rules and
Regions for
ncha governance
Region I:
Region II:
Region III:
Region IV:
Region V:
Region VI:
Region VII:
Region VIII:
Washington, Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Utah,
Wyoming, Western Canada, Central Canada
California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada
North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Iowa, Missouri, Illinois
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West
Virginia, Maine, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
Vermont, New York, Eastern Canada, Massachusetts, New Hampshire
and the District of Columbia, Europe
Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina
East Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas
West Texas, South Texas and New Mexico
North Texas and Oklahoma
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 1
Ocial Handbook of
Rules & Regulations
Published annually
National Cutting Horse Association
260 Bailey Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas 76107-1862
PH: 817-244-6188 FAX: 817-244-2015
Issue No. 77
Mission Statement
The National Cutting Horse Association promotes and celebrates the
cutting horse, whose origin on Western ranches allows us to support
ranching and its Western heritage.
By establishing rules for the conduct of cutting horse shows, NCHA
strives to give cutters a level playing eld and a progressive class struc-
ture which accommodates everyone from the beginner to the advanced
NCHA draws on the diverse talents and background of its members
and encourages their participation in helping it achieve these goals.
About this Handbook of Rules and Regulations
The ocial rules of the NCHA that have been considered and ap-
proved by the Executive Committee of the National Cutting Horse As-
NCHA rules will be strictly adhered to and enforced by the Executive
Director, sta, and the Executive Committee of the NCHA. In deter-
mining whether violations of the Rules have occurred, the Executive
Committee or members of any Hearing Committee assisting in such
determinations may consider, but are not bound by, prior determina-
tions and interpretations of the Rules by the Executive Committee or
any Hearing Committee.
The ocial rules of the National Cutting Horse Association are main-
tained online on the NCHA website at www.nchacutting.com. This print-
ed Handbook is provided as a resource for easy reference to the NCHA
rules. The ocial online version of the rules is controlling and should be
consulted for the most up-to-date version of the rules.
2 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Toddy Pitard, President — El Dorado, Arkansas
Mark Senn, President-Elect — Augusta, Georgia
Barnwell Ramsey, Vice-President — Huntersville, North Carolina
Executive Director Jay Winborn — Fort Worth, Texas
Members of the Executive Committee
Phil Benadum — Dos Palos, California
Cara Brewer — Jay, Oklahoma
Casey Green — Perrin, Texas
Skip Jones — Amarillo, Texas
John P. Lavelle — Athens, Ohio
Kathleen Moore — Madill, Oklahoma
Sharon Overstreet — Kenansville, Florida
Kirby Smith —Kechi, Nebraska
Tommy Williams — Rosie, Arkansas
Kristen York — Sarasota, Washington
Honorary Lifetime Past Presidents
Sam Wilson-1979-1981 Chris Benedict-2010
Leon Harrel-1982 Keith Deaville-2011
Tom Lyons-1985 Ernie Beutenmiller Jr.-2012
Dennie Dunn-1990-1991 Barbara Brooks-2013
James Hooper-1994-1995 Bruce Richerson-2014
Punk Carter-1998 Jo Ellard-2015
Edley Hixson Jr.-1999 Chuck Smith-2016
Jim Milner-2000 Lewis Wray-2017
Lindy Burch-2001 Phil Rapp-2018
Mike Mowery-2005 Ron Pietrafeso-2019
Bill Riddle-2006 Steve Norris-2020
Bronc Willoughby-2008 Ora Diehl-2021
Chubby Turner-2009 Ted Sokol-2022
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 3
Changes in the 2024 NCHA Rule Book
The table of contents is on the next page.
Throughout this book, new rules and updates or changes in the 2024
rules are indicated in bold italic type.
The following important changes have been made to the Rule Book
this year, but this list is not comprehensive.
Article III (Members) ...........................................7
Class Eligibility Earnings ...................................36-40
Judges Code of Ethics ..........................................50
Standing Rule 25.b. ............................................52
Standing Rule 27.c. .........................................53-54
Standing Rule 27.1.5 ...........................................57
Standing Rule 28.a. ............................................57
Standing Rule 29. ..............................................58
Amateur $50,000 Exception ....................................100
Julie Dvorak Hansma Non-Pro Award ...........................109
Videoing NCHA Events .................................... 118-121
Judges Language Clarication .................................128
Guidelines AMS 5.a.1 .........................................167
4 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Changes Since Print
Standing Rule 37A added (see 4A-4B).
Additional membership proceeding information related to discipline.
Please see page 38 for typographic error correction in bold and italic.
$15,000 or less in eligibilty earnings was corrected to $5,000 or less.
Please see page 45 for the change in bold and italic.
Standing Rule 13 relating to ties.
Please see 81-82 for language clarication.
Prohibited Substance Withdraw Guidelines.
Please see page 128 for the change in bold and italic.
Monitor approval fee.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 4A
Standing Rule 37A Procedures Applicable to Disciplinary Actions Brought Under
the Provisions of the NCHA Constitution and Bylaws
1. Procedures Relating to Membership Proceedings Under Article II Proceed-
The following procedures will apply to proceedings concerning membership in
the Association arising under Article II of the NCHA Constitution and By-
a. Procedures Relating to Denial of Membership Application
If a person’s application for membership in the NCHA is denied, the rejected
applicant may request a hearing before the Executive Committee to seek re-
consideration of the application. At least ve (5) members of the Executive
Committee will be needed to constitute a quorum for the hearing. The NCHA
President shall not serve as a member of the hearing committee.
The hearing committee shall schedule a hearing and provide the applicant
not less than ve (5) days’ notice of the hearing date and shall be accompa-
nied by any procedures to be followed in connection with the initial hearing
and a general statement of the grounds for denial of membership. The bur-
den of proof is on the applicant to show, by preponderance of the evidence,
that they are entitled to hold membership in the Association.
The hearing committee shall render its decision, based on the evidence received,
by majority vote of the Executive Committee Members present at the hear-
ing and shall notify the applicant of the decision in writing. The hearing
committee’s decisions in these proceedings are nal and binding and are not
subject to appeal.
b. Procedures Relating to Revocation of Membership
If a person has engaged in alleged conduct potentially detrimental to the Associ-
ation under Article II of the NCHA Constitution and Bylaws that is brought
to the attention of the NCHA Executive Committee or the NCHA Board of
1. The NCHA Executive Committee or the NCHA Board of Directors shall, in
their sole discretion, make the determination of whether the alleged conduct
warrants that proceedings be instituted against that member for potential
discipline under Article II of the NCHA Bylaws and Constitution.
2. In the event that the NCHA Executive Committee or NCHA Board of Direc-
tors determines that proceedings under Article II are warranted, the NCHA
Executive Committee will constitute the initial hearing committee for such
proceedings. At least ve (5) members of the Executive Committee will be
needed to constitute a quorum for the hearing. The NCHA President shall
not serve as a member of the initial hearing committee.
3. The initial Committee shall schedule a hearing and provide the respondent
not less than ve (5) days’ notice of the hearing date. The notice of hearing
shall be accompanied by any procedures to be followed in connection with
the initial hearing and a statement of the grounds for potential temporary
or permanent revocation or termination of the respondent’s membership in
the NCHA.
4. The hearing committee shall render its decision based on the evidence re-
ceived prior to and at the hearing. The burden of proof is on the member to
show, by preponderance of the evidence, that they are entitled to hold mem-
bership in the Association. The decision shall be by majority vote of the hear-
4B • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
ing committee members present at the hearing. The hearing committee shall
not be required to provide a detailed reasoned opinion for its decision. The
hearing committee shall provide the respondent written notication of its
decision. All disciplinary actions taken under this rule at the initial hearing
shall go into eect immediately upon the hearing committee’s issuance of its
decision. If no appeal is timely perfected as described below, the decision of
the hearing Committee shall be nal and binding.
5. The hearing committee’s decision at the initial hearing under this section is
subject to appeal under the provisions of NCHA Standing Rule 38. If an ap-
peal is properly perfected, the NCHA President shall appoint a special appeal
committee to hear the appeal of any actions taken by the Committee under
the rule. The special appeal committee shall consist of at least ve (5) Direc-
tors chosen by the NCHA President in his/her sole discretion. The burden of
proof is on the member to show, by preponderance of the evidence, that they
are entitled to hold membership in the Association. The decision of the ap-
peal committee shall be nal and binding.
2. Procedures Relating to Removal of Ocers, Directors and Executive Com-
mittee Members
1. If either the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee seeks to remove
a person as a director under Article IV, Section Eleven; remove a person as
an ocer under Article VI, Section Nine; or remove a person as a member
of the Executive Committee under Article V, Section Eight, that person shall
rst be given notice of the reasons for such potential removal, and the op-
portunity to respond to such charges at the meeting. The burden of proof is
on the respondent to show, by preponderance of the evidence, that they are
entitled to hold their position in the Association. The decision on remov-
al shall be within the sole discretion of the Board of Directors or Executive
Committee, whichever is considering the matter.
2. Any person removed as a Director, Ocer or Executive Committee Mem-
ber in accordance with Section 2.1 above may appeal such removal under
the provisions of NCHA Standing Rule 38. If an appeal is properly perfected,
the NCHA President shall appoint a special appeal committee to hear the
appeal of the removal of that person from their position. The special appeal
committee shall consist of at least ve (5) Directors chosen by the NCHA
President in his/her sole discretion. The burden of proof is on the respondent
to show, by preponderance of the evidence, that they are entitled to hold
their position in the Association. The decision of the appeal committee shall
be nal and binding.
Approved 10.18.23
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 5
Table of Contents
Mission Statement ...................................... 1
Ocers ............................................... 2
Important rule changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
NCHA Constitution and Bylaws ........................... 6
Types of Membership .................................. 20
Standing Committees .................................. 23
Approved Shows
Standing Rules Related to Approved Shows .................31
Show Management Handbook ...........................113
Circuit Program .......................................109
Regulations for Approved Limited Age Events ..............126
Standing Rules, General .................................28
Standing Rules, Relating to Contestants ....................60
Standing Rules, Relating to Zero Tolerance ..................61
Standing Rules, Relating to Medication .....................66
Standing Rules, Relating to Contestant Conduct ..............84
Standing Rules, Relating to Appeal Guidelines ...............89
Horse and Rider Awards ................................105
Judging Rules
Standing Rules Related to Judges ..........................50
Judging Rules .........................................131
Self Adjusted Monitor System ............................164
Guidelines for Adjusted Monitor System ...................167
Judge Challenge System ................................169
Non-Professional and Amateur Rules
Horse Ownership .......................................91
Rules related to Non-Professional .........................94
Rules related to Amateur ................................98
6 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Amended and Restated Constitution &
Bylaws of the National Cutting Horse
Amended and Restated: December 14, 1997, June 14, 1998, December 4,
2000, December 11, 2010, June 19, 2011, November 20, 2013, June 22, 2014,
June 21, 2015, June 3, 2018, August 2, 2021, June 5, 2022, Aug 5, 2022 and
June 25, 2023.
Article I — GENERAL
Section One. This Association shall be known as the NCHA (the
Association”). The Association is a non-prot corporation incorpo-
rated under the laws of the State of Texas.
Section Two. The term for which it will exist shall be perpetual.
Section Three. The Association is organized and shall be operat-
ed exclusively as an agricultural organization within the meaning of
Section 501(c)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
or the corresponding provision or provisions of any subsequent Unit-
ed States Internal Revenue law or laws (the “Code”). With the scope
of the foregoing purposes, and not by way of limitation thereof, the
Association is organized and operated to encourage, promote, adver-
tise, and develop the cutting horse as a unique and excellent equine
athlete. The Association shall carry out the foregoing purposes by,
among other things, conducting and sponsoring cutting horse activ-
ities, events, and contests world-wide; establishing standards, rules,
and regulations for the ecient promotion and management of the
sport of cutting; establishing qualied and/or aliated groups and
organizations; establishing requirements, categories and criteria for
membership in the Association; establishing standards for judging
the performance of cutting horses; maintaining achievement records
of individual cutting horses and riders; establishing appropriate rec-
ognition for such achievements; maintaining the traditional and his-
torical connection of the cutting horse with the ranching and live-
stock industry; and cooperating with other equine breed associations
having common purposes.
Section Four. The principal oce or place of business of the Asso-
ciation shall be located in Fort Worth, Texas. The legal address of the
Association shall be the same.
Section Five. There shall be no capital stock of the Association. In
lieu of stock certicates, membership cards signed by the Executive
Director of the Association shall be issued to all members. Said mem-
bership cards shall be non-transferable.
Section Six. The scal year of the Association shall be October 1
through September 30 of the following year unless otherwise deter-
mined by the Executive Committee.
Section Seven. The Association shall have a seal which may be
used by causing it to be impressed, axed, or reproduced on ocial
documents of the Association, although the absence of same shall not
aect the validity or enforceability of any such document. A sample
of said seal shall be impressed, axed, or reproduced upon this Con-
stitution and Bylaws.
Membership in the Association is a privilege, not a right, applica-
tion for which shall be made on forms and by fees and procedures
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 7
prescribed from time to time by the Association. Membership, or ap-
plication, therefore, may be terminated or rejected by the Executive
Committee or Board of Directors for cause detrimental to the interest
of the Association, or to its programs, policies, objectives, or the har-
monious relationship of its members, as determined by the Execu-
tive Committee or the Board of Directors. Termination or application
rejection proceedings under this paragraph shall be conducted un-
der the Association’s disciplinary procedures for notice, hearing, and
temporary suspension; the eect of termination or rejection may be
the denial of the privileges of the Association, as set forth in the As-
sociation disciplinary procedures. The categories of membership in
the Association, and the fees, benets, qualications, and guidelines
for each category, shall be set forth in the Association’s Ocial Hand-
book of Rules and Regulations, as such handbook may be amended
from time to time.
(Hereinaer referred to as the “Rules and Regulations”). Each mem-
ber of the Association hereby acknowledges the Executive Commit-
tees authority to promulgate and amend the Rules and Regulations,
subject only to the Board of Directors’ right to approve the Rules and
Regulations or any amendments thereto.
Section One. An annual meeting of the members of the Association
shall be held each year at a time and place designated by the Execu-
tive Committee. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given to each
member stating the date, time, and place of said meeting not less than
ten days nor more than sixty days prior to the date of said meeting.
Section Two. Special meetings of the members may be held when-
ever called in writing by direction of the President or by a majority
of the Board of Directors, or by the written direction of not less than
ten percent of the members in good standing. Said notice shall state
the date, time, place, and purpose of said meeting and shall be given
not less than ten days nor more than y days prior to the date of said
meeting. Only such business as is set forth in the written notice of
said special meeting shall be transacted at said meeting.
Section Three. Those members present shall constitute a quorum
at any meeting of the members of the Association and a simple ma-
jority vote of such quorum shall decide any question that may come
before the meeting; provided, however, that any action taken by vote
of the members may not be revoked, rescinded or altered for a period
of fourteen (14) months from the date of the action, unless the pro-
posal to revoke, rescind or alter the vote or the action receives at least
the same amount of armative votes (with respect to both number
of votes and voting percentage) as the vote or action initially taken.
Section Four. Each member in good standing of the Association
shall be entitled to one vote at a meeting of the members. However,
any person who has received a free membership will be considered a
non-voting member during the term of such free membership. Voting
shall be in person, online, by mail ballot or by other electronic means
prescribed by the Association. Only ballots meeting the foregoing re-
quirements shall be accepted and counted. Ballots may not be trans-
mitted in any other form, including but not limited to facsimile trans-
mission. No voting by proxy shall be allowed. A member shall be in
good standing if the member is not in arrears with respect to the pay-
ment of dues and is not suspended from membership for a violation of
the Association’s rules and regulations.
8 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Section Five. Concerning all NCHA elections in which online vot-
ing or mailed ballots are utilized:
(a) All NCHA ballots and voting practices shall be in such form as to
prevent anyone from discovering the specic identity of the vot-
ing member marking such ballot form by inspection of the ballot
form required for completion in all elections; and
(b) The voting entity used by the NCHA shall be selected by the Exec-
utive Committee and shall be an independent entity not utilized
by the NCHA in any other capacity.
(c) All NCHA members with email addresses on le will receive no-
tication by email containing voting instructions and a unique
login password that must be used with their identication infor-
mation to place their vote. Once a vote has been placed under
an NCHA membership (whether online or by a mailed ballot),
no other votes will be allowed by that membership. Instructions
will contain information about how a paper ballot may be ob-
tained if a member chooses to not vote online.
(d) All NCHA members without a valid email address or who request
a paper ballot, will be mailed a paper ballot with instructions.
This paper ballot must contain an individual’s identication
number in order to be tabulated. The ballot will be sent to the
same voting entity tabulating the on-line voting and will be en-
tered manua lly.
Section Six. The order of business at any regular meeting of the
members shall be as follows:
(a) Roll call
(b) Proof of due notice
(c) Reading and disposal of minutes
(d) Report of Ocers and Directors
(e) Election matters (if any)
(f) Unnished business
(g) New business
(h) Adjournment
Section One. The Board of Directors shall have the power and au-
thority to make, amend, repeal and enforce such rules and regula-
tions, not contrary to law, or this Constitution and Bylaws, as they
deem necessary concerning the conduct, management and activities
of the Association, the admission, classication, qualication, super-
vision and expulsion of members, removal of ocers, the rules and
regulations setting the procedure of such suspension, expulsion or
removal, the xing and collecting of dues and fees, the expenditure
of money, the auditing of books and records, the conducting of shows,
contests and exhibitions and other details relating to the general pur-
poses of the Association. However, in cases of substantial changes
to NCHA Rules (as determined by the NCHA President), the Board of
Directors shall rst seek input from all impacted committees, when
possible. Further, any changes to this Constitution and Bylaws shall
not go into eect until approved by the members as provided in Ar-
ticle III. Further, other decisions made by the Board of Directors are
subject to approval, revision or amendment by the members at any
regular or special meeting of the members called in accordance with
this Constitution and Bylaws.
Section Two. The Board of Directors of the Association shall con-
sist of one director for every seventy-ve members in good standing
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 9
of the Association in a Director District as outlined below. However,
any person who has received a free NCHA membership shall not be
included in such seventy-ve member count during the term of such
free membership. The Board of Directors shall include the President,
President-Elect, Vice President of the Association, and members of
the Executive Committee. In addition, subject to the provisions here-
in regarding removal of Directors, all past Presidents of the Associ-
ation shall be lifetime “Life Directors” and shall continue to possess
full voting privileges. The Executive Director shall be an Ex-ocio
non-voting member of the Board of Directors.
Section Three. The Board of Directors shall be elected in the fol-
lowing manner:
(a) By September 30 of the year prior to the annual meeting of the
members, the Executive Director shall cause to be determined
the identity and total number of all members in good standing of
the Association and categorize the membership into geographi-
cal areas (Director Districts) based upon each members state or
country of residence. Except as set out below, each state shall be
considered one separate Director District; Western Canada, Cen-
tral Canada and Eastern Canada shall each be considered one
separate Director District; and all other foreign countries shall
each be considered one separate Director District. Any state with
less than seventy-ve members in good standing shall be com-
bined with other state(s) in geographical proximity there to make
up one Director District. Establishment of all Director Districts
shall be by or at the direction of the Executive Director, with the
approval of the Executive Committee. Any state, section of Cana-
da or other foreign country having at least seventy-ve members
in good standing shall constitute its own Director District and
not be combined with any other state, section of Canada or oth-
er foreign country. Any state, section of Canada or other foreign
country which constitutes a Director District may request of the
Association that it be divided into two Director Districts at any
time aer such state, section of Canada or other foreign country
has 1,500 or more members in good standing and may request
of the Association that it be divided into three Director Districts
at any time such state, section of Canada or other foreign coun-
try has 3,000 or more members in good standing. Such a request
shall be in writing and must be signed by a majority of the Direc-
tors within said state, section of Canada or other foreign coun-
try. Such request shall include proposed boundary lines for each
new Director District. Said boundary lines shall be drawn so that
each new Director District shall contain approximately an equal
number of members. In no event may any state, section of Cana-
da or other foreign country be divided into more than four Direc-
tor Districts.
(b) Not later than December 20 prior to the annual meeting of the
members, the Executive Director shall cause to be published Di-
rector Consent Forms in the Cutting Horse Chatter and available
on the NCHA website. The Director Consent Form shall contain
an explanation of the eligibility requirements and commitments
for service on the Board of Directors which shall include, but not
be limited to, the following:
(i) membership in the Association in good standing for a mini-
mum of three years
10 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
(ii) attainment of at least twenty-one years of age
(iii) agreement to attend Directors’ meetings as set forth herein
(iv) permanent or primary residence in the Director District the
member seeks to represent, which shall be determined by
the address used by such member for governmental election
voting purposes, or, if such member is not registered to vote,
by the address used by such member in the members most
recent federal income tax return; and
(v) absence of any felony convictions on record.
Any member in good standing who meets the above eligibility re-
quirements, including any incumbent Director eligible for re-election,
nd is willing to make the commitments necessary to serve on the
Board of Directors if elected shall so indicate on the Director Consent
Form (which may request a resume and personal statement as to why
that individual desires to serve) and return same via U.S. mail, email
or website submission to the Executive Director or their designee by
January 15 in order to be eligible for election to the Board of Directors.
Any incumbent Director who does not return a Director Consent Form
in a timely manner shall not be eligible for re-election. The Executive
Director shall cause to be tabulated all Director Consent Forms, and
those persons meeting said requirements and indicating assent to the
commitments necessary to serve on the Board of Directors shall be
categorized according to their respective Director Districts. Any ques
tions regarding whether a member meets such eligibility require-
ments shall be resolved conclusively by a majority vote of the Presi-
dent, the President-Elect, and the Executive Director.
Any incumbent director who has two or more unexcused absences
from regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be ineligible to
run for Director for the next term.
(c) The Executive Director shall cause to be determined the number
of Directors to be elected from each Director District on the basis
of one Director for every seventy-ve members (or fraction there-
of) within said Director District. Each Director District shall be
entitled to be represented by at least one Director, and a Direc-
tor District whose membership exceeds seventy-ve members
and totals a number that is not equally divisible by seventy-ve,
shall be entitled to an additional Director if its membership to-
tals at least thirty-eight members more than a number divisible
by seventy-ve. By March 1, the Executive Director shall cause
a Director Election Ballot to be placed on the NCHA website and
sent via email (and/or by U.S. mail) to each member as outlined
in Article III, Section Five, as determined pursuant to paragraph
(a) of this Section Three, listing the names of all persons in said
member’s Director District from whom a properly completed Di-
rector Consent Form has been received in a timely manner; pro-
vided, however, if the number of Director Consent Forms timely
received from eligible members resident in a particular Direc-
tor District is less than or equal to the number of Directors to be
elected from such Director District, any member resident in such
Director District who has timely submitted a properly completed
Director Consent Form shall be deemed to be elected as a Direc-
tor representing such Director District, and it shall not be neces-
sary to submit Director Election Ballots to the members in such
Director District.
(d) Not less than sixty days prior to the annual meeting of the mem-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 11
bers, the Executive Committee shall obtain the voting results as
tabulated by the voting entity placed in a timely manner by the
members of the Association. Those nominees within each Di-
rector District receiving the greatest number of votes shall be
deemed elected to the Board of Directors eective as of the com-
mencement of the next annual meeting of the Board of Directors.
For example, in a Director District entitled to two Directors, the
two out of six nominees on the ballot receiving the largest number
of votes will be elected as Directors. Any incumbent Director who
does not return a Director Consent Form in a timely manner shall
not be eligible for re-election. In the event a tally of all ballots re-
ceived from a particular Director District results in two or more
nominees within said Director District tying for the last available
Directors position, the tie vote shall be resolved as follows:
(i) A runo ballot shall be prepared as soon as possible aer
the tie vote has been determined listing the names of those
nominees who received an equal number of votes. The run-
o ballots shall be distributed online (and/or by U.S. Mail)
as outlined in Article III, Section Five to the membership of
the Director District involved and each member within said
Director District shall be requested to indicate their choice
from among the two or more nominees listed. All runo
election ballots shall be tabulated online or returned via U.S.
mail to the tabulation voting entity designated by the Exec-
utive Committee within the time period that shall be pre-
scribed in such runo election ballots.
(ii) Not later than thirty days prior to the annual meeting of the
members, the runo ballots submitted in a timely manner
from each Director District shall be tabulated. The nominee
receiving the greatest number of votes shall ll the Director’s
position for which the nominees were tied on the rst ballot.
(iii) In the event a runo ballot results in a tie vote being cast for
two or more previously tied nominees, a second runo bal-
lot shall be prepared, and the procedure set out in this sub-
section (d) shall be repeated.
(e) The Executive Committee shall cause the results of the balloting
for Directors to be tabulated and will report or cause to be re-
ported such results at the next annual meeting of the members,
or in the next issue of Cutting Horse Chatter. Directors shall serve
for staggered three-year terms. Each Director shall hold oce
for the term for which they are elected and until their successor
shall be elected and qualied.
(f) A Director’s term of service will be terminated immediately if the
Director serves as an ocer or director of an organization which
either has aliates or is aliated with an organization using in
its name the words “cutting horse” and which is not aliated with
the Association.
Section Four. During their term of service, any Director who miss-
es two regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be immediate-
ly terminated as a Director unless the Director has been granted an
excused absence with respect to any such meeting by the President.
The President may grant excused absences for illness or other emer-
gency or other good cause, as determined in the Presidents sole dis-
cretion. A Director shall be considered in attendance at the annual
meeting of the Board of Directors only if the Director attends all ses-
12 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
sions, which includes the regional directors meeting, and Sessions 1
and 2 of the Board of Directors. Any director who fails to attend two
consecutive annual meetings or fails to attend two annual meetings
within their three-year term will be dismissed and will be ineligible
to run as a director for the following three years.
Section Five In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors,
whether caused by death, resignation, disqualication, termination or
any other cause, the President, aer polling area directors and region-
al Executive Committee member, shall have the authority to appoint
an individual who meets the qualications set forth in Section Three
(b) of this Article IV to ll any vacancy on the Board of Directors.
Section Six. The Board of Directors shall meet annually, unless
otherwise determined by the Board of Directors. This meeting shall
be held immediately preceding or following the annual meeting of
the members of the Association. Unless approved by the armative
vote of at least three-fourths (
) of the Directors present, only such
business as is set forth in the written notice of such annual meeting of
the Board of Directors shall be transacted at said meeting. Meetings
of directors may be held in person, by video conference or by any oth-
er electronic communications system prescribed by the Association.
Section Seven. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be
called by the President, or by action of at least thirty percent of the
members of the Board of Directors at any time or place, provided val-
id notice is given to all members of the Board of Directors at least ten
days in advance thereof. Only such business as is set forth in the no-
tice of such special meeting shall be transacted at said meeting.
Section Eight. A quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors
shall consist of not less than forty percent of the number of Direc-
tors then in oce. A simple majority of such quorum shall decide any
questions that may come before the meeting; provided, however, that
any action taken by vote of the Directors may not be revoked, rescind-
ed or altered for a period of fourteen (14) months from the date of the
action, unless the proposal to revoke, rescind or alter the vote or the
action receives at least the same amount of armative votes (with
respect to both number of votes and voting percentage) as the vote
or action initially taken. All meetings of the Board of Directors may
be adjourned from day to day or from time to time until a quorum is
obtained. Voting may be made in person or by any electronic means
prescribed by the Association. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.
Section Nine. The order of business at any regular meeting of
the Board of Directors shall be the same as that for a meeting of the
members set out in Section Five of Article III. The President, Presi-
dent-Elect, and Executive Director (by a majority vote of the three)
shall have the sole discretion to determine the circumstances, if any,
under which individuals other than members of the Board of Direc-
tors shall be invited to attend meetings of the Board of Directors, and
the sole discretion to determine the circumstances under which the
Board of Directors shall go into a closed session from which all per-
sons other than directors are excluded.
Section Ten. The Board of Directors, from time to time, may create
and empower committees, general or special.
Section Eleven. Any Director who engages in conduct which is, or
may be, detrimental to the Association, shall be removed from oce
upon the armative vote of at least two-thirds (
) of the Directors
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 13
present at any meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum
is present. The determination of whether a Director has engaged in
conduct which is, or may be, detrimental to the Association, shall be
within the complete discretion of the Directors in attendance.
Section One. There shall be an Executive Committee composed of
the President, the President-Elect, the Vice President and such Region-
al Directors as described herein. The President, President-Elect and
Vice President shall each serve on the Executive Committee during
their respective terms of oce.
(a) The Executive Committee shall be composed as follows:
(i) eight Regional Directors consisting of one Regional Director
from each Region, each of whom shall have been nominat-
ed and elected by the Directors residing in such region from
mong the eligible Directors and Life Directors residing in
such Region;
(ii) three executive ocers, consisting of the President, Presi-
dent- Elect and Vice President; and
(iii) all at large members elected to serve on the Executive Com-
mittee at or prior to the June 2022 Convention shall serve out
the remainder of their existing three year terms. No at large
members shall be elected to the Executive Committee aer
the June 2022 Convention. No at-large members will serve on
the Executive Committee aer June 2025.
(b) The Association shall establish eight geographically based Re-
gions of approximately equal Association membership, from
which the Regional Directors shall be elected. The eight Regions
initially so established shall be as follows:
Region I: Washington, Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Idaho,
Utah, Wyoming, Western Canada, Central Canada.
Region II: California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada.
Region III: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois.
Region IV: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland,
Virginia, West Virginia, Maine, Connecticut, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York, Eastern Canada,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, District of Columbia, Europe.
Region V: Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina,
North Carolina.
Region VI: East Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas.
Region VII: West Texas, South Texas, New Mexico.
Region VIII: North Texas, Oklahoma.
(c) If the above listed Regions shall cease to contain approximately
equal numbers of Association membership, appropriate adjust-
ments may be made upon the recommendation of the President
nd the approval of a majority of the members of the Association
at an annual or special meeting of members pursuant to Article
III hereof. In the event that such adjustment shall become neces-
sary, every eort shall be made to retain the basic geographical
tructure of the initial Regions. In addition, any Director District
composed of a foreign country (other than Canada) may be as-
signed to any of the above Regions as deemed appropriate, by and
pon the recommendation of the President, with the approval of
the Executive Committee.
14 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
(d) Because of the staggered terms of membership on the Executive
Committee, the election system shall work as follows:
(i) Commencing with the June 2003 annual meeting of the
Board of Directors and thereaer, all Regional Directors
shall rotate o the Executive Committee as their respective
three-year terms shall expire. Upon the expiration of their
respective terms, each Regional Director shall be replaced
by a Regional Director elected from that same Region. Each
Regional Director so elected shall receive a three-year term.
(ii) At each annual meeting of the Board of Directors thereaer,
the Board of Directors shall elect as many members of the
Executive Committee as shall be necessary to ll the expir-
ing terms.
(e) Except as otherwise provided herein, all Regional Directors who
are elected to the Executive Committee shall serve on the Execu-
tive Committee for staggered three-year terms.
(i) Nominees for all Regional Directors shall complete a Re-
gional Director application form and return the completed
form to the Executive Director 90 days before the Regional
Director Election in order for the Nominee to be eligible for
the Regional Director Election. Nominee forms should be
distributed to specic region directors 60 days ahead of Re-
gional Director Election. Voting from the slate of nominees
shall be conducted at the annual Regional Directors meet-
ing or as otherwise prescribed by the Association. The nom-
inee receiving the highest number of votes from the Direc-
tors and Life Directors resident in such Region shall become
such Region’s Regional Director and shall serve as a mem-
ber of the Executive Committee.
(ii) During their term of service, any member of the Executive
Committee who misses two consecutive meetings of the Ex-
ecutive Committee shall be immediately terminated as a
member of the Executive Committee unless the Executive
Committee member has been granted an excused absence
with respect to any such meeting by the President. The Pres-
ident may grant excused absences for illness or other emer-
gency or other good cause, as determined in the Presidents
sole discretion. In no event may a person be elected to serve
as a member of the Executive Committee for more than two
consecutive three-year terms, or for more than eight con-
secutive years. However, this section does not prevent a
member from serving past the eight consecutive year mark
if such additional years of service are to serve as an elected
ocer of the Association.
Section Two. Any Executive Committee member who was elected
to the Executive Committee as a Regional Director who is then elect-
ed to the oce of President, President-Elect or Vice President of the
Association shall, upon assuming such oce, be deemed to have va-
cated their Executive Committee position as a Regional Director. The
unexpired term of the vacated Executive Committee position shall be
lled pursuant to an election conducted in accordance with Section
One (e) of this Article V.
Section Three. The Executive Committee shall manage the aairs
of the Association between meetings of the Board of Directors, and
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 15
all powers of the Board of Directors shall be vested in the Executive
Committee except the power to amend this Constitution and Bylaws
and except as otherwise limited by the Board of Directors or by stat-
ute. The Executive Committee shall, except in emergency situations
(as determined by the President or a majority of the Executive Com-
mittee), seek input of impacted committees, legal counsel, the nance
committee and the Board of Directors before making any substantial
changes to NCHA Rules. At all times, the Executive Committee shall
be subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, and the authority
of the Executive Committee may be limited by the Board of Directors
as the Board deems best.
Section Four. The Executive Committee may hold meetings at any
time and place and for any purpose pertaining to the welfare of the
Association, which meetings may be called by the President, or any
eight members of the Executive Committee acting together. Such
meetings may be in person or by teleconference. The call of said
meeting must be by notice to all members of the Executive Commit-
tee at least 24 hours prior to said meeting, except in circumstances of
emergency (as determined by the President) in which case the notice
may be shorter. Copies of the minutes of all meetings of the Executive
Committee shall be sent to all members of the Executive Committee
and to all Directors.
Section Five. A quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee
shall consist of not less than eight members thereof and a simple ma-
jority of such quorum shall decide any questions that may come before
the meeting. Voting at meetings of the Executive Committee must be
in person (or by teleconference, if the meeting is held by teleconfer-
ence), and voting by proxy shall not be allowed. The President shall
have the sole discretion to determine the circumstances, if any, under
which persons other than members of the Executive Committee may
be invited to attend meetings of the Executive Committee, and the sole
discretion to determine the circumstances under which the Executive
Committee shall go into a closed session from which all persons other
than members of the Executive Committee are excluded.
Section Six. Except where an Executive Committee member is
elected as an ocer of the Association, in which case the vacancy shall
be lled in accordance with Section Two of this Article V, in the event
there is a vacancy on the Executive Committee caused by death, res-
ignation, disqualication, or any other cause, a special election under
this Article will be held to ll the position being vacated and the win-
ner of such election, shall ll such vacancy for the remainder of the
unexpired term. In cases where there is less than 6 months le on the
unexpired term of the Executive Committee member being replaced,
the Executive Committee may, by majority vote, choose to leave that
seat vacant until the next annual meeting of the members.
Section Seven. The Executive Committee shall report in writing to
the Board of Directors on the activities, programs, and decisions of the
Executive Committee, at each regular meeting of the Board of Direc-
tors and as otherwise requested by the Board of Directors.
Section One. There shall be three elected ocers of the Associa-
tion: The President, President-Elect, and Vice President. Such ocers
shall be elected as follows:
(a) Prior to each annual meeting of the members, a Nominating
Committee consisting of eight members shall be appointed by the
16 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Executive Committee for purposes of electing a Vice President.
Four members of the nominating committee shall be from the Ex-
ecutive Committee. Four members of the Nominating Committee
shall be from the Board of Directors, each of whom shall be from
a dierent director district, and no more than two of whom may
be from the same region. The Nominating Committee shall elect a
chair from among its members. The Nominating Committee shall
meet at least 120 days prior to each annual meeting of the mem-
bers of the Association and shall nominate two candidates at least
60 days prior to each annual meeting for the oce of Vice Presi-
dent. The candidates nominated for the oce of Vice President
must have been a member in good standing continuously, with-
out suspension or probation, for a period of seven 7 years prior to
nomination. The candidates must have completed three 3 years
of continuous service as a director of the Association on or before
the date of assuming the oce of Vice President or have served as
a member of a Standing Committee for three 3 continuous years
within 10 years of nomination. In determining the nominees for
the oce of Vice President the Nominating Committee shall solic-
it recommendations from the Board of Directors. The Vice Presi-
dent shall be elected to a one-year term.
Section Two. A ballot listing the name of each candidate for Vice
President, shall be provided either by online voting or by U.S. mail to
each member of the Association not later than forty-ve days prior to
the annual meeting of the members. The position of each candidates
name on the ballot shall be determined by chance draw conducted in
the presence of at least three members of the Executive Committee.
The voting process for the Oce of Vice President shall be conducted
in the same manner as outlined in Article III, Section Five. The vot-
ing tabulation shall conclude not less than ten days prior to the an-
nual meeting of the members. With respect to the 1999 election and
all elections thereaer, the nominee receiving the highest number
of votes shall be the duly elected Vice President. The Vice President,
President-Elect and President shall each serve for one-year terms.
At the expiration of each such term, the Vice President shall become
President- Elect, the President-Elect shall become President, and the
President shall be ineligible for a period of one (1) year to serve the
Association as an ocer or as a member of the Executive Committee.
Section Three. The President shall be the chairman of the Board
of Directors of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of
the Association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Commit-
tee. The President shall not be authorized to enter into contracts or
agreements binding on the Association without the prior approval by
a majority vote of the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors,
anything contained herein to the contrary this paragraph shall pre-
vail. The President shall be Ex-ocio, non-voting member of all com-
mittees with respect to which the President is not a voting member.
All past Presidents of the Association (other than any President re-
moved from oce) shall be honorary Vice Presidents for life, perma-
nent voting Life Directors and lifetime members of the Association.
In the event of the death, resignation, retirement, disqualication, or
removal from oce of the President, the President-Elect then serving
shall assume the oce of President and shall serve as President for
the remainder of the vacating President’s term and for the next suc-
ceeding term.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 17
Section Four. The President-Elect shall assist the President in the
discharge of their duties and shall serve on the Executive Commit-
tee. In the event of the death, resignation, retirement, disqualica-
tion, or removal from oce of the President-Elect, the Vice President
then serving shall assume the oce of President-Elect and shall serve
as President-Elect for the remainder of the vacating President-Elect’s
term and for the next succeeding term.
Section Five. The Vice President shall assist the President and the
President-Elect in the discharge of their duties and shall serve as a
member of the Executive Committee. In the event of the death, res-
ignation, retirement, disqualication, or removal from oce of the
Vice President, the ocer candidate receiving the next highest num-
ber of votes in the immediately preceding election of ocers shall
serve as Vice President for the remainder of the vacating Vice Presi-
dents term and for the next succeeding term.
Section Six. The Executive Director shall serve as the chief exec-
utive ocer of the Association. The Executive Director shall be re-
sponsible for running the day-to-day business operations of the As-
sociation and shall report directly to the Executive Committee. The
Executive Director shall have charge of the physical facilities and
personnel of the Association. The Executive Director shall serve as
the Secretary of the Association, and in such capacity keep minutes
of all meetings, see that all notices are duly given in accordance with
this Constitution and Bylaws or as required by law, keep, and safe-
guard the records and funds of the Association, and in general ex-
ercise such duties and powers incident to the oce of Secretary and
such other duties and powers as the Executive Committee may from
time to time assign or confer. The Executive Director shall make a
report of the activities of Association at each annual meeting of its
members. The Executive Director or the Executive Directors desig-
nee shall issue all notices of meetings of the Board of Directors, the
Executive Committee, and the members of the Association; keep the
membership roll; issue membership cards and certicates; and per-
form such other and further duties as designated from time to time
by the Executive Committee. A surety bond shall be provided for the
Executive Director.
Section Seven. The Treasurer shall be appointed by and report di-
rectly to the Executive Director. The Treasurer shall collect all mon-
ies due the Association in the course of its regular operations and for
its special events. The Treasurer shall be required to make reports of
current receipts and disbursements of funds to the Executive Direc-
tor and to the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall make a re-
port of all receipts and disbursements of funds since the last meeting
at each regular meeting of the Board of Directors and at the annual
meeting of the members and shall furnish copies of the Association’s
annual audited nancial statements to each Director. A surety bond
shall be provided for the Treasurer.
Section Eight. The Executive Committee shall have authority from
time to time to create additional appointed oces and may delegate
and assign to any such oce the duties and responsibilities it deems
in the best interest of the Association and necessary for its ecient
operation. The authority granted herein shall include the authority to
subsequently abolish any such oce.
Section Nine. Any ocer who engages in conduct which is, or may
be, detrimental to the Association, as determined by a two-thirds (
18 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
vote of the Directors or Executive Committee present at any meeting
at which a quorum is present, may be removed from oce by a two-
thirds (
) vote of the Directors or Executive Committee present at
any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors or Executive
Committee at which a quorum is present.
Each of the NCHA’ s Standing Committees (with the exception of
the Finance & Audit Committee and the Stallion Owners Committee)
shall have a minimum of one representative from each of the NCHA
s eight regions. Any additional members to the committees shall be
satised from the appointment of members from the Association who
are in good standing. These appointments shall be made in the man-
ner outlined in the Standing Committee Guidelines.
Section One. The Association, from time to time may cause to be cre-
ated Political Action Committee(s), herein referred to as “PACs”, by ma-
jority vote of the Executive Committee or majority vote of the Board of
Directors, to represent the Association in the sole pursuit of the Asso-
ciation’s “Mission Statement. Upon approval, the Association’s Execu-
tive Director and President shall cause the applications and/or forms
be led with the appropriate State Agency or Commission.
Section Two. The Executive Committee shall serve as the Associa-
tion’s “PACs” committee.
Section Three. The Executive Committee, at its sole discretion,
shall provide for the lawful collection of PAC contributions and law-
ful distribution(s) of all PAC funds.
The Cutting Horse Chatter is the ocial publication of the Associa-
tion. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, all notices, Di-
rector Consent Forms, ballots or other material to be provided to mem-
bers, Directors or committee members of the Association pursuant to
this Constitution and Bylaws may be provided by publication in the
Cutting Horse Chatter, by email or other electronic means prescribed
by the Association, or by any other means permitted under the Texas
Non-Prot Corporation Act or any successor statute. If published in the
Cutting Horse Chatter, said material shall be deemed delivered when
the issue of the Cutting Horse Chatter containing the same shall be de-
posited in the United States mail, addressed to said member, Director
or committee member at the address of such member, Director or com-
mittee member appearing in the records of the Association, postage
prepaid. If mailed, said material shall be deemed delivered when de-
posited in the United States mail, addressed to said member, Director
or committee member at the address of such member, Director or com-
mittee member appearing in the records of the Association, postage
prepaid. If sent by email, fax or other electronic means prescribed by
the Association, said material shall be deemed delivered upon success-
ful transmission of such communication. If sent via electronic mes-
sage, said material shall be deemed delivered upon successful trans-
mission of such electronic message.
The Board of Directors of the Association shall have the power to
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 19
repeal, revise, modify or amend the Constitution and Bylaws of the
Association at any annual, regular, or special meeting of the Board of
Directors, subject to approval, revision, or amendment by the mem-
bers at any annual, regular, or special meeting of the members called
in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws. The notice of any
meeting of the Board of Directors or members of the Association at
which the repeal, revision, modication or amendment of the Con-
stitution and Bylaws is to be considered shall include the proposed
changes to be made to the Constitution and Bylaws and shall be sent
by mail or email to the Board of Directors or the members at least
thirty (30) days in advance of such meeting.
* * * * *
The undersigned, being the duly appointed and qualied Secretary
of the Association hereby certies that the foregoing Amended and
Restated Constitution and Bylaws of the Association was duly adopt-
ed by the members of the Association at a meeting held June 25, 2023,
at which a quorum was present and voting throughout.
Jay Winborn
Executive Director
20 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Membership Categories, Fees
and Benets
1. Membership shall be in three categories: Annual Membership,
Youth Membership and Aliate Membership.
2. Any individual, rm, partnership, corporation, or organization of
good character and reputation interested in cutting horses may be-
come an active member of this Association.
Existing Life Members
3. Life Memberships were previously oered on an individual ba-
sis to individuals, companies, partnerships and ranches. NCHA
no longer oers any new Life Membership options. The NCHA
will continue to honor and maintain all Life Memberships in ex-
istence. Each existing Life Membership will receive one vote in
NCHA elections and one copy of the Cutting Horse Chatter maga-
zine per household.
4. Existing Life memberships are non-transferable and shall cover
the current named holder only.
Annual Membership
5. Any individual, company, partnership or ranch may become an in-
dividual annual member of the Association by making a payment
of $100 annually (term January 1 to December 31), each member
will receive one vote in NCHA elections and one copy of the Cut-
ting Horse Chatter magazine per household. Free membership (rst
time member, rst year only) do not receive voting privileges and
receive the online version of the Cutting Horse Chatter magazine.
6. The annual memberships listed in sections 5 above shall cov-
er the members fees for membership, Amateur/Non-Pro and/or
trainer status. In the case that any member is seeking Non-Pro-
fessional or Amateur status; they must send a Non-Professional or
Amateur application into the NCHA and meet all NCHA require-
ments for Non-Professional or Amateur Status.
7. Annual Memberships are oered on an individual basis to indi-
viduals, companies, partnerships and ranches. Each must have its
own membership.
8. Annual memberships are non-transferable and shall cover the
holder only.
Youth Membership
9. Any youth 18 years of age and younger who is of good character
and reputation and is interested in cutting horses may become a
Member of the National Youth Cutting Horse Association. For horse
show purposes, the age of an individual on the rst day of the point
year shall be maintained throughout the entire point year. Youth
Point year is June 1 to May 31. (For example: A member who has a
birthday in July of 2012 and is 18 years of age on the rst day of the
2012 youth point year may show throughout the 2012-point year as
an 18-year-old.)
10. Annual dues for NYCHA Membership shall be $25 per year, NY-
CHA Membership is due January 1st of each year. Youth mem-
bership includes a printed copy of the youth specic issue of the
magazine (one per household). The youth membership shall
cover the member’s fees for membership and Amateur/Non-Pro.
In the case that any youth member is seeking Non-Professional
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 21
or Amateur status; they must send a Non-Professional or Ama-
teur application into the NCHA and meet all NCHA requirements
for Non-Professional or Amateur Status. A youth must have a
Non-Professional or Amateur card to compete in Non-Profession-
al or Amateur classes.
11. Lifetime Youth Membership is no longer oered, however NCHA/
NYCHA will continue to honor all existing NYCHA Youth Life
Aliate Membership
12. Organizations qualifying for NCHA aliate status shall pay an an-
nual fee of twenty-ve dollars ($25); said fee to become due on Jan-
uary 1 of each year and to be considered delinquent if not received
within ninety (90) days. Aliates may pay an additional y dol-
lars ($50) to receive a banner with both the NCHA and the Aliate
logo and stating, “Proud Aliate of the NCHA. Aliate total dues
with banner option would be seventy-ve dollars ($75).
13. Each new aliate organization shall pay in the rst year an annual
fee of y dollars ($50) which represents a membership fee. New
Aliates may pay an additional y dollars ($50) to receive a ban-
ner with both the NCHA and the Aliate logo and stating, “Proud
Aliate of the NCHA. New Aliate total dues with banner option
would be one hundred dollars ($100).
a. Each new application for Aliate Membership must include a
petition signed by 25 NCHA members.
b. When an application for a new Aliate is received in the
NCHA oce, NCHA will send by U. S. mail or email to all Di-
rectors within the area of the applicant’s home oce plus all
Directors residing within 125 miles of the applicants home of-
ce a notice and ballot for voting on the Aliate Membership
application. The ballot must be returned by the designated
date by way of U. S. mail or email or Fax to the NCHA oce.
Aliate membership approval will require a majority vote of
all returned ballots. In the event that no ballots are returned,
the aliate will be approved.
c. Any Aliate membership that is denied will require a 12-
month waiting period before being allowed to reapply.
Aliate Guidelines
14. Organizations having interest in cutting horses may be designat-
ed as Aliates of the NCHA upon acceptance of their application
and payment of required fees.
15. Every NCHA Aliate shall have within its membership at least
twenty-ve (25) members who are also active individual mem-
bers of the NCHA.
a. Members of NCHA Aliates may join the NCHA by payment
of annual fees only.
16. In order to retain the designation of NCHA Aliate, each aliated
organization must:
a. pay its annual fee by January 1.
b. provide NCHA with a copy of its Constitution and Bylaws.
c. provide the NCHA with the results of all cutting classes said
Aliate sponsors, which results shall be forwarded to this As-
sociation in a business-like manner and without undue delay,
postmarked within 5 (ve) days of last show date.
d. conduct its aairs in compliance with the Bylaws and Stand-
22 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
ing Rules of this Association including, but not limited to:
(i) the annual election of ocers and directors.
(ii) the holding of annual membership and directors’ meet-
ings, as well as documentation on the election of ocers.
(iii) providing a delity bond for any ocer, director, or mem-
ber whose duties require the handling of organization
funds. The bond must be in the amount of the maximum
funds for the purse payout plus the NCHA designated ap-
proval fee for the largest show produced. The bond must
include the producer’s name and the individuals covered
along with the expiration date.
(iv) the use of due process, as outlined in the NCHA Rule Book,
in all matters of discipline or suspension of its members.
e. A person may serve as a President, Vice-President, or Trea-
surer of only one NCHA Aliate at one time and must be an
NCHA member.
f. Any Aliate found not in compliance with all sections of this
rule on April 1 of each year will be denied membership renew-
al and placed on “Inactive Status” until all of the above rules
have been satised.
g. An NCHA certied secretary must be used at all NCHA ap-
proved shows, except jackpot and challenger shows.
Cutting Horse Chatter
17. The publication of the NCHA is Cutting Horse Chatter, a magazine
that is published quarterly and covers current cutting horse activ-
ity. Cutting Horse Chatter is dedicated to the well founded and ever-
increasing popularity of cutting horses.
18. The online version of the Cutting Horse Chatter can be found on the
NCHA website at www.nchacutting.com.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 23
Standing Committees
19. There shall be Standing Committees for the purpose of making rec-
ommendations to the Executive Committee and fullling the func-
tions described in Paragraph 23. Each Standing Committee shall
consist of not less than six (6) nor more than een (15) members
who shall be appointed by the President with the advice and con-
sent of the Executive Committee. In order to meet the requirements
of the NCHA’ s Constitution and Bylaws, new members of Standing
Committees will be appointed to ensure that each committee will
have at least one member from each of NCHA’ s geographic regions.
Any member of the Association in good standing shall be eligible
for committee assignment; however, preference shall be given to
Directors of the Association. Vacancies shall be lled in the same
manner as original appointments. No committee or committee
member has the authority to make contractual or other obligations
for the NCHA.
20. The term of a committee member’s assignment shall be stated in
the appointment. Should a committee member be absent from two
(2) consecutive meetings without prior excuse from the Association
President or Executive Director, that member shall be removed
from their committee assignment. In addition, the President, with
the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, may relieve a
member of their committee assignment for cause.
21. In order to provide for continuity and experience of members,
standing committee assignments may be made for a term longer
than one (1) year, but in no event may a person be selected to serve
as a member of a specic committee for more than two consecu-
tive three-year terms, or for more than eight consecutive years.
22. Each Standing Committee shall be headed by a Chairman, assisted
by a Vice-Chairman, each of whom shall be elected annually by the
committee members by written ballot, email ballot or roll call vote
as determined by sitting Chairman. No voting by proxy shall be
allowed. The committee member receiving the greatest number of
votes shall serve as Chairman and the committee member receiv-
ing the next highest number of votes shall serve as Vice-Chairman.
The Chairman shall vote only in case of a tie vote concerning com-
mittee action. The Vice Chairman shall serve as presiding ocer
in the Chairman’s absence or incapacity. No individual may serve
as Chairman for more than three (3) consecutive years.
23. A quorum at any meeting of a Standing Committee shall consist of
not less than six (6) members thereof, (for those committees with
the maximum 15 members or 40% of the membership of smaller
committees) and a simple majority of such quorum shall decide
any questions that may come before the meeting.
