Employee Motto
Exceptional Service Begins With Exceptional People
Exceptional Service Begins With Exceptional PeopleExceptional Service Begins With Exceptional People
Exceptional Service Begins With Exceptional People
Mission Statement
Through our commitment to maintaining positive attitudes, providing
exemplary service and superior accommodations.
Welcome to The Broadmoor family! This guidebook has been designed
to serve two important purposes. The first is to make it easier for you to
learn about your new place of employment. The second is to provide you
with the information you need in order to become part of our successful
Because there are hundreds of fellow employees working alongside you,
it is necessary that we all use the same set of guidelines and procedures
for everyone’s benefit. It is your responsibility to read through this
guidebook so that you know what to expect from us and what we will
expect from you.
This employee guidebook is provided for the convenience and
information of Broadmoor employees only. With the sole exception of
the Dispute Resolution Policy and Arbitration Agreement, discussion of
policies, procedures and benefits in this guidebook is informational only
and subject to change according to the needs of The Broadmoor and its
employees. With or without cause or notice, The Broadmoor
management reserves the right to interpret and modify the provisions of
this guidebook (with the exception of the Dispute Resolution Policy and
Arbitration Agreement) as they determine necessary.
With the exception of the Dispute Resolution Policy and Arbitration
Agreement, the contents of this guidebook do not constitute a contract
of employment either expressed or implied. Nothing contained in this
guidebook should be construed as a guarantee of continued
employment; but rather, the employment relationship with The
Broadmoor is on an at-will basis. This means that the employment
relationship may be terminated at any time by either the employee or
The Broadmoor for any reason not expressly prohibited by law. Any
written or oral statement to the contrary by a Supervisor, corporate
officer, or other agent of The Broadmoor is invalid and should not be
relied upon by any prospective or existing employee. This book and its
This book and its This book and its
This book and its
contents thereof supersede any previous editions of the employee
contents thereof supersede any previous editions of the employee contents thereof supersede any previous editions of the employee
contents thereof supersede any previous editions of the employee
guidebook. The policies and guidelines presented in this bo
guidebook. The policies and guidelines presented in this boguidebook. The policies and guidelines presented in this bo
guidebook. The policies and guidelines presented in this book are the
ok are the ok are the
ok are the
current policies and guidelines and
urrent policies and guidelines and urrent policies and guidelines and
urrent policies and guidelines and supersede previously written
supersede previously written supersede previously written
supersede previously written
I. INTRODUCTION………………………….………………………………………………………. 10
President’s Welcome .......................................................................................... 12
The Broadmoor Tradition ................................................................................. 13
Anschutz Corporation ........................................................................................ 14
Building a Tradition of Excellence .................................................................. 14
II. HOTEL INFORMATION………………………………………………………..……………… 15
Dining and Entertainment ................................................................................ 23
Broadmoor Retail Shops .................................................................................... 26
Additional Offerings ........................................................................................... 31
The Broadmoor Wilderness Experience ....................................................... 31
III. GUEST RELATIONS……………………………………………….…………………………….. 34
Courtesy to our Guests ...................................................................................... 34
Addressing Guests .............................................................................................. 35
Guest Complaints ................................................................................................ 35
Broadmoor History of Excellence ................................................................... 37
Guest Accidents ................................................................................................... 37
Guest Privacy ........................................................................................................ 38
Guest Misconduct................................................................................................ 38
Guest V.I.P. Pin...................................................................................................... 39
Guest Contact ....................................................................................................... 39
Lost and Found .................................................................................................... 40
Employee Classification ..................................................................................... 41
Evaluation Period ................................................................................................ 41
Equal Employment Opportunity ..................................................................... 42
No Harassment Policy ........................................................................................ 43
Reasonable Accommodations/Modified Job Duties ................................ 44
Open Door Communication Policy ................................................................ 45
Dispute Resolution .............................................................................................. 46
Eating and Drinking Policy ............................................................................... 48
Smoke/Tobacco-Free Policy ............................................................................. 50
Dating Policy ......................................................................................................... 51
Reference Check Policy ...................................................................................... 51
Conflict of Interest Policy ................................................................................... 52
Confidentiality Policy .......................................................................................... 52
Package Pass ......................................................................................................... 52
Inspection Policy .................................................................................................. 53
Solicitation/Distribution Policy ......................................................................... 53
Disciplinary Policy ................................................................................................ 53
Standards of Conduct ........................................................................................ 55
Identification Card ............................................................................................... 58
Name Tags ............................................................................................................. 58
Uniforms ................................................................................................................. 59
Employee Entrances ........................................................................................... 59
Employee Parking................................................................................................ 60
Employment of Relatives ................................................................................... 61
Lockers .................................................................................................................... 62
Restrooms .............................................................................................................. 62
Elevators ................................................................................................................. 63
Telephones ............................................................................................................ 63
Recording for Evaluation Purposes ................................................................ 63
Meal Breaks ........................................................................................................... 64
B.B.C. (Broadmoor Beautification Committee) ........................................... 65
Maintenance FIXX Line ...................................................................................... 65
Job Postings, Promotions, and Transfers ...................................................... 65
Employee Self Service ......................................................................................... 66
Personnel Files ...................................................................................................... 67
Work Schedules ................................................................................................... 68
Hours of Work ...................................................................................................... 68
Attendance Guidelines ...................................................................................... 68
Reduction of Hours ............................................................................................. 69
Key Control ............................................................................................................ 70
Guest Room Master Keys (Card Key) ............................................................. 71
House Bank/Cashier Procedures .................................................................... 71
Personal Grooming Standards ........................................................................ 72
Company Device and System Usage Standards Overview ..................... 77
Standards for Electronic Devices Used for Company Business .............. 78
Backups and Data Storage ............................................................................... 79
Use of Company Systems (Including E-Mail, Voicemail, Internet and
Networks) .............................................................................................................. 79
Device and System Security Requirements .................................................. 82
Access and Disclosure ........................................................................................ 83
Waiver and Severability ..................................................................................... 84
Recording Devices in the Workplace............................................................. 84
Information/Computer Security and Proprietary Information ............... 84
Social Media Policy .............................................................................................. 85
Use of Hotel Facilities ......................................................................................... 90
Restaurant Use Pass ............................................................................................ 90
Employee/Guest Fraternization ...................................................................... 91
Food and Beverage Deliveries ......................................................................... 91
Lactation Accommodation Policy ................................................................... 91
Your Performance................................................................................................ 92
Post Evaluation Period ....................................................................................... 92
Annual Evaluation ............................................................................................... 92
Salary Administration ......................................................................................... 93
Sample Pay Period ............................................................................................... 93
Picking Up Paychecks ......................................................................................... 93
Clocking In/Out ................................................................................................... 94
Direct Deposit ....................................................................................................... 94
Tip Reporting ........................................................................................................ 94
Overtime ................................................................................................................ 94
Overtime Compensation ................................................................................... 95
Exit Process ............................................................................................................ 95
Final Checks .......................................................................................................... 97
Check Cashing ...................................................................................................... 98
Advance on Paychecks ...................................................................................... 98
Employee Communication & Recognition .................................................. 98
Projects, R
Recognition, I
Involvement, D
Dedication and E
Events Committee
(P.R.I.D.E.) ............................................................................................................... 98
Employee Recognition Programs ................................................................... 99
Manager of the Quarter .................................................................................. 100
Service Pins .......................................................................................................... 101
An Evening with the Stars .............................................................................. 101
Pioneer Club ........................................................................................................ 101
Publications ......................................................................................................... 101
“I Make it Better” Hotline ................................................................................. 102
Departmental Meetings ................................................................................... 102
Employee Open Forum ................................................................................... 102
Bulletin Boards ................................................................................................... 103
R.S.V.P. Hotline ................................................................................................... 103
V. BENEFITS……………………………………………………………………………….…………… 104
Broadmoor Café................................................................................................. 104
Restaurant Discounts........................................................................................ 104
Discounts on Purchases ................................................................................... 105
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Discount ........................................................... 105
Movie Passes ....................................................................................................... 105
Spa Discount ....................................................................................................... 105
Other Current Discounts ................................................................................. 106
Employee Resource Library ............................................................................ 106
Employee Access Automated Teller Machine (ATM) .............................. 107
Employee Fitness ............................................................................................... 107
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – Centura Health Profile EAP .. 107
Hotel Chaplain/Counselor .............................................................................. 108
Tuition Reimbursement Policy ....................................................................... 108
Scholarship .......................................................................................................... 110
Vacation ............................................................................................................... 110
Holidays ................................................................................................................ 111
Personal Days ..................................................................................................... 112
Paid Sick Leave ................................................................................................... 112
Paid Time Off Note ............................................................................................ 113
Election Day ........................................................................................................ 113
Leaves of Absence ............................................................................................. 113
Personal Leaves of Absence ........................................................................... 113
Family and Medical Leave Act Policy ........................................................... 114
Military Related FMLA Leave .......................................................................... 120
Military Caregiver Leave .................................................................................. 120
Qualifying Exigency Leave ............................................................................. 122
Jury Duty Leave ................................................................................................. 124
Leave for Crime Victims ................................................................................... 124
Bereavement Leave .......................................................................................... 125
Military Leave ...................................................................................................... 125
Insurance Benefits ............................................................................................. 125
401(k) Retirement Savings Plan ..................................................................... 126
Bridge of Service Policy .................................................................................... 127
VI. HEALTH AND SAFETY……………………………………………………………..……….. 128
Safety and Security ............................................................................................ 128
Witness to Acts of Vandalism, Theft or Fire Incidents ............................ 129
Reporting Unsafe Conditions and Hazards ............................................... 129
Emergency Procedures .................................................................................... 130
Fire Safety ............................................................................................................. 130
Hazard Communication/Right-to-Know Program ................................... 130
Bloodborne Pathogens .................................................................................... 130
Personal Protective Equipment ..................................................................... 131
Lock-Out / Tag-Out ........................................................................................... 131
Quarterly Safety Meeting ................................................................................ 132
Hotel Vehicle Operation.................................................................................. 132
Distracted Driving.............................................................................................. 133
Drug and Alcohol Policy.................................................................................. 134
Work Related Accident/Illness Reporting ................................................... 136
Modified Duty/Return-To-Work .................................................................... 137
Non-Work Related Injury/Illness ................................................................... 137
Worker’s Compensation .................................................................................. 139
Fraudulent Worker’s Compensation Claims .............................................. 139
Welcome to The Broadmoor Family! Our proud tradition of providing
excellent service to our guests was started in 1918 and continues to this
day. You make those memories and service experiences happen. Our
employees are the most important asset here at The Broadmoor.
Exceptional Service Begins With Exceptional People
Exceptional Service Begins With Exceptional PeopleExceptional Service Begins With Exceptional People
Exceptional Service Begins With Exceptional People
The senior management team at The Broadmoor, known as the Executive
Committee, is here to support you in delivering
exceptional service
to our
guests. You will meet them as you start your career at The Broadmoor.
Stephen Bartolin Jr.
Jack Damioli
President & CEO
Executive Committee Continued
Executive Committee ContinuedExecutive Committee Continued
Executive Committee Continued
Cindy Johnson
Director of Human Resources
Barry Brown
Vice President of Sales and
Terry McHale
Director of Facilities
Craig Reed
Director of Food & Beverage
Ann Alba
Resident Manager
Tim Hansen
Director of Finance
President’s Welcome
Welcome to The Broadmoor! It gives me great
pleasure to welcome you as a new member of our
staff to one of the finest resorts in all of the world.
This guidebook has been prepared to assist you in
understanding the guidelines, practices and
benefits that pertain to your employment. Since
this book is only meant as a guide, there will be
other subjects which your Supervisor may cover
with you in a group or on an individual basis. After
reading the guidebook, if you have any questions
please ask your Supervisor or a member of the Human Resources
Please remember that you play an important role in the overall success of
The Broadmoor. The Broadmoor is an outstanding resort, not because of
the beautiful physical facilities or its majestic setting, but because of our
extraordinary staff; each and every one of you! You give The Broadmoor
its character, personality, warmth, and charm as well as provide our most
important product – exceptional service to our guests.
Once again, welcome to The Broadmoor family. We hope that you will
find your work and association with The Broadmoor to be enjoyable,
rewarding, and long lasting.
Jack Damioli
President & CEO
The Broadmoor Tradition
The Broadmoor’s present reflects it’s distinguished past in every phase of
operation. In large part, this is attributed to the staff, management, and
directors who have preserved elegant traditions for more than nine
The Broadmoor represents the culmination of one man’s dream to build
the finest hotel in the United States. The visionary, Spencer Penrose, was
many times a millionaire and one of the town’s most colorful and
prominent citizens. He made this dream a reality in 1918. Of his many
business and charitable pursuits, The Broadmoor remained foremost in
Mr. Penrose’s attentions and affections until his death in 1939. Penrose
endowed The Broadmoor and his numerous other holdings, to the El
Pomar Foundation, which he set up in 1937 as a non-profit philanthropic
organization to benefit the people and institutions of Colorado.
Over the years, a continuous expansion program has added to the
wonders of The Broadmoor. The Cheyenne Mountain Highway was
constructed by Spencer Penrose and the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
opened. Mr. Penrose then added an indoor Riding Academy, which was
converted to an ice skating rink ten years later and is now the site of 150
deluxe rooms and suites. Other important openings include the Will
Rogers’ Shrine of the Sun, La Taverne, Terrace Pool, and The Hotel Bar.
As conventions and meetings increased business at the Hotel, the
facilities were further expanded. Since 1960, the following additions to
the 3,000 acre complex have been made: the South Tower of the Main
Complex, the International Center, the Golden Bee, Cheyenne Lodge, the
third 18-hole championship golf course, Broadmoor West, Colorado Hall,
West Ball Room, The Rocky Mountain Ball Room, West Tower, the Spa,
the Tennis Club, Lakeside Suites, the Cottages, Summit, Broadmoor Hall,
Play, Natural Epicurean, The Fish House, two Brownstones, The
Broadmoor’s Ranch at Emerald Valley, Cloud Camp, The Broadmoor
Fishing Camp, Ristorante del Lago, and the renovation of the original
West building adding 33 rooms. The Hotel continues to enhance and
update the many facilities and services offered to our guests. The
renovation of our restaurants and expansion of our retail shops has
helped to keep the tradition alive. Recreational activities such as golf,
tennis, swimming, paddle boating, white-water rafting, horseback riding,
and hot air ballooning are available. These activities, plus the many
famous scenic attractions of the Pikes Peak Region, help make The
Broadmoor one of the world’s premier destination resorts.
Anschutz Corporation
In October of 2011, the Anschutz Corporation, headed by Philip
Anschutz, purchased the Oklahoma Publishing Company, which
included The Broadmoor. Mr. Anschutz has pledged to continue the
stewardship and traditions of excellence which have made The
Broadmoor what it is today and invest in its future.
Building a Tradition of Excellence
A deep respect for The Broadmoor history and traditions endures and is
complemented with continued investment in renovation and restoration
of the beautiful facilities. With warm remembrances of the past, we look
to the future and follow the dream of Spencer Penrose to continue
upgrading and further enhancing The Broadmoor experience so it may
be enjoyed by future generations of employees and guests.
While The Broadmoor is rich in history, tradition, and ambiance, it is
ultimately our conscientious employees providing exceptional service in a
warm and friendly manner that makes The Broadmoor one of the world’s
finest resorts. The efforts of each and every employee together provide
our guests with the quality service and experience they have come to
expect from us.
The following questions are asked frequently by our guests. We like our
employees to be familiar with these questions so that they may assist
guests in a knowledgeable manner.
Q) When was The Broadmoor’s grand opening? Who built it?
A) The Hotel opened June 29, 1918 and was built by Spencer
Q) Why is the letter “A” in the name BROADMOOR raised?
A) Spencer Penrose was intent on having his hotel be called The
BROADMOOR. There were other properties in the country with
the same name and there were copyright laws governing
duplicating this name. So Spencer raised the “A” making his logo
appear differently, thus circumventing the copyright laws.
Q) How far is it around the lake?
A) The walkway surrounding the perimeter of the lake is 3/4 of a
Q) What are our check-in and check-out times?
A) Check-in is at 4:00 pm and check-out is at noon.
How many rooms and suites do we have?
A) The Broadmoor currently has 779 rooms including two
brownstones. This number increased from 746 following the
West renovation in 2014. One hundred thirty of our guest rooms
are considered suites, with seven of these rooms designated as
Signature Suites. These Signature Suites include the Penrose
Suite, Carlton Suite, Gaylord Suite, Edith K. Gaylord Suite, Parker
Suite, North Cheyenne Mountain Suite, and South Cheyenne
Mountain Suite. Forty-four of our rooms are part of the Golf
Course Cottages.
Q) When did we complete the renovation of the Main Hotel?
A) The Main Hotel Renovation, including the new Hotel Bar was
completed in April of 2002.
Q) When did we complete the renovation of the West Building?
A) The West Building Renovation, including Ristorante Del Lago
and Natural Epicurean, was complete in May of 2014.
Q) What are the murals in the Hotel Bar? Is there a story behind
A) On June 29, 1918 The Broadmoor Hotel opened its doors for
business. Founder Spencer Penrose was known for his marketing
genius and in the summer of 1920 decided on a plan to market
the awareness of The Broadmoor to the country. Being located
in Colorado Springs with a population of 8,000 people, this was
not an easy task.
Spencer decided he would invite the leading hoteliers of that
time to visit The Broadmoor and let them experience the luxuries
of this new Hotel. His invitation was delivered to 55 hoteliers
who were managing the grand hotels of America. These hotels
spanned the country from the East to the West coasts including
such famed hotels as the Concord, St. Regis, Waldorf, Vanderbilt,
and Plaza in New York City to the Del Coronado in San Diego.
Spencer estimated the combined worth of the hoteliers to be
$100,000,000 and named the group “The $100 Million Hotel
Spencer organized a series of Pullman cars to accompany his
own, and two luxury train cars, the Newport and the Mather,
whose stateroom suites would be used for entertainment during
the trip. The esteemed group departed on September 10, 1920
from Grand Central Station to bring them to The Broadmoor for
their week of festivities. Spencer had organized their entire trip
assuring them they were his guests. The only exception was that
Spencer requested them to bring “Six bottles of Eau de Cologne”
You may not recall, but this trip was made during the period of
the “Great Drought” or Prohibition, as we all remember it.
Spencer had many friends and fortunately one of them was Mr.
Thomas E. Rush, an agent with the U.S. Custom and Treasury
Service. Mr. Rush actually sent Spencer a letter advising him on
how his friends should package their “gasoline,” as Mr. Rush
referred to the alcohol, so it would not be discovered during
their train trip. “If the guest intends on carrying supplies in their
grip, be sure they are locked separately… little chance of being
disturbed if they do this,” said Mr. Rush. Upon their arrival at The
Broadmoor, Spencer had a fleet of Pierce Arrow cars available for
their use, with or without a driver.
Spencer’s invitation outlined a week full of activities airplane
races from Denver to Colorado Springs, polo matches, and car
races to the top of Pikes Peak (now known as the Pikes Peak Hill
Climb). The winner of this race was awarded the Penrose Cup,”
a trophy valued at $5,000 at that time. Spencer’s invitation also
described the evenings to be filled with great food, drink,
entertainment, and “Dancing with your lovely wives.” However,
“Dancing with your lovely wives” was in very small font and was
printed on the bottom of the invitation. So, it was no surprise
when Spencer’s gentleman friends arrived without their wives.
The week concluded with all guests certainly knowing of The
Broadmoor and how truly exceptional it was.
Following their return home, a letter was written to Spencer
proclaiming him the “Prince of Entertainment. Spencer was
invited to New York City the following year to be honored at the
Hotel Commodore on September 23, 1921. Only those invited to
The Broadmoor attended this evening and each was asked to
bring their testimonials. That evening Spencer was presented an
engraved silver plaque personally designed and built by Mr. Frost
of the famous House of Black, Starr and Frost. This event soon
turned into an annual dinner where these same individuals
returned to New York City to enjoy yet another evening of food,
drink and camaraderie. They soon named their group the
“Tavern Club” (In recognition, Spencer also named The
Broadmoor’s restaurant The Tavern”). Membership in the group
was by recommendation only, and the individual had to have
unanimous approval. Even today, The Tavern Club continues to
meet on an annual basis.
As you exit, you will see the inscription “Au revoir, but not
goodbye.” These were Spencer’s parting words to his friends
who helped shape the story of “The Hotel Bar.
Q) How many golf courses do we have?
A) We have three 18-hole championship golf courses. The East and
West courses were designed by Donald Ross and Robert Trent
Jones. The Mountain course has been re- designed by the Jack
Nicklaus Design Group. It re-opened in July of 2006 with a new
Mountain Clubhouse housing a small café and retail shop.
Q) How many swimming pools do we have and where are they?
A) We have three swimming pools and three hot tubs on the
property. The Golf Club/Spa pools and hot tub are open year
round. The Terrace Pool and hot tubs are open seasonally.
Q) Can you swim or fish in the lake?
A) Neither swimming nor fishing is allowed in the lake.
Q) Where can a guest make reservations for breakfast, lunch, dinner
or Sunday brunch?
A) For all in-house guests, reservations can be made through the
Concierge Department at Ext. 5252 or Central Dining at Ext.
5733. For all guests due to arrive and for our local patrons,
reservations can be made through the Central Dining
Department or by calling the restaurants directly. (Ex. Summit
Q) Where can a guest get ice and what does it cost?
A) Housekeeping fills the ice buckets each afternoon at 3:00pm and
at turndown. For additional ice, call Housekeeping at Ext. 5320.
It is complimentary.
Q) What are our room rates?
A) Room rates during the peak season range from $420 to $565,
with suites and cottages ranging from $650 to $5600 depending
on size and location. We often offer special promotions and
reduced rates.
Q) Where can a guest go to feed the ducks?
A) The ducks and geese may not be fed. The Division of Wildlife and
State Law prohibits feeding waterfowl.
Q) Do we have activities for children? Where should you direct the
A) The Concierge Department can arrange for baby-sitting and
children’s activities in the Bee Bunch Program. Call the Concierge
Desk at Ext. 5252. Other activities available include Bowling at
PLAY, shuffle board, and video games.
Q) Where can guests go dancing?
A) There is dancing in the Penrose Room and in La Taverne.
Dancing may be arranged in other places for special occasions.
Q) Which dining room is most formal?
A) The Penrose Room is our most formal dining room. Jackets
are required for men, evening wear for ladies.
Q) Where did the interior of the Golden Bee originally come from?
A) The Golden Bee bar came to New York in the early 1900’s from
London, England. It is a restored authentic English Pub from the
19th century. It arrived at The Broadmoor on May 27, 1961 from
the London Terrace section of New York City.
Q) What is the design of the marble for the stairway in the South
A) The marble used in the South building’s staircase was imported
from Pisa, Italy. It is made in such a way that the marble is split
down the middle and laid so that it is a mirror image of itself. This
gives the marble the unique feather effect which is famously
called “book-matching.”
Q) Why does the lake not freeze over?
A) We have a specially designed aerification system that circulates
the water year round.
Q) When do the shuttles run and where are the boarding locations?
A) Shuttle service starts at 6:00am and ends at 1:30am each day.
The shuttles service the Main building, West building, South
Tower, Golf/Spa building, Event Center (Broadmoor Hall,
Colorado Hall, and International Center) and the Cottages.
Outside of the Hotel, the shuttle also may take guests to
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center, the Cheyenne Mountain
Zoo, and a special shuttle for transportation to Seven Falls.
Q) What is so special about the ceiling in the Mezzanine?
A) It was originally painted by a very superstitious and religious
Italian artist who thought that if he ever painted a perfect piece
of art, God would punish him. He believed that only God could
create something of perfection. When he was painting the
ceiling of the “Blue Room,” which is now called the Mezzanine,
he received so many compliments that he began to get worried.
He decided then to paint an intentional flaw into the picture. To
see this flaw, look at the couple dancing on either end of the
ceiling and notice the man’s feet.
Q) Where did the animal trophies on the front portico come from?
A) The trophies belonged to Spencer Penrose and were originally
kept in the hunting lodge on Cheyenne Mountain. When the
lodge was destroyed in 1976, the trophies were brought to the
Q) What is our largest event center?
A) Broadmoor Hall is our newest and largest meeting space at
60,000 square feet. It is the largest pillar-less meeting space west
of the Mississippi (outside of Las Vegas) and has a full banquet
kitchen and a state of the art audio-visual system.
Q) What is the light on the mountain and where do the hourly
chimes come from?
A) Will Rogers’ Shrine of the Sun was built by Spencer Penrose
between 1934 and 1937; it stands dedicated to Will Rogers who
died in a plane crash in 1935. The elevation of the shrine is 8,136
feet on the top deck and provides breathtaking views of
Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region.
Dining and Entertainment
Formal Dining
Penrose Room and Lounge
Penrose Room and LoungePenrose Room and Lounge
Penrose Room and Lounge
: A Five-Diamond, Five-Star restaurant, The
Penrose Room has a splendid view of the city and mountains on the top
floor of Broadmoor South. The Penrose Room features contemporary
French cuisine with live entertainment and dancing. The Penrose Room
is The Broadmoor’s most formal dining restaurant, open only for dinner.
