[Since the 1980s the volume of identification evidence derived from surveillance devices and
telephones has increased dramatically. This article offers a critical analysis of the forensic use of
voice comparison and identification evidence. First, it reviews the contemporary jurisprudence in
common law and uniform Evidence Act jurisdictions, then explains some of the limitations
with our
current responses to voice evidence, particularly the dramatic rise in the reliance placed upon the
opinions of investigators, interpreters and (other ad hoc) ‘experts as well as the willingness to leave
voice comparison evidence (and exercises) to juries. Employing an original multi-disciplinary
methodology, the article then problematises legal
practice through the introduction of relevant social
science research on voice comparison (and recognition). As the authors explain, relevant scientific
research and opinions are rarely adduced by lawyers or referred to by trial judges when instructing
or cautioning juries. In consequence, it is suggested that current legal rules and procedures do
adequately represent what is known beyond the courts and thereby fail to embody fundamental
criminal justice principles concerned with truth and fairness.]
I Introduction ............................................................................................................. 53
II Overview of the Australian Law on Voice Comparison Evidence ......................... 54
III Voice Comparison Cases: An Introductory Sample ................................................ 70
IV Cross-Racial and Cross-Lingual Comparisons by Displaced Listeners .................. 76
V Cross-Lingual Jury Comparisons ............................................................................ 80
VI Scientific Research: Human Voice ‘Identification’ beyond the Courts ................... 84
A Introduction and Some Conceptual Clarification ....................................... 84
B Familiarity ................................................................................................... 86
C Factors Affecting Voice Comparison and Recognition ............................... 88
VII Reconsidering Riscuta and Korgbara ...................................................................... 92
VIII Deaf and Dumb Justice: Scientific Research and Legal Practice ............................ 96
A Remedial Psychologists? ............................................................................ 96
B Judicial Directions and Other ‘Solutions’ ................................................... 98
C Scientific Voice Comparison and Probabilistic Evidence ......................... 104
D Voice Identification Parades for Those Who Become Familiar
after the Fact ............................................................................................. 105
BA (Hons) (Wollongong), LLB (Hons) (Syd), PhD (Cantab); Professor, School of Law, ARC
Future Fellow, and Director, Expertise, Evidence & Law Program, The University of New South
Wales. This research was supported by the Australian Research Council (DP0771770,
FT0992041 and LP100200142).
BA (Syd), MPsych (UNSW), PhD (UNSW); Lecturer, School of Psychology, The University of
New South Wales (formerly Research Fellow, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, The
University of New South Wales).
BA, LLB (Hons) (Syd), LLM (UBC); Senior Lecturer, School of Law, The University of New
South Wales.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 53
E Discussion ................................................................................................. 107
IX Silence in Court? .................................................................................................... 109
In recent years most Australian courts have become remarkably receptive to
comparison evidence derived from audio surveillance technologies. In most
cases the courts are considering whether to allow witnesses to give evidence of
their opinion as to whether a voice captured on a surveillance tape is the same as
the voice of the accused. These witnesses are often, though not always, charac-
terised as ‘experts’,
sometimes by virtue of formal training, but mostly by virtue
of ‘displaced’ exposure — ie remote listening, usually repeatedly — to the tapes
in question. Often characterised as ‘identification’ evidence, displaced compari-
son evidence is situated awkwardly at common law and does not come within the
definition of ‘identification evidence’ under the uniform Evidence Acts
Australian courts have become reluctant to impose specific condi-
tions on the admission of voice comparison evidence. Indeed, they have demon-
strated a willingness to allow juries to make their own assessments of direct and
displaced witness testimony and, where tape recordings (or voices) are available,
to undertake their own voice comparisons.
This article aims to examine recent trends in voice comparison and identifica-
tion evidence, focusing primarily upon the evidence of ‘displaced non-familiars’
and the use of voice recordings.
It is our contention that decisions on the
admissibility of voice comparison evidence display a troubling readiness to
admit incriminating opinion evidence of unknown probative value, an over-
reliance on the capacity of traditional features of the adversarial trial — such as
cross-examination and warnings to juries — to expose and convey weaknesses,
and a hostility towards attempts to require some assessment of the methods used
by displaced non-familiars to provide opinions about identity.
Judicial confidence in traditional adversarial mechanisms appears misplaced
when set against empirical research concerned with the validity and reliability of
We use scare quotes because the ability of many witnesses, including those qualified legally as
experts, to provide reliable opinions about identity is in genuine doubt. Many of these ‘experts’
have no experience or, more importantly, expertise in voice comparisons.
The UEAs are Evidence Act 1995 (Cth); Evidence Act 2011 (ACT); Evidence Act 1995 (NSW);
Evidence Act 2001 (Tas); Evidence Act 2008 (Vic). According to the Acts’ Dictionaries, ‘identifi-
cation evidence’ is
(a) an assertion by a person to the effect that a defendant was, or resembles (visually, aurally
or otherwise) a person who was, present at or near a place where:
(i) the offence for which the defendant is being prosecuted was committed; or
(ii) an act connected to that offence was done;
at or about the time at which the offence was committed or the act was done, being an
assertion that is based wholly or partly on what the person making the assertion saw,
heard or otherwise perceived at that place and time; or
(b) a report (whether oral or in writing) of such an assertion.
‘Displaced non-familiars’ are those who are not conversant with the suspect (or person of
interest) and were not present at the crime scene or its aftermath so as to directly perceive a voice
(or sound). On the special dangers arising with respect to strangers and identifications, see, eg,
Kelleher v The Queen (1974) 131 CLR 534, 550–1 (Gibbs J).
54 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
voice comparison, and the efficacy of rules of evidence, procedural safeguards,
and appellate review.
Engaging with experimental studies and scientific
research can help courts to make more appropriate decisions on admissibility
(and weight). Remarkably, Australian courts are yet to engage with the consider-
able scientific literature on these subjects. Rather, judges have preferred to rely
upon their own impressions and experiences, assessed against past practice and
new statutory arrangements, and subject to the vagaries of prosecution and
defence interest and ability.
In this article, we provide a general overview of modern jurisprudence on
voice identification and comparison evidence before turning to consider the
increasingly prominent role of displaced non-familiar listeners. After describing
several recent cases we review some of the relevant scientific research that, we
suggest, should be used by courts in their response to voice evidence in order to
improve the accuracy of decisions and reduce the number of substantially unfair
trials and appeals. Courts, to the extent that they claim to operate in a rational
tradition (or capacity),
cannot afford to ignore — or have procedures and rules
that do not require reference to — relevant scientific studies that bear directly on
incriminating evidence.
The admissibility and treatment of voice identification evidence can be con-
trasted with the legal approach to visual identification evidence (and images). It
is accepted, both at common law and under the UEA, that because of notorious
dangers, visual identification evidence is a type of evidence requiring special
attention and caution in terms of both admissibility and warnings to the jury.
There are extensive statutory arrangements governing the use of eyewitness
testimony, identification parades, photo arrays, and visual and image comparison
In addition, where ‘expert’ witnesses are called to testify based on
their interpretations of (often low quality) CCTV images, they are prohibited,
both at common law and under the UEA, from expressing opinions about
identity (ie positive identification or ‘individualisation’).
Their interpretations
are usually restricted to descriptions of similarities (and differences).
It is not
See Gary Edmond and Kent Roach, ‘A Contextual Approach to the Admissibility of the State’s
Forensic Science and Medical Evidence’ (2011) 61 University of Toronto Law Journal 343.
On the rationalist tradition, see William Twining, Rethinking Evidence: Exploratory Essays
(Cambridge University Press, 2
ed, 2006) ch 3.
These concerns are longstanding: see, eg, Davies v The King (1937) 57 CLR 170; Alexander v
The Queen (1981) 145 CLR 395; Domican v The Queen (1992) 173 CLR 555.
See, eg, UEA ss 114–16, 165.
On individualisation, see Michael J Saks and Jonathan J Koehler, ‘The Individualization Fallacy
in Forensic Science Evidence’ (2008) 61 Vanderbilt Law Review 199; Simon A Cole, ‘Forensics
without Uniqueness, Conclusions without Individualization: The New Epistemology of Forensic
Identification’ (2009) 8 Law, Probability & Risk 233.
R v Tang (2006) 65 NSWLR 681, 709 [120] (Spigelman CJ, Simpson J and Adams J agreeing);
Murdoch v The Queen [2007] NTCCA 1 (10 January 2007) [300] (Angel ACJ, Riley J and
Olsson AJ). However, because of a caveat in Smith v The Queen (2001) 206 CLR 650, 656–7
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 55
our intention to defend the current approach to visual identification evidence,
especially the use of incriminating images for purposes of identification.
point is that, by contrast, the admission of voice evidence in Australia is hardly
subjected to any regulation at all.
Turning to the discussion of voice evidence, we begin with a review of the
dominant approaches to voice comparison (and identification), often derived
from cases where lay strangers (ie those not familiar with a particular voice)
positively identified an offender, usually on the basis of some kind of voice
comparison exercise.
This review provides a useful background to our more
detailed examination of the increasingly prominent role of the opinions of
investigators, interpreters and other ‘experts’. Most of the early cases are from
New South Wales, though our analysis incorporates the common law and has
implications for practice in both common law and UEA jurisdictions.
Judicial consideration of voice identification and comparison evidence, and
particularly the use of voice recordings, is relatively recent.
Prior to the
introduction of the UEA, courts in New South Wales began to consider voice
identification evidence — usually where a sensory (or direct) witness positively
identified a voice associated with a criminal act — by noting that risks associ-
ated with visual identification might apply to voice identification, but in a
manner that highlighted some of their occasionally archaic and sometimes
superficial concerns. While purporting to develop an admissibility jurisprudence,
most courts stopped short of strictly imposing mandatory conditions for the
admissibility of voice identification by sensory witnesses. The judges hearing
the common law appeals in R v Smith (‘E J Smith’),
R v Brownlowe
R v Corke
and R v Brotherton (‘Brotherton’)
— and even
[13]–[15] (Gleeson CJ, Gaudron, Gummow and Hayne JJ), Australian investigators are able to
proffer positive identification evidence in circumstances where the reliability of such evidence is
highly questionable. In the United Kingdom, the approach to images is largely unregulated and,
in consequence, is similar to modern Australian approaches to voices: see A-Gs Reference (No 2
of 2002) [2003] 1 Cr App R 21. In terms of warnings, there appears to be no substantial
difference between visual, voice and other kinds of identification: R v Lowe (1997) 98 A Crim R
300, 317 (Hunt CJ at CL).
For a critical discussion of the forensic use of images, see Gary Edmond et al, ‘Law’s Looking
Glass: Expert Identification Evidence Derived from Photographic and Video Images’ (2009) 20
Current Issues in Criminal Justice 337; Gary Edmond et al, ‘Atkins v The Emperor: The “Cau-
tious” Use of Unreliable “Expert” Evidence’ (2010) 14 International Journal of Evidence &
Proof 146; Glenn Porter, ‘A New Theoretical Framework Regarding the Application and Reli-
ability of Photographic Evidence’ (2011) 15 International Journal of Evidence & Proof 26.
See generally Craig Carracher, ‘Voice Identification Evidence’ [1993] Australian Bar Review 75;
David C Ormerod, ‘Sounds Familiar? Voice Identification Evidence’ [2001] Criminal Law Re-
view 595; David Ormerod, ‘Sounding Out Expert Voice Identification Evidence’ [2002] Criminal
Law Review 771.
Expansion in the use of voice recordings is a response to rapid advances in technological
developments, the proliferation of communication technologies, and ever greater state-sponsored
surveillance following terrorist attacks. See generally Kevin D Haggerty and Richard V Eric-
son (eds), The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility (University of Toronto Press, 2006).
(1986) 7 NSWLR 444, on appeal from R v Smith [1984] 1 NSWLR 462.
(1986) 7 NSWLR 461.
(1989) 41 A Crim R 292.
(1992) 29 NSWLR 95.
56 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
appeals under the nascent UEA in R v Colebrook
and R v Watson
— focused
attention on the quantity and quality of material available to the witness, the
distinctiveness of the voice in question, the level of the listeners familiarity, and
whether voices were compared under similar conditions (eg yelling in anger).
In practice, however, such considerations infrequently led to the exclusion of
positive identifications by strangers. Rather, appellate judges required that
limitations and problems with voice identification evidence should be brought to
the attention of the jury through specific directions and warnings from the trial
We can observe these tendencies in E J Smith, Brownlowe and Brother-
In E J Smith, the case that comes closest to imposing admissibility conditions
on voice identification evidence, the trial judge (O’Brien CJ Cr D) insisted that a
person purporting to identify the voice of the accused must either have recog-
nised it because of previous familiarity or on some subsequent occasion because
of its distinctiveness:
Basically then for identification to be reliable of a voice with which one is not
previously familiar, the law requires that the voice unlike the appearance of a
person — must be found to have very distinctive characteristics, … firstly be-
cause of the intrinsic qualities of the voice and secondly because of the circum-
stances in which it was used so that the totality of the qualities of the voice,
both its intrinsic qualities and those brought out by its use in those circum-
stances, make it readily recognisable to a witness who is not previously familiar
with that voice.
For an unfamiliar voice, it was for the jury to decide whether the voice in
question demonstrated characteristics so distinctive and remarkable as to make it
readily and reliably recognisable if heard again in similar circumstances. That is,
where these conditions might be satisfied it was incumbent upon the trial judge
to bring them to the jury’s attention and for them to decide. According to
O’Brien CJ Cr D, the jury would need to accept that there was a ‘very distinc-
[1999] NSWCCA 262 (27 August 1999).
[1999] NSWCCA 417 (21 December 1999).
In R v Colebrook [1999] NSWCCA 262 (27 August 1999), a woman sexually assaulted in her
house at night subsequently recognised the voice of the attacker as a former boarder. This identi-
fication evidence, of a voice with which the witness was already reasonably familiar, was
deemed admissible provided there were appropriate directions which referred to her gradual
recollection and the notorious unreliability of voice identification evidence: at [31] (Simpson J,
Mason P and Abadee J agreeing). See also Wats on, ibid [36]–[39] (Newman J), where the UEA
seems to have been effectively ignored; R v Cassar [No 11] [1999] NSWSC 321 (14 April 1999)
[26]–[27], where Sperling J considered himself bound by the earlier appeal in E J Smith.
In effect, this mimicked the concerns about visual and eyewitness identification (re-)emerging
from cases such as Alexander v The Queen (1981) 145 CLR 395 and Domican v The Queen
(1992) 173 CLR 555.
E J Smith (1986) 7 NSWLR 444, 450 (Lee J) (emphasis added), quoting with approval the
summing up of O’Brien CJ Cr D. See also the trial judgment of O’Brien CJ Cr D in R v Smith
[1984] 1 NSWLR 462, 477, 482. The term ‘recognisable’ does not refer to instantaneous recogni-
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 57
tive’ quality in the voice capable of leaving an ‘indelible mental impression’ in
the witness’s mind.
In E J Smith, a teenager who overheard a home invasion, lasting about 10
minutes and resulting in the death of her father, gave positive voice identification
testimony. She told investigating police that the intruders voice was ‘a distinc-
tive voice … being rough, whiney at times, a whingey sound about it.’
nine months after the event, police officers took the daughter to observe proceed-
ings in the Court of Petty Sessions — where their main suspect was representing
himself in unrelated criminal proceedings — and asked her if she was able to
recognise any of the voices.
In a session where only five persons — the judge,
the prosecutor, two witnesses and the accused — spoke, the teenager indicated
that the accused’s was the voice she had overheard from her bedroom.
On appeal, the New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal (‘NSWCCA’)
described the questions of whether the original voice had imprinted itself on the
witness’s memory, and whether the circumstances in which the voices were
heard were sufficiently similar, as critical.
The NSWCCA stressed that the jury
should be told that it must be satisfied with the honesty and reliability of the
witness and satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that she was correct in her
identification when the voice was subsequently heard in the Court of Petty
Notwithstanding the trial judge’s extensive directions, the NSWCCA
was not satisfied that the daughters description of the intruders voice was
sufficiently accurate or distinctive and concluded that the jury had not been
adequately instructed in relation to the need to compare the witness’s description
of the voice of the offender with a recording of the earlier proceedings where she
had purported to make a positive identification. The NSWCCA was concerned
that the voice ‘was not so singular that error might not occur [and that] [s]uch a
state of affairs was never directly drawn to the jury’s attention.’
The main issue in the Brownlowe trial was the identity of armed robbers. Part
of the largely circumstantial case against Brownlowe was voice evidence, based
on a few sentences spoken during a bank robbery. Witnesses described one of the
robbers as calm, quietly spoken and possessing an Australian accent. These
witnesses, having been told that Brownlowe was charged with the robbery, were
also taken to court where they heard him represent himself for about 10–15
R v Smith [1984] 1 NSWLR 462, 482, 485. This is paraphrased in Brownlowe (1986) 7 NSWLR
461, 463 (Hunt J).
E J Smith (1986) 7 NSWLR 444, 449 (Lee J). On appeal, Lee J described a recording of the
accused’s voice (from an earlier proceeding) in somewhat different terms: at 454.
Ibid 448. This kind of procedure was subject to strong censure by King CJ in R v Hallam (1985)
42 SASR 126, 130. See also the discussion of United States jurisprudence on ‘suggestion’ in
State v Thibodeaux, 750 So 2d 916, 932 (Traylor J) (La, 1999).
E J Smith (1986) 7 NSWLR 444, 448 (Lee J).
Ibid 458 (Lee J, Street CJ and Maxwell J agreeing).
Ibid 458–9.
Ibid 457–8. The Court was concerned that it was not made sufficiently clear that the jury were
not to base their decision on the obvious similarities between the self-represented defendant’s
voice and the recording of the defendant in earlier proceedings (upon which the daughter had
based her identification). See also Brownlowe (1986) 7 NSWLR 461, 465 (Hunt J).
58 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
minutes in relation to another matter.
At Brownlowe’s trial, one witness ‘said
that she was fairly certain that it was the same voice because it was so similar.’
On appeal, the NSWCCA concluded that the evidence of witnesses to the
robbery was wrongly admitted because it was only similarity evidence but was
presented to the jury as evidence of identification or evidence capable of
supporting identification: yet there was ‘no way in which the jury could draw the
necessary conclusion that the two voices were identical’.
Following E J Smith,
the NSWCCA required that the witness identifying the voice must have prior
familiarity or have recognised it subsequently because of distinctive features.
Brownlowe appears to have been amongst the most onerous responses to the
reception of voice identification evidence given by direct, though non-familiar,
In Brotherton, the NSWCCA reiterated the stipulation from E J Smith that an
unfamiliar voice must be ‘sufficiently distinctive as to have left an indelible
mental impression in the witness’s mind, thus permitting the conclusion safely to
be drawn that the two voices were the same.’
However, in this case the victim
of a sexual assault claimed that she ‘recognised’ the assailant’s voice and
hairstyle based on a brief (about 10 minute) exchange two days before the
She described his voice as ‘a really low husky voice’ and told the
police that ‘it was “the same voice” that she had heard’ previously.
Writing for
the Court, Hunt CJ at CL rejected the need, in such circumstances, for the voice
to be ‘sufficiently distinctive as to make its characteristics memorable.’
concluded that the complainant was sufficiently familiar with the accused and
that any dangers would be addressed by the jury being ‘warned (as in visual
identification cases) that mistakes are sometimes made in the recognition of even
close friends and relatives’.
Overall, at common law, the courts in New South Wales were not particularly
exclusionary in their orientation. In E J Smith, despite what might seem to have
Brownlowe (1986) 7 NSWLR 461, 462–3 (Hunt J). As in E J Smith, this resembles the manner in
which investigators exposed an eyewitness to the accused in the court precinct in Festa v The
Queen (2001) 208 CLR 593. See also Kelly v The Queen (2002) 129 A Crim R 363, 371 [33],
373 [45] (McKechnie J).
Brownlowe (1986) 7 NSWLR 461, 463 (Hunt J). The trial commenced two days after the first
E J Smith decision was handed down and was conducted in ignorance of that decision.
Ibid 466. See also discussion of similarity in Craig v The King (1933) 49 CLR 429, 446 (Evatt
and McTiernan JJ).
Brownlowe (1986) 7 NSWLR 461, 466 (Hunt J).
Brotherton (1992) 29 NSWLR 95, 106 (Hunt CJ at CL).
Ibid 97, 105 (Hunt CJ at CL). The evidence was that during the assault the complainant
recognised the attacker, based on their brief discussion, and indicated as much. Whether this
should be understood as ‘recognition’ or ‘opinion’ evidence is an issue to which we will return.
Ibid 105 (emphasis in original).
Ibid 106.
Ibid, citing R v Turnbull [1977] 1 QB 224, 228 (Lord Widgery CJ for Lord Widgery CJ, Roskill
and Lawton LJJ, Cusack and May JJ). The complainant’s description of a tattoo on her attackers
thigh, ‘not markedly different’ from a tattoo on the accused, was used to support her voice identi-
fication evidence, in combination with other incriminating circumstantial evidence, such as the
attackers apparent familiarity with the residential complex where the attack took place and
Brotherton had previously lived.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 59
been a more restrictive approach, neither the trial judge nor the NSWCCA
questioned the admissibility of the opinion (treated as ‘recognition’ or direct
evidence) of a stranger obtained in highly suggestive circumstances. If voice
‘distinctiveness’ and the need for ‘an indelible mental impression’ were admissi-
bility requirements for the impressions of non-familiars, then typically they were
interpreted in a very accommodating fashion. With the exception of Brownlowe,
positive voice identification evidence was either admitted or treated as admissi-
ble in all of the major appeals.
Even in Brownlowe, it seems that the characteri-
sation of the testimony as identification (as opposed to similarity) evidence,
rather than admissibility per se, was the main obstacle. In most of the early cases
it was the adequacy of the directions to the jury that grounded the issue on
Nevertheless, courts of appeal in other Australian jurisdictions declined to
follow the E J Smith line of authority, instead holding that familiarity and any
‘distinctiveness as will have left an indelible mental impression goes to weight
rather than admissibility’.
In R v Hentschel,
the Full Court of the Supreme
Court of Victoria held that voice identification evidence was admissible even
though the stipulations from E J Smith, reiterated in Brownlowe (and R v
Colebrook), had not been satisfied.
Murphy J explained:
The difficulty which I have with the decision in R v Smith (E J) … is that it
purports to lay down as a rule of law apropos aural identification evidence,
propositions which cannot, I believe, be supported as a matter of principle.
Moreover, it lays down these propositions as conditions of the admissibility of
such evidence, when I believe that at most they can only go to the weight of the
evidence to be led.
Notwithstanding these less onerous requirements, Murphy J recognised that it
might be unsafe to convict on voice identification evidence standing alone.
Brooking J also referred to the earlier decision of R v Harris [No 3] (‘Harris’),
where Ormiston J considered the judicial discretion to exclude evidence of voice
identification where it was insufficiently probative.