24. The present Standing Committees are:
• Aliate Ocers/Secretaries
• Amateur • Limited Age Events
• Approved LAE Show Producers • Non-Professional
• Finance and Audit • Professional Trainers
• Governance • Stallion Owners
• Growth and Development • Weekend Show
• Judges Rules • Youth
24 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Aliate Ocers/Secretaries Committee
1. Recommend guidelines for producing and conducting NCHA ap-
proved shows. Address problems and conicts which aliates
and show producers might incur when producing and conducting
NCHA approved shows.
2. Conduct a seminar/meeting open to all show producers, aliate of-
cers and secretaries at least once a year. Oer assistance or train-
ing sessions for new aliates, show producers and show secretaries
to instruct them in the proper manner of producing and conducting
shows under the NCHA rules and guidelines.
3. Work with the NCHA Show Department sta to get new data, rules
and other information promptly to aliates and show secretaries.
Work with show secretaries on improving prompt and correct re-
porting of show results to the NCHA oce.
4. Work with NCHA in the development of new or improved methods
of submitting reports to the NCHA and form test groups to pilot
new ideas and report back to the NCHA on the eectiveness of the
Amateur Committee
1. Recommend the rules governing those who hold an NCHA Amateur
2. Make recommendations regarding Amateur classes held at Limited
Age Events and Weekend Shows.
3. Make recommendations regarding rules for determining and main-
taining Amateur eligibility.
4. Make recommendations on new ideas that will encourage partici-
pation and growth of the Amateur division.
Approved LAE Show Producers Committee
1. Recommend the guidelines and procedures for submitting of LAE
show applications and their approval process.
2. Review LAE show date approvals and make recommendations on
problems that may arise with overlapping dates or other situations
in the allocation of show dates.
3. Make recommendations on new ideas or improvements to recogni-
tion and awards programs for NCHA- approved limited age events.
4. Protect the interest of NCHA members, the welfare of the horse
and ensure that cutters in all parts of the country have access to
quality Limited Age Events.
5. Protect the investments of existing Show Producers.
Provide opportunities for new shows and producers to be successful.
Finance and Audit Committee
1. Make recommendations related to overseeing the nancial health
of NCHA currently and to ensure that programs and policies are in
place to provide for the continued nancial strength of NCHA in the
future. The Committee shall review audit and control procedures,
current accounts, including allocation of costs and revenues and
budgets for past, present and future years.
2. The Committee must review and make recommendations to the Ex-
ecutive Committee regarding approval of all unbudgeted expense
items to insure budget soundness.
3. Shall make recommendations concerning the Association’s policy
in all nancial matters including investment of Association funds
and capital expenditures and make recommendations for imple-
mentation of policies and programs.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 25
4. Provide an open avenue of communication between independent
auditors, management and the Board of Directors.
Review the annual audit report and management letter with the
outside auditor and management. Identify any signicant changes
or disputes in accounting principles, nancial disclosure, or audit
6. Identify with the auditor and management signicant audit and in-
ternal control risks and exposures of the association. These are to
be reported to the Executive Committee along with recommended
corrective actions to be taken by management to address them.
7. Evaluate quality and independence of external audit rm and the
appropriateness of the rm’s retention. Review recommendations
for replacement or appointment of new auditors for presentation to
the Executive Committee.
8. The Committee shall be made up of members independent of the
Executive Committee.
Governance Committee
1. Make recommendations for eective governance structure of the
NCHA as set forth in its Constitution and Bylaws.
2. Recommend planning and implementation of programs which
promote the cutting horse and benets of NCHA membership fo-
cusing on membership stability.
Growth and Development Committee
1. Make recommendations with regard to the direction of the NCHA
for future growth, promotion and development.
2. Recommend policies and coordinate with the Directors of NCHA
Marketing & Sponsorship on all phases of annual marketing cam-
paigns for sponsorship growth.
3. Recommend planning and implementation of programs which
promote the cutting horse and benets of NCHA membership fo-
cusing on membership growth.
Judges Rules Committee
1. Make recommendations with regard to amending or interpreting
the NCHA Rules for Judging Cutting Horses to promote fairness
and equality.
2. Make recommendations to update and keep current NCHA rules
governing judge classications (on an annual and evaluation ba-
sis) to assist the Director of Judges in holding judges accountable.
3. Make recommendations to update and keep current an annual
“Casebook” to assist both judges and cutters in their understand-
ing of the Rules for Judging Cutting Horses.
4. Assist the NCHA Director of Judges in the planning and conduct of
judging seminars and clinics to further improve the quality of judg-
ing through awareness and insights into the process of judging.
5. Evaluate, subject to Executive Committee review, the expertise,
integrity and personal character of judge applicants and judges
pertaining to such person’s qualication or ability to be aorded
the privilege of being designated an NCHA judge.
Limited Age Events Committee
1. Recommend the rules under which all limited age events spon-
sored by NCHA are held including their locations and schedules.
2. Recommend policies and guidelines for the Executive Committee
and the NCHA sta to use in producing these events.
26 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
3. Make recommendations to obtain top quality cattle to assure the
success of the NCHA limited age program.
4. Consider and evaluate all suggestions for improvement of NCHA
sponsored events and recommend those suggestions which are
felt to be practical and possible.
Non-Professional Committee
1. Recommend the rules governing those who hold an NCHA
Non-Professional card.
2. Make recommendations regarding Non-Professional classes held
at Limited Age Events and Weekend Shows.
3. Make recommendations regarding rules for determining and
maintaining Non-Professional eligibility.
4. Make recommendations on new ideas that will encourage partici-
pation and growth of the Non-Professional division.
5. Publish these Non-Professional and Amateur rules.
Professional Trainers Committee
1. Recommend rules governing those NCHA members who have
identied themselves as Professional trainers.
2. Recommend class structure changes for Professional trainers to
encourage participation.
3. Recommend ways NCHA can support Professional trainers
through identication on NCHA website, educational seminars,
ranch management programs, equine health, small business prin-
ciples, etc.
4. Obtain information from Professional trainers on critical issues to
make recommendations to NCHA as decisions are made.
5. Promote leadership, professionalism and positive customer rela-
tions to encourage NCHA membership growth.
Stallion Owners Committee
1. Develop programs and incentives which promote the subscribed
stallions, the mares that breed to them, the nominated ospring
and the Breeders and Owners.
2. Ensure that all subscribed stallions receive equal promotion.
3. Develop and maintain a successful Triple Crown purse based on
Stallion Subscriptions and Foal Nominations.
Weekend Show Committee
1. Recommend rules and standards for the naming of NCHA circuit
leaders and champions.
2. Recommend rules and standards to be used in qualifying for the
NCHA aliate, Circuit and National Championships, in addition
to recommendations to purse, entry fees and the like.
3. Recommend rule changes to NCHA approved cutting horse con-
tests not limited by age of horse.
4. Recommend the requirements for participation in the World
Championship Finals.
5. Review the rules and procedures used in naming the Top Fiy
Open Cutting Horses and Non-Professional Riders, as well as Top
Fiy for other approved classes and makes recommendations to
insure fair competition for these valued honors.
6. Work closely with World Championship Finals sponsors and/or
possible sponsors to ensure the success of the event for all con-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 27
Youth Committee
1. Recommend the rules governing NCHA approved Youth contests.
2. Recommend the rules and format for conducting the NCHA Youth
Scholarship Cuttings.
3. Serve as the Advisory Committee to the National Youth Cutting
Horse Association and its Board of Directors.
4. Plan and recommend fund raising projects for the Youth Associa-
tions scal year budget.
5. Serve the NYCHA by building membership and making recom-
mendations in the development of Youth programs.
Other Committees
In addition to the Standing Committees listed above, the NCHA also
maintains the other committees listed below. Those other commit-
tees act in accordance with the policies and procedures established for
those committees by the NCHA and include the following:
Grievance Committee
The Grievance Committee is appointed by the NCHA President to inves-
tigate and consider complaints made under Standing Rule 37. However,
complaints relating to alleged medication violations shall be referred
to and reviewed by the Medication Review Committee and complaints
concerning all violations of NCHA Non-Pro/Amateur rules will be re-
ferred to and reviewed by the Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee.
Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee
The Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee is appointed by the NCHA
President with the approval of the Executive Committee. Members of
the Review Committee shall each be either former Presidents, former
members of the Executive Committee, former or current Directors or
former Chair/Vice Chair of a Standing Committee of the NCHA. The
Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee will review and make determi-
nations on Non-Pro and/or Amateur status applications, all Exception
Rule applications along with reviewing, investigating and conducting
hearings on possible Non-Pro/Amateur rule violations.
Medication Review Committee
The Medication Review Committee appointed by the NCHA President
and is charged with the initial review of the lab results from any drug
testing conducted under the Medication Rules, determining if the lab
results indicate that a violation has occurred and taking disciplinary
action for any rule violations shown in those lab results. The Mediation
Review Committee may also conduct hearings to determine whether a
violation of the Medication Rules has occurred, if necessary.
Ad Hoc Committees
The NCHA Executive Committee may also appoint (and disband) ad hoc
committees, on an as needed basis, to perform specic tasks as may be
needed to serve the Association and its members.
28 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Standing Rules 1-4 General
The NCHA has its basic purpose for the public exhibition and con-
stant promotion of the cutting horse.
NCHA approved events are restricted to NCHA members only. (All
owners and riders must be members in good standing with NCHA
to compete in an approved show). Original or copies of NCHA
membership cards for both owner and rider must be submitted
to the secretary when entering approved NCHA shows. NCHA will
provide a grace period to prior year members until March 1.
1. Show management may assess a ve dollar ($5) ne per occur-
rence when NCHA membership cards are not submitted.
a. In the event that a person competes in an NCHA approved
contest and is not a current NCHA member, money or points
won will not count towards eligibility, awards or standings for
rider or horse until membership dues are paid. No money or
points will be awarded retroactive to payment of membership
dues. Said person may be ned in the amount of y dollars
($50). Failure to pay the assessed ne will be cause for denial
of membership.
b. Ineligible contestants: When earnings are pulled from horses
and riders because of ineligibility, class placings will be recal-
culated and show management will redistribute the earnings
accordingly, with the exception of Challenger Shows which
will not be recalculated. If earnings are pulled, (on the sec-
ond oense) they must be repaid to show management with-
in 15 days of notication, or the ineligible competitor will be
placed on suspension. The aliate/show producer will receive
a warning for the rst show from which earnings are pulled.
The aliate/show producer will be responsible for making up
any shortfalls at subsequent shows.
All registered horses must be shown under the name assigned to
them by their Breed Association, and a copy of registration papers
must be submitted to the secretary when entering approved NCHA
shows. Show management may assess a maximum ne $25 ne
per occurrence when a copy of registration papers is not submit-
ted. All unregistered horses must be shown under one name only
and said name may not conict with a registered horse’s name, at
any and all contests approved by the NCHA. In any NCHA class,
competition must be open to any horse, regardless of breed, age,
sex, color, conformation, appearance, or previous performance.
Horses are judged on performance only.
STANDING RULE 4. Payments for Fees and Show Charges.
a. Failure to timely make payments due to NCHA
Any member, vendor, sponsor, advertiser, approved show, or
ocial of an approved show that fails to pay when due any
obligation owing to the NCHA for any reason whatsoever is
subject to the disciplinary actions provided for in this Rule.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 29
Failure to make payments, as used in this Rule, shall include
presenting a worthless check, making a credit card charge
that is denied or making any other form of payment that is
rejected. This Rule applies to payment of monies owed to the
NCHA for any reason including, but not limited to, entry fees,
stall fees, show charges, oce charges, stock charges, adver-
tising charges, sponsorship fees, premiums, or any other fees
or charges of any kind. Payment of fees or other charges by
a third party shall not release the party on whose behalf the
payment was made from responsibility for making payment
or from receiving disciplinary action under this Rule.
b. Failure to timely make payments due to Show Management.
Any member that fails to timely pay when due any obligation
owing to the Show Management relating to the members par-
ticipation in the show (i.e., for entry fees, stall charges, etc.) is
subject to the disci
plinary actions provided for in this Rule.
The term “Show Management” as used herein is the organiza-
tion or individual acting as sponsor of a cutting horse contest
or which said organization or individual sought and received
the approval of NCHA to conduct the cutting horse contest (or
any other person(s) designated by said organization or indi-
vidual to act on its behalf).
The NCHA does not generally guarantee any payments due to
Show Management. However, for NCHA approved shows that
are required to pay the NCHA 8% of all entry fees owed under
NCHA rules, the NCHA does guarantee payment of entry fees
only, but under the following conditions: (i) the member pay-
ing the entry fees must be an NCHA member in good standing
at the time that the entry fee is paid; (ii) the show in ques-
tion has timely paid the NCHA the entire 8% of all fees owed
to the NCHA as provided for in NCHA Rules; (iii) the cutting
horse contest must be approved by NCHA in advance in ac-
cordance with NCHA rules; and; (iv) Show Management must
request reimbursement from the NCHA for any unpaid entry
fees within thirty (30) days aer the shows closing date.
Show Management may take any actions it deems reason-
ably necessary to collect unpaid fees which it feels are in the
best interest of the show, so long as such actions comply with
NCHA Standing Rules. If a member feels that Show Manage-
ment has not acted in the best interest of the show or has vio-
lated NCHA Standing Rules in its collection eorts, the mem-
ber may le a complaint with the Executive Director. The
complaint will be handled by the NCHA Grievance Commit-
tee in accordance with Standing Rule 37.
c. Disciplinary Guidelines for Violation of Rule
Listed below are the disciplinary guidelines which apply for
violations of this Rule. These are guidelines only and may be
increased or decreased by the NCHA, in its sole discretion,
based on the severity of the violation.
1. Violations by Show Management or Show Ocials
If Show Management or show ocials fail to make timely
payments due and owing to the NCHA for any reason, the
results for their show will not be counted or posted by
the NCHA until such time as all amounts due and owing
to the NCHA, plus a ne of $250, are paid in full.
30 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
2. Violations by Advertisers, Vendors or Sponsors
If an advertiser, vendor, or sponsor of the NCHA fails to
timely make payments due and owing to the NCHA for
any reason, all benets due to the advertiser, vendor, or
sponsor as a result of their agreements with the NCHA
shall be suspended until such time as all amounts due
and owing to the NCHA, plus a ne in the amount of $250,
are paid in full.
3. Violations by Members
If a member fails to make payments due to the NCHA for
any reason whatsoever (including payments for the Cut-
ting Horse Chatter or reimbursements made by the NCHA
to S
how Management for unpaid entry fees) or to Show
Management, the following disciplinary guidelines shall
(i) If reimbursement in full is not made by the member to
the NCHA or Show Management (whichever is applica-
ble) within thirty (30) days of written notice being sent
to the member, the NCHA membership of that member
shall be immediately and automatically suspended.
(ii) Violation of paragraph a or b above shall also result in
a ne of $50 due and payable from the member to the
NCHA, so long as full payment of the entire outstanding
amounts are made within 30 days of notice of non-pay-
ment from the NCHA or Show Management. If such pay-
ments are not made in that 30-day period as required by
section 3(i) above, an additional $250 ne will be added
to the amount due and owing to the NCHA.
(iii) Any suspension given under this Rule shall extend to the
entity (horse or business) directly connected to the sus-
pension unless the entity is transferred in a bona de
sale to an unrelated party. The burden is on the selling
party to prove that the sale was a bona de sale to an un-
related third party.
(iv) The automatic membership suspension referenced in sec-
tion (i) above shall remain in eect until full reimburse-
ment of all fees is received by the NCHA or Show Manage-
ment (whichever is applicable) and full payment of the
ne listed in section (ii) above is received by the NCHA.
(v) Any NCHA points, annual awards or certicates received
by any owner or rider when they are in violation of this
Rule shall be forfeited. NCHA points, annual awards or
certicates forfeited under this rule will not be reinstated.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 31
Standing Rules 5-20
Related to Approved Shows
To be NCHA approved, the fully completed and signed show applica-
tion form must be received in the NCHA oce no later than forty (40)
days prior to the closing date of entry for the show involved. Show appli-
cation submitted less than the forty (40) days required for approval will
be ned $500 and approved. Under no circumstances will a show be ap-
proved less than thirty (30) days prior to the closing date of entry. A show
that has been granted approval may change their dates up to seven (7)
days if received in the oce twenty (20) days prior to the closing date
of entry. All approved shows must appear online. Early receipt of appli-
cation will give the show more publicity. All show secretaries and show
management personnel must be current NCHA members.
Applicants for NCHA approved weekend shows may be NCHA Ali-
ates, or may be individuals, managers, or organizations able to meet the
pertinent requirements of these rules including the nancial responsibil-
ity requirements as listed below to be NCHA approved. NCHA Aliates
cannot approve having a joint show with a competing association with the
exception of AQHA, APHA, High School Rodeo and organizations that host
an NCHA Championship Show or NCHA Challenger Show. These shows
will be subject to all applicable NCHA rules and guidelines. In the case
of rule conicts between organizations, NCHA rules will take precedent.
All NCHA show secretaries must be certied. If a secretary has not
done any shows for one year, they must retake the Certied Secretary
Test, which will be mailed from the NCHA oce and must be returned
within thirty (30) days. If no show is worked for 24 months, the secretary
must go through the complete certication process. If two secretaries
work one show, each will receive credit.
NCHA will not approve two shows at the same location on the same day
and two of the same class may not be held on the same day.
All classes that are eligible to be approved or recognized must be ap-
proved in order for the show to be approved. Results must be submitted
with the 8% fee to NCHA. On non-approvable class, results must be sub-
mitted, and 8% fee is due to NCHA.
There will be a $3 per entry on approved classes National Circuit fee
to be submitted to NCHA with show results.
a. All Non-Aliate Show producers and Stock Shows must provide
NCHA a copy of the surety bond and/or Irrevocable Letter of Credit or
Certicate of Insurance for any and all employees, owners, ocers, or
secretaries whose duties require the handling of funds. The bond or Ir-
revocable Letter of Credit must be in the amount of the maximum funds
for the purse payout plus the NCHA designated approval fee for the larg-
est show produced. The bond must include the producers’ names and
the individuals covered, along with the expiration date. The bond or Ir-
revocable Letter of Credit should list the NCHA as the beneciary. Your
bond or Irrevocable Letter of Credit needs to be in the NCHA oce 30
days prior to any show date. Mail to: NCHA, Attn: Show Approval Coor-
dinator, 260 Bailey Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76107.
A show that is approved by the NCHA must follow the Association
Rules. A show may be approved without naming a judge or judges; how-
ever, the judge or judges, that are used, must be named a minimum of
32 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
seven (7) days prior to the closing date of entries. Below are the penal-
ties for non-compliance during each point year:
• First Oense: A letter of reprimand
• Second Oense: $100 Fine
• Third Oense: $200 Fine
• Fourth Oense: $500 Fine
Oense procedures will start over at the beginning of each point year.
The number of judges for NCHA approved shows may not be de-
creased less than forty (40) days prior to the closing date of entry. A show
should designate an alternate judge in case one of the judges or judge is
unable to be present and must name any alternate if more than one go-
round or a nal is scheduled. Any changes regarding added money, en-
try fees, oce charges, location or date classes are held during an ap-
proved show must be made no later than thirty (30) days prior to closing
date of entry for the show involved. All shows that are canceled cannot
be rescheduled within forty (40) days required for approval.
a. Shows with added purses of more than $2,000 must use a min-
imum of two (2) judges from the appropriate NCHA Approved
Judge classication.
b. No person listed on the NCHA probation or suspension list
will be permitted to judge.
c. All NCHA approved classes shall be required to be video re-
corded. All videographers must be fully credentialed and
qualied by the NCHA pursuant to the existing NCHA pol-
icies for videographers, except for Challenger Shows. (See
Challenger Rules.) This video must be retained by the show
sponsor for thirty (30) days aer the date of the event where
videoing occurred and shall be available to NCHA upon re-
quest. At the conclusion of weekend show, show manage-
ment will make available to the judge a copy of video and
judge sheets.
Whenever a video is received at the NCHA oce that is of poor
quality, the NCHA Judges Department will notify the videog-
rapher, and the videographer will be ned $50. Additional vid-
eo may be requested. Upon receiving a second inferior vid-
eo from a videographer, the videographer may be ned $200,
which must be paid prior to the videographer’s next event.
Upon receiving a third inferior video, the director of Judges
shall take action as deemed necessary to correct or eliminate
the problem. If there is no video received from a videogra-
pher, the videographer will be ned $500.
d. All NCHA approved events must use ocial judges’ cards and
forward same to the Association along with the completed
NCHA result forms within ve (5) days of the conclusion of the
show. If show results are not forwarded to NCHA within ve (5)
days of the conclusion of the show, show management will be
ned $250. Judges shall indicate penalties assessed in the spac-
es provided. It is mandatory for judges to ll in run content col-
umns on the score cards with the following symbols:
Above Average Average Below Average
+ ✓+
Any empty run content box indicates average, same as
e. Weekend Championship classes with added money must not
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 33
exceed the recommended percentage of the entry fee. Howev-
er, a special exception may be granted by the Executive Direc-
tor for classes with added money of $5,000 or more. No added
money (jackpot only) the cattle charge may only exceed the
jackpot portion of the entry fee if there are some fresh cat-
tle provided. Under special circumstances, a cattle surcharge
may be added to any class if approved in writing, IN ADVANCE
of the show by NCHA.
f. & g. Rule no longer applicable.
h. No show will be approved by NCHA during the Annual Con-
vention, as well as the day before and the day aer. No youth
classes or show with an added purse of over $500 in any class
will be approved by NCHA within 300 miles of any National
Championship show.
i. The NCHA point year will end on November 10, 2024 for week-
end shows and November 17, 2024 for LAE shows.
j. All new shows applying for NCHA approval must oer both
an open cutting horse contest and an unlimited class for
Non-Professional riders with parity of added purses.
k. All new shows applying for NCHA approval must oer an Am-
ateur class.
l. 150 Horse Rule
At Weekend Shows, the judge has the option to stay and judge
additional horses aer 150 horses per day to receive extra com-
pensation from the nes paid for the over 150 works.
Weekend Show Judge Compensation nes exceeding 150 hors-
es are:
• 151-155 horses- $100
• 156-160 horses- $200
Fines will be distributed by the NCHA to the judge working
the event.
Under no circumstances will a Weekend Show judge be al-
lowed to judge over 160 works. Weekend shows can be ned
up to $200 per infraction per day for exceeding the 160 cap.
This rule is at the discretion of the Executive Director and
this ne can be appealed.
Weekend Show Management may use a judge who has been in
the previous classes to replace a judge who has judged 150 works,
providing that they are in compliance with all other rules per-
taining to judging is met. Under no circumstances will a judge
be allowed to judge a portion of a show, unless entries go over the
150-entry limit, or is approved by the Director of Judges.
LAE Shows Judge Compensation nes exceeding the 150 hors-
es are:
• 151-155 horses- $1,000 ne
• 156-159 horses- $2,000 ne
• 160 and over horses-$3,000 ne
Under no circumstances will a LAE Judge be allowed to judge
over 160 works. Fines will be distributed by the NCHA to the
judges and monitor working the event.
m. NCHA reserves the right to refuse approval or cancel the ap-
proval of a show which it deems not to be in the best interest of
the Association. All show secretaries, show management per-
34 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
sonnel and videographers must be current NCHA members.
n. “Bridle Inspection”: It is recommended that at each NCHA pro-
duced show, that one contestant per set be asked to dismount
and clearly remove and show their bridle to the judge or judges
for their approval. Refusal to do so before the next horse works
will result in a disqualication. Youth classes are exempt from
this rule. These will be randomly drawn.
When there is the call for a “Bridle Inspection” and it is a pos-
sible Standing Rule 35.A.1- Zero Tolerance Policy violation, the
majority vote of the judges would determine the disqualica-
tion. In addition:
The ocial videographer and photographer of the show would
take a video and photo(s) of the horse/bridle being inspected.
The ocial announcer will announce specically “show your
bridle to the Judge(s) in the middle” when asked for a “bridle
o. No dogs will be allowed in the building/coliseum or any part
of the arena, including warm-up area during any NCHA ap-
proved weekend and LAE shows or NCHA sponsored cuttings.
If on the grounds, they must be on a leash. The following pen-
alties will apply for a violation of this rule: 1st oense - $200
ne; 2nd oense - $500 ne; 3rd oense within twelve (12)
month period - ninety (90) day suspension.
When a request for show approval comes from an active NCHA
aliate, it will be granted for that particular show, provided the
show is directly sponsored or conducted by the aliate making the
request. However, NCHA reserves the right to refuse approval or
cancel the approval of a show which it deems not to be in the best
interest of the Association.
a. All NCHA Championship Shows must use the “SAM” System.
It is imperative that the System be announced prior to the
start of the show.
There are thirteen approved classications within an NCHA ap-
proved show. Any owner or rider who shall permit their horse to
be entered and compete in an approved class, in which the own-
er(s), the horse or rider is ineligible, shall be subject to disciplinary
action by the Executive Committee.
Eligibility is determined at the beginning of the point year. Once eligi-
bility is determined, riders and horses are eligible to show in any eligi-
ble class for the remainder of the point year, regardless of the amount
earned during the point year. Monies won at the World Championship
Finals count toward eligibility of the following year (World Finals held
in 2006 will count for 2007 eligibility). Eligibility for each class is out-
lined below:
Class Denitions follow:
a. NCHA Open Championship Cutting Horse class:
1) Monies toward World Champion Finals to be count-
ed only at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship
show. In order to qualify for this title, shows must meet
all standing rules for approval and, in addition, must
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 35
have an added purse in this class of at least $200 per day.
2) Three head of fresh cattle per entry be provided in the
Open and Non-Professional classes at shows with $750 or
more in added money.
3) The class must be scheduled with an accompanying
Non-Professional Cutting Horse class and one Amateur
Cutting Horse Class approved by the NCHA.
4) Show management will have the option of allowing rid-
ers to ride two (2) horses.
5) Riders may ride two (2) horses in Open class at the World
Finals and may ride two (2) qualied horses in the Open
class at the National Circuit nals.
b. NCHA Championship Non-Professional Cutting Horse class:
1) Open to qualied holders of NCHA Non-Pro cards.
2) Monies toward World Champion Finals to be counted only
at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship show. In
order to qualify for the title, shows must meet all stand-
ing rules for approval and in addition, must have an added
purse in this class of at least $200 per day.
3) The class must be scheduled with an accompanying Open
Cutting Horse class and one Amateur Cutting Horse class
approved by NCHA.
4) May be oered concurrently with the Unlimited Amateur,
$50,000 Amateur or Select Non-Pro in a combination of
any two (2).
c. NCHA Unlimited Amateur Cutting Horse Class:
1) Open to qualied holders of NCHA Non-Pro Amateur
cards who meet all non-monetary Amateur require-
ments, are qualied as an Amateur under Standing Rule
51 .a.6, are NOT in the Non-Pro Rider Hall of Fame AND
a. Age 60 and over OR
b. Under the age of 60 and have not won more than
$250,000 in Non-Pro money.
Non-Pro money:
a. Includes all earnings from Limited Age Event Non-
Pro classes
b. Includes all earnings from Championship show Non-
Pro classes EXCEPT $25,000 Novice Non-Pro, $5,000
Novice Non-Pro and $35,000 Non-Pro
c. Does NOT include Challenger show earnings
2) Monies toward World Champion Finals Cutting Horse to
be counted only at shows bearing the title NCHA Cham-
pionship show Cutting Horse classes. NCHA approval
shall be granted to this class only when all other Stand-
ing Rules for approval have been met and the contest is
scheduled with an accompanying NCHA Open and NCHA
Non-Professional Cutting Horse classes.
3) Added money is permitted in this class provided it does
not exceed the added purse for the Open and Non-Profes-
sional classes.
4) May be oered concurrently with the Non-Professional,
$50,000 Amateur or Select Non-Pro in a combination of
any two (2).
d. NCHA $50,000 Limit Amateur Cutting Horse class:
36 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
1) Open to qualied holders of NCHA Amateur cards who
meet all non-monetary Amateur requirements, are qual-
ied as an Amateur under Standing Rule 51 .a.6 and have
with $50,000 or less in eligibility earnings at the begin-
ning of the point year.
2) Eligibility earnings for this class:
a. Includes all monies won in cutting horse competi-
tions at any other equine association plus
b. Monies won as determined from the records of the
i. Monies won in the Amateur classes prior to De-
cember 1, 1995 plus
ii. All money won in approved classes aer Decem-
ber 1, 1995, including the Limited Age Events
iii. Beginning with the 2004 point year, all money
won in all classes excluding:
(a) Monies won in Breed Registry World show
cuttings (see Standing rule 10)
(b) Monies won in Limited Age Event Senior
(c) Monies won at the 2001 and aer NCHA
produced National Championships (East-
(d) Monies won in designated Circuit shows
specically designated as not applying to
3) Monies toward World Champion Finals to be counted only
at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship show.
NCHA approval shall be granted to this class only when
all other Standing Rules for approval have been met and
the contest is scheduled with an accompanying NCHA
Open and NCHA Non-Professional Cutting Horse classes.
4) Added money is permitted in this class provided it does
not exceed the added purse for the Open and Non-Profes-
sional classes.
5) May be oered concurrently with the Non-Professional,
Unlimited Amateur or Select Non-Pro in a combination of
any two (2).
e. NCHA $15,000 Limit Amateur Cutting Horse class:
1) Open to qualied holders of NCHA Amateur cards, who
meet all non-monetary Amateur requirements, with
$15,000 or less in eligibility earnings at the beginning of the
point year.
2) Eligibility earnings for this class:
a. Includes all monies won in cutting horse competitions
at any other equine association plus
b. Monies won as determined from the records of the
i. Monies won in Amateur classes prior to Decem-
ber 1, 1995 plus
ii. All money won in approved classes aer Decem-
ber 1, 1995, including Limited Age Events plus
iii. Beginning with the 2004 - point year, all money
won in classes excluding:
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 37
(a) Monies won in Breed Registry World show
cuttings (see Standing Rule 10)
(b) Monies won in the Limited Age Event Se-
nior classes
(c) Monies won at the 2001 and aer NCHA
produced National Championships (East-
(d) Monies won in designated Circuit shows
specically designated as not applying to
3) Monies toward World Champion Finals to be counted only
at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship show.
NCHA approval shall be granted to this class only when
all other Standing Rules for approval have been met and
the contest is scheduled with an accompanying NCHA
Open and NCHA Non-Professional Cutting Horse.
4) No added money will be permitted in this class in Champi-
onship shows. NCHA produced events are excluded from
the no added money stipulation.
5) The entry fee with one go-round may not exceed $125
added back
6) The cattle change may exceed the entry fee, provided
some fresh cattle are provided.
g. NCHA $35,000 Limit Non-Professional Cutting Horse class:
1) Open to all holders of NCHA Non-Professional cards who
meet all non-monetary Non-Professional requirements
with $35,000 or less in eligibility earnings at the beginning
of the point year.
2) Eligibility earnings for this class:
a. Includes all monies won in cutting horse competitions
at any other equine association plus
b. Non-Professional earnings up to December 1, 1995,
c. All money won in approved classes aer December 1,
1995, including Limited Age Events, plus
d. Beginning with the 2004-point year, all money won in
all classes excluding:
i. Monies won in Breed Registry World show cut-
tings (see Standing rule 10)
ii. Monies won in Limited Age Event Senior classes
iii. Monies won at the 2001 and aer NCHA pro-
duced National Championships (Eastern / West-
iv. Monies won in designated Circuit shows speci-
cally designated as not applying to eligibility
3) Monies toward World Champion Finals to be counted only
at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship show.
NCHA approval shall be granted to this class only when all
other Standing Rules for approval have been met and the
contest is scheduled with an accompanying NCHA Open,
NCHA Non-Professional Cutting Horse class and one NCHA
Amateur cutting horse class.
4) No added money will be permitted in this class in Cham-
pionship shows. NCHA produced events are excluded from
the no added money stipulation.
38 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
5) The entry fee with one go round may not exceed $125 add-
ed back.
6) The cattle charge may exceed the entry fee, provided some
fresh cattle are provided.
h. NCHA $25,000 Limit Novice Cutting Horse class:
1. Per Standing Rule 9, this class is open to all horses hav-
ing $25,000 or less in eligibility earnings at the beginning
of the point year as determined from the records of the
2. Eligibility earnings for this class
a. Includes monies won in all classes reported to the
NCHA excluding:
i. Monies won in the Limited Age Event classes
ii. Monies won at the 2001 and aer NCHA pro-
duced National Championships (Eastern/West-
iii. Monies won in designated Circuit shows speci-
cally designated as not applying to eligibility
iv. Monies won in Breed Registry World show cut-
tings (see Standing Rule 10)
3. Riders may ride two eligible horses
4. Monies toward World Champion Finals to be counted only
at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship show.
NCHA approval shall be granted to this class only when
all other applicable Standing Rules for approval have
been met, and the class is scheduled with accompanying
NCHA Open, NCHA Non-Professional Cutting Horse class
and one NCHA Amateur Cutting horse class.
5. The added money for this class may not exceed that of-
fered for any accompanying Open or Non-Professional
i. NCHA $5,000 Limit Novice Cutting Horse class:
1. Per Standing Rule 9, this class is open to all horses having
$5,000 or less in eligibility earnings at the beginning of
the point year.
2. Eligibility earnings for this class
a. Includes monies won in all classes reported to the
NCHA excluding:
i. Monies won in Limited Age Event classes
ii. Monies won at the 2001 and aer NCHA pro-
duced National Championships (Eastern / West-
iii. Monies won in designated Circuit shows speci-
cally designated as not applying to eligibility
iv. Monies won in Breed Registry World show cut-
tings (see Standing rule 10)
3. Riders may ride two eligible horses.
4. Monies toward World Champion Finals to be counted only
at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship show.
NCHA approval shall be granted to this class only when
all other applicable Standing Rules for approval have
been met, and the class is scheduled with accompanying
NCHA Open, Non-Professional Cutting Horse class and
one Amateur Cutting horse class.
5. The added money for this class may not exceed that of-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 39
fered for any accompanying Open or Non-Professional
j. $25,000 Novice Horse/Non-Professional Rider Cutting Horse
1. Open to horses meeting the eligibility criteria for the
NCHA $25,000 Limit Novice Cutting Horse class
2. Riders must be current NCHA Non-Professional card
3. Riders may ride two eligible horses, according to fami-
ly-owned horse rules.
4. Monies toward the World Champion Finals to be count-
ed only at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship
show. NCHA approval shall be granted to this class only
when all other applicable Standing Rules for approval
have been met, and the class is scheduled with accom-
panying NCHA Open NCHA, Non-Professional Cutting
Horse class and one NCHA Amateur Cutting horse class.
5. The added money for this class may not exceed that of-
fered for any accompanying Open or Non-Professional
k. NCHA $2,000 Limit Rider/Any Horse Class:
1. Open to all riders having eligibility earnings in all cutting
competition of $2,000 or less at the beginning of the point
2. Eligibility earnings for this class:
a. All monies won in cutting horse competitions at any
other equine association plus
b. Monies won in all classes reported to the NCHA ex-
i. Monies won in Breed Registry World show cut-
tings (see Standing rule 10)
ii. Monies won in Limited Age Event Senior classes
iii. Monies won at the 2001 and aer NCHA pro-
duced National Championships (Eastern / West-
iv. Monies won in designated Circuit shows speci-
cally designated as not applying to eligibility
3) Any horse may be ridden regardless of ownership.
4) Holders of NCHA Non-Professional cards may compete
in this class on any horse without jeopardizing their
Non-Professional status.
5) Monies toward World Champion Finals to be counted only
at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship show.
NCHA approval shall be granted to this class only when
all other applicable Standing Rules for approval have
been met, and the class is scheduled with accompanying
NCHA Open, NCHA Non-Professional Cutting Horse class
and one NCHA Amateur Cutting horse class.
6) No added money will be permitted in this class in Champi-
onship shows. NCHA produced events are excluded from
the no added money stipulation.
7) The entry fee with one go-round may not exceed $125
added back.
8) The cattle charge may exceed the entry fee provided
some fresh cattle are furnished.
40 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
l. NCHA $5,000 Limit Novice Horse/Non-Professional Rider Cut-
ting Horse Class:
1. Open to horses meeting the eligibility criteria for the
NCHA $5,000 Limit Novice Cutting Horse class.
2) Riders must be current NCHA Non-Professional card hold-
3) Riders may ride two eligible horses, according to fami-
ly-owned horse rules.
4) Monies toward World Champion Finals to be counted only
at shows bearing the title NCHA Championship show.
NCHA approval shall be granted to this class only when
all other applicable Standing Rules for approval have
been met, and the class is scheduled with accompanying
NCHA Open, NCHA Non-Professional Cutting Horse class
and one NCHA Amateur Cutting horse class.
5) The added money for this class may not exceed that of-
fered for any accompanying Open or Non-Professional
NCHA Approved Youth Cutting Horse Contests
1. To be NCHA approved, the signed Application for Approval form
requesting this approval must be sent to the NCHA oce as speci-
ed by Standing Rule 5.
2. A Youth Cutting Horse Contest that is approved by NCHA must fol-
low the NCHA Rules. A show will not be approved until the judge
or judges have been selected in accordance with Standing Rule 6.
3. NCHA Standing Rules numbers 8, 9, 13, and 14 shall not apply to
Youth Cutting Horse Contests.
4. In no case shall a contestant be more than 18 years of age on the
rst day of the point year in which the contest is held.
Only Youth members of NCHA shall be eligible to compete in any
NCHA approved or sponsored events, including special scholarship
6. Points shall be awarded to winners in NCHA Youth Cutting Horse
Contests on the following basis:
Following for Weekend Shows Only
No. of Place in Contest:
Horses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th, 9th, 10th
3 1
4-7 2 1
8-11 3 2 1
12-15 4 3 2 1
16-20 5 4 3 2 1
21 & Up 6 5 4 3 2 1
The following point system will be used for the NCHA Summer Schol-
arship Cutting.
No. of Place in Contest:
Horses 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
3 1
4-7 2 1
8-11 3 2 1
12-15 4 3 2 1
16-20 5 4 3 2 1
21-25 6 5 4 3 2 1
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 41
26-30 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
31-36 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
37-42 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
43 & Up 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
In order for a youth entry to be considered a legal entry and the points
to count, the rider must be an active participant in the class, i.e., must
cross the timeline and make a real attempt to show the horse. Scratches
will not count for points (only money won will count).
7. When NCHA approval is for a Junior and Senior Youth Cutting, it can-
not be combined unless there are less than three (3) entries in either
Division. If a Youth Cutting approved as a Junior and Senior Youth
Cutting is combined at the time of the draw because there are fewer
than three entries in either division and additional entries are taken
at any time aer the draw that increase the entries to at least three in
each division, points will be received in each division, but the work-
ing order will remain as drawn. When a Youth Cutting is approved
with both Divisions, points will be received in each Division. A Youth
Cutting that is a combined class may divide the money and pay pre-
miums in both Divisions, however if a youth class is approved as
combined (all ages) it cannot be held as separate classes. If classes
are not held as approved (combined), scores will be placed in score
order from both classes and points will be awarded under the youth
point system as a combined class.
a. If there is to be one class, undivided, the age group is to be 18
and under.
b. If there are to be two classes, the age divisions must be Junior (1)
13 and under, and Senior (2) 14 through 18.
8. A record of points shall be maintained in the rider’s name by the
NCHA. At the conclusion of the annual point year, the Junior boy or
girl and the Senior boy or girl having accumulated the greatest num-
ber of points in a minimum of ve (5) NCHA Youth Cutting Horse
Contests will be named and duly honored by the NCHA as its World
Champion Junior Youth and World Champion Senior Youth.
9. Stallions may be barred from NCHA Youth Cutting Horse Contests
if this information is forwarded to NCHA at the time application for
show approval is made.
10. It is recommended that whenever possible, adults be used as turn-
back riders and herd holders at NCHA Youth Cutting Horse Contests.
It is the obligation of the show management to furnish herd holders
unless the contestants select their own.
11. Provided a representative has not been appointed by the show man-
agement, it shall be the duty of show management at all NCHA Youth
cutting horse contests to hold a meeting prior to the rst go-round
for the purpose of electing a representative to represent the contes-
tants for the duration of the show. In the event the representative
has to leave the show for any reason, they shall appoint a representa-
tive in their place for the duration of the show. Any representative so
elected or appointed must be a contestant in the Youth class.
12. It is recommended that all approved youth contests be provided
fresh cattle.
13. NCHA will not approve any youth cuttings on weekdays between
Labor Day and Memorial Day, with the exception of Winter Circuit
youth cuttings as long as they are from December 28 through the
rst Sunday of January. Approved shows held in Utah and Idaho will
42 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
be allowed to hold youth classes on Fridays aer 6:00 p.m. with the
stipulation that any youth who shows in those states on a Friday will
only be eligible to also earn NCHA youth points on Saturday (not
Sunday). Exception: Youth classes may be approved during the week
at special events (such as major livestock shows), and at any other
show on a national holiday that is recognized by the U.S. government
if there is a scholarship oered. The request for these approvals must
be submitted in writing to the Executive Director.
14. NCHA will not approve any youth cuttings with added money.
15. No youth classes will be approved by NCHA during the annual NY-
CHA Convention and Scholarship Cutting within 300 miles of Fort
Worth, Texas.
16. If a member no longer meets the qualications for a Non-Pro/Ama-
teur card, the youth will not be eligible to compete in youth competi-
tion. (The youth member must meet the qualications for at least the
Non-Pro card, i.e., the youth may not be a trainer and still compete in
the youth competition).
17. Youth Regional Scholarship removed.
18. Youth World Finals
Top 15 in each class plus ties (no drop down), will be eligible to com-
pete in the World Finals, to be held during the Summer Spectacular.
There will be 3 rounds and a non-working nal. Points won for go-
rounds and non-working nals will be based on the number of en-
tries in the class, with the maximum of 5 points for rst place.
The Youth World Finals entrants will be based on points accumu-
lated from June 1 to May 31, as will Youth World Standings, Circuit
Standings, Youth Rookie of the Year and Aliate Standing. Youth age
is based on their age on June 1st. The membership cuto of Decem-
ber 31st remains the same. Membership cards will be printed show-
ing the membership expiration date of December 31st and will allow
for the March 1st grace period the same as all other membership.
19. A Novice Youth Class may be oered at weekend shows for NYCHA
members with less than $300 in earnings and fewer than 10 points.
The entry fee will be $20 (in addition to the Youth Class entry fee),
with $10 jackpotted, $6 to the NYCHA, and the $4 to the Aliate.
Aliates are encouraged oer year-end awards for this class. The
Novice Youth Class is a sub-class with no national standings kept.
Additional Recognized Classes
1. NCHA Select Non-Professional Class (Weekend Shows Only):
Non-Professionals and Amateurs aged y (50) and over at the
beginning of the point year will be eligible to participate. This
may be a class within the Non-Professional class. It may also
be combined with the Non-Professional class, combined with
the 50k Amateur class, combined with the Unlimited Ama-
teur class, or may be held as a separate class subject to pre-ap-
proval by the NCHA show oce. Added money is permitted
provided it does not exceed the added purse in the Open and
Non-Professional. Earnings will be recorded and will not
count for year-end awards or standings.
2. NCHA $1,000 Limit Amateur Cutting Horse Class: Open to qual-
ied holders of NCHA Amateur cards with Amateur earnings
up to December 1, 1995, plus all money won in all approved
classes aer that date, including Limited Age Events, as de-
termined from the records of the NCHA. All money won in all
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 43
classes, including Limited Age Events as determined from the
records of the NCHA are included in the Amateur’s lifetime to-
tal. An Amateur competing in this class is allowed to show a
horse owned by any NCHA member in good standing, without
jeopardizing their Amateur status. All earnings in this class
will be recorded but will not count toward year-end awards or
standings. However, all earnings in this class will count toward
achievement buckles. No added money will be permitted in
this class.
NCHA competition must be open to any horse, regardless of breed,
age, sex, color, conformation, appearance, or previous performance.
Horses are to be judged on performance only.
a. Riders of horses in NCHA Novice Cutting Horse classes and
Limited Non-Professional or Amateur Cutting Horse Con-
tests may be restricted to members of an active NCHA aliate
when that aliate directly sponsors or conducts the contests
NCHA approval may be granted to restricted limited age events. Earn-
ings won will count toward applicable NCHA lifetime awards. The NCHA
will record breed registry cutting earnings received at World Shows and
apply these monies to the lifetime earnings of a horse and a rider. Breed
Registry World show cutting earnings will not be applied toward NCHA
class eligibility.
At all NCHA approved shows, the judge or judges working the show
must make the draw (working order of horses) before each go-round
and nals. Cattle changes must be designated before working order
is drawn. The draw will be conducted by using numbered tokens or
balls. The number of tokens or balls corresponding to the number of
entries will be placed in a container, and a blind draw shall be con-
ducted. The Show Management is to state the name of the horse, and
the judge will state the position drawn. Simply shuing entry cards
and placing draw numbers on the back is not permissible. Any show
management wishing to pre-draw must use a judge from that event to
draw or have prior approval from NCHA for someone other than the
judge to conduct the draw. The working Monitor is allowed to draw if
the ocial judge or judges are not available.
NOTE: Random computer draws may be used in classes exceeding
30 entries provided the judge is present and working orders are print-
ed immediately.
NOTE: All NCHA approved Limited Aged Event nals and semi-
nals will be hand drawn by an ociating judge.
NOTE: In the event of a draw party at an NCHA-produced event only,
the draw may be hand-drawn or overseen by the Executive Director,
Director of Shows or Director of Judges, instead of an ociating judge.
a. In the event that a horse which was properly entered is le out
of the draw, a redraw will not be held. In order to establish a
working order for this entry, the judge will draw a numbered
token or ball based on the number of entries in the class in-
volved to include token for late entry. The entry which was le
out of the draw shall work behind the entry drawn.
b. At Limited Aged Events using a multiple level class struc-
44 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
ture, horse cannot run twice in a single set. In the event
that a horse will have more than one run within the given
class or concurrently run set of classes, a minimum critical
distance must be established to ensure a horse will not run
twice within a drawn set. If such a case should arise the later
drawn run shall be placed in the set following the original
draw in the same placement within the next set. The newly
placed draw shall be switched with the entry occupying the
new draw and that draw shall be moved to the previous set
in the same sequence. For example: If a horse were drawn 7
and 11 in a set, the horse in draw 11 would be moved to the
11th position in the following set and the horse originally in
the 11th position would move to the 11th position in the earli-
er set. In the event the multiple draws are located within the
last set, the same procedure should be followed by reassign-
ing the draw to the preceding set.
c. If a horse is drawn which is not in that class, the entry shall
be withdrawn. The original cattle changes are not aected.
Aer the draw, absent horses shall be counted toward cattle
changes, and horses will work as drawn in each group of cat-
d. All contestants will work at the appointed time so designat-
ed by the show management or be disqualied for that go-
round with no score. No late entry will be accepted from a
contestant who fails to work at their appointed time.
e. Weekend shows that utilize pre-entries can institute a cattle
charge and outside vendor portable stall fees on a scratched
entry that occurs before the draw. These charges would be
at the discretion of show management (with proper notice
on show applications). Shows’ entry forms must indicate how
many days before the show an entry must be scratched to
avoid these charges.
f. Horse and/or rider substitution will be allowed in approved
weekend classes prior to or aer the draw but before the
class starts, provided the same owner owns the horse to be
substituted in the horse classes and Non-Professional and
Amateur horse ownership rules are followed in rider class-
es. No substitution will be allowed aer the class begins.
Class entry slots cannot be bought or sold between contes-
tants for approved weekend shows. NCHA-approved limit-
ed age events may set their own rules as long as there are
no direct conicts with NCHA rules. Youth and $2,000 Limit-
ed Rider classes are not required to follow Non-Professional
or Amateur horse ownership rules. These classes will be al-
lowed to substitute horses that are owned by dierent own-
ers aer the draw until the beginning of the class. Rider sub-
stitution in the youth may only be done with minor sibling
that is qualied for the class.
The burden of proof for eligibility would be the members responsi-
bility in all instances.
If a show has been approved to accept late entries, the following shall
apply: At all NCHA approved Weekend Shows and Limited Aged Events
(with $9,999 or less in added money) late entries received aer a post-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 45
ed date/time must be accepted until the rst horse in the class starts to
work. Any late entry so accepted must work last in the rst set of cattle.
When two or more late entries arrived simultaneously, a draw will be
held by the ociating judge and said entries inserted in the next subse-
quent groups of cattle with (1) one entry being placed in each group. If
the number of late entries exceeds the number of cattle changes, addi-
tional late entries will start with the rst group. An additional fee may
be charged by show management for late entries. Any show requesting
an exemption to this rule must apply on the Weekend/LAE show appli-
cation and the exemption will be posted on the NCHA website.
1st group – late entry A
2nd group – late entry B
3rd group – late entry C
4th group – late entry would be added to the rst available group.
A Weekend/Championship class may be oered with multiple go-
rounds. When a class has more than the standard go-round, a nal
must be held. The nals may be working or non-working. In all cases,
the number of places paid AND the number taken to any nal must
be based on the Weekend Mandatory Payout Scale. In the case where
a tie results in additional entries advancing to the nal, the number of
horses advancing will be the number used to determine the payout per-
centages. Example, a class has 27 entries – which advances 7 entries to
the nal. Aer the go-round, the results reect a 3 way tie for 7th – re-
sulting in 9 horses advancing to the nal. The percentages used for the
nal’s payout is based on 9 instead of 7.
For classes held with a one go and a nal (working or non-working),
the payout must be calculated in one of the following two ways:
a) Available purse is split in half with 50 percent paid in the go
round and 50 percent paid in the nal OR
b) Available purse is paid 100% in the nal
For classes that are held with two or more goes and a nal (working
or non-working), the purse must be split evenly between all goes and
the nal. For example: if two goes and a nal are held, the purse would
be split three ways – 33 percent to each go. For three goes and a nal,
the purse would be split four ways – 25 percent to each go, etc.) Excep-
tions to the above may be granted to state, regional, or county fairs or
where a government agency stipulates how its money should be paid.
No entry fee (jackpot) shall be less than $10. Except for jackpots, the
following entry fee limits shall apply. (Classes with less than $200 added
should charge in accordance with other shows in their circuit.):
Maximum Entry Fee %
Added Money Based On Added Money
$200 - 300 ............................. 60%
$301 - 500 ............................. 50%
$501 - 750 ............................. 40%
$751 - 1,000 ............................. 30%
$1,001 - 2,000 ............................. 25%
$2,001 - 3,000 ............................. 20%
$3,001 - 4,000 ............................. 15%
$4,001 - 5,000 ............................. 12%
$5,001 & over ............................. 10%
Example: On a $200 added the maximum allowed jackpot entry fee
46 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
would be $200 added x 60% = $120 or 60% of $200 = $120.
a. Entry fee (jackpot) shall be added to purse. If any charge is to be
made other than entry fee, it must be stated as a stall, handling
or oce charge and be separated from the entry fee. (In this
Rule Book the entry fee is referring to jackpotted of total fees.)
In all Championship cutting horse shows approved by the NCHA, eight
percent (8%) of the total entry fees paid in the contest shall be deducted
by the Show Management and forwarded to the NCHA; this deduction to
be sent along with all completed NCHA result forms and judges’ cards to
the Associations National Oce immediately following the conclusion
of each contest. (Note: This deduction is to be made from entry fees only
and is not to include any portion of the purse added by the show or oth-
er charges). In three-horse classes with $300 added or more the payout
will be made from the added money only. The 8% fee will be remitted to
NCHA from the entry fees collected. The show will retain the remaining
portion of the entry fees. Four horses or more classes will use the manda-
tory NCHA payout. This stipulation applies to all weekend and weekend
LAE shows. There will be a $3 per entry National Circuit fee for all week-
end show entries (NCHA approved classes) and that money collected will
be sent to NCHA with show results. This fee will be utilized exclusively to
support NCHA weekend show events, and to ensure the added money at
the National Circuit Finals. Show results must be submitted with the 8%
fee and a $100 producer fee. (Classes that are not approvable are subject
to 8%, results from all unapproved classes must be submitted.) Monies
will be recorded on horse and rider. All classes that are eligible to be ap-
proved must be approved in order for the show to be approved.
b. No deduction, other than as specied above, shall be made.