Dress code requires a coat for men, tie is optional and ladies should be in
appropriate evening wear; no jeans, tennis shoes, or shorts are allowed.
Reservations are required for dinner. The dining room and lounge are
both non-smoking. The Penrose Room also features a demonstration
kitchen and Chef’s Table available for private parties. A semi-private room
overlooks the lake and mountains.
Ristorante del Lago
Ristorante del LagoRistorante del Lago
Ristorante del Lago
: Expanding The Broadmoor’s unparalleled culinary
program, Broadmoor West welcomes a brand new Adam D. Tihany
designed Italian restaurant, Ristorante del Lago. Situated on the
picturesque western edge of Cheyenne Lake, the new dining destination
offers a traditional Mediterranean villa appearance to complement a
menu of Italian regional cuisine and a robust Italian dominated wine list.
The restaurant features a patio offering spectacular lake views, a private
dining room, an expansive “community” dining table, a wine room,
charcuterie and cheese cellars, and an exhibition kitchen with a wood
burning oven and rotissiere.
: The only free-standing restaurant, located in Broadmoor Hall. It
features a seasonal menu with a foundation of recognizable American
comfort foods using Colorado ingredients and French accents. Summit is
an Adam D. Tihany designed restaurant with a modern look but relaxed
atmosphere. The Summit is open for dinner only. Smart to business
casual attire, no shorts, athletic wear, or flip-flops. Jacket and tie are not
Casual Dining
Lake Terrace Dining Room:
Lake Terrace Dining Room: Lake Terrace Dining Room:
Lake Terrace Dining Room:
This restaurant is the original elegant
Broadmoor dining room. It is located on the mezzanine level of
Broadmoor Main. The Lake Terrace Dining Room serves breakfast
Monday through Saturday, Sunday Brunch, and is available for private
dinner functions. Dress: Dressy casual. Reservations are strongly
recommended for Sunday brunch.
La Taverne:
La Taverne: La Taverne:
La Taverne:
Steaks and seafood served in a relaxed atmosphere.
Conveniently located in the lobby of Broadmoor Main, serving lunch and
dinner. Live dance music is available and reservations are suggested.
Dress: Resort casual.
Golden Bee:
Golden Bee: Golden Bee:
Golden Bee:
Reconstructed 19th century English Pub featuring
shepherd’s pie, yards of ale, and nightly piano sing-along music. It serves
sandwiches, soups and salads for both lunch and dinner and is located at
the east entrance of the International Center. Dress: Resort casual.
The Golf Club Dining Room:
The Golf Club Dining Room: The Golf Club Dining Room:
The Golf Club Dining Room:
Located in the Golf Club and Spa facility, this
dining room features an eclectic menu spanning the globe. Open daily
for lunch and dinner to Golf Club members and Hotel guests only. Dress:
Golf casual.
Natural Epicurean
Natural EpicureanNatural Epicurean
Natural Epicurean:
: :
With the re-imagining of Broadmoor West, comes The
Broadmoor’s latest café dining option. A philosophy of natural,
wholesome, and local cuisine to fuel the body and mind defines the
space which features a terrace with adjacent produce and herb garden
from which ingredients will be harvested. Large windows, wood flooring,
and an exhibition kitchen will make this an ideal place to gather for an
inspired meal. Dress: Resort casual.
Espresso News:
Espresso News: Espresso News:
Espresso News:
For the morning pick-me-up of espresso, cappuccino or
flavored coffee, plus juices, bakery items and breakfast sandwiches- you
get your day going in a positive way. To stay or to go, Espresso has it all
for you. Located in Broadmoor Main Lobby Level, Espresso News also
features sundry items such as magazines, toiletries, and snacks.
Pool Café:
Pool Café: Pool Café:
Pool Café:
Breezy pool side tables with wonderful mountain scenery for
basking sunbathers. Salads, snacks and sandwiches are offered, with a
full bar and pool side snack menu. Open only during the summer season
for Hotel guests and Golf Club members.
Mountain Clubhouse Grill:
Mountain Clubhouse Grill: Mountain Clubhouse Grill:
Mountain Clubhouse Grill:
A casual café located on the Mountain Golf
putting green. Menu includes salads, sandwiches, and a light appetizer
selections. Open seasonally. The small seating area does not require
reservations. Dress: Golf casual.
Play: Play:
The Broadmoor's newest dining and late night destination. Play at
The Broadmoor's "luxury retro" styling and eclectic menu have something
for everyone. Amid an atmosphere of sophisticated fun, Play serves fresh,
diverse eats suited for every palate and inspired by the Chef’s experiences
from around the globe. At the bar, delight in nostalgic cocktails
alongside an extensive Colorado beer, wine, and spirits program and
milkshakes made just for adults. Six lanes of bowling and a game room
take Play at The Broadmoor to the next level for both kids and adults
alike. Dress: Resort casual.
Nestled in the heart of Cheyenne Canyon is The Broadmoor’s
newest Wilderness Dining Experience, 1858. Relax and enjoy cascading
waterfalls and snacks such as: Buttermilk Biscuits & Virginia Country
Ham along with: Colorado Rocky Mountain Trout 7 ways, and weekend
Supper Specials.
Cocktail Lounges
Bar del Lago:
Bar del Lago: Bar del Lago:
Bar del Lago:
Bar del Lago, also an Adam D. Tihany design, features a
traditional Italian appearance to include custom millwork, additional
outdoor seating, indoor and outdoor fireplaces, and vintage wine and
liquor displays. A lakeside entry exists to both Ristorante del Lago and Bar
del Lago, as well as an internal connection between the two.
The Hotel Bar:
The Hotel Bar: The Hotel Bar:
The Hotel Bar:
Go “back in time” and find yourself wrapped in a sense of
the past while enjoying the present. A light appetizer menu is available
for 12:00pm - 12:00am. Cigar sales and smoking are permitted outside of
the patio. See the FAQ section in the beginning of this section for the
story of The Hotel Bar.
Penrose Lounge:
Penrose Lounge: Penrose Lounge:
Penrose Lounge:
Spectacular views, located on the top floor of
Broadmoor South, adjacent to the Penrose Dining Room. The dark wood
finish, comfortable leather chairs, and four-sided fireplace provide an
inviting atmosphere for a glass of wine before dinner or a nightcap to
finish the perfect evening. Dress code for the lounge during the dinner
hour is formal, requiring a coat for men and appropriate evening wear
for women.
Golden Bee:
Golden Bee: Golden Bee:
Golden Bee:
More than just a restaurant, a hearty meeting place of
festivity and fun. Offers a full bar and relaxed cocktail lounge
atmosphere. Serving lunch and dinner from 11:30am – 10:00pm and
light sandwich and pub fare 10:00pm – 12:00pm. Dress: Casual attire.
Summit Bar:
Summit Bar: Summit Bar:
Summit Bar:
Features Summit signature drinks, freshly squeezed juices
and a rotating wine turret. The Summit bar is the focal point of the
restaurant. An abbreviated menu is available and drinks are designed to
complement the seasonal cuisine. Open 5:00pm 11:00pm Tuesday
Mountain Clubhous
Mountain ClubhousMountain Clubhous
Mountain Clubhouse Bar:
e Bar: e Bar:
e Bar:
Features a roaring fireplace, rustic lodge feel,
and beautiful views. The mountain clubhouse bar is a great way for
golfers to unwind after a long day on the greens. Open seasonally from
11:00am – 7:00pm.
Broadmoor Retail Shops
The Boutique at The
The Boutique at TheThe Boutique at The
The Boutique at The
: The Boutique offers an extensive variety
of ladies fashions including Lilly Pulitzer, Kate Spade, Joseph Ribkoff, Tory
Burch and Milly. A full range of accessories including handbags, hats,
eyewear and jewelry to add a finished touch. Located along the
driveway at the entrance to Broadmoor Main. Ext. 5860
Broadmoor Pet Boutique
Broadmoor Pet BoutiqueBroadmoor Pet Boutique
Broadmoor Pet Boutique
: The Purrfect” shop for the pet Enthusiast.
Frames, ceramics and artwork pertaining to the family pet. The Pet
Boutique also carries collars and leashes, some with The Broadmoor logo
and some with fun prints. Pet treats from local and well-known vendors
are also available for purchase in this pet-friendly shop. Located in the
shopping plaza between South Tower and Broadmoor Main. Ext. 5788
The Broadmoor Children’s
The Broadmoor Children’sThe Broadmoor Children’s
The Broadmoor Children’s
: This shop is especially for kids! An
entertaining selection of classic games, toys, plush animals for boys and
girls! Specialty gift items for all ages. Specialty apparel Infant up to size 12.
Located in the shopping plaza between South Tower and Broadmoor
Main. Ext. 6163
The Broadmoor Christmas House
The Broadmoor Christmas HouseThe Broadmoor Christmas House
The Broadmoor Christmas House
: The ultimate in holiday shopping.
Themed rooms filled with elegant silver & gold décor to fun whimsical
snowmen. Everything you will need for your special family holiday
celebration. Open early October to early January. Located one block east
of The Broadmoor at 1
Street and Lake Avenue, across from the Golden
Bee. Ext. 5813
Since 1967, Colorado Springs’ finest men’s store featuring
Brioni, Oxxford, Robert Graham, Robert Talbot, Zanella, Bill’s Khaki, St.
Croix, Gitman, Remy, Lone Pine, and accessories from Bohlin, Pantherella
socks, and Lucchese Boots. Located in the Retail Courtyard. Ext. 5751
The Broadmoor Shop
The Broadmoor ShopThe Broadmoor Shop
The Broadmoor Shop
: This resort shop features select signature apparel
and gifts along with fashions and accessories for men, women and
children. Also features sundries, daily newspapers and snacks. Located in
the lobby of Broadmoor West. Ext. 5742
Cheyenne Gourmet
Cheyenne GourmetCheyenne Gourmet
Cheyenne Gourmet
: Cheyenne Gourmet is a combination of gourmet
food, culinary favorites and amazing serving pieces. Collections by
Mackenzie Childs, Bella Toscana and Le Cadeaux. Cookware, bakeware
and kitchen gadgets. Don’t miss our weekly cooking demonstrations by
the Cheyenne Gourmet Chef. Beautiful gift baskets are made to order
and shipped anywhere in the United States. Located next to the lobby of
Broadmoor Main. Ext. 5823
The Cosmetic Shop at The Broadmoor
The Cosmetic Shop at The BroadmoorThe Cosmetic Shop at The Broadmoor
The Cosmetic Shop at The Broadmoor
: Luxury cosmetic and skin care
lines from industry notables Trish McEvoy, Laura Mercier, Bobbi Brown,
Acure, Juice Beauty and Kiehls. Fragrances for men and ladies. Makeup
makeovers by appointment. Located in the shopping plaza between
South Tower and Broadmoor Main. Ext. 6185
Espresso News
Espresso NewsEspresso News
Espresso News
: Enjoy your daily news with a special coffee and
delectable pastry. Sundries and snacks also available. Located next to the
lobby of Broadmoor Main. Ext. 5808
Fitness Shop
Fitness ShopFitness Shop
Fitness Shop
: Everything you need to help you look and feel your best
while on the go. Fashionable active wear and swimwear for ladies and
men. Swimming and exercise accessories. Nutritional snacks and
supplements. Located on the lake level entrance to the Spa and Fitness
Center. Ext. 5882
Gibson’s, a Mineral Gallery
Gibson’s, a Mineral GalleryGibson’s, a Mineral Gallery
Gibson’s, a Mineral Gallery
: An exciting and memorable
experience for Broadmoor visitors of all ages, the Gibson gallery
celebrates the beauty of exotic stones and the wonder of fossils from
around the world. Their designs include stunning furniture, mounted
specimens, jewelry, and even original board games. Located in the
Northmoor Building. Ext.6153
Golf Pro Shop
Golf Pro ShopGolf Pro Shop
Golf Pro Shop
: Full-service shop featuring men’s and women’s golf and
logo apparel, equipment and accessories. Club repair and storage is
available. Located in the Golf Clubhouse. Ext. 5615
The Broadmoor Galleries
The Broadmoor Galleries The Broadmoor Galleries
The Broadmoor Galleries -
Western, Wildlife and Sporting Gallery
Western, Wildlife and Sporting GalleryWestern, Wildlife and Sporting Gallery
Western, Wildlife and Sporting Gallery
Featuring the nation's best Western and Wildlife Artists. Historic to
contemporary pieces that explore the boundaries of the genre in a
medley of styles. Located in the Southmoor building behind Yarid’s. Ext.
The Broadmoor Galleries
The Broadmoor Galleries The Broadmoor Galleries
The Broadmoor Galleries
: Exhibiting the finest in locally,
nationally and internationally known artists working in a variety of
media; from oil paintings to bronze sculptures and etchings to hand-
blown glass work. Dedicated to showing and selling quality
representational art. Located in the Northmoor building. Ext. 5744
: Celebrating fine crafts made in America, as well as items including
clothing, handmade jewelry, one-of-a-kind lamps and mirrors, surprising
outdoor art and kaleidoscopes. Located along the driveway at the
entrance to Broadmoor Main in Northeastmoor. Ext. 5835
Course Golf Shop
Course Golf ShopCourse Golf Shop
Course Golf Shop
: Located just over a mile up the mountain
from The Broadmoor sits the Mountain Course Golf Shop. Incredible
views and cor influenced by the Old West. Featuring ladies’ and men’s
apparel and gifts with the unique Mountain Course logo. Ext. 6218
The Salon Shop
The Salon ShopThe Salon Shop
The Salon Shop
: The Salon Shop offers a wide range of hair care and
styling products. Try our treatment cosmetic line, Colore Science Mineral
Makeup. The Salon Shop also offers nail care products, fragrances, and
personal grooming aids. Located on the second floor of the Golf
Clubhouse. Ext. 5668
The Signature Shop
The Signature ShopThe Signature Shop
The Signature Shop
: A wonderful representation of The Broadmoor with
our own branded selection of gifts and apparel for men, women, and
children. Located next to the lobby of Broadmoor Main. Ext. 5740
The S
The SThe S
The Spa Shop
pa Shoppa Shop
pa Shop
Extend your Broadmoor Spa experience to your home.
Our Spa Shop has a wide variety of skincare, body care and spa gifts
(ranging in bath oils, our signature robes, blankets and candles). Located
on the third floor of the Golf Club Building. Ext. 5770
Tennis Pro Shop
Tennis Pro ShopTennis Pro Shop
Tennis Pro Shop
: This award-winning shop features tennis and fitness
apparel, footwear, equipment, accessories and swimwear. 24-hour
racquet customization and rental equipment also available. Lessons with
our top-rated teaching staff can be arranged year- round. Located on the
lower level of the Golf Club Building. Ext. 5847
Yarid’s Shoes
Yarid’s ShoesYarid’s Shoes
Yarid’s Shoes
: Be in the fashion forefront. Yarid’s is the quintessential
footwear and accessory boutique in Colorado Springs, carrying designs
from Stuart Weitzman, Donald J. Pliner, Tory Burch, Kate Spade,
Ferragamo and Giuseppe Zanotti Designs. Unique handbags by
Longchamps, CourageB, Orla Kiely and Kooba, Men’s shoes by Cole
Haan, Donald J. Pliner,and Sperrys. Located near the Main hotel
entrance. Ext. 5840
The Great Republic
The Great RepublicThe Great Republic
The Great Republic
Specializes in 19th century United States flags,
exceptional period maps and unique Americana, as well as vintage
British Empire and American sporting antiques and collectibles. Located
in the shopping plaza. Ext. 6157
The Accidental Tourist Travel & Book Sh
The Accidental Tourist Travel & Book ShThe Accidental Tourist Travel & Book Sh
The Accidental Tourist Travel & Book Shop
The perfect place to spend an
afternoon reveling in the romance of travel. The shop is situated in the
retail plaza of The Broadmoor and offers the property's guests and
visitors a wonderful selection of travel related items. The Accidental
Tourist strives to be all things travel with a large selection of various travel
guide books, travel literature, maps, atlases, globes, biographies, histories
— all arranged by continent and country as well as a splendid selection of
travel related accessories, necessities and curiosities. Additionally, the
shop features the latest
New York Times
"Trade Edition" bestsellers and
new releases and a wonderful selection of travel related periodicals.
Make sure to visit this beautiful travel shop soon and start planning your
next great adventure. Located in the shopping plaza between South
Tower and Broadmoor Main. Ext. 6269
The Broadmoor Jewelry Company
The Broadmoor Jewelry CompanyThe Broadmoor Jewelry Company
The Broadmoor Jewelry Company
Showcases unique pieces for the
most discerning of tastes. Our commitment to discovering incomparable
Designers and Artisans makes the BJC a destination like none other in
the region. Whether it be an artfully crafted silver bauble or a demure
diamond pendant, you will surely find something to add to your treasure
chest. Located next to the lobby of Broadmoor Main. Ext. 5760
Base Camp, The Broadmoor Wilderness Experience
Base Camp, The Broadmoor Wilderness ExperienceBase Camp, The Broadmoor Wilderness Experience
Base Camp, The Broadmoor Wilderness Experience
Ready for the great
outdoors? Base Camp, The Broadmoor Wilderness Experience shop,
features everything you need to complement your excursion to The
Ranch at Emerald Valley, Cloud Camp, Fly Fishing Academy and the
great outdoors right here at The Broadmoor! From Signature apparel
and gifts to outdoor equipment, Base Camp offers premier merchandise
to equip you for your outdoor adventure. Featuring notable brands such
as Filson, Barbour, Patagonia and Simms. Base Camp is also your
headquarters for all our Broadmoor Wilderness properties. Located in the
South Tower. Ext. 6129
The Seven Falls Shop
The Seven Falls ShopThe Seven Falls Shop
The Seven Falls Shop
: Your trip to Seven Falls will be a memorable one!
Please visit the Seven Falls Shop to pick up a unique gift or Seven Falls
souvenir. This shop features men’s, ladies and children’s apparel and
accessories. Bottled water is a must, snacks and sundries are also
available. Ext. 6711
NEST, created and operated by gemologist David Gibson and his wife,
Suzanne, is a family-friendly gallery that features quality minerals and
fossils from around the world, including Colorado and the American
West. From its high perch, the diminutive gallery and its expansive deck
offer a panoramic view of Seven Falls. Inside, visitors will find a
fascinating collection of specimens, jewelry, mineral art, and original
board games created in the Gibson studios. ROCKHOUNDS at THE
EAGLES NEST, conceived with families in mind, welcomes visitors of all
ages. Ext. 6753
Additional Offerings
The Pauline Memorial Chapel
The Pauline Memorial ChapelThe Pauline Memorial Chapel
The Pauline Memorial Chapel
Located on the corner of Park and Mesa
Avenues, across from the entrance to Broadmoor West. The Chapel is
open to Broadmoor guests and the local community every Sunday at
9:00am for a non-denominational service. The Pauline Chapel is part of
the Broadmoor’s history as its original design was suggested by the same
architects, Warren & Wetmore, who designed the Broadmoor. The
Chapel features much of the religious art and artifacts that Spencer and
Julie Penrose acquired during their extensive travels. The Chapel is
named for Julie’s granddaughter “Pauline.”
The Broadmoor Wilderness Experience
The Ranch at Emerald Valley
The Ranch at Emerald ValleyThe Ranch at Emerald Valley
The Ranch at Emerald Valley
Set within 100,000 acres of the Pike
National Forest, The Ranch at Emerald Valley is a rustic, all-inclusive
enclave with charming cabins, Colorado outdoor activities and
delectable dining, all in Broadmoor style. Escape eight miles up the
mountain from The Broadmoor to a place to meet or retreat unlike any
During their stay at The Ranch, a guest can take the day to fly fish in
pristine mountain lakes, hike and bike scenic trails or explore the
mountains on horseback. These experiences are all accompanied by The
Broadmoor’s incomparable luxury and impeccable service
Cloud Camp
Cloud CampCloud Camp
Cloud Camp
Sitting at 9,200 feet atop Cheyenne Mountain is The
Broadmoor’s, Cloud Camp. With unobstructed 360-degree views, Cloud
Camp sits on the historic site of Broadmoor founder Spencer Penrose’s
original Cheyenne Lodge. The 8,000- square-foot main lodge features
hand-hewn beams and indigenous stone fireplaces, a great room and
bar area, as well as an expansive wrap-around deck with unparalleled
Eleven one and two bedroom guest cabins, as well as six
accommodations in the lodge and a connected “honeymoon cabin,” are
all beautifully appointed with rich furnishings and modern amenities and
include private porches. Each cabin is further enhanced by spectacular
views of Pikes Peak, “America’s Mountain,” the surrounding forest,
Colorado’s Front Range and the plains to the east.
The Broadmoor Fishing Camp
The Broadmoor Fishing CampThe Broadmoor Fishing Camp
The Broadmoor Fishing Camp
Located on Colorado’s Tarryall River,
bordering 120,000 acres of the Lost Creek Wilderness, and 60 miles west
of Colorado Springs, The Broadmoor Fishing Camp has over five miles of
private waters, from timbered canyons with nymph fly-fishing to calm
grassy meadows and winding bends where trout gracefully rise to dry
flies. Activities at the camp include fly-fishing, hiking, horseback riding,
and the opportunity to see some of Colorado's most spectacular wildlife.
The camp is available for day use by Broadmoor guests and can also
accommodate overnight stays in seven cabins. The grand lodge serves as
a place for meals and gathering.
The Broadmoor Fishing School:
The Broadmoor Fishing School: The Broadmoor Fishing School:
The Broadmoor Fishing School:
Situated on the 6
hole of the East
Course, The Broadmoor Fly Fishing School opened in 2014. The facility
features a large, expertly-appointed gathering area, and welcome guests
interested in fly- fishing instruction on the adjacent pond.
The Broadmoor Seven Falls:
The Broadmoor Seven Falls:The Broadmoor Seven Falls:
The Broadmoor Seven Falls:
For those who want to dive into nature and
are seeking adventure, take the 224 steps by the side of the falls that lead
to hiking trails and the banks of the glistening stream that feeds the falls,
or try the optional Broadmoor Soaring Adventure zip-line tours. Others
might prefer a more leisurely experience. For them, browsing our shops,
dining at the exquisite new Restaurant 1858 or strolling the 2,500-foot-
long, natural-surface walking trail is sure to delight.
The Broadmoor Soaring Adventure
The Broadmoor Soaring AdventureThe Broadmoor Soaring Adventure
The Broadmoor Soaring Adventure
: This one-of-a-kind Colorado
experience features two thrilling zip-lines. Located outside Seven Falls,
The Broadmoor Soaring Adventure consists of 10 zip-lines that range in
distance from 250 feet to 1,800 feet as well as moderate hiking, rope
bridges, and a rappel that provide stunning views of the canyon. The
Woods Course cruises over pines, creeks, valleys, a natural granite arch,
Midnight Falls, and the trails leading to the falls. The Fins Course soars
above steep drops, unique rock formations and jagged cliffs, and across
Seven Falls Canyon.
The Broadmoor Pikes Peak Cog Railway
The Broadmoor Pikes Peak Cog RailwayThe Broadmoor Pikes Peak Cog Railway
The Broadmoor Pikes Peak Cog Railway
: :
: Located in Manitou Springs, the
Manitou and Pikes Peak Railway has a rich and colorful history of
providing safe, comfortable and relaxing tours of majestic Pikes Peak.
During your trip the conductor will entertain you with the history and
facts of the mountain, the region and the engineering feat that is the
Manitou and Pikes Peak Railway.
This 3 hour and 10 minute trip spans over 8.9 miles of track. The first third
of the trip is along Ruxton Creek in Englemann Canyon. Here the steep
track follows a cascading stream through dense stands of Englemann
spruce, Colorado blue spruce, and Ponderosa pine trees.
Courtesy to our Guests
Your attitude is the single most important factor in
performing your job to meet The Broadmoor standards.
Whether you work in the front-of-the-house or in the
heart-of-the-house, maintaining and displaying a friendly,
professional and positive attitude is the key to success in
dealing with guests and your fellow employees.
The service and courtesy you extend creates a warm and lasting
impression guests will remember. A cheerful smile and a friendly,
professional greeting go a long way toward making someone feel
important and appreciated. Even the best food and the finest
accommodations will not be fondly remembered if the service was poor.
There is NEVER
NEVER any excuse to be impolite or rude to a guest; any
problem can be solved by courteous, polite behavior. A question from a
guest should never be considered an interruption. No matter how small
the request or trivial the question, you are expected to respond in a
prompt, cheerful, courteous and enthusiastic manner. While you may
have heard the same question a thousand times, remember, this guest
has only asked it once.
If you do not know the correct answer to a guest’s question, do not
guess. Giving inaccurate information only frustrates a guest and does not
leave him or her with a good impression of you or The Broadmoor.
Rather, your answer should always be, “Let me find that out for you.” or
“Let me check on that.” Go to the nearest house phone and call the
Concierge at Ext. 5252 or try to find someone who knows the answer. If
finding the information will take a while, make arrangements to get back
to the guest with the information (preferably within ten minutes).