The Victorian common law position was authoritatively summarised by
Winneke P in R v Callaghan:
there is no rule of law which obliges the trial judge to exclude such [lay voice
comparison] evidence in the absence of evidence of prior familiarity or distinct-
See also R v Hampson (Unreported, New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal, Yeldham,
Finlay and Brownie JJ, 23 July 1987).
Noted in Bulejcik v The Queen (1996) 185 CLR 375, 394 (Toohey and Gaudron JJ) and endorsed
in Nguyen v The Queen (2002) 26 WAR 59, 75 [62] (Malcolm CJ), 87 [124]–[125] (Anderson J,
Steytler J agreeing) (‘Nguyen’).
[1988] VR 362.
We accept that in many cases, exemplified by the facts in Brotherton and Callaghan, the case
against the particular accused may be compelling.
R v Hentschel [1988] VR 362, 364. See also at 367–70 (Brooking J), explaining his reasons for
rejecting E J Smith.
Ibid 364.
Ibid 369, citing Harris [1990] VR 310, 318–23.
60 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
iveness, although he may, in the exercise of his discretion, exclude it on
grounds of prejudice or unfairness.
This approach, perhaps in the absence of authoritative support for the line of
cases following E J Smith, has been influential in other Australian jurisdictions.
The Victorian response has been endorsed by the Supreme Court of Tasmania,
and has found favour in South Australia and Queensland.
Courts in the Austra-
lian Capital Territory have ruled that ‘voice identification will be admitted if it is
relevant’, subject to the court’s discretion to exclude evidence.
Wester n
Australia has an extensive jurisprudence that effectively mirrors the Victorian
rejection of any special rules for voice identification evidence.
the Victorian approach represents the orthodox position at common law (and, as
we shall see, under the UEA).
Perhaps unexpectedly, notwithstanding a purportedly less onerous (or perhaps
less prescriptive) approach to admissibility, judges in Victoria appear to have
been more willing than judges in other jurisdictions to exclude otherwise
admissible voice identification evidence on the basis of their exclusionary
discretion. In Harris and R v Rich [No 6] (‘Rich’), Ormiston J and Lasry J
respectively each excluded positive identification evidence because they were
concerned that its probative value was outweighed by the danger of unfair
prejudice to the accused.
In Rich, the actual circumstances were similar to,
though perhaps not quite as suggestive as, the manner in which the positive
identification was obtained in E J Smith.
Considering voice comparison evidence in Bulejcik v The Queen
specifically, whether a recording of the accused’s unsworn
statement and an incriminating recording could be left to the jury to compare —
the High Court did not express a final opinion on the status of E J Smith and the
New South Wales approach to voice identification evidence. McHugh and
Gummow JJ expressed doubts about the conditions imposed in E J Smith,
Gaudron and Toohey JJ placed emphasis on whether the ‘quality and quantity of
the material is sufficient to enable a useful comparison to be made’, noting that
‘the greater the amount of material, the greater the similarity in the
circumstances in which the voices were spoken or recorded and the greater the
number of similar words used, the more useful the comparison.’
Brennan CJ
(2001) 4 VR 79, 94 [27].
Greaves v Aikman (1994) 4 Tas R 196, 208 (Cox J); R v Bueti (1997) 70 SASR 370, 379–80
(Doyle CJ); R v Andrews [2005] SASC 15 (21 January 2005) [41]–[43] (Debelle J); Corke v The
Queen (1989) 41 A Crim R 292, 296 (Derrington J).
R v Miladinovic (1992) 107 FLR 241, 245 (Miles CJ). See also To mic ic v The Queen (Unre-
ported, Federal Court of Australia, Kelly, Jenkinson and von Doussa JJ, 23 August 1989)
[29]–[30] (Kelly and von Doussa JJ); R v Omar [1991] 58 A Crim R 139, 146–7 (Miles CJ).
See, eg, Nguyen (2002) 26 WAR 59; Neville v The Queen [2004] WASCA 62 (2 April 2004)
Harris [1990] VR 310; Rich [2008] VSC 436 (23 October 2008). Cf R v Mackay [1985] VR 623.
(1996) 185 CLR 375.
Ibid 406–7.
Ibid 395. In the circumstances, they considered the directions insufficient, particularly the failure
to direct attention to the different contexts in which the recordings were obtained, the difficulty
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 61
doubted the existence of any particular rule (or the need for exhaustive jury
instructions), and suggested it would not be relevant to comparisons by the jury
More recently, after the introduction of the Evidence Act 1995 (NSW), courts
in New South Wales formally resiled from their increasingly idiosyncratic
common law position by removing preconditions on the reception of voice
identification evidence.
With the transition to the UEA regime, the trend has
been to reject the imposition of specific conditions on admissibility and to
instead characterise voice identification evidence as recognition (ie direct or fact)
evidence governed solely by relevance (ss 55 and 56), the mandatory and
discretionary exclusions (ss 135 and 137), and directions and warnings (ss 116
and 165). Voice identification evidence is treated as admissible if it is relevant:
that is, it will be admissible where, if accepted, it could rationally affect the
assessment of the probability of facts in issue.
Directions and warnings, and to a
lesser extent mandatory and discretionary exclusions, appear to be the preferred
way to manage the problematic dimensions of evidence derived from voices and
comparisons of voices. Where recorded evidence is available the tribunal of fact
is frequently encouraged to undertake its own comparison.
Now, voice
identification and comparison evidence is routinely admitted and questions about
probative value and reliability are left for weight and the tribunal of fact. In
consequence, all Australian jurisdictions have either abandoned or elected not to
follow the restrictive approach associated with E J Smith and the courts of New
South Wales pre-1995 (but which operated until 2000).
Typically, voice evidence is characterised as recognition evidence: that is, it is
treated as a kind of unconscious or non-reflective process of recognition leading
to identification.
Classifying voice evidence in this way tends to confer the
status of fact upon it, thereby avoiding any need to address interpretive issues
and exclusionary rules associated with opinion evidence. In reality, the vast
majority of voice comparison and recognition evidence from non-familiars is
interpretive and therefore opinion. For practical reasons, most voice evidence —
including positive identification evidence and even much of the evidence of
close familiars (eg family members and longstanding friends) — is best concep-
tualised as interpretative.
The alternative is for a messy inquiry into whether,
of comparing two unfamiliar voices, and the ‘risk’ that a jury ‘might conclude too readily that a
foreign accent on a tape is that of the accused where the accents are similar’: at 397.
Ibid 382.
R v Adler (2000) 52 NSWLR 451; Li v The Queen (2003) (2003) 139 A Crim R 281.
The appeal in Bulejcik was successful not because of the actual jury comparison exercise, but
because of the inadequacy of warnings (and reliance on a tape recording that was not in evi-
dence). For a more recent example of a jury comparison case, see the discussion of R v Korgbara
(2007) 71 NSWLR 187 below in Part V.
R v Adler (2000) 52 NSWLR 451.
This process need not be instantaneous, and can encompass gradual recollection.
The line between opinion and fact is notorious. See, eg, R v Leung (1999) 47 NSWLR 405,
414 [43] (Simpson J); R v Smith (1999) 47 NSWLR 419, 422–3 [16]–[22] (Sheller JA); Neville
[2004] WASCA 62 (2 April 2004) [44]–[46] (Miller J). See also the discussion in Paul Roberts
and Adrian Zuckerman, Criminal Evidence (Oxford University Press, 2004) 132–46 and Déirdre
Dwyer, The Judicial Assessment of Expert Opinion (Cambridge University Press, 2008) 76–97.
62 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
when hearing a voice or comparing voices, the witness — stranger or familiar —
made the positive identification instantaneously and without reflection, or
consciously considered the identity of the speaker, or gradually recollected
similarities or identity.
With the exception of non-reflective instantaneous
recognition, all of this evidence would seem to be opinion evidence, regardless
of how the witness, lawyer or judge classifies it.
In consequence, in most cases there is a need for lawyers and judges to con-
sider whether voice identification evidence satisfies the rules governing the
admission of opinion evidence, or to formally develop exceptions. Exceptions
might be granted to those who are very familiar with a voice, and who may well
recognise a voice instantaneously and unconsciously (though often these
witnesses will be giving fact evidence). The voice identification and comparison
evidence of those lacking familiarity should be treated as interpretive and,
therefore, as opinion evidence: that is, as an opinion about whether two (or more)
voices are derived from the same or similar source. There is also, as we explain
below, an additional need to consider whether the limited probative value of
much, though certainly not all, voice comparison and recognition evidence
outweighs the very real danger of unfair prejudice,
particularly the prejudice
caused by suggestion and extremely high levels of error, as in positive voice
identifications subject to long delays.
Most of the cases discussed so far involved positive voice identification evi-
dence — where a sensory witness attributes spoken words to a specific individ-
ual based on a comparison or limited familiarity — from those who had wit-
nessed events relevant to criminal proceedings. In most of these cases, lawyers
and judges simply assumed the evidence was admissible without explicitly
adverting to the basis for admission. Common law receptivity is, however,
mentioned in Harris. There, Ormiston J accepted that non-expert sensory
witnesses should be allowed to express opinions derived from voice comparison,
though without explaining the precise basis of admission. He stated: ‘this is
clearly a field in which non-expert opinion may be received, even if it were to
involve opinion rather than observation in the widest sense.’
In many cases, by classificatory fiat or elision, incriminating opinions about
the identity of a speaker, based on the comparison of sounds, are treated as
This approach avoids the need to determine, in every case, whether a particular mental process is
unconscious recognition as opposed to conscious interpretation. It also focuses attention on
whether the opinion about identity is ‘specialised knowledge’ based on sufficient exposure to the
accused. Treating this as evidence of opinion avoids the anomalous position of allowing some
interpretations (whether conscious or not) to be treated as evidence of fact. We could accept a
‘factual’ exception for the recognition evidence of family members, colleagues and those with
considerable familiarity, provided this did not routinely extend to the evidence of investigators,
translators and police acquired during the course of an investigation. See, eg, R v Robinson
[2007] QCA 99 (30 March 2007) [20]–[25] (Keane AJ); R v Trudgett (2007) 70 NSWLR 696,
700–1 [19]–[33] (Spigelman CJ); Neville [2004] WASCA 62 (2 April 2004) [83], [90]
(Heenan J); Harris [1990] VR 310, 318 (Ormiston J); Bulejcik (1996) 185 CLR 375, 381 (Bren-
nan CJ). See also as an example of variable familiarity Mills v Wes ter n Australia (2008) 189
A Crim R 411. See also the discussion of UEA s 78 below in the text accompanying
nn 85–88.
See R v Christie [1914] AC 545; UEA ss 135, 137.
[1990] VR 310, 318.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 63
evidence of recognition. Consequently, the rules applicable to opinion evidence
are rarely applied. Where they are considered, they are often circumvented
through classification as fact or recourse to questionable and contorted common
law categories such as ‘ad hoc expertise’.
In the remainder of this article, we are primarily interested in the evidence of
those who were not direct witnesses and those whose only familiarity with
voices emerges during the course of an investigation.
That is, we are most
concerned with the evidence of investigators, interpreters and others classified (if
only by courts) as voice comparison ‘experts’. Much, and perhaps all, of their
evidence is interpretive and, in consequence, should be treated as opinion
evidence. These witnesses — frequently police officers, interpreters and a variety
of formally qualified individuals (such as linguists) — are routinely allowed to
express incriminating opinions based on their exposure to voices through
surveillance or translation, and/or on the basis of analysis: usually repeated
listening to a set of recordings. Whatever the common law might allow for direct
or sensory witnesses (those we might characterise as ‘earwitnesses’), there are
rules governing the ability of displaced (or indirect) witnesses — such as
investigators, translators and purported experts — to proffer their incriminating
opinions, whether at common law or under the UEA.
Yet, notwithstanding
these rules, many courts seem to have merely extended the common law
receptivity to direct witnesses, and/or developed a superficial response to rules
governing opinion, to enable displaced listeners to proffer their incriminating
At common law and under the UEA witnesses are obliged to give evidence of
facts (ie description or unreflective recognition) and are prevented from express-
ing opinions unless those opinions are incidental or necessary to understand the
This seems to be the basis on which sensory witnesses are entitled to
express opinions — recognised implicitly by Ormiston J in Harris, as discussed
above — about identity derived from hearing (and seeing). Things, however, are
different for those who are not direct (or sensory) witnesses. At common law
(and in practice under the UEA), most witnesses can only express opinions if
See, eg, R v Colebrook [1999] NSWCCA 262 (27 August 1999) [31] (Simpson J); R v Wat son
[1999] NSWCCA 417 (21 December 1999) [39] (Newman J); Li v The Queen (2003) 139
A Crim R 281, 286–7 [39]–[42] (Ipp JA).
We are primarily interested in those who did not perceive the relevant sounds (as direct or
sensory witnesses) as part of a crime, its preparation or its aftermath, whether as conversations,
exchanges or commands. Our main focus attaches to displaced (or remote) listeners, and particu-
larly those who are not familiar with the alleged speaker. We are, in consequence, primarily
interested in those who compare unfamiliar voices remotely, although the issue of familiarity and
related conceptions of recognition, identification and opinion will re-emerge throughout the
article. In virtually all of the cases involving non-familiars and those who were not familiar with
the suspects before the investigation, the witness is expressing an opinion about the identity of
the speaker based on an interpretation (ie an incriminating opinion).
Earwitnesses are the sound equivalent of eyewitnesses. That is, they witness an event and have a
direct sensory experience.
See UEA ss 76, 78; Andrew Ligertwood and Gary Edmond, Australian Evidence: A Principled
Approach to the Common Law and the Uniform Acts (LexisNexis Butterworths, 5
ed, 2010)
603–11; Jeremy Gans and Andrew Palmer, Uniform Evidence (Oxford University Press, 2010)
64 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
they have ‘expertise’ in a ‘body of knowledge or experience’ and the opinion will
assist the tribunal of fact.
In theory, at least, the situation is more complicated
under the UEA. First, the only bases for sensory witnesses to express opinions
about identity based on voice comparison are provided by ss 78 and 79.
course, if the witness is giving factual (eg descriptive) evidence, then their
evidence is admissible if relevant
and not caught by some exclusionary rule.
The problem with most voice identification evidence and virtually all displaced
listening is that where the witness is not already familiar with the voice, they will
normally be expressing an opinion on the basis of some type of comparison,
regardless of whether the evidence is characterised as recognition or direct
evidence. Except where witnesses purport to identify features of a very familiar
voice, any attempt at comparison or identification will generally be interpretive
and, therefore, should be subject to the rules regulating the admission of opinion
For us, the main problem is the admissibility pathway for the opinions of
investigators, interpreters and qualified individuals about identity on the basis of
displaced listening (and analysis) of sound recordings. Apart from the generally
unsatisfactory decisions discussed below, there are relatively few decisions that
attend to the question of ‘expert’ voice comparison evidence in Australia. The
most prominent case, which predates the UEA and most of the modern Austra-
lian authority on voice comparison evidence, is, again, from New South Wales.
Unlike the vast majority of the cases discussed below, it concerns the admissibil-
ity of ‘expert’ opinion evidence adduced by the defence.
In R v Gilmore (‘Gilmore’),
the appellant challenged the exclusion of the
opinion of a lecturer in English who specialised in phonetics.
Drawing on some
authority from the United States,
the NSWCCA concluded that the opinion
Clark v Ryan (1960) 103 CLR 486, 491 (Dixon CJ). See also R v Bonython (1984) 38 SASR 45,
46–7 (King CJ).
See UEA s 76(1): ‘Evidence of an opinion is not admissible to prove the existence of a fact about
the existence of which the opinion was expressed.’ Section 76 would appear to cover the field
and eliminate any residual common law categories. There is no exception for ad hoc expertise,
because ‘specialised knowledge’ seems to be a prerequisite. Arguably, the common law does not
allow ad hoc experts to present opinion evidence pertaining to identification since the cases are
concerned primarily with the use of transcripts: see R v Menzies [1982] 1 NZLR 41, 49 (Cooke J
for Cooke, McMullin and Somers J and Sir Clifford Richmond) and Butera v DPP (Vic) (1987)
164 CLR 180; cf Murdoch v The Queen [2007] NTCCA 1 (10 January 2007).
UEA ss 55–6.
Where the witness is very familiar with the voice, as in the case of a family member or spouse,
then the evidence is often characterised as ‘recognition’ and therefore evidence of fact. It might
also satisfy an accommodating reading of the rules for expert opinion, especially under UEA
s 79, which might allow an opinion about identity based on ‘specialised knowledge’ of a particu-
lar voice through long exposure (ie substantial experience across a wide range of situations and
contexts) to be admitted. We discuss evidence supporting the general reliability, though certainly
not infallibility, of voice identification by familiars in Part VI(B).
[1977] 2 NSWLR 935.
See also R v McHardie [1983] 2 NSWLR 733, 752–64 (Begg, Lee and Cantor JJ), where the
admissibility of similar evidence was discussed.
Gilmore [1977] 2 NSWLR 935, 939–41 (Street CJ, Lee and Ash JJ agreeing), citing United
States v Baller, 519 F 2d 463 (4
Cir, 1975) and Henry F Greene, ‘Voiceprint Identification: The
Case in Favor of Admissibility’ (1975) 13 American Criminal Law Review 171.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 65
evidence was admissible. Subsequently, the particular technique (the use of
spectrographs or voiceprints) relied upon by the defence in Gilmore was shown
to be unreliable.
Since Gilmore there has been little sustained interest in the
basis for the admissibility of opinion evidence, and most investigators, interpret-
ers and ‘experts’ have been allowed to express their incriminating opinions on
the basis of the rules governing ordinary earwitnesses (ie relevance) or through
very accommodating readings of the rules governing opinion evidence. The latter
approach finds expression in the English common law case of R v Robb:
decision that is regularly followed and occasionally endorsed by Australian
In R v Robb, the Court of Appeal upheld the admission of incriminating
opinion evidence based solely on ‘auditory techniques’ (ie listening), even
though the linguist purporting to identify Robb as the speaker on a ransom tape
conceded that the ‘great weight of informed opinion, including the world leaders
in the field, was to the effect that auditory techniques unless supplemented and
verified by acoustic analysis were an unreliable basis of speaker identification.’
Perhaps because of the controversy associated with older voice comparison
techniques, in conjunction with the sheer proliferation of voice recordings —
obtained via methods ranging from telephone intercepts to covert listening
devices — Australian investigators, prosecutors and judges facilitated new ways
of admitting incriminating opinions. Unfortunately, these opinions were admitted
before any credible research supporting the underlying techniques and assump-
tions was undertaken and notwithstanding a large body of scientific research
reinforcing the difficulties of voice comparison. Gilmore demonstrates how the
orthodox approaches to the admission of expert opinion evidence, where the
primary interest is focused on qualifications and ‘the field’, circumvent the more
fundamental inquiry into whether the technique is in fact valid and reliable.
See Committee on Evaluation of Sound Spectograms, Assembly of Behavioral and Social
Sciences, National Research Council, On the Theory and Practice of Vo ic e Identification (Na-
tional Academy of Sciences, 1979). Interestingly, these problems were raised in Gilmore and
expressed in Harris [1990] VR 310, 314 (Ormiston J) by scholars from Monash University.
[1991] 93 Cr App R 161.
See, eg, R v Farquharson (2009) 26 VR 410, 431–2 [90] (Warren CJ, Nettle and Redlich JJA).
See also, in the United Kingdom context, R v Chenia [2004] 1 All ER 543, 573–4 [100]–[102]
(Clarke LJ for Clarke LJ, Pitchford J and Judge Fabyan Evans); R v Flynn [2008] 2 Cr App R 20.
R v Robb is analogous to the increasingly marginalised Australian tort case of Commissioner for
Government Transport v Adamcik (1961) 106 CLR 292. Interestingly, as the influential Makita
(Australia) Pty Ltd v Sprowles (2001) 52 NSWLR 705 decision implies, it is unlikely that this
kind of evidence would be relied upon by a judge in modern Australian civil litigation. See also
the discussion of R v Robb and R v O’Doherty [2003] 1 Cr App R 5 in R v Korgbara (2007) 71
NSWLR 187, 205–6 (McColl JA).
[1991] 93 Cr App R 161, 165 (Bingham LJ for Bingham LJ, Hutchison and Buckley JJ). Recent
writings by forensic linguists continue to emphasise the need for both auditory and acoustic
techniques: Michael Jessen, ‘The Forensic Phonetician: Forensic Speaker Identification by Ex-
perts’ in Malcolm Coulthard and Alison Johnson (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Forensic
Linguistics (Routledge, 2010) 378; John Olsson, Forensic Linguistics (Continuum, 2
ed, 2008)
181; Malcolm Coulthard and Alison Johnson, An Introduction to Forensic Linguistics: Language
in Evidence (Routledge, 2007) 149. On emerging approaches concerned with validation and
reliability, see below Part VIII(C).
In Nguyen (2002) 26 WAR 59, 74 [60] (Malcolm CJ), the issue of ‘whether voice comparison is
a recognised field of expertise’ was raised too late — there had been no evidence regarding this
point or the qualifications and experience of the interpreter at the trial.
66 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
Gilmore is also revealing because the appeal implies that prosecutors are likely
to challenge, and judges more likely to scrutinise (and often exclude), ‘expert’
evidence adduced by defendants.
Supplementary rules of admissibility, such as the basis rule — which requires
the expert to explain the underlying technique used (and in some versions also
the facts relied upon) to reach their opinion — and the ultimate issue rule —
which, although no longer strictly applicable, should focus attention on evidence,
especially opinions, that address an essential issue, such as the identity of an
offender — tend to be trivialised.
What we can say is that there is a conspicu-
ous lack of discussion of voice comparison evidence in terms of expert opinion
evidence (or ‘specialised knowledge’), and little interest in applying relevant
rules strictly in the interests of ensuring the fairness of criminal proceedings.
Modern voice comparison cases exemplify a disconcerting willingness to
recognise and admit incriminating opinions. That is, even in those cases where
the admissibility of the incriminating opinions of investigators is considered,
courts often excuse the inability to satisfy the terms of the exceptions to the
statutory opinion rule (or its common law equivalents) by allowing those whose
‘expertise’ has been developed during the course of the investigation, mostly
through repeated listening to voice recordings, to express their impressions as
‘ad hoc experts’, rather than as experts whose opinions are based on genuinely
‘specialised knowledge’ (under the UEA) or a ‘body of knowledge or experi-
ence’ (at common law) related to voice comparison.
The idea of ‘ad hoc expertise’ is inconsistent with the explicit terms of UEA
s 79(1) and represents a massive expansion of admissible opinion.
It enables
the state to rely upon the incriminating opinions of investigators and those
working closely with them. Recognition of ‘ad hoc expertise’ is convenient for
investigators, prosecutors and courts, but it treats extant, if legally unknown,
See also R v Madigan [2005] NSWCCA 170 (9 June 2005). This is certainly the experience in
the United States: see, eg, D Michael Risinger, ‘Navigating Expert Reliability: Are Criminal
Standards of Certainty Being Left on the Dock?’ (2000) 64 Albany Law Review 99; Jennifer L
Groscup et al, ‘The Effects of Daubert on the Admissibility of Expert Testimony in State and
Federal Criminal Cases’ (2002) 8 Psychology, Public Policy and Law 339.