Failure to comply will cause approval of the show to be with-
c. The show management, its ocers or employees shall be held
accountable for all funds collected and/or disbursed in con-
nection with contests approved by the NCHA. The Show Pro-
ducer and/or Aliate whose signature appears on the show
application are jointly and severally liable to the NCHA for the
appropriate approval fee deduction. Failure to make a satis-
factory accounting when called upon shall be cause for a full
and impartial hearing before the appropriate committee and
disciplinary action may be taken if deemed appropriate by
the committee.
Mandatory Payout Schedule Show Classications All Classes
Number of
Entries Monies Paid
3 ........................1
4-7 ........................2
8-11 ........................3
12-15 ........................4
16-20 ........................5
21-25 ........................6
26-30 ........................7
31-36 ........................8
37-42 ........................9
43-49 .......................10
50 & over .......................12
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 47
1. See Standing Rule 13 for go rounds vs nals.
2. A class with less than three (3) entries competing (trying
to complete a 2
-minute work) does not constitute a class
and shall be canceled.
3. Payout for all classes must be in accordance with the man-
datory payout schedule in three-horse classes with $300
added or more the payout will be made from the added
money only. The 8% fee will be remitted to NCHA from the
entry fees collected. The show will re44 tain the remaining
portion of the entry fees. Four horses or more classes will
use the mandatory NCHA payout. This stipulation applies
to all weekend and weekend LAE shows.
e. The Percentage Payout System described below is to be used
when determining distribution of the purse for all approved
NCHA Weekend Show Payout
Payout Schedule for Added Money & Jackpot Classes Percentage Pay-
out by Places
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
60 47 40 30 30 28 25 23 20 20
40 33 30 25 24 23 20 18 16 16
20 20 20 18 16 15 15 14 13
10 15 12 12 12 11 11 11
10 9 9 10 9 9 8
7 7 8 8 8 7
5 6 7 7 6
4 5 6 5
4 5 4
4 4
f. At all NCHA-approved shows, it will take a score of 60 or higher
to receive a check for shows with one go-round. Scores of 0 or a
disqualication will not receive a check except for shows with
nals which show rules state all nalists will receive checks.
The amount of money to be recorded as earnings will be based
on the original mandatory payout schedule for the class.
Note: While a 0 score or disqualication may result in a larger check
paid to a prize-winning contestant, the ocially recorded earnings will
be based on the payout schedule.
Championship shows with more than one go round the scores will be
added together to get the top horses for nals.
See Standing Rule 13
In a contest where there are no nals, the score of each go-round add-
ed together will determine the winner of that contest: however; money
must be paid according to the provisions of NCHA Standing Rule 13.
(a) An exhibitor may enter an unlimited number of horses, but
48 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
a rider may ride only one horse, except in the $25,000 Nov-
ice Horse/Non-Pro Rider; $5,000 Novice Horse/Non-Pro Rid-
er; $25,000 Novice Horse; $5,000 Novice Horse; and Open
Class (if permitted by show management) where the limit is
two (2). Each horse must have the same rider throughout the
contest where there is more than one go-round. This shall
apply to novice classes as well as all other classes approved
by NCHA. Any violation of this rule will cause the rider to be
disqualied from the contest, with possible additional disci-
plinary action. Clarication: Approved Open/Horse classes—
Any horse(s) over the allowed two will be disqualied and the
one(s) disqualied will be determined by the later placement
in the draw. In all other classes (Non-Pro, Amateur, $2,000
L/R, Youth) if a rider shows more than the allowed one horse,
all entries will be disqualied in that class. Aer the draw is
complete, a contestant will forfeit all fees. The only excep-
tions for a change of rider in Open competition with multi-
ple go rounds are if there is a death in the family or because
of physical disability of the rider, a rider can be substituted
with another eligible rider if so, approved by show manage-
ment. Under no circumstance can the same horse be shown
by more than one rider in any class at an NCHA approved con-
test. Show management has the option of allowing riders to
ride two (2) horses in the Open class at weekend cuttings.
(b) Unapproved Novice Horse classes held within or during an
NCHA approved show may allow riders to show an unlimited
number of horses. Unapproved classes based on “Rider Earn-
ings” shall be limited to two (2) entries per rider. However, all
CHA rules regarding Non-Pro/Amateur ownership apply un-
less the class oered is a “Limited Rider” type class. (Note: Any
pproved Limited Rider Class cannot be in excess of $2,000.)
Any unapproved class that does not follow standard NCHA
class rules and is not addressed in this paragraph must sub-
mit a copy of the class rules with the NCHA show application.
napproved classes submitted and advertised as Novice Horse
and/or Rider classes must set and enforce earnings thresholds.
Thresholds should be posted and advertised. Members found
to be competing outside of the posted thresholds will be sub-
ject to the NCHA grievance process.
Entry numbers shall not be used as the sole method of identifying
horses at any contest approved by NCHA. Announcers are required to
make known the name of each horse, the owner and rider at the time
they work and to recognize winners in a similar manner at the conclu-
sion of the contest.
Each horse is allotted two and one half (2½) minutes to work during
a run. The working time starts when the rider crosses the ocial time-
As soon as the horse, owner and rider’s name are called to the herd
by the announcer (the “Rider Announcement”), the announcer will
start the 1-2
½ Minute Clock to let the rider know how much time the
rider has to cross the ocial timeline and begin the rider’s run. If the
rider has helped the contestant immediately preceding the rider’s run
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 49
or has drawn back-to-back in the working order, the rider will have 2½
minutes from the Rider Announcement to cross the ocial timeline
and start their run. If the rider has not helped the contestant immdi-
ately preceding the riders run or has not drawn back-to-back in the
working order, the rider will have 1 minute from the time of the Rider
Announcement to cross the ocial timeline and start their run. This is
referred to as the 1-2
½ Minute Clock.
If the rider fails to cross the ocial timeline in the time allotted un-
der the 1-2
½ Minute Clock, a buzzer will sound, and one additional
minute will be added to the 1- 2
½ Minute Clock.
This buzzer is the only warning that the rider will receive relating
to the 1- 2
½ Minute Clock. If the rider receives any additional buzzers
relating to the 1- 2
½ Minute Clock at any time during that show, it will
result in a $500 ne per occurrence (i.e.- second buzzer is a $500 ne,
50 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
third buzzer is an additional $500 ne, etc.) All nes assessed under this
rule must be paid prior to the rider’s exhibiting a horse in any future
NCHA-produced event.
All NCHA produced events will use the 1-2
½ Minute Clock as de-
scribed above. It will be optional for all other NCHA sanctioned events
to use the 1-2
½ Minute Clock as described above.
Standing Rules 21-29 - Related to Judges
Any person applying to be a judge or designated a judge must demon-
strate a high degree of integrity in all aspects of their conduct related in
any way to involvement with the NCHA as a NCHA member, contestant,
judge, or other conduct which reects on the NCHA. The Director of Judg-
es or the Judges Rule Committee, in its sole discretion of either, may de-
termine that any conduct of a person is a basis to deny or revoke that
per son’s privilege to serve as a judge. Such conduct includes, but is not lim-
ited to, violations of the Judges Code of Ethics. This determination may be
made with or without notice or hearing, subject only to a review of the Ex-
ecutive Com mittee on such terms as the Executive Committee, in its sole
discretion, may from time to time designate. Active members of the Asso-
ciation over the age of 19 may be added to the NCHA Approved Judges List
upon satis factory completion of all stated requirements. Each NCHA judge
applicant and approved NCHA judge is required to sign the Judges Code of
Ethics. All judges are required to sign the code and return it to the NCHA
Oce. The Code of Ethics is available on the NCHA website, nchacutting.
com in the Judges Section.
a. Application for NCHA approval as a judge shall be made on a
form provided by the Association.
1. Each application must be endorsed by one (1) current
Director of the applicants region, who is not a member
of the applicants family; and three (3) current NCHA ap-
proved judges. The necessary form and return envelope
will be provided for the three (3) judges’ use.
b. Any person seeking approval as an NCHA judge shall have been
a member of the Association continuously for a minimum of
ve (5) years, including youth or family membership and shall
have no record of suspension, probation, or reprimand by the
NCHA for the three (3) year period immediately preceding the
application. Applicant must have been an active competitor
during the past three (3) years and must have won a lifetime
minimum of $10,000 to become a 2A judge in approved NCHA
cutting competitions.
c. All applications will be reviewed by the Director of Judges and
a Rules sub-committee. If application is approved, applicant
will be invited to attend an NCHA Judge Applicant Clinic for
testing purposes.
d. Judge applicants must score eighty (80) on the written test and a
minimum of seventy-ve (75) on each of the live or video judging
tests. If these scores are attained, applicants will receive an Ap-
proved NCHA Judge rating. Judge Applicant clinics will be held
at any time there is a need. The Director of Judges must ap-
prove it and there will be a fee.
e. Approved Judge Recertication tests are held every other year
beginning in 2019 and are mandatory (except as provided be-
low) and will be conducted in one of the following formats:
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 51
(i) in-person testing conducted by the Director of Judges; (ii)
clinical testing conducted the Director of Judges; or (iii) by
a video clip and written test emailed to each NCHA Judge.
Recertication tests taken under option (iii) must be returned to
their assigned Monitor within 30 days of receiving to be graded
and pass to remain active. All testing conducted under options
(i) or (ii) above must receive prior approval from the Judges
Rules Committee.
Judges that have judged an NCHA Monitored event with $100,000
added or an NCHA Produced event within the current or past
year will be considered recertied with the Director of Judges’
approval. Therefore, these specic judges will only need to pro-
vide the fee to NCHA to remain an active judge.
New applicants applying to be an NCHA judge will test any time there
is a need and approved by the Director of Judges. Either in an applicant
seminar or the 6th box, depending on their lifetime earnings.
f. The Director of Judges is authorized to test and certify people
on an individual basis, in the 6th box during a nal or other-
wise, who have won $100,000 or more. These applicants will be
approved as 2A until they successfully judge 6 shows or 6 cred-
its without a valid protest, at which time they will be advanced
to 3A.
g. Foreign Judge Applicants must be a member in good standing
for a period of three years and must have won a lifetime mini-
mum of $2,500 to become a 2A judge.
Each judge must sign their score card, and the Show Management
shall post same in a conspicuous place immediately following each go-
round and nals. There must not be any consultation between judges un-
til aer score cards are turned in; and aer cards are turned in, there will
be no changes.
When two or more individuals are judging a cutting horse contest and
one or more judges cannot complete judging of the go-round, the score
or scores of the remaining judge or judges who complete the go-round
will be the sole basis of computing the go-round. Each judge must score
each horse individually, and if any one of their scores is counted in a
go-round, all of their scores must be counted except as provided herein;
where ve or more individuals are judging a cutting horse contest, the
highest and the lowest scores for each horse will be discarded and the ac-
cumulated scores of the remaining judges used to compute the go-round.
This rule shall also apply to nals.
a. When two or more individuals are judging a cutting horse con-
test of more than one go-round or with nals and one or more
judges becomes unable to continue between the go-rounds or
nals, said judge or judges shall be replaced rst by the alter-
nate judge named for the contest and second by a judge accept-
able to the majority of the contestants and to the show manage-
ment. If the alternate judge is unavailable, the second option
shall be used.
STANDING RULE 24: These rules are applied while judging within
a NCHA monitored event:
52 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
A judge may not judge their parents, children, spouse, spouse’s par-
ents, relatives of either the judge or their spouse if they live in the same
household; nor may they judge their employer or employees. A judge
may not judge a horse that they have owned, exhibited, trained, man-
aged, or sold for direct or indirect remuneration within the thirty (30) day
period immediately preceding any NCHA approved or sponsored event at
which said judge is ociating either in full or in part.
A judge may not judge any individual rider or horse owned by said
rider, who has had training from or given training to said judge within
the thirty (30) day period immediately preceding the NCHA approved or
sponsored event at which said judge is ociating in full or in part.
If such a horse, owner or rider is entered in a contest, the entry fee
shall be refunded, and the entry not shown. A judge may be suspended
from the list of approved judges for infraction of this Rule.
STANDING RULE 24. These rules are applied while judging within
the Self-Adjusting Monitor System (SAMS)
A judge may not judge their parents, children, spouse, spouse’s parents,
or relatives, nor may they judge their employer or employees. A judge
may not judge a horse that they have owned, exhibited, trained, man-
aged, or sold for direct or indirect remuneration within the thirty (30) day
period immediately preceding the NCHA approved or sponsored event at
which said judge is ociating in full or in part. A judge may not judge any
individual rider or horse owned by said rider, who has had training from
or given training to said judge within the thirty (30) day period imme-
diately preceding the NCHA approved or sponsored event at which said
judge is ociating in full or in part.
If such a horse, owner or rider is entered in a contest, the entry fee shall
be refunded, and the entry not shown. A judge may be suspended from
the list of approved judges for infraction of this Rule.
In order for a judge to maintain or advance in rating, they must fulll
the required number of shows for that rating each year. A judge will be
lowered one (1) rating for failure to judge the required number of shows
each year. A year under this section will begin on January 1 and conclude
on December 31 of each year.
a. All judges who judge NCHA approved or sponsored shows which
are monitored by the NCHA will receive credit for four (4) shows.
All judges who judge Limited Age Events which are not monitored
by the NCHA will receive credit for two (2) shows.
b. All NCHA approved events must use ocial NCHA judges’
cards, and judges shall indicate penalties assessed in the spaces
provided. It is mandatory for judges to ll in run content col-
umns on the score cards with the following symbols:
Above Average Average Below Average
+ ✓+ ✓—
Any empty run content box indicates average, same as
c. Replacement or “ll in” judges must abide by the Weekend
Monitor System to receive one judging credit. (Must report to
their Weekend Monitor).
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 53
d. Under no circumstances will a judge be allowed to judge a por-
tion of a show unless entries go over the 150-entry limit or it is
approved by the Director of Judges.
All judges must complete the NCHA Judge Recertication Test every
other year to retain their approval as a judge. Any judge failing to test or
make passing scores on all phases of the NCHA testing procedures will be
deleted from the Associations Approved Judges List. Any judge so deleted
may be reinstated only by completing and passing the testing procedures
at a future NCHA applicant clinic.
a. Any judge may be required, and all new judges sixty (60) years
old and older will be required, to pass a physical examination
given by a physician approved by the Association, including
tests for vision and hearing.
b. If an applicant fails two consecutive times, they may not reap-
ply again within a ten (10) year period.
NCHA Approved Judges will be rated based upon their lifetime judging
achievements. Their total lifetime judging credits will be divided by the
number of valid protests to determine their rating.
4A - Lifetime credits divided by number of valid protests equals 50
or more and has been evaluated in a monitored aged event in
the past 60 months.
3A - Lifetime credits divided by number of valid protests equals 49
or less, and/or has not been evaluated by the Monitored System
in the past 60 months.
2A - Pass judges’ seminar and enter system as “2A.” A judge who has
been dropped to a 2A rating because of valid protests would be
re-evaluated at the end of twelve months. This judge may move
up one rating at a time.
a. “4A” Judge: This judge’s lifetime credits will be divided by the
number of valid protests to determine if that number is 50 or
more, and this person has been evaluated by the Monitor Sys-
tem in the past 60 months. In order to maintain this rating a
judge must obtain two (2) credits per year. If the judge does not
obtain two credits, then the judge is subject to additional recer-
tication testing. If the recertication testing is failed, there
will be a reduction in rating for a period of twelve months. 4A
judges may ociate at any NCHA approved or sponsored event
up to $2,000-added by themselves. When added money is over
$1,000 the judge must be approved by the Director of Judges.
4A Judges are required to achieve a minimum of 75 points in all
classes reviewed.
b. “3A” Judge: Minimum lifetime total credits of twenty-ve (25)
shows. In order to maintain this rating a judge must obtain two
(2) credits per year. If the judge does not obtain that credit,
then the judge is subject to additional recertication testing.
If the recertication testing is failed, there will be a reduction
in rating for a period of twelve months. 3A judges may oci-
ate at any NCHA approved or sponsored event up to $2,000 add-
ed class by themselves. When added money is over $1,000 the
judge must be approved by the Director of Judges. 3A judges
may ociate at any NCHA limited aged event. 3A judges are
required to achieve a minimum of 75 points in all classes re-
54 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
c. “2A Judge: To maintain this rating a judge must obtain two
(2) credits per year. If the judge does not obtain the credits,
then the judge will be required to do a recertication work-
shop with their weekend monitor or set in the 6th box of NCHA
produced shows. If the recertication testing is failed, there
will be a reduction in rating for a period of twelve months.
2A judges may ociate alone at any NCHA approved or spon-
sored event having an added purse of $500 or less. 2A judges
may ociate at any weekend contest having an added purse of
$1,000 or less with a 3A or 4A judge. 2A judges with earnings of
$10,000 to $49,999 may ociate alone at any NCHA approved
or sponsored event having an added purse of $999 or less, pro-
vided the judge has minimum of twenty (20) lifetime judging
credits. 2A judges with earnings of $50,000 to $99,999 may of-
ciate alone at any NCHA approved or sponsored event having
an added purse of $999 or less, provided the judge has mini-
mum of een (15) lifetime judging credits. 2A judges are not
allowed to judge a limited aged event with more than $10,000
total added money. 2A judges are required to achieve a mini-
mum of 75 points in all classes reviewed.
NOTE: 2A judges can receive a credit for judging an unap-
proved cutting, if the cutting is videoed and of acceptable
quality for education. The judge will follow all rules associ-
ated with the weekend monitor program. The judge must no-
tify the director of judges of their judging assignment. The
judge will send all judge’s sheets and videos to the judge’s
weekend monitor for approval and credit.
d. When the system is in place, a judge who is re-evaluated may
move up only one rating at a time.
e. Judges who have been dropped from the NCHA Approved Judg-
es List may be reinstated upon satisfactory completion of all
stated requirements for NCHA approval as a judge. In no case
shall reinstatement occur before at least two years (24 months)
have passed.
f. A judge may be removed from the NCHA Approved Judges List
or may be dropped to a lower classication for cause:
1. Any contestant (in a class) or horse owner may protest a
judge’s decision (from that class) upon submission to the
NCHA Director of Judges a written statement requesting a
review of the judge’s performance. Said statement must be
led (postmarked, faxed, emailed or hand delivered) with-
in seven (7) days of the incident and must be accompanied
by a cashier’s check, money order, valid credit card num-
ber (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) or person-
al check in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200) for
Weekend Shows and ve hundred dollars ($500) for LAE
Monitored Events made payable to the NCHA.
a. Upon receipt of such a statement, a Judges Evaluation
Form or ocial protest, the judge’s assigned Weekend
Monitor will be asked to review the class or classes.
The NCHA Director of Judges may request the show
sponsor to immediately forward the video of the class
involved to NCHA if needed.
b. The video of the class will then be reviewed by a mon-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 55
itor. In the event that a monitor is unavailable, the Di-
rector of Judges may appoint a “4A” judge to partici-
pate in the review. The procedures for viewing videos
were approved by the Executive Committee.
c. A total of one hundred (100) points will be assigned to
each class reviewed. The judges grades for the protest-
ed classes will be based on points accumulated from
the proper placing of horses, less a deduction of three
(3) points for each misapplication of major (three (3)
or ve (5) point) penalties. The scores of the Direc-
tor of Judges and that of the monitor (or their substi-
tute) and the judge will be used to obtain the ocial
placing. Major penalties will be assessed only when
charged by both persons reviewing the protest. When
a protest is led against the placing of a nals in a LAE
cutting or Monitored Event with 3 or 5 judges, the key
would be made in the manner now used for evaluating
judges. This is the placing of the ve (5) judges. This
key would then be placed against the way the horses
actually placed at the event. If the system passes (75
or higher), then the protest would not be valid against
any of the ve (5) judges. If the system fails, the system
would then be matched against each individual judge’s
score sheet to determine which judge passed or failed.
A score of 75 or higher must be maintained.
d. The maximum number of places used for grading
purposes will be six (6). For six places the points allo-
cated for each place will be 1st - 40; 2nd - 25; 3rd - 15;
4th -10; 5th - 6 and 6th - 4. For ve (5) places the points
allocated for each place will be: 1st - 43, 2nd - 28, 3rd
- 16, 4th - 8, 5th - 5. In cases where lesser numbers of
places are paid in accordance with the “Mandatory
Payout Schedule for Classes with Added Money”, the
points will be prorated as follows: four places, 1st -
45; 2nd - 30; 3rd - 17; 4th - 8; three places, 1st - 50; 2nd
- 32; 3rd - 18; two places, 1st - 60 and 2nd - 40.
e. The judge’s placing of horses in the protested class will
be compared to the ocial placing and awarded points
as set forth in section d. If a judge places a horse high-
er than the ocial placing, then the credit established
by the ocial placing will be earned. If a judge places
a horse lower than the ocial placing, then the credit
established by the judge’s placing will be earned. If a
judge has ties, the points for the places involved will be
averaged; however, no horse may receive more points
than those allotted by the ocial placing. If the ocial
placing has ties and the judge’s placing does not, the
judge will receive full credit for those placings.
f. If the review nds that a judge has wrongly applied
a single rule on three (3) occasions or has wrongly
applied any combination of rules on ve (5) occa-
sions while judging an individual class, a major pro-
test will be armed against the judge. If a single rule
is wrongly applied twice or a combination of three
(3) rules is wrongly applied during the class, a pro-
56 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
test will be armed against the judge. If a review un-
der the NCHA tracking system nds that a judge has
failed to maintain the minimum grade standard es-
tablished for their judge classication while judging
an individual class, a major protest will be armed
against the judge. Grade standards for NCHA Ap-
proved Judges are: 4A - 75-85; 3A - 75-85; 2A - 75-85. In
grading any show protests with 4 or more entries, any
judge who receives two valid protests within a twelve-
month period will be lowered one rating classica-
tion for a full twenty-four (24) months. In the case of
a 2A, 3A or 4A judge, they would be lowered one rat-
ing classication for a full twenty-four (24) months
and must also judge ve (5) shows without another
valid protest during that time period, to be restored
to their original rating classication. In the case of a
4A judge, they must also be re-evaluated through an
NCHA Monitored Event before being restored to 4A.
Any judge who is removed from the Approved Judg-
es List through either protest or conduct must repeat
the entire process of attending an Applicants Clinic
and Judge’s Seminar and receive passing scores on
all testing procedures to regain a judges card. 2A
judges who have one (1) valid protest must judge ve
(5) shows without valid protest. If during this ve (5)
show period, the 2A judge receives a valid protest,
the judge must judge in the “6th Box” for one (1) day
and pass an evaluation under the Adjusted Moni-
tor System and cannot advance to a 3A rating for a
twelve (12) month period. 3A judges who have one (1)
valid protest must obtain ve (5) show credits with-
out valid protest during a twelve-month period. If,
during the ve (5) show credit period, the 3A judge
has another valid protest armed on their record,
said judge will drop a rating and will not judge week-
end or limited age events until said judge judges
one (1) day in the 6th judging box under the Adjust-
ed Monitor System and passes an evaluation. Upon
completion of the above, the judge will be rated 2A
for one (1) year and must judge ve (5) shows without
valid protest to regain a 3A rating. 4A judges who re-
ceive a valid protest must obtain ve (5) show cred-
its without a valid protest for a twelve-month peri-
od. If during the ve (5) show credit period, the 4A
receives another valid protest, said judge will drop
a rating and will not judge weekend or limited aged
events until said judge judges one (1) day in the 6th
judging box under the Adjusted Monitor System and
passes an evaluation. Upon completion of the above,
the judge will be rated 3A for one (1) year and must
obtain ve (5) show credits without valid protest and
pass evaluation by the Director of Judges to regain a
4A rating.
g. All armed protests will be recorded on the record of
the judge involved.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 57
h. Where protests are armed, the two hundred dol-
lar ($200) or ve hundred dollar ($500) fee will be re-
turned to the contestant; where denied, the fee will be
retained by NCHA.
i. Aer a Judge Evaluation Form is received by the NCHA
Judges Department, the appropriate Weekend Monitor
will be requested to “spot check” the class or penalty
in question. If the judge’s monitor feels that it is a val-
id complaint, the Director of Judges will be notied. If
the Director of Judges gives it a valid spot check, it will
be noted for that judge. A judge that receives two valid
spot checks within a twelve month period will be re-
quired to attend a judges’ workshop. Their card will be
on hold until the workshop is completed.
j. If a judge receives a major valid protest, the Direc-
tor of Judges has the right to request a review by the
Monitors Committee of the judge’s performance at a
subsequent show which they judge. If the review re-
sults in an additional valid protest, the judge in ques-
tion will be dropped one judge classication as speci-
ed in Rule 27.f.1.f.
k. Decisions of the reviewing body with respect to
any protest led pursuant to this Rule are nal and
l. If a judge misses a major penalty, on a non-placing
run, in a class that was protested, and does not score
that class a 75 or higher, the judge will receive a valid
protest. If the judge does score the class 75 or higher,
the judge would only receive a valid complaint.
2. Complaints and/or protests may be made by active mem-
bers of the Association only.
3. In the event an NCHA Approved Judge is suspended by the
NCHA for any reason, the judge’s approved status shall be
canceled, and all rights and privileges forfeited.
4. No person listed on the NCHA suspension or probation list
will be permitted to judge.
5. All disciplinary actions listed in this rule are guidelines
only and may be increased or decreased by the Director of
Judges, in his/her sole discretion, based on the severity of
the violation in question.
A judge (or judges) must present in writing any grievance they may
have against contestants or shows to the Executive Director of the NCHA,
without a ling fee, and the case will be reviewed by the appropriate com-
mittee. A complaint by a judge must be led (postmarked, faxed, emailed
or hand delivered) within seven (7) days of the alleged rule violation.
All conduct complaints regarding an NCHA judge will be referred
to the NCHA Director of Judges by submitting the complaint in writ-
ing together with a money order, cashier’s check, or personal check in
the amount of $200 made payable to the NCHA and postmarked, faxed,
emailed or hand delivered within seven (7) days of the incident. A con-
duct complaint regarding an NCHA judge may also be originated by any
personnel in the NCHA judge’s department or show management and no
payment will be required to initiate such a complaint.
a. If, aer review and investigation of the complaint, the Director
58 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
of Judges is of the opinion that a rule violation has occurred,
or that the judge has engaged in conduct which is inconsis-
tent with the privilege and honor of being designated an NCHA
judge, the Director of Judges may take such disciplinary action
as he/she determines in his/her sole discretion is appropriate,
based on the severity of the violation in question, including tem-
porary or permanent revocation of all privileges to serve as an
NCHA judge. Such disciplinary action shall be eective imme-
diately regardless of any appeal which may be taken. The judge
shall be notied in writing of the action taken by the NCHA Di-
rector of Judges. The decision of the NCHA Director of Judges
will be nal and binding unless a written notice of the judge’s
intention to appeal the decision is received in the NCHA oce
within twenty-one (21) days of the date on the letter notifying
the judge of the disciplinary action taken.
b. If notice of appeal is timely received in the NCHA oce, a hear-
ing will be scheduled to determine whether a rule violation oc-
curred; and if so, what disciplinary action, if any, should be tak-
en against the judge. The hearing will be conducted pursuant
to the provisions of Standing Rule 38.
c. Once an NCHA approved or sponsored cutting has com-
menced, Show Management is not authorized to dismiss a
judge for any reason relating to the actual performance of their
judging responsibilities. Show Management may, however, dis-
miss a judge for blatant personal misconduct while on show
grounds, such as drunkenness, foul language, etc. A judge may
be dismissed for any reason by the NCHA Director of Judges or
the NCHA Executive Director if, in their opinion, it is in the best
interest of the NCHA to do so.
A judge shall conduct him or herself in a manner tting and proper to
one aorded the honor of ociating at any NCHA approved or sponsored
contest. Any misconduct on the part of the judge at any NCHA contest, the
use of abusive language, showing favoritism to, or discrimination against,
either an individual or a horse performing in the contest, or any other ac-
tion unbecoming to one in their position, either on the grounds or else-
where, during the entire show will make the judge subject to disciplinary
action. The penalty suggested for violating the above stated provisions of
this rule will be a minimum $500 ne or a minimum ninety (90) day sus-
pension from the Association, or both. However, all disciplinary actions
listed in this rule are guidelines only and may be increased or decreased
by the Director of Judges, in his/her sole discretion, based on the severity
of the incident in question.
a. A judge who fails to judge aer accepting an assignment will be
subject to removal from the NCHA Approved Judges List as well
as additional disciplinary action.
b. A judge should not appear on the show grounds before the stat-
ed time for entries to close except as may be required by show
management. Judges shall not visit with owners, trainers, ex-
hibitors, or agents beyond the exchange of normal greetings,
verbally or by electronic or social media, until the entire show
or contest is completed. Judges shall talk only with represen-
tatives of show management. Judges must appear in western
attire and remain in western attire during the entire show.
c. Under no circumstances will a published judge be permitted
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 59
to judge over 160 horses (counting approved or unapproved
classes) per day or enter the contest for which said judge is
approved. Note: This does not prohibit a judge from acting as
a substitute in order to permit show management to comply
with the 150 horses per day limitation imposed by Standing
Rule 6.1. Under no circumstances will a judge be allowed to
judge a portion of a show unless entries go over the 150-entry
limit or it is approved by the Director of Judges.
d. A judge shall not discuss with any contestant previous scores,
events, or related happenings, verbally or by electronic or so-
cial media, during a show or within thirty (30) days aer a con-
test at which the judge has ociated.
e. The penalty for violating sub-sections (b), (c) and/or (d) of this
rule shall be a minimum ne of $500 or a minimum ninety (90)
day suspension from the Association, or both, for an infraction
of the above stated sub-sections.
f. A judge shall not intimidate, or attempt to intimidate, a contes-
tant. The penalty for violating this sub-section will be a mini-
mum six (6) month probation and/or six (6) months suspension
from the Association.
g. A judge who fails to whistle out a contestant for excessive train-
ing or causing a disturbance to the herd, will be ned $300.
60 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Standing Rules 30-42
Related to Contestants
No contestant, or other person, shall engage in any form of misconduct
or harassment toward show management, judges, or NCHA employees.
Show management has the right to disqualify or refuse entry to any con-
testant for violation of this rule. In the event a contestant, or other person,
is asked by show management to leave or withdraw from any NCHA ap-
proved or sponsored show, the Executive Director shall be notied, and a
hearing to consider disciplinary action against the person shall be sched-
uled. (For denition of “show management”, refer to Standing Rule 4.b.)
A contestant may drop out of any contest due to injury to him/herself,
or their horse, or due to sickness or death in their family. A contestant
shall not at any time withdraw from any contest they are participating in
due to dissatisfaction or grievance with the judge or judges, show man-
agement, or other contestants without forfeiting all money they may
have won in previous go-rounds. Aer the draw is complete, a contestant
will forfeit all fees.
All contestants will work at the appointed time so designated by the
show management or be disqualied for that go-round with no score. No
late entry will be accepted from a contestant who fails to work at their ap-
pointed time. Show management will require all contestants to present
original or copies of NCHA membership cards for both owner and rider,
and a copy of horse registration papers when entering approved NCHA
shows. Refer to Standing Rules 2 and 3, respectively.
If a contestant refuses to compete in the nals, any money won in pre-
vious go-rounds will be forfeited. In the event money has been distrib-
uted before the nals, it must be refunded within een (15) days aer
the refund request is made, or the contestant will be suspended until the
money has been refunded.
At all cutting horse contests approved or sponsored by the NCHA, a
contestant, trainer or helper shall not enter any part of the show arena
at any time with any kind of device, tack, or equipment on a horse’s head
or around the horses neck that is not permitted by the Rules for Judging
Cutting Horses Contests (see Judging Rule 16.) For facilities in which the
practice pen is located within the show arena, training equipment shall
be allowed only in those areas that are specically designated as a prepa-
ration area by show management. This area shall be outside of the nor-
mal ow of trac for the warm-up area.
A. In keeping with NCHA’ s Zero Tolerance Policy (see Standing
Rule 35) inhumane use of training equipment and/or equip-
ment allowed under Judging Rule 16 shall not be tolerated.
B. Use of equipment not allowed under Judging Rule 16 in areas
other than practice pens or designated preparation areas shall
result in:
1. First oense -- $250 ne
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 61
2. Second oense -- $500 ne
3. Third oense (and all subsequent oenses occurring
within a two-year period following the rst oense) –
$2,500 ne
4. All nes shall be collected by the NCHA Executive Direc-
tor for violations as outlined above: (i) if the horse in ques-
tion has a trainer, the trainer will be the person deemed
responsible for the violation; or (ii) if the horse in question
does not have a trainer, the contestant and/or owner will
be the person deemed responsible for the violation.
C. Show management and any directors present shall be respon-
sible for enforcement of this rule.
D. Aer the buzzer sounds, the contestant will discontinue work-
ing and ride their horse forward past the judges stand before
dismounting; exceptions to this rule are a fallen rider, dis-
mounting an unsound horse or to retrieve a lost article. Failure
to comply with section (D) will result in:
1. First oense -- $250 ne
2. Second oense -- $500 ne
3. Third oense (and subsequent oenses occurring within
a two (2) year period aer rst oense) -- $2,500 ne
4. All nes shall be collected by the Executive Director
E. Any bridle on a horse, bit or piece of tack may be inspected at
the judge’s discretion. Refusal of a contestant to allow a judge
to clearly inspect the bridle, bit or tack under this subsection
shall be considered a violation of this subsection. In the event
a violation of the NCHA rules relating to bridles, bits or tack is
discovered, the violator will be subject to disciplinary action. A
violation of section “E” will result in:
1. First oense – Disqualication from class and a $500 ne
2. Second oense – (and all subsequent oenses occurring
with the two (2) year period aer the rst oense) – Dis-
qualication from class and a $2,500 ne
3. All nes shall be collected by the Executive Director.
F. All NCHA approved or sponsored shows are required to post
signs concerning Standing Rule 35 at the entrance to all o-
cial show areas. The signs shall be no smaller than 24 inches
square and shall contain wording as provided by the NCHA.
Show management is encouraged to make appropriate an-
nouncements concerning the use of training equipment as it
relates to Judges Rule 16 throughout the show day.
G. Show management, area directors, and/or judge must report a
contestant to the Executive Director if a contestant, trainer, or
helper violates any section of Standing Rule 34 above.
H. An oense under this rule will be removed from a members
records if that member has no further infraction of this rule for
a period of two (2) years aer the last oense is committed.
I. All cutting horses must be ridden astride.
J. No rider nineteen (19) years of age or younger may be strapped
into or tied onto a saddle in any manner while on the show
grounds without the permission of the Executive Director.
The following provisions regarding members’ conduct shall apply at
all NCHA approved or sponsored shows. The responsibility for report-
62 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
ing violations of this Standing Rule rests with, but is not limited to, show
management, NCHA Directors, ocers, ocials, and the judges.
A. Zero Tolerance Policy
Inhumane treatment or excessive training of a horse in any
manner is strictly prohibited. Both owner and rider of any
horse entered in an NCHA approved or sponsored event, by said
entry, consents to the implementation of any action allowed by
this Zero Tolerance Policy (Rule 35.A) by either show manage-
ment or judge. This includes any act which the general public
would perceive to constitute inhumane treatment or excessive
training of a horse.
Any act of inhumane treatment, mistreatment, or intent to mis-
treat a horse will be dealt with in the strongest possible manner
as provided for in this Standing Rule. This Zero Tolerance Pol-
icy covers acts occurring not only in the show arena, but also
those occurring anywhere on the show grounds, the warm-up
area, practice pen or any other location.
The “Zero Tolerance” policy encompasses all of the following acts:
1. Excessive Training: Excessive training includes excessive
jerking; cueing; whipping; use of lip wire or similar device;
slapping or hitting a horse on the head, or any other part of
the body, one time or more than one time, in any manner,
either with the rider’s hands, reins or any other object; us-
ing a bit in such a way that a horse is caused to bleed from
its mouth or face; using any object held in the rider’s hand
to hit a horse; or any other act which may cause trauma or
injury to a horse.
2. Inhumane Treatment: Inhumane treatment is the exhi-
bition of a lame or injured horse, or a horse that appears
lame or injured, or a horse with any other health abnor-
mality, which could thereby result in the horse’s undue dis-
comfort or distress.
a. The decision of show management as to whether a
horse is physically suitable to show, when circum-
stances permit, be based upon consultation with a vet-
erinarian. If show management determines, in its sole
discretion, that the welfare of the horse requires im-
mediate action, and a veterinarian is not immediately
available, show management may immediately imple-
ment any action allowed by this Zero Tolerance Policy.
b. During competition, if a judge determines, in their
sole discretion, that the welfare of a horse requires
immediate action, the judge may immediately imple-
ment any action allowed by this Zero Tolerance Poli-
cy without consulting a veterinarian.
c. Both owner and rider of any horse entered in an NCHA
approved or sponsored event, by said entry, consent to
the implementation of any action allowed by this Zero
Tolerance Policy by either show management or judge.
3. Administration of injectable or oral medications or pos-
session of any drug paraphernalia while in the show are-
na, practice arenas, alleys leading into the arenas or any
other public areas of the show grounds is strictly prohib-
ited unless administered in a life-saving situation which
should only be done based on consultation with a veteri-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 63
narian. Any member observing activity that violates this
rule should immediately report such conduct to the NCHA
Executive Director and/ or Show Management. If Show
Management receives such a complaint, it is required to
immediately forward the complaint in its original form to
the NCHA Executive Director. The NCHA oce will provide
complaint forms to all show management for reporting a
possible violation of this rule. Use of such form is encour-
aged but is not required.
4. If show management or a judge at any NCHA approved or
sponsored event discovers inhumane treatment or exces-
sive training of a horse, they may immediately bar the re-
sponsible party and contestants’ horse from further com-
petition in the event and the judge will give a score of zero.
The Executive Director must be notied within seven (7)
days of the incident involved, and the complaint will be re-
ferred to the appropriate NCHA Committee for investiga-
tion and consideration.
5. All NCHA approved or sponsored shows are required to
post signs concerning the NCHA Zero Tolerance Policy at
the entrance to all ocial practice areas. The signs shall
be no smaller than 24”x36” and shall contain wording as
provided by the NCHA.
6. A reported violation under this rule must be in writing
and submitted to the NCHA Executive Director within 30
days of the incident in question. The written report must
identify the name of the person who allegedly violated the
Zero Tolerance Policy, the show at which the alleged viola-
tion occurred, the date on which the alleged violation oc-
curred and the location on the show grounds at which the
violation occurred (i.e. – show arena, practice pen, stalls,
etc.). The written report must be either:
(i) signed by the person making the report or, if led
electronically, identify the name of the person making
the report; or (ii) if the report is made anonymously,
the written report must be accompanied by evidence
sucient to allow the NCHA to investigate the report
(i.e.- photographs, video, etc.), including evidence suf-
cient to verify that the alleged violation occurred on
the show grounds. Anonymous reports not accompa-
nied by evidence will not be accepted, investigated, or
acted on by the NCHA. No ling fee is required for re-
porting any violation under this rule. Any reported vi-
olation under this Zero Tolerance Policy will be treated
as a complaint under Standing Rule 37 and be consid-
ered in accordance with the procedures contained in
Standing Rules 37 and 38.
Each person found to be involved in a violation of this rule
(including but not limited to trainers and their assistants
or employees, owners, and contestants) may each be sub-
ject to receiving the following discipline:
1st Oense: $1,000 ne and 6 month probation or some pe-
riod of suspension, 2nd Oense: $5,000 ne and 12 month
probation or some period of suspension, and 3rd Oense:
$10,000 ne and 6 month suspension
64 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
The foregoing are only guidelines for discipline that
may be assessed. The disciplinary measures in the
guidelines can be increased or decreased as appropri-
ate by the Grievance Committee or Appeals Commit-
tee depending upon the circumstances and the nature
of the violation.
Not withstanding the guidelines listed above, any vi-
olation involving use of any device in a horse’s mouth
including without limitation, lip wire or other similar
device, other than a bit authorized by the Rules, will
be punished by an automatic $1,000 ne and a six (6)
month suspension.
B. Conduct Toward Judges and Monitors
1. The following rules govern the interactions between con-
testants and judges (including Director of Judges when
serving in the role of a judge):
a. A contestant shall not talk with the judge(s), beyond
the exchange of normal greetings, verbally or by elec-
tronic or social media, during a show, nor shall a con-
testant discuss with the judge any previous scores,
events, or related happenings within thirty (30) days
aer a contest in which both parties participated.
b. A contestant or other person shall make no comment,
either positive or negative, within a judge’s hearing re-
garding any exhibition of a cutting horse during a cut-
ting event.
c. A contestant or other person shall not intimidate, or
attempt to intimidate, a judge(s) verbally or by elec-
tronic or social media.
d. If the Director of Judges is not present, the Sta Mon-
itor or the Field Monitor will act in the capacity of Di-
rector of Judges pertaining to a member’s conduct in
regard to intimidating a judge, and a liaison will ac-
company the Sta Monitor or Field Monitor when a
discussion is necessary.
2. The following rules govern the interaction between con-
testants and monitors (including Director of Judges when
serving in the role of a monitor):
a. A contestant may speak directly to the monitor(s)
provided a liaison representative is also present. Any
other conversation will be limited to the exchange of
normal greetings during a show.
b. A contestant or other person will make no comments
within a monitor’s hearing regarding any work tak-
ing place at a performance.
c. A contestant or other person shall not intimidate, or
attempt to intimidate, a monitor(s).
d. Show management has the right to consult the NCHA
Director of Judges at any time with regard to the Ad-
justed Monitor System.
e. Show management may appoint any non-contestant
NCHA member to act as a liaison between contestants
and show management at limited age events. The Ex-
ecutive Director of the Association may act for the
NCHA Director of Judges in the event of an emergen-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 65
cy situation.
f. For no reason shall a Monitor show a contestant any
ruling or run until 8:00 am the following day. The
meeting will be audio recorded.
g. The contestant or owner and liaison will be taken to
the Monitor’s room and it will be explained by the
Monitor how the ruling was made according to the
Rule Book.
h. The penalty will be shown two or three times if nec-
essary. The overhead video will be used if necessary
and the rule will be explained.
i. The clarication of the ruling of a penalty is the only
reason why a contestant and liaison are taken to the
Monitor’s room.
j. A Monitor will never argue or debate with a contes-
tant or owner about run content or why a run was
scored the way it was. That is the responsibility of the
Director of Judges.
3. Any reported violation under this Section B, Conduct To-
ward Judges and Monitors, will be treated as a complaint
under NCHA Rule 37 and be considered in accordance
with the procedures contained in NCHA Rules 37 and 38.
No ling fee is required for reporting any violation under
this rule. Each person found to be involved in a violation
of this rule (including but not limited to trainers and their
assistants or employees, owners, and contestants) may
each be subject to receiving the following discipline:
1st Oense: $1,000 ne and 6 month probation or some
period of suspension
2nd Oense: $5,000 ne and 12 month probation or some
period of suspension
3rd Oense: $10,000 ne and 6 month suspension
The foregoing are only guidelines for discipline that may
be assessed. The disciplinary measures contained in the
guidelines can be increased or decreased as appropriate by
the Grievance Committee or Appeals Committee depend-
ing upon the circumstances and the nature of the violation.
C. Conduct By and Between Members
The NCHA expects all members to conduct themselves with proper
respectability at all NCHA events. The following activities are strictly
1. Unsportsmanlike conduct in the show arena or show
grounds is prohibited.
2. Any member of the NCHA who threatens, or inicts, bodi-
ly harm or injury to another person based upon that per-
sons actions, conduct, or decisions while acting in any of-
cial capacity for the NCHA or for any NCHA sponsored or
approved event shall be suspended from membership in
the NCHA for a period of not less than one (1) year.
3. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed or brought into
any part of the show arena while an NCHA approved or
sponsored cutting horse contest is taking place.
4. Training activities of any kind while on the show grounds,
other than in designated practice facilities, are prohibited.
5. Any reported violation under this Section C, Conduct By
66 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
and Between Members, will be treated as a complaint un-
der NCHA Rule 37 and be considered in accordance with
the procedures contained in NCHA Rules 37 and 38. Each
person found to be involved in a violation of this rule may
each be subject to receiving the following discipline:
1st Oense: $1,000 ne and 3 month probation or some pe-
riod of suspension
2nd Oense: $2,500 ne and 6 month probation or some
period of suspension
3rd Oense: $5,000 ne and 6 month suspension
The foregoing are only guidelines for discipline that
may be assessed. The disciplinary measures con-
tained in the guidelines can be increased or decreased
as appropriate by the Grievance Committee or Ap-
peals Committee depending upon the circumstances
and the nature of the violation.
The NCHAs Medication and Drug Rules and Guidelines (“Medica-
tion Rules”) have been put in place to protect and prolong the welfare
and competitiveness of the equine athletes who compete in cutting. The
NCHA believes in the safety of horses as well as a level playing eld when
it comes to its events. That is why the Association is testing for substance
violations at the NCHA produced and/or approved events.
The NCHA Medication Rules are as follows.
1. Prohibited Substances
a. NCHA Medication Rules do not allow drugs and medica-
tions that can enhance a horse’s performance (i.e., Perfor-
mance Enhancing Drugs).
The following substances cannot be administered, internally or exter-
nally to a horse showing at an NCHA produced and/or approved event:
• Any drug considered a Class I or Class II substance as
dened in the most recent edition of the Association of
Racing Commissioners International (ARCI’s) Uniform
Classication Guidelines for Foreign Substances.
Any stimulant, depressant, tranquilizer, or sedative that
could aect the performance of a horse. Stimulants and
depressants are dened as substances that stimulate or
depress the cardiovascular, respiratory, or central ner-
vous system.
• Any substance that might interfere with or mask the de-
tection of a prohibited drug or medication.
• Anabolic Steroids are considered prohibited substances.
No anabolic steroid is to be administered to a horse in a
time frame before competition such that it, or any me-
tabolite of it, might be present in the blood at the time of
competition. See the Guidelines for the recommended
withdrawal times.
• Any non-steroidal anti-inammatory drug (NSAID) oth-
er than those allowed by NCHA at the proper therapeu-
tic dosage as contained in the Guidelines.
• Any metabolite and/or analog of any of the above de-
scribed forbidden drugs or substances.
b. Exceptions:
• Acepromazine Maleate is considered a conditionally ap-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 67
proved medication when administered or prescribed by
a licensed veterinarian in accordance with the Guide-
lines contained in this rule.
• A written medication report must be submitted to show
• Local anesthetics may be administered by a veterinar-
ian when used under the provisions of the Emergency
Medication Guidelines (see below).
• Corticosteroids other than dexamethasone (e.g., prednis-
olone, Solu-Delta-Cortef®, triamcinolone acetonide, beta-
methasone, methylprednisolone (Depo-Medrol®) and oth-
ers) are classied as prohibited substances unless used
strictly for a therapeutic purpose, i.e., for the treatment
of existing inammatory conditions related to illness or
injury. They are not to be administered at a time closer
than 24 hours prior to competing under any circumstanc-
es. Additionally, any corticosteroid being used under this
rule must be administered in compliance with the follow-
ing dosage guidelines:
• Maximum Total Dosages:
• Triamcinolone acetonide 50 mg.
• Betamethasone 50 mg.
• Isoupredone 50 mg.
• Methylprednisolone 300 mg.
• Other corticosteroids, pharmaceutical recom-
mended dosage
• A medication report must be led in connection with
any of the following administrations:
(i.) when using any other corticosteroid (other than those list-
ed below), a medication report must be led for adminis-
tration by any route 7 days prior to competing;
(ii.) when using the corticosteroid methylprednisolone (De-
po-Medrol®), a medication report must be led if compet-
ing within 14 days of administration: and
(iii.) when using the corticosteroid i.e., isoupredone (Pre-
def2X) or methylprednisolone (Depo- Medrol) when in-
jecting the sacroiliac (SI) joint, a medication report must
be led if competing within 28 days of administration.
2. Permitted Medications
NCHA Medication Rules are not part of a complete no-drug policy, but
rather rules for the welfare of the horse.
Within the Guidelines listed below, the following 15 therapeutic med-
ications* can be administered by a licensed veterinarian, caretaker, or
responsible individual to a horse with a legitimate injury or illness with-
in 24 hours of showing. For allowed dosage amounts, refer to the Guide-
lines listed below.
• To avoid single NSAID overage, do not administer more than
the package insert indicated therapeutic amount adjusted for
the weight of the horse on days prior to the day you show.
• To avoid a stacking violation under NCHA Medication Rules,
only a single NSAID should be administered within 72 hours
of showing the horse. Example: If your horse is on Banamine
(Flunixin) prior to the show and you plan to switch to Phen-
ylbutazone (“Bute”) at the show, you should discontinue ad-
ministering Banamine at least 72 hours prior to show time.
68 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
• It is strongly recommended that show doses (6 hours prior to
competition) be given by IV. Exhibitors, owners, trainers, and
veterinarians are cautioned to allow additional leeway under
the minimal timeframes recommended in the guidelines
when using paste, powder, or tablet orally, since oral medica-
tions may result in diering variations in plasma levels.
It will be considered a rule violation if plasma samples con-
tain more than one of the permitted Nonsteroidal Anti-in-
ammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) that are listed below. The excep-
tion is Diclofenac (Surpass®) topical which may be combined
with one other systemic NSAID listed below under Permitted
To avoid stacking of two (2) NSAID’S you must discontinue one (1)
of the NSAID’S at least 3 days (72 hours) prior to showing:
1. Diclofenac (Surpass®)
2. Phenylbutazone (Bute®)
3. Flunixin Meglumine (Banamine®)
4. Ketoprofen (Ketofen®)
5. Meclofenamic Acid (Arquel®)
6. Naproxen (Equiproxen®)
7. Firocoxib (Equioxx®) Other Permitted Medications
8. Omeprazole (Gastroguard®)
9. Methocarbamol (Robaxin®)
10. Furosemide (Salix®)
11. Altrenogest (Regumate®)
13. Acetazolamide
14. Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride (Vasodilan®)
15. Dexamethasone (Dexject SP®)
3. Conditionally Permitted Therapeutic Medication
Because the welfare of the horse is the No. 1 priority, a conditionally per-
mitted therapeutic medication, such as approved antibiotics, can be ad-
ministered or prescribed by a licensed veterinarian for a legitimate illness
or injury. However, it must be done no less than 24 hours before competing
(except for Acepromazine Maleate (PromAce®) see section 3.a below) and
each of the requirements listed in section 3.b below must be met to prevent
disciplinary action if the medications are detected in plasma samples.
a. Examples of Conditionally Permitted Medications Aceprom-
azine Maleate (PromAce®) is considered a conditionally ap-
proved medication when used for the safety and welfare of
the hor
se and administered as prescribed by a licensed vet-
erinarian. (Medication Report Must be Submitted)
b. Requirements for Administering Conditionally Permitted
• A written medication report, available from NCHA or
show management, must be completed in its entirety,
and led with show management before exhibition of
the horse.
• A licensed veterinarian must administer or prescribe the
medication (except for PromAce® which only requires a
medication report) and must also document that the ad-
ministration of the medication is necessary for the legit-
imate treatment of illness or injury. The form must also
- Identication of the medication, including the
name, amount, strength/concentration, and mode
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 69
of administration.
- Date and time of administration.
- Identication of the horse, including name, age, sex,
color, and entry number.
- Diagnosis of illness/injury, reason for administra-
tion, and name of administering and/or prescribing
- Signature of veterinarian or person administering
or prescribing the medication. If by prescription
(written instructions), a copy must be attached to
the medication report.
- The medication report must be led with show
management within one hour aer administration
of the medication or if administration occurs at a
time other than during competition hours, within
one hour aer show management is available.
- The medication report must be signed by show man-
agement and time of receipt recorded on the report.
• The report must be led if the administered medication
will be detectable in blood and/or urine samples at the
time of competition/sampling. However, it is the respon-
sibility of exhibitors to determine whether or not the
medication has had time to clear their horses’ systems.
If there is any doubt, a medication report should be led
as a precaution.