Remember, always follow-up with a guest and leave a positive
Even our team members who generally do not have direct guest contact
still have a great impact on the overall impression of our hotel and staff.
The neatness of our grounds, cleanliness of restaurants, guest rooms,
public spaces and the quality of the food all combine to remind our guest
that The Broadmoor is, indeed, a world class resort. Be proud to serve the
guests of The Broadmoor and the tradition that has made this one of the
finest resorts in the world.
Addressing Guests
In striving to go “Above and Beyond” our guests’ expectations you
always always
address a guest by name. We all like to be recognized by
name. Whenever addressing a guest, particularly when welcoming a
guest to The Broadmoor or saying “Thank you,” use the guest’s name if
you know it. Of course, guests should always be addressed in a friendly,
professional manner using the last name and appropriate title (i.e. Mr.,
Ms., Mrs., Dr., Captain, etc.) For example, “Good morning Ms. Smith.”
Many of our phones are equipped with screens to show the name of a
guest calling from his or her room to make this easier. However, you can
also train yourself to learn a guest’s name by listening or observing
carefully. For example, a door attendant might note a guest’s luggage
I.D. tag and use his or her name with a warm welcome. Likewise, a food
or cocktail server should always note the name on a credit card or room
key used to pay the check and thank the guest using his or her name.
Always use the guest’s name to personalize your communication with
our guests.
Guest Complaints
Take ownership of complaints and learn to see them as a challenge.
Remember that a guest who complains about a problem is doing us a
favor in allowing us an opportunity to resolve the problem not only for
them, but also for future guests.
Despite our best efforts, some of our guests are going to have problems
or complaints. If you get a complaint, please follow these simple steps:
If you can handle the problem yourself, please do so quickly,
efficiently, and courteously.
Look at the guest as he or she is talking to you and listen
attentively, showing empathy for the guest.
Thank the guest for calling the matter to your personal attention
and apologize for any inconvenience.
If it is possible, write a note in the presence of the guest,
outlining the nature of the problem, assuring him or her that you
are making an effort to help.
Assure the guest that you will inform your Supervisor of the
Inform your Supervisor of both the complaint and your actions.
If you cannot handle the particular complaint, ask the guest to
please wait while you go and get your Supervisor or the
Assistant Manager. The Assistant Manager can be reached by
dialing 0” for the operator who will transfer you to the Assistant
Manager on duty.
An easy way to remember this is to take the problem to H.E.A.R.T.
Hear what they have to say
Apologize for the situation
Respond to their needs
Take ownership and follow-up
You will find that even the most irate guest will become calm and less
annoyed if you remain calm, courteous and attentive. You may not
always feel a guest is “right,” but please remember that he or she is
always our guest and should be treated with the utmost courtesy and
respect. Furthermore, complaints help us to grow and become better as
a Hotel.
Broadmoor History of Excellence
The Broadmoor’s excellence is reflected in the prestigious awards and
ratings that give us a worldwide reputation for elegance, quality and
The Broadmoor has received the AAA Five-Diamond rating every year
since 1976. This prestigious award is given based on several criteria for
the general physical quality and the level of service offered at a property.
Forbes Travel Guide, honors hotels and resorts based on specific
standards that qualify a hotel as “the best of the best.” The Broadmoor
has received its Five-Star award every year consecutively since 1960.
Preferred Hotels and Resorts
In 1998, The Broadmoor was honored for the first time as a member of
Preferred Hotels and Resorts Worldwide. Membership in Preferred Hotels
is represented in 20 different countries including more than 170 hotels
and resorts. Preferred Hotels are known for providing guests with
distinctive surroundings, personal service and outstanding cuisine.
Guest Accidents
In the event you witness a guest accident, it is very important to follow
these specific procedures:
First, find out if the guest is seriously injured and let him/her
know you are going to call for assistance.
Second, always call Loss Prevention’s Emergency Number, Ext.
5100, immediately and be ready to give exact details. Both you
and the guest should wait there until a Loss Prevention
Officer arrives.
Notify your immediate Supervisor of your exact location.
You should address comments as to what you have observed only to
Loss Prevention or to your immediate Supervisor.
Remember, at The Broadmoor, all accidents, no matter how small, must
be reported to Loss Prevention
! While waiting for a Loss
Prevention Officer or paramedics to arrive, you should make the guest as
comfortable as possible; however, you should not attempt first aid unless
you are certified to do so.
Never move a seriously injured guest. Never
discuss the accident with the guest.
Guest Privacy
You must not divulge names or room numbers of our guests. Employees
may not ask for autographs of celebrities or initiate conversations with
them. Celebrity guests should be treated with the same respect and
regard for their privacy as any other hotel guest. Employees are not
Employees are not Employees are not
Employees are not
allowed in the guest rooms unless their work assignment requires them
allowed in the guest rooms unless their work assignment requires themallowed in the guest rooms unless their work assignment requires them
allowed in the guest rooms unless their work assignment requires them
to be in the guest room.
to be in the guest room.to be in the guest room.
to be in the guest room.
You are in a position to observe the personal actions of many people and
it is mandatory that you refrain from discussing your observations either
within or outside the Hotel. You are in a position of trust.
Guest Misconduct
This problem rarely occurs, but if a guest is displaying excessive
misconduct, be as polite as possible and notify Loss Prevention at Ext.
5101, then notify your Supervisor. Be sure to get a good description of
the guest if he or she leaves your work area in order to make an accurate
report to Loss Prevention. Also, you can contact the Assistant Manager of
duty by dialing “0” and ask the operator to alert the Assistant Manager.
Guest V.I.P. Pin
Every one of our guests at The Broadmoor is a V.I.P.
(Very Important Person). However, a few of our
guests will be given a special lapel pin to wear
during their stay. If you see a person wearing a
round gold lapel pin with a maroon scroll “B” logo
and five maroon stars above it, that person is a V.I.P.
guest who is responsible for providing the Hotel a
great deal of business. Any person being escorted through the Hotel by a
member of our Sales staff should also be treated as a V.I.P. even if he or
she is not wearing a V.I.P. Pin. Please look for the V.I.P. Pin.
A V.I.P. guest is often a decision-maker for a group of people he or she
represents, so make every effort to accommodate their requests and
answer any questions. Your extra courtesy to a V.I.P. guest will contribute
to The Broadmoor’s success and your own.
Guest Contact
Our guests come to us with high expectations and it is our mission not
only to meet those expectations, but to continually strive to go “Above
and Beyond” our guests’ expectations. Warm welcomes and accurate
answers to questions are certainly expected by our guests. However,
going ”Above and Beyond” means taking that extra step to provide
personal service. For instance, provide a guest with a personal welcome,
use his or her name, or escort a guest to a meeting room or restaurant
rather than simply giving directions. When you complete training in your
department, you will be asked to sign an acknowledgement form
agreeing to maintain the service standards of the Hotel, and specifically,
your department. As you become more familiar with your new role, think
of ways you can go “Above and Beyond” in your department.
Lost and Found
Guests and fellow employees occasionally misplace or forget personal
items. If you find any item, you must turn it in to your Supervisor or Loss
Prevention immediate
ly. Delay in turning in lost and found items could
result in disciplinary action. Guests and employees may phone Loss
Prevention at Ext. 5101 to inquire about lost items, but please do not
direct guests to the Main Loss Prevention Office to retrieve items, as it is
located in an employee area. The item(s) will be brought to the
Concierge or Front Desk for the guest to pick up.
When you turn in an item, please be sure that Loss Prevention logs it. If
items are unclaimed after 30 days, the person who turned them in may
claim them. Items of great value, such as valuable jewelry, may be held
for 90 days.
We expect each and every employee to understand and follow the
guidelines of the Hotel. We must all follow the same rules so that we can
be consistent and create and maintain a positive working environment.
Employee Classification
An employee who is regularly scheduled to work an
average of 30 hours or more per week
An employee who is regularly scheduled to work an
average of less than 30 hours per week
Seasonal/ On-
An employee who works for a specified time period
or for a specific assignment
Evaluation Period
The first 90 days of employment for every employee is an
. It is an opportunity for you and the Hotel to get to know each
During this first 90 days, your job performance, attendance, attitude, and
overall interest in your job will be observed by your Supervisor. During
this period you will not be eligible for most Hotel benefits, such as
holiday pay, vacation pay, or insurance coverage. Transfers during this
90 day period are normally not permitted.
Throughout the evaluation period, the Hotel will be assessing your
performance as an employee. Employees who fail to demonstrate the
commitment, performance, and attitude expected by the Hotel may be
terminated at any time during the evaluation period. However,
completion of the evaluation period does not change or alter the “at will”
employment relationship. You continue to have the right to terminate
your employment at any time, with or without cause or notice, and the
Hotel has a similar right.
As a result of an extended excused absence during your evaluation
period or for other reason identified by management, the Hotel may
choose to extend your evaluation period as necessary to give you further
opportunity to demonstrate your ability to do the job. If your evaluation
period is extended, you will be notified.
Equal Employment Opportunity
It is our policy to employ well-qualified people to perform the various jobs
and assignments necessary to properly conduct our day-to-day business.
An important part of this policy is to provide equal employment
opportunity for all persons in recruiting, hiring, benefits, compensation,
training, promotions, transfers, terminations, Hotel sponsored social and
recreational activities and any other terms and conditions of employment
without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including
same sex), pregnancy, childbirth and related conditions, citizenship
status, age, marriage to a co-worker (subject to certain conditions), sexual
orientation, service member status, genetic information or disability or
any other category protected under federal, state or local laws.
This policy is to be reflected in the conduct of day-to-day operations and
in all practices and procedures. Each employee will be accountable for
his or her actions while engaged in Hotel business. It is expected that
each employee will support our policy and will assist in promoting a
positive work environment for all employees.
No Harassment Policy
We do not tolerate harassment of any kind towards employees or guests.
Any form of harassment related to an individual’s race, color, religion,
national origin, sex (including same sex), pregnancy, childbirth and
related conditions, citizenship status, age, marriage to a co-worker
(subject to certain conditions), sexual orientation, service member status,
genetic information or disability or any other category protected under
federal, state or local laws and will be treated as a disciplinary matter.
For these purposes, the term harassment” includes slurs as well as any
other offensive remarks, jokes or other verbal, graphic, or physical
conduct. Harassment also includes sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, unwelcome or offensive touching and other conduct of a sexual
nature. If you have questions about what constitutes harassing behavior
or what conduct is prohibited by this policy, ask your Supervisor.
If you have
If you have If you have
If you have any
concern that our No Harassment policy may have been
concern that our No Harassment policy may have been concern that our No Harassment policy may have been
concern that our No Harassment policy may have been
violated violated
violated by anyone
by anyoneby anyone
by anyone, you
, you , you
, you must
immediately report the matter. Due to the
immediately report the matter. Due to the immediately report the matter. Due to the
immediately report the matter. Due to the
very serious nature of harassment, discrimination and retaliation,
very serious nature of harassment, discrimination and retaliation, very serious nature of harassment, discrimination and retaliation,
very serious nature of harassment, discrimination and retaliation, you
you you
must report your concerns to one of the individuals listed below:
must report your concerns to one of the individuals listed below:must report your concerns to one of the individuals listed below:
must report your concerns to one of the individuals listed below:
First, discuss any concern with your supervisor.
If you are not satisfied after you speak with your supervisor, or if
you feel that you cannot speak to your supervisor, discuss your
concern with your department manager.
If you are not satisfied after you speak with your department
manager, or if you feel you cannot speak to your department
manager, you should contact the Assistant Director or Director of
Human Resources.
You should report
You should reportYou should report
You should report
any actions that you believe may violate our policy no
any actions that you believe may violate our policy no any actions that you believe may violate our policy no
any actions that you believe may violate our policy no
matter how slight the actions may seem.
matter how slight the actions may seem.matter how slight the actions may seem.
matter how slight the actions may seem.
You may be assured that your complaint will be kept as confidential as
possible and that you will not be penalized in any way for reporting a
harassment problem in good faith. Your complaint will be investigated
promptly and thoroughly.
You should also be aware that no Supervisor or other member of
management has the authority to suggest to any employee that the
employee’s continued employment or future advancement will be
affected in any way by that employee’s entering into (or refusing to enter
into) any form of personal relationship with the Supervisor or member of
management. Harassment of our employees in connection with their
work by non-employees may also be a violation of this policy. Any
employee who observes or experiences any harassment of an employee
by a non-employee should report such harassment to his or her
Supervisor, and appropriate action will be taken. We cannot help resolve
a harassment problem unless we know about it. Therefore, it is your
responsibility to bring such problems to our attention so that we can take
whatever steps are necessary to correct the problem.
Reasonable Accommodations/Modified Job Duties
To assist our employees who are or become disabled and those
employees who suffer on-the-job injuries, we will make reasonable
accommodations to enable such employees to continue performing the
essential functions of their jobs. Consistent with this policy, we may
modify job duties to comply with medical requirements or restrictions.
Other accommodations, such as transfer to a vacant position for which
the employee is qualified, may be appropriate, depending upon specific
facts and circumstances of individual situations.
In addition, we are committed to complying with the laws related to
providing reasonable accommodation for employees’ religious beliefs
and observances. We will provide such accommodations to the extent
required by the law provided the requested accommodation does not
create an undue hardship for the Company and/or does not pose a
direct threat to the health and safety of others and/or the individual.
If you need to request a reasonable accommodation because of a
disability or on-the-job injury, please contact Risk Management. We will
discuss the matter with you, investigate your request, and to the extent
possible, attempt to reasonably accommodate you.
Employees who need accommodations for religious beliefs should
discuss the need for accommodation with their supervisor.
Open Door Communication Policy
The Broadmoor considers you, our employee, to be one of our most
important assets. We want the opportunity to communicate with you
directly. We are committed to providing you with the best possible
working environment so that you can serve our guests with Five-Star,
Five-Diamond service.
We cannot take steps to correct a problem, complaint or
misunderstanding unless we know about it. The following are steps you
should take to communicate more effectively if there is a problem
Employees, please note: Due to the serious nature of harassment,
Employees, please note: Due to the serious nature of harassment, Employees, please note: Due to the serious nature of harassment,
Employees, please note: Due to the serious nature of harassment,
discrimination, and retaliation, you must voice your c
discrimination, and retaliation, you must voice your cdiscrimination, and retaliation, you must voice your c
discrimination, and retaliation, you must voice your concerns or
oncerns or oncerns or
oncerns or
complaints about such behavior to the individuals listed in the No
complaints about such behavior to the individuals listed in the No complaints about such behavior to the individuals listed in the No
complaints about such behavior to the individuals listed in the No
Harassment Policy in this Guidebook.
Harassment Policy in this Guidebook.Harassment Policy in this Guidebook.
Harassment Policy in this Guidebook.
Step One:
Step One:Step One:
Step One: Address the matter with your immediate Supervisor.
Discuss things openly and reasonably. Your Supervisor
will listen in a friendly and courteous manner. If the
If the If the
If the
situation is not resolved, proceed to step two.
situation is not resolved, proceed to step two.situation is not resolved, proceed to step two.
situation is not resolved, proceed to step two.
Step Two:
Step Two:Step Two:
Step Two: See your Manager or Department Head. Discuss the
situation with her/him and ask for help in resolving the
situation. If the situation is not resolved, proceed to step
If the situation is not resolved, proceed to stepIf the situation is not resolved, proceed to step
If the situation is not resolved, proceed to step
Step Three:
Step Three:Step Three:
Step Three:
Contact the Executive Committee Member who oversees
your area in the Hotel and arrange an appointment to
address the issue with him/her. Give the Executive
Committee Member an opportunity to resolve the issue
and offer assistance. If th
If thIf th
If the situation is not resolved,
e situation is not resolved, e situation is not resolved,
e situation is not resolved,
proceed to step four.
proceed to step four.proceed to step four.
proceed to step four.
Step Four:
Step Four:Step Four:
Step Four:
Contact the Human Resources Department and arrange
an appointment with the Assistant Director or the
Director of Human Resources. Human Resources is
always willing to listen and provide assistance whenever
needed. You can visit Human Resources with any
concern. If you believe this issue remains unresolved,
If you believe this issue remains unresolved, If you believe this issue remains unresolved,
If you believe this issue remains unresolved,
proceed to step five.
proceed to step five.proceed to step five.
proceed to step five.
Step Five:
Step Five:Step Five:
Step Five:
Contact the President & CEO. The decision made by the
President & CEO is considered final. We emphasize that
you first speak with your immediate Supervisor to resolve
any issue. Again, the Assistant Director of Human
Resources and the Director of Human Resources are also
willing to discuss any issue or concern you may have.
Dispute Resolution
We recognize that there may be a circumstance where an employee is
simply not satisfied with the Hotel’s final resolution of his or her problem.
To promote the just, speedy, and inexpensive resolution of any
unresolved legal disputes between The Broadmoor and an employee or
any dispute of a legal nature (i.e. a dispute arising under federal, state, or
local law) will be submitted to final and binding arbitration. The same
substantive law that a state or federal court sitting the State of Colorado
would apply will be used to resolve the dispute. This means the arbitrator
will have the same authority as a court to award the employee or the
Hotel money damages or other relief, and the parties will have the same
legal rights that they would have had in court.
The main difference between arbitration and a lawsuit is that the
arbitrator, instead of a court jury, will decide the issue and it will be the
arbitrator’s responsibility to ensure that after a party demands arbitration
the dispute will be resolved as quickly as possible. By contrast, court
actions can take years. A party in arbitration is not required to have a
lawyer, but can if the party wants one.
The purpose of this policy is to resolve as many disputes as possible
outside of the overburdened and expensive court system. This arbitration
procedure therefore applies to any legal dispute between the Hotel and
an employee which would be brought in court (including claims
regarding Hotel property, wrongful discharge, employment
discrimination, harassment, or any other dispute relating to the
employee’s employment or arising under any labor, employment or civil
rights law). Only claims for worker’s compensation, unemployment
compensation or those involving the National Labor Relations Board are
excluded from this procedure. While this policy does not preclude the
filing of a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
or other state or federal agencies, the dispute underlying such charges
will be arbitrated; a party need not file a charge or complaint with any
agency as a prerequisite to initiating arbitration. Disputes involving any
party whose liability or right of recovery derives from a claim which is
covered by these procedures (e.g. agents, subsidiary, or parent
corporation) are included.
To ensure that the arbitration is fair, the employee will participate in the
selection of the arbitrator. The Arbitration Administrator will ask the
Judicial Arbiter Group (or if unavailable another neutral dispute
resolution organization) to randomly choose and submit a panel of three
arbitrator candidates who have served as federal, state, or magistrate
court judges who are qualified, trained arbitrators after determining that
they have no relationships with the parties. From this list, the employee
and Hotel will select and arbitrator by alternately striking names until one
name remains. The arbitration will be conducted in conformity with the
arbitration rules and procedures which have been adopted by the Hotel.
A copy of the rules can be obtained from the Director of Human
All disputes must be brought under this Agreement within the applicable
limitations period for filing a lawsuit or agency claim beginning with the
event or occurrence giving rise to the dispute. If a claim is not brought in
a timely manner, that dispute is waived and barred forever, and no
action or suit may be brought in any court or other forum. Arbitration
will be enforced under the Federal Arbitration Act as appropriate which
is the federal law which favors the enforcement of Arbitration
To initiate arbitration of a legal dispute which the employee and Hotel
have been unable to resolve, a written complaint demanding arbitration
of the claim must be delivered to the other party within the applicable
time limit by personal delivery or by depositing in the U.S. mail. A
complaint against the Hotel must be addressed to the Director of Human
Eating and Drinking Policy
All Hotel employees are expected to bring their own meals or use the
Broadmoor Café for their meals while they are working at the Hotel. The
Broadmoor Café is open from 6:00am to 8:00pm daily (exceptions during
slow occupancy periods) for employees to access the café for their meals.
The Broadmoor Ca is a designated employee break area for meal
breaks. There is no eating or drinking except in designated break areas.
Employees bringing their own meals must have the containers marked
and will be directed where to store the items by their managers.
No employees are permitted to eat or drink any product that is
purchased or prepared by the Hotel outside the Broadmoor Cafe. This
includes items left after functions for our guests, such as items leftover in
a restaurant, kitchen or banquet functions. Violations of this policy may
be considered theft and will result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination.
Exceptions to this policy are as follows:
1. Food and beverage provided by management for
designated staff or training sessions
2. Food or Beverage items presented as educational training
for menu and beverage items at the direction of
3. Quality control tasting by culinary and management staff
under proper circumstances (ticket written) and as directed
by management of the Hotel.
4. The third shift employees will be provided a meal by the
Hotel during their meal break.
It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure employees are given
appropriate breaks for meals and all meal breaks should be taken in the
Broadmoor Café or in another designated break area.
Any food and beverage items defined above are to be accurately
recorded on a check and posted to the proper account so the items can
be properly accounted for. An explanation must be written on the check
why the items were ordered and who the items were ordered for. Only
a manager or area chef with the approval of a department head is
authorized to approve such an order. Failure to comply with the policy
will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
The procedure for conducting a tasting are as follows: All Food and
Beverage Tastings (sampling of any food and/or beverage for learning
purposes) must be approved by the outlet manager and the Food and
Beverage office. Tastings are to be planned and announced to those
invited in advance of the event. Tastings are to be planned prior to
opening or after the closure of an outlet. Tastings may never occur
during service to guests or during outlet hours of operation. Tastings are
to be set with the appropriate tasting items; small tasting cups/glasses,
water glasses and pitchers of water, spill buckets, note pads and pens.
Employees who bring their own food to work for their meal break should
only use designated break areas.
Designated break areas are as follows:
Central Plant Break room
Engineering Break room
Basement Break Room of Golf Club Building
Break Room within the Telephone Office
Break Room within the Laundry Building
Break Area in the basement of West outside of the West
Housekeeping office
Sales and HR Kitchen, second floor of BRO
Summit Back Dock
Offices as approved by Department Head
Other areas designated and approved by Department
Eating and Drinking is allowed in all areas listed except for building
loading docks.
Smoke/Tobacco-Free Policy
The Broadmoor is a smoke/tobacco-free workplace. All Hotel employees
and on-site contractors are expected to comply in order to provide a
clean, healthy, productive and safe environment. Existing smoking areas
Existing smoking areas Existing smoking areas
Existing smoking areas
for guests will remain. These designated guest smoking areas and
for guests will remain. These designated guest smoking areas and for guests will remain. These designated guest smoking areas and
for guests will remain. These designated guest smoking areas and
ashtrays on prop
ashtrays on propashtrays on prop
ashtrays on property are for guest usage only.
erty are for guest usage only.erty are for guest usage only.
erty are for guest usage only.
Without exception, all areas at The Broadmoor are smoke, tobacco and
vapor (electronic) cigarette free, including, but not limited to: grounds,
parking lots, indoor facilities, company vehicles and break areas. There
are no designated smoking areas on property for employees.
Additionally, this policy will be in effect at all Broadmoor- sponsored
events – both, on property and at external locations.
Employees who wish to smoke or use tobacco must do so during their
regular 30 minutes unpaid meal breaks and must leave Broadmoor
property to smoke or use tobacco. Employees may not leave property
during their paid breaks and therefore cannot smoke or use tobacco
during those times.
Employees who wish to smoke or use tobacco may use their 30 minute
non-paid break to leave property in their vehicle. Employees may not
smoke or use tobacco in their vehicles on property. Smoking or using
tobacco while on the clock, on property or leaving property will be
considered a policy violation and will be treated in accordance with the
progressive discipline policy.
The Broadmoor is committed to support employees and will periodically
offer smoking cessation educational opportunities.
Dating Policy
In order to prevent sexual harassment, discrimination, favoritism,
accusations thereof, and numerous other problems, The Broadmoor
believes that romantic or sexual liaisons that develop in the workplace
may be potentially disruptive to the conduct of our business. Those
employees who become involved in romantic or sexual liaisons with a co-
worker should be aware that the Hotel may intervene by discussing the
issue with the employees involved and/or taking remedial measures
when, in the Hotel’s opinion, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of
working relationships.
It is expressly prohibited for managers or supervisors to date or become
similarly involved with any non-management employees or subordinate
management/supervisor within his or her sphere of responsibility. This
includes managers or supervisors living with or having employees in their
sphere of influence as roommates. In the event the Hotel becomes aware
of such a relationship, the Supervisor or Manager will be subject to
discharge. If a manager or supervisor becomes involved in a relationship
which is prohibited under this policy, he/she should immediately notify
the department head so that appropriate arrangements can be made to
be in compliance with this policy.
Reference Check Policy
In order to provide consistent employment reference responses for The
Broadmoor, all reference check and employment verification inquiries
must be directed to the Human Resources office. Therefore, as an
employee of the Hotel, you are expressly prohibited from providing or
responding to (professional or personal) reference checks or employment
verifications for current or former employees.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Employees shall not engage or perform work for enterprise, service, or
activity which is in competition with any business activities or operations
owned, operated, leased, managed, or contracted by The Broadmoor.
Any inquiries concerning this policy should be directed to the Assistant
Director or the Director of Human Resources. Employees may not accept
gifts or services from any Broadmoor vendors without prior approval
from the Department Head.