Compare the detailed attention paid to the basis of the opinion in civil cases such as Makita
(Australia) Pty Ltd v Sprowles (2001) 52 NSWLR 705, 729–30 [59], 745–50 [87]–[102]
(Heydon JA) and the recent High Court case of Dasreef Pty Ltd v Hawchar (2011) 85 ALJR 694,
704 [31] (French CJ, Gummow, Hayne, Crennan, Kiefel and Bell JJ). See also R v GK (2001) 53
NSWLR 317, 326–7 [40] (Mason P).
There is an implicit, though never justified, confidence in the special abilities of police,
interpreters and experts from cognate fields. See, eg, Kelly v The Queen [2002] WASCA 134
(17 May 2002) [20] (Anderson J) in relation to visual opinion evidence; United States v Ladd,
527 F 2d 1341, 1343 (Jones, Wisdom and Ainsworth JJ) (5
Cir, 1976).
Gary Edmond and Mehera San Roque, ‘Quasi-Justice: Ad Hoc Expertise and Identification
Evidence’ (2009) 33 Criminal Law Journal 8, 22–3. Cases where the concept of ‘ad hoc
expertise’ was recognised include Neville [2004] WASCA 62 (2 April 2004) [45]–[46] (Miller J);
Li v The Queen (2003) 139 A Crim R 281, 287 [42] (Ipp JA); R v Drollett [2005] NSWCCA 356
(4 November 2005) [63] (Simpson J); R v Tang (2006) 65 NSWLR 681, 709 [120]
(Spigelman CJ); Murdoch v The Queen [2007] NTCCA 1 (10 January 2007) [296] (Angel ACJ,
Riley J and Olsson AJ); Irani v The Queen (2008) 188 A Crim R 125, 128 [14] (Hoeben J).
A legal fabrication, ‘ad hoc expertise’ is the ultimate in ‘science for litigation’: see Gary
Edmond, ‘Supersizing Daubert: Science for Litigation and Its Implications for Legal Practice and
Scientific Research’ (2007) 52 Villanova Law Review 857.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 67
scientific literature and research into voice comparison with disdain.
It allows
investigators, translators and, occasionally, formally qualified individuals (such
as linguists and those with an interest in phonetics) to express their incriminating
opinions, on the basis of whatever familiarity or experience they have obtained
during the course of an investigation or analysis, without having to satisfy the
exception to the opinion rule for ‘specialised knowledge’.
The investigators, interpreters and linguists routinely allowed to express in-
criminating opinions about identity frequently possess no relevant expertise.
There is, as we shall see, considerable slippage and legal inattention to the
considerable gap between translation (and interpretation) and identification.
Similarly, formal qualifications and experience (in linguistics or phonetics) tell
us little about a person’s ability to make reliable voice comparisons or under-
stand methodological issues associated with voice comparison, particularly
problems introduced by the suggestive way opinions are elicited.
Very few of
the ‘experts’ featuring in the cases discussed below refer to relevant scientific
research and none appear to have tested their actual ability.
As an alternative pathway for admission, several judges in UEA jurisdictions
have suggested that s 78 might provide a basis to admit the opinions of displaced
This response is interesting. First, it explicitly recognises that these
witnesses are expressing an opinion. Second, s 78 appears designed to allow the
evidence of those whose opinion ‘is based on what the person saw, heard or
otherwise perceived’ to be admitted where that ‘opinion is necessary to obtain an
adequate account or understanding of the person’s perception of the matter or
It seems curious that judges should read a statute in a manner that is
inconsistent with its own terms in order to provide investigators and other
displaced listeners with scope for expressing their incriminating opinions about
See below Part VIII.
On general problems with interpreters and translation in refugee and asylum courts, see Anthony
Good, Anthropology and Expertise in the Asylum Courts (Routledge-Cavendish, 2007) ch 7;
Livia Holden (ed), Cultural Expertise and Litigation: Patterns, Conflicts, Narratives (Routledge,
It is not our intention to suggest that formal training as a linguist provides a basis for the
admission of opinions based on voice comparison. In order to express an opinion that is relevant,
there should be a demonstrably reliable technique. Without evidence of ability (or proficiency),
the trappings of academic qualifications and university positions may be merely misleading.
For example, the opinion evidence in R v Leung (1999) 47 NSWLR 405 was admitted at trial on
the basis of s 78. Section 78 states that the opinion rule does not apply to evidence of an opinion
expressed by a person if:
(a) the opinion is based on what the person saw, heard or otherwise perceived about a matter
or event; and
(b) evidence of the opinion is necessary to obtain an adequate account or understanding of
the person’s perception of the matter or event.
It embodies the common law ‘sleight of hand’, alluded to by Ormiston J in Harris [1990] VR
310, 314–15, that enables sensory witnesses to express opinions about identity rather than focus-
ing attention upon the intractable fact/opinion distinction.
This applies to all of the senses: see AK v West ern Australia (2008) 232 CLR 438, 447 [21]
(Gleeson CJ and Kiefel J), 454 [49] (Gummow and Hayne JJ), 461–4 [67]–[74] (Heydon J) for
some discussion of taste, touch and smell.
68 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
the identity of speakers (and those in images).
This line of reasoning was
formally considered and rejected by Kirby J in Smith v The Queen (‘Smith’).
Smith is also instructive when considering investigative bias and relevance.
Smith was an appeal concerned with police identification evidence based on
security images from a bank. Kirby J’s observations seem highly pertinent to the
voice comparison evidence of investigators:
The experience of the law, expressed with increasing conviction during the last
two decades, is that very great risks of wrongful conviction and miscarriages of
justice can attend identification (and recognition) evidence generally, and par-
ticularly where such evidence is based on photographs. In this sense, I see no
difference in the dangers caused by evidence of identification from photographs
of the offender in action, such as produced by bank surveillance, and identifica-
tion from photographs of the accused and other suspects held by police. The
risks, already large, may be enhanced by the natural desire of a person perform-
ing the act of identification to produce an affirmative outcome rather than to
admit to incapacity and failure. The risks are still further increased where the
person concerned has a relevant professional motivation (even if only subcon-
sciously) to identify a person.
The relevance of the voice identification evidence of displaced witnesses has
been treated inconsistently in response to challenges to voice comparison
evidence. In Smith, the witnesses were police officers, with limited exposure to
Smith, purporting to identify him from CCTV images of a bank robbery. A
majority of the High Court concluded that where the jury was in a similar
position to the displaced witnesses, in respect to comparing incriminating images
with the accused in the dock, then the witnesses’ evidence was irrelevant. It is
arguable that the majority conflate a degree of redundancy with relevance. The
police officers’ opinions about identity are relevant (even if they possess low
probative value), but should not be admitted because they are opinions without
an admissibility pathway (contra s 76).
By analogy, in voice comparison cases,
the investigators do not hear or otherwise perceive ‘the matter (s 78) and
generally do not possess ‘specialised knowledge’ relevant to voice comparisons
(s 79).
Indeed, this approach was not followed in R v Drollett [2005] NSWCCA 356 (4 November 2005)
[63] (Simpson J) and R v Leung (1999) 47 NSWLR 405, 410–12 [26]–[35] (Simpson J)
(Spigelman CJ and Sperling J preferred not to express an opinion on the scope of s 78). In R v
Leung the evidence was admitted as ‘ad hoc expertise’ via s 79. Simpson J maintained a stricter
view in the non-expert case of R v Whyte [2006] NSWCCA 75 (24 March 2006) [56]–[57],
contra Spigelman J at [35]–[36]. Applying s 78 to remote and displaced audiences seems
inconsistent with the text of the provision and would appear to allow us all to become voice and
visual ‘ad hoc experts’ to the extent that we could be bothered listening to, or watching,
incriminating recordings.
(2001) 206 CLR 650.
Ibid 668 (citations omitted). See also R v Crouch (1850) 4 Cox CC 163, 164 (Maule J). The fact
that these exposures and interpretations are obtained in conditions where the identity of the
speaker was suggested, directly or indirectly, by investigators, or the speaker was identified by
an unfamiliar investigator, tends to be trivialised: contra R v Gaunt [1964] NSWR 864, 866–7
(Herron CJ, Ferguson and Nagle JJ).
Here we agree with the analysis by Kirby J (and the overall outcome) in Smith (2001) 206 CLR
650. Cf, eg, Neville [2004] WASCA 62 (2 April 2004) [97]–[98] (Heenan J).
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 69
Where the defence has challenged the admissibility of incriminating opinions
about the voices of non-familiars (such as the police with limited familiarity of
Smith), most courts have distinguished the voice identification cases, often on
the pragmatic basis that not admitting the evidence would require the jury to
listen to voice recordings which are often of low quality, very long, and contain
much content of little, if any, significance. Sometimes, in addition, the content
and whether it is actually incriminating is contentious.
Nevertheless, because
most judges approach the admissibility of voice evidence primarily on the basis
of whether it is relevant, the key protections are, in effect, the discretionary (and
mandatory) exclusions and warnings to the jury. Notwithstanding serious
problems with much voice comparison evidence, few judges have excluded this
evidence or prevented the jury from considering it except where the recordings
were of very low quality.
On average, lawyers and judges, in common law and
UEA jurisdictions, tend to be reluctant to fulfil their gatekeeping responsibilities
when confronted with the incriminating opinions of displaced listeners.
The low level of attention focused on the admissibility of evidence about the
identity of voices places considerable weight on judicial directions and warn-
Judges, as the cases discussed above indicate, have a tendency to admit
voice comparison evidence and then attempt to address limitations, problems and
dangers through directions and warnings. There is an expectation that judges will
address specific issues.
In cases involving expert witnesses, the trial judge
should also explain to the jury how they might respond to such evidence. We
discuss the adequacy, and the scientific foundation, of such warnings and
directions below in Part VIII(B). For the moment, we merely need to advert to
the lack of attention to any scientific research, particularly research on the very
high levels of error, the dangers created by suggestive voice identification
procedures and, perhaps most disconcertingly, given the preference for admis-
sion and the reliance placed upon them, the apparently limited efficacy of
judicial instructions, directions and warnings. There is a failure to treat voice
comparison evidence as evidence of opinion and a reluctance to exclude incrimi-
nating opinions, even when they are likely to be unreliable, and therefore of
See, eg, Dodds v The Queen (2009) 194 A Crim R 408, 414 [19]–[26] (McLellan CJ at CL);
Keller v The Queen [2006] NSWCCA 204 (26 July 2006) [24] (Studdert J).
See Neville [2004] WASCA 62 (2 April 2004) [88] (Heenan J) for an orthodox common law
response to the discretionary exclusion. R v Hall [2001] NSWSC 827 (17 September 2001) was a
case where the sound quality of purported ‘admissions’ was low. Ironically, sometimes the poor
quality of voice recordings provides a basis for the admission of an incriminating transcript and
‘expert’ voice comparison evidence. See also R v Murrell (2001) 123 A Crim R 54, where fresh
evidence suggested that an incriminating transcript prepared by investigating police officers
contained significant and unfairly prejudicial mistakes; Butera v DPP (Vic) (1987) 164 CLR 180;
R v Solomon (2005) 92 SASR 331, 350–1 [74]–[75] (Doyle CJ); R v O’Neil [2001] VSCA 227
(14 December 2001) [43]–[50] (O’Bryan AJA).
See generally Gary Edmond, ‘Specialised Knowledge, the Exclusionary Discretions and
Reliability: Reassessing Incriminating Opinion Evidence’ (2008) 31 University of New South
Wales Law Journal 1; Tim Smith and Stephen Odgers, ‘Determining “Probative Value” for the
Purposes of Section 137 in the Uniform Evidence Law’ (2010) 34 Criminal Law Journal 292.
See UEA ss 116, 165.
See below Part VIII(B).
70 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
limited probative value and likely to produce very real dangers of unfair preju-
dice to the defendant.
Among the witnesses appearing in the cases discussed in Part III, almost none
had prior familiarity with the voices of suspects, and there was little, if any, prior
experience or expertise in voice comparison. None were involved in the study of
voices or voice comparison, and none had attempted to validate or assess the
accuracy of their methods. Most of the opinions currently relied upon by
investigators and prosecutors in Australia have never been subjected to any kind
of validation or reliability study. We do not even know if those allowed to
express incriminating opinions, as ‘experts’ or ‘ad hoc experts’ (or lay wit-
nesses), can actually do what they contend. None of the current methods are
demonstrably reliable.
The cases discussed in this Part exemplify both the lack of judicial concern
about the basis for the reception of ‘expert’ voice comparison evidence, and a
failure to take sufficiently seriously the procedural or investigative biases that are
often apparent. We have selected a sample of recent cases, primarily from the
NSWCCA, to illustrate these limitations along with the exaggerated confidence
invested in the trial and its ability to identify and adequately convey them. Let us
begin with an appeal decided shortly after the approach from E J Smith and
Brotherton was formally abandoned in R v Adler.
In 2002, the NSWCCA heard the appeal in R v Riscuta (‘Riscuta’), which
concerned two co-accused, Riscuta and Niga.
This was an appeal from a
conviction for the supply of heroin, with one ground focusing on the admission
of incriminating voice identification evidence of an interpreter, Clarice Kandic.
Kandic had initially been called as a witness in the 2001 trial, to prove some
translations she had made of covert recordings from Romanian into English.
These translations had been completed in 1994. Eighteen months earlier, in 1993,
she had been requested by the New South Wales Crime Commission to attend a
short interview with Mariana Niga in case her interpretation skills were required.
See, eg, R v Miladinovic (1992) 109 ACTR 11, affd Miladinovic v The Queen (1993) 47 FCR
190. See also the reference to the need for caution in R v Makin (1995) 120 FLR 9, 13–14
[20]–[21] (Crockett, Southwell and Vincent JJ), even though all parties agreed that no instruc-
tions were required in this case.
See Gary Edmond and Andrew Roberts, ‘Procedural Fairness, the Criminal Trial and Forensic
Science and Medicine’ (2011) 33 Sydney Law Review (forthcoming).
(2000) 52 NSWLR 457.
[2003] NSWCCA 6 (6 February 2003).
Ibid [7] (Heydon JA). Thus Kandic was a displaced listener and Kandic’s opinion evidence was
obtained in circumstances which bear many of the hallmarks of the ‘ad hoc expert’ cases, though
in this case her initial exposure to the voice of the accused was in person. There is a suggestion
that, while most of the tapes were translated days or months after they were made, at some point
Kandic may also have been listening to the calls in question in ‘real time’. In this respect it may
be that the NSWCCA was treating her as an ‘earwitness’ to the events in question. Heydon JA, in
pointing out that s 116 applies to voice identification evidence, and that in this case the warnings
did not express the special need for caution mandated in s 116, did not engage directly with the
difference between earwitnesses and displaced listeners: at [38], [61].
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 71
That interview, lasting approximately 30 minutes, during which Niga spoke for
15 to 20 minutes, proceeded in English. During her examination-in-chief, Kandic
testified that based on her presence at the 1993 interview, she had ‘recognised’
one of the voices on the 1994 tapes as belonging to Mariana Niga. However, as
the trial progressed, the defence requested that a voir dire be held in relation to
that ‘identification’ and during the voir dire it became apparent that it was only
in 2001, while talking to the Crown prosecutor just before Niga’s trial was about
to commence, that Kandic had identified the voice on the tapes as that of the
woman she had observed being interviewed in English at the Crime Commission
in 1993.
This was the first time Kandic disclosed to the prosecution that she
believed the voice on the tape belonged to Niga. After a lengthy voir dire, in
which the defence argued that her evidence ought to be excluded under s 137, the
incriminating opinion evidence of Kandic, linking the voices on the tape to the
person she had seen being interviewed in 1993, was admitted at trial.
On appeal counsel for Niga advanced a range of reasons why the voice identi-
fication by Kandic ought to have been excluded. While Kandic claimed that the
voice she heard both at the 1993 interview and on the tapes was ‘a very specific
voice’, she testified that she recalled no unusual or distinctive features in the
voice from the interview.
She had, however, been told by the investigating
police that they believed the voice on the surveillance tapes was the woman
(Niga) she had seen interviewed in English at the Crime Commission and that
the recordings she transcribed in 1994 were from Niga’s phone. The implication
is that she had this information at the time she was asked to transcribe the tapes
in 1994, and certainly before she disclosed the identification to the Crown
prosecutor in 2001. At trial, Kandic also conceded that she had relied on the
presence of the Christian name ‘Mariana’ on the tapes in coming to her conclu-
sion about the identity of the speaker. Despite the long delay between hearing the
voice and making the identification, and the fact that she could not recall any
other specific details from the 1993 interview, she testified that her memory
never failed her and was unwilling to acknowledge the possibility of error.
Finally, it was not until a week before the trial in 2001, in the circumstances
described above, that Kandic disclosed that she ‘recognised’ the voice on the
tape as that of Niga. It was in this context that Kandic was permitted to posi-
tively identify Niga as the voice of ‘Mariana’ on the covert recordings.
Remarkably, in a prosecution and appeal where the admissibility of the posi-
tive identification of Niga’s voice was robustly contested, the NSWCCA
(Heydon JA, Hulme J and Carruthers AJ agreeing) does not provide a clear
explanation as to the basis for the admissibility of Kandic’s evidence. There is no
Ibid [18].
Ibid [24]. In his ruling, over the objection of the defence, the trial judge not only envisaged that
Kandic would give evidence, but also that the jury would compare tapes, where the speaker
identifies herself as Mariana, with the other contested recordings: at [24].
Ibid [27], [54].
Ibid [18], [21], [42], [59]. On the voir dire, Kandic claimed that the memory came to her ‘like a
flash of light’ as she was talking to the Crown Prosecutor: at [18]. However, she conceded that
she had been told the name of the accused on a number of occasions: at [21].
72 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
discussion of the fact that Kandic was expressing opinions about identity that
were not based on her ‘specialised knowledge’ as an interpreter. The relevance
and, more problematically, the admissibility of her opinion evidence appear to
have been taken for granted.
The trial judge and the NSWCCA thought that Kandic’s voice identification
evidence was properly admitted, the NSWCCA confirming that as long as the
voice identification was relevant it was admissible unless excluded under ss 135,
137 or 138,
and rejecting the defence argument that that the significant
problems in the way that the evidence was obtained triggered s 137.
For the
NSWCCA, the main problem was that the trial judge had not adequately warned
the jury about the particular dangers of the voice identification evidence accord-
ing to s 165 of the Evidence Act 1995 (NSW) — specifically the cross-lingual
nature of the comparison — nor had the trial judge pointed to the special need
for caution as required by s 116.
Despite some obvious dangers and inade-
quate warnings, in what was characterised as a compelling circumstantial case,
the NSWCCA thought Kandic’s identification evidence was properly admitted
and, applying the proviso,
dismissed the appeal. The acknowledged inade-
quacy of the warnings was insufficient to overturn the conviction.
A similar approach was adopted in R v El-Kheir
where, once again, the
NSWCCA did not concern itself with the admissibility of the translator’s opinion
evidence about the identity of speakers in a residence subject to covert surveil-
lance, notwithstanding that:
the sound recording was ‘very poor (rated at 2 on a scale from 0 to 10);
the translators level of confidence about who spoke the allegedly incrimi-
nating words was at the level of chance;
there was considerable background noise;
there were ‘extended breaks where nothing could be heard’;
‘words could be heard but not understood’;
‘bits and pieces [were] missing’; and
‘at times there was insufficient detail in the quality of the soundtrack to
form a definite opinion as to who was speaking to whom’.
Ibid [34] (Heydon JA, Hulme J and Carruthers AJ agreeing).
Ibid [60].
Ibid [61]. Notwithstanding Riscuta and other cases such as R v Camilleri (2001) 127 A Crim R
290, s 116 of the UEA would not appear to apply to displaced (or indirect) voice identification
evidence. See the definition of ‘identification evidence’ at above n 2.
Criminal Appeal Act 1912 (NSW) s 6(1).
[2004] NSWCCA 461 (20 December 2004).
Ibid [97], [103] (Tobias JA). The clearest parts of the recording (apparently) enabled the
interpreter to distinguish between the respective abilities in Arabic of the two speakers; neverthe-
less, ‘the quality of the utterances and terms of the recording were poor and … at times the
language was such as to be either inaudible or indecipherable. At times there was corruption in
the phonemic structure of the speech that made it difficult to understand’: at [98].
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 73
In the aftermath of the surveillance operation, the translator, Dr Gamal, lis-
tened to the recordings ‘again and again and again’ in order to prepare a tran-
script and identify the speakers.
In relation to one of the allegedly incriminat-
ing statements, he testified that it could have only been one of two male voices.
He ‘accepted that there was a 50% chance that the statement he attributed to M2
[identified as El-Kheir] was attributable to M1’, but was ‘adamant that either M1
or M2 … made the statement.’
Referring to Li v The Queen (‘Li’) (discussed below), the NSWCCA
(Tobias JA, Hoeben J and Smart AJ agreeing) decreed that ‘the admission of
voice identification evidence was a matter for judicial discretion’.
troubling itself with the exclusionary opinion rule and the exception for
‘specialised knowledge’, the NSWCCA upheld the admission of the positive
identification evidence from Dr Gamal where there were real doubts about its
probative value and — in circumstances where only one of a
few persons in the house could have uttered the allegedly incriminating words —
The case of R v Madigan (‘Madigan’)
affirms this general trend while
throwing the emerging contrast between the latitude afforded to the (‘ad hoc
expert’) opinions of investigators and the restrictions placed on more conven-
tional experts — particularly experts called by the defence (after Gilmore)
into sharp relief. In Madigan the investigating police officers spent a total of
‘maybe 50 hours, maybe more’ listening to covert recordings and producing
They ‘replayed some tracks up to 20 times in an attempt to make
out the words.’
One officer had interacted with Madigan several years earlier,
and the other had had very limited exposure — some 2–3 minutes during
fingerprinting and a police interview in which Madigan said very little.
On the
basis of their repeated listening to the covert voice recordings they were allowed
to give positive voice identification testimony.
Wood CJ at CL (Grove J and Hoeben J agreeing) concluded, on the basis that
the accused and others had identified themselves — using nicknames and
Christian names — in incriminating recordings from their phones, that there was
Ibid [100].
Ibid [103]. It seems Dr Gamal was told by investigating police that there were only two adult
men in the house at the time of the recordings: at [103], [109].
Ibid [96].
See the discussion of contextual bias below in Part VI(C).
We accept that these issues might not have been raised on appeal by the lawyers, but they are
undoubtedly front and centre.
[2005] NSWCCA 170 (9 June 2005).
[1977] 2 NSWLR 935. See the discussion in the text accompanying above nn 70–78.