• The horse must be withdrawn and kept out of compe-
tition for not less than 24 hours aer the medication is
• Antibiotics are permitted substances with the exception
of procaine penicillin or other antibiotic with local an-
esthetics, which are prohibited substances. The use of
procaine penicillin or other antibiotics with local anes-
thetics would result in the need for the horse to be with-
drawn from competition for at least 24 hours and a med-
ication form completed and led.
• An exception to the prohibited substance rule is the use
of local anesthetics, which are RAC class 2 substances
and are considered prohibited substances unless the
horse is withdrawn for 24 hours and a medication form
completed and led.
• These exceptions do not apply if the drug is prohibit-
ed by governmental regulations, such as the California
Equine Medication Monitoring Program.
• It will be a presumption of a violation of the Medication
Rules if the laboratory detects concentration levels that
are inconsistent with a therapeutic dosage, regardless of
whether the medication report requirements described
above were met. The responsible party then has the
burden of persuasion to establish that the drug was ad-
ministered in a therapeutic dosage and not less than 24
hours prior to competition.
4. Approved Veterinarians for NCHA Show Grounds
In order to be eligible to treat or administer medication to a horse on
the show grounds of an NCHA produced event, a veterinarian must be
an approved veterinarian under NCHA Rules (an “Approved Veterinar-
70 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
ian”). In order to be an Approved Veterinarian, such veterinarian must
be an NCHA member in good standing, must submit an application to
the NCHA on application forms distributed by the NCHA and must have
such application approved by the NCHA. Each applying veterinarian ac-
knowledges they agree that if they are found to have violated any NCHA
Rules on the show grounds, they are subject to having their approved sta-
tus suspended or revoked by the NCHA in accordance with its Rules and
may no longer be allowed to treat or administer medication until such
status is restored by the NCHA, if ever.
5. Emergency Medication
The NCHA Medication Rules allow for administration of emergency
medication by a veterinarian (who is a member in good standing of the
American Association of Equine Practitioners and licensed to practice vet-
erinary medicine in the state where the event is being held) under cer-
tain limited circumstances where a true emergency situation exists. In the
case of a sic
k or injured horse, appropriate therapeutic doses of only lido-
caine, mepivacaine or unixin meglumine (Banamine) may be given by a
licensed v
eterinarian under actual observation by event management or
a designated NCHA representative (if aer show hours, the exhibitor must
provide a statement from the treating veterinarian) to treat a condition/
illness/injury that would not prevent the horse from safely competing fol-
lowing treatment. Please note that for a veterinarian to be authorized to
eat or administer medication to a horse on NCHA show grounds, they
must be an Approved Veterinarian under the provisions of section 4 above.
An emergency medication report form which is available on the
NCHA website and from show management, must be led with show
management before exhibition of the horse that is being administered
emergency medication under this rule. Flunixin meglumine (Banamine)
administered at therapeutic levels permitted by NCHA medication rules
can be used for the treatment of colic. Administration of lidocaine or me-
pivacaine is also permitted for the purpose of surgical repair of minor
skin lacerations which, by its very nature, would not prevent the horse
from competing following the surgery. Under no circumstances can this
Emergency Medication provision of the NCHA Medication and Drug
Rules be applied for an examination or treatment in which a local anes-
thetic is used to provide full or partial anesthesia (block) of an extremity
or joint within 24 hours of the horse competing.
Filing of an emergency medication report form does not automatical-
ly excuse the horse from the consequences associated with a failed drug
test. If an emergency medication report is led for a horse, the NCHA
designated veterinarian may examine any skin lacerations and the skin
sensation of that horse and that horse may be drug tested under the pro-
visions of Standing Rule 35A.5 at the sole discretion of the Executive
Director. If a horse that has been administered emergency medication
under this rule is tested under NCHA rules and tests positive, the Med-
ication Review Committee will take into consideration the emergency
medical report form on le. However, if the Committee determines that
the emergency medication was administered above appropriate thera-
peutic levels or if the test results show the presence of medications not
disclosed in the emergency medication report form that are not allowed
or exceed the levels allowed by the NCHA Medication and Drug Rules
and Guidelines, the Committee may take all disciplinary actions provid-
ed for under these rules for such failed test. Additionally, all emergency
reports led under this rule will be reviewed by the Medication Review
Committee and all veterinarians submitting such reports are subject to
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 71
inquiry by the Medication Review Committee.
6. Medication Testing
Horses competing in Open, Non-Pro and Amateur class-
es will be drug tested in NCHA Triple Crown Events as
1) The unocial scores of the three highest scoring
horses (including ties) in all one-set nals will be
tested immediately following those nals.
2) The unocial scores of the top two highest scoring
horses (including ties) in each set of all multiple-set
nals will be tested immediately following their re-
spective sets.
3) Show management will predetermine days and sets
in which additional random drug testing will be done
in go rounds and semi nals prior to their respective
draws. Slots within those pre-determined sets that
will be tested will be randomly selected from within
those sets prior to their respective draws.
1) Show management will predetermine days and sets in
which a random drug testing will be done in any go
rounds and/or nals.
2) Slots within those pre-determined go round and/or -
nal sets that will be tested will be randomly selected
from within those sets prior to their respective draws.
In all NCHA Triple Crown Events and all NCHA produced
or approved events, the NCHA Executive Director may
also, in their sole discretion, have any horse tested.
Every exhibitor and/or owner shall, upon request of show
management or an NCHA representative, permit speci-
mens of blood to be taken for testing. All blood samples
taken pursuant to this rule will be taken by a licensed vet-
erinarian selected by the NCHA in its sole discretion. An
exhibitor will be informed that their horse has been se-
lected for testing immediately aer competing in the are-
na. The request sheet shall be initialed by the exhibitor,
owner or the owner’s authorized agent acknowledging
time of receipt and immediately returned to the NCHA
representative or testing veterinarian who gave you the
The samples will then be sent to a certied laboratory for
testing with results sent back to NCHA. If a horse is ran-
domly tested, all medication reports for that horse must
be on le with the NCHA prior to the time of the test in
order to be considered.
Refusal to comply with the request for testing will result
72 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
in the disqualication of the horse from further partici-
pation at the show. Bringing the wrong horse for testing
is considered a serious oense and constitutes a refusal
to comply with a request for testing under this rule. Fail-
ure to comply with the 15-minute time period described
above will also constitute a refusal to comply with the
request for testing. Any horse in violation of this rule
may also be barred from participation in future NCHA
approved events or shows for a period of time as deter-
mined by the Executive Committee or other appropriate
committee. A refusal to comply with a request for test-
ing also is grounds for suspension of NCHA membership.
Any harassment, verbal abuse, physical abuse or mis-
conduct of any kind toward the testing veterinarian (or
anyone assisting the testing veterinarian in the taking of
blood samples or specimens) shall be considered a viola-
tion of NCHA Standing Rule 35 and treated under the dis-
ciplinary guidelines in Rule 35.B.3. The NCHA may also,
in its sole discretion, refer any potential violation of this
rule to the Grievance Committee to consider disciplinary
action under Standing Rule 35 against all responsible par-
In the event that an alleged violation of this subsection
6 is referred to the Grievance Committee and a violation
is found; it is recommended that the disciplinary action
taken by the Grievance Committee to address such a vi-
olation be at least a ne of $10,000 per occurrence and
up to a 12-month suspension. This is only a guideline
and can be increased or decreased as appropriate by the
Grievance Committee depending upon the circumstanc-
es shown by the evidence. The Grievance Committee
may also assess separate discipline against multiple par-
ties it nds responsible for the same occurrence result-
ing in the violation.
7. The Medication Review Committee
The Medication Review Committee is charged with the ini-
tial review of the lab results from any drug testing conduct-
ed under the Medication Rules, determining if the lab results
indicate that a violation has occurred and taking disciplinary
action for any rule violations shown in those lab results. The
Mediation Review Committee may also conduct hearings to
determine whether a violation of the Medication Rules has oc-
curred, if necessary.
The Medication Review Committee shall consist of ve (5)
members appointed by the NCHA President with the approval
of the Executive Committee. Three licensed veterinarians, one
Professional trainer and one Non-Professional member will
be on the Medication Review Committee at all times. Member-
ship on the committee will be reviewed annually. No person
may serve as a member of the Medication Review Committee
at the same time they also serve as a member of the Executive
Committee. The NCHA President shall have the authority to
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 73
appoint an additional member to the Medication Review Com-
mittee in any case where an existing member of the commit-
tee recuses themself from acting on that case.
8. Rule Violations and Discipline
(a) Failure to Timely File Required Medication Reports
Failure to timely le any medication report required by this
rule including, but not limited to the medication reports re-
quired for Acepromazine will result in a letter of warning
nd reprimand for the rst failure to timely le a required
report. A ne of $150 will be assessed for a second failure to
timely le a required report and a ne of $300 for each subse-
quent oense. These nes may be increased, at the sole dis-
cretion of the Medication Review Committee, in situations
volving repeated failures to timely le medication reports
required under this rule. Failure to timely le medication re-
ports shall not constitute a rst oense, second oense or
d oense under sections 8(b), (c) or (d) of this rule.
(b) Violations of Rules Governing Administering Medications
Any laboratory report resulting from random testing con-
ducted by the NCHA pursuant to this rule that indicates the
presence of any prohibited substance, the presence of any
permitted medication in levels that exceed those allowed
under these rules and guidelines or the presence of more
than one NSAID, all of which are violations of these Med-
ication Rules, will constitute prima facie evidence that the
substance(s) was administered to the horse either internal-
ly or externally in violation of the NCHA Medication Rules.
The burden of proof is on the responsible party to show by
a preponderance of the evidence that no drug or medica-
tion has been administered in violation of the rules. Any vi-
olation of Rule 35A.6 concerning random testing shall con-
stitute additional grounds for discipline under this section.
Beginning with the 2013 Super Stakes and for all subsequent NCHA
produced and/or approved events, if it is determined that the use of any
drug or medication was not allowed by the Medication Rules or was not
within the Guidelines in the NCHA Rule Book, the responsible party or
parties will be subject to disciplinary action. The initial determination
of whether a medication rule violation has occurred will be based upon
the lab results.
All contestants must be aware that, in addition to the NCHA Medica-
tion Rules, all horses are subject to the equine laws of the state in which
an event is held and are also subject to any medication rules duly adopted
by the sponsors, co-sponsors, producers or co-producers of such events.
In addition to possibly being randomly tested by the NCHA under rule
35A.5, horses may also be tested by authorized state agencies and/or by
the other equine organizations that sponsor, co-sponsor or produce such
events. Since the goal of the NCHA Medication Rules is to protect the wel-
fare of the horse, the NCHA will recognize the results of the drug testing
performed by such authorized state agencies or other sponsors, co-spon-
sors, or producers. A violation of their medication rules found by any of
those entities will also be considered a violation of NCHA Medication
Rules and will be referred to the NCHA Medication Review Committee for
possible disciplinary action.
(c) Disciplinary Guidelines for Therapeutic Medication Over-
ages (i.e. overages of a permitted medication or the pres-
74 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
ence of more than one NSAID). The following disciplinary
actions may be considered by the NCHA, NCHA Medica-
tion Review Committee or Executive Committee in ad-
dressing a violation of the Medication Rules and Guide-
lines relating to Therapeutic Medication Overages. The
following are general guidelines only. The NCHA, NCHA
Medication Review Committee or Executive Committee
may assess discipline (including potential nes, proba-
tions, suspensions, and disqualications) that is equal to,
less than or greater than the discipline provided in the fol-
lowing guidelines based upon the nature of the violation
and the severity of the circumstances presented in each
case. The horse may also be disqualied from all classes
in which it participated in at the show for any violation
of the Medication Rules and Guidelines. If disqualied, all
awards and monies must be returned.
(1) For a rst oense relating to a Therapeutic Medica-
tion Overage:
(a) Resulting from an overage of one permitted
medication - a suggested ne of $500 each to the
responsible person(s).
(b) Resulting from the presence of more than one
NSAID (if each NSAID is within therapeutic lev-
els allowed in these Rules and Guidelines) – a
suggested ne of $1,000 each to the responsible
(c) The discipline for any violation resulting from
the presence of a permitted medication at levels
more than twice the permitted levels allowed un-
der these Rules and Guidelines shall be assessed
by the Medication Review Committee based
upon its review of the circumstances presented.
If a member commits a rst oense resulting from
the use of permitted medications at unacceptable
levels under the Medication Rules and Guidelines or
commits a rst oense resulting from the presence
of more than one NSAID in violation of these Medi-
cation Rules and Guidelines but commits no further
violations of the Medication Rules and Guidelines for
a period of 24 months aer that rst oense, the next
violation of the Medication Rules and Guidelines aer
that 24-month period by that member, if any, would
be treated as a rst oense.
(2) For a second oense relating to a Therapeutic Medi-
cation Overage, a suggested ne to each responsible
person(s) of $2,500 and possible suspension or pro-
bation depending on the circumstances. If a mem-
ber commits a second oense resulting from the
use of permitted medications at unacceptable levels
under the Medication Rules and Guidelines or com-
mits a second oense resulting from the presence of
more than one NSAID in violation of these Medica-
tion Rules and Guidelines but commits no further vi-
olations of the Medication Rules and Guidelines for
a period of 24 months aer that second oense, the
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 75
next violation of the Medication Rules and Guide-
lines aer that 24-month period by that member, if
any, would be treated as a rst oense. This provision
does not apply to violations resulting from the use of
a prohibited substance.
(3) For a third oense relating to a Therapeutic Medica-
tion Overage, a suggested ne of $5,000 each to the
responsible person(s) and a suspension of at least 6
Any responsible party assessed a ne under this
section will be suspended until payment in full is
received by the NCHA. If the discipline assessed in-
cludes probation or suspension in addition to a ne,
the probation or suspension shall begin immediately
and extend for the specied period aer the ne is
paid. (i.e., if a ne and six-month probation are as-
sessed on the rst day of a month and the ne is not
paid until the eenth day of a month, the proba-
tion or suspension would start on the rst day of the
month and end six months aer the payment of the
ne is received).
If the horse transfers ownership, the suspension for
the responsible individual or party will not be dis-
solved or shortened.
(d) Disciplinary Guidelines for use of a Prohibited Substance
The following disciplinary actions may be considered by
the NCHA, NCHA Medication Review Committee or Exec-
utive Committee in addressing a violation of the Medica-
tion Rules and Guidelines relating to the use of a prohib-
ited substance by any responsible person and dened by
these rules. The following are general guidelines only. The
NCHA, NCHA Medication Review Committee or Executive
Committee may assess discipline (including nes, proba-
tions, and suspensions) that is equal to, less than or great-
er than the discipline provided in the following guidelines
based upon the nature of the violation and the severity of
the circumstances presented in each case. A horse testing
positive for a prohibited substance in any class at a show
may also be disqualied from all other classes at that
show in which that horse participated and such horse will
forfeit all monies, awards and titles won in any class at the
show. Any disqualied horse shall forfeit and must return
all awards and monies won at the show. Oenses for use of
a prohibited substance may, at the discretion of the Com-
mittee ultimately determining the violation, permanently
remain on the responsible parties’ record.
(1) For a rst oense resulting from the use of a pro-
hibited substance, forfeiture of any winnings
from the show, a ne of $5,000, loss of any titles
and awards won at the show.
(2) For a second oense resulting from the use of a
prohibited substance, forfeiture of any winnings
from the show, a ne of $10,000, loss of any titles
and awards won at the show and a one (1) year
membership suspension.
76 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
(3) For a third oense resulting from the use of a
prohibited substance, forfeiture of any winnings
from the show, a ne of $15,000, loss of any titles
and awards won at the show and a membership
suspension of at least two (2) years.
Any responsible party assessed a ne under this section will be sus-
pended until payment in full is received by the NCHA. If the discipline
assessed includes probation or suspension in addition to a ne, the pro-
bation or suspension shall begin immediately and extend for the speci-
ed period aer the ne is paid. (i.e., if a ne and six-month probation
are assessed on the rst day of a month and the ne is not paid until the
eenth day of a month, the probation or suspension would start on the
rst day of the month and end six months aer the payment of the ne
is received).
If the horse transfers ownership, the suspension for the responsible
individual or party will not be dissolved or shortened.
(e) Hearings and Appeal Rights. The responsible party or par-
ties may accept the discipline assessed based upon the lab
results or request a hearing to contest the lab results or
any discipline assessed. Hearings relating to violations of
the Medication Rules and Guidelines will be conducted by
the NCHA Medication Review Committee. Such hearing
may result in discipline equal to, less than or greater than
the initial discipline assessed by the Medication Commit-
tee based upon the lab results, depending upon the evi-
dence presented at such hearings.
Any person found to have committed a violation of the Medication
Rules as a result of a hearing before the NCHA’ s Medication Review Com-
mittee as provided for in this rule shall have the right to appeal the deci-
sion of the NCHA Medication Review Committee to the NCHA Executive
Committee in accordance with the procedures for appeal contained in
Standing Rule 38. Such appeal hearing may result in discipline equal to,
less than or greater than the discipline assessed by the initial hearing
committee depending upon the evidence presented at the appeal hear-
ing. Any Medication Rules and Guidelines violation resulting in proba-
tion or suspension will be reported in the Cutting Horse Chatter.
9. Who’s Responsible?
Whether you enter, show, own, care for, or deliver a horse to an
NCHA-produced show, you may be responsible for the horse’s condition
and are presumed to know all of the rules and regulations of NCHA. All
riders showing horses in any NCHA produced and/or approved shows
are deemed responsible for that horse under these rules. In situations
involving “catch riders,” (i) if the horse has a trainer, the trainer will be
the person deemed responsible for the horse; or (ii) if the horse does
not have a trainer, the owner will be the person deemed responsible for
the horse. For youth riders, the parent or legal guardian of the youth is
deemed responsible for the horse ridden by the youth. The above de-
scribed persons are subject to disciplinary sanctions for a violation of
the Medication Rules, whether or not they had actual knowledge of the
presence of an oending drug, directly participated in the administra-
tion of that drug, innocently miscalculated its dosage or retention time
in the horse’s system, or for any other reason.
The person deemed the responsible person for a violation under this
rule has the right to assert that some other person was actually responsi-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 77
ble for the violation. In such cases, the burden is on the person deemed re-
sponsible for the horse under these rules to present evidence establishing
that another person(s) was responsible for the violation. Any other per-
sons shown by the evidence to have responsibility for a violation of the
Medication Rules are also subject to disciplinary sanctions.
10. The Guidelines for Permitted and Conditionally Permitted
The Guidelines outlined below are applicable to most horses and can
minimize the chances of positive drug tests. If medication is given by paste,
powder, or tablet orally; exhibitors, owners, trainers, and veterinarians
are cautioned to allow additional leeway under the minimal timeframes
for administration of medication recommended in these guidelines since
oral medications may result in diering variations in plasma levels.
However, reliance upon these Guidelines does not guarantee compli-
ance with the rules because the response of individual horses can vary.
Reliance upon these Guidelines is not a defense in the event of a viola-
tion. Exhibitors, owners, and trainers should consult the drug manufac-
turer and knowledgeable veterinarians for up-to-date information and
more specic advice concerning the therapeutic use of a drug or medi-
cation for a particular horse. If the testing laboratory reports one of the
medications below in a level higher than a specied maximum permit-
ted plasma concentration, NCHA will review the matter and disciplinary
action may be taken.
The following recommendations are for the use of a single non- steroi-
dal anti-inammatory drug (NSAID). Only one systemic NSAID should be
in the animal’s system. The use of Diclofenac (Surpass) topically is allowed
with one systemic non-steroidal anti-inammatory drug (NSAID).
1. Phenylbutazone (an NSAID): The maximum permitted plasma
concentration of Phenylbutazone (“Bute”) is 15.0 micrograms
per milliliter. When Bute is administered, the dose should be
accurately calculated according to the actual weight of the
horse. Each 24 hours, not more than 2.0 milligrams per pound
of body weight should be administered, preferably less. For a
1,000-pound horse, the maximum daily dose is 2.0 grams, which
equals two 1.0-gram tablets, or two 1.0-gram units of paste, or
10.0 cc of the injectable (200 milligrams per milliliter). For a
1,000-pound horse, if you are administering Bute in one-gram
amounts twice daily, the dose is one gram tablet, or one gram
of paste or 5 cc of the injectable (200 milligrams per milliliter).
Neither a total daily dose nor part of an injectable dose should
be administered during the 6 hours prior to competing. Bute
should not be used for more than ve consecutive days.
The NCHA suggests the following dosage guidelines for the ad-
ministration of Bute:
a. Alternative No. 1: Bute given once daily:
The maximum dose given once daily to a 1000-pound horse
is 2.0 grams (see above for administration options). If you
are administering Bute once daily, the safest practice is to
ensure that your previous administration of the once daily
dose was made at least 24 hours prior to your Show Dose (6
hours or more prior to competition).
Example: If you are administering 2-gram doses of Bute
to your 1000-pound horse that is showing at 4 pm on Mon-
day, then the 2-gram Show Dose should be given no later
78 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
than 10 a.m. on Monday (6 hours prior to showing). The
previous 2-gram dose given prior to the Show Dose should
be given no later than 10 a.m. Sunday (24 hours prior to
the Show Dose).
b. Alternative No. 2: Bute given twice daily:
The maximum dose given twice daily to a 1000-pound
horse is 1.0 gram (see above for administration options). If
you are administering Bute in 1-gram amounts, the safest
practice is to ensure that your previous administration of
the twice daily dose was made at least 12 hours prior to your
1-gram Show Dose (6 hours or more prior to competition).
Example: If you are administering 1-gram doses of Bute to
your 1000-pound horse that is showing at 12 p.m. on Tues-
day, then the Show Dose should be given no later than 6 a.m.
on Tuesday (6 hours prior to showing). The previous 1-gram
dose given prior to the Show Dose should be given no later
than 6 p.m. Monday (12 hours prior to the Show Dose).
c. Dosage and Timing of Administration: Please note that Bute
levels build up in the horse’s blood system over time when
repeated doses of Bute are administered. It is therefore crit-
ical to ensure that proper dosages of Bute are given at prop-
er intervals in order to be in compliance with NCHA Medi-
cation Rules. Specically, overages of Bute levels may occur
under NCHA Medication Rules even when a therapeutic
dose of Bute is given 6 hours prior to the time the horse is
shown (the “Show Dose”), if timing of prior dosages of Bute
given to the horse have not been taken into account.
d. Route of Administration Options: Exhibitors, owners,
trainers, and veterinarians are cautioned that the admin-
istration of Bute in paste, powder, or tablet oral form may
not be accurately administered or metabolized as quickly
by the horse and may, therefore, lead to positive test re-
sults depending on the timing of administration. If Bute is
given by paste, powder, or tablet orally; exhibitors, own-
ers, trainers, and veterinarians are cautioned to allow ad-
ditional leeway under the minimal timeframes for admin-
istration of Bute recommended in these guidelines since
oral medications may result in diering variations in
plasma levels. Administration of Bute by intravenous (IV)
route is strongly recommended when giving a Show Dose
six hours prior to competition.
2. Diclofenac (an NSAID): The maximum permitted plasma con-
centration of Diclofenac is 0.005 micrograms per milliliter.
Every 12 hours, not more than 73 mg of diclofenac liposomal
cream should be administered (not more than 146 mg per 24-
hour period) to one aected site. This 73 mg dose equals a 5-inch
ribbon of cream not greater than half-an-inch in width, which
should be rubbed thoroughly into the hair over the joint or af-
fected site using gloved hands. Administration of diclofenac
cream should be discontinued 6 hours prior to competing. Do
not apply diclofenac cream in combination with any other top-
ical preparations including DMSO, nitrofurazone or liniments,
and do not use on an open wound. Diclofenac cream should not
be administered for more than 10 consecutive days.
3. Flunixin Meglumine (an NSAID): The maximum permit-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 79
ted plasma concentration of Flunixin is 1.0 microgram per
milliliter. When Flunixin Meglumine is administered, the
dose should be accurately calculated according to the actual
weight of the horse. Each 24 hours, not more than 0.5 milli-
grams per pound of body weight should be administered. For a
1,000-pound horse, the maximum daily dose is 500 milligrams,
which equals two 250-milligram packets of granules, or one
500-milligram packet of granules, or 500 milligrams of the oral
paste (available in 1,500 milligram dose syringes), or 10.0 cc of
the injectable (50 milligrams per milliliter). No part of a dose
should be administered during the 6 hours prior to compet-
ing. Any medicated feed must be consumed and/or removed at
least 6 hours prior to competing. The medication should not be
used for more than ve consecutive days.
4. Ketoprofen (an NSAID): The maximum permitted plasma con-
centration of Ketoprofen is 0.25 µg per milliliter. When Keto-
profen is administered, the dose should be accurately calculat-
ed according to the actual weight of the horse. Each 24 hours,
not more than 1.0 milligram per pound of body weight should
be administered. For a 1,000-pound horse, the maximum dai-
ly dose is 1.0 gram, which equals 10.0 cc of the injectable (100
milligrams per milliliter). No part of a dose should be admin-
istered during the 6 hours prior to competing. The medication
should not be used for more than ve consecutive days.
5. Meclofenamic Acid (an NSAID): The maximum permitted plas-
ma concentration of Meclofenamic Acid is 2.5 micrograms per
milliliter. When Meclofenamic Acid is administered, the dose
should be accurately calculated according to the actual weight
of the horse. Each 6 hours, not more than 0.5 milligram per
pound of body weight should be administered, preferably less.
For a 1,000-pound horse, the maximum 12-hour dose is 0.5 gram,
which equals one 500-milligram packet of granules. The medica-
tion should not be used for more than ve consecutive days.
6. Naproxen (an NSAID): The maximum permitted plasma con-
centration of Naproxen is 40.0 micrograms per milliliter. When
Naproxen is administered, the dose should be accurately calcu-
lated according to the actual weight of the horse. Each 24 hours,
not more than 4.0 milligrams per pound of body weight should
be administered. For a 1,000-pound horse, the maximum daily
dose is 4.0 grams, which equals eight 500-milligram tablets. No
part of a dose should be administered during the 6 hours prior
to competing. Any medicated feed should be consumed and/or
removed at least 12 hours prior to competing. The medication
should not be used for more than ve consecutive days.
7. Firocoxib (an NSAID): The maximum permitted plasma con-
centration of Firocoxib is 0.240 micrograms per milliliter.
When Firocoxib is administered, the dose should be accurate-
ly calculated according to the actual weight of the horse. For a
1,000-pound horse, the maximum daily does is 45.5 milligrams,
which equals 0.1 milligram per kilogram of body weight once
daily. No part of a dose should be administered during the 6
hours prior to competition. Firocoxib should not be adminis-
tered for more than 14 consecutive days.
8. Methocarbamol: Whenever methocarbamol is administered,
the dose should be accurately calculated according to the actu-
80 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
al weight of the horse. Each 12 hours, not more than 5.0 mg per
pound of body weight should be administered, preferably less.
For a 1000-pound animal, the maximum dose each 12 hours is
5.0 grams, which equals ten 500 milligram tablets or 50 cc of the
injectable (100 milligrams per milliliter). No dose should be ad-
ministered during the 12 hours immediately following the pri-
or dose. No part of a dose should be administered during the
6 hours prior to competing. Any medicated feed must be con-
sumed and/or removed at least 6 hours prior to competing.
Methocarbamol should not be administered for more than ve
successive days.
9. Dantrolene: Whenever dantrolene sodium is administered,
the dose should be accurately calculated to not exceed 500
milligrams total and is typically administered orally. For
a 1000-pound animal the maximum dose each 24 hours is
500mg. No part of the dose should be administered during
the 12 hours immediately following the prior dose. No part
of a dose should be administered during the 6 hours prior to
competing. Any medicated feed must be consumed and/or re-
moved at least 6 hours prior to competing. Dantrolene should
not be administered for more than ve successive days.
10. Acetazolamide: May only be administered to horses document-
ed through DNA testing to be positive (N/H or H/H) for Hyper-
kalemic Periodic Paralysis (HYPP). While these rules do not
contain a maximum allowable plasma concentration level for
Acetazolamide, laboratory detection of levels of Acetazolamide
that are not consistent with administration in accordance with
the Guidelines may result in prosecution of a rule violation.
When acetazolamide is administered, the dose should be ac-
curately calculated according to the actual weight of the horse.
Each 24 hours, not more than 3 milligrams per pound of body
weight should be administered. For a 1,000-pound horse, the
maximum daily dose is 3 grams.
11. Furosemide: Must be administered intravenously at least four
hours prior to competition.
12. Isoxsuprine: When administered, the dose should be accurately
calculated according to the actual weight of the horse. Each 24
hours, not more than 1.6 milligrams per pound of body weight
should be administered (usually divided in two equal doses giv-
en 12 hours apart). For a 1,000-pound horse, the maximum daily
dose is 1,600 milligrams, which equals 80 20-milligram tablets.
No part of a dose should be administered during the four hours
prior to competing. Any medicated feed should be consumed
and/or removed at least four hours prior to competing.
13. Dexamethasone: The maximum permitted plasma concen-
tration is 3.0 nanograms per milliliter at the time of competi-
tion. In order to help trainers, owners and their veterinarians
achieve compliance with this rule in connection with the ther-
apeutic use of dexamethasone, it should be administered in ac-
cordance with the guidelines below. These guidelines include
several alternative scenarios for dose time and route of admin-
istration. Whenever dexamethasone is administered, the dose
should be accurately calculated according to the actual weight
of the horse.
a. Alternative No 1 (2.0 mg or less per 100 pounds IV or IM
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 81
at 12 or more hours before competition) - Each 24 hours,
not more than 2.0 milligrams of dexamethasone injectable
solution per 100 pounds of body weight should be admin-
istered intravenously or intramuscularly, preferably less.
For a 1,000-pound horse, the maximum daily intravenous
or intramuscular dose of dexamethasone injectable solu-
tion is 20.0 milligrams, which equals 5.0 milliliters of the
injectable solution (4.0 milligrams per milliliter). No part
of this dose should be administered during the 12 hours
prior to competing. Dexamethasone should not be admin-
istered for more than ve consecutive days.
b. Alternative No. 2 (1.0 mg or less per 100 pounds IV at 6 or
more hours before competition) – Each 24 hours, not more
than 1.0 milligram of dexamethasone injectable solution
per 100 pounds of body weight should be administered in-
travenously, preferably less. For a 1,000-pound horse, the
maximum daily intravenous dose of dexamethasone in-
jectable solution is 10.0 milligrams, which equals 2.5 mil-
liliters of the injectable solution (4.0 milligrams per milli-
liter). No part of this dose should be administered during
the six hours prior to competing. Dexamethasone should
not be administered for more than ve consecutive days.
c. Alternative No. 3 (1.0 mg or less per 100 pounds orally at
6 or more hours before competition) – Each 24 hours, not
more than 1.0 milligram of dexamethasone powder per
100 pounds of body weight should be administered orally,
preferably less. For a 1,000-pound horse, the maximum dai-
ly oral dose of dexamethasone powder is 10.0 milligrams,
which equals one packet of dexamethasone powder (10.0
milligrams per packet). No part of this dose should be ad-
ministered during the six hours prior to competing. Any
medicated feed should be either consumed or removed at
least six hours prior to competing. Dexamethasone should
not be administered for more than ve consecutive days.
14. Ventipulmin (.5 mg (
 cc) or less per 100 pounds administered
IM, or orally at 6 or more hours before competition).
15. Acepromazine Maleate (.5 mg or less per 100 pounds adminis-
tered IV, IM, or orally at 1 or more hours before competition).
Maximum single dose should not exceed 5 mg total, which
equals .50 milliliters of the injectable solution (10.0 milligrams
per milliliter). A written medication report must be submitted
to show management using the reporting guidelines found un-
der conditionally approved medications.
11. Prohibited Substances:
Short acting tranquilizers/ sedatives/ anti-hypertensives such as,
but not limited to chlorpromazine, ketamine, romidine, detomidine
and guanabenz should not be used within 3 days (72 hrs) of show time
and only under the supervision of a veterinarian. Exception: A low dose
of acepromazine maleate is permitted with required reporting provi-
sions, see above.
Antipsychotic drugs / Antidepressants / Long-acting tranquilizers
such as, but not limited to, uphenazine(Prolix), reserpine, uoxetine
(Prozac) are not allowed. Many of these drugs can be detected for 45 days
or more.
Anabolic Steroid Withdrawal Guidelines in order to ensure the wel-
82 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
fare of performance horses and riders as well as the integrity of the sport,
the use of both therapeutic and illegal agents in performance horses is
tightly regulated. Until a few years ago, anabolic steroids were common-
ly administered to performance horses, presumably to promote muscle
growth and enhance performance. To align with other horse indus-
try groups, the NCHA has adopted the international androgenic anabolic
steroid recommendation and withdrawal guidelines listed below.
• Boldenone: Screening limit no greater than 100 pg/ml in
serum or plasma with a conrmatory threshold no greater
than 25 pg/ml for all horses regardless of sex, which requires
an 82-day withdrawal time. Boldenone undecylenate in oil
was administered intramuscularly at a dose of 1.1 mg/kg to
achieve a safe limit of 100pg/ml at 82 days prior to sampling.
• Nandrolone: Screening limit no greater than 100 pg/ml in se-
rum or plasma with a conrmatory threshold no greater than
25 pg/ml for geldings, llies, and mares, which requires a 35-
day withdrawal time. Male horses other than geldings will not
be tested for nandrolone in blood. Nandrolone decanoate in
oil was administered intramuscularly at a dose 0.55 mg/kg to
achieve a safe limit of 100 pg/ml at 35 days prior to sampling.
• Stanozolol: Screening limit no greater than 100 pg/ml in se-
rum or plasma with a conrmatory threshold no greater than
25 pg/ml for all horses regardless of sex, which requires a 47-
day withdrawal time. Stanozolol as an aqueous suspension
was administered intramuscularly at a dose of .55 mg/kg to
achieve a safe limit of 100 pg/ml at 47 days prior to sampling.
• Testosterone: Screening limit no greater than 100 pg/ml in se-
rum or plasma with a conrmatory threshold no greater than
25 pg
/ml for geldings, llies and mares and a conrmatory
limit of 2 µg/ml for male horses other than geldings, which re-
quires a 30-day withdrawal time. Testosterone as an aqueous
lution was administered subcutaneously at a dose of 0.15
mg/kg to achieve a safe limit of 100 pg/ml at 30 days prior to
Caution: Reliance upon these Guidelines does not guarantee compli-
ance with the rules because the response of individual horses can vary.
Reliance upon these Guidelines is not a defense in the event of a viola-
tion. Exhibitors, owners, and trainers should consult the drug manufac-
turer and knowledgeable veterinarians for up-to-date information and
more specic advice concerning the therapeutic use of a drug or medica-
tion for a particular horse.
12. Additional Medication Recommendations and Guidelines
Antipsychotic drugs/Antidepressants/Long-acting tranquilizers such
as, but not limited to, uphenazine (Prolix), reserpine, uoxetine (Prozac)
are not allowed. Many of these drugs can be detected for 45 days or more.
Short acting tranquilizers/ sedatives/ anti-hypertensives such as, but not
limited to chlorpromazine, ketamine, romidine, detomidine and gua-
nabenz should not be used within 3 days (72 hrs) of show time and only un-
der the supervision of a veterinarian. Exception: A low dose of aceprom-
azine maleate is permitted with required reporting provisions, see above.
13. Nutritional & Herbal Supplements
Non-prescription medicinal, herbal, and nutritional preparations, ton-
ics, pastes, and supplements should be used cautiously as the ingredients
and quantitative analysis of the products might not be known and could
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 83
contain forbidden substances or other substances that could result in a
positive test.
14. Compounded Substances
Exhibitors, owners, trainers, and veterinarians are cautioned against
the use of compounded medications or those formulated at compound-
ing pharmacies. The ingredients and quantitative analysis of the products
may not be known and could contain a forbidden substance or quantities
of substances that could result in a positive test.
15. Policies for Taking Samples for Medication Testing
The following policies have been adopted by the NCHA to govern the
manner in which blood samples will be taken under the NCHA Medica-
tion/Drug Rules:
(a) All blood samples taken pursuant to the NCHA Medication
Rules will be taken by, or at the direction of, a licensed vet-
erinarian selected by the NCHA in its sole discretion.
(b) The NCHA will attempt to take test samples under the NCHA
Medication Rules aer a horse completes its rounds of com-
petition for the day, however, each horse selected shall be
tested on the date selected for testing.
(c) The person collecting the sample should fully complete all
test sample recording forms provided by the NCHA at the
time the sample is taken.
(d) The person collecting the sample will make an eort to
work with the horse owner so as to minimize any discom-
fort to the horse.
(e) The person collecting the sample should make every eort
to take the sample in, or in close proximity to, the test stalls
located at the facility.
All samples taken by the NCHA will be stored, shipped, and tested in
accordance with generally accepted practices for storing, shipping, and
testing equine blood samples as prescribed by the certied testing labora-
tory utilized by the NCHA. It is presumed the sample of blood tested by the
approved laboratory is the one taken from the horse in question and that
its integrity is preserved. It is also presumed that all procedures for such
collection and preservation of the sample, transfer to the laboratory, and
analysis of the sample have been followed. The lab results are presumed to
be correct and accurate. It is also presumed that the report received from
the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the horse in question and
correctly reects the condition of the horse during the show in which it
was entered, with the burden on the responsible party or parties to prove
otherwise at any hearing conducted concerning the violation by NCHA.
A program has been set up to provide a representative of the contes-
tants, or a liaison, to work between contestants and show management.
a. Provided a representative has not been appointed by the show
management, it shall be the duty of show management at all
NCHA cutting horse contests to hold a meeting of all contestants
in each class prior to the rst go-round for the purpose of elect-
ing a representative to represent the contestants for the duration
of the show. In the event the representative has to leave the show
for any reason, they shall appoint a representative in their place
for the duration of the show. Any representative so elected or ap-
pointed must be a contestant in the class involved.
84 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
1. They must represent all contestants with the show manage-
ment and be the sole liaison with said management.
2. They must report if they observe any horse being abused or if
there are actions by any contestant detrimental to the best interest of the
Association such as the following: loud and profane language, drunken-
ness or being under the inuence of intoxicants, use of devices not per-
mitted by NCHA rules or any other infraction of Standing Rules.
b. A representative shall have no contact or communication with
a judge(s) beyond that permitted to any contestant.
c. A cow may be removed from the arena only when it is in the
best interest of human or animal welfare. Such decision to re-
move a cow(s) shall be made by the Show Management or its
Removal of Cows: Examples
1. At any time, a cow leaves the herd and subsequently en-
dangers the cutter, the helping horses, or other contes-
tants. Ruling: The cow will be removed from the arena.
2. A cow leaves the herd several times and does not chal-
lenge or endanger any other animal or human being.
Ruling: The cow will remain in the arena.
3. A blind or crippled cow is found in the herd.
Ruling: The Show Management or Representative may or
may not rule that a blind or crippled cow be removed at
any time.
4. A wild cow voluntarily leaves the working area.
Ruling: At the discretion of Show Management or Class
Representative, the wild cow does not have to be returned
to the herd.
Contestant Conduct and Related Complaints
See Standing Rule 37A Procedures Applicable to Disciplinary Actions
Brought Under teh Provisions of the NCHA Constitution and Bylaws on pag-
es 4A-4B.
Any member may be disciplined, ned, denied privileges of the Asso-
ciation, placed on probation and/or suspended from the Association by
the Grievance Committee, Amateur Non-Professional Review Commit-
tee, Medication Review Committee or any other committee authorized by
NCHA Rules to rule on potential NCHA Rule violations (collectively, “Initial
Hearing Committees”), the Executive Committee or an Appeal Committee,
whenever it shall have been established by the evidence that such member
has violated any rule of the Association providing for such disciplinary ac-
tions. Non-members involved in NCHA rule violations may also be denied
privileges of the Association for violation of or assisting in the violation of
NCHA rules. When the NCHA rule in question contains specic provisions
concerning disciplinary actions or burdens of proof, any disciplinary ac-
tion taken by an Initial Hearing Committee, the Executive Committee or an
Appeal Committee should be consistent with that provision.
a. Filing a Complaint
Any NCHA member may le a complaint regarding any alleged
violation of NCHA Rules by submitting the complaint in writing
to the NCHA Executive Director. The complaint must be signed
by the person or persons ling the complaint or, if led electron-
ically, identify the name of the person or persons ling the com-
plaint, and sent to the NCHA Executive Director together with a
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 85
check or credit card payment in the amount of $50 made payable
to the National Cutting Horse Association. The complaint must
be in essentially the form supplied by the NCHA and available
on its website. The complaint must, at a minimum, contain the
following information: the names of the person or persons l-
ing the complaint, the name or names of the persons alleged to
have violated the NCHA rules, the date of the alleged violation,
the show at which the alleged violation occurred, the location
on the show grounds where the alleged violation occurred, a de-
tailed description of the activity that resulted in the alleged vio-
lation, and the names and addresses of all witnesses believed to
have knowledge of the alleged violations There is no $50 fee for
ling a complaint about reporting a violation of the Zero Toler-
ance Policy or for a complaint submitted by an NCHA Director, a
class representative, show management or a judge. Anonymous
complaints will not be accepted, investigated, or acted on by
the NCHA (except reports of alleged violations and Zero Toler-
ance Policy that meet the requirements of Standing Rule 35.6).
A complaint must be led (postmarked, faxed, emailed or hand
delivered) within seven (7) days of the alleged rule violation. The
timing for ling a complaint alleging a violation of the Zero Tol-
erance Policy is contained in Standing Rule 35.6. No complaint
is required for the NCHA to take disciplinary action regarding a
member’ s competitive status (i.e., violation of Non-Professional
and/or Amateur rules) or for violation of the NCHA medication
and drug rules contained in Standing Rule 35A.
b. Initial Hearing Committees
The Executive Director will promptly refer all complaints to one
of the following Initial Hearing Committees in accordance with
subsection (e) of this rule: (1) the Grievance Committee. (2) the
Medication Review Committee; (3) the Non-Professional/Ama-
teur Review Committee; (4) any other hearing or review commit-
tee provided for under NCHA Rules. Unless otherwise provided
in the NCHA rules, or in duly adopted NCHA policies, a quorum
of an Initial Hearing Committee will consist of three (3) members
with one (1) of these members being the elected Chairman.
c. Contested and Uncontested Matters
The NCHA shall notify the alleged violator in writing of the
substance of the complaint led or alleged action being in-
vestigated; each NCHA rule(s) potentially violated; the disci-
plinary actions applicable to the alleged rule violation; and a
request that the alleged violator le a written election with the
Executive Director either to contest or not contest the alleged
violation. The written election to contest the violation must be
received by the NCHA Executive Director within ten (10) busi-
ness days of the receipt of notice of violation along with a hear-
ing fee in the amount of $1,000.00 (the “Initial Hearing Fee”). If
such written election to contest the violation and the accom-
panying hearing fee are not received by the NCHA Executive
Director in that timeframe, the violation will be deemed to be
not contested, the discipline identied in the notice letter will
be assessed and the Executive Director will notify the member
in writing of any disciplinary actions taken.
d. Initial Hearing Procedures
For matters timely contested as provided in Section (c) above,
86 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
the Initial Hearing Committee shall schedule a hearing and pro-
vide the alleged violator(s) not less than een (15) days’ notice
of the hearing date. In circumstances deemed to constitute an
emergency by the Executive Director aer consulting with the
NCHA President, the notice of hearing may be shortened by
the President in their sole discretion, but in no event shall be
less than ve (5) business days actual notice of the hearing date.
The notice shall be accompanied by the procedures to be fol-
lowed at the hearing. The alleged violator and the NCHA shall
exchange all proposed documentary evidence to be considered
at the hearing no less than three (3) days prior to the hearing.
The Initial Hearing Committee shall have the discretion to de-
cide whether good cause exists for the committee to consider
untimely led evidentiary submissions. Legal counsel for the
NCHA and alleged violator may appear and participate in the ev-
identiary portion of the hearing.
Aer all evidence is presented and received at the initial hear-
ing, the evidence shall be closed, and the Initial Hearing Com-
mittee shall deliberate in private. The Initial Hearing Commit-
tee shall render its decision in contested matters by majority
vote and shall so notify the Executive Committee of the deci-
sion in writing. The Initial Hearing Committee shall only be re-
quired to note in its report the NCHA rule(s) it found were vio-
lated and shall not be required to provide a detailed reasoned
opinion for its decision. If the Initial Hearing Committee nds
that no rule violation has been committed by the alleged viola-
tor, the Initial Hearing Fee will be returned to the alleged viola-
All disciplinary actions taken by an Initial Hearing Commit-
tee on or aer August 21, 2018 (including suspensions of mem-
bership or competitive status) shall go into eect immediately
upon the committee’s issuance of its report. Please see NCHA
Rule 38 for a member’s appeal options.
e. Disciplinary Guidelines for Rule Violations
If aer review and investigation of the complaint, the Initial
Hearing Committee, or an Appeal Committee, is of the opinion
that a rule violation has occurred, the committee may take such
disciplinary action consistent with the provisions of NCHA
Rules as it deems appropriate. The Initial Hearing Committee
and/or Appeal Committee shall use the guidelines outlined be-
low in determining what disciplinary actions to take, if any. The
Initial Hearing Committee and/or Appeal Committee appointed
under NCHA rules are not bound by these guidelines but shall
use them in an eort to be fair and consistent in the application
of the NCHA disciplinary rules.
1. The NCHA Medication Review Committee
The NCHA Medication Review Committee shall initially
consider all potential violations of the NCHA Medication
and Drug Rules and Guidelines (NCHA Rule 35A). The po-
tential disciplinary actions for proceedings relating to al-
leged violations of the NCHA Medication and Drug Rules
and Guidelines are contained in Rule 35A.7. The alleged vi-
olator bears the burden of proof to establish that they have
not administered any drug or medication in violation of
the NCHA Medication and Drug Rules.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 87
2. The NCHA Non-Professional/Amateur Review
The NCHA Non-Professional/Amateur Review Committee
shall initially consider all violations of the NCHA Non-Pro-
fessional and Amateur Rules (NCHA Rules 50.d.1- 51.a.5).
The potential disciplinary actions for proceedings relat-
ing to alleged violations of the NCHA Non-Professional and
Amateur rules are contained in Rules 50 and 51. The alleged
violator bears the burden to establish entitlement to hold
Non-Professional and/or Amateur status.
3. The Grievance Committee
The Grievance Committee shall initially consider all viola-
tions of NCHA Rules relating to alleged violations of NCHA
Zero Tolerance Policy (NCHA Rule 35.A); alleged improper
conduct toward judges and monitors (NCHA Rule 35.B); al-
leged improper conduct by and between members (NCHA
Rule 35.C); and alleged violations of any other NCHA rules
that are not considered by the NCHA Medication Review
Committee, the NCHA Non-Professional/Amateur Review
Committee or the Executive Committee.
For matters considered by the Grievance Committee for
which the rule allegedly violated contains suggested dis-
ciplinary actions, the Grievance Committee should con-
sult those provisions in connection with discipline to be
assessed for such rule violation. In cases where the rule
allegedly violated does not contain suggested disciplinary
action, the Grievance Committee should consult the fol-
lowing general guidelines:
(i) First Oense - (a) ne; (b) probation; or (c) both of
the foregoing. A rst oense will be removed from
a member’s record if that member has no further in-
fraction of NCHA rules for a period of two (2) years
aer the rst oense is committed, unless otherwise
provided for in NCHA rules.
(ii) Second Oense within 2 years of First Oense - (a) in-
creased ne; (b) increased probation; (c) suspension;
or (d) all of the foregoing; and
(iii) Additional oenses within 2 years of a First Oense
will be dealt with severely, including: (a) heavy nes;
(b) lengthy probation and (c) suspension will be in-
creased as deemed appropriate by the committee con-
sidering the oense.
f. Eects of Membership Probation and Suspension
1. Membership Probation
Probation shall be for a length of time to be decided by the
appropriate committee and shall also set a term of suspen-
sion that will be imposed in the event that the probation
is violated. The term of suspension shall only become ef-
fective upon the probated member’s violation of the terms
of their probation. In the event suspension is imposed for
subsequent rule violation(s), the balance of the probated
suspension shall begin on the day aer the suspension for
the subsequent rule violation is completely served.
2. Membership suspensions that went into eect on or before
August 21, 2018.
88 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Any person who has had their membership suspended
(where such suspension commences on or before August
21, 2018) will not be allowed to participate in any way (as
owner or agent of a horse, contestant, or as a helper mount-
ed or on foot) in an NCHA approved or sponsored cutting
horse contest. A suspended person may only attend an
NCHA approved or sponsored cutting horse contest as a
spectator seated in the stands. Any horse that is owned or
controlled, in whole or part, by a suspended person will not
be allowed to enter or compete in an NCHA approved or
sponsored cutting horse contest. In the event a suspended
person violates this rule, an additional six (6) months will
be added to their suspension. The rider of any horse which
is ineligible to enter or compete in an NCHA approved or
sponsored cutting horse contest under this rule will be sub-
ject to a six (6) month membership suspension.
3. Membership suspensions that went into eect aer August
21, 2018.
Any person who has had their membership suspended
(where such suspension commences aer August 21,
2018), will not be allowed on the premises of an NCHA
approved or sponsored cutting horse contest. For pur-
poses of this rule, the term “premises” shall be broadly
dened and include all show arenas, practice pens, lop-
ing areas, sales barns, exhibit halls, trade shows and all
other parts of the show grounds. Any horse that is owned
or controlled, in whole or part, by a suspended person or
in which the suspended person holds any future rights of
any kind will not be allowed to enter, compete, or trans-
fer existing entries in an NCHA approved or sponsored
cutting horse contest. This includes horses owned by a
corporation, partnership, or any other entity in which
the suspended member has any ownership interest. In
the event a suspended person violates this rule, an addi-
tional six (6) months will be added to their suspension.
The rider of any horse in any NCHA approved or spon-
sored cutting horse contest which is in- eligible to enter
or compete in such contest under this rule will be subject
to a six (6) month membership suspension.
4. Failure to timely pay ne.
Where a member is assessed a ne in addition to a sus-
pension and/or probation, as a result of a committee nd-
ing made aer August 21, 2018, such ne must be paid in
full within een (15) days aer the ne is assessed as re-
quired by Standing Rule 4. In the event that the ne is not
paid in full within that een (15) day timeframe, the cor-
responding suspension and/or probation will be extended
by a period equal to the amount of days over een (15)
days that it takes for the member to pay the ne in full (Ex-
ample: If the member does not pay until 45 days aer the
ne is assessed, then 30 days will be added to the term of
the corresponding suspension and/or probation.)
5. Transfer of Horses owned by Suspended Member.
This subsection applies to all membership suspensions
that went into eect aer August 21, 2018. A horse owned
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 89
by a suspended member at the time of their suspension
that is sold, gied or for which ownership is otherwise
transferred to an Immediate Family Member (as dened
in NCHA Rule 51.a.4) or that is sold, gied or for which
ownership is otherwise transferred to any corporation,
partnership or any other entity of any kind in which the
suspended member has any present or future ownership
interest will not be allowed to show in any NCHA approved
or produced event during the term of that member’s sus-
pension. In the event that the NCHA questions the legit-
imacy of a transfer made by a suspended person during
their suspension, the suspended person shall bear the
burden of proof to establish the legitimacy of the transfer.
6. Eect of Suspensions by Other Associations.
a. Every person who is suspended by the American
Quarter Horse Association or by the American Paint
Horse Association for unsportsmanlike conduct at a
show or contest or for inhumane treatment of hors-
es, shall stand as suspended by the NCHA upon o-
cial notication to this Association from the Amer-
ican Quarter Horse Association or the American
Paint Horse Association of any such disciplinary ac-
tion which has become nal and non-appealable.
b. The NCHA may honor the disciplinary actions of its
aliate organizations when supplied with satisfacto-
ry evidence that the person so disciplined has been
given a full and impartial hearing by the aliate or-
ganization involved; however, any action taken by an
aliate will not limit any authority or jurisdiction of
the NCHA.
g. Publication of Findings:
When disciplinary action is taken that results in probation or
suspension of membership privileges or competitive status, the
persons name, the rule violated, and the disciplinary action
taken will be published in Cutting Horse Chatter.
h. Notice:
Every notice required by this rule may be served by delivering
a copy of the notice to the person to be served, or his/her attor-
ney, either in person or by mail, postage prepaid, to their last
known address as it appears on the Associations records. Such
notice shall be deemed received by such person when it is deliv-
ered in person or when it is deposited in the United States mail.
i. Decision Final and Binding:
The decision of the Initial Hearing Committee shall be nal and
binding unless subsequently overturned by an appeal commit-
tee under the provisions of NCHA Standing Rule 38.