Confidentiality Policy
Employees must not divulge confidential Hotel, employee or guest
information to outsiders of the Hotel, including media or government
representatives without the prior approval of the Director of Human
Resources or the President and CEO. No employee should speak with the
media on behalf of The Broadmoor without this permission.
Package Pass
When you remove a parcel, a package, or any articles from the Hotel, an
authorized package pass is required. To request a package pass, ask
your Executive Committee Member. In the case of a purchase made at
our retail outlets, the sales receipt serves as your package pass. Likewise,
with flowers or other such gifts received at work, the card serves as your
package pass. Package passes authorizing the removal of Hotel property
must be signed by an Executive Committee Member. It is very important
for you to obtain a package pass. Without a package pass, removal of
any package from the Hotel could be interpreted as unauthorized
removal or theft. No food or beverage items are allowed to be removed
under any circumstances. Give your package pass to Loss Prevention
when you leave the Hotel with your package.
Inspection Policy
We believe an inspection policy is necessary for the protection of Hotel,
Broadmoor guests, and employee property. Employees may be asked to
allow inspection of vehicles, lockers, desks, offices, Hotel leased housing,
house banks, and personal belongings on Hotel property. All employees
are expected to cooperate fully with such inspections. Under most
circumstances, we seek the employee’s agreement before searching
his/her personal property or vehicle. However, refusal to agree
constitutes a violation of this policy and may subject the employee
to discipline, up to and including termination
termination. If an employee is not
present or refuses to remove a lock from a Hotel locker, the Hotel may
remove the lock.
Solicitation/Distribution Policy
Solicitation by an employee of another employee during the working
time of either employee for any reason is strictly prohibited. Distribution
of advertising materials, handbills or other literature is prohibited in all
guest/public access and working areas at all times. If you have any
question about which areas are guest/public access, please ask your
Supervisor or the Director of Human Resources. Solicitation and
distribution by non-employees is prohibited on Hotel premises at all
Disciplinary Policy
The Broadmoor supports a progressive disciplinary policy to correct
problems of employee misconduct and poor performance. It is our
intention to provide an environment in which you know what is
expected of you. Progressive discipline means that depending upon the
severity of the offense, the types of actions you can expect may be one or
a combination of the following:
Consultation Consultation
is to inform you of a rule violation or performance
deficiency on the first offense depending upon the severity of the
offense. This is an opportunity for you to correct your conduct and/or
Warning Warning
may be issued for a second rule violation or continued
performance deficiencies, or upon the first offense depending on the
Final Written Warning
Final Written Warning Final Written Warning
Final Written Warning
may be issued for repeated rule violations or
continued performance deficiencies or at any time due to the severity of
the offense. It is an opportunity, prior to suspension, to notify you that
your behavior must change.
Suspension Suspension
may be issued for repeated rule violations or at any time
due to the severity of the offense. Normally the employee will be
suspended without pay. This step may occur on the first offense
depending upon the severity.
Suspension Pending Investigation
Suspension Pending Investigation Suspension Pending Investigation
Suspension Pending Investigation
may occur at any time depending
upon the severity of the offense. Violation of certain rules may lead to
Suspension Pending Investigation without prior counseling. Employees
who may have violated Hotel policies may be Suspended Pending an
Investigation. During the investigation, the employee will normally be
suspended without pay.
Termination Termination
may occur after a Consultation, Warning, Suspension,
and/or Suspension Pending, depending on the severity of the offense.
Violation of certain rules may lead to termination without prior reminder
or counseling pending the outcome of an investigation. If an employee is
involuntarily terminated, that employee is generally considered ineligible
for rehire. Eligibility for rehire is at the sole discretion of Human
You should be advised that The Broadmoor reserves the right to proceed
immediately to termination in appropriate circumstances as determined
in the sole discretion of the Hotel.
We want our employees to be the best they can be and this disciplinary
policy allows management to help you recognize your deficiencies and
assist you to improve your performance. Remember, you are responsible
for your conduct at all times while you are on property and the
consequences of violating any Hotel policies.
Standards of Conduct
It is essential to the success of this Hotel that all our employees
demonstrate a commitment and loyalty to The Broadmoor. You are
expected to support and promote the philosophy this Hotel has worked
to achieve. Anything less than total dedication to this philosophy cannot
be accepted. Your loyalty and support of, and adherence to, Hotel
policies and procedures will be evaluated in your job performance
evaluations as seriously as your technical skills and expertise. It is the
Hotel’s sincerest hope that you will become a successful member of The
Broadmoor team.
To be a successful member of our team, it is important for you to know,
understand and accept as your own the standards of conduct
standards of conduct standards of conduct
standards of conduct of your
employment with us. This will enable you to concentrate your efforts on
doing the kind of job that will give you the greatest sense of personal
and professional satisfaction.
You are also responsible for your behavior while representing The
Broadmoor either on or off property. This includes your conduct while
participating in or observing employee events sponsored by the Hotel.
Violations of our standards of conduct, while at work, on Broadmoor
property or attending Broadmoor sponsored events will result in
disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination
depending on the severity.
The following is a list of Hotel policy and procedure violations. It does not
cover every possible infraction nor is intended to do so:
Use of guest elevators when not necessary to transport
equipment or supplies.
Chewing gum, tobacco or toothpicks while on duty or in non-
designated break areas.
Eating or drinking in a public area.
Inciting or participating in any type of gambling while on Hotel
Excessive tardiness or absenteeism (Refer to Attendance
Failure to perform assigned tasks or follow instructions.
Violation of safety rules.
Speeding or driving recklessly on property (Refer to Health and
Parking anywhere other than designated parking areas, unless
authorized by Loss Prevention. (Refer to Employee Parking).
Taking any Hotel property from the Hotel without a package
pass. Refusal to have personal packages, including purses and
briefcases, examined when entering or exiting the Hotel (Refer to
Package Passes).
Entering a guestroom or meeting room unless in a work relation
Sleeping on the job during working hours.
Using threatening, abusive, or obscene language or behavior
with a fellow employee. (Refer to Safety and Security).
Using threatening, abusive, or obscene language or behavior
with or in the presence of a guest (Refer to Guest Relations).
Violation of the Hotel’s Drug and Alcohol Policy (Refer to Drug
and Alcohol Testing).
Leaving Hotel property during work hours without
Violation of the Hotel’s EEO or No Harassment Policy (Refer to
EEO and No Harassment Policy).
Leaving your work area without the permission of your
Supervisor or Manager.
Walking off the job.
Rude or impolite behavior in the presence of or toward a guest.
Possession of firearms, knives, switchblades, explosives, or other
weapons on Hotel property.
Soliciting gratuities from guests or commenting in any way
regarding the amount of a gratuity given.
Adding a gratuity to a guest check or credit card voucher or
altering a guest check or credit card voucher without the
guest’s prior knowledge and approval. This includes large
parties and banquets.
Insubordination, refusal to obey instructions from any
Supervisor, or job task refusal.
Disrespectful behavior towards a Supervisor or representative of
Fighting, inflicting harm or threatening guests or other
Falsification of Hotel records including applications, time and
attendance records, receipts, purchase orders, etc. or clocking
for someone other yourself.
Dishonesty, including providing false information or the
omission of information requested or required by a member of
management or in the normal course of employment.
On or off duty conduct which affects your ability to perform
your job or which reflects poorly on the reputation of the
Destruction and/or defacing of Hotel property.
Negligent or reckless operation of a Hotel or guest vehicle
(Refer to Hotel Vehicle Operation).
Eating, drinking, or smoking in a Hotel or guest vehicle.
Participating in horseplay or conduct which could result in
injury to fellow employees or guests, or damage to Hotel or
personal property.
Theft or unauthorized removal or use of Hotel, employee or
guest property.
Misconduct of any nature adversely affecting the Hotel’s best
interest and reputation, at any time, including but not limited
to acts of a criminal, dishonest or immoral nature.
Socializing or fraternizing with guests or members (Refer to
Employee/Guest Fraternization).
Violation of the no smoking/tobacco policy.
Violation of the Social Media policy.
The standards of conduct are not intended to be all inclusive and there
may be other circumstance which may result in disciplinary action.
Management reserves the right to apply any or all disciplinary steps
including termination.
In all cases, employees are encouraged to discuss their circumstances
with their Supervisor or Manager. The Human Resources staff is available
and willing to discuss employee disciplinary situations.
Identification Card
Your I.D. card is used to record the amount of time you work each shift.
Use it to punch in and out at the time clock at the beginning and end of
your work shift, when you take a meal break, or any other time you leave
work prior to completion of your shift. You must be in uniform and ready
to work before you clock in and likewise, clock out prior to changing out
of your uniform. Your
I.D. card is coded with your employee number and will register the hours
you worked. Time clocks are conveniently placed throughout the Hotel.
Use the one designated by your Department Head for your work area.
You may not punch in/out for someone other than yourself or give your
I.D. card to anyone else. Failure to clock in/out properly will result in
disciplinary action up to and including termination
termination. It is your
responsibility to clock in/out for all hours worked. Failure to clock in/out
may result in an incorrect paycheck amount.
Your I.D. card is also used to receive your paycheck and several
Broadmoor benefits. Your I.D. card is Hotel property and must be
returned upon termination of employment. Your Broadmoor I.D. card is
provided to you at the Hotel’s expense. However, if you lose your I.D.
card you will be responsible for replacing it at your own expense.
Replacement I.D. cards are currently $15.00 and are issued at the Human
Resources Office. Don’t lose
Don’t lose Don’t lose
Don’t lose your I.D. card.
your I.D. card.your I.D. card.
your I.D. card.
Name Tags
Name tags are issued to every employee. Nicknames deemed
inappropriate by the Hotel are not acceptable. You are required to wear
your name tag at all times during working hours. Name tags are
considered a part of every uniformed and non-uniformed employee’s
appearance requirements. You are responsible for keeping your name
tag clean. If it breaks, becomes badly marred or you cannot get it clean,
bring it to Human Resources and it will be replaced for you at no charge.
If you lose your name tag, the replacement fee will be $5.00 for pin style
and $7.00 for magnetic style. Do not decorate your name tag
Do not decorate your name tag Do not decorate your name tag
Do not decorate your name tag (such as
with stick-on bees, etc.). Your name tag should be worn on the left side of
your uniform or your business clothing (in non-uniformed) and may
never be worn off of Hotel property or on your casual attire if visiting the
Hotel during non-working hours.
Uniformed employees will be provided uniforms. All uniformed
employees are required to make a $100.00 deposit (deducted from the
first two pay checks) for their uniforms. The deposit will be returned
when you turn in your uniform upon ending your employment. The
Hotel will launder and maintain all uniforms free of charge to employees.
It is your responsibility to return your uniform to the Uniform Room after
you wear it. In some cases, you may be allowed to launder your uniform
yourself; however, please check with the Uniform Room before doing so.
All alterations must be made by the Uniform Room.
Should you lose your uniform, you will be responsible for the fair value
replacement cost. You are not allowed to wear it outside of the Hotel,
other than going to and from work, unless authorized by your
Supervisor. All materials and uniforms issued to you are your
responsibility and must be returned upon termination of your
employment. Should you fail to return any items, the fair value
replacement cost of each item may be deducted from your final
Employee Entrances
All uniformed employees must enter the property through one of the
two employee entrances. The Main Hotel employee entrance is located
near the laundry building. The West Hotel employee entrance is located
across the street from the West Employee Parking Lot at the loading dock
entrance to the West Hotel.
Employees dressed in business attire may be allowed access through the
guest entrances of the Hotel. Again, no uniformed employees should
access the Hotel through guest entrances.
There are designated pick up and drop off areas for employees reporting
for work. At the Main Hotel, the pick up and drop off areas are located
inside the gravel lot across from the Main Hotel Employee Entrance.
There are designated parking spaces at the entrance to the gravel
parking area. The designated drop off and pick-up area for employees
reporting to the West Hotel is in the West Employee Parking Lot.
Employees are not allowed to enter the secured gates or the welcome
center gates. This includes the South Building/Golf Club Entrance, the
Main Hotel Entrance, the West Hotel Entrance, the Entrance to the West
Residences, and the loading dock area.
Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in disciplinary action up
to and including termination.
Employee Parking
There is designated employee parking at The Broadmoor Hotel.
Employees are permitted to park in the following designated employee
parking areas at no charge:
Gravel employee parking lot (Across from Main Hotel
Employee Entrance)
Level P3 of The Broadmoor Hall Parking Garage
West Employee Parking Lot (Warehouse and Maintenance)
East Employee Parking Lot (Across from Colorado Hall)
only on days that Seven Falls is closed
Access to the parking garage requires a Broadmoor I.D. card for access.
All employee parking lots will be subject to closing due to large guest
parking requirements or special events. In those situations, employees
may be required to park at off-site facilities.
To manage employee parking areas, there will be signage located at the
entrance to the employee parking areas indicating the status of the
parking area. If a red placard is present at the parking lot entrance, that
lot is restricted for employee parking. If a green placard is present, the lot
is open for employee parking.
Parking information for employees indicating restrictions for parking will
be distributed via e-mail as early as possible before the event to allow
employee time to make alternative plans. There is a parking hotline
(x5757 in-house and 577-5757 outside) that will have updated
information for employees to check parking requirements.
Remember our guest parking needs come first. Always park in employee
Remember our guest parking needs come first. Always park in employee Remember our guest parking needs come first. Always park in employee
Remember our guest parking needs come first. Always park in employee
designated locations.
designated locations.designated locations.
designated locations.
All employees are required to register their vehicle if using employee
parking facilities. Registration can be completed at the Loss Prevention
Office at the Main Hotel. Any employee’s vehicle found in employee
parking without being registered may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Failure to register your vehicle or parking in prohibited areas will result in
disciplinary action up to and including termination.
The Broadmoor is not responsible for any damage to your car while
parked in an employee parking lot.
Employment of Relatives
While relatives may work in the same department, no employee may be
supervised by a relative. If such a situation is created through promotion,
transfer, new hire, marriage, etc., one of the relatives must either transfer
to another department or position. The Broadmoor reserves the right to
terminate an employee under this policy if no transfer is possible.
Lockers are provided for your convenience by the Loss Prevention
Department after paying a non-refundable $5.00 locker deposit. Do not
exchange or share lockers with another employee unless this has been
pre-approved by Loss Prevention.
Do not use a locker that has not been assigned to you by Loss
Prevention. If this is done, the locker will be cleared out and assigned to
another employee. No employee is allowed to enter any employee locker
not assigned to them at any time. No food (except daily lunches),
beverages, or Hotel property should be stored in lockers; nor is anything
to be written or posted inside or outside your locker. Failure to follow
these guidelines may result in disciplinary action.
Only Hotel issued locks are permitted on lockers. You are required to turn
in your lock and clean your locker should you leave you job. The Hotel is
not responsible for the contents of your locker.
However, for your protection, you are cautioned not to store valuables,
money, etc. in your locker. Random locker inspections will be held
If you have to replace your lock, another one will be issued to you by
Loss Prevention at the current cost of $5.00 (non-refundable).
You are provided with employee restrooms located in the
heart-of-the-house throughout the Hotel. Employees are not
allowed to use the guest restrooms.
Employee restrooms are provided for your convenience and use. Please
help by keeping these areas clean for all your co-workers to enjoy.
Graffiti, defacing, or writing anywhere in employee restrooms is not
permitted and will result in disciplinary action up to and including
Service elevators are provided for the transportation of employees and
supplies. Guest elevators are for guest use only. Employees are required
to use the stairs or service elevators.
Personal telephone calls cannot be accepted for an
employee unless it is an emergency. Personal calls should
be made during the employee break periods and not
during working hours.
Use of Hote
Use of HoteUse of Hote
Use of Hotel telephones for personal or long distance phone calls is not
l telephones for personal or long distance phone calls is not l telephones for personal or long distance phone calls is not
l telephones for personal or long distance phone calls is not
permitted unless permission is expressly granted by your Department
permitted unless permission is expressly granted by your Department permitted unless permission is expressly granted by your Department
permitted unless permission is expressly granted by your Department
Manager. Violation of this policy will subject an employee to disciplinary
Manager. Violation of this policy will subject an employee to disciplinary Manager. Violation of this policy will subject an employee to disciplinary
Manager. Violation of this policy will subject an employee to disciplinary
action up to and including termination. Use of pers
action up to and including termination. Use of persaction up to and including termination. Use of pers
action up to and including termination. Use of personal cell phones
onal cell phones onal cell phones
onal cell phones
during your shift is not permitted. Cell phone usage should be
during your shift is not permitted. Cell phone usage should be during your shift is not permitted. Cell phone usage should be
during your shift is not permitted. Cell phone usage should be
limited to designated break areas only. Personal cell phones should be
limited to designated break areas only. Personal cell phones should be limited to designated break areas only. Personal cell phones should be
limited to designated break areas only. Personal cell phones should be
turned off while working. Cell phone can be used during breaks in
turned off while working. Cell phone can be used during breaks in turned off while working. Cell phone can be used during breaks in
turned off while working. Cell phone can be used during breaks in
designated break areas.
designated break areas.designated break areas.
designated break areas.
Personal cell phones should never be used in
Personal cell phones should never be used in Personal cell phones should never be used in
Personal cell phones should never be used in
view of a guest, including areas between employee parking and
view of a guest, including areas between employee parking and view of a guest, including areas between employee parking and
view of a guest, including areas between employee parking and
Recording for Evaluation Purposes
To maintain our high level of customer service and to ensure consistent
training for all of our Hotel employees, The Broadmoor periodically
monitors and/or records conversations between Hotel employees and
outside callers. Our use of monitoring and/or recording equipment is in
compliance with state and federal law and we periodically review the
laws to ensure that we stay in compliance.
Your consent for The Broadmoor to monitor and record customer
phones calls is a condition of employment.
Meal Breaks
The employee restaurant, The Broadmoor Café, in the Main Hotel, is
provided for your use and convenience during your working hours. At
no time should “breaks” be taken nor should food or drinks be consumed
in any public area of the Hotel including the area around the lake.
Your department will establish the time at which you are to take your
meal and other breaks. Breaks may be taken in The Broadmoor Café or in
designated break areas depending upon departmental policy.
After you have finished your meal or break, it is your responsibility to
clean up after yourself. Please throw your trash into the waste containers
and return your trays.
Meal Periods
Meal PeriodsMeal Periods
Meal Periods: No non-exempt employee shall work for a period of more
than five hours without a meal period of not less than 30 minutes. When
a work period of not more than five hours will complete the day’s work,
the meal period shall be optional. Every non-exempt employee is
required to clock out for the daily 30 minute meal period, and no work
should be performed during this period. It is your responsibility to take a
meal break and clock in and out. It is against Hotel policy to continue
your break after you have clocked back in to work. Employees who do
this will be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including,
termination. Note:
Note: Note:
Note: Some third shift employees who work from 11:00 pm
7:00 am and certain other designated positions will be permitted to
take an “on the job” meal period break and will be compensated for the
break. Such designated employees will not be required to clock out for
the meal period break.
Rest Periods
Rest PeriodsRest Periods
Rest Periods: Non-exempt employees may take a ten minute rest period
for every four hour work period in so far as practical. It is not necessary
that the employee leave the immediate work area for this rest period.
Employees are not to go to the Employee Ca for this 10 minute rest
B.B.C. (Broadmoor Beautification Committee)
Everyone at the Hotel assists in, and is responsible for, keeping the Hotel
clean and attractive. You are expected to join us in our collective effort to
maintain the beautiful property we now have. Take the time to pick up
bits of paper and debris from the floor and grounds. This makes all of our
jobs easier and the Hotel a better place to work and visit.
Maintenance FIXX Line
We also rely upon you to report areas in need of repair, painting,
maintenance, etc. when you see areas or items requiring attention,
please call the Maintenance FIXX Line at EXT. 3499 (FIXX). Be specific
about the location or type of work that needs to be done when you call.
If a guest reports some maintenance problems or difficulty, you should
assist him/her by calling the Maintenance FIXX Line. Use this extension
rather than calling the Front Desk or Housekeeping Department.
Job Postings, Promotions, and Transfers
The Broadmoor strives to promote qualified employees from within the
Hotel for available positions. To ensure that all eligible employees are
aware of job openings, positions may be posted on the job openings
board located in the Human Resources Department, on the bulletin
board near the Main employee entrance, and next to the West Building
time clock. Job posting applications from qualified current Broadmoor
staff are accepted online only at tinyurl.com/BroadmoorStaffPosting.
Prior to posting, employees must notify and receive verbal approval from
their Department Head. Contact the Human Resources office at Ext.
6145 for more information. The Broadmoor reserves the right to not
post job openings for positions which the Company believes, in its sole
discretion, should be filled from outside the organization.
The Employment Office will ensure your eligibility and arrange
appropriate interviews. You may apply for open positions after
completing 90 days of employment in your current department. Those
employees here on a temporary training visa may not be eligible to
transfer. If you are here on a visa or internship, please contact the
Employment Office to determine posting eligibility. Any exception must
be approved by the Director or Assistant Director of Human Resources.
You may apply only for one position at a time. Selection will be based
upon job-related qualifications, performance, cooperation, and attitude.
Any posting for a Supervisor or Manager position must include a resume.
A resume is recommended for all other postings.
The applicant’s personnel file will be reviewed to determine eligibility for
the position. Disciplinary action within three months prior to posting, a
rating of “unsuccessful” on your most recent performance review, or
failing to show for an interview may disqualify you. If you have requested
and been approved for a transfer, your conduct and performance must
remain satisfactory pending completion of the transfer.
Upon transfer, your rate of pay will be commensurate with the position
to which you are transferring. If you transfer from a full- time position to a
part-time position, you will forfeit any full-time benefits (i.e. accrued
vacation, sick or holiday time). If you transfer from a part-time position to
a full-time position, you will be given credit for any benefits due under
full-time status, after meeting the eligibility criteria. Your next review date
will be one year from your date of transfer.
Employee Self Service
Employee Self Service is accessible from computers both at the
Broadmoor as well as off site. Employees can log in, view their
information, change their address, emergency contact, and direct deposit
information, pay stubs, pay history, and past W- 2’s. Employees can also
view their current training requests.. You are encouraged to use self-
service to keep your information current as well as accomplish the tasks
When you become eligible for benefits and/or during Open Enrollment
periods each year, you will use this system to enroll in benefits and/or
make changes to existing benefits.
Managers can log into self-service to accomplish all of the tasks listed
above. In addition, managers use this system to electronically submit
performance reviews, salary changes, disciplinary notices, and
From a Broadmoor Computer, the website for Self Service is:
From off site or a home computer, the website for Self Service is:
The user name is the employee’s first and last initial followed by the last
four digits of their social security number. Example for John Doe: jd4359
The first time you log in, your password will be your social security
number. The system will prompt you to change your password when
you log in for the first time.
Personnel Files
To maintain accurate and current records, you must report any changes
in marital status, name, address, telephone number or emergency
notification information to your Supervisor and Human Resources by
making appropriate changes online in Employee Self Service. To change
your beneficiary, or to add or remove dependents on your insurance
coverage, contact the Benefits Office directly.
Current employees may review their personnel file in the Human
Resources Department by appointment only with the Assistant Director
of Human Resources or the Director of Human Resources. Files or
documents may not be copied or removed. If you have any questions,
Human Resources will assist you.
Employees who are in driving positions must report changes in their
driving records to Human Resources to be noted in the personnel file (i.e.
tickets, DUI, DWAI, etc.)
Work Schedules
Schedules are made by the individual Department Managers. All
schedules and any changes are normally posted two days in advance of
the work week if possible. It is your responsibility to check your schedule
frequently and to check with your Supervisor to be aware of any changes
that may have been made.
Hours of Work
Hours and schedules will vary by department and business needs. The
standard work week should not be considered as either a guarantee of
any maximum or minimum number of hours of work regardless of your
employment classification. Hotel management schedules employees for
work as business levels dictate. You may be asked to work overtime or
leave early depending on business demands.
You are not permitted on the premises more than 30 minutes prior to or
after completion of your shift unless permission has been granted by
your Department Head. Employees are not permitted to clock in more
than five minutes prior to the start of the scheduled shift, unless given
permission by their manager.
Attendance Guidelines
Good attendance by each and every employee is essential to the success
of our operation here at The Broadmoor. You are expected to be in
attendance when scheduled by your Supervisor. Each employee is
expected to report to work as scheduled, on time and work the hours
scheduled. While certain allowances will be made for occurrences
beyond the control of the employee (e.g. accidents, emergencies),
chronic or excessive violations will result in disciplinary action up to and
including terminatio
n. It is the employee’s responsibility to personally
contact your immediate Supervisor a minimum of one hour before the
start of the scheduled shift if you are unable to report to work. Failure to
contact your immediate Supervisor at least one hour in advance for your
shift may be considered an improper call off or a no call/no show. The
Hotel reserves the right to require a physician’s written verification of
illness. (Refer to the “Non-Work Related Injury/Illness” section.)
