked for decades, went through several drafts and was discussed at
diverse conferences, but it remained a ministerial draft. Like Werbőczy's
Tripartitum, the Code was, after the turn of the century, applied by the law
courts as a customary.
This blemish was not put right even after 1918.
Amazingly, Hungary's first statutory Civil Code was passed by a toothless
Communist parliament in 1959.
In sum, customary law was flourishing in the liberal era. Together with
government rendelet-decree (which in the Hungarian system should be
regarded as the 'customary law' of the State), it retained a formidably
strong presence in the legal system. This position was recognized by
statute law which ordained in 1869 that judges in the law courts must
apply statute law, government decree and local government order (the last
two could not conflict with statute) as well as lawful custom.
2. Jurists and the Two-track View of Legal Sources
Not surprisingly, the relationship of custom to statute law preoccupied
Did each possess the force of law to the same extent? Which one
was to give way if conflict arose? Ignacz Frank did not think that custom
could annul statute in property law, but otherwise it might, and the
presumption of the law was always on the side of custom.
Antal Cziraky
emphatically argued that the most important dispositions of public law
were based solely on tradition and that consuetudo, as it had the
30 See roly Szladits, 'Codificatio', in Dezső Markus (ed.), Magyar Jogi Lexikon, Budapest, 6
vols, 18981907, (hereafter, MJL), 2, pp. 5524.
31 It went into force on 1 May, 1960.
32 Law IV of 1869, para 19.
33 Ernő Nagy believed this problem to have been one of the thorniest for a Hungarian
jurist: Magyarorszdg közjoga, Budapest, 1891, p. 18. This might have been the reason why
in the 1870s many jurists dodged the question of whether or not custom could annul statute. There
was, however, general consent on the point that local custom could no longer stand in the
way of statute law.
34 A közigazság rványe, Buda, 1845,1, pp. 7678 and 80. Frank's two volumes set out
Hungarian private law. Most of the other authors quoted below were jurists of
constitutional (public) law. My account ignores the earlier literature in which views
diverged. After the enactment of Art. XII of 1790 some jurists, Georch llles for instance in
the 1830s, expressly repudiated the principle that consuetudo derogat legi.
Lászlo Peter 109
'continuous tacit approval of the legislator', possessed the same legal force
as statute.
Anton von Virozsil listed among the sources of public law
consuetudo juris after decreta and the pacts between the king and the
estates, and put them above the Tripartitum and other sources. Custom, he
argued, had the same force as written law.
Emil Récsi also listed the stat-
utes first and custom second, but he made it clear that the legal authority of
the latter, as an expression of the 'national will', was complete.
The influence of German scholarship on Hungarian jurists was strong
throughout the, nineteenth century. But German influence did not pull
them in the same direction. Both the historical law school and the so-
called dogmatic method had disciples in Hungary. In the end, however,
the influence of Hugo, Savigny and Puchta proved more enduring than
Laband's. It was a short and obvious step to take from the assumption that
law was based on tacitus consensus populi to the view that law was the
expression of the Volksgeist, the nemzeti szellem?
The change was
compatible with the Hungarian outlook that recognized custom as an
independent source of law. The historic law school did not, however,
have it all its own way. In 1887 Ernő Nagy published the first edition of
his text-book on public law,
which was hailed by Gusztáv Schvarcz,
jurist and liberal politician, as the work which blew away 'the traditional
fog accumulated by history' on constitutional law.
Nagy, under the
influence of Laband, predicated Hungarian public law on the concept of
the State from which it followed that legislation had primacy over custom
which it could set aside, whereas custom could not replace parliament-
made law.
But the promoters of the dogmatic method in public law
asserted the strictly statutory view of law rather selectively,
35 Conspectus Juris Publici Regni Hungariae ad Annum 1848, Vienna, 1851, Tom. 1,
para. 34 (Observantia Regni).