1. Appeal Prerequisites
a. When anyone has been found to have violated any NCHA
rule by an Initial Hearing Committee, that person shall be
entitled to appeal that ruling under this rule so long as: (1)
written notice of such request for appeal by each person
appealing the ruling is received by the NCHA Executive
Director within twenty-one (21) days of the date of the let-
ter notifying the person of such action taken by the Initial
90 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Hearings Committee as required by NCHA Rule 37.c; and
(2) an appeal fee as required by Section b below is also re-
ceived by the NCHA Executive Director within that twen-
ty-one (21) day period.
b. The appeal fee for each person appealing the decision of an
Initial Hearing Committee is $6,000 per person appealing
that decision. For cases in which the Initial Hearing Com-
mittee has assessed a suspension of membership or com-
petitive status, the appealing party shall have the right to
request an expedited appeal as described in section c be-
low. The appeal fee for an expedited appeal is $10,000 for
each person ling an expedited appeal of the decision of an
Initial Hearing Committee. Appeal fees will not be refund-
ed unless all ndings of the Initial Hearing Committee are
completely overturned by an Appeal Committee.
c. In cases of a non-expedited appeal, the appealing mem-
ber(s) shall be given not less than een (15) days’ notice
of a time and place for an appeal hearing to be heard by
the Executive Committee or by an Appeal Committee duly
appointed by the NCHA President. In cases of an expedit-
ed appeal, the appealing member(s) shall be entitled to an
appeal hearing no more than ve (5) business days aer
the expedited appeal is perfected.
2. Appeal Proceedings
a. An appeal is a “de novo” proceeding and could result in
a new nding concerning whether or not there was a vi-
olation of an NCHA rule(s) and either an armance, en-
hancement or decrease in the disciplinary action taken by
the Initial Hearing Committee.
b. Eight (8) members of the Executive Committee shall con-
stitute a quorum for purposes of considering disciplinary
appeal hearings.
c. The NCHA President may appoint a special Appeal Hearing
Committee (the “Appeal Committee”) to conduct any appeal
hearing of disciplinary actions. This Appeal Committee
shall have a minimum of ve (5) members and a maximum
of nine (9) members. Each member of the Appeal Commit-
tee must be a member in good standing of the NCHA. Five
members of the Appeal Committee members shall consti-
tute a quorum for purposes of hearing an appeal.
d. No continuance of an appeal hearing shall be granted un-
less a written request for continuance is received by the
NCHA Executive Director at least seven (7) days prior to the
hearing and good cause is shown as determined at the sole
discretion of the NCHA President or the Chairman of the
Appeal Committee.
e. At the appeal hearing, the appealing member shall have the
opportunity to be heard, to be represented by legal counsel,
to present evidence in their own behalf and to hear and re-
fute any evidence oered against them.
f. The committee hearing the appeal will follow the same
procedures for the appeal hearing as are used for the initial
g. The decision of the Executive Committee or Appeal Com-
mittee in an appeal proceeding under this rule shall be -
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 91
nal and binding on all parties. The committee hearing an
appeal shall only be required to note in its report the NCHA
rule(s) it found were violated and shall not be required to
provide a detailed reasoned opinion for its decision.
h. When disciplinary action is taken that results in probation
or suspension of membership privileges or competitive
status, the persons name, the rule violated, and the dis-
ciplinary action taken will be published in Cutting Horse
No person shall make a derogatory remark, nor take or threaten to take,
adverse action against any NCHA sponsor, its agent, servants or employ-
ees, relating in any manner to the sponsors involvement with the NCHA or
an NCHA event. Any person who violates this rule is subject to disciplinary
action and is also responsible to the NCHA for any loss or damage caused
by a violation of this rule.
In any instances in which winnings, awards and/or titles won at an
NCHA approved or produced event are forfeited as a result of disci-
plinary action taken by the NCHA for a violation of NCHA rules, such
forfeited winnings, awards and titles that are actually returned to the
NCHA shall (to the extent applicable) be redistributed among the con-
testants who actually showed in nals of the class in which the forfei-
ture occurred. No additional horses or riders will be moved up in the
standings from outside of the original nalists in that class as a result
of any such forfeiture and contestants who did not participate in the
nals of that class shall not be entitled to participate in any of the for-
feited winnings, titles or awards.
If any member institutes litigation in which the Association is included
as a defendant in an eort to recover damages, to overturn enforcement
or interpretation of the Constitution, Bylaws, Rules or Regulations, or for
any other reason whatsoever, and does not prevail in said litigation by the
recovery of all relief requested, said member shall be liable to the Associ-
ation for its attorney’s fees, costs of court, and other expenses incurred in
connection with such litigation. Venue for any litigation in which the As-
sociation is included as a defendant shall be Tarrant County, Texas.
Every notice required by these rules and regulations may be served
by delivering a copy of the notice to the person to be served, or their at-
torney, either in person, by fax, or by mail, postage prepaid, to their last
known address as it appears on the Associations records; and upon mail-
ing, such notice shall be deemed received by such person when it is de-
posited in the United States mail.
All rules pertaining to the Youth Division of the NCHA shall be consid-
ered a part of, and complementary to, the Standing Rules of the NCHA.
Standing Rules 50.d.1 to 51.a.6 Related to Horse Ownership and Non-Pro-
fessional/Amateur Status.
Riders of horses entered in any classication of NCHA Non-Profession-
al or Amateur Contests shall be restricted to holders of NCHA Non-Pro-
92 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
fessional/Amateur cards.
Any and all present or future ownership rights to any horse being exhib-
ited in NCHA Non-Professional or Amateur cutting horse classes must
be entirely owned by the contestant showing the horse or be qualied as
a family-owned horse as dened in Rule 51.a.4. There can be no owner-
ship rights related to possession, prots, expenses, or any other owner-
ship interest belonging to any person other than the contestant except as
provided above. Ownership can only be obtained in a manner permitted
pursuant to Rule 50.d.4.
Common law (cohabitational relationships) is recognized by NCHA
if the member’s state of residency recognizes common law (Informal)
marriage. The member must permanently reside in the common law
marriage state. If the state provides a procedure for issuing common law
or informal marriage certicates, the NCHA requires the certicate to
be obtained and led with the NCHA oce, if the state does not have
specic guidelines but is a common law state then NCHA will require
a notarized statement of the fact. Example: The state of Texas issues an
Informal Marriage Certicate at the county oce. NCHA requires this
document as proof of Informal Marriage.
NCHA will need a copy of the ocial document containing the instru-
ment number and volume/page number ling information showing that
the document was recorded by the county.
Proof of ownership is required, must be on le with the NCHA and
will be requested by show management on any horse ridden in NCHA
Non-Professional or Amateur Cutting Horse Contests; said proof to be
exhibited to show management or its ocial representative prior to the
beginning of the contest. The original registration certicate for reg-
istered horses or veried copy thereof showing current ownership in
compliance with Standing Rule 50.d.2 above or present to the NCHA the
following documents evidencing ownership: (i) a completed NCHA Un-
registered Horse Application; (ii) veried bill of sale; (iii) photos front
and back (both sides) and a vet statement attesting to age. If the NCHA
Show Department approves the documents described above, it shall be
deemed as sucient proof of ownership (non-conclusive) under this
Standing Rule.
In the event that a contestant is unable to provide proper proof of own-
ership at the time of entry, any premium monies won may be withheld
by show management until such time as proper proof has been provid-
ed. Failure to comply with this rule may result in disciplinary action by
the Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee or other appropriate Commit-
tee, either probation or suspension, whichever in their opinion ts the
A Non-Professional will only transfer ownership or receive a transfer
of ownership of a horse for purposes of competing in NCHA contests on a
bona de, permanent basis; permanent shall mean to own with an intent
to retain ownership and no present intent to transfer ownership. The fol-
lowing provisions apply in connection with this rule:
1. A Non-Professional may purchase a horse on time provided a
copy of the written sales agreement, signed by both parties, is
provided to NCHA and it states the name of the horse, the sales
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 93
price, date of sale and terms of payment.
2. A Non-Professional will not transfer or receive transfer of a
horse pursuant to any arrangement in which (l) the Non-Pro-
fessional or any third party is to have any express or implied
present or future interest in the ownership of the horse for the
purpose of showing the horse at NCHA contests; (2) any part of
the winnings, prots or expenses are to be shared, directly or
indirectly, between the Non-Professional and any other person;
or (3) all or part of the purchase price is to be paid from the win-
nings of the horse. All parties to any transaction in violation of
this paragraph are subject to disciplinary actions by the NCHA.
3. If a horse is transferred, sold or gied back to the previous owner
within l year, that horse cannot be shown by the previous owner
or their immediate family in any NCHA sponsored or approved
Amateur or Non-Professional competition for the 6-month peri-
od following the transfer back to the previous owner.
4. The Executive Committee, the Non-Pro/Amateur Review Com-
mittee or any other committee appointed by the NCHA Presi-
dent under NCHA rules shall have the right to review and ful-
ly investigate any transaction regarding the purchase, gi, or
sale of a horse by a holder of an NCHA Non-Professional card.
There shall be an automatic review of any age horse that is re-
purchased, given back, or resold to the prior owner. For any
horse three years old or older, computed on the basis that a
horse reached one year of age on January 1 of the year follow-
ing the foaling and adds an additional year on each subsequent
January 1, the seller must notify the NCHA if a horse returns to
their ownership or their immediate familys ownership within 1
year and shall give full disclosure including, but not limited to,
methods of procurement, all transfer records, cancelled checks
and deposit slips. All parties to a transaction in violation of these
NCHA rules are subject to disciplinary action, including nes,
probation and/or suspension, by the Non-Pro/Amateur Review
Committee, the Executive Committee and any other committee
appointed by the NCHA President under NCHA rules. Any horse
received as a gi must be reported in writing to the NCHA by the
recipient within thirty, (30) days of receipt.
5. Upon purchase or gi of a horse (for the purpose of verifying
Non-Pro horse ownership), the transfer of such horse must be
reected in the breed associations records within 30 days of the
date that the transfer papers are submitted to the NCHA. In the
case of an unregistered horse, the following document evidenc-
ing ownership are required: (i) a completed NCHA Unregistered
Horse Application; (ii) veried bill of sale; and (iii) photos front
and back (both sides) and a vet statement attesting to age. These
items must be provided to the NCHA before the horse is shown.
6. For horse transfers that have not been recorded by the breed
association for horses that have been shown in Non-Pro and/or
Amateur classes at NCHA approved or produced events, pre-
mium moneys won will not be distributed by NCHA until such
transaction is received in the breed associations records. If the
breed associations records do not reect the transfer within
60 days of the NCHA’ s receipt of the transfer papers, the NCHA
will not record the member’s Amateur or Non-Pro earnings on
the horse until the breed association has recorded such trans-
94 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
fer and the member has paid a $1,000 ne to the NCHA. If the
transfer is not received by the breed association by the 90th
day aer NCHA receives the transfer papers: an additional
$2,000 ne will be assessed to the member; all Non-Pro/Ama-
teur earnings won by that member on that horse from the date
that the NCHA received the transfer papers through the 90th
day will be permanently deleted from the NCHA records; and
the member will have their Non-Professional or Amateur sta-
tus immediately suspended by the NCHA. The member may
request a reinstatement of their Amateur and/or Non-Profes-
sional status from the Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee.
The burden of proof is on the member disciplined under this
rule to show good cause why their Non-Pro/Amateur status
should be reinstated. Any decision of the Non-Pro/Amateur
Review Committee on these issues is subject to appeal pursu-
ant to NCHA Standing Rule 38.
7. This section applies in cases where the horse at issue was al-
legedly transferred to a Professional and shown by a member
of the Professionals family as a Non-Professional or Amateur
under Rule 51.a.4 (family ownership rule). For horse transfers
that have not been recorded by the breed association for hors-
es that have been shown in Non-Pro and/or Amateur classes
at NCHA approved or produced events, premium moneys
won will not be distributed by NCHA until such transaction is
recorded in the breed association’s records. If the breed asso-
ciations records do not reect the transfer within 60 days of
the NCHA’ s receipt of the transfer papers to the Professional
owner, the NCHA will not record Non-Pro/Amateur earnings
of any family member that showed that horse until the breed
association has recorded such transfer, and the Professional
owner has paid a $1,000 ne to the NCHA. If the transfer is not
recorded by the breed association by the 90th day aer NCHA
receives the transfer papers; an additional $2,000 ne will
be assessed to the Professional owner; all Non-Pro/Amateur
earnings won by any family member on that horse will be
permanently deleted from the NCHA records; and any family
member who showed that horse in Amateur and/or Non-Pro
events will have their Non-Professional or Amateur status im-
mediately suspended by the NCHA. The member may request
a reinstatement of his/her Amateur and/or Non-Professional
status from the NCHA Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee.
The burden of proof is on the member disciplined under this
rule to show good cause why their non-pro/Amateur status
should be reinstated. Any decision of the Non-Pro/Amateur
Review Committee on these issues is subject to appeal pursu-
ant to NCHA Standing Rule 38.
Once a Non-Pro has won $250,000 or more in Total Open LAE money
(excluding shows with less than $10,000 in added money), they MUST
make a choice:
1. to remain a Non-Pro and compete exclusively, during the cur-
rent competition year in the Non-Pro Division.
2. to compete in the Open Division.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 95
Open competition dened as Open and Novice Horse classes at Lim-
ited Age Events.
A Non-Professional in this Association is a person who has not re-
ceived direct or indirect remuneration to work in any manner in the
following activities on the premises of a cutting horse training opera-
tion: showing, training, or assisting in training a cutting horse or cut-
ting horse rider. For purposes of this rule, a cutting horse training op-
eration is any facility where cutting horses are trained. Any person who
has trained horses astride in any cattle/cow horse equine discipline for
direct or indirect remuneration or is a Hall of Fame equine trainer in
any discipline shall be considered a Professional by this Association,
with the exception of those who have been granted a change of status.
Please review current exception rules. A Non-Professional in this Asso-
ciation may not train horses in any cattle/cow horse equine discipline.
1. This Association does not consider that Professional cutting
horse trainers’ spouses who do not teach cutting horse riders
or train cutting horses on cattle receive indirect remuneration.
2. Employees on a cutting horse training operation may be con-
sidered Non-Professionals by this Association provided they
do not teach cutting horse riders or train cutting horses on cat-
tle or a training device.
3. Non-Professional or Amateur members may show a fami-
ly-owned horse, as dened in Standing Rule 51.a.4.
4. Premium money won shall not be considered remuneration
so long as all winnings are returned to the individual Non-Pro-
fessional who competed on the horse.
5. Any corporation, partnership, ranch, farm, or other business
entity relating to ownership of cutting horses by an NCHA
Non-Professional must be totally owned by the Non-Profes-
sional or his/her immediate family as dened in Rule 51.a.4.
6. If a Non-Professional is a trainer in another discipline, they may
never be granted Amateur status. Family and children of such
individuals must meet existing Amateur exception rules and
apply for Amateur status through the Non-Professional/Ama-
teur review process before being granted an Amateur card.
Non-Professional Card. Every rider, regardless of age, competing in
an NCHA Non-Professional or Amateur Cutting Horse Contest must
possess a Non-Professional and/or Amateur card, issued by the NCHA.
This card must be available for inspection at any show entered.
The fee for said card is included with the annual membership and
may be applied for by members of the Association. A Directors signa-
ture is recommended and encouraged but not required on all Non-Pro-
fessional and Amateur Applications that are submitted directly to the
NCHA oce for approval. Once approved, the applications would be
valid as long as the member continued to meet all requirements pro-
vided for in the NCHA rules to maintain the status. It is the member’s
responsibility to notify the NCHA oce immediately upon any change
in circumstances that may aect their status.
96 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
A new member or member who has not renewed Non-Pro/Amateur
status prior to attending a show will be allowed to complete the appro-
priate application if an NCHA Director is available to sign the applica-
tion. If the appropriate application is fully completed, and application
signed by an NCHA Director, the applicant may show at that show. If
an NCHA Director is not available, applicant cannot show. The applica-
tion must be included with show results and is subject to nal approval
from NCHA. If NCHA nal approval is not obtained, earnings (if any)
will be pulled.
All Non-Professional and Amateur card holders will be reviewed at the
time application is made. Said application to be on a form supplied by
the Association and returned to it along with the applicants annual dues.
It is the member’s responsibility to notify the NCHA oce immediately
upon any change in circumstances that may aect their Non-Pro/Ama-
teur status. A Non-Professional and/or Amateur card may be reviewed or
revoked at any time by the Executive Director, the Non-Pro/Amateur Re-
view Committee, the Executive Committee or other committees appoint-
ed by the NCHA President in accordance with NCHA rules.
However, the holder of a card so revoked shall have the right to appeal
and a subsequent hearing before the Non-Professional/Amateur Review
Committee. The burden of proof of eligibility shall be upon the appli-
cant or card holder.
Any Non-Professional and/or Amateur card which has been revoked
must be surrendered immediately to the Association; and the holder
shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Non-Pro/Amateur Review
Committee, Executive Committee or other Committees appointed by
the NCHA President in accordance with NCHA rules, either probation
or suspension, whichever in their opinion ts the infraction. Such pen-
alties shall be published in Cutting Horse Chatter.
In the event that a member or non-member places in an NCHA ap-
proved Non-Professional and/or Amateur contest and does not hold
a current NCHA Non-Professional and/or Amateur card, said person
must pay back all earnings to show management within 15 days of noti-
cation or the ineligible competitor will be placed on membership sus-
pension by NCHA. Any person acting in violation of this rule may also
be ned for each time premium monies are won while competing with-
out current Non-Professional and/or Amateur status. Failure to pay any
and all nes assessed will be cause for denial of Non-Professional and/
or Amateur card. Money or points won will not count towards eligi-
bility, awards or standings for rider or horse until Non-Professional/
Amateur application is approved. No money or points will be awarded
retroactive to payment of fee. In addition, a $25 ne, per occurrence
will be assessed any show management which allows a person to show
without a current Non-Professional/Amateur card.
Any person who has shown, trained, or assisted in training a cutting
horse or cutting horse rider or trained horses astride in any equine dis-
cipline involving cattle/cow horse for direct or indirect remuneration
shall be considered a Professional by this Association, with the excep-
tion of those who have been granted a Change Of Status since January
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 97
1, 1997, from Professional to Non-Professional. A Change of Status from
Professional to Non-Professional will be allowed to have the benet
of being a Non-Pro without restrictions. An individual who has been
granted Non-Professional status but still trains horses astride is con-
sidered a Professional for purposes of determining Amateur status for
their family members.
If a member who holds an NCHA Non-Professional and/or Ama-
teur card publicly exhibits in any contest, whether approved or unap-
proved, a cutting horse not owned by the member or by the members
Immediate Family as dened herein, the member will be subject to dis-
ciplinary actions as provided in this rule, in addition to potential disci-
plinary actions under Rule 50.d.4.
For purposes of this rule “Immediate Family” shall mean the mem-
ber’s spouse, child, stepchild, parent, grandparents, grandchild step-par-
ent, sibling, half-sibling, step-sibling, spouses parent, spouse’s step-par-
ent, sibling’s spouse, half- sibling’s spouse, step siblings spouse, sibling’s
child, sibling’s step-child, half-sibling’ child, half-sibling’s step-child,
step-sibling’s child, step-sibling’s step-child, parent’s sibling, parents
half-sibling, parent’s step-sibling, parents sibling’s child, parent’s sib-
ling’s stepchild, parent’ half sibling’s child, parent’s half sibling’s step-
child, parent’s step sibling’s child, parent’s step sibling’s stepchild, le-
gal ward or legal guardian. Any member who owns a horse that he/she
wants his or her immediate family to show pursuant to this rule is re-
sponsible for completing the forms prescribed by the NCHA relating
to a family-owned horse and ling those forms with the NCHA prior to
the show in which any qualied family member will show that horse.
The horse owner member is also responsible for updating their fami-
ly-owned horse information with the NCHA to be sure it is accurate and
up to date A member showing a horse owned by an immediate family
member under this rule may have his or her entry fees and expenses
paid by an immediate family member.
Penalties for ownership rule violations may include immediate loss
of Non-Professional/Amateur status of the member, up to three (3)
years suspension from the NCHA, up to a maximum of $10,000 ne.
Also, any other member found guilty of aiding and abetting the rule vi-
olator will be subject to the same penalties depending on the severity
of the incident.
NCHA Non-Professional and/or Amateur card holders may ride hors-
es owned by others in the $2,000 Limit Rider/Any Horse class (and any
rider class with an earnings limit of less than $2,000), the Youth class,
and special events which have been granted exemption from Non-Pro-
fessional and/or Amateur ownership requirements by the Executive Di-
rector with no penalty, provided the Non-Professional and/or Amateur
card holder pays all entry fees and expenses.
RULE 51.a.4.B
Upon notication in writing to the NCHA Show Department, and af-
ter receiving from them a permit authorizing the same, the holder of an
NCHA Non-Professional and/or Amateur card will be permitted to show
a horse they do not own in a maximum of ve (5) NCHA approved Open
and/or $25,000 Novice and/or $5,000 Novice horse (if eligible) classes only,
provided the horse and shows are named with exact dates and there is no
violation of Non-Professional Rule 51.a.1. Only one such permit will be
98 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
granted a rider for a given horse, and points won will not count toward
any NCHA annual award, title, or certicate. Show management will not
allow a horse to be shown under a permit issued by the NCHA Show De-
partment unless they have a copy of said permit on le. A Non-Profes-
sional who has earned $250,000 in the Open class and who has declared
to remain a Non-Professional will be allowed to enter a horse in the Open
class, and/or $25,000 Novice class and/or $5,000 Novice class for purposes
of trying a horse, under the properly documented trial permit from the
NCHA oce, without jeopardizing their Non-Professional status.
EXAMPLE: If I receive a permit, may I show more than one horse?
No. Each permit is for a specic horse. At another date you may re-
ceive another permit for another horse. EXAMPLE: Can I get a per-
mit to show a horse in an aged event?
No. These permits are for approved NCHA weekend contests only
and does not include aged events. EXAMPLE: Do I have to pay my
own expenses and entry fees while trying this horse?
Yes. There may be no violation of Standing Rule 51 a.1.
EXAMPLE: May I show the permit horse in the Non-Pro or Amateur?
No. The permit horse must be shown in the Open or appropriate
Novice Class.
Any owner/rider who shall permit their horse to be entered and com-
pete in contests for Non-Professional, Amateur or novice class where
said horse/rider is ineligible, shall be subject to disciplinary action by
the Executive Committee, Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee or oth-
er committees appointed by the NCHA President in accordance with
NCHA rules.
A horse’s eligibility to enter NCHA Novice Cutting Horse Contests or
a rider’s eligibility to enter NCHA limited Non-Professional or Amateur
Cutting Horse Contests will be based on the eligibility earnings of said
horse or Non-Professional rider on the rst day of the NCHA point year
in which the contest is held.
1. See Standing Rule 8
2. See Standing Rule 9
Certain Non-Professionals within this Association may be classied as
Amateurs. A member of this Association shall be disqualied from being
classied as an Amateur under any one of the following circumstances:
a. the member has ridden or trained horses or horse riders in any
equine discipline astride for remuneration, directly or indirectly.
b. the member has assisted in training horses or horse riders
astride for remuneration, directly or indirectly.
c. the member is married (or had a cohabitational relationship) or
has been married (or had a cohabitational relationship) to a per-
son who is engaged or has been engaged in activities that would
require that person to be classied because of the activities then
occurring as a Professional by the provisions of Rule 51.a.3
d. the member has resided with a person who is engaged or has
been engaged in activities that would require that person to be
classied because of the activities then occurring as a Profes-
sional by the provisions of Rule 51.a.3.
e. the member has resided with or on the premise with a parent,
stepparent or foster parent of the member who was, during the
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 99
time of the member’s residency, a Professional.
f. the member is directly or indirectly employed by a Profession-
al and performs the duties of employment astride a horse on
the premises of a horse training operation.
g. the member has been an apprentice cutting horse trainer at
any time, or ever in their life been a trainer or assistant trainer
of cutting horses.
The amateur has the following weekend class options that are open to
holders of NCHA Amateur cards who meet all non-monetary Amateur
requirements as well as their respective class earnings limits:
$15,000 AMATEUR – for contestants with eligibility earnings of $15,000
or less at the beginning the point year. See standing Rule 8.e for eligibil-
ity earnings denition.
$50,000 AMATEUR – for contestants with eligibility earnings of $50,000
or less at the beginning of the point year. See Standing Rule 8.d for eligi-
bility earnings denition.
Unlimited AMATEUR – for contestants that are:
NOT in the Non-Pro Rider Hall of Fame AND are:
Age 60 and over OR Under the age of 60 and have not won more than
$250,000 in Non-Pro money. See Standing Rule 8.c. for denition of Non-
Pro money.
NCHA-approved Non-Leveled Amateur Limited Age Events are open
to qualied holders of NCHA Amateur cards who meet all nonmonetary
Amateur requirements and meet the following earnings requirements
in their respective classes. Assuming Amateur criteria and eligibility re-
quirements are met, entry options for these classes will mirror the way
entries are made in the Non-Pro/Limited Non-Pro. (i.e., enter either one,
combined entry with one cattle charge and one go; or enter the Unlimited
Amateur and $50,000 Amateur class with two entries and two goes). For
Leveling class requirements, see Leveling rules online.
$, AMATEUR - open to qualied Amateur contestants who
qualify based on eligibility NCHA earnings not exceeding $50,000.
UNLIMITED AMATEUR - Open to qualied Amateur contestants
who are either:
1) Under the age of 60 and have lifetime Limited Age Non-Pro
earnings (approved classes) of less than $250,000. For purpos-
es of this rule, Limited Age Non-Pro earnings will not reset at
zero and will include qualied winnings in Limited Age Non-
Pro competition in all (prior or future) approved Limited Age
Event shows and monies won at shows with less than $10,000
in added money, held in the 2015 point year or later, shall not
count toward the $250,000 cap. An Unlimited Amateur compet-
itor who reaches $250,000 or more in lifetime Non-Pro Limit-
ed Age event earnings can continue to compete in Limited Age
Non-Pro classes until the beginning of the next point year. At
that point, the Unlimited Amateur competitor must make a
choice: to remain an Unlimited Amateur and compete exclu-
sively as an Unlimited Amateur or to compete as a Non-Pro. At
100 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
the beginning of the next point year if the Unlimited Amateur
competitor enters a Limited Age Non-Pro event and competes
on any horse regardless of whether or not they win any money,
they will forfeit their Unlimited Amateur status and can no lon-
ger compete in Amateur contests.
2) Aged 60 or Over - Once an individual reaches the age of 60, if
they qualify under Amateur rules, they may return to the Un-
limited Amateur class, regardless of Limited Age Non-Pro class
money won. The member will be allowed to show in both LAE
Non-Pro and LAE Unlimited Amateur competition.
Please review the Amateur, Senior Amateur, Unlimited Amateur and Non-
Pro exception rules to see if you may be eligible under their provision.
$50,000 Amateur – 3 year/$50,000 Exception (for previous trainer’s
spouses, children and lopers)
An applicant may be granted Amateur status if the applicant has nev-
er been involved as a trainer or assistant trainer of cutting horses for
direct or indirect remuneration in any amount and has never been an
apprentice cutting horse trainer and the applicant for more than a three-
year period prior to the date of application: (i) has not been married to a
person had a cohabitational relationship with a person or resided with
a person who is engaged in activities that would require that person to
be classied because of the activities then occurring as a Professional by
the provisions of Rule 51.a.3; (ii) has not resided with or on the premise
with a parent, step-parent or foster parent who was, during the previous
three-year period, a Professional; (iii) has not been directly or indirectly
employed by a Professional and performed the duties of employment on
the premises of a horse training operation astride a horse; AND (iv) has
not received $50,000 or more in lifetime total earnings in cutting horse
competition and breed associations of all types. This includes cutting
horse winnings in all breed associations and any and all cutting compe-
titions regardless by whom such competitions are produced, sponsored,
or approved.
A person applying for Amateur classication under this 3 year/$50,000
exception shall obtain an Amateur 3 year/$50,000 Exception Rule Appli-
cation from the NCHA membership department, complete the appli-
cation, have it notarized and signed by a director and return the appli-
cation to the NCHA oce for review by the Non-Pro/Amateur Review
Committee. In addition, the person shall provide to the NCHA any and
all additional information as the NCHA may request related to docu-
menting the status of the applicant. There is no right to classication
as an Amateur and this classication may be granted based upon an
evaluation of all circumstances considered relevant by the NCHA,
with the decision of the Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee, subject
to any appeal, to be nal. Beginning in 2025 this exception will be 5
$50,000 Amateur – 3 year/$15,000 Exception (for previous trainers in
disciplines other than cutting or cow horse)
An applicant may be granted Amateur status if the applicant has never
been involved as a trainer or assistant trainer of cutting horses for direct or
indirect remuneration in any amount and has never been an apprentice cut-
ting horse trainer and the applicant: (i) has not been involved in any equine
aining activities astride a horse for the most recent three years prior to the
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 101
date of application; and (ii) the applicant has less than $15,000 in total life-
time open earnings in all equine disciplines.
A person applying for Amateur classication under this 3-Year/$15,000
Exception shall obtain an Amateur 3-Year/$15,000 Exception Rule Applica-
tion from the NCHA membership department, complete the application,
have it notarized and signed by a director and return the application to
the NCHA oce for review by the Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee.
In addition, the person shall provide to the NCHA any and all addi-
tional information as the NCHA may request related to documenting the
status of the applicant. Failure by the applicant to comply with requests
for information from the NCHA will result in denial of the application for
Amateur status. There is no right to being granted eligibility to compete
in the Unlimited Amateur under this exception and this exception may
be granted or denied based upon an evaluation of all circumstances con-
sidered relevant by the NCHA, with the decision of the Non-Pro/Amateur
Review Committee, subject to any appeal, to be nal.
$50,000 Amateur/Unlimited Amateur - 5 year/$15,000 Senior Rollover
Exception (for previous trainers spouses over age 60)
An applicant may be granted eligibility to compete in Amateur/ Unlim-
ited Amateur events within monetary eligibility if:
(A) the applicant has reached 60 years of age:
(i) for the ve-year period preceding the application has not
been married to or resided with a person who is engaged
in activities that would require that person to be classied
because of the activities then occurring as a Professional
by the provisions of Rule 51.a.3:
(ii) has not been directly or indirectly employed by a Profes-
sional and performed the duties of employment on the
premises of a horse training operation astride a horse; AND
(B) the applicant has not won $15,000 in cutting horse competition
of all types during the 5-year period preceding the application.
This includes winnings in all breed associations and any and
all cutting competitions regardless by whom such competi-
tions are produced, sponsored, or approved. A person applying
for Senior Unlimited Amateur classication under this excep-
tion shall obtain an Application from the NCHA membership
department, complete the application, have it notarized and
signed by a director and return the application to the NCHA of-
ce for review by the Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee. In
addition, the person shall provide to the NCHA any and all ad-
ditional information as the NCHA may request related to docu-
menting the status of the applicant. There is no right to being
granted eligibility to compete in the Unlimited Amateur un-
der this exception and this exception may be granted or denied
based upon an evaluation of all circumstances considered rel-
evant by the NCHA, with the decision of the Non-Pro/Amateur
Review Committee, subject to any appeal, to be nal.
Unlimited Amateur Only – 5 year/$250,000 Exception (for previous
trainer’s spouses, children and lopers)
An applicant may be granted Unlimited Amateur status if the appli-
cant has never been involved as a trainer or assistant trainer of cutting
horses for direct or indirect remuneration in any amount and has nev-
er been an apprentice cutting horse trainer and the applicant for more
102 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
than a ve-year period prior to the date of application: (i) has not been
married to a person had a cohabitational relationship with a person or
resided with a person who is engaged in activities that would require
that person to be classied because of the activities then occurring as
a Professional by the provisions of Rule 51.a.3; during the previous ve-
year period (ii) has not resided with or on the premise with a parent,
step-parent or foster parent who was, during the previous ve-year pe-
riod, a Professional; (iii) has not been directly or indirectly employed by
a Professional and performed the duties of employment on the prem-
ises of a horse training operation astride a horse, during the previous
ve-year period; AND (iv) has not received $250,000 or more in lifetime
total earnings in cutting horse competition and breed associations of all
types. This includes cutting horse winnings in all breed associations and
any and all cutting competitions regardless by whom such competitions
are produced, sponsored, or approved.
A person applying for Unlimited Amateur classication under this
5-Year/$250,000 exception shall obtain an Amateur 5-Year/$250,000 Excep-
tion Rule Application from the NCHA membership department, complete
the application, have it notarized and signed by a director and return the
application to the NCHA oce for review by the Non-Pro/Amateur Re-
view Committee. In addition, the person shall provide to the NCHA any
and all additional information as the NCHA may request related to doc-
umenting the status of the applicant. There is no right to being granted
eligibility to compete in the Unlimited Amateur under this exception and
this exception may be granted or denied based upon an evaluation of all
circumstances considered relevant by the NCHA, with the decision of the
Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee, subject to any appeal, to be nal.
Non-Professional 3 year/$100,000 Exception (for previous cutting/cow
horse trainers)
Non-Professional 3-Year/$100,000 Exception. (Example: If you apply
under the 3-Year/$100,000 Exception rule, it must have been more than 3
years and your earnings must be less than $100,000). A person applying
for Non-Professional classication under this rule shall obtain a Non-Pro
3-Year/$100,000 Exception Application from the NCHA membership de-
partment, complete the application, have it notarized and signed by a di-
rector and return the application to the NCHA oce for review by the Non-
Pro/Amateur Review Committee. In addition, the person shall provide to
the NCHA any and all additional information as the NCHA shall request
related to documenting the status of the person applying under this rule.
A person who is currently prevented from being classied as a Non-Pro-
fessional because they have at some point in their life trained cutting
horses (as dened in the NCHA Rule Book) or any person who has trained
horses astride in any cattle/ cow horse equine discipline can regain their
Non-Professional classication if:
A. The person has not performed any duties or acts which could
be considered as “training of cutting horses”, or horses of oth-
er cattle/cow horse equine disciplines nor has the person re-
ceived any remuneration, direct or indirect, for performing the
duties or activities normally associated with any phase of train-
ing cutting or cattle/cow horse discipline for the three-year pe-
riod prior to the date of the application for Non-Professional
classication under this provision; AND,
B. The person has not won in their lifetime more than $100,000
in combined open earnings from NCHA events and open earn-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 103
ings from any other equine discipline.
• The exception will be based on all open earnings in all disci-
• Family and children of change of status individuals must
meet existing Amateur exception rules and apply for Ama-
teur status through the exception application process.
• Exception applicants will be eligible for any class they qualify
for as a Non-Pro, including the Limited Non-Pro.
Any violation of any Non-Professional or Amateur rules will be dealt
with in a severe manner by NCHA.
If a Non-Professional or Amateur has any question, the NCHA of-
ce must be contacted for clarication on any rule. The most current
and the Ocial Handbook of NCHA Rules and Regulations is located
online at www.nchacutting.com.
Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee
The Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee will be charged with re-
viewing and making the determinations on Non-Pro and/or Amateur
status applications, all Exception Rule applications along with review-
ing, investigating, and conducting hearings on possible Non-Pro/Ama-
teur rule violations.
The Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee shall be appointed by the
NCHA President with the approval of the Executive Committee. Mem-
bers of the Review Committee shall each be either former Presidents,
former members of the Executive Committee, former or current Direc-
tors or former Chair/Vice Chair of a Standing Committee of the NCHA.
Membership on the committee will be reviewed annually. No person
may serve as a member of the Review Committee at the same time they
also serve as a member of either the Executive Committee, Non-Pro
Committee, Amateur Committee or Grievance Committee.
During the Apprentice status time period the apprentice may only
show in NCHA Limited Age and Weekend Approved shows with LESS
than $10,000 in total added money.
Non-Professional/Amateur card holder may for one time only AND one
point year only (beginning Dec 28th) apply for and receive an appren-
tice trainer card. This card will grant a person an exemption for that
point year from all Non-Professionals and/or Amateur rules and reg-
ulations with regard to remuneration. The applicant may not partici-
pate in any Non-Professional, Youth or Amateur classes during the pe-
riod for which apprentice status is granted and cannot get back their
Non-Professional card until the end of the apprentice period.
If the person having apprenticeship status wishes to reapply for
Non-Professional status for the next point year, an application for
Non-Professional status must be received by the NCHA oce by the be-
ginning of the next point year. The individual having apprenticeship
status will be considered a Professional trainer until the Non-Profes-
sional application is received, additionally if the applicant has shown
horses they did not own aer the apprentice period has expired, the ap-
plicant will not be allowed to return to Non-Professional status unless
they become eligible under a Non-Professional exception rule and their
status is approved by NCHA under that exception rule and their status
is approved by NCHA under that exception rule.
Any person who has been an apprentice trainer is not eligible to com-
104 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
pete in any Amateur contest.
Applications received through June will be for the current point year
and will expire at the end of that point year, applications received on or
aer July 1st will be for the next point year.
During the Apprentice status time period the apprentice may show
in NCHA Limited Age and Weekend approved shows with less than
$10,000 in total added money.
Purpose is to allow students enrolled in an agricultural/equine pro-
gram the opportunity to learn about the industry without jeopardizing
their current show eligibility.
• The student/intern must be enrolled in an agricultural/equine
program and must be earning credit to participate in our pro-
gram. There are no minimum credit hours required, however
they must be paid credit hours.
• A student/intern may apply one time per school per school re-
quirements. Example: They can apply once at a Junior College
and once at University.
• The application has a start and end date which should coincide
with the semester/summer internship that they are earning
credit for. The student/intern must reapply if choosing to do two
consecutive internships following the rules set forth regarding 1
internship per school.
• There is no cap on salary/stipend paid to the student/intern
during the internship.
• The student/intern may show clients horses in the 2000 Lim-
it Rider and/or YOUTH classes ONLY if they are eligible under
NCHA rules. Student/Intern must still comply with current own-
er and eligibility rules.
• The student/intern may show their own horses in classes they
are eligible for under current NCHA Rules. Student/Intern must
still comply with current owner and eligibility rules.
• A student/intern may obtain the application for this program
from the NCHA oce. The application must include the student/
interns name, NCHA member number, school currently enrolled
in, the number of intern credits for this opportunity, the start and
end date, the name, address and telephone contact information
of the Internship Advisor and the name, address, and telephone
contact information for the Cooperator (trainer, facility owner)
• The application must also be signed by the student/intern (ap-
plicant), the school advisor/contact and the Cooperator (trainer,
facility owner).Notice: If you do not comply with current owner
and eligibility rules while in the program you risk losing your
Amateur and/or Non-Pro status.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 105
The NCHA point year will end on November 10, 2024 for weekend
shows and November 17, 2024 for LAE shows. The new point year will
begin on December 28.
Monies won in thirteen NCHA approved classes as well as in NCHA
approved Limited Age Events, count toward this award. A total of $3,000
is required.
Horse—Only earnings in Open Championship Classes count toward
this award. Earnings requirement is $10,000 accumulated during the
horse’s lifetime in this class.
Non-Pro Rider—Only earnings in Championship Non-Professional
Classes count toward this award. Earnings requirement is $10,000 accu-
mulated during the rider’s lifetime in this class.
Horse—Same as Bronze award; earnings requirement is $30,000.
Non-Pro Rider—Same as Bronze award; earnings requirement is $30,000.
Horse—Same as Bronze and Silver awards; earnings requirement is
Non-Pro Rider—Same as Bronze and Silver awards; earnings require-
ment is $50,000.
Horse—Same as Bronze, Silver and Gold awards; earnings require-
ment is $100,000.
Non-Pro Rider—Same as Bronze, Silver and Gold awards; earnings re-
quirement is $100,000.
Same as Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum awards; earnings require-
ment is $150,000 or total lifetime earnings of at least $400,000 in all re-
corded earnings or have won at least two (any combination) of the fol-
lowing eight major NCHA events: Futurity, Super Stakes (4-year-old),
Derby, Super Stakes Classic (5/6-year-old), Summer Classic/Challenge
(5/6-year-old), and/or NCHA Open World Champion.
Award: Certicate presented at the NCHA Futurity and/or Convention.
1. Win any two (2): NCHA Futurity, Super Stakes, or Derby Non-
Pro, World Championship Non-Pro.
2. Win any three (3): Super Stakes Classic, 5/6-Year-old Classic
Challenge, Reserve World Champion.
3. Win one in category 1, plus two in category 2.
4. Have lifetime earnings of $500,000 including all Non-Pro mon-
ies earned in any Non-Pro class (limited age or weekend com-
bined) and any open monies won to achieve that total lifetime
earnings. Excludes all Amateur money.
5. Have in excess of $150,000 in Non-Pro championship weekend
earnings, excluding Novice/Non-Pro classes.
6. Have combined earnings from category 4 and category 5 in
excess of $500,000.
106 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Award: Certicate presented at the NCHA Futurity and/or
1. Win any two (2): NCHA Futurity, Super Stakes, Derby, World
2. Win any three (3): Super Stakes Classic, 5/6-year-old Classic/
Challenge, Reserve World Champion.
3. Win one (1) in category 1 plus two in category 2.
4. Ride horses ranking in the NCHA Top Five Open Cutting hors-
es ve (5) times. A rider must win 90% of the qualifying mon-
ey to receive credit.
5. Have in excess of $1,000,000 NCHA lifetime earnings.
Award: Certicate presented at the NCHA Futurity and/or
The NCHA Members Hall of Fame was established to recognize those
individuals who have made outstanding and unusual contributions to
the NCHA basic purpose, which is the public exhibition and constant
promotion of the Cutting Horse. We are proud to honor these individ-
uals who have exhibited a high moral character, good sportsmanship,
fairness, and an exemplary contribution of time, eort, and interest in
NCHA and its basic endeavors. To nominate a deserving individual to the
Members Hall of Fame, a nomination form must be lled out and the ap-
propriate number of nomination letters provided. The nomination form
is found on the NCHA website or can be requested from the oce.
The Hall of Fame selection committee shall consist of ve individuals
of which one new member is appointed each year by the current Presi-
dent. Each member will serve a ve-year term as a way to keep continu-
ity on the committee. It is recommended that at least one member is a
current Executive Committee member. The Committee members shall
elect a Chairman from its members each year. This Committee screens
all nominees and submits a recommendation to the Executive Commit-
tee. Inductions will be limited to a maximum of six (6) inductees per
year and nominees will be eligible for consideration for ve years aer
receipt of their nomination.
Award: Honored and Ocial Certicate during the NCHA Futurity
and/or Convention.
Eective with the 2001 Point Year, a Rookie of the Year Award will go
to the highest money earning Amateur for NCHA approved weekend
shows, and a Rookie of the Year Award will go to the highest money earn-
ing Amateur for NCHA Limited Aged Events (including NCHA World
Championship Futurity winnings in the point year of the calendar year
in which the World Championship Futurity is held).
1. Award will go to the highest money earning Amateur for the
point year in the Unlimited Amateur and/or $50,000 Amateur
and/or $15,000 Amateur for NCHA approved weekend shows,
and a Rookie of the Year Award will go to the highest money earn-
ing Amateur in the $50,000 Amateur (Limited Amateur), Inter-
mediate Amateur and Unlimited Amateur (Amateur) classes at
NCHA Limited Aged Events.
2. Rider must have lifetime earnings at the beginning of the point
year of less than $5,000 to qualify.
Award: Each will receive a $1,000 check and will also be award-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 107
ed a buckle.
• For NCHA World Champions: NCHA Futurity through the World
Championship Finals.
• For NCHA World Champions: Approved Calendar Year.
• Shows award points based on the number of entries. (See table)
Shows must have $100,000 in added money to qualify.
Points Earned for Placing
No. of Place in Contest:
Entries 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11+
<50 20 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
51-75 40 32 28 24 20 18 16 14 12 10 8
76-100 60 48 42 36 30 27 24 21 18 15 12
101-125 80 64 56 48 40 36 32 28 24 20 16
126-150 100 80 70 60 50 45 40 35 30 25 20
151-175 120 96 84 72 60 54 48 42 36 30 24
176-200 140 112 98 84 70 63 56 49 42 35 28
201-300 160 128 112 96 80 72 64 56 48 40 32
301-400 180 144 126 108 90 81 72 63 54 45 36
401+ 200 160 140 120 100 90 80 70 60 50 40
• Any horse that wins the Triple Crown will automatically receive
the Horse of the Year title.
• The non-working nals round will award points as a show with
fewer than 50 entries.
• The World Champion will receive 200 points and the Reserve
World Champion will receive 100 points.
• All Non-Pro money must be earned by the same horse through-out
the point year to accumulate points for the Non-Pro World Cham-
pion Horse only.
• If two or more horses tie on points, the Horse of the Year will be
determined by total money won on the points earned.
Award: Buckle presented at the Futurity Finals.
• For NCHA Aged Events: NCHA Futurity through the World Cham-
pionship Finals.
• For NCHA World Champions: Approved Calendar Year.
• Shows award points based on the number of entries.
• Shows must have $100,000 in added money to qualify.
• Any horse that wins the Amateur Triple Crown will automatically
receive the Horse of the Year title.
• The non-working nals round will award points the same as a
show with fewer than 50 entries does.
• The World Champion will receive 200 points and the Reserve
World Champion will receive 100 points.
• All Amateur money must be earned by the same horse throughout
the point year to accumulate points for the Amateur World Cham-
pion Horse only.
• If two or more horses tie on points, the Horse of the Year will be
determined by total money won on the points earned.
Award: Buckle presented at the Futurity Finals.
• Total money earned in NCHA approved Amateur classes (weekend
108 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
& limited age).
• Does NOT have to be same horse, earnings on RIDER.
• Strictly based on money earned.
Award: Buckle presented at the Futurity Finals.
The leading rider based on earnings in Non-Pro weekend show class-
es and the World Finals who rode a single horse in those classes will
receive a Certicate.
NYCHA will present a Junior and a Senior Rookie of the Year Award to
the highest point earning youth in each division.
Eligibility: The Rookie of the Year points will be calculated from June
1 through May 31 and include all go rounds of the Youth World Finals. If
there are no World Finals entrants, calculations would revert to the points
leader on May 31. Rider in both divisions cannot have earned more than 15
points or over $500 in any cutting event or equine association.
AWARD: Each division will receive a $1,000 scholarship and a Rook-
ie of the Year Buckle. The Champion and Reserve Champion NYCHA
Rookies of the Year will be recognized in the Chatter.
By nomination from an NCHA Aliate, one outstanding youth mem-
ber will be honored annually. The youth member will be recognized
for scholastic, extracurricular activities and cutting horse involvement.
The President will appoint a committee of three (3) to review the nom-
inations received from the NCHA Aliates. The committee will then
recommend a maximum of three (3) to the Executive Committee who
will then select one youth member.
Award: Buckle presented at Futurity Finals.
ZANE SCHULTE AWARD (Professional Trainer)
In honor and memory of Zane Schulte, the son of Thomas and Barbra
Schulte, the Zane Schulte Award is a humanitarian award to be present-
ed annually to a Professional trainer who exemplies integrity, service,
values, respect of peers, contribution to the industry and excellence in
the arena.
The recipient will be honored with a bronze “Zane Schulte Award” tro-
phy. They are chosen by the Zane Schulte Award committee members
consisting of heads of the Non-Pro, Open Show and Professional Trainers
Committees as well as three members at-large and the current NCHA Pres-
ident. Trainers may be nominated by committee members or by NCHA
members who submit a written or online nomination form. The nomina-
tion form appears online and in The Cutting Horse Chatter magazine.
The Mary Kingsbury Award is presented annually, during the NCHA
Futurity, to an Amateur who exhibits integrity, kindness, honesty, re-
spect, good sportsmanship, fairness and compassion for people and
ses in and out of the arena. Any Amateur, in good standing, may be
nominated by an NCHA member by submitting a written letter or online
nomination form by October 1st. Members of the selection committee are
not eligible for nomination or to submit nominees. The recipient, select-
ed by the Amateur Committee, will be honored with a NCHA bronze tro-
phy and their name will be added to the Mary Kingsbury Sportsmanship
aque at the NCHA oce.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 109
The Julie Dvorak Hansma Non-Pro Sportsmanship award shall be pre-
sented annually to an active NCHA Non Pro rider who exhibits the out-
standing qualities of Julie. These qualities are a high level of horseman-
ship in and out of the show pen, support of their peers, a trusted advisor
o all, a high level of integrity and a leader who represents the true de-
nition of a Non-Pro rider in the sport of cutting. Any Non-Pro in good
anding may be nominated by an NCHA member by submitting a written
letter or an online nomination form by October 1st. Previous recipients
are not eligible for further nomination; however, prior nominees can be
nominated again. Members of the selection committee are not eligible for
nomination or to submit nominees. The recipient, selected by the Non-Pro
Committee (selection committee) will be honored with an award present
ed during the NCHA Futurity and their name will be added to the Julie
ansma Dvorak Non-Pro Sportsmanship Award Plaque at the NCHA Of-
Established in 2022, this award is given to an individual that demon-
strates a high degree of integrity in all aspects of their conduct related in
ny way to involvement as an NCHA member, contestant, judge, or oth-
er conduct which reects on the NCHA. Must have judged for NCHA at
ast 25 consecutive years. A committee will be selected by the Director
of Judges with no more than 3 from the Judges Rules Committee, who will
decide who is most worthy of this award. The recipient will be honored
with a NCHA bronze trophy and their name will be added to the Arthur
Jackson Memorial Plaque at the NCHA oce.
Established in 2012, the Modine Smith Humanitarian Award was cre-
ated in honor of philanthropist, volunteer, and humanitarian, Modine
Smith. Her unfaltering support of the NCHA and NCHA Foundation was
awe inspiring to all who had the privilege to know her. Smith’s steadfast
contributions helped shape and secure the future of the NCHA and the
NCHA Foundation, and both organizations are better because of her
inspiring eorts.
This award is given annually to a person who displays unwavering
support of the NCHA and the NCHA Foundation by continuously work-
ing to enhance the associations past, present and future.
Each year, the recipient of the Modine Smith Humanitarian Award is
presented a plaque during the NCHA World Championship Futurity.
Any member who is on probation/suspension from the NCHA will not
be eligible to receive any awards, or be inducted into the Hall of Fame
while on probation. Persons on probation may receive prizes, including
top ten buckle awards and achievement buckle awards, for competing in
NCHA produced or approved shows.
For the most up to date policies and procedures surrounding the Na-
tional Circuit Program, please visit NCHAcutting.com.
The National Circuit Program was conceived and implemented with
the goal of promoting and growing the sport of cutting at a local level.
It allows world-wide weekend cutters the opportunity to earn national
recognition through local competition. The program divides the NCHA
membership population into geographic groups called “Circuits.
110 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Cutters earn points within one (1) Circuit by competing in NCHA-ap-
proved weekend competitions. Approved shows can be in either the
Weekend/Championship format (which also counts toward World -
nals) or the Weekend/Challenger format. Earned points are tracked
by the NCHA oce and used to determine local Circuit Championship
qualiers, National Circuit Championship qualiers and year-end Cir-
cuit award recipients.
Open and Non-Professional—Earnings from all classes having $200
or more in added money.
$35,000 Non-Professional, Unlimited Amateur, $50,000 Amateur,
$15,000 Amateur,
In the Open, $25,000 Novice Horse and $5,000 Novice Horse Classes
$2,000 Limit Rider—Earnings from all classes. Youth—Points from all
Year-end awards will be given to the World Champion Stallion, Mare
and Gelding in the Open, $25,000 Novice Horse and $5,000 Novice Horse
An NCHA achievement buckle will be awarded to members having
lifetime weekend earnings of $1,000 in NCHA approved events and
classes, provided their weekend earnings were less than $1,000 at the
beginning of the Point Year. This will not include any money won in
Limited Age Events.