The following will serve as disciplinary guidelines:
Three Tardies
Three Tardies Three Tardies
Three Tardies
One Absence
One AbsenceOne Absence
One Absence
Final Written
Four Tardies
Four TardiesFour Tardies
Four Tardies
Written Warning
Two Absences
Two AbsencesTwo Absences
Two Absences
Written Warning
Five Tardies
Five TardiesFive Tardies
Five Tardies
Final Warning
Three Absences
Three AbsencesThree Absences
Three Absences
Final Warning
Six Tardies
Six TardiesSix Tardies
Six Tardies
Four Absences
Four AbsencesFour Absences
Four Absences
Three Day Suspension
Seven Tardies
Seven Tardies Seven Tardies
Seven Tardies
Suspension Pending
Five Absences
Five Absences Five Absences
Five Absences
Suspension Pending
*Absences do not include designated sick time or FMLA qualifying time
An excessive tardy may warrant disciplinary action prior to three tardies.
Reduction of Hours
Due to business fluctuations, you may experience a reduction of work
hours. We will do everything we can to keep this to a minimum and we
will always give as much advance notice as possible. Work hours are a
factor of business levels. Extra work may be available in other
departments. If you would like to work additional hours in another
department, please check with your Manager and the EXTRA HOURS
Hotline at extension 5117.
Hotline at extension 5117.Hotline at extension 5117.
Hotline at extension 5117.
Key Control
All Hotel property which is secured by locking devices, with the
exception of office equipment and vehicles, will be secured by locks on
the Hotel system. All keys remain on the property of The Broadmoor
Key Recipient’s Responsibilities:
Key Recipient’s Responsibilities:Key Recipient’s Responsibilities:
Key Recipient’s Responsibilities:
Safely keep keys issued to you. If a key is lost or stolen,
contact your Supervisor immediately. Employees will be
charged for replacements according to the schedule
Type of Key Charge
Individual Door $10
Outside Door $15
Sub-Master $30
Building Master $60
Ensure that doors are locked when leaving the area at
the conclusion of work.
Surrender keys to your Department Manager upon
transfer or termination.
Do not exchange or lend keys.
Return any and all signed-out keys to the Loss Prevention
Department before the end of your shift.
Guest Room Master Keys (Card Key)
Many employees are issued keys that open guest rooms. Due to a high
security risk, the employee assigned the keys is responsible for the safe
keeping of the keys at all times. If the floor master or master keys are lost,
you must report the loss immediately to your Manager and Loss
Prevention. All rooms accessible by the key must be cancelled out, which
is very time consuming and requires a locksmith to issue a cancel key.
Loss Prevention must go to every guest room affected to cancel the lost
card. The employee assigned the key will be charged one hundred
dollars ($100.00) for the cancellation process if it is a master key and forty
dollars ($40.00) if it is a floor master. It is very important to protect guest
room master keys.
House Bank/Cashier Procedures
Policies related to Cashier remittance procedures have been developed
to ensure the security of house funds and to protect the individual
Cashier remitting funds. A House Bank Agreement will be filled out by
each employee being given a bank. By accepting the bank, the employee
agrees to the following:
To be responsible for the safekeeping of the bank
To keep the bank at all times (when not in use) in a safe
deposit box
The funds of the bank remain the property of the Hotel at
all times. They are not to be used as your own
To permit auditing of the bank at any time
Not to transfer or deliver the bank to anyone else without
written authorization of the Hotel Controller
Cashiers are required to count their banks at the
beginning and end of each shift and report any variances
To comply with all rules and regulations concerning the
bank as established by the Hotel
Personal Grooming Standards
The Broadmoor believes an employee’s dress and grooming should be
appropriate to our Five-Star, Five-Diamond environment. Departures
from what the Hotel considers conventional dress and personal
grooming are not permitted, regardless of the nature of the job
If you report for work improperly dressed or groomed, in the opinion of
The Broadmoor, your Supervisor may instruct you to return home to
change clothes and/or take appropriate disciplinary action. Non-
uniformed employees or employees who are on property and being paid
for work-related functions (i.e. department meetings or required training
classes) must adhere to the guidelines listed below for a business
professional environment.
The following are business professional personal grooming and
appearance standards for both females and males:
Must be clean, neat and cut in a natural style.
Extreme styles, such as excessive teasing, dreadlocks, pigtails or
extreme hair coloring are not permitted.
Long hair should not fall forward while performing regular job
Be conservative with style, accessories and coloring.
Hair accessories such as barrettes, ribbons and combs must be
conservative in style, use and number.
Employees handling food must confine hair as directed by your
Department Head.
Underarm hair must be covered by sleeves or removed.
Legs must be clean shaven unless pants are worn.
Makeup, Nails, Perfume, Hygiene
Foundation, powder and blush may be worn and should
complement your skin coloring.
Mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner may be worn in natural
shades and be applied moderately.
Fingernails should be neat and clean; complementary colors of
nail polish may be worn. Fingernails may not extend ¼” from tip
of finger. No nail art or extreme colors of nail polish (blue, black,
glitter, etc.) are permitted. Note: Food and Beverage employees
may not have polished nails or artificial nails due to sanitary
Heavily scented perfume and powder should be avoided.
Daily showers and use of deodorant are expected.
Uniforms must be cleaned, in good repair, and pressed
appropriate to your department.
Rings, watches and Hotel service pins may be worn as long as
they are conservative in style and number.
No more than two rings or bracelets per hand (wedding sets are
considered one ring).
No more than two earrings per lobe. Earrings must be
conservative in size and style.
Ear lobe gauges are not permitted. Gauge holes may not be
permitted, depending on your position. If gauge holes are
permitted for your position, you will be required to wear skin
colored gauge plugs.
Necklaces and bracelets must be conservative in size and
No offensive or conspicuous tattoos or body painting is allowed.
No visible body piercing jewelry may be worn.
Non-Uniformed Dress Standards
Employees with direct guest contact must wear appropriate
business attire.
Miniskirts (skirts more than three inches above the knee), midriff
tops, see-through, revealing or form fitting tops, casual pants and
casual sportswear are not permitted.
Sleeveless shirts/blouses are permitted as long as they are
professional in appearance.
Dress slacks are permitted as long as they are paired with a
professional blouse or sweater.
Dress capri/crop pants are permitted as long as they are paired
with a professional blouse, jacket or sweater.
Pants must be worn at or above the waistline and belts must be
worn if pants have a belt loop. The belt must be a standard,
professional belt that matches the outfit. No large or noticeable
belt buckles.
Classic resort sportswear is permitted or required in certain
Pantyhose are recommended with skirts, dresses, or dress slacks
when wearing closed toed shoes. Closed toed shoes are
permitted without pantyhose depending upon season as long as
the outfit is professional.
Open-toed dress shoes are permitted (flat, flip-flop, multiple ankle
wrapped, cork/straw wedge or Birkenstock-style sandals are not
When wearing open-toed shoes, legs must be clean shaven.
Feet must be neat, clean, and pedicured. Complimentary colors
of nail polish may be worn. No nail art or extreme colors of
polish (blue, black, glitter, etc.) are permitted. No toe rings or
ankle bracelets are permitted. Note: Food and Beverage
employees, uniformed or not, may not wear open-toed shoes at
any time.
All shoes should be safe, slip proof, polished and in good repair.
Uniformed Dress Standards
All uniformed employees must wear required uniform provided
by the Hotel.
Pantyhose must be worn at all times with skirts, dresses, or dress
slacks. Hosiery or dress socks may be worn with slacks or pants.
Pants must be worn at or above the waistline and belts must be
worn if pants have a belt loop. The belt must be a standard,
professional belt (black or brown only) that matches the uniform
and are approved by management. No large or noticeable belt
Open-toed dress shoes are NOT permitted for Uniformed
Must be clean, neat and cut in a natural style.
Hair should not extend past the top of a normal shirt collar,
below the earlobe, or cover the eyebrows.
Extreme hairstyles, dreadlocks, and/or colors are not permitted.
Employees handling food must confine hair as directed by your
Department Head.
Hair coloring must be natural in appearance and not extreme.
Mustaches, Beards, Sideburns
Mustaches must not extend past the corners of the lower lip and
the hair must not grow over the lip.
Beards and goatees are not permitted. Employees must be
closely shaven daily. If an accommodation for religious or
medical reasons is needed, please bring this request to your
Department Manager.
Sideburns should not extend past the earlobe.
Muttonchops and flares are not permitted.
No facial hair is permitted below the lower lip (typically called a
“soul patch”).
Cosmetics, Nails, Scents, Hygiene
Cosmetics are not allowed unless used for medical reasons such
as the concealment of a disfigurement.
Fingernails should be neat and clean and tips of nails should not
extend past the finger.
Colored nail polish is not permitted.
Heavily scented shaving lotions and colognes should be avoided.
Daily showers and use of deodorant are expected.
No offensive or conspicuous tattoos or body painting are
Uniforms should be pressed and shoes polished.
Conservative rings, watches and service pins may be worn.
No more than two rings or bracelets per hand.
Earrings are not permitted while on Hotel property. No visible
body piercing jewelry may be worn.
Ear lobe gauges are not permitted. Gauge holes may not be
permitted, depending on your position. If gauge holes are
permitted for your position, you will be required to wear skin
colored gauge plugs.
Non-Uniformed Dress Standards
For employees with direct guest contact, business suits and ties
are required.
Classic resort sportswear is permitted or required in certain
Pants must be worn at or above the waistline and belts must be
worn if pants have a belt loop. The belt must be a standard,
professional belt that matches the outfit. No large or noticeable
belt buckles.
Some types of casual sportswear are permitted.
T-shirts or other casual shirts (without a collar) are not permitted.
No open-toed shoes allowed.
Uniformed Dress Standards
All uniformed employees must wear required uniform provided
by the Hotel.
Pants must be worn at or above the waistline and belts must be
worn if pants have a belt loop. The belt must be a standard,
professional belt (black or brown only) that matches the uniform
and are approved by management. No large or noticeable belt
No open-toed shoes allowed.
Employees should also be suitably dressed when returning to the Hotel
Employees should also be suitably dressed when returning to the Hotel Employees should also be suitably dressed when returning to the Hotel
Employees should also be suitably dressed when returning to the Hotel
for any reason off the clock, (i.e. picking up paychecks, checking your
for any reason off the clock, (i.e. picking up paychecks, checking your for any reason off the clock, (i.e. picking up paychecks, checking your
for any reason off the clock, (i.e. picking up paychecks, checking your
schedule, going to th
schedule, going to thschedule, going to th
schedule, going to the movies, or any Broadmoor sponsored events,
e movies, or any Broadmoor sponsored events, e movies, or any Broadmoor sponsored events,
e movies, or any Broadmoor sponsored events,
such as Service Pins, EOM
such as Service Pins, EOMsuch as Service Pins, EOM
such as Service Pins, EOM
Luncheon, etc.) adhering to a resort casual
Luncheon, etc.) adhering to a resort casual Luncheon, etc.) adhering to a resort casual
Luncheon, etc.) adhering to a resort casual
dress code.
dress code.dress code.
dress code.
When on Hotel property for any reason, employees are
When on Hotel property for any reason, employees are When on Hotel property for any reason, employees are
When on Hotel property for any reason, employees are not
permitted to wear the following in guest areas: T
permitted to wear the following in guest areas: Tpermitted to wear the following in guest areas: T
permitted to wear the following in guest areas: T-
-shirts, tank
shirts, tank shirts, tank
shirts, tank
tops, mus
tops, mustops, mus
tops, muscle shirts, or shorts.
cle shirts, or shorts.cle shirts, or shorts.
cle shirts, or shorts.
Company Device and System Usage Standards Overview
With the deployment and availability of new technologies and devices, it
is important that both The Broadmoor and its employees are aware of
the potential dangers involved in using these technologies and the
responsibilities they hold for their safe and appropriate use. Misuse of any
such technologies could cause irreparable damage to The Broadmoor
either financially, and/or to its reputation, through network intrusion and
data compromise, infringements of intellectual copyright, libel, other
legal or morally questionable activities, etc.
These standards apply to all employees of The Broadmoor and its related
entities, as well as their contractors, consultants, temporary staff, and
other third parties that have access to The Broadmoor’s networks,
systems, and communications (collectively “Employees”).
Standards for Electronic Devices Used for Company Business
All Company-issued cellular telephones, tablets, laptops, desktop
computers, portable media, or other electronic equipment issued by the
Company are referred to as Company Devices” and all of the foregoing
provided by an employee are referred to as “Employee Devices.” Both
Company Devices and Employee Devices may be referred to simply as
All cellular telephones and digital tablets or similar electronic equipment
used for Company purposes must be approved and issued by the
Telecommunications Department, and all computers or similar
equipment must be approved and issued by the IT Department.
Employees are expected to demonstrate proper care of their Company
devices. If you lose, break or damage your Company Device, report it to
your Supervisor immediately. All Devices issued by the Company must be
returned upon leaving the Company or upon transferring to a position
that does not require that Device.
Employees are encouraged to take appropriate safety precautions when
using their Company Devices. The use of handheld cellular telephones or
tablet devices while driving is prohibited. Employees are expected to
comply with applicable state laws regarding the use of cellular
telephones or tablet devices.
Tablet devices, cellular phones, and similar mobile Devices are not to be
Tablet devices, cellular phones, and similar mobile Devices are not to be Tablet devices, cellular phones, and similar mobile Devices are not to be
Tablet devices, cellular phones, and similar mobile Devices are not to be
turned on during your work shift unless approved
turned on during your work shift unless approved turned on during your work shift unless approved
turned on during your work shift unless approved by your Supervisor.
by your Supervisor. by your Supervisor.
by your Supervisor.
Use of electronic devices, tablet devices, and cellular telephones is
Use of electronic devices, tablet devices, and cellular telephones is Use of electronic devices, tablet devices, and cellular telephones is
Use of electronic devices, tablet devices, and cellular telephones is
permitted only during scheduled break times and used only in employee
permitted only during scheduled break times and used only in employee permitted only during scheduled break times and used only in employee
permitted only during scheduled break times and used only in employee
break areas. Use of personal pagers, tablet devices, and cellular phones
break areas. Use of personal pagers, tablet devices, and cellular phones break areas. Use of personal pagers, tablet devices, and cellular phones
break areas. Use of personal pagers, tablet devices, and cellular phones
while on duty or in gue
while on duty or in guewhile on duty or in gue
while on duty or in guest areas will result in disciplinary action up to and
st areas will result in disciplinary action up to and st areas will result in disciplinary action up to and
st areas will result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination. Employees should not use their personal cell
including termination. Employees should not use their personal cell including termination. Employees should not use their personal cell
including termination. Employees should not use their personal cell
phone or electronic equipment while walking around property.
phone or electronic equipment while walking around property.phone or electronic equipment while walking around property.
phone or electronic equipment while walking around property.
Backups and Data Storage
You may not use any cloud storage services to backup any Company
Devices or store any Company any files or data unless you use a
Company-provided service and account, following procedures as
instructed by the IT Department.
You may not use any portable or external storage devices, such as thumb
drives/USB drives/memory sticks, CD/DVD Drives, external hard-drives, or
memory cards (“External Storage Devices
External Storage DevicesExternal Storage Devices
External Storage Devices”) to backup any Company
Device, or to store any Company information, unless the External Storage
Device was provided by the IT Department, and your manager has
approved your use of the External Storage Device. Confidential and
sensitive data written to any form of External Storage Device should
always be encrypted as described in Data Security below.
If you are issued an External Storage Device by the Company, External
Storage Devices may only be removed from the Company’s
premises with the express permission of your supervisor.
The Company reserves the right to inspect and retain the content of any
External Storage Devices leaving its premises.
Use of Company Systems (Including E-Mail, Voicemail,
Internet and Networks)
The following are The Broadmoor’s standards regarding use of all
Company e-mail, voicemail, Internet access, data lines, messaging
services, networks, servers or other backup services, and similar systems
and accounts (Company Systems
Company SystemsCompany Systems
Company Systems”), regardless of whether Company
Devices or Personal Devices are used.
Company Systems are intended for Company business only. All
information transmitted through Company Systems or on Company
Devices is the sole and exclusive property of the Company and should be
treated as confidential. Such information may not be disclosed to any
person outside the Company or removed from Company premises
without the express permission of your Department Manager.
The purpose of the Company’s Systems and access accounts are to
promote the effective performance of Company business. While it is
acceptable to send or receive personal messages of a limited number and
frequency, personal use of the voicemail and e-mail system must be kept
within the bounds of efficiency and good judgment. Personal use of the
Company’s Internet access account is not permitted.
Employees are strictly prohibited from using Company Systems, Company
Devices, or Personal Devices used for Company business, for any
improper purpose. The Company’s Anti- Discrimination Policy and No
Harassment Policy extend to the use of the Company’s Systems and
Personal Devices used for Company business. Any employee who uses
the Company’s Systems in violation of these policies will be subject to
discipline, up to and including immediate termination.
Employees have the right to use Company Systems and Company
Devices for the full spectrum of concerted activities for mutual aid or
protection protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act on
nonworking time, and nothing in this policy should be interpreted as
limiting any such rights.
It is not possible to identify every type of inappropriate or impermissible
use of the Company’s Systems. Employees are expected to use their best
judgment and common sense at all times when accessing or using the
Company’s Systems. The following conduct, however, is strictly
Employees may not transmit, retrieve, download, or store
inappropriate messages or images relating to race, religion, color,
sex, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, or any other
status protected under federal, state and local laws.
Employees may not use the Company’s Systems in any way that
violates the Company’s policy against unlawful harassment,
including sexual harassment. By way of example, employees may
not transmit messages that would constitute sexual harassment;
may not use sexually suggestive or explicit screen savers or
backgrounds; may not access, receive, transmit or print
pornographic, obscene or sexually offensive material or
information; and may not transmit, retrieve, download, store or
print messages or images that are offensive, derogatory,
defamatory, off- color, sexual in content, or otherwise
inappropriate in a business environment. Employees are also
prohibited from making threatening or harassing statements to
another employee, or to a vendor, customer, or other outside
Employees are strictly prohibited from altering, transmitting,
copying, downloading or removing any propriety, confidential,
trade secret or other information of the Company, or of the
Company’s customers. In addition, employees may not alter,
transmit, copy or download propriety software, databases and
other electronic files without proper and legally binding
Employees should not download, transmit, or retrieve
messages from multi-network gateways, real-time data and
conversation programs including, but not limited to, instant
messaging service (e.g. AOL Instant Messenger and Yahoo
Messenger), Internet chat rooms and bulletin boards during their
work shift, unless such activity is necessary for business purposes.
Employees may not use or allow another individual to use the
Company’s Systems for any purpose that is either damaging
or competitive with the Company or detrimental to its interests.
Employees are strictly prohibited from using the Company’s
Systems in any manner that violates the U.S. federal CAN-SPAM
law or similar spam laws of Canada or other countries, and may
not send mass mailings unless approved by a department head,
or send, forward, redistribute or reply to “chain letters” or similar
Employees must honor and comply with all laws applicable to
trademarks, copyrights, patents and licenses to software and
other electronically available information. Employees may not
send, receive, download, upload or copy software or other
copyrighted or otherwise legally protected information through
the Company’s Systems without prior authorization (including
authorization of the IT Department with regard to any software
Employees may not solicit personal business opportunities or
conduct personal advertising, personal money-making
activities, or unauthorized fundraising through the Company’s
Employees may not engage in gambling of any kind, monitor
sports scores, or play electronic games through the Company’s
Employees may not engage in day trading or otherwise
purchase or sell stocks, bonds or other securities or transmit,
retrieve, download or store messages or images related to the
purchase or sale of stocks, bonds or other securities through the
Company’s Systems.
Device and System Security Requirements
Employees must comply with the Company’s security requirements
applicable to Company Devices, or Personal Devices used for Company
business, at all times, including without limitation the following and any
policies and procedures issued by the IT Department or the Employee’s
department head.
Devices must be protected by passwords in accordance with the
Company’s Password Policy, and should be set to automatically require
the password after the period of inactivity designated by the IT
Department. Employees must not attempt to change any settings on
Company Devices including without limitation security settings, antivirus
programs, Device locator programs, remote wipe programs, or other
settings. Do not remove any Company labels on a Device. Each
Employee is responsible for protecting any Device in the user’s
possession. Always take reasonable precautions to ensure the Device is in
a safe and secure location.
Employees must comply at all times with the Company’s security
requirements for accessing the Company’s Systems or using Devices
on other networks. This is crucial in order to prevent Devices which
have not been screened by the IT Department from potentially impacting
the Company networks, or from allowing intruders to gain
unauthorized access into Company Devices if used on unsecured
networks, for example. If Employees are granted permission to use
remote access to the Company’s network, VPN or other services,
Employees will comply with all of the Company’s requirements regarding
such access.
Employees will comply with all of the Company’s designated procedures
regarding maintaining the confidentiality and security of Company and
guest information when using Company Systems or Devices. Sensitive
data, including without limitation any guest credit card information, will
be transmitted and stored only in accordance with the Company’s
encryption standards and other requirements (please see your supervisor
or the IT department for details if you are unsure about this).
Access and Disclosure
While we hope that the occasion for any such action would be
infrequent, in the interest of prudence, management reserves the right to
access any messages, files, or other communication or data committed
any of the Company’s Systems, Company Devices, or Company use of
Personal Devices, and to review any person’s use of the Company’s
Systems, including reviewing a list of sites accessed, files or data
transmitted, and other usage details. These Systems are the property of
The Broadmoor and its subsidiaries or affiliates, as is the information and
data committed to, transmitted through, or stored therein, and
Employees should understand that they have no expectation of privacy
with respect to the use of any Company Systems or Company Devices, or
to the extent permitted by applicable laws, in Personal Devices to the
extent used for Company Business.
Waiver and Severability
If any portion of these standards are deemed unenforceable by a court of
law, the remainder will remain in force and the unenforceable provision
will be revised as needed to as closely as possible reflect the intent of the
unenforceable provision.
Recording Devices in the Workplace
Employees are prohibited from having any form of recording or
photography device in the workplace and from recording or
photographing guests, and confidential Broadmoor information.
Violations of this policy may result in immediate discipline (including the
possibility of termination), immediate removal of the recording device
and/or the employee from the workplace, and retention of the recording
device for inspection by the Hotel and/or legal authorities. Limited
exceptions will apply when the employee in possession of the recording
device has been provided advance authorization to use the recording
device by an authorized member of Hotel management and the
recording device is being used in an authorized manner to further Hotel
Prohibited “recording devices” under this policy include, but are not
limited to cameras, camcorders, video devices, picture or video capable
cellular telephones, cassette recorders, and digital voice or image
recorders. Cellular telephones, PDAs, MP3 and DVD devices, portable
computers, and other devices are covered if they are equipped with any
device or technology that has the capability to record images or sounds.
This prohibition applies irrespective of whether the recording capability is
activated or not.
Information/Computer Security and Proprietary Information
Employees must keep passwords secure and may not share
accounts. Authorized users are responsible for the security of
their passwords and accounts. System and user level passwords
should be changed every 90 days.
All PCs, laptops and workstations connected to The
Broadmoor network should be secured with a password-
protected screensaver with the automatic feature set at 15
minutes or less.
Employees should secure their workstations by logging off or
locking (Control-Alt-Delete for Windows users) when the host is
Information contained on portable computers is especially
vulnerable. Special care should be exercised by protecting
laptops in accordance with the corporate security standards,
including personal firewalls.
Employees must use extreme caution when opening e-mail
attachments received from unknown senders, which may
contain viruses, e-mail bombs or Trojan horse code.
Social Security numbers and credit card numbers are
considered highly confidential and should be protected at all
times and in all places not only as they relate to computer
systems, but to paper and e-mail documents. They should NEVER
be stored on local computers or workstations.
Social Media Policy
The Broadmoor’s policy respects that many of our employees utilize
social media in their private and work lives. The following Policy governs
employee use of social media, including online tools used to share
content, profiles, opinions, insights with others such as personal web
pages, message boards, networks, communities and social networking
websites, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Myspace, Digg, Flickr,
Twitter, LinkedIn and weblogs (“blogs”) among others, as it relates to
your work at The Broadmoor. This Policy will evolve as new technologies
and tools become available and if regulatory requirements change.
The Broadmoor respects the rights of all employees to make use of social
media, provided that such use does not adversely affect the Company’s
legitimate rights and interests. For this reason, The Broadmoor expects
employees to exercise good judgment and discretion when using social
media, keeping in mind that what they say and do over the internet may
be a reflection of The Broadmoor.
Specifically, employees are strictly prohibited from:
Engaging in activity that violates any of The Broadmoor’s
policies or procedures.
Listing your own or any other employee’s Broadmoor e-mail
address or Broadmoor telephone number, unless the social
media is being used solely for company business.
Using The Broadmoor’s proprietary identifying image(s), logo(s),
trademarks, service marks, slogans and/or copyrighted
material in non-business related messaging without the prior
consent of The Broadmoor President and CEO or Director of
Human Resources.
Engaging in activity which violates state or federal laws related
to patent, copyright or trademark infringement, libel,
breach of contract, etc.
Using any social media during work time, unless it is being used
solely for/on company business. The Employee Resource Library
is available in Human Resources and can be used during break
Posting or otherwise disclosing any of The Broadmoor’s
proprietary or confidential business information.