36 Das Staats-Recht des Königreichs Ungarn, Pest, 1865, vol. I, para. 3.
37 Magyarország közjoga a mint 1848ig s 1848ban fenállott, Buda-Pest, 1861, pp. 6,
38 Ibid., p. 125. Récsi gets close to saying that the Volksgeist lends legal force to statute.
39 Magyarország közjoga, Államjog, Budapest, 1887.
40 'Tanulmány a magyar államjogi irodalom ujabb termékeiről', Magyar Igazségügy,
1888, p. 34. Schvarcz also praised the book in the House. See Csekey, Nagy Ernő, p.
169, n 2.
41 Ernő Nagy, Közjog, 1891, pp. 1819. In later editions Nagy somewhat softened his
strictly statutory view. See, op. cit., 1907 edition, pp. 2728.
42 The statutory view was applied to the reserved rights of the crown, the interpretation of
the 1867 Settlement and the relationship of Croatia to Hungary, as defined in Law
XXX of 1868. It was not applied to ország rights.
110 The Primacy of Consuetudo in Hungarian Law
they shied away from theoretical arguments. The Civilians, however,
demanding codification, boldly attacked Savigny and Puchta's historical
method. Rezső Dell' Adami and particularly Gusztáv Szászy-Schwarz,
'the Hungarian Jhering', advanced general arguments against the Volks-
geist, that 'miraculous something made by nobody'. Bódog Somló's crit-
ical examination of the concept of customary law was probably the best,
and Géza Kiss's was the most comprehensive.
Kiss argued that statute
was the single source of law and that 'customary law' was an empty
The believers in the historical method and the customary law
followed the Gestaltungstheorie willy-nilly.
Like Laband, Kiss scoffed
at the idea that custom could conceivably annul statute law.
Nevertheless, the promoters of the dogmatic method did not break the
dominance of the traditional view of customary law.
The doyen of
Hungarian legal history in the last years of the Monarchy, József Illés, a
firm adherent of the two-track view of Hungarian law, concluded that
custom could, as it had in the past, annul statute law and that the jury was
still out on the question of the exact relationship between the two sources
of law.
And so argued Béni Grosschmid, the most influential Civilian of
the period.
The six-volume Hungarian Legal Encyclopedia also took the
traditional view on customary law.
Before 1918 the adherents of the two-track view of legal sources were
on the defensive. After the restoration of the monarchic constitution in
1920 they occupied the moral high ground. Jurists now generally
endorsed the view, forcefully argued for instance by Zóltan Kérészy, that
43 Uj irányok a magánjogban, Budapest, 1911.
44 A szokásjog, Kolozsvár, 1914.
45 A jogalkalmazás módszeréről, Budapest 1909.
46 Ibid., pp. 115,207.
47 Ibid., pp. 105 f. The theory holds that customary law is rooted in the implied
permission of statute law. While the Gestaltungstheorie is too contrived to explain
Hungarian law, the postulate of the traditional view that legal rules exist which may or
may not be in conflict with statute law, and which, because they have acquired general
consent, the judge is merely to apply, brings the argument dangerously close to Humpty
Dumpty's claim about the use of words.
48 Ibid., pp. 21920, 22427; the question, he insisted, was in fact that of interpretation of
statute law.
49 Géza Kiss recognized this in 1916, 'A desuetudo tanához', in Jogi dolgozatok, ed.
Jogtudományi Közlöny, Budapest, 1916, pp. 368, 373.
50 József Illés, Bevezetés a magyar jog történetébe, Budapest, 1910, pp. 501; repeated in
the 2
edition, 1930, pp. 1089.
51 Grosschmid, op. cit., pp. 398 ff.
52 Béla Ladányi, 'Szokásjog', in MJL, 6, pp. 43844.
László Peter
lawful custom could destroy statute law.
The 1920 constitutional
provizórium was a response to an intractable legal problem which, inad-
vertently, enlarged the scope of customary law arguments. Legal continuity,
ruptured in 1918, could not be restored in 1920, not because of the interruption
of the short-lived Károlyi and Kun regimes, but because legality could only be
restored by an act based on the concurring will of king and parliament.
king was not available in 1920, a case of vis major. Rump Hungary had to
make do with a rump constitution based on a single actor: the assembled
representatives of the nation, hence the label, provizórium. Jurists, particularly
Kalman Molnar, thought that the 'temporary constitution' was legitimate by
resorting to customary legal arguments.