Additional levels will be added for earning $2,500; $5,000, $10,000;
$15,000; $25,000; and $50,000. These levels will be designated by the ad-
dition of medallions and stones to the buckles. The enhancements can be
purchased by qualied members directly from the vendor.
Members who have received the previous $2,000 achievement buckle
may purchase the new buckle from the vendor.
Limited Aged Events held with added money of less than $10,000,
(Jackpot LAE not included)
(4-year-old and 5/6-year-old Open and Non-Pro divisions) Top Ten in
each Region (8 Regions) will have their standings reported on the NCHA
website and the year-end winner to receive an NCHA trophy if request-
ed from the show department.. The owner of horses shall designate their
“Open” region in a manner similar to the current requirement for desig-
nating one’s circuit.
Earnings won to be counted only at shows bearing the title NCHA
Championship Cutting Horse Contest. In order to qualify for this title,
shows must meet all standing rules for approval and in addition, must
have an added purse of at least $200 in Open and Non-Pro classes. Earn-
ings from all other NCHA approved shows regardless of the amount of
added money in the Open and Non-Pro classes will count in the other
approved classes. A World Champion will be recognized in each based
on combined earnings from throughout the point year. The Top Fif-
teen (15) competitors for all approved classes (with the exception of the
youth) will be recognized based on combined earnings from through-
out the point year and money earned in the World Finals Show. NCHA
will award handmade buckles to the Top Fieen (15) riders in all NCHA
approved classes. The youth will have their own point year and nals
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 111
which will be held with the Summer Cutting Spectacular.
The World Show Champion will be based on money earned exclu-
sively at the World Finals Show. The NCHA World Championship Fi-
nals in the Open and Non-Pro Classes will have four (4) go-rounds and a
working nal.
Youth World Show Champions will be based on points earned exclu-
sively at the Youth World Finals Show, which will have three go-rounds
and a non-working nal.
All other classes will have two go-rounds and a non-working nal. The
champion of each class will receive an Ocial NCHA Trophy and Cham-
pion Buckle.
In an eort to recognize and reward outstanding aliate organiza-
tions of the NCHA, the Executive Committee established an “Aliate of
the Year” award. The award includes an article in the Chatter, a printer,
an additional year-end trophy, and $2,500 cash award.
Directors of the Association are encouraged to submit a nomination
of an aliate located in your state or NCHA Circuit for this prestigious
title. Back-up materials must be provided to Weekend Show.
Committee members in electronic format, as well as hard copies.
The Committee may request follow-up on submitted material.
The following criteria will be used to evaluate the nominees:
• Increase in entries per show (percentage) 20
• Innovations at shows (examples) 30
• Adhering to NCHA rules and cutting traditions 20
• Year-end awards & sponsors ($ and type) 15
• Cooperation (letters from other Circuit aliates) 5
• Other activities (examples) 10
Total 100
Senior World Tour
The NCHA Senior World Tour is based on a class within a class at any
approved weekend show. A senior contestant is dened as any Open,
Non-Professional, or Amateur rider who is age 60 or older and meets all
other NCHA rules regarding their status and membership.
Points are accumulated to determine the Champion, Reserve Cham-
pion, and the next top 8 seniors in eligible classes.
Points will be earned at the weekend level in the following classes:
1. Open, $25,000 Novice Horse, $5,000 Novice Horse
The Open top 8 Senior Rider will be those riders who accumu-
late the most points in the three open classes combined.
2. Non-Pro
3. $25,000 Novice Non-Pro
4. $5,000 Novice Non-Pro
5. $50,000 Amateur
6. Unlimited Amateur
7. $35,000 Non-Pro
8. $15,000 Amateur
9. $2,000 Rider/Any Horse
Standings will be determined by a point system that mirrors the
mandatory payout, with the exception that a point will be given when
there are 1-3 entries. A minimum of 3 points must be earned to be eligi-
112 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
ble for the standings.
The aliate or show producer will set the entry fee at the weekend show.
1. Individual Aliates/Producers may determine the total entry
fee for their senior class.
2. A $6 award fee will go to NCHA for year-end awards in the Se-
nior Divisions
3. A minimum entry fee of $20 will be required with $10 jackpot,
$6/NCHA, $4/Aliate
4. A minimum of 50% of the entry fee will be jackpotted.
Aliates/Producers may use their portion of the entry fee and other
sponsorships to buy awards as they see t.
Senior World Tour Point System
Same as Mandatory Payout, except for 1-3 entries
No. of Place in Contest:
Entries 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
1-3 1
4-7 2 1
8-11 3 2 1
12-15 4 3 2 1
16-20 5 4 3 2 1
21-25 6 5 4 3 2 1
26-30 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
31-36 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
37-42 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
4349 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
50+ 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3-2-1
Jackpot Payout Example
Entry Fee: $20 (Jackpot=$10, Aliate=$4, NCHA=$6)
1-3 horses $10, $20, or $30 depending on number of entries.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 113
Show Management Handbook
(New rules and rule changes in bold italics)
Many contestants say that a successful cutting horse contest must have
three things: good cattle, fair judging, and decent ground. This is certain-
ly true, but one thing has been overlooked. This is the secretary of the
show involved. No one has more control over the top three essentials for
a top-quality contest, and no one probably gets less credit when a good
show is held. They will, however, get the criticism if any of the essentials
or myriad of other details fail.
This outline has been prepared as an aid to those who secretary cut-
ting horse contests and is based on the recommendations and knowledge
of a very dedicated group of experienced show secretaries. While much
of this information applies to Weekend shows, refer to the Limited Age
event section of this Handbook for additional information on approvals.
Suggestions for Show Management:
I. Preparation for Approved Cutting Horse Show
Write for, ll out, and return to the NCHA an Application for
Approval of your Cutting Horse shows at least forty (40) days be-
fore your closing date of entry.
1. Set amount of purse and entry fee.
2. Entry fee must not be less than $10 per horse. Entry fee
shall be added to the purse. If any charge is to be made oth-
er than the entry fee, it must be stated as a stall, handling,
or oce charge, and be separated from the entry fee. The
following entry fees are mandatory:
a. For shows having $500 or more in added money, the
ocial cattle charge combined should not exceed 40-
45% of the total charges (entry fee + oce charge +
cattle charge). When it is possible, show management
is encouraged to lower this percentage.
Under no condition can the cattle charge exceed en-
try fee unless fresh cattle are provided in jackpotted
classes only. No cattle charge may exceed $250; how-
ever special consideration may be granted by the Ex-
ecutive Director for shows having $5,000 or more in
added money per division. (See Rule 14 change)
b. The objective of the fees is to cover the cost of the cat-
tle. In any class where rerun cattle are used, the cattle
charge should be reduced.
3. Judge Selection: Refer to Standing Rule 27.a through 27.c.2.
4. Determine the number of go-rounds to be worked and if a
nal will be held.
5. Set the closing date of entry and the time horses must be
on the grounds. (Entries should close early enough at large
shows to provide ample time to secure sucient cattle.)
6. Name a representative for each approved class; other-
wise, they must be elected at these shows before the con-
test starts.
7. As much of the information as is possible should be put on
the premium list and entry applications, especially if an
elimination is to be held.
8. Other classes that are not approved but may be held include:
114 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
a. Select Non-Pro (50 years old and older)
b. 500 Rider Class
9. Three options are available for producing combined
NCHA/ AQHA weekend shows. Option A: Separate AQHA
recognized cutting classes. (All- ages, Senior, Junior, Am-
ateur and Youth) Option B: AQHA classes coordinated
with NCHA classes.
•AQHA All ages with NCHA Open
•AQHA Senior with NCHA Open
•AQHA Junior with $25,000 Novice
• AQHA Amateur with NCHA Non-Pro , Unlimited Amateur
or $50,000 Amateur
•AQHA Youth with NCHA Youth
Option C: A combination of options A & B. Example: AQHA
All ages with NCHA Open and AQHA Amateur as a sepa-
rate class.
For the draw, NCHA Standing Rule 11 shall prevail.
In option B and/or C, all NCHA entries plus AQHA entries that
have double entered shall be drawn rst. All AQHA entries that
are not NCHA entered shall be drawn second. All AQHA entries
that are not NCHA entered shall work aer all NCHA entries
and appear on a separate judge’s sheet. All AQHA entries shall
be denoted by name and number.
• AQHA double entries must be noted on NCHA judge’s
• AQHA entries that are not double entered do not need to
be videoed.
• AQHA entries that are not double entered do not pertain
to the NCHA weekend monitor program.
•Contact AQHA for Approval details.
II. Method of Conducting Shows
1. The cattle should be held in one end of the arena by two
riders who do not let any cattle pass them until the contes-
tant has the animal, they want to work cut o by itself. Af-
ter this animal has been driven past the riders holding the
herd, it will have to be turned back so the contestant will
have a chance to show the horse’s ability to keep it from
returning to the herd. The turning back is usually done by
two riders selected by the contestant. It is recommended
that in shows with several spectator performances, only
the contestants, herd holders, and turnback riders be al-
lowed in the arena during the cutting horse show. Specta-
tors must be considered at all times; and by restricting the
number of horses in the arena, greater concentration is
encouraged on the horse working.
2. Usually, cattle on the yearling or two-year-old order give a
horse enough play to put on a good show. Selecting cattle
that will work is important. No horse, regardless of how
good they may be, can put on a good performance unless
the animal they cut out tries to get back in the herd.
3. The number of cattle needed for a show depends on the
number of horses entered and the number of go-rounds
to be worked. The minimum number of cattle recom-
mended by NCHA for any approved show is that the
number of cattle at least equal two and one-half times
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 115
the number of works scheduled. In other words, at least
two and one-half head of stock per horse, per go-round
should be provided. In a one go-round contest with for-
ty (40) horses, one hundred (100) cattle would be need-
ed; if two go-rounds, two hundred (200) cattle, etc. Before
the draw is made for working order, the number of hors-
es to work in each group of cattle should be determined
with a maximum of een (15) recommended. The cat-
tle should then be separated in direct proportion to the
number of horses to be worked (i.e., 12 horses, 30 cattle
minimum: 15 horses, 38 cattle minimum). Where nals
are to be held, additional cattle should be provided in the
same ratio.
4. At shows holding classes which have equal added purses,
entry fees and oce or cattle charges, Show Management
is to determine which class will be held rst, if there are
sucient cattle to work all entries on fresh cattle.
5. In many cases, shows will want to schedule other classes
in addition to NCHA Open, Non-Professional and Ama-
teur classes. It is recommended that Open and Non-Pro-
fessional classes be held rst at NCHA approved events
since higher entry and cattle fees are usually charged
for these classes. (If Open and Non-Professional classes
are not held rst, separate fresh cattle should be provid-
ed and held back for them.) It is recommended that the
Youth class be placed no later than the third class of the
day on Sundays.
6. Whenever possible, show management is urged to pro-
vide a means of announcing the score for each horse im-
mediately aer its work. This will greatly increase spec-
tator interest and enthusiasm for the contest.
7. Whenever possible, it is highly recommended that stands
be provided for the judges and that they be placed out in
the arena (approximately 100 feet from back fence). Rec-
ommended minimum height for judges and video stands
at Weekend Shows is six (6) feet. Secretaries should be posi-
tioned outside the arena and judges’ sheets are to be posted
outside the arena. Judges’ cards cannot be posted within a
close proximity, or in hearing distance of the judges stands.
This is particularly true for large shows where a complete
go-round will be worked without interruption.
8. A very important thing in putting on a show is to be ready.
Get in the arena, put on your event, and get out as quick-
ly as possible. This will help put on a good show and will
make your event more popular. Have every detail worked
out beforehand and be sure everyone concerned knows
what they are supposed to do. Never wait until you are
in the arena to decide how something should be done.
The spectators paid their money to see a show and do not
care to wait while some discussion is held in the arena.
9. While the event preceding the cutting horse show is going
on, get the cattle in the alley right behind the arena gate and
make sure there are enough people there to push them in
the arena the second you are ready for them. Be sure the
herd holders, the turnback riders, the contestants, and the
116 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
judges are ready. Be sure the judges have their cards and a
pencil and see that the announcer has all of the informa-
tion needed. All of this will add a lot to your show.
Before the Show
Make sure all necessary forms are in order.
1. Secure an NCHA Application for Approval Form and care-
fully note the rule for its return. This application must be
received no later than forty (40) days prior to the closing
date of entry.
2. Obtain your judge or judges from the NCHA Approved
Judges list and/or the NCHA website. A copy of the list is
available online or by calling the NCHA oce. It is manda-
tory that judges’ names be listed on the NCHA website for
each show a minimum of seven days prior to the closing
date of entries.
3. The money added in your shows Open and Non-Profession-
al classes will determine what rating your judge must hold.
4. Carefully read the NCHA Standing Rules and the sugges-
tions for Show Management or Committee in Charge con-
tained in the current NCHA Rule Book.
5. Forward completed show approval forms to NCHA at least
forty (40) days before your cutting. Be sure to list dates,
place, arena name (with directions if needed), time and
judges along with purses, entry fees and other charges.
Shows may be approved without judges. The judge or judg-
es that are used MUST be named a minimum of seven (7)
days prior to the closing date of entries.
a. Check the acknowledgment received from NCHA
granting your approval to be sure that the informa-
tion is correct.
b. Fill out the sample news release on your show and
send it to your local media if publicity is desired.
This is highly recommended as a means of obtaining
6. Entry fees should always be more than oce charges, ex-
cept in extreme cases when they may be the same.
7. Both owner and rider of any horse entered in an NCHA ap-
proved or sponsored event, by said entry, consent to the im-
plementation of any action allowed by this Zero Tolerance
olicy (Rule 35.A) by either show management or judge.
Maximum Entry Fees & Oce Charges Entry Fees
*Classes with less than $200 added should charge in accordance with
other shows in their circuit. No entry fee shall be less than $10. Except for
jackpots, Standing Rule 14 shall apply.
Cattle Charges
The objective of the fees is to cover the cost of the cattle. In any class
where rerun cattle are used, the cattle charge should be reduced. The
cattle charge may only exceed the jackpot portion of the entry fee if there
are some fresh cattle provided. Under special circumstances, a cattle
surcharge may be added to any class if approved in writing, IN ADVANCE
of the show by NCHA.
8. Have plenty of entry forms. This form should include space for
the name of the horse, its rider, owners address, phone num-
ber and social security number, as well as entry fees. Check for
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 117
Non-Pro cards and NCHA membership identication number.
Print or obtain ocial NCHA Judges Sheets. NCHA will provide
these on request, but you may prefer to have your own print-
ed using the NCHA form as an example. Always list the horse.
ased on how oen you like to conrm your scores, have room
for from seventeen (17) to thirty-two (32) horses on each sheet.
10. Check with your judge(s) in advance to make sure their plans
are made. Make sure that someone has the responsibility of
having the judges at the showground on time. Use more than
one judge whenever possible.
11. Check to see that you have sucient DVDs. All approved
classes must be videoed. These are to be held by management
for thirty (30) days and may then be reused.
The Cattle
1. NCHA recommends that you have available at least two and
one-half cattle per horse at approved events.
2. The cattle should be fresh (never used before in a cutting
event) when the contest begins. This should denitely be spec-
ied when arrangements are made with the supplier.
3. Yearling or two-year-old cattle will usually provide a good
show. It is important that the cattle be in good physical condi-
tion. They should weigh ve hundred (500) pounds or more.
4. Use your cattle in such a way that all cutters in a class are treat-
ed equally. Try to never work part of a class on fresh cattle and
the rest on reruns.
5. If there are not enough fresh cattle for both the Open and
Non-Professional classes, and the added money, entry fee and of-
ce/ cattle charge for each is equal, then a coin should be tossed
to determine which class will be held rst on the fresh cattle.
6. If rerun cattle must be used later in the day, try to put additional
cattle per cutter in the groups. For example, if two and one-half
to three cattle were provided when they were fresh, then four or
ve cattle per horse should be provided when they are rerun.
On Show Day
Check your equipment:
1. Loudspeaker system: where electricity is not available, it should
be battery powered.
2. A time clock: must be visible to all judges. Try to have a spare
time clock.
3. Signs giving notice of the NCHA Zero Tolerance Policy and the
NCHA Medication Rules, containing the content and meeting
the size requirements prescribed by the NCHA, shall be post-
ed at all shows. Signs will be printed by, and be at the expense
of, the show. Refer to Standing Rule 35A.5.
4. Score reporting system Several methods are available for use
in obtaining the judges’ scores. Among the best are closed cir-
cuit telephone system or walkie-talkie radios on separate chan-
nels. Chalk boards may also be used or a runner to bring the
scores from the judges to the secretary. Any of these methods
will work; however, the score given by each judge when more
than one is used should not be known by the other judge(s).
5. Secretarial equipment should include a good supply of pen-
cils and pens, plus a calculator or adding machine, as well as a
whistle for the judge.
118 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
6. Taking entries:
a. Have each exhibitor or agent ll out the necessary entry
b. When the entry forms are turned in, collect all entry fees
due. No one should be allowed to enter or work without pay-
ing rst. Where post entries are allowed during the show, re-
quire an open check from the exhibitor which you can com-
plete aer the nal entry is made. Be sure that the exhibitor
lls in the date and payee along with signing the check.
c. Check for current NCHA membership and/or Non-Profes-
sional/Amateur card. NOTE: Show management will be
ned $50 per occurrence for permitting a non-member to
enter or show a horse. (See Standing Rule 2.1.1 for ineligi-
ble contestant information and process)
e. Read your entries for the rst class using the name of both
horse and rider, if possible, and announce when the draw
will take place. (Repeat this procedure for each class.)
f. It is also a good idea to announce how entry closings and
draws will be handled for the classes which follow.
7. Judges’ stands and video stands at Weekend Shows, should be a
minimum height of six feet.
a. Separation between the judges’ stands and the secretary
area should be the maximum distance available in any
show area so that each can properly perform their func-
tion without distraction. Score cards will not be posted
within a close proximity or in hearing distance of the judg-
es. No secretary desk or oce shall be within hearing dis-
tance of the judges’ stand.
Procedures for Videoing NCHA Approved Events
1. All NCHA approved classes must be video recorded.
2. The Videographer must have the understanding that their
rst responsibility is to make quality videos for NCHA review-
ing purposes. Only NCHA certied videographers can be used.
All videographers, including replacement or ll-in videogra-
phers must be certied and a current NCHA member. There
will be a $150 fee to apply and or recertify.
3. All applicant videographers must register and pass the on-
line NCHA Videographer test with a minimum of an 80%
score. This site is located at www.nchavst.com. Aer pass-
ing the on-line NCHA videographer test you will enter a pro-
bational period. All applicant videographers will be required
to send a copy of their rst video footage of the year with two
classes (ex. Open and Non-Pro) to Video West Productions (see
#21 this section) for review and approval to become a NCHA
4. All NCHA videographers are required to recertify every (2)
two years. All NCHA videographers will be required to send a
copy of their last video footage of the expiring year, with two
classes (ex. Open and Non-Pro) to Video West Productions (see
#21 this section) for review and approval to remain a NCHA
videographer. Show producers must ensure the videographer
has the proper certication and are aware of and complying
with the requirements prior to the start of the show.
5. While videoing classes, videographers must not talk on a cell
phone, or talk to contestants, and have only limited commu-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 119
nication with the judges. It is very important that the judge
or monitor reviewing the video hear all the arena sounds and
should not be distracted by ongoing conversations on the vid-
6. NCHA will only accept DVD-Rs, SD cards, thumb drives, or USB
3.0 external hard drives.
a. The Videographer will turn in a Weekend Field Monitor’s
Report along with all the video runs and judges’ sheets to
the designated judge at the immediate conclusion of the
b. All video media should be labeled with the name of the
show, date, classes, and judge name. Retrieving a spe-
cic horse and rider video is important throughout the
show and aer the show. Each set, class and day needs
to be easily identied to assure that information retriev-
al is guaranteed. All videos stored on DVDs, USB exter-
nal hard drive, SD cards or thumb drives need to be orga-
nized, so that a specic horse, rider, set, class, and day of
the show can easily be identied for review purposes at
any time.
7. Videographers may be requested to forward additional videos
to the Director of Judges for review.
8. Camera should be positioned as near the center of the arena
as possible and should be at approximately the same height as
the judge’s stand.
9. Do not leave the camera stationary.
10. Take all precautions to ensure the lighting is proper.
11. Videos must have horse, rider, and cow in the picture always.
Do not zoom in on rider too closely to prevent getting the over-
all action.
12. Allow lead-in footage before horse begins to work and aer
buzzer sounds, the horse leaves the arena and is no longer in
the judge’s sight. Be sure the horn or buzzer sound is heard on
recording as well as the announced score.
13. If camera is not capable of producing titles, it should be le on
long enough to obtain names of horses and or riders.
14. Whether using DVD, SD card, USB or thumb drive media for
storage purposes, individual video/movie les of each horse
and rider must be produced. Each horse and rider exhibitor
video le within a set, class and day of a show must be dis-
tinguished from the next horse and rider video within that
same set in the order in which the set was shot. Do not omit
any horses in any class. No extended stream of video contain-
ing multiple competitors is acceptable. Identifying the horse
and rider/exhibitor at the beginning of each run is required.
Begin recording early enough to record the announcer’s intro-
duction of each horse and rider. If it becomes necessary for the
videographer to supply the introduction at the start of each
run, please do not say the names of the horses or the exhibitors
unless you are the ocial show announcer. As each horse ap-
proaches the herd, the videographer should speak into the mi-
crophone of the camera. For example, they should say: “This
is the Non-Pro Class, third horse.
15. If the secretary receives numerous complaints regarding a
judge’s performance, the secretary may submit the video
120 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
along with the judge’s score card to the Director of Judges for
review. This will not replace a formal protest.
16. Under the Self Adjusted Monitor System (SAMS), please have
adequate equipment available. A judge is required to review
the video in a place where they are completely separated from
the contestants and away from the video stand. All events us-
ing the Self Adjusted Monitor System (SAMS) must provide an
isolated location to review the runs in question. The room is to
include a large TV (preferably with at least a 30-inch screen),
one station with monitor and media player (i.e., recorders or
computers) with 1/16 slow motion and play back capability is
required for the judge. Under no condition is a judge to review
any runs in the arena or in the presence of contestants, own-
ers, or other judges. At all monitored events, two stations with
monitors and media players (i.e., recorders or computers)
with 1/16 slow motion and play back capability are required
for the NCHA monitor.
17. When a video is received at the NCHA oce that is of poor
quality, the NCHA Judges Department will:
a. Notify the event’s producer and show secretary and ne
the videographer $50.
b. Additional footage may be requested and sent to the
NCHA Video Support Team (VST) to be evaluated. The vid-
eographer will contact the VST to seek assistance in re-
solving the issue.
c. Upon receiving a second inferior quality recording from
the videographer, the videographer may be ned $200,
which must be paid prior to the videographer’s next
event and veried by the show management that the vid-
eographer has been cleared to video any upcoming show
for them. It is the videographer’s responsibility to contact
the VST to discuss the video quality notication.
d. Upon receiving a third inferior quality recording, the
videographer may be ned a minimum $500 ne or re-
vocation of videoing privileges, or both. All disciplinary
actions listed in these rules are guidelines only and may
be increased or decreased by the Director of Judges, in his
sole discretion, based on the severity of the violation in
18. The Field Monitor system requires that each show reproduce
and provide video copies for the NCHA Judge at the end of each
show. The judge will have three days to mail the copies of their
judges’ sheets and a copy of their videos of the approved NCHA
classes that they judge.
a. All weekend classes, including weekend Limited Age
Event classes, will be included in the Field Monitor Pro-
19. If it is a multiple judge Weekend show, only the lowest rank-
ing judge and any ll in judge will take the videos and judges
sheets home. If it is a multiple judge Limited Age Event with
$10,000 to $60,000 added, the videos and judges’ sheets will be
given to the highest-ranking judge.
20. All United States, Canadian and European judges will report
to an assigned Weekend Monitor.
21. Show Management should make sure that their Video Con-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 121
tractors are aware of and are complying with all NCHA re-
quirements PRIOR to the show. See Guidelines for Weekend
Monitor Program for Judges and Regulations for Limited Age
Events. Contact for video training:
Video West Production Ted Petit,
1739 Marion Street, Georgetown, SC. 29440
Cell: 661-492-2621
Web site: www.nchavst.com
Email: ted.petit@yahoo.com
The Representative
1. If the show management has not appointed representatives (of
the contestants), then one should be elected for each class aer
entries for the class have closed and before any work from that
class begins.
2. Only contestants in a class are eligible to be the representative
of that class.
3. It is the duty of the representative to be the contact between
show management and all contestants in the class when ques-
tions arise. The representative is not a liaison between contes-
tants and the judge(s) and is restricted from talking to judges by
Standing Rules, as are all contestants.
4. The NCHA Representative’s Report should be delivered to each
representative before the class begins.
5. You may want the representative from the rst class to assist in
determining where cattle changes should occur and how many
cattle are available for each group of horses. Care should be tak-
en to assure like treatment for classes having similar entry fees
and cattle charges. Follow this procedure for later classes.
The Draw
1. Draw as soon as you comfortably can aer entries have closed.
This gives your contestants more time to get their horses ready.
2. The judge or judges shall draw the working order for all hors-
es aer cattle changes have been determined. (NCHA Standing
Rule 11.) NOTE: Random computer draws may be used in class-
es exceeding 30 entires provided the judge is present and work-
ing orders are printed immediately.
3. Do not draw from entry cards. Use numbered ping-pong balls,
metal discs, tags or some similar method drawn from an
opaque container. It is essential that the judge be unable to see
the numbers in the container to assure a creditable draw.
4. State the name of the horse and the position drawn as they are
5. Announce the working order as soon as possible aer the draw,
along with the cattle changes.
6. If late entries are permitted, they must be handled as outlined
in NCHA Standing Rules.
7. Horses should be listed on an entry sheet along with their
working order number.
NCHA has adopted the payout schedule described in Standing Rule 14.
The Contest
1. Consult with your judge or judges and determine the back
fence. If there is an objection from a contestant, establish the
122 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
back fence as provided for in Judging Rule 6. The back fence
should be clearly marked.
2. Read Standing Rule 35 relating to conduct of contestants.
3. Tell or show contestants where their time will start. Timeline
should also be marked.
4. Ask the rst rider in each group to have their help and cattle set-
tler ready, unless cattle are to be settled by an ocial settler.
5. Ask all other cutters in the class to have their herd holders and
turn back riders ready.
6. Announce the name of each horse loudly and clearly, along
with the name of the owner, the owners address (city and state)
and the name of the rider. If horses have been assigned an entry
number, this should be announced as well.
a. Call the name of the next horse and rider so that they will
be ready.
7. Start the time at a pre-designated spot. Never stop the clock un-
less ordered to by a judge.
8. When two and one-half minutes have passed, stop the work by
a horn, whistle or bell and again tell the name of the horse, own-
er, and rider.
9. Obtain the score of the judge and announce or display it. Then
call the next rider and repeat items 6, 7 and 8 of this section.
10. Do not make announcements or use your loudspeaker while a
horse is working unless all judges and riders have been warned
this will happen.
11. As soon as the class is nished, or when a judges card is com-
pleted, check their ocial scores against those you have an-
nounced. If you nd an error, announce the correct score (de-
termined from the ocial judge’s cards) as soon as possible.
12. Announce the winners in the class based on NCHA required
number of monies.
Paying O
1. Determine what your total purse will be and how much is to be
paid in each go-round or the go-rounds and nals.
a. Add all entry fees for the class together. (Be careful to add
entry fees only, no oce charges, etc.)
b. Calculate the NCHA required deduction. Weekend/Cham-
pionship shows are 8%. LAE events are 8, 3.5 or 2% (based
on added money) from every NCHA approved/unap-
proved class. This must be sent to the NCHA.
c. Subtract the appropriate deduction from the total entry
fees. This will give you the amount of entry fees to add to
the purse oered by the show.
d. Now add in your total show purse and you will have the
total amount to be paid the contest winners.
e. Divide the total in Section (d). by the percentages speci-
ed on your Application for Approval and you will have
the amount of money to pay out for go-rounds and nals.
Remember that when go-rounds only are held, the total
money must be split equally between each go-round.
f. Now refer to NCHA Standing Rule 14.e. to gure premiums.
2. Pay o your contest winners as indicated by the percentage
payout system, unless there is a question concerning novice
eligibility. Where there is such a question, hold your novice
checks and ask NCHA to check this eligibility.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 123
3. If you have plenty of competent help, write your checks and pay
o at the show. If you cannot do this, then make every eort to
mail your payo checks within one week of the show date.
4. Remember that NCHA guarantees the entry fee portion of
checks given by NCHA members. If a check is returned, you
may rst want to notify the exhibitor or redeposit the check.
When a check is not made good either by another clearable
check or redeposit, send the returned check to the NCHA of-
ce with a letter stating what the check was for. NCHA will
then issue you a check as specied under Standing Rule 4. Re-
lief must be requested within thirty (30) days of the show.
Aer Your Show
1. Complete fully all ocial NCHA result forms applying to your
show, making sure all horses, owners and riders names are
spelled correctly, and mail these along with your check cov-
ering the appropriate entry fee deduction, the $100 Producer
Circuit Fee and the $3 per entry on approved classes National
Circuit fee (for Weekend/Championship shows) and the judges’
cards to the NCHA oce.
If the steps in Item 1 of Paying O have been followed, this will
present no diculty since you have already determined the
correct answer for all questions asked. NOTE: NCHA ID num-
bers must be provided for both owners and riders on the o-
cial result forms.
a. If more than one go-round has been held and more room is
needed to list the winners from additional go-rounds, use
the back of the ocial NCHA form.
2. If you have diculty, either in completing the necessary
forms or with any participant in the contest (owners, riders,
judges, etc.).
3. Write early for your application requesting NCHA approval of
your next show.
For A Better Show
1. Have a tractor on hand with the appropriate dirt working equip-
ment necessary to properly maintain the arena.
2. Have a good method of wetting down the arena, cattle pens, etc.
to control dust.
3. A good arena surface should be cushioned to protect the com-
peting horse. It should not be too deep and should have enough
consistency to enable the horse to turn hard without fear of the
ground slipping or rolling away.
4. Make sure that you have adequate lighting for late evening or
nighttime shows.
5. Small arenas need an adjacent warm-up area. Here, too, consid-
eration should be given to good, safe footing.
6. Take care of your cattle. Give them plenty of space along with
water to drink.
7. Place your judges where they can see the horses work without
interference and keep all bystanders away from them and their
8. Have a concession stand available if you can. If not, at least be
sure there is drinking water.
9. Have some sort of restroom.
10. Follow the rules and treat everyone alike. Smile when you can
124 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
and always remember that
courteous treatment will gen-
erally result in courtesy in re-
It takes three things to make
a great cutting: good cattle,
good judges, and good ground.
Where show management may
not always be in total control
in providing perfect cattle and
judges, there is little excuse for
bad ground.
Cutting horses must be loped before working. For a horse to lope and
work on hard packed ground can be compared to a diver having to dive
into a pool with no water; it is very tough on joints and muscles. The lop-
ing pen and the working pen must be deep enough to provide protection
to the horse. Riders and horses can be injured from falls that result from
slick or hard ground. Backs (both horse and rider) take a pounding loping
on hard ground.
Most arenas are multi-use area. Participants in dierent events may want
dierent kinds of ground. Some horse events want a surface that will be
harder than that of cutters. They may want their horses to slide. Many arena
directors are reluctant to change the ground for the cutting horses.
It requires the use of heavy equipment to haul in sand and more direct,
it requires a tractor with a drag and harrow. It may mean extra expense
and it will mean more labor.
At a well-run show, the pen is dragged (the surface is leveled o and
sometimes the ground is broken up if it is hard) prior to each bunch of
cattle. If the pen is dragged prior to each bunch of cattle, the cutter feels
like management is trying to promote a level playing eld as well as level
arena. It is fairer. If the ground is so and prepared prior to the cutting,
less labor and time will be spent in dragging the pen.
Good ground consists of sand (preferably cement sand) laid on a transi-
tion area of a mixture of sand and clay based soil over a base of clay. The
base is generally the kind of ground that is already in the arena for most
stock events. If the arena is concrete, then a base must be provided. A mix-
ture of sand and clay is then added to this base to provide a transition area.
If sand is added to the base without a transition area, the ground will be
hard under the sand and can be slick and dangerous. Horses will try to get
traction to stop and turn and instead can slide or even fall. If sand is not
added to the transition area, the ground will pack and be too hard aer sev-
eral horses work.
Management cannot please everyone. Some people will want to have a
very deep sandy arena, others will prefer a shallower sand. For a general
guideline that should please most cutters we would like to suggest three
inches of sand, free from gravel or rocks, on a two-inch transition area,
free from gravel or rocks, on twelve to eighteen inches of base if over con-
crete. (see gure)
In addition to good ground, both contestants and spectators will be
pleased to be in an arena with good air quality. This is achieved by wetting
the entire arena with a sprinkler system or a hose. Care must be taken not
to get the arena too wet. The ground can become sticky or soupy. Without
sucient sand, a clay soil will pack and become hard when sprayed; an-
other good reason to haul in sand.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 125
Again, both the working area and the loping pen need to have so and
secure footing for cutting horses. Your cutters and their horses will appre-
ciate the extra time, expense, and eort you take. It will help to ensure a
great show.
Loping Pen Etiquette
All individuals astride a horse in the arena at NCHA produced events
must be NCHA members. The loping pen is where cutting horses are
warmed up and prepared for the show arena. This area can be a very
dangerous place. Cutters are also getting themselves prepared to show
and can be nervous or simply preoccupied with the task at hand. Com-
mon sense and courtesy can help avoid accident or annoying near miss-
es. Here are a few guidelines to help keep the loping pen a safe and pleas-
ant place to get horses ready to show.
Horses in the warmup area travel in the same direction in concentric
circles. To enter the loping area, merge into trac as if you were enter-
ing a trac circle. Look and wait for a clearing. Once in, maintain the
same speed as the horse in front of you. If you want to pass, look behind
you so you do not crash into the horse in the other lane.
Stay to the inside circle if you want to go slow. This is the slow lane.
Stay to the outside circle if you want to go fast. This is the fast lane. Try
not to bunch up and talk or stand still anywhere in the trac. Never stop
in trac. If you must stop, please slow down, and exit to an area devoid
of trac. This also applies to dry working your horse. If you are going to
do some pulling and spinning, please do it where you have room.
If you see someone that is looking for a way into trac or an exit out of
trac, please be kind enough to let them in or out. Always remember to
think about the other person and how you would feel in a similar situation.
When the time comes to boot up or put on chaps, nd a safe place out
of trac. Be careful that your horse is not too close to another horse that
might kick or bite. Watch your own horse for signs of rude behavior.
Most youth cutters are in the loping pen to get a horse ready. They can
ride and control their horse. They have a good understanding of how to
behave themselves. The loping pen is not a place for baby sitting or en-
tertainment, nor for riding lessons. Anyone in the loping area, no matter
what the age, should have the ability to control their horse at all times.
This is for their own safety as well as for others.
Pedestrians in the loping area should yield to those people who are there
to get a horse ready to show. If you must get o your horse, nd a safe place
to tie them. Do not tie kicking horses or studs in the loping pen.
Someone may tie a horse next to them. Do not get upset with someone
for spanking your horse if it kicks or bites at them.
Use the loping pen for exercise and to season young horses only when
there is enough room. Be considerate of people in there to get their horse
ready to show.
Ideally, show management should keep the ground in the loping pen
as deep and nice to lope in as the working pen. Horses spend more time
pounding the ground in the loping pen than in the show pen. There will
be a tractor coming in periodically to work the pen. Move your horse out
of the way and move any tied horses away from the area to be worked.
People will want to change direction from time to time. Whether they
want to bend their horse the other way or simply are tired of going right
and want to go le, slow down, stop and turn your horse around. If you
want to go another direction, simply ask someone if they would like to
turn around. Do not be oended if some contestant ignores your request,
it simply means their horse is not broke and they cannot do this maneuver.
126 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Regulations for Approved Limited Age Events
Regulations for NCHA Approved Limited Age Events
The NCHA approves limited age events other than the limited age
events the NCHA sponsors. These shows must be for horses between
the age of 3 and 6 years of age. An application for approval, together
with all rules for the event, must be submitted to the NCHA by May 1st
of the preceding year for shows that will be held between January 1 and
April 30, and by January 1 of a given year for shows that will be held be-
tween May 1 and November 30 of that year. Applications for shows with
less than $10,000 added money must be submitted to the NCHA for ap-
proval 40 days prior to the closing date of entry for the show involved.
The application must fully disclose use and dispersal of all fees (includ-
ing nomination fees, subscription fees, entry fees, cattle charges, of-
ce charges and other fees) to be collected from all participants. Show
Management will determine the number of go-rounds, the criteria for
advancement, including whether seminals or nals will be used in
the show. Show Management cannot reduce the allocation, payout and
dispensation submitted in the application aer NCHA approval with-
out prior NCHA written consent. Payout to participants cannot be re-
duced to cover show expenses. Show management agrees that NCHA
has the right to take whatever action may be necessary, including le-
gal proceedings, to require the approved payout and dispensation to be
made. Furthermore, if show management does not make payments to
participants as submitted and approved, NCHA may be paid a ne of
up to $5,000 by show management and/or no application for limited age
event approval by show management or aliate of show management
may be approved by NCHA for a period of up to 15 months.
Rules of the limited age events may not directly conict with NCHA
rules and cannot provide for changing information provided to the NCHA
in the application for approval aer approval has been received without
prior NCHA consent.
A limited age event may set their own rules as long as there are no di-
rect conicts with the NCHA rules. It is the managements decision on
how added money will be split between dierent aged classes. Added
money may also be prorated between the classes.
The management will decide how many go-rounds will be oered and
how many horses may advance to the nals or if a seminals is needed.
Added money cannot be reduced based on the number of entries in a class.
Scheduling of events for the show will be decided by the show man-
Results must be sent into the NCHA in a timely manner, no later than
10 days of the conclusion of the show. This must be accompanied with the
percentage taken out of the entry fees for the NCHA approval.
NCHA monitors are available to shows that do not meet the minimum
requirement for shows required to use the adjusted monitor system.
Show management is not required to use the mandatory payout sched-
ule or the percentage payout system in distributing prize money.
All money won at an NCHA approved limited age event is reported to
the NCHA and will be a permanent record of the NCHA. Money won in
a limited age event does not count against a horse in its eligibility for
NCHA classes but will be included in the horses lifetime earnings. Any
money won by a Non-Professional, whether it be won in a limited age
event, Open or Non-Professional class, will count against the Non-Pro-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 127
fessional rider’s eligibility.
Limited aged events approved by the NCHA, must have an Open and
Non-Professional class in each age division they are oering, to receive
approval from the NCHA.
NCHA will approve weekend shows held in conjunction with a Limited
Age Event. The Weekend Show Approval Applications must be submitted
at the same time as the Major Limited Age Event Application along with
a schedule of the show. Special permission may be granted by the Exec-
utive Committee only if more show dates than allowed by this rule are
requested by an Aliate, individual or organization.
1. The Limited Age event shall be for horses between three (3) and
six (6) years of age.
2. All participating owners and riders must be members of
NCHA. Both owner and rider of any horse entered in an NCHA
approved or sponsored event, by said entry, consents to the
implementation of any action allowed by this Zero Tolerance
Policy (Rule 35.A) by either show management or judge.
a. Non-Aliate show producers and stock shows must pro-
vide NCHA a copy of the actual bond for any and all em-
ployees, owners, ocers, or secretaries whose duties re-
quire the handling of funds. The bond or Irrevocable Letter
of Credit must be in the amount of the maximum funds for
the purse payout plus the NCHA designated approval fee
for the largest show produced and include the producers’
names and the individuals covered along with the expira-
tion date. The bond or Irrevocable Letter of Credit should
list the NCHA as the beneciary. The bond or Irrevocable
Letter of Credit needs to be in the NCHA oce 30 days prior
to any show date. Mail to: NCHA, Attn: Show Approval Su-
pervisor, 260 Bailey Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76107.
3. Use all applicable NCHA rules.
a. Permission to use local exceptions will not be unreason-
ably withheld.
b. Added money in limited age classes held in conjunction
with a weekend show cannot exceed $9,999 total added
4. Use NCHA Approved Judges.
a. All events must be video recorded and held for thirty (30)
b. All approved events with $100,000 added or more must use
no fewer than ve (5) 3A judges or 4A judges. These events
will be monitored.
c. Show must sign AMS agreement to furnish necessary
equipment, lodging, meals, and ground transportation for
NCHA Monitor.
d. It is mandatory that all monitored Limited Age Events have
a qualied Escort for the Judges. A ne of $500 per day will
be imposed on major Limited Age Events with a ve-judge
system that do not have the required Escort for the Judges.
e. All videos and judges’ sheets for multiple judge Limited
Age Events with $10,000 to $60,000 added will be sent to
the Director of Judges within three days of the comple-
tion of the show. All videos and judges’ sheets from these
shows should be sent by the highest-ranking judge.
f. Judges may judge up to 13 consecutive days at Limited Age
128 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Events. Additional judging days must be approved by the
Director of Judges. Violation of this rule is $2,500 per day.
g. Judges must get approval from the Director of Judges to
judge consecutive aged events.
5. Provide at least three (3) head of “fresh cattle” per work.
a. At Limited Age Events with less than $750 in added mon-
ey that are held in conjunction with a weekend show,
show management has the option to provide 2½ head of
cattle instead of the current three head.
6. Pay NCHA an approval fee on total entry fees collected, the per-
centage owed NCHA determined by the amount of added money.
a. $9,999 or less in added money = 8%.
b. $10,000-$99,999 in added money (no monitor required) =
c. $100,000 added or more (monitor required) = 2% plus
Monitor approval fee.
d. Approval fees may be deducted from total entry fees col-
lected. The total approval fee may be prorated between
classes held that day.
e. Monitor approval fee is $500 per day (paid to NCHA) plus
the dierence between actual judge pay and the $500 per
show day rate (paid directly to the monitor).
7. NCHA may require any limited age approved by NCHA to pro-
vide either an acceptable bond or Irrevocable Letter of Credit
covering the added money of the show plus estimated entry fees.
8. NCHA Self-Adjusted Monitor System (SAMS) may be used with
three (3) judges or less. All shows using more than three (3)
judges must use a NCHA monitor.
9. NCHA will solicit judges for all shows using the Adjusted Mon-
itor System.
10. Only the accumulative score will be posted in the arena. No in-
dividual scores will be available anywhere, except a copy of the
ocial Judge’s Cards, which will be posted on the following day
or at the completion of the go-round.
11. Draw parties may be held for the nals of a major NCHA-ap-
proved LAE. The contestant or owner may hand draw for their
position in the presence of the Show Monitor or Show Manage-
ment. If the contestant or owner is not available, the Monitor or
Show Management will draw for that position.
Limited Aged Event Show Approval
A show that has been in existence for the prior three consecutive years
and has added money of $100,000 or more, is considered a premier show.
New shows requesting approval that have conicting dates with pre-
mier shows (two days in front of or behind approved dates) can only be
considered for approval with a maximum of 25% of the premier shows
added money.
Shows that were approved in 2004 that are less than $100,000 added
money, that had conicting dates with premier shows, can be approved
with the same amount of added money.
If a show changes their dates more than the normal calendar move-
ment allows, this show will be considered a new show and will lose pre-
mier show status and approval benets.
LAE show dates will be scheduled by using www.calendar-365.com to
determine week of the year start date. The same week start date will be
used each year. Additionally, any dates released will return to NCHA.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 129
1. The following guidelines for new NCHA-approved Limited Age
Events with less than $100,000 in added money will take eect
January 1, 2009:
a. For shows with a $10,000-$50,000 added purse, there must
be two days preceding the starting date and two days af-
ter the ending date of a pre-existing approved show. If the
dates do overlap a pre-existing approved show, there must
be at least 500 miles between the two show locations.
b. For shows with a $50,001-$99,999 added purse, there must
be two days preceding the starting date and two days af-
ter the ending date of a pre-existing approved show. If the
dates do overlap a pre-existing approved show, there must
be at least 800 miles between the two show locations.
c. New shows inside the 800-mile limit cannot have more
than 25% of the added money of the pre-existing show.
d. If more than one new Major Limited Age Event applica-
tion requesting the same show dates within the 500 or 800
mile limit of each other, are received on the same day, ap-
proval will be considered rst for the show with the earli-
est postmark; second, aliates will be given priority over
independent show producers; and third by the show oer-
ing the most added money.
e. If all of the above rules are not met by new shows request-
ing NCHA approval, show producers of the pre-existing
approved Major Limited Age Events with conicting dates
will be notied and required to submit written documen-
tation to the NCHA oce stating their position to approve
or deny the new show application.
f. All shows are required to have two (2) days’ travel time be-
tween ending and beginning dates of consecutive shows,
unless said shows agree to less than two days.
2. Approval deadlines for existing and new shows that will be
held between January 1 and April 30 of each year, and due in
the oce by May 1, will be approved or denied by July and/or
in time to be published on the NCHA website.
3. Approval deadlines for existing and new shows that will be
held between May 1 and November of each year, will be ap-
proved or denied by February 1 and /or in time to be pub-
lished on the NCHA website.
4. All Major Limited Age Event shows must submit completed
show applications to the NCHA oce by the deadlines. Shows
not submitting applications by the deadline will be notied by
certied letter, receive a ne of $500, and given seven days to
submit their application. If the application is not received with-
in this time limit, the dates will be considered available for new
show approvals.
5. NCHA will allow changes to approved show applications pro-
viding the changes follow all Limited Age Event rules. Changes
must be submitted 30 days prior to the start of the show. Any
exceptions to the above rules will be heard on a case-by-case
basis. The burden for justication of those exceptions will be
the responsibility of the new show applicant.
6. If the management of a show’s venue forces it to move its dates
in a way that will aect other shows, the show producer must
130 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
submit a letter from the venue substantiating this action. Upon
receiving that conrmation, NCHA sta will work with the
show producer to try to negotiate alternative dates. Because it
is beyond the control of the show producer, this will not aect
the status of the show when determining future schedules.
7. A show will not lose its premier status or, in the case of a show
with less than $100,000 added, its status as a pre-existing show,
if it is forced to cancel or terminate a presentation one year due
to the following circumstances:
Destruction of its facility or widespread damage to the
community in which its show would be held due to disas-
ters, such as but not limited to re, tornado, hurricanes,
or oods.
Threat or danger to livestock, such as we saw with the 2011
outbreak of EHV-1.
Threat or danger to human participants, such as a forced
closure by the local health department due to fear of the
spread of disease or other serious contagious illness.
8. Failure to adhere to approved show dates will be considered in
future show approval requests.
Benets & Options Oered
1. Complete description of upcoming show including payment
schedule listed on the NCHA website prior to show dates.
2. Earnings records of horses and riders maintained by NCHA.
3. Results of show publicized via appropriate media. Working
pictures of champions along with a brief summary of the show
will also be featured.
4. Right to use NCHA approved judges that have been Profession-
ally trained and rated accordingly.
5. The NCHA Adjusted Monitor System is available to shows that
do not meet the necessary requirements. For information ob-
taining this option, please contact the NCHA Judges Depart-
Judges Rules & Casebook
2023 NCHA Rule Book •131
2024 Judging Rules & Casebook
Also Review Standing Rules 21-29 Related to Judges
The purpose of this Casebook is to provide for a more uniform
interpretation and application of the Rules for Judging Cutting
Horse show as found in the NCHA Rule Book. It expresses the of-
cial interpretation of the NCHA Rules for Judging Cutting Horse
show. This Casebook is provided to the membership of the NCHA
as a tool in judging, showing and preparing horses for showing.
CUTTER: For the purpose of this Casebook, the term “cutter” re-
fers to the contestant and their horse as a working unit. From time
to time the unit will be divided. In these instances, the text will
describe the activities of the contestant and their horse separately.
RULING: For the purpose of this Casebook, the term “ruling” re-
fers to the action that shall be taken by the judge.
NOTE: For the purpose of this Casebook, the term “note” signi-
es a further explanation of a ruling.
Also see Standing Rules 21-29
Judging Rule 1 - Herd work ................................ 133
Judging Rule 2 - Cutting toward center and driving a cow. . . . . . 134
Judging Rule 3 - Loose reins ............................... 134
Judging Rule 4 -
Setting up cow and working in center of arena
.. 135
Judging Rule 5 - Disturbance, noise, scattering, .............. 135
picking up cattle, excessive training
Judging Rule 6 - Working too close to back fence ............. 138
Judging Rule 7 - Horse turns tail ........................... 139
Judging Rule 8 - Visible cue ................................ 140
2nd hand on rein .......................... 140
Judging Rule 9 - Lose a Cow ............................... 143
Judging Rule 10 - Changing cow aer commitment ........... 144
Judging Rule 11 - Working out of position (a) (A). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Judging Rule 12 - Horse pawing or biting cattle .............. 147
Judging Rule 13 - Hot quit ................................. 148
Judging Rule 14 - Horse quits a cow ......................... 151
Judging Rule 15 - Failure to separate ........................ 152
Judging Rule 16 - Bridle/Dress Code ........................ 153
Judging Rule 17 - Horse or contestant falls to ground ......... 155
Judging Rule 18 - Leaving working area ..................... 155
Judging Rule 19 - Rework ................................. 155
Judging Rule 20 - Scoring - Points 60-80, . point permissible .... 157
Judging Rule 21 - Benet to contestant ...................... 158
Judging Rule 1 - Herd work ................................ 133
Judging Rule 2 - Driving a cow ............................. 134
Judging Rule 3 - Loose reins ............................... 134
Judging Rule 4 - Setting up a cow and working center of arena . 135
Judges Rules & Casebook
132 • 2023 NCHA Rule Book
1 point - Judging Rule 11 (miss) Losing working advantage
1 point - Judging Rule 8 Visible cue or positioning aer cut
1 point - Judging Rule 8d Toe, foot, or stirrup on horse shoulder
1 point - Judging Rule 5a Noise directed to cattle
3 point - Judging Rule 5b Cattle picked up/scattering herd
3 point - Judging Rule 1a Failure to make deep cut
3 point - Judging Rule 13 Hot quit
3 point - Judging Rule 12 Pawing or biting cattle
3 point - Judging Rule 8b 2nd hand on reins while working
3 point - Judging Rule 8c Cueing in shoulder
3 point - Judging Rule 6 Back Fence
5 point - Judging Rule 14 Horse quitting cow
5 point - Judging Rule 9 Losing a cow
5 point - Judging Rule 10 Changing cattle aer commitment
5 point - Judging Rule 15 Failure to separate
60 score - Judging Rule 7 Horse turns tail
0 score - Judging Rule 17 Horse falls to ground
Judging Rule 17 Horse falls to ground
Judging Rule 18 Leaving working area
Judging Rule 16, 19, 20, 21 &
Standing Rule 34 Illegal Equipment
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 133
Judging Rules 1-21
Also Review Standing Rules 21-29 Related to Judges
Each horse is required to enter the herd suciently deep enough to show
their ability to make a cut. One such deep cut will satisfy this rule. Failure
to satisfy this requirement will result in a three (3) point penalty.
A. A horse will be given credit for their ability to enter the herd quietly
with very little disturbance to the herd or to the one brought out.
NOTE: To satisfy this rule, if a cutter has not satised the deep cut
rule on their rst or second cut, on their last cut, a cow must be sep-
arated from the herd with the cutters hand down before the rst
sound of the buzzer.
EXAMPLE 1: As the Cutter approaches the herd, one cow voluntarily
walks out of the herd. The Cutter turns and cuts that cow and works it.
When they begin to cut their second cow, another volunteer steps out
and the Cutter cuts it. They work that cow. The Cutter then rides deep
into the herd for their third cow, but before the third cow is separated
from the other cattle the buzzer sounds.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty for failing to make a deep cut
sometime during the work.