Posting or using a photograph or likeness of a supervisor,
manager, vendor, customer or guest without their prior
permission to do so.
Posting or otherwise commenting on any potential or actual
legal matter or litigation in which The Broadmoor is involved and
which may be binding upon The Broadmoor or deemed to be an
admission of The Broadmoor.
Providing references or employment verification for current or
former employees.
Employees engaging in use of social media are subject to all of the
Company’s policies and procedures, including but not limited to The
Broadmoor’s policies: (i) safeguarding Company property; (ii) prohibiting
unlawful practices such as discrimination and harassment; and (iii)
governing the use of The Broadmoor’s computer, telephone and other
electronic and communication equipment and systems.
Employees must make it clear in any online activity that the views and
opinions they express about work or Broadmoor-related matters are their
own and are not those of The Broadmoor or its management. If you
comment on The Broadmoor or any competitor, use your real name,
identify your position with The Broadmoor and, if you have a vested
interest in the topic, please make that interest clear. Never represent
yourself as speaking for The Broadmoor unless you are specifically
authorized to do so. Further, never hold yourself out as an expert on an
issue by virtue of your employment at The Broadmoor without prior
permission. If and when you are authorized to speak on behalf of The
Broadmoor, never represent the Company in a false or misleading way. If
you disagree with another’s opinion, please remain respectful and polite.
The Broadmoor reserves the right to monitor the use of its computer,
telephone and other communications equipment/systems.
Employees should have no expectation of privacy while using said
Broadmoor property.
Nothing in this Policy or in any of the Company’s other policies and
procedures prohibits or otherwise restricts employees from engaging in
concerted activity for the purposes of mutual aid or protection, including
the right to voluntarily discuss their wages, hours, working conditions
and other terms and conditions of employment with one another and/or
others. Nothing in this Policy or in any of the Company’s other policies
and procedures prohibit or otherwise restrict an employee from
participating in a government investigation.
By participating in social media activities, employees accept responsibility
for complying with the policy. Violations of this Policy may result in
disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. If you
have any questions about this policy, please contact Human Resources.
At The Broadmoor, we understand that social media can be a fun and
rewarding way to share your life and opinions with family, friends and
co-workers around the world. However, use of social media also presents
certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities. To assist you in
making responsible decisions about your use of social media, we have
established these guidelines for appropriate use of social media.
Guidelines: Guidelines:
Guidelines: In the rapidly expanding work of electronic communication,
social media
can mean many things.
Social media
includes all means of
communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the
Internet, including to your own or someone else’s web log or blog,
journal or diary, personal web site, social networking or affinity web site,
web bulletin board or a chat room, whether or not associated or
affiliated with The Broadmoor, as well as any other form of electronic
The same principles and guidelines found in The Broadmoor’s policies
and three basic beliefs apply to your activities online. Ultimately, you are
solely responsible for what you post online. Before creating online
content, consider some of the risks and rewards that are involved. Keep
in mind that any of your conduct that adversely affects your job
performance, the performance of fellow employees or otherwise
adversely affects customers, supplies, people who work on behalf of The
Broadmoor or The Broadmoor’s legitimate business interests may result
in disciplinary action up to including termination.
Know an
Know anKnow an
Know and Follow the Rules:
d Follow the Rules: d Follow the Rules:
d Follow the Rules: Carefully read these guidelines, No
Discrimination and No Harassment Policy, and ensure your postings are
consistent with these policies. Inappropriate postings that may include
discriminatory remarks, harassment, and threats of violence or similar
inappropriate or unlawful conduct or will not be tolerated and may
subject you to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Be Respectful:
Be Respectful: Be Respectful:
Be Respectful: Always be fair and courteous to fellow employees,
customers, suppliers or people who work on behalf of The Broadmoor.
Also, keep in mind that you are more likely to resolve work related
complaints by speaking directly with your co- workers or by utilizing our
Open Door Policy than by posting complaints to a social media outlet.
Nevertheless, if you decide to post complaints or criticism, avoid using
statements, photographs, video or audio that reasonably could be
viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening or intimidating, that disparage
customers, employees or suppliers, or that might constitute harassment
or bullying. Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts
meant to intentionally harm someone’s reputation or posts that could
contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, sex,
disability, religion or any other status protected by law or company
Be Honest and Accurate:
Be Honest and Accurate: Be Honest and Accurate:
Be Honest and Accurate: Make sure you are always honest and accurate
when posting information or news, and if you make a mistake, correct it
quickly. Be open about any previous posts you have altered. Remember
that the Internet archives almost everything; therefore, even deleted
postings can be searched. Never post any information or rumors that you
know to be false about The Broadmoor, fellow employees, customers,
suppliers, and people working on behalf of The Broadmoor or
Post Only Appropriate and Respectful Content:
Post Only Appropriate and Respectful Content:Post Only Appropriate and Respectful Content:
Post Only Appropriate and Respectful Content:
Maintain the confidentiality of The Broadmoor trade secrets and
private or confidential information. Trade secrets may include
information regarding the development of systems, processes,
products, know-how and technology. Do not post internal
reports, policies, procedures or other internal business-related
confidential communications.
Respect financial disclosure laws. It is illegal to
communicate or give a “tip” on inside information to others so
that they may buy or sell stocks or securities. Such online conduct
may also violate the Insider Trading Policy.
Do not create a link from your blog, website or other social
networking site to The Broadmoor’s website without identifying
yourself as a Broadmoor employee.
Express your personal opinions. Never represent yourself as a
spokesperson for The Broadmoor. If The Broadmoor is
subject to the content you are creating, be clear and open about
the fact that you’re an employee and make it clear that your
views do not represent those of The Broadmoor, fellow
employees, guests, customers, suppliers or people working on
behalf of The Broadmoor. If you do publish a blog or post online
related to the work you do or subjects associated with The
Broadmoor, make it clear that you are not speaking on behalf of
The Broadmoor. It is best to include a disclaimer such as “The
postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect
the views of The Broadmoor.”
Using Social Media at Work:
Using Social Media at Work:Using Social Media at Work:
Using Social Media at Work: Refrain from using social media on work
time or on equipment we provide, unless it is work-related as authorized
by your manager or consistent with the Company Equipment Policy.
Do not use The Broadmoor’s email addresses to register on social
networks, blogs or other online tools utilized for personal use.
Retaliation is Prohibited:
Retaliation is Prohibited: Retaliation is Prohibited:
Retaliation is Prohibited: The Broadmoor prohibits taking negative action
against any employee for reporting a possible deviation from this policy
or for cooperating in an investigation. Any employee who retaliates
against another employee for reporting a possible deviation from this
policy or for cooperating in an investigation will be subject to disciplinary
action, up to and including termination.
For More Information:
For More Information: For More Information:
For More Information: If you have questions or need further guidance,
please contact Human Resources.
Use of Hotel Facilities
The facilities, restaurants, and lounges of The Broadmoor Golf Club are
for Hotel guests and Golf Club members only. Use of pools is also
restricted to guests. Employees may use the retail shops, as does the
general public. Appropriate attire and conduct is required when using
any Hotel facilities.
PUBLIC AREAS: Off duty employees are not allowed in the public
areas of the Hotel, including the lobby areas without notifying
their immediate Supervisor.
WORK AREA: You will be assigned to a work area. You are not to
visit other areas except when on business. You should always
notify a Supervisor or Manager when leaving your work area.
Restaurant Use Pass
Whenever you visit our restaurants or lounges, you will need a
Restaurant Use Pass. You can obtain this pass from your Department
Head in advance of your planned visit. You are responsible for making
reservations in advance with the Manager of the outlet you wish to
utilize. A Restaurant Use Pass will be issued based on availability.
However, if we are anticipating a large volume of guests in our
restaurants and lounges, you may be denied a Restaurant Use Pass. In
most instances, weekends and holidays are reserved for Hotel guests and
local patrons. When using a Restaurant Use Pass, you must be off duty
and not in uniform. Appropriate attire and conduct is expected.
Employee/Guest Fraternization
While all employees are expected to be friendly and courteous with Hotel
guests, non-employment related socializing, dating, or fraternization with
the guests is prohibited. This policy applies whether an employee is on or
off duty. Any infraction of this policy will be investigated and may result
in termination
Food and Beverage Deliveries
Food and beverage deliveries from outside vendors are not permitted at
the Hotel. Please refer our guests to our outlets or Room Service for food
and beverage service. Should you see such a delivery being made, please
contact the Assistant Manager on duty at ext. 5419 so follow up action
can be taken.
Lactation Accommodation Policy
The Broadmoor provides convenient, private areas for nursing mothers
who need to express breast milk periodically during the work day.
Employees who would like to utilize these areas should contact their
manager or Human Resources to make arrangements.
Your Performance
The Broadmoor knows how important it is for you to know what is
expected of you and how your performance is being viewed. We believe
that performance feedback or coaching starts with your first day and is a
continuous process. We have outlined below specific times for formal
reviews. These times are designed for a formal evaluation of your
Post Evaluation Period
After the completion of your evaluation period, you will receive a review
by your Supervisor. The review is based on your performance during the
90-day evaluation period.
Annual Evaluation
You will receive an evaluation to determine your work progress and a
pay review on or around your anniversary date each year. If you should
transfer to another department or position at the Hotel, your next review
will be one year from your transfer date. How well you perform your job
is the most important factor on which recommendations regarding your
pay increase are made. Your Supervisor considers, among other things,
the quality of work, overall knowledge, your work performance, your
attitude, initiative, cooperation with others, and your adaptability and
versatility in your job. Regular attendance and punctuality, grooming,
safety record and care of Hotel property are also factors that will be
considered in your overall performance evaluation. The pay review is
based on performance and does not guarantee an increase in pay. If a
pay increase is determined, the increase will begin on the first day of the
pay period following your anniversary date. During your performance
evaluation, you are encouraged to discuss your progress with your
Supervisor. Should you have questions about your progress between
these reviews, please feel free to ask your Supervisor to talk with you in
Salary Administration
All hourly positions at the Hotel are assigned a minimum and maximum
rate. Once you reach the maximum hourly rate for your position, you are
ineligible for additional merit percentage increases as long as you remain
in that position. Salary surveys may be conducted periodically to
determine if The Broadmoor wages are generally competitive in our
industry and geographic area. No employee may give himself/herself a
pay increase by means of a wage increase, salary increase, or any
additional compensation (i.e. to include tips, gratuities, etc.)
without approval.
Sample Pay Period
Your pay is based on the
worked during a two-
period ending every
Friday. Paychecks are
the following Friday
Shaded = Pay Period
Picking Up Paychecks
Paychecks must be picked up at the Loss Prevention Office in the Main
Building between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on paydays. After
these hours, paychecks will be kept in Loss Prevention on Saturday,
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday following the payday. After that, checks
may be picked up in the Payroll Office in Accounting. If there is a
discrepancy with your paycheck, see your Supervisor. For your
protection, we do not allow relatives, your spouse, or any other person to
pick up you paycheck. You must pick up your paycheck in person and
you will be required to show your Broadmoor I.D. card.
Clocking In/Out
Remember that it is your responsibility to clock in and out properly for
each shift that you work and for all meal periods. If you forget to clock in
or out any time during the pay period and it causes your paycheck to be
incorrect, the correction will be reflected on your next scheduled
paycheck. Excessive failure to clock in/out or clocking in or out for
anyone other than yourself may result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination.
Direct Deposit
The Broadmoor has established an automatic payroll deposit system with
the bank of your choice. If you would like more information or to enroll
in the plan, please utilize Employee Self Service to enroll.
Tip Reporting
Some Broadmoor employees receive tips for their work in addition to
their pay from The Broadmoor. Under U.S. Government rules, each
employee who receives more than $20.00 in cash tips during a month
must turn in a tip report to the Payroll Office on a bi-monthly basis.
Furthermore, the rules require that income tax and Social Security taxes
on reported tips be deducted from the regular paychecks. If you receive
tips, you should know that the Government levies a penalty on any
employee who fails to report or who reports tips incorrectly.
Work schedules may require overtime work. A non-exempt employee will
be paid at one and one half times the regular hourly rate for hours
worked over 40 hours per week or 12 hours per day. Due to the nature
of the hospitality business, you are required to work overtime when
determined necessary and approved by your Supervisor.
For purposes of calculating overtime hours, only actual hours worked will
be counted. Paid time off is not counted as hours worked for purposes of
calculating overtime hours.
Overtime Compensation
Overtime compensation varies depending on the employee’s pay plan,
job duties, and other regulatory factors. For example, our salaried-exempt
employees normally do not receive extra pay for overtime hours.
Likewise, certain other employees are exempt from overtime premium
pay, so we pay those employees straight-time pay for overtime hours.
Our hourly non-exempt employees receive straight-time pay plus half-
time pay (the time-and-one-half rate) for overtime hours. In any event, all
overtime work performed by such employees will be paid properly.
If you are voluntarily ending your employment, you must provide a
written statement of resignation. A minimum of two weeks advance
notice of resignation is requested. Failure to provide sufficient notice will
affect your eligibility for rehire.
Exit Process
Should your employment come to an end at The Broadmoor, you are
required to complete an Exit Checklist. The checklist is designed to
simplify the check-out process and to ensure that all Broadmoor Hotel
property is returned. Exit Checklists are available from your Department
Manager, Human Resources or any Form Center.
The Exit Process is as follows:
Step 1: Outgoing Employee Informatio
Step 1: Outgoing Employee InformatioStep 1: Outgoing Employee Informatio
Step 1: Outgoing Employee Information
Fill in the information requested in this section.
Step 2: Department
Step 2: DepartmentStep 2: Department
Step 2: Department
A Department Manager or Supervisor must complete and sign off on the
Exit Checklist to verify departmental equipment has been returned.
Step 3: Uniforms
Step 3: UniformsStep 3: Uniforms
Step 3: Uniforms
The Uniform Department must sign off on the Exit Checklist to verify
that all uniforms issued to you have been returned. They will also provide
a receipt to you for the return of your uniform deposit.
Step 4: Loss Prevention
Step 4: Loss PreventionStep 4: Loss Prevention
Step 4: Loss Prevention
The Loss Prevention Department must sign off on the Exit Checklist to
verify that all key cards, lockers and parking passes have been returned.
Step 5: Employee Housing
Step 5: Employee HousingStep 5: Employee Housing
Step 5: Employee Housing
If you reside in employee housing, you must complete step five by
scheduling a walk-through of your housing unit with a representative of
from Housing. Once the walk- through has been completed, Human
Resources will sign off on the Exit Checklist.
Step 6: Benefits and Risk Management
Step 6: Benefits and Risk ManagementStep 6: Benefits and Risk Management
Step 6: Benefits and Risk Management
The Benefits Manager or designee needs to sign the checklist to indicate
whether you have insurance coverage and the Risk Manager must sign if
you have an open worker’s compensation claim.
Step 7: Reason for Leaving
Step 7: Reason for LeavingStep 7: Reason for Leaving
Step 7: Reason for Leaving
In this section, indicate the reason for leaving (voluntary or involuntary)
and whether you would like to pick up your final paycheck or have it
Step 8: International Employees Only
Step 8: International Employees OnlyStep 8: International Employees Only
Step 8: International Employees Only
Please see International Recruiting Manager regarding any outstanding
fees prior to completing the exit process.
Step 9: Human Resources
Step 9: Human ResourcesStep 9: Human Resources
Step 9: Human Resources
Complete the exit process with the Human Resources Department.
You must turn in your name tag, I.D. card, Employee Guidebook and
SMART Start materials (if provided). Human Resources will answer any
final questions you may have and sign the Exit Checklist.
Step 10: Exit Questionnaire
Step 10: Exit QuestionnaireStep 10: Exit Questionnaire
Step 10: Exit Questionnaire
If you are leaving the Hotel voluntarily, you will be asked to complete the
questionnaire attached to the Exit Checklist. We appreciate your
feedback. Please include your phone number at the bottom of the page
if you would like a follow up exit interview in person or by phone.
Step 11: Letter of Resign
Step 11: Letter of ResignStep 11: Letter of Resign
Step 11: Letter of Resignation
Each employee who leaves the Hotel voluntarily will be required to
complete a letter of resignation, which states resignation date and
reason for leaving.
Final Checks
Before your final check is issued, an Exit Checklist must
must must
must be completed.
Payroll deductions may be made for Hotel equipment or materials
damaged or not returned. (See chart below for an example of charges).
Your final paycheck will be mailed to the forwarding address you provide
or it will be held for you in the Payroll Office, depending upon your
instructions. If you currently utilize direct deposit, direct deposit of your
paycheck will be suspended upon resignation and you will receive your
check as stated above.
I.D. Card
Name Tag $5.00/$7.00
Guidebook/CD $15.00
Uniforms $100.00 Deposit
(Plus any additional materials depending upon uniform and Department)
Check Cashing
The Broadmoor does not have the capability of cashing personal or
payroll checks.
Advance on Paychecks
There is a general policy of no advances on paychecks. An emergency
request must be approved by the Assistant Director or Director of Human
Employee Communication & Recognition
At The Broadmoor, we encourage you to communicate your ideas,
suggestions, and concerns to your Supervisor or department. In addition,
we have provided you with other means whereby you can communicate
with management and them with you. We encourage you to take
advantage of our communication system so we can work together to
provide the best possible service to our guests and the most effective,
positive and professional work environment for our employees.
Projects, R
Recognition, I
Involvement, D
Dedication and E
Committee (P.R.I.D.E.)
The purpose of the P.R.I.D.E. Committee is to improve communication
throughout the Hotel. The Committee is designed to encourage
employee discussion regarding activities, special events and Hotel
matters. Members from each division are chosen to attend the monthly
P.R.I.D.E. Committee meeting. P.R.I.D.E. Committee members must have
been employed with the Hotel for at least six months and should possess
the following qualities:
A positive attitude.
A genuine desire to improve the Hotel and work environment.
Concern for their fellow employees.
The willingness to communicate with others.
Be in good standing with their department.
P.R.I.D.E. Committee members are a vital link in ensuring that their
department is well informed and that the needs and concerns of the
department’s employees are expressed.
Employee Recognition Programs
Each month the P.R.I.D.E. Committee selects an Employee of the Month
from each division. Nominations are submitted by Supervisors, Managers,
and fellow employees. Nomination forms are available through your
P.R.I.D.E. Committee member, at the Forms Centers located throughout
the Hotel, or in the Human Resources public folder in Outlook. The
factors considered in the selection process are:
Outstanding service to internal and external guests
A positive attitude
Courtesy and cooperation
Work quality and productivity
Professional appearance
Attendance and punctuality record
Safety record
Candidates must also be employed at the Hotel for at least six months
and have no disciplinary actions in the past 90 days.
Employees of the Month are honored with a certificate, a cash award,
dinner for two, a luncheon in his/her honor, a parking pass, and a special
nametag to wear during the month. In addition, the Employee of the
Month is featured in
The Buzzin’ Bee Above and Beyond Magazine.
Each December, an Employee of the Year from each division is selected
from among the year’s Employees of the Month. The Employees of the
Year are honored at the annual Employee Holiday Party with a plaque,
cash award and trip for two.
Manager of the Quarter
Each quarter, the Executive Committee selects a Manager of the Quarter.
Executive Committee Members are not eligible. The factors considered in
the selection process are:
Interpersonal skills
Training and Development
Employee retention
Organization skills
Budget management
Staff morale
Communication skills
Impact on The Broadmoor
To be eligible, Managers must be employed at the Hotel for at least six
months and have no disciplinary actions in the past six months.
We honor Managers of the Quarter with a cash prize, overnight stay and
dinner for two at the Hotel, a special nametag for the quarter, a plaque
and an article in
The Buzzin’ Bee Above and Beyond Magazine.
Along with recognizing a Manager quarterly, The Broadmoor will
recognize a Manager of the Year. This individual will be honored in
December and receive a plaque, a cash award and a trip for two.
Service Pins
After one year of full-time or part-time service, employees receive a one
year service pin. Service pins are also presented at 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20
year anniversaries. Service pins should be worn directly above the
An Evening with the Stars
An Evening with the Stars is a very special event to honor long- term
employees who have worked for The Broadmoor for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
years or more. The event is hosted by the President & CEO of The
Broadmoor each year.
Pioneer Club
Broadmoor employees who have completed 25 years of continuous full-
time service are inducted into The Broadmoor Pioneer Club. Both active
and retired employees who are members of The Pioneer Club receive
special recognition at the annual induction party and participation in
other special events during the year.
There is one monthly publication
designed to keep you abreast of
current and upcoming information
and events. The Buzzin’ Bee Above
and Beyond Magazine will keep you up-to-date on important hotel
information, announcements of upcoming events, educational
opportunities, savings and special offers for Broadmoor employees and
other information of interest. The magazine will also spotlight the
Manager of the Quarter winner, Employees of the Month, Service Pin
recipients, highlights from employee events, and spotlights P.R.I.D.E.
Committee activities. It is available in the Form Centers, Loss Prevention,
Uniforms, Broadmoor Café and the Human Resources Public Folder.
“I Make it Better” Hotline
This 24-hour hotline is available for you to share any comments,
questions, concerns or suggestions regarding the Hotel. By dialing IMIB
(ext. 4642) from any house phone, you will be connected to a voicemail
message, which instructs you to leave your comments. This is checked
regularly and an employee can usually expect a response within two
Due to the serious nature of harassment, discrimination and retaliation,
employees must voice your concerns or complaints about such behavior
to the individuals listed in the No Harassment Policy in this Guidebook.
Departmental Meetings
Departmental meetings will be held on a regular basis. This is an
opportunity for you to address any concerns that you may have about
policies, receive updated information and offer suggestions for the
Department and the Hotel. All employees must attend their
departmental meeting. Failure to attend a mandatory meeting will result
in disciplinary action. Please consider these meetings as part of your
schedule and paid work time. Arrive promptly and dress appropriately.
Employee Open Forum
Each month, a group of randomly selected employees will be invited to
share ideas and opinions with an Executive Committee. This is an open
forum where the selected employees are able to ask questions and share
information in an informal setting.
Bulletin Boards
Announcements of upcoming events, changes in policies, “all employee”
memos, educational opportunities and other business information of
interest are posted on bulletin boards throughout the Hotel. In addition,
open positions are posted on the bulletin board located near the
employee entrance to the Main Building. Make it a habit to read the
bulletin boards daily. Please be aware that you may not post any
information on these bulletin boards.
R.S.V.P. Hotline
You have many opportunities for learning at The Broadmoor. Course
catalogs can be found in all Form Centers and contain information on
classes offered. By dialing R.S.V.P. (ext. 7787) from any house phone, you
will be connected to a voicemail box on which you leave your name,
department, name and date of class you would like to attend.
The Broadmoor strives to offer its employees competitive and attractive
benefits. Many of these benefits are available to you immediately upon
your first day of employment. Some benefits are also available to your
immediate family. Immediate family is defined as househo
Immediate family is defined as househoImmediate family is defined as househo
Immediate family is defined as household members,
ld members, ld members,
ld members,
including your spouse and dependent children age 18 and under.
including your spouse and dependent children age 18 and under.including your spouse and dependent children age 18 and under.
including your spouse and dependent children age 18 and under.
Broadmoor Café
Our employee ca is located in the Main Hotel. Breakfast, lunch, and
dinner are always available. The cais for the use of currently employed
staff members only. Your employee name badge or I.D. card will provide
identification for admittance.
Appropriate attire (see grooming standards) must be worn if utilizing the
employee café on your days off. Persons wearing inappropriate clothing
or clothing in disrepair, offensive T-shirts, short shorts, halter tops or tank
tops will not be served.
Employees of the hotel are permitted ONE
ONE free meal on their birthday.
Your employee name badge or I.D. card will be required. Note: If you are
scheduled off on your birthday, you may have the ONE
ONE free meal within
five days of your birth date.
Restaurant Discounts
Employees receive a discount based on years of service, at our many
restaurant and lounges (except Espresso News). You must request a
Restaurant Use Pass
in advance from your Department Head (see Policies
and Procedures) and
present it to your server to receive your discount. Remember to base and
pay your gratuity on the total
the discount. The discounts are as
1-5 years = 10%, 5-10 years = 20%, and over 10 years = 50%
Discounts on Purchases
Employees receive a 30% discount at Broadmoor owned and operated
retail shops with the exception of Espresso News (no discount). You will
be required to present your Broadmoor I.D. to receive your discount. In
addition, you will receive a 30% discount on sale items with the
exception of those items marked down 50% or more. Additional
discounts may be available. Ask your Department Head about these.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Discount
The Broadmoor Laundry and Dry Cleaners offers employees a 20%
discount on laundry and dry cleaning services. You must present your
Broadmoor I.D. card to receive your discount. (Hotel uniforms are
cleaned free of charge- see “Uniforms” under Policies and Procedures).
Movie Passes
Free admission to movies is granted to current employees and their
immediate families only. Admission may be obtained by presenting your
Broadmoor I.D. card to the cashier at the theater. An eligible employee
must be present.