[2005] NSWCCA 170 (9 June 2005) [21] (Wood CJ at CL).
Ibid. Cf R v Bain [2010] 1 NZLR 1, where it was four different experts (three forensic consult-
ants and a linguist), rather than the investigating police officers, who compiled the transcripts. In
Madigan, the levels of exposure, apart from through listening to the tapes, seem to have been
more limited than the interactions between the police officers and the accused in Smith (2001)
206 CLR 650, although we acknowledge that in Madigan the investigating police officers appear
to have listened to a good deal of recorded material.
Madigan [2005] NSWCCA 170 (9 June 2005) [22], [25] (Wood CJ at CL).
74 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
little risk that the jury might misuse or improperly value the positive identifica-
tion evidence of the investigating police officers.
This merely raises the
question of why these incriminating opinions were considered necessary or
relevant (following the majority in Smith) in the first place.
Perhaps the most striking aspect of Madigan, however, was the exclusion of
testimony from an expert witness called by the defence.
Madigan sought to
adduce the testimony of a linguist (Ms Elliot) to describe alternative, and
apparently more rigorous, approaches to voice comparison.
According to the
It does not however follow that the defence should have been permitted to call
Ms Elliot to give her expert opinion on the ‘methodology’. All that she was
able to offer was to describe an approach to voice identification that differed
from the method of identification by a person who had the opportunity of lis-
tening to the tapes and having some familiarity with the voices of the speakers,
either as direct evidence or as ad hoc expert evidence, which has been accepted
by the courts …
She had not undertaken any acoustic analysis herself and was not in a position
to offer an opinion as to whether the speakers were the Appellant, Woods and
Ms Walker. …
The defining point for the rejection of her evidence was that it did no more than
identify an alternative method of voice identification that was dependent upon
acoustic analysis, without placing in issue that which was led by the Crown.
Challenging, directly or implicitly, the approach and ‘expertise’ of the investi-
gating police officers was not enough. To the extent that the defence were able to
point to the existence of qualified experts who could testify about scientific
methods and, most importantly, about notorious problems, this response seems
difficult to reconcile with principle, particularly the aim of doing justice in the
pursuit of truth.
Ibid [98]. In R v Jones (1989) 41 A Crim R 1, the voice identification evidence of a builder who
had carried out repairs for the accused was offered in conjunction with circumstantial evidence of
the telephone intercept on the house occupied by the accused. See also R v Wat son [1999]
NSWCCA 417 (21 December 1999); R v Ryan (1984) 55 ALR 408, 412–13 (Street CJ).
A more generous approach to evidence adduced by the accused, exemplified in Gilmore, seems
to have been eroded in recent decades.
Madigan [2005] NSWCCA 170 (9 June 2005) [102]–[103] (Wood CJ at CL). Somewhat
ironically, given the basis for exclusion, the proposed rebuttal evidence may actually have been
evidence of fact (or the basis for an opinion): the description of notorious difficulties with voice
identification and standardised scientific techniques might be considered as evidence of fact(s)
rather than opinion. Moreover, it would certainly appear to be relevant to the facts in issue and
the only grounds for discretionary exclusion would seem to be that it would cause or result in
undue waste of time: UEA s 135(c).
Madigan [2005] NSWCCA 170 (9 June 2005) [107]–[109] (Wood CJ at CL, Grove J and
Hoeben J agreeing). See also Sook v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (1999)
86 FCR 584, 602 [43] (Moore J). The cases that support the admission of incriminating opinions
by ‘ad hoc experts’ are discussed below.
See generally H L Ho, A Philosophy of Evidence Law: Justice in the Search for Truth (Oxford
University Press, 2008).
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 75
Other cases reinforce these trends. In R v Camilleri,
a police officer was
allowed to positively identify the voice on covert recordings obtained via a
listening device on the basis of a few words exchanged during the execution of a
search warrant and a formal interview where the defendant refused to answer any
questions. According to the NSWCCA:
The fact that the police officer had such limited familiarity with the voice and
the fact that he was told in advance that it was the accused’[s] voice on the
tapes which he was asked to identify, did not mean that the evidence should not
have been admitted.
The appeal focused on the adequacy of the warning without any consideration of
the admissibility or probative value of the incriminating opinion.
In Irani v The Queen,
a decision rejecting a s 137 challenge to the admissi-
bility of a police voice identification, Hoeben J rehearsed all of the cases
discussed in this Part in light of a defence concession that the police officer
making the positive identification was qualified as an ‘ad hoc expert’.
Consequently, the police officers opinion about a voice recorded by a police
informant in a nightclub was admitted even though the police officer had no
familiarity with the accused’s voice and was told who spoke the incriminating
words by the police informant (who had indemnity from prosecution). In
addition, the informant was with the police officer during the preparation of the
transcripts and the positive ‘identification’. The NSWCCA accepted that the
opinion evidence was admissible and that any prejudicial effects (such as the
appearance of independent corroboration) could be cured by clear directions to
the jury and were outweighed by the probative value of the evidence.
In Dodds v The Queen,
a police officer with limited exposure to the ac-
cused’s voice was allowed to express an opinion about identity even though a co-
accused with considerable familiarity identified Dodds as the speaker on a
number of intercepted phone calls and some of the information on those calls
fitted neatly with the peculiar life circumstances of the accused, dramatically
reducing the need for speculative opinion evidence. The prosecution’s failure to
call an appropriate expert or undertake scientific comparisons was (apparently)
rejected as a ground of appeal by the NSWCCA. Without addressing the issue in
detail, McClellan CJ at CL seemed satisfied that the jury had been alerted to the
(2001) 127 A Crim R 290.
This extract is Hoeben J’s description of Camilleri in Irani v The Queen (2008) 188 A Crim R
125, 130 [21]. It is unclear, in the absence of recordings, just how the jury is to fairly assess this
evidence, especially if there are pervasive beliefs that police have special sensory prowess be-
cause of training and experience.
(2008) 188 A Crim R 125.
Ibid 129–130 [19]–[24]. Interestingly, Hoeben J at 132 [31] supported the trial judge’s references
to R v Menzies [1982] 1 NZLR 40, 49 (Cooke J for Cooke, McMullin and Somers JJ and Sir
Clifford Richmond) and Butera v DPP (Vic) (1987) 164 CLR 180, even though these cases
primarily involved the preparation of transcripts rather than voice comparison and identification.
Irani v The Queen (2008) 188 A Crim R 125, 132 [32] (Hoeben J, McClellan CJ at CL and
Harrison J agreeing).
(2009) 194 A Crim R 408.
76 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
fact that the police officer had ‘accepted that there was always room for error in
voice comparison.’
There is, evidently, confidence in the ability of police officers and interpreters
to provide probative testimony on the issue of identity derived from exposure to
voice recordings. In New South Wales, at least, there is an obvious preference for
admission and a tendency to underestimate the risks and dangers associated with
error and contamination. Overall, the cases discussed above demonstrate that
neither concerns about process, nor uncertainty as to the principled basis for
admission, are sufficient to temper the enthusiasm for incriminating voice
A recurring feature in many of the voice identification cases (such as Riscuta)
is the reliance on opinions based on cross-lingual comparisons and the reluctance
of the courts to exercise any form of control, discretionary or otherwise, over the
admission of this evidence.
This runs parallel to the general reluctance to
consider, in a systematic way, the different methods that might be used to make
the process of cross-cultural comparisons more reliable. In Part V, we consider
how the disinclination to impose restrictions on the admission of opinions about
identity is mirrored where the task of cross-lingual voice comparison and
identification is left to the jury. Here we focus on the use of displaced witnesses
purporting to assist the tribunal of fact to ascertain the identity of incriminating
voices speaking foreign languages.
The evidence challenged on appeal in R v Leung
included the testimony of
an accredited interpreter, Mr Fung, working with the Australian Federal Police.
Fung was given a series of covert recordings of conversations in Cantonese,
Mandarin and a third dialect, possibly Shanghainese.
These were described as
‘the DAT tapes’. He translated the recorded conversations into English and in so
doing isolated three different speakers, designated as ‘M1’, ‘M2’ and ‘M3’.
These transcripts were produced in November and December of 1997. In August
of 1998, just before the trial, Fung was asked to listen to a number of brief
recordings of different conversations between Leung and police officers and
Wong and police officers (‘the police tapes’). Fung was then asked to compare
the voices recorded on the police tapes with the voices recorded on the DAT
tapes and to give his opinion as to the identity of the speakers on the DAT
The majority of the conversations on the police tapes involving Leung
Ibid 432 [92].
A similar trend is apparent in visual identification cases, many of which allegedly involve cross-
racial identifications: see the discussion in Edmond et al, ‘Law’s Looking Glass’, above n 10.
(1999) 47 NSWLR 405.
The difficulty in even identifying the language (or dialect) indicates some of the underlying
problems with translation and semantics (and sound quality), let alone identification: see Good,
above n 83; Holden, above n 83.
R v Leung (1999) 47 NSWLR 405, 409–10 [18]–[19] (Simpson J). In other cases, trial judges
have limited police investigators to characterising a voice as the same as another (usually un-
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 77
were conducted in Cantonese. The conversations on the police tapes with Wong
were in English. Fung expressed the opinion, later repeated in evidence, that the
speakers he had identified as M1 and M3 were, respectively, Leung and
Significantly, there was some debate at trial as to the admissibility of this
opinion evidence. It was conceded that the interpreters opinion did not derive
from ‘specialised knowledge based on … training, study or experience’.
‘volunteered’, during cross-examination, ‘that he was not a voice expert, but said
that he had done his best to identify the voices.’
The trial judge referred to a
number of common law cases concerned with voice identification, most promi-
nently Bulejcik,
but concluded that s 78 of the UEA provided an admissibility
pathway for Fung’s opinion.
Notwithstanding the concession made at trial, on
appeal the Crown resiled, arguing that Fung’s incriminating identification
evidence was admissible, despite his lack of formal qualifications and training in
voice identification, because he ‘fell into the category of “ad hoc expert” as
recognised and developed through the common law.
The NSWCCA, in some detail, acknowledged the constraints under which
Fung performed the task of voice comparison and identification. These included
the brevity of the police tapes;
the very different circumstances in which the
DAT and police tapes had been obtained; the fact that for all of the Wong tapes
and at least one of the Leung tapes the comparison was made between different
and Fung’s concession that describing the characteristics of voices,
as a layperson, is difficult and different to recognising a familiar voice.
For the
Court, however, these limitations went to the weight of the evidence rather than
the admissibility of Fung’s (‘ad hoc expert’) opinion.
known) voice, without actually identifying the speaker. Identification, or perhaps more accu-
rately differentiation, of speakers is often an implicit component of transcript preparation: see,
eg, R v Solomon (2005) 92 SASR 331, 337 (Doyle CJ); Dodds v The Queen (2009) 194
A Crim R 408, 417–19 (McClellan CJ at CL).
R v Leung (1999) 47 NSWLR 405, 410 [19] (Simpson J).
UEA s 79. There was no challenge to Fung’s ability, as a qualified interpreter, to prepare a
transcript from the DAT tapes.
R v Leung (1999) 47 NSWLR 405, 410 [21] (Simpson J).
(1995) 185 CLR 375.
R v Leung (1999) 47 NSWLR 405, 410 [23] (Simpson J). Recourse to s 78 is, in this context,
somewhat anomalous, and on appeal it was decided by Simpson J (Spigelman CJ and Sperling J
reserving their opinions) that s 78 was not an appropriate basis for admission: at 412 [34]–[35].
Ibid 412 [31].
See ibid 408 [8], 413 [42].
Ibid 413 [42].
Ibid 410 [21]. Simpson J also points out that when Fung was asked to make the comparison he
would have ‘approached his task on the assumption that the two voices on the police tapes were
in fact the same as two of the voices on the DAT tapes’ and that in situations where the identity
of the speakers on the tapes remained open there might be ‘real questions of propriety’ in relation
to identifications made under such circumstances: at 414 [45]. This argument is taken up in Li
(2003) 139 A Crim R 281, where the appellant argued that the translators identification was
tainted because he knew, when handed the police interview tape, that Li was already a suspect.
However, the NSWCCA Court rejected this argument, in part because of what was perceived to
be the practical difficulty of setting up a voice ‘line-up’ (or parade), but primarily because analo-
gising between visual and voice identification was considered inapposite: at 289 [60] (Ipp JA).
78 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
In Li,
cross-lingual voice comparison and identification evidence was prof-
fered by an interpreter (Stephen Chan), a police officer (Sergeant Lee) and a
senior lecturer in linguistics from the University of Sydney (Dr Gibbons). Each
had been asked to express an opinion as to whether a person speaking Cantonese
on a surveillance tape (referred to as ‘tape 6’) was the voice of the appellant.
Tape 6 recorded one side of an incriminating telephone conversation. The
defence argued that the opinions of Chan, Lee and Gibbons purporting to
identify the voice on the tape as that of the appellant should not have been
admitted and, further, that the trial judge had not given an adequate warning
about the dangers of voice identification and voice similarity evidence.
In 1998 Chan was provided with a number of surveillance tapes which in-
cluded tape 6. He was asked to transcribe and translate the contents of these
tapes, which included more than one voice and were primarily in Cantonese.
He designated one of the voices on tape 6 as ‘M1’ and gave his opinion that the
voice of M1 appeared on all five of the tapes supplied to him.
About a year
later Chan was asked to listen to part of the audio recording of the appellant’s
police interview, apparently conducted in English, and to give his opinion as to
whether the voice he had identified as M1 was that of the appellant. He listened
to the original tapes but ‘conceded that it might have only been once.’
then identified M1 as Li. The trial judge concluded that Chan’s opinion about the
identity of the speakers was relevant and admissible.
The appellant identified 10 problems with Chan’s evidence. They included that
Chan ‘was not a voice recognition expert’
and gave ‘an ordinary man’s
opinion’ as to the similarity between the voices on the tapes.
The combined
effect of these (and other) weaknesses, the defence argued, meant that the
identification evidence ought to have been excluded via s 137 of the Evidence
Act 1995 (NSW) because its probative value was outweighed by the danger of
unfair prejudice to the accused. The appellant also argued, following Smith,
(2003) 139 A Crim R 281.
There is some slippage in the language used to describe the type of evidence given by these
different witnesses and the judgment seems to refer to ‘voice identification’ and ‘voice similarity’
evidence interchangeably. The voice evidence is initially referred to as ‘voice similarity opinion
evidence’, though it is clear that the evidence goes beyond evidence of similarity and in fact
purports to make a positive identification of the appellant’s voice: see, eg, ibid 284 [18] (Ipp JA).
Chan listened to the tapes numerous times and isolated a number of different speakers. Here the
issue of identification or, perhaps more accurately, differentiation raises its head.
Li (2003) 139 A Crim R 281, 285 [32] (Ipp JA).
Ibid 286 [36].
Ibid 286 [37].
Ibid 287 [45].
Ibid 288 [45]. Other problems with Chan’s evidence raised by the appellant were: that he ‘would
not say there were any special features of the voice’; that he agreed that ‘people speaking on a
telephone have a different type of speech from people speaking face to face’; and that he had ‘no
training, knowledge or experience in comparing voices speaking in English and those speaking
in Cantonese’.
(2001) 206 CLR 650.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 79
that the comparison was one that could have been conducted by the jury and was
thus irrelevant.
Ipp JA (Whealy J and Howie J agreeing), however, held that the evidence was
relevant. He did not accept that the combined effect of these weaknesses meant
that the evidence ought to have been excluded. Weaknesses in Chan’s incriminat-
ing opinion evidence were characterised as issues for the jury. In particular,
Ipp JA was not persuaded that there were fundamental problems with Chan
comparing voices speaking Cantonese with a voice speaking English. He saw
‘no reason why the cross-lingual element in the comparison that Mr Chan was
required to undertake detracted significantly from his ability to express a reliable
The arguments rehearsed in relation to Chan were extended to cover the opin-
ions of the two other witnesses who also — though perhaps not independently —
identified the voice on tape 6 as that of Li. Sergeant Lee, a police officer fluent
in Cantonese and English, and familiar with Mandarin, with some experience in
Cantonese to English and English to Cantonese translation, first heard the
incriminating speech via audio surveillance. Lee transcribed and translated a tape
of what had been spoken. He subsequently listened to two other tapes which
contained short passages of the appellant speaking in both Mandarin and
Cantonese, had access to the incriminating conversation from tape 6, and reached
the conclusion that the voice on tape 6 was that of Li.
The defence raised
concerns about Lee’s evidence, identifying limitations with the samples, the
possibility of bias, and the lack of specific training or experience in voice
identification and cross-lingual comparisons.
Once again the Court considered
that these issues went to weight and as such were matters for the jury.
The third prosecution witness, Dr Gibbons, listened to the audio recording of
the police interview with the accused (this became his ‘base’ tape). Dr Gibbons
identified a number of specific characteristics of the accused’s voice on the base
tape, and then compared the base tape (where the voices were speaking in
English) with the surveillance tapes, including tape 6 (where the voices were
speaking both Mandarin and Cantonese). He identified the voice on tape 6 as that
of Li, based on ‘general voice properties’ as well as the presence of several
apparently distinctive characteristics.
In cross-examination, Dr Gibbons
conceded that he had no specific expertise in either Cantonese or Mandarin, and
Smith is discussed above in Part II. Here, the invocation of Smith appears to be tactical, drawing
on tensions in appellate authority rather than on principle or scientific research.
Li (2003) 139 A Crim R 281, 289 [56] (emphasis added).
Ibid 290 [65]–[69]. There is no indication of the number of times that Lee had listened to any of
these tapes, nor how long he had spent transcribing and translating the original conversation.
Ibid 290–1 [70]. See also R v Gao [2003] NSWCCA 390 (16 December 2003) [20]–[24] (Greg
James J, Sully and Adams JJ agreeing), where the NSWCCA upheld the admissibility of an
opinion from an interpreter that the voice he heard during a very brief police interview — where
the accused indicated (in English) that he would not answer any questions — was the same voice
he had heard during telephone interceptions of Cantonese speakers.
Ibid 291 [71]. Drawing upon civil justice authority, Ipp JA explained that the ‘risk of bias
(unconscious or otherwise) is no reason not to admit evidence of an expert’. See also R v Galea
(2004) 148 A Crim R 220, 241–2 [135]–[144] (Ipp JA).
Li (2003) 139 A Crim R 281, 291 [74]–[75] (Ipp JA).
80 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
that he was not an expert in cross-lingual comparisons between English and
those languages. He also conceded that he had no statistical information about
the frequency and distribution, amongst Cantonese speakers, of the ‘distinctive’
features that he had identified.
Indicating that the opinion evidence of Dr
Gibbons was properly admitted, once again Ipp JA explained that such problems
went merely to the weight of the evidence and that Dr Gibbons was properly
qualified to give expert opinion evidence positively identifying the voice of the
accused on the relevant tapes. Overall, Ipp JA doubted that weaknesses in the
voice identification evidence gave rise to any unfair prejudice to the appellant.
While our primary concern is with the admission of incriminating voice com-
parison evidence, we want to briefly consider cases where the jury is asked to
make voice comparisons instead of, or in addition to, an investigator or other
(ad hoc) ‘expert’.
Cases where the displaced listeners are members of the jury
reflect the permissive trends discussed above, and raise their own set of analo-
gous concerns. The appeal in R v Korgbara (‘Korgbara’) offers a particularly
striking example.
This case provides a stark indication of the judicial unwill-
ingness to consider the various methods by which voice comparison could (at
least arguably) be conducted more reliably, and the refusal to impose restraints on
the admissibility of voice comparison evidence for the purpose of identification.
In Korgbara, the Crown relied upon recordings of a number of intercepted
telephone calls made to and from a mobile phone that was alleged to belong to
the appellant. Apart from one call, in which it was conceded that Korgbara had
called the NRMA and spoken in English, all of the recorded conversations were
in a Nigerian language called Igbo. Translators were called to give evidence of
the content of the intercepted conversations, and the Crown alleged that the
appellant was the intended recipient and a party to most of the Igbo calls. It was
the Crown’s contention that as the receiver of those calls the appellant was
revealed to be knowingly concerned in the importation of cocaine. The appellant
gave evidence in English and denied speaking in any of the Igbo recordings.
There was no verified sample of the appellant speaking Igbo, though the
appellant was from Nigeria and did in fact speak Igbo.
In the end, the jury
were invited to make their own comparison between the defendant’s voice on the
tape in the NRMA call and the other Igbo calls, and between the defendant
speaking in court and the recorded voice of the receiver of the relevant Igbo
Ibid 292 [77].
Ibid 292 [78].
This approach is endorsed by both John Henry Wigmore and Rupert Cross: see Twining,
Rethinking Evidence, above n 5, ch 5. See also the earlier English authority R v Bentum (1989)
153 JP 538 and the implicit endorsement of the procedure, by the High Court, in Bulejcik (1996)
185 CLR 375.
(2007) 71 NSWLR 187. See also Transcript of Proceedings, Korgbara v The Queen [2007]
HCATrans 485 (31 August 2007).
Korgbara (2007) 71 NSWLR 187, 190 [8] (McColl JA).
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 81
calls, with a view to determining whether the recorded voice was the appel-
On appeal, it was argued that in the absence of expert analysis of the recorded
telephone calls, it should not have been left to the jury to make a comparison
between a voice speaking English and a voice speaking a foreign language.
The appellant’s counsel argued that the courts should adopt a cautionary ap-
proach and require expert analysis as a prerequisite if a jury is asked to perform
this kind of voice comparison task.
McColl JA (James J agreeing) reviewed the Australian and overseas authorities
relied upon by the appellant and concluded that it was not possible for the Court
to ‘establish a prescriptive rule that voice comparison evidence should only be
admitted where supported by expert testimony.’
For the majority, the absence
of controls regulating voice identification evidence in the UEA, in contrast to
those regulating the admissibility of visual identification evidence in pt 3.9,
meant that there was no intention to place restrictions on voice evidence, even
where that evidence involved a cross-lingual comparison.
The majority
Ibid 191–4 [20]. It was the comparison between the voice recordings that had been initially
anticipated by the Crown when seeking to have the calls admitted.
Ibid 194 [21].
Ibid 194–5 [23], [27].
Ibid 207 [74]. See also R v Smith (1990) 50 A Crim R 434, 453–4 (Young CJ, Crockett and
Southwell JJ); Nguyen (2002) 26 WAR 59, 74 [57], 76 [67] (Malcolm CJ), 89 [134], 90 [138]
(Anderson J). In Nguyen, Malcom CJ and Anderson J agreed that jurors should be allowed to
make cross-lingual comparisons, relying on Brennan CJ’s assertion in Bulejcik (1996) 185 CLR
375, 381 that recognition of a speakers voice is ‘a commonplace of human experience’. Discuss-
ing the jury’s comparison of telephone recordings of spoken Vietnamese and the accused speak-
ing in English in the context of jury warnings, Anderson J wrote (at 89 [134]): ‘I think it would
have been inappropriate for the jury to be warned of the dangers which arise from weaknesses in
“human perception and recollection”’, and (at 90 [138]):
I cannot accept the submission that the jury should have been warned not to embark upon a
process of comparison themselves. I see no reason why the jury are not entitled to compare
voice recordings in order to come to their own conclusions. Voice recognition is not, of itself,
an expert process.