EXAMPLE 2: In a herd of 45 cattle, a Cutter cuts two cows cleanly and
is working the second cow when the buzzer sounds. Each time the Cutter
cuts, they allow three cows to come around and cuts the third cow.
RULING: Three (3) cows may or may not be enough cattle to satisfy the
requirements of Rule One. If the Cutter rode to the edge of the herd and
peeled the three cows, the judge shall rule that no deep cut was made and
assess a three (3) point penalty. If the Cutter actually rode deep into the
body of the herd and drove the cows out or started more than three (3)
cows out and eventually cut from the three (3), the judge shall rule that
the requirements of Rule One are satised.
EXAMPLE 3: A Cutter rides deep into the body of the herd and starts
a signicant portion of the cattle out on their right side. When the cattle
are in front of the Cutter, they step to make their cut, the ow of cattle
stops, and the cattle reverse the ow and begin to return to the herd on
the Cutter’s right side. The Cutter cuts the last available cow so that no
cows actually come around on the Cutters le side.
RULING: The Cutter has satised the requirements of Rule One.
NOTE: In ruling on Rule One, it is more important for a judge to con-
sider the depth and route taken by the Cutter than it is to count the num-
ber of cows that move around their horse. It is necessary, however, for
the Cutter to actually get behind some cattle before Rule 1 is satised.
EXAMPLE 4: Cutter As horse walks quietly into the herd and remains
quiet while Cutter A makes their cut. Cutter B’s horse walks quietly into
the herd but is obviously nervous and moves excessively while Cutter B
is making their cut.
RULING: Cutter A shall receive more credit for their cut than Cutter B.
EXAMPLE 5: While making a cut, Cutter A makes several moves with a
cow before they are able to separate it from the others. These moves ex-
cite both the cow being cut and the cattle around it. While making a cut,
Cutter B is able to bring a similar type of cow out with very little distur-
bance to the cow or the herd.
RULING: Cutter B shall receive more credit for their cut than Cutter A.
134 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
In this case the judge is not penalizing Cutter A; they are, however, giving
more credit for the job done by Cutter B.
EXAMPLE 6: Aer quitting a cow a horse starts to lie down, but the rid-
er is able to keep the horse up on its feet.
RULING: No penalty, but run content may be reduced in herd work de-
pending upon the severity it takes to get the horse back to its feet.
EXAMPLE 7: As the cutter enters the herd, the horse kicks out at the
rider’s spur with a hind leg.
RULING: No penalty, however run content will be reduced in herd work.
EXAMPLE 8: Aer the cutter quits a cow, the horse lays down with its
legs underneath itself.
RULING: The run content may or may not be reduced.
When an animal is cut from the herd, it is more desirable that it be taken
toward the center of the arena, and credit will be rewarded for same. Ad-
ditional credit will be given the horse which drives its stock sucient dis-
tance from the herd to assure that the herd will not be disturbed by their
work, thereby showing their ability to drive a cow.
EXAMPLE 1: Cutter A and Cutter B have, in the judge’s opinion, identi-
cal works. Cutter A drove their stock away from the herd and was never
in any danger of disturbing the herd. Cutter B did not disturb the herd ei-
ther, but Cutter B made no eort to drive away from the herd.
RULING: Cutter A shall be rewarded more credit for their work than
Cutter B. In this case, the judge is not penalizing Cutter B; they are, how-
ever, rewarding more credit for the job done by Cutter A.
EXAMPLE 2: Cutter A and Cutter B have similar works. Both Cutters
make deep cuts on their rst cow and drive it near the center of the are-
na. Cutter A then cuts their second cow very near the back fence and
begins working there. Cutter B cuts their second cow very near the cen-
ter of the arena. The buzzer sounds while both Cutters are working their
second cow.
RULING: Cutter B shall receive more credit than Cutter A.
EXAMPLE 3: Aer the cutter has made their cut and trac has cleared,
Cutter A begins their work. Cutter B begins their work and continues to
drive their stock additional distance from the herd.
RULING: Cutter A is rewarded credit for a good clean cut. Cutter B will
receive more credit for driving their stock additional distance from the
herd, showing their ability to drive a cow. This credit(s) can occur at any
time in the work.
Riding with a loose rein throughout a performance is a requirement and
will be recognized.
EXAMPLE: Cutter A and Cutter B have similar works. Neither move
their hands aer putting their horse on a cow. Cutter As reins are adjust-
ed so that it is obvious that their horse is turned loose. Cutter B’s reins are
noticeably shorter. The judge never actually sees Cutter B’s reins tighten
against the bit.
RULING: If both are suciently loose so that the horse is not inuenced,
then Cutter A and Cutter B have satised their requirement of riding with a
loose rein. If Cutter B’s reins were tight enough to attract the judge’s atten-
tion, even though the bits were not bumped, put a minus in the loose rein
column and take one point o for each cow that they were tight on, and
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 135
take those points o at the end of the run, just like a major penalty. This is
the only case which we take 1-point penalties o at the end of the run, to
increase the severity of this rule infraction. Remember riding with loose
reins is a requirement.
Credit will be recognized for setting up a cow and controlling it in a
working position as near the center of the arena as possible.
EXAMPLE 1: Cutter A cuts cleanly and works three cows. They work
their second cow entirely on the le one-third of the arena. Cutter B has
a similar work, except they hold their cows much nearer the center of
the arena.
RULING: Cutter B shall receive more credit for their work than Cutter
A. The judge shall be careful not to penalize Cutter A; however, Cutter B
must receive more credit.
EXAMPLE 2: Cutter A cuts cleanly and works two cows. They hold both
cows very near the center of the arena. Cutter B cuts cleanly and works two
cows. They hold their rst cow very near the center of the arena. They cut
their second cow and are unable to contain it near the center of the arena;
in fact, the cow runs from fence to fence despite the horse remaining in ex-
cellent position. Both Cutter A and Cutter B had penalty free runs that, in
the judge’s opinion, had a similar degree of diculty.
RULING: Cutter A shall receive more credit for their work than Cutter
B. Cutter B has committed no rule infractions; however, the point value of
their run is less than that of Cutter A.
EXAMPLE 3: Cutter A and Cutter B each work two cows that create very
similar challenges for each Cutter. Cutter A holds their rst cow near the
center of the arena. They work their second cow on the le one-half of the
arena. In the judge’s opinion, Cutter A holds a working position on their
second cow, but their horse is not going far enough ahead of the cow to
prevent it from running near the le fence. Cutter A is stopping the cow
on the right side. Cutter B holds both of their cows very near the center of
the arena. Cutter A and Cutter B have penalty free runs.
RULING: Cutter B shall receive more credit.
EXAMPLE 4: During a work, the Cutter trails their stock just enough
that the cow runs from wall to wall and is never set up and held near the
center of the arena.
RULING: The horse which ALLOWS its stock to run from wall to wall,
because they are trailing, or which rolls out on its turns and lacks control
shall not be credited under this rule.
NOTE: The degree of diculty presented by the stock cut out shall
weigh heavily on the judge’s decision. Credit must be rewarded the horse
which meets the challenge of a hard charging, fast moving animal with-
out loss of working position and control. Where other considerations are
equal, the horse which works a longer time should receive greater credit.
If the cutting horse or its rider creates disturbance at any time through-
out their working period (2
 minutes), they will be penalized:
a. Any noise directed by the contestant toward the cattle will be
penalized one (1) point.
b. Each time a horse runs into the herd, scatters the herd while
working or picks up one or more cows through fault of the
horse, it will be penalized three (3) points. Note: At the rst
sound of the buzzer, the run is terminated.
136 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
The entire cow must enter working area of horse.
c. The judge shall stop any work because of
1. the contestant working the horse in an unprofessional
2. disturbance of the cattle by the contestant, or
3. excessive training of the horse by the contestant.
Any contestant failing to stop immediately aer the rst whistle will
be whistled out again. A contestant with a “double whistle” violation re-
sulting from the contestant working the horse in an “double whistle” vio-
lation is responsible for noting the reason for the double whistle.
EXAMPLE 1: While attempting to make a cut in sticky cattle, the Cutter
makes noise to cause the cattle to separate. This noise is clearly audible
to the judge.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 2: While attempting to make a cut, the Cutters helpers
make noise that is audible to the judge
RULING: No penalty.
EXAMPLE 3: During a work, three (3) cows run out of the herd and on
past the turnback horses. In the judge’s opinion the Cutter did not cause
the cattle to leave the herd.
RULING: No penalty.
EXAMPLE 4: The Cutter works three (3) cows. They are forced to legal-
ly quit their rst two (2) cows because his/her horse runs into the herd
causing one or more cows to enter the working area of the horse. The en-
tire cow must enter the working area of the horse. The working area of
the horse is dened as the entire cow being in front of the horse’s head.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty each time the horse runs into
the herd. Total penalty of six (6) points.
EXAMPLE 5: The Cutter is working his/her third cow when the buzz-
er sounds. The quits in their run are legal; however, each time they quit
working, their horse was very close to the herd, and the cattle moved
away from the Cutter’s horse. The Cutters herd holders were able to con-
tain the cattle so that no cattle escaped from the herd.
RULING: No penalty.
NOTE: Running into the herd shall not be called unless the Cutter cre-
ates enough disturbance to cause one (1) or more cows to enter the work-
ing area of the horse. A wild cow leaving on its own would not be consid-
ered picking up cattle.
Note: The denition of a wild cow as it pertains to rule 5.b., is a cow
that goes into motion on its own (not caused by the cutter).
EXAMPLE 6A: The Cutter’s horse is very near the herd while holding
a tough cow. Before the Cutter can nd a legal opportunity to quit the
cow, three (3) cows run out of the herd and join the cow being worked.
The judge is certain that the Cutter caused the cattle to enter the working
area of the horse.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty for picking up cattle.
EXAMPLE 6B: The Cutter is driving three cattle away from the herd: a
red cow, a black cow, and a white cow. They drive the red cow forward,
causing the white cow and black cow to step to their right, behind the
horse’s buttocks. As they start to work the red cow, the black cow and
white cow join the red cow. They quit as the red cow turns away.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 137
RULING: No penalty.
NOTE: Picking up cattle will not be charged in this instance, because
the white cow and black cow had never become part of the body of the
herd. The white cow and black cow in this instance would have been con-
sidered “trac”.
EXAMPLE 7: The Cutter quits legally, and four (4) cows leave the herd
almost simultaneously.
RULING: The judge must decide if the Cutter was at fault. If the judge
rules that the Cutter ran into the herd and caused the cattle to leave, as-
sess a three (3) point penalty. If the judge cannot decide, the benet goes
to the Cutter and no penalty is charged.
NOTE: Even though the Cutter quits before another cow actually
enters the working area of the horse, a three (3) point penalty will be
charged if the judge is certain the disturbance was caused by the Cutter.
EXAMPLE 8: While the Cutter is working, the cattle behind them are
moving. The Cutter’s helpers are able to contain the cattle so that no cat-
tle actually escape from the herd.
RULING: No penalty.
NOTE: Cattle shall not be considered “scattered” unless they actually
enter the working area of the horse.
EXAMPLE 9: The Cutter is making an honest eort to show his/her
horse, but the horse is not working properly. The Cutter runs through
the cattle more than once, severely disturbing the herd.
RULING: The Cutter shall be called out of the herd by the judge and
their work terminated.
NOTE: Even though the Cutter was not training or abusing the horse,
they were creating a disturbance of the cattle. Show management should
provide each judge with a whistle so that they may quickly stop a work.
EXAMPLE 10: (A) Aer losing a cow, the Cutter cuts another cow and
stops the horse each time the cow stops; they do not jerk or excessively
cue their horse.
(B) The Cutters horse is not working properly. The Cutter cues their
horse in the shoulder aggressively and then jerks it to a stop.
RULING: In (A) assess a ve (5) point penalty for losing a cow and a one
(1) point penalty each time the Cutter stops his/her horse.
In (B) the judge shall stop the work.
EXAMPLE 11: While working at no fault of the Cutter, additional cattle
leave the herd and join the cow being worked.
(A) The Cutter quits the cow being worked while that cow is turn-
ing into them.
(B) The Cutter picks up his/her horse and reins them until the ad-
ditional cattle have returned to the herd. They then drop their
hand and continues to work the cow.
(C) The Cutter reins his/her horse in an attempt to separate his/her
original cow from the additional cattle. They then decide not to
separate the cow and quit legally.
(D) The Cutter quits the cow while it is turned away.
(E) The Cutter continues to work their original cow until the ad-
ditional cattle have returned to the herd. During this time, the
Cutter does not cue his/her horse in any manner.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty for an illegal quit (Rule
In (B) and (C) assess a one (1) point penalty for each time the Cutter
138 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
reins their horse. In (D) no penalty.
In (E) give credit for the horse staying with the original cow.
EXAMPLE 12: While working at no fault of the Cutter, additional cat-
tle leave the herd and join the cow being worked. The Cutter reins their
horse in an attempt to separate their original cow from the additional
cattle. The original cow, however, escapes to the herd leaving only the
additional cattle in front of the Cutter.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty for each time the Cutter reins
their horse (Rule 8) and a ve (5) point penalty for losing the cow. (Rule
EXAMPLE 13: While working, the Cutter is forced near the herd caus-
ing additional cattle to be picked up.
(A) The Cutter legally quits his/her original cow.
(B) The Cutter quits while their original cow is moving straight
across the pen or turning in toward them.
(C) The Cutter loses his/her original cow at approximately the
same time.
(D) The Cutter reins his/her horse twice while the additional cattle
are clearing and then continues to work.
(E) The Cutter reins his/her horse one (1) time and then quits their
original cow legally.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty for picking up cattle.
NOTE: It is not necessary for the Cutter to separate their original cow
from the additional cattle before quitting.
RULING: In (B) assess a three (3) point penalty for picking up cattle
and a three (3) point penalty for an illegal quit (Rule 13). Total penalty of
six (6) points.
In (C) the judge will consider the two penalties to have occurred simul-
taneously unless there is a denite time lapse aer the cow is picked up.
Under normal circumstances only the larger penalty of ve (5) points
will be assessed. An additional three (3) point penalty must be assessed
when the time lapse occurs.
In (D) assess a three (3) point penalty for picking up cattle and a one
(1) point penalty for each time the Cutter reins their horse (Rule 8). Total
penalty of ve (5) points.
In (E) assess a three (3) point penalty for picking up cattle and a one
(1) point penalty for each time the Cutter reins their horse. Total penalty
of four (4) points.
EXAMPLE 14: While in the process of cutting, the Cutter has two (2)
or more cattle separated from the herd. In an attempt to cut the desired
cow, he/she:
(A) comes close enough to the herd to cause one (1) or more cows to
enter the working area of the horse.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty for picking up cattle.
EXAMPLE 15: While the Cutter is working a cow at a reasonable dis-
tance from the herd, another cow voluntarily leaves the herd and stops
in such a position that the working horse’s normal pattern causes it to
enter the working area of the horse.
RULING: No penalty, as no disturbance of the herd occurs.
A horse will be penalized three (3) points each time the back fence ac-
tually stops or turns the animal being worked within one step (three
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 139
[3] feet) of the fence; the back fence to be agreed on and designated by
the judge or judges before the contest starts; meaning the actual fence
only, no imaginary line from point to point to be considered. If any of
the contestants voice an objection before the contest starts, the judge
or judges shall take a vote of the contestants, and a “back fence” ac-
ceptable to the majority shall be designated and used. Note: At the rst
sound of the buzzer, the run is terminated.
EXAMPLE 1: While working, it is obvious that the cutting horse does
not turn a cow that is moving toward the back fence. The cow does turn,
however, at a spot approximately ten (10) feet from the back fence.
RULING: No penalty.
EXAMPLE 2: While working, a cow outran the Cutter to a place on the
back fence. The cow turns within three (3) feet of the back fence and
goes back to the center of the arena. The Cutter quits the cow legally
and completes his/her work.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 3: The cow being worked bangs into the back fence and:
(A) is moving away from the back fence when the Cutter quits.
(B) is moving toward the Cutter when they quit.
(C) the impact stops the cow’s motion; the Cutter quits while the
cow is stopped.
(D) returns to the herd.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty.
In (B) assess a three (3) point penalty for a back fence violation and a
three (3) point penalty for an illegal quit (Rule 13). Total penalty of six
(6) points.
In (C) assess a three (3) point penalty.
In (D) the judge will consider the two penalties to have occurred si-
multaneously unless the cow rst moves away from the horse and then
returns to the herd. When the penalties occur simultaneously, only the
larger penalty of ve (5) points should be assessed.
NOTE: The outer limits of the designated back fence shall include
any boards or other markers used to dene this outer limit.
EXAMPLE 4: While in the process of cutting, the Cutter has two (2)
or more cattle separated from the herd. As the Cutter attempts to cut
the desired cow, the cattle move to the back fence inside the back fence
markers, then move back to the working area.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty for a back fence.
EXAMPLE 5: A Cutter is working a cow that stops against the arena
fence outside the back fence marker. The cow moves toward the horse
until it is inside the marker where it is turned away from the back fence
by the Cutter’s horse.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty.
NOTE: Any time a Cutter allows the cow being worked to move inside
of the back fence marker within one step or three (3) feet of the fence, a
three (3) point penalty must be assessed.
If a horse turns the wrong way with tail toward animal being worked,
an automatic score of 60 points will be given.
EXAMPLE 1: While in the process of cutting, the cutter has two or
more cattle separated from the herd. As the cutter attempts to cut the de-
sired cow, the horse turns away from the cow so severely that the horse’s
140 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
tail points toward the cow or cattle.
RULING: The Cutter automatically receives a score of sixty (60) points.
EXAMPLE 2: The Cutter is working and his/her horse attempts to turn
tail toward the cow. The Cutter stops the horse before they are able to
completely turn away from the cow. The cow being worked returns to
the herd.
RULING: This is not a case of turning tail. Rule 14 shall be applied. The
Cutter is assessed a ve (5) point penalty for his/her horse quitting a cow.
While working, a horse will be penalized one (1) point each time the
reins are used to control or direct (to rein) the horse. A one (1) point pen-
alty shall also be charged whenever a horse is visibly cued in any man-
ner. If the reins are tight enough that the bits are bumped at any time,
they shall be penalized one (1) penalty point (B) per occurrence per cow
in the 1-point penalty column, even though the hand of the rider does
not move. In addition, put a minus in the loose reins column per cow
and take o at the end of the run to increase the severity of this rule in-
a. A horse must be released as soon as the desired animal is clear
of the other cattle. Additional reining, cuing, or positioning
will result in a one (1) point penalty for each occurrence.
b. The rider shall hold the bridle reins in one hand. A three (3)
point penalty shall be charged if the second hand touches the
reins for any purpose except to straighten them.
c. Cueing behind the shoulder shall not be considered a visible
cue. A three (3) point penalty shall be assessed each time a
horse is cued in the shoulder.
d. A toe, foot, or stirrup on the horse’s shoulder is considered a
visible cue. A one (1) point penalty shall be charged for each
EXAMPLE 1: While making his/her cut, the Cutter moves his/her hand
up and down, side to side while selecting a cow to work. He/she then
place their hand:
(A) near his/her horse’s neck and leaves it there while working:
(B) above the saddle horn and leaves it there while working:
(C) near their horse’s neck in the beginning of the run, and then
raises it above the saddle horn while working.
(D) up the horse’s neck (too far forward).
RULING: In (A) and (B) no penalty. In (C) if the hand movement results
in reining, a one (1) point penalty shall be assessed for each occurrence.
In (D) a one-point penalty for each occurrence.
NOTE: The Cutter may rein his/her horse as much as necessary to
make a cut. Clean, pretty cuts shall receive credit.
NOTE: Releasing the cutting horse indicates that the Cutter is ready to
begin working. Additional reining shall be penalized.
EXAMPLE 2: The Cutter makes a cut and while waiting for the cow to
begin movement:
(A) shakes his/her rein hand causing movement of the bridle reins:
(B) feeds out additional slack to the bridle reins.
RULING: In (A) penalize the Cutter one (1) point for each time they
repeat this activity. If they cut three (3) cows and shake their reins each
time, the total penalty shall be three (3) points. In (B) no penalty.
EXAMPLE 3: The Cutter is working with their hand held low. His/her
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 141
reins are adjusted short enough so that the bit is bumped two (2) dier-
ent times during their run once on the rst cow and once on the second
cow. The cutter only worked 2 cows.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty (B) in the 1-point penalty col-
umn for each time the bit is bumped and take that o your cow score. In
addition, put a minus in the loose reins column per cow and take o at
the end of the run to increase the severity of this rule infraction.
EXAMPLE 4: The Cutter is working and:
(A) during their run they move his/her hand very slightly in a turn.
(B) during their run, his/her hand moves suciently for the judge
to believe that they are reining their horse in the turn.
(C) while going across the arena he/she moves their hand toward
the cow being worked to hold his/her horse out from the herd.
(D) during his/her run they push their hand forward to encourage
his/her horse to move along with a cow.
(E) as his/her horse is stopping, the Cutter leans backward in the
saddle causing his/her rein hand to also move back.
RULING: In (A) no penalty.
In (B), (C), (D), and (E) a one (1) point penalty shall be assessed.
EXAMPLE 5: While making a cut, the Cutter selects a cow and begins
driving it out of the herd. The Cutter reins their horse until the cow is
clear of the other cattle and then releases his/her horse.
RULING: No penalty.
NOTE: The intent of Rule 8a is to prevent the Cutter from helping his/
her horse aer a cow is clear of the herd. Judges shall be careful to allow
the Cutter to handle his/her horse enough to clear the cow that they se-
lected to cut. In the application of this rule, the term “clear” means far
enough out from the body of the herd that the Cutter has a reasonable
opportunity to begin working and that all other cattle are at least behind
their horse’s buttocks.
EXAMPLE 6: While making a cut, the Cutter selects a cow and reins
his/her horse while driving the cow out of the herd. Aer the cow is clear,
the Cutter continues to rein until the cow has made its rst move. He/she
then release his/her horse and work the cow.
RULING: A one (1) point penalty shall be assessed for each time the
horse is reined aer the cow is clear.
EXAMPLE 7: Aer a cow is clear of the herd, the Cutter reins his/her
horse to initiate the rst move with the cow.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 8: A Cutter cuts a cow from a group of cattle that are coming
around him/her. They rein his/her horse until the other cattle are cleared
away by their herd holders and immediately thereaer releases it.
RULING: No penalty.
EXAMPLE 9: The Cutter cuts a cow that is walking away from the herd.
(A) The Cutter reins his/her horse until they have stepped out of
the herd and then releases it.
(B) The Cutter reins his/her horse until they have stepped out of
the herd. Several seconds elapse before the cow is turned by
the turn back horse. The Cutter continues to hold contact with
his/her horse by having their hand up and some tension on his/
her reins. They do not move their horse around; they are hold-
ing his/her horse’s attention on the cow until the cow moves.
(C) The Cutter reins his/her horse until they have stepped out of
142 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
the herd. Almost simultaneously the Cutter releases his/her
horse, and the cow is moved by the turn back horses.
RULING: In (A) and (C) no penalty. In (B) assess a one (1) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 10: The Cutter selects a cow from a group of cattle that are
moving around him/her. They step to that cow and reins his/her horse
until his/her herd holders have the other cattle behind his/her horse’s
buttocks (cleared away). He/she then continues to hold tension on his/
her reins while the cow that they have cut trots several feet across the
arena. When the cow stops and turns around, the Cutter stops his/her
horse and reins it back to the cow before releasing it.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty for each time the Cutter cues
their horse. In this case, one (1) for holding the horse going across the
arena, one (1) for stopping the horse, and one (1) for reining it back to the
cow. Total penalty of three (3) points.
EXAMPLE 11: While working a cow, the Cutter:
(A) uses two hands on the bridle reins to turn his/her horse around
with a cow.
(B) uses two hands on the bridle reins to stop his/her horse and
then allows it to turn on their own.
(C) uses two hands on the bridle reins while stopping the horse for
a legal quit.
RULING: In (A), (B), and (C) assess a three (3) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 12: Aer quitting a cow legally, the Cutter uses two hands
on the bridle reins to turn his/her horse around.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 13: The Cutter drops one bridle rein and:
(A) uses his/her free hand to retrieve it while cutting a cow.
(B) uses his/her free hand to retrieve it while working a cow.
(C) uses his/her free hand to retrieve it aer they have obviously
legally quit the cow and stopped their horse.
RULING: In (A) and (B) assess a three (3) point penalty for using both
hands on the bridle reins. In (C) no penalty.
EXAMPLE 14: The Cutters reins have become entangled.
(A) The rider quits a cow legally and before entering the body of
the herd uses the second hand to straighten out the reins.
(B) While riding through the herd, the rider places a second hand
on the reins to straighten them.
(C) The rider turns to make a cut, then stops his/her horse within
the body of the herd and uses the second hand to straighten
his/her reins.
RULING: In (A), (B) and (C)
no penalty.
EXAMPLE 15: The Cutter
places a second hand on the
reins to:
(A) Stop or back his/her
horse aer legally
quitting a cow.
(B) Pull his/her horse
around aer legally
quitting a cow.
(C) To pull his/her horse
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 143
around while moving through the herd.
RULING: In (A), (B), and (C) assess a three (3) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 16: During the course of a run as the horse makes a turn,
the Cutter:
(A) Cues the horse in the shoulder.
(B) Attempts to cue the horse in the shoulder but does not make
contact with the horse.
RULING: In (A), assess a three (3) point penalty; (B), no penalty.
NOTE: Cueing behind the shoulder is legal.
If a horse lets an animal that it is working get back in the herd, it will be
penalized ve (5) points.
EXAMPLE 1: The Cutter is working a cow that out-maneuvers his/her
horse and returns to the herd.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 2: The Cutter is working a cow that pushes it into the edge of
the herd and returns to the herd.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 3: The Cutter is working a cow that jumps out of the arena:
(A) between the back fence markers.
(B) outside of the back fence markers.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty for a back fence (Rule
6). In (B) no penalty.
EXAMPLE 4: The cow being worked is making a strong attempt to re-
turn to the herd.
(A) The Cutter quits the cow while his/her horse has the working
advantage, but the cow is turning toward the horse.
The Cutter quits the cow aer he/she has lost their working ad-
vantage. The cow leaves the working area and returns to the herd.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty for an illegal quit (Rule 3).
In (B) assess a one (1) point penalty for loss of working advantage and a
ve (5) point penalty for a lost cow. Total penalty of six (6) points.
a. NOTE: During a monitored three (3) to ve (5) judge event: If a
major penalty has been called in error, thereby making clear
and obvious one (1) point penalties not previously charged,
then the adjusted score shall reect the one-point penalty.
(This is at the judge’s discretion only).
b. NOTE: In judging a situation concerning simultaneous major
penalties, only one penalty will be called with the larger pen-
alty taking precedence over the smaller penalty. The excep-
tion to this rule is Rule 8.b., which concerns a Cutter using two
hands on the reins.
EXAMPLE 5: During the process of cutting, the Cutter starts a large
number of cattle around them. As these cattle come around, the Cutter
does not step out of the herd and makes no attempt to cut any of them.
They allow the cattle to go by and:
(A) turns and starts more cattle around. They cut from these cattle.
(B) turns and rides to these same cattle; starts them back around
and makes their cut.
RULING: In (A) and (B) no penalty.
EXAMPLE 6: While working a cow, the cow out-maneuvers the horse
and it is obvious that the horse is unable to stop the cow from entering
144 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
the herd. The buzzer sounds before the cow physically enters the herd.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty.
NOTE: At the buzzer, loss of cow occurs at the moment the horse can
no longer regain its working advantage regardless if the rider’s hand is
up or down. For a loss to occur during the work, the cow must return
to the herd.
If a rider changes cattle aer visibly committing to a specic cow, a ve
(5) point penalty will be assessed.
NOTE: All reviews on change of cattle must be reviewed at normal
speed (no slow motion).
EXAMPLE 1: During the process of cutting a cow, the Cutter drives a
group of cattle away from the herd. Before the Cutter makes an attempt
to cut one of these cows, three (3) other cows leave the herd and walk to
a position nearby but do not join the rst group of cattle.
(A) The Cutter steps to the rst group of cattle and cuts one of them.
(B) The Cutter reins away from the rst group toward the second
group and cuts one of them.
(C) The Cutter reins away from the rst group toward the second
group. The second group trots back to the herd leaving the Cut-
ter without any cattle to cut from.
RULING: In (A) and (B) no penalty. In (C) assess a ve (5) point penalty
for failure to separate a cow (Rule 15). NOTE: A Cutter commits to a single
animal, not to a group of cattle.
EXAMPLE 2: The Cutter is making a cut. He/she has a group of ve (5)
cattle in front of them. He/she:
(A) looks at a brown cow but does not attempt to move his/her
horse toward the brown cow. He/she then cuts a red cow.
(B) moves his/her horse toward a brown cow and reins once to
move his/her horse in the direction it starts. He/she then cuts a
red cow.
(C) decides not to cut any of the ve and cuts another cow that has
walked out from the other side of the herd.
(D) fails to decide quickly enough and three (3) cows pass by on
his/her le side, two (2) cows pass by on their right side, leav-
ing no cows for the Cutter to cut.
(E) waits until the cows begin to come around him/her in single
le. The Cutter then steps, applying a slight pressure to the cat-
tle as they come by. He/she cuts the cow that is most willing to
remain in front of him/her.
RULING: In (A), (C), and (E) no penalty.
In (B) assess a ve (5) point penalty for changing cows.
In (D) assess a ve (5) point penalty for failure to separate a cow (Rule 15).
NOTE: A Cutter shall be committed whenever he/she makes two moves
to a specic animal. One move may also result in commitment to a spe-
cic animal when there is separation, and that single move clearly and
obviously indicates a specic animal has been selected.
EXAMPLE 3: The Cutter enters the herd near the center and turns to
his/her right. They drive one (1) cow out and as that cow moves around
him/her, a group of cattle come out of the herd from the le side. The cow
that the Cutter is driving is joined by the group of cattle. The Cutter releas-
es their original cow and cuts one of the group.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 145
EXAMPLE 4: During the process of cutting a cow, the Cutter steps toward a
cow to stop the ow of cattle. That cow stops and other cattle also stop there-
by forming a group of cattle. The Cutter then cuts any cow from that group.
RULING: No penalty.
NOTE: A judge must allow a Cutter to stop a group of cattle and then
cut from that group. In order to stop a group of cattle, the Cutter must
stop a cow in the ow of cattle. A judge shall not consider the Cutter vis-
ibly committed to that lead cow unless there is separation between the
lead cow and the rest of the ow, and the Cutter actually attempts to cut
that cow.
EXAMPLE 5: During the process of cutting a cow, the Cutter steps to-
ward a cow to stop the ow of cattle. That cow stops, thereby forming a
group of cattle; the Cutter then moves toward that lead cow so as to visibly
commit to it, and then cuts another cow.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty for changing cows.
EXAMPLE 6: During the process of cutting a cow, the Cutter starts a
group of cattle around them. They select an animal and visibly commits
to it. In their attempt to separate that cow from the other cattle:
(A) the Cutter runs across the pen several times with the cattle
and is then able to make his/her cut.
(B) the cow goes to the back fence with the other cattle and then
the Cutter proceeds to bring the cow to the middle of the arena
and works it.
(C) the cow goes back into the herd with the group of cattle and
then the Cutter proceeds to bring the cow to the center of the
arena and works it.
(D) the Cutter goes to the back fence with the cattle and is unable
to cut that cow.
RULING: In (A) no penalty; however, the point value of the run may be
reduced due to the lack of a quiet, clean cut.
In (B) assess a three (3) point penalty for a back fence violation (Rule
6). In (C) and (D) assess a ve (5) point penalty for a loss (Rule 9).
EXAMPLE 7: During the process of cutting a cow, the Cutter starts a
group of cattle around his/her. They select an animal and reins his/her
horse toward it. For a brief period of time the animal is separated.
(A) The cow rejoins a group of cattle and runs to the back fence.
The Cutter brings the cow back out and continues to work.
(B) As the herd holders attempt to drive the other cattle away, two
(2) cows turn and rejoin the cow that is already cut. The Cutter
separates their original cow from the others without the group
rejoining the herd or moving to the back fence.
(C) The cow that is cut runs over and joins a group of cattle that
are being moved away by the Cutters helpers. The Cutter reins
his/her horse and cuts the cow away from the others without
the group re-joining the herd or moving to the back fence.
(D) The cow that is cut runs over and joins a group of cattle that
are being moved away by the Cutters helpers. The group of
cattle run back into the herd. The Cutter brings the cow out
and works it.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty for a back fence viola-
tion (Rule 6), and a one (1) point penalty each time the Cutter reins their
horse (Rule 8).
In (B) penalize the Cutter one (1) point each time they rein their horse
to reseparate the cow (Rule 8). If the Cutter does not cue the horse in any
146 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
manner, credit shall be given for the horse staying with the original cow.
In (C) assess a one (1) point penalty each time the Cutter reins their
horse (Rule 8). In (D) assess a ve (5) point penalty for a loss (Rule 9).
EXAMPLE 8: The Cutter is working a cow. Another cow that has pre-
viously escaped the turnback horses decides to return to the herd. As
the returning cow approaches the Cutter,
(A) his/her horse changes to the returning cow.
(B) the Cutter anticipates that a change might occur and reins
his/her horse to prevent it. The horse’s attention is momentar-
ily diverted toward the returning cow, but they do not change
(C) his/her horse switches its attention and actually makes a
move with the other cow. The Cutter reins the horse back to
the original cow.
(D) the Cutter does not cue his/her horse and the horse does not
switch to the returning cow.
RULING: In (A) assess a ve (5) point penalty.
In (B) assess a one (1) point penalty for reining the horse (Rule 8). In
(C) assess a ve (5) point penalty for the change and a one (1) point pen-
alty for reining the horse (Rule 8). Total penalty of six (6) points.
In (D) reward credit to the Cutter. The amount of credit rewarded de-
pends upon the exact circumstances of the situation.
EXAMPLE 9: If the Cutter is committed to a cow, but before he/she
clear of the herd, or trac, their horse abruptly attempts to change to
a dierent cow.
(A) The Cutter had not released his/her horse and immediately
reined it back.
(B) The Cutter had dropped his/her hand indicating their horse
was on the desired cow.
RULING: In (A) no penalty.
In (B) assess a ve (5) point penalty.
When a horse loses its working advantage, misses a cow, or is working out
of position; it will be penalized (a)
½ point, (A) 1 point, or (F) 1 point.
DEFINITION OF TERMS: Loss of working advantage is dened as:
When a horse goes by a cow to the degree that they lose their position to
maintain control of the cow. (A) or (a).
A miss is dened as: A response of the horse to the action of the cow
being worked, resulting in a loss of working advantage or being out of po-
sition. (A) or (a).
Working out of position is dened as: The position of the horse in re-
lation to the cow being worked, being consistently either too short or too
long in working to control a cow.
EXAMPLE 1: While working, the cutters horse goes by a cow by a horse’s
length. The cow turns, and it is necessary for the cutter to make a hard run
before catching up to the cow.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty for a miss or loss of working ad-
vantage. (A)
EXAMPLE 2: While working, the cutters horse goes by a cow. The cow
turns, the cutter regains their control and working advantage of the cow
within a short distance.
RULING: Assess a one-half (
) point penalty for a miss or loss of work-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 147
ing advantage. (a)
NOTE: The purpose of these examples is to indicate that all misses are
not of equal value. A judge should never go to the lead by ½ point or start
their card with a
½ point score.
EXAMPLE 3: While working, the cutters horse goes by a cow by a
horse’s length. The cow turns, the cutter is able to immediately maintain
their control and working advantage of the cow.
RULING: No penalty.
NOTE: A horse should have no diculty maintaining working advan-
tage over a slow-moving cow. The horse that can maintain working advan-
tage over a cow that presents a severe challenge shall receive credit. No
penalty should be charged a horse which immediately regains position af-
ter going suciently past a cow to cause it to turn.
EXAMPLE 4: While working, the cutter’s horse goes past a cow and los-
es its working advantage. The cutter reins the horse back and, aer taking
several steps, the horse regains its working advantage.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty for losing the working advan-
tage (A); also, assess a one (1) point penalty for reining the horse (B). Total
penalty of 2 points.
EXAMPLE 5: While working, the cutters horse goes past a cow and los-
es its working advantage. The cow stops and turns away, the cutter quits
without regaining its working advantage.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty for losing the working advan-
tage (A).
NOTE: The cutter may not avoid a one (1) point penalty for losing their
working advantage or being out of position by quitting a cow, even though
the quit is legal under Rule 13.
EXAMPLE 6: While working, the cutters horse is extremely long in one
direction and extremely short in the other direction. The cutter continues
to work in this manner.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point (F) penalty per cow, a minus (-) in con-
trolling a cow and reduce run content accordingly.
NOTE: A judge should acknowledge that a loss of working advantage, a
miss, and/or working out of position, can result in a minus (-) in run content.
NOTE: During a monitored, multiple judged event; If a major penalty
has been called in error, thereby making clear and obvious one (1) point
penalties were not previously charged, then the adjusted score shall re-
ect the one (1) point penalty. (This is at the judge’s discretion only).
EXAMPLE 7: A horse slips during a run to a point its stomach is on the
arena oor but maintains its working position.
RULING: No penalty.
Unnecessary roughness, such as a horse actually pawing, biting, or
kicking cattle, will be penalized three (3) points.
EXAMPLE 1: While working a cow, the Cutter’s horse opens its mouth and:
(A) attempts to bite the cow but does not make contact; (B) bites the cow.
RULING: In (A) no penalty.
In (B) assess a three (3) point penalty.
NOTE: No penalty should be assessed the horse which only nuzzles a
cow with its lips while moving through the herd.
EXAMPLE 2: While in the process of moving through the herd to cut a
148 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
cow, the cutting horse:
(A) nuzzles a cow.
(B) attempts to bite a cow but is reined away.
(C) obviously bites a cow.
(D) kicks a cow in the herd.
RULING: In (A) and (B) no penalty. In (C) and (D) assess a three (3) point
EXAMPLE 3: While working a cow, the Cutter’s horse:
(A) paws a cow.
(B) strikes with its front foot but misses the cow.
(C) rears and paws with both front feet but misses the cow.
(D) kicks at the cow but does not make contact.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty. In (B) no penalty.
In (C) and (D) no penalty, but this type of unusual behavior would de-
nitely detract from the run and cannot have a positive inuence on the
point value awarded for that run.
EXAMPLE 4: During a run, while the Cutter is moving across the arena,
his/her horse kicks out with one or both hind legs, or playfully jumps into
the air slinging its head and hopping up behind.
RULING: No penalty; however, these types of behavior certainly de-
tract from the overall performance of a cutting horse and cannot have a
positive inuence on the point value of the run.
A contestant may quit an animal when it is obviously stopped, obviously
turned away, or is obviously behind the turnback horses and the turn-
back horses are behind the timeline. A penalty of three (3) points must be
charged if the animal is quit under any other circumstances.
DEFINITION: “Obviously stopped” means that in a slow-motion vid-
eo at
th speed, a cow has all four feet on the ground for ve or more
seconds. In real time, this is less than one second.
NOTE: A judge shall not consider a hot quit until the cutter has
stopped working the cow.
EXAMPLE 1: While working, the Cutter quits a cow that is going
across the arena. In the judge’s opinion, the cow was not turned away
from the cutting horse at the time of the quit.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty.
NOTE: No imaginary line will be considered in applying this rule.
The cow’s relationship to the cutting horse (turned away) is the only
thing to consider in applying this rule.
EXAMPLE 2: While working, the Cutter quits a cow that is:
(A) obviously turned away from their horse.
(B) obviously turned toward their horse and not stopped.
(C) obviously turned toward the opposite end of the arena.
(D) obviously backing.
RULING: In (A), (C) and (D) no penalty. In (B) assess a three (3) point
NOTE: When a cow is in an obviously stopped position, and is standing
still, and simply picks up one foot and replaces it, the quit would be consid-
ered clean. This would not include the nal step of a “slow walking” cow.
EXAMPLE 3: While working, the Cutter quits the cow that was for a
brief time turned away and then turned toward them.
(A) the judge is certain that the cow had turned toward the Cutter
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 149
as they quit.
(B) the judge is certain that the cow was turned away when the
Cutter quit.
(C) the judge is not sure whether the cow was turned away.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty. In (B) and (C) no penalty.
NOTE: A judge shall not consider a hot quit until the cutter has stopped
working the cow.
EXAMPLE 4: The Cutter is working a cow that has very little move.
The cow makes a few slow turns and then stops, looking at the Cutter.
Even though the cow is stopped, it is still moving its head from side to
side and the Cutter’s horse is countering these moves. The Cutter quits.
RULING: No penalty.
NOTE: When a cow comes to an obvious stop, and is standing still,
the rider must initiate their quit before the cows rst foot, not the cow’s
head or neck, goes back into motion.
EXAMPLE 5: Cutter is working a cow near the center of the pen. The cow
stops while facing the Cutters horse. As the Cutter is quitting, the cow:
(A) simply replaces a foot and stands still.
(B) begins to turn slowly away from the horse.
(C) starts to back away from the Cutter.
(D) moves into the Cutter’s horse and tries to return to the herd.
RULING: In (A), (B) and (C) no penalty. In (D) assess a three (3) point
EXAMPLE 6: The Cutter is working a cow that takes them deep to the
le side of the arena. The cow turns into the Cutters horse, the Cutter:
(A) quits the cow in the turn.
(B) waits to quit until the cow is turned away.
RULING: In (A) assess three (3) point penalty. In (B), no penalty.
NOTE: Under normal circumstances, when a cow takes a Cutter deep
to either side of the arena and the cow turns into their horse, a hot quit
will be called; however, if the Cutter waits until the cow has traveled a
sucient distance to clearly show the judge the animal is moving away
from their horse, a hot quit will not be charged.
EXAMPLE 7: The Cutter is working a cow that is traveling parallel
across the arena and moving into the arena wall. As the cow approaches
the wall, it slows to a walk and stops momentarily at the wall. The Cutter
quits the cow as:
(A) the cow stops on the wall.
(B) the cow turns away on the wall.
(C) the cow stops on the wall, then slowly turns toward the Cutter
(D) the cow turns into the Cutter at a fast pace.
RULING: In (A) and (B), no penalty. In (C) and (D), assess a three (3)
point penalty.
NOTE: The judge shall consider that a Cutter has quit a cow when they
pick up on their reins or places their free hand on their horse’s neck,
whether the horse stops instantly or not.
EXAMPLE 8: The Cutter is working a cow that falls to the ground. The
Cutter quits the cow:
(A) while the cow is lying on the ground.
(B) aer the cow has fallen and is returning to its feet.
aer the cow has returned to its feet and is moving into the horse.
RULING: In (A) and (B), no penalty. In (C), assess a three (3) point penalty.
150 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
EXAMPLE 9: While working a tough cow, the Cutter picks up their reins
to signify that they are quitting the cow. In the judge’s opinion the cow was
turned away when the Cutter picked up their horse; but by the time the
horse actually stopped, the cow had turned back toward the Cutter.
RULING: No penalty.
EXAMPLE 10: The cow being worked stops, and the Cutters horse
stops. Both cow and horse are completely still. The Cutter picks up their
horse so that it is reasonable to assume that they intend to quit the cow.
The cow then moves, and the Cutters horse counters that move even
though there is tension on the bridle reins. The Cutter then continues to
pull their horse o the cow.
RULING: No penalty.
EXAMPLE 11: While working, the Cutter quits a cow that has run be-
hind the turnback horses and the turnback horses are:
(A) behind the timeline and the cow is turning toward them.
(B) not behind the timeline and the cow is turning toward them.
RULING: In (A), no penalty. In (B), assess a three (3) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 12: While working, the Cutter stays on a cow that has run
behind the turnback horses. Aer the cow has moved back between the
Cutter and their turnback horses, the Cutter quits the cow while it is turn-
ing toward them.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 13: The Cutter quits a cow legally. The Cutter then begins to
work the same cow again.
RULING: No penalty.
NOTE: Quitting a cow that turns into the cutting horse will normally
result in a three (3) point penalty unless the Cutter waits to quit until the
cow has turned away from the cutting horse. On the other hand, under
normal circumstances, a Cutter that initiates their quit when the cow
turns away from the cutting horse will receive no penalty.
EXAMPLE 14: The Cutter is working their cow in the middle of the
pen. As the Cutter initiates their quit, by picking up their rein hand and/
or reaching for the horse’s neck:
(A) The Cutter realizes that the quit is hot; they immediately put
their rein hand down and/or puts their free hand back on the
saddle horn. In the next move the cow turns away and the Cut-
ter quits working the cow.
(B) the Cutter is uncertain if the quit is clean; they immediately put
their rein hand down and/or puts their free hand back on the
saddle horn, but then decides to quit while the cow is moving
into the cutting horse.
RULING: In (A) assess a one (1) point penalty for reining or cueing. In
(B) assess a one (1) point penalty for reining or cueing, plus a three (3)
point penalty for a hot quit. Total penalty of four (4) points.
a. NOTE: During a monitored three (3) to ve (5) judge event: If a
major penalty has been called in error, thereby making clear
and obvious one (1) point penalties not previously charged,
then the adjusted score shall reect the one-point penalty.
(This is at the judge’s discretion only).
b. NOTE: In judging a situation concerning simultaneous major
penalties, only one penalty will be called with the larger pen-
alty taking precedence over the smaller penalty. The excep-
tion to this rule is Rule 8.b., which concerns a Cutter using two
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 151
hands on the reins.
EXAMPLE 15: Slow Walking Hot Quit
NOTE: A cow is considered obviously stopped when it is no longer
walking, and all four feet are on the ground and standing still. This would
not include the nal step of a slow walking cow.
RULING: Assess a three (3) point penalty.
NOTE: A cow is still slow walking and has not obviously stopped and
the rider initiates a quit while the cow is still moving.
If a horse quits a cow, a penalty of ve (5) points will be assessed.
Note: At the rst sound of the buzzer, the run is terminated.
EXAMPLE 1: The cutter legally quits a cow while in working position.
The judge believes that the cutter’s horse has lost contact with the cow.
RULING: No penalty; however, this should reduce run content.
NOTE: It is the judge’s responsibility to call what actually happens. A
judge shall never anticipate an error.
EXAMPLE 2: The Cutter’s horse goes by a cow that has turned away
or stopped, resulting in an obvious loss of working advantage. The
horse is obviously not going to stop or turn around without assistance
from the rider. The Cutter quits.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 3: The Cutter is working, and their horse quits a cow. The
Cutter reins and re-starts their horse. The Cutter continues their work.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty for the horse quitting the cow
and a one (1) point penalty for reining the horse. Total penalty of six
(6) points.
EXAMPLE 4: The Cutters horse stops with a cow and looks away
from the cow. The cow moves and the horse momentarily remains still.
The Cutter does not rein the horse. The horse then turns around late
but is able to catch up to the cow.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty for losing the working advan-
tage (being out of position) (Rule 11).
NOTE: Even though a horse shows a momentary reluctance to turn
or stop with a cow, a quit will not be called if the horse actually turns or
stops on its own. If the horse must be reined or stopped by the rider, a
ve (5) point penalty must be charged.
EXAMPLE 5: The Cutter’s horse stops with a cow and looks away
from the cow. The cow moves and the horse remains still. The Cutter
reins the horse back to the cow. In the judge’s opinion, the Cutter reined
the horse because the horse quit the cow.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty for the horse quitting the cow and
a one (1) point penalty for reining the horse. Total penalty of six (6) points.
a. NOTE: During a monitored three (3) to ve (5) judge event: If a
major penalty has been called in error, thereby making clear
and obvious one (1) point penalties not previously charged,
then the adjusted score shall reect the one-point penalty.
(This is at the judge’s discretion only).
b. NOTE: In judging a situation concerning simultaneous major
penalties, only one penalty will be called with the larger pen-
alty taking precedence over the smaller penalty. The excep-
tion to this rule is Rule 8.b., which concerns a Cutter using
two hands on the reins.
152 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
If a horse clears the herd with one (1) or more cattle and fails to sep-
arate a single animal before quitting, a ve (5) point penalty will be
charged. There is no penalty if time expires.
EXAMPLE 1: The Cutter is attempting to make a cut. When they select
the cow they want, another cow refuses to separate from the cow select-
ed. The Cutter goes back and forth across the pen several times. Finally,
the Cutter decides that the situation is impossible and quits.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty.
EXAMPLE 2: The Cutter is working and:
(A) at the fault of the Cutter, they pick up additional cattle. The
Cutter quits their cow legally before separating it from the ad-
ditional cattle.
(B) at no fault of the Cutter, they pick up additional cattle. The Cut-
ter quits their cow legally before separating it from the addi-
al cattle.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty for picking up cattle
(Rule 5.b.). In (B) no penalty.
EXAMPLE 3: The Cutter has a cow separated far enough from a group
that they are able to release their horse and begin working. Before the herd
holders are able to return the other cattle to the herd. One cow runs back
and rejoins the cow being worked. The Cutter legally quits their cow with-
out re-separating the animals.
RULING: No penalty.
NOTE: Rule 15 applies only while the Cutter is making a cut. Once a cow is
separated from the herd, the Cutter has satised the requirements of Rule 15.
EXAMPLE 4: Before the Cutter can separate a cow on their third cut,
the buzzer sounds.
RULING: No penalty.
EXAMPLE 5: During the process of cutting, the Cutter has two (2) or
more cows in front of them. Aer clearly committing to one of these
cows, the cow they committed to turns and runs past the turnback
horses and the other cow(s) remain. The Cutter:
(A) stops their horse and returns to the herd to make another cut.
(B) positions their horse and waits for the remaining cow(s) and
begins to work.
(C) holds their horse and waits for their original cow to be re-
turned to the working area and then begins to work this cow.
RULING: In (A), (B) and(C), no penalty.
NOTE: A Cutter may legally quit a cow under any circumstances so long
as the cow is behind both turnback horses (provided the turnback horses
are behind the timeline) or the cow has le the working area. At that point
in time, the Cutter may begin to work any cow in front of them or return
to the herd and select another cow. The timeline will be visibly marked.
EXAMPLE 6: The Cutter is attempting to make a cut. They commit to a
cow in a group of cattle. His/her horse does not:
(A) respond to the Cutter and the cow returns to the herd with the
group of cattle.
(B) respond to the Cutter immediately, but they are able to stop the
cow before it returns to the herd.
RULING: In (A) assess a ve (5) point penalty. In (B), no penalty; how-
ever, the point value of the run may be reduced due to the lack of a quiet,
clean cut.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 153
NOTE: Any time a Cutter commits to a specic animal and fails to cut
the same animal, a ve (5) point penalty will be charged.
EXAMPLE 7: During the process of cutting, the Cutter starts a large
number of cattle around them. As these cattle come around, the Cutter
moves toward the cattle so that it is reasonable to assume that they are
attempting to cut one of them. The cattle all trot past them; they then
return to the herd and drives some more cattle out and makes their cut.
RULING: Assess a ve (5) point penalty for failure to separate.
NOTE: Aer a Cutter moves away from the herd driving a group of
cattle in front of them, they must cut a cow before re-entering the herd.
Horses must be ridden with a bridle having a bit in the mouth or with
a hackamore. All bridles on horses must have split reins. A bridle shall
have no nose band or bosal and hackamores shall be of rope or braided
rawhide with no metal parts. Braided rawhide balls across the horse’s
nose are not permissible. A judge must be able to freely pass two ngers
between the hackamore and muzzle completely around the horse’s nose.
Choke ropes, tie downs, wire around the horse’s neck, nose, or brow
band, tight nose band, quirt, bat, or mechanical device giving the rider
undue control over a horse will not be permitted in the arena where an
NCHA approved or sponsored event is being held. Wire of any kind and
on any part of the curb device is not permissible. Leather curb straps or
curb chains must be at least
 of an inch in width and must be attached
to the bit by nylon string, nylon straps, or leather straps. Decorative
knots, rawhide balls or tassels are not permitted on curb devices. Breast
collar may be used, no portion of which may pass over the horse’s neck.