You must wear appropriate attire. Admittance will be denied to persons
wearing inappropriate clothing or clothing in disrepair, offensive T-shirts,
short shorts, tank or halter tops, or Hotel uniforms. Please refer to the
Grooming Standards for further explanation.
Spa Discount
The Spa at The Broadmoor currently offers a 30% discount to employees
on all merchandise in the Spa and Salon. The Spa wishes to extend to all
employees limited access to Spa services at reasonable prices, subject to
strict conditions and changes or cancellations without notice. (See
Employee Spa Menu for booking an appointment, spa employee pricing
and gratuity.) The discount does not include use of the Fitness Center.
Appointments booked for employees are subject to availability and the
employee appointment may be moved to accommodate a guest if
demand requires. Reservations must be made no more than 24- hours in
advance and appointments are considered Monday through Thursday
only. Reservations must be made by contacting 719-492-0402, through
the Spa Director or Manager on duty only
only. The discount does not include
gift certificates and is for the employee only
employee onlyemployee only
employee only. Employees may contact the
Spa for additional information.
Other Current Discounts
All discounts are subject to change or cancellation without notice.
Present your Broadmoor employee I.D. card when requesting any of the
active discounts. A complete up-to-date list of benefits can be obtained in
Outlook/Public Folders/Human Resources + drop down/Employee
Benefits/On and Off Property Discounts, or from your
Manager/Department Head. Please contact the Benefits office at ext.
5180 for more details.
Employee Resource Library
The Resource Library is located in Human Resources and provides a
variety of books, magazines, and DVD’s for employees to check out.
Topics include hospitality-related subjects, supervisory development,
and personal development to name a few. You may check out resources
to review and study on your own.
The library also has computers available for employee use. These may be
used to check personal e-mail and only offers internet access. If an
employee is found to have accessed inappropriate web sites (any content
of a sexual, violent, or otherwise inappropriate nature) or used the
computers in any way that is contrary to company policy, appropriate
disciplinary action will be take up to and including termination.
Employees are required to sign
Employees are required to signEmployees are required to sign
Employees are required to sign-
-in and out in the Human Resources
in and out in the Human Resources in and out in the Human Resources
in and out in the Human Resources
Office when using the library computers
Office when using the library computersOffice when using the library computers
Office when using the library computers. You may access Employee Self
Service at URL ess.Broadmoor.com
Employee Access Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
As a convenience to employees, an employee only access ATM is
available for use 24-hours a day, seven days a week. The ATM is located
in the employee Café.
Employees pay a $1.50 service fee per transaction (all fees are subject to
change without notice); in addition to any fees your financial institution
may charge. This is a cash-dispensing machine only.
Employee Fitness
In keeping with The Broadmoor Hotel’s commitment to employee health
and wellness, we offer all employees membership at 24 Hour Fitness
24 Hour Fitness 24 Hour Fitness
24 Hour Fitness at
substantially reduced rates. This benefit provides employees with access
to state-of-the-art fitness and exercise equipment, free weights, pool,
whirlpool and sauna facilities, locker room facilities, and group exercise
classes. Wellness and fitness education, personalized fitness instruction,
and even day care is also available to employees who take advantage of
this benefit. To enroll visit your local club.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – Centura Health Profile
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides professional
assessment, initial counseling and referral service for personal difficulties.
The Broadmoor covers the cost for an initial assessment and two
additional sessions per issue; frequently, difficulties are resolved during
these initial free assessment sessions.
This program is available to all employees, their spouses and dependent
children. This program is confidential and available 24- hours per day.
EAP service is available to employees for 30 days after termination at no
Services include:
Relationship issues
Family difficulties
Stress, depression, and anxiety
Substance abuse
Workplace difficulties
Work/life benefits
Brochures providing more detailed information on Profile EAP are
located in the Form Center, through Human Resources, from your
Manager, or employees can call: (719) 634-1825 or (800) 645-6571. 24/7
crisis services available: Website www.ProfileEAP.org username:
Broadmoor password: 1520
Hotel Chaplain/Counselor
The Broadmoor’s Chaplain, who oversees the services at the
Broadmoor’s Pauline Chapel, is available to assist and meet with
employees who would like to meet with someone for counsel or spiritual
direction. The Chaplain can be reached at 719-634- 8052.
Tuition Reimbursement Policy
Who is eligible?
Who is eligible?Who is eligible?
Who is eligible?
Any full-time or part-time employee who has completed six months of
continuous service and has received pre-approval for degree plan/classes
that relate directly to the employee’s current position and/or the
hospitality industry.
What is the procedure?
What is the procedure?What is the procedure?
What is the procedure?
Complete a tuition reimbursement form prior to registering for
the course. (Forms are available in Human Resources Public
Folder or Forms Centers).
Obtain your Department Manager’s approval.
Return the signed form to the Human Resources office for the Senior
Training Manager’s approval. After completion of the class, turn in
your grade and tuition receipt to the Training Office for
What is covered by Tuition Reimbursement?
What is covered by Tuition Reimbursement?What is covered by Tuition Reimbursement?
What is covered by Tuition Reimbursement?
Tuition costs only. The Broadmoor Hotel will not pay for application or
student fees, books and/or class materials.
How much am I eligible to receive?
How much am I eligible to receive?How much am I eligible to receive?
How much am I eligible to receive?
Upon completion of the course, you are eligible for reimbursement as
100 % For an “A” or equivalent
75% For a “B” or equivalent
50% For a “C” or equivalent
Pass/Fail classes will be reimbursed at 75% for a “Pass” grade.
Reimbursement will not be made for any grade below a “C” or
the equivalent at the time of completion.
Reimbursement amount limits are as follows:
Length of Service Amount
6 months up to 2 years $1,000/year
2 years up to 5 years $2,500/year
5 years up to 10 years $4,000/year
10+ years $5,000/year
If you leave The Broadmoor Hotel within six months of receiving
reimbursement, you may be required to repay any amounts paid to you
under this policy. The amounts owed may be deducted from your final
All degree plans and classes are subject to final approval by the
Human Resources Department based on subject matter, class
content, instructional institution and the class content in relation
to your current position within the Hotel.
The Broadmoor may annually award scholarships ranging from $500 to
$2,000 to full-time, part-time, and seasonal (employed at least two
consecutive seasons) employees who have completed at least six months
of continuous service and have plans for continued employment at The
Broadmoor. Scholarship recipients must be enrolled in an accredited
college or university in Colorado, and must be seeking a degree in
Hospitality, Business, or a related field.
Each full-time employee who has completed six consecutive months of
service is eligible to earn vacation. Reminder: If you transfer from a FT
Reminder: If you transfer from a FT Reminder: If you transfer from a FT
Reminder: If you transfer from a FT
position to a PT, Seasonal, or On
position to a PT, Seasonal, or Onposition to a PT, Seasonal, or On
position to a PT, Seasonal, or On-
call call
call position, you will have
position, you will have position, you will have
position, you will have six months to
six months to six months to
six months to
use your credited vacation time only before you will lose it.
use your credited vacation time only before you will lose it. use your credited vacation time only before you will lose it.
use your credited vacation time only before you will lose it. Use an
“Employee Time Off Request” Form to request vacation. Unused Personal
and Sick Days are not eligible to be extended.
Other Requirements:
Other Requirements:Other Requirements:
Other Requirements:
Vacation time cannot be accumulated. Vacation time is earned
and credited upon the completion of six consecutive months and
upon your anniversary date each year and must be taken during
the following anniversary year. If it is not taken, it will
If it is not taken, it will If it is not taken, it will
If it is not taken, it will not
be be
carried over
carried over carried over
carried over into the next year and it will be lost.
into the next year and it will be lost.into the next year and it will be lost.
into the next year and it will be lost.
Vacation time must be requested in advance, and will be
approved on a case by case basis.
Accrued vacation time will be paid out in full upon separation,
except in cases of gross misconduct, as determined by The
Due to peak occupancy periods from April through September,
vacations may not be approved during this time.
o Vacation is granted for rest and/or relaxation; therefore,
you may not receive vacation pay in lieu of time off.
o Vacation pay will be paid out to you on the next
regularly scheduled pay day following your vacation.
o Vacation pay will not be paid in advance.
o To be eligible for vacation pay you must submit a Time
Off Request form for approval by your Manager and/or
Department Head. If you are unable to work your last
scheduled shift before an approved vacation or personal
day or the first scheduled shift after an approved
vacation or personal day due to an illness, you must
present a doctor’s note prior to your return.
Vacation Time is Credited P
Vacation Time is Credited PVacation Time is Credited P
Vacation Time is Credited Per the Table Below
er the Table Belower the Table Below
er the Table Below
6 full-time months
40 hours
1 full-time year
Additional 40 hours
2 – 4 full-time years
80 hours
5 – 9 full-time years
120 hours
10 full-time years or more
160 hours
All full-time employees who have completed 12 consecutive months of
full time service are entitled to receive three paid holidays per year. The
three recognized holidays are:
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
Eligible employees will be paid for eight hours of holiday pay on the
recognized holiday. If an employee is scheduled to work on the
recognized holiday, they will be paid for actual hours worked in addition
to the eight hours of holiday pay.
To be eligible for holiday pay, you work your last schedule shift before
the holiday and the first scheduled shift after the holiday, unless you are
on an authorized leave.
Personal Days
All full-time employees who have completed 12 months of consecutive
service are eligible to take four personal days per anniversary year.
Personal days can be used as needed and must be taken within the
anniversary year. Personal days cannot be accumulated or rolled over
into the next anniversary year. Unused personal days will not be paid out
upon resignation or termination from the Hotel. All personal days require
prior approval from your Department Manager.
Paid Sick Leave
Paid sick leave is available for employees who are, in fact, ill and unable
to work. Paid sick leave cannot be converted into vacation leave and is
not payable upon termination. Paid sick leave is for an employee’s own
illness and not for family members, unless used under an approved FMLA
Leave of Absence. The Hotel reserves the right to require a doctor’s
certification of your illness.
Each full-time employee accumulates two hours of paid sick leave every
pay period and is charged for sick leave taken. Paid sick leave is not
available for use until completion of the first six months of full-time
No employee may accumulate more than 15 days (or 120 hours) of paid
sick leave. Paid sick leave taken the last scheduled day prior or the first
scheduled day back from vacation, personal day, or holiday time requires
a doctor’s note. Failure to provide a doctor’s note in this circumstance
may result in a loss of paid time benefit and will result in disciplinary
action up to and including termination.
Sick leave days are not paid out upon resignation or termination from the
Paid Time Off Note
“Tipped employees” (those employees for whom the Broadmoor takes a
tip credit) will be paid vacation, sick and personal time at the current
minimum wage rate.
Election Day
The Broadmoor encourages employees to exercise their right to vote. If
you are unable to get to your polling location during regular polling
hours because you are scheduled to work, the Hotel will provide up to
two hours for you to vote. Arrangements must be made with the
Department Manager or Supervisor in advance to determine an
appropriate time.
Leaves of Absence
Should you require a leave of absence from your job, contact the Risk
in person
in Human Resources to determine your eligibility to
take leave and to obtain more information about the leave process. All
leaves of absence will be granted as required by law.
Personal Leaves of Absence
Personal leaves are not granted frequently, as the nature of our business
will not permit them. You may apply for a personal leave of absence in
person through Human Resources.
Personal leaves are granted on a case by case basis, and must be
approved by Human Resources, your Department Managers,
and if the leave is for longer than two weeks, require approval
from an Executive Committee member.
Personal leaves may be granted, and if granted, only after
vacation and personal time have been exhausted. If you receive
permission for a personal leave, you must fill out a
Leave of
Absence (LOA) Request Form
and contact the Risk Manager to
arrange to continue payments for your medical and dental
insurance. Vacation, sick and personal days will not accumulate
or accrue while on a leave of absence. Holiday pay will only be
paid if the employee has returned from their LOA.
All Hotel property must be returned before the leave
The employee will receive a date of hire adjustment upon their
return from Personal Leave.
When you return from a personal leave of absence, the Hotel
will attempt to return you to the position that you left.
If that position is no longer available, you will be considered for
any open positions for which you are qualified. If no positions
are available, you will be terminated.
Failure to report to work as scheduled following a leave of
absence can result in dismissal.
Medical and Dental Coverage
Medical and Dental CoverageMedical and Dental Coverage
Medical and Dental Coverage: You may continue
participation in your elected medical, dental and vision
coverage by paying the employee portion of premiums for group
medical, dental and vision insurance. Premiums must be paid in
advance of the leave by the employee. If you do not return from
your leave and have not paid your group medical, dental and
vision insurance, you will be billed for the premiums owed to the
hotel and by law you will be extended the opportunity to
continue coverage for a limited time by paying 102% of the total
coverage cost through COBRA regulations.
Family and Medical Leave Act Policy
The Family and Medical Leave Act employees the opportunity to take job-
protected leave for certain specified reasons (Refer to section on Use of
Accrued Paid Leave). The maximum amount of leave an employee may
use is either 12 or 26 weeks, depending on the approved leave, within a
12-month period depending on the reasons for the leave.
Employee Eligibility:
Employee Eligibility: Employee Eligibility:
Employee Eligibility: To be eligible for FMLA leave, you must:
Have worked at least 12 months for the Hotel in the preceding
seven years (limited exceptions apply to the seven-year
Have worked at least 1,250 hours for the Hotel over the
preceding 12 months; and
Currently work at a location where there are at least 50
employees within 75 miles.
Conditions Triggering Leave:
Conditions Triggering Leave: Conditions Triggering Leave:
Conditions Triggering Leave: FMLA leave may be taken for the following
Birth of a child, or to take care for a newly-born child (up to 12
Placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster
care (up to 12 weeks);
To care for an immediate family member (employee’s spouse,
child, or parent, with a serious health condition (up to 12 weeks);
Because of the employee’s serious health condition that makes
the employee unable to perform the employee’s job (up to 12
To care for a Covered Service member with a serious injury or
illness related to certain types of military service (up to 26 weeks)
(see Military Related FMLA for more details); or
To handle certain qualifying exigencies arising out of the fact
that the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is on duty
under a call or order to active duty in the Uniformed Service (up
to 12 weeks) (see Military-Related FMLA Leave for more details).
The maximum amount of leave that may be taken in a 12-month period
for all reasons combined is 12 weeks, with one exemption. For leave to
care for a Covered Service Member, the maximum combined leave
entitlement is 26 weeks, with leaves for all other reasons constituting no
more than 12 of those 26 weeks.
Definitions: Definitions:
Definitions: A “Serious Health Condition” is an illness, injury, impairment,
or physical or mental condition that involves either an overnight stay in a
medical care facility, or continuing treatment by a health care provider
for a condition that either prevents the employee from performing the
functions of the employee’s job, or prevents the qualified family member
from participating in school or other daily activities. Subject to certain
conditions, the continuing treatment requirement includes an incapacity
of more than three full calendar days and two visits to a health care
provider or one visit to a health care provider and a continuing regimen
of care; an incapacity caused by pregnancy or prenatal visits, a chronic
condition, or permanent or long-term conditions; or absences due to
multiple treatments. Other situations may meet the definition of
continuing treatment.
A Covered Service member” is a member or veteran of the Armed
Forces, including the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing
medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, is otherwise in outpatient
status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious
injury or illness. The term “serious injury or illness” means an injury or
illness incurred by the member in the line of duty while on active duty in
the Armed Forces that may render the member rank, or rating, or one
the existed before the beginning of active duty. With regard to veterans,
the injury or illness may manifest itself before or after the individual
assumed veteran status.
“Qualifying exigencies” include activities such as short-notice
deployment, military events, arranging alternative childcare, making
financial and legal arrangements related to the deployment, rest and
recuperation, counseling, and post-deployment debriefings.
Identifying the 12
Identifying the 12Identifying the 12
Identifying the 12-
-Month Period:
Month Period: Month Period:
Month Period: The Hotel measures the 12- month
period in which leave is taken by the rolling” 12-month method,
measured backward from the date of any FMLA leave with one
exception. For leave to care for a Covered Service member, the Hotel
calculated the 12-month period beginning on the first day the eligible
employee takes FMLA leave to care for a Covered Service member and
ends 12 months after that date. FMLA leave for the birth or placement of
a child for adoption or foster care must be concluded within 12 months
of the birth or placement.
Using Leave:
Using Leave: Using Leave:
Using Leave: Eligible employees may take FMLA leave in a single block of
time, intermittently (in separate blocks of time), or by reducing the
normal work schedule when medically necessary for the serious health
condition of the employee or immediate family member, or in the case of
a Covered Service Member, his or her injury or illness. Eligible employees
may also take intermittent or reduced-scheduled leave for military
qualifying exigencies. Intermittent leave is not permitted for birth of a
child, to care for a newly-born child or for placement of a child for
adoption or foster care. Employees who require intermittent or reduced-
schedule leave must try to schedule their leave so that it will not unduly
disrupt the Hotel’s operations.
Paid Paid
Paid Time Off
Time Off Time Off
Time Off
Vacation, Sick, Personal and Holiday:
Vacation, Sick, Personal and Holiday: Vacation, Sick, Personal and Holiday:
Vacation, Sick, Personal and Holiday: The company
requires you to use accrued paid leave (such as sick leave, vacation, or
PTO), concurrently with your FMLA leave. For employee FMLA Leave of
Absence, available sick time must be taken first, then vacation and then
personal time must be used. For FMLA Family or Military Caregiver or
Exigency Leave of Absence, available vacation time must be taken first,
and then personal and then sick time must be used. In order to substitute
paid leave for FMLA leave, an eligible employee must comply with the
Hotel’s normal procedures for the applicable paid-leave policy (e.g. call-in
procedures, advance notice, etc.). An employee may receive Holiday pay
while on an approved FMLA leave if the holiday falls within the first 30
day waiting period for Short Term Disability benefits. Upon approval and
payment of Disability benefits, Holiday pay will not be paid by the hotel
unless the employee has returned from FMLA leave.
Maintenance of Health Benefits:
Maintenance of Health Benefits: Maintenance of Health Benefits:
Maintenance of Health Benefits: If you and/or your family participate in
our group health plan, the Hotel will maintain coverage during your
FMLA leave on the same terms as if you had continued to work. You
must make arrangements to pay your share of health plan premiums
while on leave, when you have exhausted your paid time off and are no
longer receiving a paycheck. The Hotel may recover premiums it paid to
maintain health coverage or other benefits for you and your family. Use
of FMLA leave will not result in the loss of any employment benefit that
accrued prior to the start of your leave.
Notice and Medical Certification:
Notice and Medical Certification:Notice and Medical Certification:
Notice and Medical Certification:
When seeking FMLA leave, you are required to provide:
1. Sufficient information for us to determine if the requested leave
may qualify for FMLA protection and the anticipated timing and
duration of the leave. Sufficient information may include that you
are unable to perform job functions, a family member is unable
to perform daily activities, the need for hospitalization or
continuing treatment by a health care provider, or circumstance
supporting the need for military family leave. You must also
inform the Hotel if the requested leave is for a reason for which
FMLA leave was previously taken or certified.
If the need for leave if foreseeable, this information must be
provided 30 days in advance of the anticipated beginning date
of the leave. If the need for leave is not foreseeable, this
information must be provided as soon as is practicable and in
compliance with the Hotel’s normal call-in procedures, absent
unusual circumstances.
2. Medical certification supporting the need for leave due to a
serious health condition affecting you or an immediate family
member within 15 calendar days of the Hotel’s request to
provide the certification (additional time may be permitted in
some circumstances). If you fail to do so, we may delay the
commencement of your leave, withdraw any designation of
FMLA leave or deny the leave, in which case your leave of
absence would be treated in accordance with our standard leave
of absence and attendance policies, subjecting you to discipline
up to and including termination. Second or third medical
opinions and periodic re-certifications may also be required.
3. Periodic reports as deemed appropriate during the leave
regarding your status and intent to return to work; and Medical
certification of fitness for duty before returning to work, if the
leave was due to your serious health condition. The Hotel will
require this certification to address whether you can perform the
essential functions of your position.
Failure to comply with the foregoing requirements may result in delay or
denial of leave, or disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Employer Responsibilities:
Employer Responsibilities: Employer Responsibilities:
Employer Responsibilities: To the extent required by law, the Company
will inform employees whether they are eligible under FMLA. Should an
employee be eligible for FMLA leave, the Hotel will provide him or her
with a notice that specifies any additional information required as well as
the employee’s rights and responsibilities. If employees are not eligible,
the Hotel will provide a reason for the ineligibility. The Hotel will also
inform employees if leave will be designated as FMLA-protected and, to
the extent possible, note the amount of leave counted against the
employee’s leave entitlement. If the Hotel determines that the leave is not
FMLA-protected, the Hotel will notify the employee.
Job Restoration:
Job Restoration: Job Restoration:
Job Restoration: Upon returning from FMLA leave, eligible employees will
typically be restored to their original job or to an equivalent job with
equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms and conditions.
Failure to Return after FMLA Leave:
Failure to Return after FMLA Leave: Failure to Return after FMLA Leave:
Failure to Return after FMLA Leave: Any employee who fails to return to
work as scheduled after FMLA leave or exceeds the 12-week FMLA
entitlement (or in the case of military caregiver leave, the 26-week FMLA
entitlement), will be subject to the Hotel’s standard leave of absence and
attendance policies. This may result in termination if you have no other
Hotel-provided leave available to you that applies to your continued
absence. Likewise, following the conclusion of you FMLA leave, the
Hotel’s obligation to maintain your group health plan benefits ends
(subject to any applicable COBRA rights).
Other Employment:
Other Employment: Other Employment:
Other Employment: The Hotel generally prohibits employees from
holding other employment while on FMLA that is inconsistent
with the employee’s need for FMLA leave. This policy remains in force
during all leaves of absence including FMLA leave and may result in
disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of
Fraud: Fraud:
Fraud: Providing false or misleading information or omitting material
information in connection with an FMLA leave will result in disciplinary
action, up to and including termination.
Limited Nature of this Policy:
Limited Nature of this Policy: Limited Nature of this Policy:
Limited Nature of this Policy: This policy should not be construed to
confer any express or implied contractual relationship or rights to any
employee not expressly provided for by FMLA. The Hotel reserves the
right to modify this or any other policy as necessary, in its sole discretion
to the extent permitted by law. State or local leave laws may also apply.
Military Related FMLA Leave
FMLA leave may also be available to eligible employees in connection
with certain service-related medical and non-medical needs of family
members. There are two forms of such leave. The first is Military Caregiver
Leave, and the second is Qualifying Exigency Leave. Each of these leaves
is detailed below.
Military Caregiver Leave
Unpaid Military Caregiver Leave is designed to allow eligible employees
to care for certain family members who have sustained serious injuries or
illnesses in the line of duty while on active duty. The family member must
be a “Covered Service Member,” which means: (1) a current member or
veteran of the Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves, (2) who is
undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, or in the case of
a veteran, who was a current member of the Armed Forces, National
Guard or Reserves within five years prior to the treatment for which an
eligible employee request leave; is otherwise in outpatient statues, or is
otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, (3) for a serious injury or
illness that may render a current member medically unfit to perform the
duties of the member’s office, grade, rank, or rating. Military Caregiver
Leave is not available to care for Service Members on the
disability retired list.
To be “eligible” for Military Caregiver Leave, the employee must be a
spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next kin of the Covered Service
Member. “Next of kin” means the nearest blood relative of the Service
Member, other than the Service Member’s spouse, parent, son, or
daughter, in the following order of priority: blood relatives who have
been granted legal custody of the Service Member by court decree or
statutory provisions; brothers and sisters; grandparents; aunts and uncles;
and first cousin; unless the Service Member has specifically designated in
writing another blood relative as his or her nearest blood relative for
purposes of Military Caregiver Leave. The employee must also meet all
other eligibility standards as set forth within the FMLA Leave policy.
An eligible employee may take up to 26 work weeks of Military Caregiver
Leave to care for a Covered Service Member in a “single 12-month
period.” The “single 12-month period” begins on the first day leave is
taken to care for a Covered Service Member and ends 12 months
thereafter, regardless of the method used to determine leave availability
for other FMLA-qualifying reasons. If an employee does not exhaust his
or her 26 workweeks of Military Caregiver Leave during this “single 12-
month period,” the remainder is forfeited.
Military Caregiver Leave applies on a per-injury basis for each Service
Member. Consequently, an eligible employee may take separate periods
of caregiver leave for each and every Covered Service Member, and/or
for each and every serious injury or illness of the same Covered Service
Member. A total of no more than 26 workweeks of Military Caregiver
Leave, however, may be taken within any single 12-month period.”
Within the “single 12-month period” described above, an eligible
employee may take a combined total of 26 weeks of FMLA leave
including up to 12 weeks of leave for any other FMLA- qualifying reason
(i.e. birth or adoption of a child, serious health condition of the employee
or close family member, or a qualifying exigency). For example, during
the single 12-month period,” an eligible employee may take up to 16
weeks of FMLA leave to care for a Covered Service Member when
combined with up to ten weeks of FMLA leave to care for a newborn
An employee seeking Military Caregiver Leave may be required to
provide appropriate certification from the employee and/or Covered
Service Member and completed by an authorized health care provider
within 15 days. Military Caregiver Leave is subject to the other provisions
in our FMLA Leave Policy (requirements regarding employee eligibility,
appropriate notice of the need for leave, use of accrued paid leave, etc.).