In Nguyen there was also incriminating opinion evidence from an interpreter who had translated
intercepts from the accused’s mobile phone every day for two months. Nguyen was endorsed in
Neville [2004] WASCA 62 (2 April 2004) [41], [66]–[68] (Miller J), [101]–[102] (Heenan J),
where the jury’s entitlement to make voice comparisons was explicitly recognised, and in
Asfoor v The Queen [2005] WASCA 126 (15 December 2004) [88]–[90] (Templeman J), where a
witness identified a familiar person speaking in a foreign language that the witness did not
understand. Cf R v Morgillo (Unreported, New South Wales Supreme Court, Campbell J, 28 July
1992), where the judge declined to allow a jury to compare voices where there was only 36
minutes of voice recording available. The correctness of R v Morgillo was doubted in R v
Bulejcik (Unreported, New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal, Hunt CJ at CL, Carruthers
and Bruce JJ, 21 July 1994), as noted by the High Court in Bulejcik (1996) 185 CLR 375, 396
(Toohey and Gaudron JJ). In Evans v The Queen (2006) 164 A Crim R 489 and Evans v The
Queen (2007) 235 CLR 521, 530 [27] (Gummow and Hayne JJ), 568–9 [178]–[182] (Heydon J),
voice ‘comparison’ seems to have been taken to extremes, with the accused being required to
undertake an in-court re-enactment (rather than a demonstration within the meaning of s 53 of
the UEA) so that the jury could compare his voice with a sensory witness’s description of a voice
from an armed robbery.
Korgbara (2007) 71 NSWLR 187, 203 [59] (McColl JA, James J agreeing). McColl JA thus
endorsed Ipp JAs contentions in Li (2003) 139 A Crim R 281, 289–90 [56], [61] that ‘the admis-
sion of voice identification evidence turns on judicial discretion’ and that cross-lingual compari-
sons can be considered in the same way as comparisons between voices speaking the same lan-
82 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
emphasised the discretionary nature of the decision to admit voice comparison
evidence, in a manner consistent with the Victorian common law approach to
direct witnesses and the UEA cases discussed in the previous Parts. In explaining
its decision, the majority used the likelihood of differences of opinions about the
best method(s) for conducting voice identifications as a reason for not requiring
Perversely, judicial suspicion about the absence of standardised methods
among professionals is used to require the jury to undertake this formidable (and
error-prone) task without assistance. McColl JA concluded that the relevant test,
described in the common law decision of Bulejcik, is simply ‘whether the quality
and quantity of the material is sufficient to enable a useful comparison to be
The implication is that any restrictions on allowing the jury to engage
in such a comparison will, relying on Bulejcik, be minimal.
In dissent, Grove J accepted that where the jury is comparing voices speaking
in English, the authorities do not support the imposition of a prescriptive rule
(for example, a mandatory requirement that the identification must proceed by
way of a specific form of acoustic analysis).
However, he did not consider
imposing restrictions on cross-lingual comparisons as incompatible with the
statutory framework of the UEA:
In my view, permitting the comparison of one language with a different lan-
guage without suitable material which I would contemplate as evidence of
someone either possessing relevant expertise or familiar with the voice of the
accused in the language used where identity is challenged (an ‘ad hoc’ expert)
is not to establish a prescriptive rule but, to the contrary, to extend the scope of
what is permissible beyond recognised boundaries.
The general incantation of the admissibility of matters of relevance in s 55 of
the Evidence Act 1995 and the inclusion of ‘aurally’ as a species of identifica-
tion evidence defined in the dictionary to that Act does not, in my opinion, es-
tablish a statutory scheme governing the admissibility of voice identification
evidence without restriction. It is noteworthy that the statute expressly pre-
serves the common law where it is itself relevantly silent: see s 9.
While we do not want to endorse Grove J’s recourse to the ‘ad hoc expert’ as
an appropriate mechanism to regulate expert assistance with voice comparison
evidence or his implicit support for leaving voice comparison to the jury, his
concerns about the difficulties of cross-lingual comparisons are salutary:
It is self evidently not a commonplace human experience to recognise a
speakers voice in a language other than that which one is otherwise familiar,
and familiar in the language in which the person is articulating.
guage, thereby further extending the latitude established in R v Adler (2000) 52 NSWLR 451,
455 [18] (Smart AJA).
Korgbara (2007) 71 NSWLR 187, 208 [78] (McColl JA, James J agreeing).
Ibid 196 [35], 208 [79], quoting Bulejcik (1996) 185 CLR 375, 395 (Toohey and Gaudron JJ).
In Bulejcik (1996) 185 CLR 375, 395, Toohey and Gaudron JJ noted that ‘[t]he defence may
wish to call expert evidence where the jury may have difficulty in drawing a distinction between
two voices of a particular nationality or dialect.’
Korgbara (2007) 71 NSWLR 187, 209–10 [113].
Ibid 210 [113]–[114]. Here Grove J appears to be invoking the tradition associated with
E J Smith (1986) 7 NSWLR 444.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 83
In the present case, there was no evidence to describe the nature of communica-
tion which is constructed to comprise the Igbo tongue. For all that is known, the
language may be constructed, for example, upon variations in tone. It may use
sound production techniques which are entirely divorced from those which
constitute the English language. It would be mere guesswork, unless relevantly
informed, to assume that human vocal faculties are utilised so as to produce
comparable sounds when articulating in English and in Igbo.
Grove J’s cautionary response is unusual. Most Australian courts deal with
cross-lingual comparisons, including identifications where the witness does not
speak the foreign language but claims to be familiar with the person allegedly
speaking it, through admission and warnings.
Thus, Toohey and Gaudron JJ
stated in Bulejcik:
Where the jury is itself asked to make a comparison of voices … very careful
directions are called for. It is not irrelevant that in the case of handwriting com-
parisons, it has been said to be unsafe to leave the matter to the jury without the
guidance of an expert. It is unnecessary to go that far in the case of a voice
comparison but, in our view, it is unsafe to leave that matter to the jury without
very careful directions as to those considerations which would make a compari-
son difficult and without a strong warning as to the dangers involved in making
a comparison.
Cross-lingual comparisons are routinely facilitated and judges purport to
recognise the dangers inherent in leaving voice comparison to the jury.
Regardless of whether comparisons are undertaken by lay witnesses, purported
experts or even juries, trial and appellate judges have been resistant to the
exclusion of this evidence on the basis of the mandatory and discretionary
exclusions — that is, on the basis that the unknown but often questionable
probative value of the evidence is outweighed by the very real danger that the
jury will overvalue the evidence or make a mistake, especially where the accused
speaks the impugned language.
Judges seem to be remarkably confident in the
adversarial trial, its safeguards, and the ability of lay fact-finders to appreciate
the significance of the dangers even though they are rarely mentioned, and
almost never explained in any detail, during the course of trials and appeals.
Cross-lingual comparisons seem to be symptomatic of an unprincipled and
empirically indifferent approach to admissibility, reliability, and decision-making
by investigators, prosecutors, judges and, in consequence, juries. In the following
Korgbara (2007) 71 NSWLR 187, 210 [118]–[119]. The phrase ‘commonplace of human
experience’ refers to a statement by Brennan CJ in Bulejcik (1996) 185 CLR 375, 381, where the
recorded voices were not cross-lingual but accented.
See, eg, Asfoor v The Queen [2005] WASCA 126 (15 December 2004) [84] (Templeman J).
(1996) 185 CLR 375, 398–9 (citations omitted). See also R v Solomon (2005) 92 SASR 331,
349 [66] (Doyle CJ); R v Mouhalos (1998) 197 LSJS 483, 489 (Doyle CJ). It is worth noting that
in early fingerprint cases, photographs of latent prints and reference fingerprints were provided
to the jury, although more recent cases insist that it is latent fingerprint examiners who should
undertake the comparisons: R v Lawless [1974] VR 398, 423 (Winneke CJ, Gowans and
Kaye JJ); see also Bennett v Police [2005] SASC 167 (4 May 2005) [52]–[56] (Doyle CJ).
See UEA s 137. See also s 135, which gives the court discretion to refuse to admit evidence
where its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger that the evidence might be
unfairly prejudicial, misleading or confusing, or an undue waste of time.
84 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
Parts we consider scientific research on voice comparison as well as the effec-
tiveness of the adversarial trial and its safeguards in dealing with identification
In this Part, we provide an overview of research relevant to the reception and
assessment of voice comparison and identification evidence that, we argue,
should inform the decisions made by courts and prosecutors about voice identifi-
cation evidence more broadly, and the decisions about opinion evidence prof-
fered by ‘experts’ more specifically. The failure to take seriously the problem of
investigative bias, the courts’ over-reliance on the use of directions, and the
inadequacy of traditional adversarial safeguards such as the use of defence
experts or cross-examination, mean that the courts should be looking to alterna-
tive mechanisms to control the admission of this evidence. One alternative is to
include the use of validated forensic voice comparison methods and associated
probabilistic evidence; another is to use voice identification parades combined
with a more rigorous approach to assessing the reliability and thus the admissi-
bility of voice identification evidence generally.
A Introduction and Some Conceptual Clarification
Initially, we should address some of the conceptual confusion that attends the
reception of this evidence in criminal trials. ‘Voice comparison’ and ‘voice
identification’ may be practically and conceptually distinct tasks. Some voice
identifications are based on comparisons while others are based on recognition
or recollection. Comparison is a deliberative process, while recognition often
refers to identifications that are instantaneous. Recollection would seem to
comprise a subgroup of recognition (usually, though not invariably, at the
deliberative end). Voice recognition may be distinct from voice comparison
where it does not involve conscious deliberation or interpretation. Unfortunately,
Australian courts have used these and other terms loosely and sometimes
It is probably too late in the day, and analytically too
cumbersome, to try to clearly and definitively define these terms for forensic
purposes. Rather than focusing on pedantic definitions, the more important point
is to appreciate how extant research illuminates the frailties of investigative and
legal responses to voice evidence, however characterised.
It is, nevertheless, useful to distinguish ‘scientific voice comparison’ (or tech-
nical speaker identification) from ‘naive speaker identification’ (whether based
on comparison or recognition). Scientific voice comparison, as the name implies,
involves comparison and technical analysis, almost always by those unfamiliar
with the voices and possible speakers. Features and characteristics of two or
more voices are compared in order to determine whether there is sufficient
See, eg, R v Leung (1999) 47 NSWLR 405; Li (2003) 139 A Crim R 281.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 85
similarity or dissimilarity to determine the likelihood that a source (eg perpetra-
tor) and a target (eg suspect) utterance shared the same origin.
The plasticity
of the speech organs and language
means that no two utterances by the same
person will ever be identical, or necessarily distinct from the utterances made by
another individual.
Thus, any comparison between two speech samples can
only be probabilistic, rather than categorical; that is, it can indicate that the
source of the utterances is likely the same or likely different, but not that the
source is the same or is different.
In order for a valid and reliable voice
comparison of two utterances to be made, it is first necessary to identify and
measure the features present in the sample that are likely to be useful for
discriminating between the origins of the utterances. Secondly, it is necessary to
calculate the likelihood that two voices will share a certain proportion of these
characteristics, distinctive or otherwise, by chance alone. Ignorance about the
frequency of features and their interrelationships among the relevant populations
may result in mistaking reasonably common voice characteristics or speech
habits for powerful discriminating evidence.
Conversely, information about
the frequency of voice characteristics and features may produce highly probative,
if necessarily probabilistic, evidence.
The issues and challenges associated
with scientific voice comparison are considered briefly below in Part VIII(C).
Because most of the testimony of displaced listeners involves naive speaker
identification, the remainder of this Part is oriented in that direction.
Naive speaker identification, which is simply lay voice identification that
incorporates both comparison and recognition evidence, relies on no such
informed decision-making or analytical process. It is based entirely on human
perceptual capacities and limitations (such as encoding, storage and retrieval)
and contextual factors (such as familiarity and levels of exposure).
This is discussed briefly below in Part VIII(D).
See generally Francis Nolan, The Phonetic Bases of Speaker Recognition (Cambridge University
Press, 1983).
Richard Hammersley and J Don Read, ‘Voice Identification by Humans and Computers’ in
Siegried Ludwig Sporer, Roy S Malpass and Guenter Koehnken (eds), Psychological Issues in
Eyewitness Identification (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996) 117; Francis Nolan, ‘Speaker
Identification Evidence: Its Forms, Limitations, and Roles’ (Paper presented at the Conference
on Law and Language: Prospect and Retrospect, University of Lapland, Finland, 12–15 Decem-
ber 2001).
However, where the likelihood is high some analysts may be willing to make categorical calls. In
contrast, naive speaker identification (and comparison) routinely involves categorical calls about
See the general comments by Commissioner Shannon in South Australia, Royal Commission of
Inquiry in Respect to the Case of Edward Charles Splatt, Report (1984) 39.
Such evidence will be produced to the extent that features can be stabilised to result in a DNA-
like analysis and probabilistic expression. See generally Philip Rose, Forensic Speaker Identifi-
cation (Taylor & Francis, 2002); Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez et al, ‘Emulating DNA: Rigorous
Quantification of Evidential Weight in Transparent and Testable Forensic Speaker Recognition’
(2007) 15 IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 2104.
Nolan, ‘Speaker Identification Evidence’, above n 183. Consider the facts in R v Morris (1996)
88 A Crim R 297, where an inaccurate newspaper report had a displacement effect on the recol-
lection of the instructing solicitor and others present of what was said during the summing up.
86 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
B Familiarity
Just as there is slippage in the use of terminology in relation to voice compari-
son, identification and recognition, so too is there conceptual confusion regard-
ing the use and interpretation of the words ‘familiar and ‘familiarity’ in relation
to speaker identification.
Specifically, there does not appear to be a consistent
application of these terms, despite the fact that they are integral to both general
earwitness performance and to admissibility determinations in the case of
‘experts’. Further, the way in which the terms are used in legal decisions is
sometimes at odds with their use in the experimental work on voice comparison.
While ‘familiarity’ can reasonably be used to describe any point on a contin-
uum of exposure ranging from incidental to in-depth — as demonstrated by the
Court in R v Leung
— in much empirical voice identification literature the
term ‘familiar is used to denote a threshold of perception whereby something or
someone becomes recognisable or identifiable.
A person’s voice is considered
familiar to an individual when that individual can put a name to that voice, or
link that voice to a prior exposure, with a particular level of accuracy. These
familiarity-based decisions occur more rapidly than purposeful comparison-
based decisions and are best construed categorically — eg ‘that voice does, or
does not, belong to my mother’.
These are the types of displaced voice
identification that might more readily fit within the exceptions to exclusionary
opinion evidence rules.
However, having simply heard a voice before does not
necessarily make it familiar within this more precise usage of the term. Indeed
many people will not achieve this threshold of familiarity with a voice until they
have been exposed to it many times, on many different occasions.
in the general population, individual differences in ability mean that some people
The identification evidence of familiars is conventionally considered to be more reliable than the
evidence of strangers: see, eg, the eyewitness case Ilioski v The Queen [2006] NSWCCA 164
(10 July 2006) [68]–[70] (Hunt AJA).
(1999) 47 NSWLR 405. See the discussion above in Part IV.
See, eg, Anthony P Weiss et al, ‘Distinguishing Familiarity-Based from Source-Based Memory
Performance in Patients with Schizophrenia’ (2008) 99 Schizophrenia Research 208; Kanae
Amino and Takayuki Arai, ‘Effects of Linguistic Contents on Perceptual Speaker Identification:
Comparison of Familiar and Unknown Speaker Identifications’ (2009) 30 Acoustical Science and
Technology 89.
Andrew P Yonelinas and Larry L Jacoby, ‘Dissociations of Processes in Recognition Memory:
Effects of Interference and of Response Speed’ (1994) 48 Canadian Journal of Experimental
Psychology 516; Douglas L Hintzman, David A Caulton and Daniel J Levitin, ‘Retrieval Dynam-
ics in Recognition and List Discrimination: Further Evidence of Separate Processes of Familiar-
ity and Recall’ (1998) 26 Memory & Cognition 449.
Recent cases involving voice identification evidence of familiars include Re Dickson [2008]
VSC 516 (26 November 2008) [28]–[29] (Lasry J); Savic v The Queen [2008] NSWCCA 312
(16 December 2008) [46] (Allsop P). See also the evidence of familiars in response to images in
R v Murdoch [No 4] (2005) 195 FLR 421, 431–5 [56]–[81] (Martin (BR) CJ); Murdoch v The
Queen [2007] NTCCA 1 (10 January 2007) [203]–[245] (Angel ACJ, Riley J and Olsson AJ).
For example, people with phonagnosia, normally acquired through damage to the right cerebral
hemisphere, are incapable of recognising or experiencing ‘familiarity’ with even the voices of
their family, despite the fact that these voices are not in any way novel to them: Diana Roupas
Van Lancker et al, ‘Phonagnosia: A Dissociation between Familiar and Unfamiliar Voices’ (1988)
24 Cortex 195.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 87
are able to recognise voices (or faces) more quickly and more reliably than
The precise threshold for ‘familiarity’ is difficult to isolate, though a great deal
of research has been conducted on human ability to identify the voices of people
known to listeners as well as their ability to identify the voices of strangers. The
evidence suggests that the identification of voices of family, colleagues, famous
people and some acquaintances can be reasonably accurate, even in demanding
In one influential study an individual was exposed to 29 voice
recordings of family members and acquaintances. Identification (ie naming)
accuracy of friends and acquaintances was 31 per cent on the basis of the
utterance ‘hello’, 66 per cent based on a single sentence and 83 per cent after a
30 second recording.
These findings were broadly replicated for famous
Overall, while there is substantial variability in the literature, and for
individual listeners, accuracy rates for the recognition of well-known voices are
not uncommonly higher than 80 per cent.
Experimental evidence also suggests
that individuals are able to identify their own voice with around 84 per cent
Such high levels of accuracy do not extend to listeners who are attempting to
identify (ie compare or recollect) the voices of strangers.
In an experiment
Richard Russell, Brad Duchaine and Ken Nakayama, ‘Super-Recognizers: People with
Extraordinary Face Recognition Ability’ (2009) 16 Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 252;
A Schmidt-Nielsen and Karen R Stern, ‘Identification of Known Voices as a Function of Famili-
arity and Narrow-Band Coding’ (1985) 77 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 658. It is
possible to test abilities, though it may be unethical to test (at least with ecological validity) in
some very stressful situations, such as an armed robbery or sexual assault.
Such as where participants are given a very large set of voices from which to make their
identification (ie with no priming with regard to who they might hear) and restricted or distorted
speech samples (eg single words/sounds, filtered/altered utterances, backward samples and rate-
altered voices): Diana Van Lancker, Jody Kreiman and Karen Emmorey, ‘Familiar Voice Recog-
nition: Patterns and Parameters — Part I: Recognition of Backward Voices’ (1985) 13 Journal of
Phonetics 19; Diana Van Lancker, Jody Kreiman and Thomas D Wickens, ‘Familiar Voice Rec-
ognition: Patterns and Parameters — Part II: Recognition of Rate-Altered Voices’ (1985) 13
Journal of Phonetics 39.
Peter Ladefoged and Jenny Ladefoged, ‘The Ability of Listeners to Identify Voices’ in UCLA
Working Papers in Phonetics 49 (UCLA Phonetics Laboratory Group, 1980) 43, 48–9
Van Lancker, Kreiman and Wickens, above n 195.
Daniel Read and Fergus I M Craik, ‘Earwitness Identification: Some Influences on Voice
Recognition’ (1995) 1 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 6; A Daniel Yarmey et al,
‘Commonsense Beliefs and the Identification of Familiar Voices’ (2001) 15 Applied Cognitive
Psychology 283; Amino and Arai, above n 190.
Schmidt-Nielsen and Stern, above n 194, 662.
The distinction between recognition and discrimination is an important one. A recognition task
does not limit listeners to a set of speakers from which they may or may not select a voice. The
task is more akin to picking up the telephone and hearing any one of all possible people you
know speaking. By contrast, a discrimination task is one where boundaries are enforced for the
response set. For example, you may be told that you will hear the voices of your colleagues, or
be presented with a fixed number of ‘foils’ or alternatives from which to select. Importantly, a
discrimination task is relatively simpler, as the response options are limited and cognitively less
demanding selection processes can be used (eg by comparing your memory of the voice to the
others in the set rather than comparing your memory to all other voices you have ever been
exposed to, or to all other familiar voices). On the other hand, as is evident from the cases, when
88 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
where participants were exposed to either 30 or 70 seconds of a previously
unknown voice, listeners were able to correctly identify the voice of a target in
42 per cent of the instances in which it was presented (also known as a ‘hit’).
However, when that voice was not present, listeners identified another previously
unheard (or ‘innocent’) voice as the target voice 51 per cent of the time (a ‘false
alarm’ or false positive). While this disconcerting rate of false alarms has been
substantial variability has also been noted for both false alarms and
hit rates where unfamiliar speaker identification has been tested.
Overall, the
experimental research indicates that familiars tend to be much more accurate
than non-familiars, but that even familiars experience a significant rate of error
and inaccuracy in the identification of known voices, and results can vary
markedly as a result of factors such as health, fatigue, intoxication or emotional
Those not familiar with a voice tend to have relatively high levels of
error when trying to identify that voice, and the accuracy for all listeners is
affected by the circumstances and conditions in which any comparison or
recollection exercise is undertaken.
C Factors Affecting Voi ce Comparison and Recognition
In the absence of the type of familiarity that is gained through repeated and
variable exposure to a particular voice (as in the case of family members, friends
and colleagues), many other factors have been shown to affect the accuracy of
voice identifications.
Recognition of previously heard voices is less accurate if
the quality of the speech is poor (eg if the speech is heard through a telephone,
whispered, or part of a low quality recording),
if the tone or pitch of the voice
has been altered,
if the exposure time
or speech duration is short,
or if
conducted by those engaged in the investigation, such a discrimination task is perhaps more
prone to bias. See the discussion below in Part VI(C).
José H Kerstholt et al, ‘Earwitnesses: Effects of Speech Duration, Retention Interval and
Acoustic Environment’ (2004) 18 Applied Cognitive Psychology 327.
José H Kerstholt et al, ‘Earwitnesses: Effects of Accent, Retention and Telephone’ (2006) 20
Applied Cognitive Psychology 187.
Brian R Clifford, ‘Voice Identification by Human Listeners: On Earwitness Reliability’ (1980) 4
Law and Human Behavior 373; Yarmey et al, above n 198.