Breast collars attached to the swell of the saddle on competing horses
will be considered illegal. Chaps and spurs may be worn. A competing
horse’s tail cannot be tied in any manner which would restrict movement
of the tail. A judge has the right to have a contestant report to them if they
are suspicious of any infraction of this rule and also the Standing Rule
35.A.1 – Zero Tolerance Policy. Any time a contestant is guilty of an in-
fraction of this rule or any part therein, they shall be disqualied.
a. All horses must comply with Rule 16 while in the arena.
b. Any person horseback in the arena (both in and outside the
working area) aer the start of an NCHA approved weekend
or LAE or NCHA sponsored event must wear western attire in-
cluding hats. The hat requirement may be waived, both in and
outside of the working area of the arena, at outdoor shows in
extreme weather conditions with the consent of both show
management and the judge(s). Contestants must wear long
sleeved shirts with collars and buttons or snaps completely
down the shirt front. Tank tops, T-shirts, and all types of sweat-
shirts are not permissible. Sweaters may be worn over an ap-
propriate shirt. Long sleeves must be worn rolled down. Under
the advance approval of show management, safety helmets are
permissible in place of a western hat. Enforcement of this rule
is the responsibility of Show Management and NCHA Directors.
1. Cell phone use will not be allowed by herd settler or by
one of the four helpers when the judges are in the stands.
The herd settler cannot be on the phone at any time.
2. Judges are not allowed to use their cell phone while in
the judges’ stand.
154 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
c. Rule 16 shall become eective one (1) hour prior to the pub-
lished starting time of championship and jackpot cuttings. At
limited age events and other special events approved by NCHA,
Rule Sixteen shall become eective one hour prior to the pub-
lished starting time each day and shall remain in eect until
one hour aer each days performance is concluded. An an-
nouncement will be made each day when the rule goes into ef-
fect, but not hearing the announcement will not be a valid ex-
cuse for violating the rule. Alleged violations will be sent to the
Grievance Committee for review.
d. Rule 16 may be set aside by show management for an ocial
practice session provided that the practice session ends at least
one hour prior to the start of any performance.
e. Contestants are limited to a maximum of four (4) helpers on
horseback at a time.
f. If an Ocer, Director, or duly elected or appointed contestants
representative of the NCHA witnesses a violation of Standing
Rule 16, they must report the violation immediately to the As-
sociation Executive Director
g. Violations of Rule 16b, c, d, e & h shall result in:
1. First oense—$200 ne.
2. Second oense—$500 ne.
3. Third and subsequent oenses within 12 months - 90-day
h. Any member seeking approval to use an electronic hearing de-
vice during an NCHA approved contest must meet or exceed
the minimum criteria for hearing impairment, based on the re-
sults of an audiogram administered by a licensed physician.
1. A letter requesting the use an electronic hearing device
must be submitted to NCHA, along with the member’s au-
diogram results.
2. The transmitter of the device must be one of the contes-
tant’s four (4) helpers.
3. The user of an electronic hearing device can be required
to be tested by an NCHA appointed physician if a com-
plaint or protest arises in connection with the users de-
gree of hearing impairment.
EXAMPLE 1: During a work, the judge suspects that the hackamore is
too tight.
RULING: At the completion of the work, the judge shall examine the
hackamore. If the judge can pass two ngers completely around the
horse’s nose under the hackamore, no penalty. If the hackamore is, in
fact, illegal, the Cutter must be disqualied.
NOTE: In the event a contestant is disqualied for illegal equipment,
it is the responsibility of the judge to report the incident to the judging
EXAMPLE 2: During a work, the judge suspects that a training device
is being used.
RULING: At the completion of the work, the judge shall examine the
Cutter’s bridle. If the bridle is found to be illegal, the Cutter shall be dis-
NOTE: In the event a riders equipment breaks during a horse’s perfor-
mance, the horse will be permitted to complete its allotted time and shall
be scored in accordance with the other NCHA Rules for Judging Cutting
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 155
Horses. (Reruns shall not be granted for equipment failure.)
When a contestant is thrown from a horse or the horse falls to the ground,
the run shall be terminated, and no score (0) will be given.
EXAMPLE 1: While working a cow, the Cutter falls from their horse
one minute into the work.
RULING: The judge shall stop the run and score the run zero (0).
NOTE: A horse is considered to have fallen to the ground when the
horse is on its side and all four feet are extended in the same direction.
EXAMPLE 2: While working a cow, the Cutter’s horse falls to the
ground. The Cutter gets up and leads their horse out of the working area.
RULING: Automatic score of zero (0) points will be given for leaving
the working area before time expires.
NOTE: If the contestant leaves the working area before time expires af-
ter either the Cutter and/or horse falls to the ground, an automatic score
of zero (0) shall be given. (See Rule 18).
NOTE: A horse is considered to have fallen to the ground when the
horse is on its side and all four feet are extended in the same direction.
Any rider who allows their horse to quit working, leaves the working
area before their allotted time is up or refuses to work will be disquali-
ed for that go-round with no score.
EXAMPLE 1: The Cutter loses a cow and decides to retire from the herd
and rides out, or stops working, (does not attempt to cut or reenter the
herd) before the end of his/her time.
RULING: The run shall be scored zero (0).
EXAMPLE 2: Aer working their rst cow, the Cutter dismounts and
tightens his/her cinch or picks up an object from the ground. They then
remount and completes his/her run.
RULING: Score the run zero (0). The Cutter has allowed their horse to
quit working aer his/her time has started.
A contestant will be awarded a complete rework if, in the judge or
judges’ opinion, 2 minutes time was not allotted for the work or if
excessive disturbances had been created by factors other than those
caused by the contestants or their help and the judge or judges have
stopped the time. Such factors would include gates coming open, fences
falling down and objects entering or falling into the working portion of
the arena but would not apply to cattle scattering through wildness or
normal arena activities. Any rework must take place within the group of
cattle drawn by the contest and must occur before a change of cattle is
executed. At the contestants option, the rework may occur immediate-
ly or as the last work in that set of cattle. No rework shall be granted if
the contestant involved has incurred a three (3) or ve (5) point (major)
penalty prior to a disturbance. Aer the cutter has completed their 2
minutes work, if in their opinion a situation has occurred of sucient
seriousness so as to warrant a rerun, they may immediately make a re-
quest for the same or to the designated judge or judges who shall report
this fact to show management before the next horse is called to work.
Show management shall make such facts as are available known to the
judge(s) and if the majority are in agreement that due cause did exist a
156 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
return may be granted provided the original work was free of a three
(3) or a ve (5) point (major) infraction. If the clock has not started, a re-
work will automatically be granted.
Short Clock: A contestant will be awarded a complete rework if the run
was free of a major penalty at the sound of the buzzer or time was called.
Rework: The contestant must ask the judge or judges for a rework be-
fore the next horse crosses the timeline.
Long Clock or No Clock: A rework will be automatically granted wheth-
er or not a major penalty has occurred. The contestant must take a rework.
EXAMPLE 1: While the Cutter is working, it becomes apparent to the
judge that they have worked longer than 2
 minutes.
(A) The run was free of a three (3) point or a ve (5) point (major)
infraction when the judge realized that the Cutter had worked
for longer than 2
 minutes.
(B) The judge had called a three (3) point or a ve (5) point (major)
penalty before they realized that the Cutter had worked for lon-
ger than 2
 minutes.
RULING: In (A) and (B) the judge shall grant a rerun.
NOTE: It would be dicult to determine in some instances whether
the major infraction occurred before or aer the actual 2
 minutes had
expired; therefore, in this instance only, the Cutter shall receive a rerun.
EXAMPLE 2: The buzzer sounds ending a run. In the judge’s opinion,
the Cutter worked for less than 2
 minutes.
(A) At the time the buzzer sounded, the run was free of a three (3)
point or a ve (5) point (major) infraction.
(B) Before the buzzer sounded, the judge had called a three (3)
point or a ve (5) point (major) infraction.
RULING: In (A) the judge shall grant a rerun.
In (B) the judges shall confer. If a majority of the judges had called a
three (3) point or a ve (5) point (major) infraction, no rerun shall be
granted, and the Cutter shall receive a score of zero (0).
Excessive Disturbance – If a disturbance has been created by factors
other than by the contestant or the help of the contestant and the judge
or judges have stopped the clock or at the completion of the contestants
time, a contestant may immediately make a request for a rework to the
designated judge or judges who shall report this request to show man-
agement before the next horse is called to work. Show management shall
communicate such request to the judge or judges immediately. If the ma-
jority are in agreement that due cause did in fact exist a rework may be
granted provided the original work was free of a 3 or 5 point major in-
fraction before the disturbance occurred.
Disturbance is dened as “any departure from normal; anything that
disturbs; commotion; disorder
EXAMPLE 3: A Cutter is working their third cow and the gate behind
the cattle comes open, or the cattle push the pen down.
(A) At the time of the disturbance, the run was free of a three (3)
point or a ve (5) point (major) infraction.
(B) At the time of the disturbance, the judge had called a three (3)
point or a ve (5) point (major) infraction.
RULING: In (A) the judge shall stop the run and grant a rerun. The Cut-
ter has the right to choose whether they want to work again immediately
or at the end of their set of cattle.
In (B) the judge shall not stop the run.
NOTE: The judge has the sole right to terminate a run.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 157
NOTE: The show management should make every eort to ensure that
gate latches are secure and that the pen is strong enough to hold the cattle.
EXAMPLE 4: The Cutter is last to work in a group of cattle and the gate
comes open.
(A) At the time of the disturbance, the run was free of a three (3)
point or a ve (5) point (major) infraction.
(B) At the time of the disturbance, the judge had called a three (3)
point or a ve (5) point (major) infraction.
RULING: In (A) the judge shall stop the run and grant a rerun. The
Cutter must work in the same group of cattle. In (B) the judge shall not
stop the run.
EXAMPLE 5: In a contest using two or more judges, a judge termi-
nates a run for the purpose of granting a rerun. The other judge(s) do
not agree that the run should have been stopped.
RULING: (A) If two (2) judges are being used, a rerun will be granted.
(B) If three or more judges are used and a majority of the judges has as-
sessed a three (3) or a ve (5) point (major) penalty before the time was
stopped, no rerun will be granted.
EXAMPLE 6: While the Cutter is working, a judge falls out of the judg-
ing stand, or the judging stand collapses, or the stand over-turns.
(A) At the time of the disturbance, the run was free of a three (3)
point or a ve (5) point (major) infraction.
(B) The judge had called a three (3) point or a ve (5) point (major)
infraction at the time of the disturbance.
RULING: In (A) the judge shall stop the run and grant a rerun. In (B) the
judge shall not stop the run.
NOTE: In (B) the fallen judge shall mark the remainder of this run
from the ground.
The judge(s) has the sole right to terminate a work prior to the
-minute buzzer. The Secretary or timer shall notify the judge(s) im-
mediately if the clock has not been started or malfunctions.
EXAMPLE 7: While the Cutter is working, a small dog runs back and
forth beneath the judge’s stand(s) distracting the cow which has been
cut out and causing it to ignore the Cutter’s horse. The Cutter immedi-
ately appeals for a rework aer time expires.
(A) The Cutters run was free of a three (3) point or a ve (5) point
(major) infraction.
(B) The Cutter’s run contained a three (3) point or a ve (5) point
(major) infraction.
RULING: In (A) the Cutter may be granted a rework if a majority of
the judges agreed that there was due cause.
In (B) no rework can be granted since the run contained a three (3)
point or a ve (5) point (major) penalty.
A judge marks from sixty (60) to eighty (80) points. One-half () points
are permissible.
EXAMPLE: The rst horse in a contest works. The judge cannot decide
whether to mark the run a 73 or 74. The judge decides to mark the run 73
RULING: Legal. The judge may mark any run they choose using one-
half points; however, the reason for the one-half point is to allow the
judge to dierentiate between runs. It is, therefore, not desirable to be-
158 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
gin one’s scorecard with a one-half point marking.
NOTE: Judges are encouraged to use a full spread of scores in judging
a contest. It is highly unlikely that in a class of twenty-ve horses ten
horses would have identical works and be marked the same score; how-
ever, many cutting horse contests conclude with several of the horses
that place sharing the same scores because judges did not assess a high
enough point value to those good runs that occur early in the contest.
By using a full spread of scores, the remaining horses in the contest are
more likely to place in the positions earned by their performance.
When the judge is in doubt about a penalty, the benet always goes to the
contestant. Penalties:
(a) 1 point—(miss) losing working advantage (11)
(b) 1 point—reined or visibly cued (8)
(c) 1 point—noise directed to cattle (5a)
(d) 1 point—toe, foot, or stirrup on the shoulder (8d)
(e) 1 point—hold on too long on a cut(8a)
(f) 1 point—working out of position
(g) 1 point—hand too far forward
(a) 3 points—hot quit (13)
(b) 3 points—cattle picked up or scattered (5b)
(c) 3 points—second hand on reins (8b)
(d) 3 points—cue in shoulder (8c)
(e) 3 points—pawing or biting cattle (12)
(f) 3 points—failure to make a deep cut (1)
(g) 3 points—back fence (6)
(a) 5 points—horse quitting a cow (14)
(b) 5 points—losing a cow (9)
(c) 5 points—changing cattle aer a specic commitment (10)
(d) 5 points—failure to separate a single animal aer leaving the
herd (15)
60—if horse turns tail (7)
0—if horse falls to ground (17)
Disqualication (score 0)—illegal equipment, or leaves working
area before time expires.
EXAMPLES 1. The Cutter is working and quits a cow.
(A) The judge is certain that the quit was illegal.
(B) The judge is not certain whether the quit was illegal.
(C) The judge cannot see the quit because the turnback horse is in
their line of vision.
RULING: In (A) assess a three (3) point penalty for an illegal quit (Rule 3).
In (B) consider the quit legal.
In (C) consider the quit legal. A judge must never guess or anticipate
when making a call.
NOTE: A GOOD RULE OF THUMB: A judge is duty-bound to call all
penalties. If a penalty occurs, call it. If the judge must ask themselves,
“Was that a penalty?” the benet goes to the Cutter. Cutting horse runs
are seldom identical. A judge can determine the dierence in cutting
runs by following these guidelines.
A. for entering the herd quietly with very little disturbance to the
herd or to the animal brought out (Rule 1).
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 159
B. for taking an animal toward the center of the arena (Rule 2).
C. for driving a cow, a sucient distance from the herd to assure that
the herd will not be disturbed by the contestants work (Rule 2).
D. or setting up a cow and holding it in a working position as near
the center of the arena as possible (Rule 4).
NOTE: Horse Charging – While working, the cutter’s horse consistent-
ly applies pressure on the cow being worked, either through their turn-
arounds or while traveling across the arena; thereby forcing the cow
being worked further away from the herd until they no longer have a
working advantage.
A horse charging certainly detracts from the overall performance of
a cutting horse and cannot have a positive inuence on the point value
of the run.
NOTE: Force o of a Cow – Any time a contestant must quit a cow be-
cause their horse is in an incorrect working position.
Being forced o of a cow denitely detracts from the overall perfor-
mance of a cutting horse and cannot have a positive inuence on the
point value of the run.
NOTE: A herd holder’s duty is to assist the Cutter in containing the
herd and group of cattle the Cutter is trying to cut from. This gives the
Cutter ample opportunity to demonstrate to the judges their ability to
work the herd, drive a cow, and set a cow up in the middle of the pen.
These conditions allow a judge to reward credit to the Cutter under
Rules 1a, 2 and 4. Aer assisting the Cutter in making a cut, the herd
holder should move to a position toward the arena wall that will enable
them to contain the herd, but not distract from the run. Any excessive
action by the herd holder will be dealt with as a reduction in run con-
tent. Although there is no specic major penalty for this action, it does
hinder the Cutter’s horse from showing their full potential. Therefore,
judges will begin reducing run content when excessive help from herd
holders aects the run, such as: saving a major penalty from occurring;
cutting the pen down; and in fresh cattle, driving the herd out for the
Cutter to cut from. Herd holders should keep in mind they are jeopardiz-
ing the Cutter’s score when they give too much assistance to the Cutter.
EXAMPLE a. In fresh cattle, as a Cutter enters the herd, one or both
of the herd holders get behind the cattle so that it is obvious to the judge
that the herd holders are doing as much or more to drive the cattle out
as the cutter is.
RULING: The run content of the run will be reduced.
EXAMPLE b. In a late class at a weekend show, the cattle are reruns and
have become very dicult to move away from the back fence. Both herd
holders assist the Cutter in moving the cattle out far enough to make a cut.
RULING: No reduction of run content.
EXAMPLE c. In rerun cattle, the Cutter receives no excessive help
from their herd holders and is able to drive the cattle out on their own
to make a cut.
RULING: Credit should be received, and the run content increased.
EXAMPLE d. In rerun cattle, the Cutter walks their horse to the back
edge of the herd and stops. While the Cutter is sitting still the herd hold-
er on the opposite side rides in behind the cattle and drives them away
from the back fence. When the cattle are a sucient distance out, the
herd holder moves out from behind the cattle and allows the cutter to
move up and make their cut.
RULING: The run content of the run will be reduced.
EXAMPLE e. Aer the cut is made, the herd holder does not move
160 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
their horse to a position on the arena wall but stops in a position several
feet o the wall. The herd holder is not moving but it is obvious to the
judge that the cow being worked is being inuenced by the presence of
the herd holder’s horse.
RULING: The run content of the run will be reduced.
EXAMPLE f. As the Cutter leaves the arena wall with a cow, the herd
holder on the opposite side believes the Cutter’s path may cause the
herd to split. They ride their horse out into the arena to a position that
will prevent this from happening.
RULING: No reduction in run content. The herd holder has the right
to position themselves so that the herd will not scatter.
EXAMPLE g. While a Cutter is working, the herd holder is sitting in
the corner. As the Cutter and cow approach the corner, the herd holder:
1. remains in position but moves their horse slightly.
2. comes out of the corner in an obvious attempt to stop or
turn the cow.
RULING: 1. No reduction in run content.
2. Run content will be reduced.
EXAMPLE h. The Cutter has worked a cow for several seconds and
needs to get o. The cow is obviously not going to turn away without
some assistance.
1. As the cow approaches the side, with the Cutter in work-
ing position, the herd holder moves their horse up to turn
the cow away.
2. The Cutter has lost control of the cow and is out of position
when the herd holder turns the cow away.
RULING: 1. No reduction in run content.
2. The point value of the run will be reduced.
EXAMPLE i. Aer a miss, it is obvious to the judge that the Cutter is
about to lose or back fence a cow. The herd holder moves their horse to
prevent this from happening.
RULING: Assess a one (1) point penalty for the miss (Rule 11) and re-
duce run content for excessive herd help.
2. Consider the degree of diculty of the run. Degree of diculty is de-
termined by the amount of eort exerted by the cow in its attempt
to return to the herd. A cow that turns quickly and moves rapidly is
more dicult to hold in a working position than a cow that turns and
moves slowly. A judge must give credit when a Cutter is able to hold a
working position on a tough cow.
3. Consider the eye appeal of the run. Runs that are attractive because
of the style of the horse and the correctness of the overall perfor-
mance shall receive credit.
4. Consider the amount of courage shown by the Cutter. A judge shall
give credit for a Cutter staying on a tough cow. Credit shall be re-
warded for a Cutter coming o the fence with a cow and then estab-
lishing a working position near the center of the arena before quit-
ting the cow.
NOTE: Coming o the fence in an attempt to set up a cow in the center
of the arena before quitting and staying on a tough cow are high risk sit-
uations. If a rule infraction occurs in these situations, a judge must call
it; therefore, the Cutter who shows this type of courage and commits no
rule infractions, shall receive credit.
5. Consider the amount of time that the Cutter actually spends work-
ing cattle during the 2
-minute run. A Cutter shall be rewarded
credit for his/her willingness to exhibit his/her horse actually work-
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 161
ing cattle. Obvious stalling in the herd or reluctance to cut a cow to
allow time to run o the clock shall have a negative inuence on the
total point value of the run.
(A) Run content is a numerical evaluation (60-80) based on a run-
ning analysis of what actually occurs during the work, without
regard to penalty.
(B) Guideline for evaluating a work. The judge will start judging
each horse when the Cutters time begins, and each run will be
started from a median score of (70). The run will conclude at the
rst sound of the buzzer. The Cutter’s run content will be based
upon compliance with credit situations and 1-point penalties.
Run content may be decreased without occurrence of a pen-
alty and 1-point penalties can be overcome if more credit is
earned. 1-point penalties will be deducted on a cow-by-cow
basis. Occurrence of major penalties will only be deducted at
the conclusion of the run.
(C) Judge the 1st cow and give a value consistent with run con-
tent minus 1-point penalties (this is the value of your 1st cow
score). Judge the 2nd cow and give a value consistent with run
content minus 1-point penalties (this is the value of your 2nd
cow score). If only 2 cows are worked the judge will average
the 2 cow scores to determine nal value of the run. If the cut-
ter cuts a 3rd cow the judge will use common sense and run
content to decide how much to increase or decrease the value
of the run.
At any point in the run a judge should be able to ascribe a numerical
value based on the above standard. The standard is run content, a numer-
ical value, minus penalties equal the score.
Run content is a numerical value - penalties = score
EXAMPLE 1: The Cutter works two cows and is attempting to cut their
third cow when the buzzer sounds. RULING: The Cutter may work any
number of cattle that they choose.
NOTE: No penalty exists for “dying in the herd.” The judge shall, how-
ever, always consider the amount of time spent working when marking a
run. It is possible that the Cutter who “dies in the herd” actually did more
work than the Cutter who is working at the buzzer.
EXAMPLE 2: Based on run content and 1-point penalties, the judge
has a value of 74 on the 1st cow and a value of 70 on the 2nd cow. The
value of the run at the conclusion of the second cow will be a 72. If the
cutter cuts a third cow the judge will use common sense and run con-
tent to decide how much to increase or decrease the value of the run.
EXAMPLE 3: The Cutter has a run that in the judge’s opinion has an
original point value of 73. Just prior to the buzzer sounding, the Cutter
lost a cow.
RULING: Subtract a ve (5) point penalty from the original point value.
73 - 5 = 68
EXAMPLE 4: The Cutter has a run that in the judge’s opinion has an
original point value of 74. The run was penalty free.
RULING: Record the score as 74.
EXAMPLE 5: Cutter A cuts cleanly and works two cows. They hold both
cows very near the center of the arena. Both of the cows worked by Cutter
A are slow and neither makes much eort to return to the herd. Cutter B
162 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
cuts cleanly and works two cows. They hold their rst cow very near the
center of the arena. They cut their second cow cleanly but work it almost
entirely on the right one-third of the arena. The rst cow worked by Cut-
ter B is slow and makes very little eort to return to the herd. The second
cow moves rapidly and turns quickly in its attempt to return to the herd.
Both Cutter A and Cutter B have penalty free runs.
RULING: Cutter B shall receive more credit than Cutter A. A judge must
always consider the degree of diculty in a run. While Cutter A more
nearly fullls the requirements of Rule 4 by holding their cattle near the
center of the arena, Cutter B must receive a higher score because the de-
gree of diculty of their run is much higher than that of Cutter A.
EXAMPLE 6: Cutter A and Cutter B have runs that in the judge’s opinion
have similar degrees of diculty. Cutter B’s run is more attractive than
Cutter As. The style of their horse is more appealing to watch than that
of Cutter As.
RULING: Cutter B shall receive more credit because the eye appeal of
their run is higher than that of Cutter As.
EXAMPLE 7: Cutter A is working a cow that runs to the fence and turns
away from their horse. They stay on that cow and is able to establish a
working position on the cow near the center of the arena. Cutter A then
holds that cow for two (2) turns and quits legally. Cutter B is working a
cow that runs to the fence and turns away from their horse. Cutter B stays
on that cow and the cow runs all the way across the arena and turns away.
The Cutter stays with that cow again and legally quits it when it turns
away on the other fence. Cutter B was not able to contain the cow in the
center of the arena aer coming o the fence.
RULING: Cutter A shall receive more credit than Cutter B. Even though
Cutter B demonstrated courage in coming o the fence with the cow, the
results of the courage did not positively inuence the point value of the
run. To be eligible for credit, the Cutter must establish a working posi-
tion and contain the cow near the center of the arena aer coming o
the fence.
EXAMPLE 8: Cutter A has a run that is high in degree of diculty, but
low in eye appeal. Cutter B has a run that is high in eye appeal, but low in
degree of diculty. Cutter C has a run that has a moderate degree of di-
culty and a moderate amount of eye appeal.
RULING: Cutter C shall be placed the highest. His/her run is more com-
plete. It has a degree of diculty with eye appeal. Cutter A shall be placed
between C and B. The degree of diculty is more valuable to the point
value of a run than is eye appeal.
EXAMPLE 9: In the judge’s opinion. Cutter A and Cutter B have similar
runs. The degree of diculty, the amount of eye appeal, the amount of
courage are each very similar. Cutter A actually spends more time work-
ing cattle during the 2
-minute period than did Cutter B.
RULING: Cutter A shall receive more credit than Cutter B.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 163
Show: Date: Time:
Class: Go Round: Class pays places.
Divisions within the penalty box represent 1st, 2nd or 3rd cow worked.
NCHA Membership No. Judge’s Signature 2024
Degree of
1 PT
Cow Score
Run Content:
Herd Work: Driving a cow (+)(√+)(√)(√-)(-)
Controlling the cow: Working in center of arena (+)(√+)(√)(√-)(-)
Degree of Difficulty: (+)(√+)(√)(√-)(-)
Eye Appeal: (+)(√+)(√)(√-)(-)
Amount of Courage: (+)(√+)(√)(√-)(-)
Time Worked: (+)(√+)(√)(√-)(-)
Loose Reins: (-) (only)
Horse Charging: (-) (only)
Forced Off a Cow: (-) (only)
Excessive Herdholder Help: (-) (only)
One Point
(A) Miss-Loss of working advantage - 11
(a)-1/2 Miss-Loss of working advantage - 11
(B) Reining or visibly cueing - 8
(C) Noise directed toward cattle - 5a
(D) Toe, foot or stirrup on shoulder - 8d
(E) Hold on too long on a cut - 8a
(F) Working out of position - 11
(G) Hand too far forward - 8
Three Points
(A) Hot quit -13
(B) Cattle picked up or scattered - 5b
(C) Second hand on the reins - 8b
(D) Spur in the shoulder - 8c
(E) Pawing or biting cattle - 12
(F) Failure to make a deep cut - 1
(G) Back Fence - 6
Five Points
(A) Horse quitting a cow - 14
(B) Losing a cow - 9
(C) Changing cattle after a specific
commitment - 10
(D) Failure to separate a single animal
after leaving the herd - 15
60 - If horse turns tail - 7
0 - If horse falls to ground - 17
Disqualification (score 0) - illegal
equipment, or leaving working area
before time expires, or inhumane
treatment to the horse.
Any Empty Run
Content Box
164 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
All NCHA Championship Shows must use SAMS
(Self Adjusted Monitor System)
It is imperative that the system be announced prior to the start of the
I. There will be no adjustment to the following:
A. No change in run content.
B. No change in one (1) point penalties.
C. No review of any run not reported to the announcer at the time
the judge calls in their score.
II. The following criteria will be followed when either a three (3) or a
ve (5) point penalty is in question on the judges card. The judge
must report the score and indicate that a review will take place on
that particular score. For instance, if a horse has a completed run
with run content score of 74 and has incurred a three (3) point infrac-
tion, they must designate the specic infraction in the appropriate
penalty box.
3 pt. 5 pt.
If the judge wishes to review the penalty, they will report the score as
follows to the announcer: “74R”
The announcer must announce “74R” for the review to be valid, and
this announcement must be made when the run is complete and be-
fore the next run takes place. It is the judge’s responsibility to be sure
the call indicating the” R” is announced. At the same time, they record
their score with the “R”, they circle the penalty to indicate where the re-
view will be made. The score on their card would appear:
All reviews should be made during a cattle change, but in no case
will the review be permitted to take place during the following class.
A judge must resolve any and all reviews in that particular class before
moving on to the next class. A judge should have an NCHA Rule Book
with them in case they need to aid their decision-making process. If the
judge, aer reviewing the video, decides that their score must be low-
ered based on the penalty review, they do the following:
A. He leaves the original mark for the horse and circle in place.
They do not erase the original mark or alter it in any way.
B. Next to the original score and circle they indicate the new score
and initials same. If there is no room on that horse’s score line,
a judge may use the bottom of his/her judges sheet or the back
of his/her score sheet to record the “adjusted” score and initial
the change. Under no circumstances should the judge use an-
other piece of paper or any other means to indicate a change
of score. If the judge does not change the original score, they
shall initial it within the circle. The judge then turns their score
sheet into the announcer (show management) and the an-
nouncer will make the following statement:
Horse #19, Docs Tommy, has a score of 74 (if no adjustment) or 71 if
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 165
If there are more adjustments in that group of cattle, each announce-
ment will be the same.
Under this system, it is imperative that the elected representative
and show management enforce each and every rule pertaining to
“judge-contestant” contact. If any contact is made with the judge by a
contestant over the review process before, during or aer the process,
the cutter will be excused from the arena, all entry fees forfeited, and
the judge will le an immediate letter with the NCHA stating the situ-
ation and all related facts. The system is being implemented not only
as aid to assist the judge but also to provide the contestant with a fairer
and more accurate score.
To aid this system, show management must provide video equip-
ment by which the review process can take place. Any system will work
as long as it provides a clear picture and is consistent for all contes-
tants. The procedure has been designed to add an element of fairness to
our judging system and the better the review process and equipment,
the easier the review becomes.
At the judge’s discretion, this system may be used in any cutting class.
Judges should approach the use of the system as an aid to their over-
all success in placing horses in the correct order. The following is of-
fered to all judges based on our successful NCHA monitor system that
is currently in place at all NCHA sponsored events and is being used by
many Aliates at their aged events and/or major circuits.
Summary of “SAMS”
1. Deal with the three (3) and ve (5) point penalties only. You are
never to rejudge the run or the run content or adjust any one (1)
point penalties.
2. Make your call aer careful thought process and move on to the
next review. Do not dwell on the call. Our current system has
taught us that aer three reruns of the same situation the judge
should have a working knowledge and basis in fact for a decision.
3. Rule 21 is in the Rule Book to determine in favor of the cutter if
a penalty situation does not have an absolute conclusion. How-
ever, it is important that Rule 21 is used as an aid, not a crutch.
If there is inconclusive lm evidence, the call must stand as is.
No adjustments will be made.
4. Do not let the review process aect your concentration or con-
dence. All judges will make an error, and the review process,
along with the Judge Casebook, will increase your capacity to
make the correct call when the situation reoccurs. The goal of
any judging system is to put the money and horses in the prop-
er order.
5. The penalty review will not have any impact on the run content
except to add or subtract the penalty value (3 or 5 points) to the
To recap, here are the important points:
a. Record your score as normal. Designate the appropriate
penalty for reviews.
b. Communicate your score to the announcer.
i.e., 74R
3 pt. 5 pt.
166 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
c. Review the major penalty only; 3 or 5 points as designated.
d. Use the judge casebook, if necessary, to aid your decision.
e. Complete the reviews and make the class complete before
moving to the next class.
In the event of equipment failure, all scores reviewed or not reviewed
will remain ocial, and the judge continues to mark their card in the nor-
mal fashion.
III. A. Two or three judges—one uses the “R”, and the other(s) did not:
The judge(s) marking the “R” will review the situation rst. If
the judge(s) do not change their score, the other judge(s) will
not be required to look at the run. If the judge(s) change the
score, then the other judge(s) will be required to review the sit-
uation. If the decision of the judge that called the “R” results in
the dierence of a major penalty between the judges; the other
judge (s) will be required to review the situation. This should
be done totally separate with no communication between the
judges during the reviews.
B. Two or three judges—no “R” is called: The judge with the high-
est rating and most credits has the responsibility to communi-
cate with the show secretary to review each judge’s score card
to determine if there are any major penalties (3 or 5 points) to
be reviewed.
IV. The NCHA does not allow the use of the “self-review” system where
more than three judges are being used. The NCHA has trained and
qualied a number of “eld monitors” available at an aordable
cost to monitor large shows. With three or more judges, the system
has diculty because of the many review situations created and the
time factor involved. A “eld” or “sta” monitor can be used with
much greater eciency.
The “SAMS” is a positive step toward better NCHA judging and more
accurate placing of horses. The goal of the NCHA judging system
has been and remains the proper purse distribution based on cred-
its and penalties.
If you have any questions about the system or its use, please contact
the NCHA judging oce, and we will attempt to answer all inqui-
Attention Show Management: In order for the judge to use the Self
Adjusted Monitor System you must provide an isolated location for
the judge to review the runs in question. The room is to include a
good-sized TV, video player and NCHA Casebook.
Under no condition is a judge to review any runs in the arena or in
the presence of contestants or other judges.
Guidelines for Weekend Monitors for US,
Canadian and European Judges
1. Judges may communicate with their Field Monitors during a
show for purposes of Rule Book clarication only. No videos
shall be shown to the Weekend Field Monitor during the show.
2. All Judges are required to leave the show with a copy of the
judge sheets, a copy of the video of all classes judged and a copy
of the Weekend Monitor’s Report from the Videographer.
3. Judges are required to communicate with the respective Field
Monitor prior to mailing the DVDs and judges sheets.
4. A Judge is required to mail a copy of the judge sheets and video
to the assigned eld Monitor no later than the Wednesday aer
the weekend judges.
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 167
5. Judges are required to be available for communication with the
respective Field Monitor for a minimum of fourteen days from
end of a show.
Failure to comply with the requirements of the Weekend Field
Monitor Program will result in: 1st oense - letter of reprimand
2nd oense - $100 ne 3rd oense - $300 ne
4th oense - removal from the NCHA Judges List
Guidelines for Adjusted Monitor System
The Adjusted Monitor System (AMS) is a system that has been designed
to make judging equally fair for each contestant. The AMS is required to
be used with ve judges and may be used with three judge show. In the
ve- judge system, the high and low scores will be discarded. The follow-
ing guidelines are to be used by the monitors who will be administering
the Adjusted Monitor System.
1. First and foremost, the monitor is not the judge, but is there
in the capacity to monitor and make rulings on major penalty
discrepancies, based on reviewing lm and using the” NCHA
Judging Casebook of Rules and Regulations for Judging Cutting
Horse Contests.
2. Monitor(s) may talk to contestants and owners about a partic-
ular run or penalty provided the Director of Judges or a desig-
nated non-contestant liaison is present. The monitor(s) will be
allowed to watch the show in a designated area. They will not
talk to contestants or owners beyond the exchange of normal
greetings during the show.
3. The monitor(s) will deal only with three and ve-point penalty
discrepancies in the judge’s cards.
4. The monitor(s) will be concerned with obvious penalties. All
other calls will be ruled as judgment calls.
5. Procedure of the monitor:
a. The monitor(s) look at the judges’ cards for three or ve-
point penalty dierence. In the event the judges are split
on a particular penalty, then the work is reviewed on lm,
and is then ruled on by applying the “Rules for Judging
Cutting Horse Shows” found in the NCHA Rule Book.
1. In nals only, in a case where a R is either placed
on the scoreboard or announced by error (when all
5 judges have called the same penalty), the monitor
will contact contestant to make them aware of the er-
b. If the monitor(s) are in full agreement that the rule in
question was violated or not violated, then the judge in er-
ror will be asked to the monitor room. If the monitor(s)
are split on the rule in question, Rule 21 is applied.
c. If the judge charged a penalty, the judge will be asked to
show the monitor where they charged the penalty in that
d. If the judge did not charge a penalty, then the penalty will
be shown to the judge.
e. In either case, the judge can see the situation as many
times as they wish, and if they request any clarication of
the rule in question, then it is given to them from the Rule
Book and casebook examples.
f. If a major penalty has been called in error, thereby mak-
ing clear and obvious one-point penalties not previously
168 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
charged, then the adjusted score shall reect the one-point
g. At this time, the judge has the opportunity to change their
score or leave their score as originally marked. In no way
is the judge intimidated or encouraged into changing their
score or leaving their score as originally marked.
h. If the judge wishes to change their score, an adavit is
signed by the judge signifying the penalty, and the score
is adjusted by the amount of that penalty from a to a.
Go Round ___________________ Group of Cattle _____________________
I wish to change from a __________________ to a ___________________
Horses Name: ___________________________________________________
n three point penalty n ve point penalty
Signature _______________________________________________________
Date ___________________________________________________________
i. Monitor(s) will be given the authority to educate a judge
aer they have signed their penalty slip and made their
decision on a call when there is obvious misapplication of
a rule violation.
6. The monitor(s) will have full use of video equipment, includ-
ing video replay, slow motion, and wide angle or overhead
lm to determine each infraction in question.
A. If a monitor nds a penalty to be ruled inconclusive
due to video evidence; the run will not be reviewed
by a judge or judges. If there is inconclusive lm evi-
dence, the call must stand as is. No adjustments will
be made.
7. There will be no inquiries, runs will be reviewed on the basis
outlined in 5a. However, contestants may ask to review a run
in question with the Director of Judges or with a liaison and
the monitor(s).
8. If there are no discrepancies on the judges’ cards, the run will
not be reviewed, except for the evaluation of judges during go-
rounds. Four or ve runs will be looked at in each bunch of cattle.
9. The monitor(s) will not review one-point penalties; however,
they may review any run with a judge where there are clear
misapplications of multiple obvious one-point penalties.
A. Scores of 195 and below, in a go round, will not be
10. All reviews with judges will be audio recorded.
11. Once the scores are adjusted, show management has the re-
sponsibility for ocial placing at the show.
12. Penalty Analysis Sheet.
13. In the nals, only scores of 181 and higher will be reviewed or
14. Under this system, only the total combined scores, aer throw-
ing out the high and low, will be displayed only to the public
by a scoreboard, not visible to the judges. Scores should not be
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 169
Judge Challenge System
The Challenge System is to be used at all LAE monitored events. The
Challenge system gives a contestant the opportunity to challenge a judg-
ing decision. When all ve judges call the same major penalty, the con-
testant can request a review on their run. Only the contestant can chal-
lenge their own run.
The challenge cost is $1,000 and must be submitted by a completed
form and payment to the show management prior to the start of the next
go-round. In the event the challenge occurs from a nals, the challenge
must be submitted to show management before the awards for that nal
are given.
If the challenge proves to be legitimate, then the contestant will be re-
funded their $1,000. If it is not, and the judges leave their original rul-
ing, then the NCHA will retain the $1,000.
If the contestants score is changed by the judges and is high enough to
advance to the next go-round, it will advance and work in its pre-drawn
position. The extra horse will be added into that round, but the bubble
score required to advance to the next round will never be changed. If the
next round is a seminals or nals round, the contestant will be hand-
drawn into the round, never changing the bubble score.
Both monitors and all ve judges will review all challenges submitted.
The Challenge Form is available on the NCHA website, nchacutting.
com in the Judges Section and on the Forms page.
170 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Mission Statement ................................................ 1
About this Handbook of Rules and Regulations ....................... 1
Ocers .......................................................... 2
Changes in the 2024 NCHA Rule Book ................................3
Table of Contents ................................................. 5
Amended and Restated Constitution & Bylaws
of the National Cutting Horse Association ....................... 6
Article I — General ............................................ 6
Article II — Membership; Rules And Regulations. .................. 6
Article III — Members ......................................... 7
Article IV — Directors .......................................... 8
Article V—Executive Committee ................................ 13
Article VI—Ocers And Duties ................................. 15
Article VII—Standing Committees .............................. 18
Article VIII—Political Action Committee(s) ...................... 18
Article IX—Notices ........................................... 18
Article X—Amendments ....................................... 18
Membership Categories, Fees and Benets ......................... 20
Existing Life Members ........................................ 20
Annual Membership. ......................................... 20
Youth Membership ........................................... 20
Aliate Membership ......................................... 21
Aliate Guidelines ........................................... 21
Cutting Horse Chatter ........................................ 22
Standing Committees ............................................ 23
Aliate Ocers/Secretaries Committee ......................... 24
Amateur Committee .......................................... 24
Approved LAE Show Producers Committee ...................... 24
Finance and Audit Committee ................................. 24
Governance Committee ....................................... 25
Growth and Development Committee ........................... 25
Judges Rules Committee ...................................... 25
Limited Age Events Committee ................................ 25
Non-Professional Committee .................................. 26
Professional Trainers Committee ............................... 26
Stallion Owners Committee ................................... 26
Weekend Show Committee .................................... 26
Youth Committee ............................................ 26
Other Committees ............................................ 27
Grievance Committee ......................................... 27
Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee ........................... 27
Medication Review Committee ................................. 27
Ad Hoc Committees .......................................... 27
Standing Rules 1-4 General ....................................... 28
Standing Rule 1 .............................................. 28
NCHA basic purpose - Exhibition & Promotion of Cutting Horses
Standing Rule 2 .............................................. 28
Competing when not a current NCHA member
Standing Rule 3 .............................................. 28
Registered Horses / Unregistered Horses
Standing Rule 4 .............................................. 28
Failure to pay debts
Standing Rules 5-20 Related to Approved Shows .................... 31
Standing Rule 5 .............................................. 31
Show Application Submission Process
Standing Rule 6 .............................................. 31
Judge requirements, Video requirements, Cattle charges,
Point Year, Maximum number of works per day,
Bridle inspection, Dog policy
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 171
Standing Rule 7 .............................................. 34
Aliate show requests / Circuit fees
Standing Rule 8 .............................................. 34
Standard approved classes and their Eligibility requirements
Standing Rule 9 .............................................. 43
Competition open to any horse / Novice Horse Eligibility
Standing Rule 10 ............................................. 43
Restricted entry LAEs / Breed Registry Earnings
Standing Rule 11 ............................................. 43
Performing the Draw / Missed entries / Withdrawn entries
Standing Rule 12 ............................................. 44
Late entries / Minimum number of entries
Standing Rule 13 ............................................. 45
Prize money division (go Round / Finals)
Standing Rule 14 ............................................. 45
Entry fee minimums & maximums / 8% Fee / Mandatory Payout
Standing Rule 15 ............................................. 47
Finals participant determination
Standing Rule 16 ............................................. 47
Finals money
Standing Rule 17 ............................................. 47
Multiple go-rounds without nals
Standing Rule 18 ............................................. 47
Rider horse number limits / Unapproved class limits
Standing Rule 19 ............................................. 48
Announcer requirements
Standing Rule 20 ............................................. 48
Working Time / Time Violation penalties
Standing Rules 21-29 - Related to Judges ........................... 50
Standing Rule 21 ............................................. 50
Requirements to be a NCHA Judge
Standing Rule 22 ............................................. 51
Judges’ cards must be signed and posted
Standing Rule 23 ............................................. 51
Multiple judges / Replacement or alternate judges
Standing Rule 24 (Monitored Event) ............................ 51
Judging family members or horses with past relationships
Standing Rule 24 (SAM System) ................................ 52
Adds training relationships to judging exclusions
Standing Rule 25 ............................................. 52
Judge show requirements / Score card usage / Partial shows
Standing Rule 26 ............................................. 52
Judge recertication
Standing Rule 27 ............................................. 53
Judge Rating System / Reinstatement / Removal / Protest process
Standing Rule 28 ............................................. 57
Conduct Complaints - judges or contestants
Complaint process & outcomes / Dismissal during a show
Standing Rule 29 ............................................. 58
Judges conduct / During show interaction / Show work maximums
Standing Rules 30-34 Conduct, Withdrawal, Illegal Equipment
Standing Rule 30 ............................................. 60
Member misconduct / Harassment
Standing Rule 31 ............................................. 60
Acceptable reasons for withdraw
Standing Rule 32 ............................................. 60
Contestants must work at the designated time / show horse papers
Standing Rule 33 ............................................. 60
Refusal to compete in nals forfeits any go-round premiums won
Standing Rule 34 ............................................. 60
Illegal equipment / Dismount prior to judge’s stand and more
172 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
Standing Rule 35-42 Zero Tolerance/Medication/Legal
Standing Rule 35 ............................................. 61
Zero Tolerance (Animals) / Excessive Training / Inhumane
Treatment Zero Tolerance (By and between Members) /
Unsportsmanlike conduct
Standing Rule 35A ............................................ 66
Medication and Drug Rules & Guidelines
(Prohibited / Permitted / Conditionally Permitted)
Standing Rule 36 ............................................. 83
Contestant representative, Liaison / Cow removal decision & process
Standing Rule 37 ............................................. 84
Discipline, Complaints & Hearings
Standing Rule 38 ............................................. 89
Disciplinary Appeals Processes
Standing Rule 39 ............................................. 90
Derogatory action against NCHA Sponsors
Standing Rule 40 ............................................. 91
Forfeiture of premiums/title
Standing Rule 41 ............................................. 91
Litigation against the NCHA
Standing Rule 42 ............................................. 91
Notices from NCHA
Standing Rule 51.a.1 to 51.2.5 NP/AM & Horse Ownership
Standing Rule 51.a.1 .......................................... 94
Non-Pro Denition & Exceptions
Standing Rule 51.a.2 .......................................... 95
Cards for Non-Pro and Amateur members
Standing Rule 51.a.2.A ........................................ 95
Application process and continued status.
Standing Rule 51.a.2.B ........................................ 95
New/Non Renewed members competing at shows
(Director approval)
Standing Rule 51.a.2.C ........................................ 95
Annual application / Revocation / Change in status
Standing Rule 51.a.2.D ........................................ 96
Immediate surrender of revoked cards
Standing Rule 51.a.2.E ........................................ 96
Penalties & processes for showing without valid
Non-Pro/Amateur card
Standing Rule 51.a.3 .......................................... 96
Professional denition, Non-Pro status change and
family Amateur eligibility
Standing Rule 51.a.4 .......................................... 96
Non-Pro showing without a Non-Pro card
Standing Rule 51.a.4.A ........................................ 97
Non-Pro rides horse not owned by himself/herself or family
Standing Rule 51.a.4.B ........................................ 97
Permit to show a horse in a Novice horse class
Standing Rule 51.a.5 .......................................... 98
Ineligible entries by Non-Pros/Amateurs
Standing Rule 51.a.6 .......................................... 98
Amateur Denition and Exclusions ............................. 98
Amateur Exceptions (3 Year / $50,000, 3 Year / $15,000) ............ 98
LAE Amateur division denitions and eligibility ................ 100
Over $250,000 in Non-Pro earnings ............................. 97
Senior Unlimited Amateur Exception (5 year / $15,000) ........... 101
Standing Rule 50.d.1 .......................................... 91
Amateur & Non-Pro classes restricted to Amateur &
Non-Pro card holders
Standing Rule 50.d.2 .......................................... 91
Horse must be owned by exhibitor or family
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 173
Standing Rule 50.d.3 .......................................... 92
Proof of ownership prior to contest / Unregistered horses
Standing Rule 50.d.4 .......................................... 92
Proof of purchase requirements / 1 Yr ownership requirement
Breed transfer timelines and penalties, Reporting Gi Horses
Standing Rule 50.d.6 .......................................... 94
Open money cap for Non-Pros showing in the Open
Standing Rule 51.a.4 .......................................... 96
Ownership – Denition of “Immediate family” / Application process
Standing Rule 51.a.4.A ........................................ 97
Ownership Exemptions (2,000 Limited Rider, Youth, special events)
Standing Rule 51.a.4.B ........................................ 97
Showing Non-owned horse on a permit in Open classes
Standing Rule 51.a.5 .......................................... 98
Penalties for owners of horses shown by Non-Pros / Amateurs
Standing Rule 51.a.6 .......................................... 98
Amateur/Non-Pro Exceptions ................................. 100
Non-Pro/Amateur Review Committee .......................... 103
NCHA Apprentice Trainer Program ............................ 103
NCHA College Internship Program (NCIP) ...................... 103
Horse and Rider Awards
Point Year .................................................. 105
Horse Certicate Of Ability ................................... 105
Bronze Award .............................................. 105
Silver Award ................................................ 105
Gold Award ................................................. 105
Platinum Award ............................................. 105
Horse Hall Of Fame .......................................... 105
Non-Professional Riders Hall Of Fame ......................... 105
Open Riders Hall Of Fame .................................... 106
Members Hall Of Fame ...................................... 106
Rookie Of The Year .......................................... 106
NCHA Horse Of The Year ..................................... 107
Horse Of The Year Point System ............................... 107
Amateur Horse Of The Year ................................... 107
Amateur Rider Of The Year For All NCHA Events ................ 107
Non-Pro Riding Single Horse ................................. 108
NYCHA Rookie Of The Year ................................... 108
Todd Drummond Award (Youth) .............................. 108
Zane Schulte Award (Professional Trainer) ...................... 108
Mary Kingsbury Award (Amateur) ............................. 108
Julie Dvorak Hansma Award (Non-Pro) ......................... 109
Arthur Jackson Memorial Award .............................. 109
Modine Smith Humanitarian Award ........................... 109
Circuit Program ............................................. 109
National Standings .......................................... 110
Awards & Recognition—Weekend Cutters. ...................... 110
Awards & Recognition - Limited Aged Events ................... 110
World Champions. .......................................... 110
NCHA World Championship Finals ............................ 111
Aliate Of The Year ......................................... 111
Senior World Tour ........................................... 111
Show Management Handbook ................................... 113
I. Preparation for Approved Cutting Horse Show ................ 113
II. Method of Conducting Shows .............................. 114
Before the Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Maximum Entry Fees & Oce Charges Entry Fees ............... 116
Cattle Charges .............................................. 116
The Cattle .................................................. 117
On Show Day ............................................... 117
Procedures for Videoing NCHA Approved Events ................ 118
174 • 2024 NCHA Rule Book
The Representative .......................................... 121
The Draw .................................................. 121
Monies .................................................... 121
The Contest ................................................ 121
Paying O .................................................. 122
Aer Your Show ............................................. 123
For A Better Show ........................................... 123
Ground .................................................... 124
Loping Pen Etiquette ........................................ 125
Regulations for Approved Limited Age Events ................... 126
Limited Aged Event Show Approval ............................ 128
Benets & Options Oered ................................... 130
2024 Judging Rules & Casebook .................................. 131
Introduction ................................................ 131
Denitions ................................................. 131
Judging Rules Overview ...................................... 131
Judging Credits ............................................. 131
Judging Penalties ............................................ 132
Judging Rules
Also see Standing Rules 21-29
Judging Rule 1 .............................................. 133
Herd work
Judging Rule 2 .............................................. 134
Cutting toward center and driving a cow
Judging Rule 3 .............................................. 134
Loose reins
Judging Rule 4 .............................................. 135
Setting up cow and working in center of arena
Judging Rule 5 .............................................. 135
Noise directed at cattle
Running into herd, scattering, picking up cattle
Excessive training
Judging Rule 6 .............................................. 138
Working too close to back fence
Judging Rule 7 .............................................. 139
Horse turns tail
Judging Rule 8 .............................................. 140
Visible cue
2nd hand on rein
Judging Rule 9 .............................................. 143
Lose a Cow.
Judging Rule 10 ............................................. 144
Changing cow aer commitment
Judging Rule 11 ............................................. 146
Working out of position (a) (A)
Judging Rule 12 ............................................. 147
Horse pawing or biting cattle
Judging Rule 13 ............................................. 148
Hot quit
Judging Rule 14 ............................................. 151
Horse quits a cow
Judging Rule 15 ............................................. 152
Failure to separate
Judging Rule 16 ............................................. 153
Dress Code
Judging Rule 17 ............................................. 155
Horse or contestant falls to ground
Judging Rule 18 ............................................. 155
Leaving working area
Judging Rule 19 ............................................. 155
2024 NCHA Rule Book • 175
Judging Rule 20 ............................................. 157
Scoring - Points 60-80, ½ point permissible
Judging Rule 21 ............................................. 158
Benet to contestant
Ocial Judges Card ......................................... 163
All NCHA Championship Shows must use SAMS ................. 164
Summary of “SAMS” ......................................... 165
Guidelines for Weekend Monitors for US, Canadian and
European Judges ........................................ 166
Guidelines for Adjusted Monitor System ....................... 167
Judge Challenge System ...................................... 169