Military Caregiver Leave will be governed by, and handled in accordance
with, the FMLA and applicable regulations, and nothing within this
policy should be constructed to be inconsistent with those regulations.
Qualifying Exigency Leave
Eligible employees may take unpaid “Qualifying Exigency Leave” to tend
to certain “exigencies” arising out of the duty under a call or order to
active duty of a “covered military member” (i.e. the employee’s spouse,
son, daughter, or parent”. Up to 12 weeks of Qualifying Exigency Leave
is available in any 12-month period, as measured by the same method
that governs measurement of other forms of FMLA leave within the
FMLA policy (with the exception of Military Caregiver Leave, which is
subject to a maximum of 26 weeks of leave in a “single 12-month
period”). Although Qualifying Exigency Leave may be combined with
leave for other FMLA-qualifying reasons, under no circumstances may
the combined total exceed 12 weeks in any 12-month period (with the
exception of Military Caregiver Leave as set forth above). The employee
must meet all other eligibility standards as set forth within the FMLA
Persons who can be ordered to active duty include active and retired
members of the Regular Armed Forces, certain members of the retired
Reserve, and various other Reserve members including the Ready
Reserve, the Selected Reserve, the Individual Ready Reserve, the National
Guard, state military, Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve,
Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve.
A call to active duty refers to a
call to active duty, and
calls to
active duty are not covered unless under order of the President of the
United States pursuant to certain laws.
Qualifying Exigency Leave is available under the following
1. Short
-notice deployment
notice deploymentnotice deployment
notice deployment. To address any issue that arises out of
short notice (within seven days or less) of an impending call or
order to active duty.
2. Military events and related activities
Military events and related activitiesMilitary events and related activities
Military events and related activities. To attend any official
military ceremony, program, or event related to active duty or a
call to active duty status or to attend certain family support
assistance programs and informational briefings.
3. Childcare and school activities
Childcare and school activitiesChildcare and school activities
Childcare and school activities. To arrange for alternative
childcare; to provide childcare on an urgent, immediate need
basis; to enroll in or transfer to a new school or daycare facility;
or to attend meetings with staff at a school or daycare facility.
4. Financial or legal arrangement
Financial or legal arrangementFinancial or legal arrangement
Financial or legal arrangement. To make or update various
financial or legal arrangements; or to act as the covered military
member’s representative before a federal, state, or local agency
in connection with service benefits.
5. Counseling
Counseling. To attend counseling (by someone other than a
health care provider) for the employee, the covered military
member, or for a child or dependent when necessary as a result
of duty under a call or order to active duty.
6. Temporary rest and recuperation
Temporary rest and recuperationTemporary rest and recuperation
Temporary rest and recuperation. To spend time with a covered
military member who is on short-term, temporary rest and
recuperation leave during the period of deployment. Eligible
employees may take up to five days of leave for each instance of
rest and recuperation.
7. Post
-deployment activities
deployment activitiesdeployment activities
deployment activities. To attend arrival ceremonies,
reintegration briefings and events, and any other official
ceremony or program sponsored by the military for a period of
up to 90 days following termination of the covered military
member’s active duty status. This also encompasses leave to
address issues that arise from the death of a covered military
member while on active duty status.
8. Mutually agreed leave
Mutually agreed leaveMutually agreed leave
Mutually agreed leave. Other events that arise from the close
family member’s duty under a call or order to active duty,
provided that the company and the employee agree that such
leave shall qualify as an exigency and agree to both the timing
and duration of such leave.
An employee seeking Qualifying Exigency Leave may be required to
submit appropriate supporting documentation in the form of a copy of
the covered military member’s active duty orders or other military
documentation indicating the appropriate military status and the dates of
active duty status, along with a statement setting forth the nature and
details of the specific exigency, the amount of leave needed and the
employee’s relationship to the military member, within 15 days.
Qualifying Exigency Leave will be governed by, and handled in
accordance with, the FMLA and applicable regulations, and nothing
within this policy should be construed to be inconsistent with those
Jury Duty Leave
An employee may take leave to serve as a member of a jury and will
receive regular pay during this time (beginning on the very first day of
jury duty) and for a period of up to two weeks. You must provide written
notice from the courts to your Supervisor prior to taking leave for jury
duty. You must report back to work if not serving on a jury.
Leave for Crime Victims
The Broadmoor complies with its obligations under state law to provide
time off from work for employees who require leave because he or she is
the victim of domestic abuse, the victim of stalking, the victim of sexual
assault, or other crimes of domestic abuse. If you need time off under
these circumstances, please contact the Human Resources Department.
Bereavement Leave
Full-time employees who have completed six months of employment will
be granted up to three days of leave with pay, for the death of any of the
following family members: mother, father, step
mother, father, stepmother, father, step
mother, father, step-
-mother, step
mother, stepmother, step
mother, step-
father, father,
spouse, child, brother, sister, mother
spouse, child, brother, sister, motherspouse, child, brother, sister, mother
spouse, child, brother, sister, mother-
-law, father
law, fatherlaw, father
law, father-
-law, grandchild,
law, grandchild, law, grandchild,
law, grandchild,
grandmother or grandfather
grandmother or grandfathergrandmother or grandfather
grandmother or grandfather. You must notify your Supervisor in order to
receive this leave. Documentation may be required.
Military Leave
The Company allows employees who require time off from work to fulfill
military duties to meet those commitments. Military Leave is granted
without pay. Please provide a copy of your duty orders to your supervisor
as soon as possible. Advise your Supervisor and fill out the appropriate
paperwork at least 30 days prior so arrangements can be made to cover
your absence. You will be re-employed in accordance with the law. Other
military leave and/or veterans benefits will be granted as required by law.
Insurance Benefits
Various insurance benefits are available to full-time employees after they
have completed the necessary waiting period. You will be notified when
you become eligible to enroll in these programs and you will be invited
to attend a mandatory Benefits Orientation. You can choose a plan
which best meets the needs of you and your family.
For certain types of insurance coverage, you must enroll during the
month in which you first become eligible. If you do not enroll at that
time, then you must wait until the annual Open Enrollment period each
year to apply for coverage. Contact the Benefits office in Human
Resources if you have any questions concerning your insurance.
401(k) Retirement Savings Plan
The Broadmoor’s 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan offers eligible
employees a tax-favored retirement plan. It allows you to save for
retirement with tax-deferred dollars. In addition, The Broadmoor will
match $0.50 to every dollar that the employee contributes up to the first
6% of deferred compensation.
To be eligible, you must be full time or part time, have completed one
year of service, and be 21 years of age or older.
New hires may rollover funds from another qualified employer plan or
IRA immediately upon hire; however, you will not be allowed to make
contributions to the plan until the eligibility requirements stated above
have been met.
Newly-eligible employees will be auto-enrolled upon the passage of their
one year anniversary. Deferral percentage defaults to 3% per pay period
(which the company will match at 50% up to the first 6%) and all monies
are deposited by default into a Fidelity Freedom Fund based on date of
birth and projected date of retirement.
If a newly-eligible employee desires to opt out of an auto-enrollment in
the 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan, you must do so during the month in
which you first become eligible by changing your deferral percentage to
Automatic Increase Program – Employees hired March 1, 2015 or later:
Automatically increases your contribution each year in 1%
increments up to a maximum of 6%. You may elect to opt out of
this program by contacting Fidelity Investments.
If you were previously contributing or eligible in The
Broadmoor’s 401(k) plan, the plan requires you to contact
Fidelity Investments to reestablish your elected deferral
Once enrolled, plan participants may make changes to their deferral
percentage, investment allocations, or other account activities as detailed
in the plan documents. You may obtain additional information from the
Benefits office or by calling Fidelity Investments at 1-800-835-5095.
Bridge of Service Policy
Under certain circumstances, an employee who has previously worked
for The Broadmoor and returns to work may receive credit for pervious
service years. An employee returning to The Broadmoor Hotel after a
break in service is eligible for a bridge of service if all the following
conditions are met:
You must remain re-employed with The Broadmoor Hotel for
one year before service will be bridged.
No credit for prior service will be given if the time worked during
prior service is less than the break in service.
If there is more than one break in service due to a status change
or a separation of employment, an adjustment will only be made
for the most recent period, even if a prior break in service was
previously bridged.
If returning to employment within 30 days of separation you will
receive full service credit upon rehire. You are subject to waiting
periods or medical, dental, and paid time off accruals.
Only service years involving full time service will be taken into
consideration when bridging service.
Only completed years of service will be taken into consideration
when bridging service years.
Mission Statement
Mission StatementMission Statement
Mission Statement
“Dedicated to providing a comprehensive health and safety program,
“Dedicated to providing a comprehensive health and safety program, “Dedicated to providing a comprehensive health and safety program,
“Dedicated to providing a comprehensive health and safety program,
resulting in accident and injury prevention through work safety
resulting in accident and injury prevention through work safety resulting in accident and injury prevention through work safety
resulting in accident and injury prevention through work safety
awareness and understanding.”
awareness and understanding.”awareness and understanding.”
awareness and understanding.”
Providing for the health, safety, and security of our guests and employees
is one of the top priorities at The Broadmoor Hotel. Certain operations of
a large hotel may involve potential work hazards. Where appropriate,
your Supervisor will inform you of the protective equipment and safety
precautions necessary to protect you from harm. Each employee must
follow all safety rules and regulations. Failure to follow your department’s
safety rules may reduce your worker’s compensation benefits by 50%
and disciplinary action may result.
The following information will assist you in maintaining a safe and
healthy work environment while employed at The Broadmoor Hotel.
Safety and Security
Safety and security is every employee’s responsibility at The Broadmoor
Hotel; however, the ONLY person who can keep you safe on a day-to-
day basis is YOU.
Perform your work with due caution and care. Always use good
common sense. Proper training and preventive practices will minimize
the possibility of injury or loss. Be alert and safety conscious to avoid
Employees are expected to cooperate fully with both Loss Prevention
and Risk Management offices. The safety and security of both Broadmoor
employees as well as our guests is of utmost importance.
Witness to Acts of Vandalism, Theft or Fire Incidents
If you see someone vandalizing, stealing or setting fire to Hotel or
personal property, call Loss Prevention’s Emergency Number (ext. 5100),
Risk Manager (ext. 5895), or the Director of Human Resources (ext.
You may be eligible to receive up to a $500 reward if you provide
information that proves that an individual has participated in acts of
vandalism, theft or arson.
Reporting Unsafe Conditions and Hazards
You should constantly be alert and on the lookout for potential safety
hazards. If you come across an unsafe condition or hazard anywhere in
the Hotel that falls within your ability to control (in other words, you can
correct it yourself), please take the initiative and do so. This is for your
own safety as well as that of fellow employees and/or guests of the
If you notice or observe an unsafe act or condition but cannot easily or
safely correct the hazard, then immediately report the problem to your
Department Manager, Supervisor, Loss Prevention, and/or the Risk
Management Office in Human Resources.
If immediate maintenance or repair is required, then contact Engineering
using the FIXX line (ext. 3499). Be specific about location or type of
maintenance work to be done.
If the problem does not require immediate attention, then complete a
Broadmoor Engineering Maintenance Request form, found near all
employee time clocks. If it is a safety concern, note that on the form. Turn
the completed form in to your Department Manager, Supervisor, or
directly to Engineering.
Emergency Procedures
In the event of an emergency, call Loss Prevention’s emergency number,
ext. 5100, or dial 911 immediately.
Fire Safety
If you discover or observe a fire, call Loss
Prevention’s emergency number at ext. 5100
Remain calm- give your name, location and details of the fire.
Alert anyone in the immediate area.
Set off an alarm if possible.
You should familiarize yourself with the location and operation of all fire
extinguishers in your respective work area.
Hazard Communication/Right-to-Know Program
Your Supervisor can review The Broadmoor’s written Hazard Communication Right-to-
Know program with you. Your Supervisor will also instruct you in proper labeling of
chemicals, Safety Data Sheet (SDS) locations, and other employee safety information
and training.
Any questions concerning your department’s Hazard Communication Right-to-Know
program should be directed to either your Supervisor or the Risk Management office in
Human Resources.
Bloodborne Pathogens
In the course of your duties as an employee, you may encounter a
situation in which blood or bodily fluids are present. Potential exposure
risks include hypodermic needles, soiled linens, broken glass,
contamination instruments, first-aid treatment, clean up after an illness,
and other potential sources of occupational exposure.
Although the risk is slight, it is possible that certain occupations may pose
an increased chance of contact with and/or potential exposure to
materials soiled or contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids.
Employees in occupations where there is an increased chance of
exposure will receive Bloodborne Pathogen training and will be offered
the Hepatitis B vaccine.
Immediately report any situation involving exposure to blood or bodily
fluids to your Department Manager, Supervisor, Loss Prevention, the
Assistant Manager, and/or the Risk Management office so that proper
action can be taken by specially trained and equipped employees.
Personal Protective Equipment
Some positions at The Broadmoor may require you to wear personal
protective equipment for your safety. Your Supervisor will train you in the
use and maintenance of the equipment.
Proper use of personal protective equipment is a key to preventing
Proper use of personal protective equipment is a key to preventing Proper use of personal protective equipment is a key to preventing
Proper use of personal protective equipment is a key to preventing
injuries and illness at work in the event of an accident.
injuries and illness at work in the event of an accident.injuries and illness at work in the event of an accident.
injuries and illness at work in the event of an accident.
Failure to use personal protective equipment may jeo
Failure to use personal protective equipment may jeoFailure to use personal protective equipment may jeo
Failure to use personal protective equipment may jeopardize your
pardize your pardize your
pardize your
worker’s compensation benefits and disciplinary action may result.
worker’s compensation benefits and disciplinary action may result.worker’s compensation benefits and disciplinary action may result.
worker’s compensation benefits and disciplinary action may result.
Lock-Out / Tag-Out
Locking out to a Zero Energy State” is a planned
approach for service and maintenance safety. It takes into
account the total energy of a system and eliminates the
possibility of sudden or unexpected release of that energy
during such service or maintenance functions.
The purpose of the lock-out/tag-out policy is to prevent personal injury
and property damage due to the accidental energizing or startup of
machinery, equipment and/or process systems under repair or on which
maintenance is being performed.
It is the responsibility of the employees trained and authorized in lock-
out/tag-out procedures to perform these tasks in a manner that would
protect them and all other employees working in and/or around the area
from potential injury.
Quarterly Safety Meeting
The Risk Manager conducts a quarterly review of all claims. This is held at
a Department Head meeting.
Hotel Vehicle Operation
Some positions at The Broadmoor Hotel may require you to operate a
motorized vehicle.
1. You must have a valid Colorado driver’s license for the type of
vehicle you are operating.
2. Ignition keys shall be removed and doors locked when vehicle is
left unattended.
3. You are responsible for paying all penalties or fines for traffic
violations incurred while driving Hotel owned vehicles.
4. You and any authorized passenger must wear seat belts at all
5. Only authorized personnel are permitted to drive or ride in Hotel
owned vehicles.
6. In the event of a vehicle accident and/or incident which results in
injury or property damage of any kind, you must immediately
notify your Supervisor and Loss Prevention.
7. Only vehicles that are properly licensed may be driven on public
8. No smoking, eating, or drinking is permitted in company vehicles,
including golf carts.
9. You must notify your Supervisor immediately if you are charged
with any citations or if there is any change in the status of your
10. At company discretion, employees regularly assigned to driving
positions will be subject to periodic checks of their driving record.
For further information, please contact your Supervisor and/or refer to
the current policy on the safe operation of motorized vehicles.
Distracted Driving
The Broadmoor is committed to establishing and following practices that
provide for the safety and well-being of all employees. With the fact that
everyone is more connected than ever before and information flows
constantly, distracted driving has become a primary cause of these
accidents. Using a cell phone while driving increases the risk of a crash by
four times, and texting increases crash risk by 23 times.
The Broadmoor promotes safe driving habits whether driving a company
vehicle or your personal vehicle on Company business. Employees must
refrain from using PDAs, smart phones, cell phones or any other
communication devices while operating a motor vehicle, unless
approved by their manager. If an employee is permitted to use a
device for phone calls or radio communication, they must use hands free
communication. Sending or reading text messages, emails or other
written communications while driving a company vehicle is prohibited.
Failure to follow company policy while driving may result in
disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
As a condition of initial and continued employment, the Company
prohibits employees from reporting to work or performing their duties
with any unlawful drugs or alcohol in their systems. Employees also are
prohibited from using, possessing, manufacturing, distributing, or making
arrangements to distribute unlawful drugs or alcohol while at work, off
site at training or meetings, on Company or customer property (including
in personal vehicles onsite), during lunch or breaks, or in Company
vehicles. Further, the Company prohibits all unlawful drug use,
possession, or distribution, whether on or off duty drugs can stay in
one’s system and affect work later. Since it violates federal law to use or
possess marijuana, the use of marijuana for medical and or recreational
purposes as permitted by state law is not permitted under the Hotel’s
We recognize that some employees, from time to time, entertain
customers and guests of the Hotel as part of their normal job duties,
and/or while attending company sponsored events where alcohol is
offered. Such employees must have the approval of senior management
to engage in any activities that would normally be in violation of this
policy, such as drinking alcohol. We expect that those employees who
drink alcohol when entertaining customers or guests of the Hotel will do
so in moderation.
The Broadmoor Hotel has established the following testing guidelines
and adherence to the hotel’s drug and alcohol testing policy is
considered to be a general condition of employment. Drug testing will
be performed in situations of:
1. Post
Accident/Illness Accident/Illness
Accident/Illness - Any employee who is involved in a work-
related accident and/or illness regardless of severity. A witness to
a work-related accident is also subject to testing guidelines.
2. Post Motorized Vehicle Accident
Post Motorized Vehicle Accident Post Motorized Vehicle Accident
Post Motorized Vehicle Accident - Any employee who is involved in
any type of work related motorized vehicle accident and/or
incident regardless of the extent of damage or injury.
3. Reasonable Suspicion/Reasonable Cause
Reasonable Suspicion/Reasonable Cause Reasonable Suspicion/Reasonable Cause
Reasonable Suspicion/Reasonable Cause - Any employee whose
actions appear impaired and/or is believed to have drugs in their
system. This includes any employee who is found to be working
in an unsafe manner, was directly involved and/or caused injury
to a co-worker, and/or working in an unsafe manner
causing destruction to hotel and/or guest property.
The Company may conduct a breathalyzer alcohol test and/or collect a
urine sample when the Company has reasonable suspicion that the
employee has violated the Drug and Alcohol Policy, including accidents
suggesting carelessness, disregard of safety rules or other conduct
indicating possible violation of the Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Violation of these rules, including: (1) a test indicating being under the
influence of alcohol or the presence of unlawfully used drugs in an
employee’s system; (2) refusal to cooperate with the Company in any
test, search or investigation, or failure to execute any paperwork or
consent forms necessary for examinations or tests; (3) possession of,
distribution of, or consumption of unlawful or abused drugs,
unauthorized alcohol, or drug paraphernalia; (4) tampering with or
adulterating a test sample; or (5) unlawful conduct on or off duty will
result in discipline, including immediate discharge of current employees
or disqualification of an applicant.
Employees who refuse to submit to a test for alcohol or for unlawful
drugs may be disqualified for unemployment compensation benefits. A
blood test will not be conducted.
Although the proper use of medication is not prohibited, employees
should consult with a Company-designated physician, or the employee’s
supervisor, when he or she is legitimately taking medication which he or
she has reason to believe may affect safety or performance. Any
prescription medication brought onto Company or customer property or
taken aboard Company vehicles must be retained in its original container
labeled with the names of the employee and the prescribing physician.
No employee may take another person’s medication. The law treats the
abuse of prescription medication as unlawful drug use.
If an employee wants to seek help for drug or alcohol problems prior to
being found in violation of the Company’s Drug and Alcohol Policy or
being asked to undergo a test, he or she may seek information from the
Assistant Director of Human Resources or the Director of Human
Work Related Accident/Illness Reporting
In the event of an accident or illness that arises out of or through the
course of the employee’s work related activity, the following guidelines
will be followed:
1. In accordance with hotel policy, ALL
injuries or illnesses, no
matter how minor, which result from a work-related accident or
other occupational exposure, must be reported IMMEDIATELY
your Supervisor, Loss Prevention, and/or the Risk Management
office in Human Resources. This means at the time the accident
or injury occurred and definitely no later than the end of your
work shift!
2. In accordance with state law, it is the responsibility of the
employee to report on the job injuries or illnesses to your
Supervisor within four working days of the accident.
3. Failure to promptly report an on-the-job injury or illness may
adversely affect your workers’ compensation entitlements.
4. All arrangements for medical treatment due to an on-the- job
injury or illness will be made through the Risk Management
office. After regular business hours treatment will be coordinated
through Loss Prevention.
5. After your initial evaluation, future appointments for follow-up
treatment and care may be required. *You should make every
effort to schedule any subsequent medical appointments either
before or after your normal work shift.*
You need to contact Risk
Manager for this follow up.
6. You are solely responsible for keeping all scheduled
appointments and for rescheduling any appointment you may
have missed. Be advised that if you miss an appointment and do
not contact the medical provider within 24 hours, it may be
presumed that you have fully recovered from the effects of your
injury and that you are no longer in need of treatment. If this
is the case, your workers’ compensation entitlements may be
suspended or terminated. In addition, you may be billed for not
calling to cancel an appointment.
7. Every effort will be made to ensure that you receive appropriate
medical treatment and care for any work related injury or illness;
however, we have to know about a problem in order to correct
it! If there is an issue or concern, please contact the Risk
Management Office in Human Resources immediately. During
the course of treatment, the employee is responsible for
maintaining constant communication with the Risk Management
Office to ensure quality and continuity of care.
8. All medical treatment received for work-related injuries and/or
illness not coordinated through the Risk Management Office will
be considered unauthorized treatment of the employee.
Modified Duty/Return-To-Work
The modified duty/return-to-work program is intended to provide a
supportive environment designed to speed the recovery and return of an
injured employee to productive work capacity.
Modified work assignments are readily available and are designed to
provide work for employees who are physically capable of working
but who may be temporarily unable to perform their regularly
assigned duties or responsibilities due to a work related injury. One may
not refuse a modified duty position if qualified. Contact the Risk
Management office for further details.
Non-Work Related Injury/Illness
In the event of absence due to a non-work related injury or illness, an
employee may be required to provide medical documentation. Such
documentation, if required, must be in writing.
In all cases, if an employee misses three or more consecutive days from
work due to a non-work related injury or illness, a medical release is
required before you may be allowed to return. Such a release must
indicate the date on which you may return to work and clearly specify
what, if any, physical restrictions and/or limitations you have been placed
under by your medical provider, including the expected duration of such
Receipt of medical documentation may not be sufficient justification for
withholding or delaying appropriate disciplinary action if an employee
has an established record of excessive absenteeism or tardiness.
In the event an employee has a non-work related injury or illness that
temporarily prevents the employee from returning to the full duties of
the position, alternate or modified duty will not be provided unless
otherwise required by law. Situations such as these will be evaluated on
a case-by-case basis and a determination made as to whether an
employee can safely perform the normal or essential functions of the job
for which they were hired.
For any personal health problems, please seek the advice of your family
physician. Workers’ compensation does not cover expenses for non-work
related accidents, injuries or illnesses (for example, a private automobile
accident). Your health and/or automobile insurance coverage would
If, however, your personal medical provider should make a medical
diagnosis that they believe may be related to work or to your job, have
them clearly document the condition. You should then bring this
information directly to the attention of the Risk Management office in
Human Resources so that arrangements can be made for you to be
referred to the designated medical provider for further evaluation.
Worker’s Compensation
Whenever a work-related injury or illness occurs that requires any type of
outside medical treatment, the worker’s compensation process is
Worker’s compensation covers the cost for medical treatment that may
arise as the direct result of any work-related injury or illness. You are
entitled under the law to reasonable and necessary treatment for your
occupational injury or illness.
Should a work-related injury force you to be out-of-work (a lost- time
injury), be advised that the first three lost workdays are to be recorded as
sick time. If you have no sick time available, then it will be recorded as
vacation time. If you have no vacation time, then is will be recorded as
time off without pay. This three-day waiting period is a requirement
under the workers’ compensation laws of the State of Colorado.
If, after the third business day, you are still unable to return to work, then
workers’ compensation (via the insurance carrier) will make wage
payments at 2/3 (equal to approximately 66.66%) of your average
weekly wage (subject to the state maximum wage rate structure).
Payments, sent directly to your home address, will continue at this rate
once every two weeks until you are physically capable of returning to
Fraudulent Worker’s Compensation Claims
Employees who make false statements or claims for the purpose of
obtaining worker’s compensation entitlements, awards, or compensation
will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including the immediate
termination of employment.
The Colorado Worker’s Compensation Act, 8-43-402 C.R.S., provides that
if a person willfully makes a false statement or representation material to
a Worker’s Compensation claim for the purpose of obtaining benefits,
payments, compensation, or awards such person commits a class five