Dominic Watt, ‘The Identification of the Individual through Speech’ in Carmen Llamas and
Dominic Watt (eds), Language and Identities (Edinburg University Press, 2010) 76, 79, citing
Francis Nolan, ‘Forensic Speaker Identification and the Phonetic Description of Voice Quality’ in
W J Hardcastle and J Mackenzie Beck (eds), A Figure of Speech: A Festschrift for John Laver
(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005) 385.
A Daniel Yarmey, ‘Earwitness Speaker Identification’ (1995) 1 Psychology, Public Policy, and
Law 792.
Yarmey et al, above n 198; Tara L Orchard and A Daniel Yarmey, ‘The Effects of Whispers,
Voice-Sample Duration, and Voice Distinctiveness on Criminal Speaker Identification’ (1995) 9
Applied Cognitive Psychology 249.
Orchard and Yarmey, above n 206; Howard Saslove and A Daniel Yarmey, ‘Long-Term Auditory
Memory: Speaker Identification’ (1980) 65 Journal of Applied Psychology 111.
Susan Cook and John Wilding, ‘Earwitness Testimony: Never Mind the Variety, Hear the Length’
(1997) 11 Applied Cognitive Psychology 95; Yarmey, above n 205, 804–5.
Susan Cook and John Wilding, ‘Earwitness Testimony: Effects of Exposure and Attention on the
Face Overshadowing Effect’ (2001) 92 British Journal of Psychology 617.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 89
there is a delay between original exposure and subsequent identification.
Accuracy rates of identifying incidentally heard voices have at times been shown
to peak at 49 per cent after a delay of one week, only to decline to approximately
8 per cent after three weeks.
Conversely, additional speech utterance vari-
contextual consistency and distinctiveness have been associated with
improved voice identification accuracy.
With regard to the types of voice identification arising from the Australian case
law, at least two further considerations emerge. The first relates to human
decision-making biases where an interpreter or investigator (and sensory
witnesses, such as in E J Smith and Brownlowe) identifies a voice that is heard in
the context of an investigation. The second results from an identification process
occurring across languages (a process that also applies to some jury compari-
First, the term ‘confirmation bias’ describes a situation where people are
inclined to interpret evidence in a manner consistent with their expectations,
rather than at face value.
In the voice identification context, where interpreters
and investigators are provided with clear cues that others believe the source and
target voices came from the same person, this tendency is liable to translate into
an elevated likelihood that the interpreter or investigator will declare a match
between the two voices, even where they originate from different speakers.
Evidence of this tendency has been demonstrated in experiments where forensic
scientists (fingerprint examiners) have been given inaccurate impressions (ie
misleading or extraneous information about the case) and produced mistakes
(and indeed reversals of previously expressed opinions).
Confirmation bias
affects highly skilled experts, including those using widely accepted protocols.
Extrapolating from studies of latent fingerprint examiners, which have suggested
that contextual cues may be subtle and may even operate unconsciously, formal
training and experience are unlikely to protect the listener (or analyst) from error
in voice comparison.
Even in cases where the expectations of a match between the perpetrator and
the suspect are less obvious, the comparison or recollection process itself can
Lori R van Wallendael et al, ‘“Earwitness” Voice Recognition: Factors Affecting Accuracy and
Impact on Jurors’ (1994) 8 Applied Cognitive Psychology 661.
Clifford, above n 203, 383.
Read and Craik, above n 198.
Ibid; Saslove and Yarmey, above n 207.
Gretchen B Chapman and Eric J Johnson, ‘Incorporating the Irrelevant: Anchors in Judgments of
Belief and Value’ in
Thomas Gilovich, Dale Griffin and Daniel Kahneman (eds), Heuristics and
Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment (Cambridge University Press, 2002) 120, 133.
Itiel E Dror et al, ‘When Emotions Get the Better of Us: The Effect of Contextual Top-Down
Processing on Matching Fingerprints’ (2005) 19 Applied Cognitive Psychology 799; Itiel E Dror,
David Charlton and Ailsa E Péron, ‘Contextual Information Renders Experts Vulnerable to
Making Erroneous Identifications’ (2006) 156 Forensic Science International 74.
This is why most drug trials are double blind. See, eg, the discussion in R Barker Bausell, Snake
Oil Science: The Truth about Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Oxford University
Press, 2007).
In addition, it is very difficult to meaningfully cross-examine upon such issues: see, eg, Nguyen
(2002) 26 WAR 59, 87 [124] (Anderson J).
90 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
play a substantial role in the likelihood that an identification will be made.
Where a listener is asked to identify a previously heard voice from a set of
voices, the likelihood that the listener will choose the suspect by chance alone is
influenced by many factors, including the size of the parade,
the instructions
accompanying the procedure,
the presence of feedback (not necessarily
deliberate or even conscious) from the parade administrator,
the circumstances
in which the comparison is undertaken, and discussion with other witnesses.
For voice identification, unlike for eyewitness identification, there are relatively
few ‘voice parades’, very few constraints on how voice identification evidence is
obtained and limited application of exclusionary rules. Nonetheless, there is no
compelling argument as to why such factors should not be taken into considera-
tion when assessing the relevance, admissibility and probative value of all voice
identification evidence — particularly given the impression among psychologists
that voice identification is substantially less reliable than eyewitness identifica-
This makes the tolerance for the opinions of investigators, and the
reluctance of judges to impose some kind of regulation on voice comparison and
identification, all the more remarkable.
Secondly, cross-lingual voice identifications played a role in several of the
cases previously discussed.
In each of these cases the source speech was
produced in a foreign language (eg Romanian, Cantonese, Mandarin and Igbo),
while the target speech provided by the suspect, usually in a police interview,
was in English. In these cases the interpreters or investigators were asked if the
source speech was produced by the same person as the English target speech.
From a practical standpoint, cross-lingual identifications are only possible if
language-independent cues exist and remain consistent across different lan-
guages. These cues may include age, sex, and the size and shape of the speaker’s
vocal tract, nasal cavities and vocal folds.
The evidence supporting the utility
of these language-independent cues also suggests that cross-lingual speaker
identification can be influenced by many factors, for example: the types of
languages being compared,
the origin and experience of the speaker,
A Daniel Yarmey, A Linda Yarmey and Meagan J Yarmey, ‘Face and Voice Identifications in
Showups and Lineups’ (1994) 8 Applied Cognitive Psychology 453.
See Nancy Mehrkens Steblay, ‘Social Influence in Eyewitness Recall: A Meta-Analytic Review
of Lineup Instruction Effects’ (1997) 21 Law and Human Behavior 283.
See Sarah M Greathouse and Margaret Bull Kovera, ‘Instruction Bias and Lineup Presentation
Moderate the Effects of Administrator Knowledge on Eyewitness Identification’ (2009) 33 Law
and Human Behavior 70.
See Helen M Paterson, Richard I Kemp and Jodie R Ng, ‘Combating Co-Witness Contamination:
Attempting to Decrease the Negative Effects of Discussion on Eyewitness Memory’ (2011) 25
Applied Cognitive Psychology 43.
See, eg, Clifford, above n 203, 391; Lawrence M Solan and Peter M Tiersma, ‘Hearing Voices:
Speaker Identification in Court’ (2003) 54 Hastings Law Journal 373, 432.
See above Parts IV–V.
Steven J Winters, Susannah V Levi and David B Pisoni, ‘Identification and Discrimination of
Bilingual Talkers across Languages’ (2008) 123 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
4524, 4525–6.
See Olaf Köster and Niels O Schiller, ‘Different Influences of the Native Language of a Listener
on Speaker Recognition’ (1997) 4 Forensic Linguistics 18.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 91
language(s) spoken by the listener,
the listeners proficiency in the speakers
and whether the listener is familiar with the voice.
Taking into account this complex array of factors it may come as a surprise
that a few researchers have, at least in the context of their studies, characterised
some cross-lingual identifications as reliable.
Closer consideration, however,
reveals the importance of context when drawing conclusions from this work.
Specifically, identification accuracy rates described as reliable in one study
ranged from 45 to 60 per cent.
Such figures are not generally synonymous
with reliability, particularly as accuracy rates in this particular study were
inflated by the removal of participants who did not satisfy the minimum per-
formance criterion in its training phase.
In another study, Goldstein and
colleagues concluded that their data demonstrated that accented voices speaking
an unfamiliar language are as well-remembered as are voices speaking incom-
prehensible words in a foreign language; however, the accuracy rates were 58
per cent and 57 per cent respectively.
More generally, Goggin and colleagues
reported accurate identification rates of between 12 per cent and 35 per cent for
listeners making identifications across languages,
while others present
accuracy rates between 47 per cent and 70 per cent with the false alarm rate
above 67 per cent even when the second language was familiar.
Thus, the
‘reliability’ of cross-lingual identifications must be evaluated against an appro-
priate threshold of performance given the particular context. While a 57 per cent
voice identification accuracy rate might be considered good enough in most day-
to-day settings (eg when answering the telephone), it is not appropriate in a
forensic context, given the serious consequences associated with an error and the
difficulty of conveying limitations to a lay jury in the context of an accusatorial
trial. Where jurors are asked to undertake voice comparison themselves they
may, even with such information, have an exaggerated confidence in their ability
to make reliable comparisons, or use — whether they know it or not — other
incriminating evidence to supplement their analysis.
On origin, see Nathan Daniel Doty, ‘The Influence of Nationality on the Accuracy of Face and
Voice Recognition’ (1998) 111 American Journal of Psychology 191. On experience, see ibid.
Charles P Thompson, ‘A Language Effect in Voice Identification’ (1987) 1 Applied Cognitive
Psychology 121; Köster and Schiller, above n 225.
Judith P Goggin et al, ‘The Role of Language Familiarity in Voice Identification’ (1991) 19
Memory & Cognition 448.
Kirk P H Sullivan and Frank Schlichting, ‘Speaker Discrimination in a Foreign Language: First
Language Environment, Second Language Learners’ (2007) 7 Forensic Linguistics 95.
See, eg, Winters, Levi and Pisoni, above n 224.
Ibid 4529 (figure 1).
Ibid 4527. The training phase is where listeners are exposed to the target voice in order that they
might be able to identify it given the experimental conditions in subsequent recognition phases.
Alvin G Goldstein et al, ‘Recognition Memory for Accented and Unaccented Voices’ (1981) 17
Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 217, 219.
Goggin et al, above n 228, 451.
Axelle C Philippon et al, ‘Earwitness Identification Performance: The Effect of Language,
Target, Deliberate Strategies and Indirect Measures’ (2007) 21 Applied Cognitive Psychology
539, 544–5. See also Köster and Schiller, above n 225.
Some of these issues are raised (though not necessarily in the voice recognition context) in R v
Lam [2005] VSC 299 (10 June 2005) [20]–[28] (Redlich J); R v Bennett (2004) 88 SASR 6,
92 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
For the purpose of clarity, it is useful to attempt to apply the results of experi-
mental research to the facts of Riscuta and Korgbara.
In the case of Riscuta it
is unlikely that the interpreter, Kandic, was sufficiently exposed to the voice of
Niga during the 30 minute interview at the Crime Commission in 1993 to
consider the voice familiar or ‘known’ — that is, recognisable to the extent that
Kandic could have named Niga were she to, say, answer a telephone call from
There are several factors which threaten the accuracy of Kandic’s positive
identification evidence. Kandic spent only 30 minutes with Niga in 1993, during
an interview that was conducted in English. In 1994 she translated a number of
surveillance tapes which allegedly had Niga’s voice on them. However, there
was no indication that Kandic had independently recognised or identified Niga’s
voice in 1994. Nor was there any indication of such recognition for another
seven years. Further, there was evidence to suggest that the police had disclosed
to Kandic their belief that the voices from 1993 and 1994 were the same, and
Kandic also conceded that she was relying, in part, on contextual information to
come to her conclusion that the voice on the tapes was that of Niga.
So in this case we are considering a situation where a person is thinking back
eight years (from 2001 to 1993) to match a voice they heard seven years ago (in
1994) and not since. The experimental evidence indicates that our ability to
correctly identify voices degrades over time. More specifically, incidentally
heard voices were identified at best with 49 per cent accuracy one week after
exposure, declining to 8 per cent accuracy after three weeks.
And although the
accuracy for familiar voice identification is likely to start much higher than
this at around 80 per cent
— the decline anticipated in Riscuta over the 18
months between the interview and the covert recordings, or indeed the further
seven years until the identification, can reasonably be assumed to be consider-
In Riscuta we also confront a situation where the likelihood that confirmation
bias (or suggestion) has influenced the identification is high. So, in this case,
where the expectation of a match between the person from 1993 and the person
from 1994 had clearly been conveyed to Kandic by the police, her identification,
whenever made, was contaminated by that expectation rather than being based
19–20 [80] (Doyle CJ); R v Coxon (2002) 82 SASR 412, 419 [32]–[34] (Prior J); Festa v The
Queen (2001) 208 CLR 593, 643 [166] (Kirby J). See also R v Burchielli [1981] VR 611, 616,
620–1 (Young CJ and McInerney J); R v Haidley [1984] VR 229, 231–2 (Young CJ); E J Smith
(1986) 7 NSWLR 444, 458 (Lee J).
The facts of Riscuta [2003] NSWCCA 6 (6 February 2003) are set out above in Part III. The facts
of Korgbara (2007) 71 NSWLR 187 are set out above in Part V.
Contrast Nguyen (2002) 26 WAR 59, 67 [28] (Malcolm CJ), where the interpreter listened to
more than 600 telephone calls involving the accused, and Neville [2004] WASCA 62 (2 April
2004) [10] (Miller J), where the police officer had listened to at least 78 telephone calls, 21 of
which ran for a total of over three hours when played in court.
Riscuta [2003] NSWCCA 6 (6 February 2003) [23] (Heydon JA).
Clifford, above n 203, 383.
See above Part VI(B).
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 93
solely on her own perceptual experience — that is, on the presence or absence of
any recollection of the voice from 1993 to 1994.
Kandic also indicated that the voice from 1993 did not have any unusual
Evidence suggests that with lower levels of exposure to a particular
voice, factors such as distinctiveness become increasingly informative regarding
the likely accuracy of an identification. For instance, where the quality of the
speech is poor (as in the case of some recordings or whispered conversations),
the tone or pitch has been altered by way of disguise, the exposure time is short,
or the speech offers limited variability, the likelihood of an accurate identifica-
tion is reduced. Further, this is pronounced where identifications are made across
languages, as in both Riscuta and Korgbara.
It is possible for identifications to be made across languages with relatively
high levels of reliability. However, for this to occur there need to be sufficient
language-independent cues. Ideally, there would also be a pre-existing familiarity
with the voice (eg repeated exposure) in both languages. This would allow prior
experience of language-independent cues to inform any subsequent identifica-
tion. In the cases at hand, however, cross-lingual identification is unlikely to be
highly reliable. In Riscuta the comparison was made between an unfamiliar
voice speaking in Romanian and an unfamiliar voice speaking in English. In
Korgbara, where the comparison was made between English, a familiar non-
tonal language (and one spoken by the listener), and Igbo, a previously unheard
tonal language, it is uncertain that relevant language-independent cues were even
available, let alone sufficient, to facilitate an identification with much probative
value. Indeed, the available empirical evidence suggests that accurate identifica-
tion is unlikely, with rates of cross-lingual identification accuracy ranging from
12 per cent at worst to 70 per cent (ie a 30 per cent rate of error) at best.
is clearly a far cry from the levels of performance necessary to generate confi-
dence that the correct individual has been identified in a forensic context, and is
certainly not a credible basis for leaving cross-lingual comparison to a jury as
occurred in Korgbara.
One response in Riscuta would have been to ensure that the many limitations
with Kandic’s opinion were canvassed in the trial and then reiterated through a
clear set of directions and warnings. It does not follow, however, that adequate
explanation of the limitations with such evidence will always occur and that,
even where it does, the extent of human frailties — including the frailties of
interpreters and investigators — will be appreciated.
Moreover, where
Riscuta [2003] NSWCCA 6 (6 February 2003) [54] (Heydon JA).
See above Part VI(C).
See the discussion below in Part VIII(B). Both Riscuta [2003] NSWCCA 6 (6 February 2003)
and Korgbara (2007) 71 NSWLR 187 appear prominently in Judicial Commission of New South
Wales, Criminal Trial Courts Bench Book (2011) [3-100]–[3-110] (‘Identification Evidence —
Voice’) <http://www.judcom.nsw.gov.au/publications/benchbks/criminal/identification_evidence-
voice.html>. Korgbara is cited as confirming that there are no preconditions for the admission of
voice identification evidence other than relevance, and as establishing the principle that ‘there is
no prescriptive rule that voice comparison evidence in relation to foreign languages should only
be admitted where it is supported by expert testimony’: at [3-100]. In referring to Heydon JAs
judgment in Riscuta, the Bench Book indicates that the directions given by the trial judge were
94 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
interpreters and police express opinions that were formed in ways that ignored
corrosive contamination and bias and were presented as part of a more extensive
prosecution case, then the weakness of the voice comparison and identification
evidence may not be recognised, conveyed or accepted. It may be that other
incriminating evidence will act as a makeweight, or that the very strong corro-
sive potential of suggestion will be underestimated by jurors who prefer to
interpret contaminated opinions, inappropriately, as (independent) corroboration.
This is certainly how judges have explained their own responses when upholding
Cross-lingual comparisons accentuate the ordinary problems with identifica-
tion experienced by laypersons and ‘experts’ not familiar with the person of
interest, and the methodological problems.
These concerns are compounded in
cases where sound recordings are of poor quality, of brief duration, have been
obtained in different circumstances, or have been presented to the witness in
conditions where there is a risk of suggestion. Positive identifications obtained in
such circumstances are likely to carry a non-trivial risk of error unless there is
some persuasive reason to believe otherwise. Unless comparisons are undertaken
by familiars — free from bias or focused expectations — or by those with
demonstrably reliable techniques in circumstances where analysis is undertaken
without any suggestion about the identity of the relevant voice(s), comparisons
and identifications are likely to compound, rather than expose, investigative
mistakes. Where the accused is one of a small minority who actually speaks the
relevant language, as in Korgbara, allowing the tribunal of fact to undertake its
own comparison, in circumstances where there is other evidence, may make it
difficult and perhaps impossible for the trial to be fair. In the context of an
inadequate within the terms required by s 116 of the Evidence Act 1995 (NSW), and draws on
Riscuta both in relation to the need to inform the jury of the special need for caution and in
identifying the factors that need to be brought to the attention of the jury: at [3-110]. Note, how-
ever, the discussion above in Part II: displaced listeners are not caught by the definition of identi-
fication evidence in the UEA and thus whatever protection is offered by s 116 is inapplicable to
evidence given by such listeners. The New South Wales Bench Book thus compounds the con-
ceptual confusion surrounding this area in so far as it draws, primarily, on cases involving
‘ad hoc experts’ or other displaced listeners, but does not explicitly address the distinction be-
tween direct and displaced listeners. By contrast, the Victorian equivalent does contain a separate
section for comparison evidence: Judicial College of Victoria, Victorian Criminal Charge Book
(2011) [4.12.5] (‘Charge: Comparison Evidence’) <http://www.justice.vic.gov.au/
emanuals/CrimChargeBook/default.htm>. This section covers jury comparisons and comparisons
made by ‘witnesses comparing people or items about which they have greater knowledge than
the jury’, but a warning is not required for comparisons undertaken by those with expertise: see
para 99 in [4.12.1D] (‘When to Give an Identification Evidence Warning’).
This is apparent in the majority of cases discussed above in Parts III–V. There is no advantage in
treating Kandic’s claims in Riscuta as ‘recognition’ (or fact) rather than opinion evidence. Such
an approach merely displaces the main epistemological issues. It purports to circumvent the
exclusionary opinion rule without addressing the questions of what level of familiarity is re-
quired before such comparison might be minimally reliable, and how the conditions in which the
identification was obtained affect reliability.
See generally the discussion of analogous problems with eyewitness identification in Jim Dwyer,
Peter Neufeld and Barry Scheck, Actual Innocence: Five Days to Execution and Other Dis-
patches from the Wrongly Convicted (Doubleday, 2000); Sheri Lynn Johnson, ‘Cross-Racial
Identification Errors in Criminal Cases’ (1984) 69 Cornell Law Review 934; Brian L Cutler and
Margaret Bull Kovera, Evaluating Eyewitness Identification (Oxford University Press, 2010)
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 95
accusatorial trial, hearing the voice of a black African sitting in the dock who
speaks the impugned language, combined with voice evidence or suggestive
comparisons, may be a form of unfair prejudice.
In a case like Korgbara, it is likely that jurors will make errors evaluating the
probative value of the fact that both the perpetrator and the suspect speak a rare
Nigerian dialect. There is a real risk that jurors will misattribute the rarity of Igbo
in Australia as evidence that increases the likelihood that the perpetrator and the
suspect are the same person. The reasoning runs as follows: very few people in
Australia speak Igbo, therefore it is very unlikely that both the perpetrator and
the suspect would speak Igbo by chance alone — ergo, because both these
people speak Igbo, the suspect must be the perpetrator. This reasoning and
attribution is mistaken. In reality, the fact that both the perpetrator and the
suspect in the case speak Igbo is far from coincidental, as it would need to be to
sustain the attribution just described. Rather, every suspect must speak Igbo in
order to be considered a suspect. Therefore, the fact that the suspect speaks Igbo
does not add anything to the likelihood that this particular suspect is also the
perpetrator. The probability that a defendant in this trial speaks Igbo is a prereq-
uisite; it cannot be used to discriminate between innocent and guilty suspects.
The fact that the suspect speaks Igbo is therefore not relevant to calculating the
likelihood that the suspect is the perpetrator and should not be confused with the
very rare event that a randomly selected person in Australia would speak Igbo.
Finally, it may be that in many cases, including the circumstances in Korgbara,
if there is no demonstrably reliable means of comparing the voices then re-
cordings should not be presented to juries for purposes of comparison and
identification. The existence of other incriminating evidence does not overcome
this deficiency, but instead is likely to compound it, making even more critical
the admissibility decisions on evidence that involves identification (or similari-
ties) whether by lay or ‘expert’ witnesses or juries. Although unpalatable to those
reared in the tradition of Bentham, Wigmore and Cross, it seems that we cannot
be confident that the trial and the tribunal of fact are capable of consistently and
adequately dealing with some forms of voice evidence, especially when com-
pounded by other suggestive evidence in an accusatorial proceeding.
One aspect of this is that there is a danger in a case like Korgbara (as noted in Bulejcik (1996)
185 CLR 375, 397 (Toohey and Gaudron JJ)) that the jury ‘might conclude too readily that a
foreign accent on a tape is that of the accused where the accents are similar.’
Some of these forms of reasoning resemble fallacies associated with misinterpretations of DNA
evidence, discussed in Aytugrul v The Queen [2010] NSWCCA 272 (3 December 2010)
[78]–[95] (McLellan CJ at CL). Special leave to appeal from that decision has been granted:
Transcript of Proceedings, Aytugrul v The Queen [2011] HCATrans 238 (2 September 2011).