Even in a post mortem of Hungary's
historical constitution, written in 1945, Molnar introduced his lament with the
famous passage from Julian, 'the great Roman jurist', who had established the
principle that unwritten law, as much as written law derived its authority from
the consent (tacit or express) of the people.
When the curtain fell on
Hungary's historic constitution, the jurist arrived back after four hundred years
where Werbőczy had started.
53 Zoltán Kérészy, A jogszokás derogatorius erejének kérdése a magyar jogi irodalomban,
Szeged, 1935. He emphatically denied, however, that state officials could institute
lawful custom contrary to statute law, pp. 2728. Conceivably, the dissolution of the
Habsburg Monarchy and the Hungarian-Croat Nagodba in 1918 weakened the case for
the strictly statutory view of constitutional law. see note 42 above.
54 Deák and Csemegi's view on legal continuity, by reference to Art. XII of 1790, made
possible the restoration of the legal order in 1867 by king and parliament acting
together after 19 years of interruption.
55 Alkotmányos jogrendünk és a közjogi provizórium. Pécs, 1926, reprinted in his Magyar
közjog, Pécs, 1929, pp. 72043. The gist of Molnár's thesis was that, as the authorities
were habitually obeyed by the population, the legal order had acquired the 'tacit consent'
of the nation. Molnár's views, shared by many, were criticized by others (e.g. József
Bölöny, Ideiglenes államjogi berendezésünk jogalapja, Budapest, 1938, pp. 2640). But
even the detractors of Molnár's view on legitimacy believed in the derogative power of
lawful custom: zsef Bölöny, Magyar közjog, Budapest, 1942, I, pp. 6569; also see
Gyula Vargyai, A legitimisták és szabad királyválasztok közjogi vitájáról az
ellenforradalmi államban, Budapest, 1964, pp. 3240.
56 A két világháború közötti provizórium közjogi mérlege. Pécs, 1945, p. 6; cf. Digests, 1.
3.32 (in older editions 1.3.31).
János M. Bak Professor of Medieval History, Department of
Medieval Studies, Central European University,
Katalin Gönczi Postdoctoral Research Scholar at the University of
Zsolt Hunyadi Lecturer in the Department of Medieval and Early
Modem History, University of Szeged
David Ibbetson Regius Professor of Civil Law at the University of
Damir Karbić Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History,
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb
László Péter Professor Emeritus of Hungarian History at the
School of Slavonic and East European Studies,
University College London
Martyn Rady Reader in Central European History at the School
of Slavonic and East European Studies, University
College London
Nataša Štefanec
Professor of Medieval History, Department of
Medieval Studies, Central European Univer-
sity, Budapest
Postdoctoral Research Scholar at the Univer-
sity of Frankfurt/M
Lecturer in the Department of Medieval and
Early Modem History, University of Szeged
Regius Professor of Civil Law at the Univer-
sity of Cambridge
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History,
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Professor Emeritus of Hungarian History at
the School of Slavonic and East European
Studies, University College London
Reader in Central European History at the
School of Slavonic and East European Studies,
University College London
Research Fellow, Institute of Croatian History,
Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb
Select Index
Academy of Sciences 92, 94, 95
admonitio (ammonitio) see notice
bailiff 7,10,29,33,5962,67
Bánffy, Miklós 74, 81 Bartolus
5,16,1719, 20, 22, 23,
101 Batthyány, Boldizsár 78
9 Bónis, György 13,6, 98,102
brevis 58,67
Bučić, Mihajlo 724, 80, 81
Candlemas 15
canon law 13,15,18,26,43,49,55,
65, 89,102
capital sentence 645
cartula sigillata 27
chancellery 28, 30, 34, 45
codification 1068
consuetudo see custom
Corpus Juris Hungarici 6, 946,
103,104, 107
counties 10,11,62,106
court lists 57, 61
court reports 501
court structure 534, 58, 64, 66, 103
Croatia 5, 9, 21, 23, 3745, 47,
custom 69, 11, 1323, 33, 375,
4852, 77, 78, 94, 10111
Dalmatia 23,3845
Deák, Ferenc 1056
decreta see statute law
diet 26, 88, 91, 92, 1037
Draškov, Juraj 72, 73, 79, 82, 83
Eckhart, Ferenc 1,29,35
Erasmus 83
evocatio see summons
exceptiones 613
familiaritas,familiares 10,77
fassio 7,32
Fejér, György 91, 92
female inheritance 7, 911, 31, 44
formularies 6, 8, 9, 54, 57, 62, 63
Gaius 14,23
Gestaltungstheorie 110
Golden Bulls 2, 29,97
Grosschmid, Béni 97,102,110
Hofhalter, Rudolf 7276, 78, 80
Holy Crown 96,97
Humpty Dumpty 110
inquest, inquisitio 33, 34, 5960, 62,
insinuatio 58, 60
institution (statutid) 7, 33, 60, 67
ius 1821,94,102,103,105
ius commune 15,21,23,43
judges 5, 9, 22, 34, 50, 524, 619,
Julian, Roman jurist 111
Kitonich (Kitonič) 5,51,58,66,102
Klageschrift see libellus
Kossuth, Lajos 105
Kovachich, M.G. and J.N. 90, 95
larva 52
Leopold II 91, 105
lex 8,1517, 1921, 105
libellus 567, 60
Libri Feudorum 17
Ljubljana 72, 79
116 Select Index
loca credibilia see places of
Magna Carta 97
Manlius, Johannes 72, 79, 81,83
Maria Theresa 88, 90, 104
Montesquieu 105
Nagyvárad 73, 75
Nedelišće 725, 78, 80, 81
Nin 38, 39,
nobility 6, 10, 11, 44, 49, 88, 93
nota infidelitatis 68
notice (admonitio) 59, 60
Novigrad 38, 40, 42
novum 66
oath-taking 623, 67
octaves 57, 58, 61
ordeal 29
ordines judiciariae 53
Ozalj 80
Padua 77
Pergošić, Ivan 5, 7185
places of authentication 8, 2533,
52, 59, 60
Poljica 38, 402, 45
praediales 82
Pragmatic Sanction 88, 91, 103
Praxis Criminalis 89
pristaldus 29
privileges 22, 2535, 51, 64, 93
procedural law 35, 4770
prohibitio 59,66
protonotaries 56, 67
public notaries 256, 31
Quadripartitum 55, 56, 59
reambulatio 33
remedies in law 55
rendelet 1078
reoccupatio 68
repulsio 7, 66, 68
revocatio 67
Roman Law 5, 7, 1315, 43, 49,
55, 89, 102, 111
St German, Christopher 23
rvár 7, 79
Schöffen 15,50
seals 2531, 33, 51,5 2, 62, 64
signaturae 55
Slavonia 21, 23, 47, 7185
Smith, Adam 93
statute law (decreta) 3, 4, 8, 9,
11, 15, 17, 19, 2022, 4851, 87,
summons 5561
Szalay, László 95
Széchenyi, István 93, 94, 105, 106
tacit consent 1719, 22, 102, 103,
109, 111
transcripts 32,512,62
Transylvania 5, 21, 23, 47, 81, 91,
trespass 34
trials 445, 615
Tripartitum 411, 14, 41, 47,
7185, 87, 89, 919, 101, 102,
108; Prologue 6, 7, 1623, 47,
48, 101, 102; Part One 5, 78,
20, 23, 478; Part Two 5, 8, 21,
23, 4770; Part Three 3, 5, 8, 21,
23, 47, 66; editions 4, 7185,
929, 1012
Ungnad, Ivan 71,72,79
universities 90, 92, 95; Hungarian
University 88,90,92; University
of Kolozsvár (Cluj) 9798
Varaždin 72, 73,75, 7985
Venice 3943
Veres, Balázs 5, 75, 76, 78
Vinodol 38,41,42,77,78
Vlachs 40,77
Vorosmarty, Mihaly 95
Vramec, Antun 72, 79, 82, 83
Vrana 3840,42
Werbőczy, Stephen 4,6,810,
1423, 43, 689,919,101; see
also Tripartitum
wills 33
Zadar 3840, 42
Zagreb 40,77
Zrinski (Zrinyi), Juraj 7381,85