See Edmond and Roberts, above n 97. Cf Larry Laudan, Truth, Error, and Criminal Law: An
Essay in Legal Epistemology (Cambridge University Press, 2006) ch 1. This is not to suggest that
recordings should not be admissible, but rather to focus on the way the evidence is used.
96 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
Why have prosecutors, defence lawyers and judges not engaged with main-
stream, credible and cautious scientific research?
The way rules of evidence have been interpreted seems to have given prosecu-
tors and investigators an easy ride at the expense of the accused and, in many
cases, prevented courts and jurors from finding out about the extent of weak-
nesses in many types of incriminating opinion evidence or about unacceptable
investigative procedures. While we appreciate that judges tend to be dependent
on the parties, if the parties — and here we are talking about the state in most
cases — are unable or unwilling to provide appropriate expertise or evidence
about serious problems and limitations, then we must wonder about the value of
the rules and practices that have been developed around voice evidence. In the
following sections we review some possible ‘solutions’ to the difficulties posed
by incriminating voice identification evidence. These include the use of addi-
tional experts to inform the jury, judicial responses to incriminating opinions
about voices, emerging techniques of voice comparison that are endeavouring to
overcome some of the limitations associated with unaided listening by non-
familiars, and finally, the use of voice identification parades.
A Remedial Psychologists?
Before turning to the more conventional remedy of judicial warnings or direc-
tions, we want to consider whether current practice might be redeemed through
recourse to expert witnesses (eg experimental psychologists) informing the
tribunal of fact about the results of experimental scientific research.
We should first note that such recourse to psychologists is at odds with judicial
protection of jurors from overexposure to expert evidence, especially in areas
where they believe laypeople are competent based on life experiences.
Historically, Australian judges have jealously guarded their control over what
jurors should be told about ordinary human abilities, experiences and tendencies.
In general, they have been indifferent to experimental research by psychologists
and other non-medical scientists, particularly in relation to informing admissibil-
ity jurisprudence. This is, we suggest, an unfortunate state of affairs, and has led
legal practice in directions that are difficult to reconcile with the rational
tradition of evidence and proof as well as what is known beyond the courts.
However, it is our contention that allowing the defence to call psychologists
(or others with relevant research interests and competence in experimental
methodologies) to explain the limitations of voice comparison and identification
Some of the many complexities associated with informing the tribunal of fact of such research
are discussed by David L Faigman, Constitutional Fictions: A Unified Theory of Constitutional
Facts (Oxford University Press, 2008) ch 8. See also John Monahan and Laurens Walker, Social
Science in Law: Cases and Materials (Foundation Press, 7
ed, 2009).
There is a general reluctance to admit psychological evidence: see, eg, Smith v The Queen (1990)
64 ALJR 588; R v Smith (2000) 116 A Crim R 1, 8–13.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 97
evidence is not a viable solution to the difficulties besetting current practice.
The adversarial nature of proceedings and the almost certain presence of
additional incriminating evidence mean that the trial is not conducive to a neutral
tutorial. Allowing the defence to call experts to offer (sometimes abstract)
information, qualifications and criticisms, which will not always match the
precise conditions of the instant case, is unlikely to render the opinions of
displaced listeners probative or reduce the danger of unfair prejudice.
It may
in fact have the perverse effect of strengthening the prosecution’s case, by
casting the problem for the jury as merely a conflict of interpretation rather than
as a fundamental question of reliability. Further, since defence witnesses are
almost always able to be portrayed as more partisan than state-employed
investigators and consultants, they are unlikely to exert the same sort of influ-
ence as the incriminating opinions of ‘experts’ appearing for the prosecution.
Similarly, explaining methodological limitations — eg that suggestions and cues
are likely to substantially impact interpretations — might not influence the
thinking of judges or juries, especially in the context of the overall case. More-
over, most of the experimental studies have not exposed participants to addi-
tional information when asking them to make their comparisons.
It is highly
likely that supplementary information, such as the opinions of prosecution
‘experts’, will dramatically influence lay responses — and it is highly likely that
these opinions will be influential, regardless of whether they are correct.
We would contend that critical insights should lead to the exclusion rather than
admission — however qualified — of a great deal of voice evidence from
displaced listeners who do not have demonstrably reliable methods. Moreover,
requiring psychologists to rehearse a range of relevant and quasi-relevant studies
in ways that might inform juries in order to convince them to approach ‘expert’
opinion carefully is a very cumbersome, expensive and risky way to proceed.
Rather than the state being required to develop more reliable procedures and
techniques for collecting, analysing and reporting voice evidence, jury after jury
is to be taught about problems with unreliable forms of incriminating opinion
evidence, in circumstances where the fairness of proceedings may depend upon
the success of this one-sided tutorial. In addition, the accused is tasked with
identifying a suitable alternative expert witness to discredit evidence that is of a
type that is known to be inaccurate, and bears the risk of the reliance on tradi-
tional safeguards — such as exclusionary discretions, directions and warnings —
that seem to have, at best, inconsistent application and mixed efficacy. It is the
obligation of the state to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt and this should not
See the analysis of analogous problems with eyewitness evidence in Kristy A Martire and
Richard I Kemp, ‘Can Experts Help Jurors to Evaluate Eyewitness Evidence? A Review of
Eyewitness Expert Effects’ (2011) 16 Legal and Criminological Psychology 24.
Note also the judicial reluctance to consider methodological limitations in Madigan [2005]
NSWCCA 170 (9 June 2005) and Korgbara (2007) 61 NSWLR 187.
Interestingly, these are the very conditions in which the tribunal of fact is expected to undertake
its assessment of the evidence once it is admitted.
Richard Kemp, Stephanie Heidecker and Nicola Johnston, ‘Identification of Suspects from
Video: Facial Mapping Experts and the Impact of Their Evidence’ (Paper presented at the 18
Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law, Maastricht, 2–5 July 2008).
98 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
be subtly eroded or shifted by the admission of unfairly prejudicial evidence,
especially the subjective and contaminated opinions of non-expert investigators,
and by cross-lingual comparisons by juries. The state, after all, has greater
epistemic and ethical obligations than other parties, considerable resources at its
disposal, and a high standard of proof designed to protect the innocent.
B Judicial Directions and Other ‘Solutions
Undoubtedly, the preference of Australian judges for managing the potential
dangers of incriminating voice evidence is to issue ‘very careful instructions’ to
the jury, as expressed by the High Court in Bulejcik:
Where a witness identifies a voice on the basis of having heard it before, the
witness needs to have heard a sufficient amount of the accused’s speech to be
familiar with it because, in saying that the voice at the crime scene is that of the
accused, the witness is relying on his or her memory of the accused’s voice.
Where a witness identifies a voice on the basis of having heard it subsequently,
there should be something about the voice at the crime scene to sufficiently
embed it in the witness’s memory so as to enable him or her to say that it is the
same as a voice which he or she heard subsequently. The greater the distance in
time between when the two voices compared were heard, the greater the desir-
able degree of familiarity or distinctiveness. …
This Court would be slow to depart from a trial judge’s assessment that mate-
rial was of sufficient quality and quantity for the jury to be permitted to make
the necessary comparison. The question rather is whether the jury were given
sufficient warning of the difficulties involved.
Without reference to empirical studies or relevant scientific literature, the trial
judge is required to provide ‘very careful directions as to those considerations
which would make a comparison difficult and … a strong warning as to the
dangers involved in making a comparison’
— though even here Brennan CJ
resisted, noting that the sufficiency of any warning is ‘not assessed by reference
to a formula nor by postulating a hypothetical warning against risks of which a
Against the background of this preference for jury directions, it is worth noting that directions
represent a significant area of concern, with the New South Wales Law Reform Commission
currently conducting an inquiry into them: New South Wales Law Reform Commission, Jury
Directions, Consultation Paper No 4 (2008) (‘NSW Consultation Paper’). The Queensland Law
Reform Commission published its report on jury directions in December 2009: Queensland Law
Reform Commission, A Review of Jury Directions, Report No 66 (2009) (‘Queensland Report’).
The Victorian Law Reform Commission also published its final report in 2009: Victorian Law
Reform Commission, Jury Directions: Final Report, Report No 17 (2009) (‘Victorian Report’).
Each of these publications features a section on the directions required in relation to identifica-
tion evidence: Queensland Report, 524–36; Victorian Report, 50–2. The NSW Consultation
Paper does not discuss voice identification directly, though it does raise the question of direc-
tions in relation to juries making their own assessment of CCTV and photographic evidence: at
136–8. Neither the Queensland Report nor the Victorian Report addresses voice identification
(1996) 185 CLR 375, 394–5, 397 (Toohey and Gaudron JJ).
Ibid 398–9. Judges are as likely to refer to notorious or classical misidentifications, as in Genesis
27:1–22, as they are to empirical literature: see, eg, Neville [2004] WASCA 62 (2 April 2004)
[85] (Heenan J).
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 99
reasonable jury would be as well aware as the trial judge.’
The Chief Justice
expressed a reluctance to ‘impose … an artificial restraint on the jury’s employ-
ment of their common sense.’
Without wanting to adopt a totally deprecatory attitude to judicial experience
(or the wisdom of ‘the Law’), or even to the ability of many instructions to touch
upon salient issues and problems, it would be a mistake to equate legally
recognised limitations of voice comparison and identification evidence and
espoused faith in the value of directions and warnings with the rather more
extensive, detailed and critical scientific research. Apparently unwittingly,
lawyers and trial and appellate judges routinely overlook relevant research
and/or embrace popular misconceptions, such as the appeal to ‘indelible impres-
sion’ by the trial judge in E J Smith.
In addition, prosecutors and judges have
tended to trivialise the way in which voice identification evidence is obtained,
even though suggestive procedures have a demonstrated tendency to contaminate
We can obtain some sense of the limits of judicial warnings by reviewing
Winneke P’s judgment in R v Callaghan.
This case involved a bank robbery
and was one where, unusually, the Victorian police organised a voice parade. In
response to the impugned voice identification evidence of bank staff — ie direct
unfamiliar witnesses — in the aftermath of the robbery, Winneke P compli-
mented the ‘full instructions’ of the trial judge.
By way of summary we are told:
In the course of his directions to the jury, the [trial] judge gave what appear to
me to be full instructions as to the caution with which they should treat the evi-
dence of identification. It is, I think, unnecessary to set them out in full.
Amongst other things, he directed them, with the full authority of his office,
The caution which courts are required to give in relation to visual identi-
fication ‘must apply even more so to witnesses giving evidence of voice
They must take into account factors which, of necessity, reduce the
weight of the evidence; for example that the witnesses had never before
heard the voice of the offender behind the tellers’ counter; that it is much
easier to identify a voice which is familiar; that mistakes can occur even
when a voice is familiar; that the tone of the voice of the offender was
‘much more demanding and insisting than the tone of the recorded voices
Bulejcik (1996) 185 CLR 375, 384. In practice, it may be impossible to prevent the jury making
the comparison where such evidence is admitted: see, eg, R v O’Sullivan [1969] 1 WLR 497, 503
(Winn LJ for Winn and Widgery LJJ and Lawton J).
Bulejcik (1996) 185 CLR 375, 383.
R v Smith [1984] 1 NSWLR 462, 482, 485 (O’Brien CJ Cr D). Interestingly, Smith was
unrepresented, so the literature and research on which the trial judge relied, which was primarily
legal, was probably the result of his own endeavours.
See generally Dror, Charlton and Péron, above n 215; D M Risinger et al, ‘The Daubert/Kumho
Implications of Observer Effects in Forensic Science: Hidden Problems of Expectation and
Suggestion’ (2002) 90 California Law Review 1.
(2001) 4 VR 79.
100 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
including the accused’; that the event in the bank was short, and the
words spoken were ‘short and sharp’.
There were very limited opportunities for the voice to become recognis-
able to the witnesses, and there ‘were no really distinguishing features
about the voice they described’; the voice was ‘Australian’ rather than
foreign; nothing to suggest they were particularly distinctive.
The jury must take account of the fact that the experience must have
been frightening and that, whilst some people might be capable of mak-
ing accurate observations under situations of strain, others might have
their powers of observation and hearing quite diminished by the terror of
it all.
The lapse of time between the event and the later ‘identification’ is im-
portant in that ‘the greater the time, the more opportunity for the natural
fallibility of human memory to be increased’.
The jury should consider how positive the witness was, without forget-
ting the personality. Some witnesses can be positive but mistaken; others
cautious but correct, albeit not confident.
That some witnesses may have ‘better ear for sound than others’.
That the jury ‘should consider the evidence of personal identification’
most carefully before acting upon it. Where possible ‘you should look
for some feature or features of the evidence which tend to make it reli-
Disregarding the manner in which the comparison was undertaken and the
opinion evidence was collected enables us to focus on how a tribunal of fact
should approach and apply instructions about voice identification evidence.
Notwithstanding the potential value of these instructions, it is not obvious how
they could be understood and applied by a jury in the absence of empirical
information about actual capabilities and limitations. Although legally orthodox,
these directions do not provide any indication of:
the actual effects of contextual factors;
just how corrosive delayed comparisons and recollections can be;
how limited exposure dramatically reduces accuracy;
how tone and type of speech and recording type influence accuracy;
the very high risk of error;
Ibid 96 [29] (emphasis added). See also, quoting this passage, R v Lam [2005] VSC 299 (10 June
2005) [14] (Redlich J). In Bulejcik (1996) 185 CLR 375, 395 (Toohey and Gaudron JJ), it was
noted that the jury had been (properly) ‘warned to consider the different acoustics and not to bear
it against the appellant that English was not his mother tongue.’ Cf the discussion below in
Part VIII(D).
In our discussion of R v Callaghan, we will ‘bracket’ the manner in which the comparison was
obtained. Without wanting to condone the method used in the case, there is insufficient informa-
tion about the actual process followed for a full discussion to be undertaken. Nevertheless, the
approach adopted — a voice parade — seems to have been far less problematic than the very
suggestive processes routinely used by investigators, translators and ‘experts’.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 101
the way witness confidence is often misleading;
how witness variability might apply in the specific circumstances;
how witness interactions and investigator confirmation may produce (mis-
taken) consensus and inflate levels of confidence; and
how even the most subtle clues from honest investigators can contaminate
virtually any identification.
Things would seem to become more complicated, and more error-prone, when
such factors are combined. Nevertheless, in the absence of detail drawn from
relevant and publicly available scientific research, jury instructions may be
worthless. They might appear to render a trial formally fair by drawing attention
to legally notorious dangers, but there must be genuine doubt about whether they
practically assist juries to rationally assess incriminating voice evidence.
As things stand, jurors are somehow expected to ‘take into account’ or ‘con-
sider … most carefully’
a range of contextual factors without information on
how such factors might influence accuracy whether individually or collectively.
There is an assumption that mere advertence is enough to discharge the obliga-
tion of dealing with a type of evidence which is demonstrably prone to error, and
far less accurate than most jurors and judges are likely to assume, even after
conventional warnings. There is also evidence that laypersons and ‘experts’ tend
to dramatically underestimate how suggestion, or even prior information, shapes
interpretations and analyses. This is important, particularly for jury comparisons
undertaken in conjunction with exposure to other incriminating information or
evidence that the accused speaks the impugned language. Furthermore, how
should the jury ‘take into account’ the impact of fear? And can they ignore this
(somewhat contradictory) warning by simply accepting (without any evidence)
that the witness is not the kind of person likely to be affected, because of
imputed accuracy on the basis of training as a bank teller or experience as a
police officer?
In addition, where witnesses are qualified by the courts as ‘experts’, whether
through formal qualifications or experience or as ‘ad hoc experts’, the warnings
about problems with identification might not be given in relation to their ‘expert’
opinion evidence, even though the same problems will almost always arise. In
the absence of validated methods, the problem is that the ‘expert’ does not have a
demonstrably reliable method of overcoming these kinds of problems or ascer-
taining their level of accuracy. Rather, juries are likely to be told in general terms
that there are dangers with expert evidence and that the decision is ultimately for
them. They are not always told that the individuals expressing opinions may
have been exposed to other contextual information, do not have validated
methods, or do not necessarily appreciate the significance of this failure; nor are
they always told that lay and ‘expert’ witnesses may not be able to do what they
See Kristy A Martire and Richard I Kemp, ‘The Impact of Eyewitness Expert Evidence and
Judicial Instruction on Juror Ability to Evaluate Eyewitness Testimony’ (2009) 33 Law and
Human Behavior 225.
R v Callaghan (2001) 4 VR 79, 96 [29] (Winneke P).
102 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
claim, and that some of the witnesses have no relevant expertise and are no more
likely to be accurate than a person selected randomly from the street.
There is, in addition, little evidence that police, translators and interpreters, and
even linguists perform much better than average or are particularly accurate at
comparisons across the many different conditions confronting earwitnesses and
listeners. Moreover, even if interpreters, investigating police and linguists were
slightly or even significantly better than unfamiliar laypersons, there would still
be the issue of how much better and how reliable their incriminating opinion
testimony ought to be before it is admitted as an exception to the opinion rule
based on ‘specialised knowledge’ or ‘experience’.
There are, after all, few
means of credibly challenging this evidence without extensively canvassing the
specialist literature. We also recognise that repeatedly listening to a voice may
improve an ability, but this raises the question of whether jurisprudence should
expediently construct ‘experts’, especially where these are investigators or
persons involved in an investigation (eg translators) and not part of the specialist
communities actually involved in scientific voice comparison research.
Returning to the content of instructions, there is no expectation that judges will
explain every relevant aspect of contested identification evidence in every case.
Provided the trial judge broadly canvasses the issue in a way that draws attention
to what the lawyers and judge consider are the major issues or potential defects,
based on judicial experience rather than scientific study, that will suffice.
There are, for example, few judicial references to suggestion and contamination,
despite the fact that the empirical research suggests that these can have incredi-
bly powerful effects even where the suggestion is extremely subtle or uncon-
scious. This means that investigators and witnesses of undoubted integrity can be
sincerely mistaken if the evidence is not collected and analysed with sensitivity
to risk of contamination. Where witnesses are allowed to speak to each other
about the sound of a voice (or the appearance of a person) before making formal
statements, they are very likely to influence (and reinforce) each others assess-
Yet judicial statements rarely warn in these terms and almost never
recognise the corrosive potential of such apparently innocuous interactions.
It is important to recognise that the vast majority of available empirical studies
suggest that jury directions, instructions and warnings seem to be ineffective.
Even if judges could provide detailed and scientifically predicated directions, the
empirical research suggests that it would be difficult to understand and apply
them to the particular evidence, especially in the overall context of the trial. In
Because some of these witnesses may have acquired abilities and possess opinions that are
probative, we suggest a procedure, outlined below, that might help to remove some of the most
egregious aspects of the unfair prejudice associated with such ‘ad hoc expert’ opinions.
There is also the question about the relevance of such opinions, which was advanced in the
context of eyewitness identification by the majority in Smith (2001) 206 CLR 650, 654–6
[9]–[12] (Gleeson CJ, Gaudron, Gummow and Hayne JJ).
R v Haidley [1984] VR 229, 230 (Young CJ), approved in R v Callaghan (2001) 4 VR 79,
98 [35] (Winneke P, Brooking JA and O’Bryan AJA agreeing).
Paterson, Kemp and Ng, above n 221.
These concerns are borne out in the various consultation papers and reports referred to at above
n 256.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 103
consequence, jury directions are doubly weak. First, legally orthodox warnings
tend to present jurors with highly abstract information. Secondly, decades of
research suggests that even technically and epistemologically sound directions
are less efficacious than any safeguard could credibly claim to be.
Interestingly, in response to analogous difficulties with the interpretation of
incriminating images — such as CCTV recordings of robberies — judges have
endeavoured to address evidentiary infirmities, not by excluding incriminating
opinions of unknown probative value or developing scientifically predicated
warnings, but rather by limiting the opinions of ‘ad hoc experts’ to descriptions
of similarities (and in theory, differences). This, however, is a cosmetic response
to a deeper set of epistemic and procedural problems. What is more, there is no
evidence that this ‘solution’ makes any difference or alters the way the tribunal
of fact approaches incriminating opinions.
What, after all, is the difference in
effect between an ‘expert’ who testifies that X is Y (or appears to be Y) and an
‘expert’ who testifies, on the basis of an examination of the same images, that he
or she could see no differences, only a high level of anatomical similarity?
Our limited vocabulary with respect to describing sounds and the features of
voices makes this ‘solution’ impractical as a sufficient response to the admission
of voice comparison and identification evidence.
In the absence of informa-
tion about the frequency of alleged similarities among relevant populations,
See Roselle L Wissler and Michael J Saks, ‘On the Inefficacy of Limiting Instructions: When
Jurors Use Prior Conviction Evidence to Decide on Guilt’ (1985) 9 Law and Human Behavior
37; Joel D Lieberman and Bruce B Sales, ‘The Effectiveness of Jury Instructions’ in Walter F
Abbott and John Batt (eds), A Handbook of Jury Research (American Law Institute–American
Bar Association, 1999) 18-1; James R P Ogloff and V Gordon Rose, ‘The Comprehension of
Judicial Instructions’ in Neil Brewer and Kipling D Williams (eds), Psychology and Law: An
Empirical Perspective (Guilford Press, 2005) 407.
See Dawn McQuiston-Surrett and Michael J Saks, ‘The Testimony of Forensic Identification
Science: What Expert Witnesses Say and What Factfinders Hear (2009) 33 Law and Human
Behavior 436.
It is thus disappointing that recommendations 29–31 of the Victorian Report, above n 256, 16, in
relation to jury directions, perpetuate the idea that these differences in expression are meaningful
and state that ‘“identification evidence”, “recognition evidence” and “similarity evidence”
should be given distinct definitions’ and that warnings should only be mandatory in cases involv-
ing ‘identification evidence’.
R v Smith [1984] 1 NSWLR 462, 478–9 (O’Brien CJ Cr D). O’Brien CJ Cr D observed at 478
whilst many features of a person which are visually noticeable, such as age, height, size, colour
of hair and eyes and the numerous other physical characteristics of a particular human being
are fairly readily capable of description so as to give a reasonable reproduction in everyday
vocabulary, the features of a voice are not by any means as readily capable of verbal descrip-
Moreover, he recognised the considerable variation in voices depending on ‘the circumstances in
which they are used and the purposes for which they are used. The voice of a man speaking
affectionately to a child necessarily varies markedly from his voice if abusing a fellow motorist
in an argument between drivers on the road’: at 479. See also Festa v The Queen (2001) 208
CLR 593, 619–20 [84], where McHugh J stated (citations omitted):
The risk of mistake in identifying a voice is at least as great as in identifying a person. The re-
liability of voice identification varies with such factors as the length and volume of speech
heard, the witness’s familiarity with the accused’s voice and the time elapsing between the oc-
casions when the witness heard the voice of the perpetrator and the voice of the accused.
See also R v Golledge [2007] QCA 54 (2 March 2007) [59] (Keane JA).
104 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
‘experts’ are as likely to mislead as to provide independent corroboration or
reliable inculpatory information.
Finally, there is the issue of how voice comparison and identification evidence
should be combined with other evidence. Leaving aside the testimony of lay
earwitnesses, the admissibility of opinion evidence based on a ‘body of knowl-
edge or experience’, ‘specialised knowledge’ or ‘ad hoc expertise’ should be
considered independently of any other evidence.
Furthermore, the practical
inadequacy of directions, the inability to effectively cross-examine, and the
potentially misleading confidence and sincerity of the witnesses should be taken
into consideration in any decision to admit or exclude. Incriminating opinion
evidence of unknown probative value should not be admitted merely because the
jury might accept it or because, notwithstanding weakness, it is more convenient
than other alternatives, particularly further research or exclusion.
C Scientific Vo ic e Comparison and Probabilistic Evidence
It is worth noting that there are emerging probabilistically oriented approaches
to voice comparison. These approaches, which do not depend primarily upon
memory or subjective human comparison, aim to eliminate, through a range of
scientific methods, many of the problems associated with auditory voice
comparison. Proponents tend to be reasonably conversant with psychological
research and a range of complex technical and statistical issues. It is not our
intention to formally endorse such approaches, which are by no means infallible,
nor to indicate that they are sufficiently reliable for legal practice — although we
note that they have been admitted in Australia and New Zealand.
Rather, we
merely want to indicate that there are highly qualified technical experts endeav-
ouring to develop and validate more rigorous approaches to the analysis of
sounds and particularly the comparison of voices — and that this research is
ongoing because of the limitations of human listeners and expanding forensic
and security needs.
Rather than transforming interpreters and police officers into voice comparison
experts by contorting rules, subverting principle, or propagating ‘familiarity’, we
should instead be encouraging and assessing these scientifically predicated
techniques to determine if they are sufficiently robust to be incorporated into
criminal investigations and proceedings. New forms of voice comparison may
Once such opinion evidence is admitted, the jury should be allowed to combine various strands
of direct and indirect evidence. Here, supplementary evidence may be used as a makeweight.
This merely reinforces the importance of admissibility decision-making.
Dr Philip Rose, for example, provided reports in R v Hufnagl [No 1] [2008] NSWDC 134
(24 June 2008) and R v Bain [2010] 1 NZLR 1.
See generally Gonzalez-Rodriguez et al, above n 186; Philip Rose, Forensic Speaker Identifica-
tion (Taylor & Francis, 2002); Geoffrey Stewart Morrison, ‘Forensic Voice Comparison’ in Ian
Freckelton and Hugh Selby (eds), Thomson Reuters, Expert Evidence (at August 2011) ch 99;
Geoffrey Stewart Morrison, ‘Forensic Voice Comparison and the Paradigm Shift’ (2009) 49
Science and Justice 298. Gary Edmond is currently engaged, with Geoffrey Stewart Morrison
and others, in a research project sponsored by the Australian Research Council entitled ‘Making
Demonstrably Valid and Reliable Forensic Voice Comparison a Practical Everyday Reality in
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 105
reduce some of the pre-modern commitments that continue to haunt contempo-
rary legal experience and practice. Incriminating voice comparison evidence
should be supported by empirical research that indicates that particular types of
analytical practice, and the opinions derived from them, are demonstrably
D Voic e Identification Parades for Those Who Become Familiar after the Fact
Even without demonstrably reliable techniques, we could enact procedures that
would reduce some of the most egregious aspects of voice comparison by those
involved in investigations and translations. The value of voice identification
evidence would be dramatically improved by the introduction of voice parades.
There is a long history of eyewitness identification parades or line-ups around
the world and in Australia (under both the common law and the UEA), and they
are the preferred method in relation to visual identification evidence under the
The use of identification parades has been informed by an extensive
empirical literature investigating the strengths and weaknesses of procedures.
A similar, if smaller, research base exists (and could be extended) to inform
voice identification parades.
However, concerns about preserving the accuracy
and improving the assessment of voice identification evidence do not appear to
have reached the same level as those exhibited in relation to visual identification
and identifications derived from images. This is unfortunate, given the benefits
that properly constructed voice identification parades might offer, particularly
with regard to the challenges and dangers arising from ‘ad hoc expert’ testi-
See Edmond and Roach, above n 4; Edmond, ‘Specialised Knowledge’, above n 93.
See UEA ss 114, 115(5)–(6), though again it is important to note that such procedures do not
apply to displaced viewers.
See the discussion of this literature in Gary L Wells and Deah S Quinlivan, ‘Suggestive
Eyewitness Identification Procedures and the Supreme Court’s Reliability Test in Light of Eye-
witness Science: 30 Years Later (2009) 33 Law and Human Behavior 1 and Gary L Wells et al,
‘Eyewitness Identification Procedures: Recommendations for Lineups and Photospreads’ (1998)
22 Law and Human Behavior 603.
Such parades have been used (or recommended) in several cases, though primarily in relation to
direct earwitnesses: R v Callaghan (2001) 4 VR 79, 84 [9] (Winneke P); R v Daley [2002]
NSWSC 279 (14 September 2001) [165]–[174] (Simpson J); R v Golledge [2007] QCA 54
(2 March 2007) [33] (Keane JA); Harris [1990] VR 310, 314 (Ormiston J); Burrell v The Queen
(2009) 196 A Crim R 199, 211 [62] (Beazley JA, Grove and Howie JJ). However, some judges
have expressly dismissed the need for voice parades for earwitnesses (and, implicitly, for ‘ad hoc
experts’), even though identification parades are routinely used for eyewitnesses: R v Jones
(1989) 41 A Crim R 1, 7 (Young CJ, Gobbo and Nathan JJ). See also R v Smith [1984] 1 NSWLR
462, 479 (O’Brien CJ Cr D); R v Miladinovic (1992) 109 ACTR 11, 16 (Miles CJ); Li (2003) 139
A Crim R 281, 289 [60] (Ipp JA); Irani v The Queen (2008) 188 A Crim R 125, 129 [16]–[19]
(Hoeben J). Interestingly, in Neville [2004] WASCA 62 (2 April 2004) [35]–[36] (Miller J), [88]
(Heenan J) and Hirst v The Police [2005] SASC 201 (2 June 2005), identification parades are
discussed for eyewitnesses but ignored in relation to the voice identification evidence. Here, our
discussion is restricted to ‘ad hoc experts’ and formally qualified ‘experts’ (such as linguists)
who are not actually specialists in voice comparison.
While we do not endorse their recommendations wholesale, see A P A Broeders and A G van
Amelsvoort, ‘A Practical Approach to Forensic Earwitness Identification: Constructing a Voice
Line-Up’ (2001) 47 Problems of Forensic Sciences 237 for a detailed consideration of the appli-
106 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
It is both theoretically and practically desirable to subject displaced (or indi-
rect) listeners such as police officers and interpreters (hereafter ‘investigative
familiars’) to voice parades,
just as it is possible to use such identification
procedures with traditional eyewitnesses.
By doing so it is possible, if the
parade is adequately constructed, to remove some of the previously discussed
threats to the value of the comparison. First, having an investigative familiar
listen to an assortment of different voices
and attempt to identify the voice
which produced the incriminating utterance provides an indication of the likely
accuracy of that identification and the strength of the suspicion. If the investiga-
tive familiar selects the voice of the suspect rather than a parade ‘filler
(ie known innocent), their identification of the suspect as the speaker of the
incriminating speech has substantially higher probative value than the ‘identifi-
cations’ currently being proffered in trials. Such selections also provide inde-
pendent support for ongoing investigations.
Moreover, if the identification parade is presented to the investigative familiar
in a fashion such that neither the witness nor the parade administrator knows
which voice belongs to the suspect (ie a double blind procedure), it is possible to
sanitise the identification of any corrosive contamination or confirmation bias,
irrespective of the context in which the original ‘witnessing’ occurred, thereby
making the identification independent. This is because while the witness may
know that the police think person X committed crime Y, such knowledge cannot
affect the witness’s ability to recognise or ‘know’ a previously heard voice when
presented with it. The voice of the suspect either is or is not the voice the witness
heard, and the witness either is or is not able to recognise it from the voices they
are presented with. The beliefs held by the police regarding the guilt or inno-
cence of the suspect are of no consequence in a double-blind identification
procedure. It is, however, important to be aware that the perpetrator of the crime
in these instances of investigative familiarity is likely to be one of very few
potential suspects (ie speakers of a certain language, visitors to a specific
(monitored) location, recipients of calls from impugned numbers). In such
circumstances, as with parades more generally, it is vital to construct the
procedure in such a way that the fillers share sufficient characteristics with
descriptions of the suspect, so that any voice could potentially be the voice of the
perpetrator (eg they all speak the same dialect of Cantonese); however, the fillers
should not be chosen based on their similarity to the voice of the suspect, as this
cability of the eyewitness identification procedures to earwitness evidence. See also Francis
Nolan, ‘A Recent Voice Parade’ (2003) 10 Forensic Linguistics 277.
Investigative familiars are not necessarily familiar in the sense of being able to make accurate
categorical ascriptions, but rather they are those who are not complete strangers because they
have satisfied some threshold of exposure — however limited — during the course of an investi-
Our one caveat is that individuals associated with an investigation should not be gratuitously
exposed to recordings of incriminating voices merely to increase the chances of obtaining a
positive identification. All voice identification parades should be disclosed to the defence.
One of the voices is usually the voice of the person thought to have created the incriminating
speech. The remainder of the voices would be known innocent foils.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 107
would produce a parade of ‘clones’ and would make the comparison task
unrealistically difficult.
Voice parades might even help to resolve questions regarding the accuracy and
validity of cross-lingual identifications. If, for example, the witness hears
incriminating speech in Cantonese, and the police interview the suspect in
English, English speech samples provided by a number of native Cantonese
speakers could be used in the voice parade. Thus the analyst (here, most often an
interpreter) could demonstrate that there are sufficient language-independent
cues for them to recollect (or recognise) a speaker in the absence of any explicit
knowledge of the speakers status in the investigation. If the witness is able to do
this, the issue of never having heard verified samples of the perpetrators speech
across languages is irrelevant because the witness has demonstrated that ele-
ments of the speech are consistent enough for the benefits derived from familiar-
ity to be preserved.
Like analogous developments with eyewitness evidence, voice parades might
substantially improve our understanding of the value of identification evidence.
Requiring investigative familiars purporting to give positive identification
evidence (or describe similarities) to successfully complete a voice parade before
being entitled to express their opinions would reduce some of the most undesir-
able dimensions of current practice.
Parades might not, however, guarantee
ability, and where the number of participants is small there remains a real risk of
chance selection or selection based on the voice that is most similar to that
remembered. Notwithstanding the potential for voice parades to improve the
quality of voice-related evidence, the strong preference must be for validated and
reliable scientific voice comparison techniques.
E Discussion
Generally, if voice identification evidence is not derived via direct (ie sensory)
witnesses, familiars or experts with demonstrably reliable techniques (and
without suggestion), in the vast majority of circumstances it should not be
admitted. At the very least, investigators, interpreters and linguists should not be
allowed to express their opinions about identity or similarities at trial unless they
have been exposed to a considerable amount (ie many hours) of the voice in the
conditions in which the comparison will be undertaken and as part of their
routine duties,
and only where the identity was not suggested or disclosed.
Even so, there should always be a very strong preference for lay witnesses with a
high level of familiarity, for methods that do not depend upon the interpretations
of investigators, and for investigators to demonstrate their ability in a voice
C A Elizabeth Luus and Gary L Wells, ‘Eyewitness Identification and the Selection of Distracters
for Lineups’ (1991) 15 Law and Human Behavior 43.
The use of parades might help to sanitise otherwise odious ‘expert’ opinions, although the
admissibility pathway for the opinions would remain problematic.
As opposed to merely repeatedly listening in order to make a comparison or being asked about
the identity of a voice with which they may have some limited familiarity.
108 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
The preparation of transcripts — whether in English or some other
language — should not generally qualify a person to express an opinion about
identity. The risks are so great and the difficulty of effectively exploring and
challenging such ipse dixit is so pronounced that such practices should not be
accommodated by legal institutions purporting to dispense justice. Opinion
evidence from these sources, or derived in these ways, should not be admitted.
While the ipse dixit of experts is unacceptable, the ipse dixit of investigators (as
‘ad hoc experts’) verges on scandalous.
We accept that in some circumstances, especially where, as in R v El-Kheir,
the voice could only have been that of one of a limited number of individuals,
the exercise is different to that where the range of speakers is large or uncon-
Nevertheless, dangers and risks persist. Correctly identifying a
speaker will not always equate to proof of guilt. In R v El-Kheir, for example, it
is possible that a person visiting the house when a covert surveillance operation
and police drug raid occurred, who was recorded speaking to the owner of the
house on a hidden microphone, may not have been implicated in the importation.
Sometimes there will be controversy not only about the identity of the speaker
but also about the precise meaning of allegedly incriminating words.
the recording is poor and the meaning of words is credibly contested there is a
danger that mere association may be equated with guilt.
Voice comparison by strangers tends to be error-prone, with error rates likely
to increase significantly over time. Desirable as it may seem to allow direct
witnesses to testify, ideally only factual descriptions and opinions about identity
or features of a voice expressed roughly contemporaneously should be admissi-
ble. Descriptions and comparisons should be obtained in a neutral manner and as
close in time to the actual event(s) as possible, otherwise the value of the
description or opinion, regardless of the apparent credibility of the witness, is
likely to be limited, and far more limited than the tribunal of fact is likely to
appreciate. Allowing earwitnesses and investigators to express opinions in
circumstances that do not take account of scientifically notorious frailties
subverts the accuracy of legal processes and substantially increases the risk of
convicting an innocent person.
Most of these problems are not as applicable to the identification evidence of
those who are very familiar with the accused.
In general, ‘true’ familiars
should be allowed to express opinions, including positive opinions about
identity, as well as to give direct evidence of non-deliberative recognition. Both
forms of evidence should, in the normal course of affairs, be admissible. While
On police familiarity, see Miladinovic v The Queen (1993) 47 FCR 190; R v Leaney [1989]
2 SCR 393, 403–5 (Lamer J), 408–12 (Wilson J), 413 (McLachlin J).
[2004] NSWCCA 461 (20 December 2004).
See also the concerns raised by Simpson J in R v Leung (1999) 47 NSWLR 405, 414 [45] about
potential contamination in relation to comparisons made where the identity of the suspect re-
mains open, and the related discussion in Li (2003) 139 A Crim R 281, 289 [58]–[60] (Ipp JA).
See the discussion in above n 145.
See, eg, Dodds v The Queen (2009) 194 A Crim R 408; Nguyen v The Queen (2007) 173
A Crim R 557.
Of course, factors such as size of sample and quality of recording may still be important.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 109
obviously not infallible, the value of such evidence is generally warranted by
experience as well as by replicated scientific research.
Recently, after a long inquiry, an eminent group of scientists, mathematicians
and engineers, joined by a few senior lawyers and judges, reported to Congress
on the condition of the forensic sciences in the United States. Their findings
were both surprising and disconcerting. They concluded that
[w]ith the exception of nuclear DNA analysis … no forensic method has been
rigorously shown to have the capacity to consistently, and with a high degree of
certainty, demonstrate a connection between evidence and a specific individual
or source. …
The law’s greatest dilemma in its heavy reliance on forensic evidence … con-
cerns the question of whether — and to what extent — there is science in any
given forensic science discipline.
These concerns are generally applicable to the forensic sciences in Australia and
to most of the methods of voice comparison and voice identification currently
used by displaced listeners and investigative familiars accepted by Australian
courts. We must have very serious misgivings about the foundations and reliabil-
ity of purportedly expert voice identification evidence, particularly its non-
institutionalised and ad hoc varieties.
Notwithstanding, or perhaps because of, the lack of specialised knowledge in
most areas of forensic voice comparison, our judges have, quite perversely,
developed jurisprudence and practices that enable those without relevant
training, study, experience or demonstrated ability and who have not given
attention to relevant scientific research to, nevertheless, express their incriminat-
ing opinions in circumstances where the identity of the speaker is quite often the
ultimate issue. Those without demonstrated proficiency are magically trans-
formed into experts for the purpose of litigation. Moreover, lay jurors unfamiliar
with the accused, their voice and even their language may be asked to compare
voices speaking in different languages and under different conditions. These
practices are not conducive to a fair trial or an accurate verdict.
Such evidence will be relevant and admissible as fact if it is non-reflective recognition, and as
opinion if it is ‘specialised knowledge’ based on considerable ‘experience’ (ie familiarity). The
same cannot be said for the evidence of investigators and interpreters whose expertise and ex-
perience is not in voice comparison or whose familiarity is derived solely from participation in
the investigation at hand.
Committee on Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Science Community, Committee on Science,
Technology, and Law Policy and Global Affairs and Committee on Applied and Theoretical
Statistics (Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences), National Research Council, Strength-
ening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward (National Academies Press, 2009)
7, 9 (emphasis in original).
See Gary Edmond, ‘Impartiality, Efficiency or Reliability? A Critical Response to Expert
Evidence Law and Procedure in Australia’ (2010) 42 Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 83;
Gary Edmond, ‘Actual Innocents? Legal Limitations and Their Implications for Forensic Science
and Medicine’ (2011) 43 Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 177.
110 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
Our lawyers (particularly prosecutors) and judges have been remarkably
inattentive (or resistant) to the results of empirical research.
Even though
comparison of sounds and identification from sounds is, in many situations, even
less reliable than comparison or identification in relation to vision and images,
judges have tended to adopt a less interventionist approach to voice evidence.
Our current laws seem to admit much incriminating opinion evidence in circum-
stances where it is not clear that the frailties of the evidence are adequately
recognised, let alone conveyed. Lawyers and judges do not cite, and very rarely
refer to, relevant empirical and experimental literature. Rather, they tend to rely
upon unsystematic impressions and experiences and the rather random way in
which weaknesses and limitations may or may not be exposed and considered
during trials and appeals.
Without wanting to suggest that the empirical literature will provide a straight-
forward or unambiguous basis for legal practice, it would seem that relevant
expert literature could help to guide and improve practice and correct a range of
strange anomalies and beliefs about both human perceptions and the ability of
the adversarial trial and its safeguards to substantially address problems with
sounds, voices and comparisons.
Interestingly, earlier concerns about dangers with voice comparison, the poten-
tial for prejudicial effects associated with investigators (including apparently
well-intentioned investigators), and the manner in which voice identification
evidence was obtained seem to have been largely abandoned. Here, the Victorian
common law seems to offer something of a limited exception and example.
Notably, in Harris, while Ormiston J effectively rejected the more demanding
New South Wales requirements for voice identification evidence, he nevertheless
excluded the evidence of a police officer, who had listened to hundreds of tape
recordings, because of her limited familiarity with the accused and the sugges-
tive manner in which she was initially introduced to the recordings. Detective
Sergeant Corrie had had some exposure to the various accused, and much more
exposure than encountered in many recent cases from New South Wales.
Nevertheless, Ormiston J concluded that
there was so much suggestive, direct and indirect, material involved in Miss
Corrie’s doubtless honest attempt at identification, that it should be excluded
from evidence in the exercise of my discretion, for this is a kind of prejudice
which cannot be removed at the trial merely by cross-examination or by other
evidence. Merely because she is a police, and not a lay, witness can make no
difference, nor the fact that she has heard the voices and the tapes many times
thereafter. …
In the end … the probative value of Miss Corrie’s identification is too specula-
tive and too overlaid with other material to allow it to be led before the jury,
who may be irrationally impressed by it. The existence of other materials may
indeed obscure the inherent weakness of her evidence, but it may be hard to
However, the use and gradual improvement of identification parades and the considered response
to empirical research in Winmar v Wes ter n Australia (2007) 35 WAR 159 suggest that (mediated)
engagement is at least possible. See also the detailed discussion of empirical research in R v
Henderson [2010] 2 Cr App R 24.
2011] Issues with (‘Expert’) Voi ce Comparison Evidence 111
persuade the jury that they should put out of mind what may appear to be a
straightforward identification …
We might note that instructions and warnings were apparently insufficient to
overcome the defects and ‘the often-praised commonsense of juries’ to which
Ormiston J had earlier alluded.
Ormiston J thought that the danger was of
a jury being ‘irrationally impressed’ by certain identification evidence which is
a proper discretionary basis for excluding some of that evidence where the
means adopted are conducive to drawing false or unreliable and thus mislead-
ing conclusions.
Without reference to relevant scientific research, Ormiston J adopted a cautious
and exclusionary approach to voice identification and its potentially prejudicial
This protective attitude, concerned with accuracy and fairness, seems
to have lapsed in recent years (especially in New South Wales). It has lapsed in
ways that appear inconsistent with substantial concerns about accuracy and
fairness as well as with the results of ongoing scientific research programmes.
Few judges now exclude voice comparison or identification evidence using
admissibility rules or discretionary (or mandatory) exclusions.
We can only wonder why legal practice is inconsistent with what is known. We
can only speculate about why visual evidence is more regulated than forms of
voice evidence. Evidently, both are error-prone. Our anxieties are accentuated by
inconsistencies which systematically assist the state and subvert espoused
principles of evidence law and criminal justice.
What we should do is yet another problem. It appears to us that we need to
continuously refine practice in ways that accommodate and recognise the
knowledge developed in other fields. Centuries ago, Saunders J declared that
if matters arise in our law which concern other sciences or faculties, we com-
monly apply for the aid of that science or faculty which it concerns. Which is
an honourable and commendable thing in our law. For thereby it appears that
we don’t despise all other sciences but our own, but we approve of them and
encourage them as things worthy of commendation.
Where long traditions and practices, such as placing confidence in lay abilities or
juries, are threatened, we need to have multidisciplinary conversations about
how the goals of criminal justice can be facilitated through revised practices and
procedures. The social legitimacy of the courts can only be maintained through
Harris [1990] VR 310, 322–3. Cf the more accommodating response in Irani v The Queen
(2008) 188 A Crim R 125.
Harris [1990] VR 310, 316.
Ibid 319. Consider the concern expressed by the High Court in the early visual identification
case of Davies v The King (1937) 57 CLR 170, 181 (Latham CJ, Rich, Dixon, Evatt and
McTiernan JJ).
See also Rich [2008] VSC 436 (23 October 2008) [38]–[41] (Lasry J); Chedzey v The Queen
(1987) 30 A Crim R 451, 464 (Olney J).
See Smith and Odgers, above n 93; Edmond, ‘Specialised Knowledge’, above n 93.
Buckley v Thomas (1554) 1 Plowd 118, 125; 75 ER 182, 192.
112 Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 35
the incorporation of exogenous knowledge, however disruptive or unsettling that
may be.
In the interim, in the absence of evidence of ability and reliability, prosecutors
and judges should be far more reticent about adducing and admitting the
opinions of non-familiar witnesses. Until we have empirically-informed re-
sponses to our epistemic and legal infirmities, Australian courts should be a little
quieter, though substantially more sound.